#like not exactly like the chorus but i feel like they dont need to be that slow
fxllingout · 1 year
rise and warriors best worlds mvs no contest
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maximoffhimbo · 1 year
Birthday club business
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Summary: your 22nd birthday was planned to be a nice night in by yourself - your coworkers have other ideas.
Warnings: male reader / blowjobs / ‘corruption’/ innocent-ish reader / strip clubs
It was your birthday, another year of sitting at a desk 5 days a week waiting for the 2 days of freedom. Luckily your birthday was on a Friday. Unluckily your coworkers were typical ‘lads’.
“Sam? Can you get those files sent to the cfo please?” Your boss, Sarah, said drearily. These meeting were held every Friday to wrap up the week and every Friday they were boring. Your coworkers didn’t listen to her, of course they didn’t. In their eyes she was less than them due to her gender. Half of the guys sitting around you were on their phones playing candy crush or some shit.
“Before I forget, y/n? Happy birthday.” A chorus of cheers and oddly deep noises came from the men around you. “y/n mate, why didn’t you tell us it was your birthday?” Charlie, one of the most laddish guys said, holding tightly on to your shoulders from behind. “Oh I just don’t really celebrate that’s all” you said quietly. Of course your plan for the night was simple: home, pyjamas, takeout, movie, bed by 11. In your eyes a perfect night in. Within minutes the guys were discussing where to take you for your birthday. You couldn’t think of anything worse, yet they were extremely passionate about getting you to hook up with a ‘chick’ as they say.
That’s how you ended up here. A strip club in a not-so-great part of town. You were sat in the middle of 9 other guys, it felt like a bad porno if you were being honest with yourself. “She’s fine as fuck” one guy said. “Dude y/n deserves the pick of the litter.” The way these guys were talking honestly made you sick to your stomach. “Come on y/n pick!” You visibly cringed at Charlie’s need for you to pick a girl. You looked around the dark red club. Music was shattering your ear drums whilst the lights were vaporising your eyes. It was all too overwhelming, you could barely make of your hands in front of your face for gods sake.
The club was full of guys waving money into the dancers faces. It wasn’t exactly where you’d imagined yourself for your 22nd birthday. “Okay fine, I’ll sort you out.” Charlie stood from the table waving over a server, she looked to be no older than 18. “Hey gorgeous, who’s the best slut in this place?” You cringed and shrunk down in your seat feeling ashamed for being around these guys. “Charlie don’t say that.” You said slightly above a whisper. Charlie kicked you under the table and continued talking to the waitress.
Before you knew it you were following her to a private dance room. You wanted to run, to apologise for your friend yet your mind was completely frozen. Arriving at a room the girl, who you heards name was Crystal (you doubted that was her real name) glared at you. You smiled tightly at her before she walked off. You opened the door and were met with a black room with red trim and decorations. “I’m going to be murdered” you said under your breath.
You took a seat on the large black leather sofa, shuffling nervously, praying that this dancer didn’t turn up. It took around 2 minutes of sitting in silence for the door to open. A girl walked in, long brown hair and beautiful green eyes. She sauntered over to you, thinking you were like all the other guys she danced for. Instead you moved away, offering her a hand, “I’m y/n.” She chuckled “And I’m scarlet.” She whispered, attempting to move closer to you. You tensed up and she noticed. “What can I do for you handsome?” She said gently as she moved away slightly as to not scare you. “I-I dont know, my coworkers brought me here for my birthday. I didn’t really…want to come.” Her eyes softened, you were such a cutie. She moved on to the small circular stage in the middle of the room, adjusting her revealing red sequin outfit. “I’ll just dance for you, okay?” She smirked as she turned on a small music player. Lana Del Rey’s ‘Art Deco’ came on as she began to move seductively around the poll. You watched, amazed. You hadn’t wanted to come here but this girl, this woman was something otherworldly. Her hips moved in time with the slow beat. Her hands raked her body whilst she sauntered around the poll. For a while you forgot this was a strip club, until the slowly began to peel her tight, blood red corset-top off. The buttons snapped at the front so removing it was easy. Her fingers made quick work of it, long svelte fingers worked the fabric, like a painter to canvas. Her breasts were freed.
She moved around the poll, her nipples pebbled, she eyed you with a hunger. Like an animal to prey. Her high black heels clicked against the floor with every step, making your heart beat quicken. She bit her lip as she bent over and grabbed the poll, maintaining eye contact with you. She swaying her ass rhythmically, her eyes holding a mischievous glint. Your heartbeat quickened as it moved throughout your body. The thrum in your core hammered. Your soft cock growing with every sway of her hips. You hadn’t even noticed the state of yourself, far too enthralled with the woman’s performance. She however did notice. She stood up slowly, moving to the front of the stage, her eyes still on you. Her thumbs found themselves within the waistband of her panties. Slowly and effortlessly she pulled them down her porcelain thighs, biting her lip as she moved her eyes over your face.
You were different to her usual customer. She was used to men talking to her the entire time, even going as far as to beg her for sex. But you, you just sat there, admiring her. You didn’t look like you wanted to pounce on her, you looked gentle, tame. Once her panties dropped she turned around, showing off her perfect ass. “You like that pretty boy?” Your breath caught in your throat as you nodded, “you’re v-very pretty” you stuttered out. She smirked. She’d never felt the need to touch one of her customers, let alone ‘corrupt’ them. Yet she wanted to please you. She watched as you shuffled uncomfortably, your cock straining painfully against your trousers. Scarlet stepped off the stage slowly, sauntering over to you. She stood above you looking down. “Take your trousers off” she said slightly above a whisper. “W-what?” You said, eyes wide. “You heard me. Trousers off.” You stood up slowly, eyeing her with confusion. Your hand moved to your belt as you slowly unbuckled it. She watched you hungrily. Your hands shook as you pulled down your zipper and finally your trousers. She moved back slightly, admiring the slight wet patch on your grey boxers. From there everything went into slow motion for you. She knelt before you kissing your sore bulge. “W-wait scarlet, this can’t be allowed,” scarlet chuckled looking up at you through her lashes. It definitely wasn’t allowed but ‘scarlet’ got what she wanted.
She pulled your boxers down letting your cock spring free. She gasped, your cocks tip was pink and swollen, drooling with precum. “Oh baby.” Scarlet said eyeing you up and down. She smirked and placed a kiss on your shaft “you know, if I’m going to do this you might as well know my real name.” You groaned quietly nodding to whatever she said. “It’s wanda.”
Wanda had been sucking your cock for what felt like an eternity. She pulled away, mascara running down her cheeks, a long thick strand of saliva keeping you both attached. She leant down, spreading your legs slightly. “You know, y/n…” She kisses your shaft gently. “…I never let this happen” she moved her kisses upwards towards your tip. You groaned, butterflies spilling from your chest into your stomach. Wanda began making out with your cock head, slowly and sensually, keeping eye contact with you. Your head fell back on the sofa. “Fuck Wanda, fuck I’m gonna cum.” As if cold water was poured on her she stood up, smirking. “I’m not done with you yet baby boy.”
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yang2sfishkeeper · 2 years
we need a part two to the fratboy reaction thing you wrote i cried laughing ajfjahahjaka
(tosses this post like i throw bread at stray birds) there's your meal for the year
NCT 2022 as your final school presentation partner
side note: since i am the principal at this uni/college/higher education establishment I have decided that this will be for an english presentation. also i do realise that this does not count as a part two but dont worry i might do one in about seven years time!
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Johnny: You stare holes into his laptop from across the lecture hall once your partner is announced. He thinks you’re just curious about what he’s watching, and turns the screen to reveal a custom car parts video. Despite your initial apprehension-and failing to convince your professor to change partners, he is a fairly decent partner (he made the google doc) and contributes his fair share (he offered to do most of the talking). Shows up 20 minutes late to the actual class absolutely hammered but takes it like a champ. 6/10, thanks for making the google doc, mate.
Taeil: Everything is fine until he tells you that he can't work in the campus library- he HAS to be in his dorm room. You nod along, already mentally reminding yourself to bring pepper spray in case you enter his room and there are star wars posters. Definitely INSISTS on playing music, and sings to it like his life depends on it. Like no babe, your life depends on these slides you're neglecting. Turns the script into a song to memorise it faster, and you can't believe it actually helped the both of you. No star wars posters, so the pepper spray was left untouched, 8/10, ♫ Good moooooorning everyoooooone today we will be discusssssing Littleee woomeeeeeen♫
Taeyong: For a party guy, he’s super nice and willing to do the work- it’s just that he has a horde of friends that tail him everywhere. It’s not exactly productive to be in the library (quiet) with ten dudes chatting up a storm (not quite) two tables away. Offers to buy you coffee because he feels bad, so at least your wallet is happier than your ears. During the presentation, his bros are attentively taking notes and roar into applause when you conclude the presentation. 6/10 The chorus of “MY BRO IS SO SMART” is oddly sweet, and you are thankful one of them added on “AND YOU TOO LADY” Because yeah, you too lady!
Yuta: Offers you a 100 dollar note to finish it by yourself, and when you decline he’s like ‘oh ok i’ll do it then’. You thought about changing your career goals to becoming a cultural negotiator, because that was easy. Does the absolute bare minimum, and flirts with you the entire time- shoes up on the library table and all. But it’s not all that bad, because he teaches you how to accessorize and shows you his cool tattoo. During the presentation you looked scared and plain next to him, mostly because he was decked out in full leather and facial jewelry. 4/10, could’ve told you there was a dress code. 
Kun: Lets you work at his nice apartment right outside of campus. How can he afford it? You don’t want to ask! Makes a plan on how to equally divide the workload, always texts you updates on his slides, offers advice if you need it and is generally a fantastic partner. Once the presentation is over, he resumes his role in your life as the nice guy you look at from two rows below you. 10/10 next project you’ll try to be his friend. Next project…
Doyoung: ACADEMIC WEAPON. Mate, you don’t even see this guy. He just randomly emails you a utterly phenomenal proposal for the project, you reply “this is great! When are you free to work on it?” He just attached the finished thing. It’s bulletproof, with great analyzes, and even has potential questions + answers for you to review. You meet for the first time AT the presentation, and when you ask him why he just did everything, he stone-faced replies: “I’m very passionate about metaphors.” 8/10 You were also very passionate about them, but clearly not as much as he was.
Ten: On his phone when your group was assigned; so you decide to approach him. Which was your first mistake, because once you enter a ten meter radius of him you begin sweating- and you’re only mildly offended asks who you are. You two work in his friend’s tattoo studio (why does his friend have a tattoo studio), and he will doodle up designs for you unprompted. You are 1) impressed at how good he is at drawing 2) forgetting that THERE IS A PROJECT FOCUS BITCH. 4/10 you failed, but got a sick tattoo that’s better than Yuta’s.
Jaehyun: In shows, the jock is usually an idiot until the last moment, where he magically develops super smart sense and aces the project. Not Jaehyun though, he’s a fucking moron. At some point, you just have to tell to shut up; he’s a good partner until he opens his mouth. Hey, at least his face is nice to look at, and you know who to call if you need someone’s head knocked in. 6/10 What do you mean you don’t know what a proposition is? You’re taking an ENGLISH DEGREE!
Winwin: Will be twenty minutes late. Will also bring his roommate’s dog over, which you don’t know if you’re thankful for or not. You two will interact with the social aptitude of two underdeveloped microorganisms; and he will combust if you look at him for more than a second. Not in the flustered, more in the apathetic introverted way. 4/10, you had never been so silent in your entire schooling years.
Jungwoo: Lovely boy, thank the stars you got partnered with him and not Jaehyun. The only disconcerting thing about him is that he has to type lying on his belly with his feet kicking in the air. But fuck it! You join him, and suddenly you two are middle school girls gossiping about academic essays. You both spend more time decorating the slides than finding information. 10/10 You do think that he is your long lost other half.
Mark: Despite this being a completely professional situation; with no romance and barely even any possibility for friendship, he still manages to have zero rizz. Zero Academic Rizz, as one might call it. But when he’s not embarrassing himself by stuttering eight times in five words, he gives you decent feedback and is surprisingly emotionally intelligent for being a man. Brought you a half-melted chocolate bar before the presentation because the day before you complained about cramps. 9/10 You go, Mark! Even if you mispronounced ‘theoretically’ in front of the theory teacher! 
Xiaojun: Right there alongside Taeil with the massive inclination to sing his heart out. I do imagine that he is also studying musical theatre, so god bless your heart. Do you know how distracting it is to hear phantom of the opera while you study catcher in the rye? To be fair, he also lets you occasionally listen to Nicki Minaj, which he turns into melodic opera. 2/10, he ended the presentation with ♫anyyyyyyyyy quueeeeeeeeestions♫ and you wanted to die.
Hendery: Goofy (derogatory) Silly (insultingly) Despite not knowing him before this presentation, you forcibly grew so close with him in the span of a week that you began smacking him with your laptop every time he went on a tangent. Even if you had screaming matches outside the library (you got kicked out), you two still managed to make an outstanding social commentary within the amazing world of gumball. 10/10, he got yelled at for dancing while the professor asked her question. 
Renjun: He regards you the same way you regard your friend’s 13 year old, freshly intellectually sentient sibling. Is definitely more interested in texting his friends than talking to you, but you like it that way (you think to yourself spitefully). You purposely don't decorate his slides, but his script is so good that the professor doesn't even notice it. 1/10, the one point is for when he told you that you formatted your script wrong. 
Jeno: Asks if you can come to the gym and work with him there. At first you say no, but it seems like his schedule is severely booked, and you finally relent. It sort of looks like you are his secretary, with your laptop in your hands, typing the words his grunts out between sets. All things considered, he knows alot about the topic without having to reference anything. The project is finished within three sessions, and you are forced to do some exercise 3/3 times. 8/10, the smell of sweat is horrendous, but he makes a pretty good personal trainer. One more! One more! You got this!!
Haechan: You both didn’t get anything done. Not for the lack of effort, but for the sheer amount of banter. And fighting. Lots of fighting- but your favourite colours are opposites, how were you meant to find the best slide background? The project’s pushed to the night before, and the two of you spend 5 hours straight at a McDonalds, drinking copious amounts of coke zero and ignoring the minimum wage workers trying to tell you that you shouldn’t order any more fries. 2/10, he threw said fries at you and the salt lodged itself in your keyboard.
Jaemin: Neither of you want to do the work, so he finds an existing presentation on the topic and you just… steal it. When the professor confronts you both about the obvious plagiarism, Jamein induces WW2 mental warfare to psychologically manipulate the professor into thinking she’s crazy, and that she was being unprofessional by assuming her students couldn’t produce a high quality of work. 10/10 After the presentation, Jaemin whispered to you: “Victory by any means necessary.”
Yangyang: Imagine this, 3AM, two students sitting at the library with drained faces, staring at a blank laptop screen. That’s what working with yangyang is like. Since both of you were procrastination-fueled learners, there was nothing to do but wait until the dreadful deadline approached and suddenly, you both would turn into geniuses. You moved for the first time in an hour when he offered to drive to burger king. 5/10 BURGER KING! The idea of a whopper ignites your ability to start the slides. 
Shotaro: Like Jungwoo, is a pleasure to work with, even if he is a little unremarkable. That being said, both of you had no idea how to answer one of the questions, and the two of you just exchanged concerned glances until the professor answered it for you. 5/10, both of you went to starbucks after to freak out and celebrate simultaneously.
Sungchan (I REALISED I SPELT HIM NAME WRON GIN THE OTHER POST OMG IM SO SORRY GIRL): This dude probably refuses to do work until you threaten him with either physical or mental torture (your choice, artistic interpretation) and he makes an extra effort to press each key as loudly as he can with a typing speed of half a word per minute. 2/10 During the actual presentation you two can’t stop from fighting to the point that the professor has to split you two apart. 
Chenle: You kill him. 0/10. Smack him over the head, and he still maintains the bratty disposition. He is the test sent by God, and one you cannot pass. 
Jisung: Would be super nice to work with, but surrounded by his upperclassmen, harassing him for no reason other than their preconceived role in his life. But it’s cool, because you have noise-cancelling earbuds, and also because it’s sort of funny to watch him whine and complain. When you can actually work alone, you find that he has to refill his americano at least three times per session. 6/10 Whether his hands shaking was from nerves, or a lethal caffeine overdose, you’ll never know.
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BPP, am really really interested to read your thoughts on Seven!
Ask 2: Hey bpp, can i be honest?? Ive been checked out of the fandom but still keep track of any music releases. So i didnt know abt any rumors abt 7. Imagine me being kind of disappointed that it’s another english song from jk when i watched the mv😅 it feels like his most promoted songs since last year has been all eng song… idk i wanted & expted something diff… i didnt like l&r, dreamers and now 7… it’s back to back lol. Tbf i didnt like My You too and thats in korean. At least not enough to listen!again after the first listen.
Im happy that still with you is finally on spotify tho. I’ll still be waiting excited for his album whenever it comes out. Hopefully ill find something i like in it!!
[BPP Note: Both asks above were sent before my "I don't like it..." post. The asks posted below were sent afterwards.]
Ask 3:
Same here
All the hype didn't matched with the song
1. rest members songs had so much depth and substance to it while this was the cliche boy chasing a girl song. Like we always dont need deep songs but the quality could be so much better. This was like just another pop song.
I think I'll put this on same level as BAD DECISIONS. But for bad decisions, atleast the chorus was staying on my mind while for this nothing was catchy enough for us to humm. Just because it's JK it will get hype but otherwise it's so generic. I think I liked LEFT and RIGHT way better than Seven. Even the rap portion felt so unnecessary and boring.
2. MV was kinda nice because of the production but concept was too shallow, the stalking and chasing was so outdated. In my country we have like 9293928843837 MVs in this same concept that not many make the same theme songs again.
3. The choreography. We haven't seen the full version. But for tiktok they do the highlight portions if that's so mediocre idk how rest will be. It was again giving the same mediocre showing off choreography and for me backdancers ruined it with their awkward moves.
4. they wanted this song to be played everywhere around the world. But there was nothing catchy enough to attract gp or go viral on tiktok, even if we sped it up. The only way to make everyone listen is to shove it down their throat but doing payola. But idk if investing in payola is worthy for the song. I also doubt the longietivity, as for me it was boring after 2 listens. I'll rather listen Like Crazy or wildflower or closer 20 times than listening this once.
5. I HOPE he'll bring something fresh to the table for his album and don't involve this mediocre producers who uses the same formula and same superstar persona to make a song successful. He is so much talented to sing a song which is so rich in melody and lyrics. And he can produce way better songs by himself.
Prolly a 4/10 for me
Ask 4: troye sivan's rush (which also came out last night) is exactly what I wish Seven was. I don't mean that in a 'I expect the things JK to make to be gay' way just in the way it's a fun, very danceable, sexy summer song that doesn't pull its punches. Something about seven feels too run through a commercial sanitizer a few times, even with the explicit lyrics.
Hi Anon(s),
Jungkook likes to fuck.
Rather, Andrew Watt likes to fuck and thinks Jungkook can relate.
JK has been talking about wanting to show more mature and explicit sides of himself for a good long while now. So I’m glad he’s finally gotten to do that, confirming for us why he keeps getting noise complaints from his neighbours since the mattresses all over his apartment don't help.
BTS has made songs explicitly referring to sex before (though it's been mostly the rapline doing so). So it's nothing new but I guess it's cool JK gets to share with us that he too has sex.
The question I posed to my friends immediately after watching the MV is, “Do you know who's been doing A&R for BigHit since 2020? I really need to know who is doing A&R for BigHit in America because they’ve been doing an appalling job lately. I'm starting to wonder if it's an inside job cause this song is kinda ass.”
That was me ~11 hours ago.
I didn’t like the song.
I’ve streamed Seven about 20 times since then I think, took a break from the song for a few hours, watched his GMA performance, caught a few minutes of the Wlive, then listened to it again just before writing this post and…
I still don’t like it.
Jungkook did a good job on the song, Latto's verse wasn't terrible, and while the song itself isn’t bad… the song isn’t good either.
It’s painfully, and at this point it’s a pattern so I have to add, predictably, mediocre.
Reserving judgement for the album, but Anons, I agree with you for the most part. The suits at BigHit are trying but they are woefully out of touch with the reasons BTS blew up in the West in the first place. I don't even feel like spending any energy doing a review or even trying to explain what I mean. So I'll just ramble on for a bit but try to keep it brief.
I have to give BigHit some credit because I can see what they're going for here. Andrew Watt is a very celebrated producer in the US, he won the Grammy award for Producer of the Year in 2021, he's got A listers in his portfolio. So, he's not a cheap name to book and I can see why the suits at BigHit thought he's the genius to gift them a song clinically designed for American radio.
But that pandejo phoned it in. There isn't a lick of creativity to be found anywhere in all 3 minutes and five seconds.
It reminds me of VIBE by Jimin and Taeyang, as the closest analog to the vague dissatisfaction morphing into annoyance and then pragmatic rationalization I experienced in that same sequence when listening to it the first few times.
The song is disappointing because we've all heard it before. Too many times, and we're bored of it. We've heard JK sing this sort of song for years, as covers mostly. So on one hand, while I guess it's nice JK gets to have an American summer JB-reject pop tune of his own, it's not good enough to be the track that introduces him to the world as a solo artist.
It's fine for any white, blonde, blue-eyed heartthrob that can ride on a pretty face and implicit bias to rack up accolades, it's not good enough for Jungkook.
And BigHit needs to start using whatever leverage a US$10.6 billion market capitalization buys you in Hollywood, to insist for songs that are at least as good as the songs made by BTS members and produced by their in-house team. It's a waste of money and everybody's time to fly a battalion to LA just to record 2014's summer hit in 2023.
In my opinion.
Still With You > Stay Alive > My Time > Stay > Left & Right > My You > Dreamers > Seven
All that said, I can't ignore JK has a taste for songs like this, and it's not his fault the song is shit (he didn't write, compose or produce it), so technically he shouldn't be punished for it. And the song is made for radio, while it's not my personal taste a lot of people really like the song (one of my friends likes Seven the most out of all the BTS releases so far), and it will catch on with some support. So, ARMY will support it including me, just to a lesser degree than I've done so far. Fingers crossed JJK1 has something solid on it.
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jade-kyo · 1 month
RvB 20th rewatch: s12
Aaaagahhahhsjshaj the mid point to the end…. Fucking agony
I never noticed the cabose written in bullet holes on the wall. Nice reference.
“I AM FUCKING AWESOME” that single moment made me fall in love with Felix…. Yeah that didn’t last
“Yay I have friends!” Me too Caboose
“You’re oddballs that don’t exactly fit in” I feel like the Chorus trilogy is just a love letter to what these characters represent to… well people like me who found comfort in a group of loser assholes finding strength and connection in each other
There is a warthog that is absolutely freaking out in the background AGDKHAKSHS
AYO Ray and Michael cameo!!!
Grif’s mental breakdown
Hmmmm thinking about Locus and Felix not being able to return to normal life after the war…
I do feel that sometimes they overuse animation in this season… I think animation should be reserved strictly for the most necessary and funniest of bits and bad ass action scenes
Caboose gets to be the one with a good bad idea!!!!
It really was a big brain move to make the feds actually not evil at all and kinda just as pathetic as the rebels
“You give meaning to meaningless objects and meaningless people and then risk your lives to protect them, where’s the sense in that” I’m telling you this arc is a love letter to what this show means
Gray is unhinged- she fits right in!
Bro just got incinerated
I felt so betrayed- in hindsight I really should’ve seen it coming but I thought Felix was funny
Yo I never actually caught that Locus hands the grenade to Carolina- for some reason I always thought she just had a grenade on her
YOU FUCK!!!!! (Just so we’re clear that was an absolutely necessary animated bit 👍🏼)
I love the fragments ajkdhakshksh
Love that Caboose is the only one who didn’t do something to the ship
“I believe he said he was paid in babies”
Lopez a real one for being the only one to remember Doc
Love the conversation between grimmons back at the crash site. nuance about Simmons and leadership or something… if you catch what I mean… Restoration (what who said that)
Dr. Gray my beloved
Wash was pretty dumb to just accept Freckles without question but also I never questioned it either so I can’t exactly judge
SO SHUT UP AND GET OVER IT!!! Caboose finally gets to be the one to tell someone to shut up!!!!!
“Seriously? That’s it, no ‘I’m sorry’ nothing?” Carolina I feel you but also if these guys weren’t completely emotionally constipated at all times I probably wouldn’t love them as much
Also Tucker and Church’s little moment of poking fun at Carolina is so cute omg
Trocadero you are truly something to behold
Imagine if Tucker and Church had also gotten caught in Locus and Felix’s teleporter… wouldn’t that have sucked please god I already have a big fic I’m planning I don’t need another
Why is Carolina so damn BIG next the chairman in that picture ajhdkahsj
P.S. suck our balls
Being completely honest I do think s12 is a little bit of the weak link in the chorus trilogy. It’s not bad but I just find more enjoyment in s11 and s13 but it is possibly Tucker at his best GOD I love him… anyway, pain 🙂
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ne-spivay-ranenko · 9 months
Jukebox January: Day 1
So I saw this prompt game from @esskuesli and considering that one of my favorite things to do in the world is gush about music, I thought it'd be fun to do it! I have a feeling that this is going to heavily lean on artists I listen to a lot and know their entire back catalog, but I want to share music that's really me.
Day 1 is songs starting with A. Let's go!
Aijā - Sudden Lights
The song that Europe did dirty. I need to drag everyone who didn't vote for it in front of sad Andrejs and tell them to apologize. I love, love, love how when you listen to Sudden Lights you can tell they started in music school together, because the 5/4 to 6/4 transition in this song is everything. 5/4 is a fave time signature of mine because it's got this unsettling feeling, you can make it feel like you skipped a beat or added one, while any time signature in 3 has this gentle, rocking feeling to it. So switching from the verses where he's singing about how he doesn't believe in the beautiful world anymore, to the chorus where he's telling you not to cry, and then the lullaby-inspired ending--this song is so good from so many perspectives. Go listen to Sudden Lights. Do it. Now.
A sem ti povedal - Joker Out
The buildup of this song is so good, one of my favorite things in the whole world is songs that start out minimal and build to a big ending. I love this one because it doesn't have the drop between verses and chorus, it keeps building through the song, starting with just guitar and then adding in the whole band and then adding more and more layers of guitar and then finally another layer of vocals, so good in every way! Plus I love the little bit of Spanish guitar in it, as someone who had a brief phase of trying to be a classical guitarist as a teenager.
Every iDKHOW song has such a fucking good groove and I think this is exactly what you get when your frontman (and only man, now, I guess) is a bassist. Why this one specifically? It's not the point of the song, I know, but as someone who was really, really into Les Mis as a teen, I love a good mention of absinthe.
Anna Sun - Walk the Moon
This one's here, of course, because it's about me. 😉 I actually love the lyrics even if they didn't mention my name: "We got no money but we got heart/We're gonna rattle this ghost town" is such a lovely line!
Always You - Depeche Mode
This one's from their newest album, which is such a melancholy yet beautiful album, some very dark moments (the album has a lot about the pandemic, war, and death of Andy Fletcher) and yet these moments of love and hope, and this one is all about that love. Depeche Mode are the absolute best at creating this all-encompassing atmosphere with their music, the emotions are layered into every note, and so I feel it in my heart that "There's always you/The light that leads me from the darkness", which is especially powerful coming after People Are Good if you listen to the album in order (I love to listen to albums in the order intended, because there's artistic intention to that too).
For some reason A is a really hard letter, but B... let's just say tomorrow will be a whole bunch of my absolute favorites of all time. Like, it'll probably get so long I have to put it under a cut. (I don't have an explanation for this.)
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starswallowingsea · 1 year
just calling this one himeru comes up with a song theme. no i dont understand the lyrics in the sample i'm just trying to write because i need to stretch my muscles
word count: 950
HiMERU tapped his notebook with the tip of his pencil. Anzu had told him he needed to come up with some ideas for his solo song (and that he couldn’t use any of his old songs as a cheap cop-out) so here he was, in the garden with an empty cup of coffee and a blank notepad. A few pieces of paper were crumpled up on the table, some scribbles peaking through the wrinkles. Suddenly HiMERU understood why Leo had an endless trail of paper following him around all the time. 
This was more difficult than he had imagined it to be. Who was HiMERU? Who was he behind the mask he wore every day? Even when he was younger, what had his interests been? He checked his phone, which had been opened to his music player with another idol’s solo song playing from the speaker, and saw that his battery was almost dead. He still had to visit the hospital today and it was only four in the afternoon. He dug through his bag for a spare charger, but where would he plug it into? He was outside and didn’t particularly feel like going in quite yet, and he didn’t want to leave his phone unattended either. 
He could plug it in during rehearsal later, probably. Rinne typically used his own phone to sync with the bluetooth speaker, so it would be fine. Until then, he’d have to be careful to not let it die. 
HiMERU stood up and stretched. It wasn’t a good idea to just sit around either, and maybe taking a lap around the garden would help clear his mind. The flowers were just about to bloom, and maybe he’d get some inspiration from that. Couldn’t hurt anyway. 
He closed his eyes and let the wind clear his mind. When he opened them again it was like something had been lifted, though he still didn’t know what to write about. It didn’t have to be a full song, just some ideas for lyrics, maybe a verse or chorus, but nothing was clicking. Nobody wants to listen to a song about perfection, and that was what HiMERU as an idol really encapsulated. He tried to be kind and personable to fans, but that also wasn’t exactly a thrilling song theme either. 
Great songs needed a focus, and HiMERU was anything but today. Rehearsal was in less than an hour and he would be heading straight to the hospital before trying to do some semblance of a nightly routine before going to bed at 10 o’clock sharp like he did most days. 
He opened his eyes again and took a look around at the flowers. Some were still struggling to open but many were in full bloom in a rainbow of colors. Roses, tulips, plum and cherry blossoms, wisterias growing up the side of the greenhouse. He took a deep breath and let his mind calm down again. 
A small patch of blue flowers caught his eye tucked away near one of the plum blossom trees. He walked over and knelt down next to them, noting the small sign that denoted them as forget-me-nots. Flowers of love that matched his, well, Kaname’s color palette on stage. The soft blues would compliment him well in a photoshoot and it would be excellent fan service. 
But HiMERU, the man behind the mask, wanted to take one of the flowers and press it so he could give it to Kaname. It would last longer if it was pressed in the pages of one of his favorite books, and maybe he’d be able to connect with his younger half-brother with it when he woke up. He plucked the stem of a flower between his fingers and twirled it gently. 
Look at me, hold me tight, it seemed to say to him. Look at me and hold me tight, don’t let go no matter how hard the world tries to separate us. 
Typically the flower represented romantic love, and he had seen some of the other idols put it in their bouquets to their…friends (it was an open secret that many of the idols were dating each other, but nobody dared spoke of it to the media because it would only come back to bite them down the line). But when he pictured Kaname with the flowers, all he wanted to do was pull the other boy into a hug and never let him go, never let him fall into something so dangerous again. 
Maybe he was being a little overprotective thinking like that, but he had been in stable condition for over a year at this point with no signs of waking up any time soon. HiMERU was not a spiritual person, but he had spent countless nights praying to whatever god or spirit was out there that Kaname would wake up. 
He thought forget-me-nots encapsulated Kaname perfectly. 
He plucked a second flower, one for each of them, and went back to his notepad. He scribbled down some notes, a few lines that had come to mind, and then checked his phone again. Just enough time to make it to practice if he left now. 
He grabbed his bag and gently tucked the flowers in his jacket pocket. He’d find one of his detective novels and press the flowers in it later. 
He must have had a noticeable uptick in his mood, as all three of his other unit members had commented on his good mood while he plugged his phone into the wall. He told them it was nothing, but spared a soft smile as he fingered the flowers in his pocket before returning to the group and beginning their stretches. 
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checkers-dance · 1 year
hi oomf. i come to talk abt The Music. usually i would have sent something the moment i got done listening to it but i was fighting for my life (migraine 😔) but its another day and i've had more time to rlly digest the songs so at least my thoughts can be more coherent.
as a whole, i enjoyed myself a lot! it was very fun to listen to. there's something INSANE about hearing sh*wnu again. like wowwww i forgot how much i liked his voice??? it was such a joy, i think i ended up rlly latching to his lines. but hy*ngwon did rlly good too, i actually think his breathy tone (dunno how to describe it) was a rlly great fit for some of these songs, it was very neat. i feel like the entire ep sounded exactly like what i would expect from a unit with these two... idk but something about it just felt so natural. so i had a lot of fun! if i have any complaints, is that i wish it was a little longer... i RLLY could use a couple more songs, especially from hy*ngwon. as for more specific thoughts love me a little was reaaaally good, and i think it was the objective best choice as a title track so i'm glad they went with it. the chorus was SOOO good, its been stuck in my head all day. and the last part of the song was also sooo great, it had a rlly strong conclusion i feel. its rlly rlly cool to see hy*ngwon making title tracks, i reaaally hope he gets a chance to do it again. love therapy was not a fave but it had some rlly strong parts... i love love love the part where it's just hy*ngwon talk singing, it scratches such an itch for me. and that one high note by sh*wnu.... shaking throwing up /pos. roll with me was SO.... i think its my favorite. listen.... its the fucking piano... I KNOW IM SO PREDICTABLE BUT WELL.... it had a really fun darker vibe to it that i actually wasnt expecting, so i was very pleasantly surprised. and GODDD THAT PRECHORUS... TRULY A BANGER. play me was very cute, but i dont have too much to say about it. it was very fun but not a fav yknow. and lastly slow dance was SO fun and cute, its rlly romantic sounding and another personal fav. there's just something abt it. SO YES I HAD FUN... which is to be expected, i feel like its been a while since i've truly had anything negative to say abt anything mx releases which is sooo brainwashed of me but yknow 😔 ALSO i actually rlly dig the vibe of the cover. album covers in kpop are literally just text and a background, its getting so boring sjsbdbsbd yes this is still rlly simple but it has style to it yknow
outside of the music, the music video had some really cool shots, esp during the later half. but i was honestly kinda underwhelmed idkkkkk... I KNOW I SHOULDNT TRUST THEIR CONCEPT PHOTOS BUT LISTEN... THAT ONE VID THEY RELEASED WITH THE WEIRD ASS CREEPYPASTA VIBE?? they are literally just fucking with me at this point 😭
NO BUT IT'S ACTUALLY SO SAD THAT THEY HAD NONE OF THE VIBES FROM THE CREEPYPASTA MV......I was ready to sit here theorizing the meaning behind the tree and the lab thing and the beaker AND NONE OF IT SHOWED UP.....this is truly so sad. And yeah, the mv was cool but it didn't scratch the itch the preview video gave me 😭😭😭
Ik what u mean abt the breathy tone tho, hy*ngwon rlly does pull it off so well. And is it a coincidence roll w me is a fave of urs bc his breathy tone rlly is showed off there 🧐🧐. I liked roll w me, and yeah it def has a darker vibe
I agree w u abt play w me and slow dance so there's not much to say there
I actually rlly liked love therapy, minus the chorus which was just alright (BUT IT GETS STUCK IN MY HEAD OK...). The synth was simply too sexy. Also the fact that the song starts out w "I need some therapy" is so funny. This could've been the mx version of vixx's "lalala I need therapy" song. If the chorus was stronger I think this song would be a fave
Omg hy*ngwon composed the title track? Good for him. And yeah, the chorus is super catchy, and the build up to it is so good. Also the guitar at the end was SO good (<- extremely predictable for me). I was just listening to it again and I caught the subtle saxophone and IT SLAPPED......
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thisdogpaystaxes · 2 years
Ancient Dreams In A Modern Land by MARINA: Album Review
good evening, the wax pen and salad combo rn keeping me humble.i have only heard one (1) song from this album, so this is a raw dog. lets get into it, one tab for tumblr and the other for lyrics
starting with ancient dreams in a modern land, obviously the statement piece of the first half of the album since it is the album name. such a savvy intro, you know hot people are attracted to this kind of instrumental. she knows what she was doing naming the album after this song. it just screams confidence, independence and self love all laced with the sort of inquisitive energy to make you want to feel how she does (i do the same thing, thats why i know this song already). i love the dreamy contrast of the bridge
moving on
venus fly trap WOW. this is fucking fantastic??? her flow is insane, like the way she will accelerate during bold, !!!! lines, u kno? i fucking love this im going to throw up everywhere. this is so black and white from electra heart, its so beautiful to see her growth while maintaining her unique sound. i adore the sound and lyrics for this one a lot
oh man here we go UMMMMMMM I DONT WANT TO LIVE IN A MANS WORLD ANYMORE GIRLLLLL SPEAK YOUR DREWTH! i appreciate the strict contrast between the chorus and the other lines, and the way the bridge has the softness of the chorus is super important. i love her voice so fucking much
i enjoy not being able to predict her sound or flow based on titles
purge the poison WOWWWW little society song! so contemporary of u marina! i like her flow because shes telling a story and then the chorus is the reminder of the underlying message. i really like this, its not in your face about the messages, they are all really perfectly presented
i like the sequence of notes she hits in the intro to highly emotional people, it really goes with the lyrics and how you feel reading them, but it also provides this really cool form of pathos. something about that pitch creates a feeling of sincerity. its like "its okay to be vulnerable, you need to confide in others, you're loved" like its a really beautiful message, and i really appreciate her dedication to representing mens mental health in her songs like this.
new america is a very very insane switch up from the song before? UHHHH HER SEGWAY INTO THE NEXT LINES... her fucking voice is so god damn insane. this albums theme is definitely social injustice within america. that makes sense too w the album name. love the cohesion, good work marina.
pandora's box i have high hopes for just based on the name and the first lines. i read them before the song changes to try to guess her approach. and see this is not what i'd expect. ok no this.... is painful? wowww the high note for "stacked against the odds" like that screams representation of a crying voice crack and i fucking love it. jesus christ this one is personal i have literally endured this and her voice captures the rollercoaster of emotions you go through when you're this hurt. jesus fucking christ this one is good.
OHHHHHH THIS IS SO ME. I LOVE YOU BUT I LOVE ME MORE? SO FUCKING ME. okay this is so delicious! the fast transition to the lines after the chorus is really cool, its like "wait theres more!!!" i needed this song in 2019 and 2021. i like it a lot, the. guitar adds a very specific angst to the song that i haven't really seen her do before from what i know of her discography
back to slow?
not loving this. i'm gonna cry i know it! this song is giving my ego the kubrick stare. i would never go back to like any of the ppl who have hurt me and songs like this just solidify it for me. like this is exactly why i am emotionally unavailable, i am so into loving myself now bc i had to go through years of dating some stupid spoiled twink. jesus christ i love this song. flowers, you are a great song.
okay goodbye sounds interesting. knew this hard piano would come in! OOOOOOO OK OK OK OK STOP IM NOT DOING OK IM SO SAD IM SO SAD I LITERALLY HAVE TEARS STREAMING DOWN MY FACE THIS IS SO APPLICABLE IM GOING THROUGH THE WORST FRIENDSHIP BREAKUP IN MY LIFE? im so fucking emotional this hurts so bad she fucking gets me! she has this chokehold on human emotion, the way that her voice and instrumental and lyrics are all so beautifully cohesive is genuinely fucking awe inspiring. this song is going to definitely be on repeat. my stomach hurts. i love this song.
no the name happy loner is gay im sorry. but i like the lyrics. i, too, am emotionally on the edge of a knife. wowwww thats really good i have felt that way. that is exactly how i feel every time im depressed. i don't really love this song, i know its probably one that'll grow on me with time for sure.
pink convertible is suuuch a cunt name. i feel like this has to be up beat bc the last song was like heavy. oooooo ok the rhyme scheme in the lyrics is interesting in this one. oh what. so i like the lyrics, not too sure on the presentation. it's definitely like "think about my lyrics" instrumental. like the minimal instrumental until the dreamy chorus is so rad actually. the minimal instrumental is when its like serious and sad. but its dreamy when its addressing that we are living in a fantasy while everything around us suffers for it. okkkk no i like it i like it.
damn okay last one, that was fast. ok girl i seeee u. back to the self love theme, the independence of being a woman. literally like you spirit is so important and i get that righteous sense of "fuck you, i will never be suppressed by anyones actions" vibe that i genuinely fuck with. also like ur a loser if u try to hurt women anyway. women r literally beautiful no matter what, like just their spirit and warm nature is better than words. and then theres fucking men. like.. look at u! hurting the universe's gift. women are the best. i like this song.
great album. 9.7/10.
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riodoesstuff · 5 months
mar. martin beloved/p (ALSO SORRY LATE REPLIES ILL GET TO THEM SOON GRAHH) . what exactly does Contramão cover in the song? like the meaning of the song.. im roughly guessing a somewhat dettachment from life? (ALSO DO U HAVE ANY TIPS ON HOW TO SING MEU AMOR OR CONTRAMAO i really wanna add these songs to my karaoke list for hangouts with friends but. oh my god they sing so fast in meu amor [i think])
I actually dont know! cuz i somehow never gave it that much of a deep thought to it, except some vague feelings; I searched the meaning and found a pretty good interpretation of it, I translated it so I hope its easier to understand :-) + MY OWN INTERPRETATION (I TRIED MY BEST)
ALSO UHHH TBH MY BEST TIP WOULD JUST TO SING IT A LOT!! AND SING ALONG WHILE READING THE LYRICS!!! Your brain kinda memorizes the sounds and stuff, so it gets easier with time; I myself do that to english/portuguese songs that are kinda fast paced; And its okay to not nail it 100%!! sometimes, they are so fast that your tongue twists, and you just give up sisidjsihs
The song 'Contramão', performed by the artist O Grilo, delves into a deep reflection on life, time and romantic disappointments.
Through poetic and introspective lyrics, the singer expresses feelings of uncertainty and nostalgia, questioning the ephemerality of experiences and the constant change that time imposes. The song's chorus highlights the idea that experiencing great love is something idealized, comparable to cinematic narratives, suggesting a certain disbelief in the promises of happiness perpetuated through romantic love. This disillusionment is reinforced by the repetition of 'Nothing new under the Sun', an expression that evokes the incessant repetition of situations and feelings throughout life, suggesting a cycle of endless repetitions.
Furthermore, the song uses metaphors such as 'the planet turning in the wrong direction' to illustrate the feeling of alienation and disconnection with the world around. This powerful image reflects the feeling of being out of sync with one's environment and social expectations, a recurring theme in The Grilo's work, which often explores the complexity of human emotions and the search for meaning in a chaotic world.
Tbh to me Contramão feels like its a song about repetitive routines with nothing new in them, leading to a sort of detachment from your reality, like having your brain going on autopilot and just letting yourself get dragged around by this repetition; Due to this detachment you just kinda feel like something is wrong or missing
I think it also talks about the idealization of love (like the interpretation I got from the internet);
Also its fun that they mention Carnaval since its a big holiday full of happy ppl dancing and enjoying themselves (AND LOVING!!! We have a joke here that Oct/Nov babies are a product of a carnaval love 😭); So the passing of Carnaval could mean the singers' happiness leaving along with romantic disappointments
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dreamdripdistance · 1 year
ok im gonna do my album rating of 5 star by skz. anthony fantano eat ur heart out. this is very long winded lol.
hall of fame: BANGER i always love skz's opening tracks and theyve always been my fave, and this one carries on that tradition, that lil synth in the bg reminds me of phobia? maybe? smth like that but it rules. banger. love chans "hear the people call my name-" line, it just gets u so fucking HYPEEEE.... some if it reminds me of like. scifi movie soundtracks?
s-class: ok this rules and exemplifies the kinda annoying kpop that i Love. cant wait to put this on the car stereo and torture my siblings with it :) i love the lil breakdown with changbin and han's rap, its kinda off but its saur silly i like it. hate felix's delivery in his pre-chorus line though, it sounds weird? lmao... love them bringing back the hiphop influences to their stuff, it just works with their vocals and Vibe so well!!! seungmin looks so fiiiine in the mv too <333 augh <3333
i dont really see this sticking around for very long unfortunately, like a lot of skz title tracks? its just a lil out there compared to majority of kpop title tracks out at the moment which is a good thing and is why i love the group, but its probably going to get swept up by smth else :(
item: ok this is annoying as fuck in bits but a BANGER in others, "ITEM! ITEM! ITEM! ITEM!" is gonna be stuck in my head, and the lil post/mid chorus thing absolutely rules, its very catchy lmao (reminds me of smth? itll come to me at some point)!! chan and seungmin <333 AND minho rapping ??? augh <333333333 have i mentioned this is catchy as all fuck? it really gets stuck in ur head lmao, like it got stuck in my head from the fuckin teasers lmao... the prechorus melodic bit is a bit forgettable but it serves its purpose lol
super bowl: why is an nct song in this album? also i haaaate whisper vocals and the concept is kinda.... idk, its like gods menu but a bit more try hard? i understand the kinda darker sound theyre going for and its a banger !!! but ough the lyrics make me wanna shrivel up i cannot. i Cannot. im so sorry i cant even listen to this ironically, and i Religiously listen to regular (english version) by nct127. work.
topline: ok this slaps im sorry like FUCK!!!! WHAT A BANGER !!!!!!!! the prechorus line "we dont give a fu-" is so funny to me please let these fully grown ass men swear jyp its gonna be okay lmao... i also Love tiger jk's feature, wish he was in it more lol. BANGER. fave song so far, its so cohesive to me and it works so well with their sound and vibe im obsessed, i feel like i need to fucking blast this over some loud ass speakers. best song of the album
dlc: im so sorry . i dislike this. lmao. this sounds like some kinda 2018 radio shit. i have no other words, i p much skipped it a minute in. i cant handle the Quirky piano sample in the "we're only going to dance like crazy" part and the breakdown is so mid
get lit: THIS REMINDS ME OF ANOTHER SONG that i cant exactly name (ill figure it out n edit it in) but ITS P GOOD, i love minho's higher range he has such a fun vocal texture <3 the breakdown is kinda boring especially since we have such Good examples from skz already but its still a banger, if they have a choreo to this ill be excited to see it. this absolutely wouldve been a main track if this was a different group tbh, and i LOVE the overall more lines given to lee know in the album im so !!! he finally gets the lines he deserves <3
collision: i never particularly like the slower tracks from skz??? theres some exceptions but most of their voices lend to their normal gig which is fast paced and hype shit, and this is an example of that. idk, its alright. i like it ig, i didnt skip it halfway like dlc, so. lmao HFBDKDB. its fine lmao, defo a b-side
fnf: this almost sounds like its trying too hard to be Sincere and Emotional ??? idk. same kinda deal that dlc had, its not like skz CANT do emotional (phobia my beloved) but its just kinda? idk? it falls flat.
however, i havent seen the lyrics translation but i heard this song (and the mv coming out) is dedicated to the recovery and the victims from the 2020 australian bushfires, which is really sweet and personally i know people in my life who would be really touched by that, so maybe the mv and lyrics will change my opinion, but on the surface from an eng speaker it falls kinda flat instrumentally
youtiful: im sorry i cant listen to this im so sorry i respect and love the people who think this song is so meaningful and great and whatever but im sorry i Cannot. i didnt even get a minute in. godbless. thank you saur much.
the sound (korean version): this song always reminded me of like district 9 lmao. my opinion of this song stayed the same from the og jpn version, except maybe i like the flow of the kr ver. raps slightly more? their jpn releases and lyrics have gotten a lot better in 'the sound' tho lmao
mixtape: time out: 90's movie ending song??????? sure! very different for skz, i have to respect it tho lmao. kinda just reminds me of day6 HRBDKDHS
AND THATS IT!!!! overall a W of an album, i havent been hyped for a release since go live, since noeasy was where i kinda dropped off with their albums, and that continued on until case 143 (which is imo. worst skz main track. sorry.) but yeah! love these guys very much and im excited for this album to absolutely destroy my spotify wrapped like go live/in life did ! YIPPEEEE
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eerienike · 2 years
1. Wine Red - The Hush Sound
fell in love with the song ever since i saw a fnaf animation to it and rediscovered it 2 years ago
2. Black No. 1 - Type O Negative
i just vibe to all of their songs
3. California - White2115
a polish song and whenever i listen to it i feel like on vacation
4. She’s my religion - Pale Waves
a lot of love songs remind me of my ex, but i guess i could pick this one as a representative
5. Dani California - RHCP
everyone must hear the chorus like i do, im literally in another world whenever its playing
6. Anybody Else - Dom Fera
one of my favourite songs ever and i basically have a whole dance routine for it in my head
7. Bizarre Love Triangle - New Order
I dont have a drivers licence but when i have one i definitely want 80’s pop in my car
8. We don’t have to dance - Andy Black
Not exactly about alcohol but one of it’s consequences i guess
9. Paradisin’ - Rina Sawayama
that song always kind off takes any emotional baggage of me and lets me chill and smile while humming
10. Sextape - Deftones
not exactly makes me sad, but i listen to it while im sad and thinking about different things and i usually end up crying
11. Around the World - RHCP
another rhcp song, again i love the chorus and the bridge at the end of the song
12. Connecting - Halyosy
i listened to the polish cover of it when i was 12
13. Where is my mind? - Pixies
a classic but i like it
14. Look Around - RHCP
i never really thought about music for my wedding, but i guess i could see guests dancing to this song lol
15. Jenny - The Orion Experience
what can i say, a cover (i actually think its better than original)
16. Swan Lake Op. 20 Act II No. 10- Tchaikovsky
i dont know much classical music but like how sad it starts and then takes a dark turn in the middle
17. TikTok - Kesha
a song to goof out a little bc i cant sing for my life
18. Time to dance - P!atD
used to be my fav song and i still love it and the whole album too
19. Empty Houses - A Foreign Affair
i relate a lot to this song and it always kind of makes me think about my choices
20. Welcome to Japan - The Strokes
my current fav song and also i think i could make a few interpretations of it
21. Bloody Mary - Lady Gaga
i loved it before Wednesday came out and hey its my name in the title
22. Kaonashi - Daria Zawiałow
its a song about going forward and ignoring the past (not exactly in a good way) while being blind to the future and it kind of pushes me to do so too
23. About a girl - Nirvana
very underrated for a nirvana song, needs more recognition
24. But it’s better if you do - P!atD
i just hate the pop monster brendon has turned into and wish they would make more amazing music like afycso
25. One Rainy Wish - Jimi Hendrix
my fav of his ig
26. Romeo and Cinderella - doriko
im actually addicted to this song, the best love song ever 10/10
27. Razorblade - The Strokes
it reminds me of my mistakes in my last relationship so i sort of hate it but the music is so good that i still love it
28. Circles - KIRA
gumi is my favourite vocaloid okay
29. Rumour has it - Adele
i cut my finger while dancing to it in the car and puked later
30. bathroom community - glass beach
my ex picked it for me as a song that describes me and I just can’t not agree, i actually like it so much that it fails to ruin my mood with an ex reminder
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5 Songwriting Tips For The Lazy
It’s funny, being a songwriter myself, I always find that writing songs can sometimes be a chore. But why does it feel this way? Isn’t this supposed to be my passion? Isn’t this supposed to be something that I never get bored of?
well, not exactly. Everything gets boring once in a while, even the things that youre most passionate about. So every so often I like to take the lazy man’s route to doing things. And surprisingly, I often produce some very good results!
So listen up. If you newbie at songwriting, or even if you have been at it for a while — I’m going to a couple of simple tricks that will help you start the writing process within minutes.
Here we go
1) Review a particular situation in your day. It could be at work, during your travels, or at home. It could be with your workmates, your family or your friends. Just any situation that affected you in either a positive or negative way.
An example of this would be “when you’re at work, your boss just keeps hounding you. But, the only thing that keeps you going throughout the day is that you know that somebody in the office has a crush on you”
(the above is a very dry example but try to work with me here!)
2) Write down as many words as you can think of that relate to your situation.
Let’s follow the example from earlier on:
anger, pain, sad, happy, excitement, nervousness, anxious, misery, impatience, relaxation, goofy, sophisticated, annoying, frustrating, antagonising, fancy, sexy, cool, pretty, smile, etc, etc you get the point
3) Write down random short sentences about your situation including the words that you mentioned him step 2. So let’s continue in our little experiment
the way he talked to me really angers me if only he knew the pain I suffered inside when I see her pretty eyes light up it makes me smile I have to act cool and sophisticated — don’t want to get frustrated he doesn’t know what makes my day go by don’t want to be in this misery for much longer
Etc, etc. at this point it’s important to note that you don’t have to use all the words that you mentioned earlier in step two. As you can see Ive even started to make up my own lines *without* any of the words too! Sometimes, I’m rhyming the words without even realizing. And this is exactly where the magic starts to happen
You can easily turn this idea into a full-fledged song. Use rhymezone.com to help you find words that rhyme and also other related words as well.
My example was very average and simplified — but you can use an example that’s a little more dramatic. You should really get wild with your ideas! Really, just let loose.
4) Listen to a backing track (an instrumental of a song) that you have NO CLUE about. While its playing, make up a melody. Doesnt have to be perfect, just create a melody on the fly. You dont have to sing any lyrics either. Just humm or laaa a tune out until youre hearts content.
Why do this? This is an exercise that will subconsciously preparing you to create melodies for youre own chord sequences in the next step.
5) Create a SIMPLE chord progression on the guitar or keyboard. When I say simple, I mean *simple*. Maybe TWO chords for the verse and TWO chords for the chorus. Now create a melody on top of that chord progression. Record the song on tape. There you have it.
NOTE: if you dont play an instrument, then hook up with someone who does. After all, you pretty much have half the song now
Still think its difficult conceiving an idea? Want to know more? I have *plenty more* that I want to share with you.
You need the best Songwriter ? Check this out HERE
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400 Flowers
Chris Evans x Actress!Reader Summary: How does it feel to lose to an Italian group of 20 year olds, Chris? Word Count: 1k+ Warnings: Måneskin because I wanted to add them, dont fight me on this i need a plot, crack fic, fluff, i still use y/n /:, google translated Italian for like one sentence, typos, jealousy, etc.
A/N: HEYA as I promised, I would make another addition to my actress!reader crack fics. because im tired grandpa. i hope yall enjoy this cos it's what ur gonna get 🤩
Also pardon my google translate Italian T_T
If you're new here, here are the said fics, which you dont have to read btw to understand this fic: Dude, She’s Just Not Into You | White Bread | The Other Guy
Here's another part cause yall wouldn't let me sleep 😴
I forgot who wanted to be tagged so im just tagging everyone from The other guy and the ones who asked to be @time-for-a-lullaby @christmaswonderworld @readsreblogsfics @marianastudiesart @r2gers @undergroundstyle @notbrooklynsblog @marc-rogers @lam0ureuxq @mickymouselol1 @kimmyevansblog @captainwans @lizamango @freyathehuntress @freshfreakoaftrash
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Watch: Y/F/N Talks About Chris Evans and Måneskin While Answering Questions From The Internet
"Hello everyone," I start by smiling and waiving. I introduce myself and what I'm doing, "and today I will be attempting to answer all the questions you have for me, gathered from the internet."
There is a cut.
"Ah," I look up, "I would say my current obsession is this Italian group I encountered." I clarify, "well, I'm not really in the business of being obsessed anymore, I think," I sigh and shake my head, "not since my One Direction phase. But I do very much like this band.
"They're called Måneskin," I then break into a laugh, "and I had, like, a mental break down when I found out that they weren't in their 30's and were just in thier 20's," I sigh and throw my hands up, "I'm..." I give a confused look, "so old?"
There is a chorus of laughter from the staff behind the camera.
I shake my head again and sigh, "at least," I chuckle, "I will eternally younger than all of my male co-stars ever."
The chorus of laughs get louder.
Another cut.
I am now furrowing my brows over a photograph they were showing me. Said photograph is flashed on screen. It's a worms eye view of me up on stage, barely holding onto a plethora of flowers. It's a screenshot of a tweet that's captioned: where/when is this from and why are people talking about Chris Evans because of it.
"Ah," I nod, "that was taken," I puff out air from my cheeks, "I don't know when exactly, but it was during one of the nights in our two week run of Seasons In Osaka, which is a musical play I starred in.
"I can guess that this was most probably when Chris watched opening night, judging by how overwhelmed I am carrying that large bouquet I have in my arms."
Another cut.
I nod and raise a hand, "Chris Evans." I look away in thought, "I... he watched the show a total of four times," I break into laughter, "which was already excessive in and of itself, but every time he would watch, he'd bring me a bouquet of 100 roses and I would distribute it to everyone on set, the cast, the actors, the extras, the crew, the director, the musicians, the technicians, the producers. I actually did that with all my flowers, because without them I wouldn't have shone as brightly as everyone said I did, so," I shrug, "it was the least I could do.
The comment section of this video:
I'M FUCKING FERAL CHRIS EVANS BOUGHT HER 100 ROSES PER SHOW AND I TAKE SHIT FROM UGLY MEN WHAT THE FUCK [10k+ likes] >>>200 REPLIES<<< FOR REAL THO HE'S SET THE BAR SO HIGH [1.6k+ likes] REMEMBER IF HE WANTED TO HE WOULD [5k+ likes] RIGHT. They are literally perfect for each other I'm sobbing. [905 likes]
Y/N having a mental breakdown over Måneskin issa mood [3.6k+ likes]
Everyone who thinks Y/L/N-Evans isn't a thing 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 [5k+ likes] >>>62 REPLIES<<< People who say they aren't together 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 [598 likes]
Chris Evans Settles Dating Rumors With Y/F/N Once And For All | CONAN on TBS
Conan leans in and sighs, "Chris, just give it to us straight."
Chris breaks into a laugh then falls into a poker face, nodding his head all serious, "yeah."
Conan looks him dead in the eyes and asks, "are you or are you not dating Y/F/N?"
Chris sighs and slaps his lap, "you know," he turns to the audience then back to Conan, "I've been answering this question for what feels like forever, and I feel like no one's listening to me."
"No, no, no, no," Conan shakes his head and his hands, "I'm listening," he motions to his side, "America is listening," the crowd cheers and Chris laughs, "we're all listening."
"Yeah but," Chris chuckles then regains composure, "I keep saying yes, but it's like you're looking for a no."
Conan protests, "well maybe if you weren't so darn confusing, Chris, this would all be behind us!"
Chris boobie grabs himself as he laughs, "you wanna hear the truth or do you wanna hear what you wanna hear?"
Conan looks at him for a moment then bursts, "I wanna hear what I want to hear and that's the truth! This is literally what Captain America stands for!"
Chris raises his hands, "I haven't handled the shield in a while."
Chris chuckles and shakes his head, "we're," he sighs, "very close friends."
Conan looks at Chris
Chris looks at Conan.
"Friends?" Conan asks.
Chris nods, raising his hands in defeat, "that's the truth."
Conan's eye twitches.
The crowd begins to boo. Chris gives a look to the audience, "really? You're going to boo me for being honest?" He clicks his tongue.
"But you- and she- and- but the-"
Chris turns to Conan, "it's okay. You'll understand when you're older."
Conan makes a face, "understand what exactly? That love is dead?!"
"Hey! I love my friends!" Chris defends for absolutely no reason, "and I love her bits and pieces, so don't be so dramatic."
"Dramatic?!" Conan shouts dramatically, "you don't love your friends, Chris."
Chris breaks into a chuckle, which morphs into a concerned look on his face, "I- uh... you don't love your friends."
"NO!" Conan shouts back, "I would sell Andy for spare change and some candy!"
Chris loses it as he turns over to Andy, who was spectating everything from the other couch and nods slowly, "it's true. He's tried."
"Aww," Chris chuckles then eventually frowns.
20 min video titled: How Måneskin Is Making Y/L/N-Evans Extremely Volatile
It all started when, *insert clip*:
"I would say my current obsession is this Italian group I encountered."
"They're called Måneskin."
... happened.
Since then, all hell has broken loose.
A clip of a red carpet event.
Måneskin is at the AMA's in their suits and the interviewer asks them, "do you guys know that you're Y/F/N's current obsession."
The group all breaks into a smiles and starts getting excited.
The only girl in the group, Victoria, replies with a wide grin, "yeah, yeah! Our fans were freaking out about it."
"I saw it on twitter," the vocalist, Damiano, says, "then," he breaks into a giddy laugh, covering his face, "I started freaking out. I ran to the other room and started telling everyone about it."
The group agrees with him.
"It's like a dream," Damiano shakes his head.
The long haired drummer, Ethan, raises a hand and chimes in, "I love her very much. She is amazing."
"I lover her too," the guitarist, Thomas, adds, smiling.
The interviewer smiles back at them and agrees along, "and I'm sure it's mutual, you guys."
Damiano then, with his mischievous lopsided grin turns to the camera and says, "I don't mind dating older or younger." He points to the camera and shoots his shot in Italian, "if you want to go out with me, call me, "se vuoi uscire con me, chiamami." He seals it off with a wink.
His members turn to him and holler.
The interviewer, living for the drama, asks, "hey, hey, what was that?"
"He asked her out," Thomas laughs.
Ethan continues, amidst his chuckling, "It's like, if she wants a date, call him."
"Yeah right," Victoria says in a scolding manner, "as if she'd go for you."
"Well," Damiano clicks his tongue, "you never know."
"Well, I'm also available," Thomas says.
Victoria knits her brows in offence then says, "me too!"
Ethan, seemingly not sure of what was going on chuckles, "me three!"
There is an argument amongst them in Italian and it's all pretty chaotic.
I'm in a sparkly, golden dress for I too am at the AMA's, smiling at an interviewer.
"You have Måneskin quite whipped for you," the interviewer says, making me laugh.
"Why? Did you talk to them, did they say anything?"
"Uh yeah!" she nods, "I just talked to them a few minutes ago they were all all shooting their shot at you. Damiano specifically asked you out in Italian."
I throw my head back in laughter, "what? How do you know that, do you speak Italian?"
"No, but I have my sources, as in their cute drummer Ethan translated for me."
I break into another laugh then fan my face, "well," I click my tongue and wiggle my brows, "I know what I'm going to be doing tonight."
A photograph of Måneskin with me in the middle. A normal photo, one with all of us with our tongues out, one where Damiano was carrying me, one with Victoria kissing my cheek.
Yeah that was the equivalent of a forest fire on the internet.
A screenshot of these tweets:
@ChrisEvans: Why is everyone telling me to learn Italian? @ChrisEvans: [replying to @ChrisEvans] I have a strong inkling it's not because my maternal grandfather is Italian...
And replies to that tweet
@pepanna: [replying to @ChrisEvans] this man literally ON the internet and still can't google? @marvelsloot: [replying to @pepanna] disappointed but not surprised
@y/nisqueen: [replying to @ChrisEvans] sir, with all due respect, if you're going to lose to anyone, maybe dont to someone half your age ☠️
@steve0ger$: [replying to @ChrisEvans] IF I DON"T SEE AN UPDATE OF YOU AND Y/N IM JUMPING INTO TRAFFIC
@teaishotloser: [replying to @ChrisEvans] ok but chris evans vs maneskin when @donttalktomerat: [replying to @teaishotloser] ngl vic could kill chris no questions @chrissleftboobie: [replying to @teaishotloser] me but chris v simu
Chris getting asked by one of the fans at a press con whilst a couch interview.
He makes a face, repeating what was asked of him, "do I have plans on marrying Y/F/N?"
The fans go absolutely livid and scream their head off.
"You guys," Chris makes a face as he grits his teeth, "wrong movie."
His costars and the audience laughs.
The director of the new film he was in says after laughing, dead serious, "answer the damn question, Evans."
Chris turns to him in shock, breaking into a laugh. He points at the woman and says, "hey, I don't like your tone."
Someone in the crowd echoes, "answer the damn question!"
Chris turns to the crowd and chuckles. He places his hands in his pants and licks his lips, "I don't like your tone."
After a moment passes, Chris eventually answers, "well," he pulls out his hand and pats his thigh, "apparently I lost to this Italian band." He pinches his nose bridge then fake cries, "it's over you guys."
A clip of someone screaming BITCH WHAT THE FUCK
A screenshot of more these news articles:
See: Chris Evans and Y/F/N Lock Lips In An Audi
It looks like they really enjoyed themselves.
Y/L/N-Evans Caught Kissing in Evan's Car
What a time to be alive.
If You Were Wondering If Y/L/N-Evans Is Real, You Have To See This
Evans and Y/L/N Confirm Their Relationship
But for real this time
Y/F/N: We've been telling everyone we've been dating.
It's time to get that betting money.
Onto literally the pettiest video on the internet, this:
"Me or Måneskin," Chris asks as he holds up a phone to my face.
I look at him, past his phone. He covers his face with his phone and whines, "Måneskin or me!!!!!"
"Why are you doing this? Where you paid to do this?"
Chris replies, "I'm trying to prove a point."
I roll my eyes, "Måneskin."
He turns the phone to him and smiles, "see, I told you!"
The comment section of this video:
HELP WHY THE HELL ARE THEY LIKE THIS [13k+ likes] >>>50 REPLIES<<< Because it's real 😌 [1k+ likes]
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missmouse25 · 2 years
Something In the Water - Max Fewtrell
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Hi love! I hope you like it ❤️ gender neutral first person pov + Max pov in italics // 719 words // i dont think there are any warnings in this. enjoy!
----- 2021
It was a crazy finale to the season. And the perfect place to watch it all was in the garage; which is exactly where I had been. Our whole team talked about it when we met for breakfast the next day. But now the racing was over, the real fun was about to begin.
“Oi, which way are we going, mate?” I almost yelled.
Who had let Lando plan our day trip?
“Um, I think it’s this way,” he said with little confidence.
“Give me the papers,” Ria butted in. “I’ll sort it out.”
While the others sorted out everything, I took a moment to look around. Abu Dhabi really was a beautiful place with its unique architecture and stunning clear skies. The history and culture that was all around.I was distracted by it all that I dint realise when I bumped straight into something. Or rather, someone.
~ “Ow!”
It happened so fast, I barely had time to register what was going on.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry!”
I looked up from the floor to the person who was speaking. He had a worried look on his otherwise handsome face.
“Let me help you up!”
“It’s ok, I’ll manage,” I said, forcing myself onto my feet.
The man still, however, tried his best to aid me but seeing that I was already up, picked up my bag instead.
“Again, I’m so sorry!”
“It’s ok, you meant no harm,” I attempted to reassure him. “And I’m not hurt. Mostly.”
His eyes went wide.
“No, no, no! I just meant it might hurt for a bit but nothing is broken.”
That seemed to calm him down a bit.
“Can I make it up to you somehow? Can I buy you lunch?”
The question took me by surprise and I couldn’t help but laugh a little. Again, I told him it was fine but he persisted.
“Well, I can’t do lunch today anyways,” I said and watched as his face fell. “But I can do tomorrow, if you aren’t busy.”
Instantaneously he perked up again.
“But before I commit, I’d like to know the name of the person I’m having lunch with…”
“Oh, sorry.” He held out his hand, apologising for the umpteenth time. “My name’s Max.”
We had lunch together the next day. And coffee the day after that. A quick walk. Ice-cream cones. Watching the sunset.
“Do you think you’ll be able to come to England anytime soon?”
We stood looking out over the ocean, leaning on the boardwalk railings, close enough that our arms kept brushing against each other.
“I’m not sure. Is anything stopping you from coming back to Abu Dhabi though?”
Max laughed softly – something I’d quickly come to admire about him. It was captivating in a way.
“I suppose nothing really.”
That unspoken feeling settled between us again. I knew tat id enjoyed every second id spent with him over the past few days. And I knew he’d felt the same. Neither of us was sure where to go from there. Do we say goodbye and mean it? Do we wait a whole year and see what happens?
“We’ll keep in contact,” Max said, turning to look at me. “And we’ll make a plan to see each other again.”
He held his hand out to me an di took it.
“We will,” I replied and smiled.
I had been warned that it would be crazy. Little had I known it would be this intense.
My grip on Max’s hand was the tightest it had ever been as we walked between the crowds and finally made out way into the McLaren hospitality.
“How you feeling, love?” Max asked once we were safely out of the way.
“Woah…” Was all I could manage.
“I’m sorry, I know it’s a lot.”
“Oh my gosh, Max!” I teased. “You don’t need to apologise! I’ve already told you!”
That made him laugh and my heart fluttered.
“Guess it’s just something in the water here.”
“Maybe it is. I can’t wait to see what the UK water does to me…”
Quickly I pulled him in close for a kiss. A chorus of cheers and whistles broke out behind us.
But it didn’t matter. All I cared about was Max and being in love with him forever.
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tender-rosiey · 4 years
hii, hope your day is good. I was thinking of requesting chuuya, dazai, atsushi and any other character with an s/o that wears glasses, if you dont mind can you write some headcannons about that??
its okay if you dont i know you must be busy but if you can thank you so much! have a nice day/night!! your writing is amazing btw so creative✨❤️
❥ BSD Characters with a s/o that wears glasses
❥— Includes Dazai, Chuuya and Atsushi
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ᴀ/ɴ: hey! I hope yours was great as well <3 I am honored you liked my writing and I hope you enjoy this as well 🥺💘
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Dazai Osamu:
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First of all he will steal it like he does with kunikida
Thief of hearts and glasses
He sometimes purposely picks them from the lenses to annoy you like bitch no >:(
Somehow knows where you keep it all the time
So like whenever you ask him if he has seen them he will get them for you
He likes seeing you different styles of glasses and will give his opinion in a rather— extra way
“Oooooo~ these look wonderful as well!”
“Osamu, you said that all of look good-“
Yes extra way but still useless opinions
unless you want real criticism of course then he will say it in a sweet way :D
“Maybe you could try another one, my love?”
If you get insecure about what how you look with them then worry not cause our cute hot brunette will make that self-esteem hit the roof
“What do you mean you don’t like it? I think you look majestic with glasses.”
“Nope, NUH-UH! Negative opinions are invalid in here. You are stunning.”
Oh yeah he likes trying your glasses too
He will go ‘✨how do I look, belladonna?✨’
If one day you forgot your glasses and Dazai also was lazy to move his ass back to your house and get them for you
Then he will be there by your side 24/7 to make sure you don’t run into a pole and break your nose which he pecked when you were hurt before
Yay nose appreciation too 👌
Oh yeah to end this on a good note
He once sat on your glasses and broke them ☺️
Ended up rubbing his neck and smiling sheepishly
“Sorry my love~”
His face was like ( ´ ▽ ` )
Nakahara Chuuya:
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All your glasses are designer ones
Very Expensive
You are his lover, you take NOTHING less than perfect
Chuuya likes it cause he has more things to spoil you with
Already knew how to ACTUALLY hold your glasses
And is very careful when you tell him to hold it
Because of the money how he knows that it’s annoying to have someone hold it wrong
Another great hype man
“Looking great, dove.”
“I like this one a lot.”
“How about you try this instead?”
Man takes style seriously 🙄
And likes when you turn to him for advice about it
Not in his presence
“Babe wtf, you look A M A Z I N G with glasses!”
“Stfu I love you for everything about you, especially your glasses.”
Oh yeah, he has a whole cupboard for your glasses
Like a ✨ collection ✨
If you feel bad that he spends too much money on your glasses then he will just kiss you to shut up
Assure you that he enjoys spoiling you
Honestly I am surprised he isn’t broke at this point
Nakahara Chuuya NEVER and I mean NEVER broke one of your glasses
He doesn’t touch them unless they need to be fixed
that is speaking that he doesn’t just get you a new one
Chuuya and forehead kisses for absolutely no reason
Nakajima Atsushi:
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Way too careful if he holds it
Oml sushi calm down bby
The glasses won’t break if you hold it
“Am I holding it correctly? :(“
Yes honey
Now sushi is at your complete service at this point
Takes care of your glasses really well
And despite his efforts
He sat down on it once and broke it
Then started a chorus of apologizes and saying that he won’t do it again and that he will get you a new one
Often ends up staring and admiring your eyes :0
Gets super flustered when you point it out
Is AWESTRUCK when you try different styles of glasses
“This one looks really pretty on you!”
“Hm, maybe another one would do your face more justice?”
He asks if he can try your glasses awie
Somehow suits him too?
You don’t like how you look with glasses?
Ma’am this adorable bean will compliment the hell out of you with such determination
Is his reaction when you told him you don’t like how you look with them
“It makes me sad that you don’t see yourself the way I see you; you are a literal angel that is as beautiful as the sunset!”
Poetic Atsushi?
I think YES
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copyright © 2020 tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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