#like. my teachers and classmates knew I specifically didn't like presentations and were mindful of that and didn't judge me
fizzysound · 2 years
If anyone has any advice for helping with anxiety I would love to hear it. Specifically for presentations and interviews. Every other day to day thing I'm mostly fine in. Problem is that I have a interview tomorrow and if I'm way too noticeably panicking about it they're going to think that I won't be able to do the job, because it's a job where you need to have a certain level of confidence. Like, I have that necessary confidence!! Just specifically not for interviews!
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kaneaken · 2 years
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author's note; title's a bit fancy, but essentially, it's just some scenarios based off my favorite moments with my classmates and friends twisted just a bit :D new banner for my genshin works for no particular reason, just felt like it. enjoy, everyone!
content notes; gn!reader, use of (name) for reader, established relationship, possible ooc characters, school au, some kinda specific reader scenarios (reader participates in a performing art, reader is scared of public speaking), some hurt/comfort, possible pt.2 if you guys are interested :D
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you aren't prepared. it wasn't entirely your fault anyways. the teacher had forgotten to remind you that the project came with a presentation
" (name), you're next after kokomi "
you take a deep breath and look over your presentation again.
you've got this, (name)
you keep repeating it as you wait for kokomi's presentation to finish.
you feel a tap on your hand and you flinch. turning your head, your eyes meet itto's.
" hey, (name), you okay? "
you give him a weak thumbs up and turn your head back to kokomi as she finishes up.
you still feel his stare on you as you prepare to go up. you keep reminding yourself that you were fine and you'd do great.
one more deep breath escapes you before your teacher calls you up to present. the second you find yourself in front of the class, your nervousness punches you in the gut
oh, boy
you open your mouth, but before anything can escape, itto raises his hand
" teach, d'ya mind if me and (name) step out for just a sec? "
your teacher gives you a glance before giving itto a nod. itto gets out of his seat and drags you outside the classroom
" heya, sunshine, look at me, " itto says, once you've exited the classroom
you let out a breath before looking at him
" you're okay, okay? deep breaths, deep breaths. you've got this "
he grabs your hands and swings them around to calm you down
" you're super smart, okay? you don't need to worry if you mess up. they'd probably believe anything that you say 'cause you're just that smart! "
he gives you a big smile that helps your nerves
" whenever you're ready, we'll head back in! "
you weren't sure what you were expecting when your teacher said she had a fun idea for an activity. maybe a game? a crossword puzzle?
nope, she wanted you guys to write about what you appreciate about some random person in the class. you would be on board with the idea if it was for your friends, but there was a chance you were going to write for someone random
what if you got someone you've never interacted with? or maybe someone who didn't like you?
you silently hope that you grab one of your friends' names while you dig through the bag of names
opening up the paper you grabbed, you sigh in relief as you read a familiar name
your teacher gives you about five minutes to write your appreciation note before you have to hand it over to the person you got
five minutes pass by relatively quick and you hand over your note to your chosen person
you sit back down and spot the note you received placed on your desk
taking your seat, you open up the note and read it
' (name),
hi, thoma here :D there's so much i could say that i appreciate about you, but i wouldn't want to trouble you in reading it all. so, here's what i mainly appreciate about you:
well, to be honest, it's you. just you bring you :) it sounds quite cheesy, but it's true. you really are the light of my life, (name) and i hope it can stay that way ♡
your love, thoma ♡ '
your eyes gloss over the crowd once more before the performance was supposed to begin. once again, you weren't surprised to see that no one you knew was in the crowd
you mentally scold yourself. you were supposed to focused on doing your best, not worrying if anyone bothered to show up
although, it stung a little knowing that all your efforts would only be acknowledged by unknown people
shuffling and small 'excuse me's catches your attention. you look up again and see paimon leading the twins to their seats
once they are seated, they wave to you and you give them a small wave back
you guess you have to do your best now
once your performance finished, you go out to find the trio
" (name), over here! "
you follow the voice to the trio and once you arrive, you give them a smile
" thank you so much for coming. i really appreciate it "
" we wouldn't miss it for anything, " lumine tells you, giving you a hug
" paimon thought you were the best one up there! " paimon says
" you really were, " aether says, hugging you from your side and placing a peck on your cheek
" wow, aether, not in front of paimon, " lumine jokes, covering paimon's eyes
" hey! what not in front of paimon? let paimon see! "
you all laugh as paimon flails around to get lumine's hands off her eyes. the laughter dies down and aether speaks up
" well, let's go celebrate my amazing sunshine's performance with some food "
" paimon agrees! "
" of course you agree, paimon "
" hey, what's that supposed to mean!? "
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theowritesstuff · 3 years
Extraordinary Girl
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Jeff Winger x reader
Warnings: mentions of smut. did I make Jeff awful? its s1 Jeff, so there's that
A/n: This is based on the Green Day song Extraordinary Girl, but specifically the version from the broadway production of American Idiot (it’s v good, I highly recommend). I know the song is called Extraordinary Girl but I’m going to try to keep it gender neutral. I’m not sure if I actually like this one or not.
Summary: Friends with benefits relationship with Jeff (angst)
She's an extraordinary girl
In an ordinary world
And she can’t seem to get away
You didn’t know too many people at Greendale. You’d been there for a while, but kept your distance from most. You had always planned to do big things once you graduated, but anyone who spent even just a week at Greendale knew that it was near impossible to escape once you were there. Whether that was due to a love for the school that had blossomed over time, or a pure lack of getting an actual education was anyone’s guess.
He lacks the courage in his mind
Like a child left behind
Like a pet left in the rain
Jeff had a bad childhood. His father left him when he was a kid, and it really affected the way he turned out. He refused to even look up his father when he was an adult. He had built up walls, trying his best not to have real relationships with people. He thought it best to meet, hook up, then never see each other again.
When the two of you had met, Jeff immediately took a liking to you. He turned on the old Jeff charm and flirted with you endlessly. You would always laugh at him and flirt back.
It was easy to flirt with Jeff. He was cute, and he was a nice guy.
The two of you drunkenly hooked up one night after you spotted each other at L Street. You woke up the next morning in your bed alone. There were no signs that Jeff had been there at all.
You knew that sleeping with Jeff was a mistake, but he could’ve at least stayed so that you guys could talk about it.
The next day at school you kept an eye out for him, but when he wasn’t present in your history class, you pretty much realized he was avoiding you.
You managed to spot him in the cafeteria sitting with his Spanish group.
“Hey Jeff, can we talk?” You ask, awkwardly holding the straps of your bag.
The study group gives him weird looks. “Sure.” He says as he stands up to follow you out of the cafeteria.
“So about yesterday-” you started.
“It was just a thing that happened. We had sex, and now we’re back to the way it was before, right?” He looked at you expectantly.
“Yeah! Of course! Totally!” You replied. “We’re classmates.” You told him.
You were ready to do your best to avoid seeing Jeff in public for a while, just to avoid any awkwardness.
You didn't have any negative feelings toward Jeff. You didn't really know him too well before you hooked up, so there weren't any feelings you had associated with him.
You were doing fine until you were told you would have to do a project in history with partners. Unfortunately your teacher thought it would be a good idea to assign you and Jeff as partners.
You were absolutely ready to have to face uncomfortable encounters with Jeff as you worked on your project.
Luckily Jeff was good at pretending nothing had happened between the two of you. You were able to finish working on your project without having to talk about it.
Working with Jeff was actually pretty enjoyable. When he wasn't working, which lets be honest, was most of the time, he was trying to distract you with sarcastic comments about your teachers or quips about your classmates.
Jeff offered to walk you to your car as you were leaving the library for the last time.
"Jeff, you don't need to walk me to my car. It's still light out, and I'm pretty sure I could take anyone that tries to hop out of the bushes at me." You raise your fists like you're ready to fight jokingly.
"Oh, I don't doubt that at all." He laughs.
You stop when you get to your car. "I feel like we were able to actually put together a decent project." you say to him.
"I think it's definitely a passable project." he replies.
"Well, I'll see you tomorrow Jeff." You turn to get into your car.
"Wait-" he says as he reaches for your arm. "It was nice working with you."
"It was nice working with you too."
"It was nice just being with you, in general." He starts to lean closer to you.
"Yeah?" It's almost as if the closer he gets, the more your brain fogs up.
When he leans down to kiss you, it feels like your brain short-circuits. All you can think about is him. You reach your hand up to grab at his hair, while the other tries to pull him closer to you. Both his hands rest on your waist, holding you against him.
He pulls his lips away from yours to start traveling down your neck. You close your eyes, and are ready to just be completely consumed by him.
"Your place?" he asks hurriedly.
The most you can do is nod your head.
The two of you take your car back to your apartment, and rush up to your door. You fumble with your key as he stands behind you, trailing kisses down your neck.
When you manage to unlock your door you both hurry to your bed. A small part of you says 'no Y/N, don't do this again' but that thought, much like your clothes , is quickly thrown aside.
She’s all alone again
Wiping the tears from her eyes
The next morning was almost identical to the one you had previously experienced. The only difference was now there lay a note on your bedside table. It read:
That was fun
we should do that more often
Part of you wants to crumple up the note and throw it down the garbage chute. The other part wants you to cradle that note close to your chest, keeping it with you forever.
You don't know why you thought that things would be different with Jeff this time. You don't know why you feel so strongly for him. You feel a tear escape your eye, then all of a sudden, you're crying.
How could you have let a man have such a big part in your emotions? No. You weren't going to let him control how you felt. You grab your phone and shoot him a text:
That was fun, I'd love to 😉
Before going back to school you made sure that you looked your best. You wanted everyone to know that you were confident, and didn't need anyone's approval.
Everyone stared at you as you walked down the hallway. You looked great, and everyone knew it.
You and Jeff continued to sleep together, about once a week. Every time he left you would feel a small part of yourself get more and more tired. You didn't know if you were tired of him, or tired of the situation, but it didn't feel as great as it did at the beginning.
You were sitting in your math class, when it was announced that there was a new student. He seemed nice enough. You took it upon yourself to introduce yourself to him after class. He was actually very sweet. You spent lunch talking to each other about the school and the classes he had.
“I guess I just can’t believe what some of the courses offered here are. Like, why do we need a class called ‘Ladders’?” He asked.
“I honestly don’t know.” You laughed.
“Hey Y/N.” A voice said. Jeff was standing next to your table. He looked kind of uncomfortable. “Can I talk to you?” He asked.
“Sure.” You followed him to the hallway outside the cafeteria.
“Do you wanna hang out later tonight?” He looked at you expectantly. You actually didn’t feel like you wanted to be with Jeff tonight.
“Um, I don’t think I can, I’ve got a ton of homework I need to do.” You told him.
He looked surprised. “Oh, okay, well I’ll text you later.”
“Yeah, later Jeff.” You left him standing in the hallway and went back to your table with Harry. It almost felt like a weight had been lifted from your shoulders.
Some days he feels like dying
She gets so sick of crying
-Jeff’s POV-
Why didn’t Y/N wanna be with him anymore? He could start to feel you slowly slipping away from him.
He liked what the two of you had. It was simple. There were no feelings, no commitments, but you were still able to enjoy each other’s company. You were someone he could go to who wouldn’t question him about his feelings. But now he didn’t know what to do.
He watched as you talked with the new guy. You looked happy. Weren’t you happy when you talked to him? What does this guy have that he doesn’t?
Maybe he should’ve made more of an effort with you. He could’ve at least stayed with you in the morning and made you breakfast. Or, let’s be honest, have takeout for breakfast with you.
And now because he closed himself off from you, he lost you to someone else.
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kookiepalette · 3 years
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Geography Progect (Pt.1)
pairing(s): min yoongi x reader
summary: everyone has that one class that they hated the most and there was nothing in the world that could make that person like it. it was like a pain in the ass that wouldn’t just go away.
geography was that pain in the ass for y/n as it was a requirement for the junior to graduate the next academic year. with the help of her crush and countless of youtube videos, maybe geography wasn’t so bad after all.
word count: just over 3k
warning(s)/tag(s): love, pinning, one-sided, two sided, romance, procrastination, mean professors
Starring at the mouth of the professor who just went on and on about the creation of rocks, Y/N sighed into the palm of her hands, wondering what she did to deserve this type of punishment.
This wasn't the first time that Geography was becoming a bore to her as time ticked on and her eye lids were becoming heavier, and it certainly would not be the last time she experienced it.
The class did not spark anything within her tired body and Y/N dreaded waking up on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and pushing herself to be in her seat by 9:00 am, with at least something to take her notes on.
Looking down at the bareness of the first page of the designated notebook for the class, it was going on the third week of school and she still did not have any notes written down. It was a shame to say, but there was no motivation whatsoever on her part.
Every week since the semester started, she promised herself that she wouldn't slack off like she did the prior semester, but once she took a seat in her unassigned, but assigned seat, it was already game over.
This class was basically a bore to her and just another requirement for her to graduate on time.
If she could, she would have dropped the class in a heartbeat, but that would mean that she would have to take Astrology instead, and trust and believe, she didn't want to have that class either.
Why in the fuck did she had to learn about streaming discharge when ultimately she wanted to be a elementary school teacher? It did not make any sense to her, but then again, a lot of things was questionable in her mind.
Having that thought of leaving this forsaken place that she paid thousands of dollars for to a classroom that was hers, but filled with eager learning children, made her heart swell.
Matter of factly, the thought made somewhat of an impact on the young woman as she grabbed a pencil from her pencil pouch that resembled a panda and wrote down the last sentence of the slide before the professor went on to the next topic of today's discussion.
Of course, that determination only lasted for about a minute before the pencil once again found its home in the pencil pouch and that one sentence was all she wrote on that piece of notebook paper.
Focusing her attention back of the movements of Mr. Jackson, he was the epitome of a boring person. Having a pair of slacks as choice of style and a white buttoned down to compliment it with, that was what he wore every time she visited his classroom. There was never a different color shirt or even a pair of jeans whatsoever.
The gray-haired geography teacher never knew how to change it up and the colorful Y/N was frustrated.
Did he not have a wife or a husband to tell him to add some colorfulness into his wardrobe?
Sighing again for the umpteenth time today, Y/N moved her wondering eyes from the aging professor to different spots around the lecture room where other students made the cut of waking up this morning and having the energy to be present for today's class time.
Watching as some held pens in their mouths, listening actively to what the old man had to say, others were typing furiously on their laptops as they didn't want to miss anything for the upcoming exam that was in two weeks.
Which that reminds Y/N. She mentally made a note in her head that as soon as this class was over, she needed to go to the library and watch YouTube videos on Geography to ace her first exam this semester.
And lastly, there were students like her that wasn't paying any attention to the man who never sat down to teach, but just watch the clock above his head mocking them as it was ticking by slower than usual.
It was only Monday and those students, just like Y/N, wanted to call it a day and do nothing else that was deemed productive.
Drumming her painted fingers that were starting to chip on the table in front of her and keeping a hand on her chin, her tired eyes finally found what they were looking for, and the fire inside her cheeks could not stop spreading.
That something or that person rather, was no other than Min Yoongi and there was not a day that goes by that Y/N did not think about this man and what he brought to the table.
The way he tapped his pen on his composition notebook when he was also bored or to they way he puffed his cheeks when he wasn't done writing down the notes from the slide, but the professor only speeding to the next topic to fit everything in during class time, was fascinating to her.
She wouldn't say that she was in love with the dark-haired, browned eye man.
But she couldn't deny the jump in her chest when he was in her presence.
Taking in his appearance and what he wore that day, Y/N could only spread her lips at the figure below her.
The slender man wore a somewhat oversized brown sweater and paired it off with some dark jeans. With the countless of earrings taking a seat in the different holes in his ears to the Chelsea boots gracing his feet, who couldn't take note and at it to their Pintrest board later on?
It was simple outfit to say the least, but the way that he wore it and because it was Min Yoongi, it was the best outfit that anyone could have created.
And please don't let her get started on that hair of his.
It was back to his original black state at it has been blonde for the last couple of weeks, but the way he ran his slender fingers through it to create a disheveled look, made it so much more attractive.
But shit, anything he wore was attractive in the eyes of Y/N and she only had feelings for this man ever since this class started and that was three weeks ago.
She has been at the University of Stalworth for three years now and not once did she have to privileged of having this man grace her presence not once and she was still flabbergasted.
Feeling someone starring at the black of his head, Yoongi turned his hunched figure slightly to catch they eyes of that said person, but he cocked his head to the side as he was only met with his classmates focusing their attention to the lecture at hand.
Shaking his head while frowning, Yoongi turned around and focused back on writing notes to pass the time.
Feeling her heart petter patter at almost getting caught starring, Y/N thanked her quick reflexes as she focused her attention back on the man that was twice her age.
She really had it bad for the man that never said a word to her, but of course, she knew that this was only a crush that will probably disappear with time, just like the other ones that she had in the past.
Shrugging her shoulders at the thought of another crush being added to her list and nothing ever happening with any of them, Y/N new she was destined to live the rest of her life teaching and coming home to millions of cats waiting for her at her doorsteps.
And the worst part of that though that came crashing into her head at this time of day is that the fucking cats would probably not be happy to have her home, but more mad that she was invading their space!
As if they were paying the rent for her apartment and not her!
But now thinking about it as she cocked her head to side and actually thought about it.
How much would it cost to have that many cats in one apartment?
The cat that she already had cost her an arm and a leg every month! What about a hundred of those pesky little things?
Just thinking about it made her want to try even harder in life to not be in that situation no time soon.
Just a couple of years at least.
"Miss Y/LN?" Mr. Jackson stopped his lecture and looked up a few rows of the hall  and made eye contact to the person that was interrupting his teaching. "Is there something more interesting at the back of Mr. Min's head than listening to something that will benefit your grade?"
Blinking her eyes as if she was waking up from a trance, Y/N was confused as she heard her name coming from the older man's mouth as he tapped his foot as if he was for her to say something.
"Sir?" Y/N asked in confusion as her voice rose a few octaves than it normal was.
Why was he coming for her when she did not do anything to be a distraction to this class?
"Once again, is there something more important on Min Yoongi's head than what is on my PowerPoint because if it is, I would certainly like to know," Mr. Jackson gave the disbelief girl a pointed look as a frown made its way to his wrinkled mouth.
Inwardly, Y/N wanted to shrink herself as tiny as possible as she was being called out in front of the whole class.
And shit, it did not make it any better that everyone had their eyes glued to her face, including the Min Yoongi.
Now he most definitely knew that she was a fucking creep to stare at him so openly and she could not wait to end back at home and drown in her misery.
More specifically with a carton of Ben and Jerry that was sitting in the back of refrigerator waiting to be eaten.
"No sir," Y/N finally broke the deadly silence as everyone in the room was waiting for her to answer. "There's nothing more interesting than your lecture," she finished off as she downcast her gaze with shame spreading throughout her body like wildfire.
"Well, I would like to think so as well," Mr Jackson shook his head at the young child before clicking his clicker to the next slide which so happens to be the last one for the day. "Please do not let it happen again Miss Y/L/N. I do not want it to become a reflection of your grade."
"Yessir," Y/N could only squeak out as she was beyond embarrassed.
This was a blow to her self-esteem and how could she ultimately rebound from this?
The snickers from the people beside her made her ears ring and it didn't make it any better that the stolen glance she made at Yoongi was the final nail in the coffin.
Seeing the ghostly smile tainted his pink lips as if he was enjoying the scene that played out in front of him as well, Y/N knew that that one carton of ice-cream waiting for her at home would not be enough to drown her misery away.
She most definitively needed more than three and that was just being generous.
Pulling the pink bubble jacket with one of her cold hands and grasping the now lukewarm coffee in the other one, Y/N cursed herself for deciding that today was the day to get out of the comfort of her bed and be productive today.
Of course, every day was supposed to be a productivity day, but when the weather app on her phone says a ninety percent chance of snow for the entire day and as well as for tomorrow, her body wanted to go back to sleep.
That meant nobody was in her presence at any time of the day and she could be comfortable in her own home.
Away from wandering eyes and the likes of others.
Finding where she wanted to spend the next couple of hours at, Y/N sat down her things and pulled the coat that was a Christmas present from her grandma years back. She knew that the quicker she get started, the quicker she would be done for the day.
Plopping down in one of the library's chairs with and uncomfortable grunt, Y/N should have recommended the university to put more money into the well-being of its students and not into the pockets of the higher ups.
But who was she exactly?
She was just a student just getting by, paying thirty thousand a year to get an education for the job she wanted to do for the rest of her life.
Getting past the hardness of her seat and the way the air conditioning in the building had her fingers trembling, Y/N turned on the computer to jump start her studying for the day.
Despite not wanting to do nothing on this Tuesday afternoon, she knew she needed to prove to that stinking professor that she was allowed to not do anything as long as her grades were high enough to do just that.
Typing into the engine bar on YouTube, Y/N could not stop herself from rolling her eyes at what she was typing.
Remembering the debacle she had to face in yesterday's class made her shudder in annoyance, and trust her, it wasn't from the below freezing temperature that she was currently stuck in.
Grabbing more ice-cream from the convenient store that was in route of her apartment and creating a safety net in her full size bed, Y/N truly kept to her word as she ate in misery.
Again, how would she know that daydreaming about anything and everything was not only going to get her in trouble with a certain individual that should not be named, but as well as called out in front of her newfound crush.
How embarrassing could her life get, knowing that Min Yoongi knew she was starring at him like he was the last piece of meat in a scarcity world.
"Fuck my life," she huffed as she clicked on the first video that hopefully would give her answer on the different glacial landforms on the North America continent.
Plugging her earphones into the computer and shoving them into both of her ears, Y/N could already feel the drowsiness over washing her.
Poking her lips out and focusing on the countless of videos that played after one other, Y/N felt more confident on what was going on in one of her classes now.
Who knew that the Green brothers with CrashCourse was going to be the answer to some of her problems?
Writing down the necessary things--well what she thought was important--and highlighting the main points, the notebook that once had just a sentence, was now looking more like a textbook.
Of course, as time went on and her handwriting was turning into chicken scratch, the snow outside was becoming heavier and as well as the sky becoming darker.
But that did not stop the determined woman. There are not a lot of times where Y/N had this energy to take notes, but when she did, she wanted to get the most out of it.
Ending a sentence with a period and stopping the video before autoplay went to the next one, Y/N decided that it was break time, and took the last sip of the now cold coffee.
Cracking her fingers and giving her body a much needed stretch, there was time for her to check her emails before finishing strong with her notes for today.
Clicking the email logo and waiting for it to load, Y/N sighed in tiredness as she could already feel her bed calling her name.
"Let's do this for a couple of more hours and when can head home," Y/N spoke to herself as if she was talking to a child.
That was the motivation for her and it always led to positive things in the past, but when her email loaded, all she could do was close her eyes and pray that this semester would not be her downfall.
The very first message that was on top of the food chain and waiting for her to open it, was no other than an announcement from Mr. Jackson, the devil himself.
Forcing down the insults that she wanted to scream from the top of her lungs to the pit of her stomach, Y/N clicked on it, knowing there was bound to be some bullshit spewing from his side of things.
Dear GY 103-011 students,
I hope all is well and you're guys are staying safe in this inclement weather. Per syllabus, this class has a project coming up that will be considered the first exam of this semester. I am reminding all of you now as the exam date is only two weeks away.
What the project is and based on is included in the link attached at end of this email. Because I am a nice professor, I am willing to let you guys work by yourself or with partners. Just to keep in mind, everyone should participate and I will know if it is last minute and or you didn't contribute at all.
Again, please stay safe as we are in the middle of bad weather and hopefully to see you guys tomorrow.
-Mr. Jackson.
Rereading the email over and over again, Y/N was somewhat content with having a project instead of an exam that was on paper. After realizing that she suffered from test anxiety after fainting during her ACT exam in high school, she always was thankful when she didn't have to take one.
Licking her chapped lips as she click on the link that told her the specifics of the project, the thankfulness for Mr. Jackson was starting to dwindle down once again as she read what she had to do to get a good marking on her first attempt of this class.
As clear as day, the project was basically collecting different types of soil around campus and determining what its type, its origin, and many other things that made Y/N more confused on everything.
Before this class, there was not a time that she thought that her small town, let along the world, had different types of fucking dirt.
Quickly reading the last part of the pdf, Y/N could only groan as the final thing to do was to write a lab report for her findings.
Remembering that all hope wasn't lost as she remembered the email, Y/N pulled her phone from her backpack and clicked on the GroupMe app for the class that was overtaking her simple life.
Typing into the chat, Y/N hoped someone in the class wanted to be her partner, and as well as teach her the different types of soil.
This wasn't a feat she wouldn't like to conquer herself and she was going to need someone to help her as well.
Not getting a response from anyone after awhile, Y/N just knew she was doomed from the start.
Knowing that she had her high school picture as her profile, they probably didn't want to work with her, knowing she like to stare at people.
Frowning at the words forming in her mind, Y/N decided that she needed extra time before going back to writing notes or starting on this project on her.
Typing in 'Funny Videos of Agust D in America" was the first thing she put in the search engine as she wanted to feel better and not cry in the middle of a library that barely no one used.
Before she could click on the video that she never seen, Y/N perked up when two GroupMe notifications popped up on her phone's screen.
Seeing that someone named Suga liked her message in the chat, Y/N could not help the smile forming on her face as he sent a private message as well.
SUGA: I saw that you're looking for a partner for the project and I was wondering if we could be partners.
SUGA: I also do not know shit about soil so I need help.
Hovering over her keyboard as she didn't know what to type exactly, Y/N was in the same predicament that he was in.
Y/N Y/L/N: What if I told you that I do not know anything about soil either?
SUGA: Well...
SUGA: Let's struggle together then.
Feeling like some type of weight has been lifted off of her shoulders, Y/N was glad that this person wanted to go with war with her.
Realizing that she didn't even know what this person looked like as their profile picture only showcased a cute, fluffy dog, Y/N wanted to know who was this person that she signed herself up to be partners with.
Not even wanting to delay anything, Y/N needed to finish the introductions and get started with this project.
Y/N Y/L/N: If you don't mind me asking, what's your name or is Suga your real name?
Waiting for the response to her question, Y/N decided to watch a funny video of her favorite artist.
Not even one minute into the video that she had gotten a reply and Y/N was ready to put a name to this mystery person.
SUGA: I'm the one that has the back of the head that you kept starring at in yesterday's class.
Dropping her phone onto the table and causing a loud thud that could be heard throughout the quiet room, Y/N could honestly say that her hear dropped to the bottom of her ass.
"Fuck my life," she mumbled to herself as she hit her forehead in annoyance.
How was she going to do a project with him when she can't even look him in the eyes.
But then again, she never had a one-on-one conversation with him to know that, but Hell, you get the point.
She was going to make herself look weirder without even trying around him and there was not enough Ben and Jerry's to go around for that.
Not at all.
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lostanddrowned · 3 years
Still mad about this one time in high school, idk why it just came back to me now, but I'm going to shout it into the void!
In my sophomore honors history class, we had to do a lot of group projects. That alone was pretty crummy, but of course, it gets worse! The projects we did were often a way of the teacher getting out of doing all of her work, as she was going to retire after our year and she was just absolutely done with everything. So the assignment was "decades" and we were randomly assigned a decade from 1900 forward and were forced into groups of 3. My trio received the 20s, much to the jealousy of one particular group of all girls and a different group with a very loud guy in it. My two partners clearly didn't give a damn what we received, as they had no intention of helping out. They had been partnered with the "weird, smart, quiet, overachiever" after all. I would have been excited to do any research pre-1960s honestly. The guidelines were rather non-specific. We had to write a research paper and prepare a presentation on our decade—notable events, the type of lives people led at the time, and pop culture from the decade (like music, film, etc).
Skipping over the bumps in the road with my so-called partners, I'll just let it be known that I wrote all three research papers (unnecessarily altering my writing voice in the other two) and set up the whole presentation myself...because yes, even our individual papers went into the whole group's grade. The two useless clinger-ons also got out of speaking in the presentation by claiming that they were too nervous to public speak and (to my relief) that worked. We did, however, at least agree that we'd all dress up for that extra bit of credit.
Their ideas of "dress from the 20s" was the guy threw on a suit, which luckily that works, but the girl just wore a sparkly and definitely not school appropriate dress that she got away with all day by claiming it was for a presentation. It wasn't even Era-styled in terms of beading, color, or at the very least, silhouette. I, however, had gone to multiple thrift stores, hunting for the right materials, shapes, and styles that I could use to build up my outfit and character.
You see, I'd gone through all this work of being a woman from the 1920s. I was in journalism, which played into why I had the information to report on the lives and goings-on of my time period. I had found a grey, cloche style hat and added a lil ribbon and bow to it. I'd found an unassuming, beige dress in a perfect square cut and draped to my calves. I'd picked up some heels that, while not perfect, had that modest low heel that wasn't too thin nor too thick. I had also found what I felt to be such a lucky find; a grey, woolen jacked that was nearly as long as the dress. As bonus, I had a long string of pearls (fake, mind you) from some costume long forgotten to add to my 20s outfit. And even though I rarely wore makeup then, I did it up in style—a slightly orange tinted rouge in circles on my cheeks, a bright red on the lips, and brown eyeliner with grey shadow (to complement my greenish eyes).
My ensemble was as perfect as I could get it in the time frame. I don't know if I have pictures from back then, but for reference, here's some pics that my ensemble resembled:
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So all that effort to look the part, downloaded music to play during the presentation, and I really knew my stuff. And then, everyone in the class, including the history teacher, didn't "get" my look. Even with pictures just like the ones above as part of the presentation, they just scoffed at me.
I had basically "Disney princess cast member"-ed the whole thing, taking on the role of a woman in the 20s, sharing information like I was just reporting it to time travelers or something, and answering questions about the era as though I was from it...And in response to my monumental effort and genuine excitement to play my role and hopefully teach and entertain—snarky comments, confused classmates, and blank faces. All which anyone associated with the 1920s was prohibition and the speakeasies and flappers that go with it. So when I didn't look like some fancy, forward dressing flapper—everyone was lost. Even the goddamn teacher.
Yeah, I got the extra credit. Yeah, my group got an A for all the back-breaking carrying I did.
But I basically went through the rest of my day dejected. The only other presenting group that dressed up was the 80s decade and all three of them did the stereotypical neon-dancer-pop-girl looks. I fully participated with questions and comments for all the other presenters that day (we'd gone first, upon my request to the teacher) but my spirits were pretty crushed. The two other of my teachers that day that chose to ask about my odd attire had the same response as everyone else; "why aren't you a flapper? I don't get it." Even my nerd friends at lunch didn't quite understand and their eyes full on glazed over when I started sharing actual information.
The only person that made me smile that day was a teacher I didn't even have a class with at the time. I was on my way to my locker when he asked about the outfit. I told him it was for a history presentation, I was a journalist from the 20s. He told me it looked great, and even asked how attached I was to the hat and jacket because he knew the drama club wanted to put on the Great Gatsby next semester and the costumes the school had were lacking. We talked for a few minutes before we both had things to do (and I kept my hat and jacket, I was actually a bit attached to the ensemble... More now actually that even just one person thought they were neat).
So I'm still mad that basically nobody thought I looked the part just because I wasn't some flashy flapper.
But at least my one teacher, whom I admired for a number of reasons, made me go home feeling like I wasn't going to light the school on fire just yet. So... Thanks, to him. And everyone else can fall down some stairs.
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