#like yeah okay ghouls can’t get a person pregnant but that doesn’t mean I can’t damn well try
moriartyyouwhore · 2 months
sending myself to the glue factory like the horse in Animal Farm because every thought in my silly little head is just Cooper Howard and I am no longer meant for this world
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statticscribbles · 3 years
Summary: Malachai/Reader using the prompts; “I’m pregnant.” and “Marry me?”
You’d made sure Malachai was out on at least a two day job before you’d sworn Jacob; the Ghoulie who’d be charged with looking out for you to secrecy. You’d seen the fear in his eyes when you threatened him; and the confusion when you’d made him pull around the side of the conveince store. “You swore me to secrecy over a snack run?” “Yes.” He scowls nudging the bag grinning as he peers inside.
“He’s gonna kill you if he finds out you tried it without him.” “That’s why he won’t find out.” You half shove him; keeping the actual reason you’d gone to the store hidden in your jacket. You shove the bag of snack cakes into the fridge and watch as Jacob follows you, flopping onto the chair eyeing you as you fill a glass with water. “Want a drink?” You offer a beer and he shakes his head. “Don’t you?” “No fun without Mal’s.” You laugh and quiet when he watches you. “What?” “You didn’t drink during the send off party, or the one before that.”
“And? Sometimes you just don’t feel like drinking. Not that surprising..” You finish your glass trying to refill it casually. “You’ve stopped doing Jangle, and smoking; you’re shaking all the time from withdrawls.” “Guess it just slipped my mind.” “Or something else has taken it’s place.” “You think I’m on hard drugs?” “No; I think you need to drink more water.” “Oh really?” “Yeah; pregnancy tests tend to need piss to work right?” He waves the box in front of you and you glare to where you’d put your jacket and bag down. “If you-“ “If I what? You don’t even know nothing yet. I won’t tell him.” “Or anyone else?”
“Oh no; they already know.” He grins looking up from his phone where you see a photo of the test in the group chat he and the other Ghoulies have. “Jacob; I swear to-“ You sigh when there’s a knock on the door. “Yes? Oh my god do you guys just keep this shit around for fun?” You glare at the group of Ghoulies who’re holding out cupcakes and balloons. “Okay it’s not a baby shower; I haven’t even peed on the damn stick yet so-“ “PEE ON IT!” “Shut up!” Jacob laughs nodding to everyone and you side step to let the group of Ghoulies enter the house.
“Okay so idea’s for how to tell Malachai? It has to be special and-“ You shake your head grabbing the test from Jacob and retreating to the master bathroom for privacy. You finish peeing setting the test on the sink and debate returning to the living room where you can hear chatter about the best way to tell Malachai. You wait trying to eavesdrop for entertainment knowing you’ll be getting a retelling of everything that happened while you were in limbo. You turn back partially surprised the test is positive  so quickly but you know you can always get another if you doubt it. “No we can just throw a party for him when he gets back and then surprise you’re a dad now!!!” “If he’s gonna be a dad.” Jacob turns and you can feel all the Ghoulies anticipation as you sit on the couch. “So?”
“So? What’re your ideas we have to make it good.” You cringe back when they cheer. “Jesus fucking christ why are y’all so excited??” “This is gonna be the best!” “Oh my god think of all the tiny leather jackets! The studs!” Jacob shakes his head grinning at you and you laugh. “Guys; hey, hey everyone; calm down. Okay first things first we need to have those cupcakes; and then we can discuss ideas right.” Everyone grins and Jacob half passes out the cupcakes while he’s on his phone. He’s grinning laughing and texting.
“Okay so what I was thinking is when he gets back from the job we call a meeting and then when he’s doing announcements and the briefing about the job I can tell him?” You watch everyone look to Jacob who nods. “That sounds perfect.” You smile relieved everyone seems so quick to agree.
“So the group chat you have; Mal’s isn’t in it?” “Oh no; we have one where he’s in it and you’re not; and then the one you’re in and he’s not and- What? Oh like you actually care we have a group chat without you; you’re the one that suggested it after we tried to plan a surprise party for Evan and he saw it.” “Well yes; but why do you need to exclude me; Malachai’s girlfriend and Ghoulie member from the Ghoulie group chat?” “Just cause; we talk about guy stuff.” “Guy stuff? Can I see then? I promise I won’t let Malachai know.” “No!” You narrow your eyes as he locks his phone and shoves it in his pocket. “Did you message him about the snack cakes?” “Yes.” You scowl confused why he looks so relieved as you retire to bed.
You wake up and can faintly hear the ghoul’s talking. “Do you really think it matters; we can just suggest it as a surprised thing, he’ll think it’s his idea and she still believe’s its hers. It’s foolproof.” “What about the phone thing; you know he hates them during meetings. She’ll catch on.” You can hear Evan half whisper. “We say we’re recording it; you know for the moment. They’ll both agree to it. Fool proof I tell you! Fool proof.” You can’t help but laugh at Jacob’s assuredness.
“So the plan is we have the usual meeting and you say you have an announcement; and then bam; you tell him, he cries, we record it; life goes on.” Jacob grins and you nod laughing. “He’s not gonna cry.” “Oh he’s gonna cry; you both are.” “I bet you fifty we both won’t cry.” Jacob laughs shaking your hand.
“Malachai; babe, pleaseeeeee; pleaseeee let me tell the ghoul’s. It really is important.” You drape yourself over him and he grins up at you as he slides down the couch relaxing. “I just got home baby; let me think for- are those the limited edition snack cakes?’ “Yeah I was saving them for.” Malachai cuts you off with a kiss pulling the bag from your hands. “I love you.” “I love you too. I’m the best; didn’t even try them before you got home.”
“The best; cause you’re my girl.” He grins and you nod tapping the snack cake he hands you to his in a mock cheer. You try not to breathe through your nose when you bite it but you can’t help it the taste causing you to recoil and scramble towards one of the trash cans. “Fuck.” You hiss terrified you’ve blow the surprise for later. You turn watching Malachai laughing. “I get they’re bad Y/N but you don’t need to be over dramatic.” “Who thought watermelon and pumpkin was a good idea?!!?” “Someone who loves summer and halloween.” You scowl tossing the rest of the cake into the trash. “Its horrible.” He nods pulling you back into his arms. “It’s okay love; the snack cake can’t hurt you anymore.” He chuckles as you whine and flop onto his chest.
“So during the meeting I have an idea; I wanted to let everyone know about and-“ “An idea?” Malachai looks skeptical. “Well an announcement; of sorts; to the Ghoulies.” “An announcement; to the Ghouls. What is it?” “What?” “If you’re going to announce something to them I need to know what it is. As leader.” “Not just because you’re nosey?” “Well both.” He grins and you shake your head.
“What do you mean your announcement is more important than mine? I’m the leader of the Ghoulies I should get priority.” “Please Malachai; I think mine’s more important, especially to the Ghouls.” “Don’t use their love for you against me.” “How about we just say it at the same time?” “No.” “Please. I swear mine is more important if we say it at the same time then you can judge it.” You grin hopefully and he sighs looking to the rest of the Ghoulies who’re grinning like children. “You’re all assholes for not stopping this. Okay, fine; can one of you- Jesus ONE of you can count it down for us.” Malachai chuckles at the Ghoulies that shuffle back and sit down; you watch most of them on their phones; you know you asked at least a few of them to record what’s about to happen so you assume they all told each other. You’re relieved that Malachai doesn’t bother about the phones; normally he would want them off for meetings. “Okay you ready?” You grin nodding  fighting to keep a smile off your face. “Okay just one rule; we’ll face each other back to back and then spin around and say whatever it is; okay?” “What is it with you and acting like the Ghoulies are your own personal dueling academy?”
“It’s a good aesthetic.” “Alright you two, ready?” You nod sighing as you’re about to turn. “Wait.” “Y/N, we’ve been waiting for this announcement for the entire day, if you hold us up for any longer Malachai wins the importance award.” You watch Malachai smirk. “I was going to ask for a good luck kiss but if you want it over faster-” “No we can take another minute. totally fine.” Malachai glares at the Ghoulie who nods. You lean forward nodding before you turn facing his back smiling. “Okay, three, two, one.” You close your eyes when you turn nervous about seeing his face. “I’m pregnant.” “Marry Me?” You open your eyes to find him kneeling before he’s reaching for the ring he dropped in shock. “Really?” “Yes.” He asks as you respond and he grins. “We don’t have to- Will you all shut up!” Malachai shouts as the Ghoulies cheer. “She said yes though!” “Yeah to her- OH!” You take the ring from him about to say something before he pulls you in for a kiss.
“Don’t cry I bet Jacob fifty and-“ “You bet on me not crying? You just said yes; and we’re going to have a family… Plus you’re crying so now I’m going to-“ “No I bet him that both of us wouldn’t cry; one of us can it doesn’t count.” “Why do you get to cry then?” “You just proposed to me; it’s perfectly normal for a girl to cry at that.” “I just found out I’m going to-“ “I withdraw the bet, Christ you two already fighting over dumb shit; kiss or something; please.” You narrow your eyes at Jacob and Malachai laughs. “Oh we’re going to do a lot more that kiss I can assure you that.” “Oh really?” You arch and eyebrow and Malachai nods. “Yeah; I mean what’s the worst that happens? Not like I can get you pregnant.” “Wait does this mean we all need suits for the wedding? Can we just wear our-“ “Oh my god you haven’t even met my parents yet.” You interrupt the worry from the Ghoulies. “It’ll be fine; I’m sure they’ll love me.” “I may have lied to them and told them you have a different job.” “What did you say?” “That you managed a company of-“ “So that’s a yes on the suits then!” Jacob shouts and Malachai drags his hands down his face. “Yes on the suits; now would you all please get out of my house!! I’m trying to have a conversation with my girlfriend.” “Fiancee.” Jacob grins leaning from the doorway into the living room. “Leave!!”
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believerindaydreams · 3 years
Chapter 2 of "into the fire"
For a moment, I let myself think I won't go through with it. Two people can partner, three can't. Carla was never along for the grunt work.
Maybe she should have been...but that's not the point, now.
Arcade has the sense to let me see what he's doing, hand going up my arm and down my back, but a shove is a shove. "What's up?"
"Maybe I don't want to do this. Maybe you don't want me to try."
"I wouldn't say it's smart for us to agree to get into a new relationship before you've settled up the old one."
"Sure about that? Could be Manny takes me back, leaves you out in the cold."
That face isn't built for secrets: looks like I slapped him. "Then I would rather know that now, then after we're any more emotionally entangled than we already are."
Can't argue with that. I knock on the door, raise my voice. "Manny? You in there?"
"Yeah. C'mon in." Same deep reassuring voice as always. He sounds amused.
Not much light when I walk in. Bathroom's been left open but I can hardly make out my partner's form in the dark, tucked under blankets.
Two forms. And a giggle straight out of the grave.
I've never fainted. That's cause for medical discharge in the NCR if you're susceptible, it's a liability in the field, and I don't do it now. Might feel like all the blood's gone out of me and Arcade trying to hold me up, but it's not a faint.
He hauls my dead weight over to the bed, jabs me with something while the lights come up and Manny mutters something apologetic. Can't make myself concentrate on what he's saying, what I'm seeing, all I know is I'm so close to howling madness one step more plunges me into the abyss. The doc's hand, though. That's real.
I'm not hallucinating him.
Carla leans over me, soft pretty hair falling into her face like always before she's put it up with bobby pins. "Boone? You're okay, aren't you? Tell me you're all right."
Can't look at her. I turn to Arcade. "So...this is my wife. Carla."
He nods and waves at her distractedly, so I guess she must be real.
"Why would you do that?" Arcade snaps. Keeping his temper inside had been one thing; but now the happy couple is talking things over inside, he feels justified in rounding on the other Recon vet.
Manny looks slightly sheepish. "I didn't think he'd take it that badly. Hell. I mean, I only half-killed myself going down to Tuscon to save Carla, figured he'd appreciate the effort."
"It...we had a rough time of it. Getting captured by the Legion will do that to you."
"We?" Manny has his eyebrows raised, and it makes Arcade feel like he's on the back foot somehow.
Which really only makes him snappish. "At least I didn't think the way to tell a man his wife was alive was to be bedding his wife."
Manny bursts out laughing. "Guess you don't know Boone much at all, then. Trust me, we were all three together long before you entered the picture."
Oh. This is starting to make more sense than it doesn't...he starts tidying up his doctor's bag, more to have something to do than anything. "In that case...do you want to get me up to speed? Because last Boone knew, his wife was dead."
"He gave up on her." A little bit of bite now, and not altogether aimed at him, Arcade thinks. "Just cos he got as far as Cottonwood Cove and saw a million and a half Legionaries crawling around making life difficult- look, I love Boone, but he's been broken ever since Bitter Springs. He has this weird idea that the universe is out to wreck him personally. I said fuck that, I'll go and get Carla back even if her moron of a husband doesn't care, and now the main slave trading center in Tucson is in ashes. That's First Recon for you."
He looks undeniably smug, but under the circumstances, Arcade decides he can't really blame the man. He curls some tubing around a coil, undoes it again.
"So are you fucking him or what? Because I have to admit, I hadn't counted on him forgetting about us this fast."
"Am I- what- yes," Arcade blurts out. He's never been good at lying and Boone will just tell them the truth anyway. "I'm a doctor, I saved his life in the Legion camp, he saved mine, we ended up in the Sierra Madre and almost died so many times...he told me about the- uh. The thing?"
"He told you about the thing? Wow. Because that is not something he would have brought up unless it was life or death on the line."
"It was! Ghouls but with- swords. Or, um, exceptionally long and sharp knives."
Manny heaves a sigh. "Well. Now I feel a bit less guilty about partnering with Carla- oh, don't give me that look. You try escorting a pregnant woman through Legion territory, you'll use every advantage you can."
"His baby, or yours?" Arcade ventures cautiously.
Manny shrugs. "We'll find out when the baby's born and we see if it's pasty or not."
Well. This isn't a complicated fandango at all.
It's weirdly reminiscent of his childhood, too.
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spnsisimagines · 5 years
Warnings: TALK OF ABORTION. Cussing. Characters: Sam & Dean Winchester, Adam Milligan, Castiel, Reader (Not related to anyone) Summary: You’re pregnant with Adam’s baby, but when he wants you to get an abortion, you run to Sam & Dean. Reader’s Age: 18 years old Word Count: 2004
Y/N: Your Name
A/N: All I ask is that no one starts anything about abortion. I’m keeping my opinions to myself and took the most interesting route in this. Please be respectful of other’s opinions. Y’all already know I suck at titles. Enjoy!
You've known Adam your whole life, growing up right next door to him and his mom. You two were best friends. You still are to this day, but you two have grown into something more.
After everything that had happened with Adam's mom, you two moved in together. Adam was pretty broken up about surviving the ghoul attack, but he was able to meet his two half-brothers. You met the giant men briefly when Adam had called you after the ghouls were dead, telling you the entire story.
After all that had happened, the Winchester brothers left to go back to saving people and hunting things, while you had helped Adam sort through all his mom's stuff. It was a long process in helping Adam get over the death of his mother, they were so close, but he eventually recovered. He says it's only because of you that he was able to keep his head screwed on.
You two moved into a small apartment. You just graduated high school, now being eighteen and looking at colleges while Adam had been graduated for a few years already and working as a mechanic.
You paced in the bathroom, waiting anxiously. Your period hasn't come in two months, and you had been throwing up in the morning a few times a week. You went out while Adam was at work and bought a pregnancy test and now, you were waiting for the results. You ran a shaky hand through your hair when your phone alarm went off; signaling time was up. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. You lifted the pregnancy test and opened your eyes. Your breath got caught in your throat as you dropped the test into the sink. You covered your mouth as tears began to form. How could you be pregnant? You just turned eighteen! You were applying for colleges and finding a job! And now you have to do all that and be a mom?
You took a deep breath as you wiped the tears away and looked in the mirror. "It's okay," you told yourself, "You won't be alone, Adam will be here for you," you talked to yourself in the mirror, calming yourself down at the thought of Adam being there for you. You were starting to get a bit excited at the thought of a little person running around.
You heard the door open then close. "Babe?" Adam's voice was heard. You took a deep breath and shoved the pregnancy test into your back pocket. You walked out of the bathroom and saw Adam looking through the fridge.
"Hey," you greeted. Adam straightened up and smiled when he saw you, kissing you on the cheek.
"You okay?" He asked when he noticed your red eyes.
"Uh... Can we talk?" You grabbed his hand and led him to the living room.
"What's up?" His eyebrows were knitted together, not knowing if the news was good or bad.
You took a deep breath and reached into your back pocket, "I'm pregnant," you showed him the pregnancy test, a small smile on your face.
Adam stared at the test. "No, you're not," he spewed out.
"Yeah, I am. I haven't gotten my period in two months, and this explains why I've been getting sick every week!" You explained with a scoff.
"Y/N, we can't have a baby. We barely make enough money to support ourselves," Adam finally made eye contact with you. You couldn't tell if he was upset or angry, or maybe even both.
"Well, too bad, Adam. I'm pregnant whether you like it or not. I don't know what you expect me to do, you can't just delete a baby," you defended, instinctively placing your hand on your stomach.
"We can get rid of it," he looked to the ground then at you.
"Get-" you stood up, "Get rid of it? What is it, a dog?" Your voice got louder. "What the hell are you saying to me?"
"I'm saying you need to get an abortion," Adam stood up. Your mouth opened and shut as you thought of words to say--any words to say.
"I'm not having an abortion," you spat, quickly turning away and storming into the bedroom. Adam really wanted you to kill this child? You knew he didn't want kids, but you never knew he would want you to do something like this. You did want kids. Granted, you didn't want them until later, but you wanted them, so there was no way in hell you were getting rid of this child.
You opened the closet and started to throw clothes into a suitcase when you heard a knock on the door. "Y/N, let me in," you heard the door handle jiggle.
"Why? So you can try to convince me to murder the living being inside of me?" You snapped, throwing random crap into the suitcase before zipping it up.
"Damn it, Y/N, can't you see how this will ruin our lives?" Adam yelled, his voice being muffled by the door.
"Ruin..." You mumbled before swinging the door open. "This baby and I are now a package deal, Adam, if you don't want this baby then you don't want me so you might as well leave. Leave just like your dad did to you," you slammed the bedroom door shut again as tears welled in your eyes. You heard pounding footsteps and door slam.
You knew you couldn't stay here. You couldn't stay with a man who wanted to kill your child. You thought about the places you could go. Your parents were in Alaska at the moment, your aunt and cousins lived in Florida, your best friend was gone visiting family. You were alone. The closest people you knew were just a few hours away. You grabbed your suitcase and started driving.
You parked in front of a big metal door in what seemed like the middle of nowhere. Sam and Dean had given you and Adam their address in case anything were to happen.
You hesitantly knocked on the door, wrapping your arms around yourself. You stood there for a few seconds before contemplating knocking again, but before you could, the door swung open to reveal Dean. He stood there for a moment, taking in your appearance. You were in pajamas, your hair was disheveled, your eyes were bloodshot, and you were shaking.
"Y/N, are you okay?" Dean asked. He looked around outside to see if anyone else was with you. You sighed and shook your head. Dean stepped aside, and you walked in. "Where's Adam?" Dean led you downstairs and into the library where you sat down.
"Y/N, hey," Sam walked into the room.
You ignored Dean's question. "Hey..." You tried to smile, but it quickly faded. "Sorry for just showing up out of the blue... I..." Your eyes filled with tears as you stared down at your hands.
"Hey, hey, hey," Sam sat in front of you. "It's okay. What's wrong?" He placed a hand on your knee.
"I'm pregnant," you whispered, holding back your sobs.
"That's... That's great, Y/N, congratulations!" Sam replied with a slight smile.
You nodded slightly. "Adam wants me to get an abortion," you didn't know your voice could get so quiet.
"What?" Dean's anger showed itself through his voice.
"When I told Adam, he said I need to get an abortion," you spoke slightly louder.
"That son of a bitch..." Dean muttered, turning around and storming up the stairs.
"Dean!" Sam called after him.
"What's wrong with Dean?" Castiel appeared.
"Cas! Can you stay with Y/N for a second?" Sam didn't seem to give Castiel a choice as he ran up the stairs.
"I sense you're in distress," Castiel spoke. You met him when you met the brothers.
"You sense correctly," you gave him a fake smile.
"Does this have to do with the child that grows inside of you?" He asked, tilting his head slightly. You nodded, not caring how he figured it out.
Adam was sitting in the living room of the apartment, a beer in his hand. He jumped up at the sound of someone pounding on the door. He set his beer down as he got up and opened the door. Dean barged in, grabbing Adam by his collar and pinning him to the wall.
"What the hell, Dean?" Adam stared at his half-brother.
"Yeah, what the hell is right. You get your girlfriend knocked up, and instead of being there for her you tell her to get an abortion?" Dean pulled Adam forward and slammed him against the wall.
"Y/N told you?" Adam's eyes darted between the two men.
"She drove all the way to the bunker, she's a complete wreck," Sam chimed in.
"The hell were you thinking?" Dean questioned through gritted teeth.
"I was thinking about how I can't support a child," Dean scoffed and let go of Adam.
"So, your solution to that is to kill it?" Dean spun around, staring daggers into Adam. "Family is the most important thing in this world. You're gonna be a dad. Take some damn responsibility and own up to what you did. And the sole fact that Y/N doesn't want to put herself through the process of abortion is all the more reason to be standing by her. You can't force her to do that... Not that..." Dean was fuming. Not only was he pissed that Adam wanted to basically kill a child that is going to be a part of the family, but that he wanted you to do something you clearly did not want to do. "That's a dick move, Adam," Dean turned away and looked out the window.
"Adam you have to consider what Y/N wants. You can't force her to go through something like that. If you need money Dean and I can always pitch it, or you two can move into the bunker with us. I mean, the kid's family. You're family," Sam calmly said.
"Yeah, you're right." Adam shook his head, finally coming to his senses, "Wow, I'm such an asshole," he chuckled. "Can you take me to her?" Seeing as you took the only car you two had, Adam needed a ride. Sam and Dean agreed.
It's been a few hours since the boys had left. Cas was trying to keep your mind off of everything, but he was failing so he resorted to sitting in silence for a while before breaking it, "Your child..." He started, making you look up, "Your child is going to grow up to be a wonderful human," he smiled at you.
"How do you know that?" You asked, hand placed on your stomach.
"I just do," he simply replied.
"Do... Do you know the gender?" A small smile appeared on your face, leaning forward in your chair. Cas nodded. "Wait... Don't tell me. I want it to be a surprise." You leaned back. "I hope it's a girl," you rubbed your tummy, "I mean, I would be ecstatic if it was a boy, but... I feel like this family has enough boys. Either way, I'll be happy,"
Cas opened his mouth to speak, but he was cut off by the sound of the bunker door opening. You looked up as your heart pounded against your chest. Sam and Dean walked down the stairs. Your eyes fell to your boyfriend who slowly walked behind them.
You stood up, crossing your arms over your chest. Sam nodded to Cas who stood up and followed Sam and Dean out of the room.
"Uh..." Adam rubbed the back of his head. "I'm sorry... I was such a dick..." Adam took a step closer to you. "I shouldn't have tried to make you do something like that, so..." He looked you in your eyes, "If you want to do this then I'm with you. We can raise this kid," he took your hands in his. "I love you, Y/N, and I love our child,"
You took your hands from Adam, your mind kept going back to the man who wanted your baby dead. "I'm sorry..." You whispered before rushing past him and down the halls of the bunker.
Requested by @bartallenisbae: “Please write a Adam milligan x (not hunter)reader(Adam never was trapped with lucifer) about the reader and Adam dating and the reader ends up pregnant and tells Adam and he says to get rid of the child( ps I'm pro life so it would be nice if the reader was to but if you don't want her to then I guess you can have the reader be pro choice but chooses to keep it) but she wants to keep it. She runs to dean and Sam and they talk to Adam and he begs the reader for forgiveness”
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pseudocitrus · 6 years
touken week day 4: memory
this is a continuation of my previous touken week fic about 240neki and toukachan. it only vaguely follows the touken week prompt though... 😂 this fic is also inspired by this anon!
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it doesn’t have exactly all the details you noted,, but, thank you for the inspiration!
~1500 words, contains mostly fluff! excerpt:
It not...exactly secret...but it’s not — it’s not like he was trying to trick Yomo or anything like that. It’s just...he didn’t really know how things would really pan out, so he was just going to remain quiet until he was absolutely sure, but —
“Well?” Yomo asks, and Touka saves him, with a sigh.
“It’s nothing, he’s not sneaking out or anything, he’s just been sleeping in my room,” she explains, bluntly, and Yomo looks at her. At a time like this, Kaneki would expect that even Yomo’s face would betray...something. But he remains as calm as ever.
“I see,” he says. “Then, Ken, please move things into the spare room today, if you’re not going to use it. It’s crowded down here with all the coffee beans.”
“Oh...oh...okay,” Kaneki manages, barely.
It not...exactly secret...but it’s not — it’s not like he was trying to trick Yomo or anything like that. It’s just...he didn’t really know how things would really pan out, so he was just going to remain quiet until he was absolutely sure, but —
“Well?” Yomo asks, and Touka saves him, with a sigh.
“It’s nothing, he’s not sneaking out or anything, he’s just been sleeping in my room,” she explains, bluntly, and Yomo looks at her. At a time like this, Kaneki would expect that even Yomo’s face would betray...something. But he remains as calm as ever.
“I see,” he says. “Then, Ken, please move things into the spare room today, if you’re not going to use it. It’s crowded down here with all the coffee beans.”
“Oh...oh...okay,” Kaneki manages, barely.
“And I still think it would be a good idea to dye your hair sooner than later,” Yomo adds. It sounds like a soft request, but he’s been saying as much every day since he returned from foraging to find Kaneki sitting in the cafe kitchen with Touka, holding an upturned cup shakily over a growing puddle of coffee.
“Of course,” Kaneki coughs. “Sorry.” There’s really no good excuse for why it isn’t dyed already, except that whenever he and Touka have time to themselves, they usually...end up...being busy.
“I’ll be going then,” Yomo says, and maybe it’s just Kaneki’s own nervousness that makes him suspect Yomo is beating an unusually faster retreat than usual, but he doesn’t have much time to dwell on it because the bell on the door is ringing, and Touka is saying, “See? Not a big deal,” but of course she would say that, Touka is the kind of person that pulls no punches and didn’t even hesitate to ask him, afterward, that day, in the kitchen: “So, were you a virgin?”
“I don’t know why you were so worried,” Touka continues, cleaning off the machine.
“Do you really not know?” Kaneki asks helplessly. “I mean...Yomo is...he protects you, right? He cares about you.”
Touka’s single eye regards him skeptically. “And?”
Kaneki grimaces. Maybe it’s different with ghouls. Despite the time that’s passed he has to admit there are a lot of things about them that he doesn’t quite get. In any case, Touka is glancing up and past him now, and Kaneki follows her gaze to the storefront and to the clock, which says they still have half an hour until opening time. He feels Touka step closer. He looks down and sees her looking up at him.
“Let’s do it one more time before the store opens?”
Direct, and yet her voice is so small and sweet that Kaneki feels himself blush. She rubs his back briskly — right at that place, which she can always find instantly, even over his clothing — and he sucks in a breath and nods quickly and Touka smiles at him beautifully and yanks his apron strings loose.
When Yomo returns after hours, he looks around at the cafe, and then at Kaneki’s hair. He makes no comment, except, “Thanks for moving the beans.”
It’s not the return he always imagined. People are missing — Hide, and Yoshimura, and Hinami and Irimi and Koma and everyone else. But the days pass along calmly, even the ones where CCG investigators come to visit. He remembers, quickly, how to make coffee. Touka and Yomo take him in as easily and simply as if he had always been there, patient with his fumbling and even the nightmares that wake them all up at night. Eventually, the nightmares dwindle. He spends the evenings reading or re-reading the books in the cafe, which all, somehow, are to his taste. Soon, the books pile up at Touka’s — no, at his — no, at their beside, easy to reach even when Touka lies across him contentedly.
It’s not the return he always imagined, but other things exist in this life too, which he could have never dreamed — like waking up beside Touka, feeling the weird nice comfort of her body draped over him, listening to her breathe gently against his chest and combing her hair behind her ear in the sunlight. Sometimes he could cry at the sight of it. Other times, he finds his heart so overflowing that he doesn’t mind getting up and dressed, even if it’s cold, to answer whoever is banging on :re’s back door.
“Excuse me,” Kaneki says, “but please be quiet,” and then he says, “Oh, good morning, senpai,” and Nishiki yawns. He covers his mouth with a hand that’s holding a crinkling, bulging paper bag.
“Yeah, sure, good morning. Where the hell did Touka go last night?”
“Touka-chan?” Kaneki echoes. “Um...she was here.”
“Well — she was sick,” Kaneki explains. “She was throwing up.”
Nishiki sighs before Kaneki can explain his suspicions that she’s trying to practice and steel her stomach before trying to meet Kosaka-san.
“Good thing I got her two, then,” he says, and hands the bag over. Kaneki takes it, with confusion, and uncurls the top to peer in, just to confirm what the smell and the grease stains are telling him.
“Sure. Can’t be too careful. Just pretend it’s one each.”
“Each?” Kaneki echoes.
“Well, yeah. Come on, are you stupid? One for Touka, and one for the brat.”
They stare at each other. They realize it, at the name time. Nishiki groans.
“She’s going to fucking kill me.”
It’s been a long while. He remembers, still, the first time that she stuffed meat into his mouth. The time he managed to stagger down to Anteiku’s cafe after fighting Nishiki, and saw her gingerly fold her sleeves over her bandage. The shock with which she looked at him as he held her at Aogiri, and then, the sharp, stabbing instant of disbelief and hurt when he told her he didn’t want her with him. The time the bandage fell from his eyes and he saw her, again, gazing up at him with peace and pleasure. The many times he’s woken up from dreams in which he’s lost everything and everyone and Touka held him, firmly, for as long as it took for him to stop shaking.
He sits on the edge of the bed, holding the bag. He waits, and eventually Touka begins to stir and stretch and wrinkle her nose.
“What’s that smell,” she grumbles, and Kaneki shakes the bag indicatively, and Touka furrow her brows at him, and then jerks up. She props herself on her arms, looking at the bag, and then at Kaneki, and then sits properly, pulling the blanket over her chest.
“I’m gonna fucking kill him,” she says, half-heartedly. Kaneki smiles and gives her the bag.
“There’s two,” he says, “one for...one each.”
They are quiet.
“I want to ask you something,” Kaneki says, at the same time Touka says, “I need to tell you something,” and they look at each other, and fall silent.
“You first,” Kaneki offers, and for a second it looks like Touka won’t accept. She looks at the ceiling, taking a breath. Then she looks right at him.
“I’m pregnant,” she says. “It’s not...I wasn’t trying to keep it a secret...or trying to trick you or anything.” She looks down at the bag. “I just...don’t really know if it’ll be born properly anyway, so...I was just going to keep quiet until I knew for sure. Sorry.”
“It’s okay,” Kaneki tells her, and to prove it he reaches for Touka’s flushed cheek, and he holds it. She tips her head up and studies his expression, the smile he’s making for her, genuinely.
“I’m...I’m glad.”
“Yeah,” he realizes. He feels his smile broaden. “Really.”
She shuffles her weight. “Is this what you were going to ask about?”
“No,” he says. “What I wanted to ask you about was how ghouls get married.”
“Wh — what?”
It takes a little while after than — to wade through her shock, to calm her embarrassment, to understand her explanation clearly and then assure her again that he’s serious, yes, he’s really, seriously, serious. He adds this moment to, to his list of times he never wants to forget: when she looks at him, with her uncertainty blooming into a soft, shy, small happiness. She lets the blanket fall, to expose one shoulder, and he inches close to her, and wraps his arms around her body. His body shivers as she leans against him. He kisses her gently, and then opens his mouth a little wider.
Afterward, his shoulder aches as much as his chest. He presses his finger to the mark on her shoulder, which is healing, slowly. Even the edges of it, though, are already silvery, and his heart races a little to see it. His mark. On Touka.
She grimaces at him, uncomfortable with his staring, but before he can apologize she spreads her arms, and he breaks eye contact to lay against her happily. She embraces him. She rests her head on his and strokes his hair.
“Looks like we won’t have to dye your hair after all,” she says after a moment, and Kaneki stirs.
She has to reach around for her phone to take a picture so that he can see it. Even then, he has to zoom a bit. But they’re there, as clear as morning: black hairs, growing on top of his head, stark against the white.
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lilacflamesss · 7 years
What He Has
Kirishima Week Day 4 (July 4th): Ayato
Summary: Hinami watches Ayato, Touka and Kaneki-- now a family-- and she realises that all she longs for, is all that Ayato has. In other words, Hinami overthinking about stuff and being jealous of Ayato and his family. (2.5k words) 
A/N: This is the first time I’ve written Ayahina in a more negative light and it hurts a lot. I was supposed to write something else for today but I sidetracked with this headcanon I had all of a sudden. I don’t know what I feel about writing a birthday fic for Ayato where Hinami is borderline hating him... For @kirishima-week (tagging because for some strange reason, tumblr is a bitch to me and it randomly never puts any of my posts up in a few tags and I don’t want this to go missing as well). 
Read here for Touka’s birthday fic and here for my other Kirishima Week posts! ^^ 
🐠🐰 Happy Birthday Kirishima Ayato! 🐰🐠
Please do reblog if you enjoyed this fic!
But even then, she can’t help it. Hinami wants what he has.
The green-eyed demon snickers in her ears, whispering blasphemous suggestions and raising vile thoughts. Hate him, it seems to say, hate the boy who has everything you desire but dared to turn his back on it.
Ayato left Touka. He had his reasons— reasons which, for some reason, she can’t seem to recall— but even then, how could he just leave? She remembers Touka’s withdrawn features whenever she looking out the window, mind imprisoned between thoughts and opinions she never was privy to. She knows Ayato had to be a part of it— that he had to be Touka’s biggest worry and concern back before things really fell apart. She knows that as much as Touka loves and cares for her, Hinami will always be a spot behind him. She was never able to be him. She was never able to fill in for the void he left in her. The most she could be, was a mere replacement— a pseudo-sister to fill partly the pain of a lost brother.
And in the worst of cases, if she ever is made to choose in some kind of life-and-death situation, Touka will rush to rescue Ayato over her— that, Hinami was sure of without a doubt.
Onii-chan too now…
How is it that Ayato, the one who seemed to detest Kaneki so much at one point, is the one who’s truly related to him now? How is it that Hinami, who longs for a sibling like Kaneki, is the one who’s utterly alone now? She’s not just alone, she’s the sole loner. She isn't in the same situation as the now-married Kaneki. 
She’s the only loser without a family.
The scent comes to her attention before anything else really does. She’s barely even awake yet. Her eyes are still closed and her body is still curled up under the scratchy piece of cloth she calls a blanket. But as she slowly rises to consciousness, the first thing she realises is, “He’s back.”
She’s up on her feet the moment she orientates herself and she heads out of her room. The scent gets stronger the more she walks and eventually, she hears noises that start to morph into words, spoken by three familiar, and well-loved, voices.
“Listen, you won’t believe what i saw down there—”
“Nevermind what you saw down there, you shitty kid. I have something to tell you.”
“Both of us, actually. But… erm… Ayato-kun, you have to promise to stay calm.”
“Huh? Stay calm?”
“I’m pregnant.”
Hinami freezes. She’s a couple of steps away from where she believes the three of them are gathered— right after the turn in front of her. She’s not sure she heard right. The final voice was clearly Touka’s but the words seemed so strange and unlike of her.
“Hu-huh?! Pregnant? Like… a baby kind of pregnant?” It seems like Ayato was in the same boat as her.
“I am!” Touka says, almost breathlessly.
“Huh…? But…”
“And… we’re getting married. So Ayato-kun, we’d like your blessing—”
Hinami has to admit that she shares Ayato’s surprise. There had been no indication— not to her at least— about the pregnancy and the marriage and she doesn't really know what to think about it. She's happy they seem happy, but now, out of all times?
“No. NO WAY. No way in fucking hell are you marrying my sister!”
“Ayato. We’re already married.”
“Shut up, shitty Aneki. This half-assed…” Ayato pauses for a moment and they’re surrounded by heavy silence. Hinami tiptoes closer and she presses herself against the wall before peeking out slightly. The three of them are there, in a more deserted, yet open, part of their underground hideout. Touka and Kaneki stood before Ayato, who seems really confused and exasperated from his side profile. On the other hand, the other two are holding hands, pressing against each other and clearly wishing for the best out of that conversation.
For some reason, Hinami remains where she is. There’s something holding her back from making her presence known to them. Something about their meeting seems sacred and private— even from her.
“The two of you… have a baby…” Ayato finally murmurs softly.
“Yes, that’s precisely it,” Kaneki replies, “which is why, I asked her to marry me… I mean, partly why… There are other reasons… We—”
“Okay, I get it,” Ayato cuts in. “So… what’s with this?”
“Like… why’d you bring me to this weird place just to tell me this?” Ayato questions. “Could have just said it at the meeting hall just now. Would have saved a lot of walking time and all… Aneki you shouldn't be walking around that much since you’re pregnant…”
“The rest… don't know yet…” Touka says slowly. “Nishiki knows I’m pregnant I guess and Tsukiyama seems to suspect something I believe, but we haven't told the rest officially… They don't know we’re married.”
“Uh-huh… For how long…?”
“It’s been about a few weeks…” Kaneki admits.
“And you didn't tell anyone?” Ayato mutters, his surprise apparent even on his face.
“I’m sure some might already know or figured it out, but…” Kaneki says, stopping for a moment, “we thought, you should be the first to know for sure. The marriage especially.”
Ayato isn't the smartest person out there but Hinami reckons he should at least know understand what Kaneki and Touka are up to. It’s pretty obvious.
It’s because… you guys are…
“Since Touka-chan and I are married… and you and her are siblings… it means… we’re family, right?” Kaneki says. He hesitates as he speaks, all the more when Ayato’s eyes widen at the word ‘family’.
Family. You guys are family now. 
“F-family… Ah…” Ayato stammers and stops, eyes darting between the two of them. “We… we’re not… I…”
He’s forcing himself to scowl. She knows him better than he thinks she does, better than he knows himself even, maybe. She’s watched him for so long; she’s stood beside him for so long. She knows she’s the only one who managed to reach into him. He can act all he want. He can lie and cheat everyone in the universe, but Hinami knows nothing will fool her when it comes to him.
Ayato is brimming with happiness. He’s elated, happy that his sister is finally together with the man she loves the most, relieved that the two of them, albeit tired, seem to be smiling from their hearts and proud that his sister is going to be a mother— that he is going to be an uncle.
That their family is getting bigger.
It takes a moment for Hinami to realise it, but while Kaneki is happy that he’s finally getting a family, Touka and Ayato are happy that theirs are getting bigger, not just from the marriage but the pregnancy as well. Kaneki had found his place in their intricate web of biological relations, reserving a spot for an upcoming member as well.
Touka is his wife. She’s carrying his child. Ayato, her brother, is now Kaneki’s brother as well.
It takes another moment for her to realise something else. Ayato’s case is nothing like hers. It’s incomparable to her younger self running up to Touka and Kaneki and calling them her siblings. They were like big siblings to her, but for Ayato, they are big siblings. There’s a solidified foundation, sturdy structure and a tangible connection between him and them.
“When… is the baby coming?” Ayato asks, his voice soft, unsure and shaky.
Touka smiles a smile more radiant than she has ever smiled in a while since they’ve been in the 24th ward.
“December… if he lives to it, that is…” Touka whispers, but Hinami’s sharp ears catches them anyway.
“He will…” Ayato says, a little too confident in Hinami’s opinion. “His parents… are very strong anyway… so I’m sure he is as well.”
Hinami considers for a moment and she ends up doubting his words. She’s heard stories of ghoul mothers and half-ghoul children. Touka and Kaneki’s case should be the same. There can always be exceptions but how likely will that be, especially when Touka herself looks so famished and exhausted? But looking at Ayato’s face, all she sees is resolve and belief.
She wonders, when was it she started looking at dark skies in lamentation and when was it that Ayato started becoming the one seeking silver linings. When had their roles reversed?
“Mm… that’s right,” Touka sighs in agreement. “He’s Kaneki’s child… He’s part of our family… You’re right… He will be strong.”
“Yeah…” Ayato murmurs, sniffing a little. “This… I can’t believe it… It’s…”
“Unreal, isn't it?” Kaneki adds.
“Yeah… Just some time back… You were looking after me and now… Fuck, you got your own kid and all…”
“Time flies, I guess,” Touka laughs, scratching the back of her head. The other two mimics her laughter. Even then, their joy is tinged with sorrow but it’s still possible to look past that. They’re upset, but still truly happy. Families are complicated things— things that can make you happy and sad at the same time; you can find yourself looking forward to something, yet secretly wishing it’ll never come.
Hinami sees and understands their joys and sorrows, but she realises, she isn't part of it. Just like everyone else whom Touka and Kaneki have been keeping this secret from all these while, Hinami will never, truly, be a part of their family-- no matter how many times she calls them her sister and brother. Those labels mean nothing, especially without anything legit tying them together.
My family is gone.
She recalls colder, wetter days, living in similar conditions as she sobs and cries for her mother and father. Ayato sat beside her then, lightly rubbing her back as she sobbed. He claimed to miss his parents too, but he never seemed too bothered by it at all. She could never sense the same emptiness she had in him. It was perplexing and she had accorded it to his complicated relationship with them and the fact that he believed he hated them.
But now she realised, that emptiness doesn't exist, at least not to the depth that she feels. Because Ayato isn't alone like she is. He has Touka, in a way she can never have the older girl. She knows she used to call out for Touka in her sleep as well, worrying that Touka would hate and forget her the longer she stayed away. Ayato had said Touka never would, because she never hated him nor forgotten him even after all those years. Hinami sought refuge in those words, but now she notes it’s different as well.
Despite being apart, Ayato’s relationship with Touka hadn't deteriorated as much as hers had, because he and her were siblings— the real deal.
Hinami blinks her eyes and she feels wetness running down her face. Turning away and pressing her back against the wall, Hinami hurriedly wipes them off. She feels an ugly storm brewing inside, reminiscent of what she feels whenever someone mentions or whenever she sees Mado Akira. But this time it’s a hundred times worse. Mado Akira is a stranger who’s fate intertwined with hers due to unfortunate circumstances. 
But Ayato is different. He’s a loyal friend, a caring superior and an understanding confidant. He’s the person who’s been there for her when she was the loneliest. He’s the light that shone on her when she was at her darkest.
But even then, she can’t help it. Hinami wants what he has.
The green-eyed demon snickers in her ears, whispering blasphemous suggestions and raising vile thoughts. Hate him, it seems to say, hate the boy who has everything you desire but dared to turn his back on it.
Ayato left Touka. He had his reasons— reasons which, for some reason, she can’t seem to recall— but even then, how could he just leave? She remembers Touka’s withdrawn features whenever she looking out the window, mind imprisoned between thoughts and opinions she never was privy to. She knows Ayato had to be a part of it— that he had to be Touka’s biggest worry and concern back before things really fell apart. She knows that as much as Touka loves and cares for her, Hinami will always be a spot behind him. She was never able to be him. She was never able to fill in for the void he left in her. The most she could be was a mere replacement— a pseudo-sister to fill a miniscule portion of the pain of a lost brother.
And in the worst of cases, if she ever is made to choose in some kind of life-and-death situation, Touka will rush to rescue Ayato over Hinami— that, Hinami was sure of without a doubt.
Onii-chan too now…
Kaneki, who once spared Ayato’s life only because he’s Touka’s brother. What would Kaneki do now-- now that Ayato is his wife’s brother, his kid’s uncle and his own brother-in-law?
How is it that Ayato, the one who seemed to detest Kaneki so much at one point, is the one who’s truly related to him now? How is it that Hinami, who longs for a sibling like Kaneki, is the one who’s utterly alone now? She’s not just alone, she’s the sole loner. She isn't in the same situation as the now-married Kaneki. 
She’s the only loser without a family.
It’s all the more worse that it’s not just about the rest finding their families; it’s about them finding, and forming, one family together. As much as she should be happy that the three most important people to her are finding happiness, she hates that they’re finding happiness together, forming the kind of bond she has craved and long for together among themselves, without her.
‘Hate’ is a strong word and a stronger emotion— one she never wanted to feel, but alas!
Do you hate this or do you hate him? 
She’s appalled that her mind is able to even come up with such a question and is even more so when she finds herself considering it. Hinami chokes, slapping her hands over her mouth. She hadn't meant to make a sound, but try as she might, something slipped out anyway.
“Is… anyone there?” she hears Touka call out. 
“I’ll go and check,” Ayato says and Hinami stiffens.
She doesn't want to see his face. She doesn't think she’ll be able to bear it. But even as she hears his footsteps approaching, she’s frozen. His scent gets stronger and she holds her breath to avoid smelling it; she closes her eyes to avoid seeing him. She leans forward, hugging herself— almost protectively.
That’s all she can do anyway, take care of her own, lonesome self.
“Hi… nami?”
Her head still snaps up at his voice and she still turns to look at him. He stares at her for a minute, eyes widening in disbelief. It’s almost akin to the face he made when they finally saw each other again in Cochlea. The only difference is, when she had wanted to simply continue staring at him back then, now, her stomach twists in pain and disgust and she wants to run away.
“Hinami, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” he asks, voice climbing in urgency at her silence. He reaches out to gently hold her by the shoulders and turn her to face him. Even though he’s speaking in a gentle tone, full of worry and concern for her, she wants to push him away. “How long have you been standing here? What’s the matter? Talk to me.”
Talk to you? Talk to you and what?
“Hinami, please. Tell me what’s wrong.”
Tell you what? How you’re the problem? She shakes her head. She can’t be honest with him, not now.
“Come on, Hinami. Please. You can talk to me, right? You… can talk to me… right?”
She shudders at his hesitation, but pulls away from him. Ayato’s eyes are wide in disbelief and it’s clear he’s a little hurt by her sudden coldness. This can’t possibly be the same Hinami who had bade him farewell with a smile and promise to anticipate his return. Hinami is someone who never hurts anyone to the best of her abilities, and when she does, she attempts to make up for it somehow. But this time, the hurt on his face is soothing— the green being seems to be embracing her close, lightly stroking her hair as it points out how they’re both hurting and not just him. She’s disgusted by the way she’s thinking and feeling right now but she just can’t stop.
You can’t help it, the monster says.
I can’t help it, she agrees.
Is it really her fault— is she really in the wrong— if all she wants is all that he has, especially, if he doesn't seem to appreciate it at all? Even now, he doesn't seem to understand just how blessed he is to be having those two by his side— and one more coming up as well. Ayato doesn't seem to realise it, even when he himself had lost his parents. But she can’t just expect him to, he doesn't know what it feels like to lose his entire family, to feel entirely alone and to watch whatever remaining, makeshift family he desperately conjured up in an attempt to hold things together form a stronger kind of bond right before his eyes with no chance of him ever being part of it.
All she wants, is really what he has.
A/N: Really. Just an overthinking Hina-chan who wants nothing more than to be a part of their family. You just got to marry Ayato, girl, and all will be fine. Sorry if there were any grammatical mistakes/typos! >.<
Once again, please please do reblog if you like this! It’ll really help me out. ♡
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scenarios-on-ice · 7 years
WHy dO yOu HaVE tO sAY GOodByE
(well I guess he’s not referred to as a ghoul but he might as well be one now, considering that he’s framed out and can’t eat human food anymore…what’s the difference, really?
Saiko saved him from Donato but we’re still not sure how they’re going to work through it
I mean, nobody at the CCG is really going to appreciate this new development if they find out)
Peggy was actually pretty awesome…it’s still unknown if it’s true but there’s a story that a group of Tories and Native Americans once forced their way into the Schuyler mansion in Albany looking for Philip Schuyler (they were intending to capture him as a prisoner of war). Guests and family members, including Angelica and Eliza (who were both pregnant at the time) rushed upstairs to hide from the intruders, but then realize that they’d left the youngest Schuyler sister (Catharine, who wasn’t even a year old) downstairs. Peggy ran down to get her but was threatened by one of the raiders who demanded to know where her father was. Keeping a cool head, Peggy lied and said that he’d gone to get help and alarm the town, and this frightened the raiders enough that they decided to back off- but not before one of them threw a tomahawk at Peggy, who was running upstairs with the baby in her arms. She somehow managed to dodge it and the tomahawk left a dent in the banister (apparently the Schuylers kept it as a memento).
The way people view Erwin is also very similar to how people saw Hamilton- those who liked them liked them very well, but their behavior and choices also led to them gaining several enemies (Hamilton with his refusal to hold back or shut up, and Erwin with his manipulative, ruthless behavior that went against everything the government of the AoT world stood for). I also think the awe in Burr’s voice as he asks ‘How do you write like you’re running out of time? Are you running out of time?’ could apply to anyone watching Erwin becaus he really was non-stop in his own right.
(I could imagine Levi internally asking those questions about Erwin for the first few months after they met)
I like the idea of Jean-Eren Burr-Hamilton as an AU, because in different circumstances, I do think Jean and Eren’s relationship could have developed in a wrong, nasty way…
It’s either write or fight my way out in the AoT universe (for most of them, it’s fight- the only people who’d ‘write’ seem to be Erwin, Hange and Armin…possibly Bertolt, but he’s a warrior and still fights when push comes to shove)
For Schuyler Sisters, Mikasa is the best Angelica. For Satisfied and the cameo in Burn (‘you’ve married an Icarus…’) it’s Annie. And for Congratulations and her part in the Reynolds Pamphlet, it’s Ymir (I shiver at the thought of Ymir singing Congratulations. She’d roast Eren so badly).
I do think Ymir would technically make the best Angelica but Annie shares Angelica's more thoughtful streak; Ymir would probably be way more blunt during their first meeting but I can see Annie being cautious at first (‘I’m sure I don’t know what you mean, you forget yourself…’). Annie also strikes me as the type to get more emotional about whoever’s playing Eliza- ‘I love my sister more than anything in this life/I will choose her happiness over mine every time’ is Annie; ‘You could never be satisfied, god, I hope you’re satisfied’ is Ymir, in my opinion.
Ymir-Alex and Historia-Eliza sounds so awesome and fitting until you remember Say No To This.
btw, while we’re at it, why not make a TG Hamilton AU too? I’m not too sure yet but I do know I want Amon to play a major role (Amon-Hamilton and Shironeki-Burr, maybe?). And Yamori is James Reynolds.
(If it was a genderbend I could see Haise as Eliza and Arima as Angelica)
Aww, thank you! I have rhinitis so my voice usually sounds kinda nasal (even more so when I attempt high notes) but it sounds nice enough with quieter songs like Dear Theodosia
Conspiracy theory confirmed. Your shuffle is the lovechild of Furuta, Zeke and Moriarty (you’re welcome for the mental image that must have given you)
(Also *inhales* this is so creepy…but your voice is really cute
Like, I’m jealous
And last note, sorry, but my presence here may be spotty for the next three weeks or so. I’m studying for an exam and you know that one song by Breaking Benjamin? DEAR AGOOOONNYYY)
((This sounds like a huge setup for me saying ‘I’m abandoning the blog lol’ (suspicious squinting)))
Also, this is I have from you, messages wise ^^
Oh wow, that’s pretty awesome! Peggy is a queen! Confirmed! However, how do you ‘forget’ a child?? Like, ‘oh look, the raiders are here! Better abandon this 1yo kid!’. I mean, I get that the panic is a factor in it, but still…  It’s a shame Peggy doesn’t have a big part in the musical ;-; She definitely deserves it. 
Erwin is definitely the best Hamilton in the whole AoT universe. He fits the personality of Hamilton perfectly, except for Write my way out. He would maybe do that, though, but only as a last resort. He’s more of the ‘I’ll manipulate my way out’ *maniacal laughter’ guy… Erwin would write 85 essays by himself if it meant reaching his goals and there’s no denying it. 
I’m so glad that Eren and Jean’s relationship developed the way it did. If their personalities were a bit different, I’d even ship them, because I’m a sucker for the enemies to lovers trope. 
You know what line fits Bert? And when push comes to shove, I will kill your friends and family to remind you of my love. Because he acts all nice and then he’s like ‘whoopsy daisy, Im actually a bad guy fuck you all.’
Yeah, the different characters fit different songs. Man, Id pay to hear Ymir burn (huehue) Eren really badly. We’d be having Roasted Eren for dinner then. 
so, basically, Annie and Ymir’s lovechild make the best Angelica. Okay, that seems to make sense, since those two really are good Angelicas, yet lacking in some areas. 
OOOH YMIR-HISTORIA HAMILTON BEST HAMILTON.  What is that song? I don’t remember hearing it…
Dude, I’ve forgotten so much of TG I sat in front of my screen wondering ‘who tf is Shironeki’ for a while, until I realized it was ‘Shiro Kaneki’… I give up on life. 
Oh, we’re the opposites, then! I am much better with high pitch songs, which is why I usually stick to singing songs that involve the Schuyler sisters.
Yes, it is. I am beginning to doubt the existence of coincidence, y’know. It is downright evil. Seriously, sometimes, when I want to tell a story about my shuffle, I stop because it sounds like a lie.
*screech* thank yuu! My voice sounds quite quite childish, especially considering how old I am. But I’m glad you liked it ^^
Nope, I don’t know that song.
Also, you’ve seen how much I’ve been here, so yeee…
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statticscribbles · 3 years
Abandoned 4
Summary: Riverdale Magical AU!; Written as an idea for the Halloween Challenge, pairing currently undecided
This is the fourth in the Abandoned Series the continuation of this imagine can be provided by: A Support My Writing Donation  (with the request in the note section)  with any ship being able to be worked into this
“So what’s his specialty, all witches have specialties right?” You tilt your head down the hallway, looking back to Betty. “Who?” “That black haired footballer.” You nod your head towards the black haired boy, Betty wrinkles her nose. “Reggie, really good at healing. Surprisingly gentle with his magic.” Betty smiles patting your shoulder. “You sure you wouldn’t rather have Veronica and Archie help with your tour, being Grimms I’d assume you all have to stick together?” You shake your head, biting a scream when Jason Blossom walks by trailing after his sister. You stare at him a second too long and Betty looks worried. “You see something?” “No, just haze I guess?” You watch Cheryl walk and Veronica appears next to Betty looping her arm in hers. “Cheryl is closer to Fae, well a witch who specifies in Fae spells, her father dabbles in Necro apparently.” Veronica states. “Necro?” You tilt your head and Archie glares at Veronica. “Necromancy, the most expensive magic.” You snort shaking your head. “Necromancy isn’t expensive at-“ You quiet at the shocked looks they’re giving you.
“What the hell are you talking about Necro is like the most expensive- Kevin! Kevin tell her about Necro!” You turn to the boy who walks up smiling. “Kevin Keller, Sheriff’s son, what’s this about Necro?” You shrug waving your hand. “I’ve been misinformed about the price apparently.” “Necromancy is the most extreme magic one can use, the only way to have it done properly is to have a banshee.” You still turning to him. You can hear your father screaming for you to play dumb. “A what?” “A Banshee, to call the dead back. It makes the price null apparently. Well it means if the person you bring back dies again the Banshee can’t bring them back ever again. But a Banshee’s scream is said to be so powerful it can bring back anything, even reverse aging” Kevin shrugs. You bite down the comment that your singing is what reverses aging; your scream only calls back souls.
You’re in the locker room, and feel a hand against your back, ice cold, you know it’s Jason. “Yes?” He laughs in response humming, his hands drifting against your bare shoulder laughing as you swat them away. “I’m changing.” He laughs again, his voice soft and sad. “I miss her. Cheryl, can you give her a message, please.” You scowl but nod holding your hand out as he places his palm against yours in promise. He mumbles into your ear humming softly, you let him finish his message palm pulling backwards as he finishes.
You catch Cheryl at the end of practice and she scowls as you step nervously up. “Cheryl, can I-“ “Whatever you have to say you can say it in front of everyone.” You swallow as Jason nods giving you a thumbs up. You wrinkle your nose. “I’d really rather not, it’s personal and involves Jason and-“ She turns away from you, hissing as she stomps off, Betty and Veronica glare at you, and you glare at Jason who laughs. You watch as everyone leaves. Turning to Jason who smirks playfully. “Fucking dick, you knew she would-“ He puts a finger to his lips and you stamp your foot snarling. “No you don’t get to-“ You freeze as he walks through you, well more like stumbles but you catch the meaning whirling around to see Kurtz staring at you. “Hey sis. You handling it okay?” You snarl and he laughs. “Aww is it a boy?” You roll your eyes. “Yeah the dead one.” He snorts and you smirk. “Come on class now. Be a good girl.” He laughs more and you smack the back of his head. “You’re still a ghoul in every sense of the word. Don’t forget I can still call you home.” Your smile darkens and he nods ducking his head in apology. “Dad doing okay?” He nods and vanishes as you step towards your next class. He appears in the back, the teacher scowling. “Kurtz, please use the door next time.” He laughs and you turn pretending you’ve never seen him before as you look confused to Betty who shakes her head. Shooting a glare at him as he grins stretching it slightly too wide to be human.
Lunch is a relief; you’re sitting on the couch in the student lounge, waiting as Cheryl breezes by for the familiar cold of Jason as his fingers drum the side of your head, you’ve learned to ignore him but you lean over to Betty, out of his way. “What is Kurtz?” You cast your eyes over to where he’s appeared. “Oh you wanna know what I am?” He laughs stepping forward before appearing in front of you leaning over smirking. “Kurtz is a nightmare, a ghoul, a spectre pulled from death and given a human form. A necromancer brought him back. Malachai, you should do your best to avoid both of them.” Veronica glares at him. You roll your eyes, before you feel Jason’s lips on the back of your neck, you jump up slamming into Kurtz and growling, as you whip around, about to yell at him, before he passes through you. “What happened?” “Sorry I thought I saw a spider.” Cheryl laughs and you glare at her as Jason joins in. You catch sight of another kid, and you jerk your head back, scream bubbling in your throat.
“I have too; go, I need to leave. Fuck, shit, shit.” You turn to the door stumbling forward but cringe when someone’s hand grips your wrist. “Please let me go. Please.” You turn to see Cheryl smirk on her face. “Oh no, you little liar,” She turns to the rest of the group shoving you back and you panic staring at the kid, thankful you don’t know his name “Liar?” Betty looks worriedly at you. “She’s not a Grimm, can’t you sense the magic around her? It’s so different than anything we’ve seen. What do you think Daryl, since you’re so good at deception spells, is she familiar?” You look in horror at the boy Cheryl named. “Yeah Daryl wanna play a game?” You glare at Kurtz, panic rising as you cover your mouth. “Please Cheryl, please let me go.” She laughs and shakes her head shoving you back towards the couch. You close your eyes refusing to look at Daryl, confused when you can almost feel the tickling of a spell, some sort of truth charm you think, you open your eyes sigh, swallowing back the scream you so desperately want to unleash, instead smiling tightly. “Daryl taught me how to use a gun, illegally.” You fake a look of shock glaring at Cheryl.
“Good job covering up that one, I’m sure Daryl is pissed at you now though.” Jason winks from behind Kurtz and you glare at him. You swallow once more jerking your arm from Cheryl’s grip and sitting back on the couch, Kurtz vanishes reappearing somewhere nearby, you can still feel him. Jason hovers next to you hand brushing your wrist tracing shapes on your skin. You know the ruin’s he’s inscribing, the ones that bind Kurtz to Malachai, you roll your eyes, turning back to everyone talking about going to Pop’s later. “You’re welcome to come of course.” You smile nodding. “I’d love to.” You move to go to history with Veronica and Reggie, you’re seated next to him and you frown for a second, noticing the shimmering around his eye, a concealment charm to cover bruising. Jason scowls from where he sits on the desk miming a punching himself in the eye.
“His father. Thinks healing is a waste of magic.” You smile in thanks turning to Reggie and sighing and running your hand through your hair. “What’s wrong?” You shake your head. “Nothing, I just realized I’m in a little over my head when it comes to some of these classes, and the whole ‘magic’ school aspect.” Reggie laughs nodding. “It can be a bit overwhelming, Archie almost flunked out twice but Betty helped him a bunch. It’s harder for Grimms cause you can’t actually practice the magic, you just have to memorize facts about it.” You shrug. “I think it’d be easier memorizing but what do I know.” “I can help you cheat, since Cheryl is one of the top students.” Jason winks and you smile fondly. “Reggie, do you think you could help me study, I’m really nervous about all the healing stuff. I just, I never understood how you can just fix stuff.” Jason snorts. “Course the banshee can’t figure out how to fix shit, you just kill it” Jason responds before drifting over to Cheryl.
“Betty!” You call out and she turns smiling, Jason turns pushing his focus onto you. “Yeah what’s up?” She nods as you duck your head nervously. “I was in the library and-well anyways, I heard your sister, Polly is pregnant, and if it’s weird just let me know but would it be okay if I gave her a blessing, I know it’s kind of-“ “Oh she’d love that! So many people are against her and the babies, so I’m sure she’d love it.” Betty nods and you try to focus on the directions she’s giving you with Jason screaming and hugging you at the same time.
You don’t tell him what you’re going to do; the knife is warm in your grip when you smile at Polly, Betty having gone downstairs. Jason hovers next to her nervously. One of his hands reaching back as he moves in front of her. “Just give me a second, I sort of lied. It’s not really a blessing, more like a present. Hand.” Jason hovers his hand out as you cut yours dropping the blood onto his palm. Polly to her credit doesn’t scream as Jason solidifies. He smiles reaching out to brush her face when she grips his hand. Jason screams and you can’t help but laugh as Polly hushes him. “Only you can hear it, well me and you.” You smile she’s ignoring you and you sit content to wait out however long Betty gives you to “bless” Polly. It doesn’t take long for you to start to feel dizzy. You try your best to hold off but you can’t help the yawn, the way your powers pull Jason back to the inbetween.
The bell rings and you watch everyone gathering to go to Pop’s, Reggie waves you over and you laugh when Jason scowls, before waving as well. “Polly. Please talk to her, please. Polly. Polly. Polly.” Jason repeats just as he had been for the past two hours. You nod. “Hey do any of you guys know someone named Polly by chance?” “My sister.” Betty nods and you tilt your head as Jason grips you shoulder. “Where is she? Where is she? Where is she?” Jason repeats hissing into your ear. “Oh, is she joining us at Pop’s?” Betty nods. You smile when you meet her letting Jason’s hand overlap yours as you shake hers in greeting. She looks concerned for a moment, before she smiles back at you. “Pleasure. Your hands are cold, is it cold outside now?” You can feel the truth inflection in her words, so natural you can’t help the smile on your face. “No I just have poor circulation.” You respond, Jason laughs as you sit across from her, Reggie at the edge smiling.
“Polly is really gifted in truth spells.” Jason nods almost prideful as Betty talks about her sister. “She was pretty incredible, managed to use her gift to help uncover a few of the teachers smuggling in dark magical items.” Polly looks embarrassed but still smiles. “Betty and Jughead helped me out with that. They deserve as much credit.” You nod ordering a shake as everyone else orders food. Jason shakes his head at you and you wrinkle your nose. “You’re not getting a burger?” Veronica questions. “No, I usually have dinner at like eight so I’m not really hungry right now.” Jason rolls his eyes. “Liar. You should eat. It’s safe here.” He nods to you and you huff pulling your shake over as everyone starts to eat.
“So what brings you to Riverdale?” Betty asks and you swallow. “My uncle moved out here for some magic work, he thought it would be a good way to get me involved, both my parents died when I was younger, he’s basically raised me.” You don’t mention you killed your parents, or how your uncle is technically your grandfather. “Oh you picked a hell of a time to come to Riverdale then.” Kevin laughs and you tilt your head. “There’s a new necromancer, since Malachai went underground. His name is Edgar and he says he can do Necro, without a banshee and bring the dead back.” You snort shaking your head. “That’s not possible, he must be charming the people somehow.” Cheryl scowls. “I’ve seen it work, he let me talk to Jason.” Her voice is quiet but you watch Jason as he shakes his head, tapping on the side of his. “You were drugged.” You state and Cheryl snarls. “ I wasn’t drugged!” She snaps and you arch an eyebrow. “I can prove it later tonight if you want, if we can use the speakeasy as a stage.” You turn to Veronica who nods, you smile.
“I should go, to get ready to prove this new Necromancer is a liar.” Cheryl nods scowling as you stand and leave. Kurtz appears the minute the door closes. “Yes ghoul.” “You’re going to bring him back? To prove Edgar isn’t a true Necromancer?” “No I’m going to kill Edgar, I know what he’s doing, charming and numbing them. It upsets the balance, you’re welcome to help me if you-“ “Please.” He hisses and you smile, carefully holding his arm and tracing your fingers over the ruins carved into his, before doubling over them and tugging to lift them from his skin. His eyes widen, flexing his fingers as if moving them for the first time. “What did you do?” He stares shocked as you smile. “I brought you back. Unbound. Well Unbound to any other than me.” Kurtz laughs smirking before he pulls you into a hug, you return it kissing his cheek. “Now, go have some fun, they can’t trace you anymore.” You wink and turn back into Pop’s “Hey sorry I just realized I don’t need to really get ready, I can do it whenever.”  Cheryl smirks.
“Fine we’ll go down there now and you can try to prove whatever you want.” You look to Veronica who nods as the group sits down among the chairs and table you look at the stage. “Can any of you sound proof this? Like the speakeasy, I’d hate for anyone to hear what we’re doing. Might scare them, yeah?” Veronica and Betty nod, Polly stands helping her sister cast a sound numbing charm, you watch Reggie and brush your hand under your own eye, swiping his covering charm off. “Now, is everyone ready? Cheryl if you’d please step up here, I can tell you things about yourself only Jason would know, to prove you’re not really speaking to him as Edgar tells you and-“ Kurtz appears smoke wafting around him and he beams. “Hey, did I miss it?” “No, you’re early did it really take that little time?” He grins showing rows of fangs. “Being unbound is great.” You roll your eyes as Cheryl steps forward. “This is a private séance.”
“Séance?” Kurtz laughs, “Is that what you told them you do?” You roll your eyes. “They assumed I though it only fair.” “Prove to them what you are then.” “if you’d shut up for five minutes I could.” You snort and he huffs sitting down. Cheryl turns smiling at you. “Well go on, let’s see then.” She waves her hand and you smile nodding. “Jason.” Your voice is quiet compared to your normal scream, you can see him standing next to Cheryl and you speak his name louder. “Jason Blossom.” You state and he nods, hand reaching out, Cheryl stares at it, you know it’s only a faint shimmer to her, she reaches to touch it but hesitates. “Would you like to hold him once more?” Your voice is quiet, and Cheryl nods. “Cover your ears, all of you.” The group nods looking from one another, Cheryl covers her ears and you sigh letting the screams you’ve bitten back bubble forth.
“JASONNNNNNNNNNN.” You close your eyes as he forms fully, you’ve never liked seeing all the living parts reconverging, you open them and he smiles back at you. “Do we need to dance?” He asks half whispering. You kiss him on the cheek. “No, not yet, you can-“ He doesn’t wait for you to finish arms wrapping around Cheryl, you notice everyone has their eyes closed, hands over their ears cringing. Cheryl screeches when she opens hers, when she feels Jason hugging her. Everyone else stares shocked. “How did you?” “Banshee.” You sigh relaxing finally able to speak what you truly are. Kurtz snorts. “Does that feel good then? Telling them what you truly are?” “Shall we then ghoul?” You hold your hand out and Jason grips his hand in yours. “Just a quick dance to solidify you and-“
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