#like she spent five min talking about how we must know each other to the point where I was getting creeped out
Yesterday at a store my friend picked up a pair of shoes and mentioned how difficult it would be to get away with murder wearing them because of the pattern on the bottom. The lady who owns the store was nearby and she chimed in about how she’s terrified that someone is going to murder someone while wearing shoes from her store because all of them have the store name on the bottom and I love strangers sm
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krreader · 4 years
BTS reacting to another member accidentally exposing your relationship.
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pairing: bts x (idol)!reader fandom: bts warnings: language genre: crack ; hints of angst word count: 1k+
a/n: heeey bb, I hope you like it ♥ - also it’s hinted that the reader is an idol, since she’s ‘known’ to the public, but I didn’t outright say it, so that’s why I put () there :)
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kim seokjin
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Namjoon was clumsy, but normally very careful with what he said when out in the public. He had to be, as their leader.
But during an interview, he just started rambling on about how lonely it could get for Bangtan sometimes and then all of a sudden he said: “Not all of us are as lucky as Jin hyung, not all of us have a (Y/N).”
And boy, hands shot up in the air, one after another, every single person in the room yelling out their question and all Jin could do was sit there with wide eyes and see his life flash before his eyes.
It got to the point where the managers had to end the interview before any other questions could get answered because it was a whole ass mess.
A mess that Jin now had to clean up.. and unfortunately, you too.
min yoongi
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“If you could switch bodies with one member, who would it be?” Namjoon first read the question in English, then he translated it into Korean and without thinking – which was crucial when doing interviews – Taehyung replied: “Yoongi hyung, because of ..-” and he only said the beginning of your name, he didn't fully say it, because everyone immediately started yelling.
They tried to play it off, tried to say it was something embarrassing, but that part still made it into the interview.
And ARMY was literally the FBI. They narrowed down the list of potential people it could be in a hot minute and with the proof that they had before that interview, it was easy to figure out that Taehyung wanted to say your name.
So not only did fans figure out that you and him were dating, but also that Taehyung apparently also had a crush on you.
Now imagine one member loving you and imagine how jealous that would make people. Now double that for another member.
It wasn't fun for you.
jung hoseok
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Jin didn't even say it too loud, in fact, nobody could even really hear it.
“I swear to god, you'd starve without (Y/N).”
But it must have looked weird, how some members laughed without people knowing why they did.
And a few people were – unfortunately for Bangtan – very good at lip reading.
And so the next day when Hoseok and you woke up and looked at your phones, you had dozens of missed calls and messages of: “YOU TWO ARE DATING?????”
Just another example of how careful Bangtan had to be.. because their fans were little detectives.
kim namjoon
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“You have got to be kidding me,” Namjoon stared at Jeongguk with wide eyes.
“Hyung, seriously, I am so so so sorry. It just slipped, I don't know how or why, but one moment we were talking about the weather and the next I said her name and then..-” Jeongguk took a deep breath, “But maybe it's okay, right? Maybe they'll just brush it off and think that you're just friends.”
Dispatch didn't think so.
Dispatch made a whole ass article about it within the next five hours and then shit was going down. 
All just because Jeongguk had accidentally exposed yours and Namjoon's relationship.
He couldn't even be angry at him, but he was just so overwhelmed with the entire situation.. especially because he didn't like the reaction some fans had.
park jimin
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“Don't you miss your loved ones?” Taehyung read from the comments, then smiled sadly and looked at Jimin, “We all do.”
“Yeah.. family, friends..-”
“(Y/N),” and it was merely said to tease Jimin, but fucking hell, was he serious? He just dropped your name in front of a million people and from the way Jimin looked at him he quickly realized what he just did, “I mean.. you know, her and her band members are really good friends of ours.”
But the damage was already done.
And it only took you thirty minutes to text him: “So.. I heard you missed me.. from millions of people spamming my twitter.”
Yeah.. so that happened.
kim taehyung
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Bangtan Bombs were edited perfectly all the fucking time. They always made sure to blur out anything they had to, anything that would cause a ‘scandal’ for the boys.
But this time, they didn't.
And this time, it actually would have mattered.
They were sitting around, some eating, others on their phone, when suddenly you could see Yoongi laugh in the background and show Taehyung a picture of his phone and that picture was you and him sleeping.
Maybe the team who edited it didn't notice it or maybe they thought nobody would be able to tell what it was, but ARMY found out in a matter of minutes. They were the handful of people who were good with photoshop and they immediately figured out who that woman was.
And oh boy, that team got an earful from the higher ups later on.
jeon jeongguk
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Jimin was doing a VLIVE at the moment and Bangtan had this rule of, when doing a VLIVE, one always had to be careful around their surroundings.
But Jimin was tired and he was doing his VLIVE at home and not at the studio like he usually did. He just wanted to grab a bottle of water, but instead of leaving the phone in his room, he took ARMY's with him to the kitchen. And it's not like they could see anything.. but hearing..
Jimin was drinking when suddenly you could hear someone laugh. A female.
And to make matters worse, you could hear Jeongguk scream: “This isn't fair, you're cheating, (Y/N)!”
And that was the moment that Jimin knew he fucked up and instantly ended the VLIVE without another word and the next day, everyone knew that you and him were a thing.
You first tried to play it off as you two just being friends who occasionally just spent time with each other and played games, but people weren't stupid and they weren't fooled either.
From now on, though, Bang PD made stricter rules when it came down to where to do VLIVES and where not to do them.
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4rainynite · 3 years
Infinity Train Headcanon part 2
I'm back with more Infinity Train headcanons this time with the denizens! Like the first one I’m only doing five per character so it won’t too long. Here's a link to the first one , enjoy!
The Snow Car is his favorite car because he met Tulip there (also he was stuck there for 30 years). But from the evidence from the Snow Car clip he maybe slowly forgetting events only for small things (like the rock) to remind him of said events.
One-One can't eat, but if he did his favorite foods would be popcorn & soda (Movie Theater Car) and chocolate bars ( Minecart Car), but he would hate coconut (again Minecart Car).
One-One will slowly realize that denizens have their own desires besides helping passengers (ex. Lake) and if they desire to leave the train he will assist them.
When he was One, he was very cold and didn't bother explaining how the train worked to passengers (luckily denizens like, Kez, explained how things went). After, Tulip left he made the videos to help explain what the passengers must do to get home. This both got passengers off the train quicker and saved many lives.
The reason he was stuck in the Snow Car for so long was because: both passengers and denizens didn't notice him in the snow or on the snowman (woman or person) body, he was out exploring the car, or he was to busy collecting junk for his secret stash. Bonus: Amelia purposely put him on the snowman (woman or person) body to humiliate One!
The Cat
As great a business woman she is The Cat doesn't think things through ex: turning Ryan, Min-Gi and Kez to the bug police, never going back for Simon, and trying to trap Tulip in her memories. She did help Kez after realizing the Old West Car denizens were going to execute Min-Gi and Ryan for something so stupid as a tea stain, she believed that the ghom killed Simon and never looked back (she deeply regrets that now), the Conductor just wanted One-One not Tulip, after Tulip escaped and the Conductor wanted her as well The Cat realized how badly she messed up.
I doubt she's one of the first, but The Cat is one of the oldest denizens on the train ex: knew there was another conductor before Amelia came, hasn't taken a vacation in 150, said the Chat Chalet Car has been dry for centuries.
The Cat owns many businesses and cars ex: The Cat's Car, Le Chat Chalet Car, The Lucky Cat Car, the doughnut-holer business, the tea shoppe in the Old West Car, the list goes on!
I don't think The Cat knew the Apex were wheeling denizens. She knew they were ruining cars ( especially hers), but had no clue about the deaths.
The Cat's hoarding is to cope with her insecurities and failures. When, she finds out about Simon's death her collection will only get worse.
Randall makes a fortune out of the doughnut-holers, but the fortune is mainly trash. His main types of payment are flowers and gum.
I think Randall is unable to be killed. From what was shown in Le Chat Chalet Car he can be frozen or boiled (and eaten) and still be alive. The dude's immortal!
The Cat always brings Randall with her just incase she needs a hand in one of her money making schemes. Mainly, because she knows good and well that both passengers and denizens are indifferent towards her due to past schemes, but everyone loves Randall.
When, The Cat and Frank leave Le Chat Chalet Car, Randall (or a part of him) askes to stay because of his love of the snow. The Cat allows it, but tells Randall to make sure if passengers or denizens come to the chalet they have to pay to stay. too bad the payments are usually gum, flowers, rocks, and other useless things. But, ever once and awhile Randall gets paid money, CDs, jewelry, and other shiny trinkets.
Continuing with the last headcanon - Randall takes good care of the chalet when The Cat is away! He makes sure the pantry is stocked with food and non-Randall water, invites guest to snowball fights, and gives them doughnut- holers as guest gifts. Because of Randall the Car becomes popular, and why The Cat allows him to keep it open.
After hearing the news of what the Apex did to the Unfinished Car, Atticus has reached out to other cars to stop the Apex so they wouldn't damage passenger/denizen relationships.
Atticus was the runt of his litter and abandoned at a young age. Atticus becoming king is the classic orphan-becomes-king story.
Atticus does check-up on One-One when he gets the chance. The two do talk about Tulip and how they miss her.
Atticus created a tulip field (mainly orange and yellow) in honor of Tulip for saving Corginina and returning One-One as conductor.
Stops calling Irwin, 'Ugly Irwin', and encourages the other corgis to stop it too. Because, it's rude to make fun of someone's appearance.
Alan Dracula
One created Alan Dracula to be unpredictable on purpose. For passengers who expect something to happen to realize nothing is set in stone. Now, One-One can't even predict what Alan Dracula will do next.
Alan Dracula was in The Party Car with Min-Gi, Ryan, and Kez (based on the deleted scene) and was the only partygoer to hear Ryan and Min's song.
Alan Dracula still has the sunglasses Jesse gave him.
Seeing as Alan Dracula was born before Amelia took over the train he is most likely 30+ years old at best.
Lake and Jesse were the only passengers that stayed with Alan Dracula the longest since few understood him and his love of grass.
All of Tuba's children are named after brass instruments. We know about Bugle, but I think the others would be named: Trumpet, French Horn, and Trombone.
Tuba's satchel was a gift from her late husband.
Tuba's favorite food is pineapple since she ate a lot in the Jungle Car episode.
Tuba sang a ton of lullabies for her children and Hazel. The most popular one was the one sung in the show.
Once, Hazel comes to Earth she'll make a grave for Tuba to remember her by. The rest of the Infinity Train passengers (Tulip, Lake, Jesse, Grace, Min-Gi, Ryan, Amelia, One-One- I'm gonna end it here, but it's the rest of the denizens) come to show their support.
After what happened in the Art Gallery Car, Kez leaves signs and directions to allow the passengers and denizens to solve the puzzle easily. But each time she returns the signs go missing or destroyed!
After, making things up to the denizens she'd angered Kez became friends with them minus Judge Morpho. Kez doesn't focus on that really since she has friends now.
Sometime after Ryan and Min-Gi left, Kez and Morgan decided to make a lounge area that dedicates Jeremy, Ryan, and Min-Gi.
Kez spent a year away from Morgan after what happened to Jeremy. That gave her enough time to travel other cars, and (accidently) caused a lot of damage.
Kez rarely leaves Morgan now since they made up, the two really missed each other. When, Kez does leave it's usual for a couple of hours at best.
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wrienne · 3 years
My Cheating, Amnesic Fiancé
Chapter 7: Reconnaissance
You stared at him. “You must be freaking kidding me.”
“I’m afraid not,” replied Sejin as he reluctantly sipped his cup of coffee. “I’ll help you in any way I can, but it’s mostly up to you.”
“I… I’m...”
“You’re doubtful?”
“That wouldn’t even begin to describe what I’m feeling,” you admitted and nervously scratched your arm. “I… I’ll try my best, I really will. But...”
You stopped yourself right then and there. You had merely promised Jungkook you would help him through the amnesia. It wasn’t necessary for you to get him back on top of the music industry again. But you knew he had suffered and worked and spent too much of his life to lose it all just because he was stupid and impulsive enough to drunkenly run out on the street at the wrong time. Also, you couldn’t help but feel a little bit guilty. Even though he was - or should you rather say had been - an absolute scumbag, if you would have never made him so upset, he might not be in the devastating situation he was in right now.
And he had changed. You felt it. Somehow, however little. Jeon Jungkook relied on you for the first time in your life.
You had a chance to help him. And although that was good enough morally speaking, what would be the point of all your efforts if he couldn’t perform again? The concert had clearly proven to you that Jungkook belonged up there, on stage, singing and dancing with his hyungs. Having a deadline of slightly more than three months would only mean you and Jungkook would have to work harder.
A lot harder.
“I’ll make it happen,” you said finally. “Jungkook will be able to perform in Japan by the end of May.”
You surprised yourself with how confident you sounded. Perhaps even Sejin, too, for he raised a surprised eyebrow before nodding in approval.
“I believe you can do this,” he told you. “If there’s anything I can do to help, just tell me.”
“Actually,” you began, “I need to get Jungkook some new clothes. Could you give me an address to where he lives and perhaps the numbers of his group members? Yours, too, if you don't mind.”
After exchanging numbers, you realized you could probably make a fortune selling the information to fanatic fans. Though, as Jungkook had stated yesterday, you didn’t really need any more money.
You parted ways with Sejin and found your parents’ private chauffeur, Kwon Jong-Yeol, waiting impatiently outside the entrance door to the hospital. While driving you home, he held a long lecture for you where he talked about the dangers of young women wandering around alone during the night. He didn’t even care about the emergency part, but then again, he had never been particularly fond of Jungkook.
You were done drying your hair after a much-needed shower when you decided to call your parents to tell them about your decision to break the engagement. As you stood in the hallway of your apartment, your heart pounding against your ribcage, you realized very quickly that nobody would reply. You weren’t particularly surprised, knowing your parents' habits of exercising early in the morning before work, and made a mental note to call them later in the day when they were free.
Frankly, you felt a bit relieved. You didn’t know how they would react upon hearing the news - nor did you want to know.
Before you zipped your phone into your jacket pocket, you spotted, to your great horror, that the seven numbers Sejin had given you were names you had never heard before, of course with the singular exception being him.
Jung Hoseok.
Kim Namjoon.
Kim Seokjin.
Kim Taehyung.
Min Yoongi.
Park Jimin.
Six names. You guessed Jin, the guy who had blown a kiss at Se-Eun and her friends, was Kim Seokjin, but you hadn’t even the slightest idea regarding the remaining five. You barely remembered what their stage names - since that’s what they must have introduced themselves as at the beginning of the concert - had been.
You didn’t have the chance to stress over it much, since you were getting late to school and you had forgotten to read a chapter for the day’s first presentation. You planned to read during the drive, but you were so tired you fell asleep during the usual, boring road to Korea University Business School. Yes, you were enrolled in one of the prestigious SKY universities. But as the granddaughter of one of the most prominent businessmen in the world and the alleged heiress of his company, this surprised nobody.
It hadn’t really been much of a choice for you, since you had known, ever since you were four years old, that you would one day become the owner and CEO of Phoenix Inc. Even if your parents were to have birthed a hundred children after you, none of them would have become a candidate for the post. Because your grandfather had chosen you in particular, stated your name explicitly in his will, to become his successor as soon as you had finished college. Your dad was merely a placeholder - your placeholder - until that day.
You didn’t know why, though.
Se-Eun was waiting outside the main auditorium together with the other students when she spotted you approaching. She darted toward you, greeted you happily with a hug and took you a bit off to the side, so no one could overhear.
“You have to tell me what happened,” she blurted, her brown eyes glinting with curiosity. “We only have three minutes ‘til class, so you’d best keep it snappy.”
Thinking back on the last twelve hours, it wasn’t difficult for you to deduce that you could say nothing. Not even to your best friend.
“I… I can’t really talk about it,” you said truthfully. “But I promise, it wasn’t anything sensational.”
“I thought you were going to snap someone’s neck when you returned,” she said skeptically. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you that upset. Were you embarrassed because they kicked you out? You didn’t have to let us wait for half an hour just to make it seem you had gotten backstage.”
“I was neither upset nor embarrassed,” you protested. “And if I wouldn’t have gotten backstage, I would have been only half as angry as I was yesterday.”
“I knew it!” she exclaimed triumphantly. “You are the quickest, craftiest person I know, (Y/F/N) - now spill the details! What’s there to be so on the down-low for anyways?”
“You know your dialect always spills through when you’re overexcited?” You gave her a teasing smile, pleasantly surprised with her compliment.
“Don’t try to change the subject,” she said stubbornly as she folded her arms across her chest. “Why are you so secretive about it?”
You shook your head. “I really can’t talk about it, I’m sorry.”
Se-Eun sighed, but she gave in. “Well, what did you think about the concert? Wasn’t it-- every one of them amazing? Especially Jungkook?”
When you didn’t immediately give her an annoyed eye roll, sigh or a directly opposed comment as you had the last couple of years whenever she brought up the subject of Jungkook, she whistled in surprise. “You must have really been floored,” she noted.
“Yeah,” you admitted reluctantly. You recalled Jungkook’s presence on stage and almost shivered. His hair, darkened with sweat; his large eyes, filled with an intensity you had never before witnessed; his body language, purposeful and practiced, yet fluid and wild, like liquid mercury; and his voice, soft yet steady, controlled yet gentle.
But then you remembered his face when he had spotted Kim Sejin. You remembered the creeping anguish in his voice when he had spoken to you and the desperate strength of his grip when he had held your hand. He had been a whole different person. Fearful and brittle. So near his dream yet suspicious, confused and alone.
Now he trusted only you. Of course, you couldn't forget his eyes on Park Yi-Jae, either.
Se-Eun had been discussing which solo performance had been her favorite while you reminisced, when she said something that caught your attention.
“‘Taehyung’?” you repeated. “Who is he?”
“Are you serious?” exclaimed Se-Eun. “I’ve been talking about BTS for years and you only now pay attention?”
“Sorry,” you said unapologetically as you checked the time on your phone. Class would begin anytime now. “You never listen to me when I talk about my interests.”
“Oh, I don’t? I’ll remember this, (Y/N).”
“Come on, I’ll buy you lunch. Now tell me.”
“You would have gotten in so much trouble without your family’s money,” she replied while giggling. “Whenever your tongue and stubbornness get you in trouble, you have an easy way out.”
“Please, Se-Eun,” you said impatiently as you spotted movement over your friend's shoulder. “Professor Kang has already begun letting people inside.”
“Make it free lunch for the whole week.”
You gave her a sharp look but knowing the time-crunch you were in, you also nodded. “Deal.”
Se-Eun began toward the door as she spoke, signaling for you to follow. “Kim Taehyung is V’s real name,” she told you. “Do you want to know the rest of their real names as well?”
You greeted Professor Kang while passing her, then nodded again.
“Rap Monster’s real name is in fact Kim Namjoon,” said Se-Eun as she followed you on your search for two available seats next to one another. She folded a finger for each member - and name in your contact list - as she continued. “Jin’s real name is Kim Seokjin. J-hope’s real name is surprisingly not J-hope but Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin is Jimin and Min Yoongi is Suga. You probably know Jungkook’s real name.”
Suga. Min Yoongi. He was the one who hadn’t spoken even once when you first had stumbled upon the group. With slim dark eyes and a solo performance that had left you feeling physically wounded.
There was something about him.
“Jimin is the shortest one, right? With the light voice?” you asked as you found two seats and sank down into one of them.
“He’s taller than you.”
“In comparison with the whole group,” you said as you rolled your eyes at her instant defense. “And it wasn’t an attack, merely an observation.”
Se-Eun sat down next to you. “I’m just saying. Now, what’s the reason you want to know about their names? Are you becoming a fan?”
“Not really,” you said nonchalantly. “I just thought it would be good to know the names of the seven guys my best friend plans to marry by the end of her twenties.”
“Well, that will be easy. I only intend to marry one of them. Can you guess who?”
You swallowed. Hard.
“I can’t believe you’re still shameless enough to fantasize about things like that,” you said in an attempt to change the subject, immediately regretting the path your joke had taken. “Aren’t you too old to be a fangirl?”
“You’re never too old to be a fangirl,” she said defiantly. “I have a whole scenario in the back of my mind for the time we first meet. Jungkook will have spotted me in the audience and fallen in love with me just like that. I just need to be seen by him, that’s all.”
“You’re absolutely mad,” you told her as you laughed in disbelief. “Love doesn’t work like that. He doesn’t work like that.”
“Right, I forgot you and him are childhood friends and have known each other for centuries.”
You regarded her closely. “You’re actually getting irritated, aren’t you?” you asked.
When she didn’t directly reply, you almost burst out in laughter again. Fortunately, you were mindful of your surroundings: people were quieting as they trickled in slower through the door where Professor Kang still waited, her one hand rubbing the face of her wristwatch.
“I would never let a guy get between our friendship,” she said instead of directly addressing the question.
“Not even Jeon Jungkook?”
She shook her head as Professor Kang shut the door and began toward the lectern. “Not even him,” she whispered.
Se-Eun could never get hold of the knowledge that you and Jungkook had once been engaged, you realized as soon as the professor began her lecture. It would mean the end of your relationship. Even though you were tempted to talk with her about you and Jungkook and the situation overall, you couldn’t.
During the rest of the school day, you surprised yourself by almost constantly thinking about Jungkook. Which ways you could help him, what type of reintroduction would most likely help him and so on and so forth. You looked back at your and Jungkook’s time as younger, when and how he would express himself regarding music. You even listened to Se-Eun’s obsessive rambling over the group, hoping you could snatch any type of idea or information that might be of use - which didn’t prove as fruitless as you initially had predicted. For example, you never knew Rap Monster, or rather, Kim Namjoon, was the reason Jungkook had chosen BigHit when he had numerous other options. By the end of last class, you had actually gotten somewhat of a battle plan against Jungkook’s amnesia. Though you seriously doubted anything less than a miracle would be absolutely crucial for you to succeed by May 30th, you were determined.
You were in good spirits by the time Jong-Yeol dropped you off outside what Kim Sejin had told you was BTS’ apartment. The sun had already sunken beneath the upraised, jagged horizon of other apartment buildings, and your breath was escaping in white wisps. Fortunately, you had had the foresight to dress properly - unlike when you darted out to see Jungkook at the hospital - so you weren’t feeling too uncomfortable. Still, even though most of the snow had melted, Seoul was a chilly city during the winter months.
The apartment Kim Sejin had given you the address to didn’t look any different from a typical, middle-class apartment building. But then, you were used to living very affluently and had no idea if this was considered a good buy or not. Jong-Yeol had been unwilling to let you walk around all on your own, forcing you to remind him you weren’t seven years old any longer. Perhaps he had meant that the neighborhood wasn’t the best.
You were too nervous to call any of the six new contacts in your phone, so you stalled a bit by trying to find out where seven guys could live by checking the mailboxes in the entrance hall. However, none of the names stuck out as particularly “largest K-pop group in Korea”-esque, and you understood to your dismay that you would have to call one of them.
You were just about to dial Kim Seokjin - since he was the only one you had managed to fully identify on your own, he felt the least awkward to talk to - when someone called you.
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marinettereadsfics · 4 years
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Kim Seokjin
Make You Scream  Now, when I say this is a wild ride is because I truly mean it. There is nothing like this out there I assure you. Reese is a mastermind. You won’t regret reading it. [crack, smut, Monsters Inc. AU]
A Lullaby on Canvas  Pure amazing plot and writing. If smut with plot is your thing, you got urself a masterpiece right here. [smut, siren AU, neighbour AU]
Dick n’ Go  It never ceases to surprise me how well thought out their plots are + I laughed at the “five star dick” more than I should have bc I totally see Jinnie pulling that off [smut, crack]
Eight  You may be hesitant to read an octopus hybrid Jin but please, this is so well written its just *chefs kiss* [smut, Hybrid AU]
Folia  I never knew I needed an alien AU until I read this. Do yourself a favour and read it. [smut, Alien AU]
Kiss It Better  A quick but amazing read. Seokjin + crack and f2l?? SIGN ME UP [smut, crack, f2l]
Golden Boy  Love me some amazingly written smut with plot. Because what’s better than Pornstar Kim Seokjin? Neighbour pornstar Kim Seokjin.[smut, Neighbour AU, Pornstar AU]
Better With You  This three part fake dating with kinda chaebol Seokjin is juts *chefs kiss* definitely one of my faves [smut, angst, Fake Dating AU]
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Min Yoongi
The Touch of Silk  You know what’s better than vampire Yoongs? Sugar Daddy Vampire Yoongs. Do you even need to know more? [smut, Sugar Daddy AU, Vampire AU]
Talk  One of the most well-written two shots out there. I simply loved it. Most probably read it when I should have been doing homework but hey, Phone Sex operator Yoongi is so worth it. [smut, Phone Sex Operator AU]
Book of The Beasts: From the Ashes  I’m a sucker for anything mythical and this is definitely no exception. It has an amazing plot and build up. 1000/10 [smut, angst, Witch AU, Mythical Shifter AU]
Owner Training  Okay hear me out, I love reading fanfics but I almost never something longer than a one shot bc otherwise I wouldn’t graduate but this. This right here ladies, gentlemen and non binary buddies, is so so worth your time. I’m a sucker for hybrid Yoongi yeah. [crack, fluff, smut, Hybrid AU]
Snake Kisses  If your thing is grumpy Yoongs, mix it a little bit with this amazingly written Hybrid fic and you’ve got: perfection! Danger noodle are my favourite words since I read this. [smut, fluff, Hybrid AU]
Glass  Pure amazing filth by this amazing author. Spare a few minutes and read this masterpiece. Thank You. [smut]
Inheritance  There are a few shots in this one and truth be told you will find yourself reading them all. This one is kinda angsty but it is so so good. Again, grumpy Yoongi hybrid is my fave. [fluff, smut, angst, Hybrid AU]
Demon! Yoongi  I distinctively remember having this one in my to-read list and saying ‘I’ll just read this one and head to bed’ on a school night bc my sleep deprived ass read “2.1 k words” but it really was “22.1k” and so… yeah. It was so amazing I ended up reading it all in one go. Education is important but this Demon Yoongi fic is more important. Don’t quote me on that. [smut, Demon AU] Catharsis  Hello my fellow kinky Yoongi enthusiasts, I bring you an amazing fic full of smut with some amazing plot behind and character development. [smut]
Android!Yoongi Excuse me while I go and weep in a corner. This is a scenario I didn’t know I needed so much. 24k yeah, but it is so so worth it. [smut, angsty, Android AU]
Mighty  I can’t recall details because I tend to read to sleep BUT GRUMPY CAT YOONGI IS A THING. [smut, fluff, Hybrid AU]
Love and Laughter  A quick read, but I’m a sucker for established relationship drabbles. [smut, fluff]
Tonight  If daechwita Yoongs did something to you, spare a few minutes to read this masterpiece. [smut, Historical AU]
Bent Will  Heavy kinky stuff ahead. That is about enough. [smut]
Daechwita  The title is pretty self-explanatory. If you haven’t read this masterpiece, I honestly- don’t know where you’ve been. [smut, Historical AU]
Give It To Me  Hello fellow kinky Yoongi enthusiats, again. Shibari is a thing here. Enjoy. [smut]
Want a Taste? 
I’ve said it once, I’ll say it all the time, SMUT WITH PLOT. Yoongi rapper while working in a mall is something I didn’t know I needed. As always, amazing writing and plot. [smut, humour-ish, Mall Worker AU]
Let me tell ya something, this fic right here has slipped from my fingers more than once, but I just loved it so so much that I’ve spent hours looking for it without remembering the title. A FAVE. Amazing writing and an even more incredible character development. A MUST READ. [smut, fluff, comedy, College AU]
The pure essence of Yoongi’s life lessons mixed with a tiny bit of bad boy vibe and smut. [angst, smut, College AU]
Tricks of the Trade 
This was such a fun and sexy reading! I LOVED IT SO MUCH. Can you just imagine swapping bodies with your crush okay look no further. Here it is. [smut, humour, fluff, Soulmate AU]
The Singularity Theory 
Three parts of absolutely worthy Min Yoongi smut with plot [smut, comedy, college AU]
Nine Months From Now
SMUT. WITH. PLOT. And a hell of a plot I absolutely love CEO Yoongi [smut, fluff, CEO AU]
To Love an Empress 
Ummm hello? This piece of art is just- idk absolutely brilliant to say the least. I am in love with the writing okay and you know im a sucker for smut with plot.[smut, fluff, Historical AU]
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Jung Hoseok
Airplane Pt.2  I’m not saying that I can totally picture Hobi in this scenario but maybe I am. Welcome to the mile high club, everybody. [smut, Sugar Daddy AU]
Fake Love  I’m a cliché lover okay. [smut, fluff, fake dating, enemies to lovers]
Rogue Galaxy  SMUT. WITH. PLOT. May you feel blessed with Kristi’s amazingly written masterpiece. [angst, fluff, smut, alien AU]
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Kim Namjoon
Hammer it Home  I started reading this in the middle of my customs and tariffs class and somewhere along the middle I kinda forgot I started reading it BUT MY MY THIS IS *chef’s kiss* one of the most amazing smut with plot I’ve read in a while. [fluff, smut]
The Moment Pleasantly Frightful  Joonie here is a devil, you are an inexpirenced witch [smut]
What Friends are For  Joonie is kinda inexperienced but hey, making sure he gets it is what friends are for. [smut, BFF AU]
Love Bites 
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Park Jimin
Love Me, Love Me I read this in a sleepy haze for the first time but ever since, I’ve re-read it bc it is just so good! One of my hybrid faves tbh [smut, Hybrid AU]
Book of The Beasts: The Hunt I was so caught up with the story from the beginning, no words, just do yourself a favour and read it. [fluff, smut, angst, Mythical Shifter AU]
A Serpent’s Flower Part 1 and Part 2  You gotta read these if you wanna have a good laugh but still get the sexy writing in it + if you like HP AUs okay. The plot is so rich I loved it.
20 Things (and Counting) I Hades about You  Cocky Jimin makes an appearance in this one as Hades’ embodiment and lemme tell ya I’m here for it. [crack, angst, Greek Gods AU]
Beneath the Water by @jungshookz ExcuSE YOU, this is easily the best mermaid/merman AU I’ve read. It really takes you places, please read it. [fluff, crack, smut, mermaid AU]
The Airport Couple: Park Jimin’s Cock [pit] This was so so fun to read, plus, it is so well written I might cry. The plot is so original is2g. I never knew I needed Jimin as a pilot in my life, but we all do. [fluff, smut, crack, pilot!AU]
Everywhere  One of my werewolf AU faves in this site, this so smutty I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT [smut, Werewolf AU]
Sleeping on the Couch  Hello there cute smutty drabbles. It is so entertaining, just read ahead. [smut, fluff]
Shewolf by @dovechim​
You should know by now this is the author of some AMAZINGLY WRITTEN SMUT so just go ahead please [smut, werewolf AU]
Love Like This  If your thing is soft boyfriend Jiminie, look no further, this will make you feel things for sure. [smut, fluff]
User: Mochibuns95  There is nothing in this world I wouldn’t do for camboy Jimin, now make it a “we kinda know each other but not really” and you got this brilliant plot! Kudos to the author, you are an absolute genius! [smut, Camboy AU]
Lovebug  Gimme some more of this angsty smutty hybrid Jimin slowly learning to love himself YESSS [angst, fluff, smut, Hybrid AU]
Dress Code  If you haven’t thought about CEO Jimin in a nsfw type of way. Stop lying to yourself. Read this. [smut, CEO AU]
So it Goes
A 3 part masterpiece. Once again I kinda cried reading it. It must have been hormonal. Or perhaps the amazing way it is written. [fluff, smut, Alien AU]
Power Play
Okay so I went on a reading spree for Addie but can you even blame me? SHE IS AN AMAZING WRITER PERIODT. FEED ME THAT FILTH WITH AMAZING PLOT. Definitely one of my faves. I can promise you your heart will skip a beat with this one.  [smut, fluff, Pornstar AU]
Watch Me, Watch You 
Listen up, I can’t be the only one that has found a TA attractive as fuck. Now bring Jimin into it? YES PLEASE [smut, college AU]
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Kim Taehyung
Ahem. Excuse you. This hit hard it is amazing, astounding, I loved every word of it. I’m a sucker for smut with plot and this right here, delivered. Homeless but passionate for music Tae is here to save the day. [fluff, smut]
All That Is Gold  I’ll said it once, I’ll say it until I die, AMAZING PLOTS THAT NEVER FAIL TO DELIVER. Tae is a sugarbaby here. [smut, angst, roommate AU]
Plunge  Hybrid shy Tae is a thing here [smut, angst, Hybrid AU]
Fun & Games  Soft smutty lover Tae is a dream come true in this one [fluff, smut]
By Chance Tae saves your life and things get… heated. An amazing plot, lovely characters as always. [angst, smut, fluff, Mythical AU, Shifter AU]
By Chance Tae saves your life and things get… heated. An amazing plot, lovely characters as always. [angst, smut, fluff, Mythical AU, Shifter AU]
Sehebon Then again, a bless to read Alien AU, Tae here is just a dreamy one. So so lovely writing, smut with plot, you know it. [angst, fluff, smut, Alien AU]
The Talk  I absolutely loved this, pornstar Tae stepping out of his comfort zone is something so so needed in your life [smut, Pornstar AU]
Good Girl  Accidentally sending your coworker nudes can be something less than a nightmare. [smut, Office AU]
Planning Ahead  Sweet baby Jesus. I loved it. [smut, breeding kink]
The Morning After 
I’m sorry I love ex to lovers smut but y’all shouldn’t stay in toxic relationships okay [smut, e2l]
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Jeon Jungkook
The Underwear Thief  I found this so so funny to read and I just noticed that it is 10k but it doesn’t feel like it. Plus, Kookie and a cat as a concept is so cute to me. [smut, neighbour AU]
Bandslam  I haven’t read a fic with this much well written plot ever since my 1D phase so I am forever in debt to Laura for delivering such an amazing fic. Enemies to lovers is a cliche, I know but mix it with drummer boy JK and you got this amazing piece of art. [angst, a bit of fluff in there, smut, E2L, Drummer AU]
Caught Me  I read this quite a while back but I can still recall bits and pieces of it. Seokjin is a sneaky bastard in this one + JK is that roommate that is kinda hard to live with.[smut, Roommates AU]
Crybaby  I’m just going to say: this goes hard. Do yourself a favor and read it. [smut]
Dynasty  I was on a historical streak when I read this. It is angsty but trust me, you’ll absolutely love it. [angst, smut, Historical AU]
Black Card  A wonderfully written two shot that gathers a few faves: CEO Jungkookie and a spoiling kink. Honestly, where can I get myself a man like this. [smut, CEO AU]
Periapt  A two shot (? where JK is an incubus. That should be enough of a description. Amazing writting as always by Rha.
Robot!Jungkook  Okay so one of my many not so guilty pleasures is reading android AUs and lemme tell ya, this 5 shot scenario is just *chefs kiss* [angst, fluff, smut, Android AU]
Dumbo  Wanna have a great laugh while still getting the smut content you deserve? This is your fic. Please just read it. It is amazing and will most likely make your day better. [crack, smut]
2! 3!  Fluffy vanilla smut. Sometimes we deserve it. [fluff, smut]
New Beginnings One of the sexiest Werewolf AUs I’ve read if not the sexiest. You know I love my smut with plot on the side and this fic right here: absolutely amazing. [smut, angst, Werewolf AU]
Felicity  NOW THIS FIC TOOK ME PLACES I DIDN’T KNOW I NEEDED TO BE. There are amazing hybrid fics out there but this is on a whole new level. Like seriously, novel-worthy plot. Also, this is off hiatus now apparently and I will most definitely be waiting for it. [angst, smut, hybrid AU]
Out of the Blue  Four-piece that is worth every second you read it. It takes you places, trust me. Plus, you get Namjin on the side. [smut, fluff, Hybrid AU]
Anemia  Hello, a quick read but smutty and quite the ride. Just read it. [smut, True Blood AU]
Fluff and Smut 
Yesssss love me some pinning pornstar au I LIVE FOR IT [smut, Pornstar AU]
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youarejesting · 4 years
BTS365 Prompts.Week 32
[Full Masterlist] [Prompt Masterlist] [Tag yourself here]
Beta: @juniethebug
Please tag me in your work if you use my prompts. I want to see your work. Ever your Jester. Tell me your birthday and I will tag you on your special day!
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     July 6th - August 12th
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Kim Seokjin - watermelon
You were heading to the beach, with your friends group. When you saw a broad shouldered gentleman struggling to maneuver two large watermelons. One was about to fall and you caught it and smiled at him. “Do you need some help?”
“Ah thank you, please,” he laughed and you smiled carrying the large fruit following his lead. “Ya, Jin,” They were shouting loudly in another language and you smiled. It seemed boys were boys in all countries. You noticed the camera’s and bowed politely to the camera people, you hope this was a proper greeting.
“Who is this?” The english caught your attention once more, you don’t know what possessed you but you gestured to the melon in your hands.
“I carried a watermelon,” you threw them a coy smile and they clapped and laughed loudly.
“Ah, baby.”
“You baby?”
You weren’t sure who was talking but two of them started singing the theme to dirty dancing and you smiled proud that they had gotten the joke. “My name is y/n.”
“You are a world wide cutie girl,” Jin winked at you.
Min Yoongi - single
“That will be twenty five dollars,” the woman asked him and he frowned.
“But your sign says fifteen?” He said quietly, looking at the change in his hand
“That is a valentine's day special sir, we can only honour that price for couples,” she said and you heard him mumble about a bus fare. 
“Yes that’s what he meant, I have been standing behind him this whole time, I am his girlfriend, we were meeting for dinner, I just don’t like to talk so I hide behind him.”
“Oh! My apologies, that will be fifteen dollars,” you paid the money and grinned as the two of you were led to a table.
“Hey, it beats to singles eating alone at a ridiculous price” You said and he nodded as the two of you were silent checking your phones and when the waiter came over you grinned.
“Honey, what would you like to drink,” You asked. The fifteen dollars covered your meals and drinks and a shared dessert. He smirked and took your hand with a smile and the two of you spent the night pretending to be a couple.
Jung Hoseok - Dog
You were painting, in the park when you felt something climb into your lap, curl up and fall asleep, it was the most adorable little dog that you had ever seen. With clips and a bow hair tie holding back the puppies hair. You looked at the collar and read the words as you heard them.
“Mickey!” You looked over your shoulder to see a man in a mask, hat and glasses.
“Excuse me I think I know where your dog is?” You waved him over and he looked almost relieved to see his companion snuggled his chin resting on your knee and tired from his sprint.
“I can move him” He said, reaching out and then freezing, his puppy was curled up between your crossed legs and he didn’t want to accidentally put his hand near anything it shouldn’t be near. You noticed his hesitation and laughed.
“Perhaps let him rest a little, the poor guy looks tired, I am sitting here anyway painting, you are welcome to join me, the blanket is big enough for guests. You took the leash from his hand and gently attached it to the collar and smiled. “Now he won’t run away if he wakes up.”
Kim Namjoon - fresh breath
“When I leave, brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack,” you said under your breath and Namjoon frowned while speaking Korean.
“Though some alcohols have a sterilizing aspect, it isn’t high enough to be used as an oral health option, you should probably try listerine instead but don't drink it.”
Park Jimin - lighthouse
“There was a legend that on the cliff looking over the ocean, if one was lonely, the lights would spin and lure people in. And that they were never seen or heard from ever again.” The guide said gesturing to the old broken down lighthouse “The light doesn’t work and it is too rusty to spin, and the door doesn't even unlock. But it is a popular little myth that the keeper is a handsome young man looking for his long lost love and if you don’t answer the question right then you disappear. It is most likely the people who have gone missing have just fallen into the ocean.”
The crowd moved but you took a few pictures feeling eyes on your form. Catching up to the group you finished the tour came to an end. There was supposed to be more but the rain began falling pretty heavily and you headed back to the hotel.
While loading your pictures to your online storage so you could clear the camera and take more tomorrow, you noticed something in the window of the light house. You were rigid, scared your heart racing but when you looked more carefully, he didn’t look scary, he was smiling with a peace sign behind you.
It was probably just a neighborhood young man playing a prank, you decided to book the tour again and you headed out the next day asking the woman if this young man had been within the group and she looked at the picture and looked at you confused. “There is just you in the picture, ma’am?”
This struck you as odd and you went on the tour and when you had seen all the other old buildings you stepped to the lighthouse and took some photos and you couldn’t see anything on the camera. You had even tried the door and it didn’t budge. Sighing, It must have been a joke, between the tour company, someone employee appeared in the photo’s and they pretended not to know.
That seemed the case until you all began to leave. You went down to the beach walking across the sand and you saw something flash in front of your eyes. 
Looking up the light house was lit up the revolving lamp illuminating the horizon. You ran towards it and you pulled the door and it opened and the negative pressure pulled you in and you flew inside squealing and you stopped. The door had closed behind you and you were teetering on your heels, arm swinging for balance and you over corrected and fell face first. Into a soft pair of arms, “Hello, love,” he smiled, “it has been too long.”
Kim Taehyung - Tending
It was a RunBTS episode and the boys were learning how to make cocktails, you were all talking and you took them through the basics of liquor they tried beer and wines and such just a subtle taste nothing too extreme. You saw Taehyung cringe every time, “Describe the flavour?”
“Bitter, strong, chemicals,” he said.
“See now here is the thing, Alcohol isn’t pleasant, it is my job to create drinks that taste good, I have tips and tricks that will remove that bitter flavour,” you smiled taking some ingredients and making a drink for them to share while explaining. “A common drink is the Sunrise you can have it with tequila or vodka, I think Vodka is gentler on flavour less of a kick easy to hide. Orange juice is tart and cancels out the strong flavour and the red syrup adds some sweetness.” 
You gave them all a drink to try to make and Taehyung wanted the most artistic drink, so you helped him create a strawberry daiquiri and he enjoyed it greatly. Afterwards you may have shown them a certain chocolate liquor shot with an explicit name topped with whip cream. And chocolate syrup. Which they each enjoyed.
Jeon Jungkook - happiness
Today Jungkook was happy, he didn’t know why he was so elated. He walked down the street and paused seeing you looking in the window of a toy shop waiting for it to open. He saw Avenger action figures and moved closer pressing himself against the glass until his breath fogged up his few.
He heard you giggle, and turned blushing. “You must really like them?”
“Uh yeah,” he ducked his head and contemplated leaving when you spoke once more in your sweet tone.
“You wouldn’t happen to know what a young boy around six might want for his birthday, next week?” You looked up hopeful, “I am stuck for Idea’s was there anything you wanted when you were younger, I could use the help.”
He spoke of an old toy he always wanted when he was younger until the doors opened and he smiled talking as he led you through the shop to show you the toy. He was really spreading joy in little gestures and you were grateful.
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chimswae · 4 years
BTS Caretaker CH16
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Summary: She may think she has Bangtan Sonyeondan wrapped around her fingers. She may think it is easy to love the members equally without hurting any soul. She may think the boys wont fall head over heels for her. She assumes it is okay to show a little love and affection towards the boys, what if she gets it all wrong? What if it only brings more complication to her already complicated life? Can she survive their charms? Will she be able to resist them? What if they just wont let her go?
- Pairing: BTS x Oc ( Yoongi x OC, Jungkook x OC)
- Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst, Romance, Idol!au
- Word Count: 2, 928
- Author Note:Late update again hmm i was a little busy these days with work ;(  i appreciate your feedback and comment, just drop in my ASK BOX :)
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Chapter 16                                                                              
It was a cold December night. Unbeatable coldness outside making everyone decided to stay at home doing nothing and for once they had a genuine free time required no energy. A workaholic Min PD and Namjoon presence there proved it was indeed a day to laze around. Today, they were supposed to film their Spring Day music video however due to the extremely cold weather they postponed the filming to another day.
Sitting on the couple couch was Taehyung and Jimin, with Namjoon’s head on Taehyung’s lap, those three were engrossed in their game. A fight that unnecessary at first yet they turned it into a real competition, who lose must pay for the takeout that they ordered earlier. Meanwhile, on the floor Jin’s legs were tucked neatly as he chuckled away watching Odeng and Eomuk fooling around with the new toy that he got the siblings.
Hoseok came unannounced with a bowl of vanilla ice cream covered with chocolate topping, “Who wants ice-cream” said Hoseok while grinning from ear to ear. To his distaste, none from the trios showed any response making Hoseok pouted. Sulkily, he threw his body on the couch closed to where Jin sat with hope the older guy would spare him an attention that he needed.
“Who eats ice cream at this time. It is freezing outside” Jin snorted.
“I am craving for one, it is a good day to relax” Hoseok argued.
Jin gave him a soft nod “Are you going to finish that by yourself?” his brows twitched in confusion.
“Yes, got problem?” with one large scoop, Hoseok shoved the remaining ice cream inside his mouth allowing it to melt and practically brain freeze him. What a bummer. Hoseok spent his time watching Jin childishly encouraging Odeng and Eomuk sparring against each other until a familiar figure in black trench coat swoosh passed him. It caught his attention instantly.
“Gguk where are you going?” Hoseok’s questioned garnered the attention from the trios whom first showed no signal of they actually existed in this house. Jimin ears perked up showing interest as soon as he heard Hoseok’s voice breaking the eerie silence in the room “Where are you going? It is 9 and cold” his voice was stern as if like a warning.
Jungkook bit his lower lips, running his hand to the back of his neck, rubbing it with a sheepish smile “I want to get a drink from my favourite café” he justified.
“I can make one for you” Jimin insisted. He did not want him to go out at this time since it was barely 10 Celsius outsides, and anyone could catch a cold. The younger boy blinked his eyes and immediately shook his head “No way. The last time you made me one, it tasted nothing like the one I got from the shop. I will be back quickly, don’t worry” his cheeks were pulled upwards to form his signature bunny smile.
This time Taehyung sent Jungkook a concern looks “Are they doing any delivery services? We can order for everyone instead of going out just to get those drinks?” he suggested.
“Urm..I don’t think they have one, I just want to clear my mind and only that place can help me with that” Taehyung and Jimin exchanged a weird look as if Jungkook had said the oddest thing they ever heard from the maknae.
Mister smartie-pant Kim Namjoon sat up with a judgemental look “Why does that shop appear so special to you?” he inquired. Jungkook flustered at this sudden attack, why on earth he got attacked just to get a mere drink. Unbelievable.
Namjoon jumped in before Jungkook get to his point “Are you crushing on someone?” he reasoned. Five pair of eyes were now directed towards him, Jungkook found himself trapped in between and it was suffocating to even breathe. This brought him to nowhere.
“What…are you talking about?” he chuckled nervously, rubbing his sweaty palm together.
Jin mumbled with a playful smug “Someone from the shop that you occasionally visited. And where exactly is that place? Any ideas anyone?” he glanced at others with a bright smile.
Scratching his head, Jimin scrunched his nose to gather back the fade memory about Jungkook’s favourite place. When Jungkook thought Jimin would totally forget the thing so he could get his drink at ease, the small guy snapped his fingers with a soft humph.
“I remember this one place, it is called ‘Tea by Jesse’. I went there with him one time, but for an odd reason Jeon has been obsessing over that place and their tea since then” Jungkook grinded his teeth together not liking how Jimin put the words together.
“He is not even a big fan of tea” Jimin continued.
“Tea by Jesse.Sounds familiar” Taehyung hummed, pressing his lips into a thin line.
Hoseok put his empty bowl aside, “You like someone from that Tea by Jesse shop?” he wiggled his eyebrows teasing the younger guy whom already turned into ripe tomato.
“Wow, our maknae is growing up so well”
“He is even crushing on someone”
“Leave him alone. Let that man mend his own feelings” Yoongi said groggily. He was awoken from the noise. His supposed to peace and calm slumber, but the commotions coming from these guys were starting to get on his nerve.
“NO! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME. I AM LEAVING” slipped his shoes hurriedly exiting the place with a heavy breathing. Neither he denied the teasing from his hyung nor he admitted developing a crush on someone working there. It was supposed to be a mere admiration, yet it turned out to be something more than that, Jungkook couldn’t run away from the reality.
Clutching onto his sketchbook, he was determined to give the drawings to the girl that became his muse these past few months.
‘I hope she is working today’ he bit down his tongue not to let any his girly squeal coming out from him.
“Are you leaving already?” Wongeun turned around to face the short girl in front of him. The corner of his lips was tugged into his signature handsome smile “Yes, are you missing me already?” he teased.
Seul rolled her eyes giving him a nasty glare “You wish. I just want to make sure the moment you take a step outside, you won’t be freezing to death Mr Manager” Wongeun caught the scarf thrown by Seul to his direction swiftly.
“You could put it on me instead of throwing it in such a rude manner” he scoffed.
“Why should i? Your hands are there so do it by yourself, alright” Wongeun chuckled away at Seul’s silliness and wrapped the black plaid scarf around his neck with a satisfied smile.
Wongeun continued “Close early today, you look like you could use a good rest. I don’t think people go out at this time, so get ready to head back Seul”
Seul nodded “Alright. Have fun on your date today!” she whistled with a teasing smile. Shy Wongeun ruffled her hair just to annoy Seul “Shut up, do your job. See you tomorrow” he winked and exited the shop with a wide smile.
Her silly smile faded as her eyes caught a man stood at the entrance in his usual outfit that he used during his visit except this time he wore a warm trench coat instead of the usual black hoodie. Not to mention he changed the bucket hat into a normal black snap, making him looked so presentable and mysterious.
Seul bowed politely greeting the guest “Welcome to Tea by Jesse, the usual?” she said cheerfully. Since he’s a regular customer, Hwasa and Seul remembered how he would always order bubble milk tea with additional coconut jelly in it. Sometimes, they wondered why he never buy something warm for himself.
The man nodded keeping his gaze at Seul’s face, even though with his signature black mask, Seul could tell he’s smiling from the way his eyes twitched. Now, that she was alone at the place with no Hwasa or Wongeun, she noticed this man in front of her had a good physique. Something about him was so alluring.
“Oh…can I have two cup of hot lemon tea?” Seul got a goose bump solely from that voice of his. His voice was so beautiful. Masculine yet there was a hint of sweetness in it. This was her first time listening to his voice, since Hwasa took his order most of the time.  
Seul smiled “Alright, you can have your usual seat” she said quickly and left the guy speechless. Little did he know, the girl that he admired noticed his presence there. It never occurred to him that Seul would actually know him. Hugging his precious sketchbook closed to his chest, a foolish smile plastered across his face as he made his way to his seat at the corner where he could have a good view of Seul working.
Flipping through his drawing, he traced his work in amusement. Firstly, it was the drawing of Seul and secondly, he was so in love with his work. It took him forever to master this skill, yet within few months he was able to finish few sketches of Seul. Love does wonder sometimes. Instead of driving one mad, it helped the person to succeed in whatever they did.
He wanted to fill the empty pages with one more drawing of Seul, so his fingers started to do wonder while waiting for his orders. Tilting his head, he watched Seul’s movement diligently, admiring everything about her from the way her brow creased into a frown and when she hummed to something while keeping her hand busy preparing the orders.
Engrossed in his work, he did not even notice Seul’s presence in front of him. The aroma from the tea awoken his sense “Your drink” her sweet voice sounded melodious in his ears. “And this is on the house” placing two brownies on the table, she smiled genuinely.
“Freshly baked brownies for you. Enjoy and call me if you need anything” amused, his eyelashes batted beautifully gazing into Seul’s eyes. She never failed to render him breathless.
After so much hesitation, he reached out holding onto Seul’s wrist firmly making the girl jolted at the sudden contact. She gave him a concern look “Do you need anything?” his warm hand sending a rush of excitement in her.
“Can..you…urm..is it okay if you give me a company? I..ordered extra drinks. I don’t think I can finish it all” he tore his gaze from her shyly. Seul reluctantly took a seat across him, as he let go her wrist with a soft cough.
Seul had no idea what to say, yet she was unsure whether it was a good thing to sit with a total stranger even though he’s a regular customer there. This guy was still mysterious to begin with. Today, was her first time to hear his voice.
“I..am sorry, I don’t want to sound like a creep but..I have something for you” he mustered his courage and handed the sketchbook to Seul.
“What is this?” blinking confusedly, Seul took it with both of her hands scanning the cover of the sketchbook. “GC by JK?...” she traced the initial which she assumed refers the guy in front of her. His fingers fiddled with the hem of his white shirt underneath as he scrutinized Seul’s expression.
Her expression was unreadable, sometimes he would catch her dazzling smile at the corner of his eyes. Nothing coming from Seul for few minutes, until she reached the last page of the drawing. With the rush of sensation, her cheeks turned pink “All this while…you are drawing me?” her voice broke into a shy mutter in the end.
“Yes, I am sorry if this out of line but I just find you are interesting. I couldn’t stop myself from..drawing you” he just feel slightly out of sorts, a little giddy at time and got the occasionally pounding sensation in his chest.
Seul’s mouth formed into a cute small ‘o’ as Jungkook continued “You are my muse” he professed. Upon hearing that honest confession came from him, her mind went black for a second.
“I don’t know what to say. Wow, thank you. I mean your drawing is beautiful and I appreciated it. The details in the drawing rendered my breath away, it is beautiful. I mean, I am sorry I am no good in arts but I have a good eyes on one when I see it ” this was her second time receiving such an odd drawing from a stranger. Her first time with the Vante guy, the drawing was not as good as him, but Vante has his own style. What did she do in her previous life to receive such a weird encounter like this.
“I am glad you like it. I was worried that you might hate it. Urm.. may I know? I mean..” his eyes glanced at her nametags plastered on her uniform “Seul? Your name is Seul?” he flinched.
Why does it sound like our caretaker name? It can’t be her right, it must be a coincidence. He squeezed his small brain to process the impossibility.
“Ah yes, Seul.. Can I know yours then?”
“Jung-JK.. You can call me JK” Jungkook exhaled a soft sigh. He couldn’t be revealing his identity to anyone so easily. No matter how much he admired Seul, he must be conscious always. To avoid any hanky panky.
Seul giggled, “Do people who does art always have this weird name, or is it just me?” chewing his lower lips, Jungkook chuckled softly. He liked this light and warm conversation that expected to be a real doomed at first. It went smoothly otherwise.
“That is my nickname. I will tell you my real name when I am ready” he blurted out.
Seul arched her brows in amusement “Which means you will continue visiting me and draw me again?” her tease got Jungkook flustered in his seat. How easy was it to make the Jeon Jungkook flustered again?
“And what about your face, when will I be able to see the talented JK who drew me so well” she said chirpily.
Jungkook murmured timidly “Soon. I will tell you my name and reveal myself soon”
“Alright then, that works for me Mr JK” she handed back the sketchbook to Jungkook which confused him. “I know what you want to say, I like your drawing but since you promised to reveal yourself when you are ready, I would like you to fill the empty pages with your drawing” Jungkook eyes widened in sheer surprised.
“You have talent Mr JK. If this sketchbook like you said help you to sharpen your skills by having me as your muse, I think you need to fill every single page with your drawing before giving it to me. At least you have reason to visit me, don’t you think?” she chortled.
His eyes glimmered in happiness “I know I picked the best muse, you never fail to amaze me even up until now. I expected a slap from you at least, since I am basically creeping on you” Seul only chuckled while shaking her head.
“Yes, you are at first, but your drawings changed my mind. I can feel the sincerity in it, then I realize it is your passion. Who am I to judge you? This is free country, you can do whatever you want. Unless you have another nasty intention then only I can lodge a report”
“OH MY GOD NO. OF COURSE NO! I…am not that kind of person. Thank you for your kind words, from a beautiful woman like you, it really makes me feel special” Seul blushed madly upon hearing the compliment from Jungkook. Not that she agreed with the ideas of her being beautiful but for some reason his voice shook her heart.
Just like the that the two individuals whom at first start with an awkward glance and simple hi, watched things start to fall into its place. Who knows a blooming relationship tonight embark something new in them. Something that you would never expect to happen.
“What is with that smile” Jimin watched the younger guy entered the house with a box of brownies and his sketchbook. Strutting inside with a small bounce, Jungkook hummed some happy songs triggered Jimin’s curiosity “I did it!” he heaved a soft sigh.
“You did what?” Jimin squeaked.
“I DID IT! OH GOD I DID IT!” Jungkook pumped his fist in the air. His voice boomed making sleepy Hoseok to snap his eyes open “What is w-rong with both of you” he grunted in annoyance. Throwing his body on Jimin’s bed, he threw himself at Jimin without hesitation causing the small guy to scowl in his embrace.
Refused to let Jimin go, he peeked at the older guy with a sheepish grin “I did it, so I did it” Jimin wriggled away from him and sat up, fixing his pyjamas.
“Where did you go?”
“To get my drinks?”
“And what happen after that?”
“Are you planning to tell me by anytime soon”
Jungkook cracked a mischievous grin leaving dumbfounded Jimin alone as he dashed out to his room.
“YAH JEON JUNGKOOK!” he huffed.
Hoseok growled “Jimin tone down will ya..  I am trying to get some sleep here” he threw a pillow at Jimin’s direction before continued to sleep.
  This work belongs to  Chimswae © 2020. All Rights Reserved.
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imaginekpoplikethis · 4 years
Mixing it up sequel scenarios - TroubleMaker! Min Yoongi X reader - Part 2
Original Mixing it up story
Part 1 Part 2 - Here
You would never admit it but you were glad your friends had managed to convince you to join them at the arcade. It had been a while since you had even set foot in one, many fond memories filling you with immense joy and excitement for the evening.
Currently, you were situated at the dance dance revolution machine with Suhyun. Jimin, Hoseok and Taehyung were cheering for you both despite your poor display of stamina but nevertheless you were having fun.
“Grade C!? How did you beat me!?” Suhyun all but screamed from beside you, her heavy pants in sync with yours.
Suhyun had managed to score lower than you which truly was something you were not expecting. This didn’t deter your sudden smug attitude however, a smirk creeping on your face.
“I’m just that great y’know. Hey, I got an idea. Loser should buy slushies.”
You were met with a glare at your suggestion.
“Normally you say that before the game takes place. That’s just unfair.”
Despite stating this, she had already begun walking towards the snack bar.
“My turn! I want to go up against Hoseok!” Taehyungs undoubtedly loud voice cut in suddenly, accompanied by Hoseoks chuckle.
“If crushing defeat is what you want, who am I to stand in the way of it?”
Hoseok stood in position, Taehyung beside him, and inserted two coins into the machine.
“I’m sure it would be fun to watch Tae lose to Hoseok but we still haven’t played anything together.”
An arm slid around your waist and Yoongi pulled you closer to him, his eyes scanning the arcade for a suitable game.
“And what do you suggest?”
“How about that tomb raider one?”
At the other end of the room was a giant shooting game, an image of Lara Croft smack right in the middle.
At least twenty five minutes later and both of you had managed to reach the second last level before it all got too much.
These games were definitely a scam. You had never seen anyone win in your life.
“Well we make an impressive team. I feel like we were made for each other.”
Yoongi slipped an arm around your waist, leading you towards a racing game.
“And you have come to this conclusion because of one round of Tomb Raider at an arcade?”
He simply chuckled at your question, knowing it wasn’t a serious one.
“Y/N! The slushie machine was being fixed so it took longer to get them. I ended up just getting the first flavour available.”
Jumping out of Yoongis grasp, you cling onto Suhyuns arm, gratefully accepting the cold beverage.
“You’re the best Hyunie~ I’ll make it up to you tomorrow. Drinks on me at the café!”
You both began in the direction of a claw machine, squealing at the sight of the Kakao plush toys.
“She abandoned me for a slushie and Ryan...”
Taehyung made a sudden appearance, clapping his hand on Yoongis back in sympathy.
“Honestly... I would to.”
A scowl formed on Yoongis face.
You found yourself in Yoongi’s room on a Friday evening, bag packed to stay the night and a Nintendo Switch to accompany you. Yoongi was sulking at his desk due to the lack of attention you had given him in favor of the game you were currently investing all of your time in.
“What game is it anyway. It must be godly if you’re ignoring me this long.”
Excitement filled your body at the interest he was displaying and you quickly showed him the screen of your switch.
“Animal Crossing!”
The confusion on his face prompted you to explain in as much detail as you could what the game was about, whilst also showing him the in game island that you had put over three hundred hours into.
By the end of your explanation he had gone silent and pulled his own switch out of his drawer.
“You have a switch? Since when? Wait-
never mind, the dust collecting on that thing is enough of an answer.”
You returned back to your five star island, gushing over the Takoyaki octopus Zucker and his aloof personality.
An hour later, the familiar sound of the iconic animal crossing language filled your ears, though not from your own switch.
Looking up in utter disbelief, you were met with Yoongis trademark smirk as he showed you his own screen displaying the beginning scene of the very game you were playing.
“You bought Animal Crossing!?”
“Well you were spending all your time on it, I wanted to see what that was all about. Plus it does sound kind of interesting.”
He rose from his seat and laid beside you on his bed where you spent the next hour running through tips for him.
“It’s three am.”
A yawn accompanied your statement and you moved to save your game, then turning it off and placing it on Yoongis desk.
“Huh... already?”
Said boy didn’t even lift his gaze from his screen, pure concentration was being devoted to the game.
“How are you still playing the game? Isn’t it still like your first day. There’s only so much you can do.”
“I time travelled.”
You were shocked to say the least. You hadn’t even mentioned the concept of time travel to him.
“You what!? How do you even know what that is?”
“I searched it up.”
Why am I not surprised.
“Are you going to sleep anytime soon?”
At this point you were struggling to keep your eyes open and you made yourself comfortable in his bed.
“In a bit.”
Rolling your eyes at his curt reply, you snuggled deeper into his covers.
“If you say so.”
When you awoke several hours later, it was to the sight of Yoongi playing Animal Crossing.
Rubbing at your eyes, your brows furrowed at the thought of him staying up all night to play the game.
“Wha- Yoongi... did you even sleep?”
He jumped at the sound of your sleep laced voice, clearly not expecting the sudden interruption.
“Uh, no? This damned raccoon is making me pay off my loans.” Cue his sheepish expression.
He was met with a blank stare.
“What kind of excuse is that? You’re not forced to pay it all in one day.”
He simply stretched out the kinks in his body before returning his attention back to the game.
“Doesn’t feel like that to me...”
An almost regretful sigh escaped your lips.
“Didn’t think you would enjoy the game this much.” His deep chuckle filled the room.
“Anyway Yoongi, I think you should put the switch down and sleep.”
He seemed to only then realise what the actual time was, surprise gracing his boyish features.
“Oh... yeah you’re probably right.”
I am right.
He looked up at you from beneath his lashes almost as if he knew exactly what you were thinking at that exact moment. Either way he chose to stay silent, a small smile growing on his lips as he saved his progress and shut down the console.
An obnoxiously loud yawn later and he had burrowed himself under his covers.
Your arm reached towards your own switch, intent on playing Animal Crossing when his arm quickly snaked around your waist, dragging you back into bed.
Another day, another sleepover at Yoongis it seemed. It was the week after the animal crossing ordeal and you found yourself lounging around on your boyfriends bed. There was only so much animal crossing you could play before it got tedious which is why you found yourself watching intently as he played call of duty with the rest of the boys.
“Woah! Nice shot.”
He grinned at your praise, shifting positions on the floor and leaning his back on the bottom of his bed.
“You wanna turn?” A brief glance was shot your way before he swore under his breath, one of the boys having got to him in his split second of distraction resulting in the match ending.
Cheering on the other side of his headset could be heard from what seemed like Seokjin.
You popped another piece of cereal into your mouth whilst offering him the bowl.
“Hm, okay.” Handing you the controller, he gave the bowl in your hand a strange look and let out a huff of amusement.
“Look at you eating cereal dry at eleven in the night like a weirdo.” He grabbed the bowl and placed it beside him as you rose from his bed and sat on the floor, in between his legs. Grabbing the headset from his head, you placed it on your own and briefly greeted the boys. A chorus of hellos were returned.
“I think you’re the weirdo just because you’ve never done that.” A scoff was all your reply before the next match started.
“Done what?” Came Taehyungs understandably confused voice.
“Yoongi is giving me a hard time over eating dry cereal as a snack.”
You were met with hums before a short discussion broke out.
“I love doing that! It tastes way better at night.” You were thankful someone understood otherwise it would have been just plain awkward.
“I actually agree.” Jungkooks reply had you giving Yoongi a look that conveyed ‘i told you so’. An eye roll was your response.
“What? Cereal was made for breakfast how can it taste better at night?” Hoseok was quick with this input.
“I don’t want to hear that from someone who puts chips in their ice cream.” You choked on your saliva at Seokjins statement, the evident disgust making it all the more amusing.
“Yeah, that’s gross.”
“How can you do that?”
“Wouldn’t the salt melt the ice cream?”
The boys began mumbling their agreements whilst Hoseok stuttered.
“Huh? Why are you all suddenly switching onto me?!”
You simply chuckled as the countdown for the match began and everyone focused their attention towards the upcoming fight.
From then on there was minimal talking, save for the ocasional directions and groans, and for the next ten minutes a surprising amount of concentration was poured into the game from both you and Yoongi. By the end of the game your team had won and you handed the controller back to Yoongi, a giant smirk on your face.
Despite the opportunity to gloat being ripped away from you, you still sat basking in absolute pride at your performance. As you were preparing yourself to make his way back to his bed, You felt his arms wrap around you and lock you in place without a word spoken as he played with the controller in front of you. His chin was placed on your shoulder and you didn’t dare move, not one to reject a loving embrace.
This is how you spent the next half an hour, watching match after match of Yoongi playing before exhaustion caught up with you from the long school day.
You would have probably tried to crawl into his bed but the warmth his body was exuding was too comfortable and so you found yourself shifting to your side and curling up in a ball, head resting on his chest as you felt your heavy eyelids close.
The last thing you remember hearing was the muffled voice of Namjoon giving orders through his microphone and Yoongi stroking your head affectionately.
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tirednotflirting · 5 years
french press on the kitchen counter - a.i.
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i recognize the severity of all that is going on in the world and i encourage all of you to please stay home and away from the humans you don’t already interact with on a day to day basis. my late night wine-tipsy fluff should not in any way encourage you to seek out additional company during these quarantined times.
I wrote most of this on sunday/monday and actually posted for about five min mon night and then ash put out that video and we were all concerned and i felt eh about putting out content then but now that we have a video of him dancing with a puppy in his lap i feel better so-
tagging @aspiringwildfire​ bc i actually started this before falling asleep after we talked fic and yelled about the guys for a bit the other night. thnx for the late night writing party <3
stay healthy and happy. xx
wc: ~ 1.4k
 as she let her eyes blink open from sleep, she found herself asking a silent question that had become a standard to most mornings: was that the sound of rain pattering against the wall of windows in the living room or drum sticks against a practice pad once again left on the coffee table?
she closed her eyes and focused on the noise. while it mostly sounded like the white noise of a spring rain, there was something distinctly rhythmic behind it that led her to believe it might be a rare morning when she got both. she sat up slowly against her pillows in the room darkened by black out curtains, the ones she had begged ashton to buy for the guest room since she had been finding herself often falling asleep at the drummer’s house after parties and nights out since they had met some several months earlier.
their friendship had been an easy one. a friend of a friend had invited her to a house party just a few weeks after she had moved to the city, insisting this was the best crew in la to spend time with. upon meeting the hazel-eyed host of the party, the two of them found miles of common ground and spent the whole night chatting about her new master’s program and their shared adoration for the city she had recently moved from. she was added to all of the group texts before the night was over and as the weeks went on, she often found herself on ashton’s living room floor, leaning against the couch with a beer in hand, teaching her favorite party games to this glittery, talented crew of artists that had adopted her into their circle.
given the near ever-present place they had in each other’s lives during the first few months of 2020, it wasn’t all that surprising to her when she received a call from ashton inviting her to quarantine in his home rather than all on her own after hearing that her on-campus studies were to be put on hold for the rest of the semester. they spent enough time around one another that it made sense and the thought of spending at least the next month or so alone in her studio apartment did sound pretty lonely. so she sent him a confirmation text, packed up a bag, and soon found herself sitting shotgun in frankie cruising down the interstate to her new-ish best friend’s quiet home.
that was 8 days ago. since then they had been working their way through dozens of movies and books, taking turns on who cooked and who queued up music on Spotify while sipping on topo chico (sometimes spiked with tito’s and lime). there were nightly facetimes with the band, the two of them squeezing together into the frame to see what everyone else had been up to during the days stuck inside. when he got antsy, she would leave whatever book she was annotating for class to help him rig up a camera to record another drum cover. it was a fine way of living, she supposed, with all of the pain going on in the world beyond his four walls.
she was reflecting on the state of the world (and reminding herself to do her daily news check on her New York Times app) as she padded out to the living room to check if her ears had proved her right today. she turned the corner to find ashton beating away at a dark red practice pad as he faced away from her and towards the windows that were being beat with raindrops by the angry storm clouds above their sunshine city. so she was right.
she didn’t want to scare the man yielding the fast moving sticks so she moved around the far end of the long couch to take a seat beside him. when his eyes landed on her as she rounded the back of the black sofa, noting to himself how small and homey she looked in a tshirt of his she must have stolen to sleep in, he finished the lick he was on and moved the pad from where it had rested on his lap to the coffee table in front of them.
a lazy grin stretched across his scruffy face as he watched her pick up the coffee mug he had filled for her only about ten minutes earlier. after 8 days in the same house, they were starting to learn each other’s routines. setting down his sticks, he lifted the French press he had brought out from the kitchen to top off his own mug before bringing it to his lips and lifted his other arm to allow her to rest comfortably against his chest.
“hope i didn’t wake you, love,” he mumbled, his first words out loud of the day coming out groggier than he anticipated.
he felt her hum against his chest after she took another sip of the hot, pleasantly bitter brew. “nah, my body could feel the rain and knew it was time to see the world.”
“not much to see beyond my backyard, unfortunately,” he replied, his head falling to rest against the top of her own.
he felt her smile against his chest through the fabric of the old, worn tshirt he had thrown on after rising that morning. “ah, well,” she mused, “who needs anything beyond that anyway.”
they both remained quiet for a few moments, not quite sure where to go from there. his calloused fingers drew shapes against the skin on her arm that his fingers could reach as he sipped from his mug. she sat up some and his arm fell from around her shoulders to her waist as she tossed her sock clad feet over his lap. “tell me about paris today?”
this had become another regular activity in their days shacked up together. she would think of a big, beautiful city she had always dreamed of traveling to and, after remembering that he had gone on a few world tours and had probably been to most of them, she would get him to tune into his nostalgic side to tell her stories of his travels with his brothers.
he squeezed her hip before moving to stand. he grabbed the French press and both of their (now cool and nearly empty) mugs. “paris will need more coffee,” he nodded his head toward the kitchen. “come on.”
in the kitchen she jumped up onto the island and let her legs swing back and forth as she watched him refill the kettle and exchange the old coffee grounds for new as he started his stories. he told her about andy convincing all of them to take cheesy pictures with roses in front of the eiffel tower in the night time and about what he tried at the different bakeries and cafes he had discovered in their few trips there. he recalled on a fashion show they had all attended at one point and smiled with his eyes as he spoke fondly of their first trip to the louvre.
she wiped tears of laughter from her eyes after he finished the story of how they all tricked luke into eating snails during their first trip to the city of love as he stepped between her legs to hand her a fresh mug of coffee. neither thought anything of it as he stayed at that spot and gently set his own mug beside her bare thigh on the counter to wrap his arms lazily around her waist. the counter has leveled the playing field on their height difference so after taking a big sip from the mug, she mirrored his actions except letting her arms lay across his shoulders. “once this is all over and done with, we should take a trip,” she hummed, her fingers playing with the soft hair at the back of his neck.
“to paris?” he teased.
she pouted at him, her eyes rolling some. “no, silly, just somewhere.”
“why do you wanna go somewhere with me?�� he was fishing, he knew that. but as he allowed himself to wrap his arms more fully around his still somewhat new friend’s waist, he couldn’t help but wonder if all of this time together had her feeling the same way that he did.
she looked into his hazel eyes with a content look to her own. “you tell the best stories,” she responded easily. “best people to go through life with are ones that know how to tell you a good story.”
and as a smile spread slowly across the drummer’s face, he couldn’t help but look forward to all the stories he would get to write with her.
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fluffy-yoongi · 5 years
“Well, what do you think?”
You’re mind was racing at the suggestion your boyfriend just made. Walk down the red carpet with him? At the Grammy’s? Sure, the two of you had been together for nearly 4 years, and been public for around half of the relationship, but you’d never been photographed or done an event with just him. All the guys were going, but Yoongi was on double duty being nominated not only for group with BTS, but for record of the year for a song he had produced on Halsey’s new album.
“I don’t even have anything to wear.” It wasn’t your first though, your first thought was hell no, I can’t handle that, but you also didn’t want to show your boyfriend how nervous you were.
Your boyfriend laughed as he leaned into kiss your cheek. “Babe, you’re not only dating THE Min Yoongi, but you’re walking down the carpet with me and BTS. If you have an outfit you want, talk to one of the stylist, they can get it. I know it seems terrifying, but you have me, and all the boys, right beside you. You can squeeze my hand until you break my fingers if you need to.”
You don’t know how you lucked out meeting one of the sweetest guys in the world, but you were so happy you did. You pressed a soft kiss onto his lips, then took a deep breath. “Okay.”
“Really?” His face broke into one of the biggest gummy smiles you’d ever seen him display. It was right up there with the smile he gave you after your first kiss, when you said i love you for the first time and when you first moved in together. You couldn’t help but smile and blush at the sight. “Plus, we have some time off before the show, so if you want, we can fly out a few days early. Maybe do some shopping, go to the beach, or just lay in a fancy hotel room and order carts of room service.”
“Hmmm, I like the sound of that. I mini vacation with just my boyfriend?” You wrapped your arms around his neck and left but an inch between your bodies. “Maybe we just stay in the room the whole time?” You let the words linger in his ear as a whisper and felt his jaw clench at your words.
“We can do that, until Sunday.” He’d been with you long enough to know that you were trying to get him to skip the show. “Now,” he placed a kiss on your forehead before breaking your hold, “I have to get to the studio. I’ll be home before dinner. Find a something you want to wear and send it to the stylists.” And with one final kiss, he threw on a coat and shoes, then headed off the studio.
You spent the rest of the morning looking at recent runways to see if there was anything you liked, but everything just seemed so bland. There were some vintage YSL dresses you’d always loved, but you didn’t know the reality of getting them for the carpet.
“He did say anything...” You thought out loud while Holly slept across your outstretched legs.
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“Well, Holly, here goes nothing...” You gave him a few scratches as you set your phone down and reached for the remote to the tv. It was still about 6 weeks before the Grammy’s so hopefully you could get the dress.
The next few weeks seemed to somehow fly by, and before you knew it, you and Yoongi were taking off to LA for your mini vacation before the rest of the boys and crew came. You had a text message waiting for you as soon as you landed, and it was from the stylist.
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The next few days flew by. You and Yoongi left the room once to go watch the sunrise, but it was so seldom you had more than 12 hours uninterrupted, to have 72 of them before everyone arrived on Friday felt like a dream. Plus, You knew Satuday he would be doing interviews all day, and Sunday You’d both be getting ready, so it was nice to just be together. You had been together long enough, that just laying in each other’s arms while watching reruns on cable just felt comfortable together. You didn’t need to talk or go out or anything like that to be content and happy, and you loved that about him.
Saturday arrived and while the boys were out doing interviews, you tried on the dress and went over what styling you wanted to do with the look. “I was thinking an old hollywood look with hair and makeup, just some earrings and having my body just glow?”
“We’re on the same page. I brought some reference photos for you, but Inthink the accessories and shoes I’ve pulled will be perfect.”
The dress fit like a glove, and for the first time you were getting excited, rather than nervous.
You changed back into your t-shirt and leggings while the stylist hid everything in her room so yoongi wouldn’t find it. “Hair ans Makeup will be here at 10, I’ll chase Yoongi out when they get here for you.”
You said thank you, then she left the room, and you settled back into the bed and turned on a movie so your boyfriend wouldn’t suspect anything when he arrived back. When he got back, he tried to press you for any information on what you were wearing, but you kept your lips sealed. The two of you snuggled in for a full nights sleep, and before you knew it, he was waking you up to let you know breakfast had arrived.
“Are you sure we can’t get ready together?” His eyes shifted up from the toast he was spreading jam on to you.
“Yes. I want to surprise you. You’ve never seen me fully glammed and dressed up. I see you in suits and tuxes all the time. Think of it as a late christmas gift.”
He let out a soft sigh, and small pout before finishing his breakfast and hopping in the shower. “You can join me if you want.” His little head poked out from behind the bathroom door.
“Fine, but then you have to go to the boys, so I can get ready.”
If he could have made the shower last 3 hours he would have, but you shut it down after about a half an hour because you didn’t want to get pruny. “Babeeee. Please, just five more minutes.” He planted soft kisses on your bare shoulder.
“Hair and makeup is going to be here in 15 minutes.” You’re body was getting cold from being wet, but still warm from the touch of your boyfriend.
“Fine.” He stuck his lips out in a pout before wrapping you up in a towel, followed by himself. You could help but laugh at his pout, leaning into a playful kiss. “I’ve just loved being here the last few days, like a real couple, why can’t we do this as a couple too?”
“We can for every other event until we’re old and wrinkled.” You slipped on the pullover your boyfriend had slept in as he grabbed some sweat pants from his luggage. “Now, go hang out with the boys and get ready. I promise it’ll be worth it.”
He left you with one last lingering kiss before he left making you feel almost like you were high. You had about 4 minutes to regain your composure before there was a knock on the door. Hair, makeup and your dress were all out there waiting.
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You had three photos for the hair and makeup team to show them the kind of look you wanted. You also showed them the dress. The all agreed, soft makeup, swept back hair and glowing skin was the way to go with the dress. You didn’t realize it would take so long, but after nearly 3 hours, hair and makeup was done.
Next came getting dressed. You could feel the knot in your stomach knowing this was the last thing you need to do. You slipped on the dress, put in vintage earring yoongi had gotten you for your birthday, a pair of black YSL heels, and took one last breath before you went to walk out the door.
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You grabbed your phone and saw a message from your boyfriend waiting for you.
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You smiled, then headed down to the lobby. You saw the boys before they saw you. You slowly walked into the lobby, heels clicking on the title floor. Everyone began to complement you, but everything went silent when you saw your boyfriends face. He started studding you for a few seconds, then a smile completely engulfed his face and he had to look away. You’d seen him have this reaction to you before, but it was never when you were wearing something in public.
You walked up to him, and he stood up, taking you hand and having you spin. “I already knew you were the must beautiful woman in the world, but damn.”
He couldn’t stop scanning your body, and you felt a warmth grow inside. “So you like it? I look okay?” You asked, your nerves fading with each soft stroke of this thumb on the back of your hand.
“I couldn’t even have imagined something this beautiful.” He placed a soft kiss on your cheek slightly lingering with his nose on your face.
“Come on love birds, the cars are here. You can have you own.” Namjoon broke the two of you out of your trance, and Yoongi laced his fingers with yours as he lead you to the door.
You stopped him and leaded in for a kiss before you walked out the door. You brushed your lips against his as he was still lingering from the kiss and whispered. “By the way, this dress is so tight, I’m not wearing anything underneath it.”
And with that, your boyfriend turned the color of a tomato as you drug him to the car.
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ambistep · 4 years
Steel and Sidestep are left to pass the time while Charge gets to have all the fun. short little thing
“She’s been in there a long time.” You couldn’t feel anything from the club - not from up on this rooftop. Just… people noises. Sounds of thoughts. Your legs kick a little, heels bumping against the air conditioning unit.
“It hasn’t even been five minutes.” He looks away from the club back at you, irritation evident, “Can you just… sit still? How old are you, anyway?”
Your feet stop, and all you can do is mumble back, “That’s classified.” Hopping off the AC unit, you amble up to the roof’s ledge, looking down at the building, trying to adopt Steel’s furrowed brow, discerning eye. There was nothing to look at though. Just the same goon in a cheap suit lounging in front of the club’s neon sign, a flickering lamplight in the alley beside the business. Nobody going in and out at this hour - except Ortega. She’d gone in. Less than five minutes ago, apparently.
The silence gets worse by the moment. You made sure you weren’t going to break it. He already didn’t like working with Charge’s vigilante contacts. Her sidekick. He’s the one who breaks, you note with pride, “Quit it.”
“I can tell you’re staring at me.” He shifts in place, still keeping focused on the club.
“You totally can’t tell.” You’d experimented with this new mask - your eyes weren’t visible at all. Lots of careful examination in the mirror.
“So you admit it, you were staring at me.” Steel hasn’t looked away from the target.
“Well. There’s not a lot to look at.” How is he so stiff? Did they give him a solid carbon rod for a spine too?
“This is a stakeout, not a slumber party. Sit still. We wait for Charge’s signal.”
Just… that tone in his voice, the way he looked at you - it makes you feel so small. Unworthy. Afraid, afraid of that suspicion. You aren’t kicking your legs anymore. What if he knew? He doesn’t - but he could find out. Ortega said he’d been in the army - maybe he had… special access or something. Ridiculous - just your mind chewing on your fears.
You aren’t kicking your legs. And he isn’t looking at the club’s entrances anymore. He’s looking at you, still annoyed, a little perplexed, “What?”
You blink, looking at him through the mask, “What ‘what?’”
He gestures with a hand, “You couldn’t sit still for thirty seconds, and now it's been three minutes since you said anything. ...are you pouting?”
“No.” Wait. Are you? ...maybe a little. Ugh. Steel. You’re glad the mask hides your face.
“My sister did that a lot.” You almost thought he smiled for a second, you can feel your heart jump just a little. “When she was ten.” But you must have imagined it.
“...what’s your problem anyway? I thought we were on the same side.” There’s a little whine in your voice that you notice and hate immediately.
“I think we are. But I don’t even know you, Sidestep.” Chen’s lips press tight, and he glances back toward the club. “It’s about cohesion. You can’t work as a unit if you don’t understand each other, know everyone’s limits.”
“Ortega seems to manage.” You know that to be a sore spot. Not everyone can be Julia Ortega. It’s enough to make him turn and face you, get a rise out of him. He’s being an ass, and he needs to know it. “Thought we did a pretty good job working together. We cleared out Mirage’s gang - I thought you said that was ‘good work.’”
“Yeah, you did a good job shotcalling while we breached, cleared sight lines and swept the warehouse. A weirdly good job.” Ah. “You know where I learned how to do that? In Afghanistan. I don’t think you’ve been to Afghanistan, so you see how that makes it just a little more suspicious? I don’t know your name, or where you came from, or… what it is even that you do, not exactly.”
Your voice is softer than you’d like, “Charge said people weren’t supposed to ask that sort of thing in Los Diablos.” You can’t look at him right now but you’re angry - he’s being unfair - except he isn’t being unfair, you want him to be unfair. Maybe he’s being a little rigid but he’s right. Why can’t it be easy like with Ortega and Themmy?
“Charge talks a lot. You want to be a Ranger? There’s a process for that. You seem like you know what you’re doing - submit an application, give it some time, and it should be easy for you.” He puts his hands at his hips and looks back out to the mission, to the club, like you both should be doing.
You pull up on the front of your mask. Not all the way, just enough for your chin. He glances over his shoulder for a moment - but only a glance. “I want to.” What are you going to tell him? Nothing you can say that won’t make it worse. So the rest of your words die on your lips, exposed to the open air.
“But you won’t.” He shrugs his shoulders a little. “As long as we understand each other, Sidestep.”
“Mina.” Your name is still weird on your lips sometimes. “My name’s Mina.”
“I know.” His eyebrows bend a little upward in sympathy. That’s all you needed - for him to know you’re trying. Maybe that makes it more okay.
“She told you?”
“She thought I was being too hard on you.” He eases back, letting his armor support his posture a little.
You want to make a smart remark, take another dig, but your heart isn’t really in it. “Maybe a little.” But you get it, at least. He’s explained himself, where he stands.
“You know, I checked with LDPD. There was a report of a runaway located, Mina Oh spent two months at Connie Min’s group home for displaced juveniles. Said she didn’t speak English.” Cold ice seizes your stomach, creeps up your lungs. He looks out the corner of his eyes at you, tongue probing the inside of his cheek thoughtfully. “But didn’t have anything else on her, and nobody’d reported her missing in the first place, there was never any follow up.”
Stupid. It had been really stupid, using the same name - but it’s your name and you fought so hard to have that name. Ms. Min had tried to help you and you’d lost a lot of blood, been in no shape to refuse. “...Hope nothing bad happened to that girl.”
Steel nods, his expression softening, “She’s probably doing alright.” He could have used that to threaten you, but it doesn’t sound like a threat. Maybe a truce? ‘As long as we understand each other.’
There’s sound of a transformer bursting, and the club’s sign flickers and dies. “We should go check on her,” you have to point out. You stop to listen. No gunfire, at least. That’s a good sign.
“Definitely.” Steel’s exoskeleton stirs to motion, but you’re already down the fire escape. Anything to get off that rooftop.
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animeniacss · 4 years
6 Years - Hoseok x Reader - Chapter 20 - Anxiety
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Synopsis: 6 years. That’s all it can take to take another look at someone and see that they have completely changed. You were once an eager 20-year-old, with your dreams all in view, and Jung Hoseok at your side to view them with you. However, after a break up the end of your junior year of college, everything seemed different. Now, you’re a recently divorced single mother of two, and your life is nowhere near what you thought it would be. However, after reuniting with Jung Hoseok, you may just be able to capture a little bit of that exciting youth you once knew so long ago.
Feat. BTS Members, Nayeon (TWICE), and Yuna (itzy) 
Genre: Romance, SingleMother!AU, Past Relationship, Drama, Some Depictions of Violence/Domestic Abuse
Length: approx. 4.4k words 
Chapter 20 - Anxiety
           Min Ja may only be five, but that weekend was the worst weekend of her life. Her dad took her and Hyo Bin to the park, and they watched movies and had a fun time, but all Min Ja could think about was what he had told her. That Mr. Hobi moving in meant her Dad couldn’t come back in, and that Mr. Hobi was doing this on purpose? Why would he do something on purpose to make her Dad upset? But…if Dad moved back in, would that mean he and Mommy would be a happy family like he promised, or would they go back to fighting? No, no! She had to trust her Daddy; she didn’t want him to be sad. By Sunday, she spent the entire day in bed, not wanting to get up, no matter how much Hyo Bin and her father tried to lure her out with candy and games in the living room. She stayed in bed until her father had to take her and Hyo Bin back home, before dinner time.
           “Min Ja, are you upset because of what we talked about?” Weong-Bin asked curiously, and his daughter glanced up at him.
           “A little. I want to see you and Mr. Hobi every day, but you said I can’t. That makes me really sad.” Weong-Bin sighed.
           “I’m sorry that makes you sad, sweetie. But if you want Mommy to be happy, it has to be that way. And I can make Mommy really happy, I told you, I worked really hard to fix my mistakes, remember?” Min Ja nodded. “Good.” He held her hand tightly as they exited the elevator and went to your apartment door. Weong-Bin knocked, and it took a minute, but the sound of footsteps headed to the door grew louder before you opened the door. Your hair was a bit messy, and you wore some throwaway clothes that were covered in dust and dirt. Despite your disheveled appearance, you were beaming as you opened the door.
           “Mama!” Hyo Bin shouted in glee, reaching out to hug you. Without missing a beat, you held her tightly and kissed her cheek.
           “Hi, my princess~.” You cooed happily. “Did you have fun with Daddy all weekend?”
           “Uh-huh.” She said. You looked down at Min Ja, who walked up to you as you knelt down to her level.
           “Hi, sweetie.” You smiled, pulling her into a hug. She hugged you back tightly. “I missed you so much.”
           “You too, Mommy.” She said. Once you stood up, you set Hyo Bin onto the floor. Min Ja took her hand and led her into the bedroom so they could put their bags away. When they were gone, you turned to Weong-Bin.
           “She seems to be okay. Did you talk to her?”
           “I said I would.” He smiled a bit. “She spent all day in bed today, though.” He saw you frown. “But she’ll be alright, I think. She’s just a bit confused now, but she’ll come around.” Hearing that made you relaxed a little bit.
           “Thank you.” You said softly. Weong-Bin nodded. “I’ll see you Wednesday, then.”
           “Alright.” He said. “I’ll call the girls later.” As he waved you off, you closed the door and sighed. It was so uplifting, and you hoped that whatever Weong-Bin had said, it would help her feel better. But for now, all you could do was head into the bedroom and help the girls unpack and catch up on their weekend.
           Min Ja seemed to be doing just fine, telling you about what they did with their Dad on Saturday. She was beaming as she talked about it until you asked about what kept her in bed this morning. Her smile fell into a frown, and she pressed her pointer's fingers together.
           “I was just tired, I think.” She said simply. “Daddy said I could stay in bed until we had to come home.” You sighed, smiling a bit as you ruffled her hair.
           “Well, okay then, as long as you’re feeling better now.” Min Ja nodded, resting her head on your shoulder as you rubbed her back. Hyo Bin was sitting with you as well, stacking up some of her blocks. Min Ja sat beside her and took some blocks of her own, putting them wherever she could to help Hyo Bin make a big tower. You smiled a bit, fixing your hair as you watched the girls, happy to have them back with you again. Weekends with Weong-Bin were torturous for you.
           As the three of you sat in the bedroom, enjoying each other’s company, you heard a knock on the door. A loud, high-pitched voice called your name, and the three of you looked up. As you stood up, stretching out your legs, you turned to the kids.
           “Girls, I’m going to get dinner started in a few minutes, okay? Just let me know if you need anything.” Min Ja nodded, both girls turning back to their little block creation as you went to the door. Opening it, you saw Hoseok standing there, panting. It looked like he was drenched in sweat, but he was grinning the minute he opened the door and saw you. “It looks like you ran a marathon. Another long day of rehearsal?”
           “Yeah, my kids love to run me through the wringer.” He said, stepping into the apartment. He went to lean in for a kiss, but you pulled back, smiling as you saw him pout. “Hey.”
           “Go shower first, you stink.” You teased, pushing him playfully into the apartment, “Then I’ll give you a whole bunch of kisses.”
           “Aaah, a whole bunch?” he asked, eyes going wide. When he saw you nod, he playfully hurried towards the bathroom, making you smile slightly. As he passed the bedroom, he saw the door propped open, getting a slight view of the girls occupying themselves with blocks. He stopped in his tracks, propping the door open and smiling. “Hey girls.” He said happily. “What are you doing?”
           “I think we’re making a house.” Min Ja said, looking up at him. “Hyo Bin is in charge this time, so I’m just doing what she tells me.” Hoseok smiled a bit. “…You smell.”
           “Heh…hehe, I just got home from work that’s why. I’m sure Mr. Jimin smells the same way after he dances for 3 hours straight.” Min Ja pursed her lips a bit.
           “…No, Mr. Jimin always smells really good when I give him hugs.” She said. Hoseok laughed a bit, before finally leaving the room and heading to take a shower. While he was showering, and the girls were busy, you began to get started on pasta. You were in the mood for some Western cuisine recently, thinking the change of pace would make everyone happy. You got to work, making some pasta and frying some chicken to mix together in a delicious combination. As you stood by the oven, watching the pasta cook, you heard the sound of the shower turning off and footsteps eventually approaching the kitchen. You kept your eyes on the pasta but saw Hoseok approaching out of the corner of your eye.
           “Mmmmm, I was promised a bunch of kisses~.” Hoseok cooed as he got closer. You looked over to him and smiled. “Now that I’m clean, I plan to get them~.” Without missing a beat, he hurried up to you and pulled you into his arms, making you squeal out in delight, giggling as Hoseok wasted no time peppering you with kisses. It took a few minutes of playful pleading, but you finally got him to back up.
           “I need to finish cooking, you lunatic.” You said with a playful grin, returning to the stove. Hoseok opened the fridge as he shook some leftover water droplets from his hair, leaning down to grab a Sprite from the fridge. Cracking it open, he let out a satisfied hum as he eagerly began to drink the beverage.
           “Did Weong-Bing talk to Min Ja?” he asked curiously.
           “It seems like he did. She seems to be doing okay. He said she stayed in bed today, though. She must be trying to sort it all out in her mind.” Hoseok nodded as he watched you cook. “Which is good, because I want to mention to her that we’ve been talking about moving in.” He smiled a bit, passing you the Sprite so you could take a sip.
           “Do you think she’ll make it okay?” He asked.
           “I think if we word it correctly and be honest, she’ll be okay over time.” You looked at him. “I feel safe knowing that you’re here. I think the girls will too.” Hoseok smiled happily.
           “That means a lot to me.” He said softly. “If you really think it’s the right time, then maybe we could look into-.”
           “NO!” You both heard a child shout from behind you. Looking over, you saw Min Ja standing at the entrance of the kitchen. Her eyes were wide, and they were welling up with tears. It looked like her little body was trembling.
           “Min Ja…” you gasped. Quickly, you turned off the stove and walked over to your daughter. Kneeling down, you blinked. “How long have you been here?”
           “I heard you scream…” she sniffled. “But when I came out here, Mr. Hobi was giving you kisses and you looked happy….” A small smile formed on your lips at first. “But then you said you wanted Mr. Hobi to move in….” she sniffled. “And he can’t, Mommy! He can’t!”
           “Min Ja…” you frowned. “Min Ja, please, calm down.” You soothed gently. “Mr. Hobi is here all the time; you don’t want him to move in and see you every day?” Min Ja was silent at first, but she eventually shook her head.
           “No! No, he can’t! What about Daddy?! What about Daddy? I want Daddy back! Mr. Hobi can’t move in, he can’t!” The next thing you knew, she began to cry in absolute hysterics. You quickly pulled her into a tight hug, rubbing her back as she clung to you, sobbing and begging you not to let Hoseok move in, he couldn’t move in! “P-pleeeeease, Mommy, noooooo.” She sniffled.
           “Min Ja, Min Ja look at me.” You said softly, tilting her chin to look at you. She was still sniffling. “We don’t need to worry about it right now, okay? No need to cry….” You felt your heart shattering with every tear you saw drip down your daughter’s face. How could you even suggest this when Min Ja was not ready? “I would never do anything that makes you sad, okay?” Min Ja nodded, sniffling as much as she could and wiping her nose when it became too much. Hoseok walked over, kneeling down and handing her a tissue. She hesitated, but took the tissue from him and wiped her eyes and nose.
           “…I-I’m sorry…” she sniffled, looking at Hoseok. He only offered her a kind smile.
           “Sorry for what? Don’t be sorry, Min Ja.” he said gently, running a hand through her hair. “Mommy and I don’t want to do anything that will make you and Hyo Bin upset, okay?” Min Ja nodded, and her body finally stopped shaking like a leaf. You pulled her into your arms, giving her another tight hug as you felt her arms wrap around you and nuzzle into you.
           “Do you want to go back inside and rest until dinner?” you asked her gently. “Or do you want to stay out here with me and Mr. Hobi?”
           “I wanna stay with you, Mommy…” she choked. You glanced at Hoseok, who was already getting onto his feet.
           “I’ll finish dinner, then.” He offered, smiling happily. “Go on inside and relax.” After a moment, you let out a soft breath and nodded, standing up with Min Ja in your arms. As Hoseok went back to the stove, turning on the flame and watching the chicken and pasta as it finished cooking, you took Min Ja back into her room. Hyo Bin was standing by the door, eyes cast up at you curiously. The yelling of her older sister must have worried her too.
           “What’s wrong, Mama?” she asked curiously as you stepped into the bedroom. Slowly, your legs gave out and you held your girls tightly in your arms, silence overtaking the three of you for the next few minutes until Hoseok said dinner was ready.
           “I’m so sorry about that.” You said softly, sitting at the kitchen table as you served both yourself and Hoseok some tea. Dinner was silent, and dessert was a bit more talkative, but after Min Ja’s meltdown, the apartment seemed as if it had shifted, and nobody really knew what to say. The girls went to bed pretty much straight away, you even skipped the bath tonight because you just physically couldn’t. Hoseok was sure to keep his distance this time, not joining in reading bedtime stories or saying goodnight. He didn’t want to make Min Ja anymore upset tonight. When you returned, you practically collapsed into his arms.
           “Don’t apologize.” He assured, threading one of his hands through your hair. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”
           “Obviously I’m not making this any easier for her.” You said. “I thought she was okay after she put you in that picture, but she wasn’t. I thought she was okay after Weong-Bin talked to her, but she seems to have gotten worse!” You groaned. “Either Weong-Bin fucked up what he said, or he said something that had the exact opposite effect.” Glancing at your phone, you sighed. “I’m going to call him. He’s still up, probably out flirting up his coworkers again.” Hoseok watched as you stood up, grabbing your phone and walking towards the balcony door, pressing the phone to your ear. It rang, and rang, and continued to ring.
           You’ve reached Cho Weong-Bin. Unfortunately, I can’t come to the phone right now. Please le-.
           “Voicemail, of course.” You sighed, hanging up. “I don’t buy that he’s asleep at 7 p.m. I’m calling him again.” You heard Hoseok call out your name, but when he saw you put the phone to your ear, he only chuckled. It rang, and rang, and rang again.
           You’ve reached Cho-.
           “He’s doing this on purpose.” You huffed, hanging up once again and tossing your phone onto one of the counters. You rested your elbows against the counter, your hands pulling at your hair. “I can’t believe I was so selfish. Min Ja is going through all of this and all I can think about is making you move in, even when she’s not ready. I knew this would happen.” Hoseok sighed, finally getting out of his seat and walking over to you. He turned you to face him, untangling your hands from your hair and setting them at your sides. He saw your eyes were watering and he quickly lifted his hand to wipe those tears away. “Sorry…” you said.
           “Jeez, this family loves to apologize to me It’s gonna boost my ego.” You chuckled a bit, resting your head against Hoseok’s chest. You felt Hoseok’s arms wrap around you tightly as if he was trying to squeeze the guilt out of you. “It’ll all happen in time, you know.” He said. “Let’s worry about getting Min Ja to feel better.”
           “Okay.” You said softly, letting out a frustrated sigh. “Want to watch a movie or something to get the depressing air out of this apartment?” Hoseok chuckled, his beaming smile helping heal you already.
           “I’ll go pick one~.” He said giddily, hurrying into the living room. As you watched him, you turned back to the table. Grabbing the tea, you set the empty cups into the sink and filling them with some water and quickly wiping them down. Once they were clean, you headed into the living room and plopped down on the couch. Hoseok plopped himself down beside you and turned off the lights, allowing the glow of the TV to be your source of light.
           You’ve reached Cho Weong-Bin. Unfortunately, I cannot come to the phone right now. Please leave a message after the beep, I promise I’ll get back to you soon. *BEEEP*
           “Weong-Bin, pick up.” You said into the phone, trying to hide your frustration. was already Monday, and you were heading into work still trying, but getting no result since you started last night. He didn’t call the girls Sunday night like he promised, he didn’t return any of the voicemails and texts you had been sending him. “Come on. You can’t avoid me forever; you need to pick up the girls Wednesday.” Though you were reluctant to even send them with him until you had a straight answer, you really had no choice. “Please call me. If I don’t hear from you, don’t think I’m going to let you take the girls Wednesday. I’ll pick them up early.” You a frustrated huff, you quickly closed your phone and stuffed it into your bag. As you passed the doctors and older nurses, you said your hellos before entering the backroom and putting away your belongings. Jungkook was already there, locking up his little locker of stuff he had, and he turned to you.
           “Good morning~.” He said happily. When he saw how annoyed you were, he pouted. “Are you alright? You look awful.”
           “Weong-Bin again. Still won’t answer my calls.” Jungkook sighed.
           “He’s probably guilty. Once, I totally broke my mom’s old vase and the guilt ruined my so bad I hid at my friend's house for a week and didn’t answer the phone.”
           “And what happened?” you asked, amusement in your voice.
           “She was even angrier. But the point still stands, he’s guilty of something.”
           “Trust me, I know. He did the same crap when he was having an affair.” Closing your locker, you shrugged. “But he can’t hide forever.” Jungkook chuckled as the two of you went to the secretary table to prep for the day before the doctor’s office officially opened. You tried to remain focused, but you were getting absolutely nowhere with Weong-Bin. It was bothering you that he wasn’t answering, he must have no excuse, and Jungkook was right, he must be guilty of whatever he did to Min Ja.
           Whatever he did to Min Ja…, just thinking that made you want to put your fist through the table. However, you didn’t know anything. Min Ja wouldn’t tell you what he told her, she would just start crying about it and apologizing constantly. It upset you so much. But there was nothing you could do about it until you heard from Weong-Bin. Your eyes looked up at the clock as you finished wiping down the counters and counting down the hours until you could get off work. You needed to talk to Weong-Bin.
           Work was busy, so before you knew it, the time was flying by. If Jungkook wasn’t on the phone with a customer, you were, and if you weren’t dealing with a patient, then he was. Nurses kept running up to you asking you to push through prescriptions, make copies, and whatever else was needed for the doctor’s sake. By the time 4 hit, you were using a wall to prop you up.
           “Why are my busy days always so brutal?” You asked, opening your locker. Jungkook looked completely unphased, grabbing his stuff and running a hand through his hair. “I’ll never understand how you manage to look as if you’ve been relaxing on a beach all day, every day.” That made Jungkook’s cheeks tint pink and a smile formed on his lips.
           “I have good stamina from working out.” He said simply.
           “Fair enough.” You said. Just as you finished gathering your belongings, you heard the sound of a buzzing coming from your phone. You quickly pulled it into view. “Oh God, please be Weong-Bin.” You begged, pulling the phone up to your face. However, instead of seeing Weong-Bin’s name on the Caller ID, the one time that would ever happen, you were met with the phone number from Min Ja’s teacher. “What the-. Why is the teacher calling me?” You quickly answered the call and put the phone to your ear. “Hello?”
           “Yes, Miss. Cho. This is Mrs. Song, Min Ja’s teacher.”
           “Yes, hi. How are you? Is everything alright?”
           “Yes, yes. Min Ja went home with San-Ha and her mother when the school day ended. This is something different. Uhm, are you free tomorrow afternoon?”
           “Afternoon? Yes, I am. Why?”
           “I wanted to see if you and Min Ja’s father were available to meet with me after school for a meeting.” You felt your heart sink. Oh God, a meeting with her teacher? Was this a good thing? Did Min Ja start acting out in school too? Your mind was racing, and you tucked hair behind your ear as you turned away from Jungkook.
           “Uhm sure! I can be there if you just give me time. I’ll work around my job hours. I’ve just been having trouble getting into contact with my ex-husband, so it may-.”
           “I already called him.” She said. You blinked. “He said he would be free whenever you had the time this week.”
           So, he can call back the teacher but not the mother of his children? Yeah, let’s see that bite him in the ass. You thought to yourself. “Okay, then I can get there right when school lets out.”        
           “Fantastic. I’ll see you then.” You nodded, hanging up the phone and letting out a deep sigh.
           “Everything okay?” Jungkook asked curiously, putting a hand on your shoulder. You glanced over at him and offered a small smile.
           “Min Ja’s teacher wants to have a meeting with me and Weong-Bin.” You said simply. “So, I need to look into leaving a bit early so that I can make it to the school on time.” Waving Jungkook off, you went to hopefully talk to your boss about leaving slightly early the next day. Even after it was approved, and you headed home to your girls after that, you couldn’t help but be worried about what that meeting would hold.
           That night, as you put Min Ja and Hyo Bin to bed, Min Ja pressed her fingers together.
           “Mommy, my teacher said you and Daddy are going to talk to her tomorrow.” She said softly. You nodded, sitting on the end of her bed.
           “That’s right. Mr. Hobi is going to take you and Hyo Bin to the park while we talk.”
           “Did I do something bad?” she asked curiously.
           “I don’t know, did you?”
           “N-no,” she said quickly. “I promise, I didn’t do anything bad.” You smiled, kissing her head gently and rubbing her back.
           “Okay, then don’t worry. Just get some rest for now, okay? Let Mommy and Daddy worry about the meeting.” Min Ja nodded, laying fully in bed as you covered her with the blankets. “Goodnight, honey. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
           “Goodnight…” she said softly. You watched her close her eyes and snuggle deeper into bed as she tried to fall asleep. Once you saw her breathing even out slightly, you snuck your way out of the room.
           Weong-Bin was standing outside the school building, arms crossed as he looked at his watch. The school was letting out in 10 minutes, and you had just texted him that you were on your way, having just gotten Hyo Bin from daycare. He didn’t respond, but he got the text. As he looked around, watching people pass on the nearby streets, he was also wondering why he was called to this meeting. Did Min Ja confide in her teacher about what was going on? Has she been acting out? What was she saying or doing to concern the teacher enough to call a meeting? Just as his mind began racing, he heard you calling out to him. Turning over, he saw you walking down the street with Hoseok at your side, carrying Hyo Bin in his arms. He groaned, turning to face you.
           “You were almost late.” He said.
           “Well I had to go pick up Hyo Bin.” You said simply. Weong-Bin sighed, turning back towards the entrance of the school. You sighed, running a hand through your hair. “Why haven’t you been answering my calls?”
           “I’ve been busy.” He said simply. “My job is demanding, you know.”
           “Oh, please, cry me a river.” You scoffed, putting your hands on your hips. Weong-Bin glared down at you, but before either of you could continue to bicker, the doors of the school let out. Kids began hurrying out of the building, shouting and cheering in glee at the sound of the ending bell. Younger kids would meet with their parents and other friends before heading home, while older kids started going home solo. The three of you didn’t move, watching as the hoard of students began to thin out. As children began dispersing, you saw Min Ja’s teacher. Mrs. Song was a young lady, probably only a few years older than you. She had brown hair pulled up into a tight bun, and wore a pencil skirt with a nice blouse. She was a sweet young woman, who was well-liked by all of her students. When she caught your gaze, she smiled and took Min Ja’s hand. Min Ja looked up from the floor and took her hand, both of them walking towards you.
           “Hello, Miss. And Mr. Cho.” She said happily, shaking both of your hands. “I’m glad you could make it.”
           “Of course.” You said, nodding. “And this is Hoseok, my boyfriend.” When Hoseok introduced himself and shook Mrs. Song’s hand, you saw Weong-Bin clench a fist behind his hand. Glancing down at Min Ja, she looked up at you. “You’re going to go with Mr. Hobi, okay? We’ll come to get you when we’re done.” Min Ja’s wide eyes fell to Hoseok, who offered her a hand and a warm smile, fixing his arm that was holding Hyo Bin.
           “Come on~. We’re going to have some fun.” Min Ja nodded, taking his hand. “We’ll see you guys later.” He said happily. He looked at Mrs. Song. “It was nice to meet you.”
           “You as well~. Take care.” She said happily, watching as Hoseok led the girls down the road to the nearby playground. With them gone, Mrs. Song looked at the both of you. “Shall we?”
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The Umbrella Academy in: The Triwizard Tournament
Chapter 5.1 Number Five’s Research
Thank you @seven-misfits and @tehmoonofficial for your amazing beta skills!
Five couldn’t sleep after his encounter with Reginald. It had been 45 years since he had been to private training, but seeing the restraints again had brought back the scared thirteen-year-old he thought the apocalypse had trained out of him. 
Reginald used to tie him in any sort of restraint, like chains or a straightjacket, to an electric chair. If Five couldn’t jump out, he would be electrocuted. It had taken thirty years of drunken conversations with Dolores to finally admit that he and his siblings were abused as children. Being back in that room was terrifying in a way Five had forgotten. Its sudden reintroduction was a blast of ice being poured down his back. 
Instead of sleeping, Five decided to look up a charm to brew coffee- which ended up being Calida Capulus while pointing his wand at a mug with coffee grains in hot water- and then set to work reviewing documents in Reginald’s office. That coffee Allison got him would prove to be very useful. 
Speaking of Allison, her rumor would work in his favor. Reginald couldn’t touch them. More importantly, if Five was caught, then he couldn’t be punished with individual training. He could browse Reginald’s files enough to paint a pretty decent picture of what their lives were like in this universe. 
Just after they turned twelve, the seven of them became superheroes. Vanya and Ben were their heavy hitters. One particular note disturbed Five. “When Number Seven’s powers become too much to contain, I will have to stun her and put her in the isolation chamber. Her powers are essential,” read the disturbing red journal from their toddler years. 
According to 400 Offensive Spells, “The stunning spell should not be used on subjects under 100 pounds or 45 killograms as the magic will overwhelm the castee and may cause permanent damage to the nervous system or magical core”. Vanya was placed under this spell as a very young child over and over again. Five had a small idea that Vanya’s powers prevented the damage from being permanent. He didn’t know how that would be possible, but that irrational hope stopped him from murdering Reginald in cold blood. 
The Commission made him a killer, but he never enjoyed his work. However, after hearing the atrocities Reginald committed on his siblings, he was willing to make an exception. Stunning Vanya was only the tip of the iceberg. The things done to himself and to the version of himself native to this universe were barely a blip in his anger. 
Five skipped around to his section. The book said that this Five’s interest in time travel was a fleeting interest that went away when Reginald brought him books on the runes to create a time-turner. When Five looked up what a time-turner was, he was disappointed in his other self. A device that takes you back or forward a few hours was a party trick compared to what he had the potential to do. At least this version of himself didn’t get himself stuck in the apocalypse. That would have been difficult.
If I time traveled now would I end up appearing here in this universe or would I be stuck in the future in mine? Five mused while moving around some of the papers that surrounded him. 
That was the last bit of semi-coherent thought Five had. He passed out surrounded by books and papers. Specifically, blueprints for a magically expanded Minerva Aircraft, complete with six dorms and a master bedroom. 
“Five. Five. Five. Wake up. Five, wake up. Five, you can’t keep doing this, man." It was Luther being his personal alarm clock again. 
“Mu, wus goin on? Five more mins, Luth,” Five tried while rolling over. 
“Nope! Get up.” Luther pulled Five up and managed to get him sitting up while slumped against Reginald’s desk. 
“Five, how many times have you fallen asleep here? It’s been months, what more do you possibly have to find?” Luther asked. Five had spent his nights in August and September in Reginald’s study reading his notes and pursuing magazines and newspapers that mentioned the Umbrella Academy in any way. 
“When was the last time you slept in your bed, Five. This isn’t healthy." Luther snapped his fingers in front of Five’s face, “Hey! Focus.”
Five opened his eyes again. He had been up until three in the morning due to a teen magazine bender. Those vapid things were somewhat addictive. Not that he would admit it to anyone. 
“I need to know what’s going on.” Five did feel lethargic. He worked and worked until he passed out trying to figure out this timeline. If they wanted to stay off the Commission’s radar, they needed to keep the timeline as consistent as possible. Five struggled to keep his head upright. 
“Hey, did you know the seven of us are the only ones Dad adopted? Everybody else is a boarding student.” Five shared. He was starting to feel more alert. He reached for his mug and the Bunsen burner he used to heat up his coffee water. 
“We have thirty minutes before breakfast. You should clean yourself up,” Luther said before leaving the room. 
Five scowled. Luther didn’t have to get him up this early. Five decided that teleporting to the bathroom was a bad idea this early in the morning and decided to walk so he could find an unoccupied one. He stared at the floor and shuffled his feet like a pissed off thirteen year-old the whole time. At least they weren’t required to stick to one bathroom like in his youth.
“The elusive old man finally decides to join us! How was your bender? Any wild stories? Amputee hookers? Or were you holed up in Dad’s office the whole time?” Klaus greeted. His bright smile and teasing words were grating. Five scowled at him and picked up the carafe of coffee that Mom had taken to leaving at their table. 
“Well, Klaus. I actually had a wild time. You know teleporting a girl or three in the room wasn’t too difficult,” Five snarked back. Five wasn’t actually interested in the whole sex thing, but Klaus didn’t know that. In fact, nobody except Dolores knew that the idea repulsed him. Besides, Five had a feeling that telling his siblings that he had been up all night reading J-14 and Seventeen would lead to more judgement that he just wasn’t prepared to deal with. 
“Did you actually?” Luther looked green in the face. He put down his knife and fork and gave Five his full attention. 
Five raised his eyebrows and took a sip of coffee. He would neither confirm nor deny. 
“Right, um, moving on. You missed Pogo announcing that we were to report to the foyer for an announcement. One through Twelve. It’s supposed to be super important,” Allison attempted. 
“Who cares? Five, did you-” Ben was cut off by Mom announcing that it was 7:53 A.M. 
“We better go and see what the old man wants.” Five teleported out of the room and into the foyer. 
He was met with Number Ten who looked up from her book in surprise when Five teleported into the room. 
“Hey, Five. I still get surprised when you do that. Any ideas for what the Headmaster wants to talk about?” Ten must have left breakfast early, “Thirteen and Fourteen were pretty pissed that they aren’t included in whatever this is.”
“I don-”
“You know, he hasn’t really talked to his seven science experiments in a while. Did you guys do something? Maybe Three heard a little rumor?” Ten was starting to piss him off. Her tone was condescending in a way he threw people’s heads through walls for. 
“Se-” He was cut off by everyone else entering the room. He was going to question the nickname ‘seven science experiments.’ As if she had the right to call them that!
“Hey Five, hey Ten,” Number Eleven greeted. Eleven was tall, thin, and very good looking. They were extremely androgynous, hence the neutral pronoun. They wore their uniform with the sort of confidence that Five had only seen in himself, Hazel, or Cha Cha. For a split second, Five wondered if Eleven had ever killed anybody, but then he saw Eleven had uncalloused, delicate hands. Those were not the hands of an assassin.  
“Do you think something went wrong? Maybe the rumor-” Allison whispered. Five gestured towards Ten with pointed expression so Allison would shut up. 
Just as an awkward silence was draping itself around the room, Sir Reginald Hargreeves walked in. He stalked around the room and did not look at Five or any of his siblings. 
“The Triwizard tournament is a grand and noble tradition that has lasted throughout the ages, until modern history. You students are amongst the lucky few with the honor and the privilege of submitting your names to the Goblet of Fire. Do not disappoint me. Report back to breakfast for your schedules!” Classic Reginald Hargreeves. Short, simple, and as cold as possible. 
Immediately, whispers broke out amongst the strangers. Excited curiosity and nerves filled the room. Five hoped that it wouldn’t be him. He had proven himself already. Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, and Twelve filed back into the kitchen. Diego left with them.
Luther addressed the group with, “We should really plan-”
“Haven’t we planned enough?” Klaus clapped Luther on the shoulder and flounced after Diego. 
“Why is it still a Triwizard tournament if we’re joining as the fourth school?” Ben mused behind him. 
“Well,” Vanya piped up to his left, “Quadwizard tournament sounds pretty stupid.”
“It sounds like lazy writing to me,” Allison twirled her dark hair around her index finger, “Like some poor marketing executive or some bad author didn’t want to come up with a better name.”
Several weeks later, the Academy was buzzing in unrelenting energy and unmitigated chaos as numbers One through Twelve packed their belongings in the single, large suitcase they had each been allowed to bring. 
“Ben! Have you seen my left- never mind!” said Allison. 
“Ow! Sorry, Seven,” said an unknown person. The voice was female, so could have been Eight, Ten, or Twelve. Or possibly Eleven. Five didn’t know what they looked or sounded like today yet. 
Diego could be heard sneering, “Watch, where you’re going, Twelve.”
Five calmly packed the basics. The Commission taught him well. It took him two minutes to pack some uniforms, toiletries, and his school supplies. The same could not be said for the others who were frantically putting things in their suitcases. The Minerva would have dorms once they landed, but there was no point in bringing anything to decorate with. Ben would probably bring enough to make the space feel normal. 
They were going to be sharing rooms in number order. One and Two, etc. Five took a moment to feel bad for Vanya, who would be sharing with Number Eight. 
Then a thought occurred to Five. Five had spent months researching how to assimilate into this universe. Why not try to go home? 
As soon as it was there, the thought was gone. This was home. His siblings were here. Right? Five felt disoriented. His thoughts moved through his brain like jello. Then he simply stopped thinking about it. 
What was he doing? Packing for the tournament! According to Ben and Luther, this would be a dangerous ordeal. The goblet would pick the best candidate. If anyone was going to be picked, it would have to be him for his siblings’ sake. He was the oldest and most experienced. 
Then he remembered that he had already proven himself. So why did he feel the overwhelming desire to win this tournament?
On the morning of October 30, 1994, twelve children and their Dad/Headmaster boarded the Minerva Aircraft on their way from The Umbrella Academy to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 
The plane ride was almost completely silent. There was still chatter, as Reginald was piloting the Minerva.
Allison and Five were poring over a wizarding teen magazine called Witch Weekly, which was distributed worldwide, while speaking in low voices that couldn’t be heard over the plane’s engine. 
“Since when are you the heartthrob?” Allison poked him and then the picture of him surrounded by tiny hearts. 
“I don’t know! That’s weird right? I guess in this universe I didn’t disappear when I was thirteen and now people think I’m attractive or something? I don’t get it. Who was the,” Five put up air quotes, “‘heartthrob’ in our universe?”
“Klaus and Luther had pretty strong followings,” Allison paused to think, “When we were fifteen, Ben had some sort of cult? And I was the only girl so...yeah. Oh, and Diego was popular towards the end, but no one could figure out why.”
Klaus was looking at the magazine in front of Allison and Five with interest. He raised his eyebrow at Five and gave a small wave before going back to his drawing. 
Eight, Nine, and Twelve were playing a card game a few rows above them. They were oblivious, unlike Ten and Eleven, who were talking in hushed voices and looking at Allison every now and then. Eleven’s hair was a bright shade of electric blue today. They had opted for lithe, feminine curves and the female uniform, but a very close cropped pixie cut. Five barely recognized them. Ten was attempting to ask Eleven to grow their hair longer so she could braid it. 
Luther was watching this argument with an apathetic look on his face, while Diego watched with interest. Maybe he thinks it will turn into a fight or something? 
Ben was completely oblivious to all of this and kept his nose stuck in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. 
“Please, Eleven! It will look really good,” Ten pleaded. 
“For the last time, no. Piss off, Ten.”
“Fine. Sorry. Eight! Can you deal me in?” Ten demanded.
“Yeah, sure,” Eight started shuffling her cards again. 
Diego looked somewhat disappointed at the de escalation and went back to sharpening his knives. 
“Hey, Three, Five! Can I borrow your Daily Prophet?” Eleven asked from across the aisle. 
Since they had already gone through all of their copies of that newspaper, Five said, “Sure,” and handed them the October 29th copy. It was the most recent thing in the pile. 
The rest of the plane ride passed like that. Eventually, Diego borrowed their magazines as well once he ran out of knives to sharpen. 
The Minerva flew on through the clear sky. 
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ddaeng-181338 · 6 years
Cold | 02
Wolf! Au
• Min Yoongi x Reader
• Enemies to Lovers
Yoongi hated you the moment you joined the pack and that was that.
Cold MasterList
A/n: part 2! Ahh I’m just...I hope it’s okay for you all, not much really goes down during this chapter so it’s more of a filler and plot setting chapter.
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Your feet pounded against the dirt, heart still racing as you couldn’t push the images of a wet Yoongi out of your head. Damn omega tendencies, fucking ready to combust just because he’s an alpha. You were angry with yourself, you hated to admit it but you were aroused by the sight of him. That cold hearted bastard has me all worked up and he didn't do a damn thing. You pushed yourself harder hoping that just maybe your sweat would be able to cover the scent of your arousal.
Maybe if you were lucky you could get back to the cabin and shower before anyone caught a whiff of you. Really you had to steer clear of Hoseok and Taehyung, Namjoon was good at controlling himself around omegas. You skidded to a halt as you reached the outskirts of the woods, your pack’s cabin sitting perfectly amongst the opening among the trees. You thought you were in the clear — really you did — but a strong pair of arms wrapping around your waist told you otherwise.
The scent— cinnamon — gave away who it was. “Hoseok don’t even….” He chuckled darkly and smiled into the crook of your neck. “But you smell so nice.” Your cheeks heated, you knew exactly what he was talking about. “Maybe you should go swim down in the river yeah? He let go of you reluctantly knowing your heat was still a few weeks away.
You sighed and faced him, swimming down in the river would have been the smart idea. “I was going too, but I came back to get my bathing suit.” Nice save y/n...maybe? He eyed you skeptically, you could tell he wanted to ask you something but he was struggling on whether or not he wanted to ask it.
“Go ahead Hoseok ask me, I can tell you want to ask me something.” You watched him tense slightly before sighing “any reason you smell so…” he couldn’t finish the sentence— becoming extremely shy all of a sudden. You debated for a moment — did you want to tell him? I mean…no don’t.
“I was daydreaming a little bit Hoseok, that's all...got a little carried away with my thoughts.” He laughed a little, by no means was he innocent so it surprised you that he was so shy all of a sudden. “I’ll...leave you too it y/n.” You laughed softly as he walked away, heading towards the woods himself. That’s where a Lot of you spent your time really — if you weren’t in the House you were out amongst the trees or down by the river.
You walked towards the house, tempted to run really but you’d raise their attention. Okay walk in, get your swimsuit, get the hell out. You repeated it in your head over and over again until a certain Omega called your name.
“Y/n-ah, you’re in the clear don’t worry.” You stuttered in your steps and turned to him. “Really?” He nodded, moving over in his chair to see you better. “Seokjin dragged Namjoon to the store, Tae and Kook are downstairs using the gym and Hoseok and Yoongi have wandered off. You sighed, leaning against the counter and tilting your head.
“So you’re gonna tell me why you smell so much.” He wiggles his eyebrows and you felt your cheeks heat. Jimin was an omega so you were comfortable sharing with him—he himself had experienced it before too. “If I told you—you’d never believe me.” He sat up straight now, eyes wide. “Oh now you have to tell me.”
“What about hi….OH MY GOD WHAT.”
“Omega tendencies Jimin he was all wet and…”
Jimin looked like someone had just punched him in the stomach. “I mean no I get it y/n, omegas are gonna get all hot and bothered over any alpha really. But still...for you to smell like...this...over Yoongi.” You groaned, hiding your face in your palms. “Don’t act like you didn’t almost combust before Jungkook marked you Jimin. You could barely be around him without attracting very alpha within a hundred mile radius.”
You peaked up through your hands to look at him—his cheeks mirroring the same pink on your own. “Alright alright you got me there...know go clean up before they get back.” He began sinking into the couch and you laughed, heading down the hall to grab your swimsuit like you originally planned.
You were back out of the house five minutes later, completely changed into a simple black one piece and running shoes on again. You took off in another sprint, feet skillfully dodging each stray root and rock in your path as you barreled towards the river.
You were only about 200 feet away from the river again when you caught whiff of him. He was still here. The pine scent was almost overwhelming as you skidded to a halt behind the same tree as before. Carefully you moved forwards, feet making no noise as you reached the trunk to peer around. This time your jaw dropped.
This time you could see he has abandoned all of his clothing. His black boxers soaked and leaking next to the pile of his dry clothes. If you were hot and bothered before you serve definitely hot and bothered now. You could see him out in the water, waist deep and your knees almost buckled.
You took a deep breath and walked out from behind the tree, heading towards the dirt that lined the river. Act like you don’t see him y/n...act like he isn’t there. By no means would you go unnoticed and you knew this, but it was still worth a shot.
You headed out from behind the tree, focusing on the ground in front of you as you moved, you could sense him out there, you could feel his eyes on you. You ignored it anyways, eyes trained down as you power walked down the banks towards the shallow end of the river. “Smell good y/n, what’s gotten you all worked up.” Your feet stuttered slightly and you debated on whether or not you’d acknowledge him.
A low growl on the other hand decided for you—the omega in you submitting easily to him. “What’s it matter to you Yoongi.” You looked up at him, taking note of the shit eating grin on his face. “As your alpha you have every right to tell me y/n.” Your face heated—he knows it’s because of him god damnit. He must have noticed me the first time…
He moved closer to you—a dangerous game considering he was naked and the water only got shallower the closer you made it to the banks. “What am I not allowed to be turned on Yoongi.” His head cocked to the side taking you in. “Well omegas do get turned on easily but still y/n, as your alpha and senior you should be talking.”
He was challenging you and you knew it, the omega in you wanting to obey while the stubborn human part of you wanted to tell him to fuck all the way off—a cliff preferably. “Eat shit Yoongi I don’t have to tell you a damn thing.” You watched a smirk grace his features and he walked closer, the water receding rather quickly around his waist.
You backed up a few feet — but that was more than enough to answer his unspoken question. Did I make you feel like this...yes. You glared at him one last time before walking down the banks, leaving him and his cocky ass behind to watch you stride away.
You stopped once he was just a tiny thing off in the distance. Pulling your shoes off you threw them to the bank and headed to the water. The cool water reached your ankles and relief finally set in, you walked forward and slid down to your knees until the water was up to your neck. “Thank god…” you let yourself relax for once, eyes closing slowly as you focused on the water around you.
You dipped your head under once — cool water calming your heated cheeks. I can’t believe this, that cocky bastard really knows he made me feel like this...fuckin omegas… you lost track of how long you were in the water, it wasn’t until you looked up and noticed Yoongi was gone that you questioned how long you’d been here. “Shit...Namjoon is going to kill me for being so careless…” you got out of the river quickly, picking up your shoes and — for the countless time that day — took of into a dead sprint.
You made it back to the house in record time—Namjoon and Yoongi were talking out front. “Y/n! Where the hell were you…” Namjoon took of towards you, leaving yoongi too look on in confusion. “I was down by the river...sorry.” He reached you can began checking for injuries, eyes scanning over you while yoongi watched on in interest. “You can’t be so careless, not when…” you cut him off “not now Namjoon…” your eyes trailed behind him to look at yoongi and Namjoon took the hint.
“Why do you have such interest in where she is all the time Namjoon.” You rolled your eyes as Namjoon turned towards him. “She’s the one female of our pack and the youngest, why wouldn’t I be concerned” yoongi shrugged him off and headed into the house— leaving you and Namjoon alone. “One day he’ll warm up to you y/n.” You snorted “yeah sure.”
“Everything okay though? You seem a bit off.” You were still a bit shell shocked honestly but if anything you were more concerned at the fact that you had been so careless down at the river, all alone, if they found you… you shook your head, not the time y/n not the time.
Namjoon seemed to understand you and wrapped you in tight hug—despite the fact that you were wet. “Go dry off princess, I’m sure Jin Hyung is making lunch as we speak, we can talk more tonight.” He let go of you with a small smile. You nodded and returned the smile, even if it was slightly forced.
Never be that careless again y/n...never
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youarejesting · 4 years
BTS365 Prompts.Week 21
[Masterlist] [Prompt Masterlist]
Please tag me in your work if you use my prompts. I want to see your work. Ever your Jester.
Tell me your birthday and I will tag you on your special day!
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        May 21st - 27th
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Kim Seokjin: Sing out [Song]
You were standing on the side of the road, with a music station and started singing an English cover of Epiphany. You’re a little screen in front of your station, had the name of the song and the original producers and vocalists so that you weren’t claiming that they were your songs. So as you changed the slide to reveal the original creators and that this was an English cover, you took the mic.
As you were singing a small group with the cameras were walking by and you heard a bunch of voices calling and they were pushing each other forward until one of them pushed forward his hood falling to reveal Kim Seokjin. 
I'm the one I should love in this world the soul I once knew, shining so bright breaking through I'm accepting myself, so I love me though I'm not perfect, there is beauty inside of me I'm the one I should love
You continued singing, ears turning pink, You reached into your music station and switched on the second mic. Taking the time to change the instrumental to a faster pace and tweaked the music until it sounded like the song he was used to. And you gave him a thumbs up and you sang the second verse in Korean and his mouth fell open. You gestured for him to join.
Saranghago shipeo in this world Bitnaneun nareul sojunghan nae yeonghoneul Ijeya kkaedara so I love me Jom bujokhaedo neomu areumdaun geol I’m the one I should love
“I’m the one I should love” You sang as he took the high notes and you grinned as a crowd began forming listening to this song they knew nothing about. Not knowing that the singer was actually there on the streets with them.
“I’m the one I should love” Seokjin took the last line and you sank behind the music station, your heart racing, tears falling down your face and you could hear his friends cheering and clapping.
“You know BTS?” His voice spoke through the speakers and you laughed as he was speaking through the mic to you. You nodded and he grinned “am I your favorite?”
“Who else could it be with that handsome face?”
Min Yoongi: Musical instrument [Song]
“That is him the school's most talented pianist, I heard if you get him as your accompaniment you are guaranteed to get a good grade” some girls were gossiping nearby and he saw what appeared to be a floating hard case that held at a guess a large cello or a small double bass. The slowly moving case moving towards the lecture hall, the very same one he was headed to. 
On closer inspection Yoongi saw two tiny shoes shuffling along under the giant instrument, he wondered what you were doing. Surely you weren’t tall enough to play a full size cello, he followed behind watching you sleepily walk to the lecture hall. 
He was standing behind the hard case using it to conceal himself from the Sharks that would beg him to be their accompaniment. So hidden out of sight it was obvious they would talk about him. “He is such an ass, I just know he is the best” 
“What piece are you playing?”
“Pachebel’s canon in D”
Yoongi heard a snort at the same time he blanched. “Something wrong with that piece?”
“It’s overplayed and boring as hell, you expect some amazing accompanist for that”
“What are you playing?”
“Vivaldi’s four seasons specifically spring”
“God I actually want to cut your violin strings, please move. I have to get through”
“Well what piece are you playing?”
“Boccherini’s cello concerto in B flat major” you hummed “it’s not about the song it’s how you play it, and stop relying on the pianists and maybe put more effort into your own work and your grades will rise on their own”
“What do you know, you the transfer student who got accepted on a rural scholarship” they scoffed. 
You entered the lecture hall and stood on stage with the professor “good morning everyone, this is y/n she is a cellist and she is going to show us what she can do, what are you going to play?”
“Elgar cello concerto in E minor, op 85 the first movement” you said softly yawning and stretching as you opened the case and set up your cello. “I am sorry my life revolves around playing music so I don’t sleep often”
“How tall are you, you would be better off using a three quarter?” One of the students asked and you sat down. The professor at the piano and the two of you began playing. 
Yoongi listened, feeling his very breath pulled from his chest he felt his heart absolutely soar at the emotion you were expressing. He was mad, you were perfect but the old professor was getting rusty he could play it better, he wanted to play it. For the first time in Yoongi’s life he wanted to collaborate with someone. 
Jung Hoseok: Hunt @youarejesting (mature themes: Alcohol)
You had a lot of titles, you were his Neighbor, Colleague, Wing man… well lady, and you were most importantly his best friend for man years. You had been friends since you were born, you were younger, barely but he didn’t let you forget it. 
How did you get here, one minute, you are keeping Hoseok out of trouble while he chases skirts in High school, at work, at the club and even in your gosh darn apartment building. The next you are laying in your bed listening to him argue with his current fling. 
Sighing as you hear her leave you grab a bottle of vodka and a bottle of his favourite mixer Sprite. Walking next door you knocked and he sighed from the kitchen table “Y/n, I really don’t wanna talk?”
“I didn’t say we were going to talk Hobi” You used the nickname you had given him when you were younger. It was a special privilege and no one else was allowed to call him that except you. 
He unlocked the door and you walked in on your own accord, opening the bottle and he walked dutifully to collect a mug each. Hoseok didn’t have many fancy glasses as the girls he would invite over in their fake tipsy stupor would smash them. Hoseok hated people with a passion when they were drunk and he wasn't, it all seemed so fake.
When he was drunk, he wasn’t happy so why do they pretend to be so happy and bubbly and think that acting like a crazy person was acceptable because they had one shot. You both sat there drinking slowly before you got dressed up and headed out to the club. It was your favorite. The bartender was a flirty young man and DJ Gloss was the best in the business.
So dressed in one of your club outfits, a small neon purple dress with cut outs under the breasts and some heels that you would definitely abandon on your way home, you got to work on hair and make up with something simple yet sexy.
“Are you sure about that dress, it is awfully bright?” Hoseok said, eyeing the dress in question and you gave him a sly smile.
“A girl has to grab attention on the floor and under the black lights, she gonna be lit” He nodded realizing you were right and that must have been why you had bought him a shirt in a neon green you looked like you were part of a really amazing hip hop music video and he was all for it.
Wasting no more time you walked out the front of your house and across the road to the pizza joint. “Hey Yuta, can you give us a lift to the club”
“Yeah I got a delivery right now jump on?” You stepped out to see a vespa and blanched
“What happened to the car?” You whined
“It’s in the shop, you want a lift or what” 
Squeezed between Yuta and Hoseok you moved along arriving at a house party you showed up and grinned holding the five pizza’s and the door opened. “Heyyo baby, you order some pizza’s?”
“Uh yeah” he seemed flustered “Soobin where is my wallet”
“Take your time sweetheart” You grinned they were so young you felt almost bad being the one to deliver the food, but Yuta wanted to get a big tip with your assets.
He gave you some money and blushed “You can keep the change”
“Thank you so much” You flashed him a brilliant smile and turned running off in your heels. With a grin you threw your leg over the bike and Hoseok climbed back on behind you. Yuta dropped you off at the club and you grinned stepping onto the curb and pulled the money from your bra and he  tipped you some for your service. 
The line into the club was backed up around the corner and you grinned walking forward. “Hey, Monster, looking particularly buff this evening” You grinned squeezing his bicep and he snuck you and Jhope in ahead of the line.
“Why do they get to go in first?” Two boys in line shouted, they looked at you and blushed
“We are the dancers” you grinned “What’s your name, I will see you inside?”
“Jungkook” The deeper voiced one grinned “and my name is Taehyung”
“Well boy’s, you can find me on the dance floor, you won’t miss me” The two of you stepped inside nodding to the two bartenders. “Baby G, My love can you get my friend here a drink, it seems tonight he is on the Hunt.”
“Again!” the bartender said, shocked mixing two drinks and sliding them your way. “On the house Happy Hunting”
“Hey Mister World Wide, I better get a dance from each of you at some point tonight” You gave them a pointed look and they laughed nodding promising you a dance. You didn’t realize it, but as you danced Hoseok seemed reluctant to leave your side, he spent the night circling you warding off any unwelcome dancers, reluctantly letting you have a moment with the bartenders when it got quiet.
You don’t know how it happened but Gloss played an original song that turned everyone feral and you were dancing with Hoseok.
Kim Namjoon: Towel
You woke up in the rain confused, you had no idea where you were or what was happening. You remembered a name and that was about it, walking along the road barefoot. Your arms and legs covered in cuts and bruises and you didn’t know what from.
Walking along the road you saw a small building, You saw a light traveling towards it when You stumbled upon a dog that barked and chased you over a fence. You fell in a garden bed with an audible thump, prying yourself from the branches and leaves. 
Following the light you came across a large glass sliding door peering inside. You were shivering and knocked gently against it, they all turned some of them shrieking making you back away scared and run. You were surrounded by fences and they were outside before you could escape.
“Hey, are you okay, are you hurt?” One spoke and you watched him tilting your head. He looked at you, kneeling down. “Come inside okay, you are hurt and it’s cold” 
He held out his hand and you held out yours slowly. He led you inside and he grabbed a towel wrapping you up and giving you a warm bowl of kimchi jjigae.
Park Jimin: Sunscreen
Jimin looked around out of all the people he could have been stuck on an island with; it had to be with an army. He could hardly stand you at the best of times and here he was forced to live every single day on this deserted island from hell. He applied sunscreen to his face and sat under the shade of a tree. 
He couldn’t even speak to you, you were an international army and spoke English and he didn’t want to bother translating. So here he sat waiting patiently to get rescued, he knew they wouldn’t be too long. It was a night gone wrong. He had a few too many and was playing on the deck when he fell overboard. You who worked for the crew, had dragged him into a lifeboat and he in his drunken stupor yelled at you, called you a stalker fan and lost both the paddles.
He felt a little guilty getting you stuck out here too but, he knew people would come for him soon. Watching you work you collected fire wood into a pile ready to light it as a signal fire. As one night became too, you went out and laid a rock formation in the shape of a V during low tide. He thought you were insane but when high tide came and went he saw a small collection of fish stuck in the V formation you had made.
You collected fruit and fish, started fires, made him a shelter, gave him the soft foam life jacket to lay his head and the emergency blanket to keep himself warm all night. He knew you knew he had the sunscreen and bug repellent but you didn’t complain or demand anything of him. He saw you every afternoon rubbing some weird plant juice on your skin and heard you hiss in pain.
You were burnt even your burns had burns. He took the strange plant from the water. “What this?”
“Aloe vera, helps sunburns” You breathed he appreciated you chose simple words and kept your replies succinct he didn’t have to translate articles and conjunctions just simple nouns and verbs. 
He broke open a leaf and poured the gel like substance onto his palms, it was so cold. Was it because you had placed the plant in the ocean water. His palms touched your back and you whined. He felt the heat of your skin and felt guilty. Your skin had been burning while he was sitting comfortable in the shade.
“I am sorry”
Kim Taehyung: Hamburger
It was a painting workshop and you had to work on a small project piece to show the class, you were trying really hard to find something that expressed who you were in a picture and while you were staring at a blank canvas you saw the absolute character to your left bobbing to rap tunes in his ear.
He was careless with a brush or so it seemed, so when you leaned around you saw the most beautiful and odd photo you had seen in your life. It was a Hamburger, but it looked absolutely beautiful, he was painting with what you could only describe as in the style of Van Gogh, his paint was thick and he used a tiny spatula instead of a brush. The painting was playful and he grinned pressing a little more paint here and there.
How could he just commit and paint, it was so totally him, quirky and beautiful. He spun around to grab some more tan paint and realized he was out. He looked up, his mouth falling open at being watched and he smirked and raised his eyebrows quickly in a cocky ‘What about it?’ fashion. You laughed wholeheartedly and reached for your extra paint and lent over handing it and his smirk fell and he pulled out an earbud.
“I like your painting, it looks delicious” You giggled deciding you would go with something that was so totally you. “Your style is Van Gogh right it is really nice”
“I like your laugh” he grinned back at you. You Laughed some more and started sketching out quickly an outline and then went in with paint shaping the image. 
You had slipped on your own headphones and got to work. He leaned over and grabbed your phone and gestured to you and you nodded and he changed the song you were listening to to match his and played them at the same time.
He watched you while he danced the two of you were grinning at each other working. He had finished his project early in what seemed like three short days. Yours, however took the whole week, especially since you got lost in watching him dance and exchanging songs with one another.
When it came to showing the class your project you blushed and turned your canvas’ in, they were displayed the next week, you watched as he walked into the class walking around appreciating each painting and smiled speaking with the owners and he saw his and grinned explaining to his peers and he moved on and saw yours and paused. 
He looked at how each brush stroke was delicate and precise, you made him look so soft as he grinned up holding his spatula out to you. It was when he was jamming to a song and he had been singing into the spatula and he held it out to you to sing along. He listened to that song every day during the class and did that everyday because it was his favorite line and when he did it you would blush every time. 
He looked at you with a sly grin and you turned away hiding your face from him he saw the ear buds in your ear and your grip on your phone he took the phone and played a song 
Jeon Jungkook: Basket (Mature: Mental disorders)
You were what the cool kids referred to as a Basket case. Except you didn’t know if the cool kids actually said that cause you never met nor hung out with any. Yeah no one really referred to you as anything. You were here because you had issues let’s leave it at that. 
The teen ward was split into two sides: the boy and the girls, you heard there was a kid who had seen some things. He had apparently jumped off a building and landed on a car, miraculously he was still alive and hadn't broken a single bone. The weird part is how he looks different every day, sometimes he can walk other days he is crippled in a wheelchair like a totally different patient. 
He had lost his mind in recovery, they had sedated him, numbed his mind and slowly he lost touch of reality. From what people knew he had lost all his friends tragically and jumped to end his suffering.
But now, he assured anyone who asked that they were coming to visit him. He was handsome and a really creative guy. You were sitting beside him at dinner and he lent over and pointed at your watch.
“What’s the time? My hyung’s are going to come soon, they said we are going to the beach” He grinned his bunny teeth on show, how did he still have teeth was he some sort of iron man.
“Um… It is six. Are you sure they are coming tonight?”
“Yes we go every night, sometimes we are all there and sometimes we aren’t. I hope we are all there tonight. We relive it everyday, our deaths, our undoing. Taehyung goes to prison sometimes, sometimes they get to him in time, sometimes I am saved and sometimes I fall and die only to wake up again the next day and do it all again.
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fleecal · 5 years
5/22- AU Day
I mention gun, murder, mental hospital and blood in this. Nothing graphic, but just a warning.
Dr. Valentine Iplier fumbled with his keys as he opened the door of his new apartment. He recently got a new job and luckily found a really nice apartment for a really low price not too far away. As of today, he was finally moved into his new home and ready to start living in it. He walked over to the couch and promptly collapsed onto it. He closed his eyes, dozing slightly when he heard a voice, clear as day, whisper “He is awake but too afraid to open his eyes.” Val sat bolt upright and looked around. He swore he heard a voice, but obviously, there was no one else in the apartment. Must have been a TV in another or something like that. Just the same, he did not close his eyes again.
That night, Val had a strange dream of a beautiful young man, sitting over a typewriter in a dark room. He looked tired, his amber eyes were dull and unfocused, his dark shirt and hair were damp with sweat. He was typing furiously, muttering to himself. Every so often he would rip a yellowed page from the typewriter and throw it to his left, where it would disappear into the darkness of the room. Val tried to hear what the man was muttering but all he caught was the word “End” before he woke up suddenly in his new bedroom.
He got out of bed and opened the window to get some fresh air into the room. He had never seen that man before in his life. But, in a strange way, he was familiar. His voice was familiar.
Things went on like that for a while. A few more times, he’d hear things. Sometimes snippets of words or sentences like something out of a novel. “The deceptive clutch of a mirage.” “The deep blue darkness around him.” “One last panicked look around his dreaded entrapment.” It just became part of Val’s daily life and he didn’t really think anything of it. Probably someone on the street outside. People in other apartments. His own mind conjuring words. Nothing to worry about, he'd tell himself. On days he heard things, that night he would dream about the man at the typewriter; watching him type and mumble. It never occurred to Val that the two could be connected. Just some weird dreams.
That is, until one night, a few months after he’d moved in, Val was reading before bed when he swore he heard a gunshot rip through the silence of the night. He over dashed to the window to see what had happened. The street was deserted other than some evening cyclists and pedestrians. Nothing abnormal. Maybe someone was setting off fireworks, he told himself, and he just didn’t see them. But he knew in the back of his mind that wasn’t what had happened. It had almost sounded like… like it was in the apartment. Heart still pounding, he turned off his bedside lamp and lay down.
He didn’t expect himself to be able to sleep that night, but eventually, he found himself in the dark room again. But this time it was different. It was like he was actually in the room. It all felt so much more real than all the times before. He walked over to the man at the typewriter. Val could see dark, sunken bags under the man’s eyes and blisters on the man’s fingers. Val looked at his page. The words were so clear. The story was about a man named Icarus Yoon, a writer living in an apartment. He was a bestselling author but his books used the likeness of some of his neighbours without their permission so he wasn’t very well liked. One day, one of the neighbours confronted Icarus in his own apartment about the books. While Icarus was hashing it out with the neighbour, Icarus was shot from behind by another disgruntled neighbour who had entered the apartment unnoticed. Icarus lay on the floor, bleeding out for what felt like hours. Every time the man got to the part where Icarus should have died from his injuries, he would rip the page from the typewriter and start over, muttering things like “No, no. That’s not right. Almost done. How does it end? Needs to be perfect. How does it end?” Val watched the man continue to work until suddenly, he looked up, straight at Val and said in a clear but tired voice. “Help me.” Val was about to ask how he could help when he woke up.
That morning, when Val went down to get his mail, he saw his neighbours William and Dominique Doom chatting by the mailbox. He greeted them tiredly, fishing out his key and opening his box. “Morning.” He said. Dominique nodded to the doctor, their expression as unreadable as ever but Will gave Val a wide grin. Sometimes Val wondered how two people who were so different could tolerate each other, let alone be married for almost seven years as Will liked to tell anyone who would listen.
“Good morning, chap! Late night at the hospital?” Will asked in a sing-song voice. Val shook his head.
“Had a really weird dream last night about a guy at a typewriter.” The doctor responded, looking through the letters he had pulled from his mailbox. Spam. Spam. Spam.
“Maybe it was the ghost of the man who got murdered in your apartment.” Will joked, causing Val to nearly drop the mail he was holding and look at the talk show host with wide eyes. Dominique elbowed their husband in the side.
“Will. Don’t scare him.” They warned, but Val shook his head.
“Wait, someone was murdered in my apartment? Can you tell me more about that?”
“Didn’t they tell you when you bought the place? Well,” Will began, as Dominique rolled their eyes and muttered something about going back upstairs and locking Will out, before leaving. “The man was a bit of a, shall we say, recluse. Not the nicest person either. Mostly kept to himself. Then, a year ago, he was having a dispute with a couple of neighbours when another man who lived here shot him in the back. I was home at the time, heard the gunshot and called the police but it was already too late. Poor guy. Least it was quick. Dominique and I live on the floor below you, so we didn’t know the people very well, but I think the one who shot him plead insanity and is in a hospital. The other neighbour moved out real quick after that.” Will finished, looking thoughtful, almost sad. Val tried to take in all the information he had just been given. That story seemed to match the one he’d read in the dream.
“What was the guy’s name?” He asked, already knowing the answer.
“Well, from what I know his real name was Hanuel, but he started going by Icarus when he emigrated from Korea. Kind of ironic in hindsight.”
“Thank you very much, Will. This gives me a lot to think about.” He said, closing his mailbox roughly and hurrying back to his apartment without another word.
That night, when Val went to bed, he knew he was ready. After the conversation with Will, he had gone back to his own apartment and spent most of the day doing research about the murder of Icarus Yoon. Will was right. He was a best-selling thriller author, who had emigrated to the states from Korea when he was five. When he was 25, about a year ago, he was shot and killed in his own apartment by a neighbour who mistook the yelling for Icarus attacking another neighbour. Paramedics tried their best to save him, but it was too late and Icarus was pronounced dead on the scene. He left behind only his mother. From what Val could tell, he didn’t even have any close friends. There was a picture of Icarus too, probably from the about the author section from his books. It was the same man Val saw in his dreams, though he looked less exhausted in the photo. The articles talked about his death like it was a great loss to the world of literature but Val just felt sad for his mother, who had to bury her son. As he drifted off to sleep, Val knew what he had to do and how.
Then he was in the dark room. For the first time, Val looked around and realized this was his living room, just unnaturally dark. He walked over to the man at the typewriter, whom he now knew as Icarus, and for the first time, Val noticed that his shirt wasn’t just damp with sweat but also with blood from a hole just below Icarus’s left ribs. He was typing away on his typewriter and muttering to himself, as always. Valentine took a deep breath before he spoke. “I know who you are, Icarus, and I want to help you.” Icarus did not respond, continuing to type and type and type, muttering to himself the same things.  That’s when it occurred to Val, among other things, Icarus kept asking how it ended. He didn’t know how the story ended because he was dead. Gently, Val put his hand on Icarus’s shoulder and began telling him the ending. “Icarus sadly passed away on the floor his apartment as the paramedics tried but were unable to save him. He was pronounced him dead at the scene. The man who shot him plead insanity and is currently in a hospital receiving treatment.”
“And?” Icarus didn’t look up from typewriter. Val frowned. What more could he want? That was the end. The end of the story he died. Wait.  No. That wasn’t the end.
“A year later, a young doctor named Valentine Iplier moved into the apartment. He realized Icarus was still trapped there and looked into Icarus’s demise, figured out Icarus’s unfinished business and helped the writer finish his story so he could move on and finally be at peace.” Icarus smiled as he typed down the last words before giving a satisfied
“The End.” He took the paper out of the typewriter, but instead of throwing it, he placed the page on the desk before standing up to face Val. “Thank you, Valentine.” He sighed. Then Icarus gave him a kiss on the cheek and Val woke up in his bedroom, the morning light streaming in through the blind. He had crossed over. Val could feel it. Icarus was at peace.
Valentine didn’t hear things in the apartment or dream of Icarus anymore after that, as he suspected he wouldn’t. In a small way, he missed Icarus but he was happy he was finally able to rest.
A week later, Ji-Min Yoon was visiting her son’s grave when she found fresh flowers already resting in front of the headstone; white poppies. She smiled.
[Note: White Poppies represent Consolation, dreams, modern, peace]
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