#like the collector is unpredictable and that makes him worrying
sergeantsporks · 2 years
It is so weird how much less stressed I am for “For the Future” than I was for “Thanks to Them”
Like, in terms of power, the Collector is LEAGUES above Belos. They DESTROYED him the last time they met. And both the Collector AND Belos are out there. They’re now dealing with TWO problems. But it is SO much less scary now that the kids know Belos is out there.
Belos is still dangerous, but at least they know he’s alive, and they know he can possess people. At least I’m not sitting in dread, like at a horror movie screaming “Behind you!” as Belos slinks around with the kids unaware. Probably the worst possible case scenario with Belos has already happened (knock on wood). Belos is still a formidable villain, and he’s still to be feared, but he doesn’t have the element of surprise on the kids anymore, and that is SUCH a relief.
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sepublic · 2 years
            I love ragging on Belos but also DAMN he’s fiendishly clever. Like let’s analyze his ‘reunion’ with the Collector;
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         Gets caught, Collector is suspicious and scared? Belos immediately calms him down by making the Collector feel in control over his own spell he openly doubted, pointing to the moon symbol on Raine’s forehead; Telling this kid not to worry about his most immediate question! And then Belos justifies the anomaly by playing along with the wishful fantasy rules of a kid who believes in the magic of friendship! Anything can happen, so no need to question any further, he flatters the child.
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         Then there’s his next line, in which Belos warns the Collector that he’s in danger, which is incredibly vague and could mean anything; And in the couple of seconds it takes the Collector to react in derision, Belos figures out he needs to be more specific and how to elaborate on this, claiming someone is going to betray the Collector.
         Note that he never name-drops anyone on his own, because Belos doesn’t really know who’s around the Collector, other than Odalia. But just in case, he keeps it vague so the Collector can provide an answer for him, the first person he’d assume, and thus the one whose betrayal he fears the most: King!
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         Belos latches onto that. He sees King isn’t here, so he asks where is he? Note he doesn’t give an answer, doesn’t make any claims because he doesn’t KNOW anything. Belos is trying to avoid saying something that can be contradicted later on, so he keeps it vague by throwing a very simple, ‘safe’ question that nevertheless makes the kid doubt.
         The Collector watches, is reassured, looks back to Belos to brag! Then he checks again, sees what King said, and looks away. The kid is concerned, but he’s not jumping to any conclusions, and you may think, oh! This is where he checks again, just to be sure.
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         And that’s when Belos drops the bombshell; Luz is here. And as he so cleverly plans, this revelation shocks the Collector, distracting them from checking on King again to hear what he ACTUALLY meant. Because Belos doesn’t know for sure how genuine King is or not, but either way, the less this kid is actually in touch with the outside world, the easier it is for Belos to control the narrative and filter all information through himself. The kid has seen enough to doubt, no need for him to find out more and potentially clarify.
         Likewise, Belos has been manipulating this kid for hundreds of years; Like it or not, the Collector is the longest relationship he’s ever had in his life, by a long shot. He knows the kid’s psychology in and out, he knows exactly which buttons to press, and he guesses at how jealous the Collector can get. If he’s friends with King and holds him in high regard, then King has probably told him about Luz during the time they’ve been hanging out. 
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        And that Collector is an insecure kid… So Belos creates an Us VS Them scenario, plays into the Collector’s worst fears of King replacing him for Luz (gee, it’s like Philip speaks these insecurities from experience). The fact that Belos himself contributed deeply to the Collector’s trust issues, and is now using them is just. Ugh.
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         Now Luz is something Belos DOES know about, having inhabited Hunter, knowing she followed right behind him and does plan to change things, and herself doesn’t know any more than he does; If anything, she knows less! So Belos is a lot more free to make claims about Luz’s motives and goals here, because he actually knows them for the most part. Luz is something Belos can guarantee and thus reliably interpret for the Collector to support his claim.
        That creates an unpredictable element that unsettles the kid, pair that up with the ambiguity of what King said (never checked back on, due to Belos diverting the Collector’s attention) and you’ve got the perfect recipe to manipulate this child all over again… An empty sandbox the Collector can’t verify from which Belos can craft a new narrative with, and anytime something comes along that can be interpreted in its favor, like the ending of the episode? You betcha.
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         God he’s so smart, so confident that you might not even notice at first how baseless Belos’ claims are. You’d understandably think he actually DID somehow know, and wasn’t just adapting and having good luck in guessing! Imagine society if Belos weaponized his autism for actual good.
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dark-night-hero · 1 year
Imagine being Nuevillette significant other.
Imagine always carrying an umbrella with you no matter how sunny and cloudy it is although out the day. It was just a hobby you developed ever since you started dating the Chief Justice of Fontaine. After all, he could be unpredictable sometimes.
Imagine waiting a bit faraway within the city for your lover to get off at work. Currently playing with some otter on the water surface as they reminds you of a certain someone when you felt something on your shoulder only to be dropped by a rain drop on your head followed by another and another until it started getting heavy causing you to let out a sigh and stood up before opening your umbrella.
Imagine humming to yourself as you make your way to the court only to see a familiar figure standing in the middle of the rain as much as to you dismay. Approaching him, you wordlessly place half of the umbrella over his head as he then look down to face you. "It's alright, my love."
Imagine when things are not good for the two of you and were often needed a break for a very heated argument. Not even a day or two but it has been already raining none stop outside your house and just outside your house as if it was not annoying enough at the same time, it was quite funny to see.
Imagine, the thing about being with Nievillette is that whenever he was with you, it never rains. And even if it was raining, it never last for long. Just like now. As you warp one of your arms around his soaked figure as you kept the other firmly holding up the umbrella right above your head. As you kept telling him words of assurance, that it was okay, it was alright. It would be alright.
Imagine as the last rain drop fell from the sky, as you kept tapping him on his back as his face kept burried on your neck. You gently smile to yourself before setting down the umbrella as the rays of sunshine hits the two of you.
"My love." You felt him humm against your skin, refusing to pull away from the comfortable embrace. "My love we should get going, you're soaking wet. You need to get change before you get sick." "I ain't as weak as you think of me, darling." "Yes, yes. But that won't stop me from worrying. Come on, let's go."
Imagine as the two of you walk hand in hand in the streets of Fontaine as the two of you walked and talked on your way home with one of you obviously soaked wet from the rain and the other slightly damped for some obvious reasons. It only gives smile on their street as it was something they already knew about and they have not seen this for a while now.
[ⓒdark-night-hero] 2023°
: I haven't played genshin for a while now. But as a daddy collector, I refuse to let this man go. (Ily Kaeya)
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catboy-artist · 2 months
Anyway theories about what sort of action we might be seeing in the second half of Ch2 and in Ch3 (WARNING: LONG HYPERFIXATION RAMBLING UNDER THE CUT)
So, looks like so far there’s drama with the volcano god in the area, and that’s why there’s such a big storm. Kendal noticed this and seemed worried about it, and I’m betting next page he’s going to explain to Erin how exactly Rakhn is a problem. Right now Kendal doesn’t seem more worried than normal “there’s a problem” level of worried (I think he might be compartmentalizing that ominous Collector dream warning for later) but then again it’s Kendal so him seeming calm doesn’t really tell us the actual difficulty level of the encounter beyond “well it’s not bad enough to be a crisis right out the gate”.
As for the actual encounter itself, I think the current issue is that Rakhn might not like floof gang entering (that lava projectile looked extra targeted). Either way it was noteworthy enough to set off Kendal’s god sense so. This isn’t really anything we don’t already know
What I’m more curious about is where Dainix comes into this. See, there are many, many, MANY chekov’s guns pointing towards this arc putting him in particular through the torment nexus (on top of him generally having a bad time out on the ocean), and poor guy is really not doing good right now. Like in the last shot he was in, he was GLOWING??? Like what’s up with that? Could just be a nightmare, but I saw another guy in the comments theorize that the volcanic weather stuff is contributing to him not feeling good right now. That is a good theory but it doesn’t answer the question of why he’s so important in this arc.
The chill montage right before The Plot showed up conveniently showed where everyone is. The boys are still below deck, and they’ll have to notice that something is happening eventually. And I like the “the volcanic weather is making it worse” theory because it conveniently forces him to be involved and important (otherwise he’s just sort of out of commission and that doesn’t make sense) and makes it unpredictable what will happen with him.
Now, later on, I do think poor guy will end up in the ocean somehow. There’s many chekov’s guns related to how firefloof form interacts with water -it’s not hurt by water, but smothering him when he’s only partially on fire does seem to shut it down, and we also know that him drowning does cause it to activate. And, like come on, “good thing I’m never going down there”? Now you’re just ASKING for it. Maybe Kendal too since someone took the time to point out he doesn’t always need to breathe. Falst is the only person who we know can actually swim so he might jump in to save someone but maybe not.
Speaking of, what the hell is up with the mermaids? They showed up in one panel just kinda vibing. Are they going to try to help floof gang? Or are they a part of this fight? Mermaid pirates or sirens could make for an interesting foe, but I have a hard time seeing how that would make sense when the volcano god seems to be the main issue here. It might make more sense for them to be a chekov’s gun that’ll show up to save floof gang later.
Anyway all of this is to say I’m very excited to see what happens next and I can think of SEVERAL ways for wholesome shipping torment to occur along the way. As for toxic fan bait I guess we’ll just have to see what she means by that
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she-karev · 7 months
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📚Book Review📚
5/5 Stars! ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
“The problem with books is that they end. They seduce you. They spread their legs to you and pull you inside. And you go deep and leave your possessions and your ties to the world at the door and you like it inside and you don’t want for your possessions or your ties and then, the book evaporates. You turn the page and there is nothing and we are both crying.”
Here is my first book of 2024 and the first monthly book review I will officially start today. For the month of February AKA the month of Valentine’s Day, I decided to read a book that accurately represents my love life ha-ha. I just have one word for this book…wow. And that wow is an acronym for Wow Oh Wow. I bought this book last Tuesday and I haven’t put it down ever since. It was so enticing that I read it everywhere I went, in school, in bed, at the hair salon, even at my cousin’s baby shower! It took me 7 days to finish all 422 pages and it was worth it! Don’t worry there will be NO SPOILERS ahead for those that didn’t read the book or see the show.
I could lie and tell you I read the book before seeing the TV series but I didn’t. Regardless, that didn’t stop the rollercoaster suspense I rode while reading this thriller. Because that’s what it was like to read it from the point of view of a narcissistic stalker. Joe Goldberg was more unstable, unpredictable, and delusional in the book than he was in the show. At least in the show you could see the super handsome Penn Badgley and not be as creeped out as you should’ve been. It’s different from the book because there is no A-List actor to ogle over there’s just a man who invades the first pretty girl he sees come into his shop. Yet the way he charms Beck in the book is the same for us because he has us convinced, he is the last true romantic in New York. There were times when I felt crazy like Joe and obsessed with Beck like him and I almost believed that his actions were justified when he was committing them.
It’s rare to entrap the readers into the mind of their characters and I applaud the author, Caroline Kepnes, for achieving it. She made us experience the other side of what most women today experience in this modern and technological world. Social media essentially makes us targets for people like Joe Goldberg and it’s easy to write it when it’s happening to us but from the person that does it? It takes talent and perception.
The way Joe tells the story makes it seem romantic in his viewpoint but it’s suspenseful to read it and wonder what his next move will be. I was reading it anxious of when he was gonna get caught and the pacing of it was so good. His moods were unpredictable and I never knew if he was gonna kill someone, he felt was unworthy of Beck or just because he was ready to snap from Beck ignoring him.
As far as thrillers go I highly recommend this one if you want a modern The Collector. If you think the TV series will compensate for the book, think again because you don’t know what you’re missing. Pick it up and give it a try if you’re looking for a spine-chilling masterpiece because that is exactly what the great Caroline Kepnes gave me this month.
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solar-serpent · 2 years
(+18) 10 things about your soulmate pt. 2
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Since someone already asked for it, I bring you guys a new list of 10 messages that would help you identify the energy of your future partner or spouse. Just think of your intention before picking one pile (or two? We are never too greedy in matters of the heart) from below.
I warn you: this reading is like a Pandora Box 😈. Once opened, you can expect anything to come out! Such as your SO's personality, physical description, career, preferences at sexy time (guaranteed) or a direct message for you.
English is not my mother language, so please bear with me.
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Pile I → Pile II
Pile III → Pile IV
✨Pile I✨
To honor the masculine energy from this pile I'm going to use he/him to address the person being described here, ok? He is an inventor. He might be an engineer or scientist. His mind goes so fast! I was bombarded with images as soon as I pulled one card and I felt he experienced the same with his innovating ideas. He got a great imagination and intuition, and tends to hold his chin frowning when he's pondering over an idea. Plenty of "Eruka!" moments. Jimmy Neutron’s vibes. For some of you, this could be your future spouse.
Not going to lie. This person could be Asperger or be within the autistic spectrum. He’s highly functional, but his social skills and the way he deals with intimacy is not what you might expect or had encountered before. This is a brutally honest man. He means no harm, I would even say he remains innocent and incorruptible, but he lacks tack. Plus, he enjoys being alone a little bit too much and can lose all sense of time easily.
He is a star in his job field. He's known for his polemic ideas and inventios. Has earned many prices and recognition from their professors and well-known people. He's like a celebrity. This person seeks glory and surpasses himself all time. He's goal oriented, ambitious, and hard-working.
He looks like a golden retriever. I swear I'm not making this up, lol. Light curly hair, brown eyes under thick glass, rounded face (which makes him look younger), and a dimple or scar on his chin. He likes wearing flannel shirts, the green one he owes is his favorite. They're a walking cliché. He looks like a nerd and is a very cute one.
His personality is as complex as his feelings. He’s easily misunderstood, people think he’s too caught up with his own ideas, heavily criticized for his hyper focus. He has experienced rejection his whole life, leading him to be a hermit by choice and focus on his interests alone. A random fact: he has a comfort item. I think it could be an action figure from their childhood. He could a be collector as well.
Despite of all the above mentioned, they're kind and funny. Sometimes a bit childish, too. He's genuinely a good person, yet a bit obnoxious and detached. Gets excited quickly and he is bright like the sun! Got a big wide smile. If he chose you like his friend, you would belong to his inner circle forever.
He’s patient and methodical. He operates the same way in love. You will feel under no pressure by his side and like you're dating a celebrity, but he's too focused on his work/interests and will make you wait for days/weeks to go meeting you. He might give you the impression he is not interested in you at all, but big news! He has acted the same way towards past lovers and he hasn’t learned anything from then. It's only his fault his dating life is dead.
You might feel insecure by his side because of his continuous absent or how slowly your relationship seems to evolve. He is sort of well-off, the smartest person you've ever met, and good looking... "I bet the ladies are throwing themselves at him when I am not around", could be one recurrent thought of yours. He can seem unpredictable to you, too. But let me tell you two secrets: I swear this person is not fully asexual/aromantic by a biological miracle, so some worries of yours would be unfounded. Secondly, they might not be overly affectionate, but they would be both fascinated and touched by your warm and care. This relationship has a karmatic quality to it. You two could’ve ignored people and hurt them in the past, were self-absorbed and lost in vanity, one of you or both had to deal with a narcissistic parent. You would be projecting on each other.
You're an insecure person and this relationship will hit your Achilles's heel in order to heal your wounds and expand your conscious. You're probably used to fast paced situationships which would be the opposite from this one. But you're not the only one here to be challenged, dear. Your person got to learn to listen and understand his lover and see you're more than a pretty face and a baby maker... He is old fashioned in the sense he thinks he should tight the knot and reproduce with the person he dates for the longest.
In sex they could be into role-playing. He would pretend to purchase the services of the most alluring and dangerous female fatale in town, or you would have to pretend you're guilty of charges and your lover would handcuff you before passing down the sensual punishment on you. He also likes sex in the water but making it comfortable with candle lights around, soft music playing on the background and he might even insist on washing you. He would pour liquid soap on your tits then proceed to rub and massage them tenderly, delighting himself at the erotic image and your loud moans. You can expect to spend a Saturday night within a jacuzzi or a private hot spring with your sweetheart. He's fascinated with the idea of having sex in the rawest and more natural way… yes, with the idea of creating life.
I'm glad you've made it so far! I hope this reading was to your liking and I would love to read your thoughts if want to share them on the replies.
I can give you a "10 messages of your soul mate" reading for a reasonable price, so feel free to contact me for more info.
I do accept tips or donations through this link.
✨Pile II✨
I’m getting prominent masculine energy from this pile, so I will address this person as a man for a matter of convenience. He’s facing the same hardships from a colleague student or a rookie at his work field. He hates capitalism and his current job. He might feel misunderstood or pressured by his parents and/or society, but he’s too proud to open up about his worries or problems with his friends. You already know this young man or you’re about to. You will know it’s him by how thin he looks, the dark shadows under his eyes and his five o’clock beard.
He would like hanging out with you. It distracts him from his drawbacks, plus he feels you’re sticking out for him in a different way. You don’t ask him difficult questions, you focus on having a good time and his comfort. You would be worry of his health, and he finds enticing you would always suggest meeting at a place where you can have a meal and chat in a relax environment.
I hope you haven’t been disappointed by the first hint I dropped at his appearance. He’s slender, yes, but possesses muscles in all the right places and wide shoulders. White complexion and defined cheek bones, people joke about him almost being casted as a vampire in the Crepuscule movies or something along those lines. He’s tall and has a fine bone structure, this man possesses such a sex appeal and his masculinity is fully displayed. There’s a queue of females hoping to get his attention.
There would be a high sexual tension between the two. He knows he should be focusing on reaching his goals first and settling down later, but he can never ignore your calls and would try to leave some time in his schedule to go meeting you. He won’t be able to shake you off from his thoughts, but not everything in the garden is rosy, dear. He tends to castrate himself from pleasure in favor of status and success. He relies on security a lot and he’s also the type to believe he can’t commit to a partnership if he doesn’t have the resources to provide for his lover. He might find himself at odds about what to do with your connection.
This man is emotionally complex. He’s a serious and logical person, but he acts fatherly at times and is empathetic with the people he cares about. Lowkey, he seeks for compression and to have emotional connection with the other. He would like to be friendlier and vulnerable, but I think he missed the chance to nurture that tender side of his as he once was a child required to grow up quickly. He would instinctively hide these truths from you because he’s ashamed.
He hates to be treated like a child or nuisance, yet he’s infatuated with you and your motherly affection and thoughtfulness (mother issues detected). He’s quick to feel guilt and you might notice when he’s feeling remorseful around you. He’s a terrible liar. I sense he directs his anger towards himself alone, he doesn’t have issues with facing off, it just… it’s useless to him. He might be half diplomatic, half profit-seeking, so he might not upset anyone that could be useful to him. This stubborn and proud man would give the cold shoulder instead.
He is into outdoor activities, he feels called to be close to nature, thus you could go hiking together or taking a stroll in a park. He’s definitely a dog person, he might owe a dog and you might end up in a date in a dog park or having a picnic day and he took his dog along. He is a magnet to animals, so don’t get surprised when all the strays come running to be petted by him. At this point it’s painfully obvious he’s an Earth sign. If you google “Capricorn” and search for images, the first to pop up would show you a picture of his face.
He’s a mother’s dream son-in-law, lol. He seems to be popular around elders, mothers and daughters. He’s well educated, polite, accommodating, and money orientated. People will trust him quickly and believe he got a great future ahead. But he can’t help to feel he’s being watched all time. The expectations of others on him pressure him to surpass and innovate himself over and over. He got to deal with a lot of stress in his daily life because of this. Thanks to his unique circumstances, he was able to fully cultivate his cognitive intelligence and become a great advisor. He could be a law or psychology student.
Not going to lie to you. Your connection might feel highly therapeutic to each other, but specially to him. We got he has issues with being vulnerable, yet he would find himself opening up to you slowly. There would be times when he would just spill the beans and feel embarrassed later. Whenever he’s feeling frustrated or like venting, his speech would turn sharp and slightly violent. It would feel like you’re watching a play, you could find it dramatic and incredible how deeply this man’s feelings can run. You will pity him, but can empathize with him, too. Both will share a sense of mutual protection and trust. A traumatic confession might turn into a night of passionate sex.  
It’s an all-or-nothing-in-bed type of person. He’s into practices that seek “trust” and “vulnerability” and that might inspire fear to the inexperience. I’m not talking about dark or forbidden sex per se, but he’s diffidently into bondage, blindfolding, gagging, sex toys, and dom-sub dynamics. You can expect him to pin down your wrists above your head while he’s thrusting into you, and giving you deep kisses that would leave you without oxygen if they last a bit longer. He’s an intense lover, and once he had left all inhibitions behind, he would go wild below the sheets. You wouldn’t have to worry about being mistreated, since he would be sticking out for you inside and outside the bedroom.
I'm glad you've made it so far! I hope this reading was to your liking and I would love to read your thoughts if want to share them on the replies.
I can give you a "10 messages of your soul mate" reading for a reasonable price, so feel free to contact me for more info.
I do accept tips or donations through this link.
✨Pile III✨
I’m getting a lot of feminine energy from this pile. This could be a woman but if you’re into men, this one is not afraid to express his divine feminine energy. He’s tender hearted, thoughtful and serene. He’s a natural teacher, people are attracted to him because they’re sure they could learn something from him, even if they don’t know what exactly. He might give off the image he’s a religious man or highly spiritual. He’s a luminous being, children and animals are attracted to him. His chart is a curious mix of Taurus, Aquarius and probably Gemini.
He might not be very talkative, though. He rather listens, watches and then act. He’s sort of a prodigy, he’s fairly young but he was gifted with wisdom and fortune in regard of opportunities and/or wealthiness. He’s like a hermit, he would warm up to others, but wouldn’t allow them to get too close. He might feel used by people and then discarded at times or it’s a primal fear of his, but I’m getting it’s him who does not know how to set healthy boundaries.
I’m going to be frank with you. You will have to chase after him and gain his trust. This is a challenge and although you might feel discouraged at times by the seemly lack of progress, you would recharge your motivation each time you are recalled of his potential and the loving person he actually is (while it’s charming you believe in him, beware of making up too many excuses for him). I know it might not be enough or worth the effort for some people, your friends might even try to dissuade you from wooing this person, but he could’ve reminded you of your past self and that’s why you wouldn’t give up easily on him. This pile is for the go-getters that were timid once and the people who has not confessed their love for anyone ever. This man would inspire you to try new things and get in contact with the side of you that still believes in romance.
This is not a heartless or invincible person. He won’t ignore you if you approach him to talk or to seek advice, he’s always eager to provide guidance and to have intellectual exchanges. He responds to kindness and humbleness very well, so you will be able to melt the ice wall between you eventually. This could be the best student of your class or your boss’s son, for some reason or another you two can't avoid to interact since you belong to the same community. You might bond over light themes like a favorite tv show, music, food or pet peeves… He will be very invested in the conversations you have and might find your perspective on things really innovated or the way you speak is witty and full of emotions.
Oh my, Cupid's arrow will hit this man and he might not realize it right away. He could start overthinking of your conversations and the way he would like to pick up where you left next time he meets you. He wouldn’t be fully aware of how often he’s reminded of you. You might catch him staring at you from afar or approaching you to ask you for small and almost absurd favors. You might find yourself thinking, “it’s really simple. Why is he asking me to do that?” His odd behavior will confuse you since he’s unable to tell what’s wrong or what he wants from you. You would frustrate him equally while making him experiment new emotions. I’m getting this person is not known for dating or engaging in love affairs, but you would shake his resolve.
He doesn’t fool around. He’s worry of hurting people so that’s partly the reason why he doesn’t go for flings either. He’s sensible yet ignorant of the emotional world and stuff like romance or dating. He might not see it as a necessity, plus he´s under too much academic or professional pressure to care for those things. But he´s tempted, you know? This connection would take off when the Universe is inviting you both to do some inner work and integrate major changes. He’s only slow-witted when it comes to relationships, so it might take him some time to digest and start acting on his feelings consciously. You will wake him up and make him realize of his longings and the neglected parts of himself.
I don’t know how old some of you are, since I’m getting messages for seemly young people and some of you might be older but new to love experiences. This connection will bring you a lot of “firsts”, like your first date, love confession or sex encounter. You will explore together the stars and while that could be an allusion for pleasure, there’s something about nighttime, secrecy and making wishes that would be important to you. I’m getting you will go star sighting or on a date in a planetary museum. None might feel comfortable sharing with the rest you’re seeing each other or you would wait until you’re officially together to release the news. You would be very intimate with each other and exchange your deepest secrets.
I think he’s an old soul. This hasn’t stopped him from learning and trying new stuff, though. He speaks multiple languages, do well with math and could be interest in one specific culture (he might be a descendant of immigrants then it’s his culture). He’s very artsy and might excel at activities like sewing, cooking and cleaning. He’s into painting, doodling and making jewelry. He’s an overall clean person, like mentally and physically. He could be an architect, teacher or nurse at present or later on.    
This connection could suffer some delays. He might need to go overseers for work/studies or you might need to focus on working on your thesis (in case you don’t belong to the same class). This is a general reading so the scenarios will be different for everyone, what I can tell you right now it’s you would be texting each other a lot until you can finally meet again. I can tell you might lose easily to each other and forget about the real world and responsibilities. It might even happen so often that you would be facing hard consequences later and “those delays” are actually you two dealing with jobs behind or unattended life areas. Be careful guys, you might fall hard for this person and would be required to mature sooner if you want this relationship to last.
He is a massive freak in the sheets. His fantasies would leave you speechless. He’s into handcuff, blindfolding, belts and oral sex. He’s such a dom! He wants to immobilize you and make you beg for his cock. He will get you to scream out of pleasure. He can come off like too intense and he will thrust slowly and in depth you. He might not mutter a word during the act, only grunts and heavy breathing. His approach to sex is very intuitive and raw. He might enjoy to be watched by a third party or sex in the open is a go for him. He likes to fuck, he’s not cute in the sheets and he might have to hold himself a little so he’s not too rough on you. While he’s not very emotional involved during the act, he’s all into aftercare and cuddling and would seek your praise.
I'm glad you've made it so far! I hope this reading was to your liking and I would love to read your thoughts if want to share them on the replies.
I can give you a "10 messages of your soul mate" reading for a reasonable price, so feel free to contact me for more info.
I do accept tips or donations through this link.
✨Pile IV✨
Another pile with prominent masculine energy, thus I will use he/him to address this person. He’s known for being a lucky person and quick-witted. He got expressive and bright eyes, they could be green or light brown. He’s tall with long limbs and with a good sense of fashion. I don’t know why I’m seeing the image of a man wearing a tuxedo. I suspect he might have to dress formally because of his job, although I can´t tell whether he’s a salary man at present or still a student. He has a youthful appearance that can fool anyone about his real age, plus his personality is warm like melted caramel and charming. He’s the type to gift lollipops to children and flowers to ladies. He might not even suspect that’s a sign of flirting for the latter case, so yeah, he can be oblivious too.
He’s cunning yet he doesn’t have anything to hide or his every action is see-through to anyone. He might be a childhood friend or someone you would get along so well and have such a familiarity with that you might feel like you’ve known each other forever. You might have a group of friends in common or you would start interacting more openly during an event or game. I can sense people around, but the way he would treat you is different, almost intimately and you couldn’t help to feel all fussy inside yet very confused. You might believe he’s hard to read and would obsessively compare the way he addresses you with how he speaks to the others. I see a lot of overthinking and suspicion coming from you, but let me enlighten you, the experience would be real and his interest for you genuine.
You might’ve gone through a recent breakup or there would be something haunting you (could be mental illness or having too much on your plate) by the time he would display full interest in you. It could’ve started with him noticing you were down and wanting to cheer you up, then he would get more engaged after knowing you farther. You might not take him seriously at the beginning, you might think of him like a clown or someone out of your league (I’m sorry to say this, but some of you might not admit he’s out of your league so you called him a “clown” instead to delude yourself.) Trust issues detected, but they do come from you, not him. He would still persist on getting closer to you and eventually you would warm up to him.
He’s into games and sports, so he might challenge you to compete on your area of expertise. You might be a sporty person too, or you’re more into gaming or board games. He’s super versatile, he can do all those, but he would definitely follow your lead. His love language is providing quality time, so he will try to make the most out of the time you spend together. He wants to have fun and this person is mentally restless, so I see him asking you questions or going for intellectual exchanges. He would fascinate you and leave you breathless at times. You might feel like this is the first time someone has ever gave you so much attention or like you’re hanging out with the most interesting person around. He has anecdotes to share and he’s so good at storytelling.
He will take you on an emotional roller-coaster or any equally adrenaline ride. If you’re a bit closed-up or got issues opening up to others, you will to this person and he would become your best friend. This connection might not have tittles for a while, but it would be painfully obvious to anyone your confidants and into each other. He would want to introduce you to his friends and take you to parties, but don’t worry, he will keep an eye on you all time and he would be fairly protective of you too. He’s a social butterfly and he will attempt to make you get loose a little. He might come off a bit forceful at first, only because he got your best interest at heart, but you got to tell him when to stop or whenever you’re feeling uncomfortable and he will back off. Remember, none of you is a mind reader, so communication would be key for this connection.
This connection will trigger positive changes for both and getting expansion within social and emotional areas. I think this person is too good on putting on a “everything is fine” mask, so you might have troubles seeing him for who they are or not idealizing him, but with time this mask will crumble down and you will see the human behind and the unattended wounds. He might be friendly and popular, but he too got trust issues. He doesn’t usually speak about his hardships or emotions with others, so your friendship would be really special to him by providing him a safe space to vent and be himself. You would have to be a little bit patient with him since he might not fully realize his romantic feelings for you until later. He’s dense as a rock when it comes to love. He might be a bit of a flirt, but if you confront him about it, he would tell you he’s only being nice to people. He’s not lying to you, but I get why it might still annoy you. Here’s a secret: he might turn uncharacteristically shy and loss at words before the one he's crushing on.
He’s someone who is very sensual and possesses the gift of timing. The pauses in his speech, the side looks or the seconds it would take him to bite his lower lip and release it look rehearsed by how smoothly they’re conveyed. This is not someone loud or childish per se, but he might be filterless when speaking and he cannot stay put on one place. He’s always ready to go on an adventure and will drag companions along. You might not like him upon meeting him. You might find him inconsiderate, fake-ish, and a show up. This is the type of person you tend to ignore based on your own prejudges until he managed to turn the table on you. I don’t think you’re bad people pile 4, I see you will be projecting your longings on this person. You actually wish you were like him and are bit envious of his outgoing personality. Just remember you have good qualities too and this person's admiration for you is not an illusion, they would like you for who you are.        
You might like wearing jewelry or have a special attachment to some type of clothing. This man too, so you might find him the most attractive when he’s wearing that jacket or you find yourself staring often at a necklace or piercing he always wears. He’s a “main character” in your opinion yet this person would want to please you and might even let himself be bossed around by you. He sees a queen bee in you, his queen bee, and will shove you in front a mirror so you can see the masterpiece you truly are.
This connection has the potential to be one unforgettable and like a romance of a fairy tale, but both will need to work hard for that. You would need to be more trusting, since I see you ignoring him for a long time or playing hard to get. This person is not a victim nor a saint either. His obliviousness can hurt people and they might beat around his feelings for you. He might fear the real shit, you know? You two got to find a way to be vulnerable with each other, otherwise you would be stuck in a friendship that would turn into a psychological torture and you would have no option but to split up.
You might dancing around each other before making a decisive move on your connection like a love confession or stuff, but you have it easier for sex if you both are into casual flings. Well, this person won’t deny you and you might even make his day if you propose to have a night of passion. You can expect he would want you to ride him at some point of your encounter. This person is versatile outside and inside of the bedroom, he can switch from dom to sub at the snap of your fingers. He could wear a gag and be tied up to the headboard while you’re having a feast on his hot body. He would want you to be vocal too, and I’m not talking about moaning loudly or swearing (he might like that, though). He would appreciate if you say you are feeling good, comfortable or not. He is very romantic in bed and he would expect reciprocity, like you opening up to him and trusting him. Sex with him would be passionate and healing.
I'm glad you've made it so far! I hope this reading was to your liking and I would love to read your thoughts if want to share them on the replies.
I can give you a "10 messages of your soul mate" reading for a reasonable price, so feel free to contact me for more info.
I do accept tips or donations through this link.
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mythicamagic · 3 years
Sesskag Week: Day One ‘Green’
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Title: Stop me if you’ve heard this one before
Summary: Kagome witnesses Inuyasha and Kikyo in another loving embrace and runs away, stumbling straight into Sesshoumaru that moonlit night. (My attempt at an old fandom trope.)
Rated T
Words: 4,000
You can read this on Ao3, Dokuga and Fanfiction.net 
AN: I just wanted to try my hand at an old sesskag fandom trope that I reckon was in the height of popularity from the early 2000s- 2010s. Other tropes from that time included Abusive Inuyasha, no one knowing what the canon end or final battle was like, and mokomoko being sentient. Ah...old memories. If this fic feels like it's from a bygone era, well...that was the intention lol. For Sesskag Week Day One - Green.
Standing frozen stiff, Kagome stared ahead. A gasp remained locked behind her teeth. Slim fingers dug into the bark of a tree she'd hidden behind, gazing around the trunk towards a couple cradling each other tightly.
This was the second time. The first had hit harder inside her chest, the slam of heartbreak cracking the fragile shell of first love that had closed around her heart.
But she'd made a promise to Inuyasha; to remain by his side. She needed to get over this haze of green misting her eyes, the jealousy roaring through her veins. Inuyasha and Kikyo used to be lovers, it was perfectly natural and humane to want to hold his lost love.
That didn't make it any easier to see.
In fact, the emotion welling up in her throat threatened to burst louder than before. Fearing the strength of her own reaction, Kagome stepped back. She took another, then another, whirling around to flee into pitch-black darkness.
I wanted to be more mature about this, she thought. The tears stinging her eyes bespoke of her anger, worry, and heartache- like an old wound had been freshly ripped open anew.
Kagome couldn't be understanding or mature, not like poised Lady Kikyo likely could. Kagome was 15, emotive and sparking. She was fire, passion, a roaring flame of anger that could climb so high nothing would stifle it.
Stumbling over tree roots in the dark, quiet woods, Kagome ran blind. When she felt that she'd covered enough ground, far away from the lover's embrace, she stopped abruptly in the middle of a meadow. Sweat beading her temple and throat burning, she threw back her head.
And yelled.
She threw all turbulent emotions into it, crying so loud her windpipe protested. The noise became horse and broken before she stopped.
Standing within that moonlit clearing, Kagome caught her breath, tears threatening to spill over.
"Must you make such noise in the dead of night?" a steady voice drawled.
Her chest constricted, breath halting. Shadows peeled off from the trees, a figure revealing itself under the moonlight.
Kagome blinked hard, trying to fight tears as Sesshoumaru stepped closer. She moved back to keep distance, vaguely wary. Shit, she'd forgotten her weapons.
He wasn't an enemy per se anymore but they weren't exactly allies either. Since he'd adopted that human girl, they seemed to be in more of a stalemate. Nonetheless, the caprice of the Killing Perfection's moods were unpredictable.
"M-my bad, I didn't think anyone was around."
"You cried like a wounded animal," his lips curved, as though enjoying the thought. "Take heed, girl; such wailing will disturb demons with keen hearing- and not all are as forgiving as I tonight."
"Right, duly noted," she mumbled, rubbing her arm. Damn it. She'd just wanted a place to cry. Sesshoumaru was the last person she wanted to feel vulnerable around.
Golden eyes slid up to observe something beyond the trees. Turning to follow his line of sight, her chest constricted- glimpsing a trailing soul collector in the sky.
"Inuyasha's dead priestess uses those creatures, does she not?"
"Y-yeah, they're Kikyo's soul collectors."
His attention returned to her face, resting heavily there. It disquieted her until at length, he finally made a noise. "...Hn."
The Daiyouki smoothly pivoted, walking out of her available vision to meld within thick darkness again, but she sensed him linger beneath the trees, perhaps taking a seat.
"Keep the snivelling to a minimum."
Kagome startled, blue eyes widening. The first tear fell- closely followed by the second. Soon a stream of them flooded down her face, and she crumpled to her knees, palm clasped tight over her mouth as she tried not to sob.
She wasn't sure how or why. How she could suddenly fall apart in front of him when Kagome prided herself on not crying in front of anyone if it were possible. The why also remained a mystery- why did he invite her to stay? Sesshoumaru was not a charitable sort. Perhaps his sadistic streak enjoyed the salt of endless tears.
Kagome stayed there, quivering in the moonlit clearing for a good while, grass cushioning her bare legs, arms wrapped around herself protectively. When at last the sobs abated, she shakily stood.
Without a word to the demon who had watched her like a voyer of her pain, Kagome headed towards the village after piecing herself back together.
She couldn't see Sesshoumaru's expression, nor the way in which citrine eyes followed her figure until she stepped out of sight.
It wasn't like Kagome cried after every damn encounter with Kikyo, though they did leave her worn and exhausted. She felt mighty proud of not bursting into sobs the second Inuyasha's eyes lingered on her a little too long. But Kagome could bear that. She could bear many things.
It was fine, totally fine. She was fine!
Until she wasn't.
It had been two months since that emotional night and thankfully Sesshoumaru hadn't acknowledged her fine display of despair and teenage hormones. In fact, he seemed a little quieter during their encounters while hunting for Naraku, pinpointing her amidst her friends and eyeing her carefully sometimes.
So it was with mild surprise that Kagome stumbled into him again on one such occasion where she needed a good cry. And then again a few weeks after- followed by another encounter near a waterfall a month later. Every time, Sesshoumaru said nothing. He merely waited a respectable distance away, not particularly looking at, nor acknowledging her sorrow as she let out pent up frustrations.
What should be an immensely private thing had changed. Kagome wasn't sure what to feel about it, especially when he began erecting barriers around the area.
Almost like he was ensuring her privacy while continuing to invade it himself.
"W-why…?" she choked out one evening, sitting upon a log with only the Daiyoukai for company. Inuyasha and the others were none the wiser, sitting back at camp further within the forest. "Why are you here, hanging around? Is it fun for you to watch this?" her anger simmered, misdirected.
Sesshoumaru's lazy gaze slid over to her, reclining at the base of a tree. He huffed, drawing a knee up to gracefully drape an arm over it. "Your wailing is an assault on my hearing, I derive no pleasure from this."
"Then what's the deal? I find it hard to believe you're doing it for me."
"Hn, you are correct, I am not," he freely admitted. "This act of concealment is out of acknowledgement. Warriors must not show weakness in battle, nor to anyone but a select few. I am merely ensuring your wish to hide your pain is successful since you are so terrible at doing it yourself," inhuman eyes pinned her in place. Her breath stalled at their intensity. "Your desire to conceal tears and weakness is unexpected for one as emotional as you."
Kagome picked at her fingers. "It's not out of a sense of duty or warrior pride as you seem to think. I just don't like burdening people with my problems. Only...all this energy piles up and explodes out as anger at Inuyasha anyway, I'm not suppressing or hiding anything at the end of the day," she gave a self-deprecating smile. Letting out a long whoosh of air from her lungs, Kagome turned to him.
"For what it's worth, thanks. For uh- concealing me. I still think it's odd that you're going to all this trouble but I'm grateful."
He arched a brow, unruffled and outwardly placid.
Wiping the remaining tears away, she gave a weak smirk. "Urgh, I blubber so loudly over a guy I really shouldn't be in love with. Kinda stupid."
"Indeed," he drawled without sympathy, glancing away.
"And you're still a jerk," she hummed, smiling slightly. But a weird, considerate one. Was it possible to be both considerate and a jerk?
Sesshoumaru did not look at her, tilting his head back to gaze at the branches overhead.
"You 'blubber' so loud a 'barrier' is necessary in order to keep your privacy. Inuyasha would catch your scent otherwise."
"Can Naraku see us like this?"
"The barrier does not mask us from sight, it merely hides scent. It is effective on Inuyasha and other demons but the spider could easily survey us from a distance."
Kagome sighed, rubbing her eyes. "Gotcha," she murmured, falling into a strangely companionable silence with him, before asking; "have you ever been in love?"
His reply was immediate and crisp; "no. Such things are for fanciful beings."
Biting her lip to keep from mentioning his 'Great and Powerful Father' had fallen victim to such fanciful things too, she hummed.
Sesshoumaru frowned in her direction. "Speak."
"I just think- when you do experience love, it's gonna knock you off your feet."
He sneered, "you think yourself an expert on the subject?"
"Gods no! Do I look like one?" Kagome grinned, gesturing to her tear-stained cheeks.
Sesshoumaru searched her face, visibly relaxing slightly. He tilted his head, surveying his sharp nails. "For what it is worth, if I had an opinion on the matter- which I do not," he assured. "I should think your fanciful 'love' emotion is not supposed to cause such pain. I question your dedication to it."
"My feelings for Inuyasha aren't something I can turn off. Believe me, I would if I could," shifting she gazed up at the stars, smiling gently. "Wow, Ursa Major looks so clear and close tonight."
Youki brushed her senses, her only warning. Soft grass crunched beneath boots as Sesshoumaru joined her on the log, sitting beside her. Mokomoko brushed the exposed skin of her knee. His eyes narrowed. "You are referring to the stars?"
Kagome blinked with surprise at his sudden piqued interest, raising a hand to point them out. "Yeah, a constellation. Ursa Major starts there and ends there," her finger drifted.
Sesshoumaru's blank features became lofty, huffing. "That is the incorrect name for it. Those stars are called Satoko."
"Who told you that?"
"My instructor when I was young. And this collection," he reached out, plucking her hand out of the air and redirecting her point to another constellation, "is Mineko, a volcano spirit."
Her skin burned at the contact, feeling his calloused palm, rough from years of training- clasping the back of her hand. Kagome blinked, feeling strange. Her stomach jumped, and she felt grateful and confused when he released her.
"I-I see! Tell me more about them, are they linked to your demonic heritage?" Kagome asked, flexing burning fingers in her lap.
Even hours afterwards, the sensation of warmth and strong youki flitting over her flesh continued to itch at her skin.
"I don't want to talk to you! JUST BACK OFF!"
Inuyasha's expression flickered, open hurt briefly appearing before white ears pinned flat to his skull. "FINE! Go running home again, see if I care!"
Kagome stormed away, hands balled into fists. She didn't call for Kirara to fly her to the well, she couldn't be bothered to haul herself back to the future and continue their long and tired trend of long-distance pining followed by disgruntled reconciliation.
She was tired.
Miroku, Sango and Shippo were tired too, judging from the multiple sighs sounding out behind her.
Before she could step out of earshot, she heard the monk murmuring to Inuyasha, encouraging him to follow her and make up. Likely to save everyone the hassle of another drawn-out spat.
Oh no.
Hadn't anyone listened to what she'd said? She didn't want to be chased in some coy 'let's have a fake argument' way. Real hurt and bone-weary annoyance soured her mood.
Hurrying away, Kagome began to run alongside a stream, jogging through a sparse forest and hoping to put distance between them. So lost in her thoughts of avoiding the Hanyou was she that Kagome burst through a youki barrier without noticing, glancing over her shoulder with paranoia.
By the time she detected wafts of steam brushing her skin, it was too late to stop. She gaped upon facing forward, almost crashing headfirst into a well-sculpted chest.
Long strands of silver against bare skin caught Kagome's dazed attention, gaze travelling up to find golden eyes staring down at her. Sesshoumaru paused half-naked before a hot-spring he'd likely intended on bathing in, tipping his head to one side in a silent demand for explanation.
"Kagome!" a distant voice resounded through the trees.
Panic erupted inside Kagome's heart and she turned to the demon. Her hands latched onto his remaining arm, blue eyes stinging.
She couldn't articulate what she wanted, even though it was so simple. Something thick clogged her throat.
The Daiyoukai lifted his attention to the trees. He then moved swiftly.
Sesshoumaru tossed his red and white hankimono over her, enclosing it tight around her body. It shielded Kagome from sight as her vision became swallowed by white silks.
Kagome jolted as a hard force shoved her down into dewy grass that perspired from heady steam saturating the air. Before she could react to the plains of a lean body pressing against hers, his weight pinning her to the ground, she heard branches shaking. Twigs snapping.
Her loafers were ripped off her feet, tossed somewhere further away. Likely out of sight. She heard them clatter over the sound of her drumming heartbeat, unable to see what was going on.
"What the- Sesshoumaru!" Inuyasha snarled, sounding slightly out of breath. "The fuck are you doing, hanging around here?"
A clawed hand minded the folds of the hankimono apart just enough to expose the side of Kagome's cheek- firm lips pressing against it. She stiffened. Sesshoumaru kissed her skin heatedly, his sigh billowing hot breath over her sensitive skin.
"Clearly I am enjoying myself with a woman. Do not interrupt, whelp."
Kagome could barely breathe, face turning steadily red. She lay frozen, reeling.
"Keh, whatever. Just tell me if you've seen Kagome pass through here."
He must not be able to smell me...
"Can you not keep tabs on a simple miko, brother?" Sesshoumaru purred, his hand gliding over her covered thigh, stroking back and forth. "Did she flee from you? I cannot say I blame her."
A snarl ripped through the hot springs. "Piss off! I'll find her myself!"
Furious sounds of bushes being slashed aside rang out, Inuyasha's swears becoming fainter as he drew further and further away.
Left with a demon straddling her and enclosed in luxurious silks, Kagome exhaled. She blinked, briefly dazed as the cover was lifted from her face, eyes adjusting. Dappled sunlight stretched across Sesshoumaru's face as he lingered close with an unreadable expression.
Kagome swallowed. "Thanks," she managed to say.
She's never been this close to a guy before, well not like this, anyway. Inuyasha carried her on his back or occasionally in his arms if the situation got dire, and they'd hugged. But this felt different.
Sesshoumaru braced himself over her using his one available arm, corded muscles leading down to a tapered waist. He was handsome in an aristocratic, cold sort of way – all hard angles and sharp edges. Her polar opposite. The heat of his bare skin bled through her school uniform, their hips melded together, and Kagome was struck by something painfully obvious that had eluded her until now.
There were...other options besides just Inuyasha.
Clearly, the Hanyou knew this little nugget too, since he flitted between herself and Kikyo.
But really, Kagome hadn't given it much thought. Hojo liked her but was easily dismissed. Kouga liked her but she'd always been too busy to really give him a chance.
And Sesshoumaru?
Her attention was helplessly fixed on him while the demon craned his neck down, scenting her hair.
Sesshoumaru had never been on the table before. Did he even look at her like that?
Golden eyes slanted to meet her, half-lidded. Her stomach did a flip, thighs twitching. Soft pink lips parted, and his attention flew to her mouth, lingering.
Before she could say anything, Inuyasha's voice sounded out somewhere close by again. "Damn it, Kagome! Just come out! Quit hiding!"
Kagome found herself sighing- stilling when she caught Sesshoumaru's dark rumble. His lips peeled back with displeasure, body leaning up and away from hers, climbing off.
Remaining sprawled on the ground for a moment, she calmed her racing heart. Picking herself up unsteadily, Kagome unwrapped the hankimono from around herself, awkwardly folding it as best she could and handing it back.
"I better go."
He inclined his head. "Until next time."
Next time.
Her gut wrenched. The next time she became upset with Inuyasha chasing after Kikyo. Oh wow. It really had become something so commonplace it felt inevitable.
That wasn't right or normal. That wasn't how she wanted to live, was it? Anticipating one crying session after another?
"Actually, let's meet up," she said, setting her shoulders back.
Surprise brightened his gaze. Sesshoumaru's lips twitched, "meet up, hm? You make it sound like an illicit affair."
Her expression darkened, "no. I'm not into that," she snipped, pushing her vindictive mood down. This was not an offer out of petty revenge. She just wanted to see him out of choice for once. "I brought a telescope. Let's use it tomorrow when it gets dark."
He agreed to it, watching her leave in that quiet, interested way he usually did. Kagome glanced back in time to see him partially turned away- hankimono clenched in his grip and lifted to his nose in a careful inhale.
Kagome actually felt quite happy about the meeting. Anticipation had raced through her veins during the entire day, though she didn't breathe a word about it to her friends.
After finishing up her food, she'd hung around camp late into the evening, before inching away with a weak excuse.
She didn't notice Inuyasha's keen eyes trailing after her, too preoccupied with hurrying around a nearby waterfall and retrieving her telescope that she'd hidden behind some rocks earlier.
Carrying the heavy thing up to the crest of a decently sized hill, she staggered upon finding the Daiyoukai already awaiting her at the top.
Kagome stopped and stared. She then felt a genuine smile curve her lips. How strange, that he could invoke such a reaction.
"Did I keep you waiting?"
Sesshoumaru lifted his chin haughtily, grunting. "I am not some lost puppy following you around, miko. I sensed your approach from my camp and generously decided not to stand you up."
Kagome grinned. What a big response. Almost like he was lying.
Giggling softly to herself, she arranged the telescope set, angling it up to face the distant cosmos. "Okay, you're gonna love this. I'm going to bore you with astrology and point out zodiac signs."
"These fancy foreign words do not sound boring," he uttered, leaning in close to view the stars with faint amazement, perhaps not anticipating the clarity of their view. Kagome felt his hip brush her side, her cheeks immediately blazing red. She tried to temper her reaction but failed miserably, looking at him briefly.
His placid features were much too close, familiar dark youki humming in the space between them. Comforting. Golden eyes met hers, ever watchful. Waiting.
They immediately flew apart as though they'd been doing something scandalous, Kagome's heart leaping into her throat.
Inuyasha stood a little ways away, teeth on display, hand resting on his sword. "Get the hell away from her!"
"Inuyasha- wait," she tried to cut in, but Sesshoumaru was quicker. Lifting his remaining hand, he fed youki into it, allowing deadly fingers to elongate into murderous talons. However, much to her surprise, he faced Kagome while flexing them.
"I will kill her if I please, Inuyasha," he rumbled. "She is a mere fanciful human."
Blue eyes widened, but Kagome clocked onto what he was doing immediately. It lingered there under his calm features that he tried to harden into contempt.
He was playing the villain. For her.
Likely out of some misguided desire to keep everything at the status quo, because he believed it would be easier on them both if they weren't seen as friends. Everything halted inside Kagome. She felt like she'd been coasting through her days without really questioning it.
"Bastard!" Inuyasha snarled, ripping his sword from its sheath.
With a strange sense of calm, Kagome raised her head. She then stepped in between them both, placing her fingers atop Sesshoumaru's sharp, transformed ones.
"That's enough," she said quietly, lowering his large hand.
"K-Kagome? What're you doing? Get back!"
"I said; that's enough, Inuyasha!" Kagome grit her teeth, tension gripping her fiercely- until it abruptly left all at once, rendering her exhausted.
"We need to talk," she said softly, gazing at him meaningfully.
Inuyasha blinked, lowering his sword as his ears pricked and lowered.
Turning to Sesshoumaru, she smiled weakly. "We're going to have to cut this meeting short, sorry."
"We can always reschedule."
Kagome gentled, a warmth pooling inside her that she hoped to revisit soon. However, the Daiyoukai hadn't made it three steps away before familiar laughter spread over the vast countryside beyond their hill.
Miasma leaked out of the sky, waning flowers on their stalks and killing the grass, rendering it dulled brown.
Naraku appeared in all his true, villainous glory- at exactly the wrong time nobody wanted to deal with him. However, absolutely no one could ignore this fight, as a completed Shikon jewel rested in the palm of his hand.
Kagome's stomach dropped. She automatically accepted her bow and arrows from Sango and Miroku when they arrived, looking grim-faced and out of breath. Inuyasha lifted his sword again with determination blazing in his eyes.
The Final Battle had begun.
They say 'time heals all wounds.'
Kagome would like to have a word with whoever 'they' were because this sentiment proved false. Time muted pain. It concealed it under layers of civilian life, responsibilities, family dinners and get togethers with friends, but her deep wound never really healed. The pervasive desire to return back to a life that had been stolen from her.
She couldn't say it had been perfect in the Feudal Era but she still missed it terribly. Missed her friends, travelling, exploring, strengthening her burgeoning powers.
She also missed someone she hadn't anticipated longing to speak to.
After killing Naraku and getting her hands on the jewel, Kagome had made her wish;
'I wish Kikyo would come back to life.'
It had resulted in trapping Kagome in the future, the Bone Eater's Well closing, barring entrance. She'd figured the look on Inuyasha's face had almost been worth it, his gob-smacked expression kind of hilarious.
Perhaps the wish had been an out of nowhere impulse. Who knew. All Kagome knew was that a part of her had died that day on the hill with the telescope- the candle of first love snuffing out. She still cared for Inuyasha of course, she wouldn't have wished Kikyo alive otherwise, but the act said something. They'd never be anything more than friends.
After trying her hand at dating a few boys in class, Kagome had broken up with them and remained single for the better part of a year. There wasn't anything wrong with them, per se, but it had felt disingenuous.
It wasn't them she wanted to speak to.
At the age of 18, the miko got her chance. Inexplicably, and without warning or provocation, the well reopened again one night.
Kagome stirred awake, lured downstairs by the promise of magic. It pulsed strongly like before, so she slid her legs over the rim of the well without fear that it would be a oneway trip.
Leaping down while still clad in her patchwork style pyjamas, dark hair whipped upwards as blue light swallowed her whole.
Immediately the smell of city smoke was replaced with distinct smells of petrichor. Fresh scents guided her feet to land gently on the bottom of the well, looking up at dark, cloudy skies.
Climbing out and feeling moisture lingering in the air dampening her hair, Kagome looked up, breath hitching.
The clearing looked exactly the same. Achingly nostalgic.
It sprawled empty and lonesome, awaiting her in complete silence. Kagome noticed the dirt disturbed around the well from how often she and Inuyasha had travelled through it.
Breath catching, hot tears stung her eyes.
Laughing weakly to herself, Kagome tried to rub them away in vain, more rolling down her cheeks. Unlike the usual times though, these were happy tears. Relief threatened to buckle her knees.
"I'm home," she shuddered.
"...Welcome back."
Snapping her head up, Kagome swallowed an embarrassing noise, warmth melting into her expression. She took a step, and then another, walking over to Sesshoumaru as he stood a little ways away, moonlight highlighting his hair.
"Y-you're here?"
Golden eyes flitted over her face, gentling a touch. He reached out and brushed pale knuckles against her jaw, catching tears upon it. "I sensed you. As usual, you blubber too loud, miko."
Choking on a sob, Kagome laughed, catching his hand and pressing her lips to the inside of his wrist.
Sesshoumaru stiffened, attention zeroing in on her. Kagome held his gaze as best she could with watery eyes, smiling.
"Date me," she stated plainly.
No second-guessing, no 'will they, won't they?' no more pining or questioning. Kagome refused to do it again.
He seemed somewhat taken aback by her forwardness for a moment, before a strange kind of intensity livened his expression. He wound his single arm around her waist, pulling her in close.
"What boldness, Kagome," he purred, lips ghosting the side of her ear. "But you can do better than that. Are you certain that is all you want from me?"
Kagome blushed hotly, shifting to catch his eye and smirk. "I just made it back here after three years. Let me catch my breath," she teased, hooking a hand under his yellow obi. "But...yeah, I might want more soon, you jerk."
Sesshoumaru rumbled with approval, swiftly ending the charade of teasing and swooping in. His lips claimed hers firmly, and it was not a kind, sweet kiss but she didn't mind, pressing herself against him. His tongue delved into her mouth, brushing against hers as a clawed hand snaked up into dark hair, gripping tight.
Smiling against his mouth, Kagome trying her best to keep up with his rough kiss as he bit and sucked her lips, inhaling her scent. He almost seemed elated, kissing her so quick and eagerly, like he'd been starving for it.
Out of curiosity, Kagome slid her palm over his chest, finding his heart racing.
Sesshoumaru broke away to plant heated kisses against her neck. He panted, the hand in her hair shaking with want of her.
Kagome stared, slowly looping her arms around his shoulders. "You...want me?" she said quietly like an obvious revelation. It felt so strange and surreal.
He huffed with amusement against her lips. "Hn, it appears you have made me fanciful, miko."
Brightening and smiling widely, Kagome pushed up on tip-toe. Guiding his mouth down with palms cradling his striped cheeks, she kissed him again, pouring every powerful emotion left unsaid into it.
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deadreamersociety · 3 years
todd’s natal chart
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(not my gif!)
sun - scorpio
the sun represents a person’s ego and identity.
scorpios are known for being naturally guarded and closed off, as todd so clearly is. he is quite content in his loneliness when he first starts at welton academy, as he knows that making friends must include vulnerability. he doesn’t begin to open up to neil and the rest of them until he’s sure he can trust them. his stubborn reluctancy to make friends may also be a form of protest. he is determined to convince his parents to pay attention to his loneliness - this may be a cry for help. todd’s scorpio stubbornness can also be seen when neil is trying to convince him to be more passionate about the dead poets society - if a scorpio doesn’t want to do something they won’t.
moon - taurus
the moon represents a person’s emotions and how they react to them.
taurus moons are very often introverts or homebodies, much preferring to find comfort and safety in a stable environment rather than adventure. throughout most of the movie todd is quite underdeveloped - he is overly cautious and afraid of unpredictable events. todd is afraid of breaking societal rules (‘but that’s not how it works’), which is why he’s so attracted to neil. neil and him are on similar pages with how they feel about constricting institutions like welton, and neil gently holds todd’s hand through new things, which is exactly what he needs. neil provides a comforting presence for todd, and this is a main reason that they become so close. at the end todd breaks through this fear, and shows how strong willed he is - another signature lunar taurean trait. he is also consistently reliable and loyal. he takes the fact that he finds comfort in a warm, calm environment and expels this so that others can always find comfort in him.
ascendent - taurus
your ascendant sign represents how people see you, your outward appearance, aesthetic etc.
taurus risings may tend to take things slowly, preferring to watch life from the bleachers instead of getting involved. this, of course, is only increased by todd’s taurus moon. it’s plausible that the reason he’s so reluctant to get involved with the dead poets society at first is because he’s too worried about what people may think of him. he spends a lot of energy on stressing about how he’s perceived, though he has no reason to. his taurus rising means that his presence is captivating - he radiates stability which is part of the reason neil is so drawn to him, as that’s what neil was lacking. i can see todd as a collector of some sort - possibly coins, as it is something constant and predictable in his life that he can control.
mercury - virgo
mercury reflects a person’s communication and how they process information.
people with mercury in virgo tend not to be flashy in communication, instead preferring to keep a simple, predictable rhythm to conversations. todd doesn’t like things he cannot predict, which is why he was so caught off guard by neil’s ‘no’. this placement and his scorpio sun tend to make him paranoid, so he isn’t expecting someone to be so kind to him. it’s probable that he gets overwhelmed by a lot of questions - he may feel interrogated, and could become angry, trying to end the conversation with blunt answers. todd, as common for mercury virgo placements, finds communicating effectively very difficult. what he means and what he says are often two different things, as he struggles to put his thoughts into words. when it comes to studying, todd clearly prefers to sit in his dorm alone instead of in a loud room with other students, as he needs an orderly environment for him to process information properly.
venus - cancer
venus reflects how a person loves and what their relationships may look like.
cancer in venus placements are very sensitive when it comes to love. they prefer calm, private relationships over ones filled with unnecessary drama and attention. these placements like to provide stability and comfort for their loved ones, paying attention to their lover’s emotions rather than their words. it may take todd a longer time than others to truly fall for someone as he is very sentimental and doesn’t like impersonality. he is protective, but may display this in an unconventional way. an example that springs to mind is when todd is trying to convince neil not to impersonate his dad in the permission slip. he knew neil would get in trouble if he was found out, and is trying to protect him from that. todd’s cancer venus would make him an amazingly empathetic boyfriend, but he has a fear of being hurt or abandoned, which can make him reluctant to commit. because of this fear, he may be slightly possessive or jealous.
mars - sagittarius
mars represents a person’s bravery and aggression.
people with mars in sagittarius are known to run when they get angry. they need space and time for themselves so they don’t get too aggressive. when arguing they tend to pick up a moralistic stance that often annoys people. these natives can seem blunt at times, but todd’s taurus moon may override this slightly. instead, he can come across as difficult to understand - he is a puzzle that people (especially neil) may want to solve. todd enjoys friendly debates, but will prefer to observe than participate most of the time because of his aversion to conflict.
jupiter - libra
jupiter represents a person’s luck, growth and wisdom.
todd’s jupiter is in libra. he is fair-minded and treats others with equality - he knows what it’s like to be excluded and bullied, and doesn’t want others feeling this way. because he values social relationships so much, he can be a bit of a people pleaser. libra jupiter’s are naturally compromising to a certain extent, but todd is afraid of judgement and conflict - he just wants to be liked, even if that occurs at his expense. art of any form is a symbol of luck for these placements, and in todd’s case, this applies to writing (specifically poetry). his relationship with others begins to improve after mr keating makes him stand in front of the entire class and create poetry on the spot. the poets (aside from neil, obviously), only began paying real attention to him then, after being stunned by his talent. that is when he begins to be treated as an equal.
saturn - capricorn
saturn rules communication and discipline.
people with this placement tend to be ambitious, but may have a difficult time accepting it. they tend to be responsible, but because of todd’s other placements, he may have a love/hate relationship with this side of him. throughout the film we can see that he wants to join neil and the other poets in rebelling, but knows that his actions would likely result in negative consequences, so stops himself. for example, when he is invited to join the dead poets society - clearly he likes the idea, but knows it goes against welton rules. todd fears losing control, and this fear holds him back. in order to make more of his life, he should learn to take more risks.
@charlie-dalton-simp @mendesxruel @death-is-the-mother-of-beauty
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ordonianhero · 4 years
Tea and Rain
Authors notes: this is a short fic. I am sorry. I hope it to you liking. The characters are all from Linked Universe. I got inspired with having two cups of green tea and the rain pounding my window.
Genre: Fluff- straight up fluff
word count: 953
The last couple of days they had traveled, they had been greeted by cold winds and unpredictable rains. The cold and wetness soaking through their own garments and joint. Trudging through mud. Damp camping. It started to wear on the nine heroes. To get out of the weather if they could was all on their mind. Battling even in this weather prove difficult. Their moods equally matching how they felt. They needed to find good shelter before the lot of them got sick. Them finding the Cabin out where they were was a just a goddesses blessing. Hyrule and Wild set to get a fire started and heat up some water for Tea. Twilight made sure Epona had good cover, got a good meal and dried her off. They all made it in good time as well. cause as soon as the cabin warmed, the storm picked up.
They all got out of their wet garb and hung them out to dry in a corner of the cabin, while they put on dry garbs on. Twilight made sure the more younger of the group had more warmer wrappings to void them catching anything. Time then forced some Tea in Twilight's hands, as everyone else also got some tea. Like being the dutiful parent, Forced Twilight to go get warmed up. Four hung his face over the warm steam coming from the tea. Wind clutched his mug close to him. Hyrule and Wild both sipping theirs. Warriors, letting the scent of the jasmine green tea fill him with warm and pleasant memories. Legend stirring in some honey into his. Sky stared into his empty cup and sighing, as his body filled with the warm of it.
Time Sitting in peace with his cup in hand, beside Twilight. Whom was staring into his cup. The sound of the wind and rain pounding the cabin. The warm crackle of the fire filled the silence that filled the space they all occupied. Every once in a while a sound of someone sipping (or slurping). Wind after finishing his cup begin to be fighting off sleep. Warriors went over to settle the youth off to sleep. While Four took to polishing his weapon, Wild was getting help to make up a warm meal for the other's. Sky was out, once the tea had fully warmed him up he fell asleep, his face squished into his pillow. Mouth open, drooling. Legend and Twilight both took to settling with books to read. Time settle to look over some old letters he had from his wife, then took to writing a letter back to her. Filling her in.
Dear Malanya,
The crew and myself made it safely to a traveler's cabin. The weather has not been in our favor. Plenty of raining days and nights. At this point everyone is too weary even to speak. We are just taking in the pleasantry of a warm dry place to be for the night. Wild made up a nice tea and is now working on some food for us all. With the help of Traveler. Sky, he is home sick for sure. Is out. I am marvel at his ability to sleep anywhere. he is not a graceful sleeper though, right now the sight of him would have you in stitches. Our smith is keeping weapons under check, where as the sailor has falling in the arms of the Captain. It such a sweet sight, cause even now, the captain is trying to fight of sleep himself. Pup and the Collector have settled to reading, the two very studious I would have to say. Though it took Time for me to get the Pup to got relax.
He paused to looked at Twilight and shake his head chuckling. Twilight looking up from his book and raising an eyebrow at him. He looked back down at his book, "Sensing you are telling her something remotely embarrassing about me." He licked his finger and turned the page of his book. "what would give you that idea pup?" Twilight just smirked as a reply.
Got caught talking about him. He continued on writing. It's funny how just the pleasant moments are just when we are all in a warm space, just being in each other's company. No real conversations needed. However It doesn't stop me thinking of you. Missing you. I know with all of us traveling, it worries you. What trouble are we going to get into. Well for tonight, I am fairly certain after we are well fed, the younger ones will fall asleep. While the older lot will probably fall into some mischief betting in a card game, either were we have to reveal some embarrassing fact about ourselves or lose an article of clothing. So far The Pup and I tend to be the one's winning those games. The poor Captain I don't think has nearly enough rupees to go against us or the Collector. With that, That's about all the fill in I can say. Looks as though Wild and the Traveler have made a stew with some warm bread for the evening, that looks at least eatable to have. May you be well and I look forward to your reply as soon as I can get one.
with love, your fairy boy.
Wild and Hyrule handed out the bread and stew. Those waking from their naps happily taking the food. The cabin now filling with chatter and happy memories. then as expected, The younger ones of the group were off to sleep, while the eldest set to playing a game of cards for the evening. resulting in the Captain losing to the Ranch hand and the Older Timer.
The end.        
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charm-in-spades · 3 years
Layers: The Coyote.
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one: outside layer
Name: "Caelric Spades. Sometimes other things like ‘Dickhead’ and ‘Asshole. Usually Asshole. If I make people mad it’s “RIC!” just like that."
Hair Style & Colour: "It varies. I like to try new things from time to time. Lately I’ve just been shaving it."
Eye Color:  "I'm colorblind but I'm told green, with veins of gold."
Height: "About six-five. My Sperm Donor was even taller.” 
Style: "...Depends on what the situation calls for. Maybe it's leather jackets and bloody knuckles or its armor and tek. Maybe suits and ties. I can do it all. Consider me a Jack of All Threads."
Best Physical Feature: "My abs or my ink, take your pick."
two: inner layer
Fears: "I really...hate...butterflies. Horrible creatures. Flight patterns are just erratic and unpredictable.” (OOC: Connecting to people can be hard for him, so he’s very attached to the people he does bond with. He hates any kind of abandonment or loss and worries constantly about his loved ones. He also deeply fears letting people down. He’s not actually scared of butterflies.)
Guilty Pleasure: “I...collect figurines. They’re all limited edition, and worth a fuck ton don’t judge me.” He’s an action figure collector. Keeps them in the boxes and everything.
Biggest Pet Peeve: “I hate hypocrisy and entitlement. I hate ‘alpha male’ behavior too. When someone has to be the ‘tough guy’ in the room just to impress a girl or put down other guys. It’s annoying as hell and small dick energy for sure.” 
Ambition for the Future: “Survive, I guess.” 
three: thoughts
First Thought When Waking Up: “Fuck. Here we go again.” 
What You Think About the Most: “Boobs. Sex. Food. Mostly boobs.” (OOC: Despite his juvenile response, Cael is generally thinking about the future and strategizing what his next moves might be. Usually its worrying and processing risk factors around his loved ones. What he needs to do later, what he might have to do after that, what he’s doing now. Everything and anything crosses his mind, and it really never stops running.)  
What You Think About Before Bed: “...We made it.” 
Your Best Quality Is: “My...sense of humor. Yeah. We’ll go with that, even if anyone that knows me definitely disagrees.” 
four: what’s better
Single or Group Dates? “Depends on what we’re doing. Am I conning somebody? I like that to be a one-on-one experience. It’s very personal. Are we partying? Jumping into bed? The more the merrier then.” 
To be Loved or to be Respected? “...Loved.”
Beauty or Brains? “Personality.” 
Cats or Dogs? “Canines of any kind.” 
five: do you…
Lie? “Not...generally. And I don’t count omission.” 
Believe in Yourself? “I’m all I got, most of the time. So I guess I kind of have to.” 
Believe in Love? “Ha. Love is a kick in the balls waiting to happen.” 
Want Someone? “Mmn. Next question.” 
six: have you ever…
Been on Stage?."Used to dance. Poles were involved and the stage was necessary.” 
Done Drugs? “I’ve dabbled.’ 
Changed Yourself to Fit In Somewhere? “Well. Sometimes, you need to pass yourself off as a military official, or maybe an employee of a place you need to get into. And sometimes, that’s easier when you look like one of them.” 
seven: favorite
Favorite Color: “I’m colorblind. But I learned what my shades look like to a degree. Red to me has always been the brightest color.” 
Favorite Food:  “Doman takeout of any kind.” 
Favorite Game:  “Blackjack or Spades.” 
eight: age
When Your Next Birthday Will Be: “Ugh. The summer.” 
How Old Will You Be? “Twenty-seven.” 
Age You Lost Your Virginity:  “Mn. Don’t remember.” 
Does Age Matter?  “It really depends on the context. For some things, yes. To throw a knife? No.” 
nine: in a partner
Best Personality: “I don’t know. Ones that aren’t boring. The interesting psyches that are complex and diverse. In a partner, I guess I’d like warmth too. Someone who knows how to...smile.” 
Best Eye Colour: “...Colorblind. I prefer eyes that are honest though.” 
Best Hair Colour: “Unf. Blondes. Light hair colors, really. It’s striking, a lot of the time.” 
Best Thing to do With a Partner: “Ha. You know exactly what I’m going to say, so why don’t we skip this part?” 
ten: finish the sentence
I Love… “My kid. Really, she’s great and I don’t think I could love anyone more.”
I Feel… “Stressed as fuck.” 
I Hide… “Fuck, everything at this point. Keeping shit to myself seems to be the move.” 
I Miss… “Ugh...Not having to think.” 
I Wish… “I could get a damn break.” 
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horrorslashergirl · 4 years
hello 💕💖☀️ I hope you're having a wonderful day!! if requests are open, I'm so weak for your Asa x reader x Jesse content, could you write a nsfw piece where their s/o is tied up and teased before they reward her??? I love all your works lol I just caught up on all the Jesse things I missed in the past couple of weeks today and 😩👌💕
I do have a wonderful day! Thank you. Also, I appreciate all the love and time you take into reading them. I couldn’t bring myself to reward the reader, so sorry in advance. I hope you like this, darling!
Chromeskull x Reader x The Collector- Don’t boss around killers
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Your hands formed into fists as your wrists began to ache and get sore, the silk material tied so hard into knots that you knew the skin will be bruised by tomorrow, it always got like this when you ended up being sandwiched between your two lovers, always into a continuous competition for who can make you scream the loudest.
Now it was not the case, because of your simple mistake of daring to boss them around, a mistake you made in the past, but you forgot about. It was something pretty obvious that the two couldn’t be bossed around and by the time you screamed at them, their eyes narrowed, looking at each other as they approached you with slow predatory steps.
That was 30 minutes ago and now you are pretty much suspended by your arms, high above your head by black silk material, connected by a hook on the ceiling. You were pulled out of your thoughts as a loud moan left your swollen lips from being roughly kissed.
Your eyes looked down at the sandy brown hair of one of your lovers, Asa’s eyes narrowed at you, his mouth working on your dripping heat. You wish you could take a picture now because seeing Asa on his knees was a rare moment. His tongue took a long lick down and up your slit, then he wrapped his mouth around your clit, sucking slowly, your fingernails digging into your palm as he pleasured you.
Your eyes opened as you felt your other lover behind you, his palms groping your buttcheeks, kneading the flesh. You tried to look behind yourself, seeing Jesse on his knees too, his hands spreading your globes of flesh, your smaller hole for his single brown eye to take in.
“J-Jesse...D-Don’t even thin-” your sentence was stopped as Asa nibbled on your clit, a gasp leaving your lips as your hips bucked into his mouth.
Before you could give a sassy reply, you felt something wet touch your backdoor. Jesse was licking around it, fingertips digging into your buttcheeks, making sure to leave blue and purple fingerprints.
You squeaked as one finger began to prep your ass, pumping a little, then leaving you, only to be replaced by his tongue. They began to work in rhythm; Asa at your front and Jesse at your behind. It was a delicious mess, feeling both their mouth working you, making you tremble, but always when you felt closer and closer to finishing they slowed down or completely stopped.
G-Guys...This is t-torture. I-I can’t.” you whimpered, only for Asa to stop and get up, his obsidian eyes looking deeply into yours, his mouth and chin covered in your wetness, then he pulled you into a deep kiss, biting your lower lip harshly.
“I don’t think you’re in any position to make demands here, [Name].” Asa whispered against your bloody lips, his hand gripping your neck.
“Jesse.” Asa called onto both of your lover, the bald man getting up behind you, tilting his head at Asa.
“I think she needs to know her place.” the smaller male said and you saw Jesse smirk behind you, his gaze moving to your scared one. They were always unpredictable. The sound of the zipper behind you made you gulp down, knees shaking. Now, there was no point in arguing who had the bigger knife between Jesse and Asa; the mute man was a behemoth even compared to Asa in height, and of course in the size of the penis.
You never brought this up and neither did they because you knew Asa would feel emasculated by the bigger cock of his best friend and lover.
What made you now more nervous was how Jesse was rubbing his length between your buttcheeks, the head of his cock brushing against your puckered hole.
“No...No, no, no, no.” you began to whisper, your eyes wide open and looking at Asa who had a smug look in his eyes.
It wasn’t something new in trying anal; yes, with Asa, but Jesse was another story. Even after trying the backdoor with Asa you still got sore and needed a day off to catch yourself. It was tempting to let the bigger male there, but also risky.
“J-Jesse..Y-You’re too big.” you whispered, looking pleadingly at him. He only put his index finger on your lips to shut you up.
Asa got a bottle of lube from the nightstand, squirting a good amount over Jesse cock, rubbing it up and down, then thrust two fingers inside you from behind, making sure you get prepared for what is to come.
“She’s wet enough.” you heard Asa whisper to Jesse and you closed your eyes, knuckles turning white as Jesse began to push inside, the head was the hardest part, then sliding inch by inch, your breath knocked by the time he was balls deep.
You opened your eyes and Asa got into your face, his hand cupping your cheek as he stroked your skin lovingly.
You didn’t know what answer he wanted, but you had to admit it felt absolutely heavenly to be filled back by something so big, so you only nodded, feeling Jesse kiss your shoulders.
“Do you want more?” Asa asked, tilting his head, looking down at your glistening pussy.
Your reply was stopped as Jesse pulled slowly out, then thrust back inside, your mouth open, incoherent words leaving it.
“What was that?” Asa asked, beginning to unzip his slacks. You closed your eyes and prayed to God that they will have mercy on you.
“I-I said...whatever...Y-You two want.” you whispered out, excitement coursing through your veins as you felt Asa rub his length up and down your slit, pushing in with one fast thrust of his hips, your legs wrapped his waist.
That’s when it began, they trusted at the same time, in an out, the hardness of their lengths brushing against your hot walls, creating incredible sensations that you didn’t know existed, it was maddening and you could feel yourself coming undone, so close, but it all stopped when their girths left you all empty.
Your eyes opened wide, to see both of them now in front of you.
“W-What?” you shuttered, a deep blush on your face, seeing their cocks twitching, close just like you.
“This is punishment for bossing us around.” Asa said with a serious look.
“B-But aren’t you...” you were stopped by Jesse smirking at you then he began to sign.
‘Me and Asa can finish together. Don’t worry your pretty head about us.’
You were left speechless with your mouth hanging open to catch flies, seeing them walk away, Jesse’s hand over Asa’s shoulder, pulling the smaller male close to him.
That’s how you were left all alone and hanging for two hours, hearing from the other room as your two boyfriends got it going.
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thran-duils · 4 years
Devils Look Like Angels (Ch. 6)
Title: Devils Look Like Angels (Chapter 6) Summary:  Fem!Reader x Psychotic!Castiel. An unhinged, criminal, supernatural artifact collector extraordinaire… and the reader caught his eye. It will not take her long to realize that beneath the charm and mystique is a crazed killer who will go to great lengths to woo her. Words: 2,900 Warnings (for the fic in entirety): Stalking, angst, death/murder, violence
Author’s Note: Sorry if you guys clicked on this about 5 mins ago and it disappeared. I realized I forgot half a page I had written. lmao
Chap 5 || Chap 7 || Masterpost  || Fanfic masterpost
The rain pattered the window next to the booth, your mind following the pattern of the sound. Although the sugar had long since dissolved, you still swirled your spoon slowly, lost in your thoughts.
Sam cleared his throat next to you and you got the hint it was not the first time he had done it based off the look that him and Dean were giving you when you looked up at them.
“Sorry,” you mumbled, placing the spoon down on the napkin next to your cup assuming the sound was getting to them.
“No, are you okay?” Sam asked quietly. “You haven’t said a word.”
You shook your head, “No.”
It had been days since Castiel had murdered those restaurant workers. And had somehow found you once again. You did not feel secure anywhere. Even the bunker.
They were waiting for you to elaborate.
“I don’t know what to think. He doesn’t seem like he wants to harm me. But you never know with crazy people. I could lose my charm or whatever he says he likes. Or I could refuse him too many times and he has one of those cliché ‘it’s me or nobody’ moments. And poof, I’m lying dead in a ditch.” You sighed loudly, running your hands over your face. “Why are psychos always so polite and charming?”
Dean said, picking up his coffee, “It’s how they lead people into their little fucked up web.”
You nodded in acknowledgment. Tears pricked and you felt yourself crumbling; you had held it together and this small crack in your façade that they had gotten you to open up was opening like a chasm. “I’m so tired. I can’t sleep.”
“Me either,” Sam admitted quietly.
“Ditto,” Dean chimed in.
Sniffling, trying to pull yourself back together before you fell apart, you attempted humor, “Glad to know we are all equally miserable here.”
Your phone buzzed in your jeans and you froze, your eyes moving between the two of them. They could not hear it over the noise in the restaurant and the fact it was in your pocket. The main two people who would text you were currently with you. Which left an unfavorable option.
“What?” Dean asked in response to your startled expression. He looked around quickly, eyes searching.
Slowly, you reached into your pocket and pulled your phone out. It was a text from him that looked to contain an address from the snippet you could see on your lock screen.
Eyes fixated on your phone, you barely breathed, “He texted me.”
You did not have to specify who ‘he’ was.
“Why haven’t you just blocked his number?” Dean asked vexed.
You had opened the text and read the address that was accompanied by a date as well.
Placing your phone down on the table, you took a deep breath, closing your eyes, taking a moment. When you opened your eyes again, you told him, “Because I would miss things like this. And like I’ve said, I feel responsible for whoever he is going to kidnap. Plus, if he can find me wherever I go however he does, what good does it do to block a number? He’ll just get a new phone and text me from that. Doesn’t seem like the type to give up easily.”
Sam and Dean read the text as you spoke.
“What is it for?” Sam questioned. “It doesn’t say a game.”
You shrugged, picking the phone back up, fingers hovering over the keyboard. Your heart rate was going up, staring at his name.
What is this for? You sent back.
The three of you waited impatiently, staring down at your phone. The waiter startled you all when he suddenly appeared at the table with your order.
Castiel still had not replied; it had almost been ten minutes. He was taking his sweet ass time.
You managed to get a few bites of food in before your phone buzzed and you all but dropped your silverware completely to get to it.
Another game. I would appreciate if you would RSVP quickly. The other guests look forward to your heroics. And it goes without saying that there is no room for a plus one or two in your case.
As soon as Sam read it, he said definitively, “You’re not going.”
“Damn straight,” Dean agreed, shoving a huge bite of pancakes into his mouth.
“But what if he gets upset?” you protested.
Dean gave you an incredulous look. Mouth full, he spat, “I don’t give a shit if his feelings get hurt!”
“He’s going to kill those people if he gets upset!” you hissed, leaning in to try to not be overheard by the other patrons.
Dean said nothing, instead exchanging a trying look with Sam across the table.
Taking the reins, Sam tried, “Y/N, yeah, that could happen. But we don’t know that for sure. For all we know, you could show up, there’s no one there and it’s you that kidnapped, and we never see you again. The only thing we know for sure is you’ll be safe if you don’t go at all.”
Moving your gaze away from him, you stared at the window. You knew deep down he was right. Castiel was unpredictable in the worst way possible and that made his request for you to come alone out of the question.
It was hard to stomach the anxiety though that people could be harmed because you were worried about yourself.
“I know,” you answered miserably.
Their eyes were on you as you picked up your silverware and resumed eating reluctantly. Each bite tasted sour. The rest of the meal was quiet as you were drawn back into your thoughts.
<> <> <>
“Maybe we should take a real vacation.”
This suggestion from Sam was what prompted the trip back to the Oregon coast near Cape Lookout. Dean insisted if this was where you guys were going to go, he needed the beach as much as he needed to visit the Tillamook Creamery. When you guys had gone, you had surprisingly been amazed at the amount of cheese samples Dean had not only managed to swindle but put away without getting sick. Enough actually to prompt you to buy some cheese to offset all the free samples, much to Dean’s pleasure to have back at the hotel.
Unlike Sam, you did not enjoy taking runs on the beach but you sure enjoyed rising early to take walks with the sun rising. Luckily the hotel was cheap that you guys found – because who cares what the room looks like as long as it is clean because you barely spent time there anyway – which meant you could book the room for a week More than enough time to travel up and down the coast to see as many viewpoints as possible. The Sea Lion Caves outside of Florence had been a trek but more than worth it.
This morning was the last one before heading home and it was quiet as the sand moved beneath your feet and the waves licked at your feet as you walked. Your sandals dangled from your hand as you took in the sea air, smiling softly as the gulls called overhead. Your endpoint was a local donut shop. If you brought a bag back, Dean would be sure to polish off whatever you and Sam did not eat when he drug himself out of bed.
Looking over the ocean waves. You wished you could stay here forever. Satisfied and tranquil.
<> <> <>
Placing your bag down on the table at the bottom of the stairs, you threw Sam a look.
“Don’t you wish we had a dog to greet us when we came home?”
Sa chuckled but Dean answered, “Hell no. Because if we had a dog, it would have been on that trip with us and it would have been in the backseat of my car messing up my seats.”
Rolling your eyes, you told him, “You always gotta be negative, don’t you? When it comes to dogs?”
Dean grunted in response, moving towards the hall with his bag in hand.
Sam and you exchanged a look.
“Pizza?” you asked. He rose an eyebrow in response, and you quipped, “I’ll make sure to order you some lettuce?”
“Cute. Where are we going?”
“Actually…” you started. “I was thinking I could go alone. No offense but I have been stuck in the car with you guys for a couple days.”
You did not miss the glint of unease in his eyes and you knew what was putting it there.
“I don’t know if that is smart, Y/N.”
“He hasn’t texted in almost two weeks. Since the diner.”
“That is precisely what is concerning. We don’t know what he’s planned. And you said he said himself he’s living in or near Lawrence.”
Jingling the keys in your hand, you shrugged, trying to put a braver look on your face than you felt. You had been thinking about it for days. What you should do.
“I can’t live in constant fear, Sam.”
Sam regarded you quietly.
You added, “I don’t want to let the thought of something bad happening keep me from living my life. Hell, if I did that, I couldn’t do what we do to begin with.”
This at least made him smile a little.
“Yeah,” Sam agreed softly. He fixed you with a hard stare though. “Please be careful.”
“I will,” you promised.
And you were. Looking both ways at four-way intersections, keeping track of who was in your rearview mirror, head on a swivel when you got out of the car to go into the pizza parlor downtown. You were on edge, imagining eyes following you. And more than once you caught yourself looking over your shoulder, afraid you would find Castiel there.
But he was not.
Every time.
You were not sure if that should calm you or make you even more nervous.
<> <> <>
Just when you started getting comfortable a week later, it all came crashing down.
Hand clutching your iced coffee and your other holding your bag containing a couple new books, you thanked the barista and turned away from them to go towards the exit.
Your eyes fell on him at a table next to the closest exit and you froze. He was staring directly at you and you knew he had been watching you for some time. Perhaps the whole time you had wandered around the store, picking up book after book, reading the back covers and placing back ones that had not caught your interest. And he had to have been to get himself situated the way he was and judging by the fact he had men around the two exits out of the café to the bookstore indicated this was calculated.
He motioned for you and pointed at the seat across from him, his mouth set in a thin line.
There were to many patrons for him to harm – you hoped – anyone. That hope is what forced you to move forward, cursing yourself for not having any weapons with you and letting your guard down.
Sinking into the chair, you refrained from placing your things down just yet. His stare was burning, and you wanted to recoil from the fierceness of it. His displeasure was evident.
“It has been awhile,” Castiel finally said, breaking the tension. “I needed… time to collect my thoughts. It disappointed me greatly when you did not show. In fact, it was downright insulting.”
You licked your bottom lip, contemplating how you were going to answer.
“The intention wasn’t to insult you,” you said slowly. “I have to admit I was – and am still, quite frankly – shaken by the… scene at the restaurant. You didn’t give me much to go on with that last text and I wasn’t sure what I was going to be walking into – especially alone. I considered it but decided to wait for word from you after the time had passed.”
Castiel was quiet again and you mirrored him. Although your heart was threatening to beat out of your chest.
He cleared his throat. “Hmm. It seems I still have not convinced you of your safety which is disappointing. But… I can admit I could have divulged more details regarding the parameters of the dinner.” He paused seeing the confused look on your face and he narrowed his in return. “What?”
“Yes,” he told you in a wry tone. “I was not going to invite you to something in the evening and not feed you. I am not a heathen. I actually care about your wellbeing.” He adjusted in his chair, tapping his fingers on the table eyeing you inquisitively. “You had considered coming, though?”
“Well, I am upset it did not come to fruition. Especially since the duck was so delectable.”
“What about the others? The other guests? Did they show…?”
Shrugging, Castiel said, “They really had no choice in the matter. I feel that is one thing I have always been adamantly candid about in my texts. Their fate if you did not show to solve the game.”
Your stomach twisted in knots. This is what you had dreaded, what you had tried to reason with when discussing it with Sam and Dean. More people had died because of your inaction. Castiel had ultimately pulled the trigger but he had placed the gun at your feet first and you had neglected to act.
Apparently, it was clear as day on your face that you were in disbelief because Castiel pointed out, “I did tell you that you could trust me, did I not? That is one thing you can always be sure of. That I will never lie to you.”
He looked so sincere, like that fact should dispel any worry or negativity you were feeling. You were at a loss of what to do except to appease him until you could figure out a better plan.
Again, as if he could read your mind, he said, “If you were so inclined… you could make it up to me? Not a game this time; we will switch it up.”
Avoiding him was no longer an option. Placating him until you truly figured out what to do seemed viable right then and there.
“How?” you asked, your throat dry.
Castiel’s lips turned up, pleased. “The museum.”
You let out a small nervous chuckle and avoided eye contact.
“What?” he asked.
Shit shit shit.
Exhaling sharply, you met his eyes again and told him truthfully, “I don’t have the ticket.”
“What do you mean?”
“I… I left it in the restaurant. On accident. I was a little flustered by the… scene in the kitchen. I didn’t remember. I wasn’t thinking completely straight as I hope you can understand.” His mouth was parted in surprise, staring. You added quickly, “I am sorry if you spent a lot of money on it. I can pay you back. I swear.”
He leaned towards you and you started to lean back in response, but his hand fell on yours holding your coffee, stopping your movement.
“Oh, Y/N. I did not mean to shake you up so badly. I do wish you had not gone into the kitchen but since you did… please know I only did that because of the way they were going to serve you. Improperly. And I could not abide that.” His fingers caressed yours and you were fighting every instinct to yank your hand away from him. “You do not have to pay me back but thank you for the offer. It is extremely sweet and thoughtful of you, kitten.”
He finally leaned back, his hand leaving yours.
“There is an event coming up instead that I can acquire tickets to. And I will hold onto them this time for safe keeping.” A small joke at your expense and you forced a small smirk in response. “I would like you to join me. I can send a text when and where.”
You were almost too afraid to ask. “What kind of event?”
His smile was wide. “Perfect. I look forward to it.”
“Me too,” you got out with as much false sincerity as you could muster.
The biggest problem was going to be getting out for an extended period of time without worrying Sam and Dean.
“I hope this outing of ours will bring us closer, kitten,” Castiel told you, standing up. He held out his hand towards you, peering down his nose. Clutching your bag, you stood, accepting his assistance. He took your drink and bag from you, “Let me walk you to your car.”
He was close, his cologne circling around you. After you unlocked the car, he placed your bag in the backseat before holding your door open politely.
Before he closed the door, he handed you your drink. “You look lovely by the way in that color. It flatters you so.”
“Thank you,” you told him, holding your drink close.
“Goodbye for now, Y/N.”
You nodded and he closed the door, taking a step back to allow you room to back out of the parking space.
Your hands were trembling on the steering well as you left. He watched you until you drove off and he disappeared from the rearview when you turned the corner.
CASTIEL FOREVER TAGS: @willowing-love @perseusandmedusa @greenappleeyes @afanofmanystuffs @earthtokace @shikaros-blog @marisayouass
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optic-collector · 4 years
Optic Collector 
Citizen Name
Azure Sullivan 
October 31
Demiromantic Demisexual 
Known Relatives
Abraham Sullivan(Father, Decreased)
Caroline Sullivan(Mother, Decreased)
Vylad Kimble(Uncle, Alive)
Azure is pretty good at only showing parts of her personality towards her victims often being much like a glacier. The most that her victims do see from her is coldness and overjoy when she admires their eyes. She is pretty good at covering her emotions only letting out her admiration knowing it does put fear into many of her victims. 
Azure has an amazing understanding on how most people think and will know how to play with her victims' minds and force them into her hand. However, when dealing with fellow slashers she knows to be cautious when interacting with them as sometimes they can be unpredictable. She is also very intelligent on top of her understanding of how people work. It only makes it easily for her to catch and toy with her victims until she decides to kill them. 
Most of her true personality tends to be hidden until she decides she trusts whoever she meets and will show a little more of herself. Azure can be very childish though she knows many do look down on her for that. She has a very playful nature while definitely still being very mature. Once she openly shows all of her personality she is goofy, dorky and is definitely much more open and not as secretive as she usually is. She is self conscious especially when it comes to her blind eye and even in herself personality wise. Sullivan is also very touch starved so she can get very touchy and needy when she views the other in a romantic way which does rarely happen.
Love is a very complicated subject for Azure Sullivan. She had locked her heart behind many walls unsure if she should ever feel love or give her sensitive heart to another. SHe can be rather clingy but will hold herself back out of respecting the other and would even distance herself and fight back her own emotions to protect herself. She has anxiety especially when it comes to anything in relation to love so it definitely takes a lot of trust and reassurance for her to fully welcome love.
Doll Making/customizing
Designing Characters
Clay working
Azure Sullivan was born to Abraham and Caroline Sullivan on the night of Halloween night becoming their eldest and only child. Childhood was rather normal and average compared to many yet she grew up in a rather rich part of the city. Her parents seemed in love with each other and both loved her yet that wasn’t ever true. Her father was usually the one to give her gifts and actually showed any worry when it came to her eye and its condition. Growing up her mother was distant from her and usually ignored her when her father wasn’t in the room and would often send her out of the house just so she wouldn’t have to deal with her. Her mother became jealous of her own daughter and became insecure in her relationship and tried many ways to keep her husband’s focus on her all through her daughter’s childhood. From her view she wasn’t her child, this came clear when Azure was 13.
It was the new year when a man broke into their home hoping to kidnap her and use her to force her parents to cough up money for her return. That night her mother happened to have been out cheating on her father with another rich man. Her father instantly figured what was happening when he heard a window break; he locked her bedroom door then went to confront the inturreder only to be met with a blunt object and then a knife to the back. The kidnapper then quickly left as the house suddenly realized what they did and the fact that there were sirens coming closer. She was awoken to police breaking down her door to make sure she was safe.
After that night, her mother fully showed her colors towards her daughter. Azure lived with 2 year of torment and hatred from Caroline til she finally snapped. And during those years her mother made her eye so much worse not caring about her health which led to her slowly going blind in one eye. She pinned her mother to the ground holding a spoon as she spoke very calmly to her mother “pity such beautiful eyes are owned by such a vile person who simply used her husband for his wealth” and with that she spooned out her mother’s eyes putting them in a jar then murdered her. She then made it seem like the attacker was also going to get her staging the whole scene as she panic called the cops. 
Her mother’s brother ended up being her legal guardian after that. She soon learned her brother did disown her mother but still chose to stay for his niece and poor brother-in-law. From her Uncle, she learned how horrible her mother truly was. After she started to leave with her uncle, she started to openly date which all would end with her finding out the person cheated on her and everytime she would stalk taske their eyes and kill them while making it so it didn’t even point to her. As she continued to stay with her uncle, she went to school to become a medical student and that piqued her interest more when she was studying eyes and surgery relating to them. 
She had started a build of a cabin in the woods somewhere near a lake in which she would take her victim’s eyes and kill them. She also started to look into other slashers that often were talked about in the news curious to how they were never yet she too had yet to be caught. As she started her career as a doctor at a nearby hospital, she slowly started to pick out her targets from her patients which slowly turned into anyone who would visit the lake and wander upon her hidden cabin. Soon numbers started to skyrocket on her kills as she continued to live with her Uncle helping him and paying bills.
Powers and Abilities 
Pain Resistance- She is still human but has gotten used to pain as her mother was abusive towards her be in secret or openly til she was 15.
Stealth- She often uses her small size to hide and sneak around and even would often go unnoticed by her victims until the moment she takes them away. 
Intelligence- She is know to out think her victims and even can play them in to the palm of her hand as she 
Weapon Proficiency- While she knows how to use two of her main tools/weapons, she can still use whatever is within her grasp to proficiently end her victim’s lives.
Hunting Skills/Tracker- she can track down, trap, and pursue her victims relentlessly and can quickly adapt to her surroundings instantly, and will not stop until her victims are dead. 
Surgical Ability- Having gone to school and it being her professional job outside of her killing ways she can do almost any surgery in almost an instant however there are a few she is willing to try for the first time yet won’t admit it was her first time until after the procedure. 
Multilingual/Sign Language Understanding- She is proficient in 5 different spoken languages and their respected sign language being English, Spanish, Russsian, Japanese and French. ASL, LSE, РЖЯ, JSL and LSF. She has learned these languages to communicate with patients, victims and other slashers a like. She's been learning different languages since she was young and started with her father teaching her and evolved into her learning on her own.
Custom Surgical tools 
Whatever she has at hand
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spootiliousrps · 5 years
It was true what they said, desperate people would go to desperate lengths when something was important enough. Including attempting to summon a demon when all logical ways of solving a problem were exhausted. The bookstore was important, though. Originally owned by Alfred Zachary Fell and announcing as much on the sign above the door reading A. Z. Fell that had never been changed when it passed down to his son. No point, with a name like Azira. It had an A and a Z, his last name was Fell, so it worked. It was a family store, it was his home, and now he had some uppity book collector all offended over a few titles Azira hadn't wanted to part with and the man was threatening to get him shut down for some asinine business codes that the shop wasn't quite up to date on. There were other ways to solve the problem, of course, but none that didn't mean swallowing his pride and giving in to Gabriel's self-entitlement. The occult book had practically fallen in Asira's lap. Literally. And after browsing through it curiously he was finally here, with a summoning circle drawn on his floor in chalk and eight candles lit around the edges. Couldn't hurt to try, right? The incantations was in Latin, which wasn't a problem, he knew Latin, and the final line was a fill-in-the-blank with the demon's name that was being summoned, their sigil in the center of the circle, and a call for the demon to obey all commands. Though the book did note that the demon didn't /have/ to, but it could be persuaded to. It was stuck in the circle until the candles burned down, and then it was cast back where it came from. Or part of the circle could be erased to release it. Azira also had a squirt bottle of what he hoped was actual Holy Water just in case. He read the Latin aloud word for word, feeling a bit foolish that nothing was seeming to happen so far, and ended it with, "I command thee, Crowley, the Great Serpent!" Because he refused to have to bugs, flies, maggots, mold and vermin in his shop. He could handle a snake. If anything even happened, though much to his surprise and wonder, the chalk lines in front of him began to glow a deep red.
You: The very foundation of the shop began to shudder with the force that washed out of the circle in waves until a large mass, taking up most of the space allotted curling in on itself over and over. The gargantuan serpent coiled and moved until its massive head peered out of the entanglement and down at the human that had summoned it. Its yellow eyes wondered over him repeatedly until it squinted almost in accusation. The mass began to shift once more, this time shrinking, melting into itself, morphing into a humanoid shape. Finally a slender red haired man stood before the human, clothes the same black and red that had been the color of the snake's scales. He shoved his hands in his pockets and eyed the man once more with an arched brow. "Glad to see I'm just as popular as ever but I was in the middle a particularly torturous game of chess. What do you want?"
Stranger: Considering Azira expected this to end with him feeling foolish for having attempted it in the first place, the fact that /something/ was happening had a slow building smile of wonder, awe, and disbelief stretching across his face even when he found himself looking up into the yellow eyes of a very, very large snake. Obviously the right demon then. He watched in fascination as the snake seemed to shrink then, morphing into a more humanoid shape, the voice finally shaking Azira out of his stunned glee. It was just a little bit exciting, after all, wasn't it? But then he remembered that the book spoke about having a commanding presence because demons would exploit any weakness and he quickly schooled his expression as he turned back to the book in his hands to skim across the page he was on. "Demon, I summoned you here to do my... Mmmm..." Bidding. The book said bidding. Well, that was a bit... Demanding. Azira frowned at the wording as he continued to skim through the words, all forceful and bordering on rude, and really, there was no need for that, was there? Discontent with the rest of the suggestions in the book, Azira closed it and tucked it under his arm with a slightly guilty frown. "Sorry, can I start over? I apologize for interrupting your game, I just had a small request, a favor, really, if it's not a hassle."
You: "Yes, yes, I know the general reasons." Crowley dismissed with a wave of his hand, brushing off the words. Everyone always wanted him to do their 'bidding'. Of course, he had a very high success rate; granted the 'success' was on his part not theirs. The men that summoned him rarely got exactly what they wanted. It was amusing really. He lifted his hand as if he were about to snap his fingers when the apology caught him so off guard he almost staggered, yellow eyes shooting up to meet the human's. He paused, listening to him, brows furrowed. Now... That was interesting. An occultist with manner? He certainly wasn't use to all of the politeness. "A favor?" He asked, lowering his hand, curiosity getting the better of him. "You're lucky I was losing anyways." He lied sauntering a bit closer and pausing in front of the plump human. He had to admit the man was far more easier on the eyes than any of the ones that made their way down to Hell. "I'm listening."
Stranger: To Azira, a commanding presence had more to do with earning respect, and that wasn't done by being impolite. But he also wasn't naive enough to forget that he was talking to a demon, an immortal creature of darkness that could be very dangerous and unpredictable. That didn't stop Azira from being intrigued as Crowley stepped closer and he did as well, staying just outside the boundary of the circle. "Well you see, I've found myself in a bit of a mess," he admitted. "I'm a collector of rare books and this is my shop. It's very important to me, it was started by father and he met my mother here and now it's mine. The books I have are just as important, some of them having been in my family for longer than anyone can remember. I'm picky about who I sell certain things to and given that it's my shop, I have the right to decline service. I recently refused to sell a handwritten, first draft of Hamlet to a man a few days ago and now he's threatening to report my shop for code violations and get me shut down if I don't sell to him. It's ridiculous, really, throwing a tantrum just because he isn't getting what he wants, and I'd hate to give in to such childish behavior just to keep from losing my shop." He huffed out a small sigh, looking more petulant and put out than actually /worried/.
You: Crowley's gaze narrowed once more as he considered the words. "So... Let me get this straight." He began with a sigh, moving away to pace the outline of the circle, taking in the surrounding shop. "A man comes in to buy a book you obviously don't want to part with. Throws a tantrum like a typical human... So, you decide to summon Hell's most terrifying demon to do something about it?" He scoffed with amusement, a flashing smile playing on his lips, fangs obvious. "Sounds a bit excessive." He mused, turning to face him as he walked backwards a bit, lazily. The Demon exuded nonchalance, as if he hadn't a care in the world. As if he were exactly where he wanted to be, that it had been his choice to come here. "It certainly sounds like something a human would do... Your kind always provides such overkill."
Stranger: When hearing it put like that, it did sound a bit ridiculous. Azira huffed out a soft chuckle at how all this must have looked to Crowley and he flashed the demon a much softer smile compared to the one he was receiving. "It's not quite like that. I've tried talking it over with him and making some kind of deal, I've looked how I would have to renovate in order to make sure everything was up to code, I've gone over my options. I was going to just give in when I bumped one of the shelves and this book fell off. I can't say I've exhausted all other options until I actually exhaust all other options, now can I? I didn't really think it would work. And I didn't summon you because you were the most terrifying, I summoned you because snakes don't eat paper product, discolor parchment, chew on book covers, or lay eggs between the pages. And obviously you can do things I can't in a situation like this. I thought you could roadblock him for me. Every time he goes to file a complaint, you could make it impossible. Offices not having the right forms, his calls dropping, information getting lost, things like that, until he's so frustrated he just decides it's a waste of time and gives up."
You: A laugh escaped the Demon. It wasn't like any he had ever experienced. It wasn't malicious or evil or even threatening. The laugh was one of humor, genuine unadulterated humor. The smile on the man's face was so warm it was almost infectious and his ideas were so shockingly inconvenient it almost made him breathless. This... human had a better sense of torture than most Demons. In just the few moments Crowley was there on Earth he could see that. Not to mention the amusement he caused in regards to his opinions on snakes. "And what will I get if I do what you ask?" He inquired, suddenly appearing in front of the human, so close that their breaths mingled with every word. "If I keep him away? What are you willing to sacrifice for my..." His gaze lowered, practically devouring every inch of the blond before meeting his gaze again. "Services." He practically purred.
Stranger: For a demon, Crowley's laugh was surprisingly pleasant. It wasn't some evil cackling, it didn't seem sarcastic or condescending, and Azira didn't feel like it was directed /at/ him for coming to do a demon with something so mundane and harmless. It was very disarming, so when Azira suddenly found himself face to face with the demon, much closer than before, he startled hard enough to nearly drop his book. Him fumbling with the book for a brief second was the only reason he didn't step back, too busy trying to look like he wasn't half as flustered as he suddenly felt with his cheeks warming in embarrassment. "Ah, well... My soul is out of the question, unfortunately," he answered, his voice lower since they were standing so close. "Otherwise... I don't know what services like this run for a demon. I could offer you my appreciation, not that you wouldn't get it anyway, of course. Erm..." He patted at his breast pocket, brightening a bit when he found the pen he was looking for, a sleek, shiny black one that reminded him of the black, oil-slick scales that the snake had. He slipped it out and held it to the demon with a slight shrug. "It was my father's but it matches you a bit better, I think. It's very expensive for a pen and it can write underwater. It's novel. I don't know why anyone would ever need to write underwater, but you never know, I suppose."
You: Crowly's smile only widened at the sight of the human's embarrassment. However, it was gone in an instant as the pen was offered out. His brows furrowed in confusion, gaze lowering to peer at the pen. "Demon's don't value things the way humans do... Expensive doesn't matter." He mumbled absently as he lifted a hand to take the pen. He turned it over in his hands, examining it carefully. It was nothing more than an over glorified piece of metal and ink. Still, something about it warmed Crowley's cold blooded nature. His pensive expression turned more into an unease frown as he glared at the object, still studying it. It matched him? Because of the color? He would have no use for it. Couldn't use it to barter or trade in Hell... Doubted he'd ever need to write something underwater... And yet... Now that it was in his possession he certainly didn't want to let it go. Finally, he huffed, gaze lifting to the human as he tucked it away in his pocket. "Very well. A trivial item for a trivial matter." He seemed to scoff. He gave a quick nonchalant snap of his fingers. "Your problem is taken care of." He reassured. "And Human?" He addressed meeting his gaze once more. "If you need anything else, don't be afraid to call." He teased, shooting him a wink before disappearing.
Stranger: "Expensive might matter but maybe the novelty does?" Azira offered uncertainly. He wasn't really sure what mattered to a demon, really. He assumed things like pain and misery, but that was probably just a stereotype. Crowley didn't seem too interested in pain and misery, he seemed to like the idea of causing inconveniences and embarrassment, though. Surprisingly enough, the pen was accepted, and Azira smiled brightly in response, just about to ask what all this entail when it was done, just like that, with a snap of the demon's fingers. He had no proof that it was actually taken care of but the appreciation and relief was very clear when those yellow eyes met his again. (Crowley's eyes were very interesting, beautiful in a otherworldly, unique sort of way.) Azira didn't get the chance to say anything more before the demon was disappearing but it was definitely an encounter he wouldn't forget. In fact, it was one he found himself thinking about often over the next several weeks. It was silly, but he hadn't heard a word from the disgruntled man he had refused to sell to and no trouble with the shop, Azira couldn't help but feel the need to thank the demon somehow. Then he changed past a storefront with a stunning lapel pin, a snake in twisting silver with golden topaz eyes. He bought it and spent the next several days worrying over how weird it would be to just call the demon up to give it to him as a thank you. The perfect solution presented itself on a rainy Wednesday when Azira was was marking a discount sign with a sharpie. He capped the marker, stuck it in the breast pocket of his jacket, and five minutes later he was groaning in despair over the dark black stain growing over the cream fabric. This was his /favorite/ blazer and the damn marker had probably bled through the vest and shirt underneath, knowing how sharpies were. It was incredibly disheartening, this brand had gone out of business last year and he would never be able to get the stain out! He tossed the ruined marker and decided to close the shop early for emotional distress, having just locked the door when he realized who /could/ get the stain out. Soon he had it all set back up, ruined jacket still on and his little "present" tucked in his pocket and he read the incantation once more.
You: The giant snake appeared just as it had the last time. Typically the action of being yanked out of Hell and deposited into the Human plain was disorientating and forced Demon's into their parallel form. However, the action wasn't as shocking as it had been the first time Aziraphale had called on him so, it didn't take as long for him to shift into a more appropriate form. Soon enough, the red haired humanoid stood before the blond, the same leather clothing squeezing his form as he peered at him. "Back so soon?" He asked with a small flash of teeth as he smiled at him, yellow gaze amused. He caught sight of the stain almost instantly but didn't comment as he glanced about the shop curiously. "What is it this time?" He asked absently. "Spilt milk? Tea too cold?" He teased lightly, toeing the edge of the circle, knowing he wouldn't be allowed to pass it without the Human's consent.
Stranger: Azira frowned at the teasing, shutting the book and setting it aside before approaching the edge of the circle. "An incident with a permanent marker, actually," he admitted, sighing and tugging at the edge of his jacket to draw attention to the stain. Not that Crowley hadn't noticed, Azira saw his gaze go right to the large black blotch before anything else. "I would never waste your time by calling you for something I could easily fix myself. I can clean my own milk spill and warm up my own tea, but this jacket is my favorite and they're no longer on the shelves so I can't go buy another." He tried to make himself look at pitiful as he could, which wasn't too hard with how genuinely upset he was over the ruined blazer. "Surely something like this would be effortless for you, wouldn't it?"
You: Crowley's attention turned to him and he eyed the blazer with an arched brow. "It would." He acknowledged, still circling. "If I were so-" He paused as his gaze landed on the man's expression, he looked so pitiful, that put was... No, no, no. Crowley would /not/ fall for that. "Inclined." He finished, moving over to him. "My help always comes with a price, human." He reminded. "What do you have for me this time?" He asked curiously.
Stranger: "Of course," Azira answered. "I wouldn't dream of asking for a service I didn't intend to pay for." He figured with how small a task this was, the lapel pin was more than enough to cover it and be considered a thank you. Not because it was expensive, but maybe because Azira had specifically gotten it with Crowley in mind and specifically to show his appreciation. Maybe demons could tell those sorts of things, he wasn't sure, but he slipped the flat, velvet box out of his pocket and passed it through the circle to the other. And alright, maybe he was just a bit nervous about this. It wasn't like it was something he had laying around that he was offering up, that would be understandable if it wasn't to the demon's liking, it was a very intentional gift and Azira wasn't sure if the demon would even /like/ it. "It reminded me of you," he offered in way of a defense, waving his hand absently as if this was no big deal. And it shouldn't be, really. It wasn't. Absolutely not.
You: Crowley eyed the box with some hesitance, his forked tongue darting out to taste Azira's nervousness along with any other emotions the man may be having. Still, Crowley swiped the box from his hands almost instinctively and popped it open. He caught a quick glimpse of the pin before the vision of how it was bought forced its way into his mind. The simple knowledge that the man had picked it out for him suddenly forcing its way into his mind. He frowned down at it. As a Demon he could sense corruption, greed, ambition... None of it came with the pin. Azira had simply gotten it to give it to the Demon and no other reason. It was unsettling. He didn't like it. Still... He tucked the box into his pocket shooting the human a glare. He wasn't angry exactly... simply confused. Still he lifted a hand and blew softly, the stain slowly lifting away and dissolving into the air. After a moment he straightened. "There, all better." He stated evenly as he met his gaze. "You know, human... Eventually you will ask me to do something that little trinkets can not pay for." He pointed out.
Stranger: The glare had Azira worried that this interaction was going to a step too far, maybe... But then Crowley was slipping the box away and the black stain on his jacket was dissolving right into the air until there wasn't a single discolored thread where it had been. Azira wasn't sure what to make of the mixed signals. How often did someone bother to thank a demon, though? Maybe Crowley just wasn't used to it and didn't know what to make of it just as much as Azira didn't really know what to make of /him/. He smiled gratefully but the demon's words made it fade into something uncertain. "Oh... I don't know about that, Crowley. Really, this just gave me an excuse to thank you for your help last time. It seemed like something so simple for you to do but it really took a lot of weight and worry off my shoulders, that means a lot to me. But otherwise... I'm pretty simple. I have everything I want already. I don't have much need for more demonic intervention than what you've already provided."
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madartiste · 5 years
Deadly Fortune, Book 2, Chapter 00-1 - 15
The chapter numbering for the second book is a little weird because there are a couple 00 numbered chapters that take place before the game starts.  It’s mainly stuff for Lady and what she was up to that led her to encounter the Order of the Sword.
Everything is under the cut again.
Link to the translation: https://originaldmc.github.io/DivinityStatue/Downloads.html
Link to the previous section of Notes: https://madartiste.tumblr.com/post/186824600040/deadly-fortune-book-1-chapters-6-11
Stage 00-1 (Before the game -- Lady encounters the Order)
We get some Lady!  She's hunting a demon (naturally).  She hears a weird noise that sounds more like a machine than a human or a demon.  Lady calls out a warning because she doesn't want to accidentally shoot a person.  They don't respond to her, so she decides to shoot anyway, and one of the Bianco Angelos blocks the rocket with its shield.  She asks if they got lost on their way to a costume party.  Though they don't answer, their posture tells Lady they're definitely listening to her. Interestingly, they don't attack her even though she attacked first, but they're still insanely strange and refuse to say or do anything to respond to her.
So she shoots them again.  They scuffle a bit, she notices they've got some good gear since the armor can fly and they have motorized spears.  She lands a hit and notices there is no blood. Apparently there are sometimes demons with no bodies, though it's very rare, and they can possess things -- 'Like old dolls or torture instruments' (wow).  Items with significant emotional attachment to humans are their favorite shells.  Lady considers that while medieval armor could possibly be possessed, this armor seems like it is far too new in construction.  She also thinks that she's seen the crest that the knights are wearing before but can't remember.
Lady beats the first Bianco Angelo, noticing the blue-white lights that dissipate out of it, and is about to take some of the armor when more show up and surround her.  There's a nice part where she thinks that when she was younger, she'd probably pick a fight with them, but now that she's more experienced, she understands her limitations better.  She also notices they caught the demon she was after -- it has wings and a face like a dog according to her.   Deciding that she doesn't like her odds, Lady hops on her bike after distracting the knights with her rocket launcher.  She finds the situation strange, since they definitely could give chase but don't, and wonders why these demons possessing the armor are hunting other demons.
Stage 12 (Credo dies)
Nero is starting to lose himself inside the Savior.  At first he feels completely calm and comfortable, but he can't remember who he is and can't move.  After a moment, he remembers that he has to save someone.  
Dante thinks of Mundus when he sees the Savior fly off.  He comments that the bad guys have similar patterns.  
Credo wakes up, and Dante does not care about his condition -- which seems harsh, but Dante further ruminates that Credo is a proud guy who wouldn't want sympathy from his enemy.  He also is pretty sure Credo is dying.  Dante correctly realizes that the plan is to open the gate to the underworld so that Sanctus can play hero.  He's not impressed.
Dante thinks this is just like Temen-ni-gru, though that was built by humans.  He's not overly concerned about the whole thing because 'the passage to the devil world is only a little longer.'  (Not sure exactly what that means.)  He also expresses that he doesn't like it when people tell him what to do or try to give him tasks, though he admires Credo's resolve and that he's managed to hold on to his humanity despite becoming a demon.
The way Credo dissolves when he dies isn't typical for a demon, and Dante thinks it's because of Credo's convictions.  He thinks 'This must be the way angels sacrificed.'
Dante and Trish only took this job for entertainment which is why they didn't take it seriously.  But now they feel obligated to fulfill Credo's dying request.  Dante particularly finds humans who use demons to be abhorrent, and he wants to put an end to the Order.  There's a line about him not being young anymore and that he's seen a lot of stuff, but Credo's death touched his heart.  
Stage 00-2 (Before the game -- Lady learns about the Order)
Lady goes to a collector of supernatural items named John.  It seems she doesn't like him much, and his smile creeps her out.  There's a note that 'John swayed like a bald-headed man.'  Whatever that means.  She shows them the coat of arms (the Order's symbol).  He says he knows what it is, but doesn't tell her, so Lady bribes him with some 'devil's blood.'  She dislikes all the collectors because they try to flaunt their knowledge to her.  Also hey remind her of Arkham.  
John scoffs at her 'demon blood' because it shouldn't remain in liquid form.  It either evaporates quickly after being spilled or crystallizes.  But she knows better and tells him to "Forget it."  He changes his tune and asks if the blood is real and how it could be liquid.  She explains that if demon blood is poured onto a stone statue in a ritual, it can create a liquid demon called a Blood Bat.  When the Bat is hit with high heat, it turns back into a stone statue, and that what she's got in her vial is part of the Blood Bat.   She offers to let him set fire to the blood since it will turn to stone.  And after a while, it will turn back into a liquid.
John tries out the trick and is super stoked.  He grabs her hand in his excitement -- which she doesn't care for.  John digs into his collection and brings back a book which has the Order's coat of arms on it: "The Teaching Code of the Order of the Sword."  Ooooh, Lady saw the symbol in her father's study when she was a little kid.  The book is about 4-500 years old, though the Order existed before that.
There's a 'Demon Sociology Group'???
John asks her if she wants a more recent book of their teachings, though it'll be a bit hard to get.  He's very, very pleased with her gift, so he's willing to go the extra mile for her this time.  Lady thinks there's something seriously shady happening, so she says yes.
Stage 13 (Dante vs the Blitz)
Agnus has been in the Savior during all this, so he visits Sanctus in the control room.  The Savior has some automatic functions, but needs a human to do the more complex stuff.  He's disappointed in how little Sanctus changed with his transformation, wondering if it's because Sanctus is so old.  (There's a good translator's note that says that Angus considers switching between human and devil forms to be a 'passage to heaven.')
Agnus actually finds himself afraid of Sanctus and realizes it's because the old geezer is juiced full of powerful energy.  He's ashamed of doubting Sanctus.  He thinks that the power of the devil forms is related to the strength of the person's spirit.  Interestingly, Agnus admits he is not a devout believer in Sparda.  He's more interested in studying devils than he is in following Sparda and mainly used his position to satisfy his scientific curiosity.  But seeing Sanctus… he's filled with awe and believes in his vision.
Angus thinks that Sanctus needs a new title because he should rule over not just the human world but the underworld too.  (Good luck with that.)  He calls him "Emperor of the Devil."  Sanctus just laughs and gives him Yamato to go unlock the Hell Gate.  Agnus pauses and asks what Sanctus will do about Dante -- which Sanctus thinks should be easy with the Savior.
Sanctus also seems to plan to blame all the insanity that's about to happen on Dante.  Dante is unpredictable, Agnus worries that they'll be in trouble if they underestimate him.  Aha, Agnus thinks that with Yamato he will have enough strength to beat Dante.  (Is there something about Yamato and making people feel powerful??)  Now that Credo is dead and he is Sanctus' most trusted confidant, Agnus is feeling pretty ballsy.
Back to Dante: Dante clearly smells demons afoot.  There are some funky dark clouds gathering that shoot lightning at a demon.  Oh, the Blitz.  Interesting note: In Dante's experience, if a demon doesn't have eyes or a nose, it usually has some kind of organ that replaces those functions.  Demons without eyes are rare, though the Blitz has really good hearing.
He uses Ebony and Ivory and thinks of Nell Goldstein (awww), remembering her saying that a normal person can't fire their guns like a machine gun -- which is why she designed his guns to handle being fired at an inhuman rate.  Dante considers his guns to be partners.  He also doesn't normally bring other weapons besides the pistols and Rebellion, but he brought along Coyote-A this time.
Rebellion is the first weapon Dante got, and Sparda trained him to fight with a sword.  There's a line about how the sword symbolizes the power to protect a loved one.
Fighting the Blitz, Dante considers that a dying demon's only instinct is destruction, essentially wanting to kill everything around it when it goes.  Hence the Blitz blowing itself up.
Stage 00-3 (Lady hires Dante and Trish)
 Lady is considering what to do about the Bianco Angelos.  They are obviously collecting demons for something, but they don't attack her unless she attacks them first.  She debates about going to Fortuna, but isn't keen on the idea, though if the Angelos keep interfering with her hunts, she's losing money and reputation.  She's chillin' on the sofa in her own room, thinking about what to do.  Demon hunters are pretty rare and scattered around the country, but she knows a few people.  Obviously, the person she thinks can deal with this is Dante.
She actually wonders if Dante is his real name because some people call him Tony -- though she knows this was an old alias.  She heads out to his place, calls his area of town a 'slum.'  Lady strolls into the office without knocking.  She thinks that Dante would eat pizza or drink if he has nothing better to do, and that he eats sundaes like a little kid.
Lady doesn't know too much about Trish, only that she used to be Dante's partner and that she's not human.  Trish is apparently traveling the world right now, but sometimes swings by Devil May Cry.
Dante turns her job down because he's suspicious of Lady's methods -- she sticks him with the damage fees all the time -- but Lady knows he doesn't really take jobs for the money.  He just wants to kill demons. Apparently Trish knows about the Order of the Sword but doesn't say anything.  
Lady has her doubts about Dante really being the son of Sparda, and when she asks him how much he knows, Dante says who can know everything about their dad?  Lady finds the answer strange even for Dante. He gets his interest hooked at the point that Lady says they worship Sparda like a god on Fortuna.  Despite what he'd like, Dante still wants to know about his father.
While she's talking, Trish is picking up the Sparda and some Devil Arms, but Dante doesn't notice.  Lady doesn't care who takes the job.
Stage 14 (Dante vs. Echidna)
Agnus is in the Opera House.  Only a few people know how to get to the Hell Gate under the building.  The secret passage was built way before the Opera House, and Sanctus ordered Agnus to figure out where it was.  The Hell Gate directly under the center of the city. Apparently the space is very creepy. He's excited to see the culmination of his research.
The original Hell Gate developed over time, caused by the 'magical difference between the human world and the underworld.'  The little Hell Gates Agnus made concentrated magical energy in the area, allowing them to open the the Real Hell Gate all at once.
Back to Dante: He sees all the demons spilling out of the big Hell Gate and says "That's… not good."  (Hah!) Even he is apprehensive about dealing with that many demons at once.  He also is worried that they won't be able to save all the people.  
Dante doesn't usually hang on to his Devil Arms.  In fact, he sells them to pay his debts.
He's counting on the Order knights to protect the citizens, so he's focusing on getting back his Devil Arms and closing the small Hell Gates.  Dante is confident he can win, but he knows he can't destroy the Savior with Nero inside since that could kill the poor kid.
In Mitis Forest, the air is so dense with demon energy that a normal person would just pass right out.  Dante literally is looking forward to 'playing' with some tough demons.  
He banters with Echidna, and there's a note that demons who can speak human languages are always chatty and show off.  Dante grabs his Devil Arm before the fight in this.  I guess there's a question if Gilgamesh is a true Devil Arm (which makes a bit of sense since DMC5 says it's actually a special kind of metal from the Underworld.).  Dante Rising Dragon's Echidna and is a bit disappointed that she gets taken out so fast.  It sounds like he gets intensely bored fighting demons and does all his showy moves mainly to entertain himself.
Stage 15 (Dante vs. Dagon)
Lady POV: She's on a boat on her way to Fortuna.  The sailors can't believe she wants to go there with all the crazy stuff going on.  She tells one of them that when she gets there, she'll put a stop to it… probably (she doesn't let them hear that last part).  Three days after she left, Trish sent Lady a letter asking her to come by Fortuna in a month to pick her and Dante up.  Lady gets attacked by a Mephisto. The sailor's name is Ben, and Lady tries to protect him and the ship.
She beats the demon but a ton more show up.  She suggests Ben run to the lifeboat.
Back to Dante: He tries to get frisky with Dagon's ladies who tease him and dart away -- though he's already aware the frog demon is there thanks to the smell.  Dagon has similarly poor human speech, like Bael, that Dante can barely understand.  He also doesn't know who Dante is -- and Dante's disappointed by that. He asks if Dagon is "from the country."
The demon frogs come out of the hell gate before Dante kills Dagon.  He Enemy Steps his way over to the Hell Gate to grab Pandora. To use Pandora's different forms, Dante just has to picture them in his mind.  It was either built by or WAS an 'ordinance worker in the demon world.'  I'm thinking built by because this demon also built a bunch of other guns.  (Was it Machiavelli?  Same guy who made Artemis?)  Pandora can read the 'memory and the imagination' of the user to change into many shapes.  When Trish first saw the Argument form for Pandora, she said Dante is just a big kid.  He admits that he probably got the idea from a comic book or movie but still thinks it's cool.  Also he got hit with the Omen transformation on accident before.  He refers to that as 'tragic consequences.'
Link to the next section of notes: https://madartiste.tumblr.com/post/186847847540/deadly-fortune-book-2-chapters-16-20
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pwnyta · 6 years
These mediocre doodles are mostly for Omi. Theyre not even real characters from the games/show... its just... dont worry about it. Since im lazy its all just sketchy doodles. ((A shit ton of them under the cut!))
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Hugo (Nat- ):
Candy (Nat- Naive): A not all together newbie. Im sure she was delighted to get he codename... and then less delighted that there was someone already called ‘Candyman‘.
Scarecrow or just ‘Crow’ (Nat- Modest): A spooky man who’ll fit whatever roll he needed for. Very flexible. Has an easy personality to deal with though hes not very forthcoming about himself personally... might be better in a job like this.
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Lock (Nat- Quiet):
Doc (Nat- Careful): He has a lot of information on almost everyone... aside from Sickle whos doctor is Emanuel. Hes not a fighter and refuses to evolve because his tail was mutilated and he can be a Slowbro anymore. Hes somehow gained a weirdly dark organ harvester rep... maybe because hes rarely seen and peoples imagination go wild... but to the people under his care hes just a nice, tiny guy who does a good job of patching them up quickly. He will smuggle drugs however because now he gets to work in better conditions under Sickle... hes also got a strange morbid sense of humor.
Wisp (Nat- Hasty): An ice queen type, kinda haughty and smug but shes got the skills to back that up so no one can talk shit. Like ‘sure shes an asshole... but shes not wrong‘. She tries to work WITH people just so she can get them the fuck away from her as quickly as possible. She doesnt appreciate people overstaying their welcome and prefers to go solo. If she needs a partner she prefers another woman or at least a pretty man... but someone like Link or Skim would be better.
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Skim (Nat- Sassy): Honestly just a nod to Catwoman in general.
Father (Nat- Serious): A very religious man, mute, demands perfection. If you work for him and fuck up and embarrass him youre in for a world of hurt.  No matter how fond he may seem to be towards someone this is true. He doesnt play favorites and he doesnt want anyone under him to stagnate. You push yourself or HE’LL PUSH YOU. The operatives working under him are jokingly referred to as his ‘kids‘. Toward his equals he can be respectful... or maybe just tolerant.
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Perma (Nat- Adamant): A cruel efficient lady. Has a thing for blades which is possibly why she has no trouble working for a guy like Sickle. The fact hes not interested piques her interest in him even more.
Gadget (Nat- Rash): Tries to be a fun gamer girl but her short temper makes it hard. Some suggest her codename should be ‘Tripwire‘ because of how unpredictably dangerous she can be... but she disagrees BECAUSE SHES A FUCKING DELIGHT. Can be a bit of a troll... and not the goofy fun kind (the malicious I’ll ruin your life if you cross me kind).
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Blink (Nat- Calm) A Very obedient and very smart. Has a really droning dull voice and never loses his temper. Hes good at calming a certain Luxray down.
Mele (IDK)
Wool (Nat- Sassy) Plays dumb and pretty but hes rather clever and is a fun loving fella. Has a French accent. Master of disguise!
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Wreckingball (Nat- Hardy): Has no real talent or skill. Hes just a tough bastard you call in if you need to fuck some shit up. Hes probably one of the more pleasant agents in Sickles crew and is chummy... probably not the greatest idea considering his coworkers are a bunch of shady assholes.
Mittens (Nat- Jolly): Hes another rather nice agent of Sickles. But hes not a dumbass like Wreckingball and has become of the head of the Sigma divison. He is a bit reckless tho. He can shoot his arms off and use them as weapons so he occasionally wears prosthetic arms and spends a lot of time with Doc.
Prick (Nat- Impish) Hes a smarmy lad who enjoys talking vaguely and annoying people. HIS NAME IS APPROPRIATE AND HE LOVES IT.
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River (Nat- Naughty): Flirty and dangerous. Hes a killer but hes quick and efficient doesnt draw out anyones death. Not because hes nicer or squeamish or anything its because torture isnt in his job description. Hes great at getting people to think he honestly cares and like using built trust to crush his victims. He also like cucumbers! He somehow gets along well with Madam even though theyre both just being fake bitches.
Madam (Nat- Mild): Looks very dainty and delicate and uses peoples desire to please a pretty woman to take advantage of them. Shes not shy about minor edits to peoples memories to help her get away even though its illegal.
Cleo (Nat- Docile):
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Cresent the Shiny Lycanroc (dusk form. Nat- relaxed)
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Link the Golisopod (Nat- Quiet)-
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Methuselah the Drampa (Nat- Mild)
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Viola the Chatot (Nat- Naughty)
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Sandstorm the Flygon (Nat- Adamant)... Her personality is like that of a strict teacher dont let her have a ruler unless you wanna get spanked. Shes neat and detail oriented and because shes so outwardly respectable... no one would ever suspect shes a fucking thief. Shes a collector of rare and valuable books and of course prefers original copies. Her social skills arent grea unless shes pretending to be someone shes not and gets embarrassed if she reveals too much about herself to anyone.
Cavendish the Tropius (Nat- Lax). Her personality is like shes on autopilot, she gets shit done but shes sorta checked out. Shed much rather just stay home but she also got expensive tastes and shes not rich.
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Alkaloid (Nat- Lonely): A gloomy lass that craves companionship. Shes not great at making connections to people which is fine for her position but really wants to have someone to click with. After she lost her eye she became even more distant with people. Shes rather fond of Doc though their relationship is rather one sided... her projecting some strange friendship on him because he cares for her and keeps her secrets... but hes a doctor and its kind of his job.
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Blanco (Nat- Quirky): A vain dramatic ladies man. Is a skilled in his job (of course) but he hates when hes gotta tone back his extravagant life. After a long job he likes to surround himself with lively people and have some fun. He thinks he works VERY well with others and thinks himself a perfect partner.... most find him obnoxious and a lot have told him so... he just takes all criticism as jokes and lets it roll off him. If nothing else hes very positive!
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Mistletoe (Nat- Serious): He seems cold and scary but hes a man of honor (for a guy who tortures people for a living anyway). He refuses to harm anyone weaker than him and is very caring of children and will step in if he sees some injustice if he can. Rouge agents, traitors,and shit like that though... hes ruthless and is very good at prying information out of them.  His hobby of developing new and dangerous poisons/chemicals are often tested on whoever hes toying with. ((He should have spots on the light red parts of his jacket... I forgot them IDK how OH WELL. I wanna tweak his costume a bit anyways. Vileplume colors are so bleh.))
Dust (Nat- Calm): Outwardly very charming but theyre not as sweet as they seem on the inside. Dust doesnt need to bring their victims in any kind of room to do their dirty work and prefers using their dust and psychic abilities to just mind fuck their victims into submission.
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The Candyman the Alolan Muk (Nat- Quiet) is an annoyingly patient man and the perfect guy to call if you need to teach someone a lesson. If no one else can do it... THE CANDYMAN CAN. IDK what that Mr Mime did but he pissed Sickle off... Candyman has one weak point and thats his poor eyesight... and he’ll get very annoyed if you touch his glasses.
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Doc gets a penpal.
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BB Sparky helps Boat be a Pichu with the clever use of feathers and a pink marker.
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Lees a hit with his mommas work friends.
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Lee and his kids. (Sam and Sparky are his kids occasionally.) Hes a stronk boy but his health isnt the best... even Sam can feel a little guilty and worried when he causes trouble for his friend.
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Alex is not an easy man to anger and hes very dangerous when hes angry but no matter how pissed off he is... just seeing Lee can sweep that all away. Alex can get away with a lot... but Lee still wont let him wear his preferred fighting attire. QQ so mean.
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I revamped Boats friend Arcane. Hes a cop. ...he mostly hangs out with other dogs but also Boat. Nice guy, very righteous but also kind of a prideful asshole sometimes.
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Ray revamp.
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I made Sandy shiny because the black looked cool.
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Some cops.
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Another scientist
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Halos childhood friend turned criminal.
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Stan and Davy fam!! Stans mum is a detective, his dad is a stay at home dad.
Davys mum is an ~*~ARTIST~*~ especially in fashion but shes flexible and creative... and very spontaneous and his dad is former military turned workhorse for his wife. Hes good at sewing with all his tentacles.
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Although her desire to have a kid was random and ill thought out... they werent as awful at being parents as he thought.
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Another Ray! Mega Manectric and Hebenon.
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BB Pokemon Quest crew.
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I forgot to add Ho-Oh Lugia
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And the trios.
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