#like what am i gonna do just ?? have the thought?? and that's it?? boooo boring uninspiring uneventful
hood-ex · 5 months
bro. i’ve been following u for like 2-3 years and for some reason i just can’t believe you’ve been in this fandom for so long and how active u r lmao, so just wanted to say thank u for feeding me with dick grayson content all these years 💗💗💗
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Toni//i don’t wanna think of anything else now that i thought of you (part 2)
hey! i hope you like it! i love this so much, it’s so cute and gay and lovely. like me! here’s part 1 if you wanna read it! 
“Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.” Amber slurs, a sleepy grin on her face as she rests her arms on the side of the pool. You and Toni share a concerned look from the sun lounger you’re sharing, and as a collective, all of you move a little closer to her. She’s bound to fall, but at least if she does she’s already in the pool. “Lets play truth or dare!” She cheers and everyone groans. 
“Amber you always ask the worst questions.” Betty rolls her eyes from beside you and downs the rest of her beer. Sweet Pea and Fangs nod in agreement, pausing their game of ‘who can drown the other the fastest’ and join the conversation. 
“Maybe you’re just not interesting enough to have a proper answer to my amazing questions.” She huffs and splashes the blonde. 
“She’s plenty interesting.” Jughead defends his girlfriend and she places a hand over his. 8 years on and still nothing has changed between your little group.
Betty and Jughead are still madly and sometimes a little annoyingly in love, Fangs and Sweet Pea are still as immature as they were when they were 17, it’s just now they have jobs to go to, ones that they still get to annoy each other at. Amber still can’t handle her beer, only now she has someone to hold her hair back when she’s throwing up after two beers, and you can guarantee that when she has finished puking, Jade will always send pictures of her asleep on the toilet to the group chat. 
And you and Toni? You’re still very much in love, and still denying that you have been since you first met. Only now, that hate has laid the foundations of a life together. An amazing home, your dream jobs and so many pets that you’re sure you keep getting strays and not noticing. 
“So!” Amber claps, splashing water at Sweet Pea and Fangs who have now joined her side. “Toni, seeing as though it’s your house, you go first! Truth or dare.” 
“Truth.” Toni replies, the sunlight catching her eyes, making them shine a golden colour and your breath hitches. 
“Boooo.” Sweet Pea jeers, a smug smile on his face and Toni flips him off. Fangs reaches around Amber and slaps the back of his head and the two of them break off into a mini fight that ends up with Fangs under water while trying to kick at Sweet Pea. 
“You always pick truth.” Jade adds and rolls her eyes at the pink haired girl. “Hey! Bee! How are you getting on with that barbecue because I am starving.” She shouts right in your ear and you send her a glare as you rub your ear. Toni stifles a giggle while patting your shoulder and Jade shrugs at your annoyed stare, before facing Amber again. 
“You’ll get it when you get it!” She shouts back and a few serpents that are gathered around the barbecue groan and walk away disgruntled and in search of something to do while they wait for food. 
“Try not to poison us this time!” Jade adds cheekily and then screams a little when a tomato is thrown at her head. 
“That was one time, 7 years ago. I’m now an actual, proper chef or are you forgetting that.” She replies and Jade holds her hands up in defence. “I’ll spit in your burger if you’re not careful.” 
“Is that a promise...chef.” She winks and you all laugh loudly. Bee shakes her head but a small smile plays on her lips as she checks on the food. 
“You’re so fucking gross.” Fangs pulls a face while chuckling and she grins at him. 
“I always pick truth because you always dare me to something stupidly dangerous and extremely deadly, and surprisingly, I quite like being alive.” She says, smiling at you and you tuck a piece of hair behind your as you smile at the floor. 
She leans forward and presses a kiss against your cheek, causing them to heat up even more. 
“Get a room.” Sweet Pea splashes you both and the two of you send him an annoyed glare. 
“We have a whole fucking house.” You motion to the building beside you and he sticks his tongue out at you. 
“Fineeee.” Amber huffs. All she wants to do is play the stupid game and get drunk and her friends are making it increasingly difficult to do by making her wonder how they are all still friends. “Okay, Toni. Have you ever said something you regret about someone here?” She asks, her blue eyes sparkling with chaos and Toni shifts uncomfortably while eyeing each of her friends. 
Everyone, including you have a curious smiles on your faces and you all subconsciously move closer to her making her gulp. 
“Yeah.” She nods. “I told people I was friends with Sweet Pea and I’m still regretting that.” She sighs and Sweet Pea stares at her offended before chucking water at her. It lands on the both of you and the two of you squeal. “Sweet Pea! I spent two fucking hours doing this makeup, I am going to drown you.” She threatens. 
“I would like to see you try.” He laughs. 
“It’s okay.” You squeeze her hand. “I’ll just get Bee to spit in his food.” You add and grin. 
“Come on. Seriously?” Amber pushes and she sighs before looking at you. 
“I mean, I may have said a few choice words about you when we first met.” She says, a guilty expression clouding her face and you roll your eyes. 
“Well, that’s not exactly a secret.” You laugh. “And I definitely deserved it.” You shrug and she nods. 
“Okay, well then no. I haven’t.” She smiles and the group sends her suspicious looks. 
“Have you actually?” You mumble and she nods. 
“I’ll tell you later.” She whispers in your ear and the two of you giggle quietly. 
“Boring!” Amber huffs. 
“I told you.” Jade smiles smugly and Toni pick up the slightly squashed tomato and throws it at her again. 
“Y/n!” Amber turns her attention to you and you swallow nervously. “Seeing as though this is also your house. Truth or dare?” You think about it for a few seconds, weighing up all of the possible things that could kill you in your eye line, before finally deciding on truth. You don’t want to jump off the roof into the pool...not again anyway.
“Oh God.” Jonathan throws his hands up. You honestly had no idea he was that close and a few of you jump when you notice the brunettes presence. “You two are just as bad as each other. Remind me, when did you get married?” 
“Shut up Jon.” Toni shoves him. 
“Or do you want me to tell a certain chef that you like her?” You add and his eyes widen as he looks over at Bee. She sings along to the music while smiling along with what Dana and Maggie are talking about. 
“Okay, okay, okay. Be cool.” He holds his hands up. “You guys were made for each other.” He huffs before sulking off to get another drink. You and Toni giggle as you watch him walk away and he pulls a face at the both of you which only makes you laugh louder. 
“Truth.” You repeat, turning your attention back to Amber. She hums in reply, her eyes hooded as she leans her chin on the side of the pool. “What is your biggest regret?” She asks and the smile falls from your face. 
You look at each one of your friends, all of them smiling widely and waiting for you to answer. Toni nudges you gently and you feel your throat go dry, suddenly it’s too hot and the gaze that you’re under only makes it worse. 
It’s a loaded question, and it’s one that you think of a lot. You’ve made a lot of mistakes, like a lot, but the one that you always go back to, the one that sometimes makes it difficult for you to get up in the morning, or to look at pictures of your younger selves, or for you to fall asleep, is just how badly you treated the people who you now consider your dearest friends. 
“I-er. I.” You stutter and Toni grabs your hand giving it a light squeeze. Jade shuffles closer to you and wraps an arm around you, and the rest of your friends are now looking at you with worry. “I hate how I treated you guys.” You admit and they all share a look. 
“Shut up.” Sweet Pea says bashfully. 
“Yeah, that was years ago.” Fangs adds and you look at them confused. 
“Plus, we gave as good as we got.” Jade adds and you lean your head on her shoulder. 
“We love you, and all of that was forgiven as soon as you got your head out of your ass.” Jonathan adds before sitting down. His legs hang into the pool, disturbing the water and splashing Sweet Pea in the process. 
“I still feel bad though.” You sigh. “I hated you so much for absolutely no reason. Well, I hated you because of where you were born and were you grew up, and I was awful to all of you. But now, you’re like my best friends and I love you so much and I think back to that time and I was an asshole. Like a huge one.” You ramble and Toni pulls you into a hug. “So, I am really sorry, to all of you.” 
“We know.” Toni smiles at you. “You were forgiven a long time ago.” 
“Food!” Bee shouts and everyone stands up quickly. Toni pulls you up and your quickly enveloped in a large group hug before they all go off in search of food. 
“We love you.” Toni says. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” You reply. Sweet Pea and Fangs run past you and get back in the pool. You watch as the concentrate on trying to keep the food out of the water and you ask them why they didn’t just put it on the side while getting in. “Don’t throw up.” You warn as they eat and splash and they both roll their eyes at you. 
“If you do, you’re cleaning it up.” Toni adds. 
“Sorry, moms.” Fangs teases and you flip him off. 
“I’m gonna go get some more drinks.” You tell Toni and press a kiss to her cheek. She nods and reluctantly lets you go before getting some food from Bee.
“Hey baby.” You smile as you feel a pair of arms wrap around your middle. Warm skin against yours makes you feel lightheaded and you turn around in her arms, capturing her lips in a kiss that tastes like watermelon and whiskey. 
Her hands squeeze your waist and yours tangle in her hair, the drinks long abandoned as she presses you against the counter. 
“Are you having a good day?” She says breathlessly and a small laugh follows, the sound making your heart soar. 
“Even better now that you’re here.” You reply and pull her in for another kiss. She helps you up onto the counter and you wrap your legs around her middle. The two of you giggle and laugh into your kisses, a warm buzz settling in your stomach from the alcohol, and pure happiness fuels the moment and keeps you wanting for. 
She mumbles that she loves you, and when you nearly fall into the sink and she catches you, the two of you laugh loudly, completely forgetting about your friends and the party and the rest of the world for a few minutes. 
You look at her, her brown eyes wandering over your body and you’ve never felt so loved in your entire life. It makes your heart ache at the thought that someone could love you like this. And you think back to all those years ago, when you were a Northside Princess and she was the Queen of the Buskers, and it makes you think, what if. 
When you first met, when you first looked in her eyes and felt nothing but hate, you had no idea that now, when you look into those very same eyes, they are filled with nothing but love. 
“Toni?” You whisper against her lips. 
“Yeah?” She asks, stopping at the sudden seriousness of your tone. 
“Will you marry me?” The words fall effortlessly out of her mouth and she gasps a little and pulls away. 
“Are you serious?” She says, her eyes wide and full of surprise. You nod and she nods too, although she’s not really sure why. You jump off the bench and wrap your arms around her, the two of you smiling and laughing. 
“Is that a yes?” You ask and she nods quickly before the two of you go back to jumping around the kitchen. 
Sweet Pea strolls into the kitchen and raises an eyebrow at the two of you. His gentle whistling causes the both of you to stop and look at him, neither of you unable to keep the smiles off your faces. 
“What?” He asks, a confused laugh escaping his lips. 
“We’re getting married.” You smile and grab Toni’s hand. 
“She’s officially gonna be Queen of the Buskers.” 
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babyybitchhh · 4 years
Not you convincing me to give fire force another chance just so I can simp over Ogun 😩😩 at first I wasn't really feeling the first few eps but I'm willing to give it another try 👀👀 -💅🏾
So I’ll be totally honest and say that, imo, Fire Force never actually gets good. It had a few moments where it was toeing the line and I thought “yes! Finally!!” And then it went right back to being just sort of “meh”. I think David Pro is doing a really good job on the adaption, some of the animation is absolutely nut worthy, but the actual material itself is consistently bland. The ONLY truly enjoyable aspect of the show is the characters. There are definitely multiple hotties to ogle and thirst over but I just wish they were in a different anime altogether. 😂 One where we could actually see them shine instead of feeling like they’re just fitted into a predetermined mold in the storyline.
The best episodes are gonna be the ones where Beni is making moves. The Asakusa arc really tricked me into thinking that the quality was picking up only for it to immediately take a nosedive afterward. Lol So I’d caution against getting your hopes up.
You won’t meet Ogun until season 2 (boooo) and his introduction was pretty underwhelming tbh. The first major arc he was in was also just ... so, so terribly boring BUT I enjoyed getting to see him. So that’s basically what the show boils down to, trade offs. You need to compromise and I genuinely don’t think you can go into it with high expectations or a normal concept of standards. If you like the characters then great! That should be enough to keep you coming back. But if you’re expecting a whole package deal I really don’t think you’ll get anything out of it. 😅
Tbh I’ve dropped the series two times now (the manga after a few chapters and the anime after the first few episodes 😂) and nothing of value was really lost
But no in all seriousness please jump aboard the Ogun train, I NEED someone else to appreciate him with me!! 😭 Let’s look at more pictures! (Yes, I just have these waiting on deck for moments like this 💀)
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Sir ... I am respectfully looking 👀💦
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Isn’t he just dreamy 💖🥴💖 so handsome and manly
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Big fan of coveralls tbh, I actually low key have a coverall kink, so this is speaking to me on a deeply spiritual level
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He’s just so cute???
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Literally how can anyone else even compare?? This is NOT a competition 👏
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I’m not sure if this is a faithful translation or if they were just having some fun with it, but this definitely got a laugh out of me 😂
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pilyarquitect · 5 years
Hamilton – Ducktales style Chapter 2 – Immediately or long play game?
Gyro and Fenton entered into the bar without being noticed at first, once there, the two arrived man saw immediately three interesting people. Fenton couldn’t stand to listen what those men were telling to each other.
The first person who talked was someone called Launchpad McQuack, an abolitionist who dreamed to end slavery and creates the first black battalion, very noble thought in Fenton’s opinion, next to Launchpad, there was Gladstone Gander, a Frenchman who wished to take down the monarchy in his own country, as well as help the American colonies shake off England. And the last but not the less important guy was someone called Donald Duck, Donald was a tailor who was sick of his position and wished to advance socially using the revolution.
Very noble dreams, thought Fenton, still standing next to Gyro. Suddenly, Launchpad saw Gyro and pointing at him, he said:
“Well, if it ain’t the prodigy of Princeton college!”
And then Donald exclaimed:
“Gyro Gearloose!”
“Give us a verse, drop some knowledge!” said Launchpad with a giant smile in his beak. Gyro looked at the three of them with narrowed eyes and he said then:
“Good luck with that: you’re takin’ a stand. You spit. I’m ‘a sit. We’ll see where we land”
“Boooo!” screamed Gladstone and Donald at the same time.
Launchpad shocked his head and sounding a little annoyed he said:
“Gearloose, the revolution’s imminent. What do you stall for?”
Fenton decided that it was a good moment to join the dialogue. Something that he did saying:
“If you stand for nothing, Gearloose, what’ll you fall for?”
Donald, Gladstone and Launchpad turned around and saw the arrived duck, and with confused voice, the three of them asked at the same time:
“Who are you?”
Fenton himself to the three new people he met, and he also explained to them his dream, his history, how he’s nothing, but he’s a brain and an unconsumable fire inside him that keeps him fighting. He told to these new people that he was determinate to make America be a colony that runs independently from Britain, Fenton showed his repulse against King Flintheart Glomgold and how he wanted that there was a revolution to get free of his chains.
Launchpad, Gladstone and Donald were greatly surprised with Fenton while the young duck continued explaining his dreams and aspirations:
“Don’t be shocked when your hist’ry book mentions me. I will lay down my life if it sets us free. Eventually, you’ll see my ascendancy, And I am not throwing away my shot. I am not throwing away my shot. Hey yo, I’m just like my country, I’m young, scrappy and hungry and I’m not throwing away my shot.”
Gladstone, Donald and Launchpad soon felt infected with Fenton’s enthusiasm, the four started to talk loud and loudly, totally careless about what would mean for them do that, all of them speaking about their dreams and how the revolution was the only way to fulfill them. they were sure that they’d be successful, and this only made them scream more than before. Their voices became so noisy that Gyro approached to them and with a little of alarm in his voice, he said to them:
“Geniuses, lower your voices. You keep out of trouble and you double your choices. I’m with you, but the situation is fraught. You’ve got to be carefully taught: If you talk, you’re gonna get shot!”
Fenton couldn’t believe that, how could Gyro be so careful? Didn’t he want to be free from the oppressive hands of king Glomgold? Why couldn’t he see that they’d to act now? Looking at the chicken, the recently arrived duck approached to him and pointing his new friends, he said:
“Gearloose, check what we got. Mister Gladstone, hard rock like Lancelot, I think your pants look hot, Launchpad, I like you a lot. Let’s hatch a plot blacker than the kettle callin’ the pot... What are the odds the gods would put us all in one spot, poppin’ a squat on conventional wisdom, like it or not, a bunch of revolutionary manumission abolitionists? Give me a position, show me where the ammunition is!”
Once again, all the presents looked at Fenton with surprised faces. The Young duck realized about that and feeling a little guilty, he admitted:
“Oh, am I talkin’ too loud? Sometimes I get over excited, shoot off at the mouth. I never had a group of friends before, I promise that I’ll make y’all proud”
Launchpad laughed noisy and he exclaimed:
“Let’s get this guy in front of a crowd”
All of them, except Gyro, shouted and cheered at Launchpad words. The four new friends continued singing and laughing all together. But, even that, even being absolutely happy for being found those amazing friends that shared their dreams, Fenton was also thinking for himself:
“I imagine death so much it feels more like a memory When’s it gonna get me? In my sleep? Seven feet ahead of me? If I see it comin’, do I run or do I let it be? Is it like a beat without a melody? See, I never thought I’d live past twenty. Where I come from some get half as many. Ask anybody why we livin’ fast and we laugh, reach for a flask, we have to make this moment last, that’s plenty.”
He was really concerned that they not only need to think on the revolution, there were other things that needed to be considered, and this is how he explained that to the others:
“Scratch that, this is not a moment, it’s the movement where all the hungriest brothers with something to prove went? Foes oppose us, we take an honest stand, we roll like Moses, claimin’ our promised land. And? If we win our independence? ‘Zat a guarantee of freedom for our descendants? Or will the blood we shed begin an endless cycle of vengeance and death with no defendants? I know the action in the street is excitin’, but Jesus, between all the bleedin’ ‘n fightin’ I’ve been readin’ ‘n writin’. We need to handle our financial situation. Are we a nation of states? What’s the state of our nation? I’m past patiently waitin’. I’m passionately smashin’ every expectation, every action’s an act of creation! I’m laughin’ in the face of casualties and sorrow, for the first time, I’m thinkin’ past tomorrow”
Gladstone, Launchpad and Donald couldn’t say that Fenton wasn’t right, as a new nation that they pretended to be, they needed to think in their future. For that reason, Fenton’s words just made the three of them admire him more than before. The three of them were absolutely sure that Fenton would do amazing things and get his name in the story, all of them felt that he was a smart and a young man that had all his life and youth to fulfill his dreams and hopes.
The only one who seemed to not being enjoying this grateful time together, was Gyro who just sit apart looking how noisy the others were. The chicken looked his ‘new’ friend and while he heard his plans and ideas to get the revolution to a next level, he could just think if his friendship with him would be a good or a bad thing. In the short time he knew him, Fenton’d proved to be something that could be the best ally you’d have or the worst enemy you’d face in your live.
One thing was sure for Gyro, it’d be a good thing to keep an eye on Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera. Gyro sighed, slowly, the four young man seemed to calm.
Finally! The last thing that Gyro wanted was to have an unwanted attention on them before they could… do a movement for their land. As less as they talk, more difficult would be for their enemies to find out that they were… preparing something.
A couple hours later that Fenton and him got to this bar, gyro decided to leave. So standing up, he approached to the other four young man and said:
“Gentlemen, in spite of I’m enjoying this nice evening (obviously not), it’s time for me to leave, I suggest to you to do the same”
The other four guys faced soon became serious, like if they couldn’t believe that Gyro was thinking on leave. They seemed to be asking why? Standing up, Launchpad was the first who talked, saying:
“Oh, come on, Gearloose! Leaving so soon? You’re a totally party crasher!”
Gyro arched an eyebrow and with a mix of surprised and a little annoyed voice, he asked:
“Since when this is a party?”
Donald circled Fenton with his arm around his shoulders and obviously talking about him, he answered Gearloose question saying:
“Since you dear friend came here with this amazing guy”
Gyro looked at Fenton, who was looking at him too with a big smile in his beak. Seriously, what did the others saw in this guy? It was obvious that he was smarter and above all quieter than him. Such an excited character like Fenton's would only make him killed. In one word, Gyro was a hundred times better than Fenton.
The chicken sighed and talking with bored voice, he said to the others:
“I wouldn’t say he’s amazing, jus a young, excitable and unconscious duck”
The other four presents looked each other and they started to… laugh? Oh come on! What was wrong with them. Gladstone stood up and putting a hand on his shoulder, he said to the chicken:
“Oh Gyro you’re really fun when you say those things”
“Really? I wasn’t wanting that” answered Gearloose arching an eyebrow again.
Being the only one who didn’t talk yet, Fenton decided to say something in that moment, and what he said was:
“Please Gyro, do not leave yet, everything will be better if you stay here”
With longing eyes, Donald said then:
“Fenton’s right Gearloose, we admire your knowledge”
Gyro looked at him, but then, closing his eyes, the chicken sighed one last time and after that, he said:
“I appreciate your desire for me being here, but even being a successful man who graduate in two, a chicken still needs his rest. Also, I’ve other important things to do”
“More important than revolution?” asked Gladstone sitting again with the others.
Gyro looked at him and shrugging, he answered:
“Maybe, who knows?”
Just after say that, the chicken didn’t wait for another answer, he turned around and left the place. Gyro wouldn’t say that he was against the revolution, he obviously wasn’t, the matter was that those four young guys wanted to go extremely fast, a thing like this, where you’re risking your own life, has to be very well planned, if you don’t, you’d lose more than your life, you’d lose the chance to be free in the future, without talking about the retaliation that king Glomgold would take against the ones who dared to raise against him.
A revolution like this had to be very well planned or the consequences would be terrible. And another important thing entered here…
Without money you couldn’t do anything, it was well known that any movement, revolution, a conquer or whatever, needed financing, and this wasn’t easy to get. Fortunately, Gyro had some… contacts that would be useful. He knew that the Schuyler sisters, Daisy, Gandra and Webby, daughters of Duckworth Schuyler, without their father knowing that, loved to go to the downtown zone of New York just to see the guys at work.
In Gyro’s opinion, if he could earn one of the Schuyler sisters’ heart, he’d have solved his money issues, and he’d be a step close to make the revolution and more important, be able to win it.
Also, another thing that Gearloose knew he’d to do, was to put all his person under Scrooge McDuck service. The chicken was sure that this great and amazing duck who had his reputation justly earned.
So, in conclusion, in Gyro’s opinion, to be successful, he’d to be careful and sure about every movement he was about to make.
This was a long play game.
Hey there, I’m sorry it took so long to update a new chapter, I’m so sorry, my live become really busy, and I can’t barely find time to write anything. I hope you liked this chapter, as you can see, I’m basing the story on the musical but I’m filling in the spaces between the scenes.
I also love to imagine what are every character thinking in every moment, this helps me to figure out better how the scene works.
And the last point, I hope that you liked who I chose to be Mulligan, Lafayette and Laurens. And also, who I chose to be the father of the Schuyler sisters. The three sisters were in the list of the person who asked me to write this, I didn’t choose the three of them.
Okay I think I’ve said everything I wanted to say, just add that in the next chapter, more characters will appear. I really hope that this next chapter will arrive sooner that this one, but I’m not sure if I’ll be able to do that.
See you in the next chapter!
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rivertellsstories · 6 years
Spromeo - Love makes blind.
Warning: mentions of not very safe for work yanno, the sexy times
Ever since his childhood, Specs has heard tales about their town's very own demon. According to the whispered words that the elderly exchanged, the creature had a penchant for breaking up perfect relationships. Wives and men would return to their homes to find their significant other with a very good looking stranger. "It thrives off the negative energy", they whispered. "It uses it to stay beautiful, to enchant its next victim with its ever changing looks."
The rumours were always followed by the same advice. "If you ever meet a stranger that's too beautiful to be true, regardless of its gender, stay away. They will pluck away your heart before you know it, leaving everything you love in shambles." Specs doubts that there is much truth to the legend. To him it seems more like a convenient lie, spread around the town for unfaithful people to use. Isn't it easy to ignore your own shortcomings in favour of supernatural explanations?
When on a particularly stormy day someone knocks on his door, Specs finds it nothing but logical to let the poor soul in. Somebody he's never met before barrels past him and heads straight for the fireplace. "Would you mind taking those off?" Specs asks, gesturing at the wet clothes, who are dirtying his recently cleaned floor. "Now that's a new record", the stranger laughs. Then his voice turns sultry, a playful edge peaking through it. "Won't you take them off me?"
"No, I will be getting you a towel and some dry clothes", Specs dryly remarks, not letting the question get to him. "You're going to get sick otherwise." He turns on his heel and removes himself from the living, leaving the stranger alone for just a short while. When he returns, the strangers smacks his hand on the clothes that are now in a heap on Specs' floor, making water splash everywhere. He sighs and dumps his own bundle of clothes on the stranger's head. "You will be cleaning that yourself." The wind outside is still howling terribly loud and the wooden house creaks by every gust of it. "Judging by the weather, you will be here for a while. Please try to be a little bit more agreeable. I am Specs and who might you be?"
Before he answers the question, the strangers snickers. "Specs? That's a dumb name. Your parents probably aren't very fond of you." Maybe the other one is trying to get under his skin, but at some point the blade of truth loses its edge. Right now, Specs can agree with him without too much pain. "My name is Romeo", the other guy says. "You've got something to eat?" While the words are blunt, the tone is still sultry and sort of whiny. "Depends. Can you talk like you aren't one of the girls behind the windows in the Red neighbourhood?"
There's a silence and Specs wonders if he had gone a bit too far. But then Romeo leans back in his chair, making the thing creak more than Specs considers safe and laughs. "Touché Specs, touché." Finally, it feels like he's talking to a person instead of a character out of a badly written book. "I haven't had dinner either, let's eat together." Obnoxious. Romeo's eating is, without a trace of doubt, utterly obnoxious. "Could you at least try to close your mouth when you're eating?" Specs asks in a tight lipped manner, trying to not make his irritation too obvious. "And please stop slurping", he adds. "Usually people rather like the slurping", Romeo jokes and Specs rolls his eyes. "Careful, you might get some serious eye damage from doing that too much." Specs rolls his eyes again. "I do not want to know about your job in the red light district, please let me have my dinner in peace." "Boooo", Romeo drawls. "You're boring." The other man jumps when some branches hit the window harshly. "But also nice I guess. The weather sucks."
Specs hums in agreement and starts clearing the table as Romeo darts back to the fireplace. They spend the rest of the evening in relative silence, exchanging a few words here and there. When Specs starts to get tired, he asks Romeo whether he'd like to share the bed or take the couch. With little to no hesitation Romeo chooses to share the bed with him and Specs doesn't think anything of it until they're laying next to each other in the dark and he can feel Romeo's fingers trailing his collarbone.
"What are you doing?" he asks, slightly alarmed. "I want to repay you", the other man whispers and his breath on Specs' skin nearly makes him shiver, but he suppresses it. "Please don't. I have no interest in you." For a moment, nothing happens. Then, Romeo detangles himself from Specs. "Oh? That's surprising. Usually people are convinced within seconds. Your partner has snatched quite a faithful man", he whispers, giving Specs' nose a little flick. "I uh, I don't have a partner", Specs admits quietly and Romeo boos at him again. "Ah, boring. Tearing people apart is more fun, gives me more energy too."
Immediately, Specs head shoots up. "You're the demon!" he shouts and Romeo winces. "Not that loud man, people are trying to sleep." He has a lot of questions, but he doubts that Romeo will answer them, tired as he is. Deciding to leave it at that, Specs whispers a quiet: "Goodnight Romeo". He doesn't get an answer back. When he wakes up, Romeo has disappeared without a trace.
A few days go by, the storm passes and Specs has banned him to the back of his mind. That is, until he comes back from his garden and Romeo jumps down from his table. "Here I am, as promised." When he sees Specs's confused face, Romeo asks: "Didn't you see my message?" Slowly, Specs shakes his head and Romeo exhales dramatically, dropping his head down on Specs' shoulder. "Miscommunication right from the start, that's not ideal. Anyway, the gist of the note was: I'm gonna woo the fuck outta you, expect me to be back." "I'm not very charmed by people insistently chasing after me. I'll pass, thank you."
Romeo bumps his head repeatedly into Specs' shoulder. "Specs, my dude, my man, I'm gonna friendship-woo the fuck outta you. I promise there's no weird romantic bullshit involved. Just friends." He pulls his head back and awkwardly scratches his arm. "Or I could, you know, just leave." As Specs mulls it over, Romeo heads for the door, babbling like a fool. "So uh, I'll be going then-"
Halting himself mid-step, Romeo turns around with one leg still in the air and nearly falls over. "You're ridiculous", Specs states and spares him a small smile. "But there's nothing wrong with that. Let's do it. Tell me about yourself, Romeo." "Ah", Romeo drawls cheekily, "I'm afraid that you have to be a level five friend before you can unlock my tragic backstory. Let's do something fun instead. We're going out Specsy boy! I don't know where yet, but it's gonna be fun!"
Usually, Specs doesn't take unplanned trips into town. It's quite the distance from his house to there, there is no market today and all in all, there's no real reason for him to go. But a trip with nothing but fun as its purpose does indeed sound nice and he quickly grabs his cane. "Let's go." Romeo's tread is very alike to that of little children, Specs notices. There's an exuberant skip in his steps, breaking his rhythm every now and then as he hums a little tune.
Suddenly, he grabs Specs hand. "I know a place to go", he says and breaks out in a run. Nearly falling over his own feet, Specs tries to follow him as Romeo leads him through a part of town he's never been before. In the distance, he can hear the clinking of iron on iron and he concludes that they must be in a district where the working class resides.
They enter a bakery, a little bell chiming above their heads as the scent of warm chocolate and freshly baked bread wafts towards them. "Romeo!" a cheerful voice calls out and Romeo guides him towards the counter. "Mushy, my boy. Have you thought about my proposal? You and me eloping together, leave your fiancé behind for a", Romeo snaps his suspenders, "real man." Another person gives Romeo a sound knock on the head.
"Like hell you're gonna do that. Also, what did I say about boytoys in my shop? Get mr. fancy stick over here out." Romeo lets go of Specs hand and loops their arms together instead. "He's gonna be my friend. Friends are allowed, right Blink?" Blink shrugs. "Depends. Are you gonna pay this time?" Mush musses up Romeo's hair before putting his order on the table and telling him that it's on the house. They share a conspiratorial bout of giggling before Mush leaves the two of them alone.
Unprompted, Romeo speaks up. "I tried to get between those two once, but it was a weird ass experience. You see, I change appearances according to what people look for in a partner. It's a strange situation where the both of them were looking at me while seeing an image of the other. True love isn't dead yet it seems, but Blink did slap me really hard. We're chill now though and they can see what I truly look like, which is neat."
"I thought I'd have to be a level five friend before-"
"Shhh", Romeo hushes him, putting his finger on Specs' lips. "I'm an oversharer. I try to be mysterious, but I like making friends and attention in general a little too much. Anyway, try this." He draws his finger back and instead hands Specs a pastry. Curious, he takes a bite. He tastes the typical salty sweetness of caramel, combined with some sort of cream that makes sure that the pastry doesn't taste too dry. Impatiently, Romeo drums on the table with his fingers, waiting for Specs' reaction. "It's really good", he admits and the grin is evident in Romeo's voice as he answers. "Right?"
They spend the rest of the afternoon chatting about their preferred flavours and pastries, neither of them letting the conversation get too personal. When they leave, Mush hands both of them a little carton to take home. Like a true gentleman, which might be contrary to his nature, Romeo accompanies Specs all the way home. Before leaving, Romeo leans against his door-frame and asks jokingly: "Have you fallen for me yet?" Specs gives him a soft shove to the chest. "Consider me charmed, but absolutely unwilling to have anything but a friendship with you."
Before he leaves, Romeo promises him that he'll be back, without giving him an exact date or time. Specs doesn't mind though, he has the feeling that that's just how Romeo works.
The only sign that Specs gets that there's someone else in his garden, is the creaking of branches behind him. He speaks up before Romeo can. "Good almost-evening to you." Moping, Romeo lays down on the grass. "I wanted to scare you." Specs feels another smile tugging at his lips. "Consider me spooked." Turning on his back, Romeo lets out a pleased breath. "It's so nice out, I can't believe it was storming just a few days ago." Specs listens to Romeo's babbling as he tends to his flowers. They're flourishing under the sweet summer sun and smell like they never have before. "Your garden is nice. How do you keep it that way?" Specs points at the woods behind his house. "The friendly bees are nearby, they keep this place top-notch. Also, everything blooms as long as you give it enough love, take enough care of it."
"I don't know anything about that", Romeo says casually. "But I'm willing to try if you'll let me. I don't want to ruin your plants." He hands Romeo a pruner and tells him to cut off the dead leaves. They work in a relative silence, only the chirping of birds and buzzing of bees can be heard. Until Romeo whispers a quiet: "Oh no." His voice is upset enough to make Specs turn his head in his direction. "I cut off a good leaf", Romeo says with a shaking voice. "I ruined it." The young man is near tears, if he isn't crying already and Specs frowns. "Hey, none of that. Look, it's still perfectly fine. It's a little mistake, nothing-" "What if my little mistake kills it? Damages it beyond repair?"
Specs reaches out for him and plucks the pruner from his hand, laying it on the grass. "It's alright. You've helped it by freeing it of its dead leaves and now you've accidentally cut of a good one. It's not going to kill the flower, it's just a wee bit hurt. Just give it some loving and it'll fix itself." Snorting, Romeo wipes his face. "Sorry for acting stupid."
"You weren't."
Maybe Romeo hasn't heard him or maybe he's purposefully ignoring it, but he snatches the pruner back. "Alrighty! I'm gonna shower these lovely ladies in love and attention! Right my wrongs, hell yeah!" As the sun starts going down, Romeo gently places a flower behind Specs' ear. "Looks cute", he remarks and Specs flushes a bright red. "Dude, you could match the sun right now. Have you fallen for little old me or something?"
"No!" Specs denies vehemently, cheeks still red. "I just flustered very easily. It's a curse I tell you." Romeo laughs lightly. "Oh Specs, you don't know what a true curse is. Anyway, I've gotta go." And just like that, Romeo leaves again with the promise of coming back.
The next time they meet isn't planned at all. As Specs strolls along the various little boots that have gathered for the fair, he hears someone calling out his name. It isn't long before an out of breath Romeo appears in front of him. "Fancy meeting you here", the man greets him and loops their arms together. "What's a boy like you doing here?"
"The same as everyone I suppose. I'm enjoying the atmosphere." Romeo grins brazenly. "Why enjoy it? Start living it Specsy, participate! What do you wanna do? What are your wildest carnival dreams?" Once again Specs blushes and Romeo pokes him in the side. "Are you thinking of naughty-"
"Candy apples."
Romeo snaps his mouth audibly shut and winces. "Fuck I bit my tongue. Anyway, there's rides and ponies and you want candy apples?" Specs hides his face in his hands. "When I was little I had one book and I read it over and over. It was about a kid going to the fair and eating candy apples. I've never been to one before and...", he trails off, deciding to shut up. "Never mind, it's stupid."
"No!" Romeo shouts and quiets down when he notices the people staring at them. "We're going to get you the absolute bestest candy apples ever. Have you seen a boot for them?" Specs shakes his head. "No, but I can smell sugar from over there", he says and points with his cane to a place to their right. "Well then let's go!" Romeo cheers and together they embark on their quest for candy apples. Not that long after they find a boot and after they paid, the man in the stall hands then the candied apples. "For the young man and lady, here you go."
Specs turns to Romeo, who ignores it for the time and gives the man a wink before leaving. "It's like I said, people see me as what they want, not who I am. The only exception are kids and faithful people in love." "Can't you turn it off?" Specs asks carefully and Romeo sneers. "Specs dearest, if I could turn it off I wouldn't be going around fucking random people. But curses are curses and I've got to live with it, thanks to my unfaithful great-grandpa." The words 'you don't deserve that' are laying on Specs' lips but he doesn't voice them. He's sure that Romeo knows he doesn't deserve it and he doesn't want to turn his mood even more sour.
"Ah sorry, I went off didn't I? It doesn't really matter anyway, whining about fate won't change it." Romeo turns his head towards some people in the distance and squints. "I think they're gonna start the fireworks. Come with me, we'll score some front row seats."
It's at that moment, when they hands are linked together and Romeo has spent yet another day with him, that Specs notices how lonely Romeo must be. Apparently, people aren't as faithful as they appear to be and marriages aren't that perfect. If only children can see you for who you are instead of an attractive concept of a human being, it's only logical that Romeo jumped at the opportunity to gain a friend. From now on, Specs decides that he'll try to do nice things for Romeo too.
The first bang! is clear as day and Specs can't suppress a violent flinch. Immediately, Romeo takes notice of it and runs his fingers over the back of Specs's hand. "You don't like this, do you?" The statement is framed as a question and Specs neither agrees nor disagrees. "You do", he says and nearly whimpers when the next explosion occurs. "I'm not gonna force you to endure something you hate", Romeo says softly and tugs at their linked hands.
Before they part ways, Romeo presses a little box into Specs' hands. "A little something that sounds nicer than the fireworks, I hope you'll like it." He pokes Specs playfully in the side. "Who knows, maybe it'll even make you fall for me."
"I doubt it!" Specs calls after a retreating Romeo who only shouts: "I can only try!" in return. When he opens the package, he's surprised by the tinkling melody of a music box. It's a lovely tune and Specs falls asleep while listening to it.
The very next day, Specs grabs his old, worn down book from the shelf to read it again. There's something magical about reading about candy apples and still remembering the taste of them on his tongue. He replays the events of the previous day in his head, heart beating with excitement that is still coursing through his veins. When he hears his door creaking open, followed by a long groan, he smiles in amusement. "Hello Romeo", he greets him and Romeo whines in return. "I'm bored." He claps Specs' book shut and Specs yelps as his fingers are caught inside. "Please be more careful. Also, today I'm leading."
"Oh?" Curious and amused, Romeo snuggles closer. "Tell me more." "My friend is an inn keeper who has a great passion for cooking but tends to be a bit understaffed on some days. We're going to help him out." "Where's the fun in that?" Romeo pouts and Specs grins. "Getting to eat lunch at Henry's. Believe me, if Mush, Blink and Henry would team up, you'd have a better meal than the gods themselves." The prospect of a good meal seems more than enough of a motivator for Romeo and the man happily strolls along with Specs while singing some silly song about salmon.
Once there, Henry immediately thrusts a knife into Specs hands. "You know where you're needed." He gives Romeo the same treatment and declares him dishwasher which Romeo isn't too happy with at first. But when break time rolls around, he has befriended the other dish washer, a feisty girl named Smalls.
"So Specs", Henry starts as he watches Romeo from the corner of his eye. Said man is clearly enjoying his meal and seems to be quite close to having a semi-religious experience. "Why have you brought him along? I've seen him in the more...unsavoury parts of town."
"He's a friend as much as you are", Specs states and Henry snorts. "Yeah but we're on opposite sides of the spectrum. One ain't interested in sex and the other has a new partner every night."
"Leave him alone." Smalls comes to Romeo's defence before Specs even has the chance. "He's chill, take it from your fellow ace. Who he takes to bed is none of your business." Henry sighs in exasperation. "I was just trying to take care of my tall bespectacled child."
During the rest of the day, Specs tries to look for things Romeo might enjoy. So far he's come to the conclusion that Romeo isn't too keen on scholarly stuff and rather likes being busy with his hands. It's kind of frustrating that Romeo himself isn't telling him what he likes either and Specs feels like he isn't doing this right. "What's wrong?" Romeo asks when he sees the troubled expression on Specs' face. "Are you enjoying yourself?" Specs blurts out bluntly. "I have the feeling that I haven't found anything you really like doing yet."
In response, Romeo grabs him by the collar of his shirt and drags him close. "Are you trying to please me?" he whispers in Specs' ear as he lets his hand travel over Specs' arm, leaving goosebumps in his wake. Suddenly out of breath, Specs puts more distance between them again. "I want you to have fun. I want to do nice things for you, you're a good friend and I like you."
"Oh", Romeo breathes quietly. "I uh..I mean, if you're really interested, I an quite taken by...fashion. Clothes. I think they're neat." There's so much doubt, defensiveness and fear in those sentences and it's as though Romeo isn't convinced that Specs genuinely wants to know. It's like he expects him to make fun of him, but Specs is delighted by the knowledge instead. "A friend of mine has a haberdashery, I'm sure he doesn't mind us stopping by."
Buttons is ecstatic that he can finally talk with someone about clothes and Romeo is just as happy to engage in a conversation about different kinds of patterns and threads. While listening to their joyful chattering, Specs showers Buttons' cat in affection. She's the reason he comes here most of the time.
Right when he's about to doze off, Needle still on his lap, Buttons asks him when he will stop by for the preparations for the ball. Specs groans and Romeo curiously asks him what ball they're talking about. "You know the castle at the top of the hill? That's my parents' house, where they occasionally throw a party. They don't want to see me any other day of the year, but I better look pretty for their party or they will punish me." Before Romeo can ask any questions, Specs asks one himself. "Would you like to come with me then? You'd make it much more bearable." Buttons claps excitedly in his hands. "I could make your clothes match! You'll be the handsomest pair on the floor for sure."
Insistently, Romeo shakes his head. "No way, I couldn't let you pay for clothes." "My parents are paying anyway, please help me piss them off." The statement wins Romeo over and he jumps up and points at Buttons. "Work your magic my man, I want to look fabulous. Make the man over there", he points at Specs, "fall for me."
And looking fabulous he does, or at least that's what the whispering of the other guests tells him. Romeo's arms around his neck involuntarily squeeze a bit harder and Specs asks him what's wrong. "I wish I wasn't this much in to spotlight. I like dancing with you, but the people in the background saying how much they'd like to fuck me is quite bothersome." "Shall we go to the garden then? I think the music is still audible from there and there's bound to be less people." Romeo quickly agrees and giggling like children on a secret mission, they escape towards the garden.
Still smiling, they dance together, far away from everyone else. "I like this", Romeo admits as they slow down to a very slow swaying and lets his head rest on Specs' chest. "Your heartbeat is out of control", he whispers as they make another turn. "I'm happy", Specs whispers back and pulls Romeo a tad bit closer. The muted music in the background is lovely and yet Specs, who's always been fond of music, pays it no head. There's something about Romeo swaying softly in his arms that just seems to be so much more important. "You look like a man in love."
Romeo cups Specs' face in his hands. "Look at your cheeks, so very red again." He lets his hands trail down to Specs' neck and the slow, sensual movement makes him gasp quietly. He feels content, warm and also...."Specs." Romeo speaks quietly. "Have you fallen for me?"
"Yes", he breathes, unable and unwilling to lie. "Dear gods yes and I've never felt happier, never felt more content. I love you, Romeo. I desire you as I do nothing else."
"Really?" Romeo asks and his voice sounds clipped as he pulls his hands back. The man takes a step back and folds his arms over each other. "Then please tell me, what do I look like? What about me do you like, pray tell."
"You're kind, you're-"
"What.do.I.look.like.", Romeo nearly growls and Specs throws his hands up in frustration. "How am I supposed to know?"
"By loving me. You should be able to see past the spell."
"Loving you doesn't magically grant me sight!" Specs yells. "I don't know what you look like, hell, I don't even know what I look like! I walk around with a fucking cane and you saw me reading with my hand on the page. Romeo, I am blind!"
"I have to go", Romeo says with a shaken voice and turns on his heels. Specs tries to follow him, but eventually loses him upon reentering the ballroom. When his father asks him who the pretty girl was, Specs feels ready to cry.
Days pass and there's still no sign of Romeo. Even worse is that the rumour that the "demon" has left their town gets spread around and it leaves Specs with a heavy heart. He wishes he hadn't sprung it up on Romeo like that. He should've waited for Romeo to show actual interest instead of the friendly flirting he always did. Shouldn't have tried to start a relationship with someone who had been doomed to hop from person to person to stay alive. Should have been less blunt, should've....
No amount of pondering and wishing is going to magically make his friend appear. That is the thing that Specs misses above all, their weird but functional friendship. He hates himself for ruining it, he should've listened to his parents when they said that he wasn't made for big happinesses and that he should live his little life with has been given to him instead of trying to want more. He tries to shake the thoughts of and feels the glasses on his nose move along. Another stupid decision of his parents to try to conceal that he's blind as a bat. If he could, he'd cut them out of his life. But should he do that, they'd make sure that he wouldn't find a job anywhere an helping out at Henry's will only get him so far.
It's late in the afternoon, when someone knocks on the door. Specs is too tired to go open it and closes his eyes, willing the other person to go away. They don't do that however and take a few hesitant steps towards him. "Hi", Romeo says softly and Specs doesn't know how to answer. "Did I tell you that apparently my curse gets lifted when I'm in love with someone and they love me back? People are way less into scrawny Romeo nowadays, but I consider it a blessing."
There's a tense silence and then both of them apologise at the same time. "I really shouldn't have done that", Specs rambles on and quietly Romeo asks him if he regrets it. "No", he admits, "I love you, I really do, but I shouldn't-" Once again Romeo silences him by putting a singly finger on his lips and Specs' breath hitches in response.
"You're a great guy", Romeo whispers and cups Specs' face between his hands. "I love you so, so much", he says and kisses Specs as soft as humanly possible. "I'm yours, if you'll have me", he says and lets his forehead rest against Specs's. "You already have me", Specs breathes back and kisses Romeo again. When their lips separate, Specs hugs the other one tight and repeats: "You already have me. I'm going nowhere."
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tumblunni · 6 years
What do you guys think about the names Dustin and Darcy for my protagonists in Let's Go?
Cos i really wanted to play the co op mode thing by myself, just so i can pretend this role in the plot is filled by two siblings and have a bit of fun roleplaying that. But i dunno yet how the co-op works and whether you'd be able to customize the avatar of the second player or if its just the default trainer? Or can you only play co-op if you have two separate games? Im planning to buy the other version anyway once i get more money, so it could be fun to play my first version with sibling one and then the second playthru is sibling two's turn to shine!
Oh and the whole reason i wanted to do this is cos i wanna try out the customization features to make some ocs now that there's no competitive online stuff unless you pay a subscription fee (LOL NO THANKS). Like..i always felt like i HAD to make my character me in xy/sumo/usum, otherwise its like lying online? But of course i cant actually make me because theres no nonbinary option or even remotely ambiguous outfits for either gender. And you cant have wild hair colours while i dye my hair 24/7 irl lol. Its silly cos like 95% of the gym leaders and other characters ingame have anime hair colours yet the player has to be normal? So yeah i cpuldnt really enjoy making this innacurate defanged version of myself yet i didnt feel like i was allowed to just make up a new character either. Closest i could do was give myself white hair like my old trainersona when i was 12, lol. I mean i guess thats my 'real hair colour' underneath the dye right now, if you think about it that way?
okay where was i
Yeah! I think sibling trainers could be a good and unique way to handle a rival! Like having them be your sibling already establishes that rivalry. But it can be a soft and nice rivalry! I wanna go with that fun version rather than the full on angry exaggerated sibling rivalries you often see in kids media. Like i know that some people legit dont get on with their siblings and some people can even have a very gary esque full on rivalry thats sorta 'love to hate' or like..tsundere pretending you hate them. But personally i never had experience with that, i can never relate to those 'tfw u hate ur sibling and theyre always an asshole but lolll u love them anyway' posts. I only got to live with my little sister for a little while due to the catastrophe of abusive parenthood that was my childhood, and i lost contact with her forever when she was very young so i doubt she'd even remember me. *sigh* But like i don't think i only love her so much because i miss her! People say newborns and toddlers are the most bratty so like you'd think if i was gonna ever find her 'annoying' i would have done it back then. I was always just mega proud of her and whenever she'd be 'bratty' i'd be cheering her on and trying to protect her from mom. And when she'd try and pull pranks on me or practise play-fighting or whatever i was just like 'lol thats legit funny' and taking play-falls so she felt better about herself. Like we didnt have much power in that household so i felt like encouraging her pretending to be a wrestler would help her feel like she had some sort of control in some part of her life i guess? And just i wished i was allowed to roughhouse and run around and be all 'unladylike' and just enjoy BEING A KID when i was a kid, yknow? I always had legit fun being with her and legit enjoyed it and was legit proud and legit never annoyed. I just dont understand 'yeah she's annoying but i love her anyway'. I was only ever her rival as a play-rival to help encourage her to like.. Enjoy the things she enjoyed. Feel like someone else cared. I only ever acted like 'ha ha baby stuff yeah sure i hate hanging out with my sister" cos i thought i was SUPPOSED TO. I always felt so guilty doing it and so dissappointed cos id rather hang out with her than be a boring stereotypical teen tbh. I dunno, maybe this isnt typical for siblings and its just a sign of how badly we were raised? I was just real fuckin lonely and absolutely loved having a family member who loved me for the first time since my grandma died. Same reason i always used to act all 'i am too cool i totally am not soft for my lil sister' around my lil sister's dad. I really wanted him to love me too! I used to say swear words at him cos i thougjt he would thibk i was Cool And Adult?? I have soooo many cringe moments from that phase of my childhood. Man it hurts to think that i never actually did get to become that positive influence that protected my sister from my mum and let her know she was loved. Cos i was sent to live with my dad when she was like 5ish? And never saw her again and now im too scared to try and reach out to her again because 1: she probably doesnt even remember me, 2: theres a chance she believes my mum saying i was some horrible asshole who abandoned the family, 3: even bigger chance that contacting her could mean my mum finding me again and big fuckin risk of further abuse. Plus the awkwardness of introducing my trans self when she'd remember me as her sister and all. Sigh! All i can do is hope that her cool dad eventually got custody of her, and that he didnt turn out to be a secret bastard like when i met my own dad. He seemed good, but then again i was just a lil kid and my dad seemed good at first. Sighhhhhh...
Anyway the point is that whenever i write siblings i'd rather write 100% unapologetic super loving love cos its wish fullfillment for me. This is also why in/cest shipping is a massive beserk button for me, good wholesome family relationships are REAL FUCKIN IMPORTANT and how DARE you corrupt that shit! Some people would fuckin KILL to have that wholesome family!!
Anyway lol thats why i'd like a Wholesome Rivalry for these sibling ocs! Like they challenge each other to contests along the way just for fun, and they react all 'wow my sis is the BEST' when you beat them, so hard feelings at all. And you dont JUST do rival stuff but also sometimes just hang out and have fun cos you missed each other. And if anyone threatens your sibling then THAT is the only time you see the Serious Sibling Power! Rival moments: ha ha lol bet ya cant beat me ooo im a scary villain LOL I CANT KEEP A STRAIGHT FACE HAHA! Giovanni punches your brother: *stony cold death glare from hell as tricksy prank sis turns into an unstoppable vengeance engine* Oh, but also the only other time they'd be serious is in their final battle together! Like most of the 'rivalry' is just competing to make the adventure fun and to help each other get stronger. But if sis/bro ever actually legit said they really want to fight to find out who's the best, and its like..important to help their self confidence, then i think bro/sis would respect that and go all out. Taking a fall and letting them win would be the most disrespectful thing of all! Oh, but i do think there would be one kind of battle like that during the story? Like in one of the more low stakes faux-rival fights the sibling actually does try and let you win, and the challenge is to try and lose against all odds. High stakes super failure battle!!! Imagine the evil team in the background like 'wtf' as these two run the most aggressively slow race of all time! XD
Oh and i kinda thought about different personalities for the two of them based on who you pick? Like i did like that aspect about brendan/may in RSE compared to other 'unpicked option becomes rival' characters in later games that didnt even have one personality let alone two. It just sucks that the personalities they decided to give them were 'female rival is super self concious and thinks youre better than her because youre a boy' and 'male rival is super ego and thinks he's better than you because he's a boy'. Boooo!
So instead of that the personalities i was thinking for these two would be less sexist lol. Male sibling Dustin is basically Wally so far? I need to develop him a bit more to make him a bit distinct, i mean its not like every single shy dude is identical. I'm thinking maybe mix him with all the wasted potential in Brendan? Like in the game they slightly hint at him having the ONE non stereotypical trait of liking cute teddy bears, and that made me think about how much better his whole plot would have been if it actually criticized his sexism and said that he only behaves that way cos he's overcompensating for being bullied for being 'feminine', yknow? And then in the manga they actually DO write him as super feminine, and even as a contest star who loves fashion and dressing up his pokemon! But then GAHHH they present it as some sort of fuckin 'character flaw', like he's shown to be selfish and superficial because of it. And the backstory is that him and the female protagonist used to be 'normal' until a traumatic event. Brendan was a Natural Fighting Prodigy until he saved his female friend from a wild pokemon and was so traumatized that he never wanted to fight again, while she wanted to learn to fight so she'd never need to be protected again. But this is not only presented as Wrong Ways To Be Gender but also like.. Fighting their natural instinct which still comes through?? Like male protag hasnt fought in YEARS yet whenever he's forced to fight he's just magically better at it than female protag who's been practising all these years to become his equal. Ha ha silly girl you can never achieve that! All you get is this patronizing 'well if you just tryyyyy girly things im sure you'll like it' plot and then you get rescued by him in the end because OF COURSE you do. Sigh! I cant believe they made me hate that pairing even more than the games did! So yeah i dont really wanna write Dustin as a jerkass who's secretly got synpathetic motives of internalized homophobia/sexism, cos i feel thats a plot very specific to my perceptuons of Brendan and id basically just have to make Dustin a clone of him and he wouldnt be able to shine on his own merits. Instead i'm just thinking of writing him as a 100% sensitive soul, and he still faces predjudice for not being that bigoted idea of an 'ideal man' but really the fact he doesnt bow down to their demands proves that he's the bravest person here.
And then I'm thinking maybe the female sibling Darcy is the older one and is a bit "gary ish"? Like eitjer way you still have a friendly and loving siblingness, but she's a bit more of a sass who is tsundere about admitting she loves her bro. But i dont think she's the cold or grumpy sort of tsundere, more like a trickstery tomboy? Bombastic loki jock sis! She can only be a bit abrasive with her bro cos she wants to teach him to be tough even when she's not there to protect him. But sometimes she can mess it up and make him feel like he has to change his personality in order to be tough, rather than letting him know she supports him in being "unmasculine" and just wants to help him find the confidence to stand up to people who bully him for it. Like she feels like she is 'weaker' than him in the sense that she worries too much about what people will think if she expresses her real emotions, yknow? Like theyre both suffering from toxic masculinity! He's suffering from the standard form where men who are too 'soft' are beaten down into that mould. Ans she's suffering from the problem where 'masculine' girls feel like they have to be '100% masculine' in order to be allowed to be themselves at all. Like back when i was a kid and before i came out as trans i always used to try and pretend to like sports ans like..cliche macho shit where you Cant Admit You Care About Your Friends and also i wasnt allowed to like ANY feminine things at all. I had to either follow the stereotype of femininity entirely or follow the opposite stereotype, i wasnt allowed to just reject stereotypes and like what i actually like. So yeah me realizing i wasnt really a girl has led to me embracing more 'girly' things than back when i thought i was one! So i think Darcy would have a similar arc but like..the cis equivelant? Just finds people who arent such judgmental pricks and stops having to conform to either of those stereotypes in order to keep fake friends who dont really give a shit about her. She can have a plot about both forced feminine and masculine stereotypes being equally limiting, rather than that shitty 'being masculine is a prison uwu every woman will be happier embracing her love of makeup' shit. That dominant narrative just made me feel like i was somehow wrong about myself whenever i didnt like 100% Of Sports All The Time, i must be somehow girly if i liked even ONE girly thing yet i needed hundreds of proofs if i wanted to be masculine. And like i wasnt just allowed to be neither! I wasnt allowed to like parts of both! I wasnt allowed to BE GODDAMN TRANS!!! So yeah i dunno if i'd go whole hog and make this character a trans man or a nonbinary person tho? I think she's just actually a cis girl who happens to be sporty and brash and likes a lot of 'masculine' fashion and hobbies. And she's just been made to feel self concious about it, as if she cant possibly REALLY be that unless she likes Every Single Boy Thing and wins at Every Single Challenge. Does anyone else remember that shit too? The girls have to win Every sports game against the boys in order to be 'one of the boys' but if you lose even one of them it somehow proves that you're inferior. Even though the boys lost 50 billion games to you and that doesnt prove theyre inferior! Like man she has sooooo many 'gary rivals' in her school life, thats why she loves going on this adventure with a kind brother rival who actually respects her! So her resolution would just be her staying the same but being more confident about it and saying fuk u to those fake friends. Same as her brother's plot, just they both face different specifics to the way this sexism affects them, yknow?
Oh but yeah when i did finally learn about LGBT stuff and realize i was trans it was Big Amazing cos even in the rare stories about Its Okay To Be Yourself it still left me feeling weirdly empty when the girl decides that yes she does wanna be a girl in the end. So i get that these plots might come off as queerbaiting if i write them badly? I need to make sure to make it clear that these characters 100% want to be seen as this gender and its just other people being fuckfaces and trying to define what their gender has to mean. I think maybe i'll try and mitigate this potential misunderstanding by adding different sorts of lgbt content. And, well, also cos i just want lgbt content in all of my stories because i am lgbt, of course! I'm 100% sure that Darcy is gay, and i think also maybe possibly Dustin is trans? Like, his plot is about being mocked for being a 'feminine' boy, but its also even more personal for him because he's a trans boy and he feels like he needs to change his personality in order to pass/he isnt really real because his personality doesnt fit the stereotypical image of a man. Like if you'd looked at the two of them back when they were identical twins, you probably would have expected Darcy to end up being trans if you were the sort of person who believes those basic ass stereotypes about 'boys who play with barbies and girls who play with trucks'. Or i mean maybe its the other way around and Darcy is a trans girl who still has a 'masculine' personality according to stereotypes? Or even both of them are trans and both face being told that they arent real because they dont fit the perfect stereotype of a trans person according to cis perceptions? Or maybe i'm overcomplicating things with all of this and it'd just muddy the message i guess. I might just keep it to them both being cis but also both of them like girls. And i can always apply my trans and other LGBT headcanons to other characters along their adventure.
Anyway LOL im rambling too much!
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bluemintae-blog · 6 years
Dance to this
Genre: Hoseok x reader, college!au, fluff, lil angst
Listen to Dance to this by: Troye sivan ft Ariana Grande for the full experience
Summary: You go out with your friends to have a good time. You love taking risks when you are a little tipsy, so when you see a guy (hoseok) dancing alone to a song that is supposedly supposed to be a couple’s dance, you hesitate to dance with him.
Author’s note: I was inspired by hobi’s little video doing the #inmyfeelingschallenge. Also, this is actually a true story that happened to me hehe… Not with hobi (ofcourse), but with another guy. It’s probably the most romance I’ve ever had throughout my college career.
Word count: 3,573
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gif credits goes to the rightful owner, not mine.
It’s been a while since you’ve gone out with your friends. You’ve been busy writing papers and completing assignments for your classes to go out and have fun for the past few weeks. Usually you’d go out to bars and clubs, but tonight your group of friends have decided to dress up and go to a gala. Sana was in the sorority that was hosting the gala.
To be very honest, it doesn’t really matter where you go. If you were with your friends and had enough alcohol in your system to make you feel a little tipsy, you can have a good time. Before you leave Mijoo’s apartment, you all pregamed. It doesn’t take much alcohol for you to feel it. Your alcohol tolerance was pretty low. You enjoyed the feeling that it gives you. You always got a little wild and flirty. It gives you more confidence to do things that you would never do sober, usually things that you would regret not doing; sometimes it can be the things that you would regret doing when you wake up in the morning too.
It is another cold February night, but the coldness only helped the adrenaline inside you grow. Hopping your way to the party. You’re always one to embarrass your friends, and they love that about you. When you got to the entrance of the building you could feel the blasting music vibrating around you. You can feel it in your chest. It’s as if the music has gotten into your system and it’s now pounding inside your veins.
You never come on time to the party. It was some sort of unwritten rule that almost everybody knows about. You always have to come at least an hour or 2 hours late to the party. That’s when everybody arrives, and that’s when things get lit. You made that mistake back during your freshman year in college when you arrived at a party right on time. You and your friends had to stay in the car as you waited for your other friends to arrive. Of course, they came an hour later. Apparently, you didn’t get the memo until it was already too late. Rookie mistake.
It’s a good thing that you love to dance, or the alcohol inside your system would’ve knocked you out a long time ago. You tend to get very sleepy if you aren’t doing anything active when you consume alcohol. You weren’t the best dancer, but nobody cares what moves you bring to the dance floor because everyone is here to have a good time.
 “It’s been so long since I’ve felt like this!” Lisa yells across the little circle that you and your group of friends have created.
“I know! I’m so happy! I love this song,” you scream back feeling the song. You love it when the DJ plays a song that you knew. Mouthing the words to the song is the best part about dancing. Right now, it’s more like you screaming the lyrics of the song at the top of your lungs.
The dance floor was getting hotter as more people came to fill up the empty spaces. You’ve always wondered why there were always people sitting and standing outside of the dance floor. You thought it was kind of stupid for someone to waste $15-$20 dollars to come into a party, and then just spend the night sitting or standing because they “don’t dance” or they’re “too shy.” Might as well go sit and stand at some place that doesn’t cost $20 dollars to get in. That’s why you love it when people do something even though they can’t. They do it because they want to, not because they can.
“How are y’all feelin’ tonight?!” The DJ sings into the microphone. The crowd including you screams “whoo!” towards the DJ.
“Great!! So, Valentine’s day was this past Wednesday. Y’all got your bae with you tonight?!” About half of the crowd screamed, “yeah!” while the other half screamed, “boooo!”
“Well we’re gonna slow it down for the couples for a while. Happy Valentine’s day Everybody!” You can hear some people still booing the DJ as you and your group of friends walk out of the dance floor.
You didn’t like couple dances, they were usually boring and slow, and you come to these events to get lit. It’s not exciting or fun; you found it corny and cheesy. Lowkey, you hate it because you didn’t have a lover. However, you like it because it was like a water break session for you. You usually take this time to go and drink some water and rest for a bit until you go back onto the dance floor and show off your questionable moves.
Sometimes you would go and sit down with your friends and watch the couples dance on the dance floor, and sometimes you would slow dance with all your friends. This time, you and your friends decided to dance all together.
A guy came up to your small dance circle and asks Lisa if he could dance with her. Lisa was flustered at the unexpected event and hesitated to answer. She looked into your small circle and back at the mysterious man. Before she could answer anything, Sana pushes her towards the boy. “Go!” all of you scream, giving her the biggest smile. She turns around and gave the group the ‘I’m gonna kill you later’ look.
“I love this song,” you say to your small group. There was only Mijoo, Sana, and you left in the small circle. “I feel like this song is too upbeat for a slow couple dance,” You say still wrapping your arms around the two girls. They nod to agree. You look at Lisa and the boy as you sing along to, Dance to This. She was so pretty in her pink long dress. Her slim body goes well with the slits on her long dress. You wish you had long, thin legs like her, but you were stuck with short ones.
“Wow, look at him dance!” you exclaim as your eyes glue onto a mysterious man, dancing alone to the song. His moves were so smooth and slick you couldn’t help but drop your jaw and stare at him. There weren’t that many people around him. He was on the edge of the dance floor, a little closer to the tables where people go and sit. It doesn’t look like he wanted to be the center of attention. If he wanted people to look at him, he’d be in the center of the dance floor forming a big circle of people to look at him. To be very honest, he didn’t need to be in the center of the dance floor for people to notice him. There are a handful of people who have taken notice of his slick moves.
“Oh my gosh! He’s good!” Sana admires the mysterious man. He wore a white dress shirt with black dress pants. It’s a basic outfit that any guy would wear to a dance, but why does he look so good in it? He moves his body so smoothly and sharp like a snake dancing around his prey waiting to strike. He was dancing alone, but he was dancing alone to a couple dance.
“I want to dance with him!” you feel the urge inside you bubbling up. “Should I go??” you hesitate. You feel so nervous. Your heart was pounding faster and faster as Mijoo and Sana encouraged you to go for it. The more you thought about taking the chance to dance with him, the more you feel the adrenaline inside you burst out. You love the feeling of getting excited because you’re going to do something wild. You love feeling like you’re living on the edge. This kind of feeling makes you feel like you’re living your life to the fullest.
“I don’t know. I’m shy!”
“Bitch, you’re never shy!” Mijoo corrects you. She’s not lying. You’re never going to get a chance like this ever, you thought. He’s a complete stranger, anyways. Out of your group of friends, you were the one to most likely do these “crazy” things.
“I’m going!” you run to the mysterious man as the song reaches the bridge. You hear Sana and Mijoo screeching and yelling, “Yes bitch! Go!”
You ran a little too fast, you couldn’t stop yourself on time, and ended up smashing into his body. He looked a little flustered but held onto your body to keep you from falling. You looked at him with a smile and he smiled back. It was dark, but you could see that he was handsome. His eyes were big, and it formed crescent moons as he smiled at you. He had a thin nose that matched his jawline.
Suddenly, you feel and embarrassed. What am I doing? I don’t even know how to dance, and he’s so good! You thought to yourself. You feel as if you’ve made a mistake. Maybe you should’ve just stayed back and watch him from the distance. All your insecurities are suddenly stabbing you in the back and punching your face. “I don’t know how to dance,” you shyly confess. The song was coming towards the middle.
“It’s okay!” He looks away from you and closes his eyes. “I got you. Follow my lead!” He says in a sarcastic tone that feels as if it’s a mission, and his life depended on finishing the task. He takes your hands and the both of you spin around on the dance floor. He spun you around until your arms were straight and then you folded your arms spinning to him. Your bodies meet again. You were face to face with him. His smile grew wider making his eyes crinkle, that made you feel like everything was okay. He had one hand on your right hand and hugged your waist with the other hand. It seems that he’s familiar with some swing dancing moves; you weren’t anything close to familiar, though. You were a hot mess. You stayed that way for a good 5 seconds before he spun you around to the other side. Then he pulls you back to him. You were facing away from him as he held your waist and swayed back and forth. You can feel his breath on your neck as he laughed with you. You turn to him so that you were face to face with him. The both of you continue to spin around and sway back and forth to the beat of the music.
He pulls you close as the music slows down to the bridge. He was breathing heavily, and you were too. “Ready for the finale?” he looks down at you with a grin.
“Finale? What?” confused and lost. He doesn’t explain. Instead, he swings his body away from yours making you yelp.
This time, instead of you just spinning he also spins towards you. The both of you go under each other’s arms and ended up on the opposite sides. You do this again. He lets go of your hand and you’re spinning alone for a quick second then he catches you. The both of you travel through the space of the dance floor swinging around like there was no tomorrow. You weren’t even sure what you were doing, but with him, every move felt so sure. It’s like you were flowing peacefully with the tides of the sea. He spins you around his body holding one of your hands, you meet his body for a quick second before he swings you away from his body and pulls you back.
He was breathing heavily, and you were too. He looked at you and smiled widely; you did the same to him too. You can tell that these moves were meant to be sarcastic like you and him were imitating how couples dance in movies. Either way, you can tell that he enjoyed it as much as you. Slowly, you came back to reality as he parts his body away from you.
“Thank you,” he bows down like a gentleman. His voice was sincere like you saved him from an embarrassment.
“I had fun,” you smile back at him, still holding his hand. “Thanks for being an awesome partner.” You say it in his ear. You were so close to him, you can smell his cologne. You quickly part your body away from him.
A part of you wanted to stay longer, but that’ll just make things awkward, so you run off to Sana and Mijoo.
“Oh my gosh! That was crazy!!” Mijoo shrieks.
“Y/N! You actually danced with him!” Lisa ran to the group. “Y’all looked legit! Like you guys came out of a movie!”
“Dude! I had no idea what I was doing! It was all him!” you confess. “I knew that if I didn’t dance with him, then I’d never get a chance like this anymore.”
“Did you get his name?” Sana asks.
“Shit! I forgot to ask for his name! Dammit!” you suddenly remember that you never asked for his name.
Later that night when the party was almost done, you spot him again.
“I see him!” you say to the girls, eyes still on him. They turn to look at your direction.
“You should go ask for his name!” Mijoo suggested. It was almost time for the gala to be over anyways. You’ll never know what his name is if you don’t ask for it now. You’re most likely never going to see him again.
“Okay!” you walk towards him. His back is turned to you, so he doesn’t see you walking towards him. He’s walking towards a table. You see him taking a seat next to a girl. She wore a silver sparkly dress. Her hair was up like a princess, except there was no tiara on her head. Was she his date? You thought. You felt a little embarrassed. If you could turn around and pretend this didn’t happen you would’ve, but it was too late for you to do that.
Again, he looked flustered as he sees you. He seemed happy to see you again.
“I never got your name,” you say trying not to make things even more awkward.
“Oh, it’s Hoseok. Jung Hoseok,” he replies to you reaching his hand out to you for a hand shake.
“Hoseok?” you say confirming it. He nods. His curly brown hair bounces on his head. “Nice to meet you. I’m Y/N.” you reach out to shake his hand.
You let go of his hand. “Well, I gotta go. Nice dancing with you,” you shyly wave bye to him backing away.
“Yeah. It was nice,” you hear him say as you run to your friends.
Hoseok. Jung Hoseok. That was his name. You stay up all night thinking about the events that happened tonight. Your head was still spinning, but that was probably the alcohol that was still in your system. You keep thinking about him though. You couldn’t believe that you actually did that. You’re satisfied with the night. This is something that you’d regret if you didn’t do. If you didn’t dance with him, you’d probably replay that memory and think about how you could’ve approached him. You would be wishing that you had more guts to go up to him and dance with him. You’d wonder what it would’ve felt like to have that much courage to actually dance with him.
You wonder if he had a lover. Was he in love with someone else? Is he thinking of you now, too? You wonder if the pretty girl in the silver dress had a thing with him. What if you saw him again and he remembers you? You shake these thoughts from your head.
“What the fuck, Y/N? Stop being so cheesy and think like a regular human being!” you scolded yourself, turning to your side. You gag at yourself for feeling tingly inside.
He’s probably forgotten you already. It was all just in the moment, with the music and the dark dim lights; don’t forget the alcohol. You’re a stranger to him just like how he’s one to you. You only know his name, and he’s probably forgotten yours. Besides, you had all that make up on your face, so he’d probably walk right past you if you were to see him again on the streets. Deep, deep inside, you wish that he would remember you though.
It’s been about a month since the day of the gala. The semester was getting hectic due to final exams and papers. You’re tired and exhausted as you drive your way home. Luckily the snow had already melted; well most of it.
Like every other memory, it’s been buried in the back of your mind. You were too busy with real life problems than spending your time thinking about Hoseok, the mysterious cute guy. You’re pretty used to having small crushes on boys and falling out of that quick little phase. He was the same as every other boy that you’ve had small crushes on. You’ve only seen him once anyways, and he’s probably not even a student at your university.
All you want to do is take a nice long shower and fall deep asleep. You turn on the radio to help keep you awake. There weren’t that many cars, but enough for you to stay alerted. You didn’t live far from the campus, which you are glad. That means you get extra time to sleep.
You sing along to the song on the radio as you turn left heading home. Midway through the song, you realize that this was the same song that you danced to with him, Hoseok.
You suddenly feel something warm and bubbly inside of you. All the memories of that night came flashing back. You feel all the emotions you felt during that moment with him; Exciting, courageous, like there’s no tomorrow.
When you get home, you stare at your phone. You’ve already opened your facebook app. It’s as if you had a brain fart. You’re staring at your phone a little too long.
“Did you forget something?” Lisa, your roommate, asks. She’s sitting on her staring right at you.
“What?” you ask as if you haven’t been staring at your phone blankly.
“You’ve been staring at your facebook feed for a good 2 minutes now, Y/N,” Lisa stares at you with a ‘I’m not that stupid’ look.
“I just- I just forgot why I opened my facebook app,” you lie.
Lisa pauses and stares at you as if you were 40 feet away, “Sure.” The blondie responds and continues to type whatever she was typing on her computer.
You rip your eyes away from your roommate and stare at your phone again. Slowly, you type down his name and press enter. You’re not sure why your heart is racing fast. A few profiles pop up and you’re looking at it, but you can’t find him. Then you see the familiar dark brown hair and the big brown eyes. The same ones that you met on the dance floor.
‘Jung Hoseok,’ you read. You click on the profile and it was him. You forgot how cute he was, or maybe you were too drunk to remember. He seems to be a very fun person to hang out with. You see that he does go to your school. He’s involved with a lot of clubs. You wonder why you’ve never met him or seen him before. Maybe he just transferred to the school this year, you thought.
Then you see a picture of Hoseok with the pretty girl that was with him that night. He was holding her by the waist, smiling big, and she had her hands around the nape of his neck, planting a kiss on his cheek. You read the captions and it says, “It’s official.”
You let out a sigh and realize that you were holding your breath. You’re not sure why your chest feels heavy. It’s not like you knew the guy, or even had a shot with him. You laugh mentally to yourself. This isn’t a movie. He’s not Prince Charming searching for Cinderella. To be very honest, you’d hate it if anyone ever did such a stupid thing. Prince Charming barely even knew Cinderella.
You sink into your bed, and your blankets devour you whole. You still feel the heaviness in your chest, but you smile. You’re happy. You didn’t get the prince charming in the end, but you gained courage. You became prince charming. Not many people are willing to do what you did. There were many people on that dance floor and there were many sitting in that room, but it was you who went up to him and danced with him. He could’ve rejected you and everything could’ve gotten awkward quickly, but it didn’t.
If you weren’t brave enough to go up to him, he would’ve just been the cute guy who danced well in your memories. He could’ve been the stupid guy who was dancing alone to a couple’s dance. Instead, he’s the cute guy you had enough balls to dance with. You were prince charming coming to save Cinderella. Although he did save your ass from embarrassing yourself with your ‘interesting’ dance moves. It was better than nothing.
It was better than nothing.
Author’s note: Hello! Thank you for reading this! I really appreciate it! Sorry if it was kind of boring. Like I said in my author’s note up there, it’s a true story that happened to me. I have no love life, haha. I never planned to make this into a story because I thought it was kind of boring, but Hobi did the #inmyfeelingschallenge and I’m not going to lie, I stayed up all night watching that video on replay haha... I also really like Troye and Ari’s new song, so I decided to write it out like this to get it out of my system. The song I was dancing to with that dude was actually A thousand years part 2 by Christina Perri ft steve kazee. He seems to be in some ballroom dancing class because he looked legit! He knew what he was doing! we were dancing in a waltz style kind of dance idk man, but I knew I had to dance with him because he danced so gracefully alone and I had to dance with him. I never looked him up on social media though. It was because I forgot his name...haha... This is probably tmi and nobody probably cares, but here it is anyways. This note is getting too long. I should stop. 
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rongasm · 7 years
Hi friends! A while ago I answered an ask and made this post about my makeup routine because I have oily af skin and very red, pigmented skin from terrible acne scarring, and I really struggle with it. At the time these were my go-to products, but I’ve upped my game a little bit (and infallible changed their formula... boooo) so I thought I would update you on my makeup routine. These will not be all drugstore brands. If you want my drugstore advice, go to the post I linked above. 
The order of my routine has also changed over time because I’m spending more money on products. This is for beginners in makeup who probably wouldn’t know as much as someone who spends a lot of time on youtube (god knows I don’t) so it’s probably gonna be pretty basic. 
Basically, if you’re like me and you don’t have an older sister giving you advice on makeup, this is for you! 
Step one: Moisturizer! 
So, it turns out your makeup stays on way better when you put moisturizer on first. Your skin, when it’s oily like mine (ours) gets unbalanced and the oils are in different places, causing some of your makeup to stay on, and some to slide off. I’ve been using Caudalie Vinosource Moisturizing Sorbet, which I really like because it soothes the redness of my skin from my acne scars. When you’re using your fingers, start around your nose (the more oily place, basically) and brush out with the pads of your fingers. I don’t know why this works better, but it does. 
Step two: Primer!
There’s a lot that you can use for primers, I personally don’t stick to one. For acne scarring and redness, I would try smashbox photo finish-- the green one. It helps with pigmentation. I also really like the Milk blur stick and I still adore the Rimmel London Stay Matte primer. I’ve found that the primers with the stickier consistencies work better for me. 
Step three: Take a break.
I recently realized that my makeup lasts about 85 times longer when I do my eye makeup after I do my primer and moisturizer. Tangent: My eyelashes never, ever curl, so I’ve been using Covergirl the Supersizer Waterproof Mascara lately. It is literally the only mascara in the universe that will get my lashes to stay up. However, I don’t love the way it kinda thins my lashes out, so I’ve been trying to come up with a routine where I combine it with Lash Paradise (a Better Than Sex Mascara dupe) to create a thicker, more dramatic look. Everyone’s been raving about Lash Paradise, for the record. When I went to Ulta to grab it, there were literally only two left. Unfortunately, it doesn’t hold my curl, so that makes me sad. 
Step four: Foundation!
I tried to fight it. I tried to deny it. Kat Von D’s Lock-It foundation.... you’re undeniable. It’s the best color match of my life-- usually makeup professionals white-wash me; I have this olive-y Jewish skin that’s pretty pale, but it’s not, like, pale-pale. This foundation actually matches it and it makes me g l o w. It stays on 6-ever. I take my wet beauty blender (it goes on better when it’s wetter and you use less product, which means the product lasts longer and you don’t have to buy it again sooner) and put little dots on my face. Then I blend all the dots together. I use light, blotty strokes, except for where I press harder, which is in areas that are super red for me-- above the eyebrows, above the upper lip, especially. I either do one and a half pumps, one layer, or two pumps with two layers, depending on how thick I want it. And. It. WORKS! (This has become a lot of oily skinned people’s holy grail foundation. It is #blessed.) 
Step five: Concealer!
I’d been using Mac’s pro-longwear concealer since high school, and I really liked it. I know it oxidizes weird on some people’s skin, but it worked fine with me. However, when I switched to Lock-It, I also happened to be running out of concealer, so instead of hopping from Sephora to Macy’s to grab my usual Mac go-to, I just snatched up the Lock-It concealer that matched my color. I really like it because instead of a pump like the Mac pro-longwear, it comes with a little stick, like a liquid lipstick. You can use that stick to apply very little or alot, and it saves product and is very precise. I tuck it onto any really bad acne spots (it doesn’t really help with the pockmarks I have above my left eyebrow, but nothing does), then I put it on top of my nose, in the side creases of my nose, the creases of my smile lines (they always lose makeup first and it’s like a weird red wrinkle), the crease of my chin, and a little V under my eye. Then I blend together with the smaller end of my beauty blender. The nose doesn’t last forever, but this is far better than any other makeup I’ve used so far, when it comes to makeup sliding off. 
Step six: Setting Powder!
I rarely experiment with powder. What I’ll suggest is to get a really, really big powder brush but then don’t brush it on-- kinda blot it on obnoxiously. Like, pat pat pat with the brush. This seems to work better for me. For oily skin, I would still suggest Rimmel London translucent stay-matte setting power. It’s my go-to drugstore brand, but, like I said, I don’t really experiment much here. However, I doubt it’s the end-all-be-all for powder, so here’s a link for best setting powders at various price ranges. Many people swear by Laura Mercier, Make Up For Ever, and L'oreal Paris, which all come in at different prices. Experimenting here is my September makeup goal.  
Step seven: Setting spray!
This is a must for anyone with oily skin. Sorry, girls, but we gotta do it. Last time I made this post, I was swearing by Model In A Bottle, which is okay, but I’ve come to realize that it’s not the best. The best of the best is Make Up For Ever Mist & Fix Setting Spray. It is everything to me. I don’t love the way Lock-It smells, and then I spray the Mist & Fix over it and I’m like “wow I smell delicious.” I had to go to multiple Sephoras to get it because it is always sold out. But I am officially Make Up For Ever’s bitch. 
Step eight: Skincare!
Okay, I know. This is the most boring part ever. But let’s talk skin care for people with oily, sensitive, or red-prone skin. Hi, friends. I am all of you. 
Here’s what I’m using right now: 
Boscia Makeup-Breakup Cool Cleansing Oil
You put it on your skin and it takes off all your makeup, then you splash water on it and it becomes a cleanser. If you put it on your eyes and scrub, yes, it will take off even the toughest mascaras. 
Ren Evercalm Cleansing Milk
Daily, just a gentle cleanser. 
Ren Evercalm Ultra Comforting Rescue Mask
A few times a week, 10 to 15 mins. Or use it when your face is a total disaster, like post-period, if you’re a person who gets a period. 
Ole Henriksen Balancing Force Oil Control Toner 
Daily, toner that tackles discoloration and oily skin
Neogen Dermalogy Bio-Peel Gauze Peeling - Lemon
Little double sides cleansing pads, two or three times a week. There’s a soft side and an exfoliating side. The lemon juice is meant to lighten, brighten, and even out the skin. Then you wash it off and put your toner over it to complete your evening routine!
Now let’s talk about the elephant in the room: Money. I know this sounds really, really expensive... and it is. But don’t forget that these are not products that I buy each and every month. They last. I buy products in waves-- so I’m replenishing things probably once a month, but not the same things. I’ve been using my moisturizer, my makeup-breakup cleansing oil, and my bio-peel gauze since late-May and I haven’t had to replace them yet. The powder lasts 5ever. I’ve been using Lock-It for a month and I’m not even close to having to replace it. It’ll probably last me another month, if not longer, because I’m not even halfway through the bottle yet. The Make Up For Ever Mist & Fix will last me even longer-- the bottle is huge and it doesn’t go fast, which is why it’s pricier. 
Which is simply to say..... prioritize. You don’t have to spend all this money at once. God knows I wouldn’t. For me, the foundation, concealer, and setting spray are the three most important things. If you go to sephora, they’ll tell you that the skin care stuff is what you need to get your hands on first. As for primers, Rimmel London is drugstore and has never failed me, I buy cheap-ass blush and highlighter, you could probably get a temp-moisturizer and wait to get a more expensive one. If you were to go to Sephora or Ulta and tell them your price range for a certain item, someone would be able to help you find what you’re looking for. There’s a wide range of prices for makeup. Ulta is drugstore-to-middle and Sephora is middle-to-high-end, product-wise
Plus, these products are sometimes less money in other places. Check Ulta, Sephora, Amazon, Target, and CVS before buying a product. The higher-end stuff, you won’t find at Target or CVS, and there’s some stuff that’s a little more exclusive to Sephora so you won’t even be able to find it at Ulta, but basically all of these products can be found on Amazon (sometimes more expensive, sometimes less) and a bunch can be found in drugstores. Shop around for the best price! Sometimes the price difference is actually really big.
And don’t forget, everyone’s skin is different. There are products that might work for me that might not work for you and vice versa. Everybody’s skin has different quirks and evilness. Figure out how to take care of yours if it’s something you care about. Good luck, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask! Okay, I have officially older-sistered you. 
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rassasassalin · 7 years
Kane, Kane I love you, but I don't want to see you fight Brock.  It'll be the worst kind of trainwreck.  I don't even really wanna see Braun fight Brock again, just because I don't trust them to do right and have him beat mister dickchest.
...Kurt, really?  Jfc.  I guess it'll bring the casual fans in.  Fuck me, I'm just so tired of Brock.  Love Heyman, hate seeing that dumb purple face and penis tattoo.
Joe Rollins... Yeah, that'll be a good match, but it doesn't quite get the gross lesner taste outta my mouth.
Don't call Seth bad, Cole, he's trying to redeem himse- JORDAN WHAT ARE YOU DOING PLEASE STOP I REALLY LEGITIMATELY WANT TO LIKE YOU AND YOU ARE MAKING IT VERY HARD TO DO. Fuckin Seth's face, tho, like "who the hell is this child and who let him in my ring???"  Man is lucky that Dean hasn't dropped down from the ceiling to try and brutalize him.
Ah Joe, you know you're always the bell of any ball that matters.
Not sure Seth's one to talk about Daddy issues considering his history with Trips and Steph, but  ok, you a face now, we'll politely ignore the things you did as a heel.
Things I would not actually be surprised should they happen: Joe ends up kind of adopting Jason Jordan as his pupil/understudy for the purpose of annoying the shit out of Kurt as Jordan goes through his rebellious stage.
...A WWF commercial on the WWE is really weirding me out.  I mean, hell yeah, let's stop tiger poaching, but like... 's'weird.
I don't like that noise Seth made when he was rammed into the barricade, if he could never make that noise again that'd be great. Is the crowd chanting boring?  People have no appreciation for ring psychology anymore.  I know you guys don't like Jordan, but let him try to murder Seth's back jfc it makes sense, let the boy live. Wow, yeah, that probably should have been Jordan's win, wow.  Also, nice to see American Alpha on the same super cool suplexing lane.  I can dig it.
Pffff, Love Tap.  It's just a lil' love tap.  Love Booker T.
Dean called Sheamus and Cesaro the Europeans.  AND HE CAN'T TEAM WITH A FACE LIKE JORDAN'S.  DEANO.  Deano please.  I can't.
...I also can't deal with bwoken matt please oh my god i just want bray to be taken seriously and also want matt to do ridiculously stupid backyard wrestling shit and i'm just not sure i can get both at the same time.
Things I am honestly surprised by: The fact that nobody has found a way to get the chant "Oooo-ver" into Finn's theme song.  Or just, chanting Over at him any time he's in the ring.
Book, come on dude, give m'boys a chance before you say their strategy aint workin, the match only just started. Oops, someone's bleedin. Oh boyos, boooo, why you gotta be like that, come on that's not HOLY SHIT HIDEO!  I was NOT expecting him tonight!!!
...is... are they thinking of moving Finn over to 205 live?  Hideo's already there, and Vince has a habit of purposefully putting people that he doesn't think has what it takes in no win situations just so he can say he was right all along.  Well, joke's on fucking you McMahon, because those of us who actually watch the cruiserweights are totally aware of how amazing their in ring work and story telling is, and if you bring Finn over, all you're going to do is get more people to watch them and come to the same realization.  Bringing Finn over might very well make 205 a serious contender against NXT as far as loyal and slightly rabid fanbases go. ...Also did Cole say something about the Zo Train and then Drew Gulak as a separate entity from said train of Enzo???  Should I be reading into that?
That's my dude, Cedric.  Glad you know better than to underestimate Drew.
...Wheeeeeeen will I get my UK boys on their own shooooooooow?????????
Oh my god, here we go, I'm not ready, Drew bby pls Fucking yes those cheers were for Drew thank you for noticing Enzo. ...Hmm... I think they're doing the thin DREEEEEEWW FUCKLNDF KILL ME RIGHT NOW BABY NO HOW DARE YOU FUCKING JAR JAR I'M GONNA DIE I CAN"T FUCKING PLEASE STOP ALSO HE"S NOT YOUR BEST FRIEND HOW DARE YOU HOW DARE YOU FUCKING THANK YOU CEDRIC ...Where is Enzo going?  How is going to help Drew cheat from up there?  Also I just noticed Drew's Trunks I think I like them but might also kind of hate thhem they somehow look kinda skimpier than his black ones and I'm not sure how or why Zulak.  Eheheh.  Zuul motherfucker. Okay, so, typing this out while having my eyes glued on the screen so will probably have a number of interjections when exciting things happen, but I'm thinking maybe to explain this whole coming out like Drew didn't do nothing wrong- Drew holy shit, don't flip over the top rope like that, thanks- might be because they're doing that thing where they act like nothing happened on tuesday because they assume that the regular audience didn't bother to watch, which is like... I sort of understand but it also really pisses me off.  Wrestling fans in general aren't actually that stupid, and fun fact, Drew Gulak and Enzo Amore are in fact good enough story tellers to say through a few words, and show through their actions, that shit went down.  That's kind of the great thing about wrestling.  It's a soap opera in the way that you can stop watching for years and years and years, and come back- Sweet baby jesus another WWF commercial what the hell is happening here- to basically any show and pretty much have a pretty good idea of what's going on, storyline wise. -Look, if Cedric wasn't on the top rope, he couldn't be tossed off it, let's be real.  ALSO AMORE YOU SHUT YOUR WHORE MOUTH AND STOP THREATENING MY DREW AND STOP CALLING HIM GABBY GOO GOO I DON'T APPROVE but I do approve Drew working the wings and back like how beautiful i do legitimately love technical wrestling- Just given the action of the "actors" we can tell who's a good guy, who's a baddy, who's got beef with who, and anything that can't be super easily explained, we got video packages for. I'm kind of seriously worried that they're going to do a- FUCKING BEAUTIFUL TIE HIM UP DREW I LOVE HIM SO MUCH SHUT THE FUCK ENZO  FUCK ME THAT FIGHTING FOR THE BOTTOM ROPE WAS FUCKING AMAZING  AND where the fuck is Zo going????  Drew, no, come on, don't get distrac- fuck.  Too late.  Drew is... is Drew bleeding he IS Fuck me, okay, kinda figured that's how this'll beeeee Nia no why???
Shit, okay, thought I was having- Enzo's going to get used and abused, by his train and by Nia probably until the only one he has left is Drew, who is lame and a dweeb and a fucking square but you know what unlike everyone else he's been a true friend despite everything that Enzo has put him through and so, through Drew's good dork heart, he helps mends Enzo so he stops being so jaded and hurt after what Cas did to him.  Or not.  Probably not, at all, but it's a road that they could go down should they choose to.
Mmmkay, Asuka win, unsurprising, slightly surprised that Absolution hasn't come back out to fuck with her again.  Like, if I was eventually going to be going up against Asuka, I'd be playing mindgames and beating her down to give myself a weakpoint to target later on every chance I got.
Shhhiiiiiit, I remember that countdown, it was Ammmaaaaaazing~  I popped as hard as an 8yo could pop and I didn't quite understand what was happening but I knew that I would never be the same Ageen.  Good times.  Good fucking times.
Ah yes, and here come *in Ambrose Voice* The Europeans.  I'm sorry, I'm never going to get over it, it makes me want to both laugh and cry, Deano has a gift on the mic truly.
Not to be a grammarnazi, but it's you'RE a stupid idiot, not your.
Calling it now- Jason is gonna get in Dean's way/ knocked into him or Seth, and Ambrose is going to get distracted enough with beating the shit out of him that it somehow causes him and Seth to lose the match, either because Seth'll go for the tag and no one will be there, or someone's gonna get ambushed and then pinned real quick.  That, or Dean tries to push Jordan out of the way, and so Jordan jumps in to fight back and they lose because of that.
Woooooooow, Jordan.  Slow your damn roll. I mean, I don't think I'd have started with Seth either, because he's obviously still feeling that earlier fight, but still.  You don't go at it that way.  C'mon man. Ahahahaa omg what the hell was that slide across the ring by Cesaro that was the oddest looking thing I've seen in ages.  I mean, I appreciate the blueballing against a hot tag, but like, ehehe I want to be mad but I'm just giggling. Dean, I appreciate you putting Seth back in the ring but why didn't you put him back in closer to your corner??? Shit, Dean, are you okay???  Fuck, shit, that better be a work, jesus, oh no, ohhhh no please come on oh shit I don't like that ending it was awkward as fuck fuuuuuuuck deano....
...No, wait, uh, uhhhh, they setting up for a turn?  I mean, Dean's the obvious one to make a heel turn on the Shield right now.  Personally, I'd go with Roman, because it'd be less expected and unfortunately people are going to go back to booing him as soon as the Shield isn't around anymore so you might as well give the crowds a REASON to boo him, but I know Dean's the lunatic so...  Christ I really hope this is a work and he's not actually hurt...
Limo???  Oh!  Oh, Steph's home!  Nice!
...Matt, omg.  I'd watch Matt fight a fish.  ...Woken Warriors.  Matt, please stop. ...Fuck me, they're going to go back to crossdressing Bray again.  Please, let's not do that again. I like that Corey is a Woken Warrior.  I shouldn't, but I do.
Okay, okay, they're showing Dean getting hurt alot, so... maybe yes a work???  YES, Okay, attack backstage means work, definitely work.  Or like, Dean does have issues with his arm so he needs time off to get it fixed.   They used to do this all the time to let the wrestlers have Kayfabe reasons to not be around for a couple of months.  But like... they're pretty upfront about when a guy or gal does get injured now, so...  I have no idea what's going on.
Fuck yeah, welcome back Revival.  Missed you boys.  Who's their first victims then?  Oh, Heath and Rhyno.  Awww.  Well, makes sense.  At least they're getting tv timmmmmmm what is Dana Wearing???  Why???????  BOOKER MY DUDE NO PLEASE DON'T TALK ABOUT DANA COUNTING CALORIES THAT'S NOT COOL.
KURT DON'T YOU FIRE MY HEATH HE'S GOT KIDS!!!  oh god what is rhyno gonna put heath through????
Hello Elias. ...I love Elias. please go caroling at me. Man fuck Goodell. I- what?  Sasha???  What are you doing?  Oh my god.  Are the girls gonna beat up Elias?  I mean, not that I'm super against it or anything, but like, why?  Is there a reason for this?  Has he done something?  Oh, it's because it's time for their match, right?  He's eating up their time.... Oh no that one buddy, that's so sad, but it was a good try Bailey. Bye, Elias.  Dude...  You can't not hug Bailey.
...Why HASN'T Nia been more involved with fighting Absolution.  She's a huge threat.  You'd think they'd try to take her out early. ...Dana changed her clothes. Well, hello there Boss Lady. Paige looks like she knows she's about to be grounded but is trying to play it cool.
I'd like to point out that if there was a big ol' fella rumble going on and an Dude McMahon came out, they wouldn't have stopped fighting.  But the Ladies know when toooooooooo YESSSSS PLEASE STEPHANIE I WANT A FUCKING WOMEN'S RUMBLE YEP YEP YEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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