#maybe i was a little harsh with the stars but i have a system and thats where it fell
themyscirah · 3 months
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My Suicide Squad review from locg ✌️
( 2.5/5 ⭐️ )
Last sentence got cut off a bit but I just said I saw a few similarities between Dreamer and the role Nightshade had in the Ostrander + Yale run in terms of powers & some team dynamics
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00-jammy-00 · 4 months
Since you mentioned u haven’t gotten more specific requests… maybe Yan CEO and how the first meet up at the convention was like? 🤔 with CEO reader OR his POV when reader hits on him while drunk (are they in a bar together? Business trip <3) can be a little smutty too as a treat since you mentioned him cumming in his pants when you kiss him..
Yan!CEO HC’s
Yan!CEO x GN! CEO! Reader
Content warning - Yandere themes, obsession, nsfw mentions (more than normal), possessiveness, horny yan, lovesick yan, drunken consent, drunken sex
A/N - Oh my god, they’re back?? Fuck yeah I am 🙏 for this part two I’ve decided to go with the second option of how you guys ended up sleeping together, this will include more NSFW than most of my other posts so be warned. Also, this request is amazing, thank you for not just saying “More this.” “This type of Yan with this type of Reader.” Those requests are difficult since it’s hard to come up with a scenario on the spot. Sorry for the long A/N, have an amazing read xx.
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Yan!CEO was having the time of his life when he ran into you at the bar. Oh you frequent this place? Jeez, he didn’t know that at all, it’s not like he watches your every move or anything.
Yan!CEO who subtly pays for your drinks, pushing more and more down your system. You were just too cute, you got so angry, so mad that he teased you for showing off some skin, you know how fucking mad he was that you decided to show off skin to some strangers when he was there? He was fuming behind that smug grin.
Yan!CEO whose eyes gleamed when you became more bold, cussing him out aggressively, throwing your hands up in the air. Calm down dear, you’re drawing attention.
Yan!CEO who decided to make a joke about how you look sexy when you’re mad, thus causing you to lurch forward and grab him by the throat. He swear he saw stars. And fuck— when you decided to kiss him so harshly, lips smashing into his! Clean up on aisle his pants!
Yan!CEO who eagerly followed your lead as you dragged him to your hotel room, you booked this before you got to the bar? You knew he was coming, didn’t you sweetheart? You wanted this. You wanted him.
Yan!CEO who doesn’t drop the teasing attitude as you messily make out the moment you entered your room, hands flying to rip off clothes, god, this was everything for him. He still remembers the hazy look in your eyes when he put his knee between your legs, pinning you to the wall.
Yan!CEO who lays you sweetly on the bed, he could practically taste the alcohol on your tongue as you shared harsh kisses. He didn’t want to hurt you! You’re too fragile, he doesn’t like breaking his valuables, not unless they wanted him too…
Yan!CEO who decided being a brat was the way to go, put him in his place? He’d like to see you try, bet you can’t even make him cum…bet you can’t…bet you— bet you can’t make him cum…
Yan!CEO who is a whiny little bitch. If you want him to hump your boot to get off he’s already on the floor but he’s teasing you about how you’re ordering him around. It’s not HIS fault that he can’t keep still when he’s underneath you, you’re just so perfect! He needs you nooowwwww!
Likes, reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated, requests are open <3
please do not copy, repost or translate any of my works on other platforms without my permission.
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shadesoflsk · 20 days
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pairing: arthur morgan x fem reader
summary: arthur didn't believe he was worthy at all. however, you made it your duty to turn harsh words into self love.
warnings: reader is drunk, mentions of death, a bit suggestive at the end.
word count: 1.7k
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Arthur was a man of few words. Blunt and straightforward statements were his way to go. He was well-spoken, don't get it wrong. But it seemed that his knowledge in words shone the brightest when a plethora of adjectives slipped from his lips at the sight of him in the mirror.
Staring back at him, was a madman. A garbage at most. Dull, horrible, and not worthy of a penny even though a bounty was placed on him.
However, life worked in mysterious ways when someone appeared in his life. He was no longer a cloud on a sunny day but a star in a clear sky. His eyes, at least for now, had a glint that has been lost ever since…—he doesn't know when or which was the ultimate instance in which happiness left his life.
You were a sight for sore eyes, a bandaid for a wound. A one and only in a world of forever ‘ifs.’ A constant where finite was the sole possibility. And lastly, a sweet fragrance mixed with the smell of gunpowder and death. 
However, he seldom thought about a calm life. He was not deserving of silence since it meant replaying his life through his eyes. Maybe that’s why his own mind was sabotaging his happiness. Life as an outlaw at least gave him a purpose, trying not to get killed left him with no time to dwell on his own low self-esteem. 
“You ugly bastard…” Sour as always but not less honest. In his mind, it was a payback. An attempt to not be in debt with life or whatever entity above him. He didn’t deserve a good life, so a few insults at himself would make things even.
Despite the harsh words he shared with himself, there was a chirping but endearing voice that told him otherwise. Ugly would be replaced by beautiful and old with young. 
But words weren’t enough if his shell was hard to crack. Therefore, the change had to come from him and not from a third person. 
"Arthur….” An intoxicated voice called him and brought him back to reality, to his reality. Both of you have shared some drinks that led to being somewhat drunk. Alcoholic beverages affected you a tad more than him, but that didn’t mean you were unconscious.
You were indeed very conscious.
“You know I love you, right?” And perhaps his own demons subtly pull him to believe your words are just drunk rambles. Lies mixed with a hint of just neediness and stupidity. No wonder, he doesn’t let you drink. Because he now has to deal with the slow poison of not being actually loved.
Damn you.
You share a cabin, you share a room and you definitely share days in which boredom was the pillar of your new life. A boredom not less welcomed but still so foreign to the rough man. But of course, in his messed up mind that didn’t mean you loved him.
“You’re drunk…”
His insecurities drowned out any joy he could feel. Dismissing your words was easier than accepting a reality he had never experienced.
Loving himself.
“I am drunk. You’re completely right sir.” The little show you were giving him was rather amusing. He had dealt with a drunk you many times before, but now it seemed there was a sense of purpose behind your actions. 
“But I’m simply telling the truth.” A waterfall of I love you’s escaped your lips. As if every one of them tried to make its way deeper into his system and plant a seed of self-worth.  
Clumsily, your body fell on top of him. However, you were conscious enough not to knock him towards the bed but rather straddle his lap. A poor attempt at caging him and stopping him from evading your words.
A faint of irritation coursed through Arthur as your voice rose slightly. But not at you but at his own incompetence of believing your words as beautiful as they sounded. Nonetheless, he was weak when feeling the warmth of your body embracing his. A reminder of you being alive and well next to him.
“Quit your rambling and sleep, you drunken fool lady.” His words may have sounded harsh but deep down, a tender tone hid behind his call out. Especially with how his hands protected you from falling. 
A smile formed on your face as you felt Arthur’s hands on your lower back. A few months ago, you had told him you felt safe with him, his reply was no more than a scoff but that moment wouldn’t leave his mind. And although he could only see the hands of a killer, he ought to protect you no matter what.
That was the least he could do.
“You may say that but…” Your hand caressed his stubbled cheek. “Drunk words are…” A hiccup escaped your lips. “Drunk words are sober thoughts.”
And they damn were. Even when alcohol wasn’t running through your veins as it does now. I love you’s were more common than greetings at this point.
“You ain’t makin’ any sense, woman.” He whispered, brushing back some hair that was sticking to your forehead.
“You don’t make any sense either, Arthur Morgan.” You replied, this time a bit more serious than all of your previous ‘yapping’.
He groans, knowing you were right. There were days in which his existence didn’t make any sense, at least for him. 
You knew that this simple talk wouldn’t do anything to the so-wounded Arthur. His heart has built an armor so strong that not even truthful words could destroy it. You shifted in his lap and slowly moved closer to him.
“Let’s do something else.” A glint appeared in your eyes as you came up with an idea to sort out the root of the problem.
However, Arthur completely misunderstood your intentions.
“I ain’t doin’ nothing with you. Look at the state you’re in.” He stated firmly. 
“You fool of a man. It ain’t nothing to do with that sort of thing.” You softly punched him in his chest, not really aiming to hurt him but rather reprimand him. 
“Just… hear me out, okay?” Your eyes locked with his blue-ish ones. Amidst the drunken state you were in, your intentions were as clear as if you were sober. “You’re gonna repeat after me, got it?”
“I don’t like this.” Arthur muttered, his nose scrunching up a bit.
You paid no mind, already getting your plan to work. “Listen closely.” 
A hint of curiosity flashed through his eyes as he couldn’t really make out what you wanted him to do. 
“I love you.”
Arthur rolled his eyes at your words. Words he had heard (and said) so much. But there was not a day he did not yearn to hear it from your lips. 
He couldn’t help but sigh, a facade to hide how much he was starting to let himself drown in the feeling.
“I love you.” He finally obliged, his eyes squinting when he saw you grinning.
“Oh honey… I know.” You cooed but your chuckles were obvious to a confused Arthur. You were light-heartedly teasing him.  “But you were supposed to change the ‘I’ for ‘You’ and the ‘you’ for ‘me,’ silly”
“That’s not what the word ‘repeat’ means.” His words are accompanied by his own self of teasing. Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea.
“Shut up Arthur….” 
“A little demanding for someone who can’t even sit straight on my lap.” And finally, a feeble smile adorned his face. 
“Go on.” You frowned, already waiting to continue with the little game or experiment you were both taking part in.
“You love me?” He repeated questioningly, expecting some kind of correction on your part.
“Very much.” You emphasized, letting your words linger in the air for a bit before coming up with another phrase, another affirmation he had to repeat. “Now… ‘I’m worthy’.”
He furrowed his eyebrows, he hadn’t even said the word yet and it already felt so foreign to him. Worthy of what?
“Say what?” He feigned ignorance, knowing damn well what your little plan was. A playful smile was on his face.
“Don’t play dumb. It doesn’t suit you.” You persisted, not allowing him to escape from the inevitable. “Repeat it.”
You gently held his face, your noses brushing in an endearing display of affection. And for a few seconds, both of you just stayed there, embracing the warmth of shared love and unspoken intimacy. 
Maybe he was indeed worthy. Worthy of having someone next to him every time he wakes up. Worthy of having a warm meal every day, and having someone he could so easily love.
Both of you are grinning like idiots, you were drunk on alcohol and he was in the love you were—or rather always provided. 
Reluctantly, slowly, and carefully. He thought about those two words and let them set in his brain before saying them. 
“I’m worthy.” He finally repeated… or confessed? His mind was still adamant to believe it. But acceptance is the first step for a change and you have taught him about the art of betterment.
A lump formed in his throat as he looked into your loving eyes. A feeling of purpose suddenly rushed back to him. After all these years, this was the first time he actually felt worthy. 
“So worthy…” A loving kiss was pressed against his lips. Your words were a silent prayer and the dim room was your sacred place. If God existed he surely did an amazing job forgiving him. 
Arthur’s eyes fluttered closed as your lips locked with his. He was no stranger to your affection but damn he would never say no to them. A strange sense of hope washed over him, maybe this was the beginning of a new era.
He had everything, it was time to enjoy it.
“So worthy…” He repeated even though he wasn’t mean to. Those were your words, but now he managed to sing them as if they were a song he was learning. 
And the phrase was repeated over and over that night. When your eyes got tired of being opened and when the alcohol finally took its toll on you. It was repeated when you finally fell asleep and he admired the face of his life partner. And it was repeated over the course of days, when he found his home inside of you, letting his body show how much he adored you.
Arthur was a man of few words. But now, his mental dictionary was completed and the insults were soon replaced with only words of affection.
Worthy of life and love.
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intuitively-her · 1 year
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What do they think of your voice?
Pile 1-(Ace of swords, The High Priestess, The Hierophant rx, Page of pentacles, 7 of pentacles, 2 of pentacles, Knight of cups rx, Judgement) *zodiac confirmations: gemini, 8, venus
I'm picking up on multiple energies tbh. Your voice is attractive to many. It's smooth and sexy. You easily swoon your romantic partners with your way of words. I get the vibe that you're an important figure in your workplace. Like maybe you have to speak up a lot in meetings or you're called to do a lot of projects. If so, that's because you're the only person on your team that's trusted to do it the right way. You definitely reap the benefits of the work you put in. Many people listen and look up to you. You may speak up about discrepancies in your workplace or you speak out a lot about controversial topics in general. People really commend you for that. You don't beat around the bush with what you need to say. I heard "I said what I said" 🤣. People sometimes feel smaller in your presence. You're very knowledgeable and trusted by others. It's intimidating.
🩷channeled messages: manipulative, promiscuous, stuck-up, big boobs, uptight, sexy voice, naive, intimidating, trustworthy, confident, competitive, wife, neighbor, husband, sister
Pile 2-(9 of swords rx, 7 of cups, 4 of wands, 3 of cups, 4 of pentacles, The Hermit rx, 7 of swords) *zodiac confirmations: gemini, 12, moon
This is another pile with multiple energies. The vibe you bring is so refreshing. You really help bring calmness into anxious situations, especially social ones. It's something about the way your voice carries. People notice how you're not scared to speak up and take the lead. There is one person I'm picking up on in particular tho. This could be a friend or acquaintance that you have a crush on. I keep getting something about playful banter? or maybe you or this person likes to tell dumb jokes lol. You have a very fun and welcoming energy. People love how you can mix and mingle with many different people. You may like to party or you're just out a lot. There's something about you that makes people realize that there's more to life. Like you help them see the bigger picture in situations. A lot of people become really obsessed with you. You really don't even have to say much. It's mostly your energy.
🩷channeled messages: feline eyes, extrovert, charming, big butt, charismatic, obsessive, wet, possessive, karmic, coworker, sidechick/side mans
Pile 3-(The Star, Justice, 5 of wands, 10 of wands rx, 6 of cups rx, The Moon rx, The Fool, 2 of cups, 5 of pentacles) *zodiac confirmations: taurus, 1, neptune
Im picking up on a close friend of yours, or someone you've recently started talking to romantically/platonically. You could be a public speaker or advocate for something. You fight for what's right and you're not afraid to speak up against others. You may like to debate with others a lot. Some of you may also like to protest. Your tone is very mature and straight to the point. You like to expose the truth about things. You could work within the justice system or maybe you're studying it? I keep hearing "law school". You're unpredictable to others. I heard "jack of all trades" I think maybe people don't expect you to be as blunt as you are or to have as much knowledge as you do.
🩷channeled messages: competitive, narcissistic, sexy, beautiful hair, kind, mixed signals, intellectual, rude, funny, shit talker, boss, older woman, "single white female", fake friend, red hair, younger woman, big lips, older man
Pile 4-(King of cups, Queen of swords, 3 of pentacles, 7 of swords rx, Knight of wands rx, 6 of swords rx, 7 of cups rx, The World, 9 of wands rx) *zodiac confirmations: cancer, 11, pluto
Your tone may come off a little harsh at times. You tend to give people a reality check. I don't think you do this to be mean tho. I think you may feel like it's the only way you can get your point across at times. You're quick to tell someone off. I also feel like you're able to read people and situations pretty easily. Some people feel like you hold onto anger. This could be family or people close to you. I feel like a lot of these people misunderstand you a lot. Like a lot of what you do or say is taken out of context. You can actually be very compassionate and caring at times. Im picking up on a sneaky link energy. I feel like you may keep the sweet parts of yourself hidden tho. You hide your true self from people a lot and you don't really follow the crowd. People notice this.
🩷channeled messages: egotistical, intuitive, cheerful, pretty skin/skin tone, cold, sarcastic, big d*ck, tall, loud, short, moles/birthmark, lean body, freckles, mental illness, one night stand, player, brother, soulmate, ex-friend
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Silent Cosmos (Edward Cullen)(Ch. 1)
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Pairing: Edward Cullen x GN! Mute!Reader
Words: 3.0k+
Warning(s): Mentions of past car accident, mentions of minor character death/parents dying, swearing, implications of past bullying, mentions of high school lacking services, blood mention.
A/N: YAY i finally have this done. I’ve had this idea since before i started grad school and finally got it done! I hope yall enjoy :) This series takes place before Victoria’s army comes to Forks and Edward may be OOC but like, oh well.
Also in this series, Bella and Edward had a mutual break up w/ no hard feelings <3
Series Masterlist
"On foot
I had to cross the solar system
before I found the first thread of my red dress.
I sense myself already.
Somewhere in space hangs my heart,
shaking in the void, from it stream sparks
into other intemperate hearts."
--Edith Södergran, 'On Foot I Had to Cross the Solar System'
On one unfortunate night when you were seven, a drunk driver hit your parents car. Your mother on the passenger side died instantly, your father later succumbed to his injuries in the hospital. You were injured severely, but the doctors managed to keep you alive... At the cost of your voice. Chunks of glass tore through and stabbed your neck; the damage to your larynx was the worst, the second was nerve damage. You could speak in a very harsh, almost whisper-like, voice but it caused an intense amount of pain. You were upset. You hated that driver for what they took from you.
Your aunt and uncle took you in, and were able to help you adjust as you grew. They learned and taught you sign language, they helped you cope with the loss of your parents as best they could, and were always supportive. Despite their work lives keeping them away, they always tried their best to give you attention when they had the free time.
You found ways to enjoy life again, particularly in the stars. They were almost comforting to you when you were alone, looking out your bedroom window. You weren't sure why you have such an affinity for space and what it holds. Maybe because your father brought you out at night to point out all the constellations and their stories. Those moments with him started your interest. And now, you believed your parents were amongst the many stars in the vast universe.
You grew content with not having a voice. You adapted and overcame the curveball life sent your way. You just wished the pain wasn't constantly lingering.
It was the day you started going to your new highschool in Forks. It wasn't ideal transferring to a different school, but your uncle's job called for it. He was a firefighter and he was offered a sizable pay increase and rank promotion to fire captain if he took up the position for the Forks station. Your aunt, a nurse, was able to transfer to Forks hospital. They discussed the idea of moving with you of course, and you not wanting to hinder your uncle's promotion or damper his excitement, you supported the move from California to Washington.
You could already tell this rinky dink school wouldn't have anyone that understands ASL and the school said they are still looking to hire someone to be an interpreter of sorts, so you were mentally preparing yourself for the mess you may be entering. At least you transferred only three weeks into the new school year, that would make any school work you needed to catch up on relatively easy. It also helped it was your senior year as well.
As soon as you got out of your car, all of the heads of the student body snapped in your direction. You guess they've never seen a new kid before. You make your journey towards the building, hoping that no one would bother to talk to you. You already saw a teen walk up to you, he had straight black hair and a toothy grin.
"Hi, I'm Eric. You're the new kid." He seemed friendly.
You offer a little wave and sign, hoping he would get the inclination you could not speak.
"Shit... I don't know sign except..." He gave you the sign sorry before pointing to his ears and back to you. You shook your head and tapped your throat. "Oh! You can't speak." You nodded. "Sorry about all the confusion. Welcome to Forks High, home of the Spartans. I'm pretty much the eyes and ears."
You simply nod along when necessary and smiled as he gave you the very quick run down of most of the immediate gossip of school, which was centered around you, the new kid. He seemed like a nice guy but glancing at the clock you passed by in the hall you knew it was close to your first class.
"And don't get me started on the Cul-What?" You interrupted him as you held out your schedule to him, pointing to your first class. "Oh yeah, guess class is starting soon. Lets see... you're in 103 for English with Mr. Baker which is..." He glanced up. "Right down the hall. I have History right next door."
You smile at his help and follow him through the sea of students.
You wave Eric goodbye and enter classroom 103. You felt eyes of everyone land on you, but none more eye-catching or captivating as the gold pair near the back of the classroom. His gaze was intense, eyes wide, as he stared at you. You held his gaze. You weren't sure what to think at the moment but before anything could come to mind, an older gentleman walked in and stole your attention. You assumed correctly this was Mr. Baker.
Edward was the first to arrive for his first period class. He was always punctual, but there was a difference now. He no longer had Bella in tow.
It was a mutual end to their quick relationship. While her blood did appeal to him greatly, the fastness of their relationship hurt them both emotionally at the end. It was purely fascination of each others beings that they mistake as something else. While it did hurt, Edward could admit to himself he wasn't distraught over it. They remained friends and he was content with that.
Slowly, other students began filling the classroom as the clock ticked on. Everyone filling seats they usually sat in despite there being no assigned seating. No one ever sat next to him, often feeling intimidated by his status as a Cullen. The vampire paid them no mind, occupying his attention to watching the typical Forks rain traverse down the window he always sat by. He tuned out everyone's thoughts the best he could, letting his usual melancholy about his nature linger in his mind.
Edward perked up when he heard an fast-beating heart breakthrough his attempts of zoning out. Shifting his focus to the doorway his eyes latched on to the new student.
It didn't take reading thoughts to feel the buzz of a new student arriving in the small school.
He felt... strange. Much like with Bella, your scent invaded his senses and made him thirsty, yet, that wasn't what caught his immediate attention.
It was the eyes. Something about them captivated Edward. He wasn't sure what about them had him staring at you, who now stared back at him. The vampire attempted to discern your thoughts and he caught an inkling of curiosity starting to bleed out before the teacher took your attention away.  His stayed on you, and didn't pay him any mind or had any idea he wad, and focused his enhanced hearing on the conversation.
"Hello, new student?" The teacher greeted and softly spoke your name. The auburn haired male watched as the you nodded.
Edward's curiosity peaked when he finally heard their thoughts, clear as the days outside of Forks.
"Yes, that's me. Do you know sign?" He heard their thoughts as he watched their hands easily relay in sign language. I'm expecting a no they internally sighed.
"Oh shoot I wasn't told..." A worried look passed on the teachers face as his sentence trailed off. Edward can hear his thoughts complain that the school failed to inform him about the new student outside their name and grade. A look of exasperation briefly flashed on your face.
Who would of fucking thought Forks High, a small-ass school, would not inform their teachers. Fantastic. Wonderful. I love it. It was a pointed statement that had Edward both mildly shocked at the language and pretty amused. I wonder how much others outside of Eric will put up with me here.
Edward sighed. He knew he shouldn't involve himself with another human but he couldn't help it. Whatever captivated him and the resignation you mentally expressed already had moved him. He got up from his spot and quickly moved to the front of the classroom.
"Apologies, I don't mean to cut in but I know sign."
You blink at the golden-eyed student he approached you and the teacher. You felt a grateful smile tug on your lips as you faced him. Immediately, you felt some appreciation and felt good about being wrong on your previous assumption.
"Thank you, Edward." Mr. Baker smiled in relief. Edward gave the teacher a small, tight lipped smile at him and faced you. The teacher introduced you to him. "And this is Edward Cullen."
"I'm sorry for any inconvenience." Edward spoke as you signed, his voice soft and velvety. Observing his face, you watched as his brows furrow at your statement, which became almost a second nature for you due to the way your previous school treated you. You often faced irritated glances or your existence ignored entirely outside the feo close friends you accumulated.
"Please relay to them-" Mr. Baker spoke but you immediately shook your head and held up a hand.
"I am neither deaf or hard of hearing, sir. I just can't speak." Edward translated for you again. "I look forward to class with you both." A smile appeared on his face again.
"You too. And you aren't being an inconvenience at all. It's the fault of the school, really." Mr. Baker offered a kind smile. Edward left the two of you, as if knew he wouldn't be needed again. "Take a seat wherever you want, I don't do assigned seating unless it becomes an issue." Mr. Baker gave you a kind smile and gestured for you to pick out a seat, while he moved to the classroom computer. You take a glance around, only seeing three spots open.
Your eyes landed on the one next to Edward, causing you to perk up. Though, you hesitated, his small smile and the single, subtle nod assured you it was fine to sit by him. Holding your backpack strap a little tighter, you move between desks to join him.
Edward watched as you sat next to him. You offered him a quick smile before you started pulling out your notebook and your small pencil case. You didn't look over at him as you stared up at the board, waiting for class to start.
The vampire was curious and while he knew it was an invasion of privacy, he couldn't help but try and focus in on more of your thoughts. Except he was met with...
What? His brows furrowed. Edward felt overwhelmed for a moment, his sense felt almost deprived as he tried peering in your mind again.
Edward suddenly saw what he perceived as a galaxy. Stars, planets, moons, a sun... it was vast and it was breathtaking. It wasn't something he never saw before, this detailed, in a humans mind. He was able to view this scene for just a few fleeting moments until he suddenly felt warm energy push against his mind.
The vampire blinked. His presence was back in classroom 103. He glanced toward you. Paying close attention, he didn't see anything that indicated you were in any way aware of what just occured. He heard the teacher swear under his breath as he attempted to get the projector working, and used this moment to speak with you.
Softly, he called your name, bringing your attention to him.
"How are you liking Forks?" Edward recognized he was a bit awkward, but you gave no inclination that you minded or judged him.
"It's wet. But I don't mind it. The scenery is nice." You signed and it was as if the cosmos that warded him from your thoughts was lifted. Hearing your thoughts again after being blocked out by the cosmos left him perplexed and curious.
"Forks does have its charm in scenery." He chuckled. "But I assume that isn't why you moved?"
"No, but it definitely is a bonus." You smiled. "My uncle got a promotion so we moved up from California."
"What does he do?"
"He is now the fire captain here."
Edward had a kind smile and offered a small congratulations to him. He then spoke again, "What does your class schedule look like?"
You reached into your zip up hoodie pocket and pull out a folded piece of paper. Unfolding it, you slid it to his desk. His golden eyes scanned the paper and he felt some sort of happiness that your schedules almost align completely. The only class difference was your last two classes, which would have you taking gym and history without him.
"Looks like we will be seeing each other a lot. We have almost all the same classes."
That's a relief. Edward suppressed a smile at your thoughts. I hope we can be at least friendly with one another.
"Since we have most of our classes together, would you like to be friends?" He asked. He could already hear Rosalie scolding him for getting involved with another human, but he didn't particularly care what she would think.
You were another anomaly to his, otherwise, stationary life. He has no plans to try and initiate a quick romantic relationship again. He simply was curious to the stars that lingered behind your eyes.
It was nearing lunchtime. You glanced out the window of your math class while the teacher closed out her lesson and began explaining what the homework was going to be. You were very grateful for Edward sticking by you in each course. He was able to help you talk to your teachers, answer and ask questions, and made Forks high a little more welcoming.
You had met two of his siblings in that time frame, Emmett and Alice, who were both a delight. Alice already expressed how much she was excited to finally get to know you, which you assumed she was wanting to meet the new kid, and Emmett offered to watch your back in gym with the biggest grin you've seen on a persons face. It also warmed your heart to find they also knew sign too.
The initial worry of being a forever outsider like before began melting away. So far things have been pleasant unlike your last experience.
As you mind wandered off to old school memories of bullies and loneliness, you were still unaware of Edward trying to discern your thoughts again. You missed the look of confusion and frustration on his face. Although, you did manage to hear him make a noise that sounded like frustration, which snapped your attention on him.
"Everything okay?" You ask him. He glanced up at the teacher who was now facing the board writing the homework down.
"Just... wanting class to be over." Edward gave you a tight lipped smile. "Mrs. Johnsons' classes are usually a bore."
You nodded with a smile and silent chuckle.
The class bell rang, signaling an end, and practically everyone ran out for lunch. You eyed the crowd trying to leave and shrug your shoulders. You scribbled down the equations Mrs. Johnson assigned before putting your class materials away and preemptively pulled out your brown bag lunch.
You glanced to Edward while you both stood up. You weren't sure if you should continue sticking by his side until it was time for your last two periods or find your own corner to decompress. Perhaps giving him a break from-
"Are you ready?" His soft voice cut through your thoughts. You blink, pausing for a moment, before nodding.
"Lead the way." You smiled, though you were sure it came off as nervous. There will be so many people...
"Would you like to sit with my family and I, or would you like to go somewhere quiet?" You looked at him a bit shocked, were you that easy to read? You could see the twitch of his lip like he was going to respond but he kept quiet.
"Somewhere quiet, just for today."
"Follow me then."
Rosalie sighed as she leaned against the table, waiting for her siblings to join her and Emmett for lunch. She then looked to her partner and leaned against him, who laughed and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. Her golden eyes followed Bella's form with a glare as she sat down with her friends.
"Come on, babe. Her and Edward have no hard feelings." Emmett spoke in a quiet tone.
"It's still a danger to us." She grumbled.
"Nope! She still becomes a vampire like us." Alice suddenly sat down with a bright smile.  Jasper was quick to sit down next to her.
"Even after what happened with the Volturi and James?" Emmett asked.
"Yep. While the course of her and Edward's relationship definitely changed, she still becomes a part of our clan."
"Great." Rosalie rolled her eyes and then glanced around at the table. "Speaking of Edward, where is he?"
"Probably off with the new kid." Emmett smirked. "They seem pretty nice. Edward's been helping them since they can't speak."
"Another human?" She looked to her partner then to Alice. "Did you..."
"Have a vision of them? Yes. The day before Edward and Bella parted their romantic relationship, I had a vision of them coming to Forks. And then after meeting them, I saw them and Edward, looking pretty close." She smiled and giggled.
"Great, another human who is going to choose to be a vampire." Rose scoffed.
"Rosalie-" Alice's usually bright expression drops. Everyone at the Cullen table looked at her with worry as it appeared her eyes glaze over. Jasper immediately gripped her hand under the table as he could feel a wave of sadness wash over from her.
"Darling?" Jasper whispered.
Alice blinked rapidly. She looked to the others with a worried expression. "I... I didn't see the specifics but... It wasn't their choice."
It was silent between them. Rosalie's eyes were wide, Emmett clenched his fist under the table, Jasper tried his best to calm everyone, and Alice simply blinked and tried looking to the future again.
She could see you, crying and writhing as the venom from a bite on your arm took hold, blood all over you. Edward and Carlisle were right by your side, speaking. But she couldn't hear what they were saying.
All she heard was a high pitched ring.
And then the vision flashes a blinding white and she swears she could feel intense heat against her face.
She was back at the table again with her family. It was the same vision as before. Never had she seen such a bright light, heard such a noise, or felt anything like that from a vision.
"We have to talk to Carlisle."
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wthtorke · 7 months
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Yautja and Human Smol read with some witcher stuff cause I was into it back then lmao, no warnings! 
The Earth had a capacity for life. Only so many people it could house and nurture safely.
Humanity hit that threshold long before you were born.
The peace treaty between species made it possible to live among the stars. Some races were willing to share their planets, while others offered space in their ships.
'It's almost like exchange students, but for life- you'd become one of them.'
You didn't feel at home on Earth. Ever since your first breath, you had no place on that planet.
So up you went. 'Above and beyond,' or whatever they told you. Usually, humans who wanted to leave had forms filled out and uploaded to the exchange system.
If you had to call it anything, you'd describe it as 'adoption'. You, specifically, were adopted by yautjas. The deadliest species in the treaty.
You packed your bags, taking your 'goodbye pack' the government provided you with. Laptop, tablet, and other human things 'so the adaptation wouldn't be so harsh'. That's what the flyer said.
"We wish you luck and success in your new life among the stars. It's an honor to have an earthling as brave as you out there."
That's what the video said.
You sling your bag over your shoulder and pick up the government packs off the floor, walking toward the hangar in your papers. You and some others behind you get in line for admission.
Seeing yautjas wasn't new. There were videos and pictures of them plastered everywhere, just like the other species of the treaty. But still, your eyes widened from their bored expression when you saw your admits standing in front of the ship, datapads in hand.
You're first in line, walking up to them and presenting your registration. They repeat your name and information, and you confirm everything, waiting patiently.
"Welcome to the clan." One of them says, nodding at you. You nod back and make your way inside. The ship is a transport shuttle, spacious and high-tech. This was happening. It takes you a second to choose a seat and strap yourself.
The information speech you're given during the trip feels warmer and more welcoming than anything you've heard on Earth.
'Maybe this was a good decision.' You think.
"From today on, you'll be part of our society, which means no special treatment. No special conditions. No buts and ifs." He keeps talking. "Just life as a yautja in a mothership. That's all."
You appreciated the clarity and honesty they had. You expected it to be hard but weren't afraid of working for it. Whatever challenge presented itself for you, you'd beat it. You had survived this far. This wouldn't be different.
Your group gets taken to the housing levels, where each human gets assigned a room. Your eyebrows rise up when you see two grown yautjas in yours.
"Get up, Fang. Our partner is here."
Fang and Claw. Two youngsters from the clan you got accepted into. Written in bold letters at the end of your papers. "Hey," you say as they approach you at the door. "Good trip?" The other one, Fang, asks.
"Yeah, good trip," you answer. You had no idea they'd be so big. "Are you guys really my age?"
"Are you 124?"
"Oh man."
Despite their scary looks, Fang and Claw are what they are. Young. And a little stupid. You somehow felt at home with them. It was nice to be treated like a person and not a number for once.
You get installed in your bunk bed, pull out your laptop, and test the 'fastest internet connection in the galaxy' they had on the ship. A direct link to Earth, in case you want to talk to anyone.
You just wanted access to the shows.
"What's that necklace?" Claw asks. "What's in it?" You look up from your screen, then down to your chest. "It's a wolf necklace."
"Your previous clan?"
"They don't have clans, just families," Fang replies. Claw frowns in confusion, "So your previous family?"
"No, not my family-"
"That's a wolf- so Wolf clan,"
"I like it," he continues. You smile at the sheer absurdity of it, "Cool to wear your symbol like that."
You laugh softly, "It's not my symbol- it's from a show, a story- the Witcher. In the story, the Witcher comes from a school whose banner is the wolf. Their symbol is the wolf," You play with the pendant between your fingers, "I don't really have a family."
They both stop to listen to you explain. Claw shakes his head, "But you wear it, so it's your symbol. Wolf human from the Witcher school. A Witcher," the word sounds weird when translated from them, clearly adapted.
"Wolf human," Fang repeats, "Nice title, sounds strong. You should keep it," he says. You huff in amusement. "Sure, I'll keep it,"
They barely return to their own unpacking before you look up again. "We should watch it," they look back at you, "- the Witcher-, we should watch it-, sometime." You clear your throat awkwardly.
"It's a filmed story? Like the ones in the human culture lessons?"
"It's called a 'movie'. Idiot."
"Shut up."
You put your hands up before any growling appears, "It's a series- actually. Short episodes that make up for one long thing. Good to watch in between, ah-, training? Missions? Whatever you guys do?"
Claw nods, "Wolf-human story with the wolf-human, I'm in." You smile and look at Fang. "Is there blood?"
"Lots of it."
"I'm in."
You watch the first season during your first night at the ship, only pausing to retrieve your food and for general discussion between the yautjas about how accurate (or stupid) the fighting scenes in the show were.
You have to plug your laptop into the adapted port on the wall so you can keep binging with your roommates, smiling ear to ear whenever they'd say something positive about it. When you finally close your laptop down, you look at them again. "So, thoughts?"
"Don't fuck with magic," Fang says. Claw nods. "Never fuck with magic."
You laugh as they each settle down in their bunks. Fang shuts the lights off as you lay in the dark for a bit more.
"Sleep well, wolf-human." Claw says. Fang mumbles something in return. You smile again, bidding them goodnight before closing your eyes to sleep.
Home, sweet home. Finally.
Thanks for reading <3 muah muah
more work like this here
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jpitha · 3 months
Between the Black and Gray 22
First / Previous / Next
"Uh, One moment please!" Fen flicked through the screen at her chair. What was this ship called? She found that it had no official name yet, and she was the legal owner of "Frigate 2233" She didn't have time to think of a name - nor knowledge yet on how to change it - so she had to go with it. Traffic Control's accent was pretty thick as well. Fen rolled the dice and switched to K'inmar "This is... Frigate 2233, Captain Fenchurch Whitehorse in command. I am requesting permission to enter K'laxi space and dock at Minaren."
Minaren was the name of the K'laxi main starbase that sat at the L1 point of their homeworld. It housed the K'laxi authorities and was a major seat of offworld government.
"Acknowledged... Frigate 2233. You are cleared to dock at bay 344. The Discoverers will be waiting to speak with you. Be prepared to debrief them."
The Discoverers were the investigative police and worked directly with the Grand Council - the 4 K'laxi elders that represented their people among the stars. Fen had only heard about them from her adoptive family and always in the context of someone you did not want to meet.
There was still half a day or so before she reached Minaren, so Fen spent her time getting familiar with her ship and working on her story. Everyone who could dispute it was conveniently dead, so Fen decided to go with simple and believable. She and 'her' Frigate had chartered Dreams to carry them from the Shipyard to K'lax where she could enter the Gate system and make her way to the larger Galaxy. She was aboard the ship when Something Happened on Dreams and she was told to leave. As she soared away she saw the same thing the K'laxi did and she was just as confused as they were. Simple enough to remember, didn't require any fancy embellishments and she could repeat it with enough confidence that the Discoverers should accept it as the truth. After all, the frigate was legally hers, as well as all the guns and money she now had. Just the thing you need when you're going out to form a mercenary group.
Before she docked, Fen also had a meal and tried out the kitchen. The frigate was small, designed for less than a dozen people total, but the kitchen was well appointed, and Dreams had made sure it was stocked and ready to go. It was nice to be cooking for herself again.
She even took a nap in her quarters before the docking completed. She didn't have time to get a full night's sleep, and she wasn't sure what time it was on the station anyway, but she had enough to be refreshed, and she was so tired she didn't even dream of anything she saw onboard Dreams. It was going to be different the next time she got a full rest.
Refreshed, in clean clothes, and her hair combed, she stood by the airlock as Frigate 2233 was brought into the docking area of Minaren. Before the docking fields even set her down all the way, the ramp was lowering and the door sliding up. Fen decided that the only way to play this was confident. If she didn't act like there was anything out of the ordinary, then there wasn't, right?
"Right!" Fen said to the empty airlock.
As she strode down the ramp, she saw three K'laxi standing at the foot of the ramp. Two wore complicated looking armored spacesuits - with their helmets tipped back - and the one in the middle wore a very dressy uniform. It was cut asymmetrically, brown with a pale blue trim. As Fen came into view, the middle K'laxi's ears flattened for a split second, then they recovered and smiled widely, human style, and bowed.
Why were they surprised? Fen wondered.
"Welcome to Minaren, the home of the Grand Council and the K'laxi. I am Zherun, with The Discoverers. I trust Traffic Control let you know we would be speaking?" Zherun was a young female K'laxi, maybe a little older than Ma-ren was. Her ears were highly pierced and the earrings flashed under the harsh lights of the hangar.
"I greet you friend Zherun, I am Fenchurch, raised by Group Gen'mil." Fen decided to pull out all the stops. She made the gesture of welcome, she bowed low and she spoke the traditional K'laxi greeting in K'inmar. She even let her slight northern accent come through.
The Discoverers trained Zherun well. She barely even reacted when Fen gave the traditional greeting. She flicked her tail in amusement and continued in K'inmar. "Well then friend Fenchurch, please accompany me." Zherun turned on her feel and walked away, without checking to see if Fen was following. The two guards flicked their ears and subtly gestured for her to follow. Fen trotted behind Zhe and they entered Minaren proper.
Fen had heard that nearly the whole station was a forest, but she was unprepared for how... literal that was. When they stepped through the hangar doors, Fen would have sworn she was planetside. Light from their star streamed in overhead, trees all and spindly grew, stretching towards the light. The whole area was warm and moist and smelled of the forest and water. People walked everywhere on footpaths that looked like they were worn into the forest floor from scores of feet. It was all a carefully crafted illusion of course, but it was masterfully done. Fen didn't even try to hide her amazement.
"This is your first time on Minaren, Fenchurch." It wasn't a question.
"Please, Zherun, I prefer to go by Fen."
"You may call me Zhe then."
"Thank you Zhe. Yes, this is my first time on Minaren. I had heard of your forest, but hearing it described does not do it justice!"
Zhe's tail flicked and she smiled. "It never does. We are very proud of our forest. It's nearly six hundred years old."
K'lax orbited their star slower than Earth, so their 'year' worked out to about two Earth years, which means the forest was already old and established before the K'laxi and Humans ever met.
Zhe led Fen across the main floor of Minaren towards a small elevator seemingly built into a tree. As she approached, a guard saluted, and stepped aside just as the door slid open. The four of them stepped into the elevator and one of the guards pressed his palm against a panel. Fen felt movement and her ears popped as the pressure changed.
"Sorry Fen, the top floor is for the tourists and Grand Council. We're going to a place with a much more humble decor."
The elevator door opened with a soft chime, and the guards stepped out. As Fen and Zhe exited, they saluted, and stepped back into the elevator. Fen craned her head back as they walked. "No more guards?"
"Oh, we don't need them down here. Once you've made it this far we can... take care of things if necessary."
Fen glanced up and saw panels recessed into the ceiling at regular intervals. Slug throwers. "Ah."
"Indeed." Zhe led them down the hall a little ways and opened a door with her own palm into a bright conference room. Inside was another K'laxi, wearing a much simpler uniform. They were looking down at a pad, frowning. A steaming pot of tea and three cups were next to them on a elegant wooden tray. "Councilor." Zhe saluted and waited.
The Councilor raised one of their fingers while they finished the paragraph they were reading, and then looked up. "Ah, Zhe, thank you for bringing out guest." They turned to Fen. "Fenchurch? Please sit. Would you like some tea?"
Fen did as she was told. "Yes please, thank you, er Councilor."
"Councilor Tavren Oreni, Councilor of Stations and Starbases." The inclined their head slightly. "I must say I am impressed. I did not expect a human to know proper manners and to speak in such a refined way."
Fen blushed slightly. "I was raised by Group Gen'mil, and my wife was K'laxi. I must admit that K'inmar is my first language."
"Ah, yes, that is why you speak so eloquently. Wonderful!" Tavren's ears flicked. "I find Colonic much too difficult to get... subtleties across. This will be much better. But first, my manners! Let me pour you some tea"
Fen blinked. The fact that the Councilor of Stations and Starbases was pouring her tea meant that she was truly an esteemed guest. Normally, Fen would offer to pour for Tavren.
Tavren picked up the teapot and with a minimum of motions filled the three cups. She slid one towards Fen first, then herself, and finally Zhe. That was also odd. Zhe was the lowest social rank here?
Being first served, that meant that Fen needed to drink first. Neither could do anything else until she did. She should also say something. Fen picked up the small cup and smelled it. It was chamomile and it was perfect. She took a small sip and inclined her head.
The rite performed, Tavren picked up her tea and did the same thing. Once she was finished Zhe completed the ritual.
"Now then." Tavren spun around her pad. On screen was a still from a long range telescope, showing the moment when Dreams detonated. "Please tell us how you destroyed three Imperial Super Dreadnoughts."
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THEME: Space and Stars
This week's themes are all loosely categorized under space, from space-westerns, to space-fantasy, to some games entirely within their own genre.
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Boar Beasts on A Barbarous Planet, by Z.W. Garth.
Boar Beasts on a Barbarous Planet is a 2-page Push Powered roleplaying game of boarfolk warriors surviving on a planet of swords-and-lasers, covered in hostile biomes and littered with the sci-fi tech of planetary invaders who couldn't cut it in this harsh world. 
Players take on the role of warriors dedicated to protecting their sounder from the many threats that plague them, in this harsh, psychedelic world. 
Push games use an interesting 'push-your-luck' mechanic, in which your can choose to re-roll and add to your roll in order to make a "weak" success stronger - but roll too high, and you meet disaster. In my opinion, it's an SRD that feels a little over-looked in the indie scene.
This game is meant to be brutal and violent, on a world that is difficult to survive. Your characters enter the story battle-scarred, and will leave the story worse, possibly even dead. This looks to be a game that’s full of prompts and roll-tables, so if you like random generation, I recommend checking this one out.
From Out of the Boundless Deep, by Scyllaycs. 
From Out the Boundless Deep is a two-player game about a mech pilot and an engineer working on the starship the Boundless. The game follows the pilot’s dangerous missions off the ship, the engineer’s meaningful repairs onboard the ship, and the brief moments the two meet between missions.
This game has two players, and no set GM. If you want to be a character who’s interacting with a dynamic set of stats and risky endeavours, you can pick up the Pilot. If you like building and modding things to set up the two of you for future challenges, then the Engineer might be more your style. The Game itself is split into two phases: Ship Phase and Mission Phase, with each phase giving the player a chance to shine. A Tarot Deck will be used to provide benefits and drawbacks throughout the course of play.
This is a game where you can really explore the conflict and community between two characters, in a situation where they can’t always communicate in a way they’d like. It doesn't demand an epic storyline but definitely has the space for it. This is also a great game for two people who have different and complimentary styles of play. 
Dead Belt, by A Couple of Drakes. 
Dead Belt is played by building a Belter and taking them out into the Belt to scavenge randomly-generated starships, using things you already have laying around: a six-sided die, a deck of common playing cards, and a few tokens of whatever sort happen to be close at hand.
With a dozen unique ship deck plans, over 100 flavorful prompts, and plenty of character stats to help you avert certain death, no two ships will ever feel the same. You’ll board these derelict starships, navigate barriers, dodge threats, monitor your air-supply, and salvage as you go.
You’ll deal with all the dangers lurking onboard these starships, push your luck, and finally return to spend your hard-won booty to secure better equipment, improve your skills, pay down your crippling debt, and hopefully, maybe, eventually set yourself up to live out your dreams far from the Belt.
There are three ways to play this game: Solo, Co-Op and Rivalry. This means that in a two-player game, you can choose to either work together or attempt to sabotage each-other in a race for pay. This game is an homage to Cowboy Bebop and similar Space Westerns, with a lot of tantalizing options designed for duet play.
Vaults of Vaarn, by graculusdroog.
Vaults of Vaarn is a 48-page, black and white tabletop RPG zine, which presents setting information, a full game system, and character creation procedure for adventures in Vaarn, a vast blue desert that lies at the very end of time. The game is built on the chassis of Knaveby Ben Milton, with lightweight rules, speedy character generation, and gameplay that emphasizes creativity and problem-solving on the part of players and referee. 
This game setting feels like a space opera smashed together with acid fantasy, with bright colourful descriptions of strange monsters, NPC’s and locations. It is a dangerous setting that is designed to work with OSR games, primarily Knave but I have a feeling it would be pretty easy to steal ideas from this for other OSR systems as well. If you’re a fan of big space epics like Dune or weird futures like Numenera or Gamma World, this game is probably worth checking out.
If you want to see what the community has created for this setting, I recommend checking out the submissions to the Vaarn Summer Jam of 2022!
Nibiru, by Araukana Media.
Nibiru is a science fiction tabletop roleplaying game, set in a massive space station in a neighbouring solar system. Players take on the role of Vagabonds; people who woke up in the space station with no memories of their past.
Nibiru tackles themes of memory, nature and artificiality through simple mechanics, evocative art and immersive worldbuilding.
This is a game in which you create your character’s backstory as you play, filling in pieces of memory as you explore a space station filled with strange inhabitants and abandoned or deteriorating locations. The way you write about yourself will also fuel your character progression, with rewards for creativity and turning some of your memories into tools that you can use as you play. The setting is unique, evocative, and has a lot of potential to tell a compelling and heart-wrenching story. 
If you want to see a bit of the game in action before buying it, there is a Quickstart Guide available on DriveThruRPG!
Other Space Recommendation Posts
Star Trek (and its sequel)
Space Adventures
Space Westerns
Space Fantasy
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lets-try-some-writing · 10 months
Do you have anymore lore or ideas on how Cybertronian rain works? Like how different cities or peoples deal with it, maybe it’s worshipped in some areas, or maybe something completely different!
How did I miss this request??? HOW did I miss this??? Worldbuilding ANYTHING is one of my favorite things to do.
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On Cybertron, rain as those from Earth know it, simply does not exist. Rains on Cybertron are dangerous hazards to be avoided at all costs. Formed from millennia of smog and the odd interactions with passing stars, its all acid without a drop of actual water to be seen. It is a problem not a spark can fully escape as there is simply no way to stop the rains from happening after so long of the planet being left under the control of mecha and other beings who do not at all care for pollution.
Of course due to the rains being a fact of life, mecha adapted and dealt with it in their own ways.
The floating city of Vos had its own unique methods of dealing with the rains due to how often the storms raged around it. The citizens of Vos created spires, ones with shields built into them to ward off the worst of the rains from above. The shields caused flooding on lower levels that was quite deadly, but to fliers that meant little as they simply took to the skies and waited until the liquid drained down and out of the city. They also created walls around the borders of their city to keep the harsh winds from carrying the deadly substance into their settlement. The walls tended to need constant repair, but such was the cost of safety and not being melted alive. This was of course not a perfect method of keeping the rains from causing damage, no, it merely stopped the worst of it from affecting the city due to the fact that the storms raged on all sides. Individual mecha still found themselves required to remain indoors and to carry shields with them should they decide to travel. Going anywhere by air was a death sentence, and so to combat this while still keeping the city going, most mecha took the skyline systems built for visiting grounders to get around.
Cities within and close to mountain ranges and canyons like Durax, Tyrest, and Tarn had different methods of protecting themselves. Their high caste civilians fled to underground keeps where the acid could not reach, ones built into the canyons. Middle caste civilians had to hope and pray that the walls kept the winds from carrying the acid too close to their residences. Most of them were forced to seek shelter wherever they could, leading to the time tested tradition of total strangers becoming a family of sorts as they waited for the storms to end in whatever building they holed up in. Lower caste mecha did what they could but often ended up precariously huddled underneath hovels if that was possible, or if not, they had to hope the rains weren't too harsh as they worked through them, their armor being burnt even as they continued on.
Cities near the ocean like Polyhex, Hytrax, and Stanix had little choice when it came to escaping the rain. The cities were built up away from the ground to avoid the worst of the storms, but often citizens were required to retreat to bunkers due to the sheer amount of rain. High caste mecha would spend their time in luxury accommodations or even take ground transportation out of the city until the rains passed. Middle caste mecha were more likely to put on extra armor layers and keep working, unable to get a break even if they wanted to due to the level of production their cities were involved in. Burns and mecha vanishing were not uncommon, especially amongst the lower castes who generally could not even afford extra protective armor, much less take time off to hide from the rains. Mecha would even go so far as to carry huge shields on staffs to try and ward off the worst of it while working.
Landlocked cities as a general rule did not experience the rains as often as others. But places like Iacon, Kaon, and Praxus had methods to handle them anyway when the rains did come... only most civilians were not naturally equipped to handle it due to the rarity of the event. Only the upper castes had access to buildings and residences with built in rain shields or other resources intended to make the rains less dangerous for inhabitants. Shielding for upper caste housing was common place and tended to often leave the middle caste and lower caste residential areas flooded. Middle caste mecha, while not in possession of the funds required to be comfortably prepared, tended to keep additional armored boots to wear so that they could still get to work after the rains passed during the flooding. If it was still raining, most middle caste mecha possessed small personal shields but little else, often leading them to run for their lives to get from place to place. Lower caste mecha had no such luxuries and either worked through the hell that was the rain, leading to more than a few deaths, OR they did what they could to cobble together sheilds.
The general opinion toward rain around Cybertron was quite simple. A deadly but unfortunately common fact of life. Despite that, some smaller groups had unique opinions regarding it.
While normally seen as a problem, some mecha got creative during the height of Cybertron's civil unrest and started gathering the acid rain. They would then store the material and later use it during protests in a less volatile form in order to make a point. They couldn't make any compounds without getting arrested or worse, but gathering it? There was no mech willing to stop a spark willing to risk melting to collect rain. It was fairly common for some protests to have watered down acid rain barrels that would then be thrown at officers when things got violent. It bought them time to escape and get out of the area while the guards flailed.
In other more religious areas, mecha saw the rains as a punishment from Primus and would pray throughout it all. In small communities it was not uncommon for 'sinners' to be cast out into the rains to try and appease Primus and lessen his wrath. Priests would occasionally take quick strolls through the rain as a test of their resolve and to show their willingness to comply with Primus's demands. And while not religiously founded, recruits in the army or law enforcement also tended to be thrown into the rains now and then to learn to withstand sudden storms. The usages of the rain were wild and unpredictable at best.
While little more than a rumor, there were also tales of mecha who would wander into the rains, seemingly in a daze, and vanish. Said mecha were said to later appear again, half melted and dazed, singing as they led others out with them. Rumors of beasts that hunted while it rained were similarly commonplace during the more youthful days of Cybertron. And while not common during the height of Cybertron's golden age, some places welcomed the rains as a way to get rid of unwanted flora and fauna while the citizens hid underground.
The rains were dangerous, but mecha still managed to have interesting views regarding it. But as a general rule, the rains meant death, and thus were to be avoided.
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whumpshaped · 5 months
Stray 4
prev masterlist
tw institutional/systemic pet whump, second person pov (and you're the pet!)
You stare at the bowl for a while, contemplating. Technically, he didn't do anything to prevent you from eating it. However... if he comes back, would he still let you have the better food if you ate the paste? You have no idea. And now that he left the cat food, you probably won't lose out on anything if you just give him a moment to bring whatever he wants.
But that doesn't mean you have to leave it out in the open for any real stray cat to snatch up either.
You quickly walk over to the bowl and grab it, then scurry back behind the dumpster. You find yourself fantasising about better food despite yourself. In the shelter, you have been given bread with a crunchy exterior and soft middle, topped with the tastiest cheese and wonderfully fresh vegetables. They have given you warm soup with soft potatoes in it, and sometimes, on really special days, they have even allowed you to have a cupcake. They never told you what the occasion was, but it must've been something good.
It's so easy to romanticise your life from back then. So easy to regret running. So easy to think that maybe, maybe this man will treat you as gently and lovingly as the staff in the shelter have.
You stare at the cat food paste, the stench of it almost as bad as the taste. You close your eyes and try to imagine a bowl of soup instead, something that would warm you up from the inside out even in this harsh, cold weather. You really hope he brings you soup. There is nothing you want more than soup.
You can't help flinching when you hear footsteps from the open end of the alley, but the familiar voice puts you at ease. "Hey, love. I'm back." The man is panting, but he's clearly doing his best to sound as soothing as possible. "I brought lots of stuff for you... You're... still here, yeah?"
You poke your head out and he lets out a relieved sigh. Your eyes widen at the array of food in his hands. And is that—
"I have some soup here... Well, it's just some instant noodles. But I thought you might appreciate the warm stuff... And I also brought some crackers, in case you didn't like the noodles... These are kinda plain, but uh, I don't know what you like, so... Oh, and I had this pre-packaged sandwich too, so I brought that as well... I even threw in an apple in case you liked none of the other options— I'm sorry, I got a little carried away. I hope there's something here that you like."
You're practically vibrating with hunger. Your stomach is rumbling so loudly, there's no way he can't hear it. Why won't he put those down and go away? You really, really want to have at them.
"The only issue is... I'm kind of holding them very awkwardly," he says sheepishly. "I'm afraid I'll drop the soup if I try to put anything down. Can you, um... Can you please take that from me?"
taglist: @whumpsday @the-scrapegoat @project-xiii @justletmereadmywhump @sariadragon @sowhumpful @books-are-everything @littlespacecastle @captain-bo-bob-bobby @morning-star-whump @a-formless-entity @nyooom @100percentevil @catnykit @whumpinthepot @snakebites-and-ink @expressionless-fr
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oceanbaby888 · 1 year
Signs From the Universe That You’re Healing: Pick A Card 🥗💭🌻🌸
Note: This is an original pick a card post from Tarotladytalks LLC. Please do not steal. Thank you. 
Hey yall!! 
It’s been a long time since I did this. Yet, I felt pulled to do this but I couldn’t decide in video or blog form since I just posted a PAC on my channel (feel free to check it out). But anyway, here we are! Let’s hear from the Universe how you’re healing, growing, and doing well. I hope you are too! 🫧🫶🏾
GIF #1
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GIF #2
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GIF #3
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GIF #1:
-Learning to allow love in without expecting the worst. With so much air in this combination (Lovers: Gemini, The Star: Aquarius, King of Swords) the Universe is saying you’re healing because your mindset has changed, take notice of that. It has matured (King of Swords and The World) in a healthy manner. You are healthily expressing how you want to be loved and not begging. When I say love, it is not just romantic. It is how you want to be loved by all types of relationships in your life. You are not going to settle nor argue for this neither, if you have noticed. Your mindset is one of what you seek is available, and settling is almost as if you are disrespecting yourself. Wow, Pile 1, I am very proud of you. This energy is calm, yet firm. You may have even noticed that you are easily finding things you enjoy more and doing them independently. You are unafraid of the consequences of severing relationships or things that do not belong to your system of ideas and philosophies. You may have noticed that you simply feel peaceful with where you are. You are content with the decisions you make and why you make them. I’m even getting with The Lovers and The Star card that you aren’t mad at the people who have crossed you, you just saw that they weren’t a compatible fit, and with King of Swords and The World card, you simply just let them go. You may even have a new set of belief systems you follow now. What you believed in yesterday is not what you believe in today. And you’re firm on that. Amazing Pile 1. I’m very proud of you. 
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GIF #2:
-You carry your burdens better these days. You don’t see your challenges as your Achilles’ heel. You seem them as more of just a block in the road that you can remove. You don’t let little things stress you out as much anymore. You are confident in the fact that you can only control so much, and life will work the rest of it out. I’m proud of you for realizing that. You realized that stress was depleting you, and as a result with the Queen of Wands you are much more happy and more energized. Maybe even people have told you lately you seem more calm and unbothered with Temperance and the 4 of swords. You realize that you’re not alone in having problems, which gave you the courage to understand how to handle what life throws at you. Not saying that with this Queen of Wands you have to face your issues alone from this point forward. No, with the Temperance, seek support where you need to. I am saying that I am proud of this new level of independence, because it seems to me you came to a point where you were tired of letting little issues and upsets control your outcome. You stopped giving it so much energy, and the Universe is saying the peace you’re feeling is a sign you’re healing. Good job, Pile 2. 
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GIF #3:
-Seeing things for what they are. You may have been the type to be extremely optimistic and give everyone a chance and see the good in everyone. Yet, for some of you there may have been an incident (9 of Swords) that may have really hurt you and changed all that. Yet, the bright side is that with this Page of Cups and 4 of Pentacles, you are more careful about who you give love and help to. Here’s the thing Pile 3, there are some people in this world that do not want help or generosity. They are looking for their next victim to prey on. As harsh as it sounds, you are starting to understand that reality and it’s healing for you because you know how to protect yourself. You are also gaining wisdom (2 of wands) on what it means to be a “good person” in this world. Some of you may feel guilty for putting your foot down, but the Universe is telling you you’re doing the right thing by doing so. There is nothing wrong with protecting yourself and your own self interest. It reminds me of that Bible quote of “Turn the other cheek” and “Forgive thy enemies” which is true, but not to the extent you allow others to prey on your kindness and altruism. I’m glad you are starting to understand this Pile 3. You don’t have to stick with this energy from this point on. 2 of wands here talks about balance and when you NEED to act this way with others. And newsflash, 9 times of out 10 when you do put your foot down, people leave you the hell alone. If they  make you feel bad, curse you, or even go out their way to slander you (which I hope they aren’t but it happens), just know you are protected with this 4 of Pentacles. 4 of Pentacles is ruled by Capricorn. And Saturn does not let nasty people off the hook at all! So I can’t say not to worry about those people, because you’re human and energy like that is stressful. But what I can say is don’t let up on your boundaries and know that you deserve to be treated with respect just as much as you respect others. It’s not your fault that those people don’t know how to accept good people when they come. That’s their karma, not yours. Keep progressing, Pile 3. 
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Thanks for tuning in.
Claude 🦋❤️
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idontknowreallywhy · 5 months
WIP Wednesday
I may be sleep deprived and slightly done with January already which has had the result of me being unable to make any progress on the fluffy chapter I’m supposed to be drafting (Sorry @sofasurf ). Instead my lunchtime sprint-write jumped back in time and got all… angsty (Sorry Scott).
Ah well, at least I wrote something! Sorry again, Scooter…
He should be dead. It shouldn’t be possible to be this cold and not be dead.
Initially the snow had been a blessing of sorts, muffling the echoing din of activity in the courtyard outside the high tiny grated window. The nearly constant tramping, shouting, barking, growling. The unnerving, heart-stopping howling. And even when those ceased for a few moments overnight, the more subtle skittering of untrimmed claws across concrete was ever-present. They were always there, just the other side of the stone wall, which meant he could never rest.
Claws didn’t make any noise in the snow. That was a definite mark in snow’s favour. The other noises were still there but less intrusive, like headlamps in fog. Another win for the white stuff. Although that did make the harsh clanging of the butt of a rifle across the grate extra offensive to his pounding skull. He knew they just did it to keep him and the others on edge and tried not to let it affect him… but that was hard when there was no trigger or pattern to them doing it… heavens he’d tried to figure one out. Counting the minutes between recurrences to see if it was related to the length of the guards’ patrol route or maybe a particular guard… but it was never the same. Never predictable, never consistent. It was slowly driving him crazy.
Along with all the other things.
It was so cold. He had to stop thinking about how cold it was. But it was so cold he couldn’t think about anything else. He should maybe move around? Every muscle sent firm feedback on that idea - it was a no. Huddling in the corner it was then. Here there was a narrow patch where the floor felt warmer, as if a badly lagged heating pipe ran underneath and bled some of its treasure upwards. Obviously the people who worked in this place had access to warm water. It felt good to steal a little of their heat.
His teeth chattered together as a particularly ferocious shiver ran through him.
He extended his forefinger and wrote Virgil’s name slowly, almost invisibly into the rapidly freezing condensation on the wall. He drew music notes around it and smiled inside. Not with his actual face, it hurt too much to move any of those muscles. But inside, he could picture his family and smile at them.
His drawing seemed to glow at him in the dim light.
He added John’s name and started to add some stars but hissed as the nerves in his fingertip crossed some kind of threshold and sent daggers of pain back to his central nervous system. He switched fingers and added Gordon and Alan’s names quickly before he couldn’t bear it anymore and hugged his freezing hand to his chest. At least they were all there now, he couldn’t miss one off. That would be… wrong.
He shuddered violently again and pressed his fingers into his burning forehead. He was vaguely aware that it was odd for his skin to be so hot while the air temperature was so low but he didn’t have the mental energy to question it anymore. Not while he had to use so much of it concentrating on ignoring how the throbbing pain from the full body suit of bruises he’d collected had sunk inwards and seemed to have taken up residence in the marrow of his bones.
The rest was focussed on staying alive. Because he was supposed to. They’d come soon. It had only seemed like so long because he’d got confused and double counted some days… he must have. It can’t have been that long. He pictured Dad. His squadron. Ash and Val. They wouldn’t leave him. Someone would come.
He just needed to stay alive and sane until then. Both of which were proving a bit of a challenge right now. But he was a Tracy. Tracys don’t give up or let themselves go mad.
He apologised again to the girl watching him from the corner, gently lowered his forehead to his knees and willed the ice in his veins to stay back from his heart.
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Space Corp. Directive #1215225
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For some ungodly reason, you fancy the second technician, but you'd be damned if you ever admitted it.
Pairing: Arnold Rimmer x (F) Reader
Warnings: None! A bit of ya know snogging
Chapter Four: Time Slides
The Cat had told you about it ages ago, when you asked to hear about how he first met Lister and Rimmer. There were hundreds of stories from those early days, how Lister awoke from stasis to find the whole crew dead, how they faced sickness and time leaks and the dreadful Queeg, how Lister was actually a god to all Felis Sapiens, and how Rimmer had once duplicated himself out of spite. That thought certainly kept you happy for a few nights.
But one of the most intriguing stories had been about this machine, a VR video game sent in a long-awaited post pod. Better Than Life could give you everything and anything you wanted: a different job, better friends, a new life. And it had been completely forgotten about.
After hunting high and low through the ship’s countless rooms, you finally found the disc, covered in dust and horribly scratched. Feeling deflated, you almost didn’t bother seeing if the old thing worked, but you took it back to your quarters and slipped it into your personal computer.
It took a few minutes, the disc was well over 3 million years old now, as was the computer system designed to play it. With a little help from Holly, you got the game booted up and ready.
“Holly? Could you deadlock the doors?” You settled onto your bunk and got yourself comfy. “I don’t wanna be interrupted.”
“No prob, mate. Doin’ it now.”
The headset felt uncomfortable and clunky as you lowered it onto your head. Static filled your eardrums, then a start up sound, reedy with age.
You closed your eyes. Or were they closed for you by the game? You didn’t have a second more to think about it.
When your eyes opened again, you had to narrow them against the smoke billowing out all around you. The game had placed you in a stark, metal corridor, not unlike those of Red Dwarf, except here the lights were low, casting purple and red shadows across your path.
You walked forward, following the corridor until you reached a huge, metal door. It opened for you, and bright, white light spilled out.
“Ow!” You raised your arm to shield your eyes. “Fuckin’ hell, that’s-”
You were on Callisto.
Blinking against the harsh sun, you tried to get your bearings. After years of unnatural light and synthetic oxygen, standing in the middle of the market square of your home moon felt almost too much to bear, even if this too was artificial. But it felt real. The stone cobbles beneath your feet, the gentle wind tangling in your hair… It felt so real, you could cry.
The warm sun, the source of all life in this system, greeted you like an old friend. Basking in her light, you held your arms aloft and breathed in home.
“Oi! Move it, sweetheart!”
You jumped back, eyes wide, just as a man rushed past, pushing a flower cart so heavy, he was almost walking horizontally.
“Sorry! Sorry.”
The market was heaving, just as you remembered it. If what the boys said of Earth was true, then all human life had died out in this system long, long ago. Three million years. Everyone you knew, everyone you loved, everyone you saw in this market every day, was gone. But you’d known that for a while now. So why did it make you so sad?
“Maybe not your best idea…” you said out loud to yourself.
Across the cobbles, a woman behind a stall called to you, offering up soaps pressed into the shape of flowers, stars, and moons. A clock chimed at the other end of the square, marking noon. There was music in the air, and the smell of freshly baked bread. If this really was all gone, you decided, you should enjoy it while you could.
Arms swinging, you took your time at every stall. Obviously, you had no need for money aboard Red Dwarf, but you noticed that every time you wanted to buy something, you could find exactly the right amount of change in the pockets of your Atalanta IV jacket.
“C’mon, darlin’! Fresh fruit and veg. You won’t get this lot past Saturn, I’ll tell you that for free, my love.”
“Celebrate the New Lunar Cycle properly, ladies, gents and others! We’ve got everything you need to throw the ultimate Gratification Day celebration.”
“Fuuurrrss! Get your genuine synthetic Ganymedian fuuuuurs.”
Nothing had changed. Life here looked just as it did the day you left for the stars.
“What do you do…” you mused aloud. “When you can do anything.”
It came to you fairly quickly. Really, you only came here for one reason. The moment The Cat had finished describing how the game worked and what it was capable of, the idea popped into your head and made itself at home there. But there was something else you wanted to try first.
You blinked and you were indoors. It was the very definition of an expensive, elegant restaurant. Of course it was. This whole world was built from pictures in your mind.
A high ceiling arched above your head, where chandeliers twinkled like bursting stars and wide windows opened up the night sky to you. In a blink, you’d arrived at evening. Time changed however you wanted it to here.
Round tables covered in pristine white cloth dotted the room. The guests, all dressed up to the nines, sipped champagne from sparkling crystal glasses, while penguin-like waiters zigzagged between them, holding silver trays aloft. At the entrance, the maître d' knew your name and bowed as you approached him.
“Oh, God.”
You looked down, suddenly panicked. You weren’t dressed nearly nice enough for a place like this. But as soon as you thought of it, your comfortable shirt and joggers transformed into the ceremonial uniform you’d only worn once or twice.
“Okay, this might be a bit much.”
You didn’t have a chance to change. Through the low hum of chatter and the light scrape of cutlery against plates, you heard someone calling your name.
And there they all were, sitting around a table as if nothing had happened. Alive. They were all alive. Montgomery, Falstaff, Mortimer, Stanley, Talbot and Shallow. Your captain, your friends, your crew. Dazzling in their own dress uniforms, they raised their glasses as you shakily approached their table.
“You’re late, Lieutenant!” Major Montgomery declared, though she was smiling. “Come, take a seat.”
“You almost missed the starters.”
Captain Falstaff, the head of Xenolinguistics aboard the Atalanta IV and your friend, poured you a drink as you sat down beside her.
On your other side, First Officers Mortimer and Stanley were eagerly tucking into their dinners.
It had been eight months since you last saw their faces. To hear their voices again almost made you shudder. It was too ghostly, too ghoulish. These people, your friends, they were long dead, as you should be. It was good to see them smiling.
Second Lieutenant Talbot beamed at you across the table.
“First class place, this,” he said. “I’ve always wanted to come here.”
“They wouldn’t let the likes of you in, usually,” Officer Shallow snorted.
They bickered like schoolboys, just as they always did, just as you remembered.
In fact, everything was as you remembered, like these people had been plucked from your mind and placed here to entertain you. The major’s dark hair, greying around her temples. Captain Falstaff’s habit of tugging at her earring. The ring of laughter that always leapt up whenever Talbot told a story.
They existed now, only in memory. But you’d brought them back. You weren’t sure how to feel about that but it was good to see your friends again. You’d missed them so much.
Together, you ate dinner and told stories of old times. Though you’d only been on a mission together for a few years before the disaster that upturned your life, there were plenty of good memories to revisit.
Who knows how long you spent there. It could have been days, for all you knew. Time meant nothing here. What felt like hours could be just a few minutes in the real world, you really had no clue.
In the middle of Shallow reminiscing about their first days together aboard the ship, his gaze was caught by something over your shoulder. He smiled and gestured with one hand.
“Friend of yours, Lieutenant?”
Confused, you looked around, only to find Rimmer standing behind you. His appearance startled you so much, you shot up out of your chair.
You blinked at him, trying to figure out why and how he could be here in your world, and all the while, you couldn’t put your finger on what was so different about him. He was dressed in his usual emerald green uniform, smart as ever. But he looked off somehow, like there was a piece missing, but you couldn’t think- Oh.
You stared at his forehead, where the tell-tale H should have been.
Surprise morphed into pure shock as Rimmer smiled and took your hand.
“Come with me. Excuse us, gentlemen, ladies.”
He led you away from your old crew, following a winding path through the tables. So startled and so dumbfounded by the feeling of his hand in yours, you barely took any notice of where he was taking you. All you could do was stare at your entwined fingers, entranced by the sensation of his skin touching yours at last, his long fingers strong and deft.
When you next looked up, you were outside a familiar door. The restaurant had melted away without you noticing, and had transformed into the apartments you called home before you left for the next galaxy.
The change in setting was jarring enough to bring you back to your senses.
He somehow pushed open the door to your flat without needing the key, and pulled you inside.
“Arnie, wait. What’s going-”
You didn’t get a chance to take in your home, which you hadn’t seen in three million years. The moment the door closed behind you, you were pressed up against it.
Rimmer’s body crowded yours, his big hands on your waist, his lovely curly hair brushing your cheek as he bent his head and murmured by your ear.
“I love it when you call me that.”
You gasped softly as his hands slipped down to cradle your hips, his fingers pressing in just as his lips grazed your neck.
You didn’t stop to ask how this could be possible. The Cat had said that Better Than Life knew what you wanted most in all the world, all the cosmos. Turns out, he was right.
“You’re all warm,” you whispered, not trusting your voice not to shake as you let your hands rest against his firm chest.
“Hmm, whose fault is that?”
Rimmer practically purred the words against your throat. His breath tickled your skin, then his lips followed, pressing soft, tiny kisses up the length of your neck until he’d reached just below your ear. You practically melted in his strong arms.
Still, through the heavy haze that drowned your senses, there was a seed of doubt.
“This isn’t right,” you said, tilting your head back so that you could meet his eyes. “You’re not real.”
Rimmer smiled softly. And there was another giveaway that this place, as wonderful as it could be, was nothing more than simulated pixels and a clever mind probe. You couldn’t recall Rimmer ever smiling at you so sweetly. The game was learning.
“But I’m here, aren’t I?”
He took your hands again and led you deeper into the living room. You itched to explore your old flat, now more like a diorama of early 22nd century living than a warm home. But you couldn’t look away from Rimmer’s eyes.
“I’m talking, walking… You can touch me, at last. I know how desperately you want to touch me.”
He smiled again, a wicked smile that made your face burn. That was a little more like him.
“It’s all in your head. I know everything you know. Which means I also know all the naughty things you think about doing to me.”
He finally let go of your hands. Rimmer flopped down on the sofa, making himself comfy. Still his eyes didn’t leave yours.
“It’s enough to make a computer simulation blush.”
You looked away, more annoyed than embarrassed. Your Rimmer, the real Rimmer, also liked to tease you, to argue with you, and you never let him get the better of you.
“Shut up.”
“He’d probably like most of it. Some of it he’d love.”
“If you’re made up of my wants and desires, you’re just saying what I want to hear.”
“You’re not the only one who uses this machine, you know.”
That got your attention.
Rimmer shrugged.
“A few times.”
Your mind whirled at the idea. This could very well be just the game telling you what it knew you wanted to be true. Rimmer had never mentioned the game and had only a faint recollection of it when Cat brought it up, but he was good at hiding his feelings. Much better than you, anyway.
With a sigh, you motioned for Rimmer to get up.
“Would you just come here?”
He smiled up at you, his head cocked to one side.
“You want to sate your curiosity, is that it? Before you risk everything and make a fool of yourself, you want to see if it’s worth it. If I’m worth it.”
He uncrossed his legs, a blatant invitation.
“What I’ll feel like…”
He shook his head.
“You don’t call me that when it’s just us. You like to call me Arn. Arnie.”
“You’re not him. You’re just a computer game.”
“Handsome one, though.”
He winked at you. And that was very Rimmer.
You couldn’t help it, you smiled. This was a game, one you’d designed for yourself and chosen to play. You knew this is how it would go when you put on that headset. So why fight it?
“I said, c’mere.”
Slowly, Rimmer stood up from the sofa. When he spoke again, his voice was low and soft, just as you’d imagined it would be.
“He’d love you bossing him about. He’s ever so respectful of authority.”
He stopped in front of you. Had he always been so tall? It was driving you wild.
Those hands rose up to rest on your hips again, so warm through all your clothes. Your breath hitched as he bent his head, though only to graze the tip of his nose along your cheek.
“He thinks about you in your uniform, you know,” he murmured, and squeezed your hips for good measure.
Your heart jumped. Rimmer had only seen you in your uniform once, when the Dwarfers found you in the wreckage of the Atalanta IV. But you weren’t fully conscious for that, so where did the game get it from? Unless it wasn’t lying and Rimmer really had logged in recently.
There was a glint in his eye as he reached up to tuck your hair behind your ear. You watched the corner of Rimmer’s mouth as he grazed his fingertips along the underside of your jaw, his touch so light you had to hold back a shiver. You could watch him explore you for hours.
But if this was your paradise, a world you shaped for yourself from your own wants and desires, then this is not how it would go.
You reached up and slipped your fingers through Rimmer’s hair at the base of his skull and pulled tight. It made him gasp, his eyes squeezing shut, but his open mouth told you it wasn’t out of pain.
Tucking your foot between his, you forced him to twist round until his back was against the door. He hit it a little harder than you intended, but, Io, if it didn’t send a thrill through you.
You leaned in close, your fingers still tightly fisted in his hair, and watched his mouth as he panted breathlessly.
“So handsome…” You pressed your face into the crook of his neck and grazed your teeth there, retaliation for earlier. “I knew you’d be a good boy for me.”
“Oh, darling…” Rimmer’s back arched away from the door, keening under your touch. “Been so long since I’ve been able to feel anything, you’re going to make me- God, been three million years since anyone touched me, darling…”
That made you bite your lip, swallowing down a groan. The idea that none of this was real was growing fainter and fainter in your mind, drowned out by the soft whine Rimmer let out as you pushed your knee between his thighs.
“Christ, darling…”
He huffed, flustered, then suddenly, his eyes met your again, a lot softer and darker than they were earlier.
“Or is it ‘love’?” he said. “Been three million years since anyone touched me, love. Christ, love.” Rimmer raised his eyebrows. “You’ve wondered about that. I know you have. Wondered what I might call you. ‘Lefty’ is for the others but you want him to think you’re special. And I’ll let you in on a little secret… He does.”
His hands found your hips again. Your dress uniform had disappeared and you were back in your shirt and joggers. Rimmer’s hands were so warm, you could feel every inch of them through your clothes.
“I’ve seen all his little fantasies…”
Rimmer pulled you closer, moving your hips until you were practically grinding against each other. It made your voice catch in your throat, your mind going blank.
He grinned, a very Arnold grin that was as arrogant as it was charming, the kind that left you unsure if you wanted to punch him or kiss him.
“He’s a noisy one.”
You didn’t doubt that at all. The way he went on, always needing to have the last word and whining constantly about the others. You knew he’d be a talker, but the thought still made your blood pump a little faster.
“Don’t worry,” You took his wrists and pinned them down by his sides. “I’ve got lots of plans for him, as soon as he gets his body back.”
“If he gets his body back.” Rimmer gave you a pointed look. “You should tell him. Me. You should tell me how you feel.”
The change in conversation made you frown.
“But you just said, what if he never gets his body back?”
“Why should that matter?”
“Well, we wouldn’t be able to…”
You looked down at his wrists, still held tight in your hands; your tangle of legs that allowed him to rock his hips into yours and offer you the friction you’d be craving ever since you entered the flat; and his lips, so close to yours.
He still hadn’t kissed you. Maybe something in the back of your mind simply revered it too much. A quick fumble against the wall, that was fun, that was dizzying, but a kiss? That was too intimate, something weirdly sacred.
Who knows how many times you’d watched Rimmer talk about his favourite telephone poles, or the exciting possibility of aliens, or one of his past lives, drenched in military glory, and daydreamed about how it would feel to slip your hand around his jaw, run your thumb across his cheek, and kiss him so sweetly, he never doubted himself again.
“You like me for me,” Rimmer bent his head and brushed the tip of his nose against yours. “You’re probably the only one in the cosmos.”
You frowned.
“Don’t say that.”
“You see? Always the first to defend me.”
His soft, fond smile made your chest lurch.
The change in pace was disorienting, and the mist was starting to clear from your mind. You had almost forgotten where you were for a moment, forgotten that this wasn’t real and this wasn’t Rimmer.
“You love me. I think that transcends the physical.”
You blanched.
“No one said anything about love.”
“No, no, you’re right. What do I know? I’m just a projection of your psyche.”
Your gut twisted.
It was a sensation you knew you would have no chance describing to anyone else. He spoke so casually, as if it were an undeniable fact, as if you feeling anything more than an embarrassing affection for Rimmer was comparable to the mechanics of gravity or thermal dynamics.
But it wasn’t true. It wasn’t. You weren’t in love with the idiot, you just fancied him a bit. Years in deep space without much in the way of physical touch made you do stupid things. He was handsome. He was funny, sometimes. He was nice to you. That didn’t mean you liked him. That definitely didn’t mean you loved him. The idea was laughable.
But the Rimmer that wasn’t Rimmer was looking down at you, his gaze soft yet steady. He wasn’t real, but he was a projection of your wants, needs, desires, and dreams. Everything he said and did was constructed by your own mind. But you couldn’t deal with that right now. You just couldn’t.
“I should go.”
You carefully untangled yourself from Rimmer. He didn’t protest but you could feel his eyes on you as you straightened out your clothes. Cheeks burning, you tugged at your shirt, pulling it back into place. You hadn’t even realised he’d undone a couple of buttons.
“Thanks for-” You flapped a hand in his general direction, then, feeling painfully awkward, you added, “You were lovely. See you later.”
You turned to leave. You weren’t even sure where you planned to go. Back to the restaurant? To see what else there was to explore here? None of that seemed to matter now. Your heart was pounding in your ears, your body still warm from Rimmer’s wandering hands.
You didn’t get far. One of those lovely hands wrapped around your wrist before you could take another step.
“Wait! Before you go…”
Rimmer gently pulled you back to him. He was so tall, his inclined head meant his curls fell across his forehead, where his H should have been.
“Just one little kiss?” Rimmer raised his eyebrows, his gaze already drifting down to your lips. “That’s what you came here for isn’t it?”
And there it was. The truth at last. Ashamed, you had to look away.
While working in the ship's darkroom, Kryten discovered that the developing fluid had, over the millions of years that Red Dwarf had been drifting aimlessly through space, mutated. They could make photographs come to life.
Not only that, you soon found that you could step through and explore photos and slides, so long as you kept within their borders. Lister soon found a way to change history. Idiotic as this was, it was exhilarating too. You had time travel.
Then it all went blank for a while. As Kryten later explained, after everything had calmed down considerably, changing one aspect of history meant that Lister never joined the Space Corps. This led to no Cat, no Kryten, and no you.
The next thing you knew, everything was back to normal. Despite the odd, sickening feeling that sat in your chest - a by-product of suddenly not existing in one time stream and reappearing in another - you felt okay.
You only heard the shouting when you were halfway out of the cargo bay door.
“I’m alive!”
It made you stop in your tracks.
“Textures! I can feel, I can fondle! Don't you think it’s incredible! I! Am! Alive!”
The explosion rocked the cargo bay. By some miracle, you, Cat and Lister were well out of its reach. It didn’t seem to bother the boys, this was all just another day for them, but when you realised what had happened, you thought you might be sick.
Later, when Rimmer was bemoaning being a hologram again and Kryten was explaining everything that had happened one more time, just so you could wrap your head around it all, it dawned on you that you’d missed an opportunity you would never meet again.
For just a few minutes, Rimmer had been alive. He was here, he was solid, he was real. You could have touched him. You could have held him. You could have grabbed him by his stupid face and pulled him into a kiss so outrageously good, he’d never ever want to stop.
But you missed it. You missed him. And now you were stuck again, uncertain and confused and scared of your own feelings.
It’s why you wanted to try Better Than Life. It’s why you wanted to find Rimmer here. You thought if you finally got to feel him, feel the warmth of him, feel his hands against your skin and his mouth against yours, it might cure a crush that had been steadily growing with every passing day. And the game knew it.
“Just one kiss.” Rimmer raised his index finger. “One kiss, darling. I know how badly you want to. You’ve been dreaming about it for so long now.”
“Shut up. I haven’t.”
Rimmer spread his hands.
“Arguing with yourself. I don’t need to point out the irony there, do I?”
He smiled.
“He really does love it when you call him that. And if it helps, he’s been dreaming about you too.”
The question sat on the tip of your tongue but you refused to give this Not Rimmer the satisfaction. Still, your mind span. It must have shown on your face because he smiled.
“It’s true, darling. He dreams about exactly this. Just you and him. He dreams about what you might do to him the moment you get him alone. And I’ve seen all your dreams too. I know everything. That one the other night? My, my… Shutting him up at last by sitting on his f-”
You were playing right into his hands, you knew that. You also didn't care. Time to get what you came here for.
You cupped Rimmer’s face between your hands and pulled him down to kiss you, hard. He let out a little ‘mmpf!’ of surprise, just like you knew he would, because the thought of him being sweetly stunned, and the little noises that came with it, had always turned you on, and this game was designed to please you.
Rimmer soon got over his shock. He kissed you back, matching your intensity, and let you push him up against the door without a fight. It was his hands finding your hips again that brought you back down to reality.
Heart hammering, you broke away.
Rimmer’s eyes were still closed, his lips slightly parted. When he did finally open them, he looked dazed, like he couldn’t think straight, couldn’t think at all. You knew how he felt.
There. You’d kissed him. And it was good. You got what you came for. You should go now. Who knows how long you’d been in the game. What if the boys were looking for you?
But then Rimmer smiled softly. He reached up and brushed his fingertips against your cheek. You both knew it would be your last chance to touch each other. You weren’t coming back here.
“You know,” he said quietly, all the mischief and antagonism gone from his tone, like your kiss had knocked it out of him. “I’m serious, love. You should tell him. He’s never going to believe it otherwise.”
“He won’t believe me anyway. And what if he doesn’t feel the same way? And he’s a hologram, I-”
“He will. He does. And… So what?”
Rimmer’s smile was a little sad. But then his gaze dropped to your mouth. He licked his lips. It was such a human display of nervousness that for a moment, you found yourself forgetting again.
“Can we…?” He swallowed thickly. “Could we do that again?”
You were only human.
Smiling, you ran a hand over the slope of Rimmer’s broad shoulder, the other slipping round his jaw as you leaned in and pressed your lips to his.
That should’ve been it. It should’ve been enough. A quick kiss to sate your curiosity, just as Rimmer said. But then he squeezed your hips, and as you tilted your head to the side, you felt him let out the softest, tiniest moan.
You gripped Rimmer tighter, one hand on his strong upper arm now, the other looping around his neck so that you could play with the little curls at the nape of his neck again. And all the while, a thought, translucent and frail, whispered through your mind.
You should stop. You should really stop…
Rimmer groaned into your mouth, low and rough, pressing tighter against you as his lips moved against yours. He kissed like a man who’d only gotten the slightest bit of physical attention while he was alive, and had spent the last three million years craving more.
Before you knew it, you’d pushed him back down onto the sofa and fallen into his lap, your hands cupping his jaw, his still on your hips. You bit his lip, hoping to make him moan again.
Rimmer’s big hands slipped up your back, just as your fingers found their way into his hair. You couldn’t resist rocking against him, just to see what he’d do.
“C’mon, pretty boy, I wanna hear you.”
Rimmer’s hips jumped, his fingers tightening around you. He moaned against your lips, his mouth falling open, and you took his jaw between your fingers, grateful for the opportunity to press your tongue against his.
It was only when he whispered your name against your mouth that the fog began to clear. The illusion became more obvious. He didn't taste of anything. Didn’t smell, feel or look right. He wasn’t your Arnold. And this was nothing more than a dream.
You broke away but didn’t get far. Your lips brushed his, sharing one breath as you gazed at each other, stunned and warmed and dizzy with the need to go further. But this wasn’t real. It wasn’t real.
You smiled and ran your hand through his lovely, curly hair one last time.
“Off,” you said, and the game dissolved around you.
You yanked off the headset and pulled in a lungful of air. It felt like you’d been swimming up for hours, your arms and legs aching, your chest about to burst, and had finally broken through the surface.
Standing on uncertain legs, you glanced at the clock and saw that you’d only been gone for about an hour. The boys probably hadn’t even noticed you were gone.
Feebly, you found your way out into the corridor, hoping to put the game back where you found it and forget all you’d seen there. But then there he was, the very man you were hoping not to bump into for at least a week.
Rimmer looked pleased to see you, but you were too frazzled to enjoy it. Your heart was still thumping, thanks to his wandering hands.
“Ah, there you are!”
His green H glinted under the bright lights, a jarring and permanent reminder of just how pathetic your situation was.
“I’ve been looking for you,” he said, smiling.
It took a moment to get your tongue working. It was frankly a little disconcerting to suddenly be having a normal conversation with the man you’d just made out with in a VR game.
“You have? Why?”
Your voice was croaky from lack of use. Hopefully he’d think you’d just woken up from a nap.
Rimmer rolled back and forth on his feet, moving from his heels to his toes, his hands held tight behind his back. He was too excited to notice the game and its headset stashed awkwardly behind your back.
“Chess?” he asked.
You smiled.
“I’d love to, Arnie.”
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bicycle4two · 1 year
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christmas oneshot starring  jason and his little mouse from built to love, but broken now
find more ficlets of this couple here
I saw Jason kissing...
Honestly, Jason didn’t mean to forget Christmas.
To be fair, it’s Christmas Eve so he didn’t actually forget Christmas itself, but still,  it’s cutting it close and, well,  it’s a holiday that’s kind of hard to miss with all the red and green décor. Frankly, he hasn’t had much to do with the holiday the past two years, never really had anyone to celebrate it with, to buy gifts for, so it was more out of habit that he paid no mind to the lights, the music, all the peppermint flavored food advertised on café and restaurant windows.
It’s in pretty poor practice that he doesn’t notice such obvious signs, he’s a detective, he’s supposed to see these things, observe, but he’s been busy. There were finals to study for, drug deals to bust, bad guys to rough up and throw in jail, sometimes even the hospital first. Jason’s got better things to do than stuff some stockings or prepare chocolate chip cookies and milk to leave out for Santa Claus.
The jolly old saint wouldn’t be able to get them anyway, what with Jason’s new security system set up.
So, really, it was only when Jason stopped a robbery by criminals dressed in red with sacks thrown over their shoulders that he finally got the hint. The red hats with white cotton balls glued to the ends of their point helped, too.
“Pretty sure Santa’s supposed to be leaving the gifts, not taking them.” He says as his only warning, just so he could see the look on their faces when they realize who’s caught them, before he shoots, careful to not kill anyone, but definitely aimed to scare, to immobilize.
It’s an easy fight. The Santa-wannabes go down easily, so easily that Jason’s a little disappointed.
But it’s Christmas Eve, so maybe it’s a sign that he should head back home, spend the holiday with someone he actually cares about.
It’s just that he doesn’t really have a gift to give, nothing to put under the small tree—now he realizes that it’s a Christmas tree—she had set up on the table next to their sofa and all the shops are closed early so that employees clock out and be with their families. Maybe he could make something, but no, that’s a bad idea. It all circles back to everything being closed and not having enough time.
He really should have been paying more attention. He’s pretty sure the grocery he was at the other day was blaring Jingle Bells, maybe even that song about the reindeer with the nose, while he looked for ingredients for spaghetti and meatballs.
wer r u?
come home soon?
The words, like always, tickle when they appear on his skin, like a gentle caress trying to get his attention. Jason stares at the words on his skin, the way her penmanship looks so soft and dainty against the harsh scars and thinks that he’ll just make it up to her when he gets home. He’ll cook dinner tonight, he’s sure he can whip up something Christmas-y and if he can’t, well, cookies are always an option. It’s the first thing Alfred taught him to make and the years of anger and hurt could not wash away those memories.
“There you are!” She greets once he’s inside the door.
There’s Christmas music playing softly in the background and Jason notes that their apartment is dimly lit, a sort of orange makes their living room seem warm, cozy, in theme. She’s set the mood. But he needs to get out of his boots first so he doesn’t track any dirt or grime onto their nice clean floors. It takes a second, it’s needlessly complicated but he needs the support so he can’t really complain.
“I’m back, mouse. Sorry I’m late,” he says, voice distracted as he works on the other boot. His gaze is lowered, focused on the clasps and the laces, but once he’s free from it, he straightens up, which, hurts, but at least he’s home and she’s always been good at alleviating his pain.
The first thing he sees are her white, thigh high socks. No, that’s not right. They’re not completely white, no, each leg has a red bow tied around her thigh, squeezing the flesh in such a way that Jason’s first thought is that he wants to bite it.
Which is shocking, he normally tries to push those kinds of thoughts away, but his eyes continue their journey anyway, taking in the shortness of her red dress, the way the white lining barely covers what Jason has yet to be privy to. There’s a thick black belt around her waist, cinching it, revealing curves that she doesn’t normally show off. Then there’s that white lining again teasing him, taunting him, daring him to keep his gaze on her chest, on the exposed skin.
And Jason, Jason is only human so he lingers for a second longer than he normally would.
He wonders what else he’ll find her wearing, wonders if she’s wearing a Santa hat, too. He thinks that red is definitely her color and Jason’s pretty sure he’ll never look at a gold belt buckle the same way again. So, he’s excited to take in what she looks like above her tantalizing costume, see what she’s done with her make up, her hair, but what he sees once he moves on from the slope of her shoulders, her neck, makes him to burst out into laughter.
“Mouse. Seriously?”
“What?” She says in the most innocent tone she can muster and he’s pretty sure she’s grinning behind the white beard she has on. “You don’t like?”
“I just didn’t expect—is that glued on?”
She strokes her beard in a thoughtful manner and Jason finds himself laughing all over again.
“I think it completes the look.”
“You’re looking very festive, yes. Have you been wearing that the whole night?”
“Nah. I threw this on just for you.” She approaches him now, hips swaying, and the image is very confusing with the beard. She’s slow to wrap her arms around him, always giving him a chance to stop her if he wanted to, but Jason’s used to her touch, craves it, so he welcomes her embrace. Even if the beard is a little itchy. “So tell me, have you been a good boy this year?”
“Oh, most definitely not.” He tugs on her beard, sees that its simply looped around her ears.
“Darn. Guess that means no present for you.” Her shoulders sag and she even manages to look a little disappointed.
“I’m sure you can make an exemption?” His hands seem to have a mind of their own, they’re enjoying the velvety texture of her dress, rubbing up and down, daring to even go lower.
“No can do. I’m a stickler for the rules.” But still she manages to step even closer, craning her neck to look at him and Jason has to tilt his chin down so he can keep her gaze. His hands take this as their chance to make a move and oh, would you look at that, she doesn’t seem to mind. “But, I am a sucker for tradition.”
It says a lot about their relationship, how in tune they are, that Jason can practically read her mind, can tell that she wants him to look up with just a pump of her eyebrows, a flutter of her lashes. And when Jason tears his eyes away from her to see what she has hung on the ceiling, he grins.
“So, what do you say?” Her voice brings his attention back to her and Jason, Jason has never been more in love with her. “Feeling the Christmas spirit?”
“Lose the beard, mouse.”
And she tears it off quickly if not a little violently, snapping the elastic off and tossing the beard over her shoulder. Jason feels the sting behind his own ears, but he finds that he doesn’t particularly care right now because there’s his girl, his pretty little mouse, all decked out in his color.
“Merry Christmas, Jason,” she whispers, eyes closing as their faces draw closer together.
Their kiss is sweet, she’s definitely had some hot chocolate while waiting for him, and Jason can’t help himself, he deepens the kiss in a way that makes her let out a surprised squeak before she melts into his embrace.
And Jason, Jason thinks he’s never going to forget Christmas now.
happy holidays to you all!
didn't think i'd be writing a christmas special(?) but i've been home the whole day and well, why not? i hope you enjoy this piece ☺
thanks so much for all the love and support you give these two, too!
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omniblades-and-stars · 2 months
Future and secret for the OC ask?
I have a lot of OCs so I'll answer for Lou, Nilea and Inonsi
future: What's the worst possible future for your OC? Are they taking steps to avoid that outcome? Are they even aware it's a possibility?
Lou: The worst possible future Lou is someone who was not able to overcome her traumas and continued to experience a downward spiral of depression and fear and just holed up in her parents house and stayed on Earth and probably developed a substance abuse disorder. She is aware that this was a possibility, and with some encouragement from her father, she goes on to experience a very full life.
Nilea: The worst possible future for Nilea is one where she lets her anger and dismay get the best of her and decides that it's not even worth trying to do something good. So maybe she just keeps on with the shitty merc band she joins, and she just continues to grow more and more jaded. And then she becomes harsh and bitter and violent.
I think Nilea is well aware of how she tends towards that sort of embittered apathy and looks for ways she can make a difference in the word around her very actively to avoid sinking down to that.
Inonsi: Inonsi doesn't make it a habit to plan so far ahead for her future. She is a creature of the here and now. If the worst future was to happen she would become cruelly greedy, but it's so hard for me to imagine her as cruel, I'm not even sure what would need for her to become cruel. It's just so antithetical to her whole personality that I don't even know if I can conceptualize it.
This isn't to say that she's a perfect little ray of sunshine who has never done wrong. She tends to be selfish, so if things go to the dark side, there is a capacity for cruel behavior. I just think it would take a great deal to push her there.
secret: What's one secret your OC never wants anyone to know about them?
Oh this is a good question that I had not really considered at this point. That's why answering this one has taken me so long.
Lou: I think Lou less has some sort of dark secret and more that she doesn't want people to identify in her a tendency toward episodes of depresssion and getting caught up in dysfunctional and codependent relationships. She knows these things about herself, but would vehemntly deny it if someone just said it out loud.
She'd rather most people just believe that she's totally fine, damn it.
Nilea: When Nilea was still an active part of the turian military, she very seriously considered going AWOL. Eventually, she just did what she always did up until PtK, and that was grit her teeth and keep doing it. She will probably never admit it because she feels like it would reflect very poorly on her. And somehow be another way she failed her mother (who's expectations never aligned with Nilea's, but even a couple of years after Juna's death she still has complicated feelings about that.)
Oh also she really likes kitschy little statues and memorabilia, but she would never, ever, ever admit it out loud.
Inonsi: Inonsi is a star-system hopping thief. Her brand of secrets is less shameful world-shattering information about past deeds so much as trade secrets. Her most personal secret is definitely her father's identity and location. Ever since the fiasco she caused as a teenager trying to emulate dear, old dad, she has taken extra care around protecting him and his interests.
Even through some .... interesting times in her family's history (that were definitely pop's fault) she remains quite loyal to him. And would, in fact, put herself in harm's way to keep his location and identity a secret. It is kind of a two person mob situation.
She doesn't worry too much about protecting her mother’s identity since her mom long ago divorced her dad and moved on with her life. Inonsi has a good relationship with her mom, and goes to visit her and her slightly age inappropriate boyfriend every once in awhile.
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hopecomesbacktolife · 2 months
top 5 star trek episodes you’d recommend to a newbie
ahh I love this ask, thank you so much for sending it to me!!! I love Star Trek so much and I love to talk about it and share it with other people too 😊🫶🏻
tbh it was pretty hard for me to pick only five episodes haha, because I truly do love so many of them!! but, for example, some episodes I love for a specific reason; maybe they’re really gay/queer, or full of just absolute silliness, or have really good arcs focused on a specific topic or theme (war, aging, identity, religion, gender, home, race, politics, honor, etc) or I connect with them because I can relate based on experiences in my life; and some of them are incredible episodes but need a lot of background or buildup for the episode itself to pay off, so— not including any like that helped me to narrow it down quite a bit ☺️
I do also want to mention that I’ve only seen the older Star Treks; almost anything made past 2000/‘01 is still in the category of stuff I have yet to watch, so I’m only basing my recommendations on the ones I’ve seen!
that said, here’s five episodes that I would say are incredible, wonderful, amazing episodes, that give a good idea of what Star Trek is like as a whole, are watchable with little to no prior knowledge of the franchise, and show what this beautiful franchise is capable of 💗 the blurbs won’t have specific spoilers but general episode themes/motifs are mentioned as to some of the reasons I love these ones! I’ve listed them ranging from oldest to newest:
TOS season 1 episode 14: The Devil In The Dark
This one is an incredible episode about fearing the unknown, the hurt that can cause, the life-saving importance of showing empathy to that which is not understood, the importance of not reacting out of fear but out of compassion, and it’s got several really good moments for the core cast. It also gives a sense aesthetically of what TOS is like along with character dispositions, and is just all around a great episode! Beautiful classic lovely 60s campiness and philosophy and heartwarming hope 🫶🏻
TNG season 2 episode 9: The Measure Of A Man
This is probably one of the most famous episodes of Star Trek, and while that doesn’t always mean it’s a great (or, let’s be honest, even a passably good) episode… in this case, it truly is! The episode revolves around what constitutes humanity, what constitutes consciousness, and whether one being has the right to proclaim that status, or the lack thereof, upon another being. fans of The Hunchback of Notre Dame will love this episode (it’s me I’m fans!) because it deals with a lot of the same motifs. also standing up to a govt. system when that system is causing harm. also telling bigots to shove it in the name of compassion and human(etc) rights. 10/10 of an episode, with the cherry on top of lots of incredible, impassioned Patrick Stewart speeches. *chefs kiss* what a good episode and intro to TNG!
DS9 season 1 episode 19: Duet
Ough, this episode. Perhaps one of the most relevant-to-today episodes from the 1990s, not just in trek but across any media. Themes of war, what it means to be an oppressor, what it means to be a bystander, what it means to be stuck in a system you feel like you have no choice but to comply with, the immeasurable guilt following an absence of protesting to horrible things, anger and rage and grief and sadness and harshness and tenderness and. I just.
I’m biased toward this episode because one of my favorite characters of all time is one of the main focuses in this one, but it’s truly just so good. It’s one of those episodes without a happy ending, without a “neat” or simple answer to the question it posits; it asks it of the audience, then shows you various potential arguments around the topic, but the issue itself is so vast that rather than trying to answer it it leaves the question open, and imho is all the more poignant for doing so. it’s about how violence harms and harms and harms and reacting with anger, and reacting with compassion, and both, and neither, and more, and autonomy, and accountability, and just. it’s really, really good.
Voyager season 5 episode 2, Drone
this is another one that just tugs on my heart every time, and I’m left weeping by the end of every single rewatch. Voyager is particularly incredible at examining over and over again throughout its’ seasons: what does it mean to be human? To have autonomy? To be recognized as an equal? To have rights? What happens when you make choices others don’t agree with? Will they respect it? Do they respect you?
This episode deals with a lot of those themes, but by using a character who, over the course of the show, repeatedly grapples with her own complicated self-image and continually fluctuating view of her own humanity (or lack of) and then bringing in a character who is half mirror of this half everything just beyond her reach, and their learning from each other, it’s… it’s truly one of the best episodes in the series, I think. It’s beautiful and emotive and endearing and heartfelt and happy and oh-so-sad and just. it’s so good.
(if parts of this episode are vaguely confusing— why does that lady have that on her face?— a very, very preliminary skim of the Wikipedia article on the Borg should provide some context, but almost none is necessary for the purposes of watching this episode, I don’t think! Just wanted to throw that in there in case it was needed ☺️)
Voyager season 6 episode 12: Blink Of An Eye
I realized that a lot of the episodes I listed here tend towards the more heavy-emotional side, and I wanted to be sure I included an episode with a much more hopeful, optimistic, (as Tolkien would say) love-mingled-with-grief kind of happiness about it, and one that’s really focused on a scientific marvel and filled with wonder and is at once vast and yet deeply personal and evocative; this episode fits that perfectly! I truly adore this episode for so many reasons; it’s a beautifully lovely premise, it’s done incredibly well, it toes the line between melancholic-yet-hopeful and straight-up sad with great skill, it’s got so many fun science ideas in it, it’s an homage to scientists and sci-fi and hope and dreaming and faith and fact and love and family and friendship and love and loss and, I just. I really love this one. It’s one of the most comforting episodes of Star Trek to me, it’s like a hug in episode form. I truly love it, I love how the characters get to act in it, I love the themes and motifs it plays with and how it does so, it’s a beautifully shot episode, and it makes me feel so many emotions. It’s so good, *chefs kiss* 10/10 🫶🏻
There’s many more that are incredible, fantastic episodes, but these five include some of my favorites that are also watchable without really any prior trek knowledge, and to me are some of the best of trek as well 🖖🏻💗 I truly hope you enjoy them, and if you ever feel like chatting about them or Star Trek in general, my ask box and messages are always open!! I hope you have so much fun watching 😊
oh ps. tos = the original series (1960s), tng = the next generation (late 80s- early 90s), ds9 = deep space nine (90s) and voyager is also from the 90s! and this 🖖🏻 is the Vulcan salute, it’s like a sign of respect and friendliness when shown ☺️
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