#idk those are just the ones i picture most when i think of like. future domestic saiki ships
f0point5 · 5 months
would you consider writing the time when max realized that he loved yn?
i remember that he was like in a mindset of idgaf what happens with her im js happy being best friends and having her in my life but i wonder how he got to that point
The way this came out…idk I hope you like it 😂 I really wish I’d retconned this whole situation but I stayed true to the fic timeline.
I just…I really hope you don’t hate it 🫠
✨Set after Max wins his 3rd championship in Qatar✨
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Honestly, who (is he) to fight the alchemy?
Max has been in love before. He knows what it feels like. It felt like winning a race. The adrenaline, the elation, the satisfaction, the sliver of relief. He didn’t think there was a better feeling, and if you feel that when you’re with someone, then that must be love.
He never felt like that with you. So he wasn’t in love. He loved you, but he wasn’t in love. Thank God for that, he’d always thought to himself. Max didn’t put effort into games he wouldn’t win and the games you played with men didn’t have a rule book. He was just so lucky, to have you as a friend, and a roommate, and a feline co-parent, and that’s how it would stay.
Except, when the journalist had asked him if you were going to live with him after he retired, he didn’t know what to say. Of course you would, except, how would your boyfriend feel about that? And of course he wanted you to, but he wanted a family, too. But you were family, in some complicated way that he’d never realised before that moment might mean that you wouldn’t always be…with him.
And he didn’t have the desire or the language skills to explain that to a random German journalist. He’d rattled off some answer about how he never knew what the future would bring. It was true, he didn’t think much about the future. But he should have, because when he did it always had you in it.
He wanted a house, and a wife, and kids. It wasn’t like he envisaged doing all that with you. Except, he hadn’t envisaged doing any of it without you, either. It was always you imagined having breakfast with, you he imagined would teach his kids to ski, you he thought about when he thought about buying one of those mansions in the hills above Monaco. Naively, he hadn’t imagined either of you with partners that would mind you and Max living your lives together. It sounded fucking stupid when he thought about it. But, it’s not like he was going to marry you, because he’s not in love with you.
It’s not like I’m in love with her. He’d said that before.
Aren’t you, Max?
Isn’t he?
Is he?
So now here he is, at this totally-not-a-party party, celebrating his this third world championship, wondering if he’s in love. Wondering if that even matters. The music is loud, not enough to drown out his thoughts. He can’t even drink too much because he still has a race tomorrow. He feels lightheaded enough.
He doesn’t know why he’s questioning himself. He has an answer. He knows what being in love feels like, and he doesn’t feel that about you. How he does feel about you, is…not quantifiable. Except he’d really like a name for it right about now. One that’s not going to spin his whole world off its axis. But then, he’s not exactly the axis, is he? Not really.
He should feel like the centre of the universe tonight. He’s lost count of how many times he’s received praise and congratulations, plaudits, and pictures, even gifts. Everyone wants to be in his orbit, everyone wants to talk to him, everyone except you.
You’re leaning against the balcony, bopping along to the music, talking to his dad of all people, your flushed face and lazy grin telltale signs you’ve had too much to drink. Jos is as close as he ever gets to smiling, a telltale sign he’s had too much to drink, and the two of you are, as usual, talking over each other. His eyes linger on your long legs and gentle curves. It would be cutting a corner, to say he’s in love with you, because how can you not be at least a little bit infatuated with the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen? But that’s not love, exactly. Even half drunk, with all this talk of spinning and the party beginning to blur at its edges, the only thing he can see clearly is you. You don’t even notice him looking, because you’re so used to feeling eyes on you.
No, being around you has never felt like winning much of anything. It actually feels a bit like he’s fighting for his life. It feels like…driving, he realises, as the gin starts to hit.
Being around you was like being in the RB19. Like being behind the wheel of something that could kill you, but fits you like a second skin. Like the illusion of having control of a force of nature. It was like living on a knife edge, but building a home there. Comfortable with the uncomfortable, they’d called him, and nothing had ever made him as uncomfortable as you.
If that was being in love, he’d probably been in love with you for as long as his dad said he was.
You don’t notice him looking, but Jos does. He waves Max over, and Max is glad for an excuse. His body gets up before he’s decided to, and he blinks furiously as he walks, trying to focus his thoughts enough to hold a conversation with you when he’s beginning to think he might-
“Maxy,” you say, grinning like it’s the first time you’ve seen him all night.
Fuck. Fuck.
Oh, fuck. The gin’s coming back. For a second he feels like he’s either going to ask you to marry him or vomit all over you.
“I’m leaving. She’s all yours,” Jos says, and Max steadies himself. His dad leans over and gives him one last hug before switching to Dutch. “Get her to bed. And yourself, also. You’ve still got to race tomorrow,”
Max nods and waves him off, closing his arms around you when you wobble, leaning into him for stability. Jos gives you a pat on the shoulder before disappearing into the crowd, and you teeter again, pushing you further into Max. The extra weight is like a balm on what is now a gaping, raw wound, with the nerves exposed. He will never recover from this.
You turn in his arms, scrunching your nose in displeasure as you look up at him. “I hate this hat,” you flick the brim of his World Champion cap. “Worst hat they ever made you. Next year, we do a better one,”
“Okay,” he says, chuckling as the hat leaves his head.
“Can I have this?” You’ve already put it on.
Take it. Take my Valkyrie. Take the trophy. Take my last name.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
He doesn’t know how he’s looking at you. Is it different than he looked at you two hours ago? Different then when you were 19?
He just shrugs, tipping the hat back for you, since it’s so big. “You’re drunk,” he yells over the music.
You lean in, so close that he’s intoxicated by the scent of your perfume, champagne, and Red Bull. He turns away from you slightly, because he’s had too much to drink to be this close to you.
“I know,” you whisper to him, your lips grazing his cheek as you talk. That’s not helping. He turns back to you, finding your eyes searching his. For the first time, he’s worried what you might see. Because you’ve always seen him too clearly. It was awful, then exhilarating, now it’s just fucking terrifying. Your eyes narrow and Max thinks you’re about to outright accuse him of wanting- “You’re supposed to be drunk, too,”
He laughs. He laughs at your pout, at getting away with it, for a little while longer, at least, and he laughs because on the night he’s won a world championship he realises he lost his heart a long time ago.
Loving you didn’t feel like a winning a race, it felt like driving in one. And after all, isn’t driving all he ever wanted to do?
“I am, Engel,” he says, “trust me, I am.”
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messrmoonyy · 6 months
-What they’re like as your bf/gf (Hcs) 18+
Arthur Morgan, John Marston, Dutch Van Der Linde, Sadie Adler, Molly O’Shea
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Request- Hi if it’s okay could I ask for some hcs of some of the gang and what they’re like dating with you? NSFW ones toooo🙈🙊 could you include Arthur, John, Dutch, Sadie, Javier and maybe any of the other girls Mary-Beth or Molly or Karen? Thank you 🙏🏻
A/N- I didn’t include Javier cause I like barely speak with him in camp or anything idk I don’t vibe with Javier tbh. And I saw my chance to word vomit my Molly brain rot and ran with it so she’s the girl I picked. Hope this is okay! Enjoy :)
Masterlist - requests are open :)
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Arthur Morgan
- We’ve all seen how he was with Mary. He’d be besotted with you
- His journal would be filled with sketches of you, entries talking about how much he adores you, little notes about how you looked that day or musings about his plans for your future together.
- Definitely doodles a little heart with your initials too <3
- He’s touch starved. So he loves physical contact. A hand to your knee, your back, arm around your shoulders or your waist. He likes keeping you close.
- Brings you stuff from his little travels. Picks flowers for you, finds little trinkets for you.
- Keeps a picture of you by his bed.
- Forehead kisses!!!!!
- Kisses your hand. And kisses to your wrist. He loves when you reach up to cup his face and he can turn to press his lips against your wrist.
- He’s so much more than a tough, burly cowboy. He’s quiet, caring, considerate. And he adores you
- takes his time. Likes to work at you until not a single tense muscle is left in your body. Worships you.
- Loves any positions where he can see your face, needs to be close enough to constantly kiss you and tell you how good you are for him
- “ there’s my girl, doin so good for me darlin “ “ jus’ like that darlin, let me take good care of ya “
- Not incredibly vocal, but the noises he does make he ensures are right by your ear.
- Refuses to finish before you ever.
- Loves to finish inside tho. He knows it’s risky, but he loves the closeness. And if he’s feeling particularly risky he’ll definitely push his come back into you with his fingers “ don’t waste it now “
- Grips The headboard.
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John Marston
- he’s stupid. He really is. He’ll be head over heels for you, with you clearly reciprocating those feelings and he’d still think you didn’t like him like that.
- Like. You could kiss him and he’d still be like ‘ what are we? ‘
- When he does finally put two and two together he’ll have no shame or cautions in showing you off.
- He’s handsy. Likes coming up behind you when you’re washing dishes for Pearson to rub at your shoulders.
- Or pull you down to sit on his lap before you can even think about taking the empty spot on the log next to him by the fire.
- Overprotective. One tiny snide comment from anyone and he’s ready to start swinging.
- Definitely knows how to push your buttons and wind you up, and will do it just for fun and to get a rise outta you.
- And then spend the rest of day grovelling and apologising.
- Loves going down on you. Like. Loves it. The man could spend hours there if you’d let him and Lord has he tried.
- Not very serious most of the time.
- Pretty vocal. And doesn’t really care if anyone’s listening either.
- Like i said, he’s handsy. His hands are restless and will grab at whatever part of you they can.
- Loves when you ride him and has absolutely made a cowgirl joke more than once.
- Will grab at your hips and guide your movements as you do. Told you he’s handsy.
- But also isn’t opposed to you on your back, legs over his shoulders. Presses kisses to your ankles and makes jokes about how good the view is.
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Dutch Van Der Linde
- he’s not the most attentive of people at times. He’s constantly in his head and constantly thinking about things that aren’t you.
- But when he does allow himself time alone with you he is disgustingly charming.
- He always knows what to say, always knows the right words to have you melting into a puddle at his feet. You could be in the worst mood with him but a few whispers in your ear and it’s all forgotten.
- Has a million terms of endearment for you. My angel, my dear , my darling. He rarely ever uses your actual name, only when he’s mad.
- Loves to give you gifts, the more expensive the better. And he likes you to show them off too. He likes to show you off.
- Reads to you a lot.
- PDA is afraid of him. He doesn’t care where he is or who’s watching him, he’ll loop an arm around your waist to kiss your neck, pull you onto his lap when he’s reading beside his tent and kiss you. No shame.
- will take his time with you but in a far different way to, say, Arthur
- He’ll edge you and overstimulate you for hours, because be gets off on the fact that you simply let him. That you obey his every command.
- Degrading and humiliating 🤝🏻 Dutch Van Der Linde
- He’s never too mean. And his degrading comments are more often than not laced with something sweet.
- Dacryphilic. 100000%. He loves watching you cry because he’s worked you into such an overstimulated mess.
- He’ll swipe your tears away or kiss them from your cheeks “ well isn’t that just a pretty sight? “ “ those tears for me, my angel? “
- Definitely has some kind of authority kink. Likes you calling him sir for sure.
- Loves you giving him head. Just loves you on your knees. It’s a power thing. And he’s a cocky son of a bitch.
- Sat back in his chair and won’t lift a damn finger to help you out, won’t even unbuckle his belt. And don’t tell me he doesn’t smoke whilst he watches you.
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Sadie Adler
- She is absolutely not shy about her feelings when she finally accepts she has them.
- Shes just so sweet to you.
- Around camp she’s stuck to you like glue. Her arm is permanently around your waist or your shoulders, or her hand laced with yours and is ready to snap at any intrusive questions from anyone else about it at the drop of a hat
- Love language is gift giving. Just taken in a bounty but found a shiny lil necklace in his pocket? Well. It’s hers now. Or should I say, yours.
- If your hairs long enough she’ll braid it like hers, any excuse to be able to sit close to you and whisper sweet things in your ear.
- Would teach you how to shoot better, she wants to make sure you know how to defend yourself. but also wants the excuse to stand behind you and show you how to hold her rifle properly.
- Big spoon.
- Sadie’s gained control over literally everything else in life, and it doesn’t change in the bedroom
- She trusts you whole heartedly but she’s not about to give up any sort of control to you for a While
- Makes sure she can see your face at all times, loves watching your face contort and relax in pleasure that she’s giving you
- Full of praise “ ain’t you just the prettiest thing? “ “ oh look at you! D’ya know how pretty you look from here? “ “ always such a good girl for me “
- Has a thing for putting her fingers in your mouth. Especially after she’s just fucked you with them.
- Having you on your knees eating her out drives her crazy. Will pull at your hair a little too hard but will soothe the sting with a thousand words of praise about how good you make her feel.
- And now hear me out. Loves to watch you. Will book you a hotel room together just so she can sit across the room and watch you touch yourself for her, encouraging you the entire time
- It’s never long before she absolutely has to have her hands on you though in the end.
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Molly O’Shea
- sheeeee has some trust issues. And abandonment issues. She’s just… she’s a lot at times.
- But she is fiercely loyal and will love you with every fibre of her being
- And she wants to be loved as fiercely in return. She’ll spiral without constant reassurance “ d’you even love me anymore? “ “did I do somethin wrong? Haven’t told me you love me today “
- She knows deep down you do love her. She’s just afraid.
- She is such a romantic. She loves holding your hand, sitting close to you, doing your makeup like hers and stealing kisses in between painting your lips red
- She’ll write you sappy romantic poetry and leave you lil notes
- You’ll often overhear her gushing to other people about how in love she is too. She just loves to talk about you and how deeply she adores you.
- Likes when you give her forehead kisses.
- Pillow princess. End of story.
- She’s not completely submissive though. She’ll tell you what she wants and what she likes
- She just wants to be taken care of okay. She needs to be taken care of.
- Makes the softest, sweetest sounds and will tell you she loves you a million times over.
- Enjoys when things just… naturally happen. Cuddling with you at night, but pushing her hips lightly back against you. Which usually ends with your hand slipping past her waistband and making her come on your fingers.
- Likes to be on top of you sometimes, simply so she can show off whilst she strips. Not to really do anything. Shes really not that much of a giver. She likes being watched. She likes to know she’s desired. And usually it ends up with you dragging her to sit on your face.
- You have to shower her with praise. She wants to know she looks beautiful, that she’s doing well, worship her. Which is incredibly easy for you cause like fucking look at her she’s gorgeous.
- Wraps herself around you when you cuddle after, legs intertwined and arms around you, head buried in your chest or neck. Pls my sweet baby needs to be held.
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yuri-is-online · 2 months
Ok so jadeyuu! Jadeyuu? Jade is an eel. Jade has never been in a relationship- never even got the urge. So he's kinda panicking when he finally snaps out of his little domestic daydreams only to realize. He has no idea how to actually get to those daydreams.
How do humans court? Fuck humans for a second how does his own species court??? He only know surface level (ha) shit he never paid attention beyond that cause it was "irrelevant" (he wants to go back in time and punch himself so bad. For several reasons).
So now he's trying to figure it out but heres the thing, he only has super cheesy media to work with. Bro is taking it so seriously but some of the stuff is just???
Why is sharing clothing so important?
Are flowers really that big of a deal?
Why do all these couple fight all the time? He doesn't want to fight with yuu he just wants to feed them mushroom dishes and cuddle and "cuddle" He doesn't want to fight! Why do couple always fight in these movies is it necessary?? Is it a love language??
What's a one night stand?
... has yuu had any? They told him once that most of their past relationships were "situationships" and he had to laugh and pretend he wasn't about to simultaneously raise hell and profusely thank your exes for fumbling so hard.
What's this about your father's consent? Does he need to get your father's consent? Would any parent work or just your father? Do you even like your father- shit you haven't even seen your father since you've been here and he's a literal world away. ....shit.
Someone stop him he's about to create an entire world wide scheme to invent otherworldly communication just to ask his not-parners dad if he can even court them in the first place-
Oh it's not that important in modern day?? Oh. Thank goodness.
At what point in this can he ask you to be his officially?
At what point can he start indulging himself in all his somewhat ugly jealous urges in public without scaring you off?
Would it be considered a "red flag" to ask you to only talk to him? He knows it is he's just holding out hope that maybe you'll agree to be kept in a large terrarium of his and be completely his and-
You would never agree to that. Oh well, an eel can dream. If Ace gets all clingy with you again he's going to break his arm off.
How long does he have to wait until he can show you to list of names he's already thought about giving your future children?
Idk where I'm going with this I just got the mental image of jade watching titanic (something something convenient potion accident) and hurriedly scribbling down notes every time something romantic happens and I wanted to share that image.
I like the idea of Jade doing research about human courtship. I really really like it I think it's so stupidly funny to picture Mr. Suave, one hell of an eel butler reading human x merfolk fanfiction and going O: that's me (˶ˆᗜˆ˵) Or watching romcoms and taking notes that's hilarious. He watches titanic and nods "yes this would never happen with us, I would simply drag them into the sea and then we would live together happily ever after while everyone else drowns- ah or is that too fatalistic?"
But yes he doesn't know much about courtship in general. He can "flirt" but its not intentional on his part, he's just being snarky. But with you he has no idea what to do. The clothing thing makes no sense to him, is it to stake a claim? Then why not bite you? That would get the point across faster... is it a him thing to want to do that or is it a mer thing? One night stands are too complicated, there's too many ways for that to go wrong the only reason Jade could think to have one is if someone has information you want to steal and he's not interested in obtaining things that way. They don't owe you anything that way.
Jade with soft yan! urges he tries to tamp down because he knows they're not healthy but he just wants to protect you form the dangerous that exist in the coral sea. Even if you become a merfolk you still used to be human, soft, fragile, and so naive... really there's no end to the things that could steal you away from him. Like Ace! Now if you could please look the other way while he disposes of this pest- he jests. He would never rob you of your friends, everyone needs them and he needs you to need him the same way humans need air.
Also the sheer irony of Yuu complaining all of their past relationships being situationships when that's what they have going on with Jade right at that very moment. Maybe that was intentional huh Jade ever think of that? Maybe the pretty human was huffing at you and batting their eyes because they are frustrated that history is repeating itself and the sketchy guy their friends don't approve of is being unclear about his feelings again. He figures that out once he finally finds out the definition and he feels so so stupid
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nohoperadio · 3 months
Imagine a far-future society, we don't know what's happened but the Earth is dead, I'm vaguely picturing them all living on space stations or something, there are only precious few species of plants and animals being kept alive, very few indeed, you couldn't quite count the remaining species on your fingertips but you could certainly check out all of their Wikipedia pages within the space of an hour. Future Wikipedia I guess, I mean whatever it is they have. No edible fruit or vegetables have survived at all, I'm not sure what they do for food, something futuristic presumably. Some kind of... future powder?
But there's this project that's been in the works for decades, they've figured out they can synthesize an apple. I don't know how that works, but the scientists have figured out a way. They're going to make an apple and this is like landing on the moon for them, everyone's insanely hyped about it, nobody's seen an apple for millennia... well see part of what's going on here is that the historiography of the time back when Earth still existed is irreparably bad now, it's super impressionistic because so little survived. And I guess partly because the Genesis story has been all blown out of proportion (there's more to it but that's a big part of it) these guys have a really exaggerated idea of the importance of apples to Earth humans, they basically imagine us eating apples all day long and worshiping apple gods and making apple art and all stuff like that. It's pretty silly but remember they have NO fruit or veg, they eat powder or whatever it was I said, they don't even have a rough concept of what "eating an apple" might be, like does it get you high for example? I bet they think it does, like a really spiritual special kind of high! They must have embellished it so much right? Gotten real carried away.
So like I say it's really hype, they're going to finally make an apple! A real one I mean, not like an approximation of what some scientists theorize an apple might be like, they've figured out how to definitely do it accurately (somehow, idk, just trust the omniscient narrator that they're doing it for real). But: they can only make one. Too much resources required or some shit, like I said this is their equivalent to the first moon landing except maybe more so, it's not a sustainable plan to reintroduce apple trees or something, they can only make one apple ever and that'll be it.
So as you can imagine, quite apart from all the scientific resource that's gone into this project, there's been a ton of resource invested into (not to mention endless public fascination and debate over) the question: who gets to eat the apple? It's a big deal! Everybody envies whoever's gonna eat it; most people also don't envy them. Since time immemorial, the essence of the apple has been defined by centuries and millennia of myth and speculation and storytelling holding together scattered fragments of a mysterious glorious past. Very soon, the essence of the apple will be defined by whatever this guy says it is, whatever the apple eater manages to communicate of the ineffable experience that will always be theirs alone. Humanity will demand a report, and the apple eater will have to be a poet of rarest genius at the very minimum to be trusted to deliver it, they hold the most privileged position maybe anyone will ever hold by being allowed to do this, and all that will remain of that briefest experience for all eternity will be their words. They're an instant prophet, no questions asked. I don't know about you, but if that was me I would definitely shit myself.
Well anyway forget about all that stuff. I was only thinking of this because it occurs to me, you're kind of like the apple eater of your own life, right? I mean nobody's making a big song and dance of it like those crazy apple space freaks, but it's true no?, you *pokes you in the face quite hard* with your highly specific soul positioned in your highly specific situation, that's only going to happen once, you're the only one who's ever going to know what that's like, assuming you aren't going to give some sort of big testimony, somehow. Only difference is like I say, no one really cares in your case, although actually I do sometimes, I hope that doesn't weird you out. I'm just saying imagine being asked the question! As if the answer really did matter! In theory anybody could just walk up to you and do that! I promise I won't ask you, if you promise you won't ask me.
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blooming-violets · 5 months
Nicest Thing Peter x Reader for 11. In joy? I really like that fic. I reblogged it on my old account. I feel like thats an underrated fic of yours (maybe bc it came out in 2022? Idk). Would love to see what happened to them!
It's still one my favs because it is just so...me?? Like if I had to chose anything that represented my personality perfectly, it would be Nicest Thing. Just a depressed, sad bitch who loves angst and Peter Parker and enjoys Kate Nash. I feel like I need another Kate Nash song for this "sequel" fic. I'll base it off her song Trash because these two are trash for each other.
You can read this as a separate, on its own Peter x Reader thing if you'd like or you can read it as a future piece to Nicest Thing.
Warnings: Smoking a joint and getting stoned
If porn bots can over take all the tags then I better not get flagged for these gifs.
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Peter looked at her through blazed out, squinting eyes. A haze of smoke filled their bathroom as they passed the joint back and forth between them. They were seated in the unfilled tub, fully clothed, and facing each other. She had made him take the spot next to the faucet under the claims that sitting over the drain made her feel “icky” like she might get sucked in. He didn’t mind. Even if their leaky faucet kept dripping cold water over his shoulder. 
“Do you remember the Rugrats episode when Tommy and Chuckie are afraid of getting sucked down the bathtub drain because Angelica tells them a story of some other baby who died that way?” He asked, handing her off the joint. 
She placed it between her lips and he watched with a slow blinking, admiration for her. He loved her. She had been with him through everything. He owed his entire life to her. Without her in his life, he would no longer be here. She was everything important in the world. 
She smiled, remembering, and let out the most beautiful laugh. She always got extra giggly when they smoked. It was one of his favorite sounds. 
“Don’t they fill the drain with play-doh and shit? It’s a weird reddish, pink color. Why do I remember that specific color so much?” She replied, mystified. 
Peter chuckled, “Because old school Rugrats was filled with some crazy ass imagery. It sticks in your mind.” 
“Yeah but I remember thinking that I specifically wanted to eat that color...like maybe it would taste nice…like the imaginary food from Hook.” She passed it back to him, letting the smoke exhale in a little, circular puffs from between her lips. 
“Do you want to get into a pretend food fight with me and see if anything appears?” He grinned. 
Her red rimmed eyes squinted back at him as she laughed, “With the way these munchies have been hitting me the past few minutes, I think it might actually happen. I could imagine food hard enough to make it show up.” 
His mind started to wander as a hungry smile spread across his face, imagining all the food he could eat, and he spoke with a dreamy whisper, “Pizza bagels.”
“Let’s make pizza bagels. ‘M hungry. Starvin’. Gonna die if I don’t get some food in me.” 
Her eyes glowed with excitement at the idea, “Pizza bagels. Yes, you’re a genius!” 
“I know,” he giggled, it bubbled out of him without any self control. It wasn’t the weed that did it. It was her. He felt free when he was with her. He flicked out the joint against the ashtray balancing on the edge of the tub. “I really am. Smartest man alive, probably.” 
She snorted, “Okay, I wouldn’t go that far. Get your ego in check, Parker, before I have to slap some sense back into you.” 
He beamed at her, his love consumed him, feeling it outshine every other emotion rattling around inside of him. She was beautiful. Stunning. Picture perfect. He wanted to hang her up on his wall like an expensive piece of art so he could admire every day of his life. 
Her shoulders shrunk up to her ears under the intensity of his gaze.
“Stop that,” she whispered. “Don’t look at me with those eyes or I’ll kick you. I’ve got a perfect aim for your crotch in this position.”
Peter shook his head, “Nope, sorry, I refuse. I can’t help it. You look…perfect. The nicest thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life.”
“You’re stoned.” 
“Yes. Doesn’t change the fact that your lips look very enticing.” He winked at her and tried to scoot forward to get a taste. 
Her socked foot landed against his chest, pushing him back in place, “I thought we were making pizza bagels, not kissing. Weren’t you just starving a minute ago?” 
“Starving for you, maybe.” 
“Peter!” She let out a loud laugh, keeping him at bay with her outstretched leg. 
He was so in love. Completely enamored. Whipped. Head over heels. Trash for her. Whatever he wanted to call it. He belonged to her so wholly. His bleeding heart was in her hand for the rest of his life. He would follow her to the ends of the earth and back again. 
“If you don’t let me kiss you right this very second, I am going to turn this shower on.” His hand reached over his shoulder to grip onto the shower knob with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. 
She gave a sharp inhale, “You wouldn’t dare.” 
His eyebrows raised, taking on that challenge, “Oh really?”
She knew she fucked up the second before the shower burst to life. From his position in the tub, it shot over his head to spray directly into her face. She shrieked and fell back, sliding down the sloped edge of the tub until she was nearly on her back.
It was all the opportunity he needed to pounce. He leapt on top of her to the sound of her laughter and blocked the shower stream from her face with his back. His arms wrapped protectively around her head as he laid over her. Water pooled around them, warming their bodies, and soaking through their clothes. 
They didn’t feel it. 
All he could feel was the devoted love burning a hole in his chest where his heart used to be. 
She giggled up at him, blinking water droplets from her eyes, and whispered, “You’re an ass.”
He laughed in response and crashed his lips over hers, mumbling against them, “You love me.” 
She sighed in content. Her arms snaked around his neck to draw him closer, melting happily into his kiss. 
“I do.”
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aprilthearcher · 1 year
this hope is treacherous [roman roy x fem!reader]
word count: 600 - 700
warnings: ooc roman, perhaps, idk but i wanted (needed) something fluffy after studying for so long. cursing? not edited. english is my first language. i cannot get over this look !!!!!! also not my picture.
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“Would you ever want a big wedding like this?” 
Such an intimate question coming from him surprises her. She peers at him through her black sunglasses. He has his hands on his pockets, a relaxed stance at first glance; his shoulders moved forwards, curving his back, his head faces the landscape opposite her, as if he was ashamed of the words escaping his mouth. It’s a nervous stance, she deduces after a second, sharper look. Her heart cannot help but to jump faster every time she looks at his pink shirt. 
“I - I mean if you even want to get married,” he continues. “Or are you one of those women who shit on marriage just for the fun of it?”
(Y/N) takes a couple of seconds to respond, wanting to see if he’ll turn his head and face her. He does, then moves his head again to look at the people his mother invited to her wedding with some prick he’s sure is only after the remnants of the money she got from the divorce with his father. He moves his head to, finally, settle his eyes on her. He’d preferred the sunglasses off her face. He’s afraid to dig deeper on the why. He can see she’s getting tired of holding the umbrella one of the organisers gave her — so she could block the Tuscan sun from her head and most of her back — from the way she keeps changing it from one hand to the other. 
“Why are you staring, you weirdo? I asked you a question, it’s only right for you to answer me, you know.” Roman says before taking his hands out of his pockets. He’s about to grab the handle of the umbrella, but changes his mind at the last second; instead, he crosses his arms over his chest to try to cover up the raising of his arms. He realises her dress is the same tone of deep blue that the pants he’s wearing. Roman clears his throat, he feels like he’s about to choke. 
“No way, I mean with all this fucking people? And their ridiculous hats and these ridiculous umbrellas?” (Y/N) gives an answer to the question that’s been pondering over Roman’s mind since that day he got told about his mother’s wedding. Roman found himself thinking — or dreaming, he’s not quite sure — of her later that night. His heart had jumped as the image of seeing (Y/N) in a white dress (was she walking towards him?) and a flower arrangement held by both of her hands appeared vividly on his mind. Roman blamed it on the stress of choosing the future president of the country. 
“So you don’t want to get married.” Why was he asking so much about this? He guessed that by getting his answer, he could finally forget about the vision of her in a white, wedding dress. Now it was even worse. He felt somewhat disappointed. 
“Oh no, I do, but just with not this many people. I'd like something small, in a place where it's sunny but not this fucking sunny. I don't know, I probably wouldn't invite anyone really. just, just yo.. just the lucky guy and I, I guess,” she shrugged her shoulders, averting her eyes from his after almost saying ‘you’. God, she was an idiot. 
“Lucky guy indeed,” Roman whistled before grabbing a glass from one of the waiters’ trays.
They stood in silence watching the guests around them, looking at the other from the corner of their eyes. Roman grabbed the handle of the umbrella from her, making sure it still covered her from the sun, after he heard her mumbling about how it was numbing her arm. She smiled, a contained smile that threatened to become a full grin if she didn’t press her lips tightly. He saw it, but decided not to say anything. A small smirk took control of his face, one that was not mocking, neither sarcastic, but almost adolescent. She saw it when he was looking at his shiny shoes. She didn’t say anything. 
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 3 months
Hi! can I request averyjameson as parents. like what kind of parent they would be and what rules and stuff they would have for their kid(s)
averyjameson as parents head canons
of course <3. i've already done 3 posts about them as parents (seperately) so if you want to go read those, you can scroll through my master list (pinned in my intro post) until you find them (there's jameson as a girl/boy dad and avery as a boy mom i think). two other people made these (maybe more idk) so i apologize if any of these are similar. hope you enjoy.
they definitely would not be strict parents. they trust their kids to be responsible and stuff so they don't really have any rules.
although they have a ton of money, jameson and avery make sure that their kids don't take everything they have for granted. they involve them in the foundation where they donate to charity, talk to them about societal issues, and could even make them do some community service.
they stay at hawthorne house most of the time, but they do also own another house (or maybe a condo) that they go to whenever hawthorne house is unsafe/they want to get away for a while.
their kids were homeschooled for around a year while they travelled the world together. they both love travelling and wanted their kids to see the world just like they did.
idk if someone else said this, but jameson would definitely be the type of dad who tried to learn their kids' generation's slang. unlike other parents, he would succeed (and he somehow doesn't make in cringe)
they didnt post any pictures of their kids on their socials until they were old enough to decide whether or not they wanted to be on their parents socials knowing the risks.
their kids each have their own wing in hawthorne house (literally all of jameson's brothers' kids do)
i don't really see the kids having a favorite parent. they both prefer one of their parents for different reasons. avery is the one to go to if you need advice/comfort and jameson is their go to when they need a laugh or something fun to do
jameson and avery are so affectionate with one another that their kids don't find it weird. they're so used to it that this is what's normal to them.
they'd have a girl and a boy (maybe a third kid but i think they'd keep it at two. i can see them either being twins or them being 2 years apart or smth).
although they want their kid to do well in school, they're not strict with grades. they don't want their kids to not give a shit about school, they want them to try their best, but avery and jameson make it known to their kids that their grades do not affect their worth.
they're not the type of parents who care about what their kids want to do in the future. they don't need them to have some huge paying job. if their kid wants to become a hairdresser, that's fine by them.
jameson and avery would sort of become their kids' best friends. not in some weird way, but they're very close and tell each other everything. even their kids get along and rarely fight.
this one is a bit sadder but they'd definitely have a discussion about consent very early on bc they know that growing up in the spotlight can be dangerous and people might try to hurt them. they would obviously explain it in a kid friendly way at first.
they'd definitely get a pet. i can imagine the pet being all of the hawthorne's pet (like the four brothers, their wives/gfs (i hc max and xander don't get married but stay together), and their kids)
no matter what alisa and avery's other lawyers said, her kids never did interviews until they were old enough to do one and to decide they wanted to do one. they aren't required to attend events and stuff unless they want to. alisa and avery had a few fights over this until alisa backed off and realized that they were just kids.
they wouldn't have kids until their late 20s. they'd want a few years to themselves, travelling the world, before they have kids (i can also imagine them not having kids at all but eh)
they hate excluding their kids when they make important decisions. they make sure their kids know their opinion is important to them. for example, earlier i said they'd get another house or a condo to get away from hawthorne house sometimes, well they'd ask for their kids' opinion on which place they should buy and stuff.
when their kids don't get along (very rare cause i imagine their kids to be best friends), they put them in a room together (they're in the room next to them or right outside) and don't let them get out until they apologize (they're also very strict (?) with apologies. they want their kids to properly apologize if they did smth wrong like 'im sorry for .... i did it bc... but ik its wrong and ill never do it again. next time i feel like this ill...' or smth like that)
they have movie nights every week. each week, a different person gets to choose the movie or the series. they all settle down in the theatre room at hawthorne house with tons of popcorn and candy and binge watch movies (or just one if they're tired).
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au where atsushi time travels to the past and its pretty obvious that he knows dazai but a different version of dazai but where everyone expects him to be upset or scared of pm dazai atsushi just treats him like he's going through a phase and doesn't put much attention to it
idk its funny in my head
maybe dazai has to house him becuz idk powerful ability user and ability nullifier
and atsushi is doing his usual atsushi things - trying to find a way back, cooking, cleaning (becuz even future dazai would be living in a junkyard if kunikida didn't break in every few days to clean up and later recruited atsushi to the cause)
anyway atsushi sees dazai come back covered in blood or whatever and is like "ah dazai-san welcome back! why dont you clean up and then come eat with me!"
dazai is just there trying to understand him and atsushi is like "dazai san you should invite your friends over" (he wants to meet oda in a normal way)
atsushi's trying to keep the future locked but he sees tiny akutagawa and squeals about how adorable he is so um...
no seriously he thinks tiny akutagawa is the most precious thing in the world
he's cooking his favorite foods to send to him and taking pictures of him and telling him how adorable he is and living his best life
and akutagawa is so confused but um he's secretly pleased but he wont admit it
when atsushi comes back he frames them all btw
chuuya was gonna room with him but when atsushi was being introduced he was like "what am i like in the future" and atsushi is like "... you have longer hair" and he doesn't say it but its obvious that chuuya didn't get taller and now he's angy
if its one of those sexy fics where the timeline splits and nothing atsushi does or says changes the future but also everything that he does or says also doesn't have no effect than atsushi tells dazai where to find mini him and what he knows about oda (its not much but dazai is smart enough to connect the dots when mimic happens)
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cringelordofchaos · 3 months
random craig tucker headcanons
has level 1 low support needs autism
gay (not a hc bt whaever.)
special interest is star trek and space in general
watching red racer every day is a routine he mustn't under almost any imaginable circumstance break
got some peruvian ancestry (from which parent's side? heck if i know) + knows a bittt of spanish
his family mostly goes without saying a word to each other during meals
when hes waiting outside the counselor's office for flipping off someone again he sits and either thinks about space or looks at images of stripe on his phone to ease any tension that migth be there
barely ever smiles except when stripe, space or tweek exist
closer to thomas than to laura
his parents taught him everythin ghe knows <33 (emotional constipation and invlulnerability but breaking the ice every one in a while)
sometimes just randomly infodumps about random facts about star strek or space or guinea pigs at the most random of times (actually canon as briefly shown in TFBW)
likes to learn / memorize random facts abt red racer, space, star trek or guinea pigs
random fact i almost mispelled guinea pigs every single time wtmf is wrong with me
for birthdays he mostly gets space-themed stuff cuz everyone knows he loves it
if hes overwhelmed, instead of having a meltdown he'll usually have a shutdown instead
sometimes rants to stripe abt stuff like relationship drama w tweek lmao
he actually liked the clothes he wore during the metrosexual fad, (evident by keeping them in his closet as shown in TFBW)
most emotion he shows is anger/being pissed off
"sooooooo happy" is actually a stim of his and it feels satisfying for him to say it every time hes sooo happy
even when hes sooo happy the most emotion he'll show is a faint smile
doesn't really smile in any pictures unless hes forced to
flipping people off for him is kinda like pushing people away and making them pissed off at him so he wouldnt need to care abt what they think of him and that way he sorta protects himself (mostly saying this bc of one of his attacks in tfbw)(i swear im sane)
hes sometimes overwhelmed from his relationship w tweek but he fucking sucks at communicating (his kryptonite in TFBW is literally communication) he didnt communicate that to tweek just yet (this is mostly shown in buddha box)(NOT SAYING CRAIG DOESNT CARE ABOUT TWEEK HE LOVES HIM HES JUST OVERWHELMED SOMETIMES FROM FEELING LIKE HES COMPLETELY RESPONIBLE FOR HIM ANDN OIEAHDKKSH leave him alone) i like to imagine tweek and craig resolve this at one point cuz im pretty sure they get married in the future and they always push through their struggles together and they rly need each other so .
u can point to a star n hell name it
has space themed pajamas
(StOLEN HC IdK FroM whO) has those glow in the dark stars in his room
i googled it sometime ago n apparently he has blue eyes ? idrc
his childhood dream was to become an astronaut (I FORGOT HOW TO SPELL IT I LITERALLY HAD TO GOOGLE IT I HATE MYSELF) but when he grew up he probably settled for something less extreme. idk what though
either got diagnosed w autism at age 10, in his teens, in his young adult years, or far afterwards, or never at all. when he was told by someone that he migth be autistic he didnt rly even bother to look it up or anything but if he did he would go like "idk i dont really think im autistic i dont think i do (x symtom) all that much" and tweeks like "You do that literally all the time !!!!". but yeah even if he gets diagnosed he doesnt rly end up taking any medication or specializzed therapy but he does gain a larger understanding of himself and how to handle things like shutdowns.)
really picky eater (cuz sensory issues)
hates wearing jeans or similiar uncomfy clothing so he wears exclusively sweatpants (again cuz of sensory issues)
his whole family is autistic actually ive decided so when mr mackey brings up the possibility of him being autistic laura and thomas deny it cuz all the symptoms he shows are what they do as well, andthyere obviously not autistic so neither can craig be.
sometimes he goes over to tweeks house completely unannounced and so does tweek (actuallycanon as shown in put it down)
0verwhelmed by the concept of emotions in general but his relationship w tweek forces him to confront that part of him he tries to avoid and forces him to open up a bit which is actually rly important
since tweek is on meth, he heavily lacks appetite and sometimes skips meals or just doesnt take care of himself enough. craig learns abt this (not the meth part cuz tweek doesnt know that eithrer) so he helps him eat enough food throughout the day so he doesnt fucken starve to death
replies to tweeks texts instantly (actually canon)
tolkiens best friend (canon according to the official south park wiki). clydes a closee second
clyde annoys the fuck out of him but in a friend teasing way and they both care abt each other obvu
i actually dont rly have hcs for him n tolkien sryyyy
jimmy makes the best remarks abt creek (canon)(in put it down he asks craig (when craig doesnt know why tweek isnt in school) "uh oh. trouble in paradise?" and in TFBW during a battle tweek tells craig smth like "ill be right with you super craig!" and jimmy says "OK, i guess illbe the third wheel." anyway live laugh jimmy)
extremely blunt pessimist (canon)
despite his reputation as a troublemaker hes actually a decently polite kid (minus the constant flipping off)
barely goes out the house or does anything exciting. nice n boring. just the way he likes it.
hates changes or sudden surprises or his routine being broken
on the verge of being diagnosed w oppositional defiance disorder
sometimes wears black nail polish (again cuz in tfbw its kinda implied he liked the metrosexual fad n black nail polish migth be a more neutral form of such self expression)(mostly self projecting here)
tumblr user
during one pride month thomas went all out and bought craig a shitton of pride themed merch that he mostly doesnt use
he loves loves lovess seeing tweeks smile !!!1!! hes like omfg finally hes getting a fucking break (tweeks life is a fucking mess)
appears unphased by some stuff even when hes really uncomfortab;le
sometimes sleeps without pillow ehn he deems it more comfortable
deals w some form of small anxiety, not to a disordered amount thogh
maybee has depression ?!? idk
dated a girl in the past cuz he thought he was supposed to, but he felt like "she was holding him back". overall he didnt give a fuck abt their breakup cuz he didnt really care that much abt the relationship and when others questioned him abt it he was confused and didnt know most ppl were heartbroken after a breakup. (sorry i love early craig being a gay mess in denial)
sometimes cartman calls him a pocoyo rip off and each time he feels the strongest urge to either decapitate or defenestrate him
before he n tweek got together he would joke to tolkien abt how he was gonna propose to him when they grew up so he could live off his wealth and not have to work for any money. (SORRY i got this concept from a webcomic (the four of them))
he n tweek send heart emojis to each other (implied)
mostlyyy dry texter (he doesnt mean to)
at one point he n tweek buy a pair of guinea pigs for stripe to befriend and craig names them castor and pollux
he n tweek get married in the future
mostly likes dry, tasteless and cold food (There r obviously exceptions thats why i said mostly)
says and intreprerts things more literally than most
still sarcastic at times
hates huge social events with too many people and noiises
used to blend in well and fit in w mob mentality but doesnt really care anymore
it wont let me write anymo
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starcrossedreaders · 1 year
Hi! hello! I'm new to the RE fandom and let me say that, i fell in love with Leon (RE2 and RE4), and my god, i can't stop thinking about him!
So... if you can, can you do a little story where reader loves to roller skate, and tries to teach Leon how to do it and both have a clumsy-cute-fluffy day.
(actually i'm trying to learn how to roller skate. It's acceptable too the other way around, Leon teaches reader, idk, i just thought is just a cute thing to do)
Thank you for read!
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Authors Note: This is so so cute, so thank you for requesting it. I hope you enjoy it!
Warnings! None! Just cavity-inducing fluff Re4 Leon.
"Come on Leonnn, it will be fun, trust me,"
"You know I don't skate,"
"Baby, you are literally the top government hero of the world, I think you can handle roller skating," The attitude dripped from your voice as you gave Leon a 'seriously' look.
"Besides, it's my turn to pick what our next date is and I want to go roller skating," If looks could kill you would probably be deceased right now. Leon loved you to literal pieces but sometimes, on very rare occasions you can push his buttons; this was one of those occasions.
It was Friday night and you and Leon had just finished the movie he had put on. It's been a long week so the movies and cuddles were something you guys really needed. It was a normal routine you guys had established at the beginning of your relationship. Friday night you guys stay in, Saturday night was date night. You guys often alternated between who picks what you guys do, and you had just happened to luck out this weekend.
"Fine." He crossed his arms in defeat while you excitedly jumped around him.
"Oh my gosh, this is going to be so fun,"
"Whatever, I get to choose dinner then," You stopped your fit of excitement and looked at your boyfriend. His blue irises looked right back at you and for a few heartbeats, you guys stared each other down.
"Okay," you shrugged your shoulders and skipped off to your shared room. Leon could only scoff and shake his head.
The next morning you guys spent in bed sharing lazy kisses and quiet 'I love you's till you finally wiggled out of Leon's arms to get ready. His protests fell on deaf ears as you skipped to the bathroom.
Leon couldn't believe what you did to him. Never in a million years would he think he would find himself still in bed on a Saturday morning listening to you dance around in the shower singing along to the playlist he made for you when you first started dating. Just the thought of a future with you had him smiling as he rolled on his back to look at his phone. He mindlessly scrolled through past pictures of you guys on previous dates and his heart fluttered.
You had always made a point to take at least one picture together on every date you guys did. The last date you guys went on was a hike. Despite the rough terrain, the hot sun beating down on you guys, and the sweat running down your brow you still looked like the most beautiful thing in the world to him. Your face was red which contradicted the blue lens sunglasses that shielded your eyes. Your baby hairs stuck to your head as your cheek was pressed up against his. Your smile brightened up the whole picture, the mountains in the background could never compare. He took one last look at the picture and remained himself to print and hang the most recent picture.
The water came to a sudden stop and the music became louder. Leon could hear you humming to the song as you stepped out of the shower. Upon opening the bathroom door hot steam pilled into the cold room and you stepped out with a towel wrapped around your body and a similar one on your head. Leon had to hold back the urge to take you right then and there. He groaned and covered his eyes with his arm.
"Please change fast, I don't think I can hold back when you look like that,"
You could only snort as your waddled to the closet, "Perv,"
You heard Leon mumble 'meanie' under his breath as he rolled on his stomach to get a better look at you.
"What should I wear? A dress? Jeans? Leggings?," You look back at Leon in hopes he would help you out His arms were tucked under his pillow showing off his defined shoulder blades.
Leon mumbled into the pillow," Hmm, what about those jeans I just bought you,"
"OH!, That's a good idea, I love you,"
"Love you more."
After taking your sweet sweet time getting ready Leon was finally getting out of bed to get ready. You could tell he was trying to delay the enviable. While you were doing your finishing touches and your make-up Leon was brushing through his hair. The shirt he had on squeezed his arms in just the right way, and the Jeans he had on curved his ass, which you were secretly jealous of. Putting your mascara down you turn to look at him.
"Are you ready to go love?"
"Of course baby."
Leon grabbed his jacket and keys as you walked out of the house. He triple-checked that the door was locked before he lightly jogged over to you so he can open the door for you. On the ride there his hand stayed on your thigh rubbing soft circles while you serenaded Leon with your singing.
Upon arriving at the roller skating rink the harsh A/C hit your body. The lights were dimmed down while LED light shone around the area. Leon gripped your hand tighter as he heard a little kid scream out a laugh. The smell of greasy food danced in the air the further you guys walked in. Walking up the shoe counter Leon did most of the talking, and paying, like the gentlemen he is.
Sitting down on a bench you had cringed at the worn-down roller skates while lacing them up. Leon had yet to move to put them on, the look on his face said it all: I'm fucked.
Turning towards him you placed your hand on his thigh, "What's wrong love? Does roller skating scare you that much? If you want we can le-,"
"NO-no, you wanted to roller skate so we're going to roller skate, it's just.... I don't know how..."
"You don't know how to...skate?" You could barely see the light pink dust on his cheeks as he slightly shakes his hand.
You laugh a little, "Baby, that's okay, I'll teach you how. Don't worry is easy,"
"....Are you sure...?"
"I'm super sure love, Besides if you fall while holding onto me I'll be going right down with you so you won't be the only one falling," The beaming smile you gave him lit up the whole room.
"Tch, yea right," Leon bent down to put on his skates. After he tied his last knot you stood up and pushed yourself to curve in front of him.
"Kind Sir," You placed your hand out and bowed your head a little. Leon shook his head a little as he place his hand in yours.
Leon tripped a little when you helped walk him to the rink. When he placed his first skate down his skate rolled back and forth a little as he lost his balance. You were quick to lead his other hand to your shoulder to help him make the step-down.
"There you go, that's the hardest part I promise,"
Leon mumbled a 'whatever' as he slowly took his hand off of your shoulder.
"When you skate it's almost like walking, but instead of lifting your foot up and down, you are going to push your foot. Watch," You let go of Leon's hand and showed him the pushing motion.
Leon was amazed at how well you did this, you glided along with no problems, and you looked....graceful doing it. You circled around him and by the time you did your second lap, you skated backward to face him again.
"See? Easy enough, now it's your turn," Your curved to be on his left side.
"Want to hold my hand," You offered your hand to his. Leon was embarrassingly quick to grab it before you started to skate.
You guys started off extremely slow pushing one foot in front of the other. Leon was really struggling to keep his balance, the grip on your hand was starting to hurt the further you guys moved. The kids around you guys were putting Leon on edge. How are children better at this than him? He is literally a government agent, he had saved the president's daughter, and he can easily skate in a circle. His grip on your hand lightens up and his pace fastened.
"Okay baby, I see you," You laugh a little as Leon skated in front of you.
Your laughter squeezed Leon's heart. Looking back at you he could see your beaming smile as you sway to the music that was being played. He was memorized, the most beautiful girl in this building was his girl.
Being too engrossed in his thoughts Leon didn't notice the slight curve, and you had been too late to call out to him, "Leon watch o-" Taking the curve straight on he was too late to turn his body, and when he did he turn it was to fast and he lost his balance and fell.
You really had to try hard to not laugh your ass off. You were quick to skate over to his fallen body.
"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" A snort fell past your lips.
Leon was sitting down with his legs sticking straight out to form a 'V'. His head fell down to look at his hands that lay on the floor. His bottom lip stuck out a little as he small pout adorned his face.
"Poor baby," you moved over to his right side and crouched down to move the hair out of his face.
"Are you okay?" He shook his head slightly side-to-side
"mmhm," The pouting was too cute to take him seriously. You just had to take a moment to capture his cute face.
It's very rare to see Leon pout because if he pouts it's into your chest or neck. You were quick to pull out your phone and pull up your camera. You stretched your arm so you and Leon could fit into the frame. You tried to copy his pouting face by pushing your bottom lip out with puppy eyes. You clicked the button at least three times before Leon lifted his head up.
"Did you just...?"
"Nope, let's go get dinner I'm hungry,"
Clearly, Leon didn't believe you but he couldn't care less. Because in a few years, he would look back at the picture and laugh as he remembers this moment.
"Whatever you say....Can you help me get up?" Your laugh danced throughout the room as you stood up and shook your head.
"Of course, you big baby."
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Spoilers for Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
I haven't actually finished the game but I was thinking, what if Zelda never returns to being a hylian and just remains a dragon forever? Who would be the next in line for the throne?
That's right.
Link. Why?
1. Link is from a long family of knights and one of the only known and confirmed nobles in the game
2. Link is one of the only people in Hyrule to know many classified secrets of the royal family (especially if he regains all his memories from his time as Zeldas personal guard and whatnot)
3. Link has saved and aided all of the different tribes on multiple occasions and united them under him.
4. He has personal friendly relationships with all the tribes leaders aka the chiefs and Zora king
5. Link is pretty good as descalating conflicts and finding middle grounds
6. Link is cononically just as compassionate and lovable as Zelda is and would be beloved as Prince
Theres more but I think you got the picture. Just imagine Prince Link, uncomfortable about this turn of events but willing to do what is best for his people.
So I propose a plot for the new DLC: Of course theres a new Big Bad (maybe a sorcerer like Vaati or something) who makes themselves a castle of thier own in the Depths and is trying to take over hyrule but in a different way than we've seen before. Sure they still create monster and cause havoc but they also do political stuff like scandal and slander
Link gathering alliances with the people of the different tribes and trying to clear his name after he's been framed for crimes he did not commit maybe? He, that doesn't really fit the vibe with what I'm going for, but what if the new Big Bad tried to make the people of Hyrule like him more and use thier love of him as a way into power?
Maybe disasters keep happening and the new guys servents/knights keeps saving the day but things keep getting worse and worse. Maybe there could be a new game mechanic where there's a ward or talisman that stops dark magic/ evil entities from entering the city and most of the disasters in that area stopping entirely and when the servent/knight tries to enter the city they hit a magic barrier and it sounds like a mosquitoe getting zapped by a bug zapper and they scream, revealing themselves to be a monster who had been the one causing all the disasters in the first place. The civilians freak out and the monster flees.
Link and the sage of that area believed in Link the whole time/was suspicious of the servant/knight follows the monster with Link and they find a maze like nest the monster has created
Cue dungeon
Cue boss battle
Rinse and repeat for all the sages people (maybe there are some previously unknown Zonai survivors that Minaru is awed and excited to find and she takes them in idk) maybe they were lost in time or something. Maybe thats where the big bad came from and the the Zonai children interrupted the Big Bads spell and thay wound up in the distant future, the children later running away in confusion and terror. So new tribe and dungeon? Just a thought
DLC features:
1. MASSIVE main quest to renovate the castle where you get to redecorate it however you want. Like you get to choose the furniture and decorations and have things restored to thier former glory. Granted you have to pay for repairs out of your own pocket (taxes can only go so far and thats going towards rebuilding the towns and stuff) and you get to put up your own pictures to replace those torn apart portraits and stuff you see around the castle in BOTW and TOTK. You can put up pictures of Hyrules former royals, the champions, the sages, ect. Or you can go the painting route where someone paints the photos you have on your Purah Pad like in your house in Terry Town. I would buy the DLC just for this to be honest
As you renovate the castle and dig out all the collaped pathways you get new memories of Links time as a soldier and get to see his family as well as memories with Zelda
I would throw so much money at Nintendo just to be able to renovate the castle to my liking. Like, so much you have no idea
2. Link getting a freaking crown and royal armor sets. One for prince and another after he's corinated as king near the end of the game
Armor sets based off of the new and old boss monsters
Armor sets based off of the mini-boss monsters including Gloom Hands (this one looks horrifying btw) and you get some kinda boost from each that represents that specific monster like a Hinox set giving you a food affect boost and Gloom Hands set boosts the power of the Phantom Ganon drops
Maybe a sage set that boosts the powers of the sages a bit
Forest dweller set that increases the durability of wooden weapons
3. Rebuilding the town ruins and creating homes for people all over hyrule like the Deya village ruins and Tabantha ruins and you can do it Lurelin Village style (I loved that side quest it was actually pretty fun)
Anyway, this is me officially releasing this idea to Nintendo it they want it so long as they credit me for the ideas they use from me. They don't even have to pay me (but hiring me would be nice)
Here's a poll to maybe help convince them this is a good idea
@nintendo :)
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fadedmunson · 1 year
abc fluffy alphabets with spider-noir?? :]
hi! so im only gonna do like 6 letters to get the hang of things since this is my first time doing something like this
please let me know if you want more tho 💓
abc's with spider-noir!
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A — activites, how do they spend time with their loved one?
to be honest, i think spider-noir isn't opposed to late night diner dates. i feel like that's something he'd really be into. if he got an egg cream or milkshake he would put two straws in for the both of you
AND MATINEES OMG!! he would do the really cheesy yawn and lay his arm around your shoulder and everythingggg, im meltinggg
B — beauty, what do they admire about their dearly beloved?
i feel like with noir he would really enjoy someone with beauty and brawn. someone who definitely isn't afraid to speak their mind. he admires the way you carry yourself when you speak.
C — comfort, how would they comfort their loved one when they're upset or having a panic attack
if you're upset about something, he'll definitely take you on a walk outside. i have a feeling he might sit you down with him to throw rocks in ponds (?) idk but that feels like him. he'll maybe think that having you let off steam would help in some way with whatever it is.
if it's a panic attack, im mostly certain that he would stick with you through the good, the bad, and the ugly (heh) if you didn't want him to see you cry, he would let you use his hat while he just pets your thigh and help you steady your breathing. the way he would press little kisses all over you once you've relaxed more im sobbing
D — dreams, how do they picture their future together?
he'll definitely want to settle down with you at some point in life. if you're up for it completely, i see maybe one or two kids and a dog, definitely.
he'd wanna live ideally anywhere you dreamt of, he'll follow you into the depths of the underworld im sure of it
if you're a painter or artist, he would definitely ask for tons of colorful paintings.
also would decorate the house with flowers he bought you, of course
he would definitely slow dance with you in the living room of your new house just because he loves you so much and wants to admire your beauty up-close :((
E — equal, are they someone dominant or more passive in the relationship?
noir is most definitely a more dominant lover in a relationship. i feel like thats a bad way of putting it though 😭 all i think is that he would definitely want to be the one spoiling you rotten and just looking after you
his protectiveness for those he loves is insanely strong, he would do absolutely anything for you if you asked
F — fighting, would they forgive their loved one easily?
i have a belief that noir doesn't get in dumb fights. i don't think he would get into stupid arguments with you. he knows when to shut up and let you speak as well. he'll definitely be one of those guys who cares and respects you too much to be mad at you for so long anyways.
if it's something you did that upset him, im sure he'll take a minute to think about how he wants to word it then ask you to talk for a sec
you, being the amazing person you are, listen to him and let each other know how you're feeling, yay everyone's happy & in luvvvv :D
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thewritingginger · 1 year
Fluff Alphabet - Ken “Draken” Ryuguji
It’s been so long since I've posted oops
I’m actually trying to work on some hella old prompts I never got finished—thanks writing slump  So I hope to get those done in the near future but idk 🤞🏻
So enjoy some Fluffy Draken for your Monday :3
Fandom: Tokyo Revengers Letters: D,R,A,K,E,N Warnings: None, Fluff, Maybe cheesy
Enjoy ~
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D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Draken strikes me as a family man, maybe cuz he never had one in the traditional sense
I think he’d prefer at least 2 kids, 3 at most
He would want to make sure that his partner would never need for anything
He seems like the type of man that would refuse his partner paying for anything in his presence
He would be happy living in a house that is not too big and not too small, just right for the size of family you have/ want to build
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
I think this boy could be a bit romantic if giving the opportunity
The whole showing up to your work/school/home with your favorite flowers just cuz
Taking you on impromptu rides to the beach to watch the sunset or go out for a random date
Sometimes I think he may get a bit embarrassed but your reaction always makes it worth it
I picture Ken’s main love language as either Acts of Service or Gift Giving
So if you’re having any car/bike issues he’ll check it out w/o you even asking him to
You mention a cute jacket you’ve been thinking of getting he’ll probably show up one day with it
I pin him as a guy that likes routine but is good about sprinkling in spontaneity
A ctivities - what do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Likes to take his partner out for rides on his bike—especially for little spontaneous weekend/ overnight trips (that is if you are comfy on a motorcycle) 
He really enjoys sharing his work and seems like the type to totally geek out about bikes and how things are fixed, run, etc
But tbh I think Ken would really be down for most things, he just wants to be with his babe and make them happy and if that means going to something like a knitting class then toss him a pair of knitting needles cuz he’ll be there
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Ken is a passionate kisser–even when just a peck
Your first kiss was sweet and melt-worthy after he dropped you off from taking you for a drive on his bike
Ken is a good kisser
I feel like he squeezes you close, especially for goodbye kisses
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
I think he tries to keep it pretty even, if not just let you steer the ship when y’all are just relaxing
He takes control when he feels the situation calls for it
But if y’all argue/bicker he tries to not come off too strong, even if he feels he’s right
Tries to make sure your peace is being said and checks in to make sure you’re happy
I’d say he’s more dominant overall tho
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
His nicknames for you
Smols (even if you’re taller than him lol)
Your nicknames for him
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Hope you enjoyed that
Feedback & Interaction is always appreciated! 
💛 ~
~ Masterlist ~
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ryan ross iceberg tier 3
tier 1, tier 2, tier 4, tier 5, tier 6, tier 7, tier 8
into the waters:
cricket and clover:
also known as the cabin album, this is the scrapped album that panic! wrote in 2007 when they locked themselves in a cabin in nevada (hence the nickname). according to a tweet from jon, 14 songs were written for the album, only 3 of which ever saw the light of day [i]. however, this tweet seems to have been deleted.
one song was folkin’ around, which of course made it onto pretty. odd.
another was nearly witches, which made it on vices & virtues, but the demo version is very different from the official version. you can listen to the demo here [ii].
the last song that we know of from this album is it’s true love. this song was performed once in 2007 at summerfest; unfortunately, the quality isn’t the best [iii]. however, this song still gives good insight into what the album would’ve sounded like, which is very different from fever but similar to pretty odd (although sources state the album still sounded very different from both previous and future works) [iv].
the album was intended to be a concept album, with each song leading into the next story wise. it would tell a love story between two people named cricket and clover [iv].
in 2018, jon also tweeted that he found some cricket and clover demos at his dad’s house, but it seems he does not have the authority to release them [iv]. genius also released a number of song titles, but jon also said that those names were not accurate [i].
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we also have this image of ryan’s handwritten lyrics for songs unreleased from the album.
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besides these small snippets of information, it’s safe to assume this album will remain lost to time forever, unless someone gives jon the permission to leak the demos (please).
i’m afraid that i:
on the 2006 summer tour, and specifically on live in denver, panic! covered karma police by radiohead. this entry refers to a part of that song in which ryan sings the line “i’m afraid that i.” ryan fans became obsessed with this clip and it’s taken on a life of its own.
you smell like a slut:
this also references a clip from the live in denver dvd. rather than explaining it, i’ll just let the video explain itself.
the moat:
in 2010, ryan tweeted at one of his friends that he could “float in [ryan’s] moat until he gets settled,” implying that ryan has a moat around his house [v].
i also found this panic! confession, but i’m not sure of the legitimacy of the claim nor of the house in the photo actually being the home ryan lived in (i hope it wasn’t) [vi].
eta: i think that actually is his house because in a podcast, he talks about how people have shown up to his house and made him scared to even open the door for the mailman :( with that being said, i removed the original image because i don't feel comfortable having a pic of his house in this (idk if he still lives there, but regardless). it is still in the source i linked if you're really curious, but it should go without saying that no one should show up to his house.
it’s the end of the electric guitar era:
this is a clip from the documentary, the calendar business, in which ryan says he was so frustrated with one of his guitars. so, he said “it’s the end of the electric guitar era” and burned it.
i’ll also link the full documentary here because it’s an interesting watch itself! [vii]
for a few years, ryan went to coachella. i know he was definitely at 2015 and 2016, but also maybe 2011 and 2013 [viii].
he was also pictured with cristofer drew at one of them (nevershoutnever) which doesn’t mean anything significant; it’s just an interesting tidbit to me because nsn started my emo phase lmao
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gabe saporta:
my king.
gabe saporta, formerly of midtown and cobra starship (both incredible bands that you should check out), was an absolute icon of fueled by ramen bandom. in the presplit days, he and ryan were buddies, as were most bands on that label, but after the divorce ryan got to keep gabe. they used to frequently post on instagram hanging out. we don’t really see them together much these days, but to be fair, ryan disappeared from the internet and gabe is the father of two kids. so i’m sure they’re still friends offline!
there is also this absolutely iconic friends or enemies interview that gabe did with ryan that everyone should watch here [ix] (also guy ripley saying “delicious” in the background at the end means everything to me).
eta: this post was made before gabe made all of those zionist comments about the genocide in palestine, so i feel i should clarify that he is no longer my king and it's free palestine and fuck israel forever :)
vicky t:
victoria asher, professionally known as vicky t, is another former member of cobra starship. she and ryan did hang out in the presplit days of course, but also some in the post split days. it seems she remained friends with all of panic! though.
however, vicky is extremely problematic and transphobic, which is detailed more here [x]. she also works with britney spears these days, and from what i can tell, britney’s fans do not have good things to say about vicky. but this is really not the place to dive into that.
keltie and jac podcast and books:
so kitty from glee and two of ryan ross’ exes start a podcast…
seriously though, keltie knight, jac vanek, and becca tobin run a podcast called lady gang, and ketlie and jac have discussed ryan on it before. in this interview from 2017, they say that they met because of a mutual ex, saying, “he was kind of known for a minute” and, “we don’t speak the name; it’s like voldemort.” [xi]. they also say they’re not sure if he’s still alive, and well…valid. in a tumblr post from 2018, an anon states that keltie talked about selling ryan’s clothes in an episode and that she and jac were saying mean things about him [xii]. also, in this podcast episode from last year, jac and keltie talk about ryan from about 05:25 to 08:10; they wonder if he has a girlfriend and what he is up to now, and keltie talks about how she regrets being messy in the relationship and writing her book, and how she tried to contact him when hobo died [xiii].
i’ve already talked about it some before, but in 2010, keltie released a book called “rockettes, rockstars, and rockbottom.” this book has an entire section dedicated to her relationship with ryan called “the dreamer” – the dreamer being the alias she uses to refer to him throughout. when describing the beginning of their relationship, she talks about how young he was very often, saying he was still a child and that he had a hard time passing for even 14, amongst other examples. as i said in tier 2, the age gap in their relationship was important because of the power dynamics, as evidenced in the book. from what i gather from the book, their relationship was messy, codependent, and, for lack of a better word, toxic. keltie is allowed to talk about her life, but it doesn’t sit right with me that she went into intimate detail about their relationship when ryan is such a private person. ryan was definitely not innocent in this relationship either, though; they both had their issues that they needed to work out on their own rather than keltie trying to fix ryan or him wanting her to. luckily, as i said before, keltie does regret writing the book at least.
if for some reason you’re interested in reading her book, you can find it for free here [xiv]. you just need to make an internet archive account and check it out hourly.
(also a side note that i did in fact listen to lady gang and read keltie’s book for this entry, so please at least give me kudos for that if nothing else)
5th member of 1d:
on march 25, 2015, zayn malik left one direction, and so naturally, people wanted to fuck with their fans. someone edited the official 1d wikipedia page and added ryan under their list of current members. 1d fans on twitter subsequently had meltdowns, exclaiming “WHO IS RYAN ROSS” (i mean c’mon they were in an emotional, vulnerable state). ryan ended up changing his twitter bio to say, “NOT in 1D” and made a tweet about it [xv].
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when panic! was first getting its start, ryan received a full scholarship from the university of nevada las vegas for writing. however, he dropped out after one semester to focus on the band, which his dad did not approve of.
he talks about it in live in denver from 58:45 until 59:18 [xvi].
the boy who blocked his own shot:
this is song by brand new off their 2003 album deja entendu (fuck jesse lacey). it’s on this iceberg because ryan loved this song and posted about it on his lj a lot, along with the rest of the album. i know he specifically quoted another song, okay i believe you but my tommy gun don’t, as well.
when ryan was a teenager, this was his email. in fact, it is the email he used to communicate with pete wentz. pete talked about it in this interview with mark hoppus, starting at 02:00 [xvii].
moulin rouge:
this is a movie musical released in 2001 that ryan was obsessed with and one of his favorite movies. i don’t really have any other source for this than trust me bro, but i promise it’s true.
original singer for panic!:
when panic! first started, and even when brendon initially joined the band, ryan was the singer. however, they heard brendon singing back up during brand practice one day and asked him to be the singer rather than the guitarist.
ryan and brendon talk about it some in live in denver from 38:46 to 41:23 [xviii]. specifically my favorite quote from this is, “it felt right to have confident sounding lyrics behind a confident voice.”
(also i’m trying to be objective throughout this but let me just say this for context and transparency: i hate brendon urie LMAO)
guitarist ryan ross declined to be interviewed:
in 2015, billboard published this article for the 10 year anniversary of a fever you can’t sweat out [xix]. they reached out to multiple people to interview for the article, including brendon, jon, pete wentz, producer matt squire, manager scott magelberg, and bob mclynn. underneath this, it says spencer and brent could not be reached. it also says, “guitarist ryan ross declined to be interviewed.” people just thought it was funny because he would decline. he is living the hermit life for real.
so that’s all for tier 3. next we move onto a deeper layer, when i really feel like we get into some stuff the average fan wouldn’t know, which i am excited to delve into. gonna be honest though, it’s gonna be a long one.
tier 4
[i] https://panicatthedisco.fandom.com/wiki/Cricket_%26_Clover
[ii] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfsssP9lwII
[iii] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNE4U5Yy-BE
[iv] https://lostmediawiki.com/Cricket_and_Clover_(partially_found_scrapped_Panic!_At_The_Disco_album;_2007)
[v] https://failross.livejournal.com/61466.html?thread=1787418
[vi] https://panicconfessions.tumblr.com/page/138
[vii] https://vimeo.com/164855487
[viii] https://twitter.com/search?q=ryan%20ross%20coachella&src=typed_query
[ix] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGe0fR5OM80
[x] https://ocalaghan.tumblr.com/post/157422369150/vickytransphobe-master-post
[xi] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEwgcmUJbkE
[xii] https://pathetic-at-the-disco.tumblr.com/post/171494458406/keltie-talks-about-selling-ryans-clothes-in-one
[xiii] https://www.podcastone.com/episode/LG-QUICKIE-Not-Gonna-Lie-Part-2
[xiv] https://archive.org/details/rockettesrocksta0000coll/mode/2up
[xv] https://www.altpress.com/one_direction_fans_think_ryan_ross_is_joining_the_bandand_theyre_furious/
[xvi] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLWcbA2fhHI&t=3466s
[xvii] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLD8sHVgEnA
[xviii] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLWcbA2fhHI&t=2326s
[xix] https://www.billboard.com/music/rock/panic-at-the-disco-fever-you-cant-sweat-out-oral-history-pete-wentz-brendon-urie-6707864/
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alsoanyways · 5 months
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@transgender-scout @1ight wait fuck now i have to compile them okay okay okay i have a feeling this is gonna get long so I'm gonna put it under a cut haha but for real thank you for asking!!
First things first! This is how I imagine the flock is able to disguise themselves. There's no going undercover at an actual school for them, but I don't think anyone's looking twice at a bulky coat, especially if it's set in the future. Not too far in the future though, still in the 21st century. I have no ideas for a plot restructuring or anything, I never read past Nevermore and I barely remember anything past the fourth book, so most of my headcanons are character dynamics and such. I do have some that aren't focused on the flock but not many. Anyways.
(also idk if most of this can even be considered headcanon bc its basically fanfic at this point)
A couple things I should've added to the design post are Toto's Total’s nonexistence (I'm sorry if you like him but I do not lmao) and the fact that their hair is feathers. Like those very fine and very long feathers that roosters get. The flock also doesn't develop superpowers.
In my version of things, there's a small town close-ish to the E shaped house. Far enough that no one in town is gonna drop by for a visit, but close enough to fly down to for some groceries, which they'd do after Jeb left and until the money was gone. I think he would've taught them how to forage for things and that's how they get by since then.
Max (21) isn't The Leader TM either, I think leadership is shared more with Fang/Friday and Iggy. She likes volleyball and usually the one to go foraging. She's never thought about it but if she did, she'd probably consider herself agender.
Fang/Friday (22) gets his name from a Friday the 13th DVD cover, Jeb thinks he wants to be called Jason when he first points to it. He used to help Nudge/Dora and Angel with their hair when they were little and still does occasionally. He likes to draw and he's the go-to when someone needs to be comforted. There's no way in hell I would let him be anything less than bisexual.
Iggy (20) is the one that probably hears Friday's voice the most. He was also taught braille and Jeb got them a labeling machine. He's still the best cook and he's very protective over the vinyls/tapes/cds in the house. He mourns the loss of them when they have to flee the house, but he is excited to finally have access to new music. He's also gay. Because I said so.
Nudge/Dora (17) still wishes she could live a normal life, but has accepted that it's just not a possibility. She clings to "Dorothy" when she learns it. Being talkative and into fashion are still part of her character, but now she also loves bugs. She tags along when Max goes foraging so she can try and get pictures of any new bugs she hasn't seen before. Friday often gets to hear which bugs and what they were doing when they're sketching together.
Gazzy/Gizmo (14) gets his name when he watches the Gremlins movie for two months straight and starts mimicking the mogwai noises. He almost kills everyone when he mixes a couple cleaners from under the kitchen sink. He's quickly enamored with the chemistry books he's given afterwards. Like any other teenage boy, he likes video games and has too much energy for his own good. Max offers to race him when he's particularly amped.
Angel (11) is the only one out of the group that wasn't experimented on and she doesn't get the protectiveness or why they never go anywhere. She likes sitcoms and never refuses an offer to forage with Max. She also took a liking to helping Iggy cook things. She was very quick to tell people she wasn't a boy once she had the vocabulary.
Ari (15) has chronic pain. Being turned to goo and rebuilt into something different will do that to you. It doesn't get better the second time. Nor the third. He used to live in the E shaped house, before Jeb brought Gizmo, back when he was a regular kid. He's always liked animals, caring for them. He wanted to be a farmer or something when he grew up. After he joins the flock, he and Gizmo are fast friends. (Watching him and Gizmo dick around is what makes Friday realize that he really is just a kid.)
Maya/Em (21, kinda) my identity issues queen!! Cloning keeps the original memories intact and then they were further messed with to ensure her allegiance. She has a hard time coming to terms with that, with not being Max, not being who she thought she was. Her friends aren't her friends, she didn't watch Gizmo and Angel grow up, she didn't go to Friday after another nightmare, or call Dora to come catch a spider. That wasn't her. Having time away from them before she joins the flock helps. She renames herself Em during that time, distinct enough from Max but not removed from it completely. She learns that she likes cooking and she discovers cheerleading. She thinks she'd like that if she got the chance to participate. She's also aroace. She wants nothing to do with any of that.
Dylan (21) sticks closest to Em, but he eventually grows close to Iggy as well. They share a soaring/gliding wing shape and Iggy is grateful to have someone who can fly as long as he can (recreational flying is always cut short in his opinion, because the others have to work harder to stay airborne and get tired). Dylan likes to tinker around with motors and mechanisms, trying to get them to work again or building them from the ground up. Not that he has an abundance of opportunities to do that, but being able to fix a busted car comes in handy. He's one of them gays that can drive.
Lastly, I do have ideas on Erasers and different classes of them and their usages but jesus christ this did in fact get very long and I need to go eat something lmao so that'll have to be a separate post for another time.
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daphnebowen · 10 months
hsmtmts headcanons :)? also what show would you have them do if there were a s5 :D
oh my goodness yes hsmtmts headcanons! I have some that I’ve been thinking about so apologies if this is a horrific mess that jumps all over the place :) also this is going to be very very long so apologies 🥰
after the whole “Romeo and Juliet announcement” for Christmas they get twin golden retriever puppies, one for each of them, and name them Romeo and Juliet. Juliet belongs to Ricky and Romeo belongs to Gina. Romeo is affectionately known as ro or romey and Juliet is affectionately known as ju or juju. (pretty sure this one has been said by people already but I LOVE the idea of it and i had to add Juliet)
furthermore on the Romeo and Juliet topic after Mack leaves Quinn asks Ricky to step in 😍
this is more down the line but I have a vision for in the future when Ashlyn and Maddox want kids. they want to adopt though, and as soon as they find the perfect little red haired munchkin Maddox immediately goes to the hardware store and buys tons of paint and they redo an entire room in their cute little cottage for their kid. idk why but that just came to me in the middle of the night, I had an image in my head of Maddie FaceTiming jet covered in paint laughing/crying as they finish up the room.
jet asks Kourtney out at the big New Year’s Eve party at Ashlyn’s. Enough said. she giggles and accepts and the two become a power couple and a force to be reckoned with.
ricky and Gina continue to meet in the secret stairwell and he continues to climb up through her window even after their relationship goes public
We don’t know what ej is majoring in (at least I don’t remember) so during the middle of his freshmen year he switches it to education. he becomes a teacher and goes somewhere else (somewhere in the Midwest maybe?) to teach middle school sports.
ricky pursues music through college and ends up becoming a famous singer/songwriter/music producer similar to nini but he ends up writing a lot of the songs and soundtracks for Gina’s movies.
Gina pursues her acting career and ends up becoming a total rockstar but she never changed her values and who she is. her and Ricky attend every premiere together
when Dewey gets too old to run camp shallow lake anymore, guess who he asks to take over? Maddox. she happily accepts and moves her and Ashlyn and their red haired baby (ash and Maddie are not married yet btw - can you adopt and still not be married? Dumb question maybe lol) over to California. and one day as they’re going through each of the cabins seeing what shape everything is in, they stop by the honeycomb bunk. Lo and behold as they walk in is a magnificent beautiful romantic picture before Maddox, with a huge framed picture of her and Ashlyn and tons of wild flowers and all her favorite guitars and things. She turns around… and there’s ash with a ring. Ashlyn doesn’t even get to pop the question until Maddox screams and tackles her, laughing and saying “I have to show you something!” She pulls ash behind her over to the theater barn and there is almost an identical setup on the stage, except all of Ashlyn’s favorite things. and now Maddox has a ring. You can guess how it ends. (sorry this one was super long but once I got started I couldn’t stop)
ricky has always enjoyed doing public things for Gina, as we’ve seen. He’s always shouting about his love for her in public, serenading her randomly as they walk through town, etc. well his proposal is exactly the same. They’re on the red carpet for a movie Gina had been kicking butt in (literally, it’s an action movie). (like everyone else has said, they got married young. You decide what age you want specifically) Ricky had been acting a bit nervous and Gina didn’t know why. once they got on the red carpet, in the very center of all those cameras and fans, Ricky took her hand and got down on one knee. Gina’s jaw dropped as Ricky gave the most beautiful profound speech in the world since “I love you forever” and immediately Gina started crying as she said “yes yes infinity times yes!” and everyone cheered and Ricky gave her the biggest hug of his life and spun her around did not let go of her for the rest of the night. *side note: when a reporter asked Ricky if he was nervous about proposing to Gina since it’s very public and what if she says no, Ricky replied with a “that’s not why I was nervous at all. No, I wasn’t nervous that Gina would reject me. We’ve been dating for so long, it’s just- we just get each other. We complete each other. I promised her forever and I’m never going back on that promise. because I do love her forever. No, the only reason I was nervous is because it’s so loud here and I didn’t know if she would hear the things I was saying. I was speaking from the heart! and because I’m on tv being recorded, obviously, what if I mess up and do something stupid? but no, I wasn’t worried at all that Gina would say no.” 🩷 (this one was also extremely long sorry!)
Saw some other rina headcanons (sorry this post might be a lot about them bc I’m in love with them so yeah) but one of them was Ricky gets Gina mystery childcare’s every Valentine’s Day and she literally knows who they’re from but plays along anyway because he’s adorable
Carlos and Seb continue to be a little on again off again through college but eventually settle down in a far-style version of glamping with a huge fancy central house and then a rusty old barn for Seb to do this thing with the cows and such
they have both boys and girls and Carlos insists on having a quince for every one of them (I’m thinking big family…)
all of the respective couples when they have kids name miss Jenn as the godmother 🥹
kourtney is a cat person. idk why. but you cannot change my mind. she’s gonna be a crazy old fashionista grandma with tons of cats telling her grandkids stories while her is half asleep next to her waking up every so often to say “and then I…” and then falling back to sleep
speaking of jetney, jet needs 60 million pep talks before he proposes to kourt - it takes a LOOOOOOOONNGGGG time
i imagine their proposal to be somewhere like iconic. idk I don’t have any ideas where - maybe somewhere overseas?? Kourtney makes her Sharpay dreams come true
Kourtney becomes a world renowned fashion designer and jet is just along for the ride. they have twin boys and a girl and he raises them while working some boring 9-5 job but he loves raising his kids and teaching them all about music and their mama since she’s gone a lot. But they FaceTime every day after school whenever Kourtney’s away for her job, it’s the best part of any day
jenn and mazzy love New Zealand so much that they end up moving there once miss Jenn retires (don’t worry, it’s not for a long time) and when everyone goes for a big reunion party to celebrate the 25th anniversary of hsm4
mike and Lynn don’t actually get back together… do they actually get back together in canon? Or are they just like more friendly towards each other and not so standoffish? Because I dunno, a divorce is very final and then getting back together just offsets the whole change thing Ricky’s gone through. But anyways, that’s just me
nini goes on tour Ricky and Kourtney’s freshmen year in college and Kourtney comes back from Lewis to see her perform in Salt Lake City. nini gets everyone prime seating - even Emmy and jet and Ricky - and they all go and have the best time ever. Ricky and nini don’t kill each other on sight and turns out nini is the biggest die hard rina fan ever and ends up writing a song for them on their wedding day. her and Ricky go back to being better friends and things aren’t so tense after they have a huge raging private concert between them too where they sing all of the thoughts they’ve ever had about each other and just let it all out. It’s very therapeutic for them and helps them understand each other a bit more (same vibe as portwells lil thing in season four where Gina apologizes to ej)
and I’m out of characters soooo more hc and what show they do on the way!! Hope you enjoy!
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