#like winston just is a ghostbuster but has this on the side and one day the guys come with him and theyre like you like video games?
spenglerposting · 2 years
Idk how to describe it but if you do a modern retelling of Ghostbusters at least one of those mfers needs to be working at a small ma and pa retro gaming store. It could be Egon, Peter, or Winston (not Ray though he’s got Ray’s Occult and we love to support a fellow small business owner) but at least one of those three needs to be working at a retro gaming store. Personally I’m rooting for Winston.
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spenglersweetheart · 5 months
Hello it’s me again with another Ray request
Ray with a reader who can sing, like they sing ballads and stuff like that and always wanted to be on broadway but had a passion for science instead. I just wanna sing for my baby 😭😭😭
this is actually so adorable 🥹 fun random fact about me i used to be a musical theatre major lol
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Sing Me to Sleep
Ray Stantz x Reader
WARNINGS : none!
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THE GHOSTBUSTERS WERE KNOWN NOT TO REALLY SLEEP. You would often find yourself walking through the halls as well most parts of the night. It's weird, really. Making sure that the rest of them went to sleep before you went to sleep. Maybe you just cared more about their sleeping habits than yours. But, it could be something else.
You were actually downstairs at the Firehouse, as you're the one who relieved Janine out for the night. But after you did that, you head upstairs to the sleeping quarters. When you got up there, you immediately scoped out the room to see who had been sleeping.
Your eyes land on Egon. You know he's asleep. He sleeps like a rock. He's flat on his back. You find Peter, who's asleep. He's drooling on his pillow. Winston was asleep, too. Although he slept on his side, you can slightly hear him snoring.
Your head tilts to the side. You walk over Ray's bed and you find that he isn't asleep. That he's just turned over. You lean down to him, slight worried expression written all over your face.
"How come you're not sleeping?"
"Can't sleep," Ray told you, "I've been tossing and turning all night."
"Really? How come?" You ask him.
This was the second day that Ray had gone without sleep. You weren't going to let that happen. You wanted him to rest. You guys were always busy. It's like that time that you caught Egon sleeping in his lab and his eyes were still on the microscope.
He looks up at you. "Could you sing to me?"
Only Ray knew this, but you were a singer. Not very professional, but you knew most of the technique. Your dream for the longest time was to be an actress on the Broadway stage. Though, you didn't know if you were ever going to get there.
"Sing to you," you repeat. You thought for a moment before you asked, "What do you want me to sing to you?"
Ray gives a shrug. "Anything really," he answered, "Maybe one of those showtunes you hum around here."
A chuckle escaped your lips. You motion him over. He laid his head onto your lap. Your first instinct is to run your hand through his hair. You do this repeatedly, just to soothe him. You start to sing.
"Don't cry for me, Argentina / The truth is I never left you / All through my wild days / My mad existence / I kept my promise / Don't keep your distance."
Evita was a show that has hit you in your feels. You saw it and your life was changed when you walked out of that theatre. And to think that they were actually making that into a movie. You look down, as you sing to Ray, you can see his eyes closing. You keep singing for him.
"And as for fortune, and as for fame / I never invited them in / Though it seemed to the world they were all I desired / They are illusions ..."
Between the singing and the repeating of your hand running through his hair, Ray had fallen asleep in no time. When you notice this, you carefully set his head down on his pillow. You run your hand through his hair one more time before you give a gentle kiss to his forehead.
"Goodnight, Ray ..." You whisper to him before you carefully stand back up.
You left the bedrooms, humming the song that you just sang to him. But before you leave, you look back, just to make sure that he's sleeping. And when you find that he is, you make it out of the room before going home for the night.
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bixiebeet · 1 year
Winston’s First Day—Chapter 4: That’s a Big Twinkie
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“Something’s not right…” Egon muttered as they got downstairs. He started examining the electrical panel.
“Nothing is ever right,” Ray shrugged. He resumed telling Winston about a typical day as a Ghostbuster. Although Winston could tell that there really was no typical day. There were midday busts in Midtown, spooky sightings in SoHo, and wayward spirits on the Upper West Side. Plus all the travel outside Manhattan: late-night calls in Long Island City, phantoms in Forest Hills, and even hauntings in Hoboken.
“Do you mind letting me watch more closely this time?” Winston asked Ray about clearing the ghost trap. Winston was starting to feel more comfortable with his surroundings after the tour of the firehouse.
“This is where we store all the vapors and entities and slimers that we trap. Very simple, really,” Ray said as he opened the red hinged door to the containment unit. He made the whole process look as easy as putting a slice of bread into a toaster. Within a few moments, the ghost was safely stored away. “Light is green, the trap is clean.”
“And that’s it? They can’t get out?” Winston asked.
Ray nodded yes and sat down at the small basement desk. He jotted a few notes down about the bust, the ghost, and the clients from that day. Then he pulled out smokes for himself and Winston.
“I’m worried, Ray. It’s getting crowded in there, and all my recent data points to something big on the horizon,” Egon said, turning to face the other Ghostbusters.
“What do you mean ‘big’?” Winston replied, the freshly lit cigarette hanging off his lips. He didn’t typically smoke so much, but Ray had been smoking like a chimney, so it seemed rude to say no.
Egon reached down to the small desk to pick up a snack. “Well, let’s say this Twinkie represents the normal amount of psychokinetic energy in the New York area. According to this morning’s sample, it would be a Twinkie approximately 35-feet long, weighing approximately 600 pounds.”
Ray was taken by surprise. He coughed amid a slight panic.
“That’s a big Twinkie,” Winston said coolly. Egon nodded at him and took a bite of the snack.
“We could be on the verge of a four-fold cross rip. A PKE surge of incredible, even dangerous proportions,” Ray said with alarm in his voice.
Winston wasn’t sure what all of that meant. But it sounded like trouble.
Peter walked downstairs with more bad news. “We just had a visit from the Environmental Protection Agency. How’s the grid holding up?”
“Not good,” Egon said.
“Tell him about the Twinkie,” Winston chimed in.
“What about the Twinkie?” Peter asked.
Egon repeated his explanation of the grim reality. Meanwhile, Peter paced back and forth while shaking his head. “Do you know how bad this is?!” he said. “First, getting the fifth degree from the EPA. And now you’re telling me that this place could blow up at any minute?”
“It won’t blow up—as long as we keep the power supply constant,” Egon replied calmly. He’d put redundancies in place to prevent it from being knocked out by a power surge or natural disaster. But every system has vulnerabilities.
While Egon was reviewing his notes, Peter motioned to Ray for a cigarette; instead of taking one, he grabbed the whole pack. Peter nervously tapped the pack in his hands as he continued to pace. Winston could tell that Peter’s earlier confidence had evaporated, at least for now.
In the course of one day, Winston had gone from wondering if he’d land the Ghostbusters job to wondering if the world was going to end.
Janine came downstairs, breaking the tension in the air. “Why the long faces? Did someone die?”
“A lot of people,” Ray said while tipping his head toward the containment unit.
Peter lit himself a cigarette and then offered some to Ray and Winston. Egon took the second Twinkie from the desk.
“Good news. We had a cancellation tonight. Turns out that some old bat in an attic wasn’t a grandmother’s ghost. It was a real bat. Grandma is still alive,” Janine said.
“I take it they’re sending animal control instead of paranormal control,” Peter smiled. He and Ray sighed with relief. They began discussing plans for dinner and dancing tonight.
Egon looked squarely at Janine. Her eyes were locked on him. She watched him eagerly bite into the Twinkie, licking the cream filling off his lips with a smirk as he finished. She smiled bashfully.
Winston could tell that Janine wanted some of Egon’s Twinkie.
“Hey, buddy,” Peter exclaimed, slapping Egon on the back. “Ray and I wanna get drinks on our newly free night. You mind keeping an eye on things here?”
Janine chimed in before Egon could respond. “I’ll be here late, finishing invoices,” she sighed. “You should all go out. Take the new guy, too.”
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ghostbusters AU :)
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Here's the AU! I took a long time because I originally wasn't going to include things that were common like dragons, but when I looked into it anything else just was too far out of left field for their personalities to make fit without seriously retconning myths I know very little about. If you want more info, it's under the cut
Ray was born a werewolf, and as such he can shift whenever... Except he can't shift at all on new moons, and he is forced to shift on Full moons. However since his parents died before they could teach him the way of being a natural born werewolf, not only does he not know which side of his family the werewolf comes from, he also has a hard time keeping his cool as he's a self taught shifter... On bad full moons, Winston has to use his magic to assist him in either keeping calm or easing pain
Egon and Elon were born noble in the Victorian era, and on one night, they were attacked by a feral vampire. A group of other vampires saved them but it was too late to reverse the curse. While they are not the first set of twins or even identical twins to be turned, they are the only twins to have kept their original birth age gap. They are only about 200 years deep into being vampires, but they are already incredibly powerful They are in the care of the only Vampire who believes they will not turn into ferals despite their untimely evolution. Elon adapted much easier to the shift in time period, but Egon has had a bit more trouble keeping up. Hence his slightly awkward attitude
Winston is a dragon that was hatched 35,000 years ago and taught humans aren't anything special, and that they suck dragons are the best etc. while he believed it for a while, the more he watched the humans the more he saw how resourceful and smart they were. He absolutely loved humans and thought that is they just had a bit of direction they could do wonderful things. As time went by him and his kin were forced to take human forms and live amongst them. He was always fascinated by humans and for a long while was content yet disappointed by humanity. Still he wanted to protect humans especially from the unseen forces of the myths and supernatural...So in the 1980s... He saw that ad for the Ghostbusters. He was shocked to see that the only true human... Was Janine. With a group of supernatural defenders he was confident he found where he needed to be.
This leaves Peter. Peter was born to human parents but a genetic mutation caused him to be able to morph. With an absent dad and loving mother, she did all the research and found out that her boy had a Doppler mutation. He was technically not a human. However he was her boy and she loved him. Through his life he used his ability sparingly but it was a very useful thing to have. Got him out of being beat up in school, let him take classes a jock couldn't take, and it helped him take care of his mother in her ill days. Still he was content to live a normal life... Until he saw Ray transform... Then while trying to chase him they ran into Egon... Who was trying to keep Ray safe until he calmed from the rampage. From then on Peter gave up that normal life... As he finally met people as funky as he is. His default look is his natural body, but he can switch it to look like anyone humanoid. He still can't transform into animals
They all have different life spans as well. Egon, Elon and Winston are all immortal barring any hunters taking them out. Peter with his mutation will likely love around 250 years, with Ray having the closest thing to a normal human life span. Still it's likely he'll reach 120 before he goes
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notquitecanon · 3 years
For Emergencies Only // Dr. Egon Spengler
Is this out of character? Possibly. Is it almost vulgar levels of self indulgence? Yes. Is it based off a tiktok audio clip from Doctor Who? Also yes. Is it proofread? Lmao no
Tw: alc mention, unnamed creepy neighbor with 'nice guy' tendencies, the fact you can tell I've never made out with anyone (if you couldn't already tell from just looking at my profile)
look at him he's so neat
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All four ghostbusters froze in their places as you burst through the door into the makeshift dining room, either half way to taking a sip of beer or with a take out noodle dangling from their chop sticks. Your eyes were flicking amongst your options as Ray asked, "Geez, (Y/N), where's the fire?"
Nope, even for a facade Ray is too much like a brother to you. Your eyes then slid to Peter, and you could see the wheels turning in his head to come up with a snarky remark just at your disheveled appearance- if you chose him, you would never hear the end of it. Next was Winston, who was an immediate no, the man was a terrible liar.
Finally, your eyes landed on one Dr. Egon Spengler, this could work, it would only be a half lie, "Emergency!! Egon, you're my boyfriend."
"Well, hot damn." Peter laughed, silenced by the sheer amount of chaos behind your glare, but only for a moment, "Ok, Well, it's been a while, he might have to glance at a manual- the good doctor might be a bit rusty in some areas."
Egon glanced between you and Peter, slowly setting his Chopsticks down as heat rushed up your neck, head swinging side to side so fast he was worried you might give yourself whiplash, sputtering out, "No, no- not actually my boyfriend."
"Well that was quick." Venkman snickered before ducking his smirk behind a lifted can of PBR, "Like watching Days of Our Lives."
Winston nodded sagely catching the slight look of disappointment from the still silent scientist that you had missed while you glared at Peter, "A real rollercoaster."
Frustrated and flustered, you couldn't get the words and thoughts out properly so you scrubbed your hands against your face, "No, you're not listening, I need a boyfriend, quickly."
"Well, I hope you're nicer to the next one." Ray chimed in with a grin.
"No! Shut up!" You whined, a tad more shrill than you were proud to admit, lips pulling into a pout, shifting from foot to foot as you swallowed your pride, "You guys remember my creepy neighbor, the one who makes Louis seem like James Bond?"
The group erupted into murmurs of affirmations, how could they forget, you brought him up at least three times a day with stories of varying degrees of creepiness.
"Well, He's gotten in his head that I'm playing hard to get and need a boyfriend." You explained.
"He's been pursuing you since you moved into that complex. Has something changed? " Egon pointed out, voice lilted as if asking you to continue. You sighed, eyes suddenly finding the water stain on the ceiling very interesting as you got to the actual embarrassing part.
"Well, he decided he needed to force my hand. He's downstairs, expecting me to go out to dinner with him. Like, right now." You informed the group, voice pitched high and rushed with embarrassment before dipping. "So... I may have... accidentallyinventedaboyfriend."
"Very days of our lives." Peter repeated, "I don't know whether I'm offended or ok with the fact you didn't consider me for the role."
"Can we discuss this later? This is kind of time sensitive." You cut him off, knowing that your neighbor, in his unending creepiness, wouldn't think twice about coming up the stairs after you if you took too long, "So, Egon?"
Egon thought for a moment, sitting back in his chair. Without noticing, you leaned in like one would do watching an intriguing sports match, eager for the next play. Finally, he spoke, "I think you should simply tell him you're not interested. You're both adults."
You tried to conceal the sting of disappointment you felt- he wouldn't be your fake boyfriend for two minutes? So much for Janine's psychic predictions that he felt something for you. So you squared you shoulders and sniffed, "Right, of course."
It had been ten minutes of being an 'adult'. Ten minutes of first trying to explain you didn't want to go out with him, then shouldering the humiliation of being caught in a lie, explaining all the reasons that no he wasn't 'disgusting and annoying' (he was) just not your type, trying to explain your type (tall, dark haired, glasses, smartest guy in any room), and finally rounding back around to not wanting to go out with him.
You watched your downstairs neighbor go from flirtatiously hard headed to annoyed to sad and finally to angry.
So much for being adults.
"I actually think it's really sad that you had to make up a boyfriend. Women will do anything for attention." He rolled his eyes, giving you a cold once over, "You're really not pretty enough for all this fuss."
"I don't believe she asked you for your fuss or your attention." A deep voice sternly sounded from the stairwell entrance. You whipped around to find Egon back in his lab coat, crossing the firehouse lobby in purposeful strides. For once he didn't glance your way, his eyes holding an uncharacteristic amount of malice behind his glasses as he continued, "In fact, through body language, vocal indicators, and basic understanding of parenthetical social dynamics, one might infer that (Y/N) is not only disinterested but becoming consequently disdainful to your advances."
Your neighbor sized the scientist up, clearly not happy to find that Egon had a full head over him in height. He cleared his throat flicking his beady eyes between you and Egon, "You must be the 'boyfriend'?"
Egon slid his eyes to you as he landed beside you, making you feel less cornered before giving a singular curt, "Yes."
With no further ado, Dr. Spengler turned towards you and swiftly pressed his lips down to yours. At first it was a simple kiss, lips to lips. Then one of his large hands cupped your cheek while the other gingerly but not hesitantly met your hip before circling up to the small of your back. Similarly, the kiss itself started a bit chaste before deepening a bit closer to something in the third act of those romance movies Janine loved so much.
"Mmmppmh--.." You muffled sound of surprise quickly fizzled out. Like in those movies, your eyes widened at first, brain going a million miles a minute to try and process what was happening before turning to putty as you felt Egon's tongue dart across your lips as if asking permission to take the kiss a bit further. Charade or not you quickly granted it, eyes fluttering shut as you hooked one arm around the back of his neck and allowed the other to tug at his lab coat's lapel- as if you could physically get any closer to him. Arms either entwined around each other or fervently keeping ahold of the other, chests so close you could swear Egon was keeping track of your pulse (he was), and knees quickly becoming jelly... maybe it was the action itself or the impending oxygen deprivation, any thoughts of your neighbor or even the fact this was an act were becoming increasingly distant as the kiss went from romance movie finale to x-rated raunchy romance novel cover kiss.
And Egon was anything if not thorough, in the charade he even went so far as to dramatically dip you a bit, easily supporting you as though this was simple geometry. When he finally broke off, you were so stunned that your mind had gone completely blank and all you could manage to do was gape up at him, wide eyed and swollen lipped. Egon stared back for a moment, as if mentally categorizing his thoughts before he easily set you back on your feet keeping one firm grip on your elbow since he'd already noted how shaky your legs seemed.
"As you can see, we are deeply in love. Societal construct issues that if you keep pursuing and or insulting (Y/N) there will be altercations of the physical variety. I trust you know where the door is." His voice had gone back to it's usual monotonous and matter-o-fact tone though his eyes held a stern challenge- as if he hadn't just stopped time, reversed gravity, found the meaning of life, and generated electricity through a single kiss.
In fact, your mind was still reeling to such a degree that you had completely forgotten your neighbor existed much less that he was in the building. Your neighbor whose face had gone beet red at the , who looked half as shocked as you did, simply nodded, flicking confused and slightly impressed eyes between you and the good doctor before vanishing the way he came.
Finally, Egon looked back down at you, just as calm as ever as you tried desperately not to focussed on the smudged lipstick at the corner of his mouth, "I'll be in the lab if you need me."
And with that, he disappeared into the basement, leaving you reeling as you collapsed into the rolling chair, suddenly very glad you hadn't asked Peter to be your fake, emergency boyfriend.
get it bc at first he doesn't just want to be your fake boyfriend bc he lubs yoooooou. And then he hears unnamed neighbor DISRESPECTING you and that's just unacceptable so he get's a lil hostile. like three steps away from 1984's 'YOUR MOTHER' Egon.
Oh to be dramatically kissed and defended by one, Dr. Egon Spengler. Read pt. 2 there ⬇️
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eebydeebyderby · 3 years
Headcanons for the Ghostbusters comforting their s/o after a nightmare? I really liked your media attention hcs 💖
Hey, nonnie! Thanks for the compliment! I’m glad you liked it. I actually have a ficlet in-progress with a very similar premise, but an extra serving in the meantime won’t hurt :)
Egon Spengler
When you stumble into the lab at two in the morning, half-asleep and tears streaming down your face, Egon drops everything and immediately rushes over to you. Egon is no stranger to nightmares and he reads your face in an instant: this was a bad one. He pulls you into his arms and holds you tightly against his chest, tucks your head under his chin and pets your hair, encouraging you to breathe deeply and slowly as you soil the front of his lab coat with a mess of tears.
Feeling the soft, muted thrum of his strong heartbeat, the rhythmic, gentle rise and fall of his steady breathing, the rumble in his chest when he speaks, you gradually start to calm down. He asks if you want to talk about it, but doesn’t prod if you remain quiet. He’ll hold you for as long as you like, experimental time sensitivity be damned. Experiments can be replicated. You’re much, much more important.
You have the options of staying in the lab with Egon or going back to bed, and he never pushes you towards one or the other. If you want to stay in the lab, he’ll keep you cozy and curled up in his lap as he sits at his desk and jot down notes until you inevitably grow drowsy and fall asleep. When Peter enters the lab for his everyday morning ‘bug Egon until he gives me a snack’ routine, he teases Egon, saying the two of you look like a pair of mother-and-child bats.
If you want to go back to bed, Egon will carry you to the bedroom upstairs and lay with you until you’re sleeping peacefully in his arms. He’ll remain with you for hours and enjoy the feeling of you in his arms, even if he’s wide awake. Eventually, he’ll fall asleep with you.
Ray Stanz
Ray seems to have a sixth sense that Something’s Wrong™ before it even happens. He’ll enter the bedroom to investigate his weird feeling just seconds before you bolt awake in a fit of tears. He instantly pulls you into a hug and repeatedly assures you that everything is okay, that everyone is safe. He absentmindedly sways a bit back and forth as he shushes you, something his parents did when he awakened from nightmares in his early childhood. It’s almost hypnotic, how soothing he is.
He’ll cradle your face in his hands and shower you with light kisses as he wipes away the tears on your face. He loves you, he loves you, and nothing bad will happen on his watch, or on any of the boys’ watches, for that matter. You mean a lot to all of the boys, but Ray especially would do anything to keep you safe and happy.
He has to put in a great deal of willpower to not show how troubled he gets when he sees you so upset. He finds solace in the fact that he’s successfully calming you down, but it really bothers him that something can cause you such a great amount of distress. Later, when you’re well-rested and more settled, he’ll ask about it and see how he can help. But, for now, he just holds you tightly in his arms, his cheek resting against the top of your head.
No matter the time of day, Ray will not let the chance of cuddling in bed pass him by. Once you’re nice and relaxed, tear-free and ready to go back to sleep, he’ll hop into bed, practically wrap himself around you like a starfish, and fall asleep in mere minutes.
Winston Zeddemore
Winston always has an ear out for you, even when he’s dead asleep in the middle of the night. You can wake up without a sound, tears flooding silently down the side of your face, and he’ll still somehow hear your distress. He’ll sit up, still mostly asleep, and lightly stroke your cheek with his thumb, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear and asking you what’s wrong. His tender voice is warm and soothing against your face.
Winston will bring you anything that you want in that moment—tissues, an extra blanket, your water on the nightstand. Want to watch a movie until you fall back asleep? Want to cuddle and stay up for a bit? Want to head to the kitchen for some hot chocolate? Want to steal Ecto-1’s keys from the front office and go for a bit of a drive? He’ll indulge any of your whims for the chance of making you feel better.
He’ll pick you up as if you were weightless and cradle you in his arms, gently planting whiskery kisses on your brow. He’ll keep the two of you bundled up in a blanket, almost making himself look like a vampire draping his cape over you, with only your heads visible. He’ll tell you small stories about his time in the Marines, funny little moments to pull your mind towards something more light-hearted, away from the horrible thoughts reeling in your head.
He doesn’t want your sleep schedule to get thrown off-kilter and is pretty tired himself, so he eases the two of you into a lying position, still wrapped in the bundle of blankets. Sleep comes back easily to both of you.
Peter Venkman
Peter often isn’t tired when you head to bed, but he’s never one to pass up a cuddle session. Once you’re asleep on his chest, he tucks in nicely with a book stolen from Ray’s Occult. You jerk yourself awake suddenly and loudly, making him yelp and fling his book into the wall. He initially finds it amusing that you managed to spook him, but his mood does a 180 when he sees the alarm on your face, the tears burning in your eyes.
His tone immediately softens and he tilts your chin up, concern etched on his face, and asks you if everything is okay. Regardless of whether he gets an answer or not, he’ll hold you close to his chest, lightly tracing his fingers along your jaw and muttering that he loves you as your tears soak through the front of his shirt.
He pulls you both up into a sitting position so he can get a better grip on you and get access to kiss your face. He brings up the time when he had a nightmare and how comforting your presence was for him the next morning despite not knowing it, before anything was explicitly romantic between the two of you. He thinks aloud that he realized then how he felt about you—that he was in love with you.
Once the tears stop, Peter whispers silly sweet-nothings in an attempt to lighten your mood, getting more and more absurd until he can get you to crack a smile. He grins triumphantly and plants a heavy kiss on the bridge of your nose, telling you how much he loves seeing you smile again. He’ll repeatedly kiss your face and call you a different pet name each time. “Darling.” Smooch. “Sweetheart.” Smooch. “My love.” Smooch. “Precious.” Smooch. “Sunshine.” Smooch. “Pumpkin.” Smooch. He’ll keep going until you finally stop him so the two of you can get some sleep.
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xxmoodslimexx · 3 years
Can you do a headcanon about the way the boys realize they're in love with their future s/o? I hope thats enough but yeah!
How/When the Ghostbusters realise they’re in love with you.
- Peter -
• Peter’s a hopeless romantic at heart. He’s convinced that he’s in love with you from the moment he lays eyes on you and you’ve just got to get together.
• But of course it doesn’t work like that. Especially when he comes on so strong it can often put people off at first. Plus when he’s spending so much time being the loudest and the boldest and deflecting any real negative thoughts/emotions with jokes, it stops people from getting to know him completely.
• Peter realises that he’s in love with you for real when he doesn’t feel the need to act Like That. He’s having a really bad day when you knock on the door and remind him that you guys were supposed to hang out that day. He’s tired and down and caught be surprise and doesn’t have enough time to come up with a stupid joke.
• But you don’t mind. You explain that you don’t care if it’s low energy or you guys don’t really talk or do anything, you just wanna hang out and be in his company. That’s when Peter realises how genuine what you guys have is and he falls hard and fast.
- Egon -
• You must have the patience of a saint because it takes this guy forever to put two and two together.
• That’s not to say he doesn’t have a lot of affection for you and he clearly really likes you right away. When you’re not around the firehouse he asks everyone where you are and says how much of a shame it is.
• He enjoys your company in the lab/workshop area. He likes that you’re curious enough to ask a lot of questions about his work as well as himself. The conversations always come so naturally in a way that he’s never really experienced before. He’s never been one for small talk or general chatter but here he is asking about your family and friends and being genuinely interested. You’re clearly really intelligent and knowledgeable about your interests.
• He realises he’s in love when you’re all out Ghostbusting one day and a particularly nasty ghost has you all stumped. It’s not until you recall a theory Egon had talked about earlier and expand upon it with your own idea that you guys figure out what to do. Egon’s just stunned that you actually paid that much attention and retained what he said. He’s way more used to people brushing him off, so to have someone like you on his side is kind of amazing.
- Ray -
• Ray fell in love with you little by little every day until one day it hit him all at once.
• He most loves your kindness. It’s little things like the way you always brings in snacks for the firehouse cupboards and remember to bring extra for Slimer too. Or the way you make tea and sit to really listen to a client, being a shoulder to cry on and reassuring them about their problems.
• But you never let anyone walk over you either. It never fails to make his heart swell with pride and admiration when your warmth turns to ice so you can tell some asshole exactly where to go and exactly where to stick it. It’s honestly kind of sexy too.
• Ray would realise how in love with you he is when the two of you spend an entire day together and he realises that he doesn’t get distracted once. He’s completely focussed on you and there’s very few things that can capture his entire attention like that.. But of course out of all of them, you’re the best.
- Winston -
• Winston’s life started moving a Hell of a lot faster once he joined the Ghostbusters. He wouldn’t change it for the world and he has no trouble keeping up.. But you’re an oasis he’s extremely grateful for.
• He realises he’s in love when he realises that even moments after a long day or a rough case you make it feel like he’s come home.
• Even just your smile or a joke you might make to lighten the mood makes him relax completely. He never feels out of his depth or like the odd one out as long as you’re there with him. The rest of his life might be moving fast but he falls in love with you calmly and comfortably and at a pace that’s perfect for you both.
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leah-halliwell92 · 2 years
What a Woman
Summary: Janine and Egon have been married since 1985, this is their story...from dealing with Walter Peck, the Staypuft Marshmallow man and Gozer to pink mood slime and the march of Lady Liberty in the first years of their marriage. To the clues that there might be a second Gozer resurgance.
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The Morning after Gozer's Vanquishment 1984
Janine waited a little ways away from the bulk of the crowd. She hoped her premonition wouldn't come true and that her boys would come back to her safely. She fingered the ring under her glove and prayed that they would walk out at any moment. She heard the crowd go wild and looked up relieved tears falling from her eyes. They're alive! And relatively unscathed, at least she thought so from what little she could see of them through the horde of people. She saw Ray walkout followed by Peter who was helping Dana Barrett then Winston and finally Egon. They were are covered in fluff but she wasn't thinking of that, or cared, as she made a dash for him.
"Egon!" She called out over the cheering crowd.
He smiled widely and hugged her close.
"Thank God," she breathed into the collar of his suit.
Egon crowded them into the back of Ecto-1 where she, like Dana, ended up on the lap of her respective ghostbuster after Louis Tully practically jumped in behind them.
Janine felt Egon's tight grip on her as they made it to what remained of their headquarters.
"Let's be real here," Peter said, "There's nothing."
"There won't be anything for a while," Winston said honestly.
"We'll need to store Ecto-1 somewhere before anything can really be done," Ray said looking forlornly at the rubble they called home.
"I can help with that," said Janine, "My roommate just moved in with her fiance, garage is free for storage if you need it."
The boys sighed in relief and nodded at this.
"Also, it might be a bit cramped but I can make some room too," Janine added finally feeling like herself after the rollercoaster that was the last couple of days.
Ray, Egon, Peter, Dana and Louis breath a sigh at that, they had a place to go.
The group piled back into Ecto-1 slimer hanging on to the lights as they drove to Brooklyn.
"Head warning, there is only one bathroom, so for the sake of us girls. And I cannot stress this enough, boys please flush and at least put the seat down after using. I'm your secretary not your mother," Janine said already sounding tired.
"Well you're gonna be babying one of us at least," Peter said with a smirk.
Janine glared at him before snuggling into Egon's neck. In her mind, now all that took presence was if her boys had any bruises they need looked at, she is no nurse but she can defend herself pretty well.
Once they arrived, Janine breathed a sigh of relief, she's home.
"Home sweet home," Peter said helping Dana out.
Janine opened the door making way for her boys, Louis and Dana.
"Dana I've some pajamas you can wear till I've the time to go and pick more things up. Ray, I think my brother left some things here you can borrow, should fit you ok. Peter, Ray, Mr. Tully you'll have to leave me your measurements so I can pick things up later," Janine started off, "Bathroom's through there, the couch pulls out and the spare bed has clean sheets, we'll just have to figure out what the sleeping arrangements will be."
Egon not so subtly pulled Janine to him making it clear where he'd be.
Ray and Peter gave each other a look.
"Take turns?" Ray asked nodding to the guest bedroom.
Peter nodded and no sooner he agreed, Ray ran off calling dibs on the bed for the first couple of nights. Peter rolled his eyes at his friend’s antics but said nothing as he stayed, respectfully, close to Dana.
"The packs can go in the corner," Janine pointed to an empty corner of the living room, "For the love of God don't try charging them here please."
Egon nodded respectfully and left her side to shed his proton pack before making his way back to her.
Peter and Winston did the same the latter going to the bathroom to shed their respective overalls.
"Don't worry about Louis," Winston said, "I've a pull out for him to crash on."
Janine sighed in relief at the knowledge she'd not have to shoulder everything. Granted this did not mean that her home wouldn't be cramped for the next while with all of them going in and out.
A game plan set, Janine made her way to her bedroom Egon in toe.
Egon shed his on overalls on the way tossing them in the laundry hamper as he followed her. He found her shedding her own coat and outerwear, her back to the door. He saw her tense shoulders drop as she removed her coat and realized how tense he himself had been before now. He walked up to her and put his hands on her shoulders before pulling her back to his front in a tight intimate hug.
Janine felt his arms around her and she felt the last of her walls drop. In the blink of an eye, she turned in his arms, buried her face in his shirt-covered chest, and sobbed holding onto him for dear life.
Egon pressed his lips to the crown of her head and closed his eyes. All those times he'd snubbed her advances crossed his mind. All the resistance and denial and for what? Granted he'd proposed not too long ago, but the lost time on what he thought he needed had him stumped. Why had he resisted living so much before realizing there was no shame in having something outside of academia? He realized just how pivotal having her in his life had become even before they'd made it official. He vowed to himself he'd never let anyone hurt her...even himself.
"I'm right here," he softly said into her pixy hair, "And I'm not going anywhere."
Janine nodded her sobs slowly subsiding.
The pair stayed like that for a bit longer, Egon making sure his little love is alright and Janine taking a moment to make herself presentable. If only to make a quick dinner for them all before crashing.
Janine felt a warm hand on her cheek and she looked up to Egon's soft brown eyes and tender smile.
"We're alive," she said as laughter bubbled up.
Egon pulled her into a tender kiss filled with promise...and more.
"Knock it off! Brooklyn, we're hungry what do you have that's edible in this place?" Peter called out from the kitchen.
Janine rolled her eyes and Egon chuckled.
"Better go out there before he destroys the fridge," Egon said half serious.
Janine ran out at that knowing very well how bachelors work, especially these ones.
"Rule number one, hands-off until things have been check-over," Janine said pushing Peter away from the refrigerator.
"What's rule number two then?" Peter asked cockily.
"Follow my rules till a routine is set or sleep outside with the strays," Janine said pointing to her back door.
Peter took a seat on the sofa for once listening and sitting quietly.
Meanwhile, Janine looked through her fridge to see what it was she had on hand to feed the people in her home.
“I have a leftover roast, green salad and matzo ball soup from Passover,” she said as she took out the food and called out, “Ray! Come and get food before it’s gone!”
Egon floated in behind her eying the soup like a starving man. If there was anything food-related he’d call his guilty pleasure it would be matzo ball soup. Janine had sung her praises of her grandmother’s recipe and was curious to see how it stood to the praise. Though not attached to his Jewish roots, his grandmother made sure to at least instill in him and his brother the respect held for the varying traditions of each religion…and because her matzo ball soup is unbeatable.
“I don’t think anyone’s gonna get the soup,” Winston said with a chuckle.
“If he knows what’s good for him, he’ll leave enough for at least Dana and Mr. Tully,” Janine said firmly, “It could be the one thing she can eat and actually keep down after such an ordeal.”
Egon pouted, though he’d never admit it, but gave in and let Janine dish out the food and put the soup on the stove to reheat. He looked on in awe at how fluffy the matzo looked, how rich the broth looked and it did not lean on the light side where meat content was concerned.
Janine spared “subtle” glances at him and grinned. Her bubbe always said a way to a man’s heart was with food.
Once the soup was done heating, she gave a good portion each to Dana and Louis before serving the others. Egon sat at the kitchen island and stared at his plate of steaming soup and dug in without much prompting.
Janine looked on in satisfaction as Egon’s face morphed into bliss at the first mouthful of soup. She settled for some broth, not being too hungry herself, and settled for feeling proud that she’d rendered her boys, and guests, speechless.
“You learned with your grandmother right?” Winston asked between mouthfuls of soup.
“Bubbe wanted to make sure at least one of her granddaughters learned to cook before she kicked the bucket,” Janine said with a small smile and nod.
“Oh I’m sorry,” he said sympathetically.
“Oh she’s not dead, believe me, old Bubbe Melnitz will live on outta spite,” Janine said with a laugh, “If only to prove my mom right.”
“Sounds about right,” Dana said a fond smile on her face, “My mom can be a force of nature, got that from my grandmother.”
Janine nodded with a smile and went back to eating her broth.
“I may move in with your grandmother after eating this roast,” Ray said between bites of food.
“She’s planning a move out here believe it or not,” Janine said with a roll of her eyes, “Something about needing a break from my sister, her husband I don’t know.”
“I’m moving,” Ray said boyishly causing the group to laugh.
Janine noticed her silent partner, taking his sweet time eating his soup and approached him.
“You ok?” She asked quietly.
He nodded and kept eating.
“It’s official J’s broken him!” Peter said boisterously.
Dana nudged him.
“What?” Peter said, “She did!”
“Keep going Doc,” Janine warned.
Ray, Winston and Louis focused on their plates as Peter toyed with his comfort.
Egon looked at Peter brow raised wondering if Peter was really going to play this game. He knew they were all coming down from a rather severe adrenaline high, however Peter being Peter needs to stop before he’s sleeping outside. It surprised him how Peter seems to forget that Janine wrangles them and works the business from top to bottom.
Janine glared at Peter and felt she only needed one more push.
“Pete,” Ray said quietly, “Do you really wanna risk sleeping outside?”
Peter scoffed, “She wouldn’t dare.”
“We’ll see about that,” Janine said having had enough.
The other three ghostbusters shared a look and new that Janine had about had it with Peter. Winston for his part knew coming down from an adrenaline high depends on the person, it doesn’t surprise him one bit that Peter’s would be for him to be his ever joyous self time a hundred. And by the dubious look in Janine’s eye, something is bound to happen.
Peter smirked thinking he’d won one over their spunky secretary. Unbeknownst to him, he’d sealed his fate.
After eating, Ray volunteered to get himself and Peter some clothes while Janine looked and hunted down a pair of sweats for the taller woman to wear. Winston, bless him, volunteered to wash the dishes as Egon dried and set them aside to put away later. Louis bid everyone a farewell as he left with Winston and Ray. Winston opted to run, he has no death wish, he also knows his girl will help get Dana some clothes for the next few days.
With them gone, Janine ignored Peter’s quips and focused on keeping her blood pressure down and not letting him get even more under her skin than he was. She prepped her tub for Dana knowing the woman needed some much needed processing time.
“Bath is filling if you want to go ahead and take a long soak,” Janine said with a sympathetic smile, “There’s two scents to choose from and take as long as you need. I’ll drop off the clothes so don’t worry if you hear the door opening and closing.”
Dana nodded and thanked her grateful to have a moment to herself.
Peter went to the guest room and promptly passed out.
After putting the extra clothes on the counter for Dana, Janine made her way to the master bedroom, closed the door and stripped.
Egon saw her go and trailed after her. He made sure to be quiet when entering the room seeing she’d been changing. He locked the door and approached her from behind making sure to put some force under his feet so as to not startle her.
Janine turned to find Egon walking up to her just as she was about to unhook her bra and said, “Not tonight. Especially not with the others here.”
Egon dropped kisses on her left shoulder and up her neck and said, “I know. You’re mine and I don’t share.”
Janine felt that to her core, this was a first for her. To actually witness him be as possessive as he was currently being.
Egon pulled off the bra and took her in.
“You look as beautiful as the night I asked you to marry me,” he said softly pulling her to him in a hug.
Janine sighed into his chest again and yawned feeling exhaustion take hold.
Egon nudged her to get in bed before stripping to his boxers and joining her. He pulled her to him and held her close.
Janine tangled their legs together needing to feel him close.
“Ya know what I forgot to do?” Janine said just before passing out.
“I forgot to shove Peter out the back door,” Janine said lightly exhaustion clear in her voice.
Egon chuckled at this and pressed a kiss to her forehead.
The Following Morning
The couple woke up to the smell of smoke and yelling coming from the kitchen.
Egon and Janine made quick work of putting something on before running out to find a green ghost in her kitchen doing a good job of eating the burnt up…whatever it was that’s in the pan. She looked to find Dana in the corner wide eyed as Peter tried to put the fire out.
“Looks like we may have found ourselves a new pet,” Egon said rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
“And an over abundance of ghost slime,” Ray said as he went to help Dana up.
Janine rolled her eyes at their antics and figured this is her new family, she might as well get used to it.
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sporesmoldandfungi · 3 years
Flip City - As Time Goes On
One year after the Manhattan Crossrip of 1984
"You gotta do a better job than that, Venkman!"
"I'm trying Ray!"
"If you both don't stop fighting, I will shoot both of you right now."
"What the hell are you doing?"
Peter Venkman, Ray Stanz, and Winston Zeddemore looked back at the firehouse's doors. Genevieve Spengler and her husband, Egon stood at the doors, suitcases in hands and confusion on their expressions.
Peter and Ray were standing on opposite sides of the room, each holding one end of a banner that read "Welcome Home!". Peter dropped his end, walking over to the couple coolly.
"Just some decorating, thought you two weren't supposed to be back from Washington for another day." Peter said.
"We came back early." Egon stated.
"Well I can see that." Peter muttered.
Ray quickly rolled up the banner, then ran to Egon and Genevieve, hugging them both tightly. "Welcome back! How was the honeymoon?"
Genevieve tapped on Ray's back, letting him know he was hugging her too tightly. He pulled away, muttering an apology. "It was nice, Egon and I did spent a lot of time outdoors. He brought back some fungus and stuff like that."
"Well we're glad you're back." Winston smiled.
They all walked upstairs to the almost empty living quarters of the firehouse. The Ghosbusters have been disbanded for almost a year, but they had neglected packing up all the old equipment. With Genevieve and Egon's wedding and Dana and Peter's engagement, they were all a little too busy from time to time. Ray grabbed a few beers from the fridge, tossing them to each person.
"As you can see, the three of us have been knocking out packing the place up while you guys have been gone. Been our little summer project." Ray explained, looking around at the bare room.
Genevieve sat on the floor, "Can't you just rent the place out or something? You have a lease on the place for another ten years, Ray. I'd hate to see it to get run down again."
"I think we should have went with my 'Ghostbusters Tours' idea." Peter joked.
"Well, considering we suffered a large lawsuit from every business in New York, I think monopolizing on our destruction of the city would rub people the wrong way. " Egon said.
Ray sighed, "Yeah, I'm keeping the place just in case we need it for something but, it's kinda sad to see it so bare. It has a lot of memories."
"That it does." Genevieve said, taking a sip of beer.
Two years after the Manhattan Crossrip.
Genevieve walked into Ray's new bookshop, a box of donuts in hand. She looked around the small room. Warm lighting encompassed the room nicely and there was a hint of eucalyptus in the air. She rang the small bell at the front desk, not expecting Ray to pop up from beneath the counter.
"Hey, Genny! Long time no see!" he smiled, leaning over the counter to embrace her.
"Hi, Ray. I wanted to stop by to drop off a congratulations gift on the new store." she looked around at the empty store. "How's business?"
"You know, I have my regulars, witches and demon hunters, that sort of thing. How are things at home?" he asked, opening the box of donuts, grabbing a jelly filled one.
She smiled, "Good, Egon's doing great at his new job. I've been staying home, taking care of the cats and trying to make our apartment feel more like home."
"That's good! You two are coming to the wedding next week right?" he asked, talking with a mouth full of donut.
"Yeah, we're coming." She grabbed a donut for herself. "You know, for how much shit Venkman gave Egon for never making a move, you would think he would elope as soon as possible, not be engaged for over a year."
Ray chuckled, "Yeah, you would. Just excited to have everyone together again, it'll be nice to have things like the good ol' days."
"You see the guys often?" she asked.
"Oh yeah, we have poker night and stuff, it's not the same though. I wish you would come out with us more often. We were all friends before you and Egon even started dating."
"Egon needs some time away from me, we can't be spending every waking second with each other. Besides, I see Peter a lot, since I've been helping Dana with the wedding. But yeah, we should plan some more stuff." Genevieve said, leaning on the counter.
"Well, I could use some help around the store from time to time. I know you're looking for a job, maybe you can come here a few times a week." he suggested.
She smiled at him, "I'm in."
Four years, two months, and twenty three days after the Manhattan Crossrip
"I would like to introduce you to the one, the only, Oscar Barrett-Venkman." Peter said, holding his newborn son up with pride.
Everyone had come to visit Dana and Peter after the baby was born. Ray went all out, bringing balloons, flowers, stuffed animals, you name it. Winston, Egon, and Genevieve gifted the new parents the essentials, some extra onesies and diapers.
Genevieve sat beside Dana, smiling at her, "He's beautiful, Dana. He has your eyes."
"Thank you, Genevieve. He's probably gonna get Peter's hairline, though." Dana joked.
"For your information, he is gonna be one lucky man. He's got the ladies man genes coursing through his veins." Peter said defensively.
Dana rolled her eyes, "We're only joking, honey. Now will you let his godmother hold him please?"
Peter gently handed little Oscar to Genevieve. She cradled his head and rocked him in her arms. Egon watched his wife rock the newborn, imagining how she would look with their own children someday.
"Egon and Genevieve need to get on adding to the next generation of Ghostbusters, we can't be the only baby making factory." Peter joked.
"What about Ray and Winston?" Genevieve said.
"Also, I have kids, Peter." Winston stated.
"You do?!"
A/N : I had zero clue how to end this, it's just little drabbles/headcannons.
TAGLIST : @egonspenglersweetie , @spenglers-main-squeeze , @hiddlebatchedloki 
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Meeting and Dating Ray Stantz
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
- You first met Ray when you were both still working at the University. You worked down the hall from him and would run into him frequently.
- In the mornings, the two of you would arrive at the same time and he’d open the door for you. You’d make small talk whenever you ended up in the same room or walking in the same direction and he was always willing to lend you something; or a hand, if you needed it. You didn’t know him incredibly well but you did know that he was a sweet guy.
- Ray had a major crush on you. He pretty much fell for you the moment he saw you but his own insecurities kept him from trying to do anything about it. You were smart, gorgeous, and had an amazing personality. What would you want with him?
- It takes him a while to actually ask you out. He keeps going back and forth on whether or not he should, wondering if he’s willing to make a fool of himself just for the off chance that you’ll agree. Peter has a field day with him when he’s in this state, constantly teasing and prodding, urging him to just get it over with and see what you say.
- There was definitely a few instances of him approaching you and/or opening his mouth to say something to you, then quickly shutting it and excusing himself with an apology. It takes him nearly a year to actually go through with it.
- You were just leaving the building and preparing for your walk home when he caught up with you and somewhat shyly asked if you would like to have dinner with him sometime. To his utter shock, you smiled and agreed, and the two of you made plans to meet.
- The two of you went out to a not so fancy restaurant which was perfect for the occasion. He felt like he was walking on clouds the entire night; here he was, with you, and you actually seemed to like him. What were the odds that you would actually like him?
- But regardless of his disbelief over how lucky he was, the two of you had a really great time together and you were happy to see him again the next day at the university.
- The two of you shared your first kiss on your third date. He was walking you home and you were both stood in front of your door, saying goodbye. You were just about to walk inside when you paused, turning around and placing a gentle kiss on his lips before saying goodnight again and closing your door.
- He was frozen in shock for a good minute and a half but you should have seen the smile on his face.
- It wasn’t long before the two of you considered yourselves a couple, and he couldn’t have been happier.
- Ray is a big sweetheart and you can’t convince me otherwise, though I doubt you would even try. You’ll never meet another man who treats you so right.
- He loves Pda, especially when people recognize him in public. He feels particularly cool with you hanging on his arm.
- Quick giddy kisses. 
- He keeps his hand on your lower back whenever you’re standing together, it’s just a habit of his. 
- He likes using nicknames; he thinks they’re cute. He usually just calls you things like honey, sweetheart, and beautiful; he’s somewhat old fashioned in that regard. He wouldn’t even mind you calling him pet names. In fact, he’d probably love it. 
- He’s a strong boy and proud of it! Ask him to hold something! Ask him to open a pickle jar! Ask him to carry you! He’s got it covered! …Although, occasionally he wont be able to open the pickle jar and you might actually show him up when trying it again for yourself. 
- Cheek kisses. He wraps an arm around your neck and pulls you in, pressing his lips to your cheek enthusiastically and smiling down at you.
- Stealing his sweaters. They’re big and cozy and he melts every time he sees you wearing them.
- Takeout meals. You order in or pick something up at least once a week.
- He’s not afraid to make a fool out of himself so the two of you always have a great time together, filled with jokes and stupid/ridiculous behavior. He loves being able to make you laugh. 
- Cuddling? Sign him the fuck up! No matter what you’re doing, he’ll find a way to squeeze himself beside you and wrap himself around you in some way. Whenever you’re going to bed, you’ll rest your head on his chest with his arms wrapped around you; …or you’ll just be laying almost completely on top of him. 
- A lot of your dates are going to be interrupted, it just sort of comes with the territory. When something strange is in the neighborhood, he’s the one being called so you just have to be patient and understanding. He always makes it up to you anyway.
- Occasionally, he’ll stop and pick up flowers or a movie you’ve been wanting to see from the rental place on his way home. He likes surprising you with something nice, especially if he was called away when you were supposed to spend time together.
- Becoming close with Egon, Winston and Peter. You see them constantly so it’s sort of hard not to.
- Sticking by his side and cheering him up when the Ghostbusters aren’t too popular anymore. 
- You may or may not be a partial owner of the bookshop. As much as he loves being a Ghostbuster, he can’t deny that he likes running the place with you. 
- He’s always there if you need someone to get you something or somewhere. He’s particularly good at pushing through crowds and coming up with things to say that will make it easier for you to do what you have to do. He also just doesn’t take no for an answer so, ya know. 
- He’s a total pushover when it comes to you. You can always convince him to do something for you.
- Ray looks like he knows how to fix things. He looks and acts like a man I could trust with my things. If my car broke down, his smiling face would be the one I would ask to help me. So, if you need anything fixed around your house, all you have to do is ask. 
- Little traditions. Things like watching a specific show after dinner, going to a certain place every weekend or eating certain things on certain days. 
- He loves hugs, they’re pretty much his favorite thing in the entire world.
- Random playful harassment. He kind of likes to tease you, jokingly making fun of and tickling you. He thinks the way you react is cute and it’s usually after you do or say something to him so technically it’s revenge. 
- Now, I’m not saying that Ray owns action figures or other toys of that nature, but Ray would definitely be the type to own them.... You may or may not have a little shelf full of figures when you move in together. 
- He’s a big fan of going to zoos. You practically know the animals at your local zoo by name from how many times you go to see them. 
- Carnival and amusement park dates. 
- He gets this dopey smile on his face whenever you try to give him a massage or dote on him in anyway. He’s just so overjoyed that you actually like him and care about his wellbeing. He also just loves the feeling of your hands. 
- Ray sort of craves domesticity. Seeing you wearing one of his shirts and cooking breakfast or being there to welcome him home after work or surprising him by doing some chores would literally make him melt. He’s a centimeter away from proposing to you on the spot.
- The two of you are pretty much the epitome of two best friends dating. You have the time of your lives together and are always completely comfortable and happy in each others presences. 
- Walking around New York together. You wind up just wandering around the city a lot, occasionally stopping for food or drinks or whatever comes to mind when you pass a store. 
- He isn’t the most sensitive person to talk to when you’re upset or scared about something but he apologizes when he goes off on a tangent or says the wrong thing. Don’t blame him too much, he’s got a skewed view of what’s considered a problem rather than a good scientific discovery. 
- Ray gets easily excited about a lot of things, he’s sort of like a puppy at times so even though you might not be so amused with a situation, he’ll be incredibly happy. Whenever he notices that you aren’t thrilled, he’ll usually just give you a sheepish smile and a “sorry honey”. 
- Having him randomly show up and borderline embarrass you when something big is found out. Just picture the restaurant scene from the second movie.
- Visiting him at the office. 
- Letting him gush to you about the paranormal and supernatural. 
- Helping him with his research, experiments, and invention. He loves having you around and hearing your input.  
- He’s definitely named something after you, whether it be a theory, project or machine he’s created. It’s cute, in a geeky sort of way. 
- Be prepared to get scared and not just by ghosts. Sometimes Ray will just pop into view out of nowhere, excitedly talking about something he just saw and scaring the living daylights out of you. He doesn’t understand why you’re looking at him like that, did he do something wrong? 
- He works with all things supernatural and paranormal; he’s seen a lot over the years and because of that, he’s gradually gotten more and more protective of you over time. Wouldn’t you if you knew that evil slime once ran wild underneath your girlfriends apartment? 
- He gets particularly miffed when jealous, not livid or angry just …miffed. You know he’s not upset with you but you can tell that something is bothering him. Occasionally, you won’t even have to figure out what because he’ll insult whoever he’s jealous of like he’s talking about the weather. 
- The two of you don’t really fight all too often, you rarely have a reason too, even though your lives are incredibly hectic most of the time. He doesn’t really have one certain way of responding when he’s angry, everything depend on the situation. One day, you’ll bicker, the next, you’ll yell.
- He always feels bad whenever he snaps at you. Almost immediately after he storms out, he’ll get this pang of guilt in his chest and debate on whether or not he should just walk back in and apologize. He usually doesn’t right then; wanting to give you time to yourself, but does come back not very long after and apologizes, admitting he was wrong if he was and asking if things are alright between the two of you.
- He’s always happy to say he loves you, and gosh does he love hearing you say it.
- Your family probably loves him. He’s a guy that’s easy to get along with …and he’s a ghostbuster so he’s got that going for him.
- Ray is sooo ready to have kids and settle down with you, he’s just waiting until he’s in a more stable work environment. He doesn’t need any ghosties lurking in your kids nursery, even if he’s the most equipped to get rid of them.
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just-my-fandom · 4 years
Chapter 2: Trick or Treat, Freak
Summary: After Will sees something terrible on trick-or-treat night, Mike wonders whether Eleven’s still out there. Nancy wrestles the truth about Barb. Dustins sister finally talks to Mad Max, but doesn’t get the response she wanted.
Tag list; @folly-olly @chinchillagirl18
Story list; Chapter 1
Note; Damn I suck at keeping up with series’, I’m sorry it took me five months to get the second chapter in, school and work is keeping me (too) occupied! I also started improvising in the end because my Netflix has been cutting out, and I don’t know the episode word-for-word by heart!
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“Oh! I want to see those pearly whites!”
You and Dustin are dressed all out. Gray suits and large backpacks, each holding your own proton blaster. Side by side, you aim your blasters at one another, smiling at the camera your mother held up,
“Who you gonna call?” Claudia hums the Ghostbusters theme song, and laughs when you purposefully hit Dustin in the shoulder with your blaster. 
You skid your bike to a stop just outside the school, laughing when Will runs up, yelling, “Ghostbusters!”
“Hey, Spengler!”
“Whoa whoa.” Mike pulls you away from Lucas, pointing to Lucas’ name tag on his suit, “Why are you Venkman?”
“Because I’m Venkman.” Lucas states, Mike shaking his head. “No, I’m Venkman.”
“Why can’t there just be two Venkmans?” Will asks, innocently, Mike scoffing and glaring at Lucas. “Because there’s only one Venkman in real life. We planned this months ago.” 
Mike presses a hand to his chest. “I’m Venkman. Y/N’s Barrett, Dustin’s Stantz, Will’s Egon, and you’re Winston.”
“I specifically didn’t agree to Winston.” Lucas crosses his arms, Mikes eyes widening in an ‘are you serious’ expression. “Yes, you did!”
“I don’t think he did.” You look at Will, who shakes his head. “No one wants to be Winston.”
“What’s wrong with Winston?” Mike looks at you, and you press your lips together, tightly. “Winston joined the team super late, he’s not really funny, or a scientist.”
“Yeah but he’s still cool.”
“If hes so cool.” Lucas snips, “Then you be Winston.”
“I cant.” Mike sighs, and your eyes scan the school yard as they continue to argue, furrowed brows relaxing with realization. “Shit.” You face the group, “Guys?”
The four boys look at you, and you point past them, to the kids getting off the bus. “Why is no one else wearing costumes?”
Standing at your lockers side by side, Will watches you unzip your suit and step out of it. “You wore clothes underneath?”
“You didnt?” You pick up the suit and bag and shove them into your locker, slamming it shut before picking up your bookbag, turning and jerking to a stop to stare at Max, who rolled down the hall towards you on her skateboard.Your eyes watch as she skids to a stop in front of her locker, putting her board inside and grabbing her books for the next class.
“You really like her, huh?” You blink and look at Will, shaking your head as you sigh, deeply. “No. It’ll go away.” Your eyes shift back to the red head. “I hope.”
“Why dont you just talk to her?” Will asks, and you frown, finally turning your full attention to him. “She called us stalkers and creeps. I dont think she’d want to be friends with a creepy stalker.” Without realizing, your eyes are on her again, “Besides, she probably doesnt even like girls.”
“You never know until you talk to her.” Will raises an eyebrow, and you squint your eyes. “Since when did you get so good at this kinda stuff?”
“My mom has a boyfriend.” Will shrugs, and you snort, nodding towards the classroom you both shared down the hall. “C’mon.”
.           .               .
Max opens her locker and shoves her first and second period books inside, heaving a deep sigh of exhaustion.
A small clearing of a throat causes her to glance over, finding you, shifting your bookbag on your shoulder, and a nervous smile on your lips. Cute.
“Uh, hey.” You wave, and instantly drop your hand to your side, “I’m Y/N.”
“I know.” She nods, once, shifting onto one foot, “You’re a stalker like your four buddies.”
You laugh, nervously, shaking your hand as you pull at the sleeves of your shirt. “No. No, we weren’t stalking you. I-I mean my brother and my friend, Lucas, were, but I was just curious. You’re new here in Hawkins and I saw that you really like Dig Dug at the arcade.”
“So your brother is Dustin?” Max raises an eyebrow, and you nod, “Great. So you’re related to a stalker.”
“My twin, actually.” You flinch, “That’s not what I came to you about. Halloweens tonight, and since you’re new to town, I was wondering if you wanted to go trick or treating with us.”
“No thanks.” Max slams her locker shut, stepping back, “I dont hang out with stalkers.” You press your lips together when she turns around, walking down the hall to the classroom you also had to walk to.
“Great talk.” You exhale, shakily, glancing around before following her. You drop down into your desk and heave a deep sigh, Will glancing over at you then to Max settled in the back, “So?”
“So what, Will?” You mutter, dropping your notebook on your desk before crossing your arms, leaning into your seat. “Did you talk to her?”
“Did I talk to her?” You repeat, and Dustin looks over his shoulder at your harsh tone, “Yeah I talked to her. She called me a stalker and a creep. Us stalkers and creeps. So she wants nothing to do with me.”
Will frowns and glances at Dustin, before he watches you prop your chin on your hand, and write the notes on the board.
. . .
“You’re late.” Billy is propped up against his car, cigar in hand as he watched Max round to the passenger side,
“I had to pick up make up homework.”
“Jesus, I don’t care.” Billy tosses his cigar down, stomping on it before tossing open his door, “Late again and you’re skating home.”
Max waits until he’s in the car before rolling her eyes, settling in next to him and curling up against the window. Halfway down the road is when Billy decides to speak up again. “God, this place is a shithole.”
“It’s not that bad.” Max protests, quietly, mind taking her back to you. She had seen how quiet you were in class today. She caused that by being cold to you in the hallway.
“You liking it here?” Billy snips, eyes glancing at her then back to stare at the road, “It smells like literal cow shit.”
“Then why are you defending it?” Billy narrows his eyes to Max, but misses her rolling her eyes a second time that day. “I’m not.”
“Sure seems like it.”
“It’s just.” Max sucks in a deep breath, trying to make sure she didn’t have an attitude. “We’re stuck here, and.”
“Yeah. Whose fault is that?”
“Yours.” Max mutters, so Billy raised his eyebrows and glanced her. “What was that?”
“Nothing.” Billy raises his hand to his ear, “Whose fault is it Max? Say it.”
Billy clenches his jaw, hand jerking to shift the gear of his car, which lurches when it suddenly picks up speed. Max’s eyes snap to the road, where up ahead, four figures pedal on their bikes. You and the party.
“Billy, slow down.” Max demands, Billy chuckling and looking at her. “What? Those your buddies?”
“No! I don’t know them.”
“Well I guess you won’t care if I hit em, huh?” Billy drums his hand on the steering wheel, eyes settled on you reaching over to shove Dustin, “Bonus points if I hit all of them in one? Or maybe just the girl.”
“Stop, that’s not funny.” Max turns in her seat, mind racing. She just met you. Is she really going to lose you before she has a chance to be friends?
You look over your shoulder at the loud roar of Billy’s car, your eyes widening when the car jerks to speed up, your gasp inaudible from how hard you suck in, “Guys. Guys, we gotta move!”
“Billy, stop!” Max orders, hand reaching out to jerk the steering wheel away from the group, to the opposite side of the road.
Your bike wobbles so you fell sideways, jaw hitting the rough road so your head jerked back up, groan loud as Dustin fell into the grass, Mike and Lucas dropping their bikes to scram back into the road, both grabbing your arms but their eyes remain on the car now speeding away.
“What the fuck?!” You jerk your arms away and rub your jaw, hissing before pulling your hand back, staring at the blood on your fingers and palm,
“Was that...?” Dustin points to the car, before looking at you, catching the blood on your face and hand, “Ah, shit.”
. . .
“I swear to God, if I get another 3-Musketeers I’m going to kill myself.”
You snort and toss your hair up into a lose ponytail, taking your candy bag back from Mike as you glance at Lucas, who holds up said candy and grimaces.
“What’s wrong with 3-Musketeers?” Dustin asks, foreign high offense to the dark skinned males statement,
“What’s wrong with 3-Musketeers?” Luke repeats, chucking the candy so Dustin barely caught it, grinning at it before shoving it into his bag, “No one likes 3-Musketeers,”
“Yeah, it’s just nougat.” Will agrees, shrugging at your scrunched nose face,
“Just nougat?” Dustin protests, Will nodding, “Just nougat. It is top three for me.”
“Eh, top five.” You squint, ignoring Dustins glare,
“Top three?” Mike breathes, Dustin repeating in agreement, “Oh, God, give me a break!”
“Seriously, I could eat a whole bowl of nougat, straight up!”
Suddenly, a figure wearing a white mask jumps out in front of you, your brows furrowing when the four boys at your sides all screech, your eyebrow raising as you glance at them, then to the figure, “That’s it?”
“Seriously?” The figure pulls off the mask to reveal Max’s face, her mouth gaped as she stared at you. “Out of all of you I’d expect you to scream.”
“I’m not a pussy.” You snip, Dustin hitting your shoulder with this back of his hand. You roll your shoulder away from him, narrowing your eyes to your twin.
Max nods her head and turns, only getting five steps before she glances over her shoulder, noticing that you nor the four boys had moved to follow her, “You guys coming or what? I heard we should hit up Loch Nora, that’s where the rich people live, right?”
“Seriously?” You mock, Max’s face slightly falling at the irritation in your voice, “I thought you didn’t want to hang out with us because we’re ‘stalkers’?”
“Look, I didn’t mean that,” Max sighs, and you hum, tilting your head,
“Was that before or after you had your brother almost kill us?”
“Wait. What?” Will looks at you, confused, Max shaking her head and narrowing her eyes.
“You think I did that on purpose? He’s an asshole either way, and, he’s not my brother.”
“Whatever.” You look down at your bag, “Let’s just go to Loch Nora.”
. . .
“Another full size. Like, seriously, rich people are such suckers.” Dustin shoves another snickers bar into his bag, handing you a full (favorite/candy) bar so you smiled, elbowing his arm, “Wait.” Dustin looks at Max, “You’re not rich, right?”
“No.” Max laughs, “I live up Old Cherry Road.”
“That’s totally tubular.” Dustin speaks, looking at you to see you shaking your head, nose scrunched up, “What? Did I say it wrong?”
“Just don’t say it at all.” You demand, and Dustin rolls his eyes, glancing over when Lucas chucks another 3-Musketeers at him.
“Hey.” Max speaks up, your eyes shifting to her. “Look. I’m sorry I called you guys stalkers.” She shrugs. “But I mean. You guys were spying on me a lot.”
“Yeah, I’ll admit to that.” You breathe out a laugh, pulling out a sucker to unwrap. “But like I said earlier today, we don’t get a lot of new people here in Fucktown, so we get every chance we can to see a new face. Especially a cute one.”
You stop mid way of putting the sucker in your mouth, eyes widening in realization to what you had said. “Shit. Shit, I’m sorry.”
“For what?” Max shrugs, eyeing you. “I never said I didn’t think you were cute.”
“So you think I’m cute?” You grin, Max rolling her eyes.
“I’m not admitting it.”
“I’ll take it.” You click your tongue, looking over at Mikes shout for you. You see him knelt beside Will, whose hands are over his head in an attempt to curl himself into a ball.
“Will?” You drop your bag to move forward, kneeling down in front of your best friend so you could grab his wrists, noticing how he flinched roughly, “Will, it’s just me.”
“I saw it again.” Will breathes, his eyes snapping up to you. “The thing I saw at the arcade.”
Your brows furrow as you glance over to Mike, who shakes his head, informing you he didn’t know what Will was talking about. “Okay.” You murmur, pulling Wills hands so he began to stand up with you. “Let’s get you home.”
“Wait, you’re just going to stop trick or treating?” Max asks, and you glance at her, eyes slightly narrowed.
“Yes. I am. Dustin, take my bag. Eat my candy and I’ll pop your bike wheels.”
“You wouldn’t dare.” Dustin clutches your bag and his to his chest, gasp loud. He watches as you link your arm through Wills, leading him down the street back towards Mikes house to call not only your mother, but Joyce.
“Are they, like, a thing?” Max asks, crossing her arms as she turns to the three boys left with her.
“Ew, gross.” Dustin scowls, nose scrunched. “They’ve been best friends since like, first grade.”
“Besides.” Lucas shifts his bag to hang over his shoulder. “Y/N likes girls.”
Max nods, slowly, glancing in the direction to where she could see your back, her feet bringing herself to follow after your brother.
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spookbusters · 4 years
Giggles n Ghostbusters
Summary: The four main Ghostbusters with a ticklish s/o!
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Pairing: Ghostbusters x Reader // Warnings: A lot of mentions of physical contact, comes with the subject
A/N: My first multi-character request for ghostbusters!! it’s been sitting in my asks for AGES, and I’m so sorry it took me so long to get to it, but I hope y’all like it!
Peter Venkman
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Men who will abuse the fact you are ticklish: ^^^
He’s not sorry. Your breathless laughter is music to his ears.
He will literally tickle you whenever, it literally does not matter.
Even when you’re at work at the firehouse, working with Ray and Egon in the lab.
And you do have to scold him a little once you stop laughing.
Peter can’t help it. Making you laugh is one of his favorite things to do in the whole word! He loves the way your face lights up when you smile.
And if he has to get scolded every once in a while to see that smile, he’s ok with that.
Egon Spengler
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Let me say this, first thing’s first: Egon Spengler knows how to braid. He asked Janine to teach him so he can do it for you.
The first time he discovers you’re ticklish, you’re sitting in bed after a long day of work as he braids your hair.
You’re chatting about your day and his fingers brush down your neck while he brushes your hair.
You twitch a little and start laughing softly, while Egon is very, very confused.
He’s very clinical about tickling you, it’s almost an experiment for him.
How do tickles effect your mood? Where are you the most ticklish?
Don’t get him wrong, though, the goal is always to have you laughing softly in his arms.
Ray Stantz
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Please, someone hand this man a crown, because he is the king of tickle fights.
He just thinks you’re absolutely adorable when you’re wriggling around and giggling.
He’s not like Venkman who will tickle you whenever and wherever, but he’s not gonna pass up an opportunity if the time is right.
He knows one of the most ticklish spots for you is behind your ears, so he very frequently baits you into getting tickled with a kiss.
He starts being all cute, pushing strands of hair out of your face like you’re in a movie.
And then, BAM, he strikes and lightning runs up your spine.
Winston Zeddemore
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Winston does not like tickling you often for one reason and one reason only:
He is extremely ticklish himself and does NOT want you coming at him for revenge.
That being said, sometimes he throws caution to the wind and goes for your sides.
Cause you do this thing where you jump and yelp whenever you get tickled and he thinks it’s hilarious.
Winston, being the sweet man he is, always follows it up with lots of love and chuckled apologies.
And he knows full well you’re already plotting against him.
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tomeandflickcorner · 3 years
Episode Review- The Real Ghostbusters: Devil in the Deep
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As far as Peter centric episodes go, I’d say this was acceptable.  At the very least, it gave him the chance to save the day.
This particular episode is particularly unique because we get to see the episode’s Big Bad from the starting gate. After an establishing shot of the East River, we go beneath the water, where a large, green entity that almost looks like a cross between a frog and a dragon is lurking around. After essentially mugging the camera, the creature, whose name will eventually be revealed as Necksa, blows air out from his blowhole, releasing a group of smaller entities.
It then cuts to elsewhere in the city, where an unnamed man is taking a bath while listening to the radio.  The radio announcer states that the city was currently on Day 12 of the nastiest heat wave New York had ever seen, and that the temperature was currently a blistering 101°. The radio announcer then reminded listeners that there was also a water shortage and people weren’t supposed to be wasting water.  Meaning absolutely no baths- only quick showers.  Upon hearing this, the bathing man simply gives his radio a dirty look before going back to his book. (The book appears to be written by Herman Melville, but the title seems to be Lovely (words) Songs, which isn’t listed among Melville’s works.  I’m guessing the people who animated this scene were trying to make a reference to Melville’s famous novel, Moby Dick, considering the episode contains an aquatic monster, but I can’t find any reason why they would make up that particular title.)  At that moment, as if karma was coming for the bathing man, an octopus/lobster-like creature emerged from the bathwater, scaring the bathing man.
Over at the Firehouse, Peter is regaling the story of how they defeated Gozer to Alice Johnson, a journalist from Celebrity Magazine, while Egon, Ray and Winston stood by.  Although, it’s quickly established that Alice is less than impressed with Peter.  She reminds him that she came down there to interview all of the Ghostbusters, but so far, Peter’s been the only one who was talking.  For two hours, 22 minutes and 16 seconds, to be precise.  Peter, not batting an eye, promptly begins to introduce Ray. Although, even then, he doesn’t seem to be letting Ray talk for himself.  Instead, he’s pretty much telling Alice Ray’s life story for him. At that moment, the phone rings. (Though Ray reacts to the phone ringing before it actually rings, so there was probably some sort of error in syncing up the audio or something.)  When Janine answers it, it’s immediately obvious something is different about her attire.  Janine spends the duration of her time in this episode wearing a leopard-print bikini. It’s never explained why, though. Offhand, I’d guess it was because it was previously established that it was unbearably hot in the city.  But if that was their reasoning for this costuming choice, you’d think they would have reflected that with the Ghostbusters and Alice Johnson.  But they don’t do that.  The Ghostbusters are all still wearing their jumpsuits. And Alice is wearing long sleeves and slacks.  So, why exactly would they put Janine in a skimpy bikini while nobody else was dressed for hot weather?  Was this supposed to be an odd attempt at fan service?
Bizarre costuming decisions aside, the phone call is coming from Mayor Lenny, who states he only wants to talk to Egon.  When Egon accepts the phone and listens to Mayor Lenny’s request, he passes on the news to the other Ghostbusters over how the city’s water supply appears to be haunted, as reports from all five boroughs were coming in.  However, in one of the episode’s strangest moments, the Ghostbusters simply stand there until Janine hits the alarm button.  Do the Ghostbusters just love the sound of the alarm ringing so much, they can’t head out until after they hear it?
So the Ghostbusters head off, though Alice is tagging along for some reason.  I guess she really wants to do a thorough job in her article for Celebrity Magazine.  At least the episode addresses this, with Egon warning her that they might be going into a dangerous situation and Alice telling him that she’s hoping for an exciting story to tell when she submits her report.  She then makes it abundantly clear that she does not think much of Peter when she gives Egon and Ray permission to call her Alice but coldly states Peter is only allowed to call her Miss Johnson.  When the Ghostbusters make it to the designated location, they find a crowd of people running in fright from a fire hydrant that is spurting out water.  A large group of entities are also emerging from the hydrant. Ray is able to identify the entities as Undines, which are a group of water spirits.  Egon voices his skepticism, as Undines were thought to be benevolent spirits while these entities were displaying malevolent traits.   But before more could be said, Winston alerts the others to how the Undines were coming right for them. Dodging their attack, the Ghostbusters all drop to the ground, with Peter pulling Alice out of harm’s way. This briefly seems to get Peter on Alice’s good side, as she now gives him permission to call her by her first name. But the offer is revoked in the next second because Peter chooses this moment to duck down in order to pick up a quarter.  And in that brief moment of Peter being distracted, one of the Undines flies headlong into Alice, resulting in her getting drenched.
The Ghostbusters begin firing their Proton Packs at the Undines.  But then they realize that they forgot to bring any Ghost Traps, which triggers a brief argument between Ray and Peter over whose turn it had been to bring the Ghost Traps.  Winston questions what they’re supposed to do without a trap, as they can hardly stand there and hold the Undines indefinably.  Before they can come up with something, they feel something fighting against the Proton Streams.  Moments later, the Undines seem to be dissolving, but Egon realizes they’re actually returning to their original primal state.  (So, they’re de-evolving?  Is that possible?)  As the Undines retreat, they begin chanting the name ‘Necksa.’  In a matter of moments, the Undines all retreat back into the fire hydrant, with the water stream being pulled back as well.  When things appear back to normal, Alice announces how this will make a wonderful story for Celebrity Magazine, adding that she’ll be sure to include the part where Peter forgot to bring the Ghost Traps.  Peter is particularly humiliated by this, as his mother reads Celebrity Magazine.  (Odd, I’d gotten the impression from previous episodes that Peter’s mother had died years ago.)  Alice then asks Egon about the name the Undines had been chanting.  Upon consulting his copy of Tobin’s Spirit Guide, Egon determines that Necksa was the lord of the Undines and master of all water elementals.  He was also one of the most powerful of the primal gods.  They realize that it must have been Necksa who called the Undines back. Winston instantly displays some natural intelligence, deducing that if the water supply was haunted, and all the water is coming from the East River, then it stands to reason that Necksa must be located somewhere in the East River.  So the Ghostbusters immediately head off to investigate this new lead.
They rent a speedboat and steer it out into the East River. Though this time, they leave Alice waiting on the dock to ensure she won’t be put in danger.  As they go along, Winston takes the time to poke some fun at Peter over how Alice clearly doesn’t like Peter and pretty much has it out for him.  Their conversation is cut off when Egon alerts them to the fact that the PKE Meter is going haywire, and they’re surrounded by an army of Undines chanting Necksa’s name.  Seconds later, Necksa himself surfaces from beneath the water, destroying their speedboat in the process.  Necksa immediately scolds the Ghostbusters for hurting his children.  And Peter makes the situation worse when he calls the Undines ugly.  Egon quickly steps in before Peter could further aggravate Necksa, telling the primal god that the Undines were causing harm to the city.  But this seems to anger Necksa even more, as he states he doesn’t care for such things.  Necksa then informs the Ghostbusters that he had slumbered beneath the sea for thousands of years, with the undersea currents carrying him around as he slept.  But his slumber was disturbed when workmen from the city had begun laying out new pipelines, which not only resulted in the East River being polluted, but it also significantly drained the water.  When Necksa was abruptly woken up by this, he discovered a world far different than the one he remembered.  Now, Necksa feels it’s time for ‘the change.’  (And right after he announces this, we get a super-close up of his eyes for some reason.) When Winston questions him on what he plans to do, Necksa announces his intention to torment the land-dwelling population of New York for a time.  And when he’s done with that, he plans on sinking the island of Manhattan and claiming it as his own.
And this is when we get a rather big head-scratching moment.  As the Ghostbusters try to come up with a way to stop this, Ray asks for confirmation that the Proton Guns went down with the speedboat.  Even though they’re clearly still wearing the Proton Packs.  (Aren’t the Proton Guns attached to the Proton Packs?) Egon tells Ray, that, even if they hadn’t lost the Proton Guns, they’d probably be ineffective anyway. Necksa is so massive, the Proton Streams would have bounced right off him.  But then Ray suddenly announces he found his Proton Gun and he opens fire at Necksa. Even though Egon had literally just told him that wouldn’t work.  Seriously, what was going on here?  They don’t have the Proton Guns but then Ray suddenly is able to produce his out of thin air?  And then Ray impulsively fires it off despite him just being told it wouldn’t do any good? Yeah, there’s a giant question mark hovering over my head here. In any event, as Egon predicted, this doesn’t accomplish anything, other than making Necksa even angrier.  And Necksa responds by swallowing the Ghostbusters Jonah and the Whale style.  However, he does end up spitting Peter back out through his blowhole.  
Peter ends up getting blown all the way back to the docks. Upon climbing out of the water, he is immediately greeted by Alice, who doesn’t hesitate to pour salt in his wounds by stating she’d seen the whole thing unfold from the dock, telling him that he really blew it this time and that she plans on calling her article ‘The Ghostbusters’ Last Case.’  With that, she walks off, leaving Peter sitting there. But then, Peter seems to get an idea. He returns to the Firehouse and promptly begins gathering up various objects such as a generator and a lamp from Janine’s desk.  As he loads the items into the Ecto-1, Janinie (who is still in the bikini), is going nuts over the fact that the city is overrun with Undines and Egon, Ray and Winston have been swallowed up by Necksa.  Peter, however, tells her to calm down and instructs her to pass a message on to Alice that she should meet him at the docks around 10 PM, and that she should make sure she brought her camera along.
After nightfall, Peter heads out to confront Necksa again in another speedboat.  (Though I feel I should point out he’s taking a great risk by taking a boat out onto the water in the middle of a thunderstorm.  Being out in the water is one of the worst places to be when there’s lightning.)  Upon reaching the middle of the East River, Peter manages to get Necksa to appear by directly insulting him.  Necksa didn’t take the insult well, and he begins to chase after Peter. However, Peter clearly planned for this, as he manages to lure Necksa right into a fishing net tent he’d rigged up.  With Necksa trapped in the fishing nets, Peter begins to fire off the modified Proton Thrower he’d put together with the items he’d collected from the Firehouse.  As he fires the modified Proton Thrower, Peter announces this new invention of his fires off microwave particles that are capable of sucking up all of the moisture in Necksa’s body.  Necksa cries out in pain, beseeching Peter to release him.  Peter agreed to do so, on the condition that Necksa spit out his friends and then leave the city with the Undines in order to settle in a place where there aren’t any humans. Although, Peter suggests Necksa relocate to Antartica. While it is true there aren’t any permanent human settlements down there (at least, none that I know of), I’m pretty sure a lot of glaciologists and other scientists from various fields frequently conduct research down there.  So I doubt Necksa will be completely able to avoid humans down there.  Of course, this is a kids’ show, so I probably shouldn’t expect them to be that accurate.
Necksa agrees to Peter’s terms and subsequently spits out Egon, Ray and Winston.  As Peter reunites with his friends on the docks. Egon voices his amazement that Peter had been able to construct something as complex as the Microwave Proton Thrower.  Peter states that it was easy. But then, when he tries to activate it again, it immediately blows up.  (Good thing Neskca agreed to leave when he did.)  At that moment, Alice reappears on the scene.  She tells Peter she’d got his message and had once again arrived in time to see what he did.  She apologizes for misjudging him and asks for his forgiveness.  Peter accepts her apology, and Alice proceeds to get a picture of all the Ghostbusters together for the cover page of the next issue of Celebrity Magazine.
This episode is probably a must-see for Peter fans, as it does give him a chance to shine.  While Peter is definitely full of hot air and can be a screw up at times, the fact remains that he is still a college graduate with a Ph.D.  So he’s not unintelligent.  The fact that he was able to throw together that Microwave Proton Thrower with random objects he found lying around is proof of that.  He even managed to impress Egon!  I think we can all agree that’s no small feat.  On the other hand, the fact that the Microwave Proton Thrower broke after just one use also indicates that he’s still not at the same level of genius as Ray and Egon.  But there’s nothing wrong with that.  It just further illustrates that the Ghostbusters are a team, with each member contributing what they can, and that they’re at their strongest when they’re together.  As for the episode’s big bad, Necksa, points for creativity.  Although, considering the fact that they stated that Necksa was woken up by the pollution in the East River, I was half expecting them to incorporate an environmental message into this episode.  But they clearly didn’t.  Can’t decide if that was a good thing or not. Although, you probably could make a decent argument how the solution to the problem was just to send the problem elsewhere. Which isn’t really solving anything. It’s just making it somebody else’s problem.  Because I’m sure Necksa will have some encounters with human researchers in Antarctica now. Then again, maybe the waters down there are too cold for Necksa and he’ll go into a state of torpor.  I suppose that’s possible.
(Click here for more Ghostbusters reviews)
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oncexinxmyxdreams · 4 years
OC Profile Laurie Venkman as an adult (The Real Ghostbusters.)
Name: Laurie Macy Venkman. 
Age: 25. (as of the February 2009, approaching the 25th Anniversary since Ghostbusters was founded.) 
Ethnicity: Caucasian with family roots running in Irish, Welsh, Dutch,  French, English and German. 
Species: Human. 
Height: 5'7".
Weight: 155 pounds.
Hair color: Dark brown.  
Hair style: Thick, shaggy hair falls a little past her shoulders. She has layers with wispy bangs. Keeps hair pulled into a ponytail for work and loves to style it for special occasions.  
Eye color: Deep cornflower blue. 
Birthday: September 13th, 1983. 
Gender: Female. 
Sexual Orientation: Straight. She’s guy crazy, but she’s waiting for the right one. 
Powers (if any): No.  
Distinguishing features (if any): Has a turned up nose like Peter's. Has defined cupid bow lips like her mom, but Peter's smile. Has mom’s round shape of face. Laurie has two tattoos out of memory/respect for her parents. One on her left outer bicep that says “Proton Princess” in Peter’s handwriting. Second one is at the lower, inner right arm of a heart with her mom’s initials inside. 
Blood Type: A-
Day to day outfit: When she’s off-duty, Laurie prefers straight leg jeans for most of her attire. She likes blouses and simple tees: those are usually graphic like rock bands, Ghostbusters merchandise or even raglan tees. She has some favorites that have sarcastic sayings and one that says “I got it from Dad.” She has cool calf boots, cute deck shoes and classic hightop converses.    
Pajamas/What they wear to bed: Favorite pajamas are comfy black leggings and a black nightshirt. (It has a cat on it and says "to-do list: sleep."
Formal Clothes: Chic dresses in 80s-90s style. She loves the velvet/metallic fabrics for these and wearing black stylish pumps.  
Work/School uniform: Work attire is a black jumpsuit with dark purple trim. She prefers those colors to help her blend in more with the shadows when she hunts. She does have doc martin’s for her boots, but she prefers wearing her converses since they’re more flexible for running. She has extra pockets inside her jumpsuit for trinkets like a nail file to pick locks etc.   
Other (glasses, jewelry, etc): Has a black square digital watch. Wears a silver brushed metal ring that was a gift to her from a ghost she helped as one of her first solo missions. (She wears it on her right middle finger which symbolizes responsibility and balance.) She has four ear piercings: three normal lobe piercings and then industrial ones in the upper ear cartilage. While she has plenty earrings to choose, her favorite earrings are three simple gold hoops and industrial earrings are silver barbells with “diamond” studs. Loves having painted fingernails; usually in different purple shades.   
Physical Illnesses: Overcame pneumonia at the age of 3. Suffers from hay fever like Peter. Now gets strong cases of flu when sick, but otherwise she's fine.
Mental Illnesses or disorders: She’s been guessed to have a learning disorder, but still no official diagnosis. Some have guessed ADD and Dyscalculia.
Medications?: Just regular vitamins.
Addictions (Drugs, alcohol?): No addictions. She likes to drink, her favorite cocktail being a White Russian, but she's careful. She’s never tried drugs. 
General Health: Fine enough considering that she works out every day, but she's got a big appetite. Being an inverted triangle body type, she carries weight in upper half: Measurements are 40-30-38. Her legs are the most toned part of her body, strong arms, broad shoulders and a size 12, but looks for bigger size shirts since she’s top heavy. Happy with her shape.   
Likes: Fashion, sleeping, eating, cars, and motorcycles. She loves listening to her favorite music while mouthing the lyrics and dancing.     
Dislikes: Criminals, yogurt (that isn’t soft serve or frozen) and people doubting her since she’s not a college graduate. The one thing she despises the most is inaccuracy about The Ghostbusters. (She really hates the sequel they made.) 
Career: Becomes a Ghostbuster and runs the business. 
Hobbies/Talents: Hobby of making a bucket list, motorcycle riding and electric guitar. (Guitar was her mom’s.)  Terrific hand-eye coordination so that she rarely misses a target with archery at camp, ghostbusting and when she played baseball in high school as pitcher. It did take a lot of practicing though.   
Habits (good or bad): Chews on toothpicks or sucker sticks (similar to when she'd chew her pacifier as a toddler.)
Family: Mom is Claire Teague who passed away when she was 16 months old. Though she’s been long gone, Laurie keeps her memory alive.  Dad is, the one and only, Dr. Peter Venkman: Laurie's role model. On maternal side, Arnold and Ruth Teague are her grandparents and Aunt Caroline. By now, her grandparents have passed and Caroline lives out of the USA. Paternal side has her grandfather, Jim Venkman, but he's dragged Laurie into cons and she's fed up with him. She met her great uncle Alf once, but didn't like him that well. She's curious of her deceased grandma Lydia Venkman.
Friends: First best friends are from elementary school: Lindsay McKellips and Leslie Cantu. They call themselves “The L Girls.” Lindsay goes onto serve in the Air Force and Leslie becomes a teacher overseas. Close guy friends are family members of the Ghostbusters. Derek Lovejoy who's the son of Ray's cousin Sam. He's 20 and is training to be a veterinarian. Craig Reynolds who's one of Winston's nephews. Craig is 32 and a civil engineer who keeps an eye on Laurie when necessary. Ross Melnitz who's Janine's youngest nephew. He's 23 and does secretarial work for Ghostbusters while being in the field when required. Laurie considers him her closest friend since he knows all her ups and downs best. (Ross's original last name was Irwin until his parents divorced and he legally changed to his mom's maiden name as she did.)
Romantic/Love Interest(s): Had some boyfriends, but she’s not in a hurry for marriage and not ready to lose her virginity. (She went through a relationship where she almost did, but left the guy when she realized he was toxic.) She enjoys being single while still being flirty. She had one boyfriend that cheated with a girl who turned out to be Ross’s girlfriend and Laurie was furious with both of them. She doesn’t know it, but she and Ross will fall in love one day. So one day, she’ll be Laurie Melnitz.  
Pets: Her cat Punxsutawney or usually called Punx for short. He was a present for Laurie when she was 10 and they have a tight bond. He’s revealed later to be a Class 4 shapeshifter, but isn’t disposed. For one, he imprinted on Laurie the one time she was at the animal shelter though she wasn't aware of it. Secondly, he’s not found to be a threat. Finally, he prefers to stay in his cat form which is an Abyssinian breed. He’ll only change if he finds Laurie in danger. During a presentation at a convention, he transformed into a terror dog.      
Social Status: The only social status that matters to Laurie is that she’s Peter Venkman’s daughter. She doesn’t feel like she’s in his or the other Ghostbusters shadow. She’s not bothered if people say “Oh you’re that one ghostbuster’s kid” etc. because she’s proud of her dad.   
Favorite Food: New York Reuben Sandwiches (add barbecue potato chips, some grapes, a pickle, two vanilla Hostess zingers along with cherry coke and there’s her ideal lunch.) She loves other foods as well which is a contrast to the picky eater she was as a child.  
Favorite Color: Tie between purple and black.  
Favorite genre of music: 80′s Rock/New Wave like Journey and Duran Duran. Her ipod nano is just a huge playlist of 80s classics.     
Favorite movie genre: Fantasies. She grew up loving the scary 80s kid movies. Her favorite movie is The Secret of Nihm. 
Favorite Animal: Now its cats, but still has soft spots for sea lions and rabbits. 
Degree of Education: High school graduate. Her grades weren’t high enough to get her into college. (She feels a bit ashamed about it though Peter’s proud of her for overcoming her difficulties with school.)  
What language(s) can they speak?: Besides English, she has rudimentary skill in French and Latin which she learned after becoming a ghostbuster. Usually calls on Egon for languages she can’t understand. 
Can they cook?: She can cook and she can eat! 
Positive Traits: Loyal, witty, fun-loving, resourceful, and affectionate. 
Negative Traits: Defiant, impulsive, cocky, impatient and has a foul mouth. 
Archetype: The Warrior (Merida from Brave or Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games.)  
Way they interact with others: Depends on who’s talking to her. She’s friendly to those she cares for even with her sarcasm, but if someone’s insulting, she’ll be blunt and rude right back. 
Way of speaking: Okay just like before, voice inspiration. Lilliana Mumy. When she’s not voicing Leni from The Loud House, she has great acting range of sweet, serious and sarcastic.   
Introvert or Extrovert?: Became more extroverted as she grew up and a little bit of an adrenaline junkie. She’s an ESTP...like her dad. 
Backstory Life 
Laurie was a true surprise since Claire, her mom, was told she'd never have children due to PCOS. However, the surprise was joyful and Claire loved her daughter more than anything. After Claire’s death, Laurie stayed with her grandparents, but eventually met Peter. As conflicted as he was with realizing he was a father, Laurie grew easily attached to him and he grew to love her as if he’d been there since her birth. After her grandma passed away. Laurie would be dropped off at the firehouse for days or weeks to the point she wanted to stay there. Peter and the Ghostbusters wanted her to, but she was under custody of her grandparents. Arnold despised Peter and refused to give up custody for Laurie’s wellbeing even though he didn’t care for her. (Winston predicted pride would be that man’s downfall if he wasn’t careful.)  There was even a point where Arnold only fed her yogurt which she grows to hate. At age 3, Laurie becomes critically ill with pneumonia due to her grandfather’s negligence (Its revealed he died from alcoholism and died in his house while Laurie was sick in her room.) Peter was in tears at the thought of losing her, especially since his own mother died from the same illness. When she’s cured, Laurie is finally allowed to live with Peter, which was what she hoped for. As she grows, she becomes more confident and less introverted by the time she’s a teen.    
Life Goals 
Laurie has one particular goal as an adult. That is to find the one who killed her mom. Since Claire died in the mid 80′s, DNA evidence was still in its infancy and the case was closed. However, Laurie isn’t a quitter until all options are futile. Its not just her mom’s case because Laurie has encountered ghosts of people who were killed, even children, and she can’t stand a criminal being free. Her first Ghostbusting mission was capturing and eventually helping a ghost who was murdered. So he’s the one who gave her the silver ring which she keeps as a promise to never forget those who died too soon.    
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touchingoldmagic · 4 years
Day 12 - Epic Moment
Day 12 of the 30 Day Ghostbusters Challenge! 
Author’s Notes: In the spirit of IDW adapting some ghosts from The Real Ghostbusters into their storylines, I couldn't miss the chance to include a dragon in the comic'verse.
"Well there's something you don't see every day."
Peter slowly drew his thrower as the shadow of the large green dragon passed right over their heads. If their arrival in Ecto hadn't alerted it to their presence, probably no other sudden movements would, but he didn't particularly want to take the chance.
"Wow!" Ray said, head craned back to look. "It's gotta be at least twenty feet long!"
"Closer to twenty-five," Egon opined, likewise pulling his thrower.
All four men watched the reptilian creature warily, but it only continued its slow circle above them. Even from a distance its large yellow eyes were visible, but the elevation made it hard to tell if it was watching them or not.
The Ghostbusters had arrived at a construction site in the picturesque Massachusetts countryside. The road curved steeply up around the hillside, a guardrail the only thing between the road and a steep drop down to the valley below. At the top of the hill a home was being built. Currently only the foundation had been laid, outlining what would eventually be a very large manor.
"So someone was building a house and the local fire-breather took offense?" Peter wondered drolly.
Winston shot him a look. "Man, we went over it on the drive up, you'd know if you didn't fall asleep."
Peter shrugged, unconcerned. "It was a long drive."
"The construction workers unearthed what they claim looks like ancient pottery," Ray explained. "Inevitably they broke it when they were trying to clear it out, and once that happened, the dragon and multiple other entities appeared and construction was halted. They said they put it all--oh, over there, I'll bet." He spotted a pile of pale debris under a tree on the edge of the property. Egon was already heading in that direction, PKE meter out.
As if it were a choreographed act, as soon as the two scientists approached the pile, at least a dozen vapor-like ghosts burst from the trees and descended toward them together.
Two proton streams shot out from Winston and Peter, who were used to hanging back and providing cover fire for their science-minded teammates, but the spirits were agile as silk ribbons (and fairly resembled them as well). They curled and dodged around the proton streams, scattering through the air.
"Aren't they usually a little more groggy when they just wake up?" Winston grumbled.
"Took us a couple hours to drive out here," Ray called back. "They must be quick learners."
"Great," sighed Winston.
The swam of ghosts were all similar in appearance. Very elongated, thin and flat like streamers, mostly sickly pink or green or yellow in color. Like banners they floated and waved in the breeze, but they had definitely identified the Ghostbusters as a threat and were arranging themselves to dive down again.
"Here they come!" Winston barked out in warning. Ray had pulled his thrower to help provide cover. Egon, kneeling at the base of the tree, ignored all of them in favor of studying what he found there.
Peter spared a glance away from the swarm, keeping an eye on the dragon to see if all the sudden action had spurred it to change its pattern. It was still circling; maybe it had gotten a little closer, it was hard to tell.
Taking advantage of his distraction, one of the spirits swooped down and slammed into the psychologist. It knocked him off balance and then, apparently inspired by the action, picked him up in a surprising show of strength and chucked him straight at the guardrail on the side of the road.
It all happened too fast for the Ghostbusters to react. In the time it took to gather breath to shout, Peter was over the edge and gone from view.
Ray's mind froze in horror. He didn't remember moving, but suddenly he was there at the edge of the road, clutching the metal railing and calling Peter's name. Winston stood beside him, and the pounding footsteps of Egon were coming up behind him.
Then a strong rush of wind caused all three to shield their faces, and a shadow blotted out the afternoon sun.
When Ray could see again he immediately looked upward, following the feel of the wind as it had rushed by. The dragon was climbing higher skyward, wings pumping steadily, and Peter clung to the stiff ridges that ran along its spine between its shoulders.
"Oh good, he's... riding the dragon." Winston's deadpan voice might have wobbled a little at the end.
Ray whooped in relief, both hands in triumphant fists over his head. "Go, Venkman!"
"Get me down from here, brainiac!" Peter screamed back at him.
Egon had reached them at the guardrail by the time the dragon made a graceful arch in the air and glided down toward them, wings extended. It looked like a paper airplane coming in to land. A twenty-five foot paper airplane.
"Hey, looks like he's on our side," Ray said with a grin.
"Or maybe he tried to make Pete a snack and just has really bad aim," Winston pointed out. "What happened to the ghosts?"
"They retreated when we vacated the immediate area they’ve claimed," Egon said, indicating the trees behind them with the hand still holding his PKE meter. The other hand held the largest shard of pottery he had been able to reclaim from the pile. "I believe this explains it. These are the Roman characters for Genius Loci, a benevolent spirit usually bound to a certain place to protect it. The soil I found inside the pottery was most likely from the location the Loci had been protecting. I believe the dragon spirit was purposely bound to the artifacts to help guard against the release of the more aggressive ghosts, and all were set free when they were broken."
In the time it took for Egon to give his conclusion, the dragon had landed. The wind it stirred up was considerable. Not as bad as a helicopter, but Egon had to raise his voice to be heard clearly, and all three of them held up a hand to shield their eyes.
Despite its great size, the dragon pulled in its wings and landed in the road beside Ecto with a dainty little dip, displaying its grace even in the way it curled its tail to avoid striking their vehicle. Peter was still perched on its tall back, clinging to its dark green spines in a death grip. His boots were several feet above the heads of his teammates.
"Hey Pete, Elliot giving you any trouble?" Winston asked innocently.
"Better be respectful, Winston. He could set you on fire." Peter eyed the ground, debating if he could jump down from the creature's back without twisting an ankle. He wanted both feet back on solid ground, immediately or sooner.
Apparently the intelligence of the dragon was enough that it understood the issue. Before Peter could make a move to disembark, its pointed teeth gently closed on the top of Peter's pack and it lifted him down to the ground.
Taken by surprise, Peter squawked with hands flailing, until his boots touched the ground. Then he coughed and tried to reclaim his dignity. The dragon released him and drew its head back, neck arched like a jade-green swan.
"Huh. Yeah, thanks, Smaug." Peter craned his neck to check his pack for monster teeth-sized punctures, then made a face. Dragon slobber smelled just as bad as slime.
"But Peter,” Ray said, “he's completely the wrong color for Smaug."
Peter gave Ray a look.
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andysawesometoybox · 4 years
Real Ghostbusters: Firehouse. Kenner. 1987
I’m just going to say it: Kenner’s Real Ghostbusters toy line is one of the greatest toy lines’ to ever hit shops. Ever. The End.
I would not be the person I am today without these toys, along with Star Trek from Playmates and Batman. Any Batman.
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Let’s cast our minds back to the mid 1980’s! Ghostbusters was everywhere. We’d had the first movie at the tail end of ’84 and then the animated series in ’86. And what does a good cartoon need? A toy line! In fact, the vast majority of cartoon’s in the ‘80’s (and today if we’re being honest) were really just over the top toy adverts and really, Ghostbusters was no different. So toys were needed fast. In steps titan toymaker, Kenner. 
Kenner had an incredible track record at the time having created the DC Superpowers line and oh yeah, STAR WARS! So, to say that Kenner in the ’80’s was on a roll would be a huge understatement.
As I said, the Real Ghostbusters toy line from Kenner was massively responsible for shaping my childhood. It was a vast toy line with a massive assortment of figures and vehicles (all of which I will look at in the future), but it only had one proper play set: 
The Firehouse
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To me, Kenner’s Firehouse is one of THE greatest play sets ever made. When you really look at it, it’s a pretty simple toy. It’s a building. More basic than that, it’s just a big hollow box with two whole levels, 1 balcony level and a pretty cool fireman’s pole (more on that later). 
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But, to me, that hollowness is one of this play sets greatest assets. As a kid, you filled that space with your imagination. It may sound corny, but it’s absolutely true. To me, the mark of a truly good play set is the ability to use it beyond the brand that it was created for. I cannot tell you of all the different toys that this play set played headquarters to. From the great Transformers/M.A.S.K war that my brother and I would play, to a strange parallel world that my Star Trek away team would discover. Or when He-Man would come over and visit the Ghostbusters just because we could. And they never seemed out of place, because it was a building. But that does not take away from the awesomesness of this piece.
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It has the two walls, front and site and then a huge cut away for easy access inside. The vast space inside could easily be taken up by the placement of the Ghostbusters’ car, ECTO-1. Now, I’ve seen this set critized in the past because Kenner didn’t make it long enough to truly house the car, but I don’t agree with that. Sure, if you try to make the car stay inside the building, it’ll either roll out the back or push through the double doors at the front, but I didn’t care as a kid and I sure as hell don’t care now. As a display piece as an adult, I kinda dig the look of Old ECTO bursting through the doors, it looks awesome. The only issue with having the car inside the Firehouse is that it doesn’t leave much room for the figures on that floor. But that’s why you have other levels! 
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The upper level, which spands the entire thing, thus being a complete floor. It’s bare but has some figure pegs over the large grate in the middle of the floor (more on that in a bit). It also has the fireman’s pole attached at the top. I LOVE THIS THING. To simulate the famous pole from both the movie and the cartoon, Kenner created this system where you attach a figure onto the red platform, two figures work best for balance but it will work with one, then, on the roof, you flick the switch and that activates the pole! The platform, with figure(s) attached, begins to spin down the thread of the pole at great speed before landing at the ground floor. It’s frigging great! Yeah, ok, it is annoying to have to thread the damn thing up again each time, but I really never really cared as a kid and it never got old. Kenner created a pretty good way recreate the pole from the film/cartoon. Sure Playmobil’s version probably makes more sense, but as a kid, this was rad!
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The decals that come with the set adds to it. We’ve got a picture of a scary looking old woman on the upper floor (who actually has her own figure and is totally a scary ghost!). We have some book shelves on the middle level, giving us the idea that this is where Egon and Ray would do their research, and on the bottom level, we have decals of various looking industrial type contraptions that no doubt helps the ‘Busters in their never ending battle against the paranormal! I will say, that this set also comes with a full on ECTO Containment unit that you could put the various small ghosts that come with the Ghostbusters figures. I do have it somewhere, but right now, I’m not sure where! It’s rad though.
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On the outside, Kenner have done a marvellous job with the sculpt. It looks just like the Firehouse from both the cartoon and the film. Which is a real Firehouse in New York City, by the way. On the side wall, we have more decals of exposed brick, to give us that “rundown” affect. We also have the windows. So yeah, not much going on here, but pffft.
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The front as I said really replicates the design of the real building really well. Then we get one of my favourite little pieces, the Ghostbusters sign! This one is actually a replacement that I was lucky enough to find in eBay for a good price. I lost my original years ago and never thought I’d find another, but I did! Wohooo!
This brings us back to the roof.
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Like the upper floor, the room has this large grate that lines up perfectly with the one on the upper floor just below it. Everyone who’s ever played with Ghostbusters toys knows what this is for. That’s right. The SLIME!
Slime has always been popular with kids toys and what better toys to use slime with than frigging Ghostbusters! Kenner’s line came with many vats of slime, in many different colours of the life on the toy line. The idea here was to pour the slime through the roof grate, onto the figures waiting on the upper level, that slime would then oooooze down the upper level grate, covering whatever was on the ground floor. I had many of the vats myself and you know what? I hated them!
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Seriously, I know that I am in the minority here, but I hated slime as a kid. Still do. Why in the hell would I want to cover my toys in sticky goo that I would then have to wash off later. Or worse, what if I forgot to?! It would dry into this horrible thing and still leave sticky……NO! I’m not having it! This is not something that I’ve come to as I got older, I’ve very much felt this way since I was a kid. I know other collectors are totally cool with it but honestly, keep that crap away from my toys! (picture is Slime from the 2016 Ghostbusters movie toy line)
So, what’s the verdict here?
Honestly, it’s still epic. I’ve owned this thing for well over 30 years and just having it set up on display in my studio, with the toys and car, brings me so much joy every day. I’m not just reminded of all the Ghostbusters fun that I had, but of all the other various toys that my brother and I used it with to play together. So many great memories, all from what is basically a hollowed out box with a Ghostbusters logo on it. Genius.
You can find the Firehouse on eBay pretty easily, but it’s expensive and the price has really gone up a lot recently. I’d imagine it has something to do with Hasbro’s Real Ghostbusters reproduction figures that have recently come out. I have a Winston, he’s awesome and still mint in box! 
I’d be surprised if Hasbro do a reproduction of the Firehouse, but if they did, it would be hugely expensive!
Toy Score: 10/10
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