#like...wait let me speak actually (´。_。`)
verstappen-cult · 3 days
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INTRODUCING THE BOYS. lando norris. charles leclerc. oscar piastri. max verstappen. alex albon. daniel ricciardo. mick schumacher.
GWEN’S MESSAGE. hi besties! this is based on this request: ‘a headcanon type blurb thing with the drivers reacting to you using your safeword?’ sorry it took me so long!
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Lando’s sitting at the foot of the bed, watching you as you try to regulate your rapid breathing. He wants nothing more than to hold you and let you know that everything is okay, but when he tried to touch you, after you whispered your safeword in between sobs, you pushed him away. Lando knows you need a little space to feel safe again, so he stands up very carefully to grab one of his shirts to give to you. His heart breaks when you avoid making eye contact, just whispering a simple ‘thank you’.
He doesn’t know how much time passes, but he hears your voice. “I’m sorry.” It’s the first thing that leaves your mouth, followed by: “I just – I was too in my head and I couldn’t keep going. I’m so–” Lando climbs on the bed but doesn’t move closer to you, he waits until you’re the one reaching for his hand. He spends most of the night reassuring you that he’s not mad and everything is okay.
Charles stops immediately, reaching for the glass of water waiting on the nightstand. Your face is flushed and there are tears in the corner of your eyes, one falls down your cheek when you make eye contact with him; when you open your mouth to speak, Charles stops you with a hand on your shoulder and a shy smile. “What have we talked about. You don’t need to apologize for anything.” It doesn’t matter how many times he says those words, you have a hard time believing them.
He knows you need to feel him closer, that’s why he lies down next to you, letting you rest your head on his chest so you can feel his heartbeat to relax. You stop crying and shaking eventually, thanks to your boyfriend taking such good care of you. Charles makes sure you feel comfortable.
Oscar is a bit shocked when he hears the words, not knowing exactly what to do more than stop and pull away. You’re the one reassuring him that things are okay, even if you feel a little too lost in your head. It’s only when he sees you trying to cover your body with the sheets that Oscar snaps out of it. He asks if you need anything and makes sure you feel comfortable and safe with him around. It’s cute how he doesn’t know what to do but tries to do anything just for you.
You reassure him that it has nothing to do with him, so he doesn’t need to worry or overthink anything. Oscar listens attentively to what you have to say and makes sure you know that he doesn’t care about anything more than you and your safety. You two fall asleep hugging each other.
Max makes sure you’re cuddled and warm in the bed, feeling safe before sprinting out of the room to get you a cup of tea. He comes back with a frown which makes you want to cry even more, but he’s immediately climbing on the bed and wrapping his arms around your body. Feeling his warmth and affection is exactly what you need, Max also knows you need to hear him say that, “I’m here with you, okay? Nothing is going to happen.”
You really don’t know what you did to deserve such a gentle and caring person, but you’re so thankful for Max. He knows you better than you know yourself, and never judges you. Not even when you’re in the middle of it, and you blurt your safeword. No matter how many times it happens.
Alex apologises like his life depends on it, panicking to the brink of crying because, “I didn’t want to hurt you, love. I’m so sorry, I’m sorry.” And you need to stop for a second and reassure him that it’s okay, that he didn’t actually hurt you. But Alex just keeps rambling and waving his hands and you find it somewhat funny.
He peppers your face with gentle kisses, making you both laugh. Alex ends up helping you to change into some of his clothes and you order something greasy to eat in bed. He doesn’t leave your side the whole night, still whispering little sorrys.
Daniel holds you close against his chest as you try to get out of your head, his voice soothing, enough to calm you down. When you open your mouth to apologise, he beats you to it. “Do not apologise. There’s nothing to be sorry about.” You hum weakly and just let him hold you for as long as you need.
But he also thanks you for being honest which makes you feel a little better after ruining the night. You don’t say that out loud because you know what he is going to say, and you really don’t want things to get awkward. Daniel massages your arms and back, with some kisses in between, helping you relax and release the tension.
Mick holds your face and wipes your tears, a frown adorning his handsome features because you don’t stop apologising and, “It’s all good, sweetheart. You did so good, I’m proud of you.” You stop rambling and crying eventually, and it’s then that Mick leaves you on the bed to go prepare you a hot bath.
He picks you up very carefully and helps you get in the bathtub filled with your favorite bathbomb and perfumes. Mick doesn’t pressure you at any moment and just stays there, helping you bathe.
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© VERSTAPPEN-CULT ⎯ do not repost, translate, plagiarise or claim any of my works as your own.
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luveline · 2 days
Hi luveline! I have a request: in a busy night at the restaurant reader cuts or burns herself and gets overwhelmed and carmen patches her up and calms her down 👉🏻👈🏻 pretty please I loveee your hurt/comfort fics <3
—Carmy looks after you and your burned wrist. fem, 1.2k
Carmy thought he had bad nerves. 
You julienne onion at your station, ready to garnish their miniature French onion hot pots, your hand coming down slightly too hard. You’ve positioned the knife wrong in panic, thumb too far down the blade and claw of your other hand loosely tucked. You’re getting too stressed, and you’re going to get hurt. 
He has too much to do, but not too much to call for your attention across the cutting boards. “Hey, hey,” he insists. You look up. “Slowly and surely. Thumb against the line of the blade, like this.” 
He shows you the proper grip. 
“I know how to do it,” you say, frowning. 
“Just calm down.”
“You’re never calm.” 
Carmy can actually be extremely calm, and especially when he cooks, but nobody at The Bear has true reason to believe him. He has yet to prove himself properly after his in-fridge meltdown. Maybe he can’t. 
But tonight is busy, not make or break. 
“Seriously,” he says, smirking because he knows you hate it, “take it slow. Well, slower. Check your grip and keep going.” 
“Carmy, can you fuck off and let me cut these?” you ask. Clearly, your associates are rubbing off on you. 
Richie chimes in, his official, nothing-but-business intonation in play, “Carmy, can you fuck off, please?” 
Carmy doesn’t need to raise his voice. “Fuck you.” 
“Fuck you, Carmen. Twelve, walking in five. Hands? We’ve gotta pick up some bucatini...” 
Richie’s getting pretty confident in the back of house. Carmy’s happy for him, even if they aren’t speaking outside of the kitchen. 
He’s about to swing around Daniela to help her on the stove when you burst forward toward it and take the reins. Your prep station is cleaned and your onions set aside; he can’t believe how quickly you’re moving, and he saw that chef who was taking questionable substances fuck up a carton of carrots in a good two minutes. Dude was fast. 
He wants to say Baby, slow down, and he wants to examine how awkward ‘baby’ might be if he said it. He can’t think of another pet name that could garner success. Honey’s too old (though maybe, said with softness–), sweetheart too sweet. Doll is for uncles and bub sounds like it’s missing a syllable when he says it. Honestly, Carmy’s just desperate to call you something nice and have you listen, for once. 
You grab a pan from Daniela’s hand. “I got it,” you tell her, not without sympathy. “We can do one each.” 
“Thank you, can you–”
“Daniela, I need those lobster claws now. I’m serious,” Sydney interrupts, giving Daniela a rightfully impatient look. “I needed them five minutes ago.” 
Daniela winces. Sydney waits. You, unbeknownst to everybody except Carmy, attempt to clean a smudge from the hot stove top for no good reason —Carmy could scream at you. He nearly does.
“Can you fucking stop?” he bites. 
Sydney looks at him likes he’s grown a third head, but her reaction, while unfortunate and rather important considering their partnership, is the least of his worries. You flinch at his sudden rough tone and pull your hand back from the smudge, sleeves rolled and clean, skin of your wrist naked and waiting to be branded as you catch it on the side of your hot pan. 
Your yelp is immediate. 
“Fucking– Carmy!” Sydney says. 
He’s not sure why he’s being shouted at. Maybe because he abandons the line at a time where doing so guarantees a ripple effect. 
You’re freaking out. Carmy slides in beside you to encourage the pan off of the heat while you’re unable to tend it. “Daniela?” he says, loud and clipped. 
“It’s okay,” you say. You’re wide-eyed and lying, it isn’t okay, the burn mark is a squeamish pink stripe against your skin and you're already crying. 
Carmy takes your elbow. He wants to yank you to the cold faucet, but he’s measured enough. He has an encyclopaedia of kitchen safety. 
He’s burned himself enough times. “Come here,” he says, though you’re coming anyway, wincing as he leads you to the back of the kitchen by the sink. He stoppers it and starts the cold tap, where he pauses. “It’s gonna sting.” 
“It already stings.” 
Carmy guides your arm under the stream. 
He turns the faucet until it’s a fast running spray and encourages you to lean down to submerge the entirety of the burn in cold water. Your sleeve gets wet. He pushes it up. 
“Carm, it’s fine.” 
He shakes his head to readjust your arm. His hand is tender, but his fingers are trembling. 
“Carmen,” you say firmly, quietly, “it’s okay.” 
He realises suddenly that he’s not breathing. He lets out a breath, pulls another fast one in, and snaps the fuck out of it. “It’s okay,” he repeats, “the cold waters gonna draw out the heat. I’m gonna get the first aid kit.” 
“I have to go back–”
“No.” His and Syd’s kitchen will never prioritise the food over injury. “I’m gonna get the first aid kit, I’m gonna dress it. But you have to stay here for thirty minutes with your hand in the water.” 
“A half hour, are you kidding?” 
“Do I sound like I am?” he asks genuinely, not pissed nor bossy, fighting a tendency to be both. 
“We’re right at the crest of the rush–”
“It doesn’t matter. You can’t prioritise the restaurant over yourself. It’ll fuck you up.” He feels the cold on his hand where he holds yours in the water, watches the water rise to the overflow. “Does it hurt?” He turns your hand to see the burn in better detail. “It’ll blister for sure. You’re gonna have to look after it.” 
You wipe the drying tears from your cheek. It was a stupid question. “Yeah, it hurts. Fuck, it was so hot.” 
“That’s why I told you to calm down.” 
“I know that. Thanks.” 
He doesn’t know if you’re sarcastic or genuine, can’t tell if you’re hurting or pissed at his instruction. You shiver when he lets your wrist go, but you keep the burn submerged, the faucet squeaking as he wrestles it off again. 
“Maybe we could both try calming down,” you suggest. 
“Maybe.” He squeezes his eyes shut quickly. When he opens them, you’re still squinting in your own pain. “Yeah, maybe. I’ll be right back.” 
He pats your shoulder gently. His hand gets stuck to you, massaging tenderly at your shoulder and down your upper arm, your faces closer than they reasonably need to be. 
“You okay?” he asks. 
Your cheek tilts down toward his hand where it holds you, but you don’t let it fall. “I’ll be fine. I am fine. It’s just… busy.” 
“I know.” 
“Never burned myself like that.” 
Carmy has, but you could guess that. “It’s fine. I know how to look after it.” Look after you. 
His hand crests your shoulder. You let your cheek touch briefly to the back of it. “Okay,” you murmur. 
Yeah, he’s fucked. The first aid kit can’t fix what’s wrong with him. 
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Head of the Family
Anthony Bridgerton x Reader
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Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: Bridgerton
Summary: Anthony and his wife are moments away from leaving for their wedding anniversary second-honeymoon, when the demands of the family threaten to delay their departure significantly.
Word Count: 2,446
Category: Fluff
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
I smiled, already pushing open the door to my husband's office even as I knocked. We were due to leave for a month long anniversary trip together, and I'd just finished securing the last of our preparations. Now, the final step was rounding up Anthony from his duties as Viscount.
If it had been up to him, I knew he would've thrown every last piece of paper in the trash if it meant leaving with me a moment sooner for our trip. But most of his family relied on him to run the estate for all their wellbeing, and he had to make sure things would stay in order even while we were away. When I stepped through into the room from the hallway, I found him leaning over a stack of papers on his desk, one hand tangled in his hair and the other scribbling away. He didn't even look up as I entered the room.
"Apologies, my love," he mumbled, still writing as I shut the door gently behind me and crossed the room to his desk. "I am almost done, and then we will be free to shut out the world once again and enjoy our time, just the two of us, however we like."
"I truly cannot wait," I replied, a devilish smirk pulling at the corner of my mouth as I settled in to perch on the edge of his desk. "Is there anything I can do to help speed along the process?"
"I wish, but sadly there is not. Fortunately for both of us, this is my last document to complete, and once it is done we will be free to leave."
As if Anthony's words had summoned her from the ether, as soon as he'd finished speaking, a knock came at the door to his study. A moment later, without waiting for a response from Anthony or myself, Eloise pushed open the door and stepped inside.
"Oh good, you are both here," she said, her shoulders noticably relaxing when she caught sight of me. Anthony paused his writing to close his eyes and sigh as Eloise crossed the room and plopped into one of the chairs directly before Anthony's desk. I fought a smile. "I have a... slight situation, which I need to make you aware of."
I bit the inside of my lip to hold back a laugh or a sigh, although I wasn't sure which my body would've manifested. I adored Eloise, but in this family, 'situations' most often meant 'boarderline scandal', and I had a bad feeling whatever Eloise's situation would entail may delay Anthony and I's departure much longer than either of us wanted.
"What is it, Eloise?" I asked after getting a hold of myself, making a point of keeping my tone even and patient. She glanced nervously from me to Anthony, who had resumed work on the document before him.
"I need both of your attention, actually," she said, a slight edge of irritation in her voice directed at her brother. "That is, if it isn't too much trouble."
Anthony let out a sigh, the duration as long as it took for him to finish writing his last notes on the last document standing between us and our vacation. He set it aside, then finally turned his attention to his sister.
"What is it, Eloise?"
"I may have... a bit of a problem on my hands." I raised an eyebrow, and I could see Anthony working his jaw. Eloise glanced between us, and I tried to keep an open expression on my face to encourage her. It must have worked, because after a moment, she continued. "It seems there is a Lord who took my jokes about marriage more seiously than I intended. I think... he may be coming to you to ask for my hand very soon, and you must tell him no."
Anthony barely managed to get his sister's name out before the door to the study came swinging open again, this time revealing Francesca striding through the door.
"Oh, I am glad I caught the both of you before you departed for your trip," she said, looking to me and Anthony before her eyes at last fell on Eloise, and she frowned. "Is this not a good time?"
"What's one more?" said Anthony with a tight smile. I hid a laugh behind my hand. Anthony was always the dutiful older brother, although he wasn't always good at hiding his occasional irritation with the role. Fortunately, his sisters either didn't notice or didn't care.
"I need to speak with you about wedding arrangements, Anthony," said Francesca, taking a seat next to Eloise. "Especially since the two of you will be gone for so long, I do not want to leave all the planning to the last minute if I can avoid it."
"Alright, well-"
This time, an almost cacophanous noise from the hallway served as the interruption. As if they'd known we were gathering, and that Anthony and I were almost free of our responsibilities, the remaining four Bridgerton children living in the house appeared, practically wrestling through the door and paired off in arguments. Hyacinth made it to us first, Colin trailing right behind her, neither of them giving their seated sisters a second glance as they addressed Anthony.
"Colin intends to marry someone!" Hyacinth cried over the noise of the rest of us. "We made a bet that if I bested him at pall-mall, he would tell me who, but now he is refusing-"
"Hyacinth, enough!" Colin broke in, shouting over his sister to no avail.
"He is going to have to tell you at some point anyway, Anthony, so it may as well be now so as to honor the terms of our bet-"
"I am not required to tell you or anyone else in this family until I desire to, Hyacinth-"
"Except that you made a bet, Colin, and are now being a sore loser."
Anthony sighed, his attention turning to the last pair, Benedict and Gregory, while Hyacinth and Colin continued to bicker before him. I reached out and gently rested a hand on his shoulder, although I doubted it did much to help.
"I told Benedict I want to learn what it takes to run a household like this," Gregory said, taking Anthony's attention as his cue to start explaining.
"And I told him to come ask you," Benedict said, flopping comfortable into a chair to one side of the room, closer to me. He leaned back, getting comfortable as he watched the scene playing out before him, not reacting to Gregory's scowl.
"But I want to learn sooner rather than later, so it has to be him!" Gregory continued, giving Benedict another stink eye. "He's going to be taking care of things while you're gone, and with the two of you, who knows how long that's going to be!"
I stifled a laugh as Gregory gestured to Anthony and I. He was right, we did have a tendancy to extend our trips beyond their planned length, in the name of spending more time just the two of us.
Anthony took a deep breath and closed his eyes, then snapped back to attention with a huffy sigh.
"Alright, Gregory-"
"What? Gregory? I was here first, and I assure you my issue is more pressing," Eloise broke in. Anthony turned to her with a clenched jaw.
"Fine, Eloise, then tell me-"
"Hyacinth, really! That is unladylike language! Anthony, did you hear what she just called me?"
"I meant it, and I will say it again if I must, Colin!"
Anthony growled, ripping his attention from Eloise to the next sibling in line. Everyone continued to talk over each other, the noise in the room rising as rapidly as Anthony's frustration. Normally, I would've been proud of him for taking the calmer, more patient approach with his siblings, but clearly that wasn't going to work in this case.
I let the chaos continue for another few moments while I counted to ten in my head. When it showed no signs of slowing down, and in fact seemed to be spiralling even more out of control, I put my fingers in my mouth and let out a long, earsplitting whistle that I normally reserved for getting someone's attention a long way off in the vast countryside outdoors.
Everyone in the room stopped mid-sentence and whirled around to look at me with wide eyes. I looked right back, head high and one eyebrow raised.
"That is quite enough, from all of you," I said, my tone at a normal level and much calmer than any of the Bridgerton siblings. "First of all, Francesca, I'm afraid your wedding plans will have to wait until we return. Think about them and plan what you can, and I promise Anthony and I will both make time to go over everything with you the minute we are back in this house."
Francesca nodded and gave me a small smile.
"That works just fine. I did not realize how... pressed upon by my other siblings you would be in the final moments before you leave."
That got a round of insulted outbursts, but they all quieted down again and returned their attention to me when I pointedly cleared my throat. Francesca had always loved me for my unique ability to at least temporarily usher in peace in the household.
I turned my attention to Benedict, with slightly narrowed eyes.
"You," I said, letting the word hang in the air for a moment. Benedict had the decency to look concerned. "You are going to let Gregory shadow you. He wants to learn, so let him. It won't hurt you any, and if he feels he still has more to learn when we return, then Anthony can take him."
Benedict huffed and crossed his arms, so I kept my stare on him for a few long moments. While it wouldn't matter much whether he followed through on our promise while we were gone, for all our sakes I didn't want to come home to find they'd been fighting and having issues the entire time Anthony and I had been away. After a moment, Benedict rolled his eyes, but also nodded, which was enough to satisfy me.
"Good. Then Hyacinth, Colin does not have to tell you anything about whom he is intending to pursue if he does not want to. And, like the rest of us, we cannot do more than simply guess."
Colin crossed his arms and smiled, looking quite satisfied with himself, but I maintained significant eye contact with Hyacinth. So far, she had correctly guessed the affections of all of her siblings before any of the siblings in question were ready to admit those affections, even to themselves. With Colin especially, I knew she had an idea who he was intending to pursue, and she didn't need his confirmation to be confident in being correct. We'd all seen how he'd been acting around Penelope lately.
The corner of Hyacinth's mouth quirked up in a quick smile, and she gave me a nod. I returned the gesture, then turned at last to Eloise.
"Finally, Eloise. Since when do you need your brother to empower you to turn a man down? You know you have our full support, with whomever you decide to reject or accept."
Eloise raised an eyebrow and cut her stare towards Anthony. I heard him sigh beside me, but when I turned to him, he nodded his agreement with my statement, so I continued.
"El, if this man has truly gotten it in his head to marry you and you do not feel the same, simply tell him so. If he proposes, turn him down, knowing full well that your family stands behind you. Since when have you needed your brother to speak your mind for you?"
Eloise scoffed and scowled, then stood and squared her shoulders. She shot an especially strong glare at Anthony as she spoke.
"I don't."
Anthony flung his hands out at the unwarranted hostility directed his way, but Eloise and I ignored him.
"You are absolutely right you don't. If you need our help you will have it, Eloise, as you always have our support. But I know you, and I know you are capabale of telling this man to leave you alone without help. And I think you may even enjoy it."
The corner of Eloise's mouth turned up again, more noticably this time, and she nodded. With all the siblings' various issues sorted, they were much calmer, nodding their thanks in my direction and largely ignoring poor Anthony as they filed out the way they'd come in with much less chaos. Once the door to the study closed behind the last of them, I turned to my husband with a smile. The intensity of his stare almost made me melt on the spot.
"Have I told you lately that you are, beyond a doubt, the perfect woman?"
I laughed, leaning into Anthony as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his lap. His hand found its way to the back of my neck, gently pulling me into a heated kiss. I let myself be swept away with him for a few moments, indulging in the kiss and resting my hands on his chest, but pulled away with a laugh as Anthony's hands started wandering places inappropriate for his office, when his siblings had just barged in a moment ago.
Anthony frowned and let out a dissatisfied grunt, attempting to tug me back into his chest, but I didn't let him.
"Anthony, we are about to leave for our travels together, celebrating our time as husband and wife. We will have plenty of opportunity to continue this somewhere we cannot be interrupted by your family."
"Damn them," Anthony breathed, leaning forward to match my movement. "I only care about you."
"Hmm, and I you, my love. But consider this: every additional moment we delay our departure in this house, is another moment one of your siblings may return with a new problem for us to address."
Anthony paused, considering my words for a moment. Then, he sprang up, sweeping me into his arms and carrying me with him.
"You make an excellent point. I think it is time for us to away, Mrs. Bridgerton. We can finish our other business in the carriage on our way out of town."
I laughed as Anthony pulled me after him from the room, leaving all the work and pressure that came with being Viscount in the office behind us. His family, despite their earlier demonstration, could manage perfectly well without us, at least for a time. And we'd each more than earned a break for just the two of us. As always, everything here would be waiting for us when we returned.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989 @space-helen
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4dbeingguide · 1 day
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11 tips from a master manifestor.
y’all have been loving my first post and it’s really encouraged me to come back. this time i have 11 tips for you! i would’ve really appreciated a post like this when i was a beginner so i’ve decided to make it for those who may also be starting with their journey. actually it doesn’t matter where you are on this road, this is supposed to help everybody, including master manifestors (yes, sometimes doubts cross our minds, we just know how to deal with them)!
there is a lot of repetition as there are some concepts i want to emphasize on. excuse any grammar errors. let’s get straight to it!
stop giving a fuck about the 3D. that is absolute (as in, don’t check it, don’t wait for anything from it, don’t let it get to you). just stop. i have a post over here that will really help you in doing so (and no, it isn’t me cursing at you while ordering you to stop. it’s me having a discussion with you and listening to your doubts while refuting them and i also back it up with scientific sources).
acknowledge that you already are a master manifestor. you’re already where you need to be. don’t let the illusion that is the 3D tell you otherwise!
if you see a piece of manifestation advice that rubs you the wrong way then simply act as if it’s false and doesn’t apply to your reality. you make the rules.
speaking of rules, make yourself some manifesting rules that dictate that manifesting is effortless and instant for you. don’t settle for less.
keep a success story list (and yes, you can put stuff that you’ve assumed that hasn’t appeared in the 3D since the 4D is the only reality) so that you can use it to reaffirm your belief in the law if you ever doubt it.
never seek approval from the 3D for ANYTHING. it is an ILLUSION. your 4D/mind/assumptions are the OBJECTIVE reality. this also applies to the state of waiting and wanting. why do you want to wait for the approval of an illusion? and what are you wanting when it’s already here?
the 3D is not your enemy and it is impossible for the 3D to reject your manifestation. the bitch is inanimate lmao. have you ever walked in front of a mirror and had it tell you “i’m not gonna reflect right now”? i’m sure the answer is no. the 3D works the same way. it EXISTS to reflect our assumptions. that’s its entire purpose. it is nothing but an illusory perception of our 4D. it actually obeys you down to a T. i was gonna say it’s your pet but pets are actually alive and autonomous, the 3D isn’t. the 3D just an inanimate illusion. your business is in the 4D. that’s where you live.
you don’t need a technique. to manifest, all you have to do is assume you have it or enter the state of having it. techniques simply exist to help you do so (that’s why we affirm/visualize/etc. that we have it) but you can do it directly. that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use them. do what feels most natural to you. do what is the most efficient when it comes to making you fulfilled (not what gives it to you fastest in the 3D. remember, it’s an illusion).
you shouldn’t care if the 3D will give it to you or not. the 3D is an illusion, remember? a simple way to get yourself to put your eyes on then 4D is saying something to the effect of “this 3D/physical world isn’t real/is an illusion, the 4D/mind is the only true reality, i live in the 4D and thus all my affairs are there and not in the 3D and this is what the 4D is saying: (insert manifestation)”. seriously, all your affairs are in the 4D. you’re 4 dimensional.
when doubts persist, reading rants and banging pots and pans might help sometimes but sometimes you just have to sit down with yourself and have an internal dialogue. you’re human (probably 🤔 just in case you’re manifesting otherwise as you read this, and yes it IS possible). hear what your doubts have to say in full (don’t buy it though) and debunk them calmly and civilly.
limits don’t exist. imagination is the only reality. if you can imagine it then it can happen unless you say it can’t.
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artdcnaldson · 2 days
I love your sex edu AU, honestly it gives me so much needed serotonin! If you dont mind, how about reader being also interested in Art´s porn history? Like Patrick mentioned Art also being into freaky deeky stuff, but Art´s shy little bean, and showed us only the "soft" stuff, when reader asked. And maybe Art is into some mommy/daddy stuff?
It’s so cute because truly Art and Patrick are sooo night and day when it comes to this stuff <3
You really have to be a liiiittle manipulative when it comes to Art. Maybe it’s just the two of you in his dorm, making out while you jerk him off :) he’s just really needy and so lost in it when you ask him to show you what he watches when he’s jerking off. He blushes so pink, embarrassed like you don’t already have his dick in your hand.
“You actually want to?” He asks, moaning as you continue gliding your hand up and down his cock. When you nod, he groans like he’s in absolute anguish, lets his head fall against the pillow. His eyes squeeze shut, he’s torn between being turned on and mortified that you want to know, at the idea of showing you.
By the time he gets his laptop out, he’s flushed red down to his chest, pulsing in your grip. The laptop is warm on your thighs where it’s balanced. He reaches over you, pulling open videos he has saved on his desktop under Bio 101. Clever.
It’s all pretty basic at first, nothing to write home about as you tab through some of them. But video after video starts popping up of women in charge— dominating the guy, making him submit to her whims. It’s nothing too tough— maybe a little slapping, but mostly it’s just about being in control.
“Why’d she stop? He said he was about to cum,” You ask him softly. Your hand is still wrapped around him, still pumping him nice and slow as the two of you watch.
He closes his eyes, like he’s trying to find the strength to speak up. “Uh… she didn’t want to let him cum yet. It— it— fuck— can feel better if you have to wait.”
He knows what you’re going to do before you even do it. Your hand speeds up, he’s panting and groaning beneath you. “Tell me when you’re close.”
He nods, his pretty blond curls plastered to his forehead. “O-okay.”
You bring him to the edge twice before he’s practically begging, hips canting up as he fucks into your fist. You get impatient, and seeing him cum is the best part anyway.
“Okay, want you to cum for me.” As soon as you give permission, he finishes. Cumming messily, shooting ropes of white onto his stomach, up to his chest.
He laughs, almost embarrassed, as you run a finger through the mess covering him. He opens his mouth obediently, cleaning his own cum off with his tongue.
You smile and kiss his cheek. “Good boy.”
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sxcret-garden · 2 days
ღ Ateez San & Wooyoung x fem-bodied!reader ღ words: ~1.8k ღ genre: smut (soft dom!San, soft dom!Wooyoung, threesome, fingering (vaginal & anal), unprotected sex, double penetration, multiple orgasms) ღ reader: has a vagina and breasts, no pronouns used to refer to reader ღ warnings: none ღ prompt: “Oh, is that how you like it?”
Author’s note: Igby, this one’s for you <3
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“Relax, baby,” San breathes in between kisses, his lips capturing yours again a mere second later to ease you into an unhurried rhythm. His palms rest on your upper arms, the warmth radiating off of them enveloping you in an air of comfort - quite in contrast to the burning kisses Wooyoung is scattering all over the back of your neck. He has one hand placed on your hip, steadying you, while the other is drawing soothing circles on your ass. You moan into San’s kiss when you can feel the other guy’s fingernails digging into your flesh, only for his digits to dance towards the inside of your thighs next. Heat rushes to your core, and the desire to have him play with your cunt is undeniable. But you know they have other plans, so you hold tight. With a disappointed whine from your side, San’s lips leave yours, and now Wooyoung speaks up.
“Spread your legs for us, baby,” he mutters while you’re kneeling in between them on top of your bed. “And we’re gonna take real good care of you.” With San wrapping his arms around you to steady you, you do as told, and when you feel Wooyoung’s finger starting to tease your ass, you arch your back into his touch without thinking. Your eyelids flutter shut at the unfamiliar but not unwelcome sensation, and you can hear San chuckling at your reaction.
“Feels good?” he asks as the digit is removed from your behind, and you look up at him with a hint of disappointment in your gaze. San’s hand finds your cheek, and there’s a barely noticeable pout appearing on his lips as he brushes his thumb against the soft skin on your face.
“It’s gonna feel even better soon,” Wooyoung says from behind you, spreading a generous amount of lube on his fingers before he starts prodding at your hole again and it makes you suck in a sharp breath.
“Y-yeah,” you respond weakly, worried about the state the two are going to put you in if this much is already affecting you so strongly. But you trust them both to take care of you, so you don’t spend too much time dwelling on the thought, instead letting yourself enjoy the tingles running through your whole body as Wooyoung slowly but steadily works his fingers into your hole, stretching you out carefully. “Fuck…” you mutter a curse as the pleasure keeps building up, and you relax into San’s embrace. “M-more.”
“More what, baby?” San asks, and you gasp as Wooyoung is pumping two fingers in and out of you now. The guy in front of you lets one hand wander your body, fingertips tracing your shapes as he gradually navigates south.
“W-want you to touch me too…” you manage to say, and surely enough as San is chuckling at your request, Wooyoung teases,
“Oh, is that how you like it? Stuffed full by the both of us?”
“Y-yes,” you stutter, and surely enough San doesn’t let you wait. You shiver at the way he runs his fingers through your folds, and you whine as you hear him comment on how wet you are.
“You’re fucking soaked…” he mutters through gritted teeth, clearly affected by how turned on you are. 
“Shit, don’t tell us you’re gonna cum from this alone?” Wooyoung questions, and from the absence of his usual teasing tone you can tell he’s actually surprised.
“M-maybe,” you choke up, your hips now rocking back and forth, as the pace at which they’re pumping in and out of you matches with your rhythm. “F-fuck, I-” Your thighs are starting to shake, your high building up in the pit of your stomach, and when San angles his hand a bit differently so that with each of your movements your clit grazes his palm, you know the edge isn’t far off. “C-can I cum…? P-please let me c-cum,” you whine, just before reaching the point of no return. You can still hear them giving you permission, but it would’ve been too late anyway - the orgasm overwhelms you, shaking you whole as you convulse around both San’s and Wooyoung’s fingers, and when you’re coming down from it, you find your entire body trembling. They both pull out carefully, and after giving you some time to catch your breath, you find Wooyoung’s hand cupping your chin to make you look up at San.
“You were so pretty just now,” the guy behind mutters, as if in a trance. “I can’t wait to see how much prettier you’re gonna be with both our cocks inside you.” 
“Y/N,” San calls out your name, ignoring the other’s remark for now. “Do you think you can take it?”
“Want it…” you slur, adding the most desperate plea you’ve made in a while as you peak up at his face, “Please wreck me.” You can see San sucking in a shaky breath as he’s trying desperately to keep his composure, and after another exchange of looks with Wooyoung, he lies down flat on his back, patting his muscular thighs as a sign for you to come ride him. You don’t hesitate to crawl towards him, straddling him as Wooyoung stays right behind you, unable to take his hands off you. He wraps his arms around your torso both as a way to support you, and in order to let his hands roam all over you. And you’re not as fragile as the two are treating you at this point, but with your thighs still shaking from your earlier orgasm and from the expectations for the next one that will surely come soon enough, you can’t say you’re not thankful.
“Come here, beautiful,” San mutters softly as he welcomes you on top of him, giving himself a few strokes before letting you take over as you align yourself with his length. You hiss another curse at the way you’re sinking down on him so smoothly and with such ease, that it also makes him let out a groan through slightly parted lips. His hands on your hips, he guides you into a slow but steady pace, and Wooyoung is quick to press his chest against your back as his hands fondle your breasts and his lips are fast attached to your neck. You can feel his hard length pressing against the small of your back as he moves them in tune with yours, and curses are continuously muttered into your ear in between praises.
“That feel good?” he asks and you can only moan in response as they’re easing you into the next round. “So good for us, huh?”
“Y-yeah… I’ll be good for you…” you promise as your eyelids flutter shut. All the attention the two guys are giving you is lulling you into a comfortable dizziness, your mind clouded by pleasure. Only when Wooyoung takes his hands off you, and the heat exuding his body is removed from your back do you come to your senses - at least for a short while.
“Are you ready?” he asks, gently pushing you towards San who puts a hand onto your chest instead as you hover above him now. 
“Yeah,” you speak, clearly, arousal coursing through your veins like flames at the thought of having not one, but both their dicks inside of you.
“Go easy on Y/N,” San warns Wooyoung, and as you’re about to shake your head at his warning, you can feel the latter dripping some more lube right onto your ass, and when only a second later his aligns his tip against your hole, heat washes over you, clearing your head of all thoughts.
“Fu-” you choke on the curse about to fall from your lips when it merely takes Wooyoung a few thrusts to be snugly fitted inside of you, and he too lets out a broken moan at the sensation.
“Shit, this is so much better than I imagined it,” he utters, and as you send San a pleading look that’s also meant for the other guy, you force out the words that were on your mind earlier,
“D-don’t… go easy… w-want you to ruin me… p-please…” You whimper at the newfound pleasure of being so perfectly filled up when Wooyoung begins to thrust, slowly at first, and you’re sure he’s using all the self control he has in order not to accidentally hurt you. But soon enough it becomes clear that you can take him, and when he starts pounding into you with more force, both you and San moan from the pleasure washing over you.
“Fuck.” This time it’s San who spits out a curse, watching you gradually falling apart in between the two with lust-filled eyes. Wooyoung bends over as far as he can, and you can feel his heavy breaths against the skin on your back with each time he thrusts back into you - as if you weren’t already losing your sanity a few moments earlier. You whine and whimper, unable to form phrases or even singular words to express how they’re making you feel. Not even their names make it past your lips anymore, only pathetic and unintelligible attempts at calling out for them. In no time you can feel your next high towering before you, threatening to crash down on you any time now, and without warning, and the more desperately you’re clawing at the bedsheets underneath the three of you, the more needy their moans and grunts are becoming as well.
You’re the first one to fall apart as Wooyoung snaps his hips into yours, and your orgasm shakes you even harder than the first time. You clench around their cocks violently, until the overstimulation sets in and San releases inside you with a whine so beautiful, you’d have almost thought you could’ve cum again from just the sound. And then, with two overstimulated, whimpering messes underneath him, Wooyoung too releases with a moan that tells you he’s just been holding back again, so you and San could have your highs first.
They help you lie down on the sheets next to them, their cum dripping out of you slowly and mixing in between your thighs, and when Wooyoung hungrily licks his lips, staring at the view that’s unfolding in front of him, you can only weakly push him back.
“I’ll die,” you joke, the exhaustion tugging at your limbs as he grins and mutters a “sorry”, placing a kiss onto your forehead instead.
“I’ll clean you up with a towel, then?” he offers, as San is already reaching for said towel and handing it to him.
“Please,” you say, eyelids fluttering shut at the way both of them are touching you carefully - San rubbing soothing circles on your thighs and sides, while Wooyoung tries not to come in contact with your core too much as he wipes their cum off your legs.
“You did well,” San praises you, pulling you in for a kiss on the cheek, before he lets you rest against his chest. “You did so well for us.”
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entomolog-t · 3 days
Bitten- Part II
Back to back posting ? Its more likely than you think! Can't keep you guys waiting too long 💕 I've been having so much fun with this AU while trying to actually get ahead with Bite Me
In this part we see that though the dynamic might have changed, these two most certainly have not.
Taglist: @smallsday @ratcatcher0325 @not-a-space-alien @bittykimmy13 @naive-bias
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First Part
Next Part: Tuesday!
Word count: 2030
CW: Nudity (non-explicit), Adult language
Aedes, thought June, was indescribably fucking hot. 
Her heart pounded in her chest as if it were dying to throw itself at him. A wash of emotions swirling in her chest as she stares up at the man in front of her. 
What the fuck is going on? This has to be a dream, right? A wildly vivid dream brought on by a guilty conscience? Her eyes wander, catching sight of his … lack of clothing. 
Perhaps this was a different kind of dream.
“June…” his whisper came as a low rumble. June’s breath caught in her throat, heat rising to her face as if she were a kettle reaching its boiling point- though, thankfully, she refrained from screaming. Since when did he know her name? 
At her non response, his brows knit together, the massive landscape of his face shifting to that of concern. A shiver ran down her spine at his gaze, so overwhelmingly locked on her. It was… stripping in a way, seeming to take so much of her in that it left her feeling bare.
It took her brain an awkward second to realize that the feeling was not exclusive to her mind. June Murphy sat there, in a bed that seemed like it could have hosted a football game, let alone her, completely and utterly bare naked. 
Aedes watches June as her hands, so unfathomably small, grip her blanket and slowly pull it to her chest.
His brain freezes at that last word.
Her… naked chest. 
Heat rising to scorch his cheeks, Aedes turns his head, a muffled noise escaping him as all at once the awe and strangeness of the situation evaporates- like a fog being lifted by the heat of the rising sun, or in his case, the heat of his rising embarrassment. Gaze averted, his mind races. 
Just what exactly was going on? He’d avoided seeing her, let alone speaking to her since… they met… a meeting he certainly wasn’t keen on revisiting… Yet now, in the unprecedented strangeness of whatever the fuck was going on, it was clear he couldn’t just go back to avoiding her.
Aedes swallows, a nervous lump forming in his throat at the thought of just how he was supposed to navigate something like this. 
Should he apologize? 
Did he even have something to apologize for? 
She was the one who defiled his pride. 
She was the one who poisoned his mind with whatever sickness she’d put him through. 
Sure he’d yelled at her, insulted her, but -  His ears perk up at the sound of her voice, far softer than he could have anticipated.
Far softer than he liked.
“Did… did you do this to me?” 
Aedes’ eyes widen, his rising frustrations deflating in an instant. She thinks I've done this? 
Stunned, Aedes slowly shakes his head. 
“No. I…” His voice trails off. Even with her mostly covered by the blanket, Aedes can barely look at her. The sight of her shaking filled him with guilt, seemingly for his very existence. Even as he averts his gaze, he doesn’t miss how her heart hammers in her chest. Aedes grits his teeth. 
He hates this. 
“Here.” His voice nearly cracks, words sticking awkwardly in his throat. Aedes stands, though his heart fills with lead upon hearing June’s gasp. 
God, he hates this so much.  
June Murphy, however bizarre and terrifying the situation, could not say she hated it.  
Perhaps, five minutes from now, when the reality of the situation sunk in… maybe then she would hate it. Maybe then she’d be completely and utterly terrified. 
But at this moment in time her mind was completely and utterly occupied with the very large, very handsome, and very naked vampire man who’d turned to rummage around her room.
Why? She had no idea, and frankly- she wasn’t sure her mind had the capacity to care. 
She would panic later. 
Aedes turned back, seemingly a little more aware of his lack of modesty as he made an awkward attempt to cover himself as he reapproached. Again, he kneels down, his piercing gazing locking June in place for the briefest moment, before he turns his head away, not wanting to look at her like this. Slowly brings his hand to her. In it, his shirt, now embarrassingly small. It was uncanny to see his clothes like this… to imagine what he had looked like in them... What he had looked like to her.  
She doesn’t take it. 
It doesn’t take Aedes long to reason why.
My hands… His throat constricted at the realization of what his hands, blackened and clawed, must look like at her size. Why would she take anything from hands like mine? 
Before he can pull his hand back, June speaks.
“Thank you.” Her voice, far too soft for his liking, is all the warning he has before he’s met with the strangest sensation. A shiver runs down his spine as he feels her touch, warm and feather light, take the shirt from his hand. 
“I’m sorry,” Aedes begins, still averting his gaze, his hand moving to hide his teeth as he spoke, “That's the only clothing I have to offer-”
His apology is interrupted by a sound Aedes had not anticipated. 
June laughed. 
“Oh no- You’ll have to forgive me, but I think I have even less I can offer in the clothing department.”
Aedes remained frozen in place- stunned. She was laughing?
How could she be laughing?
His ears twitch, faint sounds of fabric being shifted and slid against soft skin pricking at his senses. Slowly, he turns back, a look of confusion on his face. He wants to ask her why she’s not panicking- Why hasn't she hid from him? He wants to ask her a whole myriad of questions, but at the sight of her sitting there in his shirt, the only sound that manages to escape him is a sharp inhale. 
It was a peculiar sight, seeing his clothes too large for her frame. His shirt hung loosely on her, hanging off her figure in a way that somehow seemed more lewd than her bare form. Ears hot, Aedes swallowed- quickly excusing himself to route through her wardrobe. 
“You really don’t know what's happening?”
In lieu of speaking, Aedes, clad in June’s loosest pair of baby blue shorts and what was supposed to be an oversized t-shirt, shook his head. He’d heard smallfolk talk of legends, of human blood giving his kind power but those were… vague superstitions? Or at least, he’d always assumed so- just some overly mystified explanation of his nature. 
Sitting on the floor beside June’s bed, Aedes frowned. He’d been drinking blood all his life and nothing more abnormal than a full stomach and some blood drunk thoughts had ever occurred. 
Just what exactly was going on?
Here he sat a hundred times the height he’d been the night before, and there she sat- magnitudes smaller.
His frown only deepened.
Had he…? He couldn’t have…
Aedes rests his head on the bed, trying desperately to grasp at a situation that, even now, seemed far too big for him to handle. He eyed June, her once imposing frame now dwarfed by her surroundings, the pillow she leaned against threatening to swallow her whole. 
Serves her right. He thought bitterly, his eyes lingering on her hands. Though he couldn’t ignore the itch that persisted at the back of his mind, an itch that gnawed at whatever mental fortitude he’d summoned to banish it from his conscious thought.
You’re lying. 
Aedes sighed, as if he could somehow expel the invasive thought from his mind. He didn’t miss the way his breath ruffled her hair- nor did he like it. 
She has no knowledge of the way my world works… She’ll trust humans-
Worse yet- she trusted him- at least enough to stay put. Once again, Aedes’ scowl deepens. 
How would she live like this?
How would he? 
His size was what allowed him to feed unnoticed. Like taking a sip from a lake- a way for him to hunt without killing. As meager as his stature had been, he’d had his stealth, his ease of access… he'd had plenty- his feedings a relative bounty every time.
Aedes chest tightens, a groan threatening to push past his lips. He runs his hands through his hair, trying and failing to ignore the growing sense of unease. 
How would he feed like this?
Brow furrowed, his ears flicked in agitation.  This was bad. 
This was dangerous. 
He was dangerous. 
Was this his life now? Aedes bites his lip, only to quickly cover his mouth a moment later, lest she see his teeth as she was. So close to being human, to having some shred of humanity- no longer something that could be seen as a pest, yet now someone that could be seen as something far worse. He tries in vain to swallow the growing panic rising in his chest.
He wouldn’t be seen as something worse, because he would be worse. He- 
As he stared daggers into the comforter, Aedes caught movement from the corner of his eye. 
June stood. 
Aedes froze. 
She walked towards him. 
He didn’t even breathe. 
As June moved closer and closer still, Aedes remained motionless, a deer caught in the headlights of a, very small, oncoming car. As she draws mere inches from his face, Aedes moves to pull back, but instead is stopped, the soft hum of her voice anchoring him in place like a leash around his neck. 
“Stay still.”
So he did. 
Ears folded back, he stayed, unmoving, as she brought herself so close to his face his eyes wouldn’t focus. So close he breathed her in on every inhale- sweet cream and carnal spice. So close if he so chose to, he could taste such a luxury. 
“You’re not… afraid of me?” His voice is low- hesitant even. 
Her touch makes him flinch. Gentle, as if he were still mere inches tall, June brushes back the stray hairs his frustrated mussing had garnered. She hums thoughtfully, and he finds himself wishing that sound would once again rattle his bones. 
“Should I be?” Her voice didn’t carry a hint of doubt. Though concerned, her voice felt …warm. 
Aedes hesitates for a moment.
“... yes.”
He wanted to lie- like she did. To tell her she would be safe with him. That he wouldn't hurt her. Yet he couldn’t bear to entertain this sad little fantasy where he pretended not to hear the way her heart raced, or see the way her hands shook- and selfishly, he couldn’t bear waiting for her foolish bravado to run out, lest he start believing he was anything but what nature had made him to be. He knew what he was- A monster.
It was time she learned that too. 
If this illusion had to be broken, it would be on his terms. 
June swallowed, biting her lip as his head, like a monument come to life, rose from where he rested it on the bed and closed the nearly nonexistent distance between them. He tilted his head just so, the way one does when leaning in to steal a kiss. Her knees felt weak, as did her resolve. As he moves closer, his nose brushes past her side, slowly, until it was his lips brushed up her frame. The wash of his breath as his lips part sends a shiver down her spine, a shiver that only grows as very large, very inhumane, teeth were revealed.  
“Don’t be foolish.” He whispered, voice silky and stern, lips brushing intimately against her body as he spoke, “Do you not think I’m tempted?” 
There's a pause, his question hanging heavy in the air before his lips pull back into a sneer, teeth bared as he adds, “I could have you in a single bite.”
June inhales, breath shakey as her thoughts run wild. Before she can even contemplate a response, she's already speaking, the words seeming to fall from her lips as easily as breathing. 
“So bite me then.”
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poeticmystery · 8 hours
—🏍️ (if thats taken? idk lmao)
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ WHIPPED (t.n.)
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summary : in which a boy is willing to do anything to convince a smart girl to go out with him.
w.c. : .8k
a/n : i loved writing this request and no 🏍️ isnt taken!! enjoy! 🤍
should i do a part 2 of the actual date??
wattpad : poeticmystery
warning(s) : none!
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theodore nott couldn’t deny how ultimately whipped he was for you. he was in love with everything about you. the way you’d ramble about your books, the certain face you’d make to him after you see somebody doing something less than smart.
he even respected how log. it had taken for you to let him in. he had quite a reputation with women, and he knew it’d make it more difficult to convince you to be in a real relationship with him.
so, he waited. he was patient, he was kind, and he defended you.
he seemed like the perfect guy on paper, but whenever you got close to letting him in, letting him finally take you out, you’d hear another story about a girl he hooked up with then left right after.
the thought disgusted you, and you didn’t want to just turn out to be another one of those girls with a horror story of hoe you were treated by the slytherin boy. you were smarter than that.
that was another thing he liked about you. how smart you were. he loved how you could explain extensive theories and spells to him in a simple enough way to make it easy to understand. it was like a breath of fresh air.
lately, he had been in an even better mood, something his friends even noticed about him. you were starting to finally let him in. you were letting him walk you to class, letting him take you to his favorite hidden spots in the castle.
most importantly, though, you were starting to talk to him. not just some insignificant conversation about homework, or the weather. real conversations.
you were telling him about books you liked, about something funny one of your friends had told you. you were rambling on and on to him, and he loved hearing it.
he loved seeing the way your eyes lit up when you were speaking about someone you were close with, or a new book.
the expression he held when you rambled to him like this could only be explained as pure love. he had waited months to even get you to open up to him, and it was finally happening.
he always made sure you knew he was listening, whether that was by asking you questions as you went, keeping his eyes trained on you, or even buying you the second book in a series you had mentioned liking.
even despite the way you’d protest your rants, saying you didn’t want to annoy him, or something of the sort, he loved hearing tour voice. he’d listen to anything if it was coming from you.
he noticed everything about you.
none of his friends, or even himself, could think off another time where he was this head over heels for someone. it was like his former self went out the window as soon as you walked in. he couldn’t even imagine himself with a girl that wasn’t you, and he didn’t want to anyways.
you were all he need- all he wanted.
“theodore, are these flowers from you?” you called out when he stepped into your dorm.
you gestured to a beautiful array of red lillies, the scent they put off filling the room with a pleasant, light aroma.
“yeah. saw ‘em and thought of you,” he admitted casually, as though he hadn’t specifically looked for flowers of that kind, knowing you paid attention to the meanings of flowers and whatnot.
aside from that, he just thought they were pretty. naturally, you had popped into his mind.
you flashed him a genuine smile, a sight that looked straight out of his dreams.
“thank you,” you grinned, the sentiment behind the flowers being one of the sweetest things you could think of.
“finally gonna let me take you out?” he asked, a small smirk on his face.
despite his confident demeanor, he was one step away from straight up begging. he had waited months, all he wanted was for you to say yes.
you thought over it. you had heard girls in the hallway talking about how he hadn’t given them the time of day recently… and he had been so sweet lately. he had been trying repeatedly, not being deterred at all by your rejections. plus, what was the harm in just one date? one date didn’t mean anything was set in stone.
it was just… one date.
“yeah, that sounds good,” you replied, noticing the way his smirk turned into a large grin.
he felt like a child with how smiley he got around you, especially now that you had given him a chance to take you on a real date.
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theodore nott taglist: lmk if you’d like to be added!
dividers made by h-aewo!
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bluesaie · 1 day
the missing piece ◞◟ ℘
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“how much more, baby? the bed feels cold without you.“
bada lifts her head from the piles of documents under her pen to be met with a true sight to behold. her pretty baby wrapped in a soft, grey blanket, peeking her head though the door of bada’s office.
small, almost shy smile is visible on your lips — as if you were actually ashamed of being that impatient.
you’re right, though— the hour is already later than bada had thought.
she takes her reading glasses off her nose, observing how you entered her office with light steps. your feet, clothed in a pair of warm socks, bounce quietly off the wooden flooring as you approached the desk. there's bare, milky skin of your legs visible behind the blanket, so, as bada assumes, you once again decided to sleep in one of her own tshirts.
“they smell like you,” you would reason. and bada has absolutely nothing against it; her pretty little baby looks even more little drowning in her large clothes.
“im sorry, darling,” bada speaks out with w quiet, warm voice. she feels herself smiling automatically
while looking at you. “i totally lost the track of time.”
you circled the desk, and finally appeared in front of bada, just close enough to be touched. you still have her blanket all over, but it doesn't stop bada from reaching underneath to softly stroke your naked thigh with her fingers.
you shiver, and smiles lightly, looking almost kitten-like with such a relaxed expression.
“you should come with me,” you purred, tilting your head a bit to the right. “its getting late. and im getting needy.”
bada insitictively lets her baby rest between her legs, sitting at the edge of the desk and effectively preventing her from coming back to the paperwork.
“i would've expected,” she hums, smiling teasingly. her free hand touches your warm cheek, making you blush softly.
“my kitten can never wait for too long, right?”
“you can't blame me,” your pink lips form a delicate pout, instantly urging bada to kiss it away.
she moves her fingers down, reaching the edge of the blanket on your shoulder. deliberately, she sweeps it aside
a little bit to reveal some more skin.
it turns out that you have gone for one of your dress shirts today. having moved away the blanket's material, bada can admire how amazing the white silk looks against your skin. a few first buttons are undone, which gives a perfect view of your pretty cleavage. your tits aren't very big, but in this position they're squished and plump, absolutely delectable for bada, who can't fight the desire to feel them up in her hands.
locking their eyes, bada slowly undoes three more buttons. you visibly shiver under her fingertips, but you dont stop her.
“always so pretty for me,” bada unconsciously bites her lip when two pink stiff nipples come into her view. her hands immediately squeeze both breasts, earning a lovely little whimper from you.
“bada—” you murmur, inhaling sharply. your eyes seem to get glassy in a couple of seconds.
“yes, love?”
bada enjoys teasing you too much not to do so. it's just so adorable, seeing you that vulnerable only for her.
you lick your lips, making them glossy and wet.
“i've missed you so much,” you confessed with a soft, breathy tone. bada’s smile only widens, her thumbs lazily rubbing your pretty nipples.
“i have too, baby,” she answers, her eyes never leaving yours. “should i finally reward you for waiting so long?”
it seems like the your irises lighten up at the words. the way you immediately clenched your thighs together doesn't escape bada’s notice.
“please,” you begged softly, wrapping your own fingers around bada’s wrists, only to press her hands tighter to your breasts.
“please, i've been such a good girl..”
bada laughs tenderly. you indeed was.
not wasting any more time, she gets up from her swivel chair and in a split second leans in to kiss you on the mouth. hard and deep, with intention to leave you wet and breathless. one of her hands stays on your tits, meanwhile the other slips down to cup you though the flimsy material of the shirt. she knows that you’re pantless, yet doesn't reach your pussy directly. again, just to make you a little more excited.
it works just fine, cause in a few moments she has a panting mess pathetically grinding onto her clothed thigh.
what an impatient little kitty, she thinks, smiling into your kiss. you mewl softly around her tongue, you own fingers wrapping around bada’s nape to hold her closer.
the woman deftly manages to lift your body off the desk, the blanket long forgotten on the floor as
you wrapped your bare thighs around bada’s torso. you don't break the kiss, not until both of you reach the bed in your bedroom — a mess in the office and the door sloppily kicked open totally irrelevant.
you look just like a naughty angel, sprawled on the sheets
under her, hair all messy and cheeks flushed, lips red and swollen from the kiss.
“im gonna ruin you, love. just like you deserve.”
this is a little reward for u guys♡>< .
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q8qwertyuiop8p · 1 day
I was blown away by this post and need to talk about it, or I will never sleep lol. I wish I could show you our entire conversation but the OP deleted all my comments so I couldn't screenshot anything.
"Nazis weren’t atheists or pagans. They were deeply Christian and Christianity was part of their ideology just like it is for modern conservatives. They spoke at lengths about defending their Christian nation from godless leftism. The ones who hated the catholic church hated it for protestant reasons."
The nazis, including Hitler, were absolutely not supporters of Christianity, you don't even need to be a Christian to see why this is so problematic. The main idea of Christianity is that Jesus is the Messiah, the one and only Son who loved the world so much he sacrificed his life to pay the debt of our sins.
Jesus isn't just not Aryan, or not white. He is a Jew. Christians literally worship him, seeing him as both fully human and fully divine.
Hitler taught that Jews were inferior, the scum of the Earth, deserving of inhumane treatment and death. Why would he support a religion that worships a Jewish man as the Messiah?
Furthermore, the gospel teaches that ALL people, regardless of sex, race, ethnicity, etc. We're made equal in the eyes of God, and that we all came from the same two people.
Hitler taught that the Aryans were the superior race, and preached the inferiority of anyone else. Why would he support a religion that so blatantly contradicts his teachings?
But wait- if Hitler and the Nazis were against Christianity, why did they employ Christian rhetoric in speeches? Why did they negotiate a treaty with the Vatican?
If you are a psychopath vying for support and leadership in an overwhelmingly Christian nation, are you really going to talk about how useless you see Christianity, or how it is a threat to your rule? Of course not. Hitler was a demagogue. He wanted to appeal to the common 1930s German citizen, which meant he would need to appeal to Christians.
It wasn't until he had secured power that he could finally show his true colors, breaking his promise to the Vatican to not interfere with the rights of the church. Among the many groups persecuted in the holocaust were Christians, especially Roman Catholics. Clergy in Germany and other territories were closely supervised to make sure they didn't contradict the Nazi teachings, Catholic organizations were shut down, and many prominent Christians were sent to camps for forced labor and execution.
I pointed out some of these the the OP, to which they responded
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How stating that the Nazis weren't supporters of Christians and that Christianity cannot coexist with Nazism makes me a holocaust denier, I don't know. I'm not the one denying that a certain group was persecuted by the Nazis (the OP stated in a comment of theirs that the Christians put into camps were only attacked for their ethnicity, not their religion) and trying to make it look like the Nazis actually loved and cared about that group.
I also don't understand how Christianity is inherently antisemitic. I asked the OP what about it was antisemitic, so after deleting all my comments, they blocked me. If you have the answer, let me know, I am genuinely curious.
It makes me sad to see that people actually believe this kind of propaganda. Also, if you're going to make a post about the evils of Nazism, you probably shouldn't use misinformation to villianize and scapegoat a group, or censor people who speak out against said misinformation. Just saying.
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notmybitch · 2 days
I'l try and sum up both yesteray and today's episodes here, so bear with me:
First off, I've seen people on Instagram really taking Fina's side against Jaime and I get it. I totally understand her distress and suspicions about Jaime's actitude. And it breaks my heart that she blames herself after all, she's once again in an impossible situation. That being said, watching both episodes fully, you can't ignore how much Jaime is actually trying to help Isidro. He is not only looking at all the possible treatments he can, but even when speaking with Luz you can tell that he is genuinely focused on Isidro's health and trying to put aside what's happening with him, Marta and Fina. It doesn't make him a saint, but at least he's a good doctor.
That scene he had with Luz seems to point to them actually getting closer and I'm sorry, but I'm totally rooting for them. Luis looks like he's really into the new girl and Luz deserves some romance in her life. They get along very well and now that he realized that Marta will never love him, maybe he'll let Marta and Fina be and try to move on? I know I sound naive but I keep thinking of an interview in which Marta Belmonte said some 'bad guys' are not actually that bad. Maybe she meant Jaime? Let me know what you guys think.
As for Isidro, damn I love how wonderful he is with Fina right now, it always makes me happy. I truly understand that he wants to be left alone but he can't see he raised the most feisty woman on earth. She was so cute all angry at him and Jaime, omg.
I want more scenes of Marta and Fina with Digna, pleaseeee. I will cry my eyes out if she ends up being against their relationship.
I'm sooooo in love with Marta becoming more and more angry on Fina's behalf and asking her father to help with Isidro and his treatment. What a queen. Those facial expressions she pulled on Jaime were priceless. Loved that beautiful dad&daughter duo telling Jaime what to do lmao
Bonus for full episode viewers:
Begoña and Luz's discussion made me so sad, I really like their friendship. Everything Begoña and Julia are going through is damn hard and they both deserve the world after everything that's happened
Damián hiring his son as his driver oh boy, oh dude. That's gonna backfire so quick. Can't wait for that reveal.
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taniahylian · 21 hours
Who is Bessmert
So, I bet all of us have wondered, since the "Notes on Shouri" event trrailer was announced, who exactly is Bessmert. After all, being an important character, but not playable, and with a very mysterious past and abilities, Bessmert is quite intriguing indeed. And now I'm gonna tell you who I think she is.
Fair warning though, this is a bit long, but I promise it's worth the read, so please stick with me until the end!
Let's start with the most basic evidence: Her appearence. She's tall, has grey hair, dresses in a typical exlorer garment with a big black coat over it, and has her eyes covered with a white cloth. But, most importantly, she looks quite similar to Vertin, and that's just where the similarities start.
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Their accents are pretty much the same, as well as the calm way in which they talk most of the time, and they are very smooth talkers; able to convince people of almost anything.
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Bessmert's team seems to be aware of this as well, since Krolik even requests she doesn't speak before they vote about going back, no doubt fearing she'll convince them to keep going.
Later on we also see her use this ability to convince Getian to help them solve the Lushu situation instead of running away, similar to what Vertin has done with Druvis and Jessica, for example.
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Now, aside from this almost supernatural manner of speach, Bessmert is also similar to Vertin when it comes to her arcane abilities; she also doesn't fight directly, but is able to sense arcanum in various ocassions, something we've only seen Vertin do in canon, and that other characters have remarked how rare of an ability it is.
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However, unlike Vertin, she can sense even more than just arcane skills, like nature-related phenomena, the environment around her, and even the intent behind other people's actions. To the point that she's able to walk around freely without having her sight.
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I believe this might be because Bessmert is an adult, more experienced arcanist, but also because her blindness might amplify her abilities, since she uses it to make up for her lack of sight.
Although of course here there's the issue if she's even an arcanist at all... or perhaps something else entirely.
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Getian tells her, as they are waiting for the miracle of "Ask and acquire", that the pattern he saw in her bones is unlike anything he's ever seen and, therefore, he can't read them. He also said tit unnerved him to the point of wanting to run away. This makes me think that Bessmert might be especial in some way, perhaps in the same way Vertin is; being immune to the storm, and there is evidence for this, surprisingly.
First of all; most of the places we know about that are a "safe zone" to the storm have one common feature; a fog or something that makes people hallucinate, get exited and/or pass out. These features are all present in Vertin's suitcase, the Uluru stadium and the Aperion cave. Not only that, but we can assume the agent responsible for this effect is Asymetric Nucleide R, a compound that is also found on the Manus masks and on the storm raindrops.
Why is this relevent to Bessmert? Well, it seems like Pei City is actually surrounded by the same kind of fog as that in Aperion and Vertin's suitcase, and the origin of it is the temple where people used to go for the Divination.
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Now, Bessmert acts surprised when hearing this explanations from Jiu, and we can especulate that it's because she has been to one of such places before, but regardless, we know she and her team encountered such fog before arriving to Pei City.
After following the direction Yenisei's skill tells them has the strongest arcane energy in the area, they arrive to a place where everything suddenly changes; it's different, odd, surrounded by a weird fog and, most importantly, makes them very tired to the point of almost passing out.
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However, Bessmert remains unaffected by it all. She especulates it might be because she's used to high altitudes, but they're going downhill, so I doubt that's the case. Plus, even when we see Yenisei's vision getting cloudy and that she almost can't go on anymore, Bessmert remains compleatly unaffected.
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This is all reminiscent of Vertin being compleatly unaffected in the suitcase's spinning wheel area, the Aperion cave and the Uluru Stadium, while others pass out pretty quickly, and it leads me to think that Bessmert, very likely, is also immune to the storm.
And there's one last piece of evidence here: Bessmert's name, which in Russian means "Without Death" or "Immortal", and likely has something to do with her ability to survive even the ends of multiple eras. Although I also think this isn't her real name for two reasons: firstly it'd be far too convinient, and also she's very likely not Russian, but Britlish. Why? Because every other Russian character has a Russian accent, while Bessmert's accent is distinctively British.
So what does all this evidence point towards? I think we all know the answer, right? Bessmert is, very likely, Vertin's mother, or at the very least related to Vertin in some way. But considering Vertin is searching for her mother since the beginning of the prologue, and all we know about that woman is that she's "special" (Constantine's words) and the Foundation tried to cover up her existance, this mysterious woman with a lot of characteristics similar to Vertin's seems like the prime candidate.
But that's not all. I'm about to tell u some other theories about who Bessmert is that, although might not be as impressive as being Vertin's mom, are also interesting.
First: She's Urd. Yes, the explorer that went to Aperion and then wrote a travel note about it. First of all because it really seems something that Bessmert would do; travel to a remote island in search of a mysterious cave that grants answers (like Ask and Acquire). But also because Urd is very likely a pseudonym, since Urd is a type of *bean* from Asia.
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And finally... Notes on Shouri isn't Bessmert's debut on the R1999 events. In fact, she appeared at the start of the very first event; The theft of the rimet cup.
In case you need a refresher, the event starts up with the newspaper boy trying to sell a newspaper to a "lady in black", who then turns around and the boy notices she's blind.
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At this point, the lady asks him to read the news for her, promising to pay for it, which he obliges. Now, we never see her face, but we hear her voice, and it's eerily similar to Bessmert's.
Not only that, but that same voice finishes up the event, apparently dictating an article about the events we see unfold thoughout the story for the UTTU magazine.
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Now, of course Pandora Wilson is the main editor of UTTU, but I wouldn't be surprised if Bessmert sometimes wrote articles for it as well, since she's so knowledgable about arcanists, and has traveled all over the world.
So yeah, I believe Bessmert is this mysterious voice in the rimet cup event as well.
But what do you think? Am I overthinking about this one npc way too much? XD. Let me know in the comments!
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tiredslepz · 3 days
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ʚ♡ɞ ~ angst, dabi afraid of commitment, situationship, (not proofread)
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Ever since you've laid your eyes on Dabi, you knew that his eyes were his defining feature. You would always notice his cerulean eyes glowing as he entered the room.
When he would get hurt, he would go to you, just because you took med school. You would just see him barge in your apartment all bloodied, and all he would say is, "A little help here, maybe?" with an expression to cover up the pain. "Dabi! What have you gotten into now?" It annoys you, how you could be enjoying life, then Dabi crashes into your place, asking for help. You hear him chuckle as you grab the needed supplies, then going back to help him. "It's not too deep, is it?" your eyes are fixated on the bloodied sleeve, then looking back at him. "Why, you care that much about me?" his brow raises, teasing you even though he has blood spilling out of his body. "Just answer it, Dabi." you roll your eyes, inspecting it again. "Just a scratch, honestly." he watches you intently. "Right, take it off." you stand up, getting something else from the cupboard he can't see from his view. "If you wanted me to remove my shirt, you could've asked me properly, princess." he watches you, wanting to see the look on your face. It's funny to him, really, how you barely have a reaction. "The coat, dumbass. Not unless you have a wound under the shirt." you sigh, waiting for him to comply. "Whatever you say." he takes off his coat, tossing it somewhere else. "Just a scratch, huh? If this were any deeper, it would need stitches." you stare at him, then sigh looking at it again.
"I already cleaned it anyways." you could almost tell he was rolling his eyes at you. "Right.." you start bandaging him up, letting your thoughts get to you. He actually has a nice physique, one you've only seen when he's hurt. God, you wish that wasn't the requirement. Speaking of.. "Don't you guys have a doctor over there?" you stop bandaging for a while, waiting for him to answer your question. "What of it?" his brow raises. "I mean, you could definitely go to Doctor Garaki, or whatever his name is whenever you get hurt." you roll your eyes, and continue to bandage up his wounds. "Well, I could, but he's too snappy. You're more gentler with me." his eyes soften, unfortunately you don't see it. "..Right. All done." you stand up, cleaning up whatever mess he made.
He takes a look at it, then shrugs. "You want some cookies?" you ask from the kitchen. He follows your voice, and sits down by the counter. You take out the freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, then you went to get two plates. "All this for me, huh?" he takes a cookie from the tray, already taking a bite from it. You come back with two plates, and notice a cookie missing. "Dabi! I was gonna take a picture of it!" you groan, putting down the plates. "You still can. Just with my bitten cookie." he places back the cookie in the tray, basically half-eaten. "Ugh, now people will think I'm impatient for food." you take out your phone, getting ready to take a picture of it. "Or that you have a date." You freeze for a moment, and look back at him, seeing his signature half-smirk whenever he got you looking like a deer in headlights. "Shut up." you take a picture of it, then give the cookie back. You sit down just besides him, taking three cookies for both of you.
While you're eating, your hand reaches out to hold his. You expect Dabi to tease you for it, but instead his hand instinctively goes closer to yours. Your hand grazes over his and— his phone gets a notification. He checks it out. He suddenly stands up, and gets his still bloodied coat, heading for the door. "Where are you going?" you ask, just before he leaves. "Duty calls." you hear him say, just as the door closes.
You're left with two plates, one empty, one full.
The next time you see him is when he invites you to the League. It's an abandoned building somehow made better. The outside looks like it could crumble anytime, but the inside is pretty decent. Well, you've seen worse. You go inside, seeing Kuroguri immediately. He escorts you to where everyone is, and you see Dabi waiting for you. "I'm surprised you haven't gotten hurt and visited me yet." you hum, and follow him to see the others. "What, miss me already?" he laughs, opening the door for you. "Ladies first." you roll your eyes, and enter the room. You see them— Shigaraki, Toga, Spinner, Compress, all of them. You bow out of respect, until you hear Dabi say it's not needed.
After all the introductions, it was tiring. You wanted to go lie down in your bed, now that you have to live here, apparently. "Oh yeah, uh, where do I sleep?" you ask, feeling sleepy already. You hear Shigaraki mutter something, but he says this instead, "You can sleep with Toga." you nod— "She can stay with me instead." you hear Dabi say. "No fair! I wanted to see how her blood tasted like~" Right. Toga is.. Toga. You then follow Dabi out the room, and go inside his. "Oh, a king sized bed? Where'd you guys get this?" you sit down on the edge of the bed. "Stole it, obviously." he sits down besides you. "Dabi.." your hand reaches for his again. "Did Shigaraki really call you for something.. last time?" this time, your hand reached his. His brow raises, and he smirks at your gesture. " 'Course he did. Why would I leave those cookies?" you groan, "Oh, so it's just the cookies then?" you glare at him. Then, he squeezes your hand. "Don't get all grumpy with me. You know that's not what I mean." he looks back at you, his demeanour softer, somehow. "Then what do you mean?" you return the gaze, hoping to kiss him. "Well—"
You hear Toga say something ahout a mission from the door, which then fades out. His hand slips from yours, and you're left dumbfounded. "Dabi-" it's gonna happen again, isn't it? "Maybe next time, princess." it's another mission, huh.
Ever since you've laid your eyes on Dabi, you knew that his eyes were his defining feature. And you would always notice how his cerulean eyes glowed as he left.
a/n: pls bare w me w this bcz i made this when the wifi was out so some things may not be correct, like the location descriptions.. also cmmt for pt2 :33
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rweoutofthewoods · 1 day
Serious question not hating, I have been reading ur jegulus stories since foreverrrr and I have noticed that in the newer stories James is becoming this major loser who’s like about to cry and panic every five seconds and I was wondering if this is just like what James is now in general? because I read this other story (fbi agent smth killer Regulus smth) where Sirius smacks him for dating Regulus in front of people James starts crying LOL is this who James is now? Just someone who gets tussled around? is there a reason why he’s begin written like this? I’m not talking about “ men don’t cry” but more of a “why is he so spineless and pathetic now” idk it feels like James character in general is kinda of an empty vessel a lot of the time, in a lot of fics he’s this go happy go luck guy with god like spinelessness that is amusing to read like in “young blood” where even tho he’s supposed to be “bad” and in juvie he’s still not cool ? Or baddie? he’s just George Costanza like when Regulus goes “failed suicide attempt// you’re a liar” and James just wants to throw up and is having a nervous breakdown, In general it’s like Regulus is this major badass with an attitude and cutting words while James twirls his fingers nervously waiting for him to come home aka prey. Please please tell me your thoughts and don’t take this as hate I’m a big fan of your work
Hmmm I can see your point but I’m going to kindly disagree. Firstly, I’m not sure James and badass have ever been totally synonymous when it comes to his character. Like he is not weak whatsoever, but reg was always the one who was meaner, sharper, out getting himself killed to get the horcrux, so on. And honestly I think my James can be a bit mean and sharper than a lot of characterizations? I find it a bit funny actually because you can never please everyone, I’ve been told I make my James TOO mean.
I don’t believe my James has changed much at all. Look at anti-hero the first jegulus I ever wrote, and think about all the times James was a wreck in that too. His character only changes for plot reasons and to further a story. Also mind you, literature is more complex than just the words on the page. I had to deal with this when I wrote ppp too, that people didn’t fully understand that limited POV is LIMITED!! And a limited POV means that just because the character thinks of themselves a certain way doesn’t mean they’re seeing reality. They only know what it’s like in their own head. Also, my regulus has always been a mess too. That boy hates himself and has his fair share of breakdowns.
3 points:
1. Prey is a WIP with like 30k words or something? In fact we haven’t even seen as much of James yet, and I thought it was clear that Reg is the one out being badass because he’s free to since everyone thinks he’s dead. Voldemort tried to kill James and Harry and I’ve said that James’ Order duties are limited because he has a target on his back.
2. Youngblood James is extremely traumatized? Trauma and having a panic attack does not equal weak or spineless. Him freaking out in a stressful situation does not make him any less capable. PLUS limited POV!! We haven’t gotten to Regulus’ parts yet, and seeing James through Reg’s eyes, he’ll look different than James sees himself.
3. I have a lot of current works that I don’t think fall under the category you’re placing them under. I don’t expect you or anyone to have read them all, but Save Your Soul James is prob more of the badass James you’re looking for. Eoitv James is a bit of a bitch who gives as good as he gets. James was probably TOO mean in wck, and antipathy which I didn’t write that long ago. So let’s not make generalizations.
Anyway I can’t and won’t speak on anyone else’s choices or characterizations, but a character is not an easy thing to fully grasp when you’re writing them. Idk if you write yourself, but mind you a lot of jeggy authors are young or teenagers and deserve all the love and support as they grow and write however they want. Ofc as a more traumatized James characterization becomes more popular sometimes we’ll swing from one extreme to another.
I saw your second ask and I know you mean well and aren’t trying to seem rude, don’t worry. so I send you nothing but love.
However I love all u guys so much but I feel like every month or so I find myself having to back up and explain my writing or choices. And I hope I don’t sound like a conceited bitch, but I do know I’m decent at writing. Like I’m really good at understanding every single choice I make, ESP when it comes to characterizations. That’s always been my strength. I always know exactly what I’m doing and even if not everyone agrees with it, I can and will back up every choice I make in a fic because a lot of thought goes into every word. It is a little frustrating to often feel like I need to explain myself.
(Sorry last note I’m editing in to add: I’m the author and that means I’m in control, which means that for all the countless hours and all nighters I’ve spent writing, it is my right to write however and whatever I want. And it’s totally ok if you disagree with my characterization!! That’s your right too! but I can’t and won’t shape him to every person’s wants and whims. He’s my James and he belongs to me. Sorry I hope this doesn’t come off as harsh, I have no animosity I promise and I’m not trying to be, I know I come off as brash sometimes and I never mean it that way.)
But I know u don’t mean badly, and that’s not directly at you. Much love and happy Friday xx
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mactavishbby · 3 days
Be shocked y'all, I'm posting something and it's Call of Duty related
So, this is like a damn mixture of just BO, the Reboot MW and like the Zombies universe, kind of. It's like a mash with all three. It's just a snippet of a possible fanfiction, but at the same time, I'm kind of like holding off on actually writing it because I feel like I'm going to need to wait for BO6 to come out before I write this. Maybe I can get away with like getting close to BO6 stuff until it comes out, but like I'm trying.
So, this takes VERY loosely during BO4 which is already terrible in terms of story because it was an online mess and no campaign.
Also would like to say a big FUCK YOU to Treyarch, you fuckers aren't making my run of BO2 be invalid because I didn't shoot MASON in the HEAD, literally NO reason to even say anything about the ending for BO2, it was perfect and it needed NO canon ending confirmed.
anyways, as for warnings: spoilers for rebootMW3 if you haven't played the campaign yet, and just BO in general, and talk of death.
“Why did you never get married?”
It was an innocent question.  From an innocent kid that was trying to learn her way around the world that had shifted on her so suddenly.
Still didn’t stop Belle from looking at Lucy like she had grown two heads, just holding her cup of morning coffee in the kitchen. Just the two of them while the rest of the house slept in later. They deserved it after the missions they have been pulling off.
“I.. I just never got the chance to.” Belle answered honestly, taking a sip of her coffee, burning her tongue a little bit before resting on the counter, standing in front of the little girl, now leaning against the counter.  “Why do you want to know?”
“Because, Mr. Woods always brought you up whenever he was around Auntie Savannah, he seemed soft,” Lucy explained, going in for another bite of her eggs before looking at Belle with bright green eyes like leaves in spring. “And when you talk about Mr. Woods, you seem, sad… And in movies, that usually means people love each other.. So, why did you never get married?”
Belle listened, tapping her finger lightly on the counter top, thinking about the little girl’s words. She wasn’t wrong in the case of Belle. Speaking about Frank had always brought a sense of sadness from her due to the years apart and thinking about of what could have been, more so now that everything she tried to let go had came crashing through her glass house like a boulder.
“We never got married because, as far as Mr. Woods knew, I.. I wasn’t alive anymore, like how you thought that your mom wasn’t alive anymore,” Belle tried to explain, thinking how to put this into appropriate terms for Lucy to understand. “But the difference is, Mr. Woods never knew that I was alive, and due to my situation after the day he thought I died, we just… Never came back together, or more like, couldn’t come back together.”
Lucy was finishing up another bite of her eggs before she engaged with the conversation once again. “Like how mom couldn’t come back to me right away?”
“Um, kind of, but not completely,” Belle said, thinking more on how to explain. “You know about the Dark Aether?”
“Yeah, the magical purple stuff,” Lucy answered, nodding her head, shoveling another fork full of egg into her mouth.
“Okay, so when I had gotten shot back in 1981, I had gotten taken by this Russian science group call Omega Group; who found me bleeding in the snow while I was trying to get help because the injury I had gotten didn’t actually kill me,  just hurt a lot,” Belle started off with, quickly taking a swig of her coffee, needing the caffeine for this. “I spent four to five years with them, where I met Ravenov, before he managed to get in touch with Requiem in 1985.”
“Is this why you never went back to Mr. Woods?” Lucy was looking at Belle with a tilted head and a questioning look, like she was trying to follow along to what Belle was telling her.
“It was part of the reason, I technically was a prisoner and was forced to work with Omega Group, so I started to learn about the Dark Aether and didn’t have much contact with the outside world,” Belle explained, before patting where she had been shot back in 1981. “With exposure to the Dark Aether, I quickly lost the scars from 1981, but it also affected my head that wasn’t completely right to begin with as I had also been brainwashed like your great-grandpa was, and like Donnie, Torque and Battery when it came to your mother’s death. So, my memories had been altered and having those scars disappear had me questioning everything.”
Then Belle reached over for the leather notebook that was sitting on the further end of the kitchen island, and pulling it over and placing it between herself and Lucy. “But this did get me into the habit of making a journal… which I now have a very impressive collect of for the last 63 years.”
“What did you write about mainly?” Lucy asked, carefully taking the journal to start looking through it. It was still a new book, so there wasn’t much but there was some drawings and what not in there.
“I started with just writing small things, like what my day was like, I started sketching which was something I did rarely before meeting Mr. Woods,” Belle said, letting Lucy look through her journal, like it was no big deal. “Then I slowly started to write about things from before, such as my memories of stuff from before my brainwashing, the memories that I was given from my brainwashing, my time with Mr. Woods and the others… It helped a lot with picking up the mess of cards that were my memories, my personality and just everything that made me Isabelle Levine.”
Lucy was looking at an old Polaroid of Frank from back in 1981, something Belle had personally taken when he as laughing at some stupid joke that Mason had said while they were the only ones at the safe-house because Belle was working late and Frank didn’t want to leave her alone, and Mason was having a night.
“Mr. Woods looks old here.” Was Lucy’s comment, looking at the photo closely, like she was trying to find the smallest of details.
“Well, I just Savannah brought back Mr. Woods when he was younger, but in that photo is how I remember him always..” Belle said, tapping at the top of the photo. “… And I still look the same from when he last saw me.”
“Did you attend his funeral?” Was Lucy’s next question, making Belle pause.
“Yeah.. Back in 2027, he passed in his sleep. The smoking caught up with him.” Belle answered, looking down at the table with a sad smile. “Your great-grandfather cornered me when I went to say goodbye personally after everyone had stepped out of the church. He… He had a lot of questions and we sat there in the front pews, letting him hear my story… The irony was, your great-grandfather passed away in that very church, in that front pew that very day… He passed away listening to everything that I've done. Probably thinking that if there was an afterlife, he had something to tell Mr. Woods.”
The two of them sat there silently as Lucy flipped back through some more pages, before she found a sketch from Belle’s memory. Of another person that came into Belle’s life and left her way too soon.
“Who’s Soap?” Lucy asked, looking at Belle as the little girl pushed the journal back over and pointing at the very sketch that Belle was looking at.
“His name was Johnny, from Scotland so he had a similar accent to Torque. He was, well, he was ambitious.” Belle shared, looking at the sketch before pulling out her phone and actually showing a good photo of Johnny back in 2022. “There was a new operation dealing with the Dark Aether, and they were pulling a team together, and while Requiem wasn't active anymore, Ravenov and I still were known by very few people. So, we got sent in, so did Soap.”
“Did you love Soap like you love Mr. Woods?”
Belle shook her head. “No.. He already had someone back home, completely smitten with her, but he was the only person that I had gotten close with in a very long time. He knew everything about me, he just, kind of, was someone that had a way with getting people to speak.”
Lucy started to swipe through the pictures on Belle’s phone, looking at them closely, watching her go back to her oldest photos, then going back to the photo of her and Soap before moving forward to more recent ones.
“You seemed.. Happier after meeting Soap.” Lucy observed, going back between different photos. While Belle’s face looked the same, her hair and fashion reflected with the time, and with the emotions that her face was displaying. “Then you seem sad again, but still happy.”
“Soap died on a mission the year after I met him, he was protecting his Captain, stopping a bad guy from blowing up a bomb in London,” Belle said, sharing what she knew. “Kind of like how I stopped my own uncle from all the nukes in Europe back in the ‘81. I was sad finding out I lost a friend again, though it was easier to handle because Soap made me realize that I had to start living again, this was my life now, and I had to make the most of it.”
Belle finished off with her coffee, setting the mug down on the counter gentle, worried that it would shatter if she didn’t do so. She knew that it wouldn’t, but her emotions were making her feel that way. “Soap, never invalidated how I felt, but he made me look at what I was doing to myself. I was miserable and I kept very much to myself. That… That wasn’t who I was, but I lost so much, missed out on so much, and I was stuck in a state that reminded me of those times.”
She carefully took to her phone back from Lucy before showing a few photos. “You can see that I didn’t change much before Soap, I still looked as close as I did back in the 80’s, I was stuck at 28 and I didn’t now how to support myself with this new.. Well, me.” Belle explained the best she could. “But with Soap, I started to build my identity again, but allowing it to fit who I was in the moment and mold it into something that I could change as time went on. Which I’ve been doing. Sure, there were parts that stayed around, but there was so many other things about me that changed over the years. “
The phone was set down next to the journal, the two females looking at each other, Lucy with the ever curious eyes, while Belle stood there as someone that seen more than a life’s worth of the world.
“You still haven’t answered why you never go married. Like ever.” Lucy came back around to, completely full circle.
Belle laughed, shaking her head in amusement of this child.
“Yeah, I guess I didn’t,” Belle agreed, pushing herself up from her slouched position to stand up straight. “Why I never got married was because I was still in love with Frank Woods, and I spent 63 years still being stupidly in love with him. And I will probably still love him until the day I finally die. I still love him even now that he’s back and doesn’t have the full picture of what is going on.”
“So, in a very long way, you did get back to him in the end.” Lucy pointed out, this eight year old leaving Belle even more speechless.
“Yeah.. In the end, I guess I did get back to him.”
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How would the Ro's react to their partner (mc) sitting down on their lap and doing their makeup??
💛 Marcel
Marcel just wrapped his arms around your torso as you straddled him, lipstick in hand.
His eyes follow the movements before a look of understanding crosses his face, and he lets out an amused chuckle. 
"You think that is my color?" He asked as you giggled and put it on his lips. 
"I think it will bring out the fullness of your lips." 
Marcel simply shrugged and proceeded with the situation, content with the feeling of having his arms around you.
🧡 Margaret
Margaret blushed as you straddled her. "What are you doing?" 
Her heart was beating so fast inside her chest that she thought it might explode. Clearly, you gave her a fake innocent look. 
"Little old me? Well, I thought it would be fun to do your makeup." 
Margaret then noticed the blush container in your hand and smiled warmly. "I don't know a lot about makeup." 
"Then let's change that." 
❤️ Owen
Owen grinned as he put his arms around you when you straddled his lap. 
His smile is almost predatory as he sits up to kiss you, stopping when you put a finger on his lips. 
You shushed him with a giggle and brought an eyelash curler to his face. 
Before you knew it, your hands were held behind your back. Gently, Owen looked from the tool in your hand back at your surprised face. 
"What are you doing, lass/duck/lad?" 
You pouted a little. "I wanted to do your makeup." 
Owen raised an eyebrow. "I don't wear makeup." 
You tried to squirm away from him, but he just held you tighter. "That looks like a torture device." Owen kissed the tip of your nose. "You're going to get me wasted before I let that thing come anywhere near my face." 
💙 Rosemary
Rosemary would just raise an eyebrow at you. "Is there something you desire, dollface, angel face, or handsome?" 
You brought some eyeliner into view. "I thought I could do your makeup." You said, making herself comfortable on your lap. 
Before you could even realize what was happening, Rosemary had you both sitting down in front of her vanity mirror, talking about the different kinds and qualities of her collection of beauty products. 
🩵 Tai
Tai would fall into your touch as you sat on his lap, but his guard wouldn't be down. With his eyes narrowed, he looked at you. "What do you want?" 
"I was wondering if I could do your makeup." 
"What? Why?" You whined, and Tai sighed. 
"There is no point in it. I don't wear makeup." 
"I thought it couldn't be something we do together, and it would make me so happy." You pouted, and before you knew it, Tai was letting you put foundation on his face. 
"We will never speak of this again." 
💚 Zane
Zane kisses your neck as you sit on his lap, already getting worked up before you stop him. 
"Wait, Zane, I actually wanted to do your makeup." 
Zane pulled back to see the eyeliner in your hand. "You want to do my makeup? Why?" 
"I thought it would be fun!" You give him such a genuine smile that the suspicion on Zane's face melts just a little bit. A feeling deep in his chest blooms, and he can't control letting out an almost primal growl. "While I don't like anyone touching my perfect face, I'll make an exception for you." He whispers, Low in your eat. 
Then, he attacks your neck with kisses. "But after we are through here, I want a smokey eye." 
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