#like satan below it's such good material
Sausage sitting in a pew in his cathedral, hands clasped together tightly with a sunflower rosary between his palms.
He's not praying, not actively, but sitting in his church gives him comfort. There's actually no thoughts swimming around his mind for once. His head is an empty echo chamber with no sound to echo.
His eyes are wide and his whole body is shaking. He's crying as well, a steady stream of hot tears run down his cheeks and drip from his beard.
There's no way he just met Santa Pearla. His Saint Pearl. And she's a janitor?
The lady in a silky soft green dress - blooming with fresh sunflowers and vines - looked so much like her. Saint Pearl. But this lady from a foreign world insisted she was not a god. She said she handled trash all day, cleaned floors with a mop and a dirty pair of overalls.
Sausage sobbed, bowing his head behind his clasped hands.
Her name was Pearl though. Just not his Pearl. She looked so much like Santa Pearla, she sounds like her too. The resemblance was uncanny, terrifyingly so.
When she stood at the head of the church, in the sunlight, she looked beautiful. She was breathtaking with her crown of sunflowers catching the light and illuminating the petals like a halo, and the way her hair fell around her face and practically shimmered in the light.
Sausage had fallen to his knees and wept over her beauty - or maybe it was because he had convinced himself she was his god. That he was seeing his god in his church, speaking to her.
What a foolish thing to believe.
Sausage's hands fell. He curled in on himself in the pew. His rosary fell to the ground, around his feet.
Were his beliefs founded upon a false god? Had he somehow convinced himself such a woman was worth worshipping? Was everything a lie? Had he been praying to, believing in, raving about a lie? Was his church built for a lie?
He was going to puke if he didn't stop thinking. He needed a distraction he needed to talk to someone he-
He needed his religion. He needed his Saint. He couldn't lose his faith. What - or who - would he have left then?
Sausage leaned down and picked up his rosary, still shaking, and held it between his palms once again.
And he prayed.
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cauldronlakefiles · 10 months
Alan Wake and The Implications™️ of Gnosticism as told by Carl Jung (1916)
So in AW2 NG+, there is a new video called "Spiral," where he ruminates on the implications of what the Spiral could mean (spoilers below, and a very long post ahead)!
"There are loops beyond these loops. Vast, complex super structures. Beyond what's happening to me now, ahead of me. And I'm there as well. A version of me, something I have become- some elevated, enlightened version- an archon, a demiurge, a demon of some sort- playing a secret game."
Now this is veeeery interesting to me. 
In the Gnostic religion, The Demiurge (literally "artisan" in Greek) is described as a creator of the material world. He is the God of the world, but not the God of the universe. Think Cronus or Odin, under Uranus and Burí. The Demiurge cannot create something out of nothing. He takes matter, already existent and created by the upper god, and turns it into our world, though it comes out imperfect due to the matter being imperfect. 
Then, we have another Greek word admist his monologue: the "archon." The archon is Greek for "ruler" but in Gnosticism, it is the builder(s) of the universe, composed of a team. There's usually seven, and each one rules a planet.
And finally, the demon. That's self-explanatory. In Gnosticism, the definition is interchangeable with the Archons. The Archons are demons and the demons are Archons. Yes, this is relevant.
What I find interesting is the intersection where these definitions meet, the center of the Venn diagram. The Demiurge, the Archon, and the Demon is Yaldabaoth, The Son of Chaos and The Prince of Darkness. He is also known in some iterations as Samael, the Angel of Death, and is primarily viewed as the precursor to our modern day Satan, as well as the Gnostic equivalent to Seth, Saturnus/Cronus, and Typhon. He is described as having a face made of "half flame, half darkness, defiled with blood." 
If you ask what his morality is, you will spur a fishtfight among the occult (as I found out by perusing the various forums and subs). He is generally considered evil or amoral, but he used to be depicted as a genuinely "good" God. He is usually described as arrogant, a "fiery nature," ignorant of higher powers and jealous of other gods. 
Now, Jung further developed his idea of the Demiurge and Archon and Demon from Yaldabaoth, giving him the name of Abraxas, as taught by Basilides. Little is known about Abraxas, as the sources beyond Jung are scarce, though his name dates back to the ancient Greeks. The church burned much of the text that held his name. The Catholic Church outright banned him for being a pagan God and a demon. He is the God of time, and is more powerful and more dualistic than the aforementioned Yaldabaoth (both morally and figuratively) . He was a prominent figure in his book, *Seven Sermons to the Dead,* where he had this to say about him:
"That which is spoken by God-the-Sun is life; that which is spoken by the Devil is death; Abraxas speaketh that hallowed and accursed word, which is life and death at the same time. Abraxas begetteth truth and lying, good and evil, light and darkness in the same word and in the same act. . . He is the God of the cosmos, extremely powerful and fearful. He is the creative drive, he is form and formation, just as much as matter and force, therefore he is above all the light and dark Gods. He tears away souls and casts them into procreation. He is the creative and created. . . His power is the very greatest, because man does not perceive it at all. He is magnificent even as the lion at the very moment when he strikes his prey down. His beauty is like the beauty of a spring morn. To see him means blindness; To know him is sickness; To worship him is death; To fear him is wisdom; Not to resist him means liberation … Such is the terrible Abraxas … He is both the radiance and the dark shadow of man. He is deceitful reality."
Abraxas is duality, the God and the Devil combined in one. He is the beginning and the end. The first word and the last.
Anyway, we reach the part where he has successfully Ascended. He pronounces himself the "Master of Many Worlds." He becomes, in this sense, an "archon, a demiurge, a demon," and I can only imagine what that entails. Talk about a character arc! 
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skrunklowumbo64 · 6 months
DISCLAIMER: Don't engage with a toxic user that's being called out, just block, report, ignore, & move one.
Remember when I made a public apology for making a callout tweet about a certain Tumblr group of IDW Sonic critics (a certain fox was one of them) on Twitter like roughly 2 years ago?
Yeah, I was in good terms afterwards, but a year later, when I randomly saw the edgy sadist fox man wishing death on a comic book writer showing up in my personal Twitter timeline, I took my apology back from him (plus some of his associates overtime) & gave my two cents about it.
The reason why he wished death on a comic book writer was because the satanically evil boogiestans were harassing & doxing his friend who had cancer. You know the old saying, 2 wrongs don't make it right. This isn't the only toxicity thing he has done & I got several evidence to show below.
CW/TW: Excessive Slurs, Bigotry, SH, & SA
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Plus archived links to his Twitter & Tumblr accounts.
There are way more than what are shown in the images & I can't expect to find them all. Several or so of them are from a few years or nearly a decade ago, but it does prove that he's always been an heartless irredeemable sadist, even before IDW Sonic existed & before you pull that "years ago" defense card, his behavior hasn't changed for the better, like these for example (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11).
What do I think about him?
He's overly smugged, to a point of being arrogant.
He gets overly insecure whenever, for example, any Sonic game gets any criticism &/or negative opinions from people who're either fans of Sonic or not.
Most of his "critiques" are in bad faith.
He has extreme accusatory behavior (I.E. He accuses people of hating Sonic & not playing the games for daring to like anything non-game Sonic related, getting things about Sonic wrong, & making AU fan fics that differs from the games).
He has a habit of blocking anyone over the most pettiest things (I.E. Anyone using the term, Mobius, being told to calm down, people liking transgender Bridget, people liking SnapCube & Team 4 Star (he also wants them banned over it), etc.).
He constantly relies on ad-hominem attacks & vulgar insults whenever he talks to anyone he doesn't agree with, either directly or behind their backs by screenshotting their posts then posting them in his clique chamber to complain about it or both.
He's got this obnoxious Anti-WokeTuber vibes going on despite claiming to be against bigotry.
He gets easily butthurt over people enjoying any non-gaming media or anything in general of not just Sonic, but also Kirby, Castlevania, Dragon Ball, TMNT, & more as well.
He's a massive hypocrite, like for example, he hates anyone making & enjoying non-canon Sonic material while he's faving/making rule 34 fan art & fan fics involving sonic characters voring each other or any other fetishy things (which are also non-canon material).
If you're wondering if I'm aware about his certain questionable fan fics & favs, I knew already cuz I was the one that caused a chain-reaction on Twitter in the first place by randomly DMing some one rando about it & I honestly wish they shouldn't bring it up whenever they argue with said fox. If you want me to talk about what I think of this Dwai guy nowadays, maybe, but not right now.
How do you think I found out? I just googled the username, checkout their account on some furry site, & went to their profile from some controversial bunny site that's publicly shown on their profile bio out of morbid curiosity. Before you ask, I don't have an account on that controversial bunny site & never will.
My reaction to said content on there was disgust & uncomfortable. I hardly engage with those UCP addict types cuz they're not the most pleasant people to talk to & they're always predictable.
Did you know that he was banned on Twitter seven times, plus all tweets made before 2023 aren't searchable & apparently his first 6 bans had something to do with involvement with you know what? If you're morbidly curious about it, examples here. Remember, don't waste your time trying to argue about it.
The more I see toxicity from him, the more I having trust issues increased & regret making an apology to him, to a point where I think he's too FUBAR to deal with.
If he sees this, he's gonna be like, "TWEEGARD ZNOHVWEHK!", "MUH VWEE ZPEECH/VWEE KONTWEE!", "DOT TEEL MEE WAT 2 DOO!", "PEEOHWEETON!", "KOHTIZT!" "VWEEN/EYEDEEDUBBAHEW STAEN!", "CHUHZT SEH YOO HEHT SAWNIK GEHMZ & GOH!", "YOO HEHT MEE CUZ I KWEETESEYEZD VWEEN!", "CHUHZT PLEH DA GEHMZ!", "SWAENDOHAHR!", "STAHKR & HOHWAZZAHR!" the no you card, strawmanning, "At least I don't (Insert whatever bad thing the stans did)!", ad-hominem attacks, the "Stans are being mean to me!" sob stories, the whataboutisms, screenshotting then whine &/or being smugged about me in his clique-ish echo chamber, & more, guaranteed.
If you're saying I made this because of that one argument or whatever, I always had issues with him before it, not because of different opinions, but because he's the most insufferable individual to talk to due to his arrogant, nihilistic, cuss-happy, & creepy nature regardless if it's about Sonic or not.
For those who're about to ask me to make more callout posts about the people associated with him, I'm not interested & please don't beg me into making them.
If you also have issues with him, share your thoughts here, it also doesn't just have to be about IDW Sonic or Sonic general.
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Cody you swine. You vulgar little maggot. You worthless bag of filth. As we say in Texas, you couldn't pour water out of a boot with instructions printed on the heel. You are a canker, an open wound. I would rather kiss a lawyer than be seen with you. You took your last vacation in the Islets of Langerhans. You're a putrescent mass, a walking vomit. You are a spineless little worm deserving nothing but the profoundest contempt. You are a jerk, a cad, and a weasel. I take that back; you are a festering pustule on a weasel's rump. Your life is a monument to stupidity. You are a stench, a revulsion, a big suck on a sour lemon. I will never get over the embarrassment of belonging to the same species as you. You are a monster, an ogre, a malformity. I barf at the very thought of you. You have all the appeal of a paper cut. Lepers avoid you. You are vile, worthless, less than nothing. You are a weed, a fungus, the dregs of this earth. You are a technicolor yawn. And did I mention that you smell? You are a squeaking rat, a mistake of nature and a heavy-metal bagpipe player. You were not born. You were hatched into an unwilling world that rejects the likes of you. You didn't crawl out of a normal egg either, but rather a mutant maggot egg rejected by an evil scientist as being below his low standards. Your alleged parents abandoned you at birth and then died of shame in recognition of what they had done to an unsuspecting world. They were a bit late. Try to edit your responses of unnecessary material before attempting to impress us with your insight. The evidence that you are a nincompoop will still be available to readers, but they will be able to access it ever so much more rapidly. If cluelessness were crude oil, your scalp would be crawling with caribou. You are a thick-headed trog. I have seen skeet with more sense than you have. You are a few bricks short of a full load, a few cards short of a full deck, a few bytes short of a full core dump. Worse than that, you top-post. God created houseflies, cockroaches, maggots, mosquitos, fleas, ticks, slugs, leeches, and intestinal parasites, then he lowered his standards and made you. I take it back; God didn't make you. You are Satan's spawn. You are Evil beyond comprehension, half-living in the slough of despair. You are the entropy which will claim us all. You are a green-nostriled, crossed eyed, hairy-livered inbred trout-defiler. You make Ebola look good. You are weary, stale, flat and unprofitable. You are grimy, squalid, nasty and profane. You are foul and disgusting. You're a fool, an ignoramus. Monkeys look down on you.
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Hark! Good News!
Sorry for my extended abscene but this year has been a whole hot mess of personal, familial, and financial issues.
I do come bearing Good News though...
According to NPR, they're losing elections in Iowa, Virginia, and Pennsylvania. Per the progressive institutional newsletter Mother Jones, they also lost key seats to Democrats in North Carolina and Minnesota.
That's not to say that the quasi-facist organization still isn't weilding power, and that the "parental rights" movement isn't quickly careening into a re-do of the 1980s Satanic Panic. Rural Anderson County, SC, a county where 15.8% of individuals live below the Federal poverty line and most do not have a Bachleor's degree, is currently holding a school board meeting to discuss firing certain school individuals. This frenzy comes after State Rep. Thomas Beach (R-10) posted an open letter to his Facebook page that Anderson District One librarians and teachers are grooming students, and hiding pornographic materials - a serious allegation that lacks substance, but nevertheless is being treated seriously.
At a time when college enrollment has been declining and the teacher shortage is so severe that certain South Carolina students are relying on online coursework, Carolinians need to keep focused. Vote. Not just in your school board elections, but in local, county, and state elections. The choice is clear: Robust literacy programs and quality educators, or shuttered libraries and asynchronous online learning?
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banbuvssummerhome · 7 months
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On the internet, there exists multiple levels depending on the depravity and exclusivity of certain cites, services and content. The surface web, the dark web, and the deep web. The surface web is the level you’re on right now, with things like Google, Yahoo, Facebook, etc. 
The deep web is stuff that’s below the surface, stuff that’s hidden from the public eye like government cites. 
And the dark web is what it says on the tin. From counterfeit items, luxury drugs to the most depraved content one can find from child sexual abuse to cannibalism to hitmen. Or luxury pickles. It’s a mixed bag.
Today we have a game that’s been rumored to originate from such a place, Lostboy.EXE. Look, it’s cliche, but we gotta start off with the classics.
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I’m sure I don’t need to introduce 4chan, it’s the edgy and lawless image board that birthed Anonymous as well as several iconic memes, the posterchild of online degeneracy. But on August 22nd, 2012, someone would unintentionally drop what I can only describe as a bomb onto the message board. An anonymous user would upload a Mediafire link to a game they’d made for the /v/ and /x/ boards, intriguing the other anons. It was some innocent fun, all things considered. 
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The game consisted of a single empty maze with several images of babies and religious imagery pertaining to demonic entities, you know, the usual for horror indie games. It doesn’t take a lot to unsettle someone. Just imply crimes against children and you got a free ticket to WTF-land. But otherwise it was a pretty boring game, so people in the board complained as per usual.
Imagine this: you’re the average 4chan user who just downloaded a shit game full of creepy ass imagery yet no gameplay. Just full of weird images of infants and satanic shit, you feel that you’ve seen either an edgy kid’s attempt at a game or something you shouldn’t have seen. Maybe if you played for longer you would’ve seen something truly fucked ala Sad Satan. You go to the message board where you found the link and try to figure out what the fuck you just walked into.
And then you see your full name, address, and phone number posted in that very thread. 
You see, what many users didn’t realize at first glance was that there were not one, but two links to the game, one of which being a fake malware version of the game that gave the second uploader remote access to the computers of whoever was unlucky enough to fall for the dupe. This way the anon who made the dupe was able to get their personal information and leak it into the /v/ and /x/ threads on the game. People got paranoid after this was found out–who knew what the hacker did with their computers, they could’ve taken pictures through their webcams or worse, filled their computers with illegal child sexual abuse material. Because 4chan is fucked like that. It wasn’t like the site was unfamiliar with csam being leaked onto their site, but some people weren’t as degenerate and didn’t want to be arrested for what was essentially a 2/10 indie horror. Admins would later delete the threads and put up a warning for users to not download any content found on 4chan.
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It wouldn’t be until 2023 that the alleged creator of the original safe version of Lostboy.EXE was even discovered, a Twitter user by the name of rob_is_an_idiot, who was interviewed by the French Youtuber known as Feldup. Unfortunately we do not know what the fuck was said in the interview as we are not French and refuse to learn French. But we will link to the interview, of course.
Alongside this, Rob would make a Twitter post about the subject:
“I made lostboy.exe back in 2012 and shared it with 4chan's /v/ board, it was a gamemaker 7 tutorial reskinned. There was never any other version. The "virus lostboy.exe" was just a RAT virus, not the game. They simply renamed their exe to lostboy.exe.”
While the original link still exists, I highly discourage downloading the game unless you’ve got a good antivirus or lawyer. We don’t wanna accidentally distribute “cheese pizza” or viruses here, but if you wanna seek out Lostboy.EXE that’s your prerogative, not ours. But yeah, that’s the story of Lostboy.EXE as it stands–a simple game made for shits and giggles turned into a backdoor for malicious activity and an internet urban legend that until now has been left unsolved. The moral of the story? Don’t download shit from 4chan.
Developer Interview: « lostboy.exe » le JEU PERDU de 4chan - Findings HS
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lil-xiao-200bc · 2 years
just finished the first season of blue exorcist and i’m so underwhelmed because literally what was that ending .
(spoiler! sort of ? idk it came out in 2011 but i was late to it too ..so tw anyways)
it’s so mary sue? and while yes, having satanic powers is obviously going to override a lot of logic in the show for plot holes (see below) but the show had so much potential especially being released in 2011 to be stepping stone for what anime could be. or at least i had high hopes for the show idk but instead it felt as if blue exorcist was a unique idea that was executed in a very copy paste format and is downright predictable at times. it’s because the concept and characters are so intriguing that the writing is hard to overlook
like why rin was granted mercy and released? why would the vatican release rin if they gauge him as a threat large-scale enough to forcibly arrest and execute him?? why
wouldn’t it be smarter for them to be the ones to be in possession of rin? like it’s very strange that these vatican people are just chill with letting rin free to essentially roam around and cause unnecessary trouble when the predominantly exorcist society see the twins existence as an abomination (not to mention their satan-relation being a secret primarily due to the vatican threat towards them) it’s just weird that there’s no lasting repercussion after a vatican event and yes i said event since there’s been multiple.
it’s especially weird since the vatican is portrayed in the blue exorcist universe as this authoritative branch with legal power strong enough to arrest mephisto, the dude with the elite title as the preceptor over the alluded prestigious cram school. twice at that. AND being confined long enough for yukio to become the new preceptor (why yukio’s allowed to do that? we don’t know!)
AND ITS TRUE that this can be overlooked because mephisto is a powerful demon with unknown intentions and therefore untrustworthy (like yknow him calling satan father and not really having empathy for rin cOUGH he sits in a chair and drinks tea while watching rin fight powerful opponents despite being his new legal guardian ((right? that’s what the whole shift to the cram school was about like he pulled strings just to get rin in and he gave them a separate dorm and ..allowance? and randomly filled in as a cook in their dorm for comedy i guess but shiro entrusted them to him and mephisto really couldn’t care less about them dying which is it’s own whole thing that the show doesn’t dig deeper into))
it still remains out of character for the vatican to let rin roam free in favor of letting rin continue his studies because rin attending an exorcist school is pointless.
while we’re on the topic, the random “i’m gonna be a paladin” ambition from rin is such a plot hole because it’s what drives him to fight enemies from time to time, yet he’s learning none of the material but comedy? and to follow in shiro’s footsteps i suppose though it’s wack to take yukio’s ambition idk that paladin talk would’ve suited yukio way more and actually made sense
you could also say the vatican allows rin to resume his studies at the cram school because of its prestigious nature, but rin isn’t even a good student. he’s notoriously a bad exorcist. and again, the vatican is portrayed to be hostile towards demons, especially satanic-related demons so the leniency is truly so puzzling. it could’ve been really interesting to have insight on the vaticans perspective to answer those questions of why but they’re basically only used as pawns that serve as an obstacle for rin from time to time and have no lasting impact.
rin becoming an exorcist is only for his best interest, he does not use exorcising practices to eliminate demons like he’s being taught to do in his classes, he has only ever used his satanic power. (which sure, could be overridden for the plot point of rin needing to learn teamwork and gain confidence in his abilities at the cram school parallel to rin’s alluded job troubles and inferiority to yukio’s success at the start)
but it’s questionable if that made rin stronger or helped him grow as a character as post-yukio possession’s rin has no interest in changing his fighting style, as clearly seen in the final scene of EP 25. he’s still disobeying his teachers and butting into demon fights to only use his satanic powers and he experiences no strict punishment for doing so despite the cram school previously acknowledged as prestigious like bon being taken aside and warned that his scholarship could be revoked for picking fights with rin. (ahem mary sue mechanic of either rin being someone not to be messed with or the school having a policy against violence between peers that’s later abandoned anyways as seen with:
The Sheer Lack Of Legality Troubles post-yukio possession????
it was the CLIMAX of the show and there was so many elements not in the twins favor for once: the vatican being (very impulsively might i add) led by a vengeful grandpa, rin and yukio not communicating with each other, arthur auguste angel preoccupying shuru during the RIN SAFRIFICE AND YUKIO POSSESSION (truly the school system let them down mephisto was sipping his tea watching it unfold)
the show leaves out all the details regarding what happened after the twins closed the gate and still had yukio in charge of the school FRESH OUTTA A TRAUMATIC ENCOUNTER WITH THEIR DAD like did mephisto start clapping and pull a “oh btw the vatican let me go so i’ll be taking my position back and disposing of the remaining firearms that store demon blood in them that’s so unethical yukio how could you ever agree to that”
and even though that arthur auguste angel dude gets on my nerves how did he feel about getting his paladin status back? he seems like the type of character to have been deeply upset over the tossing around of THE ELITE OF ELITE exorcist titles that was probably a huge deal in the world of exorcists especially at their school AND IT GOES UNMENTIONED. also i feel like yukio should’ve gotten punished at least a little for assisting in the gate ceremony and all while being the paladin and preceptor like only getting demoted is such a head scratch decision it could’ve ended DISASTROUSLY
another mary sue moment
not to mention the Random?? character growth exhibited from both yukio and rin which, granted, could be written off as the twins operating as “two separate halves of their true power” except the show doesn’t elaborate on that at all post-yukio possession and yet the writing skips ahead to yukio being more acquainted to being the son of satan than rin
AND WHAT ABOUT RINS REACTION TO YUKIO HAVING KNOWN HE WAS INHERITING SATANS POWERS FOR AWHILE??? we were robbed of a brotherly scene right there it also makes zero sense on why that didn’t happen OR yukio telling rin that he looks just like yuri when he ASKED WHAT SHE LOOKED LIKE.
and it just upsets me because it’s insulting towards the story’s potential. rin is an iconic character and the show has a good popularity so to have a rushed and exaggerated ending that imo creates several plot holes in favor of tying the story together only to air a second season 6 years later is so ridiculous. as an anime-only fan (though i plan on reading the manga!!) it’s just bad writing. i’m really hoping the anime doesn’t do the manga justice and perhaps were low on funding and couldn’t do a more thorough approach towards the characters and let the story depict their ideology change (namely YUKIO seriously he is such a wildcard)
i’m not upset that yukio has the potential to do what their legendarily strong paladin dad couldn’t and overcame satans possession AND controlled his satanic powers despite being under immense pressure. i think that’s a pretty badass concept much like eren from aot, but this flawless execution from a COWARDLY character who put a lot of work into becoming a strong exorcist shouldn’t master wielding satanic powers during his first time ever having them. it’s character growth that doesn’t add up as he should be feeling betrayed and guilty for allowing their grandpa to manipulate him and cause a world changing threat to occur. not to mention all the innocent students being terrified by the events unfolding
he’s a responsible guy and is much more sensible than rin so it just sounds more like yukio to have volunteered to be punished that dude has already established his sacrificing and selfless tendencies i would’ve been content had the show ended with the twins being on cleaning duty for the school and them bonding (and talking about yuri of course) while scrubbing toilets that would’ve been a much dorkier and comedic ending rather than the choppy ending we got :(
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seewetter · 3 months
Mythic Creatures by Culture & Region
Part 7: Orthodox Religions
Full list & overview of creatures here.
Many religions are ethnoreligions: the religion of the Ancient Greeks (Hellenes) is called the Ancient Greek (or Hellenic) religion, simply named after that culture. The same goes for Ancient Egyptian, Roman. From Hinduism to Yoruba religion, most religions to ever have existed are simply the belief systems of that cultural area.
But some religions behave more like social movements -- they view society as having problems (sin) and promise salvation, which means they usually envision a great good-versus-evil cosmic war. Some of those movements (like Buddhism and Jainism) nonetheless are fairly focused on individual enlightenment and thus often not as critical of society or as ambitious to attack existing institutions of power (or to become them).
Orthodox religions on the other hand really can't stand wrong-think (heresy) or material expressions of cultural beliefs (idolatry) and critique these as sinful tendencies that get people off track or that marry people to the existing "fallen-ness" of society.
The creatures or beings listed below are either directly from such religious movements or they are from something that grew out of them, such as the many demon summoning books summarized in the Goetia section.
Abaddon ("Destroyer"); Abyzou (the Abyss / primordial sea / mother of demons); Adrammelech (king); Anakim; Anammelech; Angel, Angels (List); Antichrist; Archangel; Azazel; Baal Berith; Beelzebub; Behemoth; Belial; Chemosh; Cherubim; Chol; Daniel (angel); Death; Demons (Christianity and sex); Destroying Angel; Devil; Dumah; Elioud; Fallen Angel; Fallen Angel (Book of Enoch); God; Gog and Magog; Gogmagog; Grigori; Guardian Angel; Hellmouth; Incubus; Kokabiel; Kushiel; Legion (demons); Leviathan; Inspiration/Directories/Bestiary (Myth and Legend)/A-Z/Lucifer |Lucifer; Mammon; Mastema; Moloch; Myrmecoleon; Nisroch; Noonday Demon; Oksoko | 3 headed eagle; Old Scratch; Penemue; Putto ; Putti; Qippoz; Rahab; Re'em; Rephaite; Saint Amaro; Saint Nedelya; Samael; Satan; Se’īrīm; Seraphim; Succubus; Tartaruchi; Teraphim; The Beast; Unclean Spirit; Unicorn; Wild Man, Wild Woman ; Wild Men, Wild Women Nebuchadnezzar; Ziz
Jewish Texts
Adnei haSadeh, human-like wild animal; Agrat bat Mahlat, demon; Alukah; Armaros a grigori / watcher from Book of Enoch; Asmodeus also in Goetia; Aspidochelone seen by Rabbah bar bar Hanna in 2nd century AD; Bar Juchne; Bar yokni; Beelzebub; Belphegor; Broxa; Inspiration/Directories/Bestiary (Myth and Legend)/A-Z/Dybbuk|Dybbuk; Eisheth Zenumin; Fiery Flying Serpent; Golem; Ishim; Lailah_female_angel_Judaism; Lilin originally Mesopotamian; Lilith also Mesopotamian and Mandaean; Mazzikin; Naamah; Og; Ophanim; Qlippoth; Shedim; Solomon's shamir; Tanin'iver; Tannin; Theli (dragon); Vegetable Lamb of Tartary
Gnostic Texts
Aeon; Archon; Beelzebub; Norea_burn_Noah's_ark Zoroastrian Texts; Aeshma; Ahura class of divine beings; Aka Manah evil; Angra Mainyu; Apaosha, demon of drought; Asha; Azhdahak; Bushyasta; Daeva; Fravashi; Gaokerena; Gavaevodata; Hadhayosh; Haoma; Jahi; Malkus; Nasu; Yazata; Zahhāk; Zarik Yazidism; Tawûsî Melek
Anathan; Demons in Mandaeism; Gaf; Giu; Hag and Mag; Krun; Lilith also Mesopotamian and Jewish; Qin (Mandaeism); Ruha; Shdum; Ur; Zahreil; Zartai-Zartanai
Asrestar; Samyaza
Early Christian
Aspidochelone in Physiologus (2nd century AD); Beelzebub
Christian Popculture
Christian History
Goetia(grimoires originate in Mesopotamia, Goetia practiced across Greece, Rome, Egypt etc.,)
Aamon; Abezethibou, Testament of Solomon, acted during Book of Moses in Egypt; Abraxas, unclear Ancient origin; Abyzou; Agaliarept; Agares; Agiel, servant spirit of Saturn in Key of Solomon; Alastor, possessing spirit, class of evil spirits, also a name in Greek; Alloces; Amaymon; Amy (demon) ; Archdemon; Asmodeus also in Jewish texts (Talmud); Astaroth; Bael; Baphomet; Barbatos; Bathin; Beleth; Bifrons (demon); Botis; Buer; Bune; Caim (demon); Choronzon (demon); Corson (demon); Demons (Ars Goetia) (List); Demons of the Dictionnaire Infernal; Foras; Forneus (demon); Furcas (demon); Furfur (demon); Gaap; Gamigin; Gemory; Grand Grimoire; Haagenti; Halphas (demon); Ipos; Kimaris; Leonard (demon); Leraje; Malphas (demon); Marchosias; Morax (demon); Naberius (demon); Orias; Orobas; Ose; Paimon; Phenex; Raum; Ronove; Satanachia; Surgat; Valac (demon); Valefar; Vassago; Vine (demon); Xaphan (demon); Xezbeth; Zȃzȇl; Ziminiar
Ababil; al-Jinn; Al-Mi'raj, gifted to the hero after defeating dragon of Dragon Island; al-Wakwak mythic island of plant creatures and plant people; Anqa; Aspidochelone referenced as tanin, saratan and bala (sea-dragon, crab and whale); Azazel; Azrael; Bahamut; Bearers of the Throne; Buraq; Dajjal; Dalhan; Dandan; Dead Sea Apes; Death; Div; El Naddaha; Falak; Ghaddar; Ghoul; Haizum; Hassan of Basra; Hatif; Hinn; Houri; Hufaidh; Iblis; Ifrit; Islam Mythic Creatures; Jann; Jinn; Kujata; Maalik; Majlis al Jinn; Marid; Munkar and Nakir; Nār as samūm; Nasnas; Peri also Turkic, Persian (and Indian?); Qareen; Qitmir; Qutrub; Roc; Sha'ir; Shadhavar; Shahmaran Indo-Iranian and Turkic, Arabian Nights; Shaitan; She-camel of God; Sila; Sut; The Beast of the Earth; The Devil Whale broad category. Found in Sindbad, but also in medieval ad modern European sources; Werehyena; Zabaniyah; Zaratan
allegedly Muslim (medieval Christian propaganda during crusades)
Mahound; Termagant
Apologies if any of these entries have been miscategorized.
Notify me if any of these beings should not be used in art or fiction.
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eugene114 · 5 months
18This [f]charge I commit to you, son Timothy, according to the prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them you may wage the good warfare, 19having faith and a good conscience, which some having rejected, concerning the faith have suffered shipwreck, 20of whom are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I delivered to Satan that they may learn not to blaspheme.
14Remind them of these things, charging them before the Lord not to [d]strive about words to no profit, to the ruin of the hearers. 15Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 16But shun profane and[e]idle babblings, for they will [f]increase to more ungodliness. 17And their message will spread like cancer. Hymenaeus and Philetus are of this sort, 18who have strayed concerning the truth, saying that the resurrection is already past; and they overthrow the faith of some. 19Nevertheless the solid foundation of God stands, having this seal: “The Lord knows those who are His,” and, “Let everyone who names the name of [g]Christ depart from iniquity.”
Gnosticism, any of various related philosophical and religious movements prominent in the Greco-Roman world in the early Christian era, particularly the 2nd century.
The designation gnosticism is a term of modern scholarship. It was first used by the English poet and philosopher of religion Henry More (1614–87), who applied it to the religious groups referred to in ancient sources as gnostikoi (Greek: “those who have gnosis, or ‘knowledge’ ”). The Greek adjective gnostikos (“leading to knowledge” or “pertaining to knowledge”) was first used by Plato to describe the cognitive or intellectual dimension of learning, as opposed to the practical. By the 2nd century CE, however, the name gnostikoi had been adopted by various Christian groups, some of which used it positively as a self-designation, though others criticized the practice as a presumptuous claim of exclusive access to truth.
Consensus on a definition of gnosticism has proved difficult. The groups conventionally classified as gnostic did not constitute a single movement with relatively homogeneous organization, teachings, and rituals. Even the self-designation gnostic is problematic, since it is attested for only some of the traditions conventionally treated as gnostic, and its connotations are ambiguous. Whereas some researchers argue that the term gnostic should be restricted to the sects or schools that called themselves by that name, others extend the category to include additional religious movements that allegedly shared various distinctive features. Still others treat gnosticism as a world religion that existed from antiquity to early modern times—surviving, for example, in the mythology and ritual of the Mandaeans of Iraq and Iran (see below Influence).
Many of the so-called gnostic groups are characterized by a mythology that distinguishes between an inferior creator of the world (a demiurge) and a more transcendent god or order of being. Another frequently encountered theme is that there is a special class or race of humans that is descended from the transcendent realm and is destined to achieve salvation and to return to its spiritual origins. Salvation is understood as a revelation that reawakens knowledge (gnosis) of the race’s divine identity; in contrast, the traditional Christian emphasis is on redemption through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Although the myth of a demiurge and the theme of reawakened awareness of divine origins have parallels in Platonic and Neo-Pythagorean philosophy—and in fact were partly derived from those traditions—it is often asserted that in the gnostic myths there is a far sharper dualism, involving a much more negative attitude toward the inferior creator god, the material cosmos, and the human body.
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aneldritchfootnote · 5 months
Housekeeping announcements!
Alright, time for some Hazbin and general housekeeping announcements so we’re all on the same page 🖤 I realised I hadn’t done one of these yet to convey where I stand and now is as good a time as any, so let’s go!
This page is a safe-space. You can ship and enjoy whatever in peace. Fandom spaces should, in their essence, be fun and collaborative. If there are things you do not enjoy; scroll on, block, unfollow, and let people just have their thing.
Ships I like + explanations where needed:
Speaking of ‘their thing’, these are mine concerning Hazbin (which is my main focus atm both in posting and in writing): Angel, Husk, Vox, Valentino, and Sir Pentious are my boisTM and will be featured in most of what I post here and write about.
Ship wise I love Huskerdust, Staticmoth, ValAngel* (see below for an explanation on this one, before people gut me), and one-sided Radiostatic (i.e. RadioSilence)
about ValAngel: Please know that I don't ship them in the sense that I think they’re good for each other or should be together. What they have is not healthy or something to be desired, it's abusive.
However, I love to dive into all of Angel's complexities. Valentino is a huge part of that. I am a strong believer that Angel used to be, and probably still is to some extent, in love with Val. The relationship between them is as multi-faceted and complex as they are.
Any other ships I feel ambivalent about, don't know of, or don’t enjoy at all, though I might still like or even share art if I just really like the way the artist did the piece.
Ship hate & justifications:
You don’t ever have to explain to me why you like a certain ship or character and, even more so, you won’t have to justify it with your own traumatic history.
And I get it, I was a traumatized kid once too, feeling like I had to gatekeep certain experiences and force people to justify to me why they were allowed to do or like certain things.
It gives you a sense of control and it’s hard to make peace with that inner turmoil but understand that, by forcing people to talk about their histories, you are just re-traumatizing them and for what? For a fictional character that hasn’t harmed any real-life people?
Forcing people to out themselves, in whatever form, is never okay, especially not if it’s because you feel you’re owed something. On top of that, trauma is not an entry ticket that people need to be allowed to find comfort or enjoyment in certain things.
You don’t know someone’s inner world and, in the end, we’re all still strangers on the internet. Just treat each other with compassion and if someone or something isn’t your cup of tea, don’t engage. Just live and let live.
A message to the minors:
Now, to the minors that have snuck in here, by lying about their age or not: I get it. We’ve all been young, engaging in spaces that might not be entirely made for us, out of curiosity or just because we liked something that was, technically, made for an older audience.
I won’t block you. I don't even know how many of you are here. I’m just asking you to be careful. This isn’t about me. It’s about you and your own safety.
Engaging with certain material can be damaging and fandoms like these, with mostly adult fans, can be difficult places to navigate. So, do what you want, bc there’s really no stopping you, but do so sensibly.
Try not to directly engage with other fans that are outside of your own age bracket and whom you don't know irl. If you do, do so publicly and while maintaining a sensible distance.
Any adult that tries to gain access to you privately is fucking weird and you are smart enough to know that that is iffy and very likely predatory in nature.
And for the love of Satan, if you cosplay, be so, so careful about what you do with those photos. You might be sensible but trust that a lot of people out there are not and by posting stuff like that you’re putting yourself in a very vulnerable position.
I’m sorry if I’m sounding like I’m trying to parent you here. I know you guys just want to exist in the fandom and have fun. I just urge you to be safe. There is a reason so many creators are asking minors to stay away and it’s not for their own comfort but your safety.
I think that’s everything for now. It turned into quite the epos but I’d rather be super clear about everything so everyone can see if this page is for them or not and act accordingly.
To those who will stick around, super glad to have you here! 🖤
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kael-writ · 10 months
I love Beetlejuice stories but the canon lore (for both film and musical separately) is so inconsistent (if that's the word) it bothers me when Im thinking too hard about it. Especially if you included deleted material.
I'm not gonna include the show, gotta rewatch it. I feel like the show is more loosey goosey, he's just a cartoon demon in the netherworld who can come into our world as I recall.
(CW for stuff that's in the show like suicide, parent death, and child marriage).
Beetlejuice is an expert scarer, who loves to scare, but he's mostly invisible and doesn't actually seem to get many opportunities to scare. In both the film but especially the musical.
In the musical, he needs the dead to get the living to say his name in order to be visible to the living. With the exception (as in the movie) of the strange and unusual Lydia.
In the musical he is stuck in the house, and in a demo song he's literally been there since it was a cave.
(but also is at Emily's funeral in the cemetery so...)
(... also it is a fourth wall break but he kinda knows the future, the Maitlands are gonna die)
In the movie, by contrast it says he travels and lived the Black Plague (I had a pretty good time during that!), that implies that was when he was actually alive.
In both movie and musical he calls himself a dead guy.
In the musical he also calls himself a demon straight from hell and his Mom a demon. It seems ambiguous. His mom, who is a Boss in the netherworld, is also eaten by a sand worm that "eats ghosts". Could he be half-Demon?
In the movie, btw, the realm of sandworms is referred to as "Saturn". Saturn was a god of time, and Beetlegeuse is a star (just like Beetlejuice is!), the name comes from the Arabic name for it's position in what the West calls the Orion constellation (the hand of the central one). Orion in Greek mythology was a hunter who was a pretty bad guy.
In the movie it seems Beetlegeuse has to be summoned to scare the living, and certainly he can be un-summoned. It seems like he is somehow bound to the model, when he is un-summoned he returns there until summoned.
(Again, In the musical he can't scare the living until the dead make them say his name, he's invisible. In the demo he is still able to scare people sometimes though.)
Movie Juno says he's been "sleezing around your (model) cemetery". It seems like he's chosen that place. Since he is an "illegal alien" he has come from the netherworld, but he isn't supposed to have escaped. Yet Juno doesn't even bother trying to take him back. No reason given why. Despite him having been her assistant she almost seems scared of him. She also says "and you let Beetlegeuse out, and didn't put him back."
He's actually shown in his first scene in the film as being in the dirt below the house when he sees the obituary, looking for some newly deads to trick. So it seems like he's been running this racket for a while. Juno says he caused trouble as her assistant, went out on his own, got in more trouble... aand here we are.
The nature of the afterlife is bleak and kind of mysterious. In the movie, it's run by a terrible social service department with no hint of gods or heaven/hell. Death looks different for everyone, and the Maitlands are sentenced to stay in their house for 120 years. Exorcised ghosts stay in a horrifying void.
In the musical, it's even bleaker but less mysterious. You are supposed to go to the netherworld, haunting is a fluke (like not getting your book) or rebellion. Everyone is alone in a numb void, and they wish they were still alive. There are also no gods shown, though there are references to God/Satan but no confirmation BJ knows they exist.
The marriage pact makes some sense to me as old fairytale stuff. (Like the name 3 times does. Note also the knock 3 times).
In the musical getting married to a mortal makes him come back alive, in the movie it means he can stay on Earth.
Why god why couldnt Musical Beetlejuice propose to marry Delia or even one of the dudes? Possibly because Lydia "can see him" in a way others can't, or because Delia is engaged, or maybe he just didn't really think about it. Or maybe for the same reason a real man would marry a kid, because he knows he can easily manipulate her (as he has). It's "a green card thing" and "strictly business" but acknowledged as fucked up in a way that is meant to keep Mr. Juice at least a little potentially still sympathetic as we need him to be in the realm of a musical character like him. I think the way they handled it works, personally. The song "Creepy Old Guy" really works for me because it makes me feel, well, seen. It does suck to grow up being leered at from puberty and a lot of people don't acknowledge that. I like that it mocks the presumed mentality of creepy old guys who think girls are "secretly just shy". And it all turns into a trick on him, I just think it works surprisingly well for a really difficult tightrope act there. Helps that the show asks the audience to not worry too much about analyzing if something is problematic, "I know you're woke but you can take a joke". Sometimes it's ok to be like, "yea some of the jokes are problematic but Beetlejuice isnt supposed to be a good guy who is PC." So all that, ok But STILL. It's kinda a plothole that no one considers he could marry someone who isnt lydia and is an adult, like Delia (or again in 2023 one of the guys). It's not like they don't depart from the source material, but in the movie Delia and Charles are married.
Why did Delia keep the wedding clothes for over 3 months? That seems inconsistent with her character and behavior of finding them "ugh" (love the noise she makes) and tossing everything.
It also seems dissonant to me why movie Lydia is a gothy teen who likes the boring old house.
Were the musical Maitlands locked in the attic by BJ later or choosing to stay there?
I think I would prefer a beetlejuice who isnt trapped in a house for centuries unable to be seen, I like the idea of him having more power.
How did he gain and lose power over his undeath, anyway, especially the movie one? Being able to scare so well and physically effect people and yet having to be stubborn?
Random Thoughts:
- I ship Musical Adam and BJ and that's a problematic ship bc BJ is just sexually harassing and assaulting Adam, which is supposed to make it less bad that he does it to Babs I guess? I frankly did laugh about his behavior in this regard, and I acknowledge some people would be rightfully upset about it, I get like that with those jokes too, not sure why it works for me and Im not a paragon of virtue.
- Honestly part of why villains like BJ are compelling is because we all can have a bit of villain in us, as BJ tells the Maitlands. Im kinda a huge goody two shoes but Ive also been drawn to Bad Boys and shit.
- Musical BJ (lol BJ tho) is a story about toxic relationships. He's so lonely and needy and he will hurt anyone who rejects him even a little. And when people like me have been in toxic relationships, we liked and loved that person. Fantasies are not always virtuous or portraying smart decisions, often they're not. I don't actually think murder is good, but I like action movies and violent video games. It has to be done the right way for me, but I can enjoy the character of Beetlejuice the way I can enjoy the Always Sunny gang when in real life they would be condemned.
- Beetle has not been laid in 600 years. That means he got laid after his death.
- BJ being a civil servant implies suicide. There were some early drafts specifying this, but it's unknown in the film.
- I really love the "power of names" theme a lot.
- There's something about the jokes - a lot of them could be called "not funny" in both the sense that they're cliche/cheesy/corny, lowbrow, and also often offensive but I, we, enjoy it so much. I think it has a lot to do with the delivery.
- the larger than life cartoony clownishness of it, which made it such a natural for both a kid's show (with obvious changes needed) and musical, is just so delightful to me. The very hammy performances, chef's kiss. And BJ breaking the fourth wall in the musical is awesome and provides awesome audience interaction which is so great in theater.
- the teenagerness of Lydia, especially in the musical, is great. It's great that she can be "I was an asshole - no, you were a teenager" as the demo says. Scaring people with a demon, for example.
- the anti-suicide messages get me every time as someone who had chronic suicide ideation and attempts for decades. Death doesn't make it any easier. No, you'll just be dead. It might not have reached me at the time because I just wanted to end the pain and not exist but in retrospect Im nodding along and tearing up.
- The addition of the Dead Mom in the musical is great and genuinely made me cry. I like movie Lydia as a mostly dark comedy (imo) character but musical Lydia is so emotionally compelling.
- I am a movie Delia apologist, her art is good and she's a fun decent person.
I could probably go on but dude this is soooo long. Id also interested to see what others found inconsistent or confusing or whatever. And other thoughts and stuff you disagree with respectfully.
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Neville suggestions Liverpool star to grow to be finest the world has ever produced in his place
It’s truthful to say that Trent Alexander-Arnold has been on the tip of some fairly relentless criticism all through the 2022/23 marketing campaign as his defending has fallen below the microscope. Regardless of that, Gary Neville stays completely satisfied in regards to the Scouser’s skill and his potential to be the world’s best-ever right-back. “I’ve to say that I believe these are actually staple items for him,” the previous England worldwide spoke on Monday Night time Soccer. “The arduous a part of the sport he’s doing. No fullback that I’ve ever seen on this nation can do what he can do. “So if he can work on these 4 staple items and get these consistency parts with these issues, we received’t simply have the most effective attacking right-backs this nation’s ever produced – we’ll most likely have the most effective right-back the world has ever produced!” It’s excessive reward from the ex-Purple Satan and one which followers might be hoping the No.66 takes on board to show round his season and get commentators again on facet. VOTE for Empire of the Kop as Greatest Membership Content material Creator (Premier League) right here: Soccer Content material Awards OR on Twitter with the FCA’s one-click Twitter hyperlink with: I’m voting for @Empireofthekop in @The_FCAs for #BestClubContentCreator (Premier League) READ MORE: BBC pundit accuses certainly one of Liverpool’s finest gamers of laziness: ‘Is likely to be if he may run’ You don’t must persuade Liverpool supporters of how good our right-back is – we all know that, on his day, Alexander-Arnold is certainly the main expertise in his place. Whether or not he’ll break previous the stratosphere of legendary fullbacks and occupy an area fully of his personal might be depending on half whether or not he can deal with issues over, for instance, an incapacity to trace runners now and again. An enormous cause behind a few of accusations which were levelled towards him is, in fact, all the way down to the supervisor’s directions, with Jurgen Klopp beforehand admitting he was chargeable for pushing the 23-year-old excessive up the pitch as a part of our high-risk model of soccer. Each time we’re out of possession and defending towards assaults in our ultimate third, nonetheless, we merely can’t afford for Trent to be lax together with his defensive duties. You possibly can catch the total feedback beneath, courtesy of Sky Sports activities: “We’ll most likely have the most effective right-back the world has ever produced!” Gary Neville explains how Trent Alexander-Arnold can enhance his recreation to grow to be one of many all-time greats pic.twitter.com/LzhxwlmzsT — Sky Sports activities Premier League (@SkySportsPL) October 3, 2022 Massive Liverpool downside might have already been solved after Merson notes worldwide break benefit Originally published at Sacramento News Journal
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obeymeluv · 3 years
Isnt devildom liquor weaker than human world liquor? Mc had beat Asmo in a drinking contest. How do you think it they'd act, completely hammered in the human world. I think harder liquor means stupider drunks.
Spoiler alert to the in-game MC’s “heritage” reveal. You know, the descendent/reincarnation thing. If you know, you know.
Below: Thoughts on Devildom liquor + the specific incident Nonnie is talking about with Asmo in game + THE ACTUAL ANSWER TO THE ASK. My bad, haha.
My thoughts on Devildom liquor at that point in the game:
The MC is not as affected because they are human/angel. Maybe the angel part fortifies MC and makes it harder for them to get drunk?
Maybe the HUMAN side of MC is what makes it harder for them to get drunk on Devildom liquor? Like...everything in the Devildom is made primarily for demons so maybe there are ingredients in there that specifically affect those with demon blood. Maybe humans don’t have the biology to be inebriated by those ingredients?
I am a little fuzzy on that point in the game but did Asmo pre-game? Like, a lot? Did we ever find out? I could see him being so emotionally distraught that his lovely MC is leaving that he just wants to be sloshed. Maybe he assumed MC beat him in a drinking contest because he forgot how much he already drank?
Maybe Solomon gave MC a heads up that Asmo was down for drinking and gave them a pre-game potion of their own to ward off the affects.
End hypothesis: Maybe Devildom liquor IS strong (for demons) but that potency just can’t translate in human bodies so the bros (Lucifer especially) don’t want MC drinking it because they’re not sure what it will do. They just ASSUME it will do to MC what it does to them.
Other thoughts: Because demons sprinkled little secrets to the humans over the course of history, gave them trinkets and magic and things, I’d like to think they gave humans the idea or process of alcohol-making but are TOTALLY not prepared for the end result. All the flavors, types, etc. 
As far as I understand it (at the point I’m at in the game), travel between the Devildom and human world was widely discouraged until Diavolo could make a program that united the three realms and improved the overall image. So basically everyone has been separated for thousands of years.
What if demons are equally bad at holding human world liquor? I could just see a drunk Asmo being like, “What is this? Sangria? This isn’t what I told them to call it.” as he’s trying to drink and (speed) walk away from Beel, who wants the fruit out of the pitcher.
I could just see them all getting TOTALLY wasted on human world stuff just because they thought “Ahh, we taught them this 5,000 years ago! Of COURSE we can handle it! We invented it!” (spoiler alert: they cannot). Like, I’d like to think their biology works against them here. They heal quicker and probably get over stomach aches and things quicker, so they probably metabolize alcohol quicker to restore bodily equilibrium so they probably get flash-drunk off of just about anything with a decent alcohol content. 
HOW THEY WOULD ACT (AKA: the real question)
The facts: 
They’re all going to be like drunk kittens, big bassy purrs and wanting to cuddle you or scent you. 
They’ll basically curl up in a pile together; you occasionally have to move body parts (so no one suffocates). 
Do a head count every now and then, give them some crackers/carbs when needed, and put water all around them like a summoning circle because when one of them wakes up, all of them will and they’ll act like big babies
Put a bucket near Lucifer and Asmo, they’re sympathy pukers.
Levi and Belphie need total sensory deprivation when they wake up. You may only breach the darkness to bring them things to settle their stomach and anything to kill the headache
Just give Beel bread and anything like Gatorade/Pedialite. He’ll help you with the others after three loaves or so.
Asmo will be especially pitiful and demand you take care of the others first. Once they’re decently able to take care of themselves he’s near teary-eyed, demanding tummy rubs and tell him he’s still pretty even though he feels awful. Please get him a sheet mask.
Mammon’s not functional enough to help with anything major but he’s standing the next day so he rubs that in everyone’s face. He’s the one shuffling around with a half-eaten sandwich, looking for any comfort item (heating pack, cold wrap for his head). He will demon screech at you if you touch any of the lights in the house.
As Mammon comes to, he demands dim lights and acts like a grumpy mom. He’s making porridge and they better shut up and eat it. Says it’s for him but there’s a suspicious amount of bowls nearby.
Satan just swears he’ll never drink again (like always). Dutifully waits for porridge. Spends most of his time letting cold water run over his head. Can’t spend too much time hunched over because he gets nauseous. Baby him a little. Find a way to let his head float in a bit of water where he can lay down and he’s as quiet as a mouse. 
Who can drink the most? (Best to worst - my opinions only)
1) Beel (body mass helps), 2) Mammon (party king), 3) Asmodeus (huuuge history with mixed drinks. Boy is READY), 4) Lucifer, 5) Satan (neck and neck with Lucifer - casual drinker only. Even wine is rare for him), 6) Leviathan, 7) Belphie (usually sleeping instead of drinking). 
We’ve seen little gags about how ‘Lucifer got drunk and unplugged the router’ so this guy’s either going to be super cuddly, a hot mess, or both
You know the people who fluff their hair, comb it back, undo a tie or some buttons and just get comfy as they drink? That’s Lucifer.
He’ll smile a bit more, laugh a bit more, and there will be some color to his cheeks
He’s not sloppy, just cozy. 
Drunk Lucifer is not overly loud but he is honest. He won’t throw himself into groups or pester all the brothers, but he’s up for some accidentally-heartwarming one-on-one
When he’s drunk he’ll lay his head on your shoulder and let you play with his hair
Will not win any drinking games. Is actually a lightweight compared to his brothers (see best > worst drinker, above).
GO BIG OR GO HOME! MAMMON’S HERE TO PLAY FOR BIG MONEY! (AKA: bragging rights that he can handle more than his brothers)
He and Asmo are quick to get the drinks flowing because they want to try shots of everything. 
He and Asmo are pretty good at matching brothers to drinks and tasting subtle notes, things like that
Show Mammon beer pong once and it’s done. He’s betting the brothers he can whoop them and is somehow able to pull off ping pong ball math to get Lucifer shit-faced real quick (might do it even faster if Belphie or Satan slip him some money)
The type to be like “Bet you I can hit that cup right there--third row, second from the left.” and can do it flawlessly. You have to give him head pats or $5, that’s the rules.
He’ll be one of the bros you have to chase around and make put his clothes back on. Boy will try to strip and strut
Will definitely hoard his favorite bottle (picked it on smell) and spend a majority of the time trying to drink it and avoid the bros. (”YOU CAN’T MAKE ME SHARE IF YOU CAN’T CATCH ME!”)
Not the best drinker. Not a frequent drinker at all.
His envy makes him drink because as he starts to go on a tangent about how ‘it’s not fair! Everyone’s having a good time!’ when he realizes it’s as easy as picking up a drink. Like...he can join in too.
Levi won’t grab himself an alcoholic drink because he’s a nervous over-thinker. Asmo or Mammon will just hand him a cup like the resident Liquor Fairy and he trusts their judgement
The first one to let his demon form out just because the liquor is a little warm in his belly and he feels like he’s flying? Also comfortable?
The excited drunk who goes on animated, slurred rants
The loud laugher
He’s honestly so adorably animated that anyone who knew him would be surprised? He seems far from a shut in
Trade off: he can’t hold his liquor well
Boy probably trips on his own tail or thinks something snagged his ankle to bring him down when, in fact, he just fell down
Sways when he sits
When he’s done, he just wants a nice comfy lap to lay in and maybe play with his hair. 
Like Lucifer, liquor will make him confess all his feelings. 
Watch out for the tail. It will be all over you when he starts to lose the ability to wrap it around himself.
It’s a toss-up as to whether he gets drunk before Lucifer or vice versa. I’d like to think his tolerance is slightly higher since he might run in the same circles as Asmo, but he is a part of Lucifer so I’m sure it balances out
He’s a drink snob and this is what hurts him the most. He goes to fancy tastings and random things he’s invited to, but this is a drop in the bucket
He’s never gone hardcore before because he’s afraid he’ll be prone to anger
He’s not. He’s actually a lot like Levi. He just wants to smile and laugh and have fun.
The one who knows a lot of random/interesting stuff and has unexpectedly awesome party tricks
He and Asmo act as instigators and somehow con everyone else into getting drunk. It’s mostly because he wants blackmail material, but he enjoys the mind games
He’s the one you’re going to have to carry BUT he’s super chill when he’s having a good time. You want him to wear a lampshade? Okay, but only if you call him Enlightened One (get it?)
Makes bad jokes. Lucifer definitely laughs
The one that randomly dances with someone at the party. But it’s a fancy dance or slow dance, not something crazy
Will try to prove he’s not as drunk as he is by reading or reciting something and just breaks down into snorts and giggles
Cat Mode: Activated. He wants to be all over you. Hug him and play with his hair, please.
Asmo isn’t really different from his usual self.
He’s a little social butterfly, making his rounds and checking on people
He’s the silent, sneaky drunk. No one notices he’s drunk until his face starts getting red and his eyes get glassy
The quiet cuddler. Just progressively gets closer to you until he’s resting his head on your shoulder, hugging you from the side and asking you to give him his drink.
Would be the happiest person on the planet if you literally just held his drink up to his lips and let him drink it when he wanted to. You just love him so much?! You’re so thoughtful?! He wants to cry
Guilty party #2 for ‘chase him around and make him put his clothes back on’
Next in line for ‘Liquor makes me tell the truth and my darkest secrets’.
Will try any activity at the party and will dance at least once with everybody
If he gets in a fight, that’s because someone doesn’t respect what he put on the party playlist. He knows good music, okay?!
Has a personal goal to steal one drink from everyone, drink it before they realize, and hand them back the empty cup as he slips away. Something about it just amuses him.
Wants to leave lipstick/lip gloss kisses on people. Thinks they’re the cutest accessory!
The one who loses something at the party and makes everyone look for it the next day
The one who’s passed out in a random spot and no one has the heart to move them but everyone checks on them to make sure they’re safe. When everyone’s turned in for the night, he is safely moved like the precious baby he is.
The one who takes the longest to get drunk. You don’t know if it’s because of his build or how much he ate to offset the alcohol
Unofficial baby sitter of the group. Pays special attention to everyone but Belphie, Asmo, and Levi in particular.
Not super loud. Just vibes and enjoys time with his family.
He’ll participate in the party activities because he does have that competitive streak but he’s not as invested in it as Mammon. If he wins at least once he’s proved his point and is on to something else
Surprsingly, #3 to ‘you might have to chase him and make him put his clothes on’. Drunk Beel is convinced he’ll get over the alcohol faster with less clothes because of temperature regulation and something that doesn’t really make sense because he’s slurring
Will drink more if Belphie is nearby or if he can hold onto Belphie. Taking care of Belphie and knowing he’s okay (in a tactile way) makes him a little more carefree. 
Doesn’t really confess like the other bros but he’s the one no one can really hear talking because his purr takes over everything. His purrs are so loud and deep! Big boy is truly happy
Drunk Beel is affectionate as ever and this is where you learn that demons can express affection by licking people. Most of the bros end up with a Simba-style mohawk. It’s just one lick but Beel’s got a long tongue and it fucks with hair real good.
Will jump in for a song or two if karaoke is a thing at the party. A really good singer but wouldn’t do it unless he had a decent amount of alcohol in him.
He’s the type to trip over stuff trying to help clean up. If he falls down he says he’s just ‘taking a break’ and will ‘help in a minute’. Might not get up again.
Once Beel lays down, Belphie, Satan, and Levi drunk crawl/stumble/slither over to him for warmth. This is how the cuddle pile starts.
When he lays down, if you get anywhere near him, he’s begging you to lay down with him. Wants to whisper little compliments and lovely things. A big sap. Handsy but will definitely know when to lay off and will listen if you get uncomfortable. 
Honestly, doesn’t really drink. He’s more interested in the nap.
His biggest motivation is to get the others drunk so everyone’s quiet and he can sleep. Definitely wants Lucifer blackmail.
He’ll have a few things but he prefers a lot of something mild versus a mix or a few shots of something super potent
Will try the funnel drink challenge.
The third enticer. He wants to work everyone up (Lucifer especially) and get the booze going.
Borrows off of Beel’s body mass and ability to handle alcohol here and there, but it all catches up with him eventually
The type to have really diluted drinks because he’s already sleepy by nature and doesn’t want to faceplant with a shot glass.
Will slow dance with Asmo. When Asmo starts to struggle with his weight as Belphie gets cozy and sleepy, Beel steps in and you just see the twins purring and warbling to each other as Beel just scoops him up and lets him sit on his hip like a toddler.
Another one who wants to slither into your lap and take all your attention.
The type to do random shit like boop your nose and giggle about it.
The one who doesn’t want anyone else to touch you. If he’s laying on you then the others need to leave you alone. It’s not hard to understand!
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voltagesmutter · 4 years
Underwear Shopping
Pairing: All Demons x MC (F).
Fandom: Obey Me.
Warning/Notes: Slight and suggestive NSFW. Underwear shopping with the demon brothers.
Acts as if it doesn’t bother him but deep down he’s excited to see what you buy. 
Of course he keeps trying to play cool and that he’s an older male, not a giggling schoolboy like his brothers and something so simple as underwear shopping can phase him. 
But boy is he wrong. 
You hold up multiple designs to your chest, “What do you think about these?”, “Oh these are pretty!”, “Do you like this set in this colour or that one?”. And whilst he agrees and nods along to it all, you can’t help but notice the sly way his eyes dart back to a crimson red set on display. 
You threw a set of it into your basket when he is looking, heading off to the empty changing room before slipping into it. The red lace settled perfectly against you, the colour of it perfectly matching the gemstone-red of Lucifer's eyes.
Taking out your D.D.D you drop him a message, telling him you need his assistance which being the devoted boyfriend he is, comes straight away to the changing rooms.
“Can’t an assistant help you out, I don’t think I should-...” His words come to a halt as you pull back the curtain, letting him get a full few of the set you had on. His jaw hanging open wide and the avatar of pride is for once speechless. But with a quick blink of your eyes it’s over and Lucifer has pulled the curtain shut, hissing at you to get dressed leaving you feeling rather embarrassed.
Throwing back on your clothes to step out to see Lucifer impatiently scowling and tapping his foot. He grabs your wrist and leads straight out the store with a bag in his hand.
“Lucifer!” You protest as he leads you out to an empty alley beside the shop, pushing you against the wall as he cages you in. 
“I brought you multiple sets of that outfit,” He hums leaning dangerously close, a hint of mischief in his eyes, “So we’re going to go home and you're going to try it on again, then,”. He gives you a toothy grin before leaning into the shell of your ear, “You're going to let me tear it off your body so you can feel just how beautiful you look in it,” The bulge of his trousers pressing against your thigh as he nips your ear lobe. 
“Do you really like it?” You whispered meekly, with a hitched gasp.
“If I even re-imagine you in it, I don’t think I’ll make it home before I have to have you in it,” Huskily replied, before a bold strike of his tongue licks the course of your neck. 
Any self control he had was hanging by a thread, the minute he saw you in it at home it snapped like a rubber band, just like the underwear set as he clawed at it to pull from your body. 
Thank goodness he brought over 10 sets of it because by the end of the week, 6 of them were in ruins. 
“Pft clothes shopping with the little human doesn’t bother the Great Mammon!” Words lived to regret.
He goes from strong bound Mammon to shy blushy boy the minute you tug him into the shop full of panties and bras. 
He literally dies from blushing overload.
“Well I like these, but what do you like?” You asked, holding up a tiny thong in yellow and watching his eyes widen. Mammon had never actually seen your underwear properly, too busy tugging it off your body to actually admire it. 
“B-buy whatcha like,” Pulling his sunglasses down to try hide the shade of red on his face.
“Or what about these?”, “Oh I like these!”, “Mammon, what do you think?” Holding up a thrilled black set of a bralette and thong, matching suspenders and stockings with it.
All Mammon can do is cough to try hide the squeal that left his mouth as he saw it. 
“I- I uh… I like it better… in white,” His face a blaze as he awkwardly scratches his neck trying to hide his face. 
“White it is then!” You smile, grabbing it off the shelf and giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“You know,” You leaned into his chest as he pulled you close, resting his head on top of yours, “Since you were such a good boyfriend for helping me pick, I’ll wear it especially for you when we get home,”. 
Mammon doesn’t need to hear another word, holding your hand he throws the outfit at the till and swipes goldie so fast it could have set the card machine on fire. You barely have time to even unzip your bag to get your card out by the time he’s already pulling you out of the shop. 
A huge grin on his face as he tells you, ‘He’s down to come underwear shopping with you again anytime’.
“What do you think?” You teased, watching your boyfriend gawp at what you were holding, big panties with ugly patterns on them that looked like your grandma’s curtains. 
“I mean sure, whatever you feel comfortable in,” He nods, hands fisting around a lace thong the same colour of his latest console controller, a deep purple. 
Giggling you put them down, walking to him and asking what he has there. 
“Oh Levi these are perfect! This is just what I was looking for,” You take the underwear from his hands as you hold it up, twisting them in the light to get a good look. 
Levi looks like he could burst into flames on the spot with how red he is.
“I- I… I was just holding them because they were in the wrong place… I… you don’t need… I” He mumbles off but you shut him up with a smile.
“They are just what I wanted, now I just need to find a bra to match,” You smiled, heading straight over to them as Levi follows behind you.
“I saw one over there…” He points in the direction to where the matching bra was, as he said he ‘just happened to notice it’. 
You brought the set and went home together holding hands, swinging your arms in a playful manner. As soon as you get home you give Levi some space, letting him jump on to his console for a few hours.
“Oh Levi,” You knocked on his door and pushed it open to see him sitting on his gaming chair, controller in hand. With a light smirk you walk in, shutting the door and dropping your dressing gown showing him the purple set from earlier on you complimented with knee high socks and your hair in low pigtails. You’d done your makeup and hair to resemble one of his favourite characters you’d seen from his online manga series. Your dressing gown and his controller hit the floor at the same time.
“Think you have time for a two player game?” You whispered as you made your way over to him, straddling him in his chair as he can do is nod at your question.
He was grumpy. He stropped the whole time you were in the shop.
“Oh this is the bra I’ve been looking for for ages!” You squeal, dropping his hand and darting across the empty store to clutch the yellow material with daisies on.
“Satan look they even have my size, oh this is perfect!” You grab the last one of your size, yelling over your shoulder, “Can you grab me the panties?”. 
When no response comes you turn around and find Satan still standing at the entrance huffing as he crossed his arms.
Sighing, you trek across the shop and grab what you need, before heading to your boyfriend.
“Can you at least pretend to be interested please, I need to try this on to check it’s the right fit,” You pouted as he sighed softly, wrapping his arm around your waist and guiding you to the changing rooms.
“What’s wrong with you today, I-!” You squeal softly as he pushes you against a wall, face pulled close to yours as he licks his lips hungrily.
“I already told you before we left,” Pressing kisses down your chin with a little groan, “I already like with you nothing on, this is a waste of time,”. 
“S-Satan I need new underwear for school,” You replied, trying to hold in the moan in your throat as he nipped your neck.
“Whenever you're with me,” His hands curve around your thighs before slowly moving up to cup your ass over your jeans, “You never need to wear any because you know I’ll have them off in seconds,”.
“Is this why you’ve been mardy?” You wrap your arms around his neck forgetting where you are in the back of the store.
“Maybe,” He hums softly with a smile, pulling back, “Try these on if you need too and let’s go home, I can’t wait to see you in my favourite outfit,”. 
He leans forward one more, whispering “Naked and below me,” with a pinch to your ass. 
“Oh sweetie your bra is just- ugh no my eyes,” Asmo had protested that morning whilst you got dressed, a horrific squeal coming from your boyfriend.
He insisted you go shopping and buy new underwear.
By insisted, he literally took your whole underwear drawer and threw it into the bin, forcing you to go out shopping.
“These are pretty,” You hold up a few casual bras for under your uniform, an eye roll and a tut comes from Asmo. 
“I mean for school, but sweetie come on push the boat out and treat yourself,” He holds up a hot pink bra that leaves little to the imagination.
“Right take these and try them on,” Asmo bunching a half the shop into your hands and shoving you into the dressing room.
A lot of them were beautiful and you fell in love instantly with them, matching sets of multiple colours and different designs.
The last one you had was lace with different strings on it, an intricate design that you couldn’t do alone.
“Asmo!” You call out, wanting to tell him to get an assistant but instead he comes into the room.
“Oh sweetie…” He grins in the mirror as he shuts the curtain, watching as you cup your breasts in modesty, not that he’d never seen them before.
“I need help, can you get the lady,” You shuffle on the spot, watching the rose-tinted eyes taking in your form in the mirror in front of you.
“Oh let me, I’ll be much better than them,” He giggles as he brushes your hair over your shoulder, delicate fingers working the lace and ribbon into knots. 
As he pulls the last one, he places soft kisses to the nape of your neck, one hand moving to your front to move your hand from chest to show yourself properly.
“You are so beautiful,” He continues his soft kisses, eyes meeting yours in a loving gaze in the mirror.
“Asmo I-“ A blush forming on your cheeks as you admire the underwear upon your skin, accentuating your breasts and curves in a manner you didn’t know it could.
“Let me buy you it,” He purrs against you, his two hands moving to stroke your bare waist softly, “Let me forever be the only person to see you like this,”. 
You turn your neck to face him, lips so close you can his breath against you, nothing but love in his eyes. 
The avart of lust he may be, but as well a boyfriend who stole your heart and wears it on his sleeve.
“Only for you Asmo,” You reply before he kisses you softly, embracing you from behind as the mirror captures your tender moment. 
A voice outside from the assistant pulls you apart, asking if you need any help.
“No I’m fine thank you!” You yelled, Asmo giggling into your neck as he finally lets you go.
“Now let's go home so I can get a proper look at you in this,” His finger snapping the back of your thong, making the skin beneath it ripple.
“Belph?’... “Belph!”... “Fuck sake, Belphegor!”.
Finally a violet eye peered from beneath a shut eye-lid, Belphegor falling asleep in the chair as you tried on the underwear you had picked.
“Looks nice,” He yawned as you threw your hands up in frustration.
“I’m not even wearing anything, I’ve tried it all on,” You huffed, throwing every single item to the ‘not wanted’ pile in the dressing room.
“Woah after all this you're not getting anything?” Belph emphasised the annoyance in his voice.
“Oh I’m sorry, is spending time with your girlfriend an issue,” You sighed.
Multiple times you’d called out to him whilst trying things on for his opinion until after no response for the fourth time you peered out to find him asleep. Whilst he was a real-life sloth, he had promised to come with you and spend some alone time together. 
“No, I.. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to fall asleep,” He bashfully replies, “What's wrong with all of them?.
He gestures to the pile and you let out a wounded sigh.
“They made me… thrumpy… that’s why I wanted your opinion,” Turning your head and missing the way he sprang to his feet to be by your side.
“I’ve seen you in underwear enough times to tell you how beautiful you look,” The softness of his voice as he cups your cheeks to hold your gaze. Love mixed into a whirling pool of sleep, a galaxy lost amongst the purple haze of admiration.
“Why don’t we look at them pad free things,” He offers a suggestion.
“You mean the bralettes?”.
“Yeah the ones you say are really comfortable, let’s get some of them so when we nap you’ll be fine,” He softly chuckles as he presses a kiss to your temple, “Or you could just go braless I don’t mind,”.
“Belph!” You laugh back with a light blush.
“You look the most gorgeous creature whatever you wear, so let’s go get and get some comfy clothes so we can go home,”.
“And nap?” You teased.
“A nap is on the list, but first, I want to hold you and love you until you can take no more,” His voice is in a hushed whisper for only you. “I want to remind you of just how perfect and unthrumpy you are, in whatever you want to wear, or not wear. And then we can nap,”.
“Put them down!” You yelled quietly, balling up some underwear and throwing it at the ginger haired boy standing a few rows in front of you.
“But look!” He almost squeals like a child, waving a box in his hand.
Said box was a pair of panties made out of candy.
“Beel, will you please be serious,”.
You choose to ignore his pout and protest, completely blanking out the way he over dramatically sighs when he puts down the box, coming to stand beside you as you flick through boxes of sale underwear.
“Oooh what about these,” He laughs, holding up a ridiculously tiny thong in blue.
All you think is why did I bring him.
“Actually I like thongs, so put that in the basket,”
Beel goes red and thumbles slightly, “W-what wait? I was joking, are you serious?”.
“Yeah? I mean I’d say have you seen my underwear but you’ve torn so many…” Your voice quietens as you finish the sentence, losing yourself in the playful banter with your boyfriend you forgot other people were in the shop.
“I- I mean I don’t because I- shut up!” Beels' face is still red as he drops the garments into the basket. 
Finding fun in teasing him, you pick up more of the same ones and inspect them before dropping them into the basket, continuing to ask for his opinion.
By the end you purchase plenty of backup underwear in case Beel’s panty ripping faze continues and throw in a surprise extra just for Beel as a gift for coming with you.
“Tch! What’s the rush, dinners almost ready and I’m starving,” Beel huffing as you pull him into your room, sitting him down on the bed.
“Good, I was hoping you would be,” You unbutton your jeans and slowly pull them down until they pool at your ankles, fingers quickly tugging off your shirt. Beneath lays a matching candy underwear set.
You’ve never seen someone move so quickly, Beel pinning you against the wall as he practically drools on you.
“It’s all edible,” You smile, “Now eat up,”.
Enjoy my work, visit my Masterlist here. 
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grimgrinningghoul · 3 years
Tumblr media
Always wanted to try making a ref sheet, and Spectra gets to be my guinea pig. Tumblr doesn’t like the font I chose so click the pic for higher quality
Gonna ramble under the cut
So her concept’s been pretty consistent since... 2019? It’s quite different from canon, but I had a pretty established idea for her in my head
I put off ever attempting to draw her because A) I hadn’t gotten my footing with my art yet, and B) ... I was kinda embarrassed how similar the ghost form was to someone else’s design lmao. I came up with it independently, and it’s not identical or anything, but it was similar enough that 15yo me felt awkward about seemingly ripping off someone else’s work. I now realize that’s silly because we were both obviously just ripping from the same source material
I think I’ve mentioned before that Spectra’s one of my favorite ghosts, but I’ve also always had a love-hate relationship with her. She was stuck in this awkward limbo of being too dark and not dark enough, at least for me
Fanon’s certainly picked up the slack by making her perhaps 2 steps below literal Satan on a good day. So I wanted to try something a bit different and go more ambiguous
I love characters who are potentially horrible. Like, they have no ethical objection to manipulation, murder, etc. But they have no reason to do so on a regular basis, so they just kinda chill. So in Spectra’s case, she starts out pretty much just doing her job, passively leeching the negative emotions off of her patients (May try elaborating further on this at some point, but her power isn’t inherently harmful.) But after a certain plot point, she becomes a legitimate problem, targeting Danny and actively draining him. After her arc, She wouldn’t really have a reason to continue antagonizing Danny, as she’d simply find a new workplace. She may return occasionally, but not as a villain
And a small miscellaneous note: I kinda don’t wanna call her Spectra, the name falls too close to the halfa formula, and is just overall a bit too obvious for my tastes. For organization/meta, she obviously keeps the original title, but I kinda like Carmine for a surname.
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minetteskvareninova · 2 years
How would you rank the (main) non-blood Sultanas?
Hmm... Again, I would have to exclude the wives of Murad and Ibrahim; I know next to nothing about Ibrahim's harem, and as for Haseki Ayşe and Farya... Haseki Ayşe is a strong candidate for the bottom of the rankings, since she possesses the deadly combination of malice and stupidity, while Farya is somewhere in the middle. Also, with Kösem, I don't take her s2 version into account, although so far she seems pretty high, maybe even at the top. I also don't remember Defne, so people who wanted to see her here are out of luck.
Hürrem/Mahidevran - This one is kinda unfair, since they had much more time and character development than any other sultana, with the exception of Kösem (who wasted a lot of that time with NO character development, see below). I also don't think it's fair to put one ahead of the other; Hürrem is our beloved iconic drama queen, while Mahi had better character development. So yeah. The best sultanas, the most sultanas.
Halime - She did become much less interesting in the back half of the show, and also was stupid enough to trust Safiye with the life of her son that one time. With that said, I can't just ignore how strongly I rooted for her at the beginning.
Handan - She almost tied with Halime, but ultimately lost, because she lacks her charisma. With that said, she's still pretty cool as a mum, grandma and local firecracker who should really think things trough more. Also, she has very good taste in men, and almost killed Kösem that one time.
Gülbahar - I just have a soft spot for her, is all. A prime party with Satan material. My third favourite child murderer. Also, her relationship with Sinan is canon! Other sultanas could have strong subtext (Şah) or tragic yearning (Handan), but Gülbahar is a girl who can Get It. Even if Sinan himself is one of the least charizmatic villains this show has ever seen.
Safiye - An icon in her own right, as you all know. She could be higher, but ultimately I just like everyone above her more.
Nurbanu - I am not a fan personally, but I can see how she could be someone's favourite evil conniving bitch. Plus her and Selim are such an iconic couple!
Mihrunissa - She's fine, I guess. Kinda boring, if you ask me.
Mahfiruze - Annoying af, but at least had the good sense to die early, unlike...
Kösem - Going from Anastasia!Kösem to Beren!Kösem was the downgrade of the century. I am going to be extremely vindictive towards her just for that. Is the sweetest, bestest, smartest girl ever, but can't even realize that during a popular uprising, sultan might just die. Fuck her.
Ayşe Hafsa - I could say a lot of things about her, and most of them would include slurs against old women. You can see where her daughters got the very worst parts of their personality. Just... Fuck her especially.
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