#lil bit of a vent
radios-arcade · 2 years
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And the breath reentered his lungs And his eyes once again saw sky roots like thread sewed broken skin back together Techno's heart began to beat (what if the totem was more organic and didn't actually repair with gold)
(Below without paint shading)
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artisticdysfunction · 3 months
the repetitive numbness
of being too too cold.
your head in the clouds
can't bring yourself to care as your body gets scalded.
head in the clouds
as the bridge down gets soured.
can i ever get back to the ground?
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cxffeeshxp · 1 year
~It's really annoying seeing an artist make something they clearly enjoyed making then some fucking dipshit just try and shit on them for it. Like you don't like the drawing, fine whatever everyone has different taste, but don't tell the artist that shit. It's fucking cringe.
It's not even criticism it's just being a petty bitch because they drew something you personally didn't like. Its so fucking self-centered and annoying.
'Oh well they drew this character with a different body type' And bitch? It's called artistic freedom, no one has to have their art ahhere to what a character looks like in it's source media.
I personally don't like seeing Astolfo, or any femboy characters, drawn as big booba chicks but it's not my job to nag the artist about my personal gripe, and more often than not I still think the art look nice.
Also feel like there is a bit of slut shaming too that comes with this shit but that's another thing
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globlin-theifer · 2 months
So stressed right now might just cancel everything but I feel like I got everyones hopes up but aaaaaaaaaarrregggghhhhh
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sillywilly-billy · 11 months
when they say they wanna have alone time with your bf but never give you or your bf any alone time with eachother rahhhh (and your autistic brain had plans for a sleepover but now you're breaking down bc the plans are ruined)
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2aceofspades · 10 months
Dimensional creature
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I'll break you...
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totallynotzzombiecat · 5 months
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·· Commorragh moments ·· ♫: Jakob Ahlbom - Fracture
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spoiledmilks · 6 months
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Tried painting my favorite area in fontaine
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mintinol · 5 months
yoo this is definitely targeted at certain ppl who think calling someone's art "AI-like" or smth is a compliment, it's not and really insulting. Idc if you meant well don't say it to me.
It doesn't feel good to have your work compared to bland uninspired images that are only ok in technical skill but lacking in soul.
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owl-bones · 2 months
people will say clothes have no gender until they see a guy in a dress and then they can't help but misgender him
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darkness-nova · 3 months
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jasongotdrip · 3 months
I’ve been drawing Vaggie more from different angles and hairstyles but this is the only one ill post for now
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We’re gonna pretend I wasn’t on hiatus for 2 days🙈
To be honest I wanted to go longer than that. Maybe a week or two, idk. I’m just not in a good space at all right now and it’s taking everything I’ve got not to relapse or well, collapse.
(you probably shouldn’t read what’s below honestly but if you do, tw!⚠️)
I was fine for a while and now suddenly im back in this horrible place in my mind. I feel like I’m going to explode. My sleep paralysis is getting worse, and i had a seizure for the first time in like 5 years. And I’ve already had reoccurring nightmares of trauma since the age of 3. But apparently, “that’s normal” or “i’ll be fine”, according to literally EVERYONE i tell. I’m not eating or drinking much of anything and I’m constantly reminded that im not enough, which was obvious but it still hurts. I always put others first. I always try to make everyone happy. All my life I’ve tried.. so hard to be perfect for everyone, and okay mentally, but my body just can’t have that at the moment. I want to give in. I do everything for everyone but it’s like no one cares what happens to me as long as they’re happy. I do everything for everyone so they’ll keep me around. Maybe they’ll miss me one day.
I’m trying so hard to hold on and get through it but uhh those unhealthy coping mechanisms are looking mighty fine rn! But uhhh anyways! How are you guys??😍
yeahhahahahgagagagagag um also i found out i have attachment issues yayyyyy…
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erm what the sigma🥸‼️
uhh sorry about that! I always keep things like that to myself so feel free to ignore it. I’ll be fine, I always get past it lol
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notweirdjustrandom · 2 days
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I promised myself that after I’m done, I would post this odd selection of fruits to rot here on the internet forever, so here it is.
(PS: These are completely free to use. No need for credit if anyone use it for whatever reason. Just wanted to say good riddance goodbye to them fruits💔)
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globlin-theifer · 1 year
Me:talking about why I suspect I might be autistic and therefore would like to get an evaluation
My mother: no, no, your normal I feel like that to don't worry
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maesaeart · 11 months
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fustrated kith 💕💕
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mortellanarts · 2 years
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I need to feel like I'm human through you
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