#like sheesh no one can ever be this nice to anyone no way
weirdmarioenemies · 9 months
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Name: Mino
Debut: Tetris
Tetris is all about blocks! You know that! Did you know that those blocks are called Tetriminos? Maybe you did! Geometrically, they are tetrominoes, shapes formed from four squares connected at the edges. "Tetrimino" is the official spelling of the ones used in Tetris specifically, which is a little confusing, but it's ok. Don't worry about it unless you are making your own game about tetrominoes! If you do that, be careful.
But what about the little blocks that make up the Tetrimino? These are geometrically called monominoes, but in Tetris, they are simply Minos! Humble little things. The game is named after Four, so what place does a measly One have?
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If you ask me, they have all the place, because they are all over the place! There are no Tetriminos without Minos. Together, Minos are powerful, some of the most iconic and recognizable shape clusters in the world! Even in the form of a plush, The Tetris Company almost ALWAYS ensures that the individual Minos are visible. It is a part of the Tetriminos' designs at this point! The only exception I can think of is in situations unable to use their distinct colors, where other design factors are used to distinguish each. In this case, all but the I Tetrimino have their Minos visible, while I is just a solid color. Come on now, I. The most universally beloved Tetrimino, and you can't show some appreciation for the little guys who made you who you are? Sheesh!
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While yes, Minos are a bit overlooked, they do indeed get the spotlight every once in a while! In game modes with items, you can expect that there will be one that turns all of your pieces into Minos, allowing you to instantly fill in gaps wherever you like. They are not particularly powerful, only able to clear one line at a time, but they ARE very convenient and easy to use!
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Tetris Friends, my dearly beloved and departed Tetris Friends, uses Minos as the base for most of its avatars! I have already talked about these specifically, but I just want to point out these VERY default ones, each a piece of one of the classic Tetriminos, based on color... until the end, where we get what appears to be a Domesticated Mammal Mino! What are the implications of this? Have members of an intelligent species selectively bred the most docile of Minos together? Do Minos reproduce? Am I way off the mark, and is this Mino actually made of cookies and cream ice cream?
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Finally, the reason I've been thinking of Minos in the first place! Here is a photo of the Tetris board game, with a single gray square in the Matrix. That's right! A Mino! In my opinion, this game is the most special Minos have ever felt. In this version, Tetriminos are dropped straight down into columns in the Matrix, and so they aren't as maneuverable as virtual ones. They can't be rotated while falling, and can't be slid into place to fill in any little notches.
This is where Minos come in! They are a sort of compensation for the lack of extra control, and can be placed to fill in extra space before dropping a Tetrimino. This is especially useful if you start with a Z or S block, since in this game, dropping one on a flat surface would leave a space no matter what! With a Mino, you can make a nice little ledge for your block to land neatly on.
This game's use of Minos really stood out to me! They're a major gameplay mechanic, they are explicitly named in the instruction manual, and, most importantly, they get their own PIECES. Physical, officially licensed, single Mino objects! They even get their very own color! A humble gray, not flashy like the rest, but distinct among all the others, and practical. A gray not to indicate a lack of interesting qualities, but instead, great potential!
There is no "official art" for Mino, so I just made the post's top image by editing some official Tetrimino art. Also, I have distinct memory of SOME official Tetris game, possibly Tetris Friends, referring to them as Tetrimonos. Does anyone else remember this? Please tell me if you do!
With that, we have reached the end of this post. But this is not the end of my fascination with Minos. In a way, it's only the beginning. In my Mino research, I have discovered some truly incredible things. Look forward to reading about them next week in Minos post part 2!
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hockeyboysimagines · 7 months
F*ck me like I’m famous
Chapter 4
Warnings: Sex, implied sex, talks of sex, alcohol, language.
Hello friends! Here is chapter 4. Sorry for the delay. As I said in the chapter I just posted for Sway I’ve had a ton going on. Hope this is worth the wait!
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“Hey Josie.” Vince called from his living room “Are you ready? We have to leave like…10 minutes ago.”
“Yeah I’m coming!” She called.
“You did that last night already!”
“Vince!” She yelled from the bathroom.
He giggled and stuffed his feet into shoes, grabbing his keys from the table next to the door. He was having the time of his life.
She had made good on the phone sex and dirty texting multiple times over last night, until the early hours, which was part of why they were running late today. He also might have caused a distraction in the shower, but that was a minor detail.
He had some autograph signing thing that would kickstart the celebrations for the week, and he was planning to meet up with friends for drinks later on. He was so excited to show her off to everyone, if they ever got there.
He heard her shuffling and then coming down the steps and turned the corner.
He paused and smiled “Damn.” He said giving her an appreciative once over “You look hot.”
“Really?!” She asked brightly, glancing down at her dress “It’s not too dressy or boring?”
It was pale green, falling mid thigh, with a floral pattern on it, paired with black wedges. Her long hair was loose and wavy, and he almost considered taking her right back upstairs. But then he remembered this week was not only about him, but the community as well.
“Not at all. Oof. You’re in for it later.”
She blushed and waved him off, taking his extended hand and they made their way to the car. The sun was shining down on them, a beautiful perfect day to start a beautiful perfect week.
“Where are we going exactly?” She asked from the passenger seat, turning to put her purse in the back. He smiled a little at how comfortable and natural she looked in his passenger seat before he answered.
“I have an autograph signing.” He said, turning the key in the ignition and backing out of his driveway.
“Ooooooh. An autograph signing? Fancy.” She said side eyeing him “How many body parts do you think you’ll sign?”
He rolled his eyes and nudged his chin at her “I can think of one I’d like to sign later.”
“No I don’t think so. The pen is way too big.”
He burst out laughing and shook his head “Okay you win. So how was your first official day in Canada?”
“It was good. I spent most of it with this hot guy.”
“And how was your first official night in Canada?”
He gasped and reached over grabbing her thigh and squeezing it. She screamed and slapped his arm “I’m kidding! I’m kidding sheesh.”
“Okay so let’s try that again.”
“My first official night in Canada was amazing.”
“Better. Just means I’m gonna have to one up myself tonight.”
She chuckled and watched the Canadian countryside zoom past outside. She was having so much fun and it hadn’t even been 24 hours yet. Being here, although in a country she’d never been to with people she didn’t know, felt so normal, like she’d been here before. She wasn’t nervous, or awkward or anything like that. She felt at peace.
It was so nice.
“So when does the cup actually get here?”
“Friday. That’s when the fun begins.” He waggled his eyebrows “And there’s a ton happening that day. Are you excited?”
“Me? Are you excited? It’s your big day.”
Josie didn’t know Vince when he won the cup. She hadn’t seen the game, watched the moment, or even knew anything about how he and the team had gotten to that point. But what she did know was that if anyone deserved this week, it was him.
“Of course im excited, but i want you to be having fun too.”
“I’m just happy to be here and watch you do your thing.” She said, smiling widely and reaching forward to squeeze his hand.
Josie spent most of the signing hanging out behind him with his mom. She’d been friendly the day before, but she could tell her guard had been up and with good reason. Vince was a highly successful professional athlete, who had a lot at stake in life. She didn’t blame his mom for being wary at first.
But now she had truly warmed up and they were talking and laughing like old friends.
“What are you telling her back there, because whatever it is you can be sure it’s a lie.” He called over his shoulder.
“Most of it sounds pretty on brand.” Josie said smiling at him “So I’m inclined to believe her.”
He made a face and turned back around, but the thought of her being close with his mom brought a small smile to his face that stayed there the rest of the afternoon.
As the line wound down, and the last few pictures had been taken Vince turned to her and waved her forward. When she reached him he gestured to a lady he’d been talking with.
“Josie, this is my mom’s friend, Sheri.”
Josie reached forward to shake her extended hand “Hello. Nice to meet you.”
“And this is your-?” Sheri asked, looked at Vince expectantly as she let go of Josie’s hand.
“This is my girlfriend.” He said simply with a smile, hand on the small of her back as he gave her a gentle push forward so she could shake the woman hand.
The word made Josie want to jump for joy, scream, ugly cry and kiss his socks right off but then she remembered they were in public so she just smiled, feeling a redness come to her cheeks. They chatted with for a minute when Vince’s mom called her name and Sheri walked away.
Josie turned slowly to look at him “Girlfriend?” She asked quietly.
“Is that okay? I didn’t really know what else to call this.” He gave a small laugh.
“I mean-yeah. It’s okay.”
“I really wanna kiss you, but we’ve already been on the cover of one newspaper.”
She giggled and smiled at him “You can make it up to me later.” She waggled her eyebrows and he gave her waist a small squeeze.
“So you’re here with Vince?”
Josie turned to find a dark haired girl standing next to her and frowned a little, leaning away from her.
The day had gone great. Better than great. She’d had so much fun watching him do his thing and interact with members of his community. She’d also really enjoyed being introduced as his girlfriend.
They’d met up with a few friends of his that she hadn’t met yet for drinks at what Vince called “The best bar in Lindsey” and it was still great.
“Uh, yeah?” She looked across the bar at Vince, but he was absorbed in a conversation and didn’t seem to notice. She looked back at the girl who was staring at her, one hand braced on the bar top.
“You must be his new fling of the week.” She said off handedly, glancing at her and then over her shoulder where he was standing.
Josie felt a twinge of annoyance. She wasn’t a confrontational person, and the last thing she wanted to do was cause a scene in front of his friends in a country she was visiting, but she wanted nothing more than to back hand her. The smug smile on her face had sparked an irrational rage that Josie wasn’t sure she’d even had in her before today.
“What are you talking about?” The question came out more rude than she’d anticipated but it didn’t seem to phase whatever her name was.
“This week it’s you, last week it was someone else, and next week it’ll be- hi Vince.”
Josie looked behind her to find Vince was there, frowning at the girl she was about to beat up.
“I was just talking to your new girlfriend of the week here and I-“
“Yeah well stop talking to her.” He turned Josie abruptly, and steered her across the room and out the front door of the bar.
She waited until they were some feet away until she said very quietly “Who was that?”
“Just a girl I know is all.”
She stopped walking, which caused him to stop and she crossed her arms, head turned to the side “Wanna try that again? But with an actual answer this time.”
He sighed “I hung out with her one time at a party last summer. Nothing happened, she wanted more and I just didn’t see her that way and she’s been dragging my name through the mud since then. She does this every time she sees me out with anyone.”
“I see. She said there was another me last week? Is that true?”
Vince’s mouth fell open and he looked back at the bar in outrage before he turned back to her “She said that? Josie I swear, I haven’t been with anyone else since I met you. I can’t believe-“
“If you have been it’s okay. I wasn’t your girlfriend so I can’t really get mad.”
It was true. She hadn’t been his girlfriend last week so he was able to do whatever he wanted. But it didn’t mean it would hurt any less if he had.
“I swear to you. I am not talking or hooking up with anyone else. And fuck her for saying that to you.” He gripped her hand “You believe me right?”
She stared at him for a few minutes. She did, she didn’t think he’d fly her out here if he was hooking up with girls at home, but her guard with him was up a little for the first time. It had definitely brought down her mood, and made her feel a little bit weird about the whole thing.
“I-I believe you. But why would she say that?”
“You don’t believe me I can see it all over your face. She’s jealous obviously.”
“Jealous of who? Me?”
He rolled his eyes “Of COURSE she’s jealous of you. Your beautiful and smart, and your here with me and she isn’t.”
She shrugged and looked at his hand, which was still holding hers. He gave it a squeeze.
“I promise you. There’s no one else.”
Josie pursed her lips and looked at him “Okay. I believe you.”
He glanced over her head and then around the street. It was empty and then he smiled.
“Come on.”
“Where are we going?” She asked as he tugged her along by the hand.
“You’ll see.”
Before she even knew what was going on they were tangled up in the driver seat, attached at the lips.
“Oh my god this is so risky.” Josie breathed out as Vince stuffed his hands underneath her shirt, hands sending goosebumps across her skin.
The car was cold, but they had fogged the windows up in less than two minutes. Their make out in the bar had now spilled into the front seat of the car.
“Shhh it’s fine just kiss me.” He said quietly, pulling her down to his level and pushing his tongue in her mouth. He had a hand on either side of her hips, fingers brushing her bare legs until he had her skirt pushed completely up.
He reached down, fumbling around on the side of the seat looking for the lever to move the seat back, and finally found it, yanking on it a little too hard because it sent both of them flying backwards with a squeal, followed by laughter.
“Jesus Christ.” He mumbled against her neck pulling on it again and lurching them forward. Josie was crying with laughter until he gave a large push and they flew forward, Vince’s elbow hitting the steering wheel, horn blaring.
They both jumped expecting it to stop but it didn’t.
“What the fuck?!” He looked around her, smacking the horn several times, the loud sound cutting through the night. Josie felt her face burn for the amount of embarrassment she was about to feel when someone came over to investigate why the horn in the car was sticking, and found them both in the drivers seat, half dressed.
He finally punched it and it stopped, and he glanced up at her before resting his forehead against her chest.
“This just isn’t meant to be.” He picked up his phone and checked the time “But I can have us home in 10 minutes.”
The rest of the week in Lindsay passed by slow enough to enjoy it, but too fast for it to be over. Every morning she woke up she got a little more sad. She was having so much fun and by Thursday evening she only had 3 days left and it had begun to weigh on her. She never wanted this trip to end, and as it inched closer to Sunday she was reminded that she would be going home alone.
“What’s wrong?” Vince asked as she plugged in her phone and laid next to him.
She glanced up “What? Oh nothing.”
She rolled her eyes and sighed “Nothings wrong. Just bummed that I have to go back to St.Louis soon is all.”
“Yeah.” He nodded and sighed “Me too. But let’s just enjoy our last three days together, and then we’ll go from there.”
She frowned “What’s that mean?”
He pursed his lips and turned on his side to face her “Well. I was going to suggest maybe we take a trip, a vacation if you wanna call it that, before camp starts in September. If you can get off of work and everything.”
“A trip? Where?”
“To a place where all you have to wear is a bikini.”
“What?” He said innocently, letting one hand trail up her bare leg “Can’t a guy have dirty thoughts about his girl in a bathing suit.”
A slow smile spread across her face until it was so wide her face might crack “What did you call me?”
“My girl.”
She wanted to kick her feet and squeal “I like that. Being your girl.” She ran her fingers through his hair, nails scratching his scalp. He leaned up to move his lips across her jaw until he reached her mouth, hand traveling up her thigh to the band of her underwear on her inner leg.
He was slotted between her legs, pelvis grinding up against hers as he kissed her slowly. He floated a hand up her shirt, resting it on her waist.
Before she knew it her shirt was gone and he was unhooking her bra big hands roaming everywhere. Every nerve ending in her body was a live wire, as his lips left hers and moved down her jaw towards her neck. She tugged at his shirt, prompting him to reach behind his head and pull it off in one quick movement.
She marveled at him as he hovered above her. Everything about Vince was thick, broad and muscled. Her hands roamed from his lower back up to his chest, scratching her fingernails across his skin. His mouth crushed hers, hurriedly kicking his boxers down his legs and tossing them aside.
She was shaking underneath him, cheeks red, goosebumps across her skin as she took a page breath in, the bones of her ribcage rippling underneath her skin. He stopped for a minute to really look at her.
“Goddamn your beautiful.” He whispered, eyes never leaving hers. Her blush deepened but she just pulled him back down by the chain to kiss him. Slower this time, her fingers moving down his back, nails scratching his skin, causing him to shiver. He sat back, hooking a finger on either side of her underwear and pulled them down her legs, leaning back over her and pushed a finger inside her causing her to gasp.
“That’s the prettiest noise I’ve ever heard.” He pushed another finger inside, moving them in and out, hooking them ever so slightly as he kissed her. She gripped the sheets, balling her hands into fists.
His lips brushed over her neck, eyes flicking up to meet hers as he pulled his fingers out, moving up her body and bracing himself between her legs.
“Tell me what you want.” She reached down, guiding him towards her. His head tipped down, stray hair falling into his eyes. She pushed it out of the way and bucked her hips up to meet his. She closed her eyes dreamily as he slowly pushed inside her, body arching up to meet his. He was so big, so broad as he moved above her, finding her mouth and kissing her slowly, methodically.
Vince splayed a hand across her ribcage and pulled her right leg up over his hip, lifting her clear off the bed. She let out a moan as he pushed deeper than before, hitting a new spot that had never been hit before.
“Vince I-“
He let out a breath, abdominal muscles tightening as he pushed faster, leaning down to kiss her desperately as he did. Her heart felt like it was about to explode out of her chest as a crippling, toe curling orgasm made its way through her body, sending shockwaves from her head to her feet, her entire body flooding with heat. She felt like she couldn’t breath as Vince gave his last few pushes with a groan and leaned down, head resting in her neck. His breath tickled her skin and she could feel his heart beating through his skin. He pulled out and laid next to her, chest rising and falling as he tried to slow his breathing, and he turned to smile at her.
“Your amazing and I-“ He stopped and cleared his throat “And your amazing.”
He’d almost said something crazy, but she thankfully hadn’t seemed to notice as she began to rummage around for her shirt and slipped it over her head before collapsing next to him. She rolled on to her side, eyes closing sleepily and hooked one of her legs with his, and promptly fell asleep.
The cup arrived early the next day, and Vince had jumped out of bed like the house was on fire. He was showered, dressed and putting on his shoes by the time she had come out of the bathroom to get dressed.
“How fancy is this anyways?” She asked rummaging through her suitcase “Like should I wear a dress or pants or-?”
“Whatever you wear will be hot, but I like that one.” He was pointing at a yellow dress she had hung over the back of a chair in the corner of his room. She’d bought it and never worn it, tags still hung from the arm of it. She smiled.
There was already an entourage outside when they left the house, many friends and family had gathered in his driveway to watch the cup be handed to him. Even though Josie had no idea what was going on she was still excited to watch him pick up the cup. She googled it the night before and apparently within the hockey community it was a huge deal, so because it was big to Vince, it was to her. He gave her hand a squeeze before he released it and made his way over to the keeper of the cup to shake their hands. His mom spotted her and made her way over.
“You look nice.” She said commenting on her dress.
Josie looked down “Thanks. Vince picked it.”
“Well he did a great job. It’s so special you’re here with him for this, it’s his greatest achievement.”
“I didn’t know him then, but if it’s important to him it’s important to me.”
She smiled at her and gave a small laugh “You are important to him. I hope you know that. You wouldn’t be here if you weren’t.”
Josie smiled and looked back at Vince as he picked up the cup and lifted it over his head and cheers erupted around him.
It was going to be a great day.
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deltaromeo3 · 1 year
ɴᴏ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀꜱᴛ #2 —Daniel Ricciardo
Pairing: daniel ricciardo x childhoodbestfriend!reader
Summary: Finally returning home after a few years, she reunites with her long time bestfriend; the all too famous Formula 1 driver, Daniel Ricciardo. Will things rehash between them or will it take a turn for the worst?
previous chapters here: #1 | #3
sidenote: im open for requests!
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“Y/N?!” You turned your head towards the direction of the voice.
“Ella?!” You engulfed her in a hug.
“Oh my god I haven’t seen you in years! What are you doing back in this shit place?”
You chuckled at her remark; not because it was funny, but because it was true.
“Ma’s birthday. She says she invited your family over. I’m guessing you’ll be there too yeah?”
Ella nods. “Mm-hmm.” She pauses and looks at you suspiciously, like you being here was too good to be true. “You never come back home for jack shit so this must be special.”
You laughed, “That’s true but this time she literally begged me to come home, even offering to pay for my ticket. You’ve any idea why she insists she needs me to be here?”
Ella shrugs. “Nah, I’m as clueless as you.”
“Of course." You accept the defeat, wondering why you even asked her in the first place.
Ella chuckles softly. "It was nice bumping into you but I've gotta go. Catch ya tomorrow?" She smiles.
You nodded, smiling back at her. “See ya."
Ella walks away and you enter the corner shop. You went straight for the snacks, picking out your favourites; sour cream and onion chips with a packet of tim-tams.
You went to the cashier, placing the snacks down on the counter. You looked behind towards the rack of cigarettes for a second, deciding if you’ll be needing them or not. You only smoked when you were stressed and oh man... the level just keeps on increasing.
Fuck it.
“Oh can I please have one Marlboro Ice Blast as well? Thanks.”
You didn’t forget to grab yourself a lighter while you’re at it. The cashier retrieves the cigarette, scanning it along with your other items. You check out and leave the store, making your way to the bench across the store and taking a seat.
You placed the cigarette between your lips, lighting it up. One puff… two.. three…
“Enjoying yourself?”
“What the fuck!” Startled at the sudden voice, you turned behind to be met with your sister, who was laughing.
“How did you know where to find me?”
“You always head down here. What’s so special about this place anyways?”
“Oi Danny! Slow down, I’ve got short legs y'know!” You say, out of breathe from trying to catch up to him.
You hear him laugh. “Alright princess, I’ll slow down.”
“T-thank you,” You bend down, placing your hands on your knees, panting.
“Sheesh I didn’t know you were so out of shape,”
“Shut up Daniel. I’m not some go-kart… formula 2 driver… ugh, whatever it is that you are.”
He laughs again. Oh that laugh... If you could hear it everyday on repeat, you would.
“Whatever it is? Cmon now, i’ll make it to the big leagues and you know it,” He winks at you and all you can afford is to roll your eyes back.
“Yeah yeah…”
Daniel was leaving in a month's time and honestly, you didn't want him to go. You wanted him to stay or at least convince him to (but you knew he didn't need that much convincing if it comes to you). But you knew it was selfish so you kept quiet and said nothing.
“The usual?” He asks as he places his bag down on the bench.
“Give me five minutes, and don’t you run away!”
You chuckled. “Now why would I do that? I love spending time with you.”
He smiles. “Of course you do. Anyone else would die just to be in your position right now.” He says, exaggerating the statement. He was so full of himself.
“Please don’t start.” You rolled your eyes. “And can you hurry please? I’m having the munchies,”
He laughs yet again. “Yes maam,” He salutes to you before jogging off to the store.
You sat quietly on the bench, kicking your legs. Usually, it would’ve been Ella, Caleb, Daniel and you. But ever since Ella and Caleb were a thing, their presence slowly faded from the group and suddenly it was just you and Daniel… which you didn’t mind at all to be frank.
“Hi,” He graces you with his presence.
“Hi,” You replied as he takes a seat beside you.
“Blueberry slushy and… sour cream chips for you! Oh don’t worry, I got Ruffles this time, didn’t make the mistake of getting Lays like last time. Ooh! I also got you tim-tams just in case.”
Tim-tams. You smile. He remembers...
“Thank you Daniel.”
“Daniel? Oh no, what did I do wrong? Was it the chips? Im sorry I should’v-” He starts to ramble with a panicked look on his face.
You cut him off. “No no! You did nothing wrong. Just.. thank you yeah?”
You can see his eyebrows furrow, confused at your sudden attitude change.
“Are you okay?” He places his palm on your forehead, as if to check for a fever. You laugh at his antics.
“You’re being weird. And can you call me Danny like you always do? Sounds weird when you call me.. Daniel.”
“But that’s... your name?”
“Yeah but I like it when you call me Danny.”
You smile. “Okay, Danny.”
“That’s more like it.” He says, scooting in closer to you. “Now are we gonna share this slushy or what?!”
“No..nothing special about this place.” You took another puff of your cigarette.
“Okay.” She takes a seat next to you, but you knew she wasn't buying it.
“Are you gonna stay a little longer this time? You haven’t been home and I miss having you around.” Your sister asks.
“If theres a reason for me to stay then sure,” You confidently say because you knew you had no reason to stay apart from her, your dad and your friends. But that wasn't enough to make you stay, no, you needed more than that.
“Oh I’m sure I can find a reason for you to stay.” She smirks.
“Is that so?” You cock your eyebrows at her, surprised at her confidence.
“Mmhmm. Just you wait.” Your sister says, determined.
A/N: hehehe finally its out!! i hope you enjoyed it :)) thank you for the love on chapter 1! do let me know your input, feedback (good & bad) appreciated as always <3 let me know if you want to be tagged!
🏷️: @mysticalnightenthusiast @moonvr
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muraenide · 9 months
Ah great the class did not start yet. She takes advantage and zooms right in and through the students, just how exactly will she manage to figure out where is Jade's desk ? Well she'll find a way.
After a few seconds of looking around she luckly spots Riddle somewhere trying to make the students to settle down to their desks since class will start soon, ugh....to say she was less than thrilled to have to rely on him would be an understatement, however she needed to be out of there FAST so she can't waste any more time. She makes her way towords him to ask where Jade's desk is, and after a few minutes of lecturing her about some crap she doesn't care, she finally gets the answer. She leaves a box on the desk and then she's gone.
Inside the box was a photo frame in shade of light blue and some teal blended in. The frame had some beach-themed decorations such as sea shells glued on and some waves painted on but it also had the word Family sculpted into it. She stumbled across the frame while browsing Sam's shop for shit to waste her money on. It was not something she would ever buy, she doesn't even have a use for it, but it reminded her of a moment she heard Jade talking on the phone with his family. He seemed pretty happy, so he must love them. She doesn't know if they have cameras underwater but who knows, maybe he can put a picture of their family one day there. Or something like that, maybe just him and Floyd. Whatever he does with the frame is not her concern anymore, she just hopes nobody is gonna be a fucking snitch anout seeing her there!!!
Happy Birthday Jade! / @trestole
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Riddle's cutting glares of disproval are an everyday sight. Jade shrugs them off with a cynical smile, waving at Riddle instead, pretending as if they were decent friends. He moves to his seat, light as a butterfly. It's not every day he finds surprise gifts waiting for him on his desk, and most certainly not from his classmates. Although he sees them almost every weekday, they are on distant, polite terms. His classmates had found him too conniving, and more than a handful of them preferred to stay away rather than risk Floyd jumping on them whenever he felt like it for being a friend of Jade's. Jade liked it that way, he found it comfortable, and nothing had felt more like freedom.
Long, slender fingers reach for the box. Fitting a thumb under its flap, he lightly lifts the cover and blinks.
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Gold and silver were stuff he's grown up seeing. Anything valuable for that matter. His family's treasure trove was filled with countless priceless artifacts that anyone could barter away for enough money to feed a family of ten for three weeks or even three months. Perhaps it was ironic of him to declare that gold and silver did not interest him despite all that he has going with Azul and Floyd now. It's quite a hypocritical thing to say, but Jade would not lie to others or himself if he could help it.
In retrospect, rarely would he receive inexpensive, dainty gifts such as this. The student sitting on his left gives him a nudge. A Savanaclaw sophomore, their ears reminding him of Ruggie when they twitch curiously at the item in his hand. "What is it?" They ask, "Someone got yer a gift?"
"I suppose that is what it seems to be." Jade grins back, "Jealous?"
"Naw, just thinkin' how nice t'is to receive a present anonymously. Recently it feels like no one tries that hard anymore." Lying on his back, the Savanaclaw student lifts his legs, ready to prop it on the table with not a care in the world when he almost loses his footing. "J-Jade?!" He exclaims, "What ya doing?!"
Jade crushes the photo frame in a tight grip, throwing in a spell to further grind it to dust. He toys with what remains of it in the form of sand and lets it dissipate into the wind. His classmate stares at him speechless, a moment ticks by before he regains his senses, and then he scowls. "No wonder you've got no friends! What a jerk! Sheesh!"
Jade laughs and largely ignores him for the remaining period of the class. When the bell rings, they leave the classroom. Jade strolls down the hallway with his bag over his shoulders. Once he's out of sight, he mutters a spell under his breath, a small whirlwind resembling a tornado of bubbles appears and drops the same photo frame into his grasp.
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Jade catches it, chuckling at the little show he'd just put on. Of course, it would be quite unlike him if he were who everyone expects him to be.
Looking over his shoulders, he grins to himself in the dark, overlooking the empty hallway trailing behind him, void of people. Now he simply needs a photo to place into the frame... what a delightful gift. To think whoever got it for him knew his favourite colour...
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eolewyn1010 · 4 months
Charité, season 4 - episode 4
I'm here to spoiler, and don't say I didn't warn you!
"Two more Paleobacterium deaths" - not Maral's very first patient tho! He will conveniently stay alive until the very end.
Does anyone else think it'll be a depressing blow to Julia to come home and find that, when Maral finally puts in an effort into unpacking boxes to furnish their new home, all she unpacks is her work stuff?
"Extreme heat wave continues" - but we won't show our protagonists sweating! They have to look like models.
It's not that actress' fault, but her facial structure reminds me uncomfortably of season 2's Magda Goebbels. Plus, she's 1st, dressed like she has too much money (and she probably has if she can afford 4 in vitro treatments), and 2nd, remarkably unscathed for someone who has recently been in a car accident that ended fatally for another participant.
Julia. This woman is pregnant and very freshly widowed. Refer her to grief counseling?
Nurse Kachel is only around to literally open doors and talk some platitudes in Berlin dialect, huh?
Nice of Maral to give away a ticket for an event she planned to go visit with her wife. Oughta be good for the marriage.
Also, what do you mean "men's team or women's"? Does that mean sports are still segregated in a way that makes them inaccessible to nonbinary people?
Dylan, just report her. At this point, her trying to treat a patient is illegal. She should not even be in the tract.
With the background that Ferhat probably attempted suicide at some point, it feels hypocritical of him to be opposed to his patient choosing death over a living situation he deems unbearable.
Wait a minute. She's 16 weeks into pregnancy and already knows her baby is gonna be a boy. But Julia's test was the first that turned up the microplastic poisoning? How quickly does that develop / how incompetent was her previous doctor?
Come on, Julia, you can't be surprised that she's desperate to keep the baby.
I'm not entirely sure why they have to plant the child back in at all. If they have artificial (and completely disease-free) wombs at their disposal, wouldn't it be the safest course to keep the fetus in there until maturity?
It's very rude to develop a revolutionary kind of surgery and then not haste to train others to do it when it treats an issue that a ton of people worldwide are likely to have. 1st season at least had a reason for not many doctors knowing a certain kind of surgery - modern medicine was in its baby shoes and worldwide networking was scarce and slow. But with all that technology? Get teaching!
If you're suicidal, try romance! It solves all depressions! ...Honestly, fuck Ferhat. For someone who also gets to do psychotherapeutic treatment, he's so bad at human emotions.
Marlene is one of very few characters this season I give a damn about, and she's being stood up by this dumbass Ferhat. Ugh.
Maral. Wine is not a balanced diet.
"You wanna talk about your work? No, I get to complain about my work now!" Maral, you suck as a wife.
And then, literally just after that, she has the absolute GALL to accuse Julia of not listening to her about her problems! What the actual fuck. Maral, you suck as a wife!
You also have no right to deny Julia information about her son.
"From my perspective, yes." Have you ever talked to your wife in the past weeks, even once? Sheesh.
That telling-off was so overdue. So obviously, the next thing Maral does? Get drunk, be a workaholic, and go to extremes to prove a point! Woo! It's feminism when it's women who make the bad choices! I hope she knows she's on one level with Robert Koch now. And that is so not a compliment.
Discount Daniel Sträßer would seem even shadier if I he weren't surrounded by bad CGI.
Thanks, Nils, for calling Maral the asshole that she is.
Emilia, if you think Charité has to protect its precious reputation, you go and solve the medical mysteries yourself.
Wow. Wow, Ferhat. This episode is titled "Courage", not "Violation Of Your Patient's Bodily Autonomy". wtf, why is this guy a doctor.
Dylan, you should have Maral arrested. She's a walking (ok, lying-down) breach of infection protection law.
Way to go, Julia! And please change your gloves before you operate any further. That's fucking disgusting.
Does anyone else find it sus that Dylan, Maral's declared but male rival at the hospital whom she keeps trashtalking and tyrannizing at work, gets to look so much more affectionate with her than her actual wife?
Thoughts on this season's questionable queer rep aside - my problem is that Maral's behavior doesn't feel as though she wants to save lives. It feels like she wants to prove at any cost that she is right. That is an unsympathetic feature in everyone and a potentially catastrophic one in a doctor. And Ferhat isn't far behind. Are these supposed to be protagonists?
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palialaina · 1 year
For some reason while I'm fishing I've starting saying "Heeeeere fishy fishy fishy!" and then I start giggling. I don't know what I'm remembering, but I suppose it's funny?
Unfortunately, it still hasn't netted me the fish I want.
The Maji Market is supposed to open soon, and I admit, I'm pretty darn curious. I kind of want to ask Jel if he'd take me, but he's going to have so much work, I should probably just go alone.
Or maybe when we're being besties in Insomniac Club we can go? Who knows, he might get some inspiration out of it! I think, as far as muses go, I'm not really that inspiring as far as clothes go (really, I just want to be comfy), but he's always so happy to see me anyways.
Caleri's request that I get close to Tamal is... hard to fulfill. I have so much else to do when I'm in Bahari, I kind of... forget. And going to Tamala's neck of the woods, literally, always leaves me feeling a bit creeped out and jumpy.
Maybe I'm just being paranoid. The only magic things in the bay that I've found are the Proudhorns, and some weird white Chappa-looking thing. That apparently clones itself if you shoot it, according to what some other humans have said.
At least my garden looks awesome. The blueberry bushes are amazing, and the apple tree, wow! It's grown so fast! I really want to climb it, but I also think if I do, I'll get stuck... It's weird, gliding around is fine, but the minute I look down from any high spot, it's like my brain nopes out of the view.
So far, I haven't really fallen on accident. (And we're not telling anyone how many times I've fallen on purpose.)
Oh, and I got another letter from Orion, and I just...
A stuffed animal got me banned from City Hall. Let me explain. Zeki gave me a coin for his gacha machine. Despite my undying hatred of all things gacha, I gave it a spin. I got a medium-sized stuffed animal called a Ranch House Cottonbean. It’s cool but I don’t really have anywhere to put it so I just dropped it on my floor. Eshe heard about it and came to talk to me. She acted like I’d just done something Very Significant. I have no idea what that woman is thinking. I thought maybe she was trying, in her own way, to get me to give her the stuffed animal so she could give it to Kenyatta. I don’t know Kenyatta very well so I have no idea if she’d even want it. I asked Eshe what she thought.
Have you ever mentioned Kenyatta to Eshe? Not a good idea. Eshe acted like I’d just thrown up in front of her. Then she said something… not nice. About her own daughter. I took exception to this. There was a… rather loud discussion. It ended when Eshe banned me from City Hall. Now if I need anything I have to stand outside the doors and wait until someone can pass a message along.
Frankly I consider it a small price to pay for not having to interact with Eshe for awhile. I still think something’s driving her to act like this, and someone should help her, but it ain’t gonna be me.
Word spread (from Eshe, obviously) and now Kenyatta and Reth are throwing me a party. I’ve already invited Tish and Nai’o, would you like to come too? It’s tomorrow at noon in front of City Hall.
I suppose that's one way to get rapidly on Eshe's bad side. Sheesh... I mean, I can't really blame him, but honestly, Kenyatta's old enough to tell her mother off herself. And if she does, I wanna be tehre with macarons to watch the show, no lie.
Who knows if I'll remember, of course. Sometimes my brain loses things like this. But I suppose it could be worse; Eshe could have tried to ban him from the village entirely.
I suppose I'll have to talk with him about how to delicately address a situation. Jeez. My friends are all nuts, I swear.
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sunast0es · 2 years
My first ever fan fic ever (be nice guys), also sorta itto angst kinda 
Around 2k words
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The nice inazuman waves.. clashing and whatever other fancy words people use to describe water I guess. Dude all I know is this stuff's making me totally thirsty. This stupid rock I'm sitting on is starting to REALLY hurt my backside. I mean alright it was completely genius of me to come sit at the side of inazuma city.. RIGHT ABOVE the best nest of onikabuto I have ever discovered in my life! But y'know.. life without the gang tailing me around is totally boring. Without them backing me up this is totally making for a super lonely Christmas. I'm starting to think that giving them a vacation to go do whatever they like wherever they wanna was a bad idea.. Pssh hah who am I kidding I'm the Numero Uno man! I don't need anyone else around me to keep me company! All I need are my two feet and my own heartbeat to chug me along.. that's what granny always said anyways.
Ah granny… I sure hope she's doing well. I remember when I was a kid and she'd always take me to the furthest reach of ritou. Haha she'd always convince me that I could see the distant business of Liyue.. I always wanted to go there after that. It was her biggest dream after all. Traveling in and out of inazuma was a treasure only people with family or a real fat bank account could afford.. unfortunately for granny she didn't really have either of those. Man y'know.. I wonder if that's why she took me in in the first place? Even though I'm a big scary Oni to the rest of the world.. she was the one who saw the humanity in me. The person that despite all our differences.. heck I'm a big tall strong male oni, she's a frail tiny human woman.. even so after all that she still found connection and took me in. I don't think I'll ever repay her even after all this time. SHEESH god haha what's the time? I've just been looking out into these big dumb waves all the time, god what am I even reminiscing for? The last thing I need to remember is back then. Back when I had no one.. AHEM anyways!! What am I even talking about! I totally have someone by me right now, duh, Ushi is right here! And I've got me, myself and I and I don't need anyone else…. Oh shoot is that Thoma I see over there?
"HEY BIG GUY! WHATCHA DOING THOMATO!?" I just had to go over and say hey, it's not all the time you see your best bro wondering the streets.
"Ah hey Itto! Haha.. not much, just doing my local errand boy tasks for my lord as per the usual. Not that I'm complaining!" He said this like he had something else on his mind. People don't usually think I pick up on this kinda stuff but when my bros down I can feel it in their aura. Maybe it's best if I don't talk about it though.. poor Thoma, guys probably got some sorta big dark secret or something.. probably wouldn't wanna share it with me anyways.
"Anything I could help you with? Not- not saying you look like troubled or anything I'm just y'know big and strong and can help out.. plus I'm not like doing anything right now anyways!" Shit.. totally let that one slip ya big dunce..
"Uh well it's only simple groceries.. I suppose I could use some help! If you wouldn't mind carrying that crate of carrots I've got over there it would be great!" Phew.. he didn't pick up on it. Maybe he's not actually down after all! Haha oh that would be so great, who did I think I am.. I'm no therapist! Thomas probably doing awesome living up in the kamisato estate surrounded by the people he cares about 24/7 not having a care in the world. Heh what was I even worrying about anywho?
"Yep yep on it!.. so we carrying these all the way back to the kamisato estate?" Not a hard task by any means for the one and oni.. but Thomas a super small guy so I'm kinda worried for him if he thinks he can lug allll THIS back to the estate by himself.
"Haha yep.. that's the plan! I don't really have any other way. If you didn't come along honestly I probably would've had to make multiple trips. I don't really like asking for help much.. well, aside from you of course." Awwww he totally 100% cares about our best friendship too.. god I love this guy!
"Well I'm sure someone woulda probably come and help you out along the way anywho.. psssh nothin special about your best bro coming and picking up a few things for you."
"I mean I guess so.. but if someone were to offer I probably would've declined anyway.."
"But why? Free help is free help dude! You help people all the time, hell it's literally your job!"
"Well y'know.. I hate putting a burden onto others. Oftentimes people only ask for help because they pity you.. that or they want an excuse to get near Ayaka haha…" this guy definitely thinks WAAYYY too much about how others view him.
"Dude. You definitely think WAY too much about how others view you."
"Haha.. think so?" He said this with a slight uncertainty in his voice.. like he knew I was right but didn't know he was making that too obvious for himself. That or he was just having trouble picking up the boxes as we started heading towards the estate.
"Nah dude totally, you completely let others define you and you undermine all of your accomplishments. Like– you literally help people for a living and everyone around inazuma knows who you are and they all love you! I'm sure if people were asking to help it would just be because they actually care and not because of any of the weird reasons you convinced yourself of."
"Maybe you're right.. still it's hard to let others do a task I know I'm capable of doing on my own."
"Even when the task will take you the whole day to do if it was just yourself?? Dude that sounds like textbook self sabotage to me."
"But still.. if its a task I know I can do on my own I just figure everyone's better off if I just do it by myself. Anyways talking about this is useless.. you're literally helping me out as we speak haha."
"Faair.. but you're the one who said I was an exception?"
"Well that's because you're you itto! You never judge anyone too deeply and you never assume things before you're told. You're just a great pal at heart.. plus I knew I wouldn't mind talking to you while I make my way back up!" He's right, I am a great pal. I knew he cared about our friendship!
"Awwww shucks Thoma.. y'know I never mind helping out, hell if the gang was here this would go so much faster!"
".. where are the gang right now anyways? This is one of the rare times I see you walking around without Shinobu tailing you around like she's your guard dog haha.."
"Oh well I gave em all a decently good pay and sent em all off around Teyvat to go do whatever they wanted for a Christmas vacation! They've all been working so hard all year and I just can't wait to hear what they all did when they get back."
"What about yourself? You didn't bother to go with them? I figured you'd be all for going with someone for a nice vacation to Mondstatd or something."
"Well y'know.. dishing out cash to the whole gang, mainly money I had saved doing odd jobs around here and there. I was a few pennies loose of maybe taking a trip out to Liyue.. buttttt I just decided to kick back and stay here instead. Nothing wrong with a good ol' stay home vaycay right??"
"Haha you aren't wrong there. Still, you gave everyone else all the money you had worked for? Did you even at least save a little for yourself?'
"Well yeah duh of course I did! How else would I have enough to eat and stuff silly!"
"Well I'm just making sure.. knowing your generosity you would've just given them everything and shrugged ground zero off like it was nothing. I know you, Itto."
"Well I mean even if I DID, there's nothing a few rounds of onikabuto fighting won't fix, especially if I bet against my best bro Ayato haha!" When the haha left my mouth after I mentioned Ayato, I could sense that Thomas mood dropped a bit. He was trying his best to hide it and all, but I could still tell. Maybe this was the thing that was bugging him.
"Haha that's true.. my lord has more money than sense sometimes. It feels like he just throws money at you to get you away haha." His sentence trailed off.. in a way where I'm not sure if that last part was about Ayato getting ME away or him away.
"True that! He's such a busy guy I'm lucky I even get a chance to bug fight with him! But y'know since you live with him and all I'm sure you guys always talk, wouldn't know what that's like."
"Well it's not always fun and games up there.. Waka has his whole family's legacy on his shoulders and has ever since the age of 17. Not only that but he has to make sure our reputation looks good on top of keeping Ayaka safe. All that pressure can get to someone after a little bit."
"You telling me he snaps at you or something??"
"Well nono, you're putting words in my mouth! It's nothing like that!"
"Dude I dunno you seem to be making pretty big excuses for the guy. He didn't send you out on this impossible task just to get away from you or something, did he?"
"Well… before I was ordered to get groceries…." He stopped looking ahead and faced towards the ground. Something super serious must've happened.
"No.. it wasn't really anything. Don't worry Itto!" I know that's a load of bullshit.
"I mean if you say so.." I stopped for some reason. Like something in my mind was like making me stop in my tracks, I looked him dead in the eyes.. I have no idea why.
"But if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here, alright?" Something granny used to tell me all the time.. it always made me feel an emotion that I can't explain. I said it in a tone that sorta felt like I was being possessed by her.
"Understood…. I know I can always count on you Itto..!" He said it with a matching sincere tone.. he really does care about our friendship after all.
"Oh whelp would you look at that! You see the estate in the distance Itto?" I didn't even realize we made it I was so focused on the conversation.. but yeah it looks like we did make it all the way up to the estate somehow!
"Ah yeah there it is! Home sweet home right?"
"Home sweet home indeed.. thank you so much for helping me carry all this back Itto, I really appreciate our little chat!"
"Daww, no problem Thoma! Homies do what homies outta do!"
But then, there he was standing outside the estate with an aura only final bosses have.
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ryu-skies · 1 year
C asks Ren about his dating history. (1.5k)
“So you basically know everyone I’ve dated since we broke up…” C starts, admiring the way Ren’s back muscles flex as he cooks, dutifully stirring vegetables in a pan. “I mean, it was only one total asshole but… I was wondering about who you dated. I think you said there were multiple.”
“About that…” Ren says and lowers the heat, setting the lid on top of the pan. He turns to C with a guilty smile. “I was only in one relationship, but we lasted less than a month.”
C laughs, resting his chin in his hands. “Less than a month?! We were broken up for almost two and a half years and you only dated one person for less than a month? Oh my god, was it Dae?”
“No way.” Ren slices open a pack of beef and sets it on the cutting board, cutting the meat into thin slices. “Why would your mind immediately go to him? You know the chances of that happening have always been less than zero.”
“I’m just saying! Maybe you guys wanted to try it out and it failed.” Ren snorts at C’s suggestion, continuing his work. “Did you at least sleep with anyone in those two years? Have any hookups?”
“Mm, no. Just the girl I dated and…” Ren pauses, shooting C a look. “And Dae one night when we were really drunk and high.”
C gasps and covers his mouth dramatically, making a show of it. “Oh my god… I don’t know if I’m more shocked by you dating a girl or sleeping with Dae. While high! I didn’t know you smoked.”
He wants to say I knew it, but knows better than to tease Ren further about his relationship with Dae.
“It was a one time thing, okay. A night of very questionable decisions.” Ren makes another cut, setting the meat in a bowl. “Why are you shocked about me dating a girl?” He’s a bit perplexed by C’s reaction.
“Are you not… I thought you were gay. You are, right?” C blinks at him.
“Uh, I’m bisexual.” Ren stares back at C, equally as confused. “Did I not tell you this?”
“Oh… Oh my god, it all makes sense.” C’s cheeks burn in embarrassment as he runs his hands down his face. “I just assumed when you said you’ve slept with girls that it was an experimental thing. I didn’t know—I’m so sorry. I’m so embarrassed.”
“C, it’s okay,” Ren laughs. “I mean, I assumed you knew already without me telling you. But yes, I dated a girl and she dumped me because I was too hung up on you. And clearly she was right, because I didn’t date anyone else for two years and now I’m here, back with you where I belong.”
“That’s… That’s true… I guess I’m glad it didn’t work out.”
Ren hums, adding a few sauces and seasoning to the bowl and mixing the meat in. “Mhm. Fun fact, by the way, dating her was the first time I ever faked an orgasm.”
“Pfft—” C chokes and covers his mouth, unable to contain his shock once again. “Ren, what? You faked an orgasm? That poor girl…”
“It was no fault to her.” Ren removes the lid on the pan and adds the meat in, starting to stir fry again. “I just couldn’t get into it. Every time she tried to give me a blowjob or initiate sex I made up an excuse to get out of it. It was not my finest moment.” He glances over his shoulder, smiling in amusement at C.
“Oh my god, no wonder you only lasted less than a month. I would go insane if I was dating someone and handsome as you and never got to fuck.”
Ren laughs. “Look, I made sure she was satisfied. I just had no desire to have sex again when I couldn’t finish the first time.”
C whistles, resting his chin on his hand. “Sheesh… I almost feel bad for her. What was she like?”
“Her name was Riley. We had a few classes together after you graduated and she was the one to ask me out. She was sweet, a super nice girl—I just wasn’t present in the relationship.”
“Was she pretty?”
“Not as pretty as you,” Ren answers without hesitation, looking back to smile at C. “Can you plate the rice for us? I’m almost done here.”
C giggles to himself, too pleased with Ren’s answer. “Yes, babe.” He gets up and grabs two dishes from the cabinet, setting them down next to the rice cooker. “So how did she dump you?”
“You really want to know?” Ren gives C a look, turning off the heat on the stove. He waits for C to pass him a plate and scoops the meat and vegetable mixture, keeping it presentable. “Dae actually talked me into breaking up with her first, but she beat me to it. We met at a coffee shop but we didn’t even make it inside—she said I was a nice guy but I really needed to get over my ex before dating and that was that.”
“Oh wow… Were you sad?” C hands Ren the second plate and watches his boyfriend finish preparing their meal, sprinkling sesame seeds and green onions as garnish.
“Nah, she was totally right.” Ren picks the plates up and carries them over to the table. “And then I went home and kissed Dae.”
“WHAT?” C’s jaw drops and Ren laughs loudly, taking his apron off. He sets it on the counter and turns to C with a grin.
“You!!” C stomps over to Ren, arms wrapping around his waist tightly. He pulls Ren against him, his boyfriend still grinning innocently. “You said nothing happened between you two except that one time! I feel like there’s a lot of tea between you both you’re conveniently leaving out here!”
Ren knows C isn’t upset, instead he’s the opposite—eyes glowing in interest and curiosity, the edges of his lips twitching up in a smile. C squeezes him tighter, trapping him.
“Tell me everything if you want to eat your gorgeous creation before it gets cold! I want to know every sexual encounter with Dae that happened in my absence!”
“You’re so weird, baby.” Ren laughs, pecking C’s lips. “I’m only saying this once so you better listen.”
“I’m listening!”
“We had sex a few weeks after you broke up with me, but that was kind of an awful attempt at coping so it doesn’t really count.”
C nods, paying attention. “Go on…”
“And then we had sex again when we were both drunk and high as fuck—also a very poorly thought through decision.”
“Uh huh, and?”
“And then we made out a little after Riley dumped me because Dae said I should just use him for sex instead of some girl I’m not interested in dating.”
“Oh my god, were you fuckbuddies?!” C’s mouth hangs open in awe and Ren’s cheeks redden as he shakes his head vehemently.
“No. That kiss was me trying it out and it was too weird because clearly I was still hung up on someone.” Ren pokes C’s forehead. “You, in case you couldn’t figure that out.”
C smiles widely, pleased. “I figured that part out.”
“Well that was my detailed sexual history with Dae, are you happy now? Are we allowed to eat?” Ren motions to the table with his head, their pretty plates of food waiting.
“Yes! Yes we can.” C kisses Ren on his lips and Ren reciprocates, hands sliding around to cop a feel of C’s ass before they separate. “I’d let you know my full sexual history while we were apart in exchange but I think you’d hate it considering who it was with.”
Ren scoffs, sitting down at the table. “Yeah, please spare me.”
C hums, taking a bite of his food. He makes a happy noise, Ren’s cooking always being so delicious every time. “I can tell you about the times I jerked off to you if you want, though.”
Ren almost chokes on his food, managing to swallow after a slight struggle. “H-Huh? Like in college?”
“No, like when we were friends. Before we got back together.” C shrugs, continuing to eat unbothered. Ren only stares at him, cheeks pink.
“You… You really did?”
C finally sets his fork down, eyebrow raised in confusion. “Um, yeah? A couple of times in the month leading up to your confession. I assume you did too?”
“Yeah, but I had no idea you felt the same way until that day. This is really… wow. I’m so in love with you.”
“I thought I was doing a terrible job at hiding my attraction to you, Ren. But then again I also had no idea you had feelings for me until you confessed, so maybe we’re both dumb,” C laughs happily. “At least we figured it out somehow. Now eat your food before it gets cold, it’s sooo delicious.”
“Yeah,” Ren smiles, finally lifting his fork again to eat. “But please do tell me about how you got off to me afterwards. In full detail.”
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hanniejji · 2 years
this is why kazuha is best boi, he just goes along with anything and always enjoys himself damn it i fucking love him
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tiktokitssinoclock · 2 years
Hi, how are you? I'd like to ask for some Hc for the reactions of the agents of Valorant entering while the reader (not dating yet) is changing. If it's too overloaded, just do Neon, Jett, Fade and Raze. If you feel uncomfortable, you can ignore the request and I apologize for that.
Thanks for reading my request, ps: I'm loving your writing and your scenarios so much, best of luck! 💕✨
Ahhh I actually really like this concept! Especially the idea of how flustering it could be if the agents are beginning to realize they have feelings for the reader but haven’t done anything about it yet *maniacal laughter*. Thank you so much for your kind words, Anon!
Minors and ageless blogs, DNI // You will be blocked
The Valorant Gals- Accidentally Seeing you Change (p.I)
Neon would be walking into the locker room to get her clothes or switch shoes or whatever else and then BAM
She gets way more than she bargained for when she sees you changing out in the open
You're not really all the reactive because, well, it's a locker room and people are going to be coming in and out
But Neon?
Girl is flustered beyond belief
She'll avert her gaze and trip over nearly every bench leg as she hurries in
It really doesn't help that her locker is so close to yours
After fumbling with the code on her lock for a small eternity, she'll finally get it open and grab whatever it is she was needing
She'll probably end up dropping it, too
But because you're a nice person
You'll squat down and pick it up for her, offering it with a smile from where you're crouched on the floor
She's about ready to combust by the time she's finally back out in the halls of the protocol
If anyone notices the sporadic crackles of electricity or the sudden static in her hair, they don't mention it to her
Sleepovers aren't uncommon between the two of you because you guys are super close
You're also not shy about changing in front of Jett, oftentimes not even going to the bathroom to get into your night things
You'll just strip out of your clothes right there in her room
Jett basically does everything she can not stare
Her hands will be curled into fists so tight, she can feel her fingernails digging into the skin of her palms
Anything else becomes super interesting- the floor, the dog-eared posters on her walls, the dust collecting on the light fixtures
Trying so very hard to be respectful
We stan
This one time though, you're just standing there combing through your duffle bag for a shirt and realise you didn't bring one
You're in a sports bra and sweats anyway, so you just decide to leave it at that
That was probably the most sleepless night poor Jett ever had
She was laying in bed like a piece of wood, squinting at the ceiling so she wasn't tempted to steal a glance of your snoring form from the peripheral of her vision
You and Raze both share a love for art, so you'll often join her in repainting the designated mural wall in her room
The work can get super messy super quick, so before you two get started, you'll change into one of your many stained tank tops
While not outright oogling at you, Raze doesn't shy away from being a little flirtatious tease
She'll wolf whistle at you from her spot on the floor, a screwdriver in hand as she works on popping the lids off of her paint cans
Sometimes she'll get changed along with you, making a show of taking her shirt off and sending an overdramatic wink your way
You always figured she was just trying to make you laugh, and it was definitely working
Quite often, actually
She thought the same for a while there, too
But the flush on her cheeks and the way her face goes soft at the sound of your chuckles indicated otherwise
You'd have to threaten to pull teeth to get her to openly admit it though
Sweet, sweet oblivious Raze
Sheesh, if Neon was considered super flustered, I don't even know what you would call Fade
She'll be walking to your room so you guys can head out to the protocol's garden and do some yoga together
She isn't that big on yoga tbh, but she loves how excited you get to spend time with her
And she has to admit
It is a little relaxing
Just as she opens your door though, she finds you changing your mind on the top you had on and tossing it over your shoulders
You didn't even know she could squeak, but boy, she squeaks
She's immediately covering her eyes with her hands and looking away, her face cherry tomato red as she murmurs an apology
You try to laugh it off and tell her it's no big deal, practically all the agents have seen you in a bra at one point or another anyway
But bless her heart
The fact she walked in on her crush just leaves her mortified
Her hands stay firmly over her eyes until you give her the all clear
She can't look you in the eye without her cheeks flushing for the rest of the day
251 notes · View notes
cherienymphe · 4 years
Joke’s On You (Joker x Reader)
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WARNINGS: DUB-CON, NON-CON, ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP, knife play, blood play, murder, violence, 
➥ {page breaks done by @whimsicalrogers​}
summary: you’re a part time thief who keeps getting in the Joker’s way. What starts out as rivals quickly turns into something hot and heavy, and before you know it, you’re J’s girl. Whether you want to be or not {based off of this headcanon}
The first time you ever come face to face with the Joker, the clown king himself, is during one of the first night’s you first started to execute your grand idea. You went through a klepto phase when you were a kid, but you never expected you’d return to it, and definitely not on a bigger scale like this.
It wasn’t like you were homeless or right on the poverty line. You had money, quite a bit in fact. One of the perks of being a stripper in the most popular club in Gotham, but there came a certain thrill from stealing from the rich in this city. Sure, you took their money on the stage, did everything you could to make them empty their pockets, but taking their money right out from under their nose was different.
You’re not sure when you came up with the bright idea, but you knew that if you wanted to keep this up and stay out of prison, you had to get smart about this. That was where the Joker came in. That clown ran this city, and you knew that with him around, no one would dare to even notice you. If you made your hits the same time as him, you could get in and out to no one’s knowledge.
It was a solid plan.
Until it wasn’t.
You almost ruin his plans to send a bank up into flames, and your eyes briefly meet his cold green ones before you’re taking off. You half expected to hear the sound of gunshots, even expected to get hurt or worse, but you can hear him telling his thugs to stand down. He doesn’t seem the least bit bothered by your presence, no real threat, and you’re unsure if you should be offended or not.
You had never seen the man himself up close before, and you’re shocked to realize that he’s taller than you imagined. More intimidating than you imagined. Despite the fact that he barely paid you any mind, you can’t help feeling like he’s going to break into your apartment and slit your throat. You’re a petty thief, nothing like the big criminals in this city, and your run in with him spooks you. It takes a long time for you to fall asleep that night.
You quickly put it behind you though and tell yourself that you just have to be more careful from here on out. It soon becomes obvious that that’s easier said than done. You hadn’t meant to get in his way when he was taking the mayor hostage. It was an honest mistake when you almost kept him from breaking some other danger to society out of Arkham, but the nail in your coffin finally comes when you do prevent him from robbing a bank truck.
You barely ducked in time as a bullet came flying past your head. You’re shaken up, but you manage to force yourself to get the hell out of there before the cops showed up and before the Joker took another shot. You should have known that he was going to be expecting you. The Joker was a lot of things, but stupid was not one of them.
You walk right into a trap, and you’re in the bank vault, hands full of money when you feel a sharp tug on your hair. You swallow down a yelp as you’re yanked back into a bare chest, and your eyes widen when a hand curls around your throat. You may not be the best villain in the world, but you’re one that can defend yourself, and the walls of the vault shake as you fight back.
He’s stronger than he looks, but you’re stronger than you look, and you both realize this when he has a gun pressed to your forehead while you have a knife at his throat. Your heart is hammering inside of your chest because not only are you once again face to face with the Joker himself, but he’s seconds away from killing you. You feel like you’re about to throw up, and he’s clearly amused.
He tilts his head at you, red lips parting to reveal a shiny grin, a laugh bubbling in his throat as he presses the barrel of the gun even further into your skin. His purple coat hangs off of him, pale chest heaving and that’s how you know that despite his grin, he’s irritated. Maybe even mad.
“…and what do they call you?”
His voice is deep, and that takes you by surprise. A lot of things about the infamous criminal are taking you by surprise.
“What does it matter? You’re going to kill me anyway, right?”
He hums, stepping closer with a sneer.
“I haven’t quite figured that one out yet…maybe I will when you tell me your name…”
“Well, I haven’t quite figured out what I want to be called,” you honestly told him.
No one but him and his goons knew about you, so you had never counted on anyone else knowing about you either. The thought of an alias never crossed your mind.
“Trying to steal my shine or something? You want to be the big dog around here?”
“Oh, please,” you scoff, and if he had eyebrows, you were sure he’d be raising one at you right now with the look he gave you.
He narrowed his eyes, and in one movement, he ripped your mask from your eyes, making them widen. He looked down his nose at you, taking in your all black attire before finally resting his eyes on your face.
“…or don’t tell me…you’re one of those girlies who thinks she can run around with me?”
You frowned at him, and he continued.
“I take it you’re a big fan.”
His tone was mocking, and you had the urge to spit in his face, but you knew that would surely put a bullet in your head, so you simply rolled your eyes.
“Hardly. With you around, no one will even look my way. Your taste for the dramatics allows me to stay below the radar,” you told him.
He hummed at that, tilting his head from side to side as he weighed your explanation in his mind.
“That’s smart, and I gotta hand it to ya, I didn’t think you were smart.”
Your frown deepened at his backhanded compliment, but it was quickly wiped from your face when he tightened his hold on his gun, and your eyes widened.
“Smart, but not smart enough to stay out of my way-.”
He was interrupted as the building shook, and you both turned as gunshots reached your ears. While he was distracted, you slipped out of his grip, ducking in time to miss a bullet before turning the corner. A recognizable shadow passed over the walls, and you ducked into a nearby hallway just as the winged vigilante himself met the Joker as he stepped into the hall.
The air hitting your face reminded you that your mask was gone, and you quietly made your way to the back exit as the sound of fighting and gunshots grew fainter. You released a sigh of relief when you made it outside, and although you didn’t have anything to show for your excursion, at least you had your life.
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A thin layer of sweat clings to your skin as you step down off of the stage, feet aching in your heels. A coworker of yours winks at you as she takes your place on the stage, and you wish her luck. Customers were being a bit stingy today, and considering your last heist granted you with nothing, your lack of cashflow today had you more annoyed than usual.
Sure, it was a Tuesday afternoon, but it was still the hottest club in Gotham. Customers of all types of backgrounds frequented the place, and although the old money crowd practically lived here, you had a love hate relationship with their kind. They tended to be the stingiest with their money despite having more than you could ever dream of.
“What time are you off?”
You turned to another girl who worked at the place, Mandy, and threw her a grim look.
She grimaced, blue eyes filled with pity as she shook her head.
“Sheesh. Well, that’s what happens when you’re the best dancer in this place,” she said with a shrug. “Your demand is high.”
“High demand and low pay. What a treat,” you sarcastically replied.
She chuckled, but she quickly swallowed it down, eyes glancing past you. The club was already loud, but there seemed to be an uptake in noise, and you turned to find the cause. You froze where you stood, eyes wide and lips parting at the group of people who just stepped into the place.
All of the men varied in size and shape, all dressed in black as they made their way inside like they owned the place. You supposed that in a way they did. Anyone following the footsteps of the Joker probably felt like he could get away with anything. The man in question led the bunch, strutting past patrons with a dark look in his eye, green hair contrasting against his dark red shirt.
You quickly turned back around, squeezing your eyes shut as Mandy let out a low whistle.
“I haven’t seen him step foot in here in forever,” she commented.
You looked to her with a confused frown.
“Oh, yeah. You’ve only been here for what, half a year? The Joker used to come in here all the time. They’d get a bit rowdy but what is that when he’s the highest paying customer?”
She shrugged, reaching for a tray of drinks, completely unaware of your internal dilemma. It was almost time to get back on stage.
“Have fun,” she purred, walking past you.
You took a deep breath, forcing yourself to calm down as you stewed over what you should do. Sure, you were a thief in your spare time, but you couldn’t lose this job. As much as you wanted to, you couldn’t walk out of here, so you straightened your shoulders and made your way back to your stage.
You kept an eye out for pale skin and green hair, and you were thankful to find him far on the other side of the room. He and his crew were occupied by another dancer, Mandy serving them drinks. You were thankful and carefully stepped onto the stage.
As usual, you attracted a nice sized crowd, and you made sure to keep your face turned away as you moved around the pole. You were pleased to find that this crowd was more generous with their money, but your satisfaction was short lived when your turned to find your boss gesturing for you to come off the stage. You were confused but did so anyway. He nervously scratched his dark beard as you approached, and you had a sinking feeling in your gut for some reason.
“What is it?”
He grumbled and jerked his head towards the other side of the building, and you hesitantly looked over his shoulder. The Joker’s goons were having a good time tossing money at the dancer on stage, a few of them clearly drunk. The green-haired man, however, wasn’t partaking in the festivities. His unreadable gaze was focused on you, and your heart sank when he didn’t break the stare. You were forced to when your boss spoke.
“He wants a private session with you,” the older man mumbled, and you’d be dumb to miss the fear and concern in his voice.
You internally cursed.
“You’re kidding…”
“…’fraid not. He was very clear in his…request,” he responded.
You both knew that it wasn’t a request. The Joker never requested anything, and you briefly closed your eyes, positive that this was going to be your last night on earth. Your boss placed his hand on your shoulder, gaze sympathetic…and pitying.
“Just do what he says, alright?”
He wasn’t just telling you that to make more money, but to keep you from becoming the clown’s next victim. You didn’t have the heart to tell him that your fate was already sealed. With a nod, you strutted past him and made your way to the other side of the room. The Joker’s expression didn’t change as you approached him, and you nervously swallowed. His cold green eyes seemed to follow the gesture, and you took a deep breath.
“Someone request a private room?”
Again, he said nothing, simply tilting his head to the side as his trailed his eyes over your scantily clad form. Some of his posse was still enamored with the dancer before them, but the rest had turned to not so discreetly eye you. They all looked away when the green-haired man stood, and your eyes fell to the sliver of skin that peeked through the top of his shirt, unable to hold his gaze.
“Right this way…”
You didn’t hear his footsteps, but you could feel his presence behind you as you led the way to the back where the private rooms were located. The walk was quiet, thick with tension, and you wondered if it was too late for you to start saying your prayers.
You went in first, blinking at the red glow of the room that came from the neon lights. You were shaking, stomach churning as the door clicked shut behind him. You turned to tell him to get it over with when his hand wrapped around your throat, forcing you to swallow your words. You let out a pained squeak, eyes watering, but his lips swallowed any other noise you threatened to make.
Your eyes were wide as he roughly kissed you, shock coursing through you while his mouth moved against yours. You stumbled back in your heels, but he quickly followed, teeth nipping at you so violently that you tasted blood. You wanted to tell him that this wasn’t that kind of club. This was not in your job description and was not allowed, but you remembered your boss’ words and wondered if he knew that this was what the man wanted?
Even still, you couldn’t go through with this, but his tattooed hands were ripping at your attire before you had the chance to voice what you wanted to say. Your lips were finally free to tell him off, but the only thing that came out was a yelp when his teeth sank into your shoulder. The pain you felt was quickly overshadowed by the pleasure that warmed your stomach when his fingers brushed over you.
You pushed against his chest, but his other hand grabbed your wrist, spinning you around so that your back was pressed to his chest. It happened so quickly that you didn’t have time to ponder what was happening until he was already inside of you. One hand was tangled in your hair, face pressed into the seat of the sofa as broken moans escaped your trembling lips.
His free hand was pressed into the skin between your shoulder blades, holding you down while his hips snapped into you over and over again. He was far from gentle, but every harsh stroke only seemed to stroke that fire inside of you. Your lashes were fluttering as he thrust into you, eyes rolling while you tried to make sense of everything.
You could feel his nails pressing into your back as he pinned you down, and your own scraped against the fabric of the couch while choked moans climbed out of your throat. This was far from how you expected your day to go. After all, it wasn’t that long ago that this man was trying to kill you. You fluttered around his unrelenting cock and tried to remember why that was a bad thing.
He let out what sounded like a growl above you, the fabric of his pants pressing into your skin as he ground against you, and his hand in your hair moved to the back of your neck just as the tightening in your stomach snapped. You came around him with an embarrassing scream, going limp beneath him as he fucked you through your climax, diving headfirst into his own.
You collapsed the minute he let you go, vision blurry and throat sore as you heard him zip his pants. You were still shaking, and he was already gathering himself together like nothing had happened. Like he hadn’t just fucked you delirious. You moved to stand, ready to give him a piece of your mind, but you collapsed back onto the couch.
If you didn’t know any better, you’d say you heard a low chuckle in his throat. Either way, you didn’t get to ask him because the sound of the door slamming shut reached your ears seconds later.
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The next time you ran into that stupid clown, you took great satisfaction in striking him square in the face. You didn’t care that he was surrounded by his band of hired muscle nor that you were currently standing in the middle of a jewelry store, alarm blaring in your ears almost painfully.
He gestured for the men around him to continue looting the place, seeing as they had paused to take in the scene. You knew they would have killed you without hesitation had he told them to. You glared at him as he grinned at you, bat perched on his shoulder.
“We’ve gotta stop running into each other like this,” he lowly said.
“That was for the last time we ‘ran into each other’,” you sneered. “I don’t care who you are, you don’t get to-.”
“Consider it my way of letting you get off easy.”
He chuckled at his play on words, but you weren’t amused in the slightest.
“Get off easy? Are you even crazier than everyone thinks?”
His grin was gone in a flash, and he stepped towards you, tapping his bat against his shoulder as he leaned in. His lips were parted as his eyes bore into your own, and you forced yourself to stand your ground as the scent of him invaded your nose.
“If you recall,” he slowly began. “You’re supposed to be dead.”
You swallowed, jaw clenching as he tapped his finger against your nose.
“The plan was to put a bullet in that pretty little mouth of yours. Does that…ring any bells?”
You pressed your lips together, glancing away as he let out a breathy chuckle.
“Fucking you brought me more satisfaction than killing you ever could,” he deeply said.
You felt heat rise to your face, and he tilted his head, lips brushing against your own as he spoke.
“So…I suggest you keep me satisfied…”
His coat flew behind him as he spun away, stomping towards one of his men to bark orders at them. Anger and humiliation coursed through you as you stomped outside, and you narrowed your eyes as the sound of police sirens drew nearer. With a sneer, you grabbed the knife in your holster before slashing the tires on his van.
That kept you satisfied throughout the rest of the night, but you paid for it dearly the next day at the club. This time, he hadn’t even waited until you were in the room. His hand had curled around the back of your neck as soon as you got to the door, forcing you inside as soon as he opened it.
You had stumbled in your heels, falling to your knees, and he was there before you could even rise. His hand was on your neck the entire time he slammed into you, the carpet scraping against your back. You could hardly breathe, let alone moan as he had his way with you, and you knew that he was genuinely angry this time, and you wondered how he managed to escape the police.
He was punishing you for your little stunt, but God did you love it. Your hands fisted into his bright red button down as he slid into your soaked walls, trying to pull him closer. You heard him hum every time you clenched around his throbbing member, the sound of your arousal reaching your ears. You should have been embarrassed at how wet you were, but the Joker seemed to enjoy it just fine, and besides. You saw no reason to pretend.
Like the last time, he was righting himself as soon as he was done while you lay on the floor, still trying to catch your breath. You let out a soft chuckle as he slammed the door behind him, and you wouldn’t be surprised if you weren’t even able to talk in the morning.
This little game between the two of you became something of a regular occurrence. You’d make your hits when and where he did his to avoid exposure, and sometimes things would go wrong on his end. Some mishaps were genuine accidents, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy the way he’d take out his frustration on you.
He fucked you like an animal, and you loved it because sometimes you couldn’t even form words afterwards. And best of all, he wasn’t trying to kill you anymore…just your vagina.
One day, he didn’t leave as soon as he was done. He stood over you, watching as you fought to control your breathing. When you realized that he wasn’t making any moves to leave, you peeled your eyes open to look up at him from your place on the couch.
You nervously sat up as he dug into his pocket, eyes widening when he pulled out the shiniest bracelet you’d ever seen. He dangled it in front of your face, a low hum escaping him as you admired it.
“Saw this shiny little number in the display. It had my little thief written all over it…”
He jerked it away when you reached for it, so you reached higher, gasping when he closed his free hand around your wrist. You watched as he snapped the expensive piece of jewelry around your arm, and you brushed your fingers over it the minute he let you go.
You were forced to pull your eyes away from it though when he harshly gripped your chin, pulling your head up so that you were looking at him. His green eyes bore into your own, face unreadable as he pressed his red lips together.
“You like it, doll face?”
You couldn’t hold back your grin, and you nodded.
“I love it,” you told him, unaware of the implications behind the gesture.
You started showing up to work with all kinds of new things. A new pair of earrings, a necklace that wasn’t that before, even some new heels that didn’t hurt your feet as much. You figured it was just a perk of fucking the king of Gotham, of keeping him satisfied.
You didn’t know that it went beyond mere satisfaction and thankful gestures.
It was a late night, or early morning depending on how you looked at it. The club was almost at its peak, the early hours of the morning being your busiest. You hadn’t seen J in a few days, but it wasn’t unusual. The man was basically running an empire.
You were servicing a client, a regular who could never stick to one dancer. He had a habit of hopping between the ladies at the club, and it looked like this week, he’d chosen you. The loud music filled your ears as you slid your hands over his shoulder, thighs brushing his as you danced on him. The bass from the music made your body vibrate, and your eyes fell closed as you fisted one of your hands into your hair, chest pushed forwards.
The man had already given you a handsome sum of money, and you knew that if you put on your best show, there was plenty more where that came from. The loud music prevented you from hearing the rise in voices as a new patron entered the club. It also prevented you from taking note of the worried chatter that had only just started to emerge, but it didn’t drown out the sound of a gunshot that you flinching.
However, you didn’t open your eyes because of the gunshot. You opened your eyes at the feel of droplets landing all over your face, hair, and clothes. You faintly registered the sound of screams surrounding you as people fled from the club, tripping over one another. You stumbled back, frozen in place as you stood up straight, hands raised in front of you as you stared at your dead customer in shock.
He was dead.
That much was more than clear, but you were having a hard time wrapping your head around it. Heavy footsteps slowly made their way over to you, and you hesitantly looked over, terrified eyes connecting with familiar green ones. His eyes were wild and crazed, green hair pushed back away from his face, gun swinging back and forth on his finger. He looked good in his all white suit, not a spot of blood on him.
You wished you could say the same.
“Are you insane?” you screamed, legs trembling.
“Well, that’s what they tell me.”
You frowned at him as he threw his head back and cackled, and you shook your head, fighting to clear it.
“Why did you do that? What’s wrong with you?”
He abruptly stopped laughing, slowly lowering his head to gaze at you. His lips parted into a mocking grin.
“What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with you? I leave town on business for a few days, and I come back to find my girl practically screwing some punk for the whole club to see,” he slowly said, voice low and threatening.
Your anger kicked you into gear, and you stomped towards him, a frown on your face.
“I am not your girl, and even if I was…this is my job! You know this is my job-!”
Your words were cut off, and you winced as he tightened his hold on your neck. Your feet were barely grazing the floor as he walked forwards, forcing you back. You dug your fingers into his arm, hitting at him with your free hand, but he acted as if you weren’t even fighting back.
“Those nice earrings you’re wearing says you’re my girl…”
Your stomach churned as you began to realize the serious meaning behind his gifts.
“…that pretty little bracelet on your arm says you’re my girl…”
You looked around in fear, realizing that the club was completely empty save for you, the Joker, and his thugs. You kicked at him as he forced your back onto the stage, his firm body pressing down on yours. His hold was still tight, and you felt tears spring forth as you fought to breathe.
“…and I say you’re my girl. Understand?”
You gave a shaky nod, but it wasn’t enough for him. He lifted you by the neck before slamming you back down, making you wince, and a slow grin spread along his face, revealing his shiny teeth.
“I’ve got a whole lotta toys, sweetheart. I earned those toys. I took those toys. Those toys are mine…”
You watched as he pointed his gun at the dead man still slumped in the chair.
“…and I don’t like people touching my toys.”
You didn’t get a chance to ponder on this turn of events before his lips were harshly pressing against yours. He slammed the gun down next to your head, hands pulling at your attire, and the tears finally spilled over as you fought against him. You weren’t alone, and this was a new level of humiliation that you weren’t okay with.
A man was dead. In fact, you were still covered in his blood, and the Joker’s men were just behind him, intently listening to everything, no doubt. His grip was harsh as he took hold of your wrists, slamming them down beside you. He let one go to grab his gun, pressing it into your lips as you shook.
“You gonna be a good girl? Or do I have to use this again?”
His voice was calm despite the violent implications behind his words, and you shakily shook your head.
He was rougher with you than he had ever been before. Biting you, choking you, and holding you far too tight. Part of you felt like it was done on purpose, not only so you’d get the idea, but so that the rest of his crew would get that you were his too. You cried as he pressed your cheek down onto the stage floor, hips snapping against your backside while harsh grunts left his lips.
You couldn’t handle staring at the Joker’s latest victim while he forced himself into you, so you squeezed your eyes shut. His other hand dug into your hip so harshly, you knew it was going to leave a bruise. As the minutes drew on, it seemed like his ministrations were becoming rougher, and if you didn’t know any better, you’d say the sound of your sobs were egging him on.
His grip on your hair when he came had more tears springing to your eyes, and you flinched when his lips brushed your ear.
“Clean yourself up…”
Having only been half on the stage, you collapsed to the floor when he let you go. Your hair and makeup were a mess, and you miserably stared up at him through tear-filled eyes as he tucked his shirt back into his pants, swiftly pulling on his white suit jacket.
“…the cops will be here soon, and you gotta pull yourself together. Huh, doll face?”
He forced your head back as he gripped your chin, and you reluctantly nodded. He roughly dragged his thumb over your lips, smearing what was left of your lipstick before taking his leave, leaving you alone with one dead body, and one bruised one.
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You shuffled upstairs, arms aching and eyes tight as you made your way to your apartment. It had been weeks since you’d been back to the club. Your boss, someone you were ever grateful for, told you to come back when you were ready. After all, you’d had someone’s brains blown out right in front of you…on you.
You were fortunate that no one stuck around to see J’s possessive display of ownership, so no one knew what his impromptu murder was really about. Everyone speculated that the customer had crossed the Joker in some way, a business deal gone wrong, but only you knew the truth. Only you knew that the man’s only crime had been paying for your time.
You took a break from stealing from the wealthy too. Not only did you lack the energy, but you couldn’t chance running into the Joker. Had you known what all of those gifts had meant, you never would have accepted them. You didn’t want to be the Joker’s. The last girl who got seriously tangled up with him had ended up almost crazier than he was.
Granted, you heard Harley Quinn was doing better these days, but God. Look how long it took her to get there? The thought of telling him to his face that it was over was a scary one, so you settled for just hiding away in your apartment. He was the Joker, a man who had a lot on his plate, and like he’d said, you were a toy to him. There were plenty of toys out there, and he could easily find another.
You dropped the groceries to the floor as soon as you made it inside, and you groaned as you straightened. Your shoes clicked along the floor as you made your way through your dark apartment. You turned on the kitchen light so that it would be on when you returned, and you made your way through your living room, looking forward to getting out of these clothes.
However, when you turned on the light in the living room, you were startled by the sight of a familiar green-haired villain standing in the corner like some statue. You barely swallowed down the scream that bubbled in your throat, and your eyes were wide as you took him in.
He was wearing a tux, a nice one with a white bowtie and a matching boutonniere. His hair was slicked back, and you weren’t sure where he came from, but you wanted him to go right back.
“I was enjoying a night out on the town…taunting Batsy as I like to do…”
He walked away from the wall as he slowly begun, cold eyes roaming over your apartment.
“…when I realized that I hadn’t seen my little thief for days. Weeks even.”
“What are you doing here?”
He didn’t respond, instead opting to make his way around the living room, running his gloved hands over your furniture. You didn’t realize that he was gradually closing the circle, nearing you.
“You haven’t been at work. You haven’t been in my face while you ruin my plans. You’re not hiding from me…are ya, doll face?”
You clenched your jaw, swallowing down your fear as you crossed your arms over your chest.
“I’m not hiding from you. We’re just through,” you told him.
He froze, glancing over his shoulder at you before continuing to look around.
“Did you hear me? You and I are done. Take your jewelry back, take everything you gave me and leave,” you continued.
He continued on as if he hadn’t heard you, and you stomped towards him.
“I’m serious, J! Do I need to call the police?”
That made him turn, and he wagged his finger at you like you were a misbehaving child.
“Careful,” he purred. “…because I personally know a certain thief they’d love to be informed about.”
You frowned, swallowing before pushing past him.
“I don’t care. At least in jail, I’ll be away from you-.”
You were cut off by your own scream, reaching for his hand as he pulled on your hair, forcing you away from the phone. He pulled you against him, and your eyes widened when he pressed a knife against your cheek, a hair’s width away from your lips.
“You have no agency in this arrangement.”
He threw you to the floor, and you scrambled away from him, nails scraping along the wood as he pulled you back. He cut your clothes away with ease, the torn shreds falling to the floor to leave you bear before him. The knife that grazed along your skin kept you from screaming as he undressed, but you did wince when he pressed it into your thigh, like a warning of what could come.
He took you behind the couch first, holding your thighs so tightly that the skin burned when he finally let go. Your table was next, but unfortunately, it didn’t withstand his rough treatment. The wall shook as he fucked you against it, every thrust rattling the pictures you had hung up to make this place a tad cozier.
Broken glass and broken pieces of wood littered the floor by the time he forced you into your bedroom. His knife remained in between his fingers the whole time he fucked you against your sheets. Your scalp burned from his harsh hold, and your throat hurt every time you swallowed, and you just knew that you’d wake up with finger shaped bruises in the morning. His deep voice was a constant in your ear, calling you ‘his little thief’, tsking at you like you were a confused child, telling you how much he was going to straighten you out.
When you clenched around him for a final time, your legs were thrown over his shoulder while your hands were pinned above your head by one of his. His free hand had fun cutting little nicks into your skin, greedily licking up the blood as tears continued to dampen your cheeks. He continued to push himself into you even after he came, and when he finally pulled out, your legs fell to the bed, chest heaving with shallow sobs.
“Now, wasn’t that a whole lotta fun?”
You glared at him as he sat up, a thin layer of sweat clinging to his fair skin, and your eyes traced the ink that decorated him. His green hair was in disarray, a smug grin on his lips as he pushed the strange colored locks away from his face. You could hardly even move, and you feared that attempting to would hurt worse.
You watched as he leaned over to his discarded pants, pulling out some sparkly piece of jewelry that you couldn’t care less about. You swallowed as he held it up, nearing you.
“…and here I was out shopping for something to compliment those new earrings, and you’re talking about leaving me. That’s a bit rude, but I’m willing to look past it.”
More tears spill over as he slides it around your neck, and it feels more like a noose than a necklace.
“You look like a work of art,” he says, lips brushing your cheek. “…all pretty and marked up by yours truly.”
His hair tickles your face, and he slowly leans away, dragging his fingers over your lips. You wince when he roughly grabs your jaw, pressing his fingers into a tender spot that you know is already forming a bruise.
“Now, I’ll be back in a couple of hours, so don’t do anything stupid.”
He tightened his grip at the end of his sentence, and you flinched. He grinned at you as he lightly patted his other hand against your cheek, grin widening when you recoiled.
“Let’s not do anything like that again, alright, sweetheart?” he purrs. “I’d hate to have to really hurt ya.”
tags: @harryspet @sherrybaby14 @darkficreposter @xoxabs88xox  @opheliadawnwalker3 @honeychicanawrites @honeychicana @nickyl316h @captainchrisstan @sebabestianstan101 @readermia @villanellevi @lokislastlove @notyourtypicalrose @coconutqueen21 @hurricanerin @buckybarnesplumwhore @quaksonhehe @nerdygirl8203 @mandiiblanche @cocoamoonmalfoy​
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intangibly-here · 3 years
i miss you (more than anything)
zhongli x gn!reader
- scenario; 2.4k words - modern!au - fluff - jealousy
zhongli isn’t one for jealousy— usually.
title from mitski - francis forever.
requested by anon.
“an excellent choice, sir.”
again with the nicknames... 
slender fingers pick up a considerably stylized box, the smooth white a stark contrast to dark, glove-adorned palms. zhongli turns the box over in his hands, inspecting the various fine print explanations splayed along the edges of the plastic. now this is...
zhongli barely stifles a flinch at the sound of the door slamming, hinges squeaking and metal lock clicking into place with a whirlwind of motion. amber eyes flick up to the doorway, then back down to the polished counter.
five minutes late.
he sets the ice cube he’s handling into a wine glass after a brief pause, beginning to fashion up a flute of apple cider vinegar. the pattering of lively footsteps against tiled flooring rapidly grows nearer, clattering to a halt directly across the bar from where he stands. 
“hey there, mister zhongli! looking just about as boring as ever!”
hu tao plops into the cushioned chair, swiveling back and forth on the seat and leaning forward to watch him pour the concoction.
(it’s designated for customers of course— though that’s only usually. she happens to claim, to his exasperation, that she has “owner privileges”; whatever that could possibly mean when the place itself is meant to serve the needs of customers: that would include the spacing and chairs they may potentially desire when they enter the premises. unfortunately, he’s given up on understanding on her whims.)
from his position across the counter, zhongli absentmindedly spies the edge of a bright-red butterfly wing from underneath her outfit’s loose, flowing sleeves, the simple pendant string looped twice around her wrist. 
it’s the name (”like the butterfly, zhongli! the butterfly!”) of the establishment he’s currently employed at and is “run” by the granddaughter of a distant relative (though the bar is legally owned by said relative’s family). due to his— well, rather particular (per say) spending habits and a lack of mindfulness regarding the matter of what they liked to call savings (why would there be a need for these “savings”? he’d like to protest he’s traversed life well enough without them), he’d been pushed into putting the multitude of experience from past jobs into this one. 
and well, here he is now. 
chop. chop. 
two evenly-sliced apple slices tip over from against the blade of the knife and onto the wooden cutting board. fetching a sprig of mint from the small potted plant just below the rack of knives (growing lights and shelving did wonders in the spontaneous lighting of the nightclub), zhongli finished decorating the non-alcoholic drink of choice for the pseudo-proprietress. who knew what havoc she’d cheerfully throw herself into, archons forbid, if it were liquor. she’s already enough of a handful as it is. 
he sighs in resignation and slides the beverage over. the ice tinkles in the glass confines. he does have a favor to ask today after all. hu tao gives the drink a sniff, then puffs her cheeks in mock anger. 
“no alcohol? booooo, you’re such a rock.”
she takes a generous sip anyway. 
“so, what did you call me here for? not very zhongli-like for you to ask something of lil’ ol’ me. archons, have you been replaced?” 
she squints at him judgingly, then raises an eyebrow when he hesitates to answer.
“doesn’t look that way, old man.”
zhongli can feel the beginnings of a headache forming between his brows. he waves his hand dismissingly as if flicking away her babbling nonsense. 
“i have a favor to ask of you.”
hu tao smirks playfully and pushes the half-finished drink aside, craning her neck forward. 
“what can i do for our esteemed mister zhongli, hm? hehe.”
zhongli clenches his fist under the edge of the woodwork in an effort to calm his raging annoyance. 
(it doesn’t help.)
he should just ask, shouldn’t he..?
“..i’ve been pondering this for a number of days now, but nothing quite appropriate for the occasion has happened to come to mind... do you happen to have any gift ideas for...”
he looks to the side to avoid eye contact and trails off, but hu tao immediately gets the memo. 
“ohhh..” her smile only grows wider, “this is for your daaaate—”
zhongli’s face flushes the slightest tinge of rosy pink and he hisses a sharp “shush!” through gritted teeth. and here he had thought she couldn’t get on his nerves beyond how she’d already acted thus far... 
the cheshire grin on her face still continues to climb. 
“well, you’ve definitely asked the right person! how about...”
some new polaroid film? is what she had proposed.
“it’s not some fancy-schmancy anniversary gift, no? just a date! a date! don’t worry yourself so much over it— no, don’t look at me like that. if you called me over to ask about it, you’re deeeefinitely losing hair over this— okay, okay, i got it! don’t kick me out! old man... sheesh. why don’t you get some more polaroid film and wrap it up all nice? useful and an excuse to take more pictures together! i know, i know, i’m a genius— mmph!”
he can still hear her voice bouncing around in his head (”can’t believe you’re getting rid of your boss, mister zhongli! didn’t take you for the rebellious type—”). zhongli brings his hand up to his temple and breathes out another sigh. it’s not like her idea was a terrible one; if anything, it were a wonderfully exquisite proposal— not that he would tell her. 
“i’d like to purchase this, if you would.”
he hands the box over to the shopkeep, who scans the package and rings up the bill. indiscreetly, he feels up the pocket of his jacket. thank the archons he remembered his wallet today. it would certainly be embarrassing to put this particular item on your tab. 
“sure thing, mister zhongli. i’m assuming this is a gift,” they eye him knowingly, “so would you like it wrapped up?” 
deja vu, his brain mutters, this is very much deja vu. he shuts it up promptly. 
“not this time, but you have my sincerest thanks for the offer. i’d like to wrap it myself.” he can feel his (generally..) expressionless face flaring up the faintest hint of pink and berates his mind once more. only when it comes to you...
acquiring the purchased item, zhongli dips his head in acknowledgement as he heads out. the plants hanging from baskets strung along the ceiling sway their leaves to and fro, nearly catching a wayward lock of his hair. he smooths the stray strand back.
“thank you once again, aether. let lumine know they can drop by for some tea again whenever they’d like for me, please.”
the bell hanging over the doorway tinkles when he pushes it open, and the bustle of the busy harbor seeps into the tranquility of the shop. aether nods and waves a hand at him in return, resting an arm on the cash register. 
“come again.”
while he’d imagined many ways your planned outing could play out, this was certainly not one of them. 
he’s approaching the meeting spot you two had decided on (right in front of the flowering quince tree near the park; its blooms resemble those of simpler, smaller silk flowers, and it happens to be quite the scenic location to wait) when he spies not only your stature, but another figure residing right besides you. 
as he steps closer, he can hear your laughter, the kind that he knows bubbles out of your chest and escapes your lips unconsciously. your amusement isn’t lost on your companion apparently, because they smirk teasingly, letting out a full-blown laugh of their own. 
“oh, zhongli, over here!”
your voice snaps him out of his meandering thoughts, and he stops fiddling with his earring (when did he start doing that?), continuing forward from where he’d paused in his observations of this newcomer. something starts to bloom in his chest, small and bittersweet. he’s not sure what to make of it. 
following your beckoning, zhongli finally makes his way to your side, mentally taking note of your.. friend? he doesn’t remember you mentioning anyone like this before though. surely he would remember your friends, no? 
his earring sways in the wind, white tassel fluttering cheerfully. 
“zhongli, this is my friend kaeya. i met him when i made that trip to mondstadt awhile back, remember that? oh, and kaeya, this is my boyfriend zhongli.”
(the little dragon curled up in his heart preens at your introduction of him, small and sweet.) 
ice blue meets molten gold when zhongli’s eyes dart up to make eye contact with this stranger. they squint at him, assessing, then dip into the makings of a playful twinkle. a hand reaches out for a handshake, which he returns in equal measure. interesting...
“he got a little lost touring liyue and i happened to see him here in the park. small world, huh? i know it was our day love, but do you mind if we take him around for today?”
zhongli smiles appeasingly, gentle and assuring as always. he can recognize the slightly nervous look on your face, one that’s a stark contrast to how energetic you’d looked just a few minutes ago. if kaeya’s company makes you happy and you’d like to take him around, then who is he to refuse your request? you two will have more time to spend with just the two of you later, he reasons with himself. accompanying your friend, and in turn his acquaintance, is nothing big.
(and no, it’s certainly not you calling him love that makes him cave.)
“of course we can.”
tugging at the string of his eyepatch, kaeya swiftly ties his hair back and adjusts the collar of his shirt. “so, where to first?”
zhongli takes your hand in his, squeezing softly. you squeeze back.
getting along together should come just fine.
he takes it back. 
he takes it all back. 
he’d accepted it at first because, well, this was your friend. he shouldn’t be controlling who you interact with nor who befriended you - that’s not up to him. it shouldn’t ever be. however—  with every passing moment that kaeya inched closer to you, taking up the entirety of your attention and bringing that bright, bright grin to your face—
(this was supposed to be your date. just the two of you. he hasn’t seen you in a month; surely he can feel a bit selfish, right?)
the three of you turn the corner to an intricately-themed restaurant and pause, where even zhongli looks appreciatively at the beautifully grown bamboo stalks lining the edges of its front walls. 
“wanmin restaurant,” kaeya reads, craning his neck up to gaze at the signboard. bold red calligraphy is sprawled across the rough-cut wood. “awfully simple name for such a stunning place, isn’t it?”
if he weren’t stewing in a pot of conflicted emotions, zhongli would surely inform him of how carefully selected this title was, how it represented more than just a name, how it hid at least several decades worth of effort and teachings— but as it is, he (really, of all people) has no patience for that at the moment. 
first tugging on the hem of your outfit, zhongli then takes you by the elbow and hastily leads you forward to the glass doors of the establishment. he grasps your hand in his as usual, but something must be off, because you twitch a little and look at him curiously. 
he turns his head away, lips pursed just the slightest.
“let us dine here for the time being. it is an appropriate time and place, after all.”
the sun shines brightly in the clear sky as if illuminating his words.
kaeya raises an eyebrow, singular eye looking on inquisitively and arms crossed, then moves further ahead of you both once more. the corner of his mouth dips in a clear show of mirth. bowing with one arm held at the waist, one not unalike a formality from a server, he looks straight into zhongli’s eyes and holds the door open for entrance. 
“that sounds like an excellent idea. well, if you would.”
“thanks for the tour around you two.”
kaeya hums his thanks with a cheerful lilt to his voice as you all stand under the porchlight of zhongli’s house. 
(it’s not the largest abode, but it’s cozy and sweet, and it’s definitely enough for the both of you whenever you decide to stay over. tonight is one of those nights, and they may as well become more frequent after the trip you took abroad.) 
his car keys reflect the glow of the bulb, swinging around his finger in loops. they clink noisily, metal against metal, and he grabs them all at once, halfway through another turn. in his car sits a box of treasure-themed artifacts, likely old and had found its way into your hands somehow. zhongli knows you’d been meaning to give them to someone, but he hadn’t known it were kaeya— either way, the artifacts that’d been laying on his shelves for weeks were now handed off. 
ruffling your hair, kaeya pulls you in for a brief hug; although zhongli can feel the bitter pang in his chest, he stays where he stands, keeps it still and small. he can wait. 
that said, the moment kaeya drives off, he’s hauling you into the house and curling up on the couch, pulling you onto his lap and tugging you into his arms. the long thought over gift sits patiently on the counter. it’s waited the entirety of today; it can wait another. 
right now, he needs you. 
your body sinks against his, relaxing from the lively, though exhausting, day. slumped against his chest, he burrows his head in the crook of your shoulder and cuddles you, nuzzling into your neck. finally, you’re home. home with him. 
it’s warm...
“..it was our day...”
you shift your head at his mumbling, lifting his chin to presumably look at his expression. your attention is his now. not kaeya’s. not anyone else’s. just his. 
(his eyes are soft and droopy, smudged red making them look especially mellow in the dim lighting, and lips pushed into the slightest pout. he knows what you’re seeing when you gaze at him fondly, and you can almost see the puppy eyes he sports. how unusual of him.)  
“someone’s a little jealous here, hmmm?” 
you drag out the syllables teasingly, and from lips that are pressing kisses against your skin, he responds a little muffled—
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just kidding, m | jjk
pairing(s): jungkook x reader
summary: There was a time where you would be out partying, getting drunk and fucking up a storm. But you’re different now. You stopped drinking. Now you’re the one waiting for Kim Taehyung to call so you can pick him up from his drunken adventures. There’s just one small hitch –  Taehyung’s roommate, Jeon Jungkook, offering you a mojito.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language, (a little) alcohol consumption; slight crack at the start lol; smut (fem reader, thigh riding, handjob, fingering, m-receiving oral); non-idol!AU; Jungkook is a tempter and he knows it; noona!reader and you’re a nympho, whoops
“I don’t drink.”
Jeon Jungkook blinked at you, holding out the mojito.
“But… I made it.”
“That’s true. But I don’t drink.”
He pursed his lips and frowned.
“You sure?” he asked, putting on his best puppy eyes.
“I promise it’s not poisoned.”
You laughed, jangling your car keys. “I have to drive later. But also, I do not drink.”
He nodded and took a sip of it. “It’s really smooth.”
You smiled and went back to your phone. Kim Taehyung was supposed to text you in a bit so you could pick him up from a party. In exchange, he let you borrow his computer to play League of Legends since he had a better PC and internet than your apartment. There was an event going on, so you had to grind games. You were getting tired though and you didn’t want to be in the middle of a game when Taehyung called half-drunk.
Now you were sitting on the couch, as Taehyung’s roommate Jeon Jungkook stood there and took sips from his mojito. Just standing there, thinking. He did that a lot, drifting off into space randomly. You figured it was some sort of weird habit. He was wearing a striped black-and-white turtleneck and black leather pants. His cheek-length black hair was pinned back on the right side, revealing his undercut. It seemed like he was going out, but he had spent all night in his room before going to the kitchen and then appearing with said mojito. Why? Honestly, you had no idea.
“Are you going somewhere?” you asked, looking up at him from the sofa.
Jungkook snapped out of it and stared at you. “What?”
You pointed to his outfit. “You’re dressed all fancy.”
Jungkook looked down. “Oh. Uh, not really. I was going to go with Taehyung tonight but I had an assignment to finish that I forgot about. I never changed.”
You nodded. Hm.
“How do you know Taehyung-ssi, anyway, noona?”
“I sucked his dick once.”
Jungkook nearly dropped his glass.
You calmly scrolled through Instagram. You flickered your eyes up to see Jungkook’s shocked face and his red ears.
“I’m kidding,” you chuckled, seeing Jungkook blink rapidly to collect himself. “I used to be the Biology lab TA. He’d ask for help a lot. And he plays League, so we ended up hanging out. Also, I have a car.”
“R-right…” Jungkook crab-walked to the armchair next to the sofa and sat down, placing his drink on the table. “Right, yeah.”
You two sat in silence, rather comfortable for you, rather awkward for Jungkook. You didn’t come here that often, but it was always only to borrow Taehyung’s internet or to pick him up from random outings. It was never a big deal to you, as Taehyung was always nice and bought you food later as thanks. As for Jeon Jungkook, he was just kind of there. Introverted, quiet, sometimes piped up to inquire about something when he was curious. You weren’t exactly talkative, but he didn’t bother you either, so it was never too memorable.
“What’s on your shirt?” Jungkook asked, tilted his head.
You lifted your phone to give him a better look at the nine-pointed star and bleeding goat head of your long-sleeved black shirt. “It’s an American metal band.”
Jungkook blinked at you. “You listen to metal?”
You put your phone back down. “Yup.”
You suddenly remembered your legs were wide open because you were wearing your black velvet pants and they were hot as fuck. Wearing these was a mistake. You closed your legs and settled them on the couch. They had been expensive though, so you felt like you had to wear them to get your money’s worth. Damnnit. Why did you buy these again?
“Why don’t you drink alcohol?”
You closed Instagram and opened Twitter. “Because I become sexually uninhibited.”
You looked up to see Jungkook trying to process what you said, imaginary question marks popping on top of his head.
“It means I fuck anything with legs, Jungkook.”
His brown doe eyes went wide. “W-what?”
You shrugged. “Yeah, you know, one time one of my friends caught me in a room with my clothes off blowing three guys at once, so I figured, hmm, maybe I shouldn’t drink anymore. That ever happen to you?” you added nonchalantly.
Jungkook shook his head so quickly his long black hair floated in the air.
“Huh. Well, me neither,” you chuckled. “I was just kidding.”
Jungkook looked like a mother who was trying to process all of their child’s sex escapades. “That’s good then. Whew,” he remarked with an awkward laugh. He took another long, hasty sip of his mojito.
“It was four guys.”
Jungkook nearly choked. He snapped his head up to see your shoulders shaking as you tried to contain your snickering, hiding behind your phone. He glared at you, clearing his throat sharply.
“You shouldn’t lie, noona,” he muttered, frowning.
You lowered your phone and straightened. “I was laughing at your expression. I wasn’t lying.”
He narrowed his eyes, disbelieving. “About what part?” he said warily.
“I do not drink because I will literally try to fuck anyone in my immediate vicinity when I’m drunk,” you stated in a matter-of-fact tone. “You can imagine it’s not very good for my sexual health or my social life as I stumble out of a party covered in cum of four guys I don’t know.”
Jungkook was in the middle of drinking his mojito and swallowed so hard the entire drink disappeared into his throat.
“What?” he wheezed out, slamming his chest with his fist.
You put your hands up. “It happens.”
Jungkook looked as if he as going to pass out, either from the image or from drinking too fast. You picked up your phone again and set Taehyung a text.
Are you dead? I think I killed your roommate.
Jungkook shook his head vigorously. “You must be joking.”
“Nope, that actually happened. Ask Taehyung.”
Jungkook looked taken aback. “What?” he said again in the same panicked tone.
“I told you someone found me.”
You swore that if this was the Wild West, a tumbleweed would have drifted by. Jungkook looked as white as a sheet. You calmly plucked the glass from his hand since it seemed like he was rapidly losing focus of his surroundings.
“How… That’s so dangerous!” Jungkook sputtered, seemingly coming back to life.
“Indeed, which is why I am sitting here right now and not piss drunk in a random bedroom in someone’s house,” you replied calmly, waiting for Taehyung to text you back. “See, this is why you don’t offer me a drink because then I would try to fuck you. You’ve been spared.”
Jungkook gave you a very strange expression and suddenly crossed one leg over the other. You rubbed your eyes. Hopefully Taehyung didn’t stay out too late. You were getting sleepy.
“Well, you still have to be attracted to them, r-right?” Jungkook commented, looking away and biting his knuckle.
You didn’t look up from your phone.
“I suppose. I don’t really have a type, and when you’re drunk you only look at the parts you’re attracted to anyway and forget about anything else,” you responded, chuckling at a cute cat picture. “At least you’re attractive, so if I met you at a party drunk, I’d fuck you, easy.” Owls could sit cross-legged? What? You squinted at the meme, trying to see if it was Photoshopped.
Silence. Absolute fucking silence.
You decided that it seemed unlikely the photo of this sitting owl was Photoshopped and lifted your head to see Jungkook staring at you like you had three heads.
“You’re…” Jungkook chuckled awkwardly. “Just kidding, right?”
You blinked. “What? About you being attractive?” You pointed to him. “No. I’m not. You’re handsome, Jungkook.”
You saw his ears turning red once again. “Ahaha… but you wouldn’t fuck me, right?”
“I would.”
A crow cawed loudly outside the window.
Jungkook wasn’t blinking. Was he dead? Was Taehyung going to come home to a statue of a roommate? You tilted your head and waved your hand in front of his face. Jungkook didn’t move. Maybe he went into shock.
“Jungkook? You alive in there?” you asked, waving your hand some more.
He blinked rapidly, startling you. “I… I…”
Okay, now he was scaring you. Was he broken? Did Taehyung have an A.I. for a roommate and not tell you? Taehyung, please come home and oil your Jungkook, you thought dryly as you watched him scrunch up his nose, as if he was trying to stretch his face muscles out.
“You surprised me,” Jungkook sputtered, nervously rubbing the back of his head. “I just… there’s no way…”
“That I would fuck you?” you replied, completely chill. He turned even redder. You placed a hand on your cheek and rested your elbow on the couch. “Why not? You’re cute, have nice fashion sense, seem like a decent guy.”
Yeah, Jungkook was definitely breaking down because he did not seem to know how to form proper sentences anymore. He was like a fish out of water, opening and closing his mouth awkwardly.
“But, I couldn’t though.” You cut off his attempts to fathom a thought. He stiffened, his doe eyes shifting to you. “Because you’re Taehyung’s friend, not a stranger. I try not to mess up my friendships, you know?”
He swallowed thickly. “R-right.”
You removed your hand from your cheek and cracked your neck, leaning back against the plushy couch arm. Sheesh, where was Taehyung? You could have played an entire ARAM in the time he was messing about. He told you around this time, but perhaps he had run late. Oh well.
“But… if he doesn’t know…”
Hold up.
You lifted your head, slowly, slowly to Jungkook’s nervous stare and shifty eyes.
“I mean, if Taehyung doesn’t know… doesn’t count, right?” he asked innocently.
His dark hair obscured part of his angular face, pink lips slightly parted. His eyes were watching your every move like a hawk, brows furrowed slightly. The living room light reflected off his glowing tan skin and the glossiness of his lips.
If you don’t stop looking like that, you thought. There’s going to be consequences.
“Let’s not tread dangerous waters here,” you said quietly.
One of his dark eyebrows quirked upwards ever-so-slightly. “How is it dangerous? Taehyung’s going to call you when he needs to be picked up. He’s going to see the inside of your car before he even sees the inside of this apartment.”
Uh oh. Now your heart was beating fast. Fuck. Fuckity fuck. Alcohol made you sexually uninhibited because you really, really enjoyed having sex. Far too much. But you couldn’t go through life fucking everything with legs (or without them – to be honest, it wasn’t that strict of a requirement) because, hello, societal standards? Social appropriateness of maybe not fucking the cashier at your favorite coffee spot or your friend’s roommate in his apartment? You know, you had to be a productive human being and not a damn nympho. Wasn’t like you were getting paid for it.
Jungkook lifted his leg from his knee and spread them, tilting his chin upward.
Oh ho?
Well, now you knew why Jungkook crossed his legs, because a very obvious bulge was struggling in his leather pants. Where was embarrassed Jungkook? Shocked Jungkook? The Jungkook that was stunned at your crude words and straightforward manner?
Give him back. This is too much.
Perhaps you had been a little too frank for once – ah, who are you kidding, you’d probably been in this situation before.
Jungkook’s right hand slid up his thigh, long fingers with tiny, delicate tattoos, tracing the contours of his muscular quads. You tilted your head as he danced his fingers along his inner thigh before spreading them over his bulge and cupping it, stroking slowly through the thick fabric as he licked his lips.
“I am not drunk enough for this,” you muttered.
“Are you scared?” Jungkook asked softly, still palming himself through his pants. “Scared Taehyungie will be mad at you?” You felt a muscle in your face twitch. It seemed that he knew he was getting the better of you, because his voice was dropping low, sultry. You did not like being challenged, because well… you always tried to rise to the challenge. To your detriment, sometimes.
“Is Taehyung the boss of you?”
You snapped your head at him, narrowing your eyes.
“No one is the boss of me,” you replied icily.
Jungkook softened his features, laying his head back in the armchair. His hair curled around his cheek as his breathing deepened. His teeth caught his lower lip and gradually released it, the pink flesh popping back into place. The tiny mole under his lip trembled.
“Then do whatever you want, noona.”
Your eyes narrowed to slits, nails digging into your palms.
“What’s gotten into you?”
Jungkook’s voice was a smokey wisp, soaking into you.
“Just imagining you on your knees, naked, covered in cum…” He groaned, rocking his hips into his hand. “Sounds so fucking hot.”
Well. It had been. It was fucking hot, it made you wet just thinking about that night. It had felt amazing as the cum dripped down your skin, covering you, making you filthy with your sinful lust, so delicious and raw and dirty that right now you sat up, spreading your legs again because the space between your thighs was too fucking hot, too fucking much. Stupid velvet pants.
You got up from the couch, eyes still on Jungkook, his pupils dilating, tongue tracing the outskirts of his lips. He leaned his head back a little and moaned your name, long and lustful, eyelids fluttering. His dark hair brushed against his brows.
“Stop,” you breathed, reaching down to push your shirt up. Your fingers hovered over the button of your pants. Too hot. Too fucking hot. “You’re doing this on purpose. You’re tempting me.”
The side of his lips curved upward into a lazy smirk.
“I am.”
You placed your phone on the coffee table. The sound was on. Taehyung still hadn’t texted you. You would hear it vibrate against the wood. You took another step, unbuttoning your pants. Fuck. Why was Jungkook so sexy? You could resist if he wasn’t so damn hot.
“Don’t want you to think…” You swallowed; throat tight. “Don’t want you to think I’m treating you like a sex object.” The zipper of your pants slid down. “Because you seem like a nice guy.”
He smiled, undoing his pants too, sighing as the zipper freed his bulge.
“If I was your sex object…” Jungkook purred, pushing his tight leather pants down, down. “Even for only a little bit, I wouldn’t hold it against you, noona.”
Now your velvet pants were being peeled off your hips, leaving you in your seamless black panties. Oh, fuck, his thighs. Muscular and powerful, skin so pretty you wanted to touch. His eyes slid down your body.
“Holy shit, your thighs.”
Seemed like you both had the same idea. You climbed onto Jungkook’s lap, straddling one of his thighs. Now he was close to you, smelling like fresh linen, presence so warm and powerful you were being drugged by it. Your hands slid onto his shoulders, gripping them finger by finger, breathing hard as he tensed them. Slowly, you sat down on his left thigh, gasping as your soaked, clothed heat touched him. He grinned, flexing it under you. His own hand slid up your thigh, squeezing it, watching his fingers sink into your softness.
“Now, this,” Jungkook breathed, staring into your eyes. “This is a sexy body.”
Your heart was beating so fast, so fast. He watched you closely, eyes so dark that you felt like you were drowning in them. You rolled your hips into his thigh, hissing as you became wetter. He flexed the muscle under you, hard and unforgiving, sitting back and letting you rub yourself against it. You smeared your juices into his skin, stimulating your clit, inhaling sharply. Jungkook was still clutching your thigh, his large hand pressed into you.
“Is that enough for you?” he drawled, his other hand sliding up to land on your other thigh. “Is that all you want from me?”
Your eyes flickered to his playful, daring brown orbs.
“There’s no time…” you muttered.
“Take off your panties,” he nudged.
He placed his hands on your waist and lifted you up. You bit your lip, uncertain.
“Noona, I want you to feel good.”
He slipped one finger on the side of your black panties and pushed down. You took the other side and pushed them down, raising your legs to pull out one and then the other. Your panties fluttered to the ground. Jungkook’s gaze on you as you lowered again, bare and dripping, onto his thick thigh. Oh, holy hell. He tensed it and pressed your hips down, grinding his thigh onto your slopping wet pussy. You moaned, grasping his forearms through his turtleneck, feeling the strength in them, the hardness. You closed your eyes, humping his thigh, lost in bliss.
“Can you cum like that?” You felt Jungkook lean forward, lips brushing against yours. “Cum you cum just by rubbing yourself on me?”
Tiny, rigid nods. “If you... kiss me.”
He groaned as he felt your opening tense on his skin. “I thought you would never ask.”
And then his lips were on yours, soft, delicate. Sweet, erotic kisses contrasting with how hard you were fucking his leg, his tongue dancing in the periphery of yours, dodging you playfully as you whined, clutching him tighter. He pressed you down harder, sliding his tongue into your mouth. You shuddered, wetness pooling at his kisses, your core tightening as he whispered your name into your lips.
“Your body is so fucking delectable,” his murmured. “So sexy, it’s sinful.”
You clenched your jaw as you basically rammed your hips into his thigh, slippery and hard, your clit throbbing with need.
“Cum for me, noona.” You could feel his lips form the words as he kissed you, awe in his voice. “Cum on my thigh.”
You dug your nails into his clothed arms and shut your eyes, moaning his name, feeling the strings inside you snap, pleasure waterfalling into you as you came, squelching onto his skin, so viscous and thick that it added to the lubrication, your swollen clit throbbing. Your eyelids fluttered as his hands pressed you down, grinding your hips into his muscle so you could ride your high, extend it until you were melting, hands falling from his arms. He cradled you gently, your chest heaving with effort.
You cracked your eyes open. “Has my phone made any noise?”
He shook his head. His dark hair covered part of his left eye. “No, noona.”
Maybe Taehyung was getting laid. Good for him.
“I’m going to touch you now,” you stated. To the point.
Jungkook grinned.
You reached down to his black boxer briefs and yanked them down, freeing his cock and balls. He lifted his legs a little and you pushed them down, but he took your hand, placing it on his semi-hard cock. He moaned as your fingers wrapped around him.
“Do you want to take it off?” you asked quietly, referring to his underwear.
“No,” Jungkook replied tightly, cupping his hand around yours, using your hand to stroke himself a few times. “I can’t wait anymore.”
You nudged his hand aside and began your pace. He leaned back, gasping softly. Your grip wasn’t what it used to be. Carpal tunnel was a bitch. Still, you furrowed your brow, concentrating, He swelled in your hand, pre-cum leaking at the red tip dripping onto your fingers. You stopped for a moment to coat your palm with it, bringing it to your mouth and licking your hand, moaning at his taste. Jungkook shivered, watching your saliva spread all over before returning to his cock, adding to the lubrication.
He pressed his head into the back of the armchair, hips rising as you started again, jaw tense.
“I’m not as good as before,” you gritted out. “My wrist–”
“It’s perfect,” Jungkook interjected. “Fuck, your hand is perfect.”
He was rock hard in your hand as you jacked him off. You snuck a glance at him. His hands were on his face, combing through his dark hair, eyes closing, mouth open as he moaned, rutting into your palm.
He was just so, so sensual that it was driving you insane, his noises making you wet. There was something feral about it, the way he looked at you through his lashes.
“Can I finger you?” he pleaded. “Please.”
Your hips were raised to get a good angle, your arousal already dripping down your thigh.
“Of course. Touch me, Jungkook.”
He lowered his hands, hair all over his face, staring at you through the veil. His fingers slid up your thigh, slipping in between. Dipping in, moaning as he touched your wetness. You sucked in a breath, feeling his fingertip graze your swollen clit. Your grip tightened.
“Jungkook.” Your eyes found his, glazed with lust. “You can be rougher with me. If you want.”
He swallowed, Adam’s apple bobbing. “Don’t want to hurt you…”
You smirked.
“You forget who you’re talking to.”
He pushed two fingers into you, feeling you suck him in as you stroked him, smile still on your lips. Jungkook grinned, pressing his thumb against your clit and rubbed it as he began to thrust his fingers into you, matching your pace, the two of you focused on getting each other off, breath mixing between your bodies.
“Yeah?” you panted, whimpering at his roughness, his fingers scissoring in you, stretching your walls as you squeezed back, faster and faster.
“Wanna cum in your mouth.”
You chuckled as he shoved a third finger into you, punishing your clit repeatedly, so full, so good, it was making you crazy, but you had to focus, you had to get him off.
“This is a weird angle.”
Jungkook suddenly pulled his fingers out and pinched your clit, making you hiss and your legs shake, pained whimpers clawing from your throat.
“Do it.” His voice was a low growl. “Do it and I’ll reward you.”
You slid off the chair, still stroking his cock, narrowing your eyes at him. Jungkook looked down at you, smirk on his pretty pink lips, whispering your name. You removed your hand and replaced it with your mouth. Fuck. He sighed, hand coming up to tangle in your hair, not quite pressing you down but holding you there, his taste coating your tongue, his hard length throbbing in your mouth. You moaned onto his cock and his hips trembled, his long bangs covering his left eye.
Ugh, the way he looked at you. Your felt your pussy clench, demanding his cock.
Instead, you began to move your head up and down, soft lips around him, mouth tight around the head and length. His hand stayed there, moving with you, firm, reminding you that you couldn’t stop, that you had to keep going until he came. You set a nice, fast, tight pace, already knowing he was close, hearing his breathy groans, repeating your name over and over.
“Always thought you were fuckable,” Jungkook panted out. “Always wanted you in my bed.” He pressed his head into the armchair, shutting his eyes. “Couldn’t figure out how to convince you, couldn’t figure out how to tell you that I wanted you so very much.”
You tightened your throat around him and he dug his nails into your scalp, breathing shallow and tight.
“Gonna cum, noona, fuck, gonna cum down that pretty throat of yours.”
Jungkook squeezed his eyes shut and groaned, his orgasm filling your mouth, coating your tongue, slipping down your throat. You gulped and he yelped at the sensitivity, whimpering as you softly lapped at the head, cleaning him off. Drinking it all, intoxicated with it, so satisfied swallowing it all.
Oh, how you loved sex.
You slowly removed your mouth crawling back up, no longer aware of your obligations to Taehyung, only interested in brushing Jungkook’s hair aside and kissing him deep, moaning as his tongue forced into your mouth, tasting himself. His hand slipped back into your folds and three fingers deep into you, fucking you. You whined into his mouth, telling him how good he was, telling him how good he felt inside you, telling him you how much you wanted his cock, his beautiful, thick cock jammed all the way inside you.
The door lock clicked and neither of you heard anything.
“Ah, I managed to hitch a ride with Jim– WHAT THE FUCK?”
Taehyung’s deep voice boomed throughout the apartment and you were still making out with Jungkook’s face as his fingers thrust into your slopping wet pussy, spreading you out. You whimpered as Jungkook broke the kiss, pushing you against his body as Taehyung slammed the door and marched in, kicking off his shoes carelessly.
“Fucking shit, why are you like this, fucking everything in your sight, you absolute–”
You turned your head, somewhat ashamed, feeling somewhat sorry – but not that sorry, because Jungkook’s fingers were still inside you. Taehyung’s strong features were twisted in annoyance, but he wasn’t looking at you.
He was scowling at Jungkook.
“I told you,” Taehyung said sharply, sweeping his lush fur coat back to reveal his black turtleneck and black slacks, pointing an accusing finger at Jungkook. “Not to get her started, because she is a horny seductress.”
You raised your eyebrows at him. “Excuse me?”
Taehyung ticked his head, looking down at you. “Am I wrong?”
You pouted. “Well, no.”
“And,” he added, directing his attention at you. “Why would you not ask me to fuck first? I’ve seen you naked hundreds of times!”
Jungkook raised his eyebrows. “Hundreds?”
Taehyung ignored him, leaning down and taking your chin. Brown eyes a mix of angry and amused, observing your lust. “I am offended that I respected you and you’re sitting in my roommate’s lap instead of mine.” His breath seemed like alcohol.
Your lips parted, heart beating fast. “S-sorry, Tae… You’re just always dragging me out of weird stuff that I thought you were disgusted by me…”
Taehyung brought his face close to you. You loved his voice. So deep, so intense, so heavy. It seemed to shake your soul with bass.
“I’ve wanted you on my dick the second I saw you.”
And then he kissed you, hard and full, as Jungkook’s fingers began to move inside you once again.
part ii: kth x you x jjk
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eolewyn1010 · 4 months
Charité, season 4 - episode 1
Alright. Let's do this. Consider everything past this point a spoiler, and yourself warned.
The dramatic lighting and music (vocalizing instead of the instrumentals that dominated the Charité music over three seasons) make the first scene appear very stylized, like a theater play. I don't hate it, but it sure is something else. I guess they broke with the continuity when they chose this season's setting.
Post-Corona, and she's not wearing a mask in surgery? Consider me unimpressed.
Ew. What did that poor greenscreen do to you?
"fires in Czechia coming closer to Saxony" - 2049 taking notes from 2022, huh? Ever so optimistic.
At least we get pretty lesbians. In fond memory of Therese...
They sure took the fashion choices in an interesting direction. And by that I mean, eurgh.
Who is this slimeball and can I castrate him.
Heritage of the last several seasons: An uncouth but motherly nurse with a heavy Berlin dialect; every generation needs one.
See, if you can 3D-project shiny holographs into the middle of the room, you should adapt your architecture. An auditorium that uses this technology should be built in a circle around the projector so everyone has the same chances of seeing the goddamn things! Logic, anyone?
In about 25 years, colors in architecture will have died out for good. Depressing, but not unlikely. The look of this place is giving me anxiety.
This woman's mouth movements don't fit her words at all. Why is she dubbed, and why so poorly?
"I don't eat sweets." *has sweets standing next to her* Is she dumb, or does she think Doc Safadi sr. is dumb?
Oh, nice, they have a botanical garden!
Super-quick zoom! Do you see our modern technology? DO YOU SEE IT YET!? More zoom! Sheesh, cut it out.
Why is everyone so awkward / impolite to Julia? Because her wife is pushing the health reform?
Poly marriage. Nice. ...and also, Nachtigall, ick hör dir trapsen.
Maral is ever so charming to Dylan. Isn't it nice to condescend to your co-worker from day 1?
Oh, nice, they all have universal translators. I get that they want to put in a lot of international variety, but why does the girl not speak any German when her mother does?
Take out ovarial tissue? From a teenager??? If she ever decides to have kids, can't she start by trying it the more obvious way? Why take it out in the first place? It's well-kept in her body, isn't it?
This mother is the worst.
Julia actress's delivery of her lines is very inconsistent. Some scenes, she plays good; others, she sounds like a third-grader reciting Erlkönig.
Did they steal that shot from Tatort: Der Herr des Waldes?
This concrete house is as fugly on the inside as it is on the outside. Thanks, I hate it.
Ehm. Okay. ngl, Martin's and Otto's PDA looked a lot more believable. Can you at least commit to your gay smoochies?
Why does the Armenian-German kid have a French name?
Brat wants to join the army for his democratic values. What, does he want to bring freedom to the poor savages? Gawd.
Starting to think Nils and Seda aren't a couple anymore, which makes the friendly relationship they have all the nicer.
Rest of the family is bitching. Greeeaaat.
Giving your doctor false medical information before surgery? Sure, why not! Is everyone here an idiot?
I don't really vibe with these extreme zooms.
Now she's wearing a mask - that's barely even covering her chin, nevermind her nose. Why is this so inconsistent?
Really good of you to treat a dying patient in hearing distance to another patient who has the same disease. Like. Just lock down sound transmission to the neighbor quarantine room?? Why is everyone so illogical?
Yeah, fuck. He's only a background character, so we give up after three attempts.
Maral got her self-righteousness from Seda, huh?
Yay, pandemics! Every generation needs one.
This all sounds very negative because I'm not terribly into the speculative future setting, but honestly, I don't hate watching it. My engagement with it is low in comparison to previous seasons Charité, but it still is interesting. And I'm kinda committed to the trash factor.
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jiminrings · 4 years
hey hannah! hope you are doing great darling ( ˘ ³˘) ♡ i may have a request in mind, a university/college au with jock!jk and shy art major!yn or an olympics au? with olympic athlete!jk and olympic athlete!yn (you decide which sports!) thank you so much in advance ♡
never (k)not you
Tumblr media
pairing: jungkook x y/n
wordcount: 5k
glimpse: established relationship ft. jock!jk and shy art major!y/n, y/n gets an unexpected pep talk and jungkook doubts himself, and either so much tears or so much dUST according to kook
notes: baby ok FIRST OF ALL, i’m so sorry i only got to write this now :(( it’s been three months since you sent in this request bUT well it’s here now :D thank you so much for requesting and waiting!! i really hope ur still here or else i-i... will lose it
if you squint, best friend!tae is actually rich kid tae both from the art major drabble and insufferable!!
lunch with taehyung either makes the both of you the LOUDEST motherfuckers in the planet or it’s just comfortable silence
comfortable silence’s more common whenever the two of you are in public because to put it simply
he’s cold and you’re shy!! makes sense
but god just mention his girlfriend’s name oNCE and he’ll talk your ear off and you get genuinely excited when he is
he just needs to mention gouache for less than a second and you will genuinely freak
then suddenly the both of you are the chattiest beings ever and absolutely no one will yield until they get the final say
but this
this just feels weird...
because it’s lunch and you’re not talkative and the silence is most definitely not comfortable
you just know tae has something up his sleeve and will probably catch you off-
“are you and jungkook a thing?”
it’s never actually registered in your head that you and jungkook are a THING but absolutely no one knows
literally no one
not even the dust living underneath your bedframe!! or if guardian angels existed, then they’d probably be clueless as fuck
lol wait what was that cold gust of wind on ur arms
jungkook is the dreamiest man alive and he’s been your boyfriend for what?? two years now??
and the two of you, and more of him actually, insisted to keep it private
your relationship is none of anyone’s business and it uh.,. it literally seems to be that way because sometimes even yOU forget that you’re in a relationship
jungkook avoids you like the plague and you keep to yourself like you do with all your gouache
this dynamic of no one knowing has been so instilled in you that tae’s innocent (?) question is enough to make you spiral little by little
taehyung was just harboring an idea ok
because like two days ago when you went out with him and his girlfriend for ice cream, jungkook was there too by himself
and that just seems like pure coincidence
but then they dOn’t seem like coincidences anymore when he realizes on the same day how many classes he was in where you were in
and you don’t even have the same major!!!
or when he’s walking you home because your apartment is literally on the right side of his girlfriend’s (changbin’s on the left) and he’s taking every possibility he gets
but it just so happens that uh... jungkook’s always there from a distance? like when the two of you are walking and that guy just hAD to be there at the back??
goddamn it tae should’ve gotten his parents’ offer for personal security while he’s studying in campus :((
“woah woah wOAH what’s the matter?” you panic when he shoves you inside your apartment the moment you manage to open it
“this fucking jungkook guy is either stalking you or me and it’s starting to get on my nerves!!”
“... taehyung-“
and then he realized that oh... ok... i see
what if this guy has a crush on you??
but it didn’t make sense because why would this soccer guy (no offense) that’s a jock (no offense) who always either looks high with how giggly he is (no offense) or bereaved with how he scowls (no offense) could POSSIBLY like you???
you who’s the art major (no offense) with your clothes almost exactly like he is (no offense) that he has an inkling that either you were copying him or him copying you (no offense) and the shyness that you absolutely wouldn’t talk to anyone unless they go first and tHAT even became a tough cookie for him!! h i m
on another thought...
that does make sense
you and jungkook are more likely to be a couple than anyone else more alike to either of you, no offense :D
and the way now that you’re frozen and scoffing like ur voicing mater’s engine in cars
“w-what? FUCK no!!”
yeah that’s the spot
taehyung means this in full offense but you’d be absolutely bankrupt if ever you wanted to try your hand at poker when your tell is literally cussing in capital when you’re flustered
this is the equivalent of your mom leaving you by the line to the cashier at the grocery when she needs to get something and you’re next at the line and you have no money on you and you’re too hesitant to tell the person behind you to-
“why? are you thinking of asking him out?”
he hears you seethe and that’s only the second time he’s heard you actually do that so he may have straightened his posture a lil
you wouldn’t hold it against taehyung because jungkook is one fINE specimen and tae doesn’t stare from that description anyway
you just can’t help but feel a lil.....
because you know that jungkook is yours and when it comes to things like these, you can’t do anything about it
how could you??
fine... if taehyung tries to-
the fact that your friend has a gigantic palm for one doesn’t soothe the gears in your head
you’re positive that your brain actually shook inside your head for a split second
“i already have someone, dumbass.”
taehyung has to remind you again to which you immediately awe in remembrance, a sheepish smile on your face bc for a moment, you actually considered begging for tae to back the fuck off without making it seem you’re already with jungkook
he waves you off because you’re about to coo at him again, a small smile on his face because he wouldn’t forget how he’s so lucky
it’s nice to be in love!!
you should probably try it some time
but then again, taehyung’s starting to think that you’ve been in a longer relationship with jungkook than him in one, so he thinks that he should be the one taking notes from you
“can i, uhm, ask how did you know?”
you don’t mind swallowing your pride because you already know you can’t bullshit your way out of this one, a timid look on your lap
tae’s pride seems to swell up because his suspicion’s right just by oNE singular try
“because i’m rich kid kim :) don’t you know that?”
see now this is only one of the few times that he’d gladly take his title
rich kid kim was coined by the courtesy of changbin, his girlfriend’s friend :/
it just seemed to STICK on everyone else after then
changbin was the first to narrate his actions like he’s the lead star of a poorly-produced netflix film
what’s wrong with rich kid kim? is his greeting every time he crosses paths with changbin
he was just pissy that oNE time!! it was ONE time
taehyung thinks of the whole jungkook situation and relates it to him as much as possible because ya know,,, he is the main star and koo’s just a second lead
ok changbin’s netflix narrations are really rubbing off on him
“think of jeon jungkook as an elitist that everyone wants to be close with, and yet he actually looks like one of the good guys — like me — and he looks like he wants to shoot himself in the foot when he gets offered caviar oNE more time, and then you’re like uh, the comic relief???”
he spews his interpretation all in one breath effortlessly and you’re just blinking slowly to try and digest it all
it’s oddly too specific
hol up now why does it sound like he’s been actually waiting for you to ask him that
“a clowN?” is what you react first and tae can’t believe that that’s the only thing you picked up from his perfectly sound analogy
“uhhhh like a bartender? a waitress? someone that isn’t a socialite,” he shrugs as he tries to make amends, remembering that the last time he went to a rich kid kim party, no one was technically in pennywise shoes nor juggling bowling pins
“are you trying to insult me tae?”
yIKES are u gonna cry
“what?? no!! no!!” he launches from his seat as if he was falling and that catches him a couple of glances from rich kid kim loyalists (there’s a lot of things he’s unaware of), about to punch the floor if only their lord and savior didn’t take it in stride, “i’m not trying to insult you, but it’s how you take it, y’know?”
his nonchalance puts you on the edge even more, launching from your seat and uh you don’t exactly have any concerned fanbase there to worry for you
“so i sHOULD?? tae you’re basically saying that-”
alright that’s it
he needs to actually get through you this time because more often that not, you are so fucking stubborn that it beats him
he glares at you, eyes looking comically large and pissy as he’s stopped in the middle of slurping from his cup noodles to talk some sense into you
it feels like an eternity until he finishes his noodles and you were almost tempted to just eat the remaining portion to fasten his pace
“in rich kid kim terms, or reality y/n terms?”
you’re almost too scared to answer but you already do before you can even process, raising two fingers
and for a moment, you think tae’s actually gonna go easy on you!
whew you definitely aren’t prepared if-
“do you come out together by the main door? or from the back?”
your eyes are as large as they could possibly be and if you stay in that same shocked and taken-aback state, you’d need to look for those creams with how much your eyebrows and your forehead are creased
u-uh well now that i think about it-...” okay maybe you and jungkook don’t come into uni by any of the several hundred main entrances at all, but that doesn’t mean-
“does he hold your hand? carry your backpack? doesn’t matter if you have a dumbbell in there or not, does he carry it?” tae lists item after item, racking through his mind as these were also all the things he does, and all the things he’s picked up from everyone
“does he bring your water? lend his hoodie when you’re not even sniffling? pick a fight when someone even looks at you the wrong way? read something relatively romantic in english lit, then text you about it? brag about you to his friends? does he-...”
you are awfully too silent for even your nature
tae was blissfully obvious just two seconds ago when he was enumerating boyfriend traits (that he himself exhibited, excuse you) left and right
then he started to realize that you weren’t stuttering nor interjecting on the side
he’s :O when you’re standing up from your seat, straightening out your hoodie, one that isn’t jungkook’s, that you’ve been anxiously wrinkling for the past ten minutes
“excuse me, tae. i have uh.. i have a lot to think about.”
everything he’s said made a solid number on you because not even distracting yourself becomes successful
not even your mini fixation on gouache helped you because so far it really sucks
it’s become a routine of jungkook to come over to your apartment almost everyday that it practically feels he’s living with you
he knows where you keep your milk and how cold you want the AC to blast and how you organize your groceries
and yet jungkook can’t-
“koo do you love me?”
it’s a question that was sprung so suddenly because come to think of it, you’re knitting and jungkook’s head is buried in your thighs while he tries to take a nap
he doesn’t bother trying to figure out your thought process because it’s a question that’s so simple that it seemed trivial
jungkook’s a dream when he nods and hums to your thighs, making you tread your hands on his hair instead of your roll of yarn
“mhmmm. more than life itself.”
he loves loves you!!! he doesn’t even know why you’re asking
“okay,” you hum back, crouching down to press a kiss on his nape that he appreciates because he’s a little ticklish on that spot, “hold my hand tomorrow then.”
jungkook launches from his position on your thighs, sitting up immediately that it’s gotten him dizzy
“... w-what?”
oh boy here it goes
you don’t feel like dancing around this issue anymore because after all, you do have the right to stick your finger in this!!
he’s your boyfriend i mean like what’s not clicking
“it’s not that big of a deal, jungkook. it’s not like i asked you to propose to me or something.”
his eyes widen more at that, his cheeks puffing out and it makes you realize that taehyung was right and it dOES look like he’s hiding a goldfish in there sometimes
you try to bite back a laugh at that but jungkook is devoid from any entertainment at all, looking like you just asked him to pick between you and the universe
“you uh want me to propose??”
he has his hand awkwardly caressing his nape and his cheeks flush as he’s trying to process things
yeah he DOES love you and he’ll marry you eventually but you’re doing this now!!! as in now??
how’s your wedding gonna work? god, can the two of you decide on the menu for your reception? does this mean your aunts and his aunts would mee?? no no that could not possibly be-
“you don’t need to,” you sheepishly mumble and you’re not gonna deny that marrying jungkook did cross your mind every once in awhile
you aren’t against it but marriage is not the issue at hand!! it’s just about him hOLDING your hand tomorrow and not forever now
“so you don’t want me to?”
...... christ where is this going to
there’s palpable tension in the air and you just feel like giving up, sinking further into the couch and koo’s reading TOO much into it
what if you slouching on the couch means you’re breaking up with him and you wouldn’t marry him even if he was the last person alive
“if you aren’t ashamed of me, or if you don’t feel like dYING when i’m five feet away from you and your jock friends-“
“lovie i-“
your ringless hand raises and prompts him to shut up, palms a little sweaty and fingers tired from stress-knitting
“then hold my hand. tomorrow. please.”
okay fine then
last night wasn’t exactly the best experience because you felt a little too distant even if he was enveloping you into his arms
last night, kook didn’t even dare to try and press mischievous kisses from your jaw to your shoulder because you felt untouchable with how wringed you were
then he had breakfast by himself much earlier and had to practically sHAKE you awake to whisper that he’s gonna leave earlier because he has a plan, and then proceeds to tell you to act as if you didn’t know that he has a plan, then go back to sleep and forget altogether that this literal rude awakening even happened
if you ask him, he is wearing the most boyfriend fit ever in this entire universe
which is uh his regular outfit of a fit shirt and a cool-looking jacket with chunk boots thrown on top of it
hear him out ok
he’s wearing a bracelet
uh huh
a bracelet...... that has the iNITIAL of your name
yuh how romantic is that
man both hallmark and netflix must be bankrupt because of jeon jungkook!! he’s sure of it
he just knows
the big deal of it all is jungkook waiting for you by the stairs, bouncing on heels out of displaced nervous energy because he’s too jittery to just coolly lean against the wall
you’re tilting your head at the sight, a little lost but more on fond as he smiles squarely 
“y/n! it’s uh, it’s you! wow!!” 
he exclaims but not without tucking his hands into his pockets and non-discreetly looking around your surrounding before he deems it clear enough, which is what you still find useless for him to even do it!!
the whole point of this is to not care!!
he’s gingerly placing himself beside you and although it’s not exactly what you asked for, it makes you sigh a breath of relief because it’s been tOO long that you’ve been next to him in this public atmosphere
he’s not exactly far, but he isn’t exactly bumping shoulders with you either
there are some glances alright 
jungkook has a loose grip on you but you could fEEL how his hand is so sweaty
he’s just looking at the floor and he allows you to guide him because if not for you, he would’ve been bumping into both lockers and people non-stop
u actually have first period together but you typically sit rowS away but now he’s just sitting on the chair right above yours
he isn’t next to you but he’s literally above you, so maybe you’ll take it
you can’t exactly text taehyung how it’s going because he could see everything from where he’s seated at
this was supposed to be an enjoyable time :(
a nice, giggly, warm enjoyable time with jungkook
but being this unrestricted meant him being so rigid that quite frankly, you’ve grown sick and wary of it in less than an hour
you’re making your way to the library and jungkook’s sTILL following you when you were sure he wouldn’t have
and if you ask him, he doesn’t know either why he followed you
he jus did it without thinking even if it meant him taking quick steps behind you with his head down 
he doesn’t know why you’re here and he feels a little guilty that he should know it if this was already a part off your routine
but this time, jungkook can’t look at you because this time, you’re the one who’s unreachable
who kNOWS what your empty stare could possibly mean
“we don’t have to do this anymore, y’know.”
that’s the quickest way to conclude it, nodding to yourself surely
meanwhile, jungkook is a millisecond away from a goddamn mELTDOWN
“w-what do you mean?”
“this!” you genuinely chuckle and even wiggle your hands around to make a point
he swears to god rn that he is gonna BLUBBER
“a-are you breaking up with me right now?”
his voice is already cracking and it reminds him that oh, yeah, the two of you are in the library and he’s about to cRY
you’re gasping when you take his trembling hand and jungkook wants to snatch it back and beg you to hold it tighter at the same time
oh no :-)
“it’s okay. i don’t mind anymore. and what, we’re gonna graduate like a year from now! doesn’t matter anymore.”
but wait it SHOULD matter
he’s gonna cry oh god oh god he’s gonna-
“you don’t need to change for me.”
so that’s what
jungkook cries and it’s from relief that no, you aren’t breaking up with him
“o-okay,” he nods as he wipes his own tears that are blurring his vision and there’s sO much that he actually worries if it would budge his contacts
he just wants a hug from you to console him like you always do
but instead, you look around, settle on tapping his chin, then standing up
“cheer up. i’m gonna go eat lunch with felix.”
and then yOU’RE the one leaving him
does he really look like a red-nosed, bleary-eyes, puffy-lipped mess??
say sike rn lads
jungkook clearly doesn’t look the best and he doesn’t exactly know what he was doing when he came out of the library and marched over to hang out with his friends like he always did
but something’s just different
he looks like someone whose world turned upon him and has nothing left to himself
surprisingly, it’s not hobi who’s the only one thinking of that
his friends are all ????
“y’okay man??”
namjoon’s the first to break the silence and everyone sighs because they were all holding a breath just by looking at jungkook’s distraught state
“yeah! just, uh, just —“
he’s back to being preppy in an instant but he can’t establish eye contact, swinging his arms by his sides and looking around just to look natural and gOD IS THAT YOU??
you’re you
you’re there, walking with felix and your backpack on hIS shoulder
.,., the same backpack that he’s bought you one birthday ago, on tHIS dude’s shoulder strewn as if he didn’t panic in between which variant should he buy for you
you look blissfully unaware that he’s cried himself just by thinking about you and your words and lack of actions just awhile ago
jungkook grits out and suddenly, he isn’t sad anymore :D
just uh
just a lil frustrated :D agitated :D or maybe feeling a little inadequate and outraged :D
this other mini breakdown going on his head doesn’t go unnoticed because here he is, so close to injuring his fist with how tight he’s clenching it
the guys, however.,.,
seokjin whistles and goes as far to squint his eyes intentionally that he looked like a distraught chihuahua, immediately grabbing jungkook’s actions as he nods his head to your direction
“y/n, right?”
jungkook froze and everyone is just waiting on him, mouths a little parted because they’ve caught on jin’s little plan and somehow, he might’ve struck a chord sO hard that-
“keep your fucking dick in your pants, seokjin.”
everyone’s reacting to his seething like a flock of seagulls to a piece of bread
yeah they’ve seen the youngest of their group mad, but not tHIS type of mad that he looks like he would’ve hit his hyung with a skillet upright if he had one onhand
everyone’s visibly offended besides seokjin, the man mentioned just amusedly shrugging his shoulders with a dimpled smile that unintentionally provoked jungkook even more
“told you,” yoongi gives up his last batch of cookies to namjoon, a long-winded bet finally coming to an end because of what was only supposed to be a harmless question by jin
“if y/n was your girlfriend, you could’ve just said so!!” 
jin ruffles his hair and it doesn’t exactly take a genius to see how he cares for you!!
jungkook looks out for you in ways he couldn’t even notice doing
he always had two umbrellas in his backpack and when it was raining, he’d leave one on purpose by the front of this specific locker
hoseok actually borrowed an eraser without permission from kook once, but then he found a combination of tampons n napkins that he grimaced because what :// those aren’t even the good brands!! he has a sister and now has a handful of knowledge about monthly visits, so he takes note to talk to jungkook about it some time
there’s even an extra sweater in his backpack that always remains unotuched
one time, jimin complained that he was cold and turned to jungkook, full-well knowing that the fucker had oNE more sweater tucked in his bag, who just plains-out ignore him and even tch!s him under his breath
they somehow had a clue all along and now that jungkook realizes, he may be a little dENSE
that’s entirely stoopid of him
what was the reason lmao
this time, jungkook’s more than eager to make it up to you
eVEN if you’ve insisted that nothing was wrong!!
it was just the last day before christmas break so it went by considerably fast-paced because even the professors were a little antsy to come home!!
that didn’t stop him, because clearly, jungkook holds your hand tight this time and he’s looking straight ahead
he looks proud
he feels natural and giggly the whole day that you couldn’t stop either because it’s a complete 360 from yesterday
wouldn’t absolutely stop holding your hand and following you
even kisses the top of your head like a kitten repeatedly
something’s up with jungkook alright
the two of you are back again on the couch — you knitting, and him buried and napping on your thighs
it’s a bit of a shock when he grabs your hand all of a sudden, a half-sleepy and full-on dreamy look on his face when he’s looking up at you from being laid down on your lap
a red silicone band :D
you’re still speechless when he’s sliding it on your ring finger, admittedly getting the wrong finger the first time which is why he’s sheepish and holding back a giggle
unsurprisingly, it looks good on you
he seems to think so himself when he’s giving you another one, holding his hand out and you’re doing the same without even an explanation present
“it’s a placeholder :)”
a placeholder?? hold on ur heart is a lil fragile
your eyes widen and your lips downturn on instinct, making him giggle as he smushes your cheeks to just let him explain
“all this marriage talk just had me thinking-”
“are you PROPOSING right now??”
both the mix of panic and excitement stains you clearly, mouth dropping open as you try to fumble for atleast something to wipe your face with
“maybe i am, maybe i’m not :)”
jungkook’s such a romantic it’s SICKENING
his mind drifts off and you can’t blame him!!
his family’s well-off so maybe he could cash in his next ten birthdays for a loan or maybe even a house to help ease the two of you in
maybe the two of you could even build it from the ground up
the two of you could also move into this nice apartment after graduation!! he’s been eyeing it for quite awhile actually
“you wanna get married early?”
“maybe i do, maybe i don’t :D”
jungkook’s faux nonchalance makes you grin yourself, the both of you knowing what answer he’d yield anyway
“as long as it’s you,” you declare surely, bending down to press a kiss on his nose that tickles him and makes his heart full
“as long as it’s me?”
jungkook smiles cheekily at your statement pressing kisses on the top of your thighs that’s got you fumbling at him to just embrace you immediately
he’s a little bulky with all the muscles he’s gained and worked on, a little pressured when he’s sitting on your lap upright and won’t absolutely stop kissing you sweetly
“you should start on knitting your wedding garter now :D”
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ahh im obsessed with the summer prompts. Can I request Lifeguard Tom with prompt 36 please? preferably fluffy ending but its all up to you thanks!
This became very long sorry bestie. I hope you still enjoy it tho! Love you so much, thank you for the request love!
Reminder to everyone else that the Summer of Love is still going on and I'll be accepting requests for it until September 22nd! You can find the prompt list here!
Let’s Give It a Shot
36 - It’s the last day of summer, and your last day together
Pairing: Lifeguard! Tom x Reader
Summary: Tom shows you exactly why you love him so much
Warnings: angst, crying, fighting
Summer of Love
Tom peaked at the bed as he pulled his shirt over his head, a smile came over his face at the sight.
“Good morning angel,” he cooed, “Like what you see?”
“I liked it better when you had your shirt off,” she teased, her voice still raspy and tired, “Remind me why we agreed to work today?”
“It’s only till noon,” he reminded as he bent to kiss her. He laughed as she attempted to pull him into bed, “I’ve got to get going, swim class starts at 7.”
She rolled onto her back and groaned, “Who the fuck takes their kids to swim class at 7?”
“Their toddlers angel, most of them have been up since 5,” he pecked her lips one final time before standing up, “I’ll see you at 8?”
She hummed, nodding once before she closed her eyes again, “Love you.”
“Love you too,” he watched her settle back into bed before leaving, closing the bedroom door as quietly as he could behind him.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
“Bye bye,” Tom waved to the kids as they padded through the lobby.
“We’ll see you all Thursday,” Harrison added.
“Well I really appreciate it,” Tom smiled in response, falling into the spinning chair that she usually sat in, “Seriously, I owe you.”
The kids filed out, being ushered away by their parents while the boys hung around the front desk.
“I can’t believe I agreed to take you shift,” Harrison yawned, stretching his arms above his head, “You’re such a dick.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m the best,” he glanced towards the door, just in time to spot (y/n), “Oh shit, fun’s over Tom, time to get back to work.”
“Ha ha,” she rolled her eyes, “What are you two doing at my desk huh?”
“You’re desk?” Tom smirked, “This is my desk today angel.”
“Oh and I suppose you want me to save the drowning children?”
“No,” he stood and grabbed her by the waist, “Haz is going to watch the pool today and I’m going to help you up front.”
She raised a brow and turned to Harrison, “Really?”
He nodded, “Course sweetheart, happy to give you a little extra time together.”
“Aw, thank you Haz,” she cooed, wrapping her arms around his neck.
“You’re welcome,” he gave her a squeeze before dropping her, “Alright, I’ve got to go clean up, you two just make sure everything is done. I don’t want to get in trouble because you two were making out instead of working.”
“We will, don’t worry,” she laughed, “Thank you guys, I couldn’t have dreamed up a better last day.”
“You’re welcome,” Tom hummed, pressing his lips to hers as she tried to reach for the computer behind him, “We could do this everyday if you stayed, I could switch to the front.”
“Tom you know I can’t,” she sighed, “I don’t think we should be having this discussion at work either, it’s just gonna make us both emotional.”
“You’re leaving tomorrow morning so I’m gonna be emotional no matter what,” he sighed, “You never want to talk about this.”
“Because I don’t like thinking about leaving. I don’t like the idea of being far away anymore than you do.”
“Then don’t leave,” he grabbed her hands, preventing her from getting to her job, “Just stay here. You can move in with us, Haz adores you, he won’t mind.”
“Tom I can’t. I have to go back to school, and right now I have to open, so can we please save this for later?”
He sighed and nodded, “Yeah, yeah, we can talk about it later.”
“Thank you,” she kissed his cheek before pushing across the floor.
He laughed as the chair spun away from her, “I don’t know how you expect me to help from all the way over here.”
“I expect you to go make sure the bathrooms are stocked,” she flashed him a cheeky smile while she popped open the register, “And I’m gonna count the cash.”
He sighed and dragged his feet towards the closet, “Fine, fine, I wouldn’t do it for anyone else though.”
The day continued as normal, despite Tom’s best attempts to distract (y/n) from work. Tom had surprised her by doing most of the work throughout the day, insisting she simply sit and handle the register. It was a nice change, normally when Tom hung out in the front it was just to steal drinks and tease. Tom busted through all of her tasks, seeming impossibly determined to get them home as soon as possible. He’d managed to do it too, Harry arrived at exactly noon and he’d rushed (y/n) right out the door.
“Hurry,” Tom shook her shoulders while she gathered her things.
“I am, I am, sheesh,” she shoved her phone into her purse and stood, “What’s the big rush?”
“I’ve just got a lot planned for today,” he beamed at her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders, “Now come on, our first stop is this way.”
“Our first stop?” she knit her brow as he led her towards the pool, “Wait why are we going to the pool?”
“Because it’s our first stop,” he repeated, stopping just outside the doors, “See that?” he pointed to one of the lifeguard’s chairs.
She nodded, trying to imagine where he might be taking the conversation, “I do see the chair Tom.”
“It’s the most important chair in the world,” he kissed the top of her head with a smile, “Because I was sitting in that chair the first time I saw you.”
She flushed, biting her cheek to try and fight off her smile, “Stop.”
“I remember it exactly. You walked out of there and I just couldn’t take my eyes off you, you wouldn’t believe how disappointed I was when they said you were gonna be up front.”
“I thought you were pretty cute too.”
He laughed, “Thank God you did.”
“Did you bring me out here just for that?” she raised a brow, “You’re not trying to throw me into the pool?”
He shook his head, “No, just wanted to be a little sappy. Now I’m gonna take you on that date and be even sappier.”
“Lucky me,” she chuckled, “So, where are you taking me now?”
“Minx,” he smirked, “Alright darling, just get ready for the best date of your life.”
“Back home, I can’t parade around the town dressed like this,” he motioned to his swim trunks with a smile, “As much as you might like that.”
“I’d rather save that for tonight,” she teased back, “When I’ve got you all to myself.”
Tom took her home, refusing to reveal even the tiniest detail about their date as they both got ready. He claimed it would be long, that’d they’d be out until that night, but refused to give her any more details. He even went as far as to try and blindfold her when they got in the car, but he quickly dropped it when she refused. She expected he’d be taking her somewhere new or out of town because of this, she was completely in shock when he just drove her to a sandwich shop just up the street from the pool.
“Seriously? We eat here like everyday,” she rolled her eyes, “This cannot be it Tom.”
“It’s not,” he laughed, “Obviously I’ve got something more than this planned. I just thought we could stop here.”
“Because, if you remember,” he began to explain, a smile overtaking his features, “You stayed late to help me clean the pool and I took you to lunch as thanks. It was like our first half date.”
“Half date?” she laughed, “That is not a thing Tom.”
“Yes it is, it was the first time we hung out outside of work together, and it’s when I asked you out, it’s a half date.”
“Those are very specific circumstances that define a half date,” she pursed her lips, fighting her urge to smile.
“Whatever, the point is, this place is special because it reminds me of you,” he leaned over the middle console to press a kiss to her cheek, “And I just wanted to tell you that before we got to the real date.”
“Aw,” she cooed at him, “Don’t tell me it’s going to get even sappier than this.”
“Oh angel, just you wait, it’s only getting worse and worse from here.”
She watched out the windows as Tom drove her across town to another restaurant, though this time she knew exactly why he’d brought her there.
“Tom,” she bit her lip as she spoke, “This is incredibly cute.”
“Ah not here angel,” he grabbed her hands as she tried to open the door, “Just being sappy again. Remember what happened here?”
“Our first date, how could I ever forget that?” she smiled as she reminisced on the happy memories, “We got all dressed up and you brought me flowers. Then we talked until they closed, and we still couldn’t get enough of each other so you drove me up to that cliff side and talked all night.”
“No, no, it was nothing like that,” he rolled his eyes, “I picked you up and you looked so fucking gouregous I could barely speak. Then I took you to this restaurant and I tried so desperately and to seem interesting enough to keep your attention. For some reason you put up with me, and we talked and talked and talked. I thought you’d want to go home at the end of the night but you still weren’t sick of me so we drove up to that little lookout point and I fell madly and deeply in love with you while we talked the night away.”
“You did not fall in love with you on our first date,” she rolled her eyes, “You’re just trying to make me emotional.”
“I fell in love with you the first time I laid my eyes on you, it just took me a little while to realize it.”
She sighed, letting her head fall onto his shoulder, “I fell in love with you the first time we kissed. I’ve never felt like that with anyone else.”
“Mine was cuter,” Tom hummed as he pulled out of the parking lot.
“Oh whatever,” she rolled her eyes, “Alright, are we going to the real date now?”
“You’ll see, you’ll see,” he shushed her, driving just a few parking lots over to the local bowling alley, “Remember here?”
“Another one?” she sighed, “Alright, you took me here to introduce me to your brothers. I found out that I majorly suck at bowling that night.”
“Yeah you do,” he laughed, “But my brothers adore you, they treat you like a sister and it totally melts my heart.”
“Yeah, I think they’re cool too,” she chuckled, “So, is there an actual date or are you just taking me on a victory lap of the city?”
“There is a date, at the end of the victory lap,” he admitted, “There’s just a couple more things I want you to see first.”
“You’ll see, just give it a second,” he hummed.
Tom drove her all over the city, stopping anywhere with even the tiniest amount of significance. He took her to the club where they’d spent Harrison’s birthday, the fairgrounds where they spent way too much money on rigged games, even the local park, where her and Harry had gotten way too competitive with a game of frisbee golf. He took her to more sentimental spots too, like where they’d had their first kiss, the hill where they’d fallen asleep watching a meteor shower, the place where they’d first said I love you, where they’d had their first time. It was like a montage of their greatest hits, that had her falling in love with Tom, and the city, all over again. She was almost in tears when Tom finally declared that the tour was over, and it was really time for their date.
“Okay, where are we really going then?” she pressed, her eyes glued to the window for any clues, “I mean we’ve pretty much been everywhere already…”
“Looks like we’re heading to your place, or work,” she knit her brow.
“Does it?”
“Does it?” she mocked, “We have to get out of this car soon or I’m gonna pee myself.”
“Well,” he flicked his blinker on and turned into the pool parking lot, “Good thing we’re here.”
“Tom I swear to god I-”
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding,” he laughed, “But you can run inside real quick and use the restroom before we go.”
“They’re closed.”
“I have my keys,” he flicked off the car, grinning as he waved for her to follow, “Hurry up angel.”
She followed him inside, suspicious that he had some kind of ulterior motive, “We are not fooling around in there Tom.”
“Get your mind out of the gutter,” he hummed as he opened the front door, “Go on, take care of your business.”
“Thanks,” she scampered off to the bathroom, only to find Tom was missing when she returned, “Tom?” she peaked around the lobby but found nothing. She got no response when she knocked on the men's locker room door, and the employee lobby was empty. “Tom?” she called again, peeking at her phone for any hints, “Come on,” she sighed and headed for the pool.
Out jumped everyone she’d spent the summer with, Tom, Harrison, his brothers, everyone they’d worked with at the pool, all the friends she’s made across town. The pool was all lit up, lined with tables full of food and drinks. (y/n) was in shock, her jaw hung open as she took it all in.
“So,” Tom’s arms wrapped around her waist and he pressed a kiss to her cheek, “What do you think?”
“This is amazing,” she squeezed his hands, “Thank you so much.”
“You’re welcome,” he kissed her cheek again before stepping away, “We all wanted to make your last night really special.”
“It’s perfect,” she confirmed, “Seriously, I couldn’t imagine anything better than this.”
“Glad to hear it love,” Harrison wrapped his arm around her shoulders for a quick hug, “Come on though, you’ve got lots of people to say goodbye too.”
She was led around to say hi to everyone, progressively becoming more and more emotional as the night went on. Tom stuck right to her side, doing his best to comfort her as the night went on. It was nice, she appreciated the gesture and everyone being there, but the realization that this was her goodbye just kept creeping back up. Tom could tell she was drained by the end of the night, obviously ready to just curl up in bed.
“Angel, are you ready to go home?” he hummed.
“No, no, I’m okay,” she insisted, “We should stay and help clean up.”
“You can’t clean up your own party,” Harry rolled his eyes, “We’ll stay back and clean it up. If you’re ready to go you and Tom can head out.”
“Are you guys sure?” she wrung her hands nervously, “We can stay and help.”
Sam nodded, “Yeah, it’s not very much anyway, we’ve got this.”
“Thanks guys,” Tom squeezed her side, “Let’s get you home then yeah?”
She nodded, “Thanks guys.”
She moved to give each of them a hug, mumbling a quick goodbye, hoping to escape to the car as quickly as possible. Harry seemed to have other ideas in mind though.
“I love you,” he squeezed her tight.
“Aw, I love you too,” she chuckled.
“I’m gonna miss you so much sis,” he patted her back as she pulled away.
She forced a smile as she stepped away, waving to them while her and Tom slipped away.
“Are you alright?” Tom squeezed her waist.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” she insisted as she climbed into the passenger seat, “I just wanna go home.”
“Alright, we’ll go.”
“He called me sis.”
“Harry called me sis.”
Tom chuckled, “Well yeah, I told you earlier, they think of you like a sister.”
“But it’s different when he says it,” she sniffled, her facade finally crumbling, “I don’t wanna go Tom.”
He moved to her side as quick as he could and pulled her into him, “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to angel. If you want to stay you can, Haz and I would be more than happy to have you.”
“But I can’t! I can’t just ditch everything for a summer fling! I have to go back to school and my family and I have to go home! But I don’t want to go back there! I want this to be home, I don’t want to leave!”
Tom took a deep breath and kissed the top of her head before scooting back to his seat, “I know we went a lot of places today angel, but I’ve got one more thing to show you alright?”
“No I don’t wanna go fucking see anything else Tom! I just want to go home…”
“We will, I just want to show you one thing angel, it’ll make you feel better,” he promised, slipping a hand over hers, “It’ll be quick.”
She was quiet the rest of the short drive, he’d taken her to a small cafe, they’d only been there once before.
“Come on angel,” he waved for her to follow him.
“Why would you bring me here?” she scoffed.
“Just come on,” he insisted, smiling as she slammed the door behind her, “Come sit with me,” he patted his lap.
She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms before falling into his lap, “Why are we here?”
“Do you remember what happened here?” he hummed.
She nodded, “Yeah, we had our first fight here, and it seems like you’re trying to have our second too.”
“No, I’m making a point,” he corrected with a smile, “We had our first fight here, and then we never came back here again. But that is not why I brought you here, I brought you here because that fight made me think about us, and the fact that you had to leave at the end of summer. I kept trying to think of ways around it or ways for us to minimize our time apart, but you know what thought never crossed my mind?”
“What?” she sank into her chair.
“That when summer came to an end we would break up, because we aren’t a summer fling. We never were, not even for a second, and the sacrifices we make are not for a summer fling, they’re for a real relationship that both of us treasure. If you really, really don’t want to go then you can stay, and I mean we’ve got a Uni nearby and you’ve always got somewhere to stay here. But if I’m the only reason you don’t want to go then you need to go, and we’ll suffer through the long distance until my lease with Haz is up and then I’ll move to you.”
She shook her head, “It’s not just you, I love this town, and the friends I’ve made here, it’s everything about this place. I just feel like I belong here, and I’ve never felt like that back home.”
“Obviously I’m biased here,” he chuckled, “But you could always just give it a semester out here, transfer back if you hate it, or vice versa. Just remember this long distance thing is going to be temporary no matter what, and even then we’re only a couple hours apart.”
She was silent as she tried to sort out her thoughts, “Yeah, school’s a little cheaper out here too, that’d be nice. A-And I haven't paid for anything yet this year so I’m not really obligated to go…”
“You don’t have to justify anything to me angel, obviously I want you to stay” he kissed her shoulder with a frown, “If you wanna give it a shot then I think you should, but if you don’t, we’re still gonna make this work, because I love you.”
“I love you too,” she sniffled while he wiped her eyes, “Thanks Tommy.”
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