#like yeah sadly they are pinned down by the army in the end
thetimelordbatgirl · 11 months
Kinda sad how nowadays Doctor Who will never be able to do a scene like the scene of Gwen, Rhiannon and the kids fleeing the army while Rhys and other men in the neighborhood with eventually Andy fight back against the army. Because lord knows with the UK's constant army adverts lately, that the BBC won't the army be the bad guy in Doctor Who again.
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disticfiction · 2 years
Dean moaned, slipping a second finger into his needy hole. A sharp breath filled his lungs, sweat rolling down his forehead as he ached for more. It was a hot night, the autumn ending but unusually rife with humidity. He'd opened his window, but there was no breeze. Normally he wouldn't bother masturbating in such heat, but he was so stressed. Between working multiple jobs around town and hiding a giant robot wanted by the army, he needed some relief. He pumped his fingers in and out, curving them slightly to reach deeper.
"Damn..." he sighed. "It's not enough."
He hadn't been fucked in ages, and the last person he opened up to was less than accepting of his body. He'd gotten used to being alone, but he could never fully quench his thirst. He liked it rough, and he usually used a dildo, but as his home became more and more cluttered, he'd stupidly misplaced it. He tried to make do, stuffing a third finger inside.
He loved the stretch, yet it still wasn't enough to satisfy him. He wanted to cum, but hard. He thrust faster, rubbing his insides and fanning his digits in different directions. He'd always been a size king and he wanted to gape. He loved the feeling of his hole pulsing wide, staying open on its own, the elasticy destroyed and breaking natural conventions. To him, it wasn't only artistic, but a display of pure euphoria. Sadly, he could rarely achieve such desires, especially by himself.
"Yeah..." he wheezed, wiping his brow.
It would be a weak orgasm, but essential. He couldn't sleep, he couldn't relax. He desperately needed an escape from reality. He needed to feel good. He flicked his wrist, spreading his legs wider as he felt his stomach tangle. He was so close. Just a little more. He tried to swallow his moans, but he failed, grunting loudly as his back arched, his head pressing into the pillow.
Sweet release.
When it was over he collapsed, panting with sunken eyes. It wasn't the best climax, but it was something. Enough to hold him over, at least. Exhausted, he opened his eyes and prepared to turn in, only to be blinded by a bright light shining outside his window. He squinted, still coming down from his high, then noticed the giant staring curiously through the window.
He panicked, shooting up, but his legs and arms were nothing but pins and needles. He fell back, paralyzed by shock and fatigue as the giant stuck a finger through the opening and pushed the tip into his slippery entrance.
"No! Wait!"
But it was too late. Mimicking what it had just seen, the robot slowly slid into Dean, earning a deep, whiny scream of pleasure. His cheeks burned as inch after inch, consistent in size, pushed deeper, stopping only when it hit his end. Dean grit his teeth, his brow furled and eyes squeezed shut as his hole adjusted. He'd never taken anything that massive--and he loved it.
"Oh, God!'"
The robot whirred, sensing his bliss, then began to thrust. Dean cried out, gripping his bedsheets for purchase as the length reshaped him. Every nerve, every muscle in his body tensed, spoiled by the action. He didn't want it to end. His crease clung to the cool metal, clutching it tightly. He wasn't sure if it could be considered rape, and in truth he didn't care. It felt incredible.
"H-harder!" he begged.
He was scared, but he was also frantic, losing his mind as the impractically massive finger rammed him, and the robot obliged. Tears welled in his eyes as he saw flashes of white. It felt amazing. It shouldn't have, but it did. It was unimaginable. His boney ass bounced off the bed, his toes curling as he experienced the unknown.
"Oh, God! I'm gonna--!"
The robot slammed him harder, faster. It didn't know what compelled it, but hearing those words spurred it on. It felt Dean's walls clench around it, his cervix throb, his clit cut the air. For the first time since it landed on earth, it didn't want to be gentle.
So it wasn't.
Dean came, squirting harder and further than he ever had, but the robot kept thrusting, riding Dean's orgasm, only stopping when he began to whimper. It kept its finger inside, waiting until the man's fluids stopped spurting against its plates, and watched as his face twisted in a trance of ecstasy.
"F-fuck..." he sobbed, his head spinning. "Oh, fuck. My hole..."
The robot smiled, then pulled out, rewarded with a glimpse of Dean's red, convulsing gape. It didn't know what it was looking at, but it knew it liked it. It stared into the abyss, taken by the shivers and wrinkles, only knowing it somehow made Dean suffer something wonderful. Something that would forever change him.
"Is ... is it ruined?" he asked, on the verge of fainting. "Did you ruin my hole? Please tell me it's broken. Please..."
The robot shrugged, unsure, but Dean could feel it. In thanks, he gave the robot a feeble grin, then slipped into a peaceful slumber.
Maybe having the giant around wasn't such a bad thing after all.
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thequietmanno1 · 2 years
Thelreads, MHA 259, Replies Part 2
1) “And here we have the whole- Erm- Cementoss, can you not stare at the screen that intensely, please, that`s-“- He stares down the sinners, ready to bring the judgement of the concrete jungle down upon them. And the PLF too. 2) “I wouldn`t be that scared of it, considering that all the nomus that could be warped to your location are already inside that building anyway. Seems a bit redundant to warp them around again, you know?”- The heroes don’t actually know the limitations of the black goo quirk and the fact it’s mainly used as an escape option rather than transporting Nomu to a certain area for an attack- and even then I think AFO using it that way was because he was more skilled with the quirk than an unthinking Nomu. However, the main concern isn’t the Nomu being transported to the lodge, it’s the Villains getting transported to the hospital and backing up Maruta as he awakens the super soldier army, along with the godly being that is Tomura. This raid needs to start with taking Maruta and the warping function off the table for the villains so there’s nowhere to run too, allowing the heroes to corral and contain them all in fixed battlefields they control… as far as they know.
3) “Oh midnight, its so good hearing your voice without it being used to make dirty and perverted comments, it feels like its been so long…”- There’s a time and a place for pervert jokes, and it’s in the past, far away from the serious and collected present where everybody’s far too mature to resort to juvenile jokes likes that. Sadly, that means timeline-wise, Koichi’s at the prefect moment to get all the pervert jokes that can be squeezed out of Midnight.
4) “Alright Lieutenant Catman, Aizawa is not here, you`re safe for now, let`s get the show on the road before he feels that there`s a cat he hasn`t petted yet.”- Huh. You know, I can’t remember clearly, but given Aizawa was working with Phelps back during the trigger investigations, he should have run into Sansa at some point, but I can’t recall them ever interacting before. I guess Sansa got assigned as Phelps’s partner in the aftermath of that investigation?
5) “oh, I don`t know if it was Hawks, I doubt it was, it was probably someone infiltrated as a nurse or something, Hawks was too high-profile to be walking around the morgue of a random hospital, even more considering THAT random hospital.”- We kinda saw a glimpse of the informant back when Phelps showed the photo of the Nomu, and it appears to have been just somebody dressed up as a hospital orderly, Still though, Endeavour isn’t wrong, as it was actually Hawks that figured out what hospital they should try investigating to pin down Tomura’s mysterious benefactor, and somehow signalled the heroes where to send their spies out to.
6) ““I don`t know who you`re talking about but I can`t tell that it was him” yeah that`s what you`re sounding like Phelps, Makoto truly hasn`t taught you anything.”- For somebody that has a lie-detector type quirk, Phelps sure is bad at making up his own plausible lies- unless his own quirk is so sensitive it activates whenever he himself lies too convincingly and gives him a headache or something.
7) “Oh yeah, those two are getting ready- y`all better arrest the doctor before Mic and Aizawa get to him, otherwise… well, let`s just say that he won`t be needing a doctor, unless they can do necromancy,”- They will probably need to bring a pen and paper for the doctor to communicate with, because it looks like Mic’s ready to blast his eardrums to bits, and Aizawa’s going to leave just enough bones unbroken that he can still hold a pencil….
8) “Alright, and so, the moment has arrived. No turning back now, the end is upon us…”-
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9) “Yeah, well, let`s just say the actual heroes are a tad busy right now, alright? Don`t worry, Evil Koichi there will help you with whatever you need.”- This highlights the sheer logistics involved in this operation- it’s not just the Hospital and the lodge they need to focus their attention on, they also need to track down and neutralise all the active PLF moles on active duty right now, all without alerting nay of them early to their movements or that something big’s coming. Surprise is the only advantage they possess, so they’ve got to make the first move really count, before this whole event spirals beyond control. 10)“Oh ho ho, Mr silder here is going have a big surprise soon enough, that`s for sure. The heroes really did an amazing job keeping this all hidden until the moment to strike, and oh boy the moment to strike has cometh for thee.”- Death Arms, Nigh verbatim:
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11)“Also, I see Rock lock back there, hell yeah my guy is back. And Wash is there as well.
fucking wash “- The heroes are throwing everybody and near-literally the kitchen sink at this problem in hopes of containing the impending revolution before it starts. 12) “Oh look at that, our beloved doctor is completely unaware of the legion of heroes coming to beat his ass into the ground. Oh boy, this is going to be fun to watch
“Doctor, they are coming for you, run away- Oh my god, he has airpods on, he can`t hear us!””-
His cheerful whistling was loud enough to cover their approach. Given that you’re supposed to be respectfully quiet in a hospital, his lackadaisical happiness and whimsical noisemaking is a sign of how little he actually respects his patients around him, and how he’s happiest when thinking about his mad science projects and who next to strap into the operating table. Guess that’s another thing to tack onto the ‘reasons to subject you to ‘Police Brutality’’ list he’s accumulated so far, a list only second to AFO’s own.
13) “Bahahah it was pretty much that, he looked back and then there`s just a goddamn pillar man coming for his ass, and right behind him Aizawa with the steel chair- Oh boy there won`t be much from Doctor Maruta once they are through with him,”- I also spy Mic’s cockatoo hairstyle over Endevour’s shoulder, which means the Doc is about to get a severe dosage of well-deserved karma coming his way. It’s a good thing they’re already inside a hospital, so they won’t have to drag his near-corpse far to the emergency surgery rooms.
14) “Also, damn bro, it looks like his sweat is starting to evaporate as endeavor gets closer, the hot air is literally cooking him alive from that distance already. jesus.”- The more carefully and intricatly a villain plans out and constructs all their schemes to ensure absolute victory, the more panicked and distraught they become when an unexpected situation arises that they didn’t foresee and have no way to overcome. AFO planned out as many details as he could in the lead-up to the Kamino raid, enough for Maruta to run the ‘game board’ even in his absence and guide Tomura to achieving AFO’s dreams in his stead, but that was always dependant on the best case scenario of Maruta’s existence being AFO’s secret trump card, the silent partner in the business that nobody suspected was keeping the gears of his plans well-oiled and in motion whilst the heroes were too focused on AFO himself as a gigantic red herring. The heroes not only being aware of his true identity, but getting the drop on him, is something Maruta is completely unprepared for, especially since he just admitted that Tomura’s still incomplete at his current state and isn’t ready for deployment.
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i can’t stop writing!
“Fundy? Are you in here?” Iskall called out. Rendog landed next to the redstoner, weapon drawn as a precaution. 
Fundy did speak, but not as a response to Iskall. “No! Tubbo don’t!” From nearby, Tubbo jumped at the other pair in a panic to defend himself. Ren blocked the attack and disarmed Tubbo quickly as he wasn’t fully prepared for a battle. “Tubbo, they’re on our side!”
“They are?” Tubbo asked, refusing to look away from Iskall and Ren.
“Yeah.” Iskall spoke up, making sure to hold his hands up and hold no weapon. “I’m friends with Fundy. I’ve helped him in the past with his redstone.”
Tubbo hazarded a glance towards Fundy who gave a reassuring nod and Tubbo relaxed just a little bit. “Tommy’s told us about you. Said you’re best friends?”
Tubbo looked back to Iskall. “He said that? But I exiled him! I didn’t even visit him when I could have.”
“Tommy doesn’t blame you for that.” Ren spoke up, making Tubbo jump a little at the new voice. “Maybe he did when he first got here, but he gets that it was more Dream’s fault then yours. You should see his place.”
“Oh yeah!” Iskall said, lighting up a little. “He’s not far from here. Tommy set up his tower between Grian and Ren in the mesa. Refused to let any of us help. He grew up so fast.”
“Then can we go over there? I want to see Tommy and talk with him!” Tubbo was nearly bouncing around at the thought of seeing his friend again.
“Well, we can go over there, but Tommy’s probably in the middle of the fight.” Ren responded. “Though I’m sure he’d want to keep you safe.”
“And I’d rather not get Fundy mixed up in everything if he doesn’t have to be.” Iskall added. Though Fundy seemed to disagree.
“If Tommy is out there fighting, we want to help. He’s our friend.”
Iskall and Ren looked at each other, having a silent conversation with expressions before Ren sighed. “Alright, fine. We’ll take you back to the shopping district and-”
There was a large crack of thunder and Tubbo was left trembling. Ren and Fundy covered their ears from the sudden noise while Iskall looked for the source. When he saw the cloudy sky above with a purple glow in the distance, he knew what was going on, having seen the same scene once before. “Oh no… Grian…”
Rendog’s ears were ringing a little too much for him to hear Iskall, so he yelled a ‘what?’ before seeing the sky as well. “That’s… not good.”
Fundy recovered enough to comfort Tubbo and then turned to Iskall. “What’s wrong? What’s going on?”
“Change of plans. We’re staying here. Everyone else is in the shopping district, so if things go wrong…” Iskall trailed off.
“Then we’re the recovery team.” Ren finished the thought.
Tubbo, who was still rattled by the sound, still managed to push himself mostly past it. “Wh-what do you mean? Is T-Tommy going to be okay?”
Iskall, who had the most experience with Grian’s trouble with being a Watcher, seemed hesitant about his answer, but did give it. “Well, I think Tommy might actually be the safest one out there, though it’s still dangerous.”
“Then we need to go help!” Tubbo said, giving no chance for anyone to stop him as he ran out of the tree. Fundy quickly followed, and Ren and Iskall after him after they unfroze from their surprise. 
“Ren, Fundy, how about you two stay behind. We should have at least someone as an emergency team. I don’t want Tubbo going alone and I doubt we can do anything to stop him. I’m also not letting him head out there alone and I’m the one who knows the most about this.”
Ren Tried to argue, but Iskall shut him down. “Right, Fundy, let’s stay back.” The fox looked sadly at Ren, but relented and stayed back with him. Iskall started getting his wings ready to fly, but saw Tubbo had none of his own, so instead they headed to the nether portal.
Hermits surrounded the crater, weapons drawn. They created a wall of armor that protected their previous enemy. Mumbo took a risk and slid down to try and pull Technoblade away, but the piglin warrior refused to budge. With that out the window and no easy way out, Mumbo tried to reason with his friend. “Grian, calm down, you saved Tommy. You don’t need to be a Watcher right now.” Murmuring came from the opposing army. A few of them had heard of Watchers but never seen one. 
Grian cocked his head to one side, staring Mumbo down with all but one of his eyes, the last one continuing to watch Techno. Mumbo tried once more to move Techno, but he stood firm, causing Mumbo’s foot to slip. The sudden movement and noise made Grian’s feathers ruffle and Mumbo froze completely. Grian then moved his hand toward Tommy and Techno jumped to attack with a new weapon, only for it to shatter as well. The Watcher started to stand up only for the Hermits at his back to first arrows at him. He screeched in pain, focusing on his attackers and turning away from Techno and Mumbo.
Techno moved first, getting to Tommy’s side and starting to pull him away. Being so close Grian immediately noticed and attempted to attack, but Mumbo moved in front of the warrior and put his shield up, deflecting the attack. The expression on Grian’s face almost looked hurt as Techno escaped with Tommy and climbed up out of the crater with one hand.
Tommy started to wake up just as Techno reached Phil. The former king took his son from Techno’s arms and held him close. Dream smiled down at Tommy, glad to have his pawn return to the board. As a Watcher, Grian saw it all. He flapped his wings, using his Watcher magic to strengthen the effects and create a windstorm around him and everyone nearby. 
Scar and Cub were blown away by the wind as they still sported their vex wings which caught the wind easily. Philza also had to be held down for the same reason. As the wind whipped around, Grian flew into the air and launched himself at Philza and began to parrot Techno once more.
“How dare you defile the Blood God!” Techno yelled, ready to defend his family. But Grian didn’t stop, landing next to them. He looked at his father and brothers, noting one was missing.
“Someone’s missing” The Watcher hissed out. “And we saw he isn’t dead anymore. Your admin revived him.”
Tommy stared up at what Grian had become. The six purple eyes were now accompanied by a mouth full of pointed teeth and his hair has seemed to have turned into feathers. He was also taller and his feet were changed into talons. Tommy wasn’t sure how much was just how Watchers looked and how much was an emphasization of Grian’s avian self, but no matter what, Grian’s current state was terrifying.
Tommy tried to escape his dad’s arms, but Phil refused to let him go. Dream moved to stand between Tommy and Grian which made him even more upset about being unable to move. “How about we leave while we still can. We rescued Tommy. Let these Hermits deal with their own problems.”
Phil nodded and was starting to move before Tommy writhed in his arms. “No! I don’t want to go back! I need to help Grian!”
“Tommy, they just kept you trapped here and wouldn’t let you see your friends and family. Tubbo lifted your exile and I did everything to find a way to give you a path home. Don’t you remember all the time I spent with you? Think of this as paying me back for-”
“You’re not my friend Dream.” Tommy cut his former admin off, finally escaping Philza’s arms. “You never were. And if you were, I wouldn’t need to pay you back for just being with me. And you!” Tommy looked at his brother. “I kept trying to trust you, tried to get my brother back, but you won’t stop listening to the voices. And dad…” Tommy looked at Philza, but couldn’t get the words out. “I… I... “
Philza was knocked down and pinned under Grian’s foot. “No more Empire for you. Ice and snow don’t really fit with birds anyway, now do they.”
Philza grabbed the foot on his chest and tried to push it off him, but instead the talons just dug deeper into his chest. “Leave my son alone!” He gritted out, just making Grian laugh.
“Leave him alone? Like what you did? Abandoned him out in the middle of nowhere? I guess Techno really was the favorite. Or will you lose him as well?”
Philza managed to pull out his sword and slash it against Grian. It didn’t break, but the durability fell a dangerous amount. Angrily, Grian pushed his foot down harder on Philza, making the man wheeze. When others tried to step forward to help, corrupted parrot wings pushed them away.
“You abandoned one son, let another die, and lost the third to time.” Grian taunted and Philza’s face went white.
“Thi- y-you know what happened to-?”
“The Watchers had plenty of fun with him.” Grian answered, not directly answering that he was the third child and not giving up that he was still alive.
Techno’s eyes blazed with fury and attacked Grian. “You took him?!”
Grian just laughed and dodged the attacks. Tommy realized the avian was just toying with him. It reminded him of what Dream did. In a panic, Tommy put down his shulker box. A number of SMP members looked at it greedily, even amongst the current chaos. Tommy opened it up and pulled out two things, a jukebox, and a music disc. Tommy didn’t know if it would work, but he hoped that based on how Grian was acting, there were enough parrot instincts in there that he would listen.
He placed down the jukebox and inserted the disc, remembering it was one of Grian’s favorites. Erupting out of the speakers of the jukebox game was a laugh of a certain hermit which immediately pulled the Watcher’s attention. The jukebox then proceeded to play one of the songs for Mumbo’s mayoral campaign, and Grian stopped what he was doing and started dancing to the song.
Immediately Hermits raced towards Grian, pulling leads out and tying him up. He almost escaped when the song ended, but Tommy quickly put in the second of the two songs. After switching between the two a few times, the Hermits were able to completely tie Grian up.
Tommy put his jukebox and discs away and then picked up his shulker box before trying to go to Grian, but was grabbed by Philza. “Tommy, stay away from him.”
Tommy tried to argue, but then there was another shout. “TOMMY!”
Tommy turned, looking for the shout. “Tubbo?” Before he could notice his best friend in the crowd, Tubbo tackled him. There was an angry noise from Grian and he attempted escape, but stopped when laughter rang out from the reunited pair. “Tubbo I missed you so much!”
“Are you okay? Fundy took us to a friend of his here and then there was an explosion. They said you would be in the middle of it.”
“Don’t worry, I’m fine.” Tommy gave a small laugh. “No way Big G would hurt me.”
“Big G? Did you replace me?” Tubbo looked genuinely hurt until Tommy hugged him.
“I would never. You’re my best friend and nothing will change that.”
“That’s wonderful!” Tommy froze as Dream spoke, fully remembering the situation he was in. “Now that everything is sorted, we can go back home.”
“Not a chance, green bitch.” Tommy half growled at his old tormenter. “I’m staying here.” He almost pulled out his weapon, ready to attack when he noticed something else. “Tubbo, do you have seeds?”
“Uh, yeah, Fundy and I went through a jungle and it was a pain to get through all the foliage. Why?” Tommy held his hand out and Tubbo handed him the seeds.
“Hey G! Look what I got!” Tommy shouted and then held up the seeds. Since the music worked, he assumed this would as well. He was right when Grian’s eyes landed on the treat and seemed to light up. Nearby, Philza wiped away just a little bit of drool and shook his head, still recovering from nearly being crushed to death.
“Well would you look at that Dream, I can control the Watcher. And not just any Watcher, right?” Tommy gave a smug smile, having heard the play by play of Grian becoming the Dreamslayer many a time.
A few of those from the smp gasped as Dream actually dropped his weapon and surrendered. It was something no one thought would happen, especially at Tommy’s hand. Tommy put the seeds away and behind him Iskall and Mumbo started to work on calming Grian down. 
After he started down Dream a bit longer, Tommy grabbed Tubbo’s hand and pulled him over to Grian. “Big T, meet Big G. He doesn’t normally look like this though, but he does look pretty pog right now.” Tubbo asked if Grian really hadn’t hurt Tommy. “Of course, he’s too much of a charrot and is super protective of me.”
With Tommy’s back turned, Dream tried one last time to grab him. The second he started to move, all the leads snapped and Grian moved to the same point. He brought down an axe and hit Dream in the face, shattering the mask he wore. “I don’t think I got any blood yet.” Grian smiled. Tommy was scared for a moment of losing his brother more, but actually noticed him returning back to normal. “Blood for the Blood God and all that.”
The changes stopped for a moment as purple energy swirled around Dream. He covered his face, expecting to be slain, but no death arrived. The energy dissipated and then Grian finally turned back to normal and collapsed to the ground laughing weakly. “I’m… so glad I kept tabs on you guys.”
Tommy tried to hug Grian but he was beaten by Mumbo getting their first. “Okay! Fine! I get it! Best friends over family.” Tommy joked and then hugged Tubbo. “I can do that too.”
Philza and Techno attempted to approach Tommy, but Grian opened a wing and then pulled Tommy and Tubbo to his side. “Don’t hurt him.”
“Dad, I just explained this to Tubbo. He’s not gonna hurt me.” Tommy complained with a bit of a whine.
Philza wasn’t convinced. “Tommy, I heard what he said. He’s a Watcher, and they killed your brother.”
“He got better!” Tommy retorted immediately, not really thinking the response out. Grian doubled over laughing at it.
“It’s not some joke!” Phil said sternly, making Tommy freeze. Grian stopped hugging Mumbo and stepping in front of Tommy. He was unsteady on his feet and feeling exhausted, but nevertheless, he stood there.
“Xelqua lives.” Grian spoke, making Phil’s eyes widen. “Only thing the Watchers did was mess with him. Then they gave him an offer to join them. Oh, he also changed his name to Grian.”
Philza looked Grian up and down, trying to see if he was lying. And then the words actually registered in his brain. “Xelqua?”
“Hey dad.”
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jungshook69 · 3 years
Love is a myth :: 04 (Finale)
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DISCLAIMER: This doesn’t represent the members’ actions or the army’s actions in any manner it’s pure fiction. This is an original work, do not copy. The taglist is open if you want. Taglist is now closed.
WORD COUNT: 4.8K words (it’s the finale y’all don’t look at me like that)
MAIN PAIRING:  musician! Yoongi X waitress! female reader
SIDE PAIRING/S: Jungkook X female reader ; Taehyung X female reader
GENRE: FWB! au ; Strangers to lovers! au
WARNINGS: Implied smut (Forgive me cuz I suck at writing it, no puns intended) ; Mentions of alcohol and smoking (I do not condone smoking) ; Profanity ; Mentions of infidelity ; Heavy angst ; Self loathing (Namjoon’s about to wack me in the head with his slipper) ; I apologize in advance if there’s any spelling errors.
SUMMARY: "You covered your bare form with the silk sheets beneath you, as you watched him walk out your door without a word." // "Love is a myth. All that existed between you two was pure lust." // "The last rule was if anyone of the two of you caught feelings for the other, the deal would be off."
SERIES MASTERLIST: Trailer » Meet the cast » Chapter #1 » Chapter #2 » Chapter #3 » Chapter #4
STATUS: Complete
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You were even more motivated than ever to get ready for that blind date. Your fight with Yoongi from 4 hours ago was still fresh in your mind. You needed to get your mind off of things, and this date provided the perfect escape. You looked down at your phone that flashed with a new message.
 New message from ‘Michael “Jackie”-son’(2):
‘Dress in something fancy’
‘Address: XXX, 47th street’
 After ripping through every dress in your closet, you finally settled on going for a sleek, deep wine-coloured, silk gown that hugged your curves, but also loosely flowed to your feet. A slit ran down your left thigh up to your ankles through which your black lingerie stocking was sticking out. Yes, you’d chosen black lingerie for the night. It was the one you felt most confident in. Your hair was pinned into a simple, elegant, low bun, some loose strands of hair framing your face. You wore a simple chain choker, some elegant bracelets, shiny black pumps, and tiny pearls on your ears. Your lips were tinted in a gorgeous wine-shade, and your eyes were lined with a black liner. You knew your bear arms would feel cold, but you felt confident in your looks for once. But sadly this much reminded you of how your mother would dress. You pushed all these thoughts aside and grabbed your clutch, before you could make a tardy first impression.
 You stood before the building, drinking in the beauty of the exterior. You weren’t too surprised as you had worked at a 5-star restaurant for the majority of your life, but you were fairly nervous as you had never been on the receiving end of such ambience, ever since you had run away from your family’s wealth when you were 16.
 You walked in and were immediately greeted, “Good evening ma’am, how may I help you?”
 “Ummm… I have a reservation for two under the name Mr. Kim?”
 “Okay, I’ll check that for you.”
 You looked around and observed the luxurious decor of the place while the hostess went through the registry. She finally cleared her throat and spoke up, “Yes ma’am, Mr. Kim has been here for 2 minutes already, if you follow me, I shall take you to your seat.” She said smiling.
 Your palms start sweating as you follow the hostess to your table. Why were you so nervous? Was it because he was rich? Was it because he’d treated you to such a fancy place just for a blind date? Was it because you were afraid to break it to him how you were only expecting to have a good time, and not a committed relationship?
 Your brain most definitely started malfunctioning when you saw the hostess motion you towards a man sitting at what you presumed was your table. You took small strides as you made your way over to the intimidating man. He pulled back your chair for you and seated himself in front of you.
 And when your friends said this man was devilishly handsome, they weren’t exaggerating. His skin was clear and almost glowing. He was dressed in a fitted black blazer and trousers to match, along with a classic white button down underneath. His eyes were deep and intriguing, making you want to sit and stare into them all day. His lips were perfectly curved and looked inviting. You noticed two cute moles, one below his lip, and the other below his nose. His hair was a gorgeous jet black and was gelled back. A single strand cascaded on his forehead making him look even more suave. His poise held confidence, his shoulders held high, which seemed intimidating enough to you.
 “Good evening Miss. Y/N.”
 You thought his looks had attacked you enough. But that wasn’t the end of it. It’s when he spoke that you melted. His voice made goosebumps travel down your spine. What had you gotten yourself into? There’s no way this man was going to give you just a night of fun! What was Jackie thinking?
 “G-Good evening Mr. Kim.” You said trying to cope with his formalism.
 “Can we drop the act?” he asks, your eyes widening in surprise.
 “I meant I know I’m intimidating, but like this is a bit much isn’t it?”
 “Wha… but you…”
 “Jackie said, and I quote, ‘You got money right? Flaunt it!’.” He says smiling.
 “Oh god.” You say trying to hold back a smile and failing.
 “Sometimes I wonder how Mark tolerates her.” He says giggling.
 “They do love each other a lot.” You say sighing.
 “Hey ummm… Y/N?” he says.
 “Wanna get out of here?” he asks, eyes shining.
 You were sweating and panting as you held onto his shoulders.
 “Taehyung, go slower, you’re killing me!” you yell out.
 “Jeez what are you? 60?” he scoffs.
 “Ayy you try walking in my heels!” you roll your eyes.
 You were both currently walking up the stairs to an old skating rink that overlooked the entire city. Taehyung held a takeout bag with 2 simple diner style burgers in them, while his other hand was clasping yours, helping you get up the last flight of stairs. You finally reached the spot he told you about and gasped at the sight you saw. You could see the entire skyline from here and it was a gorgeous sight to enjoy while eating the perfect comfort food.
 You both sat down and Taehyung handed you your dinner. “I much prefer these burgers than some expensive ass Pacific Bluefin tuna.” He says with a mouthful of food.
 “I’m surprised at how humble you are.” You say sincerely.
 “Yeah, the key is to never forget your roots.”
 “Sometimes people need to forget their roots…” you whisper unconsciously.
 “What?” he asks.
 “Uhh… the burgers are delicious.”
 “I know right? Mark doesn’t like them.”
 “Well Mark can go jump off a cliff.”
 “I couldn’t agree more.” He said smiling wide, as you admire his beautiful smile.
 “To be honest I never thought you’d be such a breath of fresh air when I first saw you.”
 “I tend to leave such a first impression.”
 “Umm… actually… I just wanted to clarify.” You say as you finish your burgers. “I don’t wanna lead you on. I’m not looking for anything serious.”
 “Well you’re lucky, because I’m not either. I tend to travel a lot. And I tend to fool around here and there and not stay emotionally grounded with anyone.” He says shrugging.
 “I hate commitment too. I just like to have a fun time.” You murmur.
 “Want me to show you a fun time?” he asks smirking.
 30 minutes later, you were back against the wall of your apartment, as your lips were engulfed by Taehyung’s. His tongue felt hot, clashing against the walls of your mouth, as you shamelessly moaned into the kiss. His blazer had long been discarded on your floor, and your hands were tangled in his soft black hair. His hands roamed on your body rather daringly. His hands travelled up the length of your leg, causing goosebumps across the skin of your exposed thigh. His long fingers gripped around the meat of your thighs before he lifted you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist and gripped onto his shoulders to balance yourself.
 The kiss was sloppy and heated with none of you willing to stop for breath. His hands undid your hair and let your curls fall around your shoulders. His fingers thread through your long locks and he pulled on your hair, biting your lip as he broke the kiss. “You’re gorgeous.” He murmured shakily. You gave him a sly smirk and pulled his neck, connecting your lips again. He broke apart again, and stared into your eyes. His deep brown orbs were completely blown out, drowning in lust, and you were sure you matched it with the same darkness in your eyes. His voice was breathless as he said, “Why is the god damn zipper so tiny?”
 You couldn’t help but giggle at his urgency. “What’re you laughing about?” he asks furrowing his eyebrows.
 “It’s just you sound like those guys who struggle with a bra clasp and end up giving up in frustration.” You laugh out loud.
 “Oh I’m not giving up. You best believe I’m getting that god damn dress off of you.” He says, his voice husky.
 He turned you around and dropped you on your bed. He climbed over you, his leg landing between your thighs, his hands working on taking off your dress. He devoured your lips with an almost animalistic hunger when he’d finally exposed your lingerie to him.
 Your chest was heaving as you stared up at the white ceiling fan. You had a déjà vu from about 2 weeks ago, from one of the many nights with Yoongi, where you had watched him leave after satisfying both your needs. You turned your head to see Taehyung’s angelic face next to you, as you catch his eyes already on you.
 “Why’re you staring at me like that?” you ask smiling.
 “I’ve slept with a lot of people ‘for fun’. But trust me when I say I’ve never wanted to stay back and cuddle as much as I do with you.” He says sighing.
 “Don’t fall in love with me Kim.” You say rolling your eyes.
 “It’s next to impossible, but I’ll try.” He says sarcastically, receiving a playful nudge from you in response.
 “Pillow talk has never been part of my routine…” you speak out, sincerity lacing your tone.
 “Me too…” he whispers and what he does next shocks you. He places his head on your chest, his face burying into the crook of your neck, and his arms wrap around your waist, sending shivers across your bare skin.
 “W-What’re you doing?”
 “Don’t think about it too much, just relax.” He huffs out, his breath running against your warm neck.
 You relax under his touch and involuntarily find your hands wrapping around his head as you nuzzle him closer. You let out a shaky breath as this reminds you too much of your college boyfriend. “Do you have to leave tomorrow?” you ask in a daze.
 “Sorry but yes… but I have a feeling I’m not gonna lose contact with you like I do with other people I sleep with…” he said smiling.
 “Me too…” you say letting your tired eyes flutter shut.
 You wake up to a different sound everyday it seems. Today you woke up to the sound of what sounded like empty plastic bottles falling. Your eyes met with Taehyung’s, who came stumbling out of the washroom. “Sorry if I woke you up, I accidently dropped the shampoo bottles on your counter.”
 “No it’s okay.” You say smiling as you got up and put on your robe onto your naked form.
 You watched Taehyung, as he was folding the sleeves of his white button down to his elbows. His hair cascaded over his forehead in a messy, but still intimidating manner. He looked up at you as he grabbed his coat. “Well I should get going, my driver’s downstairs.”
 “Oh okay…” you murmur softly.
 He walks up to you and lifts up your chin ever so lightly. You meet his warm smile and you instantly melt. He leans in and lands a soft kiss against your lips. “I left my number on a note on the night stand. Promise me, we’ll stay in touch.”
 “Sure.” You say sighing, with a sad smile.
 “Hey, I meant to be friends, not for just hooking up again…” he says chuckling lightly.
 “Oh…” your eyes were wide.
 “Well I have to go now, bye Y/N I had a great time…” he says walking away, his hand slipping from your hold.
 You watched as he left your place, and you went to take a shower. Somehow this time when you heard the familiar click of the door, you didn’t feel hurt. Even though Taehyung was gone, you didn’t feel sad. Did it have anything to do with the affection he had shown you, besides the lustful sin you had committed?
 Yoongi walked up the stairs of your building. His hair was a mess, his eyes were swollen from not getting enough sleep. He didn’t like the way he had yelled at you yesterday. He wasn’t in the right mind and he was just angered when you had told him that the memories he held dearest to his heart were a mistake. He finally reached your floor at 9 am in the morning, hoping he could resolve a few unspoken issues. Confrontation was always Yoongi’s go-to method.
 But Yoongi stopped in his tracks when he saw a man with tussled dark hair close the door to your apartment. He could only assume the worst by the sight in front of him. The man passed by Yoongi, bowing out of courtesy on his way to the stairs. All his obsessive thoughts started coming back to him. Maybe you didn’t want to go back to being friends. Maybe you should stick to the deal you had made. The slight bit of confidence Yoongi had when he was making his way to meet you was wiped away as he turned on his heel and made his way towards the exit.
 He needed some time. You needed some time. Alone.
 The next whole week had gone by in a blur. Yoongi was procrastinating on whether or not to talk to you, ultimately deciding against it. You had continued to ignore Yoongi’s presence in your workplace the whole time. He didn’t walk you home every night since. You had also begun texting Taehyung from time to time, and you both had settled on being just friends, since you learned you both much enjoyed each other’s goofy side. Your life was in a constant loop, going to work, ignoring Yoongi, reaching home, and sleeping, only to repeat the same schedule every other day of the week.
 But today was a bit different. It was a Saturday night, and tonight was important for you, and every other employee. Tonight, all the heads and managers of the other branches of this ambiguous chain of luxury restaurants, were here to dine. Along with the CEO of this chain. You knew you were a waitress, but you had assisted in cooking tons of times before. Tonight they had all the experienced heads, like you assist in cooking, while they assigned the newly trained rookies as hosts and hostesses. You were all told to be super attentive and to make your nerves worse, you were being supervised by your head chef and manager Kim Seokjin.
 But the timing was completely wrong. Today your thoughts about your personal life were unnecessarily heightened. Seeing Yoongi working his fingers across the monochrome keys of the sleek black piano, he himself being dressed in an all-black suit and shirt tailored to be strained across his firm chest, was extremely distracting. You tossed the meat into the pan, aware of the powerful gaze of Seokjin standing in the corner of the kitchen.
 You tried to vaporize the alcohol by doing a simple flambé. You had done it tons of times before. You tilted the pan so the fire could catch the alcohol and a flame could erupt in your pan. But your mind being lost elsewhere you were shocked when the flame came on, and failed to move out of the way in time, burning your exposed forearm in the process. You yelped in surprise and pain as Maya took the pan from you for relief.
 “Chef, focus! This is no time to slack!” Seokjin’s voice rang through the loud kitchen.
 You huffed in annoyance and took the pan back from Maya explaining to her you’re okay, and began tossing the meat, ignoring the searing pain in your arm and the mark that was beginning to darken. As soon as all the dishes were made, you were given a 5 minute breather, till you waited for new customers to arrive. You stood in the corner, your hands cupping the burn on your hand in pain. You looked up in surprise when you heard a slam on the table in front of you. You watched Seokjin walk away, as you looked down at the ice pack he had left for you on the table. You couldn’t help but land a small smile as you iced the burn on your arm.
 It wasn’t 10 minutes later, and you were already pan frying zucchinis and slicing cherry tomatoes. Your break had barely lasted 2 minutes, before you had been called in to make a very important dish for the CEO’s family which had just arrived. “Move it! Move it! We don’t want to keep Mr. Kang waiting!” you heard Seokjin clap his palms together.
 What didn’t help your sense of urgency and added to the pressure was Yoongi entering the kitchen, as he stood in the corner having a chat with Seokjin. You knew that they were close, but you never knew Yoongi was close enough to lay a hand on Seokjin’s shoulder like that. You immediately placed the dish onto the counter, your mind distracted by Yoongi’s presence.
 Before you knew it there was a sharp call of your name leaving Seokjin’s lips. “CHEF Y/N?!”
 You rushed towards the counter, scared out of your wits. You watched as Yoongi’s eyes met yours in a sense of panic. “Y-Yes Mr. Kim?”
 “N-No sir…”
 “I-I’m sorry sir…” you said trying not to let the humiliation get to you.
 “You are one of my trusted employees so this is a warning, but if this happens again, I’m gonna have to let you go, you understand that chef?” Seokjin finally calms down and says.
 “Y-Yes sir…” you feel everyone’s eyes on you.
 “Retire for the night chef. You’re too distracted. We’ll fill in with someone else. You can leave.” Seokjin announces before leaving the kitchen. You take off your apron and before any of the others can ask you any questions, you stride out the back door. You sit down on your heels in the dark alley and hold your head and pull on your hair in frustration.
 Damn you Min Yoongi.
 Your cheeks stained with long gone tears, you held a cigarette up to your lips, as you tried to calm yourself down. You heard the door to the kitchen creak open.
 “Don’t try to ask me if I’m okay Jackie because frankly I’m n—” you speak out without looking.
 “The name’s Yoongi, Min Yoongi. Not Jackie.” A low voice echoes down the walls of the alley.
 All you can do is let out a huff of frustration and crush your cigarette under your shoe. “What do you want from me?”
 “I don’t want anything from you… just wanted to check on you…”
 “Since when do you care about my feelings?” you ask rhetorically, not expecting an answer.
 “Since last month I suppose, since when we walked to your apartment that night.” His straight forward answer surprises you.
 “What are we doing Yoongi?! What the hell is going on with us?!” you ask frustration lacing your tone. “We’re supposed to be fuck buddies. And we haven’t even had sex in 2 weeks! And before I know it, we’re sharing deep secrets with each other and talking to each other like we’ve known each other for years, and kissing each other like we’re in love—”
 “Because I am in love.”
 Yoongi stops your little rant and shocks you with his words. You weren’t expecting such a direct answer to leave his mouth. You stood up, brushing out your skirt and muttered softly. “W-What?”
 “You heard me. I’m in love.” He enunciates.
 “But why?” you ask, oblivious. “I’m damaged goods. I’m toxic. We both are in a toxic relationship.”
 “But I’m willing to work to fix that.” Yoongi says with soft eyes. “I want to fix that gaping hole that the bastard left in your heart 6 years ago.”
 “Listen I really like you too, but I don’t want to… hurt you…”
 “You would never intentionally do that…”
 “I-I’m not ready…”
 “I’ll be here for you when you’re ready. This is new to me too! We can work through it together, please Y/N just trust me.”
 You sigh loudly. Before you could think you grabbed his collar and landed a kiss on his lips. He stumbled, but eventually his arms snaked around your waist, holding you so tight, afraid to let you go. You broke the kiss and looked into his beautiful deep brown orbs. “You really wanna do this?”
 “Yes.” He smiles and lands a small peck on your cheek.
 You smack his chest playfully and say, “You’re creeping me out, what happened to the Yoongi who could never even give me a straight compliment?”
 “Well I’m afraid someone changed him…” Yoongi says after thinking.
 “Oh really? Who may that special someone be?” you smirk playfully.
 “This woman at work. I’ve known her for 4 years, but never got around to talking to her until about 2 months ago.” He says chuckling.
 “Wow what a coward.” You scoff.
 “Well I don’t care, because I proudly simp for her now.” He says, his precious gummy smile making a rare appearance.
 You tug his collar, and smile as you look into his eyes. You lean in painfully slow, your breath ghosting his lips, but never coming close enough to touch them. “Quit playing me like that.” Yoongi whines making you giggle.
 “Well maybe I should—”
 “Miss. Y/N— oh sorry, please meet me inside, I need to have a word with you chef.” Seokjin says from behind the door.
 You immediately shove Yoongi away and walk back into the restaurant, your cheeks on fire. “Yes sir?” you say once you’re inside facing him.
 “I’d expect you to be a bit more professional. I didn’t peg you as the type of person to have a romantic rendezvous behind your workplace, but go off I guess.” He sighs. “Well getting to the point, I just wanted to say that, please maintain your work ethic. Your professionalism is something I’ve always respected, and something that made you stand out in this field. And I’d love to keep you in this kitchen, so please focus on your job.”
 “Yes sir.” You say softly, feeling a bit relieved.
 “And… I apologize for over reacting a while ago. I was not in the right head space. It’s just the CEO never stops pestering me on the tiniest details, and I wanted to prove him wrong, and show him that I can run this place. So if he received an overly salted plate, he would hold that against me my whole life.”
 “I understand sir. You don’t need to apologize. I’ll be sure to maintain my work ethic and never make a careless mistake like that again.” You say smiling.
 “Great. Well have a good night chef.” He says before bowing in courtesy and exiting the empty kitchen. You noticed that all the dishes had been done, so you went back to grab your coat and exited the restaurant to your new life waiting for you in the dark alley.
 You were pretty sure you made the cab driver uncomfortable, but it’s nothing he hadn’t seen before. You both had long forgotten the sweet kisses and passionate hugs you guys had given each other merely 30 minutes ago, when you confronted each other, and now you were busy devouring each other’s lips, your tongues twisted in a feverish make out session.
 You stumbled into a familiar apartment, not yours, but in fact Yoongi’s. It had been 3 weeks since you’d last been here. You wasted absolutely no time as you both hurriedly discarded all your clothes onto the floor. Yoongi gripped your hip, with enough force to bruise it, as he lifted your form across the house and dropped you onto his bed. You drank in the familiar scent of Yoongi’s sheets around you, and the sight of a hovering Yoongi above you. His eyes mirrored yours, drowning in lust. His hair was disheveled and he looked at you with hunger. His lips landed on your neck, as you tilted your head the other way to make room for him to explore as much as he could. His hands ran along your sides as your hands raked his back. Your eyes fluttered shut, as you let out an uncontrollable moan, when you felt his teeth nip into the skin at your collarbone. You felt his warm tongue lick the mark he had made on you, as he continued his way down your torso.
 “You sure you wanna do this?”
 “Bitch, we’ve fucked 15 times before!” you laugh out loud.
 “Jeez woman, I’m out here trying to make it romantic, and you just rail me like that?”
 “Just shut up and do it. I need you right now.” You whine, which seems to turn him on.
 Your eyes flutter open and you’re surprised that you aren’t woken up by any displeasing noises. The sunlight partially blocked by the semi see-through blinds, cast a dim light in the room. You found your head resting on Yoongi’s chest, a soft rhythmic breath leaving his chest, sounding like music to your ears. Your hand laid across his naked chest, while his hand was wrapped around you, his palm laying across your bare back. You yawned and suddenly flinched when you felt Yoongi’s lips on your forehead.
 “Good morning.” He said, his voice raspy and gruff.
 “Good morning.” You reply smiling.
 “I’ve never wanted to wake up next to someone this badly…” he sighs.
 “Why’re you so cheesy? What happened to Yoongi? Who are you?”
 “I don’t know Y/N… but I’m open to change.” He says smiling, looking down to meet your eyes.
 You chuckle in response. You watch as his fingers run across your hand which is laying on his chest. His fingers brush your knuckles and he looks as though he’s in deep thought. “Where’s your ring?” he asks unconsciously.
 “I took it off last night. It’s on your night stand.” You say smiling.
 “Oh… well I hate to break it to you, and I know it’s a Sunday, but I booked us a brunch reservation at a nice café down the street.”
 “You really didn’t have to…”
 “But I did. We’ve been sleeping with each other for 2 months, and I haven’t taken you out on a proper date, like ever!”
 “Well food does sound like a good idea, I’m starving.”
 “Well then get your tiny tushie outta bed.” He says playfully pinching your cheek, and jumping out of bed to freshen up.
 After you both had showered and gotten your clothes on, you were wearing your heels by the door, when Yoongi walked out of his bedroom, “You forgot this!” he says handing you your silver ring. His curious eyes watched, as you took the ring from him, and slipped it into your purse instead of putting it on your finger. “Come on let’s go.” You said grabbing his hand, unaware of the wide smile your bare hand had brought onto Yoongi’s face.
 Brunch was delicious. And so was the dinner date you had a week later. 2 weeks had gone by, smooth sailing for your new relationship. Your fingers remained naked, no ring in trace, in the entirety of the last 2 weeks. It was a cold Friday night, and you were now sitting at the piano bench, in an empty restaurant. You glanced over your shoulder to see Yoongi’s eyes, focused on the keys in front of him. For once in a long time you could truly say you were happy. Your life was blissful.
 “Y/N…?” Yoongi says interrupting your thoughts.
 “Could you sing…?”
 “Sure.” You said smiling, as you already knew which song he wanted you to sing. You cleared your throat as you begun the first verse of ‘My Heart Will Go On’.
 There you both were, all alone, doing the things you loved, with the person you loved beside you, and you couldn’t have asked for more. No more did you feel lost. No more did you think of love as a myth. You had finally found someone to keep your heart safe, in this cruel world. And you couldn’t be happier, that your savior was Min Yoongi.
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A/N: Y’all I still can’t believe I wrote a whole ass series. I’m usually one to write really long oneshots or two shots, but I decided to turn this into a chapter wise series. Anyways, I hope you guys really liked it, and stay tuned for more works from me, in the near future :)
Don’t forget to follow @jungshook69​ for more content:) You can check out more works of mine here. Have a great day:)
TAGLIST: @kookieebangtan​
28 notes · View notes
Life (Part Six)
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Masterlist Pet Masterlist Rules
Headcanon requests: Open Imagine requests: Closed Taglist: Open
Taglist: @aro-is-gay-af @vamp-army @raindancer2004 @like-rain-or-confetti @volturidoll13 @kpopgirlbtssvt @avyannadawn @alexavolturisblog @alecvolturiswifeforever @imaginetwilight2704 @develin13 @wallwriterstuff @volturiwolf
Well, the big day was finally here. Isabella Swan and Edward Cullen are to be married. Maeve made her way towards Alice's room where the bride to be was getting ready. Maeve found Alice doing Bella's make-up and Rosalie brushing Bella's hair. Maeve smiled gently at Bella. "Hey, do you guys need any help?" "Yes please. Can you hold her hair while I pin it down?" Rosalie asked. Maeve nodded her head. "Sure." She made her way towards Bella and held her hair up like Rosalie instructed. After Alice had finished Bella's make-up and Rosalie and Maeve had finished Bella's hair Bella got into her dress, looking absolutely gorgeous. Alice and Rosalie left the room to give Bella a moment for herself while Maeve grabbed her purse and also started to walk out of the room. "Maeve? Could I talk to you?" Bella asked. Maeve turned around and nodded her head.  "Ofcourse. What would you like to talk about?" Mave replied as she took a seat. "Why is the Volturi after you?" Bella asked getting straight to the point. Maeve sighed. "Aro just wants me for my gift. That's all. But that is nothing to worry about on your wedding day." Maeve replied giving Bella a reasuring smile. "But it's just not fair. You soon have to leave again." Bella said. Maeve smiled sadly. "I know. But I have come to accept it so, do not worry about me. Now I believe it is almost time for your big moment." Maeve replied ending their conversation. She got up and left the room, feeling sad that she once more had to leave her family soon. Maeve shook her head. No, today was a happy day and she wouldn't ruin it by doom thinking. So as a good sister, Maeve sat next to the aisle, with her family, watching as Bella and her father Charlie made their way down the aisle towards Edward and the priest. The ceremony ws absolutely lovely, you could really see the love they both held for eachother. Maeve clapped along with the other guests when Bella and Edward kissed, making them bonded for eternity. Maeve sneakily touched the ground, making thousands of white and red roses appear and bloom around them. The guests where in awe and the vampires looked at Maeve and smiled at her, knowing very well that it was her that made the flowers bloom so lovely. Edward and Bella only seemed to have eyes for eachother and their smiles showed true love. Maeve smiled and was happy that Edward had finally found his soulmate, something Maeve could only dream about but it would never become true. As long as the Volturi was hunting her, no one close to her would be safe. Sure Maeve has thought about joining the Volturi, get this whole hunt over with but she couldn't. She would not surrender herself so easily without a good reason as to why she would surrender. "Hey. Cake?" Maeve jumped slightly out of her thoughts and saw Paul Lahote standing infront of her. "Eh, sure. Thank you." she replied while taking the cake from Paul. Paul chuckled and sat down next to her. "No problem. Out of all the leeches you are the least worst." he said joking. "I will take that as a compliment." Maeve replied while taking a small bite from the cake. As soon as the piece of cake hit Maeve's tongue, her nose cringued up in disgust. "What?" Paul asked, humour in his voice. "It tastes like dirt. You want the rest?" Maeve said, offering her plate to Paul. "Hell yeah." he said and quickly took the plate from Maeve, devouering the piece of cake. Maeve giggled at the sight, being glad someone else can still enjoy the pleasures of food, or sleep. Emmett made his way towards Maeve and held out his hand. "Come on sis. Let's dance." he said with his playfull smirk. Maeve chuckled and took his hand being pulled towards the dancefloor by Emmett as a upfunk dancesong started to play. Maeve and Emmett where dacing weirdly but it did show their long relationship of being a brother and sister. Soon it was time for Bella and Edward to go on their honeymoon. As all the guests where throwing rice, Emmett aiming at Edward's back, Maeve couldn't help herself but to whisper "Don't knock her up." so low that only vampires and
werewolves could hear it. Edward helped Bella into the car and rolled his eyes at Maeve which earned him a chuckle from her. When Bella and Edward had left, the normal life started again. The Cullens and Maeve cleaned up the house and went back to their normal occupations. Maeve mostly spend her days in the meadow, enjoying the sunlight and making flowers grow. Even she was still mesmerised by her own gift, it truly was wonderful to be able to create life like this. But her happy days would soon end as two weeks after the wedding Carlisle received an alarming phonecall. "Bella is pregnant." Bloody hell...
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summahsunlight · 4 years
Worth the Risk, Part 4
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Rating: T
Word Count: 1744
Pairing: Army Pilot!Poe Dameron x Nurse!Reader (1940s AU)
Summary: It’s the 1940s, Army pilot and Captain Poe Dameron is flying on missions for the United States Army in Europe.  After being shot down off the coast of France, Poe wakes up in an Army hospital in England, to find you, a nurse, taking care of him. Throughout the process of his recovery, Poe finds himself falling for you, and even though you, for the most part, maintain a professional relationship with him–you’re falling for him as well. Both of you know the risks of falling in love during a war, but then again, both of you have never cared much for being cautious.
Warnings: Angst, swearing
Taglist: @fanfic-addict-98, @thescarletknight2014, @blushingwueen, @americasass-romanoff, @ginger-swag-rapunzel​ 
Here is the fourth part❤️ Taglist is open! If you would like to be added you can always message me, leave an ask, or comment here☺️ I did my best to proof read this and try to stay as historical accurate as possible.
Poe had just finished his evening meal when Rey rushed into his wing of the hospital. Her usually pristine uniform was stained in blood, hair flying out of her bun and sweaty pieces sticking to her forehead.  Instantly, Poe knew that something was wrong, just be the wide eyed look on Rey’s face.  He shifted in his bed as she got closer. “Rey? What’s wrong?”
Rey stopped at the side of his bed. Now that she was standing there he could see the tears in her eyes. “I can’t find Y/N! After we cleaned up the emergency wing, she just...disappeared.” 
“Help me up,” Poe ordered. “I think I know where she went.”
“You do?” Rey questioned, helping Poe out of the bed. “Where?”
“There’s a rose garden,” the pilot supplied. “She told me about it earlier today.”
“Do you think that’s where she went?”
“Yeah. She told me it was her place to escape too.”
Rey helped him into the wheelchair, and letting him tell her the way, pushed him through the hospital outside, to the back where there was the most beautiful English rose garden. 
Poe could just make out your shape, sitting on a bench amongst the flowers. He told Rey to stop, that he would make it the rest of the way himself. She protested at first, but then Poe grabbed the wheels of the chair and gave them a good shove, propelling himself forward towards you.  He heard Rey sigh in disgust, which caused him to smile to himself--that smile soon faded when he finally got close enough to see you.
Your uniform was stained with blood, just as Rey’s was, and your hair that had been perfectly pinned up earlier in that day was laying in long, tangled wave cover your shoulders.  Even in the fading sunlight, Poe could see the dried tears on your face and his heart broke.  “Y/N?” 
Slowly your eyes rose to meet his and the dam broke.  Tears streamed down your cheeks.  Poe moved as fast as his injured body would let him, shifting from the wheelchair to the bench with you and pulling you tightly against him. You buried your face against his chest and sobbed--for all the young men that you had not been able to save that afternoon.  
“It wasn’t your fault, sweetheart,” Poe whispered. 
“They were so young,” you whimpered, clinging to his shirt.
“I know.”
“I don’t think...I can’t do this anymore.”
Poe wrapped you even tighter into his arms. His lips pressed a soft kiss to your temple. “Yes, you can; you have too.  I know it’s not easy, I know how hard it is to watch someone so young die in this war... but you’re gonna get up, you’re gonna brush yourself off and continue to help. Tomorrow.  Tonight, you can fall apart, okay? I won’t think any less of you, darling.”
If there ever was a time in your life where you felt safer you couldn’t think of one. In the midst of war, where the fragility of safety was often shattered quickly-- you felt safe--Poe made you feel safe. You weren’t sure how long you actually let him just hold you while you cried, it wasn’t until he shifted his weight slightly and poorly attempted to cover up his whimper of pain that you realized it had been a while.  “Poe?”
“Are you in pain?”
“No... none at all...”
“Don’t lie to me!”
Wincing, Poe set you away from him slightly.  “Okay, fine--yes I am in a little pain. I haven’t held my own body up this long for a while now. But I’m fine, really.  I can sit here as long as you want me too.”
Smiling at him sadly, you wiped the tears from your eyes with the back of your hand and then carefully helped him back into the wheelchair.  “It’s late; you should be back in bed, resting.”
Poe grinned, coyly at her. “Am I under curfew or something?”
You laughed. “No. But rest is the best medicine for you right now.”
“If you say so,” he quipped.
“I say so,” you shot back, pushing the wheelchair back inside.
“Well if it’s doctor’s orders who am I to argue?”
“I get the sense that you like to argue.”
He laughed and allowed you to help back into his bed.  As you pulled the covers up around him, Poe grabbed your wrist, his thumb rubbing soft circles over it. “Hey.  Are you sure you're alright?”
You smiled, sadly. “Yes. I think I’ll go back to my room, take a shower, and go to bed myself.  Rest isn’t just the best medicine for those that need to physically heal.”  Leaning down, you kissed his cheek and whispered, “Sweet dreams, Captain.”
Poe stopped you before you could walk away, his hand still on your wrist. “I wish I could kiss you--it probably was the dumbest idea to make that my motivation to get better.” 
Taking your free hand, you lightly kissed your fingers before pressing them to his lips. “With your stubbornness, you’ll get to kiss me a lot sooner than you think.”
“I like the sound of that,” Poe said, smiling. He let go of your hand as his eyes started to grow heavy. “Sweet dreams, darling.” 
“Good night, Poe,” you whispered watching as he fell asleep.  Making sure that  he was fully asleep before you left, you turned and headed back towards your room.  
It was silent in the wing of the hospital that the nurses lived in; many of them had been involved in the day’s emergencies and just like you, many of them were emotionally exhausted by the end of it all.  Grabbing a nightgown and your robe, you proceeded into your private bath. One of the perks of being one of the higher-ranking officers in the nursing corps--you had your own room with your own bathroom. 
A hot shower actually did ease your aching soul.  You were able to strip off the blood soaked uniform and toss it away, you were able to wash your make-up off, you were able to feel clean and fresh and ready to take on a new day tomorrow.  Poe had been right--you were going to get back up on your feet, you just needed to be allowed to fall a little bit.   
He had caught you.  He had caught you and held you and didn’t judge you. A few days ago you tried telling yourself not to take the risk of falling in love with Poe--tonight you realized it was too late. You had fallen in love with Poe and you decided that you didn’t care much about the risks.
“You ask that nurse out yet?” 
Poe looked up, blinking the sunshine that backdropped his friend out of his eyes. Snap had stopped by just after you had taken Poe outside for some fresh air.  You had left the two friends alone to chat while you went about your rounds of checking on other patients. “No.”
Snap shook his head, pulled a cigarette out.  He placed it in his mouth and lit it up. “Come on, Poe.  Do I need to hit you over your fucking hard skull to get you to ask her on a date?”
“I’m not really dating material right now, Wexley.”
“Why not?”
He laughed.  Poe looked down at his lap, a threadbare blanket draped over his legs--legs that had been badly cut up and injured in the crash--he’d have scars no doubt.  “I can barely walk two steps before having to sit down.”
Snap shrugged, waving the smoke out of his face. “That’s what the wheelchair is for, right?”
Poe smiled, shyly. “Yeah but... it’s not the same, Wexley.  I want her to like me but not because I’m some invalid in a wheelchair.”
Grinning, Snap winked at Poe. “Well, once we get you out this hospital garb and back into uniform--she won’t be able to resist ya.”
“How are the rest of the boys?” Poe inquired, changing the subject.
“Fine,” Snap lied.
“Wexley... I know they’re not fine. None of us are fine.” 
“Everyone is losing hope that we’re fighting a war we can’t win.”
Poe thought about you, crying in his arms a few days ago over the loss of so many soldiers.  “Maybe we are,” he supplied, “but we need to keep fighting--the alternative is terrifying to think about.”
Snap nodded his head in agreement. “Rumor has it Eisenhower is planning an invasion of France.”
This intrigued Poe--the number of retcon flights he’d taken over France before being shot down had nearly doubled in the weeks leading up to the crash. “I hope it happens soon. I’m not sure how much longer Europe can hang on--especially the French Resistance.”
Putting out his cigarette, Snap leaned forward. “Need you to get better, kid.  Army is gonna need all the pilots we can get, and you’re one of the best.”
“I’m working on it--the getting better part--I already knew I was the best pilot.”
“I see that nurse hasn’t cured your cockiness.”
“I think she happens to like my cockiness.”
Snap chuckled and shook his head. “Only if you ask her a fucking date, Poe.”
Poe sighed, heavily. “When I can fucking walk again--I will.” 
Grunting, Snap looked at his watch. It was time for him to go.  “Do you want me to get to bring ya back inside?”
Shaking his head, Poe replied, “No, thanks.  I like it out here. Not as stuffy. Doesn’t have that hospital smell.”
“You mean it smells like the real world and not antiseptic mixed with death?”
“Yeah, something like that.”
“Okay--see ya around, kid.”
“See ya, Wexley.”
Poe watched Snap leave, as he made his way back towards the building and then disappeared inside.  A few minutes later you emerged, tossing a smile in his direction and Poe felt his heart skip a few beats.  He had never felt this way about anyone before.  It had always been too risky after the so-called love of his life had broken his heart--and then there had been the Army.
Followed by the war.  It was dangerous to fall in love during the war.  Poe no longer cared about that, though, because nearly dying had been a wake-up call. He was ready to love again, and he was ready to love again with you.
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flightofaqrow · 3 years
kiss with a fist
qrow + James ( @caeloservare​ )
“Let me remind you, how exactly I run my army is none of your business and you are not allowed to sniff around in Atlas.”
“what makes you think i care about how you run your army? i’m more worried about what you do with it. or is that just more guilt i hear?”
...qrow has a split second to dodge the punch.
everything about it is feral and raw, because that’s what happens when words don’t work.
They needed this.
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Just cause that’s what I did doesn’t mean you have to accuse the others, Jimmy.
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“Oh, shut up, I bet you all did!”
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“yeah? and i bet you run background checks on alla your men, don’t you? this was just more of… an informal process.”
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“Let me remind you, how exactly I run my army is none of your business and you are not allowed to sniff around in Atlas.”
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“what makes you think i care about how you run your army? i’m more worried about what you do with it. or is that just more guilt i hear?”
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Qrow has a split second to dodge the punch. And to pray his cheek can take impact of metal prosthetics well enough, because crossing highly personal borders with shoes on is rewarded with this kind of greeting.
qrow and Ironwood on similar grounds of skill, and yet even though qrow wins by leagues when it comes to speed versus strength, he never saw it coming. not from James, not from the barest of bait.
uses the tiny window to draw up aura while he takes it right on the cheek; iron-fisted by Ironwood in the most unpleasurable way. head knocked to the side, and body knocked back a few steps, he rubs a stinging pressure where metal knuckles landed and resets burning red vision.
“oh, ho ho ho…” a gutteral, rueful chuckle crawls up from his chest. so it’s come to this? of course it has. it always does.
if there’s one lesson the tribe ever taught him too well, it’s that there are more ways to work out problems than with words.
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qrow puts his fighting face on with a grin and glint in his eyes, and rocks back on his heel with the last of the energy sent at him before pushing off in a long-limbed lunge forward to return the sling; goes for the guts (the softer half) while Ironwood still has arms elevated.
If anything, laughter and so confident, so pleased posture drives James even more angry. Not only this little shit dares to act like an absolute idiot and hit where he was trusted not to, but seems he has fun while doing it.
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Sadly, Qrow is a little bit faster than James. He folds in half with a grunt, but that gives him a good position and little space to ram into Qrow, head first, push him out of closest proximity or maybe throw off balance.
no one punches right to the face without intention to hurt, qrow knows better than anyone. especially with an opening declaration like that, if James expects him to play fair instead of dirty, taking whatever opening he can get, he knows him even less than how a spy’s job works.
a spy, allied under the same man as Ironwood, that’s supposed to be on the same side. a little trust would be nice.
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partially metal forehead bashes against qrow’s shoulder eliciting a heave of air and pained groan. with the blood-colored web of his aura awake and glowing from the hit, he lets it wash across his chest and down his arms; falls backwards from the force, but grabs fistfuls of jacket and shirt with misfortune-laced hands to yank with him, turning lost balance into in a suplex.
Odds of escape not in the other man’s favor as entangled limbs crash into the floor loudly cracking beneath them, fractured and dented around their bodies, but not caved through - yet; windows rattle in the wake.
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Well, the training grounds would be a much better spot for an impromptu wrestling session, but it’s bit too late to relocate now. Pulled down, James tried to avoid landing on his head, as someone’s luck was apparently aiming to let him knock himself out. He meets the floor with a pained grunt, but rolls over right after hitting the ground. Not wasting any second, James springs forward to slam into Qrow, pin him down with his weight, lock him in a any lever hold if possible.
From all possible types of problem solving, they chose this - least pleasant way to tangle limbs on the floor.
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as James rolls away, qrow uses the space to roll out, knocking into a table leg which bumps the surface off kilter and send a lamp crashing to the ground; its bulb pops and fizzles out. a little less light in the apartment, now.
he scrambles to all fours just in time to take a charging clothesline right to the chest with a throaty wheeze. but lanky, loose legs accept the shockwave and recoil to keep him steady, pushing right back as pairs of shoulders lock. arms raise to grapple with the man; muscles strain and sweat starts to drip down his face - full of focus and surprisingly calm, considering - from dogged effort of trying to push James down or roll him over while qrow growls in rough cadence along with the entropic pulse of his semblance flashing, threatening to drag everything down with; framed artworks clatter against the walls and ornamental figures fall from shelves.
chaos to combat order.
and while qrow is resilient, determined to break through, and awfully good at breaking things, James is stubborn, more than any other person on Remnant, solid in ways beyond just metal flesh.
grit clenches qrow’s jaw and grounds his feet, braces the entire frame of his physique, prepared to hold out and lash out as long as it takes for James to burn out.
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Looking from time perspective, James might think they shouldn’t have gone this feral. He might be wealthy, but most definitely doesn’t sleep on money and renovating most of his apartment’s main room was not in his spending plans for this year.
But at the moment he doesn’t think about it, assuming he thinks at all in between anger and adrenaline running through him in pulsing waves, getting lost in pure fighting instinct. Rarely he allows himself to dive into something this far, to lose head and his cool, analytical thinking and yet, here they are - engaged in punching, kicking, wrapping and pulling each other so far, that nothing else matters. No snapping, crumbling and crushing around is relevant. Whenever dark blue eyes meets pale red, it’s like a challenge is thrown anew and another round starts, even when more and more exhaust creeps into muscles. Fatigue is too slow to cool the raw determination down.
Thrown on his back, James lands hard again, but this time, something stabs him between the shoulders. He bites down his own pained whine as impact echoes through his entire spine and body. Only then he realizes that his aura is in fact gone. Must have been for a while. He stops, letting his weight slide him to side, a little away from whatever part of former coffee table tried to impale him. Still keeping his grip on Qrow, he finally notices large amount of aching all over and how heavily they both are breathing by now. Brothers, this is bad. Slowly, he just lets go, not moving from the spot. They’ve had enough, haven’t they… He’s not sure what got into him, but sure he’s glad it got out.
“Enough…” He breathes out quietly, squeezing eyes shut. Doesn’t dare to look around yet, he knows already that externalizing inner mess went all too well. Only now he feels various swelling and aching in way too many parts of his body, blood dripping from his nose and a cheek burning wildly. He doesn’t want to think what’s left of his shirt and jacket. Just hopes Qrow’s semblance didn’t use him as outlet to hurt its bearer to play a bigger number on him. “You okay..?”
everything about it is feral and raw, because that’s what happens when words don’t work. people speak just as well with their bodies, the flesh and blood container of their heart, and beneath all the titles, despite all the metal, James understands that better than anyone. if qrow has to surround him with collateral damage to show him how little meaning all this wealth and power has in the end, if he has to rip and tear apart every bit of pomp to remind him how human James Ironwood really is, then so be it.
qrow’s quite practiced in being climbed on, brow-beaten, deceived, and shoved aside by the people who are supposed to be protecting him. and still he reaches out a hand and an extra leg to stand on; maybe in the form of a fist or boot to the head, but little else needs to be noted about his intentions than the fact that Harbinger still rests idle on the sidelines.
qrow, belittles himself so easy, doesn’t mind being beneath, has no need for reputation or glory or having all the right answers all the time.
the only follower left in the midst of too many frantic leaders, and meanwhile getting shit on and actively having his clothes and his skin and his soul torn apart for being just that. who he is. just like always.
but qrow can think for himself, and this he makes his own call on, refuses to back down from. if James cannot work within the gray, only sees black and white, then this is a time to push, to push to their absolute limits, until they’re too exhausted for anything but the messy truth.
and qrow comes out on top as the last dregs of misfortune summon piercing blows from broken parts, spent in the from of aura flickering away just before the other’s dissolves, and he can only close his eyes and grunt. down to the fibers of every firing muscle, he knows how to tense and relax to absorb the hits, roll with the punches that never really stop. he takes the final desperate flails of James’s blows on the chin.
qrow can do that for him. knows what it’s like to have a semblance get in the way of things.
somehow manages that the only twist of fate to come back on him is how Ironwood gets his chance to ruin a pretty face wearing a smile with an iron fist, just how it started, after all.
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qrow steadies as James squeaks, down on one knee, aching, tired, and heaving breaths as if he resurfaces in the middle of an ocean after going about a thousand miles too deep, sees shimmering yellow stars as the ring of a black eye blooms on his cheek, and red oozes to pool across the white of sclera as he stares the man down. sharp eyebrow raises as if to say are we done here?
they’re finally on the same page, then.
“just fine,” he hisses, even though the act of answering sends an acrid metallic copper draining down the back of his throat, “passed up enough from the start of it, James.”
he wipes his mouth, pokes tenderly at the side of his head, and sniffs against the stinging all over his body; plops down to take a seat, a breather, right on the spot. no energy left to move an inch. perfect.
“…so i think the real question here is, are you okay?”
James covers his eyes with a crook of an elbow, at least mechanical hand comes of use now. Much easier to move than the flesh one, significantly devoid of pain. Takes a longer moment, time just for the labored breathing, before peeking at Qrow from under the hand. Mess. Now the guilt is real and it stings fiercely.
“Ice’s in freezer.” Doesn’t seem either of them can move much anymore, but he had to offer. Good he had separate small kitchen, toilet and bedroom. At least something survived.
Awfully lot of mess.
“I don’t know.” The confession is quiet, not much louder than a whisper over sudden lump in throat. He hides in the hand again. Can’t face bare truth, can’t face Qrow nor mess they caused because of him. Because of him, his pride, his stubbornness and fear that he’s mistaken, that he can sacrifice everything, do his absolute best and more, and it won’t be enough. Because she found a way in before and was a step ahead all the time. He pulled every string he could to assure it won’t happen again, but somehow, sometimes, he just couldn’t be certain.
Time passes as James just grits teeth and lays there, trying to focus on slowing down breaths and just resting.
“Qrow..?” He tries once he’s sure his voice won’t tremble. “I’m sorry.”
qrow is a mess. James is a mess. it’s always a mess.
but sometimes upside down and inside out adds new perspective. and James finally sees what he started. created a nice picture of how he feels. meanwhile qrow looks towards the kitchen, the freezer, and while first aid is certainly called for, it’s so far. maybe in a few.
more important things right now.
James, suddenly small and quiet, knocked off his high horse. he mutters three words, so very hard for a leader to admit. last time qrow heard it was from Ozpin, and it wrecked his world. somehow hearing it now gives him hope. hope that James can still be reached.
he’s closer than the freezer.
qrow crawls on all fours, drags himself with slow movements and griping groans, but he gets there, and flops over on his back next to his friend, shoulders of flesh touching. and they don’t need to talk, qrow doesn’t need to pry painful thoughts from his mouth, doesn’t need to hear what James faces in his own shadows, or the realizations he finds in twisting colors on the back of his eyelids; a metal arm over his face reflective enough of his state of mind to prove qrow’s plan a success. satisfaction rushes over him and salves what stings. he doesn’t like talking until he’s blue in the face only to be ignored, but maybe James will see reason if most of the words come from himself.
“don’t be sorry,” qrow grounds out, turns his head to look at the other man, and so his burning cheek finds some relief against the cool floor, “be a better person. listen to your team and your friends. things don’t have to be as unilateral as you’re makin’ ‘em, James. …and for brother’s sake, get some sleep before i conk you out for real.”
soon enough actions will demonstrate whether all this was worthwhile or not, better than any heart to heart they could have here.
James lets out a quiet relieved huff. The touch is strangely reassuring, much more than he’d expect it to be. It answers the question, he’ll probably never ask out loud. It’s good to not be alone, especially in a very rare moment when he can’t be the leader and protector, because he’s exhausted, frustrated and insecure, and finally let it out. When he can’t keep anyone else safe and sound, because he’s crumbling himself. And yet, he’s clearly wrong to think he’ll have to face everything on his own. Mistaken that serving as kingdom’s pillar, he’s not allowed to falter and can’t be supported without any higher purpose to it.
It’s so strangely good to be wrong.
It’s good to have a friend by his side, even when he wishes Qrow didn’t have to push him this far to prove a point. But same, he’s glad he did. All the thoughts slowly settle - being ready and having plans for the future is one thing, but worrying about it should come only once it’s present, not earlier.
Snort and a quiet chuckle raises in his aching chest, releasing remains of tension.
“Please do. I could use it from time to time.” The longer he thinks about it, the funnier vision of Qrow knocking him out seems, especially now, laying down in the wreckage they created in a quite long fight.
“Fine.” That’s not much, but it is a promise. He will try to be better. The hand is dropped to side, as he leaves mental hide out and turns to finally meet Qrow’s eyes. James was never fond of repeating himself, especially when he’s told not to, so he’s not going to apologize again, but the lack of accusations nor impeachment in the pale red gaze, makes him relax more, washes the guilt away.
Something right above catches his attention and he reaches to carefully get a wooden splinter out of Qrow’s hair.
“Hmm…” A bit of bright paint indicates it once was a bookcase. “You got me good, didn’t you.” He chuckles again, throwing the splinter away. “Please don’t do that again though. I don’t want to sell family estate to afford living.”
deep chuckles roll from his throat as James agrees to the terms for a solid sock to the noggin for a solid sleep, without more broken noses. still qrow hears only the surface of thoughts, but he can dive deep as he likes into everything unspoken when dark blue eyes meet his own, a shine of honesty and gratitude beaming through otherwise exhausted features. and yet his whole body looks better this way, scuffed up clothes and broken down postures compared to rigid structures built on a grounding of false securities.
the bigger they are, the harder they fall. and qrow doesn’t wonder if James has made himself an empire too oversized to carry on one man’s shoulders. bound to collapse in a heap.
he already said his piece, and offered his shoulders to help, and alights with laugher anew as his face goes soft and cross-eyed to watch a strong hand which swung out at him not long ago, affectionately groom him, until it pinches swollen tissues forcing a release of focus, but he can’t help to think again, please see the signs around you.
“You got me good, didn’t you.”
he huffs while fluffing palms through graying black plumage to knock any more debris out.
qrow breathes; takes air into his lungs like he hasn’t in a long, long time, while the weight of misfortune is still lifted from his chest, even if his sore muscles groan from a stretch unaccustomed to. soon, aura will creep back in and bad luck will stick stubbornly to his skin in blood red tendrils, warping surrounding realities once more, but for now he takes the long shot gamble of still believing some can turn away from a path of self-destruction.
of all people, qrow has. so why not.
“did i, James?” he goads, goofy grin flashing as his head flops back down, and his fingers lace together to rest over his chest, mirth looking perhaps out of place with the rest of qrow so busted up, but since when was anything he ever did appropriate?
“it was good for me. was it good for you?”
a response all joke and no promise.
“Yeah.” James chuckles and shrugs, only metal shoulder doing the full movement. “You definitely did and I take no complaints that I was the one to start the fight.” That’s half a lie - he knows he’s just as much to blame for the mess, i not more. He is the one who should know better than to let wounded pride and frustration get out like this.
“I’ll tell you once I’ll see the bill for repairs.” He huffs. There already was so much to do and now there’s even more. And the more he settled down after the fight, the more weary he felt. Can’t sleep on the floor though, however comfortable it was getting.
“I’ll fetch us the ice.” Relying mostly on his right side he sits up with a groan. Brothers, it aches. So he takes time for each movement before standing up and making way to the freezer.
They needed this. Time, vented mess, ice, all of it.
They also needed a shower and rest, but only one task at a time.
Takes some time to get back there and sit down by Qrow’s side. A bit ironic how fast can be destruction and how slow is the healing.
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boomstyle · 4 years
Sonic Boom: Friend or Foe
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters and settings of Sonic boom. Oh, watch out for OCs!
Robot Apocalypse (Part 2)
"Woah! Woah! Relax!", I exclaimed in surprise. Okay, I know that this is going to happen but I don't expect it as soon as this.
I mean, we just entered the town and the alarm just shouts out like that. As long as I remember, the last we came to Roboken, the alarm was automatically shouted when we press a platform or anything. Must be an invisible laser but either way, these robots stepped up the game a little bit.
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"These guys have been infected as well but is it possible that Lyric manipulate these robots as well. How could Lyric get into Roboken?", Tails notified me after scanning the robots.
Yep, this was indeed strange. There's no way Snake breathe would do that. He's just not capable enough. First of all, as advance as the Ancient's technology may be, Roboken still rocks the menu. These robots are out of Lyric's capability even if he's a techno bust. Secondly, Roboken is an extraterrestrial terrain untouched by any visitors. I mean I only saw Bolts and Mighton on Earth twice or triple time and that's it.
Before I got drowned in assumptions, sudden laser attacks woke my mind to reality. Okay, just think of that later! We've got robots assault right in front of us.
"We'll talk about that later! Let's run!", I instructed hurriedly when Tails attempted to talk.
"They're not fighting back! They must be afraid of our superior power and intellect.", Robot assumed we're weak but no. You asked why we should run? I mean we could have fought them but they're Roboken civilians. We can't just fight them.
Both of us run away further as armies of robots pursue and blast us with laser weapons. Eventually, we came to a dead-end though until...
"Over here!", a voice coming out of a chute directed us. That sound is familiar. It must be Bolts or Mighton.
As we run toward the direction, someone drags us down to the chute with a long arm. It must be Bolts. I know it's him. The robot closes the chute as soon as we got in.
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"Mighton! Bolts!", we called.
"Glad to see you. How've you guys doin'?", I asked.
"No time for social ice cream, Blue boy! We've got a pressing situation to deal with. Lyric the Last Ancient has taken over Roboken. Projecting viral signal for miles in every direction.", Mighton replied in a serious tone.
"So that's why the robots on the ground are infected.", Tails concluded.
"Wait, that snake breath? How do you know him?", I asked.
"Long story short. The Ancients civilization used to be our allies for centuries. Sadly, we're forced to broke our alliance after Lyric abused our technology to destroy organic life all across the world. Since then, we never land on earth ever again.", Bolt said in gloom reminiscing the old times.
"Oh... Never see that coming.", I replied.
"We're safe here until we get out of the bunker.", Bolts assured.
"Well, if that's the case. Sonic and Tails reporting for duty!", Tails and I march up in stationary drill.
"Hold on with your potty language, privates! According to our intel, the leader of the enemy forces is located at the central power core", Mighton guides us to where Lyric was. Get It? Lyric is technically the one who leads the armed force.
"I'm transferring a map wirelessly right now.", Bolts said while transferring out the map of Roboken. Yikes, to be honest, the map doesn't help that much cause the buildings to look alike to each other.
"Give 'em heck, boys!", Mighton instructed the robot to salute us, and yeah they did.
On our way to the central power core, we reached a dead-end like last time. Geez, why can't they build them in different models? Seriously!!! And worse, we're approached and surrounded by armies of robots. Actually, it's not that bad if they escort us to Lyric the Ancient.
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"Intruders! Get them! And take them directly to our leader's stronghold!", A robot instructed the armies.
"Okay... We'll come", Tails said hesitantly then I agree and give him a high five. Woohoo... Now, we got to take down Lyric and save the world from malware robot destruction.
Roboken Central Power Core
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"Sir, the two surface dwellers loitered in section 5B.", the robot reported our location.
"Actually, we're trespassing, not loitering.", Tails said. Do you understand the term "negotiation", Pal? He got a real knack for negotiation.
"Tails, you really need to learn the art of negotiation.", I criticized him for being too childish at times. I mean, I know you're an innocent type of guy but you need to learn how to filter truths at times.
*Remember Lyric the Ancient from Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric and Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal*
"You and I have an unfinished business, Blue.", Lyric smirked in delight.
"I have no idea what you're talking about but you're going down. (spin dashes) So much for the end of world scheme, Snake breath.", I speak with confidence before he dodges my pin attack again.  
"It's been a year yet you're still predictable. How pathetic!", Lyric boasts himself after dodging my spin attack.
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*Similar to this but a little bit different*
I was surprised that Lyric is indeed a tough foe. Guess what he did after dodging my spin attack with his robotic hand? He tied us in Enerbeam rope again with his new technopathy. Crut! He had a new one apparently. I remember throwing it last time. It's really amazing. I want to throw the technopathy again but that's not going to happen. Not while we're trapped inside an enerbeam though.
"Now! Stand up, my warriors! We have the world to destroy.", Lyric proclaimed while holding us captive as he stepped outside the room. As he went outside the room, the room was automatically spayed with a gas. Wow! This is new. I never knew Lyric would plan this.
"Let's see what a thousand years in a poisonous gas prison will do to you!"
"Ok, this is a little bit different but it's similar to last time.", Tails tinker with the robe until he finally dismantling it.
"Almost there and done", Tails assured me. Yeah! The Enerbeam got dispatched and now I am free.
"Woohoo! We are free but we've got to get out soon.", I reminded Tails while we covered my nose to reduce gas inhalation. We tried to escape after we're released but we're blocked by the force field.
"Ugh! The force field blocks the wall.", Tails stated.
"Now, what?", I asked.
Suddenly, I hear a conversation from robots. Their voices are familiar. Wait, they're the duplicates of us.
*Sonic refers to Team Cybonic. (look similar to Team Sonic, heh!)*
"Well. This ends up pretty terribly.", Cyborg Sonic said in a shiver. Yep, it's indeed Cyborg's version of me.
"Uh, what just happen?", Cyborg Amy didn't comprehend why Lyric suddenly captured them. What the heck? Did he make a rash decision?
"Well, let's see. We just allowed a random snake into the entrance and welcomed him as a visitor. Then, you convinced us and the older robots that he came for an apology when Migthon and Bolts clearly warned you about Lyric. Then in a blink of an eye, Lyric take control of the place and infect...", Cyborg Tails explained the situation. What? Since when Lyric pretend to be kind? I thought Lyric would just directly took over the place and done. He seemed to be straightforward and cunning at the same time. Of course, he's not so blatant to inform his diabolical scheme as Eggman did but this is just not what Lyric would do.
"Yeah, you forgot the part that this is Cyborg Sonic's fault.", Cyborg Knuckles cut Tails' explanation.
"Ugh... I was just welcoming the visitor. I mean, he seemed really friendly.", Cyborg Sonic talked back. Wait, he's just being impulsive and rather overconfident. Now, he runs headlong into trouble. Snake breath clearly has an ulterior motive. Even Mighton warned you so why are you being so stubborn? Wait, he's just like me.
"Speaking of which, I found the key code. Got it! I've just dissipated the enerbeam rope.", Cyborg Tails tinkered the enerbeam just like my buddy did. Ooo...Cyborg Tails is just as smart as my Tails.
"We're free. (punch fist and attempt to get out of the cage) Aaa... Ag... Agh... My cupcakes are miffing grandma. (collapse) ", Cyborg Knuckles delighted as they break free from Enerbeam rope but they're still stuck there. Well, he's just as simpleton as my Knuckles was. We gotta help them.
"Cyborgs, are you guys okay? This is Sonic.", I screamed as I take initiative in lending help.
"Sonic! You gotta bail us out.",  Cyborg Sonic called us for a rescue operation.
"Where are you, guys?", I asked their whereabouts.
"Right in front of you to the left.", Cyborg Amy answered. Wow, I can't believe it. It's not as far as I thought it would be. We're just too busy to handle Lyric and robot chase that we don't notice they're actually closeby.
"Sonic, I'll bail them out.", Tails said without hesitation.
"I am on you pal.", I supported him.
Well hello, guys. This is my second part of the robot apocalypse. Remember the episode Robots From The Sky part 3. Yeah, it's similar to that but the situation is a little bit different. What if Lyric the Ancient return and take control of the cityscape instead of Hypnobot? What if Lyric the Ancient got stronger because now he had an allied group and someone closeby who infiltrate the heroes group. What do you guys think will happen in the next round?
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perspective-series · 5 years
Meta Perspective (1)
By: @arc852 and @hiddendreamer67
Warnings: Fear, injuries and panic
(Check the reblog for the links to any future chapters)
Amanda peered around the cabinet door, checking to make sure the coast was clear. With a grin she whipped her hook out, embedding it into the wood and grappling down with ease. She came over to where a plate of cookies sat unattended, steam still coming off them as they cooled. Amanda grabbed one and carefully broke off a chunk, letting it melt in her mouth.
“Mmm~” Amanda gave a pleased hum at the taste. She ate more of it until she couldn’t stomach any more sugar, looking down at the half a cookie left. Amanda bit her lip, realizing she hadn’t been exactly...subtle. She glanced back at her rope, wondering how she could carry it and climb. The answer being, of course, that she couldn’t.
“Aww, dang it.” Amanda huffed, breaking the cookie apart and shoving the pieces into her bag. “This is gonna be such a mess.” It was her own fault being so greedy with the sweets. Now that her bag was packed with a melting chocolate chip cookie, she hoisted the strap over her shoulder and grunted at the weight. Now that all trace of her presence was gone, Amanda went back to the rope and began the arduous task of climbing with a full bag.
 Patton hummed as he went back into the kitchen. The cookies should have cooled down by now and he was so ready to have one. His eyes landed on the cookies but then traveled up as movement caught his eye. His eyes widened at the sight of...a tiny girl hanging from the cupboard?
 Patton was frozen in shock.
Amanda clung to the rope, careful not to fall as the human’s footsteps shook the cabinets. A breeze slowly turned Amanda around, leaving her facing the human dead on. She gulped.
Acting on instinct, Amanda began to scramble up the rope at twice her normal speed.
 “W-Wait!” Patton yelled, moving closer to the tiny girl. He reached out his hand but faltered, wondering if that was the best course of action.
“AH!” Seeing the hand come towards her Amanda let go of the rope, intent on sliding down out of the human’s immediate grasp. However, the cookie bag threw off her equilibrium. She swung as she fell, her leg getting tangled up in the string. As Amanda fell farther it became taunt, causing her to painfully dangle upside-down by one leg.
 “Oh no!” Patton gasped and carefully brought both his hands up on either side of the small girl. “It’s okay, I’m not going to hurt you,” Patton reassured as he gently cupped her and the hook to stop her from hanging.
“Nonononono-” Amanda shook her head frantically, closing her eyes and curling in on herself as those giant hands actually touched her. Not to mention, her leg felt as if it was on fire. This was officially becoming the second worst moment of her life.
 Patton furrowed his eyebrows in concern and quickly took her into his room. He placed her on the bed, so she would have a soft surface to lie on and gently looked her over. He noticed the string still wrapped around her and her leg and carefully reached out to untangle. “It’s okay, I’m just gonna get this off of ya.” Patton continued to reassure.
“Don’t touch me!” Amanda hissed in pain as she pulled her leg closer to herself, fingers shaking as she tried to undo the knot.
 Patton brought his hands back quickly, no longer knowing what to do. He wanted to help but he didn’t want to scare the poor girl either. “Please, I’m just trying to help.”
 “I- I don’t need your help!” Amanda insisted, frustrated tears sprouting in the corners of her eyes.
 Patton felt even more concerned when he noticed the tears. “Kiddo, hey, it’s alright.” He said softly. “Calm down. Deep breaths.” He started breathing in the familiar pattern, the one he used to help Virgil out.
“I’m not a kiddo.” Amanda glared at him, but slowly she steadied her breathing and gained enough of a grip to untangle her leg. Amanda wrapped the string up, about to stuff it in her bag before remembering that was full of cookie. Instead, she threw it around her shoulders like a sash, reaching for the pin she kept at her side. 
“Stay where you are!” Amanda threatened, biting her lip to keep from screaming as she stood up and brandished her sword at the human.
 “Whoa!” Patton put his hands up in surrender as the tiny girl pointed a very sharp looking pin at him. He briefly wondered where she had gotten it from. “Um...okay? I really don’t mean you any harm, though.”
“Likely story,” Amanda growled, looking around for the nearest escape route.
 “No, really! I just want to help you.” Patton said, slowly putting his arms down. “What were you doing up there anyway?” He asked.
“...None of your business.” Amanda lowered her sword slightly, surprised the human was actually keeping his distance. 
 Patton chuckled a little. “Well, I mean, it is sorta my business, with you being in my apartment and all. Not that I’m mad or anything!” Patton wanted to make that clear. “Just curious.” Patton looked the tiny girl over, still in awe, when he noticed something on her face.
 “Is that...chocolate?” He asked, reaching up to his face at the same spot she had it on hers.
Amanda reached up, mirroring the human’s movements. She felt some chocolate left there, a side effect of her messy eating habits. “Uh, yes?” Amanda answered cautiously, knowing the human might get mad about her cookie theft.
 Patton smiled sadly as he realized what the girl must have been there for. “Were you hungry? Is that why you were in my kitchen?” He asked.
“I, well I  only took one...” Amanda paused her explanation. No, why should she have to explain herself to a human? She shouldn’t be talking to him at all! Amanda took a step away from him, forgetting it was her bad leg. She let out a cry the moment pressure was put on it, her legs collapsing and sending her tumbling down.
 “Whoa!” Patton exclaimed and subconsciously surrounded her with his hands. “Are you okay? What’s wrong?” He asked, trying to be gentle. 
“I’m...fine.” Amanda pushed herself up, trying to bring her pin up again, but the effort of trying to do both simultaneously just made her fall on her stomach again.
 Patton bit his lip, eyes going to her leg. “I...I think you may have hurt your leg when you got all twisted up in it.” Patton guessed. He suddenly stood up. “I’ll be right back, I’m going to go get the first aid kit.” He ran off to the bathroom.
Amanda looked up, realizing the human was gone. She tried to stand up, but her leg burned so fiercely that it was clear that wasn’t an option right now. Instead, Amanda began to army crawl towards the edge of the sheets. Grabbing hold and giving a small prayer, Amanda slid down towards the floor.
“OW!” Amanda couldn’t bite back her exclamation as she fell directly on her injured leg, making it flare up again.
 Patton rushed back in, eyes going to the bed. He panicked when he didn’t see the girl but then his eyes spotted movement on the ground and he saw the curl lying there. He gasped. “Oh goodness!” Patton threw the first aid kit on the bed and reached down to scoop the girl up. “Are you okay? What happened?”
“I’m fiNE!” The last part of Amanda’s words became a high pitched yell as her leg painfully protested being moved. She clenched her jaw.
 Patton winced and gently set her down back on the bed. She definitely did not sound fine. Patton dug through the first aid kit and cut up some gauze. “Alright. I’m going to wrap up your leg, okay? Can I do that?” He asked, not wanting to do it without consent.
Amanda shook her head weakly, unable to say anything lest it come out as another scream.
 Patton frowned. “Well...do you want to do it? As long as your leg gets taken care of, I’m good with anything.” Patton said with a soft smile.
Amanda took a deep breath. She had never wrapped a leg before, but she definitely didn’t want the human getting any grabbier.
“I...I can do it.” Amanda said, a bit unsure of her own skills but willing to try. Especially if it meant the human left her alone.
 Patton nodded, glad to see they were finally getting somewhere. He placed the gauze close enough for her to reach and then sat back to watch in case she needed help.
“How do I, uh, do this?” Amanda asked, gathering up the gauze in her arms and carefully rolling up her pants leg.
 “Oh uh…” Patton thought for a moment. “Just take the end of the gauze and start at the base of the injury and then work your way up, making sure you overlap slightly,” Patton explained.
“Right.” Amanda followed his instructions, looking up at him to see if she had done it correctly.
 Patton smiled. “Good job! It looks great.” 
Amanda frowned up at the human. His behavior was certainly odd. Why did he care if her leg was wrapped, anyhow?
“What do you want from me?” Amanda asked, gazing at him with suspicion.
 Patton frowned again, looking at the tiny girl with a tilted head. “I...nothing, I just want to make sure that you’re okay,” Patton answered truthfully.
“Why’d you take me captive then?” Amanda’s hand went once again to her pin. “Every human wants something.”
 Patton put his hands up once again, wanting to let her know that he meant her no harm. “No, really! I just wanted to help untangle you from your string.” Patton explained. “After all, it was sort of my fault that that happened.”
Amanda paused, not actually expecting a human to take the blame for something like that. “Well, yeah I guess.” Honestly, she blamed her own climbing skills.
 “Like I said, I just want to make sure you’re okay,” Patton said before his face lit up in realization. “Oh! I haven’t even introduced myself yet! I’m Patton.” Patton grinned. He reached out to offer a shake but decided against it and put his hand back down.
Amanda contemplated for a moment whether she should give out her name. Of course, she shouldn’t be talking to a human at all, but with her leg in its current condition, it’d be difficult to make another escape attempt while Patton was in the room. Perhaps cooperation would be her best bet.
“My name’s Amanda.” Amanda said finally.
 Patton grinned. “Amanda! Well, it’s nice to meet you!” Patton still couldn’t believe that such a tiny person existed but he was doing his best to keep his curiosity to himself. He didn’t want to scare her, after all.
 “Do you always climb things like that?” Patton asked, referring to back in the kitchen.
“I mean, I climb a lot of things.” Amanda shrugged as if it would be obvious. “It’s kind of the easiest way to get around.”
 “I wish I could climb like that.” Though, he wasn’t sure what he would use that ability for. Rock climbing? 
 Patton glanced down at Amanda’s leg again with a small frown. “How does your leg feel?”
“Like it’s on fire.” Amanda’s eyes widened slightly, realizing that admitting weakness to a human probably wasn't such a good idea. “I mean...a small fire. It’s fine, really.”
 “That...doesn’t really sound like it’s fine,” Patton said with a slight wince. “I think it might be best for you to stay off of it for a while.”
“Not really an option,” Amanda muttered, trying weakly to stand again. She tried to use her pin as a walking stick, only for the needle to poke through the blanket.
 “Careful!” Patton reached his hand to surround but not touch her. “Amanda, really, you should rest it.”
Amanda’s eyes widened, feeling a jolt of primal fear go through her as the human’s hand came at her.
“Stay back!” Amanda swung her pin at Patton’s hand, slicing across the palm.
 “Ow!” Patton yelled, hissing as he brought his hand to his chest. He looked down to see a long cut that was now bleeding pretty badly.
 And it was at that moment, that the door opened. “Pat! Are you okay!?” Virgil yelled out, hearing the shout of pain coming from Patton. He ran into Patton’s bedroom to see Patton sitting there with a bleeding hand. “What happened, how did-” He cut himself off when he looked up more and saw a...tiny girl?
 Virgil froze. “...What the hell?”
Amanda trembled, favoring her good leg as she held her needle out in front of her with both arms. “Don’t come any closer!” She warned, feeling even less sure of herself now that there were two humans.
 Virgil blinked, taking notice of the needle and putting two and two together. “Wait a second, did you do that to Patton’s hand?” Virgil asked, glaring at the tiny girl. Patton’s eyes widened and he put his uninjured hand on Virgil’s arm.
 “Wait! It’s not her fault! She was just trying to protect herself. It was my fault that I got too close.” Patton said sadly. 
“I’ll...I’ll do it to you too if you come near me.” Amanda threatened, noticing the second human seemed a lot more aggressive.
 Virgil scowled at the tiny girl but grabbed the first aid kit on the bed and started to bandage Patton’s hand.
 “Thanks, kiddo,” Patton said and Virgil just nodded, his eyes still on the tiny girl. 
 “...I really don’t think you’re in the position to be making threats.” Virgil spoke, not only talking about her injured leg but her size as well.
Amanda took a deep breath, knowing he was right. The very act of standing was taking a toll on her, and she had begun to shake from exertion.
“Well, I’m the one that’s armed.” She pointed out.
 Virgil raised an eyebrow and reached over, plucking the girl’s weapon from her gasp easily. 
 “Virgil!” Patton yelled at his friend.
“Hey!” Amanda glared at the human. “Give that back!” She tried to take a step towards the human, only to lose her balance and fall on her stomach.
 “Amanda! Are you okay?” Patton leaned forward in worry but kept his hands back.
 Virgil looked at the tiny pin for a second but his eyes widened when he saw the tiny girl, apparently named Amanda, fall.
“I’m fine!” Amanda hurriedly pushed herself up, worried about keeping her eyes off her captors too long.
 Patton turned to glare at Virgil. “Why would you take her pin?” Patton said, disappointed in Virgil and showing that through the look he sent his friend.
 Virgil winced. “I just didn’t want either of us getting stabbed again,” Virgil argued back. He then turned back to Amanda. “Look, I’m sorry.” He apologized, knowing Patton would have made him anyway. “But, based on the look of things, Patton was just trying to help you. You had no reason to freaking stab him.”
“I didn’t mean to stab him that hard,” Amanda admitted, sitting up more. Indeed, she was a bit proud of how effective her weapon had been, but now might not be the best time to admit that. “I just wanted to send a warning. I don’t like being grabbed.”
 “I’m sorry about that.” Patton apologized, looking down. “I should have known better.”
 “...Still, stabbing him was a bit excessive.” Virgil said, looking from Patton to Amanda.
“I don’t exactly have a lot of options at my disposal.” Amanda was now noticing that all her options seemed to be gone now, and perhaps she should be a bit more careful about not angering the humans. “Humans aren’t keen to listen to people like me. It’s more grab first, kill later.”
 Patton’s eyes widened. “Kill?!” Patton exclaimed in horror, hands going to his mouth. Virgil’s eyes went wide right along with Patton’s.
 “Whoa, whoa...you don’t actually think we’re going to...kill you...do you?” Virgil asked, looking Amanda up and down.
“Well, not right now, no,” Amanda admitted, having noticed how calm these humans were acting. “Although I was wondering when it’d come up.”
 “We would never, ever, ever!” Patton said, eyes wide and filled with concern. “I-I actually want the exact opposite. For you to get better.”
 “Yeah and, well, despite the fact that you hurt Pat, I don’t want to see you dead either. That’s just wrong.” It was wrong whether the person in question was a human or not. Cause Amanda was definitely not human but she was a person.
“...why should I believe you?” Amanda frowned, looking between the two of them. Honestly, the idea of a human not wanting her dead was...baffling.
 “Because if we wanted you dead, you would be dead already,” Virgil said, plain and simple. Patton, this time, hit Virgil in the arm.
 “Seriously Virgil, stop it.” Patton did his best to glare at Virgil and Virgil ducked his head down.
 “S-Sorry.” Didn’t make it any less true though. Patton sighed but turned back to Amanda.
 “He could have said it better, but he is right,” Patton said with a gentle smile.
“Well then, what do you want from me?” Amanda asked again, looking at the new human. She knew Patton had said he just wanted to help her, but that made no sense. Besides, if he really wanted to help he wouldn’t have grabbed her in the first place.
 “Well...I just got here.” Virgil defended himself. “I’m not actually sure yet. Pat?” He looked down at his friend, who was still kneeled near the bed.
 Patton bit his lip. “I’ve already said what I want. For you to get better. Why don’t you believe me?”
“Sorry, it’s just...hard to believe,” Amanda admitted. “Humans always have some sort of motive.”
 “And my motive is seeing you get better. And so is Virgil’s, right?” Patton turned to look at Virgil and Virgil’s eyes widened.
 “What?” Patton narrowed his eyes. “I mean, uh, yeah! Right.” Patton nodded and smiled back at Amanda.
 “And I’m willing to give you whatever you need until your leg is all healed up!” Patton exclaimed.
“Oh! Well, that’s very kind of you.” Amanda’s eyes widened in surprise. “But really I should be going home.”
 “Oh.” Patton bit his lip. “Um, are you sure that’s a good idea?”
“What do you mean?” Amanda gave Patton a wary glance, knowing this was where his true motives would come out.
 “I mean, well, where do you even live?” Patton asked. Virgil just watched this interaction, curious as well.
“Uh…” Amanda glanced briefly at the outlet under the bedside table. “...around.”
 Patton didn’t notice but Virgil had followed her gaze. He put two and two together. “...Do you live in the walls?”
“What?” Amanda quickly looked away, eager to deny it. “Who said anything about the walls?”
 Virgil smirked. “Sounds like someone who does live in the walls and is trying to deny it.”
 Patton���s eyes widened. “But, if you live in the walls...isn’t that a lot of climbing and walking?”
“Well, yeah,” Amanda admitted, looking at her leg. “But it’ll be fine, I can just rest for a while. I’ve got food preserves.” Sort of, she thought distantly, remembering the mess of melted cookie in her bag.
 Patton shook his head. “I...I really can’t let you go in this condition. You’d just hurt yourself even more!” Patton was quick to continue. “But! Once you’re all better, you are more than free to go home.”
“No, I’ll be fine!” Amanda insisted, scooting backward. “I can’t stay here!” 
 “But-!” Virgil cut Patton off by placing a hand on his shoulder. He looked at Amanda.
 “Alright. If you can make it over there.” He pointed to where she had been looking earlier. “And not hurt yourself, then you can go.”
 “But Virgil-” Virgil shook his head and Patton shut his mouth. He understood what Virgil was trying to do but he didn’t want Amanda to get hurt.
“What, right now?” Amanda shifted, stalling for time as her leg reignited.
 Virgil nodded. “Yep. Show us what you got.”
“Okay.” Amanda scooted on her butt over to the edge of the bed, unfortunately, close to the humans. Her leg protested the move, and Amanda kept her jaw clenched to keep from giving any indication that she was in pain. She could feel two giant pairs of eyes watching her every move. She could do this. 
Amanda turned herself around, gripping onto the sheets with her remaining strength. She gave a quick prayer, and she jumped.
 Patton’s eyes widened and he went to reach out to catch her but Virgil held his arms back. He hated having to do this but Amanda seemed too stubborn to accept help unless they proved it to her.
“Augh!” Amanda couldn’t hold back a groan as she landed painfully on her uninjured side, rolling down a few more inches before finally coming to a stop. Dang it.
 Virgil winced and released Patton’s arms, who immediately scooped Amanda up and looked her over. “Oh goodness, are you okay!?”
“Ow.” Amanda cringed, Patton’s jostling only serving to aggravate her injuries. “I- I was fine, I had it. Put me back, I can make it.”
 “I think we’ve proved that you’re too injured to make it,” Virgil spoke, crossing his arms.
 “Virgil, you should have let me catch her!” Patton exclaimed, actually looking a little betrayed. Virgil sighed, hating to be looked at like that.
 “Sorry, but it was the only way. She is way too stubborn.”
“I can make it, I didn’t need catching.” Amanda winced, sitting up.
 “Come on.” Virgil groaned, leaning forward a bit. “Look, Patton is right. We really do just want to help. So stop pretending like everything is okay when it clearly isn’t.” Virgil spoke, glaring slightly at Amanda.
“Fine!” Amanda glared back at him. “Life sucks and I’m in pain. But I certainly don’t need your help.”
 “Why not?” Patton asked, eyes wide in his signature puppy dog look. “We promise not to keep you here any longer than need be. And we can provide you with anything you need, both for your leg or if you need food, stuff like that.”
Amanda looked back at him. It was clear even to her that she wasn’t going anywhere. And maybe things wouldn’t be so bad if she stayed on this human’s good side. After her leg healed she might even be able to sneak away pretty easily.
“Well, I guess I don’t have much of a choice.” Amanda shrugged.
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talpup · 4 years
Light In the Darkness:35
SORRY!!!  I’ve been uploading this fic every Tuesday on ao3 but have forgotten to post updates here.  You all need to tell me these things.
Please remember this fic is rated mature and has warnings of violence, abuse, sexual tension, eventual sexual behavior, and other possible triggers.  For a full list of story tags please check the fics AO3 (link to that at the top of my tumblrs homepage).
Chapter 35
Three days later, Yami and Gendry headed out to capture the lone Saber Wolf that had been sniffing around Pilfer’s kennel causing him to tear up his cage.  Abril had wanted to go but Gendry had told her no.  She had pleaded her case to Yami but he had been of no help.
Heading down the hall to the back of the house, Abril exited back door and found Teris tending her mint garden.
Joining her, Abril asked.  “How much effort to they take?”
“Lucky for me, my father was right,” Teris said.  “Mint is practically a weed.  It pretty much takes care of itself.”
“So what do you do with them.”  Abril asked.
“Whatever you want.  Tea, flavoring, scents, even additions to salves.”
“But why so many different kinds?”
“Different properties and flavors.  It was a hobby of my mother’s.”  Teris said smiling sadly.
“You miss her.  Your mother?”
“I use to miss her all the time.  Not a single day would go by that something wouldn’t happen that I would want to tell her about. Often several times a day, there would be something that brought her to mind or made me remember a moment I had with her.”  She sighed. “Now, days pass where I don’t think about her even once.  I’ve forgotten the sound of her laugh.  The stern but amused, patient expression she use to give me when I didn’t behave as a young royal lady should.  It’s funny.  Back then all I wanted was to get to this point.  Where she stopped haunting my every moment.  Now that I’m here.  I realize how stupid I was.”
“I had a twin.”  Abril confessed.  “We weren’t identical.  He died before we turned six.  I often use to wonder what he would look like were he still alive.  What he’d want to do with his life.  If we would have still been inseparable or hated each other.  Now, I only really think about him on our birthday and the day he died.  I know it’s not the same--”
“But it hurts.  Loss is loss.”
Abril nodded.  “Sometimes I think that’s why I make such a horrible girl.  Because I’m trying to live for the both of us.  I know it doesn’t make sense--”  She stopped unable to go on.
“Does it make sense to you?”  Teris asked.
Unable to speak Abril merely nodded.
“Then it doesn’t have to make sense to anyone else.”
Yami and Gendry sat at the dinner table, exhausted.  Not only had the Saber Wolf put up a hell of a fight but Pilfer hadn’t been pleased with a new neighbor and had broken through the kennel twice.  In the end Yami had enlisted Tobin’s help and the three had moved the newly captured Wolfs cage down wind and out of sight of the unhappy Pilfer.
“You should have let me join.  I could have used my magic on it.”  Bran said again.
Gendry had already explained on multiple occasions why such a thing would’ve been counter productive to the training and trust of the new addition and Yami was too tired to do so himself.  Instead Gendry glowered at the younger boy until he stopped talking and shrunk in his seat.
Still mad at Gendry and Yami for not letting her join them, Abril sat to the left of Gendry refusing to speak or look at him.
“Seems you’re getting the same treatment I am.”  Yami commented glancing passed Gendry to Abril.
“Only I’m thankful for it.”  Gendry responded.  He looked over at Teris who sat across the table between Venice and Olsen.  “When do you think she’ll move back to her regular seat?”
Yami had quit playing seat shuffle and had taken to sitting in what had been his usual seat, between Gendry and Tobin.  Teris had quickly caught on and had stop trying to sit in her usual place altogether forcing Venice to sit across from Yami as she sat across from Tobin.
Understanding his friends meaning Yami sighed.  “Soon, I hope.  I’m getting impatient.”
“Yeah well, patience isn’t exactly your strong suit,” Gendry said.
“So what are you two gonna name the beast?”  Tobin asked Yami and Gendry.  “Though since I helped move its cage I should at least get a vote if not be allowed to make a suggestion.”
“You can make all the suggestions you like,” Yami said.
“We just don’t have to listen to them.”  Gendry added.
Tobin looked over at the two of them.  “So?  What are you going to name it?”
“Don’t know.”  Yami said mixing his vegetables in with grains.  “Have to work with him a bit and get to know him.”
“I say we name him Rover,” Bran said.  “You know since he was roaming around Pilfer’s.”
“No.” Yami told not even looking at the boy.
“Aw, come on.  At least consider it.”  Bran urged.
“I’d like your help sectioning off the training pen.”  Yami told Tobin easily ignoring Bran.
“You don’t want to add to it?”
“No.” Yami shook his head toying with his food.  “Too large and it’ll only make them more difficult to control.  Pilfer’s good with obeying commands and will be of use when training the other but first they have to adjust to one another.”
“Which they won’t be able to do if they can avoid each other from opposite sides of an overly large pen.”  Tobin nodded understanding.  “Sure. Tomorrow sound good?”
“The sooner the better.”  Yami responded.  “Gendry.  You good with tomorrow?”
“Unless this quiet breaks and there’s a mission,” Gendry said.
Yami remembered what Jack had told him a few nights back.  His eyes slid over to Jax and Bronn.  If Jack was right and wasn’t just fooling with him there would soon be a squad challenge.
Bronn caught him staring.  “What?”  He questioned chewing.
Yami couldn’t be sure if it was his sense of Ki or just a gut feeling but he looked back to Tobin.  “Never mind.
“What? Why?”
“Yeah.” Bran said from across the table of Gendry.  “I want--”
“You won’t be doing anything anyway so shut up.”  Yami told.
Bran deflated.
“What are you thinking?”  Gendry asked after everyone had settled down. “What’s going on?”
“Not sure.”  Yami said glancing at Jax and Bronn again.  “But I’d take it easy the rest of the night and turn in early if I were you.”
At Jax’s request Bronn had asked Gilly to come and check in on Teris before lights out.  The Captain and Vice Captain would be giving their squad a rude awaking before sunrise and Jax had wanted to make sure Teris had been getting enough sleep and wouldn’t loose control of her mana during the coming challenge.
“I checked her over after I got her message a few days ago.”  Gilly told Bronn as he greeted her.
“Captain just wants to be sure she’s—wait.  What message?”
“Bronn. You know I don’t discuss my patients with anyone unless their health or anothers safety requires it.”  Gilly told.
“Well in this case it just might, love.”
“The Magic Knights Squad--”
“Shh.” Bronn hushed pulling her aside and looking around.  “Not so loud.”
Gilly allowed herself to be lead to the darkened area behind the stairs of the great room.
“Every Healer is on call.  There’ll be six teams present and available with the usual one on shift at Healers Hall and the other two ready to assist should the need arise.”  She shook her head.  “Mana help us if some gang or army got the bright idea to attack the kingdom during this.  With only the Sentries out in mass while you Magic Knights pummel and try to kill each other--”
“That’s why it’s not announced.  That and not giving the kiddies a chance to prepare let’s us see what they’re worth.”  Bronn smiled.
“Can’t you all think of a less dangerous way of testing their prowess?”
“Being a Magic Knight is dangerous work, Gilly.”
She sighed placing a hand on his chest.  “Don’t I know it.  I see it enough everyday.  Whether it’s from simple sparring or an actual mission.  There’s not a day that goes by where I don’t see a report or personally treat a Magic Knight for injury.”
“That’s cause they’re a bunch of babies going to the healers for minor scraps and broken bones.”  Bronn waved off.
“You’re not helping,” Gilly said.
“Oh? You want my help, is that it?”  He wrapped an arm around her waist the other grabbing her bottom and pulled her closer.
Gilly yelped in surprise then giggled scolding quietly.  “Bronn!  Not here.”
Bronn looked over his shoulder listening.  Seeing and hearing nothing he walked her back a couple steps and pinned her between his body and the wall.
“I miss you.”  He breathed as he drove down to her neck the hand about her waist sliding up and around to cup her breast.
Gilly’s breath hitched her leg rising slightly as the hand on her bottom pulled her to his need.  Lashes fluttering as her eyes rolled back slightly, Gilly grabbed his shoulders in a weak attempt to stop him.
“We saw each other just the other day.”  She said her hands moving around his shoulders to pull instead of push as he ground his lower half into her.
“Seeing isn’t feeling.”  Bronn muttered his lower lip and tongue grazing up her neck to her mouth to silence any other protest.
One hand moving up around his neck the other dropping down to his ass. Grabbing and pulling him closer Gilly had no argument left even if Bronn had allowed her one.
Hearing amorous noises from behind the stairs Jax stood beside the stairways railing.
“Find a room for manas sake.  There’s kids about.”  Jax said smirking at the change in noise.
Gilly pushed Bronn away in truth this time.  Bronn straightened spinning around, protecting Gilly from view.  He didn’t need to as Jax was considerate enough to have his back turned to them.
“Captain.” Bronn cleared his throat.  “We were just about--”
“Don’t need you to tell me what you were about.  It was quite obvious.” Jax told unable to stop himself from the tease.
Gilly blushed a deeper red, holding a hand to her chest clasping her partially undone top and slapping Bronn smartly on the shoulder.
Jax hear the hit and chuckled.  “Evening, Gilly.  Have you seen Teris yet?”
“I was--”  She cleared her throat missing a button in her haste to button her blouse.  “I’m headed to her directly.”
“Good. Come see me in my office after.”
“Of course.”  Gilly nodded needlessly as Jax’s back was still turned to them.
“Let her do her job before you go distracting her with extracurriculars.”
Bronn pulled his lips between his teeth lowering his head, expecting the open handed hit Gilly gave him.  He looked up at his Captains back and guiltily muttered.  “Yes, sir.”
Seated in his office across the low coffee table from his Vice Captain, Jax smirked at Bronn.  Embarrassed for Gilly’s sake Bronn looked away shaking his head unable to stop the smile that formed.  The two men shared a chuckle.
Bronn throwing his head back and sighed.  “Oh man!  She not gonna forgive me for that anytime soon.”
“Nor should she.”  Jax smirked eye squinting in appreciation of the shot of fire water he downed.  The Captain exhaled slowly looking at the empty glass.  “That’s good.”
“It was till you interrupted.”  Bronn said righting his head.  “Oh.” He quirked a brow seeing the shot glass in his Captains hand.
Jax chuckled again shaking his head.  “You were the one pursuing things out in the open.”
“Can’t help it Captain.  I think she’s the one.”
“Really.” Jax said in almost bored disbelief.
“I‘m serious.”  Bronn stated.
“I can see you think you are.”
“Have I ever made such a statement before?”  Bronn challenged.
“Once,” Jax said.
Bronn sobered recalling his drunken words years ago before he and Jax had risen to the point of Captain and Vice Captain.  I’m gonna marry that woman one day, his slurred words echoed in his mind about Mereoleona.
“I was a foolish boy.”  Bronn admitted.  “Even so--”  He shook his head and sighed.  “Even after I wised up and realized the impossibility of such a thing.”  He ran a tongue between his teeth and lower lip, scratching his head.  “I thought I’d be pinning over that Lioness for the rest of my days.”
“When’s the last time you thought about her?”
Jax nodded, studying his friend.
“Six. Seven months.  At least.”
Jax blinked at that realizing this thing with Gilly was serious.  The two hadn’t started dating till shortly before the Star Awards Festival at the end of March.
“I know.”  Bronn said seeing his Captains expression.  “I got it bad.  And unlike the last one, this one is attainable.  If she’ll have me.”
“Promise me one thing.”
“Anything.” Bronn said without hesitation.
“Give me notice before you propose.  I’ll need time to find a replacement.”  Jax smiled at his friend and muttered.  “As if you could be replaced.”
“I’m not planning on quitting Captain.”  Bronn told.
“You many not plan on it but wives hold great sway over their men.  I don’t see Gilly tolerating her husband facing the dangers of a Magic Knight let alone a Vice Captain.  Do you?”
Bronn stopped and thouhgt.  Knowing Gilly she might even make his retirement a condition before agreeing to marry him.  “Damn it.” He cursed dropping his face into his hands and rubbing roughly.
Jax smirked.  “I suppose time will tell, how serious you are about her.”
“I won’t leave you without a suitable replacement.  That’s for sure.”  Bronn stated firmly.
“I wouldn’t expect you to.  Not to mention if you did, I’d kill you. Wouldn’t want leave your girl a widow before you could fully enjoy the perks of married life.  Not that you haven’t sampled them already.”
“Oh, Captain!”  Bronn smiled raising his eyebrows.  “I could gorge on those delights for days.”
“Don’t.” Jax said scrunching up his face tempted to take another shot of drink after the image.  “Don’t talk about your girlfriends delights.  And don’t go tasting them out in the open of my base again.  You should be ashamed of yourself.  What if Bran had come across the two of you?”
“Have you heard how big his family is?  Living in such a small farmhouse. That boy already knows what’s what, I guarantee you.”  Bronn said.
“Or Yami.  Or Teris.”  Jax said mentioning the other two youngest squad members.
“Yami?” Bronn scoffed.  “You’re kidding me.  Right?  Have you seen the way that boy looks at that girl?  I tell you he’s done more to her in his mind than Gilly and I have done in truth.  As for Teris.  If those two end up getting together and have their happily whatever, that girl’s gonna have to get use to such things cause I tell you, that boy has no shame.”
Jax smirked thinking his Vice Captain had a point on both accounts. Still, there was no sense in their happening across such things and getting ideas.  “Never again.”  Jax told.
“I know.  I know.  I’m sorry.”  Bronn sighed.  “I wonder what’s taking her so long.”
“Miss your girl already?”
Bronn’s lip twitched.  He remembered what Gilly had said and told his Captain.  “She mentioned something about getting a message from Teris a few days ago.”
Jax sat forward uncrossing his legs.  “What kind of message?”
“Don’t know.  She claimed Healers confidentiality or some such.”
“So it was official.”
Bronn nodded.  “I take it you didn’t know anything about it.”  He said watching his Captain sit back and sigh.
Jax shook his head considering.  “Gilly just saw her the morning of the Winter Celebration three days ago.  So this was sometime after that?”
“I guess so.”  Bronn shrugged.
The two sat in silence for a long while till there was a knock on the door.  Bronn stood and opened it letting Gilly in.
“Dismissed.” Jax told his Vice Captain.
“Aw, Cap--” At Jax’s expression Bronn fell silent.  “Sir.”  He cleared his throat brushing Gilly’s arm as he passed closing the door after him.
“Please. Sit.”  Jax gestured to the chair Bronn had vacated.  “Sorry. All I have to offer is whiskey that could double as d-varnisher.
“It’s alright.”  Gilly said sitting on the edge of the seat.  “I’m fine.”
“And my squad members?  How are they?”
“You had been stopping by the second floor and looking in on Yami as well. Have you not?”
Gilly smiled nervously.
“I may not look all that bright.  May not even be all that bright.  But, I know how to look after my people,” Jax said.
“They’re both doing well.”  Gilly breathed.  “Though I had my concerns when I peeked in on Yami and found that he had already turned in for the night.”
“He’s another one that may not seem all that bright but is quick on the up take when it matters.”  Jax told.  “Just glad he encouraged the other lads to take it easy after all their exertions this afternoon.” Jax smirked wondering if Bronn could hold off with Gilly until Yami rose to be a Third Class Senior Magic Knight, making him eligible to be named Vice Captain.  Having Yami as Vice Captain would certainly provide its challenges but at least it’d always be interesting.  He focused his eyes on Gilly.  “So they’re getting enough sleep.  No fear of loss of control for tomorrows challenge?”
“Not for lack of sleep and over exhaustion.”  Gilly answered.
“But you make no promises should they loose control for reason other than lack of sleep.”  Jax chuckled and stated.  “You’re too smart for Bronn.”
“He covers what I’m lacking,” Gilly said.  “I like to think we complete each other after a fashion.”
Jax’s brows jumped at that as he laughed outright.  “A like you.  You’re good for him.”
“As his Captain and closest friend, I am grateful for your approval.”
“Tell me, what was Teris’ message about?”
Gilly stiffened at the sudden change in the Black Bulls Captains demeanor. “I can tell you’re concerned--”
“I don’t know how much you know about those two,” Jax interrupted, “given the secrecy and gag orders that seem to be thrown left and right whenever Yami and Teris are involved but the normal rules don’t apply to them.  Your Healer code of confidentiality,” he shook his head, “it has no meaning where those two are concerned.”  He pulled out his grimoire.  Opening it he slipped out a folded parchment that bore the Wizard Kings seal.  “I can see you have your doubts and require proof.  I respect you for that.  But it doesn’t change the fact that I still need to know.”  He stretched out the paper to her.  “Take a look.”
Gilly took the official letter.  Opening it she read.  It didn’t explain why.  It didn’t give any sort of reasoning actually.  She had no doubt it was from Sir Jorah; short as it was it was written by his own hand.
“Alright then.”  She breathed handing him back the note.  “What do you want to know?”
Magic Knights Challenge next chapter.  It’ll be a long one that I hope you all will enjoy.  Lots of drama, fighting, BC characters, and maybe, just maybe some making up between Yami and Teris.
Thank you to those who have left hearts.  And a special THANK YOU to those who have recently left comments or re-blogged. They really mean a lot.
Taglist: @captncappuccino .
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kaiju-z · 5 years
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Seon Adventures Episode 16: On The Road To Crystalgate
So, this one took a bit to get to, due to my want to finish part of a personal project. But here we are!
It is the morning after the Flurry x 2 battle.
The party are awake, fully rested, healed and feeling stronger than before!
After breakfast is eaten and everyone is ready, the lot of the Cultbusters + Ficus load up on the carriage and take to the road once more. The ROAD TO CRYSTALGATE CITY! (play that funky tune!)
After what feels like an eternity of baby related humor, with the party basically agreeing that Luctan is Dadtan, they reach a fortified settlement, along the river’s path. Thick 30 to 40ft tall walls protect it from incursions and tents surround a proper building resembling an inn.  On the outside of the walled part, there’s only one entrance, a big wooden gate. This is the town of Cidinium.
Asking around, part out of curiosity for local lore and part to get information on the baby, Luctan learns that the tents belong to the relatives of the soldiers.  Quite common for families to stop here, see their loved ones, check on them, see their kids. Asking one of the soldiers in particular, regarding the elven family,  the battlescarred, green haired Half-Orc remembers seeing a few coming and going. They think they remember someone vaglue matching the description leaving a few days ago.
During the queary, we learn that Peppery Pete had magically appeared in the man’s room, which is a welcome reprieve from the grim topic of the child’s family. Luctan learns that up, along the way there is an orphanage that they could leave the little one, if they don’t find relatives of his. Though it is possible that the elves they saw were sent down to Sa Doma, from this outpost.
Luctan gives instructions to retrieve and burry the bodies, maybe ask around, otherwise for his own people, in case they too fell victims to Ogres.
During the conversation Ficus holds a firm, encouraging hand on Belli’s shoulder, as she is not on good terms with authorities.
And the party moves along.
On the way to Lebovia, the formentioned place with the orphanage, Mournimar admits that he feels sick of nature, given the most recent experience. Burk, on the other hand, feels alright in it,fine with it even. It’s just that he doesn’t like anything in it. With the exception of Rimefang.
Rimefang is special
Belli offers to cut Mournimar’s hair, after he talks of wanting it shortened, some...
But. Ah.
Some failed instructions on Ficus and Luctan’s part later cause the poor Bard to cut a bit too much, giving Mournimar that short hair.
(He basically becomes Steve Harrington from Stranger Things. Mournimar is Tiefling Steve).
Key phrases used later and Ficus gets dissed by Belli for his hair choice and Luctan suffers a bad case of the war-flashbags at the mention of “cut tail”, having to then be moved, off the reigns of the horses and in the passanger cart for some R & R with Archie and Orion, the orange cats. One familiar, one normal kitty.
Urged by Mournimar, Belli sits with Luck and apologizes for what happened. Luck, in cat heaven, tells her no hard feelings were had over the phrasing.  Luctan DJ scratch-pats the cats and just nods to Belli. (and that’s where we get that photo, y’all).
The path to Lebovia is very uneventful for the next few days, 3 to be exact, it’s very chill, even. But they get there and Luctan does some more queary-snooping.
But sadly, it’s hard to tell. He gets left with the impression that maybe they were from either Sa Doma or Gorrum.
The party agree to take a rest in Lebovia, with Luctan opting to hold onto the baby, until he is sure he has run out of leads.
The party split to three rooms, with Ficus and Amelia having a conversation in the one they end up in (super secret chat convo!), Ficus very much offering his “services” to Luctan, but the disguised tiefling isn’t in the mood (given the fatherly duties over young Chucklefuck, how could he?!).
Luctan and Burk share a conversation, where Luctan learns a bit about Burk’s enemies, the two remaining. The Golliath appeared quite generic, for his folk. Big, gray and swole. The Half-Elf appears to be with red war paint to make the eyes look shallow/bloody, very shortly cropped black hair, near bald and 5’9” in height. No names given. "I didn’t exactly ask them, while they were slaughtering my people.” answered Burk.
Understanding, Luctan offers to teach Burk to read, something Burk will keep in mind.
On the next day, on the path along Lebovia, Belli and Ficus would know of a cut-off path that goes to the rich people area. Belli promises “no robberies”. Using the air quotes as she speaks.
As they go around Gorrum, they see a silhouette of a military complex, where weapons for the army get forged. Barracks that go several stories high and they can hear military drills being enhanced with thaumaturgy. Shit’s whack, yo.
No one really wants to talk with Luctan about the baby. They all kinda look weirdly at the party, except for Luctan.
As vengeance for the way the guy treats the party, Belli has Orion, in seagull form, shit on the guy’s head. Then in the eye. And then, through Thaumaturgy, thanks to Mournimar, ruin the man’s reputation by having Orion say, in the guy’s voice “Oh, shit! I have chlamydia!”
The chaos trio have a good laugh on the way back to the cart, before they continue on their way with the rest of the party. “Don’t Frick with the Clique”, as Belli puts it.
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As the party travel up the road, Burk, Amelia and Mournimar notice a kind of, unmoving large shape tucked into a corner. Mournimar gets a bit closer and sees a human woman, lying against a tree with an arrow straight through her chest, pinning her to the tree.
Mournimar checks the woman to see if she’s alive. She doesn’t seem to be breathing. Way less blood comes out of the wound, once Mournimar removes it. Cure Wounds don’t work.
In her hand is a small folded envelope. Belli takes the envelope, there’s a wax seal and only Belli can make a check on  it (Ficus would have recognized is as well, but he rolled a Nat 1, so it didn’t matter).
Her parents mentioned The Triad, back in the day, a group of really high class exclusive bards, but they were never allowed in, which was strange, since they were always allowed places. Hoity-Toity elven bards.
The name and address on the paper is N. Braville, Shadowspire Manor, Platinum District, Crystalgate.
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This is a letter for Nelatha! The words “Quick and Urgent” quite evident on the paper!    (congrats, guys! We got a dellivery quest!)
With her base perception,  Amelia finds a coinpurse with 15 gold and 2 platinum, while Luctan’s eyes fall on a dagger (that boy loves him some pointy weapons). 
It, the coin purse, has the emblem of the Messenger’s guild, but it’s embroidered in golden silk and based on the badges she has, she’s a high ranking messenger of the guild.
The dagger itself is fairly normal, but it does hold the name  “ leliana “ in Elven, which Mournimar translates for him.
Seeng as the kill is quite fresh and a pursuer is surely nearby, the party decide to burry the body and make their way to Crystalgate, warn the Messenger guild of their fallen comrade and also deliver the letter to Nel. 
On the way, Belli sends a message to Nel, regarding what happened.
With the knowledge that the Narah girl can cast Message, Nel “can’t wait” to get more messages from Belli. She will wait for their arrival. She’s with her mom for the next few days. She’ll see them then.
Belli mimics Nel’s voice to the party. Amelia’s eye twitches during this bit.
The party head north a bit, up the stream, after this. The sun is setting earlier than expected, so we camp, before reaching the Narah mansion.
Deciding on Turns, Mournimar takes the first, with nothing eventful occuring. Luctan follows, with Ficus and Belli to be after him.
During Luctan’s watch, he notices that there’s a slight shake, from the brush nearby. There seems to be disturbed earth.  From walking around the rocky alcove, what seems to initially be a weirdly shaped dog, with a weird, bulbous head, turns out to be a canine with 2 heads. (Yeah, given Luctan’s Human/Tiefling personas, that is oddly apt for him to find).
One head growls at Luctan, the other carries a piece of parchment, staring at him.  It walks towards him as he wonders, to no aveil, what this being is, exactly. 
It comes towards him, slowly. It drops the scroll 10ft from where they’ré camped and then backs up.
Luctan approaches, takes the scroll and-
On the inside, in very neat letters, it says (DEEZ NUTS!!! Nah, nah, just kidding. It says:) “Give me the letter and have it be over with.”
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Luctan writes a message back, drops the scroll at the dog, the dog clearly isn’t happy. It waits a few seconds, expecting something. Luctan just smiles. The dog eventually rises to it’s feet and howls from both heads.
Dex saves time-
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Out of nowhere, a powerful fireball strikes upon the sleeping party.  Amelia, Mournimar and Belli each take 30 points of fire damage. A small spark flies from behind a rock from the south and encompasses the whole camp.
Pained, from the blast, which equally hurts him and Burk, for 15 damage, Luctan delivers his Hellish Rebuke in the direction of the caster. “CASTIGARE DI INFERNALIS!”. And causes some damage to the wily green dressed mage.
Enraged, Burk charges the wizard and swings with his axe. Recklessly, he slashes and strikes, adding on his pint sized fury onto the blow. The initial attack succeeds, but as a reaction, Burk’s second attack is blocked by the guy.
Panicking over the damage Belli,  Amelia and Mournimar took, Luctan’s body begins to glow. He reaches a hand out towards his friends as strange patterns of golden light appear over him, his disguised eyes flashing purple as he casts, for the first time ever, “Healing Word” with a powerful “No”, directed at Belli.
Confused over what had just happened, he quickly re-focuses on the sudden combat that’s begun and, with Burk handling the wizard, he charges the dog, putting it in a grapple, catching each of it’s heads. He brings the two headed dog down and commands it to “Sit”.
Rimefang, not liking the fire, makes distance between himself and the party, taking Archie the Cat along with him to safety. 
The mage, on his turn, terrified by the raging barbarian, slams his hand against the ground and brings up huge chunks of hale and Burk takes half the damage of the blast. 4 bludgeoning damage and 22 cold damage.
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(Yeah, ok, so this is my bad, but I misremembered the events and initially thought the Cone of Cold was what came first?!) 
He winks at Burk and disappears into mist. And reappears on top of the rock, 20ft high.
(After out of character we agree that The Monk Dunk is the in-universe version of the fastball special), a wounded Amelia approaches Burk and offers to throw him at the wizard. Burk agrees, but the throw isn’t very productive. Burk is too beefy, ok?!
Instead, Amelia takes to her darts and strikes the man.
He looks signifigantly hurt, while Amelia wades through the difficult terrain of the Cone of Cold’s radius.
- Belli, on her turn, casts her Trademark "Sleep” on the man. This attempts reveals to the party that the man bust be elven or half-elf in race, as he shrugs it off with ease. Elves really only needing meditation to pass their time.
On her turn, Belli gives Burk one of her inspirational kazoo songs, while Ficus rises to his feet and charges the hound that Luctan grapples. With a miss, however, he takes the expedius action to make distance between himself and a very disappointed Luctan, who appears to have some pity for the two headed animal.
Mournimar’s turn. He fires his bow, shooting a sneaky arrow at the mage, piercing his body. With a second arrow, he strikes again, arrowing the magic man in the chest.
In the meanwhile of all this, a winded, wounded Morgan takes to stand before Belli. The dire wolf seems to barely keep himself vertical as he growls at the elven magic user.
(And for those wondering, according to the DM, the baby is tite, nestled between Luctan’s back and his shield. I guess you could say Luctan has a constant backpack for the little one.
On Burk’s turn, the little green man climbs like a beast up the rocks that the wizard had climbed up to and shoves said wizard off the 20ft rock. With a thud, he drops. 
Feeling inspired by Belli’s music, and using his spiked elbows, Burk takes a dive.
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SMASHING on top of the winded and prone mage, thus giving us the debut of The Cragreaver People’s Elbow!
Due to the imact, the man’s head bounces sideways and he avoids what could very well have been a mortal strike by the goblin.
Asking if Morgan’s ok, Luctan heals him with another Healing Word. Then glares at the dog, trying to wrestle free from his grip and, glaring, he shouts, using thaumaturgy. “HEEL!”
The Dog of Janus promptly whimpers at the command of the tiefling as Rimefang joins at Luctan’s side, hissing and  threatening with his wings.
Panicking, the mage brings a crystal out of his pocket, holds it to his mouth, wreathes through it and fires a 60ft cone of yet again!
The cone strikes Burk and Amelia, with the latter taking 32 damage, while the former reduces said damage to 16. The blow was too strong for the monk, however and she drops, her body amidst the ice.
Amelia’s will keeps her in just enough to succeed on a death saving throw...
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She’s down, but not out completely and as we get to this part.
We end on this cliffhanger.
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sprnklersplashes · 5 years
Truth Of His Dreams (10/?)
“We had him right in front of us!” Antony, one of the soldiers sent to London with Quill, whispers harshly as they briskly head back to their hotel. It’s nowhere near as lavish as the ones they pass on the streets, but the budget didn’t stretch to four star accommodation. “We had him right in front of us and you told us to wait.”
“Yes I did,” she says sharply, not looking at him, not even slowing down. “Patience is the key to victory.”
“Did your father teach you that?” he asks, his tone flippant. She stops in her tracks, the question hitting her face-on, seeming to freeze every muscle in her body. She grabs Antony by the shoulder and turns to make him look at her. Rather than pin him against the wall behind them, she keeps him there with his back to the road, where he can hear the sound of passing cars. Regret immediately flares into his eyes, and the corners of her mouth twitch up into a smile, despite the unsettling nausea in her stomach and the way her hands shake even as she grips the front of his coat.
“Maybe,” she says, deciding it to be the best reply. She lets him go, secure in the knowledge that he won’t mention her family again. Her father is legendary among former revolutionaries and especially in the police and army. Her, not so much. She’s heard whispers in the cafeteria; she is where she is only because of her father’s act, sympathetic officers and admirers in office boosting her up. She won’t be mocked, certainly not by someone beneath her. She turns and keeps walking, Antony scurrying just behind her. “Rachel is staking out the Queen’s apartments. Once we know her next move, we can make ours. If she doesn’t claim this boy as her heir, then we take him and his friends back to Rhodia. Let the justice system deal with them. And if she does-” She feels the gun in her pocket. She knows it’s a dead, inanimate object, cold hard metal, yet she swears it’s burning in her pocket. “You know what we do if she does.” She suppresses a shiver. “What happens to him if she does.”
“Will you?” Antony asks after a long silent pause. She glares back at him, hoping to subdue him without having to say anything. He doesn’t meet her gaze, but shrugs.
“Humour me,” he says quietly.
“I have to,” she replies, knowing how she’s not answering his question. “Otherwise we have a legitimate heir running wild in the world.” She repeats Dorothea’s rhetoric from that day in her office, finding herself almost mimicking her tone. “A threat to the stability of the Republic.”
“Is he?” Antony asks. Quill rolls her eyes. Bravery and boldness are some of the best traits a solider can have, and she’d never condemn someone for showing them, but she wishes that in this particular moment, Antony had less of it.
“I should have pushed you into that road when I had the chance,” she mutters, barely audible enough for herself to hear, let alone him. She turns around to face him, keeping walking backwards. “Of course he remains a threat, Antony,” she explains. “You think he won’t return to reclaim his crown? Or the fact that he’s alive and thriving won’t inspire some loyalists back home?” Antony nods, not saying another word until they get back to the hotel.
The lobby is almost completely deserted when they get back in, one man dozing on one of the leather couches, his coat pulled over him like a blanket. Quill shakes her head at the sight before stepping into the lift to the third floor, riding up in an uncomfortable silence. She looks at Antony out of the corner of her eye. She almost feels guilt, and she hates it.
When she enters her room, the only source of light is the little bedside lamp. Jenkins sits next to the wall, initially reading, but jumps up when he sees her. She barely pays him any attention. Her focus is on the little girl starfished out on one of the bed, her mouth open and snoring softly. Aware of Jenkins and Antony’s presences, she crosses over to the bed, resting her hand on her cheek just for a moment. Kat murmurs and snuggles into her pillow, but she doesn’t wake. Quill lets her hair fall forward, hiding her soft, affectionate smile.
“Any problems with her?” she whispers.
“None,” Jenkins replies. “She just kept asking when you’d be home. What you were doing?”
“What did you tell her?” she asks, turning sharply to face him, her blood running cold.
“That you were doing work,” he answers delicately. “She didn’t ask what kind of work.” She turns back to look at her. “Good for us she doesn’t ask questions. Not old enough yet, I suppose.”
“She will be one day,” Quill mutters.
She had been old enough to ask her father. She had been old enough to listen to him and be told that he shot three people in the head, be told it was all for the greater good. And she had been old enough to listen to her parent’s marriage deteriorate day by day since that night, to watch her father stare vacantly at the wall with a bottle of vodka in his hand, watch him get up later and later until one day he didn’t get out of the bed. Her mother had ushered her out of the room and forbidden her from entering, even when paramedics came to do the final check and confirm the worst to her.
She bites her lip, tears overflowing in her eyes as she keeps sitting next to Kat. One day, Kat will be old enough to ask questions about what happened tonight. And one day, she’ll have to look her in the eye and answer her. Tell her what she did.
Her father’s daughter.
Matteusz checks over the contents of his bag one more time. He barely has any money, but he’s heard that flights to Rhodia are cheap. Or maybe he can get a boat to France and do the long trek all over again, but backwards this time. But he’s not staying; he decided on that last night. He barely slept, staring up at the ceiling, the image of Charlie’s tear filled eyes and face twisted in rage looking at him stuck on his mind. He remembers the venom in his voice as he spoke to him. He wonders if he’s remembering it wrongly, if he remembers Charlie being more angry than he actually was. Or less.
Charlie has every right to hate him after all.
“You were just going to go?” a voice asks behind him. He turns and sees April, leaning against the wall, looking at him sadly, big round sad eyes and her little pink lips turned down, while Dash sits at her heels. She looks at his packed bag. “Were you even going to say goodbye?”
“Where’s Ram and Tanya?” he asks instead of answering her.
“In the other room,” she answers, sticking her hands in the pockets of her jeans. The make-up from last night is mostly removed, leaving only patches of foundation she was too tired to scrub off. “You’re not the only one upset here.”
“I know,” he replies. “I hope I’m not because we should be upset, we should all be-”
“We heard it all from Charlie last night,” she tells him sharply. “And yeah, we all feel bad about this Matteusz. But we’re not running.”
“Who says I’m running?” he asks. “He is where he belongs, I’m going where I belong.”
“And where’s that?”
“Rhodia. Where else?”
“Rhodia?” she asks, her voice jumping up an octave, at least. “Are you serious? You’re a wanted man there, Matteusz. You put so much effort into escaping and now you’re running back.”
“This escape wasn’t my idea,” he reminds her. “And fine, maybe I won’t go back. But I’m not staying here.”
“You’re giving up on yourself,” she tells him. “And on him.”
“He doesn’t care,” he replies. He swallows the lump in his throat. “He hates me. He hates all of us.” April bows her head. “So I am going wherever he is not. That is how I will make peace with myself.”
“And I can’t talk you out of it?” she asks. He shakes his head, knowing that if he says anything else, he’ll start crying.
She comes over and hugs him tightly. He replies in kind. She’s his friend, after all. They all are, despite everything.
“At least send us a postcard,” she whispers. “From wherever you end up.”
“I’ll try,” he replies.
A knock at the door causes them to pull away, both quickly drying their tears.
“It’s open,” Matteusz says, assuming it’s Tanya or Ram. Selfishly, he hopes it’s Ram, because he’ll be better at goodbyes than Tanya is.
Only it’s not either of them. It’s a tall, blond haired man, unknown to both of them, in a pristine white suit, looking around the room rather uncomfortably.
“Is one of you Matteusz Andrzjewski?” he asks.
“Yes, I am,” Matteusz answers, looking over at a confused April. She shrugs and looks back at their new guest cautiously. Matteusz looks out of the corner of his eye, taking note of the heavy looking book sitting on the desk, just in case he needs a weapon.
“I need you to come with me,” he says. “By order of the Queen Mother of Rhodia.”
“Why?” he asks. “What does she need with me?”
“I’m just the messenger,” he replies. “She says you and she have unfinished business.” Matteusz looks back at April, his stomach turning. “The car is outside to take you to her apartments.” His tone is final and demanding, and Matteusz doesn’t want to see what would happen if he disobeyed. There’s a bulge in the man’s trousers, looking big enough to conceal a baton.
“Okay,” he agrees. April runs up and grabs him by the shoulder, shaking her head frantically. He takes her hand off him, holding it gently. “Give me an hour. If I am not back by then, assume I’ve been kidnapped or something and call the police.” He looks back at the man, who pulls at his tight-looking collar. “An hour, all right?” Behind him, Dash whimpers and runs to Matteusz, nuzzling against his legs, bouncing lightly, his little tail already wagging. Maybe he wants to see his master. “The dog comes too.”
“Fine by me,” he says, having no desire to argue. April nods and reluctantly allows him to follow the man out of the room, Dash running at his heels. They walk down to the lift in uncomfortable, prickly silence, the man staring ahead of him in the lift, only glancing at Matteusz once or twice out of the corner of his eye. He walks him briskly to the car; it’s not a brand Matteusz knows, barely any cars were manufactured in Rhodia, but it’s big and shining black, the edges lined with silver. Inside, the seats are white leather and sparkling clean, so much so that Matteusz feels awkward sitting on it, as though he might leave a dirty handprint on the fine upholstery. Or that Dash, excited as he is, might leave an unfortunate yellow stain on it.
When they get to the Queen’s apartment building, Matteusz has to fight the urge to let his jaw drop open at the sight of it. It, like almost every building in London, towers over him impressively, light brown with intricate patterns carved into it. If he looks up and squints, he can just about make out the angels sitting on the two front corners. Dozens of French windows, framed by red or purple or blue curtains, line along the walls, and a red carpet rolls down the imposing stone staircase, which in turn is covered by a white and gold canopy.
“Come on,” the man says to him, his tone not unkind. “She’s waiting for you in her apartment.” He hurries across the foyer to the lift, barely able to take in the colourful mosaic on the white tiles or the diamond chandelier above him, resting against the white and gold ceiling. He thought the hotel he was staying in with his friends was grand, but this is another world entirely.
The man takes him up to the top floor, the lift moving so swiftly that he worries he might faint, although that could be just nerves. His nails dig into his sweaty palms, his heartbeat growing louder every second. He’s not sure how he’s meant to even speak to the Queen Mother with his mouth so dry. He thinks briefly that since he reunited her with her grandson, the least she could do is give him a glass of water.
He follows the man out of the lift and to the first door on the right, where he knocks swiftly. Countess Oswald opens it, smiling warmly at Matteusz.
“Thank you for bringing him, Elton,” she says, before looking at Matteusz. “Come in, she’s been expecting you.”
“So I hear,” he says under his breath, stepping into the main living room. “Can you take care of my dog for a moment?” She nods and scoops up Dash before leading him to where the Queen Mother sits elegantly on a small blue loveseat, wearing a long green dress, her hair held up with an emerald clasp. He’s not sure how to feel about her; despite her change of heart, he’s still not sure he forgives her for how she treated Charlie at the ballet. He settles for bowing slightly to her, keeping his head up.
“Your Majesty,” he greets. “Happiness looks lovely on you.” He glances around nervously, wringing his hands. “He’s not here, is he?”
“No,” she answers with a shake of her head. “No Charles is downstairs, conversing with some old family friends.” She smiles, soft but radiant. “It’s coming back to him now. Bit by bit. We looked through old photographs this morning. He remembers how he loved them.”
“Is he all right?” Matteusz asks. The question takes her by surprise.
“As well as he can be,” she says with a sigh. “It’s difficult for him. Living with the burden of being the only one to survive. I imagine it will be hard for him to bear.”
“I know the feeling,” he states. She cocks her head to the side, but she shakes his head. “Your assistant said you had business with me?”
“Indeed,” she answers, beckoning him closer. He does so but maintains a respectful distance. She gestures to the leather suitcase sitting on the loveseat, opening it to reveal more money than Matteusz has ever seen in his life. So many piles of paper bills, they almost seem worthless. “The reward money. 10 million, I believe is what I advertised.”
Matteusz looks at it. He has never dreamed of having so much money. He could buy a house for himself, Tanya, April and Ram, in the nicest part of London. They could live in luxury and freedom, attending ballets, eating whatever they wish whenever they wanted. They’d never want for anything.
“Thank you,” he says. “But no.” She frowns, coming closer to him. “I don’t want your money.”
“Then what can I give you for returning him safely to me?” she asks. “Jewels? Cars? Anything you want, it’s yours.”
“Unfortunately, what I want isn’t something you can give me,” he says. He bows again, lower this time. “Thank you, Your Majesty. But you may keep your money. I would never know what to do with it.” A daring idea sparks in the back of his mind, and he takes a chance. “Perhaps try giving some of it to charity.” He turns to leave, but she grabs a hold of his arm, turning him back to face her. He casts his eyes down as she studies his face, muttering something under her breath.
“That’s not a Rhodian accent,” she states.
“I’m not Rhodian. Not by blood anyway. I’m Polish.”
“I see,” she says. “What’s your surname?”
“Andrzjewski,” he says carefully. She nods, her face unreadable.
“There was a man who worked in our palace,” she tells him. “His name was Andrzjewski. Not a common name at all, certainly not in Rhodia.” He looks at her, slightly surprised, and she laughs warmly. “I remember more than you think. I knew many servants by name. He had a son, too. And if I do my maths correctly… How old are you?”
“Eighteen,” he replies, his voice shaking.
“Mm,” she says. “Just a few months older than Charles.” She lets go of his arm, knowing she doesn’t need to hold him there. “You know I keep thinking about last night. How sure you were that he was the real Prince. And then Charles told me how he survived last night. He said a serving boy led him to safety.” Matteusz turns his head away, but she grasps his chin and gently pulls him back. “You were that boy weren’t you? The boy who saved him. That’s how you knew it was him.”
“Yes,” he answers after a long while. “Yes.”
“I should grant you a Lordship,” she says. “Leave you a part of my inheritance in my will.”
“No,” he says. “I do not want your money. Or any title.”
“Then I can give you one thing,” she tells him honestly. “My eternal and sincere gratitude.” She grasps his hand tightly, her hands trembling. “Thank you for saving him.”
“You’re welcome,” he says quietly. He almost laughs; you’re welcome is such a light, trivial phrase, but he can’t think of anything else to say. “I should get back to my friends.”
“If you wish,” she says, gesturing to the door. “Elton will deliver you back. But Mr Andrzjewski, if you ever change your mind, I will not hesitate to hand over the reward money.”
“Charlie is home,” he says. “That is my reward.” He turns and leaves a slightly shocked-he’d dare say impressed-Queen Mother in her apartments and leaves, clicking the door shut behind him. He lets out a shuddering breath and leans against the door to give his shaking legs a moment of peace.
“Are you ready to be taken home?” the young man, Elton, asks. Matteusz jumps, having not known he was there.
“Yeah, yeah.” Elton gives him an easy grin, setting a shaking Dash on the floor, who immediately begins pawing at Matteusz’s legs.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you,” he says, leading him to the lift. “Nice dog.” The lift opens just before Elton can push the button.
Matteusz wants to turn and run when he sees who steps out; Charlie, dressed in a light blue suit jacket and white trousers, his blonde hair pushed slightly to the side, accompanied by a young dark haired woman dressed similarly to Elton. He sees Matteusz immediately, stopping dead in his tracks. So many emotions cover his face in a single moment, shock, confusion, maybe a slight bit of happiness thought could be tricking himself out of wishful thinking, then finally a moment of realisation followed by a quiet kind of anger.
“Matteusz,” he greets coldly.
“Charlie,” he says.
“Young man,” the woman next to Charlie says, her voice shaking slightly. “You will address the Prince as Your Royal Highness. And bow when you speak to him.”
“Jenny, that’s really not-” Charlie begins.
“It’s fine,” Matteusz interrupts. He bows slightly, just enough to keep looking at him. “Your Royal Highness.”
“I trust you have everything you were looking for,” he says bitterly. Matteusz tries not to show how much it stings.
“My business is finished,” he simply states.
“Good.” Before Charlie can say anything else, Dash runs up to him, pawing at his legs. Charlie breaks out into a smile, the same smile that made Matteusz’s heart skip a beat on a rooftop in Rhodia. Seemingly having forgotten everything else, he scoops Dash into his arms, chuckling as he licks his face. He eyes Matteusz suspiciously, one hand running through his fur.
“You brought the dog?” he asks.
“He wanted to come,” he states. “Maybe he missed you. He is technically your dog.”
“I suppose so,” he says. “If it’s all the same to you.”
“Of course it is.” Charlie nods stiffly. He gasps slightly, his eyes already shining.
“Goodbye Matteusz,” he says, and he hurries down the hall with Dash in his arms. The woman who was with him, Jenny, shoots Matteusz an apologetic look before heading after him, and he gets into the lift with an uncomfortable looking Elton.
“Is that his dog?” he asks as he presses the button. Matteusz looks at him oddly, since that was the last question he could think to be asked. “Just making conversation.”
“He had it when I met him,” he explains.
“Hey, look, I know it’s none of my business.” If he wasn’t committed to being kind, he’d tell him he’s right, it’s none of his business and ask him to stop talking. “But for what it’s worth, I’m sorry.” When he turns to look at him, Elton simply shrugs. “I mean, you’re not exactly subtle. And I know heartbreak when I see it.” He doesn’t reply, simply sliding his hands into his back pockets. “That must be rough, mate.”
“Rough is one word for it,” he replies.
Charlie keeps stroking Dash’s fur rhythmically, trying to banish Matteusz from his mind. It’s not easy when he’s been all he can think about whenever he has a free moment. Luckily for him, he rarely has a free moment now, with old family friends clamouring around to see him. He starts recalling names once he sees them, bits and pieces of his fragmented memory coming back to him, building back him up from the nothing he used to be, brick by brick.
“Grandmother?” he calls out as he steps into her apartment-their apartment, he corrects. She’s given him the guest bedroom, despite Countess Oswald insisting he can take hers. He’d be fine sleeping on the floor in the living room. “Grandmother, are you here?”
“Here I am, love,” she says, coming out of her own bedroom. She crosses over to him as quickly as her old legs will carry her, eyeing the dog in his arms with amusement.
“Yeah,” he says delicately. “Um, about that. He was mine in Rhodia and I took him across Europe and…” He takes a sharp breath in, deciding to leave Matteusz out altogether. “He uh, he followed me here. Can I hold onto him?”
“Of course you can, darling,” she says, stroking his cheek. She’s touched him so much since they found each other, stroking his face and hair, holding his hand and touching his shoulder. Like he might disappear on her again. Still, he won’t complain. It’s been a long time since someone was so affectionate with him.
Dash, apparently bored, jumps out of his arms and runs around the room, exploring every new piece of furniture available to him. Charlie sees his grandmother try not to wince when he nestles up to the couches and chairs, no doubt leaving his hair everywhere.
“He is trained isn’t he?” she asks him.
“Uhh, probably.” He says, thinking back to Rhodia. They had set up some newspapers in the corner of the theatre and taken turns trying to train Dash to do his business in them. It took a while, normally leading to loud complaints from Ram and debates over who was going to clean it up. He shakes his head. Forgetting his former friends is harder than he thought it would be.
“Well we’ll have to get someone in to train him anyway,” his grandmother says. “Now come here.” She takes his arm and leads him over to the couch. “Tonight, we’ll announce you to the world, officially, right here in the hotel. A celebration for Rhodians only.” She squeezes his hands. “A reminder that they didn’t win. Not entirely.” He nods, but his smile dips slightly. No doubt the room will be filled with Rhodian nobility, but they won’t compare to what was lost that night. Every person he meets lost someone eight years ago.
“I wish they could be here with us,” he says, his voice small. She kisses his head, gasping lightly.
“They’re always with us,” she reminds him. He hums in agreement but isn’t entirely sure if he believes her. She wipes away his tears. “Anyway, the press will be there too, and they’ll certainly have questions about you. About where you lived, why you took so long to come here…”
“Let them ask,” he sighs. “All that really matters is that we found each other.”
Before she can say anything else, the front door opens abruptly, and he hears Countess Oswald’s unmistakable voice making futile protests. A man with bleached blond hair and a familiar enough face sweeps in, wearing a red-lined black cape over a navy blue suit, despite the warm enough weather. He looks Charlie up and down with a snarl. He briefly considers hiding behind his grandmother but thinks better of it. He won’t hide from anyone. Behind him, Countess Oswald looks devastated and mouths an apology to them, but his grandmother waves it away, looking bored.
“Surely, Your Majesty, you don’t believe this imposter is the Crown Prince Charles,” he says. Charlie is sure he recognises the voice. An image creeps up in his mind, he guesses from when he was six or seven, at a party on a cold, dark night, his parents talking with this man, giving one word answers to his long, elaborate speeches and giggling when their backs were turned. His father made a snide remark about how he wasn’t sure why they had to invite him-
“Count Masters,” he interrupts excitedly. He steps back, his mouth open a little in shock. Details comes flooding into Charlie’s mind and out of his mouth with little control, the way it seems to do when he remembers someone. “With your dyed hair, loud voice-and vodka breath!” Count Masters covers his mouth with his hand while Charlie bounces a little. Admittedly, he doesn’t look as dignified as a Prince should look. “No wonder my parents laughed at you behind your back.”
“You’re right Charles, they did,” his grandmother agrees. He feels slightly bad, but only slightly. His parents never liked Count Masters anyway. Appalled, he turns and runs out, not bothering to even bow at either of them.
“Where were you three weeks ago when he was pestering me?” Countess Oswald asks. “By the way, when I was downstairs, this arrived for you.” She pulls a small white envelope out of her coat and hands it over to him. “From one of your friends. Hand delivered too, must be important. She looked like she ran to get it to you.”
His heart sinks when he sees the handwriting; his name is written on it in Tanya’s distinctive looped scrawl.
“Thank you,” he says, putting it into his pocket and intending to never take it out. “I’ll read it when I get the time.”
“If it’s all the same to you, Your Majesty, I have an arrangement this afternoon with Countess Ashildr,” she says.
“Of course, Clara,” she says. “Go, enjoy yourself.” The Countess-Clara, he supposes-smiles and drops a curtsey to each other them before leaving. Behind him, his grandmother tuts. “She thinks she’s subtle.”
“What do you mean?” he asks, turning to her.
“She and Countess Ashildr think their whole little affair is private,” she laughs. “Maybe the rest of those old fools haven’t picked up on it, but she can’t get past me.”
“Nothing gets past you,” he says.
“Mm.” Guilt crosses her face as she wrings her hands. “Perhaps. You know, Charles this party tonight… You don’t know most of these people. You were still a child when you saw them last. And since it’s your party, you’d be more than welcome to invite some people.”
“Who would I even invite?” he asks. “I imagine everyone I know is already on the guest list.”
“Perhaps your friends from the ballet?” The suggestion takes him by surprise, making him feel cold all over. He pulls at the sleeves of his jacket, suddenly far too uncomfortable in it. “And your young man?”
“He’s not my young man,” he replies, turning slightly away from her. “And they aren’t my friends. They were using me.”
“Well, if it’s not plain t you that he loves you-”
“He’s not my young man, Grandmother!” he says sharply and regrets it immediately. He looks at the floor, biting his lip hard to keep it from trembling. “He’s not.”
Whatever feelings he thought Matteusz had for him was in his imagination; he knows that now. And he was a fool for even thinking anything different. His grandmother shrugs casually, shaking her head at him.
“When he refused my reward for finding you, I thought Charles has found himself a different kind of Prince.” His head shoots up at her words. “One of character, not birth.”
“Matteusz refused the reward money?” he asks.
“You are home,” she replies. “He said that was his reward.” She takes his face in her hands, looking at him with shining eyes. “You have made this the happiest day of my life, Charles. Make sure it will be yours as well, Charlie.” She kisses his forehead gently. “We will always have each other no matter what you decide.”
“Promise?” he asks.
“Of course,” she says. “Now I need to go out for a while. Make arrangements for you before you’re made my official heir. Will you be all right on your own?”
“Yeah.” She kisses his head one last time before heading out, reminding him he can call her or Countess Oswald if he needs anything. He sits back down on the couch and pulls the letter out of his pocket, his hands shaking so badly he can barely read it, one single thought pounding in his brain; Matteusz didn’t take the reward money.
Quill’s radio bursts into life in the early afternoon, right when she was contemplating going out, having almost given up hope entirely that they’d have word on the Queen and the boy. It’s just her and Antony; Jenkins once again minding Kat by taking her down to get ice cream.
“Quill? Quill, come in, it’s Rachel. Over.” Her voice comes in with a burst of static, shaky and difficult to make out.
“Rachel, I copy,” she replies into the mic. “Any updates on the Queen Mother? Or the boy? Over.”
“She’s recognising him,” Rachel replies. Quill’s blood runs cold as she grasps the mic tighter, her finger pressing harder and harder on the red button keeping Rachel’s channel open. “She’s recognising him as her heir tonight. And he’s alone now. Over.”
“Alone, over?” she asks dumbly. Her heart feels like its clawing its way up her throat.
“Yes. The Queen Mother said she’d be gone a few hours. I have a key to the room, swiped from one of his guards. What’s our next move? Over.”
“Stay there,” she decides immediately. “I’m on my way. If I need back up I’ll radio in for you. Don’t move until you get my signal. Over.”
“Copy that. I’m keeping the channels on their apartments open. Take a walkie and I’ll radio if there’s any disturbance.” On the other line, Quill hears her swallow. She wonders how old Rachel is; fresh, round face and wide green eyes. “What’s the play?”
“You know what it is,” she says flatly, fighting against the lump in her throat. “She’s recognised him. His fate’s sealed now.” The room falls quiet, so quiet she can hear Rachel’s breathing through the static of the radio. “Over and out.”
Her gun is already in her holster, fully loaded. There’s no turning back now. She gets up and puts on her coat, concealing it. She can’t explain why, but her hands are shaking. She doesn’t feel fear. She has never felt fear. She is a soldier, and wars aren’t won by cowards too scared to pull the trigger. Her father wasn’t scared. No one who fought and killed and died eight years ago was scared. And despite her hands shaking as she opens the door, her chest feeling empty as she steps out of her hotel and in the direction of the Queen Mother’s apartment building, she tells herself neither is she.
It takes Charlie a full hour to open the letter. Grandmother still isn’t back yet, and he curls up on the floor, back against the sofa to read it.
Dear Charlie-Charles, now, I guess,
Look, I’ll just say it. I am so, so sorry. I didn’t think-I never thought about how this plan was going to mess with you. I never thought that far ahead. I just wanted out of Rhodia and I wanted the money so badly I-forget it, that’s not important.
I wish April were writing this. She’s better at this than I am but I just wanted you to hear this from me. Or read this. Whatever.
I’m really happy you’re happy and you’re home and you’re with your grandma again. You deserve it. I hope you have good Prince-y life. Living in castles and being rich. I hope you get everything. We all know you’re the real Prince anyway.
I know you hate us now and you probably should. I wish we’d done it all differently. I wish we were still friends. I wish I’d done it right from the start. April’s sorry and Ram’s sorry and Matteusz is a mess. He’d rather you not know that but he is. We’re all so sorry. Honestly.
By the time he finishes, he can barely read with the tears in his eyes.
He folds it over and places it next to him, his body going limp as he lets out a long breath. His limps sink into the sofa and floor; he feels too drained to move. Once again, everything he had thought it gone in an instant.
Dash pushes his head against Charlie’s hand, demanding to be pet. He huffs a laugh and gives into his puppy’s wishes. Dash rubs his nose against the letter and rests his head on Charlie’s lap, looking up at him. He recognises the look on Dash’s face; it’s the same one he had the first day they met and he pulled him towards the Capitol, away from a life of working in a factory without an identity and towards a long journey home.
And towards Matteusz.
Picking up Dash, Charlie wanders over to the mirror above the fireplace. He looks fine, he knows that. He’s taken a hot shower for the first time in… well longer than he cares to admit, he’s eaten more than rations and stolen food and slept on a real, comfortable bed that doesn’t poke and stab his back. And he has someone who loves him. He’s not searching for himself or who he is anymore. He has someone to hold him-and who did hold him for hours and hours last night. He should be happy and he is.
And he also isn’t.
Eight years is longer than most people realise, including himself. And he might be Prince now, but for eight years he was an orphan. It’s a big jump from one to the other, and he knows that he’s not landed yet, and he definitely won’t have landed by tonight. He might well have been born into this world of money and diamonds, fine food and fast cars, but a lot of that is still an unfamiliar bur to him, a process of learning it all again.
Maybe it’s not his world anymore, or at least it won’t be for a while.
Maybe his world is a boy with a Polish accent and dimples and whose hand fits right in his.
And it only took him this long to realise it.
Stupid boy.
Behind him, he hears the door open and he wipes the tears from his face, trying to calm his frantic heart. He at least thanks God that he has a grandmother who can understand him, who’ll wait for him to come back when he does. He’ll always come back.
“Grandmother, I-”
His voice catches in his throat when he turns, only a small, pained gasp escaping him instead. In his shock, he stumbles backwards on shaking legs, knocking into an ornate hat stand. He’s not sure if the room got colder or he just did, but a shiver runs down his spin. It’s not his grandmother. Or Clara or any of the other Counts and Countesses or any of the bodyguards or servants. She closes the door behind her, sliding the chain into position. The click seems to echo throughout the the room and hit his chest. He can’t think how she got in here, into his apartment or into this country for that matter. It’s been many weeks since he saw her last and she looks more or less the same; straight blonde hair and pale skin, especially with the black ensemble she’s wearing. Her steel blue eyes seem cold as they lock on him, not even leaving as she pulls out a heavy looking gun and snaps the safety off, a feral snarl on her face.
“Quill,” he whispers, his voice thin. She flashes an empty, quick smile and raises her gun.
“Hello, Charles.”
I should be glad I’m where I should be
But nothing is what it was
I didn’t know he mattered to me
But now I can see he does
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themonkeycabal · 7 years
Okay, so a million years ago I posted a snippet of a fic about the Garage, and how Darcy found that Howard stored some of Bucky’s things there. 
And so here’s what was in Bucky’s trunk:
"Yay! Pin-up girls! I had my fingers crossed. Not disappointed." Darcy pushed the corner back of the poster on the inside lid, the tape giving way after 70 years. A blonde woman in short shorts and a red, faux military jacket, saluting the viewer and sitting seductively, yet demurely, on the wing of an airplane. "She looks patriotic."
"Doesn't she just." Bucky laughed and pulled out a bundle of cloth, wrapped in brown paper, a laundry stamp on the top. "Why the hell did Howard keep my laundry for 70 years?"
"I doubt he paid attention," Darcy said, lifting another little folded poster. "He just grabbed it all, shoved it into storage." This pin-up had her long and shapely legs kicked high, laying back on a beach in a very short sailor's uniform, looking over her shoulder. Darcy wolf-whistled and set it aside. "I say we frame these and put 'em on the walls here."
Bucky gave her a skeptical look and pulled out his old army cap, tossing it aside. Darcy grabbed it and put it on. It was big on her, but that just meant she could have it fashionably and rakishly cocked on her head. She was not above a little pin-up modeling. And Bucky definitely looked, his cheeks even went a little pink. Most adorable brainwashed assassin ever.
He pulled a green, battered notebook out of the trunk.
"What's that?"
"Sniper log."
"Cool." She snatched it out of his hand and flipped through the ballistics charts and messy scrawl of targeting calculations, while he shook his head. "What? I've got binders with my artillery worksheets."
"I used to think you were just yanking my chain about that."
"We've got computers for targeting, but dad made me learn how to do it by hand. Slide-rules, plotting wheels, and graph paper." She lowered her voice to mimic her father's, “'Because, Darcy, if we don't understand what the computer's doing, how can we make it better?' I might not be a sniper and a crack shot with a rifle, but I can hit a teacup from twenty miles away. So there."
"Sure, you'll take out the teacup, the building the teacup's in, and the building next to that. What did the teacup ever do to you?"
"I'm sure it had it coming."
She set aside his notebook and leaned over to dig out a Stars & Stripes paper, and something called Yank; which turned out to be another Army paper and not something more amusing. Boo.
"Why were you hoarding papers?"
"Two isn't a hoard. Somebody probably just shoved 'em in the locker when … you know, when they packed up. Like the laundry." He shrugged and pulled out a cylindrical, olive green can. "Your granddad, the idiot. Most of this is junk. Who wants an old scope case?"
"Rifle scope? Oh, me." She caught it when he tossed it her way. "Vintage military stuff."
"It's a beat up old case." He shook his head and pulled out another pack of laundry. "For cryin' out loud." Muttering to himself, he tossed that pack aside, too.
"Hey, clean clothes. Come on."
"They've been in a box for seventy years; there's nothing clean about them. It's just undershirts and socks or whatever." He shook his head and pulled out a long, flat, black box. "I can't believe he kept this stuff."
"What's that?"
"Think it had a bayonet. Empty. More junk for you to collect."
"Yay!" She cheered and caught the case when he threw that her way, too. "Honestly, whatever you don't want or need, we'll toss. I mean, I feel pretty sure I can find twenty other scope cans in storage somewhere."
"Yeah, and those will probably have their scopes in them."
"True. But none of them will be yours."
"So what?"
"Oh, Bucky." With an amused smile she patted his shoulder. "So old, so innocent. Wait until you read your own biography."
"My … what?"
"It's decent." As a history, the biography wasn't great, it really wasn't, but it wasn't horrible either. Pretty light, but at least not full of speculation or bullshit — there was one crap book about the Commandos published during the 80s that claimed he was a Nazi agent all along. She didn't remember the details, she'd only heard about it third hand, but his grandnephew sued with Howard's backing — maybe Peggy's, too.
Bucky Barnes was Captain America's best friend, but he wasn't Captain America, and he didn't garner the same attention or detailed study. However, there was a period, during the Vietnam-era, when Captain America wasn't so popular, and Bucky Barnes somehow became a weird counter-culture figure; a symbol of both friendship and youth sacrificed on the alter of state ambition. Boomers raged against their Greatest Generation parents by co-opting one of their heroes. She honestly had no clue how he'd feel about that.
Not great judging by the horrified look on his face.
"I don't want to ever see that," he said in a tone that was both serious and panicky.
"I swear I will never make you look at it." And she wouldn't. "Though," she continued thoughtfully, "Colonel Phillips wrote the definitive book on the Howling Commandos during the war. It's really good. Steve liked it. They made a movie based off it a dozen years ago or something like that. Not bad. The book's better, of course."
"You meet Phillips in '46?"
"No, sadly. He was in D.C. doing whatever retired Colonels do when they're still scowling and supervising spy organizations."
"Magazine pouch." He handed her the faded khaki holder. It clanked when she took it and she opened it to check the clips still inside. Empty, thankfully. She didn't want to deal with 70-year old munitions. "Canteen cover. Gun belt. I ditched this stuff when we got folded into the SSR."
"I've always noticed your uniform wasn't exactly uniform."
He considered that for a moment, then shrugged. "Maybe not, but since we weren't all even US Army, and then they stuck us in the SSR, what did it matter? Geez, we were going into battle with a guy dressed like the flag. Nobody had any room to complain."
"So touchy. It was a good look on you. Again with the stupid gratuitous buttons, but still. I think you should adopt the leather gaiters again." She leaned forward and peered in the trunk again. "Do you have any in here?"
"Probably not." He pulled out a thick book. "My bible."
That felt like a weighty subject she wasn't sure how to comment on, but she spotted an out and gratefully fell into the tendencies born of her DNA and cracked a joke.
"Is that your bible, or is this your bible?" Darcy reached past him and lifted out the booklet titled How To Get Along With Girls. That was so good, she almost couldn't talk past her amusement. "Oh honey. Did you need the help?"
Bucky sighed the sigh of a man who knew he was about to get shit and there was no way out. "One of the guys was a joker. I don't remember which one it was."
"I feel like this was a Morita gift."
Bucky smiled appreciatively, like he was relieved that she could know that, and nodded. "Probably. Should've given it to Steve."
"I think he could still use it," she laughed, and flipped through the book. "Oh, a quiz. Sort of. How to pick your right girl. 'Do you have similar tastes in most things?'"
"Explosives, weapons, bar-keeping. Check, check, check. Next: Is she a good sport? Well, duh, yes."
Bucky snorted and pulled a card out of his actual bible. Darcy was trying not to snoop, and a bible seemed extra personal, but she peeked — a prayer card for a soldier. Oh, Bucky.
"'Is she a flirt? Does she make you jealous?" Darcy made a face at the book then made one at him. "I don't play that game. Besides, you do that all on your own."
"Mostly I'm teasing you."
"Only mostly. You've gotta get over the Steve thing."
He grumbled and pawed through a handful of loose odds and ends at the bottom of the trunk — buttons and boot laces and candy wrappers. "Next."
"'Does she tell lies? Do you mind?' Oh, that's a minefield. Spy! I'm a spy! Of course I lie! And I'm awesome at it. So, as a skill—"
"I appreciate it. And I don't think you've ever lied to me."
"No, I don't think so, either. Because that's not a great foundation for a friendship or partnership or whatever-this-is-ship. And, that's bitten me in the ass hard, in a not fun way. Oh, wait, when we met, I said my name was Stark."
"Not really a lie."
"I didn't feel like it was, but in the interests of being honest about lying." The next question sent her eyes rolling. "'Is she a nag?' Do I nag? Sometimes? I don't mean to nag. I think it's a boundaries thing. I blame my father. I'm working on that."
"You do it lightly, I guess. You push, and then you back off. So, that's not really nagging."
"You nag, too."
"Yeah. More stuff in common, huh?"
"'Is she quarrelsome?' You love it."
"You're not that kind of quarrelsome. One of our neighbors, Mrs … damn. I don't remember, she lived right next door. Steve might know. Anyway, boy, you could hear her laying into her husband a block away, about every damned thing under the sun. Then he'd bellow back and my ma'd pound on the wall for them to shut up."
"Yeah. So, you're not that sort."
"Glad to hear it. 'Has she tried to boss you?'"
Bucky laughed and shoved away from the trunk. And then he kept laughing. She scowled. "There's a little bit in parenthesis after that question — it says 'maybe you need a boss'. So there."
Bucky grabbed the book out of her hand and scanned down the list of questions a fellow ought to ask himself before giving in to that irrational monster called love.
"'Does she expect you to support her in a definite style?'"
"You'd better believe it, buddy."
"'Would she go to work if necessary?' Christ, could I stop her?"
"No, you couldn't." She sniffed at him and pulled another book out of his trunk. "My grandpa says idle hands are the devil's workshop."
"Your hands, definitely." He tossed the booklet into the trash box and she squawked in protest and scrambled to dig it out. "Gotta meet your other gramps. Sounds like a good guy."
Darcy took the booklet and put it into the save pile for Steve. "You'd like him, for sure. Steve says I talked him into going home with me for Thanksgiving that one time, but it was actually grandpa Jim. I wasn't getting anywhere, because he thought he was imposing for some reason. So I called grandpa and handed the phone to Steve. He was all 'Steve, son, I've got an extra fourteen pound turkey I won at a raffle. You don't want that to go to waste, do you?'"
"That would've done it," Bucky agreed.
"What's this?" She pulled out a leather case with a zipper across the top.
"Shaving kit."
Shaving razors and foam weren't the only thing in the kit, and she snickered as she pulled out a small cardboard box. "Condoms, Sgt. Barnes? Pharaoh brand. Oh la la."
He tried to snatch the box out of her hand but she moved quicker. Which would have impressed them both if she hadn't been laughing so hard at his mock pout, she really just tripped backwards out of his reach.
He rolled his eyes and threw the kit into the trash pile. "Hey, do you know how many damned health films we had to watch?"
"So many?"
"By the time we got to Europe, I was ready for the Nazis to shoot me."
Darcy kept laughing and tossed the box into the 'keep' pile.
"It's junk," he protested.
"It's vintage design. Somebody put a whole lot of effort into the illustrations on that box." A fellow in a pith helmet in front of the Pyramids with palm trees and a belly dancer. "That is a work of art. Like, you know exactly what's in it, but it's all classy and exotic, too." She patted his hand. "Way to be health conscious, soldier."
"You're a weird broad."
"That's true," she agreed. "So … French girls or English?"
"None of your damned business," he said, but he was chuckling with her, shaking his head and pulling a couple more books out of the locker.
He handed her one, and she thumbed through it, her skin rasping against the strange, pulpy paper. Just like every other industry, wartime rationing hit the publishers, too, lowering the quality of bindings and the paper itself. The spine cracked like a dry twig when she opened it, and the pages were decidedly yellow, but they weren't yet brittle, and the book was still legible.
"Raymond Chandler. Good choice."
Bucky's eyes lit up and he leaned towards her. "You like Chandler?"
"I love me some hard boiled fiction, Sergeant."
"Well, what do you know," he murmured, looking a little adoring.
She felt a touch breathless herself. "I bet you never saw 'The Big Sleep'. Classic. Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall. We'll have to watch it."
"Sounds like a date."
"Sounds like it might be."
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deztinywarriors · 7 years
ES Spectre 2.0 Chapter 36
6 notes · View notes
solastia · 7 years
Beneath The Surface | 4
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Chapters: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Pairing: Jung Hoseok x Reader
Word Count: 6,316
Genre & Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Smut. Lake sex, unprotected sex, sex in public. 
Notes:  Happy comeback day!
Please don’t actually have sexy time in lakes. Bacteria gets all up in you, and you can get infections. If you must do it (because I admit it’s hot), make sure you take care of your hygiene thoroughly afterward. 
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Everything about you was messy. The eye makeup smudged just below your left eye. The flyaways in your hair pinned so poorly up. The giant hole on the right knee of your sweats that you couldn’t stop picking at, making it even bigger.
Your heart.
You felt like an idiot. Here you were, still pining after Hoseok despite not hearing from him for a month. He gave you the best sex of your life, made you think that he wanted something more, then vanished. Sadly, not literally. His face was everywhere. Interviews, music videos, music shows. Hell, you'd seen his cardboard cutout at work when one of the girls thought it would be fun to put BTS stand-ups in the practice room. 
The first few days after your date was a mess. You'd tried to text and call him, but it always sent you straight to voicemail. You gave up on day three when you saw him with his group during an interview, and he looked as sunny as ever. Smiling and joking, being his usual aegyo king self. You'd seen that he had a sunflower pinned to his outfit and wondered if it was for you. As the weeks flew by without a word, even though you kept seeing a sunflower pinned to whatever outfit he was wearing, you stopped wondering. If only you could stop hurting.
You threw yourself into your work, hoping that ten straight hours of dance practice would leave you exhausted enough to do nothing but sleep the moment you got home. Between the extended practices and you snapping at them anytime they mentioned BTS, the girls were getting frustrated, and you could tell. If you weren’t snapping at them, you were glaring at the cardboard standee of Hoseok they insisted on keeping in there. Even in cardboard form, he looked good. Stupid Hobi and his stupidly handsome face.
You were just sitting here once again putting yourself through hell watching a live video of Hoseok and Yoongi. They were having a meal together and talking about their latest concert. Every sound of enjoyment out of Hoseok's mouth was torturous and brought back memories of other times when he moaned that loud. He was dressed casually but still had a sunflower pinned to the flowy white shirt. You assumed it was now just his thing, like Jin and his hearts. You watched as he leaned over his food to grab something, the flower hanging dangerously close to a bowl of soup.
"Yah, Hobi, your flower is about to fall in your food. If that splashes on me, I'll kill you." Yoongi growled. Hoseok slaps his hand over the flower and leans back into his seat, fixing the flower so it’s pinned tighter. 
“It’s OK, I’d still eat it. Sunflowers are tasty, “ He smirked into the camera.
“You mean sunflower seeds,” Yoongi told him.
Hoseok hummed noncommittally, going back to his meal. 
“What’s with the sunflower thing anyways? Army keeps asking, and I’m kind of curious myself.” Yoongi asked, nodding at the flower. 
"Sunflowers make me happy, and it breaks my heart to not have them with me all the time.” Hoseok rumbled with a serious face, staring right into the camera. 
Surely he wasn’t talking...about you? Was this just your wishful thinking or was he really trying to tell you something? Because that sounded an awful lot like he made a sex joke and then tried to send you a message. He called you Sunflower before. Has this sudden appearance of sunflowers in every damn picture of his really been a sign this whole time? Should you let yourself hope? 
The video ends with Yoongi waving and Hoseok kissing the screen with an enthusiastic “I love you!” You set your phone down and stare at it, thinking. Maybe he had a reason for not contacting you besides your initial assessment of him being a fuckboy idol. Perhaps he wasn’t allowed to, or they took his phone. Maybe they found out about you, and he got in trouble. 
Perhaps...you could trust Hoseok? The mere thought of putting your full trust in anyone again, much less a member of the male species, was enough to make you feel squeamish. But at the same time, with Hoseok, it felt right. 
Either that, or you’d just taken your first step to becoming a crazy stalker chick. 
“Sunflowers are tasty. Quit talking about my privates in a live video, you perv.” You chuckle and shake your head as you walk to your room to change into something that doesn’t look like you stole it from the trash. It was time to stop moping. Maybe he hadn’t forgotten you after all. 
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 “That isn’t water in that water bottle, Hoseok. I can smell it from here. Are you fucking serious right now?” Namjoon glared down at Hoseok as he relaxed on a couch in the practice room. Hoseok scoffed, taking another drink. 
“Look, I know you’re upset right now, but drinking before a live show is ridiculous. What if you mess up? You’ll get us all in more shit than we are already. I thought you hated alcohol, and yet here you are, fucking plastered going on a month straight.” 
“I don’t like alcohol, the taste is vile. The being buzzed part is nice though. Anway, even drunk I still dance better than you, so fuck right off, thanks.” 
“You need to get over this and fast. I am starting to lose my fucking patience. It’s not like you’re the only one suffering. Because of you, they took all of our phones and put us all on lockdown.”
Hoseok sighed and hung his head down, remorse and sadness practically flowing from his pores. “I know, man. I’m...I’m sorry. I just...miss her,” He whispered, his voice trembling as he held back tears. Another reason he avoided alcohol is it tended to make him weepy. 
Namjoon sighed and plopped into the chair next to him. “I understand. I just hate watching you do this to yourself. I’ve never seen you hung up on a chick before. You really like her, huh?”
Hoseok nodded, sniffing a little and stuffed the bottle under his seat. 
“Yes. She’s incredible. She’s so beautiful, smart, funny, and treated me like I’m just me. Just Jung Hoseok. I can’t get her out of my head. I’m just so scared, bro. I’ve just up and disappeared for a month without being able to say anything to her. How is she going to take that? What if she’s moved on already?”
Oh God, what if she had? What if there was some other asshole pounding into her right now? He wanted to pummel the faceless bastard already. And even worse, what if she hadn’t? What if she had sat around waiting for him, crying her eyes out when he never showed? Did she hate his guts now? Did she watch his shows, his lives? Did she see how he kept a sunflower pinned to his heart for her? Did she catch the little messages he tried to send her? 
“She knew who you were and that you’re an idol, right?” Namjoon asked as he rubbed Hoseok’s back. 
“Yeah, we talked a little bit about it.” 
“Then if she’s as smart as you say, she’ll probably understand that not everything is in our control. She’s probably seen how busy we are lately, with all the shows and interviews. Have a little hope, huh?” Namjoon chuckles and squeezes Hoseok’s shoulders as he stands up, earning a snicker from Hoseok. 
“Bro, again...I’m sorry. You guys don’t deserve to put up with my shit.” Hoseok sighed as he stood up and followed Namjoon to the backstage area of their next show.  
“We’re in this together, man. I know it’s fucking hard, but you have all of us here to support you. Now, let’s head out there. I’m sure she’s watching, so put on a good show for her, yeah?” Namjoon slapped Hoseok’s back, and they joined the rest of the group as the curtain raised for their next performance. 
“This one’s for you, Sunflower,” Hoseok whispered to himself, patting the sunflower on his jacket before pasting a bright smile on his face for the camera. 
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“Jisoo, wider movements, please. You’re too stiff.” You tell the girl for what has to be the sixth time today. She was probably due for another break soon.
You’d had the girls practicing for about four hours so far today, but you’d been giving them more breaks than they’d had in a while. You’d realized how unfair you’d been to have taken out your frustrations on the girls. It wasn’t their fault, and it was unprofessional of you to let your private drama impact your professional life. As a sort of apology, you’d cut practice times entirely in half, and you were going to let them out in an hour, especially since it was Sunday. 
Or sooner, judging by the frantic waving of Lee PD on the other side of the practice room door. 
“Alright everyone, good practice. We’ll cut it short for today. Remember to keep up your stretches, stay hydrated, take a nice warm bath. I’ll see you all back here tomorrow.” The girls whooped in glee, quickly gathering their belongings and leaving. 
You wiped your sweat with a towel as you strolled over to the little woman that looked more like a kindergarten teacher than a producer at a music label. You chuckled inwardly at how adorable she looked excitedly hopping, bursting to tell you whatever news she had. 
“Lee PD, to what do I owe the honor of you gracing my smelly studio with your presence?” You smile sweetly down at her. 
“OH, you are not going to believe this. So, you know how we’ve been in talks with that sports gear company? They wanted Hypnotic to model their outdoor wear collection this year. It turns out, however, that we are not the only ones. They are going to have our girls team up with another group and do a huge camping shoot with a dance. So you’d have to team up with the other group's choreographer and work together to make something original.” She was excitedly clapping her hands, obviously pleased at how big the project was turning out to be. 
“Who is the other group?” 
“OH, this is the best part! Teaming up with them, our girls are going to look great! Not to mention that you’d have so much fun doing their choreo since they are known for being good dancers. It’s BTS.” Lee PD squealed, her glasses slipping down her nose as she hopped around. 
BTS...as in Hobi’s BTS. 
You stare at the excited little woman in shock. You’d have to work with Hoseok, the man you’d hadn’t seen in over a month but couldn’t stop thinking of. Would he be happy to see you? Or would he be horrified and think he was getting stalked by someone that he’d tried to hit and quit? 
You shook yourself from your thoughts and managed to fake an enthusiastic smile. You were happy for your girls at least. This was a huge deal. 
“This is exciting! The girls are going to go nuts when they hear! When does this start?” You ask, thinking your voice sounded too squeaky to sound genuinely excited. Lee PD didn’t seem to notice as her smile widened even more. 
“TOMORROW! We head over to meet them bright and early. You have to meet their choreographer and go over the plans from the company so you can start work on your end. Then, at the end of the week, we are going to be spending the weekend up in the mountains. They are going to be doing the commercial and photo shoots there. They told us to plan on being there the entire weekend.” 
“Yikes, one week to come up with choreography for twelve people? This should be fun.” You huff and Lee PD pats your arm in comfort. 
“I know, but we believe in you. Plus, I hear that those boys and their choreographers are used to working like dogs, so this should be nothing new for them. Just meet up with me and the girls at 7:00 am sharp tomorrow, and we’ll head over from here.” 
“Will do, boss. See you tomorrow.” 
You saunter out of the room and walk to your car in a daze. Tomorrow. You’d see Hoseok tomorrow. Although you were still a little anxious, you couldn’t help the small spark of excitement at the thought of seeing him again. At least now you had a chance of learning what happened. If he ended up being happy to see you and wanted to get together again, great. If not, you’d finally be able to close that chapter of your life and move on. You can’t help the shiver that courses through your body at the thought of seeing him again, no matter what. 
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You stared at the door in front of you, your entire body shaking. You couldn’t remember ever being this damn nervous in your life. You could hear the music they were blasting through the door, the occasional voice of someone. They were all in there. The girls were chatting away, obviously excited. Lee PD was talking to Bang PD at the front of the group. You observe Bang PD’s hand on the doorknob, watching as it turned in almost slow motion. The door cracked open and the sounds amplified by a thousand. You were tuned into every squeak of a sneaker, every chuckle, every hum. 
You maneuvered yourself so that you were at the very back of the group. Able to see but not be seen. You heard him first. The PD’s were introducing Hypnotic to everyone, and you heard Hoseok’s polite greeting of “Nice to meet you.” Such simple, innocent words and yet the impact his gravely voice had on your body was no joke. You tried to repress the shiver that went straight to your core, forcing an impassive expression on your face. 
“And this is Hypnotic’s main choreographer. She’s truly incredible, and you’ll find her a joy to work with.” Lee PD gushed as she forced you to the front of the group. 
You heard the quiet gasp before you saw him, your eyes raising to meet his. He looked amazing. He was drenched in sweat, the black supreme shirt clinging to his chest. He ran a hand through his equally sweat-drenched hair (were you developing a sweat kink or something?), and you watched as his expression changed from shock to pure, unadulterated joy. 
He smiled blindingly down at you as you blushed and snuck a small smile his way before glancing at everyone else. You decided it was probably safer for him if you didn’t let the rest of the people in the room catch on to the fact that you already knew each other. He seemed happy to see you, though. You weren’t sure how to process this yet, but you felt a little flame of hope come to life. 
You bowed and shook hands with all of the boys and the choreographer. You had to fight to hold the moan that wanted to escape when Hoseok sneakily laced his fingers with yours as you pulled your hand away from shaking his. You had it bad if just touching his damn fingers was enough to get you excited. 
The PD’s left to go do paperwork that had to be turned into the sportswear company, leaving you and the girls to get acquainted with everyone. They all needed to come up with a game plan and get to know everyone’s dance styles to come up with something quick. The first order of business was picking a song, so everyone sat down wherever they were comfortable in the studio and started writing out lists of suggestions to be voted on. You picked a spot in the back corner, next to a window, hoping the slight breeze would help cool you down. You had written down about three suggestions when you felt the heat on your back, followed by warm puffs of air against your neck. You could smell hints of vanilla and citrus mingled with sweat, smells that remind you of Hoseok in your bed. 
“Are you cold?” a quiet voice rasped in your ear. You shook your head no and heard his soft chuckle. 
“Then why are you shaking, Sunflower?” He asked, as he stealthily ran a finger up and down your spine. 
You hadn’t even realized that you had been shaking, but as soon as he pointed it out, you could feel the trembles. You were so on edge with him being this close to you and not being able to do anything about it. You felt his breath on your ear and couldn’t hold back the tiny whimper.
“I think you missed me as much as I missed you,” he whispered in your ear. You didn’t trust yourself to keep your voice down, so you just nodded. You didn’t miss the barely audible Thank God from Hoseok. 
You clear your throat and turn around so you’re facing him. You let your mask drop for a second and trying to convey everything you feel in one broad smile, before going back into business mode. 
“Did you have any song suggestions, Mr, Jung?” You ask briskly. He raises an eyebrow at you, then props his chin in his hands. 
“Usher’s Nice and Slow.” 
“Mr. Jung, I don’t think that’s the feeling that they’re looking for.” You drone sarcastically. 
“You’re right. How about...Silk’s Freak Me.”
“Trey Songz Neighbors know my name?”
“HOBI!” You whisper furiously and look around worried that someone might have heard you.
“There’s my girl. Hi, baby.” He looks at you with the sweetest smile you’ve ever seen in your life, and you just melt. 
“Aw, you’re so cute when you blush like that.” He cooed, scooting closer. 
“Hobi, I’m trying not to make things obvious, and you’re not helping.” you groan, trying not to make any noises despite the fact that his sneaky fingers were making their way under your crossed legs to stroke under your thighs. 
“I know. I just missed you so fucking much. You know it wasn’t my choice not to see you again, right? They took our phones and put us on lockdown.” 
So it was as you’d suspected. You’d hoped this was the case, but to have it confirmed made you feel so much better. Honestly, you were a little upset for him. To be a grown ass man and get treated like a misbehaving teenager was a little ridiculous. 
“I kinda thought that might be the case. Don’t worry, I’m not mad at you.”
Hoseok exhaled loudly. “Good. So...does that mean that you’ve uh...that you’re still...” Hoseok’s face was turning an adorable shade of light red, and you smiled. 
“Yes, Hobi, I’m still single.  No, I haven’t fucked anyone else. I’ve been working.”
“Cool.” He nodded, looking around the room like he was unconcerned. He was so adorable. 
“Did you uh...like my sunflower?” He asked you, blush spreading to his neck. 
“I did. I was hoping that was for me, but I wasn’t sure. It was...probably the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen.” You whisper, trying to stop your own blush. God, Hoseok made you feel like this was some first love high school thing.
Hoseok smiled brightly at you and tried to discreetly lace your fingers together with his free hand.
“It was for you. I wanted you to know that I didn’t forget you. And that I still wanted you. Fuck, I always want you.” He growled quietly, making you shiver and you could feel yourself becoming wet just from his voice alone.  
“Hey, you guys come up with any good songs?” Seongdeuk, the BTS choreographer, asks from behind you. You nudge Hoseok’s fingers away and smile up at the man, handing him your paper.
“Outside, by Calvin Harris and Ellie Goulding? That’s actually a decent commercial type song. We’ll see what the other’s think and then pass it onto the boss to take care of licensing stuff. Good pick! You two work well together.” He mumbles as walks away. 
“You hear that, baby? We work well together.” Hoseok snickers, putting his fingers back under your leg. You nudge him away again, laughing when he pouts. 
“You are going to get us caught, stop.” 
“Bro, are you hogging the choreographer already?” A soft voice asked from behind you. You swallowed your squeak of alarm and quickly moved your leg out of Hoseok’s reach, smiling up at Jimin. 
He plops down next to Hoseok and softly smiles back, somehow seemingly oblivious to Hoseok’s glare. 
“Hello again. I’m Jimin, in case you forgot. You’ll be working with Hoseok and me the most. Me, because I practice a lot, and Hoseok because he’s our dance God.” You chuckled along with Jimin at that, narrowing your eyes in silent warning at the still pouting Hoseok to play along. 
“That’s good to hear. Since we only have a week to get this down, I’m predicting 10 hour long practices at the very least. Something that my girls are used to.”
“That won’t be a problem for us either. We do what we have to do.” Jimin responded sweetly. You nod and smile at them both. 
“I’m going to head back up to the front. Get ready to work your asses off, guys.” 
You stand up and glance over at Hoseok, not able to say anything you want to with Jimin right there. You settle for a wink and stroll away. 
“Damn, she has a great ass.” The words whispered behind you sounded somehow more perverse when they were being said by such a soft, innocent sounding voice.
“Don’t even fucking think about it,” Hoseok warned. 
You sighed and stood next to Seongdeuk. This was going to be a long week.
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It was finally Friday. Today, all of you were being jammed into vans and driven into the mountains for the commercial shoot. It had been an incredibly long week and you were exhausted. Everyone had practiced for a minimum of 11-12 hours a day, some of them electing to practice more on their own. 
You were proud that your girls had been able to keep up with BTS’s notoriously high-energy dancing. Despite the fact that a few of them had developed crushes, this week had gone relatively smoothly. BTS were amazingly hard workers. You’d been incredibly impressed by all of them. 
As for Hoseok, being in the same proximity to each other without being able to do more than sneak a touch here or there was taking a toll on both of you. The number of times you’d had to tear your eyes off of his reflection while he was dancing was ridiculous. He would drip with sweat, thrusting his hips vigorously, his stare burning whenever you locked eyes. He’d find reasons to grab your hips, or come behind you and help you stretch, whispering things in your ear the entire time. Unfortunately, the staff followed them everywhere, not giving them a single moment to themselves. The tension driving you crazy, and judging by Hoseok’s increasingly dark glances, he wasn’t fairing much better. 
You peered out of the van window, lost in your thoughts. You hadn’t really had time to think about what would happen after this weekend was over. You supposed things would just go back to the way they were. You’d go back to working your regular hours, go home, and obsessively watch videos of a man that you may or may not see again. 
The mere thought alone was enough to break your heart. 
As the campsite crawled into view, you vowed to not think about the future right now. Just get through this first. Enjoy the tiny tidbits of contact you get with Hoseok and store it away for when you’re going to need it. 
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“Alright everyone, that’s a wrap for the day! See you bright and early!” The director bellowed, the groups not even bothering to hide their moans of relief. Dancing in a studio was one thing. Dancing in bulky outdoor wear when it was still hot as hell outside was another. The staff gave everyone leave to go and do what they wanted with the remaining bit of daylight. They probably assumed everyone was too tired to get up to too much trouble. And it seemed they were right as most elected to shower and go to their tents. 
You had been eyeballing the lake all day, so you decided to get into your swimsuit and go for a little evening swim. You figured that with most already getting to bed, you’d have a bit of alone time. 
You leisurely floated on your back in the water near the dock. You hummed a little nameless melody and stared at the stars. It was so peaceful. 
You were utterly unprepared when you felt hands wrap themselves around you and drag you closer to the dock. 
“What the fuck?!” You complained, getting ready to hit whoever the fuck was grabbing at you. 
“Shhh, baby, it’s me.” 
“Hobi, what are you doing?” You hiss at him. He’s smiling at you fondly, barely swimming as he’d pulled you under the dock and his feet could touch the bottom. 
“You looked so pretty and lonely out there, so I thought I’d join you.” He murmurs as he pulls you closer to him, picking up your legs and wrapping them around his waist. 
“I’ll just bet you did. Hobi, if you get caught, you’d be in deep shit. You’re already on lockdown.” You whisper, trying not to moan as you feel his bulge hit your core.
“At this point, I don’t even fucking care. If I don’t touch you soon, I’m going to go insane.” He growled, bucking against you. You whimper and bury your head in his shoulder. 
“This is such a bad idea, Hoseok.” 
"I’m just going to pull your swimsuit to the side, no one would see a thing.“ He whispers in your ear, fingers already stroking the outside of your suit. You nod silently.
“God, yes. Finally.” Hoseok’s fingers slip inside your swimsuit bottom, lightly stroking through your folds. He buries his face in your neck, biting softly and kissing his way up to your face.
Your lips meet, and the kiss is so soft and sweet. Just a gentle exploration of each other as your bodies get reacquainted. His tongue lightly tracing your lips and caressing your own. You remember something that’d he’d liked last time, so you sucked on his bottom lip gently, releasing it with a little pop. He groans and bucks his hips into you, and you smile to yourself. You forgot how much you love teasing his sounds out of him. It was really too bad you had to be so quiet. 
Hoseok touched his forehead to yours, moaning into your mouth as he slid his cock into you. You started rocking against him, your mouths fused together to help prevent any loud noises escaping. You were both so focused on each other, you almost missed the creak of the dock as someone made their way across it. 
“It’s beautiful out here. We really should do more shoots here, don’t you think?”
“Oh, I agree! I think the shots we took today are going to be great.” 
You and Hoseok looked each other in horror, completely halting your movements. How the hell were you going to get out of this? Hopefully, they wouldn’t stay long, and you could escape without anyone catching the two of you together. 
God, you’d been so close. Your pussy clenched at the mere thought of how amazing you’d been feeling. You hear a hiss from Hoseok and a plan forms as you see how fucked out he still looks. You clench down on him again, watching his face. He drags his bottom lip between his teeth, looking at you in silent warning. You merely grin and clench again. He leans in and bites your ear, whispering softly. 
“If you keep that shit up, I’m going to cum.” 
You clench again as hard as you can. With a strangled groan against your neck, Hoseok shallowly pumps his hips into you, filling you with his cum. 
You sigh and let your legs drop from his waist, though he keeps you close to him, burying his face in your hair. You both wait for the people to leave, listening to their boring conversation as Hoseok occasionally plants soft kisses on the side of your face. 
After what seemed to be forever, they finally left, and the both of you let out a sigh of relief. You shoot him an irritated I told you so look that he just responds to with a satisfied grin. You look around to see if anyone else is within eye range before getting out of the water, Hoseok not far behind. When you reached the campsite, you noticed that everyone was already in their tents. You go to yours, prepared to wave goodbye to Hoseok and go to bed, only to feel him come up right behind you. He follows you inside and zips the door before crawling on top of you, gently lowering you onto your blankets. 
“Now where were we?” He growls playfully, pulling your suit down and latching onto your nipple. 
“Hobi, don’t tease me right now. Just fuck me!” You whisper harshly, tugging his head up towards you. He leans down and kisses you roughly, biting your bottom lip as he slides back into you. You’re still filled with his cum and your own wetness, the lewd squelching sounds as he pounds into you filling the tent. 
“God, I love this. I missed you so much. Fuck. You feel so good.” he moans above you, leaning down to lick and bite at your neck. There was no way you weren’t going to have marks to cover up in the morning. 
“I can feel you tightening up on me, baby. Do you want to come?” Hosek reaches his hands up, planting them on both sides of your head. He leans his face in closer, kissing you softly for a moment. His hips kept up their rhythm, pounding into you with a hard and steady pace. You nod, and he smiles at you. 
“Come. I want to watch you fall apart.” He growls into your mouth. Like your body knows it belongs to him, you feel your orgasm take over. You arch your back and throw your head back in a silent scream as Hoseok fucks you harder and faster trying to reach his own peak. 
“Look at me.” He orders breathlessly, and you force yourself to concentrate enough to keep your eyes open. You can’t look away as you watch Hoseok come undone above you. He keeps his eyes trained on you, staring at you with a mixture of awe and lust as he fills you up again. 
He groans as he pulls out and flops down next to you, grabbing your arm to pull you in and wrap you around his chest. You both catch your breath as he hums and strokes your arm. You sneak a peek and notice his cock has still not gone down. You’d nearly forgotten about his rabbit-like stamina. Hoseok chuckles when he notices where your eyes went, wiggling his eyebrows at you. You were in for a long night. 
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The rest of the weekend went much the same. Working from dawn until dusk on the commercial and various photo shoots. The nights were spent finding places to be alone as you made up for lost time. He’d usually spend the night in your tent until around 5 am, waking you up with a kiss as he got up to head to his own tent. The two of you were so caught up in each other, you didn’t notice the girl with the increasingly suspicious gaze. 
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You observe the team putting all of their gear away in the vans, the view somehow symbolic of your relationship with Hoseok. It was time to put it away and go back to the real world. The world where he didn’t belong to you. As if your thoughts conjured him, Hoseok appeared in front of you, silently gesturing with his head to follow him. You look around to make sure no one was watching, then caught up to him. He led you behind the wooden building holding the restrooms, backing you up until you hit the wall. He buried his hands in your hair and kissed you. You could practically taste the despair as he roughly nipped at your lips. 
“How much more time do you have on your lockdown?” You moan, embarrassed to sound so needy, but God, you couldn’t help it.  
 “Just for another month, just another thirty days. It’ll pass by quicker this time since we know that we’re waiting for each other.” He answers between pecks. 
He stops and looks down at you, a severe look suddenly crossing his face. He swallows hard a few times, worrying you. What did he have to say that was so bad?
“I love you.” He blurts out. 
Your eyes widen in shock. You? Jung Hoseok loves you?
“What do you mean you love me?” You ask, wincing as soon as you say it. What a dumb thing to say.
“I mean that I love you.” His eyes search your face. You can feel the blush that takes over your face, and you turn your head to the side to avoid his gaze. 
“I...I love you too.” You mumble. You were probably dumb to let him know the feelings that you hadn’t even admitted to yourself yet, but now it was out there.
Hoseok grinned cockily, grabbing your chin to make you look at him.
“What was that, Sunflower? I didn’t quite catch it.” 
You sigh and kiss the palm that was near your mouth. 
“I love you too, Jung Hoseok. I’ll see you in a month.” 
You push away from the wall and go back to your van. As you slide into your seat and strap yourself in, you sneak a peek over at the BTS van. They were still loading their things in, apparently too busy to have even noticed Hoseok’s absence. He finally strolls up to the van, grabbing his bag and heads to the open doors. Before he gets in, he looks over towards you, the broad smile on his face silently conveying how much your confession meant to him. He snuck a little wave, and one of his ridiculous kissy faces before hopping into the van and slamming the door. You watch as they leave first, feeling as though he’d taken a piece of you with him.
God help you. You were in love with Jung Hoseok.
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The ride back home sapped you of any remaining energy. You were bone tired as you trudged up the stairs to your apartment. You silently praised yourself for your forethought of booking Momo at the pet hotel for an extra day, because all you wanted to do now was take a real shower and go into a nice coma. 
After a thoroughly long and hot shower, you got in your most comfortable pajamas and slid into bed. You scrolled through your phone, just wanting to check that there was nothing important you’d missed while you were away. You were just about to put the phone down when a random headline reading “BTS DATING SCANDAL” caught your eye. Dating scandal? How can that happen when they weren’t even in the city? 
You load the story and just scan it. You honestly didn’t think it would be anything since the boys were always complaining about their lack of freedom. It wasn’t until your eyes caught the name Jung Hoseok that you felt a flicker of fear. 
You followed the link his name led to, your hand trembling. After reading the words, you throw your phone at the wall with a satisfying crack, before burying your face in the pillow. How stupid were you? You were a fucking idiot.   
“Jung Hoseok of BTS dating scandal. Bighit confirms a relationship with Hypnotic’s leader, Lee Jisoo.”
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