#liley fic
marmolady · 2 months
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To accompany my recent fic: the Montoya great-grandchildren! Some of these little dudes will get a mention in there, so here are some faces to go with their names.
They're colour-coded: the warm colour backgrounds represent Liv's grandkids, and the cool colour backgrounds represent Rosa's.
Red: The children of Sol and his wife, Elena: Rafael Diego (2081), Danilo Feliz (2087) and Carmela Olivia Montoya (2090)
Green: The son of Leonel and his husband, Sachin: Charlie Jaya 'CJ' Kumar Montoya (2087)
Orange: The daughters of Beatriz and her wife, Lilei (granddaughter of Michelle and Quinn): Pepa Lin (2084) and Lucia Mei Montoya (2090)
Blue: The daughters of Aurora and her husband, Fraser: Lyra Joyce and Ariel Rosa Montoya-Bell (2092)
Yellow: The daughter of Andi a single mom by choice: Esta Tala Montoya (2094)
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localplaguenurse · 1 year
I can’t stop thinking about my original interpretation of gold as the Gingko trees.
So anyways au where Morax is actually a yandere and he keeps wifey in his house and there’s the illusion of freedom where he allows them to go wherever they want (but only in liyue!) because he can feel their presence and everytime they get close to lilei he makes sure to divert them away from her.
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noooooooooooo :( wifeyyyyy
So like I don’t hate yanderes, but it’s super conditional. If it makes an interesting story or character then by all means go for it. While I usually skip fics that have the yandere tag, if I’m reading a fic and realize “oh shit I didn’t see the tags” but I’m already invested, I’m not gonna click off. I’m also not opposed to writing it in the future, hell I think some of the ideas I have for the eventual Archon reader fic border on yandere, but we’ll cross that bridge when we get there. (His ass is not getting there at this rate.)
I think I just like heavily diluted or very tame yanderes. Like stalking, manipulation, unhealthy obsessions and probably murder? No thanks, but clingy, a little overprotective, and willing to rock someone’s shit for you? That’s good soup. That is some damn good soup. I guess I want a yandere that understands boundaries but I think that defeats the whole point lmao.
I find it interesting that you thought it was gonna go yandere. Thinking back, I can see how some parts have yandere vibes, but the thought never even occurred to me while writing or reading it. The arranged marriage maybe but still. I’m curious what it was that had you going “yandere?”
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listen Etsusa Bridge is so important to me but by this point I spent so much time overthrowing the status quo, building polycules and relationships, and threw so many OCs on the island, I am at this point mortified of the miniscule chance of it maybe being picked up as an anime (it never will), and maybe other people finding it and trying to read fics, because I am so sorry. this bullshit is incomprehensible to anyone but @insertimaginativenamehere and I
on one hand. i want to see them animated so bad. I want to see the confrontation between Inui and Kugi on the bridge, I want to see Kuzu emerging while his theme song blares, I want to see Jun descending on the side of the building, I want so see Carlos' insane marksmanship, I want to see Zhang suplexing people, especially Gitarin, I want to see all the reveals about Ginga, I want to see the dogs meeting again while an explosion goes off in the distance, I want to see Lihuang, I want to see Yili, I want to see how Lilei moves, I want to see how Yakumo moves. I want to see the final showdown chaos of garuguru, I want to hear Spring-Heeled Joplin, I want to see the cats (the cats are plot-important), I want to see the Iizuka children, I want to see the Rats, because it could be one of the most casually unsettling scenes ever put into animation, I want to see Lilei juggling eyeballs, I want to see Inui and Kugi's co-op kill, I want to see the tourist, and the way his story slowly unravels, I want to hear Kelly's laughter and I want to see her van, I want to see the Guard Team, I just want to see the island, I want to see that behemoth of a bridge and the giant fortress of the island which is messy and disastrous, and nobody is there for a happy reason, and yet there is sunlight, there is laughter, the children learnt to smile, and Nejiro, Nejiro and the Rats, oh my god, and--------
but then I'm terrified of people Perceiving Me and everything I have written for it ksfngjknsfnk
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rowbrucas · 8 years
where the heart lies - six
Summary:  It's finally time for Lucas and Riley to sort things out, or at least try. What would Riley do once she listens to Lucas' reasons to leave?
“Riley, there’s something I need to tell you…”
The brunette wiped away her tears with the back of her hand and lifted her gaze to meet with Farkle’s. He gulped.
“I’ve been talking to Lucas all this time” he declared “He had meant to come back eventually”.
It was Riley’s turn to gulp and clear her throat. So there it was, more secrets being held back by the scientist. She closed her eyes and shook her head slowly, taking a deep breath before talking.
“Why?” her voice was barely a murmur, only loud enough for Farkle to manage hearing it, a tremble in her words as she spoke and looking at him again. “Why did he never replied or called if he intended to return?”
“I… I believe that’s something he should be telling you”.
“You’re the one already talking Farkle. I can’t believe you kept this from me… How am I supposed to” she closed her eyes again, feeling her already reddened eyes begin to swell.
She wanted nothing more right in that moment than to be back to the good old days. When she was still Riley Matthews, the sunshine whose life warmed everyone around her, and whose voice and mind where as pure and soothing as she felt.
She wanted to be happy again. To be able to trust people, to have hope and faith in people… It all seemed so impossible right now.
“I just don’t get why would he leave then if he was going to come back?”
“Because of every reason he has had since coming to New York for the first time, it was because of you”.
“Riley” a voice interrupted. Her swollen eyes widened at the voice she knew so well and had loved so tenderly.
She looked up and gaped at the form of the Texan catching his breath.
The sound of her voice finally calling out to him made the strangest things inside of him, his breathing stopped for a second before he exhaled loudly and realized she must have been waiting for him to clear things up. Her reddened eyes hinted him that, he clenched his jaw before shortening the distance between them with a few large strides.
“It’s true… Riley, I made that choice because of you”.
“M-Me? Why did you think I wanted you to leave? Th-that I wanted to wake up one morning and find out you had disappeared? Is that what you think that I wanted?”
“No! How could you even think that I wanted—”
“What were your plans for us, Riley?”
“How did you see us in five years from then? What did you think we would be doing right now?”
“What do you mean? We would be together…”
“Did you ever think about living together in a department in Times Square or back in Texas? Did you see us married? With a family?”.
“Well, no. But we were just kids! How was I supposed to think about that when we were still figuring out which college to go, what major to take, what impression we wanted to leave about ourselves in the world...”she stopped herself as realization hit her.
Lucas was still looking at her, his greenery eyes now gleaming with hidden pain.
“I wasn’t seeing us like that… but you were”.
There was a long pause in which Riley could only stare at nothing in particular, just caught in the memories of years back and letting the realization hit her.
“So it really was my fault after all…”
“No it wasn’t” Lucas tried to soothe her, pulling her closer to him until he could hug her. She allowed him, her tears still falling down her blushed cheeks.
In the background, and uncomfortable Farkle watched the scene, and noted: “Yes, I think it was…”
Lucas hissed almost immediately a “Farkle! Not now” to which the intellectual could only shrug and step a little farther from the troubled couple. The Texan sighed and focused again on the brunette in his arms.
“I knew you would give up those dreams you had if I told you mine, and I decided that I would rather see you achieve those dreams, before letting you know mine”.
“That is so unfair on you; you gave up your happiness because of me. Why would you do something like that?” she mumbled against his chest, her delicate fists wrinkling his shirt.
Lucas sighed and lifted his gaze to the night that had fallen over them. No stars could be seen in this big city, yet the only one he had ever cared to look at was under his embrace.
“Because I love you Riley”
AO3 || chapter five >> chapter six >> next tbc...
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grizbehr · 6 years
What Was Lost
"Ms. Matthews," the voice came over the phone's speaker. Riley looked up from the notes she was taking for a future show she was planning and pushed the call button.
"Yes, Charolette," she replied.
"There's a gentleman here to see you." Riley pulled up the calendar on her computer.
"I don't have anyone scheduled. Who is it?"
"He didn't want to give his name."
Riley sat back in her chair. "Does he look like a stalker?"
Charolette lowered her voice. "If he is, he can stalk me any time."
Riley thought for a moment. She trusted Charolette's judgement. "Ok, send him back. Give me five minutes and call me about a meeting in case I need to get rid of him."
"Yes ma'am." The phone disconnected and Riley went back to her notes. She had a least two minutes before whomever it was made it to her office.
"I've done this before," Riley said to herself. She flipped through her notes and found the same thing from two months ago. "I'm starting to get repetitive." She leaned her head in her hands, thinking about how she could do something different, but coming up with nothing.
"You cut your hair," a familiar voice said. Riley looked up and a smile came across her face.
"Lucas," she questioned. "Lucas Friar?" The tall man smiled and Riley leaped up and hurried over to him, throwing herself in his arms.
"How ya' been, Riles," he said, giving her a big hug.
"Good," Riley replied. "I think you've gotten taller. Come in and have a seat." Riley led Lucas to the chair and let him sit down.
"What is this," she said tugging on the hair on his chin.
Lucas laughed. "I just got into town," he said. "Should have cleaned up first, but I wanted to see you."
Riley stumbled a little sitting in her chair, but recovered. "It looks good on you," she said. "So are you here on leave?"
"No, no," Lucas shifted uncomfortably in his chair. "I, uh, left the teams about a year ago."
"The teams?"
"SEAL teams," Lucas explained.
"I know what the teams are, Lucas," Riley said. "I just thought you were going into the medical corps."
"I was planning on it, but I got the offer to go to SEAL school, and turns out I excelled at it."
"Well, as long as you're happy…"
"I said I was good at it, not that I was happy. So when I had the opportunity I left. Been wandering around, doing odd jobs ever since."
"You could have always come home."
"I needed to figure out who I was first. You know how it is."
They sat in silence for a bit before the phone rang. Riley picked it up quickly. "Yes," she said. "Darn. I forgot about that. Could you reschedule it for me? Thanks."
"If you have something you need to do," Lucas started.
"Nothing important," Riley reassured him. A regretful look came over her face. "Lucas," she began.
"So," Lucas interrupted her. "What about you? How is it being a big TV star?"
"Hardly," Riley laughs.
"Come on," Lucas admonishes. "I've seen you. Traveling around, taking the viewers to little known locations all over the globe. You're show is incredible."
"I think you may be a little biased. Besides, I haven't been doing that much traveling lately."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, I've become too big a commodity for the production to risk me, so they send out a film crew and I stay here. They have me do an open and close in the studio and then voice over work for the episodes. It's someone else who does the actual work."
"So it's all a lie?"
"It didn't start out that way," Riley sighed. "When I started, it was just me and my camera. I'd go someplace and talk with the locals, find the really secret places and film it. It was fun. Then I got picked up by The Discovery Channel. For the first year and a half, it worked the same way except I now had a crew and a budget. Then the show became popular and the insurance company was worried about me. So I cut back a little. I would still go out, but the more obscure and potentially dangerous places I had to stay away from. Eventually we got to where I am now."
"So, 'Girl Meets World with Riley Matthews' is really 'Girl Meets World without Riley Matthews'."
"Yeah." Riley felt a little downcast. The change had happened so subtly that she hadn't really noticed it was happening. Now that she said it out loud, she realized how far she was from where she started.
"I guess that puts a spin on the other reason I came here," Lucas said standing.
"Well, my main reason was I wanted to see you again. It's been too long and I've missed you. But there was something else. I was looking for a favor."
"What is it?" Riley leaned back in her chair.
"You see, Zay and I have teamed up."
"Zay's here, too," Riley exclaimed.
"Yeah. He's back at the hotel starting to prepare things. As I was saying, Zay and I've teamed up to start a salvage operation of sorts. Sometimes we get hired to do a job, sometimes we get a lead that we need to track down. Just last week, we pulled a truck out of the Mississippi that was loaded with copper wire."
"Sounds exciting," Riley said with a touch of sarcasm.
"Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. Anyways, we picked up a lead on a cargo plane that crashed in the Amazon. Our plan is to fly into Brazil and then travel inward. We were hoping that maybe you could get us some press credentials. It will make it easier for us to get around in country."
"I don't know, Lucas," Riley scrunched up her forehead. "I mean we normally go to places…you know, restaurants, churches, art galleries…not the middle of the jungle. I don't even know if I could get a crew in there."
"I'm not really looking for a crew. I figured I could take a camera and record the video of our search so it's not like you would be lying by getting us the credentials." Lucas hung his head.
"The Amazon is a big place," Riley said. "Do you even have any idea where to start looking?"
"We have a good lead," Lucas admitted. "We kind of have a genius with near unlimited funds doing support work in his free time."
Lucas laughed. "Of course. We mentioned it to him casually a month ago when we saw him in Paris. He brought us to his office, tasked some satellites, did some math. He is near certain he knows the approximate location it went down."
"So what, it would just be a get in, look around for a little bit, get out type of deal?"
"Something like that. I mean, if we find it, we'll have to arrange a small crew to get in there and help us clear it out, but we need to find it first."
"That would be a great story," Riley said, mostly to herself. She looked over at the notes which had been getting repetitive.
"We'd really like you to be a part of it, Riley," Lucas said. "But I understand if you can't. I mean, we wouldn't technically be journalists, but..."
"Tell you what. Let me think about it." Riley stood up and hugged Lucas again.
"We'll be in town a couple of days," Lucas said. "Why don't we all get together Friday for dinner. You, me, Zay, Farkle, Maya…I'm assuming you and Maya are still joined at the hip."
"Yeah, she's still around. I'll set it up. You've still got my number. Give me a call tomorrow and we'll figure out where we want to meet up."
"Deal." Lucas looked down and kissed her lightly on the cheek. After all these years, it still made Riley's heart flutter. "It was good seeing you again." He then turned and left the office. Riley couldn't help but watch him walk away. He turned and waved before disappearing around the corner. Riley stayed there looking after him a moment before going back to her desk.
She barely had gotten seated when Charolette came rushing in. "Spill, girl," she said excitedly. "Who was that hunk of a man?"
"That," Riley mused. "That was the one who got away."
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Next Chapter
I’m taking a little break from Second Chances. It’s not wanting to let me write it. Here is the start of something that’s been playing around in my head. I’d rate this T(Teen) for Blood, Language, Mild Suggestive Themes, Use of Tobacco and Alcohol, Violence. Hope you enjoy.
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atlafan · 7 years
Model Status
Rucas one shot: Lucas does the unthinkable to Riley, but she moves on in the best way possible: by getting her dream job. 
a/n: this is a long one, and it’s probably PG, there’s like f bomb tho
It took her years to get over him, to get over how horrific their break up was. Riley felt like she cried for a year straight. Her first love, and at the time her only love, had broken her heart. He didn’t go off to pursue a new career, he didn’t move far away, he simply just didn’t love her anymore. He fell in love with someone else. She never thought Lucas would be capable of doing something like that to her. To allow himself to get so close with someone else while they were together. It was betrayal she’d never forget. 
She made it through the rest of college, and began working for her dream magazine company in New York. She always loved taking pictures, and became a photo journalist. Even if some of what she did was tabloid trash. She woke up every day feeling good about her life, and that was all that mattered. 
Every now and then Riley would see something about Lucas on Facebook. He wasn’t with that girl anymore. In fact, they didn’t last long at all. Probably about three months to be exact. He had fallen in love with a painter. She was short, blonde, and full of fire. She was unpredictable and loose cannon. She was new and exciting. He had been with Riley since the end of high school, and he said whatever passion that used to be between them, just wasn’t there anymore. Riley remembered seeing them getting into Facebook arguments all the time. Their views just didn’t match up. Hers and Lucas’ didn’t all the time either, but they usually agreed to disagree. But this girl, Maya, needed to make an argument out of everything, and eventually they called it quits. Riley had dated a few guys after Lucas, but nothing really stuck. She made her career her life, and it made her more happy than any guy ever could.
Riley got a note from the receptionist to go see her boss as soon as she got into the office. She dropped her things down on her desk, and then knocked on her boss’ door.
“Yes, come in Riley, have a seat.”
“Am I in trouble?” She asks, sitting down.
“No love, quite the opposite. I have an exciting opportunity for you. One of the girls that was supposed to be in our photo shoot today for that big bill board broke her ankle.”
“No offence m’am, but how is that exciting?”
“Riley, we’ve noticed you the past couple of years. You’re an amazing photographer, but how would you feel about being photographed?”
“Me? I’m no model.”
“Exactly. Everyone is making the move to body positive. You’re naturally skinny, but you have some curves. We’ve seen you dolled up at the company events, we think you’re perfect. In fact, we’ve even had some designers ask for you to walk in their shows. I told them we’d see how the shoots go and then see how you feel about runway.”
“Um, I really don’t know what to say here.”
“Say yes. Do a couple of shoots, see how you like it. You’ll get to keep your office if you want. Riley, the people want you.”
“Well, I guess it couldn’t hurt.”
“That’s my girl. Go down to wardrobe and makeup, they’ll take you to the shoot when you’re done.”
Riley walked out of the office wanting to throw up. She couldn't believe what she got herself into. But she did what she was told. She went down to the makeup and wardrobe department.
She got sat in a chair, and some man started washing and cutting her hair.
“Don’t worry, just a trim.” He told her.
He dried and styled it, and when he was done three women came over and started doing her makeup.
“Don’t worry, we’re gonna make you look as natural as possible.” They told her.
When she was done with that she made her way over to wardrobe. Another couple of men took her measurements and started shoving some clothes at her. Her final outfit ended up being really simple. A white midriff T, skinny jeans, and brown booties. Something she might have worn in college. She put on a few bracelets and went over to the set.
“How do you feel Riley?”
“A little weird that I’m in front of the camera. Mind if we play some music, I’m super nervous.”
“Sure thing.”
24 Karrot Magic comes on and Riley gets excited. She starts singing along and dancing. The photographer snaps a few candids. The song ends and Riley gets a little more serious. She laughs at herself a few times, but the shoot goes off pretty well.
“Who knew you’d be such a natural.”
“I guess after telling people how to pose for so long, I learned a thing or two. Wow these actually did come out really well. I’m gonna be a on a bill board?”
“Yeah for the jeans you’re wearing. I think we’re gonna use this one of you laughing. It goes great with the magazine’s branding, and with the jean’s branding.”
“Natural fit. I like that.”
Riley told all of her friends about her semi-new career, and to look out for the Natural Fit bill board the magazine would be putting up in NYC next week. She couldn’t believe everyone was going to see her face.
One morning Lucas is going on morning jog. He sees a bill board for Natural Fit jeans, and nearly trips when he double takes the sign. He’d know that girl anywhere, that was Riley laughing. He goes to the nearest news stand and grabs the magazine she works for. Of course he knew where she worked. There she was, on the front cover. She looked extremely happy. He wanted to take a picture and congratulate her, but he hadn’t seen or talked to her in years. So he decided to buy the magazine instead. 
When he got to work, Zay shoved a copy of the magazine in his face.
“I know, I saw, I bought it. Can I go to my office now?”
“Man if I haven’t told you enough times I’m gonna tell you again, you blew it.”
“I know I did. I was stupid to have let her go. But I just wasn’t feeling it anymore at the time. I should have talked with her about it instead of basically cheating on her with someone else. It was four years ago, can we move on?”
“Maybe now’s your chance to win her back. There’s going to be a party for the launch of the clothing line and I can get us two press passes.”
“But we’re not press.”
“Doesn’t matter, I can get us in.”
“She’ll be in some VIP section probably. Besides if she sees me she’ll have some body guard throw me out.”
“Do you want to go or not?”
“If you can get us in, I’ll go.”
The night of the launch came up faster than Riley thoughts. She wore a tight blue dress that had a halter top, and pencil skirt style finish, with matching blue pumps. Her hair was half up half down, and her make up looked perfect. People had been recognizing her on the street every day, everything was happening so fast. 
At the party she stood next to the designer of the Natural Fit clothing line, and she took pictures while the woman spoke. She cut some small ribbon to signify the launch of the clothes. Riley said a few words about how loved getting to show off the clothes, and hopes everyone likes them as much as she does. 
There were drinks and amazing food. People were dancing to music and talking all around her. Then her heart nearly stopped. She saw Lucas and Zay grabbing drinks from the bar. She wasn’t sure what to do. Then Lucas made eye contact with her. She could tell he had the same reaction she did: wanting to die.
“This was a mistake.” Lucas says through his teeth.
“Come on man, look at her, plus I’m here, it’s fine. Look she’s coming over to us. Riley! Princess Sunshine, how are ya, good to see ya in the flesh. Congrats on everything!” He says hugging her. She glares at him. “I’m just gonna go somewhere else.”
“Zay! Ugh, hey there.” Lucas says.
“What the hell are you doing here? Come to ruin my big night?”
“What? No. We came to support you. I’m really happy things turned out so well for you.”
“Why ? Because without you I’d be some bum not following my dreams?”
“No, that’s not what I meant. You look great.”
“I know I do. I had a team of people make me look like this. What do you do for work now anyways?”
“Digital marketing for a sports company right here in NYC. Zay and I work together but he’s in finance.”
“Good for you. Where’s your little painter?”
“You know Maya and I haven’t been together since the end of college.”
“Oh did I know that?”
“Yes you did.”
“Whatever. I don’t care anymore. I was sad for a while there, but I got over you. Charlie was the biggest help.”
“Right, you and Charlie had a thing there for a while. Sad to see that didn’t last long.”
“Well when one person wants to travel to Europe for five months and the other doesn’t, you break up.”
“And he’s still living in France, so crazy.”
“I want you to leave.”
“Because you’re spoiling this. You just put me in a really bad mood.”
“If you’re so over everything, then why can’t we have a good time? Let’s be friendly.”
“Be friendly? Ha! And then what, you’ll get me drunk, we’ll kiss, and then you’ll be dating a model, how exciting for you. Well guess what, not gonna happen.”
“That’s not what I was suggesting, but if you want to kiss that’s cool.”
“You’re a sleeze. Enjoy the party.”
She walks away quickly, trying to fight back tears. He looked good, too good. It took her years to get over him, and he pulled her back in just like that. She didn’t want to give in or give him some kind of second chance. Maybe he had grown since then, but still she needed to remind herself that he didn’t deserve her.
After a few drinks, Riley basically forgot that Lucas and Zay were there. She was enjoying the music, the food, and all of the attention everyone was giving her. She was startled when a mad grabbed her wrist.
“Riley Matthews, can I buy you a drink?”
“Um, well they’re free, and I think I’ve had enough tonight, so no thank you.”
“What do you say we blow this place so I can buy you one.”
“I just said I’ve had enough. Besides, I don’t even know you.”
“What’s that matter? We work in the same business don’t we? Let’s get to know each other.”
“I’m all set.”
“Come on, you’re single, what do you have to lose?”
“My dignity. Please, leave me alone.”
“All you models are the same. Stuck up and bitchy.”
“So when a woman tells you no that automatically makes her stuck up and bitchy? I am so sick of guys in this city. They think if they offer to buy you a drink you owe them the world. Maybe if you had been nice to me and not so pushy, we could have had a decent conversation.”
“I’m not really in this to talk sweetheart. Come on, let’s start over. Let’s make a night of it.”
“I think she’s told you no enough times. Leave her alone.” Lucas said, appearing out of nowhere. 
“Yeah, what are you gonna do about it?”
“Trust me, you don’t want to know. Now leave.”
A bouncer showed up behind Lucas. 
“This the the guy Mr. Friar?”
“Yeah, he won’t leave Riley alone.”
“Can’t have that can we? Alright, buddy, you’re out of here.”
The man tried to resist, but the bouncer was a lot bigger than him, and eventually picked him up and threw him out the door.
“I know what you’re gonna say. I know you could have easily handled that on your own. It’s just, I still have that instinct to intervene when I see you in trouble.”
“Actually, I was going to say thank you. I was pretty scared. I thought guys like that would stop hitting on me in college, but I guess I was wrong.”
“How long are you supposed to stay at this thing? Do you want me to make sure you get into your car or cab or whatever okay?”
Riley opened her mouth to say something, but she closed it and looked down. She could feel herself wanting to cry. She ran away through the crowd, and Lucas ran after her. They found themselves up on top of the roof of the building.
“How could you have done that to me? If I’m so great, how could you leave me for someone else?”
“I don’t know. But I regretted it.”
“Only because it didn’t work out!”
“No! Look, I was attracted to Maya. I let myself get close to her. I vented to her about everything. I was vulnerable and she was manipulative. When she and I were getting to know each other, we never had an argument. All I saw was a somewhat misunderstood painter, who saw the world differently. She promised me certain things, and I wanted to do something new and exciting. So I ended it with you. But she lied to me. As soon as we got together, she showed her true colors. She was mean, and bossy, and she never wanted to talk about anything real. She didn’t want to have those deep discussions that I cherished with you. We fought constantly, half the times I’d end up breaking our dates because I knew she would start with me about something. I guess you don’t know what you got until it’s gone. Breaking up with you was the biggest mistake of my life, and I’ve had to deal with that everyday. And I feel awful about what I put you through. I didn’t come here tonight to try to be your boyfriend again. I came here to maybe make some type of amends, and maybe go down some path to friendship again. I know I don’t even deserve that form you, but I miss you so much Riley.” He starts crying.
“I can’t forgive you, and I certainly can’t forget what happened. I’ll find a man who truly appreciates me someday. Save your tears for someone who cares.”
Lucas in his complete defeat, nods his head, and goes down the stairs to get back into the building.
“Matthews that was harsh.”
“Leave me alone Zay. I’m just as mad at you.”
“Me? What did I do?”
“You knew he and Maya had something going on. You didn’t warn me, and you didn’t try to stop him!”
“What could I do? It’s his life, and anytime I tried to tell him what he was doing what wrong he’d tell me to stay out of it. So I did. I let him make the mistake that ruined his life. You know how much he still talks and thinks about you? He calls himself an idiot everyday. And anytime he tries to go out with someone else, they never compare to you. I don’t know what kind of person you are now, but Lucas has become the man I had always hoped he’d be. He’s not looking to fuck some girl he’s attracted to. He wants a life, a love, he wants you. He’s wanted you back since the minute he broke things off. But he was too afraid to talk to you. Now I see why.”
“So now it’s on me? Now it’s all my fault?”
“Sometimes you like to go the easy way out, not all the time. But the times you do, are the worst. Are you telling me you don’t even want to try to be friends with him? Re get to know each other or something?”
“I can’t get over how mad I am.”
“Then see a counselor, see someone together. Work through it, and move on!”
Riley makes a big annoyed sigh and swears under her breath.
“Where did he go?”
“He probably tried to leave the party and go home, he’s our address.” Zay hands her a piece of paper. 
Riley sprints down the stairs, runs through the sea of people at the party, and out the door. Paparazzi are taking pictures of her like crazy, bur she doesn’t care. She needs to find Lucas. Luckily she seems him about to cross the street.
“Lucas! Wait!” She screams running up to him. He turns around, shocked to see her.
“Look, if you’re gonna yell at me some more could you leave me a voicemail or something, I’m really tired.”
“I’m not saying this is going to be an easy process, but I want you in my life again. Not having you to talk to all these years has been awful. Let’s try to be friends.”
He pulls her in for a tight hug, and she welcomes the embrace.
“Zay gave me your address, I’ll come by sometime.”
“I’d really like that.”
Three months later:
Riley had been modeling for a while now, and had started her journey on the run way. Everyone wanted her to wear their clothes. Her and Lucas had gone to see some type of mediator to work out their issues, and ended up in a pretty happy place of friendship. They decided to go out to a nice dinner. All of the tabloids made it out to seem like they were a couple since they basically went everywhere together. She told them plenty of times that they were just friends.
“So how come you picked such a nice place for dinner?” She asks, sitting down at their table.
“Because tonight is special. Things have been going really well between us.”
“I know, even though we’ve changed a lot, there’s still something between us.”
“Exactly. I don’t want to push you, but if you’re in a good place, I was wondering if we could call tonight our first date.”
Riley sat there and thought for a few moments. Lucas always did something like this when he had a big question to ask her. It was intimate. She felt like they were the only two people in the room.
“Lucas...why can’t we just keep being friends? This is working.”
“Well we can just keep being friends, but everyday I think about you meeting someone else and ending up with them, and it kills me.”
“If you really cared about me, you’d want me to be happy. Look, I know we’ve worked through a lot of things, but I’ll never truly know if you’re in this for the long haul. There could always be a chance that you could get bored again.”
“I think I learned my lesson the first time.”
“I just don’t think I’m ready to trust you like that again.” She put a hand on his and squeezed it. “But I could be someday.”
“I’m willing to wait.”
About a year later Riley woke up in a cold sweat. She had dream about her growing old with someone else, and she didn’t like that. She wanted to grow old with Lucas, and Lucas alone. 
She surprised him at work one day, and told him how she felt. He was overjoyed, and he kissed her and held her for as long as he could without getting in trouble with his boss. He promised her that it would be them until the very end.
About a year after that he proposed while they were in France for one of her photo shoots. She did an interview about for the magazine and she said it was one of the most romantic moments of her life. She had been through so much with Lucas, and in the end, it all ended up being worth it.
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a list of my fanfiction, alphabetized, for convenience
a series of unfortunate events
— the world still spins;  (hanukkah fic)
fantastic beasts and where to find them
— a broken-winged bird; (angels & demons au ft. newtina, jacqueenie, leta x theseus)
— birds of a feather; (high school au)
— may all your christmases be white; (newtina christmas fic)
— all tied up; (whamilton teacher au)
— a love that lets go; (maria x eliza fic)
— basil & bergamot; (whamilton candle shop au)
— but don’t take love off the table yet; (jamilton rock band au)
— check, please; (whamilton meet-cute)
— coffee; (domestic whamilton)
— honorary father’s day; (sequel to basil & bergamot)
— horses & hijinks; (sequel to sneaky bastards)
— sneaky bastards; (jamilton child au)
— the love of my eternity; (hamiliza immortals au)
— the man with the wings tattoo; (whamilton hurt/comfort)
— when we live no more, we may live ever; (prequel to you’re not alone)
— you can wear the crown but you’re no princess; (but don’t take the love off the table yet’s spicy sequel)
— you play through my mind like a symphony; (jamilton college au)
— you’re not alone; (domestic whamilton ft. philip hamilton)
hannah montana 
—  cool for the summer; (liley summer camp au)
harry potter
— coffee, then the world; (pansmione college au)
— of cloudless climes and starry skies; (linny soulmate au)
— paper lanterns; (linny coffee shop au)
— you were the song stuck in my head (linny songfic)
house md
— mixed up; (robert chase character study) 
julie and the phantoms
— accordant notes; (juke meet-cute)
— “ I am not telling you how I lost my virginity, nope.” + willex + background juke + previous luke x alex
— stolen words; (erased anime au ft. very minor ruke)
— sweat(shirt)er weather; (juke stealing clothes, reversed gender roles fic)
— the cloud that took the form of a demon in my view; (supernatural au ft. juke)
chapters: one / two / 
— the midnight hour is close at hand; (halloween fic ft. juke, willex, carrie x nick)
—  “we can either just cuddle, or you can sleep on the couch?” + willex
— “why’s it so small?” + willex (aka, the christmas tree heist)
— “you love me and you know it.” + juke (aka, is cereal a soup?: a jatp debate)
—  “you said you weren’t going to leave, no matter how hard things got.” + willex
—  “I just tell myself thing will get better.” + willex
sweeney todd (2007) 
—  your secret is safe, i won't say a word; (johanna x anthony lovers to friends fic)
the grisha trilogy
— in another life, i would make you stay; (genyalina songfic)
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Ok, but can we talk about how Kugi is teaching Lilei to read and write?? Like, I highly doubt someone told Kugi (a bodyguard) to teach Lilei (a member of the EI FAMILY, the family that’s in charge of the Western District and one of their greatest fighters) Japanese. Like, there are a lot of other people who could teach her, but Kugi is teaching her. 
So does this mean Lilei just decided she wanted Kugi to teach her, or was Kugi like, “I’m going to teach Lilei.”??? And what kind of relationship do they have that either one asking the other isn’t weird or there was no one else???
Like, Lilei could’ve asked someone else (I think she asked, Kugi feels too awkward to ask) but she chose Kugi, why??? Even if he was her sister’s bodyguard that’s not enough of a reason, if she didn’t talk to him that much, she would’ve asked someone else, like Charlotte or something, but she (probably) asked Kugi. Like, Kugi was one of the first people she thought of when she decided to learn Japanese, not an exec, not Yakumo, (who gave her the diary) she thought of Kugi.
And I want to know what kind of interactions they had to be able to warrant Kugi teaching Lilei. Like, did they talk from when Kugi was an exec or did it start after he came back or what????
I just want more EB.
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marmolady · 2 years
Reunion: 2090
Another reunion-- this time, far, far into La Huerta's future. This one has the distinction of being written in first-person, which I never do! Note: the deaths of main characters are referred to in this fic.
Do feel free to shout out a year between 2024 and 2097 if you want me to write a specific one next. You can find the full series (in progress) here on AO3.
Word Count: 4195
Tagging: @saivilo, @edgydepressedchoicesthot, @sceptilemasterr, ​@mauvecatfic @rhemenway888
Thanks for reading! Comments and re-blogs make me EXTRA happy. Always happy to nerd out about these characters with other fans.
I was almost flying as I ran across the sand, almost as fast as Vivae in front of me-- and she was Vaanti. I don’t know if you know anything about the Vaanti, but they’re pretty much all crazy fast and strong. I grew up here on La Huerta, so I’ve always had to just try and keep up with my friends. We were running with our heads pointed up, looking for one of the aeroplanes that was going to bring the rest of our giant family home again.
“It’s there, Rafi!” Vivae hollered. “That one’s my grandma’s plane!”
I put my arm up to wave, and it must have thrown me off, because next thing I knew I was tripping over my foot and flying through the air.
Suura came skidding to a stop, dodging around me. She’s Vivae’s little sister, eight years old. “Haha, splat!”
Vivae is  ten, a year older than me, and her mom-- well, her and Suura’s mom, and Tuala who’s five,  is the Elyyshar. We do a lot of fun stuff together, Vivae and me. Lots of exploring caves and beaches and jungles. She has lots of friends in Elyys’tel, but even though I’m a human, I’m her best friend.
But even best friends will laugh at you sometimes. “That was smooth…,” she chuckled.
I brushed myself off quickly and jumped back onto my feet. I was pretty good at that after all these years trying to keep up. “’mallright,” I grumbled. “Come on-- we’re gonna miss them getting off the plane!”
The annual reunion these days required the use of two planes-- one coming from San Trobida, and another picking everyone else up from Costa Rica. The San Trobida group is the biggest, but they were gonna be coming in a little bit later, and that was the plane all my family was on. My abuela and lola and my three tias, and my Tia Beatriz and Auntie Lilei’s kid, Ariel. Oh! And baby Pepa. I forget about her because she’s so new, only three months old. But this isn’t that aeroplane. This one has all Reggie and Mariama’s relatives from London-- including the kids, Pia and Elio. They’re pretty cool-- they speak all fancy with English accents and say ‘biscuits’ when they mean ‘cookies’. And Isla and Alex are on the plane with their family. They’re Ariel’s grandparents on Auntie Lilei’s side. They also have two other grandkids, William and Poppy, but William is only three and Poppy is just a baby, so they’re not that exciting yet.
Vivae and Suura’s grandma, Georgie, always flew the Costa Rica plane, ever since her dad taught her to fly. Flying was a family business, and Vivae always said she would be the next to follow in Great-Grandpa Jake’s footsteps. I don’t think that any of my relatives can fly an plane… but it would be pretty cool if I was the first. It wasn’t often that anyone actually went flying around here, so when they did, we always ran out onto the beach to watch.
Even though I’d fallen over, we made it back off the beach just as the plane came down onto the runway. We waved and cheered, and then it was time for the reunion.
My name is Rafael, but a lot of the time, people call me Rafito, or Rafi, or Raf.  Rafael Diego Montoya is my full name. Like I said, I live here on La Huerta, in Catalys’tel which is not far from Elyys’tel, where Vivae and her family live. I live with my dad, who’s called Sol Montoya, and my mom, who’s called Serafina. They met in high school back in San Trobida, then went to college together… and then decided they’d rather live here, which is great for me, because La Huerta is awesome. Like, there’s a giant tortoise that’s taller than my dad, and a big old fox that has ice powers. As well as my mom and dad, I have my little brother, Danilo-- he’s three-- and the baby that mom’s pregnant with right now. We’re going to call her Carmela.
Ma Taylor and Ma Estela live next-door-- they’re my great-grandmas. They’re also two of the ‘Catalysts’ who our home was named after, because this was the village they all lived in together when the world ended. I know that sounds crazy, but it really happened-- everyone was gone except for the people safe on La Huerta, but it all got fixed when the island’s spirit went home. All the Catalysts stayed really good friends, and they came back every year with their families-- that’s the reunions. Now, most of them have died because they were really old, but some of them are still here, including my great-grandmas. Ma Quinn is here too. We call her ‘Ma’ out of respect because she’s old, even though she’s not my granny or great-granny or anything. And there’s Zahra, who I can’t call ‘Ma’ because she said she’ll punch me if I do. She’s funny. And Pa Diego, who lives in Elyys’tel with Pa Varyyn, who used to be the Elyyshar. Pa Diego helped make my abuela, so he’s kind of my great-grandpa.
Because a lot of the Catalysts had children, and a lot of their children had children, and then some of those had children too, the reunions are pretty busy. Abuelita said there’s more than fifty of us, which is a lot to cram into the big room in The Celestial at dinner time. I’m friends with all the kids-- Pia and Elio who I already said about, and Ximena who’s eleven but has only been to one reunion before because she was adopted a bit over a year ago. And there’s Vivae, Suura and Tuala who were on the table next to ours-- and Xiryyn who’s their cousin is with them. I see them all the time because they live here, so it might not seem that exciting, but Vivae’s my best friend, and I was super glad she’s there with me because it’s really hard not to be shy when there’s fifty people to talk to.
Of course, I was sitting next to Danilo, who’s my little brother. He wasn’t very good at keeping his potatoes on his fork and I reckon more went on the floor than in his mouth. On my other side, I had Ariel, who was talking, talking, talking, even though she had a mouthful of roast pork. Ariel’s talking about babies a lot right now, probably ‘cause she’s all excited still about being a big sister, and maybe a little bit ‘cause she’s excited about my mom having a baby soon. I don’t think babies are that interesting, so I went to hang out with some other people instead after a little while.
Or I tried to. Ariel’s good at following me around.
“Ma ‘Stela,” Ariel said loudly, putting an arm around her bisabuela’s shoulder after I’d sad down next to her, “are you sad because the old man died?”
I looked at Ma Estela, then at old Reggie in the next chair, worried that Ariel might have upset them. She was talking about Pa Aleister, one of the Catalysts. He died not that long ago. I’m not really great at remembering who’s related to who to be honest, but I know Pa Aleister was Reggie’s dad. I also know he was Ma Estela’s brother and that she loved him a lot. All the Catalysts loved each other a lot. I reckon you would get pretty attached if you were friends with someone for years and years and years and years like that.
Estela’s eyes were sad, but she was calm and patient. She was always patient with the little kids, even when they were crazy annoying. “Yeah, I’m sad he’s not here. It never feels quite right when someone doesn’t show up for the reunion. You know, Pa Aleister was your great-great uncle.” She nodded sympathetically to Reggie. “And he was Reggie’s dad.”
I’m not sure what would be worse, a person’s brother dying, or their dad. It was just… sad. Big, heavy sadness. Ariel didn’t look like she understood how big and heavy it was, how scary it was that someone could suddenly not be there. Maybe I didn’t understand when I was six either.
“Pa Aleister was really nice,” said I said quietly.
“Was he really old?” Ariel asked. “I think he must be very old because you’re very old, and Reggie is quite a bit old and he was Reggie’s dad.”
Reggie chuckled at Ariel’s assessment of him. “He was very old, old and happy. But when you get very old, at some point your body stops working. My dad was ninety-five years old--”
“Wow! That’s ancient!”
I wriggled my arm through Ma Estela’s. She always gave me a hug when I was sad. I figured  she might need one now. She was ninety-four… and Ma Taylor, my other great-grandma and Ma Estela’s wife, was ninety-five just like Pa Aleister was. They must have been worried all the time that their bodies would stop working, that some day, the sun would come up and they just wouldn’t be alive anymore.
Ma Estela held me tightly. She wasn’t very strong anymore, but I know from lots of stories that she had once been able to fight monsters and win. Even for a very, very old lady, though, she gave a good, tight cuddle when it was needed-- it wasn’t as hard work as monster-fighting after all.
“We don’t know for sure,” she said, “but we think there might be something about spending a lot of time on La Huerta that has helped us have long lives like we have. It seems like those of us who spent the most time here have stuck around the longest-- and Ma Quinn, who carried a part of Vaanu inside her for a while.”
“Do you think you’ll be a hundred?” Ariel asked, eyes wide.
I sure hope so. A hundred wasn’t even very far away….
Ma Estela gave a laugh of a sigh. “I’ll see what I can do, mija.”
“You should try,” said Ariel, kinda bossily. “you should all try and be a hundred.”
And with that, she ran off back to her moms.
“Rafito?” Ma Estela gave me an extra squeeze. “Are you okay, mijo? It’s not exactly a fun conversation. Elita, we love her, but she’s blunt as a sledgehammer.”
I nodded. I probably wasn’t very convincing. “I don’t want you and Reggie to be sad.”
“Sad happens sometimes. It would’ve happened tonight whether your cousin was sensitive to it or not.”
“Hey, Rafi,” Reggie said, “it would’ve made my dad really happy to know you thought he was a nice man. He didn’t always believe he was.”
“That’s weird!”
“Yeah, unfortunately, people’s brains are good at tricking themselves into thinking they’re not as great as they really are.”
“Your brain can do that? That really sucks. Poor Pa Aleister.”
Ma Estela laughed. “It happens to a lot of us. And then some people think they’re god when actually they’re a steaming piece of shit. Life’s weird like that.”
 Swearing grannies make me laugh every single time-- maybe Ma Estela knew that was what I needed. I’m gonna swear a lot when I’m old, I’ve already decided.
“I liked Pa Aleister,” I said. It was true. He was good at telling you facts that you’d never know if he wasn’t around to tell you. Like a really tall old wrinkly encyclopedia man. “I hope his brain told him lots of good things too.”
Reggie smiled, which I thought was kinda odd, ‘cause we were talking about his dead dad. “I think he got better at making it tell him good things and not listening to the bad ones. We all told him we appreciated him too.”
“I should think so,” Ma Estela grunted. “This whole place, The Celestial, it wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for him. Aleister worked hard so we could have somewhere to come together, because his family was the most important thing to him. I was really lucky to have him as my brother.”
I let out a big breath and snuggled into Ma Estela’s baggy shirt, hugging her until the sadness and the being scared was squished out like water from a sponge. I was gonna miss her old lady hugs when she died too, but I knew I was lucky to have them while I did.
“Is there any room over here for little old me?”
It was Ma Taylor. I know I said how good at hugs Ma Estela is, but actually Ma Taylor is just as good. She’s really very cuddly. I guess that’s just what great-grandmas are like. But I bet if Zahra was a great-grandma, she still wouldn’t be cuddly.
Ma Taylor made a tired ‘ooh’ sound as she sat carefully down, and seemed like she had to catch her breath. Ma Estela looked at her with love eyes.
“Mi amor, you know these people are gonna be here all week, you’re allowed to pace yourself on the socialising.”
“Oh, ‘Stel! As if I could ever hold myself back?” Her smile became a little sad. “I hadn’t properly caught up with Erin or Imogen since the funeral.”
“No,” said Ma Estela, and she rubbed my arm, as if cuddling me was helping. I kinda wanted to go off and play with the other kids, but I also didn’t want to be sad. If I was helping, I would stay with her and the other old people a little bit longer.
I sometimes think Ma Taylor could read minds, and this was another one of those times, because she said: “Rafi! I promise we’re going to be all right. You should have some fun with your friends-- you know this week always goes way too fast.”
“Go,” Ma Estela said with a nod. “We’re gonna go do a memorial thing in a little while. It’s sad, but it does help. Taylor’s right; you’ve gotta enjoy the people you love while they’re with you, ‘cause it’s never gonna be long enough.”
They said that, but I was pretty sure Ximena, and Pia and Elio, and Xiryyn, and Vivae and Tuala and Suura, and all the little kids, they would all still be here a long time after my great-grandmas weren’t anymore. I did what they said, though. I gave them both a big hug, and I gave one to Reggie, and then I followed Ariel back to the party.
Some of the other kids were close relatives of Pa Aleister, so they went off to the memorial thingy, but I still had my Vaanti friends, and my cousin, Ariel.  We played a lot of tickle chase all up and down the sand hills, and round and round the big tables in the big hall, but what we really wanted to do was to check out the new waterslides. They were finished weeks ago, but we weren’t allowed to play on them until the reunion. And even though it was the reunion now, we still had to find an adult to supervise us. Annoyingly, a lot of our moms and dads took safety very seriously.
“Clear off, brats!” Zahra growled at us as she came back from the memorial thingy and sat down in a comfy-looking chair. Actually, she said something else, but it wasn’t words I’m allowed to say. Zahra wasn’t being mean; she knows it makes us laugh when she’s all grouchy. She laughs too.
“We’re gonna go on the slides, but we need a grown-up!” Ariel explained.
“Hey,” said Suura hopefully, “you’re a grown-up….”
Zahra pulled a sucking-a-lemon face. “Uh, if you think I wouldn’t just let you --rudewords-- drown in the name of peace and --rudeword-- quiet, you’re dumber than you look.”
“Zahra!” Imogen said in a telling-off voice. Imogen was Reggie’s sister, so she was pretty old. I think she was my abuela’s cousin or something, and Pia, Elio, Ximena, William and Poppy’s great-aunt. “Haven’t there been enough tears tonight? We don’t need you picking on the damn kids.”
Zahra snorted. “Little assholes love it. I’m still not supervising while they chuck themselves down the waterslides.”
Then Pia came running up; her eyes were all pink and puffy like she’d been crying. Probably she had. “We’re trying out the new waterslides now?”
Pia was the oldest of all of us kids. She was thirteen, which basically meant she was half-kid, half-adult…. but not quite old enough to be allowed to be responsible for the rest of us in the pool.
Imogen frowned. “It’s gonna be me left to supervise, isn’t it? Look, just give me a moment. I’ll rope Arthur into coming over to watch as well. Not having to jump in the pool after drowning children is one of the perks of being over sixty as far as I’m concerned.”
“Yes!” Pia and me cried at the same time.
It was on!
As it turned out, we actually had quite a few adults come to watch us test out the slides. The thing was, it was pretty much only the old crusty adults who probably weren’t gonna be super helpful if we had an emergency.
Ma Quinn sat at the edge of the pool, dipping her toes in. She waved to us all, but especially to Ariel, while we climbed up the steps to the very top. My lola was there-- they’re my dad’s parent, and my abuela too-- my dad’s mom-- and her moms. Pa Diego and Pa Varyyn were there too. Imogen’s twin sister Erin and her husband Johan came to watch and cheer, which made Ximena smile. Ximena was a little bit more shy ‘cause she didn’t grow up with us, but it seemed like she was getting the hang of it. So, I didn’t feel too bad pushing in front of her in the line-up for the first go on the biggest slide….
Unfortunately, this didn’t go unnoticed.
“Hey, Rafito, elbows to yourself!”
“Sorry Abuela!” It was pretty embarrassing, I knew my face was going red, but hopefully it was dark enough no one would notice. I quietly apologised to Ximena too.
In the end, it was Ariel who got the first turn-- she somehow wriggled through all the gaps between us other kids and squeezed out into the top of the slide. Guess it pays to be small and slippery. And it didn’t really matter that I had to wait my turn-- I went down the biggest slide again and again and again. I raced Vivae and Suura on the triple slide, and I tandemed the twisty one with Ariel even though she screamed so loud my ears hurt, and I even went down the big one backwards. I accidentally swallowed a load of water, but it was so fun. I don’t want to brag too much, but I got a lot of cheers from all the old grannies and grandpas watching us.
The good thing about the waterslides was that they were really high up, and you could see the whole party all around us. I saw that all of the old Catalysts had gone; I guessed to go and lie down because they were tired. Fair enough-- I was nearly ready for bed, and I was only nine. But Vivae saw where they’d actually gone.
“Rafi, it’s Furball! Down there with Ma Quinn!”
That made more sense. As if they’d just got bored of watching us!
We took one last go down the slides, then all the other kids followed us to the beach. Ma Quinn was sitting there with Furball, the magic blue ice fox, feeding him something from her hand. The other old guys were sitting down there too-- Ma Estela and Ma Taylor, Pa Diego and Pa Varyyn, and Zahra too. They’d all known Furball for a long, long time, and when he saw them all by the pool, he must have wanted to say hi.
We ran up, and Ma Quinn put her finger to her lips to tell us to be quiet. We slowed down, creeping closer so we didn’t scare Furball. I’d only seen him a couple times, so I was really concentrating on making sure he didn’t want to run away. It must have worked, because he looked at all us kids for a little bit, then he went back to eating the cupcake in Ma Quinn’s hand.
“Wow,” Ximena whispered. “He’s really real… look at all the snow on the ground!”
Ma Quinn smiled, her wrinkly old face going even wrinklier. “He’s really real. Furball is a very old friend of ours. He’s an old man now, and likes being left alone, but sometimes….” She offered a sprinkling of cupcake crumbs to Ximena, who then held them out to the big blue fox. “…he does feel like some human company.”
“He gets old even though he’s magic?” Ariel asked.
“He does,” said Ma Quinn. “I guess it happens to everyone who’s lucky enough to live that long. Even magic foxes.”
Pia asked a more worrying question. “Are you gonna be able to stand back up again?”
Ma Quinn and the other old guys laughed a bit at that.
“Absolutely not,” Ma Taylor said, but she was chuckling when she said it. “But sometimes you’ve got to sit on a beach and enjoy the cool sand against your skin anyway.”
Ma Estela grunted. “Speak for yourself, cariña, I can still get up from the ground. Just don’t time me on it.”
“I guess we can help you when you need to get up,” Elio said, “I’m pretty strong.”
“Thank you, sweetheart,” said Ma Taylor. “Anyway, it’s a big party. Someone’ll be able to haul us back onto our feet.”
I crouched down really small, and held out my fingers so Furball could sniff them. There were no crumbs on them, but he gave me a smell all the same, and he looked right at my face and made a little ‘mrrp’ noise. ‘Furball’ sounded like a name for a little fluffy thing, but this guy was big, with long legs and wide feet for walking in the snow. He had a big fluffy mane, almost like a lion, but it was white, and most of his fur was blue and spotty.
“He’s pretty big for a ‘Furball’”, I said.
“He wasn’t always as big as this,” Ma Quinn said. “He grew up fast when the old Mountain Guardian died. The old one was much, much bigger-- a giant bear with horns like a ram.”
“Woah!” cried Ariel, forgetting to be quiet. Furball didn’t seem to mind-- he seemed like he’d decided we were friends.
Ma Quinn laughed again. “Yes, she was pretty impressive. We think Furball didn’t grow as big as that because there was less of Vaanu’s magic left here when it was time for him to grow up. The Deep Guardian, the Shore Guardian, and the Sea Guardian are all much bigger. When they all die, we don’t think anything will take their places.”
Usually, Zahra said cheeky things and made us laugh, but now she was just quiet. Her eyes were sad, not really looking at anything in particular, like all she could see was her thoughts. She must have had a lot of empty places where things she used to know were. They would be kept just in her thoughts now. Ma Taylor reached out and squeezed Zahra’s arm. I bet she knew what Zahra was sad about.
Furball licked my fingers. It made me jump, ‘cause his tongue was cold, not like a normal tongue at all.
“We’re pretty lucky,” I said. “Like, that we get to see them.”
Maybe all the magic would go away one day. Maybe it would all grow old and die, like the Catalysts. I would make sure I remembered it all, all the things like Furball’s cold tongue. I bet no one will believe me about things like that, but it’s better to have magic stories than no magic at all.
Furball made another ‘mrrp’ noise, then started turning in circles. And in the circles, more snow appeared.
“Aw, look!” said Suura, “He’s going to bed!”
He curled up in a ball on his snow bed, then stuck his head out to rest on Ma Quinn’s bare foot. It must have made her toes cold!
“Night-night, Furball,” she said. “I was about to head to bed myself, but I guess I can play pillow for a little while.”
Furball snored-- he fell asleep so quick!-- and snowflakes appeared out his nose when he did. La Huerta was so special that even snores could be magic. I guess that was really why the whole giant family came back every year to be here together. If not everyone in the world could know about the magic, the lucky ones who did had to make sure they spent time appreciating it and sharing it.
I hope the magic lasts a long, long time. I hope at least a little bit of it lasts forever.
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localplaguenurse · 10 months
There’s tears in my eyes
Just thinking about how the gingko family has to watch childe and his family grow old, watching them grow watch childe stop being the “pretty young prince” watch as they grow so old that they no longer can care for themselves. And wifey…. Wifey would come to the realise what being immortal truly means, and why the adepti have always kept to themselves. Because to beings whose time is endless until their own bad memories get to them… a measly 100 years of a human life is just a blink of an eye…
And that’s just childe… a new addition to the family…. What about lilei? How does one cope with the fact that your loved one can’t cook anymore because standing became too painful?
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Ivy I'm trying to do wholesome dad fic-
That is tragic, but unfortunately Childe and his family would not be the first group of mortals the family would come to love and ultimately outlive. There have been many friends and families, so much so that sometimes they quietly wonder why they keep doing this. Why risk the heartbreak when they know they'll be gone before a century has passed? Wifey should have learned this with their father, that you will outlive people you love one day. That was only hammered in when...
Originally at the end of ginkgo trees, the chat with Morax and Wifey about how they might actually start to grow old, and how worried they are for their children, wifey was going to say something about how one day, parents will have to leave their children. This was going to be in reference to Li Lei. This also tied into my og ideas where the twins were actually significantly younger than their siblings by like a century, where wifey was especially nervous because Li Lei wasn't there to support them or meet her newest grandchildren. The only reason I never mentioned it was because beta and by extension the rest of the readers would've been mad if I outright said Li Lei had died. Not even a vicious death, it was just old age.
But yeah, that enough was upsetting to Wifey, but they at least knew it was coming because, well, Li Lei is old enough to have raised them. She can't live forever. It's also another thing when someone dies tragically young. It's unfortunate, yet common enough that there are guides and communities of people who know what that pain is like. Nothing can prepare you for when you meet someone unfathomably younger than you, and yet you are there when not only they pass, but are around long enough for the funerals of their children and children's children.
Even still, they open their hearts up knowing the cycle of heartbreak will continue. Even when Childe sprouts white hairs, when his dull eyes grow weak, the children still tease him about how young he is compared to them. He graduates from young prince to young king, and Childe says something about how he looks like a raisin while Yanjiang hasn't aged once since the two met, and Yanjiang was a grandfather when they first met!
Even knowing it was inevitable, there's not a dry eye at his funeral.
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wreckedwaters · 7 years
Drabble #2                                             Summer Rain |Rucas|
Based off of Tumblr Girls
                        You and I we’re made of glass, we’d never last
“Maybe around this time next year we’ll be here together wondering what could’ve went wrong. Heck, we’ll probably think ‘Why in the world did we think we were different?’. But you know what Riles it doesn’t matter if you’re going to NYU and I’m Going to A&M in Texas, what matters is that I love you and I know we can make this work.”
“Okay that was better but you’re still fidgety, I mean come on dude you’ve been waiting since 8th grade to ask her out again, do you really think you need to do all of this?” Zay questions while sitting on the couch at Topangas eating popcorn, it was there second-to-last summer together before their senior year and Lucas finally got the courage to ask her out. 
Well somewhat of courage.
“Zay I want to do this right, I mean we spent three years in a love triangle and it just ended last week when Maya finally said she was officially out and went to some art camp in Peru… I care about her a lot–”
“And you don’t wanna screw it up, blah blah blah, I know you’ve said it for years that you’d ask her out when it’s your moment and if it’s now then do it now”
“Do what now ?” Both of the boys turn their heads towards the door to see Riley walk in with a small smile on her face. She looked like a beauty in just her simple light blue skirt and bright hot pink crop top, her hair slightly curled as her black ankle high boots trudge against the floor. She looked between the two, now completely quiet, boys as they stared awkward at the ground. 
“I’m just gonna go ahead and head out before the storm starts up, knowing New York weather I’ve got about five minutes so tell your mom I said thanks again for letting me and Lucas stay here a bit longer” Zay told Riley as he gives her a quick hug and Lucas a knowing nod before leaving. She waved goodbye through the window before turning back to Lucas as he cleared his throat. To say it was slightly awkward between the two good friends was an understatement of the year, the tension between them constantly grew and grew before Maya’s depart just last week.It didn’t help that they had been arguing over the situation before he had blurted out his famous last words to Maya.
“I never liked you like that Maya, I thought I could if Riley told me to but I couldn’t and I still cant’t!, There Riley! I said it I said it and I meant it” He looked at the brunette who stared back at him with disappointment, as if she didn’t believe a word he said for her sake or Maya’s he couldn't tell with the way her eyes gleamed at him.
“Lucas that wasn–”
“It’s cool Riley, honestly we’ve been doing this for three years now, when is enough finally enough?” Maya questions looking down. She lets out a loud breath before clasping her hands together and standing in front of the two, Riley instantly falling back into the background of her best friend as she gains eye contact with the Texan boy.
“Since I don’t have long before my flight I’m just gonna say this one thing Huckleberry; I’m out, I’m out of the triangle for good, it’s done nothing but cause drama and honestly it doesn’t even feel like a triangle” She turns to look at her best friend as well, “It feels like I’m the third wheel who’s in the way”
“Maya no–”
“Honey it’s cool, honestly I don’t even remember what i felt for him but I promise I don’t feel it now so therefore I’m no longer in the triangle so it’s done” She confirmed staring at them both back and fourth.
“This is done”
Never in Riley’s wildest dreams did she think they ever get back here; in the uncomfortable silence holding her captive of what she truly wanted to say. 
“Soooooo” He replied with a small smudge look on his face as she looked up at him, her cheeks slightly turning pink as she looks away.
“What were you guys talking about ?”. Small Talk, that’s easy right ? Nothing bad or wrong about small talk.
Nervously, He moves his hand behind his head, the rain slowly pouring outside the shop doors, “You know.. guy stuff”.
“Really? What type of guy stuff” She asks as she heads behind the counter dropping her mother’s keys as she takes two cupcakes out, one cookie & cream and the other birthday cake flavored out for them. He sits down at the counter as she hands him the cookies & creamed flavor cupcake while she leans on the counter.
“Stuff” He spits out somewhat nonchalantly.
She makes a nervous laugh and munches a bit into her cupcake, “Okay”.
They once again sat quietly, looking away while munching on their cupcakes. All he wanted to do was tell her how he felt (for what felt like the hundredth time) and hoped she wouldn’t try to dismiss it with her unruly logic of her minds overthinking. He just wanted to finally hear her say she felt the same, hug her tight never letting her go, kissing her passionately as everything around them disappears. 
God now he really wanted to kiss her.
After a few more minutes of silence and them both finishing their food, he moves closer to her as she looks up at him.
“Riley there’s something I really need to tell you” He says, his breath already disappearing just for looking into the chocolate, hazel eyes of the beauty standing in front of him. She smiled up at him, her hands getting a little clamp as she brings them in front of herself.
“You can tell me anything”
Without holding any anticipation he lets out what she was solemnly hoping he wouldn’t, they’ve been over it in a nonsensical way more times she can count;saying what they want but not truly saying what they want, it was a never-ending cycle that she did not want to go through right now.
“Lucas if its–” 
“No wait, Riley, Listen” He says following after her as she unlocks topangas, with the rain coming off somewhat louder he closes the door before she gets a chance to reopen it.
“I need to say this, maybe this time you’ll listen to me”
“I always listen to you Lucas, but not about this not now, at least wait until Maya get’s back so we–”
“Riley we’re not in the triangle anymore, you don’t need Maya’s approval or her voice for what’s happening between us” He tried telling her but he could see the walls of her heart building themselves back up as their conversation skews to the topic they’ve done their best to avoid.
“There’s nothing happening between us” She whispers almost breaking her own heart as she pretends to believe the little lie, “There never was”.
His heart beats a little slower at the sound of that. While still taking in the blow, Riley moves to lock the door leaving them both outside as the rain picks up.
“You don’t believe that do you? You don’t seriously think there’s nothing going on between us” The Texan boy questions her as she stands there, not even daring to look into his emerald eyes knowing if she did she would crack right then and there.
“Look Maya is my best friend, and you guys dated and I don’t wanna be one of those backstabbing girls who steals their best friend’s ex boyfriend, I’m not that kinda girl Lucas and besides it wouldn’t matter if we got together we’d just break up within the week just like last time because everyone in our class thinks that you and Maya fit way better than you and me” She takes a chance and looks at him, seeing the mirroring reflection of hurt in his eyes.
“We don’t work, I don’t think we ever did” She moves and walks into the rain as it comes pouring down, she’s heading towards her car when he shouts no and runs in front of her and stops her.
“No Riley this isn’t fair, none of this is! I spent three years of my high school being tied in a triangle that never even existed. I had to even up every single joyful moment with you to Maya, I had to watch you go on dates with guys who only wanted to in your pants when you volunteered me to go with Maya for our group plans, Riley can’t you see ? Maya was right there was never a triangle. It was us, me and you Riles and you forced Maya into being a third wheel”
She scoffs at him,”Are you serious? Are you pinning this whole crap on me? Lucas, you caused this, you’re the one who went and kissed Maya at the fire-camp, it’s not my fault that I just assumed you had feelings for her after that since you were completely okay with going with her to the dance and out to dates!!”
“The kiss didn’t even happen and you told me to date her!” He shouted, his face wet with raindrops and her hair and skirt dripping down. 
“And you listened !!” She yelled back, “Just admit it Lucas, you cared for her and you loved her… and that you never felt that for me” Her voice dying down as if she were hoisting up a white flag of surrender, she was so tired of their fighting over something that obviously was stupid, why couldn’t he just admit he never cared about her ?
“Riley don’t you get it? I am hopelessly in love with you, I have been since the 7th grade since you made me feel like I could be a better person, Since I realized that without you I never would’ve survived New York and that I would be back in the same position that I was in when I was in Texas. Without you I’d never learn to grow or be thankful for little things like having real friends or learning to trust, Riley you’re one of my favorite people to talk to and you’re probably… no you are the most important person in the world to me and without you and your amazing love and kindness and beauty, I would probably out on the streets of New York bruised and battered way worse than before I got here.” He told her as he moved closer to her, her wet locks covering her face as she looks down to the ground, he moves her hair out of the way and holds her face in his hands.
“Riley people will say whatever the fuck they want to say, the only person’s opinions on us that I care about is yours and mine,and I know you’re insecure and worried about what they think and what Maya may think but it doesn’t matter, nothing matters when it comes to how we feel about each other.” He rubs her cheeks as she looks up at him, small yet unsheathed tears are clouding her hazel eyes..
“And you cannot stand here and tell me you don’t feel anything” He whispers, his eyes shifting between her eyes and her lips, one hand slowly and gently running down her cheek to her lower back causing her to close her eyes and breathe a little more heavier.
“I can’t feel my face, not when you touch me like that” She mumbles, her arms slowly crossing over behind his neck.
“I can’t feel my heart, not when you hold me like this” She laughs lightly as she holds onto him, his hand still tracing her back that covered with wet hair, her eyes open and she’s once again looking right as his lips. Sometimes it surely didn’t help that her height stopped right at his lips, especially in times like this. Both clouded with only one thought, they collide to make it a reality of bliss. Feeling her heart swell up in joy and his in full blissfulness it was easy to get loss in each other, especially when it felt as good as this. He twirls her around in his arms making her break the kiss from laughing just a little to hard. He sits her onto the ground as she stares up at him adoringly.
“I love you Lucas, I’ve always have”
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kirayun · 4 years
Scrivere una fanfiction? - Write a fanfiction?
Scusate in anticipo il lungo papiro che vi ritroverete davanti e per quanti riguarda il fandom che ho taggato, ne parlo alla fine, dopo tutta la premessa su di me. Questo post è in italiano ma ho intenzione di mettere la versione tradotta da Google Translate appena finisce la parte italiana, basta scorrere la pagina fino alla scritta “English Version (With Google Translate)”.
Sorry in advance the long papyrus that you will find in front of you and as regards the fandom that I have tagged, I will talk about it at the end, after all the premise about me. This post is in Italian but I intend to put the translated version by Google Translate as soon as the Italian part ends, just scroll down the page until it says “English Version (With Google Translate)”.
Mi sto chiedendo se fare o no un tentativo di scrittura di fanfiction dopo tanti anni di sola lettura.
Ormai non ricordo neanche più quanti anni avevo quando ho cominciato a leggere le prime fanfiction e le prime ship (Fuffy, Fleurmione, Liley, Fangrai), so che su Fanfiction.net sono iscritto da Novembre 2012 quando ho cominciato a salvare fic Swan Queen tra le favorite e le story allerts ma è da prima di incontrare Emma e Regina che mi sono addentrato in questo mondo di storie ispirate alle mie serie e racconti preferiti.
Non ho una grande preparazione grammaticale, ho finito la scuola dell’obbligo italiana e i pochi tentativi che ho dato a quella successiva era praticamente una scuola tecnica per computer ma non ho mai finito il primo anno e quindi non studio seriamente da quando avevo 18 anni. Quando scrivo un post o qualsiasi cosa ho sempre il timore di usare troppo le varie “,” “:” “;” ecc., tendo a scrivere molto velocemente con la tastiera e se non fosse per i correttori automatici spesso lascerei parole scritte nell’ordine sbagliato o con errori di cui non mi sono accorto (ma se mi mettessi a scrivere prenderò l’abitudine di rileggere bene tutto quello che scrivo); non ho un verso senso di come deve essere la grammatica di una storia e ho la sensazione che scriverei quello che sembrerà di certo il lavoro di un principiante o di un bambino. Una cosa però devo ammetterla: ai tempi della scuola mi piaceva scrivere e inventare storie e una volta ne ho fatta pure leggere una alla mia insegnante.
Da anni grazie alla fanfiction non faccio altro che immaginare nella mia testa come cambierei io la storia di base o i personaggi di un determinato fandom e come mi piacerebbe che andassero le cose, ma la mia scarsa preparazione e il fatto che leggo praticamente solo storie in inglese tradotte  in automatico da Chrome con translate non mi ha mai fatto provare a cimentarmi.
La lingua è proprio il più grande fattore che mi ha sempre fermato da provare anche le più piccole cose visto che la community inglese delle fanfiction è decisamente più ampia e riconosciuta di quella italiana e io sono uno che prima leggeva solo su Fanfiction.net, e ora  anche se continuo ad usarlo, sono soprattutto su AO3. Con anni di storie tradotte, serie guardate in lingua originale con i sottotitoli e una piccola preparazione di base a scuola ho imparato molto inglese ma ancora oggi se devo scrivere un post in inglese da qualche parte lo traduco con translate e praticamente non parlo la lingua ma sto cercando di migliorare in maniera “casalinga” ovvero continuando con i sottotitoli e provando a rivedere cose già viste (film, serie ecc.) in inglese e con anche i subs eng per associare il suono delle parole alla scrittura. Questi sono i motivi per cui, vista la mia già poca preparazione in materia, le storie che pubblicherei sarebbero in italiano ma con AO3 come piattaforma principale e visto che il grosso del pubblico legge in inglese, non saprei neanche se ne varrebbe la pena fare tutto il lavoro che ci vuole dietro ad una storia (aspiro a farne una lunga, ma ne parlerò dopo) se poi i fandom a cui mi rivolgo non la leggerebbero per via della lingua diversa (e non so se in altre lingue i lettori usano il mio “trucco” di tradurre con Chrome o translate).
Non sono uno che progetta “il grande schema”: che pensa troppo in anticipo dove vuole andare con una storia, i personaggi, quando vuole finire...magari con il tempo e i tentativi la cosa cambierebbe ma in genere uso l’istinto quando mi immagino una storia e posso solo sperare che alla fine ne venga fuori qualcosa di sensato e soddisfacente che non mi faccia rimpiangere il lavoro svolto.
Non so quasi niente del mondo dietro la creazione di fanfiction, sono sempre stato solo un lettore, per cui non seguo nessuna community, blog o gruppo su cosa e come fanno gli autori i propri lavori ed è già tanto (grazie alle note degli autori) se so che cosa è un beta tester anche se io non ne avrei uno e non saprei come cercarlo, soprattutto nella mia lingua; il problema poi e che sono una persona molto timida e parlo di rado con qualcuno in chat vocali e pochissime volte con messaggi privati e anche se uso i social tutto i giorni (twitter, instagram, tumblr, facebook), anche in quel mondo solo soprattutto un lettore, postando pochissimo (twitter, instagram, tumblr,) o per nulla (instagram, facebook).
Le domande alla fine di tutto questo sono: visto tutto quello che vi ho raccontato sulla mia preparazione e le mie capacità, il fatto di non appartenere alla principale lingua dei siti in cui scriverei,  il non sapere se e come porterò a termine quello che comincio, se avrò la pazienza di provare questa nuova cosa che da anni mi attira... insomma, dovrei provarci comunque? Devo dare almeno un tentativo? Vedere se ne sono in grado? Per me il mondo delle fanfiction sembra proprio il posto dove anche dei principianti alla scrittura come me possano provare a scrivere la propria versione di ciò che gli piace e ama e vorrei sapere se c’è posto anche per me e i sicuri disastri che creerei.
Domanda solo per chi legge in inglese: Eventualmente, versioni più piccole e corte delle mie fanfiction le leggereste (tipo qui su tumblr) se le posto dopo averle tradotte con Translate? Perché se per voi una traduzione del traduttore è troppo male allora magari evito di peggiorare quello che già sarebbe un lavoro abbastanza semplice.
E veniamo finalmente al fandom che ho taggato: 
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Perchè proprio Skimmons? (p.s. ho sempre preferito il vecchio nome ship, ma mi vanno bene entrambi). Skimmons è una ship che ho sempre adorato fin dalla prima stagione, e anche se negli ultimi anni la presenza del fandom su di essa è calata parecchio e per quanto capisca che nel mondo AOS è Fitzsimmons la nave principale (contro cui non ho nulla ed è una delle poche ship etero che non mi da fastidio vedere con le mie characthers preferite), ho e avrò sempre un debole per Daisy e Jemma insieme e rimangono una delle mie OTP più alte personalmente, affianco a nomi grandi come Swan Queen, Faberry, Supercorp e Clexa; inoltre sono uno shipper quasi unicamente Femslash (con poche eccezioni come Harmony e Snowbarry) e la maggior parte delle mie ship sono non canoniche (purtroppo!). 
Forse proprio perché Skimmons a confronto di quelle altre ship ha un fanbase più piccola e vengono postate sempre meno storie che sento il bisogno di provare a crearne una mia versione, un mio modo per cui queste due dovrebbero stare insieme e riscrivere cosi la loro storia. Perché è proprio questo che vorrei provare a fare: io ho un debole per le storie che modificano gli avvenimenti canonici per farne la versione di quella particolare Ship; leggo anche molti AU ma ho sempre un sorriso sul volto quando trovo una storia che riscrive una serie o un film nella versione che a noi shipper di quella particolare coppia avremmo amato se fossero state canon.
La mia idea sarebbe di fare un tentativo di ripatire dall’inizio di AOS e provare a fare ogni puntata la mia versione, iniziando simile ai veri episodi e pian piano variando sempre più cose finendo in una direzione totalmente diversa con trame sempre più originali (evitando cosi trame e personaggi che non mi hanno mai entusiasmato troppo) e apparizioni crossover di altri fandom (ma praticamente solo dei personaggi, non le storie) perché una mio piacere segreto è immaginare le mie varie ship che interagiscono nello stesso universo (con questo non sto pensando ad una mega combinazione di tante ship ma solo non avrei problemi ogni tanto a farne apparire qualcuna, anche solo per poco, in una delle mie storie).
Ma Skimmons sarebbe solo la mia prima storia principale il “grande progetto” da fare con calma, postare per bene su AO3 e scritto nel tempo e quindi non escludo lavori molto più piccoli in tutti i vari fandom che amo quando mi viene l’ispirazione. Anche questo appunto “grande progetto” è una vera incognita e potrei non riuscirci neanche perché per farlo prima di tutto dovrei rivedere ogni episodio per ogni capitolo, trovare le idee per la mia versione, scriverle, rileggere e correggere, essere soddisfatto di cosa viene fuori… insomma è tutto un tale casino che potrei facilmente schiantarmi e rinunciarci, decidendo magari di ripiegare solo per cose più piccole e veloci.
Ed eccoci finalmente giunti alla fine, 1500 parole più tardi e almeno qualche ora a scrivere per spiegare non solo a chi avrà il coraggio di leggere tutto, ma anche a me stesso, i motivi e le domande che avevo dentro di me da tirare fuori e scrivere la mondo per vedere se questa è una strada che dovrei tentare.
By Kira 
English Version (With Google Translate):
I'm wondering whether or not to make an attempt at writing fanfiction after so many years of read-only.
By now I don't even remember how old I was when I started reading the first fanfictions and the first ships (Fuffy, Fleurmione, Liley, Fangrai), I know that on Fanfiction.net I have been registered since November 2012 when I started saving fic Swan Queen between favorites and story allerts but it was before meeting Emma and Regina that I entered this world of stories inspired by my favorite series and stories.
I do not have a great grammar preparation, I finished the Italian compulsory school and the few attempts I gave to the next one was practically a technical school for computers but I never finished the first year and therefore I have not studied seriously since I was 18. When I write a post or anything I am always afraid of using too many "," ":" ";" etc., I tend to type very quickly with the keyboard and if it were not for the automatic correctors I would often leave words written in the wrong order or with errors that I did not notice (but if I started to write I will get into the habit of rereading well everything I write); I have no sense of what the grammar of a story must be and I have a feeling that I would write what will certainly look like the work of a beginner or a child. But I have to admit one thing: in school I liked to write and invent stories and once I even had my teacher read one.
For years thanks to fanfiction I have been imagining in my head how I would change the basic story or the characters of a certain fandom and how I would like things to go, but my poor preparation and the fact that I practically read only stories in English automatically translated from Chrome with translate never made me try my hand.
Language is precisely the biggest factor that has always stopped me from trying even the smallest things since the English fanfiction community is much larger and more recognized than the Italian one and I am one who previously only read on Fanfiction.net, and now even though i keep using it i am mostly on AO3. With years of translated stories, series watched in the original language with subtitles and a little basic preparation in school I learned a lot of English but still today if I have to write a post in English somewhere I translate it with translate and I practically do not speak the language but I am trying to improve in a "home" way, that is continuing with subtitles and trying to review things already seen (films, series, etc.) in English and also with subs eng to associate the sound of words with writing. These are the reasons why, given my already poor preparation on the subject, the stories I would publish would be in Italian but with AO3 as the main platform and since the bulk of the public reads in English, I wouldn't even know if it would be worth doing everything the work that goes into a story (I aspire to make a long one, but I'll talk about it later) if the fandoms I am addressing would not read it because of the different language (and I don't know if in other languages ​​the readers use mine "Trick" to translate with Chrome or translate).
I am not one who designs "the grand scheme": who thinks too far in advance where he wants to go with a story, the characters, when he wants to end ... maybe with time and attempts it would change but generally I use instinct when I I imagine a story and I can only hope that in the end something sensible and satisfying will come out that does not make me regret the work done.
I know almost nothing about the world behind the creation of fanfiction, I've always been just a reader, so I don't follow any community, blog or group about what and how the authors do their work and that's already a lot (thanks to the authors' notes) if I know what a beta tester is even if I don't have one and I don't know how to look for it, especially in my language; the problem then is that I am a very shy person and I rarely speak with someone in voice chats and very few times with private messages and even if I use social media all day (twitter, instagram, tumblr, facebook), even in that world only above all a reader, posting very little (twitter, instagram, tumblr,) or not at all (instagram, facebook).
The questions at the end of all this are: given everything I have told you about my preparation and my skills, the fact that I do not belong to the main language of the sites where I would write, not knowing if and how I will finish what I am starting , if I have the patience to try this new thing that has attracted me for years ... well, should I try it anyway? Should I at least give it a try? See if they are capable of it? For me, the world of fanfiction seems to be the place where even beginners to writing like me can try to write their own version of what they like and love and I would like to know if there is room for me too and the sure disasters I would create.
Question only for those who read in English: Eventually, smaller and shorter versions of my fanfictions would you read them (like here on tumblr) if I post them after having translated them with Translate? Because if a translation of the translator is too bad for you then maybe I avoid worsening what would already be a fairly simple job.
And we finally come to the fandom I tagged:
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Why Skimmons? (p.s. I have always preferred the old name ship, but both are fine). Skimmons is a ship that I have always loved since the first season, and even if in recent years the presence of the fandom on it has dropped a lot and as much as I understand that in the AOS world it is Fitzsimmons the main ship (against which I have nothing and it is one of the few straight ships that I don't mind seeing with my favorite characthers), I have and will always have a soft spot for Daisy and Jemma together and they remain one of my highest OTPs personally, alongside big names like Swan Queen, Faberry, Supercorp and Clexa; I am also an almost uniquely Femslash shipper (with a few exceptions like Harmony and Snowbarry) and most of my ships are non-canonical (unfortunately!).
Maybe because Skimmons compared to those other ships has a smaller fanbase and fewer and fewer stories are posted that I feel the need to try to create my own version, my way in which these two should be together and thus rewrite their history. Because this is exactly what I would like to try to do: I have a weakness for stories that modify canonical events to make them the version of that particular Ship; I also read a lot of AUs but I always have a smile on my face when I find a story that rewrites a series or a movie in the version that we shippers of that particular couple would have loved if they had been canon.
My idea would be to make an attempt to replay from the beginning of AOS and try to make each episode my version, starting similar to the real episodes and gradually varying more and more things ending in a totally different direction with more and more original plots (avoiding so plots and characters that have never thrilled me too much) and crossover appearances by other fandoms (but practically only characters, not the stories) because my secret pleasure is to imagine my various ships interacting in the same universe (I'm not thinking of a mega combination of many ships but only I would have no problem every now and then to make some of them appear, even if only briefly, in one of my stories).
But Skimmons would only be my first main story, the "big project" to be done calmly, post well on AO3 and written over time, and therefore I do not rule out much smaller jobs in all the various fandoms that I love when inspiration comes to me. Even this "great project" is a real unknown and I might not even succeed because to do it first of all I would have to review each episode for each chapter, find ideas for my version, write them, reread and correct them, be satisfied with what comes out ... in short, it's all such a mess that I could easily crash and give it up, maybe I decide to fall back only for smaller and faster things.
And here we are finally at the end, 1500 words later and at least a few hours to write to explain not only to those who have the courage to read everything, but also to myself, the reasons and questions I had inside of me to pull out and write the world to see if this is a path I should try.
By Kira
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uni-vee · 5 years
update on the Nikkimi fic idea:
so i’m actually gonna get around to write it, i would most liley get the chapter out around Christmas-
So basically Kimi is the one who traveled to Earth, to meet Nikki and Nikki gotta teach Kimi how her world doesn’t work like Miraland. Ima add some minor new characters that are exactly like Miraland citizens to confuse Kimi (alternate universe anyone?) Includes some tsundere Kimi, lots of fluff, some minor violence if I get there- stuff like that. I snuck in mentions of Starlet/Toto too hehe 
Please leave suggestions on what you want me to do!
That’s it for now, enjoy your day~
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grizbehr · 7 years
Unexpected Double Date
Based off of this prompt: siennese said:Prompt idea: Corpanga and Rucas double date. Could be Rucas getting engaged or just newly married.
Cory Matthews opened the door to reveal his daughter's boyfriend, Lucas Friar.
"You," he said in a semi-jokingly manner.
"Me," Lucas smiled back at him. He knew Riley's father liked him, but he also knew how protective he was over her. "How are you this evening, Mr. Matthews?"
"I'm doing all right," Cory said, inviting the boy in. "The girls are still getting ready, so go ahead and have a seat."
"Thank you, sir," Lucas said, sitting on the couch. Cory sat on the chair facing him.
"So you and Mrs. Matthews are going out tonight as well?"
"It's Valentine's Day," Cory said. Lucas nodded in understanding.
"So what do you and Riley have planned for the evening?"
"We're going to the movies and then out to dinner, sir."
"That's what Topanga and I are doing, too. What movie are you going to go see?"
"An Affair to Remember," Riley told her mom, who stood behind her fixing her hair. "There's a retrospective at the IFC Theatre. They're showing a lot of romantic movies for Valentine's Day."
"Huh," Topanga said. "That's funny. That's where you're father and I are going."
"Really?" Riley asked. "I guess we have the same tastes in movies. Lucas has never seen it, so…" Riley blushed at the thought of her parents seeing her at the movies with Lucas.
"Well, it's a big enough theater," Topanga said. "So I'm sure we won't even know each other is there." She returned to working on her daughter's hair.
"Where are you going for dinner," Topanga asked.
"The Dominique Bistro," Riley replied. "Lucas once promised we'd go to Paris together, and it's kind of become a thing. He made the reservation a month ago."
"Ha," Cory cried. "I made mine two months ago." He looked at Lucas from across the couch. The two stood on opposite sides of the couch, having stood up at the revelations.
"Unbelievable," Lucas said. "I can't believe we made the exact same plans for Valentine's Day."
"Well," Cory said, huffing himself up. "Well, you'll just have to change yours." He put his hand on his hips, gesticulating wildly in exasperation.
"I can't change our plans," Lucas protested. "Riley is looking forward to it and I'm not going to disappoint her."
A knock on the door interrupted them. Maya opened it and walked in. "Hey, losers," she began. "Whoa," she stopped, feeling the tension in the air. "What's going on?"
"Nothing," both Cory and Lucas answered, just as Riley and Topanga came in from the bedroom.
"Wow," both Cory and Lucas said again, seeing their dates for the first time. Lucas walked to Riley and took her hands in his. "You look…wow," he said, causing Riley to blush.
"You, too," Cory said, glancing vexingly at Lucas for saying it first.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Maya said. "Everyone looks great. Where's the squirt? If I'm babysitting I need to know where the baby is at."
"Auggie is in his room," Topanga said laughing. "He's a little upset that he doesn't get to come with us."
"You won't believe this, Peaches," Riley said, going and taking Maya by the hand. "Mom and Daddy made the exact same plans Lucas and I did. Same movie, same restaurant."
"Ooohhh," Maya smiled. "Double date with the 'rents."
"No," Cory and Lucas said together.
"Technically, it's not a double date," Topanga said. "But since we are going to same places, you may as well let us drive you."
"That's okay, Mommy," Riley said. "Lucas and I are taking the subway."
"Okay," Topanga said, shaking her head. "Then you better get going if you're going to make the movie on time."
"She's right," Lucas said, getting her coat off the hook. Riley squeezed Maya before letting Lucas help her on with it and heading out the door.
Maya moved over to Cory. "This is killing you, isn't it," she said softly.
Riley and Lucas entered the already crowded theater. "I can't believe the subway broke down," Riley complained quietly, looking around for two seats.
"There's two seats over there," Lucas pointed, taking her hand and leading her towards them. They were surprised to find Cory and Topanga sitting in the seats next to them.
"Unbelievable," Cory said, seeing them. Topanga hid her smile, almost as though she expected this to happen.
Lucas looked around, seeing if there were any other seats. "Looks like this is it, Riley." She nodded reluctantly and sat next to her father, Lucas sitting on her other side.
"What happened," Topanga whispered, leaning over Cory to talk with her daughter.
"The subway broke down," Riley whispered back. "It was only for about fifteen minutes, but it was long enough to make us late. I really wasn't expecting the theater to be this crowded."
"It is Valentine's Day," Lucas whispered next to her.
"Shhhh," Cory scowled at Lucas, who leaned back in his seat as the movie began.
Riley sat between her father and her boyfriend, eyeing both of them from the corners of her eyes. She wished her mother was sitting next to her because, even though it would still be awkward, Topanga wasn't as overprotective as her father was. She tried to relax, but she knew that any normal boyfriend/girlfriend interactions she and Lucas tried to do would be interrupted by her father.
This proved to be true half way through the movie when Lucas put his arm around her. Normally, he would have had his arm around her shoulders right from the start, but he had hoped that Cory wouldn't notice. Cory, however, faked yawn, knocking against Lucas' hand, causing him to pull it back into his lap.
The rest of the movie was just as tense for the young couple. Lucas would try to take Riley's hand and her father would glare at him until he moved it back. The only one who seemed to enjoy the movie was Topanga, but she seemed more amused by the show happening next to her.
Near the end of the movie, Riley leaned over and whispered to Lucas. "As soon as it's over, let's get out of here." Lucas nodded to her and they waited anxiously for the end of the movie. As soon as "The End" came up on screen, Lucas stood up, letting Riley out in front of him, and the two hurried up the aisle and out the theater.
"What's their rush," Cory asked, standing. Topanga took him by the arm and pulled him back down.
"Are you serious," she asked as they let the crowd thin out. "Did you have to make this more uncomfortable for them than it already was?”
"I didn't do anything," Cory protested. Topanga raised her eyebrows at him and yawned and stretched, knocking against Cory's shoulder. "It was an accident."
"Sure it was. Our baby girl is growing up and she's going to be going out with boys. Be thankful it's Lucas whom we know to be a good person."
Cory folded his arms in front of his chest and pouted. "Don't wanna."
The crowd had cleared out and Topanga rose from her seat. "Let's get going. We don't want to miss our reservation."
There was a line waiting Cory and Topanga when they arrived at the restaurant. Cory pushed his way to the front. "Hi," he said cheerfully. "We have a reservation for two. The name is Matthews."
The hostess looked down her list. "Yes, sir," she said. "It will be about five minutes."
When they were led to their table, they shouldn't have been at all surprised to find Lucas and Riley sitting at the table next to them.
"Unbelievable," Lucas said.
"Daddy," Riley started.
"Ok, this is just getting ridiculous," Cory remarked.
"Excuse me," Topanga asked the hostess. "Is there any way we could get another table? See this is our daughter and her boyfriend and it's a little awkward."
"I'm sorry," the hostess excused. "It will be about another forty-five minutes for another table to free up."
Cory looked around at the packed restaurant. "We'll just have to make the best of it."
Topanga took her husband by the arm. "Okay, but you behave yourself," she whispered firmly.
The two sat at the table, Topanga with her back to Riley and Cory facing her. Riley leaned in to try and speak quietly with Lucas."I'm so sorry about this," she said quietly.
"It's not your fault," Lucas whispered back. "It's a series on unfortunate events. But one thing."
"What's that?"
"We can never tell Zay about this night. We'll never hear the end of it."
Riley laughed and Lucas reached out and took her hand. Cory, at the other table, noticed and raised his eyes at the boy. With Topanga hidden by the menu, Cory gestured from his eyes to Lucas, indicating that he had his eyes on his daughter's boyfriend. Topanga lowered her menu and Cory looked at her and smiled innocently.
Throughout dinner, every time Lucas would reach out to try and have a romantic moment with Riley, Cory would give him a look. He and Riley chatted about the movie, but it was just as tense as the theater had been.
Unable to have the conversation they wanted, Riley and Lucas finished first. They said goodbye to her parents before heading outside.
"What now," Riley asked, looking up and down the street.
"How about we go to Central Park and get a carriage ride," Lucas replied. Riley smiled up at him and they hurried to the closest subway station.
On the train, they stood at the pole, Lucas' hand covering Riley's. "I'm sorry about tonight," Riley said. "This has to be the worst Valentine's Day ever."
"Any day with you makes it the best day ever," Lucas said in complete earnest.
Riley blushed at the compliment."Yeah, but we couldn't enjoy the movie or dinner. I can't believe my father."
"He cares about you and worries about you."
"He should trust me. And he should trust you. You've never been anything except a gentleman." It was Lucas' turn to blush.
They got off the subway and strolled hand in hand to the park. The carriage stand was almost empty. Only one was available and the two hurried to it. Lucas climbed up first to help Riley on. But it seemed as if he wasn't the only one with that idea.
"Unbelievable," both he and Cory said as they stood on either side of the carriage.
Topanga, in the seat, couldn't help but laugh."I think the universe is trying to tell us something," she said as Riley stared at the ground. "I think it will be okay to share this carriage."
Lucas looked down at Riley who gave him a resigned nod. He helped her up and they took the seat opposite Topanga. Cory stared at them before sitting between the young couple.
"Cory Matthews," Topanga said with a touch of anger.
"What," Cory said innocently before changing seats to sit next to his wife. "I was only kidding."
"Uh huh," Topanga said, throwing the blanket over their laps. Riley and Lucas settled in on the other side and Riley put their blanket over them, clutching Lucas' hand under the cover.
The carriage started forward and the two couples stayed in silence as the ride went on. Riley and Lucas stared up at the stars, barely visible through the lights of the city, while Topanga laid her head on Cory's shoulder. Lucas did his best to ignore the glances Cory made his way. His thumb rubbed over Riley's fingers under the blanket and a warmth filled Riley at his touch.
When the ride finished, they thanked the driver as Cory paid him. Before heading their separate ways, Topanga stopped Lucas.
"He's scared," she said quietly, so Cory couldn't hear. "He's scared of losing his baby girl. It has nothing to do with you, although I think he may feel that you have a better chance of doing it than anyone else. And just so you know, he does like you."
"Thank you, Mrs. Matthews," Lucas said gratefully. After a moments thought, he leaned down and kissed her on the cheek, causing Topanga to blush.
"So, can we give you a lift home," Cory asked.
"No thank you, Daddy," Riley replied. "We'll manage on our own." She purposefully took Lucas' hand in hers, causing Cory to stiffen a little bit, and the two headed back to the subway station.
Outside the apartment door, Lucas and Riley stood nervously. "For what it was," Lucas said. "I had a wonderful time."
"Liar," Riley asked. "Next time, let's just change our plans, okay?"
"Deal." He leaned down and kissed her tenderly. Behind her, the door opened to reveal Cory standing there. The two broke apart, their faces flushed.
"Good night, Lucas," Cory said.
"Good night, sir," Lucas replied. "Good night, Riley," he told her gently before heading down the stairs.
Riley blew past her father to her room and went to the bay window. It was only a moment when Lucas exited the building and looked up at her. He blew her a kiss and waved before heading home.
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atlafan · 7 years
The Game: Part One
Rucas au multi-fic. Lucas and Riley have been best friends for as long as they can remember. They finally tell each other how they feel, and are able to get together, but some friction occurs when Riley’s Uncle Shawn introduces everyone to his new wife and daughter. 
Riley Matthews was your typical teenage girl. She made sure her homework was done before bed, she never broke the rules, and she was in love with her best friend. Lucas Friar was a sweet, down to Earth guy, who caught the eye of just about every girl in school. Everyone basically thought they were together, so no one ever tried anything with either of them. They were going into their senior year. They went to every dance or party together, always met up to do homework at Topanga’s, and yet nothing serious had ever happened between them. Riley always figured that if he liked her, he would have done something about it by now.
Or maybe, he was just as afraid as she was to come out and say exactly how he was feeling. She couldn’t go on any longer pretending, or hiding how in love she was with him. She had to figure out how he felt.
A few days before school started, Riley was told by her parents that her Uncle Shawn had gotten married to a woman who had a daughter her age. Cory asked Riley if she wouldn’t mind showing her around school.
“They’re all coming over tonight for dinner. Can you believe it Topanga, our little Shawny, all grown up and married with a kid.”
“I can believe it. I’m so glad he and Kitty stopped pretending they didn’t have feelings for each other.”
“Oh no, that carries into adulthood.”
“Have you not had the big talk with Lucas yet?” Topanga asks.
“What big talk?” Cory asks, a little more concerned.
“No I haven’t, but soon. We’re actually supposed to-”
She gets cut off by the sound of the door buzzer.
“They’re here!”
Cory runs over to the door, unlocks it, and waits for his best friend to appear. Shawn walked through the door first. His rugged exterior hasn’t changed a bit. Kitty follows him. She had golden hair, and was wearing a sundress. Maya walks in last with a sour look on her face. She’s holding a box of cookies.
“Here.” She hands the box to Cory, who is just ending his embrace with Shawn. “We brought dessert to seem polite.”
Maya had long, flowing blond hair, was about five feet, and seemed a little rough around the edges. Riley could tell it was a little bit of an act though, someone who wanted attention.
“Maya, this is Riley, Cory’s daughter I was telling you a little about. Riles, why don’t you two hang out in your room for a bit before we eat. Give the adults some time to catch up.”
“Sure thing Uncle Shawn. My room’s this way.”
Maya follows Riley into her room to find Lucas sitting in her bay window. Both of the girls’ jaws drop, for different reasons of course. Maya raises her hand, and points at Lucas.
“Who he?”
Riley quickly closes the door in Maya’s face. She opens it a crack.
“Sorry, he and I have to chat, just wait here a second.” Riley closes her door, and locks it. “Lucas, what are you doing here? How long have you been sitting there?”
“Not long, don’t worry. Who was that? New friend?”
“I’m not sure yet. Shawn got married, gained a daughter with his wife. She’s gonna be in our class, and my dad basically asked me to be her friend. I don’t know much about her, but she seems nice, she brought dessert.”
“Oh, that was nice.”
“So, um, back to my previous question, why are you here?”
“Oh, right. I came here because I wanted to talk to you about something. We’re gonna be seniors Riley, we need to figure this out.” His downs in the window, and pats the seat next to him. She sits, but not too close.
“What do we need to figure out?”
“This.” He gestures with his hands back and forth between the two of them. “This gap we have between us, figuratively and literally. Sit closer will you?” She scootches a little closer. “Riley,” he starts, not realizing he has placed a hand on her leg, making her feel nervous. “I need to come clean about something. But, I don’t want you to think I’ve only been friends with you because of the way I feel about you. I value your friendship more than anything.”
Back in the hallway, Maya tried listening in to the conversation Riley and Lucas were having. She couldn’t believe a boy like that was just sitting, waiting for Riley. Cory walked over to get the girls for dinner, and raised an eyebrow when he saw Maya standing out there.
“What’s going on?”
“Oh, some boy needed to talk to her. Seemed serious, I wouldn’t interrupt them.”
Cory knocks on the door, no bangs on it when he realizes it’s locked.
“Riley, you’re not supposed to have this door closed when you have boys over. Wrap up whatever conversation you’re having and join us for dinner. Lucas can join us if he wants too.”
Cory gestures to Maya to follow him to the dining area.
“What’s that all about?” She asks.
“I think my little girl is finally going to have her first boyfriend.”
Pictures for context:
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yuniesan · 8 years
The Cinderella Promise (RUCAS AU) - Chapter 5
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Summary: Riley Matthews went to Las Vegas for her best friend and her Uncle’s joint Bachelor/Bachelorette party, but fearing that she would never find happiness she hides out in the hotel bar drinking away her sorrows. While there she meets a handsome stranger with a proposition that would change her life.
Billionaire Businessman Lucas Friar went to Vegas for a business meeting, but after being denied the CEO position at his family’s company, for being known as a player/heart-breaker, he comes up with a plan to win them over if only he finds the perfect “wife” to play the part.
One year was all he asked for, once the clock strikes twelve on their one-year anniversary they would go their separate ways.
But what happens with they start to fall for one another?
Chapters [0.5] [1] [2] [3] [4]
Chapter 5 – The First Night
Riley started cooking, since Lucas said he wanted his mom’s chicken fried steak she decided that she wanted to try to make it. Although she had made it before she wasn’t sure if her own recipe was going to be the same, but maybe making it would make him happy, she thought as she started on the meal. She heard the front door open and close, she wondered if Lucas went out for a minute until she heard a voice calling out.
“Dude are you cooking,” someone said as the voice got closer to the kitchen. “I remember the last time you cooked the house almost burned to the ground so just do yourself a favor and… Oh my god you’re not Lucas.”
“No I’m not, but I will tell him that you don’t think he can cook,” she said with a smile. “I’m Riley.”
“Well damn sugar I never thought that I would meet you,” he said taking her hand and shaking it. “I’m Isaiah, but you can call me Zay.”
“Hi Zay,” she said looking at the lawyer in front of her. He wasn’t as tall as Lucas but he was handsome, his hair was buzzed and his smile was sweet. Yet she didn’t feel the same electricity she had whenever she was with Lucas.
“So where’s Lucas?”
“He’s in his office, he said something about contracts,” she smiled at him. “Are you staying for dinner?”
“I was actually going to crash here tonight, I’m the one working on those contracts and I need to hand them in tomorrow morning before the final meeting.”
“I’ll make extra, it should be ready in about an hour so go talk to Lucas and keep him busy so he doesn’t distract me.”
He smiled at her and nodded as he walked away. Riley didn’t think anything about it and just started making dinner.
Lucas looked at the contracts for the seventh time since he left Riley, all he could think about was finding the two guys who had done her wrong and punching them until they bleed. He couldn’t understand why he was so keen on saving her. A woman he barely knew but somehow she brought out every emotion he normally bottled inside, while calming him before he did or said anything.
“Lucas,” Zay said as he walked in through the office doors. “I never thought that you would keep the wife, what happened? Are you hiding something from me?”
Lucas knew that since Riley had told her family the story he needed to do the same, he was better at lying than she was so stretching the truth would be easy. “Sorry man, I should have told you. Hell I should have told you that I ditched you to go have drinks with her and when I told her about your idea she said that she was alright with it.”
“You’ve been hiding things from me,” Zay said acting shocked. “Is that why you didn’t want to go out with that leggy blonde the other day.”
The reason why Lucas hadn’t gone out with the blonde was because he was at the point in his life where meaningless relationships were useless, and also blondes weren’t his type, although they were Zay’s type.
“I didn’t go out with her because I was already with someone. We just wanted to keep it quiet and we’re going to continue to keep it quiet, this relationship was new and now we’ve gone and complicated it with marriage, I’m trying not to scare her off.”
“Well she’s out there cooking dinner and you eat way too much take out so I’m hoping she’s going to be a good influence on you,” he said, Lucas couldn’t help but think of Riley cooking something in an apron. She was cute and sexy at the same time so the apron would be more of a fantasy, her in it and nothing else.  “You’re heads in the gutter, I can tell.”
“Yeah whatever,” he said sliding over the contracts, he had made notes on the plane and looked through them several times since but the moment he had that conversation with Riley his mind wasn’t on work.
“Dude you wrote a million things on these, I thought you would be having a fun night with your bride instead you worked? Man what’s wrong with you.”
“Zay, you maroon I worked on the contracts on the plane, Riley was asleep the whole time and I needed something to do,” he said wanting to throw something at his friend then it hit him. “Oh and by the way don’t piss off her mother please I don’t want to have to deal with the ramifications of that.”
“How could I piss off her mother, I don’t even know the woman, hell I don’t even know your wife and we’ve been friends since we were kids.”
“Her mother is your boss, Topanga Matthews,” Lucas said watching his best friend’s horrified expression.
“My boss the shark, is the…the mother of your wife, but Riley looks as sweet as they come and her mother is a scary scary woman,” he said trying to find a way to make everything better. “I don’t want to be fired, help me not piss the woman off.”
“Don’t worry Zay,” Lucas said trying not to laugh at his friend’s horrified face. “Riley’s the sweetest person, and she won’t bad mouth you to her mother. Anyway I need you to give me the name of that P.I. that we used last year to look up my father’s widow.”
“Riley and I have only been together for a short time, but we decided to confess somethings to each other today after we went to get her stuff from her apartment. Anyway she told me about her exes and I want to have them checked out because they did her wrong man and I don’t want them coming back after her because she’s married to me.”
“You’re worried for her,” Zay said smiling at him. “You want to protect her, man if I had known that she would have calmed you to this point I would have found her myself and locked you in a room together.”
“Yeah yeah, whatever, I’ll give you their information tomorrow afternoon.”
“Alright man, I’ll do that and meet you in the office around one tomorrow, but I am crashing here tonight because your wife…” he laughed. “Your wife is cooking dinner and asked me if I was staying.”
Lucas wanted to hit him over the head with the papers but instead went back to work, “Just read over the notes please and tell me if there’s anything there that I should look it over again.”
“Alright,” Zay said and the two of them started working on the paper work. They reworded some parts and drafted a new contract together, an hour passed when Lucas started noticing the smell of food wafting towards the office.
“Man, I’m hungry and the smell of that food is only making it worse,” Zay said breaking Lucas’ concentration.  “I wonder if she’s done?”
“Don’t hit on my wife Zay,” Lucas said keeping his eyes on his papers. “Or I will deck you so hard you’ll end up back in Texas.”
“No I don’t want anything to do with your wife… Only her food, because it smells damn good right now. I don’t think I’ve ever smelled something so good.”
Lucas hadn’t either, no one had ever cooked for him other than the staff, his mother tried a few times but it was always chicken fried steak and sometimes it was a bad mess. He mentioned it because as bad as it had tasted when his mother had cooked it, it was still the only good memory he had of her that wasn’t tarnished by his father. He was so busy remembering the past that he hadn’t noticed that Zay had left the room.
“Damn it,” Lucas said getting up to follow.
When he walked up to the living room and saw the table had been set for three and Zay was already salivating over the food, Lucas couldn’t help but laugh. When Riley walked in from the kitchen she was wearing a simple white apron, but the fantasy that had slowly creeped up on him early had come back in full force. Her face was partly covered in flour and her eyes were bright, but all he felt was lust for the woman he married. He realized that they would be sleeping in the same bed that night and he didn’t know if he would be able to keep his hands off of her.
“Hey Lucas,” she said when she noticed him. “I made chicken fried steak, it might not be as good as what your mother made but I hope you like it.”
He couldn’t help but smile, she had made the only meal that made it feel like home just because he had asked for it.
“Riley can I pay for you to cook my lunch from now on because this tastes amazing,” Zay said his mouth full of food. “It tastes like how my grandmother made it, bless that woman’s soul, but man I miss her.”
“Who taught you to cook?” Lucas asked as he joined them at the table.
“Nobody,” she shrugged her shoulders.  “I used to cook here and there when I was growing up but when my mom got sick I started cooking every day.”
“People would pay for something that tastes this good, trust me Riley,” Zay said as he ate the southern cooking. Lucas wondered what else she could cook.
“I’ll make lunch for you both and bring it to the office tomorrow, that way I can meet your assistant,” she said smiling. Lucas knew that she wanted to find a way to get Isadora with her friend Farkle and he didn’t see any harm in letting them meet.
“Do you take requests?” Zay asked making Lucas laugh.
“Don’t worry about him Riley he just loves food, and cookies too.”
“I don’t mind, I never got to cook at the café because all of the pastries were made by the bakers who worked there so no one really tasted my food outside of my family,” she said as she served herself food. “And Zay I would take a request if you have one.”
“Southern Fried Chicken,” he said before putting more food in his mouth. “But that would be bad after eating this, so how about you surprise me with the best sandwich you can think of, and maybe some cookies too.”
Lucas slapped his friend upside his head the minute the cookies were mentioned. “Don’t push it Zay,” he said as he bit into his food. “Oh god this is good,” he said as he chewed, Riley laughed and ate her own food.
The three of them ate in silence as they savored their dinner, Zay making a comment every once and a while as he chewed. Lucas laughing, feeling almost human for the first time in a long time. When they were finished Riley automatically got up to clean but Lucas told her to take it easy. He cleaned the table and loaded the dishwasher, while she sat with Zay in the next room talking. He didn’t know about what but knowing Zay it was about the cookies, and anything else, how his friend didn’t weigh a million pounds was astonishing to Lucas.
While Lucas cleaned up Riley sat on the couch drinking a glass of wine as the fire place roared to life. Talking to Zay during dinner made her feel like she was at home with her family but now that they were alone she wanted insider knowledge on her husband. Something that no one but his best friend would know, because she needed to get to know the man she was married to.
“So Zay,” she started. “If I bribe you with cookies, my world famous double chocolate chip walnut cookies, would you tell me something about Lucas when he was a kid?”
“Oh sugar you tempt me, but that would be breaking the code,” he said trying to dodge the question.
“What if it’s just something that you two did together, I mean the man is a mystery to me most of the time but I would like to get to know something. It can be a funny story it doesn’t matter.”
“Well,” he started. Riley knew the cookies were a low blow but she had told Lucas something personal but still hadn’t gotten the same from him. “When he was little he lived in Texas with his mom, and his Pappy Joe, his grandfather, took him to a kiddie petting zoo. I went with them because my parents had to go to Arizona for something I don’t really remember. Anyway little Lucas was so excited that when we got to the goat pen to feed them Lucas had turned around at the wrong time, of course Pappy Joe had told him to never turn his back to an animal but Lucas had been bouncing around so much that he forgot. Well the goat grabbed him by the hair,” Zay started laughing as he told the story, she couldn’t help but laugh along with him. “Well the goat pulled Lucas so close because he was trying to get to the carrots in his pocket, when the goat let go of his hair he latched onto his pants and yanked them, as Lucas tried to pull himself off, but the goat pulled them off along with his underwear… I think Lucas still has the mark on his butt from the bite mark, you might have to check. Ever since then he won’t go anyway near a goat even though he loves animals.”
“Aww poor baby, I wish I could have seen that,” she said giggling thinking of a little green eyed Lucas trying to pull himself away from a goat only to lose his pants. For some reason the image in her mind went to the little boy she had met when she was little, she wondered if Lucas looked like that little boy when he was the same age.
“Zay why did you tell her that story?” Lucas said as he walked into the living room with a beer in his hand. “I hate that story.”
“Yeah I know but it’s still funny as hell, Riley you should have seen face when he lost his pants, I almost peed my pants that day it was so funny.”
“Zay get out of my house,” Lucas said, but Riley knew that he was joking. She stuck her tongue out and smiled at him.
“How about I tell you the story of how I almost drowned when I was little,” she said knowing that it wasn’t as funny unless Maya was around commenting.
“Geez, that doesn’t sound so funny,” Zay commented. Lucas looked at her with a worried face but she shook her head.
“It’s not that serious, it was Halloween, I was dressed up as a Princess, my friend was dressed as a vampire and my other friend was dressed as the bag of a ninja costume, that’s a long story but I’m going to skip it, anyway my mother had one of those bobbing for apple bowls in the middle of the living room but had never told me what to do but I wanted to try it anyway so I stuck my head in but for some reason I couldn’t grab and apple and forgot to breath while I had my head inside the water and I started to suck in the water. My friend Farkle pulled me out of the water twice because I kept trying the game, but I couldn’t figure it out.”
“Oh Riley, that’s just weird,” Zay said trying not to laugh but he couldn’t hold it in and started laughing at the two of them. “Seriously you two were made for each other, you’re the weirdest pair when you were kids.”
“Alright Zay, time for bed,” Lucas said getting up but Zay pulled him back down. “Zay it’s nearly eleven and I have a meeting at seven.”
“Fine, plus I don’t want to make a bad impression on my boss because she might kill me,” Zay said but Riley looked at him confused.
Lucas laughed and turned to her, “A quick funny Zay story, your mom is his boss.”
Riley started laughing the moment the words had left his mouth, the thought of Zay and her mother in the same office was not something she had imagined. Her mother loved her job with a passion and that passion often showed when she was working and it was frightening, but Riley saw it as empowering.
“Whatever, goodnight you two,” Zay said walking upstairs. That’s when Riley realized that she was going to sleep in the same bed as Lucas and her heart started to speed up.
He looked at her and smiled, “You don’t have to do this,” he said knowing what she had been thinking but she shook her head.
“I’ll get used to it as long as you don’t startle me in the middle of the night,” she said. “I just need to take a shower because I smell like fried food.”
Lucas left her to shower in the master bath and she was glad to be alone for once, she had taken her duffle with all of her pajamas with her, except the majority of them were silk and she didn’t know what she would do, instead she picked out the only modest looking piece out of all of them, and the one that covered the most of her. A silk romper that cut off just above her knees, it was her favorite color and she hoped it would be decent enough that it wouldn’t cause too much of an issue.
I can do this, she kept saying to herself. The two of them had only been married for a day and her mind kept going back to his perfect abs and his slight smile, and the look on his green eyes whenever he looked at her.
Oh I’m in so much trouble, she said as she finished up in the bathroom.
Lucas stood on the other side of the door changing into the only pair of pajamas that he owned, he wanted to make sure that there was enough material between the two of them. In one day the woman had already burrowed her way under his skin, she cooked his favorite meal, she opened up to him, if she smiled his body heated up thinking about how she looked at him. He defended her to her family, even though he had never done that before.
What was she doing to him? He wondered as he finished up, and grabbed some extra pillows from the closet. As he was walking towards the bed the bathroom door opened and he saw Riley standing there in a one-piece silk number and he felt his body stand at attention. She looked beautiful as her hair was pulled back and he saw the smoothness of her neck, and her long legs.
I’m in so much trouble, he thought to himself as he moved towards the bed.
“I can sleep on top of the sheet and you can sleep under it, the comforter is warm enough for me,” he said trying to give her a semblance of control over the situation. He knew that if he touched her legs at any point during the night he would lose himself. He also knew that there was no way he would be able to sleep with the extra restriction on his body.
“That’s fine with me, I usually get cold easily so…” she paused and looked up at him. “Anyway it’s fine.”
“Yeah, well I didn’t know if you liked extra pillows or anything, so I brought some out from the closet… I’m going to go brush my teeth and we can go to bed,” he said walking away as fast as he could.
The sight of her in her pajamas had awoken his lower half and he needed to calm down before he got into bed with her. He started by counting to a hundred as he brushed his teeth and washed his face. After he finished and he walked out he noticed that the lights were off except for his bedside table. Riley was asleep on her side of the bed, she must have been exhausted after the long day the two of them had. The bed was huge but she was curled up on the side as if her life depended on it and he thought it was adorable. He climbed into bed and turned off his light, it took him a while to fall asleep because he was aware of her being there but after a while exhaustion took him and he fell asleep.
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