#like. specify if you have a specific verse in mind.
luvjunie · 1 year
— braiding his hair
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pairing: earth 42!miles x fem!reader
summary: Miles is very particular when it comes to how his hair looks, so he doesn’t let just anyone put their hands in his head. His mom has been braiding it for him since he was in middle school, and he’d found no reason to change routine until you’d randomly expressed interest one day. wc: 702
contains: fluff, fem!reader, envisioned as black!reader but not specified
word bank: “está bien, mi amor” - it’s okay, my love
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You were dedicated on teaching yourself how to cornrow/dutch braid specifically for your boyfriend, Miles; having practiced on your little brother a few times before you proposed the idea. And while you could braid normally, you weren’t very well versed in braids to the scalp— those were an entirely different ballgame.
The first time he agreed to sit between your legs, handed you the rat tail comb, and simultaneously reached behind him to tug on his hair-tie and release his hair from the low ponytail it was in, you quickly understood why he kept it braided back. It was massive, and there was so much of it. Even with the sides of his hair faded you were still trying to figure out how it had this much volume. His curls were thick, coily in some places, silky and curled in others, falling just a bit below his shoulders. Hell, you were almost jealous.
It was as if he could read your mind from his seated position on the floor, his back to you, legs criss-crossed and you on his desk chair. “I got a lotta hair, huh?” He nearly felt the act of your hands experimentally hovering over the area, a chuckle falling from his lips before he asked you, “You sure you got it, Mami?” He turned just slightly to peer over his shoulder. “I can always ask my moms to-“
You hastily cut him off, “No, no!” Sounding a little more enthusiastic than you planned, heat spread up the expanse of your throat as you cleared it and sat up straighter, managing to instill some confidence in yourself. “I wanna try.”
And he’s more than willing to let you. You’re his girl after all, basically the only person he trusts other than his mother, so with a surrendered raise of his hands, he nods and leans back once again. “Aight then, do ya thing.”
It took a little longer than some simple braids should, and when you finally finished and reached forward to offer him the hand mirror, you had to restrain from anxiously nibbling at the skin on the inside of your lip. “How’d I do?” You queried quietly, hands gently resting over his lean shoulders.
You watched closely as he turned from cheek to cheek to look over your work in the mirror, brows raising in slight disbelief his bottom lip sticking out in a manner of approval as he nodded. “Damn, Ima little surprised, can’t lie.” He quipped, giving as much of a smile as someone like him gave. “You sure this your first time doing this?”
“I practiced on my little brother once or twice.” You shifted in your seat, the apples of your cheeks tight from your growing grin.“They’re not nearly as good as how your mom does them, though.” Your head tilted as you examined the plaits.
“No, está bien mi amor. They’re perfect, I fuck with them.” He set the mirror down next to him, leaning his head back to rest on your thighs.
“Really?” You felt excitement bubble in your stomach, heart swelling with pride as he expressed his satisfaction.
“Mhmm,” He hummed, long lashes fluttering up at you. “But what I like more is how you learned how to do it just for me. You gon’ be my new hairstylist, hermosa?” He licked his lips, and instantly you were distracted, his accent clinging onto his words as they rolled off his tongue.
You accidentally tuned out his question for a second, the smirk on his face and the way his eyes held contact with yours so intensely had your mind genuinely trying to wrap itself around how he looked this handsome even while upside down. “Hm?” You blinked away the thoughts, blushing when his impish grin widened, pearly whites peeking at your inability to concentrate. “Oh!- Yes… If you want me to be.” You nodded, a smile painting your face to match his.
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- please do not copy, plagiarize, or repost my works on any other platform.
likes, comments, and reblogs are very appreciated!!
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yooglefics · 1 month
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Reveal — Part three: celebrating
Pairing: Yoongi x fem!reader ( camboy!yoongi x camgirl!reader )  Wordcount: 4,513 words Genre: 18+ / smut. mdni! remember to not use fics as your only source of sex ed.  Summary: Your birthday celebration takes a turn when Jungkook forgets to uninvite a particular guest. Part 3 of Recording & Editing. Read it in that order for context. More warnings under read more.
Includes: 3k words of just smut. Mentions of posting / selling sex content. Dirty talk. Use of pet names ( baby, doll, good girl? ). Fingering ( f ), Oral sex ( f and m ). Frottage. Cum play? A bit of overstimulation? Possessive Yoongi because Reveal!Yoongi is just like that and I can't do anything about it. It's true, I tried.  Author's note: Okay, I think this is actually the last one for this. A trilogy is fine, right? But also don't quote me on that because clearly I can't seem to know how to stop writing this pair and I'm watching Jungkook from a distance like 👀 but shhh Which speaking of, I was thinking and if you want to know more about the characters in this verse specifically, you can send an ask with “( reveal!verse )” at the beginning, maybe specify if you want it to be answered ic with “( @ reveal!theirname )” , and a question or whatever you want to say. Idk, thought it could be fun~ Also, I made a post with different options for tag lists in case anyone is interested. You know, for future projects and stuff. But don't feel preassure to request it, and thank you for following this mini series. Anyway. I hope you like this and if you do please remember to comment, reblog, ask, follow, and whatnot. And again, thank you for reading <3
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“You know, you could reply instead of just staring at it,” Jungkook says, over your shoulder.
You're sitting in your living room, phone in your hand with the audio post on screen. There was no way of denying you were caught, you had already embarrassed yourself by acting like a schoolgirl when telling him about SugaD leaving a comment.
“But what if I say something dumb and he deletes it?”
“Why would he do that? He thinks you're cute,” he teases.
“The cutest,” you correct, silly smile on your face once again. 
“See. You should shoot your shot and talk to him, he clearly is interested in you too,” he winks, finally walking around the couch to sit at your side, fresh bowl of popcorn on his lap.
“But it's all so crazy. I don't even know how he found my page, he only follows big creators.”
“Well, he asked me.”
“He asked who you were,” his Bambi eyes blink at you, fear creeping on his soft expression, “I… don't kill me, please.” He moves away from you and that makes you turn to him, leg over the couch and phone forgotten.
“Jungkook? What did you do?” All the scenarios go through your mind, imagining the worst. He told him you kind of have a big old crush on him even if you have never seen his face? Did he tell him about the joke of suing him because he is so—
“And I was busy so I thought, you know, he works with music and edits his own content and it seemed like a good idea,” he is talking so fast and you realize you missed the beginning of it, but before you can ask him to start over he just burst it, “so he edited it.”
“He what?”
“The audio. Your audio. He edited it.”
“My… audio.” The audio you're sure included the start of his video.
That's so much worse.
You should delete your account. Delete yourself. You want to move to another country and change your name. 
“I'm sorry. I should have asked you, but I figured…” he trails off, coming closer again. “I just… I didn't think it was a big deal because… well, I didn't know he was gonna subscribe to you. He only subscribes to people he is friends with and I know he doesn't even watch their stuff.”
You can tell he is trying to make you feel better, and although you appreciate the effort, everything is confusing. Does that mean he wants to be friends? But he doesn't watch his friends's content so… no friends?
“Fuck.” You murmur again.
“Are you mad at me?” Jungkook asks softly, worrying the ring on his bottom lip. 
“I… don't know.”
“Do you want me to go?”
“No. Let's finish the movie.”
But you can concentrate for the rest of it, and know that you'd have to watch it again another time in case your friend brings up something important about the plot. But now, the only thing in your head is theories about what you're going to do about that one particular comment and, again, you consider just deleting the whole thing.
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Jungkook invites you the next weekend to the restaurant, it's his free day but he tells you he can get you the birthday special even if it’s one day early and he can even sing for you. You tell him you are only going if he doesn't make a whole thing out of it. You'd wear the birthday hat and blow out the candles, but if he dares to bring more attention to you, you actually will kill him.
He believes you. 
And so, here you are. Sitting in a booth in front of Jungkook and Hanna, your best friend. Big chocolate cake in front of you that they insisted on getting because “you can have it for dessert for the next week and think about how much we love you”, and also because you love chocolate.
“Sorry. Am I late?” A voice behind you interrupts the end of the birthday song, your smile falling because you could recognize it anywhere, and the fact that he is here makes you panic.
“Oh, shit… ah…” Jungkook stumbles over his words, even comes close to knocking his drink. “Sorry. Hi.” He greets the guy and throws an apologetic look your way. “This is my friend Yoongi.”
“Oh, hi. I'm Hanna and didn't know we were waiting for someone, but good thing we got a big cake, uh?” she jokes and looks at you. She does that whenever you're around people and you don't talk, her way of making you feel included. 
But right now you want to disappear. Birthday crown and all. Maybe take the cake too.
“Hi,” you say timidly, eyes on Jungkook instead.
“I…” he starts, remorseful look on his face as he explains, “invited Yoongi last week, didn't want to third wheel with you two.”
“Oh, that's fun! Well, you want to sit there or should I move?” Hanna proposes and you're about to say she should come to your side even if that means Jungkook has to stand up too, but Sug— Yoongi speaks faster.
“I’ll sit here. Is that okay?” 
You only nod, scooting to your right to make space for him. To not be so close he notices how nervous he makes you just with his presence.
He smells nice. Fresh and woody at the same time, and is only overwhelming because is him. Because a lot of things about him are a mystery still and you are about to unlock them all right now.
“Those are cute,” Hanna says.
“Ah, yes. I… these are for you,” a bouquet is presented on your line of vision. Is not big nor too much, the perfect size to be a nice present and it lets you admire the flowers’ beauty. “Happy birthday.”
“You didn't have to.”
“You don't like it?” If you weren't so focused on your own nerves you'd have noticed the ones on his voice.
“I do.” You quickly say. It's cute. The lavender mixed with two types of white flowers you don't recognize but you love the look of, mostly the one that looks like little stars. “Is really pretty. Thank you.”
“I'll bring you a drink,” Jungkook says, and looking at him you know he needs one himself. You could actually kill him after this.
“Wait, where is the restroom?” Asks Hanna and your eyes lift from your present so fast your neck almost hurts, but she is quickly disappearing in the direction Jungkook points her to.
And that's what you get for keeping everything a secret from your best friend. Karma as its finest.
“Pff,” you breathe, sinking into your seat. 
“I can go if you want me to,” Yoongi says softly at your side.
“What? No, no is—” you try to explain is not him. Nothing is wrong actually. Everything is perfect and you're totally not freaking out.
“You haven't looked my way,” does he sounds hurt? “Is alright. I don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything, I just thought… I don't know. JK invited me weeks ago and then I found out who you were,” you cringe at that, knowing he most likely means when he listened to your audio. “I figured I'd take the chance and meet you.”
“Why? I mean. Don't you feel uncomfortable because of the…” finishing your sentence feels unnecessary and saying it at loud is embarrassing.
“The fact that you watch my videos?”
“I swear I only watched like three and I don't do that with all of them is just— Are you laughing?” Finally you turn to him, a smirk playing on his lips.
“Sorry, sorry. But is that supposed to make me feel better?” 
You don't answer. 
“Of course I don't mind.” He leans in, "If you sound that cute, I'll let you watch all of them for free.”
Breath caughts on your throat, looking at him with big round eyes. His face is right there and you try to take it all in. Clean shaved, jawline not too harsh and with soft features, crested moon shaped brown eyes, pink lips, and the way they curve up when he catches you staring at them.
“I don't want to go, but if you want me to, I'll do it.” he backs out, and somehow you can tell he is genuine.
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After dinner and some chatting, Jungkook offers to drive Hanna home and Yoongi takes you to his place. It’ss fancy, looks like taken out of a magazine and you tell him exactly that. He tells you if you want to judge his room too and with a laugh you tell him yes, because honestly, you're curious now.
You tell him it doesn't look too cozy and suggest investing in a nice blanket, he raises an eyebrow at you and finally you confess you're an interior designer by day. He tells you he is a music producer. And then you talk about how and why each of you decided to join OF and what kind of things you have discovered you like during that journey.
“Interesting,” he says when you confess you started following him because of a hand picture you saw somewhere else. He has been playing with your fingers while you lay on his bed, is relaxing and you don’t mind at all. “You said you were going to sue me, should I even be this close?” 
“Oh my—” you pull away, covering your face. And he laughs. “Go away.”
“No, c'mon. It's cute.” He tries to turn your body to its side, but you don't give in. “Look at me, please.”
“No. I can't.”
“Because no.”
He laughs again, hand on your hip, “Baby, please?” Head shake is your answer, “I'm sorry. Should I confess something too?” 
“Let's see,” he props himself on his elbow, looking at you even if you are still covered. “I knew about you before the audio.”
“You did?”
“Well, Jungkook talks about you all the time and I was curious. I think it was the third time you guys collabed that I saw a picture and he mentioned your name on his page.”
“Which picture?” You ask, uncovering half your face to look at him, he smiles.
“The one with the books. You were holding one in front of you.”
You remember that. Like all your pictures with Jungkook, it was suggestive more than anything and in that one the pose made it look like you were touching yourself.
“And now I know what you sound like doing that,” he teases, “wonder if I'd be lucky enough to see it someday.”
“You've to stay subscribed and see,” is your turn to have fun.
“Should I make another instruction video for you?” or maybe not. And before you cover yourself again, he holds your wrist, bracelet digging a little on your skin but not enough to actually hurt. “Don't. Let me see you.”
“Fuck. Don't say my name like that,” is only half joking, but he knows you can tell he wants you just as much. “Can I kiss you?” 
You nod and his lips touch yours in a millisecond. They are soft, but his movements are quick, and soon his tongue is asking for permission to enter your mouth. With a moan, you granted happily and hungry to taste him. 
His hand goes back to your waist, only resting before squishing it gently. Your own hand traveling to his nape and bringing him closer, your chests touching.
In need of air you break the kiss, and instead of stopping, his mouth keeps working down your jaw and neck, “ohh…” you try to breathe, throwing your head back just enough to give him space. It feels so good you don't want to stop.
And he doesn't. He continues until he reaches the fabric of your dress, covering your chest. He imagines your little gold collar he saw in some pictures. He thinks about buying you one on silver to match his own jewelry or buying a chain for himself the color of yours. Anything would do, he just wants you to be his and for people to know.
“W-wait,” your voice brings him back, and he stops immediately, “don't leave marks. At least not visible.”
“Okay, I can get creative.” A wink seals his promise and his hand moves to the buttons in the front of your dress, his lips following soon behind to attach themselves to the exposed skin. To your breast. He licks and kisses and when he reaches your nipple he flicks his tongue a few times. 
That gets a good reaction from you, but he still asks “You like that?” because it does good to his ego and the mid-erection on his pants.
You nod between whimpers and can feel his laugh through his chest resting on your stomach, “is that enough?” You look at him, the lust on his eyes and his stupid smirk on his lips when he frees your abused skin from his mouth, leaving a bruise on your breast. “Is my tongue enough to make you cum, doll?” 
And your pussy answers for herself. Legs impossibly close in search of some friction and, of course, Yoongi noticed.
“You need something?”
“Tell me. I'll give you anything, baby.” His voice is raspy like on the videos you watch alone at night. Except is not through a screen and is actually directed to you. Is everything you wanted while touching yourself and for a second you wonder if it's really happening.
Running your hand through his hair you look at him, now lower on the bed and playing with the bottom of your dress while he waits for a sign between your folded legs, cheek against your thigh, letting you catch your breath. 
“Hmm?” his hand stops on your leg, heavy and warm.
“Touch me, please.”
And you don't have to tell him twice. His hands roam your body, while he leaves kisses here and there. Too desperate to finish unbuttoning it, the bottom of your dress gets pooled at your waist, revealing the lilac lingerie he saw a picture of the other day. 
“So pretty,” he whispers, fingertips traising the embroidered details. It makes you shiver. “Fuck, I can see how wet you are.” His movements travel south to the patch over your entrance, and you respond just as he expects, moaning.
And before you can get used to that, his tongue is on you, flat over the wet and thin fabric. “Can't wait to taste you properly,” sounds a lot like a promise.
Biting your lip, you contemplate asking him to hurry, to give you anything. To get rid of all of your clothes yourself.
But he knows exactly how to drive you crazy. 
Moving your panties to the side with the help of his left hand, the fingers on his right one make an appearance again. Collecting your wetness and using it to rub over your pussy, only applying little pressure at first. Moans echo throughout his room once again, louder and this time in the company of a couple groans from him when he finally pushes in. 
“O-oh… oh my,”
“That's it. Let me hear your pretty sounds,” he encourages, letting you get used to the sensation before adding another one, his eyes on you the whole time. In the way you lick your lips before moaning, the way your hips move towards his hand asking to be fucked, the way your pussy wraps around his fingers. 
“...more.” Is barely a whisper but he hears it, smiling at you.
“Want more? Is not enough?”
“Need you, please” 
And how can he say no to you when you look at him that way. Like he is the only one that can give you what you need, how you want. 
His head disappears between your legs, mouth watering at the thought. He can't even deny he was waiting for you to ask him to eat you out, he would do it in a second, whenever you want, because “oh, god, you taste so sweet.” 
Feeling your legs closing he holds them back, pushing them against your torso with his free hand and squishing your soft skin just as tight as you are doing to his fingers. Thinking about how much force he would need to apply to leave a mark.
“F-fu… fuck. It, it feels so good, please.”
He is proud, lips curving lightly but without wanting to pull away to smile properly. His tongue laps at your entrance alongside his fingers, moving faster and faster, against that spot that makes your body tremble and makes the knot at the bottom of your abdomen want to scream.
“Please, please, please…” 
And he knows what that means. Knows you're close and just need a little push, and he gives it to you in the form of a “Cum for me, baby.”
And you do. Head back and pussy tight around him, legs closing and hand pushing him away when his tongue keeps working, overstimulating and catching all that you give him.
“Oh… my…” you breath. Legs still shaking but feet finally on the mattress again. 
He is standing at the end of his bed, one hand pushing his long hair back and the other unbuckling his belt, eyes on you while he takes you in. “Was that good?” He asks, you nod and he smiles matching yours. “Great. You deserve it.” 
“You want some help with that?” 
“What do you want?” Yoongi throws back, “You’re the birthday girl, after all.”
Worrying your bottom lip between your teeth, thoughts filled with ideas of the things you had wished to be able to do before, you watch him get rid of his jeans and boxers, his dick on full view for you. Only you. “Can I suck you off?”
Obviously, he can't say no, so he nods and you are quick to stand up, legs still feeling a bit weak after your orgasm, but it isn't a problem because as quick as your dress falls completely to the floor, you're kneeling in front of him, between his legs and hands on his tights.
You watch him stroke himself a couple times through gritted teeth, his other hand coming to cup your cheek as you get closer to his length. Saying you had been waiting for this wouldn't be an exaggeration, and without breaking eye contact you stick your tongue out, touching the blush tip slowly. 
He sighed, as if he was, too, relieved at the contact. “So pretty.” 
You push his hand away, taking his hardened length into your hand, only realizing then how big he actually is.
Tapping his dick on your tongue gets you a groan from him and you hum as you wrap your lips around the head, circling your tongue around it inside your mouth before letting go. He smiles at you, his chest moving fast as his breathing increases and his eyes are filled with lust. Your hand moves up and down when your mouth is not working, still wanting him to feel good.
Preparing yourself, you get closer again, taking more in and closing your eyes, adjusting to the girth. 
“Fuck,” he moans, thumb softly stroking your face as his hand moves to the back of your neck when you imitate the previous movements of your hand, going up and down, taking more and more into your mouth. “Y-yeah, just like that.”
The encouragement helps the filling on your lower abdomen to build in again, pussy squeezing around nothing and moaning around his dick, making Yoongi clench his jaw, bucking his hip up, and letting his grip go only at the last second. He wants to fuck your mouth so bad. Only watching your lips around him is driving him crazy and you feel oh, so warm. 
“So pretty, doll,” he compliments as you try to keep your eyes on him as much as possible, only closing them when he hits the back of your throat. 
You come up, catching your breath as you let your hand do some more work. Collecting your spit and rubbing your thumb on his sensitive tip. He reacts just as you expect, groans and head tilted back slightly, with his hands on either side gripping the black sheets. And that gives you an idea. 
“Can you…” eyes are on you immediately, but you wish they weren't because that makes you shy and is even more difficult to ask.
“Tell me, baby.” He pleads, “I'll give you anything, just ask.”
But is easier to show than tell, and your finger grab around one of his wrists, positioning his hand on the back of your head. “Just… hold it.” 
“Fuck.” He has to inhale quickly before nodding, are you reading his mind? “tap my thigh if it gets too much, okay?”
A nod of your own, licking your lips before taking his dick in your mouth once again, the simple weight of his hand being enough to encourage you to take more in and staying there a bit longer before bobbing your head.
Yoongi alternates between letting you follow your own peace and holding you down for a few more seconds every once in a while, finally letting himself slam his hips more harshly against your mouth and the back of your throat. His moans fill the air as he pushes into you. “feels amazing… you take my cock so well.” You hum, making his hips fuck into you at the vibration, increasing the tension on his lower abdomen. “Such a good girl.”
“I could fuck your pretty mouth all night,” he goes on, looking down at you and all the mess you've created between his legs. “Oh f-fuck. What a beautiful sight.” opening your eyes makes the view even better, and he holds your head down, making you gag around his dick, “ah… ah…” he lets go, not wanting to come just yet.
And it might be the first time you see him and his beautiful dick in person, but SugaD’s last video is fresh on your mind, —how could it not after the anxiety of him finding out— so you remember he likes to hold back. And is hot. But he is right, is your birthday celebration and you don't want to play by his rules.
“Are you close?” the hoarseness in your voice is surprising for a second, but you don't have time to think about how it's most likely going to hurt tomorrow because he is fixing your hair behind your ears with a devious smile on his beautiful face.
“Want me to come in your pretty mouth?”
“No.” He raises an eyebrow at the quickness of your answer. “I have an idea.”
Standing up, your knees thank you, only realizing then you'll also have to deal with that later, being so in your head while giving head, the weight of having him in your mouth a priority, that you didn't even care until then. 
You're back laying on his bed, pulling Yoongi to be in front of you, between your legs. “Is going to be embarrassingly fast if you ask me to fuck you right now.”
And for a second you consider it. Because he is not saying no and because he looks so good like this, hands reaching down to hold your waist and bring you closer to him down the bed. But you shake your head no. “You ruined my plans today,” feeling the need to justify your pervy desires you explain, “I was supposed to take pics today for my birthday post, so now you have to help.”
“You want me to take pictures of you?” also not saying no, just clarifying, and you can see in the lust of his gaze he likes the idea.
“I want you to do something first,” shyness invades again but looking down at his hardened length is enough to deliver the message, “and then take a picture. If you want.”
Yoongi is close to you again, bending down to kiss you with a “fuck yes, I want to.” His dick is resting over your pelvis, and you can't help the involuntary thrust your own body does. It feels heavy, and warm, and just so perfect. And when he thrust his hips, frotting against yours, you can't take it.
“Y-yoongi,” and he does it again and again, and soon you're cumming by just the feeling and the thought of how would it be to be actually fucked by him, how much would he reach inside you, making you feel so full and “Ohhh… oh”
He holds you and kisses down your neck as you come down your high a second time, before kneeling once more at the end of the bed. “You look so fucking precious, baby,” he notes, hand wrapping around his dick once more.
“You look great too,” you offer, bitting your lip before letting honesty take over shyness, “I finally get to see you.”
“You been thinking about it?” He knows exactly what you mean. The reason he cuts it off his videos isn't just for privacy, is to give people something to wish for, to yearn.
You nod.
“Baby wants to see me cum?” Another nod, lost for words, but he is not having it. “Tell me.”
“C'mon, baby. Tell me,” he taps his dick over your clothed pussy. Once, twice. Making your body jump at each touch. He teases the tip over your over-sensitive area and then taps again. Honestly, is hard to tell if he is teasing you or himself, but either works.
“I-I want to see you, please.”
His wrist moves in a faster rhythm, his other hand resting on your leg because he just needs to touch you. “Yeah? I'm going to cum,” he pants, “and you're going to show people how gorgeous you look covered on it.” 
You really don't know how much he loves the idea of that, how much he wants to show the world you let him ruin you, how you whisper “please, please,” as he finishes, head thrown back and your name escaping his lips on a moan, shooting white over your naked stomach.
But you can imagine, his victory smile gives him away. And the way he keeps complimenting you all the while grabbing his phone and snapping picture after picture just confirms it.
But you can judge Yoongi too harshly, it does something to you as well. It helps your confidence and a proud smile matches his as he tells you people are going to hate him if you really post this on your page. And that newfound confidence tells you is going to be the first time you click upload without second-guessing yourself.
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[     afterhours(y/n):     Thank you for the birthday wishes!     I indeed got a nice present, don't you think?            [ picture ]                                                                          ]
[    SugaD:     Unbelievable 😻     Can we do something for my birthday too?                                                                                                                   ]
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♡ Tag list: @m00njinnie , @sexytholland , @seoullove96 , @thelilbutifulthings , @disneyprincessshuri , @yoongibaybee ,
Thank you so much guys for your interest and support on this little series, I appreciate you 🥺💙
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yesimwriting · 4 months
How do you think Felix would react to bestfriend!reader coming out as bi/pan or nonbinary/genderfluid?
Do you think he would view women as much of a threat as men or…? And what do you think he would say if reader went: “OMG FELIX that girl is so hot” or something like that.
Sorry this was kinda long— 😭
i wanted to answer this fully bc it's a good question, and that got a little long so it's below the cut!!
also i analyze felix's sexuality a little just to give some background on my perspective,, but i try not to put my own speculations on felix's sexuality in fics (unless asked to) bc i want the person reading to be able to decide how they see felix
oh!! also! side note! i've mainly written bestfriend! reader with female pronouns,, and some plot stuff in the main fic i'm writing does rely on reader being female, but if anyone ever wants a specific blurb to have reader be gender neutral,, just specify in the ask and i'll make sure to write it that way :)
okay,, i think felix is extremely bi/pan leaning
and by that i mean i don't think he'd label his sexuality,, and not even in a 'too cool' way, he just wouldn't put that much thought into it,, like he probably sees himself eventually settling down/marrying a girl bc that's kind of the default (a tiny bit of comphet lol),, but i think he likes who he likes, he's attracted to who he's attracted to and doesn't pay much mind to their gender
i feel like this applies to most of felix's family/inner circle as well lol,, like attraction is attraction, why get caught up on the details if that makes sense
also no one can convince me felix didn't feel anything for ollie,, they are that romantic coded best friendship that ends dramatically and traumatically for all involved <3 but in bestfriend!felix verse reader will always be his #1, trust
but if we are reading felix as straight,, i still think he'd be super supportive (bi wife energy)
so considering that (and the fact that felix loves reader too much to ever make them feel bad about anything,, especially something like that) he'd be extremely supportive of reader's sexual orientation and/or gender identity,, and if anyone even implies something rude oh!! he's fighting!
depending on how bad it is, felix might just exclude that person socially, and bc of felix's influence, that means everyone starts to shun that person,, if someone was really homophobic towards reader,, felix would cuss them out fr,, might even instinctually get physical depending on how bad it is
as far as reader being like "felix! that girl is so hot" his initial reaction would be to agree/hype you up bc it's instinct to support reader,, but then it'd hit him and he'd be like oh. wait.. :(
true equality and acceptance of reader's sexuality/gender identity is wanting everyone of all genders to realize how wonderful reader is,, but from a distance <3 like yes i have the cutest, most perfect, lovely,, intelligent best friend, i'm glad you noticed,, unfortunately that's all you get to do
i do think that if it was just you two talking while out partying or hanging out and it didn't go further than some comments, felix would be supportive, but he'd be a little extra touchy to prove to himself that reader will let him
i think he'd be more bothered if reader called a guy hot, not bc he's more intimidated, but bc at least when reader finds a girl attractive it's much less of a direct comparison (bc female presenting and masculine presenting are generally hot in different ways) if that makes sense
if it goes any further than that,, felix is equally pouty no matter the person's gender
also we know felix's friends have a habit of hooking up with venetia,, so i could see this making felix more wary of venetia and reader getting along a little too well over the summer lol,, like he wouldn't assume the worst if they started liking each other a little, but he'd be wary
honestly, though,, at the end of the day, as long as it's clear that felix is reader's absolute favorite person of any gender, he'd be chill and even when he's jealous he's supportive
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liecoris · 3 months
Starter Call! Starter Call!!
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please like this post if you want a starter!! if you're a multimuse blog please specify what muse you'd like the starter for the same goes on if there's a specific verse/au you'd like to use!!
I'll most likely pop into IMs to ask if you'd like to plot, otherwise I'll probably turn something out if I already have something in mind :3
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 months
Attention TADC fans!
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I'm officially opening requests for characters! Below the cut will be my base list of rules in regards to requesting and that sort of thing!
To everyone who followed me for creepypasta, do not fret! Creepypasta is still this blogs default and I'm not going to stop writing it for the forseeable future, I will still be responding to creepypasta based asked in the meantime
oh also, im adding this right before i post this but i do have fluff alphabet requests open for creepypasta, but to my TADC fans, how do you guys feel about the possibility of me reposting that list and letting you guys ask for it? im still kinda itching to do alphabet stuff... let me know ! ill probably do it anyways but i want yalls input!
without further delay:
please do not spam requests, i know it will be hard to enforce this on my end since i want to keep anon enabled since i know it can be intimidating to ask for stuff non-anonymously
since the main cast + caine only totals to 7 characters i will allow people to request the entire cast in any given request, WITH THE KNOWLEDGE that the more characters the shorter their list of hcs will be
please do not pester me to answer your request, i will very likely answer your initial ask. consistent breaking of this boundary will result in warning, and if further boundary breaking takes place, the request will be terminated
^SHOULD NOTE! sometimes tumblr eats the requests you guys send in so simply asking if your request made it through is 100% totally fine!! I'm specifically talking about people who try to pressure me to answer sooner, I want to make that clear because I do not want to discourage anyone from reaching out about that sort of thing
Reader is GN by default, you can request a specific gender but know it likely wont be important due to my writing style
SFW, angst, comfort, hcs, short imagines and scenarios!
As mentioned I will do all characters, asides Bubble since I don't think there's much that can be done for them
Poly, LGBT, readers with disabilities and/or disorders (will let it be known here that i am in no way well versed in every disability/disorder, however i will attempt to do basic research for the request)
I am also comfortable with writing platonic requests and found family dynamics! I am not limiting myself and you guys to romantic stuff!
reader abstracting, while this may seem contradictory to some of the things in my will not write segment I have written about grief and loss before and I don't think it fully fits the category of what I won't write + death in general, so it shall get a pass
really there isnt much i will turn down that comes to mind, if something is breaching a line or making me uncomfortable i will let you know
reader inserts, ocs, and the like are all welcome here! im not too confident with oc x character stuff due to the simple fact that i fear i may interpret your oc wrong but i am still willing to try!
general problematic stuff is an immediate no
^so like, straight up abuse and abuse adjacent topics since as far as Im aware all the characters in TADC are adults (if I have that wrong please please correct me!!)
i am also iffy on yandere requests, this one is more on a case by case basis so please be sure to specify the intensity of it, since that will really be a make or break for whether or not if the request is accepted
NSFW, this blog is for the most part SFW. I occasionally vague certain aspects, however nothing is ever explicit. That's how far I'm willing to go with these things and I want to keep it that way
Full fledged fanfics; a lot of my scenarios/imagines tend to border on that just on a much shorter scale and in a slightly different format, but I am not totally confident in my ability to write proper fics :(
no graphic depictions of gore or self harm, and i ask that you keep that out of my inbox in general. topics like SH are allowed, however covering requests for the act of it as its happening is an automatic no (IE if you ask me to walk in on a character walking in during an act of self harm), the same applies to suicide
i have a nasty habit of not proofreading my stuff, so grammar and spelling mistakes are bound to happen unfortunately. this tends to be a worse issue when im posting on mobile (which i am doing less and less since i like typing on a keyboard more)
^ on top of that i struggle with writing, english is my first language but i have a hard time getting stuff out right on top of having dyslexia so please be patient
i typically tend to respond to requests fairly fast, typically within a day or two, though i do have some periods where it may take longer. (possible) same day delivery YAHOO!!
back to a forewarning, i have a habit of rambling and adding additional ideas and concepts into a request though for the most part i think i remain on topic (that just means you get a little extra content for your request ueueue)
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thejadedking · 4 days
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Ending my hiatus on this blog so if anyone would like a wee one-liner starter to get us started, could you give this post a like and I'll type something up for us. If you have a specific verse or idea in mind feel free to let me know. Will reblog a few times for other time zones. Multi's please specify who it's for.
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smokedanced · 19 days
i woke up with an rpc vent in my mind that i feel like i have to unleash but 1) no obligation to read this at all i am just venting it out of my system and not really wanting to talk about it and 2) this is not a vaguepost. this is not about specific people. not all of this is about something to do with my blogs even. some of this is shit that i myself have mistakenly done before, even. i am talking about annoyances and pet peeves, not aiming to shame anyone. if i have an issue with any specific person i block them, vent about them privately with a close friend, or talk it out with the person.
readmore for length and so people don't have to see me vent lol (everything is fine nothing has happened just overall rpc annoyances from my time here since aaages ago)
i can't tell whether people lack reading comprehension, can't be bothered to read stuff, or are just entitled, a lot of the time, with some of these. you would think when we share a hobby that is largely based on reading, people would... read... but...
almost every time. almost every time i post a meme call etc. where i say to specify muse. i get likes without people specifying muse. this, along with the next item, is so common that it's not even possible to vaguepost about any specific person on this because it feels like most people do this? i'm sure i've mistakenly done it myself (just forgot and such) but it's not. it's. ????????? WHY
i kind of understand if i post a long ass plotting call for specific verses and explain a lot on the post that someone might skim it and miss a line about specifying muse, but even on two lines of just "like for memes. specify muse or i won't send any" people consistently manage to not follow the rules. this has been happening since. like at least five years now. i don't think meme calls were a thing much before that. but i remember struggling with this in 2018. and still.
similarly. do people. do people not read rules, think a rule doesn't apply for them (???) or just... what with, not doing my interest tracker.
it's gotten to the point that i am SURPRISED whenever someone does. i am GENUINELY DELIGHTED like someone did me a HUGE FAVOUR whenever they do it. i am so so pleased whenever someone who had kind of been around for a long time finally does it.
i sort of can see, if we follow each other on one of my other blogs first, that people might follow the multi without reading the rules since they already read the rules on another blog. that's generally ok, but when my multi has that specific rule that my other blogs don't, it's... well.
i don't know how many times i need to say on the dash that i do not interact with people until they either do my interest tracker OR tell me ooc which muses i am allowed to send them OR send me in character things (in which case i will only approach with the muses they send things first for). i just need to know which muses people are open to so i don't need to feel like i am forcing a muse someone isn't interested in for them. i don't need plot ideas, i don't need people to pick just one muse, i just need some indication of WHICH MUSES ARE OK TO SEND. like i don't know how much easier i could make it than saying it's ok to just message me and tell me all of my muses are ok. ????????
and i know so many people who struggle with the same thing. if someone has a rule about their interest tracker being mandatory. if you aren't going to do it. then don't follow them. what
more on reading comprehension or did someone not even read the rules before following: constantly. i- i mean, ok, lol, i'm not popular enough to get constant new followers, that's not. what i mean.
a huge chunk of people who follow me have direct contradictions to my rules in their rules. i can't tell if people don't read mine before they follow or if they somehow manage to lack the reading comprehension to understand them? especially my rule about me not following people who judge others based on what fiction they enjoy. i get very, very many followers whose own rules directly contradict this. i've even explained this in detail in my rules: how i am ok with people saying "don't follow me if you write x", but i am not ok and don't feel safe around people who say "don't follow me if you write gross things like x" etc. etc. etc. it's the tone, it's the implied judgement. i say that this includes topics that i myself am not comfortable writing. i feel like i say this clearly??? what is not clicking or do people not read my rules???
the other rule of mine that gets ignored is that i say i don't follow people with individual names on their dni lists. sometimes my ex-mutuals have added a dni of individual urls and then i'm forced to be like. ok. well. sorry, but i'm going to unfollow you. that's against my rules. i don't feel safe around you. i kind of, more understand it if it's something a mutual adds to their rules (i don't expect people to remember my rules, people can decide later that they don't agree with my rules, and so on, that's fine, it's up to me to curate my dash then and unfollow or block), but it's more baffling when there are new people.
both of the above are so common that whenever i get a new follower on any of my blogs now, i kind of ASSUME that there is going to be something in their rules that will be directly against mine and i won't be able to follow them back, until i go read their pages and am proven wrong. like, my assumption is that we are not compatible in the rpc, which is kind of fucking wild. because. why. why would you follow someone whose rules you don't agree with. i guess this is why i wonder if people read rules at all or if people just... don't... understand the way i word mine??? genuinely i continue to think of how to reword my rules but i feel like they are pretty clear on these topics???
(i'm not angry at anyone for following without reading my rules, i don't care enough to feel anger, it just. it's very confusing. and overall frustrating because you get a new follow and the blog seems cool but then you find out your rules aren't compatible.)
(i'm also never going to tell people what they can and can't have in their rules. rules that contradict mine are totally ok. it's not WRONG of people to not agree with my rules. i just wish people wouldn't follow me if our rules clearly do not match.)
other common either didn't read the rules or lack reading comprehension disregard the rules things that i see very commonly but that do not apply to me because i'm not mutuals only or have passwords but
people who disregard mutuals only rules. both people who will approach without being followed back and people who don't follow but think they can still interact? mutuals only means mutuals only, not one of us is following the other. i KNOW i have made this mistake before myself. i have taken mutuals only to mean if the other person with that rules follows me it's fine. i don't have to follow them. (the one time i don't take something literally LOL) but i've been corrected on it and know better now.
like person A has a mutuals only rule. person B wants to write with person A. person A follows person B, person B doesn't follow person A for whatever reason despite wanting to write together. person B just assumes that's ok. but... but you're not mutuals. entitled behaviour as fuck (that i have done myself! i have done this myself! i don't anymore of course but aaaaa it's so dumb why would i assume that was ok)
similarly: person A has a password in their rules. person B has a rule about not sending in passwords in theirs. person B follows person A first, doesn't send in password. ENTITLED AS FUCK BEHAVIOUR. your own rules can't excuse you not following someone else's. now, if person A was the one to follow first, then i think that would be fine. because then person A would know person B doesn't do passwords, and decided to follow anyway. but when it's the person who doesn't send passwords following someone who has a password first? just. don't follow someone whose rules you aren't going to follow. pretty sure i've done this in the past myself as well. would not anymore.
ok i have vented have a nice day. why am i getting irked over hypothetical things that don't even apply to me? i don't know. anyway. if this is somehow the first ooc post of mine you see i am so sorry i am normally just vibing and chilling.
also if you've done any of these in the past, i am not trying to make you feel bad. i tried to make that obvious by admitting to shit i myself did in the past.
also if anyone ever feels awkward about doing my interest tracker several months after having been quiet mutuals, don't! whenever someone does it i just get delighted. it's never a ohhhhh finally this person is doing it shame on them... it's always an oh! oh! so cool! we can write now! yay! and i usually message people to thank them for doing it.
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neevblanc · 6 months
˚。⋆୨୧˚Blanca's Cafe Event˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
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Welcome..."come on in!"
Hello there! I haven't ever done an event on this blog, so i decided I'd try my hand at it again :)
SEND ME REQUESTS, PLEASE! ♡ more info under the cut lol
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Rules..."no shoes, no shirt, no service."
One character per request! There's no limit for request per person, go crazy.
Boku No Hero Academia
Bungou Stray Dogs
Obey Me!
Stardew Valley
Criminal Minds
Doctor Who
...and more! please feel free to ask if you have another fandom not listed here!
❥ nsfw! (meaning from smut to heavy gore- this event isn't for it. My blog is sfw! Canon-typical violence is 100% okay!)
❥ incest!
❥ problematic age gaps!
❥ things/topics that will land you under basic dni criteria! (ex. homophobic, transphobic, etc. sentiments will not be tolerated!)
everything else should be free range!
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Menu..."what can I get for you today?"
Each order will receive:
❥ drabble/one-shot with your character of choice!
❥ song to pair w/ the 1shot
❥ moodboard
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How it Works..."any questions?" Give me at LEAST one word! any at all, from "dogs" to "gazebo"- I'll use the word to think up your order! If you have any specifics in mind, let me know! You can give me a full scenario, if that's what you're feeling. If not, a single word/phrase will do! For example: "Bakugou brainrot fr...house slippers. thats it thats the prompt"
note: if you want specific traits for reader, like age, platonic/romantic, or pronouns, please specify! Otherwise I will try to avoid mentioning anything too specific, and by default I write reader as non-binary.
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Thank you..."for visiting! come again any time!" if you have any questions, please feel free to dm or send an ask! I'm super excited to do one of these again. Thanks for reading and or sending a req! <3 take care and remember to drink water! - blancaaa
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foundationsofdecay · 6 months
So, this has been floating around in my head all morning... Give really feels like it's actually a duet between Sleep and Vessel.
Consider the first verse:
You take the dark and carve me out a home I picture you when you are all alone I know how we got here I know how we got here I am the shadow, you're a passenger I am the intake of breath so sharp and I know you better Just want to know you better
The first two lines sound very much like they'd be from Vessel's POV, singing about how Sleep's taken the darkness surrounding them both and carving a home for him, though it's interesting that he specifies that it's a home for himself specifically, not for them both. This is amplified by the next line, it's not thinking of Her when they're alone together, or thinking of Her when he's alone, he's specifically picturing Her when She's alone. That has a couple of different readings: is he picturing Her in a state of solitude, or is he doing so when She's alone like how one might pray for someone in times of need, or some kind of cosmic sense that tells him when She's alone? If this is in fact Sleep being sung to here, that could be its own kind of offering to lend Her strength, since faith and devotion are so critical to Sleep's well-being to begin with.
In my mind, you have Vessel singing the first "I know how we got here", with Sleep coming in for the second, either solo or together, transitioning between the two points of view.
Then, we can take a look at the final three lines. The comment of being a "passenger" reminds me of Granite, of being "more than just a body in your passenger seat". I usually interpret Granite as being from Vessel's POV, though there are some readings that do challenge that. For now, I'm operating off the assumption that Vessel is the passenger here. Thus, who could be the shadow but Sleep? These three lines are really interesting too when it comes to the overall tone; to me, this feels very subtly... not degrading, but self-important, perhaps? Which is also fitting for Sleep at times, if you go off of something like Ascensionism. Vessel is "a" passenger, indicating that there could be others, and yes there's espera in addition to ii and iii and iv, but Vessel's always been /the/ main one, the first, not relegated to the same stature as the others, as if he was just i. Then you have Her say not just that She wants to know him better, but that She knows him better already. That in and of itself could mean several things, but my personal reading is that She's saying She knows him better than to believe/trust/take at face value something that he's saying or doing. Yet despite that, She still wants to know even more.
Onward, then, to the second verse:
I'll tear the fiber from the filament I'll be the limit of your light again I want to taste you better I want to taste you better I will be watching for your enemies To let them know that they contend with me I want to know you're out there I want to know you're out there
For the first four lines, I have a lot of thoughts on how Vessel talks about electronics and code, but for now... You can read the first two lines as being from either perspective, really, but either POV is expressing some pretty serious power dynamics. Here, I'm going to assume he is talking about fiber-optic cables because of the specific words being used here, but there are other types of cables you could draw connections with as well.
Fiber-optic cables are different from other kinds of cables because of these additional 'optical fibers' that are usually in the center, which specifically carry light. They're used very widely, most famously in internet and telecommunication, because compared to regular cables they have higher bandwidth and much faster long-distance communication, and breaks down less often. The optical fiber, simply put, is what makes all of those things possible; without it, if you tore the fiber from the surrounding filament and protective casings in the cable, you wouldn't just be destroying the pathway the light travels down, you would completely remove the ability to communicate with it. It's a line with very sweeping implications.
Limiting the light of Sleep, of Sleep's ability to grow by threatening to withhold offerings or anything else She might want - or perhaps this being Sleep threatening to take away what Vessel's been given earlier, to take him mentally back to where he was when he relied solely on Her. Which way you read it depends mostly on how you interpret Sugar and how you interpret all the imagery of cables and wires and code etc. To me, this reads as Vessel, but in either case it's incredibly possessive, wanting to hold the other close to taste them and take everything they can give while still wanting to provide.
The first "I want to taste you better" is a clear prelude to Sugar, and here there's nothing to imply that the singer already knows the other's taste, so it's likely implied that during this song, and the final chorus in particular, this is what's happening, unless Gods is your pick for that moment in time.
For the final four lines, you also have these layered vocals for "I will be watching for your enemies / To let them know what they contend with me", though this time the other vocals are lower that Vessel's standard register in the song. It's a nice choice in the sound mixing to imply something more aggressive, like it's being spoken through gritted teeth, or perhaps more of a growl. Now, with Vessel being described as Sleep's "weapon of choosing" (depending on how you interpret Blood Sport), this could be Vessel speaking towards Sleep, a promise to fulfill his duty as a weapon, or this could be Sleep, promising to shield Vessel from enemies from the past and use Her presence, regardless of how much power She actually holds, to ward others off.
Now there's the bridge:
In this open warfare I won't fight fair No, I won't fight fair And in your waking moments I will be there I will be there
At this point in the song, taken as a duet, is when we have them singing either in tandem or switching off frequently enough to indicate that they are effectively being sung simultaneously. Here we again have this open acknowledgement of the conflict between the two of them, starting quietly with Vessel's voice somewhat placed to the back, before it comes in stronger in the third line. They'll each do what needs to be done in order to get what they want. It's a quiet admission, to the self or to the other, but as far as this song cares, those are indistinguishable.
Likewise, Vessel's waking moments are Sleep's waking moments, and they'll each be there for the other, no longer having to deal with loneliness like at the start of the song. It's a sentiment that Granite later highlights when Vessel outright says "we'd rather be six feet under than be lonely", and even in that song, using the first-person plural further supports the idea that both of them are echoing this sentiment.
Then, finally, the chorus. I tackled all three as a single entity.
If you want to give Then give me all that you can give All your darkest impulses and If you want to give me anything Then give, give in again I just want to give Want to give you all that I can give All my darkest impulses If you want to give me anything Then give, give in again
The chorus when looked at as a whole, is like a dance to me, which is what inspired the post to begin with. Their layered vocals with as wide a differences between octaves giving a strong sense of two separate characters, and here each one is wanting the same thing from the other. This again draws comparisons to Ascensionism, but in this case it's much less openly destructive - less of an open and aggressive consumption so much as an offering of its own, wanting both to take whatever the other can offer while doing the same in return. Taken as a duet, these words belong to both of them, and with the lyrics, them to one another.
There's a beautiful back-and-forth happening between the balancing of the vocal tracks both as each chorus plays out as well as when you look at them as a whole. We have new harmonies added with each repetition of the chorus until the final one, following the second "I will be there" of the bridge. The truly special thing about this final chorus is how that line is drawn out before finally turning into its own vocal flair that extends throughout the entirety of that chorus. "I will be there", a sentiment that trails into and colors the entire thesis of the song, and by extension, their entire relationship.
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ofdrivensnow · 5 months
' ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑏𝑜𝑦? that's the ( s o u n d ) of 𝖘𝖓𝖔𝖜 . . . falling. ' ・ 。゚:
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A STUDY IN A 𝚈𝙾𝚄𝙽𝙶 𝙲𝙾𝚁𝙸𝙾𝙻𝙰𝙽𝚄𝚂 𝚂𝙽𝙾𝚆 . Based from Suzanne Collin's : THE BALLAD OF SONGBIRDS AND SNAKES . Delving into how love , poverty and power corrupts , taints and molds the mind . The need for power and control . To keep the legacy behind the SNOW name worth something . But alas , not without the thorn of love twisting deep into his side for the antidote to great madness . ・ 。゚:
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it's the things we love the most , 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐘 𝐔𝐒.
❊ Carrd. ( Under Construction. ) ❊ Memes. ( Always accepting. ) ❊ Tbd. ❊ Open Starters.
𝑂𝑁𝐸. Mun does not equal muse . Mun is very much a compassionate , loving & a person with high morals . My muse's actions do not reflect with my own , keep that in mind . Mun is 21+ .
𝑇𝑊𝑂. This blog will contain heavy + dark topics . I actually advise not to even follow if you are not familiar with the Hunger Games franchise as there are many heavy and disturbing topics . Depending what verse you interact with my muse in , ( typically applies for my verses in Peacekeeper and beyond + ) if you provoke a reaction from him , he will most certainly give your muse one . So do keep that in mind when interacting .
𝑇𝐻𝑅𝐸𝐸. Open starters and memes . Always , always feel free to answer opens or send me memes . I encourage it . If you are a new follower , feel free to take off in my meme tag and send one in if you are feeling it . It's the fastest way to interact with me . If you have an idea for a plot , come and toss that at me too . I'm easy going and would love to write with you !
𝐹𝑂𝑈𝑅. Shipping . Beyond Lucy Gray , Coriolanus is incapable of love and half the time even that is very complexed and a very unstable thing for him to swallow . Also note , being in a relationship with him means there'll definitely be heavy topics like possession , jealousy , being totally unhinged . So if that's a heavy topic for you / makes you uncomfortable , I advise to steer clear . ( Even in my AU verse where Coryo does not become president and my verse of living with Lucy Gray , he still has carries toxic tendencies . I just want to make that completely clear to ensure the comfort of my rp partner(s) . )
𝐹𝐼𝑉𝐸. If you'd like a specific verse , then definitely specify that please . I am happy to write in any of my verses at any time .
𝑆𝐼𝑋. Formatting , icons and GIFS . I use all three . I use small font , icons or rp pack / hunt related gifs . Feel free to use whatever works best for you though !
𝑆𝐸𝑉𝐸𝑁. CREDIT. PSD on my icons and the icon template are both from here. My promo is made by me.
𝖎. ( 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑜𝑟. ) / Takes place during Coryo meeting Lucy Gray and their time together before and DURING the games .
𝖎𝖎. ( 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑘𝑒𝑒𝑝𝑒𝑟. ) / Takes place when Coriolanus gets sent to TWELVE and all the events that unfold there .
𝖎𝖎𝖎. ( 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑜𝑙. ) / Takes place after Coriolanus leaves District 12 once Lucy Gray disappears , has went completely off into the deep end and desires nothing except to accomplish his studies to begin his path to presidency .
𝖎𝖛. ( 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑎𝑢. ) / Takes place when Coriolanus chooses a life of living in the woods with Lucy Gray , but things still aren't perfect . There is a lot of issues adjusting to being out of his elements and a lot of conflict that still arises on how exactly to make this work .
𝖛. ( 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑 𝑎𝑢. ) / The Academy falls through and takes place when Coriolanus gets sent to be a coal mining distribution manager , forced to work + live off in twelve for awhile and where he winds up and meets a girl named Lucy Gray at The Hob on one of his first nights being there . What happens from there should be interesting enough .
𝖛𝖎. ( to be decided. ) / A temporary tag I use when it's yet to be determined where to place our thread in.
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undeadunalive · 6 months
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If you'd like a little something from Jonathan could you give this post a like and I'll type something up in the next few days or so. If you have something in mind or a specific verse you'd like, let me know. Multi's please specify who it's for.
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in1-nutshell · 6 months
Guidelines for REQUESTS
Guidelines will update if needed
Most requests are welcomed on this blog. That being said, not every request will be written if I do not have enough knowledge or prior knowledge on the subject.
There will be a character limit of 5 max per request
If characters are not specified they will be randomly selected from the continuity. If you have specific characters in mind, please let me know in the requests.
There will no smut, explicit things, or darker themes
I do not write for that kind of request.
Have a continuity in mind when doing the request
It is okay if you don't have a specific continuity if you are not familiar with the fandom. That being said, it does help me in writing out your request so it is highly suggested. Please choose one from the welcome page. If you do not have a continuity I will randomly select one (this might affect the characters you have chosen).
If you want a specific request for any 'Buddy' explain it
If you want something specific for Buddy to do or a Bot to do write it down. Be as detailed as you'll like!
If you want Buddy the be like a character from a different show, let me know what show
In the case that I am not versed in the show or do not watch/read it, there is a good chance I will not do that request. In that case feel free to request something else in its place.
If you want to request something for "Mixed Generations" the continuity max is 5
If you want to request something from different continuities please remember the max is 5. Also be a bit specific on what you want from the continuities as some may differ based on their universes rules.
When the REQUEST says its closed its closed
I always change the request from close to open whether the inbox is empty and I am ready for more request. I will also send out a post saying that the request are open and when they are closed. It can also be seen from the 'Welcome' post that is pinned. Now, I do take in some requests that are a bit late to the closing time. But for the sake of getting to everyone's request faster and working on future projects, do not request until the next time the inbox is open.
Any request submitted a day after the inbox closes will be deleted.
For now, any requests that arrive after the day that I close the inbox will not be done.
This is not because I don't want to do them, it is so I don't get too overwhelmed in trying to make sure everyone gets their piece done within a timely manner. Any ones that I do get after the day will most likely get deleted as to not overwhelm the inbox and myself.
This is so I can get the inbox open quicker.
Nutshell summaries are allowed to be asked as long as its short
Sometimes I do look back on certain summaries and do full writings for them. But if there is a summary that you do want to see as a full length writing then you'll need to request it when the inbox is open.
The idea of a 'nutshell summary' is to ask any quick question about fics or Buddy. These are not like the regular length of the things I usually write, they are much shorter.
Specific Buddy requests are max to 3 per writing.
Most importantly... be kind and have patience with the requests!
Any Buddy request, whether it be crossover/ what if scenario etc... and has more than 1 Buddy will be maxed at 3. No more than that.
If you have doubt about what is okay to ask, feel free to ask if it is okay to request.
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totheidiot · 1 month
alright my turn ^^' do you have any tma ocs? that you want to talk about? because i'd also genuinely love to hear about them ^^
you have no idea what you just released by asking me that question. i do have tma ocs. 90% of my mind is probably just dedicated to thinking about THEM !!
a little bit of basic info about the universe where they come from, they literally cannot make sense unless it is specified. the universe in which they come from is known as rendezvous, i had started writing this universe like a year ago? in its earliest versions, they actually did not have anything to do with horror, very much a surrealist, almost nonsensical storyline. it still has that surrealism, but it's more horror and since they do now exist somewhat in a tma universe, there's an entity for that !!
the basic sense is simple: rendezvous revolves around a school. rendezvous is about the school and its members. most members (by members, i mean the professors, the headmaster and the students) are avatars but some are not. but they are all linked heavily to the fears as rendezvous is a product of the spiral. okay, so now i'll actually get started with the ocs and the characters in rendezvous. they have very lengthy backstories and they have a lot behind them, so i'll probably just be able to say some info about their patron and just generally what they do.
arguably the very foundation of rendezvous is the headmaster, a clear avatar of the spiral. actually, i would not call her an avatar? she looks human, she acts like one and she has the personality of a human and she used to be a human before. but she is not human. actually, her very essence is one of a school. if you turned her inside out, you would not find a heart or lungs or any human organs: in the place of her eyes, you will find windows belonging to that of a school. in the place of her heart, you will find the entrance way that leads to the school. sort of like michael? after being michael, as humanoid as he was, he wasn't really a human. the headmaster is like that, there is a physical manifestation of the school ofc, like a place where they actually all live and stuff. she can control the school too (open windows and doors without touching them, it can teleport to different locations, all that physical stuff).
the next most important member is a girl who everyone calls the idiot, an avatar of the eye. in the verse, rendezvous had only been a story and a lot of the members were school-friends who contributed to the story. the idiot is important, as she had been the writer before it kind of became real. now, she is a student of the school and also is kind of like the residential therapist (they all have a lot of trauma).
then we come to tuba and mariam, buried and vast avatars respectively. the two and the headmaster (her real name is sohi) are a trio, best friends. before they became avatars, they were going on adventures and they all had specific fields of expertise. tuba prized over the streets, mariam was dedicated to water bodies like oceans and lakes and rivers, sohi was weddings specifically. in weddings, she would act all sweet to the brides and lie and then, steal their jewelry. many adventures, free to do as they please, until they separated in april and got into some deep shit. they died.
megha, a desolation avatar. her transformation, unlike the other avatars, had actually happened after the school had been initiated. even before, she had been self-destructive, and had a keen love for fire. her first 'mark' came from an attack in the school from a few desolation avatars. basically the school, outside being a setting for education for the members, to other avatars and outsiders, it was sort of a resting place. it was neutral ground, no violence allowed. it was open to anyone who wanted a place really, also the idiot is among the very very few eye avatars who is not part of the magnus institute, so many would come to her information.
a lot of end avatars, two of whom are historical figures (albert einstein and pablo picasso, risen from the dead to be professors) and two are dead and had risen and weren't very spectacular. james and connor.
two lonely avatars. they are interesting to me, they are extremely codependent with one another and they act as a unit. they actually had been part of peter lukas' crew and he had sent them separately, they would suffer if they were not together, to the forsaken but they were so lonely that they actually just survived and became avatars themselves. found each other in there, now they are a single unit.
three non-humans, only one is actually a monster, that monster is of corruption. the other two are just weird stuff that talk. a lemon and a sharpener. they were both like talking and living because the spiral just loves a little bit of absurdism that just isn't really scary. and then there's a normal girl, who isn't an avatar at all. she is an angel.
THIS IS A LONG POST WOA but that is the intro to them !! ngl, seeing your post, i wanna make a tma rp blog too
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Like for a starter
Specify muse if you're a multimuse and or the verse if you have a specific verse in mind
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thenixkat · 1 month
Killing Me Softly: Deadly Code of Silence by Sister Souljah
[Intro] "The First Amendment specifies specifically that Congress shall not-" "Come on, nigga! What they hell you talkin' about?" "That means you can say whatever the fuck you want!"
[Spoken: Sister Souljah] George Bush is a terrorist (Oh my, it's that woman again, Sister Souljah) He create terror in the minds, hearts and neighborhoods of black people (Oh God, she just doesn't shut up) White teachers'll never teach black children how to survive in America (She's always complaining, complaining, and complaining) Because black kids gotta compete against white kids (And she doesn't shut up, I wish she would just shut up!) And white people want their kids to win
[Verse One: Ice Cube] Sister Souljah, hold your fucking ground like I told ya Cause them crackers them try to run ya over Sitting in front of my house in a Nova On your walkie-talkie, why do you stalk me? Cause the jungle bunny's got money, that's not funny to the feds Cut my curl and I might grow dreads Taking heads, devil, step in the pulpit Cause non-violence: that's a bunch of bullshit In '92, Ice Cube come a little bit blacker Buck-buck-buck-buck-buck down the cracker See ya driving in your Cadillac-er Through South Central and I just might jack ya [Spoken: Sister Souljah] Yeah, that's right Cube, stand strong, brother Don't change, cause we gotta, we gotta look out for each other Watch that back, because you know they comin' after us But we keep 'em runnin'
[Verse Two: Sister Souljah] I don't care what you say or think Cause Sister Souljah got a right to speak I don't care how you feel or what Cause Sister Souljah don't give a fuck If my world's black and yours is white How the hell could we think alike? I've got big brown eyes so I can see And my mind don't play tricks on me
[Verse Three: Ice Cube] Cause you teach, freedom of speech As long as black men don't say Howard Beach Rodney King or Bensonhurst Tawana and Tasha, we ain't forgot ya Don't say Jew or Korean It's acting like a bad human bein' They'll try to call you a demon Don't know what the fuck Ice Cube is sayin' Get off my dick, I might spray you with the semen Me know the answer: come, come down Black Panther To the youth, an eye for an eye A tooth for a tooth, a gun for a gun A knife for a knife, and a life for a life, check it
[Spoken: Sister Souljah] America is always trying to strangle and silence black people America is the most violent country on the face of the earth! But they are always trying to stuff non-violence down the throats of African people Why America was violent in Kuwait, violent in Grenada Violent in Nicaragua, violent in Angola Violent in Vietnam, and violent in Korea! And America has been responsible for ALL forms of violent destruction Of African people throughout the entire world Why, in fact, America is even violent in America ...And as for my brother Cube Some think he's right, and some think he's wrong But Sister Souljah, I like him, cause I like 'em strong! Say what you want to say, you have the right!
[Ice Cube] Sister Souljah, Ice Cube, comin' fresh You didn't expect this one! [*Laughs*]
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cosmicfoole · 2 months
༄  𝐓𝐖𝐎 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐒 , both alike in dignity, in 𝙁𝘼𝙄𝙍 𝙑𝙀𝙍𝙊𝙉𝘼, where we LAY OUR SCENE. ✞
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* this is what it 𝖘𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖉𝖘 like , 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐃𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐒 𝐂𝐑𝐘.
✞ . . A STUDY IN 𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐎 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐔𝐄. from 𝑊𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑎𝑚 𝑆ℎ𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑒'𝑠 : 𝑅𝑂𝑀𝐸𝑂 & 𝐽𝑈𝐿𝐼𝐸𝑇. BASED off ʙᴀᴢ ʟᴜʜʀᴍᴀɴɴ's (1996) adaptation of ʀᴏᴍᴇᴏ ᴀɴᴅ ᴊᴜʟɪᴇᴛ. a tale of STARCROSSED lovers, fate & tragedy. defying the stars, a product of being born under a pisces midnight moon– an odd result of being passionate, reckless and deeply sensitive between a feud of violence. LOVE'S FOOLE, a fool to love– hasty and impetuous, swift changing moods. loyal, courageous and witty, filled with love than montague's and capulet's residing hate. white corvette's in the summertime– a journaling hopeless romantic & burned out cigarettes wedged between bruised knuckles from past evening's scuffle. the bible tucked with a gun, a display of hurricane emotions and always in emotional turmoil from a tender heart.
dream, if you can, a courtyard. an ocean of VIOLETS in bloom. animals STRIKE { –– curious } poses, they FEEL the heat, the heat between ME and YOU. how can you just leave me standing ALONE in world that's so cold? maybe i'm just too demanding. maybe i'm just like my father, too bold. maybe you're just like my mother, she's never satisifed. . . WHY do we SCREAM at each other?
google doc. ✞ memes. (always accepting) ✞ open starters. ✞ (always available)
𝑂𝑁𝐸. mun is 21+ . my fcs are t.om b.lyth and l.eo d.icaprio. <3 i love and adore ocs and am very crossover friendly.
𝑇𝑊𝑂. this blog will contain heavy + dark topics, keep that in mind before following of course for your own comfort.
𝑇𝐻𝑅𝐸𝐸. open starters and memes. always, always feel free to answer opens or send me memes. i encourage it. if you are a new follower, feel free to take off in my meme tag and send one in if you are feeling it. it's the fastest way to interact with me. if you have an idea for a plot , come and toss that at me too. i'm easy going and would love to write with you.
𝐹𝑂𝑈𝑅. shipping– chemistry is a must. pls don't force it between our muses, let it go with the flow. i also love relationships beyond romantic ones, family relations and platonic ones are equally as fun and important so if you're down for that pls lemme know. i'd 100% be on board with that !
𝐹𝐼𝑉𝐸. if you'd like a specific verse OR fc, then definitely specify that please. i am happy to write in any of my verses or either fc at any time.
𝑆𝐼𝑋. formatting– icons and GIFS. i use all three. i use small font , icons or rp pack / hunt related gifs. feel free to use whatever works best for you though !
𝑆𝐸𝑉𝐸𝑁. CREDIT. this is where i'll add any credit that rightfully belongs to the creators of any psds/templates i may use.
𝖎. ( modern verse | t.om b.lyth as the fc will be used in this verse. ) / to be written.
𝖎𝖎. ( 1990s verse | l.eo d.icaprio as the fc will be used in this verse. ) / to be written.
𝖎𝖎𝖎. ( x. ) / to be written.
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