#like idk if it was me I would be rethinking the friendship just a little bit
helenofblackthorns · 4 months
clace incest era obviously sucks but I do appreciate how literally all their friends are weirdly okay with it. like idk it's fun. anyone else would be raising multiple moral objections but not Simon, Alec, and Izzy! they're the og ride or die friends because this was somehow not a deal breaker. they at most joke about it after the fact, friendship goals ig
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hollowed-theory-hall · 2 months
What are your thoughts on drarry?
spireasalix asked:
Hi! I just found your blog and find your theories really interesting. I don't know if anyone has asked you before, but what do you think of Draco Malfoy? Do you think he would have a chance with Harry? Could they fall in love or there is too much history between them? Let's make Harry/Draco canon! Hahahaha
Hi, thank you so much! 😊
Since it's a ship/character ask I want to preface that everyone can ship what they want and like whatever characters they want and this is my personal highly subjective opinion.
I'll start with my thoughts on Drarry, as I had an arc there, like, back when I just got into the fandom I really liked the concept of Drarry, so I read some Drarry and didn't like most of what I found back then. That dislike kinda colored Drarry and Draco's character as a whole for me, so it was kinda like: "I can see the appeal on paper, but I don't like it". More recently though I read a lot about canon Drarry from @iamnmbr3 and she honestly got me rethinking my opinion on Draco and Drarry.
As I stand on it now, I'm not invested in Drarry, but I see them occasionally on my dash and sometimes I like what I see. It's the: yeah, I can see it happen, but it's not a pairing I'm passionate about.
Now, to @spireasalix more specific questions.
Draco Malfoy is an interesting character in theory but I don't think it comes across in the books as much as it could. Like, in books 1-5, I find him an annoying spoilt little brat. It can be entertaining when he comes on the page, and I know he'd be whining and dramatic and make a scene. And it makes sense Draco is this way, he's an only child of very rich parents who love him, he looks up to his father like Lucius could do no wrong, but he is lonely and attention-seeking. This need for attention is interesting and is part of why he is so obsessed with Harry. It shows he wants approval and is actually quite insecure under all his pride and mean attitude. He was raised to be a blood-supremacist spoilt jerk, and he does a decent job at being a schoolyard bully without crossing any super major lines.
Younger Draco can be a fun character, he's a problem Harry feels comfortable with because he knows how to deal with him, unlike his other problems (of which he has a lot). I think part of why Harry focuses on Draco as much as he does is because Draco is a predictable problem, one Harry feels he has control over how he wants to deal with him. Which is comforting considering how little control he has over literally every other area of his life.
Then in books 6 and 7, that's when Draco starts actually having his character development, and there are interesting things there, or the potential for them. I love what he goes through, becoming a Death eater only to realize, that: no, he can't really do violence. The constant fear for himself and his family, the torture he most likely goes through, being a prisoner in his own home, like, there is so much potential good angst there but I don't feel like the books really take it as far as it can go.
I recently finished my reread of HBP, and Draco in it was having a crap time, truly. He partially brought it on himself, but he really was thrown into the deep end and he is flailing around to keep his head above water regretting ever asking to leave the kiddie pool (because make no mistake, he asked to be in the grown-ups' pool). And you see how he matures there, going from a spoilt brat to a terrified teen. In one summer he went from the top of his own little world to seeing how powerless he actually is. And, like, out of everyone, the person he apparently confides in is Moaning Myrtle, like, idk, I love that, I think this friendship should be mentioned more. Like, Draco is having a crisis over his family, his worldview, his own worth, being a Death Eater and what it means, and his confidant is the ghost of a muggleborn girl who Tom Riddle, his new master, killed. Like, there are some implications.
I find it fascinating Myrtle says this about Draco:
“No,” said Myrtle defiantly, her voice echoing loudly around the old tiled bathroom. “I mean he’s sensitive, people bully him too, and he feels lonely and hasn’t got anybody to talk to, and he’s not afraid to show his feelings and cry!”
(HBP, 462)
That combined with the fact that Draco doesn't ever really try to harm Harry too badly (@iamnmbr3 wrote many great posts about this). Like, at the beginning of HBP, he has Harry petrified and he just breaks his nose. And this is already after he becomes a Death Eater. He also helps Harry multiple times throughout Deathly Hollows, something that places him and his family at risk.
And, yes, he makes some attempts to kill Dumbledore that harm others (the cursed necklace that hurt Katie Bell and the poison Ron drank) but I think the methods he uses are telling. Draco attempts to kill Dumbledore with methods where he himself is far away from the action. You can say it's due to a Slytherin sense of self-preservation, and that's part of it, I'm sure, but I think the main part of it is that Draco is averse to violence. At the end when he was face to face with Dumbledore he couldn't bring himself to cast the curse. Dumbledore was disarmed and surrounded, there was nothing he could've (or would've) done to hurt Draco, but Draco still hesitated. He couldn't kill him even when his own life and his family's were on the line. Harry also talks about how much Draco is likely hurt from having to torture others on Voldemort's orders in Deathly Hollows, and I think Harry is spot on about it.
If we look at the bullying of younger Draco, he doesn't act out violently. He is the cruel words and insults type, and I remember being honestly surprised he physically hit Harry in HBP because it's not the sort of thing Draco does. So, while Draco as schoolyard bully is mean, he practically is never shown to be physically violent, at least not that I remember. He only starts being more of a physical threat in HBP, and in the cases of Ron and Katie, he does so from a distance in a way he isn't directly involved in the violence.
That being said, while what he goes through is interesting and has plenty of potential and I do like his character, I find him kinda annoying. Like, in my very subjective opinion, I find his whining in the early books incredibly annoying and I find him, even in the later books, kinda underwhelming. Like, I want more out of his character, idk. Like, really, all power to you for liking Draco, he just, unfortunately, doesn't make it into my top Harry Potter characters purely because of personal subjective bias.
Like, for all of Draco being a Slytherin from a long line of Slytherins, he doesn't showcase many Slytherin characteristics (yes, that's something I dislike about his character, go figure 🤷‍♀️). Like, Draco isn't cunning, like, at all. He's smart, I'm not saying he isn't, he gets good and even outstanding grades in various school subjects, and he fixes the vanishing cabinet he knows nothing about on his own. He is skilled and talented magically and he can figure out complex magic on his own, but when it comes to long-term planning or general cunning... yeah, I don't think that's part of Draco's arsenal.
He acts out on useful information on the first opportunity he has, with very little thought about timing or how to best use it and very little forethought in general. In 1st year he gets Harry and Co caught outside after curfew but doesn't think his plan through so he too, is caught out after curfew. And sure, he's 11, but 11-year-old Harry wouldn't have made that mistake, I think (neither would Ron or Hermione). In 3rd year, his plan against Buckbeak and Hagrid was laughable and only worked because Lucius could pull it off. I mean, Draco wasn't even doing a good job at faking an injury compared to Harry who could believably pretend to be the Bloody Baron to scare off Peeves at 11, not to mention lying reliably to McGonagall at 12. In GoF he makes these Potter stinks badges, which are magically impressive (considering they still work 3 years later) but are again, an example of Draco acting on something immediately because that's how he tends to operate. Like how he goes straight to Harry every time he finds something in the Daily Prophet to make fun of.
Even if we look at Draco's later plans, like in HBP, he was mostly trying to buy plans rather than think about how to solve his problem. Because Draco knows how to buy his way out of problems, not think his way out. And while all this does make for an interesting trait for him to have in his rule in the story and he has an invisible arc to break away from this thinking pattern and that does lead him to the vanishing cabinet eventually, it does make me like him less. I'm biased, I can't help it.
His ambition is another thing, I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion, but I don't think Draco is particularly ambitious. Like, he wants to make his parents (especially Lucius) proud, he wants people to like him, and he wants to be popular, sure, but he doesn't have any long-term plans or specific goals in mind. He grew up already having everything, so he doesn't really have any ambitions bigger than that. I'm not saying there needs to be, Harry isn't particularly ambitious either, it's just interesting to me that our poster Slytherin in Harry's year isn't that much of a Slytherin at all.
As I mentioned earlier, Draco also seems to be averse to violence and doesn't have as much of a ruthless streak as his house is usually associated with. Draco, at the end of the day, seems to me like a very sheltered kid who idolized war when he heard about it in stories up until he had to actually take part in it. He is one of the softer characters in the books actually, in my opinion.
While I think he definitely values the traits of house Slytherin as he grew up learning to appreciate them, he doesn't actually possess them, at least, not in abundance. Maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but honestly, I think Draco is more of a Gryffindor than a Slytherin considering he is brave (in the last book especially. I want to note he isn't the same brave as Harry. Draco fears a lot more than Harry does, but when push comes to shove, he keeps going despite his fear. He's more similar to Neville in that regard), bold, and definitely has his personal code of honor and chivalry he acts according to, but I digress.
My personal issue with Draco is the main issue I have with Drarry as a ship, because, like, I can't be actively invested in a ship when I find one of the characters annoying. I have a similar stance on Romione as I have on Drarry. I like Romione well enough, I enjoy the fanart of them I see, but I wouldn't actively search for fics of them. Neither would I write fics where they are the main pairing. In Romione's case, I love Ron but find Hermione kinda annoying, I don't hate her, I don't even dislike her, I actually like her, but she annoys me. Draco is the same way, I like him, but he just gets on my nerves sometimes.
To summarise, I see the appeal of Drarry, and I can see how it could work on paper. I don't think Harry and Draco ever truly hated each other in the books, so, yeah, I think they could get together. They could definitely forgive each other everything, hell, the books practically outright say they forgive each other everything in canon. I think you can build a very compelling love story for them, it's just not a story I'm invested in reading/writing mostly because Draco isn't a character that I'm overly invested in.
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joestvr · 7 months
༺✮ atashi no kimyona jinsei // あたしの奇妙な人生 ✮༻
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༺✮ summary: five years after the fall of diavolo, you, y/n romano, who was sent away to japan at 11 to further your studies—find the courage to come back to naples after living out your schoolgirl & gaijin university student facade in morio-chou to see how your clan’s worsened—as well as become the “donna” of your father’s gang, il terrore, while your older brother is the real leader behind the scenes, just using you as a front. with plans to murder your clan, you seek the particularly handsome young don of passione for friendship. with your tyrant father’s intervention, your friendship with the don turns to something you never saw coming.
★ 1 // il terrore
★ 2 // bella
★ 3 // viva romano
★ 4 // morte al romano
★ 5 // sorellina
★ 6 // amore
a/n: me pretending this chapter isn't short af
tw for whatever idk
1 week later
After a week of trying not to kill yourself or packing your bags and fleeing Italy, rotting in your bed and rethinking your life decisions, you finally forced yourself to get up.
In a daze, you took a taxi and made your way to where Trish was staying. AKA: Giorno's mansion and Bucciarati gang household.
You rung the doorbell and prayed Trish would answer it, and she did not. It was Bucciarati... He was quite handsome, you noticed this from the first time you met him. Charming, too.
"Ah, Donna Romano." He smiled charmingly, inviting you inside.
"Please, there's no need for honorifics." You stepped inside the beautiful foyer. It was just as Trish had described.
You wondered if Giorno would buy a house like this for you after marriage.
"Bella, it is, then." He kissed your hand and looked up, "Trish is just upstairs."
"Thank you." You squeezed his hand and nearly ran up the stairs in excitement.
You burst through her room and shut it, locking the door. "Triiishh~"
"Babe, what happened?" She stood up from her bed and hugged you.
"Bucciarati's kinda hot! That dark hair, eyes, and charming smile~" You giggled and sat down in bed with her.
Her smile faded into a cringe as she put her hand on your shoulder. "Babe, please don't say that again. Bucciarati's like a father to us."
"He could totally be a DILF then! Isn't he so cute?" You said through your laughs.
You chuckled and hugged her more.
"Y/n, are you okay? You seem a little..." she furrowed her eyebrows, "Are you high?"
You stopped laughing. "What the hell? No!"
"You must be high off of insanity, if not a certain substance..." She mumbled incoherently.
"I'm just trying to be positive." You replied increduosly.
"Is everything okay?" She replied, starting to get concerned. You always acted delirious like this when you were-- more or less, depressed.
You shrugged. "Um, I'm getting married off, so..."
On your way out, you noticed Giorno waiting by the door. You felt a sense of dread, he had probably known about the arrangement by now, but you hoped he wouldn't mention it.
"Giorno." His name left your lips with a sigh as you stared into his beautiful emerald eyes, feeling solemn. You put on your heels and coat, picking up your purse, a little too close to him for comfort. The tension was thick in the air, making your breath hitch in your throat.
"Bella. Everything okay?" He said in his usual smooth, charming voice, with a sincere smile. His tall figure towering over you, his golden hair was down, curled in intricate ways, the familiar scent of his cologne making you crave more, the setting sun's light hitting his face so perfectly.
What was this feeling?
"Yes," you said in a raspy voice after a moment of silence, looking down.
"Do you need a ride? I don't mind."
"No, thank you, I can just walk." You shook your head, moving a few strands of hair from your face, then tried to walk past him.
"Please, I insist." He pleaded, taking your hand, making heat rise to your cheeks and look up at him. His warm calloused fingertips brushed over the bandages that covered your hands, and he looked down, a pained expression coming over his face at the sight. How embarrassing, you thought, wanting to cry.
You immediately pulled your hand away, frightened at his sudden touch, at a loss for words.
"Sorry." He noticed your tense demeanor and took a step back, not wanting to make you uneasy. That's a sight for sore eyes, you thought. Vince was never like that.
"No... I—You can take me home..." You mustered out nervously.
"Are you sure? I don't want to make you uncomfortable." He said with such a tender and caring voice, you would melt. When has Vince ever treated you like this?
"Maybe this won't be so bad... Being with Giorno." 
"It—It's okay, I really appreciate it." You managed to smile, avoiding eye contact with him.
He grabbed a key and opened the door for you, letting you go first.
He went to the garage and opened it, revealing the most gorgeous burgundy Lamborghini. You bit your lip and squealed, your apprehension suddenly fading away.
Your second most beloved interest besides fashion: Cars. You loved cars as much as you loved fashion, which said a lot.
"What a beautiful car, GioGio!" You smiled wide, looking up at him.
He smiled back down at you. "Not as beautiful as you, amore."
"Waaah... He's mega rich... He really is a Don..." 
He unlocked the car, the winged doors going up, allowing you to sit inside the luxurious passenger seat.
He got in and started the car, pulling out of the driveway with ease and driving smoothly.
After five minutes of silence, he sighed deeply and kept his eyes on the road, and spoke up. "Y/n, if you are not happy with this arrangement... I will gladly break it off. I don't want to force you into anything." His tone was serious, but so loving.
"No, Giorno, I— I don't have anything against this..." You mumbled earnestly.
"Please, amore," he pleaded, "I would never do anything to force you into this engagement and I will not be angry if you're not comfortable going through with it. I understand if you don't want to, we don't know each other very well."
You shook your head. "I'm willing to give this a try. We can get to know each other."
"As you wish." He nodded.
A few minutes later, he stopped at a red light and looked down at your hands, then back up at you. "May I ask what happened to your hands, Bella?"
"...Just an accident while cooking." You responded gravelly, then cleared your throat.
"Are you sure? Doesn't look like it." He pried, frowning.
"Don't worry about it." You murmured.
"I should heal this for you. My stand ability—"
"No, it's fine, really." You interrupted.
"Very well then." He muttered.
The car ride was silent until he arrived at Alexander's estate.
"Thanks... Giorno." You forced a smile and quickly got out.
You opened the door and all the lights were off, it was also totally quiet. You had an eerie, sinking feeling as you took your shoes off and quietly walked inside.
"Alex...ander?" You called out, "Alima?"
You walked slowly into the living room, your heart dropping as you saw a trail of blood slowly traveling across the floor.
You came closer and gasped.
Alexander. Alima. Leo. Elena.
Slashes across their chests, their backs... You looked down at your hands and they were suddenly covered in blood, your katana stained with blood in your right hand.
"No..." You whispered, "This isn't real..."
"No! Cheri Lady..." You called out your stand, only to hear her soft giggles as she morphed her appearance to yours, face and clothes stained in blood.
"This is your future, Y/n." She said, grinning, "Isn't this what you want?"
"No! This is all but an illusion..." You whispered, your vision spiraling. You felt wetness running down your cheeks, but they weren't tears.
You wiped your cheeks and saw the blood flowing from your eyes. A side effect of something Cheri Lady's abilities rarely allowed you to do—A premonition. A look into the future.
"Your hatred will drive you to a dark, dark place, Y/n... The grudge you've held in your heart for so many years is fueling your yearning for vengeance..." She laughed more.
"No, Cheri Lady!" You cried out.
"This is why I've allowed you to have a glimpse into the future, Y/n. Don't you remember the last time?" She laughed deeply, "You saw your handsome friend—Josuke-kun, was it? Murdered by that killer. And your other friends, too."
"I-I—I prevented Yoshikage Kira from killing my friends, y-you showed me how everything would play out..." You stuttered anxiously.
"Now, here you will." She opened her arms and smiled at the scene before you.
"But wait. Isn't the rest of your family what you want?"
You turned and you found yourself in the Romano populated neighborhood where all of your extended family lived. Blood smeared on the windows and walls of each house, bodies with slashes across their backs and chests littered each house. The influence of your longing for a normal life—the grudges you aimlessly held in your heart over the years desperately whispering, "Make this your reality. They're nothing to you."
"Come back to reality, Alexander's come back home." She interrupted your psychological turmoil, then vanished. Her giggles echoed in your head.
You turned around, seeing Alexander standing by the door taking his jacket off. "Y/n."
"Alexander." You muttered, regaining your composure.
"Another glimpse into the future, sorellina?" He smiled almost mockingly. Just like his father.
You shook your head and went to grab a tissue to wipe the blood running down your cheeks.
"You should talk to Vince, cuore. He's a mess."
You stopped. Oh shit.
You totally forgot about Vince.
"Ok." You replied, raising your eyebrows.
"I told him about your... engagement. Stupid motherfucker punched me in the face." Alexander hissed and took off his hat.
"Yikes." You remarked.
"He said it's my fault, how I'm just Father's puppet, I don't care about you, blah blah blah." Alexander rolled his eyes.
"Maybe he's right." You shrugged.
He frowned then went back to a normal expression. "Anyway— after we roughed each other up, he started tearing up. The poor guy felt so bad after your argument."
"Ok." You nodded.
"He really wants to apologize, but he can't imagine you with another guy besides him."
"Ok. I don't really give a fuck, so..." You shrugged.
"God, it's like talking to an unemotional psychopath whenever I'm with you." Alexander scowled.
"Where's my wife?" He asked.
You shrugged again. "Dunno. Housewife stuff. It's not like she has a job to go to...her university degrees are collecting dust on the mantel."
"Why don't you get a goddamn job and stop wasting my money all day? Or maybe go to grad school and do something with your life?" He retorted condescendingly.
"Should I make dinner, my handsome and kind brother?" You said mockingly.
"No, I'm afraid you might cut yourself again." He leaned in and mumbled as he took your bandaged hand and glared down at you coldly.
"You don't know anything." You muttered as you met his gaze, eyes beaming a slight red from your stand's instigation.
He gripped your wrist tighter, not letting you pull away. "Those eyes, sorellina... What do you see?"
"I see you dead at my feet." You murmured, a smile creeping up against your lips.
His expression darkened and he shook his head. "Just me? Or the entire clan, too?"
You smirked in response, staying quiet.
He let go of your wrist, shoving you away. "You traitorous, conspiring—"
"Ah, ah, Alexander, I see the truth behind your meaningless lies. No need to curse me." You interrupted, your hands shaking for the release of spilling blood.
"Maybe I should kill him."
"You shouldn't have come back here, Y/n. I can just see that murderous look in your eyes. It's sickening, waking up every day and seeing you plotting on all of us." Alexander replied, rubbing his eyes.
"It's because of you, Alessandro. You made me this way."
He sighed deeply and rubbed his forehead. "I'm not some man you can use your pretty face to manipulate, Y/n. I'm not Vince, nor your little boytoy the Don."
"Don Giovanna is lucky to be betrothed to me. I'm the most sought after woman in Italy." You smirked more.
"Dio mio, Y/n... Your arrogance is painful to listen to." Your brother winced at your arrogance.
"But I'm the most beautiful woman around, na? I know how those mobsters speak of me when I'm not around." You retorted pridefully.
"You don't know shit about how our organization works, Y/n. You're just a pretty face among a crowd of lustful men." He grew more intimidating as he leered over you, making you a little nervous.
"S-Stop it, Alessandro, I'm not a child anymore." You retorted, taking a step away from him.
He grabbed your collar. "Why do you think they bow down to you so easily, hm? Because they respect you?"
Sweat started to form on your forehead and you put an innocent, fearful look on your face. Alexander couldn’t stand it.
“Get out of my face,” he murmured, shoving you to the ground roughly as he let go, “I don’t know how you turned out this way…”
“And how exactly did I turn out?” You inquired.
“Manipulative and conceited. Get the fuck out of my sight.” He snapped.
You got on your feet dizzily and smirked, walking upstairs.
“M-Me? Manipulative? How could you say that…” You whispered to yourself, making a false hurt expression.
You were more manipulative than you’d like to admit, but so what? There’s nothing wrong with wanting to have some control over other’s emotions.
Your judgement was clouded. It was hard to tell what was good and bad, everything was just a blur for you.
The influence of your hatred had driven you this far.
Murdererous intent, bloodlust, invasive thoughts-- You were just one more argument with Alexander away from going to the Romano estate and slaughtering everyone.
You sighed shakily, running a hand through your hair.
"Whatever." Your conflicted expression faded into an unaffected one.
"I did this to myself."
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sixosix · 10 months
hi hello
I'm here to write about my experience while reading the latest writing of wanderer. (it shall contain what I'm doing as I'm reading and my reactions - so if you don't wanna read it - that is a-okay!)
I'M STANDING IN -3°C OR EVEN LESS ON A TRAIN STATION FREEZING. I'm reading this by taking a glove off of my hand to scroll and then switching it to the other (taking the other glove off putting this one on) - pain fr, and then smiling to myself like a love struck idiot at 6 FUCKING AM. ON A FOGGY CROWD FILLED TRAIN STATION.
you did say in the a/n that the first part was "unnecessary" but I enjoyed the potrayal of friendship - it fleshed out the mc fr. also didn't except Heizou to be so touchy bUT THEN I gave it a second more of thought (lol) and I can see it. wanderer wearing all black is fucking canon in my eyes in modern!teyvat/world/somewhere.
the flashback was written really cutely, managing to catch the good vibes and capture, in a quite the short amount of text, the history the two have. (except like why does he think he hurt them-myb he thinks it is cos they left? idk listen I'm still sleepy if I missed something dO NOT HATE ME I WILL REREAD LATER TODAY)
next, I manage to find a spot in the train to sit, now nice and warm, chuckling at the boys & mc interaction in the hotel room
takiNG PAUSES - TURNING MY PHONE OFF AND LOOKING OUT INTO THE DARKNESS OF THE MORNING WHEN THEY KISS???? WHEN HE SAYS ANYTHING? I'm out here yet again smiling to myself and looking out of the window before continuing my reading
little love confessions cute! cute! cute!
thE FUCKING CUDDLES THE CUDDLES THE. CUDDLES. as a deeply touched deprived person with main love language being physical affection (with only selected few I care for, otherwise I hate any physical contact) my reaction is - YES. tysm. bless, thank you for your service.
it warmed my heart, perfect perfect perfect. ALSO THE LINE - I JUST RECALLED, THE LINE "You think I'd settle for less than you" - screenshoted, screamed internally, felt special, felt pain no one in this bitch ass world has me yet like that - no one ever will prob let US BE REAL (I'm mentaly dating all of them fictional mfs) , looked out of the window, paused, thought about stuff, leaned my head back to reimagine the scene as I try to also nap and fAIL cos I'm too hyped to read it - like man! 5k words - a LOT (it indeed was not a lot, I forgot how fast I read even when I reread lines and pause, and that I finish a thick ass book in 2 hours.)
it was slow burn without the slow but you worded it so nicely, paced it out, captured the essence of the thought proccess of a "crush" and stuff. also heizou being mentioned so much DOES make sense in the way - that ofc you'd think to tell your bsf this shit and chat with him DUH.
the detail of Aether texting his sister warmed my heart.
roll back a bit earlier - did I mention my train arrived late to my station - and in the freezing dark cold morning I smile and was like "ehe" cos I get to read this in PEACE for 15 mins longer - cos of the late train.
roll back to the present. after the kiss someone sits next to me so I'm putting my phone away, like I'm reading straight up smut of some shit, yet again rethinking everything you wrote.
then I see "a/n" - cut to me screaming, yelling, crying internally for more - feeling like it just began - I need the two days, I need more of the kissing, I need how they solve the end of vacay, and how they work all of it out - ALSO WHERE IS XIAO AMONGST MY ANEMO BOYS
on the topic of xiao I do understand it would be difficult for me as well to put the two boys I love the most in the same fic and just not have anything with one of them. furthermore, I understand one of your notes on a Xiao writing you did as a Xiao main. Listen me too, I could not write about my beloved. it would be a struggle just like it is for you but I KNOW WHY LET ME TELL YOU WHY - to quote Jane Austen "If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more" I rest my fucking case.
I CAN FURTHER SUPPORT MY CLAIM WITH THIS - I'm talking to my friend the other day about genshin and he's like tell me about you favorite character, I say a bit while also trying to keep it spoiler free but I struggle so much, because my mind just fills with everything about him, every single thing Xiao has been through and dear gods how do I say it all, how to get across everything he is, has been through. yeah. the quote is true.
I beg on my knees for somehow another part of this wanderer writing I'm just gnawing at a train plush soft cushion (not literally).
I am very aware of how long this is, hope it wasn't boring - but HEY it is an ask, so technically you can ignore me
I probably didn't manage to caputre all my thoughts while reading it cos I'm just still very tired - hope you have a great day
ps. I could very well write an ask about how I started enjoying (read: liking) Wanderer + how the pulls went (it would be more put together than this ask honestly lmk)
pps much love, keep writing stuff x
hi hello! of course id love to read. i love the trend of sending long asks like this!! the only time i dont like long asks is when readers are requesting something---i dont like that at all :/ but youre not doing that!!! youre talking about your experience in reading my works and it really really warms my heart reading through it
OH NO T__T i cant even imagine. my countrys temperature never falls below 25-30°C so i cant even imagine surviving outside when the numbers are NEGATIVE T__T
the first part was absolutely unnecessary HAHA but thank you for justifying it. My hopeless crush wormed in and i wrote too much to just delete it sigh…
now for your question--scara moved out and essentially left the reader. it was more of a reference to scaramouche's canon backstory. he felt hurt that ei left him! and now, he's leaving the person he cares about. of course, in my head, he would assume that you'd feel what he felt. its why i put scaras mommy issues in the tags hahaha
im glad you like their interaction!! i loved writing their banter so much. i love writing scara talking to anyone in general because the way he talks is the way i think irl LOL
im so glad you also like the "you think i'd settle for less than you" line!!! ill tell u a secret. a few minutes before posting the fic it wasn't even there, but after reading through it i thought it would fit perfectly with the way i wrote scaramouche's character :D
and im so glad u pointed out the pacing!!! in all honesty i am far from confident with my pacing. i never know if im doing it right so thank u so much for saying that!!!!!!!! T__T <3 i dont know if i should clap for the late train for letting you read in peace? ??
LMFAOOO IM SO SORRY. this is exactly why i avoid reading fanfiction out in public even if i dont read smut. these strangers cannot know that i read about scaramouche kissing me.
and also fun fact!!!!! in the previous author note, it was not written that way. let me show you proof!! i cant find it rn but ill go into the version history version of my docs :D
AHHH that quote is so real im stealing that sorry. Everytime someone brings up why i dont write xiao enough ill pull that up !!!!! i know exactly what u mean :/
and about a part two… some people are already asking for it but i just don't do part twos T__T unless its stated in the fic that there's another part coming--it means that that's it…… your imagination will probably do better than whatever i can cook anyway !!!
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imaginarylungfish · 6 months
y'all i watched more... and got to the "You have it easy, Killua" scene. fuckkkk. honestly just made me feel so low. i now understand why people say this anime is about codependency. killua is seeing gon fall off the pedestal he placed him on.
throughout this whole arc, it felt like it was becoming clear that killua put more energy into gon than gon put into him. gon seemed like he was reciprocating killua’s feelings (friendship/romantic whatever you want to call it---really doesn't matter) equally, but idk gon seemed to fall off this arc.
the Let's Go scene after killua helped ikalgo just felt like gon was in his own world. like killua saw gon changed and realized he doesn't feel the same towards gon anymore because of it. idk it felt so sad. (yeah, i cried about it for a while after, sue me.)
killua did so much for gon since the beginning. but this arc made me feel like killua's done a little too much. like gon is being selfish and just dragging killua along.
(and honestly this whole thing with gon and killua is making me rethink the It Has To Be Killua scene. Like gon knew killua was risking his hands for him? that's kinda rude to just assume killua would do that for him.)
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taegularities · 1 year
My Drabble review🤭:
Idk why but my heart swelled reading the first few lines bc I missed the warmth of their relationship/friendship and even though it’s only a flashback, it’s given me sm hope that they can overcome this issue and really be together all in😢.
When it’s mentioned that oc was reluctant to go home and would rather over something silly w jk really interest me because now I’m thinking about how long ago did she start really becoming fond of him🤔 ofc they’re hooking up and stuff and she’s stressed and wants a release, but I would usually go hang w one of my closer friends than my newly fwb yk??: “But you genuinely did not notice how late it was — between studying and going out for a late night snack alone, time passed. It does quickly when you’re reluctant to go home.”
“If you peeked long enough, you bet you could see his perked, brown nipples, right there on his firm, hard pecs.” SAME GIRL SAMEEEE🌚
No idc what anyone says, they may have started as friends w benefits, but I feel like there always has been lingering feelings oc felt, but just didn’t want to admit to bc all the little habits he has that usually annoy her from anyone else, but she can tolerate (can I say even loves) coming from him like cracking his fingers nonstop?? It may not be important, but there was more than just sexual tension between them idk🫸
Ik OC loves arguing just for the sake of it bc she was really anticipating bantering back and forth w JK (ik this is her type of foreplay😭😭): “I’ll tell her to regrade my paper. Make me fail the class. Will you be happy then?’…You say nothing. You hadn’t anticipated this.”
“Even if,��� you tell him, “it’s none of your business.” I know OC’s life is more in the public eye and stuff and they had just got to know each other, but they both have some deep traumas that they’re reluctant to tell each other and i know this Drabble is still from when they first started hooking up, I wonder if there’s still anything now that OC hasn’t told JK??
“Listen,” he cards his fingers through his hair, and the strands fall back into his face so beautifully.” Just imagining this omg I’m so down bad for JK😞🥲🩷🩷🩷
“You came because you want me, and that’s driving you crazy.” It’s a bold statement. But it makes you hold your breath. “Because you think about it way too much.” Ok now who told him to examine it this much🙄🙄🙄 this only means he overthinks situations too and thinks about HER WAY TOO MUCH AS WELL😊 but he really got her speechless w that😭😭
“Yeah, yeah, you're an enigma. One that definitely doesn't like it when I do this, right?” Without a warning, rendering you speechless, he touches your thigh. Journeys down to your knee. “Should I stop?” This was so smooth I’m speechless. I have no thoughts just a *** *****😵‍💫
“Dark, starry. Tender yet dangerous. Luring you in on purpose, so you're trapped.” 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 your descriptions will be the end of me omggg
Ok wait I’m rethinking my earlier statement now because they weren’t even FWB when the Drabble started, so she definitely felt something for him w just plain old hookups huh🤔
I really wonder what happened at that frat party that made them never forget it and stick together for so long. Most of the time frat parties are places where you can’t remember a thing after it’s over, but this night single-handedly changed the course of their relationship and I feel like it’s way more deeper than just a hookup (idk I like to be dramatic)
“And when he grips your hair out of the blue, you gasp, noses almost clashing when he pulls you to his face, and he interrupts, “Stop fucking doubting me for once. It’s exasperating.” Didnt even start the smut yet but I need more aggressive JK>>>>>>>
“Tilting his head, he deepens the sloppy kiss with a hum, breathing whenever possible as you let tiny, yet innocent whimpers into his mouth. The wet noises of the kiss stir your mind, his entire being reckless when his palms shift to your ass.” Omg my ***** is ** *** * can’t ******* I’m not ******* ** *** I’m going crazyzyzyayx😂😂😂😂😂😂
“you’ve ruined any other pussy for me.” The most iconic line of CMI EVER🌚🌚
“…Can’t mess with anyone anymore because of this gem you’ve got.” You don’t know whether he sounds angry or overwhelmed by lust. “Will never come across anything better.” I just melted wtf omg🫠🫠🫠
“Beautiful and inviting. Thick, towering, even when not fully hard. The tip is glistening with precum, veins spreading along the length… and there’s a mole on his dick, right at the base.”🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐
“Protection is never a hundred percent, but this is new. The way it splits in half when you want to roll it over his dick, draping over your hand like a ruined glove. You glance at it with wide eyes, up to him, then back to it again, and then curse, “Fuck.” THE CONDOM RIPPING HAS ME CRYING😭😭😭 ONLY THAT WOULD HAPPEN TO THEM AND CAUSE EVEN MORE STEAMY SEX
I can’t wait for the day we get the frat party reveal because I genuinely want to know how fucked up OC got to not even remember a thing😭😭😭 and like how those events led us here because we can’t even rely on ole girls memory to help us out🙄🙄
“…but he surprises you when you start moving, holding your thighs in place as he says, “Wait. Not yet. Just wanna… Just a bit…His forehead lazily falls against your shoulder for a second, and you brush along his arms, feeling the bicep” cockwarming🥹🥹🥹 oh how I love cockwarming❤️❤️❤️ lmfaoaoaoa no but this made me melt again seriosuly🫠🫠🫠
“Nothing. You’re just. So pretty.” The praise is sudden; it’s not quite unusual for him, because you know he finds you pretty.” I miss them sm the angst is hurting me😭😭😭 they are so in love it hurts #rip⭐️
“his teeth running along your jaw, down to your tits until he’s sucking in a sensitive nipple. A strong hand palms your boob from below, pushing it up, lighting up your veins.” I think I’m the biggest sucker for tittysucking idk 🤷‍♀️ it just seems the second most intimate after cockwarming during sex for me🤷‍♀️🤓
“Take his hand from your hip and bring it to your mouth, pushing two fingers in that he previously had knocked into your cunt…Diligently, with quiet, low hums, you suck them clean, biting back your moans, different from him voicing endless groans.” I lied I’m an even bigger sucker for fingerlicking/sucking🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠
Anal tease…🤭🤭🤭
“You’re…” He gulps, stalling for a moment. “You're beautiful.” He’s down even worse omg. They have such passionate sex it’s borderline “making love” and no one can deny that!
“The truth is that you’re more than okay being here. Other options aren’t as gratifying, and this… he… takes your mind off things. He might be tiresome once in a while, but his place is inviting.” My babys🥲🥲🥲🥲
“Jungkook’s climax is nothing you’ll ever get used to. A phenomenon each time. So vocal, so pretty, deep dimples of focus in his cheeks, a hard jaw. Flexing muscles. Rapid breathing when he’s finally empty.” ** ***** ** *********!!! #rip⭐️
The shower scene🥲 they’re so domestic and cute and this is just the beginning of their relationship I can’t wait for what’s next🤭🤭🤭
I literally am realizing how much I love your smut like wtf you’re a beast omgggg #myfav
This was such a good Drabble and sorry for taking so long to send this in, life🙄🙄🙄 but I’m going to reread this again right after sending it and it was such a cute distraction from the mess that is now CMI7.5 (review coming soon🫠) I loved sm rid thank u for always putting ur all into the work you release for us❤️❤️❤️
I COULDN'T FIND THIS REVIEW IN MY INBOX ANYMORE, like i got so fkn scared but it came back when i refreshed 😭 tumblr why phew
this drabble was definitely a way to escape the reality we're seeing right now. there's so much comfort between them, and that's kind of why i teared up writing it? like there's no angst at all in this one, but... yeah it hurt, comparing those moments with the heartbreak they're going through rn.
i guess the reason she went to him instead of her friends could be as simple as... she was nearby, his dorm is close to college, so she dropped by... or it could be as complex as her finding warmth in him that she hasn't experienced anywhere else before. we'll find out why after the frat party reveal!! (which was, as you said, definitely more than just a hook up night. probably not too deep, but deep enough :'))
i don't think it was a crush, even less love, back then, but there was something between them for sure. even during the hook up phase! a connection maybe. we've been seeing it since ch1... there's always been chemistry, and they've always kind of.. hm, clicked.
tbh, i'd say oc has been a lot more open with jk than vice versa. like, since they started their fwb thing, she's laid her heart open to him very often. he definitely didn't show his pain as much as she did... it's time he does :')
'I have no thoughts just a *** *****' WHY DID I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU MEANT LMAOAOAOAO
more aggressive jk you say? GOTCHA COS ME TOO !!!
your reactions to the smut are everything 😭 LIKE THE RIPPED CONDOM LMFAO JUST THEM !!! i also fkn love every single time you go "#rip⭐️" LOL ILY STAR ILY
and yes, sucking/cockwarming >>>>
anal tease 👁
the shower scene was my favourite of all 🥺 domesticity is my favourite city fr, i wanna reside there forever hahaha i just love it when they giggle together, i'm so down bad 😭 it'll be insane once they actually get together :')
and don't worry, babe!! take as much time as you need. i'm very slow too lol i apologise! i saw your other review too and i fucking love your thoughts to cmi every damn time, thank you so much 😭 will get to it soon too!! <333
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Any comparisons to the Omi and Jermaine friendship?
Probably not but I'm up for suggestions. I can't jog my memory enough to make the comparison that would make both of them justice. Idk maybe something from the newer generation of cartoons but I'm not familiar with these.
They get along very well like Phineas and Ferb, for example. I can see Jermaine and Omi strengthen their bond so it could be more brotherly-like. But both pairs represent very distant personality traits AND INTERESTS, so nope.
But if we consider crossover friendships, I would mention which cartoon characters match Jermaine and Omi separately and then you can make your own pairs or sth. This is the only thing I can suggest, sorry.
So, Jermaine is that laid-back dude who likes basketball. I think he's very supportive of Omi and has that demeanor that screams: 'I can be fun but I'm also determined and I can speak my mind clearly.' When I was little, I watched a little bit of KND and Hey!Arnold and I can say quite frankly, I see a little bit of Numbuh 5 and that Gerald dude in Jermaine. But, y'know, that's not entirely IT. In KND there is also that boy Numbuh 9 - I liked the dude but tbh he's like a Rai-Jermaine fusion. An interesting character, he's competent and has brains, and delivers funny comments about salsa.
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As for newer productions, Miles Morales... Damn, Miles Morales. I love this boy. He's like a goofier Jermaine. 'What's up danger' and 'Sunflower' from the Spiderverse soundtrack are Jermaine's songs - you can't change my mind.
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It's Omi's turn now. For him, I have a few matches (some of them are Hana Barbera's sidekicks but I'm rethinking that choice and I'm like naah) but I'm confident enough to only present three:
I've already mentioned that from the previous post - KO from Ok Ko let's be heroes. Ko may not be a monk and is more energetic and up-to-date than Omi, but there are many similarities regardless. Especially that one they're both cutie pies.
Aang from Atla - similar appearance and tbh upbringing, no parents, but they have pure hearts and love their friends very much. Ready to make sacrifices to protect what and who they love. Very powerful elemental gods.
Robotboy. I remember I enjoyed this cartoon, can recognize the characters, etc. I'm just of the opinion little Robot is similar to Omi in regards to learning new things, exploring, being oblivious to many facts about the world, making mistakes and learning from them. Both can kick ass spectacularly, leaving a lot of mess (usually robotic parts of Robotboy's enemies and Jack's robots which Omi managed to destroy) Their designs are made from similar shapes. I think Lola has a similar personality (and fondness for Robotboy Kimiko also displays to Omi) to Kimiko so, I suppose, that option tracks.
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As I said, I can't find any pair of two characters that match Omi and Jermaine and come from the same cartoon universe. For me, it's Miles Morales befriending Robotboy, for you it can be two other characters.
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taeyungie · 11 months
i was starting to feel distant from my only 3 childhood friends i have left and being i spent my birthday alone... i would say i def don't even feel like i'm important. sure they wished me a happy bday, but usually they'd ask if i'd like to get something to eat which isn't much but they'd at least spend it with me but nope. i stayed home and nothing eventful happened. ig this taught me to enjoy my own presence but i can't help but feel a little hurt. ig that kinda solidified how i was feeling. i'm very much a loner these days, i did try to be as active with them as i possibly could. hell last month i went to one of their bday's and wracked my brain to give a gift that was personal to them (for their dramas). i just... feel so small. idk if i should continue this friendship. i mean one was barely hanging on, i genuinely feel they hung out with me the few times they do out of pity. sometimes i see on facebook how people celebrated their bdays and wished i was that loved. its only a bday but the lonliness i felt hurt a lot, esp for such a big birthday. yay me... 😔
i am really so sorry that this happened to you, nobody deserves to be left alone on their birthday, especially when that day means a lot to them. but remember that the way you spent one day of the year does not mean you are not loved, sweetheart. you know.. maybe your friends had a lot going on, maybe something else is happening that made you feel distanced from them in the first place... i'm not defending their behavior but i think you should talk to them, you know? :( before doing anything, or before assuming, it's always good to talk first. tell them about how you felt during your birthday, and that you wanted to know why they didn't want to spend time with you. I promise you, it's not going to sound desperate or silly, you have the right to be hurt and to wonder why they didn't make sure to make that day special for you, especially if they know that it means a lot to you. also talk to them about feeling alienated, anxious and disconnect from them, ask about it all, don't be scared, honesty is the key to relationships, no matter what is the outcome. on the other hand, most of the time you have to let people know when you want something, honey. sometimes initiating these things might feel hard because we want people to surprise us and make us feel loved 'unprovoked', i know... but that's why it's important to communicate, even about smallest issues, to ask why it went that way and if you could think of other ways of celebrating next birthdays. if they really care about you they'll catch up on it right away, they'll want to make up for it, they'll remember for the next time. but if they will react in a negative way... maybe it really is time to rethink whether it's worth it to continue the friendship if you guys don't feel good around each other anymore :( you deserve to have someone who enjoys making you happy, and knows you good enough to know what will make you the happiest, and if celebrating your birthday is one of those things then i wish upon the stars that you find a person who will take care of it 💓 you deserve your special day to be cherished the way you want to.
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commanderbuffy · 1 year
From this point forward I'm gonna call myself chaper 8 plot twist anon lol 😅. But I wanted to share one of the the theories I had but not sure anymore. This is assuming that Sorsha has somthing to do with it which I doubt but still a possibility that I'm not ruling out. I can't remember when you said it but I remember reading it from one of the asks. That Kit and Jade will be at Sorshas house at some point. So the theory was Sorsha off handily says somthing idk what it is but somthing along the lines makes Kit go back an rethink everything of her friendship with Jade kinda like the one sence in the tv show. Where Kit finds out that Sorsha asked Jade to train her and being so hurt by it. Because that would cause tension between both of them. But me personally don't think Sorsha bribed Jade into being friends with Kit like some anons said. She was only just a kid when she ment Kit. I can see after that Kit wanting to talk about everything and I mean everything between them. That could potentially casue a little tension/riff between them. At this point I honestly see it being a possibility but then again I don't. But at some point they gotta talk about everything. But I don't see them talking about everything finally being the plot twist. And you said it happens at the end of chapter 8. Hell for all I know the plot twist honestly could be either Kit or Jade abruptly saying I love you finally. Sorry if this is a little confusing my mind is literally in scrambles right now.
You’re right that it would really be weird and wouldn’t make sense for Sorsha to bribe a 14 year old to be friends with her daughter.
And technically, the plot twist could be one of them finally saying I love you
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
Gale Reviews: ML Season 4 Episode 3: Gang of Secret
(Spoilers below)
-So they just beat a villain, and Ladybug is acting SUS. Like she doesn't Want to leave yet. Hmm
-Chat noir YOU SLICK MOFO. (I dare not ruin it, because I am laughing at it)
-She is still not over her break up. So I guess Lukanette stans, get whatever remains of your juice while its there.
-Ladybug ... sweetie. Do you need a hug? Cause you look like you need a hug.
-Chat noir realizing his idea was NOT very smart after that.
-Ladybug ruining experiences for a LOT of couples today
-Chat noir trying to help, but Ladybug aint telling him
-They are going swimming now. Chat noir for once, is not thrilled about hanging out with Ladybug... thats a YIKES.
-She has goggles and a towel, so she did go swimming.
-The Kwami see her in pain, QUICK, TEAR DOWN THE PHOTOS.
-She said no tho, but clearly sad about it.
-So Alya is giving the girl posse the rundown on Marinette. Claiming she is lovesick.
-Rose thought they were cute, and Juleka says nothing. Is it wrong that I want Juleka to have an opinion? Whether positive OR negative
-Juleka is like "Yea, he is sad." shows picture of sad Luka. Though to be fair, that is a decent pic of him.
- So Alya is LAST to know. Double ouch.
-Marinette was crying in the bathroom, baby girl no!
-Alya out here trying to be a good friend. By showing Marinette she has support. (She aint even mad that she was last to find out. She is more concerned about her friend)
-They calling her now
-She didn't answer. She is too sad
-So she won't detransform and talk with tikki. Can I PLEASE give her a hug. She needs it.
-Yo... Marinette has zero concern for herself and only detransformed when she thought it was causing strain on Tikki.
-Mylene offering friendship bracelets. Never change dear.
-Okay so are they witches now?
-Alix is like 'Can I not be in a ritual, Id rather give her some juice'
-Marinette sad cause Ladybug can't have a boyfriend. Cause even if she dated Adrien, it would be the same as it was with Luka.... Tikki knows that aint true but can't say why. UGH! This is pain
-Did Tikki just confirm Kwami can't fall in love? NO! MY CHEESECAKE!
-OH S***! So now she gonna be Perma ladybug?!
-So the girls showed up as soon as ladybug left. This isn't good.
-And of course Marinette is TOO GOOD at making s***, so they curious about the new dollhouse
-And things going to s*** in 10, 9, 8
-Oh no... this... this is not good. Marinette sweetie no. No please.
-Look can we take a second and APPRECIATE HOW HARD ALYA AND THE GIRLS ARE GOING FOR MARINETTE! Did the writers see all of the alya salt and say 'Yea f*** that noise'? Cause I feel like they did.
-Okay so I know Marinette just didn't want to expose her secret... but damn girl... THAT was harsh.
-Marinette literally going scorched earth for being Ladybug... Okay, this episode PHYSICALLY hurts me. SHE DOESNT MEAN IT GIRLS. PLEASE DONT HATE HER.
-Shadowmoth could you not. Like seriously?! COULD YOU F***ING NOT! MY BABY GIRL IS IN PAIN AND I WILL GO THROUGH MY SCREEN AND [Redacted]
-And then you'll have to f*** sideways.
-So first 5 way akumatization
-So can we talk about how the last 3 akuma were after the secrets of Marinette. well 2, but the other one was Adrien. But still. A Lot of Hawkmoth saying 'F*** this individual in particular'
-I wish I could understand Juleka. Can someone please just translate with what she is saying. It was funny in truth, but I want to know
-OH Timebreaker and Horrificator are BACK. Yay, I missed them
-Just realized how AMAZING their Gang of akuma are. Like damn, thats like a super team of evil. Yea sure
-Not to nitpick, but Marinette, you should have led with that box.
-Damn that was a really boss illusion trixx. But question, how was that out of control? Like if anything, that was BETTER then when the user used it.
-Trixx makes a really good point. WHY DOES HE NEED A HOLDER AGAIN?!
-Trixx is now my second favorite Kwami.
-PLAGG! MY SON! HE IS IN THE EPISODE! I MISSED HIM. Also, surprisingly knows.
-Plagg cares about other Kwami.
-Adrien just chilling, watching tv. XD
-Timebreaker casually committing murder
-Hold it, Okay so why are so many people in school right now? Ivan is there, chloé and Sabrina? Oh my tomato son too. Can someone tell me wtf is up with this school schedule?
-Fragrance/Reflekta Power combo is amazing.
-Wow, this gang is MEGA DANGEROUS
-So yea Ladybug. Maybe... idk... TALK WITH CHAT NOIR ABOUT YOUR PROBLEMS!?
-So they really gotta plan this time.
-Ladybug smart to disarm Ladywifi.
-Ladybug trying to get lady wifi to fight the akuma. This is touching
-No, shadow moth, you's a b***
-Loving this Alya- Ladybug friendship
-Chat noir looking boss by fighting 3 akuma at once while on the phone. Chat noir Leveled up.
-So Ladybug can now pull the miraculous out of anywhere because she has guardian status. Thats a cool trick. Makes it much easier.
-Thats a secret tho, Alya got trusted with a big secret.
-And Chat noir is captured... but in his defense. He did have to fight 4 at once this time. So that took longer than usual. So no shame kitty. You did well.
-Lucky charm is an inner tube
-Clever illusion. POINTS! Using the goal of the akuma to distract. Alya gets gull points!
-Ladybug suave catch of rose tho.
-So that was probably the best Group akuma attack since Heroes day (and honestly it probably tops it)
-Marinette patches things up with her friends. That is a relief. She was able to somewhat explain her issues up to the point. Without spilling the details.
-Marinette has some really good friends.
-Alya knows that not everything has been told... Hold on DONT TELL ME.
-Oh wow, Marinette is breaking down.... My poor baby girl is hurting real bad.
wow this episode... This one hurt. This one hurt a LOT. But also, it was really good.
Okay so, 10/10.
I haven't been this enthralled with an episode in a long time.
Are there one or two nitpicks? Absolutely.
Do I wish somethings were not mentioned? A little bit.
Am I glad Alya knows? Out of everyone, she is the second person I wanted Marinette to tell.
(The first one being chat noir, but lets face it, we kind of knew that won't be happening for a while.)
So can Alya salt stop now? Cause Alya CLEARLY showed how much of a motherf***ing boss she is.
But damn I didn't feel this emotional since Chat blanc.
That was OBJECTIVELY, one of the best episodes in the entire series.
This made me rethink my favorite episode. THATS HOW GOOD IT WAS.
Season 4, You keep doing what you are doing. Your writing (minus some very minor nitpicks) has been pretty damn good.
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0bsess3d · 3 years
lies | j.m. | part one
JJ Maybank x Routledge!Reader x Best Friend!OC
A/N: So idk if I like this or if I’m even going to continue this series (it’ll probably take a while). I also have no idea if I’m even gonna keep this shit up. I hope you enjoy it tho. also, the name sucks i know that, but i may change it later on idk.
Warnings: Cursing, Lying, I think that’s about it rn.
Word Count: 1.2K
Summary: Instead of rejecting your friend, you tell him you’re taken, which is a complete and total lie. Now that he’s asking to meet this so-called boyfriend of yours, you’re going to need someone to play the role of your imaginary love interest.
It was a shame that this great day was coming to an end. It was the first day of Summer Break, so, just like every other summer, you and your best friend spent the whole day on the water. Only, this time, you used his father’s new boat instead of your brother’s. It was now around 9 in the afternoon, and Julian was now driving you back to the chateau. Julian’s old truck finally came to a stop in front of the chateau, meaning that the fun was now officially over. “Thanks for the ride.” You went to open the door before Julian grabbed your other hand, stopping you. “What’s wrong?”
“I uh just need to ask you something.” You could tell he had something on his mind on the ride over here. He’s been all quiet which is very unusual for him, and he kept tapping his fingers on the steering wheel.
“What is it?” You queried suspiciously and somewhat afraid.
“Do you- Would you wanna go out somewhere Friday night? Like, as a date?” You froze, still processing what he had asked. You had no idea he liked you this way. You had only ever thought of your relationship as purely platonic. You were just best friends. And only ever that.
“You don’t feel the same way, do you?” He nodded after you didn’t reply, not looking you in the eye. “Oh my god, I’m an idiot. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked.” He just seems so sad and disappointed. You had to come up with something -- anything -- to make him feel better, even if it was just a teeny tiny bit.
“No, Julian, it’s okay. It’s just that I- I’ve been seeing someone.” You felt bad about lying to him. To be honest, it felt childish. Like you were in middle school again, making up a boyfriend to make yourself look “cool” to all of your friends. Obviously, this occasion was different. This time, you’re lying to protect your friendship from being ruined by the awkwardness that would surely follow up this conversation.
He was surprised, but there was still a hint of disappointment and maybe even embarrassment left on his face. “Oh- You haven’t mentioned anything about a boyfriend.”
“Yeah, we’ve kept it a secret for a while, but I guess the cat’s out of the bag.” You ended it with a slight chuckle. Ever since you were little, you’ve been a great liar. It was just a natural talent that you were born with. And it really did come in handy in times such as these.
Julian sighed, looking down at his floorboard. “I’m happy for you.” He gave a small, friendly smile. “Disappointed, but happy nonetheless.” The look he gave you made you feel guilty for lying to him. But, this was for the greater good, right? Because you felt like you were doing the right thing. “I do want to meet this boy, though.” He added, giving you a sick, nervous feeling deep down in the pit of your stomach.
“You do?” Your eyes widened for a split second before you told your body to keep calm. This lie of yours had already started to backfire, and you had only said it a few seconds ago. How the hell are you going to get out of this one?
“Hell, yeah, I do. As your best friend, it’s my job to make sure the guy you’re dating isn’t a complete asshole.” He elbowed your side after the phrase “best friend,” making you a hell of a lot more guilty than you already were. He gasped, pulling you out of your thoughts. “You should totally invite him to the movie night this Saturday. I’ll let Kassi know that you’re bringing him.”
He seems way happier to meet him than you are.
As soon as you got inside the house, you launched yourself onto the couch, your face landing right beside where your brother was sitting. You let out a muffled groan into the cushions below you.
“What’s wrong?” John B asked, stifling a chuckle.
“I’m an idiot.”
“Well, we all knew that already.” He laughed. You picked yourself up from the couch and sat beside him the correct way, giving him a death glare. “What happened, though?”
“Julian asked me out on a date, and, obviously, I only like him as a friend. But I couldn’t just say no because then it would make everything awkward. So, I did the only thing that made sense to me. I told him that I had a boyfriend that I’ve been keeping a secret. And the problem with that is that he wants to meet him now.” You rambled on.
John B laughed a little at your situation, earning a glare from you. “That sounds like a situation you’d get yourself into.” 
You hit his shoulder. “Shut up, asshole. I need advice, not for you to make fun of me.” 
“Okay, okay.” He thought for a second. “Try and find someone to pretend to be your boyfriend. Not someone he knows, though, because then he’ll catch you in the lie.”
“Who would I ask, though?”
John shrugged. “I don’t know. That’s your problem. I got to get ready for bed.”
You rolled your eyes. “Well, thanks for helping, jerk.” You said with sarcasm laced in your voice.
“No problem, sis, love you.” The next sound that was heard was your annoying brother’s bedroom door slamming shut and then the sound of your groaning.
Then, from the kitchen, you hear the voice of someone that you didn’t even know was in your house at the moment. JJ Maybank. “I’ll pretend to be your boyfriend.” Your head snapped in his direction.
“You’re serious?” You questioned, relieved that you didn’t have to beg any of your other friends to do this.
“Yes, I’m serious. But you’ll owe me.” JJ moved from the kitchen to where you sat on the couch.
“Of course, thank you so much, JJ.”
“Nope, there is no way you are pretending to date my sister.” John B hollered from the other side of your father’s boat. You had just explained to everyone yesterday’s events, and everyone except for your brother didn’t have a problem with it.
“Come on, John B, please. It was your idea in the first place to find a fake boyfriend.” You tried to reason with the stubborn, stubborn boy you called your brother.
“I didn’t mean my best friend!” He shouted before pointing over at Kiara. “Kie, you’re the one that created the “no pogue on pogue macking” rule. Why are you okay with this?”
Kie shrugged. “John B, they aren’t going to actually date. It’s just pretending.” John kept silent as if he was rethinking his opinion on the whole matter.
JJ then spoke up, “She’s not wrong, JB. You know I wouldn’t do that to you. I wouldn’t break the  Bro Code.” 
John glanced over at JJ and nodded. “Okay, okay. I guess you guys are right.” The rest of the pogues cheered before being interrupted by your brother again. “But, if I see any PDA, real or fake, I’m murdering you both.”
“Got it, brother-in-law.”
“And don’t call me that, JJ.”
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ihopethisendswell · 3 years
My Computer Is Terrible So I'm Stating My Story Ideas Here Part 9: This is gonna be very f-ing vague but it has Lore Keeper Sonia in it and that all that matters.......and my oc x Leon ship I guess.
Okay okay okay
Swsh Fantasy/Medieval/Royalty Au
You love it. I love it. Will I write about it? Eh. Will I gush about it? Absolutely.
So so so
Some random things that I'm thinking about.
I'm going full ramble here prepare yourself.
Lore. Keeper. Sonia. My. Beloved.
Let her have an active role dammit
For what idk but it'll be something!
Also King Leon cause duh
With Raihan as his number 1 knight. The only one who can at least match him in battle
Also his bff( along with Sonia)
Being a young king Leon had less time to interact with those he cares about
Like Hop
Also Prince Hop My Beloved
So like
The plot is very vague but like
The basic idea is that there's a threat of a dragon or something similar to the sort
And ofc King Leon and his best knight will go to the threat themselves since soldiers they sent has note returned so better go themselves to not loose anymore men
So as they prepare to leave Sonia comes along and is like " I'm coming with you I know about these Legends of the Land that might help you" and Leon is like " No it's do dangerous" and they fight about while Raihan is in the background like " oh damn" before Leon uses his status as a king and orders Sonia to not interfere which really blows a whole into their already stained friendship
It also causes Raihan to question if his relationship with Leon is that they're actually friends or it's just of a king and his knight ( only professional)
Leon in all of this is feeling very bad but Rose is like " you did what you had to do" and tries to encourage Leon about his abilities/ status/ relationships.
Rose is Leon's counselor/ Duke/ idfc but he's there
Change in perspective: it's hops turn
His whole thing is that when he was really young he used to be bff's with this girl( Naomi) but the problem is that no has seen her AND one day she just disappeared like that one guy in the meme so no one believes him when he says that she exist
So up until now he was taught to believe that he was imagining things and that this girl didn't really exist until he started having weird dreams about someone calling him to fulfill some prophecy of sword and shield or whatever and each time this person mentions Naomi, his childhood friend
And in his dreams it's said that they have to go to the place Leon and Raihan are going to fulfill the prophecy
So now Hop's like " well dang I guess I have to fulfill this prophecy but there's no way that Lee would let me go with him-" ( cause he overheard Lee's and Sonia's fight) " so who can I ask?"
Piers that's who!!!
Idk if he's gonna be a duke or part of a gang of thieves not how tf does hop know about him but he does and we're gonna role with it
Also Marnie tags along too because of course she does
They somehow tag Bede along who was going to stop them but they forced him to come anyway
A day before they leave Raihan is like " we should head to the market for extra supplies " and Leon's like " yeah sure" so they head to the market
While they're there Leon bumps into a stranger with black clock with neon blue highlights aka Alexis!!!!
And Alexis drops a few things most notable a compass of sort but before Leon can say anything Alexis just snatches it out of Leon's hands and walks off without a word
And Leon's like " rude" but honestly doesn't think of it
So the next day they're actually leaving for real and after a long while on the road Raihan thinks that some snuck on their carriage only to find out it was just Sonia because she's a bad bitch like that
And Leon obviously makes a fuss because she went against his orders but she's like " I know more about * insert place* more than the two of you combined!" ( Well not really, and Raihan is fairly knowledgeable about Legends and history and and stuff but I need a reason for Sonia to be there okay)
They fight for a bit before Raihan gets in between the two and is like " we're too far to go back now and she might be a big help so stop fighting" and they stop for the time being.
Que travel sequence with both parties having shenanigans
Leon and Sonia fighting
Hop and Bede fighting
Marnie honestly vibing
Piers being tired of everything and rethinking his life choices
Raihan honesty having to be the middle man before snapping himself and now all three of them are not on good terms ( oh you thought it was just gonna be Alexis x Leon angst? Ha! The games gave me both to much and to little content to work with. Suffer)
Another perspective change but it's Alexis this time!!!!!
In the game canon he had a relatively light scar on his right eye. Well now it's worse :)
In this Au he was cursed by a certain green haired man( Ghetsis) (I'm going to dread tagging this aren't I ), who was an evil warlock and king( or Alexis' Homeland and by force I must add)that Alexis defeated cause he was once a hero
Bascically he's cursed to have the appearance and abilities to a half-dragon
So for the most part he looks human with a few things akin to Zekrom minus the tail.
To be specific his arms and legs are both seemingly chard black, with slightly visible lightning marks. they glow blue when he's using magic/ his powers. His eyes ( well eye) is like Zekrom's
While that sounds cool, his new abilities give Alexis a lot of pain, as his body isn't suited for it
And because big that he can't really control his new powers so he's not only hurting himself but also those around him.
As much as I want to go the route of he runs away from his family and friends to look for a cure and protect them this guy Formerly had no clue how magic worked he just used it, so he had to ask those around him who did to help him
Which involves the dragon that everyone is looking for as it is said to sap energy of any kind, which would reverse his curse.
This dragon is called Eternatus
The problem is that this same dragon is known to to use it's energy to cause destruction around it and Alexis is like yeah no, and goes off to find another way with Elliot and N since both Cheren and Bianca have they're own duties and N knows about the curse being Ghetsis' son
The compass is magic and it's away for each of them to tell where the other is and use for communication
It's also used to detect magic!
So yeah this compass is very important
Along they're travels the twins have this very strange dream regarding Naomi but they notice that A) she's wearing a necklace that was once owned by their uncle before he moved away to start a family.
So they rightfully assume that this girl is their cousin
The second thing they notice is that Eternatus is literally right behind her and is causing her A LOT of pain.
Bascically she's begging them to come save her because she's gonna die if they don't
If your wondering why she didn't contact Hop it's because she assumed that Hop had forgotten about her so she thought it would be pointless. Not the spirits/ the wolves though!
So know the twins have no choice but to go find Eternatus and rescue Naomi because why wouldn't they she's in trouble and they're cousin !!!!
So they tell N the gist and make they're way to the kingdom that Leon rules and Alexis bumps into Leon yada yada yada you get it
And after that they leave for Eternatus.
I have a lot more ideas but this is getting waaaaay to long so I'm just gonna make a part 2/ part 10.
Seriously this is very fun to think about as I love the fantasy genre.
TDLR: This is awfully specific for something that's supposed to be very vague. Also Lore Keeper Sonia my Beloved ( I know I didn't talk about her much but just know I love her dearly)
If anyone have any ideas or just want to brainstorm with me, feel free to tell me!
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suhfleur · 5 years
dear, my dear • jaebeom (4/4)
Tumblr media
• pairing: soulmate!jaebeom x reader
• genre: romance, angst, smut
• warnings: cursing, smut, smut, smuuuut
• word count: 4.3k
summary: in a world where a touch can lock the doors of the heart, his voice opened the doors to your soul as he filled it with joy.
a/n: there is going to be an extra chapter, probably by the end of the week i’m gonna post it! and honestly idk what to say, just want to thank all of you who sent me sweet words about this fic and everything. thank you. hope you guys enjoy.
• • •
That was how Jaebeom felt about his life, at that time.
His days were gloomy. Sometimes, meaningless.
He didn’t have a lot of things that he appreciated that much anymore. 
Jaebeom loved his cats, loved his cozy apartment and how it was the best place ever when he was watching his favorites animes and series, he loved to wake up every day and drink his coffee in peace, but even though he loved being alone, he didn’t like feeling lonely anymore. It was something difficult to understand, maybe if you ask him he wouldn’t be able to explain it in exact words, so he started making beats and writing songs. Developing art was the best way he could express himself.
Music was everything to him, he loved doing it and dedicating his life towards this specific thing. Music was everything that he had left, the only thing that brought something else to his life, and when the only thing he truly liked started to feel like everything else, he knew that his battle was almost lost. Doing music without a real meaning felt wrong and distorted, and that feeling burned the things left on his heart.
He was tired of pretending, every single comment about his songs felt hollow, it didn’t felt like he was changing somebody’s life with it, Jaebeom didn’t feel like he was doing a good job. He couldn’t even change his life with his own music, what else he expected? That was something he thought about a hundred times, at midnight. He couldn’t sleep that much, sometimes he didn’t even sleep. Those nights where his mind was too full with darkness and he couldn’t sleep, he would sit down on his living room floor and watch the stars, his cats by his side and the silence. Jaebeom missed his parents, living alone was not that great anymore, maybe he should give up and go back to his old life.
But then, life showed him that she was a tricky thing and you showed up to make him rethink a lot of things. 
Your first words to him lighted up a fire that he thought was dead and gone. At least, at the end of the day, he changed your life with his music and he was happy about it. That happiness brought excitement, that excitement brought ideas and his mind didn’t stop crafting new lyrics, composing new songs. Inspiration showed up again. 
Saying that you saved his life was something that he didn’t know if it was the right thing to say, but he could say that your faith in him made his own faith shine again. It all depended on him but yes, he could say that you saved his life too. You started him again, as a musician, then as a person.
Jaebeom never had intentions of knowing more about you because he wanted something, that didn’t even cross his mind back then, being friends with you didn’t even cross his mind either. But he felt like he could trust you, musically speaking so, of course, he would reach out for you when he felt doubts about the songs, you were good to give advice for these things. And after that phase, everything else came naturally, he didn’t even saw it coming.
For years, Jaebeom had walls too thin and too big inside him, protecting himself. He came from a broken home, broken childhood, he was too broken in every sense of the word but you came and broke each one of these walls and he had no idea of who were you.
Messages that once was just about his songs, started to be something else.
Just wrote this on my way to work, what do you think about it?
I’m not working as a teacher anymore, I received a proposal to work as a producer, isn’t that nice? I’m finishing that song, also.
I had a meeting with some people from a record label, and guess what? They offered me a deal as a solo artist, like, officially. I’m signed up! They want me to drop my album in 5 months!!!
oh, do you like animes? I just saw a really good one, you should watch it too. 
just ate the best food in my life, do you know that red restaurant at itaewon? best pancakes ever
it’s so cold today, are you wearing warm clothes? don’t you get sick, ok?
how was work today?
At first, those things terrified him, a lot. The fast heartbeats every time he received a text from you, with your sweet or funny words, the way you took care of him even from a distance, brought an inexplicable sense of peace; made him feel so good that he knew it was over. He fought a lot of battles, every day, but against you… he could never win. With time, Jaebeom’s only wish was that he could see you, at least one time while he was breathing. He just wanted you to show up, wanted you to forget about your crazy deal and say “hey, let’s see each other?”. He was wrapped around your finger. 
Jaebeom realized that his heart was yours. 
Even when the girl from the subway made him feel kind of weird every Thursday, even though she was a hell of a beautiful girl, even when he touched her and his whole body wanted to run towards her.
His heart was still yours. And Jaebeom had no intentions in giving it to nobody else. 
He could feel everything coming back to life with you, like a blooming flower, he could see the true colors of life once again. It was a slow process, but thanks to your push, he tried again and here he was. Destiny could give up, he wasn’t going to accept nobody else but you, that was what he imagined.
But then, just like it happened to you, nothing prepared him for reality. 
Life and destiny had plans for both of you, an unreal reality.
Especially, this specific reality where your sleepy face is resting against his shoulder, with your eyes closed, lips touching his neck giving gentle kisses along his exposed skin, your arms wrapped around his waist, holding him dearly, he felt loved. He felt safe. He felt vivid.
Both of you were meant to be, and thinking about this he couldn’t feel more relieved. Soulmates. He didn’t have to worry anymore.
“It doesn’t make sense,” you broke the silence as you felt Jaebeom's fingers over the back of your neck, tangling in the strands of your hair. Both of you ran away from Jaehyun’s apartment and Mark’s confused face, you decided that you could explain everything later because your mind was off with so much information and plot twists. And right now, as your body is pressed against Jaebeom’s toned chest, laid on your bed, legs tangled in one another, nothing could feel more peaceful than this.
“What doesn’t make sense, baby?” Jaebeom asked with his lips brushing slightly your forehead. In the last thirty minutes, the word ‘baby’ became the thing you loved the most to hear, that word was never that powerful in your life before.
“The first time that we bumped into each other, it was early in the morning,” you reminded, putting your hand in his chest and resting your chin there, dangerously close to his face but you liked the way you could see every single detail of his sculpted pretty face and appreciate the brown galaxies on his eyes. “When you told me that you had found your soulmate, it was late at night. Around 9 pm. It doesn’t make sense.”
Jaebeom frowned, tilting his head a little bit to the side, like a confused dog.
“What you talking about? I sent that message to you right after I touched you at the station.” He said smirking. Now you were the one confused. “You seriously received the message late night?” You nodded. “Wow...” He laughed, slapping his forehead. “We could’ve figured out that we were soulmates way sooner. Jesus… Nothing helped with us, not even your phone service.” Jaebeom closed his eyes and laughed.
“I can say that it was kind of my fault too, right? I mean… The whole ‘please, don’t tell me your real name I don’t want us to get attached’ was king of stupid because I was already attached to you, but I was also scared. Like a lot… I didn’t like the idea of falling in love with you but being the ‘love’ of somebody else, you know? If we weren’t meant to be together then I couldn’t let those feelings flood my heart. It was a silly decision.”
“It’s okay, baby. I was scared too. I was in love with somebody I didn’t know, how messed up was that? How could I feel something for somebody like that, through texts?” He gave you a fond smile, tracing circles on your cheeks with his thumb. “I tried to hide it for months, but every day it was torture. I wanted to see you, to hug and kiss you, comfort you when you were stressed, I wanted everything with you but I had to respect your decision, I had to put myself aside and think about you. I loved you in silence because I didn’t want to cross a line and end our friendship, I didn’t know if you felt the same way but I wished that, a lot. It’s okay, baby. It was always okay. Today I am more in love with you more than I was yesterday... We lost a little bit of time but it’s fine, we still have time now. We will make up for the time we lost.” Jaebeom said brightly, hugging you even tighter, pressing several kisses on your face, making you giggle like a child. 
Both of you kept talking through the night, while all the city lights got out and only the darkness embraced the midnight. 
The intimacy that you two had through the phone, spread through the moment, both of you felt comfortable enough to take off your shirts and you felt comfortable enough not feeling ashamed of it, still laying down with him, pulling one leg around his waist, getting yourself more comfortable around him. His fingertips tracing a path across the skin of your thigh around his waist, running his palms in circles, back and forth, slightly squeezing your skin each time. Your lips touching his collarbone, while your hands ran through his neck, scratching your nails in his nape to his broad shoulder. 
His hands on your body were taking away all of your self-control, and he was barely doing anything. But the fact that he was this close to you, was enough to make your body shiver and the sleepy feeling was away.
Leaving aside the rest of your sanity, you took the leg that was on his waist a little further, supporting your body weight on your knees on top of his waist, taking your two hands to both sides of his face, kissing him hard while feeling his hands travel a path from your thighs to the end of your spine, pulling your body closer, raising both hands to the back of your neck while his forearms kept you attached to his body. Your teeth bit his lower lip, pulling it lightly, while tugging hard the soft hair at the end of Jaebeom's nape, just enough to make him sigh deeply.
“We can slow down, baby… I told you. We have time. There’s no need to hurry.” He said with eyes closed, chest heavily going up and down.
“There’s nothing to slow down here, Jaebeom. I know we have time, but I don’t want to slow anything down, not anymore.” Your voice expressed so much determination that it made him growl and throw his head back like you were tearing down each string of his sanity away. You took the chance and brought your lips towards his exposed neck, touching his skin with your tongue and teeth, gently sucking and biting the skin. You could feel the shiver through his warm body, running your hands through his chest until his hips, digging your nails into his abdomen. He surprised you when his rough hands squeezed both sides of your ass, harshly, making you moan and distract yourself. He changed the position, throwing you on the bed, getting on top of your, taking both of your legs and wrapping them around his waist while he supported himself on his elbows, both of them on each side of your face, his lips sucking your earlobe, then his teeth biting your jaw a bit, running his teeth until the connecting of your neck and shoulder, biting there even harder, making you whimper and dig your nails on his neck. 
“Let me take care of you, baby…” He whispered on your ear, in a husky and dark voice, pulling away from your skin just enough to look at your blushing face, running his thumb on your bottom lip, getting closer and sucking your lip between his, pressing his hips on yours, making you feel that specific hard part. “So beautiful… It’s so unfair that you can have so much power on me.” 
His lips and tongue traced a path through the top of your breasts until you could feel his sinful tongue was underneath the fabric of your bra while his indicator finger hooked in the middles of your bra, pushing it down, enough to show your erect nipples, making easier for Jaebeom’s tongue do what it wanted to do. You sighed feeling his lips wrap around your left nipple, with his tongue circling it precisely, making your hips move unwittingly. His right touched the top of your clothed center, pressing his middle finger precisely on your clit. The moan that came out of your lips was probably the most sinful thing he ever heard, it was extremely pleasing to hear and know that he was the one causing it. 
While his lips did the work on your upper body, his fingers pushed your wet panties aside and when he touched you there, he moaned on your nipple feeling the soaked situation down there. He sat on his heels, pulling away from you until he had a privileged view of his fingers on your pussy like he was mesmerized by that. His gaze on that part of you made your whole body hot, seeing his kind of lost face, appreciating every part of this, made you desperate. 
His index and middle finger dragged your lubrication to your clitoris, massaging him in slow circles, making your legs shake and your waist lift for more friction, digging your nails into the bedsheet. Jaebeom added more pressure on your clit, sliding them towards your wet entrance, slowly pushing then inside, receiving another of your moan*.
“That’s right, baby. Be vocal…” He laid down a bit kissing your lips while pumping fingers inside of you. “Can I eat you out?” He asked in a whisper, making you roll your eyes and moan at the thought of it.
“Why would you even ask me that? Do you think I can be capable of saying no?” You whined, rolling your hips towards his fingers that were working slowly on you.
“Just wanted to make sure,” he said laughing and giving a peck on your lips, before going down on you. “Gonna make you come now, baby.” He promised with his head between your legs, eyes locked on yours while licking a long, hot stripe from your entrance to your clit, still moving his fingers in and out. The image makes you shudder. That devilish gaze was something that would burn on your mind for ages and centuries, the slightest quirk in his eyebrow implying that he knows that he will tear you apart with his tongue. You threw your head back, putting your hands on your forehead, ‘cause that sight was the hottest thing you ever saw on your life. His large hands wrapped around your legs, keeping you steady and his tongue stroke against your clit, his hand gripping your hip harder, suing his tongue mercilessly on you, core clenching around his two fingers that kept coming in and out of you, curving them deep inside you. 
Jaebeom kept that same pace, driving you insane each time. His tongue twirling around your clitoris and his lips sucking it took you over the edge, and your walls tightened around his fingers, nonstop. Eventually, he lets you ride his tongue, rolling your hips back and forth as he buries his face further into you and sucks your clit gently, feeling your hands flown to fist his hair in your palms. He moans an appreciative, greedy sound as you cry out, sending the vibrations straight to your core. And Jaebeom works harder and faster until you are a sobbing mess. Your vision goes white as your thighs quake, short gasps coming out of your mouth, breathless, as you came around his fingers with your hips jerking into his face.
Even with a clouded mind for a few moments, you could still feel Jaebeom's fingers pulling your panties gently off your legs. His lips tracing a path back to your lips
“You good, baby?” He whispered with his left hand at the back of your neck, kissing you softly
“Wonderful.” You whispered back, opening your eyes and wrapping his waist with your legs again. “Wanna me ride you. Thought about that so many times, just listening to your voice...” You looked right inside his eyes, loving to see him roll his eyes.
“Don’t say something like that like this,” he growled, tugging your hair a bit. “Thought about that too. Even though you had no face in my fantasies, I thought about a lot of naughty things with you. Wrote many songs about it, the things I wanted to do with you. You gon’ ride me next time, but now, I want you like this. Under me.”
Did you feel his hand between you two, opening and pulling his pants and underwear enough to release his member, you felt his hard dick brushing against your wet core and moaned at the little friction. Jaebeom made sure to rub it on you several times, while his thick hands tightly gripped your ass, pulling you upwards, making the friction stronger and more needy for both of you.
“I want you like this every day,” Jaebeom whispered against your lips, positioning the tip of his dick on your entrance, entering in you slowly. “I want to make you feel good like this every day,” he gasped feeling your walls tighten around him as he moved slowly inside you, in and out. “Want to love you every day.” The head of his cock alone causes a burning stretch as it spreads you open for him, and his quiet moans making you shiver. He lets his forehead rest against yours whenever feeling you clenching hard around him with a particularly deep thrust, making you rake your nails down his chest in return. 
You cling to him as you wrap your legs around his torso, the change in angle allowing him to hit deeper inside you, both of you panting, you feel him nip at your earlobe. You clench hard around him and he moans directly into your ear, and then you feel him throbbing inside you. Picking up the pace, his thrusts become harder and quicker, more precise as he lifted himself up a little more to look at you, admiring how your eyes would roll back every time. Jaebeom crashes his lips to yours, growling into your mouth as your walls clamp down around his cock, his hand going down on you to firm circles against your clit until you can’t take it no more. You come first, moaning against his lips, Jaebeom comes next, letting tiny whines out of his mouth, and praises at you.
You both stay like that for long minutes, as you come down from your respective highs, sharing lazy kisses as Jaebeom keeps himself laid at the top of your body while you hug him, giving a little peck in his neck. When he rolls to your side his arms wrap around your waist and once again your head is on top of his chest.
“Ok, now we really need to slow down. I have no stamina anymore.” Jaebeom said pinching your ass. “Big spoon or little spoon?” He asks muffled against your skin, with his face stuck in your neck.
“You want to sleep already?” You ask making him look at you with a pout.
“What do you have in mind to keep me awake? It’s past midnight, baby. You need to rest.”
“I thought about show off my cooking skills to you, making that pasta that I know you love,” you received a long and positive ‘hum’ in response as if maybe he was not that sleepy anymore. “And after that, I’ll ride you on my couch.” The nasty words coming out of your mouth make Jaebeom whine.
“Oh god, since when you are such a pervert?” He asked, turning on his stomach on the bed, his face hidden in his pillows, while his broad back exposed. “I love you so much, but I’m starting to think that you don’t really love me.” He lifts his face to the side and looks at you. “Not even three hours of real contact with you and you already have plans about killing me. Don’t know if I can take that, where’s my almost pure Lily?” 
“So, you telling me you don’t want it?” You ask raising your left eyebrows.
“Never said that. I’m a hundred percent down, just let me pick the pieces of my soul and you can call me Khan, Mulan.” He answers quickly. “Yeehaw!”
“Oh god, don’t ruin Mulan with your dirty mind and lame jokes, Jaebeom!” You yell slapping his arm, laughing out loud.
“You are the one to blame, cowgirl.” He laughs too, showering you with kisses everywhere, as both of you roll between the sheets.
The following weeks went by radiantly for both of you. 
Being close to each other, face to face every day made even more difference in your lives, even when you thought it was impossible to him more, day after day being in love was something that continued to be reframed in your life. 
Both of you took small habits from each other. You now spent more time taking care of Jaebeom's five cats than he did himself, Jaebeom now had a habit of actually shopping and cooking, not just eating ramen because he was too lazy to move his own muscles.
You learned from each other daily, you learned more about each other, daily. 
Now, you know how Jaebeom has the habit of getting up early and reading on the floor because it’s cooler there, you know how he scratched his face when he is irritated by some mistake in the song he is working on, you also know that he is fascinated with taking pictures, especially pictures of you. 
You see and give him love in small gestures. You inspire him every day, to be a better and more grateful man. The support you give him is what keeps him going. He already lost count of how many times you stayed nights after nights sleeping on the sofa of his studio because he was worried about the release of his album that was going to be in 3 weeks. He would always tell you to go to bed and you would complain and tell him to shut up that you want to sleep, and he loved that you were even more stubborn than in the messages. He loved how you loved your friends, loved how you loved flowers and lived filling your apartment with jars and jars of it, especially of lily of the valley. He loved you and the way you made him appreciate life and its little details. Jaebeom loved you a little more, every single day.
So, when he asked you to live with him in his apartment, he never regretted it or thought he was going too fast. Now, seeing you carrying your stuff into his house, wearing one of his sweatshirts, he knew it was that. He wanted that for the rest of his life.
"Mark, watch out for my EXO cups! They're limited edition, if you knock them over I'll rip your lungs out!" He saw you yelling at your friend, pointing a finger at the red-haired guy and passing your finger on your throat right after.
"I'm helping you and you yell at me? Yell at Sunny too, equal rights." Mark defended himself, pointing to Sunny who was now placing several small boxes on Jaehyun's arm.
"Shut up, Mark! I'm listening!" Sunny responded by pulling her head out of the car.
"Everyone hates me around here!" Mark said placing the box on the pavement floor and placing both hands on his hips.
"I love you very much, but if you don't go up with this right now, I promise you that Yaya will be a widow even before she gets married." You threatened him one last time, throwing your sandals at Mark, who quickly grabbed the box and ran out to Jaebeom's apartment. Then, you turned towards Jaebeom, with the softest expression and a gentle smile on your face. "What is it, baby?"
He loved you even more now.
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darlington-v · 3 years
As someone else who has (on a certain level) like, made that connection, of someone I can be very affectionate with, but am still in the gender closet with for various reasons. I can absolutely understand your impulse and the preassure... a lot of my hesitation is based around a fear of going against some kind of perceived "ground work" in that relationship. And then I get frustrated because in this relationship and others i just would not have to think so much about this and how I present myself if I had just been born a cisguy. I am also just yearning for bro friendships where I'm just perceived as a dude from the get-go, even if I end up acting ""feminin"" or some shit.
But when I think about all the relationships I've had, I wouldn't want to have "skipped over" any of them, even if I wasn't, or didn't start by presenting my truly authentic self. I can't bring myself to regret or fully resent any of those connections, even if in my heart I can't always regard them as 100% "valid" or "genuine" in the context of how I know I was/am perceived and how I present. I dunno, I hope that makes sense, and helps in some way... I guess what im trying to say is, even if I have wishes and yearnings of how things could be different, I still am happy to have had the relationships I've had.... and I know ill just keep meeting new folks and either things will work out or they wont, and that'll be ultimatly for the best...
But hughu its also kinda silly when I think about it, that some internet dudes make me confront and think about all this shit. But it also does make sense too.
I don't know its very hard to explain, feel free to just ignore all this.
yes!!!! i TOTALLY understand this!
it's really frustrating because i would love to seek out other communities and environments that may lead into relationships similar to that of like??? SAME AFFECTION????? but im afraid to put myself out ANYWHERE new because i don't want to be perceived as like... woman-lite or anything. i don't want anyone to have to rethink how they perceive me i just wanted to present in the way that i feel.
similarly to what you said, i don't want to build something on "ground-work" i know i'll have to break down and like. make the REAL ground work pretty much?
and yeah! same! i get frustrated as well because it would just be much easier to deal w/ if i was just. cis. but i don't dwell on that too much, luckily
however i still run into the same issue: (more long winded venty shit below, ur invited to me being extremely vulnerable on the internet have fun)
how can i deal with this and make this easier for myself? is it... achievable even? like! yeah! how can i simply start new relationships with this... pre-established certainty of "that is a Boy! a BONAFIDE boy!" like... not even cis but just.
i struggle with the idea that most people who aren't trans will like... not... TRULY respect my identity? like behind closed doors. which is something i know a lot of trans people struggle with and honestly that is... our own issue in regards to trust. if no one throws and red flags that they don't actually respect your identity, then you really just have to trust that they do.
it's just... honestly putting conditions on like. your trust i guess. PERSONALLY. like im putting conditions on myself such as: if i present masculine then people will respect my identity and assimilate to how i identify, even if i don't present that yet.
which... usually isn't the case? people may take longer to assimilate but if someone is going to respect you, you can usually tell. or i feel like i can.
however. i guess. i want to shortcut the assimilation? but it's unfair to me to just put myself on hold until i don't need to ask people to like. REALLY understand liek HEY. THAT PITCHY MOTHERFUCKER IS A DUDE. because it's hard. and i, in my tiny pea brain, feel like a shortcut would just already be presenting male boy man MASCULINE. however, like i said, it's unfair for me to put that on myself bc that's a LONG time to wait!! that's coming out, getting a new wardrobe, and ALSO getting HRT!! that doesn't just happen in one day.
i explained to some friends that like. sometimes i wish i could just present a certain way and then no one could really ever know me intimately.
and it's definitely not that im... ASHAMED of being trans!! it's very nice and cool! however i feel sad that like... we're still adjusting as a society in terms of like... gender i guess? like... i do not want to be seen as woman-lite by anyone. in any degree. and sometimes you need a deeper understanding of gender to get past like... the weird like. ok he's... he's boy but like kinda not boy??
however same!!! the relationships i have now i love and i care very deeply about and i feel that like... even though they've known me before i was like "ok masc and he/they" and shit like that, i do feel like they understand like
*points* boy!!
however when it comes to strangers it's so... scary. and like IDK. ITS SO FUNNY BECAUSE I'VE NEVER HAD TO DEAL WITH THIS BEFORE. AND IT'S WHY I WANT TO LIKE? EXPLORE THE COMMUNITY FOR OLDER TRANS PEOPLE. LIKE HOW DO YOU DEAL WITH THIS???? how can you just BE OKAY when like... introducing yourself to strangers.
how can you just let... strangers in?
and it's frustrating!! because i don't want an audience who doesn't like understand BOY!!! NOT WOMAN-LITE!!!!!!! NOT WOMAN GOING THRU PHASE!!!!!
being trans is hard and i just don't want to be seen as woman-lite. i want to bee seen as like cis boy but trans. like i think i'd take more kindly to someone being like "omg i didn't even know you were trans!" to like someone infantilizing me and calling me a sweet little boy bean. and thats a lot easier between close friends! even though they have heard my voice and they've listened to me talk about being trans! they understand. and strangers?? have the potential to not. like they might? but what if they dont... and that's. Scary.
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devintrinidad · 4 years
Whoa I sent you a lot of asks! (Sure thing. I never know how long,a thought grows but I’ll try to be more mindful. I can imagine how messy that could get). 
Lol those fic snips are adorable. 3803 thinking she’s confiding a big secret about 1146 possibly liking her (she would confess to a platelet XP) only to discover she’s talking to one of 1146’s confidante’s in love advice. 
Killer T is a overly sensitive mess of social drama. He would feel like the world was out to get him, when only two cells were teasing him (Commander T and Dendritic would totally be the ones poking at his non existent love life ‘if even someone hopeless and workaholic like u1146 can get a doting girlfriend what’s that make you? =D). Poor u1146 would get the brunt of his ire. 3803 would be in the dark because 1146 wouldn’t tell her. She’d just think Memory T was being a good friend with all of the 'congratulating’ he does.
1146 rethinking his all calls being friends dream should exclude his friends with 3803. 
Ooh. A RBA sequel with this plotline would be awesome! Honestly even after I posted that I wondered if 3803 forgiving Cancer now Normal cell quickly would be likely. Then I read more RBA and I was like nope she wouldn’t be that at ease. I think thinking about it, 1146 would talk to her about it. How Cancer’s were made. If only because I think she’d ask for one reason or another (I could see her asking him before a newborn ex Cancer cell pops up. Just to get more closure and info so she knows what she’s dealing with better just in case). I think with 3803 she’d forgive. But she wouldn’t forget. Like you said she’s not obligated to be his friend and Cancer cell has A LOT to apologize for. But at the same time she knows logically he’s not a threat so she has no reason to be afraid of him. But she still doesn’t like being alone with him. 
That would actually be a nice way to give a newborn Cancer normal cell character development. He’s lost his one excuse to hurt others and now can live pain free w/o persecution. Even better only a select few immune cells know of his past as Cancer and 3803 is the only non immune who knows. Ex Cancer’s journey could be earning 3803’s and 1146’s true friendship and forgiveness. Basically learning how to really love someone and maybe some different perspective on the world. Idk. I kind of like the absolute monster learns humanity if done well. 
But who knows if he’d ever do it well. =P Cancer did a lot of bad things and he’s got a lot of entitlement and god complexes to work out. He probably still would stubbornly deny he’s as responsible as he is of the things he did. 
How ironic. Cancer’s dream of a world where he’s accepted and it’d start out as a nightmare. He’d still hate what he hated. He’s just useless to do anything about it now.
I’m thinking his and 3803’s relationship would be the most complex. Not just because of how he hurt her. But he’d have to decide if she was soneone he wanted as a lover or a mother. Near the end of RBA it seems 3803 leaned on seeing Cancer as a child.
Oh boy 1146 would not even want to tell 3803 about Cancer’s new situation. But he’d have to because the thought of her being scared/confused while running into ex Cancer cell w/o any warning would be unbearable for him. Like you said, as much as he’d understand and pity ex Cancer’s situation. Ex Cancer still hurt the cell he loves most (and is in love with? Yeah I could see 1146 refraining from confessing to 3803 if he hasn’t by then. If only because of what Cancer did to her and being afraid he was pushing too much on her too soon). But the way I see it. Ex Cancer has this same weird ability to wind up everywhere 3803 is. They get in all sorts of situations. Even situations where 3803 would have to rescue him because she’s still a RBC and she will help any non threatening cell she can. It’s her job (she won’t be happy about it. But she’ll do it). 
Pfft, just imagine if 3803 and ex Cancer wound up caught together in the platelets. They’d be smooshed together and ex Cancer wouldn’t mind. 3803 wouldn’t get ptsd flashbacks and wonder how her luck is so bad. Meanwhile a agitated 1146 is on the outside for once asking for someone to bring the darn scissors for once so he can rip ex Cancer cell out of there.  
Yes. Ex Cancer would totally be devoted to her even when can’t stand his presence and wish he’d go away or never came back. If she was injured he’d visit her in the infirmary and refuse to leave her side. 1146 would definitely try try to be sympathetic but he’d totally be overprotective of 3803’s wellbeing and make her state of being a priority (can you imagine the drama if 1146 ended up saving ex Cancer because he was closer but lost track of 3803. He’d have to deal with the fact he did his job but wants to find 3803 and hope she’s surviving this latest invasion. Then ex Cancer runs off to find her… Total mess). 
Yeah I’m rambling. It’d all be a messy mess of relationships and scars and whether or not some can heal. For everyone. Ex Cancer has a lot to consider and isn’t exactly All Right either. Which I guess would drive him to obsessed over 3803 again. Be it to ensure her safety and warn her friendship. Whether he’s doing it because he genuinely feels bad and wants it for real or because he’s at a lost and needs something to fuel his drive for life. Not even he knows
Thanks for the responses and again for RBA! Have a great day!
Forgot to mention. Just imagine in that RBA sexual scenario where 1146 talks about Cancer's origins with 3803 because he's showing he knows two sides in how he deals with ex Cancer now. 3803 crying because she's sorry she can't get over her trauma and forgive easily as 1146 can and thinks she's less kind for it. 1146 feeling horrible for unintentionally making her feel bad and hugging her. Admitting he still feels rage over what Cancer did to her and doesn't believe he'll ever forgive ex Cancer.
Thank you so much, CAW Anon! I really appreciate you doing this for me. :D
Get ready for the last chapter, I’ll be uploading it soon. ;)
That platelet situation, heheheh. That would definitely be a disaster and a half, especially if Non-Cancer and 3803 were stuck together. I can only imagine how awkward and terrifying it must be for 3803 (depending on how long ago the Cancer incident was and when Non-Cancer was born). 
AE-3803, unfortunately, was having a bad day. 
She managed to finish only a tenth of her packages, she managed to get lost en route to the heart, and finally, the body had decided that it was a great day to get their elbow scraped. The abrasion would have been fine (more work for the immune cells and the platelets), but 3803 had taken the wrong route and was now stuck within the blood clot.
Normally, 3803 would have weathered the incident with a smile on her face. However, once she found out that she was chest to chest with him, 3803 knew that she’d rather be phagocytized or sent to the spleen.
“Little Miss--”
3803 scowled up at the cell before brusquely turning away so that she could watch the platelets construct more clots. 
“Don’t call me that.”
The normal cell who used to be Cancer looked taken aback by 3803′s attitude.
“Look, I already--”
3803 glared at him before her eyes softened and she ducked her head low.
“Look, I’d rather...” She took a shuddering breath before facing him once again. “Just... Be quiet, please. I can’t-I can’t do this right now.”
For once, the cell who had once been Cancer, acquiesced to her demands as he fell silent and contemplative. 
It was going to be a long day.
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vanxcks · 5 years
fic announcement
title: you don’t know what it means to me
summary: It’s a hurried affair, all around. Not nearly as grand as anything from one of Aziraphale’s books, but he can’t be thinking about dramatics—that’s Crowley’s department. Flourishes, sunglasses, meanings hidden behind words—all Crowley’s thing, not Aziraphale’s. And Aziraphale has been thinking a lot about that, actually. About Crowley.
OR, Aziraphale has something very important to say.
tags: Ficlet, One Shot, Light Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Fluff and Angst, Fluff, Angst, Declarations Of Love, Ineffable Husbands (Good Omens), Post-Canon, Canon Compliant, Aziraphale is a mess, First Kiss, i wrote this for me but yall can have it i guess, i love them a lot, idk if this counts as angst but we're going for it
word count: 1125
Read on AO3 (link in notes) or below the cut:
It’s a hurried affair, all around. Not nearly as grand as anything from one of Aziraphale’s books, but he can’t be thinking about dramatics—that’s Crowley’s department. Flourishes, sunglasses, meanings hidden behind words—all Crowley’s thing, not Aziraphale’s. And Aziraphale has been thinking a lot about that, actually. About Crowley. Especially since that week where they thought the world was ending.
There were many things that Crowley had not said, or that he’d said in disguise: words he’d hidden behind other words. Aziraphale had called him a wily serpent, and he really was one. So much of what Crowley said meant something else.
Or sometimes, he’d say things outright, and Aziraphale would dismiss them. He’s noticing that now. We can go off together. We’re on our own side. I lost my best friend. Aziraphale had never listened. But now he does.
As Aziraphale exits the elevator of Crowley’s apartment building and steps onto his floor, he thinks of that one night in 1945, in the ruins of a British church. A bag of books. Something so inconsequential, in the grand scheme of things, in the whole ineffable plan. But it meant so much. Aziraphale is learning about that, too. How much the small things can mean. A drink on a rainy afternoon. A book, returned to him. Shelter from the rain. Trust. They mean nothing in the grand scale of things, but they mean oh so much in the moment. What a human thing, small moments. Aziraphale loves them.
“Angel,” Crowley says, upon opening the door. He’s wearing the same suit as usual, the same skinny jeans, and his hair is tall and tousled as it always is. Aziraphale beams. He wonders sometimes if, when Crowley calls him that, he means angel and not Angel. If it’s a human pet name and not a title. If there even is a difference. “What the hell are you doing here?”
“I have something rather important to tell you, Crowley,” Aziraphale says brightly. He shouldn’t be so confident—it’s a terrifying task, when he steps back and looks at it. But he’s never been so sure of anything in his life.
“Do you...want to come in?” Crowley asks, doing that thing where he scrunches up his nose a little and raises his eyebrows. It just makes Aziraphale smile more. “How did you find my address?”
“The internet. Can you believe it?”
“Wow, Aziraphale, using the internet. You’re finally catching up with the ages.”
“It was delightful. So much information you can find, with just a click of a button.” He giggles, and Crowley raises his eyebrows.
“Yeah...Look, I haven’t got any tea, but I’ve got a couple bottles of brandy in the back that I could bring out—”
“I think I love you, Crowley.” And that’s that.
There’s a pause.
This was what Aziraphale had come here to say. He hadn’t been sure, not really, not for the past six thousand years. Or he hadn’t been sure that he was sure (oh, dear, now he’s getting himself all muddled up.) Now, looking back at everything, it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
“But, I—” Crowley says, as Aziraphale beams at him. “I—you said it, we’re enemies. I mean, I’m a demon, you’re an angel. How—”
“I don’t know how. Honestly, I was quite surprised myself.”
“But—you said we weren’t friends. You said you wouldn’t run away with me. I don’t—I don’t know what to say.” Crowley is flustered, clearly. His speech is speeding up and slurring slightly, and for the first time, Aziraphale feels a little spark of worry. He’d thought Crowley had been expecting this, that he reciprocated the feelings, even. All those little things—saving the books, saving Aziraphale’s life, too many times to count. Seeking him out, over and over again. Asking him to run away. Aziraphale had spent so long not noticing, refusing to notice, because he didn’t want to get tempted into anything by his nemesis. He’d told himself for years that it was nothing, that it was just a trick. But he knows now. Aziraphale has tried to turn him away so many times, but he’s always been there. But does he know, really? Crowley’s words make him rethink things. Aziraphale thought it was because of something more than friendship, but maybe that was all it was. Something to pass the time before Crowley went on his wicked way.
Oh, good God, no. What have I done?
“Oh, dear, I have made a mess of things, haven’t I?” Aziraphale says, and he feels the smile slide off his face. “I’m so very sorry, I thought—I thought something, I don’t know.” He fumbles with the doorknob a little as he tries to turn and leave, but it’s locked. “I should be going. Now, I should be going now. I would be oh so happy if you could forget about this,” he says, and brushes something away from his eye. Damn it, Aziraphale. Damn it. The one good thing in your life—the one good thing you have left, and you have to ruin it. Of course you do. He desperately wants things to be normal, for this not to ruin anything. “Are we still on for dinner at the Ritz? I might be a bit late, I have a client—Crowley, could you open this door for me?” He asks, because he’s rambling, he knows he is. He just can’t help it, though. How could he have gotten things so mixed up?
Aziraphale turns around to see Crowley leaning backward on the table, sort of sitting but sort of not. He’s staring at Aziraphale in silence, and there’s something in his eyes that tugs on Aziraphale’s heart. “Crowley?”
“Oh, dammit, Angel,” Crowley says, his voice a low growl, and he steps forward, takes Aziraphale’s face in his hands, and kisses him. Once, light, as soft as—Aziraphale doesn’t know what. It’s summery and charming and beautiful and it makes Aziraphale feel like flowers are blooming in his chest. When Aziraphale pulls away, Crowley’s eyes are gleaming and wet, but not in a sad way. No, not in a sad way at all.
“Wait, wait—does this mean—” Aziraphale asks, quietly. Crowley cuts him off.
“For God’s sake, Aziraphale—oh, Satan, I can’t believe I just said that,” he says, scrunching up his face like there’s a bad taste in his mouth.
“Crowley, please,” Aziraphale says, and there’s none of the normal exasperation in his voice.
“Yes, damn it, Aziraphale, I do love you.” And there’s something in his expression that feels like a string wound tight on his heart. It burns, but it’s wonderful.
“Oh.” Aziraphale nods quickly, smiles. “Splendid.” And he pulls Crowley back in.
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