#just. wow. none of these ppl are good for each other
seawitchkaraoke · 2 years
I am watching Crazy Ex-Girlfriend bc the songs are great and I've heard lots of great things about it but maaaaan the second hand embarrassment is really getting to me aaaaaaa
The only person in this entire show who is like.... mentally in a good healthy place is white Josh. I love him. He's the best.
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bunnypansy · 5 months
Whiskey, Neat
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Rated E, for EVERYONE!
Boothill is the most annoying customer you have to deal with.
Featuring: Boothill and YOU!
Beware! This film contains: Probably OOC Boothill (made before his release), gender neutral reader, the reader doesn't like straight whiskey sorry guys, not quite frenemies to lovers....? more like two ppl annoying the fuck outta each other, Boothill threatens to kill you once or twice, but he also flirts, a touch of angst at the VERY end, mention of sexual harassment but it's just the reader calling Boothill a creep I repeat there is zero sexual harassment in this fic
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Boothill is a thorn in your side. No, no; you find yourself thinking that comparison is too tame. To you, Boothill is a girdle made of barbed wire. You thought it impossible to hate a man at such a depth until you met the outlaw. He always smelled like hot pennies and diesel, never paid his tab, and harassed the rest of the bar staff to such a degree that none of them would serve him. Except you.
For the first few months of your “relationship”, you were only acquainted with Boothill from the countless times you had to drag him away from the bar top and throw him out the front door. Shortly after that, your boss said you should learn a thing or two about bartending for “no good reason”. You were starting to catch on. Soon enough your position as security faded away and was replaced with “the guy who dealt with Boothill”. You can't complain, the pay is better and you have the eternal gratitude of your coworkers.
In a matter of mere seconds, the front doors swing open, and three deafening gunshots shatter the eardrums of everyone in the bar.
“Alright, everyone out.” Just like that, you watch all the good tips run right out the door, along with the rest of the wait staff. Now left in an empty bar, Boothill throws his arms wide, gun still held tight in his metal fingers. “I'm back, baby! You miss me?”
The revolver takes a seat at the bar top before Boothill does, slammed down hard against the wood, its barrel pointed right at you. You're not worried, Boothill doesn't shoot on accident.
“Like a hole in the head.” You quit cleaning a glass and glance at the new bullet holes placed just above the door. “Or the ceiling… order your drink and get the fuck outta here already, Boots. You're killing business.”
“Keep mouthin’ off and I'll be killin’ more than business, sweetheart.” As if to prove his point, the freak of nature spits a few bullets onto the bar top and starts reloading his gun.
You can't help but roll your eyes at Boothill’s threats. The man offers to shoot you every other breath, but he'll never do it- if he was going to kill you, you'd already be dead. You're the only man still alive who talks to Boothill like that. Probably because you're the only man alive who’ll still serve him a drink. “You're not gonna kill me, Boots. Piss off any more bartenders and you're gonna have to get your fix from the hand sanitizer in public bathrooms.” 
A deep scowl takes over Boothill’s face. “You're just askin’ for me to hop this counter and kiss you right on that pretty mouth of yours.” He stops then, equal parts embarrassed and furious as a hand comes to grasp at his own throat, surely cursing his internal censor system.
“Wow, sexual harassment, that's a new low, even for a hunk of junk like you.” You snort and a short glass finds its way into your hands. You're already pulling the strongest whiskey you have from beneath the counter, knowing Boothill will ask for it any second.
As if intentionally subverting your expectations, the outlaw kicks his feet up on the bar with an amused chuckle and a smug smile that makes you want to punch his teeth right out of his face. 
“You just call me a hunk?” Six words in and you're already exasperated beyond belief. He's leaving crusty speckles on your clean bar. “Darlin’, if you wanted to take me out so bad, you coulda’ just asked.” 
You elbow Boothill right in the ankles; it brings a mild ache to your arm as bone meets unrelenting metal, but the pain is worth it to watch the self-satisfied prick lose his grin and nearly fall out of his chair. “I’d rather drink a pint of sand and chew the glass it came in, take your drink and get outta here.”
The glass slides across the bar just a touch too fast, the liquid fire inside threatening to slosh over the sides; if Boothill's hand hadn't shot out to catch the glass, it surely would've sailed right off the bar and shattered on the floor. 
“Come on now sweet thing, don't act like you hate me.” He recuperates much too fast, already leaning on his palm. There's a horrible, discordant shrieking emitted by the friction of metal against glass; Boothill running his fingertip around the rim of the glass. “Can't deny we’ve got some kinda chemistry.”
“Oh, it ain't acting, trust.” You snort at Boothill’s shot at… Well, you're not sure; could this be called flirting? If so, it's a laughable attempt. “We've got chemistry like bleach and ammonia.” 
You know he's got some smart-mouthed response when Boothill bares his pointed teeth in a massive grin. “Could say we'd be… breathtakin’?” 
It's horrible. That joke is worse than any sugar-coated insult Boothill could toss your way. One hand shoots out to grasp Boothill’s glass, the other going to grip his chin. 
“Agh- what the-” You don't give Boothill time to finish, wedging your fingers between his razor-sharp teeth to pry his mouth open and dump the glass of whiskey down his throat. He gargles once, coughs twice, and swats at your hands furiously. 
“You had your drink. Now run off, you robotic trash-eating vermin.” Fresh bruises are purpling on your wrists from Boothill’s strikes. It could still be worse. He could tell another joke.
Boothill is still sputtering like a drowned rat, grasping at his throat and swearing- or doing his best impression of it. “What in heaven’s holy gates, darling!?” He coughs again. “You tryna’ give me a heart attack you cute little minx?! Who just pours a drink down a man's throat?!”
“Someone who's trying to get the man to leave. You had your drink, now scram before I call animal control.” You reach to take away Boothill’s empty half-glass, only to get caught in the outlaw’s iron grip.
His spare hand slams down against the bar top, a cacophony of delicate tinkling ringing out as glassware rattles and bumps against itself. “Oh don't pull that cute crap with me, sweetheart! Pour me another one, so I can drink it nice and slow.” 
“You're a jackass, you know?” The words come out hissed between your teeth, roiling with barely concealed hatred, but you’re already moving to pour him another. Every time you encounter Boothill, you curse his stubbornness. 
“Watch your mouth.” His grip relaxes slightly, but he keeps his stern expression as he sits back down. “Whiskey, neat.”
You almost laugh, jerking your wrist out of his grasp- does Boothill seriously think you need a reminder? Though you’d much rather kick him to the curb with a few extra bullet holes in his ugly hat, you pour Boothill a second drink with an insulted scoff. “Yeah, yeah, I know what you fuckin’ drink.”
When Boothill takes the drink this time, he tilts the glass towards you in an encouraging motion. “Pour one for yourself, too.” The look you give him must be an incredulous one, because he scowls and waves a hand at you dismissively. “Aw, Pete's sake. Just do it!”
The sigh you heave is so heavy that Boothill briefly looks for an open window, thinking there’s a draft coming in. You drag your feet through pulling down a second glass, lamenting that now you have two dishes to do when the outlaw leaves. The pour you give yourself can be more accurately called a sip, barely coming to the width of your finger. When Boothill shoots an exasperated look your way, you already have a retort prepped for him.
“Not all of us can drink in the middle of the damn day, Boots.” You stare down at the drink, swirling it lightly with a disgusted grimace. “Besides, I’m no fan of straight whiskey. I’m more of an Old Fashioned kind of guy.”
The way Boothill smiles smugly makes you wanna punch dents into his metal chest. “Oh, bless your heart, that’s cute. Stuff’s too sweet for me, personally.” He lifts his glass to you, asking for a toast.
“Too sweet? Hell, Boots. Maybe hand sanitizer is a good match for you.” Reluctantly, you tilt your glass towards his, the rims letting out a high ringing as they meet.
This time Boothill pulls an exasperated face, raising the glass to sit just in front of his lips. “Just drink already, I’m tryna’ be nice, and you’re out here ruinin’ it with your smart lil’ mouth.” 
After a second of hesitation, staring into the amber, you tip the glass back and let the drink slide down your throat. It burns, chemical and hot, like sandpaper tearing through your esophagus. It’s all you can do to not dry heave at the feeling, but you can’t stifle a coughing fit. “Fucking hell- how can you drink this shit?”
The drink came much easier to Boothill, nursing his whiskey as if he were only sipping on tap water. “Guess I just got a more refined palette, sweet thing. Thanks for sharin’ a drink with me anyway. You make a guy feel less lonely.”
For once, Boothill seems strangely earnest and you can’t help but be put off guard. You suppose, with such a polarizing personality and by the very nature of outrunning the law, Boothill must live quite the isolating life. Then again, if he wanted to be less alone, he could simply stop getting himself kicked out of bars. Still, you stumble over your words for a second, looking for a proper thing to say, and in the end only muttering out a sorry; “Yeah, sure, no problem.”
Even to you, that doesn’t quite make you sound like yourself. Dishes, you have dishes to do, a distraction that can carry your mind away from Boothill’s odd shift in demeanor. You’re expecting a snide comment about how quiet you’re being, but when you look back at Boothill, he’s fixed his gaze on an empty wall; clearly, he’s far away from here. You’re trying not to think about it too hard- Boothill’s seemingly flirtatious remarks, asking you to drink -but in the empty bar, it’s silent, and it’s almost… nice.
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I SWEAR I'M WORKING ON REQUESTS. I PROMISE. the Barbatos fic is coming out to be twice as long as just about anything else I've written so it's taking a long time. I saw Boothill things and was possessed by spirits to make this. Also. Yes inspired by the Hozier song
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personasintro · 2 years
So I read Cheater the other day since the last anon mentioned it & wow. Firstly, the build up was amazing, I felt all the gut wrenching emotions the mc went through, that’s how well written it was. Like the day by day events that went by and how you get to see and feel how things progressively get worse! Like I kept reading each reason and was like omgomgomg it’s coming and then boom you reach the inescapable tragedy ?!? With the title and all the very red flags throughout the story, it hints to what to expect (he cheats) … buttt I did not expect it to unveil like that!! It was so heartbreaking and shame on him, like that was sooo disrespectful on so many levels for him to do😭 it hurts different bc he actually said he loved her & doing it in their home??? While she’s away??? I just love how your work always keeps me on my toes, like it’s never 100% predictable. I may have an idea where something is going but you always find a way to put a twist in it and thats what makes your work so enjoyable. There really is an element of surprise! The way it ended was kinda .. final? (i can’t find the right word to explain it) Like you can see why it’s a one shot, because in the end she broke up with him, he’s in love with someone else and now you can assume she just heals and moves on and that’s it but I saw a lot of readers wanting him to regret what he did in a possible sequel and I understand that feeling but idk how a pt 2 would go however l’m really curious on how you would spin it🤓 I’m so glad the other anon mentioned this fic bc now it’s one of my angsty faves! Sorry for the rambling your work just hits different 🫶
Cheater here stealing and breaking hearts at the same time 🤧
It’s one of my first one-shots I’ve ever written and seeing ppl loving it and still talking about it just makes me wanna cry and jump from joy at the same time 😭😭 Thank you so much!
Cheater!Taehyung is just horrible, what MC went through was absolutely heartbreaking and I do hope none of us will ever be in that position and situation!
I was actually planning to write a part 2, mostly because many readers wanted me to but then I just decided not to. Idk, I like how the story ended and their storyline is good as it is. But who knows! So far I am not planning it at the moment 🥲
Thank you for your support and feedback! 🦋💘
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anniesfarce · 2 years
guess who but with vibes (cpds edition)... 2!
one person replied to the first one to say we should do more, and that's good enough for me so here's the second! as a quick review, the idea is that we're asking each other questions about "vibes" to determine via process of elimination which cpds character the other is thinking of. again, we originally played this going back and forth, but i've reformatted it to be one character at a time so that you have the potential to play along :)
first character R: i think i have a question
L: all right
R: it's: has this person ever figured out the solution to a mystery novel before getting to the reveal
L: HMMM. it is agatha christie novel or... is it a children's mystery...
R: i just said mystery novel but based on the average abilities of cornley, it may have to be a chil--
L: haha very valid point. i would say yes
R: i've eliminated three but i hope that was right ha ha
L: chris losing his temper over encyclopedia brown: HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO KNOW-
R: that is SO chris. robert deliberately buys him hard crosswords and math sudokus because he knows chris can't figure them out lol
L: PFFT. chris's birthday, robert gets him hard crossword puzzles and everybody is like aw that's nice of him and chris is like ... >:( i know what he's doing
R: would they have been a child actor if they had the chance?
L: no
R: conflicted about if i should eliminate one person or not ha ha i think i'll leave them in to err on the side of caution tptgw emoji
L: that's actually both an unfair question and incredibly good question
R: yeah it's like Related to the canon, but it's not In canon?
L: it going straight to my heart: dammmnnn
R: so a little questionable buuut. okay. does this person reply to texts quickly?
L: no
R: oh man. i thought that was a good question... but now that i think about it... taken in a certain way... this could easily eliminate none of the people i have remaining i don't feel confident taking anyone off :(
L: oooof
R: would this person be a main character in a movie about a sporty dog like air bud? not as the dog, to be clear
L: oh gosh. i would say yes?
R: i guess i'm on 50/50 now ha ha. is your person jonathan?
L: ha ha it is not. who was the other person you had in mind?
R: my second guess was trevor
L: it was trevor
R: WOW. lost that 50/50
L: i was like yeah he would be in air bud. like in an insp sort of way. trevor: i'm so bad at baseball :( ferret: i can play baseball, i'll be on ur team!! trevor: omg
R: it's funny because i was really just trying to eliminate vanessa with that one. i was like it's one of these three i need to get vanessa out she would Not be in an air bud movie
L: ha ha you're right. she would not be. dennis would be i feel
R: max as well, maybe annie?
second character L: okay ummm would this person go for a walk in the rain, refusing to change their plans just because of the weather? wait maybe that isn't the best question to ask considering it's cornley
R: conflicted on this one as well... i would say... no? they would change their plans?
L: ooh okay.... eliminated 2. hope it's a good 2. hmm. would this person take the top bunk in a bunk bed?
R: no <3
L: traumatised by peter pan
R: ha ha
L: eliminated 3 lol sometimes i'm pretty sure i get too overconfident on these. is this person a cat person?
R: hmm this is a difficult question. i want to say no but i don't think they don't like cats. so like no but they are not anti-cat
L: wait this eliminates like everyone i have left
R: oh no! why do you have so many cat people in your list?
L: i'm too overconfident smh. no these r people i think don't like cats
R: ohh oh no
L: these r ppl i have left who don't like cats apparently
R: hurtful
L: okay i think i have a guess. not too confident in it but... is it jonathan?
R: no :(
L: dang. sandra was the other person left?
R: oh, well, no, unfortunately it was dennis
L: OOF. when did i eliminate him? i think it might've been the cat
R: you think dennis is a cat person?
L: i eliminated chris and vanessa and annie for top bunk for sure. and robert and max for the rain. i got all muddled up on the cat bit i was like hmmm
R: robert spitefully going for a walk in the rain because he was going to go for a WALK TODAY, while dennis stays in the house
L: haha yeah that was exactly it
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astrobei · 2 years
what are your favorite tv shows?
ANON OMFG u do not even know the floodgates u just unleashed w this ask (im assuming st is a given) so settle back grab some popcorn and get Ready for some Rambling 💃 in no particular order (bc they’re all so good and i can’t choose):
THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE!! omfg i could talk for hours and hours and hours abt this show (and i have) but EVERYTHING ABOUT IT IS SO !! the storyline is so well thought out, like from the very first episode everything is set up Perfectly. and i looove a good character-driven show, and the way this show is split up w episodes for each character and how everything comes together in the end,, oh my god. like EVERYTHING ABT IT and iconic episodes 6 and 7 right after one another BROKE ME i swear i would give anything to go back and watch it for the first time again. i love how it’s a subversion on a typical haunted house story and the reveal at the end literally rewired my brain in a way that NOTHING ELSE EVER HAS !! in my top 3 shows of all time probably bc the perfect mixture of horror and drama and mystery and emotional catharsis is unmatched, the storytelling and cinematography and that One Rly Good Jumpscare (iykyk) anyways . before i give any spoilers for ppl who haven’t watched it please do urself the biggest favor of ur life and GO WATCH IT RN
new girl is and always will be my #1 comfort show. like there’s nothing even more i have to say, but i can’t recall a single bad episode in this entire show. i have it on in the background for EVERYTHING like doing dishes, cleaning my room, cooking, getting ready. it’s so fucking funny and honestly so so so iconic, zooey deschanel was BORN to play this role. like it’s cast so perfectly, the humor is spot on and has the best timing, the characters r so chefs kiss and AHHH idk idk what else to say it’s just so unmatched in this category for me i just (YELLS)
ATTACK ON TITAN !! OMG this is definitely also in my top 3 shows! i remember watching the first season back in 2015 when it came out and i think it got continued (the show not the manga) a couple years ago so i got back into it, but i didn’t finish the whole thing until last winter and WOW. let me just tell u i think this is one of the most incredible shows of all time, EVER. the way that the entire entire entire story was planned out from the very first episode (also i haven’t read the manga so just know i’m talking abt things in terms of the show!) is so astounding bc it took so many years and has like 4 seasons so just knowing the creator was that thorough from the beginning is SOOOO !!! like i rewatched it over the summer and there’s stuff in the FIRST EPISODE that correlates to stuff in the last season, which was made like a full 7 years later?? and it’s just so cool watching the storyline of the show come together, different characters and their roles changing (jean solos everyone fr), some of the best redemption arcs/if not The best vs. the best villain arc i’ve Ever seen, how there’s so many plot twists but none are tacky! and the worldbuilding is INSANE!! like ik this is probably the most basic of animes to be into bc i haven’t rly gotten into many others but it’s popular for good reason and deserves every bit of its hype fr . like there’s this 2/3 episode arc in season 3 that is just . like actually unparalleled by any other show for me (except for maybe ep6/7 of hill house hehe) ANYWAYS if u haven’t watched it . do it now NOWWWWWWWWWW NOW!!
those r all the shows that immediately came to mind and i already blabbed abt them Way Too Much so i will stop there! but if anyone does have more anime recs i’ve been meaning to watch some more so pls drop them!
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slumpcd · 6 months
🩵 - jake/jada
send me a 🩵 and i'll answer the following regarding our muses' relationship!
who curses more? both are ppl who curse so i feel like it's a tie, at least so far hahaha
who is more patient? hmmm so far ... jada lol.
who does the driving? i feel like when they grew up together, he was the one who started driving first? and she got to be passenger princess and would force him to drive her places
who is louder? who is quieter? hmm idk ?? i feel like both are not like loud people generally even though they're not afraid to make their voices heard
who is more physically affectionate? i feel like they've always had that kind of relationship we're they were close. like yk the ppl in hs who you asked "are y'all together?" and they were like "nah, why?" while sitting in each others laps... like they're touchy and close generally
who is more likely to tease the other? jada ... clearly
who is better with time management? neither? i get the vibe of them like they take their time when they want it
who wins the arm wrestling matches? jake obvi, but it annoys her that he looks so proud when he beats her
who controls the music in the car ride? they both fight for it but then jada pulls out the puppy eyes and he can't help but be nice and give it to her ??
who covers dinner when they order in? ouhh, i feel like this is jada!! she when he's in town he forces him to be over and orders them food so they can watch movies and be in a food coma
who is more outgoing? who is more shy? jake is more outgoing? but neither of them shy
who has the more outlandish fashion sense? i feel like none of them, maybe jake pulls out some frat fashion ??
who starts the tickle fights? who ends them? jada starts them and jake ends em lol, prob him holding her arms and being like "are you done????"
who has the darker/more "edgy" sense of humor? idk actually ??
who is more competitive when it comes to games? idk but jada is sure as hell competitive but i feel like jake would be too
who has the bigger appetite? the bigger sweet tooth? jake wins both, my lady cant handle much of anything before she's like "wow im about to explode" shes more of a little nibbler
who is more likely to get in a confrontation in public? jada ... she could get annoyed v quickly if pushed
who hosts the parties/hangouts? who organizes them? jake hosts them !! and jada helps him organize them
who is better at cooking? do they ever cook for each other? neither? jada hates cooking and im having a hard time imagining jake being a cook in the frat ... but maybe he has hidden talents?
who is more likely to engage in dangerous and/or illegal behavior? both. esp together when they were teens !! drunk and maybe high, just going off doing stupid shit
who is more likely to notice when something is wrong with the other? i think both tend to notice but since they're trying to keep things friendly ... then they dance around it until it like explodes. like it did where were at rn
who does the talking in public settings (i.e. to the waiter at a restaurant)? both!
who is more likely to extend a helping hand & provide emotional support? both ! maybe jada for more emotional support and jake for the helping hand?
who is the bigger prankster? do they get the last laugh or do they suffer for it? jake ... jada tries to come up with good ones but they never hit as good as his does lol
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chappell-roans · 6 months
The strange thing about jlaw is that even though she is most famous for thg thats not what I connect mentally with her at all. She hasn’t even had other films I’ve been obsessed with or are more relevant. She’s just a nebulous a lister in my head in a way the Emma Watson in contrast is not.
Oooh this is a very interesting point actually and I very much agree with this? Like is it because THG was so long ago and she’s done so much since then, or because her personality is so big, like is she a Movie Star fr maybe? (In a way that there are very few under 40.)
But so true, I mean Emma Watson has not been in really ~prestigious movies and hasn’t been in many period since HP. Like yes some notable exceptions like Little Women, but that was her last role I think and it was more than five years ago and she wasn’t getting acting noms let alone awards. (Also ik ik The Bling Ring, Perks, some scifis and random stuff but nothing where it was like wow that’s An Actor! Where like Daniel Radcliffe tries to break out of the box and he’s not great but he’s successful at that at least, as much as Harry Potter himself can be.)
I think HP is much more part of the cultural consciousness like Star Wars and LOTR (for better and definitely for worse, JKR, etc) while THG was very big I feel like it’s more Twilight ish? Where it made hugeee pop culture waves, never will fully die, tons of emulation, launched careers, and it’s better than Twilight in every way except for laughing at it bc kids slaughtering each other isn’t funny but “spider monkey” absolutely is).
I feel like none of the HP kids will ever escape it. Hell the Twilight actors have a hard time escaping it, I saw Kristen get asked about Twilight when promoting Love Lies Bleeding (and I’m sure it was more than once). But yeah. I’ll have to think about this more I’m just saying words at this point but yeah. Emma also doesn’t seem interested in acting anymore, I could see her directing (since… she’s starting w commercials and has more or less said as much) or maybe writing.
So I think part of it is franchise and part of it is that she’s differentiated herself enough in her roles that this is possible. Bc interestingly she was even in a bunch of X-Men movies lol, she didn’t shy away from franchises and I could see her doing it again. I think ppl will always Know her from THG but yeah it’s not what comes to mind first for me either. While again Twilight I feel follows around all the actors lol even though two of the three leads are good, working, successful actors. But none have had true blockbuster leading success like Jlaw either? Even like, mild success like No Hard Feelings or fucking Red Sparrow or Joy or Silver Linings Playbook (ofc Oscar there) and American Hustle.
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mukuberry · 2 years
An overview of my votes/theories for each prisoner and what I'll probably vote this round before the first second trial video comes out
Haruka: Forgiven->Forgiven
Honestly right now I'm not entirely sure on what he's done, I'm 99% sure he killed his childhood friend and dog but there's gotta be something else right? He killed them as a kid I'm pretty sure yet he's 17, but every other prisoner was taken into Milgram almost straight after their murders, why would there be such a large time gap? I don't believe the brother theory and I don't think he killed his mother. And who noticed him in the end? At first I thought it was referencing Milgram taking him but none of the other characters have refrences to Milgram itself in their first so I have my doubts. He doesn't seem to understand the full extent of what he's done and why it's wrong, and I doubt Milgram forgiving him is helping that but I think he needs safety and love more than he needs to get tortured by some girl with a bat. I am however worried for Mu's safety considering what happened to his childhood friend :(
Yuno: Forgiven->Forgiven
Overall, he confuses me alot but until I get more info I'll vote him forgiven ♡
EDIT: ignore the majority of this and go read my other Haruka post pleasy
Gonna go againt the popular theories here and say her 'sin' wasn't abortion but purposely inducing a miscarriage (potentially multiple) considering how difficult it seems to get an abortion in Japan and her constant stair imagery (her entire first trial video, the picture of her standing atop stairs in Undercover and the stairs in her placard (think that's the right word)). Honestly she just seems depressed and apathetic towards others, hope she gets out of Milgram soon it's bad for her :((((( there's very little I can think of that could be shown in her next video that'd make me unforgive her aswell as make sense so for now it's a very easy forgive ♡
Futa: Unforgiven->Forgiven
His video seems pretty straight forward, harrassing and doxxing ppl online in the name of justice and making himself feel like a hero, until it cost someone their life. It's important to note that in Undercover his victim is depicted still wearing their shoes, unlike the other suicide victims in Milgram who have them off, as in Japan it's common for suicide victims to take their shoes off before committing suicide. There's quite a few reasons they do this, one that stood out to me was to show that they did actually choose to commit suicide and they weren't just murdered or did it accidentally or something. It could be that the victim did it very impulsively, not even thinking of taking their shoes off. It could be a way of them communicating in death that while they did kill themselves, it was more that they were murdered by the people harrassing them (aka Futa). Or it could be that the doxxing led to someone coming to their house and killing them. Could be anything rlly I'm just spitting out ideas! Despite the fact he's a terrible person, he is a good guy. He does all this out of a belief that it's the right thing to do, that by hunting these people online he's making the world a better place and helping the innocent, and I'm pretty sure he never thought it'd get someone killed. I also have my suspicious that he's neglected at home and was bullied in the past, but that's a post for another day
Overall, as disgusting as what he did was, he definitely isn't deserving of what's happening to him now and I love him ♡
Mu: Forgiven->Forgiven
Not much to say here honestly :D no matter how manipulative and annoying she is, no one deserves to be abused to the point of believing their only options are suicide or murder, she did what she had to do ^_^
Shidou: Forgiven->Forgiven
Wow lots of forgiving huh! I have too many thoughts about him that if I tried to write them down it would probably give both of us a migraine. Just know he is a pathetic terrible man that I believe can be redeemed if we just keep forgiving him!!!! Maybe;;
Mahiru: Forgiven->?????
She's like the only character I don't have clear thoughts on. I can't fault her for feeling things so strongly and having an extremely unrealistic view on how love is, but on the other hand I can't forgive her for forcing those feelings and views onto another that they killed themselves after 14 days of knowing her. I'm very worried for her safety, she's clearly physically weak and can't defend herself well at all, and she keeps talking about how she sees no reason in living if her love is denied, and she's no longer wearing shoes (going back to my previous thing about taking shoes off before suicide). We can't let ourselves be guilt tripped into forgiving her however, and the fact that instead of questioning her ideals she's went straight to the extreme makes me question her redeemability
Overall, I'm leaning towards unforgiven but again she just can't understand why what she did is wrong and it's hard for me to condemn someone like that. Love isn't a crime but abuse and stalking sure is
Kazui: Forgiven->Forgiven
Hello! I have been following your project for the past two years, and have come to the conclusion you do not deserve to have Kazui in your prison. He is my boyfriend and seeing him in an environment not meant for him brings me anxiety, so I will be expecting a reply to this post when you have him forgiven and ready to relinquish him to someone who will treasure him like he deserves.
Amane: Forgiven->Unforgiven
So if we forgive her, her belief in her cult is affirmed. If we don't forgive her, she doubles down on her belief in her cult. There's no winning orz. I think from the end of her first video, deep down she knows something is wrong even if she doesn't realise it yet, maybe if we keep pushing she'll start to wake up? If not, well there's no winning either way. Praying for Shidou's safety 🙏 maybe 'praying' isn't the right word but still- she questioned her beliefs in her video afterall, going against what she was told to help that 'cat', maybe she can do it again!
Overall, she's just a kid who was tortured into her murder, but eventually she'll grow up into an adult that'll torture other kids into murder. I'll keep unforgiving her from this point onward, there's very little that'll change that.
Mikoto: Unforgiven->Forgiven
(I'll refer to our mystery alter as 09 in this) So what do we know about 09 so far? Well for starters he's like super depressed! The lyrics in MeMe are very clear about this, showing him asking if it's okay for him to keep on living, saying that he gave up trying to change ect, but he also seems to care deeply about Mikoto, saying he will save him, that he'll do whatever he can to protect him and asking him to rely on him. I'm not entirely convinced that he's saying these things out of genuine concern but instead out of a need to have a purpose but still! We're not given a reason as to why killing is going to help (yet) but I doubt he'd put himself and Mikoto in unnecessary danger and I'm certain we'll understand more soon. As for Mikoto himself, he's a designer 🤢 but he does share a body with this KING so I guess I'll have to forgive him for it
Overall, I'm pretty sure 09 is doing all this with good reason, or atleast good intentions. If murder protects these guys then so be it! ♡
Kotoko: Forgiven->?????
Her video was pretty straight forward, though I can hardly call her a vigilante anymore. How can she say she's defending the weak when she's torturing people with no knowledge of what they've done? Not that torture would be okay if she did but if she's just gonna trust the word of the only authority figure in this prison and nothing else, she's more of a cop than a vigilante. In her video she had an entire board dedicated to hunting down criminals who took advantage of innocents, spending her every minute researching, when she said she was "dedicating her life" she wasn't joking. How can she go from that to beliving the judgment of some random 15 year old in a goofy hat;; I know she bases her entire self worth of being able to bring justice so she's probably been extremely restless in Milgram but still... everyone I've seen talk about her recently has said they can't forgive her anymore, the only reason I'm not 100% unforgiven is because whatever they're gonna show in her second video has to be BIG or there's like no chance of her being forgiven.
Overall, basically unforgiven but I don't think I can make a judgement just yet, I feel something big coming...
I don't think there's any right answers in Milgram, we're really just given 2 bad options (either a character thinks murder is perfectly fine or they get tortured and think they're terrible people who deserve it) and we've gotta pick what we think is better. My opinions change constantly and definitely will as new videos come out so I'm writing them before first second trial song comes out so I can reread it later 👍if you disagree with me then feel free to debate me (please please debate me i will love you forever)
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deadletterpoets · 2 years
If you had a chance to write for cass cain, what would you write and what would you do with her character? :D
Wow that is a big question that frankly as many answers so I'm just gonna stick with one as to not have this go on forever. Answer under the cut cause this got long lol
I'd really just want to explore her drive that makes her want to be a hero. What motivates her? Why does wearing the symbol matter to her? Does she feel like she deserves it? Like those would be the types of questions I'd want to ask throughout my whole run.
I'd make her panromantic asexual. I'd find someone to cowrite or consult, but that is definitely a journey she'd go on. I always felt like romance and sex would be such unique experiences for her and intimacy for her would be more about kisses and touching and just being around the person more than sex, but I know not everyone agrees with that (and I'm not saying this cause she's Asian or cause I'm trying to woobify her cause Asians can't have sex or whatever. Just throwing that out there cause ppl seem to think that these days. This is specific for Cass not a comment on all Asian characters.)
I'd have her make a LOT more friends outside the batfam. Bring back Brenda from her OG Batgirl run. Bring back Christine from the League of Shadows arc. Let her meet other heroes like Kenan and Baixi, and the whole of the JLC cause seriously she should. Have her go on adventures with Connor, Emiko, and Rose (Damian shouldn't get all the fun with the cool assassin characters). Have her meet Vic Sage (I think he's alive again idk) and Richard Dragon and learn more about her mother's past so she can learn more about her heritage.
And yes I would do something with Shiva as well, though it wouldn't be them fighting (each other at least). I want them to build a respect for each other. Cass doesn't like that Shiva doesn't see the value of life in the way she does, and Shiva doesn't like that Cass is comfortable wearing a Bat symbol and living by such strict morals, but they agree the other won't change and instead just agree to not get in the other's way. But if they ever need the other, they are there for each other as well. (Hopefully this could lead to solo Shiva stories and just fucking stop making everything she does about Cass, please.)
Though I wouldn't ignore the batfam. I've said before I think Cass and Steph, if both are gonna be Batgirl, should be used like how Marvel used Jessica Drew and Carol Danvers. They have separate books, but are basically supporting characters in each others books. That way neither characters story is compromised for the other, but they also aren't Batgirl2009 where one just has to disappear to make the other relevant. Remind ppl that Cass and Tim have a great sibling dynamic. Continue to build on the Cass/Duke sibling dynamic. Bring back Harper into her life ON PANEL. Refocus on her and Kate, they made up off panel, but I'd show the tension still exist and show them working through that. Obviously rebuild her and Babs MOTHER/DAUGHTER dynamic. None of this "older sister" crap. And of course build on her and Bruce and strongly hint that she wants to be Batman.
The types of stories I'd do would have a very wide range. I'd do everything from street level detective stories to cosmic space journeys to fighting tournaments to one shot romance date nights to team ups to whatever else I think of. I want Cass to be given as much range as a character as everyone else (which is something I feel is really missing for her right now). And she'd go up against all types of villains as well. I'm not gonna list a ton of villains cause that'd take forever, but classic and originals for sure.
In the end what drives her as a hero is more than her guilt, but her want to do good. Simple as that. She is the type of character that sees injustice or bad people doing bad and will step in to intervene. Her moral compass and compassion rivals Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman and that would be on full display. Why does she wear the symbol? Again simply because she believes in what it is meant too represent not only to Gotham but the universe. It strikes fear in the criminals and brings hope to the innocent. Whether she feels she deserves it is the question she might never answer, but she'll work forever until she gets there.
That's just a small idea of what I'd do and it's not a perfect idea, nor is it the only idea of a way to do a Cass run. Just one of the ways I'd do it.
Thanks for the question
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realcube · 4 years
haikyuu!! characters with a chubby! s/o 💗
characters: tsukishima, oikawa, atsumu, osamu & suna
thank you anon for this cute request 🥺
tw// comfort, fluff, angst if you squint, insecure! reader, swearing, they/them reader but reader wears a dress (in osamu’s)
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(a/n): anon requested comfort but i feel bad bc i’m writing this like ‘no, (y/n)! stop being sad! you’re beautiful! 😡’ then i remember that i can just select+delete the pain away💗💖
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Kei Tsukishima
let’s not pretend like tsukki gives a fuck what you look like tbh ✋
like nobody is ‘perfect’ and everyone is insecure (to varying degrees) so why would he care about your weight?
nobody ticks every single box to meet society’s definition of ‘beauty’  
plus, tsukki thought beauty standards were stupid away so he created his own - and you meet every single one 💖
in fact, almost everyone meets his beauty standards - besides himself ‘:)
he seriously doesn’t care about your weight tbh, it’s the most trivial thing so why would he care?
although, he wasn’t naïve enough to think that everyone was like-minded
your front of ‘i don’t care about what other people think of me’ was strong enough to fool even the most observant of poeple, including tsukki
however, tsukishima failed to take into consideration that you were his girlfriend, meaning that you could be playing the same game as him; ‘pretend to not care about superficial things like beauty so nobody will think for a second that you are insecure about your body’
he wasn’t one to give compliments but neither were you tbh so the mutual agreement y’all have of ‘let’s call each other names as a form of endearment to avoid those awkward moments were you are looking for the right words for praise but can’t come up with anything’  was fair
but after you accidentally sent him a self-deprecating ‘joke’ message that was clearly meant for a friend, he never passed up the opportunity to compliment you ever again
like he kinda just stared at the message like 😮 ‘does (y/n) seriously care about their weight? why? it doesn’t even matter. how stupid! who told them that the shape of their body is important? bc it’s not..’
then he turns to look in the mirror like ‘wow you srsly need to put on muscle, lanky bitch. or else (y/n) will probably leave you for some built jackass like kuroo. pick up some weights, noodle arms!’
anyway, he’s not too good with words and comfort in situations like these but he’ll probably reply to your text with something out-of-character and surprisingly sweet
to paraphrase (bc the actual text would probably be like a whole damn persuasive essay LMAO he starts with the introduction, makes five points and finishes with a conclusion pfft) , i think it would be something like: ‘hey, (y/n). ik that text was probably meant for one of your friends (but if they’re the ones making you feel bad about your weight then you should probably drop those toxic cunts anyway 💅✨) but i just wanted to say that even though you are the biggest clown i’ve ever met (/j) you’re still v beautiful 💗 stop being insecure or i’ll pass away ⚰💀 ok thx love you bye’
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Tōru Oikawa
how are you insecure if you’re dating oikawa? /j
like he is such a hypeman
whenever y’all take pics in your ✨fancy outfits ✨ for formal event, he acts as though you are second most beautiful thing on the face of this earth 😍 (second to him ofc)
but he only does that so he can keep up the reputation he has of being effortlessly confident bc he’s scared that if it slips for even a second, everyone will see how truly insecure he is
truthfully, in his eyes, you come first place by miles (❤ ω ❤)
like srsly, you’re so gorgeous in that dress!! he hopes that you know that he is joking about the whole ‘second place’ thing bc you should be able to tell by the way he looks at you that you’re genuinely the most striking person he’s ever laid his eyes on 
you never acted overly confident in front of him but he definitely didn’t think you were as insecure as you are
he thought you were just..humble :)
sometimes he’d hear you mutter something mean about yourself as you passed the mirror but he paid no mind to it as he figured that you just cared about your appearance and wanted to maintain a certain image
however, once he was made aware that you didn’t want to maintain your image but rather, change it - he never let you murmur anything nasty about yourself under your breath ever again, not without proceeding to tackle you to the ground and shower you with his love, affection & praise 💞💕❤
and he never made a ‘second place’ joke ever again, he started his honesty streak by reassuring you that you’ll always be the number one in his eyes 🤩
also, after that, he was a lot more open about his own insecurities with you and you made sure to respect them and help him in a similar way that he did
there is just so much love and admiration between the two of you and at first you were both to shy to express it but now, you both are showering each other in compliments 24/7 bc you both just want the other one to know how perfect you view them as (❁´◡`❁)
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Atsumu Miya
atsumu is a hypeman like oikawa but...better :)
he’ll compliment you on anything you wear and he makes it a point to use the most inappropriate compliment as possible, relative to the outfit you’re wearing
so if you’re wearing your pyjamas, he’ll call you ‘glamourous’
if you are wearing a swimsuit, he’ll call you ‘elegant’
if you’re in your work clothes/school uniform, he’ll call you ‘sexy’
and if you’re in lingerie, he’ll call you ‘adorable’
but it makes you blush so hey, no complaints
so when he finds out that you’re actually insecure about your weight, he’s just like ‘no ❤’
like he hates the idea that when you look in the mirror, you don’t see the god(dess) he sees
like why? it’s the same person
💞 fuck ‘perception’ 💞
💕 ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ TF YOU ARE THE FUCKING BEAUTY💕
grrr he was so mad  
but he was also soft 
he was like ‘if (y/n) insecure? then why hot? then why pretty? then why fit perfectly into my arms?’
plus, THIGHS
he’d never diss a person bc they had small thighs or anything BUT he’d also NEVER complain about being given the chance to be with someone with some good thighs 👍
tbh the best could do to help was compliment you ten times harder to eliMINATE ALL YOUR INSECURIES 
(and ofc i don’t mean that in a way - for example - if you’re insecure about your nose, he’ll fkn chop it off......he won’t chop your nose off LMAO he’ll just show you how much he loves it, to the point where you have no choice but to love it too ( •̀ ω •́ )✧ )
anyway, plz love (or at least, tolerate) yourself or else he’ll suffocate you with all his love and affection :D
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Osamu Miya
osamu is at a loss when it comes to typical beauty standards tbh
to him, weight (and most things) are similar to..hand size, for example
just like how you can’t imagine someone feeling self-conscious about the size of their hand (especially if their hand is a healthy size) 
he can’t imagine why some one would be shamed for their weight (especially if they’re a healthy size)
so had no idea you could possibly be insecure about something like that and he probably on realised after a few years in the relationship 😅
there was a formal event coming up and y’all were going as dates so you wanted to shop for outfits together 
as couples do ✌
anyway, he was on a dress site, scrolling away until you pointed out one that you thought was pretty - and it matched the color of the tie osamu bought too!
it was a fair price (for a formal dress 🙄 which is probably like $68/50) so osamu was like ‘buy it then ( •̀ ω •́ )✧’  bc he thought it would so gorgeous on you 
but you were like ‘no’
and after he pried further, you explained how you thought it wouldn’t ‘suit your body type’ 
but like deadass it’s not your blood type-  it’s just a thing ppl made up to make ppl (mostly women) feel bad about themselves for no reason
but that might just be his inner atsumu talking 🤷‍♂️
he didn’t even know what to say at first- he was just like ????? body type ????
but once he figured out what you meant, he still had no idea what to say- at least, without sounding rude
what if someone came up to you and told you they were insecure about the shape of their knee.......what do you even say???
so he was silent for like the rest of the day
you decided to give him some space just in case something happened which had upset him
he had no idea what to say, in all honesty, so he hoped that his actions spoke louder than words 
around 3 days had passed since you last spoke to osamu and you were beginning to think something you had said made him uncomfortable
you were studying in your room until there was a ring at your door so you rushed downstairs and you opened it to reveal a package sitting on your doormat
you had recently ordered some cleaning equipment so you were sure that the content of the package was probably that
so imagine your surprise when you tear it open to reveal  — you guessed it —  the dress 💕
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Rintarō Suna
when he says that he doesn’t care what ppl look like, he means it
he upkeeps his own appearance though bc..it’s his!
like why would he care about what weight you are? that’s none of his business
as you can tell, he’s generally not shallow but sometimes when y’all are just cuddling and your face is pressed to his chest, the words ‘you’re so cute’ just fall from his lips
so ofc he appreciates compliments over his skills, personality, humour etc over flattery about his appearance 
hence, the praise he gives you is usually based around those things too bc he just thinks that you’re just like him in the fact you don’t appreciate skin-deep comments
so when he found out that you’re actually insecure about your weight (or something else), he kinda blames himself
he thinks that the whole reason you’re not extremely confident in your appearance is all due to him and the fact he fact he maybe didn’t compliment you on your looks enough  — but that’s not to say that he doesn’t think you’re beautiful 
you’re the most radiant person he’s ever laid his eyes on and he thought you knew that regardless of whether he vocalised it or not
he wasn’t really sure what to do tbh
bc he loved you and wanted to comfort you ofc but he was scared of making things worse
like what if something he says accidentally makes you so upset that you break-up with him 😭
but he knew he couldn’t just stay silent about the issue, especially when he wanted to say to much
thus, he sent you a heartfelt message on discord 
(rather than snap, whatsapp etc so he could edit it after he posts it bc knowing him, he’ll probably write something, reread it ten times then as soon as he hits send, he spots a bunch of mistakes)
and he’d explain how you’re simply divine regardless of your insecurity and if anything, it just makes you cuter 😍
ok ok so i really don’t want it so seem like he has a fetish bc HE DOESN’T 
but he think your curves are so fun and pretty ❤ 
like everything about you is pretty but suna just can’t comprehend why you’re insecure about something like your weight when he literally adores it (bc he adores everything about you) 
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marimopeace · 3 years
there's a limit on how much you can be an isekai intellectual...
a bunch of analyses have been popping up before me all day so i wanted to throw my hat into the ring. all love to ppl who are exercising their creative minds + ppl like geoff here who just talk about these things because of fan interest but i feel like there reaches a point where exploring the "types" of isekai is pointless? i've seen ppl list out the different types of villainess revenge isekai or fantasy mmorpg isekai but eh why fit them all into separate boxes like that?
i think it's easier to think of isekai as a "type" (genre) of itself with only two categories: 1) a focus on isekai (lit. another world) 2) tensei (lit. to be reborn). this allows for a variety of applications and thus tropes that ppl see so many trends of!
with isekai - in another world
you see everything from:
pure fantasy (inuyasha, digimon wait maybe not the best example but in my childhood mind i count digimon as pure fantasy, fushigi yugi)
mmorpg inspired fantasy/adventure (.hack//legend of twilight, sao ugh, log horizon, overlord (LOVE OVERLORD!)
otome game-esque worlds >>> this is where it gets complicated with "villainess routes" since i admit there are multiple villainess tropes but this is why it's nice to not think of this as a "sub-type/genre" bc it frees you from those complications! (the saint's magic power is omnipotent, the white cat's revenge as plotted from the dragon king's lap soso cute!, the savior's book cafe in another world, i'm a villainous daughter so i'm going to keep the last boss wait i can't remember if she's reborn in this one lmaooo see this is why rules make everything hard)
with tensei storylines - being reincarnated/reborn in another world as *insert character/role*
you see...
the same tropes!!
pure fantasy (a returner's magic should be special, reminiscence adonis, the lady and the beast, light and shadow, i can't think of a manga off the top of my head for this ah)
mmorpg inspired fantasy/adventure (so i'm a spider so what i stan kumoko so hard, her majesty's swarm, can't name another off the top of my head ah i hate lists shorter than two things...)
self-insert based games/novels (fiance's observation log of a self-proclaimed villainess, who made me a princess, death is the only ending for the villainess, the villainess wants to marry a commoner, honestly games vs novels are different applications but i'm not in the headspace to try to remember a bunch of both lol)
*insert line break to give random ppl a break from scrolling but tl; dr just enjoy things for what they are no need to micro analyze*
similar variations occur in both genres (if ppl want to be super technical i guess i'm arguing that isekai itself is a massive genre that has the "another world" subgenre and "reincarnation" subgenre tl; dr) so i think it's honestly a huge pain to try to separate all these trends into so many different types of stories. for me personally it's easier to not get overwhelmed by this gigantic umbrella of "isekai" that spans light novels, manhwa, manga, and mobile games by just stripping each story down into its trademark tropes (aka character archetypes, story structures) and slapping "oh this is a person going to a world that's not ours" and "this person gets reborn as blank in another world". none of this "omg this power fantasy is such a this kind of isekai moment" or "there are 14 different types of villainess revenge stories and this series fits into this" bc AH labels! limitations! circle-jerks via ppl trying to compartmentalize everything and sound smart for leaving a comment on story analysis instead of ooh-ahhing over a character's face! dividing things into light novel manga vs manga vs korean manhwa ft. female characters!
the last bit is mainly why i feel frustrated by ppl's insistence to group everything?
the video linked at the beginning of the post (honestly good video essay, i enjoyed it, i just kept thinking in my head the whole time "marimo these are tropes do not take the genre talk literally") has a baby comment thread talking about "korean isekai manhwas" as a genre featuring nothing but reincarnated villainess' and i can't.
like i cannot acknowledge that as a genre of any sort. the energy i felt reading through some of those insights takes me back to 2012 when all yt americans discovered k-pop and deemed all korean music k-pop from then on! (ppl still do this now, yes you are seen and don't talk to me pls i don't like you. k-pop is korean pop music and nothing less and nothing more. take a few seconds and try to parse apart aspects of korean culture instead of slamming everything into a monolithic label that has the letter k and a hyphen.) it feels so odd to see a bunch of young ppl on ig and tiktok acknowledge korean media that happens to be in the form of a webtoon as "oh stories all about young girls becoming villains in stories they made/played" bc it feels so reductive u.u
(positionality disclaimer that i'm praying isn't actually necessary: i am a 3rd-generation korean of japanese descent do not fite me i am exhausted irl of ppl asking for validation/verification bc massive shove off.)
breaking news! korean manhwa...is just as multifaceted as japanese manga...bc how can comics as an art-form not have multiple genres...huh such a shocker?!?! same likely applies to media in other parts of the world like chinese manhwa and french comics--not my place to explain either of those i just know those industries exist bc of wakfu and donghua shows by Tencent.
at the end of the day it's not like analyzing any kind of isekai is wrong--absolutely not!! i think it can be super fun to think about how isekai elements complicate a story (MCs trying to go back home, ppl from the og world, reincarnation plot-twists) or maybe even bash a series for including some kind of other world element when they could have just written a super fun fantasy.
insert marimo's brief ramble that hey you can get sick of truck-kun's hitting disillusioned guys who happen to be super duper smart or girls who happen to be master chefs/craftsmen but transporting a fully-grown being into a fantasy setting is the ultimate cheat code for making mundane modern technology seem cool and overpowered, and being reincarnated as a fully grown person in a world with a pre-made story/game set-up completely bypasses the need for an author to slowly flesh out world-building in a natural progression so isekai is actually a really smart writing tool it's just that there are some series where the author didn't use it well at all and it's cheesy or clearly isekai was misused as a vehicle for character/story development and it was pointless *DEEP BREATH OUT*
in this essay i will argue...lol i am such a culture studies major!! if i were an english major i would be talking all about writing but here i am having a side-tangent about world-building via someone being reborn wow i love this for me (don't get me started on when an author has someone reincarnate as a baby and the story is mostly them having warm fluffy moments with their family--typically father figures--and getting lots of powers i could and would and probably will rant about east asian toxicity)
but anyway am i crazy????? like yes for being passionate about the technical use of a word like genre (i am a scorpio rising let me be fussy pls) but i don't think it's a lot to ask for ppl to not unironically see "villainess revenge isekai" as the definition of korean manhwa.
idk as someone who resonates with why japanese isekai is so popular domestically + why a lot of korean manhwa feat. the same tropes (it's not for great reasons lads it's actually depressing tbh) i'm just starting to feel kind of pained by the generalization and need to separate "cute japanese girl in an otome game"/"japanese boy finds a harem in another world" from "korean girl dies and comes back as a villainess" bc they are just! applications to the same story device!!
recommendations for any who makes it this far down below <3
// also gladly recommend any of the examples i've listed in the above rant as i've read/watched all of them and adore them v much! //
save me princess
super refreshing fantasy manhwa ft. a princess and her ex-boyfriend having to save the world!
the beginning after the end
an AMERICAN web novel turned into a comic (but see it being not korean/japanese doesn't really matter when you just consider isekai as a genre...isn't it nice to not overthink it?) ft. a super-powerful wizard king reincarnated into another world and starting from scratch--gives mushoku tensei vibes but huge twists!
the reason why raeliana ended up at the duke's mansion
love love LOVE this story--read the title and you'll learn how this girl reincarnated as the character raeliana in a book gets married to a duke!
trash of the count's family
such a good novel!! a guy gets reborn as a lazy oaf and he takes the hero of the story under his wing...plot twists come up later on!
this time i will definitely be happy!
v good and refreshing for a shorter series! she's been reborn 3 times and remembers every time the hero's stabbed her in the back, and now she just wants to break up with him!
silver diamond
older manga but v good adventure w intrigue! a boy who loves plants get sucked into a desert world with demonic lizards and a mysterious bodyguard by his side. shonen-ai not BL but wonderful vibes nonetheless + great side characters!
the princess imprints a traitor
adore everything in this from the world (not in that way this society makes me so angry) to the machinations at play and the dynamic between the fl and ml
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wordstro · 2 years
you weren’t kidding in one of the story’s main themes being ‘men only have one (1) thing and it’s audacity’ djdjdksk
also i was doing more thinking about jongho’s position bc we don’t have enough of current jongho material for me to be able to tell if he’s a rat or best boy. regardless, his scarcity makes me want to think he has an even bigger role than we were lead to believe and it’s making me lose sleep if i don’t write it down so pls bear with my late night ramblings 😓
i haven’t gotten a chance to read anyone’s theories in a while so idk if someone already said it and it’s improbable anyways, but what if he’s outplaying both sides ??
years of resent and hurt building up against the ‘friends’ that seemingly left him behind and the ‘leaders’ that did horrendous things to him and the people they’re ‘protecting’. he might not be hj-level psychotic but that type of trauma affects you no matter how much you try not to let it
the whole time, he’s been in the background just enough to slip by unnoticed yet around enough to know the ins and outs of the sanctuary. subtly planting seeds against each other and watching them target each other without lifting a finger.
he must be fairly intelligent/strategic if he contributed to the original escape and made the bombs, then still being alive to tell the tale long after matz went off the rails. he might just be acting scared of matz so they don’t see him as a threat. it takes a wise man to act a fool and he could’ve been biding his time for the opportune moment and this is it. and if there’s one thing that’s a fact, is to never underestimate the underdogs. honestly the thought of megamind jongho >>>
and ykw, even if none of this is remotely close to being canon, i’m still wishfully thinking he and y/n team up and double cross both ends and watch the world burn. lord knows there really isn’t anyone good left in their world and they were put thru so much bc of others’ selfishness
omg wow megamind jongho is truly >>>>>>>>>>
he definitely knows a lot more than he's letting on, and whether that's because he's playing both sides or one side is up in the air rn, but it's sort of parallel to how people irl treat quiet/shy ppl. they will say ANYTHING around them because they don't believe the person to be a threat. jongho is Literally quiet because of his injury and that makes everyone look at him and think of him as nothing but a fixture really.
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volfoss · 3 years
I'd love to hear you rant in depth abt what fanons done to Bruno Bucci because this man has been done so dirty like, ppl ignore he is Goddamn weird & definitely willing to punch a teenager no holds barred
ok i rly rly apologize for how long this might get and/or how incoherent it might get.
fanon bruno... god. the majority of the content is mommy bruno and god, it sucks. and people also acting like? hes not morally grey. im gonna split this into paragraphs for each thing because i KNOW how heated i get abt mommy bruno so i dont want it to be a wall of text <3
the fucking mommy bruno people... as someone who has talked w someone who firmly believes in that and when asked had NO reasoning for what made him quote mommy unquote, i think thats how a lot of the mommy bruno truthers are. i know ive mentioned it before but i feel the only scenes that they really can point to as wow omg bruno mom moment are: boat scene, and how he "rescues his kids" (which 😒 we will get into prommy). so boat scene, where after like getting his ass handed to him, hes glad that the people around him that he's close to still have his back. and on the other point, lets go thru how each person joined Passione/Team Bucciarati. Fugo- dont have a ton of info, but was not by any means "adopted" by Bruno, in the anime specifically warns him hey i could snap and kill you and bruno is just like ok :). Narancia- bruno EXPLICITLY threatened him and was like hey dont join and narancia went against that. abbacchio- had a ton of trauma and joined (anime added a lot more into the backstory than the manga did, but again it really just touches on brunos savior complex that brunos own backstory did and how he tends to put others first often to a detriment for himself) mista- literally was just bruno getting him out of jail. none of these make him a woman or mother or even matronly figure. people really just kind of? act as if this guy caring about the people around him automatically equals mother (imo bc they cannot grasp the concept of a man rly caring about people around him or just how they make him and abbacchios relationship fit into the hetero boxes). like i think people that are out here being like woahhh mommy bruno forget he has done fucked up stuff (including fighting a kid (and tbh the entire giorno subway scene) and just how he is like not just some perfect little angel.
speaking of those scenes- he is in a mafia, he has tortured people but he is also a caring person. that can coexist. araki rly did well w part 5 writing characters that are more morally gray (and bruno is an EXCELLENT example of that). he doesnt have to fit into the boxes of good and bad because the setting and how part 5 is constructed doesn't let him neatly fit into either of those. hes a complex character and i think a lot of fanon really just takes that away because wow hes a nice guy sometimes and cant do ANYTHING wrong... like its idk to me at least its obvious that the character CAN both do morally questionable things and not be a villain.
also fucking sick and tired of how people act like they understand him when its literally just surface level understanding... anyways go watch il postino and perceive him
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offical-ranter · 2 years
ok guys i expected this show to be pretty average.. nope. it was great. just 1 episode in and its already one of my favorite marvel shows. heres a bit of my thoughts on it -its so cool to see more representation. im not Muslim or Pakistani so i cant say anything about those aspects (tho im sure u could find stuff about it online from those more knowledgeable) other than its great to see other cultures and languages in a production like this. and like MoonKight they had what i assume to be cultural music, which was also rlly cool -ITS SO RELATABLE! LIKE SKDFJSGS;, i dont have the words. the fact that she daydreams all day about being a superhero, doodles during class, is a literal fangirl, and has parents who doesnt understand what she likes, is. so. relatable. this is the most ive ever seen myself in a marvel character, which is kinda the point of the show. but still. i was watching her talk about making her cosplay and looking at fanart and its just, i do those things. i have marvel shirts and dream about going to cons. the amount of, just feeling, i felt when her mom completely shut down her plan to go to AvengerCon is just, immense. like wow, so many ppls parents judge their kids for the things they like. the scene where Kamala tried to put something around her hips after her mom told her the outfit was too skimpy or tight (without even seeing it i might add) was something i just immediately felt. she didnt even need to monologue about why she felt the need to do it, i could instantly understand based on her action and expression. i cant put into words how this feels like a show that just gets us -her friendship with Bruno (im still not over that song why would u do this to me Disney). its so accurate to how friendship is and its so wholesome to watch. Kamala feeling out of place in school and being quite to meeting with Bruno and talking about the con? thats great, thats the friendships i wanna see. there was no romance, tho there may be based on the look they shared on the roof, but im surprisingly open to it. i usually never like romance in action based shows but they understand each other so well. their struggles and dreams, like even if their love is just platonic its still there. and i love to watch it (not to mention its the literal perfect superhero partner dynamic, the one who fights and the one in the chair) -the directing. ive had a lot of problems with Disney directing as of late (cough cough Boba Fett) but marvel shows have always been fine. WandaVision was rlly unique in its idea, so was Hawkeye, but none have stood out in just plain directing so far. until this. theres no weird shaky camera for no reason, no weird up close face shots (im looking at u The Falcon and the Winter Soldier), nothing like that. just good camera work and going 100% with the theme. the drawings coming to life on the walls and their texts becoming signs and Kamala's planning being animated/drawn. its like spider-verse and i love it. it seems so true to her character and the vibe of the show. reminds me of a movie i think exists where some guy in high school has the ability to make the things he draws real, but im not sure if i just made that up lol -references. some ppl call them easter eggs but either way their great. like me tell u i was screaming whenever i saw something from the greater mcu. even before the show started i noticed how MoonKight is now in the intro logo. there was a lot but some things i remember r the og captain america song at the con, the drawing mentioning his ass, also at the con, the trust a bro truck and original ms. marvel design as art during the end credits. im sure there was more and im kinda disappointed im not remembering them after just watching it -the mysteries. whyd the bracelet (idk if thats what its called but for now bracelet) give her powers? who r the ppl in the end scene (i dont think any other marvel show has had an end scene first ep)? will her old friend refriend her? OMG SHE STILL HAS THE POWER TO EXTEND HER LIMBS?? BUT NOW ITS LIKE CRYSTALS???
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elephants-are-cool · 3 years
1: sexuality headcanon
trans pan ace poly queen!
2: otp
aoinene!!!!! love love love them so much... they're in love... flower symbolism... the hearts,,, the panels,,, the interactions,,, the besties,,, they're actually super fascinating though... aoi has put on a fake personality for most of their life and nene the most genuine person in the world... aoi's been put on a pedestal for most of her life, and nene does this too... but i love the idea of her becoming more genuine and working through this stuff together... also the mutual and genuine care for each other... remember the misaki stairs... also notice how ppl in love with aoi tend to call her ao-chan... human meinene is *chef's kiss* too!! they have mutual energetic chaotic energy, which makes them rlly fun!! sakunene is cute!! in a wow you're rlly pretty i'd like to know more about you and little pecks on the cheeks. i prefer them as a qpr tho. mitsunene2 is rlly cute, and their interactions were fairly adorable and pan4pan and mutual trust and friendship as they meet with the mirrors. it's fun, okay! hanakounene is rlly good too! there's mutual love and like personally it's either all or none with the three and just... they cute... and some of their interactions are like .... in love... and the little hearts... love them. slightly prefer them as brotp tho.
3: brotp
okay okay so the toilet trio is amazing and i love them... their t8t8t pan4pan4pan and ace... their interactions... the warmness... the slow build up of their friendship... remember at the start when hanako was like 'kid, your on your own' and then shielded him the second he was in danger? the mutual trust... calling on each other when in danger... the donut scene... they're just,,, amazing... they have little found family vibes ngl... them in the library was funny, and showcased how far their friendship had come, and they're rlly fantastic. qpr sakunene is like... 'wow you're rlly pretty i'd like to know more about you and little pecks on the cheeks'... talking about their problems and the twins and supernaturals... tea parties together... the akanene friendship in the recent chapters is adorable too... the slow build up of trust... the severance... meinene!! supernatural meinene has the art and the painting and the taking and like,,, i feel like they should open up to each other and be friends. human meinene!! has the chaotic energy, bubbliness and friendship and letting go and near approaching death and parallels... mitsunene2 should be besties. the mirrors scene. fantastic. and mitsunene1 siblings actually. no but their mums should date (soushiro) and they should be actual stepsiblings. pan siblings. bonus points if in an au mitsunene2 are stepsiblings too because yes. tsukasa and nene would be fun besties though...
4: notp
idk tsuchinene?
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
flowers!! she loves flowers!! she loves romcoms too but she loves horror movies even more! she's like,, incredibly goth. but also bubbly. albino (and japanese obviously) because of her hair. and she wears loads of skulls, not just in her uniform but also in her casual clothes. at home she likes mixing pastel colours with skulls and goth stuff because yeah. aoi helped her dye her hair because she thought it looked cool and also she loves the sea.
6: one way in which I relate to this character
idk, lots of ways.
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
i love her but she's super gullible. 8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
cinnamon roll
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leefi · 3 years
Han Sooyoung and Yoo Sangah
omg. women ❤️
Sexuality Headcanon:
HSY: biphobic bisexual etc. Etc. She doesn't think she's straight and she doesn't think she's gay. She straight up just doesn't think about it but she does have this inexplicable hatred towards bi people also poly people because somebody's definitely gotta be jealous of somebody else in this situation and ppl are definitely being left out and she just thinks they should stop lying to themselves and just be in couples like normal peopeb
YSA: I don't have a strong hc for her - I've gone from seeing her as bi to lesbian to aro and none of them really stuck in my head as "yes, this is her". I have to write her more to figure it out!
Gender Headcanon:
I think it's very funny when HSY is just a fucking cis girl and has absolutely no gender going on. I ALSO think having her present more masc or express some degree of gender fluidity is very good too. WRT the "cis girl" thing I think this could be a case of like with her sexuality where she just straight up never Thought about it because she grew up so isolated from other people. If she's gf (gluten free) she definitely transes her gender later. same applies to kdj tbh.
A ship I have with said character:
HSY - sangsoo had me in a chokehold for like the first 200 chapters of orv i was vacuuming up those crumbs like a cordless dyson and i think even wit yhk they do kiss occasionally to maintain their sisterly bonds you understand. and jhw is there too ofc ofc. And of course yoohankim ❤️ three bottoms in a trenchcoat. destined soulmates because they ❤️ chose kdj every time and ❤️ are responsible for the deaths of millions for each other and are two sexy people cursed by some guy's dick and yeah. it's good. I'm a very firm believer in not separating them but doksoo is of course phenomenal and 1863rd + 1865th yoohan has me in a fucking chokehold. 1863rd HSY throws her life away for all of eternity and damns millions for the sake of just one man's life and is doomed to never meet him and reconcile that. Screams. HSY was also the first person SP made a covenant with (which says all you need to know about SP's personality LMDJSJSJ) and the way she is the arbiter of YJH's destruction in 1863 and the way they tiptoe around each other in 1865-onward??? god God god god there's so much they need to acknowledge about each other.
Ok now that I talked about how enamored I am with toxic horrible 1863rd yoohan it's time to talk about my other favorite 1863rd ship HSY x Lee Seolhw (a train blares past me at this mom
wrt sangsoo - I love it and I think it's more than just dog girl/cat girl gf syndrome. I think there's a lot to be explored wrt how YSA grew up around fake rich people and she meets this woman who gives absolutely zero shits about any decorum whatsoever. HSY grew up around no one and YSA grew up around So Many but never felt Loved. And then this very short hissing cat hisses into her life and wow this is the exact opposite of what she expected love to look like. But it's Genuine.
YSA - me <3, sangsoo, yooyoohankim but not really. Like. My feelings about this are very conflicted but I think she's the most adjacent to them if that makes sense. Like if anyone was gonna be their fourth it would obviously be her but I just can't see her being romantic with any of them WHEN they're a unit (including hsy). Like. I think the three of them fight over who gets to be her date to public functions. Like she's the main character of their breakfast table gossip. This tweet describes best what I'm going for here I shan't elaborate further
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Bonus OT3 - one of my Twitter mutuals brought up the possibility of YSA/JHW/LHS where the two of them basically amicably share JHW and I think that's super cute . Give her a boyfriend and a girlfriend .
A BROTP I have with said character:
YSA- YOOYOO YOOYOOOOOOO YJH YJH YIH YJH YJH YJG THERE'S SO MUCH POTENTIAL FOR HILARITY AND NOBODY UNDERSTANDS. NOBODY UNDERSTANDS THE LEVELS OF COMEDIC DUO AND #GIRL SOLIDARITY THESE TWO COULD GLHAVE TOGETHER AFTER HE TRIES TO KILL HER 84 TIMES ONE DAY ILL WRITE A DISSERTATION ABOUT THIS. Yooyoo is that character dynamic where one person takes a rivalry SUPER seriously and the other is extremely oblivious about it but of course YSA isn't oblivious about anything. She's extremely pleasant to him for the express purpose of pissing him off more. I think after joongdok are solidly a thing he stops being a freak towards her and then we get the powerful #girl friendship, because I believe that a lot of his initial dislike towards her stems from the fact that she seems to intuitively understand kdj so much better than he does. and of course because I have to make even brotps poly add LHS for <3 yeeyee <3
also YSA/SWK. I want them to work out whatever the fuck is going on there. Like...Did YSA adopt any of her memories? Did she keep any tics,mannerisms from her body's previous owner? Does her laugh sound different now in a weirdly familiar way? There's so much to unpack there...I want them to sit down and talk things out.
HSY - on the topic of brot3s HSY/JHW/KDJ. please don't ask me to elaborate. but do take this
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also doksoo. of course. yes they're together. yes they're also bros . i also think it's very funny when yjh third wheels This dynamic
A NOTP I have with said character:
Honestly HSY/JHW?? though disclaimer when I say NOTP 90% of the time I'm not using it in the way most others do - very rarely does a ship genuinely BOTHER me. Like I'll read HSY/JHW fic and enjoy it, if you wrote me a good pitch you'd probably get me fully on board with it, I just think that TO ME their relationship is better as (this is gonna sound so "they're not gay they just have a brotherly bond!" im so sorry) two very different people who did NOT get along in any sense and still pushed that all aside and cooperated for the sake of something bigger than them both. And then grew to love each other like family out of it. I think adding a layer of sexual tension to that detracts from the genuine distaste they had towards each other - and not in the "but she's still so sexy way". they just straight up did not like each other, but they did love each other. does that make sense? probably not. but maybe one day they looked at each other after sharing a laugh, and each privately thought to themselves "hey? maybe she isn't so bad after all." and that was the start to a very slow-budding, but eventually unbreakable friendship. but of course first hsy said something stupid to break the mood and jhw nearly killed her
for YSA? none really I am open to anything.
A random headcanon:
HSY - hsy doesn't understand why she does things. she is incapable of self-reflection. she just acts. this was what kdj meant when he compared her to yjh. sorry to insert men into women's spaces but I'm gonna make this about KDJ for a second - he's really good at self-analysis but has zero emotional intelligence. Like he can objectively recognize trauma but has no idea how to guide himself through it and thinks that recognition is sufficient. hsy and yjh are the inverse of him where they are more emotionally intelligent (granted, not by much...) But aren't as good at self reflection
YSA - I kind of mixed this with opinion see below. Oh another one! I think that she and JHW taught the kids how to drive together :)
and sometimes I wonder if she misses her friends from the library :( we never heard from them again...were they still stuck inside kdj's head after thousands of years or like
General Opinion over said character:
YSA - meow meow meow meow :) meow meow. Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow. Meow meow. Meow meow meow meow. Meow <3 😙👩🏼‍❤️‍👩🏻👩🏼‍❤️‍👩🏻👩🏼‍❤️‍👩🏻👩🏼‍❤️‍👩🏻👩🏼‍❤️‍👩🏻👩🏼‍❤️‍👩🏻👩🏼‍❤️‍👩🏻👩🏼‍❤️‍👩🏻👩🏼‍❤️‍👩🏻👩🏼‍❤️‍👩🏻👩🏼‍❤️‍👩🏻
I love nice characters who are more than just their niceness! When they're optimistic and it's compelling! I firmly believe that YSA was KDJ's closest confidant - and therefore technically the most "complicit" in his constant self-endangerment - because she believed with him in possibility of a happy ending. And if he needed to do what he needed to do to get there, she'd support him unequivocally along the way.
HSY - I would straight up hate her if she was a real person that I knew. Like I would fucking despise her. Adore her as a character though she's my war criminal wifey <3 I've said this before but I have like. A very strong conviction that 1863!HSY is the most tragic character of ORV and whenever I think about her too long I go absolutely insane. A mutual on twitter mentioned how the original sin in orv is actually love...
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