#tw // negative
xitsensunmoon · 1 year
Tw: negative, depression, mental illness
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Idk how to feel about posting it but... I just hope that it helps someone too
A lil comforting bonus too:
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the-edgy-fuckerz · 7 months
Tbh being a system fucking sucks sometimes, like in the span of 5 minutes like 4 of us switched while trying to find something to eat, now I'm just sitting here crying, I want to eat but I don't know what or have the mental strength too, I don't know who the fuck I am or what is happening, the system life isn't "aesthetic" or "desirable" its not having friends in your head, I love my system but man its rough -❓
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bamsara · 1 year
Please stop
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demodraws0606 · 5 months
Being a q!BBH fan is having to be hit again and again with the fact that no one will ever care about his lore or ever recognise that he is one of the largest roleplayer in the server (non debatable)
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vcnillazelda · 1 year
alejandro isn’t spanish u retard he’s mexican. he isn’t even in the same army as the 141? you’re so painfully stupid. PLAY A VIDEO GAME INSTEAD OF WRITING STUPID WRONG FANFICS ABT IT U FAG
wow. ty for this lovely message and for correcting me about alejandro’s nationality, i’ll be sure to fix that. i have played the game; and when i write characters in bulk i expect them to read it in context with the character. for example:
simon - 141
alejandro - los vaqueros/ghost team.
please learn to be a decent human being and leave my blog alone as you’re causing unneeded and unnecessary negativity. you clearly don’t want to consume fanfiction so why are you in the x reader tag?
(also if you have problems with my work, take it up in my dms. i will make these hateful comments public, but i never make dms public so if you don’t want me to expose the piece of shit you are don’t do this)
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finssyblog · 8 months
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I thought it was important to share it here too. It's been a while since the problem is going on now, and it's kinda discouraging to keep on with QSMP, as an european watcher. And we now have confirmation that it's affecting the CCs too.
Nobody is asking for all the events to be at european friendly hours, of course it's impossible with all the timezones. But the fact that mostly all of them end up at impossible hours, even big lore events like the one that is going to take place tonight, feels really unfair at this point.
I guess the issue is that there isn't enough admins in european timezones, but the solution would be to hire more of them then, not putting up events in the middle of the night for a good part of the CCs all the time.
Like Étoiles said, I'm sure they're doing their best, but it became an important issue pushing european CCs away now. It needs to be dealt with.
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nwarrior777 · 7 months
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about finale: this. and no more
i am not in the fandom now, this is my last ofmd post
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daydadahlias · 1 month
What’s your stance on the Ashton hate right now?
ok so i've gotten a few asks abt this now and i will concede and answer this one because i love the insinuation here that I can have a stance like I'm a politician or smthn <3 thank u for voting and for this platform <3
I'm also going to take the opportunity to say this is entirely my stance, not what i think everyone should believe or i think is the "right" perspective or blah blah yada yada disclaimer disclaimer. no one come at me saying I'm forcing my beliefs on you. you catch my drift. if you disagree with me, that's your prerogative and i frankly just don't care very much.
that being said <3 lock in for a jessay <3
if we're being entirely honest, I think people in the modern age - especially twitter users - actively seek out reasons to be upset. they crave drama like bees crave honey. especially when it comes to ashton tbh. the man can't breathe right without people claiming he's being problematic so I don't put a lot of stock in general in anyone's opinions of him but my own, especially bc I'm in fandom for my own enjoyment, not for anyone else's !! so it doesn't much matter to me what they think of him. i don't value their opinions!
if you'll notice, fandom is a lot about curating your own special little bubble and here on tumblr, literally no one is talking shit about ashton that i follow. it's literally just on twitter that I've seen any hate because twitter is a cesspool filled with chronically online social justice warrior bullshit :) and there's a reason I'm not on there often.
i think hate like this is just point-blank stupid because, as I've said before and I will say again, cancel culture is fucking fake ! it is literally not real and it is invented by people who have miserable sad little lives and want to self-impose their issues and hypocritical views onto others to pretend that they're doing good in the world when, in reality, they're making it that much worse!!
now, don't get me wrong, i really don't mind someone saying to their fave, "hey, this thing you said was hurtful for X reason, maybe you could consider that in the future :)" but I've already seen people saying ashton should kill himself sdfghjk so ! i don't care much for any opinion they have because they undermine their own arguments by telling people to spread kindness by spreading cruelty. it's frankly moronically hypocritical and embarrasses me every time i go online and see it.
as for the actual reason ashton's getting hate right now, i don't personally think it's as big a deal as people pretend it is. and this is getting into my own personal perspectives of things and please feel free to disagree with me on this because i know it's a Hot Take, but i can believe and support victims while simultaneously thinking that anonymous twitter allegations are mostly bullshit.
all allegations against All Time Low were entirely anonymous from a twitter user with no evidence/support/timeline (and, yeah, a random user said there were "97 allegations" but when people asked where she got that number from, she literally admitted she made it up and deactivated her account. but that didn't stop people from just fucking running with the number) and when ATL threatened to press charges for defamation, all of a sudden this anon user disappeared with no further comment. but twitter went wild - as it often does - and completely exaggerated all the actual information given.
twitter spreads misinformation like a disease. that's just the truth. and im certainly not saying all allegations that originate on twitter are fake because they aren't but i am saying that people online need to support victims at the same time that they actually start thinking critically about things. twitter acts like it's "guilty until proven innocent" instead of the other way around.
that being said, i don't personally support ATL because i didn't listen to their music before so this doesn't affect me and - if there is the chance they're abusers, i don't really want to listen to them. But that doesn't mean i tell people to turn them off if they like them or something, or tell them to stop being fans. because it doesn't affect me and i, frankly, just don't care. people need to learn that supporting the artist and supporting the art are two totally different things. you can listen to a song you like without knowing every allegation the artist has ever faced. also, if we stopped listening to every song made by a problematic artist, I'm afraid there would be very little music left.
that's where this brings me to the fact that people are throwing around insane accusations like that ashton supports rapists which is a fucking insane thing to say about a) people who arent even confirmed/charged rapists and b) over the fact he literally just played a song by them? he was DJ-ing for an emo/pop punk night? people would have been shocked if he hadn't played All Time Low??
also, I'm sorry but are you going to boycott every single person and establishment that plays one of the biggest pop-punk bands ever?? if you walk into a store and hear it playing All Time Low, will you never shop there again?? where is the line drawn?
and finally, the whole thing pisses me off because people use it as an excuse to say that they stand with victims and that ashton is actively harming victims by playing All Time Low when, I'm sorry, but no the fuck he's not ?? and, in my opinion, this is actually does MORE harm to victims than it does good? it's all just performative crap to make yourself look "woke".
and, excuse me, but what have you actually done to genuinely fucking support victims other than tell some random rich man who you don't fucking know that he should kill himself for DJing at an emo night?? using all this time to "cancel" Ashton Irwin's privileged cishet male ass could have been spent actually raising awareness about rape or helping actual real life fucking people in your community? this level of vitriol doesn't help anyone. it's pathetic.
this is just my real problem with the internet in general is that people act like hate inspires kindness and education when it does the exact opposite.
so, that being said, i just think the hate against ashton is small-minded and embarrassing. it doesn't mean anything at all. and I'm going to keep enjoying tumblr where people aren't pathetically insane (they're funny insane) and we can just learn how to fucking enjoy things because the world is too ugly right now to not find beauty in SOMETHING, goddammit! i am in fandom to have fun. not listen to people bitch and moan about their uninformed, damaging views of what social justice is.
and i will also spend my time in my real life genuinely supporting victims of assault and abuse instead of just pretending i do on fucking fandom social media.
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flappyhappystim · 1 year
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This was unfortunately our first business notice of the new year. And I am feeling beyond crushed about it. Besides the fact the bank takes the money back from us, we are also out the shipping costs (this order even qualified for free shipping) and we get charged a fee. The customer waited until the order was delivered to place this and it is honestly really sad. No part of me feels angry. I honestly just feel sad.
While we will try and submit evidence and fight it, usually these cases favour the customer. I’m hoping this works out but it also takes months to resolve. (It’s about 90 estimated days after the Feb 9th date).
This stuff is really sad honestly and it is crushing for small businesses. I realize this message won’t likely change the minds of people doing this but I still wanted to share it. We try so hard to make products affordable and this stuff is really hard.
Please, in 2023, consider the real impacts this has on small businesses. This money is automatically deducted from our personal accounts and since any profits have gone into new products to try and expand our range to have affordable products, it completely comes out of our personal finances.
I feel so fortunate that for the few notifications we get like this, that the majority of customers are supportive and wonderful. But this is still really sad and it wasn’t the notification I wanted to read.
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xitsensunmoon · 6 months
Just a heads up why I'm quiet for the last week(?). Mental health struggles do be crushing.
I saw multiple people tagging me in fanart and I apologize for not reblogging immediately. I want to give every artist at least some type of comment from me, a lil bit of love y'know. And unfortunately I don't really have energy to do it rn but please know that I do remember about you and see you and will openly show it when I have a little bit more energy<3
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chaoscrawls · 9 days
I really want to write nyar and hastur but I'm having a lot of internal bad thoughts about my writing and how people perceive me... Also just having kinda a bad week? I got a nail in my tyre and someone was going to come out and change it today and then they cancelled so now I have to wait till wednesday....
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I like Noah but GODDAMN his shoes are SO FUCKING UGLY I hate his shoes like whenever I see his full png and see his ugly ass weird ass shoes I wanna kms like what the fuck are those!!! Ugliest shoes known to mankind!!!
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bamsara · 1 year
awake for a current total of 26 hours straight, sat outside in the cold for 5+ hours in a line for an event that ended up getting ruined, an item I bought at said event was smashed by a car door on the way out, paid $30 for a waffle house breakfast that was both burnt and undercooked and i believe may give me food poisoning later, cannot sleep at home because chores and responsibilites, I have too many things to work on and works that arent posted and/or finished, we're suspected of getting tornados tomarrow when I might need to drive for 4 hours into another state and back again and tomarrow is New Years Eve
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future-mr-darcy · 4 months
red hood is a great person.
I like to think he's a great person.
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lilliths-httyd-blog · 4 months
tldr: "i will not let my son be hindered by his disability" will directly translate into your sons head as "there are conditions to my parents love"
saw the worst take just now about some parent not wanting their son to be "hindered" by the ADHD label (also referred to as being "shoved in a box") because they don't want their kid feeling a lack of self worth or whatever due to having a disability (they then go on to say that adhd is "only a disability if you let it be" like HONEY NO?? 😟 NO THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS BABE- THAT'S THE WORST OUTLOOK YOU CAN POSSIBLY HAVE-)
see,, i *can* understand where this parent is coming from but like. that's one of the worst things you could possibly be doing for your son bro ;-;
what you should do: ‼️DESTROY THE ABLEISM‼️. it is completely okay to have a disability, neurological or otherwise. it's not the end of the world, it's literally just an extra mod that came pre-installed on your game file 👍. especially in the case of adhd, you can still live a happy life and do things that you wanna do and achieve personal success and be as normal or as abnormal as you like (eww normal people ewwww 🤮 /j). you just gotta learn how to manage your adhd so that you get what you want out of it. THERE IS NO REASON TO FEEL A LACK OF SELF WORTH DUE TO YOUR DISABILITY 💥💥QUIT YOUR ABLEISM AND STFU,, DESTROY YOUR PREJUDICE💥💥
what you should NOT do: refuse to allow your son to be hindered by his adhd (a.k.a. literally what they said they were doing). because ADHD is a disability, like it or not, and he WILL be hindered by it at some point, because that's just how adhd works (AND THAT'S ✨OKAY✨!! IT HAPPENS!! IT DON'T MEAN SHIT, JUST PICK YOURSELF UP AND WORK OUT WHAT TO DO NEXT!! ‼️💥‼️DESTROY YOUR ABLEISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!💥‼️💥 BURN IT TO THE GROUND🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️). refusing to 'let your son be hindered' is only going to destroy his mental health when he is eventually screwed over by his adhd and he's suddenly filled with intense feelings of shame and self-hatred and "will my parent still love me now that I've been royally fucked over? because my parent never wanted to see me get fucked over by my adhd,, and now I've been fucked over by my adhd, are they gonna love me less? over something i can't control? because i 'let it be a disability'?" BOI DON'T LET YOUR KID FEEL THAT- you're outright placing the responsibility of failure on your son by YOU BEING IN DENIAL ABOUT YOUR KID HAVING A DISABILITY BECAUSE YOU'RE ABLEIST (that's cringe btw) and making him feel like he has no support 😔😔😔
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seriously i feel so bad for this kid
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merelaes · 1 month
Let's have a chat, shall we?
Why am I not writing Aemond as much? Simple. I CONSTANTLY feel like my Aemond is never what anyone wants. Everyone has their version of Aemond and mine is not what they want when I break down how I view him and write him. I feel pressured to change my Aemond and I do not want to. I almost want to delete the blog and never write him. It's to that level. I write Aemond because he is a complex character and I take from my own interpretation of the book and what little the show gave us. Is he perfect? No. Do I claim to know Aemond better than anyone? Never. I still learn about him each and every day but it is at the point where I don't even know why I am trying.
If you don't agree with how I write him, please just unfollow me. Just don't my hopes up. My aemond is entirely based on show, book, and my own HCs. If this isn't for you or you don't want to take time then please save me the stress because I can't keep being on the fence about whether I should keep trying with this muse or just delete the blog and be done with him. You all have no idea about the mental stress this blog gives me.
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