#like yes Luna and Nyx didn't get a lot of time to know each other but at least they'd spoken in the past ten years yknow
I genuinely love that Kingsglaive is just the most by-the-books action movie ever. Like it’s so Hollywood Summer Blockbuster it’s funny. Which honestly suits how goddamn American the setting of FFXV is. But yeah like in the middle of all the fantasy video game shit in FFXV, like, Die Hard happens off-screen in the middle of the prologue. It’s great.
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whostarlockeda03 · 3 years
Nyx for the ask meme
Nyx, you say, my favourite boy?! I hope you're ready for a looong answer, anon! XD
First impression: So literally the first thing we see of Nyx is him saving Pelna and another glaive with that freakin' awesome throat-cutting warp move! I was immediately drawn to him, because I am a sucker for characters who go all out to save everyone because they don't think their own life is worth taking care of. By the time he laughed and said that iconic line, I knew I was gonna love him.
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Impression now: Well, Nyx is hands down my favourite ffxv character, so I guess that initial love went nowhere XD In all honesty, I don't think my impression of him has changed all that much, really. He's a good man, who loves his friends fiercely and would do anything for them, no matter the personal cost. He's reckless, yes, because he has no sense of his own self-worth and I love the way we get to see the cracks in his façade in KG, I really do. It's so painfully obvious he has this mask of confidence-bordering-on-arrogance but underneath that he's still a wreck from everything he's gone through - losing his home, his family, losing his friends... he's unspeakably sad, but I think that gives him so much more depth and feeling.
The scene with Luna especially, where he talks about Selena and we get to see all the vulnerable, sharp edges in him, that makes him feel so much more relatable than even Noctis, imo.
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^^^^^^And this moment right here, when there's only his captain around to see him - look at his face! Nyx Ulric, Hero of the Kingsglaive is not here. This is Nyx, just Nyx, a guy who's lost everything - and then some - who almost watched his closest friend die and he isn't okay but hell if he lets anyone else see this side of him (except Luna) in the entire film! He doesn't even get close to this level of openness after he and Libertus find out about Crowe! Don't get me wrong, he's destroyed by losing her, but look:
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Look at how he's keeping it together, whether for Libertus, or because he just can't bear being so vulnerable.
There's so much about him that's so relatable on so many levels.
(And getting slightly off-topic here, but I love that KG didn't shy away from including his ptsd and the flashbacks of Selena's voice and all that because it was such an effective way of getting across so much of the extra hidden depth of his character in a film that had very little time to focus on character development because of the overarching plot.)
Having said that, I still think there's a lot more raw potential for his character that never got used. Even just little things, like the fact that Ulric rough translates to 'ruler' - given the way other characters are named in ffxv, does that mean he was a big deal in Galahd? Is it just in reference to the fact that he's the one who takes charge when Drautos is conspicuously absent? Alas, we'll never know. But that's what fanfics are for, right?
Favourite moment: Oh, it'd have to be the rooftop scene with Luna. Specifically that moment when Luna asks to meet her would-have-been rescuer and Nyx just. Shakes his head ever so slightly. Looks away.
I don't know why, but there's something about that moment that gets me every time.
Idea for a story: Ah, so many. Too many, really. As you might know, I'm currently writing (and posting) Papa Pelna and His Little Hero, a fic where Nyx manages to get himself de-aged somehow (and is honestly just an excuse to explore Nyx's childhood and Pelna's dad skills - Pelna is a dad, okay? You will not change my mind XD) but I'm also in the early stages of another fic centred around child Nyx, which looks into whether or not he's a big deal, as I touched on earlier.
Unpopular opinion: Sometimes, Nyx gets annoyed by Libertus. Sometimes, he just needs some peace and some space, and Libertus can't always fathom that. They butt heads a lot for 'best friends' but they manage to resolve their differences without too many bruised feelings, and they've got each other's backs, always.
Favourite relationship: PromNyx. Hands down. This is my otp, I love them. I think they compliment each other so well. Prompto has boundless optimism where Nyx is more realistic, but they both have their insecurities and they'd understand each other and be able to soothe the other's hurts and fears. Yeah, definitely PromNyx, and CorNyx is a close second.
Favourite headcanon: There's something about Nyx that sets him apart, even from his Galahdian peers. He's important, in some way, to the prophecy. He's a key player in the events to come, not that he knows it.
That's it. That's the headcanon. And I have several takes on it already sitting in my WIP pile waiting for me to finish them XD
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