#like im actually a lot better at writing than i give myself credit for
mmangaboi · 11 months
there is literally nothing funnier to me than rereading my wips after a month or two.
i literally made myself cry reading something i wrote because it reflected my own experience with something so well and then i realised wait. thats because i wrote it. based on that specific thing.
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otrtbs · 23 days
hi! could you explain a little bit what you studied and if you did any apprenticeship before you got a job ? a little summary to how you got there ? i’m so curious (and i admire you a lot)
hiya!! sure!!
so back in high school i actually started volunteering at my local art museum when i was 16 (up until i graduated at 18). they had a program specifically designed for teens to volunteer at the museum (i gave guided tours, and helped plan events at the museum, and worked with kids 3-12 in a drop-in studio every saturday where they could make art of their own after looking in the gallery) <- not a lot of museums do this, but you can call and ask if they need volunteer docents for the weekends !! they’ll train you!!
then i majored in art history in undergrad (making sure to focus my courses in modern and contemporary art towards the end of my studies bc that’s what i wanted to do! also i took a LOT of french classes. as in i only needed a few credits to have a minor but the last class was so hard i dropped it) to give yourself a leg up, i recommend studying a language (italian, french, spanish, german) most jobs in ARH require at least a minimal reading knowledge of another language.
while i was in school, i got a job at my university’s art museum as a gallery assistant! (<- fancy way of saying i walked around the galleries and told people not to touch the paintings and answered their questions if they asked and made sure no one was trying to steal the art)
during the summer, i got a summer internship at an art gallery in the biggest city close to my house (bc i moved back home w my parents in the summertime. uni housing was crazy expensive) and that was the *most* instrumental. i learned how to write wall texts, how to install artworks, i made studio visits to artists, updated the gallery website, handled artist contracts, you name it! it was great experience!!
i also got involved in art history/fine arts clubs at my university! i was on the fine arts council at my uni which represented the art and art history department to the student senate and the university at large. and the art historical society.
then i got my master’s degree in history of art theory and display, joined the art historical society at that university, got a degree and entered my FLOP ERA OF THE CENTURY
and by that i mean, i was 6 months unemployed and moved back home w my parents flop era. no one would hire me ,, no one would even give me a call back to tell me they didn’t wanna hire me ,,, and then one day someone did !! rahhh!!!! and i got some of my research approved 4 publishing and now im here!!!! (i say this not to discourage you but to let you know that the job market for art history ppl is tough,, it has always been tough,, but if you love it, it’s never a waste to pursue!)
i would do a few things differently if i had a second go at it, just to get a leg up so here’s some advice that im giving but i DIDNT DO myself:
1) try to minor in something to give you a leg up! a language is good, marketing is good, public relations… something to make you stand out!
2) try to get things published as an undergrad or a grad student! get your research out there if you can (way easier said than done ik ik) have some things you can list under your publications tab on your CV
3) if you find yourself in a 6+ month jobless, flop era period like me, volunteer somewhere at a museum or gallery if you are able. i was bitter as fuck that i had a masters degree and would be working at a museum for free when i needed money so i didn’t do it ,, but when someone finally calls back and you get an interview and they ask what you’ve been up to recently ,,, telling them you spend your time volunteering in museum spaces and working in your desired environment looks so much better than saying “i’ve been job searching” i promise !! (<- also just recognizing the extreme privilege i had to just stay at home and look for jobs in my desired field instead of immediately having to get a job somewhere. but im not gonna lie to you. i put out applications at olive garden and einstein’s bagels and they both rejected me. so. i was scrambling bc my student loans were due and i had zero dollars 2 my name 🧍‍♀️)
okay i rambled on for entirely tooooooo long. but i hope this was helpful somewhat !!! 💗💗
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ladytauria · 7 months
hey liv sorry in advance i am nosy
dont be sorry! i enjoy nosy uwu
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
i was 12. my favorite tv show at the time was this old disney cartoon, "super robot monkey team hyper force go" (abbreviated as SRMTHFG or SRMTHG. i prefer the first but plenty of people use the second.) it was canceled after its 4th season and, uh. the ending was SO bad. like, major major cliffhanger.
anyway, i was looking up... i don't even remember at the time. and i discovered deviantart, and i discovered this person's OCs. read a lot about them, including some fanfic, and then eventually discovered fanfiction.net
i didn't realize what it was at first; i thought it was just a writing in general site? and i was like oh! i can share the book i'm working on! (i have been trying to write a novel since i was 10). and then as i was looking into where i would post it, i realized what it actually was. (no, the title didn't give it away. idk why.)
so then i was like oh!!! this is really cool actually!!! and i wrote my first fanfic xD
that was in 2011? so i was 12, almost 13.
and i've been reading & writing fic ever since~
🐇 ⇢ do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both?
okay so this is a tough question
bc like
i love love love love love second person.
*adore* it.
second person, present tense is my absolute fave, but past tense is good too. (i have written an entire sapphic little mermaid retelling [12k words i think] in second person. uh, it needs revisions but it's a full draft. i opened it it the other day and im still so proud of it uwu)
howEVER. outside of writing second person w/o ever explicitly naming the pov character i have not actually written a reader-insert? so for that reason alone i will have to say 'prefer writing oc's'
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
i'm a chronic oversharer (mostly in the tags) so that's kind of tough!
ah! since my grandmother's memory issues started, i've been doing about half of the cooking (it's been a bit of a battle, as she keeps trying to do everything xD) and i've cooked a lot of new things this year!! i've gotten very good at cooking pork chops. which 🤔 now that i bring that up, i might make friday! or tonight, but they're still in the freezer, so...
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
my grandmother's memory situation has improved a lot!! it's still not great, but like. strides ahead of where we were 7-8 months ago!
my anxiety has been much kinder to me this year <3 i've made some very lovely friends this year~
mmm, oH, my energy levels have been fantastic this year. i didn't realize just how bad they had gotten until i started these new meds, and now i'm just. <333 much better.
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
idk if i have any unpopular opinions...? i mean. i'm sure i must, but... nothing immediately comes to mind ^^;
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
recently been trying to get in the habit of summarizing what i want to do before i start writing. it makes the process much easier, if ik a bit about what i want to do before going in?
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately
i am much better at being patient than i ever gave myself credit for in the past <3
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing?
i can't think of one piece in particular, as the places i find inspiration are. all over the board?
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
picked a wip from my open tabs at random! funnily enough this is also the one i ended up doing for the emoji ask xD
it's also almost triple what this asked for but once i started writing i couldn't stop <3
He swallows, staring up at Tim. Jason has had plenty of practice reading people through a domino, but. He has no reference for the look Tim is giving him now. Only that it— That the feeling it gives him is… is new and strange. He has no name for it, the way his stomach feels fluttery and tight, his scalp and fingers tingling. His mouth opens—but all that escapes is a stuttery puff of air. That’s okay. He doesn’t know what he was going to say anyway. Tim hooks a gloved finger under his chin; tipping his face up. He leans in, slowly—so slow that Jason— There’s nothing keeping him there. He could run. Turn away. But he feels caught, feet anchored in place. Tim’s mouth touches his, and all thought leaves him. Jason has never been kissed before.
[ writers truth or dare ask game ]
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nervousgardenerkid · 2 years
no thoughts, head empty, just cutting your hair with steve—
i recently got a VERY gender affirming haircut (im non-binary and cut it super short it’s GREAT) but what most people don’t know is i originally cut it myself before going to a salon to get it more cleaned up because i’m not a professional hairdresser—
my mom is very conservative and refused to pay for a short haircut but after i cut my own hair she agreed to pay to have it trimmed and cleaned up so i won in the end actually
but i like to imagine steve is really good at cutting hair or at least at styling a bad haircut to make it look good until it can get actually fixed
much love <3
a/n: as someone who recently cut their own bangs i had to write this ASAP!! congrats on the haircut my beloved i'm glad you got to get it! i hope you enjoy this! credit to the gif owner <3
Tumblr media
you stood at steve's door knocking frantically as tears streamed down your face. you just had to make sure you were going to get that haircut one way or another. you suggested to your very conservative mother that you wanted to try something new with your hair, something a teeny tiny bit shorter than what you usually do. when you showed her the picture in the magazine she laughed at you and said she refused to pay for something like that.
deciding to take matters into your own hands you decide to cut your own hair. was it a mistake? possibly, but your mom did say she'd pay for it to get fixed, you just didn't expect the hairdresser to make it the worst haircut you've ever seen.
steve swings the door open and looks confused when he sees his hoodie on you strings pulled and tied in a nice bow.
“babe what are you-”
“my hair is ruined!” you cried out while throwing yourself into steve’s chest. he let out a small oof and wrapped his arms around you bringing you inside.
“hey, i'm sure it's not that bad! let me see.”
you sniffled and shook your head. “it's so bad stevie.” you whimper out while starting to untie the bow”
“i'm sure you still look-” his words come to a halt as he looks at the choppy job the stylist did. tears begin to form as you throw the hoodie back on.
“i told you it was bad!”
he shushes you and pulls you close to his chest again. “it's not bad!”
“you're lying.” you mumbled out. he was, he knew he was lying but he'd never tell you that.
“come here, i'll show you how to style it and maybe trim it up a bit.” he takes you to his restroom sitting you on the toilet. he takes out some hair products and a pair of scissors.
“your mom has a lot of products.” you mumbled out.
steve cleared his throat. “these are uh, these are mine.” an awkward silence falls between you two before you let out a giggle. steve rolls his eyes and stands in front of you.
“you can laugh all you want but my lovely hair products are saving your life.” he mumbled while concentrating on your hair.
“where'd you learn to do this?” you asked him while turning your head to the side for him.
he shrugs his shoulders snipping off a piece of hair. “mom and dad were always gone, a boy can only go so long without getting a haircut.” he chuckled out. “i guess i just took matters into my own hands.” he shakes a can of hair product, mumbling for you to close your eyes and hold your breath. you do what he tells you letting out a hum when you hear him put the can down.
“thank you for saving me stevie”
he smiles and gives you a small kiss. “i'll always save you, especially from a hair crisis. i mean seriously, who has better hair than me?” steve’s heart skips a beat when you let out a laugh. he feels relieved seeing a smile return to your face.
he finished up whatever he was doing and stepped back with a smile on his face.
“what?” you ask.
“i'm so damn good at hair.”
you roll your eyes and get up to look in the mirror. you gasp looking at how much better your hair looks. the way he styled it made it frame your face perfectly and he did a great job at evening out the layers you had.
“steve this looks amazing!”
“i know right, i'm so-” you cut him off with a kiss, which he gladly accepts. when you pull away his eyes are still closed and you let out a giggle.
“earth to steve, are you okay- woah.”
steve has you sat on the edge of the sink his lips back in yours, his hands making your legs wrap around him. he pulls away, lips swollen and eyes clouded with lust. he has you at a loss for words as your mouth opened and closed quickly trying to figure you what you were going to say.
“thank you.” you squeaked out.
steve let's out a chuckle and plays with the ends of your newly cut hair, a smile on his face as he takes in your flustered state.
“you're welcome sweetheart.”
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queenharumiura · 6 months
name — Neo and on some other blogs An-chan
pronouns— She/her
preferred comms — I get webhooks alerts to replies and asks, and tumblr very rarely alerts me to ims, but it is available to those who prefer communications via tumblr. Discord is the most reliable.
name of muse — Haru Miura on this blog and many more that i'm too lazy to list out on other blogs.
experience in RP — Around 16 years I think. Crazy as it is, I started out on Quizilla when you used to be able to message people. Then I moved to a proboards site when a friend invited me to join one she created. Was there for a long time. Dabbled a bit in RP'ing with a group on DeviantArt. Did a bit of skype rp from there. Then I moved to tumblr rp. I may have attempted to dabble in discord RP and ye- it's not exactly for me, but I can do it. I hate feeling limited though.
best experiences— Any iteration of: "You know, you made me change my mind on how I see Haru." Truly, the biggest serotonin boost I'd ever need in life. This is my goal in life. What I aspire to do with my writing. Not RP, but I got a Haru hater to like Haru after reading a few of my fics years back. You thought you were going to hate read and give hate? Jokes on you, I OPENED YOUR EYES.
pet peeves/dealbreakers — If you've reposted fanart without credit nor permission and i've talked to you about it and you dismissed my concerns about reposting fanart, i'll instantly block you. It's in my rules for a reason. Tho- I suppose that's just breaking my rules so maybe it doesn't count as a dealbreaker?
Not necessarily a peeve but more of a turn off, but I really don't like it when someone has the repeat energy of 'No one would want to rp with me, I don't see why I bother,' 'Did anyone miss me? No? Okay' etc. It probably sounds petty of me, but I don't like it. It dismisses the efforts of those who have been trying to connect to you, and I come onto tumblr to have fun, so I don't want to come here and feel bogged down. The energy actually disheartens me and brings my own mood down because I end up sympathizing with them too much. For the sake of my own mentality, I end up distancing myself.
muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ) — I enjoy fluff and angst a lot. Smut... depends... on the muse... and relationships... and how comfortable I am with the mun. I'm big shy in general so it can take time to warm me up to talking about smut in regards to muses. Once I'm used to talking to you about it and i'm comfortable with you, i'm pretty open about it. Truly, I'm big on troll humor though, so crack humor kinda threads really have my heart. If you wanna talk smut with me, you gotta be the one to bring it up because 99.5% of the time, it won't be me bringing it up first.
IF we aren't shipping, then you better hope one day I even reblog a risque meme for you to inquire about it. I'm a lil wary about talking about it to begin with.
plot or memes — Plots, as some of us know that i'm not very keen on memes as my relationship with the inbox is not positive. Still working on it though, one blog at a time. Memes are fun when i'm in the mood for them. This goes for reblogging them or sending in to people.
long or short replies — Both are fine with me, and both are great in their own right. Long ones are nice as they give you a lot to explore but it also takes a while to reply to and it can tire me out. Short threads are short and simple. They're nice, and then you get me being suddenly inspired and whoops- suddenly it's a long thread. (short replies = 3 paragraphs in my mind).
best time to write — I'm finding myself to be more active in the night hours, so the PMs. I do tend to be high inspiration in the AMs, but i'm usually at work or low energy. So that's when I spend the time thinking of what i'll write and then stow those ideas for when I do have the energy.
are you like your muse?: I've been told that I'm very much like Haru, and it's mostly in some habits, i'd say. Haru is a way better human than I am. Fit for life. I, a dehydrated prune is not fit for life. We both share our troll heart, our tendency for conspiracy thoughts, dramatics, speaking in third person and such. Basically, consider me the unhealthy introvert AU for Haru.
Tagged by: @ryuusake
Tagging: I don't tag
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stormyoceans · 1 year
weekly show reviews
between us - ep. 12/12. gotta be honest, any coherent thoughts i might have had just flew out of the window because of waantul. i do think their resolution was incredibly rushed, but it's hard to complain about it when tul was there saying stuff like "can you be my future?" and "i want to be your safe zone". waan never stood a chance. and you know what else never stood a chance? my sanity as soon as waan started to take off tul's clothes, but let's just not go there. it was a nice final episode, where all the pairings got their little moment to shine, but im not sure i'd call it satisfying ;;;;;; overall i think the show as a whole would have benefited from being shorter (10 episodes would have been enough imho) and from taking out at least one side pairing. don't get me wrong, it's not a bad show, i still enjoyed it a lot, but at times it felt pretty repetitive and i think the resolution between win and team got dragged along way too much. the insanely high expectations that everyone had for the show also didn't really help it. still, winteam remains one of the best pairings i've seen in BLs and im definitely gonna miss them.
candy color paradox - ep. 06/08. this is probably the first japanese BL that isn't quite doing it for me and i can't really explain why. despite the terrible things he did, during this episode i found myself being more interested in inami kei and his secret love for his friend rather than in onoe and kaburagi's relationship, which.. isn't good ;;;;;; i still hope the last two episodes will make me come around tho!!
cutie pie 2 you - ep. 04/04. THEY GAVE JAYFOEI THE MOST PERFECT HALF INTERACTION THAT IM GONNA USE TO FUEL MY CLOWNERY FOREVER SO I REALLY COULDN'T BE MORE SATISFIED WITH THIS. like it happened with the show, i still found jay, foei, and nueasyn to be the most enjoyable part of it, but i actually ended up liking this special significantly more than the last couple of episodes of the main series, maybe because there was more communication between lian and kuea, so im glad it happened, even just so i could say goodbye to the show with nicer feelings towards it!!! i also really liked the way they shot the last scene, because it suddenly felt more like a korean BL rather than a thai one, but im not an expert on this, so i could just be talking out of my ass ;;;;;;
history 5: love in the future - ep. 05/10. somewhere in this there's a plot i really like (time travels are the kind of things i tend to enjoy, just like timeloops), so it makes me incredibly sad that i can't quite click with this show. dai zhe ni and hai yi are a bit too chaotic for my taste, and there are some old tropes that i was hoping we were moving away from. im enjoying the side pairing a bit more, mainly because i find wen hsen very charming and adorable when he drops his composure as soon as huai hen isn't there to see him, but they still suffer from some questionable writing, especially in this episode.
i will knock you - ep. 11/12. PAIN SUFFERING TORMENT AGONY ANGUISH. CAN'T BELIEVE EVEN MY FEEL GOOD SHOW COULDN'T ESCAPE THE 11 EPISODE CURSE. of course noey doesn't really mean what he said and im pretty sure someone (maybe thiw?) said something to him to make him change his mind in the short time it took thi to talk to his mom on the phone, but IT STILL HURTS AND THEY WERE SO MEAN TO HAVE THI DANCE ALONE IN THE END CREDITS. THEY BETTER GIVE THEM THEIR HAPPY ENDING OR I WILL RIOT. im willing to forgive some of their crimes only because they gave me a hint of side lesbians AND THAT'S EVERYTHING TO ME.
individual circumstances - ep. 03+04/08. im honestly not sure how i feel about this show ;;;;;; i do spend most of the time being frustrated and yelling JUST TALK TO EACH OTHER at my screen, though, so.. maybe that's not good ;;;;;; i do like the use of the novel as a way to mirror their story and give us a glimpse into woo jae's thoughts, however most of the time i find it hard to sympathize with him. the interactions between the manager and yeon woo in ep 4 were actually far more interesting and entertaining to me ;;;;;;;
my school president - ep. 08/12. THESE KIDS CONTINUE TO BE UTTERLY DELIGHTFUL TO WATCH AND GIVE ME INSANE AMOUNT OF SEROTONIN. OH TINN'S FANTASIES, HOW I'VE MISSED YOU. however, as funny as they are, i appreciate how the real moments he shares with gun always end up being better and more significant for their relationship. they really have one of the healthiest dynamic i've ever seen and are probably gonna ruin me for any other pairing because now im just gonna expect the same kind of emotional maturity from all characters in existence. win and sound also have me by the throat, but then again i always enjoy a good enemies/rivals to friends to lovers when it's done right. sound also quickly climbed up my list of favorite characters and i think his friendship with gun is really cute. GUN AND HIS MOM MEAN EVERYTHING TO ME AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP IS SO GOOD IT MAKES ME TEAR UP EVERY TIME. i just hope tinn's mom is gonna be as understanding when she's gonna find out that tinn lied to her (which, btw, i don't blame tinn for: if a kid doesn't feel comfortable and safe talking to their mom, then that's on the parent, not the child).
never let me go - ep. 07/10(?). palmnueng is making me rabid. benchopper is making me rabid. this entire show is making me rabid in ways i can't really explain. i do understand the criticisms about the plot, but i personally don't mind the island getaway: when set roles and social classes play a big part in a relationship dynamic, having the characters being placed somewhere where those kind of rules aren't as strong is a pretty common narrative device to put them on a more equal ground and bring them together. i also think they are gonna pay the consequences for it, because im pretty sure that sadly tanya is going to die, which will make nueng reject palm, so im willing to overlook some stuff if it means letting them have some temporary happiness. or maybe im just biased because i find every single dynamic in this show incredibly compelling ;;;;;;; im pretty sure the final kiss is gonna enter my list of favorites of the year because it was SO GOOD and i absolutely loved the parallels with their first one.
the new employee - ep. 06/07(?). GROWN ASS MEN BEING CUTE AND IN LOVE WILL ALWAYS BE SUCH A WEAKNESS FOR ME. "do you want to see my cat?" is also quite possibly the best pick up line i've ever heard. im very glad it didn't turn out to be an euphemism ;;;;;; something tells me that the reason seung hyun wasn't hired is probably linked to what's making jong chan looking kinda worried when he's at work, so i wonder how they're gonna deal with it. viki is listing only 7 episodes instead of the 8 on mdl, which means the next one is gonna be the last and im not quite ready to say goodbye to them.
gap - ep. 10/12. the final boss made her move so IT'S TIME TO KILL AN OLD LADY. in an unexpected turn of the events, nop has also become the most sensible character in the show. who would have thought. i do wish mon and sam would stop defaulting on running away and getting jealous as soon as an issue arises, but im glad they actually managed to communicate this time around. and i do think they got married (however symbolical it may be) a bit too soon, if i have to be honest, but im also fully aware that there are a lot of things im willing to overlook for their sake. at 49 minutes length, this was also the shortest episode of the series up until now, so it's making me wonder if it's because they cut a lot of teeyuki scenes. im still trying to understand why they even decided to cut them out tbh, but at least we got cher and risa.
dirty laundry - ep. 03+04/06. i admit i liked the first two episodes a bit more, but the show is still insanely funny while also having a solid plot: the mystery of who took the briefcase is well done and pretty entertaining imho. the entire cast is also doing a fantastic job, but i have to admit film in particular keeps surprising me with each episode. maybe it's because the only roles i saw her in before this were eugene in not me and earn in 2gether, but i didn't expect her to be so insanely good at comedy. i love to watch her play as neon and im starting to like her and night together a lot!!!
the warp effect - ep. 07/12. i was expecting what happened to kat and yet it still was incredibly distressing to watch. i do ship her and jean quite a lot, but honestly i just hope she's gonna be okay and that they won't make her change her mind about relationships by the end of the show, because women have every right to just have fun and stay single if that's what they want. i'd actually be okay with jean ending up with tony (if he doesn't turn out to be an asshole too), but sadly i don't have much hope for it. jan and silvy have great chemistry and are doing an amazing job as nim and molly, and the same goes for fluke and thor as army and joe. im not sure if they're going down the asexual joe route, or the joe being side route, but either way it makes sense for him to not tell army about it since army seems to consider penetrative sex as more 'serious'. after what happened it's understandable that he would try to protect himself and his heart again, so i can't wait for army to surprise him (and us) positively on this!!!! a huge shout out to singh and ciize as well, they were AMAZING in that last scene, though i admit it was pretty frustrating to watch ew walking straight into disaster when he 1) knew what he was risking and that he was in the wrong, and 2) could have just talked!!!!! to liu!!!!! IM SERIOUS PLEASE JUST TALK TO YOUR PARTNER MAYBE IT WON'T SOLVE STUFF AND MAYBE YOU'LL BOTH DECIDE YOU'RE BETTER OFF WITH OTHER PEOPLE BUT YOU HAVE TO COMMUNICATE. also there's something shady about liu's boss and i don't like it one bit.
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Blorbo Just Rambles Here Tbh!
|| Update 10.06.2022 ||
hi y’all! first of all, I’m not dead <3 I’ve just had a lot of change in my life recently and it has kept me away from tumblr for a bit. I think it’s good to take breaks in general, and while I’m not updating with the news I imagine you’re hoping for, I’m doing a lot better now that we’re out of that mercury retrograde phase which I consider a big win 😌
Recently I’ve been creating a spiritual routine and improving on things like my meditation skills, dream recollection, and even working on purposely lucid dreaming/astral projecting. I haven’t given up on shifting, but I’m also not quite taking a break? I guess you could say I’ve gone back to basics & am trying to improve all the fundamental skills that build the essence of shifting, as well as taken a “if it happens, it happens” mindset to it.
I’ve seen quite a lot of progress in my dreams because I’ve been having very vivid and memorable dreams. Im not one to write dreams down personally, so instead upon waking up I’ve been going over my dreams in detail and trying to think about it all morning while I get ready for my commute to work. Doing so helps me recall any patterns or signs I’ve noticed, which in turn is likely to help me wake up while I’m dreaming and actually lucid dream!
I’m also working on incorporating more spirituality into my daily life, partially because I’m a bit lazy right now to do anything big but also because it’s really helping to normalize the fact that things like manifesting and reality shifting are just as part of my life as my morning coffee. Creating little rituals out of mundane chores, enchanting clothes or objects with my intentions on a daily basis, and hyping myself up for any little thing that makes me feel good as a form of working on my self concept are all little steps I’m taking every day.
Most importantly, I’m realizing manifesting and shifting aren’t as big or life changing as I’ve always made them out to be. Of course, I’ll be thrilled to wake up in my desired realities, and I’m excited and ready to embrace them wholeheartedly! However, the little things are just as valid and honestly more powerful than we give them credit for. There’s no difference in wearing your favorite color socks every day because they’re “lucky” and manifesting winning the lottery. Waking up and hyping yourself up in the mirror is just as impactful as waking up in your favorite tv show reality. The feeling is always the same, which is having joy in the present moment. And, now that I’m learning to feel joy in every moment I am present in my life, I guarantee I’ll create a stronger bridge between my world easier than I ever could have obsessing over what is already mine.
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thepunmaster · 2 years
For the Ask game Im a few hours late too (idk your writing, but it still)
(with the a, pick your fav fic)
L: What’s the weirdest AU you’ve ever come up with?
uhhh..... parody of invader zim except dib can say fuck? i don't make a lot of AUs (okay, i do, but they're mostly related to crossovers via dimensional travel, and i don't think that just the crossover itself counts as weird enough)
U: A pairing you might like to write for, but haven’t tried yet.
i don't really write romance (since i just... don't ship a lot of characters and also i have no idea how neurotypical alloromantic relationships work because my partner and i are both autistic and aspec) but... it would be pretty cute to write a philza/kristen oneshot (from dream smp), and also badass because one of them is the goddess of death
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
hm... a chosen one story, except that the prophecy was planted by the villain and isn't true. the chosen one lives their entire life being trained and living a specific way in order to fulfill the terms, but then in their "final confrontation" with the villain, the villain reveals the plot and kills them because they are like. 14 and the villain has endless more experience and strength than they do. but the chosen one has an earpiece or the rest of their friends are standing just outside the door or something like that, so everyone finds out that the villain planned all of this so that no one would try to start a revolution, and they band together and defeat the villain. it's an allegory for waiting for someone else to stand up instead of building community and using the power of a group to get a better future
B: Any of your stories inspired by personal experience?
the emotion of having to choose between an entirely unfamiliar but better future, versus the painful past that's all you've ever known (which is a theme of several of my wips, including one that is actually available to the public) is, i suppose, an experience i've had often
E: If you wrote a sequel to [insert fic], what would it be about?
well i've. never actually finished any fics aside from a singular oneshot, and also i have no idea how most of them would end, but I guess... Children of Chaos's sequel would be a bunch of interconnected oneshots about various characters meeting or getting up to shenanigans with their alternate multiverse doubles, if i go through with the ending that i'm 60% sure i want to do
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
yes, Multiverse Glitches by UniverseGlitch was a huge influence on the tone of Children of Chaos, I love the style of crack with a more serious undertone that UniverseGlitch writes... there are various other writers that have influenced various wips, but no one else that I've specifically taken note of, except for harrish6 who is the widely credited creator of "fgod" (forced god of destruction) Error Sans. if comics count, i would say that CrayonQueen's Christmas Party AU was pretty influential in giving me my "Underswap Sans is terrifyingly adorable and adorably terrifying" agenda
A: How did you come up with the title to [insert fic]?
Children of Chaos was just... you know, they get turned into children, they are agents of chaos (though not literally Chaos-chosen, which is a thing in the fic), i was like 12 when i came up with the name but to be fair my wip-naming skills have not improved and actually might have gotten worse
C: What character do you identify with most?
oh, that's a tough one... there are a lot of characters from many different fandoms that i've seen a part of myself in, but none in particular who i'd say i identify the most with
K: What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with?
i like reading angst, but thinking of and writing it does notttt come naturally to me lol, so nothing off the top of my head
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clenastia · 9 months
self confidence is a skill that can be learned and you have to let yourself and your art exist distinct from how others perceive it. you will never exist or create in a way that nobody criticizes and that is NOT a bad thing. you obviously care a lot about your work or you wouldn't fret over it this much, but fixating so heavily on the potential opinions of people you made up to criticize you isn't healthy and isn't doing you any good. you're allowed to set that weight down and I truly believe you can do it.
I do try! when i catch myself spiralling i generally try to forcfully redirect my thoughts, even if it means completely ignoring whatever triggered it, but unfortunately sometimes i feel like im stuck in a loop because thinking of getting published triggers spirals of anxiety so i cant think too much about it which means i never get around to DOING it which makes me upset because i've always WANTED to get published, but when i try to seriously consider it i get all tangled up in the anxieties and ugh.
in all honesty i fell into the trap of thinking therapy would be a quicker fix than it is, where the therapist could give me a list of steps to do and my anxiety/issues would go away once i did them. so i put a bunch of unrealistic expectations on therapy but unfortunately there IS no magical list of steps to making your brain work right. you just. gotta wake up every day and push your way through the spirals and face the things you're afraid of. meds help, for sure, i don't get panic attacks anymore and the anxiety doesn't stress me out so much i end up crying or shutting down most of the time. but like. everything else, the solution is just: ignore it. keep trying. and there's no. fucking. steps to just. "do these three things and your brain will work like a neurotypical one!" and it fucking sucks and i hate it and i still gotta keep trying if i wanna get anywhere.
I haven't been on meds for a full year yet, and therapy less than that, so im sure with time I'll get to a place where i CAN push through those specific fears and get to where i want to be, and that in a lot of ways i'm still just rushing things and wishing i could be better NOW instead of having to put in months and years of work.
a lifetime of self-worth issues don't get resolved with pills and six months of therapy, but sometimes its just so GODDAMN unfair and i just want a magic cheat sheet to getting better :(
or maybe someone who can do like. literally everything for me so i don't have to face it myself lol.
can there be a business for that? like. be your own ghost writer. someone else gets all the credit and hate mail and deals with all the publishers. but you get to write your silly little stories and still make profit.
that'd be nice xD
totally ripe for abuse and probably actually a terrible idea but like. in an idealistic way. it'd be nice. y'know?
#clena's ongoing issues with “i can't handle when strangers on the internet think poorly of me”#except. you know. that's basically the job of strangers on the internet.#i still get haunted by the one and only time i tried posting on deviantart#and one day when looking at someone's fanart and reading comments someone's signature said click here to see the worst art ive ever seen#and i clicked on it out of morbid curiosity and saw my own art#and never drew another fucking thing in my life because it hurt so much i couldn't handle it#it was probably a script link or something that randomly took you to one of your own drawings#and wasn't targeted at all#but it. you know. completely destroyed a teenage-clena's ability to continue with art#and now years later i WANT to draw but still struggle to get into it and tend to quickly give up on whatever i try#awful prank for strangers on the internet to pull on people. but then. that's what they do and if you wanna be on the internet#you gotta be able to put up with it.#assholes on the internet may be the minority#but DAMN if one well-placed blow doesn't do more damage than a thousand encouraging comments can hope to repair xD#and i KNOW thats why they do it. that those sorts of trolls live for the feeling of power that comes from knowing they can affect you#and that you shouldn't give them what they want and shouldn't give in to their petty bullshit#but it's just so goddamn hard. and there's no magic fix. which still pisses me off.#can i have my magic don't-give-a-shit-about-strangers-opinions potion. please. pretty please.#pretty pretty PRETTY please#i'd sell my non-existent firstborn for it#i would probably go through the grossness of HAVING a first-born for it#like. seriously.
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ro I know we rarely interact but curious about ✨ and adding the 🌈 for funsies <3
HI SEL!! i've been so ia for the longest time and im still in the middle of a lot of work but i have the time to take a breath it feels like
also yay thank u for ur ask!!
✨What's a fic you've posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit)
so, as per usual, i'm not a concise person so i'll give two varieties of answers for this between my finished fics and my to-be-completed ones (bc i will finish all my fics one day---they're incomplete not abandoned)
so finished fics:
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so my contenders are between both of these because they were really specific ideas that either i had (in the case of the lawschool fic) or that were sent to me (the f4 fic) and i had a lot of fun writing it. the general speed of the actual writing was very very fast because i was so invested and i knew what i would write too.
of course, my popular fics like the famous aus in vincenzo fandom and the countless f4 fics were very very fun too, but they get their due credit. i think these are some of my (if i can say this even) more "underrated" fics so to speak. people do like them and all, but i think i like it much more than people do, if that makes sense.
i want to have the same energy as a writer bc i find myself lacking it that i had when i was writing this approximately a year before, and the same strength of my brainrot ideas that motivate me to write.
for my unfinished fics:
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so the fiery priest fic was the product of a fever dream at night that i spent furiously writing down in a notebook as soon as i woke up, and i think it's one of my best works personally. if you've watched the show, i highly encourage you to read this fic of mine. i think it deals with the emotional genres of second chance romance, enemies to lovers, angst that i think are my strengths. so yes, if the fandom were more popular, i think (hope) it'd get the due credit it deserves.
the vincenzo fic is really a labour of love (as are all my fics, but this one a bit more so). i love intolerable cruelty the movie, and i think men who think of themselves as tough pining for the strong as needles unbreakable woman is beautiful trope and i believed it'd translate well to the show. i just enjoyed writing it so much, and i'm so cognizant of all my unfinished fics that i know exactly what i need to finish, my ideas that i had because my entire ao3 page is a labour of love for me in between a hectic college and work live juggling school and 5 jobs and extracurriculars. so, yeah, i hope my vincenzo mutuals show this fic the love i have for it.
🌈is there a fic that you worked *really fucking hard on* that no one would ever know? maybe a scene/theme you struggled with?
i think the easy answer to this one is:
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so, this ended my two-ish month hiatus and i've not published anything since though i've written a lot of fanfic and other creative works as well. long story short, this was a very difficult and heartfelt piece for me that was less a fanfic and more a personal, third-person essay towards my mental state at the time after a very painful breakup with my longterm partner and then a subsequent short-lived fling/situationship that went from 5 to 90 in very little time and also ended badly. i've since been just healing from that sort of, and this particular piece was the rawest i'd felt right after both instances and i was very emotionally spent and used and unstable.
(i'm much better now! if any of y'all were wondering <3)
the better, proper answer(s) as a writer would be:
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so, the nevertheless fic, as a character study was honestly an ugly exploration into myself because i relate to bitna as a person painfully so. i've been her (pretty recently too) and while our situations are/were different, i think the emotional resonance within us is strong and so while it started off as something fun, it became a challenging exploration of the self disguised as a character study. (i realize this is a similar answer to the previous fic but idc)
for the lawschool fic, i love hanahaki and i love angst. like i'll read and angst and i'll cry and i'll enjoy that sweet sweet pain and emotional catharsis and there's an alternate ending version to this in my drafts somewhere that made me ugly-cry claire danes circa romeo and juliet style and i think grief and unrequited love is so deeply personal to me as a theme i fucking love it.
thanks sel for your ask!! as per usual, i wasnt concise at all but i did say i wouldnt be in the beginning.
coolbeans (ro)
link to the original post if anyone else wants to ask me more! i'm finally back (proper) for the better i think <3 ask me more things im currently accepting prompts <3 !!!
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mmangaboi · 11 months
there is literally nothing funnier to me than rereading my wips after a month or two.
i literally made myself cry reading something i wrote because it reflected my own experience with something so well and then i realised wait. thats because i wrote it. based on that specific thing.
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curious-menace · 3 years
Can I get hradcanons of what the ridlers would like for their S/Os to put in their lunchboxes ?
you surely can nonnie!
Arkham riddler
oh this is so sweet! he’s never had someone make a pack lunch for him before! its almost too nice to actually eat. he’s just going to stare at it for a while.
he likes lunches in a little brown paper bag. like the kind he never got at school. send him a lil wrapped sandwich and some snacks and an apple and he’ll literally be weeping tears of joy. his s/o is so sweet and thoughtful and he loves them so much
he’s showing off to his minions that his s/o made something for him. did YOU get a pack lunch made with love passing goon? no? well I DID. what a shame for you  >:)
its a good thing someone is remembering food for him. if his s/o didnt send food he would absolutely forget to eat
Blacklight Riddler
he really likes leftovers! send him lil tupperware filled with the tasty things youve made for him and he’ll be happy as a bird with a french fry
he likes it when you wrap up cutlery for him. like he’s got some at his office but he always uses the same one, the one you send with the slightly bent fork prong. he might be a genius but he’s not sure how youve managed to fold the napkin like that. magic.  
he likes fresh leftovers from the night before. or some lil light pasta or soup thing made that morning. if you send him something frozen, he’ll think youre mad at him.
one time you forgot or were sick and didnt send him anything and he actually called you at lunch like “ are you breaking up with me???” you had to calm him down and then go for lunch with him because he didnt think to bring himself anything. 
BTAS Riddler
just make double whatever you’re having and he’ll eat that. he’s not fussy. he does like baked goods thought. like buns and freshmade bread 
he will devour everything and anything you put in that lunchbox. make sure its only edible things. he has been in such a concentrated workflow he forgot to unwrap a burrito and got a mouthful of tinfoil .
dont bother putting cute notes in. he wont read them while he’s working and he might even eat them if he’s not paying attention.
he will literally only let you cook for him. he’s a germaphobe and he doesnt trust anyone else with his food prep. if you are for whatever reason, unable to do this for him, he would rather go hungry than eat something someone else touched.  
Original Riddler
this is silly but he likes school lunches. like pb+j sandwiches, cheese strings and peperami snacks. he didnt get these when he was younger and now he’s relishing in having an s/o whos willing to indulge him. 
he always keeps the lil notes you leave him. whether its a lipstick print or a reminder to get milk on the way home. he has every single one of them in a drawer in his desk and he’s running out of space. 
he mostly wants snacks. he doesn't eat a lot but he eats all the time. like constant snacking to keep him going rather than sit down to an actual meal like a sensible human.
he cried real tears when you told him dunkaroo’s had been discontinued. you've been trying to make him some from scratch but its just not the same.
Telltale Riddler
he’s probably taken your lunch by mistake...or intentionally, knowing him. 
he just wants a regular old sandwich or pita pocket or anything he can eat one handed while he works. nothing fancy, its only lunch. just something to keep him going .
he likes it when you sneak him protein bars and energy snacks. you both know its not good for him but he appreciates it because you know how much he likes to just keep working when he’s in a good flow. 
he really likes it when you put a thermos of coffee in his backpack. he loves home made coffee and something about yours his 1000x better than anything from starbucks or cafe triste 
Zero year riddler 
ok he knows he’s asking quite a lot every day, especially considering getting the ingredients isnt easy but he likes bento boxes. something about the bright colours and variety just makes him happy.
he likes to have a different box every day. some times sushi sometimes sometimes pita and falafel sometimes pasta.if you give him something 2 days in a row he’ll get bored.
he likes to blog his boxes. he likes to show off what he’s got and takes a bunch of artsy photos of his lunch. doesnt mention he wasnt the one who made it mind you, the little credit hog. 
please dont put soda or energy drinks in his lunch. he loves drinking it but he’s going to be bouncing off the damn walls and driving you insane. you giving him water for lunch is the only time he actually drinks something that isnt filled with sugar. 
there  you go nonnie! ive made myself hungry writing this so im going to go grab a snack haha
got something you wana talk about? send me an ask or a dm! im always game to talk about our favorite curious menace 💚💜
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not-poignant · 3 years
not a flower ask (sorry), and extra apologies if this has been already asked before, but what got you writing in the first place?
im absolutely fascinated by your works. FFS has been one of my favorite things in the world since i discovered it. i feel like im learning so much about myself and other people just by reading it. i honestly aspire to write like you and aquire interest, too.
I've always been interested in writing, but I went through phases with it.
Like I started writing pretty serious (I thought) fantasy and science fiction when I was 8 or 9 years old. And I remember printing it out on an archaic computer when I was around 11 years old (and then my mother threw it all out, so I don't have most of it). But I remember even then I was writing a lot, doing worldbuilding, doing research, etc.
And then I stopped writing for a while, and picked it up again towards the end of highschool mostly as a way to just give my overactive (extremely overactive) brain something to do. I didn't want to be a writer at that point, I wanted to be an artist (I was doing a lot of that too), or a psychologist, or an ornithologist, actually just about anything other than a writer, lmao.
At university, I started picking up creative writing electives because I thought they'd be easy passes, and because I was doing (among other things) a major in scriptwriting, credits for creative writing counted as credits for scriptwriting in our university system. I actually ended up picking up so many creative writing units that I have an unacknowledged Major in Creative Writing as well, and was invited to do Honours in the Creative Writing faculty despite never officially being in that faculty lmao. So I started writing again. During this time, I mostly wrote Very Serious (sigh) poetry, and Very Serious (sigh) short stories. This was the period of time where I won the most awards, but it was also the period of time that I enjoyed writing least.
I think during this time - I only vaguely remember this - I also wrote some very bad OC/Snape fanfiction that no one will ever ever find because it's under another username lmao. I did enjoy that, but there's nothing like an old outdated university writing faculty to delegitimise fanfiction for you.
After that I stopped writing completely, because the joy in it was gone. Honestly, I didn't know if I'd ever write again?
And then...
I spent about 6-7 years working as a professional artist actually. I was too sick to work a standard full-time job (and sadly too sick to stay on at university and do all the postgrad stuff I wanted to do), and that was kind of 'all that was left' and just... I remember starting to pick up writing on the side very tentatively. I wrote some side stories for small fandoms. Ironically, every story I wrote for fandom back then was always short, usually 1-3k max. People now probably wouldn't believe it, given how long everything I write now is. But yeah most of the stuff I used to write was very short. I wrote for fandoms like NCIS, Profiler and Bones.
(I'm sorry anon I'm sure you didn't sign on for my life story in writing)
And then I wrote a story called Every Day Awake which was queer as fuck, and was kind of a breakthrough narrative for me. It was original, and I still want to clean it up and publish it actually. And after that I wrote a Misfits fic and a Mysterious Skin fic and abandoned writing again for a while because of mental and physical illness stuff.
Eventually I had to quit the art. In that limbo, depressed and lost, I started writing From the Darkness We Rise on a complete limb. It was meant to be 'something to make me feel something enjoyable again but I'll probably delete it after a few chapters.' But readers asked me to make a Tumblr to talk about updates and answer asks, so I did that. And then readers talked to me about Gwyn and Augus, so I thought about it. And then readers asked me to start a Patreon for Gwyn and Augus, (because I have always financially struggled), so I did that. And all the while I thought 'this is wild, but surely this can't last.'
And here I am, like 8 years later, and I find I quite like it. :)
(Imho, there are many many better writers out there that you could aspire to write like, read as widely and across as many genres as you can, there are marvels out there in the written world, absolute marvels).
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just sending some appreciation and good vibes to my people for the new year <3
kisses from me bc you all hold a very special place in my heart 💝
Also veryyy long post ahead I’m sorry I had to include everyone Aakklaksks 😭😭
@ominous-meme 🖤 sabah! You were my very first mutual on here I hope you know that! I can’t even begin on how excited I got when I found out you were a fellow desi girl and I will always appreciate you being there and advising me! <3 I love our street racing au! talks ! I’m glad I have someone to share ideas with <33
@weebsausage 🖤 dude omg!!! 😭😭😭 pls I literally forgot how we became moots I’m so sorry I have a tiny brain 😪 but I think we literally just messaged each other and started talking about free! ANYWAYS TYSM FOR PUTTING ME ON HXH I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU FOR THAT WTF ITS LIKE MY FAV ANIME EVER I HAVE BECOME HXH TRASH AJSJSJBS ❤️❤️ but other than that thank you for being a really great friend to me and I hope this year is nothing but good things for you <33
@dokifluffs 🖤 you were also one of my first moots on here! I honestly could not believe when you followed me back bc ur like my biggest inspo! 😭 you’re so precious omg I always look forward talking to you and get excited when I see a notif from you still! I hope the new year treats you well and brings good things in your life! Lots of love from me bae 🥰❤️
@syrenblubs 🖤 ah my most relatable person LOL. Omg syren ur my little bestie on here and I’m so glad we’re mutuals! I love our natsuya talks and OML THE C****** RAID! ALSJJSJSJSJJS AND DESI PARENTS AKSJJSNS. Just thank you for always interacting with me even tho I SUCK at responding 😭❤️❤️❤️ ilyyysmmmmmm
@linak 🖤 baby omg where do I even begin. Back when I had literally no one to talk to on here, you would be the one NEVER failing to send me a gm/gn message! You always bring a stupid smile to my face 😭 I’m so freaking glad that we are friends I literally cannot put into words!! Ty for always listening to me and letting me open up to you ❤️ love you always.
@croctears 🖤 vixxx ahhh!!! I’m so glad we became mutuals on this shitty app! You’re one of the highlights of my day and I love talking to you sm 😫 especially if it’s about Sou 😏😏 keep being amazing bae! Kisses mwuah mwuah 😽😽
@xakusa 🖤 Marty bby! 🥰 literally the only person I’m going to share my man natsu with 🙄 our conversations are always so RANDOM and out of nowhereeeee lollll but we also just go along with it and I love that! You are an angel and this year better be giving you what you deserve! Lots of love from my end 😽😽😽 kissies from me and natsuya <3
@cafelixie 🖤 I will keep saying this and I will never stop. YOU!!! ARE!!! THE!!! ACTUAL!!! DEFINITION!!! OF!!! PRECIOUS!!!! Need I say more? You’ve made my day countless times and I always look forward to seeing you in my messages/inbox!! Baby I freaking love you I really don’t know what else to say 😭❤️
@skippyskeppy 🖤 I will never forget the first time we interacted my Kisumi enthusiast 😙🤝 I love it sm whenever I see you pop into my inbox with a random hc about semi semi or Kisumi, Albert now too! You are an amazing person. A really amazing person. I hope you know that ❤️
@keeijiakaashi 🖤 I remember seeing your little comments under my posts before we became moots and OMGGGG YOU ARE SO CUTE AISJJSJSJS ALSO RIN ENTHUSIAST??? YES PLEASE!!! Tysm for always interacting with me and making yourself known as the ultimate sweetest person on my blog! Ilyyyyy ❤️❤️❤️
@animatedarchives 🖤 we have your fellow love of the kirishimas to thank for us becoming moots! You’re so cute soph omg 😫 I love how we literally have brainrots of the same characters LIKE MR GOJO LEECH SATORU!!! GET OUT OF MY HEAD OR PAY RENT!!! Ahh you’re irreplaceable soph! Never fail to make me smile like an idiot <33
@natsuya-enthusiast 🖤 how did we not become moots sooner wtf??? Do yk how alone I felt when I had no one to discuss my obsession of natsu with when I first made this blog 😪 AND THEN I REALIZED U WERE ONE OF MY FIRST FOLLOWERS???? ANYWAYS U ARE THE BIG SIS I NEVER HAD ALWAYS PULLING THROUGH W THAT LIFE ADVICE BAHAHAHA ilysm gaby wtf 😭😡😡😡❤️❤️❤️
@moonlitspring 🖤 do you even realize how happy I got when I realized there was another ACTIVE free! blog 😡😡 ajsjjsjs you are such an amazing writer and PERSON sky!!! You’ve been nothing but the sweetest and I hope we get to interact more this year and share our love of free! together <3
@ayumiko 🖤 laís you are such an angel! I absolutely adore both you and your edits/gifs smmm 🥰 you are so kind and I hope 2021 is also <333
@dalggina 🖤 omg??? YGO bae??? 😤😤 I thought literally everyone had forgotten ab it LOL THEN YOU CAME ALONG ❤️❤️ I’m really glad we interacted precious person! And I hope that you have a great year! ALSO YOU BETTER NOT STRESS YOURSELF OUT TOO MUCH FROM WORK OR IM MANIFESTING MR ATEM TO COME GET YOU 😡
@stormikujo 🖤 omg bby! We haven’t talked in awhile! I hope you are doing well! ❤️❤️❤️ ahhh I’m glad I got you into free otherwise we wouldn’t even have interacted 😫 I love talking to you stormi!! And I hope this year brings great things fro you! Lots of love ❤️❤️❤️
@aj-writes-here 🖤 omg hey girl 😼😼 you’re definitely one of the coolest people I’ve talked to on here for sure! Hope you’ve been enjoying hq and free! Your welcome for putting you on that simp train 😼 anyways, ilysm aj!! I really wish the best for you this year! Stay amazing as you always are, ily!! ❤️❤️
@attackonfics 🖤 wtf 😭😭 I don’t deserve you???? You’ve been nothing but the sweetest to me and also responsible for my unhealthy obsession with mr 5’2 angry gremlin >:(( jkjk but seriously, ty for the food 😌. ANYWAYS QUEEN I HOPE YOUVE BEEN TAKING CARE OF YOURSELF AND TREATING YOURSELF AS!!! YOU!!! SHOULD!!! VIRTUAL HUGS 😽😽 💝
@browsing-my-favourite-fandoms 🖤 Shizen! You are too good for this world! 😭 you are such a genuine person, you deserve nothing but happiness ❤️ I really hope that this year does that for you. I’ll keep checking in from time to time! Ilysm! ❤️
@inum4ki 🖤 sera...please...just invest in a personal guide or smth. Asksksknsjs n e wayzzz seeing you in my inbox is always so much fun! Sousuke really deserves more love and you are bringing it to the table hun 😤😤 also you’re a fellow inumaki enthusiast too??? Yes please. You deserve all the happy things in 2021 <3
@sneezefiction 🖤 Gracie!! I love how easy it is to get along with you! You are truly one of the best people I’ve met on this app and I’ll forever be grateful for our friendship <3 you give off such great vibes all the time omg giving you a huge virtual hug and here’s to more interactions this year! 🥰😽😽😽
@velvetfireworks 🖤 bbyyy!! 🥰 everytime we interact even if it’s not a whole lot, you’re always the sweetest what 😭 I love you and you’re writing so much omggg you are so talented!! I get super excited when I see myself get tagged in one of your stuff 😆 I hope we get to interact more in the future! Have a great New Years ❤️❤️❤️
@a8mine 🖤 stop being so mean to me 😡😡 !!!!!! ig ily anyways tho 🙄 you’re energy is honestly unmatched (in a good way!!) and it’s rare to meet people like that! You’re so funny omg and your random hcs and cursed discourses always have me dying 😭😭 you’re so cool hanna ily 😪✌️ <333
@giorvanna 🖤 ahh rena! Your blog and edits are *chefs kiss* I love our random semi brainrot sessions 🥰🥰 I hope we interact more in the future but in the meantime I’m sending you good vibes and lots of virtual hugs bc you deserve them queen ❤️❤️❤️
@seijohlogy 🖤 hey hey jaestar 🤩🤩 you are such a cool person??? Omg I’m so glad that we’re friends and randomly invade each other’s inboxes 😆 you are so kind! This year better be kind to you too or else 😡😡 I hope that after Ms rona decides to move her ass over, you get to go to Disneyland and take!! Me!!! With!! You!! Love you jae bae ❤️❤️
@prettysetterbaby 🖤 hey sexc 🤩🤩 no idea why you followed me but glad you did bc you are such a sweet and chaotic person!! I loveeeeee <333 I hope we get to interact more bc you are just genuinely such a fun person to interact with! Ilyyy
@datecho 🖤 yet another just genuinely sweet person! The world doesn’t deserve you! You’re so fun to interact with and a hottie??? omg shoto and kags better get off their asses rn and come get you or I will 🤩🤩 ly bae! have a great New Years! ❤️❤️
@miyasangel 🖤 we haven’t interacted much yet but ahaha talking about suna and sending my fanart to you is sm fun! Did I tell you that I also have a wip of Atsumu as a street racer? 😏 have a great year Arden bae! Kisses 😽
@aikk00 🖤 hi hi! We don’t interact on a daily or anything but when we do, omg!!! You are the most easy person to get along with 😭 you have such a good heart along with the talent???omg??? You are UNMATCHED babe! I hope this year brings you many more opportunities! Stay amazing love ❤️ ily and your art very much ❤️ I’m also still very embarrassed from fucking up the credits from last time. I’m so sorry bae 😭❤️❤️
@kurooskult 🖤 ma’am you might as well be the definition of bad bitch 😪🤝 ok but besides that, interacting with you is sm fun??? Like we don’t even have to be moots on your blog to feel just as included and loved! You are such a queen for that! Here’s to more mila x kuroo content in 2021 and he better be doing special for you as he should !!
It’s still the 31st here but THANK YOU ALL FOR MAKING MY COUPLE OF MONTHS ON HERE BEARABLE!!! This sounds like a goodbye post Oml-
I love you all very much. I suck at words, but I hope you know that. ❤️
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tj-shmt · 3 years
A Day of Curation
Unless its Wednesday, it should be around 11am right now when i get up. First things first, put in my headphones and go get some good music! Its Monday - time to listen to my Discover Weekly playlist, which Spotify usually tailors perfectly to my tastes.
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1. 🎶 SPOTIFY 🎶
Fun fact - this weeks "Discover Weekly" suggs. Usually I get the best music from there. I don't really recall the last time any of my friends really showed a song I didn't already know or was adequately good. Tho, I have to give Amelie some credit here, she constanly hits me with great Spanish tunes. (Also to Jasi and Safae which hit me up with some dope music from time to time) I mostly get inspiration from (sad to say but its true) tik tok or by randomly shazaming the world. I also really hate to limit myslfe to music i understand. On the contrary I LOVE LOVE LOVE music arround the world. Trust me i hear Tibetian Throat Singing to Russian Electro and even Islandic and Nativ American Tribal Music. To give you an impression of how important music consumption is for me:
Last Year i spent a total of 210 441 minutes on spotify alone. That is about 9 Hours a day. The average person uses Spotify for about 18 000 minutes a year. (My friend took the freedom to calculate how much money Spotify "looses" by my consumption. i pay $30 a year an Spotify gives $0,004891 per stream to the creator. An average of 3 minutes per song (70.000 streams) means spotify pays $342.37 to the creators. Thats $312.37 of deficit LOL)
Apart form that i cant really give Spotify a certain schedule when i listen to it cuz i listen to it all the time. During gaming, during coding, laundry, gym, work, class, before sleep. ✨Always✨
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2. 💬 WhatsApp 💬
There is nothing better than sleeping for an eternity while everyone is already awake for probably 4 or more hours, working! *laughs in privileged design student* Since everyone is already living its live while I still drool, I gotta get up to date in the morning. Before i even leave bed, i checke my messages there. Similar to Spotify, I use WhatsApp the whole day and can't really tell when I would not use it. Except, my phone is always on silent (casual zennial phone call phobia) meaning i wont notice anything while zoning out or gaming (which usualy is the same).
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3. 👨‍🏫 TEAMS 👩‍🏫
Yeah Yeah i can already hear it. "You wake up 5 minutes before class withouth breakfast or anything..." - bla bla bla. Yeah that is the case! I would usuly go on teams and enter the classroom, while preparing a breakfast (if you can call it breakfast after 12) sit down at my desk and listen to class. Causally everything that is too theoretical with music and whatsapp. Other classes that are interesting I`ll put my full attention to it.
But i hate teams in gerneral. Not cuz its sh**, no, usualy people that do their clases there have a weird way of using it. Finding material or looking up homeworks is such a struggle sometimes. (Props to you Kevin here, I have never seen anybody using teams in such a clean and struktured way than you do. Even tho you dont neccesarily use it as it was meant to be. (which might be the turning point on why its great))
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4. 📺 YouTube 📺
Yup YouTube is usually the place to go after (sometimes during (I NEVER SAID THAT!)) class.
Actually, YouTube is the place to go for me. Relaxation, Entertainment, knowledge - anything! After class I'd usually watch "Cut" or other channels that produce let's plays or entertainment of some sort.
But it's also THE place to go during coding. I rather listen to Lofi or (Slowed, Reverbed) Music that doesnt really distract me. ALSO, during coding watch A SH*TLOAD OF TUTORIALS, cuz I am proud selftaught Zennial. #BestOfBothWorlds
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5. 👨‍🍳 CHEFKOCH 👨‍🍳
I love to try new things and I constantly stalk the web for new recipes. Lately a lot of Asian and Vegan stuff. Chefkoch is the app to go where i also write down my own recipes to have them with me all the time. Great thing here is, i share this account with all my family members (currently 13, including my mom, aunts, other relatives). Great way to share the secret family recipes at any time!
(Cant recommend the recipe in the img, tho!)
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Unlike all my sporty friends that used to hit the gym before covid and not got lazy, I started to use Training Apps like Addidas Training with its free Workout plans. I use it regularly and am happy i finally found a way to stay sporty.
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7. ⌨️ VS CODE ⌨️
Its either Visual Studio Code, where I would code on my current project, or gaming. As mentioned above, I would get most of the inspiration from tutorials or using dev tools on different platforms.
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8. 🎤 DISCORD 🎮
I´ll use Discord as a general term for Gaming since I play a lot but many different games, tho, always use discord to communicate with my freinds while gaming.
A great place to share random BS with friends and talk about anything that comes to my mind. I spent most of the evenings on Discord with my friends. Always did, in fact. Maybe the reason why I don't really feel so affected by the pandemic. I am used to being separated from my friends since they live all over Germany or the world in general. I always enjoy Online Live Events WITH my friends.
For me the web as always been a "with" not an "alone", which is why I never understand why so may struggle with feeling "alone" on live events online. JUST GRAB A FRIEND AND DISCOVER IT ✨TOGETHER✨!
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Since I use both the same amount there is not thos or that. I never Really let anybody recommend me anything, cuz ... trust me, I WON'T watch it. IDK why that is, but I need a specific mood for each show. And nobody but myself can provide that. Probably why most ove the algorithms (esp Netflix) do not have an effect on me. I'm not in the mood for your ****, sorry!
Never the less, i periodically Binge a Series and then feel empty after it ended. Then i need some time to face reality again.
Funny tho, I binged Starwars Rebels on Disney+ and after it ended i just decide to buy 4 books on amazon that expand the story to starwars (#nerd i know). I will spend the next few months reading and probably not watching anything on both Streaming services.
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10. 🤤 TIKTOK 🌈
... YUP.... I grew up with vine ... but TikTok got me. And honestly I don't regret it. It's the perfect algorithm that constantly finds the best videos that feed my thirsty queer ass. I mean ...
LOOK AT THE IMG ABOVE. YES, give me more....!
Its prolly not good for my digital wellbeing or my mental health but do I care at the moment..? noooooo...
Just give me more of Starwars Parodies, Sleepwalkers, Best off's of streamers, Queer content (cuz its time this heteronormativity world is fed with it! and no i do not indentify as anyting, im just the + at the very far end!) and yeah, even some sexy content if the creator feels good about it.
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rose-lord-of-simps · 3 years
AO3 fics
This is a list of AO3 fics I find and need a place to save so I can read them later! I’d save them in a file on my phone but my phone hates me and quite frankly, I don’t blame it.
Note: I also take fic finding requests! I can’t help you find specific fics but if there is a ship here you aren’t interested in or don’t ship but you want a fic for, let me know what genre you want and the ship or x reader and I’ll find it for you! Genres include fluff, romantic, spicy, angst!
Some of the descriptions are the actual descriptions from the fics, however some are just notes I made about them myself. NONE OF THESE ARE MINE AND I AM NOT TAKING CREDIT FOR THEM!
This is mostly just for me but I figured I’d post it so I can create a link for it on my page instead of going through my drafts to look for it.
Guide: ☘️ not completed 🍀 completed ❌ not read ✔️ read 🌶 spicy 🌹 romance 🌵angst 🌼 fluff
If you think an emoji on a fic should be changed, just let me know! I DID NOT PUT ANY TRIGGER WARNING IN THE DESCRIPTIONS! If I think there is something trigger or know there is I will tell you to read the tags and notes but if you read one of these with a mislabeled emojis or you think a 🌵 should be added, please let me know.
On the last day of every month I go through and update the info of if it is completed and how many chapters there are. Because of this some of the info may be wrong as you read this post.
A World Alone
Completed 🍀 Read ✔️
10 chapters and part of a Series
🌼🌹 Nico was ready to propose - now he just needed to figure out how. He convinces Will to celebrate Hanukkah for the first time in years. The problem is, Nico doesn't know anything about Hanukkah.
The Ballad of Landon Creek
Completed ☘️ Read not all the way
22/32 updated 2021-03-05 left off on 16
🌵🌹🌼Doctor Will Solace had lived in the secluded Oregon town of Ladon Creek for a year when a mysterious stranger arrived and turned his world upside down.
A series of coincidental meetings
Completed 🍀 Read ❌
3 chapters - left off on 3
🌼 Exactly what the title says
Completed 🍀 Read ❌
1 chapter but part of a series!
🌼 Eijirou wakes up cold, alone, and worried. What hidden truths will he find when he seeks out his boyfriend?
Completed 🍀 Read ✔️
1 chapter but part of a series!
🌵 Ochako recieves a letter from Bakugo she never wanted.
Not Kiribaku centered but includes Kiribaku
And your name for the order is
Completed 🍀 Read ✔️
1 chapter
🌼 Coffee shop AU where Kirishima is the only one who enjoys taking Bakugo’s order
Tell me the truth (even if it hurts)
Completed 🍀 Read ❌
3 chapters - left off on 3
🌵 little not much 🌹/🌼 Kirishima gets hit with a truth quirk but he isn’t the one telling the truth
Tell me Whatever
Completed 🍀 Read ❌
1 chapter
🌼 mostly, Bakugo gets hit with a quirk and it becomes impossible to be lied to, and Kirishima is so very open
Bien Cuit
Completed ☘️ Read ❌
7/10 updated on 2021-02-12 left off on 1?
🌼🌹 “It’s the best cafe in town! You gotta try it!!” Kirishima exclaimed. “What’s the worse that can happen?” Kirishima asked. Bakugou should have fucking known better than to trust that Shitty Hair for a simple coffee recommendation.
Or : Bakugou Katsuki accidentally ends up in a cafe meet-cute with Deku’s former number one ride-or-die, Uraraka Ochako, and they catch feelings.
Completed 🍀 Read ✔️
1 chapter
🌵🌹 romance and angst, soulmate AU!
Completed 🍀 Read ❌
2 Chapters and part of a series left off on chapter 1
🌼Kirishima is sick and Bakugo takes care of him
I Missed You
Completed 🍀 Read ✔️
1 Chapter
🌼 After a long mission, Bakugou and Kirishima talk on their couch, some sweet things are said, and their friends walk in on them making out.
5 Times Bakugou Katsuki was soft for Kirishima Eijirou and the 1 Time Everyone Found Out
Completed ☘️ Read not done yet
2/6 Chapters updated on 2021-01-19 left off on 2
🌼 Sunflowers, daisies, and a discussion about bubbles.
Light it up like dynamight
Completed 🍀 Read ❌
1 chapter
🌼 Kirishima had a mission: to discover Bakugou’s favourite band. After all, he had a Christmas gift to buy.
Or, alternatively, in which best bros Kirishima and Bakugou go to a concert and they end the day being more than bros.
Valentine- a Kiribaku fluffshot
Completed 🍀 Read ✔️
1 Chapter
🌹🌼 Happy valentine's day! Well, it's not not so happy for Katsuki, who's finally decided to confess to Eijirou. Much due to Mina's pushiness, he decided to confess through cliched Valentine's chocolates. Although he's nervous and doubtful, a good deal of hope sits buried in Katsuki's chest. But what will happen when the Bakusquad hangs out on Valentine's Day and someone notices the chocolates?
We don’t have to be ordinary
Completed 🍀 Read unfinished
8/8 chapters left off on 5
🌵🌹🌼 A Footloose AU that nobody asked for, but I'm certainly providing.
Sounds a little strange for someone who’s never watched footloose- BUT IT’S SO GOOD I PROMISE!
Gotta KiriBaku Them All
Completed 🍀 Read ❌
1 Chapter
Eijiro Kirishima is a eighteen year old rock trainer in a world full of Pokemon. His childhood best friend Denki Kaminari travels with him to different regions. One fateful day they decide to enlist in a charity tournament at Lumiose City in Kalos. Who will they meet and what challenges will they face? Follow the boys as they make new friends and battle their way through the competition!
Im unsure how to emoji label this one so please read the tags and notes!
Bakugou and his Journal
Completed ☘️ Read not finished
1/2 chapters updated 2021-02-07
🌼🌵? (Unsure how to emoji label this) Bakugou’s journal.
Clashing Colors
Completed 🍀 Read ❌
3 chapters
🌼One month into classes at UA and shinso is being transferred into class 1-A, a small problem being that kaminari has started to have feelings for him and just to his luck, kaminari has been chosen to help shinso move into his new dorm.
(Obviously) They’re Married
Completed 🍀 Read ✔️
6 chapters
🌹🌼mostly, Where Kaminari meets Shinso’s dads. But he doesn’t know who they are. Erasermic family!
5 + 1 Things : Kamishin
Completed 🍀 Read ?
1 Chapter
🌼🌵 5 times Kaminari was too loud for Shinso, 1 time he was too quite. Warning: language and brief mention of homophobia
Let me Scream
Completed 🍀 Read ✔️
1 chapter
🌵🌼 Mina made Hitoshi drop an extremely personal note before reading it out loud with Denki present. Denki got mad at Hitoshi for the first time. A while later, he angrily opens up and tells Hitoshi why.
Or Hitoshi and Denki have their first argument as a couple.
You Make It Feel Like Christmas
Completed 🍀 Read ❌
1 Chapter
🌼Kaminari and Shinsou spend their first Christmas together. Shinsou's never really celebrated Christmas and Kaminari is determined to give him a real Christmas
Catch Me
Completed 🍀 Read ✔️
5 Chapters
🌼(but read the tags!) Shinsou and Kaminari meet by chance their first year of high school and spend one whirlwind day together that changes the trajectory of their entire lives. Three years later, after maintaining a long distance friendship, they are roommates, nearly through their first year at the University of Osaka. They are forever on the edge of something beyond friendship, but never quite able to take the leap of faith for fear of tainting their memories of that one, perfect day. That is, until Kaminari gets blackout drunk in a night of frustration and Shinsou won't let it go.
Pizza n Fries
Completed ☘️ Read not finished
3/? Chapters updated 2021-03-10 left off on 2
🌼 So here Kaminari sits, the most popular boy in school, alone, idly poking at his school lunch,, pizza. How the school managed to screw up pizza was beyond him, but at the same time he was once given a single slice of soggy bread for lunch. Just as he was about to get up to throw his plate in the trash, it's entire existence disgusted him, a deep voice sounded in, "school lunches am I right?"
We’ll Hold You When the Sky Falls Down
Completed 🍀 Read ✔️
1 Chapter
🌹🌼This is a Kaminari x Jirou x Shinsou fic! Soulmate AU where you can write on your arm and it appears on your partner’s arm!
Denki Who is Not His Boyfriend
Completed 🍀 Read ✔️
1 chapter
Kaminari Denki’s Very Strange Day
Completed 🍀 Read ✔️
1 chapter
🌼 All hail Denki Kaminari, newly initiated drinker of respect women juice, matchmaker extraordinaire. Alternately, Shinsou Hitoshi simultaneously has the worst and best day of his life.
How did I not Know?
Completed 🍀 Read ✔️
1 chapter
🌵 Aizawa is concerned when Todoroki starts to fall behind in class but dismissed it as the boy needing a break and that he would be fine when he came back to the dorms after a weekend of being at home. He never would've thought how wrong he was and how one weekend would reveal a lifetime of secrets about the Todoroki household. Though he just wished that the two teens would have been spared from the crossfire that is Endeavor.
Not Tododeku centric but they’re together
The Prince and the Painter
Completed ☘️ Read ❌
1/? Chapters updated 2021-01-30
🌵🌹🌼 Prince Shoto Todoroki is next in line for the Alterian throne. His father rules the Kingdom with an iron fist, giving Shoto no choice but to obey his every order. He is overworked, depressed, and utterly miserable. That is until he meets Izuku Midoriya, an avant-garde painter who starts to bring the color back into his dull life. But what happens when they start to fall in love with each other? Shoto is a Prince, and Izuku is just a painter, surely this cannot end well!
(Basically a royal AU! Lots of angst, family drama, and of course fluffy love. Enjoy!)
Of Flowers and Tattoos
Completed 🍀 Read ❌
1 Chapter and part of a series!
Shouto owns a tattoo parlor. Izuku owns a flower shop. Love (unsurprisingly) happens.
Property Of Prince Shotou Todoroki
Completed 🍀 Read not finished
9 chapters left off on 4
🌵🌹🌶little bit of Bakugou x Midoriya, prince Todoroki x peasant Deku AU! PLEASE READ THE TAGS AND NOTES!
Lady in Red
Completed 🍀 Read ❌
1 chapter
🌼 Izuku’s mother refuses to tell him who her Valentine’s date is. Tododeku isn’t the main ship but it’s still included so it’s going here.
Something That I Want
Completed 🍀 Read ✔️
1 chapter
The Cupid Quirk
Completed 🍀 Read ✔️
23/23 chapters updated 2021-04-08
🌹🌼 During an attack at school, Midoriya gets hit by a quirk that leaves him infatuated with the first person he sees, which just so happens to be Todoroki Shouto. Due to an unfortunate side effect of the quirk, Midoriya breaks out into a horrible fever whenever they’re separated for too long, so Todoroki accepts the responsibility of caring for him until the quirk wears off. Problem is, Todoroki sort of, kind of, maybe likes Midoriya as more than just a friend, which makes the whole situation just a little awkward for him.
THIS IS AN AMAZING FIC AND I LOVE IT. You’re not gonna regret this read.
So They Follow in Our Footsteps
Completed ☘️ Read ❌
1/2 chapters 2021-01-22 part of a series!
🌵🌼 Eventually, Aizawa thinks, he’s going to figure Shinsou out. He’s gonna figure out what it means to tote around a kid through the zombie apocalypse like a Chanel bag, and what it means to get truly, murderously pissed when they’re threatened.
Zombie apocalypse AU! So- Apocolypse AU’s aren’t my thing so I don’t know why I have this one saved and I’m probably not going to read it, however I found a link for it on tumblr in the Erasermic tag so that’s where it’s going! ALSO READ THE NOTES OF THE CHAPTER!
Completed 🍀 Read ✔️
1 chapter and part of a series
🌼 Kirishima asks Tamaki about Mirio.
Of Octopus Balls and Contract Flaws
Completed 🍀 Read ✔️
1 Chapter
🌼 Tamaki really had to be careful about what he said out loud sometimes, or else a simple frustrated phrase such as "I would sell my soul for some decent takoyaki" could easily be taking out of context.
Purple Haze
Completed 🍀 Read ❌
1 Chapter and part of a series!
🌹🌼Tamaki wants to know Mirio’s colour. “What’s your color? I wanna know, I wanna know.”
Burst of Sunlight
Completed 🍀 Read ❌
1 Chapter
🌹🌼🌵(possibly) In the aftermath of the Shie Hassaikai raid, Tamaki looks after Mirio. One-shot. Soft Miritama
Completed 🍀 Read ❌
1 Chapter
🌼 Amajiki Tamaki had always preferred the winter, until Mirio came along. Tamaki tells the story of him and Mirio by following their memories through the course of many summers.
Grossly Incandescent
Complete 🍀 Read ❌
1 chapter
Mirio thinks, perhaps, his journey to find his own sun has found just the right path. Tamaki just do what he's supposed to and ring the bell. Their paths may just merge into one. OR Mirio knows incandescence when he sees it, but it's a bit harder to prove that to Tamaki if he's just going to hide under his hood all day!
Star Spots
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1 Chapter
🌹🌼 mirio looks so sad, beneath the surface, and tamaki wants to say something, but doesn't know what's best for his best friend. what do you do, what do you say, when your best friend lost something so important to them? or, a series of scenes where tamaki and mirio spend their time in each others company, make confessions, and make it through to the other side.
Moments of Peace
Completed 🍀 Read ❌
1 chapter and part of a series
🌹🌼Mirio wakes up way too early, and he takes a moment to appreciate the love of his life
The “Almost” Perfect Nest
Completed 🍀 Read ✔️
1 chapter
🌹🌼Omega Tamaki likes to take comfort in the nests he creates to have Mirio's alpha scent around. He finds blankets and clothes that smell likes Mirio and throws them all into one big pile. So what happens the day he can't find a specific hoodie that belongs to Mirio? He loses it.
Love Confessions are Hard for Idiots
Completed 🍀 Read ✔️
1 chapter
🌹🌼Mirio wants to confess.
Todoroki x Kaminari
Denki’s Life Essentials:Memes, food, and Shouto
Completed 🍀 Read ❌
1 Chapter
Denki tries to explain what memes are to Shouto and accidentally falls in love.
Hawks x Reader
Amans Avaritia
Completed ☘️ Read not all the way
3/? Chapters updated on 2021-01-05 left off on chapter 3
🌵🌹When the Prince of the feathered-folk Kingdom, Hawks, threatens to declare war on your kingdom, you’re forced to make the worst and best decision of your life.
Let’s Chase the Sun
Completed ☘️ Read ❌
19/? Updated on 2021-02-22
(I unsure what emojis to use) Your whole life you had been sheltered away from the real world, but you weren’t exactly alone in that aspect. You just had less freedom than him. Now, however, you would take him as a chance to live life the way you wanted to. Who cares about the consequences after all? Life isn’t easy, though, and that’s something you’ll have to learn, even with a capable hero at your side. Because to be honest, being with him is the biggest problem of all.
Im unsure what emojis to use so PLEASE CHECK THE TAGS and the NOTES in the first chapter!
Born Dead
MHA ship writer, mostly Kiribaku I believe
Totally Definetly Legit Leaked BNHA Valentine’s Day Light Novel Spoilers
Completed 🍀 Read ✔️
1 chapter
🌼 I honestly have no idea how to describe this, some Momo x Todoroki, and Kiribaku
If you don’t take this friendship, I will shove it up your ass
Completed ☘️ Read not finished
3/? Chapters updated 2021-01-31 left off on 2
🌼crack fic, no one ship specific, super funny!
The Todoroki In-Laws
Completed 🍀 Read ❌
13/13 COMPLETED and part of a series!
🌼crack fic Over 10 years after the fight against the Paranormal Liberation Front, Rumi, aka the part-time hero Miruko and the proud wife of one Todoroki Fuyumi, decides it would be an awesome idea to create a groupchat with the significant others of the other Todoroki siblings. Maybe things would be easier if its members weren’t two Pro Heroes, a former one and a rehabilitated villain, but… Honestly, where’s the fun in that?
Part 2 coming soon... there’s more...
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