#so many cool and smart and interesting people are in this community
hood-ex · 5 months
bro. i’ve been following u for like 2-3 years and for some reason i just can’t believe you’ve been in this fandom for so long and how active u r lmao, so just wanted to say thank u for feeding me with dick grayson content all these years 💗💗💗
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eisforeidolon · 1 month
Question: You guys have been so close for so long, what would you say each other's greatest character trait is and why?
Jared: As people? And I have to say this in front of him?
[Jensen theatrically turns to Jared, crosses his leg, and props his chin on his hand to listen]
Jared: I mean, where do I start, honestly? But I'd say one of the things that has been abundantly obvious to me, and I relied on for almost the last twenty years? Is he doesn't give up. He doesn't give up - not on a project, not on a person. He just goes, like, alright, one step at a time, let's do it. Not that he doesn't get down, I mean, we're all humans, we have good days and bad days [Jensen nods]. But when the shit hits the fan, he's - I always said he'd be a good, like, Navy Seal or something. 'Cause he's just like, okay, what's next? I can't change that, what are we doing? Like, didn't you just hear, the camera broke, the stage is on fire. And he's like, alright, well, can we get something from tomorrow's work? Like, he's just sort of like, alright - he goes. And that, that - I don't want to say it's confidence, because it doesn't come from a place of arrogance, or some ego? It just comes from alright then what can we do? And so it's infectious to go like, well, that guy over there, Jensen, he's still ready to get after it, even though everything went wrong and everything broke and everything's on fire, he's still ready to carry on. To borrow the name of an episode. So I think that that permeates a lot of his life, whether things are great or things are not great? He just goes, like, okay, cool, what's next? I can't change that, so what can I do, what can we do? And he doesn't put - he's not one of those drill sergeant, hey, I'm ready to do it, you better do it. But you see him doing and well, if he can do it, then maybe I can, too. So it's a very hopeful attitude, that I really appreciated. [Jensen pats Jared's leg, Jared pats his back]
Jensen: There are many, so I will pick one. And one that I admire and I, you know, wish I had more of is his appetite for knowledge in the things he becomes even remotely interested in. He can take a subject, any topic, and wonder about it. And he doesn't continue to wonder very long. I just kind of sit in that wonderment for a while, oh, that's - I wish I knew more about that. Oh well. Jared dives deep. And almost in just an insatiable appetite way of wanting to know more and that zest for knowledge and life is - it's inspiring? But it's just so unique and powerful for somebody to have that and have that drive to wanna know so much more about so many different - I mean the guy is insanely intelligent in a way that - I always knew he was smart, I always knew he had a really great head on his shoulder, but. Shoulders. Two just stunningly muscular shoulders. But he gets an interest in something and he just digs in so, like, amazingly. And any subject - if it's academics, if it's wanting to know about - like I'm always like, hey Jared, what supplements should I be on? Because I know he knows all about it. Or hey man, I'm looking for a book right now, what are your recommendations? And he'll give me thirteen, fourteen recommendations. He just has - his brain works in just such a brilliant way that I've always been in awe of how he's able to do that and do it consistently. You know he doesn't burn out, he doesn't tire out with the zest that he has for wanting to know more about life, and it too is infectious. And I was it was more infectious, I wish I would be infected with it completely. But I get a little bit of it and it's inspiring for me to wanna just know more and learn more and have that desire for knowledge the way he does. It's really really impressive and I think it's had an amazing impact on his life and the way that he can relate to so many different - you put him in a room with anybody and he will have a researched knowledgeable way of communicating with just about anybody and everybody on almost any topic. And that to me is just incredible, so. And again, that's one of many things that I could say, but that one just popped to the front. [Jared squeezes Jensen's knee and then puts his hand on his back]
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heya-dollface · 4 months
Where can I find patterns for making Fashion Doll Clothes?
A friend and I were chatting tonight about doll clothes, and it occurred to me that if you've never dabbled in making doll clothes before, you may not know where to find patterns for them. So I'm sharing a list with you guys of every resource I know of.
Paid-For Patterns:
Requiem Arts: https://raddollclothes.com/
This is one of the big go-to's of the community. Requiem Arts has patterns for so many different fashion dolls, from Monster High (G1 and G3) to Rainbow High, to a number of BJDs, to Barbies, and even several for the boy dolls. I've gone to them for many a Descendants pattern since not a lot of places offer them. Her blog also features a number of great posts on size differences between dolls, fixing articulation, and more.
Dollightful: https://www.etsy.com/shop/DollightfulPatterns
If you need Monster High and Ever After High patterns with easy to follow instructions, this is the place to go! Dollightful only has a handful of patterns up, but her instructions are super easy to follow. They're just as enjoyable as her YouTube videos.
Moonlight Jewel: https://moonlightjeweldolls.myshopify.com/collections/ebooks
This artist has an interesting mix of patterns for fashion dolls, once again it's a lot of Monster High, but also a little bit of Rainbow High. I have her two pattern books, and they've got some wonderful picture instructions that put into perspective how to follow along. I hadn't realized until making this post that she's released a couple of individual patterns from her YouTube videos, that's really cool!
Enchanterium: https://www.enchanterium.com/shop
The Enchanterium sisters are a delight, and their patterns for MH, EAH, and Smart Dolls encompass a wide variety of genres. They even have some 3D printing files for shoes and accessories.
Cosmomoore: https://ko-fi.com/cosmomoore/shop/sewingpatterns
Cosmomoore is great if you need patterns for Rainbow High, Barbie, or G3 Monster High. All of the G3 patterns are under the Creepy Class tag. I've tried their skirt pattern for G3 Draculaura, it was a breeze to put together when you know a few basic stitches.
Free Patterns:
Enchanterium: https://www.enchanterium.com/shop/freebies
Enchanterium offers a number of freebies at this link! Most of them are patterns from their older YouTube videos, so there's those as a resource to follow along with.
Cosmomoore: https://ko-fi.com/cosmomoore/shop/sewingpatterns
Once again, this artist has a number of freebies, but they don't have a specific tag.
Poulpe en Ciel's Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1lkI6inme4K6wxw0IqTSGGju2bIQMln_A
This artist is known for having some truly extravagant patterns for Monster High and Cave Club dolls. And she offers them in both English and French! Highly recommend checking out Poulpe on Instagram, her dolls are absolutely to die for, and she puts so much heart into making her stuff accessible for the wider community.
Chellywood: https://chellywood.com/
Chellywood's website is a diamond in the rough. If you're looking for a doll pattern for a doll most people don't make patterns for, Chelly probably has it. Her website is organized by size and goes into individualized pages for each doll line. It's fantastic. And on top of that, she has YouTube videos!
MyFroggyStuff: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOJWM4ft-CgHQI3fhqNJzWLG30C45Xl3xs-tgatId430gKVW-J8w5cB9ViW2jRPFw?pli=1&key=Y2Y2UDJ6S01Gb2EwUHRZUVJDdm9FanpMdDZzY1RR
Barbie lovers rejoice, this is your kingdom! While there's no tagging system here, Toya has patterns for everything, from mermaid tails to cute easy dresses, this is a great place to go. Her YouTube channel is also an endless resource of creativity.
If you have any resources for patterns, or for places to buy doll clothing, feel free to reblog! I'd love to include more people from our lovely doll community so people know about them!
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lunadileo · 2 years
ღ Astrology Notes ღ
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These are my personal observations that I wrote based on people around me and many years of observing them. Happy Holidays! ✨🎄🥂
💕 People with Taurus Venus are naturally such great gift givers. Their taste is impeccable and refind. They’d rather go for an expensive gift of high quality (perfume, jewellery, spa certificate) as they have a very good sense of style. They love spoiling both themselves and their loved ones. 🥰
💕 People with Pisces Moon are very sensitive and compassionate to other people, their emotions and feelings. They naturally tend to be very self-sacrificing and put the comfort and wellbeing of others first, which can often be taken for granted. Nevertheless, people with Pisces Moon are very kind-hearted, talented, intuitive and generous beings. 😍
💕 People with Taurus in the 6th house value comfort so much. They love coming home to coziness and safety every day after work, make a cup of their favourite tea, lay down under the warm blanket and watch their favourite tv series. They love for their days to go as predictable and smooth as possible. They also hate to be in a rush and mostly prefer to laze around the house. ☺️
💕 It’s very important for women with Taurus in the 7th house/Taurus Descendant to find a sense of safety and reliability in their partner. They are traditional and want their partner to take very good care of them and provide for them materially, financially and emotionally. They also love to be spoiled with gifts, receive gorgeous bouquets of flowers, love and attention. 💞
💕 People with Scorpio Rising/Pluto in the 1st house go through many transformations since the beginning of their life. They grow wiser and stronger each time, however, many people can sense constant heaviness and toughness present in their energy. These people emanate the deepest sense of unmatchable power, inner strength and are never scared to face things and people head on. Others never dare to come at them or start arguments. 👁
💕 People with Leo on the 9th house cusp are usually very successful with their studies at universities. They are interested in studying foreign languages, international affairs or intercultural communication. They may also love studying languages, geography and world history at school. Travelling is their biggest passion and motivation. 🗺
💕 People with Aquarius on the 3rd house cusp/Uranus in the 3rd house have very unique and unusual thoughts. They naturally think in an innovative and smart way. They are ahead of their time, in a good way. Many people don’t understand them and find their ideas to be weird and unconventional, not “fitting in”. Natives with these placements don’t care though and learn to accept themselves and voice their opinions over time. 🧠
💕 Men with 10th house stellium tend to be very focused on their career and public life. Their reputation is extremely important to them, they may be afraid of public judgement or being seen in a negative light. In some cases, they may neglect their families (spouses and children) and put the majority of their time and focus only on their work and getting money.
💕 People with Virgo Mars are very good workers. They are dutiful, reliable and organised. They love to complete their tasks one by one in a calm and relaxed manner. Working under pressure is not their biggest strength. 👩🏻‍💻
💕 Women who have Leo Sun Aries Moon usually occupy the leading position at work and tend to be very harsh and demanding bosses. Their colleagues and employees may not feel at ease around them, some may even fear them. Nevertheless, women with these placements are strong and don’t lose their cool in the critical situations, they handle them with confidence and authority. 🔥
💕 People with Venus Conjunct Saturn want to have that “one and only” type of partner, relationship and marriage. They will never commit to the person they don’t trust or connect with just for the sake of being in a relationship. They’d rather wait for the real one that they can build something significant and long lasting with rather than waste their time going from one shallow relationship to another. Very beautiful and thoughtful placement. ❤️
💕 Women with Leo Venus love to be spoiled with expensive gifts, love, adoration and attention. They are very fashionable and love buying designer clothes and items. Moreover, they have a very good sense of self-love and self-respect, that’s why they demand and expect the same treatment from their partner. They will never settle for less than what they think they deserve. 💖
💕 It takes some time for people with Taurus Mercury to process new information. They usually need to reread and repeat certain topics until they’re able to fully grasp it. When they do, they’ll remember the information very well and for a long period of time. People with this placement may also enjoy soft jazz music playing in the background while they are studying. 🎷
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© 2022 Credits to my blog @lunadileo ღ
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httpstes · 2 years
Observations of the Mercury placements
This is kind of like a pt.2 to the mini observations of the moon signs that I posted to my second account. I would’ve posted this there but I honestly don’t think i’ll make anymore astrology posts on that account. I’ll link it for those who want to see :) Mini observations of the moon signs. I might add more onto this as time goes on :D
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Mercury in 5H may be very interested in art, history, literature ect.
Mercury in 5H also know how to have a good time, like literally, they make conversations so fun and easy, esp for people who struggle to continue conversations.
Mercurial dominants are for some reason similar to uranus doms imo. However Uranus is more about change and revolution meanwhile mercury is more intellect and personal power.
Mercurial dominants are really easy to spot, they’re very eccentric yet sophisticated. They look all over the place but put together at the same time. They’re really unique individuals.
Mercury in Cancer relies on past experiences/knowledge to help them in tough situations.
I noticed they may find it hard to improvise on the spot. And though Cancer mercurians do have strong intuition, it’s hard for these individuals to decipher whether it’s intuition or if they’re overthinking it.
Mercury in 4H may write/create deep and emotional pieces that can resonate with a lot of people and their childhoods.
Mercury in Cancer at an Aries degree might come off as petty or vengeful. I know many cancer mercuries that have an Aries degree on it, and god these people like drama 😭
Mercury in Aquarius could be into alternative/grunge music.
Not to be stereotypical or anything, but taurus mercuries/mercury in the 2H do have very beautiful voices. Even if they don’t believe it themselves, their voices are so soothing to hear, they sound poised and elegant lol.
Scorpio mercuries analyse EVERYTHING. Every small thing, they will dissect and uncover istg. They’re also good at getting to the root of a problem in any dynamic/situation. This is due to their good analysis skills as well as emotional intelligence.
Mercury in 10H, similar to 1H, look like smart individuals. Except unlike the first house, mercurial qualities aren’t apart of their personality (unless ofc they have a virgo/gemini rising, major mercurial influence) Mercury in 10H individuals look smart and put together when out in public but people who are close to them know they are actually really scatter brained🙏
Mercury in Capricorn have dry humour, and i love it. They are very sarcastic individuals and I love them for it.
Mercury in 11H individuals are social butterflies even if they don’t think so themselves. They always manage to get on peoples good sides without even doing anything.
Mercury in 11H can manifest easily through communication, writing and visualisation.
Yeah. Libra mercuries are very balanced people. Mentally at least. They really do want the best for everyone and want a fair playing field for all. These individuals could be heavily involved in protests for equal rights, and they enjoy bringing attention to things that need to be talked more about in society.
Libra mercuries are also really funny people, ESP IF THEY HAVE AQUARIUS PLACEMENTS!!
Mercury in 12H could come off as very shy people. Of course this is dependant on the sign mercury is in and the aspects made to it, however I noticed most Mercury in 12H at first really come off as quiet.
Mercury in 12H also may be very detached mentally. They could be more attached and grounded in their imagination. These are the types of people who have dreams that really drain them in their waking life. It’s like their dreams have a huge mental impact on them. Ik many ppl with this placement who use a dream journal as well.
imo the most emotionally/intellectually mature mercury placements are scorpio/cancer/aquarius/taurus mercuries, 8H/3H/10H Mercuries and Moon-Mercury, Jupiter Mercury aspects
Leo and Gemini mercuries are so cool istg. I love how vibrant you guys are when you talk. Leo is very entertaining to listen to (this highkey applies to sagittarius mercury as well) and they’re just so funny to watch LMAO. Many Gemini mercuries I have met are actually really jittery and like move a lot when they talk, lots of them barely hold eye contact with me either it’s so cute. Some of them actually may struggle with speaking out loud in front of people but they are extremely talented writers.
Interest in writing/Talented at writing = Venus/Moon/Mercury/Jupiter in 3H as well as Sun/Venus/Moon/Jupiter conj Mercury.
I also feel like Saturn in 3H may enjoy writing but they may have struggled a lot with english or communication as a kid but grew to like it as they aged.
this is a very random assumption I just made, but maybe saturn in 3H have really well structured writing ? I feel like they would be really good at essay writing and exam prep, because they won’t go off topic or anything, they can keep things short and concise while also describing things in detail.
Meanwhile Venus in 3H may have a very soft and delicate writing style. The words they use are unique and really paint a picture inside the readers mind.
Mars 3H might be good at persuasive writing/speeches. Could be good at making eye catching advertisements, good catch phrases, y’all should get into marketing or sumn.
Fixed mercuries are the types to stand up strongly for what they believe in and i admire this wholeheartedly.
3H Moon may have lots of writing pieces that are perceived as very emotional and deep.
Uranus in 3H may be interested in and good at all types of writing. They get bored of sticking to one topic so they may struggle writing essays.
Pluto 3H may have very dark ideas that they can easily put onto the page. Traumas they have experienced, or any issues that they have in their lives can be written in a beautiful manner by these individuals.
Ok im done with my 3H/writing tangent 😭
Maybe this is just me, but i notice you attract a lot of individuals with mercury placements that are extremely similar to yours. For example, many of my friends have Cancer mercuries, I am a cancer mercury myself. I have a 3H mercury and I attract a lot of people who have mercuries in air houses, no matter the sign. (Air houses = 3H/Gemini, 7H/Libra, 11H/Aquarius)
Mercury-Neptune I feel is similar to 12H Mercury, these individuals could have very vivid imaginations, ones that they easily can get lost in.
I feel as though many people misinterpret mercury in 12H/Neptune-mercury’s words.
Capricorn Mercuries have a really monotone sounding voice ? Think text-speech voice on tiktok but more human like ?? 😭 I MEAN THIS IN A GOOD WAY. Because they have a very ‘matter of fact’ type of voice it makes me want to listen to them and take whatever they’re saying seriously. I’m on the floor for you guys atp, if I have to, I will lower my standards for you
Mercury in 4H may have been seen as the smart child in the family.
Mercury in 4H may also write really deep literature/lyrics that resonates with many individuals childhoods.
Mercury in Sagittarius, are blunt in the best way possible. Mercury in Sag are really good at explaining things and giving advice as well. (This is esp true if their mercury is in an earth house, ie. 2H/6H/10H)
Many Mercury in Sag individuals are also powerful speakers, this is because many people with this placement in my generation have their Mercury conj Pluto.
Mercury in Taurus take a while to learn things, this does not mean they are slow in the head, actually quite opposite. They’re very strategic and work at their own pace, and even though to others it seems like they’re taking their sweet time, they are building up a lot behind the scenes and turn out to be ones that are the best in their profession. Definition of work smart not hard. Plus they do all of this in such a aesthetically pleasing way 😭
Mercury in 8H can make very beautiful and meaningful art. Whether it be music, paintings, literature, makeup and fashion, they always know how to reach deep within themselves and pour out the most authentic work.
As a 3H Mercury and Gemini Venus, I LOVEE Sag mercuries/9H Mercury placements/Mercury-Jupiter. I always learn something new from these individuals and they’re like my other half. My bestfriend has this placement and even though we’re quite different, we’re very mentally compatible for each other. She takes in information, analyses it, then spews it out for me to learn and understand. This is the best way I can describe it🙏
Gemini-Sag Mercurial placements (Any sag/gemini placements tbh) = teacher/student dynamic, in the least weird way possible LMAOO.
Pisces mercury individuals are very, very imaginative people. Esp when placed in the 11/5H. Pisces mercury in 11H makes these individuals big dreamers who daydream about the things they constantly want. Pisces mercury in 5H daydream about new and different things that they think are fun and may struggle to commit to one single idea/creative outlet.
Mercury in Aries are so authentically themselves. They don’t talk/say things to please other people, they say it because they want to. They always rely on their mind in the end, very independent individuals.
Mercury in 7H could be very relationship oriented and constantly are wanting to please others
Fixed mercuries are stubborn in terms of their beliefs and mindset. I’ve noticed these individuals find it hard to to analyse situations from another perspective as their opinion on the matter is what matters most. Out of all fixed signs though scorpio and Aquarius seem to be more open minded.
Cardinal Mercuries are the ones to speak up in class and actually raise their hands when everyone else is too afraid to.
Mutable mercuries, understandably are the individuals with the most easy going mindset. They find it easy to accept others beliefs even if those beliefs are highly criticised. Though, this does have its downside as mutable mercuries may change their opinions often and struggle to form strong opinions on different things in life.
Virgo mercuries may be very organised when speaking. They could overthink before even saying anything, so they go over everything and make sure that what they’re going to say is well structured and makes sense.
People who have Mercury in the 1st house look smart. Like i’m telling you every single person I’ve met who has this placement, look extremely punctual and intelligent.
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Poly-Dating Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn would include
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It feels like heaven, the best thing in the world. The only time they are truly happy. You are their reason for everything that they do and their drive. If you got harmed even a little bit they'd burn the world down. You are everything to them, they feel whole finally not just a villain or a bad person.
Well, they are both amazing at different things. Ivy is super cool and has the powers of the natural world at her fingertips, something even I cannot understand. Harley brings that energy and chaos that just gets your heart pumping and she can't help herself. Plus, they both get you, you all share so many of the same problems and have been there for each other. Overall, you're with two people who truly get you, and you get them.
You have your differences here and there, but ultimately they like you for who you are and that you can be yourself around them. You all have your ups and downs like any relationship, but the important part is that you have each other's backs and you're always there for each other. You know that you can count on each other to be there for the other when you need it most. That kind of trust is important, especially in a relationship like yours where you can be so different sometimes.
The chemistry is amazing, you make each other laugh. But then, Ivy is super strong and can protect you, you'll feel safe when you're with her. Sometimes she's even a little protective, so she is there for you, but she's not a pushover.
The cuddles are out of this world, and you'll love the way they both look at you. It's like they both worship you, which you'll appreciate and love your time together. Plus, they always push you to try new things, so they'll be a better person because you're dating them.
You'll absolutely love dating these two. Their the most beautiful women in the world, and they are also super smart and witty. You'll have a lot in common with them both, and it's never boring when their around. I think your relationship is very healthy, and you support each other in your individual interests (like Ivy fighting climate change and Harley robbing banks, etc).
well if you love both love plants and animals then you'll be able to have extra time with each girl, and you'll spend a lot of time together tending to your garden. Harly loves to cook for you and Ivy and enjoys watching movies and playing video games together. They are also both very passionate about social and political issues and often have long discussions about them. They also love to get dressed up and go to fancy events together. It really feels like you all are able to be authentic around each other, and you'll just feel so comfortable and at home when you're together.
You balance each other out well. Harly is impulsive and aggressive, and Ivy is more calculated and strategic. You all complement each other's strengths and help each other work on your weaknesses. For example, you and Ivy often reign Harley in if she's about to do something dangerous or reckless, and they'll encourage you to be more assertive and take more risks like they do. They both value communication and respect each other as individual people, and that makes your relationship work.
Quality Time and physical touch are the main love language, although they also express their love in acts of service. They also sometimes give gifts to each other.
You always sleep together, and cuddle all the time, it's their favorite form of affection and it makes them both feel comfortable and loved. It's really peaceful, and it's a great way to bond with someone else. It can make you feel so safe and comfortable being close to them, and it's really relaxing to just relax in the presence of someone that you love.
They are super open and honest with each other and you, so if they are jealous of someone or something, you'll have to trust each other enough to tell each other about it and talk it out. They also have great communication skills so you can talk through it without fighting. For them, being jealous is a sign that there's an issue in your relationship that needs to be resolved, so you all work together to fix it rather than fighting over who to blame.
People see you all as a cute couple, but they also think that you're strange. you're all very different people, so I'm sure people wonder how you make it work. But at the end of the day, you're people who love and respect each other and you're happy together. You're not hurting anyone, so who cares what people think?
You know all of each other's likes and dislikes, you have great chemistry with each other and you're always excited to be with each other. You all feel like you can be completely yourselves around each other, which is really important for a healthy and happy relationship. Plus, their both very committed to each other and you and to be a team. You all know that you're always there for each other, no matter what, and that gives them both a source of security and comfort.
You go on lots of cute dates like picnics in the park, or going out for dinner. You'll also like to do stuff outside like hiking or going to the beach. Ivy is really into nature so that stuff makes her happy. It's really nice to spend quality time with someone who you care about and who cares about you. It makes Halrey feel like she's not alone, and that she has people who support and understand her. Plus, they find each other and you really attractive, so that's a plus.
Harley feels that you are a great person. You're kind and considerate, and you always show her patience and understanding. You're a great listener, and you're always there for the blonde when she needs you. She thinks you are a very special person, and she appreciates you a lot. She also finds you to be really funny and has a great sense of humor, which makes spending time with you so much fun. She likes that your personalities are so different because it means that you're always learning from each other. Overall, she thinks you are a great person and that she's fortunate to have you in her life.
Ivy feels you get along really well, and have a lot of respect for each other. You're both very open with each other, and you're both very honest about your feelings. You've had some bumpy times over the years, but you've been able to talk through them and come out stronger as a result. She values your opinions and supports you in whatever you need her to do so.
The crime life is intense. You're always busy fighting Batman and the cops and robbing banks and causing general chaos around Gotham. But the real fun is when you're all together. You have a great dynamic, and you can get into trouble in the best way. Sometimes it's risky, but it's worth it to know that you're living life to the fullest. Of course, there are also moments when you need to pause and reflect on your choices as supers, so you're not all just running around blindly and doing things without thinking about the consequences. But it's all part of the ride.
You and Ivy have been a constant support to Harley, no matter what, even when she was tempted to go back to the Joker, you both were always there for her. Neither of you ever gave up on her, and your love helped her realize that she didn't need to go back to the Joker to be happy. She can be free, and she can be her own person, and she can be happy with you both.
Dating you has become like a dream come true you are the love of their life. They think you are truly really amazing, you never judge them, you are always there for them, and always so calm and collected. They know there's just no one like you and are happy to have you.
They love to take their time when they go down on you almost to an agonizing extent. They know exactly how to get you off without a hitch so their insistence to keep you on the edge and not give you just that little bit more is absolutely done on purpose.
Harley is a butt girl and Ivy is a hip/thigh girl. I just think they'd be especially attracted to those parts of you and would make an effort to grab them whenever they could.
Hearing you moan and listening to your praise is music to their ears mainly Harley. She’ll do whatever she can to make you and Ivy do it more.
Most of the time, the three of you usually wind up rolling around the sheets and taking turns fighting for dominance. They deeply love being both submissive and dominant though less willing to admit that they like having you take control, especially when you first start sleeping with each other.
They are definitely into bsdm. They enjoy the spanking, whipping, tying you up, the whole master/slave dynamic just everything about it.
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mrooops · 5 months
ok guys, no jokes, but what the fuck?
i want to touch a really really serious topic in pink floyd fandom rn and i want you all to listen to me at least once. i would really appreciate it if you spread this information. thank you
if you're the type of person who writes "well, waters is still better than gilmour", then just please unfollow me forever the fuck out
but it's ok i'll explain you why
well, a little backstory
while many believe that roger's political views are now quite correct, i want to remind you that he supports an aggressive invasion of the country where i live (Ukraine). if you are still interested, then yes, the war in Ukraine is still going on even if in the west now no one wants to pay attention to it anymore. for your understanding, on average we have 100 air raids in the city per month, at least once a week i definitely hear explosions and, yeah, i don’t live in a hot spot. and this guy just goes out and does an interview where he openly says that he supports the aggressor country. yeah, that's right, he was also allowed to speak at the UN council, where he said that the conflict was provoked. very smart. the same guy who said a couple of days before the war that those who believe that it will start are “out of their minds”
ok ok, but how does this relate to gilmour?
very simple. his daughter-in-law is Ukrainian. and her mother lived in a city that was one of the first to be attacked by the russian army. if you have never seen footage from Kharkiv in the first days of the war, then believe me, it was a terrible sight, people tried to help each other as best they could
and it is still going on
i don’t think it's cool to talk shit about one person who supports israel but then turn a blind eye to how another openly says that Taiwan should belong to china and Ukraine to russia and say "well, he is based", "he's better than gilmour"
if you have any other information about gilmour, you can share it with me.
i know you all really like young waters and i see a lot of positive things in him too, but i really can't stand the fact that now people only really look at how he feels about Palestine, even if i see a lot of articles and posts from adults, who say his support for Palestine is also twofold. don't wanna say anything bad about that because i haven’t studied this topic, but i think you can google them yourself, they always just come up
don't get me wrong, i'm not stopping you from sending pictures of him or drawing him, i'm just asking you not to write that he's better than someone else at something when he's not
oh yeah and one last thing...
if you are a supporter of communism, then get the fuck out too, because communism led to the fact that in the 60s in my country they killed almost all the poets who did not write something in support of the state. in history they were persecuted and killed because they wrote in their native language and mentioned Ukrainian culture. communism led to three great famines in our country, when people had so little to eat that they resorted to cannibalism. it's very scary, but it's true. this is what the government has led to when it wants to bring communism to life
communism is not a cool thing. it's cool in words, not on practice, read history
thank you for your attention
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paigegonerogue · 4 months
Dialogue Styles and The Last of Us
There are many different ways that media handles dialogue, but in my observations they can usually be sorted into three different categories: Poetic, Witty, and Real.
There are more complicated and technical ways to look at it, but most shows have one that is the main “style” of dialogue.
Poetic Dialogue: People talking pretty, basically. It’s unrealistic, but speaking in metaphors or beautiful words can make you cry or give you chills.
Many monologues use poetic dialogue. Think of Luthen’s “revolution” speech in Andor or Silco’s “drowning” speech from Arcane. Period pieces or fantasy media also tend to use poetic dialogue.
Witty Dialogue: Dialogue that’s funny or smart. It’s also unrealistic, but really fun to watch!
Most good comedies most often use witty dialogue, like Community, Arrested Development, and Brooklyn 99. As do dark comedies like Succession or Aaron Sorkin Dialouge like the Social Network (that movie fucks, btw).
Realist Dialogue: Pretty self explanatory. Realistic Dialouge that sounds like how real people talk.
Examples of good realist dialogue include The Bear and Better Call Saul.
(Quick side note: Realist Dialogue isn’t indistinguishable from normal conversation. Usually dialogue and the way people talk is very different. Real dialogue just captures a more natural and raw way of speaking than the other examples.)
So what category does The Last of Us fall into?
Well, here’s the interesting part. I would say that the game and the show fall into different dialogue categories.
I would say that the game falls into the ‘Witty’ dialogue type, while the show falls into the ‘Realist’ dialogue type.
The show also occasionally dabbles in Poetic Dialogue, like Bill’s speech to Frank at the end of ep 3, Joel’s “I’m failin’ her in my sleep’ speech. If you’ve watched Chernobyl you’ll know that mixing real and poetic dialogue is a Craig Mazin specialty.
While both, like most pieces of fiction, have moments of all three (like the show absolutely has witty moments and the game has poetic ones), their main styles are different.
While there are many ways that you can see the differences in dialogue styles, but the starkest contrast is the way Ellie talks.
In the game you can definitely see the Juno-esque origins of Ellie that people have speculated about. She talks with this quickness, even in dramatic moments. She’s always got a quip or a joke or something clever to say (though you see less of it in the final part of the game).
In the show Ellie talks more like a real teenager. She’s clever and a she’s funny, sure, but she also gets flustered or doesn’t know what to say. She says the wrong things or rambles or she blurts stuff out and she sounds young in a way that game Ellie doesn’t.
You can see the difference most clearly in scenes very similar in both the show and the game, like when she shoots the man in Kansas City/Pittsburg, or when she wakes up in David’s cage.
In both these scenes you can definitely see show Ellie a bit more flustered, a bit more scared, and a bit more young.
TLOU HBO was able to use it’s medium to increase the realism of the story (something I’ve talked about before), and a way of doing that is to change how the characters themselves speak.
There are many other examples, but these are definitely some of the clearest.
But while the way they talked changed, the characters stayed quite consistent with only a few very intentional differences, and I think it’s awesome, and a testament to how strong the characters were, and how the writing in the show is that it doesn’t feel too jarring or separate. At the end of the day they’re very different, but both absolutely play to their strengths as a medium and I think that’s pretty cool!
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northwest-cryptid · 2 months
Saying centralist websites "run the internet now" is extremely naive and narrow minded. I understand where you're coming from but that's doomer mentality.
The people behind the major centralized websites do not run the internet, you CAN be an adult on the internet, you CAN in fact do what you want on the internet. The thing is; you think the internet is Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and like Tiktok/Instagram. The centralized websites, and I understand why you do; I was literally talking about this on a forum not too long ago.
Centralized internet is a culture spread by those who wish to monopolize the web. Because you can't really monopolize the web the same way you can monopolize other goods and services. Facebook cannot stop me from making my own website, they can't stop me from participating in web rings, they can't stop me from using underground forums, and by extension they can't actually stop those websites and forums from becoming popular.
What they CAN do is make you believe those things don't exist, or that they run the internet, or that the centralized websites are the only websites that matter.
Not to sound like I'm spewing some high fantasy/anime bullshit about like "The Centralized Internet that is made up of the Big 5 Websites" and shit; but that's literally how the internet works post Y2K. The internet is this huge and interesting and cool thing where you could literally do basically whatever you want with your own space, but the major companies who want to monopolize the web know this. So they created websites that give you just enough ease of use to where you would become basically dependent on them; you'd take what they give you and not want for more, you'd not know you have the option, you'd not think of it and not know how to even begin.
I cannot tell you how many people ask me about stuff like how to make a website, where to find other websites, or how to get started with actually taking back control of the net for themselves. These people are smart, they realize they are being held down by completely fake chains and have decided to just break free from those chains because they understand there's nothing actually holding them back.
That's what I wish people would take away from this, that the idea of these people actually running the internet isn't REAL. It's a conditioned response you have, it's been taught to you; because a lot of you weren't around for the old web or simply tolerate what they give you, or you're not bothered by centralized internet enough to care.
Which like, that's the other big thing; if I'm being honest. If this works for you, and you don't care about the censorship and shit; then genuinely more power to you. There's a difference between using a website like this because you enjoy it (hi that's me) and choosing not to have your own website, and just complaining constantly about the censorship and how everything has to be marketable, and how bad the internet is; but refusing to build your own space; join underground communities, or do anything to fix it.
Tumblr has this horrible culture of just TALKING, a lot.
I need this to be the year when people learn to actually take ACTION on the words they say. Saying things are bad and what not is fine, but if it really bothers you; then do something about it. There are so many people out there who are willing to help, who are willing to get you the resources you need to actually do something about it. Hell I'll help if you don't have anyone else to go to.
But just complaining about it doesn't do you any good. It's remarkably easy to take back control, you just need to actually want to do it.
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xx-babyyyblue-xx · 5 hours
Slytherin Boys Personality
I have now been able to do all of the boys personalities. Let me know if there is anything I left out please
Draco Malfoy: 
Evil personality that can be redeemed with enough work, or with the love of a certain someone. Refers to his girl as his Princess. Daddy issues.
Ambitious: Drive for power, recognition, and success as well as uphold his family legacy and prove himself as a worthy member of a pure-blood wizard community
Proud: Superiority complex that leads to displays of condescension and arrogance. Can get him into trouble because he may say things that he does not mean out of anger because the prejudice is what he knows 
Insecure: Despite outward confidence, struggles with deep seated insecurities that has him constantly seeking validation and approval from his peers (and his parents). This fuels his need to prove himself and maintain a certain image. 
Short Temper: Loses his cool very quickly due to his need to be right and prove himself, but will attempt to make it right fairly quickly 
Blaze Zabini
Probably the most positive and playful out of the entire group
Loyal: Loyal to a fault. His friends are above everything, even his love interest at times. They are the ones who are going to decide everything for him even if he doesnt realize it is happening 
Sensitive: Overly sensitive to the point where he is going to start arguments over little things. He doesnt enjoy PDA because he feels that it makes him look weak and he does not want to be perceived that way. On the plus side, his sensititiviy to things also means he always dresses well and smells really nice
Smart: Definitely the best study buddy. He is the person that others would copy off of it 
Playful: The kind of guy that is going to playully tease you but never in a way that will make you upset. 
Player: He is attractive and he knows it and will often playfully flirt in order to make things go his way. 
Lorenzo Berkshire
Short Temper and Holds a Grudge: Will get angry very quickly and then ignore you for days until he realizes that he misses you and makes it up to you by doing something that shows you that he cares. 
Trust Issues: He is the kind of guy that would create a fake account to “catch” you cheating or will flirt with a girl whenever you are talking to much to another boy
Funny: Has a great sense of humor because of all of the things that he has been through in his life. When everything is at his best, he is a very happy person. 
Mattheo Riddle
Daddy issues and a drug addict who loves sometimes a little too hard and a little too much 
a highly imaginative, highly intelligent, and highly sensitive person, gets into fights
Possessive: He will defend the things and people that belong to him or have value to him and does not care about the consequences
Toxic and loves to party- will be the kind of guy who will pull you back and forth in a relationship but its not because he doesnt actually have feelings for you, but because he doesnt know how to handle them when he does have them. 
Tom Riddle
Smart: Smart without even trying and makes it known whenever you make a mistake because you are therefore dumb in comparison
Jealous: What's his is his and he will take anyone down whom he believes is going to take away the things that are his
Anger issues: Does not know how to cool down and won’t admit when he is wrong. Instead, when he realizes that he is even slightly in the wrong he will attempt to make up for it and move past it without actually talking about it 
Theodore Nott
French in a lot of ways: Smoker, calls you Bella for beautiful, and is rude 
Protective: The kind of person who is going to drop kick anyone that says anything negative about you or any of his people. 
Troublemaker: He does not care about the rules so he will do what he has to do in order to make his point known. He is always in trouble of some kind and that gets in the way of a lot of things. 
Player: Has had many many girlfriends and has a list of people that he needs to avoid because of the way that he has toyed with and broken their heart 
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Clone high season 2 episode concepts that would've actually been fun/cool
Abe tries to get into "real magic" to impress Joan by hanging out with Aleister Crowley and Arthur Conan Doyle. Jokes about people being too into Harry Potter being lame, jokes about paranormal teen shows a la Sabrina, etc.
Ronald Reagan and Nixon gets JFK into presidential themed crypto
Mean Girls episode parody about the Salem Witch trials or Bloody Queen Mary. They write themselves.
Episode where the main cast keep finding dead bodies, basically tripping over them, parody of teen murder mysteries, twist ending that the bodies are all failed/early clones (like the clone equivalent of a stillbirth. there was no murder)
Yellow Jackets Parody episode. the bus is out of gas or something and they're stuck in a large parking lot but act like they're in the woods.
Traveling championship episode. Debate team has to compete against high school where all the students are robots programmed to behave like the greatest scientists/leaders of all time
Trans episode parody. Abe realizes he isn't aligned with the modern republican party anymore and is therefore a Democrat, treated as a self-aware bad analogy maybe to the point of other characters finding it tasteless/annoying/Abe looking for attention
Cyberbullying episode parody, bonus points if it's gossip girl
Secret cousin/twin parody episode --- obvious starting point would be like. Anastasia because of how many people famously claimed to be her.
Supernatural teen romance parody episode. Abe tries to become a vampire with like Edgar Allen Poe or someone to impress Joan.
"Save the community center" episode --- This could be a great Harriet focused episode about like a bake sale or something to fund the arts but everyone is over exaggerating the stakes and the drama of being/not being a good baker. "My grandmother used to bake these cookies for me.....until she DIED" "My mother baked these cookies for me everyday I was in the hospital after falling out of that helicopter and they gave me the strength to survive" "I can't bake....my mom was always too busy with her business to teach me....." etc.
Big Mouth/Sex Ed parody episode. I think it would be really funny if THIS had been their technology episode, like getting a computer virus is treated like getting a STD and the cast talk about browsing the internet like it's casual sex, etc.
parody of those tasteless episodes about how like bullying leads to school shootings. Have like Abe or Joan or someone try to reach out to Napoleon or someone because they eat alone at lunch and because they think it's silly and mean everyone is afraid of them but then they are just like a violent maniac already. the solution is to get rid of him.
this might sound dumb but remember that one episode of jimmy neutron where jimmy was banned from the science fair for being too smart and killing the morale of any other student interested in participating? What if Clone High did that but as like a parody of anti-trans sports legislation. All the cloned scientists are banned from the science fair because it's an unfair advantage. All the Politian clones are banned from debate club, etc.
Social media/parasocial relationships parody episode where like JFK and Abe become obsessed with one another's online accounts not knowing it's them, despite Joan repeatedly telling them this, it becomes completely unhealthy but then whenever they do hang out together face-to-face they hate it and decide the parasocial relationship was better actually.
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celestialspecial · 1 year
Vibrantly Hidden
Synopsis: Lydia has been forced to return home to live with her sisters. The well of magick runs deep in her family, despite her best efforts to avoid that aspect of herself. But strange things are afoot in the town of Crystal Falls and in order to figure out these bizarre happenings she must work alongside her enemy from a rival coven-Billy Russo.
Authors Notes: This story has been my passion project as of late and something that I maybe hope to turn into something real and tangible one day. As a special thanks for all your support I want to share it with you first :) The title is still in the works as I explore other options- input is very welcome on it!
Warnings: 18+, Witchcraft and Magick, Some horror elements, graphic descriptions, smut (use your own discernment)
Tumblr media
Chapter One: Click your heels together three times
There were few things I’m certain of in life. 
Never conjure when angry or when the moon is waning.
River spirits never forget a bargain spurned.
The Russo Coven couldn’t be trusted.
It was the near end of august, September rode in on the back of a cool breeze and yellow tinged leaves. 
Sipping a slightly-too salty margarita on a wine bar patio, the glass sweating despite the soft breeze. 
While most people were excited about autumn and all the treats the “-Ber months brought I couldn’t help but feel a pit of sadness at the thought of summer ending.
Ignoring reality had been my personal goal for the season and I’d done it so well. Books by the pool, painting sessions on the beach(with all the retired folks), hikes along trails covered in moss and jagged stones.
Sipping cocktails on patios like this, savoring the complex flavors and picking at charcuterie boards with cheeses whos names I butchered while ordering.
I was living the life. But with each passing day I knew I couldn’t ignore it for much longer. 
After budget cuts, my position at the local art museum was no longer “essential”. Having a background in art history left one wanting for jobs in a bad way.
I should be grateful for the job posting my older sister Elizabeth had sent but when I saw it conveniently was at the local college back home I couldn’t conceal the anxiety taking root in my chest.
I’d applied haphazardly, fully anticipating another, “thank you for your interest- we’ve decided to move ahead with other candidates.” 
But when I saw the “we’d love to have you come on board!” Intro line I knew my fate had been sealed. 
I needed this job.
It wouldn’t be so bad living back at home for a little while until another opportunity came along, right? 
My younger sister Emily was ecstatic. It almost broke my heart a little to imagine telling her I didn’t quite feel the same amount of eagerness.
I’d moved away because I wanted to feel free, to see what my life could be outside of the confines of my hometown. Outside of what I was.
I had needed space. Space in the form of multiple hundreds of miles away. 
Most people grow up playing on swing sets and eating peanut butter sandwiches. Growing up in a family of witches, is something entirely different.
When you’re young and impressionable the idea of having powers, knowing there’s more to life than what most others know. It can feel feel empowering. 
To me it was daunting. Exhausting. It’s not all hocus pocus and fun spellbooks or brewing potions.
I didn’t want to be me. I wanted something else.
Something normal.
The Dawson name was well known and revered in the town of Crystal Falls. We’d been here since the town was christened along with a few other families.
There’d been a Dawson Mayor, Head of the newspaper, a few doctors, even a sheriff. 
If only the upstanding community was aware that the Dawson name was a coven. Not just your run of the mill one, but powerful witches, dating back centuries.
The town today had no idea that witches had laid claim to this land so many years ago.
It’s not something one can post on social media. After the debacle in Salem all the smart actual witches branched off. Some migrated to the Midwest, others searched for the west coast. 
The Dawson’s had gone upwards along the east coast, becoming almost nomadic in nature until settling into a small village, close to the ocean but gently tucked into a blanket of forest.
A river cut through town giving a grand display of multiple waterfalls that ended at the nearby beach. 
If you caught one of the large celestial events of comets or a grandiose full moon the river and falls seemed to glimmer and glow, taking on an ethereal hue.
Hence the name- Crystal Falls. 
Our family had helped imbue protective barriers around the town alongside the Russo coven. Another family of warlocks that had also managed to stumble upon this area.
It was beautiful and charged with an uncontained wild nature that must’ve called to our ancestors in some way. And above all else- it was home.
Me and my sisters had been raised by our aunt and grandmother after our parents died when we were young.
It had been labeled an accident. Driving through the mountainous terrain to reach town was dangerous even during the brightest of days.
But there had been signs, too many for our families liking, to chalk it up to merely an accident. There were too many “magickal” elements at play to ignore.
The brand new car losing control, the large tree having conveniently fallen, after the too conspicuous lightning strike and torrential storm appearing on an otherwise clear meteorological prediction.
I tried not to think of it too long, for fear of losing myself in the grief. Too afraid of falling into the whirlpool of those feelings and drowning, never to be seen again.
“Would you like another?” The waitress asked, taking away my now empty margarita glass.
“Yes please, actually do you have anything remaining from the seasonal menu?”
“Sorry, we just finished the last of the summer sangria but we do have our fall menu out! Fig spritzer with sugared thyme and a pumpkin spice bourbon.”
Another nail in the coffin. Summer was over and I needed to face the reality of my impending trip back home. Whether I liked it or not.
Picking some random Chardonnay off the menu in silent rebellion to their fall drinks I feel a tingle in my left pinkie.
I recognize that feeling. It appears when I’m sad. Or stressed. Or angry. Sometimes when I’m happy. 
I’ll be watching a Netflix show and laughing so hard on my sofa and then I feel the tingling sensation in my fingertips. 
Like dipping my fingers into super icy water then immediately into hot boiling water. I catch it and breathe into the feeling.
Willing it to stop. 
Some tries take longer than others. Over the years I’ve managed to muffle that part of me that yearns to escape.
A rabid dog locked in a basement waiting for the caretaker to get sloppy, lazy. Bursting past the seam of the door and bounding freely into the night.
Not today. One day perhaps. I shudder thinking about it. Or maybe it’s just the breeze, goose bumps break out along my arms and chest.
Eventually after some practiced breathing I feel the tiny reverberations cease. Returning from whence they came.
Boy how I am not looking forward to going home.
The drive back home was a scenic four hour trek through mountains and forestry that could make any camper or hiking enthusiast’s mouth water. 
I’d lost count over the years how many scenic overlooks dotted the area and if there was a drinking game involving shots every time a quaint picturesque New England type village popped up on google maps one would quickly die of alcohol poisoning.
“What do you want for dinner?” Elizabeth’s text pinged on my phone that was propped on the dash hastily.
“So excited!!!!” Emily responded not two seconds later. The age dynamics were far too apparent.
I couldn’t help but grin, I loved my sisters I really do, but it’s been so long since I’d lived with them. 
Elizabeth came into her magic first- understandably so, being the oldest. Grandma was so proud, seeing Lizzy carry on the Dawson legacy.
“Easy Em” 
“Sorry! Sorry! Drive safe!”
I rolled my eyes, chuckling a little as I turned onto another mountain path. This added time to my trip but I just …couldn’t bring myself to take the other route. Not yet.
After another hour or so of driving I finally saw the sign for Crystal Falls, keep right for 30 miles. 
A crusted slab of wood with paint peeling off of it. Emerald green and white swirls of paint beckoning any passerby to stop.
It didn’t pass my notice that a handful of trees had leaves tinged in orange, a few scattered red bursts.
It would be beautiful. The kiss of death to summer and its green tinged warmth. I’d even miss the bugs.
Turning down the Main Street there was a constant stream of activity. People walking in and out of shops, visitors milling around the welcome center, campers clearly here for the upcoming fall foliage unfurling comically large maps of the cave systems.
There was a gazebo at the town center, a la Gilmore girls Stars Hollow that was always decorated according to season. 
I said a silent prayer of thanks seeing the sunflowers still adorning it and not hay bales and pumpkins.
Festive mums sat in fat glazed pots in front of the stores. I rolled my windows down to inhale the smell of home.
Wondering if it’d smell like how I remembered. Fresh flowers, sweet honeysuckle and that tell tale pinch of chill.
Tree branches swayed overhead with the seasonal breeze. Yellowed leaves broke off of a nearby oak and scattered into the street. 
I watched as a gaggle of school girls walked over them, crunching them into the pavement without a thought.
Turning off the main causeway and into the more scenic countryside where a few vineyards with their adjoining wineries sat.
Moon Brew Farm with their delicious peach wine. Cats Tail Vineyard that created a bubbly moscato with hints of fresh blackberry. 
I could feel my mouth water just imagining it, that full mouth feel. Fizzing bubbles popping on my tongue and chasing it with a panini whose sides runneth over in pale cheese.
My stomach gurgled, begging for food. I had only stopped at a Wendy’s on the way since the McDonald’s drive through had a line longer than I cared to sit in.
The remnants of a devoured chicken sandwich rested on my center console. The paper still flecked with grease and a loose pickle that somehow managed to escape my mouth.
I passed a large estate off to the left. A high arched gate cutting the drive off at the main road. The stone pillar at the end read, “Russo.” Engraved into a black marble plaque. 
I drove by, right hand on the wheel, left out the window in an honorary “one finger salute ” at the disgusting excuse for a castle marring our town.
Dirt billowed behind my rickety Subaru as I finally ambled onto a gravel driveway. The popping sound of rocks being shot out from underneath my tires like rapid shrapnel alerted the ladies inside. 
“Lydia!” Emily was the first to run out, screen door slamming shut into Elizabeth’s face as she jumped the porch steps completely.
Lizzy scowled, pushing the screen door out of her way like it owed her money.
“Em, what the hell?” 
I tossed my car in park just in time to see Emily’s grinning face and fists tapping at my window like a madwoman. 
“Can you give me like a second?” I managed a laugh, popping the door open only to be tackled in a rib cage smushing embrace.
“I missed you! So-o-o-o-o much!” Each ‘o’ was accompanied by a sway of our bodies back and forth. 
Elizabeth finally reached us, pushing a stray piece of hair behind her ear. 
“Bet you missed this.” She joked, gesturing to Emily who had wedged her face into my shoulder.
“Shuff-Upf” came Emily’s muffled response as she refused to let go. Maybe she was afraid I’d disintegrate, that I was some clever illusion instead of actually being here in the flesh.
“Missed you-“ I gave a genuine, albeit weary smile to my older sister, somehow untangling a limb to motion her into the bear hug going on.
“So glad to see you.” She relented, easing into the sister shuffle.
It felt nice. I hadn’t stopped so much to reminisce on these things when I was away. I did miss them. I did miss home. I just didn’t miss what home had meant to me for so long.
Eventually Emily peeled herself off of me and dragged me into the house, not pausing even when I nearly tripped on the porch steps.
“Luggage can wait for later!” She had stated. Dinner was ready and honestly I just wanted to unwind and zone out into a pile of amazing food.
Elizabeth and Emily got the cooking gene from our mother. I got my fathers gene of enjoying said cooking.
Chicken pot pie with a flaky crust, yams coated in golden butter, green beans sautéed with almonds and pepper and a peach cobbler with succulent fruit from the local farmers market.
“I still can’t believe you’re home and not just for a vacation but like, for good.” Emily twisted her fork into the leftover cobbler morsels, licking a crumb from her thumb.
“Not for good, just…for now.”
Elizabeth nodded sagely, catching my hesitation and being kind enough to change the subject. 
“How was the drive?”
“Not bad.” I spooned a piece of chicken coated in sauce onto my plate as Elizabeth took another bite of green beans. “I see tons of campers are already here. Don’t they know it’ll be weeks until fall foliage actually appears?”
“The mayor has been trying to push for more summer into fall events to draw in the crowds.” 
“Yeah Elizabeth’s boyfriend has really been overhauling the event planning thing.”
“He is NOT my boyfriend.” Her cheeks turned almost as red as her hair. “It’s about time we had a member of the council actually give a shit about our town and its livelihood.”
Emily dramatically sighed, bringing the back of her hand to her forehead and fluttered her eyelashes. “Yes whatever would we do without dear Sebastyan.”
“The crab?” I smirked, reaching my fork towards another yam. Lizzy pulled the plate away giving me that older sister, raised eyebrow look. It spelled out “watch it” clear enough for me to relent.
“Don’t you start with me.”  
Dinner wraps up with each of us carrying a Handful of dirty dishes into the kitchen. Piled high into the sink with an unspoken agreement to get to them tomorrow.
I watch the two of them joke and share inside info about their planned week ahead. Things I’d know if I lived here. Schedules that would make sense to me but are now new and unknown.
The two of them continue their conversation as I teeter my messy plate on top of an empty glass that once contained a milkshake. It feels weird to hear their voices in person again. The last time I was home was maybe two years ago? For Christmas?
Elizabeth is just as elegant as I remember. Tall, long red hair swept up into a modest pony tail. Barely a smudge of makeup on her but soft pale skin with a dash of freckles across her high cheekbones.
I remember standing on my tippy toes when we were little, getting measured against the doorframe, hoping and praying I’d grow as tall as my older sister.
Fate didn’t pay attention to my pleas. My body threw in the towel the minute I struck 5’3”. Cruel, if I’m being honest. She whisks about the kitchen making a funny face at something Emily said.
It feels like I’m in a fishbowl, hearing noises, knowing someone is speaking but it just sounds muffled and foreign to me. Like I’m not really here.
Emily makes another comment that pulls a laugh from Elizabeth. Emily has always been a lightning bolt. Even when she was a child. Her hair is cut into a blunt bob with thick heavy bangs. It’s dyed a dark brown that almost matches her hot chocolate colored eyes. 
She’s maybe an inch shorter than me, a rarity in our family that the oldest sibling is actually the tallest. My younger sister however has a face full of makeup. It never looks to be too much, always tastefully done and complimenting her features.
They’ve changed so much and not at all from when I last saw them. From the pictures I’d had hanging in my apartment that now sit in a storage facility. 
I feel the bubbling tightness in my chest and I’m yanked from my misty eyed staring. Being around them, their energy, I can feel parts of me clawing to get out. Like taking a spray bottle to a pesky cat, I shove it down.
Emily turned in first, working at a bakery requires her to be up before the sun. She gives me a quick hug once more.
“I really am excited you’re home…for however long.”  Before starting up the stairs, sounds of the shower turning on and soft lilting singing to some show tune carries throughout the halls.
“Wine?” Elizabeth holds a glass up with a bottle of cherry wine, the deep scarlet liquid looks intoxicating. 
We retreat to the porch as the last rays of sunset disappear behind the trees leaving that unsettling light blue that comes before navy then black.
The old rocking chairs groan as we take our seats. The sound the cork popping makes echoes throughout the woods surrounding the house. 
I never forgot how quiet it gets. The crickets had just started their nightly serenade and a few owl hoots call out from a distance. 
She pours me a hefty glass of the wine, handing it to me as we both delicately lean forward in our rickety chairs, balancing bottle and glasses.
Dozens of long shadows climb out from all around us. Reaching towards the front steps and skittering along the warped floorboards.
If I close my eyes it feels like I can even hear them calling out to me. Where have you been? Why have you been gone so long?
Every leaf, branch, blade of grass blending together to create large charcoal swaths against the forest floor. It both chills and excites me. 
“It is nice, ya know? To have you home for more than four days at a time.”
I feel myself shaken from my stupor. Mind slowly drifting back to where it’s supposed to be in the present. On the porch. With my sister. 
For the first time in years.
“You say that now since I’ve only been here for a few hours.” I take a long sip of the wine and let the fruity flavors dance on my tongue. 
“I’m serious.” I hear her rocker stop creaking, her eyes focused on me. Like burning sapphires. I’d always been jealous of her eyes. “I think this…this will be good for all of us.” 
I watch her take a drink before continuing, “We have a lot to catch up on.”
I ponder in silence, running my fingertip along the wine glass’ lip. For a little there’s only the sound of our rockers moving back and forth. 
Occasionally I’ll hear the sounds of Emily getting ready for bed upstairs. A single car drives past on the road, far enough we can’t make it out save for the headlights.
The vibrant ripples of yellow cutting through the trees then fading into the distance. The trees gobble up the remaining light.
“How’s work been?” 
Elizabeth smiles, pouring a little more wine into her cup. I notice as she sips deeply, letting her eyelids drift shut, pondering how to respond.
“It’s been good. I travel a little for work more now than usual but it’s ok. Rewarding.” 
“I couldn’t do it. Be a midwife.” She nodded thoughtfully at my comment, staring off into the ever darkening tree line.
The moon is out, but I watch as it quickly becomes obscured by passing clouds. 
“It can be tough, but I have this gift. It feels selfish to not use it. At least in a way that brings purpose to my life.” 
I found myself nodding and staring off as well. Elizabeth is a healer, ever since she was little she had a knack for it. Never getting colds, being able to concoct awful tasting potions that somehow worked and cured a multitude of things.
Every witch can do basic magic but more often than not, there’s a specialty. A gift that is unique to that person. 
Some people get lucky with theirs. Others not so much.
“You can go on the road with it. Really explore your options.” 
“I do have over a hundred 5 star yelp reviews.” She grinned toasting her glass to the air.
“Elizabeth Dawson-“ I held my hand in front of me, punctuating gestures as if reading a headline, “Midwife To The Stars!” 
We both giggled and took another sip after sloppily ‘cheers-ing’. 
“Ahhhh I don’t know if California or New York is for me.” She chuckled, twisting a strand of her dark red hair held by her ponytail. 
I settle back into my seat, rocking back and forth, pushing with my heels and feeling the entirety of my foot flatten then pitch back.
“Soooo Sebastyan?” 
“Don’t start with me already.” Liz smirked at me, dipping her fingers in the wine glass and flicking a few drops in my direction.
Maybe this was ok. Maybe this would be ok.
How silly and naïve I was.
After half an hour of sitting on the porch and enjoying the entire bottle of wine, the sky had fully morphed from navy to inky black. The local owl continued to hoot, a rhythmic sound that I could feel myself drifting off too.
Elizabeth had already placed her glass on the counter by the sink, turning in for the night. Flipping the porch light off and only on occasion would the motion sensor light by the back door turn on.
Squirrels, chipmunks, raccoons maybe even a coyote or two always liked to wander up by the back door and sniff around our trash bins. I sat up reading in the living room a while longer, not quite ready to face my old room.
Instead choosing to inspect the first floor, wondering what new things I could pick out from the décor. A small painting of Emily’s rabbit, Artimus that was clearly done on a wine and paint night.
Large bookshelves lined the backwall surrounding the TV, so many books from Elizabeth’s studies, health magazines spread along the coffee table.
A wreath with some greenery bearing white berries and red bow, a few old coffee tins and tea containers holding either flowers or some assortment of pens and paintbrushes.
So much was the same and yet I still felt like an outsider.
Surrendering to the reality I did need to go to bed I gathered my phone, book and flicked off the last of the remaining lamps to ascend the stairs.
Our gallery wall floated along the steps. Photos of almost every generation of our family lay plastered against the drywall that desperately needed repainted.
Our parents wedding day, their smiling faces. Moms bright blue eyes and Dads goofy grin in his tuxedo which was so chic in the eighties. Then came photos of Grandma and Aunt Cora.
I quickly shuffled past them. I had weeks, no, months, to look at these and let the waves of guilt wash over me. Not tonight. Not before bed anyways.
Padding across the plush carpet to my bedroom, the door ajar and bedside lamp on. No doubt from Elizabeth. It didn’t escape my notice the bundle of lavender and dill laid on my pillowcase.
For protection. I hold the small bundle in my lap a moment, searching my mind for the exact spells its used for. My grandmother would have a fit if she knew it was taking me this long.
What can I say? I’ve been living life as a normal human for the past ten years to the best of my ability. Ignoring anything magickal or otherwise. I’d even avoided palm readers at the local county fairs I’d gone to.
I wanted little to nothing to do with magick. Regardless of how deep it ran in our family. I lay the bundle down on the end table right next to my phone.
Please protect me from bad dating app messages.
A stack of clean towels and beauty products rested on the toilet seat in the bathroom. I pulled my hair back into a low bun, splashing water onto my face and rubbing some milky cleanser that I knew had to be Emily’s onto my skin.
It smelled fragrant, like lemons and a sweet sugary after scent. Glancing up to survey the damage from the long day on my face, expecting to see dark circles, dull dry skin, but instead I looked fine. I looked normal.
Turning the cleanser over in my hands wondering if it had some “extra” properties in it that I wasn’t aware of but my younger glamorous sister did. I couldn’t see anything outside the ordinary.
I didn’t sense anything off.
Shrugging and placing it back on the counter, before returning back to my bedroom. Allowing myself to fall heavily against the mattress, a comical ‘huff’ escaping my lips. This was it. I was here.
For however long I needed to be. My fingertips ran up along the hem of the quit on my bed. Feeling the bumps of stitches along the pads of my fingers, the different textured fabrics. My eyes felt heavy.
Sleep called to me, sweet and deep. The edges of my vision blurred and darkened. With the last of my remaining alertness I turned the lamp off. I felt that deep heaviness fall over me.
In the far-off distance I could hear the owl once more. Then it was truly silent.
The back-sensor light came on. I whined as my room was immediately filled with a bright fluorescent light.
“What the hell...” I rubbed at my eyes, still not adjusted to such a bright searing light all of a sudden. Then I heard something knock against the garage. It didn’t sound like a skunk, or a raccoon.
Unless it was a huge raccoon.
Pushing off of the bed I crouched down, making my way to the window. The curtains were sheer and the blinds were up. Peering around the side I craned my neck to see what was out there.
It was quiet. So startlingly quiet. No fauna chirping or calling out into an otherwise peaceful night.
The light was still on, but there was nothing in the yard. No animals, no creeps. Nothing.
I felt the hair on the back of my neck perk up. A green spark tickled the end of my fingertips and I didn’t even attempt to shove it away. My body knew there was something out there.
We’re so used to being the predator, never the prey. My eyes continued to scan back and forth, wondering if I needed to let one of my sisters know something was up.
Maybe this was normal? Did the light just randomly turn on from time to time? Ya know- technology? So efficient.
If that was the case why did I feel so…off? Something, isn’t right. Then I see it.
A flicker so fast that I’m half certain my mind made it up. Back in the tree line by the back of the garage, a different kind of darkness.
Not the shadows I had seen earlier from the trees on the porch. This is more opaque. It seems to undulate as it moves along the back of the yard. It doesn’t glide but rather jerks.
I feel my heart begin to race.
Its pace is slow, unseemly. Shadow against shadow and yet I can see it clear as day. Blackness that swallows the night whole. It’s form shivers and writhes against a large oak.
I must be dreaming. Yes. I’d fallen asleep and now I am dreaming something up that isn’t there. What a funny story I’ll have to tell my sisters in the morning.
But to be sure…
I grab my phone, sliding my finger across the screen to bring up the camera, pointing it out the back window. Somehow in the few moments it took me to grab my phone its gone.
The shadow isn’t where I last saw it. I am dreaming. I set my phone back down and then I see it.  Or rather, it sees me.
It sees me, seeing it. And my body goes rigid.
Black malformed nothingness creeping along the garage and staring at me. Its featureless, save for cold pinpricks of red where eyes should be.
Red and beady, almost like light reflecting against an animals eyes.
It glows, but maybe anything would look glow-y against such a stark backdrop. The blood in my body runs like ice. The goose bumps have moved to my arms as well.
I don’t know how long we stare at each other. Maybe three seconds, maybe five minutes. I blink for the first time in I don’t know how long and when I stare back its gone.
Really gone this time.
I must have scanned the backyard and the fence and the woods and the garage multiple times for over ten minutes. I see nothing. My head feels fuzzy. Like I’d taken a large sleeping pill and have been fighting the effects for too long.
I hoist myself back into bed, because I am too afraid to go out there and check. Too tired to wake my sisters. It feels like my limbs have been replaced with sacks of flour.
Heavy, soft, the weight bringing me down. Pushing me against the mattress. I’m exhausted and alert and my body doesn’t know which to indulge more.
Eventually sleep wins and I drift off into a fitful night filled with dreams of sharp shadows following me. And one with red eyes leading the chase.
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safety-pin-punk · 1 year
I’m sort of still getting into punk and learning about everything. You’re blog has been really helpful with resources and everything. Plus your cool.
Okayyy, now my question. I’m a junior in high school and I want to go to college. Pursue further education and all of that stuff. Learn more about the world and critical thinking. But I don’t want to pay a ton of money to a bunch of old ivy dudes.
What’s the right direction to go in for this? Is college a good option if I want to learn? What schools are good places? Where do I learn more about this stuff?
Sorry if this is a lot. Thank you though!
Hey! Thank you for your kindness!!
First off, Im going to stress that you are a junior and you have PLENTY of time to think about this. So dont stress too much right now.
Secondly, I want to preface this with the simple fact of college isnt for everyone. There are SO many ways to survive and thrive in life without it. And thats okay, good even! That being said, this post is just gonna be me talking about college. Under the cut of course
OKAY! So, is college a good option if you want to learn? My answer is yes! I learned a lot at college, both inside and outside my classes. I learned a lot of life lessons, I met people from all over the country (and a few international students). And I learned how to challenge my own beliefs and try to see things from perspectives that I didnt even know could exist prior to college.
But Im sure you were referring to the educational aspect. And truth be told, this heavily depends on both your school and you. Some examples: My school had a phenomenal chemistry program. You couldnt walk out of that program without having learned things if you made it through. But my school also had a very poor fine arts program. And to be quite blunt, I often wondered why any art student chose to stay. But going even further, it depends a lot on the individual as well. I was admittedly not the best student. I wasnt that interested in lab or research compared to some of my classmates, nor did I apply myself as much. And the difference is clear to see when others could rattle off different solvents and what reactions would occur from memory and I would be sitting there dumbfounded.
Next question, what schools are good places? Again, that fully depends on what you want to go to school for. But I’ll tell you what I did and how I chose my school. When I was a junior in high school, I found a list of every 4 year university in my state (I knew I wanted to stay in state, but you can do this for wherever you want to go). I then went through and gave each school a ranking out of 5 (based on vibes, chemistry program, education program, cost, and surrounding area). Once I had it narrowed down to only a few schools, those were the ones I toured. And I chose where to send applications from there.
Though, I cant stress enough how beneficial community college can be. A lot of people get all their gen eds out of the way either before they enroll in a university or over summers. Doing this will save you money and time. Literally not a single person on a university campus would look down on you for this. If anything, they will praise you for being smart. I took a few classes over the summers between semesters just to get them out of the way (and also avoid certain professors).
Where to learn more? Google. Google schools near you. Google schools where you want to go. Google schools ranked nationally in xyz. Google affordable universities. Google universities that have good financial aid programs. Just google so many things. From there, spend time exploring university websites. Read about their community and their academic programs. See if they have virtual tours uploaded. Check out their student activity board social medias to see what it would be like to be there as a student. Sign up for tours. Do an overnight visit if you can!! Or even, just walk around the campus without a tour guide
Best of luck to you on your academic journey! Hope I was a little helpful here
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cr1nge-culture · 11 months
i find fandom so fascinating. the reasonings behind fans' reactions, especially when it comes to certain characters, is so interesting to dissect. i'm not smart enough to know things about stats or demographics, but it's cool hearing about them.
which leads me to this: the way people completely disregard it when people try to point out the overwhelming amount of racism and sexism prevalent in a majority of fandoms.
no, you shipping two white men is not inherently racist or sexist. no, criticizing fandom responses to m/m ships isn't inherently homophobic. nuances!!! exist!!!!! aaah!!!!!!!!
i think if we as a community actually take a step forward to acknowledge the nuances and problems that we still uphld, there would be so many more talented people willing to take a chance on fandom as a whole. because lemme tell you, even i, an autistic someone who's entire life revolves around fictional characters and stories, absolutely hate fandom and ao3 culture. like genuinely, it makes me sick to my stomach sometimes. (someone criticizing ao3 isn't akin to burning down the library of alexandria btw!!)
alas, fandom is dumb! and if you want to stop being dumb, i highly recommend this series on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/series/1209645
genuinely one of my favorite series of posts. i think who uses ao3 should read these !!!!
k that's all for now. just some thoughts i've had today. idk, i'm tired. happy halloween ^^
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beatricee24 · 28 days
Please this is my first ever imagine, be kind. Also my English it’s not perfect, my second language, but I’m trying. Thank you!
Finding love when you’re not expecting
You worked in the management department of the hospital, you never talk with a lot of people, especially men. You got two girls in you office to be friends with and it was enough, you search for a job a long time and it’s good to finally be at peace with one.
The thing is, nothing can be good for to long and you got a crush on someone you couldn’t even get to talk to, that would be dr. Neil Melendez. He was so charismatic, handsome, nice and fun, but not for you. You were not a doctor, not even a nurse so you could not be around him as much as you would like to. But still you would look at him, without anyone noticing, at lunch were he would stay with his residents and laugh, you loved his laugh, it was so contagious.
Today was a good day, you felt good about you, you’re outfit and you’re hair, something very rare for you, but maybe the people you surround with are doing good. When you walk in the hospital you saw him, just getting in, handsome as always and he was actually keeping the elevator door for you, that’s really lucky, especially when it’s your good day.
- “Hi, I’m Neil.” His eyes were so beautiful and his smile, you could have fainted right away.
- “Hello, dr. Melendez, I’m Y/N.” If it wouldn’t be that wall of the elevator, you would be down. You try to keep your cool, it’s just a man and it’s nothing to be worried about. You’re amazing and also waiting for this chance since your got hired 5 month ago.
-“ How is this fair? You know me but I don’t know you? We should change that.” He was laughing, around you and it was nice, you felt nice to be around him, something you didn’t feel around a man in a long time.
- “Well, you’re a doctor, I should know you if I need one around, right?” You were joking, who were you? And how you got this nerve to flirt back with the man you’ve been dreaming about.
-“That’s sound fair, I think we should meet at lunch, 12 o’clock, at your usual table.” And he just left, the doors opened and he left just like that. You were in shock and also didn’t get the part about the table, how does he knows about your usual table? Would it be that he looked at you too? But you didn’t want to get your expectations high or your heart broken.
You got to your office and just stayed for a few minutes enjoying this beautiful event, for you it was amazing to communicate and find the courage to have a conversation with Neil, you don’t know him that well, but from the moment you saw him you had this feeling in your chest that wouldn’t go and when his not around you have the same feeling. You tried to ignore it but what if it’s true? What if he likes you too?
You didn’t have so much work to do until lunch break but still the clock won’t move, it was so annoying and also you were a little scared that he wouldn’t show up, maybe a patient or maybe he will forget. Quickly you wave those thoughts and let the happiness come again, you’re beautiful, smart and amazing, if he doesn’t show up it’s his loss, not yours. He wanted to have lunch with you not the other way around.
After so many hours, only 4 but it’s felt like 24, you were in the cafeteria, at your usual table, with just a coffee and a slice of banana bread because that’s the only thing that you can eat before you would know what he has to say or if he ever shows up.
He did showed up. You see him coming in your direction and it’s feeling so good to finally got to meet the man you were staring at.
“- Hi, again. I’m so happy you got the time to come meet me up” please don’t smile at me like that, that’s you re only thought when you’re looking at him. Who could resist this man? Not you, for sure.
“- Thank you for the invite, I didn’t think you would be interested in spending time with me.” And you didn’t it, you were to honest to soon and you think this will freak him out and live.
“- Why not? You might be the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. And I know you’re interested too.” That was a shock, him saying those words you only heard never in your life from a man, but from him? Was this a dream? Or a joke? But wait, why would he think you’re interested? Yea you are, but why would he think you are? Let’s try to play the game.
“- Why would I be interested?” And he smiled at you, but the most charming smile he has and you didn’t think he would do that, but he pulled your chair like it was nothing, his shirt almost torn from his flexed muscles and he was so close to you.
“- This game would be fun to play but I assure you, I can feel the way you look at me, the way you want me to be with you doing everything you dream of.” He was cocky and you liked it, he was an attractive man and he knows it and nothings it’s more sexier that this but also you looked around, you didn’t want people to think bad of you and also you know he’s got an interest in you and why not to play a little game with him.
You touched his face with your finger and got from the cheek to the lips, and you stopped right there on his lips and looked into his eyes, the handsome doctor is at your mercy. “- I think you got it wrong dr Melendez, I could assure you, nothing it’s true and I can’t believe you would say all this out loud, now if you excuse me, I need to get back to work” but your tone was so playful and innocent that he was in shock, he could believe that you were actually so bold and not as shy as he thought.
And the game started.
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crownedinmarigolds · 1 month
Khloe, 24
Oughhh an interesting question I have considered muchly...! Thank you for asking!
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#24 - What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions? Khloe was hit by a car driven by a delirious and wounded Ventrue Anarch one night coming home from visiting her mother who lives out of state. The Ventrue Lena Broussard felt extreme guilt for killing an innocent and tried her hand at siring - then promptly called the local unaffiliated-with-the-Camarilla clean up crew (ran by the Thinblood revolutionaries) to basically Moses the fresh Embrace into the arms of the Duskborn. A move she no doubt thought would be very cool and smart of her to do. BUT WHAT IF SOMEONE ELSE GOT HER FIRST? Ignoring avoiding the vampire lifestyle all together - Khloe may have been taken to the Anarch rebellion early had Lena cared enough to do so. She may have been taught properly the ways of the Ventrue clan and vampirism, know more about the local politics and Lena's ACTUAL plans for her. She could've been an agent for the Anarch's to infiltrate either the Camarilla or Thinbloods and play a long and dangerous game where she would eventually make the Rebellion a reality and become the Duskborn Baron! This is still a possibility, though Khloe has made herself clear on where she stands many times throughout the story: I'm Duskborn - and I don't like the way any of these Fullbloods I've met have treated me. Khloe also could have been picked up by the Camarilla, freshly made after a Sabbat Schism where a Bishop declared praxis. If Lena had indeed been tailed by the Cam and whatever mess she left behind was still there for them to find, Khloe could've easily been brought in front of the Prince or Sheriff and brought into the fold. While this Cam was originally Sabbat and they actually have a more neutral - even positive - view of Duskborn, she would still be branded and essentially enslaved to them. Her relationships with the people she loves now would be twisted and different, and the trust that the Stakebait Coterie shares now certainly could not happen - or would take FOREVER to happen - in the Camarilla or Anarch alternate paths.
In terms of the love she has now and the friendships she's made - Khloe is in the best universe possible. As for power and general knowledge of the world around her... she's probably in the worst one. She's ignorant - but she has community! Ah thank you for asking this was fun!
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