#like in the pronoun spot
fefairys · 2 years
i hate when i cannot tell if someone put a neopronoun in their bio as a stupid joke or if they actually use that pronoun. everyone stop doing it as a joke forever please so i am never confused thank you
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Look at they. So pretty. Pretty Marius♡
I originally just wanted to draw my long-haired boy- but then i made his mech arm have nonbinary fake nails and then kofi posted about some makeup thing which made me add makeup-.....they look fucking pretty and something about this image just makes me stim happily-
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tedthetalk · 9 months
Fucked up how people on the internet don’t get to grow. Especially if you’re a big youtuber or w/e, once you get called out for something it lives in peoples heads and that slip up sticks to you basically forever — and you can’t even take down the “evidence” because you’ll get accused of trying to hide things
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sphnyspinspin · 1 year
The General
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The fight was over…this stranger that came out of nowhere got the jump on them. Arcee was pinned down underneath the newcomer’s left pede, Bumblebee was being held by his neck by only a singular, huge, servo, and Breakdown was decommissioned, as he was practically hurled across clearing. This stranger wore a decepticon badge across their chassis, and with that in mind, guess it would make sense for them to attack a seemingly defenseless autobot squadron when the opportunity arose. Despite one member of the group having a decepticon badge, that didn't stop them from being attacked by someone who was from the same faction apparently.
And then the stranger finally spoke, “Now that that’s settled…so tell me…how, and why, are you here?” staring straight into Bee’s optics as he was too banged up to properly escape the decepticon’s grip on his neck.
With gritted dente and a wince from the yellow autobot, he was just about to speak up until he was interrupted by Arcee’s strained reply, “Who wants to know? I-I take it that you’re not-ugh, from around h-here. Are ya?” as she was struggling to find some sort of bearing, she kept trying to hoist herself up, but the big pede connected to an even bigger bot kept pushing her back into place.
Looking down at the pink autobot underneath their pede, “That’s confidential. And I wasn’t asking you.” Then the weight underneath their pede suddenly shifted as they slowly added more of their weight onto Arcee’s already beaten up frame.
There might as well be a large footprint embedded into her chassis after this. As the pede lowered down, compressing Arcee slowly, until the weight was taken right back off of it, so that the autobot could appropriately answer the question. “Now let's try this again. And some quick advice, stay down and quit getting off topic, or else your friend here will have to face the consequences.”
A jolt of pain was being sent into Bee’s processor as the behemoth holding him up, tightened their grip around his neck cables. The big bot however, seemed somewhat internally agitated, almost as if they just wanted to get this whole thing over with.
The big bot in question was large. They were probably taller than Megatron. With dark gray faceplates connecting to a piece of dark plating covering where their lip-plates should be, limiting the amount of emotion they could express. Optics as bright and as red as any other decepticon’s empowering gaze. Armor colors ranging from a strong magenta, being the most apparent color of their chassis, to a bright yellow, covering their servos and the helmet decoration on the back of their helm.
The bot eased up on both their grip and the weight on their pede, and let out a grunt with a heavy sigh, “Listen…just tell me this, are there more of you guys on this planet? Are there more decepticons on this planet?”
“Like we would tell you that-hrkk-” Bee confidently replied.
“Let me guess, is it because I hurled your friend back over there? He's a decepticon you know…he was just going to use you-” then before they could finish their statement, Breakdown charged out from the horizon and chucked a large rock at the con’s head.
The heroic action backfired as their servo met the rock, catching it just as it was about to hit the back of their helm. What they didn't realize was that the second rock was being hurled right after, making a strong enough impact to their helm. Startling the stranger enough for them to drop Bumblebee.
Bumblebee took to nursing his neck, feeling new dents as he was practically strangled. Not wasting another second, he transformed his servo into his stinger and aimed it at the con while getting some distance between them.
Like it was just going to be that easy.
The con released their pede from Arcee’s armor, grabbed her by the shoulder, and threw her at Bumblebee, electrocuting them both. With Breakdown going as far as to hurl himself at the perpetrator, and taking another swing. Which was dodged immediately.
As the stranger roughly elbowed Breakdown in the back of his neck, he was knocked out. And while the con was occupied with finishing Breakdown, they kicked his body towards Arcee and Bumblebee. Colliding with the two, making them tumble even further from the enemy. Officially rendering them all beaten to a pulp.
Until the stranger finally had enough. They decided that these guys just weren’t worth it. Admittedly, they put up a pretty good fight, but it was almost too obvious that they hadn’t taken on anyone with their amount of strength in a long time. At least not recently that is. It was strange though…why in the name of Primus would three unlikely bots, one of which was a con, be on patrol together, on this dingy dirt-rock planet; far away from any cybertronian-colonized planet?
Right as the stranger was beginning to take off and leave the three bots for scrap, a blast was shot at the stranger—nearly avoiding their faceplate.
“Bumblebee! Are you and the others all right?” Called Optimus.
Bumblebee didn’t respond with words, but instead groaned and shakily held a thumbs up. And that was more than enough for Optimus.
The stranger was only stunned for a split second. Until they equipped their own ray gun. But they were more than just stunned at the opposition—they were absolutely shocked.
The Optimus Prime?! And Elita-1?! Alive?! But their peers said—
Before the stranger could properly absorb their newfound information, they saw something flying right towards the fight. Landing right beside Optimus and transform into…into…
Aiming and readying his canon Megatron began “Stand down! Or else—!” Megatron was prepared to face off this cruel stranger. But…he wasn’t prepared to see a familiar face. He lowered his canon and with anguish ridden optics and his vocaliser resetting he started.
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Context: Oh boy…I started writing this like MONTHS ago. Like, before the rest of season one came out, but the whole story takes place after the events of everyone saving the world and junk. If that makes sense? Also the ending is kinda rushed so…yeah.
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stomach-rental · 1 year
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So as you have probably noticed, I haven't been super active as of late. A lot has happened. Jobs have come and gone, a divorce ripped up family related matters, etc. Etc., but that isn't actually why I'm coming to you today. As much as I probably need money for personal matters, I am slowly getting help worked out through a disability accomodations service and I think I will be able to handle things once it all sets in motion.
However, this disability accomodations service has also recommended me something I hadn't considered before. After doing a lot of research, I have realized a service dog would be an incredible asset to my everyday life and allow me the best possible chance at being able to meet my own needs. Service Dog training is...very expensive, though, so I now have this to ask of you: by summer of 2024, I want to try to get this donation campaign up to it's goal of $10,500, which will be enough to cover both training and adoption costs for making sure I can provide a service dog a good home, and he can provide me a better life in turn.
If you can, share this around! Throw it wherever! Drop a dollar or two if you can, and if you can't, well. Even just listening in and hearing me out helps a lot. I want to get back to making art here and doing commissions, but I won't be able to do that until I can take some strain off my joints and start living again, and this is basically our best bet. Let's hope this goes somewhere. 🐕‍🦺
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marypsue · 8 months
Dammit, I started three paragraphs in a row with the exact same word but I'm not sure how to change any of them.
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
j:DFLFDKF oKAY, huge Pebbles fan here. It's finally nice to see someone who also wants to beat Suns within every inch of his life. I actually like his character too! He's not necessarily a bad person or doesn't care about his friend. It's just his mindset is toxic and he end up dragging Pebbles down with him. He was not a health mentor for Pebbles.
Pebbles was not in a good place mentally and was spiraling hard. Then Suns hands HIM INFORMATION ON HOW tO KIlL hIMSELF?!! SFJ:K BOYO, YoU STupID?!
In the majority of interactions, we see betweeen FP and Suns... Suns needles him when he's vulnerable, fails to use his singular emotional braincell when consoling his friend, and then gives him the how-to-shoot yourself list while assuming Pebbles wouldn't attempt it?? Don't get me wrong. Pebbles isn't excused from choices.
The difference is Pebbles is young for an iterator. He's quite obviously still reeling from his literal creators/parents leaving their entire species to rot. We don't know a whole lot about Suns, but my assumption is his natural reaction to the mass ascension was cynicism. This is not a healthy attitude to project onto your mentee who's in a vulnerable state. Suns was old enough to know better. Pebbles not so much.
(Okay I know Pebbles is probably older than the average human, but his attitude has always reminded me of a young adult. Like old enough to have more or less developed his world views, but still young enough to rash decisions and not understand the implications of them until it's too late. Canonically, he's still hasn't fully matured if we consider iterators losing their perception of godhood part of growing as people. That or Pebbles just needed to be humbled Iterators may not experience enough in life to be humbled considering they're immobile calculators. So, Pebbles being stuck in that phase for longer than you'd expect isn't uncalled for.)
I don't know if I expressed any of this correctly and will probably make plenty of people mad because I'm misunderstanding Suns character or something. OH WELL HeRE"S thE RAMBLE!
i'mma actually shove you into the main tag i agree with all of this That much GJKSCKLSDMGLK PEOPLE LOOKIT THIS PEBS FAN, THEY KNOW WHAS GOOD, GOT IT ALL FIGURED OUT!!!!
if anythin, i'll be standin with ya dude. fuck Suns gang rise up. like we two have basically the same idea of Suns wtf,,,
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
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Captain Janevok is ready and willing to die for her crew. It’s the logical thing to do, he insists.
Janevok’s personality is sarcastic and wry and he usually isn’t smiling. When she does smile it’s a smirk. Makes jokes but you can only tell they’re jokes from the sparkle in her eye. Difficult to tell if she’s amused by you in a companiable way or not. Works as many hours as they can before /having/ to eat and drink and rest. Wants to get Tuvok and Janeway separated as soon as possible so the crew has them back. Has no qualms about his own death. Uninterested in exploring ‘self’ as ‘person’. Incredibly incredibly self confident. Has a vaguely parental vibe but like, SO intimidating. Like, you don’t want to ask him about anything but you want her to be proud of you. So intimidating in fact that he only really talks with Chakotay and the Doctor (various other characters try to speak to her and get scared off) Janevok: -walking- You are following me. Chakotay: That’s right. Janevok: Why? Chakotay: We’re having dinner. Or we were. Have plans changed? Janevok: No, but are you certain? People seem to find me...intimidating. Chakotay looks at the person beside him, nearly his height. It’s difficult to tell if she finds the situation upsetting or grimly amusing.  Chakotay: You don’t look so scary to me. Janevok: The worst ones never do. ^ Tuvok’s security brain + Janeway’s theatric speech. Are they flirting?? Janevok is just a very intense, headstrong and lonely person. If you talk to her for long enough you get the feeling there’s so much there, so many depths, but you’ll never get close enough to reach them. Seems sad when he’s not focusing on something.
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spotlightstudios · 3 months
Confession Time: If a Dating Sim or Visual Novel gives me any semblance of a character customization option I will froth at the mouth and be loyal to it forever.
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faenaussa · 10 months
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Got my neck blasted today in honor of my favorite fucking blorbo of the year. Got both sides done, definitely my most brutal tattoos though T_T
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gideonisms · 2 years
mandatory gender reporting time of the semester love that for me ! 🚫🙅‍♂️👎
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airenyah · 1 year
i think i found a way to bring up bad buddy in my bachelor thesis, but i'm gonna have to restructure half of my plans
#originally i wanted to analyze the difficulties that come up when trying to translate thai pronouns and honorifics and polite particles#but then i was like ''shit i only got roughly 9000 words i'm gonna have to get more specific'' so i decided to focus on pronouns only#but unfortunately in bbs there isn't really something relating to pronouns only that causes difficulties in translation#there is plenty of other things that can be tricky to translate like pat's line username or the thing about pran's password#or in ep2 when pran's friends are discussing pat's note and how it's gotta be a guy from the use of ครับ (krub)#anyway if i somehow manage to restructure my thesis in a way where i actually CAN go back to my original plan#on focusing on all 3: pronouns and honorifics and polite particles#then that scene in ep2 pt3 where patpran are teasing each other about the dumplings/green tea drinks is actually perfect for my thesis!!#now i just gotta figure out how to talk about all 3 of these topics and still keep my thesis at around 9000 words....#airenyah plappert#adrm#bbs#i have until friday to figure this out bc that's when i'm gonna have to hand in my exposé#edit: i'm so stupid if i go back to my original plan then that plan included bringing bbs into it anyway#that ep2 scene where the architecture gang is discussing pat's note is the perfect example#of a tricky spot when it comes to translating thai polite particles#usually when a sentence includes a polite particle you'd try to express the translation in a polite register too#but that's a moment where they're explicitly referencing a linguistic concept that just doesn't exist in english#so how are you gonna translate that for an audience who has no idea what polite particles are#and have the translation make sense for them#although on my bbs rewatch the past two nights i found one or the other moment relating to pronouns#that i might be able to use#we'll see
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wasabikitcat · 1 year
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Baby's First OC, coming to a Tumblr blog near you!
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gayboymint · 2 years
I cannot get over my grandma coming up the stairs giggling and asking me if I'd smoked pot yet since I live in Colorado now. That is so. I told her "maaaaybe" in a tone and with an expression that very much insinuated that yes i have and she giggled even more. That moment is so hysterical to me. Girl.
I bet I could get her to split an edible with me.
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
Do the ancients that made notos refer to it by its preferred pronouns or are they assholes?
Notos takes on it/its pronouns after the Mass Ascension, so neither
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