#like.. had he already given up on it because he didnt believe he was capable of being in a relationship with his powers?
oceanwithouthermoon · 11 months
saiki being in a romantic relationship (or alternatively, actually trying to be in one) for the first time and having no experience or knowledge on what to do, so he falls back on behaviors hes picked up from the people around him..
but the most romance hes seen close up are his parents, aiura + teruhashi + yumehara with crushes and trying to flirt, etcetc (toritsuka does not count cuz what he does is hardly romantic, and that one time kuboyasu was ready to drop everything and marry a girl immediately doesnt count either cuz saiki expressively thought that was too much)
PLUS his own 'secret' obsession with romance stories and cliches..
so like.. crushy honeymoon romance is the only romance he KNOWS..
he would definitely find it too embarrassing to actually be as consciously lovey dovey as his parents are, and wouldnt want to try and be some 'knight in shining armor' like yumehara imagined him at first, but i think that 1) it would be a lot more subconscious and he would just not know any better than to latch onto his partner and 2) he would just choose (consciously AND subconsciously depending on the situation) to just try and do what he knows but in a subtle way..
like, he wouldnt write a love letter and pair it with a homemade chocolate heart like yumehara did, but he might write little notes (which are probably more like encouraging little phrases and paragraphs like a mom would put in her kids lunch than sweet love notes) and make baked goods for someone..
its probably mostly his mom that he models his behavior after, so he cooks for his person a lot and his most notable love language is probably acts of service
thats obviously not his only love language though, quality time was always his biggest until it came to romance and acts of service just barely weighs it out. words of affirmation is a big one for him too.. physical touch is also important for him, but not in the way that it would be for most people i think. its part of his love language more in a way that if he wants to touch a person at ALL, its an expression of love.. i think he would be big on sitting close together so his thighs and hands are just barely touching theirs, holding onto someones arm or having his arm be held, stuff like that..
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violeteclipseboaty · 4 months
So I recently went to go watch KOTPOTA again. I wanted to share my thoughts overall on the film, I couldn't properly do it before because I had forgotten some stuff lol
The pacing: at first watch I though it was kinda weird but watching it again I realized it pretty much went straight to the point, if anything I wanted MORE but you know the movie would've been too long but I wouldn't have minded either way. I mean, I've watched the Avatar and Harry Potter movies, so yeah I could've handled that lol
I really like the environment they set up with the eagle clan; their culture, their tradition with the eggs, and their bond with the eagles. I hope we get to see more details in the next movie.
The cinematography was amazing, they really nailed it. The sceneries were outstanding. A lot of that stuff reminded me back to Rise, back when it was filled with human life, now sadly the structures are abandoned and overtaken by nature but look pretty either way. The action scenes omg were so engaging and just done so well.
Let's talk about the main characters:
Noa: Great character. He's curious, smart, brave, and compassionate. I know a lot of people wanted him to be Caesar's descendant but i didnt really care about that. I'm excited where his next journey will take us if they have the chance to make a sequel (please 🙏) I'm pretty sure at the end of the film, Noa now has a new view of the world he lives in and now questioning his entire existence lol
Raka: loved him!! I really like how he truly understood what Caesar stood for. I did notice some things he believed were wrong lol but he's got the spirit and would lighten up the mood after what happened with Noa's clan. He's got a good heart, he sacrificed himself for Mae despite knowing her for a very short amount of time after all. Also I refuse to believe he's dead so there's that also and I hope he comes back to guide both Mae and Noa onto the path for the coexistence of both apes and humans.
Soona: I really wish we could've gotten more scenes with her, but I really like her. She's brave, sweet, and a ride or die for both Noa and Anaya. I hope we get to see her more in the next film
Anaya: yall already know cause I made a seperate post lol but loved him and I wish we had more scenes with him as well! I felt so bad for him when we see him again with Proximus, he's been through enough!
Proximus: he was a great villian and I did not like him, which is good! Not all villians need a sad backstory, this dude was clearly only hungry for power. He was twisting Caesar's words, enslaving other apes, killing humans, and wanted access to technology capable of bringing destruction and chaos. He's smart and knows how to be resourceful. I find it funny that he was talking smack about humans yet his way of thinking and actions are similar to the bad side of humanity. I only wish we could've gotten more scenes with him; he was underused and I thought he would have a much bigger role based on the trailers, but I enjoyed his presence overall.
Mae: I've already made a seperate post about her character and I still sorta feel the same way about her. Rewatching it again, I got to sympathize more with her situation. She's a survivor who clearly grew up and was taught misinformation about apes, but after meeting Raka and bonding with Noa; i truly believe she'll come around and change her mind. I believe in her, and I hope we get to see her again and get more of her backstory to understand her better.
The movie was great. The plot, visuals, and acting were so well done. I took about 5 years for them to work on this, and it SHOWS. Their dedication shows that when enough time is given; movies that involve CGI can be done properly. I'm sick of projects being crunched and the visuals ending up looking like 💩 because the teams/artists aren't appreciated enough. I definitely recommend watching at least twice, and I pray for a sequel.
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pigeonsareevil · 1 year
Man, i dont know wether everyone noticed this and im just dumb and oblivious or if im being completely delusional but i think im realising why Dutch trusted Micah so much even when Hosea and Arthur complained about it.
I think what he thought, was that this is going to be a similar scenario to many other gang members in the past when they first joined.
Im not sure but thinking about it, there are many people in the gang that i feel like when they joined, Hosea and Arthur weren't happy about, but they proved themselves to the gang and changed for the better so the older members accepted them.
Hell, this could have been the case with Arthur too. Hosea mentions he was a wild delinquent when they took him in but he changed and that makes me think that Hosea originally didnt want Arthur to join them, but Dutch saw something in this feral orphan, took him in and soon enough, even Hosea grew fond of him. Even came to love him as a son.
I feel like it took a lot of convincing from Dutch to let Arthur stay but when he did, and he saw the man Arthur became, Dutch probably started believing that there is good in everyone and everyone is capable of changing for the better if they are given the chance, that is of course, if he didnt already believe in that.
That is probably how we ended up with many of the gang members who cause a bit of trouble or aren't really contributing to the gang or just the ones Hosea and Arthur arent really fond of. Specific names that come to mind are Bill, Sean and Swanson. Now im definetely not saying i dislike these characters. Nor am i saying that Sean or Bill dont contribute or that Arthur and Hosea dislike Swanson or Sean or anything like that but you get the idea.
Dutch, to me, seems way more open to strangers and troubled people, good example of this is Sadie, he didn't even hesitate about taking her in, she was in trouble and needed help, he didn't care that he didn't know her and she could potentially figure out who they are and tell the law about them (she wouldn't do that of course but someone else could have been in her place, you know) or Maybe even Kieran, who used to be member of their a rival gang but people told Dutch he saved Arthurs life so he let him stay with them. Of course they didnt trust Kieran as much but just the fact that he let him live after, even more, he let him live AND stay with them when he clearly didnt't have to shows that he is way more trusting of strangers whereas Hosea and Arthur are way more protective of the people already in the gang, protecting them from these strangers.
Seems to me like Dutch saw Micah, says the man saved his life? I think? And thought: "there is some goodness inside this person, he just needs an opportunity and a place to change for the better, even if Arthur and Hosea dont agree and say i should cut him loose, what kind of person would i be, preaching about giving people who were wronged by their life and this country a second chance yet throwing this person away after messing up a few times. It took other people in this gang months, even years to change and they did change, Hosea and Arthur used to complain but now those people are a part of their family so why shouldn't i give this person a chance?"
This of course, could have been the case had Micah actually wanted to change from his habbits and break away from his past but i think it is clear that from his dialougue he is happy being just the way he is. He just kept telling Dutch he wants to change so Dutch would let him stay and and Dutch, believing him, dragged the whole gang to destruction because of this, because he put so much time and effort into trying to help, change and save someone who didn't need it
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Happy Oc Sunday! For Nihlus or any one in crisis company!
👑: What does your oc want to be remembered as? Why?
🔫: Do they trust people easily? How easily will they turn their back to someone? Have they been backstabbed before? Will they betray someone if given an ultimatum?
💧: Random angst headcanon
☄️: What do people assume about them? Are they right?
Thanks so much!!! asdjghasgh Sorry this took so long, tumblr desided it didnt like this post so its been hard tryinga get it to post
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One Nihlus and Crisis Company, coming right up! (under the cut for lenth purposes) Gonna stop trying to format it and just post it cause this website likes to shit itself anytime you use its own built in features
What Do they want to be Remembered as?
Nihlus: Doesn't want to be remembered, and actually goes out of his way to make sure he is generally never perceived in the first place. To Nihlus, for Nihlus, knowledge about him is a weapon against him. Better to pass through most of life like a ghost. Jet: Wants to be remembered as a smart Captain and a Good Man if he can, someone effective and reliable at what he does. Jet would have deserted the GAR after Geonosis if he didn't believe in the cause of protecting the innocent from the horror of separatist occupation and destruction, because he doesn't believe in the republic itself. He doesn't want to be a hero or maintain a system, he just wants to end the suffering. Margo: She want to do something cool! Mostly just wants to be remembered as that awesome uncle that fixes everything everyone needs Cynic: Would love to be a beloved artist. He wants people to want what he makes. He wants to be remembered for what he can do rather than what he is. Many of his watercolor sketches already sit framed on the walls of Mary Ann's fine dining restaurants, so it could be a reality if the galaxy is kind to him. Heron: Doesn't want to be remembered by anyone except those closest to him. People would be harder to lure in to back alleys to try and mug him if they know to stay away from the guy with the prosthetic leg. And how can he commit crimes against the force gods if no one attacks him first? Lake: Chronically unsure, Lake thinks he wants to be remembered as a decent guy all things considered. Thinks they're all going to be remembered as monsters, but whatever. That's whoever comes next's problem to deal with, he's just trying to have fun and stay alive. Torch: Torch doesn't care if or how he's remembered after he's gone, he's also just here to have a good time while he can. His captain would probably say he's going to be remembered as a goofy problem soldier, but he's going to be remembered as absolutely devotional to his squad, and an excellent sharpshooter. Sprig: He wants to be remembered like a kickass fantasy spy advisor like leliana or zeveran from dragon age. Course the only reason they're deeds are known is because they're part of a video game. Maybe.... he thinks about writing a blackmail book. It would highly embarrass so many senators and office officials for petty (usually illegally so) shit, but that's what they get for legally making him the guy who had to deal with all the bomb threats by chance of birth. Empty buildings give him time to riffle through their shit.
Do they trust people easily? How easily will they turn their back to someone? Have they been backstabbed before? Will they betray someone if given an ultimatum?
Nihlus: He trusts trustworthy people.... as long as they aren't Jedi or Sith. Anyone capable of resisting his ability to unconditionally access their thoughts and intentions is an eventual threat even if they chose not to resist him.
-He doesn't do things for the good of doing it, if he wants to help even at risk to himself, he really has to like someone. Otherwise that honor is reserved for his clan, for whom he would give himself at the lightest provocation.
-Nihlus ended up in the Era of the Clone Wars due to being locked into a stasis chamber in his archive meant for fragile documents by his former master and oldest friend, Kishta, who had lured him in there to prevent his attempted assassination of the sith emporor for the destruction of his previous clan
- Nihlus is physcially incapable of betraying any of his squad no matter the cost (one of Jets orders), nor would he want to if he could. that is trust for Nihlus. Anyone else is fair game to whatever else serves the needs of him and his people
Jet: Has a healthy suspicion of others because to do otherwise would be irresponsible, but it does not stop him from reaching out, from trying, when he feels that the person is worth it
- Jet will never turn his back on his squad, his family, by his own admission. Has, though, on numerous occasions given some orders that put them in unnecessary danger for appearances sake. no one is perfect.
-Jet has never been truly back-stabbed, but he has been lied to on numerous occasions
-Jet... is initially ready to trade Nihlus life if and when he has to, for the sake of his squad and their family, as was his deal when becoming the Siths Captain. However, the longer he has him, the less likely he is to actually do so. Would not be able to choose between the lives of his squad even if their lives depended on it.
Margo: She trusts hard and fast, but if her trust is ever completely lost... that's it. Good fucking luck ever getting it back.
- Puts her trust in her Captain, and would turn her back on anyone he deemed it necessary for. Otherwise, she goes with her gut to do what she thinks she has to, to be able to sleep soundly at night.
- There have been several times where Margorashly believes they have been betrayed, by Nihlus... by Jet... by militia allies... for the first two it turned out alright, the last one... is still up for debate
- Will betray anyone she has to, to protect their family. She's the second in command, and that saddles her with a certain level of responsibility damn whatever her own morals say.
Cynic: Does not trust a single soul outside of their squad, although its less of a "all of you are sus" and more of a "none of you are reliable"
- it's not turning your back on people if you weren't really going to help them in the first place. Anyone who isn't squad is just fodder for the cause, although he has far more of an affinity towards helping other clones than to even looking a natborns way
- you can only be backstabbed by people you trust and he believes his squad wouldnt do that, everything else is just an unanticipated attack
- has a tier list of who he would trade for who within his squad if he had to that he would never tell anyone else about. It's not based on who he likes best, but rather who he thinks would be able to best keep the squad going
Heron: Doesn't trust easily outside his squad, that's how you get caught. and he hates nothing more than when the jig is up, tehee
- easily, he'll easily turn his back on people (who arent his crew). The only people worth sticking your neck out for are the ones as willing to kill for you as they are to die for you.
- Definately thought Nihlus did that one thing that one time like Margo but was also wrong, although he didn't take it as personally as she did. He is well aware there are worse people them him out there.
- has a tier list like Cynic does. two, actually. one that he publically shifts around as a joke anytime someone fucks with him, and the real one that he holds close to his heart.
Lake: Wants to believe the best in people at all times, genuinely wants to
- would, in the opinion of much of the rest of his crew, would give his life too easily in order to do the right thing. would not easily turn his back on anyone that needed help
- All the time, if by back-stabbed you mean 'dissapointed', Torch is too cautious though, so Lake has never had the chance to be seriously betrayed
- Would never betray his crew outright, no matter what. the morality of his crew matters less than the vows he has made to them. Has been given an ultimatum before, and he made his choice.
Torch: Wants to believe the best in people, but always expects the worst, he has to. it's kept them alive before, and it will do so again.
- will trust easily, and will break that trust easily if he thinks he detects the slightest threat. His squad comes first, always. Will tattle on them to the Captain if he thinks it'll be funny though.
- His initial fuck-ups almost cost his training batch their spots in the GAR, but they didn't have to throw him as under the bus for it as hard as they did
- Will die with his crew before he betrays them, but if he thinks accepting the initial offer will get him a way to help, he can put up a pretty convincing front
Sprig: Trust is hard earned with Sprig, but he notices potential and offers tentative trust accordingly
- socially, he will not be caught unawares. he's spent too long watching people.
- Has never been truely betrayed. had brothers who told him they'd come back who never did, but it's hard to blame the dead, isnt it?
- Sprig will betray anyone he has to, again, for his crew. Jet built this squad well. for his crew? He also has a list of who's life comes first. like the others, his isnt on top of his own.
Random angst headcanon?
Nihlus: Sometimes he looks in the mirror tries to grin and wishes he could smile in full like he could when he was young and happy and didn't had nerve damage over a full third of his face
Jet: gets migraines from his numerous head injuries
Margo: Several of the squad she commanded before she became Jets second died very soon after she transferred, and sometimes she wonders if she had turned him down whether or not she could have done anything to prevent it
Cynic: feels a lot of insecurity initially over his place in the squad, although he doesn't show it, since it was Margo that requested (demanded) he join with her rather than Jet offering.
Heron: Gets phantom cramps in a foot that no longer exists if he leans on that side for too long without a cane, and nothing except straight 'sith magic' has ever seemed to help make it go away
Lake: For better (and through worse) Lake will stay by Torch's side, no matter how often he ethically disagrees with the rest of their squad, because the rest of their batch is DEAD and Lake will be damned if he loses his last batcher, no matter what sort of monster he has to become to keep them that way.
Torch: Constantly puts up a front of whimsy because he's afraid that what he has underneath it isnt worth loving.
Sprig: So, so scared of dying. It's one of the reasons he transfered out of the ordinence corps
What do people assume about them? Are they right?
Nihlus: People often see Nihlus' lightsabers and lack of clone armor when the squad is together and assume that he's either the Jedi, or the one in Charge. They are oh so very wrong on both accounts. He will get really pissy if they're stubborn about trying to talk to him over his Captain about mission shit he could really not care any less about. Jet: People assume that the Sith is some how mind controlling his Captain into doing what he wants, when he wants. Jet just scoffs in Blood Oath and orders Nihlus to scrub the refreshers for the third time this month as punishment for breaking some ships rules or ditching drills to hang around Kix, again. Margo: People often assume she's a mechanic, when she's just a tech. Sure, she dabbles in machinery, but she's much more capable on the software than the hardware aspect of technology. She can rewire the engines power cells but for the grace of the force don't ask her what model of spark plug the damn thing needs. Cynic: People assume that by his name and attitude, he hates fun. a real stick up his ass stick in the mud. Truth is he's an early twenty-somethings man trying to make the most of things, he's just a little pessimistic, like, all the time. Absolute party animal otherwise Heron: People assume that as a Medic he's a real 'save everyone you can, do the least amount of harm' mildly Hippocratic oath inclined kinda guy like a majority of the medical professionals in the GAR. Unfortunately, he has... serial killer tendencies. Bit of a god complex, Giver and Taker of Life kinda thing. See enough guys with your face die under you hands and your knife and it's bound to do something, warp you in some way. Lake: People may assume that as like, one of the few people with a truely morally compassionate compass of the group, that Lake would be the weak link to press on to coerce into betraying the squad, but they would be very, very wrong. He values his families life above all others, just not his own. Torch: His whimsical nature might trick one into thinking he's a fool, but Torch is actually one of the most tactically brilliant soldiers in Crisis Company, and has the best aim out of all of them. He's just... occasionally taken over by the urge to Have a Good Time. Sprig: Is a real Seems like a Cinnamon Roll, Could Kill You, kinda guy. Really great at drawing people into just talking. In reality, he's filling it all away to use at a later date should it come in handy. (rarely does it, so he always just comes off as a peoples person)
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edelblau · 3 months
uncles celebration of life thing upcoming so ive been thinking a lot (art for family under cut) (assuming the read more function works) ->
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without getting too into it my final lengthy conversation with my uncle happened when we were both kind of drunk and it was about the ethics of crediting artists. my uncle did music for a while and was creatively inclined and so i cant say why, but he took a stance of feeling that ultimately, if a company or label owns the end product, that its natural for the names of individual artists to be lost. i disagreed.
obviously given the state of inebration i wasnt able to argue my point well and ended up just crying in frustration. he forgot it the next day. but now whenever i think of him i think of that moment, of wasting time trying to argue about something the last time id see him alive. of utterly failing to even make the point i wanted to, leaving so many regrets in that last, final moment we had.
i ended up offering to draw something in his honour because its all i can do. i have no money, and im not capable of bringing him back. he lived in a different country for most of my life; what do i even really know about him?
its not that im not grieving. i feel like im constantly swinging back and forth between extreme states of grief. it feels unreal. i was convinced when i got the news it was somehow a very inapporpriate lie, or a mistake. that maybe he was alive. he wasnt that old or that unhealthy. he had plans soon before he died to see my mom. it didnt make any sense. it still doesnt. but i feel like i dont have the right to the 'big' grief that others do. i try not to burden my family by talking about it since i wasnt close enough to him to earn that. my mom lost a brother; i lost an older uncle i didnt know that well.
so i just keep thinking of the small things. things he either didnt know or wouldnt remember. that argument, reading the christmas card he sent and not knowing he had already passed while i read it. wondering how i would explain what i meant that day if i ever saw him again, even as i know that wont come to pass. wondering if, when he died, if he even knew how his death would impact me. if he lived and died thinking i was indifferent to it all just because i could not communicate otherwise.
i dont know. its hard. im scared for the celebration of life. i feel like i could keep pretending he might be alive otherwise. im scared to see his ashes. im scared for when his house finally sells and the last of the legalities are wrapped up and the truth of the matter settles in. im scared that he died thinking i hated him over a stupid argument. im scared of the fact that there's no afterlife i believe in, and thus this is already the end.
but no matter how scared i am or how much it hurts, this is all there is. writing about how i feel and then trying to bury it all. i cant change the past and i cant see or speak to ghosts. so this is just
all there is.
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shadamyheadcanons · 2 years
Okay my headcannon is that amy was neglected by her parents because a freaking 12 YEAR OLD WAS IN WAR AND THEY DIDNT STEPPED IN.
I also have this scenario in my head that Knuckles and Sonic walks in on Amy and Shadow watching a movie (Awfully close 🤔) and gets sus that something is going on.
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Hope you don’t mind if I combine these two.
The absence of Mobian adults in the Sonic games is VERY conspicuous. As far as I know, we’ve got Vanilla (old enough to be a six-year-old’s mother), Vector (20), and a handful of older teenagers--Rouge, Wave, and Big (18) and Storm (19). Vanilla’s the only Mobian parent in these games!
The only easy explanation is the out-of-universe one: execs wanted the game’s young demographic to have kids to relate to and teens to look up to. Things get messy when you try to read past that.
But that doesn’t mean I won’t try anyway.
I don’t feel comfortable accusing characters of being neglectful without any real evidence, especially because almost none of these kids have parents. Tails is eight, and he’s been on his own since his inception! Amy isn’t the exception, she’s the rule. Either every Mobian parent save for Vanilla is neglectful...or they’re just not around anymore.
Let’s look at the Sonic universe, shall we? Villains in this series take the forms of killer robots, aliens, demons, and even gods. Some are immortal and capable of boundless destruction, even genocide. We all saw what happened in Silver’s future.
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The Sonic universe isn’t a very safe place to live. The most frequent villain is a diabolical genius who creates robot armies. He’s demonstrated that he can and will kill without a shred of hesitation or remorse, regardless of the victim’s age.
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I don’t usually go the gritty route and I know I’m not the first one to point this out, but...would it be so unreasonable to think the parents all died fighting and their kids took up the mantle? Eggman’s age isn’t confirmed, but he’s a grown adult who could believably have been trying to take over the world for a few decades. Vanilla only avoided it because she’s not a fighter. The kids never talk about their parents, but why would they? It would be a sore subject for pretty much all of them. I had Silver and Amy briefly mention their relatives in Shellshock, but they were all deceased, and this is the unspoken reason.
I try not to focus on it because it makes me sad, but that is my headcanon. It makes the most sense to me.
That said, I’ll answer the more fun parts now! I love Sonic and Knuckles walking in on Shadow and Amy being suspiciously close. It’s especially funny if they try to tease them, but Amy’s oblivious or unashamed, so it’s just Shadow trying to hide how flustered he is, heh. Knuckles would have to be careful, though. If he ever tried to tease Shadow about Amy, Shadow could throw it right back by teasing him about Rouge.
As for the Sonic movies, if they do include Amy, I’m not sure how much they would bother with, tbh. Tails had basically nothing! I was so disappointed! When I saw the ending scene for the first movie, I was excited because I thought Tails was tracking down Sonic for some sort of important mission...but then the second movie just says he was stalking Sonic, watching him take bubble baths and stuff, and idk. That was really unsatisfying for me. I really liked Knuckles’ backstory, but Knuckles is a more serious character. Amy and Tails are pretty similar. We already had “younger character stalks Sonic and looks up to him,” so I fear they’d see Amy as redundant--both with her backstory and her presence. We know there’s more to her than that, but given how many times Amy’s role has been stolen before, I’m...trying not to get my hopes up.
However! I do have a story that goes into that. Someone asked me to do a high school AU a while ago. I don’t know if I’ll ever finish it (sorry!), but I might as well talk about that one aspect. Amy’s mom really likes Shadow because he was a total gentleman when he introduced himself, but Amy’s dad is different. Shadow and Amy were hanging out in Amy’s room, and Shadow wears the required school uniform in a really sloppy, disheveled way, so the dad took one look at this, panicked, and immediately assumed the worst, even though Shadow and Amy really were just friends at that point. Later on, Shadow says to Amy, “Your dad doesn’t like me,” and she goes, “Oh, don’t worry about that! Dad’s just weird around my male friends sometimes. Don’t worry, it’s not you!”
And then the scene changes to the parents, and the dad is like, “I’m telling you, it’s him! My readings are never wrong!” And it’s explained that the dad uses tarot cards, too, and he got a vision/reading when Amy was young that she was destined to wind up with a male hedgehog, so he’s overly protective whenever Amy befriends one. He basically scared off poor Silver, and Sonic won’t sit next to Amy when he’s around. Shadow’s different, though. He doesn’t shy away from Amy at all because he doesn’t care what anyone thinks. The mom adores this and reassures the dad that yes, his readings are always right, just not always in the ways that he expects. She says that she’s proud of how they’ve raised Amy and knows she’ll make the right decision someday--and if it did wind up being Shadow, she’d be happy for Amy because she’d be with someone bold enough to want to be around her even if others disapproved. The dad calmed down after that, but he did have a mini heart attack when Shadow took her to prom because he was in a tux and Amy’s pale pink dress was a little too close to white.
Of course that doesn’t really work for canon!verse, but it’d be cool if she had a parent who also got overzealous when analyzing tarot cards. I don’t know what I’ll do with that story, if anything. I like a lot of the ideas I have for it, but I doubt I’ll ever finish stringing them together. It’s an undertaking. I might post a snippet or two, but idk.
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rrasado · 3 years
Yo! If that's okay could i request the brothers (or some of the of your choice) reacting to a teen mc who already has a pact with a demon long before coming to the Devildom and this demon is pretty much their (very protective) guardian/caretaker? Like, the demon is really sweet and gentle with MC and babies them constantly but they're wary of the brothers (Nothing romantic, just platonic hcs!) Feel free to ignore if i'm bothering you!
Congrats on the 400 followers!!💞
Who’s The Guardian?
On another episode of “why didn’t I see this in my inbox before-“ but this is such a cute request.
I...haven’t played OMSWD in half a year ;-;. I never got past lesson 40 so, sorry in advanced for the OOC-
When you already have a pact
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...is caught off guard, big time.
He probably skimmed through your files and records but not once did the thought of a seemingly innocent teenager already having a pact with a demon prior the exchange program crossed his mind.
That’s coming from someone who overthinks a lot.
As the so called right hand man of the young lord himself, he’ll want to conduct a thorough investigation on whoever this demon is. He can’t risk sullying the honor of Diavolo because of some minor slip up.
Under the guise of a friendly get together he asks MC to invite their demon pact mate over for a nice afternoon tea. Harmless correct? Well that -less becomes -ful when the demon immediate smothers their favorite human with such rare affections he didn’t knew demons were capable of.
He’ll attempt to be discreet about his intentions but, it seems the demon is more vocal about their displeasure of finding out that their dear human is living with seven of the most powerful demons in hell. So lucifer would blatantly put on a facade to keep the dignity of the council and the prince at peace. But if it were up to him...
“We all care for the human’s well being yes? A little cooperation is to be called for”
...Feels betrayed. And disappointed
He...wasn’t MC’s first- oh god the others are laughing at him as we speak aren’t they.
Would probably try to not so discreetly compare himself to the demon, arms crossed™️
Is that why MC was so fast in making a pact with him? Like no fear whatsoever because they’ve already done this before? Now he feels dumber than before
It all ultimately ends with..the demon and mammon trying to out do each other when it comes to spoiling Mc whether material wise or affection, of course mammon is at a disadvantage given how much he denies his concern for not being Mc’s first.
But in the end, if anything bad no matter how small happens to the two demon’s beloved human, they’d probably set aside their differences and hunt down the source. It’s a whole other story if the source was mammon-
“Oi the human also has a pact with me Ya got that!”
...is both amazed and disdained.
And on the other hand- wow...you’re such a normie for being able to pull in other races, what in the name of damned friendship is this-
But that disdain turns to envy, whether envying you or the demon sometimes it’s interchangeable- because he wished he was also that cared for. Being able to be brought gifts or being protective over- it’s the otome dream he’s secretly wanted.
But once he realizes that the demon just genuinely cares for MC, for whatever reason- he seems to understand along the way, maybe he to wishes to protect one of the few people that willingly put up with him with a wild smile. Teen mutuality huh.
He might even invite their demon pact mate over for a game or two- heck if things go well they three might even become a triumvirate. Overall he’ll learn to get along with them but...it’ll take a good while djdndnbd.
“H-hey...ya sure you wanna hang out with someone as yucky as me? Ah- wait I have games for three here somewhere.”
...Is highly intrigued suffice it to say.
The guy was highly enthralled when you managed to even make a pact with him through hard work and it seems there was a much farther history as to why.
Unlike the first born however, he’d be actually successful in hiding his true intentions when he decided to investigate whoever demon managed to wind up with the young human in the first place.
Those detective novels did him good Huh-
On a more serious note. He’d actually be encouraging to a certain extent until the demon directs their threats to him. Like how dare this lowly bastard make a point to the Avatar sin of Wrath- oh it was for MC’s sake...hard pass-
At one point he’s probably the closest to this demon in terms of peace next to Beelzebub since he’s the most serene of the brothers. Overall neutral to them unless the demon gives him a reason to.
“It’s nice to see the human having someone to lean on to...I wonder what would happen if that support were to suddenly collapse”
...is sappy to the brim
Look at the lovely human already catching demons with finesse! Proud wine aunt moment™️. And the fact that it was prior to the program? Damn the kid has more potential than he thought.
At first the demon themself is gonna- Ehe carry MC away everytime asmo ties coming in but. With a little nudge and convincing they’d probably stay to listen to Asmo.
Trust me when I say these three will go shopping every weekend once everyone is comfortable with each other. And for what it’s worth they might even get matching outfits.
Asmo would probably try and nitpick how MC even managed to wind up in a pact with a demon without knowledge of the Devildom in the first place but at the same time he thinks it adds to the younger’s charm
These three end up being the child the mom and wine aunt dynamic and y’all can’t convince me otherwise.
“Ehh~? Oh don’t look so weary it’s bad for your face darling~”
...For some reason happy.
Is this why MC managed to make a pact with his brothers so easily in so little time? Is this why the teen never seems to be bothered by any of his brothers’ threats? Overall he’s happy that you have experience.
He remembers something oddly like this...but in his case he didn’t had experience prior the fall wow way to go at angsting this am I right-
Because unlike him, a being millennia old was so confused of what’s in store for hell after the fall but he had no choice but to grit his teeth and bare the fear.
And someone so young managed to get a taste of a fraction of that experience but here was MC...laughing without a care whilst this other demon places a protective arm in front of them as they interrogate beel- oh wait they were talking to him-
Food as peace offering? You bet, thankfully they did settle with food and unlike first impressions- the demon actually is the most sensible to beel seeing as he was one of the few who...didn’t actively attempt to kill their human- in fact, the demon is probably the one to inform Beel of what demon food the young teen can actually eat and what they prefer.
“I see...ah, would you maybe wanna join us? Food always tastes better when shared”
...could care less until they talk about the whole time universe killing thing-
Ohhh boy- belphie run I’m telling you run- no beel won’t defend you on this one in fact I think I see mammon running with the demon but belphie run boy run-
In all seriousness him and the demon will take the longest to get into terms. Heck not even Mc’s convincing has effect, because the demon really really doesn’t like the avatar of sloth for good reason.
Depending on how the demon even winded up with MC. Belphie would also not like the demon.
That...is until something actually bad happens to MC-
The demon might blindly pin it on belphie but the thing is- he’s also panicking because if he and his brothers were there and the demon was there- wHO TF IS WITH THE TEENAGER-
He...didnt want to have what he did to MC happen again. Let him be the last one to harm the spunky human. I even considered him and the demon to never actually get along no matter how long of a time but...again it all depends on the Hows and Whys.
“I...Care for them as much as you do. Just- Tsk... I don’t need you to believe me.”
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thehollowprince · 3 years
Slightly random TFATWS question here, but I'd be interested in your take on it. If the point of the supersoldier serum is that it essentially amplifies your existing qualities and makes you More of what you already were - as Erskine says, good becomes better, bad becomes worse - then how would you say it's affected Bucky? His actions as the WS were the result of Hydra's brainwashing, not the serum, and he doesn't seem to be affected by it in the way Walker or even the Flagsmashers are.
It's difficult to say for a variety of contributing factors.
Factor #1: Steve Rogers (and Johann Schmidt)
It's important to remember that both Steve and Red Skull were the only two that got Erskine's serum directly. And, if Schidmt got the same style of treatment as Steve did, then they were both the only two that we saw who got multiple doses of the serum, as seen below...
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Steve was also the only one we saw who got the combination serum + Howard Stark's Hottie Machine, so we don't know what effect that tech might have had on administering the serum.
Every other person that we saw (or didnt see) had a single dosage of a modified serum - an attempt at recreating Erskine's original success. Such as, the Flag Smashers...
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... or John Walker...
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... or even the five other Winter Soldiers.
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The only exception to this that I can remember was Emil Blonsky from the Incredible Hulk (I know we all try to forget that movie), because he had multiple doses over multiple treatments of whatever version of the serum Ross had cooked up trying to recreat Steve Rogers and Bruce Banner.
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And much like Steve (and presumably Johann) it required extra steps to administer than just a shot or an IV drip, relying on Gamma Radiation to help "complete" the process.
The bottom line here is that, there have been no two versions of the serum that were the same that were administered in the same way. Steve Rogers was a unique occurrence in more than one way.
I also have a theory that the original serum was derived from the heart-shaped herb from Wakanda, given the similarities between the two when it comes to the enhanced physicality.
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Maybe Erskine and Schmidt got their hands on an herb and refined it until it was just the physical (blue), excluding the more mystical attributes (red), such as the aspect that allowed Wakandan kings to communicate with their ancestors. (I have a theory about the heart-shaped herb, too, but I'll save that for another time)
It's also very important to remember that the only super soldier to experience any kind of major side effects was Schmidt.
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No other super soldier looked like this
Factor #2: Hydra
Aside from the fact that Bucky didn't receive the same super soldier serum as the others, but whatever concoction that Zola managed to cook up in his attempt to recreate the serum (interesting to note that Schmidt seemed to take a more hands off approach to this, choosing instead to focus on the Tesseract and it's capabilities). As such, Bucky, as we saw him in The First Avenger, didn't exhibit any of the enhanced physical capabilities (or even an enhanced physicality) that Steve did after his experiment. In fact, the only evidence we have to confirm that Bucky had received some version of the serum was the fact that he survived the fall from the train, which we didn't get confirmed until The Winter Soldier.
The combination of Hydra having Bucky for over seventy years and him not presenting any attributes of the super soldier serum until after all says to me that he went through more experiments once he was back in their care, possibly some of the precursors to what they did during the Red Room and Black Widow programs.
Factor #3: Psychological
Now this last one is just my hypothesis, which is what you asked for, but I wanted to get the other variables out of the way first.
My personal opinion here is that, despite what Erskine said, I don't believe there is a psychological aspect to the serum. It is purely physical. The psychological component to these experiments - how the recipients handled their newfound power - was down to the individual. Steve Rogers didn't go through any radical ideology or personality shift. He was the same scrappy kid from Brooklyn who stood up to bullies and refused to back down from a fight, except now he had the muscle to back it up.
Same with John Walker, as controversial as that may sound. We had three whole episodes with Walker before he took the serum, and in that time, we already saw he was quick to anger and had aggressive tendencies. All the serum did was give him the power to back it up.
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Earlier, he and Lemar were talking about what they could have done with the serum, saving their fellow soldiers, and we saw in the immediate follow up that Walker was trying to rationalize what happened, telling Sam and Bucky that he had to do it, that he killed a terrorist. That kind of mindset isn't something that can come about over night. That was something conditioned into him by the military, something he later shouted at them during his disciplinary hearing, telling them he was what they made him to be.
The Flag Smashers were fighting for what they believed in, for those the world forgot after the Snap (I refuse to call it The Blip, I'm sorry), and suddebly they had the muscle to stand up against those who would push them down.
Karli in particular was a scared kid backed into a corner, lashing out. Was a lot of what she did was wrong? Absolutely, but she wanted to send a message and used the only means that the governments hellbent on suppressing them seemed to understand. And, as we saw after that first bombing, this extremism wasn't shared by all the Flag Smashers.
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It's like all those shows or movies or books where a mousy wallflower is given superpowers or turned into a vampire or werewolf and suddenly they have the power to push back against their oppressors. A great example of this would be the three werewolves introduced in season two of Teen Wolf, those being Isaac, Erica and Boyd, who all went from being shy loners to being cocky and arrogant because they had the power to stand up for themselves physically now.
You give someone power and you'll see who they really are.
To circle back around to the point I've been trying to make (sorry for the scenic route), it's that Bucky never showed any sign of extremism, whether for good or evil. And that had to do with a combination of who he was as a person - he was more or a follower, latching on to Steve and Sam as his guiding star - and Hydra's machinations and manipulations during his time as the Winter Soldier. By the time he was finally free of them, he just wanted to be by himself and deal (or not deal) with his various traumas.
The Bucky that we met at the beginning of The First Avenger was very quickly buried under war and tragedy. Who he was, because of what he went through, changed. And I think that was the point Erskine was trying to make, though he definitely could have worded it better. The serum makes you more of who you really are, shows your true colors, not because of any chemical response, but because of how power has been prioritized in society. The notion that you don't have to fear physical repercussions anymore, because who's strong enough to stop you?
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bcdwhcre · 4 years
“Sides,” Armin x Reader
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We’re gonna act like Annie doesn’t exist. Bear w/ me.
Summary: Being the female titan, you join the scouts to gather information to bring back to Marley but you end up falling for Armin which makes you debate whether or not you should continue to be a spy.
Warnings: end of s3 spoilers mixed with beginning of s4, a lil bit of angst.
Armin x Fem!Reader
The long years of training to become a scout was finally over, during the training corps- you tried to keep your distance away from others except for Reiner and Bertholdt but placing in the top ten and choosing to go forward with being in the scout regiment, it was a lot harder to avoid talking to the others.
Armin was the first and only person to easily come up and talk to you. He liked your strength and how confident you were during training, he always asked for help when it came to combat and at first you would decline and reject his pleas for you to help him.
You weren’t here for friendships, you were here to gather information. But time went on, the more Armin came up to you, the more you softened up. He was always sweet and gentle with you, always complimenting you and talking about how great you were at being a scout.
He was always making sure you were okay, mentally and physically. He was always by your side, being a good friend but deep down he already had feelings for you, he had them since the training corps.
When it came to him, all he ever thought about was Eren and Mikasa but when he seen you, it was kinda like love at first sight until he seen you in action. You were very intelligent, strong, selfless and brave. It was the reason why he liked you so much.
One day it had hit you, the feelings and realization, you were slowly falling in love with Armin the more you hung out with him, the more you worked with him and it was driving you crazy.
The days he would come up to you, giving you a simple cup of coffee or when out in the field he would be in complete awe of the way you were so good at the ODM gear and easily slaughtered the Titans without hesitation. He admired you.
You even tried to convinced Reiner and Bertholdt to go back to Marley early because you felt yourself slowly slipping and giving into Armin. You wanted to go back home and prevent you messing up the mission. You told them to leave and give the information you already have but they refused and it made you think about a lot.
Then Armin started to sit in your room most nights, ranting about beautiful things and ideas he had in that big brain of his. He even opened up about seeing the ocean to you, shocking the both of you because he only ever told Eren and Mikasa.
“I don’t mean to ramble, I know I do it a lot.” He admitted, his cheeks turning a light shade of red and you shook your head.
“No, I enjoy listening to you.” The way his eyes lit up when he turned to look at you, his heart pounding inside his chest.
Armin was never much of a bold person, he was shy and emotional and people seen him as weak for it but when you looked at him, it had given him that boost of confidence to lean over and press his lips on yours.
It had caught both of you off guard, he wasn’t expecting you to kiss him back and you weren’t expecting a kiss from him at all. It was only a small gentle kiss but it made your heart flutter, feeling as if it was going to explode out of your chest.
He gave you a small smile, standing up from your bed and grabbing the book he had brought to show you and you watched him walk to the door, he was completely flustered.
“I’ll talk to you tomorrow, I hope you sleep well.” He turns towards you, waving bye and walked out of your room to leave you with your thoughts.
The way your parents at home would be completely disappointed in you, everyone at home would be disappointed in you but hanging around Armin more made your eyes open up and shine light on why they hated the Titans and you understood.
You had become one of them and you hated to admit that but you’ve never met someone like Armin, he was different and beautiful in so many ways. You were willing to risk your home for him.
The day had came to where you had to use your titan form, not wanting to but Reiner had threatened you otherwise and it just made you feel guilty. You felt like you were betraying Armin and it made your heart break piece by piece.
You glanced over at them, sighing under your breath and leaped off the wall, your body transforming into the large female titan. You hated this with every fiber in your being but you just ran off to get the job done and return back with no questions asked.
Once the plan was done, the job that Reiner couldve simply done but forced you to do, you had heard the scouts from afar and quickly ran to hide to get out of the giant body you were hiding in.
You broke out of the tough skin, gasping for air and seeing the steam around you as you quickly got out and landed on the hard ground, your eyes moved up and suddenly they met with a pair of blue ones.
“Y/N?” Armin’s voice cracked, his heart squeezing in his chest at the sight of you, he had seen everything and the stripes under your eyes proven to be true.
“Armin, wait.” You had reached out for him but he flinched back, his eyes wide and filling up with tears.
“You’re the... you’re the female titan, you were a titan this whole time.” He shook his head, in disbelief and the memories of you two that flooded his head convinced him they were all fake.
All the nights he stayed in your bed, rambling about anything and the way he would cuddle you, kiss parts of your body and always leaving your lips for last because that was his favorite spot.
He assumed they were all fake. You were an imposter.
“Let me explain, please.” You had tried to plead with him, your hands trying to grab onto his but he continued to back away from you, terrified.
“Explain what? I just saw you! You’re a titan!” He yelled at you, making you freeze in your spot and you accepted defeat at that point.
You never wanted to hurt Armin or lie to him and the way the tears streamed down his face, it made your heart hurt and it made you drop to your knees- running away would just make you look more like a criminal to Armin and that’s the last thing you wanted to do.
You heard the scouts from afar coming closer, your sad eyes staring into his and you moved your head to look down at the ground.
“I never wanted to lie to you, Armin. I love you more than anything.. even enough to get myself arrested right now. I don’t want to lose you, everything... everything we shared was fucking real to me. Just please let me explain everything.” You were in tears, not caring about your family or your home, you were willing to give it all up for him.
He stared at you, stunned with his eyes wide and he finally took a step forward towards you. The hurt in your eyes made him soften up, making him drop to his knees in front of you and you lifted your head up to look at him.
“Why?” He whispered towards you, he was confused, beyond confused. He never expected this out of you, he loved you too much to believe you could be capable of this
“I knew I would get taken and tortured if I revealed that I’m a titan shifter. Look what they did to Eren, they almost killed him.” You rushed out, making him stare at you and he hated how easily he gave into you.
He embraced you in a tight hug, catching you by surprise as you felt his hair tickling the side of your face and you hesitated before wrapping your arms around him, burying your face into his shoulder.
“I won’t let them hurt you. You just have to be honest, tell them the truth.”
Your heart broke more if that was even possible. You didnt want to lie to him but you couldn’t bring up Marley, you couldn’t bring up Reiner or Bertholdt. You had to come up with some other plan, to please the scouts.
“Okay.” You gave in, your hands clinging onto the back of his jacket, afraid of letting him go or getting ripped away from him.
He had pulled back, cupping your cheeks and brushed his thumb over the markings that were slowly fading away and he sighed under his breath.
His heart aches for you, he wouldn’t be able to handle losing you. Not one bit. As the scouts dropped to the ground around you, aiming their swords at your head, Armin had stood up and guarded you.
“She’s not a threat! Put the blades away, please!” He shouted, making Levi grunt under his breath and walk over to the both of you.
Levi had looked down at you with disgust, his blade tilting your head up straight to meet his gaze and he gave you a cold stare.
“I expect you to come with us willingly and not put up a fight, if you do- I won’t hesitate to put you down for good.” He ordered you, making you nod your head slowly and you stood up.
Armin had stayed beside you, making the Captain give him a dirty look as well but he always trusted Armin’s instinct but hated his big heart in wanting to believe everything he hears.
Levi had stayed in front of you, leading the way back to the main base and Erwin had joined as all four of you sat inside his office. They asked Armin to leave but he rejected, wanting to stay put and be beside you- to make sure they wouldn’t do anything.
“I want everything out on the table.” Erwin ordered you, making a lump form in your throat and you made up some story about how you became a titan and why you kept it from them.
They had somewhat believed it, especially when you gave evidence of always being a good scout and never betraying them one bit but they continued to watch you like a hawk.
When you finally had some alone time, Reiner shoved you towards the woods with Bertholdt following closely behind to make sure no one was watching or coming but it was the middle of the night anyways, everyone was asleep.
“What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you trying to get us killed?” Reiner shouted at you, wanting to completely punch you in the face but held himself back.
“I didn’t mean for it to turn out like this!”
“Like what? You falling for these fucking murderers?! Is that it? Do I need to take you back to Marley and have you killed?” He pointed his finger towards you and you shook your head repeatedly.
“You better watch yourself or else Armin is dead, you hear me? Don’t blow this.” He threatened you, making your blood boil at the sound of Armin’s name being brought up.
That’s when you had enough, you were tired of it all. The mission, the secrets, everything. You raised your fist, punching Reiner straight in the jaw and it had made him stumble back in shock.
“I don’t give a shit about this mission but if you touch Armin, I swear you two would be dead in an instant. Remember your place.” You said, making him stare at you with such anger, he was convinced he would shift and fight you right in the woods but Bertholdt grabbed a hold of him.
“Not here, please, we’re supposed to be a team.”
“A team?! Marley raised us on how these people are murderers and terrible human beings and yet.. all they do is protect lives from titans. Fuck that bullshit, Marley is full of fucking liars and cowards!” You screamed at the both of them, not hesitating to hold any of your emotions back.
“You’re the coward and a traitor, once this is over with and we collect Eren- you and Armin are getting killed next.” Reiner scoffed, storming away and Bertholdt had stared at you before following his friend.
You were angry, all the thoughts rushing to your head and you wanted to kill them. You didn’t even care about the stupid mission anymore, it’s not like you were ever wanted on that stupid island anyways.
You got lucky that you got handed down the female titan. The only reason you did is because your dad had paid them heavy amounts of money just so he can finally be proud of you. Your family couldn’t care less about you, they only wanted you to do this because your older brother had risked his life for Marley and died in battle- they expected you to do the same.
Other than that, they pretty much hated you. You were convinced they did this to you so you can leave and not be around anymore.
Your eyes filled up with tears, of sadness and anger to the point where you stomped your way back inside the base and went straight for Armin’s room, seeing him asleep on the bed. You softened up, wiping the tears from your face and you sat on the floor beside his bed.
You didn’t want to wake him, he looked too peaceful. So you just stayed put, your fingers lightly brushing through his hair and you sighed quietly. You were so in love with him that it really messed with your head. You had no thoughts anymore, just Armin.
And you promised yourself to protect him with everything you had. Nothing was worth it anymore, you just wanted him.
Time had passed by, a lot of time. After getting Eren back from the two titan shifters, the scouts were settled on reclaiming wall Maria and also trying to hunt down Reiner and Bertholdt.
You were on your horse, rushing towards the wall and you had moved your head to glance back at Armin, seeing the happy smile he gave you and you couldn’t help but smile at him.
That is until everyone had made it to the wall, Reiner getting caught and not hesitating to shift and try to kill everyone. He was going crazy and from afar, the Beast Titan- the one person you haven’t seen in ages, since before you left Marley.
Your heart had pounded in your chest, you had a awful feeling. Maybe it’s because you technically were the traitor, you were siding with the Scouts but you didn’t regret doing that.
Levi had instructed you to hold your Titan form back unless it was absolutely needed because he believed Eren was fully capable of doing most of the work. But that was until Bertholdt had shown up, shifting when he saw how beaten Reiner was- convinced he was dead, it sent him into a rage.
Even then, Levi had made you hold back.
So you did.
Then when you went back over the wall after helping with Levi, both Titan shifters were down and you could hear screaming in the distance. You leaped off the wall, using the ODM gear to help you land on the floor and you saw Eren hovering over a body.
“Eren?” You were quiet but his head snapped towards you, complete pain written across his face as tears were uncontrollably streaming down.
“I’m sorry.” He said, making your eyes look down at the body and suddenly your knees had grown weak.
It was barely unrecognizable but you could tell who it was, your body giving out on you as you drop to your knees and practically crawled over to him. Your hands shaky and you wanted to grab onto him but you hesitated, the way his body was completely burnt- you couldn’t grab him.
It had taken a moment to hit you, the realization and a painful scream had left your lips knowing Reiner and Bertholdt had done what they said they were going to do- kill him.
Your heart felt empty, that’s the only way to put it. Empty. Shattered. You felt hollow.
Your screams and sobs were painful to Eren’s ears but he tried his best to somewhat comfort you. Making the others drop down on the roof and Levi had shortly came afterwards, the Titan serum being brought up but also Erwin as both of them barely were breathing.
Eren was quick to argue, threatening to fight Levi if needed for Armin to get it and Mikasa had done the same. You didn’t want to fight but you would lay your life down on the line for Armin.
“It goes to him.” You barely said over a whisper, staring down at his body and everyone had looked over at you.
“You’re telling me to pick a kid over the commander? Are you guys idiots?” Levi grunted, making your eyes shoot over at him and you stood up.
“If you would’ve simply ordered me to use my Titan form and help, Armin wouldn’t be like this right now! This is on you and you only and if I have to, I will fully use force to give him that fucking serum.” You threatened him and his eyebrows raised in amusement.
“Remember your place, cadet or else I’ll put you in it.”
The anger had bubbled up inside of you, making you rise to your feet and before you could even walk up to Levi, you were grabbed by Jean who was already injured enough from the events that occurred.
“It’s not worth it.” He mumbled, looking down at you with sad eyes, he wanted Armin to live just as much but he knew he didn’t have a say in the matter.
“It’s not worth it? Armin deserves that serum more than anyone here. Let’s not forget who even saved our asses half the time, it was him.” You practically shouted at all of them and Levi finally had enough.
He forced everyone to go away so he can decide on his own. Plus most them being injured, everyone needed to back away. But you didn’t want to go without a fight, Eren had to pull you away and take you off the building.
You didn’t want to leave Armin, you didn’t want him to die or even die alone. It made the tears slip from your eyes again, the pain you felt in your chest, it was your fault he was like this. You couldn’t help but blame yourself for everything.
But once you saw the Titan shift and eat Bertholdt, your feet managed to run over to where it was, Eren trying to grab back onto you but it was too late. You had went on the roof, watching the Titan stare at you before collapsing- the steam covering the body and you could see Armin’s body rip out of the skin.
Your heart stopped, almsot tripping over your feet as you climbed over the body and grabbed onto Armin, more sobs leaving your lips, not being able to have control over your emotions. You clinged onto him, holding his body to your chest and laid your head on top of his.
Everything was such a blur but seeing Armin just made everything clear again.
It had taken him hours to wake up, making you grow impatient as you sat on the wall beside his body and glanced around at the empty town. The victory of reclaiming wall Maria didn’t excite anyone, maybe it was because of the amount of lives lost.
Armin had woken up, his head pounding and confused as to how he was still alive until his eyes laid on you, seeing the back of your head as you stared out at the sky, hearing the breeze.
“Y/N.” He mumbled, his hand reaching out to place on your back and your eyes moved down to him.
You didn’t want to cry again but you were feeling overly emotional, his blue eyes staring up into yours and suddenly you tackled him in a hug. Almost making you both fall over but he grabbed onto you, burying his face into your shoulder.
“I thought I lost you.” You admitted, pain in your voice and as he remembered the events that happened, how he put his life on the line- he felt guilty for making you worry.
“I’m sorry but I’m here, I’m alive.” He pulled back, his soft hands reaching up to grab your cheeks and your heart finally felt full.
“I love you, I really do.” You barely said over a whisper, the butterflies swarming in your stomach and he brushed strands of your hair back from your face.
“Trust me, I love you more.” He sighed happily, seeing your face again made him realize just how precious you were to him.
He gently peppered kisses on your face, like he always did. He would always plant them all over, taking his time and always leaving your lips for last because that was his favorite spot.
Once he was done with your face, his fingers tangled in your hair and glanced down at your lips then back up to your eyes, the cute little grin on his face as he finally molded your lips together and kept it slow yet soft.
After that, you had told Armin everything. From Marley to everything and why you came to the island. He understood, he wasn’t mad at you because you never showed signs of betrayal. He knew that and he fully trusted you.
You knew everyone back home would be angry, wanting you dead but as his bright blue eyes stared at you with such love and hope, it was worth betraying your home for him. He was the only person that cared about your well being and loved you completely.
Armin was all you needed. Nothing else mattered.
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One of the underrated moments of 3b was when Magnus told maryse he doesn't want to burden Alec and she tells him Magnus is part of the family now and he goes 😍 really?? 😍 and then alec tells him he is too much and u can see magnus taking a second to respond because all his newly formed hopes that maybe he isn't too much gets broken like its so heartbreaking that scene is so well acted we don't talk enough about it
god yeah!!!!!!!!!! everything about that moment is SO heartbreaking because magnus was finally daring to hope, after three seasons of expecting alec to get tired of him at the drop of a hat. he was always ready for something to be too much for alec and for the FIRST time he actually allowed himself to believe that alec was in it for the long run, that he would accept magnus even when he wasnt completely powerful and useful and put-together
and i dont think its just maryse saying that but specifically the fact that the night before alec had said "let me be here for you". it always breaks me that THIS LINE, not anything else, was what made magnus break down in his arms. because he had been trying so hard to keep it in and not be a burden and be cheerful and give alec what he wanted, and then alec begged him to just let him help and that. was so powerful because magnus felt so alone and he had been trying so hard not to put this on alec but then alec desperately ASKS him to. and it's such a shock and a relief and at the same time so terrifying his walls finally finish crumbling and he cries so hard his knees buckle and holy fucking shit that scene was so amazing too
so like who wouldnt feel a little more grounded after that? alec didnt just put up with magnus' pain, no, he asked magnus to please let him help him. to be honest. to cry and let alec wipe the tears and deal with the "ugly" parts of him, the fragile parts, the parts that couldnt stand to be strong on their own anymore. and that's all magnus ever wanted, yet didn't really dare to hope for
so for the first time he feels confident that he has someone to lean on. someone he can allow himself to crumble with, even if only for a second and then he's back to trying to get his life together. but for once he's not afraid alec will think he's too much and leave him. in fact, when alec says he needs a break, MAGNUS DOESN'T GET IT. it's such a stark contrast with the magnus who needed reassurance that alec didn't think less of him because of his father, or the magnus who said he never wanted alec to know about his past, or even the magnus from just a day before who tried to bolt and escape alec before alec saw him crumble for real. but i think it makes sense; because of that line from alec. how could he doubt alec would stay with him, when alec had just given him everything he ever wanted, possibly even more? this held so much significance for magnus; alec begging to be there for him was a complete game changer for him
and like dont get me wrong, that line from alec didnt single handedly solve his self esteem issues or anything, both because he still has a long way to go and because he had been learning, however slowly, to open up and let himself be supported for a century now. it's why he ever even got with alec in the first place; because he was daring to try to be vulnerable again. but that line, at the very least, changed magnus' confidence in their relationship. doubly so when maryse lightwood, of all fucking people, promised that they'd be there for him. and she meant it, too, because maryse doesn't say anything she doesn't mean, now does she
and im not going to get into the whole maryse lightwood redemption arc™ thing, but still. this matters. he felt accepted. he had people promising to be there for him, and holy shit, he actually believed them
and then it all immediately fell apart. and he was so confused and this very shaky confidence in his relationship with alec just crumbled. and thats what he meant when he said "i can't lose you too, alec" - not that he couldn't bear to live without him, but that this relationship was the one thing that was finally, finally helping him convince himself that it was okay to ask for help, that he had worth. that he was more than just useful and powerful and capable of helping others, that he had value for himself, too. that people wouldn't leave him to rot as soon as he stopped being worthwhile
it's also why he wanted to erase his memories, because the scar of that - finally allowing himself to believe, just for a little, that it was okay to not be put together every once in a while, only to have that hope completely crushed - honestly threatened his recovery so much, and could throw him back so far. like, don't get me wrong, alec was special to him, their relationship was special, and that also played a part. but one can live without romantic love, even a great one. and magnus had done it before, was used to it even. it's the impact it had on his self esteem that was too much to bear in a state as fragile as he already was
and in short yeah that scene hurts like hell
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latetaektalk · 3 years
Hi, I don’t want to bother you about this because it is just personal stuff but I wanted some advice. I’m a junior in high school so I’m reaching that age where I will be getting my drivers license soon. (I will be taking my test around December/ January) I still have lots of time for practice and everything but me and my mom have started discussing the topic of what my car will be. Originally due to family issues my uncle gave my mom his car and we had agreed that it would become my car even though it’s wasn’t my choice. But my mom ended up giving my uncle back the car because he was in a rough situation. But now that my mom is car less she is using my dads car (he has two but one is his personal car and the other is a company car given to him from his job) and she wants her own car asap. She had told me that because she was going to give my uncle the car back (and it was supposed to be mine) she would buy me my dream car instead (a vw beetle) and she would have to figure out what she would end up driving but she told me not to worry about it. But now she made the decision to buy my aunts car (because my aunt wants a new car) and since she’s going to buy it, the car would be passed to me when I get my license (which she didn’t tell me until tonight). In my head she would buy my aunts car for herself because she loves my aunts car and I would get my beetle like she originally said. But since she told me that wasn’t the case and my aunts car would be mine I was upset but I wasn’t going to act entitled. After doing some thinking I told her I would get the beetle myself. Since I won’t be getting my license till the end of the year I still have time to save up money to get a car. I will be getting a job in October (after my birthday) and I told her that I would pay for the car myself and she wouldn’t need to worry about it but that upset her for some reason. I feel that she doesn’t believe I can handle it myself because my parents have financial issues and she thinks I’ll be the same way. So then comes my need for advice, how do I get my mom to understand that I want to be able to do this for myself and I wholeheartedly believe that I can make the payments for a car on my own? Another aspect is even though she claims she loves my aunts car she also doesn’t want to get stuck with it because she also doesn’t want that car for the long run. She’s only going to buy it because its cheaper and because she’s currently car less. (She isn’t relying on my dads cars) I want her to know that I understand the financial issues and that’s why she is making these decisions but I also want to be included in these decisions that impact me. I’m sorry this is a lot and I understand if you don’t want to deal with this.
hi bub 💓 first of all, i wanna say that you dont have to apologise at all! im always happy to help and give some advice to the best of my abilities!! now, im gonna be putting my answer under the cut because this is a bit longer
i wanna start out by telling you that your feelings are completely valid. youre almost an adult now and obviously want to be included in decisions that affect you, especially such a big one as buying a car. its unfortunate that your mother didnt discuss these matters with you prior!
aside from that, i do think that you should talk to your mother about her wanting to buy a car that, in the end, she will just pass on to you! now, i understand that it must be very difficult to have no car right now, especially if there are also finanical issues, but it doesnt seem very fair to me that you have to be the one to be stuck with the car later either. maybe tell your mother how she wouldnt want to be stuck with the car, why would you want it then? point out that this isnt fair, but also acknowledge what a privilege it is to be getting a car in the first place! stress that you dont want to sound entilted in any way or ignore the financial issues your parents are having, but that you simply want to be able to make decisions of your own! maybe you could talk to your mother about how she could use one of your dad's cars if she really needs one so desperately? or maybe even public transport? how about getting a bike and using that for a while? you could also offer her that youll help her get around when you have your car! maybe then she will be even willing to help you pay for it, or at least see how it is beneficial for you to get your own car.
from your ask ive gathered that youve already talked to your mother about it, right? now im not sure how you approached the subject, but maybe this time when you bring it up again, you could prepare something beforehand that shows her just how serious you are about this! maybe you could come up with a plan, or a powerpoint presentation in which you lay out all of the issues and how you plan on solving them—how will you be getting the money? how much do you have saved up already? how are you going to cover car insurance? how is buying your own car going to be beneficial? etc. i also think you should touch on how you understand that there are financial issues but like youve said, you would like to be included in these types of decisions because they do impact you. not to mention, youre almost an adult too! you should therefore be treated like someone capable of making their own decisions! you should also bring up how much you love the car and present getting it as an investment, something youll be using for years to come, something that will help you later on after graduation to get to uni or your workplace etc.
if youre thorough with your plan/presentation (or whatever else you end up coming up with), your mother will hopefully see that you are completely serious about this!
i hope i could somehow help you bub, and that your mother will see that you are completely serious about this!! wishing you good luck 💕 please know that im cheering on for you here! also i hope your driving lessons go well ✨
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nju001 · 3 years
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The letter to the tempted and tried.
Do you feel that the attack on you’re mind has been stronger lately? Almost as if you are battling with things that you felt you have already dealt with? Or maybe you feel that you are praying for breakthrough in your areas of weakness but cannot seem to overcome them?
 If you are, don’t feel alone, myself and many I speak with right now are facing the exact same thing. 
I believe that often times when God wants to do his deepest growth in you, temptation will rise up and will try to distract you from the work God is trying to do in your heart. You want to read the bible, but then you sit on your phone, you want to do good works, but you do the opposite. 
The spiritual warfare is strategic, when God rises up to fight, the opposition comes on more violently. In true war, when the evil force is being found out, it hides itself in the dark. When God rises up for war, he declares more truth, more honesty, more exposure, and he fights back against deceit and evil. 
Think about how Hitler was trying to hide what was happening in Germany, and meanwhile England was working strongly to break the codes of secrecy and evil that Germany was working so hard to maintain. Hitler was an example of growing evil in the dark, he was deceptive, winning fans, making them think he was for them before he destroyed them. 
This is what evil does, it hides, it hides the agenda, and then it wreaks havoc. 
In times of warfare spiritually, run to God, take refuge in him, let him fight for you, let him teach you how to fight, and get more honest with yourself and others. Run from deceit, and let God expose it. I have had my most incredible breakthroughs by sitting with someone and sharing all the depths of my sin, my brokenness, the stuff I didnt want to be exposed, we prayed, they prayed for me, and it was the very thing I bleive that healed me.To see scripture on this scroll down and read james. 

 In times of testing: walk in the opposite spirit. Are you struggling with something that brings you shame? Eating disorders, porn, alcohol addiction, drugs, envy, jealousy, greed, dishonesty? Walking in the opposite spirit means you do the opposite of what evil is trying to lure you in with, and you bring the goodness of God to the table. Eg If you’re struggling with jealousy of someone, praise God for who they are and pray blessing over them. If you’re struggling with lusting after someone, think of how you could protect that person, ask God what it means to protect all humans made in his image. If you’re struggling with money, ask God for more generosity and give, and ask what it means to be generous as he is generous. 

Talk with God about it honestly, go to a friend, find someone older than you who has experienced breakthrough in this area (whatever it is) and give them the authority to encourage you and challenge you. Get radically honest and war against deceit. 

Are you struggling with materialism? Constantly wanting to buy new things or worrying constantly about money? You can’t take time off work for your family? Give more. Give and pray about how to meet others needs and ask God to show you what it means to believe he is able to take care of you. Are you struggling with your health? Praise God in the midst of your suffering. Encourage others facing the same stuff, pray for healing, and ask others to join you. 

I want to note: This isn’t about you doing all the work, it’s about relying on Christ and what he has done, and believing that his transformative work is strong enough to change you. It is also about asking God his perspective. 
Remember that “Change uses external influences to modify actions, but transformation modifies beliefs so actions become natural and thereby achieve the desired result.” (see references) So religion is really just trying to change yourself, that’s not what were talking about. Transformation is what comes from Jesus, that is what were talking about. Religion wants to change your behaviour, but Jesus wants to transform the way you think and show you how he sees the world.

Every time you face temptation or a trial, take it as an opportunity to pass the test well with praise. Praising God in the storm is far more powerful than when you are on land. This is because you are declaring God is faithful when you don’t see it. 
True trust and faith in someone, is knowing that when you are not with them or you can’t see them, you know what they will do because you know their character. If you can praise God in your storm, this shows that you know that he is good, even if your circumstances are not. If you do not know what God would do, or if he’s good, or if he’s trustworthy, ask him to use this storm to show you who he is.
In Deuteronomy, one of the most important ideas in the book is : remember. Remember what God has done. Remember what he’s capable of. Remember, he’s not done yet. We as humans forget every day. We are like the sheep who can’t find their way without the shepherd. Read the bible, you’ll see it: miracle, forget, fear, miracle, forget, fear and it goes and goes and goes. 
So today I have three words for you:

1. Praise God in the storm and pray. Make time to pray and praise a lot, its your way of fighting back.

2. Remember what he has done.

3. Walk in the opposite spirit of whatever it is you are facing, and get people involved. Don’t do it alone. 

James 1:2-17 
Testing of Your Faith
 2 Count it all joy, my brothers,[b] when you meet trials of various kinds, 3 for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. 4 And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. 5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. 6 But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind. 7 For that person must not suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; 8 he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways. 9 Let the lowly brother boast in his exaltation, 10 and the rich in his humiliation, because like a flower of the grass[c] he will pass away. 11 For the sun rises with its scorching heat and withers the grass; its flower falls, and its beauty perishes. So also will the rich man fade away in the midst of his pursuits. 12 Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.13 Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God,” for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one. 14 But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire.15 Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death. 16 Do not be deceived, my beloved brothers. 17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.[d] 18 Of his own will he brought us forth by the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures.
James 5:16 English Standard Version

16 Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.[a] 

Daniel 2:16-19 English Standard Version 
And Daniel went in and requested the king to appoint him a time, that he might show the interpretation to the king. God Reveals Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream 17 Then Daniel went to his house and made the matter known to Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, his companions, 18 and told them to seek mercy from the God of heaven concerning this mystery, so that Daniel and his companions might not be destroyed with the rest of the wise men of Babylon. 19 Then the mystery was revealed to Daniel in a vision of the night. Then Daniel blessed the God of heaven.
Daniel’s Prayer 9
In the first year of Darius son of Xerxes[a] (a Mede by descent), who was made ruler over the Babylonian[b] kingdom— 2 in the first year of his reign, I, Daniel, understood from the Scriptures, according to the word of the Lord given to Jeremiah the prophet, that the desolation of Jerusalem would last seventy years. 3 So I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with him in prayer and petition, in fasting, and in sackcloth and ashes. 4 I prayed to the Lord my God and confessed: “Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and keep his commandments, 5 we have sinned and done wrong. We have been wicked and have rebelled; we have turned away from your commands and laws. 6 We have not listened to your servants the prophets, who spoke in your name to our kings, our princes and our ancestors, and to all the people of the land. 7 “Lord, you are righteous, but this day we are covered with shame—the people of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem and all Israel, both near and far, in all the countries where you have scattered us because of our unfaithfulness to you. 8 We and our kings, our princes and our ancestors are covered with shame, Lord, because we have sinned against you. 9 The Lord our God is merciful and forgiving, even though we have rebelled against him; 10 we have not obeyed the Lord our God or kept the laws he gave us through his servants the prophets. 11 All Israel has transgressed your law and turned away, refusing to obey you. “Therefore the curses and sworn judgments written in the Law of Moses, the servant of God, have been poured out on us, because we have sinned against you. 12 You have fulfilled the words spoken against us and against our rulers by bringing on us great disaster. Under the whole heaven nothing has ever been done like what has been done to Jerusalem. 13 Just as it is written in the Law of Moses, all this disaster has come on us, yet we have not sought the favor of the Lord our God by turning from our sins and giving attention to your truth. 14 The Lord did not hesitate to bring the disaster on us, for the Lord our God is righteous in everything he does; yet we have not obeyed him. 15 “Now, Lord our God, who brought your people out of Egypt with a mighty hand and who made for yourself a name that endures to this day, we have sinned, we have done wrong. 16 Lord, in keeping with all your righteous acts, turn away your anger and your wrath from Jerusalem, your city, your holy hill. Our sins and the iniquities of our ancestors have made Jerusalem and your people an object of scorn to all those around us. 17 “Now, our God, hear the prayers and petitions of your servant. For your sake, Lord, look with favor on your desolate sanctuary. 18 Give ear, our God, and hear; open your eyes and see the desolation of the city that bears your Name. We do not make requests of you because we are righteous, but because of your great mercy. 19 Lord, listen! Lord, forgive! Lord, hear and act! For your sake, my God, do not delay, because your city and your people bear your Name.” 
 Quote from: https://rocknchange.com/change-vs-transformation/
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It was three days after it that another soft knock came at the door. Unknown was asleep on Lilas lap, so she quietly called out for them to come in.
She expected it to be Spicy, but she didnt expect to see the bags under her eyes, which always seemed to be there, much darker. Her skin much paler than normal, and her eyes seemed to be red and puffy, as if she just finished crying.
She could see bandages poking out from her sleeves and the neck of her turtle neck.
Spicy looked at Unknown, before sighing softly. "I came to apologize, but I'll do it later. Sorry for bothering you." She whispered, already turning and leaving.
"Wait. What do you want to apologize for?" Lila whispered back, knowing that if she was the one who told Unknown, it might go better than if Spicy did.
The look Spicy gave her when she said that screamed 'Are you fucking serious?'
Spicy dropped her gaze to the floor, and Lila saw how tired, how exhausted she looked.
"For everything. For comparing him to that monster, for avoiding him, for making things more difficult for him than they already were, for making him have to babysit me? A lot of things." Spicy could feel the tears pricking her eyes, and was glad that her long bangs covered her eyes for once.
"... I don't expect him to forgive me. I most likely wouldn't. I... I just don't want him to hate me." I don't want to be abandoned again. Her voice was small, hands slightly trembling as the claw marks on her arms and neck started to throb in pain again.
Spicy blinked the tears out of her eyes as she reached into her jacket pocket, pulling out two cloud pendants, one with lily of the valley painted on it, and the other with lilac. On the inside of them, a picture. The fact that Spicy wasn't in them didn't mean anything.
Handing them to Lila, before backing away towards the door to leave, Spicy froze at what Lila said.
"I think... I think he'll forgive you, even if he doesn't say it."
One beat if silence, two. Then
"... I don't deserve to be forgiven after saying something like that."
The soft click of the door closing was heard as Mint eyes stared at it.
What bothered Lila the most was that she knew Spicy believed it.
Her outstretched hand fell flat at her side the minute that the door opened. She frowned and looked back at the white-haired man that had taken space in her bubble by falling against her form not long ago, and then shifting to something that Spicy had clearly worked hard on. 
They were just kids, and that was the thing that she was the most upset about. She didn’t know a lot about what he had gone through thanks to that wicked woman that had threatened her life on two occasions already. 
But, if it had been bad enough to make him seethe and see red? Then she could only imagine what those other two were dealing with. It reminded her of the way that her own sister had used to try to redirect pain and misfortunate from their parents by stepping in and claiming the attention shift to her as the favorite of the family. 
She knew that feeling, she knew it very well. Her heart was breaking for every single person trapped in this place. It wasn’t fair and it wasn’t right. She may not have come here willingly but it was obvious that the real monster here was the one disconnecting everyone and using them like pawns when they people who barely held on. 
“Your pain runs deep,” she said, the fingers on her free hand smoothing down his messy locks. “But, don’t you think that their pain runs just as deep? How did you feel when you were brought here?” 
Mint eyes were open, he had been awake the entire time. “...I don’t remember all of those days,” the exhaustion in his voice was clear. He was often more honest whenever he was bleary-eyed and off the elixir, and she could hear some kind of sincerity in his voice. 
“Do you know what it’s like to want grown-ups to be proud of you? Or, what it feels like to want to know that the person that’s supposed to be looking out for you to care?”  
Lila clasped at his hand and set the trinket within his fingers. He stared down at it and the familiar flower as if it were taunting him. He remembered this, and he remembered how it made... no, not him, someone else, feel like there was light in this world and he was crushed for it. Why had he been crushed? Because he hadn’t been strong. 
Unknown was slowly spiraling more and more as he discovered what it felt like t be in charge of someone vulnerable, and while he didn’t know how to be a kind or caring person, his rough regard and warning... his games, his taunts, they all bleed into his anger and passion. His warnings were laced with double meaning but it wasn’t his fault those brats were sensitive. 
It hadn’t been Ray’s fault, either, had it? 
He grits his teeth as that memory came and faded into the darkness. 
“Forgive me, but I think they both really care about you,” she mumbled. “I think they want your acknowledgment. Not an apology, but... maybe you could tell them that you’re trying to...” 
“I’m not looking out for anyone,” was his blunt response. His fingers still clutched onto the charm like a lifeline. The hasty and sputtered apology from Bree written in her hand was one thing. He hadn’t thought she’d go that far, but he’d already given her a second chance. He didn’t apologize. 
He let you live and he let you know that you had another shot. 
The same thing, he figured. 
“Didn’t you lie about the... the elixir for me?” 
“That’s— That’s different,” he said, bluntly. He was quick to look into her eyes with a warning. “I’m not going to waste elixir on my assistant. You already need me for everything and you already do everything I tell you to do. I don’t need you out of your mind all the time. I want you to have clarity when I win.” 
Lila breathed in, deeply. She knew that there was no winning with him, but at the same time, she knew that he was... trying? His venom wasn’t as strong as it had been before. “She’s supposed to help us... help you achieve your goal, and as far as I can tell, she thinks the world of someone like you. So, can you... show her that you appreciate that?” 
“What do you take me for? You think I want to play house, princess? We don’t have time to play pretend.” 
“No, no— No, that’s not what I meant. I meant... couldn’t you just give her a hug or something? She was on the brink of tears because she regrets saying what she said to you. You know what it must feel like to say things out of anger and not mean them,” she hurriedly said. “I mean... they’re just kids. Don’t you know what that feels like?” 
A heavy chuckle escaped his lips. It was more bitter than anything. “You really have a warped perspective of the world if you have faith in monsters, silly little fool. You think the demon is going to play nice?” 
“Even demons are capable of kindness if I want to believe in them,” the words hung on the air. “You need her for your goals. She believes in you just as I’ve decided to believe in you. So, don’t you think you should offer them what you’ve shared with me?” 
“...Just think about it.” 
Those words would compel him to hunt them down. 
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snkpolls · 4 years
Snk Chapter 129 Poll Results
The chapter poll closed with 1387 responses. This month’s poll results were brought to you by /u/staraves, Crunchwrap, @momtaku, _Puppet_, @shifter-lines and Luna
Thank you to everyone for your support!
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Satisfaction was up this month with 41% rating this chapter a 5. That’s a 10% increase over last month! Overall 84% rated chapter 129 as good (4) or great (5).
A really great chapter. The jeagerist are getting sliced because they are scared for their family while the alliance know that they need to prevent mass genocide. There are no villain in this (apart from Floch) just victims.
After the sluggish post-rumbling chapters, I'm glad we're picking up the pace and getting things done now!
Loved the character interactions, had good plot advancement and some beautiful panels! Best chapter this year 😁😁
So fucking good. Highlighted that violence isn’t unique to the warriors, and that the 104th squad have a capability for violence within them as well.
The chapter was definitely not worth the long ass wait
A really good action chapter! Lots of intense moments that were also complimented quite well with poetic moments that felt great payoffs for many of the characters
The chapters have been so forgettable lately and this was no different. I wanted better for Shadis and this suicide pact was not it.
So many critical character bonding moments! I love it!
The best chapter since 123, I expect something big will happen in Chapter 130 because it is the last of the volume.
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It was no surprise to us that more than 40% of the fandom selected one of the Keith Shadis options as their favorite moment with “The Rise and Fall of the S.S Shadath” (22.6%) and “SHADIS THE CHADIS” (20.5%) nabbing the top two spots. The kiddos managed 3rd and 4th place with “Falco’s transformation” (12.2%) and “Gabi sniping Floch” (10.5%).
Seeing Shadis and Magath sacrificing for a greater good was the best part of this chapter.
Loved the floch speeches
It was nice to see the Yeagerists finally get decimated.
I always wanted to see interaction between Shadis and Magath. Late is better than never.
Action packed !
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Give it up for Shadis the Motherfucking Chadis! Keith Shadis was our overwhelming choice for chapter MVP with an even 50% the fandom selecting him. Magath (20.5%), Floch (7.2%) Falco (6.7%) and Gabi (6%) followed at a huge distance.
Why can't I vote for Magath *AND* Shadis for MPVs of the chapter??? It is cruel that you make me choose.
Shadis and Magath, the true MVPs of this chapter. (Gabi still sucks)
Gabi MVP for giving Flock another win to the prize: "Big Oof of the month"
Floch was the true MVP this chapter and I'm sure he's still alive.
Magath and Shadis MVP
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To the write-in below, I hear you. The pollsters  (*glares of staraves*)  were cruel this month in forcing this choice and deleting the “All of the Above” option. But when forced to choose, it was the mutual appreciation between the two men in their final moments that was our very favorite.
holy shit what a chad
his suicide is overrated.
I was so touched that he watched his students and knew what he needed to do to help them.
Shadis' end is amazing. He came from "i'm not special" to "one of the heroes who saved the world". It's great development, confirming the rhetoric "everyone is special".
Definitely one of the most underrated character, though I'm happy seeing him getting a lot recognition on the sub. His dialogue with Carla about Eren needing to be special or not has to be one of my favorite part of SNK.
Dislike him. He sees how his recruits were forced to become Jaegerists yet slices and blows them up as if it was nothing.
He always thought of himself as a bystander but in reality he shaped and trained all the 104th kids. If they manage to save the world, it will be hugely thanks to his training.
Keith Shadis is a prime example of Isayama's dedicated effort to give meaningful characterisation to every character and tie it into the story's core themes.
He was a bittersweet hero. Definitely not just a bystander.
He was a fucking legend
I loved it. Every part of it. The fact that he always considered himself to be a bystander only to die a hero in the end was such a good arc, and believable. I'm gonna miss the Chadis. F.
I relate (not to the heroic suicide part, just the bystander stuff)
I respect him
I still can't really get why he did this tbh
He was far from perfect, which made him one of the most relatable characters in the series - so sad to see him go 😓😓
He was my favorite minor character
He was truly worthy of being called a hero at the end along with Magath. They died so their kids could live and save the world!
Him wearing his scout uniform once more going on a death mission was a touching detail
his death was absolutely beautiful, he was sure enough of himself to not need "being a hero" as his motivation and his final act of sacrifice made such a difference after all. Beautiful character arc here, I wasn't very bummed out when I first read the chapter but the more I think about it the more I grieve for him.
Honestly the train thing felt like a bit of an ass pull. I know a lot of people like having old characters back but he mostly just felt like a plot device.
I didn't like his latest development.
A bystander who became a traitor
I just didn't like the fact that he was paralleled with Magath. The only thing those two have in common is the fact that they are instructors, and Isayama milked that. Sure Shadis wasn't an angel, but at the very least he wasn't a fascist that was responsible for the Genocide that kick started this story.
I feel bad to Hange and the others didn't know that he was the one who blowing up the train to help them and the fact that he was with Magath.
I grew to like and appreciate Shadis, so this weird train explosion story and immediate suicide pact with Magath felt incredibly underwhelming, to say the least. So, he lived as a bystander and died as one thanks to no one else besides Magath knowing he was there? Cool stuff.
i guess i didnt expect such a death after he let himself get beat up for the sake of others, gonna miss him and maggath, i guess this simbolizes that the warriors and "stop" eren group is officially in charge
I hate how Shadis told the kids to join the Jaegerists for their own sake but then he turns on them.
I was ready for a long time to lose him, but it hurts nonetheless. Keith has always been the one who had a clear mind about his dream, his cause... Much more than Grisha or Eren, even when thinking that he had lost. He was a great icon in the series and he deserved his students' appreciation.
I hate that Isayama is just killing off the old guard like this 😞. Shadis genuinely cared about his students and he will be missed.
I hope he and Sasha share a potato in Heaven.
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Awwwww… Magath’s wish for the warrior kids to have a happy life was the moment that most touched our hearts with just over 50% of the fandom selecting it. His decision to stay behind (18.4%) and the mutual appreciation between him and Shadis (16.4%) round out the top three selections.
I didn’t think he was going to die... it made me sad.
I thought his character would have more to do given his role as the military commander and political "moderate". Also, should have got shot so Shadis had a pressing reason to stay back and defend him while Magath set off the explosion.
RIP Shadis. Magath, you deserved what you got, you nazi bastard
I found his character to be very compelling. He has already shown many instances of caring for the Warriors and the cadets during the Liberio Attack, but to see him gradually becoming conscious of that and completely changing his mindset was incredibly satisfying. A character I greatly enjoyed to see overall!
First I didn't like him that much. But this chapter make me like him more and more and then, he died. Thanks for making me suffer isym.
Followed the orders of his country, but couldn't bear the shame of his actions. Committed sudoku as a result. Deserves some respect as a true warrior and a patriot.
He really grew on me despite being such an unlikable character not too long ago, and it's sad to see him go. I'm glad to see the development he got recently.
He really grew on me without ever noticing it. I was actually sad about his death, and left with many questions.
He says he never wanted to do what he did but he had to follow the orders. This doesn't take away his responsibility at all, and it's not even completely true: he actively planned with Willy the latest invasion of Paradis.
He was a good man glad he went out with the Chad
He was a good man in the end: he realised he was in the wrong, swallowed his Marleyan pride and showed a sincere and humble side of him to the alliance. Then he tried to compensate for his previous wrong deeds by sacrificing his life and making himself useful to his allies one last time. I can really appreciate and respect that. And if you look at that panel of Gabi and Pieck looking like the most hurt at that exploded ship, then I think that means they too must've known that he was one of the better Marleyans.
He was a good man placed in a pretty awful situation. He and the kids would have been very happy in another world.
Him and hange are a great ship
He was alright
Dood's journey from literal Nazi racist to self-sacrifcing father of two was actually pretty heartwarming?
He was an imperfect commander in an imperfect world, but he still showed that he was just as human as his warriors.
he was annoying and cool.
I didn't care for him initially, and in ONE FUCKING CHAPTER, becomes a hero. Goddamn, fam.
It was awesome to see how far he came in such a short time and made it, at least for me, from a despicable character to a decent one with a human heart. Loved it how he protected his Warrior kids, how he went and helped Falco and his final wish kind of felt for me as if he was finally, in the last moments of his life, honest with himself and what he actually wanted and wishes for.
I  just really wish he had the time to say something of his wishes to the warriors.
I agree with the point that his mutual appreciation with Shadis is very important and beautiful sign of new era in eldian and marlian common history
I always wanted to see interaction between Shadis and Magath. Late is better than never.
I came to love and appreciate his character more than I ever thought.
I can't bring myself to hate him anymore. F for our MAGOAT
I did not like Magath and now I feel guilty about it because of the immediate rapport he had with Shadis.
Imagine thinking Magath is suddenly a good person because he sacrificed himself.
Isayama always tries to humanize his characters. I don't like Magath. He's a guy who stayed in the same path of sacrificing children while insulting them for their filthy blood for years despite questioning it (also the path of genocide). That's his legacy. It took him the apocalypse to actually reconsider. But I like how he died for the kids he cared for, I was hoping for exactly that. It makes "caring" substantial, at least/last.
killed hundreds of thousands of people
Looks like my old step-father, so I wasn't sad to see him go boom boom. lol
Madlad Magath
Magath has been an underrated character and gets too much hate
Magath hugging Gabi is peak Magath.
Great to see how the one person arguably most responsible for early problems in the series such as the wall breaches, was even able to admit his wrongs, atone, and do the right thing along with those he once attacked.
Him realising his errors and apologising was an outstanding character development moment. In the end, he did what he had to. Respects.
His acquired understanding of the Eldian's dilemma felt a little rushed, but nothing too bothersome. I wasn't a fan of him at first and he's still not my favorite, but his meeting with Shadis was still pretty cool to see.
Would have liked to know his backstory.
What are you doing Yeager???
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Close to 70% of the fandom trusts that this detour to Odiha will be something worthwhile with 33.9% excited to see more of the SnK world and 34.3% thinking there is going to be plot significance. Only 12.5% of us were unhappy with this development.
The boat trip was unexpected. Maybe they'll talk about who they've lost and risk losing (in Liberio), as well as what they're fighting for (is it the world or their families?).
I’m having trouble figuring how fast this Rumbling will be. Will they really have enough time to sail to another country/continent, then fly all the way to another country/continent and still be able to save most of the world?
I don’t like the idea of going to Odihu. I want to hit the main points (Eren’s POV, scars wrapping, Historia’s POV) & be done.
Only few chapters left but the Alliance faces more and more delays?
I want Gabi to headshot DinoEren from Odiha
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We were reminded again this chapter of the speed at which the titans are travelling and how quickly they could decimate the continent of Marley.  When and if the Alliance reach the mainland, more than half of respondents (56.7%) believe Liberio will be in the midst of being destroyed, nearly a third of the fandom (31%) think Liberio will be completely destroyed by the time the Alliance arrives. A tiny (tiny!) group of fandom optimists (7.8%) believe Liberio will be fine.
It depends on what Erens plan actually is... I'm holding out hope he's not actually trying to annihilate the world 🤞
It LOOKS like it's completely destroyed, but there are still survivors!
It will be mostly destroyed, but some Eldians will have risen up and escaped
The colossal titans will have trampled everything BUT Liberio. Eren wants to get the mainland Eldians on his side.
We'll see the people from Liberio arriving to Odiha. We saw the rebellion starting there, and I have the feeling they'll be fleeing south.
Eren will do some cool shit but hopefully no genocide I would hate that ending
i dont think rumbling will happen. from a story telling pov it just doesnt make sense
They'll be fine for the sole reason I just can't see Annie's Dad dying before their reunion.
About to be trampled
I find it curious how we don't even get to see a glimpse of the Rumbling happening. Isayama is usually so good at "show, don't tell", yet the last 2 chapters have just been Hange estimating the progress of the Rumbling. I wonder if Isayama has a plan for that?
The alliance won’t arrive Liberio because by the time they arrived Odiha, the Colossal Titans will have already destroyed northern part of Marley and approaching Odiha, the place where the Alliance and Eren will fight.
I'm really not sure. On one hand I can trust Hanji's geographical expertise, on the other hand, where can the final battle take place, other from a symbolic place?
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If Annie has to choose between the alliance and her father, the majority believe she’ll choose her dad. When asked how she’ll react if she learns Liberio is doomed, 51.4% believe at some point Annie will abandon the alliance to search for her father, 20.7% believe she will continue to help the alliance and 9.2% feel that her frustrations will boil over and she’ll take out her frustrations on the people she is travelling with.
god at least let Annie reunite with her dad
I’m hoping that Papa Leonhart lasts long enough to see Annie, and that’s all.
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After years of Reiner suffering abuse at Annie’s hand, she’s finally willing to let the Paradisians take care of the daily whack-a-Reiner session. And the overwhelming majority of you seem to appreciate this character development.
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The teamup of the Armored Titan and the Female Titan was a highlight of this chapter, leading to many great moments, with Reiner protecting Annie as the voted favorite (44.1%). Coming in second was both of them being saved by Connie (26.1%), and the two Titans protecting the Azumabito snagged third place (11.1%).
Loved how Reiner protected Annie.
love how connie looks cool
i legit was afraid that the asian lady was gonna die while reiner and annie protected them, that was well drawn/written
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Many in the fandom have pointed out potential similarities between the characters of Floch and Erwin, but whether they are valid similarities and what exactly is the textual purpose of them is hotly debated. The majority of respondents believe that one way or another, the parallels cast doubt on any similarities between the two, with almost half (44.6%) pointing to Floch’s bastardisation of Erwin and 23.7% believing that he is trying to imitate the former commander, but that there is no message behind it. A quarter of respondents (25%) believe that the parallels are indeed drawing similarities between the two characters, and 6.7% of you aren’t too convinced the parallels even exist.
Erwin seriously impacted floch but thats about it I dont think he is conciously stealing he is just using the words that made him march to hell and back.
Erwin was way more than "sasageyo" line and his lost army the comparison between him and Flock is lame.
Floch and Erwin are complete opposites are we even reading the same manga??
Erwin was fighting for HUMANITY. Floch has information that Erwin never knew and is fighting for the renewal of the Eldian Empire.  I don't think it is reasonable to compare them in parallel based on this logic.
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Falco’s Titan makes its debut! It sure is something to behold – I guess Falco’s always wanted to fly. Wonder if he can now? The popular opinion at 46.6% is that he’s a weird looking guy but that we’ll probably grow to love his design. 33.6% already love it! 16.2% of you don’t know what the hell this thing is supposed to be right now, and a few of you were just scared. That must mean it’s doing its job! Little Falco may have lost control but his transformation helped turn the tide of battle, now that’s a real feather in his cap.
Love Falco’s Titan
We finally have Xenomorphs in AOT
Falco's titan is weird but unique.
Titan Falco’s mouth has a mouth. Wtf
his titans face made me annoyed. and the fur too.
Wait, did Falco just shift into a rooster? Just kidding, I love it. It's the only saving grace in this chapter. I hope it has a deeper meaning, too, other than just looking cool and being an element of surprise.
Unpopular opinion but Falcos jaws is overdesigned
Falco’s Jaw Titan, can’t wait for it to be animated
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This titan has more forms than a Dragon Ball character.  The Galliard brothers' forms were incredibly similar and the others weren’t far off base.  But Falco’s looks to be on a whole new level, why could this be?  The most popular view is that Isayama’s just flexing his creative muscles, and about a third of respondents think it’s Falco’s animal characteristics coming out.
He likes birds
A bit of Zeke’s spinal fluid and Yams being punny.
All of the above, and also because we've been hinted about a flying titan, which is obviously going to be this bird.
Falco always wanted to fly away like a bird
I think it’s because of Zeke but I’m also wondering if Jaw titans are more beastial than other titans in general
He say bird be free and now he bird uwu
does Zeke even know that Falco is the Jaw Titan?
Falco name, but also a Berserk reference
It matches Falcos true bird-like character and fighting for freedom
Funny how it was speculated Falco getting the Beast Titan and turning into an eagle titan, and now his Jaw Titan looks like a Birdman.
PATHS has subconsciously made falco's fursona a reality.
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Hopping across the battlefield and from Shifter to Shifter, the Jaw Titan has come in the most forms out of all of the Nine Titans, but which one is the most popular? To probably no one’s surprise, Porco’s glorious lion-like form which made its debut in one of the most majestic Titan panels known to man took the top spot (69.5%). The hype of the recent chapter was enough to propel Falco’s bird-like form into second place (15.2%), with the presumably original Jaw Titan revealed in Ymir’s backstory coming in third (7.6%), narrowly followed by the OG (but technically not the actual OG) Ymir’s Jaw, and finally with the winner’s older brother coming in last (1.2%). Cheer up Marcel, you’ll probably get another flashback for your death soon.
The Jaw titan was one of my favourite designs but it's only now I'm realising it's definitely Porco's Jaw that was what I liked. Falco's might grow on me yet.
Why do Jaw titans have inner teeth the way they are? Shouldn't their purpose be the outer jaw/jaw muscles to crush?
I thought Falco's jaw titan was really badass and cool
All the Jaw Titans are actually great but I *had* to choose my girl Ymir's titan. Terrifying yet cuddly, and a lesbian disaster to boot. We stan <3
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This year’s chapters have caused many to realise that Gabi and Floch are two characters who just won’t stop shooting people, whether they be titans, prisoners, engineers or flying bird nests, so we decided to put the two head to head, once and for all deciding whose gun is getting confiscated. While it was close, the majority have decided that Floch is the one who needs his favorite toy taken away (58.6%) and not Gabi (41.4%).
Floch, I hate you >:( you are a bad person
Fuck Gabi, Floch is amazing.
Floch's failures make me laugh.
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This was one of our closer results this month but since it was a Gabi-centric question that is unsurprising. While previous polls have indicated hopes that Jean would be the one to take down Floch, it was Gabi this chapter who landed the first shot and the majority of respondents  (30.8%) were delighted with that. The next largest percentage (27.7%) didn’t care who the shooter was, they just want Floch dead.  The third most popular choice (23.1%) expressed disappointment that it wasn’t Jean. On the other end of the spectrum, 10.8% wish for Floch to live forever and 7.5% wanted it to be anyone besides Gabi.
Can't  believe Gabi did it again. Shot a Yeager and now the main Yeagerist, lol.
I wanted Jean to kill off Floch forreal, but I am happy with what we've got.
Gabi baby i'm so proud i never hated u lmao.
I'm sad for a bit because I expected huge hairbowl chapter. Hope it will be in the next chapter, Jean vs Floch dialogues are always interesting.
Floch deserved something worse than having the hope of saving the day stripped from him before getting shot by Gabi. I'm not mad that Gabi got the honour to shoot Floch, but I wanted it to be someone more satisfying.
Too many MVPs this chapter, but ultimately Gabs got my vote caused I cheered when I saw it was her who shot fucking Floch. Go Gabi!
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It’s been a popular view for a while now that Floch will die soon, and in this chapter he gave his final stand at the harbor.  Only 8.2% think it actually resulted in his death, with the most popular view being that he swam to the boat and clung on to cause even more mischief. A final final stand, if you will.
Floch is on/in the plane right now. He will ambush them soon.
I wish floch is confirmed dead
Floch should live
Floch will have a role in the coming chapters
Floch seemed really pathetic this chapter, but next chapter I feel he's going to kill at least one person, maybe a few, so that's scary.
It’s kind of dumb that we are conditioned to expect that Floch is still alive
I don't see the point of Floch killing someone next chapter when it could've been done in this one (with more weight to the battle) so I have no idea what's his role now.
I expect Floch to stay on the island and die there, with the Yeagerist movement coming to an end. Shadis left some of his students these wise words of when to fight back, and the time is nigh.
If Floch is still alive and he's on the alliance ship, then someone (who isn't a Titan shifter or an Ackerman) is going to die in the next chapter.
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Former friends as well as foes helping each other stumble off the battlefield makes for a great and emotional panel.  Just over half of you were most happy with Mikasa and Annie front and center (52.2%) after being famous rivals.  Reiner’s bros helping him was also very popular (31.2%).
MIKAANI RIGHTS!!1!11!1! - hajime isayama, 2020
mikasa helping annie was cool because they have like the biggest rivalry against each other so it's cool to see them help each other
I loved seeing all the characters backing each other up.
I'm not sure why the poll makers are pointing the group panel as something positive. Don't you know these people tried to kill each other just last week in their world?
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Let’s pour one out for CHADIS and MAGOAT, may they rest in PATHS. The duo’s sacrifice came out of nowhere but didn’t hurt any less, and 53.9% of you thought it was a fitting conclusion for both. 14.6% were just happy that they got to meet at all, fleeting as it was. 9.6% thought it was a great ending for Magath but were despondent over Shadis’ fate, and 9.2% vice versa. 8.6% thought the sudden loss of both was completely unnecessary. In any case, the star-crossed bromance was too explosive to last – may they continue to yell at Jaegers from the great beyond.
*ugly cries for Shadis and Magath*
I’m happy they were able to meet and I like the dynamic and parallels between them. They met a sad end but just like Porco they got to go out on their own terms. They’ll be greatly missed and appreciated.
Loved how both he and Shadis went out in a blaze of glory while reflecting on how proud they were of their students. Especially Magath realizing he wished for them to live normal lives.
That was a curveball I didn't expect at all and I was in denial when I read it and a few minutes afterwards. I was so hoping both of them would get to continue helping their protegees out with experience and all that. But I'm glad they got to meet. It felt like both of them needed that.
I would have preferred them to blow up the ship without them in it and then deciding to have a Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid kind of ending, but utlimately, it works. They were dead either way, sinking that ship was gonna take more than a few thunder spears, they needed to ensure the Yeagerists couldn't catch up, and so, it works.
if either of them were injured and needed help to set up the explosion/defend the one setting it up, this would make a better sacrifice for both.
Shagath would've brought world peace. That's why they had to go
I understand the sacrifice and that maybe no one else had the guts to do the same, but Magath is such a capable leader and it feels like he perhaps wasted himself at the end there a little?
Both characters went out in a blaze of glory, Shadis helped derail the reinforcements and Magath was able to get Falco to safety before he did too much damage. Shadis saw this as a way to repay the debt of all those he lost while he was commander of the survey corp and Magath saw this as his way of sacrifice for what he has done to every Warrior.
It was satisfying to see Shadis do this, but I think Magath's change of heart happened too quickly for it to be satisfying for him
It wasn't a great ending and Chadis didn't have to die there
It wasn't necessary but not a bad ending for them.
It's Beyond the Wall from Game of Thrones again. Let's have a character absent for some time jump in, save the alliance by blowing up a train and die immediately. I hated that episode and I have mixed feelings about noone getting shot and having Shadis sacrificing himself.
It's certainly a meaningful way to die, but I regret all old characters are dying. If none of them will remain then who will lend their experience to new generations? IDK what is the message here, but surely resolutions for old characters are way more satisfying than for 104th and some other newer members of the cast (with exception of the children, they're handled the best).
It’s a good and sad conclusion for both, but I feel like we still need Magath cause he is the only Marlayan that is working with Eldians
It’s an ending on par with Erwin’s. They sacrificed themselves so the next generation can live to give their lives meaning, and to repay for the mountain of bodies they left behind. I hope the Kings shall meet in the afterlife
Kinda cheesy imo and also kind of rushing the end for shadis I feel
Like I said above, the sacrifice was rushed. It's a potentially great sendoff for both characters which is lessened by the breakneck pace the series is going.
sorry but it was really cheese, i hated the fact that shadis told the reclutes to join the jaegaergist but then he killed them on train
Not that fitting for Shadis but Isayama is definitely aiming for all the leaders alive here
Magath is probably one of the only people who could have been able to bring some sort of cooperation between Eldia and Marley, but I was satisfied with his sacrifice and how they met, its like they both gave closure to each others arcane
I like Shadis and didn’t care for Magarth yet I was still wondering why. I get it’s a shounen-esque story but even in Naruto the older generations played a role. Here they’re only good for sacrificing themselves (Pieck could have done it and survived the explosion)
I haven't finished a chapter in SnK in a long while that made me FEEL as much as this one did. And it's all thanks to the duo of Magath and Shadis. Honestly even though I can say I was never the biggest Magath fan, he really started to grow on me in the past 3 chapters. I never thought I would actually feel the burden of his sacrifice in my chest. He has my respect. I'll really miss him.
Keith and Magath are feasting together in Valhalla now.
Magath’s death wasn’t just emotional, but could have a big impact on the ending.  Respondents were pretty split on this question, but the most popular view was that Paradis will still pull through and find a path to peace.  The next most popular view at about 30% is that Paradis never had a chance even with Magath.  18.5% think Paradis’ hopes for peace did indeed blow up along with Magath.
Fuck who is gonna vouch for the PARÁDISIans now?1
Would’ve liked to see him survive to become a Paradis advocate
Magath was the most important person in Marley and the only person who could help to make some kind of peace between Paradis and the world. And now he just... decided to commit sacrifical suicide? C'mon!!! He was too important. Now I don't keep big hopes for peaceful ending anymore.
Who tf is going to reason with Marley nowthat Magath is gone. Paradis is even more fucked, not that they had any chance of having diplomatic relations with the world before....
I say that without Magath diplomacy is doomed, but they will probably use the Kiyomi card and Onyonkopon card along with the "humans for the rights of eldians showed some ch ago" card
With him dead, it seems that Paradis doesn't have anyone with sufficient standing throughout the rest of the world to prevent them from wiping out Paradis for sufficient time
He screwed up, he needed to stay alive to spare Paradis if the Alliance won, the honorary marleyns can't do that.
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It wouldn’t be shounen without inspiring quotes, and we don’t have a shortage of them this chapter! A strong majority of you, clocking in at 42.6%, thought General Magath’s line about wishing “those kids could’ve lived a normal life” was most inspiring. Almost exactly tied (though the percentages might be deceiving, red has one less vote than blue), are Floch’s line about the fate of Paradis if Eren is stopped, and the Jean/Mikasa duo-quote about hesitation. Trailing a few points behind is Shadis’ “I’m proud of you” moment, and in last place was Floch’s “Eldia will be saved by me!”.
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With a big battle going on, did the appropriate amount of characters survive?  The vast majority (46%) don’t care about numbers alive as long as the battle is well written.  22% believe the alliance does have too much plot armor, and 15.3% retort with the idea that everyone has plot armor.  About 10% think Floch should have died by now and has taken all the plot armor.  7% don’t think anyone has plot armor, it’s a cruel cruel world indeed.
Feel like most of the plot armour people are feeling about this chapter is simply because none of the soldiers are taught how to wield the gun 3DM gear.
Too much unnecessary plot armor for the alliance .
The plot armor was beyond stupid with the Yeagerists turning into Stormtroopers
the plot armor is to thicc in this chapter,at least some of Kiyomi's men should have died.
Here are the top 5 descriptions of the chapter chosen by you, the fandom. You can find the average score for the groups between brackets. The average score for the chapter this month was 4.21 for comparison.
Amazing [4.84]
Great [4.62]
Awesome [4.67]
Epic [4.81]
Intense (shared 4th place) [4.5]
Honorable mention: Chadis
Also shout-out to the folks who were compiling a recipe. Seems to be lacking some carbs though. What cookbook were you guys reading this month?
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We’ve known for a while that we’re in the final arc, but now we have confirmation we’re really reallyyyyyyy close to the end.  About 42% of readers expected it to end right about then anyways, while 28.8% think it’ll end up going longer, as Isayama’s extended past his percentages in the past.  19.4% are worried how the story will be wrapped up in that time.
A little worried, but I trust in Isayama.
AOT has been in my life since 2013 and is pretty much the last bit of my childhood still going. Of course I'm sad it's ending, but I'd rather it end than go on forever like the walking dead and so on.
As long as the ending is written well it doesn’t matter to me
Since I'm extremely new to SnK, I can't say anything about Isayama's writing habits and all that, but speaking as a fellow writer, I could see that he might underestimate the story that's left, though not by much. I'm also kind of worried that it might be a bit too soon but then again, SnK always has long chapters, so it might work out just fine.
The truth is sad to know that it is over, since I took a lot of love, but I know that the end will be amazing
I just want him to stick the landing, the amount of chapters left is not important.
I need Isayama to make more chapters so we can keep getting Podcast episodes of You Hear Big Girls
I can't believe how close we are to the end. I just know it's gonna get crazier from here on.
I expected this, but the closer we get the more clear it is that he needs to take more time to properly resolve arcs than he seems to want to.
I feel like we're gonna get a rushed ending and loose ends either ignored or tied up as throwaways
I feel that the story is going to end in an abrupt yet succinct way.
I have faith in Isayama no matter what he plans to do with the story.
But WHERE does Historia fit into that 5%
honestly a little more than expected
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Absolutely dominating this question is the desire to see Eren’s POV (as usual), with 40.9% of the vote. Trailing quite behind at just under 16% is Historia, then.. uh. death and destruction, apparently. After that it gets pretty close, with Floch’s last stand trailing less than half a percentage point behind Zeke (who trails behind death and destruction). After Floch’s last stand, we have the desire to see an epic, carefree adventure on the ocean, followed lastly by Hizuru’s base.
Somethings up. We still haven't seen Eren's point of view, and there's dedinately a reason for it.
Nice!  Now give me family bonding on the ship plz Isayama
Next chapters gonna be pretty cool imo, but the community will call it another "aLlIaNcE fIlLeR cHaPtEr"
Eren Eren Eren Eren Eren Eren Eren Eren Eren Eren
Enjoyed seeing Floch finally getting hurt, his luck needed to end. I'm sure he's alive and in the ship, and I'm totally sure he'll take away someone's life in the next chapter. But please, Yams... Floch must die.
I'm pretty sure the next chapter will take place on the ship, so I expect some good dialogue
I hope the boat setting will give enough time to address the untouched issues Isayama has been evading with those two groups interacting, mainly Levi and Annie. Or the Warriors acknowledging the massive sacrifices the Paradisean side is doing and stick up for them in a situation where they are successful.
when are we going to see História? She has been pregnant for too long.
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Reddit once again T-poses on all the rest of the platforms, coming in at just over 40% of the responses. Twitter follows it with 16.5%, and is in turn followed by people who don’t discuss the series at all. Behind that is Discord with 10.3%, and Tumblr with 8.4%. It’s astonishing to me how much the demographics of this poll have changed. Tumblr used to compete with Reddit, and now it’s so low on the list that it’s the last one with a section big enough for Google Forms to include the percentage number on it. The responses with no visible percentages are, in this order: Real Life (90 votes), Instagram (28), Facebook (19), Youtube (16), 4chan (9), the Wiki (3), Snapchat (3), and Steam (2).
Snapchat had 3 people. That’s 0.2% of the vote. That’s one more than Steam and tied with the Wiki. I’m in perpetual disbelief that it gets any votes at all, and I remain convinced that it’s some sort of conspiracy of people who forgo discussing the series on any of the major platforms just to discuss it on snapchat with each other, specifically so they can screw with me when it comes time to write the poll blurbs. Or they’re just lying… much to think about……..
I just loved that the old 104th group despite what happened between them, how the people, the world, the history tore them apart is fighting together once again and protect each other like a big family
Calling it now, Zeke got vaporised in Eren's transformation.Still mad years later that freckle Ymir died the way she did and I choose to be mad because I was born into this world.
While it was an intense chapter that was exciting and sad I think it’ll move the story to the next stage in a really good way.
While the last few chapters were still really good, this one brought back the same unbridled hype I had when reading 116-123. We may debate cringevengers vs yeagerists, but I think we can all agree that this manga is still a fucking masterpiece.
Why does Isayama always crush all the good feelings you have during a chapter at the very end? The panel with all of them supporting each other was so powerful and heartwarming, not to mention seeing them all fighting together before and trying to reach the ship, and then Isayama just goes and kills Shadis and Magath. Freaking curveball at the end. RIP
I love gabi, BEST GIRL!!!
I love the alliance chapters and I'm not sorry at all!
Isayama as usual
Isayama, please, let Hange and Armin do something important before the ending, or their deaths
Isn’t 126 shit Tier writing but aren’t great either.Feels forced.
It felt a bit messy/clumsy at my first read, but at every reread it felt better, and I think the messy feel (compared to the smooth RtS arc) was deliberate.
Karl Fritz chapter soon
What a goddam pleasure to see yeagerists getting shot down, and what an extreme joy to see Floch's fans being overwhelmed by common sense from other fans
Where is Eren? We want Eren!
This was a good chapter. I really enjoyed it
Nearly all alliance members increased their kill count, except Levi, Yelena and Onyankopon. Gabi just shot Floch but we all know he isn't dead. They all sliced, decapitated, dismembered, crushed, shot people they once called comrades for some vague goal that might be completely meaningless, since, no one discussed any terms once Eren is stopped. And with Magath dead, they never will.
Kinda sad on how Armin's characters has been treated so far. Served as stair to Connie twice and now Isayama put him to sleep in the middle of the fight without any contribution at all... I'm a Armin stan and i'm bothered. Hope he gets some real shit soon.
After the Alliance noping out of Paradis, I wonder when they will return their homeland, and I think Floch is alive, but instead of sneaking onto the ship he will gather the Yeagerists to strengthen his control on Paradis, crowning himself as the King of New Eldian Empire. And more civil wars are on the way so stay tuned…
more mikasa pweeze
My old man once said "Alan Moore can't do endings," and I'm getting that vibe here, too--with everything that's come before, is there even a way to bring this story to a close that isn't too drawn out with answers to questions that didn't need asking, or a sudden cluttered mess wrapping as many subplots as it can in only two or three chapters at the expense of quality and feeling?
Need more shirtless Reiner
No matter what others may say, that was a great chapter. I loved the battle between the alliance and jeagerists. Few years ago, during the battle in Shiganshina they probably didn't even think about figting on one side with Reiner and Annie. I remember how they were trying to kill him and look where they are now. However, I get a feeling that after Magath's death there will be no hope for peace between Paradis and the rest of the world. I get a feeling that we may get full rumbling after all =/
no, its G O A T E D
Not a fan of the recent chapters. Feel like the story is telling me to root for the alliance, but I don't care about their goal and I'm with Eren 100%. I wish there were more characters in support of Eren and the rumbling. Floch and the yaegerists are great, but it's annoying that they are being painted as the evil bad-guys when their goals are noble. It's sad to see the main characters who've fought for their friends, families, and homes the entire series just completely disregard all of that and become willing to sacrifice it all for the rest of the world who hate them and want them dead.
Off topic: reiner is a snacc
One more month of no one having a solution to the actual problem other than agreeing that it’s a problem :/
The Survey Corps proved, once again, that they are not to be underestimated. They work seamlessly together and they respect one another.
The wait is torturous, but there's really no better way to be moving things along right now.
Theo Magath deserves a golden star for being amazing man till the end.
Why didn't the Yeagerists just Thunderspear the plane?
I’m sure I’m in the minority but the Titan fights are my least favorite parts of the story. So this chapter being largely comprised of them made it kind of meh to me. I feel like the plot is simultaneously going too fast and not fast enough. Chapters like this one make me very worried about how this will all end
gabi: hehehe floche go boom
Hange's group are a bunch of hypocrites and traitors , hopefully they all die in the most grossume ways by Eren's hands .
I love Floch and the Yeagerists , they fought to the last breath for Eren , their home and people .
Keith is an idiot and died like an idiot .
I'm happy that Magath finally died hopefully the rest of the alliance are next .
i can't understand people defending Floch. You're siding with yeagerists ? Okay, but take Samuel, Daz or Louise as exemple, everyone except Floch. Floch was written to show the drift of patriotism. That is his goddam meaning. That what Isayama has been writing since Floch's reappearance. The same way Hanji embodies Survey Corps' values or Jean embodies the necessity to do the right thing. That are the writing purpose. Please, respect Isayama's work.
I love Attack on titan ❤️
I luv Floch
I need Ackermans
Loved it, I'm enjoying all the time were getting with the alliance but I'm anxious to see what's going on with Zeke, Eren, & Historia.
overall pretty great! Gabi really needs to have her aimbot checked though :/
Where the fuck is Armin in that shot of everyone?
Floch is a great leader and the Jaegerists are not in the wrong.
I like koalas
you know my thoughts
Where's Eren
Where's Levi?
Wheres boriiiiis
i dont have any hope anymore i cant imagine them dead its too much for me damn u isayama
I genuinely loved it. I can't wait to see how it all ends.
I personally didn’t like it since it was the 6th alliance POV chapter in a row, and possibly the next two chapters will also be an alliance POV. I’m tired of the alliance and I don’t support their cause, so it’s kind of boring to read another alliance chapter after 6 months of alliance POVs.
I hate everything, why did Isayama had to take Magath away
I really liked that Isayama was still consistent with shifters not being able to control their titan the first couple times.
I really thought Armin was gonna help fight during the battle with his messed up zombie jaw, but instead he just kind of passed out and disappeared for most of the chapter. We're heading towards the end of the manga and I need to see more Armin scenes, I'm really rooting for him to be a key figure in talking to Eren/the general ending as a whole but as of now he's still just kind of useless.
I feel like that this chapter is foreshadowing the titan war. Remember in chapter 100 when the guy ( I can’t remember his name) said if Eren starts the rumbling, he will cause the titan war to start again. That might explain why Falco randomly attacked Pieck.
I remember Pixis telling Eren how he thinks about a story between mankind coming together against a powerful enemy, and Eren said it was rather optimist thinking that he doesn’t believe would truly work. He also mentions that they are hardly working together because difference in morals are to strong, they are not truly fighting together. But in the instance where Magath and Shadis were able to put aside their differences just so that their students may have a better future, shows that humanity can still exist, but unfortunately mainly when brought upon an unavoidable death which leads me to believe what will become of the alliance if they are forced into this position.
I hate the alliance so fuck it
I have no idea how this is gonna end.
I hope floch stays dead hes such a menace
I hope there’s a nice discussion next chapter
I hope this shit is over and we can have a better written material
Thought there was a bit too much plot armor ... especially with Gabi saving the day endlessly
I really hope we get back to focusing on multiple story lines in a single chapter, instead of following a single group. I wish we saw Shadis on his way to derail the train. I hope we get to see a group of Yeagerists in Shiganshina finding Zeke. Just give us a shot of the farm Historia is at. I'm really starting to miss the other story lines.
Ch130 Bert talk let's GOOOOOOOOO
Consistently good quality as expected from Isayama. I have faith he will continue releasing kino and stick the landing with the ending.
Cool, portrays the desperation of both the alliance and the Yeagerists
Could be better
Does the gang even KNOW that Shadis went boom along with Magath!?
I just hope Isayama gives Levi a death befitting a hero like he did with Shadis. I get AoT is not Levi’s story anymore but seeing him not being able to do anything really hurts. Even his own soldiers (besides the alliance) don’t respect him anymore, he doesn’t have anywhere to come back to. He probably won’t be able to kill Zeke (he never gets what he wants) but please let him die knowing he gave meaning to his comrades’ lives.
I wish Mikasa would be able to hate Eren at last. Still not happening 🤔
i wish we could have seen armin more— just my personal preference. i adore the man.
I wish we had the warriors' thoughts on Bertholdt but it wasn't the right moment at all. Maybe next chapter? I'd like them to mourn their comrade and friend. Hell annie and reiner spent lot of time with him reiner even had nightmares about him being removed from his titan. It feels so unsatisfying and frustrating. So great great chapter but please give a break to the warriors.
Great chapter. I was scared for our girl Pieck tho but glad to see her in action.
I wonder how Eren will react finding out how many have died in his name or against his cause. Shadis, Daz, so many Survey Corps peeps...
Good, but can we please get moving this plot along to eren/historia/zeke?
Goodbye, Shadis McChadis. You deserved a 200/10 exit, but you got a 7/10 instead. X'(
I don't care aobut anything else just show me eren
I don't care who you are just don't touch the Meme Queen! Goddamn Falco almost killed her.
I don't know
Levi being tied on Pieck and carried like a baby made me laugh so much
Glad that we're done with the port battle now
Levi is smol
Levi most likely left the alliance.
Levi so small
Levi still exists
Levi was cute
things make sense. The story is building as it goes, and Yams can’t go back an change it around. Eren POV is coming
Pieck didn't even try to stop Falco other than "noo don't go you're so young ahah" and that was pathetic. Having him die there would have been extremely effective and it would have been a great way to address the "random child inheritance" situation previously described
Please let the bastard really be dead.
Poor Annie. Dat powercreep.
Press F for Chadis
quite happy that floch seemingly survived, his speech kinda made me sympathetic towards him, shadis and magath were brilliant..rip
Really well drawn and very powerful ending.
So now everyone has left Paradis... do we have any other characters that can group up with Historia apart from Nicolo and the Brauses?
So sad the Bertalk has to be delayed but at least there's no option now. If the whole traitor parallel happens right after Jean finally gets to vent over Marco and they dont mention him once then... shit writing, everything is a coincidence and nothing is a parallel in this manga. Let Reiner be angry 2k20
Some good moments, sure, but PLEASE for the love of god can we cut to the chase now???
Stop using our Eternal Commander Erwin for your fascist shit, Floch
Someone probably says that the chapter was rushed. However, I think Isayama has his plan, and he will put those flashbacks which you guys need soon, so don't worry about that :) I also want to know what happened to Historia and her baby while the league of SC and the Warriors was fighting in Marley. She plays an important role in the whole SnK plot, and before someone fortet her, we need our queen to come back.
Still cant take the alliance serious. They all acting out of character. Just hoping they will betray each other and the scouts will be on Erens side. Dont get why the alliance want to save people outside and for that Goal they slaughtering all their own people. That is also wrong like the genocid. It does not Matter, because killing is killing
Strong ending but I prefer dialogues over action. Also we saw nothing of Levi, he's being dragged around until he can meet up with Zeke, really convienient...
Surprisingly good
Every chapter that goes by without presenting a twist to this endgame makes me more and more anxious.
Annie looks very shocked to see people supporting her. Gabi can’t stop getting traumatised
armin suffered too much
I started to dislike AMJC. I understood why they opposed Eren (despite not thinking it through) but now they’re killing their own people to protect their “comrades” (who will cause trouble later because they want to kill Eren but Armin and Mikasa don’t). This for a small chance of maybe stopping Eren. If this had happened before he started his path of destruction I think I could understand, but now there’s no going back. Eren sealed the SoY’s fates in the eyes of the world. Hange and co had to realize the SoY would now be exterminated instead of enslaved because of the horror Eren unleashed, showing the world what just one SoY was capable of
I don't really have negative thoughts on the chapter other than Gabi shooting Floch, but if he survives then i'm fine. I just think the chapter was somewhat uninspired, the scenes between Magath and Shadis didn't hit the emotions they were supposed to with me.
The dynamic between the Yaegerists and Alliance forces was really interesting and depressing to see. Floch's speech humanized them and they proved to be really dangerous by decimating Reiner and Annie.
The chapter was great, a lot of action, a lot of close calls. I really thought a lot of the characters like Annie, Reiner and Pieck were in trouble. I at least thought Pieck was going to die since she was in the jaws of Falco but she's fine so that's good. I wish Shadis didn't die so soon, but I guess Isayama is trying hard to wrap up loose ends before the end so I understand.
i dont want a sad ending.
was a nice chapter, it feels even better because it came after the extra long waiting time
I still don't like that AMCJ betrayed Paradis. All of their fights before with the Warriors were in vain and meaningless like this. Is this why so many of the SC died? Erwin and Bertholdt too. I don't hate them, but can't understand. Also, RIP the Yeagerists, it was a brutal massacre. F Chadis and Chadgath.
I still don’t see how they stop the rumbling so it’s likely they don’t do it but eren chooses to, talking could be underwhelming but if it’s future eren knowing this could lead to something that we don’t know yet and is the horrible thing grisha mentioned the rumbling or worse?
I think in this chapter alliance crossed the line and now they full of determination to end their job
I think it lacked armin or he was too deficient at the time.
Teenage go brrr and alliance has plot armor but thats expected they have roles to play like getting killed by eren
Thanks for the shout-out for our 'cockroach' fill-in last chap, it made our week!
The Alliance feels increasingly supported by the script.
The alliance needs to be dealt a blow or have some internal conflict other cab playground insults around stew.
The battle between the alliance and Floch & the Yeagerists is totally unfair .
The alliance had 4 titan shifters , 1 Ackerman , 3 skilled soldier and 1 skilled warrior in the battlefield .
Floch & The Yeagerists are not skilled soldiers but they proved their bravery and fought for Eren , their people and home to the last second .
This chapater was just a set up for what's to come so judging it harshly would be unfair
this chapter was emotional on all levels and we had some information about the rumbling. The alliance worked very well and Keith was a hero. He was a hero in the shadows and I am happy that he was able to meet Magath because it allowed us as readers to see these two commanders from a different angle. Keith and Magath had a lot in common and could have been friends under other circumstances. Their sacrifice was an excellent end to this penultimate battle. Now is the time for the last final battle!
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blkgirlcafe · 4 years
Home Pt. 3
Viktor Drago x Cyra (Black OFC)
Cyra (Ky-Ra) -Sun or throne
Kazimir (Kah-Zee-Meer) - Bringer or Announcer of peace
Viktor Drago is married to the love of his life, they have a 5 year old son. He is willing to do anything to keep them safe.
Warning: Kidnapping, abuse, mentions of child abuse
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Flash Back 1
Cyra grabbed the pudge that had accumulated around her middle, the cold winter had seen her indoors with hearty soups and bread. She was dreading going to the gym but her roommate was going and they would look like sweaty gross mess together. 
It was still a little chilly outside as they walked the few blocks to the gym. As they walked in, she was scrolling her phone, trying to find the perfect songs, she should have done this before she left. Her roommate swerved left to go to the weights, Cyra wanted to do cardio first. Her pace was slow and she was already sweating hard as hell. How long was she going to endure this, she thought to herself. By the end of the hour she had done 30 minutes of cardio, 15 minutes of stairs, and finally some light weights, she felt good about it but was ready to go. 
She waited for her roommate to stop flirting so they could walk back together, the sun starting to go down. She decided to wait outside, head down in her phone when she hit a brick wall or so she thought. 
When she looked up, it was a man she had bumped into, he towered over her. 
“So sorry.” his deep voice said. 
“Jesus Christ on a cracker you are big.” her southern jumped out. The guy cocked his head to the side. 
“It's fine, I wasn't paying attention, So I should be sorry.” Cyra moved to the side, and he was still in the way, she stepped back and let him move past her. By the time the glass door closed behind her she had her phone back in her face. She didn't see the giant looking at her, curious about her. 
Cyra woke up in a sweat, hot in the room, her son wrapped around her side. He had cried himself to sleep.All he wanted was his Tata and he didn't understand why he couldn't have him, or why they were here, he wanted to go home. Cyra did too, she wanted nothing more than to be cuddled to Viktor. 
Andriy had kept his word, they were fed a dinner, given water, were given restroom breaks and a change of clothes. Kazimir had fussed the whole time, why did he have to eat potatoes, he didn't like potatoes, even though Cyra knew he loved french fries. He wanted to know when Tata was coming to get them, did he have to go to school tomorrow, she had promised him ice cream. So much so that Cyra had a raging headache, when he finally settled down she laid next to him, stroking his hair and singing to him. 
She had no way to tell the time, she couldn't tell if the sun was up or down. She wondered what Viktor was doing right now. Had he called Ivan, did he know this guy, did Ivan believe him. 
Viktor and Ivan's relationship was shit, and Ivan blamed her. Not his controlling and abusive ways, but her for taking his son, his shot at redemption, and bringing him to Atlanta. Cyra did not force him to come to Atlanta, he chose to, because he loved her. 
When he got here, Viktor didn't know what he wanted to do. He didn't know if he was going to box anymore or what his next steps would be. Unlike his father, she encouraged anything but boxing. His love of health and fitness, he could easily be a trainer or a nutritionist, she encouraged him to go to school, anything he wanted. 
But all he knew was boxing so that what he gravitated to, he found a manager and a trainer and got back to work. Fight after fight, he won building a name for himself in America, then he had a big fight, the purse on it was half a million even if he lost, 4 million if he won. And he won, because that's what he did best. 
Cyra remembers being so proud of him, meeting him after the fight and kissing his bruised face. A lot of things changed for them after that, his name became household. He was in the media a lot, other big names wanted a chance to take down Big Nasty, but he prevailed. He did open a gym that was flourishing, membership always at max capacity. 
A month after she graduated college with her dual Bachelor in psychology and criminology she found out she was pregnant with Kazimir. He was totally unplanned but welcomed. 
Cyra looked down at her son, and started to cry some more.
---- Viktor woke with a start, he worked out until he was exhausted, falling asleep on the couch. Cyra would kill him for being on her couch sweaty, but she wasn't here. He picked it up groggily.”
“Are you ready to hear what I want?” Andriy asked. 
“Where is my wife and child, I need to hear them before I hear you.”
“You don't make the rules Viktor and you know what I am capable of, now if you want I can go snip off a finger of that lovely wife of yours.”
“What do you want Andriy?” Viktor growled. 
“You dad owes me 500k, now I know you have this in cash, but I don't want cash, I want something much better. That fight you have in 15 days, you will throw it.”
Viktor was confused, throwing a fight was easy, he would do that for his wife and child a million times. He would lose to get them back. 
“Don't be so quick to say yes. I know the old man will be against it, you need to hold a press conference, talk big shit, down your opponent, make a show of it. I want your family name to fall as hard as you do.”
Viktor didn't say anything, this isn't about money, it was about reputation. Andriy had lost a lot when the fight against Creed. He just knew Creed was going to win, he put his name, his money, on the line to support a foreigner. 
“Call me tomorrow when the old man gets in.”
He hung up without any more words. Viktor didnt for one second weigh the pros and cons, he would throw the fight, he would do exactly what he asked. He would be humiliated if it meant the family he had made for himself was safe. ---- Kazi was bursting, he had to potty and now. No one had checked on them in a few hours, Cyra got off the bed, stopping at the door. 
“Mama pleaseeeeee.” Even though Kazi was only 5 he hated the idea of peeing on himself, he fancied himself a big boy, and big boys did not potty themself. 
“Okay baby, give mama a sec okay.”
She knocked on the bedroom door and took a few steps back, not wanting to appear as a threat. She heard moving in the hallway, before someone stopped at her door, unlocking it and swinging it open. 
“Kazi has to use the restroom.” she said her hands slightly raised. 
Kazi shot off the bed, running to the door. Cyra followed him to the only other door that was open, which held the bathroom, Kazi quickly did his business, not even bothering to close the door. She helped him with wash his hands, and then she used the bathroom, not knowing when she would be going again. 
Kazi stood at the door, like a guard, one of the guys from yesterday stood where he could see her. She washed her hands then stepped into the hallway, he mentioned them back towards the room and Kazi started crying seeing they were going back in the room. 
“Mama I don't want to go in there, where is Tata?” he whined. 
“Sweetie please stop, it's not going to help.” 
They were locked in the room, the guy never saying anything.
“Lets play a game Kazi, I bet I know more dinosaurs than you.”
Cyra watched her son look up at her with wet eyes, he took dinosaurs seriously. Kazi sniffled, “No I know all the dinos, me and Tata went over all of them.”
“Lets see, T-rex, your turn name one.”
“Everyone knows that one mama, Triceratops.”
He was getting better at pronouncing them, Cyra noted, sometimes he fumbled over the words and tried to put the sounds together. 
“That one was in Jurassic park baby, let's see Spinosaurus.” 
They went back and forth and she let Kazi win, he was calm and climbed into her lap. 
“Mama I wanna go home.” 
“Me too baby, but I think we are going to be here for a few days so I need you to promise me you will be good and listen to me. These are bad people.”
“I’m scared mama, I want tata.” 
“Me too baby, promise you will listen to me okay baby.”
“Pinky Promise Mama.” 
She kissed his forehead, “thank you son.”
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spinosworks · 4 years
american dragon mha crossover
its a bit messy since i had to transfer it from discord but i hope its legible
ok so in this au hisashi was the japanese dragon and had married non magical inko  hisashi was related to jake but i cant remember how exactly, he was either his uncle or his mothers cousin. but this means that izuku grew up close to the magical community of the world and has the very heavy legacies of 3 family members to live up to  except he cant, not in the way expected of him  izuku's dragon form skipped his generation  he cant shift or do most anything magical but no one in the family really realizes this until much later in his life  while quirks manifest at age 4, dragon powers tend to show up from ages 8-11 (if i remember properly) so when izuku doesnt get a quirk everyone in his family takes it as a sign to start training him to take his fathers place as the japanese dragon  izuku is pretty much devastated when his dragon form never comes to him its a let down in two major ways  1) he will never be able to fly with his family and be truly apart of the magical community 2) japan will be without a magical protector for much longer than it should have been  u see, hisashi died a long time ago when izuku was maybe,,,, 5-6  hisashi was looking into a threat against reptilian quirk users (this tends to be code for dragons in the quirk society) but due to the secrecy behind the magical community, he wasn’t given some important details regarding the case from the non magical heroes  they didn’t give him some information that seemed pointless to them, but utterly crucial to a person who knew what to look for  because of this, hisashi was taken by surprise and was killed by the huntsclan back on the tangent regarding izuku’s powers from a familial stand point he’s pretty heartbroken, almost all of his family has the capability to shift and his cousins (while kind of sympathetic) don’t really understand him anymore they had taken him flying when he was a kid to give him a taste of what they believed he would be able to do every day  as he got older, they were a bit more wary with him izuku was treated as a more breakable and a bit inferior  not on purpose, but all of his cousins are older than him. they had already babied him before, but this was on a different level  (izuku hated the way they treated him he was capable! he was trained to be the next magical protector of japan for christ’s sake! just because they gave up hope on his powers manifesting didn’t mean that he had! (he couldnt give up that wasn’t an option. he needed to be a hero HeNeededToBeAHeroNoMatterWhat) so as izuku grew he kept his eyes up towards the sky and dreamed. no matter how concerned his family grew about his aspiration to be a hero)   
when middle school comes around, izuku hasn't stopped wanting to be a hero but hes almost completely given up on his powers manifesting  (which hurts in so many ways because izuku never stopped feeling trapped in his Too Small body and stuck on the ground to never greet the Sky)  so izuku plans to be the first quirkless hero  which everyone hes ever met and their mother disagrees with (humans are oh so fragile to magical beings)  but nonetheless izuku is going to get into ua if it kills him  cue the sludge villain and izuku’s Question to all might  ofc all might says no bc why change this angsty moment  (though all might does note that izuku looks very familiar) as izuku makes his way on home he ponders over his place in a world where he’s an outcast in every way that means anything to him what is he supposed to do now? every draconic instinct that he has is invalidated by others simply due to the body he possesses. his dreams of heroics tossed out despite his training.  izuku shakes his head, what in the world is he going to do now that-  he looks up and meets katsuki's eyes.  izuku feels something snap (even if he doesnt have the ability to shift, izuku is still a dragon, and dragons are protective of what’s theirs) despite what that last bit teases, izuku doesn’t shift completely then  he gets a small boost from his dragon side its from a shift in his eyes. he was only able to notice the world grow sharper around him, which he writes off as adrenaline no one else really notices his eyes. except katsuki who doesn’t even really talk to him so obviously wouldn’t tell izuku it just makes him less surprised to see that izuku manifested a quirk  but still, izuku is offered ofa and canon proceeds as usual, if a bit skewed since u know,,,, hes from a family of dragon heroes  i didnt want to deal with the dark dragon in this that much bc i didnt really care abt him all that much as a kid (i did like certain plot points but its been a bit since ive rewatched the show so i dont think im the best person to talk to abt this guy)  i loved the nonmagical world and magical beings interacting so there would’ve been a lot of that in this the dark dragon was defeated a long time ago in izuku’s perspective (oh my god i forgot to talk abt the longs didn’t i)  jake in this au is in his early 20s, and an accomplished american hero (who may or may not have had plans to visit ua after izuku partially shifts at the sports festival) haley is around the same age as izuku, if a bit older than him  they got along well as kids but haley had been a bit of a brat regarding her prodigious use of her powers and her manifesting b4 him was kind of a sore point  jake is a nice (if a bit obnoxious) cousin to izuku  they get along well due to the expectations they both carry and the powers that they didn’t have any mastery over (at the time)  but izuku was a bit bitter abt him bc jake had everything right there why didn’t he just take it  (izukus dragon insticts make him a bit,,, unhinged ngl)  he still loves his family tho  thats all i have at the moment,,,
i hope whoever sees this enjoys this mess lol
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