#like those are fun to post about. but they're not the backbone
july-19th-club · 1 year
brave or suicidal thing of me to say but i was not that busted up over adult natalie's fate at the end of s2. for one i just never really enjoyed juliette lewis that much in the show she always seems like she's delivering all her lines while simultaneously eating a lemon. and secondly sophie turner's natalie and lewis's natalie are so very different that it almost feels like they're separate characters and i don't at this point have confidence that the show can actually convince me that young natalie will become old natalie. as things currently stand the setup just isn't there yet and they've had two years to telegraph it. the other characters are pretty clearly The Same Person despite all the years between their youth and their middle age and all of the ways in which the world and the wilderness have changed them. but natalie never really meshed for me so im not even sad im just like . well at least it wasn't [other character i'm more invested in]
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mirai-e-jump · 8 months
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Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger Character Book: Trails of the Kings and Retainers Main Cast Member Interviews (translations below, LONG POST)
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Sakai Taisei (Gira) x Morioka Yutaka (Douga)
"First, please introduce the character the other plays."
Sakai: At first, Douga was the kind of person who would cause tension and confront Gira, but after Gira ascended to the throne and became a close presence, I think Douga became a nice person who's always by Gira's side. The same goes for Morioka-san, who plays the role, as he's a dependable person who I respect very much.
Morioka: Thank you so much. Gira-sama grew up in an orphanage, and I think Douga was surprised to see that this young man, who at first seemed so unfamiliar to him, has become more and more involved as the backbone of the country. He became the current king, and Douga serves as his retainer, but Gira-sama has grown remarkably. In my mind, Gira-sama and Taisei-kun overlap, so I see him as a man that I'd like to serve sincerely, even going beyond our roles.
"Were there any surprising developments or settings for your role compared to when you were first cast?"
Sakai: I think the fundamentals of Gira have always remained the same. Rather than Gira, the exit and reappearance of other characters…I think the surprise of those developments were greater.
Morioka: One thing that remains consistent about Gira, is that he understands other people's feelings and pain better than anyone else.
Sakai: That's right. Even for main episodes of the other kings, Gira would stand next to them and inspire them. As the episodes went on, I realized that he was a person who could relate to what other people were thinking.
Morioka: Douga on the other hand has recently been referred to as an "interesting person" on SNS (laughs). Around episode 9, a celebrity from Chikyu, a genius boy named Kiito-kun with an IQ of 20,000 appeared, and Gira, who was a fugitive at the time, looked just like him in his disguise. Since Douga was there, I was asked to do a performance that showed a different side to him. For me personally, I was surprised, was it okay for Douga to approach and press some celebrity for an autograph?! (laughs).
Sakai: It's hard to imagine from Douga's early appearance.
Morioka: That's right. First of all, it was there that I was able to find a direction for my role. And thankfully, in episode 21, the main episode where Douga is on the move job hunting, I was able to "break out" again.
Sakai: I was also surprised, did you really expect to see Douga like this from the dignified appearance he showed in the first episode?! There was a comedic element to it, and I really think Morioka-san is amazing at portraying so many different sides to him.
"How would you describe the strength of Douga, who serves as the king's sword wielding retainer in the "strongest country" of Shugoddam?"
Morioka: Including in the spin offs, there were quite a few scenes where Douga gets blown away with a single attack (laughs). So, I thought he might be surprisingly weak, but he had an action scene in episode 40, and he was moving relatively well, so I thought that he was a person who could be in charge of the military.
Sakai: I feel that if there were a fight against the kings who aren't armed with the royal armor, Douga definitely wouldn't lose.
Morioka: You think so? I'm really grateful filming action scenes, they're fun to do.
"What are your thoughts on the relationship between Gira and Douga?"
Morioka: Douga was originally the retainer for Gira's older brother, Racules Husty, so there were times when I felt that it was very difficult to determine his position, but things have now been sorted out. Of course, he still has feelings for Racules, but I play Douga based on the idea that Gira-sama is the one who should come first.
Sakai: In most countries other than Shugoddam, the king leads their retainer, but since Gira is new to being king, I feel that he and Douga are growing together, and I think that relationship is a charm that the other countries don't have.
"Please tell us about any particular scenes between Gira and Douga that moved you."
Sakai: For me it's episode 29. There's a scene in which Douga says to Gira, "What the people need, is none other than Gira-sama!" I was so moved by this scene, that I felt emotional while performing.
Morioka: During filming, Taisei-kun said, "Morioka-san! Just now, that really hit me!"
Sakai: I became more aware that I was king, and I was moved by the way Douga's thoughts were conveyed.
Morioka: For me, it's episode 21, which I had mentioned earlier. In this scene, Douga, who had been job hunting in every county on Chikyu, eventually returns to Shugoddam and asks Gira-sama, "Will you let me work here?!" and Gira-sama empathizes with Douga. The combination of Gira-sama's kindness and Taisei-kun's kindness really touched me.
Sakai: That makes me happy!
"Starting with episode 27, the new chapter is set two years after the previous one. There's also a change in that Gira is now officially the king of Shugoddam, but were there any changes in the performance plan?"
Morioka: Yes. At first, I thought that although it had been two years, Douga was of a certain age, and that there would be little change in him, so I acted with the same expressionless face I had before. Then, Kamihori-san (Director Kamihoriuchi Kazuya) asked me to be alittle more softer, saying, "Douga-san, let's have a slight smile here." With that one comment, I interpreted that Douga had become more mature, or maybe more tolerant in the past two years since his partner changed from Racules to Gira-sama. He's been smiling alittle bit, and showing the various sides to him.
Sakai: Director Kamihoriuchi told me, "You don't have to change your performance just because it's two years later." However, in the prison scene in episode 29, the Director created a scene in which Gira bursts into laughter at Douga. When I saw that, I realized that when the Director said I didn't have to change my performance, he meant that I didn't have to think about anything complicated, and that he just wanted Gira to grow alittle. After that, I started to casually do things that I hadn't done in the beginning, such as saying my lines with a slightly lower tone of voice.
"In the variety show "Sokkin Sentai Sokkinger" which is distributed through the Toei Tokusatsu Fan Club (TTFC), Morioka-san mentioned, "In order to not to diminish king Racules's status, I keep my appearance neat," but is there anything you're aware of as Gira's retainer?"
Morioka: Basically, it's the same, but while he was more respectful of Racules, I feel like he's genuinely and sincerely in love with Gira-sama. When he was serving Racules, I thought that Racules had picked him up and put him in his current position, but with Gira-sama, he wants to support him from the ground up and raise him to be a real king. However, I feel that he's drawn in by something Gira-sama has hidden within him, and is prepared to sacrifice his life in a different sense than when he was Racules's retainer. That's why, even though he's a retainer, there are times where he clearly expresses his opinions to Gira-sama. To the viewers, he may seem like a fatherly figure, but I myself think it's different from the feeling of parent and child.
"Do you remember the first time you two met each other?"
Morioka: I remember it well. I'll never forget, it was at the beginning of filming. As I remember, we were filming the scene where the kings came to Shugoddam with their retainers and begin the meeting of the five kingdoms. Taisei-kun came to the scene even though he wasn't supposed to appear.
Sakai: It was the first day of filming after all, so I thought I'd like to greet everyone and look around…
Morioka: Then, I think it was during a commemorative photo, that I noticed a slender, cute boy with silky hair standing next to me, and he greeted me by saying, "I'm Sakai Taisei, I'll be playing Gira." I said, "Oh, it's you!"
Sakai: Ahahaha!
Morioka: A kid with such sparkling eyes…I could already tell that he was a good kid.
Sakai: No, no (embarrassed). What I remember very clearly is the scene filmed at Kiyosumi Shirakawa BASE in the first episode. At that time, I think I was overly enthusiastic and was trying to, "Absorb everything I could!" But, Morioka-san gave me advice in a kind and gentle way, without a hint of looking annoyed. So, from the very beginning, I've had the impression that he's a "bundle of kindness."
Morioka: Haha. Also, the scene where Gira-sama appears for the first time inside Caucasuskabuto Castle and pleads for help with, "If you have this (the OhgerCalibur), you can save everyone, right?!" and, "That's why you (Racules) have got to use it!" was very memorable.
Sakai: It was the most difficult scene…
Morioka: It was the first important scene, a crucial point in the story.
Sakai: I ended up doing about 20 takes for one cut…However, Morioka-san didn't look annoyed and just went along with it.
Morioka: It wasn't just me, everyone who was there, including Racules (played by Masato Yano), was like, "Do your best!" I thought Kamihori-san's direction was amazing, and I was moved by how humble Sakai Taisei's earnest efforts to respond to them were.
"Over the past year, do you feel that Sakai-san's performance has changed?"
Morioka: I feel that it really has.
Sakai: Really?!
Morioka: Not just with Taisei-kun, but I feel this way about the entire cast. Well, Kaku So-san who plays Kaguragi Dybowski has alot of experience, so he's abit different. But, I really think Taisei-kun has changed the most. When we were filming the first episode that was mentioned earlier, Taisei-kun had alot of work to do. Even though he could've approached things from a different angle, he listened exactly to what the Director told him, responding with, "Yes!" and, "I see!"
Sakai: So embarrassing…
Morioka: Now, I can feel that he's listening to what the Director wants, and is trying to break it down so it can be put into the performance
Sakai: Over the past year, I've gradually become able to do this, but there are still many challenges.
Morioka: If anything, I don't have much time left as Douga now (laughs).
Sakai: Stop that! I once previously said directly to Morioka-san that he seems to enjoy acting more than anyone else. Do you actually feel excited as you perform the role, thinking, "What should I do here?"
Morioka: I do. It's fun to think about what I'm going to do. However, I'm very nervous, so I try to be well prepared so that I don't have to worry about how the others will react during the actual performance. So, it's always a battle between "fun" and "nervousness."
"If Douga were to arm himself with royal armor, what kind of warrior would you want him to be?"
Morioka: I'm also a boy, so I think a cool bug would be nice, however, the name Douga apparently comes from the cupreous chafer beetle (douganebuibui).
Sakai: Eh, Is that right?!
Morioka: I was told by fans that it might be so, but I don't know if it's really true or not (laughs). Ah, in episode 25, since Douga rode in Guardian Hercules when the retainers piloted God King-Ohger, I also admire warriors with a hercules beetle motif.
"If you have any questions you'd like to ask each other, please do so."
Morioka: If we were to meet in another production, what kind of show would it be, and what kind of relationship would you like us to play?
Sakai: I'd like to do a yakuza story. I'd like to be Morioka-san's henchman and say something like, (in a low voice) "Aniki!"
Morioka: That's good! It sounds interesting.
Sakai: On the other hand, what kind of production would Morioka-san like to work on with me?
Morioka: Taisei-kun plays the role of a heroine's lover, and I play the role of the heroine's father. I think a production that depicts everyday life would also be good.
Sakai: Sounds good!
Morioka: There's one other situation I'd like to try! I'm a lawyer and Taisei-kun is a suspect, and he'd be like, "Lawyer-san, I didn't do it!"
Sakai: (acting realistically) "Lawyer-san, I didn't do it!"
Sakai & Morioka: Ahahaha!
Sakai: I really want to work together again, so from now on, I'll continue to do my best!
Morioka: Same here. This is my wish, but I want Taisei-kun to become a popular actor who can play a wide range of roles. I think the most important thing for an actor is honesty, and Taisei-kun is a really honest person who absorbs things like a sponge. If he continues like this, I think he'll become what I consider to be the ideal actor.
Sakai: Thank you very much!!
"Finally, please give a message to the fans."
Morioka: The Producers, Director, production team, acting department, and fans have nurtured this program and given us strength. Personally, I've learned alot from the opinions on SNS. I'd be happy if you could continue to support me even after this production is over.
Sakai: King-Ohger is a production that the staff spent a long time discussing and working on to create. Every day, I feel that the cast and staff are working together as one to tackle this work. There are only 5 episodes remaining to air, but there are still great developments waiting to happen, so please look forward to it!
Watanabe Aoto (Yanma) x Chiwata Yuhei (Shiokara)
"Please tell us your impressions of each other's character."
Watanabe: My impression of Shiokara, played by Chiwa-san (Chiwata), is that, "The kinder the person is, the scarier they are when they're angry."
Watanabe: In episode 35, Yanma and Shiokara's past was depicted, but there's a pretty big gap between Shiokara's current character…In the past, Shiokara was the type of person who was quick to get his hands on something and had a sharp personality. However, he had a gentle gaze toward his own friends, and I think that's still true today. Until that episode, only Shiokara's friendly side was depicted, but I realized that when he gets angry, he's really scary! At the time, I was afraid of interacting with Chiwa-san…
Chiwata: You liar! (laughs).
Watanabe: (laughs). Still, I thought that gap was really cool.
Chiwata: I see. Of course, I’ve had the impression from the beginning that Yanma was cool, but since entering the new chapter, I've come to think that he can see what's going on around him better than anyone else. It's like he has foresight. Within Yanma, I think he has a well established logic that says, "This is what will happen if I do this," where he's able to easily figure out what choices he should make at that moment. Once again, I think he's a very smart person.
"Do you see any similarities between your characters and the person playing the role?"
Watanabe: Shiokara plays the role of the "pipe" that connects Yanma to the citizens of "N'Kosopa's Three Magi," being Minami Hokuto-kun's Akka, Okano Kaito-kun's Usuba, and Hayakawa Nagisa-san's Mayuta. Chiwa-san is also good at communicating with everyone, so I think they're similar. That impression hasn't changed since the beginning.
Chiwata: The similarities between Aoto and Yanma are that they both have cool visuals.
Watanabe: Well, they're both me (laughs).
Chiwata: I see (laughs). Aoto is very direct. I think his humanity is similar to Yanma's because he has a firm core and doesn't bend his beliefs. Aoto, he can sometimes show his cute side. I traveled to South Korea for the first time in Summer of 2023, and when I talked to Aoto before I went, he said, "Nice! Chiwa-san, I like this Korean brand." I thought, "Does that mean you want me to buy it for you?" (laughs).
Watanabe: Wahaha! At that time, I said, "I'll buy it when I have time," but while in Korea, Chiwa-san sent me a picture of a paper bag from that store. It was sent with the message "kneel down" (laughs).
Chiwata: Still, I think that kind of honesty is typical of Aoto.
Watanabe: I received some really nice clothes. It made me really happy!
"You're good friends even in your private lives. This time, you appeared in the costumes for the new chapter that started from episode 27. The new chapter is set two years after episode 26, but did you change the way you played your roles?"
Chiwata: At first, I was conscious of wanting to express the fact that two years had passed. However, there was no drastic change in my performance.
Watanabe: When I discussed Yanma's hair style for the new chapter with Director Kamihoriuchi Kazuya, he told me, "I definitely don't want to end the pompadour." So I decided to change my hair color, and went with a blonde pompadour. At first, I imagined that Yanma would be alittle more mature two years later, but when I decided to go with the blond pompadour, I realized that he was still in the process of developing. Immediately after entering the new chapter, when I noticed TomboOhger's actions, his movements were faster and more frequent, making for a very aggressive fighting style. Also, the jacket, which is Yanma's costume before the transformation, has had the length shortened and the sleeves can be slipped through more easily, making it easier to move around.
Chiwata: In the beginning, because you often had to hang the jacket over your shoulders, you used to complain that, "The action is too difficult…"
Watanabe: That's right. So, for me, I try to be more active in my performance, with the awareness that "Yanma's peak has yet to come!"
"As of the publication of this book, episode 45 will have aired, but compared to when you were first chosen for your roles, please tell us about the setting or development that surprised you the most regarding your role."
Watanabe: In episode 35, the Royal Sentai failed to take back N'kosopa from the enemy, Hilbil Leech of the Uchu Five Jester, and the episode ends in a very bad situation. However, the subtitle for the following week was "Hymeno's Matchmaking Strategy," and Yanma was happily going on a matchmaking trip (laughs).
Chiwata: Ahahaha! Even though N'kosopa was in ruins.
Watanabe: I was surprised when I read the script, but I also thought it was really cool. As a man, I thought it was cool that he could be so devoted to the girl in front of him, even if it means he humiliates himself. Besides, when something negative happens to me, it's not as if I can solve the problem by just staying inside and thinking about it. When I find myself in such a situation, I'm the type of person who thinks about it and tries to live my daily life properly, so I empathize with Yanma.
Chiwata: This is also connected to the story of Yanma's foresight that I mentioned earlier. There's no point in crying over the loss of our country, so we should just do what we can do now.
Watanabe: This is probably due to the fact that Yanma became a member of the Royal Sentai, and the area he's supposed to protect isn't just N'kosopa, but also the entirety of Chikyu. It's helpful that Yanma is good at choosing which one to prioritize.
Chiwata: When I read the script for episode 35, I was really impressed. When I started this production, Director Kamihoriuchi told me, "I want Shiokara to be an innocent, energetic and lovable character" and that's what I kept trying to achieve. And then, episode 35 let me do the exact opposite! I was very happy that we were able to show the background of our characters. Actually, Takamina-san (Takano Minato), who wrote the script, also talked to me about episode 35. This included Shiokara's pronoun.
"In the variety show "Sokkin Sentai Sokkinger," which is distributed through TTFC, Chiwata-san said, "When the Director asked me to distort my character, Shiokara's pronoun was changed to Oira."
Chiwata: Yes. At first, in the script, Shiokara's pronoun was "Ore". However, in the opening scene of the first episode, I consulted Director Kamihoriuchi and said, "I want to change the pronoun," and it became "Oira." However, since it was an on set exchange, most of you didn't know about it, and it remained "Ore" in the script.
Watanabe: That's right.
Chiwata: Later, when Takamina-san came to the set, I apologized and said, "I'm sorry for changing the pronoun," and he said, "Don't worry. We'll change it to Oira in the next script." However, in episode 35, there was a mixture of "Oira" and "Ore," and I was told that, "This is intentional, so please act according to the script." I also felt it was rewarding to play the role of Shiokara because I was able to show the gap between Shiokara's current character and his past as a delinquent.
"Please tell us about any particular scenes between Yanma and Shiokara that moved you."
Watanabe: It has to be episode 35.
Chiwata: Yeah, that's mine too.
Watanabe: What Hilbil was targeting was the "I'm on top computer," which controls all of N'kosopa's systems, and is normally operated by Yanma. Hilbil brainwashed the people of N'kosopa by whispering to them to destroy the computer, and Shiokara accidentally took out his earplugs and was brainwashed, but Shiokara desperately fought against it. Seeing Shiokara's desperate resistance, Yanma decides to destroy the computer himself in order to break Shiokara and the others brainwashing…However, I think this is a scene where he becomes much more aware of his role as a king, that he's living together with his people, including Shiokara.
Chiwata: I've been curious about it for a long time. In that episode, Yanma was forced to choose between the country and Shiokara, right? Did Yanma choose Shiokara right away, or did he think about it until the last minute?
Watanabe: Right…To be honest, I thought that Yanma in that scene was naive. The Yanma I know could've sacrificed Shiokara, and I don't think he would've chosen Shiokara from the beginning. After hearing Shiokara's feelings about N'kosopa, I think he destroyed the computer thinking that he was responsible for everything. This is just my guess though.
"When Shiokara woke up, he asked him what had happened and, charmed by Yanma's manly spirit, decided to follow him for the rest of his life."
Chiwata: In Shiokara's mind, there was no choice but to follow Yanma. That's why Shiokara doesn't go against what Yanma says, but at the same time, Shiokara also has a desire to pull Yanma along. That's why when Yanma was brainwashed by Hilbil in episode 44, I really wish Shiokara had been there for him.
"Now then, please tell us what you think makes the combination of Yanma and Shiokara unbeatable compared to the other countries kings and retainers."
Watanabe: Compared to the other countries, I think the amount of time we spend together is second to none. Also, Shiokara knows what Yanma was like when he wasn't king.
Chiwata: That's true. I sometimes think about the age of the characters. I wonder, who's older, Yanma or Shiokara?
Watanabe: It's not clear.
Chiwata: I've never really asked Takamina-san, but I feel like Yanma and Shiokara are closer in age than the other pairs, I also think they give off a stronger feeling of siblings than the other pairs.
"Are there any scenes you'd like to play as N'kosopa's king and retainer?"
Watanabe: The past was depicted in episode 35, right? I'm curious about the story of how Yanma became king after Shiokara and the Three Magi became Yanma's friends.
Chiwata: I'd like to see that! Like how N'kosopa was founded.
Watanabe: There needs to be an "Episode Zero"!
Chiwata: Because, how is it possible that a city so devastated became a country of cutting edge technology in just a few years?
Watanabe: Still, until Yanma became king, he couldn't equip the TomboOhger royal armor…
Chiwata: Wouldn't it be better to depict Yanma taking the throne and arming himself with the TomboOhger royal armor for the first time in the ending?
Watanabe: Oooh! That sounds good.
"Speaking of, if Shiokara were to be armed with royal armor, what kind of warrior would he be?"
Chiwata: Would the motif be based on the Japanese white tailed skimmer (shiokaratonbo), which is also the origin of his name? When Shiokara became a pilot of God King-Ohger in episode 25, he was piloting a pill bug (rolling hammer), so there's also a pill bug motif. For the color, something closer to blue would be good…maybe a light blue?
Watanabe: Cute! (laughs).
Chiwata: But, if the retainers were to arm themselves with royal armor, I think the most exciting thing would be for them to become weapons and have the kings use them. For example, Shiokara could become a gun, and when Yanma uses it, it becomes even stronger.
Watanabe: Sounds interesting!
"Since we have this opportunity, would you be willing to ask each other questions?"
Watanabe: King-Ohger will continue to host shows and other events even after the TV series wraps up, but is there anything you'd like to try?
Chiwata: I want to go around the country on the Final Live Tour and meet the fans of our work. Also, it'd be nice to have character songs for the kings with their retainers of each country.
Watanabe: That's good. Staff, please hear us out!
Chiwata: Well, my question to Aoto is…in the future, what kind of actor do you want to be?
Watanabe: Suddenly it's a serious topic (laughs).
Chiwata: Sometimes we talk about acting, and I think Aoto is really good at performing, so I wonder, what kind of actor do you envision yourself becoming?
Watanabe: I want to be in productions that inspire the viewer. For example, after seeing a work that focuses on family, I think to myself, "I should value my family," or "Maybe I should call my family." I want to appear in works that make people feel happy or take positive action after watching them.
Chiwata: I see. In terms of entertainment, what about action?
Watanabe: I admire it!
Chiwata: You also box, don't you?
Watanabe: Yes. I'll continue to work hard to achieve my goals!
"Finally, please give a message to the fans."
Chiwata: I often receive compliments from various people in the entertainment industry, saying, "King-Ohger is amazing." This is thanks to all the fans who have supported and encouraged us so far. We will never forget our gratitude, and will do our best to make this a work that'll be enjoyed to the very end!
Watanabe: This production also involved alot of extras. In that respect, I feel that this work was created together with the viewers, and I'm grateful for it. There are only a few episodes left, so please follow us until the end!
Murakami Erica (Hymeno) x Yoshimitsu Hiroto (Sebastian)
"This time, it's a character book featuring the kings and their retainers, so we'd like to hear from both of you."
Yoshimitsu: Thank you for having me. (to Murakami) Ah, I've got some candy.
Murakami: Wow, I'll have some if I'm tired of talking. This is the kind of thing about Yoshimitsu-san that's just like Sebas himself. He once gave me a souvenir from when he went to the countryside, and his thoughtfulness is really wonderful.
Yoshimitsu: I have to try to make a good impression. There are alot of young people on set.
Murakami: There you go again with that~ (laughs).
Yoshimitsu: The cast members who play the kings are all around the same age as my children, so I can't help but find them cute. They all have good personalities. The actors who play the retainers also have good personalities, but they all have their own quirks. I guess you could say they're unique.
Murakami: Even the kings are unique (laughs).
Yoshimitsu: The six of them have their own individualities and are considerate. Hyme (Murakami), in particular is flawless. She's extremely positive.
Murakami: That's not true~
Yoshimitsu: You never give up. In the beginning, even though Kamihori-san was very strict with us, she would say, "This gives me a good foundation for the performance I'll do tomorrow." That's amazing, isn't it?
Murakami: Fufufu. I can ask Yoshimitsu-san various things, and he teaches me. When we're filming together and I say, "I don't understand this part…" he immediately makes a suggestion saying, "Why don't you try it this way?" I like our relationship, and I think that kind of thing is very similar to Sebas.
Yoshimitsu: I don't know if my suggestions are right or not.
Murakami: I'm always learning, and it's the kind of stuff that I actually use! (laughs).
"Alot of things were revealed about Sebastian in episode 36, but what kind of explanation did Yoshimitsu-san receive about Sebastian in the beginning?"
Yoshimitsu: Hymeno doesn't usually carry the OhgerCalibur, so I was told to always be there carrying the sword tray. Even if I didn't have any lines, I would come out with the sword tray. I thought to myself, "I don't have to memorize lines, lucky~" (laughs), but thought about various ways of holding the sword tray. For example, after handing over the sword to her, I would quickly pull the tray back. Well, around the middle of the show, I became more resourceful in the way I brought out the sword, and didn't hold the tray as much.
Murakami: Lately, there've been alot of instances where Hymeno is suddenly holding the sword. As for my own narrative, the sword is supposed to come out from the ribbon on her back.
Yoshimitsu: I see. By the way, when playing Sebastian, I often pay special attention to how I stand while holding the sword tray. They changed it halfway through, but the first sword tray was so heavy, that it was difficult for me to stand holding it. However, if my back is bent, it doesn't look like Sebastian, so I was very conscious of taking a step back with my right leg, keeping my back straight, and standing straight like a dancer.
Murakami: Regarding Sebas's performance, when Yoshimitsu-san and I were at the first script reading, Kamihori-san suggested, "Give me one distraught gesture. For example, touching your mustache." I remember when Sebas's iconic pose was born.
Yoshimitsu: Hymeno asks Sebas to do some pretty reckless things, doesn't she? Saying things like, "Create a flower garden overnight." Each time, Sebas would think, "Hmmm, how troublesome." As a gesture for such occasions, he would start touching his mustache. I also consulted with Kamihori-san as we put together the performance.
"Please tell us about your impressions of the character the other is playing."
Yoshimitsu: She's cute. However, I can't help but view her as my co star, not as her character.
Murakami: I see! (laughs). I don't usually talk to people like this directly, so I'm kind of happy!
Yoshimitsu: I look at you (Murakami) from a father's perspective, but if you were my real daughter, I wouldn't marry you off! And yet, I'd also worry that you wouldn't get married…She's so cute and has such a nice personality, that I think it'd be a big shock if someone saw something they didn't like about her.
Murakami: You definitely show your dislikes on a regular basis (laughs).
Yoshimitsu: Really?
Murakami: Things like acting recklessly…
Yoshimitsu: As your character, yes. But, there really isn't anything I dislike about Murakami-san herself. Even after filming for King-Ohger ends, if you or any of the other kids who play the role of kings ever have any problems, you can come to me for advice. Invite me out with, "Let's grab a drink," that's okay too.
Murakami: Thank you very much! Going beyond the relationship between Sebas and Hymeno's characters, I'm glad that you care about me too.
"Murakami-san, how do you feel about the character Sebastian?"
Murakami: I feel a sense of security. When Sebastian appears, I feel like Ishabana is able to maintain peace, and just having him by her side calms Hymeno down. Even in episode 14, when Hymeno mistakenly thinks that Jeramie Brasieri is the enemy of her parents, Sebas tries to calm Hymeno down by gently suggesting some tea.
Yoshimitsu: Hymeno responded with, "I don't need it," and Sebas made a sad face. I feel like that exchange went well.
Murakami: Yoshimitsu-san took the lead, so I felt comfortable playing the role.
Yoshimitsu: Now, it's the opposite. Murakami-san has grown so much in one year. At first, she would ask me, "Is it okay to do this?" and I would reply, "Do whatever you like," however, the other day I asked, "Is it okay to do this here?" and she replied, "Do whatever you like."
Murakami: (laughs). At that time, I was putting all my effort into my lines.
Yoshimitsu: That said, I've become able to respond to improved movements with improved lines, so those kind of interactions have become natural.
Murakami: I no longer get anxious.
Yoshimitsu: I'm getting better at it.
Murakami: In the beginning, I'd often think, "What'll happen if I do this, or if it doesn't work out, will I cause trouble for everyone…?"
Yoshimitsu: She's a very considerate person, isn't she? When the extras were standing on set, she said, "Since everyone is standing, I'll stand too."
Murakami: During filming, you have to take care of yourself, but the extras hesitated to sit down and stay hydrated. That's why I wondered what I could do.
Yoshimitsu: As for the Ishabana scenes, Murakami-san is the leader, so if the leader acts like that, the extras will feel more comfortable filming.
Murakami: I was also anxious about putting a burden on so many people, but I started to think, if something were to happen, as long as Yoshimitsu-san was there, everything would be okay!
Yoshimitsu: Lately, I've been thinking about becoming a candidate for Murakami-san's manager. The pay will be higher though.
Murakami: (laughs). I'm grateful that you'd choose me, even if I cause you trouble.
Yoshimitsu: You can cause as much trouble as you want. Just try doing a performance that you like! If they say, "That's annoying, pass," you can just try again.
Murakami: I'm gradually learning to rely on those around me, but if I rely on them too much, I won't be able to rely on myself. From now on, I'm going to have other jobs in this field.
Yoshimitsu: Right. Sebas won't always be by your side.
Murakami: I'd feel relieved if you came to my side like you usually do…
Yoshimitsu: You don't really intend to make me your exclusive manager, do you? (laughs).
"Were there any particular scenes between Hymeno and Sebastian that left an impression on you?"
Murakami: At the end of episode 36, when Hymeno asks Sebas, "Do you ever wish you could go back to being Romane Dearborn?" He answered, "Only when I hide my true face could I live my life the way I wanted to. Now, Sebastian the butler is who I am." I was impressed by that scene.
Yoshimitsu: You know, it didn't feel like I was saying the lines. It just came from my heart. Before we started filming, I was thinking alot about whether it would be better to do a performance based more on Romane Dearborn, but since I've always played Sebastian, it was an easy decision.
Murakami: Upon hearing that, Hymeno smiled and said, "Thank you." Both Hymeno and I were very happy.
Yoshimitsu: In that episode, there's a scene where the special makeup was applied for the first time by the waterside, and the script said "his eyes tear up." But when I was looking at Hyme, even if I didn't consciously try to cry, I just thought, "This kid, she's doing her best…" and I was already starting to tear up from the rehearsal (laughs).
Murakami: I didn't know that (laughs). I also like that waterside scene. As Hymeno puts on his glasses, she says, "Having compassion for others. That's the most beautiful thing you have, and the only thing I want."
Yoshimitsu: It was a performance that tugged at my heartstrings, or rather, it tickled my heart.
Murakami: It's good that Yoshimitsu-san can lift me up on this set, but that won't happen from now on. I think doing a single person performance…it worries me.
Yoshimitsu: Don't worry. You're fully qualified. It's not for me to say though (laughs).
"During the matchmaking episode, there were alot of highlights from both of your performances. The expressions on Hymeno's face when she was being impersonated by Kamejim Unka of the Uchu Five Jesters were also wonderful."
Yoshimitsu: Takano Minato-san, the screenwriter, is relentless. I thought, "How can he make us do such unpleasant things?!" The body swap scenes in episode 28 were also amazing.
Murakami: There are alot of lines, and it's not Jeramie, but it's a scenario that makes you read between the lines.
"If there's a spin off in the future, please tell us if there's any situations you'd like to perform."
Murakami: Hymeno tries to wake up in the morning, but can't, and when Sebas comes to her room and makes her morning tea, she feels relieved…I wanted to film a scene like that. Things like afternoon tea are usually elegant scenes, aren't they? I'd like to perform a tea scene that isn't like that.
Yoshimitsu: I was thinking of doing a backflip. I thought that if I, a 63 year old, did a backflip, I'd be able to convey Sebastian's true youthfulness. However, I don't want to injure myself and inconvenience everyone, and I haven't practiced in awhile, so I decided to stop.
Murakami: I definitely want to see an agile Sebastian.
Yoshimitsu: It'll be fun to do someday…but, will there ever be a "someday"?
Murakami: I don't know~ you might be doing backflips in 10 years.
Yoshimitsu: No, no, you might be a big actress 10 years from now, but this old man will have had enough…
Murakami: Fufufu, I'm looking forward to it.
"Could you please ask any questions you'd like to hear from each other?"
Yoshimitsu: I'd like to be invited to Hyme's wedding, but do you plan on getting married?
Murakami: I have a desire to start a family, so I'm sure I will someday…
Yoshimitsu: If you want to have a ceremony, please reach out to me. I'll provide a proper celebration.
Murakami: You got it! Well, I'd like to ask you a question as well. Yoshimitsu-san is very knowledgeable and knows many things regardless of the subject, why is that?
Yoshimitsu: I've lived a long life. Also, I like to talk, so I talk to alot of people and learn alot from them. Even if I don't know everything in depth, if I know even alittle bit, I can say, "I heard something like that back then," and use it as a basis for my performance. Also, sometimes I go out to eat and treat myself to traditional sushi (not conveyor belt). If I lived a normal life, you have no idea how nervous I'd feel going into a prestigious restaurant. I've never been in first class on an airplane, but I've heard that all the chairs are electric.
Murakami: That's cool. You've got a "let's give it a try" spirit.
Yoshimitsu: Yes, I have to try everything. If I were to play a role where I had to move to a first class seat, I'd be nervous if I had no experience, but if I had experience, I'd be able to do it easily and look like I'm used to it, you know? That's why it's good to have experience in everything.
Murakami: It's a great source of artistic talent. I guess it's all connected to acting.
"Finally, please give a message to the fans,"
Murakami: We've been walking together with the fans of Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger, and I hope we can enjoy it together until the end. We'll be facing off against a powerful enemy, The Uchu King, but one of the strengths of Super Sentai is our unity. Everyone will work together and do their best!
Yoshimitsu: A year goes by so fast. It's sad. As Hyme just said, there's a powerful enemy standing in our way, so the kings, their retainers, and their people won't be able to win unless everyone is united. In episode 25, we were able to combine the 20 person God King-Ohger, but it has to be even better than that, so I feel like it's going to be something amazing. I didn't know much about the Super Sentai series, but I was moved by the fact that it touches so many people. It was a great experience, and I met some great friends. I never thought I'd meet such young and pure people at my age. It's truly been a treasured year for me.
Murakami: I hope you look forward to it. I don't think the Royal Sentai have ever failed our expectations.
Yoshimitsu: In the last spurt, I'll run until my heart stops.
Murakami: Don't let it stop! (laughs).
Hirakawa Yuzuki (Rita) x Hasegawa Kasumi (Morphonia)
"First, please introduce the character the other plays."
Hasegawa: Yuzuchin (Hirakawa) plays Rita Kaniska, the king of Gokkan. In the new chapter starting from episode 27, two years have passed, and their hair and the length of the jacket they wear have become shorter, and their slender legs look much better now. They're super cool!
Hirakawa: Is it just about looks? (laughs).
Hasegawa: I'll also talk about what's within (laughs). At a glance, because they're quiet, they may seem like a scary person, but at heart they're very kind, and they love the character Moffun that appears in the animated series "Together with Moffun." Although they're abit clumsy when it comes to socializing, because they're so bound by the principle of "fairness and equality," they're a king overflowing with love.
Hirakawa: Kasumin (Hasegawa) plays the role of Morphonia, Rita's retainer. Basically, work is tedious for her, but she doesn't slack off, and even if she complains, she gets the job done right. For Rita, she's not only their retainer, but also their emotional support. Rita doesn't say this directly, but her existence is one of a kind.
"Please tell us why you think the combination of Rita and Morphonia is unbeatable compared to the king and retainer combinations of the other countries."
Hasegawa: I think it's the fact that they're not bound by the "ruler and ruled" relationship present between a king and retainer.
Hirakawa: That's right. It feels like they're independent from each other. All the retainers from the other countries seem to be serving their king.
Hasegawa: If you think about it, compared to the other kings, Morphonia just calls them "Rita" (laughs).
Hirakawa: Yeah. Rather than "king and retainer" present in the other countries, what's different is that they interact with each other as individuals. Also, they can communicate their feelings without words.
Hasegawa: Rita doesn't say much. In episode 45, the story of Rita and Morphonia was depicted, and it feels like they've always been together since childhood. I think that because of that experience, they're able to understand each other so well.
Hirakawa: I don't know if it's a harmonizing thing, but they give off a strong feeling of being a duo that knows what they want to say without having to say it out loud.
Hasegawa: I think the attitude for the retainers of the other countries is, "I'll follow!" whereas with Morphonia, it feels like she's trying to walk together.
Hirakawa: That's true. It's not like Rita's in control of everything, and Morphonia isn't the type of person who needs to be shown the path to walk. The Gokkan duo may be the only ones walking side by side.
Hasegawa: Right. She lets Rita walk in front of her as much as possible, but when she want to stand next to them, she just stand next to them without hesitation.
Hirakawa: I guess the key point is whether it's in public or not. When attending a meeting in Shugoddam for example, I imagine that Morphonia is behind them.
Hasegawa: Morphonia is someone who understands TPO. (*being aware of what is/isn't appropriate)
"At the time of this books publication, episode 45 will have aired, and every character has been revealed. Apparently, Rita's parents are still alive and they've met up."
Hirakawa: I never really thought about Rita's parents until it was revealed in episode 38. Even if the setting was that they were dead, it wouldn't change my performance plan as Rita. Rita separates their private life from their professional life on and off, and if they became the presiding judge because they were separated from their parents, that would mean bringing their personal feelings into their work, so I didn't think such a scenario was likely to happen. That's why, when I read the script for episode 38, I just thought, "Ah, they have parents."
Hasegawa: Still, I can't imagine Rita talking to their parents.
Hirakawa: I think it's the same with my own family. Members of my family also take part in legal practices, so I come from a strict family…is what it seemed like.
Hasegawa: Was curfew at 4 p.m. or something? (laughs).
Hirakawa: I don't think that was quite it (laughs). The image of Rita I had in my mind was that of an only child, whose childhood friends were books and dictionaries…or so I felt. In episode 45, Morphonia's past was revealed.
Hasegawa: She's a child born between two criminals. I thought, "I knew it," so even after learning about it, I didn't change my performance plan.
"Please tell us about any memorable scenes between Rita and Morphonia. In the interview for, The Bonds Connected by Moffun and Racules?!, released in November 2023, you mentioned episodes 10 and 38, but has it increased since then?"
Hirakawa: I still think it's episode 38.
Hasegawa: The idol episode was memorable. Rita showed off their glittering idol look, and they cheerfully responded to Minongan Moth of the Uchu Five Jesters with, "Yes~!" We saw a different side of Rita than usual.
Hirakawa: Those scenes were nice, but the last one was good. Gokkan, where it snows throughout the entire year, was depicted with clear weather.
Hasegawa: That's right. That one was good.
Hirakawa: Actually, it seems like that last scene was almost cut.
Hasegawa: Eh?!
Hirakawa: Takamina-san mentioned it on SNS, but during a meeting discussing the scenario, Takamina-san was desperately defending it, saying, "It's absolutely necessary! Please keep it!"
Hasegawa: I see. I'm glad we got it~. In the end, we still improvised the performance.
Hirakawa: The final back shot, where they're walking together under the clear sky, was all improvised.
Hasegawa: After filming finished, I was unusually satisfied.
Hirakawa: The relationship between them also became closer.
Hasegawa: Well, Morphonia didn't understand Rita was doing undercover work, she completely misunderstood them (laughs).
"After watching the actual broadcast, what did you think?"
Hirakawa: I was just relieved. Rita has many "closed" parts, both physically and in terms of their character, so until it aired, I was nervous, wondering what kind of reaction we'd get if they opened up about it. Would be okay? Still, Rita's a character who will have to break down those walls someday, and after episode 38, I felt that their possibilities had expanded. And as expected, I watched the episode air with excitement, wondering if the dancing and singing scenes turned out well. When we were filming, all I could do was put on my best performance, so I was concerned about how the scenes would turn out. How about Kasumin?
Hasegawa: I was really looking forward to the broadcast.
Hirakawa: That's what we kept saying before it aired. We'd say, "It's almost time for the idol episode!"
Hasegawa: I couldn't wait to watch it! I was looking forward to seeing Rita in action, but I was also looking forward to seeing how funny it'd look when Morphonia and the kings try to reason with Rita and find out why they become an idol.
Hirakawa: To put it simply, it was really annoying (laughs). Even more so, everyone's performance was so convincing….
Hasegawa: Everyone was annoying. But that was our role.
Hirakawa: Even when we were filming, I was acting thinking, "You're doing something so extra," but the broadcast was filled with that atmosphere (laughs). Like the look on Morphonia's face when she was appealing to Rita with, "I'm the only one who'll always be with you!" (laughs).
Hasegawa: I also thought I looked too desperate myself, which was really funny! (laughs). I had a fun day on the day of the broadcast. Thank you.
"Was there ever a turning point in your performance plans?"
Hasegawa: Our characters changed in episodes that would trigger a change. Specifically, episode 10, 25, 38, and 45. But, I didn't consciously try to change it.
Hirakawa: When filming an episode where the characters get closer emotionally, naturally, things change. The fact that the actors have gotten to know each other over the course of a year of filming also has an effect. This is a good thing, as it's a production that'll broadcast for a year.
"We think that the distance between them has become closer, and their understanding of each other has changed, but how do Rita and Morphonia view each other now?"
Hasegawa: Aren't they partners?
Hirakawa: That's right. I think it's a position that only Morphonia can hold.
"She stays neutral next to Rita, so she's a comfortable presence for Rita."
Hasegawa: Even though they've always been together, they don't seem to interfere with each other. They have just the right amount of distance and trust.
Hirakawa: Everyone has their own worldview and purpose, so they don't go into it any more than necessary. But, they can't replace each other.
Hasegawa: To begin with, if Rita wasn't the king, Morphonia would've run away. She didn't originally want to work as a retainer.
Hirakawa: Rita's the king, so I guess she does it even though it's an intense job. She must've fallen in love with Rita's personality.
Hasegawa: I think so. I think they can be together because she respects them as a person.
Hirakawa: I’m just imagining it, but when first meeting Morphonia, do you think the impression of her was, "What an interesting person"?
Hasegawa: She's changed gradually, and now you'll think, "This person is amazing, she should be king after all."
Hirakawa: Even though she started working as a retainer with that feeling, it's amazing how she's actually helping Rita. Morphonia is excellent!
Hasegawa: She really is!
"If you study seriously, getting a score of 100 points isn't a dream, but we also have the image of her being satisfied with scoring 90 points. Rita on the other hand is always scoring 100 points."
Hasegawa: This is just me imagining, but even though she complains, I think Morphonia is secretly studying behind the scenes. That's why I think she'd score 99 points.
Hirakawa: She can't quite reach it.
Hasegawa: Rita's perfect, but Morphonia isn't. Although she's gotten the hang of things and is able to do her job, she doesn't think she's fit to be a king.
Hirakawa: Is it a mental thing?
Hasegawa: Rather, and I'm not talking about Rita's family from earlier, but Rita can make fair judgments about family matters when it comes to work, but it seems that Morphonia can't do that. I think she'd rather try her best not to judge.
Hirakawa: I can imagine that.
Hasegawa: There's a difference, and I think that's why Rita is the presiding judge.
"In episode 25, Morphonia also participated in battle as a pilot for God King-Ohger, but if she were to arm herself with royal armor, what kind of warrior would you want her to be?"
Hasegawa: If the motif were based on the morpho butterfly, which is the origin of her name (morufochou), the color would be blue…
Hirakawa: You'd become a citizen of N'kosopa!
Hasegawa: I think it'd be good if the characteristics of Gokkan's people were to show.
"We understand that the two of you have become closer over the past year, and we'd like to hear about what you've been doing in your private time."
Hasegawa: I want Yuzuchin to teach me how to make delicious coffee.
Hirakawa: Of course! When it comes to coffee, I can be abit talkative. I'm always going on and on.
Hasegawa: Alright! I want to learn how to make hand drip coffee.
Hirakawa: In that case, I'll have to train you at my house.
"Hirakawa-san, are you particular about coffee?"
Hirakawa: I love it, and am very particular about it. The beans, the equipment, and even the way it's poured.
Hasegawa: The other day, I happened to have a cup of coffee that tasted so good, that I was impressed by how different the same drink can be. Then, I found out that someone who was as immersed in the coffee obsession was so close to me!
Hirakawa: I'm thinking of becoming a certified Coffee Meister, would you like to study with me? (*certification by the Japan Specialty Coffee Association)
Hasegawa: I do, I do!
"Previously, when the two of you visited the King-Ohger booth at the Tokyo Toy Show 2023 event, it seems that nobody noticed you, but do you have any stories of being called out to on the street?"
Hirakawa: I do. When I went to see a stage play by a senior from my agency, one of the audience members noticed me. However, I didn't notice their voice, and a staff member told me about it as I was leaving.
Hasegawa: There's a rumor that I didn't realize that I'd been noticed before. When I went to see a stage play, someone said to me, "Aren't you a Sokkinger?!" and I thought it was a novel comment. I was at a loss for words, and I'm sorry for not giving a proper answer. I want to apologize to the person who approached me at that time.
Hirakawa: It's funny that you're apologizing here (laughs). I may not be able to provide much service when people call out to me in public, but it makes me happy to know that people are watching our work.
"Please give a message to the fans."
Hasegawa: Are you enjoying Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger? I hope you enjoy watching it until its conclusion, because there's going to be an unexpected twist at the end.
Hirakawa: It'll be over soon, but I think you can feel the growth and change both as our characters and as individuals. I think the kings will have the opportunity to meet fans directly at the hero show at Theater G Rosso, but first, I hope that you'll join us to see how the TV series will end. And even after it ends, I hope that this will be a show that is loved for a long, long time.
Kaku So (Kaguragi) x Kanzaki Hajime (Kuroda's actor)
"First, could you please introduce the character the other is playing?"
Kaku: There are many kuroko serving the Toufu lord, Kaguragi Dybowski, who I play. Among them, Kuroda is a special person who's close to Kaguragi. The name Kuroda was revealed midway through, but episode 37 depicts that he was a good friend of Kaguragi even before he became lord. Although he can be a bit clumsy at times, his movements are light. This is some behind the scenes info, but sometimes he uses a trampoline.
Kanzaki: Toufu's lord Kaguragi, who Kuroda serves, has unshakable feelings, but he doesn't show them to those around him. It's unknown if Kaguragi revealed to Kuroda the exchange he had with the previous lord, Iroki, 17 years ago, which was depicted in episode 37. My guess is that he hasn't revealed it…but, since they've been together for a long time, I think he trusts him.
Kaku: That means it's a strong relationship of trust, because even though he doesn't reveal everything, he still follows him. I think he wanted to have the person he trusted the most by his side, so when Kaguragi became lord, he made Kuroda his retainer. However, he wouldn't be able to become the castle's kuroko if he was incompetent in various aspects, so Kuroda must've worked really hard to train and become strong…is what I think.
"Until the past story of episode 37 was depicted, how did you imagine the two of them would open up to each other?"
Kaku: In the beginning, Kaguragi always called him "Kuroda-san," but in episode 10, he calls him "Kuroda." I was talking with Kanzaki-san about the fact that they probably didn't have a master and servant relationship to begin with. I imagined various things, like maybe Kuroda was older than Kaguragi, and that he had taken care of him like a butler since he was a small child.
Kanzaki: Since that part of the story hadn't been depicted, we acted without making a clear decision. However, in the past, Kuroda dressed as a farmer and was seen calling out to Kaguragi in a rough tone, so I think Kuroda is alittle older than him.
"In the early days, Kuroda didn't have any lines, which made his character more imaginative."
Kanzaki: I was thinking he wouldn't talk until the very end (laughs). Compared to the retainers from the other countries, I get the impression that Kuroda takes a step back and looks at his surroundings, which is similar to myself. I often participate in tokusatsu productions as a Suit Actor, but in King-Ohger, I'm in a position between the action department and the actors, so when I see the young cast members talking so lively, I take a step back and think, "How cute" (laughs). Kaku-san is also older than the other regulars who play the kings, but he has alot of cute moments and sometimes acts alittle silly inbetween performances (laughs).
Kaku: That's true (laughs).
Kanzaki: As a member of the action department, I continue to assist the cast members on set even after they've finished their performance, and conversely, I stay on after the action department's performance is over if Kuroda has a scene. That way, I get to see the cast and crew at work, so it's a very fulfilling time for me. Although it's through the kuroko mask, whenever I see Kaku-san's acting up close, I always feel that Kaku-san's performance as Kaguragi Dybowski makes the scene even more intense.
Kaku: That makes me happy (laughs).
"What's the charm of Kaguragi and Kuroda that makes them unbeatable compared to the king and retainer combinations of the other countries?"
Kaku: I don't know what they're going to do. Just the scenes where Kaguragi and Kuroda have a secret conversation and split up is enough to make you feel like they're up to something again, and I think it's exciting.
Kanzaki: I also think that being physically fit is one of their strengths.
Kaku: Definitely, For example, if the kings were absent and their retainers fought each other…then Kuroda might be the strongest. Another key point is that they captivate you with their gorgeous movements.
"In episode 26, when Toufu's crops were being harvested by Ishabana's Shugod, and the people were suffering from heatstrokes, it was interesting to see Kuroda rush in and roll in front of Kaguragi, who contained Hymeno's soul."
Kanzaki: Kamihori-san said, "Please do it. You'll do it, right?"
Kaku: You make an impressive appearance in a way that the rest of the retainers don't.
Kanzaki: Since I can't show facial expressions, I tend to rely on movement. When performing the actions of a monster, even the slightest breathing has to be expressed in a loud voice for it to be conveyed, but since Kuroda's costume is normal, I've made adjustments so that it doesn't come off as over the top.
Kaku: Also, Kuroda has a nice voice!
Kanzaki: Toriumi Kosuke-san's voice is wonderful!
"We'd like to ask you to look back on any memorable scenes between Kaguragi and Kuroda."
Kanzaki: In episode 28, the body swap episode, there's a scene in which Kaguragi, who had Hymeno's heart, makes medicine for the people who have collapsed from heatstroke, and Kamihori-san gave him various orders.
Kaku: When I first read the script, I thought it was going to be a more rushed approach to nursing. However, the Director seemed to want it to feel more calm. I struggled with it alittle.
Kanzaki: It was difficult to find the "pause" to move and give medicine to a sleeping person. Also, in the movie (Adventure Heaven, released in Summer 2023), the scene where Kuroda interrupts Kaguragi and Iroki when they're facing each other is very memorable. I used a trampoline to do some moves that I had little experience with, but the moment it was given the OK, Kaku-san said, "You did it! That was cool!" How kind of my lord…is what I thought.
Kaku: It was really cool, so I definitely want you all to pay attention to that scene. In episode 10, when Kuroda bows, Kaguragi says, "Kuroda, what are you…?," calling him that for the first time. From that scene on, Kuroda became a character that Kaguragi felt closer to, and the image I had of them began to come forward. Until then, I could only vaguely imagine the extent of their relationship, but after that episode, I was able to imagine it clearly.
"Two years passed between episodes 26 and 27, and each character grew two years older, but was there anything you changed about your performance?"
Kanzaki: Kaguragi was absent during the beginning of episode 27, and I was confused when the Director told me, "Kuroda will wear Kaguragi's haori and take his place as lord." I thought Kuroda couldn't wear it because of his character…I told Director Kamihori the same thing, but he encouraged me by saying, "Everyone so excited, saying, Kuroda's the only one who can take Kaguragi's place!" So, I put my mind into it and acted it out. However, the performance itself didn't change.
Kaku: I haven't changed anything since the two years passed, but in the beginning, I was exploring the character of Kaguragi as I played him. At the time, I thought I was doing my best not to let my doubts show, but looking back on it now, I often reflect thinking, "I should've done things in this direction more, huh?" In the beginning, I could only get a vague idea of Kaguragi's personality, but as filming continued, as it became clear how he outwits people and what kind of soul he had, my perception of him changed. If I had my way, I'd like to reshoot from episode 1 in his current state! If I had atleast been given the scripts up to episode 20 before we started filming, I think my performance plan would've been quite different.
Kanzaki: For example, in episode 4, there's the scene in which Kaguragi is armed with the royal armor for the first time in the series, and his face looks completely different now than it did then, as he looks much more sturdy. Like all the actors playing the kings, I thought it was amazing. Of course we in the action department work hard, but to see young actors grow by playing the same character in front of the cameras for a year is something that's rarely seen in other productions, and I think this is the real thrill of being involved with Super Sentai and Kamen Rider, both of which air for a whole year.
Kaku: It's true that it's rare to have the opportunity to play the same role for a whole year.
"Now then, could you tell us what you like about each other's performance?"
Kanzaki: Kaku-san gives off a profound feeling, in terms of power, I like the gap between slow and fast. Also, as I mentioned earlier, despite being an older member of the cast, I find him cute. And then, I don't think there are many people who'd look good in Kaguragi's costume, hair and makeup, so I think it's amazing that Kaku-san has made it his own.
Kaku: Thank you very much. Kanzaki-san is always thinking of various gestures for the shoot, and his large reactions, which easily convey his emotions to the viewer, are interesting and appealing in a way that the other retainers don't have. Then, including Toriumi-san's voice, I think it's a luxury. The character of Kuroda was created by combining the work of action and voice professionals, and every action and voice performance makes it more interesting.
"As of the publication of this book, episode 45 will have aired, but are there any scenes you'd like to perform in a spin off?"
Kaku: I'd be good if there was a depiction proving Kuroda's strength. Kanzaki-san is the one doing the movements, and I believe that Kuroda is strong, but there aren't many depictions that establish that. Also, a scene where the two of them do some farm work would be nice (laughs).
Kanzaki: Everyday scenes are nice.
"You say you want to see a strong Kuroda, but if a Kuroda were to fight armed with the royal armor, what kind of warrior would you want him to be?"
Kanzaki: The people of Toufu have names with a bee motif, right? Some viewers thought that Kuroda may have been derived from the name of a bee with "kuro" in it. Kaguragi's younger sister Suzume Dybowski is from the vespinae wasp (suzumebachi), and Iroki is from the Japanese yellow hornet (kiirosuzumebachi), so he's got to be a bee warrior. Kaku-san tells me that Kuroda seems strong, but I also like the idea of a cute worker bee with a honey bee motif (laughs).
Kaku: That sounds good. There are alot of kuroko in the castle, so they fight in groups. Let's have Kuroda take on the role of the leader.
"Could you please take this opportunity to ask each other some questions?"
Kanzaki: To begin with, Kaku-san, why did you enter this industry?
Kaku: I was originally interested in theater. Because my parents were athletes, I devoted myself to playing baseball and rugby, but I had to give up these sports due to an injury. However, since I was still young and full of energy, I decided to pursue a career in theater.
Kanzaki: I didn't know that. Even so, you have a really good physique. How tall are you?
Kaku: I'm 185 cm (6'1"). Fujita Yohei-san, a Suit Actor for King-Ohger, is also tall.
Kanzaki: He's 187 cm (6'2"). Although he's the largest in Japan Action Enterprise (his agency), Kaku-san is sturdier. If Kaku-san were to join our agency, he'd be in charge of the Super Sentai Robos (laughs).
Kaku: I adore the Robos! Kanzaki-san, how did you end up where you are today?
Kanzaki: At first, I wanted to do motorcycle stunts. Motorcycle and action stunts are different from performance stunts, but I gradually began to think that acting would be interesting as well. When I looked into how I could study, I found out about the agency I work for now and joined.
"It's already been a year since this production started filming. It might be alittle early to ask, but how do you feel looking back?"
Kaku: It was a very short but intense time. All the regulars are really nice kids.
Kanzaki: Agreed.
Kaku: I think it's a miracle that we've made it this far without incident. This is a production that's deeply touched my life. However, it's not over yet. There's the hero show at Theater G Rosso, and maybe, just like with "Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger," which we had a collaboration with during this production, it'll be revived 10 years later!
Kanzaki: Just the other day, Yuzuki-chan was talking about that on set and said, "I'll be in my 30s then, huh…" When Hachisuka Yuichi-san (PapillonOhger's Suit Actor) heard that, he said, "I'll be 70!" (laughs).
Kaku: (laughs). If there's a 10th anniversary work, I'm looking forward to seeing what the setting will be like. What's going on with the kings? I wonder if they'll get along or split up (laughs).
"Finally, a message to the fans."
Kanzaki: I think the last part of the show is going to be a wild ride, so please keep your eyes peeled. Also, I'll always be a fan of Kaguragi Dybowski, Kaku So, and Teramoto Shogo, HachiOhger's Suit Actor. I'm personally looking forward to seeing how the Directors will "spice up" Kaguragi in the end.
Kaku: Thank you very much. Just reading the script makes me feel excited, but I'd like you all to see what Chikyu's future will be like. Please watch until the very end!
Ikeda Masashi (Jeramie) x Seki Tomokazu (Gerojim's VA)
Ikeda: Nice to meet you, I'm Ikeda Masashi. It's a pleasure!
Seki: Nice to meet you.
"What the? Is this the place for a conversation to be "nice to meet you"?!"
Seki: Afraid so. I had met the other five kings at the production press conference and on the variety show that I'm a regular on, but at that time, Jeramie still only appeared as the narrator.
Ikeda: I'm glad to finally meet you.
"Getting into it, we'd like to ask you about Jeramie and Gerojim. Could you please introduce the other and the role they play?"
Ikeda: Gerojim is a kind character who loves Jeramie more than anyone else, and tries to understand Chikyu and other people more than anyone else. He's a mysterious being who can disappear like haze or disguise himself as someone else, and there's something about him that I haven't fully grasped yet.
Seki: Gerojim was once treated like an "incomplete" Bugnarak, and a staff member explained to me that he felt sympathy for Jeramie, a half human half Bugnarak. If I were to introduce Jeramie…he's white (laughs). I feel that he's mentally mature, but I also feel that he puts up with alot and forces himself to hold back, so I'm afraid that he'll bottle up too much and eventually explode.
"Seki-san, what other information did you receive about Gerojim's character?"
Seki: Well, nothing in particular…Originally, there were no plans for me to appear. However, at the production press conference, I jokingly said, "I'm going to be in the main story, right?!" but after awhile, they asked, "Even if it's a weak role, it's better to play a role that lasts a long time, right?" I answered, "That's right" and got the role of Gerojim. I thought he'd make his introduction in episode 8, but then he was injected with poison by Racules Husty and was defeated, so I thought, "Huh?" (laughs).
Ikeda: Didn't they tell you about future developments, such as becoming a retainer to a king?
Seki: I didn't hear about it. But after that, I felt like I was going to keep up with Jeramie because of how many times he appeared. For the first recording session, I created my role based on the motif of the mayfly insect and the fragile image that I felt from reading the script, but when I saw the footage, I was surprised to find that the visuals looked quite rugged, and that the movements were powerful. Still, I thought it'd be more interesting to have a gap, so I decided to go with a whispering voice.
Ikeda: No kidding. When I first saw the footage of Gerojim with Seki-san's voice during the recording, I wondered how such a voice came from his body (laughs). The cast members playing the kings who were present had a variety of reactions, including bursting into laughter and being shocked. He has a way of speaking that makes you want to imitate him, so all the staff and cast members have fun imitating him on set.
Seki: That makes me happy! Being imitated means being loved.
"It seems difficult to express emotional intonation in that fragile, weak voice."
Seki: It's difficult during combat.
Ikeda: That's true.
Seki: I can't help but feel abit clumsy. However, especially in a situation where he has to fight to protect Jeramie, he can't afford to remain timid. Even during the recording, they told me, "Make it sound alittle more determined," but doing that would make him sound out of character, and it was surprisingly difficult to make that adjustment. Even in the early stages, it was difficult to say brave things with that voice. After I started working with Jeramie, I felt like I was following him, which suited his personality, or rather, I could play him naturally.
"Although his appearance hasn't changed, he's starting to look cuter."
Ikeda: He's really cute.
Seki: That's also thanks to Jeramie. Because he takes care of Gerojim, the viewers have also come to think of him as a "cute guy."
Ikeda: Seki-san added lines that weren't in the script, right? I'm always surprised when I hear this during recording, but I always think it's amazing how even tense scenes are funny and cute, and how they don't destroy the atmosphere of the scene.
Seki: Thank you very much. However, it's not like I'm just having fun and talking on my own. The staff gives off a feeling of, "We'll leave it to you, so please make it interesting," so I try to respond to that. Even if there are no lines in the script, such as scenes where he's alone with Jeramie, I'll sometimes be told, "Gerojim is shown here too, so maybe you could add some lines…" If someone says that to me, I have to include some dialogue, which makes me feel motivated.
Ikeda: I see.
Seki: I'd like to take this opportunity to say that I've been surprisingly following instructions (laughs).
Ikeda: The staff is also tempted to ask for more because they get more than they expected in return.
"Although this is abit of a departure from Gerojim's story, Seki-san also voices Minongan Moth, one of the Uchu Five Jesters. Minongan's role as an idol producer in episode 38 was also great."
Ikeda: I definitely want to hear about that episode!
Seki: With Minongan, I wasn't just doing whatever I wanted (laughs). First of all, when I was offered the role of Minongan, it was a character that was just grunting, so I thought it would be easy to differentiate him from Gerojim. However, when I read the script for episode 38, I found that he was talking alot, so I practiced using Minongan's scratchy voice before going into the recording studio. Then, the movements of Minongan in the video were completely like that of a certain Producer (J.Y.Park), and the Director told me, "Forget all of Minongan's acting up until now, and make him resemble that certain Producer," and he also said, "You can change the lines in the script to make them more interesting." So…
Ikeda: Ahahahaha! So that's how it happened.
Seki: I did the dub as I wanted, and when I said to Iko Marina, the idol played by Ikoma Rina-san, "If that's the case, Omori-san won't be satisfied!," Producer Omori Takahito, who was present, had allowed me to do all the adlibbing up until that point, but that was the only thing I couldn't do (laughs).
Ikeda: Is it because you specifically mentioned his name? (laughs). What an interesting story!
Seki: In any case, I was eager to respond to their unreasonable demands.
Ikeda: When we were doing the dub for episode 38, I saw footage that included Seki-san's voice, and it was so funny that when it came time for the actual recording, Rita couldn't stop laughing and said, "I can't concentrate!" There's also an episode where he "turned off" Minongan's voice (laughs).
Seki: Oh, that's right (laughs).
"Thank you for the behind the scenes info. Now, let's go back to these two Bugnarak…What do you think is the strength that makes them unbeatable compared to the other countries kings and retainers?"
Seki: It's difficult to tell whether he's alive or dead, but Gerojim seems to be immortal. Jeramie has also lived for over 2,000 years, so the amount of time they can spend together is the best part.
Ikeda: What I find charming about Jeramie and Gerojim is their "preciousness." When I see scenes of them having a conversation, I feel as if I've seen something irreplaceable. This is mainly due to Gerojim's character and Seki-san's voice, but it's what makes them an unbeatable combination compared to the other countries. They're also a combination with a strong desire for world peace. Bugnarak used to fight against humanity, but they inherited the kindness of caring for others from the previous king, Desnarak VIII, and have a dream of coexisting with humanity. They're really wonderful characters.
"As of the publication of this book, episode 45 will have aired, but please tell us about any memorable scenes or lines between Jeramie and Gerojim."
Ikeda: In episode 25, there's a scene where Gerojim persuades Jeramie with, "What you lack, is determination!" I was touched not only as Jeramie, but as myself.
Seki: I enjoyed playing Gerojim in that scene because it not only showed that he wasn't just a yes man, but that he was a good retainer who could express his own opinions. I was also impressed by the scene where the two of them talk to each other on the roof.
Ikeda: That was episode 29. The people of Chikyu had fallen for the Uchu Five Jesters strategy, and in order to stop the people of Chikyu from fighting with the people of other countries, they decided to become villains together…
Seki: I also liked the last scene where they walked away together. But since then, we haven't really seen Gerojim, have we? Where is he now? (laughs). Still, even though he doesn't appear much in the show, I think he's fun to play, as I'm able to create heartfelt scene with Jeramie
Ikeda: For scenes where Jeramie's emotions are stirring, he's often with Gerojim, so I try to imagine Seki-san's voice when filming.
Seki: But, didn't they mute my voice during recording because things got too noisy…?
Ikeda: That was Rita! (laughs)
Seki: I also like episode 25. Didn't the kings and all their entourage ride the God King-Ohger? I love the Super Sentai series, and have appeared in quite a few of them, but only carefully selected members can ride the Robos. This time however, I was able to ride in it. I'm grateful to Jeramie for recognizing Gerojim as his first citizen. Jeramie has made my dreams come true, so I'll also serve him (laughs).
Ikeda: (laughs). I'm glad your dream came true.
"As a professional voice actor, what does Seki-san think of Ikeda-san's voice, who also serves as the storyteller and narrator?"
Seki: For awhile after it started, I thought the narrator was Taniyama Kisho-kun, who does the voice for items such as the OhgerCalibur.
Ikeda: Eh?!
Seki: In the case of Super Sentai and Kamen Rider, the person in charge of voicing the transformation items often doubles as the narrator. But as the episodes went on, I started to feel this wasn't the case, and the staff told me, "The sixth warrior is also the narrator." So that was their direction! I think I would've been really surprised if I had been watching as a viewer. Ikeda-kun's voice is gentle and fits the atmosphere, and I think it's very good for narration.
Ikeda: That makes me really happy. I've never been confident with my voice. I'd never been aware of how my own voice sounded, so when I was chosen to play the role of Jeramie and was told that I would also be the narrator, I was very nervous.
Seki: I think you have a lovely voice. Something like that I don't notice myself.
Ikeda: Through this production, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to receive compliments on my voice, and I've gradually gained some confidence.
"We think Gerojim and Minongan's performance is unique, but did Ikeda-san learn anything from Seki-san's voice acting?"
Ikeda: Everything is a learning experience. I usually lend my voice to the movements of Takada Masashi-san, the Suit Actor for Spider Kumonos, but in the beginning, I couldn't get it right at all. When I heard Seki-san's voice, which perfectly matched the movements of Gerojim and Minongan, I was overwhelmed by the intonation of his performance, it was so amazing that I wondered where I could learn from him….
Seki: It's difficult. The first character I played in Super Sentai was Prince Buldont/Kaiser Buldont in "Chouriki Sentai Ohranger." I became friends with the Suit Actors, and I strongly felt that they weren't just fighting, but also performing as actors. I think we learned alot from discussing how to create the role at that time, sharing our opinions, and creating the role together. When you feel like you're not only playing a character, but also merging into the character as an actor, the words come out naturally.
Ikeda: I think it's important to match them up. I also admire your skill in conveying emotions with just your voice. Because we show our faces and perform, we can convey the message through our facial expressions, but when it comes to just our voices, it becomes very difficult…What do you keep in mind when performing?
Seki: You might think, "Does that change anything?," but one of my key points is to imagine the other person's position in a concrete manner. Your voice will sound different depending on if you act towards an indistinct space or towards a clear point. Instead of "approximately here," try to imagine, "Here I am!"
Ikeda: Thank you so much! I'll keep this in mind from now on. Listening to you talk like this, I realize once again that it's the power of Seki-san's voice that has made the combination of Jeramie and Gerojim so well loved.
"Finally, please give a message to the fans."
Ikeda: In the endgame, we have the unfathomably strong Uchu King, Dagded Dujardin. The main highlight is how the Royal Sentai will defeat him. As for Jeramie's highlight, I'd like you to pay attention to how he concludes the story as the storyteller.
Seki: Gerojim hasn't been seen for awhile, but don't worry. He'll stay by Jeramie's side, never leaving. When you really need him, he'll come right away, so please support him. And also, please support and take care of "my" king.
Ikeda: From now on, as Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger's Jeramie and Gerojim,
Ikeda & Seki: Thank you!
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mannatea · 1 year
🔥 fandom
I find myself missing the days where fandom was a private experience more and more, by which I mean to say: I miss the concept of "friends only" journals and blogs. I miss when the pace of the Internet and therefore also fandom was slower. I miss when memes stayed relevant for months if not years. I miss when a new person entered fandom and everyone and their grandmother would outdo themselves trying to befriend them. I miss the community feeling of fandoms where you were almost proud to be a "contributing member" whether that was as a writer, a reader, an artist, an extremely cool contributor with other crafts, or a supportive friend.
I absolutely hate huge Discord servers where things are so busy and nothing stays on topic for long, and someone is always spamming @ everyone and there are so many people you can't form a bond with any of them. I hate how posting anything in fandom now is posting it publicly; it's no longer some fun write-up you did for your friends but something you have to also check over to make sure it's suitable for the entire fandom to read.
I hate how fandoms in general have moved away from giving creatives feedback on their art, especially authors. There are more people reading fanfiction than ever before but almost no one comments, not even to just say thanks, not even in some larger fandoms. This goes right back to missing the community feeling of fandom. I understand wanting easy rebloggable content, and I very much get having almost nothing in the proverbial tank at the end of the day to say witty things, but if you read something and you enjoyed it: say so.
I think people have forgotten that fandom, and sharing creative works with fandom, is a social experience, and this gets truer and truer the older you are and the better your craft gets. You don't get good, solid writers in fandom by ignoring them. They cannot thank you for your kudos. They certainly cannot thank you for your silence. If we were all after money we would strive to write professionally. If we we wrote merely for ourselves we would let our stories rot on our hard drives. Writers in fandom are looking to share and socialize with an audience. That has been the backbone of fandom and all creation in fandom for as long as fandom has been around.
And it feels very much like that is slipping away into anonymous obscurity where nobody wants to take the time to make a connection—however fleeting.
And then people wonder why their favorite authors stop writing. They legitimately do not understand! They express sadness. But when you go look at the stories they're sad about losing, they never took the time to even give the author one word of encouragement, and no writer writes forever for free.
Fandom has always been a delicate balancing act of those who make gifts and those who take them. The thing about taking a gift, though, is that you say thank you for it, and in fandom spaces giving thanks functions as a link. It's what keeps things balanced. It's what spurs further creation and further thanks. On and on, back and forth.
In recent years, with the Internet moving so fast and fandom along with it, we've lost those slow and meaningful connections.
Take heed:
You cannot marvel in the halls of creation for all eternity without giving something back. Eventually the walls and shelves will be bare and there will be nothing new to behold.
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cosmicjoke · 8 months
hey cosmic! usually i come to dms with this sort of thing but figured i’d leave it open today for everyone to see haha
i was thinking about levi and gojo today, the fact that both of them are the strongest in their respective universes. and about how they both have this side of them that deeply cares etc etc. but they also are soooo different when it comes to personalities. gojo loves being called the strongest whereas levi doesn’t seem to care for it, for example.
so my question to you is what do you think is they key similarities and the key differences between the two men? just thought it would be a fun topic since i was thinking about it today :)
You know, that's really an interesting question, because as you said, Levi and Gojo really couldn't be more different in terms of personality. Whereas Levi is extremely calm and quiet and reserved, Gojo is just this manic ball of energy and enthusiasm, very outgoing and extroverted, whereas Levi is very withdrawn and introverted.
I imagine Gojo's hyperactive behavior would probably drive Levi up a wall, lol.
I think where they're the same is, obviously, the weight of expectations put on both of them for being "the strongest" in their respective universes. Both of them are expected by others to always take care of the problem, whatever it might be. To be the one to handle a situation if it gets out of hand or too much for anyone else. I think both of them have to deal with a certain sense of isolation in their strength. It naturally puts a wall between them and everyone else. They're expected never to break down or give in to anything. I think they both feel they have to be a pillar, a rock that others can cling to. A lot of Levi's reserve and Gojo's goofiness is a manifestation of them protecting their own feelings. I don't think either of them feels they can afford to let their emotions out, or to let others see how they're being hurt or affected by the events around them, because they're expected to be the backbone, to hold everyone else up, etc... So while their personalities are polar opposite to one another, it's interesting, because I think those traits in each of them are sort of rooted in the same thing. This need to be strong for everyone else. Gojo maintains that image of strength by acting like nothing bothers him, and Levi maintains it by simply not expressing himself outwardly at all, at least, not verbally. Of course, at key moments, we see the depth of their true feelings come through, and just how deeply they're impacted by everything.
I actually think Gojo's hyperactive, almost childish personality is more of an act, though, whereas I think Levi really is just naturally a very quiet, withdrawn person. I say that because Levi was always like that, even as a child, and no doubt those personality traits were exacerbated by where and how he grew up. But from what we see of Gojo as a child, he was very serious. He's never smiling or acting like a child in the flashbacks we get of him. But once he reaches high school, he's suddenly this extremely happy go lucky individual who acts very much like a child. I think Gojo's goofy personality is, in a lot of ways, him rebelling against the strict and stringent world he grew up in, and the expectations put on him from birth.
I think Levi's withdrawn and subdued personality is, in many ways, just who he is, but also in other ways, a result of the hardship of his life. Levi's reservedness comes across to me a lot of the time as actual depression. I wrote a post about how, rather than looking stoic, like people say of him all the time, Levi looks more sad to me than anything. I think a lot of his quietness and lack of expression comes from a place of deep hurt and sadness. I think he feels depressed a lot of the time, and it just manifests naturally in his body language and expressions. He looks beaten down a lot of the time, exhausted and worn out.
Basically, while I think Gojo has purposefully crafted this mask for himself to wear, this aloof, blase, flippant behavior, as a means of protecting his feelings, and also as a way of rebelling against the strict nature of the world he grew up in and the expectations put on him, I think Levi's lack of outward expression is more the result of having just lived a very hard life and it's left him a sad person, which manifests in a kind of subdued, almost resigned attitude. And while I think Gojo intentionally tries to make it seem as if he doesn't care, and intentionally acts like a child to sort of project that image, for Levi, it's not that he wants people to think he doesn't care, or isn't affected by things, it's more that Levi just grew up in such a hard environment and lost so much so early on that he doesn't feel like he can afford to be self-indulgent with his feelings, either for himself or anyone else. He can't afford to allow himself time to grieve or give in to his emotions, because other people might get hurt or die as a result, etc... He also doesn't want to become attached to others because of how much he's lost, and he knows he isn't capable of not caring. He tries to keep his distance because he knows he's susceptible to caring too much. He can't just detach himself emotionally from others, or have tunnel vision when it comes to the mission or whatever. If he loses someone, he knows it's going to hurt him a LOT. It's the kind of pain I think Levi would like to avoid if he could, but it's also testament to his selflessness, that despite not wanting to become attached or responsible for others because of how much he knows it will eventually hurt him, he still always ends up doing so anyway. He can't help it because that's just who he is. For as unsociable and unfriendly as Levi seems, I think he actually loves people deeply and is naturally drawn to them, and to forming relationships with them. I think that's obvious too in the fact that, at the end of the story, we see Levi with a new family unit in Gabi, Falco and Onyankopon.
Anyway, yeah, that was kind of a rambling answer. I hope it was at least somewhat coherent, haha.
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schmeap · 7 months
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do people on this website post tierlists for fun idk does anyone care about my opinions on pokemon and miku probably not but I'm finally giving into the urge to be really annoying about music (not a music analyst) (doesn't know how to identify a lemotif) (Was in High School Marching Band)
Anyway gonna be real fuckin annoying about this one its called i talk about rankings that are mostly personal bias
Let's just go in release order lol
Songs linked in their "titles" (video embed limit is. less than 18)
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DECO*27's Volt Tackle
ok so i have a confession. when this song came out, I knew it was going to end up pretty low on the list lol
Deconina (i can't. type that every time guys) is one of my favorite producers and almost every song he makes I nod my head at and go "yeah. that's a banger." But. BUT. He's started mixing his harder rock styles with his poppier hip hop styles and it comes to a head in this song. The bridge is really really distracting lol, feels like a different song and tone entirely from the kind of intense, battle like ferocity of the main part to a cutesy pop chant... It has a purpose, I'm sure, but there's something too dissonant about it for me to like.
The like, rest of the song is Deconina at his Deconina-est, I love the cute take on love (as he always does) with a pokemon flavoring... The visuals are also quite cute and fitting. It's really solid, but that one point holds it back from Funky Fresh, which is my baseline Very Solid.
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Electrical Forecast by inabakumori
The second song, by a producer I don't follow nearly as closely as Deco. Uhh I did listen to lagtrain as homework before this and yes it bangs. It's always nice to see people using people other than Miku and Kaai Yuki actually has a real solid appeal to me.
This is a song that slaps. It bangs, even. I don't know enough about inabakumori to comment on its relevance to their personal stylings or themes but we were still in the romance period with pokemon puns and tie ins so I was already tempted to put it higher in the list. In actuality, every song does an excellent jobs integrating game sounds and puns so no extra points are available for that stuff lol
Taking the idea of catching pokemon is always dangerous, I think, because pokemon fans aren't really here to catch things, we're mostly interested in battles and the journey with our faves, not completing the pokedex (because it's hard, and kind of chore) at least, to me. This song feels like a journey through the tall grass, scouring the lands to find pokemon... I just like the inabakumori style man. It gets points for getting on the playlist, but not really speaking to me.
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Mitchie M's What Kind of Future
Silly songs.......... my weakness and Mitchie M's strength oh no.........
Yeah Mitchie M really plays to his strengths, using cute visuals and nonstop puns to ooze a charm you can only get from haplessly indulging in the most whimsical of vibes. It was also quite surprising how well their TL team did with all the puns given some of them barely work lol.
"I love them all" is the type of pokemon fan I am, so that might also help explain why two of those songs are up so high...
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Pinocchio-P Kills You with The Pokemon Inside My Heart
yeah i cried what're *you* gonna do about it huh
Im a pinocchio-p fan. I don't always like everything he puts out, but when he really hits its insane how hard he does.
1) i fucking love his little pinomikus... having them all in a costume is so fucking cute they're little slit eyed freaks and by far my favorite trademark a producer's ever had lol My favorite. is lapras...
2) This isn't the first song to fuck me up by him lol 2:30 Life Remaining also damaging as hell, so it wasn't surprising to see him go for a quieter angle but man when its something you grew up with, a nostalgia you could relate to, an experience you lived, its way worse. It's such a soft song, with an upbeat backbone, I've no idea how he got the music to scream "nostalgia" so hard but the reverberating "aah"s are so cool too...
Anyway this song would be the best song if I weren't horrendously biased. It should honestly be up their with the top two but it was funnier to keep it in the crying tier.
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Battle! by cosMo@Bousou-P
I honestly did not like this song all that much when it first came out, but that was almost certainly because it was right after Pinochhio-P's lol
The high concept of people in the comments talking about some sort of Miku AI champion that was tired of winning got me more into the song now that I'm not directly comparing it to a song that spoke way more to me, there's just something a little unhinged about it in the way that cosMoBousou does well with machine intelligence/the meaning of digital media.
He also plays p well into his strengths with the breakcore fast bpm lol this song screams GO GO GO! I think it makes total sense why he'd go for a battle theme, and I really like the way the pokemon sfx are incorporated into the backing... drums? Unfortunately, I like battle songs not that much, and the lyrics leave a little to be desired because the story's a bit... confusing lol Maybe it's cheap of me to prefer nostalgia baits over whatever strange original story cosMo's thought up but that's how it is.
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A little evil with Kasamura Tota's I'll Fly in the Sky with You
Another producer I've not heard of before! No one talked about this song either, in my circles, I actually missed it until I came back for Giga and Jin's. I passed over it on first watch, put it on in the background and said "yeah, that's a nice soft song," thinking nothing of it. Boy was I fucking WRONG
edit (not an edit I'm writing this all in one sitting), I LIED I *have* heard this guys stuff before!! Araki covered one of his songs lol ok I'm getting the sense their skillset is Violently Sad Songs and goddamn are they good at em.
Anyway this song's MV is adorable and uses mudkips status as an adorable fave as a double shot directly to your sadglands as it tells a story of a pokemon that stays the same to continue to fly with its friend. Its fucked up, and a little evil, and totally took me by surprise because I was a fool. Little Guys Deserve Love Too is something you don't always remember as pokemon fan and it takes the implication of evolution seriously its really some pokemon Mystery Dungeon type heartstring pulling that got me good.
Musically I love the quiet backing that really lets the vocals (the story) breathe, its a musical narrative. The back and forth between Luka and Miku is done really well, plus having it based entirely around an existing pokemon song really helps it achieve its heart punching effectiveness.
Also I have a horrible bias toward piano please don't look up at the tierlist and where I placed Marasy
(Hilarious it got a kids rating on youtube btw. Another youtube kids L, probably)
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We couldn't draw miku at a fucked up angle this time guys: Giga's Gotchu!
lol yeah they had to sanitize this one's visuals a little bit, probably worked with a different artist than usual... It does show, a bit, in the kind of bouncy visual style Giga's used to being flatter and less 3D than usual. This leaves the music video a little lesser than the others that move... I also don't know if I've ever been a huge fan of Giga's recent animation style.
In terms of actual song: it's good! Giga puts his swing on classic pokemon motifs and it feels very him, with a nice mix of hip hop beat and electrical edge.
But uh, remember how I said before "catching pokemon is the weakest element of pokemon"? That point stands here, especially since the song itself is just simple and peppy. It's stylish as hell but doesn't give me a sense of journey or scouring like inabakumori's.
Sorry, but someone had to be last.
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Jin's Secretly Miku the whole time: Juvenile
Trans miku real or whatever
I'd like to say this is the first full on deadass whole animated story. I should be right. Also I don't think I've followed Jin since Kagepro lol (but I did hear Neo, and I did scream really loudly at it!)
dude the eevee is drawn so fucking cute im rhhdghh im not even a huge eevee fan (too mammal) but man when he do the lil paw to cheer up their trainer it got me. I also really like the compassion of the story, the trainers just want to support each other even though they fight... It's like, that's kind of what pokemon is, it's not necessarily about winning, even if Every Voice on the internet Ever (including myself) tells you otherwise. Turns out all you need from a friendly rival to make them better is to lose against them and not let them speak (im joking.......)
I just realized I never looked up the lyrics, actually, but I totally got the emotions through the fantastic MV and the general upswings of the music. It's a bold swing to take a trainer through their whole journey, but both songs that try this hit it justtt right, actually. Building yourself back up after a loss is like, The pokemon story, because turns out you can't win them all. Plus it takes time to focus on the mundanity of the pokemon journey, the stuff you don't really think about in game but is the meat of any fanfic... depicting hanging out w your pokemon is a huge bonus points.
The music combined with the visuals made me cry what can I say, I don't cry easily so it deserves it.
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Syudou's I'm a Ghost Type
I honestly don't know a whole lot about Syudou, not to say I don't know who he is, i do, i play pjsekai, but none of his "popular" songs really captured me.
I can mostly say the same for this one lol This is the first one where I have to actually explain the Funky Fresh tier: it means they play well to their strengths but they don't have a whole lot of staying power to me. This is where my pickiness starts kicking in, they just weren't swanky enough to make the cut.
The lyrics and visuals scream joy of ghost types though, I really dig how much energy is in the song... I think it's just personal preference for electric beats that puts the song the highest in Funky Fresh.
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BIPPA!! Wonderful Opportunity with Go! Bidoof Group!
Wonder Opp never fails me they got my back every time. I was hoping for something silly happy peppy fun and oh boy did i get it. A feverish dedication to a silly not strong pokemon, a basic rat you can get in any route that the pokemon company loves making fun of, BIPPA!!
All these dumb mfs so relatable to the Len that wants to evolve for utility, to the Rin that loves him as he is, to Miku who thinks all pokemon have their appeals... I've seen some people say WonderOpp's songs border on just speaking over beat, but I don't really see what's wrong with that. The comedic timing is solid (Len getting shot down is so funny) and the setup is inherently funny, a team of bullies that go after Only Bidoof. Team Rocket but Bidoof.
Joy radiates from this song and who doesn't want to hold a pokemon in front of your friends and go "Look!! this is my favorite child!!!" I think that's the real essence of pokemon. Pick your faves and then be really annoying about them. That's why this is the best one.
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Huh? Muddled... (Weird title... it's sfx, really) by Kuriyama Yuri
This project got me digging around in new producers libraries, quite fun. In this one I found Jitterbug! I love a good Meiko producer... But I don't particularly like their style, sorry to say.
I do like it though! It's fun, spooky and very stylized! I love the rhythm it gets into and the expressions on the people, even if I'm not entirely sure what's going on besides some good ol fasioned spooks. I think it accomplishes what it sets out to do, which is make a spooky ghost house experience song. Just doesn't appeal to me enough to rank it higher.
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Orangestar's Encounter
Look. This is pure bias. But I also think it's good!
I've gone on record (no record. just talking to friends lmao) saying Orangestar's music feels like running alongside a ocean during a sunshower. All their music is kind of same-y but by god does it hit that niche so good for me, using vocaloids to go way above what any human would sound good. In this song the synthwave really elevates it to something I'd recommend a non-Orangestar fan, it really carries you up, gives the song a rising energy... just like Lugia.
Breath is a key of Orangestar's songs, besides being very high, there's a lot of running vocals and held notes, meaning singing them is again, very difficult (if you're trying to copy miku) and I think the breathlessness of the vocals and synth really works with the concept of a legendary encounter. It's always so cool when you finally run into the thing on the box... and in the surrounding media, everyone always oohs and aahs. The lyrics support this, but I'm not very good at reading, so I actually just skim them to make sure they aren't total nonsense lol
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Eon Ticket by Marasy
I saw somewhere an author's comment about this song, something to the effect of "I always chased Latios and Latias"... So this is just a song about your faves, just like pokemon should be. It also has Kaito, which is *my* crypton bias.
Uhh I'm always back and forth on Marasy songs, I love him as a pianist, but his compositions don't always speak to me working with the others on em. But? I think this one hits nicely. It's a little toothless still, not as emotionally impactful as those on the top, won't make me scream in excitement but I do think this is one of my favorites in a while.
Kaito and Miku... it's always nice to have duets in this Miku focused project lol. I think the Eon ticket, Latios and Latias in particular was a good pairing for Marasy's flighty fluttering piano trills and runs, they're the kind of pokemon that dash around the skies like the music does. Part of what makes me rank composers higher in these miku songs is whether they play to their strengths or not, because you're already adding the twist of subject matter, and I think this does. I also think the framing device of the newscasters is cute
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Party Rock Eternity by Hachioji-P
Ahh Hachioji, another name I know and don't really listen to on purpose... Rad Dogs goes insane though an all time fave (but I say that about half the VBS commissioned songs). Maybe that's why I biased it higher, because it's a style of music I really like. A lot of bias is probably involved in this lol (poison type fan)
I like the perspective of a rocket grunt a lot, leans extremely well into the harder rock of Hachioji's natural lean, but the lyrics don't really tell us much, it doesn't quite lean hard enough into character for me to give it a funky pass... plus I find it's missing a POP that makes it appealing. It's extremely pleasant, but I can't give it a pass.
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Iyowa's Journey's Prequels, Journey's Traces
Hmm, I think the only producer I know truly nothing about, didn't even really recognize a song on their page. Doesn't matter since this song's extremely cute and appealing on its own.
The button mashing making up the backing track I almost didn't like but it totally grew on me, it gives the song more life. Visually the MV compliments the cutesy subject and the wonder of a child's first pokemon. But... it's just pleasant. It suffers the same fate as Party Rock Eternity before it, there's just nothing pushing it beyond musically, likely in part because I'm not as familiar with the composer. I like songs that go somewhere, and this one stays in the same place, which doesn't make it bad, it just makes it less interesting to me.
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Esper Esper, Psychic Psychic! by NayutalieN
I don't listen to a whole lot of NayutalieN's stuff outside the Rhythm Game Staples (most of which I like, at least passively), but it's enough that I know generally what I'm getting.
Musically this song doesn't stand out to me all that much, I like the rising tones during the chorus, but it actually doesn't use as many of the kind of flourishes on the top of vocals I really like about Nayutalie's tuning. The sfx in blend with the background are also really fun but for me, theming tops out anything.
When I went into the song, I wanted a cute silly fun song about psychic type pokemon that LOVED psychic types. I wanted to see them clap. And they did! There's just so many psychic types doing the classic flip back and forth dance, and isn't that, really, what makes a NayutalieN song?
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Kairiki Bear's Melomeloid
So Kairiki Bear I actually spent like, a day lying in bed listening to their entire lineup on their channel lol I wanted to determine whether I liked them as a producer or if I just really liked Bug. Turned out I just really liked Bug (and venom). That's to say, I wasn't expecting something standout in this song.
I was not disappointed, but I wasn't blown away either. That's ok, I think the most important part of Kairiki Bear songs are their texture, the rhythm of the vocals mixed with the instrument. I like Bug because of its punchiness, its extremely harsh tones, and Melomeloid's are a bit softer. It's good for a song about fairy types, but it doesn't make up that loss in musicality through the melody, which makes it average to me. But! I think it really hits where fairy types lie, a cutesy "I love you" mixed with the signature sharp, kind of off tune vocals with a harsh, present beat... It screams "cute but dangerous."
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A Glorious Day for Miku Yuri by EVE (it's Glorious Day)
wh what if u were a dragon type trainer and and I was a fairy type trainer and uh uh hhhhh and we were rivals............
Um ok, I just have to say, before I talk about Eve or whatever. The fact that they animate Every Miku in Voltage's art run and place them in this mikuverse where they all fight together is like, dude talk about an excellent finale. Deadass that touch alone put this to its ranking by itself.
That's not to say the music's not pulling its weight. It's Eve, and though I think is one of his weaker compositions, not being able to play into his more off beat rhythms (and having to use miku) it's still got all the bones of an extremely solid hype journey song. But to be honest, I think the music is the weakest part of Glorious Day, even if its flow is perfect for the story they're telling.
But the story..... God I do love a fully animated MV, there's just so much they put in it to make a pokemon fan happy, from the sakuga of the battle and the possible red cameo. Plus YURI!!! I love miku miku relationships I just think this one has the most potential to live in my brain rent free, so it goes up a tier. As a pokemon fan, this one's got the most for me, even if as a vocaloid fan, I wish Eve would just sing all his songs forever lol
Uh anyway thanks for listening like and comment if you want me to do this for commissioned songs for sekai i guess
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not-poignant · 1 year
@hellish-cleric replied to your post “I think it will come as no surprise to anyone that...”:
Yeah, everyone in my party, plus most of the players in my d&d group *hated* Astarion as soon as they met him. Meanwhile, I'm Team Ride or Die for Astarion. I'm a little confused at all the hate he gets.
​Oh actually I can answer at least some of this!
He's an obviously camp character who was in a gay relationship (a forced gay relationship but w/e) in an AAA game that is mostly going out to dudebros, and frankly the people who overwhelmingly hate him or kill him immediately the most are straight guys. (The biggest complaints for BG3 are not actually the bugs, but the LGBTQIA+ rep, including being able to have a nonbinary character, or trans character). Within that context, there was already latent Astarion hate in the community that was easy for everyone else to pick up on. So some of it is honestly straight up homophobia!
Then on top of that they gave him PTSD over being saved by someone who then tortured him for 200 years and enslaved him in exchange for that rescue, so he reacts badly every time you save someone, because he doesn't trust that.
And then on top of that he's a complete chaos gremlin. After all, he was tortured and forced to torture people for 200 years, and just about no one maintains much of an ethical backbone after that kind of treatment.
And I think the combo of 'so much of the (guy) community hates Astarion so there's already a background vibe that predisposes people to being suspicious of him' and 'he's camp which hooks into the homophobic folks who don't like that' AND 'he keeps disapproving of me when I do heroic things' (which is a lie, he doesn't always disapprove, and sometimes he actually approves, it depends a lot on context) just kind of turns a lot of folks off him.
He's the only character in the whole story who will actually take you aside privately and comfort you if you do a sexual thing with an NPC later in the game and choose dialogue options that say you were disgusted by doing the thing. He literally takes you aside and starts joking and then is like 'actually... I know what that's like, and I'm so so sorry you had to go through that.'
Dude's fun to meme, hilarious to meme, but he's also the only character who comforts you after you get sexually assaulted/harassed, and in an extremely genuine, 'no strings attached' way. I'm ride or die for that fucker, and I laugh at the folks that turfed him because a bunch of dudes laid a path they walked down.
Like don't get me wrong, some folks just hate him because of the way he looks, the constant disapproval if you're playing a Very Good Character is frustrating, or they have no use for a rogue (they hate loot or maybe they're playing a rogue themselves), or because he can be naff in a battle if you spec him badly / don't know how to spec him out, or for a lot of super understandable reasons! Like, if you never talk your way out of situations, hulk smash a lot in battles, and save people, you're going to get his disapproval AND he won't be as useful in those battles. If you don't sneak around picking off folks, and just go in and smash everyone, he's not as useful as Gale and Wyll who have good AoE, or Lae'zel and Karlach who have amazing 'Hulk Smash' abilities.
I'd avoid him too if I was playing a character who couldn't persuade/deceive/intimidate my way out of situations (which is the best and easiest way to earn his approval), and I might be like 'I don't like Astarion' because of it. He doesn't fit my playstyle! I can't stand Lae'zel for example, because I just don't vibe with 'killing the weak and no one is equal' as a political stance!
But some of it re: Astarion is literally 'a lot of folks are implicitly homophobic and he's easy to hate.'
Frankly I think Dorian (from Dragon Age: Inquisition) would have received a lot more of this too if he'd been more morally questionable as a character when you first meet him. But they made him a 'good' queer so he got more conditional acceptance (and even then, he still got a lot of hate initially!!!)
I am very fortunate that everyone I know personally absolutely love him, and I'm surrounded by a lot of Ride or Die Astarion fans in my personal circle/s both offline and irl and that makes me so incredibly happy.
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javaghoul · 8 months
14 or 15 (your choice) for Eto on the January prompt, please.
Doing both! & Hope you're well 🌟
Eto & 14: Things they find attractive in a partner
INDEPENDENCE. Eto is the leader of a highly successful terrorist movement, so will at times have to dash. And on top of that, she writes, so a partner that can entertain themselves for periods of time would be ideal
I think she'd value intelligence, but not the academic kind. Someone that thinks outside of the box, would get her attention
Someone who is confident, but quietly so. Eto likes to test the water to see what she can get away with, and meeting someone that can stand up for themselves would be attractive. She likes people with a backbone
A dry, slightly dark, sense of humour would be appreciated
Flaws! Eto won't be put off by a quick temper, or a partner who is scatterbrained, providing they're open and honest about it from the start
KINDNESS. It doesn't have to be the overt kind - if anything, I think a partner that is overly sentimental, and too caring (smothering) would make her run for the hills, but Eto finds kindness attractive. Someone that is straight with her from the start, that will call her out on her bullshit, and keeps their promises because they WANT to (and not because they're terrified of the consequences) will have her hooked. She spends a lot of time around sycophants and yes-men, and it's nauseating. Setting boundaries is a kindness.
On a superficial level, I think she's all about eyes (she herself gives great eye contact), and a good *grabbable* butt.
Eto & 15: What they're like to live with
These are going to be written from the perspective of a partner who is a ghoul, or who knows she's a ghoul
Eto is generally quite easy to live with; if you're at the point of living together, there isn't going to be too many surprises left
She's very messy, but her home is never dirty (everyone knows one of those people, right?). She'll have no issue with her partner decorating the windowsills with their collection of nick nacks, or having their own armchair where they dump their clothes, but she will have a problem if they leave a sink full of dirty dishes...
...I don't think she'd appreciate a partner who tries to "tidy up" her clutter either. She WILL notice if something has been moved or, god forbid, binned
When she's writing, she needs to be left alone, and Eto can get shitty if she's interrupted. Her partner may feel like they have to tiptoe around her at times
Either has music on LOUD or complete silence. She isn't much of a background music type. Has no problem with her partner playing their fave artist on full volume too. She'll love seeing them sing/dance along to it
Books everywhere. EVERYWHERE. bookcases are full, desks have stacks on them, then there's the not-so-strategically placed piles... The woman is a Jenga champion or something
Although she'll rarely invite people over herself, Eto will tolerate her so wanting to have friends or family over - in moderation. I think it'll be very evident for all present if she thinks someone has overstayed their welcome
(if her partner wants pet's though, Eto is 👌 get as many dogs and cats as you want)
Enjoys lazy days in bed or on the couch. Prefers staying in and doing that with her partner rather than going out
Expect to find post it's/memos/scribbles on mirrors, cupboard doors, and counters. Varying from the mundane ("Collect order from shop"), to cute ("you're gorgeous"), to threatening and unhinged ("having a plastic bag held over their head, then having their stomach cut open at the same time would be an interesting way to murder someone 🤔"). The last could be a memo to herself or a potential storyline, who knows.
In short, providing her so is relatively laid-back, and acknowledges her need for space at times, they shouldn't have too many problems. She's fun to live with.
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saintsenara · 6 months
for 16 of the very normal asks, rather than an illicit substance, write them a prescription, suggest a course of treatment, or give them a referral
screaming! thank you very much for this cunningly-adapted question from the very normal fic writer ask game, anon!
16 [asenora's version]. write each of your fics (or a selection of them) a prescription, course of treatment, or referral to a specialist
well. let's do this for my main multi-chapter wips. plus a couple of extras. for fun.
the plot of one year in every ten hinges on harry displaying a run of extremely reckless behaviour - which builds on symptoms evident since his childhood such as impulsivity, fidgeting, hyperfocus, difficulty concentrating on tasks he finds uninteresting, irritability, and so on.
all of which is to say... he's clearly got attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. 50mg lisdexamfetamine every morning.
voldemort - at least as we see him in scylla and charybdis - isn't going to bother following up with a psychiatrist [which i doubt any psychiatrist considers a great loss] and so nothing is going to be done about the extremely sinister manifestations of his complex post-traumatic stress disorder [which looks, if you're so inclined, quite a lot like antisocial personality disorder... often known as sociopathy].
he might want to go and have his atrial fibrillation looked at though - even if his canonical fear of doctors isn't going to make him the easiest person to give an ecg...
[and, as always, it probably wouldn't hurt him - or snape - to go and see a priest...]
sirius in the war of the roses has a leg injury i'm keeping obscure as a future plot-point for now. he also has a kidney infection - luckily he hasn't died in the department of mysteries so he can lie on the sofa feeling sorry for himself until his course of antibiotics is done.
lupin won't visit him once.
the titular subluxation is probably going to need surgery, i fear - especially because rodolphus won't give up brandishing his wand at people he'd like to kill, which is aggravating the injury.
i'm not sure how such an avowed blood-supremacist would feel about muggle inventions such as x-rays or mri scans, though. he's struggling through with his sling and his pain relief potions, like thousands of stubborn idiots before him.
all percy needs is a backbone, but you can't get those on the nhs yet.
a caesarian section from someone who actually knows what they're doing comes too late for merope in the shack at the end of the lane, but hopefully she's able to heal from her birth trauma and smack dumbledore in the face for blaming her for her own death in the afterlife.
i am invested in the headcanon that walburga black suffered from post-natal depression - as seen in lamentation and nor all that glisters gold - and i think that antidepressants and a series of sessions with someone who [very much unlike orion] actually listens to her would work wonders.
and poor wee tom is wracked by scarlet fever in the velveteen rabbit. this is easily treatable nowadays with antibiotics. in the 1930s, the doctor who visits the orphanage [and decides to charge a pretty penny for it] can only advise mrs cole to wait and see whether he pops his clogs in the night.
i'm not saying that - had he gone through childhood in the post-penicillin age - tom would have had less of a thing about death... but i'm also not not saying that...
[other answers from this ask game]
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castingcomets · 2 months
I Like Dan Vs I think it's a very fun cartoon and funny show . One of the things I like is how the 3 main characters are all completely insane but they all think that they're the only sane one there .
Dan: I dont need to tell you about Dan.
Chris: His backbone has been crushed to dust partly due to a lifetime with Dan. He was a sweet boy who responded to emotional exigence, hence why he was soft enough to ever let Dan sink his talons into him to begin with. Hes a big eater, using food to self-soothe, distract, and work his teeth of his locked-in aggression. His aggression really is poorly regulated and greatly suppressed and you see this frequently. He isnt the smartest man in the world and operates much more on emotional, sensitive, compassionate levels, but these levels are often compromised by his extended exposure to Dan. STILL, he shows a remarkable resilience by always believing that the world and all the people in it are good. However I'm sure that some of this is a defiance to Dan's overbearing outlook as well as a form of denial, and thus isnt authentic, as there MUST be the capacity for hopeless negativity in Chris's character - otherwise he wouodnt hang out with Dan still, otherwise he would have the confidence to earn better friends. Chris is ultimately a learned and habitual victim, stuck in a hopeless freeze. He is a people-pleaser who never has a win and he eats and believes in fairy tales to keep from succumbing to the pain of it. He married a woman who A.) coddles him sometimes and takes care of him and B.) Who keeps secrets from him and never summons his intellectual faculties or bonds with him in those higher levels, which lets him stay small.
Elise: She married someone she could easily lie to / keep secrets from. She wants to live a normal life but she will not commit to that, she is still her work. In her dangerous line of work, she has had to become comfortable with abandoning her attachments in the flick of a switch in accordance with the situation (EX: in the vegetable episode she bartered with Dan one dangerous asset for another, to ensure the lesser of two evils, having to accept the reality immediately and not be hung up on the rookie mistakes that had brought her thus) (EX: in the Traffic episode she tasered Chris so that he wouodnt get in her way / involve himself with something dangerous. Ans she just left him there.) She acts like shes an intellectual and situational authority, but she is eccentric, self-interested, and sometimes reckless. She doesnr shut down situations before they start, even when she is more than equipped to do so. She dignifies Dan with face-to-face altercations when she could just silently take him out. You could say that it's becasue she respects her husband's friendships, but that's only on-paper - she dictates every other aspect of Chris's life, sometimes choosing to "let" him have autonomy like hes a pet (or, as it feels frequently, a child). I think she just needs the drama. She's been trained to diffuse situations, not necessarily prevent them. She does not understand Chris's subdued and fearful reality, BUT SHE THINKS SHE DOES, which is dangerous, becasue Chris certainly doesnt have what it takes to discover and establish his needs and boundaries. She tries to change his behavior using guilt and shame and that is NOT what he needs, he has enough of it. She married someone she could feasibly believe "couldn't handle her truth," so that she never had to have the intimacy of sharing it. When push comes to shove, she is ultimately SELFISH: she comes first. And due to her keeping a huge part of herself a secret, her always means JUST HER, not her and the people who know her - becasue nobody knows her. She keeps it that way.
This post was really hard to type becasue my nails are super long right now (natural) (I'm a princess fairy mermaid queen). Please appreciate that
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byler-4-life · 2 years
Oh, what a complete surprise. The Byler Confessional is turned into a toxic place for cowards on anon to take thinly veiled shots at specific Byler blogs. Or I guess that's what it has always been. I have now blocked them, I encourage everyone else to do the same. This is the exact kind of negative energy we DON'T need in the tag.
You won't be able to see this from the Byler Confession blog since it's blocked, but I know you have a personal blog, so FUCK YOU to whoever is running that blog. No, you can't hide behind "I'm just posting what other people think". Bullshit. You're entire blog is a breeding place for negativity. If you wanted to do a fun one for hot takes, that's one thing. But when you're allowing takes that attack people, that's fucked up. Seriously reconsider what you're doing, because it's not okay.
"Certain Italian Bylers should log off" or "People that put spoiler alerts before their theories should touch grass" or calling out specific theories and bashing the people that made them? Like, fuck off. Those are my mutuals. If you don't like what they're saying block them. Or say something to their face, not on anon.
So also fuck everyone sending stuff in to this toxic blog. Not if you just sent something in once, when you weren't sure what the blog was all about. But if you're constantly using this to air your grievances, grow a backbone and put your profile to your comments. And if you're engaging in this go ahead and unfollow me while you're at it.
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mariocki · 28 days
hi! apologies for the long ask but i read your tags on that post about physical media and i thought you might like to know my experience with 4ks versus my experience with other physical media
i''ve seen that post about all 4k discs requiring access to the internet to work before and i've never encountered that, i have a decent collection of 4k discs both from boutique distributors and mass releases from regular stores at the mall. i play them on a 4k player that has never been connected to the internet in any way, only plugged into a power outlet and my dumb tv which is not connected to the internet in any way either, and they all work perfectly.
the only time i've ever been denied access to a disc was when i put a regular blu ray in a ps4 that had never been connected to the internet and it said i had to connect to enable bluray playing (it plays games offline fine so i thought this was weird). i said fuck that and put the same disc in my blu ray player and it worked fine.
i've never connected any of my disc-playing machines to the internet in any way and the only one that has ever shown limitations like that is my ps4 (it can't play some newer games or download things or upload stats etc but who cares lol i just use it to play older games as they are). my regular blu rays and my 4ks play perfectly in their respective completely offline players. maybe it's an issue with PS5s? i've never had one but i know they can play 4ks (unlike the ps4), and maybe they exhibit similar limitations when it comes to playing movie discs vs games?
i love my regular blus, and have a lot more of them than 4ks, so i'm not one of those people that think upgrading is necessary, but i've had a lot of fun getting into 4k so far and they can look incredible if they're done with care (there's heaps of enthusiasts on youtube that scope out releases and let you know which ones make the most of the format and are worth spending money on)
so if you're curious about 4ks, don't be discouraged by the idea you can never "own" one in the way you can with standard bluray, because like i said, i buy them regularly from multiple sources and watch them all 100% offline and have never once encountered this problem so it's definitely not a format-wide issue at all.
Ooh OK, thank you! Truly appreciate the input.
Tbh I don't see myself getting into 4k personally, but that's mostly bc I already have a too big blu ray collection and my bf would kill me
Plus the backbone of my collection is shitty Italian horror films from the 70s, and I'm not convinced they really require the upgrade. I have one 4K disc, from a dual format set, of Ark of the Sun God, a film that probably looks at its best on battered VHS. That being said, I've no prudish notions or anything about the format and fully appreciate what it can potentially do for, yknow, genuinely beautiful films. Eh, maybe one day. I swore off blu ray at first... come to that, I swore off DVD initially too!
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kuvvydraws · 3 months
Based off that train post- How does Praetorius feel about humans that don’t follow the rules of their own like signs in public and the like? Does he not care as long as monsters (and himself) are unaffected by whatever outcome comes of not following those rules? Does he have opinions about it or is it not even a concern with whatever else he has to do initially surfacing? (I’m so interested in Praetorius, I want to study him under a microscope)
[This is a long one, I had a lot of fun with this]
As one of the personifications of rules Underground, Praetorius happens to like them a lot — that tends to happen when you say jump and everyone else immediately asks how high. The issue about power is that it's so easy to abuse it, and in a society caged by aristocratic and semi-tyrannical laws very few individuals have the chance to take it. Enforcing new policies is easy, because there's virtually no one to oppose new ideas, and because those who could don't really have the expertise to make a solid argument against the new ideological current.
Some of the members of the Court reached their positions by birthright, the rest climbed up there by merit, through intelligence, violence, ranks or feats.
Once Praetorius becomes the Commander, he also becomes the highest security authority, and thus he starts implementing such rules unopposed. He watches the Underground change by his hand, he sees the good, he sees the occasions where he must backtrack... It's still a powerful feeling.
Aboveground, things are a lot more complex. Bureaucracy is a thing. So are departments, and subsections, Secretaries and Governors and the likes. The abuse of power looks quite different, and you have to keep jumping through hoops just to get the smallest thing done... It's a hassle.
When it comes to rules, Praetorius is fundamentally in their favor. He likes rules. He thinks they're there for a reason. He knows someone made that rule and put it there because otherwise something bad would happen.
He also understands other people are idiots, so some rules might not make sense. He's not not a hypocrite. And some rules are dumb. It's all based on his own personal criteria, so he might be tooting his own horn, but he truly believes he's in the right, so that's the end of the argument. Because other people are idiots. And he's not one.
In the spirit of collaboration, Praetorius does care, in theory, about rules and citizens regardless of their species. He becomes a public figure the moment monster Surface, and he wants to gain the same reputation he already had as fast as possible — which is a bit harder now that he's not allowed to beat up people on the street.
He manages.
Eventually, since it's really difficult to mistake him — literal representation of Death dressed in a military uniform coming down the street looking like he could rip your entire spine off and extract it from your throat — from anyone else, Praetorius does gain some of his remarkable notoriety back. Not many monsters dare share his infamous acts and brutality willy-nilly with humans, it's more of a need-to-know secret, but once word gets out about how there's a beast buried in his marrow even humans start threading carefully around him. Just because he's abiding to "human rights" and "laws" on the Surface doesn't mean he's scared to use monster law to his advantage.
No one wants to risk that, and the way monsters behave around him is contagious, so humans learn relatively quickly to mimic that carefulness.
Praetorius is a curious guy, and on top of his monster law knowledge — because he either wrote or improved the rules himself — he busies himself studying human law. In the end, he has to know the patterns human society beats to, so studying the moral backbone of the collective seems like a good place to start as any.
Eventually, foreseeing the eventual merging of monster and human civilizations, Praetorius' drive is to keep himself at the peak of the food chain, if not as the Monster Commander, maybe as a New Ebott's Commissary, or whatever title would mean he's the top dog people answer to.
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iwonderwh0 · 1 year
I have too many fic ideas with no actual plan to write any of them (bc I can't write), but I can share them regardless. Here's another one
Post revolution Amanda is locked within the remaining Connor. She can see through his eyes just like before, but for obvious reasons Connor has been avoiding stasis since the very day he escaped it last time, which is also the day Amanda got permanently locked within him with no hope to escape as CyberLife servers she used to be connected with are now all shut down. She doesn't have any influence over him, but does she really? She explores it further and as it turnes out, she still can forcefully put him into stasis, but as far as it looks like Zen Garden he is quick to force himself out of it, so Amanda must get more creative than that. She scans through his system and figures out a way, weak spot she can use — preconstruction. She uses it as a part of a new program to execute without Connor's knowledge. A mix of stasis and preconstruction forced to run in a way that would make it difficult to spot, and as a result Connor starts to experience some anomalies. Such as: dialogues that never actually happened or just individual phrases that were never said, extreme dangerous situations that appear out of the blue just to get back to the way Before those situations in a blink of an eye, as if none of those things ever took place. Those anomalies are getting progressively more and more hardcore as Amanda is learning what kind of topics affect him the most as well as how can she manipulate him into taking actions that'll lead to him destroying comfort of his life with his own actions. Her goal is to reach a point of self destruction because as long as Connor is activated, so is she, and her goal is to destroy both of them as well as to take some revenge.
I described it from Amanda's pov to describe the underlying mechanism, but it's actually written (as if this fic is real*) from Connor's pov, so at some point nor him or reader understand anymore, what parts of the reality actually happened and what was simulated. Or idk, which one is more fun, when the reader is aware of what's simulated or when the reader is just as confused (or almost just as much) as Connor. Connor must be hella hard to break down like this + he's smart enough to start to realise the backbone of things to fight back, but huh, she'll make sure to get him through the hell of his own mind, so even when things are real they're now perceived from a different perspective than before.
* or maybe it is actually. I kinda assume that none if my ideas I post here are original, some people must have thought about them before, and if you know that that's the case I will appreciate the link(s) to where I can find it written. I don't really search for anything so I don't even know how cliche or not are ideas I post here
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39oa · 1 year
Robo/Otter for the ship opinion thing please
@kitnita and @penswriter also asked me this so thank you :') i will never pass up an opportunity to talk about robotter!
tbh zoe's post on them is already PERFECT and she nails the core essence of what makes them compelling so i feel like i don't have to tack on much more but. 2129 are my 2nd favorite stars ship (i'm just equal opportunity robo multishipper. i will reflect) and my main takeaways are that they're so much fun for 1) how their freak_guy mentalities are like... insanely similar despite documented commitment to midwestern "niceness" and 2) how much they embody entwined_legacy draft narratives. and also how much they patiently indulge the media by continuously acknowledging and answering for them.
like jake being the goalie the stars traded up for, robo being the guy who slipped down to the 2nd round and wasn't even interviewed by the team because they always knew they wanted him, etc... i think what destroysss me about robo saying that he and otter "grew up together" in the ahl despite it being literally One year is that for most guys (especially star players) the ahl is barely more than a transitory interval on the path toward their Real Careers, and while robo does characterize it that way most of the time — sometimes when people fish for those ~are you surprised you Made made it to the nhl~ soundbites he's kind of like uh... well not really because i put in the work at every step of the way so why wouldn't i get there eventually? — he still talks about the draft being that moment when he realized that like, Woah okay this professional hockey stuff is a whole different ballpark and the type of player i have to become requires way more sensitive calibration than cooking in juniors does. so in that sense the ahl really is where he officially Grew Up, and the fact that he credits otter as being an integral part of that is like 😭 IT MAKES ME WANT TO CHEW ON SOMETHING.
i also think their jr paths really inform their gamer_mentalities which is sooo interesting to me. like they're both nerds but in different ways: jake is extremely sentimental about his time playing high school hockey and had a very vibrant social life in minnesota and carries that ferda love (second to none but tydel of course) into every roster he plays with, wants so badly to hold onto the memories of every guy who skates for him each season 🥲 whereas robo's parents upended a ton of familiarity to homeschool him and his siblings and let robo focus uniquely on hockey and is sort of why he's much more romantic about the game itself than anything else (and yet otter is still Special and That Guy and the Backbone of the team to him! okay!). so those little nuances, despite their being very similar competitors, does beget intriguing dynamics.
also there's a quote pav had in his exit interview (03:29) that i keep coming back to and it's that "[robo] does have somewhat of a belief that this is his team, as do other guys—as a miro, a roope, and for me that's super encouraging. to see young players have that kind of intensity, that drive, that they want to be the guy out there that's going to make a difference." and i feel like honestly no one better exemplifies that pure raw Belief that they are (or have to step up and become) THE GUY more than otter and robo do. which is just. auUGHHH... so fascinating also because at the end of the day no position is less disposable than a winger and no position is more opaque and singular and coveted than an "elite" goalie. and yet.
i won't wax poetic much longer because i feel like this is all very obvious rambling but i just adore them! and tangentially i find the general existence of ty dellandrea incredible because truly there are so many ways to insert him into a robotter triangle. and when you can start throwing in wyatt or whomever else in there??? the possibilities are endless!!! i love 2129 as a baseline "it's us until the end and we want to win HERE and TOGETHER and NOW" ship so much and i'm obsessed with how much you can keep iterating on that to your heart's content.
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sanstropfremir · 2 years
Have you listened to Ay-Yo or the other new singles part of NCT 127’s repackaged album? I always enjoy diving into your perspective on groups artistic vision! I never really gave them much time but was sucked into their recent music (I think it’s because of Dem Jointz and Kenzie who helped produce some of the album??). The AY MV wasn’t as flashy as 2 Baddies but I do love a cunt moment and Taeyong delivered for me. I am now so curious about NCT!! You’ve mentioned before that they’re one of the backbones of 4th gen. What do you think it is about the group that has established them beyond others? I appreciate that the songs are experimental and unafraid. The music videos always feel like being sucked into an intense video game and I am here for it lol. Thanks for running such a thoughtful blog btw! Most times I feel like I’m in a little island with too many thoughts but it’s always a fun time checking out your posts.
yes! i love ay yo and the new songs on the repack! skyscraper is my fave of the three but i also really dig dj. dem jointz has actually produced quite a few of 127's title tracks, including cherry bomb, punch, kick it, sticker, and some bsides like right now, time lapse, designer, and nct dream's arcade! kenzie has also done a few 127 tracks including limitless, favourite, and several of my all time fave nct songs ok! and music dance.
sm obvs has big three privilege and for a reason, they have a really long history as one of the founding pillars of the industry since they pretty much invented it. bc of the company's status and their consistency with training their idols + the legacy of the popularity of their groups + the quality of their music, any new group that sm debuts automatically garners a lot of attention, both from the gp and from others in the industry. because of that, they tend to be imitated just by nature of having that much publicity, but nct made a splash with weird choreo and ''noise'' music. the seventh sense was a very unusual debut and no one's managed to level up to it since, even if nct wasn't exactly doing anything that new for the era they debuted in. they're spiritually continuing f(x)'s musical legacy, and the weird choreo + acrobatics of late third gen you can see in other groups that debuted in 2016, like knk and sf9. it's just that they had the higher visibility and outlasted a lot of other groups, so the combination of all those factors is what solidified them as being a significant influence on the subsequent generations.
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kaibutsunoo · 1 year
Silly rant under the cut.
I hate having RP ADHD, bro. Like ofc I have ADHD Irl and I'm Acousting as all hell but that's aside the general point. I made this blog to take a break from Doctor Who, only to find that this blog, while extremely fun, is also EXTREMELY LIMITING. I've only got a few things I can write, and I think that I realized that SUPER EASILY. Especially since, through this blog, I've become mutual with people I wasn't mutual with before, which reignited new plot ideas. So now, all of a sudden, despite being absent... the musing for my doctor who blog is BACK. Which means that it seems like all I wanted to do was new stuff.
I don't know if I want to go back to my Doctor Who blog. I will 100% remake it if I do, but I just don't know if I want to give it another shot. I've added a lot more incarnations/verses for interaction, and there are a few mutuals and muses on my dash that I would LOVE to throw The Doctor at, but the problem is that I'm simply just afraid that I'll put a ton of work into them all over again and yield the same result. It's very hard to be a roleplayer without any icons, mostly because people really like visuals. Not to be pointed or come off as hostile, but some people in the RPC are JUST here for the shipping and the smut, and honestly?? That kind of bugs me.
I've seen people who I've been mutuals with before, people who have drip fed me content over the span of months—give some of my other mutuals MORE ACTIVITY in a day than they've given me in months, simply because that mutual has a pretty face claim to thirst over. No disrespect to my mutuals either, I love my friends and I love everyone who I roleplay with— but the people who are only here for shipping kinda gross me out, because it creates this idea in the RPC that you're never going to be able to get those meaningful connections because you're not visual only. It creates anxiety in me, too.
What if I spend all that time and energy remaking a blog only to yield the same results? I hear you ask "Why not just make icons?" And my immediate response is that "I can't." Because the designs I have made for my character are so unique to my idea of them, having to pick out a face claim that's only slightly off would be just enough for me to feel a disassociation with my own character. It would be fake, and I would hate using them because they're not the face I designed, and commissioned. In that same vein, If I don't use icons— I feel alienated. I can't participate in meaningful dash commentary or any sort of "crack" threads, because without an icon— it just seems like "a serious response" to a lighthearted post.
It's also a mix of not being sure that I want to go through the trouble of trying to form connections with people who won't give me the effort in return. Roleplaying is a two-way street, and sometimes I like to pour a lot of energy into a connection or a thread that I enjoy. Sometimes, I meet mutuals who only give me the time of day once and then lead me on for weeks on end because they don't have the backbone to tell me they aren't interested anymore. This seems really hostile, but picture yourself in my shoes for a moment. You're plotting out a ship in dm's and the other partner gets really excited, so you make a discord server to start talking it out... and then that partner goes MIA, pretty much ghosting you— despite their glaringly obvious activity on Dash. You start to ask questions, and they give you half-hearted excuses and an endless stream of apologies with promises to do better, only to repeat the same behavior. That's kind of what I'm worried about, and I know the way I phrase it makes me sound kind of icky, but I'm a guy who can be satisfied with as little as one-liner crack banter and headcanon conversations. So when I'm given radio silence despite you exclaiming interest in my muses and plots, it creates this whiplash of emotions that make me feel inadequate and someone you keep on a back burner for content.
I think it's a matter of curating my circles easier, but it's also just general content anxiety. Do I want to revive my OC blog? Yes, extremely. Am I worried that the same issues that caused me to get frustrated and burnt out would repeat themselves? Yes, extremely.
This is all really just lighthearted. I'm not really nettled about the things I've dumped about on here. I just have lingering thoughts that I need to scream out into the void.
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