#linked universe head canon
lu-twilights-pup · 1 year
Some yandere legend headcannon he is stuck in my brain right now
I got you! sorry if this is out of wack or really short!!
Yandere, obsessive themes, unhealthy behaviors, unhealthy mindset, implication of violence
Yandere! Legend (some art)
He would not particularly like that he liked you at first
Not for some ‘it’s not like i like you’ reason no, simply bc he didnt plan it
And he rarely gets to keep things that they like. so you won't be going far from his sight
he deserved to have something to obsess over love
but with the way you look at him, of course you were a bit scared shy, but love them all the same
you haven't looked at anyone else like that, so it must be true
and who is he to keep you from what you desire? what you deserve?
they can give you everything in the world and more, burn it to the ground if you so please
his brashness and sarcasm may off put you or even make you dislike him entirely, but that won't stop him, he will worm his way into you life with sweet words and somewhat heartfelt gestures
flowers and candy, your favorite books, bumping into you at your favorite shops and picnic spots.
you would have no choice but to give him the time of day he knows you want to.
he would dazzle you with items for all his adventures and quests, captivating you with magic and ancient secrets
casting spell after spell that he had learned, but never telling you that he slipped in a binding spell somewhere in the mix, between the two of you.
they would act so concerned and puzzled when you came to their door, terrified and upset, unable to explain the paranoia and fear that has crept into your skin
they would hush you and coo and act heartfelt when you told them that you only felt truly safe around him.
and oh once that happened it would be over and done with, you must stay with him, this would be proof.
"Sweetheart, don't worry, I wouldn't let anything happen to you, the only thing you have to think about is you and me" <3
he would use his need to hide for royal soldiers as an excuse to live far far away form any other people.
and who were you to argue when being away from them was oh so excurtiacting
If you mentioned leaving and trying to fight through the anxiety on your own, he would break down and tell you of his adventures and their less fun parts. of companion after companion who abandoned him.
lest you not break his poor battered soul you stay by his side, in his home, on the outskirts of town
and when they did venture with you into town, and a mage told you of a curse placed no your heart, he would shun them and drag you out
spinning a tale of them only wishing to frighten you so that your purchase their protection charms, and if you wanted to buy one after that, you needn't worry
he has hundred fro your to chose form, and would find hundreds more if you didn't like any of them
of course they are all fake, just pretty jewelry for a pretty face, and when they don't work as you venture out, their advice is clear as day
"You're all mine to protect sweetheart, no need to be out and alone, all you need is me, and all I need is you. Stay with me won't you?"
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snailtaco · 6 months
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Old man, young man, whatever time guy
I haven’t actually drawn him yet which is surprising, so I’m making up for it (^v^)
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chatter-crow · 1 year
I have this headcanon that Wild is just incredibly flexible, and the chain only finds out when they’ve bent themselves into a pretzel one morning.
Wild: literally bent in half
The Entire Chain: What the f u c k.
And Twilight knows and is just sitting somewhere, going ‘oh,this is normal.’
My reasoning for this you ask? Well, Wild can do entire BACKFLIPS fresh out of the shrine, which indicated at some point they must have done some sort of flexibility exercises pre-calamity. Now they can just… bend? And yes, they use this far too often to scare the everloving shit out of anyone they can find.
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randomluthoughts · 2 years
Wild: *Gently taps table*
Warriors: *Taps back*
Time: What are they doing?
Legend: Morse code
Wild: *Aggressively taps table*
Warriors: *Slams hands down* YOU TAKE THAT BACK-
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gintrinsic-writing · 8 months
One Week In
For @meanlesbean! CW: body horror
It was an honest mistake. That was the best thing that could be said about the situation. 
“What’s happening to him?” Warriors demanded, staring at the crystal laying mere inches from Time’s shadow-cloaked body. “What is that thing?”
Twilight snatched the crystal up before anyone else could touch it. The urge to transform pulled at him, dark magic prickling beneath his skin. He was able to resist only due to experience. “It’s a magical item. I didn’t mean for—”
“It’s cursed!” Legend snapped. Several of the rings on his fingers flashed threateningly as he took a step back. 
Suddenly, the shadows around Time condensed and sharpened into little black prisms that dimmed the light around them. When they fell away, they dissipated like spun sugar on the tongue. 
Time’s skin melted much the same way. 
“Sweet Hylia,” Sky breathed. Then the screaming began. 
Time doubled over and howled, the sound too guttural to be Hylian. The flesh of his hands peeled and curled, large splinters of wood sprouting from the joints of his fingers. The vertebrae along his back fractured, each loud pop accompanied by a protrusion of heavily keratinized skin. He clawed at the sides of his face as if reaching for something, the pits of his eyes—first blue, then orange, then a depthless black—leaking jelly and blood. He grew and shrank and grew again, his clothes splitting at the seams. The muscles between his ribs parted as though from a sharp instrument, the overlying skin fluttering with every pained, shrieking exhale. 
“The Master Sword!” Twilight ordered frantically, his pulse racing from fear. “Sky, touch him with the sword! Hurry!”
After that, it was over almost as quickly as it began. Sky pressed the flat of the blade against one of Time’s spasming legs, and they all watched in horror as the transformations ceased; scales fell away like confetti, claws sloughed from weeping nail beds, fibrous roots slithered out of abused veins. Time wailed where he lie. 
Before Twilight could summon his wits enough to move, there was a metal rasp, then a blade was held to his throat. “You better have a good fucking explanation, dark,” Legend hissed, ignoring the startled sounds from the other heroes. “I’m not inclined to give a second chance.”
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So I've seen art for Warriors as a swan, and Hyrule as an opossum (I think he's more platypus, personally). So what kind of animal do you think Wild would be if he touched Twilight's crystal?
Honestly, I think that Wild would be another wolf. If Time is a (golden) wolf, and Twilight is Wolfie, and you head canon that Wild is part of that family line, then I think it makes sense that Wild would also be a wolf, or at least in the canine family like a coyote.
If I can't choose a wolf, though, I think that he'd be something like a bobcat. Fast, wild, and agile. What do you think he would be?
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caramel-catss · 5 months
we need more speedrunning references in links meet aus. like, imagine the hero of the wild performing a wind bomb randomly when the group needs to get somewhere. the hero of twilight picks up a rupee and over the next few panels he slowly moves to the left. the hero of winds needs to cross a large body of water with no boat so he just performs superswim. the hero of time is always carrying hot spring water on him, and when asked why, he performs bottle adventure. the possibilities
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marte-14 · 12 hours
I like to think that, once it's revealed that Sky is the first, everyone will just "blame" him over their bad habits and traits, Sky just giggle and says 'sorry' (he isn't sorry at all)
*Hyrule disappeared during lunch and they are now searching for him*
Wars: Sky, do you also have the tendency to wander off with telling people?
Sky: Well... Back home, especially in my academy days, I would take Crimson to explore the sky. My teacher would always scold me for disappearing without permission.
Wars: So Hyrule took from you.
Sky: *giggles* Yeah, sorry!
*Wild just did some property damage*
Time: *very tired* Champion...
Wild: It's not my fault for how I am! It's Sky's! He destroyed a chandelier in a tavern in his hometown!
Sky: There was a heart piece up there!
Time: *even more tired* Chosen...
Sky: *rolls his eyes* Soooorry.
*the Chain is running from some absurd troubles they found themselves in*
Legend: Why do we end up in situations like this?!
Wind: It's Sky's fault!
Sky: I wasn't even there!
Four: Yeah but I'm pretty sure that the "trouble magnet" trait came from you!
Sky: Well excuse me! *he is close to dying from running too much*
*Sky took a nasty hit for Wars, Wars immediately after took an even nastier one*
*they are resting after the battle, side by side*
Sky: You should have taken that hit.
Wars: *smiles* You are the one to talk?
Sky: Mine is just a big bruise. You broke your arm.
Wars: And now I am healed. Chosen, you would take hundreds of hits for me, and I would do the same for you.
Wars: I get it from you after all.
Sky:... Sorry.
(the only time he is really sorry about it)
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yashahimewasamistake · 5 months
My head-canons about Links and their cooking abilities ranked worst to best:
Sky. He had never cooked a day in his life. He is like the child who always has three meals ready and doesn't know the price of the milk.
Hyrule. He can cook for himself, but he is too utilitarian. He isn't about the taste but having the food ready as quickly as possible.
Four. He prefers re-heating food than cooking, he knows how to cook eggs and fry fish, but, really, he prefers his lunch to be packed before going into any journey.
Wind. He knows how to make some decent dishes. But he only knows the measures required for three servings. So, whenever he is put on cooking duty, he adds too much salt or not enough.
Warriors. He will do amazingly well with a recipe, but his cooking experience is mostly re-heating food.
Legend. He has a great repertoire and experience, and when he cooks he cares about doing things right, but, he doesn't like cooking.
Time. He used to be utilitarian like Hyrule, but he is too kind so he improved himself in order to have the rest of the Links well fed. He still has a lot to learn.
Twilight. He enjoys cooking and has a good eye for measurements. In a proper kitchen, he would do better than the rest of the Links, sans Wild. On the road, Twilight won't make anything fancy, but he knows how to prepare fish and some animals.
Wild. This guy knows how to cook. He knows plenty of recipes and how they can improve a person's health. He loves food, and preparing food is part of that love.
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silvrash-797 · 6 months
What are Four and Wild up to in your WIP?
Plink made a post a while ago about Four's faces in the Dawn pt 5 update, and it gave me an idea about writing at least part of that update from his perspective. I haven't made it very far yet, so right now Four's just waiting for Wild to show up while Blue's complaining about Wild's tendency to use swords for mining 🤣
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ordonianhero · 1 year
Content creator vs fanons.
Jojo has explained their twilight. I don’t mind if people have fanon’s but also respect their own words on how their character is. He doesn’t have wolf like traits when he is in his Hylian form.
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imaginequill · 6 months
Linked Universe headcanons
Maybe one day when they're all taking a break from travelling they'll start chatting and someone will bring up the topic of people they've met on their adventures.
Time will mention Ruto, Malon, Saria, etc... (He avoids mentioning anyone in Termina and Navi)
Hyrule will probably mention the old man, old lady, the great fairies, and Zelda.
Wind will mention Linebeck, Tetra(or Zelda, I guess), etc.
Sky will mention Zelda, Groose, Impa, etc.
Four will probably mention the three great fairies, Zelda, Ezlo, and the Minish.
Wild will mention Sidon, Riju, Tulin, Yunabo, Kass, Hestu, Robbie, Impa, Purrah, Zelda, Beedle, etc...
Everything will be fine until it's Warrior's turn to talk.
At first it will start off with him mentioning Tetra, Wind, Ruto, Impa, Sheik, Medli, and someone he calls 'Mask' or 'Sprite'. As well as Ravio and Fi.
But then he mentions Midna.
Of course Twilight angst and whatnot, blah blah blah...
But it gets worse.
He then mentions Marin.
Immediate outburst from Legend, mayhaps...
Or maybe he becomes extremely tense as he slowly mentally spirals inside his mind because 'Marin wasn't real, but if she wasn't real how did Warriors meet her???' And probably... 'MARIN'S ALIVE?!?!'
Yep. I think lots of Legend angst. Maybe even a fight between Wars and Legend due to Legend's disbelief. "You're lying." "What are you talking about?" "Marin isn't real."
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chatter-crow · 1 year
lu sexuality/ gender hcs because i can’t talk about them anywhere else
Sky: transman, he/him, demiromantic straight
Four: genderqueer, all pronouns, abrosexual
Blue: Trans girl, she/they, lesbian
Vio: gendervoid, they/it, aro-ace
Red: pansexual cis man he/him
Green: demiboy, he/they, gay, asexual
Time: they/them agender, bisexual with a preference for women
Warriors: trans man, he/him, gay
Hyrule: aro-ace, cis man
Legend: they/he, demiboy, pansexual graysexual
Twilight: he/they/she, genderqueer, omnisexual
Wind: transfemme, they/she, lesbian
Wild: genderfluid and transfemme, he/she/they, bisexual with a preference for men :)
Please send me an ask if you want to know my logic behind any of these or if you want more, I will happily oblige
Yes i did make half of them be on the a-spec because I am
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russeliarat · 2 years
I forgot to send this in, oops!
What are some relationship (not just romantic, but any type of relationship) headcanons you have for the chain (plus people like Malon, the Zeldas, etc)?
So I'm generally not good at picking up subtle parts of platonic relationships for the Chain because Jojo is really good at subtle writing. I have autism. Enough said. Anyway, I'll just focus on romantic relationships for the Chain and kinda expand on the Zeldas because I feel some are headcanons that very few people have for the Links and Zels. (A lot of my ideas for the Zeldas come from my Hylia's Heroines AU where all the Zeldas meet)
I'm not usually the type to come up with romance related headcanons, but I adore the canon ones between Time and Malon, and Sky and Sun. There's something so tooth-rottingly sweet between each of their relationships, even if we only see Sky's through his perspective. Another one I like the idea of is Hyrule and Aurora, who's the Zelda from Link's Adventure. The idea I have for her is a kind of energetic girl with traits like of Legend. Very sarcastic and good with humour, quite sassy. I love her. Their love almost comes off as puppy love, it's very sweet and affectionate.
Not talking about Aurora and Hyrule, the different Zeldas are obviously my interpretations because we haven't seen a single Zelda in the actual comic (bar Flora in a flashback for a single panel). I'll split it into sections coz it's easier to read that way.
Basically co-workers;
Time and Lullaby, Twi and Dusk, and Wars and Athena(/Artemis) fall under this category, but in different ways. While Twi and Dusk spent very little time together and thus don't know each other on too friendly of a level, Time and Lullaby basically worked to saved Hyrule together, though by differing means based on the timeline. I imagine Time became a little connected to Lullaby in the Adult Timeline, which carried over to the Child Timeline and they became friendly as kids after Time reported Ganondorf as a traitor. After he left for Majora's Mask and returned to Hyrule, I think the two would have reconnected. They're riding the line between co-workers and basically siblings lol.
Warriors and Athena fought a war together, they bond based on trauma but due to the fact that their relationship was solely formed during the war and is between a soldier and a princess, they keep it professional. It's likely to furthest Wars got was possibly becoming a battle advisor/planner.
Legend and Fable being siblings is one of my favourite relationship headcanons the fanon has. I have no idea where it came from but its very interesting, one of my current favourite LU fics follows this idea. In my eyes, they're very distant since Legend grew up outside of the castle. They're still civil but it's almost like Legend isn't a prince at all.
Another one is Dawn (Zelda 1) and Hyrule, though they're similarly a little bit distant towards each other, though they aren't actually siblings. Dawn takes a lot more after Fable than Aurora and there's a whole succession crisis thats happening now that there's a second princess in the mix. There's a lot of resentment and petty arguing, which includes playing homeworker and messing with each others love lives. Hyrule's aware of it but doesn't really know the extent because of his complete lack of knowledge about court politics. He stays away from Dawn mostly out of respect to Aurora but is civil when needing to interact with Dawn.
Tetra and Wind too! I see Tetra as an adult and grew up thinking that so I place them squarely in the sibling section. They're very close actually, they feel a bit like best friends lol.
Friendly (but in differing ways)
Four and Dot come to mind - I see them as second cousins because of their connections to Sky and Sun. They grew up together so their childhood besties basically, but it's like remixed because they're cousins so it makes it closer I guess? It's a bit chaotic post-Four Swords, but they manage lol.
Wild and Flora are here too, they reconnected after BotW and hang around each other. It's prob really hard to get a monarchy going again after Hyrule's governed by independant states so she likely just wanders around with him and does scscieny things. Technically Tetra and Wind fit in here too, on Legend and Fable on a good day. Oh, and Time and Lullaby. Yeah some ride the lines between categories and get honorary placements lol.
Honourable Mentions!
For the other love interests! Twilight has Midna and Ilia. It's a bit complicated for him, I think hes got a forbidden love kinda thing going on with Midna, but does eventually get with Ilia coz it's considered the right decision for him. There will always be that longing for Midna though.
Wild and Mipha are complex too, Mipha obviously loved the person who Wild used to be, but it's up in the air whether it was reciprocated due to things such as his position and his role and expectation etc. I personally think its an alliance thing - Rhoam's relations with the Zora is getting rocky, and there isn't a Zora Prince for his previous Zelda to marry, but there is a princess who seems to fawn over Zelda's bodyguard. Wild likely doesn't hold any such feelings for her in BotW due to the detattchment between him and his previous self, but still feels and understands what happened as most people remember their memories through the emotions they felt in the moment.
Legend and Ravio definitely have something going on, whether it be a once begrudging friendship turned close or a bromanceof some kind, no one really knows and they certainly don't either. All they know is that since they're living together in close proximity anyway, might a well just chill out within arms reach of each other.
And any relationship that came about amongst Skyloft's Knight Academy is solely Sky's doing. He's playing matchmaker and sussing out who's in who's mind. I imagine the thing with Patrice was genuine and they did like each other for a small amount of time before Sky discovered he loved Sun, but Patrice knew it wouldn't work out because he's searching for Sun and could almost sense the longing he had for his best friend. It didn't really matter if it was platonic or romantic longing, but Patrice knew it wouldn't work out so she split it off. It was nice for a while.
And my girl Linkle! She's is wholly underrepresented in this fandom which is a complete injustice. I imagine that she is Wars' older sister that donned her green clothes to protect both her country, her farm, and what was left of her family. I have a whole rewrite for Hyrule Warriors in a Google Doc that makes Linkle a part of the main story, wherein she creates a friendship with Lana and Midna, and I feel that for some reason I may have made Linkle and Midna connect a little too much for it to not come off as romantic. Who knows, maybe Midna just has a thing for farm-living heroes in green?
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Things that both happen in the same episode of doctor who
(content warning for dark humour and references to various morbid topics)
1.A thoughtful and moving depiction of suicidal depression/The Doctor fights a giant invisible chicken
2.An iraq war allegory involving aliens that cut off human skin and wear it/those aliens also fart a lot and laugh about it
3.The Doctor is tortured for billions of years in a metaphor for the incremental nature of moving on from grief/doors are revealed to be canonically sentient and mad at everyone and the doctor makes a psychic link with one
4.The Doctor grapples with the consequences of abandoning his friend because he cannot face the inevitability of her death/aliens make kids into geniuses by feeding them french fries fried in space oil so they can hack into the universe, they are then killed by said french fry oil
5.A man must deal with his loved one's inevitable death from a terminal illness/the doctor flys a sleigh pulled by a flying shark while wearing a santa hat
6.The Doctor accidentally causes his companion to be killed then brought back only to be trapped in a dystopia for ten years mutilated and dehumanized/missy dabs
7.The endpoint of the human race is revealed to be them mutilating themselves putting their heads in spheres and sadistically murdering other humans for fun/The Doctor becomes tinkerbell jesus
8.The Doctor admits that he's seen so many people die that he's lost count and become numb to it/the villains evil plan revolves around burning a sea monsters poop as fuel
9.The Doctor grapples with the ethical implications of the death penalty/a farting alien tries to blow up a town and then escape on a space surfboard
10.The Doctor abandons his companion for 30 years and then erases a version of her from existence against her will/a robot is killed by getting hit on the head by a replica of the mona lisa
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For the ask game: 12!
Was there a scene you wished you could have included? Why didn't it fit in?
So for BDOR it's less of a scene, and more like multiple scenes surrounding a single concept---the Champions can possess Wild's body. It didn't work with the story, but it was a neat concept, at least to me---basically, whenever one of the Champion's got upset enough, or Wild was just faced with a situation out of his expertise, one of the Champions could take over. The idea was that, after the Shrine, Wild's soul is a bit untethered to his own body (thus allowing other spirits to have some influence), and it produced quite a few fun scenes. A similar concept has been extrapolated to BDOR (more to do with his connection to the Triforce, though), but it just didn't fit with the plot I was trying to create.
Thanks for the ask! I love these ask games, they make me think. Maybe I'll revisit this concept sometime, it was really fun.
(sorry for the late response, btw. Somehow I saved this in drafts instead of posting it *facepalm*)
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