#like suspiciously easy
codacheetah · 17 days
I think it's really funny when ppl tag my art as isat spoilers but like unsure about it. Such is the Hell of Loop
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jmenfoot · 1 year
Hello what is the dish at the end of rat chef movie called
I'm so glad you asked
It's what my family called "vegetable tian", while the internet calls it "Provence tian". A tian is a large and shallow clay dish from the south of France, and it's the name for dishes cooked slowly in a low oven (traditionnally, in a bread oven after the initial high heat was used for bread).
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It's exactly like the Ratatouille dish : you slice colorful round vegetables (eggplants, zucchinis, onions, tomatoes), you cook them for hours, and you get tender, caramelized, confit vegetables. My grandmother put a paste of bread crumbs-garlic-parsley paste on top for texture... So easy, absolutely amazing, and absolutely not a ratatouille.
A ratatouille is cubed vegetables sauteed separately on stove top then brought together to finish cooking. It's the same "summer" vegetables : eggplants, zucchinis, onions, tomatoes, and peppers which are essential, (and not included in tian). Also very good, can be served hot or cold, completely different from the Ratatouille dish.
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There's so many people on tiktok making "the ratatouille from Ratatouille" and it's not! it's not! it's a tian with a fancy pepper sauce!!
Objectively it doesn't matter, recipes evolve when they're adopted in other cultures, and French people can't complain (you won't believe what we call tabouleh). But still!
Apparently the recipe in the movie is confit byaldi by Michel Guérard/Thomas Keller and Keller suggested it to the movie team as his gastronomic reinterpretation of ratatouille. The way my reinterpretation of spaghetti and meatballs would be using flat, very large spaghetti and instead of forming balls I would layer the meat mixture with the tomato sauce and lasagnas I'm describing lasagnas. A completely different dish that already exists.
Thank you for attending this conference, I will now be taking questions.
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conchfritters · 5 months
i need to get less ashamed of talking about my interests on my 0 follower tumblr blog because if i don't point out that despite having one of the most interesting concepts ever presented in a genshin event, shadows amidst snowstorms was not actually well written, and was in fact pretty Poorly written, then who else will. Who else will.
#seashell resonance#Anyway amber hasn't shown up in any content since 1.0 where she wasn't optional or thrown out entirely in favor of standing as an#advertisement for euIa. case in point in the scene in shadows amidst snowstorms where you're waiting outside the cave for albedo the last#person joel was left with was amber. when euIa confronts albedo about the fake trying to lead joel away...there's no mention ever of the#fact that amber...was With Joel. Amber who is an Outrider trained to Notice Danger. Either left joel with fakebedo without noticing anythin#or the actual explanation: hoyo didn't care enough to write her because. well. Amber Bad#the next time we see her is when she shows up with bennett#amber used to have a lot of fire to her and this sort of unique not quite cockiness but like. easy way to tell she used to be the difficult#kid we hear about in her character stories and teapot dialogue#she serves no purpose in shadows amidst snowstorms#an event that easily could've capitalized on the Horror aspect of being trapped with a doppelganger of one of your coworkers and shown off#ALL the characters (because get this. You can make people wanna spend on characters who aren't meta by making them Like Them.)#but amber? no value in any event she's ever been in. she talks about good hunter and sticky honey roast. she gets flustered. euIa pays for#her meal. Remember how she was in Almost All of razor's story quest and then when they needed a knight to give him a gift in weinlessefest#they chose...SUCROSE AND NOELLE?#remember how collei has had more on screen interactions with fucking euIa and sucrose than AMBER#how amber and collei's reunion was what people wanted to see and instead it happens off screen and amber simply isn't relevant during#windblume? how amber didn't get a skin with lisa and kaeya? how amber has no appearance in kaeya's hangout event despite their dynamic in#the webtoon and her being suspicious of him presenting so much room to work with?#her tcg dialogue has a meta joke in it. Because amber bad and amber doesn't exist outside of euIa and connecting collei to euIa#and i could go on. about the writing for cyno. about collei. about the way they write kokomi or any genius character. about albedo even.#about all my Other gripes with euIa because they go to about every single aspect of her character except her Basic personality#which is to say the personality we see in most of her voicelines. she could've literally been a saving grace for the cast if she weren't on#of the like top 3 worst written characters#i could talk about like almost any character's decay but that's not the point. Not the point. Nobody look atme.#i tried to replace the L in euIa's name with a capital i to make this post not show up in front of her enjoyers somehow but if it does#sorry about that! no problems with you it's hoyoverse who has my ire#i have so much more to say even just about amber specifically since she is. Unfortunately my fav and unfortunately almost the only characte#i care about whenever my enjoyment of genshin even Slightly wanes#but nobody will ever see it because that essay i write in my head seven times a day is for Me. I'll die before i crack open google docs
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quick-catton · 5 months
SORRY I'VE BEEN MIA i did NOT just finish compiling barry's whole filmography masterlist. i definitely did not find a source for EVERY SINGLE FILM aside from his earliest three. i absolutely do not need advice on where to safely post the masterlist so it doesn't get sus'd and so anyone who wants to can easily access it.
until i figure that out, i sure hope no one messages me and lets me know if they're looking for a specific film/tv show/short of his! that wouldn't be good at all! :^)
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funforahermit · 3 months
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nari-writes · 11 months
"Kon, are you- oh. Hm."
The sixteen-year-old version of his boyfriend blinks at him with terrified doe eyes from the bed, and Tim purses his lips. "So that's today, huh? Alright. Kon, I'm making pancakes. This is a Tango-Foxtrot situation, and I'm sorry but we had to change your codes a few times since you were sixteen and I don't remember where you are on the personal timeline to get it right the first time."
"-why'd we have to change my codes?"
(You died, Tim thinks, you died and the next time I heard you say 'to die would be an awfully big adventure' I couldn't look at you for a month.)
"You never told me why," Tim says evenly, and it's not even a lie.
#unfinished fic snips#tango foxtrot situation stands for time fuckery#i like to think tim codes all of their Situations like that#with the phonetic alphabet#but it's the team's responsibility to say it Back#and they make them Weird so other people can't guess them easy#time loop = sierra golf delta aka stinking groundhog day#sometimes sierra golf delta bravo. stinking groundhog day bullshit#clones is November alpha#or: not again#timkon#nari is writing#ALSO i think the fun part of this is#kon: immediately suspicious because he KNOWS what tim does when he lies#kon: this is a november alpha situation. okay.#kon: :) wow of course Tim that's totally reasonable#tim: I'm so glad sixteen year old kon trusted me so much 😌#kon: planning how to escape#kon: also distracted bc they did a Really Good Job cloning tim and he's JUST figured out he wants to ask his normal tim on a date 😳#it's hard to be Kon rn#meanwhile adult!kon is hanging out in the tower with tim: haha this is great!! 🥰 hi!!! you're so litttleeee#kon: hi tim 🥰🥰🥰 <- hanging off him with no space#tim who knows he's been in love with kon for years <- is dying: hi kon#Kon is. a shit. he thinks it's SOOOO cute that the affection makes small!tim blush!!!#he can still make his tim blush but this is so easy!!!#cassie asks him how he got his costume to glitter and he's like oh bart invents it for us!!!#cassie: for us?? <- slightly afraid that he means it in a Romantic way bc she's just figured out she probably Only Likes Girls#and is she STILL unable to come up with the courage to break it off/come out/compulsory het stuff?#kon knowing exactly what she's thinking and trying not to interfere with the timeline but that's his BESTIE:#yeah!! im not telling you who it is but your *partner* thinks you look cute in glitter
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running-in-the-dark · 4 months
and I'm having thoughts again
so I've been watching that John Larroquette interview that I reblogged on repeat for half an hour now and I'm just. man I am so very....... okay I'm trying not to say that I'm stupid anymore but god what else is there to say. it's making me feel like my brain just turns off and all there is is static and [insert very high frequency screaming sound].
like I would love to be able to have actual thoughts about this shit but I am not. I just love love love people who think about shit and face their issues and work on getting better. and talk about it. like it's just a thing that happened. because it is. it's not 'oh you did bad shit in your past so you're fucked forever now'. it's 'bad shit happened, I did bad things, I confronted it, I made different choices' and that's it. I just. man I'm feeling really emotional and am probably gonna have a good long cry about this now.
#one thought that I had when my brain stopped just loudly screaming at me was#oh I totally always think I wouldn't ever end up in a cult. because it's not something that would appeal to me and shit. I'm suspicious of#anything like that. one person claiming to know everything and all that#and it just hit me like. DUDE. you would absolutely 100% end up in a cult if the right guy was leading it#like if he had a cult that I could join right now? oh dude I'd be so in. kinda joking but also like. come on I am so fucking obsessive I#would absolutely fall for that#(and lets not even get into the whole thing of actually getting attention from the person I'd be obsessed with. oh it'd be bad. it'd fuck#me up. I'd be so easy to convince if we're being honest....)#but anyway I just. I don't know#honestly though? I just love studying one person at a time from afar like. hi I would immediately explode if I ever met this man I could not#handle it. but I can absolutely find out everything I can about him and study him like. something that normal people would study idk I'm#insane.#anyway man that was a weird tangent#true tho.#I don't want to make light of actual addictions like alcoholism. I'm not. addicted I guess. but I'm absolutely fucking obsessive about shit#and I absolutely know it cannot be healthy to keep doing this#like dude you have no life because all you do is watch other people live theirs. why am I studying this man's life like it matters. it's not#making anything better. knowing every damn thing he did in the 80s will not make up for the fact that I don't have. anything.#fuck now I'm really crying oh well this really took a weird turn#fuuuuck.#personal
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frozenambiguity · 1 year
Oh, to make Captain Alberich...
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Lose the ability to think straight. Drown in complete pleasure. Willingly surrender to ecstasy.
Now is that not the dream?
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geddy-leesbian · 2 months
worrying Chris is seeming like too much of an asshole in any killer he has some redeeming moments in the next chapter I swear I'm not trying to slander him ok
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msfcatlover · 1 year
I see your “Jay Peters is Jason’s most common alias (because it’s funny,)” headcanons, and raise you:
James “Jamie” Graves.
Because Jason thinks it’s funny.
#Jason todd#jason wayne#jason peter todd#red hood#red hood jason#red hood jason todd#red hood!jason#red hood!jason todd#mine#my writing#//#First rule of an alias is: You want a name whose first sound is close enough to your own that you’ll respond easily (and cover your ass#if you react to the ‘’wrong’’ name where anyone can see.)#Second rule is: Too bland sounds more suspicious than too specific (but don’t ever be too specific.)#Third is: You’re never gonna sell it if you can’t comfortably wear the name.#James is extremely bland. Having a nickname makes it more personable but Jamie can be a nickname for literally dozens of things#ironically making it more forgettable. Graves isn’t a name you see every day but it’s not one that grabs the eye or sticks in the mind#just ordinary enough#Jason can react to the ‘’Jay’’ syllable no problem and the morbid joke of a last name makes it easy to remember/respond to.#He hears someone call ‘’Graves’’ and immediately goes ‘’Yeah that’s me.’’ Like he’s had a lifetime of practice.#(Invented this for a fic that’ll probably never exist; Jason was doing pre-RH recon in Gotham and this was his cover.#Jamie’s a self-taught art student doing odd jobs for cash. Tim spots him at a local cafe and is like ‘’JASON?!?!’’#Tim investigates. Jason accidentally becomes Tim’s friend while trying to gather information. Jason doesn’t realize Tim’s recognized him.#Tim thinks Jamie Graves is either a runaway clone or Jason with amnesia. Then UtRH starts and Tim realizes Jamie’s the Red Hood.#Things spiral from there.#)
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racke7 · 1 year
Villain Izuku
Reading through the “Villain Izuku”-tag is so weird.
Like, you have a bunch of different approaches:
“The League were the good guys actually” (UwU they’re just misunderstood)
“Society was mean to me, so that means it’s fine if I murder thousands of innocents”
“Izuku is a Super Mastermind and all the crazies among the Villains are totally fine with following his orders, since he gives them Results and would never betray them because he’s so smart and cool”
“The useless quirkless kid with no value was kidnapped by the Villains and forced to do Villain-things (instead of them just... you know, recruiting an obviously-useful Villain), but he secretly wants to be a Hero“
“Morally grey means that I can tell everyone that they suck, and they still have to be nice to me, because I’m so cool”
And having a bunch of different types is great, but like... I’m sorry, what?
Izuku is a molotov-cocktail of suppressed rage, and I can easily see him getting in trouble with the law simply because he used lethal force against someone he shouldn’t have (because he considered them a threat, and other people disagreed).
I could see him growing heavily disillusioned with the Hero Industry, and the way that they’re “enforcing the status-quo”, up until he finally snaps and tries to force a revolution.
I can even see him becoming a Vigilante pre-UA, and using enough violence that he falls into the category of “Villain who attacks Villains” rather than being referred to as a “Vigilante”.
Or have him try to reach out to help people through internet-forums until he accidentally creates an organization that’s technically-illegal, and he defends it to the death on behalf of how it lets him help people.
But like... those two sets of “Villain Izuku” don’t have a lot of overlap, do they?
The League is an organization led by an egocentric man-child, and funded by a sadistic monster who thinks that human experimentation is actually totally okay (since he’s the one doing it).
Izuku buckling to the pressure of society and deciding to murder innocents (for the lolz), rather than drag society kicking and screaming through a revolution (with some unfortunate innocent casualties)? Lame.
Setting up Izuku to be BBC’s Moriarty? That kind of character-story was doomed from the start (because it doesn’t make any fucking sense), and trying to follow in BBC’s deranged footsteps isn’t really a good look.
Kidnapping a quirkless kid because they won’t be missed? Sure. Forcing them to do “Villainy”? Nah. Quirkless kids are worthless (everyone knows that) just recruit someone with a properly Villainous-quirk instead. If you just want to write whump, have them rescue him from some kind of sadistic cage-match set-up instead, at least that would give the Villains a good motive to traumatize him (nobody would bet on the quirkless kid, but holy shit look at the violent little bastard go).
And “morally grey means that I’m just better than you people”? Ugh. I get that trying to write an “and our hero swoops in and saves the day”-fic is difficult to do when the problem is a societal one instead of someone trying to punch people in the face, but geez.
It’s just... I really don’t understand this fandom sometimes.
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kiseiakhun · 23 days
Reading up on invasive plants continue to be a mistake because now that the garlic mustard's died back I am instead seeing dog-strangling vine everywhere. Admittedly Vincetoxicum rossicum and Vincetoxicum nigrum are pretty metal names but they really are out there blanketing the edge of every disturbed field and choking out the rest of the plant life...
#plant talk#t#i was interested in them for fibre reasons so at least i won't have to feel bad for harvesting them#this is a big reason why I'm trying to familiarize myself with invasive plants tbh#it's easy to confuse them with native milkweed at first but they're starting to flower now and the flowers are very distinct#i actually spent like 3 hours last night comparing their flowers to flowers of other milkweeds/dogbanes#because i was like there's SO many of them 😰#but... i guess that's what invasive plants do...#another way to tell them apart from native milkweeds is that the milkweeds are all being munched on by caterpillars#(not monarch caterpillars. these ones were black)#(there are other leptidora that are obligate herbivores on milkweed but i don't know what they are)#soooo. yikes.#these vines don't strangle dogs btw. no one knows why they're called that#i was gonna see if i could get anything workable out of garlic mustard but i waited too long#but Canada did release those weevils that only feed on garlic mustard so i don't think they're as big of an issue anymore#at least compared to these#which afaik don't really have any biological controls#if i harvest them I'll probably have to harvest in the evening right before the sun sets because i saw them growing among something that#looks suspiciously like ragweed. which is fine aside from the allergies. but ragweed also looks like wild carrot and wild parsnip#which are ABSOLUTELY NOT FINE and they will burn you like acid if you touch their sap and then go into the sun#no thank you !!#there's a few common plants that look like wild parsnip#but uhhhhhhh I'm not touching that lol#also found some wild grapes growing with them though! yum 😋#i don't care much for the grapes but the young shoots are sooooo good if you cook them up. they taste lemony
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redkelpfish · 1 year
Batman but Damian slips up and calls Duke “Thomas” in the field and now people are accosting every single teen and young adult named Tom-adjacent anything
They get desperate and Duke is quite frankly offended they’ve moved onto white boys
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mxdotpng · 8 months
best part abt having an ff14 oc is creating side content for ur wol's character development, completely unrelated to the msq going on
#.text#lately ive been thinking about how the 'traitor' nonsense in stormblood never gets addressed.#like how the garleans found rhalgr's reach and zenos can just waltz in.#so i used that to finally FINALLY fit in something ive been trying to put into the story for YEARS#upon walking into rhalgr's reach for the first time. the undercover traitor. a scientist who works for garlemald. like instantly#recognizes adaline. because he was one of the scientists who helped create her - and one of the ones eventually punished for her escape.#so he took it upon himself to complete his assigned task And bring their wayward expiriment back.#originally in one of addie's very very first drafts. when i first played the game. and when she was like still a human and not#some sort of fleshy robot clone thing. lol#she had a brother named beau. i think im going to bring him back as sir scientist here#he gets caught for recognizing her and thinks quickly. he could use this. so he pretends to be her long lost brother#(a lie) who has been searching for her ever since she disappeared (the truth). and since addie doesnt have any memories#nor does she even know she was Created rather than born. not yet. its not like she can say hes lying.#even if she knows something is wrong...#need this. so a) there are Seeds there for his 'i was created' event and b) so he finally has a reason and an ending to her sudden#'who was i' thoughts. like lately shes been wondering what his life was like Before the amnesia. and this is like#a very sudden and very convenient thing for her to happen. so shes suspicious. and honestly is a little too willing to let it happen#even if his default nature is distrusting.#but it also gives an easy out for trying to figure out When the twins find out addie is a weapon. bc i was never sure where to put that#but here is good. here is good#im literally a genius. smartest writer ever. ok maybe not but also yes#adaline rozovy
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polyphonial-old · 1 year
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@maileesque iblings......
[image id: two sketches of my ocs. the one on the left is cass, a girl with straight long hair and bangs. she has big round eyes and a button nose. she smiles at the viewer, her hair and cape flowing behind her. she holds a smiling mask halfway covering her face with one hand and waves with the other.
the one on the right is a bust drawing of ed, a guy. he has a nose with a bump, thin lips, a hooded eye with an eyebag under it, and a spiky eyebrow. his straight, slightly spiky hair goes down to the base of his neck and half of it is pulled back, indicated by a little doodle of his side profile. he also has a splash shaped scar covering the left side of his face and stretching down to the side of his neck and shoulder. his left eye is not open fully due to his scar. end id.]
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slushrottweiler · 2 years
hi slush!! i hope ur day is going super well!!
i would like to officially ask for dexx and rynne's hands in marriage please and thank you
Rynne is truly honoured, but she has a few stipulations.
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Dexx… might need you to explain yourself further.
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