#like i've been thinking about him constantly since he dropped me off yesterday but i don't feel as much of an urgent need
bisexual men who I want to sink my teeth into and shake around like a chewtoy
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I've got a couple prompt lists saved, if you're still looking for some!
Hurt/Comfort Alphabet
Sickfic Prompts
Hope these help! (Also if you're open to any specific short prompt requests, I've been thinking about Greyson feeling Elijah's forehead since yesterday and...that's it, that's the idea)
Thank you again for the prompts! A little Elijah fever scene under the cut for you :) (500 words)
He was pale.
No, pale was too kind a word for how Elijah looked when he entered the restaurant this morning. He was pallid, like a small Victorian child left to fend for himself on a cold winter’s day. Colorless. Ghost-like.
Greyson watched his boss lead, with difficulty, preshift for the servers without saying a word. Elijah was sitting to read off reservations, which was also unlike him. His voice seemed to waver a bit, and every once in a while he’d turn to the side and stifle a sneeze into complete silence – well, silence except for the chorus of ‘bless you’s from servers trained entirely too well to be polite at any cost.
Once preshift had ended and the servers had dispersed to finish their sidework, Greyson approached Elijah and plopped himself in the dining chair beside his boss.
“What’re you -” Elijah started to say, before dodging Greyson’s hand with cat-like reflexes. Elijah raised a palm as though to say back up and Greyson rolled his eyes. “Don’t touch me,” he said, the palm turning to a finger pointed in Greyson’s face.
“I just want to confirm something,” Greyson said, leaning forward once again to try to touch the GM’s face. Elijah leaned back as far as he could this time, prompting a laugh from Greyson.
“Grey, I’m being so fuckin’ for real right now, don’t touch me,” Elijah said, scrambling to his feet and taking a few steps away from the chef. Greyson pouted, crossing his arms over his chest.
“I would normally try the ol’ ‘you should go home’ bit, but I’ve grown weary of being constantly shot down by you,” Greyson said, standing and taking a few steps towards his boss. “There’s no point in even wasting my breath, right?”
Greyson was once again getting too close for comfort. “There’s not,” Elijah said, his heart dropping when he realized his back was quite literally against the wall. He wrinkled his nose; oh, fuck.
Greyson, quickly connecting the dots, took another step closer. “Are you sure I shouldn’t say it, boss? Because to be honest, you’re looking a little -”
“HhNGTSHZ-ue!” before he could even attempt to stifle it, Elijah pitched forward with a particularly harsh sneeze – and right into Greyson’s waiting palm. Without meaning to, Elijah leaned in to the cool of the chef’s palm, his own hand covering his nose and mouth.
“-pale,” Greyson finished, keeping his palm on Elijah’s hot, dry forehead until the GM came to and yanked himself away. “Nice high temperature you’re sporting there, boss.”
Elijah rolled his eyes and wiped his nose on the back of his hand. “Screw you, Grey,” he said, though a sniffle dampened the words a bit. Greyson chuckled and placed a hand on Elijah’s shoulder.
“You should go home,” Greyson said, rousing an eye roll from his boss. “But I know you won’t. So go sit your ass in the office, and I’ll bring you some tea.”
Elijah huffed, annoyed. “Whatever, Grey. Finde,” he said, turning to go to the office.
“And take some ibuprofen!” Greyson called as Elijah walked away. “You could boil an egg with that fever!”
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
And onto Class of the Titans! I think this is easily the worst ficlet I've ever written and I tried my best to proof it, as it was originally just a silly little bit of comfort fic I wrote for myself. Even though I'm not overly happy with it myself, I hope others will enjoy!
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You groaned, trying to shift your body, squirming, and moving as much as you could. You just couldn’t seem to get comfortable, no matter what you did. Your legs curled up just the tiniest bit more, your hand rubbing small circles where it lay on your lower stomach.
Your periods were always bad, always hard to deal with, but this month seemed to be so incredibly hard. Your cramps were killer, you were headachy. You kept being so moody too and you felt horrible about it. You knew you’d been freaking out your friends, annoying them, being a complete and utter bitch to everyone. Even just yesterday, you’d ended up yelling at your boyfriend. Over absolutely nothing, over something so stupid and trivial. You’d yelled and thrown a fit and you’d told him to leave you alone, to go away and never talk to you again. You’d hated yourself the moment after you said it, though you’d stomped away. Within minutes, your mood had completely switched again, and you were sobbing as you walked home.
You hadn’t heard from him since then. There were no texts as normal; there were no calls. And because the pain was so incredibly bad today, you hadn’t gone to school either. You just couldn’t handle getting up and moving around, and you had spent the day just lying in bed, constantly checking your phone, the television turned on for noise, though you couldn’t even have said what was on. You were sore and in pain. You were hungry and had cravings up the wa-hoo. You were sad and upset and felt just like shit overall. It was just a no-good, very bad, terrible, awful couple of days.
It was while you were curled up there on your couch, hunkered under blankets, looking at your blank phone screen for what felt like the millionth time in under an hour, that the sound of your doorbell (a novelty buzzer that sounded like the Tardis landing that usually made you feel happy but only made you feel even worse now, thinking about all the nights spend with your boyfriend watching Doctor Who) made you jump a little, brought you out of your reverie. You struggled to stand up, tottering as you weebled your way towards the door.
“Coming…” you called weakly. Pulling the door open slowly, you were flabbergasted by what you saw on the other side. Your mouth dropped open, your eyes widened and you had to blink two, three times. You felt the urge to pinch your cheeks a bit, just to make sure you weren’t dreaming.
“Herry?” you asked confused, staring up at the mountain of your boyfriend, who was grinning down at you, with arms full of plastic bags that he seemed to be holding out to you proudly.
“Hey y/n! I have takeout!”
“But…” you trailed off, so confused. “But I’d said…”
Herry just stood there, looking at you, head cocked to the side in a way that always let you know that he wasn’t quite understanding, cocked in a way that always made you smile because it reminded you of a cute puppy.
“There’s moo goo gai pan from Kwan’s…your favourite,” he said in a cajoling tone, holding out one of the bags closer towards you.
“But I was told you to leave me alone,” you said, your words coming out soft and weak and you winced as your stomach both rumbled and cramped, making you draw in on yourself.
The way his face feel, his whole body just kind of slumping, made you feel horrible.
“Oh…I didn’t think you were serious about that…I thought you were just upset about something I said or did…and then you weren’t in school, so I got worried…”
You gazed at him at wonder.
“I’m sorry,” you both said at the same time. A minute passed and then you both laughed, nervous laughter but it was still nice. You both kept insisting for a couple minutes that each other could go first, could talk first before silence settled again.
“I didn’t mean it,” you said softly. “I’m really glad you’re here…I don’t get why you have so many bags, but I’m so happy to see you.”
“It’s snacks of course! I wasn’t sure what you were in the mood for, so I got all your favourites from all the take-out places we normally go to! Figured I’d cover all the bases,” Herry said, sounding really proud of himself. “Food always makes you feel happy, after all!”
You laughed. That was so like him. Stepping back, you let him into your house and in minutes, there were food packages upon food packages all over your coffee table, Doctor Who set to play the next episode on your television, and Herry had you curled up against him with your hot water bottle refilled and sitting on your stomach. God, you thought, you really did have the best boyfriend in the world and even during no-good, very bad, horrible weeks, he could make everything better.
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not jealous | jake sim
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summary: jake sim is not a jealous person. at least that's what he tells himself. so why does he find himself going through your phone when a certain "bluejay park" decides to text you?
pairing: jake sim x y/n [ft. mentions of jay park]
genre: angst, fluff 
warnings: angst, cursing (very minimal), one slightly suggestive sentence, jake being cute, some more angst lol, slightly cheesy bc jake’s just too cute ugh
wc: 3.8k
a/n: ok i loved writing this, which is why i went on to almost 4k words LOL oops. but anyways, i love jake a little too much and this type of scenario has been running around in my head for a while now so i decided to put it into words. also i may have created this blog just so i could post this somewhere LMAO anyways yeah this was my first fic so hope you guys enjoyyyy <3
Jake Sim is not a jealous person.
At least that's what he tells himself. To be fair, in his past relationships, he never showed any jealously. Then again, he doesn't know if he can call those relationships, "relationships". Does a fifth grade relationship with a girl who he was once dared to kiss during a game of Truth or Dare in the basement of a classmate's house during their 11th birthday party count? He doesn't remember being jealous when the same girl was later dared to kiss his classmate, Sunghoon. (Funny enough, that's how the two boys came to be best friends 'til this day, but that's a story for another time.) 
But really, Jake doesn't think jealously is one of his traits, even if he's now almost 20 years old without any experience with love other than his current relationship with you and that short-lived romance in the fifth grade. (What was her name again? Jake would have to ask Sunghoon later.)
So he doesn't know what clicked in that brain of his that lead him to this current situation he was in. He doesn't know why he felt a little spark of anger in him when your phone, which you left right next to him on the couch while you went to take a shower, kept buzzing with texts from "bluejay park". He doesn't know why he couldn't kept his eyes distracted from the messages, although your phone was constantly lighting up because whatever it was Jay had to say to you, he would not shut up about it. He doesn't know why he questioned what your relationship with Jay was for a split second.
In fact, you're close with all of Jake's friends. That's one of his favorite things about you, you get along so well with all his friends you might as well replace Jake himself in the friend group. So he doesn't know what tells him to take a little glance at your phone—at the messages.
But he finds himself doing it anyways.
Hearing that the water in the shower was still running (you were always the type to take long showers), he quickly grabs your phone and scrolls through the lock screen just to find that he couldn't even read the messages since you had your notifications set so no one could read them unless the phone was unlocked (darn you and your settings!) Thankfully, Jake knew your passcode––and you knew his too––or he thought he did. Until the iPhone vibrated, telling him the passcode was wrong.
He must've entered it too fast or something. So he tries again.
And again.
And again.
Until the iPhone switches its screen to say: "iPhone is disabled. Try again in 5 minutes."
There's no way. You never change your password. And even if you did, you would tell him—you two even had each other's fingerprints saved into each other's phones in the past (you know, before the world decided that Apple's home button was too lame and decided to just completely get rid of it). If there was an option to save multiple faces for Face ID, you two would be that couple that saved each others faces in your own phones.
That being said, Jake sat there, your phone in hand, frozen. Why was your phone locked? Why was Jay texting you 10 texts per second? Why did he feel guilty about this entire situation?
He hears the shower switch off and in that moment, he swears he feels his heart beat just a little faster. He tells himself there's no way you'll be out before the 5 minutes are up. You followed a really meticulous skincare routine (one that Jake memorized by now) that took an extra 15 minutes of your time after each shower.
"Hey Jake?" Your voice calls out from the tiny bathroom door crack that you left open before you hopped in the shower, "Is my phone out there? Do you mind bringing it to me?"
Jake shifts on the couch. Taps his foot on the ground. Returns your phone to its original spot. Clears his throat.
"Don't you want to get dressed first?" he calls back, quite timidly.
He can hear you stop moving around in the bathroom. Probably telling yourself what an odd response that was. To be fair, it was an odd question, considering the fact that you two have been together for so long, it’s not like he hasn’t seen you undressed before...intentionally or not. 
Next thing he knows, the steam is rolling out of the bathroom door and you're stepping out in your towel, eyebrows raised.
"If you didn't want to get up from the couch, you could've just said so, you lazy butt," you smirk at him as you walk towards him and the couch, leaving a faint trail of water drops behind you. Jake's eyes follow your figure as you go to grab your phone and lift the screen towards yourself.
That's when he freezes. You do too.
You cock your head, as if asking yourself why it was disabled. He can hear the gears in your head turning.
"Jake, did you try to unlock my phone?"
He runs through all the possible excuses he could blurt out. Come on Jake, think of something! But he knows he can't lie to you.
Too many beats of silence pass by.
"Maybe," he finally says—or more like murmurs. He looks up to you like a child looking up at their mom, who just them caught stealing a cookie from the cookie jar. To his surprise, you don't show any hint of anger. A flash of confusion—and is that worry he sees?—crosses your face for a split second before you shrug and turn towards your room to change, dropping the subject. It was natural for you two to use each other's phones anyways. So then why did you have that look of worry?
Jake knows you well, a little too well. But that's what you love about him. He can easily read all your emotions. One of the many things he picked up from dating you for almost two years now. But why would you care if he tried to get into your phone? Why would that worry you? All the possibilities run through head and his own worry begins to increase. He trusts you. He does.
So then why does the thought bother him throughout the entire day? Why does he bring it up during dinner later that night, when you're both cuddled on your sofa, slurping take-out ramen while rewatching your favorite k-drama under the thick blanket that you always keep in your living room for nights like these?
"Huh? Of course I've heard from Jay today, we had that conversation about that stupid meme you boys kept laughing about in the groupchat we're all in, didn't we?" You answer him when he asks if you've heard from Jay lately. You sit up from your warm spot under Jake's arm to put your empty bowl on the coffee table in front of you. When you lean back, you look up at him,
"Why do you ask?"
"Oh, it's nothing, just wondering," he says, avoiding your eyes by keeping his own trained on the series currently playing on your TV. This would be your third time rewatching this series together. He would never complain to you though, he knows how much you love it and if he were being honest, he was secretly attached to the characters—not that he would ever tell you, he would never hear the end of it from you and the boys.
"You're being weird. Just tell me, or did you forget that I can practically read your mind," you say with a giggle and shove to his side, the one you were currently warmly cuddled into. Jake wasn't the only one who learned how to read emotions; you could read him just as well as he could read you. And like you, that's one of the many things he loved about you. But maybe not in this case.
He toyed around with the contents inside his ramen bowl with his chopsticks.
"I just..." God, how does he word this? Why was he having trouble explaining it? You were the easiest person to talk to. To him, you were the only person he could tell everything to.
"Jaywastextingyouabunchearlier," he blurts out quickly, but not quickly enough for you to miss it.
He feels you shift under his arm. He feels the air in the room shift. Tension.
"What?" Now you're sitting upright, legs criss-crossed in front of you on the couch but turned, so your body is completely facing him. He mirrors you, sitting up to put his ramen bowl next to yours on the surface, but he stays facing the TV.
"Your phone kept going off because of him when you were showering," he says with a little more confidence. But inside, he was nervous as hell, the same nervous as when he asked you out for the first time many moons ago. But it's too late to back out now, he brought it up first, anyways. Guess we're having this conversation now, good going Jake!
"Is that why you tried unlocking my phone earlier? I mean I thought you were just trying to leave selfies on my phone like you always do but you were trying to read my texts?" You question, slightly raising your soft voice. He doesn't know how to react, he hates confrontation.
"It wasn't like that, Jay just kept spamming you and like I—why was he even texting you in the first place? Then your phone got disabled because you changed your password, which you never do by the way, so I–"
"I changed it because my little sister kept getting into my phone when I went to visit my family yesterday! Did you really think I was hiding something from you? You know I can text whoever I want, right? You don't own me."
Okay so now he's managed to make you angry. Good going Jake, part 2!
"Okay but what does Jay need from you so bad that he has to send you like 50 messages at once?" He's standing now. So are you, eyebrows furrowed together as you collect your bowls from the table.
Standing there, bowls in hand, you say, "Jake, that's none of your business! It wasn't even that big of a deal, I don't know why you felt the need to nosy around."
"Well, if he's texting you non-stop, then obviously it's a big deal! We wouldn't even be having this conversation if you would just tell me what you guys were talking about," he murmurs back, eyes narrowing. You scoff as you trail into your kitchen. He follows behind and stops at the other side at your kitchen island as you place the dirty dishes into the sink.
"No, we're having this conversation because you obviously don't trust me! It doesn't matter what we were talking about, it doesn't matter who I was texting! I could be texting your mother and I shouldn't have to tell you what we were talking about! That's why we're having this conversation," you say as you turn back to face him from the other end.
He hates this. He hates fighting with you (which is a very, very rare occasion). He hates that you think he doesn't trust you. He hates his insecurity eating at him, telling him to keep questioning you on why you and Jay were talking in the first place. He was aware that you were close with his friends, but it wasn't until the texts he realized just how close you are with them. It's not that he didn't trust you, he just didn't know how to act when it came to you and other guys. God knows how he got lucky enough to meet you, let alone date you, so the thought of him losing you to someone else actually terrified him. Not only were you his first real relationship, but he wanted you to be his first and only one in life. You were it for him.
"Why did he text you." He deadpans from his side of the kitchen.
You scoff with a hint of exasperation. "You're kidding me."
You stare at him. He stares back, quirking an eyebrow, as if restating the same question back, as if testing you.
You're fuming now. Why was he making it so hard? Why was he doubting you? Out of frustration, you start laughing, which scares him. That can't be good.
"Fine. You wanna know so bad? Take a look,"  you're one tone level away from screaming as you take your phone out of your pocket, unlock it, and open up your conversation with "bluejay park", sliding the phone across the island to reach him.
Jake stares at the phone which now lies there, unlocked, facing him. Isn't this what he wanted? It is, right? That's why he started this dreaded argument with you in the first place.
Then why does he feel so fucking awful?
He looks back up at you, to see you sighing and looking up at the ceiling, as if trying to force your forming tears back into your eyes.
Yup, he feels horrible.
"Happy? Happy to know we were just trying to plan a surprise birthday party for you but you and your jealously just had to know huh, Jake?" You quickly state, voice cracking, as you tried not to choke up. You weren't sad that he found out about the surprise. You were sad that it felt like he didn't trust you. That he thought you were the type of person to do god knows what behind his back. You hated the feeling of not being trusted. Especially by Jake, of all people.
Jake's face (and heart) falls with the most broken expression you've ever seen. But you're too sad, angry, tired (a mix of all?) to care. Your only goal right now is to not let him see you cry.
You hurry past him, across your apartment, and into your bedroom, slamming the door behind you, leaving behind a shocked, and regretful, Jake.
His heart shrinks when he hears the door slam shut and a little more when he looks down at the still unlocked phone in front of him. He didn't have the heart in him to look at it anymore. Of course he trusted you, he knew what you said was the truth.
He mentally screams at himself for assuming the worst––for thinking that you, a literal angel, would betray him.  First, he thought he was losing you to someone else. Now, he was afraid he just lost you through his own actions. 
He hesitantly sulks over to your door, softly knocking when he reaches it.
No response.
"Y/N, I'm so sorry. I didn't know, I let my—”
"Jake just please leave me alone for now," he hears you painfully say from a distance, meaning you're on your bed. He knows the door's unlocked—the lock on your door hasn't been working for a long time now, despite the many times he tells you to talk to your landlord about it. But he doesn't find it in him to open it. He knows he messed up. If he saw you in there right now, crying, he wouldn't know what to do. He wouldn't know what he would to do himself, knowing he was the reason behind your tears.
He nods in silence, knowing you can't see him, but does so anyways and returns to his spot on the couch. He could leave right now, go back to the dorm with the rest of the guys, let you have your space like you wanted. But his heart hurts at the idea of leaving you sad, angry, or a combination of both. He can't leave this unresolved. He fucked up, he has to fix it.
And so he sits on your couch for another hour. The clock on the wall behind him continues to tick as the silent tension in your apartment continues to grow. When it hits 11pm and he's sure you've slumbered off into sleep, he quietly enters your room.
He can see your figure in the dark, your back facing the door as you're curled up into yourself under the comforter. He feels his heart drop a little more when he imagines you crying in that position from earlier. He slowly peels the comforter open and gets into his side of the bed, careful not to bother your sleeping figure.
Laying there, staring up at the ceiling, he's never felt more like a stranger in your bed. It's not that he hasn't slept over before, god knows he's probably slept over at your place more than he has in his own bed. But right now, in this moment, he just felt awful. Like he didn't deserve to be in such close proximity to you. How could he be deserving? He violated your privacy, made you feel like you weren't trusted, doubted your relationship.
These thoughts run through Jake's head as he stares up at your ceiling fan, wishing he could turn back time to a few hours ago, before he checked your phone, before he let his insecurities get to the best of him.
You can feel the dip he makes in the bed behind you when he gets in. Of course you're not asleep. There's no way sleep could reach you when you had the recent events constantly replaying in your head like a broken record.
You knew Jake with all your heart. You didn't have to look at him to know he was probably laying there, hurt, staring up at the ceiling, drafting what to say once you wake up—or once he knows you're actually still awake.
You decide to break the tension by turning to lay on your other side, facing him.
You were wrong. Thanks to the little sliver of moonlight shining through your sheer curtains, you can see him, now laying on his side, already looking at you with so much regret in his eyes. You can almost hear the cracks in your heart physically forming.
His eyes widen when he realizes you're still awake. He opens his mouth to say something, but not before you quickly shift over to his side of the bed and embrace him in a tight hold, burying your face into his chest. Without any hesitation, he returns the gesture, arms holding your body as close to him as possible. As if once he let go, he'd lose you forever.
He lets out a sigh of relief as he breathes you in. He didn't even know he was holding his breath all this time.
"I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry Y/N," he mutters into your hair. He feels his hoodie getting wet from where you buried your face. He pulls you closer, if that's even possible, feeling his own eyes heating up with sadness. He would never forgive himself for making you feel this way.
"You know I trust you right? Please know that. I shouldn't have assumed the worst when I saw your phone. I...I let my insecurities get to the best of me."
You move your head from its home on his chest to look up at him, as if asking him to elaborate. This was new to you, you didn't know he held insecurities in your relationship. But it wasn't because of you, no, you were his entire world. Losing you meant losing everything.
Jake's never been the best at saying his feelings. That's why it took him so long (with the help of his six best friends) to finally confess how he felt about you. He was afraid of letting people in if they could easily walk out. Maybe that's why he never let anyone into his life before you. But oh, were you an exception. The second he met you, he knew he was fucked. But thank god he did, because thanks to you, he's been able to be more open, more vulnerable. He's able to talk to you about anything and everything. He doesn't have that same fear of losing people anymore, not when he has you in his life to reassure him every step of the way. But right now, in this moment, he doesn't know how to tell you that his new fear was, in fact, just losing you.
The sheer idea of you not being a part of his life anymore terrified him. 
"I hope you know you're never going to lose me Jake, if that's what you're insecure about," you softly mutter as you wrap your free arm that's not stuck in between both your bodies around him to gently play with the ends of his hair. It's as if you could read his mind, he loves that you know him so well.
"It just sucks that you could even think I would ever do something as awful as what you were assuming...with one of your closest friends nonetheless," you continue.
"I know. I know, and I feel terrible. I'm so sorry. I know you would never do anything remotely close to that, and I know you would never intentionally try to keep anything from me," he sighs. He shifts so he can lie down on his back, bringing you with him to lie on his chest, never letting you go once. "It's just...I just don't know what I'd do if I ever lost you Y/N. Everyday, I ask myself what heroic thing I must've done in my past life to deserve this life with you and I can't help but think you could just as easily be stripped away from me."
As much as your heart breaks listening to him rant, you feel your love for him grow even more. You knew how hard it was for him to put his true emotions into words, and him telling you this reminded you how much trust he had in you.
After some moments of silence, moments of him drawing random shapes onto your back, moments of you two just holding each other like it was the end of the world, you speak up.
"I love you. I'm sorry for making you doubt yourself—"
"No, it's not your fault, I can't help but think things like that. I just don't know what I did to deserve you, and I know that I need to be mo–"
"Babe let me finish," you say with a little giggle in your tone. He immediately stops and mutters a little "sorry". How cute, you tell yourself.
"I was gonna say," you look back up at him so you're making direct eye contact now. "You're the only one that's ever on my mind, Jake. I can't help the way you think, but I can assure you that there is no one else I would rather be with. And I mean that for the rest of life."
You snuggle back into the comfortable hoodie he's currently wearing (you make a mental note to yourself to steal it from him later) and decide to ease the tension,
"So you're stuck with me for life, sorry to inform you Mr. Sim."
Jake lets out a laugh, looking down at you to see you returning his smile with a cheeky one.
"I love you. So much," he says so sincerely, so genuinely, that you almost tear up again from how content you were. Now you were asking yourself, what did you do to deserve him?
Jake Sim is not a jealous person.
No, he just loves you.
A lot.
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s-brant · 3 years
Cherry Bowl (3/8)
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(gif: @kiekiecarrera) (PART TWO) (PART FOUR) (SERIES MASTERLIST)
Summary: When Kie cancels their plans together, Y/N asks JJ on a date to the Cherry Bowl Drive-In. Unsure of how to navigate his first ever date, JJ seeks out advice. Unfortunately, the night doesn’t go as planned, and both parties are left shaken by miscommunication.
Word Count: 10.6k
Warnings: Smut, public sex/exhibitionism, sexual choking, angst, depictions of mental illness, post-traumatic stress disorder, and implied/referenced abuse.
A/N: Welcome back to Tokens! Slight trouble in paradise is brewing for these two lovers, so buckle up and read because it’s gonna be a rollercoster for a little while after what happens in this chapter. I hope you all like it, and if you did, feedback is very appreciated. Have fun!
"I'm just saying that oatmeal raisin is superior to chocolate chip, why is that such an egregious crime, Kie?"
The lunch room is filled to the brim with students going to town on questionably cooked frozen foods, soggy tater tots, and sugary drinks from the vending machines despite the Obama-era posters on the walls advocating for healthier school lunches that never seemed to make their way to Kildare County High. The extent of their healthy lunches extended to a serving of overcooked canned green beans served with the worst slice of doughy pizza known to human kind, so it was sort of contradictory.
Y/N sits across the table from Pope and JJ, the latter of which being the one who launched into a full-fledged debate with Kiara about which type of cookie was better.
The clear cling wrap sits, unfolded, on the table with one of her stickers neatly placed on the back of it. As consolation for his epic loss yesterday at the beach, she paid an extra .75 cents to get him it when she arrived first to their shared lunch period—one of only two class periods they have together, the other being gym. He was still in line when she peeled a surfboard sticker off of her sheet and placed it at the center of the wrapped up cookie as if to remind him of her triumph over him in the waves.
"Thanks, hot stuff," he said, voice somewhat quieter despite the fact that hardly anyone was in the cafeteria with them. Then his smile dropped into an deadpan expression as soon as he saw her choice of sticker and looked back up at her. "You're never gonna let me live that one down, are you?"
"Never in a million years. I'll be gloating about it until I'm elderly."
"That's my girl."
The sound of the constant chatter surrounding them from at least two hundred other people drowns out the memories of yesterday that threaten to haunt her when she watches him debate with Kie. The mere recollection of their night in the back of the van has her reaching to pull the collar of her cropped tee up to assure that the hickeys remain hidden on instinct, and he catches the action out of the corner of his eye. It has him fighting a smile.
Kie quips, "Maybe on another planet, but, here, I think we can all agree chocolate chip is better, right Y/N?"
Y/N's eyes widen around a forkful of mushy "green beans" at the sound of her name being said bringing her from the depths of her memories.
Usually, she's quick to jump in and give her two cents on whatever stupid back and forth they're all having, but her mind was elsewhere. Unbeknownst to Kie and Pope, she was mentally reliving every second of getting fucked in the van last night, so her attention to detail when it comes to the Chocolate Chip vs Oatmeal Raisin case isn't all too sharp.
"Uhhh," she stops for a second, looking at the half eaten chocolate chip cookie in Kie's hand, "If I say chocolate chip is better, can I get a piece of it?"
Kie's face lights up at her words, and she's already pulling off a generous chunk of the baked good to hand off to her. The sound of a certain someone whose lap Y/N's legs are outstretched onto from beneath the table scoffing distracts her from the first bite.
"I know you prefer oatmeal raisin, you traitor," JJ says.
Their brunette friend's brows scrunch.
"Why is she a traitor?"
They try to keep from making any faces or giving anything away, but Y/N has to stifle the sound of her choking on her mouthful of cookie at the question. You'd think one of them came out and asked if they were dating or something with how she reacts, and she feels JJ squeeze her ankle in a non-verbal way of telling her to hold it together. It was her idea in the first place, yet he's a lot smoother with keeping it under the radar.
Under it all, the aspect of keeping it a secret does unnerve him to a degree. He doesn't think he'd be brave enough to communicate it, especially not when their relationship remains undefined, but the darker side of his mind wonders...
He shrugs, saying, "Cause we were friends first. Duh. Other than John B, I've known her the longest."
None of them stop to acknowledge the identical aches in their hearts at the mentioning of his name. They skip right over it like it never happened. After the funeral a few days ago, they've filled their quota on mushy-gushy sad talk for the next week and a half.
The real reason is something far more complicated than him having a claim staked on her loyalty through having the longest friendship. It's something tied up in days of slowly getting pulled into one another's worlds like the tug of gravity itself, in how he has to refrain from slipping his arm around her waist in the hallway or kissing her goodbye after a sleepover at the Chateau. But until she gives him the go-ahead, he won't let it slip to anyone.
Pope speaks up from beside him, "You literally met her twenty minutes before we did."
"Still counts. Technically, I did meet her first, so her betraying Team Oatmeal Raisin is enough to be tried for treason in Pogue Court."
"Pogue Court isn't a thing."
He crosses his arms after he pops the rest of the cookie into his mouth.
"It is now. You can be tried for treason for breaking the rules. Rule number one is that all Pogues have to admit oatmeal raisin is superior."
He's about to ball up the cling wrap to throw away later when the surfboard sticker catches his attention again. It's the same color as his board, which he'd like to think is a result of her being an evil mastermind that went out to get this sticker sheet for the sole purpose of teasing him, but he's the one who got her the sheet as a gift for her birthday, so he knows it was pure coincidence.
Last second, he peels the sticker away from the cling wrap and looks down to place it over the top of her yellow converse that were once a vibrant, paler color when Big John got them for her, but have since turned into an ugly mustard/dirt-dusted color they heckle her over.
"What are the other rules?" Y/N asks.
One of the hands holding onto where her feet are casually planted in his lap, something that they've done long enough that their friends won't see it as anything odd, slides down to caress the stretch of skin beneath the frayed hem of her dark jeans. Something she didn't know about him before whatever it is they have together started was that he constantly needs to be touching her. She can't say she doesn't love it though.
Pope answers, "The oatmeal raisin rule is not official"—a pointed glance at JJ—"But I'd assume the rest of the rules of Pogue Court would be no lying and no macking."
"So, basically you two break almost every rule except the oatmeal raisin one, and I lie," JJ says and turns to look at her, "How does it feel to be better than everyone, Y/N?"
"Pretty good, not gonna lie."
He keeps caressing little circles and tracing up and down her skin beneath the flared out pant leg of her jeans while he swipes his phone off of the table top without attracting the attention of their friends, who continue on to a new topic. She isn't too focused on what it is. She only picks up that it has something to do with a class they're in that's more advanced that hers, so she promptly checks out of the conversation.
Ever since John B died, she hasn't been performing too well in school. She tries, truly tries, but her mind outright refuses to absorb any of the information. When she reads her assigned reading, she hovers over the same paragraphs over and over until she shuts the book in a huff and hides it in her backpack again. Losing someone you love has a surprising amount of side effects.
Her phone buzzing in her hand brings her away from the impending cloud of doom that often accompanies any thoughts of John B, and when she taps in her passcode, her brother's birthday, a message bubble appears with a banner displaying JJ's contact name.
JJ (Derogatory) ur a good liar. prob could've fooled me if i weren't the one macking on u
Their eyes meet for a second across the table, then he watches her thumbs move to type a response.
Kief Princess Little do they know I break every rule now that I've switched sides on the cookie debate. Kinda impressive ngl.
JJ (Derogatory) triple threat, baby
JJ (Derogatory) thanks for the cookie btw
She smiles to herself, so wrapped up in their own world that she doesn't notice everyone in the room starting to pack up their stuff in anticipation of the bell that is due to ring any second now.
Kief Princess Had to repay you for last night somehow ;)
When she glances up to see his reaction, she watches his chest rise with a particularly large inhale, and he chews on the inside of his lip in thought.
JJ (Derogatory) strategically bringing up last night so i'm turned on in physics? ur an evil mastermind
Kief Princess I try.
Kief Princess Apparently whooping your sorry ass at surfing isn't the only thing I'm good at.
She hears him scoff.
JJ (Derogatory) first of all, ouch. second, u barely beat me
Kief Princess I'm happy to challenge you to a rematch. I have plans with Kie tonight, so I can't till this weekend. All it'll prove is that I am the rightful winner, but we knew that already.
JJ (Derogatory) what r the stakes this time
Kief Princess No sexual favors. If you beat me (fat chance) I'll formally rejoin team oatmeal raisin.
JJ (Derogatory) :( sex makes it more fun but i still accept those conditions
JJ (Derogatory) team oatmeal raisin needs u, even if ur a traitor
Kief Princess Why bet sexual favors if you're just gonna fuck me after anyway?
JJ (Derogatory) good point
The sound of the bell ringing echoes through the cafeteria, and they both pop their heads up from their phone screens to see everyone, including Pope and Kie, already packed up and raising from their seats to scurry off in the direction of their next classes. Meanwhile, their stuff is all bestrewn across the table, particularly JJ's belongings.
The sight of Kie walking away makes Y/N ask after her, "We're still on for tonight, right?
She stops with Pope's hand interwoven in hers. The look on her face when she turns would make you think she got caught doing something she wasn't meant to. Something like forgetting about the plans they made last week to watch Fear Street together. The Cherry Bowl Drive-In is premiering the first two movies as a double feature for the horror movie buffs of Kildare, so they decided to get tickets. Kiara shares a fondness of horror movies with her. Since gory movies make the boys squirm, though JJ pretends they don't, it's their own thing.
"Actually, Pope and I were gonna go to the beach. I'm sorry."
JJ knows she's more upset about it than she lets on, but Y/N simply gives the pair a smile that doesn't reach the eyes.
The sound of JJ behind her makes them laugh on their way out, diffusing the minor tension lingering in the air from the awkward encounter, "Use protection!"
After their friends offer them a goodbye, they gather their stuff quite leisurely, not really caring about being late.
It's something they've talked about before here or there: her feelings surrounding Kiara and Pope's sudden relationship. It's not as if she harbors any ill feelings for them, she doesn't, but the ripple effects of their pairing on the group, and more importantly the girls' own friendship, couldn't be clearer from her perspective. Between the missed hangouts, forgotten plans, and the convenient way she never seems to have time to hang out with her and JJ unless Pope is there too, it's been building up for a month now.
What makes it sting the most is how close her and Kie used to be. They didn't hit it off immediately the way she and JJ did as children until her thirteenth birthday when no one she invited showed up to the party Big John helped her set up in the yard of the Chateau.
She was the one who rallied the boys together to walk to ask their school friends from the year above to come hang out for an hour or two, promising a slice of the wonky-looking but delicious strawberry cake her and John B spent the morning crafting together. She can remember the sound of their high-pitched laughs and the cloud of flour that hung in the kitchen when they high-fived over the finished product like it was yesterday. In her heart, it was yesterday.
That night was when she fell in love with her friends, and that was when she first knew Kiara was her best friend. They wove friendship bracelets on each other that night and wore them for years until they withered away. No one had ever done something like that for her before. Not even JJ.
"You okay?"
Feeling his hand on her arm, slipping down to take her hand for a moment in the seclusion of the empty cafeteria, makes her glance up at him with a distinct sorrow washed over her features.
You know what? Screw this. Why should she be torn up over Kie and let it ruin her excitement for the double feature tonight? There's no way in hell she's letting her best friend ditching her for her boyfriend get in the way of her plans.
"Do you wanna go on a date tonight?" she asks him abruptly, then adds, "To the Cherry Bowl with me instead of Kie?"
The question sparks a pause in his mind, a halt of hesitation in which he worries about her avoiding having to answer what he asked, but he attempts to play it cool and not fuss over her outwardly. There have been times where being treated like that has made her feel suffocated, so he doesn't want to risk it. When she's ready, she'll talk about it, and if she takes too long and buries her feelings, then he'll intervene. For now, he tries to keep his face neutral despite the frown tempting his lips at her disappointment.
JJ looks around once more before throwing his arm around her shoulder to walk her out.
"You bet your ass I do."
Tumblr media
What is a person supposed to act like on their first date that's not actually a date cause everything between them is the same, but kinda is a date because they called it one? If you ever find out, please find JJ and tell him because he has no clue.
Pope wasn't too much help in the Instagram group chat he made for it seeing as his and Kie's relationship is too fresh, John B isn't even alive, so he's out of service for advice unless there's Ouija Board he can borrow, and, thankfully, Kiara was his savior.
Their phones began blowing up as soon as he reached his class after lunch period ended. He couldn't under any circumstances let it be known that this mystery girl he had a date with was their friend, but thankfully Y/N already had the alibi of going to the Drive-In alone. All he had to do was make up a fake date scenario and get basic advice.
danknugstickiestickies added kiara-c and popeheyward to the groupchat
danknugstickiestickies named the group HELP ME
danknugstickiestickies i have a date with this chick i met on the beach when i was out with y/n last week. i need ur advice
His phone screen lit up with the notification that both of his friends were typing, signified with the three dot symbol bouncing in the bottom left corner as he thought it through. They couldn't possibly figure it out, right? They'd been careful, he'd been respectful of her wishes, and they'd been too busy together to notice anything new with them. He figured it would work. It was a risk, sure, but it was worth it to him. He didn't want to fuck this up with her.
Knowing her, she probably wouldn’t even treat it differently than any of their other hang outs. It's not like they haven't been romantic or sexual with each other. They've done everything but go out on an actual date, so why was he nervous?
kiara-c ummmm
popeheyward Yeah, I'm gonna need you to ELABORATE!!
kiara-c did hell freeze over? since when does jj maybank go out on dates??
danknugstickiestickies renamed the group hell froze over
kiara-c very funny, I'm laughing so hard 😐
popeheyward Do we know her?
danknugstickiestickies don't think u do. she moved here last week and hasn't enrolled in school yet. her name's steph
popeheyward What about Y/N though?
kiara-c ^^
JJ's chest muscles tightened with the question prompting a rush of anxiety that made his breathing feel slightly harder. He glanced up at his Physics teacher, who was essentially dozing off behind his desk with his hand in a bag of chips and an educational video on the projector as an excuse to not teach, and looked back down at his phone without the added stress of possibly getting his phone confiscated.
Pope's message might as well have been a sucker punch. Forget butterflies, he set a wasp’s nest loose inside of his stomach to tie it into knots and flip it every which way. His neglected textbook served as a prop for his phone to lean on as he set it down to think.
Did they know? As far as he was aware, they were getting away with it. No evidence, concrete or circumstantial, was there to prove it. At least the stress of the situation killed any chance of him being turned on by her reminder of last night in their messages. This shit was boner repellant of the highest degree.
He played stupid. Better to let them volunteer whatever information they had before he went in saying anything incriminating that they didn't already know. If anything would sour the experience of their first date, it would be him accidentally making their strange in-between relationship public behind her back.
danknugstickiestickies ?? what do u mean
Three dots bounced in the bottom left corner of his slightly cracked phone screen.
popeheyward ...
kiara-c I mean, you don't see it?
danknugstickiestickies see what
popeheyward I guess we were wrong, but all of us always thought you two had some feelings going on.
"You don't say?" JJ murmured sarcastically to himself under his breath. "Never crossed my mind, Pope."
danknugstickiestickies bro that's jb's little sister
kiara-c so?
danknugstickiestickies forbidden fruit? making john b roll over in his grave? do those ring a bell or am i speaking in tongues
He was already a proficient liar in real life, but, fuck, it was easy in text messages. There's no chance at deciphering facial expression or tone, just a plain message with no room to budge. Thank God he didn't do this in person with them. He could've survived, but it wouldn't have been as quick and painless as the group chat was.
kiara-c jeez, sorry
Pope didn't voice it, but he noticed something.
He looked up from his phone and stared off at the wall in thought in his AP European History class. It piqued his interest that JJ simply said she was off limits, forbidden fruit as he put it, but did not outright deny having feelings for her. In fact, he didn't even address the question. He made excuses for why he shouldn't have feelings for her, but he never said he didn't have feelings for her.
Kie did not notice. Not because she wasn't smart enough to either, but because she was too busy hiding her phone behind her backpack to think too deeply about it. Her teacher was one of those teachers that would flip shit if they saw a cell phone turned off and faced down on the desk, let alone being used by a student during a lesson.
In his classroom across the hallway, JJ bounced his leg up and down beneath his desk in an absentminded urge to release the built up energy the anxiety produced in an over abundance.
popeheyward Our bad then. Even John B thought y'all were sus lmao.
Since when was that a known fact? Could he tell? Did he talk to Pope about him and Y/N before he died? Either way, it wasn't the time to pry about it.
kiara-c yeah you guys honestly could've fooled me if you wanted to
danknugstickiestickies well thank u, glad ur invested in our friendship but
danknugstickiestickies please help, i have no fucking clue how to act on a date and this girl is too cool for me to screw this up
That was when they finally dropped the interrogation session and started offering up tips. The best ones came from Kie, which made sense to him since women are more likely to know what other women like than two dudes who share one collective brain cell and never had real relationships.
Rule One: Be ready to pick her up five minutes early.
He wasn't ready to pick her up five minutes early. His bike broke down by the time he made it halfway down his street, so he had to push it back up the road and into the yard before setting off on foot to reach the Chateau quickly enough. And by quickly enough, it means he got there five minutes late, not early.
Rule Two: Compliment her after you get in the car.
She tossed him the keys to the Twinkie from across the hood, not giving him the chance to open the door for her, and it wasn't until they were setting off down the road that he remembered the next piece of advice he was given.
Side-eyeing her in his peripheral vision, he tried to find something to compliment her on specifically rather than the general compliments about her being pretty that she never fully believes when he says them. He was intending to say something about the skirt she had on, but when he chanced a glance over at her, she caught him and asked—
"What is it?"
Sent into panic mode, JJ blurted out instead, "I like your shoes."
He could've bashed his face against the steering wheel twenty times right then and there at the utter absence of reaction on her part for the next few uncomfortable seconds. It wasn't that it was a bad compliment. She appreciates any compliments at all...but her shoes were hidden from his view. Not to mention, they were the dirty, mustard yellow converse that the Pogues bash on a daily basis.
She laughed, lifting her leg to expose the sneaker on her right foot, and asked, "These? Dude, you roast me for these all the time. You and John B said they look like Big Bird shit on them."
The skin on the apples of his cheeks scorched hot with embarrassment, and he was never so glad that the overhead lights in the van were burnt out until that moment. He would've died on the spot if she saw him blush like that, face flushed pinker than sunburn. All he could do to save himself was murmur something about the color growing on him and keep driving in the direction of the theater with his hands white-knuckling the steering wheel he fantasized about banging his face into.
Rule Three: Insist on picking up the check.
In this case, it meant insist on buying the popcorn and drinks, and he miraculously managed to drop his wallet somewhere along the way when he ran over to the Chateau, so when he stepped up to the makeshift concession stand with her standing at his side, he felt around for his wallet in his jeans to no avail.
His thoughts echoed back to him, You gotta be fucking kidding me. Seriously? Is this actually happening right now?
"JJ, it's honestly fine," she said softly as he leaned over to search back of the Twinkie for the wallet. "We can look for it on your street right now if you want. It has your ID and stuff, you don't want a stranger to have that. We don't need to stay—"
It took all of his control to not shout it in reaction when he said, "No way. You've been waiting for this, and Kie ditched you, so I ain't ditching you too. We're staying."
His wallet could go kick rocks.
He came too far to be dragged down by the old leathery piece of shit anyway. Would he go out and search for it tirelessly the second the date ended? Hell yeah, that fucker had twenty dollars and his debit card in it, but he couldn't bear the thought of abandoning her or ruining her anticipated movie night by taking her out to search the streets with their phone flashlights for a wallet they might not find. He'd wait till the movies ended, take her home, then haul ass around the Cut searching for it after.
Thankfully, he found a couple bucks crumbled up in his front pocket while she scavenged for coins in the glove compartment, and they came up with enough to buy a water bottle and small popcorn to share together.
Rule Four: Don't have sex on the first date.
And it may sound easy enough to not act like a complete Neanderthal for the length of two movies, but the girl makes it pretty damn difficult if he's to say so himself.
That's what led him here, laying in the back of the sideways-parked Twinkie in the farthest corner of the outdoor theater with her practically on top of him. In any other instance, he wouldn't be opposed in the slightest, but with the cursed fourth rule in mind, he isn't too thrilled with the feeling of her hand rubbing up and down his thigh.
It isn't even meant to be sexual. They're constantly touching one another this way. She'll even slip her hands up under his shirt just to feel the warmth of his skin or when he asks her if she can get an itch on a part of his back he can't reach, but for some reason his brain is short circuiting right now.
The thing is, when Kie and Pope said he shouldn't do it on the first date, they meant it for his and Steph's made up circumstances, not his and Y/N's full-blown relationship without labels. When you've had sex with someone as many times as they have with each other, the hesitancy on the "first date" is nonexistent. It doesn't matter. But JJ, trying to follow the advice given to him to the letter for the sake of being the date she deserves, doesn't think about it that way.
It shouldn't be this nerve-wracking. They've been best friends since they were children, they've been flirting since they found out what basic attraction was in the first place, and they've been forming this relationship ever since John B died. Why can't he relax? Why is this so different compared to how easy it felt between them yesterday on the beach or today at lunch?
Rule Five: Be yourself.
It takes him another few moments of laying here with her before he realizes quite abruptly what went wrong in a quick flash of a thought that brings the fifth rule back to him. The problem wasn't the bike, or the weird compliment about her Big Bird sneakers, or the lost wallet.
The problem is him. The problem is that he's trying way too hard to make this something it isn't. The part about them that he adores so dearly is how they never have to try when they're together. With any other girl or guy, they'd have to fake something or act a certain way, yet when they're together, they can simply exist and everything is runs smoothly. That's not to say they don't disagree or bump heads, they do, but short of those outlier moments, it's easier than anything else they do in life.
His eyes flicker away from the screen for the first time since the movie began, which, by the way, is gruesome enough at times that he had to divert his eyes to prevent himself from seeing it happen. They land on where she lays, completely content with the night in spite of its mishaps, with her head propped up on the pillows they brought from the Chateau.
He wonders if she can tell he's acting differently. Surely she must notice. She's the type of person that typically never misses a thing, perfect for the gold hunt they went on in the summer with picking up the clues and helping her brother unravel the mystery, so maybe she noticed how flustered this date has him. Does it bother her? Does he bother her?
With a confirming glance back up at the movie to see nothing important happening, he can't fight the urge to speak anymore.
"Can I tell you something?"
His voice appearing through the darkness of the shut off van after spending the past half hour in complete silence makes her jolt at first before realizing who it was. Though she loves horror movies, she can't claim to not be affected by them. The night she falls asleep after watching one, she often finds herself compelled to turn a light on and keep her feet from dangling off the edge of the bed. It's worth the fear, though.
When she turns to look at JJ, there's a warm smile on her face. She's cuddled into his side with a hand placed casually atop his thigh, caressing with no purpose or intent, and her movement halts when the light from the movie on the projector allows her to see the expression on his face.
Anxiety has become an increasingly significant presence in his life with the recent events in mind; John B and Sarah, the four-hundred million dollars they lost out on, and dodging his father whenever he sneaks home to switch out the backpack of clothes and personal belongings he keeps at the Routledge house.
It manifests itself in jittery nerves, stomach pains, shortness of breath, and, at worst, panic attacks striking either at random or in response to a specific trigger. It's one of the few things he still tries to hide from her, and she tries not to push him too hard with opening up about it.
She abandons the movie for the time being and rolls onto her side to face him, upper body propped up on her elbow as she examines his face with downturned features.
"Of course," she says.
The words left unsaid are, "You can tell me anything. Whenever you need someone to listen, or to talk to about shit, you can tell me." He's heard her say it enough that he doesn't need to hear it now to know it's true.
There's a pause, then—
"I feel like I fucked this entire date up," he starts to ramble and cuts her off before she can think about saying what she wants to, "and I know it's okay to you. You have way too high of a tolerance for my bullshit, and I've been trying so hard to make this perfect, but all that did was screw it up."
She's left quiet for a second, taking it all in.
Maybe if he hadn't been so anxious about it, he would've realized what was wrong with his bike when he rode it home from school, or he would've noticed his wallet fall out of his pocket. The point is, he wishes he hadn't let the label attached to this freak him out so much. He isn't sure why it does, but it does.
But she doesn't do what he expects. She isn't drowning him in reassurances and, "It's okay's" because she knows he doesn't care for them much. When he, the most stubborn person she knows, apologizes for something he did, he doesn't want it to turn into the person accepting the apology coddling him.
Y/N sighs.
"Is that why you've been acting so different all night? I scared you with the whole ‘date’ thing, didn't I? It doesn't have to be a date if you don't want it to be."
What she doesn't know is that he wants it to be a date. He wants it to be a date so badly, he risked Pope and Kie finding them out for the sake of getting some proper advice on it, and now he's caught up in the same game of tug and war in his mind that always occurs when he wants to tell her the truth about his feelings for her.
Part of him doesn't understand why he doesn't outright say it. With every other girl he once showed interest in, he had no issues in letting them know he wanted them, but this is different. This isn't simply wanting someone, he thinks he's fallen for her. But whenever he says he's gonna grow a pair and tell her after all this time, he chokes. Involuntarily, he's reminded of his parents. Other than his friends saying it platonically, the only people to tell him they loved him were them, and with how they treated him, he sure as hell doesn't think that is love.
From his dad's brutal physical abuse to his mom's abandonment, he's too timid to tell her he loves her because of what could happen if she loves him back. Everyone else that has said that to him has either hurt him, died like John B did, or abandoned him.
He won't let that happen with him and Y/N. What they have, albeit undefined and codependent, is safe. It's the only thing he has left. Maybe it isn't right, and maybe he should open up about it to communicate the correct way, but somewhere in the misshapen logic of his mind, he correlates love to abandonment. And he doesn't want that to happen with her.
There are two sides of him at battle inside his mind. One side, the side that wants to do right by their relationship and actually communicate his feelings for once in his life, wants him to tell her everything. The other side, the side that responds based on the history of his past, wants him to hide it all.
"Will you be mad at me if we don't call it a date?" he asks.
She shakes her head.
The heavy sensation inside of JJ's chest nears a point of vitriolic violence against him as he starts to realize what he's doing to her, clearly letting her down, but he can't stop himself. Like a passive witness watching himself from outside of his body, the instantaneous trauma response to the sudden confrontation of his true feelings for her guides his actions without his permission. It shuts down any protest he has.
The sound of the movie fills the gap of silence between them the entire time. It’s a variety of bloodcurdling screams and disgusting sounds that would've made him gag if he weren't as distracted.
They can make out each other's faces through the darkness, but barely. It takes a flash of bright color from the film or a nearby car's lights turning on for them to fully see one another. Without the other knowing, they both put masks of calm and collected coolness on their faces despite the feelings raging beneath the surface—more so on his part than hers.
"Maybe," he says, pausing, "we should just keep things the way they've been."
As soon as the words leave his mouth, a soul-crushing amount of disappointment weighs her down. She said it was fine if he doesn't want it to be a date—and it is, she would never hold it against him—but that doesn't mean it can't hurt her. Things have been going so well, she almost thought...If tonight went well, she was thinking about no longer keeping it a secret, but if he said he wants things to stay the same, then maybe he isn't as ready for it as she is?
Meanwhile, JJ is on another page entirely.
She's embarrassed of being with you, a familiar voice in the back of his head croons. She's gonna leave just like everyone else does. If she doesn't even wanna tell your friends, why should you pretend you're dating?
The internal comments are the type that cause him to physically grimace when he's alone. Intrusive thoughts are just that: intrusive.
Sneaking into the guarded sanctuary of a person's mind, they set out to convince them the opposite of their reality. The only thing is, where most people's minds are guarded sanctuaries with walls of impregnable defense, his mind is the equivalent of a fortress blown to smithereens. The castle walls lay in rubble, the guards no where to be seen, and the path for these thoughts to slip past and straight to the vulnerability of his mind is left wide open.
In the privacy of his room, these thoughts attack him the most at night when he tries to fall asleep—when things get too quiet. With nobody around, when they get this bad there's nothing he can do except break down. It builds from the mere anxiety of attempting to force the thoughts away to full-blown panic attack mode. The more he resists them, the more aggressive they become. He'll gasp for air with tears streaming down his face, hitting his head with the heel of his hand as if that'd do something to stop his relentless mind.
But he can't afford to react in front of her, so the extent of his reaction is a subtle twitch of his face that she cannot see in the momentary darkness before the movie switches to another scene a second later. In a way, it does make the thoughts go away to have her here preventing him from spiraling alone. Having to focus on her keeps his mind away for moments at a time until the thoughts ease their grip on him.
When she hasn't answered for a while, he asks, terrified that he did something bad, "Are we good?"
The question seems to wake her up, snapping her out of the lonely direction her thoughts went into when he "rejected" her. It takes every bit of common sense she has left to force herself to understand that this doesn't mean he doesn't want her. He does, and not calling this a date doesn't mean they won't be together in the way they have been since John B's death, but she isn't perfect. She gets as unsure and insecure as he does.
As if the cloud of doom was lifted off of her, she makes her face lighten where she lays on her side next to him. Seeing this expression makes his chest feel less heavy, and he could let out a sigh of relief at the realization that he didn't break her heart and stomp on it. He should've known. Y/N is the sweetest person he knows, so she never would've flipped shit over him not wanting to label this as a date. That's not how she is.
And he's partly right. It isn't how she is. She would never hold it against him if he didn't want something further with her since she got herself into this position by pursuing him with his reputation with girls in mind, but she can't ignore it. Whether she wants it to or not, it had its affect on her as soon as he said it.
She leans in to kiss him, their lips meeting in the middle with the faint taste of popcorn salt mingling at the soft peck.
When she pulls away, she brushes the hair back from his face and says, "Don't worry. Nothing can change how I feel about you."
She has no clue what it feels like to hear that from her.
Despite the turmoil they unknowingly share beneath the surface due to this conversation, he could cry hearing her say it. It doesn't feel real to him that she feels the same way he does about her, because nothing could change how he feels about her either. That’s why he manages to work up the courage to repeat it back to her, and, for now, this is the closest he's physically capable of coming to telling her the truth.
"Ditto," he says.
It isn't what she wanted, but it's close enough, and if she dwells on this any longer, she might start getting too emotional and let the urge to tear up become too strong. Why does she have to be this sensitive? It's no secret that it's remarkably easy to make her cry, but this is insane to her. When all of this began with him, she didn't give a shit about him not wanting a label. She understood him, and she understood that he doesn't do this kind of thing, so why has it changed? Why doesn't she want to keep it a secret anymore? Why does she want this to be a date when she knows he doesn't want it to be?
Pulled by an invisible string back to him to silence her mind, she leans in to kiss him again with a hand cupping the back of his neck to guide him the rest of the way to her.
It shouldn't be laced with any sexual intention. She should be kissing him simply because she wants to, and, in a way, she is. Their kisses and touches are never lacking the motivation that is their underlying connection and mutual feelings for one another, but this is not the same. As he kisses her back with as much confidence and passion as always, she is reeling from the conversation that reminded her too much of a breakup.
It takes another minute of this for the kiss to heat up, their breathing becoming shallower in the moments they part to inhale, and she is undeniably the one instigating when she officially crosses the line between casual and sexual by crawling onto his lap. It's not hard for him to pick up on when their innocent moments take a turn. She's easy to read in that regard, and this has happened a multitude of times with them, so the shift of a mini make out session turning into something more is nothing out of the ordinary for them.
If he knew how shaken she is on the inside, he'd never want this. And the same would go for her if she knew what he was thinking before this. Neither of them wants to admit what they're feeling.
With her legs seated on either side of his hips, she kisses him like it's the last time she'll ever get the opportunity to. Her hands wander wherever they can, pulling at his shirt and feeling him up as his hands guide her hips to move against his in a steady grinding that she has no issue partaking in. It's an eagerness he hasn't seen from her in weeks. She's never un-excited when it comes to being physical with him either, but this is another level. The last time a girl was all over him like this, it was desperate touron at a party a few months ago.
In the span of time it takes her to glance over her shoulder to see if anyone could see them and reach to pull her skirt up until it bunches around her hips—no one can see them, by the way, since they got here late and were forced to cram the van into the back corner of the lot with no street lights illuminating the path—his brows raise at her presumptuous behavior. Not that he's one to complain, however, seeing as he's typically the one doing what she is.
Their next kiss clashes their teeth hard enough to make them wince, but he loves it. It makes him smirk into her parted mouth, alive with both the feeling her reassurance provided and the fuzzy-headed high that often finds him when they're together in this way. Incomparable to past flings or the high related to any drugs, she is the peak of everything to him. It's no contest.
His chest stutters against hers with a bout of amused laughter, asking within a brief pause in what feels like the most JJ thing he's said this awkward night, "Two for two in the Twinkie. What's gotten into you?"
Y/N's hand dips between where their bodies move together to unclasp the closed buckle of his belt in one smooth motion that has it falling apart with a clinking noise.
Her features are set with a look that tells him she means business. Whatever it is that sparked this, he wonders how the fuck to make it happen again another time. She's begged for it before, but never taken control so dominantly, and he can't deny what the role reversal does to him. The evidence is obvious in the distinct hardness she feels pressing up against the hand undoing his jeans.
"I was hoping it'd be you," she says, voice breathless and airy from the constant contact in a way that makes it ten times hotter for him.
If there were any chance of him not being in the mood prior to this, which wasn't the case anyway, it's gone now. He never wants to hear her say she doesn't deliberately try to tease him ever again.
He doesn't need to be told twice.
JJ surges forward to capture her mouth with his, this time with no intention of pulling away to breathe or speak again. No, he'll let himself get lightheaded and dizzy if it means he can stay with her for as long as possible.
With the circumstances of it all, them being visible to someone if they happened to pass by the open door of the van, they move at a pace quicker than usual. She's immediately helping him shimmy his jeans and underwear far enough down his hips to free his dick from the confines of his clothes, making him sigh out a breath of relief when her hand brushes against him in the process.
There's no opportunity to slow down, it has exploded into a full-throttle speed race that neither of them can halt.
His hand blindly flies out beside him to grope the floor of the van for the set of keys he tossed carelessly to the side once the movie started, eyes shut in the midst of the hot, messy kiss they share. His fingers find the fabric of one of the blankets they brought in case they got cold, then drifts again and lands on her Big Bird sneakers until he feels the sharp metal of her keys meet his calloused palm.
After the events of last summer, she bought a switch blade to keep on her key ring alongside the keys to the van, HMS Pogue, and Chateau. She may not like violence or weapons, seeing as she was a skeptic of JJ keeping the gun alongside her friends, but she saw it necessary. Between Rafe, Topper, and Kelce, how could she leave the safety of her and her friends up to chance knowing what some of the kooks did to them not long ago? What happened to Pope on the golf course alone was enough to make her skin crawl.
Right now, though, the knife flips out from the pressure of his thumb pushing the button to release it. He holds it out away from her at first to assure it doesn't nick her in the process, then uses his other hand to tug the side of her panties that hugs her hip far out enough to press the sharp side of the blade onto the inside of it.
She can hardly believe what she's watching as JJ cuts the delicate maroon underthings from her body as if he were doing something so normal, like it's something he's done before. Her forehead is pressed against his, her mouth parted both in shock and in a need to pant for oxygen, and she watches the knife ruin her favorite panties. The stitches come apart with a satisfying ripping noise that can hardly be heard over the sound of people reacting to the movie in the background.
Other customers of the Cherry Bowl Drive-In are too glued to the screen as a beloved character is chased down, reacting in shouts when she's seized by the killer and shoved onto the table of an industrial bread slicer, so they remain wholly unnoticed.
The lace, now ripped in half, dangles on the tip of the knife when he lifts it away from her, tosses it aside, and presses the button once more to retract the blade. It clatters to the floor, but is in no way forgotten with them resuming in a desperation to keep going until they both satisfy the need clawing at them from the inside. But her sense of need is different from his, and even with the fresh memory of him with the switch blade in mind, she's still somewhere else the whole time.
Her mind is faraway, muted through layers of sadness, anger, and disappointment as he reaches between them to line himself up to her entrance. The sensation of him running his cock, hard and messy with a few drops of precome, through her dripping pussy to coat it in her slick arousal is enough to make her moan pathetically. Yet when he's about to guide himself inside of her, she stops him.
"Wait, wait, wait," she breathes out rapidly, heart pounding so hard she can feel herself pulsating between her thighs, "Condom."
They were so antsy to get to it, they almost forgot.
"Fuck," he curses under his breath, and his eyes flicker from where they were trained between their bodies to glance back and forth around the van before it hits him. "I lost my wallet..."
But right when he thinks their public rendezvous in the back of the Drive-In is over due to his unfortunate mistake, she shakes her head and slips away from her perch astride his lap to crawl over to her bag.
She fumbles with the old tote bag and plunges her arm in to sift through the hodge podge of things that are purely Y/N in nature—stickers, glitter pens, a half-eaten bag of candy, etc—for the square foil package she decided to toss in before she left just in case. She usually doesn't keep them on her because he never fails to have one, but, thankfully, she had the random instinct to bring it tonight.
The only thing to bring her out of her cloudy, malevolent storm of feelings when she settles back onto his lap with the condom wrapper ripped open for him is him saying, "So you planned this, huh?" with his mouth tipped in a familiar self-satisfied grin.
She didn't plan it. In fact, she threw herself at him the second she sensed him withdrawing from her and can't stop herself despite the fact that she constantly feels two seconds away from letting a tear slip down her cheek. If that counts as "planning it", then sure.
"Maybe so," she answers, cool, calm, and collected—the antithesis of the truth.
They usually don't lie to each other.
They're thrown right back into it without any other hiccups once he rolls the condom on, and he takes in a shaky breath at her hand wrapping around him to align their bodies up. Before she can do anything, though, he takes chance to swipe the blanket he found a moment ago and wrap it around her back to keep her covered in case they get caught.
Y/N sinks down onto his cock with her lip caught between her teeth to stifle the sound that threatens to escape. JJ, on the other hand, doesn't bother concealing the sound of the groan he makes at the sensation of having her wrapped around him like this. The tension in her entire body from the anticipation and the looming threat of being seen by someone has her squeezing him so tightly, he can't help but be a little louder than he should.
Her soft palm slaps over his mouth with enough pressure to force his groan to quiet itself, and she watches his pretty blue eyes widen in reaction to the dominant action. Who is this girl and what has she done with his sweet, submissive Y/N? Don't get him wrong, he is very turned on by it, but it's unlike her to take the lead this way. He can't figure it out.
"What's wrong, angel?" she asks in a whisper into his ear, her hand over his mouth and her hips starting to slowly rock against him, "Watch the movie."
Once the words leave her mouth, she drops her hand, just in case he wants to stop and can't say anything because she had his mouth covered, and JJ is pretty sure he's died and gone to heaven.
He doesn't watch the movie, not at all, because he's too busy watching her. For someone losing their mind internally, she does not let it show, nor does she let it distract her from what's happening. If anything, the distraction in this situation is the sex, not what's going on inside of her head.
There's a moment of adjustment and going as slowly and gently as possible while waiting for the dull pressure of feeling him inside of her to fade away, but, for the most part, she doesn't waste any time. As soon as she feels comfortable enough with the ache between her thighs giving way to a spark of pleasure when she grinds her clit down on his pubic bone, she starts to ride him at a better pace than the initial slow movements of her hips.
She raises herself up and takes him again inch by inch, enjoying the sense of fullness she gets from having to fit him in spite of the slight discomfort at first, and she could swear that he'll leave bruises in the shape of his handprints with how tightly he clutches her hips. It's all he can do to prevent himself from moaning or saying something, ever the vocal lover she's come to know.
Unless his mouth is preoccupied like it was on the beach yesterday afternoon, JJ is usually impossible to shut up, especially in this context. With him always whispering dirty things to her, whether it be praises, pet names, or plans on what he wants to do to her, she has come to find it breathtakingly hot. He could likely get away with saying something if he wanted to, but he isn't sure he wants to risk it. If he opens his mouth to spew something filthy to her, he won't trust himself not to make a louder, different kind of noise that won't fit in the with background audio the other moviegoers are listening to.
The wet sound of their bodies colliding that fills the space of the van is drowned out by the loud and violent sequence occurring on the screen far ahead of them, and hearing it makes her bounce herself on him a little harder. She's fueled on by it all, and, strangely, what happened before she practically pounced on him is the main contributor.
Similarly to the nature of his intrusive thoughts, the harder she resists the memory of how it felt when he told her he didn't want this to be a date, the more forceful it is in its return. Her eyes trail down to watch where they connect with her forehead pressed to his, then she's thrown back into the feeling of helpless disappointment and insecurity. His head tips back against the window with his bottom lip dropped open and his brows furrowed just enough to create a crease on his forehead, and she's bombarded with the look of relief on his face when he realized he didn't have to be tied down to her with a label.
It makes her want to get rougher, harder, and she doesn't even care if it'll make her sore later on. She presses herself down so far every time she slides down on his cock, her teeth draw blood on her lip with how hard she must bite it to remain quiet. The pain of her hipbones rubbing against his doesn't even matter to either of them at this point. They're both too lost in the pleasure that has begun to take control of them to care about something as minuscule as that, or the burn in her thighs from the repetitive physical strain.
She grabs his wrist and brings his hand between them, flattening hers overtop of it and pressing down on the base of her abdomen in the midst of the increasingly feverish thrusts.
"Feel you here," she murmurs to him through a quiet moan, hoping he can hear it over the movie, and pushes down on his hand for emphasis. And if the way he reacts by cursing under his breath tells her anything, it's that he picked up on it. "JJ..."
He reaches out to grab her by the throat with his free hand and tug her forward to kiss him, as if something inside of him snapped in response to her doing that. The motions of her jolting up and down throws the already messy and uncoordinated kiss off-kilter, but they don't mind. It has them separating every time she lifts up, producing this heady little head rush from from them breathing in each other's air without actually letting their mouths meet in the middle.
Though they're trying their hardest not to alert anyone outside of what's happening, it didn't occur to him until now, when his eyes catch John B's old bandana swinging back and forth where it's secured around the rear view mirror.
They're worried about moaning while the entire fucking Twinkie is rocking with their movements. Well, at least it makes good use of the corny sticker he gifted John B last year as a gag gift. He tried to peel it off after JJ snuck it onto the side window to no avail. So, now Y/N is stuck with a sticker on her car reading, "If the van's a-rockin', come on in, we like orgies," rather than the more common phrase.
It almost makes him start laughing, and he prays no one takes that shit seriously, 'cause he is never intent on sharing this breathtaking girl. Ever.
Y/N isn't anywhere near laughing like he is, in fact, she's finding it difficult to keep herself together. She feels her eyes sting with the promise of tears, and she's never felt so pathetic before. Is she seriously about to cry during sex? Is she really that girl that is so ill-equipped to handle rejection, she can't get through it without tears?
She won't cry. Perhaps if he sees how glossy her eyes have become in a rare moment of good lighting, she can blame it on the hand around her throat putting pressure on the sides of her neck.
The worst part about her being near to crying is the timing of it.
The emotion of what she feels mentally mixes with the swirling, building sensation she feels in the pit of her stomach that tells her she's close to going over the edge, and it's so overwhelming. Was she imagining that their friendship had changed? More importantly, is this all she'll ever be to him? Sex is the only thing she's sure of with him, it's the only thing that doesn't require deeper emotions, and when the ground beneath their fragile relationship felt shaky...
He can feel her starting to unravel, and he knows that he'll come before she does if he doesn't do anything now, so he decides to take control.
JJ pulls the hand he had resting on her abdomen away as though he were burned by it, wrapping his arm around her waist to steady her body against his and using the hand around her neck for leverage to thrust up into her, effectively reducing her to a teary-eyed, moaning mess atop him. They both stopped caring about making noise the second he began to fuck her like this.
She cries out in ecstasy at the sudden change in pace and depth that has him hitting all the right places. Every time he thrusts up into her, just as rough as she wished for, the tip of his cock nudges into that perfect spot inside of her that makes her incapable of silencing her moans. This time, it's JJ that puts his hand over her mouth, letting the one he had around her neck move away to keep her from alerting everyone around them of what's happening.
There's nothing she can do to stop her climax as it barrels through her in its initial sweeping wave of bliss to contrast the venomous doubts in her mind. She's never felt such conflicting, yet powerful feelings before—the intensity of the physical pleasure that makes her whine into the palm of his hand, then the part of her mind replaying every word he said in their conversation before this.
Her body is rigid and tense through it all, squeezing down around his cock with the involuntary spasms of her orgasm, and he can't help himself anymore. All it takes are a few more frantic thrusts for him to bury himself inside of her one last time and spill into the condom, uncovering her mouth so he can drown out his own groans into a kiss.
Their skin sticks to their clothes on the inside with sweat from the exertion of their actions, and he can feel her stomach tremble where it presses up against his with each undulation of her hips that meet his as he rides it out.
But even with the added distraction of the sex, she can't rid herself of the feeling that started plaguing her as soon as things went awry. That was why he was acting weird all night. He must have been so worried about her thinking this was anything more than their typical hangouts that he couldn't bring himself to act normally.
She forces herself to look happy when they pull away from the kiss, panting, and JJ, unaware of what she's been thinking, doesn't notice the small deception.
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Tag list: @gabiatthedisco
353 notes · View notes
greenygreenland · 4 years
Dream A Little Dream of Me Pt. 2: Norman x Reader
-part 2 requested by anon
-kinda spicy??? because yeah but u can always skip that if u don’t like that stuff
-CHARACTERS AGED UP (so don’t call fbi on me lmaoooo)
WARNINGS: spicy/18+ (near the end, so you can SKIP if you’d like), arguing, death mentions, MANGA SPOILERS, etc.
Summary: It’s time to talk to Norman with Emma and Ray. Only issue is, he's not there yet, and his 'squad' is occupying his office.
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Time waited for no one. Its hands constantly ticked back and forth, once, twice, until you couldn’t recall how long you’d been staring at the clock. 
The first thing you did this morning was shoot out of bed and gulp down your breakfast. There wasn’t time to idly chat or greet every single one of your family members. You had a job to do, and that was to convince Norman that this 'Seven Walls’ plan was better. 
The office door stood before you like a timed bomb. It towered over you, made you feel small and helpless. What if you were too late? What if there was nothing you could do?  
An uneasy smile twitched on your lips. You had to stay solid for Ray and Emma. They relied on you, and you couldn’t let them down. “Ready?�� 
Their eyes were bright with resolve you didn’t seem to have. 
Why were you so nervous? Just look at them, they were so confident that Norman would listen. But of course your Norman would listen, right? He wasn’t the type to brush you off or act all high and mighty. He was sweet, considerate, and wonderful. 
You sucked in a sharp breath to steel yourself. “Nor--?”
Three heads turned to stare as you opened the door. One was a woman with curly hair, another a tall guy in a suit, and the last one, a guy in a military vest.
Norman wasn’t at his desk.
The three strangers sat sprawled throughout the room. Two on either couches, and one in the back. Crumbs lay on the coffee table where stray pieces of wrapping fluttered about. A tea cup sat a little ways away from the wrappings, still steaming and piping hot. They had to have been here for quite some time. The lady raised a brow and glanced at the tall guy behind her. “Who are they?”
You and Ray kept straight faces. 
“Nice to meet you,” he said. “I’m Ray.” Emma tried for a wobbly smile. “I’m Emma and this is (Y/n). We come from shelter b-zero-six-three!” You glanced at your companions, then back at the three adults in your path. The lady turned to the guy behind her again and asked another question, but you weren’t listening.
What were they doing here? Most importantly, were they dangerous? Sure, Norman trusted them (they were in his office after all), but was that enough reason for you too? He was revered as a god here, you reminded yourself. It wouldn’t be out of the park if he acted differently around these people. 
“Where is...the ‘Boss’ at the moment?” you respectfully inquired. The guy in the vest adjusted his position on the couch. He swung his feet off the coffee table dramatically and said, “The Boss is out of the office right now. He’s on urgent business.” 
You frowned. That didn’t sound good. “We’ll come back then. Talk can wait.” you decided. “Let’s--”
The vest guy stood up and the lady followed. Your chest tightened as he slowly turned to meet your eye. “No, wait a second.” He placed a hand on Ray’s shoulder and the lady set a hand on either side of you and Emma. They smiled, but it wasn’t a nice smile. “Why don’t you stay for tea?” the lady inquired. They steered you over to the couch and plopped you all together one after the other. 
You didn’t like where this was going. Urgent business? What could be so urgent that Norman would decide to leave so early in the morning? You folded your arms over your chest in thought. 
It's been taking me a little longer than expected to set it in motion. 
Norman mentioned a bit about his plan last night, but not in full detail. You recalled the brief mentions of a poison, as well as the obvious portion of genocide and degeneration of demons. But what else did he say?
I've decided to officially start tomorrow.
Your frown tightened and your fist clenched. Of course he would go out of his way to start the plan as soon as possible. He didn’t need distractions, much less people against his will. You remembered the smile he forced onto his lips. It was wry, and hollow, and fake, and everything that he wasn’t. 
Fortunately, I've always been pretty good at getting what I want.
You wanted to be angry--no, livid--yet the aching in your heart said otherwise. Norman did everything in good faith. All he wanted was to save everyone without spilling a single drop of blood. But did he realise the guilt he’d have to carry once his plan was complete? Did he realise how much blood would stain his hands?
You heaved in a subtle breath to compose yourself. “So,” you began. “What did you wish to speak about?” Vest didn’t seem to welcome your presence. He planted an arm on the coffee table and leaned across with that stare that could burn straight through you. 
The lady, on the other hand, sat at the edge of the couch with that giant piece of meat in her hand. You wondered if that was actually some regular type of meat. It was far too large to be a pig, much less a wild animal.
Was it just you, or were these guys kind of creepy?
“I’m Cislo,” Vest firmly announced. “That’s Barbara. That Egghead over there is Vincent.” The tall guy, or Vincent, poured three cups of tea. He silently made his way over and set them on the table. You politely nodded his way and picked up the cup, taking a good, long sip. 
Until you were sure these people could be trusted, you decided it best to stay quiet.
Cislo leaned farther over the table. You instinctively took another sip of tea. “Emma, Ray, and (Y/n), right? From Grace Field?” Ray was about to answer, but Cislo interrupted. “We’re escapees too y’know!” He hastily jumped up and planted a firm foot on the coffee table. “And for the record, our escape was way better. We kicked that farm’s ass!”
You slowly nodded with false amusement. “Is that so?” Vincent adjusted his glasses almost apologetically. He was the calmest out of all his companions, as well as the most polite. “Right.” He sounded distasteful. “You guys feel the need to childishly compete all the time... Please, accept my humblest apologies.”
Ray rolled his eyes. “Nah, you guys are amazing. Absolutely incredible. Show-stopping. It’s not like we could have done better, bra-vo.” You snickered behind your teacup and fist-bumped under the coffee table. He was trying to make you smile because he knew you were tense. And it worked. 
You took another sip of tea and glanced over the rim. From the corner of your eye, you spotted a mark peeking out at the top of Barbara’s tank top. Norman had the same one right on his chest. These three weren’t normal people, weren’t they? 
“Excuse me,” Emma said with a bright smile, “thank you so much for yesterday!” Oh right, you thought. Vincent was the the guy who treated Cristy and Dominics. “Yes,” you added. “Thank you, Vincent.” He returned Emma’s smile in a calmer manner and nodded. “The boss let me know about that. I wish the best for them.”
Emma’s smile brightened like the sun. “Thanks!” 
The back of your neck tingled uncomfortably. Barbara’s stare was creepy, and it didn’t help that Cislo had joined in. Ray and Emma inched closer to your sides.
“That’s well and all,” Barbara started, “but we’d like to know!” Cislo eagerly nodded. He leaned farther across the table and you inched backward into the couch. “Yeah, how about you tell us? What you wanted to talk about with that guy...” 
You raised a brow. “’That guy’?” 
The air thinned out as quick as one could say ‘Quidditch’. A bashful grin broke out on Barbara’s lips and her face went red as a cherry. “The boss of course!” she cried. “Minerva James!” She said ‘Minerva James’ like he was a god. Cislo mimicked Barbara’s bashful expression. “What did you want to talk about with...Nor--‘Norman’, is what you guys called him?” 
You didn’t have the strength to be question them. 
“Even if you try to hide it, you idiots love the boss.” said Vincent. Barbara rolled her eyes. “Shut up! You love everything he does too!” Vincent turned to you, Ray and Emma. “Because you’re long time friends of the boss, they can’t stop themselves from being nervous.”
Ah, so these three were Norman’s fan club. You scoffed to yourself.  
Cislo rounded on Barbara and Vincent with a newfound energy (seriously, where did that come from?). “I mean, aren’t you curious?” he inquired, clenching a fist in the air all dramatically. “When we came back from morning patrol, they were all making a fuss upstairs. Yesterday, the boss was a totally different person!” He clasped the sides of his head with a shout. “I thought, ‘what’s up with that’! I got super curious, and turns out, you guys are super good friends!”
Cislo stamped a foot down on the coffee table again. “What kinda guy is this ‘Norman’?” Barbara mimicked his elated expression. “Yeah, tell us!”
You glanced at Emma and she smiled as amiably as always. “Well, he hasn’t changed that much since back then.” She elbowed you. “Tell them!” You knitted your brows in confusion. “Tell them what?” She giggled and Ray playfully smirked. “That you’re his girlfriend.” 
“GIRLFRIEND?!” Cislo and Barbara screeched. 
You sent Ray a subtle glare, to which he smugly shrugged off. It was clear that he purposely said that to get a kick out of Barbara and Cislo. What a total--
“So you’re his girlfriend?” Vincent questioned, casually pushing his glasses up. “I didn’t think the boss would be ‘that type’.” You raised a brow. “What do you mean by that?” Vincent smiled and it was almost playful. 
“Well?” Barbara expectantly inquired, resting her chin in her palms. “What’s he like? As a boyfriend I mean?” 
You thought for a moment. Norman was kind, sweet, and gentle. He knew how to cheer you up when you were down, and he was a great cook. Sometimes, he thought too much about the little things, or became secretive and changed the subject. Sure it could be troublesome to bother with that, but it was just who he was. 
And you loved him for him.
“Norman is so soft and kind,” you began, “he’s smart too and smiles so sweetly. I’ve never met anyone else like him in my life.” A fond sigh left your lips that hung in the air. Just by looking at you, everyone could tell how unconditionally your love was. You were more than just his girlfriend, you were two halves of a whole. 
“He smiles sweetly?” Barbara echoed. Cislo blinked in disbelief. “‘Soft’?” They glanced at each other before bursting into a fit of laughter. You knitted your brows together questioningly. “Is he that different?”
“Stiff.” said Barbara.
“Cold.” answered Vincent.
“An emperor.” added Cislo.
That wasn’t a surprise to you, but for your siblings, it was earth-shattering. Ray spat out his tea and Emma let out a ‘WHAAAAAT’ that could have reached the heavens. Then Ray chuckled, and that turned into a stifled snicker. 
“So he’s stiff and cold?” you muttered, placing a hand to your chin in thought. Barbara nodded. “Yeah, kind of like how you were before we started talking about the Boss.” 
You almost chocked. Was it plausible that Norman took after your rock-solid façade while running this revolution? Logically speaking, it was normal, smart even, to make yourself known as an unshakable being. That was why you walked into this room full of strangers as quietly as you could. It gave you time to observe and figure out the little details in untested waters. 
And because you stayed headstrong and cool, others followed your example. 
Sometime in the conversation, Ray shared embarrassing stories about Norman with the occasional pitch from you or Emma. Seeing Ray and Emma smile over the old memories made you relax just a bit. It was refreshing to think about something other than fifty ways to save the world. The trivial, the peace, the mundane. Yes, you missed that.
A smile etched itself onto Barbara’s lips. “So even a long time ago, the boss was cool.” she noted. “Thanks, it was nice to hear so much about him.” You almost smiled at her. She and Cislo were nice to be around when they weren’t all up in your personal space. 
“He’s a good man.” Vincent stated. “He cares for his companions.” A grin broke out onto Cislo’s lips. “Not with a sweet smile or softly though. For the sake of all of us, he works without sparing any time to sleep. He saved us and made use of this ‘power’ we all have.” 
You carefully watched the way he and his companions shifted. As Cislo explained his time in Lambda, silence fell upon everyone’s shoulders. Lambda was far worse than any hell. Mass production was commonly practiced, and it worked to the benefit of the demons and doctors who worked there. Experimentation day by day. New medicine. New pills and syringes.
The very thought of that place made your skin crawl.
“He was a twleve-year-old brat,” Cislo stated. “But it was like I saw a god.” 
There was that word again. 
“The boss constructed a plan,” he added. “And the four of us, including Zazie, executed it. Until now, all five of us have been destroying and freeing the farms. It’s like I told you! We’re amazing.” His eyes carried a dark glint you didn’t like. “You don’t have to worry.” 
Oh, but you did worry. Not just for Norman, but the world he wanted to make reality. That look Cislo shared with his companions didn’t help. It was bloodthirsty. It was dark and filled with a deep hatred that sent shivers down your spine. They wanted this revolution, this chance for revenge, and they wanted it now.
“With the boss’s perfect plan and our power, victory will definitely be ours.” Cislo stared off into a horizon you didn’t care to see. “I can’t wait to kill every last one of them.” He broadly grinned. “Every time I kill a demon, I get this real nice feeling in my chest.” Barbara stared at the bare bone in her hand. “Me too. Whenever I eat meat from demons we kicked, this nauseous feeling just goes away.”
You stared at the bone with wide eyes. That wasn’t a ridiculously large leg without a reason. Demon meat. It was demon meat.
Ray followed your gaze uneasily. “Uh...then that meat you just had was demon meat?”
“You must be surprised!” she exclaimed. “I wonder if it was an employee from that mass-production farm we slammed the other day. It makes me sick, us being cattle to them. Even now, I still can’t forget.” She gripped the bone so tighty that her knuckles turned white. “Their eyes...that pain...that agony every. Single. Day.” 
She stood straight and bared her teeth. “Everyone here has the same enemy, but just killing them isn’t enough for me. I’ll slaughter them all and the Ratri clan!”
Emma pursed her lips together with wide eyes. Everyone in the room could see the blatant fear etched in her bright eyes. She worried, not just about the chaotic way Barbara pranced around with the bone, but for what was yet to come. If everyone else in the hideout were like Barbara, then would any of you stand a chance with fixing Norman’s estranged plan? 
The woman’s gaze sharply flickered from yours to Emma’s. “What’s with that face?” she demanded. “Are you sympathising with the demons Emma? Aren’t you happy?” 
Barbara leapt on the table. Her heel dug into the wood with an inhuman amount of strength. “I find it hard to believe that you wouldn’t want to kill the demons. You’re cattle. They don’t care about you!” 
She ripped her gaze from Emma’s and met your own. You kept a straight face and stared right back with stone-cold eyes. “Oh, and that ‘talk’ you wanted with the boss.... I bet you were going to spew something like ‘change the plan’, weren’t you? How dare you betray us like that? If you think you’ll change his mind just because you’re his--!”
“Barbara!” called Cislo. “Stop it, you’re breaking the table.”
“--I don’t care who you are. Demons should be exterminated! Every single one of them until we’re the only ones left!”
“Barbara!” Cislo’s eyes were cold and dark. “Stop it.” His goal wasn’t to save anyone from unnecessary conflict, only to protect the poor table under Barbara’s boot. You eyed the table uneasily. Chestnut wood splintered and peeled against itself, burying the thick demon bone in broken chips. When Barbara begrudgingly stepped off the table, a clear dent sat where her boot had been. The poor table was helpless.
Just like you. 
Would convincing Norman be enough? If his followers didn’t see eye to eye with your ideals, then a new plan risked ripping the whole resistance apart. 
You steadily rose from the couch and smoothed down your skirt. “Thank you for the tea and the pleasant conversation.” Your voice was silky smooth. “I think it’s time we got off your backs.” You turned to leave.
“If you’re still thinking about changing the Boss’s plan, then I believe it’s time to reconsider.” Vincent announced. “You can’t stop it, it’s too late for that.” 
You paused in your step and glanced over your shoulder. For a moment, you were unrecognizable. You weren’t (Y/n) anymore, or that Grace Field kid from bunker B-zero-six-three. You were another player, another great mind in this sick game of chess. 
“Is that so?” you coolly inquired. “Well it so happens that working until the very last minute is a special skill of mine. The ‘Boss’ decided to hasten this ‘perfect’ plan, yes? Where is he?” 
The way you looked at everyone rubbed Vincent in the wrong way. It was like you were on a completely different level, cattle or not. You didn’t care what position you stood in because you would get it done, and for that reason, you were on a pedestal higher than Vincent and the rest. 
“The Boss went to meet them,” he slowly replied, “the demons.” 
You nodded in thanks. He knew that look, the one where your eyes glinted and shone with a quiet roar. There was only one other person whom you shared that look with, one other man who had those same, calculating eyes.
Yes, Vincent thought. You had the same eyes as the Boss.
You hated waiting. After being on the run or constantly fighting to walk step after step, it didn’t feel natural to stand around and wait the day away for Norman to arrive. And so you sat in the hospital wing with Ray and Emma, staring at the sleeping face of Christy, who had yet to wake up.
Waiting was excruciating.
“Are you okay (Y/n)?” 
You met Emma’s worried eyes. They watered with unshed tears, as if she already knew the answer even if you wouldn’t acknowledge it yourself. You forced a comforting smile to your lips and gently squeezed her hand. You had to be strong. “Don’t worry,” you said, “everything is perfectly fine.” 
Ray snorted to himself. “You’re a really bad liar.” You shifted in your chair uncomfortably and slowly met his eyes. “No I’m not.” Ray huffed. “If you’re a good liar, then why did you act so cold around Vincent and the others? You only do that if you think it’s necessary, like the time we first met Yuugo.”
You shrugged absentmindedly. “Sometimes, it’s to let people know I mean business. The way Barbara talked to Emma wasn’t okay, but if I started an argument it would’ve made things worse.” Emma knitted her brows together. “So you acted distant instead?”
Ray huffed again, this time more dramatically than the last. He was about to say something else, but a voice cut through the air. Norman was back. Norman was back.
In no time, you three caught up to him in his office. 
“Sorry for bothering you as soon as you got back.” you half-heartedly muttered. Ray sent you a curious glance you shrugged off. Norman kept his gaze to the window behind his desk and removed his heavy cloak. You watched the way he shifted from foot to foot. There was a sluggishness in his step so subtle that if you blinked a second too soon, you wouldn’t have seen it.
“You wanted to talk?” Norman inquired, keeping his back to the window. Emma made her way over to the couch with a nod. “Yeah, about a lot of things.” You and Ray followed, settling side-by-side. A ‘lot of things’ had to be the biggest understatement you’d ever heard. There were a few points in your new plan that needed to be addressed, and you were sure a five-minute talk wouldn’t suffice.
Ray folded his hands together. “But before that (Y/n) and I would like to know...” He sharply stared at Norman’s back. “What kind of plan do you have to ‘exterminate the demons without losing a single person’? Is it a civil war?” 
Norman whipped around and snapped his fingers. “That’s right!” he exclaimed. “You both always catch on so quickly.” The way he smiled in congratulation reminded you of your time at the House.
You were eleven again. Grace Field’s forest surrounded you on all sides, and Norman and Ray stood only a little ways away from you. They were arguing about something you couldn’t quite hear, and that was because you weren’t meant to hear it in the first place. Ray had yanked Norman by the collar so harshly that he stood on his tippy toes.
You didn’t understand why Ray had been so angry. Norman was just trying to figure out the best path to safety. It was for the future of not just you, Ray, and Emma, but for your family. All of them. 
Everything suddenly clicked. Ray had been angry at Norman because he had done something stupid just like now. Sure, it was smart, but was it worth the risk? Was it worth all the trouble to reach the goal he wanted?
Norman’s lips moved, but you couldn’t hear him. 
Objectively speaking, his plan was genius. A civil war utilising the demon clan Giran? There wasn’t a flaw in sight. No rips to break and no disruption between each consecutive step. The Giran clan didn’t care for humans, and the humans didn’t care for the Giran. It was an equivalent exchange. 
According to an old book you read, ‘humankind cannot gain anything without giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value had to be lost’.
In this case, that toll was the Giran clan. They would face their demise as soon as they clashed heads with the Regent Homes, leaving Norman and his team time to poison the helpless citizens of the Neverland.
But that wouldn’t work, not when demons like Mujika and Sonju existed.
“Norman,” you said. “Do you know about the demons who don’t regenerate despite not eating human flesh? If your plan succeeds, then you’ll have to find a way to deal with them.” Ray nodded in agreement. “Yeah, if there are a lot of demons out there who don’t need to eat humans, your plan will fail from the onset.”
The room went unbearably quiet. 
Norman placed a hand over his face in thought, and it was then that you realised just how desperate he was. “How...how do you guys know about that?” You frowned. That wasn’t an answer you expected. “Why do you say that?”
Norman began by explaining the differences in demon social statuses, then the whole ‘hunt’ for this ‘Evil Blood Maiden’, or Mujika. “They don’t know how we’ll revolt,” Norman thoughtfully said. “And it would be trouble for them if we got caught by the Ratri clan since you know their whereabouts.” 
He paused. 
“We need to track down and kill them.”
Your heart stopped. Kill Mujika and Sonju? You couldn’t do that. They saved your family when you all could have been left for the wild demons to eat you alive. They taught you all how to survive and thrive when you were all alone.
“Wait!” cried Emma. “Sonju and Mujika are our friends! They’re fine--they're our saviours--our friends! If we used their blood, then we wouldn’t have to worry about...about...” You placed a gentle hand on her shoulder and turned to Norman. His eyes danced with a dangerous light. 
“I agree with Emma. Not just because they haven’t done anything wrong, but because they could be the solution.” You wrung your hands together. “Your plan is perfect, I admit. It doesn’t have a single flaw, but it’s not...right. We’ve thought of something that could work, something that doesn’t involve killing everyone.”
That look in Norman’s eye intensified. It held a quiet flame, yet burned brighter than any fire could. “Who’s to say what’s right and wrong?” he slowly inquired. “(Y/n), you know full well that this world isn’t as simple or kind as any of us hoped it to be. They’re demons, right?”
You saw Cislo and Vincent and Barbara in his eyes. They all had that same look, that same hatred for their hunters. But if only they saw what you saw. If only they hadn’t been to Lambda and met Mujika and Sonju instead.
“Don’t you think we should close our mouths and watch them go extinct?” Norman grimly added. “Do you think you can forgive them for what they’ve done?”
No, you couldn’t forgive them. Not after seeing Conny’s body in the back of the truck. Not after what happened to Yuugo and Lucas and all your other friends. The demons made you and your family suffer. 
Your throat constricted. 
You almost died by their hand more times than you could count too! But how could you blame them? How could you hate them all from the bottom of your heart when you saw the vast majority for what they really were?
Your fist clenched.
Demons had families too. Just like you. They struggled to survive. Just like you. They did nearly anything to make sure their kind lived to see another sunrise. Just like you. Most demons ate to live. Just like you. 
You shot out of your seat and threw a hand out. “You can’t kill a whole race!” 
Norman’s eyes widened. It was rare for you to lose your cool, much less, shout during a conversation. This time, you couldn’t do that, not when Emma’s eyes were sad and glossy, and not when Ray relied on you to make the right decision. 
You paused and thickly swallowed, gingerly fiddling with the hem of your skirt.
“You can’t just...you can’t just kill a whole race.” you echoed. “That’s genocide. Will you be able to sleep knowing that your hands will be stained with the blood of thousands? Millions?! History always repeats itself no matter where you go or what world you escape to! Why do we have to take vengeance when we could be the bigger people? Genocide won’t bring back the dead and it won’t solve anything either!”
“(Y/n),” Norman muttered, intertwined his hands with yours. “Has this been on your chest the whole time?” You nodded and he looked at you like you were far away. “Even if we do give the demons their blood, what guarantee will we have that they won’t come eat us anyway? The king and nobility have been doing this for the past seven hundred years, the same goes for Giran.” 
He released your hands and averted his gaze to the splintered coffee table. “If you were told not to eat (f/f), would you say, ‘understandable, have a great day’? You might have that self-control, but the demons don’t because they can’t sympathise with us. We are the prey, and they are the hunters.”
You heaved in a deep breath to steel yourself. “Then let’s run away, all of us beyond the Seven Walls to reforge the Promise!” Norman’s jaw went slack and he stared at you, baffled to silence. “Even though we don’t know what the human world has to offer? We don’t know if they’ll accept us or if we’ll have safe entry. How can you bet everyone’s fate on that?” 
Norman eyed the way you tightly gripped the hem of your skirt. He sucked in a sharp breath, as if what he was about to say would be the hardest thing he’s ever. “(Y/n),” he softly said. “You have to think realistically. Genocide or not, the world doesn’t care about what’s right or wrong. You, more than anyone, should know that.”
He was right again. You knew how cruel the world was because you were able to keep needless emotions from rushing to your head. You were cynical. You were tough. But that was only because you needed to be for your family. They looked up to your strength and your decisive decisions that always led them to victory. 
“If we don’t wipe out the demons,” Norman stated, “there won’t be a future where our family can smile.”
You firmly shook your head. “No, that’s no true. Ray said the same thing when we were at Grace Field, didn’t he? He thought only you, Emma, and I would be able to escape, but in the end, we took all the older kids with us. We survived this long, not because we cared about probabilities, but because we saw the path before us!” You needed him to understand--no, you were begging him to.  “It’s there, so why can’t you...why can’t you see what I’m seeing?”
Norman silently stood. His gaze left your own as he placed a hand to his chin in thought. “I don’t see any hope in this plan,” he honestly stated, “but for the sake of this argument, let’s concede and say that we can cross over to the human world and so on.” 
You heaved out a relieved sigh. At least he was considering. 
“Even then, the part about the Seven Walls is unclear.” He continued to explain a few different points, some you could dispute and others you had no answer to. But by the end of it, you were feeling great. There was hope.
“We’ve already found a way to reach the Seven Walls a year and a half ago.” you matter-of-factly said. “We have everything we need, and when the conditions are met, we can go at anytime.” Norman’s jaw dropped. “You--you found it?”
You nodded. “Yes. But like you said, there are a lot of uncertainties, so if you still need more constants before stopping the plan, then I’ll go and figure out the rest.” Norman’s eyes widened. “Wait, what?”
You intertwined your hands with his and gave them a good squeeze. “If I come back and reforge the Promise, then you will have no choice but to stop the extermination of all demons.” He knitted his brows together in alarm. “Wait a minute.... What is this about ‘if’ you come back?”
“Regarding the risks,” Ray noted, “right now, we’re only aware of two things. We know how to get in, but not how to get out. It appears that most who went there never returned so--”
“WHAT?!” Norman cried, staring between you, Emma, and Ray. “What kind of crazy--that’s too dangerous!” You gently patted his cheek. “Well, if I don’t go, then you’ll have to carry a burden too big for your weak shoulders, right?” You giggled and it was like music to his ears. “We talked about this yesterday, and we’re all ready to go.” 
Norman gave your hands a shake. “How does that make it okay?!” You offered a comforting smile. “If the first Ratri did it, then so can we. Even though we don’t know it now, we’ll find it. We want to stop this extermination, right?”
Emma and Ray nodded. 
“So let us carry a bit of your burden.” A brief frown settled on your lips that didn’t slip past Norman’s line of view. “I told you this once and I’ll say it again: You don’t have to be a god and you don’t have to do everything on your own either. We’re here, right? So rely on us.” 
You wrapped your arms around his middle and pulled him close. “And for the record,” you whispered, “I know you’re hiding something.” Your breath fanned across his neck and he shivered. “You’re such a naughty boy, you know that?”  You pulled away. 
Norman’s wide eyes narrowed deviously as a soft smile rose on his lips. He made his way over to Emma and Ray, patting their shoulders amiably. “Be careful. I can count on you all to take care of each other, right?”
“Of course.” said Ray. 
“No duh, Norman.” Emma added.
“What she said.” you pitched in. 
Norman’s smile warmed as he led Emma and Ray towards the door. “That’s great to hear,” he said. “I promise to bring (Y/n) back before dinner.” Ray’s brows shot up. He let out a small ‘oooo’ and steered Emma out of the office at the speed of light. “We’ll stay out of your way then.” 
The door creaked close and the lock clicked in place. Norman slowly turned to meet your eye. “What was that you said earlier?” he lowly inquired, loosening his tie. “About me being a ‘naughty boy’?” It was hard to fight the heat spreading throughout your body when he looked at you like that. Like you were a glass of water to quench his thirst. Butterflies rose in your stomach and your breath caught in your throat. 
He was so alluring, so freaking hot that it made you freeze in place. Norman’s lips twitched up into a sly smirk, and it was then that you realised he was enjoying this.
Norman liked the way you got all flustered. He liked the way your cheeks flared up with red. And he loved the way you struggled to keep a straight face. There was mischievous glint reflecting in his eyes as he placed his tie on the couch and strode right over to you. 
Gosh, you wanted--no--needed him. Now.
You were practically panting for air and Norman hadn’t even laid a finger on you. He set your heart ablaze with a single glance and knew how to make you feel all lightheaded in the best way possible.
You paused in your step and your back hit the wall. Gosh dang it, why did you fall for that again? 
"You can't think straight." Norman noted, caressing your cheek. "But that's okay. You're always in good hands." Your breath hitched and Norman chuckled. It was low, it was attractive, it was hot. How could a cutie like him act like this when you were alone? Not even you could have expected this type of unexpected, not that it mattered though. After all, Norman knew how to treat you right.
“You’re so adorable.” he said, resting a cool hand on your thigh. “I wonder what will happen if I...?” You shivered under his light touch. How dare he act so cool. How dare he make you gasp and lean further back into the wall. His touch made your cheeks burn and your lower regions go warm. He gave your thigh a squeeze just to watch you gasp again. 
"N-Norman..." you moaned.
He smiled.
"You like that, don't you." His breath fanned across your cheeks. "You won't be able to stay quiet for long. I'll make sure of it." He leaned into you and your lips connected. The kiss was sweet and warm, but far from innocent. The bastard knew exactly how to make your knees buckle and your breath hitch. Somehow, it made you want more of him.
He bit at your lip and you yanked him closer. Kissed him harder.
Norman found himself snaking a hand under your shirt. He trailed over your sides with a gentle touch that made your back arch and your insides tingle. You liked it--no, you loved it. To have his hands on you and his body practically glued to you...
What more could you ask for?
Norman placed a hand on the top of your collar. "May I?" You nodded and he skillfully unbuttoned your shirt. As he pulled it over your shoulders, you squeezed your thighs together. You were wet. That much you just knew.
"Am I that irresistible?" Norman inquired. He didn't let you respond. Instead, he undid the clasp on your bra and gave your breasts a good flick. Norman watched the way you breathily inhaled.
You were so, so beautiful. An absolute masterpiece.
He experimentally fondled your breasts, squeezing and groping. If it could get any hotter in here, then you were sure it would've been a hundred degrees.
He didn't seem to mind though. Instead, he sucked in a short breath with a satisfied smile, as if your moans were the only thing he wanted to hear.
Norman's lips slammed into yours. He licked your bottom lip and you moaned. Moaned. Norman's cheeks reddened. He suddenly realised just how far he had gone. In the heat of the moment, none of you were able to register the fact that you were half-naked, or that Norman was dominant as fuck.
Don’t forget to reblog (do it for Norman!)
"You have such a gorgeous voice,” Norman slyly said. "Can you do that again?"
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 3 years
A life With You Chapter 1
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Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings: Mason Lockwood x Reader,  Eventual Elijah Mikaelson x Reader
Requested: Can I have an Elijah x Pregnant!Reader? Not his baby, but he loves her and is willing to be the legal father of the baby 🥺 I need fluff in my life lmao ✨👌 -Anon
Word Count: 3K
Warnings: Nothing in this one. Just setting up the story for us. 
Author’s Note: Oh look! A new series! Welcome to the first chapter of A life with you. I had an idea for a hallmarkish story and this is what came of a request that I had gotten. I do hope you guys enjoy it. While this will be an Elijah x reader endgame it will be a while before we catch a glimpse of Elijah. So bare with me okay? 🙈
Feedback gives me life and motivation for future things. ♥
<< Series Masterlist || Chapter 2 >>
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“This isn’t some walk in the park!” Damon yelled at Y/N as he took a step closer to her. “This isn’t just some chance to prove that you can handle things! We’re talking about your life.”
“You don’t get to make this decision for me.” Y/N said as she shook her head. Her hand on her bag filled with her gear. She was set out to leave in just minutes. “We both knew what would happen when we signed up for this.”
Y/N moved to walk past Damon. The moment she did, Damon grabbed a hold of her arm, causing her to turn back to him. “We may have signed up for this, but I didn’t sign up to watch you agree to a suicide mission.”
A sad smile pulled at her lips as she brought her hand up to Damon’s face and placed it on his cheek. As she looked up at him, she didn’t say anything at first. She couldn’t get her thoughts out as she wanted to. “I’ll always come home to you. That isn’t going to change with this mission.”
Damon’s hand came up to place his hand on top of hers as he watched her. He opened his mouth to speak, and then shut it quickly before shaking his head and laughing a moment later. 
“Cut!” The director called out. 
Y/N chuckled as she watched Damon take a step away from her. “It’s it really that hard to tell me you love me?” She joked.
“It’s kind of hard when you’re making faces where the camera can’t see you.” He chuckled causing Y/N to laugh.
“That’s definitely payback for yesterday’s go of things.” She said with a nod and it was Damon’s turn to laugh.
“You lasted longer than I thought you would.” He said with a shake of his head. 
"I may be new to the field, but it definitely takes a lot to break me.” She said with a smirk.
“Alright, let's get our Scarlet and Jason back into their places and take it from the top.” The director called out before Y/N and Damon found themselves back on their marks at the beginning of the scene. 
After four more takes, the scene had come out flawlessly. Damon and Y/N had managed to go through the scene without any jokes or pranks in the process. The heartbreaking goodbye between Scarlett and Jason perfected before getting a break. 
"What do you plan on doing tomorrow?" Damon asked as he and Y/N began to walk off the set.  
"I'm not sure. Knowing Mason he might have something planned.” Y/N didn’t miss the way that Damon’s face dropped. 
“Well, if the two of you aren’t doing anything, Elena and I are having a barbeque at the rental since she’s coming out here for a visit.” Damon offered. 
It definitely wasn’t a secret that Damon didn’t like Mason. There were a few times where the cast and their loved ones got together on their days off. But no matter how many times Damon interacted with Mason, there was always something that gave him a bad vibe. 
Damon had grown to care for Y/N as a close friend. With the vibe that he constantly felt coming off of Mason, he was never sure if he should cross those boundaries with her. They were co-stars who were becoming friends. He’d hate to overstep his boundaries by telling Y/N the man she was with wasn’t liked by not just him but a few of the others on set as well. 
“I’ll be sure to let him know.” Y/N said with a nod of her head. “How long is she staying for this time?”
“Just for a few days.” As they passed a table with an assortment of food, he reached over and grabbed a doughnut and continued to walk. “The kids are coming since it’s spring break, they can’t stay longer.”
A smile pulled at Y/N’s lips at the mention of Damon’s kids before she chuckled at the way he eyed the doughnut before shoving half of it into his mouth. “I’m sure they are going to love coming out. I can’t wait to see them again.”
“Oh they’ll definitely love that.” He said a moment later. “They just can’t get enough of their favorite new actress.”
Y/N chuckled. “It was the princess role, wasn’t it?”
“Wait, you were a princess?” His words had caused Y/N to smack his arm, causing him to chuckle. 
Y/N only had a few titles under her belt. But with the growing success of the movies she’s starred in, the more roles she was being offered. Including one being a Princess that Damon’s kids had watched and loved. That was how he knew Y/N when she introduced herself to him. 
“Y/N!” Hearing her name had caused them both to turn and look in the direction of where they heard it. 
Seeing as someone was waving her from the hair and makeup trailer, Y/N knew it was time for her to become bloodied and bruised for the next several scenes that she needed to shoot. It made Y/N sigh before she looked over at Damon. 
“Back to the chair I go.” She said before she turned to leave. 
“Enjoy the prosthetics.” He said with a smirk pulling at his lips. “I just need a touch up.”
“Remember who the hero is in this one, Salvatore.” She called over her shoulder, causing Damon to shake his head quickly. 
“I’ll see you for the next scene together, Y/L/N.” He said before walking away. 
The sound of the door shutting had caught Mason’s attention. The moment Y/N walked through the doors, there was as if there was this relief that had washed over her. She kicked off her shoes before she walked further into the house, finding Mason lounging on the couch. 
Unlike Damon, who had a house he was renting for the time being, Y/N lived close enough to the studio that she wasn't confined to a rental or even her trailer. The last several scenes that were being filmed were no longer on location, giving her the opportunity to unwind in her own home. 
"I've got a spot with your name on it that gives a full foot massage." Mason called over his shoulder as his eyes trained on the screen before him. 
It caused Y/N to laugh, but she practically ran to the couch and plopped herself on to it. She placed her feet onto Mason's lap as a smile grew on her lips. "Massage away."
"How was your day?" He asked as he brought his hands to her foot and began applying pressure to the bottom of it. 
"A lot of retakes." She said as she rested her head on the back of the couch as she watched him. “A lot of stunt work that I tried to be a part of, but didn’t work out.” They both chuckled at the same time. “Thankfully tomorrow we get a day off and I can rest. Speaking of which, Damon invited us over for a barbeque. Elena and the kids will be in town.”
Mason’s eyebrow raised. “You would think the man would want to spend time with his family instead of having people over.”
“He loves showing his kids who he is working with.” Y/N said with a small smile pulling at her lips. “I happen to be their favorite person right now. Plus it would be nice to hang out with everyone without being on set and in make up.”
“I don’t know.” He said with a shake of his head. “I’d like to spend the one day you get off with you. Preferably doing something here or going hiking or something.”
Y/N sighed. “You of all people should know why I need to go to simple barbecues such as this one.” 
It sometimes confused her why Mason had been so stubborn about it. She and Mason had been together since she was in college. For as many parties and get togethers she dragged him to, he should have been understanding. This was how she met the friends of friends. Friends who were producers and directors. Ones that were willing to take chances and she was all for being that chance. 
“But when it’s the same people you see at work every day?” He asked. “That’s not gaining you anything.”
“Maybe all I need are friends.” She said as she sat up and pulled her feet off of his lap. “Friends are needed too. We both need them. We moved away from all of ours and I know that hasn’t been easy for both of us.”
Mason stood up from his spot and ran his hand through his hair. “Making friends out here is only a convenience once they find out who I’m dating. It’s quite fascinating how many people want to be friends with your boyfriend.”
Y/N looked down. “We talked about this once.” She said after a moment. “I asked you if you’d be able to handle this. I asked several times if you believed you could handle how things are going to change. And each time you said you could. So I’ll ask you once more. Can you handle that our lives are going to change because of the work I will be doing?”
Mason kept his eyes on her as he thought it over for a moment. “I don’t know.” 
Y/N nodded her head. She didn’t think that there would ever be a time where Mason had wanted an out. For as long as they had been together, Mason had been there by her side. He helped her run lines for auditions and was there for her through filming, press tours and even premieres.
Through all of those times, she hadn’t felt like he had changed in any way. That he was still going to be by her side and now, there was that part of her that was now worried. Worried that maybe she had been blind to the changes while she was enjoying the time she had while working on different projects. 
“Okay.” She said after a moment. “Think it over. Take the time you need to figure out if this is what you really want.” She tried to keep the tears that wanted to form at bay, but it had been hard to do so. “Tomorrow I’ll go to Damon’s for a little bit and then I’ll be home.”
Before Mason could say anything, she began to leave the room. She knew that he was going to need his space. This was something he needed to do on his own and she couldn’t influence his decision. She didn’t want to be the reason that he wasn’t happy there with her. She didn’t want them to begin to hate each other before they broke up. 
“What’s your poison?” Damon asked as Y/N as he opened the ice chest filled with a variety of drinks. 
She chuckled and reached for the bottle of water that was in there. That had caused Damon to raise his brow while he watched her take it. Seeing his reaction she shrugged. “I have an earlier call time than you do tomorrow. I’d like not to be hungover while sitting in a makeup chair for three hours.”
“Don’t let him fool you.” Elena said as she walked over and grabbed a few of the juices for the kids. “He’s got an early call time too, he'll be bitching in the morning when he has to be hanging from wires and hungover.”
“Have I ever mentioned how much I love that you give me ammunition against your husband?” Y/N said with a grin on her face. 
“A time or two.” Elena said with a grin. “Is Mason stopping by later?”
Y/N tried to keep her face from falling. After Y/N left the living room last night, Mason stayed there the whole night. And when Y/N got up this morning, he had been gone. She had no doubt that he was getting a run in or just trying to find somewhere to think about things like Y/N wanted him to.
“He had a few things he needed to take care of.” It wasn’t a lie, since Mason did have things he needed to be doing at that moment. “If he manages to get things done before we call it a night, I’m sure he’ll come.” 
“Good.” Damon said with a nod. “Then I can get ammunition from him to use against you.” A smirk pulled at his lips before bringing a bottle of beer to his lips and taking a drink. 
Y/N rolled her eyes and shook her head. “I highly doubt that. He’s on my side, remember?”
“Ouch.” Damon said looking between her and Elena. “You’ve turned my wife against me and I can’t even get the same opportunity with your boyfriend.” He placed his hand on his chest, feigning hurt. 
Y/N could easily see through it, as did Elena. They both knew that Damon was definitely playing nice. He wasn’t going to overstep without actually needing to. While Elena could play it off as girl talk, Damon was hoping that Mason was a no show tonight. 
Laughter had come from the adults as they sat around eating their dinner. Several cast and crew had shown up for the evening. Damon and Elena ensuring their guests were completely comfortable.  There wasn't a single moment of awkwardness for Y/N and she loved that. 
"You missed it, Elena." Lexi said starting up the next conversation. "The prank Y/N had pulled on set was the best I've seen done."
"Please tell me it was on Damon." Elena asked, looking from Lexi to Y/N.
Y/N chuckled and nodded. "Oh it was."
"Now I have to hear this." Elena said as she got herself ready to hear the story. 
Lexi began to talk about how Y/N had managed to switch out Damon's designated clothes with another person. Most of them were already used and bloody. It was never something that made Y/N queasy in the slightest. But the way Lexi had been explaining things had made Y/N’s stomach turn. In a way that she could no longer sit there and hope that the feeling would go away. 
With a quick ‘excuse me’, Y/N took off towards the house. Her pace was hopefully slow enough that it  wouldn’t draw questions, but quick enough that she was sure that she’d make it in time. Her only thought was that was getting to the restroom that was on the first floor of the house. 
Even as she entered through the back sliding glass doors, she didn’t notice the men that were in the kitchen chatting away. Their voices blurred out as she passed them. Her mind didn’t even register that Damon had called out to her, asking if she was okay. 
She barely had time to shut the door behind her before she made it to the toilet. The contents of her stomach coming up instantly. It hadn’t been the first time today that she had to stop what she was doing and make a run from the restroom. Today wasn’t even the first day either. 
As her stomach continued to heave to remove the contents of it, her thoughts had played out the last few days. From the moment that she had taken the test, things had changed rather quickly. While she was in her last week of filming it was how the rest of her life had changed. 
She was going to tell Mason last night. She was going to show him the test before they had gone to bed. But then they had their argument and her plans changed. Her mind was racing with how things should be done now. Especially now since she was currently at a barbeque with everyone she works with and the father of her child wasn’t there. 
Once her stomach had emptied and there was nothing left to give, she flushed the toilet before making her way over to the sink to not only rinse out her mouth, but to wet her face. She was hoping that she’d be able to calm herself before she left the bathroom. So that she could hopefully play it off as something else. At least for now. 
After a few moments of taking some time to get herself in order, she opened the door to head back to everyone else. As she did, she found Damon leaning against the hall besides the entryway of the door. At first there was a look of worry on his face. That was before realization in him hit as he took in her appearance. 
His eyes moved from her to down the hallway for a moment, before looking back at her. “I’d ask a stupid question, but I think I know the answer.”
Y/N swallowed the lump in her throat that seemed to form at his words. “And what is the answer?”
Damon gave a small chuckle. “Elena has been pregnant twice. The water all day while I know for a fact, you can hold yourself when it comes to taking alcohol and an early call time. First clue there. Then it made sense as to what happened during our first take yesterday.”
He wasn’t wrong. During the first take of the day, Y/N needed to make a run for the bathroom. She had pulled it off as something not sitting right with her. It seemed to work with everyone, but it was now enough for Damon to start putting the pieces together. 
All Y/N could do was nod in that moment. Words couldn’t form as she tried to pull herself together that the thoughts she had moments before had gone out the window. But there was a part of her that felt relief that someone else knew. 
“Mason doesn’t know yet.” She said a moment later. “I was going to tell him last night, but we got into an argument and it just didn’t feel like the right time to tell him.”
“Well, he definitely knows now.” Mason’s voice carried from down the hall.
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cinderedrose · 2 years
I've been writing more self-indulgent Revalek fics. Take a first draft I wrote at 2 in the morning :D
Commence the fluff
"Hey, is everything alright?" His voice was soft, always the right pitch to please Revan's ears. Their muscles relaxed, but Revan still paced about the secluded section of the camp.
"I'm fine; go away," they hissed through their mask's audio modulator. Alek disobeyed their orders and rubbed his fingers along their shoulders and neck when they stopped pacing instead. Revan refused to admit they loved it. 
"Are you sure? You're tense, and there's a minefield of knots in your neck." 
Revan sighed and reached for the edges of their beskar mask. They had to crane their neck to meet Alek's gaze once their face was bare. 
"No, I haven't slept for three days, I can hear my heartbeat in my skull, and I talked to Kae again, and she was livid," Revan cried. 
"Do you want to talk about it while I get those knots out?" Alek asked while he gently grabbed Revan's face. The action made their stomach flutter. The shadows cast on his face made Alek look menacing to anyone but Revan. His endless blue eyes were shrouded, but his smile remained. 
"Maybe," Revan shrugged off their outer robe, slunk down, and Alek followed behind them. They sat between his knees, leaning into his gentle hands working around their shoulders. Revan tried to make their desperation seem less evident than it was. 
"So, what's up?" 
Revan rubbed their eyes and groaned, "I talked with Arren Kae yesterday; I didn't even want to. I just asked if her battalion was doing okay to be polite, and it spiraled into the same thing she's lectured me about over and over again." Alek pressed his knuckle into a sore muscle, and Revan grimaced.
"The 'How you ruined your body' talk again?" He asked sarcastically.
"I don't even know why she was so mad about it! The council was livid we ran off, but it feels much more freeing. You and I know this!" Revan leaned their head forward and sank into the relieving pressure in the back of their skull.
"This will help your headache," Alek whispered in their ear.
"How did you know?" Revan's brow furrowed.
"You mentioned talking with Kae; you don't NOT have a headache after that," he chuckled.
Revan smirked back, "anyways, yeah, I got that talk again. She also mentioned something about being careful and 'sensing indignities off us.' "
"Why does she care?" Alek had gotten most of the knots out of Revan's neck and shoulders. He let his hands linger, noticing how the scrawny Jedi yearned for his touch. 
"Because she's annoying like that," Revan relaxed and leaned closer to Alek. "She thinks it's acceptable to comment on your body constantly and claim you want to fuck your best friend." 
Revan hadn't realized they were blushing. 
"Sounds like Kae," he huffed. 
"Yeah, and if I don't tell her anything, she reaches into my mind and drags it out herself. It's an invasion of privacy," Alek moved his hands to allow Revan to lean against his chest. He wrapped his arms around Revan's waist as they spoke. "Now she knows I've had a massive crush on you since I was 15, and she's rubbing it in my face, then somehow brings things back to my body!" 
"You, uh," Alek started fidgeting with his fingers. 
"Yes, she's all like, 'he probably looks at you in disgust because you ruined your figure,'" they mocked, "'maybe it's a good thing, I sense things off of him.'" Revan scrunched their face up while they imitated her old master, utterly oblivious to the bomb they dropped. "It hurts my self-esteem, even if you don't… see me like that," they admitted. 
"I was asking a cadet how to tell you the other day, actually," Alek tittered, "and Kae is wrong because you're, uh, like really pretty- or do you prefer handsome?" Revan felt his uncertainty.
"I don't mind, Squint," their face flushed, and their thin fingers entwined with Aleks' longer ones. 
"Heh, is this the teenage experience where we were way late on?"
Revan closed their eyes and listened to the mix of the constant song in their head and Alek's quick heartbeat. "Thanks for ignoring my first command," they smirked. "Look where that got me."
"I hope Arren Kae explodes."
Revan grins at that, a grin that shows genuine amusement. "I'll have her test weapon prototypes. I'm the commander; I can do that." 
They were silent for a long moment.
"Revan?" Alek nudged them. 
"I think I love you." 
Revan held the words in the air, probably by their throat, knowing Revan. 
They turned onto their side and curled closer to Alek. "I think I'll pass out," they hesitated, "but I know l love you."
Alek said nothing. He held Revan with one arm and used the other to stroke their cheek as they lulled off to sleep. Alek loved how they leaned into his small forms of affection. The Jedi forbid intimate actions, no matter how minor. He didn't regret turning in the council one bit. 
"You and your weird sleepy dust masseuse powers," they murmured.
Alek enjoyed watching Revan doze. He knew the confession sounded wrong, but the trust it took to allow Alek to hold them while they were helpless and exposed was not easy to earn. He felt special in a way, with their unmasked figure buried into his chest. Their sides rising and falling uninterrupted brought peace. After a while, he dozed off as well.
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nicistrying · 4 years
A bullet point update bc I just finished my 6th shift in a row and am extremely ready for my day off tomorrow:
Monday, the sun was shining so we went to the coast for a walk. I wasn't supposed to be at work but manager asked me to go in 4-10pm so we still haf plenty of time. It was really cold and foggy by the sea but still a lovely walk and we sat in our favourite spot and had chips and hot chocolate.
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Yesterday (Tuesday) I had some spare time in the afternoon so I did a quick little workout before work and it felt great to work up a sweat for the first time in what felt like ages!
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Today I'm hormonal af. I had warned Matthew a few days ago that I could feel myself getting really irritable, but this morning when I was stressing out looking at houses and not getting anywhere, he was talking about moving to the other end of the country for an internship he wants to do, and just kind of expecting me to drop everything and go with him. Which of course I would but I had just spent 2 hours scrolling through letting websites looking for a nice little house for us to move into, get settled and stay in for a few years until we can afford to buy a house of our own - and then he said that and I feel bad but I was so annoyed. Like why am I even bothering trying to find us a nice home if we're potentially not even going to be living here? What about our families etc? My job where I have only just now, after 9 months, started to come out of my shell and make meaningful friendships?! I went in early today to ask Manager for advice. I sat down and explained I just feel like everything is fucked and I feel so bad now bc his first question was 'well do you love him bc you have to make compromises' and I feel so bad bc now I realise I was just being selfish. Like, these internships are so hard to come by and of course I would want him to do it if he gets accepted. I can totally transfer to one of our stores down there and then come back to my current store when we come back. But then what if he finds a job there off the back off the internship and we don't come back?! I don't want to live so far away from my family. And like I said to my manager that I would just be gutted if I had to leave our store bc I really like working there, I've finally started to get a bit more confident and actually speak up a bit and I just don't want to have to start all over again. And bless his little heart he said if I was worried about friends he'd come and visit me when he and his girlfriend are there visiting her family bc that's where she's from 😭😭 which is so so sweet of him but I just feel bad now I've had the day to think about it. I feel like the glaring answer is to go with Matthew and just see where it takes us. Either we'll come back or we won't. Maybe we're not supposed to find a house and settle down yet. It just kind of freaks me out how uncertain every aspect of my life is after August since that's when the lease on our flat runs out. I'm happy at my current job bc I'm gaining a lot of experience and there are definitely opportunities to progress but I'd be putting any kind of other career plans of my own on hold to go with him. And idk am I just being selfish bc I don't even really know what I want career-wise and he does so surely we should work towards his goals first?? Yikes. This has been a rant. But that's what's been playing on my mind today. Other than worrying constantly about it and feeling guilty for being so snappy and horrible to Matthew this morning, all is well I guess. I just got home and am going to make a nice meal ready for Matthew getting home as my way of apologising and letting him know that of course I would go with him to another city where he would have an awesome opportunity. Bring on my rest day tomorrow so I can try to get my head straight 🙄
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blueeyedheizer · 4 years
All Over Again - Matt (part 1)
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WARNINGS: mention of a car accident, memory loss
A/N: Here it is ! The first part to my 3 or 4 parts fic. :) I know this trope is far from being original but I wanted to give it a go. Also this was originally supposed to be a one shot but the more I was writing, the more I got ideas so I decided to split it into a multiple part fics. let me know what you think xx
Matt was supposed to have been home from practice 2 hours ago. It was almost midnight and you were worried sick, pacing around the house and looking out the window every two minutes. You didn't think much of it at first and figured he had stayed in the studio a little longer to work on more songs, but after an hour you began to worry. You had tried calling his bandmates, but according to them he had left practice on time with everyone else.
“Did he seem upset during practice?” You questioned through the phone, biting your nails anxiously.
"It was a hard day, yeah. He kept on messing up his parts and was a bit more irritable than usual." James explains. You let out a deep, shaky sigh, one hand coming up to rest on your forehead and closing your eyes as you tried to keep your composure.
"Look James I, um- i'm sorry to bother you with this but Alex won't answer the phone either, do you think they might have gone to a pub together or something?"
"Alex went straight to his girlfriend's after practice. I'm sorry love, I really don't know about Matt. But don't worry about it too much, yeah? I'm sure he's fine. You know how he can be sometimes." you nod your head repeatedly, allowing a tear to slide down your cheek.
"Okay, yeah. Yeah, you're probably right. Thanks anyway James." you croak out before saying goodbye and ending the call. You had thought of calling Javed, but you knew it was already late and there was no way his dad would've let Matt in at such an hour. Your heart was beating insanely fast inside your chest and you were feeling like you could break down at any moment, the worst thoughts occupying your mind.
You eventually decided to lay down on the couch and play your favorite movie to try and get rid of the nagging voice in your head. Maybe he just went on a walk to clear his mind and stopped by a pub nearby. He might have met up with some friends there, which would explain why he was so late.
After a little while you heard the sound of the front door open. You immediately shot up, running over the door as Matt walked in. He didn't seem hurt at all, which was relieving. But you were still upset.
"Where the hell have you been?! Do you have any idea what time it is?!" he doesn't say anything and walks straight past you. "Matt, what's going on?!" you call after him as he makes his way to your shared bedroom.
"Why aren't you in bed?" he says coldly, completely ignoring your previous questions
"Because it's fucking midnight and my boyfriend who was supposed to be home two hours ago didn't show any sign of life until now!" you say and he scoffs. "I was worried sick, Matt!"
"I don't have a curfew to be home, Y/N. I've already had a shit day so if you could just fuck off and stop giving me unnecessary lectures I would appreciate it." you open your mouth to speak but close it again. You genuinely didn't know what to say anymore.
"Fine. Maybe I should leave and go have fun on my own somewhere then, since we don't have a curfew."
"Yeah, good. Leave. Maybe I'll finally get some peace and quiet." he spat.
With that, you turn around and walk out, grabbing your coat and car keys on your way. You storm out the front door, slamming it back close behind you and run straight to your car, silent tears leaving your eyes as you do.
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You weren't sure how it happened.
Tears were blurring your vision as you drove to your best friend’s. You knew that she would gladly let you in, no matter what time of night you showed up, plus she wasn't the type to go to sleep early. You hated driving at night, but you needed to get some fresh air, you needed to get away from Matt. 
You eventually began to regret your decision of leaving as the fog covered your vision more than it already was with your tears. But it was too late to come back, and you still weren't ready to face him after what had just happened. He wanted to be alone, then he was going to get his alone time. Your hand gripped the wheel tightly as you wiped your cheeks and eyes furiously, but no matter how hard you tried to calm down and focus on the road, the tears would come back and blur your vision.
And before you had the chance to react to what was coming in front of you, you felt a violent collision, and your world went black.
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Matt knew something was wrong the moment his dad burst into his room in a panic the next morning.
"Dad?! What the hell are you doing here? How did you get in?!" he yelled.
It was barely 7am when he got a call from the hospital letting him know that you had been taken there after a car accident. He was in shock, barely able to let any words out. You were like a daughter to him, so the news were hard to swallow. All he did since he burst into the room was to blurt out your name along with barely coherent words between breathless pants.
"Dad? What is it? What's wrong with Y/N?!" Matt said, immediately jumping out of bed. He grabbed his clothes and put them on quickly, waiting for an answer.
"She got– she in an accident last night. It's bad." he managed to get out.
Matt's heart stopped beating for a moment as he tried to comprehend what he was being told. Everything around him seemed to have stopped as the events from yesterday flashed through his mind. He stared at his dad, speechless, his face suddenly draining of all color as his eyes filled with tears. He was suddenly hit by a wave of guilt and he felt the whole air being knocked out of him. His heartbeat picked up and the room soon felt too suffocating. He couldn't breathe, the room was spinning, his ears ringing.
His dad grabbed his face with both hands to keep him grounded him then pat his cheek slightly.
"Come on now, we have to go. She needs you, son." He said, keeping a steady gaze on him. Matt snapped out of his daze and stormed out of the room, his dad following closely. He grabbed the car keys on his way and they both headed to the hospital in a hurry. Of course Matt’s dad insisted on driving, knowing that his son was in no way able to focus on the road in this state.
By the time they got there, Matt's eyes and face were bright red from how much he had been crying. He was out the door before the car even came to a complete stop, rushing into the emergency section of the building.
He burst through the front doors and begun looking around, trying to find a nurse, a doctor or anyone that could tell him about your condition. A nurse came out of one of the many rooms and he rushed towards her, tears still streaming down his cheeks as he asked where you were.
"Could you tell me her name again?" she asked, gently placing a hand on his shoulder to calm him down. He nodded and repeated, trying to keep it together. The nurse lead him to the reception, searched through her papers then looked up after a few seconds.
"She's in surgery right now so I can’t let you go see her just yet. We're doing the best we can to keep her alive, but from what I know she got into a pretty bad accident, and this kind of surgery requires hours and hours of work." she continues and he nods, trying not to completely break down in front of her. She gives him more details about the surgery before leading him to the waiting room where your family and some friends of yours were waiting.
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three days later.
''It's been over half an an hour...'' Matt finally spoke up, breaking the silence as he paced anxiously around the waiting room. "Someone should be able to tell us something by now.''
''I'm sure there's nothing to worry about, Matt." Javed answered softly in an attempt to comfort both himself and Matt. Matt sighed and nodded before he finally sat down in the space between James and Javed. No one was speaking. Everyone avoided eye contact, too busy being lost in their own thoughts, moving their legs anxiously. Matt however couldn't stay still, but no one could blame him. He had been staying with you every day since you got there, even though you weren't awake, and now that they finally had some news they wouldn't let him see you. Family first.
He fidgeted and bit his lips nervously, the worst thoughts constantly occupying his mind. He buried his face in his hands, more tears falling down his face. Needless to say, no one had ever seen him like this before. He looked extremely tired and sleep-deprived, and the guilt was eating him alive. Javed placed a comforting hand on his back.
"You need to stop blaming yourself, Matt. This is not your fault." he says. "She’s going to be okay."
“It is my fault, J. If I hadn’t come home so late and told her to leave...—” he chokes, opening his mouth before closing it again. "She went out because of me. She's here because of me. If she had died—" he starts, but James interrupts him.
"But she's alive, mate. That's all that matters right now. You can't take back what you said or did, but you still have time with her to make it up."
As he was about to stand up and start pacing around again, Matt's head shot up at the sound of footsteps coming towards the waiting room. In a matter of seconds he was on his feet and your mom was at the door with a small forced smile and wet cheeks, a nurse standing beside her.
''Miss Y/L/N is awake.'' the nurse said. "You can see her, but you all should know that she's showing signs of amnesia." everyone's face dropped as they took in the information. "We do not know whether it is permanent or temporary. She remembers her mother and her name but couldn't tell us today's date, whether it is day, month or year. I just want you all to be prepared in case she has a hard time remembering any of you, which could be a possibility." Everyone in the room nodded then started hugging each other to express a deep relief along with sorrow. After three days of constant fear and sleepless nights, you were awake. But then, there was the possibility of you not remembering them. Matt hugged your mom tightly before they all followed the nurse into your room. His heart started racing as he thought about all the things he wanted to say to you. He didn't think apologies would be enough.
He finally snapped out of his thoughts when he reached the door to your room, his heart aching at the sight of his girlfriend laying on a hospital bed.
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You were slightly startled when the door to your room opened again, your nurse walking in along with a bunch of people you couldn't quite recognise as you struggled to keep your eyes open. Your entire body felt numb. You tried to sit further up, but your were immediately stopped by a striking pain coming from your ribs. You lifted your hand in an attempt to scratch your head but you were surprised to feel a bandage under your fingertips and see one wrapped around your wrist. Confused, you realized the upper part of your body was bandaged, but you couldn’t quite figure out why.
"Hello again, Y/N." your nurse smiled "Some people are here to see you. Could you tell me if you recognise any of them?"
Vision still blurry, you frowned and attempted to turn your head to the right. You let out a small groan, the movement triggering an ache.
"Take your time, there is no rush." the nurse says.
Then someone took a seat next to you and grabbed a hold of your hand that wasn't bandaged. You eventually managed to take a proper look at your surroundings, looking around yourself. Your mom was there, along with Javed.
"Um...well, there's mom again. And Javed." you spoke weakly. A small smile curved your lips when you saw him. You two had been friends since 6th grade. You then looked at the two boys behind him. "I don't think I know you." you spoke with a frown." James and Alex's faces dropped a little, but they were kind of expecting it. You weren't as close with them as you were with Javed, so you had fewer memories of them and more forgettable ones.
Then you met the other boy's eyes, the one sitting beside you.
You said nothing while staring at him before realising that he was holding onto your hand which you slowly pried away from him. Your brows furrowed as you looked at him. His nose, his hair, his lips. Then his eyes. You looked into them, trying to find any form of familiarity, but there was none. Why was he holding your hand?
"Y/N?" he says, his voice weak. You could tell he was fighting back tears. You frowned again, lips parting in confusion. You gave your mom a worried glance before looking back at him.
"I...I'm sorry but, am I supposed to know you?"
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eagles-translated · 3 years
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Answering Eagles questions before the season 3 finale (Part 1/2)
I've received a bunch of questions since 3x08 and 3x09 dropped, so I compiled all the questions into two posts. I had to split them up because Tumblr only allows 10 images per post. Anyway, keep reading to see my answers and enjoy! 👇
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My theory is that everybody will be gathered together for some event and then shit goes down. Sort of like the ending of 1x08.
We've seen an image of Adam, Omar, and Ludde together at a party of some sort. I can't post it here because of Tumblr only allowing ten pictures, but you can find it in Ludde's prediction post that I made prior to the season 3 premiere.
Felicia might be absent from this considering how her mental health has been recently, and instead opting to stay at home rather than attending a party.
I have my suspicions that Elias will be attending this party, though. We saw him at some concert in the season 3 trailer and they made it look like he was watching Amie singing in Stockholm. But maybe Amie will be performing at this party and Elias is watching her here instead?
It seems like Amie singing at the end of the season has become kind of a recurring theme. She performed "Follow" in 1x08 and "Second Sight" in 2x10 (on the radio, but my point still stands). I wouldn't be surprised if they followed this trend by having Amie perform a new song in the season 3 finale.
Maybe Elias approaches her after the performance to express how good she is. He hasn't really seen her do a live performance since 1x08, where she still hadn't really come out of her shell. They've also grown a lot closer this season. Perhaps Elias even has something more to tell her?
I can't help but feel like this party will end on a bad note, though. We have that whole thing with Andreas potentially buying a gun or whatever he's up to (discussed this more in another question down below).
I have a feeling this party is going to get interrupted in some way and that the season is going to end on a major cliffhanger.
I don't even know what they'll do with Ludde and Felicia. Ludde has no idea what happened to Felicia in these last two episodes, and I hope they'll have a conversation just to clear the air surrounding the whole press situation. Ludde still loves her even if he broke things off, and I would really like to see him reassure Felicia that the blame lies with Jack and not her. I don't think they will get back together and repeat what 2x10 did since the drama is still so fresh. Felicia shouldn't really get into a relationship right now, either.
I'm unsure about Klara. I feel like she's mostly done her part this season, but maybe things aren't completely finished between her and Elias. Maybe there were some things left unsaid on Klara's part when she met with Elias at the café, and Elias never really confirmed where he was at.
This talk regarding their relationship (and Eagles?) might happen in the season finale. I'm leaning towards them ending it for good since I doubt they will be getting back together. However, I'm pretty sure that it will be on good terms now after everything Klara did for Felicia.
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I somewhat agree with this, even if it was worded a little harshly. Felicia shouldn't have been so quick to share the most personal thing that had ever happened to her on her first date with a guy she had just met. And she shouldn't have done the same thing with Jack, even if it was someone she'd known for longer.
I think she should've at least waited a while to see if the person she told her secrets to was trustworthy—sort of like Ludde did when he told Felicia the truth about how Andreas landed in prison. That's a huge secret and it made more sense to have it be shared closer to the end of the first season rather in the first three episodes.
On the other hand, I can definitely understand why she was so quick to share her problems. Felicia was really lonely when she first came to Oskarshamn. Her parents were fighting all the time, and her dad was only focused on Elias' hockey career. She carried these huge traumatic events and had nobody really supporting her when she ended up at the hospital and was sent to rehab. Felicia couldn't share the secret about her dad's affair either. She really had nobody in her life that she could talk to about any of this.
So it's reasonable that when she finally met a person who she really connected with, she felt comfortable enough to finally share these burdens she had been carrying. She actually started out by saying this to Ludde in 1x03:
I don’t know why I’m telling you this. I don’t talk about it to people.
I don't think Felicia set out to tell her whole backstory to Ludde. It just happened. I'm not saying it was the right choice, but Felicia probably realized that she desperately needed someone to talk to. And she said herself that it felt really good to just get these secrets out (until it didn't when she thought Ludde had spilled the beans to Klara). Felicia even made sure to stress to Ludde that he couldn't tell anybody about her experiences in the US.
Felicia: I don’t want this to come out, that’s really important. Ludde: Of course, I’d never tell.
A similar situation arose with Jack. Felicia was more isolated than ever and she had aborted a child that nobody knew about—not even her mom. That's a huge secret to carry on your own.
Felicia had known Jack since she was a child. She trusted him and he was a family friend. Not only that, but Jack has the ability to be incredibly charming when he wants to be. If anything, it makes more sense that Felicia told her personal things to Jack rather than to Ludde. She couldn't predict that Jack would turn out to be a cheating asshole who would leak everything in the press. It's kind of sad that Felicia would have to constantly keep quiet about all the wounds she's carrying when support from the people around her is the thing she needs and craves.
I've never said that the Kroon family's reaction to them being slandered in the press wasn't valid. I actually understood their anger and frustration quite well, but they let their emotions get the better of them. Yelling at Felicia did nothing to help the situation even though it's fair that they would direct their anger at the person who was to blame in that situation.
It wasn't pretty, and ganging up on Felicia (when her personal business had also been leaked) wasn't the best way to deal with the situation. But because their privacy was violated, I understand it. I can agree with you on that part.
It just sounds like you're implying that Felicia isn't allowed to share personal stuff at all because it would be "gifting ammo to expose her family". If Jack had actually been a decent person and never ruined her family's reputation in the press, you wouldn't be as harsh on her. The situation just got blown out of proportion for everybody.
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Put these questions together since they were sort of asking the same thing regarding the last scene of 3x09. Here is the full transcript from that scene if anybody needs a reminder:
Man: Hey. Andreas: Hello. Man: Wasn’t yesterday. Welcome to the outside. Andreas: Thanks. Hey… The last time I saw you, you said you knew somebody who sells. Man: Are you thinking of a fully automatic? Andreas: Yeah, whatever. Man: There’s a guy in Stockholm. I’ll fix it. I’ll send you the number. Just tell him I sent you. Andreas: Alright, good. Got it. Man: Good. Good, see you. Andreas: See you.
It actually didn't click for me at all when I first saw this scene that Andreas could've been talking about buying a gun—my first thought was actually that he was talking about a car because I'm that stupid lmao.
Anyway, there is definitely potential for the season to end on a cliffhanger involving a gun and Andreas. I have a few theories on what the season could end like. Season 3 has been so much darker than previous seasons, so while this might feel too serious for a show like Eagles it's definitely not out of the question after the recent episodes. Anyway, here's what I think could happen.
1. The season ends with Andreas having the gun—but we don't know if he'll actually use it 2. The season ends with Andreas just about to shoot someone—but we don't know who (?) 3. The season ends with Andreas having just shot someone—but we don't know who (?)
I don't know which one of these theories I'm leaning more towards, but I really hope this won't be the outcome for Andreas. He just spent close to a year in prison for something he didn't even do. Andreas is not a criminal, and it would be disappointing if he actually ended up doing this. They could be throwing us for a loop.
I mean, personally I don't think shooting somebody because they were the reason my younger brother didn't get into his dream school is enough reason to risk ending up in prison for. Yes, Ludde got his reputation ruined, but there are other ways to solve that than to resort to crime. Andreas should know that too, considering the whole thing where he got landed in jail because he tried to protect Ludde.
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This could absolutely be the case but at the same time I'm a little unsure. Hopefully things will just go up from here since the last two episodes were so dark, but I'm unsure what that last scene in 3x09 will mean for the season finale.
I hope they will do something similar to 2x10, where the ending was more bittersweet than just sour. We had the moment with Elias finally being drafted to the US and then Felicia and Ludde finally getting back together. We saw Amie achieve her dreams as a pop star. And yet there were still sour tones with us seeing Klara's dad passing away, Ludde being brought to the police station, and Amie being entirely alone and heartbroken.
2x10 was a really good episode and the ending montage gave me goosebumps the first time I saw it. I think ending a season like that, with both positives and negatives, hits you more emotionally rather than just ending on one or the other. The 1x08 season finale was really depressing and while the cliffhanger was intriguing, it didn't hit as hard for me as 2x10.
I'm kind of curious if they'll be able to top that episode—it's definitely among my personal favorites.
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My stance is that if Elias and Amie won't happen in 3x10, they will be guaranteed to happen in season 4. There is no way they're passing that opportunity up. They have clear chemistry, are fan favorites, and it absolutely makes sense for them to get together considering where they're at in their journeys—both having realized their dreams but then coming back to Oskarshamn because it didn't turn out the way they thought it would.
I think they have a mutual understanding of each other—in season 3 more than ever—and it would definitely be a shame if their potential was wasted. So I can't see the writer(s) passing up that opportunity.
There is a possibility for Elias to make a move in the season 3 finale, but I think it's better to keep our expectations low. We just had Felicia go through something really traumatic and her whole family is dealing with the ramifications of Jack slandering them in the media. Elias's relationship with Amie might have to take a backseat because of that.
There's also the thing where we thought that Petra might forbid Amie from seeing Elias because the newspapers painted him as a sex addict. But I think Petra and Amie have reached an understanding in their relationship after the whole Michael thing, and I can see Petra taking Amie's word when saying that Elias isn't what the press makes him out to be—and that he's not like his father.
I really do want to see something happen between them in the season finale, though. I'm excited but impatient for Elias and Amie and I think there are many fans who feel the same way.
But there is a reason they've been so slow to develop their relationship. Elias and Amie have grown as people separately and they're at a point where I believe they're more compatible than they ever were previously. They've been building their character development, slowly but surely, and I like that they haven't been rushed together like Felicia and Ludde were.
If nothing happens between them in season 3, don't lose hope. I think season 4 will absolutely be Elias and Amie's season.
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I hope so. I hope Petra isn't listening to the tabloids and tries to see what's in front of her instead, which is that Elias is not Mats.
Elias is entirely his own person. I know Petra was heartbroken when Mats left her after getting drafted, but when Elias was put into this exact situation he hesitated because he didn't want to leave Klara alone.
Klara: Elias… I don’t understand why you’re even thinking about this. Of course you’re going [to the US]. You’ve always wanted this. Right? Elias: But I don’t want to leave you.
Petra doesn't know about this, but we as the audience do. Elias's actions have always been caring and supportive (and I'm not just saying this because Elias has always been my favorite character). It should only be a matter of time until Petra realizes that, if she just gave him a chance.
I think that Petra will eventually see that Amie has finally found someone special who makes her happy. That Elias isn't at all like how Mats was at his age, or like Michael who didn't even bother to support her.
Petra has been so unlucky in love and I hope she can see through her prejudices and let her daughter be happy and loved, in the way that Petra never really got to be.
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It could happen, but even if it does I don't think they will be separated for most of season 4.
Maybe Amie decides to finally take charge of her career and tells the record label that she's doing this her way or not at all. Maybe she even decides to quit to try a music career on her own terms, or with a different label that doesn't make her as successful but doesn't control her.
I never felt like the particular record label Amie ended up with was a great fit for her. Yes, she's very talented and I would love to see her become an even bigger star, but only if it's done the way Amie wants it to be done. There could be the possibility of Amie leaving the label, just like how Elias left the US.
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I definitely think Felicia has picked up on Elias overworking himself. He's been at the gym constantly, even during the school field trip to Stockholm. Elias left this huge opportunity in the US to come back to Eagles, and the overworking could be a result of him feeling like he has to prove to both himself and the people around him that this decision was the right one.
They've been super subtle about this whole thing and I hope they will be discussing it properly soon instead of just giving us small snippets. There was discussion about this being an eating disorder, but I think it's leaning more towards overworking like you said and bad eating habits (in my opinion, we would need to see something more drastic before drawing the conclusion that Elias might have an eating disorder).
There's so much that needs to be brought up in the season 3 finale—like what exactly Andreas is planning and its outcome, Felicia healing after her suicide attempt and potentially having a conversation with Ludde, and maybe some sort of triangle drama between Elias and if he'll choose Klara or Amie. There are so many possibilities here that I have my suspicions that this storyline won't be fully resolved in just one episode.
I think it will be pushed forward into season 4 because that seems to make the most sense right now. I've been wrong before though, so something else could definitely happen.
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fumbling-fanfics · 5 years
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Imagine being pregnant with your first child with Omar Adom 'OA' Zidan
So I got this idea from @supagirl 's gifs. I've just used them to start a new thread rather than highjack her original post and make it a mess. But do check out her gifs.
Also I've not finished FBI on CBS so this imagine will proby not match what the gif set is about.
OA wandered into the living room, glued to his phone. At this point he was so used to you being propped up on the couch either watching TV, eating, reading, sleeping or all four. You kept looking at him, until he looked up.
"What's wrong?“ he smiled, across the room. "Hungry?"
"Why do you always assume I'm hungry?"
"Because you usually are" he chuckled.
You ignored his accurate statement. "Are you planning on going out?" noticing he was dressed like he was going out.
"Maggie's coming over, she just wants to talk about something at work, why?“
“I'm hungry" OA laughed, shaking his head. He got up and walked over to the couch, leaning on the back of it to look down at you.
"What would you like to eat?“ you pretended to think, knowing full well what you wanted.
"Can you get me some cake. Maybe cheesecake too" OA nodded, with a slight eye roll.
"I'll stop by wholefoods, then I can get some vegetables for dinner too" his phone buzzed.
"No, not Wholefoods. Can you got to the Diner, intown. Please" you gave him puppy dog eyes as you looked up at him. He sighed in defeat, turning to leave.
You looked over the back of the couch and spoke. "Maybe we can go together, a nice walk. Then I can see Maggie rather than die from Vitamin D deficiency" OA turned back to face you, very serious. "You know you can't. Remember what the doctor said" you frowned, dropping your head back against one of your many pillows. You mimicked what he said in a childish voice.
You were signed off work, with instructions of strict rest for the rest of your pregnancy.
OA had moved furniture around to make it easier for you to get around.
You were even halfway though the rest of your pregnancy when you started to claim insanity due to the lack of being outside. Since it was prime summer time, OA also relaxed with home security and allowed you to have the large patio doors open (so long as the alarm system was on) - allowing the outside breeze to run through the house giving the effect that you were outside (well if you closed your eyes).
He'd been a saint really. Requesting one less day at work so he could be around if you needed him. Constantly running out to fulfill your craving requests, even the midnight ones.
OA disappeared upstairs, his phone ring echoing through the house and he jogged down the stairs.
"Maggie's outside" he gave you a quick kiss on the top of your head, then disappeared again. "I'll see you in 30 minutes or so" you could hear the door open, the noise from outside.
"Tell Maggie I'd come out to say hi to her but I can't because I'm being held prisoner in my own home" there was no response except the door slamming, but OA was probably laughing at your dramatics. He'd always know you to be dramatic but it seemed to get worse since you were pregnant.
"Y/n says hi, but obviously in a dramatic way. She's claiming the WiFi is conspiring against her and she's being held hostage" Maggie chuckled lightly as OA climber into the SUV.
"In her defence, I'm sure you'd be the same. Imagine what you'd be like not being able to go to work, and being housebound"
"I think it's the sugar to be honest. It's all she craves. She ate 11 of those doughnuts you gave me yesterday!"
Maggie's eyes widened in shock. “There were only 12 in the box" OA just nodded.
"But she's doing better, yeah?" OA nodded with a relieved smile.
"Yeah a lot better. She's still really tired. But thats partly because she can't sleep in our bed. It hurts her back, but she stubborn and wants to sleep near me so refuses to sleep on the couch at night"
Maggie didn't bother asking why OA didn't sleep in the living with you, knowing it was because he was far to tall to be able sleep anywhere but the floor.
"Can you drop me in town when we're done - I'm on a cake run" Maggie nodded.
In the car Maggie and OA chatted about a case, bouncing ideas off each other until Maggie felt better. Doing less days meant that OA and Maggie weren't partners together but they still made time to chat.
As she was on her way to speak to a witness Maggie dropped OA off on the corner and continued on her way.
"Tell y/n I'll come see her soon. I'll bring cake" Maggie teased.
"Please actually bring something with nutrients in it" OA begged.
“Hey Omar, no y/n?" Dawn asked as OA stepped up to the counter.
"Not today, but she is the reason why I'm here. Can I grab some cake please?" Dawn nodded and grabbed a container and cake tongs.
"Which one?“ Dawn asked with a smile. Just as OA opened his mouth his phone rang, the picture of you shaking on the screen.
"Everything is fine! I'm just calling to ask if you can get like all the cake because I don't know which one I want" you spoke quickly, hoping OA wouldn't freak out thinking something was wrong because your were calling
OA looked at Dawn. "All of them" she raised her eyebrows and OA just nodded.
The sound of OA struggling and a lot of noise made you peak over from your spot on the couch. You caught a glimpse of him, arms full walking past the living room into the kitchen.
"Do you know how many different flavours of cakes they have?“ OA walked back towards the front door.
"A lot" you called out, as you struggled to get up and out of the couch. You waddled into the kitchen just as OA was leaving again.
"Guess again" he called out. You didn't reply, too busy rummaging through the bags.
"Thirty nine! Thirty nine different flavours of cake! Like how can that be possible"
"Is there Red Velvet though?“ OA disappeared again.
"I'd like to think these will last you a while, but after yesterdays doughnut marathon I'm not hopeful"
"This is your fault too. I'm pretty sure that's the tank top that resulted in me being pregnant" you smiled in triumph as you found the box containing the red velvet cake. You tiptoed and kissed OA.
"Thank you, and sorry I'm being a pain" OA bent down kissing you softly.
"Nothing I can't handle" he winked.
You opened the cutlery draw and grabbed a fork. "Have some cake if you want" you waddled out of the kitchen and back to you spot on the couch.
"Are you gonna help me put these away?“ OA called out.
You shook your head as you walked towards the living room. "I can't leave the couch remember"
It took you less than five minutes to finish the cake, cursing yourself as you struggled to get up again. You should have just eaten the cake in the kitchen, would have been better for your back. But then again your feet hurt too.
OA notices you wince as you come back into the kitchen. You put the empty container and fork into the dishwasher, wincing more.
OA's hands find your back as you lean forward on your hands against the counter.
He presses into the painful spot, giving you a moment of relief "You should go lie down"
"Lying down hurts my back, but I think my feet hurt more"
"I'll flip the couch pillows"
You and watch, holding the blanket you spend most of your time wrapped up in on the sofa. A maternity gift from one of OA's sisters, amazingly soft and warm. The only thing that doesn't make your skin itch. When you're cold you often wrap yourself up like a burrito in it.
Once the pillows are readjusted and stacked up OA instructs you to sit down, and sits with you. He pulls your legs into his lap.
He pushes up the ankle of your leggings, knowing he'll have to do your ankles as well.
His finger expertly work their magic.
Before long your half asleep. You feel the blanket being placed over you, and then a long kiss pressed against your forehead. You're too tired to even fight the sleep.
"I'll start dinner" is the last thing you hear before you fall asleep.
Tags: @ellixthea @lovelymari4 @chaneajoyyy
@honeychicana @beaminglife @amelatonin @themyscxiras @crushed-pink-petals @lady-olive-oil @jojolu @endless00paradise @est1887 @cajunpeach @melinda-january @profoundlynerdywolf @deathonyourtongue @designerwriterchic
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One of the hardest things about not having a living mother is that I'm constantly finding things that she did for me that no one else will ever do. For instance, listening to and caring about my day. I started a new job teaching preschool, and today was my first day with the kids (we had a teacher work week last week, and their orientation was yesterday so today was the official first day of school). The way that I process my day and decompress would be to talk about it to someone. If my mom was still alive, I could call her and tell her all about it. Since she was also a preschool teacher, she would let me talk about every single little detail and still ask questions. She would laugh at the funny things the kids did, and empathize on the things that are trying or difficult for me. But I can't call her, because she's dead. My dad barely tolerates me as it is, (he loves me but doesn't like me, and doesn't want to be around me or talk to me if I'm not on some kind of calming or focusing medicine like adderall, which I've stopped taking). My husband means well, but I've gotten good at knowing when he isn't paying attention or doesn't care about what I'm talking about. Plus, he's told me in the past that he's tired of me talking about work, so I'm self-conscious about talking to him about my day even though he's pretty much the only one I have to talk things through with. Too often, I will notice he's not listening and drop off mid-sentence and he won't even notice. Now, it just kind of makes me shut down. That's where I am today, even though my mind is still reeling and I have a lot that I'm not sure about. It makes me miss my mom extra hard, since I know she would want to know all about it. It's already been hard because teaching preschool and being called by my childhood name makes me think of her a lot and my heart hurts. I know it's not fair to expect him to fill in the hole she's left behind, but that doesn't make it any easier.
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andieperrie18 · 7 years
The One That Got Away ( Peter Parker X Reader )
First, before you guys read this piece. Please do not kill me. I was so in the mood to write when I listened to Katy Perry. Forgeve meh my fellow Hollanders. I'll make it up to you guys. For now this all I can offer.
Peter. My best friend and my first love.
We knew each other since grade school. We always had each others back. He was a such a sweet boy. He didn't made it hard for me to fall inlove.
" Your staring at her again. " Ned said as I looked at Peter's direction. He was staring at her again. Ever since he saw her, she was the only thing that came out of his mouth.
" How can I not? She's so perfect. She's beautiful and smart. " Peter mumble as his eyes twinkled. The twinge of pain hit my chest like a bullet. I hate it when this happens. I hate how he could be so blind. But I can't seem to hate him.
" Why can't you just ignore him Y/n? " Michelle said as we sat inside the library. She's been my bestfriend eversince I entered Midtown School of Science and Technology. I started telling her my feelings for Peter for awhile now. She is constantly telling me to just ditch Peter so my feelings can disappear. It wasn't gonna be that easy.
I had been with Peter for a long time, I knew everything about Peter. I know what he eats, what he likes and what he tends to do as a habit.
I even know that his Spiderman.
" Mich, I can't just do that. " I said as I skim through my chemistry book and began highlighting some notes. I heard her sigh in frustration in front of me. " Why are you so nice?!" she grumbled as I just laughed and held her hand as the anger in her face disappeared and tightened her hold on my hand.
" Ok I'll let this slide one more time. But please, can you be selfish for once. Think about yourself. I just don't want to see you hurt. If you really like him just blurt it out already. " she said as she gave me a concerned look. She is right. Maybe I can change Peter's feeling. What he is feeling for Liz is just a crush. I can still change it.
" Ok, I'll tell him. " you said as you pulled away from Michelle's grasp and took your phone out.
To: PeterParkingLot 😂😁
Hey, are you free? Let's go eat out tonight. I got something to tell you. I'll wait for you at the park. See you at 5.
You pressed send as you looked at Michelle with determination.
Class ended and you immidiately dressed up as pretty as possible. Just a typical sleeveless shirt and buttoned down jeans. You look at your self in the mirror as you took a breath.
" You look beautiful sweet heart. " you heard someone said. You turned to see your grandmother. She was the only parent that you have in Queens. Your parents work abroad to provide money for you.
You smiled at her as she walked towards you and handed you a familiar cream colored envelope. Then it came to you. It was the love letter you made for Peter last school year that you failed to give. Your grandmother looked at you and held your hands and said.
" You can do it. This is it. "
You nodded and smiled at her. She was right. He needs to know. It was now or never.
You made your way to the park. You got there earlier than expected which was strange. When you and Peter would eat out, even if you were the one that asked out he would always be the first to arrive at the meeting spot.
" maybe he just want to finish the death star lego construction with Ned it was almost done anyway. " you said positively. You looked at your watch.
4:55 pm.
Five minutes more. He was just late.
An hour had past. It seemed like an eternity. The sky has started to darken. You looked at your watch.
6:56 pm.
His not coming.
" He'll come. His just patrolling Queens right now. " you said. With that you continued to wait.
At 7:30 you decided to make your way to his apartment. Maybe he was just busy doing homework and missed your text.
You looked up at the dark sky. And then you saw a figure swing buy. Two figures.
You followed it. As you got near it revealed more clearly who the two was.
It was Spider man and in his arms was . . . . . Liz.
You saw then drop by an Alley. You made it to the Alley and peaked.
Peter hung upside down as Liz stood infront of him. They were talking and laughing. Needles pierced its way to your heart. Thousand of needles stab its way to your chest. What happened next killed you.
Liz began to lower his mask on the half of Peter's pace. Then she placed a warm kiss on his lips.
Like a sword, it stabbed you from behind and had you in a insane pain. Your eyes watered as your hands covered your mouth. A kiss was enough.
A kiss was enough to tell the Person the word " I Love You. "
A kiss was enough, to say that he loved her.
A kiss was enough, to tell you that you were to late.
You ran away as far as you could. Away from the scene. Away from the pain. Away from him. Away from Peter.
The starry night sky disappeared as it darkened and thundered.
" Pitter, Patter. "
The rain sounded as it fell.
You stood in the middle of a dark side walk. Under the rain. Numb and broken.
Your phone vibrated from your pocket you pulled it out as water hit its screen and on it showed a picture of Peter. You swiped the red icon indicating that you declined the call. Your phone's lockscreen revealed your phone history.
150 messages and 50 calls from Ned, Michelle, and Peter.
You stared at the screen as you pressed the off button, shutting the phone down. You looked at your watch.
12:01 am.
It was past midnight. Yet you didn't care.
The road was barely empty. You did something crazy without even nothing.
You walked towards the middle of the road.
You looked at the sky.
You smiled.
The sky cried with you.
You cried with your head up to the sky making your tears fall like waterfalls. You gripped the letter at your right hand.
You were too numb.
Too broken.
Too sad.
Too pained
To notice what was happening around you.
To notice the pair of headlights on your way.
The lights glowed brighter as it drew near. The rain' made it impossible for the driver to see you. Then. . . . .
Peter held his phone as he stood in front of a corpse covered in a white blanket. His gaze landed on Michelle and your grandmother crying.
Michelle cried as she placed an arm on your grandmothers back and one on the clothed corpse. Your grandmother shouting pleads and begs for the clothed to wake up. Peter's eyes landed on Ned on the other side. Crying. And before him was your father and mother hugging the corpse.
Your mother slowly removed the cloth from the corpse face.
It revealed a cold, lifeless Y/n.
Peter's eyes watered as he gripped his phone and on the screen was your text message.
From: Y/nDaBestie😂😆
Hey, are you free? Let's go eat out tonight. I got something to tell you. I'll wait for you at the park. See you at 5.
Sent by Y/nDaBestie Yesterday.
He was so busy with Liz that he forgot you. He cried as he dropped on the floor as he stared at your dead body.
The days of past as your funeral began. Peter stood infront your coffin for the whole day. His Aunt May would beg him to rest and will comeback tomorrow. He did get rest but at the following day he will do the same routine. Stand infront.
He ignored Liz. He didn't feel anything when she said her condolences. The last day of the funeral came and your burial came. Your grandmother watched Peter stand infront of your tombstone. Unmoving.
She stared at the familiar envelope in hand. She sighed and walked beside Peter who noticed her but didn't turn.
" Here lies Y/n L/n
a Loving daughter and a supportive friend. ( (birth year) - 2017 ) "
Peter stared at the words on the rock.
" Here dear. " he saw your grandma hand him a crippled unopened envelope. She gave him a sad smiled. " She wanted you to have it. " she said as she patted his back and walked away.
Peter watched her leave and spun his attention back at the letter. It was adressed to him from You.
He tore it open and pulled out a crumpled letter. He then began to read its content.
Hey Peter!
I don't know to say this in personal and I would probably faint if I did so I put it in a letter. So it goes like this, You and I have been friends for a very long time. We've had each other's back for a quite a long time now.
You are the best thing that happened to me Peter. You didn't make it hard for me to fall in love with you. Heres the dealio.
I Love You Peter.
I Love you so much. Not because your smart, not because spider man.
But because its you. I love everything about you. Every part and every flaw that you have. I've always loved you. I've always had.
With that, he pressed the letter on his chest hugging it close as he knelt before your stone and his tears dripping down his eyes.
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spideyxchelle · 7 years
Since teenagers can be hormonal and not careful all the time ( lol I've been there sadly), can you write a pregnancy scare spideychelle fic or something along those lines 👀. Lol safe sex is very important though !
pregnancy scares are terrifying, guys. absolutely terrifying. so YEA of course i’m gonna write some spideychelle angst about it. i listened to this when I wrote it…and i’m gonna tell you, it helps set the mood. 
the thing that is great about dating peter parker, in MJ’s opinion, is that he’s freakin’ adorable….and he’s surprisingly good in bed. surprising because of the freakin’ adorable bit. 
and because he’s freakin’ adorable AND good in bed, she’s constantly jumping her boyfriend. which he doesn’t mind but it can get a bit awkward when she jumps him right after patrol. there is nothing, absolutely nothing, sexy about trying to strip off spandex. sometimes it gets caught around his ankles. its a mess. 
but beyond a few fashion hiccups dating for peter and MJ is pretty awesome. 
its also nice, for MJ, to date someone who respects her and who thinks he’s the lucky one that he gets to be seen with this incredible woman which she agrees 100%. their relationship feels equal and supportive but fun and youthful. they have the best time together. 
and peter is a CHAMP at planning dates. where MJ would be content hanging out on his couch and watching old movies, peter is always raising the bar on date night. they eat Delmar sandwiches on the top of the George Washington Bridge. peter teaches MJ how to fly an Avengers grade-level plane. he takes her to the DNC. the DNC move gets him major brownie points that night. 
its like they’ve waited their whole life to date each other and MJ worries that perfect things cannot last. regression to the mean is the theory that all things cannot be all good and all things cannot be all bad. there is a balance. and when things are good for too long….life figures out a way to strike a balance. 
but she tries not to think about it too much. because whenever she starts to worry peter is sweeping her up in his arms and soaring her across the city. and, fuck, how can this ever be bad?
she misses her period. the first month she misses her period MJ feels the cold claws of reality grip at the back of her neck, but she pushes it off. ignores it. some people just miss their periods sometimes. periods can be irregular. but when she misses it for the second month in a row. she panics. 
there is no way she can be pregnant, she reasons, she and peter are careful. she’s on birth control and he wears condoms. because it is not the woman’s job alone to provide safe sex options. but she knows there is no fool proof way to prevent pregnancy besides abstinence. and, lols, her boyfriend is hot as hell. that was never happening. 
and then she starts to think that maybe peter has some super sperm or something because of spiderman things. like, fucking hell, she doesn’t know the extent of his abilities and neither does he. mister stark won’t let banner or anyone else run tests on peter until he’s a legal adult. something about the less they know the better. personally she thinks mister stark just doesn’t want peter to undergo the extensive, painful operations that figuring out his powers will be. 
but maybe one of his weird powers is super sperm. and she’s 16. she doesn’t need to be dealing with super sperm that could get her pregnant. no sir. 
she’s not sure if she feels nauseous all the time because she’s terrified or because she’s actually pregnant. but it gets to the point where she’s throwing up and that is when she knows she has to take a test. she has to know for sure. 
MJ shuffles into the convenience store at the corner of her street and picks up a pregnancy test and like five snacks in the hope that the cashier won’t notice her one, glaring test. MJ looks 16. she doesn’t need or want the judgement right now. she’s feeling vulnerable. 
but the attendant, thankfully, says nothing and bags her groceries. 
the real problem is when MJ is walking out of the convenience store. she collides shoulder first into Flash Thompson and her bag flies out of her hands and all of her groceries sprawl out on the ground. in terror, she hastily tries to collect her things. and the ONE time she needs flash to be an asshole, he’s not. he leans down to help her collect her items. and fuck. no. don’t help.
he picks up the pregnancy test and she can feel his eyes boring into hers. he offers it to her and she shoves it back in the bag. “Michelle,” he whispers. “don’t,” she snaps, “its for my sister.” “i thought your sister was ten.” she rambles, “not my sister. my uh sister in law.” “i didn’t know your brother was married.” “oh fuck OFF, Flash!” 
and she’s leaving him in the dust and sprinting back to her apartment. she hates everything and everyone and this day so, so much. 
when she’s in the safety of her apartment, she locks herself in the bathroom and dumps the contents of her ruined plastic bag into the sink. she tears open a bag of chips and stares too long at the ugly pink box. she cracks open the cardboard and takes the stick out. 
its ridiculous, she thinks, that a stupid little stick could change her entire freakin’ life. $17.49 should not be enough money to alter her entire life. 
she pops a chip in her mouth and tries to stop her hands from shaking. 
then, she takes the test and has to wait. she paid for the clearest pregnancy test either. no plus signs or little stupid lines. no. it’s going to say pregnant. or not pregnant. if she’s going to do this, MJ is gonna do this. 
the few minutes she has to wait are the most horrible, tense moments of her life thus far. she thinks about peter and her family and the avengers. god damn it, she can’t have a kid with a freakin’ avenger. that is the stupidest idea ever. bringing a baby into super villains and high risk danger. HELL, she doesn’t even want to bring a baby into the world period. she is way to young to have kids. and she’s not even sure she wants kids. 
when the timer dings, MJ jumps. and then she begins to pace. because she doesn’t want to look at it. she has a french quiz tomorrow. she should be studying. or maybe peter wants to grab Thai for dinner. yea, they could do that and pretend she never peed on a stupid stick. 
MJ chews on her nail and stares at the stick sitting on her sink. it would be so easy to check. so easy. 
she takes a settling breath. and scary doesn’t even begin to cover this moment. but she finds some courage and glances.
the stick spells out the most disgusting, earth shattering word: pregnant 
MJ isn’t even sure when she starts sobbing. all she knows is one moment she is standing and the next she’s on the floor crying. which MJ doesn’t do. she’s not a crier on principal. 
she cries for a half hour, indulging in her actual literal despair, and then picks herself up, wipes her nose and goes to study for french. that quiz is not going to not happen just because she’s pregnant. 
the next day at school is horrible. french goes pretty well because she’s a genius but beyond that she feels watched. every time she sees Flash she runs the other direction. she doesn’t need his damn judgement. and poor peter. he tries to kiss her at her locker in the morning and she gives him the cheek before running off to class. she doesn’t sit with him at lunch and hides in the library. and when she sees him in chem she can just tell, he has the most expressive face, that he thinks he’s done something wrong. and its true and not true. its his fault and not his fault she’s knocked up. 
at decathlon practice, Flash slides up beside her and whispers, “MJ about yesterday.” “drop it,” she snarls. but he doesn’t, “MJ you had a pregnancy test.” “i said drop it.” “look, I wouldn’t get involved but, like, we’re 16.” “wow,” she rolls her eyes, “thanks for pointing out the flippin’ obvious.” “and if you’re pregnant…”
“you’re pregnant?” peter’s voice cracks. mj whirls around to see peter standing just behind her. he must have gotten there. and fucking FLASH. she turns around to glare at Flash who mumbles out apologies but MJ has no time for him. she looks at peter and grits out, “i mean…it’s not….don’t make it a big deal.”
he looks pale and shaky and says a little too loud, “MJ…what the fuck.” and the whole decathlon team is looking at them now. she feels the need to run. 
so she does. 
peter calls after her but she won’t be stopped or deterred. she’s going to go and hide under a rock forever. yep. that time table sounds good. 
in reality, she goes home and hides under her blankets. she knows peter will find her there but she needs the comfort and normalcy of her bed. 
he comes four hours later, which feels like longer than MJ would have expected, but he does come. he’s in his suit and climbs through his window. she shrinks under her blankets as he changes into some of the clothes he keeps here. 
without a word, he crawls under the blankets with her and wraps his arms around her. they’re quiet for too long. because what is there to say?? nothing. 
“how long have you known,” peter speaks and he sounds like he’s been crying, too. she doesn’t blame him. “only a day.” “bullshit,” he laughs without humor, “how long have you known MJ.” “i had a hunch last month.” “last month?” his voice sounds wrecked. she turns her body around in his arms to look at him. he breathlessly adds, “and you didn’t think to tell me?” “i was freaking out,” she defends herself because FUCK HIM, she’s the pregnant one, “i was allowed to freak out.” “yea,” he blushes, embarrassed by his unfair outcry, “but MJ a baby.” 
“i can’t,” and she starts crying again. peter pulls her tighter, hushing her and kissing her head, “i can’t have a baby.” “okay,” he whispers, “okay, then we won’t. its your choice. whatever you decide i’ll support you.” “she rubs at her nose, “you will?” 
he tilts her chin up to look at him because she’s hiding against his chest, “MJ want to keep it. i’ll figure it out. if you don’t…. i’ll take you upstate and have one of tony’s doctors take care of it. it is your body. it is your choice.” “i don’t even want to have to make this choice,” and her heart shatters, “there is no good choice.” 
“no,” he agrees, “but there is a right choice. a right choice for you.” “what about you?” she asks. and he laughs and his laughter makes it feel like the sun came out, his smile and laugh are bottled sunshine, “i’m the idiot with apparently really potent super sperm-” “that’s what I thought, too,” she cuts in. and he kisses her nose, “this is not your fault. its mine. and i’m gonna step up. whatever you decide.”
the next morning she decides, and they are on their way up to the Avengers headquarters. peter calls tony and tells him the situation and MJ is shocked. he yells at peter for 45 straight minutes about being reckless. its almost impressive. 
but when they arrive, tony is much calmer. he envelopes MJ in a hug and thumps peter upside the head. its almost sweet. she’s escorted to a tiny, white room and peter holds her hand as the doctor takes what feels like a hundred tests.
and then he’s gone. the doctor has gone out into the other room to talk to tony. while they wait, MJ tells peter, “i’m sorry.” “don’t,” he kisses her hand, “you didn’t do anything wrong, Em. not a single freakin’ thing.” 
tony walks in with the doctor and he’s grinning. it confuses the fresh hell out of MJ. “idiots. MJ your clothes on and then you two come to my office,” tony says.
the two confused teens do as tony requests and once they’re settled in his plush seats across from his desk, tony speaks, “you’re not pregnant, Michelle.” and MJ and Peter’s jaws both fall open. her eyes go big, “wait, that’s impossible. i took a test. my period.” “yea,” Tony smirks and leans back in his chair, “apparently peter’s sperm is all kinds of weird.” “tony don’t talk about my sperm,” peter mumbles with a wild blush. “its radioactive,” Tony explains, “and while it didn’t get her pregnant because it caught in, what i’m assuming was a condom, the radiation made MJ’s uterus all kinds of crazy.” 
“what does that mean?” MJ narrows her eyes. and peter jumps in, “I didn’t fuck up her uterus, right?” “no,” Tony shakes his head, “no, she’ll, from what we can tell, still have kids. when she’s ready. her uterus is just…got some spidey side effects is all. its why her period freaked out. it’s going to be very irregular now, MJ. but you’re fine. no cancer. no pregnancy. just some weird, albeit hilarious, spider powered uterus.” 
and both teens are laughing and hugging and relief has never felt so good. 
later, when they’re cuddling in his room at the compound, MJ complains, “you fucked up my uterus, Parker.” “at least you’re not pregnant,” he shyly offers. “yea,” she snuggles him, “i’m not ready to have kids.” “but one day?” he says without looking at her. 
she, overly fond, kisses his nose, “yea, one day.” “with me?” he asks boldly. “don’t push it,” she warns but she’s smiling. 
and who knows? maybe one day. 
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