#like. i know her horrible decision making and obsession with josh and all that is the point
seawitchkaraoke · 2 years
I am watching Crazy Ex-Girlfriend bc the songs are great and I've heard lots of great things about it but maaaaan the second hand embarrassment is really getting to me aaaaaaa
The only person in this entire show who is like.... mentally in a good healthy place is white Josh. I love him. He's the best.
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Alex on the Taskmaster Podcast
Ed: There’s gotta be some friction.
Alex: Yeah, you need stuff to grind against.
(No, I will not provide any context - ed. As in editor. Not Ed Gamble. This might get confusing.)
Alex: I haven’t had a shower yet today.
Ed: OK, good, this is all good information, good to know. But you’ve got a footie shirt on.
Alex: I did some exercise. In the garden with my dog. Yeah. I went to do some sort of running around in the garden, like, and...my neighbours, I think, watch. But my dog stole my shoe.
Alex *of Josh waiting till his turn in the prize task to complain about being set the solo task of singing along powerfully to the Taskmaster theme tune*: I like that that was bubbling away in his little head for ages.
(Alex’s quiet little sadistic tendencies showing - ed.)
Ed: And also, Greg can do what he wants, can’t he?
Alex: Yes, you say that to his face. He would say he can’t do what he wants. He has to do what he thinks people want him to do.
Ed: Right. But he never does.
Alex: And then he’s racked by guilt. No. And he’s not getting any better.
Ed: Still feels guilty about doing stuff?
Alex: Yeah, still feels guilt, and still makes incredibly irrational but also unmathematical decisions. It still bugs me when he goes, ‘Yeah, five points, two people get four points, and then the next person should get two.’ Anyway.
Ed: You can always see you get flustered with your iPad.
Ed: Well, it made me laugh the most.
Alex *deadpan*: Did it, now. That’s not the category, Ed.
Alex *of Greg and David Jason*: They have a really lovely, awkward relationship.
Alex: There are some secret things in the house, not all of which have ever been found.
(OMG, I need to know - ed.)
Ed: That would have panicked me too much, counting the rice.
Alex: Everything would have panicked you too much.
Ed: Well that’s true.
Alex: That’s true, Alex. Alex.
Alex: It’s always worth noting that that is somebody’s job. To count out the grains of rice to put in that drawer. And if they get it wrong...the fury that I possess.
Alex: So well done, Josh. I think he’s proud of himself. I love it when he’s proud of himself.
Ed: Yeah. You can tell. He wears all his emotions on his little face, doesn’t he?
Alex: I’d be a completely different person if I could do impressions, I think. It would change me. It would give me so much more ballsiness.
Alex: I’d love to do an American.
Ed: Any particular American?
Alex: Maybe a cowboy?
(Again, no context allowed - ed.)
Alex: Smashing things is probably the best thing, isn’t it?
Ed: Oh god, it’s great. 
(Such butch, manly men - ed.)
Ed: You’re absolutely obsessed with putting yourself in situations where you have to eat potentially disgusting things, aren’t you? (FINALLY someone has the guts to say it to his face - ed.)
Alex: I’m not. I’m not absolutely obsessed. *goes on to justify his oral fixation with a palindrome, which might be the most Alex Horne thing ever to happen*
Ed *of having to eat an edible mask off Katherine Ryan’s face*: I mean, obviously you feel uncomfortable in any situation like that, really, don’t you, Alex?
Alex: Well also, when she lay there, like, she looked like, you could imagine a model in Cosmopolitan doing that as a photoshoot. 
Ed: Yeah.
Alex: Cos she’s so...she was so still, as well. 
Alex: Also, it looked like either she was asleep or dead or something. So I was creeping up to her like this horrible man going to lick a sleeping model. Oh god.
Ed: Yeah, you’re remembering it and feeling just as uncomfortable now, which I love.
Alex: And I don’t know if there was a good way of doing it, if I’d just sort of marched up and gone in for a munch. I think you have to tiptoe up. Er... *regretfully* ...Yeah.
Ed: Yeah, you definitely have to tiptoe up. But obviously you didn’t go for the lips, but you mentioned them, which made it worse.
Alex: Well it also looked delicious, all the food, and I had a job to do, I had to taste the mask.
Alex: I do understand that my discomfort is funny. You can’t fake discomfort, but you can sort of milk it slightly.
Alex: I’d like to think that I asked permission as well, before licking her face. I probably said to her, I don’t know if it’s on camera or not, do you want me to use a spoon or a tongue.
(Seems legit - ed.)
Alex *of Josh’s Alex Horne mask*: Every detail was accurate. Right down to the long, sugary-sweet tongue.
Alex: That was the one I was least embarrassed about, gobbling on my own face, I think.
Ed: Cos I suppose you’re always sort of eating your own face in a way.
Alex: Me specifically?
Ed: No, but everyone is always eating their own face cos they’re always in their own mouth, technically.
Alex: ...Well I don’t want to argue with you on this, but I completely disagree.
Ed: Why do you disagree?! In your mouth is you.
Alex: I don’t think everyone is always eating their own face. In my mouth is not me.
Ed: Well who is it, then?! The inside of your mouth is part of you. You’re in your own mouth.
Alex: Right, I will concede that in my mouth is me, but I don’t think I’m eating my own face all the time.
Ed: But you’re swallowing and stuff, and like, your tongue’s in your mouth, so you’re always having a little chew on your tongue, right?
Alex: Fine. OK. Well I concede that I’m always licking me. I’m always licking the inside of me. But I’m very rarely licking the outside of me.
Ed *of Alex’s beard*: It’s nice and trimmed. I like it.
Alex *of Bob Mortimer’s mask*: I also was nervous, first of all, of eating my hero’s face. But because he pulled me in and kept saying that he’d sinned and that I could cure him, I really got into eating his mask.
(...Alex. Mate. - ed.)
Alex: A sneak preview for Series 13 - there’s more saliva in one task than we’ve ever had before. 
Alex: Honestly, you won’t believe it. The editors struggled with it as well, just seeing it. I can’t wait till you see that.
Alex *of Josh tidying up after himself*: He tried really hard, the little...little boy.
Ed. Little boy, nice little boy.
Alex: I try to ease off the blindfolds so that they only appear once a series.
Alex *of his little assistant suits*: I have worn them to a funeral.
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deluweil · 3 years
This is my 4x12 review - skip if you haven’t watched yet.💖
In my opinion the whole Treasure Hunt thing, had a S2 bank mystery vibe about it. Like the silly calm before the storm, again in parallel to right before when Buck was hurt.
I knew the Author jerk is alive the second I saw the actor who played it, the was not one show where he guest starred and wasn’t a jerk 😂😂
So since I did my own version of live writing, I apologize if this is a bit disorganized.
We got so much buddie bread crumbs, that eventually felt like a meal at the end of the episode so let’s start with: Both boys in sunglasses - oh WOW! 🔥🔥  
Bobby sending Eddie with Chimney and Buck looking thoroughly unhappy to be separated from Eddie. They nod at each other and while Buck frowns at Chimney, Eddie crosses himself before going to get geared up.
It was a small gesture but very significant because Eddie has already crashed in a chopper (in 3x15 and watched Hen and Strand crash in the crossover) he knows what could go wrong.
Chimney’s “cheer up you can go next time” doesn’t really reassure Buck. I think a “we’ll be fine” or “I’ll keep him safe” would have calmed Buck’s nerves a lot more.
Can we discuss for a second how HOT!! Eddie looked doing the aerial rescue? I mean WOW, I watched it several times. 🥵🥵🥵
The 118 sitting together trying to figure out the riddle was funny, everyone thinking how it’s a bad idea to even consider this to be a real thing, except for Buck, of course. 😂
And while the others are already considering how freaking horrible the rest of their shift  is going to be like, because it’s all over the news thanks to Taylor Kelly’s story.
Eddie called Taylor - Buck’s “girlfriend”, but we don’t see his face, we do get to see it, when Buck stresses (for what feels like the millionth time from the sigh and tone of his voice) that she is his friend not his girlfriend.
Eddie’s “Yeah, sure, right.” face is priceless!!😂😂  
Buck and Taylor plotting together again, is always hilarious, those two are disaster magnets, it makes for good fun. What bothered me was that Buck offered Taylor to pair up, but re-watching, everybody’s reaction didn’t exactly originally encouraged a teaming up vibe.
However the problem with human nature is - everyone love to obsess over riddles. 😉😉
Eddie jumping through the window into the fire truck? epic!
Eddie did suggest to team up to Buck and I love that even after Buck told him he’s working with Taylor, the look on Eddie’s face melted Buck almost immediately and had him suggesting Eddie joins the two of them. 🥰🥰
The scene in Buck’s apartment, with the three of them Eddie is right between Taylor and Buck in the shot and kind of “talking to himself” was so funny. - Gave me a BBC Sherlock scene between Irene Adler, Sherlock and John.
The way Martin Freeman stole the scene just by dropping small comments. I gotta give it to Eddie, out of all of everything in that scene, Ryan performance is what I’m going to remember. - Acting choices were made all throughout this episode by both Oliver and Ryan.
Also can we talk about the fact that Eddie is now stating little bits of knowledge like Buck now - “I can know weird stuff too” from 4x03 is so haunting me, these boys have totally rubbed off each other. (get your minds out of the gutters... for now anyway 😉)
I love how Eddie and Buck sit down and scratch, just thinking about the fire ants 😂😂
Buck being lowered into the septic tank - notice, Eddie is the one handling the rope, again, his expression worried while Buck is still down there, especially after having to drop him into the water.
I have noticed that Bobby sent Eddie up in the chopper, but is reluctant to send him under ground still 😉🙃
Buck’s “come on” when Eddie and Bobby made a face and walked away from the stench was so funny. Also super adorable on Buck’s part. 
I love how Taylor keeps shutting Buck down, it’s amusing to watch now that I know how the episode ends.
Athena being done with idiots the entire episode was hilarious! Angela is a queen!
I loved that 9-1-1 dispatchers were running a bet of places where the treasure may be. (Josh’s “Who thought that was a good idea?” and someone shouting “not it!” had me in stitches 😂😂)
Let’s take a break from buddie for a second:
Hen and Chimney joining the race and Bobby trying to hide his research from Athena was so funny, I mean, she is a police sergeant, there was no way she wouldn’t figure him out.
Bobby planning a future together, a life after the job, and Athena shutting him down. I do think this is what will come between them eventually. Athena making a unilateral decision, without considering even talking about a future with Bobby that doesn’t revolve around them working until they’re either forced out or buried six feet under ground. 
I find it interesting because it’s usually the other way around, my mom has been working on my dad to retire for years now so they can travel before both of them are too old to do it. So I kinda get where Bobby’s coming from.
In parallel though, Athena making the unilateral decision like Eddie did when he re-enlisted in 3x15. I do hope Bobby and Athena manage to work things out, I love them together. 
Back to the hunt:
Of course Athena worked out where the treasure is, Karen built an algorithm, and Taylor apparently helping Buck and Eddie figure it out bringing all three teams together.
Athena looking to Buck and Eddie asking them if they seriously brought their gear with them and Eddie pointing at Hen and Chimney to divert the attention from them about their med-kits. - like children trying to justify themselves to their parents. 😂😂😂
Wasting time negotiating about the money was hilarious, especially with Taylor in the chopper hovering over them lmao.
And then there was probie - Jesus! I laughed so much.  😂🤦‍♂️
Also Buck’s “I’m not doing anymore math”, as a reference to “she taught me math”, Buck’s not doing that shit. He calculated enough for one day and he is done!  😂
I do like that Oli and Ryan’s marks are closer together again ❣❣❣  
Eddie: “We didn’t kill him”  Buck: “We just wanted to” Bobby’s “Shut up” face killed me.
Probie selling them out “I don’t know these ppl.” You don’t say shit like this as a probie 😂😂😂
Also Rick saying “I didn’t actually think it was” and I'm just enjoying the moment, was awesome. I like it when he shows up in episodes, he and Athena make a good and amusing team. 
Back to buddie bread crumbs:
Everyone in Bathena’s house, including Taylor, who took the place next to buck, leaving Eddie to sit directly in front of Taylor and next to Chimney. - The “At this point I don’t trust anyone.” cuts to Eddie’s face, that looked as if he’s saying “Seriously dude? hurtful” - The fact that Buck stopped and met Eddie’s reproachful gaze even though they are not directly in front of each other says so much! 
Also the “Stop for a second and think about what you said.” looks from Chimney and the others are very meaningful. (#everybody knows 😉)  Buck sticking his foot in his mouth and him backtracking are shot directly from Eddie’s perspective. - hmm, I wonder why…? 🧐🧐
And to complete the meal:
Taylor placing Buck directly in the Friend-Zone category, was genius. And while Buck and Taylor have a fun energy together it never really felt romantically oriented. Also I have a certain feeling that seeing Buck and Eddie interact, at Buck’s place and at Bathena’s house and not for the first time either, she knows it will not work between her and Buck.
Buck, trying to feel something more for her, even if in a gentler and way sweeter way than the cursed ship I will not name, it feels forced on his end too - and Taylor lets him off the hook in a gentle way too, I like her for that even more. 
I really hope we keep seeing Taylor in a friend capacity for Buck, I think it’s good for him to have support and someone to talk to outside the 118. And I will absolutely worship Taylor if she will be the buddie catalyst, I mean Megan does ship buddie too, it will only be appropriate 😉💖
The episode in itself was pretty nice, I would have probably enjoyed it more if I watched it before LS who absolutely kicked me in the feels today. But I do know that just like 9-1-1 2x15 I’ll go back and watch it like a million times because it is a fun episode to pass the time, and the buddie crumbs were delicious. 
The promo kicked me in the feels too, I will not discuss it here right now, but I do hope that that last part won’t be a cliff hanger and we’ll have to wait an entire week for the rest, two weeks of frayed nerves are a LOT to suffer through 🙈
Sending big hugs out there to whomever needs it 🤗🤗🤗
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claudiasjeancregg · 4 years
andy wyatt headcanons?
AAAH THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ENABLING MY ANDY OBSESSION!! i love this woman so much. i’m sorry this is so late! it took my brain forever! (and it’s SUPER long and rambly oops)
andy is bi. YES I KNOW THERE’S NO CANON BASIS FOR THIS but, (as you know) this is one of my favorite tww things to think about. she’s known since college, and isn’t ashamed of it- the only reason she isn’t out is because of her job as a congresswoman. she isn’t one to back down from a fight, but this is one that she knows she won’t win. she doesn’t want to be a congresswoman and then retire- she wants to keep moving up in politics. but andy sometimes hates that she’s had to keep it a secret- she tries to make up for it by fighting for gay rights on a national and state level, and never backing down. it’s one of her biggest issues, and she’s made a lot of progress during her term, which is something she’s proud of.
she has always wanted kids- her and toby tried throughout their whole marriage. she had a lot of trouble conceiving, and had a miscarriage that was… horribly painful for both of them. this is basically canon, i think- we see in a flashback that andy and toby went through a lot, and went to a ton of doctors to try and get pregnant. they both really wanted kids, and even after the divorce, they wanted them together, so andy kept trying (with toby’s permission- they discussed the decision a lot.) the twins were still sort of a miracle, though, and she was thrilled.
andy bakes a lot when she’s stressed- she doesn’t LOVE to cook, that’s more toby’s area, but she can bake super well. she used to bake with her sisters as a kid, and she keeps it up now as a break from work.
ok, so you know this one too lmao- she is in love with cj and toby, she’s been in love with them for years, and they were together before andy and toby got married. this is an… extremely rare ship, you and i might be the only people who talk about it, but i LOVE IT SO MUCH.  this is why she wouldn’t remarry toby- they don’t work without cj. the two of them will always be the loves of her life, and it breaks andy’s heart that they can’t be together (largely because of their jobs, they all still love each other,) and raise huck and molly as a family.
toby and andy met on a campaign in new york- they were the smartest people on the campaign. he was her boss, and was a few years older than her, so he refused to make the first move. andy is NOT someone to sit around and wait for a man (eyes-a-fluttering, parasols-a-twirling, as cj would say) so she marched up to toby one night when they were working and lectured him on his “misguided patriarchic principles that kept him from asking out a consenting adult, etc,” before dragging him into his office and kissing him. they both felt like they won that argument. needless to say, work got a lot better after that. they lost, and andy moved on to other things (she started working towards becoming the candidate instead of getting other ones elected), and toby found another campaign to work on. but they stayed together, and later, toby met cj, and they all fell into this THING of best friends and girlfriends and politics and the place they all meet in the middle.
she is definitely better friends with cj then we see- i have a TON of romantic headcanons about these two but even in canon, i think they were really good friends. andy and cj met when they were much younger, and were fast friends. cj helped her with her campaign while she was at emily’s list, and she still gives andy professional advice (mainly in the PR area, andy doesn’t need much help with politics.) anyway, they have weekly lunches that get cancelled sometimes when they are busy- but they do their best to replace the lunches with a phone call when they can. cj is a huge part of andy’s life, and the two of them know each other so deeply that being together is something that they both kind of need to get through the week. for both of them, it’s an escape from their daily lives- for cj it’s a much needed breather from white house politics, even though she loves the people she works with dearly. for andy, it’s a nice break from working with the same people, over and over again, and being able to hang out with someone for fun, not for networking purposes. (sorry this is so long i just love them so MUCH)
she was very busy during the first bartlet campaign, but always tried to join them when they made stops near where she was. andy used to hang out with donna and cj, mostly, but she got to know everyone eventually. they used to play hilarious drinking games, and... well, she found out a LOT of stuff about some of the assistants that she didn’t know before.
andy is a lot closer with donna after gaza- she feels very guilty, at first, but she eventually realizes the only way to start getting over that was to talk to donna. and while at first it was awkward, once they established that donna didn’t blame andy at ALL for anything, their conversation came a lot easier. donna told her about the trauma therapist she had seen, just in case andy needed it. they started going out to lunch every week- or whenever their schedules permitted it, and when donna made the choice to leave the white noise, andy offered her a job. donna didn’t take it, of course. andy completely understood- she had a feeling the choice to leave was a bit more personal that she let on. the job was in washington, and, well, donna wanted to get as far away from josh lyman as she could. but she kept in touch with andy, asking for her advice a few times on the campaign trail.
she likes to watch soap operas!! this is completely random, but ihave grown attached to the thought of andy watching elaborate soap operas at home in her sweats, shaking her head as the main character is revealed to have yet another sibling. toby draws a line at her watching them with the kids, even though they’re far too young to understand. andy still sneaks it in, though- molly always stops crying when she turns it on, and she’ll take whatever method she has left.
i think she was a lawyer, but only practiced for a year or two before going into politics. andy loved law school, but she quickly realized that practicing wasn’t her favorite thing to do. when she decides to run in the upcoming election, she puts that education to good use. she loves being a congresswoman more than she’s loved anything, but she doesn’t regret the path that got her there for a second.
i loved doing this!! if anyone wants me to expand on this, shoot me an ask!! i could talk about her... forever. xoxo
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submissivejungkook · 7 years
Get To Know Me~
I saw these questions from another post but decided to answer them here - I answered a couple in an ask, but decided to go ahead a do them all. 
1. What is your full name? : Alyssa (I prefer to keep the rest unknown~)
2. What is your nickname? : Lys, Scarlet, baby girl, baby, princess, and kitten
3. What is your zodiac sign? : Gemini
4. What is your favorite book series? : Harry Potter
5. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? : Both
6. Who is your favorite author? : That’s really hard to decide. There are so many amazing authors out there! T.T
7. What is your favorite radio station? : I don’t listen to the radio. BTS albums is the way to go!
8. What is your favorite flavor of anything? : I really enjoy anything strawberry, grape, and peach.
9. What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? : As lame as it is, I usually “da bomb diggity” I know, I know. What the fuck
10. What is your current favorite song? : Ummm.. I CAN’T DECIDE THIS, YOU CRUEL PERSON - Recently, though, I’ve been listening a lot to Yes I Am by Mamamoo
11. What is your favorite word? : I have a few, but fuck is my most used word. 
12. What was the last song you listened to? : Nice Very Nice - Seventeen
13. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? : Uhmm.. I don’t watch much TV.. But either Impractical Jokers or George Lopez (old but gold)
14. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? : Anything Disney Princess related ~
15. Do you play video games? : I play some, yes. 
16. What is your biggest fear? : Oh gosh, I have so many of those... But I hate the dark. If I can’t see my surroundings, I have the worst panic attack. 
17. What is your best quality, in your opinion? : I’m very passionate. 
18. What is your worst quality, in your opinion? : I tend to have a very short temper. 
19. Do you like cats or dogs better? : I love them both to death, but I have to say dogs.
20. What is your favorite season? : Autumn!
21. Are you in a relationship? : Sadly no. I mean, I am but Namjoon is completely unaware of it-
22. What is something you miss from your childhood? : I really miss all the great shows like Drake and Josh, CatDog, Rugrats, Scooby Doo(I know this is still going on, but it was much better when I was a child), etc.
23. Who is your best friend? : I have a couple. Neither of them are on tumblr, though.
24. What is your eye color? : Deep blue
25. What is your hair color? : Natural - Medium brown, Dyed - Black
26. Who is someone you love? : Namjoonie 
27. Who is someone you trust? : My great aunt. I can tell her anything and everything.
28. Who is someone you think about often? : Recently I’ve been thinking a lot about @lilazalani-blog - She’s such a sweet girl and definitely an amazing friend.
29. Are you currently excited about/for something? : I start my 3rd year of college on the 22nd <3 Oooh can’t forget the Hixtape and BTS’ comeback. 
30. What is your biggest obsession? : Kpop
31. What was your favorite TV show as a child? : Scooby Doo was my ult. fave.
32. Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? : My younger brother. We’re only 2 1/2 years apart so we’re pretty much on the same thinking level and he’s so understanding <3 
33. Are you superstitious? : Kinda
34. Do you have any unusual phobias? : Escalaphobia - the fear of elevators 
35. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? : Behind
36. What is your favorite hobby? : Writing!
37. What was the last book you read? : 50 Shades of Grey >.> 
38. What was the last movie you watched? : Wonder Woman
39. What musical instruments do you play, if any? : I used to play the flute
40. What is your favorite animal? : Panda! 
41. What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow? : @bangtanprincesss @lilazalani-blog @talkwithjimin @bottomguk and @ya-boy-bambam - There are more, though!
42. What superpower do you wish you had? : Probably telepathy or Precognition
43. When and where do you feel most at peace? : Either in my room or at the campus coffee shop
44. What makes you smile? : BTS and the wonderful people I’ve met on here~
45. What sports do you play, if any? : I used to play softball now I play hide-away-in-my-room-and-never-come-out-until-school-starts. I’m pretty good at that!
46. What is your favorite drink? : Coffee or water
47. When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? : Last semester 
48. Are you afraid of heights? : YES 
49. What is your biggest pet peeve? : Either someone standing over me while I try to work or someone repeating the same thing over and over 
50. Have you ever been to a concert? : Yessss! March 29th I went to the BTS concert in Chicago! 
51. Are you vegan/vegetarian? : No.. I tried, but I can’t live without steak or chicken
52. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? : A singer and dancer
53. What fictional world would you like to live in? : The fictional world in my head where I’m a really fit and gorgeous girl that’s married to Namjoon. 
54. What is something you worry about? : My future
55. Are you scared of the dark? : ...Hell yes
56. Do you like to sing? : Yes, even though I’m awful 
57. Have you ever skipped school? : Yeah. Don’t tell my uncle, though. 
58. What is your favorite place on the planet? : Disney World!
59. Where would you like to live? : Somewhere up north. I live in the south western area of the states. T.T I wouldn’t mind living in New Zealand either. 
60. Do you have any pets? : I have one pup~
61. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? : Normally I’m both, but I’ve been sleeping so late because I haven’t been sleeping until like 4:30 am or so.
62. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? : Sunset
63. Do you know how to drive? : Yesssss
64. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? : Earbuds
65. Have you ever had braces? : Yeah and I actually miss them. 
66. What is your favorite genre of music? : I’ll listen to anything that catches my attention, but I love kpop (obv)
67. Who is your hero? : Demi Lovato has been my hero for a loooong time, and then BTS came into the picture too. 
68. Do you read comic books? : Nope
69. What makes you the most angry? : There are plenty of things, but.. cheaters really piss me off. 
70. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? : Real book all the way. I love the smell and feel of new/old books. 
71. What is your favorite subject in school? : In high school it was English/Literature. Now it’s Psychology since that’s what I’m majoring in~
72. Do you have any siblings? : Yep! One younger brother
73. What was the last thing you bought? : A subscription to a twitch streamer <.> 
74. How tall are you? : 5′3 or 5′4
75. Can you cook? : Ehh.. I bake better.
76. What are three things that you love? : BTS, my friends, and kpop
77. What are three things that you hate? : Horrible drivers, fanwars, and politics
78. Do you have more female friends or more male friends? : Female
79. What is your sexual orientation? : Pansexual
80. Where do you currently live? : United States
81. Who was the last person you texted? : My mother
82. When was the last time you cried? : Last night
83. Who is your favorite YouTuber? : Markiplier and TerryTV
84. Do you like to take selfies? : When I’m having a good hair day pffft
85. What is your favorite app? : Instagram or YouTube
86. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? : It’s alright. 
87. What is your favorite foreign accent? : British or Busan dialect (Jimin got me fucked up tbh)
88. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? : Korea, New Zealand, Japan, UK, and Paris
89. What is your favorite number? : 143
90. Can you juggle? : No :c 
91. Are you religious? : I’m not sure about this either, honestly. I don’t have a problem with religions.. I grew up in a Christian family, but I’m just unsure. 
92. Do you find outer space or the deep ocean to be more interesting? : The deep ocean
93. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? : Not really. 
94. Are you allergic to anything? : Penicillin 
95. Can you curl your tongue? : Yep
96. Can you wiggle your ears? : Ohmygosh no XD I remember on The Little Rascals, Alfalfa could wiggle his and it made me laugh so hard. 
97. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? : Every time I’m wrong. 
98. Do you prefer the forest or the beach? : Beach
99. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? : Fake it til you make - One smile goes a long way so always remember to smile at someone - Do you >u> 
100. Are you a good liar? : No, not at all
101. What is your Hogwarts House? : Slytherin
102. Do you talk to yourself? : ...yes
103. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? : Introvert
104. Do you keep a journal/diary? : I used to
105. Do you believe in second chances? : Depends 
106. If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? : I’ve found a couple wallets before and I did what I could to find who they belonged to.
107. Do you believe that people are capable of change? : Sure, if they really want to change. 
108. Are you ticklish? : Very! 
109. Have you ever been on a plane? : Yes! Twice
110. Do you have any piercings? : Nope
111. What fictional character do you wish was real? : There was a guy from a book I read named Archer. I fell in love with him. I wish he were real XD 
112. Do you have any tattoos? : No, but tattoos are hot~
113. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? : Best decision.. Choosing to study psychology
114. Do you believe in karma? : Yesss
115. Do you wear glasses or contacts? : Glasses~
116. Do you want children? : I’d like to adopt 2 babies one day 
117. Who is the smartest person you know? : My uncle
118. What is your most embarrassing memory? : One day during softball practice, my shorts came down while I was running the bases... It was so bad.
119. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? : Obv!
120. What color are most of your clothes? : Black tbh
121. Do you like adventures? : Sure^^
122. Have you ever been on TV? : Yep
123. How old are you? : Just turned 20
124. What is your favorite quote? : “Love is louder than the pressure to be perfect” 
125. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? : Both
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lavila27 · 8 years
Beauty & the Beast- a movie review by Lauren Avila
I’ve just returned from seeing the live action remake of Beauty & the Beast for the 2nd time within a week. I have so many thoughts about this movie but in a nutshell: I LOVED IT!!
Let me begin by saying that I’m extremely biased because I’ve been a lifelong fan of this movie. I was born in ‘89 and this movie came out in ‘91. We haven’t long existed without each other. As a child, this was the first obsession I ever had. Obviously, I’ve since become obsessed w/ many movies, tv shows, books, places, people, and yes, ships. It all started with B&TB though. I could go into greater detail about all the merchandise, the endless hours of rewatching, the pic of little Lauren w/ the characters, etc. but I think you get it. I love this movie. So I’ll move on. Regardless of my favoritism, I tried to watch this movie with a clear head. I would be lying if I said that I didn’t have high expectations. I’m really not kidding when I say that I’ve had the countdown on my phone for the release of this movie for 900 days or so. In all that time, I’ve had my fair share of ideas and fantasies of how this could turn out. I had high hopes right from the beginning.
While driving to the theater on the night of March 16th, my sister asked me: Are you nervous? And I said “No, I’m excited. Unless they stray 100% from the animation, I know I won’t be disappointed.” I was right. It was basically impossible for me to be disappointed. In fact, even though it turned out quite different than I imagined, I was very pleased with it. Having said that, I would like to discuss the movie in my honest opinion. I could fangirl all over it and say that it was the best thing I’ve ever seen. However, I do have some slightly critical things to say. So let’s start.
The moment the movie started with that iconic opening music, I swear I stopped breathing for about a minute and a half. I appreciated that it began with the castle, the rose, and the first few lines that we know from the animated classic. The changes started right away. I didn’t mind this Prologue at all though. It thoroughly explained the Beast’s curse and even gave us the first step into greater detail than the cartoon did by mentioning the memory curse. I love that this version gave so many direct nods to the animation. Just to name a few: scratching out the Prince’s face, the opening of Belle, Belle about to leave after the Wolf scene, the Transformation, etc.
For some reason, there’s something about the village scene that bothers me. I’m not sure if it’s the ensemble that just seems like an under-rehearsed community theater group. Or if it’s that the library has like twelve books inside. Or if it’s because Emma Watson’s voice is dripping w/ autotune. It’s really too bad because I can tell that Emma’s voice is just fine the way it is. But I’ll discuss this more later. Anyway, I really adore all the costumes in the film. Belle’s blue dress looked great to me. It really suited the provincial look and Belle’s simple style.
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Now would be a good time to talk about Luke Evans. When I heard the casting as each member came onboard, Luke was one of the few I had never heard of. Oh my goodness though, he really makes Gaston his own in an impressive performance. Plus, his singing is fantastic! He is arguably the best singer in the whole cast. But that is seriously up for debate. Of course I should also mention the perfect casting of Josh Gad as Lefou. I mean, perfect casting. That’s all I can really say. While on the subject of casting though, should we discuss the equal opportunity employing going on with the horse. 90’s kids know that Philippe is famously played by a brown horse and is now played by a white horse. I’m just going to leave it at that.
Back on subject, I want to note some more changes in the movie. They planted the seeds of a deeper back story for Maurice and Belle by bringing up her mother right away. Maurice sings a tender, new song while creating a music box as a tribute to his late wife. I got emotional quickly as this scene began because I didn’t realize how much I wanted to hear about Belle’s mother until this scene was unfolding in front of me. When Belle asks, “Please, just tell me one more thing about her.” It cuts like a knife. You’re reminded that Belle knows as little about her as we, the audience, does. “She was fearless” seems to have a great weight to it in a foreshadowing kind of way.
This version had all the beloved songs from the animation, but sadly no songs from the stage musical. That’s alright though because they added a few really lovely, new songs. I did notice that they hinted at songs from the musical here and there. The first scene between Belle and her father had the exact setup of “No Matter What” but no song. Later, in “Days in the Sun,” Belle sings a line “a change in me.” She also refers to the castle as home when they leave Paris. This, I think, is a shout out to “Home.” I believe there was one other reference in the movie but I can’t recall it right now. I also noticed that a few songs had been altered and musically rearranged as well. “Gaston,” “Be Our Guest,” and “The Mob Song” had lyric changes and additions. I really love the new songs but my favorite is probably “Evermore.” I’ll talk more about it soon.
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Kevin Kline as Maurice was excellent. He was funny and endearing. The bond that Kevin and Emma had was very believable. I like the way they changed Belle’s sacrifice. It seemed that the Beast was kind of impressed with her decision to take her father’s place. Quite the opposite however, I did not like that they had Lumiere and Cogsworth give Belle a bedroom. That’s the first bit of kindness the Beast shows Belle in the ‘91 movie. It plants a seed in their relationship. Not only this but they took away another opportunity too. When the Beast gifts Belle his library in the animation, he knows how much it will mean to her. In this version though, it’s so blase. He’s so passive about giving it to her. I don’t know. It takes a little getting use to.
Sidenote: I’m sorry but I couldn’t help but get a few Harry Potter feelings during the movie. Yes, I know Emma is not eternally Hermione but Belle is very similar: smart, strong, and compassionate. The villager who couldn’t remember what he forgot. Gaston’s dark magic reference. And something about that crazy wardrobe makeover in Belle’s room reminded me of a Potter movie. Belle’s parents’ apartment reminded me of the Shrieking Shack. And also of apparating. Emma Thompson working with Emma Watson. I don’t know. An HP fan’s mind can never roam too far away from the movies.
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Be Our Guest was quite the number. At first I wasn’t a fan of it. I suppose I was expecting something really big and stunning. I still feel like something is lacking a little but I did enjoy it much more the second time. I expect it will appear better and better every subsequent time. My first impression was that the singing was flat, the set was underwhelming and the mix between real and computer animated objects was distracting. I know it’s hard to live up to a cartoon that has spoons swimming, candlesticks bending in line, and forks doing a kick line but what can I say? I’m a huge fan of this scene. Upon seeing this scene again though, I warmed to it pretty quickly actually. With a new perspective, I decided I really like the new arrangement of the song and some elements of the “show.” I’ll definitely say it’s exciting and doesn’t disappoint in the end. In fact, I’m the one who led the applause on opening night right after the number. The whole theater joined in too! I just wish I could put my finger on what’s missing though. Oh well. C’est la vie.
Let’s talk about another dance number. “Gaston” turned out great. Yes, they changed a bunch of lyrics but overall I was happy with it. You ain’t seen nothing like the stage version but I digress. I thought that the added elements were funny such as the “I just realized I’m illiterate and never had to spell it before” line from Lefou at the end of the song. Luke Evans’ Gaston had a certain charm to him. Even though he was doing horrible things, he was so set in his own convictions, it didn’t seem to bother him. The whole audience I was with at the opening gasped when he punched Maurice and left him for wolf bait in the woods.
The wolves were great by the way. The whole battle with the wolves seemed so real. I also really liked that when Belle went to help the Beast she said, “I need your help. You have to stand.” (Or something like that.) It indicated that they can help each other through teamwork and must literally lean on each other. It was the first time they connected. He saved her life. She tended to him and showed him compassion. It broke down their barriers. I’m so happy they kept their little spat intact. You know the whole, “You should learn to control your temper” talk. This scene also lended itself more toward backstory. We learn that the Beast lost his mother as a child and his father twisted him into a selfish prince. I thoroughly enjoy little details. At the very beginning of “Days in the Sun” we see that the Beast has a tear or two in his eyes after dreaming of his mother. I really like the whole song. Furthermore, I love the side of the Beast we begin to see when he heals. The Shakespeare conversation they have and then the “Some of them are in Greek” joke in the library… so adorable. It’s also really sweet that he wants to sit by her during “Something There.”
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The addition of the magic book from the Sorceress was an unexpected but pleasant surprise. It was a heartbreaking scene but I think it was a great investment in Belle’s emotional journey. However, I feel it opened an unnecessary window into a whole chapter we will never know more about. Granted it answered a question that the character of Belle had, it created an added element that felt like a bit of a tease. We only got a few minutes with this magical book and know so little about it. I almost feel like there could be a whole other movie about it. I love the symbolism behind it but I can’t help but feel so curious about it. Can they still use this book now that the curse has been broken? Where would the Beast like to go to? So can it transport in time? If so, did the Beast use it to see his mother? Did Belle ever use it without the Beast? Could she have potentially used it to visit her father? Can the Enchanted Objects use it too?
Moving on. Let’s talk about Belle’s iconic yellow dress. I’ve heard many people say that they’re not a fan of it and I can understand why. Surprisingly, I really love it. Even when I saw the trailers for the movie, I didn’t hate it. I was cautiously optimistic. Then I saw the movie and fell in love with the soft and romantic look of it. It floats gracefully when Belle moves and dances. I love the layers, the glimmers of gold, the simple but beautiful style especially keeping in mind that this is probably the prettiest thing that this poor village girl has ever seen. I adored her hair, her jewelry, and I’m sure her shoes were great too but we didn’t see them. I loved the whole look and would definitely wear it myself. I could practically feel the fabric through the screen. I may be the only person to defend her dress, but I give it my stamp of approval.
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The dancing scene was perfect! Both times I’ve seen it, I’ve cried. I’m so thankful for all the moments they kept from the movie especially the camera pan up to the ceiling (loved the instruments playing!) and down to the Beast spinning Belle to the side. I also really enjoyed the bit where he picks her up and spins her amidst twinkling lights. Have I mentioned yet that adding the organ sound of Cadenza to lots of pieces of the score was an awesome decision?! I really loved this ballroom scene and felt the love for the project, the love between the characters, and the love toward the original creation all oozing out of this scene.
Coming out of the movie, I think the part that I can’t stop thinking about is “Evermore.” I am obsessed with the new song and I’m so in love with this scene. It completely gutted me both times. The lyrics and melancholy yet so beautiful. Dan Stevens, ladies and gentlemen. First of all, I am fascinated with his Beast talking voice but his singing voice has captivated my B&TB-loving heart. He sings with such passion, I was surprised to find out that he “learned” to sing for this movie. I would’ve guessed he had a prior career in the West End. But I’ll stop gushing now. Bravo to all involved in the making of that scene including the brilliance of Alan Menken and Tim Rice!
I dare say I loved “The Mob Song” more in this film than I did in the animation. I’ve already mentioned how impressed I was by Luke Evans but it’s worth noting again. There was something about this scene that really felt right. The singing was on point and they added a fantastic new line for Lefou too! He says that there is definitely a beast but the wrong monster has been released. Awesome addition! It’s probably just the Menken Maniac in me but it had an epic parallel to “Savages” from Pocahontas. By the way, did you all catch the Darth Vader theme in the battle scene in the castle? Am I mistaken?
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Boy was the finale dramatic! Gaston shot the Beast three times. Three! Belle’s wrestling w/ Gaston’s gun. Everyone’s making risky jumps on the rooftops of the castle. You’re on the edge of your seat the whole time. My favorite part of all this was the line, “I am NOT a beast.” Too bad Gaston couldn’t leave well enough alone. It’s doom and gloom for him. Speaking of gloom, the transformation of all the Enchanted Objects into ordinary objects was the saddest scene in the whole movie. I cried both times. It had such hopeless finality to it. You would have to have a heart of stone to not feel something.
No matter what form I see the end in: animation, stage, live action, I just love Belle and the Beast’s tearful goodbye and new beginning. Emma did a phenomenal performance as she said “No! Please don’t leave me. I love you.” Tears falling out of her eyes and her pleading voice… oh my goodness. I couldn’t handle it. Then the beautiful and goosebump-inducing transformation. It was exactly like the animation and I loved that!! Although I was hoping to hear Belle say “It is you,” this wordless scene still left me completely satisfied. Dan and Emma have wonderful chemistry. Not many couples could pull off a vital scene without dialogue. Fortunately, Dan and Emma conveyed so much with their eyes and expressions… and lips.
I was very happy with the end including the choreography of the dancing, the lovely Audra McDonald singing, the beastly beard joke, and especially with Belle’s white dress. Gorgeous!! The Prince looked quite handsome as well. I even liked the credits. Both times I’ve seen the movie, I’ve stayed for the entire thing. It’s wonderful to hear Celine Dion sing in B&TB credits again. I’m really happy with the way John Legend and Ariana Grande sang the title song too. I’m a longtime fan of Josh Groban so to hear his version of “Evermore” just adds a cherry on the sundae. Though I must say, I think I prefer Dan Stevens’ emotional rendition of the song. Visually the cast credits are well done too.
If you’ve read this far, thank you for your patience. Obviously, I have a lot of thoughts on the movie. I hope to go see it again before it leaves theaters. So I think that goes to show that overall I really loved it. There were a few things I’d tweak a bit but again, I’m generally happy with the whole film. I was pleased to see it at my Cinemark theater that has comfortable reclining loungers. They also had souvenir popcorn tubs and cups. I just had to get those too. And so readers, I would most definitely recommend Disney’s 2017 live action Beauty and the Beast! Now playing in theaters nationwide. And once you get your B&TB movie fix, maybe venture to some chain stores that are currently selling fun movie merchandise. Plus, Disney Parks are promoting the movie pretty heavily these days as well. I might just check it out. Stay tuned for more!
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