#like it's not bad or anything it's just. changes the vibe of certain lines or even whole scenes šŸ¤”
daz4i Ā· 10 months
watching spto and
1. I'm having so much fun. I'm so happy this show exists
2. you can very easily tell which actors have done voice work before and which took their skill in film acting and put it into voice acting akdkflhj it's interesting!
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ofswordsandpens Ā· 8 months
just finished episode 6ā€¦. truly donā€™t know how to feel about these changes. would love to know your thoughts bc iā€™m just kinda baffled by some changes tbh
Mixed feelings as always:
Percy's dream slapped. I loved Kronos's actor. It felt perfectly eery. No notes.
No percabeth late night convo on the truck. This doesn't surprise me given we sort of did that on the train already, but now there's just another iconic book moment that we'll get bits and pieces of, but never actually get to see in its entirety/original setting.
I did vibe with the glass prism tool for the iris message and it was pretty cool. The Percy + Annabeth argument was great but I'm gonna be honest, Luke being like "you're arguing like an old married couple" was laying it on a tad thick to me idk idk. I know I'll probably be in the minority there lol but I think it would have liked the line better if Percy and Annabeth got more embarrassed to his statement but they both reacted to it like :/ so it just felt heavy handed on the show runners part more than anything
Lotus Hotel vibes? Lackluster. Uninspired. It just didn't capture that outrageous paradise for kids feeling from the book because they turned it into Hermes' hangout so there's a whole bunch more adults than kids. Basically felt like if you took the movie's version and turned down the energy of it by a mile lmao. (Which is also ironic given RR's post about it today).
And of course the kids immediately know what's happening so like. No fun mystery. No Percy figuring it out. Just them being like "omg we need to be careful" and then immediately separating from Grover lmao.
Okay. LMM's Hermes.... it wasn't bad. Thankfully there was no singing. He was fine. It's more or less that turning the Lotus story line into a Hermes' storyline was like an "okay, I guess we're doing this" thing. I mean I guess we finally introduced something for the non-book reader's to pick up on that Luke might not have the best relationship with his dad (and consequently the gods). But like, nothing about this storyline is something that isn't introduced later on in the books. Nor was it better or more interesting than the original lotus storyline in the books.
Again, its the constant replacement of everything fun and silly and absurd in the book and turning it into a very serious moment, is just like, killing the energy. Seriousness is good. Silliness is also good. The book balanced it greatly. The show struggles here.
Glad we got a Pan mention tho!! Finally!
But um 4 pearls, so no dilemma about who to save. A part of me is relieved because the show's created like 3 other sacrifice convo scenarios so its gotten bit reductive, but Sally being a part of the equation is an entirely different dynamic and now that dilemma is theoretically gone. (unless he loses one of the pearls?)
And Percy's missed the deadline?? Right?? So like? I really don't know what we're doing anymore. In the book the deadline was pretty strict lol. Here I guess the deadline was like, a loose suggestion? Percy's walking into the middle of the god's battle field with master bolt in his hand? Idk.
Overall things in the show feel messy and way less cohesive. They seem to know that certain things from the book are important but not necessarily why, or they'll introduce events or plot points strangely late or way too early.
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slowdivinqs Ā· 3 months
I see as you are
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Joel Miller x F!reader ( ~ 18+ MDNI ) 1,7K
Summary: Joel refuses to change, that only means suffering for himself. He faces the consequences of choices he doesnā€™t want to admit heā€™s making.
Warnings: ANGST. This is literally all angst. No happy endings bc we keep things real. Mention of sex but no actual scenes of intimacy. Joel is MEAN! ( he doesnā€™t want to be though. ) Very detailed negative thinking patterns. Joel and reader sleep with each other, but thereā€™s no real definition of what they are. Just generally a depressing vibe. Joel and reader smoke cigs. no use of y/n
A/N: First ever x reader fic and Iā€™ve decided to come out with emo nonsense lol. I was listening to a song when I thought of this. link is below if you want to listen.
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ā€œItā€™s not good, It will never become good no matter how long you wait.ā€ The words tumble, shaky in their exit, like a secret stolen out of a chest. Itā€™s the truth, in its simplest and barest form. Lying out flat on the splintered railing of his back porch, the blood and the rot of it seeping into the wood.. ā€œThis is all I can give you.ā€
He looks over to you like your mind wouldā€™ve changed, like youā€™d have suddenly understood that heā€™s a monster. That he is exactly who he is. That you see the blood and the rot of it, too. That he himself is virulent, and cannot provide what you deserve. He finds no such thing in your eyes, or anywhere on your face for that matter. No trace of horror from the truth. No stains to be found. You look as though youā€™re not surprised in the slightest, blinking slowly. You look as though heā€™s just told you the sky is blue.Ā 
The truth of himself has only ever brought him and those around him pain. It irks him that you donā€™t seem to fit that standard and fills him with the need to shake you like a rattle by your shoulders until it finally seeps through your skull so you will understand.Ā 
Ā He frowns at you instead.
ā€œI donā€™t want it to be good, I just want it to be.ā€Ā 
Silly, silly girl he thinks. He is certain you do not know what you are asking for, as you donā€™t deserve it, and neither does he. His frown hardens as you look back out at the garden. The grass is dead and mushy with the rain constantly drowning it, puddles of muddy water with floating, brown grass stands. Dead trees lined up against the fence like a wall. You exhale your smoke. His eyes bore into your side profile, drinking up every minute tick of muscle, every inhale and exhale, every movement of your eyes, and the motion of your hair. He sometimes feels as though he should not even be looking at you. That he does not deserve to take in all of these details, does not deserve to think about you. Youā€™re worth more and deserve more than to be trapped in his thoughts. He doesnā€™t want you there, anyway. He really really doesnā€™t.
Heā€™s just so tired. Resigned to the loneliness that surrounds his shoulders. The surface-level happiness that comes when heā€™s on patrol with Tommy, Accepting the time he gets to spend with Ellie with a smile, even though he wants to scream and cry to have her back.Ā 
So, he knows he should force you away. For your own sake and his, but he never says anything to stop you when your molten cunt wraps around him so tightly like an all-encompassing embrace.Ā 
ā€œNo.ā€ He says it simply, and that makes you laugh slightly before you turn to him. ā€œNo?ā€ You repeat in question, blowing the smoke out of the corner of your mouth, the taste sticking to your tongue, the scent clinging to the both of you like dew.Ā 
ā€œI canā€™t watch what Iā€™ll do to you if you give me that.ā€
ā€œYouā€™re not a bad man, Joel-ā€
ā€œQuit,ā€ he begs. Thatā€™s what it is really. Stop being something heā€™s never had. Stop fighting for him - he canā€™t take it. Always the wet dog left outside. Always greeted with a sigh, his name an exasperated breath for most. He doesnā€™t want to fucking think about it anymore, he doesnā€™t want to look inwards. It hurts. Heā€™s tired of the choking pressure in his throat every time he finds himself in his own company. No one by his side but his greatest enemy. Heā€™s tired of being left outside, of having to witness the people heā€™s most loyal to enjoying dinner in a warm home with laughter while he sits in the downpour, staring through the window with not a glance his way. Goddamnit, Ellie brought Cat to dinner at Tommyā€™s house to ā€˜introduce her to the familyā€™ - Joel didnā€™tĀ  find out until he accidentally overheard Cat asking Maria for her baked potato recipe, and he still finds himself crying about that every night he hasnā€™t drunken himself to sleep. Heā€™s wryly impressed that he hasnā€™t run out of tears. Heā€™s so defeated. His shoulders weigh a thousand pounds. His face is almost constantly crumpled in an uncontrollable display of sorrow.Ā 
ā€œIā€™m not quitting you, Joel.ā€ Insesant, annoying little girl. Stop makinā€™ this difficult and throwinā€™ a tantrum. you slowly climb into his arms after leaving the burning cigarette in the ashtray, wrapping your arms around his neck slowly, like he might spook - he probably would. He canā€™t look at you, not yet. He swallows thickly around the lump in his throat as you lean forward and rest your chin on his shoulder. Hugging him despite him not being able to hug you back. ā€œI only want what youā€™re willing to give me.ā€Ā 
And you both know it sounds a little too much like love. Heā€™s torn between the churning of his stomach and the temptation of your arms - of comfort that he knows will make him burst into tears and let everything out once he allows it. Heā€™s not ready to face that.Ā 
Bristling at the mere thought and caving inwards in shame at the fact that the sharpness of his fear stabs you.
ā€œPlease donā€™t do this, sweetheart..ā€ Because good god, you must have some sense of self-preservation, donā€™t you? Heā€™s going to bleed you dry, heā€™s going to drown you in his sorrow and tears, heā€™s going to snuff out the last bits of shining light in your eyes youā€™ve managed to keep all these years.
Because thatā€™s what he always does, doesnā€™t he? He ruined his relationship with Ellie with his selfishness, ruined the girl herself with his actions. He burst into tears when he accidentally caught a glimpse of what she wrote about herself in her journal. How sheā€™s completely lost any light that used to live in her bright eyes. Curious eyes that saved him with their warmth and her golden laughter. Her stupid puns that she doesnā€™t even laugh at anymore.Ā 
He ruined his relationship with his little brother with his violence, his hatred. He remembers the little 7-year-old who thought his older brother was the best thing in the entire world. Who would cry whenever Joel left the house to hang out with his friends, Who would follow him around just to be by his big brotherā€™s side, running through the long grass of Texas fields, playing cowboys and Indians with missing front teeth and scraped knees. Who now canā€™t even look at him without that look of sympathetic sadness. That look of disappointed acceptance. ā€˜I know you canā€™t help who you are, what a shame.ā€™
ā€œIt hurts me to see you like this.ā€ and that makes him want to thrash. Why do you care? Why are you grounding him? Why is he taking up space in your mind and being acknowledged? Your awareness of his pain only makes it real.
A ghost doesnā€™t become real until two people have seen it, not really anyway. The fact that the little girl who he views as his own, hates him. The fact that heā€™s become a touchy subject - a disappointment - to his younger brother. Thatā€™s all real.Ā 
Because you see it too.Ā 
Ā He feels as though he canā€™t breathe. If no one cared for him, everyone shut him outside to sleep in the rain, he could find acceptance in that. He could learn to curl himself into a ball and wait for someone to finally step outside so he can follow them until they leave him in the cold again, learn to deal with the nauseating chill. But here you are inviting him into your home, leaving the light on for him and waiting at your open door. Peakin with those bright little eyes and pensive expression. Inviting a dirty, wet dog into your clean, warm home.
ā€œThen donā€™t look at me.ā€ He knows heā€™s being petulant now. Knows that your frustration is mounting, and he feels quite happy about it. Yes, be angry with me - and leave me to sit in the rain. But your fingers are gripping the canvas fabric over his shoulders, no longer mourning. No longer soft.
ā€œWhy do you keep choosing to suffer?ā€ It comes out as an accusation, and he guesses it is. Itā€™s easier when itā€™s sharp like this. Mean and aggressive and fiery. Itā€™s better than the putty-like feeling of hollow sadness that sits in his stomach when you try to coax him gently. Try to get him to choose happiness for himself.Ā 
ā€œIā€™m not choosinā€™ anything.ā€
ā€œDonā€™t talk shit to me.ā€ He almost wants to laugh at that, ā€œYouā€™re choosing to stay exactly where you are. Youā€™re choosing defeat, Joel!ā€Ā 
ā€œAnd what the hell makes you think youā€™re some damn messiah?! That youre goinā€™ tā€™make me so damn over joyed?! You canā€™t give me anythinā€™ I want!ā€ And oh, heā€™s so mean. So childish. He knows full well you could save him if he let you. Knows heā€™d feel so much better if he eventually mosied over to your open door, leaving that window of everything he yearns for behind, youā€™d give him a warm bath - turn him from some stinky outside dog into something that shows signs of being loved.
You get up off of his lap, standing still and facing away from him. Guilt immediately gnaws at his chest. His jaw tenses like thatā€™ll chase the feeling away.
ā€œItā€™s not about me, Joel,ā€ you whisper, and he can tell youā€™re trying to fight off tears so he doesnā€™t feel bad.Ā 
God, his bottom lip quivers.Ā 
He hasnā€™t hated a single thing more than he hates himself.
ā€œIt never has been.ā€Ā 
You grab the slightly bent box of cigarettes, stuffed into your pocket with your lighter. You take two steps away before he speaks, staring at the splintered wood of his porch.Ā 
ā€œPlease donā€™t go,ā€ he whispers, and your boots stop padding against the floor.
ā€œYou canā€™t even look at me, Joel.ā€ You say simply, resignation in your voice now. White flag waving.
He doesnā€™t watch you walk away, he canā€™t.
a/n : tysm for reading! hope you enjoyed. Comments and reblogs are always appreciated!
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genericpuff Ā· 1 year
Rachel "Retcon" Smythe Strikes Again!
Okay, so I've been seeing pictures of Volume 4 of Lore Olympus floating around, and people are ALREADY FINDING RETCONS.
Most notably so far, some added panels in the Hades and Apollo confrontation that happens outside Artemis' house (when Persephone steals Apollo's lyre) in Episode 81.
This is the original scene, for anyone who needs a refresher:
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Aaaand here are the panels that were added.
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(all pictures of Volume 4 are courtesy @iwannagutyou on IG!!! thank you for giving me permission to use these! <3)
First of all, the art. It's so noticeably bad. You can tell Rachel has completely lost her ability to draw these characters in the S1 style, I'm fairly certain she took the panel of Hades from the old version and just copy pasted it to try and get around it (look at the posing) but it's incredibly obvious looking at that third panel that LO is not and can never be what it was back in 2017-2019. Those first two panels seem like they were copy pasted from the previous ones, which is just sad if those are the lengths she has to go to to come even close to replicating the older style.
Now, this just might be due to camera translation, it could very well look better IRL, but the colors just look so incredibly desaturated and the lines blurred out, to the point that people are doing double takes over whether or not panels have been directly changed - they haven't been, they've just been so sucked dry of their colors that they look off enough to cast suspicion.
If anything it's a harsh reminder that LO has kinda always had art problems, especially with its lazy humor and stupid meme faces.
Of course, to be fair, color loss can happen in print, but seeing how slapped together these books tend to be, I wouldn't be surprised if they just didn't put in the effort to convert the page art to CMYK or at least tinker with the saturation in editing some more to ensure it would come out more vibrant in print.
Now. Excuse me while I go on a bit of a crackpot rant here. Newbie puff pals beware, because this is gonna get dicey and you're about to learn where my tinfoil-hat rep comes from but I just have to talk about it.
Back to the added Apollo panels, where Persephone asks Hades not to hurt him and he looks nervous before she says "I just want him to leave".
Maybe it's just me, but it's a little weird that THESE are the panels they decided they needed to add. It's weird that she's asking Hades not to hurt Apollo when she's about to break into his car and steal his lyre just a few moments later. It's weird that the implication seems to be that she's referring to Hades' act of violence towards Tori... but Persephone doesn't know that's happened yet. So this feels like an unnecessary retcon that's doing more harm than good.
But I feel like the timing of this is kinda messed up as well, as this book released just days after the release of the last FP episode in which Apollo has his 'side' of the assault story told through his perspective, which is often considered a HUGE no-no in writing assault stories because it often comes with the implication that it's asking for empathy from the audience. We already know Apollo is delusional, we already know he thinks him and Persephone are meant to be despite her constant rejection of him, we didn't need a flashback from his own warped perspective explaining that very thing, the only purpose to do such a thing this late in the game would be to try and get the audience to 'connect' with him (it's giving S3 Bryce from 13 Reasons Why vibes). Now we have this scene of Persephone asking Hades not to hurt him (despite the structure of the episode being literally fine before, this change wasn't needed) getting snuck into the physical book release just a couple days after the newest FP tried to present Apollo in an empathetic light (and let me tell you, that's a whole essay and a half that I'll be getting into eventually).
Shit, if I wanted to get REAL Pepe Sylvia with it, I might say that hypothetically, the whole point of the random Leuce abuse episode - despite Persephone having no way of knowing what she attempted as Hades hadn't told her and she wasn't there to see it and we weren't shown her overhearing them in any way - and the following episode that was mostly padding of Hades and Persephone having sex - no consequences or follow-up whatsoever to the Leuce scene - was just to pad out the episode release schedule and buy time until the book came out so that Rachel could release that Apollo POV episode right before the book came out and revealed those new added scenes of Persephone asking Hades not to hurt Apollo, in what could be a sly artificial attempt at minimizing the SA plot so Rachel can finally just brush aside the one major plot point she regretted writing the most. After all, it wouldn't be the first time Rachel's controlled the pace of her comic to release certain moments at certain times that line up with IRL events.
But, y'know. I'm gonna quit on that thought while I'm ahead because it's probably making my credibility meter drop into the red. My ADHD has been real bad lately and it's really starting to show LMAO All ima say is that IDK who Rachel thinks she's fooling here, this kind of shit is stupid easy to fact check when the digital version of the comic is available online to read.
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To end on a much funnier and lighter note, remember how Rachel tried to retcon the Demeter/Hera/Hestia relationship by changing the line "I miss my sisters" to "I miss my friends"? Well, there was one panel that had been missed in the webtoons version that still refers to them as sisters. You can still find this unedited line in Episode 78.
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And uh. They forgot to fix it again for the book.
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It's permanent now. That's permanent marker. It would have cost them nothing to find this in the webtoon version and fix it before it got sent to the book editors. Now it's gonna cost them thousands because the book editors didn't bother (or know) to check.
There's also this... weird shit going on with the speech bubbles. Like, they're REALLY FUCKING OVERDOING IT with the speech bubble outlines. I don't know who made this choice but it was a bad one. Gross. Don't do that. It looks so cheap.
But let's be real, at this point I feel like the book editors are just outright sabotaging Rachel because who the fuck calls themselves a professional when they do this shit-
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Oh, and there's no bonus episode, just sketches. Which is fine. But it makes me chuckle to think that Rachel just didn't have time in her already razor-thin buffer to draw up a new episode to pass off as "cut content".
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daphnebowen Ā· 6 months
A have a question for you, did you like the Percy Jackson movies?
omg, so sorry for taking so darn long to respond to this ask anon! I started responding to it a while ago and then one thing lead to the next. but I'm here now... and accepting more asks!
okay, so as a kid growing up I remember actually seeing part of the first movie in school or after school club or something, and as a kid that movie was everything especially since I hadn't read the books. Now as I've gotten older and read the books and rewatched the movies again - thinking, "it won't be that bad, right?" well, if my jaw dropped to the floor and confused facial expression weren't enough hints for you I don't know what is. my dad watched it with me a couple of years ago when I last watched them and even he was confused. He barely knows anything abou Percy Jackson and was like "isn't he supposed to be, like, twelve? That kid looks like he's twenty" it's just - I don't know how to explain it. I think the movies might have been a good stepping off point. they did some things decently, from what I remember of the lotus casino and such. but a lot of what they changed affected the dynamic and the general, like, vibe of the story. So while the show does change a few things, a) it kept the original storyline very close with only a few changes and b) some changes were needed for sakes of pacing and translation. making a first person pov into a tv show with so many diverse characters and plot lines can be really difficult!
another thing I heard from someone and actually really agreed with is that the movies can be enjoyable if you don't consider them an adaptation of the books. I think i agree with this statement. sure not every adaptation can be perfect, but when you look at the show versus the movie there's just a certain, I don't know what that allows the show to feel more in tune with the books. Like it's something missing in the movies that really connects you to the magic of camp half blood. and some people love the movies and don't love the show as much, and that's okay. to each their own. but yeah, i hope this makes sense! In summary: the movies shouldn't be watched in the sense of "this is the Percy Jackson series written by Rick riordan." it should probably be viewed as a whole other thing. so yeah, as a kid, those movies were everything, but as i got older something about them made me mad and i just refused to watch them anymore. Sorry I couldn't go into more detail, but it's been probably three years since I've seen the movies and can't remember a whole lot of details.
thanks for the ask!!
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lovable-liar Ā· 1 year
i would die for any and all hasan x autistic reader fluff
š—›š—®š˜€š—®š—» + š—”š˜‚š˜š—¶š˜€š˜š—¶š—° š—„š—²š—®š—±š—²š—æ
Heā€™s so patient with you!
If youā€™re nonverbal, he will absolutely learn sign language if you use that to communicate.
If you use an app to speak, heā€™ll wait so patiently for you to finish typing or finding a certain word!
Heā€™s always willing to change the environment to suit your needs.
He switches *all* of his light bulbs with ones that you can dim just in case you get overwhelmed by bright lights.
He sound proofs his office so you donā€™t have to hear him yelling at chat 24/7
Buys you the best noise-canceling headphones on the market for your birthday (will absolutely give them to you early if youā€™re having a particularly bad day)
Loves to bond over shared interests and he will always be there to listen to you info dump about your special interest(s)
He buys things that relate to your special interest(s) for you because he loves to see the joy they bring you (whether it be a face splitting smile in the moment or watching you quietly assemble/use/add to your collection later on)
Watching your comfort shows with him <3
He doesnā€™t love the idea of having you on stream where anything could go wrong (he more so lets you on the podcast. Will, QT, and Austin love having you there and are also very patient with you.) but when you do make appearances on stream, he tells chat to be on their best behavior (most days he might even go so far as to mute chat.)
If you find it hard to express your affection, he pretty much deals with however it manifests itself. Whether itā€™s biting him, screeching at him, random gifts that others might see as useless, air kisses, randomly giving him one of your fidget toys or a piece of art you made! He loves how you express your emotions because it just feels so *right.*
If youā€™re brutally honest without knowing, he fully backs you up and supports you even if itā€™s a joke. Your food tastes bad and you say something about it? Heā€™s beckoning the waiter back to get you something else. You insult a conservative without realizing? Heā€™s pissing himself laughing and wholeheartedly agreeing with you. You feel a bad texture and start going about fixing it? Heā€™s giving a stink eye to the thing whilst also making a mental note to avoid it in the future.
Sharing a playlist with him! (I saw a tiktok a while ago where these two people had a private, linked spotify session while going about their day and I feel like thatā€™s what you guys would do! Vibing out in the Walmart Halloween section, dancing around while waiting in line somewhere, air-guitaring together in random places in public.)
Shared growth! Hasan learns more about autism and becomes a stronger advocate for understanding and inclusion, while you gain more confidence and better social skills from your interactions.
Buys a lot of sensory stuff for you too!
Probably gets a sensory swing for you and then finds himself using it a lot as well.Ā 
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Space - Hasan will sit through, listen to and take notes while watching hundreds of hours of documentaries about space just so he can engage in conversation with you about it. Heā€™s a true ally and likes to let you list off all of the statistics and super cool facts as to not take your thunder (the absolutely soul crushing feeling that is talking about your special interest to someone and they know more than you <<<< anything else)
Animals - When he was thinking of getting a new dog, he immediately consulted you. Knowing that you would deduct which breed would be perfect for his routine and lifestyle, he put all of his faith in you to choose the right one. He, to this day, thanks the universe that he asked you first as Kaya is the *perfect* dog for him all thanks to your input and guidance. Hasan is always down to go bird watching with you, stops walking to let you catch up to him while you take a picture of an insect you find cool, taking you to the zoo! (More on the zoo: He takes so many pics at the zoo. If you guys get to meet some of the animals, heā€™ll take pics/vids of you holding them, he takes videos of you in the aquarium tunnel, if you want he will absolutely dress up like a safari guide with you. Loves watching you whistle to the birds, roaring back at the big cats, touching the sting rays, feeding the penguins, etc.)
Science/History - Museum dates! Heā€™ll let you drag him around the museum, explaining all of the exhibits that you already know everything about. Who needs a tour guide when he has you! Makes sure youā€™re well fed and hydrated while you run around the museum. He buys you those amazon science kits for your birthday and will either help you do it or supervise, allowing for you to explain every element of the reaction. Buys you authentic vintage science posters/books/paraphernalia!
(If youā€™d like to see more special interest headcannons or a specific special interest, please send a request!)
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scandalouslamb Ā· 2 months
guess what character iā€™m going to make u answer abt- thatā€™s right! šŸ’žpersephone pricešŸ’•
Ask Game
Thanks, Lily! I definitely couldn't have expected this!
My first impression Cannibal šŸ‘€ Oh? Tell me more! (And then they told me barely anything else.)
My impression now That's Lily's girl! She's sweet! I'm genuinely so surprised that more people don't talk about her? She feels like she should be a fan favorite? Sorry, I am not being the change I want to see in the world (talking about Persephone more), but I am being held hostage by the Ravinstills. She's on the long list of people I want to make a gifset for...
Favorite thing about that character I love that she hasn't let the bad things in her life (the Dark Days and potentially even noticing a bit of Coriolanus' disdain) get her down (seemingly, again, a lot of assumption we have to do with these minor characters... it's the blessing and the curse of loving them!)
Least favorite thing Uh, we don't get that much of her which is sad, especially since all we get is from the POV of someone who really is trying not to be around her or think of her that deeply. It makes me sad!
Favorite line/scene
ā€œPeople love a good love song, more like,ā€ said Persephone, showing her dimples. (Ch. 12) <- i just remember thinking that this was cute, and also... foreshadowing for the OG trilogy?
The mention of her and Festus spending more time together was also cute! Idk if it's technically a scene and more of montage/fleeting mention?
Favorite interaction that character has with another
A character that I wish that character would interact with more I wish we saw more interactions with her and Mizzen. That would have gone a long way in giving us more canon insight into her character!
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character
Deep cut from a piece of fiction that I haven't read in like a decade but Ada Vessalius from Pandora Hearts. (I remember not exactly enjoying all aspects with the execution of Ada's character in that manga but she has certain similarities with Persephone in my mind). Ada's a kind woman who grows in confidence into macabre and dark things but hides that facet of herself from others. (just including a pic because it does hint at her vibe, and also I know one will know who I'm talking about)
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A headcanon about that character
Lily, I'm genuinely trying to think of a Persephone headcanon that you haven't heard from me or potentially seen in one of my fics for your benefit... I am unforunately blanking so I shall pull from an Author's Note from an OC fic.
In worlds where she and Festus get married (which is like my most canon compliant world states), they go by the Price-Creeds because their kids stand to inherit from both the Prices and Creeds. Inheritance being very big in the Capitol. The Price name goes first because I think the Prices being railroad tycoons beats out the Creeds influence on the lumber industry.
Also and idk if this is just your blog color scheme getting to me Lily, but I associate her with red, magenta, and also jewel tones.
A song that reminds of that character
Ribs by the Crane Wives. I love it being about independence and kind of accepting parts of yourself that you don't really like, also...
" The dark doesn't frighten me / I chose to close my eyes / It is mine, it is mine / The night doesn't frighten me / I chose to let it thrive / It is mine, it is mine"
Speaks to maybe a certain myopia/blindness to certain things based on the closing your eyes that kind of rings true for my version of Persephone.
An unpopular opinion about that character
Not really an unpopular opinion, just different from some interpretations and the same as others. My interpretation of Persephone didn't really interact with Festus much pre-10th HG. Like they interacted obviously in the sense that they grew up together like with the other mentors, but they aren't like in the same close friend circles. (I do love close, childhood friends Festus and Persephone though!)
Favorite picture
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She's judging me... I love that for me. (coloring modified by me. i went in to screenshot this pic, because i remember it vividly... also she's wearing a watch! wonder if it's the same one she wears later. hard to tell from this angle)
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bcbdrums Ā· 21 days
For the fic writer ask?
From this ask game.
šŸ„­ Rank from most enjoyable/fun to write to least: Fluff, Smut, Angst, Crack.
Angst, fluff, smut, crack. Crack is hard because I don't know how to do humor. And the humor I do occasionally write doesn't fit the crack-vibe. Smut... Becomes kind of one-note after awhile, for me. Fluff is a delight. They DESERVE to be happy and I will write all those warm fuzzy feels that may not be entirely in character but gosh darn it, the blorbos deserve them!!! And angst... Ah, angst, my wheelhouse. They're already suffering in canon. I will make it worse, I will drag it out for thousands of words... And I'm good at it. Definitely the easiest, and the most fun.
šŸ Is there anything in canon that you absolutely hate and love to fix in fics? A wrong choice made, a bad characterization, a misunderstanding never cleared up, a conversation never shown onscreen, etcā€¦
I wouldn't say hate. If I hate something I tend to dissociate from it. Like, I won't watch Star Trek Generations at all. Never seen it. Trekkies know why, probably. If I didn't see it happen, it never happened! (I still don't hate it - can't hate something I haven't seen.) Or Soul Eater NOT, again don't hate, but hate certain choices so I just...dissociate and disavow. Especially when it heavily contradicts established canon, it's easy to disavow. But if I'm just mildly annoyed by something, or frustrated, I'll write like...missing scenes. Things that answer the unanswered questions or clear up confusion. Or when a thing ends too soon, I may write a missing scene thing that fleshes out more of the details and emotions. But as a canon purist I never change things. Now, if we wanna be specific about a specific canon... Honestly, nothing is leaping out? Just that missing scene/fleshing out details, thing.............. WAIT. I've got one. In the Soul Eater manga. Maka should have hugged Spirit. Like. I get that the author needed to wrap things up fast, and comedy is a good way to do it. But.... That...... What the author did there. That was wrong. Which makes me think of the Soul Eater anime. A specific thing I would have changed is, all of Crona's lines in the final scene in the Death Room should have been spoken by Spirit (and changed to make more sense). Honestly, that part makes me cringe. It ruins the final episode for me. I won't keep going about it because it'll make me upset, but yeah.
šŸ‡ Is there a particular scene/episode/book/etc that you want to just write a million fics about, over and over? Which one?
Well............... I've technically written over 200 fanfics about Drakken/Shego in Kim Possible. Just....those two. Aaaaaaahhhhh yesssssss making a villain romance work. That hits the spot. Like. How many love confession fics can I write? A lot, apparently. In Soul Eater, basically any moment Stein and Spirit are together onscreen I want to write about. šŸ˜… Same in the manga. I'm not obsessed, I swear-- Other fandoms... I do have those moments but they aren't leapint out at me right now. If I think of them I'll edit this post to include them. Was trying to think of Star Trek and Sherlock Holmes (book and TV) canons. Hmm...
Thanks for the ask!!
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laurenkmyers Ā· 2 months
youā€™re so sweet. thank you so much!! iā€™ve watched love in the air. i know boss but i didnā€™t know his partners name. iā€™ve also watched:
dead friend forever (it was so fun; tan was right and he shouldā€™ve been able to kill all of em. except my sweet sunshine bby white who didnā€™t deserve anything bad to happen to him ever)
two worlds (loved it)
cutie pie 1&2 (eh),
naughty babe (loved but i think i love the pairing),
not me (chefs kiss),
kinnporsche (the volume in which i screamed cousin fuckers and then sung sweet home alabama, 10/10 would recommend to a friend),
the sign (so ridiculous but like in a great fun way; i like police procedurals and i like fantasy)
only friends (i wish i had a toxic dramatic friend group :/),
between us (that jaw thing mr blond did was oddly attractive; canā€™t wait to see the pair in the vampire show!),
last twilight (my heart ached and baked and was made into a cake. that means i loved it),
kiseki: dear to me (ai di owns my heart forever; i like his big puppy chen yi too. i couldnā€™t get into the main pairing tbh),
together with me 1&2 (it was okay)
love in translation (cuuute)
do you have any more recs???
First of all can, this list is immaculate (bar cutie pie, did not vibe with that one bit)
Secondly, I see you with your insane taste in ships. Maxnat from Two Worlds/Naughty Babe? This is top tier shit. I found Naughty Babe awful and mostly unwatchable (I'm not domundi's- the company who produced naughty babe and cutie pie- biggest fan) but MAXNAT??? That pairing have me wrapped round their fingers. Especially Max. Goddamn.
Thirdly, did you like love in the air? Thoughts on the second half of the show in particular? Because the other main couple (fort and peat) are my precious fucking baby angels and I would die for them. And if you liked them then my first recommedation is the currently airing Love Sea the series, because they're tearing me limb from limb. Every week they do something that thrills, excites, and terrifies me all in equal standing.
In terms of other recs, I can definitely give you a few I enjoyed, because your list is very good already and I'm seeing that we have quite similar taste.
I want to throw the show Manner of Death at you. You've seen Together With Me, and if you liked our boys Max and Tul and managed to wade your way through that show plus it's sequel, based on their chemistry alone, then Manner Of Death will be refeshing change for you. Because their chemistry is even better and the story line actually has a very clever and exciting narrative. Plus, its a lot more mature than your average highschool drama bl.
Tale of 1000 Stars is another show I really enjoyed. Its bl pairing is Earth and Mix, they have fantastic chemistry and the show has a really interesting plot that kept me hooked. It's a bit more typical thai bl in certain aspects, and the intimate nc scenes are next to none, but their relationship is one I was hooked on and I enjoyed the story a lot.
I have also enjoyed: 4 Minutes is only one episode in, but I can already tell it's going to be a favourite, which says a lot. But I am also very biased towards the lead male, Bible Wichapas aka Vegas from Kinnporsche. Man Suang is a movie, not series, but its on Netflix and its Mileapo from Kinnporsche. It's historical, gritty, heart-hitting, and just generally very fucking well produced. Moonlight Chicken (the side couple had me hooked immediately) Ingredients (cute af mini series with a Jeff Satur-Kim from KP) My Stand-In (I endjoyed it for what it was, it was a bit ridiculous) Vice-Versa (If you liked JimmySea you'll probably enjoy this) Bad Buddy (Great chemistry between the main characters) And a Taiwanese bl I liked was: History 3: Trapped.
(Your kinnporsche review is EVERYTHING. No notes.
The Mr Blonde jaw thing had me chuckling. I too, very much enjoyed the jaw thing. Hope the vampire show is directed well. Bounprem deserve it.
Tan absolutely should have slain them all. Apart from bb White. Agreed. Wholeheartedly.
Ai Di x Chen Yi were the only reason I was watching that show. For real.
Last Twilight was fantastic. I just didn't vibe with the ending. If it had ended on that rock cliff? Perfection. Stunning. Show-stopping.)
I hope you enjoy some of these! Sorry this got SO LONG.
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bedrock-to-buildheight Ā· 11 months
you got good ass takes on minos and sisyphus hows The Lady and the Tiger by tmbg as a those two guys type of song ? I need peer review on my song associations lol. also do you have any songs you associate with any ultrakill characters ?
It's a very interesting and spicy song for those two, cause in this song, Minos' opinions is represented by the tiger, the more dangerous choice. I like it!
As for my songs for the blorbos, OH BOI YOU UNLOCKED AN UNSKIPPABLE CUTSCENE
Below is a bunch of songs and who they're for. Some even has explanation
This Is Love by Air Traffic Controller - damn near a gabv1el anthem. A homoerotic AND homicidal lovesong. Literally the third line is 'I'm an idiot for thinking this was anything but blood'
Dear Wormwood by The Oh Hellos - Gabriel to the Council
Kaiserion by Ghost - same vibe as above, with more anti-christianity vibes
Bitter Water by The Old Hellos - Minos/Gabe, in an anticipatory grief, doomed yaoi kind of way
Would That I by Hozier - highly specific Gabv1el with Minos/Gabe former relationship
Stars from Les Mis (Phillip Quast version)
The Plague by the mountain goats - imo V1 was never made to give much of a shit aboyt humans. It's almost vindictively happy at seeing humanity's hubris catching up to them at last
The Toy Soldier's Song by The Mechanisms (Gunpowder Tim vs The Moon Kaiser) - loyalty is a lot to ask of a weapon, the song
Want You Gone from Portal 2 and Still Alive from Portal
Cry for Judas by the mountain goats - 'But I am just a broken machine, and I do things that I don't really mean'
A Sadness Runs Through Him by The Hoosiers - Gabriel/V2. The story of guard dogs who had bad owners
Cirice by Ghost - Minos/Gabe that started out as Minos manipulating Gabe into siding with him a la Drowning Man (fic)
The Music of The Night from The Phantom of The Opera - slow, powerful and seductive. If charisma itself is a song
Ferryman by Shayfer James - despite the name, this is a Minos song. There's a certain indifference to shitty lovers and the insignificance of individual humans that fits him well
Run to You by Pentatonix - Minos/Sisyphus post-Prime. The specific amv scene I have in mind is 'Minos finds him bleeding out after fighting V1 and they share a few moments. Sisyphus realizes that maybe, he did regret one thing'
For the Departed by Shayfer James- Minos/Sisyphus, depicting their final moments before Gabriel arrives in Greed
Villainous Thing by Shayfer James - Sisyphus to Gabriel. An understanding between people who care about Doing Right, but hold too much anger to take the respectable route. Plus a bit of flirting <3
The Moon Will Sing by The Crane Wives - Ferrygabe resentment song <33 They fucking hate what he made them into
Obsessed With You by The Orion Experience - self explanatory
Body by Mother Mother - self explanatory 2. That one piece of unadded ferryman lore hakita dropped is the gift that keeps on giving
Cupid by Fifty Fifty - lmao
Bury My Mother Pale and Slight by Amalgemotion - Virtues song. The chorus is directly calling to Gabriel as 'the knight' who will bring them freedom. I like to think that 'the king' mentioned here is God
For Narmer from Warframe- Sisyphean Insurrectionists
Like The Dawn by The Oh Hellos- Hell/Lucifer
Nothing Changes from Hadestown - The Council
Living in The Light by Ridiculon - The Council
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tenabrye Ā· 2 years
How would Wolfwood react to a reader whoā€™s an Angel? (Trigun Stampede version)
I like to think he'd call reader his Little Angel. :)
He had a feeling. The first time he met them, he knew something was off, but not in a bad way. They gave off a calm vibe, a feeling that was, in a way, familiar to him. He's curious to know what their deal is. Why do they make him feel so calm and safe around them? No one has before, so why them? It's not long before he finds out the truth.
He's more of a 'see it to believe it' kind of guy, but it's not like he didn't excuse the thought. So, when they told him about their angelic side, he really thought the desert heat finally got to their head. An angel? Them? He certainly thought they were an angel, what with how sweet and kind they were, but literally? No. Until he finally had the proof he needed that changed his mind.
He's at least knowledgeable with what their true form looks like, and he's got to say that while it is horrifying, it's still beautiful. They don't show that to them, and he understands the reason why. Instead, they make the halo above their heads visible for him, as well as the most gorgeous pair of wings he's ever seen.
They're not white, no, they match the color of their hair. With permission, he's allowed to touch them, noting how soft to the touch they are. He's never felt anything like it at all. They can fly, he knows, he's now seen it. They're fast, too, which explains their reflexes in past situations that were tense.
He's an undertaker, not a priest, but he sort of has a deep session of thought after this little reveal. If there is proof of an angel, then surely there are more, and if there are more then God really exists.
He won't change his entire outlook on things just because of this, but he's now wondering if he'll go to Hell. What with his real work and all, but you know, he won't dwell on that for too long. Instead, he'll focus on questioning them about certain things.
Do they have any healing properties? He knows they bring ease to his weary mind just from standing in such close proximity, so he already knows they bring forth a vibe of relaxation. His views on them do change, but they're all good.
One question does end up being along the lines of if they can become corrupted if they were to give in to sexual desire. If they answer no, he keeps that in the back of his mind for later. If they answer yes, well, he supposes that was to be expected.
He's really just curious about them now. What it's like where they're from and why they're on such a dingy little planet like this one. He plays around with the thought of them being his 'guardian angel', to which he chuckles at. Does he really need one, though? Ah, but thinking back on it and the many, many times they've saved him from getting shot or succumbing to the quicksand out in the desert, he may have to agree that maybe, just maybe, they're actually here for him. That they're his Little Angel.
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vaultedthewall Ā· 7 months
Chronicles of Amber Fancast
Prefacing this with what I actually want from a Chronicles of Amber series is that tweet about not actually wanting an all star cast but ten unknowns and a scriptwriter that is deeply unwell. But if I'm gonna pick and choose big name actors here is who I would like based mostly on vibes, attractiveness (to me), and the likelihood it would really upset certain subreddits. AKA everything important in life. Mainly just the children of Oberon in the first five books bc it's already long enough as is.
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Corwin - Oscar Isaac
Charismatic enough to make me forget how much I fucking hate Corwin, also he can sing. Thanks to Moon Knight we know he can totally rock "Protag who is just as confused as the audience as to what is going on" which is v important for Nine Princes In Amber.
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Benedict - Idris Elba
Tall, 100% Done With This Family's shit, can carry the vibes of someone who only doesn't have the throne because he doesn't want it and everyone agrees if that was different he'd just have it.
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Eric - Taika Waititi
Can balance both absolute piece of trash bag of dicks while still being charismatic which is really what's important about Eric.
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Deirdre - Kali Reis
You want a battle maiden you'll get a battle maiden. If anything the main problem here is there's no way on god's green earth you could convince me she'd need Corwin and/or Random to come to her rescue for anything, but hey adaptations are for changing things.
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Fiona - Sophie Turner
For all the redheads I thought it'd be important to pick people who normally play affable everymen/heroes/people you're used to seeing as goodguys, even if the nature of adapting a book series that's older than most of the people you'd cast in it means the 'big twist' of who the traitors are is something everyone sees coming. So someone well practiced at ingenues would be perfect for the actual baddest bitch in charge.
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Bleys - K. J. Apa
We're gonna give him a better dye job than Riverdale though okay I promise.
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Brand - Jack Quaid
Absolutely 'just this guy you know' vibes. Easy to overlook. Would YOU believe he was the big bad? Come on.
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Llewella - Halle Bailey
Yes I'm making a Little Mermaid joke, try and stop me. But also given how shafted she was in the books I think it's important to use someone who can do a lot with having few speaking lines (though hopefully again that would be fixed in an adaptation)
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Caine - Vico Ortiz
Literally I just want to watch them doing all the scenery chewing bullshit you know Caine has to get up to while they are manipulating and spycrafting their way through shit. Can fully believe they'd pull a finding a copy of themself to kill and leave so people don't know they're still around behind the scenes. Especially in their Blackbeard fit, come on.
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Julian - Conrad Ricamora
Did I just cast my absolute most favorite Mister Darcy as my number one blorbo Julian? Call the fucking cops on me idgaf. His resting bitch face and sarcasm are second to none. Also watch Fire Island (2022) on Hulu.
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GĆ©rard - Jason Momoa
Along with being the biggest canon kinda implies he's also the hottest of all of Oberon's sons so absolute massive dreamboat Jason Momoa it is. Also for the lolz of him and Vico being the navy people.
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Florimel - Jamie Clayton
Did you ever see a woman so beautiful you started crying?
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Random - Bex Taylor-Klaus
They can absolutely go through the journey of youngest sibling in the jester position/fuckup because who cares > most responsible one after all.
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Bill Roth - Wil Wheaton
Look I adore his narration of the last five Amber books!!! I want him somewhere so the reliable chillax lawyer from earth who somehow just rolls with becoming the family lawyer for what amounts to gods of reality. I know I said I actually want a bunch of unknowns for the actual series but I will cry at whoever I must to make this happen. Please.
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cherry-velvet-skies Ā· 2 years
It is time for the finale of the Beatles Era Ratings series ā¤ This series was so fun I don't want it to end lol
Episode 4: Paul McCharmly šŸ˜ And as of now all four parts are available in my Masterlist if you haven't seen the others šŸ„°
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Archie Comics Character (Pre-Beatles Era)
Tell me he doesn't look like a 50s/60s cartoon character
Simultaneously looks 18 years old and 8 years old this kid's a fucking wizard
He has the vibe of those people who seem super cool but talk to them for too long and they get real annoying real fast
4/10 his only skill is his seemingly endless inventory of cheesy pickup lines
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Petulant Schoolboy (1962)
Resting Pout Face ā„¢ļø
There is a certain level of entitlement radiating from this image but we don't have time to unpack all of that
Looks the same as practically every other kid his age but still thinks he's the best looking one
5/10 is cute until he opens his mouth
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Undercover Ken Doll (1963-66)
His appearance has not changed since the beginning of the Beatles
Looks identical to his Beatles cartoon counterpart and no I'm not wrong
This man is one minor inconvenience away from throwing a full-blown tantrum
6/10 though I'd be lying if I said I didn't find him the least bit adorable
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Teen Caught With Fake ID (1967)
Never have I seen a real mustache look so fake in my entire life
When people who work at convenience stores tell stories of underage people who come in trying to buy alcohol, this is the people that come in
He's 25 and he looks 15 I hate it here
3/10 maybe next time don't let your LSD trip determine your facial hair pattern
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Understandably Conceited (1968)
Very similar to Undercover Ken Doll but there is something different here. Something...better
Beautiful and he knows it
His eyelashes are longer than mine what the hell am I doing wrong
9/10 he's a 9 but he gatekeeps his skincare routine
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McBeardy (1969-70)
Jesus Christ do I even need to say anything
The only other exception to my "I hate beards" rule
The mustache cannot stand on its own it must be accompanied by the beard
1000/10 I want him to fuck me just so I could forget about my problems for a while
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No (1971)
How did we go from McBeardy to t h i s
You really thought that having beard hair longer than the hair on your head was a good idea? I think the fuck not, James.
Every time I think about Paul's style evolution I desperately try to delete this one from my memory
0/10 I actively despise this
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Hot Dad at a Pool Party (1972)
Well at least the beard is gone
The title is exactly what I mean. I have no other way of describing this look
His hair is a little shorter than I feel is the ideal length for him but it's not bad
7.5/10 it's enough to make me have a crush on him, but it would be nothing more than that
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Baby's First Mullet (1973)
Looks cute but also concerningly sexy
I hate that I like this but then again rockstar mullets are different than regular mullets so I have nothing to be embarrassed about
His eyes are so big how does he do that
9.5/10 if I saw him at a club I would definitely wanna sleep with him
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The Eighth Circle of Hell (1974)
And we're back here again I am in AGONY
The trainwreck of a mustache ON TOP OF THE MULLET? I am at my fucking limit.
This is the face of a man who has done his fair share of cocaine
12598347/10 I had it at a 2.5/10 at first and the only reason I changed it is because there is some sick twisted part of me that's attracted to this and maybe that's why I'm so angry about it. I thought about my rating overnight and ended up having a dream that we fucked and he looked like this and it was so hot. My affinity for skrunkly men is one that both comforts and deeply disturbs me.
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Mullet Yoyo (1975-78)
No matter how long or short the mullet got it never left
At least the mustache is gone I can't take having to face my most embarrassing turn-ons anymore
To be honest he somehow looks more unhinged with just the mullet
7.5/10 my brain doesn't like it as much without the facial hair oh my god Cherry what the FUCK is wrong with you
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Intermission (1979-80)
It's not that I don't like this. I just really have nothing much to say about it
Sort of a middle ground in between the chaotic energy from the 70s and the dilf energy of the 80s
He looks handsome I'll give him that
7/10 I certainly have nothing to complain about
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Give My Regards to Dilf Street (1981-85)
Oh shit here we go
His hair got longer and none of us knew how to act
When I say I watch the Broad Street movie for the plot, this is the plot
3000/10 this man is a frequent visitor of my sexual fantasies
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Warden at Horny Jail (1986)
I'm- šŸ„“
Nobody talk to me
This is the epitome of dilf energy it's not even a competition
36459871/10 please just fuck me already
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Questionable Choices (1987-88)
He cut his hair I am in shambles
Paul why
He doesn't look bad but obviously the long hair is way better
5/10 I don't hate it but my heart belongs to another
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The Swan is Gliding (1989-97)
The dilf haircut is back thank god
Paul you have redeemed yourself
He looks unbelievably sexy but for some reason it's missing something that he had in '86 and I don't know what it is- oH MY GOD HE DYED HIS HAIR THAT'S WHAT IT IS
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Time Traveler (1998-2003)
He started looking real old real quick
But of course I will not be harsh with this era because I know it was a super tough one for him
I know all too well that when you're super stressed out, your appearance is the furthest thing from your mind
5/10 honestly he just looks like a typical guy in his sixties so there's nothing to bash anyway šŸ˜Šā¤
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Lead Role in a CBS Crime Drama (2004-10)
This pic just gives me NCIS/Criminal Minds cast photo vibes idk
Again I mean this in the best way possible but he looks like just some guy and there's nothing wrong with that
A suit will always be sexy to me though
8/10 I have a certain appreciation for this one
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Main Character Energy (2011-16)
This era of Paul was the moment
His hair is longer again and yes I do think he looks very sexy
A majority of the music he released in this era is just *chef's kiss*
10/10 this photo is from the promo for the NEW album which fucking slaps btw it's honestly one of my favorite albums from his solo career
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Hey Grandude (2017-19)
I'm sorry I just had to name it that I think him using it for a children's book title is too cute
The gray hair is coming back and I very much do think it suits him
This is not so much "just some guy" but more like "a guy who aged beautifully"
9/10 if you told me he was approaching 80 years old I would not believe you
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Eternal Rockstar (2020-Present Day)
Oh my god shUT UP
I have to say dilf. Do I have to say dilf? I feel like I have to say dilf
Don't dye your hair anymore babe you don't need it
10000/10 I had to choose this photo it taunts me too much šŸ„µ
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agentnico Ā· 4 months
Sugar - season 1 (2024) review
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ā€œSugar (do do do do do do), oh honey honey (do do do do do do)ā€¦..ā€ mind you this song isnā€™t played in the show but Iā€™m glad I was reminded of this banger.
Plot: Private detective John Sugar investigates the disappearance of Olivia Siegel, the beloved granddaughter of Hollywood producer Jonathan Siegel. As Sugar tries to determine what happened to Olivia, he unearths Siegel family secrets, old and new.
Nicolas Cage recently got confirmed to be cast in Primeā€™s live-action Spider-Man spin-off series Noir where heā€™ll be playing the web-swinging PI, and as much as Iā€™m excited to see Cage brood in black-and-white, thereā€™s currently a perfectly enjoyable noir detective series on Apple TV+ that I havenā€™t heard anyone talk about. Especially due to its flabbergasting mid-season plot twist that is so laughably out-of-left-field that Iā€™m not sure itā€™s a good or bad thing. But letā€™s discussā€¦
Taking inspiration from the likes of LA Confidential and Chinatown, this neo noir show plays as a greatest hits album of all the tropes of the genre. The first two episodes especially are super enjoyable, through Farrellā€™s narration, to the slow piano music to the use of black-and-white and crisp cinematography, the entire thing just felt like a vibe. A super cool vibe. Naturally Colin Farrell is a perfect casting choice to play the charming private investigator. Heā€™s got that likeable face you feel you can trust, but enough going on in his expression to give him that element of mystery. Also Farrell looks great in a suit. One has to respect a man that can wear a suit well. Ask Barney Stinson. So the first two episodes are truly awesome. The script wasnā€™t anything groundbreaking, with Farrellā€™s inner monologues featuring lines youā€™d easily find in other neo-noir movies/shows, but just as a collective package this thing felt ace in its first two episodes. Thereā€™s also this glossy pastiche of old-school movies that are referenced throughout, reflecting John Sugarā€™s passion for film and the Hollywood setting. However after that the show slows down, with the central mystery of the missing girl stretched out with pointless baggage around it to fulfill the series episode count. Honestly, this would have worked better as a film rather than a series.
Now in regards to the aforementioned plot twist. I havenā€™t been so snortingly contemptuous of a reveal since that 2019 fishing thriller Serenity starring Matthew McConaughey that pulls of a ā€˜bait and switchā€™ times two with its ending that is so ludicrously random and out of nowhere that I recall truly gasping at the cinema. Itā€™s a terrible twist, but also for a movie that otherwise was utterly boring and bad, that narrative shock at least gave me somewhat of a thrill. So with Sugar at the end of episode 6 a certain reveal happens, that in a way completely changes the entire series. Though one could argue there were a couple of clues in earlier episodes that could have somewhat suggested this twist, in reality I do believe this reveal was a bit of a cheat. Itā€™s an unearned way to grab attention and get a ā€œWHAAAA???ā€ reaction out of the audience, and I thought it came off as a cheap shot. Granted though it gave the meandering show a little boost of energy to the end of the season, but felt so out of place. If the reveal happened earlier, then the show would have had more time to play up to its weird premise.
Sugar is very much a series that is carried by its lead performance (and an adorable doggo), and though the beginning of the season was a strong start, it lost its narrative direction shortly after until that baffling twist that again, I canā€™t decide if itā€™s good or bad, but Iā€™m leaning more towards the latter. A good twist needs to have the correct appropriate set-up. The twist in Sugar was more like the showrunners going ā€œpsyche - gotcha!ā€
Overall score: 5/10
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siltcouch Ā· 2 months
So, how about it? The cost/benefit analysis is all done. But you're still not satisfied? You want her to stay on stage a little longer?
How about this, then.
Many things are the same, but some things have changed. Something bad happened, but itā€™s all over now. No act was committed that cannot be forgiven, and anything unforgivable simply never happened at all.
She is safe. She is happy. She is home.
And youā€™re there, too.
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This blog has the potential to contain scenes of a similar level of intensity to those of the source material. Such material will be properly tagged if it arises. Consider this your warning.
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tags: #siltcouch: things canon to the blog | #info: information about the blog | more tags to be added
plotlines: to be added
faq below:
q: i've never askblogged before!! what do i do?
a: you ask the characters questions! they can range wildly from little personal details to questions about each other to activities, and even further than that! you can ask specific characters questions, or ask the whole house. bear in mind that certain answers may get a negative response, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.
q: what counts as a "good" or "bad" question?
a: it varies. something like "what's your favorite color" can be popped off quickly and is overall inconsequential, but fun (though they may be ignored if i'm not familiar enough with the subject on ask - but you're welcome to try anyway). on the other hand, lightly personal questions along the line of "how are you adjusting to things" or "any complaints about your housemates" have more Meat to them and will get a bigger response. the only thing i would consider a "bad" question at this point is something too personal. but that can change.
as a general note, characters responding negatively to certain lines of inquiry is not indicative of my opinion on said lines of inquiry. i don't mind if you torment these funny little bugs (in fact, i quite enjoy the torment), but they sure will. and a negative response now does not necessarily make for a negative response later...
q: are magic anons allowed?
a: hello brave traveler from the year 2014. they are allowed within incredibly strict reason to the point that the answer is closer to a no. you can try, but if it doesn't suit the vibe, iā€™ll simply ignore it.
q: who is vale?
a: vale is a self-insert oc gone rogue. they are here to facilitate the askblog process and are more of a plot device than anything. you may ask them questions, but why would you want to. generally, pay them no mind.
q: how does this au differentiate from canon?
a: you'll just have to see for yourself!! although i'm sure asking the right questions could nudge the conversation a particular way...
q: will other characters besides the main four (+ vale) show up?
a: smiles at you. maybe.
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chaifootsteps Ā· 1 year
My toxic trait is believing that alot of sappy country love songs, when looked at in a certain context, can either be seen from the point of view of someone absolutely adoring their horse and sees them as a platonic/familial life partner, or from the point of view of a horse with human-like intelligence that loves their human with all their heart and willing to do anything for them, and there's nothing that can change my mind.
Some examples:
5 foot 9 by Tyler Hubbard (this one reminds me of a horse just basically listing all the things he loves about his human and how lucky he is to have her)
Wild as you by Cody Johnson (this one reads as a cowboy wanting to tame a wild mustang and slowly gaining its trust to the point that the horse is comfortable with him, but he knows in his heart that the horse deserves to stay wild and free)
Home to me by Tenille Townes (I personally see this one as a horse going on a cross-country 'homeward bound' esc adventure to reunite with its rider, or a wild horse that bonds with a human and comes to see them as home and keeps returning to them, no matter how far it travels)
Beautiful Crazy by Luke Combs (same reason as 5 foot 9. Just a horse adoring how crazy his human is and how much he adores her for it.)
My Girl by Dylan Scott (this one's a bit iffy, but again, I can see it as being a horse (possibly even a rescue, by the 'she saved me' line) just adoring his human and knowing that she's his girl, she's his human, and no other human will take that away)
Hard to Love by Lee Brice (this one can kinda have two different ideas depending on how you look at it. If you look at it coming from the humans pov, it could be a guy trying to train and work with a mare with less abrasive methods than what he's been taught to use, but he messes up and slips back into these abrasive methods at times. But even then, the mare still comes back and wants to work with him cause she recognizes that he's trying and is willing to forgive. From a horse pov, this could be a horse that has behavioral issues due to a bad past, which causes him to lash out at his human, but despite this, she continues to work with him and love him, despite him having problems and being hard to love)
The Good Ones by Gabby Barrett (this one works except the one t-shirt line, but if you ignore that and look at it from the horses perspective, it's reads like a mare that previously been abused and mistreated until a kind cowboy takes her in and treats her with kindness and love for the first time, and she realizes she's finally found one of the good humans who genuinley cares about her and loves her)
Run to You by Lady Antebellum ((yes I know the shit they've tried to pull and fuck them for that, but I still need to bring this up cause this is what started this weird obsession of mine) this one always felt like a horse and rider who find comfort in eachothers company and use their bond as an escape from the stress of the world)
Somebody like You by Keith Urban (this one I have a very specific story for. This gives me the vibes of a lesson horse/lease horse that finds a human that they love and they feels is their person, and how they wants to love somebody like them cause they push them to be the best it can be.)
Some of these have their flaws, but Im willing to look past those to make a point. There's definitely more, and I'm currently working on a playlist. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk
I've been listening to country music all my actual life including while riding horses and I shit you not a whole world just opened up. This is fantastic. Thank you for this.
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