#like rsl was acting !
houseswife · 3 months
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appreciation for the sheer melancholic fondness in wilson’s gaze at house during what he knows is the last normal interaction they’ll ever have; during the final comparatively trivial rant in which they don’t both have to pretend the world isn’t collapsing beneath their feet
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deadpoets · 7 months
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DEAD POETS SOCIETY (1989) dir. Peter Weir
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warlenys · 7 months
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house md, 5x17.
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Twink Robert Sean Leonard this, young Robert Sean Leonard that
Can we all just stop and appreciate older, mature Robert Sean Leonard with a beard. Fuck.
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"Wilson's Heart" completely wrecked me. Wilson bursting into tears and clearly feeling it so intensely made it hurt even more
And then chase, cameron, and foreman at the end? And Taub going back home to his wife? And cuddy falling asleep holding house's hand while he was recovering? And wilson finding Amber's last note to him? Fucking OW
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nyan-bynary · 10 months
One amazing thing that the writers of House absolutely got right was that from like 3 or 4 episodes before each season finale they'd start ramping shit up so much and not ever let the tension pause for even a second like a choke hold and even after all the stress they'd KEEP RAMIPING THAT MF UP UNTIL YOU'RE PHYSICALLY EXPERIENCING HEART PALPATIONS
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marc--chilton · 2 months
them using their own biology against eachother is fr making me insane because They Would. any thoughts on house fucking around too much and manages to send himself into pre heat??/wilsons reaction to that??
loveee the mgv writing/ideas so so much btw like I genuinely can’t get enough of it it’s incredible. and also like you just Get Them yk. everything I read I go Yeah they would do that.
(also wanted to add the bit you wrote about protective wilson a bit ago has being stuck in my head since i read it it’s just so oouuhgghhh. <3)
wilson gets a little too clingy and in a pique of annoyance house scrubs his palm against his own glands and covers wilson's mouth and nose with it. but he misjudges how far along wilson is getting into his cycle (read: doesn't realize his teasing has progressed it further along so he's very nearly in straight up rut now) and instead of it startling wilson into backing up, reassessing, and bolting home to deal with his rut alone, it just makes his eyes go hazy...... then wilson licks his palm. and when house flinches away wilson presses forward into his space to scent him right there where they stand, and oh fuck, house knows that all-over hot feeling anywhere.
and when wilson kisses his gland is when house finally pries him off, both of them breathing heavy, and mutters, "go home, wilson."
it's so bad that it takes him a minute to refocus, but when he does he flushes so hard. "oh god, house, i'm--"
"it's fine, just go."
wilson nods once, blinks hard, and he's gone. house puts in his notice the second he can without anyone suspecting they'll spend their cycles together. they're not (not to say they haven't before, but with wilson's marriages even doing it out of convenience was never guaranteed, and that's not even TOUCHING how it affects their friendship) but even if they were, house still wants to protect wilson's reputation, because if anyone thought wilson was involved with such an unpleasant, damaged omega like house, surely their respect for dr boy wonder would plummet
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unholymattressmoney · 9 months
been averting my eyes from that little wilson man on that doctor show bc i knew i KNEW i'd fall in love w/ him and wouldn't you know it...
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ierogenvy · 2 years
hm well.
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thirstforsalt · 2 months
Sorry I just I love you people for shipping Hilson so hard bc I have been in that boat since 2006 but I’m so sorry I really don’t think RSL shipped it (Hugh Laurie did tho)
And what makes it so bittersweet is like
If you accept those acting choices
It’s one-sided pining for the whole show
House realizes he’s bi in the episode with the Orthodox Jewish woman, when he confronts Thirteen about bisexuality
And from then until the end, Laurie is playing House as in love with his best friend
Like he KNOWS he’s in love with Wilson but Wilson is straight
RSL plays it heterosexual the whole time
Arguably homoromantic but we didn’t have the vocabulary
I genuinely think House would have fucked Wilson but not vice versa
And I think Hugh Laurie played House with that understanding
Idk how much of this was written and directed but it *was* acted
No one can convince me otherwise
And such a rich text!!!!!!!1
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house and wilson r both autistic and on complete opposite ends of the spectrum
(bear with me here i'm autistic myself and it's hard to articulate my thoughts)
wilson masks heavily. he knows he's different than everyone else and he tries so desperately not to be. he wants to be seen as a normal guy. he's the furthest thing from it but nobody needs to know that if he can help it. he knew he was different since he was a kid and it upset him. he worked so hard to create an image of himself that is palatable. he is very concious abt it. he clings to normalcy. his knuckles r white and his nails r digging into it. the only person he is ok with letting go of it for is house. house is is safe space. house is the one person he knows will not care if he acts a little different.
house, however, doesn't mask very much at all. if he wanted to, he probably could (although i also partially think he couldn't) but he doesn't. he just doesn't give a shit. he doesn't care abt what ppl think and he doesn't rlly care how he affects them either. he says what is on his mind. he is the way he is and he feels no shame for it. social rules r stupid and he doesn't respect them. he doesn't respect any rules.
wilson is primarily sensory avoident. he likes peace and calm. he especially doesn't like visual overstimulation. he likes things to be neat and pristine. when his space is organized, he can function. his environment influences the state of his head.
house is very sensory seeking. he thrives in chaos. he needs the outside world to be as fast and loud and hectic as his mind is. he needs noise and things to look at and something in his hand (his stupid red autism ball). he's never doing nothing when he's thinking. he likes soap operas and crappy reality tv partially because it's good background noise. it doesn't take up much brain power, but it's still a constant noise.
wilson has big body language. he is very expressive. i know this is rlly bc rsl is a stage actor and that's what they do but. let me have this. but that's just how he is. every symptom of autism exists on its own spectrum. some autistics have a very flat affect, very little body language, and very little expressions. some (wilson) have the exact opposite.
house doesn't outwardly show many of his emotions. he definitely feels them, they're very intense, but he doesn't display them. he isn't expressive, and it's not by choice. that's just naturally how he is.
this is more of a headcanon but whatever. wilson likes stim toys. he stims subtly (part of him trying to cling to normalcy. he needs to stim and he knows that but he won't do anything like hand flapping or rocking.), like with a fidget cube or one of those spinny rings. when he's alone, he'll sometimes let himself stim in bigger ways and it's a great release. he doesn't rlly need to stim as much as house does tho. also i think he'd love pressure and cuddling for stimulation. he'd like to be squished.
house is always stimming. this isn't a headcanon. this man is always doing something! pacing, playing with his ball, listening to music, he's always doing something for some sort of stimulation. he likes vestibular stimming and big full body stims best. he likes to move and do things. he likes to be busy. a fidget toy won't do much for him. he was a pretty active person before the infarction, and that was a great release for his emotions. but now he can't do the things he used to so he needs to constantly be moving. he doesn't get a big release so he's just constantly letting it out.
they're both very particular abt their ways of living, but they do not live the same way. wilson likes calm, house likes chaos. if this is disturbed, they get upset and distressed.
wilson has more shutdowns, house has more meltdowns. not to say they don't have both, tho.
also i feel the need to say this: house's special interest is humanity. he loves puzzles and humans are the greatest one of them all. everything he does is motivated by his need to know why people do what they do. oh and also monster trucks.
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starlightseraph · 9 hours
i just saw your post on RSL's opinion on hilson and I just want to share that he's played full gay characters in movies before and played a gay character on stage in which he actively kissed a man (who I believe is david harbour, a video can be found online) so I think he was actually just oblivious to the subtext and genuinely confused rather than actively against being involved in it
yeah, i’m actually aware of this, but i get the feeling that he’s a bit wilfully oblivious. but, then again, he has said that he’s headcanoned a character of his as gay (can’t remember exactly when). but how could he not see at least the possibility of hilson? even if he doesn’t think the ship fits, he said in interviews that he thought it was weird people were even going there, as if the strangeness of house and wilson’s dynamic isn’t constantly acknowledged and mistaken for romantic in the show itself. it’s totally fine if he disagrees, i’m just honestly baffled that he doesn’t seem to understand where people are coming from.
but i definitely agree, he never comes off as actively disliking the ship just because it’s gay, it just feels more like the heteronormative “well they’re not explicitly gay, so they must be straight” mentality.
i’m not trying to go after him or anything and i hope it didn’t come off like that, i mostly find it funny because his acting is a big part of the reason people ship hilson in the first place lol.
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hugeegosorry · 1 year
like to think college actor!Wilson is canon and rsl was his pseudonym but. he abandoned acting after that and never really talked about it (maybe out of shame) and then one day House puts on that dead poets movie he never got to watch bc he’s so incredibly bored and high and he sees this
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and suddenly he’s never been so goddamn invested in a movie before
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warlenys · 9 months
like. wilson was trying to fuck him here. how does rsl think this is straight acting
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I will give Robert Sean Leonard some credit because he seems like he hates his characters being shipped with almost ANYONE that they're not canonically involved with. It's just his weird little thing. Guys gotta protect his peace ig
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housethemd · 9 months
I was watching some House bloopers and there is one where RSL messes up his lines and he says,
“I don’t know who I am right now. I don’t even know what play I’m in right now.”
Like oh you sweet little baby. You precious stage actor.
Basically RSL mainly doing/preferring stage acting is just my favourite thing.
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