#linked it in case anyone else sees this and wants to listen 🥰
pianistbynight · 9 months
have you listened to liszt Un sospiro?
if you haven't you should its beautiful
yessss!!! it's so beautiful 💗 whenever i listen to it, i feel like i'm floating 🥰☁️
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wanderingelvis · 2 years
Honey, I need a part 2 of that Elvis x Innocent Reader ask. Y'all can't leave me hangin like this lordy
I'm so pleased you liked it! It means so much! 🥰! Anyways, here's part 2!
Here’s a link to Part 1 of Elvis x Innocent!Reader for anyone looking! 🧚
🧚🏻 Masterlist 🧚🏻
word count: 2,119
pairing: Elvis x Innocent F!Reader
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Things had gotten better for you recently, since you'd opened up to Elvis about the struggles you'd had in your classes, actually. You hadn't exactly made any friends, even though you were desperate to, but the teasing from the other boys and girls on set, had definitely stopped for the most part. Sure, you would see them looking at you, whispering to each other and giggling, clearly saying something about you but they wouldn't confront you anymore, and you were grateful for that.
You wondered if Elvis had spoken to someone, but you didn't want to ask, in case Elvis hadn't and asking him would put him in a difficult situation where he might feel that he should've.
You actually found the Mafia quite scary, they all wore dark clothing, would brandish guns that they had on themselves, and say words that your Momma had forbid you from ever saying. You wondered if Elvis had ordered them to say something, you knew that if any of the Mafia would ever tell you off, you'd probably run and hide under your bed and never come out again. Whenever you were around Elvis, which was a lot these days, you'd often find yourself in the company of the Mafia. Elvis could tell you were scared of them, you'd go quiet, shuffle as close to Elvis as possible and focus on whatever work you were doing, whatever book you were reading or whatever picture you were drawing - trying to make yourself as invisible as possible.
In all honesty, Elvis liked that you were scared of the Mafia, that it pushed you to be more reliant on him. He knew that none of them would dare look at you in a funny way, let alone hurt you, because they knew he was already obsessed with you, even if that fact would just fly right over your head.
But right now, you had some time off from rehearsals and you'd already run straight to Elvis' dressing room. You would always go to him, or his environment whenever you had any spare time, like he'd told you to do and like you liked to do.
Elvis was already there, looking through mockups of different outfits for his next tour. He wanted more jumpsuits, and that's what had been designed, hundreds of them for him to choose from.
You came in quietly, not wanting to disturb him, but you were greeted with that kind, friendly grin as Elvis asked you how your day was going, listening intently as you babbled away, telling him everything from the songs you were performing in rehearsal to how the door handles on the rehearsal door had been painted to white, but you preferred the old light blue color.
"M'sorry, m'talkin' a lot, Momma says that's a bad habit I got," You said softly, after realising how long you'd spoken for. You were just so happy to have a friend, you felt like no one else wanted to talk to you, so when Elvis let you, you'd talk his ear off. You hadn't realised how long you'd been talking for, but Elvis never seemed disinterested, not once. He would watch you intently, studying your face as you talked, nodding along and throwing his head back with laughter and chuckling loudly when you said something that amused him.
"S'okay honey, it ain't a bad habit, I could listen t'ya ramble on all day besides, sounds like you've had a busy day hm?" Elvis said.
You nodded, grabbing your copy of A Little Princess to read during your downtime. It wasn't the most advanced novel, but you were enjoying it. Your education hadn't been the best as a result of your mother prioritising auditions over school, but you could pick things up quickly when given the help, and you'd started reading more and more.
"Can I read in here for a bit, please?" You asked, never wanting to assume.
"Of course, little un', I'm just going through some outfits for the first-leg of the tour." Elvis said.
You got off the couch, sitting on the soft, plush, fluffy carpet, leaning your book on the low coffee table in front of you. Elvis parted his legs, and as time went on, you'd naturally lean back to sit in between them, the both of you in comfortable silence as you enjoyed your book and Elvis scanned through the outfits, every now and then lowering a piece of paper to show you a design he particularly liked, and to get your opinion on it.
After about twenty minutes, you put your book down, chewing a little on your lip, debating whether or not to ask Elvis about the incident that had happened before.
He'd never actually told you what 'give a head' meant, he'd just bushed over it and you felt a bit nervous to ask again. But you were curious, and he had said he would tell you.
"Um..." You piped up, before questioning if you really should ask Elvis. Elvis moved the piece of paper he was looking at to the side, looking down at you and raising one eyebrow, noticing you were looking a little confused and unsure.
You chewed your fingernails anxiously, your mind going back and forth as to whether or not you should bring this up. As you were thinking through your third reason why you should bring it up, you were taken out of your thoughts by a large hand, pulling your little one away from your mouth. You turned to see that Elvis was leaning down, stopping you from chewing on your nails.
"Now that is a bad habit baby, what's on your mind little girl?" Elvis asked as you gazed up at him with those big, wide eyes that could make him melt.
"It's stupid," You said before he cut you off.
"It's not stupid, Y/N, if it's botherin' ya, which it clearly is, you can tell me, I ain't gonna judge, I ain't gonna laugh, okay pretty girl?" Elvis assured.
"'Kay." You smiled sweetly. "I um, I keep hearing things on set or at the parties and I feel real stupid all the time because I don't know what people are talkin' about, like when Paulie Matthews asked me if I 'give a head' and I don't know what it means and I think it might be about being in charge of somethin' like if I'm the head of somethin' but m'not sure." You said, looking up at Elvis with nothing but innocence.
Elvis paused, he knew he'd have to tell you, but he knew it would be overwhelming for you to take in.
"Well, it's about sex," Elvis said gently, stroking your hair as you rested your back on his leg as you sat cross-legged on the floor. "Do you know much about that, honey?"
You simply shook your head, feeling a little anxious. "No but I wanna know," You paused a little, with Elvis simply watching you, not pressuring you or pushing you. This was a very delicate and sensitive topic, one that Elvis wanted to make sure was done on your terms. He knew that you could be overstimulated easily, so he would make sure he could be there for you, as slowly or as quickly as you needed him to be. "I think." You said.
"What would you like to know, little girl?"
"Um, well, I don't know really where to start really, I know that sounds stupid, but it's just a lot and, and I get confused sometimes with all of it and it's just sorta scary sometimes," You paused, fiddling with your fingers with your cheeks heating up into a pink shade. "M'sorry, that sounds dumb."
"That doesn't sound dumb, Y/N. Sex is a very special thing, so it can be scary to start with, s'only natural, little un'." Elvis assured. A small smile formed on your face as his words brought you comfort.
"How about we start with the basics? Do you know what sex is?" Elvis asked.
You nodded cutely, your head bobbing up and down eagerly, trying to impress Elvis and show him that you weren't as dumb as everyone thought.
"Wanna explain it to me then baby?" Elvis said cooly.
"Um, okay, it's um, well, um," You said, tripping over your words. "A man puts his thing into a lady and um, well, it makes a baby!" You said, relieved you'd got your words out.
"So you know where babies like you come from?" Elvis said with that shit-eating grin he always had, teasing you and making you giggle, covering your face a little with embarrassment.
"M'not a baby Elvis!" You blushed with a bashful giggle. "And of course I do! I really want to have a baby and be a mother." You said with keen earnest.
You'd always wanted to be a mother and be able to give all the love you had consumed inside of you to another being. Secretly, you wanted Elvis to maybe be the father, but you would never tell him that, even if secretly, he knew.
"Really?" Elvis said.
"Uh-huh! I would really like to be a mother! I think I would really like to have a baby!"
"I think you'd be an amazing mother." Elvis said with complete sincerity. He knew he was right, you were the most loving, caring and sweet little thing in the state, no, in the country.
Your heart was practically bursting, squirming about with delight. Elvis smiled, besotted with the sweet thing sat in front of him. "Really? Do you think so?" You giggled.
"Look at you, getting all flustered." Elvis teased. "But you're still a little one yourself, I ain't putting a baby in that belly just yet." He said, before he realised what he was saying.
Your eyes went as wide as a bush baby at his words. You didn't think he'd ever look at you in that way. Sure, you wouldn't really hesitate to admit you had a little crush on him, but he was the biggest superstar in the whole world who could have any woman he wanted, you never thought he was being anything but caring towards you.
Elvis got up from the couch, heading over to the drinks cart. "Want somethin' to drink, honey?" Elvis asked, pouring himself a scotch.
You asked for a Coca-Cola which he grabbed from the fridge, walking over and handing it to you as you stayed sat on the carpet.
"Doll, are ya sure you wanna keep talkin' about this?" Elvis checked, not wanting to make you uncomfortable - that was the last thing he'd want.
You nodded. You were hesitant of course, and Elvis could see that. He assured you that you could both take the conversation at your own pace, stopping as soon as you said so.
Elvis went on to explain to you what 'give a head' meant, your eyes went wide, and your nose scrunched up cutely, Elvis laughed a little at your reactions, but never patronised you. You asked endless questions, and Elvis answered every single one.
You felt fortunate to be around Elvis, he let you take everything at your own pace, which you loved as you always felt like you were a little slower to pick things up and felt a little behind everyone else. Growing up, your mother would berate you for not learning your audition lines fast enough, but despite always trying your very best, you could never quite catch up.
Elvis treated you differently though, he never rushed you, not once. When you didn't understand something, you could lean up on your tippy toes and whisper it into his ear and he would gently explain what was going on, guiding you and helping you, no matter how big or small.
"Now, I think that's enough for one day." Elvis said, placing a light kiss atop of your head. "C'mere, little un'," Elvis softly demanded, gesturing for you to join him on the couch. He opened his arms for you crawl into, cuddling you close.
He was proud of you, it was an intense conversation but you handled it well. "How are you feelin' pretty girl?"
You smiled up at him, telling him that you were overwhelmed but happy, which he understood. "How's about you tell me about your new book, little lady?" Elvis asked.
You nodded eagerly, beginning to ramble on about everything you loved about the book, what you think will happen and all the things you thought Elvis would love about it too.
Elvis watched, thinking about how cute you looked. He looked at today as a breakthrough in your relationship, he knew it wouldn't be long before he took the next step with you.
Naturally, you were completely oblivious to what he was planning, but you trusted Elvis, you knew he'd always protect you. You were his.
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iloveyou-writers · 1 year
Hi! I'm just coming here to say that I relate very much to both the long-coming urge to chop your hair off and mental health struggles.
And, I don't know if this is the case for you, but for me spreading love when I myself feel miserable comes from a place of "if I can't make myself feel better, at least I can make someone elses day better". And that's so beautiful.
What I want to say is that (no matter what the reason) I admire your compassion and wish you the best. It's so lovely to see you on my dash! <3
My lip quivered a little reading this.
I do it because I grew up feeling utterly alone, like I didn't matter and like my feelings didn't matter.
Honestly i don't know if anyone here cares about what my past was. I can paste a link to a Playlist where I talked on YouTube about my past... but like. I had a ROUGH childhood.
The loneliness I grew up with combined with a feeling of not mattering and never being listened to... it pushed me into being more compassionate toward the struggling. I don't want anyone to ever feel how I felt.
And since I was a preteen being an inspirer to those that hurt like I did has always been my dream. To help them out of their darkness. To make them see there's more beyond this hole.
And to me, all of my support blogs are a way I do that.
Yes. I fall short. I have human emotions. I get annoyed and frustrated. I lash out sometimes. But my end goal is still there. I'm still that traumatized child on the inside wanting to just love everyone while hating that I even breathe.
And so yeah. Anyway like I said if anyone CARES to hear about my story I can send the link but it's okay if you don't wanna hear it.
It was... not a happy story.
Anyway thank you and thank you for reaching out! 🥰🥰 this made me so happy to read.
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psychics4unet · 25 days
can i ask what i can do to improve my relationship with my partner? what should i change? and what does he really want? also is there something he may be hiding from me
his initials are OF and mine DT
Free Psychic Reading – Crystal Ball Gazing 🔮✨
Hey there! So, I took a deep gaze into my crystal ball, and here's what I see about your relationship 🌈❤️
To improve things with your partner, the vibes suggest you focus on open communication. It feels like there might be some unspoken words that are creating tension between you two. Maybe a heart-to-heart could clear the air? 😌🗣️
What should you change? The energy coming through is all about patience and understanding. It seems like there’s a bit of a rush to resolve issues, but slowing down and really listening to each other could do wonders. Try being more empathetic and putting yourself in their shoes 👟💞
Now, what does he really want? The crystal ball shows me that he’s craving some emotional security. He wants to feel loved and appreciated, maybe even a bit more pampered 😇🥰. A little extra affection or a sweet gesture could really warm his heart.
As for whether he’s hiding something… 🤔 the crystal’s energy is a bit foggy on this, but there’s a sense of some internal conflict or doubt he’s keeping to himself. It might not be something big, but rather a personal struggle he’s not ready to share just yet. Trust your intuition and give him the space to open up when he’s ready. Sometimes, a little mystery can be healthy in a relationship 🌙✨.
Hope this helps, and sending you all the good vibes for your relationship! 🌟💖
Got questions or need some insight into your life? I'm here to help with personal psychic readings! For just $7, you can get answers to up to 7 questions! More info at:
In case anyone else here on tumblr would like a free psychic reading (crystal ball gazing), Click the link and follow the instructions (I answer only to those who follow the instructions, thank you):
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Hewwwo ! It's the qp tbiz anon again !
Thanks for linking the qp tbiz fanfic , I've actually read some of it ! But then life happened. Totally slipped my mind that it was qp. Now that I checke d it there's so much more added :)))) ( even second parts, yumm ! Can't wait to binge )
Subversion of expectations and an aro izuna ??? Idk if ive read any aro izu, a bunch of ace Tobi tho. The story line too, goddamn that's soo on point izuna behaviour. Launching myself into it like moth to flame as i type. And omgomgomg do I smell some effing good aspec rep ??? I'm borrowing madara being aroace headcannon (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ ( unless I want him in action in which case ya know)
I understand completely about not writing for the week events or anything, (time is not really anyway). So take your time ! Don't push yourself too much ! At some point if/when you do write it I would be excited to read those !🥺❤️
Take care of yourself! Have a great day/ night!❤️
yay i'm glad for you that you can now go back to continuing reading that story 🥰
listen!!! LISTEN!!!! i fucking LOVE aroace mdr so much!!! i love the idea that at some point he suddenly realizes he should probably get some experience in the sex/romance department considering he's clan head and it's expected of him to marry and have heirs one day. but he never gets past the stage of kissing bc it just... doesn't do it to him. he also fails to see what the big fuzz around romantic love is abt? sure, uchiha love deeply, but that's exactly it - he already loves his brother more than anything else in the world, he also loves hashi as his best friend, as the person who shares the same dreams and ideals as he does, so how could there be someone he's supposed to love "more" (as some ppl tend to say)?? all his love is already taken, there is no room for anyone else. so he just... leaves the whole "having a heir" thing up to izuna.
i also like to imagine that he's super oblivious to this sort of thing. someone carefully subtily points out the homoerotic vibes mdr and hsrm sometimes give off and mdr replies smth utterly inane like "hashirama is my dance partner?" not realizing at all how that sounds or why the person looks weirdly at him lol
my favorite will always be mdtb being nasty with each other bc i'm enemies to lovers trash, especially when they're still enemies but decide to put their anger into fucking instead of punching, but aroace mdr is a hc is hold very dear to heart 😌♥️
thank you again for the kind message ♥️, and yeah the qp tbiz fic will happen, as soon as i'm finished with my other priorities. at least this time i actually wrote down what i want to write which i do way too rarely and then too often come back to a wip with no clue anymore what i wanted to write lol i'm hopeless like that
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