#along with the schools scene where we see a teacher constantly question where are the kids being taken
thetimelordbatgirl · 11 months
Kinda sad how nowadays Doctor Who will never be able to do a scene like the scene of Gwen, Rhiannon and the kids fleeing the army while Rhys and other men in the neighborhood with eventually Andy fight back against the army. Because lord knows with the UK's constant army adverts lately, that the BBC won't the army be the bad guy in Doctor Who again.
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twig-tea · 11 months
Grand Guignol
Wanted to write down my thoughts on this movie because it was AWESOME and I don't want to forget lol. Non-spoilery thoughts above the cut and spoilers below it.
First of all, the colouring of this film is gorgeous. Everything is in dull greys and navy blues and cream, except for the red, and the red is throughout. There's red roses, red lighting, red ties, red viscera, and so, so, so much blood. It makes for a really stunning watch, to see this heightened red spurt and colour the white clothing of the protagonists, and on their faces.
The cinematography is also a lot of fun. So many dirty shots, where the creepy decorations of this school sit in the foreground and the characters having a conversation are left blurred in the background. Quick, hard cuts, so it's not clear whether something was real or not.
And I love the tension being around what is real vs what is fake rather than jump scares. The way cinema and pranks and voyeurism is woven into this plot to make everything more confusing is so well done; it puts us in the same situation as the characters stuck in this school with no clear sense of what's happening or why.
Most of all this was just fun. It was a wild ride where gross, gory, discomforting, messy, and generally weird shit happened constantly lol and I really, really enjoyed the experience.
Cutting here because I couldn't help but spoil from here on out.
I also really love the subtext of the show re: queer as monstrous. There is a suggestion that at least two of these characters were sent to this school abandoned by their families in order to be sacrificed because they are gay, or queer in some sense. The other characters have stories about doing physical harm to those around them, but at the least for Kenta, it's implied that whatever is going on with him and dressing femme--i won't assume--is what got him sent here (this is early in the film so I'm not counting it as a spoiler).
I had to laugh at the excessive lube; Japan's lube game is always incredible. We never get a normal amount of lube in a Japanese BL, and I live for it.
Also really enjoyed the cannibalism subtext! Cannibalism is always such an interesting theme in horror because it's such a taboo. This felt very Rocky Horror-like with the constant viscera shots and the open questions on characters' faces about where it came from.
The message in this film was so fascinating. Normally we get the trope of 'you have to defeat yourself ' as a hero's journey to get past self-doubt in order to win. In this case, Itsuki tells us he was forced to participate in...it's not entirely clear, bullying and mutilation at the least. He seems traumatized by the experience, and it's not clear how much damage he did on his own. But by the end of the film, after the teacher gave him the gun and told him to defeat himself, he manages to move through whatever was holding him back, and he fully embraces doing violence to others. He kisses Teshio, when he was surprised by/recoils from the kiss from Kenta. He laughs, glories in, is freed by the way he mutilated Teshio's corpse, and flashes back to his memory of when he was "forced" to hurt his classmate in his old school, but this time he's similarly elated. He had some initial reaction to seeing Kenta in a dress and wig--Shinji wondered if he wanted to wear it himself--and after the cult dresses him in heels, a dress, and wig, he does not remove them even after he's free and limping in the heels to drag along that sledgehammer. In this case, the hero's journey is one to freedom from moral constraints, allowing in the monstrous--both murderous and queer--parts of Itsuki to overcome any fear or self-hate or physical limitations, and to be victorious. And then we get the final scene, with the uncertainty as to whether the entire film has been a play, whether the play is in Itsuki's mind, or whether it's a metaphor for the audience to represent what happens. I think the uncertainty is the point. The entire film has been messing with our ability to tell what's real and what's fake, and maybe in the end it doesn't matter. Itsuki is dead; whether metaphorically because he's mentally snapped, or literally because he's killed himself, or because the whole thing was a metaphor and he's embraced his weirdness and joined this weird club and found acceptance in this group that puts on horror plays...the Itsuki who was traumatized and terrified of himself is gone by the end of the film, he's defeated the enemy within. I loved that.
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And there's something in this film about how it gets us to be interested in this weird friend group before it starts killing them off for the sake of... entertainment, a ritual, to free their parents of the embarrassment, it's not entirely clear which. But there's something implicit in the morality here that these characters are humanized before they're demonized, and that we are set up to see the ritual as cruel and the level of violence as undeserved. This part reminded me of Gang of Cherry; these kids are fucked up, and cruel, and weird, but don't deserve the even more fucked up and cruel situation they're in, which in turn makes them even more fucked up and cruel, until it's a twisted version of enlightenment, when all you are is cruel and fucked up, and delighting in the purity of the emotion.
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Anyway that's way too much navel-gazing for what is essentially 1.5 hours of intentionally bad blood-spraying camp and actors who didn't kiss in their BLs kissing in this. Big fan.
If you want realism, sexiness (there is a sex scene but it is not what I would call sexy; it's intentionally discomforting/edged with tension), romance, or a happy ending in the traditional sense this is not for you. If you like campy horror, strategic cinematography, gratuitous gore, gratuitous tongues, being discomforted, psychological horror, and metaphors on metaphors, I think you'll enjoy.
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spinelli-gemelli · 5 months
A Degrassi Essay About Rick Murray
(Part 3a.)
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"Do I look like I have time for a chat, Richard?"
In a perfect world, and by that I mean my perfect world, season 4's events would unfold something like this: Rick returns to Degrassi; the school ostracizes him via Emma’s campaign; Rick is tormented everywhere he goes; Emma puts an end to Jay's ballistics once the violence against Rick gets out of hand; Rick would learn his lesson and never lay a finger on another girl again; and everyone leaves him alone while he completes his tenth grade year for the second time.
But this is Degrassi. The drama never ends. Drama is inherently messy. And that ending is way too tidy for drama.
While Emma made it clear that she wasn't going to torture Rick in the halls, this memo doesn't reach the other characters. There are three in particular who constantly jab at him: Spinner, Jay, and Jimmy. At this point, pushing him around is just for sport, and Jay would admit to that if you asked him, I guarantee it. Whether or not Rick deserves it, whether or not you feel sorry for the kid, one has to wonder: where are the teachers when all of this is happening? Has anyone reported this to the principal? In this installment, we will explore another popular talking point in the Degrassi fandom: could Mr. Raditch have stopped tragedy from befalling Degrassi? Could he have prevented Rick from returning in the first place?
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Let's begin with the first question: could Mr. Raditch have stopped the school shooting? We the viewers learn that Rick has sought out help multiple times based on two different scenes from the show. The first instance is from episode 4x07, the first half of the two-parter episode titled "Time Stands Still". About a quarter of the way into part one, we see Rick making a visit to the principal's office and asking him to intervene in the Whack-Your-Brain predicament that he was recently forced to face. Earlier that day, Mr. Simpson decided to draft Jimmy onto the trivia team last minute after Heather Sinclair got sick with mononucleosis. At this time, Jimmy Brooks is still giving Rick a hard time at school, and he'd be damned if he let that jock taint the only thing he has going for him at Degrassi that doesn't feel like hell on earth! Raditch is already short with Rick in this scene as he rummages through papers and moves back and forth in the office. "Do I look like I have time for a chat, Richard?" He barks at the student. Fortunately Rick isn't discouraged yet. He goes on to tell the principal that Jimmy "doesn't like [him], and he has no qualms expressing it." Rick doesn't name drop here; he simply refers to Brooks as "a member of the Whack-Your-Brain team".
A Youtuber by the name of NotaVampyre uploaded a video about this very exchange and brought something to my attention. Rick's wording in this scene as he's asking for help...he is being extremely vague. At first he starts off direct after Mr. Raditch asks him why he wants to chat. He says that Jimmy is harassing him. When Raditch asks how, that's when Rick gives his vague response. You can make a case that the principal is aware that Rick was at odds with a large number of kids at school, especially if we refer to the deleted scene where Marco and Alex ask him to reconsider letting Rick return to Degrassi, arguing that "he's a danger...especially to girls" as Alex Nunez would put. Unfortunately, the principal is wrapped up in whatever office task he has in front of him, and Rick's concerns are brushed off hastily.
"Richard, I've told you time and time again: it takes two to tango," he tells the boy. It's from this quote that we learn this probably isn't Rick's first trip to the principal's office. Or second. Probably not even the third. The principal goes on to say that he suggests that Rick tries harder to get along with the other student and to come back if anything serious happens. He dismisses the subject immediately after, leaving no room for any more questions Rick has leftover. The student receives the message loud and clear from Raditch: he is left to face this problem on his own.
To answer the question: yes, I believe the principal could have, and should have, done his due diligence; it could have potentially saved lives. Rick, however, should have also been more ingenious in his approach. Nonetheless, I can understand why Rick wouldn't want to open up about his suffering. I imagine it's much harder for teen boys to admit that they are victims of bullying than it would be for teen girls. Not only is it humiliating for him, though the same could be said about a girl, but there is also the feeling of being emasculated that is unique to the male experience. The teen boy thus suffers a double blow to his ego; first in a crisis of his masculine identity, and the second in humiliation. Men are socialized and hardwired to be tough and competent enough to fight their own battles; any other action or reaction would be perceived as weak and feminine, two things that men neither want nor are expected to be, especially the more masculine he is. I think this is partially the reason why Rick didn't express plainly the ways in which he had been harassed, though not necessarily because he is masculine in the traditional sense, especially since it's been presented in the show that he isn't. Rather, his pride prevented him from being completely transparent, not to mention his distinct, eccentric way of speaking. His flowery language sets him apart even more from the other characters, something that I like about him. It's a sentiment that both NotaVampyre and I share. In this instance, however, Rick's vocabulary works against him as he's not being clear in what he wants from Mr. Raditch.
Even if Rick did come forward, the principal would still have to meet him halfway. Perhaps the other part of the reason why Rick didn't open up about the torment is that he had little expectations for the principal to take action. As we mentioned before: this isn't Rick's first visit to Raditch's office; maybe Rick had told him about a specific incident, such as being shoved against the lockers, before the moment we saw in 4x07 and had gotten nowhere. Maybe deep down, Rick knew nothing would come of confiding into an authoritative figure and didn't bother himself with the details of what was happening to him. Alas, these are only my speculations. We really never know how many times Rick attempted to get outside help, though we can infer that it was at least two. We never know what all Rick told the principal about the bullying he had been facing, thus we the audience are forced to fill in the gaps yet again and make our own deductions about what happened.
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Teen Wolf The Movie thoughts
The timeline is WACK. The show ran from 2011-2017. It took 6 years of real world time for 3 years in the show to pass. So in the show it either went from 2011-2014 or 2014-2017. This is set 15 years after Alison's death, which at the earliest is like... 2012, which would make this set in 2027.
Derek has a son. The mother is never mentioned, however the son is explicitly stated to be 15 years old, which means that he was born shortly before or after Allison's death, while Derek was still fully apart of the show. So either he had a baby with Jennifer Blake completely off-screen, or with some rando woman. And then either he didn't know, and just... randomly got full custody later in his life, or knew and never mentioned it.
They picked up dirt from where Alison died, but... didn't she die right outside of Eichen House or something? I thought maybe it was the ruined site based off the gate that was there. I forget what happened to Eichen House at the end of the show. But then at the end, I guess Eichen is still in operation?
The cursing was wild. It was like everybody got a free F bomb.
The nudity was even more insane. My friend and I were SCREAMING when Malia randomly jumped Parrish and they both stripped. Such an insane couple. He should stop going after girls he met when they were in high school and he was an adult.
Why was Liam in Japan? Never explained. Why was he in charge of the Nogitsune? Why was he friends with a random Kitsune?
Why the FUCK wasn't Kira there? Instead they just introduced Not Kira Hikari and she served exactly the same role. It's like they wrote the script with Kira in mind and then when Arden Cho didn't come back they just find & replaced her name with Hikari
How did she telepathically transfer her fox spirit to Scott. I noticed when they made random eye contact, but that was an out of the blue thing
I SCREAMED when the Science teacher came out of the blue. My friend didn't even remember who he was. We were theorizing either Gerard or Kate. His... motivations were a little unclear, and of all the flashbacks I kind of wished they had done one to explain who he was. I remembered he was the asshole science teacher, but that's it
Jackson was... useless. He almost always asked stupid questions that didn't really move stuff along. He's missed so much of the show that he was out of the loop on everything. The only useful things he did was stab the teacher
The special effects were... noticeably not that great at some points. The fire effects. The CGI cliff top. The greenscreen replacing the lacrosse field with the Nogitsune realm
They had several humans there who could break a mountain ash line. Alison. Melissa. Argent.
The lacrosse field was crazy. How the hell did they get 10,000 people watching a lacrosse game?
Most of the characters did not have much to do in the movie. It was like, they had everybody back, but it was too many people to give them all a plotline, so they just needed to make sure some of them were tied up for most of it. Liam didn't even join the final werewolf fight alongside Derek, Scott, and Eli
THE STEREK METAPHOR. I've never been a big Sterek shipper and I wasn't in the fandom at the time of "We're on a ship", but come on. Derek keeping Stiles old jeep to fix up and his son constantly stealing it and being obsessed with it, and then after Derek's death, Stilinski giving the car to Eli and saying that Derek "always had mixed feelings about the car, but it meant a lot to him". Like, what the fuck? That's such shipping language.
The ending definitely made it seem like they were leaving it open to another movie/show. Which makes my confusion that Wolf Pack is not a sequel series starring Eli even more bizarre
So that was all of the stuff I hated. I did enjoy a few things
I thought the fight scenes were really well choreographed
I wasn't sure how they were going to bring Allison back, but I thought that it made sense, and she had a decent storyline
I hate Parrish, but I did like seeing his butt
The Nogitsune was a good villain to bring back. Season 3 had arguably the best plotline. It does suck that the two characters most important to the Nogitsune storyline (Kira and Stiles) weren't there though
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the-cult-of-russo · 3 years
gotta know how u think billy would be as a dad with his kids :D
I had so many requests for Dad!Billy headcanons 😭
I hope you're ready for this chaotic ramble.
Please remember this is my Billy I'm writing
You know those parents who take like a million pictures of their kid and show them to everyone? The kind that talks about their kid nonstop to anyone who'll listen? Their family, friends, the poor random old lady at the store that just wants to buy some damn milk.
That's Billy.
He's such an unbelievably proud parent, his pride for his kids knows no bounds. It doesn't even need to be some kind of milestone worth celebrating, everything his kid does makes him proud. You better believe when his baby has an explosive crap and ruins their clothes, he's boasting about it the next day to Frank and the guys at Anvil.
He's incredibly protective. Murder is a possibility if his kids in danger. He wants nothing more than to keep his kids safe. If they're being bullied, it takes all of his willpower to stop himself from kicking the kids ass for doing that to his kid. He's not above picking a fight with the bullies dad though if they don't get their little shit head in check and also making it known to the principle that this shit won't fly with him.
"Mr Russo, I don't think you understand how serious this is. Your son broke a kids nose," the principle mutters with a glare.
Billy tilts his head, regarding the teacher with those unsettling eyes that has the old man squirming in his seat.
"You’re damn right he did," Billy replies seriously, a proud tone to his voice. His dark eyes cut to his left where his son is, practically his double. As Billy smirks, unable to help himself, his son wears the same one although he's lowering his head to hide his amusement.
"We don't tolerate that behaviour here, Mr Russo," the principle huffs. Billy's eyes harden then as his eyes narrow, sitting forward in his chair just the right amount to be imposing. The second the man leans back he knows it worked.
"You know what I don't tolerate? My kid bein' bullied. You assholes won't do shit to stop it, so I say let the little fucker get a taste of his own medicine. Serves him right for messin' with a Russo," he smirks wickedly.
He teaches them self defence, wanting them to be able to look after themselves if it ever came down to it. Naturally, for their 16th birthday, they're gifted with a big ass knife.
Billy as a dad is so stupidly soft.
We all remember the scene from the show, right? Where he's in the hospital with his mom and he says;
"Maybe you did me a solid, you know? I mean, the way I see it, you want weak kids, give 'em everything. But if you... if you want 'em strong... treat 'em hard."
When he has a kid of his own he realises just what utter garbage this is. The idea of all the shit he's been through making him into the tough son of a bitch he is today is born from trauma that he still hasn't dealt with. The way his brain tries to rationalise what he went though. To make it make sense instead of it being so goddamn senseless.
But if he's honest, more than he'd like to admit, he finds himself wondering just what his life would have been like if he grew up in a loving home. What it would be like to feel wanted and cared for. To rise to the top being helped and cheered on by others instead of clawing his way there with bloodied and dirty fingers, the weight of the world bearing down on him as he's beat down at every turn.
He never wants his kids to feel that way. Not even a fraction of how unloved and unwanted he felt. He does everything in his power to make sure they know just how much he cares about them. There's literally nothing he wouldn't do for his kids. They could turn up at home one day and confess to a murder and Billy wouldn't hesitate to ask where the body is so he can handle it for them.
Billy is ridiculously sentimental when it comes to his kids. Drawings go up on the fridge and when a new one takes its place, the old one goes into a box of many others that he can't seem to ever throw away. He has multiple pictures of his kids at his office, even some framed cute drawings they did for him. He's kept all the mementos from the pregnancy, birth and onwards. They're his little treasures.
Billy is super supportive of everything his kids do. He makes sure they get a good education but he never pushes them to do something they don't want to do. Despite the large college fund he's got for them, if they choose not to go to college, he doesn't pressure them. Instead, whatever hopes and dreams they have, he does everything in his power to support and help them. Whether that's moral and emotional support, money or even breaking a few jaws of people standing in their way.
Let's look a little bit at how he is throughout some of the ages of his kid.
Billy with a baby is a sight to behold. No one has ever seen Lieutenant William Russo so goddamn soft. Once he's got hold of his baby, you've got no chance of getting them back off him. You'd have to fight him. He adores holding his little one close, soaking them in. He's constantly holding them no matter what he's doing and baby carriers and wraps are a godsend to him. You'd heard about them from a friend and told Billy and you better believe by the time the baby's born that he's an expert on all things baby wearing. He's a perfectionist and carrying a baby wrong can be dangerous. He makes sure he knows how to do it right.
Just as he has little affectionate touches for you, he has the same for his baby. His large hand stroking their tiny head and little hair. His finger stroking their chubby little cheek. He's a tactile person and touch is grounding for him. It soothes him to do so with his baby and reassures him they're really there and that they're okay.
He's super attentive. Of course he works a lot but as soon as he becomes a dad, he doesn't stay late anymore and makes sure to have days off. The second he comes home, he's making a beeline for his baby, scooping them up with a grin. He loves to read to them, something that continues as they grow up. His weekends used to be restful or if he was feeling like a masochist, he'd work from home. But now weekends are his time to shine. By the time you wake up on a Saturday morning, he's already up with the baby, making you breakfast as he's got the baby attached to him via baby carrier.
As his baby grows into a toddler, each milestone makes him tearful and full of pride. He kisses any booboos that happen and he's constantly playing with his child. He has a pretty silly side to him that most don't get to see. Making his kid laugh and smile brings him the greatest joy.
He loves taking his toddler to the office with him. Everyone dotes on his kid and treats them like royalty.
When they turn into a small child, he watches with a proud smile and amusement as his kid wants to fight with his men, watching them 'beat' the shit out of them. The guys at Anvil are more than happy to very dramatically go down, and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree when the tiny Russo grins smugly at their 'win'.
Their first day at school and Billy's a mess. It's such a turning point and he doesn't know how to deal with how fast their growing up. But every achievement at school, even minor ones, and he's showering them with praise.
He encourages them to work hard and as soft as he might be, he is still the boss. He makes sure they do their homework and don't fall behind on their studies.
One thing Billy loves is teaching his kids stuff. Whether that's mundane stuff to help with school or teaching them shit he knows like survivalist things, because you can never be too prepared, right? He loves helping them with school projects and answering any questions they might have about one of the many things he's knowledgeable about.
When his kids moves onto those hard teenage years, the ones where everything feels so dramatic and world ending, he's a little tougher when it calls for it. Billy is no novice to rebellion, he has a rebellious streak of his own and marches to the beat of his own drum half the time. He respects that. What he doesn't respect or tolerate is behaviour that's going to fuck his kid over in the long run or self sabotage. He will be firm and a hard ass if he needs to be to keep his kids on a path where they don't get hurt or ruin their life.
Billy has a zero tolerance policy on drugs. After the shit with his mother, he won't budge on this. If he finds out his kid is dabbling in drugs, they're grounded until they're old enough to move out.
No matter what age his kids are, Billy loves them immensely. He wants to be the father he wished he'd had growing up and he pours all of his anguish and pain from his upbringing into it. Channeling it into the purest form of love for his kids. To break the curse that had hold of him. He won't perpetuate the cycle.
Being a father brings him a sense of completeness and peace he didn't think was possible for him to achieve. It fills the void that's been eating away at his soul from his lack of love as a child and he loves every second of being a parent. Even the hard moments.
The Russo's and the Castle's go on monthly camping trips together. Billy loves the outdoors, the mild survivalist feelings he gets from it without the real danger. He loves taking his kids there, teaching them everything. In his role as dad and uncle, he sits around the camp fire at night, the light of the flames dancing along his face as he very theatrically tells the kids a spooky story.
You and his kids are his immediate family but the Castle's are his family too. So he really loves it when you all get to spend time together like that.
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blu-joons · 4 years
Familiar Face ~ Kim Namjoon
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“Why did you never tell me who you were?” You snapped across at him as he pulled you to one side of the corridor. “Has all this time really been a lie?”
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what to say.” 
“I’m so sorry,” a voice yelled, a pair of hands grabbing at your arms to pull you up as you stumbled into the shelf of books. “Are you alright?”
You quickly pulled yourself together, straightening your dress out, looking up at the owner of the arms who had saved you from a fall. “I’m alright, are you? I really should pay more attention to where I’m going.”
He chuckled gently, passing you the book that you’d spilt as you toppled, pushing you carefully to one side as a few people tried to pass you both. Your cheeks were red as you smiled apologetically at the passers by before looking back up at your saviour.
Their eyes rolled as you silently apologised for causing a bit of scene, scoffing at the two of you as his hand continued to hold onto you as he made sure you were steady. “I’m Namjoon,” he finally spoke, introducing himself.
His brows knitted together as he heard your name, tilting his head as he tried to figure you out. “That’s not a Korean name?”
Your head nodded, although that was a pretty obvious statement about yourself. In just a short time in Seoul, you’d noticed a lot of attention from the locals as they noticed you walking around in different places.
“I’m foreign, but I’m here on a bit of gap year,” you informed him, quickly finding yourself feeling quite comfortable around him, “essentially, I’m a student who has no direction or plan of what they want to do with their life.”
A light giggle came from him as he finally dropped his arm back to his side, “I know plenty of students who have no idea what to do. Seoul’s a pretty cool place to come though to travel, how are you finding it?”
“Well,” you began, brushing a nervous hand through your hair, “it’s fair to say I have not mastered Korean at all, to be honest most of my days are a bit of a mess. I’m getting by, but it’s a struggle.”
Before you knew it, Namjoon had invited you for coffee in the café of the bookstore to try and get to know each other better. He’d convinced you he had plenty of tips on surviving life in Korea which seemed far too good to turn down, and after nearly crashing into him earlier, buying him a coffee was the least you could do. On a spare piece of paper, he wrote down several phrases that would help you in day-to-day life, answering the questions that you had about the culture and the way of life.
“What about you?” You suddenly asked once he’d finished lecturing on you on what you’d need to know. “Seeing as you know so much about me, can I get to find out about you? There must be something interesting about you with such a proficiency of English.”
His shoulders calmly shrugged, but on the inside his heart pounded. He looked around the room, spotting a group of students rushing in to grab a drink during their lunch break, pushing past each other to reach the front of the queue.
“I teach English,” he informed you, gulping as your eyes lit up. “I guess you need to have pretty good proficiency to be able to teach the language. It’s probably where my love of a good book comes from too.”
You nodded, listening intently as he began to tell you all about his day as a teacher and the students that he taught. You were very intrigued as you learnt more and more about him, as soon as you looked at him you definitely had an impression that he could be a teacher, he dressed himself well, and had a very approachable look about him.
The two of you sat and talked for a little while longer before being interrupted by the vibrations of his phone. He quickly placed his hand over it before you had the chance to look down at him, hanging up on the call and sliding his phone into the pocket of his jacket.
“Do you not need to get that?” You quizzed.
His head shook, finishing off the mug of coffee in front of him. “It’s a friend, he’s been having a bit of a crisis recently, rings me constantly. We have five other friends but for some reason he just seems a bit dependent on me.”
“I imagine as a teacher you tend to do a good job leading and guiding people,” you spoke, watching as his eyes darted to look across at you.
As soon as he realised how he’d reacted, he relaxed back in his seat, grabbing his jacket that was wrapped around the chair and slipping it on. You took that as a sign that he was heading off, finishing your drink too, picking up your pile of books.
“I should probably go and check on him, but maybe I could give you my number and we could meet up again some time,” he suggested, holding his hand out to take your phone so he could put his number into it.
You took your phone from your pocket and passed it across to him, offering your hand out for his once he’d put his number into your phone. A heavy breath came from him as he scrambled his brain quickly, knowing his phone and all the contacts he had would give his game away.
“I’ll text you from my phone, save my number that way.”
“Alright,” you chimed, unassuming of the wave of panic that rushed over him, as you led the way down to the tills so you could buy your books and head out of the store.
“Start talking,” you snapped, without a care for how loud your voice had gotten. “I can’t believe that you’d do something like this to me,” you stuttered, quickly wiping underneath your eyes as tears streamed down your cheeks.
Your body pressed against the wall, sinking to the floor as Namjoon lowered himself to your height, trying to take a hold of your hands, which you quickly pulled away.
For months, the two of you had spoken since you met at the bookstore, most days you texted and called each other, telling each other about your days. For months you’d sat and listened to him tell you about his days in the classroom and the troubles he was having with coming up with work when all along he was a global superstar travelling the world.
When your friend offered you the spare ticket, she had for a band performing that night, you jumped at the chance to head to a concert and enjoy some live music. You were clueless to who the band she loved was, deciding not to do any research beforehand and enjoy them at face value at the concert. You knew they must have been something special having sold out the biggest arena in your city, as soon as you got within a couple of miles of the stadium, every street was full of fans piling towards the arena.
Even when you’d told him that night that you were heading to a concert, he remained quiet. Instead, he chose to tell you all about a school trip him and his students had been on to a local museum to look at the history of the Korean War. Whilst you told him how excited you were to try out a new band, you were clueless to the fact that he was actually just a matter of minutes away from you, and worst of all, a member of that band.
He thought he could get away with it, the arena was huge, and the chances of you being able to recognise his face from far away were slim. Having already asked the cameramen to not focus on him for the night, lying through his teeth that his face was bloated and breaking out, he thought he’d be able to win. Little was he to know that your friend had purchased tickets in the fourth row, a spot where every single face on the stage was clear as day.
As soon as his eyes landed on you, his stomach dropped. The lyrics he was supposed to sing were abandoned, his hand came down, his whole heart turned numb to your eyes staring back at him. You were conscious of your friend beside you, simply shaking your head whilst trying to stop your tears from falling.
Namjoon persevered with the concert as best as he could, aware of your quizzical eyes watching his every move as you tried to figure out what was going on. You hoped and prayed there was a mix up somewhere, maybe he had a doppelganger or a twin that coincidentally shared the same name, every possible idea that tried to make sense of the situation came to mind.
Once the concert ended, you saw a text from him on your phone asking you to head into one of the wings. You told your friend to go, making up an excuse that you had spotted another friend in the crowd that you were going to meet up, but instead you were heading backstage to confront the man that had stolen your heart, and lied his way to it.
“I was scared to tell you the truth,” he whispered, allowing you to move your hands away from him, “I know this probably makes no sense right now, but you have to understand Y/N.”
You scoffed as he tried to reason with you, struggling still to process exactly what was going on. “Why would you be scared to tell me who you were? How did you even manage to keep up this lie for so many months?”
“I don’t know.”
“When,” you stated, taking him by surprise. “When did you plan on telling me the truth, when you proposed, when we got married? You told me that you were falling in love with me Namjoon, I told you I was falling in love with you too.”
“None of this changes the way I feel about you,” he sighed, brushing his hand against the top of your head, “you’re right, I am falling in love with you.”
“But you’re falling in love with the person I said I was,” you challenged, looking across at him for the first time. “In reality, I don’t know the first thing about you right now. The man I fell in love with was a lie.”
His head quickly shook, the person he’d shown you really was him. The kind, caring, considerate guy was never a lie, he was still Namjoon, just a little bit more of a fabricated version that he hoped you’d fall in love with. The second he didn’t tell you who he was at the bookstore he regretted, there had been several times where he wanted to give up the lie and tell you who he was, but he just couldn’t.
He was in too deep.
He hated lying to you, especially when he really caught feelings for you, the more the lie tangled, the harder it was going to be to eventually untie it again. He thought he had time to piece together a way out of it, to try and soften the shock and not frighten you away.
“Don’t say that,” he whispered, moving his hand down the side of your face so that it rested against your shoulder.
You were too exhausted and emotional to fight him away, moving your hands to cover your face yet again when you felt more tears spill. “Why did you do it Namjoon?”
“Because too many people have judged me for being Namjoon the singer rather than Namjoon the man. The moment I introduced myself to you, I knew I found myself liking you, it was a moment of panic. Do you remember the students that walked in?” He asked, as your head slowly nodded. “I took one look at them and then the next thing I knew, you were under the impression I was an English teacher. It felt nice that you valued me as a person, not for my name or my career, or even my money. I liked the feeling of being appreciated for being me, it meant the world to me that you fell in love with my personality rather than the materialistic things I own.”
“Now it makes sense,” you whispered with a shaky breath, “you never wanted to show me around your house, but that’s because there’s no teacher in the world that would be able to afford your house. Or every time when I told you to send me some work to see if I could help, you didn’t, because what you actually were working on was song lyrics.”
Several people passed you both by as Namjoon tried to calm you down, shielding your body as best as he could with yours. Each time he touched you, your body tensed up, refusing to let him in fully as you slowly began to learn about who he really was.
“Sorry will never be enough to make this right,” Namjoon whispered, squeezing your shoulder gently, “I can’t begin to imagine how you’re feeling right now or how this looks to you. If you want to cut everything off tonight, I’d understand. But you have to believe me Y/N when I tell you the Namjoon you fell in love with, really is me. Nothing about who I am as a person in your eyes is different in real life.”
Your head slowly shook, with your head and your heart telling you two different things, you didn’t know where to look or where to go. It was safe to say you’d fallen for Namjoon, you’d spent months with him, even from afar, he’d supported you in getting yourself sorted at the end of your travelling, he’d encouraged you as you searched for a job, even helping you write your application to get into somewhere.
“Where do we go from here?” He questioned, feeling a hot tear roll down his cheek. “I don’t want to lose you Y/N.”
You moved your hands away from your face, shuffling along the wall to make room for him to sit beside you. You didn’t even need to invite him before he filled the space, resting a cautious hand against your leg as finally your tears began to settle. You couldn’t bring yourself to hold onto him or lean into him, instead you sat motionlessly, staring against the wall of the corridor.
“Is there anything else you need to admit to, other than the fact you’re not a teacher?”
“No, that’s everything.”
“I don’t want to be lied to anymore Namjoon, if there’s something more to you, either you tell me now, or I’m gone,” you warned him.
He nodded, puffing his cheeks out, “that’s it, I promise. And I mean that promise this time, I’m not saying it just to protect you.”
You sat and listened as he vowed to be honest with you, about every single detail about his life. You were overwhelmed by the situation you found yourself in, never had you imagined seeing yourself falling in love with a global superstar, a man adored by millions of fans around the world.
“Why don’t you tell me about what you really do? Seeing as I’ve never actually heard of your group before,” you suggested. You slowly turned your body inwards so that you were facing him, choosing to keep your eyes away from his, staring down at the marbled floor as he spoke.
“I don’t even know where to begin,” he giggled, “for years now we’ve been as a group, obviously we started off in Korea, and then our music travelled, the group grew, and now we’re selling out arenas around the world. That’s the simplest way to put it.”
“And why did you actually learn English?”
“Because my family and I thought it would be a good skill to have in the future,” he informed you, “you’ll probably think it’s stupid, but I learnt it by watching Friends?”
“Really?” You exclaimed.
He nodded back at you, “I used to sit and listen to everything they said, and then eventually I could recite a few lines. It’s been useful for my job too, I can communicate with so many of our international fans, it’s probably helped us grow as we’re not just seen as another Korean music group, we’re seen as a band who can also hold an English conversation too.”
Your eyes began to search for his as he continued to give you a bit of background on him and his group. You could see the passion in his eyes and the love he had for what he did. But you could also see how difficult and terrifying his world was too, appreciating why he made the decision to keep you safe from it all. The more he spoke and opened up to you, the more you could see how hurt he was to have lied to you. It didn’t matter what he said, Namjoon was aware that nothing could justify the situation that he’d put you in, it was a place he never wanted you to be.
“If you’d have told me all of this from the start, it wouldn’t have changed things,” you pointed out to him when he finally finished talking. “I don’t judge someone on what they do or how many noughts are in their bank account.”
“I’ve heard that before,” he sighed.
“But you wouldn’t have heard it from me,” you quickly reiterated. “I’m not going to lie to you Namjoon, I’m better than that.”
It was a low blow, but one he knew he fully deserved. He’d treated you terribly, betrayed the trust that you’d put in him, and yet somehow, you were still sat and willing to listen to him talk. He began to wonder if maybe there really was a way of salvaging the mess he’d made, if perhaps you were willing to take on the real Namjoon he’d tried so hard to save you from.
“What do you want to happen to us?” He asked as his own thoughts began to run away from him. “Do you want me to go?”
Your head shook, dabbing gently underneath your cheeks. “Right now, I don’t know what I want really, but when I’ve spent six months falling for you, I can’t just see you walk away. I trust that your feelings for me were real, and I trust that now you’re starting to be honest with me.”
“I made a mistake, an enormous mistake that you’ll probably never forgive me for, but that won’t ever change the way I feel about you. I don’t want to live a lie to you anymore, and whilst I’m scared to really introduce you to my life, I promise that I’ll still love and protect you always.”
“You think I’m going to stay with you?”
“Well…I’d hoped.”
You sighed gently, “you broke me tonight Namjoon when I saw you stood on the stage. You knew I was going to be here, and I can guarantee you tried to find every way possible to make sure I didn’t find out. What hurts the most is when I needed you over the past few days, you were just down the road, within walking distance to be able to comfort and support me.”
“I couldn’t risk it, I didn’t want to break your heart by doing this, but instead that’s exactly what I’ve done.”
“I need time,” you sighed, smiling softly across at him, “I don’t want to give up on us, and I want to be able to trust in you, but that can’t happen overnight. I’ve gone from thinking I’m dating an English teacher in a Korean cram school to finding out I’m dating a Billboard winner with millions of screaming fans who chant his name night after night.”
His hand slowly reached out, intertwining his fingers in with yours. He brought your hand up to press a kiss against the back of it, wiping away the droplets of tears that had landed from your cheeks throughout the night. Your hand slowly squeezed against his as you rested your head down onto his shoulders, snuffling gently as you fought back the tears once again.
“I’ll never hurt you again,” he whispered down to you, “I promise I won’t be the guy you think I might be.”
“You’ve got one chance Namjoon, I want to learn to love the real you, no secrets, no lies, just honesty. That’s all I ever want from you.”
“There’s no more secrets, and definitely no more lies. You’ve stolen my heart and I can’t let that go, not now, not ever. I just hope you know what a crazy ride you’re in for dating me, the real me.”
“If it means being with you, I’ll ride the craziness. Just don’t break my heart, ever again, please.”
“Never again, I promise I’ll make you happy, forever.”
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franeridart · 3 years
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Anon said: i love love love LOVE how you just draw gojo leaning onto getou, hiding his face in getou's neck or back or chest <////3 im just so heartbroken over those two
So glad to hear you like him clingy as much as I do!! TT^TT as far as I’m concerned he wasn’t clingy enough in canon, so I’m fixing it as much as I can with every new doodle haha
Anon said: whenever im sad i just come to your account and look through your art :")) it brings me so much comfort :')) also i gotta mention that the teacher getou art you've made has healed my broken heart bc of jjk and now that is the only canon i accept thank you very much gege akutami has nothing on me
GAH GETO-SENSEI MY ONE AND ONLY I’m happy he makes you as soft as he does me, he’s such a comfort to me ;;;; and thank you for liking my stuff!!!! Means the world to me to hear it ;A; <3
Anon said: I miss your krbk sm 😔 No pressure intended!!!!!! I still love and support u and ur art!!!
Man I miss them too!!!!! @ hori when are you bringing my loves back from the war I’m here waiting good sir!!!
Anon said: v v curious on your thoughts on what’s currently going on in bnha manga :)))
HMMM what are my thoughts on it? Well, let’s split it in two: Deku’s side and Todoroki’s side, because that’s how it’s split in my brain atm, and allow me to start from the second because it’s easier to get through for me
I’m in love with everything Hori is doing with Todoroki and everyone involved with him - that’s to say his whole whole family and Hawks and Jeanist too, all of it, I’m so into it it’s no joke at all. Always been in love with how he handles Enji’s character and his interactions with his family and the latest developments didn’t disappoint me at all, wasn’t very much into Dabi right after the “reveal” but the more I think about it and about the story from his pov the more behind it I am, forever and always head over heels for Shouto’s way of dealing with a situation that’s as complex as one would expect from a protagonist of their very own story you could really make a manga out of the Todoroki’s family plot from Shouto’s pov alone, it’s incredible I can’t state how in love with it all I am enough. And Hawks, don’t make me start on him I’ll straight up never stop, absolutely and most definitely my favorite pro-hero I would trust him with my money and my kids 100/10 just assume I’m constantly crying over him. Also Jeanist is just hilarious so bless him and his presence in an otherwise too heavy story
Deku’s side........ well, the main problems I have with it are that one, I don’t really understant the need to keep ofa a secret from the class for the biggest part of the story when the reveal wasn’t forced upon Deku, didn’t have a huge impact on him or his relationship with the others (his leaving wasn’t directly caused by him coming clean after all, he wouldn’t have had to leave earlier had he not kept it a secret and he would have still left at this point had the class already known all along) and didn’t, like. Matter. All that much. Two, this manga is called my hero academia and I’m genuinely starting to wonder why. What was the point of all the arcs set inside the school anyway? Most of the characters growth (Deku’s especially) and the progression of the main plot happened in the arcs outside of the school anyway, and at this point it’s clear we’re not going back to the school after this or even seeing anyone graduate. What of Shinsou? What was the point of his plot when we’re not even gonna see him being active part of the class in a school environment? I’m just confused about it all, I guess. Three, which is really my biggest problem with it all, is the way Deku’s set on saving Shigaraki. It’s not like I don’t like a story in which all the villains are saved and the good guys win and love prevails and all that, call it corny but they’re exactly my type of stories, but I’m not sure I can get behind it when Twice died like that, and Midnight did as well, and Aizawa lost a leg, and Nighteye died, and Hawks might have lost his wings, and Shirakumo ended up Kurogiri and it’s still unclear whether he can be saved, like... why does Shigaraki get to be saved when so many people suffered like that? And it’s not only about them suffering by his hands, it’s about Hori and how he was ruthless with so many characters but lets the story show arbitrary kindness to Shigaraki alone, it’s all... well. Unfair. The way I see it. At this point I at the very least expect kindness for Touya as well, here.
That said if I pick the chapters one by one by themselves I do enjoy them very much. I just don’t gotta think about the big picture lmao AH but it’s all a personal opinion, of course! I know people who enjoy the way the story is going and I can see where they’re coming from, this is all arbitrary tastes and preferences on my part, I’m aware of it!
Anon said: Hi hi! I finally got into jjk AND finally caught up on the manga and i appreciate your doods soooo much more now!! They’re so great!! But imcurious, is there one specific moment in the story where you Gojo and Geto became IT for you? Just genuinely curious!!
THANK YOU happy to hear you liked jjk!!!! And that’s!!! a great question, I’m not sure I have an answer actually? I binged the manga in a day and a half, you see, and when I binge stuff that fast I rarely stop to overthink things - I did ship them as I read too since, well. They’re in love lmao but I shipped them in the same way I shipped itafushi or yuutoge after I read the prequel, you know? Just a general aknowledging of how good they were together. The main point with satosugu specifically was probably that satoru has been my favorite character since the beginning of the story and suguru got there as well as soon as I read their backstory, so once I was caught up they’re the ones I ended up spending the most time thinking about, both by themselves and together, and that ended up making me a bit obsessed..... just a bit lol
If I had to give one specific moment that got me by the heart and squeezed the hardest it’d be... probably Satoru’s “my soul knows otherwise”. And the way his voice alone could bring Suguru back, even for just a single moment. The thing about satosugu for me!!! one of the many things about them, but the main thing for me, is that they love each other. Be it platonic or however you wanna see it, they love each other. Despite everything and after it all, even if Satoru had to kill Suguru, even if Suguru killed so many and betrayed Satoru and they went their separate ways in the harshest of ways, they love each other. It’s insane, isn’t it? That they’d love each other so much they could pass over everything and anything. I’ve seen the “best friends become enemies” trope so often in shounen manga, but this is the first time I see it treated like this - with love so strong that they never blamed each other or turned that love in hate. The way satosugu do it is all-encompassing! It goes beyond the world and their differences and death itself! So if I had to pick it’d be that one, because that scene happens after it’s all over, and it all went to shit and way beyond too already, and still their souls resonate with each other and answer to each other and that sends me insane, just thinking about it. Like, god, they really still love each other. Satoru’s mourned for Suguru for a year, Suguru’s been dead for a year, they’d been separated ten whole years before then, and still! And still!!! It’s so tender I don’t know how to deal with it
Anon said: “What’s a god to a nonbeliever?”—That tag is going to haunt me for a while. The entire tag section for your latest Gojo and Geto drawing is meta-worthy.
THANK YOU it’d been eating at my brain I had to write it down somewhere why are those two like that
Anon said: Do you take commissions? No pressure! ✨❤️
Not right now!
Anon said: How do you feel about sukuna ? like/dislike or thoughts on him
AMAZING QUESTION I love him. I have absolutely zero clue as of why so don’t ask me to elaborate, I’m literally that marge pic with the potato when it’s about Sukuna, I have no meta thoughts about him nor deep reasonings behind it - by all accounts, I should dislike him! But he shows up and I’m like nghhh king, so that’s where we stand. It’s Sukuna, you know. I just think he’s neat.
Anon said: sighs time to get into another fandom bc i simp too hard for ur art 😔
HAH thank you for the trust I hope you’ll like ror if you do get into it!!! hahaha
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nincompoopydoo · 3 years
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PAIRING: Bruce Wayne x reader
SUMMARY: You’re back to teaching at Gotham High and you end up overlooking rehearsals for the GHS drama club’s upcoming annual play: Romeo and Juliet that no one ever attends. In the spirit of keeping your students’ hopes up, you decide to take it upon yourself to draft out a plan to drive more people to come to the play. The key is the man you’re in love with.
WARNINGS: Vague description of a nightmare, death and an annoying teenager.
A/N: This is really going slowly like a true slow burn. I hope yall like this one. Enjoy!
In the light of your unemployment as a teacher, Gotham High miraculously offered your old job back after Mrs Wilson, one of the senior English Literature teachers, died of a heart attack unannounced. In all seriousness, apologies were made, admitting they had a mistake with firing you because well, you were clearly a passionate teacher. To your surprise, you were told your students even missed you. Hence, you accepted a job from GHS once again because you would do anything to avoid the smell of burgers and the sounds of hungry crying children. After the whole burglary incident, the Big Belly Burger at midtown was forever doomed as customers gradually decreased over time. It was Gotham after all, people should be used to these kinds of things by now. Including witnessing Batman saving you, the whole experience felt like a fever dream. As excited you were and weirdly unbothered by the whole near-death experience, you realized that if you were to talk about it, no one would genuinely believe you anyway. He was a myth to most citizens of Gotham, but you’re an exception because you’re well acquainted with the knowledge that Bruce definitely knows Batman.
And oh boy, do they talk.
It’s your secret to keep and so is the Batarang you stole. You’re also dying to tell Bruce.
So, you find yourself back in the hallways, crowded with sweaty teenagers, but you would choose this over anything else in a heartbeat. Apart from returning to teaching uninterested students about the works of Shakespeare and Harper Lee and forcing reading lists onto them, you are also replacing Mrs Wilson as the GHS Drama Club’s advisor. Stage performance may be personally foreign to you but plays were practically your forte. That was how you ended up spending your Tuesday afternoons, preparing the members for the club’s annual play. This time, they decided to perform the classic: Romeo and Juliet.
As an English teacher, you were frankly sick of the play, forbidden love was a tad overrated to you. Yet the kids were genuinely trying their best. Shaniqua and Oscar were currently rehearsing their lines as the two infamous star-crossed lovers; You watched them with pride. The two were quiet in your classes but they truly shone on the stage of the school theatre.
“And palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss—teach, what does this whole scene even mean?” Shaniqua exclaims and you chuckle, “This scene is simply a metaphor where Romeo is a pilgrim wanting to erase his sins and Juliet is a saint. So, he is basically trying to convince her to kiss him so that he can truly be free of sin,” your explanation echoes through the room, and you notice Oscar turning red when you mention the word ‘kiss’. It was clear as day that the poor boy really liked the girl he’s currently hand in hand with but you don’t want him to feel nervous and uncomfortable about the thought of kissing her. “Now Oscar, you can kiss her on the cheek and that’s fine. Shaniqua, say it with more emotion, okay? Everyone got it?” The response you received was a sputter of hums and nods. Before you could continue, Josh, who plays Lord Capulet and is sitting lazily on the handmade throne, speaks up much to your dismay, “Why is it so important that we put so much effort into this. It’s not like anyone is going to come.” The kids around him began agreeing with his statement, and it was honestly completely expected of him but it was the truth. No one attends the drama club’s annual play. As you're trying to calm everyone down, your phone buzzes on the table in front of you. It’s a text from Bruce, asking if you could come over tonight, phrasing it like he’s a schoolboy sneaking from his parents to meet with a girl late at night. Then, like an epiphany you have an idea although there’s an eighty percent chance it wouldn’t go through. Nevertheless, you turn to the rest of the students with a hint of a smile on your lips. “I might have just the idea to solve that.”
A brief span seemed like an eternity when sleep doesn’t come easy to you. Tonight was a different case; thoughts were completely clear and concise. In much need of sleep, you steal the chance to savour in this clarity and serenity for as long as you could. To feel his warmth, arm gently resting on your abdomen and the occasional whiff of his deodorant from his ebony shirt you’re dressed in. If this was what bliss feels like, you never want it to go away. Your eyes grow heavy, flickering into darkness due to exhaustion from a long day of rehearsals. At once, you’re struck with the reminder of the idea you had this afternoon. It is more of a favour, involving none other than Bruce. There’s a tinge of guilt whenever favours are involved because you never liked asking for help. You were furiously independent and responsible, relying on others was out of the question. Yet, Bruce has always seemed to find a way to weave himself in your mistakes and problems, constantly there to help out. You have to remind yourself this isn’t about you. It’s for the kids. Special guest, Bruce Wayne, playboy and billionaire. Sounds awesome.
As your consciousness begins ebbing away, you feel Bruce shift from beside you, grasp tightening upon your waist. Before your dazed mind could even fully process that he was in the midst of a nightmare, his eyes are wide open, heart-pounding and it seizes him up instantly. With deep breaths, he closed his eyes once more, unable to shake the feeling of dread that rattles in him. Then, a sudden cold touch to his arm—he jumps and snaps his head to look over his shoulder.
It’s you, still laid in bed with a prominent frown upon your brows. Your hand squeezes his forearm and all he feels is instant relief. His heart still pounds, not in fear but with affection. “Are you okay?” you drawled as you watch his lingering hand, fingers weaved between the strands of hair. The silver ones glint under the low light, contrasting the deep brown ones. You notice how his hair had grown along with his five o’clock shadow becomes more evident by the days. His face away from you, finally nodding in response to your question. “Yeah, just... a bad dream. His voice is subdued as he shifts under the sheets, head leaning against the headboard. Despite your weakened state, you bring yourself to sit up, twisting your body to face him properly. "You wanna talk about it?” you say, patting his shoulder lightly in a comforting manner. You watch him rub his eyes, exhale tightly and shake his head. “No. Anything but that.”
His response comes out almost harsh but Bruce doesn’t mean for it to be perceived in that way. His dream was the usual, the normal ones he’s used to by now but in times of stress overwork, they have started to become more intense and violent. This time it involved you, for the first time, and he watched you vividly get shot in the forehead—trails of his memory as Batman when he encountered you at the burger restaurant with the muzzle of a gun inches away from you. It haunts him to think that if the circumstances were different if you hadn’t texted him those dreaded four words, you might be dead.
He certainly is not telling you about the dream. Never in a million years.
Bruce turns to you and you’re still staring at him, worry carved deep in your furrowed brows. Change of topic was merely necessary at this point. “So, how has school been? The kids still mean to you?” Classic Bruce, always sweeping his problems under the antique Persian rug. You don’t blame him because you wouldn’t know better.
It was your turn to sigh at the mention of school but since tonight’s pillow talk is heading towards your job as an English teacher at GHS, you might as well use the opportunity to pitch in your plan. “Still mean, but the drama club kids are really great,” You thumb the edge of the blanket, unable to hide your growing smile. “Speaking of which, the annual play is next Friday and they have been rehearsing all week but,” you paused as you watched his right brow gradually lift. “No one comes for it. Like, no one and I hate to see all their efforts just thrown out the window like that—”
“So, you want me to go for it.”
You blinked, wondering if your explanations were too obvious of its underlying intent or Bruce could just read you like an open book. You won’t be surprised if it’s the latter.
“If it’s no biggie. You don’t have to because I know you’re very busy but I don’t want the special guest to end up being the Big Belly Burger mascot.” Your smile widens and Bruce chuckles. Hell, it’s probably past midnight and you’re still able to find ways to be terribly funny. Literally terrible. After a beat of silence, he clears his throat. “I’ll clear my schedule.” It didn’t need much anticipation or thought because despite everything going on in his life, he knows he’ll do just about anything for you. You’re practically beaming at him and he finally sees it’s all worth it in the end. “Thank you, Bruce.” Your voice is sweet, and it makes his heart swell ever so slightly.
He sometimes wishes the two of you weren’t trapped in this loophole of unsaid confessions and hidden strong emotions for the other.
It almost comes naturally when he leans to you and presses a swift kiss to your forehead. Instead, it’s contradicting everything the two of you consider normal. He isn’t thinking straight and now your smile has disappeared, mouth agape and eyes very wide. Your brain stops.
Uh, what the hell just happened?
It hits him like a punch to the gut and the growing awkward silence is deafening. Yet, he doesn’t apologise because if he does, it doesn’t mean anything when in reality, it means so much more than just an accidental gesture. You don’t mention anything because you don’t objectify his actions. Kissing Bruce was fine when there are no strings attached but a peck to the forehead is way too affectionate for the man.
Before the both of you begin to overthink the events of a few moments ago, Bruce’s rational conscience kicks in and he clears his throat. “Get some sleep. You had a long day today.” He pats you on the shoulder awkwardly and you hum, shifting your head to lay back on the pillow. “Yesterday.” you correct him as it’s well past midnight. He chuckles, now laying flat on his back as he stares at the ceiling. Silently, the two of you agree to forget whatever happened a minute ago and to just...sleep it off.
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stxrrywildflower · 4 years
pairing - bau team x teen!reader
summary - you intern for garcia at the bau
warnings - mentions of case
word count - ?
note - takes place during season 7 around 2011
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you knew penelope from the minute you were born.
both of your parents were extremely close, living just a few short blocks away in san francisco. penelope was only 17 when you were born, you instantly becoming her new favorite person. her mom was even named as your godmother.
when penelope’s parents had died, yours had looked after her even though she did go underground as a hacker. despite how much penelope had changed, she was always there to check up on you and your parents.
and then she had gotten caught by the fbi of all people.
you were far to young to even comprehend what was happening. all you could remember was penelope hugging you tightly before she left. the two of you kept in contact by letters ever since that day.
now 17, you were an expert with computers. penelope was your guide, helping you learn to hack everything and anything as well as your way with all technology.
adding on to that, you were incredibly smart, taking all advanced placement courses at school. one of your classes was an internship, you had to find a local company to spend a certain number of hours a week in order to earn credit.
when penelope hears the news, mostly since she had access to your course schedule, she pulled a couple strings.
before you knew it, you were booked to have an internship with the behavioral analysis unit in washington d.c. under penelope garcia. aaron hotchner would be your ‘boss’ as he was the unit chief.
your parents were incredibly supportive, working out the details for you to stay with penelope for the semester and possibly part of the summer.
with multiple bags packed and a plane ticket booked, you were set to leave for washington d.c. in just a few short days.
arriving at quantico, you were more than nervous.
a car was arranged to pick you up from the airport, an agent named anderson picked you up to bring you to the bau. from there, you would be able to see penelope, meet with hotch, and get your proper paperwork and badge.
you could tell from the second you stepped in that your presence was out of place. a teenager was rarely in the bau, nonetheless one few people could connect to someone on the team.
“alright this is the floor you will be working on. garcia’s office is down the hall but through those doors over there is what we call the bullpen. that’s where the main teams desks are as well as where they do briefings,” anderson spoke, giving you a mini-tour.
“and the staring?” you asked. “that will stop soon. once they see you with agent hotchner they’ll back off. as much as i want to defend your case, i can’t say i wouldn’t act the same. this is the first teenager working at the fbi ever,” anderson informed you. “oh wow, didn’t know i was making history.”
“yeah you are, and I'm sure-” he was cut off.
“penny!” you exclaimed, rushing forward to hug the tech analyst, your luggage remaining behind you.
anderson smiled to himself, waving towards garcia before heading back to work.
“i’ve missed you so much sweetie,” penelope grinned, matching your enthusiasm. you hugged her for a little longer, overjoyed to see her after months.
morgan was next in the hallway, hugging you once penelope let go. “hey kid, how are you? school okay?” he questioned, ruffling your hair. “everything’s good derek, i’m just stoked to be here,” you grinned.
the rest of the team, to say the least, was extremely confused. there were a ton of questions running through their heads as the scene played out.
“maybe it’s morgan and garcia’s secret love child,” emily snickered, spencer and j.j. laughing too.
“i can take your bags down to my lair and we can bring them to my place after work,” penelope offered. “and i can take you in to meet hotch,” morgan piped in.
you kept your backpack with you, the three of you splitting up. morgan stayed by your side, guiding you into the bullpen.
the two of you couldn’t have been in the main roof for more than a few minutes before who you assumed was hotch was down to greet you.
“welcome y/n y/l/n, it’s nice to finally meet you,” hotch greeted, extending his hand for you to shake. you took it, nodding with a “nice to meet you too sir.”
“please, call me hotch. we can talk up in my office,” with one final smile towards morgan, you were following the into chief up for your meeting.
“so how do you know garcia?” hotch first asked.
“she’s pretty much my godmother, her mom was my official one before she passed. our parents were friends so i’ve known her for most of my life,” you explained, a smile on your face. “she taught me to hack when i was only 10.”
hotch nodded, “and you’re seventeen, correct? have you committed to any colleges?”
you shook your head no. “not yet sir. i’ve been accepted to a few but haven’t made any final decision. pennelope is pushing me to go to school around here though.”
“i’m sure wherever you go will be a good fit. but now, we have to get into some of the more official stuff. how are you managing school with this inteenship?”
“my teachers moved all of my classes online with virtual lessons and work. penelope and i have already worked out a schedule so i can focus on my work here and do schoolwork at night,” you explained.
hotch was obviously satisfied with his answer so he continued, “now with your internship, we don’t expect you to work cases with us right away. it is mostly just learning under garcia. once you feel comfortable enough and get a recommendation, you can move up.”
you nodded along, taking in the information about your job. “i can take you down to get your badge and then you can meet the team,” hotch offered. “sounds perfect.”
photos and paperwork didn’t take more than twenty minutes. you were back up, a crisp new badge clipped on your jacket, soon enough.
“my team,” hotch called. “conference room.”
with his usual ‘unit chief’ tone, no one bother to argue with him. adding on to your interaction with three out of seven members, changes were obviously happening.
you were seated on top of one of the file cabinets, morgan beside you and penelope next to him. your conversation died down once more people entered the room.
both you and morgan quickly got down, wanting to look at least a little bit professional.
“everyone, i would like you to meet our newest team member, y/n y/l/n. she’ll be interning under penelope and helping out on cases,” hotch inteoduced.
you waved to everyone, a slight smile forming on your face. “from left to right is reid, prentiss, rossi, and j.j. and your already know garcia and morgan,” hotch pointed out each individual member.
“wait i’m not following. you know morgan and garcia?” rossi asked.
“my parents knew penelope’s for a long time. i grew up with penelope pretty much as an older sister. and i know morgan since he’s visited home a few times,” you explained.
the team was already eager to get to know you, having a fresh face around, nonetheless one that was only 17, would definitely be nice. so, for your first day, you were pestered with questions. you already fit well with the team, a new member being added to their little family without problem.
your first week was pretty much just learning the basics of how the computers in garcia’s lair actually operated. you had your own little station in one of the corners, a few computers and monitors set up for you to work with.
two weeks in, you had your first real assignment.
it wasn’t by choice, you were supposed to start working with the gory stuff in two weeks, or a month of working there.
you absolutely loved the job with the team. oftentimes, you found yourself hanging out with either emily or j.j. for dinner and time with sergio and or henry. you went on morning runs with morgan, the two of you constantly sending each other new routes to run on. spencer helped you with your homework, planning a schedule for the idea work time like it was no issue. if you ever had a problem with school, he would always help you figure it out.
rossi found a new sense of joy in teaching you to cook. you grew up in san francisco, eating a lot of sea food and not much else. rossi changed that, making you various pasta dishes to try as well as the recipient. and hotch, hotch became an overall mentor and pretty much another dad to you. while spencer helped you with work, hotch would keep you in line with everything.
the latest case was pretty intensive on you and penelope. you did as much work as you could, you still weren’t officially clear to handle crime scene information just yet.
the one time penelope was out of her office getting coffee for the two of you, her office phone had started ringing. you quickly pushed away from your desk, your chair rolling across the floor until you were in front of hers.
“office of the most talented and magical members of the bau here. how may i help you?” you greeted. “man garcia is really rubbing off on you,” you chose to ignore that comment.
“speaking of garcia, where is she?”
you sighed, “getting coffee. what do you need?” hotch was quick to answer, “i need you too look up an unsub. name is roger clark.”
in lightning speed, you clicked away at the computer as you dug up information on the man.
“ah here his is. clark rogers was born to a frank and mary rogers. was a normal child, played sports and graduated with honors. did have a case of aggravated assault in college though he got off free since his dad was a lawyer. oh shoot, his mom died a few weeks ago,” you quickly explained.
something about a possible trigger as barely audible in the background of the call. “we need a location asap,” emily spoke.
“oh i’ve has the location sent from the minute you called,” you leaned back in your chair, most of your work already done.
hotch actually had one of his rare smiles on his face after that. “thanks so much,” he spoke. “stay safe,” you called before hanging up the call.
little did you know, your work was more than helpful. though it was minimal, small details you had provided actually proved to be useful in taking down the unsub. even penelope, who heard news of everything once she returned, was thoroughly impressed. it wasn’t super easy finding out that information as fast as you could.
all you knew is that you were guaranteed a job once you graduated.
☆ ☆ ☆
tags - @tinylumpiaa @sapphicspence @itsmyblogandillreblogifiwantto @change-the-world-someday @ah-blossom @dr-reid-ismyspiritanimal @kissessforharryyy @garcias-batcave @spenceneedsahug @jjandreidsgirl @zoseph @spencerreidxoxo @marvelxmendes @kissessfordraco @ogmilkis @cm-is-kinda-cool @ssa-morgan @matthewgublerswife @spencerslatte @babyangellee @agentshortstacc
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nctsjiho · 3 years
Global Cuisine
warnings: a bad word in French if you want to consider that worthy of a warning
❀ The one where Jisung accidentally says a really bad word in French
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“Basically it’s a Canadian dish made from fries and gravy. Right Mark?” JiHo eyed the boy with a raised brow and he hummed in response. “I actually didn’t have it a lot when I was growing up.” JiHo just gave him an acknowledging nod before walking over to the bookshelf.
JiHo and some of the other members were at the SM library/classroom to do some individual studying. Mark and Jungwoo were studying their Japanese while Jisung and Chenle had tagged along to learn a bit of everything.
Just a few minutes back JiHo had learned Jisung some basic French - although he pretty much sucked at it, JiHo still appreciated his effort - and now he was studying English.
Chenle who had taken his spot next to the maknae wasn’t really being much more than a pain. He constantly teased Jisung when he messed up which if it were JiHo she’d probably loose her patience, but Jisung seemed almost unbothered. Seeing how Jisung was almost immune to Chenle’s teasing she had gained so much more respect for the youngest.
Now Jisung was learning about global cuisine. His youthful curiosity had caused him to ask a million questions, which everyone in the room found equally adorable and annoying, since everyone else, bar Chenle, was busy with their own things.
“Wait, so what’s it called? Uhm...” JiHo made her way back to the table after grabbing a book she had been eyeing for a while, noticing Jisung struggling to pronounce the word. Being the only one noticing Jisung’s struggle she let him struggle a bit more, finding it adorable how his face twisted in all kinds of expressions. “Ah- P*tain!”
The proud smile on Jisung’s face was immediately wiped away as he heard the sound of a book hit the floor with a thud. The three other boys in the room watched as JiHo clasped her hand around Jisung’s mouth, her eyes so wide as if she had seen something gruesome.
Jisung pried JiHo’s hand from his mouth and turned to her with a questioning, slightly scared, expression. “You can’t say that word, Jisung!” She sounded so panicked which caused Jisung to start panicking as well. “What? What did I say?! I was just saying put-” “Jisung, no!”
The girl settled next to him, acting as if she had just ran a marathon with how heavy she was breathing. “It’s pronounced poutine! Not put- Not that other word you just said.” Jisung eyed the other boys who had been laughing at the scene unfolding in front of them, yet they were also very confused.
“What did he say then?” Chenle asked curiously. “I’m not telling you. Just don’t ever say it again.” She pointed back at Jisung who just forced a nod. “What does putai-” “CHENLE! Shut up! It’s just a very, very, VERY bad word in French okay?! Never say that word, understood!”
Earlier, JiHo had learned him how to read and pronounce French words. The rules and pronunciation had probably stuck with the boy, which was likely the reason how he not only mispronounced the word, but ended up saying a word that existed in the French language.
When it dawned on Jisung that he had said a bad word - not knowing exactly how bad, but guessing from JiHo’s little outburst he could tell it was very bad - in a foreign language had made his face go pale. The other three boys were now on the floor laughing. The youngest’s expression pushing them over the edge so much that their laughter was almost not allowing them to breath properly.
“Is it really that bad?” Jisung whispered. JiHo placed her hand on his shoulder giving it a soft squeeze. “Never say it again.” She stared him dead in the eye for a minute which sent shivers down his spine. He just nodded once more before turning to his book, his thoughts covering up the laughter of the other boys.
Not even a minute later Haechan and Renjun walked into the room and Chenle jumped up to his feet. “Hyungs! Jisung said a really bad word in French!” His dolphin-like laughter sounded through the room.
Jisung jumped up to stop Chenle from bringing up the embarrassing moment, yet it was too late as Renjun and Haechan looked at him with wide eyes. “What did you say?” Haechan asked dumbfounded. “No! More important, why did you say it?” Renjun seemed ready to scold Jisung.
JiHo hadn’t really laughed before, but seeing Jisung that flustered with Haechan and Renjun questioning him and Chenle teasing the poor boy had JiHo loosen up a bit and start chuckling. Even though Jisung was standing with his back turned to JiHo, she could see the tips of his ears turn a bright red and she could hear him start to stutter in an attempt to explain himself to his hyungs.
Mark poked at JiHo’s shoulder to grab her attention. “Shouldn’t you help the poor dude out?” JiHo just smiled and shrugged. “I never learned him that word, I’m not taking responsibility for that.” Mark laughed at her comment before they both turned back to see Jisung getting scolded by three of his older friends without being able to defend himself.
Side note: based on a true story lol, this somewhat happened in one of my classes in high school and it was hilarious. Luckily we had a very chill French teacher. ALSO I’m sorry for that dumb title, I couldn’t think of anything else.
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thatasianstereotype · 4 years
Shit. I Got To Deal With This Bitch (Again). 
The third installment of my Adrien x Damian AU. 
First: Fuck. I’m Gay. 
Second: Damn, You’re Looking Fine. 
Well, would you look at that? I’m not dead after all. And this took a while to put together understatement of the fucking century. The reason is because life is a busy little shit the English language will not cooperate. I’m thinking of a scene I want to write and somehow words are lost in translating that into the computer and I end up with a white blank screen in the end. 
But moving on to the fic. At first, I was going to have the whole Gabriel-being-put-in-jail and former-friends-thing put as an aftermath because I really wanted to write Marinette and Adrien meeting the Waynes. But I decided to make the aftermath a full-blown fic from @michaelshadow7779′s ideas and extend the trilogy into a four-part series. 
This part will be focused on what happened to Liar-la, Ms. Bustier’s class trying to gain back their friendship with Marinette and Adrien, and Gabriel getting a special visit from both Robin and Ladybug. 
Again, this is a crack writing where creative liberties were definitely taken. 
Lila Rossi is a fucking bitch and everyone —Like everyone this time— knew it. 
Her reputation was now in shambles (she’s now known as that pathological liar or that lying bitch) and Ms. Bustier’s class could only stare at her with hatred and anger —feelings that were once directed at Marinette. 
No one entertained her lies anymore. No one really hung out with her anymore. She sat at the back of the class, staring daggers at both Adrien and Marinette all day (just wishing for an akuma that will never appear).
Unfortunately for her, Lila couldn’t transfer out of class and with only 2 more months of the school year left, she couldn’t transfer out of school so she was stuck dealing with the consequences of her actions: being a fucking social outcast.
Because the class was not at all happy with their supposed friend. Tensions ran high during school. Things took a turn for the worse when Ms. Bustier tried to “fix” things in her own way, mentioning how the only reason Lila lied was because of her “disease” and the girl simply wanted to make friends. 
Needless to say, the class did not appreciate their teacher making them out to be fools all this time. 
It was Alya who ripped her a new one. Césaire definitely has a set of lungs on her. And Adrien would be lying if he didn’t say how utterly satisfying it was to watch.
Karma was a bitch. 
Payback was a bitch. 
And Adrien was fucking living in the aftermath. He wondered if it was mean (probably but he didn’t care) that he wished he had popcorn right now. 
All in all, life returned back to normal. 
Well, kind of. 
Unfortunately, with the 2 months left in the school year, Ms. Bustier couldn’t exactly be let go because apparently Mr. Damocles didn’t want to deal with the whole paperwork, trying to find a new teacher to replace her, and dealing with the so-called Akuma class. 
That fucker. 
So essentially, he left her at the mercy of her unhappy class, saying she will be let go at the end of the school year. 
Ms. Bustier was unhappy with the arrangement. The class was unhappy with it too. Probably even more so. Since they still got to deal with Rossi’s bitch ass on a daily basis. 
The remaining 2 months of school were spent in a passive-aggressive war. Teacher vs. Students. Where technically the teacher should be respected and they should learn from her but the class was unleashing their collective pettiness. 
And Caline Bustier was fucking done with this job. She wanted to go back in time to when she thought being a teacher was a good idea and shake her past self silly. At this point, she was just counting the days until she can leave for good. 
“Kim. That’s the third time you slept in class this week. If you don’t pay attention, you won’t pass the test next week.” 
“Hold up. I got to ask the certified pathological liar where I put all the fucks I give.” 
“Ok. Don’t forget to ask Marinette if you can actually trust her answer.” 
It was glorious. 
Adrien and Marinette were definitely enjoying the show. 
Marinette put down her sketchbook and stared at Damian for a minute. “You’ve been here for a month and a half already. Are you still doing business for your dad?” 
Damian Wayne became a common sight around Françoise Dupont High School and can usually be seen around Adrien and Marinette. After a week of constantly seeing him hang around lunch or in after school activities/clubs, seeing a Wayne soon lost its novelty and people accepted it as the new norm.
“I’m already done with what I need to do at WE’s Paris branch.” He casually plucked flowers from the ground to make a crown for his mon amour who was happily chatting with Luka and Kagami.
“So why are you still here? Don’t you have your own education to finish?”
“My schooling is of no concern. I already earned my diploma a few months ago. It was not at all difficult when I’m already light years ahead of my peers in regards to the dismal educational system my Father forced me to attend."
She raised an unamused eyebrow. “Uh huh. And your family isn’t worried at all about you, a minor, being in a foreign country all by yourself?” 
“They know I’m here. I already informed Father that I will be extending my stay here.”
“And he just accepted it? Just like that?”
"I’m responsible enough to handle myself. I surely do not need Batman watching over me. And you don’t need to worry at all. I’ve been away from home for far longer.”
“You’re completely missing the point.”
“On the contrary, I thought I answered the question perfectly.”
When they weren’t playing a petty war with Bustier, the class was trying to get back into Marinette and Adrien’s good graces by inviting them to everything and trying to include the pair in their lives again. They wanted to be friends with their Everyday Ladybug and Sunshine Child again. 
“Want to do homework together?”
“How about a study session?” 
“We’re having a sleepover at Juleka’s place, Marinette. We can talk about each other’s love lives like the good old times.” 
“Wanna see the new movie that came out, Adrien? I’ll even pay for your favorite snacks.”
“Come on you two. Let’s hang out in the park. We can get Andre’s ice cream too. It’ll be fun.” 
Spoiler alert: It don’t work. At all. 
“Hey Marinette, Adrien! Why don’t you sit with us today?” Alya eagerly waved at them from where she was sitting with Nino. 
It was a part of a long list of efforts that the class is trying to include the pair in. And it would be nice if it was just to be nice and friendly, you know. Adrien wasn’t going to be outright mean to them even though they fucking deserve it after how they treated the beautiful and kind goddess that was Marinette because Mari asked him to “Play nice, kitty”. 
But the class kept trying to slide the whole Liar-la thing under the rug as if it was nothing. As if they didn’t shit all over their good name for a two-faced bitch. As if they had no part in making them feel like outcasts just weeks before. As if they didn’t called them hateful names or gave them scornful glares. 
And that’s just fucking wrong. Because it wasn’t nothing. And they weren’t good pals anymore. So stop fucking acting like it. 
Adrien was so done with his former friends/classmates. Marinette even more so. 
Because apparently, saying “Yeah, We want nothing to do with you anymore.” is not fucking clear enough that the pair wanted nothing to do with their former friends. 
Like what the actual fuck. 
Luckily, Mari can sense her kitty’s bad mood and quickly laid a hand on his arm and led them to their seats in the middle row since Liar-la took the back and they will be damned if they sit next to her. 
Alya was utterly aghast. She and the others were trying their best to have things be back to where they were before. Doesn’t Marinette and Adrien want things to be like they were before? When everyone was friends and they were making happy memories together? 
Why won’t they accept their olive branch? They’ll be friends again and everything will be okay just like it was before Lila came. 
Let it be known that Alya Césaire was not a patient person. Like at all. 
She was fuming (like you could see the smoke coming out of her ears) as she walked up to Marinette’s desk, just bursting at the seams with frustration. “I don’t get it. Why are you so cosy with Adrien instead of us? Did you forget he supported Lila too? 
“That was—” Marinette spoke up in defense of her everything-that-actually-matters brother. 
But Alya ignored her and bulldozed right over, slamming her hands down on her desk. “Yeah. He changed his mind later on but the point still stands that he was on Lila’s side just like us so why are you willing to be friends with him but not me and Nino? We were best buds.” 
“Adrien was friends with Lila unwillingly, unlike you guys. His douchebag of a father wanted him to play nice with that harlot for some reason and he had to go along with it or risk being pulled out of school.” 
Alya rolled her eyes (She literally rolled her eyes at that) before crossing her arms in front of her chest. “Please. That’s probably a pretty little excuse he gave you be on your good side again. We all know Gabriel will never actually do it.”  
“Are you perhaps referring to the man who rejected the idea of a birthday part for his own son or makes Adrien attend constant photo shoots and a crazy schedule to follow that makes it hard for him to hang out with his friends regularly. That Gabriel?” 
At that, Alya faltered a bit as she uncrossed her arms. 
“Look, Alya. I’m fine with being friendly classmates but I’m not going to be your friend again.” 
And Alya —who wanted things to just be okay again and wanted to go back to being Marinette’s best friend, who was tired of days trying to put so much effort into being Marinette’s best gal again only to be rejected every single time— just let whatever came into her mind to slip out of her mouth. She didn’t watch what she said next and in doing so burnt the last bridge she ever had to Marinette. 
“Maybe Lila was actually right for once when she said the only reason you’re close to Adrien was to use him to get ahead in the fashion industry.” 
Oh shit. 
She really done did it now. 
It was at this point that Marinette’s infinite patience and kindness snapped. Adrien scooted his chair back a bit to get out of the crossfire. He’s a dumbass kitty but he still has self-preservation. 
The grip on her pencil tightened as her eyes narrowed and grew darker, her voice ice cold.  
“You were the one who decided we were done being friends, Césaire.” 
Alya was taken aback, frozen at the biting harshness Marinette directed at her. Whatever comeback she had died in her throat. 
Mari let out a deep breath and her voice was back to neutral. “Look. Maybe someday in the future we can be friends again. But not right now. Please respect my decision.”
And that was the end of that. 
Well kind of. 
Because the ice queen treatment didn’t deter her at all. Alya still persistently tried to get Marinette to be friends with her again until Nino pulled her away and forced her to stop it with her ridiculous antics which aren’t working. 
The rest of their former friends now classmates got the message and left the pair alone. They were friendly and cordial with each other as common courtesy dictate but they had no interaction beyond that. They were nowhere near as close as they once were before Liar-la happened. 
Anyway, school went back to normal. Well as normal as it could be with all the recent changes.
Nothing was as it was before. 
And Marinette and Adrien were fine with that. 
Mari was hanging out with Aurore and Mireille for the afternoon so Damian and Adrien had Mari’s room all to themselves. They were currently playing video games. 
And although the Wayne boy was the perfect gentleman who doesn’t let his hormones rule over common courtesy and a proper courtship, Plagg was there to supervise the lovebirds (with a boatload of cheese to keep him company of course). 
He likes to think of himself as laid back and chill who cares deeply about his kittens. And Adrien is a pure innocent little bean. 
Don’t get him wrong. He does like Wayne as a person. The kid’s attitude and personality is a fun riot to witness. But the major plus is how it is beyond obvious Wayne adores and cares greatly about Adrien. He is a good boyfriend to his chaotic gay sunshine baby. 
But after all the shit and drama that went down with his scumbag of a dad, Plagg was just feeling a tad protective of his kitty. 
Just a tad. 
They have been dating for close to a month now. He wonders if they are going to do a one-month anniversary. Is that excessive? Or was that normal? But Adrien still can’t get over how he landed such a hot and amazing guy as a beau. 
If only he could go back in time to visit his insecure and confused little self and reassure him that they had game all along. 
“Fuck. I lost.” 
Dami smirked. “That makes it 7 to 5 in my favor.” 
“I don’t care if you’re drop dead gorgeous. I’ll beat your pretty face in the next round.” 
Hot-And-Sexy had an amused grin on his face. “I love you too, babe.” 
Marinete and Damian are finally making a plan to get Hawk Moth to answer for his crimes. Needless to say, they have their differences on how to handle Gabriel Agreste.
“I vote to have Hawk Moth taste my blade.”
“We’re not killing Adrien’s dad no matter how much he deserves it.”
“I can get away with it.”
“So can I. But murder is still illegal.”
Naturally, discussing how to confront Gabriel and coming with a good solid plan that satisfies both teenagers took some time.
Adrien entered Mari’s room, humming a bit as he carried a tray filled with homemade snacks. He perked up seeing his two favorite people in the world getting along so well.
“Hey guys! What are you up to?”
Damian and Marinette glanced at each other for a split second. They didn’t want their Chaton to worry about Hawk Moth so they didn’t share any specifics.
It was Dami who spoke up. “We are discussing the legalities of assassination.”
Mari facepalmed.
Luckily, Adrien was a pure oblivious child. “That’s nice, babe.”
With all the strange things he’s seen (namely, the Miraculous and getting powers from tiny little talking animals), Gabriel will like to say he shouldn’t be surprised. 
But he was. 
Luckily, he had enough self-control to not show his surprise in an obvious way, just a raised eyebrow towards the two superheroes standing in the middle of his office. 
“To what do I owe the pleasure, Mademoiselle Ladybug and Monsieur Robin?” Pleasant and neutral. 
Ladybug he can kind of understand her presence. He is a supervillain after all. Wait. Maybe ex-supervillain now. Because he hasn’t been doing villain things for a while now since he misplaced Nooroo’s brooch and couldn’t find it no matter how many boxes of unsold Miraculous replicas he went through. And he went through a lot (that is not an understatement). Amazing how much free time he has when he isn’t stalking on the watch for negative feelings. 
But what was Robin doing here? He wasn’t aware the Gotham sidekick was in Paris in the first place. 
“We are aware of your alter ego, Hawk Moth.” 
He sighed internally. This wasn’t going to end well. But he hasn’t gotten this far by bowing down easily. 
“Just because I am a genius recluse does not mean I have supervillain tendencies.” 
Ladybug was unimpressed as she crossed her arms and stare at him with a deadpan look. “But you do have supervillain tendencies. I have yours and Nathalie’s miraculous who told us all about your plans.” 
Huh, no wonder he couldn’t find them. 
But anyway, the gig was up. Nooroo and Duusu were very emotional blabbermouths. The main reason why he couldn’t let them out of his sight —besides needing them to transform into bad guys of course. 
“Then you know I had a good reason why I became Hawk Moth.” 
“To bring your wife back. Yes, I am aware of your ‘master’ plan.” 
Maybe he can appeal to their sympathy. After all, heroes got to have empathy, right? “It was for Adrien’s sake to have his family back together.”
Apparently, that was the wrong thing to say. 
Because next thing he knew he had a razor sharp sword against his neck. He didn’t even see Robin move. 
“Do not speak of his name, you traitor scum.” The Gotham hero growled. “How dare you preach about your son’s happiness when you are the one who have been neglecting him for the past years. Do not say you care for the boy when you never once showed an ounce of love towards him.” 
Why is Robin so protective towards Adrien? Do they know each other well? 
But Gabriel’s questions were immediately banished to the back of his mind. Because right now, he was righteously fearing for his life. Prison sounded better than death. He glanced towards Ladybug. He knew she, at least, wouldn’t let him die. She was the picture perfect hero after all. 
Who was facepalming at the situation. “For the last time, we are not killing Agreste.” 
Unfortunately, Robin did not remove the sword. “And as I keep saying, no one will have to know.” 
“I will. I am literally standing right here as a witness.” 
“You may look away if you are squeamish.”
“...That’s not the problem.” It was time for Ladybug to pull out the big guns. “And if you go through with this, you will make your boyfriend cry and he will no longer want to date you.” 
It took a few seconds but Robin eventually lowered the sword and addressed Gabriel. “Do not presume that because you have no received death today that you do not deserve it. The only reason why your guts have not decorated this room is because I do not wish to make my mon amour shed tears for such a despicable man.” 
Ladybug spoke up next. “We are going to report you to the authorities. Robin and I have enough evidence to put you away for life.” 
To live for another day, Gabriel makes the smart choice of quickly surrendering right then and there. 
“Mon amour, I come bearing both good and bad news.” 
Adrien looked at Dami confused. “Okay? What’s the bad news?”
“Your sister have unfortunately stopped my attempt to slay your wicked father.” 
Adrien’s squishy little heart filled with endearing fondness at how much Hot-And-Sexy cared about him. 
“Killing my father isn’t worth going to jail, Dami. I’m sure you can pull off orange but Mari will probably bar me from ever visiting you to teach you a lesson.”  
He considered that for a moment. “That is true. Marinette is a frightening terror.” 
“She’s the greatest thing to happen to me.”Adrien swooned at his goddess before remembering his boyfriend was with him. “You’re a very close second.” 
But Dami was smiling fondly. “I know. I knew what I was getting into when I asked you out. I will never get in the way between your sibling bond.” 
He could feel his squishy little heart almost explode from all this sugary cuteness from his vain and egotistical Adonis.  
“You’re adorable. So what’s the good news you have for me?” 
“Marinette and I have finally dealt with your father. He will answer for his crimes in front of the Parisian authorities and you will not deal with the repercussions of being related to someone as vile as he.” 
“Does this mean I don’t have to legally change my name to Dupain-Cheng after all?” 
“You’re already one. Not sharing their name does not make you any less of one.” 
Adrien beamed, smiling brighter than any sun. He loved being part of the Dupain-Cheng family and it was nice to be acknowledged as one of them. 
“Of course. Being a Wayne is an honor too.” Damian said casually as if he was simply talking about the weather. Only the twitch of his fingers belied his nervousness. 
Adrien interlocked their fingers together. “You have to buy me a pretty ring first, Mr. Hot-And-Sexy.” 
The next week was kind of crazy to say the least. 
Gabriel Agreste was outed as Hawk Moth and Natalie as Mayura to the public. They were promptly put in jail. 
For all their contingency plans, Marinette and Damian had nothing to worry about after all. Adrien being a literal sunshine and Paris’ darling model was what saved him from being a pariah and outcast. The public knew that Adrien was the victim here and not part of Hawk Moth’s plans at all (Be serious. Can you imagine Sunshine child actually having an evil streak in him? No? That’s right. Because it is impossible). People were more sympathetic about Adrien having such a douchebag as a father than the possibility that he was evil like said douchebag. 
After that whole drama mess, Ladybug and Chat Noir announced their retirement to Paris’ dismay. But eh. Without akumas running around, they can leave Paris’ future to the police (since it’s you know, their job to keep the peace and not teenagers who is still winging it as they kick ass). 
Marinette and Adrien just wanted to focus on their future without any other crazy shenanigans.
He already said it before. But it still bears repeating.
Lila Rossi is a bitch.
The only thing Gabriel did right was throw her under the bus when he was caught. He told the police and superheroes how Lila helped him cause akumas with her lies and manipulation. Who knew her destroyed reputation could plummet even further? Understandably, her mother was not at all pleased with her daughter’s antics.
For being a terrorist and an indecent person, Lila was immediately arrested and deported to Italy (and that’s the last they ever heard of her thank everything Mari thinks is holy). 
With the whole Hawkmoth thing out of the way and he didn’t have to worry about his shitty dad ever again, Adrien can now focus on his biggest challenge yet. 
School will be over in a few days and summer will be here. Which means: It’s time to finally meet the Waynes. 
Oh fuck. He was going to meet the Batfam. 
And even though Dami assured him that his family will like him, he was still nervous. 
Fuck that. He was absolutely 100% freaking out!
Thank goodness Mari was coming along for the ride. 
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xpeachesncream · 4 years
acquainted | three
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summary: the biggest goal of a grad student is to get through school in one piece - no petty drama involved, no sweating over the little things. however, that plan almost always never follows through. sometimes, you can’t help but fall into the most unthinkable, unexpected traps and learn the hard way. like, exhibit a: being unable to resist your engaged, substitute teacher, kim seokjin.
pairing: (2nd bts member to be revealed later on) x reader x engaged!teacher!seokjin
genre: grad school au, student life au | fluff, angst, smut (to come)
words: 2.0k
warnings: hoe-ish thoughts / implied sexual content, cussing, mentions of death/car accident, your friends being extra like always
notes: flashback scene towards the last half of the chapter. start and end of flashback will be indicated!
tags: @laurynne5​, @yiyi4657​, @bluesharksandfish​, @miinoongi​ @teamtardis-notdead​ (pls msg me if you would like to be added to the taglist!)
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It was a cold morning, with the wind slowly picking up, bringing the clouds over from across the bay. You grabbed yourself a cup of coffee and sat on a table near the food cart on campus, finishing up your last items on your to-do list for work. You didn't wanna sit in the office for remainder of the day, and luckily, your job gave you that flexibility. You rubbed your hands together, hoping it could provide some relief to the cold taking over. You were too lazy to make your move at this point, and Mr. Kim's [or shall we say Jin since we aren't in a classroom right now] class wasn't too far away from where you were sitting. It'd be an easy, breezy walk.
Your brain felt foggy; even though you didn't have much left on your to-do list, you couldn't seem to focus and you knew why. Chance's death anniversary was coming up, and it was always something you dreaded. You wish you could skip the day and continue on with the week without having to revisit shit like this. Your friends are your biggest support systems, but they too, have their own lives to tend to. And as much as they tried to physically be there for you, sometimes it just didn't end up happening that way.
"Miss Y/N, are you doing alright?" You looked up to see Jin standing in front of you, a concerned expression plastered on his face while he held his cup of coffee.
"Oh yeah, sorry. Just spaced out trying to get things done for work."
"No need to apologize. I feel that, 100%." He chuckled. "Mind if I sit for a minute?" You shook your head and moved your things closer to you so he had some room for himself. "Glad to see you got home in one piece."
"Sure did." You smiled at him, tilting your head slightly to get a good look at his handsome ass face while he brings up his foot to rest on his knee. Honest question: is it ever too early for hoe thoughts to make an appearance?
Did I put on deodorant today?
"You work nearby?" He sipped on his coffee and glanced at you.
"Yeah, I work for a cloud-based software company as a project manager. Sometimes, I'll help chime in with graphic design projects too, if I'm not too swamped." He nodded.
"That's pretty amazing."
"What about you? I assume this isn't your only gig." He chuckled.
"You're right, it's not. I, uh-" He paused. "I'm a CFO for a tech company in the city." Your eyes widened. Handsome, and a fucking boss? You have got to be kidding me.
"W-wow. Holy shit." You quickly shook your head and shut your eyes in embarrassment. "Sorry, holy crap." You corrected your previous statement.
"Y/N, I don't care if you cuss." He laughed. "I'm a 30 year old man who still finds the need to slip it in between every other word when I'm not in class."
"Sorry, just— holy fuck. I wasn't really expecting that, but good on you!"
"What do I look like to you? Honest question."
"Oh, I mean. I just thought you worked in business or something like that. As someone important, but not that important. I-I mean—"You sighed and pursed your lips into a fine line. "You know what I mean, I hope."
"I think I do, don't worry." He smiled, feeling slightly amused with how cute you were acting.
"You must be really busy all the time."
"Mm, no actually. I do have quite a few meetings and deadlines to reach but other than that, it's not too bad." You rested your chin on the palm of your hand. "Are you from here?"
"I am, born and raised. Are you?" He shook his head and slightly pouted.
"I moved here a couple of years ago from Seattle when my fiancé Grace started to get serious about her cooking. She wanted to open her first restaurant here."
"Oh, that's neat. She's a chef?" Stupid question, but you weren't sure how else to keep the conversation going about his soon-to-be wifey.
"Yep. She's a wonder woman, for sure." He pauses to sip more of his coffee. "Do you have family members that live around here?"
"Yeah I do, my parents live about 30 minutes away from here. I go and visit them when I can. But sometimes, I get too occupied with work and school that I just long for time to myself. Being 25, you'd think I could handle more but I'm still learning how to balance my time, I guess." He nods. He's a little relieved to hear you aren't that far off in age, to be honest. He wasn't sure if he was being weird harmlessly getting to know his students. He genuinely wanted to build relationships with them so they didn't think he was a professor they couldn't turn to. However, when it came to you, he couldn't help but feel slightly captivated. He was impressed with the way you carried yourself, down to how you'd participate in class and how you didn't come off like a student who hated every fucking professor they came across in their academic career. He appreciated the tiny details. "Not gonna lie though, I do get a little homesick whenever I don't get to visit for awhile, even though they don't live far. Truly makes me appreciate having my friends around."
"Ryujin, Taehyung and Jimin? No siblings?" He asks. Impressive. He paid attention.  Although, it's definitely not hard to figure out when you four were constantly [for the most part] stuck at the hip.
"Yup, those punks. I'm the only child so they've become family to me." You smiled hearing your friends' names. They honestly meant the world to you, and you weren't sure where you'd be without them.
"That's sweet. It's good to have people like that on your side of the court."
There was silence for a moment, with Jin looking at you over the rim of his cup, while you tried your hardest to keep yourself together. You felt the heat radiating throughout your body the longer you kept your gaze on him, the tension slightly building. You were a little relieved he didn't bounce the question back about your love life or anything regarding the matter. You almost feel guilty that you're digging pretty deeply into this situation yet again, but you felt comfortable with the way the conversation was going and the energy he was exuding.
"I, um--" You pause as you tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. He keeps the same gaze on you, almost like he's trying to figure out what you'll say next by reading you and your body language. "I hope--"
"Y/N!" You hear Taehyung's deep ass voice yell for you from behind. "Oh fuck, sorry dude. Am I interrupting something?" To be quite frank, you were happy Taehyung interrupted when he did because you were just about to tell Jin how good he looked, respectfully, of course. You were going to keep it PG and comment on the tie he was wearing and how the pattern complimented him and the rest of his outfit.
"No, not at all." Jin chuckles. "We were just wrapping up, I have to get going." He stands and smiles at the both of you. "See you both in class soon."
"Peace out, Mr. Kim." Taehyung throws up the peace sign like a dumbass as you both watch him take his exit and walk towards his classroom.
"Peace out, Mr. Kim? Really, Tae?"
"I mean, he seems cool enough for me to do that, don't you think?" You shake your head and continue finishing up your work on your work laptop. "What was that about? Are you in trouble already? What'd you do?"
"Why do you have like, so much fucking energy right now?"
"I downed two redbulls before I got here."
"You're an idiot."
"Me and Jimin were up all night hunting."
"I stand corrected— you both are idiots." Taehyung clicks his tongue before raising his eyebrow, manspreading and leaning back into the chair.
"So, what was that really about?"
"We just had a chat!"
"Sure. You both were definitely eye-fucking each other. It was weird to walk into."
"Not everyone is like you, trying to fuck everything they see." You rolled your eyes. "He had just sat here for a minute and we talked about work and where we were from."
"Okay." He snorts and shrugs.
"You're being so dramatic. It was harmless."
"Definitely looked otherwise."
"You weren't even here for the majority of our conversation?"
"Didn't have to be, sweetheart." He winked, playfully caressing your chin. "Your secret is safe with me."
"You are so full of shit. I don't know how I've dealt with you for so long."
"Who's so full of shit?" Ryujin comes strolling along, with a tired Jimin who was sipping on an iced americano. He wore a cap and sunglasses with sweats and a fitted crewneck, looking like he just rolled the fuck out of bed.
"Taehyung, who else?" You both stood up to start slowly walking towards Mr. Kim's classroom. "Are you okay, Chim?" You asked, genuinely worried about him, but also trying to change the subject.
"Tired. Just tired." He shakes his head, lowering his the brim of his cap even more. "This dumbass kept messing up our hunt last night."
"I didn't mess anything up, you just weren't clear on the directions." Jimin smacked him upside the head. "And Y/N's just mad I caught her and Mr. Kim on a date." Ryujin gasped, while Jimin choked on his iced americano and coughed trying to get himself together.
"Excuse me, come again?" Ryujin squeezes your arm, causing you to slightly wince in pain before you can shake her off.
"Tae, really?" You rolled your eyes. "It wasn't a date! He just sat with me for a minute and we talked for a little bit. That's literally it."
"You forgot the part where you both were eye-fucking each other when I came along."
"What the fuck is even going on right now?" Jimin finally chimed in, making you sigh deeply.
"We were not!" You pushed Tae. "You're such an instigator."
"First, helping you with your groceries, now this? I didn't think you had it in you, girl! Actually pursuing an engaged professor." Ryujin joked, making herself laugh out loud. Jimin is now walking alongside of you, while Taehyung throws his arms around both you and Ryujin, swinging his big ass head back and forth between the both of you.
"He helped you with groceries last night? What?" Jimin is honestly so confused and is unable to keep up with the chaotic conversation.
"Look, I just ran into him at Trader Joes and he offered to bring my groceries to my car since it was getting late. And today, we just ended up talking for a little bit. That's it. Can we drop this?"
"Mr. Kim has the hots for Y/N!" Ryujin teased.
"That's it. I'm going to find new friends." You shrugged. "Unbelievable." Did they not listen to one word you just said?
"You should go for it and have fun." Taehyung winked.
"No, no. She shouldn't go for him or do anything." Jimin states loud and clear, making sure he grabs both Ryujin and Taehyung's attention by waving his hand in the air.
"Ah, come on Chim, it's just a little fun."
"Ry." Jimin says sternly.
"Okay, kidding." She rolls her eyes.
"This is getting so out of hand." You say as you all approached the door to Mr. Kim's classroom.
"Hey Mr. Kim." Ryujin waved her hand playfully, followed by Jimin and Taehyung who simply nodded and gave him a toothless smile. He happily returns her greeting, then flashes a small smirk as you pass him while arranging the papers on the front desk.
"Hmph." Ryujin smirks. "Told you so." You roll your eyes.
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Chance's death anniversary arrives quicker than you'd like, causing you to pick yourself up and force yourself to get on with the day whether you like it or not. After work, you quickly visited his grave at the cemetery, balling your eyes out as you spend quite awhile sitting in silence, staring at his photo on the tombstone. Every memory, every good and bad moment that you shared with Chance flashed right before your eyes.
It was irreplaceable.
[ start flashback ]
"So, who would you want next to you if the end of the world was coming?"  You kept your gaze on the 'List of questions to ask your significant other' photo on your phone.
"What kind of morbid question is that?" Chance laughed as he continued to hug you tightly while you laid on his chest. "You, of course."
"Aw, thanks bebe. Same here."
"Are there any happy questions in there?" He scrolled down the list. "Like this one - what's the cutest thing your partner has ever done for you?"
"When we had dinner on a boat and you sang to me and everyone else having dinner." You laughed.
"Yeah, that was pretty cute wasn't it?"
"Shut up." You playfully covered his mouth. "Your turn."
"The cutest thing you've done? I don't know sweetheart, you've done a ton of cute things. I'd have to say you waking up next to me. It reminds me how real you are." You smiled and pecked him on the lips.
"I love you, chance."
"I love you too." He says almost at a whisper while caressing your chin. He was pulled out of the moment when his phone rang. "Ayo." He says. You watch as his facial expression changes. "For fuck's sake man, alright. Hang tight, I'll be there. Yo, don't be stupid and drive home drunk. I'm about to leave, okay? Your ass better be there by the time I get there." He sighed as he hung up the phone.
"What's wrong?"
"Josh is drunk as hell. I'm gonna go pick him up before he does something stupid."
"Can't he find a ride there?"
"Everybody left him. I can't just leave him there."
"I know, but--"
"It's gonna be fine, okay baby? I promise. I'll be back before you know it."
"Alright." You sighed. "Be safe, please."
"I will."
[ end flashback ]
When you finally arrived at school, you checked out your appearance to make sure you looked decent enough to get through class. You were hoping your psychology classes would go by quickly, just so you could get out of there and feel less suffocated.
"I'm sorry I can't come over." Ryujin pulls you into a tight hug and caresses your back. She had planned to spend time with you, but her sister called her last minute to ask if she could babysit her niece until late night. "But let me know if you need me, okay? I don't care if it's 1AM, I'll be there as soon as I can."
"Same. I'll do what I can to get out of this family thing." Jimin gives your arm a gentle squeeze. Jimin's family was visiting from Korea on a whim, so he had been pulled into some family festivities for the evening.
"Look, you guys. I'll be fine, okay? Don't worry about me. You know I love you both no matter what, do what you need to do."
"I'll text you when I'm on my way?" Taehyung is the only one who is able to spend time with you tonight, after he helps his younger brother with a project. You simply nodded before you split ways with your group and headed for the library. You were going to stick around and do some work at the library until Taehyung was free because there was no way you were going to go home alone, feeling the way you were feeling. You weren't going to get anything done, and you weren't going to have the energy to pull yourself together.
Today was heavy.
The library wasn't any better for you because your thoughts seemed to be louder in such a huge, quiet space. You were looking at the clock time and time again, hoping Taehyung would text you, letting you know he'd be on his way with tons of dessert and wine. Just cause that's what you wanted, right at this moment.
You sighed and cracked your neck from side to side, getting yourself into Steph Curry "Lock in" mode so you can push through your assignments that needed to get done. But, it just didn't happen that way. You were becoming frustrated and restless, so you quickly packed up your things and shoved them into your bag before walking out. The campus was lit with street lights, with barely any students walking around. It felt a little eery, but the walk to the lot wasn't too bad being that the garage was well-lit, with security guards on every level. You felt your phone buzz in your pocket, causing you to try and reach for it even though you were hauling the rest of the books that didn't fit in your bag. Next thing you knew, you had your phone, but your books had fallen to the floor, the papers stuffed in them falling out and getting wet from the wet grass next to the concrete walkway.
"Fuck!" You groaned to yourself as you quickly glanced at Taehyung's 'be there in about 30 minutes or so' text and bent down to pick up your mess. You really had no reason to cry over this shit, but all of the pent up frustration and emotions you had been feeling today pushed you over the edge. You aggressively wiped your tears away as you stuffed your wet papers back into the books and stacked them on top of each other.
"Y/N?" You look up to see Jin, tears still falling from your eyes. "Are you alright?" He bends down to help you gather your books, towering over you as he gathers the majority of your things.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you." You slyly wiped your tears once more as you grabbed the books from him.
"Hey." He placed his hand out to prevent you from walking any further. You look up at him, watching as he dips his head down to examine your face, your eyes still wet and glossy from the tears. "Do you wanna talk about it?"
"Look, I'm fine and I don't wanna take time away--"
"You clearly aren't." His expression fills with worry. "And you aren't going to be taking time out of my evening." He finishes your statement for you. You sigh and close your eyes as your head dips lowly.
"It's just been a tough day, that's all."
"Let's talk about it." You look up at him as he nods for you to follow him to a bench near the parking garage. "Come on. I really won't forgive myself if I went home without trying to help." You silently follow him and place your things down before sitting. He sits next to you, with enough space placed between your position and his. "What's on your mind, Y/N?"
"Um." You pause and look at him. "On this day 3 years ago, I lost the love of my life to a car accident." You wiped your tears in between words. Jin's expression softened as he watched you break down in front of him, his heart breaking seeing you in pain like this. He wanted to do everything in his power to comfort you, hoping it would relieve some of the pain even though he knew it was something that would forever be embedded in you. But if he could provide any relief, then that would make him feel a little better.
[ start flashback ]
"It's been close to two hours, where the hell is he?" You said as you looked at your phone, sitting on the couch as you, Ryujin, Taehyung and Jimin watched a movie. Suddenly, breaking news flashed through the screen, cutting the movie to another commercial break earlier than expected.
"Breaking news - a white Lexus sports car and a Ford truck were involved in a head-on collision early this morning on Highway 101."
"O-oh my god." Ryujin says, as they look at the totaled cars. The Lexus was completely sandwiched at the median, while the truck was wrecked, but still stood in one piece off to the side.
"T-that's Chance's car." You said as you put your drink down on the coffee table to take a closer look at the car.
"Y/N, I'm sure Chance is fine and is on his way back." Taehyung chimed in from behind you.
"N-no." You stuttered, the feeling of despair in the pit of your stomach growing bigger by the minute. "N-no, I know his car."
"We might just be overthinking this." Jimin says, gently grabbing your wrist to pull you back down onto the couch, but you continued to stand.
"There was said to be one intoxicated passenger in the white Lexus, who is in critical condition and is being taken to the nearby trauma center. The driver of the truck was also intoxicated and injured, but is expected to survive. However, the driver of the white Lexus was pronounced dead at the scene." All of a sudden, you felt weak and dizzy because you just knew. You knew Chance wasn't okay, and you knew he wasn't on his way back to you. Soon after the news announcement, loud knocks came at the door. You looked back at your friends before making your way to the door, revealing two police officers standing before you. At this point, you felt like your entire life had been sucked out of you as you fell onto the floor, crying loudly while your friends tried their best to comfort you and speak to the officers for you. All you could remember hearing was the "i'm sorry's" from both police officers before everything turned into white noise. Everything felt numb.
[ end flashback ]
"I am so sorry, Y/N. I know my apologies are going to do much to ease the pain, but please know that I'm here for you whenever you need someone to talk to. I wanna do what I can to provide some relief." Is all Jin says as you continue to divulge about that night's details.
"You know," You looked up at the moon. "It's been 3 years, but it feels like it just happened yesterday. The pain always feels so fresh and it still feels so painful to think about it. It used to make me question why I was so deserving to continue living my life. I'm not an angel, I haven't been perfect. You know? Yet, someone who was so close to perfect, someone who was always so selfless and never hesitated to put others before himself was taken away from this world so easily? How did Josh survive, but Chance didn't? He was just going to help his friend out because he didn't want anything to happen to him, yet he ended up getting the short end of the stick. I was so mad." You shook your head. "I was so mad at Josh for awhile. I never understood and I still don't. I still don't fucking understand this." Your tears fell as you looked back at Jin.
"I can only imagine. There's things we'll never understand and quite frankly, it fucking sucks. But, I really don't want you to beat yourself up over this. I'm sure Chance wouldn't want you to, either. A lot of things happen for a reason, whether we like it or not, and it's hard to look at it in a different perspective. He's still with you, all the time. You're strong, and he knows this."
"I just don't know how I did this without him. It hurts so bad."
"I know, and it's okay to let yourself ride it out. Don't try and suppress the feelings just because you feel the need to act strong. If you don't let yourself process these feelings, it'll never get easier. It's okay to not be okay." He nods reassuringly. You smile at him toothlessly before sighing and getting yourself together. Although it had been quite the day, you felt a little relieved being able to talk to Jin about what's been going on. You felt a little more put together than you did earlier in the day and that's all that mattered. Baby steps.
"Is it okay if I give you a hug?" You asked shyly. You didn't know how else you could thank him for listening to you. You were sure he had tons of things on his plate, yet he still took time to sit with you out in the cold just to make sure you were okay. He chuckles and stands, his arms wide open, ready to envelope you. You wrap your arms around his torso, taking in his scent and breathing him in. He gently rubs your back before you pull away and smile up at him.
"I'll take a hug any day."
"I hope Grace won't be upset with you for coming home a little later than expected."
"She'll be fine. She's at the restaurant working late." His lips were pulled together in a fine line.
"Thank you again." You pull out your phone to check the time. 30 minutes from the last time Taehyung texted you was almost up, so you felt the need to get going sooner than later.
"It's not a problem." He puts his hand out, signaling for your phone. "Do me a favor and just let me when you get home, though? I'd feel better knowing you're safe and sound." You nod and hand him your phone. You knew you couldn't get wrapped up in whatever this was, no matter how flattered you were from the attention you were getting from him. He was still engaged, and he was still planning a life with Grace. The last thing you wanted to do was ruin that for someone genuine like Jin.
But God, was he making it difficult for you.
"I can do that."
"Thanks." He smiles toothlessly at you. "If you're ever in need of company or someone to talk to, don't hesitate to let me know. I'll be there in a heartbeat."
"Okay." You grabbed your things before walking away. Jin stood there, watching you walk deeper into the garage, feeling good about having been there at the right time. Something as simple as the hug you gave him had his thoughts running wild, just feeling your touch and your body against his. Albeit, it could be the lack of attention between him and Grace causing him to feel this way, but it was enticing all at the same time.
You were enticing.
And he could pick up on your little habits that made him want to know more. The way you'd look at him inside and outside of class. The way you always dressed so nicely when you had to take his class. The way you passed closely to the front desk, allowing him to take in your scent. The way you and your friends acted around him, knowing they were teasing you.
He knew, and he also knew what he was doing when he put his number in your phone.
He gets home and just as he mentions, Grace is still out at the restaurant working late. He kicks his shoes off to the side and heats up some leftovers to eat before retreating up to the master bedroom to call it a night early. As he's getting out of his clothes from today and heading into the shower, he notices his phone vibrating on the bathroom countertop, signaling a text.
[unknown number] 9:37pm: Hi, I'm safe and sound at home. :)
He smiles to himself before responding and heading into the shower.
[jin] 9:38pm: :) Goodnight Y/N, see you tomorrow.
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fantasticfangirl21 · 3 years
How Much He Means to Me
Word count: 7150
Ships: Moxiety (Patton x Virgil) Side Logince and Karrot Kings
Trigger warnings: Sick characters, coughing, self doubt, anxiety, language
Characters: Patton Virgil Roman Logan Remus Janus Thomas Nico Joan
How much he means to me
Pattons fingers tap restlessly against his back pack straps while walking through the hall to his last class of the day. His friends Logan and Roman flank his sides, left and right respectively. They are talking about something for their English class, Romeo and Juliet possibly, Patton remembers they are reading act three in class today. He zones out again thinking about a certain missing person. It's not like he's friends with the kid or anything… well not really, but Patton has been watching him from a distance for quite some time now. Not because he's cute or anything… pfft... he just seems anxious sometimes during class and such and Patton was always a bit worried about the dark strange teen in the back of class. He always had his headphones over his ears, blocking out anything and everything in class, yet still managing to turn in all work on time or ahead of it, and keep all As and Bs. Something Patton couldn't do without his friend Logan's constant assistance. Patton often found himself distracted in class.
“-tton? Patton…?” Patton blinked from his thoughts finding both Roman and Logan looking at him curiously, they were near the classroom door now.
“Huh? Oh sorry! What was that?” Patton asks, refocusing as they enter the classroom.
“I asked if you were okay?” Roman says, his tone pitching up at the end somehow making it sound like a question rather than a statement.
“Your expression was rather distracted.” Logan adds.
“Oh, yes I'm okay!”
“Is it about Virgil being absent?” Logan asks inquisitively as they take their seats in class as    Zr. S (Joan) sets up the room for today's English lesson. Patton's face coloured at that and he looked at Logan surprised.
“Pat it's pretty obvious you've been crushing on a Jack Smellington for a while now.”
“Yes, your eyes dilate each time he so much as walks into the room. Speaking of which, he's not in the room, so am I right to assume you're worried about him?” Logan asks, his grey eyes sparkling intelligently under his glasses. Patton's face shifts from soft pink to burning red and he adjusts his circular glasses frames nervously.
“Lighten up, teach he's going to pass out from all that blushing.” Roman says with a knowing smirk sliding up to sit on Logan's desk. The two have been a known couple for quite some time, Logan used to get aggravated about such actions from Roman. Though now he barely glances at Roman on his desk anymore.
“I- What no I- I just, Um- I mean…” Patton is quiet for a moment, his blush only worsening by Romans attentiveness.
“Ahhh young love~” Roman swoons dramatically off the desk and into Logan, who catches him, having expected the overdramatic boy to do so. Logan, now with Roman seated on his lap smiles slightly before addressing Patton.
“You could bring him the work he misses today after school, I'm sure he would be most appreciative and you would be able to check on him without arousing suspicion.” Logan offers. Roman throws an arm around Logan and lays his head on his shoulder.
“It would be really cute if you gave him his stuff and brought him cookies, you made cookies today in baking class earlier right?”
“Well yeah but we've never really talked before… wouldn't it be weird If I just showed up at his house with English work and cookies???”
“Not if you say you made too many-” Roman starts, only to be cut off by Logan who just got an idea.
“You can say that Zr. S asked you to bring him the work from today.” Logan interrupts, Roman pouts at being interrupted and Logan moves a hand through Romans hair to compensate. Roman smiles again, leaning into the touch for a moment before speaking.
“Besides I'm sure Mr. Sanders will tell us where he lives if we say that we want to check on Virgil, he was probably going to check on him himself knowing how worried he gets about his students.”
“Oh yeah, I'm sure he has homework in science too… You should gather work from all of his teachers actually, we could go with you.”
Zr. S clears their throat as the bell rings, glancing at Roman and Logan, thankfully not only are they a lax teacher but they also couldn't care less about their students being openly gay. They begin the introduction to Act 3 and pass out the guided notes before calling a few students to the front to read for today's characters in scenes one and two.
“Janus is Petruccio, Remus is Tybalt, Patton is Benvolio, Virgil is Mercutio and Roman you can be Romeo again, Logan I need you to be Juliet later in the second scene if you don't mind.” Roman gets up quickly, taking the plastic sword and facing it at his brother, Remus, who has his sword already as well, Logan stays seated smirking and Patton raises his hand tentatively as he stands. “Yes Patton?”
“Um, Zr. S Virgil isn't here today.” He says, glancing at Virgil's seat while making his way to the front. Joan follows Patton's gaze to find their perfect attendance student in fact missing, they frown slightly.
“That's odd…” They say, “He's never been absent before… hmm.” They think for a moment, “Val you can be Mercutio then, I will print out filled in notes for Virgil and hold it for when he returns.”
“I can take it!” Patton says quickly, Zr. S turns to him, eyebrow raised and Patton pinkens slightly.
Joan smiles, they would have been blind not to notice the looks Patton constantly sneaks at Virgil during class. Though this sudden confidence was a bit unexpected, Zr. S gathers the papers from the printer and hands them to Patton. “Perfect, would you like me to inform the other teachers that you will be bringing his assignments to him?”
“Yes! I can pick them up after class and take them over to his house if that's okay with you.”
“Certainly, I'll let you leave early with Roman and Logan to do so.” They say as Patton smiles before moving back to his seat to place the papers in his bag. “We need a Benvolio still so come back up here Patton.”
Patton does as he's asked and returns to the front, taking a sword and a Romeo and Juliet book to use for the reading. The rest of class runs rather quickly, Roman being over dramatic, Val gets killed by Remus, flanked by Janus, after which Roman avenges by “killing” him. Roman gets banished and Logan runs through his elegant soliloquy, the way he reads it almost causing Roman, in his seat, to actually swoon. Though Logan is a bit stiff at times he is quite a nerd for Shakespeare, and would rather read the part with emotion like it was intended, than without. Nearing the end of class Zr. S calls Patton, Roman and Logan to the front and sends them off with a hall pass as they said they would. They stop by all of Virgil’s classes, Logan for some reason knowing his schedule though they only share English and Science with him.
They end up at Science last, walking into Mr. Sanders classroom, mostly empty seeing that the bell had rung a few minutes ago. Patton knocks on the doorframe since it's already open and they walk in to find Mr. Flores (Nico), the Music teacher, chatting with Mr. Sanders, and sitting on his desk in the same fashion Roman was to Logan’s desk earlier. Mr. Flores smiles at the kids and kicks Thomas’ knee lightly to get him to look up from the song the two had been working on.
“Hey boys! What brings you here this morning?” Thomas asks, looking at the boys entering the room.
“Afternoon.” Mr. Flores and Logan correct in unison.
“Ah- my bad, time is hard to keep track of. What brings you here this afternoon.” He says with a chuckle. Roman nudges Patton with his elbow and Patton steps forward slightly with a shy smile.
“I came to pick up Virgil's work for today-”
“Oh right! Joan emailed me about that a bit ago.” Thomas gets up and moves to the printer, gathering the papers he had printed for them. He turns back around and hands them to Patton. “There ya go Pat, I also included directions to his house that I was going to use to check on him later. I wasn't sure if you knew how to get there or not.” Logan gives Patton a raised eyebrow look that says ‘Told you’ and Patton shoots back a smile before turning it on Mr. Sanders.
“Thanks Mr. Sanders! I wasn't expecting the directions but they will help… I've never been to his house before.” Patton responds with a shy smile. Logan and Roman exchange a look over Pattons head, both smiling.
Thomas nods with a bright expression, “Anything to help out my students, just make sure he's doing okay and text me after you check in on him alright Pat? You still have my number from the bake sale earlier this year right?” Patton nods quickly, remembering how Mr. Sanders was one of the main teachers in charge of the event along with Patton's baking teacher Mr. Williams (Terrence). Pattons gaze rises to the wall clock over Mr. Flores’ head, seeing it's been around twenty minutes since school let out he glances at the door in silent question. Thomas smiles at him with a laugh. “You don't need my permission to leave the room afterschool like you do during the day Patton, you three can go. I only have that rule so that Remus doesn't sneak out before the end of class like he loves to do.” The trio laugh and Thomas, along with Nico, chuckle. Both have Remus in their classes this year.
It's not long before the three boys are back in the halls and Nico is back chatting alone with Thomas about their days. Roman and Logan walk side by side on the right side of Patton, this time roman gushing about how cute Mr. Sanders and Mr. Flores are as a couple. They have been married for around three years now, having gotten married in the boys first year in high school. Even now, in their Senior year, Roman couldn't get over the pictures that he had begged for, of their wedding. Logan just listened to his boyfriends gush per usual, Roman often just liked someone to listen to him, Logan enjoyed being the one to do so, even if sometimes he pretended he didn't. The nerd and prince headed for Logan's car and said quick goodbyes to Patton, who was eager to check on Virgil.
Within a few moments Patton has discarded his backpack along with Virgil's assignments in the passenger seat and is already on the road, directions in hand. He follows them perfectly and drives a little too fast to Virgil's house. Once he pulls his baby blue Kia Rio into the driveway behind a purple jeep, he begins to get a bit nervous, but pushes past it. He's just going to give him the homework and the cookies and ask why he wasn't at school because Mr. Sanders was worried. Yeah… that's reasonable right? Not weird or creepy or anything. Patton tries to convince himself of this as he walks to the door, Virgil's work on top of the tupperware he grabbed from his backpack.
Working up the courage to knock he taps on the door da da duh-duh da da, his typical musical knock from Frozen. He hums ‘Do You Want to Build a Snowman’ for a moment but after a bit he tries again. He doesn't hum this time and instead shifts on his feet worriedly. He stares at the doorknob for a moment before testing it tentatively. It turns easily and the door gives, opening into an entryway. Patton pales slightly at the unlocked door. Due to Virgil's high anxiety that Logan had assumed he had there's no way having this door unlocked would be a normal occurrence. Patton moves forward a bit, not yet in the house and looks around.
“Virgil?” He calls waiting a moment for a panicked response or maybe a startled one. Only silence is reflected back at him. He takes a step inside, his worry overcoming his anxiousness. “Virgil…?” He calls again, closing the door behind him and walking carefully down the hall. There were no cars in the driveway save for Virgil's purple Jeep, and there for some reason is no garage. Then again the driveway is a bit longer than standard, Patton realizes Virgil must be home alone today. “Virgil? It's Patton, I came to drop off the schoolwork that you missed-”
A door opens to Patton's left on the hallway and he jumps, startled by the sudden sound. He swivels to face it and immediately chokes on whatever he was about to say. Standing in the doorway, leaning heavily on it, was Virgil. His eyes were unfocused and tired, staring through Patton rather than at him. He was covered in a sheen of sweat, and Patton quickly noticed he had no shirt on and lowered his eyes blushing fiercely.
“Oh great,” Virgil rasps “Another Patton hallucination,” He twirls a finger in the air “Not doing to confuse me this time dumbass brain, I'm going to get water and go back to sleep-” Virgil cut off, coughing roughly into his elbow, his entire body racking with the coughs. Once finished he inhales painfully and winces before moving from the doorway and stumbling to the kitchen using the wall for support, leaving a flustered Patton in his wake.
Patton, now leaning against the wall, watches Virgil leave and has half a mind to help him, but the other half has malfunctioned. Pattons head catches up with him slowly and his blush subsides, Virgil now in the kitchen down the hall where Patton can't see him. Pattons breathing slows as well as he carefully works through what just happened. Sick Virgil is home alone and thinks Patton is a hallucination. Again. Again? He said another Patton hallucination right…? That means he's… had one before- Focus. Virgil's sick. I can help.
Without another thought Patton refocuses on helping Virgil, he walks into the kitchen and finds the teen leaning dizzily on the counter with a glass of water in hand. Patton sets down the cookies and papers on the counter beside him and moves over to Virgil. Ignoring the fact that he still doesn't have a shirt on. Ignoring the way his lean muscles are visible and highlighted by the shimmer of sweat from his sickened state. Ignoring the way his chocolate eyes dully gleam with the sunlight shining through the window- IGNORING.
Patton places a hand on Virgil's head and retracts it quickly. “Virgil you're burning up!” He exclaims, “Finish drinking that water I'll be right back.” Patton hurries off, Virgil does as the hallucination told him, downing the water and waiting patiently for it to come back. Another coughing fit seizes him and when Patton does return Virgil is on the ground leaned against the cabinets. Patton comes rushing back in with a wet washcloth, having found a dry one under the sink in the downstairs bathroom. He finds Virgil on the floor swaying unsteadily and moves over to him quickly putting an arm under his shoulders and helping him up. “Virgil I'm going to help you back to your room okay just walk with me okay?” Patton moves forward and an unsteady Virgil follows, using Patton for support, still caught in a sick haze.
It's not long before they are back in the bedroom, Patton gets Virgil onto the bed and tucked into a thin sheet so that way he's not too hot. Virgil smiles softly at Patton the whole time, still thinking the encounter is a nice dream. Patton finishes fussing around Virgil's room and getting the water on his bedside table refilled and situated. Patton sits on the edge of the bed and runs a hand through Virgil's slick purple bangs, stuck to his face, moving them out of the way of his eyes gently. Virgil's lopsided smile continues and Patton chuckles at the puppylike look that he's never seen on Virgil before.
“What's that look for?” he asks, stifling a giggle.
“I just wish you would notice me like this in real life too…” He says softly, a smile still present as he looks up at Patton. Patton blinks surprised and blush rises to his face at the comment. He looks away nervously. His mind races for something to respond with, but before he can he hears soft slow breathing from the bed and turns to find Virgil fast asleep. Patton exhales and smiles slightly sadly at the asleep teen. He runs a hand through Virgil's hair again with a sigh.
“I should have approached you sooner… and said something other than just saying hi to you in the mornings…” Patton murmured to Virgil's sleeping form. Patton gets up off the bed and heads back to the kitchen, gathering all the materials to make soup for when Virgil wakes back up again. Patton works quietly in the kitchen, not wanting to wake Virgil up, he knows that it's not likely Virgil ate lunch in that state, let alone breakfast. He didn't seem to be the type to eat breakfast.
Patton finishes the soup and leaves it to cool, going back to check on Virgil and finding him upside down about to fall off the bed, snoring softly. Patton giggles and moves him back onto the bed, a hand takes Patton's wrist as he's about to get up and next thing he knows he's in the bed beside Virgil's sleeping form. Virgil has both arms wrapped around Patton's abdomen, Pattons back against Virgil's bare chest. Patton's face flushes and he stifles a squeak. He's tense and blushing deeply for a moment but after a bit he leans into Virgil's warm embrace, sighing softly his eyes flutter for a moment as he tries to stay awake. The long day of worrying at school plus the calming breathing from Virgil with him so close nearly pulled him under. That is until his phone dings from his back pocket. Pattons eyes open again and he realizes it's going to be a bit difficult to get to his phone. Patton carefully maneuvers his hand behind him, under Virgil's arm and to his back pocket, carefully pulling it out so that it doesn't wake virgil. His arm brushes against Virgil's six pack and he blushes scarlet, grabbing his phone and holding it to his chest, waiting a moment to see if he woke Virgil. The steady breathing continues and after a moment he risks a glance at his phone. 7:36. It's been nearly two hours since he got here. His gaze trails down and finds the reason for the dinging, another sound rings from his phone and he stifles it with his hand before turning it on silent. After doing so he opens the group chat message.
Logan: Hey Pat haven't heard from you in a bit, you doing okay?
Roman: Hes fine Lo, I'm sure he's just making out with the emo, give them some space
Patton manages to blush deeper as he reads the messages.
Patton: no, we're doing no such thing! but um, i need some help…
Logan: What's wrong?
Roman: Did he hurt you??????
Logan: Were on our way.
Patton: no! no i'm fine it's okay! i um, don't come here, it's just…
Roman: Just…???
Patton: um… so… how do you get out of the arms of someone who's asleep without waking them…?
Roman: WHATTTTTTTTT!?!?!? Patton, skipped a couple steps there dontcha think? [wink wink]
Roman: Dang Padre you work fast~
Patton: roman that's not what i mean quit!
Logan: Am I right to assume that he's sick and you accidentally got mistaken for a hallucination?
Roman: What's with that off the wall guess babe??
Logan: I had assumed he was sick earlier today and given Patton's predicament it would make sense.
Patton: um actually logan that's exactly what happened
Roman: Wow, I stand corrected
Logan: Wouldn't be the first time
Patton: right so how do i get out?
Logan: If he's asleep and sick you theoretically should be able to move without waking him. What are his symptoms if you don't mind me asking?
Patton: um, fever, dizziness i think, cough- like a really bad cough, and he's tired… oh and hallucinating i think, or at least maybe he was earlier, i'm not sure. He said something about “another patton hallucination”
Roman: Sounds like he dreams of you often~
Logan: It sounds like a bad cold, check the house for ibuprofen, it should help with the fever, the dizziness and hallucinations may be side effects of the fever and the cough is the cold. A cold wash cloth also could be beneficial. Have you removed yourself from his bed yet?
Patton shifts slightly, no he hasn't moved from Virgil's arms... He doesn't particularly want to though he probably should. Virgil needs to eat something and the soup is definitely cold by now. It should still taste fine heated up, with a quiet sigh Patton moves to slip out of his arms, Virgil shifts and his arms clutch the pillow in Patton's absence. Virgil frowns softly in his sleep and Patton pouts slightly knowing he caused that. Patton places a cool hand on Virgil's head, his head isn't warm like it was earlier, his fever must have broken. With that new information Patton smiles and turns and heads back into the kitchen.
Patton: yeppers, i got a washcloth earlier, i checked just now and i think his temperature broke, i'm going to reheat the soup i made now and see if i can get him to eat something, i doubt he's eaten anything all day seeing as he's home alone…
Roman: A tragic sick prince trapped alone in his tower! In dire need of true loves kiss from Prince Patton to wake him from his sleep~
Logan: Ignore Roman, that's good, since it broke make sure he drinks lots of water, he's going to need the fluids in his system after being sick like that. Also his parents are on a business trip so your assumption about his eating habits are most likely accurate.
Roman: How do you know his parents are on a trip???
Logan: It's all over their facebook page, apparently they leave on trips often and are rarely home
Patton: that's kindve sad… i'm bringing him soup i'll be back later
Patton takes the soup and places it back on the stove to heat back up. Finding some bowls after some searching through the cabinets he takes them and pours the soup into two of them before bringing the bowls back to Virgil's room. He finds Virgil awake in the bed looking actually awake now that his fever has broken, some of his color has returned to his skin and he's stopped sweating. He's sitting up in the bed, eyes on his phone when Patton walks in.
“Oh you're awake!” Patton exclaims with a smile.
“Patton!?!” Virgil nearly jumps out of his skin before dissolving into a rather violent coughing fit at the sudden usage of his voice.
Patton quickly sets the soups down on the nightstand and hands Virgil the water along with some cough medication he found and placed on the nightstand a while ago. “Sorry! I didn't mean to startle you…” He says as Virgil eyes him with confusion and a bit of anxiety, downing the water quickly along with some of the cough medicine. After a moment he tests his voice tentatively again.
“What are you doing here in my house- how did you- why-?” Virgil's breathing quickens and he starts coughing again, this time blushing furiously as well. Patton moves closer sitting on the bed like he was earlier, Virgil stops coughing and watches Patton anxiously.
“Zr. S and Mr. Sanders were worried about you, well mostly Mr. Sanders… he was actually planning on coming to check you out himself and stuff um but I offered to bring you your work and so, well I did and yeah so I knocked but you didn't answer or anything so well your door was unlocked and I- I wanted to make sure you were okay...” Patton rambles blushing as well. “I um- well I can leave if you are feeling better now, s-sorry kiddo!” Patton gets up quickly from the bed and turns to leave, a hand wraps quickly around Patton's wrist and he stops, turning slowly.
Virgil's hand encircles Patton's wrist carefully, as if scared if he squeezed too tight Patton would run. Virgil's eyes were trained on his hand around Pattons, a faint blush coating his features that Patton couldn’t tell if it was him being sick or him blushing because of Patton. Both were quiet for a moment. Virgil lets go of Patton's hand suddenly and speaks.
“I um- well you don’t have to leave, you just startled me…” he says quietly and leans against the back of the bed again. “Sorry.” Virgil says, glancing up to Pattons eyes for a moment before quickly falling to his phone again. The screen is black Patton notices.
“Oh.” Is all Patton can say, stepping to the side and taking the soup off the nightstand after a second. “I made soup for you.” Patton chitters excitedly handing the bowl to Virgil. Virgil's lips quirk slightly up into a small smile taking the bowl from Patton's hands.
“Thanks…” he says quietly, taking the spoon as well. Patton takes the other bowl and sits on the edge of the bed beside Virgil. Virgil dips the spoon into the soup and eats a scoop of it, mostly to please Patton who was watching him.
“Mmmm~” Virgil hums involuntarily, he snaps a hand over his mouth and blushes embarrassed. There is silence for a second before Patton giggles quietly, it quickly turns to a happy laugh and Virgil, even though embarrassed, catches the contagious laugh. Both can’t stop for a bit of time but once Virgil's laughs dissolve into coughs Patton stops and helps by getting water and giving it to him. Virgil drinks the water thankfully and Patton sits on the edge of the bed watching him to make sure he’s okay. Virgil places the water cup on the nightstand and looks up, locking eyes with Patton once more finding his eyes soft and concerned… caring. Virgil chokes on the water he was swallowing and ends up coughing again, unused to the sincerity in Patton's eyes. Or in anyone’s eyes directed at him. “S-sorry” he says coming out of the second coughing fit.
“It's okay, don't apologize for being sick! I just wish you would have told me- er someone sooner…” Patton leans down and pushes Virgil's bangs out of his eyes that had fallen back after the coughing fit. His fingers delicately brush the bangs back, his caring careful touch causing Virgil to shiver, the gentleness a forgiven feeling to him. His parents are typically gone and no students have made any effort to get to know him other than Janus and Remus, they don’t exactly do gentle things. The closest thing Virgil has gotten from them is a punch in the shoulder from Remus or a pat on the head from Janus when they're feeling generous.
Virgil leans into the touch, eyes fluttering closed for a second before he quickly snaps his head away from Patton's hand and turns his head back to the soup. Patton watches him carefully with a slight frown drawing back to where he was sitting before, taking his bowl quietly back in his lap. They eat quietly now, with each second of silence unsaid emotions continue to brew between the two. The silence presses on Virgil uncomfortably making him feel more socially anxious than usual.
“So, uh, random question, how did you get to my house?” Virgil askes tentatively, spooning soup into his mouth after asking the question. Patton perks up and looks at Virgil with a shy smile.
“Mr. Sanders printed me directions… I hope that's not weird or anything.” He says slowly, finishing his soup and fiddling with the spoon idly. Virgil just smirks slightly at his nervous behaviour.
“Nah, not weird for a teacher to print directions to a students house so that a student can come to check on another when they've missed school for a single day.” Virgil teases, patton blushers slightly.
“Yeah sorry, though it's a bit weird for you though, you have never missed a single day this year, I haven't even seen you enter class late or anything once.” Pat remarks, thinking back on past experiences through the year. Virgil raises one eyebrow and his lips quirk into a smirk.
“Have you been spying on me or something Patton?” he questions playfully, spooning the last bits of soup into his mouth. Patton stands and takes his bowl.
“Course not, Mr. Sanders said that's why he was so concerned.” He covers quickly, turning with the bowls to hide the blush he got from the question. He scampers quicker than needed into the kitchen and cleans it, all of his soup materials and the bowls clearing his head with it.
Meanwhile Virgil is left to his thoughts, tucked delicately into the sheets Patton had prepared for him before. All Virgil can think of are those eyes. The soft bright blue eyes, gazing at him with care and concern that he didn't deserve. Or at least no one seemed to think he did. No one but Patton. The cute kid in his english class. The peppy boy who constantly made Virgil smile, even on the worst of days, his cheery disposition lighting up any room he entered. That smile that couldn't be dulled by the darkest sunglasses. The freckles that seemed to light up like stars dusted across his cheeks when he was excited or happy about something. The way he loved to gush over animals, cats and dogs mostly. How he loved to talk about and share his baking with others constantly. The contagious laugh that spreads like wildfire across the room when he's content. The boy who is now in his house. In his kitchen. Oh fu<k hes in the house.
A bit of anxiety begins to creep into Virgil at the realization that his practically lifelong crush was in his house. While he was sick- he probably looked horrible! Virgil gets up from the bed quickly, his balance slightly unsteady as he moves to the bedpost, grabbing his patched purple and black hoodie off of it. He pulls it on before heading to the bathroom and applying his usual black makeup he uses to cover the constant dark spots under his eyes from his insomnia and late nighters for school.
After fixing himself and making sure his sweat pants were also presentable he makes his way into the kitchen. Patton is at the sink with his back turned to Virgil. A scenario runs through Virgil's head, in it he walks quietly to Patton and hugs Patton from behind while he washes dishes. Patton turns and with a gentle smile brings a hand to Virgil's face before kissing his cheek- Virgil snaps from his thoughts, blushing dark now, Patton seems to sense his presence and turns his head to look at him. Those sky blue eyes pierce Virgil and his heart skips a beat, Pattons gaze turns concerned, given how red Virgil is he assumes something is wrong. Before Patton can do or say anything though Virgil breaks eye contact and pivots on his heel to head for the living room, breaking off into a fit of coughs. Patton finishes and dries his hands, bringing water to Virgil for what must have been the hundredth time, though Patton didn't mind. In fact he rather liked helping Virgil- er people, not just Virgil, people in general. Patton hands the water to Virgil who drinks it quickly, mumbles a thank you and proceeds to scroll through Disney Plus. After some indecisive scrolling he settles on The Nightmare Before Christmas, it takes a moment for him to realize Patton is still standing beside the couch, his eyes on the tv in a curious way.
“I was just going to um watch a movie, it's getting a bit late Pat… you can like head home, I don't want to make you stay here or anything… Not that I am- well maybe I mean I guess I haven't said anything about you leaving yet, sorry am I making you feel trapped here… um and your parents I-”
“...No what…?”
“You're not making me stay or feel trapped or uncomfortable, and both my parents work shifts at the hospital at this time, they won't be home till early morning...” Patton slides onto the couch beside Virgil, leaving a comfortable but close amount of space between them. Virgils quiet, unsure what to say so Patton speaks again, “I've never seen this movie you know.”
“What?? Really? It's my favorite, I had figured Prince Disney would have forced you and the nerd to watch all the movies by now.” Virgil remarks, ignoring how close together they are on the couch and staring straight through the screen, rather than at it.
“Prince Disney… oh are you talking about Roman?” Pattons airy laugh fills the room and Virgil feels heat rise to his neck just hearing it. “Well he does like to watch disney movies but I haven't gotten around to every movie he's wanted me to watch yet.” Patton chuckles and Virgil starts to hum to ‘This Is Halloween’ absentmindedly thinking.
“So you're usually busy then?” Virgil inquires hesitantly after a moment. Patton sinks into the seat some at the question.
“Uhh yeah… usually I'm doing work for classes or baking… It typically takes me a while to do homework, I don't focus very well and it's difficult to understand some topics. Logan helps me sometimes, but a lot of times I don't want to bother him… he's usually with Roman or doing his own work...” Patton replies slowly, a bit embarrassed from admitting that fact.
“I could help.” Virgil says before his mind catches up with his words, Patton turns his eyes from the screen and looks at Virgil with a hopeful expression, his eyes shining.
“Really??” He asks in response, Virgil breaks eye contact with Patton fiddling with one of the rings on his fingers.
“I mean- well yeah… I don't really have plans,” Ever, he considers adding but decides against it, “I'm usually just... here, doing school work and watching movies and stuff… my parents aren't exactly home often so…” I'm lonely, once again he decides not to add what his mind ads for him. Pattons hopeful expression kicks up excitement, his blue eyes twinkling with it.
“Thank you!!! I mean you don't have to or anything I- I understand If you don't want to help me or something or if you don't really mean it-” Patton rambles quickly, Virgil cuts him off.
“No- Pat it's fine, I want to help.” he says, a shy yet sure smile crossing his lips. Pattons eyes shine with happy unshed tears, before Virgil can blink Patton quickly throws his arms around him with a happy squeal. The unexpected hug sends Virgil falling against the couch, Patton not even noticing as he hugs Virgil tightly. Virgil lands against the couch with an oof and blushes fiercely a reaction to the gesture.
Patton detaches himself from Virgil once realizing what happened and finds himself positioned directly above those coco brown eyes and flushed pale face, Pattons hands at either side of his head. Virgil stares up at Patton unmoving, and Patton stares back, just as still. Patton has the urge to apologize again but the words die in his throat as Virgil's eyes flash with something Patton doesn't recognize seeing in those brown eyes before. Courage.
Driven by a sudden impulse, Virgil leans up from the couch and joins Patton's lips with his, Pattons eyes flutter shut after a split second of surprise, leaning into the kiss he's been imagining ever since he first saw the dark mysterious teen at school. Virgil's hands find their way to Pattons waist and linger there at his sides, Pattons moving to Virgil's hair as they sink back against the couch together. After a moment their lips part and they look at each other. Neither say a word, staring into eachothers eyes, infatuated by the lingering taste of the kiss on each of their lips.
Virgil is the first to respond, his mind catches up with him and his fight or flight response kicks in. His eyes go wide in realization of what he just did and he blushes, fiery red climbing from his neck to his face at an impossible rate. Panic floods his system as he decides flight.
“S-Sorry! Oh god- fu<k- I didn't- sorry you probably didn't want to- I- Patton I'm sorry- I didn't mean to- Patton you um- fu<k you should go- I made you uncomfortable- I don't know what got into me- now you could be sick- sh!t-” He sputters covering his face with his hands and wishing he could sink into the couch and just disappear. He feels Patton's warmth move from his chest, a spike of sadness quickly drives itself into his heart at its absence. He bites his lip and chews on it, his hands still covering his face as he chokes back the lump starting to form in his throat.
D@mn!t he fu<ked up- why does he even try- why did he ruin everything, he could have at least been friends with patton… he was excited to get school help- I was excited to help him! And here I go- everything I touch gets fu<ked up- it's better if he leaves anyways… Everyone always leaves, it's nothing new...
Virgil's thoughts spiral quickly in his head, chastising him and making him feel increasingly worse about the situation while Patton sits on the couch. Pattons eyes have shifted from awestruck to empathetic, Virgil lies there shaking, his hands covering his face as he spews apologies and stammers incoherent sentences. Patton reaches over and carefully takes Virgil's hands from his face, holding them in his. Virgil quiets and so does his head, watching Patton, still shaking. Patton squeezes Virgil's hands with a soft comforting smile, the smile shifts to nervous and Patton looks down at their hands.
“You didn't make me uncomfortable… and um… actually I did want to…” Patton looks back up and meets Virgil's eyes. “I liked it.” He says quietly. Virgil blinks, once… twice, his expression unreadable. Virgil's hands move in Patton's, shifting until their palms are together and their fingers are intertwined, eyes still locked. A gentle fondness finds its way into Virgil's gaze, his panic subsiding. Virgil hears the song that has taken the movie in the background and smiles softly at Patton, his voice syncing with Sallys as he sits up carefully to face Patton properly.
“And does he notice…”
Virgil's right hand separates from Pattons and makes its way to Pattons cheek, caressing it gently, his thumb sweeps back and forth as the uncertainty he was feeling earlier fades, only to be replaced by a confidence he rarely ever feels.
“My feelings for him?”
Pattons free hand slides against Virgil's hand against his cheek as Patton gazes into his fond chocolate eyes. A look Patton has been craving to see from him for a while now.
“And will he see”
Virgil moves closer on the couch, their knees now touching, the space between the two becoming increasingly smaller until the two are right in front of each other. Breathing the same air, noses brushing delicately against each other.
“How much he means to me?”
Patton closes the distance this time, meeting in the center as Virgil's voice fades on the last word of that line. The two kiss again. This time different, less surprised, more intentional. Their lips meeting more than once, continuously coming together and breaking apart, longer kisses savored and shorter ones filled with longing. Patton moves his hand from virgils and shifts closer, Virgil taking Patton carefully into his lap and holding him close as they continue to kiss. Virgil's arms around Patton making him feel secure and wanted. Safe. Patton in Virgil's arms making him feel needed, valued and worth something.
The two part again, both breathless and dazed, foreheads resting on each other, eyes closed. After a moment Virgil bites his lip, speaking hesitantly.
“Are you sure-” Patton silences him with another kiss.
“Yes.” He says, soft yet still certain.
“Okay…” Virgil whispers breathlessly. Without another word Patton lays his head on Virgil's shoulder and the two finish the movie together. Virgil holds Patton close, one hand trailing gently over his back while the other lies intertwined with one of Pattons.
Once it ends, neither bother to mess with Disney Plus as it switches to Tangled, one of Patton's favorites, Virgil soon learns by Pattons knowledge of every word. Patton also expresses this by Singing all the words happily and expressing ecstatic excitement over dashing dark rouge that's Flynn Rider. Virgil mimics the smoulder to Pattons sheer delight, his laughter fills Virgil's heart and they end up kissing again, the night passing quickly as they watch Tangled. They duet ‘Now I see the Light’ together, and as it ends dissolve into yet another kiss shared between the two. Patton gets Virgil more water and the cookies he had made earlier that day, Virgil eating one before devouring a few others after realizing one wasn't enough. What? Patton's baking was goooooood. Plus Virgil has quite the sweet tooth for someone so dark and gloomy. Patton giggles at how quickly he eats them, having a cookie himself before they disappear. Virgil's eyes start to droop as fatigue weighs on him, Patton too stifles a yawn and curls up with Virgil once more, this time laying on the couch with him, his glasses on the coffee table. Virgil's head propped on the armrest with a pillow, Patton tucked against his chest, his back against the couch they watch as Aladdin plays next. Virgil is asleep before Arabian night ends, his chest rising and falling slowly against Patton's back as he watches the movie unfold, it's not long before he's asleep as well, falling victim to Virgil's warm embrace and the sweet symphony of ‘A Whole New World.’
@crazydemigod666 @hamatobrothers @leinahtan @peanut-butter-and-theatre @analogical-spacegays @squippydraws @thefanficbooktuber
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sepublic · 4 years
Luz, Emira, and Edric
           Clearly the twins gave Amity a lot of unnecessary flack themselves, but… I’m really loving the idea/concept of Emira and Edric ALSO being like her, having a mask they constantly put up, and it’s just less obvious because they’re seemingly more charming and confident, and their abuse manifests in different ways?
           Again, we never see the twins interact with anyone outside of the family besides Luz… And Eda that one time, but that’s mostly because she’s already there, and even then their interactions are pretty minimal as-is. I imagine that as charming, flirty, and confident as the twins are, seemingly beholden to no rules…
           …They’re actually really lonely? Like, Ed and Em are actually low-key insecure, or at the very least, they make a point to hide whatever ‘dork’ tendencies they have. I think it isn’t out of the question that Emira and Edric make a big deal of putting up the façade, the illusion of being confident twins who always know what they’re doing, who are too cool for school…
           And, while they’re definitely not fans of school- I really love the idea that Luz has earned an implicit, yet powerful trust from them after Lost in Language??? Like she’s someone who’s willing to get into trouble and dumb antics with them, but at the same time, she’s an outsider who can tell whenever Ed and Em go too far with their sister. She’s someone who can make it clear to them that disregarding Amity’s personal rules and boundaries is NOT the same as, say, rebelling against their parents’ strict rules or against generic authority in general. Mostly…
           I think of Luz as someone who the Blight kids can be comfortable around, all of them! She’s someone who doesn’t, and never judges. Around Luz, the Blight kids feel safe- Like they can drop the masks and façade and just be who they are, without fear of retribution, without fear of someone spreading the ‘truth’, without fear of anyone judging them or thinking lesser of them for it… I love the idea of Emira and Edric, these seemingly cooler twins and upperclassmen, allegedly out of Luz’s league… One day admitting to Luz that to THEM, she’s the one out of their league! That they’re amazed by her ability to just unapologetically be herself, out in the open, while Emira and Edric feel the need to hide that.
           They’re still rebels in a sense, but in other ways the twins hide who they are, how they feel, because they don’t want to be seen as ‘soft’, because despite their best attempts the abuse of their parents DID really affect them! And I love the idea of Luz finding out after Lost in Language that the Blight kids all are actually really open in affection or would like to be, that they’d rather be down-to-earth… Adventures in the Elements was a different glimpse to ‘another side’ of the twins, in the sense that this was a more genuine part of them. It was how the Blight kids interacted with one another at home, whenever nobody was watching them…
           After all, it IS the Knee, which is a pretty secluded location as-is, and the Blight kids didn’t expect anyone else to be there. The only ‘exception’ to this open trust is Eda, whom Amity clearly has some reservations towards… But while Ed and Em keep their interactions minimal, they’re also very open-minded to the Owl Lady’s ‘weirder’ ideas. Or at least, Edric is, but Emira is at least operating from a sense of safety rather than prejudice. They don’t bat an eye at Eda, probably because they’ve heard stories about her as someone who doesn’t care what others have to think, and it’s low-key inspiring to them… And they figure, if Eda doesn’t care what others think of her, maybe the same applies to how she thinks of others? LUZ seems to be open around the Owl Lady and trust her at least…
           Plus, given how Odalia and Alador witnessed Eda’s first transformation, almost immediately after she rejected the Emperor’s Coven to its face- You can’t tell me they didn’t fill their kids’ heads with stories, ‘cautionary tales’ of Eda the Owl Lady, who defied the sacred will of the Titan by rejecting its messenger’s coven… And right on cue, was personally punished by the Isles itself by being transformed into a horrific owl creature! Knowing Ed and Em, they probably figured out that if their parents hated Eda THAT much, then Eda was actually a pretty cool person after all! There IS a lot of trust to the twins and Amity heading over to the Owl House during Enchanting Grom Fright, after all…
           And while there’s no open interaction, Eda definitely appreciates their giant illusion of her! You can tell that through Luz, the Blight kids are getting to know and open up to Eda, or at least trust her to a degree because of Luz’s own opinion… And in turn, this lady is helping these kids find a home where they can be themselves, and maybe some other new connections and relationships along the way. Luz isn’t the only one who won’t judge, Eda is willing to let these kids be the goobers and doofuses they’ve always wanted to be, and it’s just sweet to me… Eda would trust these kids because that’s what Luz said, not to mention she likely knows how messed-up Odalia and Alador can be, as she may have interacted with them back at Hexside.
          I can see her brushing it off as her trying to ‘stick it’ to Al and Odalia by getting their own kids away from them… But let’s be real, Eda’s mostly doing this just for the sake of the Blight kids, to give other people room to actually be themselves because she knows how much that means to them. And it’s touching to the Blight kids, to see an adult who’s seemingly closed-off, but provides so much more affection and unconditional love to them than their own parents ever did…!
           But, back to Luz and the Twins- I think Luz would be very surprised to hear from them, be it implicitly or not, that they actually trust the girl… Because Luz is someone who was conditioned to under-value herself, to underestimate her own worth and importance to others. She’s pretty good at hiding it, but it’s still there, and it always blows her mind and makes her world when people openly tell her that she means a LOT to them!
           I can just imagine a scene, where Emira and Edric show up to Luz, and Luz is excited, trying to play herself off as being really cool… And then they just swoop in for a mutual hug with her from both sides, because they’re really not feeling it, they’ve had a bad day and they just feel crummy… They really missed Luz and they want some emotional validation and affection for once, these kids are touch-starved even around each other! And Luz is just SURPRISED, that these out-of-her-league upperclassmen would choose to be so vulnerable with HER, of all people…
           But then just as quickly, she takes it in stride and hugs them back. And then Luz and the Twins are silent like this for a long time, before Ed and Em choose to let Luz go, and without blinking or referencing what happened –unless they WANT to talk about it- Luz asks Emira and Edric how their days were, what antics they’d like to get up to, etc.! I love the concept of Ed and Em lowkey having self-loathing, wondering what anyone could see in the TRUE Emira and Edric… and then Luz just confidently reassures them, that they don’t need a mask to be so cool to her! And it’s both embarrassing and dazzling to the twins, that this girl seems so eager to impress THEM when it should be the other way around…!
           And I can see Emira and Edric taking a LOT of cues from Luz, especially since she’s more of a rebel than they are, without being harsh to others- She’s an open criminal, she changed Bump’s mind on multi-track learning… She even managed to convert Lilith, their little sister’s former teacher and a contributor to her indoctrination, the Head of the Emperor’s Coven, to her side! Luz foiled a public petrification at the Conformatorium, personally overseen by the emperor himself- And wounded Belos!
           I can imagine Emira and Edric maybe becoming insecure. Thinking Luz is too cool for them NOW, but she reassures them that’s never the case… Even as Luz inspires them to more openly defy the system in a different, more productive way. They’d probably follow Luz when it comes to a revolution, and convince Amity to do the same. They’re like Eda, in a sense- They learned to survive against some horrific abuse and indoctrination by becoming open rebels and troublemakers… But there was always that distance, that sense of loneliness, that feeling that they never accomplished anything and that their lives were wasted. That they could only ever be a nuisance to others, even if they weaponized and embraced this- And that deep down, there was an insecurity over who they were as they questioned if their own judgment was enough to say that they were lovable people.
           But then comes Luz- And she tells Ed, Em, and Eda that they’re all great people. That their lives aren’t meaningless… She tells them they ARE lovable people, but she’s also someone who can help rein them in, teach them a thing or two! And it’s so reassuring to actually learn from someone else, instead of having to figure it out all on your own… And maybe with Luz’s guidance, these E-named troublemakers CAN make a difference! That they can be even more than what they already were, and learn how to help other people when that was always something they wanted to do, but were never sure how to accomplish!
          Especially since Eda, Emira, and Edric both share that situation of having a sister they’re concerned for, a sister who’s too indoctrinated into the Coven System, and a feeling of failure at not being able to lead that sibling down the right path… Messing around with that sister, but ultimately lamenting the loss of their sibling’s personhood. So how inspiring is it, then… That Lilith, who is Eda’s sister, Head of the Emperor’s Coven, and also one of the people who influenced Amity into this same indoctrination… Changed her mind, that with Luz’s help, Eda managed to rescue her own sister! Maybe it’s never too late… Or at least, Mittens is DEFINITELY less indoctrinated than Lilith was. So if Luz can help, then I can see the Twins being willing to openly beg for her help, and Luz just reassures them that they neither need to ask nor get on their knees- She WANTS the best for Amity!
          Obviously that leads to the twins being the OG Lumity shippers, in-universe! Luz is just SO cool, they’d LOVE her as a part of the family, they love what she does for Amity and vice-versa, because Luz means the world to them and they know that Amity makes her happy- And it’s the least they can do for Luz given all of the stuff she’s done for them, to engage their little sister with her! Luz has GOT the siblings’ approval, all right! It’s the two people they care for most, Luz and Amity, being together and happy… So Emira and Edric want to contribute.
           And while Ed and Em like to joke a lot about flirting with Luz, about thinking she’s cute, and all that stuff… Really, I don’t necessarily think they actually see her in that romantic light? Not that it’s entirely out of the question if that’s what Luz wants, because they love this girl and want to give her everything- But not only is she with Amity and the Twins are not letting ANYONE jeopardize that relationship, least of all themselves… In general, they’re just grateful for Luz? They’re not looking for any romantic relationship in her, not necessarily? They love her as-is. Luz is someone they can be open around, someone privy to the Blight kids’ more open and vulnerable moments…
           Luz is like family to them, and not just in the in-law sense! Emira and Edric may joke about flirting with Luz, but I don’t think they actually see her like that… And no, it’s not just me making room for Lumity, Vinira, and Jedric, nor is it JUST me acknowledging the age-gap. In-universe, even if that’s another reason… I think Emira and Edric just see Luz not as a romantic interest, but as someone they’re already close to and open with. And it’s incredibly sweet to me, honestly… Like Luz is an adopted Blight, a little sibling in a sense! One Emira and Edric of course respect and provide autonomy for, and they’d never force this relationship on her… But in general, I do think Ed and Em see Luz as like a kind, younger sister! So obviously that would not only make a romantic relationship weird to them, even if all three got a bit older later in the future; But Luz is nevertheless someone that Emira and Edric want to take care of and vice-versa, in the familial sense! And I can see them being concerned of becoming too clingy to Luz… But honestly, Luz has no issues, and hey- She gets to be with Amity more!
           Maybe Emira and Edric become convinced that they can only ‘hold onto’ Luz, or at least justify their relationship with her, through Amity’s romantic relationship with Luz… But Luz reassures the Twins that just as she’d always love Amity, even if Amity wasn’t romantically interested- The same goes for the Twins, that she cares for them as their own people, and NOT just as Amity’s older siblings! And to be seen, recognized, and loved for themselves as their own individuals, not defined solely by their familial relationships or status as Blights… It’d mean a lot to Emira and Edric, I feel.
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chibioomi · 4 years
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐦𝐞 - 𝐩𝐭 𝟐
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→ 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐦𝐞 ! : prohero!bakugou x prohero!reader
summary: he’s used to grabbing the attention from everyone in the room, mainly due to his loud persona. everyone seems to know who is but her, and that bothers him. he makes it his mission to get her to notice him.
tags: fluff, lil bit of romance, lots of crack
                  ───────────── .°୭̥ ❁ ˎˊ˗
y/n was staring at bakugou in pure confusion. “do you remember me now?” what did he mean by that? was he someone she was supposed to remember? 
blinking at him a few times, your eyebrows furrowed together. you were racking your brain for the many possibilities you would know the strange man that propelled himself into the air to get your attention. was he someone you went on a date with at one point? or someone you had saved? 
“i’m sorry but . . . no, i don’t?” a nervous laugh escaped your lips as you gave him half a smile, rubbing your neck. he held an aura that was so familiar yet so foreign. 
the blonde man just looked blankly at you. you could’ve sworn you saw a look of disappointment on his face, but it disappeared just as quick as it came, if it was even there. it almost made you feel kinda bad for not knowing who he was. almost. 
“well, if you don’t mind, i’m gonna go-” your finger pointed to the sky as you prepared to take off, but the man held his hand out, signaling for you to stop. 
“we went to u.a. together. you were always hanging with todoroki and deku. i don’t really know how you would constantly forget where our class was, but you always did, without fail. one day you asked mina to teach you how to do this crazy stupid dance move and you knocked over two lamps in the dorms with your wings, and aizawa-sensei punished you to a week of cleaning. i’m not sure how, but you were always the only person that never even looked my way. and i thought i liked it at first, but anytime i tried to actually talk to you, your dumbass would act like i was some complete stranger.”
as he listed off a bunch of different random events from your high school years that you vaguely remembered, it creeped you out at first. how did he know all of this about you? 
narrowing your eyes at him, your head tilted to the side. this was what you believed to be your first time actually getting a good look at him. his hair was full and spiked, and it looked like it took him either hours or no time at all to do it. i wonder if it’s softer than it looks . . . his red eyes held a different type of understanding to them. as if he’d went through a lot, even at his young age. which would make sense, if he said he was in the same class as her in high school. 
that’s when it clicked. you were thinking about the few times she hung out with mina and her group of friends. there was always that one angry person at them that was constantly yelling about something, most of it you would usually drown out. you weren’t sure why he was so uptight about everything, and if his throat ever hurt from shouting all of the time. 
but the name wasn’t coming to you. 
“i think- it’s- oh ! bakubro, right ?” what a strange name. 
“huh ?! no !”
“no ?” you weren’t going to continue to guess, not really fond of hearing him shout too much. “look, i’m sorry i forgot you, or whatever. i’ve never really been good at remembering things. i hit my head a lot when i was learning to fly,” raising your index finger, you tapped your temple a few times. “still do, sometimes. buildings have it out for me, i swear ! i don’t even see them half of the time, then bam ! i’ve hit a window !” he didn’t look all that entertained at your explanation, but that’s all you could give him as some sort of explanation. “but um . . . i’m l/n y/n,” you offered your hand out to him. he seemed so keen on grabbing your attention, the least you could do was entertain him for a little. 
“bakugou katsuki.”  the name was so familiar to you. you could clearly hear aizawa-sensai saying it as if you were still in his class. “a lot of people used to call me kacchan.” 
“you’re kacchan ?!” eyes widening, you took a step back from him. midoriya still talked about him whenever you two got together, and even though all of the stories he’d told you about them from their middle school years, you’d expected a different demeanor from bakugou. even from the very limited encounters you could remember. 
he was always so loud, crude, and oh so very  rude. 
but here he was. he had put his life in danger just to get you to remember his name. 
“well, kacchan, i promise i’m not gonna forget you any time soon.” 
                   ───────────── .°୭̥ ❁ ˎˊ˗
four months had passed, and you and bakugou spent almost every weekend together. even during work throughout the week, you’d swoop down to his patrolling area to grab lunch or just walk around with him. you honestly never thought you’d find yourself calling the man you couldn’t remember for the life of you, your best friend. 
bakugou grew fairly comfortable around you. he quickly caught on, noticing that you didn’t like when he yelled, so whenever you were around him, even when he was out with the bakusquad, he’d dial his tone down until he saw that you were no longer flinching at the sound of his voice. you’d later explain that you never really liked when someone would yell at you, or anyone else in that matter. as a kid, when you weren’t aware that your wings took up more space in a room, you would knock down different things at home and at school, which would cause your parents and teachers to yell and scold you. and the protective person in you didn’t want anyone else to feel so belittled. 
he also began to learn the little things about you. he learned what your favorite color was, your go-to meal after rather hard days of patrolling, that the gold on your wings was in fact something you were born with, and how ditzy you really were on a daily basis [ which he found rather adorable, but he wasn’t going to admit outloud ]
and today was one of those days in which you never failed to remind him how much of a clutz you are. 
your landing wasn’t the prettiest one, your heels skidding against the pavement, stopping a few feet in front of bakugou, when you were ideally aiming for just behind him. once your feet were planted on the ground, you turned to face him with a small pout etching the features of your face, your wings drooping low, hinting at the fact that you were upset about something. groaning quietly, walked over to you, his arms crossed over his chest. 
“what happened this time?” he asked, knowing you had some stupid story to explain the look on your face. 
“what do you mean this- yanno what, nevermind. i got this big ass bruise on my forehead because some people don’t take into account the fact that there’s flying heroes !” prodding at the darkened skin, she then winced at the feeling. 
“you ran into another building, didn’t you ?”
“no ! maybe . . . okay, what if i did ? what does the glass gotta be so clear for ?” throwing her hands in the air, her wings lifted also, causing her to get glares from the people passing by that she hit. muttering a few sorries, bakugou started to question how she even became a top hero, and how she even managed to go from five to four in the few months he’d known her. sure, she was popular with the kids, and people found how dumb she was just an act for interviews. if only people really knew . . . 
“you outta be more careful, dumbass.” 
“blah, blah, blah, dumbass this, dumbass that. that’s all that ever comes out of your mouth when i tell you this stuff ! it’s like you don’t care. you’re a sadist, aren’t ya ? you like seeing me in pain, huh ?”
“y/n, please shut up.”
“just admit it !”
“oi, you’re no fun.” narrowing your eyes at bakugou, you then crossed your arms over your chest. “grab lunch by yourself.”
“you’re such a big baby,” grabbing your forearm, bakugou started to drag you down the sidewalk, to your dismay, along with all of the bystanders that were hit by your wings. finally tearing your arm away from the pro hero, you started to walk along with him, knowing if you tried to make a break for it, it would cause a scene since he would chase after you. 
once you made it to the ramen shop you both frequented, you took your usual seats at a booth in the far corner. it gave a nice view of the city outside, and it was close enough to one of the exits, so that if something went down, you’d easily be able to exit the restaurant.  
after ordering, you both fell into a silence. usually he’d be ranting on about something his friends did the day prior, or some dumb “extras”, and in return you’d catch him up on the adventures of the dekusquad or whatever interesting thing that happened or what you saw on patrol. and at first, you found it comfortable, until each time you glanced up at him, he’d suddenly redirect his attention somewhere else, and vice versa. 
when did i get so nervous around him ?
“stop staring, you weirdo,” you finally said, and that caused him to laugh. finally, something to break the growing tension. 
“i could say the same to you,” squinting at his statement, you rested your chin in the palm of your hand. 
“what’s on your mind, bakuboo ?”
“how many times have i told you not to call me that ?” instead of answering his question, you shrugged your shoulders. thinking of your question, he had to turn his head to hide the blush that was growing on his cheeks. you. you were on his mind, and have been a lot, lately. ever since you two became closer, you’ve plagued his thoughts and sometimes even dreams. it almost felt like you were taunting him. 
“you know, you sure do talk about that y/n a lot,” kirishima stated one night he, bakugou, denki, and sero were hanging out. y/n had offered to take mina out clubbing so the boys could have some ‘time to themselves’. 
“no i don’t, shut up, shitty hair.” plopping down on the couch of his apartment, he flipped on the movie they’d all picked out. 
“it use to be about how she never notices you, and now it’s all lovey-dovey.” denki added, settling into his spot in front of the couch, popping a few kernels of popcorn into his mouth. the statement earned a hit to the back of head from bakugou. 
“maybe he likes her,” sero made sure he was a good distance from his explosive friend when he added his comment, but it didn’t save him from his glare. 
it wasn’t even a statement bakugou could bring himself to reject. why would he lie about it ? he did like you, and it was an annoying feeling. he wished he didn’t, that would’ve made his life so much easier, especially when he was the one that would go out and help y/n pick out dresses for the different dates she’d go on. none of the men ever [ gladly ] lasted long. they’d make it up to date two before either y/n declined the offer for the next one or they’d do something stupid, and she’d bluntly say you’d never want to see them again [ that she learned from bakugou ] 
kirishima could see the storm swirling inside of his friend’s head, and he leaned over to nudge his side. “why don’t you tell her ? what’s the worse that could happen ?” 
“you’re thinking about me ?” y/n’s eyebrows raised in surprise as you tilted your head to the side. 
“huh ?” furrowing his eyebrows out of confusion, bakugou turned to look at you. 
“i asked what you were thinking about, and you went ‘you’.”
did he really say that out-loud ?
“oh, um, well-”
“well, i was thinking about you, too, bakuboo.” you interrupted with a grin, reaching both of your hands out to grab one of his. “i know this is gonna be corny and you better not make a  big deal out of this, and you know, if you don’t feel the same way, we’ll just act like it never happened. but i do like you a lot, katsuki. a lot more than, yanno, just being friends.”
at first, bakugou didn’t know what to say. he wasn’t expecting a confession, honestly. he’d always thought he’d be the first one to say something. but it makes sense, with how fast your thoughts come, and how scattered they are. the cold wind hitting his hand from where yours were previously grabbing his pulled him out of his thoughts. your sudden burst of confidence had evidently died away, the way your wings folded around yourself, something he realized you did when you were nervous, embarrassed, or felt unsafe or uncomfortable. he assumed you were a bundle of nerves at this point, with his prolonged silence. 
“i like you, too, dumbass.” he finally replied, reaching back out to take your hand. 
“really ?” his words pulled your attention away from the edge of a napkin you were picking at. 
“i wouldn’t have said it if i didn’t mean it.”
“you say a lot of things you don’t mean !”
“no i don’t.”
“yes you do ! like when you said that you hated deku.” bakugou snorted, taking a sip from his water.
“i do hate deku.”
“nah, i think you’re in love with him. always picking fights and whatnot. you just want his attention.”
“i’ll start picking fights with you more often, then.”
“. . . no thank you.” 
A/N: i’m supposed to be doing my assignments for business but :D i got bored and this was calling to me. i wasn’t gonna post until tomorrow but i’m kinda excited, imma start on my todoroki fic soon and work on a bunch of haikyuu headcanons. anyways, i hope you guys liked this one, i might make it a mini series just because i really like the idea of bakugou with someone a little ditzy and i have no idea why
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erensnubs · 3 years
𝑳𝒂𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑱𝒐
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Hanamaki Takihiro x GN! Reader
Based off of the Laurie and Jo Scene in Little Women
Summary: Sometimes first loves never work out
Content: Angst, pure angst
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From pirate ships, to being monarchs and warriors of old, you and Hanamaki Takahiro, were best friends.
He was the little boy who moved in next door, snot running down his nose, hands stained with dirt as he offered you a piece offering of roly polies and leaves.
You were the little kid who rolled around in the mud and terrorized the other kids by throwing sticks at them.
Needless to say you immediately became best friends. And menaces to your parents, the neighborhood kids and society in general.
You were together from the young ages of kindergarten, you were there to witness Hanamaki's awkward stage of puberty. You were there to witness him making other friends than you and lovers.
He was there when he saw you make other friends than him, dating a lot of people. He was there when you were scared of going to middle school, was there when you had anxiety over grades.
You were there for each other all the time, ups and downs, triumphs and trials.
So it was natural, that Hanamaki fell, completely and hopelessly;
In love with you.
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You're running in the grass, rolling around with Hanamaki laughing your asses off. You guys have just graduated highschool and the two of you, being the dumb bitches you are decide to skip the family party to celebrate your accomplishments. 
“We’re adults now!” You yell, half skipping down the hill and eventually trip. 
You pick yourself up and start screaming. 
Hanamaki laughs, “Yeah says the one who barely passed history.” 
He grabs you by the arm and drags you through the flowers of the field and sets you down, all the while you giggle deliriously. 
Usually Hanamaki would be laughing along, making stupid jokes about your laugh. 
But he doesn’t. 
And it scares you. 
Before you even open your mouth to say anything, Hanamaki plops down beside you and thoughtfully asks, 
“What are we going to do, [Name]? After here?” 
The question sounded serious not like those ones where he asked you if he looked sexy for prom or if his crocs match the vibe of the weather that day. 
You paused to take in the question. 
“Well... I can’t really answer that Hiro Out of our whole friend group we’ve always been the floaters. The ones that never really know what we’re doing...” 
Hanamaki turns his head around, baby hairs sticking onto his skin from the sweat of running. His eyes are looking at you, no they’re looking through you. 
He breathes out a yes, like he’s been holding something from you. A secret he didn’t want to tell. 
You turn away abruptly hoping he doesn’t see your slight change of attitude. 
“Iwaizumi’s going to America, Mattsun is getting ready for college, and you know Oikawa is going over to Brazil to pursue volleyball.” 
“I honestly don’t know Hiro. I get that we can’t be kids who run around more and throw dirt at each other,” you say laughing softly. 
Hanamaki scoffs, “But you wish it was like that huh?” 
You sit up and pick the grass from the ground and throw it randomly into the air. 
“Of course! I still want to get a pirate ship and go and travel the world with you.” 
Hanamaki raises his eyebrows, “And steal gold from random people?” 
You smile cheekily, “Of course. Then we’ll build our chocolate empire, something that could rival Willy Wonka’s.” 
Hanamaki stands up and puts his hand out to you. 
You grab it, but why do you feel like the gesture is something much more than a friendly hand? 
The two of you start walking, swinging your arms around as you joke about your chocolate factory, your pirate ships, the adventures you’re going to have. 
The sun was setting, the long, green blades of grass turning yellow as you and Hanamaki run through them, creating scars and bumps on your skin. 
You were going to miss highschool. You were going to miss groaning about exams and certain substitute teachers. Miss skipping classes with Mattsun and Makki to go get wasted with cheap alcohol. 
You were going to miss Oikawa and his stupid smile and Iwaizumi and his stupid nicknames. You were going to miss crying with the 3rd years over lost volleyball games. 
Hell, you were probably going to cry when Oikawa and Iwaizumi left to continue their lives. You might even cry when Mattsun goes to college even if he isn’t going overseas. 
But at least you had Hanamaki. Your dearest friend. Though your relationship has gotten deeper and you were able to confide with each other, you were still the 2 children that fought other kids on the playground. 
You could always, always rely on him. Because you never changed with each other. 
You turn around and see Hanamaki. His eyes glowed with something. 
And it was not of the setting sun. 
“Yes?” You say, the sky turning darker as moments pass. 
“I know we talk about us being adventurous and going with the flow... but I feel like we could do something more, you know?” he says it quietly, his thumb subconsciously rubbing yours. 
You look up at him, “What do you mean? You just want to suddenly work a 9-5 job in a corporate company? We talked about this Hiro...” 
He looks taken aback, “No no, that’s not what I meant [Name].”
Hanamaki gets quieter, “We could always be little kids, playing with swords and sticks. Together.” 
You pause as Hanamaki looks up at your eyes. Together? You’ve always been together? Always. 
He couldn’t possibly mean. 
You pull back from his grasp, 
“No Hiro I can’t do that. Please no.” 
You start walking away from him and he advances as he argues, trying to salvage something. 
“[Name], no I love you and I have always loved you since we were little! I can’t imagine myself being with anyone else besides you!” 
You walk faster and wrap your arms around yourself, “No, no, no. Hiro you’re being ridiculous.” 
“Yes, YES!” 
“No! We can’t!” 
“[NAME]! COME BACK HERE LET ME SEE YOU!” Hanamaki says running towards you. 
You spin around and stare at him, “We can’t work Hiro! I could never love you that way, and I would be lying, God I would be lying if I said that I did. Our whole life together we’re going to be pretending.” 
He runs his fingers through his hair in frustration, “Why?! We were just talking about doing adventures together! Why is that any different than what I proposed!?” 
You stomp your foot onto the ground, “Did you not just listen to me you dipshit? I could never love you romantically! Ever! I care for you, I worry for you but Hanamaki you are my friend. My closest friend. You are the one thing in my life that hasn’t changed so quickly and then you pull this shit?” 
You start shaking your head, “No, don’t say that.”
Hanamaki starts rambling, “You always tell me that words and actions are your love languages- 
“And I’ve been doing it, [Name]. I have. I have been there for you, anywhere and-and-”
“Takihiro stop.” 
“And I can’t feel like this anymore. I can’t let you slip through my fingers and watch you run away from me like everyone else has-”
The only things that you could hear were the sounds of your breathing and the crickets in the grass. 
“Takihiro, you’re being a child. You’re being stupid and ridiculous. Do not let the fantasies of a boy ruin your future,” you say sternly, begging for your tears to not fall onto the ground. 
“You say that, [Name], and then run from everything that requires commitment,” he says sharply. 
“You’re a coward, [Name]. You’re hurting me.” 
Hanamaki is stepped away from you know and he starts walking away. 
“My life has no meaning anymore-”
You scoff, “Takihiro your love for me isn’t worth your life!” 
Hanamaki walks away and his voice is racked with sobs. Oh god he seriously does love you. 
“Takihiro come back here!” 
You’re running towards him now, grabbing his arm but he pushes away. 
“Takihiro think with your brain! Just because we can’t be together the way you want doesn’t mean we have to sever all ties!” You say breathlessly. 
“I mean think about it, we could have never worked. You hate the fact I don’t eat your favorite ice cream, you constantly like to go out and I like staying home.” 
“I don’t care-” 
“I hate meeting your other family members because they look down on me, my family members have always been skeptical of you-” 
“I don’t care about that-” 
“And we would be miserable, Takihiro. Absolutely miserable with one another-” 
“No we wouldn’t,” he says stopping and grabbing your arm. Your noses were touching as his thin lips tried to connect with yours.
You pull away. 
“Admit it Makki. We are better off as friends, not lovers,” you say finally. 
“I’m ugly and I don’t care about my appearance like your other lovers do. I’m brutally honest with you and sometimes you cry about my opinion and-” 
“I love you [Name].” 
“I’m lazy and have no real goal in life, I have no foundation no, no rock or something. I don’t have a drive, Hiro! You’re going to be stuck with someone who doesn’t care.” 
“I love you.” 
“And you’re going to find someone else, a nice person, who likes eating your ice cream and dresses up. Who has a clear goal in life and someone your family will love-” 
“No one could ever replace you, [Name]-” 
You throw your hands up in frustration, “You’re mixing platonic and romantic feelings together and turning it into some big thing!” 
“No, I’m not.” 
“Yes you are.” 
Silence surpasses you again and Hanamaki starts walking away. 
You spoke up, “But-” 
He turns around again and looks at you with hope. Hope for something more. 
“That I don’t think I’ll ever be with someone romantically, Makki. I’ve gone years without.” 
Hanamaki scoffs and starts to laugh cruelly, 
“I don’t believe that, [Name]. You���re going to find someone, and you’re going to fall hard.” 
You sneer, “How do you know?” 
“I just do, you’re impossible to not fall in love with. You’re the sunshine in my life.” 
“Takihiro don’t say that, please.” 
He looks back at you, “But you are! You are my world, my-” 
“LEAVE ME! OH MY GOD LEAVE ME!” You yell at him and turn away. 
This was the 1st time Hanamaki hears you with that voice. 
“YES! YES [NAME],” Hanamaki says. 
“You’re going to fall in love with someone and you’re perfect, care free life will turn upside down and they’re going to love you. And you’re going to be perfect with each other-” 
“And I will watch. I will watch you grow and love this person. I will watch it happen because I still love you and I don’t think I’ll love anyone else.” 
“And I will watch you, I will watch you [Name], and- and,” 
You couldn’t bear to see his tears fall from his eyes, so you turn away. 
“I will imagine that it could have been me and you-”
“Hanamaki please-” 
“I don’t know what to do with myself but I will still take care of you and I truly love you, forever and-” 
“I won’t ever stop, [Name]. Ever,” he says softly as he tries to reach out for your hand. 
You pull away, your voice breaking. 
“Hanamaki, go. I don’t want to see you right now,” you say softly. 
You don’t have to turn around to see him crumble. You can feel it. 
Because your heart was crumbling too. 
“I’ll go... get back safe, [Name],” he adds. 
You don’t say anything back, and hear the slow movements in the grass as your best friend walked away from you. 
The sky is dark, the stars seemed ashamed at your argument, and they don’t shine like they used to from years before. 
You stayed in the grass, silent tears on your face as you shielded yourself from the cold with your arms. 
You wanted to go home, but home wasn’t a place
It was a person. And his name was Hanamaki Takihiro. 
But home loved you, and you didn’t love it back the way they wanted. 
More tears flowed from your eyes at the sudden thought emerged from your eyes. 
You had no home anymore. 
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AN: Another random little oneshot I did for my boy Hanamaki! Please comment your thoughts or reblog and like! I need constructive critiscm loves so I know what I can write and appeal to! 
Taglist: @saladskittles​
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