#lil timey wimey au
penny00dreadful · 9 months
Devotion for the wip thing !! and also unnamed file 5 for fun (i can put it in another ask if necessary) have a good day 🖤
Nonny, my love! It's no problem, I can answer both here! I'll give you a lil snip of Devotion, my D&D AU fic that I am very excited about!
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We're looking at Paladin Steve and Bard/Wizard(Witch) Eddie in this fic and I am so excited to fuck around with this.
As for my Unnamed Document (5)?
There's only four words written in there:
wibbly wobbly timey wimey
I think you can probably guess where I might be going with that. 😉
Ask me about my WIPs!
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A non-exhaustive list of scenarios:
- The Winchesters leads to the original Supernatural canon. Likely, John loses his memories of his hunting adventures with Mary and the gang (possibly losing all his memories of Carlos and Lata and Ada and everything). My spec in this case: a desperate Mary is responsible for erasing John’s memories, as she wants a safe hunting-free life and the only way to get that is for John - who has fully embraced the hunting life - to forcibly be taken out of it. Millie dies. The others possibly die, or are forgotten by John and get out of Mary’s life because they don’t agree with her choice, or something like that. Dean is in heaven, possibly browsing heaven to go get Carlos and Lata and reuniting them with Mary and John so that they can be together again in the afterlife. (Dean says #polycule rights.)
- The Winchesters leads to the original Supernatural canon, ending up with John and Mary in heaven, but Dean is somehow able to give his parents a second chance, going back to their youth and be able to live their life as they want instead of the way god and angels and demons wanted, finally free thanks to Dean (Dean says #polycule rights). My lil cute idea for this scenario: he tells Mary “if you have a son, don’t call him Dean, because there’s already one Dean Winchester, the cool uncle that drops by sometimes to visit” and she replies “what if I want to name my son after his cool uncle :)”. Okay, this might be cool for a fic. But the show could make something similar to this, somehow. Also, possibly, the ending of the show opens the path for a Dean-focused narrative where he goes and fix his own life (get Cas back and whatnot).
- The Winchesters does not lead to the original Supernatural canon, but somehow rewrites it retroactively. Wibbly wobbly timey wimey etc etc. Dean somehow heals the past of his family, possibly giving also Henry and Millie a happy ending, and Samuel and Deanna a second chance where they just . . . don’t die, nothing weird happens to them ever again, and they and Mary heal and reconcile. And that’s it! Dean knows what happened in the original timeline, but he says #polycule rights and shoves Chuck’s version into the trash can. Too sugary? Maybe, but maybe we need something wholesome and gentle for once. And again, Dean fixing is family is the first step to go and fix his own life (in a gay way).
- The Winchesters does not lead to the original Supernatural canon, but is a sort of alternate timeline. De facto this is not very different than the previous one, because, well, rewriting the past in a way that still allows Dean and everyone else to exist with their own past is basically to create an alternate timeline, so the difference would only be in how the show frames it. So, basically, Dean says #polycule rights and writes his own AU. Well, an AU where the characters are free to make their own choices. Which is what Dean is a fan of.
- What we (and Dean) know as the original Supernatural canon is actually false, and Dean is dicovering the truth. So it’s not an ontological rewrite, but an epistemological rewrite. Maybe John did know about hunting all along, but for some reason did not discose that to his sons. Maybe he promised Mary that, even if she died or anything, he would not let their kids know about her past as a hunter, or something like that.
- What we know as the original Supernatural canon is false. Dean is somehow fourth-wall-breaking telling us the truth to us. (Unlikely, imo. I think Dean is out-story talking to us but also in-story talking to someone.)
- The Winchesters does not lead to the original Supernatural canon, but it’s still just as tragic as the original canon or worse. Aka the evil scenario. Please no.
- The Winchesters leads to the canon of Apocalypse World. Well, that would totally suck. But also why would that be an option. And Dean’s role in the show would make no sense. So, nope.
- The Winchesters is another one of Chuck’s alternate worlds, one of the ones he destroys in season 15. Also a sucky option that would make no sense. Again, nope.
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talistheintrovert · 4 years
time trips and tenderness
@starlightafterastorm asked for a “little Bellarke timey-wimey time travel story” and honestly that’s like catnip to me, so here you are my dear! The anomaly accidentally throws together dropship bellamy and clarke and s6/7 bellamy and clarke, in front of everyone (bring out your popcorn kids)
read it under the cut or on ao3!
Clarke wasn’t sure what happened. 
One minute she was walking through Sanctum on her way to meet Madi after school, the next her foot stepped into nothing and she was falling, hard. She landed in a cloud of dust and wisps of material, and she coughed as she pushed herself back up on her knees. “Clarke?!” She lifted her head. She had fallen through some kind of hidden trapdoor into a secret room, clearly well out of use, and her fingers had snagged a sheet as she went down, dragging it off a large machine against one wall. A few heads began to appear over the trapdoor as Bellamy called her name again, and she looked up. “I’m okay,” she reassured him, getting to her feet and dusting off her pants. She narrowed her eyes over at the contraption; it had symbols carved all over it like the anomaly and levers along one side. “What are you?” Clarke muttered to herself as she approached it. There was a series of dull thuds behind her and she turned to find Bellamy, Gabriel, Murphy and Miller had all jumped down into the room after her. “Cute,” Murphy deadpanned. 
“I was wondering where this went,” Gabriel said, brushing the last of the flimsy cover off the machine. “Russell must have hidden it after I left.”
“What is it?” Miller asked. “It was supposed to be able to figure out what the anomaly did by harnessing it, but I could never get it quite right. It could take a snapshot of the wave but the readings were all over the place; it was incomprehensible. I managed to capture what I thought was part of the anomaly inside this-” he rapped his knuckles against the glass box in the center of it, “-but once the wave disappeared, so did whatever was in here. And then I never got to try it again, for obvious reasons. I had to make do outside of Sanctum, I figured Russell had destroyed this one.” Clarke felt Bellamy’s hand come up against her side, and she glanced at him, seeing the concern in his face as he looked her over, checking for injuries. She wanted to tell him she was fine, but she couldn’t help but savour the feeling of his palm against her waist. It was pathetic, really, what she’d been reduced to - gasping for every tiny morsel of physical affection she could get. She opened her mouth to say something, but caught herself when she saw something flickering behind the glass in the machine. It was small, but she was sure she saw a lick of green flame. “Is that…” she stepped forward. “I think there’s something in there.” “Unlikely,” Gabriel started to say, right before the entire cavern lit up with green as the flame burst into life inside the box and the machine started on its own. “Holy shit,” Murphy vocalised what they were all thinking. “What the hell?” Gabriel shook his head. “That shouldn’t be possible.” And then the light flashed, filling up the entire room and blinding them all. Something slammed into Clarke’s shoulder and she would have hit the ground again if it weren’t for a pair of strong arms catching her. There were clatters and shouts and then the light faded and Clarke blinked the vision back into her eyes. She squinted, trying to make sense of what she was seeing. The light must have screwed with her head, because there was no way the scene before her was actually happening. Except- “Clarke?” Bellamy asked, taking a step towards her, confused. But he didn’t look right; he was younger, clean-shaven, and she remembered the clothes he was wearing but she hadn’t seen them in years. The figure at her back tensed, and she looked up to see Bellamy - her Bellamy - frowning warily at the figure before them. He opened his mouth, “What-” “Why are there two of us?” Another voice said, and Clarke turned her head to stare directly into her own face. She was younger, hair longer, wearing a shirt that Clarke missed. She tilted her head. “You cut your hair.” “Yeah. A while ago,” she replied, unable to think of anything else. “I don’t like it.” “I do,” Young Bellamy remarked, eyes raking over her. “Suits you, Princess.” Bellamy’s grip tightened instinctively on Clarke’s shoulder at the old nickname, and he snapped his fingers at his young self. “Hey! Jackass! Eyes up here.” Young Bellamy smirked, but dragged his gaze up, raising an eyebrow at himself. “I got old.” “Fuck off.” “Real mature,” Young Clarke rolled her eyes. “I see you haven’t changed.” Clarke couldn’t help but laugh incredulously at the idea. Gabriel and Murphy were getting to their feet behind them, and Miller was standing to the side staring widely. She wondered how young these versions of themselves were - it was definitely the dropship days, but it had to be early. There was no way she would be automatically irate at Bellamy after the Day Trip, so it must have been before that. “Where are we?” Young Bellamy asked, taking in the tiny room and the hole in the ceiling. “When are we?” Young Clarke corrected. Gabriel lifted a hand, “It’s probably better you don’t know that. We don’t know how the Anomaly works; we should mess with it.” “Didn’t Octavia’s memory get wiped when she returned?” Miller asked. “Well, yeah, but-” “So you’re in the future, we’re on a different planet, and you two are in love but neither of you have done anything about it which drives the rest of us fucking insane,” he explained loudly, before anyone could jump in and stop him. Clarke felt Bellamy’s hand on her shoulder loosen, like he wasn’t sure what to do with those words out in the open, and she became hyper aware of every part of her body that was touching his; wanting to move away but frozen to the spot. Young Bellamy snorted. “Not likely.” “How did we get here?” Young Clarke asked, completely sidestepping the other revelation. “There’s an Anomaly on this planet that messes with time,” Gabriel chimed in, resigned to the fact that they were going to know regardless of his protests. “I built a machine to harness it and somehow it spat you both out.” “Why us?” she made a face, looking over at Young Bellamy with distaste. “Didn’t you hear, Princess, we’re in love,” he replied, raising his eyebrows at her in that cocky way that used to drive her crazy. She rolled her eyes. “Don’t be ridiculous.” “Hey, Future Miller said so,” he shrugged, clearly amused by her annoyance. Young Clarke rounded on their older selves. “He’s joking, right? You’re not really in love?” Clarke opened her mouth but nothing came out, and she could feel Bellamy shifting his weight behind her, also staunchly refusing to say anything to break a silence that was becoming steadily more awkward. Young Clarke faltered, and the amusement fell off Young Bellamy’s face. “You’re not serious?” he asked, incredulous. “Oh my god this is better than Christmas,” Murphy grinned. “Shut up, Murphy,” Clarke and Bellamy said in unison. Young Bellamy’s gaze cut across to him, curious, and Murphy lazily saluted, leaning against the wall. “Still following Bellamy’s orders, I see,” Young Clarke remarked. Murphy snorted. “You hear that, Bellamy? She thinks I’m a lackey.” “No, I think you’re a dick,” she snapped, eyes narrowing at him. “You shove around the younger kids and you picked a fight with Wells.” Clarke felt the breath catch in her throat. She was talking in the present tense, which meant that these versions of themselves were from before Wells died, and she wanted to cry at what they were still yet to go through. At all the horrible things headed their way. Bellamy seemed to come to the same conclusion, and his arm slid down her arm soothingly, stroking between her shoulder and her elbow. To his credit, Murphy’s attitude sobered somewhat, and he shrugged. “Yeah, I was an asshole back then. But I like to think I’ve done enough to make up for it by now.” “Give it another year,” Clarke joked, trying to push down the tears that threatened to fall. Murphy noticed her expression and huffed, walking forward to hook an arm around her and pull her into a bony hug. “Anything for the Princess.” She managed a watery laugh into his shirt before she pulled away, and he pinched her side. “Don’t you get crying on me now, you know I’m bad at dealing with that.” “Shut up, Murphy,” she repeated, but there was a smile in her voice. “Wow,” Young Clarke said slowly. “You weren’t kidding. I’m friends with you?” “Don’t push it,” he winked. “Sexually charged acquaintances at best.” “You’re disgusting,” she muttered. “No arguments here,” he flashed a grin. “Anyway, it’s nice to catch up and all, but now that they’re here, how do we send them back?” Everyone turned to look at Gabriel. He held up his hands. “I have no idea. All I know is we can’t let them leave this room, because even if the Anomaly wipes their memories, if everyone else sees them, then people might try to use this machine for the worst. The second they return to where they came from, I’m destroying it. In the wrong hands, this could be a weapon of mass destruction.” “So we just have to… sit here?” Young Bellamy asked, already looking restless. “Until the wave returns, yes.” “Great,” Young Clarke said sarcastically, pointedly not looking at either of the Bellamys. A heavy silence fell over the room, no-one willing to permeate it. Gabriel was scrutinising the machine, attempting to appear oblivious to the awkwardness, while Murphy and Miller were just staring between the two sets of their friends like it was a tennis match, waiting for someone to volley first. Bellamy’s hand had long since stopped moving, clasped loosely around Clarke’s elbow, and she was watching Young Bellamy as he tried to maintain that cocky bravado she remembered finding so annoying. Young Clarke just folded her arms and glared at the hole in the ceiling. “Well, this is fun,” Miller deadpanned. Young Clarke huffed. “I just don’t see how we would ever become… that.” She gestured at her older self and Bellamy dismissively. “It doesn’t make sense.” “It’s been a long time since the Dropship,” Clarke said quietly. “But still; Bellamy? I thought I had better taste,” she turned up her nose, and Clarke noticed the way Young Bellamy’s gaze flitted across to her, amused. Even back then, he didn’t hate her as much as she thought he did. And she remembered those days - she hadn’t hated him as much as she wanted him to think either. “I’m wounded, Princess,” Young Bellamy teased, clutching his chest like he’d been hit. “I thought we had something.” “Was I really that arrogant?” Bellamy asked, sounding bothered. Miller choked on air. “God, remember the arguments we used to have?” Clarke said wistfully. “I miss those.” “Yeah,” he agreed, shaking his head. “Things were so simple. We only had to worry about a hundred delinquents, not the world ending. Fuck, I miss all of it, how sad is that?” “Pretty pathetic,” Murphy chimed in. Bellamy’s hand was still on Clarke’s arm, and Young Clarke noticed, raising her eyebrow at them. “When did this happen? When did we get so close, what changed?” “Everything,” Clarke said, at the same time as Bellamy said, “Nothing.” “Well that clarifies it,” Young Clarke said sarcastically. Young Bellamy snorted. “Don’t be like that, Princess, it can’t be the most repulsive idea in the world. Don’t think I haven’t caught you sneaking a peek at me in the mornings before I put a shirt on.” “Did you really? I thought I was being subtle.” Clarke asked, looking up at Bellamy. He shrugged. “Yeah. I figured you didn’t like that you found me attractive though, seeing as you constantly got in my face, so I never brought it up.” “Until now, apparently,” she smiled, and he returned the expression, eyes crinkling in the corners as he looked down at her, faces closer than they had any right to be. “I just don’t get it,” Young Clarke interrupted, exasperated. “I do,” Young Bellamy ran a hand through his curls as the attention of everyone in the room stuck to him, looking sheepish and avoiding her gaze in particular. “Hey, I might find you annoying, Princess, but you’re not unattractive. And you’re smart, and you care about people - too much, sometimes - and you think ahead, which is more than I can say for most of us.” “That’s the nicest thing you’ve said to me the entire time we’ve been on the ground,” Young Clarke said, surprised. He shifted his weight uncomfortably. “Yeah, well, don’t get used to it.” “Why not? Clearly we get there eventually,” she gestured at the older versions of them. “Don’t want you getting too cocky,” he said in explanation, smirking. She rolled her eyes so hard it looked like she might pull a muscle. “You’re such an ass, how did I ever fall for you?” “It was all the beard,” Clarke deadpanned, the joke out of her mouth before she could overthink it. Behind her, Bellamy froze. “Really?” She turned around to face him and his arms fell to his sides, eyes widening at her as she started berating him, arms gesticulating wildly. “No, you idiot, I’ve been in love with you for years, I didn’t just decide when you got back to the ground that I find beards sexy. In between falling in love with you and losing you, I didn’t think, ‘hm, wow, if only he had a beard, then I would jump his bones’. Oddly, that thought never crossed my mind. I don’t know exactly when I stopped just looking at you as my friend and started looking at you as the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, but it was long, long before the fucking beard. God, Bellamy you’re so much more intelligent than you give yourself credit for, but sometimes, you’re so-” Bellamy cut her off by kissing her, fingers on her cheeks and lips warm against hers, and she melted into it, caught completely off-guard. One of his hands slid around her head, tangling in her hair, and she sighed into his mouth and draped her arms over his shoulders, deepening the kiss. “Gross,” Murphy said, but she could hear the smile in his voice. “Seriously? Eight million years of sexual tension and that was all it took? You made a joke about finding beards sexy and that was all it took?! You could have saved us all years of torment,” Miller complained loudly, but Clarke just flipped the bird at him over Bellamy’s shoulder. “Stop kissing in front of the children, you’re upsetting them,” Gabriel said, impassive, and Clarke laughed, breaking the kiss. She caught Gabriel’s eye and he grinned, winking as he went back to fiddling with the levers and pulleys on the machine. “Did that just happen?” Bellamy asked, soft. She blinked. “Yeah. I guess it did.” “Doesn’t feel different,” he murmured.  She searched her feelings, waiting for some kind of realization to hit her, or for the world to shift under her feet, but Bellamy was right - it didn’t feel any different at all. It felt exactly like they always did. She hummed agreement, stretching up on her toes again to press a chaste kiss against his lips and he chased her back down to the floor, arms banding around her waist to keep her there. “Is it weird that I found that kinda hot?” Young Bellamy asked, squinting as he thought it over. “Yes,” Young Clarke snapped. “I mean, it’s us,” he pointed out. “And?” “And watching us make out is kinda hot, Princess, I don’t know what you want me to say,” he rounded on her, one hand resting on his gun the way he always did back then. Gabriel made a noise of excitement, dropping a pin back into the contraption, and it whirred to life again, green starting to glow from within the glass box. “Everyone back!” They all stepped away, leaving Young Clarke and Bellamy still bickering in the center of the room. Miller squeezed Clarke’s hand as she leaned back against Bellamy’s chest, his arm around her waist, as they watched the young versions of themselves get in each other’s space, all heated words and blatant sexual tension. She poked his chest and he stepped closer into his space, and both of them seemed to be doing their best not to let their eyes drop to each other’s lips and still failing. It was almost comical how obvious they were. “Is that really what we looked like?” Clarke asked. “Yep,” Murphy nodded. “I can’t believe we didn’t see it,” she shook her head, awestruck. “Look at us, we’re practically desperate to tear each other’s clothes off.” “We are not!” Young Clarke and Bellamy said at the same time, right as the green light flashed once more, filling the entire room and blinding them all. When it faded, the two of them were gone, leaving no trace of their presence behind, and Gabriel patted the hood of the machine, happy with the result. He glanced up at the rest of them, still processing what had just happened, and tossed a hammer at their feet. “Who wants to help me destroy it?” Murphy didn’t need to be asked twice, picking it up and taking a wild swing at the machine. Miller joined next, while Gabriel went looking for some accelerant to set it on fire, and Bellamy made to join him, but noticed the way Clarke had fallen silent. He hung back, moving into her space, trying to catch her eye. “You okay?” he asked, lips almost close enough to brush her forehead as he talked. “I’m just thinking about them,” she admitted. “About everything they’re going to go through. It’s not fair.” He tangled his fingers in hers. “No, it isn’t. But we made it; here and now.” “Yeah.” “The past is the past, there’s nothing we can do to change it-” “Especially not now!” Murphy yelled, slamming the hammer down once more and making the machine cough smoke. “-but we’ve got a whole future to look forward to,” Bellamy continued, ignoring the man. He tugged Clarke closer. “And I’m looking to you, Princess.”
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starrypawz · 3 years
I’m rolling on AU juice today
But an Eric Lives AU where like -insert deus ex machina plot device  here- Eric is saved from his fate at the hands of Mary by Michael.
And like The Distortion is probably very confused as to why that happened, like why are they saving this human in particular when it’s pretty sure it doesn’t like serve any sort of goal to any sort of plan of theirs but like in the weird scramble that is The Distortion there’s fragments of Michael Shelley in there, and well Michael Shelley remembers Eric was nice to him and apparently that was enough.
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
More of "Obi-Wan Declares Himself Dad-Shaped"
(With help from @atagotiak​, see original post here)
One of the fun elements of this AU is that timey-wimey Anakin is now physically more or less the same age as original-timeline Obi-Wan.
I want to imagine they run into each other and Anakin is, despite having his own dad-shaped Obi-Wan, very upset that this younger Obi-Wan doesn't know him at all, and is thus very bitchy and petty. Teen Obi-Wan has no idea what he did to piss this guy off so bad.
(He’s probably a lil bitchy back, which would upset Anakin more.)
(It’s not the normal fond/exasperated kind of bitchy Obi-Wan’s supposed to be like, this is a travesty.)
Ahsoka off to the side like "My brother's dumb."
Ben is just off actually doing real work after tricking “technically a stranger, but a fellow Jedi, so we trust you” Qui-Gon into babysitting duty.
Tiny Feral Jetii Manda Togruta Girl comes up and tugs on Obi's robes and tells him that her brother wants to be his friend, he's just dumb about saying stuff like that, go ask him about speeders.
ALSO I want to say Shmi is like... five years older than Obi-Wan? Maybe eighteen when they arrive, which is three years before Anakin is born. So one day the fam begs off from Mandalorian space for a few days (weeks?) and goes to Tatooine to Find Mom, who is not yet a mom, but Anakin's crying on her anyway.
"Prior to my claiming him as my own child, Anakin was a Skywalker. The Force told us to come and find you, and I imagine your name is why." One of these sentences is true.
Tia asked:
Do the true mandos go to galidraan or avoid the planet entirely? Like if that trap doesn’t take there’s just gonna be another and this would help to communicate and stuff.
I’m just imagining like. The confrontation is a lot calmer, but there is what appears to be a random Jedi youngling that attempts to kill Dooku
“Why are your kids just radiating hostility at me specifically?”
To which I say: Ben negotiates with the Jedi while Fett "negotiates" with Viszla.
When the Jedi ask Ben things like "who are you" and "you're clearly a Jedi, why are you with these guys" and "why do none of us know you when you're obviously a Master" and he just pulls a page from Qui-Gon's book and tells them The Force Willed It and everyone hates that answer because the Force is confirming it.
I feel like Anakin radiates hostility while Ahsoka is trying to see if she can look so gosh-darn cute that people miss out on the fact that she's picking their pockets.
(She’s very good at it, to Ben’s eternal exasperation.)
It's a pity Anakin already has three-hundred-and-fifty-two conflicting feelings about Obi-Wan's general existence, or else they might have gotten along like a house on fire.
I need you to imagine Anakin just picking Ahsoka up and pulling her away from someone while hissing.
Also lots of Kenobi-specific "I have raised this boy for over a decade" no-thinking-needed motions for Ben, where he doesn't look up from a datapad to grab the neck of Anakin's robes as he tries to throw himself headfirst into a fight with someone three times his size.
Anakin would win, but the ensuing drama as people complained about losing to a tween would be a pain to deal with.
I'm very in love with the mental image of Anakin being unnecessarily aggressive, but tiny, while an even smaller Ahsoka is just constantly laughing at him and everyone he interacts with because this is honestly much lower-stakes than she's used to, and generally very silly. Also, sometimes Master Kenobi lets her hide inside his robe and then she can pop out and scare people.
"Ben, where are your kids?" "Hunting." "Hunting... what?" "Whatever's the most dangerous, I imagine." "You're not worried? Your girl's eight." "I'd know if they were in trouble. Jetii osik, as you like to call it."
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timedriving · 4 years
“ so what ? ~ if they see us coming out together we’ll figure something out…”
secret relationship. ( accepting )
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“Christ,” Rip huffed, “that’s a terrible plan.”
But his hands were still on John’s waist, and he was still letting himself be kissed, and honestly? As far as spots to kiss went, the public restroom in their celebratory pub of choice wasn’t so bad.
Especially when Rip had just seen John die.
He’d fixed it, of course-- turned back time, made it so he pushed John out of the way just before the support beam teetered over and fell right where John was standing-- but that didn’t quite erase the memory of him with blood spurting out some horrid wound in the side of his head. He remembered the sickening sound of it. He remembered the way John had fallen to the ground, and how he’d stood there horrified as crimson soaked the earth...
So when John had confirmed he’d put the Namazu back to sleep, urging the legendary creature back down the depths of the water to keep from causing these erratic earthquakes again, he’d looked back and asked Rip why he was so shaken. Typical, post-mission stuff. Typical, post-mission questions.
John didn’t know. How could he know?
Rip had lied easily about being all right, they’d met back up with Chas and Zed, and all evening he found himself looking at John a bit too much (he was dead, he was dead and then you saved him), a bit too long. The restroom had been John’s idea-- some ploy for him to spit it out already, mate-- and...
And, well. Now they were kissing.
Rip could feel the adrenaline in his veins, the need to make sure that John was still here, still in one piece, still breathing, still with him. He clutched his shirt a bit too tight, kissed him a bit too long, a bit too hard... and it was fine, he thought, if John believed Rip couldn’t look away from him because he wanted him-- in some stupid way, a part of him did.
But the point was want was easier than grief. And he’d much rather kiss John now than ever acknowledge the fact he’d nearly died out there, even if they left Chas and Zed waiting a mite too long.
“Your mouth’s gone pink,” he whispered, “you know.”
And yet he was sucking John’s lip all the same, wrapping his arms around his middle to pull him flush to his body. “What’re you going to do about that?”
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How would they fit into other worlds/AUs? What AUs would you like to try out?
Isaac: He's a lil guy with a huge backbone, so I think he'd carve himself a place in just about any type of AU or other setting. I could see him in an AU where he gets turned into a cursed werewolf himself, or where he becomes a vengeful vampire hunter. If he were in a standard coffeeshop AU, he'd be employee of the month but also the short king who's not afraid to tell off snotty customers who are rude to his coworkers.
Renato: Something tells me he'd do well in a setting like Westeros. I could see him in a dark AU where he fully enjoys hunting humans, one where Isaac kills him despite much angst, and another where he takes Mergus's place. In a coffeeshop fic, he'd be the hot but sarcastic customer who gets under barista!Isaac's skin, morphing into a love interest once it's revealed he has hidden depths and the smirky confidence is just a defense mechanism.
Dorian: They deserve to be somewhere full of danger but also wonder, like Middle Earth or Earthsea, but they could handle themselves just about anywhere. Oh, steampunk would be a great look on them, come to think of it. Or there's some timey-wimey magic and they create their own Dinotopia empire. They'd be the baker of the coffeeshop, and try to matchmake people until being unexpectedly swept up in a romance themselves.
Kinslayer: Other realities? Sure, what you got? Alternate history? Intergalactic sci-fi? Slashers and gory creature features? Conan the Barbarian Hyborian hijinks? Mind-bending Psychonauts stuff? That coffeeshop would need an enigmatic but wise owner to guide the rest of the characters and they're here for it.
Vess: She's already swamped dealing with Earth nonsense--why would she want to add more to the list? She'd own the vintage thrift store across the street from the coffeeshop. The sight of her chasing hipsters away she felt were rude with a broom would be a regular source of amusement.
Ankaris: He's the Devil. That's it. That's the pitch. He's Satan incarnate. He'd be the evil corporate businessman who's trying to buy all the small shops in the neighborhood to gentrify it. Also, the Devil--did he mention that part?
Fior: She'd be delighted to study alien life forms. She'd also make a rather fitting/frightening angel who records the deeds of mankind. The whole coffeeshop would dread to see her coming because she's a notorious gossip who sows discord and strife with all the secrets she knows.
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willowbird · 4 years
You are like such an amazing writer asdfghjkl congrats on 100! 🎉🎉🎉 You deserve all of those supporters! (And more obv...). Was legit a lil curious, no need to make this into a drabble if you don’t desire to <333, but I was wondering what are your thoughts on aftg time-travel aus? Especially the more famous Andrew and/or Neil get transported back???
;//w//; ilysm friend <3 <3
On the topic of time travel aus I’ll say this:
If you had asked me about them BEFORE I had read one I’d have said ‘thanks but no thanks’. I don’t head drop myself into anything that looks like it’s gonna be doomed/end sad and time-travel aus just seem like they’re gonna end sad. Plus there’s so much wobbliness with the timey-wimey of it all. Are there alternate timestreams? Will they go back to their own time? If they do will it be changed or is there now a split timeline? It’s just a lot to worry about and I’m a natural worrier and it’s something that would distract me the ENTIRE TIME I was reading it. 
THAT BEING SAID. I have read two time-travel AUs that I’ve really enjoyed. I like the mechanism for a fix-it fic. One I read was Neil being shot back in time after he died in a car crash after he and Andrew had graduated, and he sorta gradually lost his memory of the previous timeline as he fixed stuff. The other one is ongoing though hasn’t been updated in a while and is where BOTH Andrew and Neil got sent back, which I like. 
Now if I were to write a time-travel AU, I would send Aaron back in time. Aaron POV, going back in time to fix things with his brother sooner and then like, begrudgingly helping everyone else along the way. Him getting to look at Andrew and see not a monster but a very very traumatized kid just doing his best to protect what he still has and not get hurt again. Him seeing the Andrew/Neil thing happening and going OMG ITS SO OBVIOUS HOW DID WE MISS THIS THE FIRST TIME AROUND ~ etc. 
If you’d like to see what that might look like, hit me up and I’ll poke at the idea a lil more! <3 <3
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lilxmcrtes · 2 years
I don't know anything at all about the umbrella academy, so could you tell me more about the verse you have for Eira? Pretty please? 🥺
Asking About The T.U.A Verse 👀 | Anonymous | Mun
Of course!! I'm so excited to write it, I'd love to give a lil intro!
So to give the gist of the show ( @klavz - you're welcome to correct me or anything lol ), 43 women around the world suddenly gave birth. Ooo weird mysterious. This asshole R.eginald H.argreeves then goes around trying to take these babies off their hands, adopting them. He gets 7 of them. And guess what, these babies were born with powers! Wow, so crazy! Reg raises trains these 7 kids to be some kid superheroes called the U.mbrella A.cademy. In an alternate timelime, due to some timey wimey stuff that happened in the show ( dunno if you want me to keep spoilers to myself in case you go watch ), this is called the S.parrow A.cademy with a different set of kids.
Moving on to Eira's place in this verse(s), she's one of the other 36 kids that Reg didn't adopt! Her father refused to give her up. Her family tree is the same aka she still has an older brother, who does not have powers. So she grows up, not understanding these voices ( people's thoughts ) that she hears from her powers, and goes to the S.parrow A.cademy later when she sees other kids like her. Aka she exists in the alternate timeline. ( Of course this can bend depending on thread/plot/au of this verse/etc. )
She's selectively mute after a particular incident as a kid, which made it difficult to prove she's like them. Befriending Sloane ( one of the Sparrows ), she helps Eira prove herself so she can get help with her powers.
She begins rigorous training with the Sparrows until the big day.
She competes against them in order until she can defeat one, and take their place. How ironic that the one who helped her get in, would be the one to be kicked out. It was a dirty play, using their friendship against Sloane, something Reg praised her for. Securing her place in the Academy, Eira earns respect from some and definitely resentment from others. But one thing they all agreed on, she was NOT one of them. Just a lucky outsider.
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