#like yeah shes The Wall but shes not gonna like. kill your whole family if you look at her wrong or smth.
themyscirah · 7 months
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My Suicide Squad review from locg ✌️
( 2.5/5 ⭐️ )
Last sentence got cut off a bit but I just said I saw a few similarities between Dreamer and the role Nightshade had in the Ostrander + Yale run in terms of powers & some team dynamics
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ynbabe · 10 months
bffs with the rookies- incorrect quotes 1!
Just a lil sum sum to show more abt the relationships in the AU
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Y/N: A stake to the heart won't kill a vampire if their tits are big enough. Oscar: Yeah, you just catch it. Logan: Nah nah nah, deflects it. Stake? Just bounces right off. Done. Back to doing hot girl shit. Arthur: Then I just use a spear instead. Y/N: You are trying so hard to kill a vampire with big bazongas, and for what? Why would you do that to the ecosystem?
Oscar: It’s Christmas! Are you all in a Christmas mood?! Logan: Merry crisis. Arthur: Jingle bells, jingle bells, single all the way. Y/N: Hoe hoe hoe. Oscar: Guys, please.
Oscar: Who would you kill out of the four of us, Logan? Logan: Arthur, easily. Arthur, laughing: What the fuck, man. Logan: Well, Y/N would be too easy. She’d probably be into it. Y/N, now standing in the doorway: What the fuck, man!?
Logan: How do I ask someone out? Y/N: Roses are red, violets are blue, guess what, my bed has room for two. Logan: No! Arthur: Twinkle twinkle little star, we can do it in a car. Logan: Stop! Oscar: Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily I can make you scream. Logan: I feel like the last one is verging dangerously into serial killer territory.
Y/N: Fight me! Arthur: Ha, look at your size! What are you gonna do, kick my ankle? *Later* Logan: Why is Arthur crying? Oscar: Y/N kicked him really hard on the ankle.
Y/N, to Oscar: When was the last time you let someone hug you? Oscar: *thinking* Oscar: 2012. Arthur: 2012…? Oscar: Yeah. I almost died and it really freaked Logan out so I let him hug me.
Lando: You know what? Lando: When I joined this friend group I thought you guys would be dealing with my bullshit. *Y/N, Arthur and Oscar continue screaming about mold water* Lando:Not the other way around. Logan: I dunno, sounds like you need to drink the mold water.
Lando: Mice are having sex in my walls. Arthur: Tattletale! Logan: You're just being ungrateful. Y/N: It's their home too, you know. Oscar: So what? Don't slutshame them. Lando: The mice are fucking AND now I'm getting heckled.
Oscar: Team A will consist of myself, Arthur, Lando, and Logan. Oscar: Team B will consist of Y/N, cause she scares me.
How Lando and Y/n became friends:
Logan: Why aren't there friend pick up lines? Pick up lines to make friends like- Logan, to Arthur: Hey, that's a cute outfit. You know where it would look better? On nobody else, because you're a beautiful individual. Y/N, to Lando: Be my friend or I'll set your entire family on fire. Oscar: There are two types of people.
Charles: I’m not mad, I just need to know why you two had a fake ID. Arthur: *Incoherent mumbling* Charles: Huh? Y/n: …You need to be 18 to hold the puppies at PetCo.
Charles (brainstorming ideas for pranking Max): How much could a serial killer mask possibly cost? Y/n: Well it’s hard to find a high-quality one made out of leather or silicone, but if you did find a good one like that it’d be a couple thousands of dollars. I can try to hook you up with one but I don’t know if I’d be very successful. Charles: Huh, that’s pretty interesting actually- Wait, how the hell do you know that? Y/n: …I am very passionate about Halloween, Charles.
Y/n: I'm gonna eat the chicken breasts! Arthur, snickering: Yeah, eat what you lack. Y/n, deadpanning at Arthur Then maybe I should order brains on delivery for you.
Arthur, reading a recipe: Beat three eggs? Charles: It means like in hand-to-hand combat. Arthur: Ohhhh- Y/n: Both of you get out of this kitchen.
Logan: Have I ever told you that I love you with my whole heart? Y/n For the love of all that is holy, I am not taking you to McDonalds. It’s 2am! Logan: Mean.
Y/n: Dumbest scar stories, go! Oscar: I burned my tongue once drinking tea. Charles: I dropped a hair dryer on my leg once and burned it. Logan: I have a piece of graphite in my leg for accidentally stabbing myself with a pencil in the first grade. Arthur: I was taking a cup of noodles out of the microwave and spilled it on my hand and I got a really bad burn. Max: Max: I have emotional scars.
When Max and Charles got spam called by Y/n and the group after their party:
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 4 months
For context:
A few days ago, @meagancandraw (Night-Waker) and I did a lil' "what-if" scenario in a private server of what would happen if Moon punched Sun after a hallucination-driven breakdown and then ran off and was visited by someone who gave him the clarity he needed.
The following is what transpired:
NIGHT: He's starting to hallucinate, goes to hit one, and it ends up being Sun.
Sun: Moon-! Moon: DON'T TOUCH ME! (THWACK)
And that's when he snaps out of it-
ME: The sound echoes, bouncing off the walls and ringing in Moon's audio receptors. There's a frightening sting that spreads across the back of his hand. The swirling black and red of his vision vanishes practically in an instant as he stares mortified at Sun, who cups his cheek with an equally mortified look. What did he…? No…no no no what had he done-- ?: M-Moon…?!
NIGHT: Moon can only look at Sun, at the hand holding his cheek. It looks dented, and there's specks of dark blue visible between his fingers. Moon slowly looks down at his own hand, and sees where small streaks of paint have been violently scrapped off, exposing the grey underneath. He feels sick. Moon: I- ?: Sun! Lunar runs into the room (Oh God how long had he been standing there how much had he seen), asking Sun if he's okay. The sound is muffled to Moon, however, as he continues to stare at his hand. There's more talking - or is it yelling? - but he can't tell from who. All he hears is static. Horror blooms in his chest and spreads through his circuits
ME: Earth suddenly rushes in as well, looking between the two. She asks what happened but doesn't get an answer from either, so she asks Lunar, who fills her in. Her eyes widen and she looks to Moon- God that look…The way she looked at him--horrified, scared, angry--he couldn't bear it.
Before anyone can think to stop him, he turns and activates a random portal, and flees into it.
NIGHT: Moon [begins] spiraling and thinking his whole family must hate him. They should. Not only did he fail to protect Solar, now he's hurt Sun in front of them. He's a horrible brother. They don't deserve as terrible as him. Is hurting his family all he's good for?
ME: (imagine while in Beta 10 he starts hallucinating.)
"What, gonna start drowning in your own pity party again?"
He sees hallucinations of his family, one by one. Starting with Earth. Then Lunar. Then even Eclipse. Then Sun.
Then Old Moon.
All of them berating and sharp, pushing the dagger in deeper. "You promised you would be better." "Why weren't you honest with how you felt?" "You're a monster." "You're pathetic."
"You did the one thing I told you not to do." In the midst of the anguish as the people he loves drive home every wound, he hears a voice he doesn't expect and looks-
to see Solar.
Still a hallucination, but…he is different. He's not shouting at Moon for his failures, he's not calling him horrible things.
NIGHT: "Solar" asking Moon what he's doing here instead of being with his family Moon (crying): I don't deserve to be with them
ME: Solar: What makes you think that?
NIGHT: Moon: Because all I'm good for is hurting them! I hit Sun! I let you die! I can't protect anyone! I'm just as bad as the old me! ME: Solar: Moon. If that's all you ever see in yourself, then that is all you will ever be.
NIGHT: Moon: It's all I am! The old me killed himself because he thought that I would be better, but he was wrong! ME: Solar: Was he? NIGHT: Moon: Yes! Name one good thing I've done that didn't end up backfiring or making things worse for everyone!
ME: Solar: hm. Well…from what I heard about the guy, he didn't have a shred of empathy. So you got him beat on that front. NIGHT: Moon: Yeah… a lot of good that's done for me
ME: Solar: Yeah it has. 'Cept I don't think you actually see what good it's done. NIGHT: Moon: Like what? ME: Solar: well your brother, for one. Would you say you've grown closer since you re-awoke? NIGHT: Moon: I… guess? But I still hit him, and I promised myself that this version of me would never do that
ME: Solar: and you think he's upset with you?
NIGHT: Moon: Of course he is! Why wouldn't he be?!
ME: Solar: well, you kinda just ran before you could see what he'd say.
NIGHT: Moon: … Moon: That's because I'm a coward
ME: Solar: hm…didn't they say he was a coward, too?
NIGHT: Moon: Who?
ME: Solar: the old you. He ran from his problems too, didn't he?
NIGHT: Moon: That's part of why he made me. He had a lot of problems and regrets he couldn't face… If you're here to tell me that I'm doing the same thing right now, trust me, I'm well aware. I guess it's just another thing I have in common with the old me
ME: Solar: I don't think I'm here to tell you what you've already heard.
NIGHT: Moon: Then what are you here for?
ME: Solar: well? You don't want to be like him, right? And if he ran from his problems, what do you think you should do?
NIGHT: Moon: Yeah, I know… I just… (Sighs) I dunno… what if what happened is just the start? What if Sun and the others are wrong about me, and I just keep getting worse?
ME: Solar: everyone has highs and lows, Moon. And the lows can really suck sometimes. That's just how life is. But that's what family is for, yeah? To help pick you back up when you're down?
NIGHT: Moon: …You're right. Heh, even when you're dead you're right … (Tears up) God, I miss you
ME: Solar: (smiles) failing and making mistakes doesn't make you a bad person, Moon. It's how you respond that determines how things go.
NIGHT: Moon: I should probably get out of here, huh?
ME: Solar: they're probably out lookin' for ya right now
NIGHT: Moon: Yeah. I should- Sun: (From the entrance) Moon…? Are you here? Moon: Sun? (Looks over at Solar to see that he's vanished)
ME: Sun: (approaches, finds him staring at the mirror) …figured you'd come here
NIGHT: Moon: Actually, I set the portal to random … …Are you okay?
ME: Sun: (thinks for a moment). Not happy about being punched again, but…I'm fine. And…m-more worried about you, honestly.
NIGHT: Moon: I'm… better than I was earlier… Sun, I am so so sorry for hitting you. I don't think there are any words that can begin to tell you how sorry I am
ME: Sun: I know you're sorry. I do. But…Moon, this-- (sighs) This can't keep happening.
NIGHT: Moon: I know...
ME: Sun: Do you?
NIGHT: Moon: … Moon: The old me gave up his life so I could be the better version of him. I already told you what he told me: To protect our family no matter what. That's been my entire purpose since the moment I woke up, but lately it feels like no matter what I do, it's not enough. That I'm not enough. I keep thinking that if I was smarter like him, then Solar would still be alive, or if I did start killing anyone who was a threat - sure, it wouldn't be right, but you'd all at least be safe
…I'm terrified of becoming like the old Moon, Sun. That's the last thing I want, but KC's already dead, and if I can't keep our family safe, then that officially means the old Moon died for nothing! I know that's not an excuse, but I- I can't lose anyone else, Sun!
ME: Sun: we don't want to lose YOU, Moon! Why should protecting our family be only your responsibility?! Family protects each other, it's not supposed to be one person's burden! … The old Moon, he…I get he did what he did to keep me and everyone safe, but…it still hurt people. It still hurt me.
NIGHT: Moon: I know, and I'm sorry. … You're the most important person in my life, Sun. I love Lunar and Earth, but you're the one who keeps me going. It's your light and your strength that inspires me, and I want to protect that at all costs. I want to make sure nothing ever happens to you or the others, even if it means taking on that burden all by myself. I know it's not fair to you, or Lunar and Earth, but I… I don't think I know how to do it any other way. …But I'd like to learn
ME: Sun: (listens in silence, then after a moment he sighs) Moon. I know you mean well. But—I am not a child. I am not some delicate thing that needs protecting. I can handle myself. Earth can handle herself, we know that. Lunar…more or less. (sighs) But the fact is, our lives are not perfect. Things will happen whether we want them to or not. That’s just how life is. And if you’re so busy going around trying to protect US…then who is going to protect you?
NIGHT: Moon: (Ponders the question in silence) I've… never really considered that, to be honest. I didn't care what happened to me as long as you guys were okay. I can… see why that's a problem, now that I say it out loud… (Sighs) I really screwed up…
ME: Sun: yeah. You did. (he steps and engulfs Moon into a tight hug) but who hasn’t screwed up? I’ve made mistakes. Lunar, too. I’m sure even Earth has. But at the end of the day…we’re still a family, aren’t we? (he squeezes him) You’re a real idiot sometimes, Moon. But you’re still my brother, and you always will be.
NIGHT: Moon: (He hugs him back with his first genuine smile in a long time) Heh, thanks, Sun. I love you, brother
Unbeknownst to any of them, "Solar" is watching them as they leave the bunker. He smiles at the group before fading away…
--The end--
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keilanana · 24 days
𝑻𝒐 𝑫𝒆𝒇𝒚 𝑭𝒂𝒕𝒆
ɪɪɪ. sɪʙʟɪɴɢ ᴀᴄǫᴜɪʀᴇᴅ
You get a new addition to your family, and all is right with the world.
(Hopefully nothing from the next chapter ruins this for you haha.)
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Watching Mum trip over herself to follow Mother around and tend to her every, little need was pretty funny at first.
But now you (unfortunately) have no right to laugh anymore, because as it turns out, learning that you're going to be an older sibling in just a few months really puts certain things into perspective, and now you're basically doing the same thing (although you at least had the dignity to be a lot more subtle about it, Mum.)
You don't know why, as you can't recall ever acting like this when your siblings from your first life came along, but everything just suddenly seems like a threat. For every sharp corner Mother passes by, you're quick to reach your hand over to cover it in case she gets close enough for contact. When you catch her going up or down the stairs, you're already rushing to her side to offer out a hand in support.
Yes, Mother of course laughs at all of this, and makes sure to tease you for doing the very things you laughed at your Mum for, but you can tell from the fondness in her smile and the bright twinkle in her eyes that she genuinely does appreciate all of the effort you and Mum were putting in to ensure her and the baby's comfort and safety—even if the measures Mum took could be pretty ... excessive.
("I can understand sanding down the corners of our dining table, but there is absolutely no way I'm letting you put carpets over the walls. I think Mother would actually kill me if I let you."
"You weren't there when it happened, [Y/n]! What if the next time she bumps into a wall, she pushes her baby bump back in?!"
"Mum of mine, I do not believe that is physically possible."
Yeah, just thinking of all the times you've had to be the voice of reason between you and your Mum despite being the actual child between the two of you was enough to give you a headache. And the more Mother's stomach grows, the worse it gets.
At this point, I'm starting to believe that someone's gonna have to hold Mum's hand when the baby comes.
The thought makes you pause, ponder for a bit, and then cringe.
Poor nurse.
Other than Mum's (and admittedly, yours) overprotective tendencies, though, you're happy to report that Mother's pregnancy is going fairly well. From the visits your little family makes to the hospital every now and then, your younger sibling seems to be developing fine, and has been repeatedly reported as quite healthy, to your family's relief, pride, and joy.
What gets you all feeling really joyful, however, is the doctor revealing that the baby's gender can finally be determined.
"Wait!" Mother stops him before he can say anything else. "Don't tell us just yet! I want it to be a surprise!" she insists.
"Wha—a surprise?" Mum repeats, clearly confused. "You didn't want it to be a surprise last time!" she complains.
Penelope rolls her eyes at the childish tone in her wife's voice and takes her hand. "I know, which is why I want it to be a surprise this time," she explains. "Besides, you wouldn't want to turn down a cake, would you?"
When Mum only answers with silence, it's pretty easy for you and the doctor to guess who won.
Three weeks of anticipation later, the gender reveal cake is delivered on your doorstep in a white box by a teenage girl with short, curly brown locks.
"Hope you folks like it," she says with a wink once the package is placed into your arms. "It took a whole lotta effort keeping it in tact, driving it all the way out here."
Her words cause a semi-guilty smile to grace your features. "Right. Sorry about that," you say, and you really do mean it; you couldn't imagine having to deliver a cake somewhere so far out in the country, especially with only a rusty old vespa as your noble steed.
The girl only laughs good-naturedly and ruffles your hair. "No need to apologize, kiddo. Hope ya'll enjoy the cake!" she says.
With that, she turns around to leave, but not before throwing back a quick, "Congratulations!" over her shoulder in reference of who exactly the cake was made for.
Thus, with the cake now in your possession, you bring it into the dining room, where Mother and Mum are already waiting in their designated seats at the table.
"She seemed nice," Mother comments, obviously referring to the delivery girl you'd just spoken to.
You hum, telling her, "She was," before setting the box down and opening it.
The cake is, as the delivery girl said, indeed in tact, and covered in frosting and all sorts of fruits to keep whatever flavor the cake itself was hidden.
"Oh, this is so exciting!" Mother says, clapping her hands with a giddy smile on her face. "Anyone already have any guesses?" she asks, looking over to her wife.
Mum hums and holds her chin in thought for a moment before eventually settling on: "Strawberry."
Nodding, Mother then turns to you and lifts her brows expectantly.
With an amused huff, you sit down in your own chair just as Mum rises out of her own to grab three plates and a knife. "You know what? I'm thinking strawberry, too," you decide.
Tilting her head curiously, Mother leans back in her seat and begins to caress her stomach. "May I ask why?" she inquires.
You shrug. "Just a feeling, I guess," you answer.
The conversation ends after that, as Mum is finally prepared to cut the cake.
"Alrighty, then," she begins once yours and Mother's attention is fully on her. "Here we go."
Setting the knife down for only a moment, Mum pulls the box's walls all the way down—not just to make cutting the cake easier, but to also give you and Mother a clear view of it from your positions, as well.
With that said and done, Mum picks the knife back up and inhales deeply, obviously hyping herself up for what's about to come. It feels a little silly, getting this anxious over a cake, but there's still this sort of tightness in your chest that makes it only a little hard to breathe. Is it anticipation? Dread of the inevitable? A mix of both?
In the end, it doesn't matter, because then a knife is slicing right through frosting and—
"Strawberry," Mum breathes, a triumphant grin slowly beginning to overtake her face. "Looks like we're gonna be welcoming a little girl into our family next."
You and Mother throw your hands into the air and cheer.
(Later that night, the bakery your cake had come from gets a call from you to let your delivery girl know that you folks did, indeed, enjoy the cake.)
It is midnight when Mother's water breaks and Mum practically throws you into the car to drive you all off to the hospital.
It is about three in the morning when you get to leave the waiting room at last and see the labor (pun intended) of your Mother's work.
The baby is small—probably the smallest person you've ever seen—and, unlike you, takes a lot after Mum with her dark skin and soft tufts of platinum blonde hair.
"Oh," you say out loud without meaning to, eyes wide as you take in the infant held in Mother's arms. I'm an older sibling.
You knew you would be one for a while now, of course, and actually were one in your previous life, too. But ... there was just something about this moment: about seeing the little person that's been growing in Mother's stomach finally out and about in the real world, her eyes closed and her face all scrunched up, that had your chest exploding with an overwhelming warmth and your eyes threatening to flood with tears that you were desperately trying to keep in.
(Spoiler alert: you fail. Badly.)
"Hello, little love," Mother says, sounding so exhausted but still so happy at the same time. "Would you like to hold your baby sister?" she asks.
Still in shock at the sight of her, you can only manage a nod and then stare dumbly as the baby's handed over to rest in your arms.
"Um." You blink, mouth slightly agape. "Oh, wow."
(Across from you, Willow snorts.)
You watch, absolutely captivated, as the infant's chest rises and falls with each breath she takes. But then her face twitches, and your eyes automatically lift to watch as it scrunches up. It awes you, almost, the way she seems to struggle simply opening her eyes, but then her stare meets yours and it's like a puzzle clicks into place.
"Hey there, little sister," you greet, voice barely above a whisper. "I'm so happy to meet you."
Your sister babbles, unable to properly respond, obviously, and reaches up. Almost instinctually, you lift her higher, allowing her to reach your face and pat her small palms wherever she can, still babbling like you can understand every noise and gurgle.
You laugh and nod along anyway and pretend not to notice the tears you'd failed to hide.
"You're gonna rule the world someday."
Your newly acquired sister, Odette (named after one of Mother's favorite stories, Swan Lake) looks up at the sound of your voice and tilts her head. It's been two months since her birth, and in those short months, you've learned that although Ody (the nickname you proudly bestowed her with the moment you thought of it) takes a lot after Mum, she is most definitely every bit of Penelope's daughter just as you are without a doubt Willow's child.
While you had inherited most of Mum's, er ... impulsiveness, Odette had the good fortune of inheriting Mother's patented Stare of Judgement™, which you had the honor of seeing it in action yourself ... because Odette had focused it on you and Mum when you both attempted to do something stupid that was very safe, creative, and fun.
(That's what you tried telling Mother, at least.
She didn't fall for it for even a second and the two of you got sent to timeout in the living room again.)
Odette babbles, snapping you out of your train of thought, and you smile down at her as you start running your hand through the platinum cloud that's been growing atop her head.
"Man, look at all this," you say, curling a strand of Odette's already curly hair around your finger. "At this point, your hair's gonna end up bigger than your head," you joke.
Odette babbles again in response and takes your free hand in between her smaller ones to play with your fingers, making your smile grow into a grin.
"Oh yeah; definitely queen of the world material." You nod. "Don't worry, I'll make sure to be there with you every step of the way. Who else's hands are you supposed to play with?" you ask.
"Ababa?" Odette blinks up at you.
You nod once again. "Exactly!"
She stares at you for a moment, as if processing your words, and then looks away to return her full attention to your hand. You chuckle, amused by just how much personality Odette could convey despite not knowing how to properly speak yet.
"Man ..." Turning your head to gaze out the window, you smile as you watch the trees dance to the wind outside. "I didn't think it'd be possible, Ody, but I ... think I'm more than a little used to this life now, y'know?"
The infant blows a raspberry.
You laugh. "A wise queen, too!"
(Outside, the wind howls, and as it does, a single orange leaf falls to the forest floor.
So it appears, the seasons have finally begun to change.)
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rrenzwrld · 1 year
isn’t she lovely?
eren x pregnant! black reader
— the birth of his daughter becomes one of the best days he’s ever lived.
another bs from my notes but i like this concept so i will be adding to it whenever i can
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— what to expect, when you’re expecting
Eren spent majority of his life worrying about nobody but himself and what was important to him. For a while, the life of no one else had no meaning if it wasn’t the life himself or the lives of the only two friends he had. That was until he met you. You came into his life all pretty and positive. Not a negative thing about you and he loved that. And that alone made him love everything else about you. Regardless of how you were feeling or what either of you were feeling, you always made sure that no one was upset and you made it your responsibility to have everyone else taken care of before yourself. It was as if you were this magical being sent down to make his life significantly better and he planned to keep you in it.
You were only in his life for two short years until you became pregnant. While Eren freaked out and thought this would ruin both of your lives, you were as happy as you could be. Even though the both of you were fresh into your 20s, your dream of being a mother was strong. From the little age of five playing with small baby dolls, to volunteering to babysit your neighborhood’s children, you were finally at a place in life where you were able to have a child of your own. A real child. A real child with your blood running through their veins and you knew without a doubt that part of them would belong to you.
Eren on the other hand had to figure out a way to tell his parents without disappointing them along with disappointing himself even more than he had.
“My dad is gonna fucking kill me.” He ran his hands through his hair before dragging them back down his face. You rested your head on his shoulder and held onto his arm.
“No he’s not. You’re overreacting.”
“This is a whole baby we’re talking about, Y/n… there’s no way we’ll be able to do this.” His discouragement offended you.
“Well, you can leave,” You started. He turned to you like you said something off the wall.
“What? No, no I’m not leaving so… that’s out of the question.” It made you smile a bit that he wasn’t thinking about leaving you to take care of the baby by yourself. But you had enough spirit to know that you were perfectly capable with or without him.
“We’re not getting rid of her either.” You placed a hand on your belly even though nothing had yet formed to know that you did.
“Yeah, her.” You looked at him and smiled. You kind of hoped your baby would have his eyes… You loved his eyes.
“How do you know it’s a girl?” He raised a brow at you as he took your hand and interlocked his fingers with yours. He was still nervous about having a child at such a young age but if he had anyone else to pick in the world to start his family with, he’d choose you. He’d choose you a thousand times over.
You shrugged. “I just know.”
Turns out, his parents weren’t nearly as angry as he expected them to be. They might have been a little shocked that their youngest son were growing up a lot faster than they expected, but they knew you’d be a wonderful mother and wasn’t at all disappointed that if he were to have a child with anyone, it was with you.
“So you’re not mad?”
“No, your mother and I aren’t mad,” Grisha started.
“Just make sure you take good care of Y/n.” The fact that his mother felt so positively towards you made you happy. There was nothing like a mother’s love, from anywhere, to anywhere, through and through.
“Thank you for your support, Mr. Yaeger.”
After dinner that night, Eren was helping his father with the dishes when more discussion about the pregnancy came up.
“You sure you ready?” Eren didn’t know what to tell his dad now that they were alone to talk about it. “Be honest.”
“No.” Eren put away the dry dishes.
“And why?”
“I’m just, I just don’t think I’m ready to be a dad. And I hate that because I know Y/n will be an amazing mom and I’ll just… suck.”
“You think I knew how to be a dad the day you were born? Hell no. I was terrible. Didn’t even know how to change your diapers until you were six months.” Eren laughed a bit, making him feel better. Making him feel like he wasn’t alone and his fears were validated.
“That does sound pretty bad…”
Grisha scoffed. “And it gets worse… but listen, you’ll be fine.” Grisha dried his hands after the last of the plates to give his full attention to his son. “You’ll learn everything you need to along the way and if you need help, just call us. Alright?”
Eren nodded in understanding. He knew raising a child would be a difficult task but maybe this wouldn’t be as bad as he thought. Maybe they’d be better off than expected.
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s2 episode 17 thoughts
whispers softly. man... i need a minute. shaky breath.
okay. i'll start at the top like always. AUGH THE TEARS. fighting them. okay. need to put on some sad songs to accompany the 45-60 minutes it will take to type all this up
so, i sat down ready to see where this was gonna go. in fact i noted that i was incredibly locked in. which i continue to believe that i was.
we see a submarine, which is a type of craft i just do not trust. even before all that went down last summer. too scary for me. but they see something giving off a signal. and despite being a cartographer ship, they have missiles. and they're gonna go towards the thing they see on the radar, because they were told to. which seems wrong.
but then all their power is knocked out!!! and they are ordered to surface. but how will they do that under a ton of ice?!?!
title sequence. i was expecting different than the usual "the truth is out there" but i guess it's just business as usual over here despite it all
back to where we left off: scully's on the phone with real mulder and fake mulder is in her room. she hangs up on real mulder and tells the fake one that it was a wrong number, which had to be confusing to real mulder.
she tells him to put his hands on the wall, and he makes some quip about being shot before and not caring for it, and for a minute i'm like oh shit, that's a very mulder thing to do- what if he is, in fact, real mulder, and it's fake mulder on the phone? but that theory didn't make much sense anyway and also it was quickly put to rest by the fact that he started beating the hell out of scully.
so time skip: real mulder shows up to the scene with his "sister", who says the alien hit man is gonna call and ask to make a trade: scully for his "sister", and yeah, quotes are verbatim, i was still not buying this whole family relation thing
but his "sister" says that she knows how to kill the alien hit man: you have to hit the base of his skull. maybe. she isn't 100% certain. and also you can't miss because their blood is toxic. which we actually did already know!
and he's getting suspicious. why won't she explain exactly where she has been all this time? and what's this deal with her "father"? he's yelling at her at this point and i get it because it's not adding up to me either
she says that the aliens have been trying to establish a colony on earth since the 1940's, and:
"it's their belief that the stewardship of the planet is being forsaken" <- okay yeah. can't argue there. some of us are trying, aliens. i am not one of the mega companies pouring nuclear waste into the ocean. but maybe y'all could do a better job. and she continues:
"and that by default they'll someday become the natural heirs" <- well hey. you were sounding reasonable but now you are not. have we considered that maybe the people already here could give it another go free from the shackles of the 1%? you're acting like it's an estate sale and buddy we're still living in the house. you lost me there, and i was willing to hear you out.
she says that all of the clones worked at abortion clinics to gain access to fetal tissue, so they could combine human and alien dna. which i imagine had to be a good pr boost for abortion clinics (heavy on the /s here)
and the killer is after them because their experiments with mixing alien with human dna were not sanctioned, so they're "diluting the race", which i guess seems like the thing they would be worried about.
he doesn't seem to fully buy it, because he says "that's a good story, but i've heard a lot of good stories lately" which is true!!! our old worstie ambrose chapel was a liar, remember? or at least someone impersonating him was doing some lying!
"i'm your sister, fox, you have to trust me" UM PROOF?? have we done a dna test??? you can't just show up like that!!!!!
skinner knocks at the door... but is it really him? or the shapeshifting hit man????
"why are the lights out?" skinner asks quite reasonably "orders from my ophthalmologist" he says, lying very easily for a man for loves the Truth. but it did make me giggle.
sister approves that it is really skinner! only after they set a trap to get him just in case it wasn't. again i ask why she can tell if it's the man or not but okay. we move past that.
he makes introductions: "this is my sister, samantha mulder" to which skinner replies "WHAT"
and yeah. i would react the same!!!!
(also weird to hear mulder used as a last name. to me that's just the guy. you know?)
NOOO his phone rings. it's scully calling from a payphone. "he says he's gonna kill me if you don't give him what he wants" oh. okay.
there's no time to explain to skinner what is going on so!!! just please trust me, he says!!! and he does. another point for skinner, who is like a strange uncle or cousin to me.
they go to do a hostage trade: "samantha" for scully. and is this the same bridge where they did the hostage deal for mulder at the end of s1? do they only have one bridge for hostage deals. might be a bit much to have 2 in one city.
skinner has a sniper in the bush, ready to shoot at the base of the alien hit man's neck during the exchange. okay save the day mister sniper please.
AUGH HOSTAGE EXCHANGE. it's so tense. i paused here to write how tense it was, which did not ease it in the slightest. the hit man has a gun to scully's head and it's recalling mulder's early trauma with hostage exchanges. they're waiting for the right moment to shoot....
scully's in the car!!!! but samantha tried to use the needle that kills the aliens and she MISSED and the sniper shot was messed up and then there's firing and is it the sniper? or is it the hit man? who is hit? it is very unclear!!!!! both hit man and samantha tumble into the cold water beneath.
he's still at the bridge, staring down into the place he last saw her. scully comes out to join him, and he says "you should be at the hospital" (she has gauze on her head and says she was just discharged)
he's staring into the water, trying to come up with different ways she might have lived
"why didn't you tell me on the phone that it was her?" "i couldn't tell you 'cause you'd never let me go through with it" AUGHHHHHHHHH.
(and knowing how the episode ends. i am glad this happened. but in the moment. this was a gut punch)
she asks how he knew it was really his sister (valid question, one i fear he should have asked as well) and he snaps about how could she ask that, and she's like, dude someone with your face and body just kidnapped me???? so the whole who is who thing is a little murky??
(she actually calmly explains this. without any judgement. judgement added was my own. but you can imagine that after this experience, hearing "he's an alien" might still be a bit of a hard sell)
okay, mr. mulder is on the scene. he has to tell his dad he lost his sister. I lost her, he says. emphasis on the I. as if it was an action that he took. fuck.
and his dad hits back with a "you LET this man take your sister?" and son mulder is CRYING. what the HELL this is too much. the man has suffered too much. i'm given flashbacks to the last time we saw him cry when he thought he lost scully forever.
PAUSE. i just know the actors were eating up these lines. ohhh i know they were sinking their teeth into them the way that good dialogue allows you to. when you tap into the soul of a character, a whole person who isn't even real, because the writing cuts to their heart. yeah yeah yeah i knowww they were rolling with it and it felt Good
back to the scene. his father is giving him a guilt trip about how his mother is going to deal with "losing her again". and he's apologizing and crying when his dad pulls out an envelope
"your sis- SAMANTHA" told me to give you this.
the implication that he lost the claim to be considered related to her????? is sooooo entirely messed up?? that is the kind of thing that ruins a person???? holy fuck??
he's sobbing while opening the letter, and it gives an address where she says they can meet up if they are separated... so maybe she's really still out there??? hope has been installed back into "she's not actually dead" camp
he rolls up to the address and parks in an area labeled "NO PARKING". grief will do this to a guy.
but just as he arrives, scully calls and says they found her in the river. NOOOOOO THE NEWLY RETURNED HOPE.... "whatever you're feeling, you can't blame yourself" she says, knowing that he must be putting his whole soul into Blaming Himself
but... her body is melting??? is it an alien body??? is the melting gonna turn into toxic gas?? scully don't stare at it you're gonna get all thick blood!!!!
back to mulder. this man is experiencing all stages of grief at once on the steps of a women's clinic. he goes in and pulls out a gun and boy i sure hope there are no women inside.
someone is in there. it's... someone with samantha's face??? saying that she knows "she's dead"????? "it was all a lie", he mumbles as he realizes he was played
YESSSS I KNEW IT. i knew that was NOT his sister. i knew it was too weird and coincidental to be true. this makes the grief of losing her dissipate entirely so i do consider this a win beyond me just being able to guess where the plot was going
and i'm thinking, how the hell is he gonna explain all this to scully? like, to mom and dad, you will have to play along with the whole "she died" thing, and while that is by no means easy, it is a concrete thing you can say and do. but scully??? how is she going to react to "someone pretended to be my sister and then got killed"
(i suppose mulder could tell his parents that DNA testing on "samantha's body" proved no relation, but that would still be complicated to walk through, because there was no corpse to prove that, you know, because she dissolved- maybe scully could make some paperwork to make it look real?)
back to the matter at hand: these aliens with the same face are saying that he must save their original source. and he says "i am not your savior" which- tea. set your boundaries king. in fact, had i been there, i would have done the opposite of protecting, and instead start blasting these aliens that pretended to be my long-dead sister.
but they have leverage... they know where she really is...... so he doesn't walk out....
hit man arrives!!!!! armed with his needle!!! and mulder goes to confront him, but he knocks him on his back, and sets a fire- mulder's weakness!!!!!!
scully is making a report. she cannot substantiate his claims of aliens. and she's got a cut on her forehead from hit man taking her. my poor queen :(
back to the fbi agent that died in the last episode. he has nasty cuts allllll over. like he was carved with designs. sorry for that imagery but i saw it and must describe it.
she thinks she can solve this case with the power of SCIENCE!!! what killed this guy, exactly? maybe if we can figure it out, the other pieces could fall into place
so the virus that causes the blood to thicken is inhibited by the cold.... which explains our earlier scene of mulder in the ice tub and her yelling about him needing to be cold...
DEEP THROAT 2.0 ARRIVAL? (sidenote does this dude have a real name? like while this was airing what were y'all calling him...)
he tells mulder that the last alien- the one who was sent to kill the clones, our shapeshifting hit man- has been tracked to alaska, and that you have to pick your battles to win the war. telling him not to go to alaska. can you imagine.
scully goes to his place and knocks but no one answers. and his newspapers on at the doorstep. so she busts out her keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey..... heart still melts that she has this.......
and HE KNEW SHE WAS GONNA INVESTIGATE???? he sent her an email..... and he's saying how he wouldn't let her risk her life... nooo don't you weaponize the earlier drawing a line thing, that was about chasing a very vague alien lead to an agent's death, not about investigating ur sister...........
she bursts into skinner's office. and then apologizes for doing so.
(i love this so much. such a tiny detail that tells us a lot about her character. that Need to be good and do the right thing and please those whom she looks up to. ohhhhh)
he asks to speak to her off the record, and it seems at first promising... but he won't help her get in contact with mulder. EVEN after she says please!!!! she is gonna cry!!!!!
skinner's bitching about mulder's actions being a violation of his oath, and she's saying that he saved her life, and he comes back with a "if he wanted or expected you to do the same, he would have told you where he was going"
skinner being a jerk... at this point i began to revoke the point i earlier gave him...
he looks deeply troubled though, and i was like, ohhh, mulder must have promised him to not tell her where he was going... i see into your plans, mulder (<- this is not what happened)
back at mulder's place. scully's searching for clues. there's an x taped to the window again, which must be something he just does sometimes. and there's ominous music.
she falls asleep on his couch, and i swear i actually felt my heart melting at this moment. the way she was curled up. subconsciously trying to hold onto a piece of him. only finding rest where he did. i can't even wax poetic about this because i can't put the words into the right shape. but it is gonna destroy me.
someone is knocking... but who?
he tries to act like he just went to the wrong room, but she isn't buying it, following him and demanding to know where he really is
SKINNER IS HERE? GETTING ON THE ELEVATOR????? SKINNER ATTACKING D.T. 2.0??? the girls are fighting!!!!!!!
he makes deep throat 2.0 tell him where mulder is, even when skinner is pinned up and deep throat 2.0 is the one holding the gun, and he said "i've killed men for less", but skinner says that if you kill him, he'll be killing 2 men....... this gag seems to have worked
SKINNER is AT THE DOOR to mulder's place where scully is staying. and he is bleeding from MANY wounds. tells scully where he is without elaborating on the blood pouring from all over. okay skinner. you're real for that. you get that point i was tossing around back. and a bonus one, in fact.
so mulder's out on the ice, and usually him wearing a big jacket would spark joy in my heart. and i won't lie, it does a little. but there is also a LOT of tension going on, so it's very brief. feels wrong to rejoice in the simple pleasures of man in big funny coat when he just had to lose his sister and then learn it wasn't even her.
but he sees some sort of tower and he's going in!!! and a dead guy is spotted.
pause. at this point i am sitting here thinking, man, these episodes are good, definitely among the best i've seen so far. who let these men cook? can we get them back in the kitchen with more regularity?
someone is leading him deeper and deeper into the maze of this... station? sub? and i fear he is being led into a trap. but he finds a very very scared man and having a big man point a gun at him doesn't help with the fear, i'm sure. but is it really a sniveling coward... or the hit man???
and JUST as he almost had me fooled and wondering if mulder was gonna really shoot an innocent guy, BAM! hit man reveal.
mulder keeps asking where his sister is, even while being pummeled by this alien with super strength. and he says "she's alive. can you die now?"
mulder shoots at the alien and he misses the back of his neck, so his toxic blood is filling up the space, and things are not looking good at all. and the alien takes him out and drops him on the ice!!!!!
he's going to break the ice and let him freeze or hit him with the sub as it goes down, both very bad endings........
scully is bursting in, telling this doctor that he has a virus that can only be slowed by keeping him cold, and he isn't buying it, but just as he tries to get her kicked out of the room, his heart stops, so she intervenes.
and she's calling all the shots- get 100 grams of this and that and a drip of this- and this doctor has had his shift hijacked by a better doctor. he implies that mulder might not make it, and she refuses to hear this out.
and she's.... gently stroking his hair... while this is going down........
and sitting by his bed while he's getting better...
(so are the counts for who has been in a coma now tied? justice is served)
and now she's doing the case conclusion:
"several aspects of this case remain unexplained, suggesting the possibility of paranormal phenomena" <- OHHH??? is this what makes scully a believer? are we gonna see some character changes?
"but i am convinced that to accept such conclusions is to abandon all hope of understanding the scientific events behind them" okay!!! we are getting a deeper look into her philosophy here. yes yes yes give me more. and more i was given:
"many of the things i have seen have challenged my faith and my belief in an ordered universe, but this uncertainty has only strengthened my need to know, to understand, to apply reason, to those things which seem to defy it"
and i love it. i love it so much. seeing how she understands the world, why she knows that there has to be an order to it all, and if it seems there isn't, it's just because she hasn't figured it out yet... and science did allow him to get better... the need to fight a good fight in the way she knows how... yeah... that's lovely...
and she's CRYING at his bedside and holding his arm when he finally opens his eyes. her smile. her gentle "hey". it's so innocent, seeing that he is okay, that he made it through the worst part of getting better.
"thanks for ditching me" aughhhhghhhhh.......
he says he didn't find what he was looking for, but he did find the faith to keep looking. ohhhhh. ohhhhhhh...
the way his faith was gone at the start of season 2, but now it's back, there's something worth fighting for, his sister is out there, there is a world worth figuring out..........
at this point my friend was sending me texts and i was like queen i need a minute. i need a minute. to put these things in order. and honestly i STILL do!
it was an absolutely amazing duo of episodes. i truly loved the writing, seeing them pushed to the brink with each other and with themselves. seeing skinner come into fruition. seeing what motivates them both and how they see the world and how it is entirely different but still driven by hope and faith and a need to learn the truth. and the tenderness of it all. of her sleeping on his couch in his absence, thinking maybe he'll be home soon. of running her fingers through his hair while he was being revived. the fury of being blamed for the loss of his sister, the fury with which she screamed at deep throat 2.0 to tell him where he went off to, the fury of mulder realizing he had been lied to and that his sister had never come back at all. but there still being hope despite it all. because there are things worth searching for. and they can do it together.
man. it was a very good episode but your girl is gonna go watch a silly video because it definitely hit me right in the Feelings!!
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
i have serious negan brainrot and i know you’ll indulge in my thoughts bc we share the same brain🥰 could you please write something about reader being the only one who’s nice to and taking care of negan while he’s locked up? maybe you could incorporate negan and judith’s relationship bc they’re just the cutest 🥺
DUHHHH I'm so happy you're this far in the series lmao
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"Morning sunshine." Negan grins as he repeatedly tosses a ball into the air, sending me a sassy smile from across the dim room.
"You seem awfully chipper today." I snort, sliding his breakfast under the cell and he groans loudly as he sits up. He sends me a shameless shrug as I slide down the wall beside his cell, wrapping my arms around my knees as I watch him inspect his breakfast.
"Get to see my best girl." He winks, taking a bite of his toast with a quiet, pleased groan.
"You mean your only girl- your only friend." I tease, watching his brows lift in offense, his hand reaching up to rest over his heart.
"Ouch sweetheart." The name hits me like a punch to the gut but in the best ways, the butterflies in my stomach flipping and churning over a simple name. "Does Judith count as a friend?" He asks, mouth full of food and I giggle, reaching up to slap a hand over my mouth.
"That's pretty sad, Negan." I mutter with a knowing nod, watching a tired look pass through his expression, a boyish grin sliding across his lips.
"Not my fault the only two people I haven't pissed off are a ten year old with way too many questions and a woman who's way outta my league." I try my best to ignore his flirting but I'm not good at it. My whole body temperature increases by at least thirty degrees and my lip tucks between my teeth. He watches me carefully, gaging my reaction before his eyes flutter back down to his breakfast.
"Hate to break it to you but it's not that hard to be out of your league, buddy." He gasps at my choice of language, eyes squinting at me with a pained grin.
"Buddy- Christ on a cracker, Y/n. You're killing me here." He pleads, elbows resting on his knees as he looks down at me with a teasing look, his tongue sweeping out to wet his chapped lips.
"You told me once to always be honest with you."
"Yeah and I always knew you'd shoot straight with me but I never thought you'd be a bully." He laughs, his soft, adoring grin conveying the opposite tone than his attitude.
"You love it." I whisper, the flirtatious, inviting words escaping me before I can stop them but he just gives me a knowing shrug in return.
"I kind of do."
"Am I interrupting something?" My head snaps to the door to see Judith standing in the doorway with a confused look, her brows furrowed tightly as she looks between Negan and I. There are at least six books in her tiny arms, presumably to spark ideas for the many questions she has to pester Negan with.
"Now you have both of your friends in the same place, Negan- how does it feel?" I gasp, waving Judith over to me as she tosses her books down beside me, sliding down between me and the cell.
"Jude, cover your ears, I'm gonna start swearing." Negan warns.
"He's grumpy today." Judith whispers to me, her eyes not leaving Negan for one second as a smirk spreads across her lips. She knows she can get away with almost anything in Negan's presence- she can say whatever she wants, ask anything she wants, and tease him till he's red in the face.
There's a certain soft spot in Negan's heart for the sassy girl; maybe because he knows the shit she's been through, maybe it's because he's known every one of her family members who have died and he feels a sense of responsibility to tell her about them. He's never opened up to me on why he feels so protective over her but I assume it stems from him wanting to finally do right by someone.
"I wasn't annoyed before she showed up, I'd like that noted." Negan adds and Judith giggles, looking to me with a teasing look before looking back at Negan who gazes softly at her.
"Well, Negan, if it makes you feel any better, I was told that when someone picks on you, it means they like you." Negan's eyes snap to me almost instantly as the implication leaves Judith's mouth, my lips parting in quiet shock at how right she is.
"Who told you that?" He asks, not taking his eyes off of me for one second.
"Rosita." I bury my head in my hands at her answer, my chest rumbling with a pained chuckle, realizing that I'll have to talk to Rosita and tell her to stop giving Judith men advice or else I'm going to pay for it.
"She's probably right." Negan shrugs and Judith's eyes light up at his validation. Her head snaps to look at me, almost looking to me to confirm it too but if I confirm it, I'll be confirming Negan's suspicions in regards to my feelings for him. "Got anything to say?" He asks me with a shit eating grin and I just shrug, keeping my mouth shut. "Judith Grimes, you did the impossible. You got Y/n here to shut her mouth." I tilt my head at him with a pointed, annoyed look that only gets a wink in return from Negan.
"You guys are the worst." I huff but Judith is quick to toss her hands up in the air in surrender.
"I did nothing."
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane28282 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy @steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the-heart @vampviolets@haylee-e @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife
@officiallyunofficialperson@heyaitsklaudia@rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e @loveshineslikethesky @id-3-kbro @diorsitgirl @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @neverwillknowme18 @ellyskey @taylors-folk @loversjoy @myaloveee @thyris-is @lagataprrr @aaaaslaaaan @witxhy-lexx @minjix @luvrosee @storytellingwitht @savageneversaw @admiringlove @starlightandfairies @hysteriahall @piceous21 @igotmajordaddyissues @drewstarkey-wife1
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martyfive · 9 months
it’s not like i stopped having dreams at all. i was going to bed after 3AM for months waking up after six or seven hours of sleep and still dreaming every night, but i never remembered anything. some blurry pictures haunted me, but i was lucky enough to forget them in the morning. that’s why when i found myself in my old family house with blood on the walls and the floor i knew it was a dream, but a dream so vivid i was actually more bothered by the fact that it was the first story-like dream i had in months than that there was blood all over the place.
yeah, the blood. that house has seen enough of it, but never that much. even when the nose was broken. or when the whole set of red festive dishes was scattered around the kitchen. or after the accident. but we don’t talk about the accident. we don’t.
in a dream there was so much blood i couldn’t tell if it really was the house i grew up in. everything seemed to be the same, but things changed. maybe it was because of the renovation they did after i moved out. i’ve seen the photos. the room i used to sleep in looked horrible, like a piece of a hospital environment that for some reason also had my old stuff and an ugly grey carpet in it. it was now the room my mother used to go to read my embarrassing old diaries and cry in when she missed me most or when the threat of a broken nose was possible again. at least that didn’t change. the threat of a broken nose.
the presence of blood in a dream was somehow connected to the person who used to break noses and not take responsibility for the accidents we don’t have to talk about. and i didn’t know where he was. for some reason i wasn’t scared of him or to find him inside the house for the first time in my life. looking at the blood, i should have been. but i wasn’t.
i also knew what i had to do. the blood needed to be mopped.
someone else was there with me. i couldn’t see their face, but they felt like a friend. it could have been the devil himself, but i knew i had a problem more serious than the devil at that point.
i was walking around the house like it was just another day of my life mentally preparing for the massive cleaning session incoming when my phone rang. it was my mother.
i said, “where are you?”
she said, “he killed seven people.”
i said, “okay.”
she said, “you don’t know the horrible things he did to them. i’ve seen it all. his mother was there. you don’t even need to know about her teeth or her neck. i’ve seen it all.”
i said, “where are you?”
she said, “i’ll be home soon.”
home. i had to clean the tons of blood in a house i grew up in. my mother has called it “home”. i had another name for it. she wouldn’t like it. he was also here. i had to find him.
there was no power and all i had was the flashlight on my phone. i still had an unknown friend with me. the walls and the floor with blood on them, some cleaning stuff, a flashlight and a nameless friend. i took the phone and left to go deeper into the house in a search for a man in the centre of it. he wasn’t even a minotaur in a labyrinth. that was too much of a job title.
i found him right where he was expected to be. in a corner of the library, not easy to be spotted, right where he stored all his expensive tobacco assortment i used to steal from him when he wasn’t around. he looked calm. affectionate, almost gentle. like he was glad to see me. like he was sorry. like it was another quiet morning after the-broken-nose incident. forgive and forget. it’s gonna help you heal. no fucking way.
he was covered in blood.
i said, “what have you done?”
he said, “i deserve all your anger.”
but i had none. i was tired. i had a house to clean up.
i said, “i’m calling the cops.”
he said, “i’m a disappointment.”
i said, “we’ll see.”
the cops came. there were two of them, two young ladies, almost too cheerful for a situation. almost like it was all a stupid dream.
“the house is yours now,” he said before the cops took him away after i declined the laughable offer to put the handcuffs on him myself. “it’s all over. the house is yours. it’s always been.”
they left. i shut the door. it was dark. my faceless friend was waiting for me with the cleaning stuff.
“we should hire the cleaning company,” i said as i put the rubber yellow gloves on. “there’s no way i can do this on my own.”
“no,” the friend said. “you can. and you will. it’s your house now, haven’t you heard? you can sell it, get the money and everything. that’s gonna be awesome, right?”
maybe it was the devil himself after all. the blood was seeping through the cracks of the wooden floor.
“yeah,” i said.
then i woke up. the night was coming to an end. for a couple breath stealing minutes i was stuck in a house with blood on the walls. it was still there. i was still there. cleaning the blood. mopping the floor. waiting for my mother. wondering if she’s gonna lock herself in my old room turned into a hospital ward to cry over a man that broke her nose once or twice and a kid that used to have to calm her down while she was crying.
i suddenly heard the watch on my wrist ticking. it was a quarter to six. i was home.
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Thoughts on MK1
I'm going to try to go in chronological order, and I might miss something and make another post about it later but let's gooooo (obviously spoilers below).
I think the first half of the story is really good. Yes, it relies very heavily on tropes, but they serve the story well and work.
I love that Outworld is a matriarchal society and that Sindel is the ruling Empress, not the Emperor's consort. Not a huge fan that everything is also based on nepotism/everyone inheriting their position from their family. Apparently meritocracy does not exist in Outworld and I get the vibe that this is in fact by Liu Kang's design.
I don't like what a hypocrite Liu Kang is. He says everyone is 'free to choose peace' but literally all of the characters have had their lives manipulated in an attempt to force this 'peace'. But we're supposed to condemn anyone who doesn't like that. Yeah, honestly--Shang Tsung and Bi-Han are valid, I'll say it.
Which brings us to Bi-Han. Oh, Bi-Han. I really want to give him a cough drop, his throat must be so sore from gargling gravel all day (I say this lovingly). I actually don't hate Bi-Han's heel turn, I just think it needed more build up. It could've worked really well if we had spent more time with Bi-Han first. I'm probably going to make a longer post about this.
I do like the new Syzoth a lot… but he's a bit much. He's really on the edge of being a Wattpad OC with how tragic and pretty he is, his whole 'saddest boy in the world' thing. Immediately offering to just die made me cringe. But, you know, hopefully he'll have fun in Earthrealm with Ashrah and Kung Lao and chill out a bit.
Baraka's whole story slaps. It's easily the best part. It is tragic, but not overdone, it's over all really great. No complaints about that at all, I just wish there was more. But maybe we'll get a Baraka expansion where they do more about the Tarkat.
Ashrah is… not as good as she could be. I love her design, love her fighting style, love her story in general and LOVE that she's here. But uh… are we not gonna talk about how she thinks killing other demons to purify herself is fine? This feels like a bug when it should be a feature. I really want them to explore this, there's so much potential here. This will also be a longer post at some point.
Shang Tsung is that bitch. Love him. 11/10 SLAY FACTOR off the charts. NRS gave the people what they want. So glad he's our villain and not Kronika. God, that smirk. What a guy.
Megan's delivery is bad, but I don't think it's entirely her fault. People should've told her. And they shouldn't have given her a character that was so serious. She works very well with a sort of dry humor, they should've played to her strengths instead of… just letting that situation happen. Cut her some slack.
Why are Liu Kang/Kitana and Hanzo/Harumi being pushed as the 'tragic lovers separated in every timeline' when that's Bi-Han and Sareena??? Like. yeah. I'm biased. But Harumi was not even a character, and Liu Kang and Kitana were not tragically separated, they were together all the time??? They ruled the Netherrealm together??? I don't get it.
I really like how story mode acts as an origin story for some of the characters and you 'unlock' their powers. I also LOVE how they used it to tease new cosmetics.
Love it when they said the thing. "mortal kombat", "deadly alliance", "armageddon" yes yes yes.
Also loved when Johnny made call backs to the OG timelines, ie "the flesh pits". Johnny really is perfect for that.
Johnny and Kung Lao are perfect.
Kuai Liang and Tomas are such daddy's boys and I hate it for them. This will probably be expanded on in the Bi-Han post but shut. the fuck. up. about. your. dad. I hope Kuai Liang never becomes grand master. I'm so sorry Kuai Liang fans, but this version of him is NOT it.
Smoke using his power to levitate up the wall was unintentionally hilarious. Especially since he didn't use it to break his fall. Bro???
Everyone in the game kinda easy to lie to/convince, but this might be a feature. Liu Kang sorta 'raised' everyone to be guileless and kneecapped the development of anyone who might be manipulative. I'll let it pass but honestly, I don't think Liu Kang needed to provide 'proof' of anything.
The entire royal family needs to apologize to Li Mei right fucking now, I am so serious. They continually did her dirty when she was nothing but loyal, and questioned her even when she was saying shit Kitana already knew (that the thing with Earthrealm was a misunderstanding). Apology, or Li Mei enters her villain era. Fuck y'all.
Basically, Li Mei, Shang Tsung, Bi-Han and Baraka get to do whatever they want as far as I'm concerned. Everyone else, I'm keeping an eye on. Oh wait, no. Kung Lao can have rights too, bc he's hilarious. Yall stop sleeping on him.
Anyway, that's my takes, I'm sure I'll have more thoughts. Overall, story mode was actually great, and I think there's a lot they can build on for DLC or even course correct, so I'm excited to see where that goes. If yall want to know my thoughts on a specific plot point or character, feel free to hit up my asks, love to make long posts about this stuff.
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alipeeps · 3 months
Episode 33
Ok so, first of all, how very in character for Princess Wanning to have a secret fucking dungeon hidden in her part of the palace (also hilariously cliché how the hidden door opens and the decor within immediately changes to classic dungeon aesthetic of dark stone walls/guttering candles etc 😂).
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And as soon as I saw a prisoner there it was a foregone conclusion it was gonna be Xue Zhao.
So that was a bit obvious but whatever... but oh man that scene also drove home just how fucking crazy - and dangerous - Wanning is. When she abruptly stabbed him, and gleefully twisted the knife... Yikes!!
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But oh I found the scene at the judicial court so SO hard to watch. Xue Li's reputation being ruined - again! And in front of her "father"! Reputation is so important to her. They destroyed her reputation as Xue Fangfei but her new identity as Jiang Li offered her a fresh start - and an improved reputation as the daughter of a high-ranking official. And here she is again with her reputation getting ruined by allegations of a sexual nature... and Wanning forced her to do it to herself. I had to pause this scene for a while and take a break before watching it play out cos I was so stressed by it/dreading seeing it happen.
But I got through it and was at least slightly consoled by papa Jiang appearing to have a brain for once in his fucking life and realising that she was probably forced to do this by Princess Wanning.
Oh how I loved the confrontation in the dungeon. Yurong is still trying to make excuses (I had to protect my mum and sister!! Yeah, and you willingly - as Xue Li rightly told him - sacrificed your wife and her whole damn family in order to do so!). Her scorn for him was delicious and entirely justified and when she told him not to call he A-li again... damn right!!
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And her asking Xiao Heng for help was so good too. They are so honest with each other now. There's no more pretence at bartering, they both know the other will help any way they can (oh I do wish she had told him/asked for help earlier though... but she seems to have something specific planned re: her request to Juiyue).
I will honestly be fucking astonished (and annoyed) if Yurong doesn't try to kill Princess Wanning before the end of the show. It seriously looks like that is what he is working towards now. She is conceited/crazy enough to believe his expressions of love, and wanting to be only with her, are genuine... but anyone with an ounce of common sense can see no love in his eyes or his actions... he is setting her up for a fall.
This is the face of a man using every ounce of self-control he has to not just stab her right in the neck with that thing...
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Be interesting to see the Emperor's reaction to the request for Shen Yurong to marry Jiang Li though... when we know he already knows that his boi Xiao Heng has feelings for her. Of course, he's gonna go with whatever works best for his plans though...
The image of them taking a convivial stroll through the gardens with an entire retinue of servants and guards following slowly in their wake is fricking hilarious.
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I have to wonder is the emperor truly as oblivious/trusting of consort Li as he seems? Or is he (please god?!!) aware that she's just as scheming as anyone else in the palace and may not always be working in his best interests and is just putting on an act with her?
Xue Li is certainly not fooled by any of this shit.
"So you married me once, killed me, and now you want to marry me again... and kill me again?"
I do wonder if he genuinely believes that he's doing this to protect her? If he genuinely thinks this can be a second chance with her, that he can marry her again and somehow have her love him again? He is, after all, very good at deluding himself.
And Xiao Heng is there waiting for her... and she runs to him... and takes his hand... and they smile at each other. Right in front of Shen Yurong. Like, in your face, motherfucker! 😂
Ahhhh the handholding! I diiieeeeee!! They're holding hands still all the way in the carriage... and it turns out it's because he's clinging onto her like she'll vanish if he let's go! 😂😭 She persuades him to loosen his grip just a bit and they slot their fingers together and I am DYING. This shit is more romantic than any fucking kiss scene!! 😁😁
Look at his face!!!
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He's like a gotdamn schoolboy who's gotten to hold hands with his crush for the first time!!
Me right now:
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Holy shit, papa Jiang actually stepping up (too little too late) and saying he knows she doesn't trust him because of him letting her down in the past, but to tell him if there's anything he can do to help.
Like, I doubt it dude but hey, you at least (kinda) tried I guess?
He has at least grown some braincells though and learned that she usually has good reasons to do what she does. Saying he trusts her (and doesn't need an explanation if she's not able to give one) is actually a pretty big step for him - lookit, he's actually trying to be some kind of decent parent to his child!!
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the-s1lly-corner · 3 months
admin live reaction to the 2003 TCM movie lets gooooooo going to be one full post rather than a series of reblogs so i dont clog the blog
so like was there ever a reason for changing the family name in this reboot or was it just becaue
i never really thought about it but im quickly starting to realize how different horror was back then as opposed to the 2000s and to now- like obviously things change and evolve but like. tone and style so far feels different
3 miinutes in and theyre getting FREAKY hello!!!!
maybe im the weird one but how the hell can someone be so comfortable getting THAT into a makeout session in the company of friends- like a kiss is fine but these two are literally moaning and fondling each other in the backseat
oh theyre not even friends one of them literally just joined the group
WHYYYYY are you kissing your girlfriend while driving god i hate distracted drivers im glad this is a slasher movie
i know im only 13 minutes in but i do not enjoy this group the group from the og had more charm to me idk
i do not trust this old ass woman
unrelated but i looooooooooove cabin in the woods but i hate that it pointed out the "character types" you see in slasher movies because now im hyper aware of which character is gonna die and which one isnt before any slashing happens
whos punk ass kid
can i pet the daaaaaawwwg
sheriffs got some fatass eyebrows god DAMN
random ass pigs in the house??
oh! the sheriffs a creep! i mean obligatory "its a slasher film theres always at least one creep" but like. you know
morgans easily the most annoying of the bunch though
obligatory "hes already been on screen" but this is our first full body shot but woo yeah leatherface mr thomas hewitt let me see why a bunch of people keep requesting you
epvfpmpfvmf the nails on the wall ripping off.. euuuchh... 10/10
this version of leatherface (or really the whole movie) feels waaaaay more brutal than the og and idk how to fell- maybe im biased because i fell in love with the og but i kind of prefer it, but i can see why people may like this remake more
chat can we kill the sheriff
*shoots multiple shots from a gun right next to their head* "you girls need to get yourselves under control!" chat i hate this man so much. like even without the "we know this group is innocent" knowledge id still be hating this dude. so so bad
"i aint never seen no weapon go off without somebodys finger on the trigger" dude how many fucking times do they have to say that she shot herself god damn. like i KNOW logically its because "oh he found a body and drugs, and one of the people is missing" blah blah blah and thats the thought process and thats not something to be treated gently but like. this just feels... too far? like literally making someone sit where someone committed and then making them put that same weapon in their mouth feels like its going waaaaaaay too far
"we got ourselves a killer!" and then its just a group of people scared out of their mind, one just got chased by a dude with a chainsaw and the other is getting his shit pressed and all three nearly got shot in the head ofc someone is not going to think rationally of course theyre going to want anything to get out. that doesnt automatically mean they killed the girl. curse of knowledge for knowing what happened curse of knowing the sheriff doesnt know raaaah raaaaaah divine death blast i still hate this dude so so much oh my god
actually pausing the movie to take a few minutes because the sheriff is pissing me off so much LMAO
hitting the sheriff with another death ray for drinking and driving god if theres anything i hate more than distracted drivers its intoxicated ones. "but hes not drunk" and he still shouldnt be drinking
"so what are you going to do with your tickets" "you can have them" "is that bribery!!! *smashes a glass bottle on the dudes head*" oh my fucking goooooooooood leatherface can you get this bitch.. i havent hated a character this much since carmody from the mist
the tire flies off as they finally get the car to work be so fucking for real
the tea was drugged wasnt it
chat i deadass have no idea whats going on
also like... so is it more than brothers this time? og was just them plus grandpa but it looks like theres more here- also baby snatching? hello? also are they still cannibals?
they got bros dogs on the piano
i would like to apologize for calling the kid a punk
maybe its sympathy but maybe morgan isnt so bad i think i just didnt vibe with the group when they were first being introduced. perhaps. i was too harsh
morgan has some balls i think hes my favorite out of the group- blode dude is also cool but i forgot his name.. tbh im starting to enjoy the entire group asides the boyfriend but tbf he got yoinked early
oh hey... thomas cut his leg... just like... side eyes
girl you are hiding in the lockers, hes walked past you. why are you screaming
lmao nvm i forgot she grabbed the cleaver but like wwwhhhhhhyyyyy not just sneak him
oh just casually chopped his arm off with a few swings
also why not just aim for the head? i know "shes freaking out, logic is out the window" but like ?Q?Q???!!?!?
theres 10 minutes left of the movie i do not trust the truck driver
ok nvm the truck drivers just a dude
i give this movie a 7 out of 10! i liked it, but not as much as the og- horror wise i think it hit better, style wise i personally prefer the og but i can understand why many would find this version appealing!
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deadprompts · 11 months
content warning applies. change any pronouns / wording if necessary.
they want to destroy us!
i like my pharmaceuticals, but i'm no killer.
why would you kill somebody else for him?
you want to talk?
they were scared, man.
what happened tonight is horrible.
i told you to kill her but you didn't.
we need you know more than ever.
that'd be the son of a bitch you'd really want to be scared of.
you had a gun on us.
i can't go with you.
your buddy's turning you over 'cause he's trying to save his own ass.
who ain't had a gun on 'em in the past year, huh?
they weren't human to begin with.
i shot my mom.
i failed in my duty.
the shit you doing, pointing that thing at me?
you know what's funny to me?
how's about a big hug for your old pal?
you talk about the weight of what you have to do, how you can handle it; a bad man, someone truly evil? they're light as a feather.
when i asked you where your loyalty was you said it was here, prove it.
ain't happening.
don't let this world spoil you.
i don't pretend to be a governor.
hell i think i'd piss my pants if some stranger come walking up with his mitts in his pockets.
i'm doing stuff. things.
i ran after them, but i couldn't keep up.
you're the black sheep.
no one's gonna mourn you.
don't you understand that? i can't.
prove it to us all.
we haven't have a day like that since the wall was built.
it was coming at me, bro.
you know, my mom, she liked her wine.
at least i won't have to live with myself.
you are going to beat this world, i know you will.
where you going?
there was a baby!
the truth is this could have been your shot.
so what's your real name? if it's not asking too much.
this rage is gonna get you killed.
you said you killed 16 men since this thing started?
you helping people out of the goodness of your heart? even though you might die doing it?
maybe these people need somebody like me around, huh? do their dirty work.
i'm sorry about your mom.
you're right.
so he saves your life, cleans you up, fed you a line of bullshit...
yeah, yeah, i get it. i get it. "shit happens."
he brought them here! he let them in.
he did the same to you.
i'm afraid that the terrorists want what we have!
i would have killed him otherwise.
you wanted your brother. now you got him.
i was playing out with the kids in the neighborhood.
he's got a new family.
it didn't happen.
i'm a damn mystery to me.
you're as much on the outside as i am.
i don't know why i do the things i do. never did.
you weren't there.
man, i went back for you.
you know something?
a fight, to the death!
you know, she was just gone. erased. nothing left of her.
i bet you a penny and a fiddle of gold that you never told him that we were planning on robbing that camp blind.
if it feels wrong don't do it, alright?
i ain't gonna beg.
i thought you were a cop, not a lawyer.
you're so good.
how could you!
you asked for it.
she liked to smoke in bed.
that's why you left first.
i'm sorry about yours.
i ended it.
who left who then?
they were rude is what they were. rude and they owed us a token of gratitude.
i should say that we're going be ok.
with your skills, a whole new beginning.
running is not an option.
you lost your hand because you're a simple minded piece of shit.
you know, we can go back.
you gotta do what's right.
i had to, man.
the winner goes free.
they don't feel a thing.
in this life now you kill or you die, or you die and you kill.
people said it was better that way. i don't know. just made it seem like it wasn't real, you know?
what, like when we were kids, huh?
what? what do you want?
you are smart, and you are strong, and you are so brave, and i love you.
you got to play the hand you're dealt.
now you're gonna turn and you're gonna tear away the flesh from her bones.
the baby is about to be here and we need to talk.
oh, otherwise you would have just left them to the biters, then?
if it feels easy don't do it.
yeah, it didn't, 'cause i wasn't there to help you.
they deserve what they got.
they didn't owe us nothing.
i... i didn't know he was...
i never tell.
how about a thank you?
it's so easy to do the wrong thing in this world.
but you choose to stay on the outside.
i may be the one walking away, but you're the one that's leaving.
so what should we do with them, huh?
that was the hard part.
you keep trying to get under my skin, i'm gonna cut that tongue out.
i ain't never pleaded for my life, and i ain't about to start now.
you ever kill anyone before?
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unlicensedmortician · 2 months
bad movies with j&j: divergent part three. the final part. thank god. i never have to watch these again.
- how much time is supposed to have passed??? that’s at least 8 months of hair growth
- i wonder if they want to kill him
- not how trials work!
- four still looks like he’s in his late 30s
- jesus christ??? dude??
- oh ok he’s fine
- thank god for peter he’s the only thing that’s making these movies watchable. guy who’s the fucking worst but at least he’s entertaining
- rip tori u were the most iconic bitch here
- hm. that looks like some form of ecological crisis
- do love a good blood river
- “this hole looks radioactive” hole you say?
- also that’s not even a little bit how radioactivity works at all
- “this is fun i’m glad we did this” cryingggg thank u for ur commmentary peter
- “someone’s coming for us 🥰” wrong tone! you are being hunted
- how are you not hitting any of them they’re running in straight lines
- huh?????????? what’s going on?????
- the future is more color coding apparently
- i feel like im having a fever dream
- at the very least tris has a cunty little bob
- jester: oftentimes what a main character girlie really needs is a cunty little bob
- we’re the good guys :) welcome to eugenics city
- also how the shit do they know who these random teenagers from the isolated city tm are
- i bet she has absolutely zero body hair
- fist the wall hole, tris
- ok i’m sure these tattoos are a cool completely fine thing
- oh! so they have aggressively overt eugenics! great!
- right ok. and none of you are unsettled by this
- oh this is terrifying. we’ve been surveying you your whole life and you didn’t know we existed until rn :) don’t worry about it :)
- oh so those are. barcodes.
- providence?? rhode island????
- haha this is terrifying. “i’ve observed every second of your life” WHAT
- she’s the ONLY ONE.
- yeah of course tris (cis straight white skinny neurotypical) is the only genetically pure person alive. what the fuck
- oh so u can get full access to people’s memories. that’s terrifying
- sure her mother might as well have been from outside
- the tattoos indicate how damaged they are that’s so cool and great. and that also determines how much access they have. awesome.
- there’s no way this guy is a good person
- when i say this surveillance technology is scarier than any horror concept i’m being serious
- really really interesting to have a black woman defending the status quo
- if they’re the good guys why is everyone else so afraid
- also like. why wouldn’t they take adults in also? what’s the cutoff point?
- “we’re here to help” while pointing a gun at a family. what. BRO YOU JUST FUCKING SHOT HER DAD?
- what the fuck they just wipe these kids’ memories ??
- the political messaging here is confusing at best
- this is the first time i’ve been anything more than completely neutral on four
- can i blame the current lack of media literacy on this franchise or
- tris. what the fuck
- who would win: guy who stuck by you through all the absolute batshit insanity of the last two movies and was like. decent through all of it. or old guy eugenicist who says he knew your mother. the answer will shock you!
- kinda ate with tris’ costuming evoking jeanine
- who media trained her
- “we’re not taking you to chicago” four is like. sure. this might as well happen. i guess. gonna make this ship crash now
- so were they gonna execute him? i’m confused
- “this ship is the only one that can fly through the camo wall” immediately crashes it
- wait lmao is this actually rhode island
- oh wow the eugenics guy is untrustworthy! who could have seen this coming
- “the factions work” they literally didn’t. that was. the point of the whole two other movies? are we forgetting those
- matthew and four should’ve been endgame thanks for coming to my ted talk
- thank you peter for always serving cunt
- yes girl completely wipe your ex husbands memory
- i don’t think anyone talked about tris’s terrible fucking tattoo enough
- yeah girl of course he’s wiping the memories of everyone in chicago
- she can do whatever she wants. she’s the protagonist
- peter cmon i liked you
- ok but like. the gas is still there? whatever
- i feel like this plot is not finished
- oh my god it’s not allegiant did so bad in box offices that they cancelled the fourth one. that’s hilarious. thank god.
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pttucker · 11 months
TWO HAN SOOYOUNGS! Well, okay, there’s technically always been two Han Sooyoungs but ngl I completely forgot that she mentioned a clone that ran off. Or so she says, anyway. Because why not add another mystery onto our mystery? Which Han Sooyoung is the original? Which is the avatar? (Honestly I don’t even care, I love them both.) Absolutely was not expecting the other person Secretive Plotter made an Outer World Covenant with to be her, though of course that makes the most sense actually. And his words were lowkey foreshadowing if you think about it with the whole “I’m expecting much bigger things.” Yeah, because Dokja’s actually read the entire novel whereas Sooyoung hasn’t so he's expecting more from the guy who's read it all. And that's not even getting into how Secretive Plotter was immediately drawn to Dokja (and perhaps Sooyoung too). I've thought for a long time that he was away of who Dokja was or at least what he could do. And speaking of the original novel, everything is so mixed up right now. We’re getting into some real hardcore sci-fi alternate universes and parallel timelines kinda stuff. Though I did vaguely feel like something like this was coming. Not this specifically but the fact that the novel isn’t halfway through did actually make me wonder if we weren’t going to start the story over (like maybe Dokja was going to regress somehow) or something weird like that. Wasn’t expecting to jump into Sooyoung’s version of the 1863rd round, but if Dokja is going to start looking into other worlds, this does make sense. Now I’m really wondering what’s gonna happen with all of these different versions of TWSA. Will it be Dokja vs Sooyoung for who’s final chapter will prevail? Or will the worlds not merge at all and they can continue to reach their own final chapters? Since Secretive Plotter specifically asked "what about the other worlds" will Dokja's goal moving into the second half of the story now involve saving them too? And, wow, on an entirely different note, it’s actually kind of terrifying how easily Dokja was able to completely neutralize not only Joonghyuk, but the strongest Joonghyuk who’s existed 1863 rounds. No, not even neutralize, but turn him into his own personal mindless weapon. I mean, sure, Fourth Wall started it by making it so that he could be affected by the regressor depression but Dokja is terrifying in applying his knowledge of all of Joonghyuk’s best and worst moments. Which, on that topic, it’s honestly upsetting to see this world where everyone has managed to survive together until the end—the very world that Dokja has so carefully being trying to create—and Joonghyuk is still alone. 😭 They're off in their little base together like some kind of family and he's treated like some kind of beast to hunt down. 😭 And why is he alone? “Because he’s a bad guy who won’t hesitate to kill to fulfill his goals.” Uh...you guys literally have Kim Namwoon on your team and Han Sooyoung is not the most merciful person for a leader. Are you really ones to talk??? Yeah, Joonghyuk is a killing machine but you're telling me nobody on this team has killed people to fulfill their goals? What??? Especially since Dokja, the guy who has read the entire novel and knows intimately how truly awful Joonghyuk can be, still chose to reach out to him again and again and again and again until it finally stuck. Joonghyuk isn't some depressed, murderous monster in his world because Dokja did everything in his power to prevent it. Joonghyuk didn't have to end up like this. Again. Admittedly, even Dokja says that he got lucky finding Joonghyuk in his third round whereas Sooyoung seems to have found him in his last, but even in this round with a much scarier and more jaded Joonghyuk already in the 95th scenario, Dokja is still refusing to kill him even after he already attacked him, even if he knows that if Joonghyuk snaps out of his weird trance he will absolutely try to murder him.
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borathefallen · 1 year
Move in day
"I'm so sick of this, every time I have to pack shit up I have to unpack it right back. It's enough to drive someone insane". You said snapping at your own self. You just came back from a road trip with your friends to try and find out where to move after years of living off of others. You wanted independence, freedom of your own. So you decided to take matters into your own hands and move to a new apartment. Moving was probably the hardest process you ever had to do. You had your friend help you and rented out a U-Haul. "I can't wait to finally lay the fuck down, everything hurts". You said in the U-Haul stuffing your face with a burrito. Finally the truck pulled up to the apartment building but it looked absolutely nothing like the apartment building you saw on the listings. "Jesus Christ Y/N, is this where the listing took you? Your friend asked. "I….I mean yeah but-" the building looked like it had fallen to bits, like it got destroyed by a tsunami or a hurricane. Light posts had broken light bulbs and mold began to grow on the side of the building. "y/n it looks like death, I'll help you bring the boxes up but after that I'm out k"? He said, smiling like an ass. Parking the U-Haul and bringing up the boxes was a living nightmare. First off the elevator wasn't working and your feet were already killing you as it is. "Thanks for helping me dude I'll pay you the rest when I get a job hopefully" you said flopping down on the couch. "don't worry about it, I promise you it was my pleasure". Your friend said, patting your back. "Have fun in the haunted house," he laughed. Once he left you looked at the living room surrounded by boxes and clothes. "Well, time to order take out," you said, pulling your phone out. Upon looking at your phone you got an alert from the news sending out a warning for a redheaded woman who looks like a complete nightmare that killed her entire family including a few of the neighbors. "what the hell"? Your brows furrowed as soon you took a good look at the address of the location where the killings took place. Wide eyed and almost on the verge of throwing up you gasped and dropped your phone. "shit, my friends were right, this is the exact place Ellie Bixler slaughtered her entire family. A few moments of trying to reflect you heard screeching from down the hallway of the apartment building. "what the fuck" you whispered with wide eyes. A few loud bangs and screams sent your adrenaline to a whole other level of fight or flight. Scraping sounds made its way from the other side of the building straight to your door. "Hey, I heard you're a new neighbor, just wanted show my appreciation". The voice said. It almost sounded warped and distorted, as if it was struggling to stay human. "u…I'm yeah. If you have any food you can leave it by the door. I'm kinda busy" you said trying to get them to go away whoever it was. Still freaked out you decided to ignore them and go to your room. Slowly taking off your clothes letting the cool air hit your skin you felt freer than ever. "That's the last time I wear this bra again" your ears twitched the second you heard creaking on the floorboards of your apartment. "I'm just gonna leave the cookies on the counter" the voice said lowly growling. "I promise you I will-" you grab your baseball bat walking out to warn the person that you were armed. But when you stepped outside you saw nothing and heard nothing. "what the" strong hands pinned you to the wall along with a demonic growl. "you helpless little bird. What makes you thi-nk you can scare me." The woman said, looking into your eyes with her piercing ones. Struggling to try and get away you still took a good look at the women in front of you. "no way, y…your Ellie bixler" you whispered. The woman looked at you with curiosity as if trying to ask why you weren't scared of me. She let go of you curiously sniffing you and looking you over once more. "y..you're not afraid" she asked. "Well of course I'm scared as shit I'm speaking to a demon but-" you never could've imagined why you'd say these words out loud. "a very attractive one at that" you said, biting your lip. The demon took in your words and pinned you down once she discovered you had a different idea in mind. "Mine," she said, licking your face and leaving open kisses near your jugular. Moaning embarrassingly you wrapped your hands around the demon's hips pulling her closer. "please" you begged trying to find a hint of friction or something to release your stress. The demon growled and clicked picking you up making sure your back was against the wall. You stuck your fingers in her already matted yet oddly soft hair. "E…Ellie" you whined softly. Her hand made her way to your shorts sticking her fingers through the open leg of them wanting to mark you. "scr-eam for me" she purred. She slowly entered a slender finger inside of you, not breaking eye contact. "Ellie, wait-" you held onto her shoulders burying your face into her cold neck. Her fingers were none chilling. Almost like ice. Pretty soon she had you moaning and screaming eyes rolling through the sockets of your head seeing nothing but black. " "God Ellie please fuck! You screamed, feeling your stomach about to snap. The feeling was like nothing you've ever felt before. Feeling hot and ice numb at the same time not even comprehending what the fuck is taking place right now. The growls that emanated from Ellie's chest made you fall completely off the edge. Your back arched and toes curled making her fuck you even harder. "fuck yes yes yes….I'm almost there mommy" you whispered into her ear. Ellie snapped and with one last thrust the feeling ignited an entire wave of pleasure and pain through your veins. You went completely limp feeling the connection between her fingers pulling out and her carrying you to lay you down on the couch. "fuck, did I just fuck a demon"? You thought to yourself. "mine" she growled, kissing you softly. You kissed back and blushed. "I guess moving here was a good idea. 
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sketchzecri · 10 months
Tell me Abt choco pretty please. R they a cereal mascot
Choco is a very pathetic sopping wet cat of a man (ive comissioned molty for him twice!! :3)
Literally where do i begin.
So. Necromancy in my world is very complicated magic. And verrry forbidden because instead of just making a corpse move it drags their spirit back to their body repairing the damage if done right. But thats HARD to do. Like super duper hard. In fact, the only way to consistently and effortlessly revive people like that is to have it in your bloodline.
Obviously this kind of magic is scary and weird. So it becomes punishable by death, (some places killing you just for having that magic in you at all. Fucked up)
But they never caught my girl FREYJA AYYYYYYYYYYY
Freyja is Choco's mom. She escaped the law by leaving the city walls and living in the woods :3 She has Choco first then later Cloud. Both of them inheriting her magic. (They also have a skeleton cat named Keke but shes largely there to be cute)
One day, while fucking around in the forest, our young Choco runs into Kaveah, who had ran away to explore the woods. After freaking out about seeing another person, the two hit it off quite well! Choco shows Freyja his new friend and Freyja is like what the fuck that is literally the princess what. Kaveah promises to not tell anyone because she would also get in heeps of trouble for sneaking out.
Womp womp her dad finds out
Mars has like. A whole onion of issues but tldr he freaks, attacks their family, kaveah defends them, she loses her eye in the process oopsies
After calming down (and realizing he just nearly killed his daughter oops) he stops sucking and is like you know what you mean a lot to my daughter and youve cared for her so much so for as long as i remain king i will keep you and your family safe (to freyja) and they cool now
Womp womp fire
So remember how i mentioned cloud? Yeah that's choco's dipshit brother from hell. He lights the cabin on fire with the intent of killing Freyja and Choco (he's like. Maybe 7 here i think i cant remember.) But dumbass gets HIMSELF killed instead! And freyja
Choco gets out of there
And my boy is NOT doing too hot pun unintended
From then on he lives in the palace with Kaveah then they grow up get married yadda yadda have a son hisbname is Taffy (picked it out himself (hes trans))
So heres where it gets messy. Im not gonna try to come up with anything on the spot but Taffy gets impossibly sick so he calls upon a spirit of some kind to fix him it works YAY
Something happens so he goes to do it again but GUESS WHO ITS CLOUD BITCH KABLAMO and so cloud switches places with Choco. Stealing his body and sending Choco to afterlife hell (its not really hell its complicated not gonna talk abt it here)
And thats kinda it for choco. Theres a few plotpoints that he helps in with other characters but in terms of big events thats it.
There is something here about multiverse travel but thats post-story fluff and roleplay physics
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