#like ribbons on wrists
words-are-fireproof · 2 years
With the Kids in the Gym (Ribbons Part IV)
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(gif by @nicolethered)
Summary: Marcus helps Missy with Guppy and goes out on a limb.
Rating: T
Content: kids being kids, uncertain Marcus Moreno should come with a warning, anxiety, disabled canon and original character, Marcus being soft and fluffy.
A/N: As always, this story is unbetaed. Sorry, not sorry. ;P
Word Count: 3.9k (this chapter is chonky)
[Masterlist] || [Series Masterlist] || Part Three || Part Five
The sounds of the gym met Marcus’ ears as he stood outside the big glass windows. Big brown eyes watched as Missy and Guppy trained in front of a large mirror and punching bag. Guppy pummeled the punching bag with her shark strength, and he couldn’t help but laugh when Missy had to jump away from the bag because it kept swinging precariously on its carabiner. He couldn’t exactly tell what his daughter was saying to the little pint sized hero, but whatever she was saying wasn’t exactly sinking into the little one’s head.
Despite whatever Missy was–or wasn’t–accomplishing, he couldn’t help but feel a surge of pride for his daughter. He never doubted her for a second. Not when the entire fate of the world rested on her small shoulders. Not when the subsequent training seemed to push her down. She kept getting back up. Every single time. He knew exactly where she got her strength from. Others would say that she got it from him, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. She got her resilience from him, maybe, but her strength she got from Laura.
A sharp pain stabbed furiously in his chest.
He took a deep breath to try to steady it, to make it go away, but it lodged there and didn’t want to move. This happened every single year, sometimes more than once a day. Around this time of year, it seemed to linger from sun up to sun down and sometimes it even seeped into his dreams and nightmares at night. Of course, Aaron’s words and the reason why he currently stood at the gym doors didn’t help matters either. He knew that. He also knew it wouldn’t go away until he did something about it.
He took a deep breath, carding a hand through his shaggy dark hair. He needed a trim. He’d set up the appointment later. For now, he let the breath steady him as he pushed into the gym, letting the door shut behind him. His eyes surveyed the thinning crowd. All the kids were there with various equipment. Training. Rewind and Fast Forward seemed to be working together much smoother than they had in the beginning. After the takeover, they still had their issues, and sometimes they didn’t work together well, but any progress was better than nothing.
Slo-Mo was the real MVP of the post-takeover team up. The slow moving hero finally moved at almost regular speed now. With Missy’s and his dad’s help, he finally learned how to control his speed. There were still moments when he moved too slowly–he noticed it when the kid seemed tired at the end of day or after a particularly long training session–but for the most part, the kid moved normally. He chalked it up to Missy’s strength as a leader–among other things.
A sense of pride welled in his chest, replacing the sharp pain for a little while.
The only person he couldn’t see in his survey of the crowd was the one person he wanted to see the most. Keilah. A frown tugged at his lips, and he tried not to entertain the disappointment he felt rising within him. Maybe she left early that day. Maybe Aaron just wanted to tease him. Maybe pursuing her would end up being a fool’s errand. Marcus didn’t know, but he didn’t like the feeling currently settling inside of him. It felt needy and desperate and oh, so terribly stupid. Why did he think he could do this, whatever in the hell this was? He was a widower. No matter what Aaron said about getting a life, it already didn’t feel worth it.
Another sigh and he walked through the gym to Guppy and Missy, just barely missing a whack from the punching bag.
“Guppy,” Missy began, exasperation tinged the edges of her voice, “try it again. Focus on the power you feel when you’re in a rage but don’t actually go into a rage.”
Guppy whipped around on Missy and bared her teeth, snapping at the older girl fiercely. Marcus chuckled softly as Guppy began waylaying the bag again.
“How’s it going nina?”
“Well, I’ve already had to break up Fast-Forward and Rewind today. Wheels is skipping arm day because he thinks he doesn’t need it, and Wild Card’s just been messing around and setting mats on fire because he can.” She huffed, her hands settling on her hips.
“Sounds like a normal day for me.”
She snorted softly. “I don’t know how you do it.”
“Well, if you remember, I didn’t do a good job of it. Not at the end, after all.”
She made a face, her lips and nose scrunching a bit. “You have a point.”
“Don’t I always?” He asked as he playfully reached to pull her in a one armed hug.
“Dad,” Missy whined playfully.
“Missy,” Marcus whined back teasingly. But he let her go.
She never failed to make him feel better. He felt a surge of gratitude for her. Gratitude and pride. It threatened to boil over making him insufferable, but he held it back. She didn’t need an overly prideful father who couldn’t see her shortcomings or help her overcome them. She needed someone to help her whenever he could. He admitted, he didn’t always have the answers, but he was more than happy to try.
This felt like one of those times.
“Do you want me to get onto Wild Card?”
She shook her head. “You know it wouldn’t work.”
“You have a point.”
Then, his gaze landed on Guppy. “What’s up with her today?”
“Shark Boy and Lava Girl are off on assignment.”
“Ah. She’s having a hard time adjusting,” he said knowingly.
“You know her well,” she admitted easily.
He wasn’t sure how true that was. He felt like he knew Guppy well. Truthfully, he had a soft spot for the little girl. In a lot of ways, she reminded him of Missy when she was her age. Missy had been a wild child. He and Laura had a hard time reigning her in. When she had just learned how to walk, she toddled everywhere, getting into everything, tearing books off shelves and pulling pans out of cabinets to bang on them and make noise. She had a wicked temper sometimes. Only Laura could calm her in those days. After she’d died, Missy seemed to calm down a lot, perhaps somehow knowing that he’d need a much more mellow child. He loved both sides of Missy. Just as he adored both sides of Guppy.
“I do,” he concured. “Tell you what. Take ten or go help someone else. I’ll handle her for a little bit.”
Relief immediately spread over Missy’s face. “Thanks, Dad.”
She left to go help put out one of Wild Card’s fires. He watched her walk away with a smile before he turned his attention back on Guppy. The little girl’s wild punching of the bag ceased. Wide blue eyes trained on him and her stance immediately softened. He grinned, crouching down to get on her level.
“Hey, Guppy.”
“Marcus!” She wrapped her arms around him in a hug. “What are you doing here?”
He hugged her back briefly. “Well, I’m here to see if Missy needs any help.”
She pulled back a little to peer at him curiously. “You’ve never came and helped before,” she said, her little lisp making him smile wider.
“No, I know.”
She frowned. “Did we do something wrong?”
He settled her gently back on her tiny feet. “What? No.”
“Because when the grown ups come to check in on us, it’s because we did something wrong.”
Marcus shook his head, his kind eyes trained reassuringly on her. “No, Gup. You’re fine. Though,” his gaze flicked over to Missy and Wild Card, “I might have to get onto Wild Card.”
She crossed her arms over her chest. “He’s not being very nice to Missy.”
“Yeah, I know. But he’s just a kid. You’re all kids. You’re allowed to have bad days sometimes.”
Her little face scrunched up as she stood there and thought what must have been a mighty large thought. His expression softened and he had to resist a laugh as it began to bubble up in his chest.
“Yes, little miss?” The nickname fell from his lips easily without him even realizing it.
Her lips curved into a wide smile that almost devoured her face. She liked that nickname. He’d have to remember that.
“Are adults allowed to have bad days, too?”
The blood in his veins buzzed a little bit. For a moment, he allowed his attention to drift. The sound of a fire extinguisher hissed to his left. He tilted his head. He didn’t need to look behind him to know that Missy was dutifully putting out literal fires. Then, to his right, he heard the door to the gym squeak open and squeak shut, latching with a soft click that he felt more than heard. A rather unfortunate training mishap had seen the then head of HQ swap out all metal from the gym equipment, but the door hinges and door knob hadn’t ever been changed. They always pulled at his powers when he wasn’t paying attention, his fingers tingling with the life in them.
When he looked toward the door, he saw Keilah with her head down, stalking across the gym with her head down, hair swept up in a ponytail. Her ever present headphones sat dutifully in her ears. His heart pounded in his chest. Aaron was right. She came to train at the end of the day. In the back of his mind, it made sense. With the kids here, there were less adults present. Less adults meant less people intent on bothering her. He’d have to remember that.
Keilah sat her stuff down at the leg press just across from them. Marcus watched her for a long moment before he remembered that Guppy asked him a question and he hadn’t responded yet.
He cleared his throat and returned his attention to the little girl in front of him.
“They have more bad days than you think they do.”
Her eyebrows furrowed. “Do you have a lot of bad days?”
Marcus nodded. “I do.” He took a breath, considered, then continued, “You know this morning I destroyed a sofa bed because I had a bad night.”
The look on her face broke his heart. He briefly wondered if it was a bad idea to let her in on his bad days, but if they helped her, maybe it wouldn’t be a total loss.
“Missy says I need to control my shark frenzies because it’s bad for the team.”
“You don’t think they’re bad, do you?” He asked curiously, figuring he knew what the little girl would say.
“I’m stronger when I’m in them,” she stated with a shrug.
“Maybe you are, little miss, but think of how much stronger you’d be if you channeled your strength and were fully conscious of what you were doing.”
Guppy lifted an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, you should stop relying on your frenzies and train your natural strength.”
She stared at him for a long moment before shaking her head. “I don’t understand.”
Marcus blew out a breath, palming the back of his neck as he tried to think of an easier way to explain what he meant. All the while, his eyes drifted over to watch Keilah as she began her work out. He longed to talk to her, but he knew that helping Guppy was the right thing to do. That and he could hear Missy and Wild Card arguing behind him.
“Okay, so. Your frenzies put others at danger because you let anger…push you along. Right?”
“Yes…” she answered slowly, uncertainly.
“So what you need to do is find inner peace. There you find your greatest strength.”
She frowned. “How do I do that while fighting?”
“I’m not sure.” He rested his hands on hips, fingers tapping his belt in thought. “You meditate, right?” Guppy nodded eagerly. “What do you do to meditate?”
She shrugged elaborately. “I just sit down and not listen to people.”
A strangled laugh died rather unceremoniously in his throat. He shouldn’t laugh, but he couldn’t help it. It was such a simple answer for such a complex little girl.
“It doesn’t help, does it?” She shook her head. “I didn’t think so.” He tapped his belt some more as he continued to think. “Okay, we’re going to try something. It’ll be a work in progress, so you’ll have to trust me.”
“I trust you.”
You’re the only one, he thought bitterly, and he wasn’t even sure why he thought it.
“So…can I ask you something? Before we start?” She shrugged. “How do you feel right now?”
Her face scrunched in thought. “Sad. I miss my mom and dad.”
“I know how that feels. Being sad. You know how I use my sadness to fight? I channel it through me and let it fuel me, but I also use it to calm me.”
“Sadness calms you?”
“Yeah, in a way. Because I miss my wife, and when I think about her, it makes me sad but I also remember the good times we had together. So, think of your mom and dad and think of all the good times you have when they’re here.”
“You think that will help me?”
“I think it could, yeah. So, try it. Punch the punching bag and let the sadness and happiness move through you, but try to keep the anger at bay. Try not to be angry at them. They will be back soon and think of how great that will be.”
Her brows furrowed thoughtfully as she slowly turned to face the punching bag. She considered it for a long moment then started punching the bag, slowly at first, then quicker as time went on. He wondered if what he said was working for her. He wished he had powers of telepathy, but then he was glad he didn’t. Telepathy would be too much to bear for him. He knew this far too well. He’d seen good heroes come and go who had telepathy and they couldn’t be saved. He didn’t want to be one of those people.
His thoughts were pulled from that line of thinking and he turned to watch Keilah as she sparred silently with a holographic sentinel. Marcus envied her solitude. He wished he could have just a fraction of it. He wondered if it would make him feel better. Maybe it could help him feel more centered and less out of control, especially now as he dealt with the memories that continued to pummel him, even as he stood there. He listened to the faint squeaks of the punching bag, not paying attention to Guppy until he heard the loud thump of the bag breaking free from its hook on the wall and falling to the ground a few feet ahead of them.
“Oops,” Guppy quickly covered her mouth in horror. “I’m sorry, Marcus.”
“Hey, it’s okay. There’s no need to apologize.” He glanced between the downed bag and the little girl beside him. “Are you angry?” She shook her head. “How do you feel?”
“Strong,” she beamed in pride behind her hands.
“I’d say it worked, then, don’t you?”
“I might have gotten a little angry.”
He crouched down in front of her. “Can I ask why?”
It looked like Guppy was about to answer when her blue eyed gaze rose to just past his left shoulder. He turned to be met with Keilah, all beautiful and wonderful and standing there with her hair pulled up in a ponytail, barely breaking a sweat despite her fight with the sentinel. She smiled down at him and his heart skipped a beat. He tried to ignore the fact that Guppy stood there, watching him and his reaction to the woman. He could see out of the corner of his eye that the little girl was smiling from ear to ear. Dios mio.
“Uh, hi,” Marcus said as he stood up to face her.
Hi, she hastily scrawled on the notebook she held in her hand. I wondered if I could help you?
“Help…help with…” He trailed off and motioned at Guppy who just giggled.
“My name is Guppy!”
Hi, Guppy. If you have it handled, then I can just go.
“Oh, no. It's fine. You can help. Of course you can help.”
She laughed and looked at the bag on the floor before scribbling quickly, Can’t help with the punching bag, though.
Marcus chuckled as well, trying to keep from snorting unceremoniously. He turned to look at Guppy. “Want to move to the sentinels?” The little girl nodded eagerly. “Perfect. Let’s move over there.” Then he frowns. “I won’t be kicking you out, will I?”
Keilah shrugged. It’s okay. I’m not feeling like training today anyway.
He laughed again. “Noted.”
The three of them went off to the little corner of the gym that Keilah once occupied and the three of them began to train. Marcus tried to keep himself from staring at Keilah too much, but he didn’t feel very successful with that endeavor. She looked beautiful. Even with the headphones in her ears. Even in her gym clothes. Especially in her gym clothes. He tried not to be lewd, but as she crouched down to help Guppy, he couldn’t help but sneak a look. He immediately felt dirty and straightened up, averting his gaze from her to focus on Guppy.
Soon, Guppy was off fighting sentinels on her own and the two of them watched her closely. He stood near enough to Keilah that he could feel the heat radiating off the skin of her arm. In fact, he could feel the blood singing in her body, the iron calling to him faintly under layers of skin, muscle, and sinew. It felt so strange yet not unwelcomed. Not at all. Marcus liked feeling it. For the most part, he’d learned to ignore it. But with her, it was hard to ignore. It felt like a siren’s call, his fingers tingling with the feeling. He wanted to reach out and touch her, but he couldn’t imagine that would go over very well. He knew it wouldn’t. So, he shoved his hands in his pockets and tried to ignore it.
He also tried to ignore it when he felt a very soft hand lay briefly on his forearm. He turned to face her and was immediately met with her notebook full of her delicate writing.
My name’s Keilah. I’m sorry. I realize now we’ve never properly met.
He shook his head. “It’s alright. I’m Marcus.”
Her cheeks turned a light pink as she wrote quickly. I know who you are. I used to have your poster hanging up in my room. She looked mortified as she tucked a lock of hair behind her ears, showing him what she wrote.
He chuckled, palming the back of his neck awkwardly. “Oh, um, thanks, I guess?”
She scribbled quickly on her notebook again. Sorry. This is awkward. I…don’t usually talk to people.
“Is it okay if I asked why?”
I’m deaf.
His eyes briefly widened. “Oh, oh. I’m sorry. I don’t know why I didn’t realize that. It makes sense now.” Then his brows furrowed in thought. “Do I need to be writing on the notebook too? Would that be easier?”
Her shoulders relaxed a bit and even the blood in her body seemed to stop moving so quickly. Her heart slowed down. He felt it and immediately knew the answer to that question.
It would be, actually. Reading lips exhausts me. I try to make do, but it doesn’t always work.
Marcus smiled, holding out his hands expectantly for the notebook. He tried to ignore the way her eyes seemed to shine at the realization that he was serious. He was going to do this for her. He wondered how many people overlooked her because of her disability, how many people didn’t make concessions for her. He imagined that more often than not, people didn’t care or take the time to learn what she needed to thrive.
When he took the notebook, he immediately started writing. What else would make you more comfortable? If you don’t mind telling me.
She stood there, considering that for a long moment before she took the notebook again to write, I can’t think of anything right now. If I think of something, I’ll let you know.
He nodded. Awkward silence settled over the pair. Guppy continued to fight, but Marcus noticed that she was beginning to slow down. The girl must be getting tired. He shut off the simulation after she downed one of them with some difficulty. Confusion shone all over her face as she looked over to the both of them.
“That’s all for the day, Guppy. You did good, little miss.”
She beamed. “Thank you, Marcus.”
“You’re welcome. Now get cleaned up, okay?”
She nodded eagerly, disappearing into the newly designated kids’ locker rooms to get cleaned up and changed into her regular clothing. One by one, the other kids began to do the same, all of them in various degrees of exhaustion until the only people left in the gym were him, Keilah, and the trainer who had the rather unfortunate job of trying to find a new place to hang the punching bag. It made him chuckle quietly to himself.
Suddenly, he felt the edge of the notebook poke into his chest. He looked down, eyes scanning the writing.
You’re good with her.
Guppy? Oh, yeah. She’s one of Missy’s best friends. She’s fun.
It seems like it.
Yeah. He took a deep breath, about to hand the notebook back to her when he took a leap, deciding to add something to it that made his heart pound in his chest. Do you want to go get lunch with me?
Her eyes widened briefly as she considered, writing back hastily, Sure.
He couldn’t believe it. She said yes. He thought maybe she would let him down easily and say no, but no. She said yes. He could hear the hollow rush of his blood pounding in his ears. His fingers prickled with his barely contained powers. At the front of the gym, he could hear the hinges and the door knob of the door squeaking under the pull of his metal manipulation. He swallowed thickly and stuffed his hands into his pockets.
“Sorry. Um, great. That’s great. Is tomorrow too soon?” Keilah shook her head. “Good. Good. That’s…that’s great, actually.”
She beamed right as Missy came out of the locker room, her bag slung over her shoulder. “Dad, are you ready to go?’
He turned his attention to his daughter. “Si, I’m ready. Let’s go.” Then he turns back to Keilah. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow, okay?” She nodded. “Perfect.”
He smiled, in fact, he couldn’t stop smiling. His powers still tugged at the metal in the doorframe despite them being shoved in his pockets. He could still feel the slight tingle of the iron in her blood. He tried to ignore it but couldn’t. For the first time in a long time, he felt alive. Now if only he could stop himself from going power crazy before he got home. This should be interesting.
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sofiaruelle · 2 months
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Would you dance, if i asked you to dance? 😫🫣
A wip for now,,,,
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wolfythewitch · 2 years
What 10 years of being lost as sea does to a mf
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waitineedaname · 6 months
reading the novel, i love how blatantly indulgent of the juniors lan wangji is. when he was their age, he was duelling wei wuxian over broken rules and lived his life by behaving as precisely as what was expected of him, and now as an adult, he's basically letting the juniors do whatever they want as long as it isn't unsafe and generally letting the kids act like kids
which leaves wei wuxian to have to be the one playing bad cop. wei "has never followed anyone else's rules in his life" "bane of lan qiren's existence" "public enemy number one" wuxian has to be the one being like "oh my god don't burn money on someone else's doorstep, don't you know that's rude. you kids need to focus on your studies more, why isn't anyone teaching you anything useful, do i have to do everything myself around here"
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ok4ru · 1 year
THE UPPERCLASSMEN, IT’S HERE!!! Part 3 of this post
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naffeclipse · 2 years
I kept forgetting to ask this shsjvdnsvs but abt the Cryptid Sightings and Sleuth Jesters y/n swap- what if they swapped bodies as well? So they were in the other's universe, but also looked like the y/n of that au?
OH that would be a trip and a half for the Y/N's! Imagine looking in the mirror and not finding your face, your clothes, or anything else right, but everyone treats you like another person that you have no awareness of.
The boys in their respective AUs would have a difficult time comprehending what's going on as well. The detectives would think that Y/N must have hit their head or even been drugged or something to that effect to have their "memory" so terribly affected.
The cryptids would know something's off. They'd consider that there might be a possession in play and some demon is infecting their little hunter, which would not play out well for SJ!Y/N in CS!Y/N's body.
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malicemismanager · 5 months
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Ok ribbons have been cut and sealed, now I just need to buy the red and black ones and get more of most of the other colours (I kinda forgot I've used them for other stuff as well so I had less than I thought XD). And then when I post about the rest of the materials getting here (so in about 3 to 4 weeks, probably) I'm gonna need ya'll to do me a solid and remind me to not attempt to make all 100 of these damn chokers in one sitting.
We do not need a repeat of last time.
For fuck's sake, Malice.
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hellbatschilt · 1 year
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Roseate Desire Hellbat, and Hole-In-The-Man YW SI :^) (what they're based on under the cut)
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gaal-dornick · 1 year
despite having it downloaded for months, only started to read the changeling by victor lavalle this week because i watched the trailer for the series, and i'm shocked to learned that somehow the story involves the main character being way too overconfident and cutting off a string his girlfriend got in brazil and that works like a senhor do bonfim ribbon. i'm sorry mate, she JUST told you the wishes only became true if you let it rip with wear and you come in and cut it? i would've given you the boot immediately
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This has been haunting me since forever. How tf does Kourin’s hair work.
Like yes I know she’s not the only person in cfv with Anime Hair but at least Aichi’s lil swoopy bang thing and Kai’s hairstyle and even Chrono’s fucking spiral could happen with enough hairspray and patience but how does Kourin’s ponytail hold her hair up??? The ponytail only seems to be connected to the hair in the loop, by all logic it should fall off the top of her head but it doesn’t how does it work 😭
#cfv#tatsunagi kourin#you don’t want to know how many times I’ve thought abt this and just had to take a couple minutes#like if you were doing a cosplay wig ig you could create her little loop thing with the same method some cosplayers use for pigtails#(i.e. the little tube that you’d just stick the ponytail on top of)#but how is supposed to work in the show??#‘if you’re so concerned about how her hair works why aren’t you more concerned about the possession or the supernatural forces?’#IT’S CALLED SUSPENSION OF DISBELIEF#yes I can accept card games that influence the fate of a planet but Kourin’s hair? that is actually where I draw the line#Kourin’s logically unsecured hair loops just haunts and vexes me#‘maybe it’s a hairclip/comb’ the hair tie falls to the ground like a ribbon during lj & Misaki wears it around her wrist in lm#‘maybe she just has a rlly short strand of hair at the top of her head that she secures it to’#first of all OUCH that’d hurt second of all we see her take it down so we probably would’ve noticed the shorter piece.#plus how tf would she get the hair tie around both her loop of longer hair and the shorter piece? it’d be real difficult.#I definitely think about this too much when it doesn’t even matter#both bc she’s fictional and bc I’m not planning to try to replicate her hairstyle#but c’est la vie#rekka’s is crazy too (the hair in her drills is probably longer than her hair in the back since they’re curly) but whatever
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screampied · 19 days
✩ㅤ cw. fem! reader, unprotected, established relationship, vırgin nanami, cowgirl, praise, size kink, premature ejac, mdni.
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virgin nanami loses it once you tell him to ditch the condom.
“sweetheart, i—” he’d swallow, choking up on his words once cool air settles against his skin. he swallows, chewing on his bottom lip once he feels a brand new feeling. the rubbery latex wasn’t blocking him anymore, and he groans once his swollen tip smears up against your entrance. soaked, he grows quiet once he looks down to see your dripping pussy hovering over his reddened frenulum that’s tearing up with glossed pre-cum. “god, ‘s warm,” the blond sucks in a single quickened breath as a curling pout twists against his lips. “a- are you sure?”
“ ‘m sure, baby,” you whisper up against the hot shell of his ear. he’s so warm, his entire body arouse with temperature all because of the sweet sound of your voice. the center of your palm rubs against his cheek and he leans into your touch. metaphoric heart eyes form in his eyes as they dilate, his own thumping heart beating out of his chest. “ ‘s okay, inside.”
“f- fuck,” nanami’s head gradually tosses itself back, and with quick alignment, he’s back inside. he kisses his teeth once he feels the real thing, your silvery walls massaging around him. the glossy sweat that pours onto his skin shines against his body glimmers brightly. he groans, letting off a soft whine once he feels the brief tightness grow snug. “you’re gonna make me—”
and within seconds, he’s cumming, hard. nanami barely even last a second after you take off the rubber, and he’s an entire mess. with a firm grasp, he’s reanimating your hips with his hands as you slowly jerk and move. “please,” he gently pierces his teeth into your neck, shivering breath ghosting against your skin. “don’t stop, s- show me how to feel good, please.”
his words were like a broken rough whisper — you pause, staring into his eyes and he’s sincere.
nanami’s heavily panting, beads of sweat racing down each sides of his forehead. fawn kind eyes bore into yours before he glances down at your sprawled out legs. “so pretty,” he hiccups, and even his touch was delicate. he was always gentle, he didn’t want to hurt you. a few thick padded fingers drag and scurry down your hips before his lip quivers. “i- i want you, i want more.”
“so have me then,” you coo against his ear, the tone of your voice more teasing than anything. as your hips start to salaciously rock into him again, you grab onto both of his wrists, trying to guide him. “there we go, ‘ken,” you whisper, and you can hear a bundle of wanton whimpers leave from his lips—never has he had a feeling like this, ever. he was so weak from your touch, your body heat, your taste. as your fingers tenderly brush against his, you make him cling onto your rickety waist. “hold me, like this.”
nanami groans, and he’s still sensitive, very. he just came, ribbons of balmy hot seed shoots deep into you and it’s warm. it makes both of his ears ring and he only wants more, more, more.
“okay,” he replies in a husky voice, and you can see blond shaggy strands of hair glue across his forehead. “o- okay,” he repeats, his tone dropping a bit lower. the bed mercilessly creaks as your rocking accelerates, his bulbous tip jabbing around every part of your cunt. once you show him how to touch you, he just can’t keep his hands off of you. “i dreamt about this for so long, sweetheart,” and he watches your pretty lips contort into an amused simper. “s- sorry, is that too dirty?”
“it’s fine baby,” you plant a kiss near the inside of his neck. a long breath gets caught in his throat. he’s about to say something else but he pauses, pouting deeply. cute, he’s embarrassed. nanami’s cock continues to rummage through your doughy insides, so much pressure that you feel it everywhere. your sappy folds squelch within each solid thrust before your arms wrap around his broad shoulders. “you dream about me?”
“sometimes, yeah,” he huffs, and the irregular unkempt thrusts slowly transform into pure blissful sync. nanami looks so pretty, he’s losing the more you bounce on his cock. so good, his jaw tightens and he’s feeling every vein in his body prod. you were starting to grow dumb as each second past and your moans only grew louder right with him. nanami’s head buries itself into your neck before he lefts off a frustrated whine. “it’s hard not to when you’re so pretty,” and his voice cracks at the end. you feel the tip of his tongue swirl around near your collarbone and you gasp. “god, you’re even prettier inside t- too.”
“yeah?” you whisper, creating a trail of sloppy kisses down the slip of his exposed neck. he’s moaning more at your touch. you feel his beefy thigh start to bounce before his palm squeezes against your bare ass. “you gonna cum for me again, kento? ‘s okay, be a good boy ‘n make a mess for me.”
a sheepish smile stretches against his lips, though instead of sheepish smile—it’s more of a pussy drunk one.
as you stare at him, his dimples poke against both sides of his cheeks and he’s getting lost into the way your hips twirl around him. “your good boy, mhm. all yours, ‘m gonna cum a- again,” and his voice lowers significantly. your clit’s profusely getting thwacked and mashed up against his fattened tip and it’s so appetizing. with nanami’s soft mousy eyes flicking backward until it’s nothing but pure white in his sockets, he gives your ass a soft spank. “k- keep riding me like that ‘n i’m gonna fall in love.”
and it’s right as he said that — he came again.
this time it’s a lot more. it’s thicker and languidly, you feel it spew out in velvety strips. his entire base was flaccid and he’s just idle inside of you. nanami’s whimpering underneath you as his legs finally collapse. you watch him fall back against the cushioned pillows and he’s so flustered. “mhh,” he grouses as multiple jittery pants leave from his lips. nanami wraps strong burly arms around you, holding you close. “stay,” he rasps, still hearing the sloshes of his dribbling cum trickle in and out of you. he’s shivering, his teeth shattering and he’s never felt more sensitive. he’s definitely in love.
“okay,” you nod, feeling him hide his head into the crook of your neck again. he’s so clingy—but you didn’t mind, and his warm breath tickles against your skin. you get a brief scent of his rich cologne scent that drives forevermore drove you weak. sitting up to press a chaste kiss against his twitching ruby lips, you whisper shakily. “good boy.”
and nanami’s eyes were so half lidded, your praises—he couldn’t get enough of them. seconds later and he’s still pouring into you deep, painting your gummy walls with his pristine-white color. with droopy eyes and flapping long lashes taking in your beauty, nanami whines. “more, don’t stop fucking me,” and you let off a gasp once he suddenly lifts you off his lap, lying you flat on your back. you land with a soft ‘oof’ before he spreads your legs, gazing at the satiny masses of cum that race down the crevices of your thighs.
“please,” and you moan once he drags his tongue up your legs, stopping towards your puffy clit. “teach me h- how to eat this,” and his eyes rove towards your slobbering cunt. you feel butterflies build up in your tummy before nanami’s quite literally drooling right before you. not only was he probably in love, he was also hungry.
“please mistress.”
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pokedoll-haruka · 3 months
update on the fish odor
the label clearly says that the odor is the scent of what being a live fish feels like. salty water, oxygen through your gills, not having math homework.
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portalgunslinger · 4 months
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thinking too far ahead maybe. after the events of the main story, cas, avis and lun retire from mercenary work to live more peaceful slow lives (and run from the authorities) Nik often worked with them but now since theyre gone they team up with an incredibly lost and traumatized Satin to show her the ropes. unfortunately nikolai has zero comforting skills whatsoever so 90% of the time theyre either bickering or awkwardly sitting in silence. i feel like after a while satin would begin to open up to him and they could bond over movies :3
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strawberryteabunny · 8 months
abelia ⇢ do you have a particular piece of jewelry you always wear or can’t part with?
I’m always wearing at least one brooch, but not always the same brooch. There’s a couple pieces of jewelry I wouldn’t ever want to part with that my friends or parents got for me as gifts, but I don’t always wear them.
Oh actually- I’m always wearing my cartilage piercing jewelry haha. I currently have two cartilage piercings (8 ear piercings total), one in each ear, but only one has an earring in right now because I somehow lost the other one- it’s a little silver sword :) the piercer who did it for me had a medieval mace piercing! I do forget to wear other earrings a lot, especially because my skin gets irritated easily and it’s hard to find metal jewelry I can wear. But those two once I put jewelry in I don’t take it out so they’re ‘always’.
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toadtoru · 1 month
putting pretty pink ribbons on satoru
contents: gn!reader, smut, minors and ageless do not interact!
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it’s ridiculous, really. but you saw some girl do it on tiktok, and now you can’t help but imagine how pretty he would look with the pink against his flushed skin. how his biceps would tense as you run your nails down the muscle, how the pretty ribbon would strain and create little red marks on his arms.
which is why you promptly go to the gift section next time you’re out shopping, buying 3 meters of ribbon for a dollar.
and satoru loves it. like, really proper loves it. you tie one around each of his arms, one around his slutty waist topping it off with bows and he’s obsessed.
now, whenever he has upset you, or he feels he’s waited too long for you to come home, or really at whatever minor reason he can come up with, he “wraps” himself up and waits for you like a lovely little gift.
and you indulge him, because how could you not? sitting in his lap, calling him a pretty present, slowly unwrapping him. it’s not long before you’re pushed onto the couch, pressed into the cushions, getting fucked out of your mind.
drool everywhere, eyes helplessly rolling back, tight little hole squelching as each thrust of satoru’s cock, his pelvis against your ass, pushes you closer towards the edge.
ribbon once around satoru’s bicep, now tied around your wrists, keeping your hands behind your back. you reach for his stomach, trying to push him back, get him to slow down, your walls clenching around the intrusion, but it all feels so good.
coherent speech long out the window, reducing you to a babbling mess, crying out pleas and little thank you’s as your orgasm is ripped out of you, causing your entire body to shake.
satoru whines, ribbon still tied around his waist, as he comes deep inside you.
“this is what you wanted, right, baby? fuck, my p– present for you.” he stutters, as he empties himself inside of you, before pulling out and watching his cum drip out of your abused little hole.
-> divider by plutism
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uvuyai · 3 months
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© uvuyai 2024. . . ~ ღ
𝐵𝒶𝒷𝓎, 𝐈'𝐯𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐝...
–tw. Mentioned false information, size difference, dub con, measuring, stomach bulge, cervix fucking, creampies, slight yan, rough sex, pinned down, bondage, overstimulation, dacryphilia, big cocks, pussy job, cuteness agression maybe(??), this will be ooc for some characters listed, mating press, fem reader,
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ღ ~ You were currently tied up(only your hands) by your quote on quote, "oblivious" boyfriend. He claimed he wanted to measure you and your body parts but you don't understand why he needed to tie you up on the bed. It's so you wont squirm too much, baby he says. You sigh and roll your eyes and wished to get this over with.
He climbs on top of the bed and sits beside you. You looked at him but he was busy with a stupid smirk on his face, looking down towards your lowerhalf. He hooked his finger onto the waistband of your shorts and panties and slid them down, a string of slick connecting with your panties and he threw the clothes somewhere in the corner of the room . “What are you doing?!”. You yelped and tried using one of your legs to cover your pussy. He sat in front of you, grabbed your thighs and slung them over his shoulders. You look at them, tears welded in your eyes as you gritted your teeth with flushed cheeks.
Your cunt was soaking his torso by now. You wiggled your hips trying to get away but got stopped when squeezed it and split your legs apart, your pussy on full display for him and only him. He unbuckled his pants and fished out his cock that he knew you loved. It was already thick, long, and painfully hard as it bobbed up and down right by your womb.
“I'm gonna do an experiment on ya, baby.” he moved his hand to stroke his dick as a bead of precum formed at the tip.
“You see where this is?” he points to your belly button and you nod. ”I've heard, that a woman's cervix, is right beneath.” he finishes as he dragged his finger a bit down from your belly button. You felt yourself blushing and looked away.
“Considering how big I am, I might just burst through your womb.” he emphasizes on the big. He has a weirdly built ego that makes you wonder how you even got together.
“But I don't think I needed this information considering i've fucked your womb countless times.” he was right about that.
He bent your calves so he could rest his hands on your knees to balance himself as he leaned over you. His dick plopped right over your cunt, slick covering the base of it. He rocked his hips back n' forth, stimulating your clit in the process. He noticed your panting getting more harsh. You whined, desperately trying to get out of this predicament.
More of your juices covered the underside of his cock. He seems lost in pleasure as his eyes were closed and he seemed to shudder and drool. He opened his eyes only to be locked with yours. If you look closely, you could see the hearts in his eyes mixed with lust. His pupils were slightly trembling as they stared back at you.
You looked away as the loving stare was too much for you to keep eye contact with.
A smirk was etched on his face. He moved himself back so that his thick tip was prodding at your soaking entrance. He moved his hips forward, pushing his dick up into your cunt.
His cock was covered in your juices and cream. The deeper he went, it felt like what he said was true. He would be able to burst through your stomach. He went down to your face and pressed his lips against yours. He bit your bottom lip for entrance to which you granted. He tongue quickly sped into your mouth, entangling itself with yours as he continued his thrusts up against your womb.
Your hands were desperately grasped at the ribbon holding your wrists together. Tears were streaming down your cheeks then he leaned down to lick them and slightly bite at your cheeks.
He spits out grunts and slight whimpers while a string of moans and mewls comes from you. He soon settled his cock deep inside you which made you cum with a cry as he hit that spot that you love. “Wow baby, came on the spot huh?” he gave slow thrusts but leaned forward so your calves were touching his. back
You tried to move your hips away but his veiny hands grasped harshly at your waist that it would surely leave marks and pull you on his cock so it can reach a deeper part than before. His thrusts got faster that so much so it hit your cervix with brutal thrusts. Your cervix felt as if a mouth was sucking the tip of his dick. “N-noo.. you're too roUGH!” you tried to push him away with your binded wrists but was unsuccessful from his brute stature.
You felt the coil in your stomach tighten. The bulge in your stomach signed how deep his was in your womb. You close your eyes tightly and let out a wanton moan followed by a mewl and whine.
After a few thrusts into your small womb, he released his seed into your womb, your stomach becoming slightly bloated. You closed your eyes in exhaustion. He moved himself back not pulling out. He looked down at your form and saw your body glistening with sweat and you lower half shining from the juices you and him produced together by pleasure each other.
His hand pressed down onto your bloated stomach which made his cum dribble out of your cunt like a waterfall. “Look at that, wasting my precious cum,” he says with a tsk and shakes his head. “Don't worry baby, I'll just fuck it back into you.” he leaned towards your face with a crazed lovesick look in his eyes.
“And I'll keep fucking it into you until I deem you as full enough to produce my child.” ღ
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CHARACTERS IN MIND: Childe, Kaeya, Itto, Ayato, Scaramouche, Jing Yuan, Sampo, Aventurine, Boothill, Gojo, Toji, Sukuna, Nanami, AND YOUR FAVS
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