#speaking of enemies to lovers
lilacgaby · 15 days
thinking of childhood friends to lovers with katsuki :(
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you and him who's parents were close friends in high school and got pregnant at the same time.
the photos of you two as little babies, dressed up in matching outfits courtesy of his fashion designer parents.
having playdates and sleepovers every other weekend, the two of you clung to each other as you moved around his little playroom, katsuki pouting whenever you had to leave.
the first day of kindergarten together, holding hands as your parents fussed over the two of you, taking photos as the two of you walked in together, choosing spots next to each other always. you thinking he was so cool for his quirk, and him vying for your affection without even realizing it.
even in his middle school years, he'd get so upset when he even thought about the other guys who had a crush on you, he'd t̶h̶r̶e̶a̶t̶e̶n̶ talk to them and let them know that you were taken already.
and when he entered U-A and finally confessed his feelings to you, so relieved to know you felt the same.
and getting married as proheroes, with your parents talking about how you two were destined to be together </3
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requests are open now! <3
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poundingwaves · 4 months
After some much needed post-battle rest, Gorgug is still left with one mystery to solve. How the hell is he supposed to figure out Mary Ann’s phone number? First, he asks Fig for help since she’s apparently on lime level. She laugh reacts to his message and tells him she has absolutely no clue what Quokki Pets is but she’ll meet him at Basrar’s.
Fig offers to Wanda Childa Mary Ann to try to get more information out of her and Gorgug practically begs her not to. They agree instead to request Adaine’s research expertise. Adaine sends them a bulleted list of Quokki Pets facts including where to find the game. The three of them meet at the Elmville mall to see if Mary Ann actually left her phone number there. Adaine starts mage handing copies of the game over to Fig (disguised as an employee) who opens them to see if there are any notes inside. Gorgug purchases a copy for himself. Maybe actually playing the game could be a good idea (and impress Mary Ann if that’s even possible). 
After being booted from the store, Mary Ann’s number still eluding them, they consider that finding Mary Ann’s profile could help. They enlist their tech genius, so Riz shows up with his equipment ready to go. He hacks into the Quokki Pets message boards and finds a high level user located in Elmville with the name Mangostrawb. Gotta be her. So they look through her posts on the message boards and mostly just find her showing off her Quokkis, leaving scathing comments on non-optimized builds, or occasionally dropping tips for new players. After scrolling through dozens of pages, they’re positive Mangostrawb is Mary Ann but that’s still not exactly helpful.
They finally call it quits for the day and go their separate ways, vowing to keep helping Gorgug get to that bench. Late that night as he’s embarking on his Quokki Pets journey, Gorgug gets a text from an unknown number. He opens it. “you don’t just get quokki pets. they come to you”
Gorgug sighs and puts his crystal down. She's so fucking annoying.
And so hot.
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pedropascll · 1 year
Enemies to lovers won my last poll so let’s see how this goes…Reblog for a larger sample size 🫶
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thetrinitytest · 4 months
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jamminvroomvroom · 1 year
are you telling me that alex albon and lando norris not only managed to bring together max “he’s a dickhead” verstappen and george “he’s childish” russell, but also managed to get them to play on the same team? what the fuck is in that monaco air? inject it.
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bunnys-kisses · 5 months
okay, okay, okay! i know we're still on the jailhouse rock au (we will come back to this), but in the process of staring at simon's tattoos i came up with another idea.
it's the classic biker au, you met him after you cursed at him for running a red light and almost running you over. while at the time time you thought nothing of it, you see his bike in the parking lot of a grocery store and reminded of what almost happened, you take your keys and key the side of his bike.
but as you were going to put you key away, you were met face to face with the six foot two behemoth that was simon riley. the lower half of his face was obscured because of a face mask, but the sternness in his eyes made cold sweat go down your back.
"whatcha doin' there, girlie?"
you frowned at him before you said, "you almost ran me over a few days ago mister motorcyclist. you should be watching where you're driving, people use the streets too." you stood up a little straighter. it wasn't your finest moment, keying a strangers car, but the fear that raced through you when he ran that red was still fresh in your mind.
"well then." he said, then looked to his bike, "i guess i should apologize." he leaned in close to your personal space and said, "i'm sorry, but you have to look both ways, little girl." then ruffled your hair.
you felt rage build up inside of you. you actually stomped on his foot to get him away from you before you walked away. you refused to be talk down to like a little girl. this wouldn't be the last you saw of simon.
a few months later, your older neighbour was moving out to live in a long term care facility after she had a pretty bad tumble. but on moving day, you weren't expecting to see heavily tattooed men with amazing body strength move boxes into the apartment. and then you saw simon again.
he recognized you and smiled under his face mask, "well. if it isn't the girl who keyed my bike."
"well, if it isn't the man who tried to kill me." you replied. you would've never guessed that you'd soon up in simon's bed with him holding your legs open as he thrusted up inside of you.
"that's a good girl, we could've done this instead of you ruinin' my bike." he purred as he gripped your thighs. the muscle under his palms riled him up.
"shut up and fuck me you idiot." you groaned as you clutched onto the pillow under your head. your heart was racing as you felt his cock deep inside of you. you wanted to wipe that stupid smirk off his face, but you were too busy feeling his cock in your throat.
"anything for you, love. you just lie there and let me take care of everything." he chuckled lowly.
eventually you two would make amends, even become lovers. one day you'd be mrs. simon riley. but not at that moment, at that moment you wanted to make sure that he didn't feel like he won this battle. <3
thoughts? feelings? want more?
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ramenwithbroccoli · 9 months
not to be controversial on main, but i really do feel like way more people would enjoy maths if someone properly explained it to them & they didn't have a hanging threat of failing an exam above their heads
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purrvaire · 4 months
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black sails + shitpost I have on my phone (pt. 4/?)
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hihihihi Sponge my moot! I love the way you draw Beta Wally and Sunny can we perhaps have some Beta Wally x Sunny sketches! Take your time love your art keep creating ❤️
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Howdy-do, my moot!! Thank you for the sweet message at the end. I appreciate it!✨ This is a very funny ask. My take on Beta Wally is that he absolutely despises Sunny! But ya got me curious, so I did my best at trying to doodle this ship!
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acethelonewanderer · 1 month
i will say this as many times as i can as long as i can inhale oxygen
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sergeantjessi · 11 months
Texte über Goethe/Schiller zu lesen, bevor sie sich verstanden, ist immer wieder so witzig. Ja, ja, JoWo, noch ärgerst du dich darüber, dass Schiller in deiner Nachbarschaft wohnt. Aber geb dem noch ein paar Jahre und ihr redet davon, Kinder zu zeugen und nach Schillers Tod wirst du, was du für seinen Schädel hältst, auf ein Samtkissen betten.
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shostakobitchh · 4 months
I want a Snily story where Lily goes missing and Severus is still a low level ranking Death Eater and James comes to him out of desperation and is like “PLEASE if you EVER cared about her HELP ME FIND HER” and Severus goes absolutely fucking feral in his pursuit of finding her only to find that it was on Voldemort’s orders
And then he takes them down from the inside out.
And the entire time Lily is giving these fuckers absolute HELL while barely hanging on until Severus shows up covered in blood and bits of bone and takes her somewhere no one can find them and the entire time she’s fighting him and he’s just like, “FUCKING STAY PUT”
and then they fall in love :-) totally normal
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enobariasdistrict2 · 4 months
random thought but there was once this couple in my junior year biology class who were really sweet towards each other & always laughing with/teasing one another and i honestly couldn't tell if they were a couple or really good best friends (until they confirmed they were a couple later on lmao). and that's honestly the goal for all my fictional ships/hope for my irl serious relationships tbh
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"And you make a mean coffee." "Stop talking." "You asked me the question." "I'm regretting it."
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the-badger-mole · 1 year
But FWIENDSHIP!!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Okay, so you all know how I get when something gets stuck in my head, but yesterday I saw a post talking about how Katara and Zuko's potential romance messes with their friendship, and I don't understand how, but that's beside the point. This is an anti-Kataang post.
I will once again admit that I don't spend a ton of time in Kataang/anti-Zutara spaces (cause I'm respectful like that), but every so often, I see one of those takes pop up in my safe area (because respect isn't always a two way street, unfortunately). It's interesting to see how many times this take seems to crop up. Katara and Zuko falling in love would ruin their friendship, yet those same people fail to acknowledge that Bryke went ahead and ruined their friendship anyway out of jealousy. These same people also tend to hold Kataang as a prime example of Friends to Lovers, the only problem is, Aang isn't Katara's friend at any point.
Throughout the series, it's made very clear that Aang likes Katara, but for most of the series (until literally the last few seconds, in fact) it's also clear that Katara only sees him as a friend. This should have been an object lesson that sometimes crushes don't work out, but friendship can be stronger than temporarily disappointed feelings. However, that's not what we get. Aang doesn't care about Katara's friendship. He doesn't want Katara in his life unless it's in a romantic capacity. We see it in how he reacts when he feels romantically rejected (lava fissure, EIP). The narrative doesn't give Katara any space to say no to Aang without it permanently damaging their relationship, because they never had the relationship Katara thought they did. Katara thought she was Aang's friend, but for Aang, their 'friendship' was just a precursor to romance. In this, the year 2023, I know we all understand why this is a problem.
Aang can't even conceive of a world where Katara does turn him down. He dreams about her enthusiastic response to his declaration of love; he assumes that since they kissed he kissed her and staked his claim, they should be together, despite there never being any sort of conversation, and the fact that the one time he did try to talk about it, she changed the subject very quickly. Katara's feelings are an afterthought for Aang, which is terrible for any relationship, but particularly in a romantic one. There is never a moment where Aang puts Katara's emotional needs ahead of his own. He never puts a value on her platonic friendship. There's never a moment where he decides that despite his feelings for her, having Katara in his life as a friend is better than not having her at all. That moment should have happened regardless of whether they ended up together or not, because friendship is the most important component of the Friends to Lovers trope.
By comparison, the friendship Katara eventually forms with Zuko is much deeper, and based on a mutual respect, understanding and emotional support for each other. This is a fantastic foundation for a romance, although bafflingly, people who laud Katara and Zuko's deep friendship don't seem to agree. Them potentially falling in love doesn't cheapen their friendship because they actually were friends first. On top of that, their Enemies to Friends journey ending romantically would not only not cheapen their friendship, it would tie into the themes of the show beautifully (the illusion of separation; love being stronger than hate; learning to respect other people's differences etc).
Let's be real, what Kataang actually represents is The Hero Gets the Girl, and I think deep down we all know that, even the ones calling it Friends to Lovers. In the Hero Gets the Girl trope, the Girl in question doesn't really matter. She's less of a romantic partner and more a prize for the Hero saving the day. Her emotional journey to falling for the Hero mostly plays out off screen, even though she may not have even liked the Hero like that initially, and the hero doesn't ever show that he respects her as a person. For the most part it works (arguably) because the Girl isn't a character in her own right, she's just part of the Hero's story. The reason it doesn't work with Kataang is that Katara is a character. She does have her own journey, and as passionate and outspoken as she is in pretty much every other aspect of her life, it doesn't make sense for her journey to falling for Aang takes place largely off screen. Not unless you understand how little Katara's feelings matter to their relationship. Had Katara actually rejected Aang, their friendship would have ended because Aang was never interested in her friendship.
It's interesting to me to see people who claim to value friendship over romance spend more time complaining about a romance that isn't canon over the actual canon ship that really does cheapen the friendship. But then again, I guess that was never the problem in the first place.
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thelovelybitten · 15 days
I don’t know anything about gravity falls yet somehow dipcifica keeps coming on my fyp and in my recommended content.
I don’t know who they are or what they’re like but….how do I get on the ship ??? they have a grip on me and I know jack shit abt them
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