#like trixie's whole situation is sad
ace-s-fave-tv-shows · 6 months
God the first two Trixie focused episodes are sad
You ever think about how the Trixie & Twilight rivalry, as brief as it was, started because Twilight and friends fundamentally misunderstood what a stage magician was?
Like if we look at unicorns that Twilight has had as her villainous opponents the line up is;
King Sombra, the dictator keeping himself alive with dark magic, who wants to conquer and enslave the Crystal Empire,
Starlight Glimmer the cult leader, stealer of cutie marks, and ruiner of multiple timelines,
Sunset Shimmer attemptive dictator and stealer of an element of harmony,
And Trixie, who's big original crime is that she's a stage magician and Twilight (and her friends) doesn't understand what that is, and that the stuff that Trixie does during her debut episode are in large part, just part of the job of being a magician.
Being a boastful liar is part of stage magic, the whole point is that you fool the audience into thinking one thing is happening, when really another thing is happening. They're entertainers, their job is to shock and awe the audience with feats of, what seems like, magic and impossibility.
Also, people seem to blame her for the Ursa Minor being brought into town, but Snips & Snails did that. Sure they did that because they took Trixie boasting about defeating an Ursa Major at face value, but also they're elementary age children.
Where are there parents, and why can they get out of their houses and into the wilderness to approach dangerous, magic, wild animals in the middle of the night?
Just because Ponyville is such a small town that no one understands what a stage magician is, and what that job entails, doesn't mean Trixie was a villain in her introductory episode.
Trixie is an entertainer, if you don't like the entertainment she's giving, you guys can just leave and ignore the show she's putting on?
But during her original show it seems like most of the mane six ponies are just complaining that Trixie is bragging a lot, and it starts being said right after her opening line of being "the great and powerful Trixie", and then Rainbow Dash just literally starts heckling her.
Then when Rainbow Dash ends up humiliated, Applejack tries her hand at literally trying to out perform the professional entertainer, and it's the same for her. And then it's the same with Rarity.
They're all concerned with trying to put this literal stage magician "in her place" more or less, but if this was real life and someone tried to do this at a magic show, they'd 100% be escorted off the premises.
Our heroes spend like the first half of this epsidoe harassing a stage magician who's just trying to do her job.
It's shown that in the aftermath, Trixie was turned into the town laughing stock, her wagon, her home, was getting vandalized, and it got to the point she had to leave town.
They ruined her reputation, so she had to take up working on a rock farm instead of getting to work in stage magic, her passion and special talent. Something we hardly, if ever, see ponies do in Equestria.
Then they wanna be all shocked when she comes back for revenge with the Alicorn amulet.
No shit she came back for vengeance using a corrupting magic amplifying artifact.
They turned her job and reputation as an entertainer into some kind of magic power dick measuring contest, and then ruined her life as a result, because Twilight (and her friends) didn't like her attitude.
Also, Twilight forgives Trixie the most reluctantly out of any other redeemed evil unicorn, and all the others did much worse than Trixie, when she was in her right mind and not influenced by the Alicorn Amulet, ever did.
Both Sunset and Starlight do much, much worse things than Trixie did, without any kind of magical corrupting influence like the Alicorn Amulet even being involved, and they're forgiven instantly by Twilight. While with Trixie she has to stop and think about it before forgiving her.
Trixie's biggest and least forgivable sin in Twilight's eyes is that she's annoying and Twilight doesn't like her personally.
The whole plot line is even more irritating, because Twilight uses what is essentially stage magic to beat Trixie during the Alicorn Amulet episode.
Because then it's not even that the mane 6 doesn't understand stage magic, and the idea that stage magicians ham things up and lie to sell a performance.
They just decided they hated Trixie after hearing the opening line of her stage show, and then they ruined her career because they didn't like her.
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terapsina · 10 months
My Top 10 Favorite Examples of Character Notices a Kid, Asks "Is anyone gonna adopt that?" and Doesn't Wait For an Answer (whether or not the kid is in need of actual adoption is not relevant information).
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Spike and Dawn. Probably the first example that ever caught my heart. Will I ever forgive the writers for ruining the friendship between the vampire and his Nibblet? Survey says 'No'.
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Anakin and Ahsoka. Or as I only and ever remember them: Snips and Skyguy. He gave her all the tools she needed to survive him and I'm going to cry about it forever.
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Trixie and Mazikeen. Also known as the Demon Zoo Keeper and the President of Mars. Totally the reason Maze got that first spark that let her grow her own soul. I pity the first person who breaks that kid's heart.
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Kenzi and Tamsin. Don't you just hate it when a character spends days raising the rapidly aging Valkyrie through her newest childhood and then has weird mom-feelings for the millennia old Dark Fae? I ask because I don't. I think it's THE BEST.
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Penny and Don. When a character admits to being a smuggler straight to the captain of a spaceship to save the life of the kid? Instant older brother acquisition acquired. Penny go get your parents, there's a new Robinson that needs to be adopted.
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Maleficent and Aurora. That unfortunate situation where one curses a toddler to fall asleep forever on their 16th birthday only to end up loving that child like a daughter and being unable to break her own curse because 'no power on Earth' can do it. Oh how the turntables turntable... 🥺. And how I just EAT THAT STUFF UP!
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Crowley and Warlock. It's kinda sad how much I love this one considering there's like 5 minutes of on-screen interaction. BUT I love the angst potential of Warlock having felt abandoned by his Nanny Ashtoreth and coming across Crowley and just... recognizing him on sight.
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Din and Grogu. Must I explain this one? Even putting aside absolutely every single adorable interaction... just the sheer comedy of going on a galactic 'get this kid some parents... oh wait... I'm parents?' road trip? Iconic.
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Steve and... all the kids, every single one of the kids, I mean it, Steve and the whole set of the kids. Recipe for world's best babysitter - 2 tablespoons shitty advise, 1 cup protective instinct, 1 ¾ gallons nervous breakdown and a car trunk full of bats with nails.
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Heartstopper season 2 play-by-play analysis
We’re in Paris! I can’t believe the Paris trip takes up so much of the time of the season. I do love the pacing of the season, and how they distributed events and moments throughout it, making the most of the locations and situations. I know that most interior scenes were filmed back in the UK, but they really squeezed as much as they could from their stay in Paris (and I need all the bts content from that, what we’ve gotten so far is not enough!). Like Trixie Mattel and Katyana said, only two things can shut down the Louvre: Beyonce and Hearstopper, apparently, who would have thought? It felt like such a nice change of scenery, and really gave the show and the characters a whole new dimension.
On with the episode!
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- The coach is Blue and Yellow™. And of course a lot of green, especially in the form of Charlie’s iconic green Fjällräven backpack and Nick’s hoodie.
- Nick being super sad about not sitting with Charlie, and Charlie trying to be all upbeat about it, and challenging him to not kiss him for two days. I love their banter.
- Tao’s miserable face as he realizes that, not only is Nick sitting with him for the trip, but Elle doesn’t want to sit with him either. And Nick is oblivious to the fact that the date didn’t go well…
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- Ben clearly doesn’t realize how indiscreet he is about his fixation with Charlie. Even Isaac notices something strange is up.
- Ugh, I loooove how much we’re slowly inching our way to finding out more about Isaac. I love that he asks Charlie how he knew he liked Nick, and how he’s trying to figure out how this compares to how he feels about James. God, if that hasn’t been my entire life before I realized too…
- If nobody had told me that Kit Connor didn’t speak French before, I would have simply thought “wow, how lucky that they found the perfect Nick Nelson AND he happens to speak French already.” (I really don’t know if it sounds good or not, but it convinced me…) Also Nick’s little excited face when he’s talking to his dad, because he’s still excited about the possibility of seeing his dad, he hasn’t come to the realization that the effort should come from both parts.
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- Also Tao’s face when he realizes that Nick is speaking fluent French and he’s not hearing things. And their cute little bonding moment talking about it. Even when Elle looks over at them, they seem to be looking at something (on a phone?) and talking and laughing. Bonding!
- Mr Farouk actually having a little smile on his face when they’re finally in Paris.
- Ugh, seriously, what is up with Ben??? He doesn’t care about even playing it off for Imogen, and she very quickly catches on.
- “I thought you’d find it awkward sharing with Nick. Just standing next to Elle makes me feel like I’m being electrocuted.” I don’t think I’m quite on board with this completely, seeing as in the show Tao already knows about Nick and Charlie… I thought it would have made more sense if he’d been more like “I just want to make sure that there’s no hanky-panky whilst we’re all in the same room,” and then Charlie could get all flustered and go “ugh you sound like my dad, and no, we’re not doing any of that, not yet…”
- But I love that we got the handholding scene across the space between the beds.
- The teachers being so awkward and adorable. Now kyth!
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- Tao should have apologized to Elle for what he said, but at least he extended an olive branch in the form of a bottle of apple juice. And she accepted.
- The dynamic between Nick and Charlie has seriously become so perfect and in tune, the way that Joe and Kit riff off each other whilst being perfectly in character is just chef’s kiss.
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- Darcy interrupting the kiss made me think of an ideal world in which Darcy gets adopted by Sara, and the Golden Retriever siblings fight about stupid things all the time, like who’s more in love with their respective partner, and who do they think Nellie loves more, and she continuously barges into Nick’s room when Nick and Charlie are making out and goes “sorry for interrupting the gayness, but I can’t find my phone charger, can I borrow yours? Thank you, my twin. You may proceed with the gayness.”
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- “I need a drink. An alcoholic drink.” “We probably shouldn’t drink.” “I need a croissant then”. Number one on the quotes that I’m glad made it right off the comic page.
- “Mischief maker. I’ve influenced you.”
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- The I heart Paris hoodie, and Darcy touching the bust’s boobs. Peak Darcy.
- James saying that it’s nice to be with other gay people, and Isaac looking a bit uncomfortable… honey, just because doesn’t seem to respond to people of the opposite sex doesn’t automatically make them gay. Unless he’s using gay as an umbrella term…? Instead of queer…? James knows about Darcy and Tara, and about Charlie, but he doesn’t know about Nick, or presumably Sahar. He’s making assumptions about Isaac.
- Nick not getting why people continue to be fascinated by the fact that he speaks French, or the fact that his dad is French. He’s such an oblivious little pumpkin.
- And that heart to heart between Charlie and Tara. “Me and her were all that mattered.” And Tara being jealous about how Charlie and Nick talk about their feelings.
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- The Tao and Elle conversation and whole cutesy montage. And Tao making the French tourists crouch for the photo and everything, figuring out how to talk to them without actually speaking French.
- Peak Ben Hope, seeing Nick waving at Imogen and immediately pulling her toward him, in this horribly possessive manner. Glad that Imogen got fed up with him and bolted. Poor thing has been miserable since arriving at Paris because of Ben, and she at least approaches Nick’s group to ask if she can hang out, which could not have been easy (especially to Nick, with whom she had a disagreement).
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- By the way, Imogen in her Paris outfit is giving off major Margot Robbie in Barbie vibes.
- Elle asking Imogen if she even likes Ben, which you can tell that Nick so badly wanted to ask (Elle and Nick even exchange knowing glances), but he didn’t because he knew that he had already tried to warn Imogen about Ben, and maybe she won’t listen to him, but she’ll probably listen to another girl.
- Imogen jumping on the TaoElle ship. “Maybe I don’t have the best track record in relationships (looks knowingly at Nick and he laughs), but I think being honest is better than living with regret”. Yes, Imogen. Like when she took a chance and told Nick that she liked him and then asked him out, and even though he didn’t reciprocate, they still ended up as friends, and he’s so protective of her, and he’s probably the best friend she didn’t know she needed.
- Nick internalizing what Imogen just said too.
- Will Gao is so histrionic, I adore him.
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- The whole montage of Mr Farouk arguing (is he arguing? Sorry, but to me French men always sound like their arguing) with the waiter without any subtitles, and then going something about no onions and something else and “I’m serious, big man, I get bloated, it’s not funny, cheers”, made me think for a moment that I want to learn French just so that I can know what he was saying. (The moment has passed).
- The whole Nick and Charlie trying not to sit together all the time majorly backfiring when Ben ends up next to Charlie. The horror. Charlie turns his body toward Tao as much as he can without actually sitting sideways, and Nick is about to throw his whole body across the table.
- Detective Imogen is fully on it now, she’s about to blow this whole case wide open.
- I’ve had escargot and I’m never doing that again. It was fun to try, but yeah, I also felt bad for my terrible decision.
- I may never completely understand the magnitude of Charlie’s eating disorders, because I can’t imagine what that’s like (I used to think that I might have an ED because I’m often so particular about food, because of my anxiety, and at times textures and strong flavors can be overwhelming, but I’ve learned to deal with it, the way I managed to overcome it on my own was kind of similar to the way that Noora from SKAM did, but it was never of the magnitude of Charlie or Noora), but I understand the pressure of “oh shit I ordered this and now I have to eat it because people are watching but I really don’t want to” and fearing making myself sick because of the pressure and the shame and the anxiety of feeling trapped in that situation. Made worse, in Charlie’s case, by Ben sitting next to him and actively looking at him.
- “I haven’t spoken to you in ages”. Sir, that is not a coincidence, there’s a reason for it. Don’t pretend like you don’t know it, SIR.
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- I love the panicked look on Nick’s face as Ben starts talking to Charlie. He had seen the seating arrangement and panicked, but then he relaxed for a bit, probably thinking “nah, this asshole wouldn’t dare try to say anything to Charlie in front of everyone, he wouldn’t be so bold”, but then Ben is inexplicable… So Nick nearly rushes off his seat to Charlie’s side to do what? Ask Ben to switch seats with him? Just wedge himself in there until the meal is over? He probably has not a clue what he’ll do but by GOD he will stop this interaction before his boyfriend has to endure it any longer.
- Imagine being Ben (just for a painful second), being so self-centered, being so preoccupied with the paranoia of people watching you all the time and watching your every move and trying to figure you out, that you’d go around being an asshole, especially to the boy that you “like”, to the point where those actions and shitty attitude lose you said boy, only for you to lose all self-awareness when in proximity to said boy, and you’re suddenly staring at him openly, trying to strike up a conversation, and not getting the fucking hint that said boy doesn’t want to talk to you, doesn’t even want to look at you. Imagine those walls crumbling down but you’re absolutely convinced they are still up. Imagine that now people can see right through you and call you out, and you get defensive and start calling them names… Imagine being down so bad for someone (or whatever feelings that you might think you have for said boy) that you’re not even making sense anymore, even later boldly telling said boy’s boyfriend that you want said boy back (even though said boy’s boyfriend is basically twice your size and hates your guts and could probably knock you out with a single punch). Imagine…
- But then imagine being Charlie, a curly-haired human embodiment of sunshine and rainbows, and having to sit next to your ex/assaulter. Period.
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- Imogen going off on Ben like we all love to see it, but let’s face it, she was kinder than I expected her to be, by telling him he has issues that he needs to resolve. Go to therapy, Ben! Your energy’s off, Ben! She’s basically telling him what Charlie will repeat in other words later, about him working on himself to be better before he hurts somebody else.
- She calls out Ben for being obsessed with Charlie twice very loudly. Ben would rather chew off his own hand before admitting it, but Imogen hit the nail right in the head. ( kinda want to be given a reason why not one of Charlie's friends jumped up at that, like "wait, what is this about Ben Hope being obsessed with you?" unless they're waiting for Charlie to bring it up himself it at all. But seeing Charlie's reaction, and Nick's horrified face, you'd think they'd be a little curious as to what that is about...)
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- And Elle smiling when Imogen says that it’s time she focuses on herself. Yes, Imogen, stop thinking about boys for a while, and focus on what you want.
- I have rewatched everyone’s faces so many times: from the guy over Imogen’s shoulder laughing and trying to look over, to James catching all the tea, to all of Ben’s mates sniggering, but my favorite is that boy between Ben and Harry with the super-expressive eyebrows very dramatically questioning Ben’s whole attitude.
- As everyone’s been saying, when even Harry Greene calls you out, you know you’ve hit a low point.
- Nick and Charlie coming to comfort Imogen, and her questioning if she should have done that so publicly (the answer is Yes, because he very publicly treated you very badly too, so… tit for tat). And her wanted to make sure if maybe something happened between Ben and Charlie, but then saying it doesn’t matter as soon as she sees how uncomfortable it makes him.
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- And her saying that it would be easier if she liked girls, which… how many times do women in general say that? Relationships aren’t easy, no matter who you love, but there’s a preoccupying trend if the consensus is that ‘if sexuality was really a choice, the number of women who would choose to be lesbians is very very high’. What does that say about straight cis men, in general?
- Tao finally getting his head out of his own ass long enough to realize that Nick is really trying to bond with him.
- Tao about Elle “she’s everything, I’m just Ken”.
- Nick being adorable telling him that he thinks Tao is also all those things, and telling him that he does like him.
- I thought that Tao’s whole plan was giving Nick and Charlie privacy by dragging Isaac to the vending machin (And Charlie and Nick making the most of that little privacy). But it’s so sad when you realize that it was because Nick said the word “loudly” to describe him, and it made him remember that it was his loudness that outed Charlie last year. Poor baby.
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- Seriously, the chemistry this season is off the charts, the intimacy between Nick and Charlie is so beautiful and warm and Kit and Joe are magical. And the way that they’re always checking with each other. “Is this okay?” A very enthusiastic "YEAH”, “we should stop”, “okay.” Love them.
- Isaac falling asleep with the book on his face is so relatable. How many times have I woken up because I fell asleep reading and the book just smacked me in the face? Too many to count.
- Charlie’s little “oh f—” cut to music.
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Ceci episode é brought pour vous by CROISSANTS™. (Je n'e parlez pas français).
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I was randomly* reminded of my childhood devastation about Egon and Janine not being together in Ghostbusters II because she had a romance with Louis in that one, but I have decided that how Egon/Janine can still win is that they were polyamorous the whole time and Janine has two hands, but it just never came up in the movies because it wasn't relevant to Venkman's journey.
*Okay, so not entirely randomly. I saw a GIFset of noted psychologist Dr. Lisa Diamond making the (true and worth saying often and loudly) point that taboo fantasies you would find repellent in real life are a) very normal and b) not indicative of your moral character and I remembered Trixie and Katya describing Dr. Diamond as being kinda "Ghostbusters, whaddya want?" in her affect when they were watching a talking head she did for part of a Netflix doc about sex that they were reacting to for Queens Who Like to Watch, and then I was like, "Can I ever truly be happy when Egon and Janine broke up? Oh wait, yeah, that's a very dumb thing to be sad about and I can let go of it now that I am not a literal child shackled by an ironclad belief in the immutability and unassability of The Canon. I'm in fandom: canon has no power over me. And besides, this situation is in no way unfixable without even colouring out the lines all that much."
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unhhhhbelievable · 2 years
First I just want to say I’m sorry people suck and you were getting shitty messages, your commentary has always been the best on this website so I’m glad you haven’t fully stopped ❤️
Now about this whole situation… I feel like I could come up with a million examples across platforms from the past year and a half especially of stories that Trixie has shared about her relationship where his comments and actions are not okay and she’s clearly hurt by them. To anyone who says it’s just a joke, who’s laughing? Because I’m not! And the constant passive aggressiveness from Trix suggests she’s not either! I feel like things have been escalating too because these types of stories are becoming more and more frequent. Like we’re not reaching here. We’re reacting to the writing on the wall.
I do not understand anyone who feels the need to defend that man to death like it’s the equivalent to defending her. Actually as fans we should want better for her. And so much of what he’s said and done is unacceptable and it’s getting worse. I worry about the people that can always excuse this type of behavior because they should want better for themselves too. We all deserve a partner that makes us feel good about ourselves.
The thing is, the reason why this man is always putting her down is clearly because he’s insecure. It’s sad that he’s projecting his own esteem issues onto Trixie who already struggles in that department. I always got the sense the reason why he stayed behind the camera so long was because he’s self conscious. He’s been making it a point to respond to several comments that are maybe just slightly negative and fight them and get fans to attack even though it’s just internet noise and these people aren’t even trolls. But he’s so sensitive he can’t let anything go so it’s ironic he’s always putting Trixie down because he can dish it but can’t take it. It’s typical though.
Trixie’s independently rich and famous and beloved and all his money and success and opportunities come from her so this man clearly feels unequal in the relationship and puts her down to feel superior. The danger now is he has new power and popularity from the show and motel and is using that to his advantage. I worry this is the type of love she’s used to and doesn’t see what’s flawed in it. He’s always negging her and encouraging her overworking because it all benefits him. Who’s looking out for her here? A partner should make you feel confident and supported and happy. Period. And jokes should always be funny. These never are.
How can anyone look at Trixie and think she’s in a good place right now? Because she’s clearly not happy and hasn’t been for awhile. I swear she’s been going through a now years long existential crisis and panic attacks and nightmares are not healthy and they’re not normal. Where’s her partner in all of this? It just sounds like he’s making everything worse adding to the problem. She’s not taking care of herself and things won’t get better until she takes a break and goes to therapy and I don’t see that happening any time soon. The whole situation is honestly really sad. Sorry for the novel, I just feel like we’re all watching the same disaster and I’m not super confident anything will really change. And I fear it’ll take a huge breakdown from her to finally have a wake up call.
I worry about Trixie fully suffering a nervous breakdown from always running too much, too far, and too often. The fact that she's teed up another tour already is just a giant red flag to me at this point. She needs to stop and take time for herself. I don't know how many times I've willed her to just take a break but nothing can stop her. She's running from feelings again.
It breaks my heart that all she seems to put up with, like you said, is this insecure man that needs to feel superior to like THE most liked and successful drag queen next to Rupaul. Sorry, bitch, but you'll never hold a candle to how amazing Trixie Mattel, and in turn Brian Firkus, is. David isn't even good enough to hold her fucking purse at this point.
And the fact that they broke up all those years ago, that DAVID is the one that broke them up, is the biggest whistle blowing. And how, after her returned success, decided they would get back together. And then for him to suggest a documentary, during one of these most stressful and hurtful times of her life, in the midst of Katya drama? Flag so red, you can't see any other color.
He doesn't tweet anything supportive about T, didn't even have a heartfelt message about RADIO CITY. Just that he was in NYC and meeting famous people, like that was all that matters.
Someone once said, check someone's camera roll. The thing they take pictures of the most, is the one thing they're most terrified to lose. David says nothing but the motel. That's inch resting, don't you think?
The biggest tell to me, though, was when Trixie was doing T&K live in Ottawa, and she was doing "Hey, Rich People," she forgot the words. Do you know the last time Trixie fucked up singing her own songs? When Katya was gone.
Something is wrong and for people not to see it makes no sense to me.
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anamarialujan · 3 years
My random thoughts about the episode
The good:
-The history of the soldiers.
-That poor mother, I really don't know if it's because I'm very sensitive or what, but I cried a lot. Actors and actresses always do so well that I can feel the pain in my chest with these stories.
-Seriously, sometimes I learn more with this series than with my ten years of history in college. I had no idea of ​​English atomic tests, I only knew those of the USA.
-I love everything that has to do with radiation (in the sense that I really like to read about its consequences and as something that was originally good was transformed into the worst).
-Patrick has a point, and Julienne too, so that complicates things and I LIKE THAT
-Trixie more confident every day, I love that her work is valued by everyone. She walked a very difficult road and she deserves the best.
-Phyllis counting the cakes that SMJ didn't want to eat 😂😂😂
-Millicent scolding Patrick, that was good! I enjoyed it a lot 🤭
-Shelagh is in the best version of her: 50% Shelagh + 50% Sister Bernadette. The perfect balance.
The bad:
-Shelagh is very skinny, I want her to come and eat at my house 💗
-The pink uniform, my god it's very ugly
-I still don't understand the reason for the fashion show in Nonnatus or why they want to change the habit. But I suppose it is because the new habit is the same as that used by some "nuns" in a very bad soap opera of my country, where they sang and had fleeting romances with priests.
-I understand that Patrick is angry, but that doesn't mean that he yells at Shelagh IN THE STREET or that he throws low blows at Julienne in situations where it is not necessary to do so (which is why I like that Millicent has scolded him) Calm down Patricio! 😈
-(I like to say Patricio when he does something that angers me)
-Sister Monica Joan doesn't have a crisis of faith, she is very depressed and what she needs is urgent help. Please!!!
-No kiss of course *insert face of resignation, sadness and hatred towards the damn covid*
-(Heidi you could have put more kisses in other seasons when this pandemic didn't exist!)
In short: I liked the episode a lot, if the whole season will be like this, then it will be a very good season, as we haven't had for a long time.
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fandomtrash264 · 4 years
I have some Fred and George promts that I don't want to forget so imma put them here. If you are interested in writting them, by all means go for it, just tag me. I don't think I have a preference over who is in each scenario. I will probably write George and Fred based on what I thought but they should work with either twin. I do think they are different, im just saying that I could see the story going with either boy
• Reader and Fred pull a prank on George that changes his hair color based on mood. (Red - angry, blue - sad, green - disgust, light pink - embarrassed, hot pink - flirty, purple - in love/swooning, dark purple -lust) The 3 are sitting in the great hall eating and George is staring at reader and his hair turns purple. Reader thinks he has just zoned out and starts to bug him asking who he is thinking about. Leads to confession (and I imagine he is embarrassed so his hair is pink)
• Reader is a metamorphmagus and they like to switch between male and female so they change their physical appearance as such. (I see Fred as bi ngl) Fred gets a crush on the reader without knowing they are both people. A little while later, he falls for the other side (if that makes sense) of them and thinks he likes 2 different people. He is super torn and has no idea what to do
•This one is a Soulmate AU. The one where you can hear the music your soulmate is listening to. Reader is listening to ✨🌶 S p i c y 🌶 ✨ music and he knows its reader and he is shocked because they don't seem like they would listen to it and he is pleasantly suprised to find they are super flirty and such (he is twin of your choice lol)
•Yet again, one of our boys gets pranked. They lie about something that makes reader upset so they prank them so that everytime they try to talk, bubbles come out instead and the only way to undo it is to do somthing super embarrassing (I'll leave that to y'alls imagination's) and they refuse because they are petty but they eventually give in with this big social stunt or smth
•i imagine reader is a Ravenclaw (could really be any) who is the child of Bellatrix and *Moldy Voldy* (why ravenclaw you ask? I'll explain) They are in George and Fred's year so they are older than Harry. Reader was rescued a little before Harry was born and got to stay with someone else (probably Remus or smth. I imagine a gryfinndor so that way the Slytherin and the Gryfinndor kinda cancel out so you get Ravenclaw. Slytherin is their blood but they know its wrong so they push for the good values. I know slytherins can be good [believe me, I am very big on the fact that not all Slytherins are evil] but when its Bella and Mr. Tom, they have some bad bones) and they keep it a secret from their friends (the twins, the trio, etc.) Until Remus brings them to an OoTP meeting. He doesn't say who he just says he is bringing He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named 's child and they are terrified of how their friends will react. Kinda angsty but eventually they all understand that reader isn't evil
• Branching off of the previous, same family situation but when they were younger, they weren't seen as a child, they were a weapon. Trixie and Tommy boy would experiment on them so they are lowkey fucked up. They are super powerful and struggle to control it. Reader freaks out because they are terrified that he will be able to control them or see in their mind and good 'ole Gred and Forge help our reader to feel better and reassure them
• Reader and a twin are dating in 7th year (With Umbridge) and instead of breaking up or telling them about the plan to start a shop, they just leave and break off all contact. Years later they see each other and reader confronts them about how he couldn't even break up with them before leaving and he confesses his worries. Inspired by the song Ways to Break a Heart by Maddie Zahm [you can find it on YouTube]
• Can happen to either the reader or George or Fred but somehow by prank or accident in class, they get separated into different parts of themselves [parts like the 7 deadly sins (so they would be split into Pride and Lust) but also other things work (like Fear and Wonder)] and the other 2 have to deal with it until the problem is fixed
• (I have a lot with the boys and pranks, sorry lol) the boys get de-aged and reader has to chase them around because they are H E A T H E N S but then later on they put them to sleep and the Love Interest (twin of choice) snuggles up to them and mentions how much they love them and reader gives it no mind because "he was a baby". They snuggle and when they wake up the boys are of normal age and the Love Interest just snuggles closer and says something like "I meant it y'know. I really do love you/think you're amazing" and just. Fluff
• (I wrote George, yet again, could work with either) Reader is playing with the sleeve/hem/string of George's sweater/hoodie and he quips with a flirty comment like "you want the whole thing? Here, give it back when it smells like you" and the reader brushes it off as a flirty comment and teases "how am I supposed to know what I smell like? I'm noseblind to myself" and he gives them a scent. The scent seems familiar to them but oh well. They wear it because its soft and it smells like him and later on when they are chilling in the common room or whatever (George isn't there) they realize that's what he said he smelt in his Amortentia in potions last week and they lowkey freak out and go to ask him about it and aaaah! Cute things ensue
• [!!!TW: Depression, suicidal thoughts!!!] Can happen to either reader or one of the boys.(If it happens to a boy i see it being George as he seems insecure of being in Fred's shadow and I will write the prompt that way but it works with Fred and reader as well) George has been a little off recently and reader and Fred can't figure out what it is until reader goes to the astronomy tower late one night and finds George on the roof of the atronomy tower, seemingly fighting with himself about whether or not he should jump off. Angst, ends with fluff, reader helps him to feel better. Inspired by the song Achilles Come Down - Gang of Youths
•During their 6th year with the Triwizard Tournament, a durmstrange gent takes a liking to the reader. They start to court the reader and flirt with them, give them lots of compliments, try to show their affection. The Love Interest (again, twin of choice) get REALLY jealous tho and decides to try and out-do the durmstrang boy. This leads to really extravagant methods of flirting (ex. Sending a howler that is actually a shower of compliments or after a big quidditch match, the whole team does a choreographed dance where the suitor sings/performs to reader) all of this leading up to the yule ball. They either go with the durmstrange guy and deal with Love Interest later or they end up going with the Twin, whatever you would like
• Everyone is at the Burrow and they decide to watch a movie. While everyone is in the kitchen, the twin (who is the Love Interest) comes by and says "Oh! Are you guys watching a movie?" Readet replies "Yeah, P.S. I Love you" and he just blushes really hard and sits next to them and says "I love you too". Reader doesn't know how of if they are gonna tell him that "P.S. I Love You" is the name of the movie. Then everyone else comes back in so they have to wait until after the movie to talk about it. The whole time the movie is going all they can focus on are the "I Love You"s that escaped each others mouths. Inspired by a wolfstar text post by @starsandmoonys
• Inspired by the drarry work, Mental by sara_holmes on Ao3 (which you should totally go read like holy shit i love this idea sooooo much) written with George but as usual, can work with either. Reader is in for total shock when a joke gone sour ends with George striking them with a bad Legilimency spell. Due to this spell, they can (and have to) hear each others thoughts and see the pictures in each other's minds. What will happen when they see all that goes on in each others heads? Will they learn to communicate? Will they let one another in? Will they like who they see, or will they be scared away from the thoughts behind closed eyes?
• (TW!!!!: Dreamt character death, War) Fred and reader have been friends-with-benefits for a long time with feelings slowly growing between the 2 of them. They stay in denial until Fred has a nightmare one day where reader dies in the war. The next day he is desperate to hold them and see that they are okay. He confesses his feelings in fear of losing them. Inspired by Woke the Fuck Up - Jon Bellion
• [(TW!!! War) Fred lives] Fred and Reader had a huge fight right before Fred and George left Hogwarts and leave things on a rocky ending. Fred knows just how much he needs Reader and he desperately wants them back. Reader doesn't want to admit it but they miss him.and want him back too. They see each other again after the war and Fred breaks down in their arms and confesses how much he misses them and needs them. How hard it has been without them. Reader reciprocates these feelings and tells him. They start over, slowly building their love up again inspired by Bad Habit - Ben Platt [First verse and Pre-chorus would be Fred's feelings and second verse and Pre-chorus would be Reader. They blend on the 3rd]
• George has been strangely quiet all day. Reader is confused and a little hurt as George seems to avoid them. Leaving rooms when they walk in, not keeping eye contact and staying as physically far as he can. That is until they sit down in the great hall for lunch and Fred tells his friends (including reader) all about having put a truth serum in George's drink and all the funny things he has gotten him to admit. Reader goes to confront George about what he is hiding (because otherwise he would talk to them, right?) And they get an oddly specific but touching confession [ie. "I borrow your chapstick because that is what your lips will taste like" and "I see you in my dreams almost every night" ] inspired by Jenny - Studio Killers
• [Choose whether the person who can dance is reader or Twin of Choice. I will be writting with reader] The yule ball is coming up and reader can't dance to save their life. A certain red-heades friend comes in to help. At first, reader doesn't believe him because "c'mon, why would you know how to ballroom dance?" But they are pleasantly suprised to find they are actually really good at it. Like, REALLY good. "Mum made all of us learn. In case we ever needed it". Reader notices their feelings start to change as they spend more and more sessions together dancing until the yule ball occurs. Take it from there lol
• just a very cliche typical love potion fic. Reader volunteers to be on the receiving end of one of Fred and George's pranks- spike their drink with love potion- on one condition. The person reader will be in love with, knows about it. Reader figures this will allow them some leeway and safety against other pranks. All is going well until they spike the drink for reader to like (twin of your choice) and they realize that nothing has happened except they are a bit more flirty. Everyone is crazy confused because for everyone else they were head over heels swooning and attached at the hip until Hermionie (or somebody else) quips in with "You can't create something that already exists, y'know".
• So this one is less creative and it's also a mix of 2 tropes but bear with me. Reader is a very outgoing flirtatious type of person. They openly flirt with everyone, Fred, Ginny, Neville, Dean, etc. They don't care, its a way they show affection. Then, when they start to get a crush on George (or Fred) they star getting more shy and reserved with him. And he is completely clueless. He's lowkey hurt because "why doesn't Y/n crack jokes like that with me?" And shit like that. He is feeling down when he sees it. No, not 'it', he sees you. You and Fred flirting. He's got you cornered to the wall and your cheeks are flushed and George is big mad. (When really, Fred just cornered them so they couldn't avoid the question and was teasing and asking about their crush on George). George ends up seeing out Y/n, getting them alone and confronting them. Light angst? But ends fluffy as reader explains what actually happened
*im going to keep updating this as I get more ideas so be prepared*
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mantra4ia · 4 years
Lucifer 5x01 "Really Sad Devil Guy" Reaction'd w/spoilers
August 22nd 2020.
Mr. Said Out Bitch tradition continues. Lee Garner. I am so glad he gets another episode!!
Fishizzle II and a giant gold turtle, the comedy of this show just keeps rolling in. I bet Lee melted down one of Lucifer's gold bars to plate that tortoise. Great job set dressers.
"What the hell? / Precisely." Time to start my one-liner tally clicker. #1
BTW, I fully approve of fully bearded Lucifer. Well done Tom.
Oh, I suppose Lee Garner is getting a full dedicated episode. Props, the man and his wonderful undergarments deserve it. He put in the work! But how are they going to bring him back for season 6 now that he's dead...hmmmm.
Maze as the "new Lucifer" is a seamless transition.
The Snuggle is Real shirt. Ella's t-shirt game is still fire! B++
It's only been two months, really?! I need a bigger time jump. Charlie needs to be a toddler and Trixie needs to be old enough to drive with Lucifer.
Amenadiel running the club, yes! Checks the desires box. And in a suit no less.
Glimpse of hell - fantastic. I love to see more of how this works. Nice time manipulation element.
How many fun demon names are we going to get this season do you think? And is there just a plain old Greg or Bob somewhere, like the NBC Superstore of demons? Please say yes.
"I learned from the best." Muah, chef's kiss. Still solving cases worlds apart, that's quite poetic.
Kswiss, 8ball, and Dirty Doug, some cheesiness in this dramedy never changes. I swear, Dirty Doug reminds me of one of Jason's friends from The Good Place. That would be a hell of a crossover.
Rachel Harris is a gift. Helicoptering Charlie's education. So cute. Well at least she didn't put him in an angelic onsie.
Dan and essential oils. Such a California west coast thing.
"There was a sign, it was clearly forebidden" Muahaha! Amenadiel...are you delving into Lucifer's line of work? Catching the guilty...are you going to start punishing. Oh, this could be seasonal foreshadowing.
Gold coin marker huh...Pentacosal throwback reference?
Sensible Pantsuit and Bond Girl duo accomplished, I can take that off the list of things that I desired. Chloe doesn't mess around, and she is right. Maze's dress and that thigh slit leave no room for error. Kudos to her for running in it and simultaneously punching two potential perps.
Demon messenger from hell. Yaaaaaaaaaaaasssss, laughing so hard. The thumbs up really had me. I would have snorted if the thumb had been broken, bloody and disjointed like the rest of the criminal corpse. I swear this show is combining all my favorite situational comedy elements. Santa Clarita Diet anyone?
"Clever, manipulative bastard." Also nice throwback to "cruel, manipulative bastard" circa season 1.
Trixie!!!!!!!!! My all-star. Making goofy faces, girl after my own heart.
DAN: "we all think our kids can walk on water" LINDA: "Hadn't thought of that. Cancel swimming lessons." One line clicker #2
Ella's "I love science" shirt with an arrow through the brain, solid: B.
Of course he's a teen skittles dealer. Oh Amenadiel.
Awwwwwwwwww...Mazikeen my angel demon you are breaking my heart. Girl needs some happiness.
"Excuses, they're like assholes, everybody has one and nobody wants to hear it." Never was there a more Lucifer thing to say. One line clicker #3.
OMG, Lee's storyline is a whole metaphor for Lucifer's fall and I am crying! "You know it's just a matter of time before you screw up again" 😭😭😭
"I should have got out of the car and walked through the door. I missed my chance, what about you?" <Called it, It is a little bit of Lucifer's own hell loop.
Excellent firefight Detective. I fully approve of heads through plaster.
"I thought you could use a hand but it seems someone beat me to it." One line click #4
Oh nooooooooo, not the iconic piano, all that history! It never stood a chance. Point to Maze.
Ella and Dirty Doug, another point Maze...well well, Ella really does go for the bad and broken boys. I am taking bets now: who wants to bet Ella is a faux-Lucifer-Michael magnet?
And there it is. There's the Michael reveal. Flawlessly executed! Great musical choice to compliment the moment, "so happy together." Impeccable irony.
Grade: 7/10 "DETECTIVES!"
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Karma is a bitch, Chapter 1 (Multi ship) - Flor
A/n: Olá! I’m your resident ball of stress and anxiety posing as a your average brazilian uni student trying my hand at writing fic in english after literal years writing solely on my mother tongue, how yall doing? Anyway that is just a very long way of saying i can’t promise perfect english and that i’m very nervous and very excited about posting this. There will be a lot of ships and queens so i’m just going to tag them as they appear, thanks and enjoy!
Summary: Manila being in love with her best friend is just proof that Karma is real and getting back at her for laughing at her coworkers and teasing them over their lack of guts to act on their obvious feelings. Surely that’s it, a cruel joke of the universe and something she will get over with time so in meantime she just needs to focus on something that isn’t Raja. Naturally playing cupid is exactly what she needs.
Chapter summary: Raja breaks up with her girlfriend, swears off dating and Manila has a existential crisis, or several, but who is counting anyway?
Manila is not a useless lesbian.
Well she is a lesbian. And okay she can be a bit slow and useless in certain circumstances, sometimes hidden jokes and social clues will fly over her head, but it happens with everyone okay, it’s not that big of a deal. But those two characteristics together? No ma’am, Manila considers herself a pretty sharp lesbian, especially since she works with several textbook representations of useless lesbians. Her workplace is filled with useless lesbians.
RuPaul’s Look Race started small and easily lost in the big Los Angeles scenario, a modeling agency born of spite aimed to the outcasts of the fashion world like the founder herself and it quickly won over the hearts of all the models who used to the racism and homophobia of the fashion industry saw themselves drawn to what promised to be a safe accepting spot. With care it grew exponentially in a short space of time attracting not only clients but also employees who failed to check most of the box on privilege, Manila was hired on the third year of existence of the agency and she saw as it grew and grew until they became the name in everyone’s mouth, the first place that LGBT models turned to, expanding its wings until they started to gather to artists in general rather than only models.
They are an one of a kind business, no one does as much as them, no one attends to so many different artists in so many different fronts all at once so of course they are a big deal, especially when you consider how inclusive they are.
It makes for a very livid, very gay, workplace and Manila would not trade it for the world. The longest living unofficial rule of the place is “LGBT+ until proven straight or cis” because she could easily count how many of her coworkers don’t fit under the rainbow. It feels good to be out and proud of her sexuality, her own personal bubble in a world that wasn’t always kind to her. One of the most unexpected consequences of working on the gayest business in America however is the ridiculous amount of pinning she gets to watch unfold before her daily.
Manila can give you examples of actual useless lesbians until you are begging her to stop and she knows as a fact that she is nothing like them, she doesn’t do those things they do, she knows how to flirt and she damn well knows when someone is flirting with her, and more than that she always knows what to do in those situations.
Until now.
Because Raja broke up with her girlfriend and Manila is facing a life crisis where she doesn’t know what to do with herself.
It’s not like this is the first time this has happened, it’s nothing really new to be honest, Manila has know Raja for almost 10 year and she cannot count how many partners her friend had in those, this is far from the first breakup Manila has lived through and at this point she knows their routine by muscle memory alone.
Raja for someone who is actually quite polished and has her life together has quite a problem with keeping a stable relationship for long periods of time, Manila is sure that in those 10 years of friendship the longest relationship lasted a bit more than 2 years, but at the same time Raja is the type of person who doesn’t like being single for too long what may explain everything. 
So Manila is well versed in post-breakup Raja.
She knows that her friend was the one to end it simply because she texted her asking to come over, it’s just one of her things. If her partner was the one to break things off Raja would seek Raven’s company so both of them could curse and complain and Raven in all her sharp tongued abrasive self would point out all the flaws in the ex until Raja felt better about it, they always showed up with killer hangover after those talks but the older woman always looked better and less down after yet another rejection when Raven was done with her.
But when Raja was the one to break it off she always went to Manila because Raven couldn’t see the point in getting sad over something you choose, for good reason, to call off. Manila knew that just because you were the one to pull the plug doesn’t mean you aren’t hurting and sad to see it gone no matter how bad things had become or how better in the long run the decision is.
If she is selfishly honest Manila sorta likes those post breakup hangouts they have, she likes the intimacy and closeness they bring to their friendship. Raja is not shy with her affection but she hardly is the most touchy person either so the younger woman relishes on those nights where Raja will curl her long limbs in her couch touching Manila’s side and resting her head on her shoulder, sometimes playing with her fingers or just holding her hand.
It’s good, Raja always smells like subtle spicy perfume and her skin is soft and impossibly warm at all times. It’s also very normal and very platonic. It’s not like how Katya will take any and every excuse available to touch Trixie even if for a few seconds, hands itching towards her every time they get together to discuss something or just casually talk, the blonde Russian cleaning her schedule for those meetings and pretending no one knows about it.
It’s not like that for Raja and Manila. If Manila rests her own head over Raja’s, well it’s just a comfort thing, and if she takes a deep breath so the other’s perfume is all she can smell, who can blame her? It is a good perfume.
So this time is no different from any other time. Raja shows up at her door, defeated expression looking so out of place in her angular features, Manila ushes her inside and they almost cuddle on the couch while some stupid comedy plays in the background.
“Do you want to talk about it?” She whispers softly even if it’s not necessary.
She feels more than sees Raja sighs.
“Not sober.”
Manila nudges her a bit so she can get up already missing the warmth and rushing to her kitchen so she can find the wine she knows it’s Raja’s favorite. That’s another normal, completely platonic thing Manila does, keeping Raja’s favorite drinks and food around even if she isn’t particularly fond of it herself.
It’s not like she is like Shea who buys or makes tea for Sasha every time she gets coffee for herself, completely unprompted, just so she can have a excuse to go to her and chat for a few moments, smiling dumbly as the Russian smiles that bright kind smile of hers that could melt ice and melts Shea’s heart like butter. It’s not like that because Manila doesn’t go out her way to buy those things or uses them as an excuse to talk to her friend, she just buys it with her own groceries to keep it around if needed, and it’s good to have food your friend likes around right? Especially for moments like this!
Patting herself on the back for being such a prepared friend Manila goes back with two glasses and two bottles of wine feeling like one is not going to be enough. The smile that Raja gives her when she reads the label could make flowers grow. 
She pours them full glasses before sitting back on the couch, Raja automatically curling back into her side and even if her elbow is kinda uncomfortably pressed against her side and her hair is trickling her neck Manila would never make any movement or say anything to make her change positions. They drink in silence, finishing several cups before Raja lets out another long sigh.
“I broke up with her after a date. It just kind of hit me as we were leaving the restaurant that we spent basically the whole meal in silence, she kept looking at her phone and it didn’t bother me at all. We used to turn out our phones during dates.”
“I’m sorry Raj, falling out of love sucks balls but you know it was for the best for the both of you. It wouldn’t be fair to keep going like this, relationships shouldn’t be something you are having out of convenience, and hey now you both are free to find someone new.”
Saying those words leave a sour taste in her mouth, the idea of Raja once again going out on mindless dates with random women, falling in bed with them until one catches her attention enough for her to try yet again to have an actual relationship, is making her heart clench in her chest.
Platonically of course. 
Manila is simply tired of seeing her friend meet dead end after dead end and find herself on her or Raven’s couch drinking away the pain. It’s not like there is any hidden motive for that feeling, Manila knows herself, knows her own heart, if there was anything more than best friend concern she would surely know. It’s probably not different from what Jujubee and Raven feel for each other.
“It’s the same thing every fucking time Nila, it doesn’t matter if I’m the one dumping or the one dumped the reason is always the same we just fall out of love, for fucks sake why can’t i get regular messy breakups once in a while? Why can’t I get cheated on?”
“Why exactly would you want to get cheated on? I, just like every normal person, prefer clean breakups but you seem to think they are overrated.”
“Like you are anywhere near being normal Miss Pineapple Dress for a Fancy Work Party” Raja laughs lightly, Manila feeling it with her body
“That dress was fucking awesome and i will not be shamed for being a fashion icon ahead of my own time.”
“Whatever you say” The fond amusement in the taller woman makes her smile wider, allowing herself to relax even more against the warm body
“You still didn’t answer why somehow getting cheated on would be better than a nice clean breakup.”
“Because then i could explain why it happened, I could get mad at someone else because it wouldn’t be my fault.” Raja’s voice is softer than it was the whole night, barely over a whisper “You know why i got dumped last time? Because she said i was never really there, that i never allowed her to actually know me.”
Automatically and uncaring about the awkwardness of the position Manila throws her arms around Raja hating the way her voice sounds and hating the words even more. Maybe she is biased, maybe she isn’t really trying to put herself in the ex girlfriends shoes, but she just can’t phantom why anyone would say that about Raja of all people.
Her best friend is intense in all the best ways, she puts herself into everything she does to the point someone will eventually have to drag her away from her projects, she may look unapproachable and regal with her beautiful features and high fashion clothes but she is one of the biggest dorks Manila knows, full of passion and bad jokes. And yes she is a bit hard to know, it takes time to take her down her walls and see beyond the carefully crafted poise and sharp words, but she is worth every minute spent trying.
“And i guess she was right, i guess i do this all the time because it’s the same thing now, someone falling out of love with me because i wasn’t giving them enough. Maybe I’m just not meant for this.”
“This?” Manila tightens her arms around Raja like she is trying to squeeze that resigned tone away
“Love, relationships, the whole nine yards. Meaningless one night stands are clearly more of my thing since they are the one thing I can successfully manage.”
“That’s not true! You of all people shouldn’t be selling yourself this short you big idiot, you are amazing and people should be lucky to have a shot with you. You just haven’t found the right person yet.”
“Are you taking life advice from those stupid romcoms Vanessa is obsessed with? Because it sounds like it.” Her words lack the necessary bite to sound like a insult even if she snorts disbelieving and Manila slaps her chest without breaking the hug
“Okay edgy lord maybe you should watch one of those and lift your spirit because this talk is not like you at all.” 
She goes for a joking tone, poking Raja again but is glad the older woman can’t see her face and the way her brows are furrowed. This is new. Unfamiliar and uncomfortable in a way that those post breakups encounters never were, not even in the beginning of their friendship where Manila was still testing the waters and what worked with her friend. Raja was always sad, though she only cried twice in 10 years, and her smiles never quite reached her eyes even if they softened a little when Manila said something funny or ridiculous, but never like this, never truly defeated in this raw way. Raja hardly ever gets this low in her self esteem anymore and never about her love life and the fact that she is, is throwing Manila out of her loop, this is new territory.
“Maybe I should take a page out of Violet’s book and just give dating up altogether, she is young but is clearly into something.”
“Really? Because as far as i know if Violet wasn’t so open about how anti dating she is then either Pearl or Max would have totally already made a move and we wouldn’t have to watch them dancing around each other like that.”
“But that’s the thing, the problem with Violet doing it is that someone is in love with her and I think we have established that no one is in love with me.” And before Manila can say the obvious Raja beats her to it “And i don’t think anyone ever will.”
I am.
The thought almost makes its way out of her mouth before Manila stops herself, biting her tongue so hard she can taste blood.
It comes out of nowhere and everywhere at the same time, a certain that just overtakes her body and sets on her bones like it belongs there, like it was just laying under the superficie waiting to make itself known. Her breath catches on her throat and she must make some sort of chocked sound because Raja cranks her neck to look at her, sad eyes and soft smile making Manila want to scream.
“It’s okay Nila, don’t take me too seriously, I had a couple of shots before coming here so I’m just being drunk.”
Manila just nods, words stuck in her throat in fear of what will come out if she let them out, Raja sighs again and even in normal circumstances her words would not make the younger woman less worried, the excuse of drunkness not erasing the self deprecating voice and sad tired eyes, but now they just make her heart ache even more.
This is fucked up.
Fucked up and so, so right. 
Of course she is in love with Raja, of course there is nothing really platonic in a lot of her actions, in the way something ugly and heavy curls inside of her when Raja gets another girlfriend, in the way that her chest feel warm when Raja smiles at her in delight, how her laugh can light up her day, how her hugs can make the bad days look less dark, how having her arms around her feels good, how warm she feels in the places they are touching.
Manila thanks whatever deity is watching her that the realization stucks her when Raja is already drunk and half asleep, curling even more on the couch, letting her weight rests fully against Manila as her breathing gets deeper, and that she didn’t decide to lay down facing her because Manila doesn’t know how she would hide her reaction.
Karma is definitely a bitch she decides almost hysterically as her bitten tongue slowly stops bleeding.
This is karma for laughing at her friends, she is sure it is, what else can explain the universe punishing her with this? With those feelings? Clearly she cracked one too many jokes about Crystal and Gigi being oblivious, or rolled her eyes too much when watching Shea and Sasha, or Trixie and Katya, or maybe she snickered too loudly watching Vanjie and Brooke or maybe she gave Jinkx shit romantic advice or something she can’t even remember. Maybe, she muses, it’s a combination, all those little things piling up until karma decided to get her for them all at once and landed her in this mess.
She is in love with Raja.
Wonderful, clever, talented, beautiful Raja who struggles to maintain meaningful romantic relationships.
Raja who is one of her best friends. One who basically decided to give up dating 10 minutes ago.
What the fuck Manila is supposed to do now?
Manila decides after a bad sleep night in an uncomfortable position in her not so soft couch that the best course of action is doing nothing.
She needs… She needs time to process this sudden epiphany, to analyze their interactions and her actions and try to pinpoint when exactly platonic friendship transformed itself into something she never expected or intended to, something she is too afraid to name. Gather her thoughts and her emotions in a more organized way than the panic and confusion of last night.
She also needs time for Raja to get over the breakup, again this is a familiar scenario and Manila knows what will happen, has watched as her friend tried to drown herself into work until the sting of another failed relationship disappeared multiple times and understand that is the worst possible moment to try to act on those…. feelings. If, and that is a big gigantic if, Raja takes her mind away from fashion for one second to seriously consider Manila’s hypothetical words there is the risk of being a rebound fuck, a distraction.
Manila is not sure of many things about those feelings but one that she knows with clarity is that she doesn’t want to be a one night stand, a band aid to help with loneliness, Manila is not that girl who will let herself be used as a mean to something else, she has more self love than that. She wants the real thing, the full experience. If she can’t have that she will not settle for scraps, her heart is not strong enough to deal with that.
So when her alarm blasts, too soon she laments as her eyelids seem to be glued shut and her brain protests that she sleep too little and too badly, she is relieved Raja choose to end things in a Sunday because that means Manila will have work to distract her mind and stop her from spending a day long pity party overthinking all her feelings like a lunatic. 
At least she hopes so.
Raja is already up and moving around in the kitchen by the time Manila drags her body away from the couch feeling places she didn’t know could hurt screaming in protest. Shit, she needs a better couch, she feels bad for letting her friends sleep in that now. The dark haired woman makes her way to the kitchen and is not prepared to have the air sucked out of her chest by the vision in front of her.
It’s ridiculous. It’s not something new, some groundbreaking scenario that she never got to witness, some hidden part of Raja that she didn’t know existed. It’s ordinary, familiar in a way that makes her insides all warm and fuzzy and that’s the problem.
It’s familiar, it’s domestic.
There is something in the way that Raja moves around her small kitchen making toast and sipping coffee from a bright yellow mug, clearly fresh showered with her hair still damp, not even pausing to think where things are or what ingredients Manila will have that is so right. It feels right to have her there, so comfortable and at peace in a place Manila considers so intimate, so personal. Raja looks at home and the domesticity of it makes something in Manila ache.
This is what she wants, she realizes, to wake up and find Raja sipping coffee or to wake first and make her something to eat or to spend a lazy morning together.
“Good morning sleepy head.” Raja says when she realizes Manila is there snapping the other back to reality “You know seeing how late you set your alarm I can totally understand how you are always late.”
“My alarm is set at the perfect time, it’s not my fault LA’s traffic is more unstable than Gia Gun’s eyelashes.” The answer comes easily and she thanks a higher power that she can act like a actual human around Raja
“Well maybe that’s a sign that you should set it earlier, it wouldn’t kill to arrive earlier in the good days.”
“And how would you know? I don’t think you even know your actual work hours anymore.”
“Raven told me” Raja smiles cheekily, sipping from her mug to hide it “Want me to make you some toast while you get ready?”
She says and does her best to not look like she is bolting the fastest she can because while it’s the truth it doesn’t mean she wants Raja to realize it. It’s the domesticy again, the easiness and calm that comes with having Raja there offering to make fucking toast like she belongs in her home.
Manila lets her forehead rest against the shower wall as the water falls on her back trying to get her shit together before she faces her best friend and new found love again. She will not freak out, she will not over analyze shit or stare like some sort of lovesick fool with no self control.
She is a grown up woman and she knows how to behave when she is attracted to someone.
At least that is what she tells herself and what she fails to do almost instantly. Because as Manila dresses herself she can’t stop thinking about the fact that Raja has clothes at her place. Clothes. And Manila has clothes at Raja’s place as well and that’s… that’s not really a really platonic thing is it? Manila doesn’t have a drawer full of her things in her parent’s house for fucks sake. 
This is karma she swears to herself, this is karma for laughing at poor airheads Crystal and Gigi for being oblivious, this is the universe getting back at her and making her the stereotypical useless lesbian who doesn’t even really she is in love and practically dating her best friend.
But at the same time she can’t help but wonder if that means something as big as she thinks. So they have clothes at each other’s houses and Manila doesn’t do that with anyone else, but what if that’s something regular with Raja? Does she leave things in Raven’s or Delta’s houses too? Is that something special they share or it’s just one of those Raja things that make Manila smile fondly when she thinks no one is watching?
Fuck, Manila is really turning into one of those people. She makes a sound of frustration in her chosen shirt, pressing the fabric to her face and trying to block everything but the pleasant smell of the shirt and take a few deep breaths to again get her shit together.
When she finally finishes her makeup and makes her way back to the kitchen she is ready to face the day and suppress her feelings like a normal woman. 
Things go smoothly after that and Manila shots down the voice in her mind whispering that that is a good sign, they eat among small talk and Raja mentions her breakup only once when she mentions her ex will go pick her things when she’s at work and she’s relieved they will not have to have another face to face conversation, Manila holds her hand and squeeze giving Raja her best comforting smile not letting go until the smile she gets in answer doesn’t look fabricated.
On the way to work their topic of conversation changes as they begin discussing their agendas for the day trying to squeeze a joint break. They don’t have many reasons to interact during work hours, Raja, along with Bianca, run their fashion department dealing with clothing most of their non model clients while Manila works exactly with the modeling section of the business and since both are high up on the hierarchy there is really not much leeway to go hang out at each other side of the building, having to settle for lunch wherever work allows them to leave at the same time.
“You want to go to that new Italian place down the block?” Manila asks as they get close enough to see their workplace towering among others
“Rain check.” Raja says as she twists her thick hair in a bun that somehow manages to look elegant rather than messy “Willam got a show coming up and i have to meet her to brainstorm concepts for the looks.”
“Oh… we can go after you finish?”
“We are meeting for lunch actually.”
“Right…” Manila kicks herself as soon as the word leaves her mouth, her disappointment so thick she can almost taste it and it’s fucking ridiculous
“We can go tomorrow if you like?”
“Maybe, we have a photoshoot tomorrow but it looks like Dahlia is sick and if she can’t make it i need to be there to find a quick replacement.” Ugh sometimes being the official problem solver sucks
“That’s okay we can just try again another day.” Raja smiles at her then, all white teeth and soft eyes, and her hand rests on her shoulder as if she can sense that Manila is unhappy
And maybe she can because if her face is showing half of what she is feeling then Manila is officially looking like a pooting teenager and that is not a flattering look on someone her age. Again she feels like screaming because the universe is clearly trying to rub her face in her own obliviousness about her own feelings, again this is not new, there were times they had to cancel lunch plans when the other was already seated because something urgent came up, and neither is the disappointment and mildly annoyance in her chest when she realizes she will have to spend a day without sharing a part of her day with Raja, but now, now that she is painfully aware of the exact nature of her feelings there is another layer to that disappointment that she was unaware of and doesn’t really like.
It doesn’t help that it’s Willam that Raja is going to meet.
Don’t get her wrong, Willam may be a diva and a pain in the ass, the cause of many tears on their PR department because of her crude and biting humour, but she is not the worst client they ever had and once you get used to her particular brand of vulgarity there is a lot of fun to have with her. But Willam is, above everything, a self proclaimed slut.
There is an ongoing joke that the reason she gets so many gigs as an actress in crime shows is because she doesn’t really have to act as a prostitute or young slut, she just has to be herself. Willam is very confident and very comfortable in her sexuality and Manila is actually impressed with that, she really is, but that doesn’t mean that she wants that energy around post breakup Raja right after Manila discovered she has more than platonic feelings for her.
It’s a receipt for disaster, well, actually it’s receipt for sex what in her books are exactly the same thing.
She forces that stupidity down as hard as she can. There is pinning and then there is suffering for imagining your… crush having sex with someone else and Manila is not going to be that person, she really isn’t. The younger woman sighs quietly and grips the steering wheel glad that Raja is too busy dealing with loose strands of hair to pay attention to her reactions.
“If i’m free tomorrow i will shoot you a text” She says going for a smile
“Great! I will keep my agenda free then.”
Manila’s heart totally doesn’t skip a beat.
She is so fucked.
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casimania · 4 years
Next drabble idea I'll probably never write: AU season 4 where Lucifer still has to leave for Hell but it's Piercifer and he leaves Marcus behind who just... slowly spends more and more time at the penthouse until he's basically living there outside of work and moping around. Drinking, growing the depression beard back, cursing at Lucifer and God, badly singing sad songs and playing along with his guitar, just being a sad sack in general.
Except this is either also a Deckerstar AU (poly but a V with Lucifer in the middle) or Lucifer has been Chloe's closest friend and partner for years and she misses him, so one day she doesn't have Trixie and she just misses him a lot she sneaks up the penthouse. And there's just Pierce and his beard and a terrible bed head in his sweats and a t-shirt surrounded by empty bottles of not so cheap alcohol and half empty bottles of definitely not so cheap alcohol. And she's immediately backing away because she's good at second guessing herself and thinks she's intruding but he's like "He left you too behind, didn't he?" and waves a bottle in her direction. Cause of course she misses him too, and in a way they both remind each other of him. So she takes the alcohol and sits down. They don't talk much, just drink and sigh. She doesn't have it in her to leave when it gets dark outside so Pierce leaves her the bed since he's been sleeping there pretty much all the time. And he just throws his legs on the couch and passes out there.
... Okay I'm definitely making it a Deckerstar + Piercifer V, I just like the idea rn. Anyway, they go on with this routine for a while. Chloe comes over when Dan (or Dan and Charlotte together) has Trixie with him (they alternate whole weeks now, he's learned to do dad stuff in a timely manner finally). They drink and sorta grunt or sigh in each other's general direction and just amble around the penthouse. Sometimes Chloe puts a movie on to take her mind off things (stuff she watched with Lucifer) and a couple of times Pierce just sits down and read one of Lucifer's books and they fall asleep in front of the tv some of those ones.
One evening Marcus finds Chloe going through the freezer and she pulls aside a few ice cream tubs with like, unicorns or puppies on them (Marcus already saw them and was kinda "??", Chloe says Trixie likes the big screen and Lucifer playing songs for her so he bought some snacks for her for when she came over. She dives more into the freezer and they both pretend she's not suddenly holding back tears) she hits jackpot when she finds some ice cream with a fancy name and no cartoony animals or overly sweet flavours and she doesn't even both with a bowl, just takes a spoon (then goes back for another she throws at Marcus) . And she sits disgruntled in front of the TV and eats it. She's stressed over a case and just murders the absolute shit out of the ice cream, she pushes it Pierce's way a couple of times and he gets like the tiniest spoonfuls and then she's back at shoveling it back in her mouth looking absolutely miserable.
Pierce surprised them both by asking her about the case (they usually don't talk much in these moments). He knows the gist of it because he assigned it to her but she was decidedly in a better mood earlier. And she says it's not as much as the case being overly complicated, she has hunch, but for the first time she was in the middle of an interrogation or a investigating and she was suddenly hit with all the ways Lucifer could have influenced the situation. And then her brain just couldn't turn it off and she basically couldn't stop thinking about him. Going back to the precinct didn't help, he was always sitting on her desk. There's Marcus himself who Lucifer always made a beeline for a couple of times at least and he's looking like as sad as a saggy bowl of cereals too and that made her only think more about Lucifer being gone. She thought retreating at the penthouse could have helped but instead of being a comfort and making her feel like he's still somewhat around, it just makes her feel more the fact that he's not there and could never come back. And from there it's like, the gates are open. They start to talk about Lucifer. They get angry at him, they get angry at God, they get angry at the demons who came for him and at all the angels who didn't help and they it just ends up with them just talking about Lucifer in general. The hit he pulled that exasperated them, that was actually kinda funny or just so Lucifery you just took it as it came.
And it's a first for them. Not just talking about Lucifer or with each other at the penthouse. Just the two of them talking in general. They sort of exist in the same space because they both love Lucifer in this AU. But Chloe has to digest the Sinnerman thing. Cause I think she wouldn't hold onto the First Murderer thing because in her mind, ideally one would have had a trial and appropriate punishment in that situation. But between the time it was and who they were he got himself a literal Curse. He did a bad thing but she can't really wrap her mind around the punishment, people go to prison and never get out or people go to prison and then get out and try to live a normal life. He had God himself him Mark him as forever wandering the Earth alone and she's just... what does she do with that?? Biblical stuff is just too fucked up for her. She acknowledges that's stuff that happens 6000+ years ago and Pierce is gonna deal with that with Pierce and Lucifer. She had more of an issue with his more recent crime boss things. Lucifer skirts the line of what she finds okay, Dan went dangerously over some times, Pierce has been living on the other side for so long she's just no ok with that. But they all have a complicated situation. And in the 2 years he got to know Lucifer he sort of, dropped the whole thing (and may have been sort of ratting out some people because it seemed to make Lucifer happy because it made Chloe happy). She recognizes it doesn't make what he did retroactively better but look, she has a complicated love life. If what it took to make an old ass immortal man a little more nice and human is the Devil himself making puppy eyes at him and naming him feel bad about fucked up shit he does forth first time in millennia... she decides she can sort of deal with it. And for Marcus is sort of :/ over Chloe being a mortal, cause he knows it hurts losing someone to time and he can just imagine how Lucifer will suffer, especially since he feels just so much (and it takes him a while to get out of this mentality, that doesn't makes him think Lucifer gets attached to humans only because he's gotten to know them for so little compared to him, that with enough time they'll be the same, cause his is the only logical way of feeling over this). And in general he's got some deep seated fear that Chloe was put on Lucifer's path for nefarious purposes. They all have that little moment of doubt, like okay she has her feelings and takes her choices?? But what if God knew Marcus and Lucifer would have crossed paths and Chloe is there to prevent it in osns way? Or to be used to send him back to Hell? They reflect on it a little and get over it mostly, but Marcus still has this little voice inside him saying that maybe she's there for Lucifer to think "Why have him when I can have her?" the only things he seemingly brings in the relationship is immortality and understanding through that, but Lucifer lurks defying expectations and just went "BOTH BOTH I LOVE BOTH I WANT BOTH IF THEY'LL HAVE ME" and told them in detail what wonderful things they both brought to the relationship (Chloe needed that too. From her pov she's the one that can't fully get Lucifer and will just hurt him by dying in such a short time and maybe never see him again. But he proves both of their fears wrong). So yeah, until this point they were never really making comfortable conversation all the time and hanging out together. Just recognized each other as someone important to Lucifer that makes him happy and they were trying to work out if they could live in close contact when shit hit the fan and Lucifer had to go.
And from then they form some sort of understanding. They talk more about Lucifer. They get Eve, Maze, Dan, Charlotte, Linda and Amenadiel and try to make him contact other Angels and then shit happen with Azrael and Ella joins the Celestial-knowing club. They make concrete plans to get him out. They start being more like themselves and interact more in general.
Then one day Chloe is under the covers of Lucifer's bed and Marcus is on the other side and has kicked them off (it's easier than just taking turns, and while they never got to the point with having Lucifer time all together in an intimate way, they don't find it weird, sharing living spaces was something they had been considering before things got fucked up) and they suddenly wake up in a tangle of blankets and feathers and ashes and there's Lucifer looking absolutely terrible but he lights up like the Sun upon seeing them and they immediately pounce on him. He thinks he's dreaming and they tell him they've been just sort of living there together when Dan has Trixie and they want to know what's going on. Unfortunately it's not permantent, the demons are chilling enough he can fly up for a little while but he still has to go back if they don't find a solution. He mostly does it to get his Chloe and Marcus fills and cry a little about how much he loves them and wishes he didn't have to leave them and will find a way to come back to them permanently and he's sorry he left looking intend on not coming back (he tought it was the best option, but he just missed them so much).
And nothing. Shit's fucked but slowly maybe they find a solution. Didn't really wrote a plot. I just wanted Chloe and Marcus moping together over Lucifer and talking about him and helping each other get out of the dark pit of despair.
#Talking Tag#Luciblogging#I'm making up a reason for which Pierce can't go to Hell with Lucifer for angst purposes#Maybe the Mark causes him to be yeeted back on Earth#Or living souls in general would be yeeted back in Earth#Aside Lilith who was cast there by God specifically. Or maybe it comes with being created directly by God.#He's closed to Lucifer and his siblings than Marcus and other human born humans.#Could explain also why Abel needed a body to be put into to rise back#While Eve jumped back into her body who even regenerate at her young perky peak#Or maybe it's just a question of demons descending on Marcus like ants#He would be a glaring weakened in their eyes for the King and they would either challenge him over and over again#Or try to pull Marcus apart over and over again. And Hell is big and chaotic enough and Lucifer does have things to check out#That he couldn't keep an eye on Pierce 24/7 and he has nothing on a hoard of pissed off demons#He just refused to bring down Marcus and risk him getting through any of that just because Lucifer wanted him close#And I think that would be the option that hurt Marcus the most. Because he'd tell Lucifer he'd go through eternitied of being torn apart#Just for him. But Lucifer would set his foot down and Marcus would feel abandoned all over again. He could be there but Lucifer went alone#Chloe would probably make him reason a little in the end. Yes Lucifer left him all alone and it hurt#And he would gladly be demon food over and over again for him. But then that would have hurt Lucifer greatly.#And he would have beaten himself over being a horrible person who makes his loved ones suffer#And Pierce can't really deny that's what would have happened. Lucifer would have made it his personal failure every single time Marcus#got hurt away from him. So much guilt.#Chloe and Pierce are good at reminding each other that while they're suffering Lucifer is too. And is doing this to keep them all safe#And they have to find a way to get him back.
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luciferloveschloe · 4 years
s5 thoughts
okay, holy crap. so this is probably going to be long and rambly, and i’m writing it without having seen a single gif set or reaction from the fandom – scary. anyway, more below the cut! also spoilers, obviously.
first of all, asjsdklasjsjsjajkfds – i loved it so freaking much. canon deckerstar, fucking finally???? that sweet kiss in ep5? them not immediately breaking up again and instead working together on the issues they’re facing!? omg. it had so many amazing moments, and so many great stories for our characters, and so many little weird things that have always defined this show, and i am so so happy with it!!!
have some thoughts on every ep! i’ve only seen it once so this is far from elaborate meta, but i have to scream into the void somewhere before i dive into the madness of my dashboard. a little cautionary: there’ll be a bit negativity, but I’ll always put it in brackets so you can skip it easily.
5x01: really sad devil guy
i guessed mr. said out bitch would turn up in hell, and it was such a cool episode! i loved how they interwove it and showed lucifer ruling hell and them solving the case at the same time. and how michael showed up? they almost had me fooled there that it was actually lucifer. well done!
(the thought that it has already been thousands of years for lucifer again is so incredibly sad, like i really can’t think about it for long. an old otp of mine was separated for 20 years and i’ve always found it unbelievably cruel, so thousands of years is just… i don’t care that he’s used to greater spans of time, i really can’t think about it for long. and i don’t like that everybody just accepted that he’s gone now. that there was no rescue plan or anything like that.)
5x02: lucifer! lucifer! lucifer!
friggin’ michael, seriously. amazing scene with the wings though! and chloe bringing burgers and fries to the penthouse, omg. and that ending with her shooting him?? and that she knew something was wrong since their first kiss? i screamed. you go girl!! i was getting kinda worried through the episode but this ending was perfect. and a nice little nugget of knowledge regarding what they’re thinking about lucifer in heaven. very curious what michael’s grand plan turns out to be and what god’ll have to say to all of that!
(maze though. i get she’s going through a lot and i do emphatize with her but the constant scheming… i don’t know if i’ll ever really warm up to her.)
5x03: diablo!
the clowns in the hell loop, lmao. and their actual reunion and lucifer’s soft smile and chloe immediately embracing him again and them holding hands – someone hold me. of bloody course everything went to shit right after, but this was so very sweet! and lucifer bonding with dan, amazing. and the meta of course, lmao. their confrontation at the end ripped my heart out, but it hurt so good.
(the michael/lucifer fight wasn’t as spectacular as i’d hoped, but whatever!)
5x04: it never ends well for the chicken
unexpected, but totally awesome! such a fun ep, and i love that we finally know the backstory for his ring! and step-satan, yay!
(trixie kinda playing lucifer for maze felt a little icky, though, and i’d have loved it if they confirmed that she actually believes in him being the devil.)
5x05: detective amenadiel
again, lucifer and dan bonding, amazing! the case was pretty fun too, but amenadiel’s revelation was the best by far. i’ve never exactly thought of the whole miracle/immunity situation like that, but it’s such a great interpretation. it’s not that lucifer finally has a challenge in chloe, it’s that she’s the only human with a chance to see him and love him for who he really is, and… damn. if that isn’t some big romantic shit. and i bloody loved the kiss at the piano!!
5x06: blueballz
these little loved up idiots holding hands and flirting on the case?! aiaiaiai can you tell i’m still smiling from ear to ear??! lucifer being jealous and tribe night and the guys collectively trying to calm charlie down… amazeballs. also dan reveal? did not see that coming, not at all, but it was a nice punch to the gut after they finally got along again and lucifer even wore his stupid bracelet. and new devil face, again! this one’s actually a little bit scarier than the last one. and the deckerstar sex scene, for real, without interruption? loved it, loved that chloe was apparently on top and his awed little “incredible…” – be still my heart!!
(i mean i’m greedy and it could have been longer or more explicit but i get that filming these scenes sucks and that’s what fanfic is for, anyway.)
5x07: our mojo
i melted at the morning after scene!! and did not see the mojo storyline coming at all, but it was fun, and they’re such a great team together! dan’s scene at charlotte’s grave was so powerful. and the scene in the flower shop, I could only think of @thewolffgang’s fic! chloe hyping lucifer up was so sweet, but then it was so scary seeing him paralyzed like that. that sweet penthouse balcony scene, and then dan trying to ruin the evening. i don’t know what it means that he’s not vulnerable around her anymore (and i don’t necessarily like it) but i hope they’ll resolve it together in the second half of the season.
5x08: spoiler alert
just, holy crap. these last episodes really had me at the edge of my seat. watching lucifer realize chloe’s been kidnapped?? painful, but good shit, good good shit. him thinking they’re too late and chloe is already dead? god, no. that little “detective?” broke my heart. but him doing all the detective work? amazing. i was so bummed for ella though!! i really thought pete was a good guy, but oh well. so creepy, omg. i’m so grateful that there was no cliffhanger with chloe’s rescue. i really, really liked how god showed up at the last second. can i have the next episodes now, pretty please??
(what was the point of charlie’s flu, though? and wtf does michael think he’s doing? and maze, really, with the questionable alliances?)
overall i feel like s4 felt a little tighter or more coherent, but i don’t care because deckerstar is finally canon and there’s a ton of great potential for the next half and i’m so deliriously happy because of that. yay! going to check my dashboard now, wish me luck!
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unhhhhbelievable · 2 years
what if we are all out here thinking that video of trixie watching katya was her thinking abt the current situation they r both in but was actually just thinking abt d**vid and the motel bc she is always saying how she never has time to see her him like i actually just ruined my whole day thinking that but it really did feel like trixie was looking at katya with sadness..maybe she did get a bf
Maybe she did! And if so, GOOD FOR HER!! She deserves to be happy and be loved and cared for. If that IS the case, that man better cherish and worship her or an entire army of lesbians will have his head on a pike ❤
OTP: Katya and love
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epithet-headcanoned · 5 years
Oh! Alright then hmmm Platonic Giovanni and Molly headcanons please then? I apologize for not being as specific earlier >.
*audible gasps* you meant... platonic Giovanni and Molly angst... like a family fight...
*puts on waiter outfit* I’m sorry your majesty right this way to your table
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Platonic!Giovanni and Molly with Angst
It all started when Giovanni, Molly and her friends were hanging out at a public pool. Giovanni offered to drive them since Molly wanted to go and had no one else to take her and Molly agreed that she would try not to get her friends to bother Giovanni if he just wanted to relax all day or get a tan. It seemed like a win win.
Giovanni put on some black sunglasses and layed down on a long, plastic pool chair while Molly, Trixie and Phoenica were sliding down the slides, landing in the pool, climbing out and going to wait in line again. Trixie suggested that they should take pictures of themselves when they were coming out and Phoenica agreed since they actually didn’t have that many photos of themselves hanging out together, even as a group. Molly brought up the point that “I wish we could, but they don’t let you get stuff from the lockers unless you’re leaving” since all of their phones were in there. Phoenica hinted that maybe they should ask Giovanni for his since he’s the only one who has it on him and it can still TECHNICALLY take pictures, even if it’s a flip phone.
Molly was iffy about the idea since they’re at a pool after all... and obviously one of them can just drop it in and there it goes... but both of her friends promised that they could be trusted and they would take good care of it + they’re not that clumsy to begin with so molly reluctantly agreed.
Molly went to to ask Giovanni and he handed her his phone with a “hm? Oh yeah sure.” Molly gave him a small chuckle and a soft “thanks” before taking it over to her friends. Trixie immediately grabbed the phone from her and started pressing buttons to get to where the camera option was at, which took all of them a good three minutes to figure out. Afterwards they snapped a good 50 photos coming out the slide, Molly taking a photo of phoenica underwater, trixie attempting a canonball, at least 15 photos of Phoenica holding the camera the wrong way, etc.
However whenever Phoenica noticed this, she tried looking for a “delete” option. Phoenica asked Molly if she knew anything about how to work the phone when Trixie said “ooh let me see, I can probably figure it out” and quickly swung the phone in front of her, pressing away at the buttons. Molly’s nerves quickly kicked in as she tried to gently take the phone away so that no one drops it, but trixie wouldn’t give it up as she said she’s “almost got it” Phoenica tried holding Trixie back gently as Molly tried one more time to get the phone, until both of them let go at once... The phone ended up hitting the giant plastic slide that they were all sliding down on just a few minutes prior, and fell into the pool.
All three girls went into absolute panic until Trixie decided to swim over and get the phone out of the pool, Phoenica rushed to get a towel and Molly went to Giovanni to tell him what happened. Giovanni wasn’t even close to warming up when he felt a small tap on his shoulder. He lifted his sunglasses to see a very scared Molly and before he could even ponder why she was so scared, she let out a “um, Giovanni? Your phone accidentally fell in the water and- well it didn’t really fall it-“
Giovanni couldn’t even think to hear the rest when he shot up with a loud “WHAT?” He raced to where Trixie and Phoenica were sitting on the concrete and hunched his back to look down at the small, certainly-never-able-to-work-again flip phone wrapped in a towel. He creased his eyebrows and put a hand to his temple, rubbing it furiously. He didn’t want to take anything out on Molly’s friends since he knew how embarrassing and awkward it could be, so when Trixie and Phoenica tried to apologize and admit that it was all their fault he accepted them quietly with “It’s fine. We should probably get going soon anyway, the pool’s about to close.” The girls seemed a bit confused by his last statement, but followed him to the locker room anyway.
While Trixie and Phoenica were getting their stuff from their locker, Molly tried to confront Giovanni again about the whole situation and give him the full story in case he was still upset but when she walked up to him to speak, he walked right past her. No grunts, no hm’s, he just walked past her in silence. Molly felt a small pang as he did but decided to keep quiet until they get home, clearly he was still upset but maybe the pool locker room wasn’t the best place to explain this.
After the long, almost completely quiet car ride back to Molly’s toy store, Trixie and Phoenica thanked Giovanni for the ride as they both walked down the street to their neighborhood that they insisted was close by. Once both girls were out of sight, Giovanni got up from a small couch in the back to leave when Molly stopped him. “Giovanni... I know you’re still upset but can you please hear me out...” He turned around to face her and saw that she was looking down, twiddling her fingers. She piped up again “I just wanted you to know that I didn’t know this would happen, none of us wanted it to a-“ Molly almost finished her sentence when Giovanni cut her off with a groan.
“Ugh, look I KNOW nobody did it on purpose, alright? Everyone’s so upset about it-“ he shrugged his shoulders, “whatever I guess. That’s probably what I get for trusting a bunch of stupid little girls with my phone.” The word stupid hung in the air, taunting Molly. It made a pebble form in her throat and her bottom lip tremble in sadness. She wanted to start crying so bad, but that would probably just make her come off as even more stupid to him, so she decided to swallow, give a slow blink so that no tears would form and speak. “My point is I’m really sorry about what happened and I’ll try to pay you back somehow,I promise. Deal?”
Giovanni rolled his eyes at the promise. Suddenly but unbeknownst to him, all his anger was creeping up on him and finding its was into his voice when he responded. “You can’t just ‘pay me back’ Molly. Do you even know how much those things cost? How much money I had to save up just to get some shitty, tiny brick that can’t even play music? Plus it’s not even just that, I had so many chats on their with my minions that are irreplaceable. We talked about future plans, we talked about everything and now it’s gone. So no you don’t have to pay me back, just stop trying to apologize so much. You didn’t even know what you were apologizing for.” With that note, Giovanni turned to leave and started walking towards the front door. Molly finally let the tears pour down when he wasn’t facing her, and started quietly sobbing to herself.. until she let out a loud, wobbling breath.
Giovanni turned around and caught her crying. When they made eye contact, Molly stood there alert... but less than a second later, walked over to the store register to begin her shift.
// Author’s note: Should I continue this? This is an extremely rough draft and the writing isn’t the best but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless!
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anamarialujan · 3 years
Episode 5 Random Thoughts
I read that this chapter was not as hard as the previous ones but the truth is, it depressed me a lot. Also, it took me a lot of work to watch it.
Let's go with the good:
-Sunflowers ahhhh 🌻❤
-Timothy in medical school! Congratulations, boy! (And I keep insisting, this is thanks to Shelagh, if Patrick had not married her, Tim would have grown up on the street and in the care of anyone, and by now he would be obtaining his diploma in car theft 😂)
-Phyllis asking the nurses to use deodorant, reminds me of high school sports classes
-Poor Millicent, it's the worst thing that could have happened to her, that all her beloved files are wet and stained!
-I like that we have seen an old friend of Tim, I like when the characters meet friends or people from their past.
-I also like that Patrick does not treat him like a spoiled and privileged child, but that he takes him as Miss Higgins's assistant. I like that he also had his opportunity to comfort a person, as he makes a good doctor.
-Sister Monica Joan in the chapel, ah...this restores my faith.
-Patrick shouting "Speech! Speech!"😆
-Sister Frances married to work and to Jesus, good for you girl!
-Baby Jonathan is soooo cute now I want a baby can I have a baby right now?
-I think there was less music in this chapter
-God the way Patrick says "Mrs Turner" and the way she looks at him and smiles omg I love them with all the strength of my soul
Now we go with the bad:
-Why does Shelagh keep smoking? Are you crazy, girl?
- I feared for a moment that Shelagh would adopt Janette's baby, but I would have preferred that a thousand times before what happened. Until the last minute I thought Glen and Janette would stay with Oliver, so it broke my heart what happened. I hate her mother, how can you say you love your daughter and cause her such pain? Thank god I think that nowadays something like this is very rare, that's why I hate when they say that CTM is cozy and full of nostalgia. Well no, these things are well reflected, something that was common, feeling ashamed because your daughter is pregnant and forcing her to give her baby. That is not cozy, it is terrible and the result of a thought of time that I hope never returns.
-I didn't even know that Elaine's disease exists. I thought that at least she would have a cure, but she doesn't. Her poor parents, I understand her mother a lot, maybe she made a mistake but I understand her.
-God, I can't get over what happened with Oliver.
-From what I saw what will happen, I think that in the next chapter, maybe Nancy had to give her baby? I say this because of how she handled this situation and how she spoke to Shelagh.
Things I don't know how to classify:
-The whole situation with the widower and THAT PLANT. And worst of all, what he told Trixie on the phone, about the flowers and inappropriateness, and her face 🤔
-The way Shelagh has to scold you but with so much class and finesse, you don't know whether to send her to hell or thank her
-That dance with the skeleton oh my god that's not Patrick, that's Stephen!
In short, this chapter was very good, but very, very sad.
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hellyeahlucifer · 4 years
TVGuide.com interview with Tom Ellis & Lauren German
When you look back at the first season of Lucifer, what evolutions and changes have surprised you the most? Tom Ellis: You start a show in Season 1, and you really have no idea where it's going to go. In the pilot script, Lucifer was a very irreverent character. He didn't seem to care about anything other than himself. It was just, f-- his dad and f-- everyone. He just doesn't care anymore. He's decided to do things his own way. When we shot the pilot, the relationship with Decker — it was apparent that it was something that was going to blossom. I don't think I'd really comprehended what a journey it would be, and how kind of less devilish Lucifer would become as he evolves and spends more time with humanity. Especially as he spends more time with the Detective, and what that brings out of him. Lauren German: You look back now, and Lucifer's been helping do such wonderful things with Chloe — helping get bad guys, and he helps her learn about herself. You would never think, even when you and I got the roles, that it would have turned into this very sentimental, caring friendship where there are feelings. Where this man, Lucifer, has just been more like an angel who has helped. Ellis: Ironically. German: Yeah, I know! I know. Not necessarily a fallen angel. Just a really great angel. Ellis: That's quite interesting — [the characters have] been like angels in each other's lives. We spent five years pulling the layers back, having a character that was very stoically one way, and then realizing — and seeing him realize — that there's much more to him than that. And that has been exposed by the Detective, basically. They are the most vulnerable when they're with each other. That's so interesting, because the Detective makes Lucifer vulnerable, physically, but they've made each other… Ellis: Emotionally vulnerable. German: Absolutely. Chloe Decker has undoubtedly influenced Lucifer to a great degree. But how do you think Chloe has changed as an individual, whether changed by Lucifer or just by circumstance? German: I feel like Chloe has become more tender and more OK, at this point, with being vulnerable emotionally, like Tom was just saying. I think that her and Dan probably had a great relationship, but there's nothing with anyone ever before [comparable to] what she feels with Lucifer. There's just such respect there. I think she's always in awe of how he helps people and how he helps her come out of her shell and feel things she hasn't really felt with anybody. There's a lot of love and respect there, and her vulnerability is more present than ever before — but that can often be the most intoxicating element in a relationship. Someone that keeps you on your toes can be thrilling. It can be a different level of love from the love she has for Trixie or for Dan. It's just this… you know… sad fireworks. [Both Ellis and German laugh] If you look at Chloe early on in the show's run, Chloe had quite a few defenses up. But then again, I'm not sure which character had more walls up. Ellis: Yeah, they both had walls up. But the weird thing with Lucifer was that he was very open with everybody about the fact he was the Devil, including with the Detective, but she wasn't having any of it. Actually that sort of played into their relationship because without that element, Lucifer is kind of nothing, he's stripped down to, "Well, what is it you see in me?" I think the interesting thing, for both of the characters' development, has been when the Detective found out he actually was the Devil at the end of Season 3. In a weird sort of way, that's like Lucifer's biggest fear — that she actually found out. He assumed at the beginning of Season 4 that she had disappeared and that's it. You know, no one wants to know the Devil. And the knowledge that she left put him in metaphorical hell. Ellis: Yeah, he was in a personal hell about that. That's why it was so disappointing when we got canceled [by Fox]. It was like, we just got to the [midpoint of the story], and I wondered what the second half of the story was going to be. [That revelation] laid down challenges for our characters. The fact that she knows he's the Devil and she suddenly has to forget all these things about science and logic — all the things that made her the person that she is — she's able to see through that, and still see the man beyond that. And that is quite an amazing and humbling experience for Lucifer. I started watching it thinking it was a charming, fun, witty show. But it's turned into this sweeping love story. Did you expect to go in this epic romance direction? German: I didn't. I never projected it feeling this genuine. The fact that Lucifer and Chloe have never been together or dated — when that happens in life with someone, we've all been there, where you may want to be with someone but for whatever reason, you can't. If you love the person and they're still in your life, it forces you to get to know them better and love them in a different way than maybe just a physical way. So I think, luckily, through our trials and tribulations, Chloe and Lucifer have been forced to get to know each other in a way that brings so much more depth to the friendship and the love and the respect. [The fact that we've gone down that path] for so long — it just feels like it means so much. As opposed to maybe in Season 2 or something, if we just started dating — then it becomes about that. This feels so tender and precious and beautiful because it's been kept at arm's length a bit. I love that. It's almost like, when it comes to their relationship, there's a hesitance to plunge fully in, because what if you break it? German: Yeah. Ellis: Yeah. That is a lot of how Lucifer feels. When we find ourselves in Season 5, he's in a place where he is acknowledging all these things — but for him, that is terrifying, because what if, like he has done many times in the past, what if he messes all that up? Like that one time he got exiled from Heaven. That's a bit scarring, right? Ellis: Exactly! Completely scarring. Weirdly, as someone who presents as supremely confident, he's actually his biggest doubter. Especially when it comes to something like this, because this is new territory. All these feelings that he's been exposed to and is feeling — he doesn't know what to do with them, because that's not his safe place. He's been seemingly happy to just do what he wants and say what he wants. But actually, when it comes down to it, he's as vulnerable as everybody else when it comes to sharing your emotions with someone. Going back to your question, when you start off with a pilot script, for me first thing that was appealing was the fun of the character and the relationship of these two and the fact that you've got someone whom he doesn't affect in the same way as everybody else. That was the conceit to start with. Knowing where that was going to go and knowing it's going to turn into this big epic love saga — I don't think either of us really comprehended that. Because the other thing about when you're approaching pilots, you're kind of led to believe [the shorthand description] — "This is a medical drama," "This is a procedural cop drama," and so forth. When people were trying to shoehorn this into one of those soundbites in the early days, it would have been easy for us to think, "Oh well, we'll just do a case of the week and that will be that." That's been the beauty of the show — yes, there is this procedural element to it, but it's consistently affected by how these two feel about each other. German: Thank goodness. Imagine... Ellis: Could you imagine? German: It's been deeper than that, thank god — thank you writers, a lot. Thank you, everyone! So when we left Chloe at the end of Season 4, she told Lucifer she loves him. And then he went home. What's that like for someone who had those walls up? German: I think it's pretty brutal. For someone like Chloe, who really does have so many walls up, finally, finally she gets to this point where she just can't almost take it anymore, and is so in love with him, and she tells him. And he leaves. And so… Ellis: …And it seems reciprocated — well, it is. But there's something in that last scene that didn't happen and that is kind of fuel for our [fifth] season. You know, [Lucifer] didn't actually reciprocate what was said. German: I think Chloe's heartbroken, but it's like, you can't turn off love. It's actually really fun to play the element of, "He said what he said" — or hasn't said — "and this is where I'm at and this is how I'm feeling." Chloe is maybe feeling a little rejection, a little heartbreak, but she's smart enough and knows him enough to go, "There's such good in there. I know it." Ellis: She has an incredible amount of faith in Lucifer, which is really quite warming. German: Yeah. It's consistent. But is there an element of danger in the whole situation? All these very restless demons we saw at the end of Season 4 probably want to run around and do demon-y things, I would imagine. German: But for Chloe, all he's ever done is protect or help me. I wouldn't necessarily want to see his anger, which I've seen a couple of times. But I think Chloe feels very safe with him. And as for Lucifer taking his throne back — it's been a while since he was down in Hell. I would imagine that's not going to be a simple task. Ellis: No, it's not that simple. At the beginning of Season 5, our characters are poles apart celestially, and geographically as well. And how we get them back together — that's not really a spoiler because you know that at some point they will get back together in the same room — it does kind of cement this faith that they have in each other. But it's like you say, nothing is simple when there are celestial threats around.
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swearronchanel · 5 years
I’m a day late but I have thoughts
- Fred is truly a gem lol but another garden seems redundant
- Trixie actually working!
- Why did they bring back Val’s really bitchy cousin lol, I’m sure she has others on the block😂
- Also Mcnulty seems eager to come back, nice boy
- Sister Hilda tryna stay positive when she knows the truth, bless her
- Also the heat 2000 feels just as far away when you say it now at days too😂
- Save Nonnatus House 1k65/2k20
- I was always wondering when the Turners would tell Angela she’s adopted. I think it should be soon, she deserves to know & I hope we see it
- Little girls always wanna be the same😭 that’s true, but I hope that they acknowledge the fact that it’s a different situation and Angela won’t ever have the struggle May is about to have
- “Maybe they’ll move and carry on like before” Trixie in tears makes me wanna cry😭 she’s literally already been through this. I wish we saw more moments where she reflects as the only OG midwife left (yea Shelagh is technically too but you already know all the issues)
- Also Trixie looks damn great
- What will midwives the do!? We shall see
- Oh so Val has a dad? Did he pass? Give us more info lol
- I also feel like it’s been spring/summer this whole series lol
- Ok but the suddenly alive lost parent trope is pretty soap-y/melodramatic but go on,
- Shelagh stress smoking is a big ass mood but also stop you have weak lungs sis
- Reggie always have great ideas
- Chugging castor oil uh I rather die 🤢
- She’s going to shit her brains out now
- Sister Hilda and Trixie could be an interesting dynamic, let’s see it
- Fred do not worry you’ll figure it out
- What’s wrong with Sister Frances?
- Where is Ms Higgins from that she just said laboratory like that LMAO?? Or do all brits say it like that? i dont remember
- Can’t wait to see Phyllis back with her cubs
- Fred and Reggie hugging for so long🥺
- Sister MJ is going to make a garden, I love her
- Trixie’s new pyjama’s are so cute
- It’s a boy 🥺
- “I am not alone sister” LMAO omg reminds me of the time my grandma went shopping by herself right after she came out of the hospital and we called her and asked who she was with and she straight up said “con díos” aka god and I died
- Never underestimate Sister Mj tho
- Tim is so grown and yet he’s still just the babysitter is so wack give him a little story
- “I like that we’re complicated” awww
- The photos of May🥺awww
- Give Esther a chance man, I feel so bad. She only asked to meet her before she goes back
- Gtfo how can the agency not provide a translator so that she can understand official documents in her first language? That’s bullshit
- “Only in the line of duty ma’am” 😂
- Oh no poor Sister Frances, cramps are the WORST 😭
- I legit would not be able to move for hours and have thrown up before from period pain. Thank god for birth control
- What’s wrong with baby warren?! Omg noo a heart problem
- Trixie’s fit is great
- The fucking chicken pox caused this omg nooo
- THE BEATLES AT SHEA!! iconic! Remember when Don took Sally on Mad Men
- Omg baby is blind? and only going to live a few weeks? Noo😭 this is heart breaking
- Poor Val and poor Maureen ugh this is so awful
- My niece turned 1 today and baby warren is making me extra emo😢
- Sister MJ with the teddy bear 🥺 she doesn’t even care she got caught for taking the blankets LMAO
- Damn May doesn’t remember her or her language. This is so heartbreaking
- ALSO why were there not subtitles so we could know what she said? 🤔 very questionable... just like how they emphasized earlier her going by a “christian” name now... 
- Esther shouldn’t have gotten loud but they didn’t even give her a chance? That’s not really fair
- I know Patrick is being protective but he’s so defensive that he probably did scare May
- Damn that didn’t go well LMAO
- I’m really feeling conflicted here. I know the Turners have the best intentions and want to keep May safe but I feel like they haven’t given Esther enough of a chance before passing judgment. Like how do we not know she’s a completely changed/clean from drugs women?
- like she is working for a family with enough money for international travel so they probably pay well? IDK what to think rn. Maybe I’m giving Esther the benefit of the doubt but no one else really is
- “They made my child afraid of me” that’s so sad to hear
- “Forgetting her language, forgetting that she’s Chinese” !!! THIS, no one is talking about May’s loss of culture & what’s worse is that no one else seems to care. It really upsets me, the show always wants to pride itself on respecting other cultures and being inclusive but I don’t always feel that
- Also what she said about what they’ve done to her people. She ain’t wrong. F**k colonialism and all its evils !!
- Poor Esther 😭 this is so sad. It’s a lose lose situation for her and she just wants her daughter to know her and know that she loves her
- Also I know sister J is sister J but her talking to Esther is a bit biased don’t you think
- NO NO NO Warren passed 😭😭😢
- Damn Patrick has to carry a stack of death certificates 😢
- ANOTHER look from Ms Franklin
- all the girls look great though
- My heart really breaks for Esther man. This is so sad. She’s the victim of circumstances and it sucks to feel like the world is against you
- It’s so awkward bc the Turners are always set up in moments to kiss and then they don’t and just stand or sit there
- Such beautiful flowers
- They developed the film of Baby Warren😭
- Cyril’s FIT ! A fashion KING who loves Lucille. I love it. I love them.
- The nosy nurses of course
- Alright this is an awesome little festival good job Fred and Reggie !!
- Love the dress Trixie. The hat no so much but it’s the 60s so
- “Flowers take many forms. Each one has its story. Each one unfolds...” 🌼🌸💐🌷🌺🌻🌷
- “Not every garden blooms as we except it... tears take the place of rain when the sunshine fails us...” 😭💖
- This was a beautiful ending to a sad episode wow
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