#like. chim gets him back (bc i want chim to be able to save his brother 😭) but then he loses rhythm again as they get to the hospital
chronicowboy · 2 years
if buck's heart restarts when eddie's the one giving him chest compressions
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disaster-j · 8 days
Let us make one thing very clear
Eddie is NOT OKAY with Gerard's bs behaviour
I don't need to watch the episode to know that's not what this is about. I've been with this character for six seasons I have followed him through quite a harrowing journey for six years of his life. I know the kind of person Eddie Diaz is and if you've watched this show you should too.
Eddie would never be OKAY with anything Gerard says or does. But Eddie spent most of his life struggling under his parents' expectations and Eddie has an army background and Eddie has been shown to be someone who is not comfortable with going against authority figures. It's part of why his argument with Bobby in s5 was so impactful and made it so clear that he was acting off. Because Eddie Diaz, as much as he is a fighter in his personal life, is a follower in the workspace.
On top of that, unlike Buck who is new to belonging to a minority and hasn't had to ever face bigotry targeted towards him, Eddie grew up with the last name Diaz in small-town Texas. He's very well acquainted with bigotry and has a better understanding of when fighting back works and when it will just blow up in your own face.
We saw in Hen Begins that while Hen fighting back was important to inspire the others to also fight back against Gerard, it wasn't until Chim, Sal and Tommy sent in complaints that they were able to make any kind of progress on the official front. In a situation like this it goes beyond just strength in numbers. You cannot fight it out alone without fucking up your own career. Take it from a queer woman working in a problematic environment in a patriarchal country, it's much easier to lose your job for standing up for yourself than it is to keep your head down and try to just get through the day.
And Gerard? Has the full support of a politician with a personal grudge. Think about it. What is Buck really gonna accomplish by yelling it out with Gerard on the fire station floor? Is it gonna help the situation or make everything that much worse for himself and possibly the others too? Is there perhaps a better way to deal with Gerard that doesn't risk losing their jobs which requires keeping your head down around the guy?
Bc trust me, if I hated my boss and wanted him out. I would not give him a reason to suspect me when he still has power over me. It's what Chim, Sal and Tommy did and it saved Hen's career and contributed to Gerard getting kicked tf out.
My point being. Yes it's good to stand up for what's right. But sometimes it's necessary to keep your head down and not get into useless arguments with someone who is not only incapable of understanding anyone's perspective other than their own but will also gladly ruin your life and career just bc he felt mildy provoked by your existence.
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eddiediazismyhusband · 3 months
I got bored and have now decided how Episode 2 of Season 8 should go. (This is on the hopeful assumption that Gerrard will only last about 3 episodes).
So we obviously need at least one episode of dickhead Gerrard (who I guess no one can report since he’s working with the evil councilwomen). So maybe Eddies on a leave to deal with his son, so he hasn’t met Gerrard as captain yet until episode two. 
So, Eddie is obviously going to be quite reckless and self-loathing this season. 
Hen, having almost lost Mara, will be sympathetic towards him (especially since Chim has the sarcastic side in the bag, what can’t you say about a man’s dead wife’s doppelgänger, he’s def gonna make a Vertigo movie reference). 
But Eddie and Hen worked together and know each other well, they’re basically siblings. She knows when he needs space. So, after a reckless “Buck style” save from Eddie, he’ll come up the stairs where most people are, and when Hen comes over to talk to him he’ll give her a “I can’t right now” look and carry on past.
But to everyone else he looks like he dismissed her (except they know Eddie doesn’t mean to be rude).
However… Gerrard doesn’t. Gerrard who only really knows Eddie as “that guy who did the crazy save earlier” and hasn’t really talked to anyone so far (cause he’s mad at himself and distancing himself).
So he’ll go over to Eddie and say “Well it’s nice to have a traditional guy around. Not listening to the useless comments.“ with a pointed look at Hen. And then he’ll clap Eddie on the back.
Eddie who’s heard all the stories of what Hen went through. Eddie who saw women get discriminated against in the army. Eddie who’s pissed off and lost everything.
And he’ll deck Gerrard in the face. 
The chief comes in starts interviewing everyone about it. 
(They could even do this episode from the end. With everyone talking to the Chief, trying to cover for Eddie at the start of the episode- we as the viewers not necessarily knowing it was Eddie who punched him- and then have his identity revealed to the viewers but not the Chief through the episode, with interview style scenes).
And just when the Chief goes downstairs and Gerrard comes out says he’s found the security footage of the punch… Ravi comes up the stairs.
So turns out a few years ago Gerrard was sued (or maybe he was married and got a divorce idk). And so he moved out of his house into a nice, big apartment since he could afford that better. 
And guess what? Ravi OWNS the apartment building.
So “unless you want horrific credit and nowhere to live Captain I strongly suggest you drop this right now.”
(A nice comparison to Ravi who wanted nothing to do with the 118 gang when he first met them). 
So together they all (totally not suspiciously) tell the Chief everything’s okay and Gerrard got hurt on a call. 
Yay, Ravi saves the day. And then we get a cute look between Ravi and Eddie because I really want them as friends. 
(Also side note, Athena and Harry are similar to Eddie and Chris, I really hope Athena and Eddie get a conversation about how to deal when your child doesn’t trust you as much and blames you for things, especially since I hope Athena regrets hitting Harry). 
STOP I LOVE THIS ravi saving the day not only as a poc character but as a character who, like you said, originally started out not wanting to be a part of the 118 would be such a great way to usher him in as a main cast member to solidify his place (keep manifesting for ravi main yall 🙏🙏) AND we get more landlord ravi shenanigans (ik it’s one of the more crack elements of the show but ravi being a landlord kills me)
and i agree athena and hen both know what eddie’s going through having to watch a child leave and (athena w harry and hen w both nia and mara) so him having that support would create such interesting dynamics… (even karen too bc i need more eddie & karen friendship moments pls and thank you) i also think athena being able to have a conversation with him about letting go of a romantic partner after losing them suddenly would be so beneficial to eddie too, AND the complexity of her relationship with michael as well could provide some context to eddie’s feelings that he may not have realized before (*cough cough* queer eddie *cough cough*👀👀👀)
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archerincombat · 3 years
Re: your lawsuit post, THANK YOU!!
Bobby for one should have apologized both to Buck for holding him back and for not even telling him it was his decision, and to Buck's whole medical équipe who signed on him being ready for work and whose professional opinion was summarily dismissed! Like, the man survived a tsunami only to save a shitton if other people too, how're you gonna tell him he's not ready for work???
Chim and Hen I feel were more sympathetic to him, but they still didn't exactly stick up for him either way, and I felt like they just didn't want to take sides. In the end, it wasn't really their business unless they decided to take a side, which brings me to:
Listen, I know Eddie had his problems, I understand the motivations and everything and I read tons of meta about his side of the whole thing and even agree-- but on the whole we saw Buck apologize to him twice (which, btw, I feel like Buck just wasn't used to being missed bc of his previous experiences and so it didn't even occur to him someone would be mad at him for not being able to talk for a short period), while nothing was ever said about Eddie's words during the grocery store. Which:
1, he's not "making Bobby the bad guy" when he's actually bringing up a trend that even the FD acknowledged, considering they wanted to settle the lawsuit with money (ie, there WAS a case). Furthermore, as stated before, this wasn't about him at all, and Eddie was the one who choose to side with Bobby (for pretty flimsy reasons and I guess out of mostly resentment), when he could have just taken offence at the no contact order (which, I guess, fair)
2, I agree the "you're exhausting" thing didn't really touch Buck as much bc Eddie after took care of always listening and being supportive to him (see: the entirety of s4), but in my opinion the part that really hurt him was the "you make everything about you" (don't remember the exact quote). That he did internalize, especially considering both the others keep compounding it (Eddie during the kitchen scene and Chim when talking about Red, that I remember), and we have a lot of examples of this (his conversation with Maddie about Red, and then during Buck begins when he says he doesn't want to make the Daniel situation about him even though his whole childhood was affected by it)
3, what personal information did he disclose to his lawyer, exactly???? Bobby is a recovering alcoholic: the FD knew. Chimney returned to work after 1 month of recovery: again, public record. Hen used to work for the blood thinners company: I feel like this info didn't even come from him, bc it sounds like such an useless detail that even if Hen had specified it was blood thinners she used to help sell, Buck probably wouldn't remember it, so it was probably more the lawyer sleuthing; and anyway, still not personal info. Eddie came back soon after his wife's death: public record!! Buck didn't say anything about the situation, their relationship or even how she died, only that he took a shorter mourning leave than the department mandated or something! That was what the whole case hinged on, the disparity in treatment, and even then he looked uncomfortable with how much the lawyer revealed (and btw, again, we don't know how much of this PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE he actually told the lawyer and how much the lawyer found out for himself when building the case).
4, I have no idea how long the process took, and I'm a buddie shipper so I've read the posts about how this is proof of how important Buck was to the Diazes and agree, but did HE know at the time? Again, not used to being missed. Furthermore, as far as we know he had no idea Chris was suffering from tsunami's nightmares, and I get that Eddie was mostly projecting his issues with Shannon on him, but to reiterate: Buck had no obligations to them, and yet still I have no doubt he would have told his lawyer to get fucked if Eddie had called him bc of Chris or when he was arrested (alright, this is speculation on my part but not even that much, really).
I also think we assume a lot about the situation, but the show never actually tells us what Bobby told all of them, how they found out in the first place, if they tried to contact Buck at all or just went "oh, ok, I won't talk to him, then", how much they were actually seeing him before (considering he was that desperate to come back, I'm gonna hazard a "not a lot"; see: the Red episode and him feeling alone while the others are busy with their families).
Was it an impulsive and out of scale reaction to the situation? Maybe, but from a story standpoint it needed to be something more dramatic than "he complained to the union and they resolved it quietly", and as it was pointed out it's useless to compare it to a real life situation, bc there's little that would have actually happened this way irl. Also, Bobby blocking his career for an unspecified and possibly long period of time against the specialists' opinion felt kind of big, too.
Sorry for the long rant but I'm passionate about this! Also, no bashing meant on any of the characters, and I definitely don't think anybody was absolutely right or wrong in this (as lawsuit era fics make it seem), but yeah, the lawsuit was between Bobby and Buck and the only unwitting "victim" was Christopher.
Thank you for unwillingly coming to my ted talk!
Ok, ok, ok, THANK YOU for this character analysis because I also have SO much to say about that arc.
Responding to your ask chronologically: Bobby. He absolutely should’ve attempted an apology, but I don’t think a simple ‘sorry’ would have been enough in his case. This, to me, goes deeper than medical responsibility or whatever bullshit Bobby came up with to keep Buck off the team.
I’m a HUGE fan of how much Bobby cares about Buck, and I truly believe Buck sees Bobby and Athena as the parents he never had, but in those few episodes, Bobby essentially said: I think of you as a child and unable to take care of yourself if the situation warrants it. But that’s not how it comes across. The first thing Buck says to the lawyer is, “They’re my family.” And Bobby goes and throws it in his face when he says, “I can’t put them (20 other firefighters) at risk.” OR: I do not trust you with our family.
And… what the fuck?? Even if it is a cover up, that’s such a shitty thing to say. Especially when Bobby knows how Buck regards him. Even Athena calls him out on it. Bobby’s so high and mighty during the lawsuit when it’s HIS emotions that cloud him – “They’re just idiot kids! They could’ve died!”. It becomes so obvious that Bobby’s relationship with Buck is skewing his logic. And Bobby. Never. Apologizes. Instead, he says, “The brass didn’t want the headache. They’re afraid of the bad press. My house, my rules.” Bobby’s afraid. He’s afraid, because he saw Buck vomiting up blood and he doesn’t want to see it happen at work, under Bobby’s watch, and he’s projecting – similarly to Eddie, but I’ll touch on that later.
Chim and Hen were definitely better. Then again, the lawsuit wasn’t as harsh on them. What’s that saying? “Grief's only ever as deep as the love it's replaced.” BUT, I will say that I wish, I wish, I wish they’d thrown Buck a Welcome Back Party. I know that’s absolutely not Chim/Hen’s fault because, as much as they march to the beat of their own drum, a party in that tense atmosphere would just be awkward for everyone involved, but it makes me sad. Especially when you consider the Hen/Chim scene in the 118 kitchen when Jee-Yun was born
And now Eddie. Ah, Eddie. The Grocery Scene. So many things to analyze.
It’s my firm belief that Eddie was projecting onto Buck for the majority of the season (Shannon’s death until the Train Scene. I don’t think Eddie truly understood Buck’s thought processes until he saw how self-sacrificial Buck was for Abby’s fiance). I feel like the Grocery Scene in itself had less to do with Buck and the lawsuit and everything to do with not feeling like he was enough. Basically, “you’re exhausting” is Eddie’s version of “love me anyway” projecting outwards. Not really “you’re exhausting”, but this situation is exhausting or I’m exhausted trying to stay mad at you.
Now, let’s talk about the parallels between the grocery scene and Lena’s ‘confrontation’ at the firehouse. I feel like everyone uses Lena’s “What’s the name of my cat?” to prove how much more attentive Eddie is to Buck than literally anyone else, but that’s not really what that scene is, is it?
No, it’s Eddie saying to Buck, “We all have our own problems, but you don't see us whining about it. Why can’t you?” vs. “Did you tell him? You sold me out, huh?” to Lena. Or when Buck asks “Why can’t you see my side of this?” and Eddie returns, “Because that’s all you see.” Isn’t that the exact same conversation he has with Lena’s “It's a one-way street with you, Diaz.”? Eddie’s words are literally just thrown back into his face and at this point maybe it’s out of character but maybe he was so stressed at the time that it’s not really. He’s not really all that blameless in this.
Re: point #4. Yes, yes, yes. Christopher Diaz is and always has been Buck’s number one priority, and if Eddie doesn’t see that, it’s clear that he didn’t know Buck as well as he thought he did in Season 3. But, maybe, it’s just Eddie projecting again? His BIGGEST desire is to be a better father than his own dad was and “Hey, my kid’s been having nightmares and I can’t get them to stop.” or “I wound up in jail because I got into a fight in a fucking parking lot.” just doesn’t seem like something he would admit.
Is it possible that at one small, miniscule, insignificant point Eddie was insecure of how much Chris loves Buck? Maybe. I don’t really want to say anything on that because I think Eddie’s personality transitioned from S3 to S4 flawlessly and I adore him. Also, I don’t want to start drama and I truly believe he’s a good guy. One of the best.
Anyway, I have no transition for this, but here’s why the kitchen scene sucks (yes, they’re flirting, but Eddie takes digs at Buck in the process; not teasing ones either). He literally says, and this is a quote,: “You’re gonna make it about you, again?” when Buck asks if Eddie wanted to punch him. Buck thought Eddie was so mad at him that he would’ve become violent had that car accident outside the store not happened, and Eddie just dismisses it completely: “Not that you didn't deserve it, but I wouldn't do that.” Prime spot for an apology, and yet, Eddie never gives one.
This turned into something like a hot take. To be clear, I love Bobby, I LOVE Eddie, and I’m a fierce Buddie shipper. I think S4 Eddie sees Buck in a way that no one ever has, but I don’t think you can make excuses for S3 Eddie. His wife died. That’s a big fucking deal. If he wasn’t acting like an asshole, I’d think there was something wrong with him. I just want an apology. Maybe Buck brings up the “you’re exhausting” scene again but this time they actually talk about it instead of flirting in the kitchen?
Everyone calls Buck rash, but I’ve always believed that he just thinks things through quicker and decides that he’s the most expendable out of the 118. Buck thinks of himself as a sacrificial lamb, never a hero, and I’m TIRED of everyone taking Buck at surface value in regards to his so-called recklessness (sorry, besides the point, but I had to speak on this too.) This was so long. I’m sorry but yeah, if anyone wants to analyze Buck (though this turned out to be more of an Eddie analysis), I’m always down.
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Why I Think Albert Doesn't Die in 4B: A Meta Post
Maybe this is me reaching or some really wishful thinking, but i don't think albert is the one who dies, though i think he does get seriously injured (explanation below the cut so hear me out lol)
Based on scenes from 3b, 4a, the 4b promos, and some interviews done after 4x08 about 4x09.
In multiple interviews (one example below ⬇), Tim has stressed that there is going to be a divide between Bobby and Athena because he feels that she's too independent and won't let him in when she has issues. 4b is being set up to build off of last season's attack at the storage unit. Athena has made peace with the attack, so it will take something (encountering the attacker, being trapped while looking for a suspect, a storage unit, or experiencing other trauma) to act as the catalyst to trigger her into needing Bobby's help but refusing to ask. Albert dying will in no way drive or affect this plot line and will only really heavily affect Chimney, Maddie, and Buck and maybe Chris and Eddie.
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Tim did a different interview where he said that multiple characters will be in life or death situations ⬇
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As far as we know from the promo Hen, Buck, Bobby, Athena, May, Eddie, and Chimney are working the crash and Maddie is shown at work going into labor or having false contractions. None are likely contenders for a life or death situation, which leaves the side characters. Since this involves a massive pile-up, and we already know that Albert is in one car, that leaves three others.
The scenario I see best playing out in term of writing and setting up 4b and going into season 5 is this:
Albert gets horribly injured in the crash and has a long recovery. (This plays into 4a when Taylor said Buck was selfish and has no real friends because he doesn't know how to treat a friend.) If Albert gets injured and has a long recovery, he has 2 options for care. He either moves back in with Madney (but they have their hands full with the baby) or he stays with Buck, who has had to recover from a serious injury before. By staying with Buck, he learns how to really care for a friend unselfishly (tho we're gonna ignore the Buddie friendship for a minute bc the writers did). This also gives them the opportunity to set Albert and Buck up in a friendship so Buck can have friends outside the 118.
OR Albert goes into a coma because the writers are playing with a lot of characters right now and I don't think they know what to do with Albert and how to give him enough screen time for anything meaningful to happen. This way, they can revisit his arc in the future. Also, imagine Chimney and Maddie getting ready to take their daughter home and stopping by Albert's room to introduce their baby to her Uncle Albert 😭 Putting Albert in a coma or giving him a long recovery time is something that could be revisited at the end of the season easily.
I think the 3 others in jeopardy are in one car and I think it is Michael, David, and Harry after going to dinner one night or something and I think they are at the center of the crash.
I think the person who dies is Michael or David, mainly because of this interview ⬇
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First, they've brought in David, but like Albert's storyline, they can't fit him in enough for it to really be meaningful. We see them meet towards the end of season 3 and by season 4 they have quarantined together (even though David is on the front lines) and are now living together. Most of their story occurs off screen. The only reason we even saw Michael and David in most of 4a was because it was a storyline attached to Athena and Bobby. Killing off David is less characters to deal with and would affect Bobby and Athena, but not to a degree I would see it driving a wedge in their own relationship. It would affect Michael and encourage him to complete his bucket list he referenced in 4a but it wouldn't have an impact on the whole 118.
Both Bobby and Athena are really close with Michael, though I'm gonna focus on Bobby for a minute. If Michael dies suddenly, that "lighthearted and hilarious" relationship "quickly turns on a dime" and suddenly it "ends up being quite emotional" because Bobby is dealing with losing a friend. This could also dredge up those feelings of having lost his family in a fire and not being able to save them because Michael is now part of Bobby's family. Later in the season, it would be easy to revisit if Harry is mad that his step dad and dad's boyfriend weren't able to save his dad. Bobby would be dealing with his feelings of losing a friend while trying to help Athena (who doesn't want help) deal with the loss of her ex husband.
Shifting the focus to Athena, Michael dying would absolutely devastate Athena. They were married for nearly 2 decades and he is still a close friend and confidante. Losing her ex husband at the site of a crash she responded to would be traumatic. And if you compound that with her unresolved trauma from the attack, now you've got Athena trying to deal with everything on her own and not asking for help. Now Bobby gets mad/sad/distanced because Athena won't ask for help and he needs his own support from her. And maybe she is giving that support but she won't let him reciprocate it and now you have a recipe for anger and unresolved grief that begins to drive them apart.
Focusing on May for a moment, she became an operator because she wanted to make sure Athena was never alone in the field. Though I can't imagine her taking the call for Michael because he is on the line when Albert is injured, her dad dying in a crash she responded to would likely drive her out of the field and into college or another path (1 less character to have around to try to give screen time.)
Michael's death was also foreshadowed in 4a when Athena is concerned he gets the telescope and is spying on neighbors. He talks about having a bucket list that he never got to do because the pandemic forced him into isolation. He also talked about how his only concern during the cancer was preparing his kids for losing him.
Michael's plot is stagnant. He is happy and living with his boyfriend and son. He's cancer free. His whole plot is tied up in a nice bow where they could easily kill him off and the only loose threads to deal with on screen are his family members and friends grieving his loss. This would impact the 118 as a whole.
Honestly, I thought they were going to kill off Michael when he first got cancer and he decided to stop treatments but they bad May talk to him and convince him to go through with the treatments.
Now, by killing off Michael, it is 2 less stories they have to tell, and it is less they'll have to include storylines for Harry as much as they were because he was linked to Michael's storyline. And if they have May decide to leave the field to pursue other dreams or complete her dad's bucket list for him, that is 4 less storylines where they can now focus on the Madney baby, Bathena's relationship, introducing friends for Buck (they mentioned brining back Taylor), focus on ending Eddie/Ana, and establishing Albert as a character (based on a quote from the above article, I think Albert's storyline is going to parallel Buck's 1.0 to 2.0 phase ➡ "If you think about how we ended season 2, Buck being smashed by the firetruck. We knew he was going to survive... I would expect something similar here.")
Referring back to that first article, where it says "Then look for a significant source of agitation for the entire 118."
At this point, Michael would have passed and Bobby and Athena are now having marital problems AKA mom and dad are fighting.
Hen would be stuck in the middle because she is good friends with both Bobby and Athena. She is also facing her own loss of Nia being returned to her birth mom and doesn't have time for their marital problems but still tries to help. She can also pull from her experiences from the season 1 cheating storyline to tell them to communicate or it'll ruin their relationship (yes i too hate that storyline but it would work here)
Buck would likely (nonverbally) side with Bobby, but he sees them both as parental figures, so he gets stuck in the middle like a middle child who is just going with the flow. This would also parallel the Buck Begins storyline where Buck feels caught in the middle after his parents face a loss.
Chimney is raising a baby and (if this theory is right) worrying about Albert in a coma or recovering from a massive injury. He has no time for their marital problems but still lets Bobby confide in him and gives advice (maybe this is just cause i wanna see the bobby/chim friendship we used to get in s1)
Eddie sides with Bobby but he thinks the whole argument is dumb. He can also offer advice to Bobby based on his own experience, but it's going to be something about communication, at which point Bobby will start ripping his hair out because why won't she just tell me her problems and let me help?
Lastly, when have we ever known the show to go ahead and give a major spoiler of the episode 2 weeks in advance? They let us speculate about Daniel for like 8 months and imo it wasn't as big of a deal as they made it out to be. It seems more likely to me that they offered the promo to get the viewers with a twist ending when the show comes back.
Feel free to share your thoughts if you made it this far lol
TL;DR Based on the interviews Tim has done, Albert dying would have little impact on the 118 as a whole, but Michael dying would offer exactly what they need to set up season 5 and finish 4b.
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bangtanficrecs · 6 years
Lost & Found Batch #16
Here’s the newest batch! As always, if you happen to know the fic the ask is looking for, reply to this post or send us an ask with the request number and title/author. If you happen to know any fics from Past Batches, those are more than welcome as well. Thank you!! ~ Admin P
1) Hi! I read a fic awhile back and I lost it :( . I know for sure it wasn't completeled, and it was taekook, with an ABO thing basically what happened was taehyung was forced to live with jeongguks pack bc other packs are after him bc he apparently can have kids as an Omega and namjoon and Jim and jeongguks parents and the head of the pack and taehyung and jeongguks start to fall in love but taehyung gets injured at some point so they stay in a safe house away from everyone???
2) There was this fic where every member was a shifter werewolf but jimin was human and he was paired with yoongi. And i remember him being friends with tae, also there was namjin as a side pairing, jimin moving to a village or something, they were going camping... this is all i can remember i hope you can help me find it 🙏🏻
light side of the moon by themelonlord
3) hello! i’m looking for a ff on ao3. i’m pretty sure namjoon is a producer, in once scene hes recording a song for an indie artist and he and another member have a convo, they had just gotten in a fight im prT sure. the artist that’s recording then says “you two should date” as theyre walking out or something like that, and namjoon says be quiet. the artist that was recording has an american name for SURE. i’m prT sure its namjoon and yoongi? ik its vague, sorry :( i appreciate your hard work!
4) there was a taekook fic where one of them was an anroid/ cyborg kind of thing and they kept him in a huge room. he was a really smart boy until he died and then he got turned into a cyborg? he had a traumatic past and died after remembering it(?) then they re- made him outside the room. that was vague but i read it a reeaally long time ago (◞ ‸ ◟ㆀ) pls find it for me! thanks in advance!
5) I can’t remember the name of this one doc I read a year ago. I think it was jikook? Anyway, it was a soulmate au where any physical pain you felt your soulmate would feel too. Jungkook selfharms with a lighter, and Jimin feels his pain.
6) Hello, I’ve been searching for this fic for a while, it’s namjin, and I think it’s a one shot. Namjoon is really clumsy and having like a bad day and meets barista Jin and clumsily flirts and Jin gives him his number on a coffee cup in the end? I’ve tried a lot of googling I just can’t find it!!!!
7) Hey sorry to bother you but I've been searching on my own forever now and can't seem to find it. It's a taegi fic where yoongi is a wolf and tae a photographer. Yoongi warns tae to leave or there will be consequences but he doesn't. Yoongi ends up having to save tae and they run away but the alpha bit tae so he also becomes a wolf and yoongi has to teach him how to control it and in the midst of it goes into heat. If you know what fic this is it make me very happy!
8) Hi!! I love all your recs, and I was wondering if you'd be able to find this fic for me? It was a yoonkook fic where yoongi buys lingerie for kook I think and also yoongi really likes canned coffee?? Also at one point they go to stay at a cabin. As far as I can remember it's not an automated so they're still in bts?? Sorry its not much to go off but thankyou !!
good as gold by cyphertonic
9) hello!!! i was wondering if you know the name of a yoonseok fic? yoongi is being like a brat when they’re about to have sex and hoseok gets tired of it so he moves away and he makes yoongi edge himself until he falls asleep. hoseok also starts dirty talking to him and degrading him and yoongi starts crying bc hoseok says something along the lines like he’d “rather fuck someone else”. i’m not sure if this was enough detail, but thanks in advance! (-:
On The Edge With You by superrunnaturall
10) Hi, do you know the namjin fic where Jin has an eating disorder. Namjoon comes back from being away, notices Jin has gotten skinnier and finds out about Jin’s ED when he discovers a bag of wrappers in his closet? I think it was a one-shot. Thank you!
11) Hello! I've been looking for months for this one fic. It's where jungkook has these vivid dreams about a car crash. Same nightmare but it recurs. And then they basically act out the accident, but jungkook freaks out and saves them. I think it was jin/jungkook but it could also be ot7. Please help me find it!
I don't know the name, but I know more info about the fic in Lost and found Batch #16 (the 11th ask). Jungkook keeps having nightmares about the car getting hit by a truck and going over the side, into the water. He always wakes up right before "dying" because his seatbelt was stuck and Yoongi couldn't get it to open. One day they're in the car and Jungkook starts having a panic attack because of the premonition so they pull over. Then the group finds out that the accident happened further up
12) Hi, I was wondering if you could help me find a tic I read on ao3 a while ago! It’s was a yoongi/hoseok fic. I remember it was really long and a slow burn fic with lots of kissing. I remember they shared an apartment that they had just bought and the author had a this whole thing where they said “the point is their apartment is shit” and old it kept saying things like that. I also remember yoongi’s Dog was in it. Sorry I’m not very good at describing things
kiss me hard before you go by 777335
13) Hello, I can't find that fanfic where jimin sent a video to jungkook where jimin and taehyung was doing the do, and in the end of the fic jimin was saying "I won". Please help
I Can't Even by handintheshot
14) I’m looking for this fic where Yoongi is a radio host or smth and if I remember correctly so is Namjoon. There’s so relationship drama between the main ship (I forgot which one it was ;;-;;) and I’m pretty sure Jimin plays a significant role?? Sorry this is super vague T-T
The Dokkaebi Podcast by amanofpenrose
15) Hi, I really need help to find a fanfic of mainly about jikook couple that I’ve read a long time ago. I think it is completed either in the year of 2016 or 2017, I can’t remember exactly. So, basically, the setting in the space, in which Jimin helped Jungkook. Fast forward, Jungkook is allowed to stay and then become the youngest squad to explore the space etc. The story is told in present and past as jungkook and Namjoon are captured by rebels for five years. Side ship includes yoonjin
16) I've been trying to find a jin/yoongi fix that I read a while ago. I believe it was two chapters but not very long. Yoongi walks by jins shop each day but realizes he never noticed it before. I believe he smelled the baked goods and went in. Jins cat loved him. In the end basically jin tells yoongi that he is a witch and that he cast a spell to find love and yoongi is who walked through the door. Thanks in advance for the help! 😊😊😊
17) hi ! I was just wondering if you could help me find a fic? it's jin x jeongguk where jin is jeongguk's new neighbour and i'm pretty sure it follows jeongguk growing up and forming a crush on jin, or it might stay where theyr'e at the same ages; and all else i rmember that is noteable is that the first time they kiss or even get a little handsy it's in one of their cars and jeongguk c*ms in his pants bc he's just a teenager / inexperienced. thank you !
18) Hi! Could you help me find that fic where jimin is the top student in their Uni but he's more envied by the people bcs he's unmated yet he's always scented by Taehyung. But then JK comes in and chim falls for him? I remember a part of the fic where chim was about to be assaulted by a rogue wolf (alpha?) but then JK comes to sort of rescue chim. Thanks :)
19) I'm really desperate. I'm looking for a Taekook au where Taehyung is an art major and is assigned the theme of love. His childhood wasn't very warm as his parents are rich but didn't really take care of him. He meets Jungkook at a café, love at first sight, and gets an idea to fall in love with him to pass his class. Jungkook approaches him later bc he needs money and Taehyung uses him as a model. Jungkook is a reluctant business major that wanted to go into photography.
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lolbtsaus · 7 years
Word (Bad Boy!Jimin as a Father)
Plot: #05. “Was that a word!?” + #06. “His/her first word better not be a damn cuss word!” + #17. “Why are both you and the baby crying?” + #52. “Do you think I’ll make a good mother/father?” with bad boy!Jimin as a father
Word Count: 1389
A/N: so I’ve actually done an entire series on this concept (click here for part one, it’ll have the links to the remaining parts) of bad boy!chim as a father bc I’m a sucker for anything bad boy!BTS and anything father!BTS so combining them???? Good deal that’s a 10/10 concept right there, the link for this will be bad boy!Jimin (here) and father!Jimin (all of the father related posts are here)
He had never really thought about having kids until he had one. He had never sat down and thought about what type of father he would be, whether he would be strict, the best friend, over protective, whether he’d be a father at all. He spent too much of his time at parties, surrounded by his friends and people he didn’t know and wouldn’t remember in a few hours, to be worried about fatherhood. His life was about his amusement and getting through college in one piece, that was it. He didn’t have many responsibilities outside of a few essays he could whip together in a few hours, due to the intelligence he somewhat hid, and a few hours of work a day. After that, he was free.
A red cup filled with a drink he didn’t know, music that left his ears ringing and friends who were laughing at things that weren’t that funny. Jungkook falling asleep on the couch, only to have his face drawn on, Taehyung and Jimin dancing on the table at one point and Yoongi recording all of it to tease them with later. Almost always getting broken up by the police, after too many noises complaints. Running through the town, just the seven of them, finding a new spot to cause trouble at, just the way it always had been. That was his average Saturday night. And then at one of those parties, he met you. He was young then and the rest of the night was a giant blur but he still remembered meeting you.
He remembered feeling so confident when he walked up to you only to have his shy side make an appearance when you looked at him. He remembered wanting to run away and pretend it never happened, to save himself the embarrassment of getting rejected. He had always been good at flirting, that much he knew, but he also knew he had never seen you at a party before, that you took the same history class as he did and that this was definitely not your scene. For all he knew, you hated guys like him, you hated his crowd, maybe you didn’t even wanna be there. But then you smiled at him and all of those nerves left.
And now, four years later, you shared an apartment together and a ring was on your finger. While you hadn’t “tamed” him, he did find other ways to spend most of his weekends now, normally taking you out somewhere or letting you take him somewhere. The majority of his weekends were spent with you, on the beach, smiling for the photos you took of him, in the park, racing you to the swing set, in your bed, with you laying on his chest or him laying on yours. He still went out every now and then but he was much more focused on keeping his relationship healthy and keeping the two of you happy and he was doing an amazing job.
And then came the day the two of you found out you’d be having a child, a daughter. You had never seen him so nervous, so excited and so panicked at the same time. And once she was born, all of those emotions stayed, if anything they intensified. But you saw the softness in his eyes whenever he brought her up, whenever she woke up from her naps, whenever she smiled at him and showed her bare gums.
“Do you think I’ll make a good father?” he asked one night, his finger tracing the features of her face, a face that looked so similar to his own. “I don’t want to let her down, I’d never forgive myself if I did.”
And he didn’t. Jimin had always been so amazing with kids, even if he didn’t know it. He was playful, he had an inner kid and that was let loose whenever he was around actual children who wanted him to join in their games. He was more than happy to be it for three turns in a row, he was happy to play characters they wanted him to play, he was happy to do anything to make them laugh and keep them happy. And you were seeing that in the way he treated your daughter. It was a rare moment to see her looking away from him, to see her not smiling whenever he came into her line of sight, to see her not laughing at his antics when he had started yet another game of peek-a-boo.
But the one thing Jimin couldn’t handle was the crying. It wasn’t the sound itself, it wasn’t the volume, it wasn’t the timing. It was the fact that she was distressed enough to let out those cries, those whimpers that made his heart shatter to a million pieces. He had always been the first out of bed when she cried at night, no matter how tired he was, he had always rushed to give her whatever she needed.
“Why are both you and the baby crying?” you questioned, squinting your eyes at the sudden bright light of her nursery’s lamp. 
“I can’t figure out what she wants.” he sniffled, continuing to rock her as she let out another whimper. “I tried playing with her, I tried getting her to eat something, I tried changing her diaper, I tried everything and she’s still upset.”
“Come on.” You gave him a sympathetic smile before grabbing his free hand and pulling him back into your shared bedroom. “Come lay down and sing to her, she probably heard something that scared her or had a bad dream, she needs help falling back asleep.”
He was quick to take your suggestion, laying his daughter on his chest and singing her lullabies while you ran your fingers through her dark brown hair. It worked like a charm and soon enough, her head slumped against his chest, her cheek slightly squished against his skin. Jimin was quick to follow, one of his hands tucked underneath his head while the other rested on her back, keeping her stable.
Watching her grow had been one of your favorite parts of parenthood and you knew Jimin agreed. Everyday, she learned something new, how to crawl, how to stand up, how to be a flower girl at a wedding. You were glad that you and Jimin had waited to get married, glad that she had been able to be there, even if she wouldn’t remember it. Seeing your new husband holding her in his arms, her head rested on his shoulder while he swayed the two of them back and forth gently, seeing him singing the lyrics to her, it all made you realize that this had been the best decision. It had been harder to plan a wedding with a newborn keeping most of your attention but it was so worth it to have her there, watching the two of you get married.
“Her first word better not be a damn cuss word!” you warned, earning a sheepish grin from your husband.
“I’m not that bad.”
She had discovered the art of babbling. Her coos had turned into sounds, her sounds had started to seem like they were attempting to form words. It took two more weeks but you finally got a word from her. Jimin had been gone for a few hours, going to work. It hadn’t been a long day for him, he had taken off early so he could take the two of you out to a restaurant. It hadn’t been a special day, just a night out with the family, an average day of working planning the rest of the week. But for some reason, when Jimin had walked into the door, when she’d seen him from your arms, she had let out a loud squeal, a giant smile on her face.
The both of you froze while she continued trying to reach for him, letting out a content giggle when she finally got her way and was placed into his arms.
“Was that a word!?” he asked her, his eyes widening. “Your first word?”
“She loves you.” You couldn’t resist smiling back when his infamous smile lit his face up before he pressed a kiss to her cheek. “Just like I do.”
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chuyumi · 7 years
Tumblr media
CHU YUMI   ------   a nineteen year old leo ( august 6th ), entp.
columbus born & raised, just like jeremy & taemin. a surviving victim of the same local mob.
among many of her father’s vices, gambling was the most prominent one. one that resulted into the aromdee’s losing their house & being penniless when the child was only six years old & still unaware of what life is.
her father got involved with the aforementioned mob, became their little bitch, and managed to get temporary roofs over their heads from time to time. they adopted a nomadic lifestyle, going from one moldy, shabby, tiny apartment to another.
he pushed her mother into an alcohol-filled world, the woman gulping her sorrows away with every strong beverage that hit the back of her throat. she, sober or not, still attempted to provide for her innocent baby & take care of her, even though her father seemingly forgot that he had a family.
when her mother, tired of the same shit over & over again, became vocal about it, is when the abuse started. chimlin was twelve & able to recognise & remember every single poisonous word directed at either of the two aromdee females, mark every painful blow & count every single tear that rolled from the two pairs of eyes.
there was another kid caught up in the mob & chim used to see him around, but he was an older boy & she was too shy to approach him. apparently he turned out to be the mob boss’ son, so really all she should ever feel for him is hatred, right?
but one day while she was sitting in front of her building, both tears & blood ( from a glass cut ) streaming down her face & making a mess on her clothes, was when he approached her. her light. her saviour. her rock. her e v e r y t h i n g. he showed her affection & kindness she’d never known before. he gave her his eternal support & vowed to never leave her alone, to always protect her. he helped her run away with her mother by her side. he gave her the money he got from his drug dealing job & all the cash he managed to steal from his criminal parents and all of that combined with what they had saved, they were able to find a decent apartment just for the two of them.
without his knowledge, chim dropped out of high school & did a lot of sketchy jobs in order to keep the food on the table for her & her mom. the older aromdee, at first, busted her ass to do the same but she was only becoming more depressed because of their struggles and basically gave into her alcohol & drug addiction fully. she stopped being responsible, stopped acting like an adult. more often than not, chim would find her passed out in the living room and would try to carry her to her room or at least put her on the couch or, on the nights when she was tired, she’d make sure she was covered with a blanket, had a pillow under her head and was lying on her side so that she wouldn’t choke on her vomit in the middle of the night.
sometimes her mom would bring home her boyfriends, fellow addicts, that chimlin only tried to ignore because they were nasty & reminded her of her father. when they tried ordering her around &, for example, demanded a glass of water, she’d bring it & splash it into their faces lmao.
other than on those occasions, the two of them barely ever saw each other because they were always out on the streets … their relationship became so cold and ?? idk but the people she met on the streets meant more to her than her own flesh & blood. they drifted apart a lot.
i sort of wanted to drop this part of her when alice made jaesung a camboy, especially since kerry has a sugar daddy, but i can’t because it makes sense and i need it ok sorry. stage one: when she became of legal age a year ago, she added cam shows to her resume. they were more erotic & aesthetic rather than nasty & trashy. she’d never reveal her body fully, only heavily imply what was going on, use a bunch of filters & dress up in appealing pastel colours. and it turned out that people’s frustration & curiosity gained her a lot of money ?? stage two: she busted her ass & was incredibly persistent until she got a job as a go-go dancer in one of the local nightclubs. she was too street smart for anyone who visited that place   ------   she never drank anything there. she didn’t want to risk being drugged. stage three: she started giving lap dances so that she’d get paid more. stage four: sure, even when she was only a dancer, they’d offer her a lot of money in order to take her home or into a random hotel room where she’d provide them with sexual favours and, at first, she used to refuse all of it. then she became greedier. at first she’d only allow them to watch her. she’d put on a show just for the other person. then she started to accept sleeping with them if she was attracted to them. 35+ tho ?? no thank you.
because of all of that, she managed to get a couple of regular viewers/fans/whatever that are throwing their money along with gifts at her left & right ( she has a po box & basically she often returns home to her pals with packages & is like ??? i’m secretly a really popular youtuber & y’all are living under a rock sMFH !! )
before she was living with her friends, she used that money for, yes, food & necessities BUT also on ridiculously expensive crap just beacause ?? like, she definitely had that phase. but she could never pull it off. she’d throw on ridiculous high heels & a fur coat but she’d always be a street kid without manners & with the sharpest of tongues. watch her kick your ass & not giving a shit whether she gets blood or dirt on her silky blouse.
it all changed when she moved in with her friends. she’s now sending her mom money ofc & spending it on her friends more than herself. she often appears with random gifts & is like “don’t you know that it’s international friendship day pls. ...... . .. take that” or she’s be like “YO MAMA GOT PAID TODAY WOOO!!” ....... yes she refers to herself as mama. stfu. she apologises with gifts, she expresses her love with gifts. she doesn’t know how to do it in any other way. she goes to the grocery store & spends her money on all of their stuff & tells them “of course i took our joint $$ what are you talking about”
don’t fight me on this bc no one’s ever mentioned & i’m calling dibs on it   ------   she’s the one who breaks the expensive gift rule.
ok moving on. she’s been telling everyone that she’s taking online classes & that she’s an economy major. but yk the truth is, she’s a high school dropout & she’s soo embarassed of that that she can’t even say it to taemin.
she also sneaks out at night to go to work & prays to everything holy that her friends will never choose to go out to the club where she works bc everyone knows her there & they’d come up to her to greet her if she appeared there with them.
this bitch never sugarcoats anything. she’s real af. if you fuck up, she’ll tell you you fucked up. she’ll tell you when you’re being a dick. she’s sooo blunt & uses profanities non stop.
she can be so childish somethimes, you don’t even know. this is because she didn’t have a proper childhood, it was taken away from her against her own will so now she’s making up for it. she had to grow up when she was supposed to play and be careless. please take her to playgrounds and let her play with dogs and watch old disney movies with her and play video games with her and tell her stupid jokes.
the type to yell at someone for looking at her the wrong way on the street JFHBEFEFKLJGS
always carries a butterfly knife & a lighter ( jeremy taught her cool tricks with both of those ok )
.............. she’s sweet tho. JFGEPFGE
she’s bisexual af.
she sacrifices relationships with people she has genuine feelings for just because she can’t get rid of her sketchy jobs, like, she needs them. she’d starve otherwise.
she really hates this about herself but she can’t help it.
the reason why she’s so obsessed with money is that she didn’t have anything while growing up, obviously.
she’d rather marry a rich person whom she doesn’t love so that her kids would have everything she never had rather than a poor person whom she loves and risk making her kids go through what she went through.
she loves girls soo much, she worships them. she will make your nose bleed if she hears you talk shit about them. she’ll hurt you even more if she sees you hurt a girl or be rude to one like. please.
all she wants in life is to be f r e e.
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lolbtsaus · 7 years
I finally wrote pirate!Jimin !!!! I’m so excited bc I’ve had this concept in my head for so long so now I finally wrote it so without further ado, here is the first half of the Busan princes, an absolute angel with the sweetest smile, Park Jimin aka chim chim (this post is once again a bit link heavy but as always, there are all tumblr links, you don’t have to click on any of them they’re just some nice ass visuals)
Is this a fucking Little Mermaid AU this may be idek all I know is that it sounds cute
Lil Eric looking ass looks so good I mean co m e o n (this one’s a fan art but that shit fucks me up)
Jimin can pull off pretty much any hair color and it’s extremely confusing but I’m here for it bc get yourself a man that can pull off blonde hair as easily as he can pull off black hair
Dyes his hair orange once and hobi keeps making jokes about how Jimin’s here to fight off scurvy and Jimin’s never regretted a hair color so much so quickly
So there were s o fucking many good options for the outfits so here’s just a bunch of options bc this is just me pointing out how g o o d Jimin looks 24/7
Now pair that up with the black hair and a sword at his hip and any of those outfits and tell me that doesn’t sound fucking nice
Jimin would be in charge of a couple things, he’s mainly in charge of keeping an eye on everyone, he’s closer to the title of a second mate than a first mate bc I feel like he would handle more of the injuries and keeping everyone healthy
Jimin’s s o caring and so loving and sweet and he’s always there to comfort the boys when they’re hurt or upset and I just I know that he would do so well with being in charge of that shit bc he already does it naturally
I also feel like he’d handle a bit of the training when it comes to fighting/protecting like just plz just picture Jimin teaching everyone how to fight using a sword and like lowkey fencing bc geT READY FOR THE BACK STORY
The boys first meet Jimin bc they’re looking to add to their crew before they set sail together for the first time and they want someone who will be able to defend their ship so they start asking around, they do a bit of digging and they find out that Jimin is a fencing student and that he’s at the top of his class and does all of these competitions and wins a bunch of them
And then once they get to know him, there’s that immediate friendship and he points them in Jungkook’s direction as well bc you don’t get one without the other man Jikook isn’t about to just have one half go sailing around the world
Once they’re both of board, Jimin starts instructing everyone bc tbh he was already at the point of helping out the teachers with the younger students, that’s something he really loved doing so when the boys asked if he would teach them, he jumped on the opportunity
He’s one of the members that no one believes packs a punch until it’s too late
He’s got those lil cheeks or that precious smile and he definitely uses it to his advantage whenever he needs to bc he’s a lil flirt when he wants to be and he’s super charming and basically no one ever looks at him and goes “threat”
That is until he’s sailing away on their ship and leaving them in just a lifeboat, then their attitude changes a bit
Okay so here’s the Little Mermaid reference
You’re a mermaid
You’re constantly seeing Jimin’s ship floating around, you’re always hearing them talk and laugh and sing and dance and just be goofs that probably shouldn’t have been given swords
At first you ignore it bc plenty of ships are in the sea every single day, you see that shit all the time, it’s nothing new and it’s better for everyone if you just avoid investigating bc then you don’t have to deal with the humans freaking out over the possibility of a mermaid
But then Jimin falls into the water and all of your nice lil plans of ignoring them go right out the window
It’s around three or four in the morning all of the boys are asleep except for Jimin, who just got up to make sure the anchor was down and that they weren’t secretly floating away from their destination
While he’s leaning down to see if the anchor was released, he ends up slipping up on some water bc ya boy is a bit clumsy he’s graceful as shit with his clumsiness though so he saves himself (I still don’t fucking understand how he was able to manage to slip and land in the splits so effortlessly someone explain that to me plz and thnx)
You can’t tell if he’s able to swim or not bc all you can see are the kicking feet and him yelling for the boys but you just can’t sit back and wait for him to either get pulled up or pulled down so you have to swim up and help keep him afloat until the boys can get him back up
Once he’s back on the boat, he goes to thank you but you’re already gone bc humans and mermaids aren’t normally a good mix so might as well just save the dude and leave
But then you come back the next night to “make sure he doesn’t fall again” even though you really just wanna see if you can figure out his name and get a better look at his face when he isn’t shivering from the cold water
He notices you and at first he wants to say something but then he just gives you a lil smile that warms your heart and it turns into this mutual hey thanks for saving me/thanks for not commenting on my tail that you totally felt and saw
And the next night, you’re telling each other your names and you’re telling him more about the whole tail thing and he tells you about his legs and you’re both really giggly and you’re so confused as to how he’s a pirate it’s like how can a lil puppy be a wolf
You get him to swim over to a rock that he can sit on so the two of you can talk without having to crane your necks all around and it turns into a nightly routine where you just sit out on that rock together and talk for hours and hours
It’s hard not to love Jimin tbh he’s so cute and sweet and goofy and he’s so lovable so it doesn’t take you very long until those lil night talks turn into sweet lil kisses and I love yous
The two of you lowkey become a team?? The pirate and the mermaid, he works the sea from above, you work it from below and the two of you pair up to piss a whole lot of people off
“When we retire, you can be a fencing teacher and we can use the gold we make to buy a lil house together on the beach and maybe get a puppy, sound good??”
“Sounds amazing”
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lolbtsaus · 7 years
Yoongi’s Affection
And now it is time for the first half of the Daegu line, my highkey spirit animal who is so so so so so wonderful okay he’s sweet, he’s kind, he’s caring, he’s got a pretty face, a nice voice and an amazing heart, he’s talented he’s hard working he’s just he’s so incredible and inspiring and I respect him so much, Min Yoongi aka Suga aka Agust D
Just a quick explanation of this since it’s pretty self explanatory, this is just gonna be a post about I think the boys would cuddle/hug, their PDA levels, etc.
Yoongi is more affectionate than some people may think
While he’s not the most affectionate in the group, he’s definitely still got a lot of affection going on there
Like in the recent video where they were all cooking, he wouldn’t let go of Jimin for anything, Jimin was leaning forward and moving around and Yoongi was just v v content with holding onto his shoulders and his arms
I’ve noticed he has this habit of putting his hands on people’s shoulders, like there are a few clips of him doing it with Tae, he did it with chim in that same cooking video, he does it a lot
He’s 50/50 about initiating affection, depending on the location, situation and his mood that day
Like he'll totally holding onto your shoulder or letting you lean against him but he's also okay with you making the first move and holding onto him somehow
He has no problem with you having your hand on his back or your arm over his shoulders, he doesn’t give much reaction but you can feel him leaning into it so you know he doesn’t hate it or feel uncomfortable with it
He’s someone who would notice the lil things like the things that make you sit back and go d a m n I do that?? so he can easily tell when you’re uncomfortable in a situation and that’s a moment where he’ll put his arm around you as a silent comfort, just a lil “I’m right here if you need me” 
Similar to Jin, he’s got a pretty playful personality, he’s really sarcastic and he likes teasing the other boys a lot and, especially with hobi, he gets really !!!! and extra
Like that one time someone gave him a microphone and he just sat there screaming “Army” at the top of his lungs while waving the mic around or the one time he sat there screaming “J-Hope” repeatedly
A lot of his affection is lighter, more on the playful side but he can be serious of course
Has a habit of resting his hand on your thigh or your knee when he sits next to you, doesn’t even realize he’s doing it sometimes bc he’s so used to doing it
The one boyfriend who will be teasing you about something but will also have his arm around you so you know he’s just joking around
He is a hand holder
He goes back and forth with interlocking fingers and just holding onto your hand
There’s no real rhyme or reason for it, it’s just whichever way he happens to grab your hand or you grab his 
Hand holding is mainly for when you guys are walking around somewhere
He’s a busy man and he needs both of his hands when he’s working on his music or he’s got his phone in his hands and although he does have moments at home where he’ll hold your hand, it’s just not as likely
Like when you’re at home and it’s just you two, he’s much more likely to have his arm around your shoulders or your waist to hold you close
Okay but Yoongi is a really good hugger fight me on this it’s such a strong head canon
He’s a back rubber just picture this for a minute, think about it bc it’s so precious
Lil yoongi holding you really close, probably having some pillow talk bc that’s one of his favorites and his hand is just slowly rubbing your back, it’s all really gentle, really soft, it’s really comforting to both of you and it’s a v v loving action bc he knows it helps you fall asleep
Really really really loves hugs when he’s stressed out
There are a few types of hugs when it comes to Yoongi okay I’m gonna go through them bc these are very important
The first hug isn’t so much of a hug, it’s pretty quick, usually just one arm going around the other, it’s normally when he’s distracted with something or he’s tired and is really focused on getting to bed, it’s the hello hug when one of you get home
There’s the long hug where he’s holding you really tightly and you’re both whispering even though no one else is there to hear you but it’s mainly when he’s just gotten back from tour or he’s leaving for tour and you just need to hold each for a while
There are the back hugs when he’s busy and focused on something else and you’re just giving him a hug to let him know you’re there if he needs you or when you’re surprising him somewhere and sneak up on him to hug him and he just gets this really soft smile when he sees it’s you
He does it a lot, where he’ll just have his chin on your shoulder while you’re doing something else and you wonder if he’s falling asleep bc you feel his head getting heavier and heavier, sometimes he has fallen asleep, sometimes he’s just getting comfortable
And then there are the serious hugs where he's had a really bad day or you’ve had a really bad day and it’s all quiet and has a lot of his hand clinging onto your shirt or yours onto his, an occasional “shhh it’s okay” a lot of hair stroking, back rubbing, just a lot of comforting
It’s one of the moments where he’s not being sarcastic, he doesn’t have some witty comeback, he’s just opening up completely and letting you in bc he just needs to be held for a while
An A+ cuddler tbh
He’s not very picky about how you two cuddle, it’ll mainly depend on how you two lay down
It can be your head on his chest, his on yours, a spooning situation
He loves being lil spoon, it’s one of his favorites, tied with your having your head on his chest 
Can you just imagine that for a minute, being able to come home and have yoon be your lil spoon bc we’ve all seen him doing the curling up thing and I just have to picture him as a lil spoon when he’s like that
Whines about being cuddled but then whines even more when you let him go
Kisses are saved for when it’s just you two, he may give you a quick kiss, more of a peck, in front of the boys but it’s most likely to happen when it’s just you two
His kisses are normally more of the meaningful kisses that go on until you gotta stop for air, they’re the kisses that make you feel really loved and have the silent “I love you” written all over them
He may give the occasional quick kiss, mainly when there are other people around as I mentioned up there, but all of his kisses are normally the longer kisses that make any hint of a doubt that he loves you go away instantly 
Studio makeouts
Big big fan of forehead kisses, they’re the most frequent
Or hand kisses, he’ll kiss your hand a lot when he’s busy and he knows you’re waiting for him to finish up so you two can go eat some dinner so he kisses the back of your hand as a silent “I’m sorry this is taking so long”
Onto PDA levels
Kisses are always saved for private, if you do sneak a kiss in public, he’s gonna get really !!!! and flustered but try to pretend like it didn’t affect him
If it’s just the boys though, he’ll probably have the opposite reaction and get cocky and do that shrug thing he does with the smirk when they tease him even though deep deep down he’s gonna be !!! bc Yoongi’s a softie and you just kissed him in front of people
Hand holding is always an occurrence bc he doesn’t want to get separated from you
Hugging is okay in public, depending on the hug, if it’s just one of the “we’re both standing here and you’re close enough for me to hug so I’m gonna hug you” hugs, he’s got no problem with that
He likes to ruffle your hair to mess it up as he walks by you just to hear the “Yoongi!!” he gets from you and you can bet anything he’s laughing his ass off as he’s walking away
“It’s a cold day, you forgot your jacket at home and I was in the area so here”
“Yoongi, your work is twenty minutes in the opposite direction”
“I stopped by here to get a coffee”
“You have a cafe right next to your office?? Did you just drive twenty minutes out of your way to give me a jacket??”
Yoongi has a very loved filled type of affection, it’s how he expresses his love most of the time bc actions speak louder than words
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lolbtsaus · 7 years
Long Distance with Jimin
And now it is time for the first member of the maknae line, half of the Busan line, the other half of Yoonmin, our angel who looked s o fucking good with the pink hair cotton candy!chim was one of my faves it was so cute while it lasted, he always looks so good tbh, Park Jimin aka chim chim
So this series is gonna be about a long distance relationship (ldr for short) with the boys, this post is gonna more focused on the online relationship aspect but it’ll still be ldr!!
This is gonna involve youtuber!Jimin (here) to sum it up, he has a channel where he uploads anything he wants, covers, dances, vlogs, tags, just anything he’s in the mood for that day
So the story of how you two meet is that you meet over social media (youtube) you see one of his dance videos, mention how much you loved it in one of your videos, the subscribers tell Jimin and then shit just goes from there
He’d already been a fan of your channel and you loved his so the two of you start talking online and he’s s o friendly and sweet and you two get to know each other really well
The first two months of your relationship is long distance until you two can finally meet up
At first everything is platonic, you're considering doing a collab together or just meeting up but you're both too busy to fly out at first bc college and you'd need to figure out where you'd stay if you did fly out to see him
Like would you stay with him??? Is that okay with him?? Or should you find a good hotel nearby? Is that something you ask him, you don’t know what approach to take to it so you save it for when it comes up
But then things start getting more flirty bc chim can be a lil flirt when he wants to be, he’s shy and smol and cute but he goes from shy giggles and looking away to avoid people’s gazes to ripping his shirt off
So at first, he’s just being friendly, asking how your day’s going, what video you’re filming/editing, what your favorite movies are bc he wants to get to know you and you do the same with him
And slowly but surely, more flirty lines start up like he asks about your ideal first date, what you look for in a significant other and he starts telling you about his crush and it’s pretty obvious he’s trying to hint at you being the crush
“Actually, my crush kinda looks like you haha how ironic right??”
“Oh hey my crush has that same necklace what a small world”
He eventually gathers up the courage to Facetime/Skype you and ask you out and he has this whole date planned out in his head, he wants to fly out to see you and have the first date in person and he wants to explore your city with you
You say yes when he asks and he gets s o happy, you know that smile Jimin gets where it’s all teeth and most of the time he laughs and his eyes are so bright his entire face is just lit up and it’s so precious, that’s the smile he gets
You two were gonna meet up either way but the date is an extreme bonus
He sends you clips of his journey on snapchat, packing up his bag for the week he’ll be with you, heading to the airport with kook driving him, the both of them singing in the car on the way over, Jimin in the plane bc he plans to take a nap the entire time and wants to let you know that so you don’t text him and get !!! when he doesn’t respond
But he was lowkey up all night editing and packing and was way too excited to go to sleep how does one sleep when such exciting things are going on
You pick him up at the airport bc he obviously doesn’t have a car/ride in your city yet and he also doesn’t know his way around and you’re in awe at how handsome he is in person, cameras don’t do him justice tbh
He gives you a hug and it definitely lasts longer than a “friend” hug but he also doesn’t wanna make you feel uncomfortable bc you two had just met so he doesn’t stay in the hug as long as he would’ve liked to
It feels so comfortable with him like there is that first hour where you two are figuring each other like how close you can sit near each other without the other being uncomfortable, how affectionate you can be with each other, stuff like that
But Jimin’s a really affectionate person so it doesn’t take too long before he’s hugging you and laying his head or chin on your shoulder or leaning on you when he laughs and the relationship feels really natural, nothing is rushed or forced, everything happens at its own pace
You two spend the week together and he’s so much sweeter than you could’ve ever expected and he makes you laugh a lot and he’s always so giggly and smiley which makes you giggly and smiley and you both wish he could stay longer but he’s got school to go back to
The goodbye hug lasts a l o t longer than the first hug did and you can see how much more comfortable you two are with each other
My head canon is that Jimin is a nuzzler when he hugs people like you know how some people bury their face/nose in the other person’s hair or neck or shoulder, that’s Jimin all the way
His hugs are really tight and warm and just overall lovely and he would make such a great cuddler don’t even get me started on this shit
You promise to fly over to him in a couple weeks so it’s not gonna be too long until you two can see each other again but you’re in that honeymoon stage where you wanna talk to them and see them as often as you can so going long distance after you two just started to figure each other out is ouch
He leaves one of his favorite rings with you so you have something of his to wear and he gets one of your necklaces so you two have lowkey couple items
Jimin makes sure he calls/texts you everyday and he never ever (e v e r) forgets the good morning/night texts
There are so many nights where you two stay up way too late texting each other and you’re both smiling at your phones and Jungkook keeps teasing Jimin about it bc that’s the job of a best friend
He is a king of selfies, even his “ugly” selfies are cute like how he makes the weirdest angles that should not make anyone look good actually look really nice is beyond me I don’t get it I’m fully convinced he’s a secret model
He sends tons of selfies bc he wants you to know he’s thinking about you and he sends lots of pictures with Jungkook’s dog bc two puppies in one shot that’s a good deal
He also takes lots of pictures with the rabbit Tae gets and that’s equally as cute bc he keeps calling her his niece and he sends this one clip of her hopping around and you can hear his giggle in the background
Skype sessions with chim though, he’s in one of his really huge hoodies and he’s got a snack bc your Skype/Facetime sessions normally last a couple hours
The two of you will do anything from watching the same movie at the same time so you can watch it together to just talking to listening to music together to eating meals together, it’s always really chilled out but it’s nice to be able to spend that time together
He gets s o excited when you tell him you’re flying over, he just about cries bc he’s so so so happy
He makes sure his apartment looks cute before you get there bc the last he wants is for you to walk in and see a pair of his boxers on the bed
He’s just really excited and kook and tae are officially in charge of teasing him about it but they’re of course excited and happy for him
He buys a bouquet of your favorite flowers to greet you with and some sweets and he has this whole day planned for you bc he’s so ready to show you around Busan
“I’m on my way to the airport, I’ll be waiting!!!! I wore the shirt from my last video, you said it was cute, don’t worry I washed it”
“Jimin, my plane hasn’t even taken off yet”
“Well tell the pilot to hurry, I gotta hold my bby asap”
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