#linux gamer dog
linuxgamerdog · 2 years
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Cat with camera. The camera is a first generation Canon Rebel. The photo was taken with a later generation Canon Rebel.
See more of my photos and art on my following sites!
Linux Gamer Dog on WordPress
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linuxgamenews · 2 months
Unveiling Streets of Rogue 2: An Immersive RPG Experience
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Streets of Rogue 2 gameplay trailer immersive RPG sandbox game coming to Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. Developer Matt Dabrowski's impressive skills bring this exciting project to life. Making its way onto Steam. As someone embedded in the gaming scene, I'm eager to share some exciting news about a major upcoming release in the gameplay trailer for Streets of Rogue 2. This title is not just a sequel; it's a massive leap forward from its Linux predecessor, Streets of Rogue, which was a hit back in 2019, selling over a million copies. Developed by the skilled Matt Dabrowski and published by tinyBuild, this new entry promises to redefine what we expect from an open-world RPG sandbox. The official trailer is now out, and it's clear we're in for an expansive experience that's due to launch on Steam Early Access in 2024. What's so special about Streets of Rogue 2 gameplay trailer? For starters, it's set in a procedurally generated world that's about 100 times larger than any level from the first release. This isn't just a bigger playground. It's also full of variety, from bustling urban areas to eerie forests, ensuring that no two adventures are the same.
Streets of Rogue 2 - Official Gameplay Trailer
The game introduces a dizzying array of playable characters. Each bringing its own unique flair. Due to step into the shoes—or paws—of a Ninja, a Werewolf, or even an Alien. But the diversity doesn't stop with character selection. In the gameplay trailer, the Streets of Rogue 2 setting itself is a complex web of interactive systems. You can hack systems, control minds, engage in farming, or even build structures. And yes, you can both pet and ride dogs, which is always a win in my book. Then there's the arsenal available to wreak havoc: shrink rays, bear traps, and even a rat-summoning ocarina. It's clear that creativity in combat and exploration is highly encouraged. Matt Dabrowski mentions that this project is nearly a decade in the making. A testament to his dedication and passion for delivering a top-tier experience. With over 300,000 gamers already listing it as a must-have on Steam, the anticipation is palpable. As June approaches, keep an eye out for the playable game demo during Next Fest. The Streets of Rogue 2 gameplay trailer is a perfect chance to get a firsthand look at what promises to be an unforgettable adventure. Whether you plan to dive in solo or team up with friends in this RPG sandbox, it looks ready to deliver a thrilling, chaotic, and utterly fun experience that will keep players coming back for more. Due to make its way onto Steam in 2024 on Linux, Mac, and Windows PC.
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"Steambook Pro"
I've been doing some thinking - I think Valve ought to get into the OS game.
Steam's not just the biggest digital distribution platform on the PC, it basically IS gaming market for the PC. But its biggest weakness is that it runs on Windows, and by extension is basically at the mercy of Microsoft.
Should Microsoft ever try to make the PC a closed platform, by locking out third-party app stores in favor of its own, then Valve basically dies overnight.
(Just for the sake of discussion let's ignore for a sec how viable that move would really be, legally or otherwise)
Without a platform to work on, where then does it go? The only other serious OS in town is Mac OS, which is effectively a closed platform and Apple's not likely to share.
That leaves Linux. Desktop distros have made strides over the last decades but it's still far from being a drop-in replacement for Windows, especially for gamers.
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Software compatibility's probably the biggest issue. There have been attempts over the years to address this; Cedega, a proprietary fork of the Wine project, was one of the first of its kind I'd encountered. Wine itself is a "Windows Compatibility Layer" that allows you to run Windows software on Linux distros and the forks thereof extend that capability. Valve's already got it's fingers in this pie with the Proton project, and by all accounts its looking good. They've allegedly been hiring people specifically to work on it, which is SUPER COOL to me, because its about time desktop Linux got the love it deserves.
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Then there's hardware compatibility. Every time I've tried to install Linux on a personal computer there's always one piece of vital hardware (mostly network cards) that doesn't work right. At work I had the pleasure of installing Ubuntu on an old Dell and the touchpad didn't work correctly. I had to dig through documentation to figure out how to get it to turn the touchpad off while I was typing so my palms didn't accidentally activate it. On another machine at home, an Asus Zenbook, the Wifi stopped working and Pop OS! didn't recognize the USB wifi adapter that I bought to replace it (the wifi "card" itself was a part of the motherboard).
And this leads us to Valve. They've already dipped their toes into the hardware space with the Steam Machines, the Valve Index VR Headset, the Steam Controller, and now the Steam Deck. They've also got Steam OS - a Debian-based Linux distro that's "optimized for a living room experience". On top of that they're actively developing Proton specifically to run Steam's library of games on Linux, and alongside it a whole slew of open-source libraries/drivers/projects like Mesa and the Vulkan API.
I think the next logical step for Valve is to get into the laptop/desktop business, ala Apple and the Macbook Pro. The MBP is a designer product that runs propietary, closed-source Apple software and fits into a proprietary, closed-source ecosystem. Imagine a "Steambook Pro" running a desktop-optimized version of Steam OS on Valve-approved hardware (so as to minimize compatibility issues), maybe even marketed as a Windows replacement.
Once it's widely available (see how well the Steam Deck is doing?), you've got a user base. And once you've got that all third-parties from developers to hardware manufacturers will have a reason to take Linux seriously - to port stuff over to Linux _natively_ rather than just aiming for compatibility. And Valve will have reached the "promised land", an ecosystem where they don't have to worry about Microsoft turning the desktop PC landscape into a walled garden.
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The PC OS market's been in a stalemate for a while now - Microsoft Windows is top-dog and the only serious competitor is Apple's OSX and their numbers lag far, far behind Windows. To break a stalemate you need a wildcard, a third-party that can shake up the meta and I think that Valve is that wildcard.
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rametarin · 3 years
I didn’t want to reblog another long post, so I’ll just say my own thing here.
Gatekeeping fandom is good, ackshully.
Especially since we have a certain pattern of person, call them, “SJWs” if you want, that deliberately creep into a fandom with their values and shamelessly, deliberately, use it as a platform. They CONSCIOUSLY do this. They DELIBERATELY do this.
And then they have the audacity to see false positives and imagine dog whistles everywhere of things outside THEIR orthodoxy in the fandom being -isms, or -gnies. Accusing the people already there of being “out of date” and “toxic”, when it’s neither toxic nor uninclusive- it just isn’t rearranging itself to accommodate Intersectional Feminism or giving Intersectional Feminists voluntary control over everything from how something works to how it’s defined.
That to them is tantamount to being Nazis. And that’s kind of how you can tell they’re the same sort of daft, disingenuous fucks that wrap up socialist or ancom shit in supposed social progress. And if they could they’re reshape EVERYTHING to match their sensibilities, because their sensibilities are, “our way or you die.”
If you spend enough time peeking through academic papers and colleges you even learn there’s a thing many of them do. Which is, “Queering,” characters on purpose, to make them unpalatable or untouchable to cis/het people. That’s culturally like raising a flag on something to annex it and landgrab it.
And if you say, “hands off, this character isn’t gay?” They pivot and declare you’re just a homophobe whom is afraid of change, tell other people that and then talk in the broad bruckstroke about, “society is really so homophobic/afraid of new ideas. :c”
These people don’t even want to be part of that fandom for the sake of being in the fandom. They just want it because they want the fandom to perpetuate their values and parrot their beliefs and spread it to everybody else that wants to participate in that fandom. Do you like this popular thing? Okay, you can have popular thing, but only if you hug this Courtney Love doll and buy it and pet it and love it as part of the package deal!
And as part and parcel of the demanding to not just define the fundamentals and parameters of a fandom, they also demand to reinterpret the history of said fandom based on how out of orthodoxy to their values they find it to their own beliefs. So, was the hobby primarily done by white men in the past? Then naturally they’ll automatically paint it with a broad brush and say, “this hobby was very unwelcoming to non-whites and women in the past because of icky homophobic and misogynistic men!” Regardless of how many authors were beloved by the fandom that were female, regardless of how many women were equal fandom members before- they weren’t the Intersectional Feminist types of fans, so clearly they were “closer to the Daughters of the Confederacy than real people,” right? That’s how that works, apparently.
So yes. We had a taste of this in the 90s, but the feminists/radfems at the time weren’t trying to infiltrate the fandom and take it over to be about feminism. They were shaming boys and other girls for liking the big booby comic book girls as sexist and objectification and trying to get comic fans to abandon comics in order to pressure the companies economically into changing.
“These comics are written and drawn by MEN! MAAAAALE GAAAAAAAAAZE!!! Sexualized girls are only okay when WOMEN are drawing them and writing them for the authenticity!” And there were not many women that either liked comic books or wanted to BE in them, so they’d maintain that impossible standard to try and coerce the boys to FIND women for the sake of having a woman on staff, just to assauge their, “icky boys aren’t allowed to do this without me declaring it wrong” qualm.
And true to form for Progressives, give an inch and within a short period of time they just want more, and declare what was offered before was just to mollify or patronize them. “Oh so women can tidy up and do the low work. Why no female CEOs in the company yet? Why not Editor in Chief?”
But the way the Intersectionals do it is new. Rather than just stay outside the fandom because “yuck it offends my sensibilities, it shouldn’t exist,” they try and appropriate the fandom and then contribute rules and policies for it.
We saw this in the years leading up to Gamergate. The Subverters infiltrated video game journos, got incestuous and buddy-buddy with both Triple A industry people and independent game creators and traded favors, financial, sexual and other, for good reviews. Folks like Anita Sarkesian trying to make a name for themselves by already being insiders and getting plugged by the conspirators to LOOK like she was anything more than a plant for that cause, using other peoples video game playing footage in her critique videos, styling herself a holistic “girl gamer” and waxing poetic about “those awful neckbearded dudebros questioning my gamer cred! Tch!”
And so that romantic boogyman became a thing that they perpetuated. “The gatekeeping, woman hating, manbaby Gamer.” Where they then added in racism and male chauvinism and traditionalism and transphobia because you know you can’t just leave it at “misogynist.” Not, “in this society.”
Gamers protesting and demanding that game journalist magazines state their relationships to the creators for full disclosure got them retaliating asymmetrically, though. The FBI investigated all those, “threatening and trolling social media messages” that supposedly got Zoe Quinn and Sarkesian to leave their houses, “for fear of an attack,” and they got nothing. A few of them were caught doxxing themselves on purpose on 4chan. Quinn herself being part of the SomethingAwful’s Crash Override forums, where they’d do shit like this to troll and harass people for fun. They KNOW how to false flag and make it look like a bunch of angry dudebros did it.
Statistically the number of harassing egg names was far lower than the messages either girl received that was NOT harassment or threats, merely replies they didn’t agree with or didn’t appreciate. And yet they still ran around screaming about “all those misogynistic dudebro gamers” that were “harassing and doxing them.” And that boogyman became the party line. That Gaming and Gamers were full of toxic, misogynistic, racist manbabies SOooOoOooOO intimidated by, “women finally in what they feel are THEIR spaces,” that they’d try to run them out.
That’s how they interpreted it and that’s how the history books they write will repeat it.
They try and make a great big public show about “entering this toxic space” to flip it and civilize it, but what they’re really trying to do is officially own it. As a fandom, as a space and as a culture. And that entails being able to say what goes, what’s acceptable and what’s not, and set the tone and culture for that space. Meaning, to be able to gatekeep the product.
Rather than just decry the product, they decide they’re just going to mutate the product by slow assimilation, until the product doesn’t even resemble the original product anymore. They do this shit with comic books, videogames, and now they’re working on doing it to beloeved novels and their fandoms. It’s like forcibly marrying them to terrible people, so you can never have a fandom WITHOUT those people in your space trying to insist their interpretations of things are original canon, ever again.
And the sickest part is, these people DO NOT stop at fiction. That’s why this shit is called Cultural Marxism. Because it’s not much different from the way communists and socialist guerillas act and operate when it comes to land, resources and industry. They take over public spaces and forums and use a combination of instittional corruption, terrorism and violence and vandalism in order to destroy or silence competition.
They’ve even infiltrated the Linux community and taken over most of that, via Linus Torvalds’ daughter. You can’t have ANYTHING around these people, because they just sit and wait and conspire to come in and make even a simple community mural to revolve around whatever social issue and specifically their philosophy’s take on it being THE only valid take on it that everybody else must now interact with, good or bad, but they can’t ignore it anymore.
This is, also, partially why they hate it when fandoms are gatekept by singularly powerful individuals. Like say, authors of their own works. They don’t like singular owners of enterprise and property, because it prevents the mob from taking them and then dictating TO the creator, “this is the PEOPLES property now. WE decide, as the most powerful clique, what is true and real with it and what isn’t.”
Because like what happened with Frank Oz of Jim Henson Studios. An activist gay writer declared that Bert and Ernie’s relationship was “canon gay,” because he wrote them as canon gay lovers. There was a great big information cascade as all these affiliated journo companies published articles about how “happy they were to see Sesame Street and the Children’s Television Workshop as representing LGBT people in public!”
Frank Oz spoke up, set the record straight, “These characters were made by me and a friend and were meant to depict a platonic male-male relationship. They aren’t gay but I’m glad you could identify with them.”
That poor old man caught so much shit. They called him a homophobe, said he was, “stealing Bert and Ernie from them,” that he should just shut up and “let people have this.”
No. Fucking no. These people are fucking conspirators, believe wholly in dominating and taking shit over by moving their people into a thing until they have the warm bodies and the institutional authority to crowd out oppositional voices, then have the audacity to SCREEEAAAAAAM bloody murder about the dangers of anybody else organizing to contest them because, “The Nazis are gathering to attack us poor innocent minorities!!” Counting on the ignorance and unsuspecting nature of people to not know such a thing is fake or the totality of the situation.
That’s why they’ll keep this shit on the downlow and call anybody that accuses them of doing shit like this a liar or a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist. Demanding evidence, in bad faith, knowing there’s little to no way to PROVE any of this UNTIL they’ve done it, and then declaring you to be invalid since you can’t prove the conspiracy.
Because if you can’t prove it with evidence, they’ll simply say you’re a Nazi trying to smear “good people.”
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system76 · 5 years
System76 News: A May With Zing!
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The force was with us in May, as we have a ton of fun updates for you! See what’s new regarding hardware, manufacturing, and accessories, and what’s in the works for Pop!_OS and our open firmware.
In case you missed it, we recently announced that a new Gazelle laptop will be released soon! Gazelle has both 15” and 17” options and comes loaded with a 9th Gen Intel Core i7 CPU, an NVIDIA 16-series GPU, and up to 64GB RAM. Gazelle’s trifecta of CPU, GPU, and Memory gives content creators, gamers, animators, and designers a machine that can keep up with their graphics-heavy workloads. Head over to the product page to be notified when it releases this summer!
“Brace” yourself for these manufacturing tweaks to Thelio Major:
A new power supply brace, GPU brace, and PCI bracket improve stability within Thelio Major’s interior, especially during shipping. Similarly, modifications were made to the CPU heat sink duct to better hold the heat sink in place while in transit.
UK keyboard layouts are currently available on the Oryx Pro and Darter Pro! Though this keyboard layout is only available for a limited time, this option could stick around depending on popularity.
The ability to disable mouse acceleration has been added to GNOME Settings in Pop!_OS 19.04. Disabling mouse acceleration allows for the increased precision of mouse movements desired by PC gamers, artists, and designers for their unique use cases that depend on mouse accuracy. This patch was previously submitted upstream to GNOME by Mathew Bouma, but was not accepted. However, we’ve decided to include the patch as an option in Settings rather than through the GNOME Tweak Tool utility, as this feature has been highly requested among Pop!_OS users.
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VAAPI / VDPAU hardware decoding is now enabled by default for open source graphics drivers and the proprietary NVIDIA driver. This enables hardware decoding of supported video codecs in supported video players such as MPV. This can drastically reduce power consumption and CPU workload by offloading the expensive decoding tasks to dedicated hardware included alongside the graphics chip that was built specifically for those video decoding algorithms. This does not apply to Chromium or Firefox, however, as both of these browsers lack support for hardware decoding on Linux entirely.
Support for handling multiple hwmon interfaces for multiple I/O boards and CPUs was added to system76-power to combat excessive fan usage. This should reduce the amount of noise generated by fans on desktops that are affected by this criteria. A much quieter fan curve is also in the works and will arrive soon.
Patches have already been released for Intel’s latest security vulnerabilities. To apply these patches, users are advised to install all available updates and reboot. These patches address the following security vulnerabilities:
- CVE-2018-12126 Microarchitectural Store Buffer Data Sampling (MSBDS)
- CVE-2018-12130 Microarchitectural Fill Buffer Data Sampling (MFBDS)
- CVE-2018-12127 Microarchitectural Load Port Data Sampling (MLPDS)
- CVE-2019-11091 Microarchitectural Data Sampling Uncacheable Memory (MDSUM)
We’ve updated the youtube-dl package to a newer version. This package, maintained by Debian and Canonical, is used for downloading videos from YouTube. Changes made by Google to the YouTube API had recently broken this package in the Ubuntu repositories, hence the update.
Spacing issues between labels and icons in the Files side panel have been fixed as well. If you see any other issues with the GTK theme in 19.04, be sure to submit an issue report!
Pop Upgrade Progress
The new upgrade process for Pop!_OS is almost done! Though not yet implemented, the following changes have been made to Pop!_OS upgrading in May.
The option for keeping or disabling third party repositories was added to the upgrade daemon. Currently, third party repositories are disabled by default during an upgrade, which can interrupt a user’s workflow for certain applications.
Support for the Refresh OS option has also been added to GNOME Settings. Selecting this option will prepare the system to boot into the recovery partition on the next boot, and to ask to perform a refresh install. This allows you to skip setup for the language and keyboard settings, and to go straight to the refresh view.
Pop Upgrade: The Recovery Shell
The recovery shell was implemented this month, which opens a terminal to allow the user to manually recover from an error that prevents an upgrade from completing. Once the terminal is closed, the upgrade will be re-attempted.
Pop!_Volunteers This Week
@derpOmattic has submitted a handful of DEP11 appstream metadata: GNOME Authenticator, Lollypop, & PulseEffects. The addition of these apps to the Pop!_Shop was made possible through the help of @stratact and his DEP11 convertor. MR
@derpOmattic added the appstream metadata for Alacritty and TimeShift. MR
@adminxvii implemented checksum verification in Popsicle. MR
In open firmware news, the camera toggle hotkey is now functional. The last remaining hardware issues with running open firmware on our laptops lie with Thunderbolt. On Whiskey Lake chipsets, the Thunderbolt controller is often not in a functional state after suspending/resuming the system. On Kaby Lake chipsets, the Thunderbolt controller is never visible.
A new BIOS setup menu is also being designed for our open firmware so that the look and feel is consistent with the beautiful aesthetic you can expect from a System76 product. This will be implemented once the new firmware is ready for release.
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LFNW Recap
System76 was at LinuxFest Northwest! We hope you all had a chance to stop by and meet our support team. They had a blast speaking with all of you! In case you missed out on some fun things like the Jupiter Broadcasting barbecue or Emma’s talk on the importance of being HAPPY in tech support, you can see our recap of the event on our blog.
19.04 Pop!_Party Recap
A long time ago (May 4th), in a factory far, far away (Denver), we hosted a fun release party for Pop!_OS 19.04. Partygoers enjoyed Star Wars-themed food, such as Hanburgers and Jabba the Hutt dogs, trivia, a tour of the factory, and brought some swag home, too!
Pop!_OS Makes Classic Gnome Simpler
Jack M. Germain provides an in-depth review of Pop!_OS in this LinuxInsider article.
Opensource.com: System76’s Secret Sauce
Don Watkins of Opensource.com explores the “secret sauce” of System76 and the flavor that it adds to our culture and community.
Level1Tech Reviews Thelio
Wendell from Level1Tech has been busy this month on the Linux playground, testing out both Pop!_OS and Thelio.
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gulgbtqplus · 5 years
Meet the Committee 2019/20
We have 16 committee members who work together to run the society:
1. President: Maddy, She/her, [email protected]
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Hi, my name's Maddy, I use she/her pronouns, and I'm the current president of gulgbtq+! I'm a third year medical student and I was the previous welfare officer. I spend most of my time hanging out with my rat, hiding in the library, and doing things with gulgbtq+. I'm a chatty gal and I love meeting new people, so feel free to scream with me about Troye Sivan/Hayley Kiyoko/Charli XCX anytime.
If you have any questions or ideas, hit me up! I'm very excited to be a part of the society this year and engage with all our members ❤
2. VP Secretary: Quinn, He/Him, [email protected]
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Hi I'm Quinn and I am your secretary this year for GULGBTQ+. I am an economic and social history student who has been going to GULGBTQ+ events since my first moment in Glasgow. I enjoy poetry, comedy and films, and dogs, dogs are good. Can't wait to see you at events! If you ever want to message myself or the committee with any questions, suggestions or comments I can be reached at [email protected], see you soon!
3. Treasurer: Emily B, She/Her, [email protected]
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Hi! I’m Emily, the new VP Treasurer! I’m 21, use she/her pronouns, and am proudly bisexual. I’m currently in 4th year, studying history (dissertation time, yikes!) I’ve been part of the society over the last year, and it’s been one of the best parts of my university experience. I’ve made new friends, increased my self-confidence, and had tons of good gay times! Outside of the society, I enjoy going to gigs, caring for my many houseplants, and taking too many naps. I’m excited for my role on committee this year, although you know what they say about gays and maths! I’m constantly on social media, so feel free to drop me a bell if you have any questions or queries! I’m on twitter @_emilybarton. Hope to see you at an event soon :-)
4. Welfare: Bianca, She/he, [email protected]
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Hello! My name is Bianca and I'm the Welfare Officer of GULGBTQ+. I'm a small twenty-year-old Italian and I am a third year English Language & Linguistics and Theatre Studies student. I spend most of my free time reading, crying over Shakespeare, or bingeing the latest gay shows on Netflix, and the rare times I decide to go outside and try sports I enjoy horse riding and ice skating. I'm a gryffindor and I'm very excited to be back on committee this year, so feel free to drop me an e-mail for anything you might need!
5. Events: Emily T, She/Her, [email protected]
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Hi everyone! My name's Emily (Tunstall) and this year I'm really excited to be the Events Coordinator for GULGBTQ+! I'm a second year Psychology Student and in my free time I like drawing, painting, making new friends, and spending time with this society. ❤
Please feel free to say hi to me online or in person, I will almost always be wearing my Docs and at least one badge, be it on my bag or my denim jacket, if you need help recognising me. I'm always open for a good chat, to offer some advice, or if you just need some directions around Uni! I would really love to see you at our events on a Wednesday, or at one of our coffees during the week. 🌈🌈🌈
6. Women’s: Claire, She/Her, [email protected]
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Hi, I'm Claire, and I'm your women's officer! I'm a third year in Microbiology. Ask me about worms. Sometimes I think I'm not a stereotype but then I remember I have two cats, a Hozier-centric Spotify, and build furniture for a hobby.
I'm so excited for another great year! One of the things I love about this society is that it's an inclusive space for all women, and I want to make everyone feel welcome. If you have any comments, questions, or concerns (or just want to chat) feel free to shoot me a message!
8. Trans: Cassidy, They/Them, [email protected]
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Hey, I'm Cassidy (they/them) the new Trans officer! I'm 20 and a third year studying Classics and History. I'm a nonbinary trans woman and I'm here to represent trans people and help people with gender related things generally 🙂
Aside from being gender, I am a roller skating gamer who makes stuffed toys and loves history more than life itself. I'm looking forward to running coffee and having a great year with everyone 🙂
9. Postgraduate and Mature Students: Kyle, He/Him, [email protected]
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Hey, hi, hello! I’m Kyle, a postgraduate Astrophysics student who’ll be your first PostMat Officer for this year! Avid Karaoke Fan and Polo R&B Room Resident, I’ll usually be found out and about when I’m not studying (procrastinating). My aim for the time that I’m here is to try and get more LGBTQ+ Postgraduate and Mature students involved with GULGBTQ+.
I haven’t been in Glasgow for very long, so I’m excited to share the experience of things like Glasgow Pride with you all! I’m also hoping to run some smaller gatherings (like the current PostMat Coffees) over the summer for those of us who will need a break from our dissertations. If any PostMat students have ideas to share or any concerns to raise, please don’t be afraid to email.
10. Campaigns: Jo, They/He, [email protected]
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Hi, I’m Jo and I’m your Campaigns Officer! I’m a postgraduate research student in English Language & Linguistics with a particular love for all things to do with LGBTQ+ linguistics. I’m a big fan of knitting, baking, indoor bouldering and playing D&D, and I’m also involved with the English Language & Linguistics Society. I was Campaigns Officer the year before last in 2017/2018, but I just couldn’t stay away, and now I’m back for some more campaigning!
As Campaigns Officer, my role is to raise awareness of LGBTQ+ issues in the society, on campus, and in the wider world. In the past, I’ve helped run campaigns to increase awareness of trans people on campus and to encourage local hairdressers and barbers to be inclusive of their LGBTQ+ customers. This year, I hope to revitalise these campaigns and work with our other officers and members of the society to create some exciting new ones!
Please feel free to contact me if you’d like to get involved in campaigning or have any ideas that you’d like to share with me!
11. Communications and Technology: Summer, They/Them, [email protected]
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Hi, I’m Summer and I’m the Communications and Technology Officer for the year! I’m a 5th year computing science student (yes, that kind of transfem!) so you’ll frequently find me programming, tinkering with Linux or providing tech support for someone. When I’m not doing that I’ll probably be knitting, playing video games, running tabletop rpgs or watching martial arts movies (or talking about how I don't have time for any of the above)!
As the recently renamed Communications and Technology officer (formerly Publicity) I'm mostly here for you to tell me why the website or mailing list doesn't work, so feel free to get in touch with any complaints and/or constructive criticisms. I hope to have a great year with you all, hopefully with a better website!
12: First Year Ordinary Member: Jenny, She/Her, [email protected]
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Hiya!  I’m Jenny and I’m the interim first year representative on the GULGBTQ+ committee.  I’m going into second year studying biomedical engineering and in my free time I enjoy drawing, making soup, and loving my gf.  I met wonderful friends and made loads of good gay memories through the society in my first year and am excited to help as many freshers as possible join in on the fun this year!  I’m passionate about creating a loving and accepting community for all LGBTQ+ students, especially new ones, since I know how hard it can be to settle in.  If you’re a fresher and have any ideas, questions, or just want to make a new friend, please don’t hesitate to send me an email!
13: Bi/Pan: Valentine, They/ve, [email protected]
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Hi I'm Niamh, you may recognise me as last year's nonbinary officer! I use they/them pronouns, I'm 20 and a 3rd year psychology student. This'll be my 3rd year in the society and I love it with my whole heart. If you have any issues feel free to email me or message me on Facebook (Niamh Conlan). My first and foremost want is for those coming to the society and bi events to feel comfortable and welcomed!
When I'm not being a disaster bisexual I'm dying my hair, applying clown makeup, dancing to new wave or doing kendo. I'm excited to meet you all and hope to have a great year with everyone!
14. International Students: Judith, She/they, [email protected]
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Hi! I’m Judith, I’ve been described as “the lesbianest person I know” by my flatmate and if you ask me where I’m from, I’m likely to name three countries, so I guess it makes sense that I’d be your international officer. I’m a third year psychology and statistics student who likes to avoid studying by going swordfighting (yes, I own an actual sword, but don’t worry, I only use it against transphobes) or putting on facepaint before a metal gig. But don’t get the wrong impression, I’m actually a very quiet person who’s always there to listen or give you advice. Feel free to message me on Facebook (Judith AN), send me an email or just come talk to me during the international coffees I’ll be running!
15. Aromantic and Asexual: Lo, They/Them, [email protected]
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Hello! I’m Leilo (they/them), 20, and happy to be the ace/aro officer! My job is to represent people who are (or are questioning if they are) on the spectrums of being aromantic or asexual, so feel free to email me! As ace/aro officer I host biweekly coffees so aros, aces, and those who are questioning, can come together.
I’m a second year Maths student but will probably add philosophy as my second main subject. Aside from sitting over Math problems for way longer than seems necessary, you will find me writing, working out, or philosophising about bdsm.
16: Non-binary: Robyn, They/Them, [email protected]
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Salut! I’m Robyn and I’m the Non-Binary Officer. I’m a 2nd Year French/History student and I was born in Glasgow - I’m like a rare pokemon. I only resurrect during Eurovision season and have a hoard of sunglasses. And I’m a massive comic book nerd (yes I am Batman’s sidekick on the side).
I’m always down for a chat and feel free to DM me with anything from issues, to memes! I’m very excited to be your Non-Binary boi this year!!
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weekjam6 · 2 years
The Time Is Running Out! Think About These 9 Methods To Vary Your Titan Launcher
You possibly can rapidly and immediately download TLauncher Legacy at no cost from our website. Sky Kingdoms is a community where you may get free rankups! Titan launcher BananaCraft Community is a growing Minecraft server with a wide variety of gamemodes and servers. While TLauncher violates piracy legal guidelines, the developers of Minecraft don't appear to be too involved, because the unlawful platform has been on the marketplace for a while and receives the latest updates on a regular basis. Settings whereas accessing online servers with players around the world. Open your Technic Launcher, choose the Launcher Settings using the little gear found in the top-right, then select the Java Settings tab from the navigation bar within the Java Settings window. To regulate this setting in the Twitch Launcher, entry your settings by choosing the small down arrow in the highest-proper, then choose the Settings possibility with the gear icon. If the target is 2.5 km (or further) away and is flying at a height of 500 metres or much less, then the missile will even be unable to amass a lock-on. Missile makes use of a linear flight trajectory.
Starship, which is able to return people to the lunar surface and will sooner or later ferry greater than 100 folks a time to Mars, is ready to make its first orbital flight in March. Every stage will get just a little tougher, but the entire game is ready to soothing music. Like all static weapons, both variants of the Static Titan Launcher can be flipped upright if they are knocked over from a shockwave (brought on by close by explosions or being crashed into by autos) or resulting from being arrange on sloped/unstable terrain. Also, it appears that Titan Launcher's projectile hitbox is the biggest of all weapons, making shut-vary mid-airs moderately straightforward. It's probable that a window appears to us with a text similar to “more information” or one thing like that, then we give click on to him to “Execute anyway”. Then simply follow the directions within the installer. Obtain and open Minecraft.msi to run the game installer.
T Launcher takes a long time to launch after you open the program in comparison with the official Minecraft game. XENOLITH NETWORKEpic Minecraft Cracked Network for Epic gamer such as you. You will now be linked to the community in hamachi. Ham5teak is a cracked 1.13.x Minecraft network primarily based in Singapore. Titan, Launcher, Minecraft posted in Launcher Minecraft class and wallpaper unique decision is 1280x720 px.. Moreover, the launcher is out there for Windows and macOS, so Linux customers could have to miss out on this one. Avoid one worded summaries. It’s considered one the perfect cracked Minecraft launchers merely due to its ease-of-use and no-frills consumer interface. Subsequent, select the Minecraft tab on the Settings page and locate the Allotted Memory slider under Java Settings. Open your ATLauncher, choose the Settings tab from the best-facet menu pane, then select the Java/Minecraft tab from the highest navigation bar. Choose the Installations tab in direction of the top of the launcher. 10- Beds did show the fracturing animation, nevertheless not on their decrease and also high faces. Getting the original minecraft for $20 or if they put it up $26 will present you the updates that notch has put in (and server i think).
Statistics present that children aged 4 years and over spend a mean of three hours and forty minutes a day watching Tv. It is able to toggle between normal day imaginative and prescient or black/white-scorching thermal vision modes. It's also possible to get free case research every day - /free● Cheap DONATS. However as a lot as we would like to, we can't entertain our dogs all day. TITAN Toolbar xMr Titan Neighborhood Toolbar - stay linked and get so way more. This is a vital question to ask, as having performed the Diablo III beta, it is clear that the fundamental gameplay ideas haven't modified much since those earlier games. This is because of the license that Titan Launcher Minecraft 1.16 had beforehand having ran out. Players Minecraft Dungeons free crack (and up to a few companions both close by or on the internet) are entrusted with investigating 9 procedurally produced levels, named “biomes”, to chase for troves of fortune and destruction the malicious Arch-Illager. The Minecraft Dungeons Launcher using this bug tracker. Before you report a bug in our Minecraft Launcher, please carry out a search first to see if somebody has already contacted us about it to prevent duplicate studies being made. It is best to now see drop-down menus out there regarding reminiscence.
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linuxgamerdog · 2 years
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I like this Honda CBR 600 F3 Street Fighter.
See more photos on my WordPress Blog
Linux Gamer Dog WordPress Blog
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ploughact1 · 2 years
Fear? Not If You Utilize T Launcher The Correct Method!
Download Tlauncher And play Do not set up it directly if not working because i'm doing in that method to play minecraft. When it cuts right down to the very best Minecraft Launchers, MultiMC can be considered a category apart. Lastly, don’t overlook to use MultiMC in improvement mode. Titan launcher has long been used by those players who don’t have cash or the desire to purchase Minecraft. Kim Wong-Shing/CNET Most plush toys aren't any match for my dog, Junebug, who tears them to shreds inside minutes. Next, TLauncher additionally provides a premium model for many who is perhaps inquisitive about choosing a deluxe upgrade. The launcher affords you a variety of 4 different account types. Lastly, it’s value knowing that you may be needing the default Minecraft Launcher for CurseForge to function optimally. It’s a extremely lightweight but environment friendly software program that’s additionally available for obtain on Home windows, macOS, and even Linux, unlike the CurseForge Launcher. Each are different software made by totally different builders with the former being way more lightweight and straightforward-going.
There are a few hiccups here and there, reminiscent of not with the ability to get mods within the system without having to go through a bunch of further steps. There's, nevertheless, a cause of concern right here and that's the larger-than-common file dimension of GDLauncher. It’s near a a hundred MB in measurement. Takes up about 46 MB of RAM whereas it’s running. Some are part of the bottom growth whereas others are locked behind the Season of the Risen Season Go. I’m certain some of you are now fascinated with beginning own cracked server. You create a charater after which discover the huge world generated by the server or be a part of others to create one thing you need. This implies which you could run native servers in your Home windows 10 Laptop and even prepare server pack tests for assessing the game and ensuring the performance stays sublime. You can't join official servers like Hypixel, Mineplex, and Cubecraft.
Simply beware that you simply won’t be ready to join any official servers or don different character skins. Can not change character skins as nicely. A pores and skin is a picture of your character in the sport, so you need to choose it fastidiously. Launcher. Minecraft Cracked is most excited an astonishing recreation of the world which is based on the framework of the 3d cubic blocks from which gamer generate character and other teams. Apple Arcade The Enchanted World is about a young fairy whose world is wrecked by darkish forces. If you’re a newcomer to the world of Minecraft, it’s worth doing all your research into each launcher earlier than you try them. Nonetheless, the performance of the software program makes it rank as among the finest Minecraft launchers on this planet. This launcher for the mobile version of Minecraft PE is a unique development of our crew. Once your account is premium you can log into the launcher (that you simply downloaded) and it will download the rest of the game. Save up some money for premium Minecraft account there actually isn’t a lot you can do. There are Titan Launcher trays the place you'll be able to conceal treats, making your canine work for his or her reward.
There was also ExtremeLaunher but they’ve stopped updating it… A big assortment allows you to spotlight the specified traits and weed out much less widespread software. We have been informed Fb isn't recording in-world exercise past the buffer, but it's also unclear how these instruments will help manage social behavior in massive and chaotic conditions. My pup will play fetch till the cows come dwelling, so this launcher makes it much simpler to tolerate lengthy classes. Creating a modpack of your individual has never been easier, and definitely not this a lot flexible. They also are slobberproof, do not pick up as much mud in the primary place and are simple to scrub. One of the best Minecraft launchers are these that do not pose a threat when it comes to your personal information, and in this information, we’ve enlisted simply those. Minecraft Launcher is a Frontend platform for Minecraft Dungeons, and it's appropriate with Mac You may dwell completely free and understand your wildest dreams.
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linuxgamenews · 10 months
Chill Town is successfully funded and due to evolve onto the Deck
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Chill Town the soothing simulation game due to hit Steam Deck via Windows PC. Thanks to the creative efforts from developer Low-Hi Tech. Closing out the successful Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign. Let me take you on a journey through Chill Town, a one of a kind virtual experience. If you're into creating your own space and diving deep into world-building, this is certainly a game for you. Chill Town puts you on a pristine island, untapped and waiting for a visionary. Since you are one of the pioneers, you're in charge of turning this empty land into a vibrant, bustling community. Think of crafting your ideal space. Since you have 800+ items to work with. And it's not just your place; you also design homes for others, upgrade them, and let your style shine. Speaking of residents, you'll meet a bunch of characters. Engage with them, and become friends, all, while you watch that influence, help the town grow. The more you bond, the more you'll attract new faces. Now, "Pals" are the real show-stealers in Chill Town. These are Plant Animals, a wild blend of flora and fauna. Catch them, grow 'em, and breed these exotic creatures. Fancy a Radish Pal? Make sure to cook it its favorite meal – something with boiled radish. Also, remember, always treat these friends with kindness; no harm allowed. Fishing, there's a vast ocean out there, boasting 125 fish species. Show off your skill, or maybe just fill up an aquarium. For the green-thumbed, there's also farming. A medley of 14 crops, 9 fruit trees, as well as flowers and herbs are at your disposal. Grow, harvest, and cook.
Chill Town Kickstarter Trailer
Oh, and adventurers? The Samayan Islands await your exploration. Dive deep, discover new resources, find exotic species, and bring new friends into Chill Town. So let's talk about Chill Town character design. You can customize your avatar. From skin tones to outfits, make sure you’re the talk of the town. If you're a dog or cat person, you can care for them, and take them on your adventures. Since they'll be your loyal sidekicks, each with its own quirks and behaviours. There's nothing like the bond between a gamer and a virtual pet. Now, let's talk music, Chill Town lets you vibe out to various music styles. Got an ear for mixing tracks? Craft your own playlists and immerse yourself in the ambience. Chill Town is a the soothing simulation in a place of limitless possibilities. So whether you're looking to relax or jump into an action-packed session, it's got something for everyone. Due to let you dive in via Steam Deck with the Windows PC build. Which should also offer decent support for Linux players going forward. So be sure to Wishlist the game on Steam.
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foxnature973 · 3 years
Undertale Game
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Undertale Game Engine
Undertale Gameboy
Undertale Game Free
Undertale Game Over Screen
Undertale Gamefaqs
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The game's off-kilter aesthetic and bizarre visuals hint at a similar connection to the Mother/Earthbound series, which also inspired Undertale. 6 Wandersong Wandersong is a game about a peaceful, fun-loving Bard as he tries to stop God from waking up and destroying the entire world. Find games tagged undertale like Undertale DDD 1.5 Gaster vs. Eanaro, Undyne the Undying fight remake, JojoTale, Your Best Nightmare, DATING START! On itch.io, the indie game hosting marketplace.
Undertale is a role playing game available for multiple devices such as PC, Mac, Play Station 4, Vita and Linux. This game features a gameplay where the story follows two races ruling over the earth, one is the humans and second one is the monsters.
This adventure game does not require the player to kill anyone rather it is designed in a way that each enemy appearing in the game is defeated without violence. The players can dance with slime, pet a dog as well as whisper their favorite secret to a knight and defeat their enemies while having fun.
There are many great and alluring in game locations in this adventure game that decorates the overall gameplay of the game. This gaming software features a greatly designed and well thought fighting system for the players to enjoy.
The control bar placed at the devices’ screen is also set according to the gameplay providing the players ease to access it while fighting within the game. There are multiple mysteries and enigmas available for the players to solve as they move forward in the story.
This action mixed with adventure game keeps the player on edge by allowing them to make decisions at every step whether it be to deactivate the sly traps of the enemies or to destroy the foe in a single go.
The decision making ability feature in the game allows the player to change the story as they want as it impacts the story mode as well as the ending of the game.
Undertale Game Engine
On its surface, Undertale doesn’t look very appealing. It just looked like your standard indie game coming from the idea mills of Kickstarter. Even the creator of Undertale was surprised about how quickly it rose to prominence. It stole the hearts of fans and critics alike by having a game that looks like you should kill things but doesn’t have you kill a single thing. It somehow took the best things about everyone’s favorite childhood title, Earthbound, and turned up the notch on the weirdness.
The Game Is One Giant Meme
Undertale came about with a comical EarthBound-style aesthetic at a time when everyone and their mother is trying to become a streamer. This, of course, led to viral internet memes that the average internet gamer can’t help but share. Playing through the game seems like it’s just the creator’s attempt to be the ultimate troll by telling one long joke and we’re just waiting for the punchline the whole time. At least the characters are very well-written.
A Pacifist Approach
One of the main appeals of the game is the fact that you don’t have to kill anything at all. Some have gone through the entire game without harming a fly. Instead of murdering every monster that stands in between you and your goals, you have to empathize with them. You have to understand why they’re standing in your way. It’s a challenge to a generation of gamers who grew up shooting, stabbing, or exploding their way through any obstacle. Of course, some of the pacifist techniques for clearing some monsters can get tedious but it’s definitely a challenge. It’s also nice to tap into your own morality and figure out exactly why a monster is getting in your way. You can beat your way through the game but you’ll be missing out on a lot of fun puzzles.
Undertale Gameboy
A Soundtrack Worth Remembering
You’re not going to remember much about a pixelated indie-game unless it has an amazing soundtrack to get you immersed. Half life 1 non steam.
Fortunately, the game figured out how to get classic video game music and marry it into modern sounds. There’s a lot of tracks that will have you clicking your fingers as you groove along to some cool, but pacifist, boss fights.
Some might feel Undertale is overrated but those are the ones who are just parroting people who believe hating popular things is a personality trait. Definitely, a game to try if you see it on sale.
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Undertale Game Free
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Well-written characters
Great soundtrack
A different approach to classic battling
Undertale Game Over Screen
Game is too short
Gameplay is slow-paced
Some battles can be tedious
Undertale Gamefaqs
Overall rating: 9
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entergamingxp · 4 years
She Dreams Elsewhere Feels Like a Game Made Specifically for Me
February 7, 2020 7:30 PM EST
She Dreams Elsewhere could be the perfect video game for me on a personal and emotional level, and I just want to play the full game already.
As a black gamer, there are very few examples of main protagonists in gaming that make me feel seen. When it comes to this generation alone, there are only two notable characters that I can think of: Lincoln from Mafia III and Marcus from Watch Dogs 2. There are also great black characters where their race doesn’t have a significant impact on their background, like Lee and Clementine from The Walking Dead. Not only that, but I am a black gamer whose favorite genre is JRPGs, and the last black party member I’m aware of from one is Sazh from Final Fantasy XIII back in 2009. It isn’t something that upsets me personally, per se, but it is a reality that I think developers could improve on.
There have always been ongoing conversations around representation in video games, especially in regard to featuring black main characters. Part of me thinks that this comes from a lack of black video game developers, writers, and others working in the games industry as a whole. Another part of me thinks non-black video game developers might be worried about creating a black main protagonist and not doing them justice. While those may be sound reasons, personally I feel developers should take that opportunity to tell more stories from different racial perspectives in games.
In light of this, last year I came across a compelling indie title called She Dreams Elsewhere, a turn-based adventure game featuring an all-black party that seemingly has everything I want in a video game. Up to now, I have only played the opening prologue (which you can also play right now on Steam) and I came out of it being thoroughly surprised and pleased. Mixing together the best parts of games like Persona, Undertale, and Mother 3 while still having a story and characters all its own, this all makes She Dreams Elsewhere one of my most anticipated games this year. Starring a young woman named Thalia, you experience her relationship with her mental health conditions like social anxiety. From the start, it is a game in similar JRPG fashion that isn’t about the end goal, but the journey that Thalia and her friends Amia and Oliver go through along the way. After falling into a coma, Thalia and friends travel through different sections of her mind fighting her inner demons. While an obvious metaphor, it’s the characters and game design that really shows She Dreams Elsewhere‘s creativity.
“Everything that She Dreams Elsewhere does speaks to me on a profound and personal level. “
Being a turn-based RPG, each character has skills that they can use to hurt enemies, but in a more grounded “in reality” type of way. By using the Roast ability that deals fire damage you don’t actually hit them with fire: you verbally burn them. Another, for example, is telling an enemy to “Shut The F**k Up,” with the chance of silencing them so they can’t use abilities against your characters. The idea of it is so obvious, but so unexpected at the same time: I can’t help but praise it.
The immediate hook that originally reeled me into She Dreams Elsewhere is the music. Having a mixture of black originated genres like R&B, funk, and jazz completely sets the atmosphere and identity of the game. The music was always present in my mind, and I can’t wait to hear all the different tracks that will play throughout the story.
“It’s the characters and game design that really shows She Dreams Elsewhere‘s creativity.”
Everything that She Dreams Elsewhere does speaks to me on a profound and personal level. The dialogue feels natural, modern, and relatable for those are in their mid-to-late 20s like Thalia, the representation of black characters (without having to be obvious about the characters’ race), and the continuously fun gameplay makes She Dreams Elsewhere one of my most anticipated titles for this year and at this point, I’m just begging for a release date, as you can tell from my tweets.
Me steppin up to @davionnegooden @studiozevere at PAX East demanding a release date for She Dreams Elsewhere: pic.twitter.com/LFi3vDmGuX
— Cam Hawkins
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PAX East (@TheCinephileGuy) February 6, 2020
She Dreams Elsewhere is set to release sometime this year on Xbox One, PC, Mac, and Linux, but you can play the prologue right now for free on Steam. For more information on She Dreams Elsewhere, you can check out my interview with creator Davionne Gooden.
February 7, 2020 7:30 PM EST
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/02/she-dreams-elsewhere-feels-like-a-game-made-specifically-for-me/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=she-dreams-elsewhere-feels-like-a-game-made-specifically-for-me
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kay660games-blog · 5 years
5 Great System To Tutor The Interview About ONLINE GAME
The Very best Gaming Podcasts You Will have to Listen To
Developing a gaming site with WordPress has in no way been less difficult. Green males gaming vacation sale games, fairly low cost for a good game. Sonic the Hedgehog” gave this Japanese multinational corporation immense good results both in terms of revenues and recognition. Sega did practical experience significant losses just after its decision to discontinue its hardware company and focus on third celebration software program development. Even so, due to the fact 2005, Sega has been going robust in the gaming sector.
Get some terrific ideas for weblog posts from these retro gaming posts Starting a gaming blog is a amazing way to pursue something you happen to be interested in. Begin your gaming weblog these days and join a terrific on line community. The French video game publisher Ubisoft has produced a place for itself in the major gaming providers by means of strategic acquisition of some of the most talented development studios. The organization has a rich portfolio of renowned brands like Just Dance, Assassin's Creed, Far Cry, Rayman, and Watch Dogs.
These blogs deal with a distinct mobile gaming device. Content is an crucial element of any gaming blog. That's the most important purpose why people today land on your page. A gaming web site is most likely to be loaded with a lot of visual, video, and written information. So, your main task is to organize all pieces in a swift-to-scan and readable manner. Fans of gaming about the globe came to Twitter all through the year to discuss the most anticipated game titles, cheer on their favorite esports teams, and to join a community of passionate, like-minded fanatics all year lengthy.
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From Indie games to PlayStation, Video Chums have got all the critiques of your preferred weekend picks. Study via their gaming articles, gaming console testimonials and participate in contests to win giveaways. Related Posts: Enable the related posts and they will appear at the bottom of each blog post suggesting three (or additional) related articles to study subsequent. Make positive the pretty layout is enabled in your websites settings due to the fact this is a lot far more enticing for gaming blogs.
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linuxgamerdog · 1 year
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Linux Gamer Dog working on a Mainframe computer.
I drew this cartoon yesterday.
Linux Gamer Dog
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linuxgamenews · 1 year
Mr. Run and Jump to save the world on Linux
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Mr. Run and Jump will deliver the action platformer game on Linux, Atari VCS, with Mac and Windows PC. Graphite Lab, the brains behind this creation, can also be credited with its development. Due to make its way onto Steam. Atari and Graphite Lab have teamed up to create a thrilling action platformer game, Mr. Run and Jump. Due to offering Linux players a chance to test their skills, as well as on the Atari VCS. This game is perfect for people who are speedrunners. That is if you're able to beat such a game quickly. In the game, you play as Mr. Run and Jump, a hero on a mission to save the world and his dog, Leap. The world of the game is full of bright, glowing colors, due to create a stunning and unique setting. Linux players will need quick reflexes and sharp skills to overcome tricky tests and dangerous enemies. With tight controls and smooth gameplay, you can run, jump, dash, and roll your way through the game's levels. If you're a fan of collectibles, there are plenty to find in Mr. Run and Jump. You'll need to explore hard to reach locations to find them all. And if you're worried about the game being too difficult, don't worry. You can adjust the difficulty level to make gameplay easier or harder based on your preference.
Mr. Run and Jump - Announcement Trailer
Upon initial inspection, the gameplay exudes a distinctive Super Meat Boy feel that is sure to captivate gamers on Linux. But that's not all, as it also integrates some intriguing quirks that add to the overall appeal. The carefully crafted side-scrolling levels are a testament to the thoughtful design that went into Mr. Run and Jump. All of these elements combine to create a deep and engaging gameplay that is due to keep Linux players hooked. Mr. Run and Jump was originally a game for the Atari 2600. Releasing over 40 years ago. The game's precise platforming and engaging gameplay make it a favorite among hobbyists and fans over the decades. Now, the game features six distinct worlds, each with their own unique tests and enemies. You'll need to battle your way through each world to defeat the Void and save Leap. In total, the game offers over 30 hours of gameplay on Linux. Including time trials, collectibles, and achievements. Whether you're a seasoned gamer or a beginner, Mr. Run and Jump is due to keep you engaged. Get ready to explore the Realms of Color and embark on an epic adventure with Mr. Run and Jump. The action platformer game is set to launch later this summer. So be sure Wishlist the game on Steam. Coming to Linux, Atari VCS, Mac, and Windows PC.
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multigaydom · 7 years
50 Questions
 tagged by: @so-tired-yet-so-alive Thanks Jess! :) 
rules: answer all the questions, add one of your own and tag as many people as there are questions
1. coke or pepsi? I don’t really give a damn but I would usually grab a coke
2. disney or dreamworks? disney i guess
3. coffee or tea? tea but I like coffee almost equaly
4. books or movies? reading all the way. I love movies but I tend to only watch Marvel ones, but this year I’ve gone to the cinema more and it’s been fantastic
5. windows or mac? umm.... linux? I grew up with windows tho so i guess i’d choose that simply because i still remember how to operate it. i’ve never touched a mac in my life
6. dc or marvel? Marvel, obviously
7. xbox or playstation? i’m not a gamer and I’ve only held PS once. it was fun tho
8. dragon age or mass effect? dragon age only bc a friend loves it, i havent played
9. night owl or early riser? i’m both, weirdly. not in the same day.
10. cards or chess? cards, I don’t play chess
11. chocolate or vanilla? i don’t like chocolate things
12. vans or converse? vans, not that i own any but i like the shape better
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash or Adaar? i... don’t know
14. fluff or angst? i like a good drama that resolves into cute stuff
15. beach or forest? forest, although beaches are amazing, i don’t really live near one (as in the nearest is about 1000km)
16. dogs or cats? dogs
17. clear skies or rain? well, that depends. I absolutely love a clear sky for walking and stuff but I enjoy rain as well when it’s warm and i can run through it, or when I’m cozy inside with a candle. 
18. cooking or eating out? cooking! 
19. spicy food or mild food? mild, I don’t really fancy spicy food
20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas? christmas
21. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot? I already am a little too hot for a human being
22. if you could have a superpower, what would it be? either healing or teleportation (in any way)
23. animation or live action? i love anime, i feel like when you’re animating you’re much more free in what you want to do (mostly with supernatural fights etc), but live action movies are more relatable
24. paragon or renegade? i have an idea what a paragon is but im not sure i follow the question
25. baths or showers? shower. I enjoy baths but I’m not too used to them and I can’t breathe properly in there
26. team cap or team ironman? team cap
27. fantasy or sci-fi? fantasy for sure
28. do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so, what are they? oh you are on! 
"Aime moi mon, mais aime moi longtemps." - Les Chansons d'Amour (Love me less but love me longer)
"Quinque lineae sunt amoris - scilient visus, allocutio, tactus, occulum sive sauvium, coitus." - Aelio Donato (There are five levels of love - look, speech, touch, kiss and intercourse.)  
"Člověk roste bolestí. A tak se může stát, že se jednoho dne dontkne hvězd." - Alice OReally (A person grows by their pain and so it is rather possible for one to reach the stars one day.)
"K lidskému bytí neodmyslitelně patří i události, o kterých mravokárci obvykle nemluví jako o "správných". - Lord Roderik Galant (To a human being undoubtedly belong events that the moralists don’t necessarily describe as “good”.)
"It's one thing to say 'Be in a relationship with me' and quite another to say 'Give up sex to be in a relationship with me'." - some fanfic on AO3, I forgot, I'm sorry
29. youtube or netflix? youtube, simply because I don’t have netflix
30. harry potter or percy jackson? i don’t necessarily like either but harry potter seems like a much more advanced thing
31. when do you feel accomplished? when i’ve done the thing that i’ve been dreading
32. star wars or star trek? star wars 
33. paperback or hardback books? hardback
34. horror or rom-com? i don’t like either
35. tv shows or movies? tv shows because i feel like they cover much more plot-wise
36. favourite animal? tortoise
37. favourite genre of music? oh don’t ask
38. least favourite book? i wouldn’t read a bad book (but i do hate my share of history books i have to study)
39. favourite season? spring
40. song that’s currently stuck in your head? none thank god
41. what kind of pyjama’s do you wear? a t-shirt that’s big and baggy and underwear, sometimes shorts or pants instead of that
42. how many existential crises do you have on an average day? not every day
43. if you can only choose one song to be played at your funeral, what would it be? oh god i don’t know???
44. favourite theme song to a TV show? the shows don’t really have a theme song lately, do they. Friends, then, seeing as i don’t recall any other
45. harry potter movies or books? haven’t read, haven’t seen
46. you can make your OTP become canon but you’ll forget that tumblr exists. will you do it? any kind of shipping could never equal the tumblr experience
47. do you play an instrument and if so, what is it? guitar kinda alright, piano if i could only remember the notes
48. what is the worst way to die? an illness, that’s what I feared before I was cleared and I stil don’t like the idea
49. if you could be entirely invisible for a day, what would you do? i would probably listen to people’s conversations about me because i hate myslelf and my self esteem needs to get even lower
50. If you could have personally witnessed anything in history what would it be? oh dude i will so answer this question! and it’s going to be pretty weird but I would love to see my parent’s relationship before I was born. and also... i would love to see Vesuvius explode. 
51. (my question) If you could understand animals but you could never understand humans again, would you? if i could live on a farm then yes, but in this society no
I tag: 
@notcaycepollard @avi-iva @imaginejolls @katsudesu @black-satin-dancer @crescendohowell @fzztsimmons @leslie-knopes @princesconsuela
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