#linda l
payuappa · 8 months
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death note doodles
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livingd3adqpid · 11 months
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The Successors
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drawthething · 1 year
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"Get your waterballoons ready, we're going to war" 👊🍔
I know I said I was gonna draw them muppets for this one but I got bored so I tried something else (with precious lil bean mouths 🥳)
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Linda L. Davidoff - Intorduction To Psychology - McGraw-Hill - 1980 (cover photo and design by Ben Kann)
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king-of-the-birds · 10 months
a launch party for wings
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He produced a handwritten invitation, leaving space to write in the invitee's name, as well as a number, which would be used for a raffle drawing toward the end of the evening. (The prize was a magnum of champagne; the disc jockey Jeff Dexter was the winner.) (..) The recommended dress was "glam."(..)
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Some 800 musicians, reporters, friends of the band and music business honchos were invited.(..)
As always at such events, there was ample carping, which a reporter for Rolling Stone duly cataloged. After describing the Empire Ballroom as decidedly unhip, a leftover from the days when the Joe Loss Orchestra would play foxtrots, and young ladies shopped for husbands among the dancers, the writer noted that while the wine and cheese were free, everything at the bar was for sale.
Eyebrows were raised when, instead of a Wings performance, partygoers were treated to fox-trots, waltzes, quicksteps, and congas, played by McVay's band-along with what McVay remembered as arrangements of sixties and seventies hits, including a Beatles medley and some Beach Boys tunes. They were raised higher still when the heavily sequined and coiffed Frank and Peggy Spence Latin and Ballroom Formation Dancing Teams filed onto the floor to demonstrate their artistry.
"I'm beginning to think that Paul actually digs all this" one guest quipped to the Rolling Stone reporter, "that he actually likes dance bands, ballrooms, and buffet food. That's incredibly camp, you know, incredibly camp. Have you seen his suit? It's like a clown's costume, the jacket is about five sizes too big, and it's not even been finished."
(from the McCartney Legacy Vol. 1)
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Paul: A press launch is always a good excuse to have a night out, so we invited friends and journalists, played the album, danced and had a few funny people come on to entertain. I wore an outrageous big check suit that I thought would be good. When I went to collect it from the tailor that morning he told me that it wasn’t finished. I said, ‘Maybe not, but it’s a look!’ So I went to the party with the cotton and the stitching showing, and everyone said, ‘Your suit’s not finished.’ I said, ‘Yeah, I know. Great, huh?’
(from Wingspan, 2002)
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Some of the guests that attended were Jimmy Page, Elton John, Sandy Denny, Mary Hopkin, members of the Who, the Faces, Deep Purple, Ginger Baker, Henry McCullough, Gilbert O'Sullivan, Graham Bond, Sandie Shaw, the Greek synthesizer wizard Vangelis, the actors Malcolm McDowell, and Terence Stamp, some of the Monty Python troupe, Sir Joseph Lockwood, the head of EMI, Allan Clarke, of the Hollies, and (Benny) Gallagher and (Graham) Lyle.
After the party a fan encountered Paul:
He went skipping (yes it is true) down the road with Linda and just as he turned the corner to a side street, I took courage and called him back. He stopped and said “yeah” so I ran to catch him up and breathlessly asked him for his autograph. The funny part is my pen was at the bottom of this large bag of mine! He stood patiently watching me with arms folded as I rummaged elbow deep. I asked him if he had a pen as I just couldn’t find mine; he said no (which isn’t surprising as he had this crazy suit on that had no pockets).
(Kathy Turner – From Meet the Beatles for Real: Wings Party)
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leatherhearted · 1 year
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Linda Darnell in A LETTER TO THREE WIVES (1949, dir. Joseph L. Mankiewicz)
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happy pride u cant tell me im wrong or its lesbian erasure
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asmilethatshines · 4 months
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This is the Wammy's orchestra playing "Fantasia alla marcia" - the ending song of Kingdom Hearts II. I call it "epic music" =v= There are a lot of crucial parts of the song played by the piano and violin and imagine it's Mello and Near doing so gives me so much joy and thrill at how talented they are!!! xDD
Almost died from drawing all the details of their musical instruments for maybe 5 people to look at, is it worth my effort? It's fucking yesssss because I got to see my 2 golden boys doing a duet together =v= they will play "Dearly Beloved" - the song that will be played at my funeral!
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captainhysunstuff · 8 months
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@unofficial-deathnotetober 2023 Day 8: Minor Character
I still hate that bratty kid from L's Monster Speech clip. Linda does, too.
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citizenscreen · 4 months
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Director Joseph L. Mankiewicz with Linda Darnell and Sidney Poitier on set of NO WAY OUT (1950)
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orange-s-mario · 8 months
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A superheroine wished into existence by Jimmy Olsen
2. Queen Lucy of Borgonia
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the queen of a fictional latin american country named Borgonia. She became queen because her parents died, and a Count named Norvello, kept her hidden from the public, in the hopes that she wouldn't steal the hearts of her citizens and allow him to quietly rule the country with an iron fist.
3. Linda Lee Danvers/Kara Zor-El (Earth-One)
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The original that sacrificed herself to save the multiverse/remaining people of the surviving universes. She was brought back in "Many Happy Returns" but then goes back to original Earth-One. I think she's now alive somewhere because of convergence??? She also showed up as Linda Danvers's guardian angel and visited Deadman on Christmas. She's met the original legion
4. Ellie Leeds
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She was the first to discover Supergirl's arrival, but was exposed to X-Kryptonite and fell into a coma. When she awoke years later - after a chance meeting with Supergirl - she started exhibiting Supergirl's powers, and also believed she was the Girl of Steel.
5. Louise-L
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the Supergirl of the 5020th Century; She traveled back in time, to prevent the goals of some villains named Toxus and Tal Belok
6. Matrix/Mae Kent
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Matrix, a protoplasmic creation of an alternate universe Lex Luthor. She's met the reboot legion
6/7. Earth-Angel of Fire Supergirl
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Linda Danvers, who fused with Matrix to become an Earth-Angel
7. Linda Danvers
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Linda and Matrix unfuse and Linda goes on an adventure to find Matrix. I think she's met one of the legions?
8. Ariella Kent
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Linda Danvers's daughter who was saved from the pre-crisis multiverse, and now exists in the future. She has pre-crisis kryptonian level powers
9. Cir-El
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thought to be Superman's daughter from the future, but was actually a personality grafted onto a separate person made by a future version of Brainiac to ensure that version's existence
10. Linda Lang/Kara Zor-El
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The Post-Crisis version of Supergirl, I think much of the weirdness in her origin was because of Kryptonite poisoning? She's met threeboot legion
11. Kara Zor-El/Kara Danvers
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The New 52 and onwards version of Kara Zor-El Supergirl, they showed much more of Argo's history in this version
12. Kara Zor-El/Karen Starr, First Supergirl, later Power Girl
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The New 52 Earth 2 version of Karen Starr, she has a similar origin to post-crisis and new 52 Supergirl where Superman grew up before she arrived on Earth, but like Earth-Two, the Superman and Lois of her world basically adopted her. She became Power Girl due to getting stranded on Earth 0
See Linda Lee Danvers
Kara Zor-L/Karen Starr (Earth-Two)
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(*sigh* also known as Paige Stetler) from Earth-Two, second Kara introduced, for a time, she was Atlantean. She is the only survivor of Earth-Two, except something something convergence :
3. Kara from Superman/Aliens
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The third Kara introduced, she is from a space colony named Argo (not the Kryptonian City, but instead from a planet named Odiline) that got destroyed by Xenomorphs, She and Superman tried to save the last Argonians, but they failed
4. See Kara Zor-El/Linda Lang
5. Kara Zor-L/Karen Starr (Earth 2) (Post-Infinite Crisis)
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A Power Girl from Earth 2, which seems to be a universe much in-line with Earth-Two, although there are differences here and there
6. See Kara Zor-El/Kara Danvers
7. See Kara Zor-El/Karen Starr
Honorable Mention Kara (She hasn't interacted with main continuity): Kara In-Ze
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the DCAU version of Supergirl. She comes from Krypton's sister planet named "Argo," she was adopted by the Kents, but then decided to stay in the future in the legion
Laurel Kent, despite not being here for Supergirl or Kara reasons, she is here due to Supergirl and the legion
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She was initially introduced as Clark's descendant. For some reason, despite being in the future, Legion of Superheroes had tie-ins for event annuals. Superman editorial (presumably because of Byrne) wanted to get rid of all kryptonians, so guess what happens during Millenium:
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anyways. the reason she is on this post:
Laurel Gand/(was called Andromeda pre-5YL) (5 Years Later)
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Due to editorial mandates, Kara was erased from the legion's history. Laurel Gand, a distant relative of Lar Gand takes her place. She basically has the same history as Kara except Khunds keep on trying to kill Daxamites
1.5/2. Laurel Gand/Andromeda (SW6)
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A time paradox duplicate of Laurel Gand.
3. Laurel Gand (Earth-247)
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She's a literal xenophobe now. She gets better and becomes a nun to atone
Sensor Girl
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(so she doesn't actually count, but it was noticeable enough to mention)
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Lesla-Lar was a kandorian scientist, who was an orphan that took the last name of her best friend Zora Vi-Lar. She was killed by phantom zone criminals she released, but then became a ghost where she still troubled Supergirl. Her initial plan was to replace Kara as Supergirl Also Lana Lang with a helmet
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The helmet supposedly gives superpowers to those who wield it - but it does not. Superboy tricks Lana into thinking it does due to Clark wearing the helmet while bullets bounced off of him
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salezoria · 3 months
Please stop Matt,,,
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I KNOW Matt used to do this..... I KNOW.... I was there,,,, ૮ ◞ ﻌ ◟ ა
im so high I can feel my muscles tingling
holy shit my nose hurts
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angelinvasion1 · 6 months
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paradisepoisoned · 1 year
I'm drunk, and work is consuming my life, so I give you the Death Note tattoo AU no one asked for.
-L was a world-famous tattoo artist, but no one really knows what he looks like except his clients and disgruntled employees, but his work is well recognized. Moved to New York to open his own tattoo shop but he's kinda a mystery in the industry and he's one of those owners that doesn't really show up to his own business anymore he rarely tattoos and when he does its only things he wants to do. Will fuck off to Cambodia for a month or something and then randomly show up to collect money and sleep there for a week.
 -L has only ever took two apprentices and they were Mello and Near. He took them on at the same time and it was a complete disaster. L refuses to take on an apprentice ever again
-Near specializes in sacred geometry, mandalas, and all that tedious crazy shit. Line work is impeccable. I feel like he'd be great at lettering and that fine line bullshit that everyone else hates. No one takes him seriously as an artist cause he looks like he's fucking twelve. He has amazing work but is absolutely horrible with clients due to his non existent social skills.
-Mello is the black and gray guy. He's one of those guys who just whips out a 23 mag and goes to town and bangs out a half sleeve in a few hours. I can see him doing crazy horror shit and those big crazy religious pieces like praying hands statues and all that good shit. He doesn't do color and doesn't like anything with a lot of linework. Looks scary but kinda a softie. 
-Near is great at linework. Mello is great at shading. They compete and fight on a regular basis. They have an ongoing silent war stealing each other's supplies,clients, etc. (They're secretly in love tho, deal with it)
-Matt definitely the anime bruh I could see him doing some super colorful new school anime type shit he's a street shop kinda guy at heart tho hell do the dirty jobs no one else wants to do and he's FAST he can bang out your little infinity symbol butterfly feather clusterfuck matching finger tattoo with your 13 friends no problem. He wears goggles while tattooinglmaoaoa idk why, but he also gives me big piercer energy, lol 
-I'm sorry but I can't leave out Linda. I feel like she's the color girl. Specializes in cover ups and botanical tattoos but shes well rounded and can take mostly anything that walks in. Probably the most organized artist out of all of them and keeps the shop from falling apart on a daily basis. I feel like L also trusts her to be the one to manage the shop while he's not there since the others are all completely unhinged, lol. Shop mom 100%
-Matt and Mello hit the bar at least once a week after work and talk shit till 4am 
-B Specializes in trash polka fucking fight me on it.
-B and L apprenticed together and were working together when L opened his own shop but B kinda went down a dark path and him and L drifted apart and now have beef so B is the artist no one talks about (except Mello cause I feel B woulda played a big part in his apprenticeship) 
-B also kinda legitimately tried to burn the whole shop down before he left soooooo...
-L has kept B's room open for years, hoping he gets his shit together one day and comes back. 
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sso-montana · 5 months
Disco Night ҉( ‘ ω ’ )/҉
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they're going to Fort Pinta Disco with Linda and Justin ( ˙꒳​˙ ) (it's a double date (Montana and Justin don't realize they're on a date together))
Lucy belongs to @mistfallenjoyer transparent version under the cut ^^
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