#lion dent
myelicia · 1 year
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Belle soirée ✨
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swagging-back-to · 1 year
naur seriously can we talk about how allura was even like 'the lions were made to be piloted by you and you alone'referring to the fact they are the only five people in the entire multiverse to have pure quintessence corresponding to the colors oftheir lions....
if one paladin is MIA then that lion should be inactive, benched. you dont simply play musical chairs with the lions. if it waa that easy then ANYONE could be the paladins at ANY time and theres no reason for the human paladins to be there at all especially if they dont want to be. but no the human paladins are NEEDED or else keith and allura would have no problem with pidge leaving in the first two episodes. nor would they mind if lance went home. but they DO mind. they PREVENT pidge from leaving and they make lance believe going back to earth isnt an option at all--that it isnt even on their iternary.
So no. i refuse to acknowledge the lion switching as canon.
#i feel like i should also bring up my headcanon that altean markings correlate to quintessence colors.#this is why lance has PURE blue meanwhile coran has teal.#coincidentally coran also embodies characteristics of the green and blue lion (loyal compassionate curious eccentric)#so allura having PINk markings?#she aint the blue paladin.#i know that theory falls apart quickly when you look at alfor--the red paladin who has blue markings#but still#it also makes zero sense to have the only person who can create a wormhole and PILOT THE ENTIRE CASTLESHIP be#in a lion fighting a battle that they could die in any second--therefore stranding everyone who needs the castleship to escape#allura being the blue paladin would-in reality- lead directly to the galra winning the war.#it only takes five seconds to put her and blue out of commission. simply fire an ion canon or two directly at her and then the other#paladins + coran are stranded and completely helpless.#after that it would be a piece of cake for the galra to capture every single lion and their paladins.#from that point they could go into the castleship and go through any + all information about rebels#the coalition and the blades of marmora. all because allura wanted to be RVEN MORE in the spotlight than she already is#the rntire war against the galra would be irreparably destroyed. the galra wpuld win flat out to the point#that no amount of rebellion would even make a dent in their power.#meanwhile if they simply just stayed in their proper lions and fought without shiro (with allura still manning the castle)#they would take lots of blows and it would be very hard-but at least they would win.#voltron#rant
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ilynpilled · 1 year
drawing historically inaccurate and completely impractical helms 🥰
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Une cure de pissenlit au printemps est revigorante pour le corps. Le métabolisme, rendu un peu paresseux par les repas d’hiver plutôt lourds, s’accélère et le tissu conjonctif se régénère. Le pissenlit (Taraxacum officinale) est une plante printanière d’un genre très particulier. À l’instar de sa croissance abondante en certains endroits, il nous invite à rester en bonne santé par son intermédiaire. Dans la médecine populaire, le pissenlit est utilisé dans son intégralité, de la racine à la fleur. Par contre, dans la médecine naturelle traditionnelle, seules les feuilles et la racine du pissenlit sont utilisées
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nessakobe · 6 months
Un vœu et on souffle 😉
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petitmonsieur1 · 1 year
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Dent de lion
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Part 6
Woo there's more Galanthus, also Nardin, Dent de Lion, Mariposa, more of that one dude, and Akitsu and there's more Galanthus. Damn.
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ladentdelion · 1 year
Adieu Skyblog
Là où mes premières fanfictions ont vus le jour.
2012 - 2023
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2t2r · 11 years
Le lion et le teckel [vidéo]
Nouvel article publié sur https://www.2tout2rien.fr/le-lion-et-le-teckel/
Le lion et le teckel [vidéo]
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mallahanmoxie · 9 months
simba's elusive reading list for the year of the lord 2024 may we read all this shit amen
writing this damn list out because i didn't do it last year and I ended up reading threeeeeeee books altogether and they were specifically the one where the guy gets alien pregnant and shits the babies out I am not kidding and the others were bridgerton so. I desperately need it.
A bunch of books I started 1-3 years ago and I have to finish. Eventually. (This year): Beautiful Wreck by Larissa Brown, Legendborn by Tracy Deon, Piranesi by Susanna Clarke, A Memory Called Empire by Arkady Martine, A Certain Hunger by Chelsea G. Summers, The Helm of Midnight by Marina Lostetter, The Comforters by Muriel Spark, If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio
A book about deconstructing prophecies: The Art of the Prophecy by Wesley Chu
A book about deconstructing the fantasy book? I think?: Dark Rise by C.S. Pacat
A non fiction that isn't about history, for once: The Crisis of Meaning and the Life-World by L'ubica Učník (optimistically) or Disfigured: On Fairy Tales, Disability, and Making Space by Amanda Leduc (more likely)
A book about angels: Angels Before Man by Rafael Nicolás
A book about vampires: A Dowry of Blood by S.T. Gibson, or alternatively, Silver Under Nightfall by Rin Chupeco
A book I've been seen recommended a lot: The Will of the Many by James Islington
A book that sounds disorienting: Crossings by Alex Landragin
A rec by storygraph on the Out of your comfort zone tab: The Artist of Disappearance by Anita Desai
A book with a pretty cover: The Bird King by G. Willow Wilson
A book already on my library, yet untouched: Shadow and Claw by Gene Wolfe or Slewfoot by Brom
A book recced to me by my aunt (<3): El silencio de la ciudad blanca de Eva García Sáenz de Urturi or Gabriel's Inferno by Sylvain Reynard
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So. Instead of waiting for my dad to get home, i was thinking i could go up to the store that's like ten minutes out and get what i need myself. Because I can now. But there's such a level of anxiety about this even though it's totally legal and safe for me to do so.
You know, this is exactly what that driving instructor was talking about. I have got to be more confident in my driving.
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saetoru · 1 year
contents. fem! + mom! reader, reader is referred to as “mommy” and “wife,” girl dad toru <3, family shenanigans in the grocery store that are unfortunately inescapable when your husband is gojo satoru
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“ok,” you nod, looking over your grocery list. “i think that’s everything—”
“mommy, can we please get this,” your daughter looks up at you pleadingly, tugging at your sleeve as she holds a bag of candy—she has satoru’s eyes, wide and blue and so easy to give into. you look at her for a moment before pursing your lips.
“no, satoru. we can’t get this bag of candy.” you turn to the devil himself, glaring at him as he whistles innocently.
“what’re you lookin’ at me for, sweetheart? our little peanut here wants—”
“fine,” he deflates. you pinch your nose as you sigh.
satoru, in his thirty plus years of life, has surprisingly never had a cavity for how much sugar he consumes. he’s good at taking care of himself, he argues, there’s no chance he’d ever get a cavity. that is, until recently. he visits the dentist and has not one, but two cavities—you think this is a rather alarming sign that he needs to cut back on the sweets, so you take matters into your own hands.
and, well….he’s not handling it very brightly.
“you thought i’d cave just because you tricked our daughter into asking?” you raise a brow, making him huff as he pouts.
“what kind of heartless soul could say no to those eyes?” he asks in disbelief, waving a hand at the small carbon copy of your husband as she blinks up at you, “i mean look at her! she doesn’t deserve the word no.”
“she definitely needs the word no so she doesn’t end up spoiled like you. and i’ve had plenty of practice,” you shoot blandly, “i’ve said no to your eyes all these years haven’t i?”
“even crazier,” he mutters, “i have the most adorable eyes, how could you say no?”
“it’s pretty easy if you ask me,” you shrug.
most people tend to call satoru arrogant—humble is not usually used in the same sentence as gojo satoru. evidently, they’ve never watched him interact with you before—you always find a way to humble him. he’s starting to think he’s the butt of every joke in his own marriage.
“please, baby?” he pouts deeper, “i’ve been good! i floss!”
“what if i fold the laundry for a month?” he bats his lashes.
that’s tempting, you have to admit. folding laundry is a very boring job, you’re more than happy to hand it over to satoru for a bag of candy that barely dents your wallet. but then you find your resolve again, crossing your arms as you stare at him unimpressed.
“no, satoru.”
“two months?”
“did you only marry me for my looks?” he asks in disbelief, “because there’s not one ounce of love in that heart of yours.”
“this is for your own good, satoru,” you say firmly, “you had two cavities. how much sugar have you been consuming lately? and don’t think i don’t notice you skipping meals when you’re busy—a chocolate bar does not replace lunch.”
you’re glaring at him, drilling him for his health choices that are not his fault—he’s a busy guy, and he can’t help that a chocolate bar on his way to a mission is all he can squeeze in sometimes. maybe a protein bar would be a better option, but they’re not as tasty, and satoru thinks he deserves to be happy. and then, from the end of the aisle, you hear a few snickers coming from passerby’s. he pouts deeper at the thought of being laughed at as he gets scolded by his wife in the middle of the breakfast aisle.
“what’s the point of living if you’re gonna be miserable?” he groans, “we might as well just start going to bed at nine pm too, while we’re at it. and—”
“that’s actually a lovely idea,” you hum thoughtfully, “you certainly could use the sleep, couldn’t you?”
he glares at you petulantly, sulking as you grab the bag from your daughter’s and put it on the shelf—it’s not the right place, but taking a trip to the candy aisle to place it where it belongs is only venturing deeper into the lion’s den. you’re not letting satoru have more options to choose from.
“you seein’ this, angel?” he turns to your daughter, “you see how mean mommy is? she’s not letting us have candy. make sure you remember that when i ask you who’s your favorite again.”
you roll your eyes, snorting. satoru asks her playfully one night who the favorite parent is—it’s a meaningless question, meant to be a joke and nothing else. you’re sure he expects her to say both—but he gets his feelings severely hurt when she giggles and points to you, staring in disbelief as you grin in victory and kiss her cheeks. you even rub salt on the wound when you mumble she’s your favorite baby too.
he’s starting to really think he’s a victim in his own household.
“but mommy gives me candy,” she tilts her head in confusion.
oh no. she’s not supposed to say that—she promised not to say that. why can’t children ever keep a filter on their words? and why can’t they keep their promises?
almost like in slow motion, both of your eyes widen. satoru pauses. you start to sweat. he turns to face you slowly, in abject disbelief.
“what?” you laugh nervously, “no i don’t! we don’t have any candy at home—”
“she keeps it in her drawer!” your daughter adds, as if she wants to see your downfall.
you love your daughter, you really do—but sometimes you think motherhood is a punishment for whatever sin it is that you’ve committed in your previous life. satoru crosses his arms and taps his foot.
“what happened to we’ll all give up sweets together so you’re not alone, toru,” he mocks your voice, squinting at you accusingly. “so we’re a family of liars now?”
“toru, listen—”
“i trusted you.”
“what happened to our wedding vows? what happened to in sickness and in death? a little cavity is enough to change all that? i’m scared to think what you’d do if i lost an arm.”
“well, you’re not the strongest for nothing,” you point out, chuckling nervously, “so we have nothing to worry about there.”
“i can’t believe you,” he spits, turning away from you with crossed arms and a quiet hmph.
“toru, you can’t expect us all to give up sugar just because you can’t stop making poor health choices,” you argue exasperatedly.
so what if you secretly enjoy a kitkat here and there? you deserve it for dealing with not one, but two children at home every single day—sometimes three if shoko comes over, her lifestyle choices aren’t any better. satoru should let you enjoy a piece of candy or two until he fixes his terrible habits that could very well set a terrible example for your very young and impressionable daughter.
“well, i have adult money of my own,” satoru huffs, “and as an adult, i’ll be purchasing my own candy to hide in my own drawer that i won’t share with you since we’re now apparently a family that doesn’t think sharing is caring.”
“i don’t know if i’m raising one child or two,” you sigh tiredly, rubbing a hand over your face.
satoru grabs the bag of candy off the shelf, promptly placing it in the cart before walking off ahead of you as he pushes it. your daughter grabs your hand and smiles, tugging you along.
“c’mon mommy,” she says brightly, “you said we can go to the park!”
—————— BONUS ——————
“are you serious, satoru?” you ask incredulously, watching as he comes back to sit on the other end of the bench, ice cream cone in hand.
he didn’t even bring you one—what an asshole.
“oh sorry,” he shrugs, “i figured you and our daughter were planning on getting ice cream on your own without me. since, you know, apparently you guys love to have lots of things without me.”
“you’re being so dramatic—”
“i want ice cream too!” you hear a small voice call from the distance, making you turn to your daughter as she sprints over to you from the playground, eyeing the cone in satoru’s hand.
“you heard her,” he drawls, licking at his strawberry ice cream mockingly, “why don’t you go buy her a secret cone. i won’t look.”
being a single mom of two is a full time job, you think, you didn’t sign up for this.
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guess who has two cavities ?? a certain brother of mine. guess who’s entire household has to give up sweets now for their brother’s inability to have proper dental hygiene ?? if you guessed me, you might just be psychic :O
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rjdent · 1 year
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Mitzi and the Lion, a short story by R J Dent, can now be read below:
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bitter-hibiscus · 3 months
what are some of your favorite robin jason headcanons
Commissioner Gordon isn't allowed to smoke around Robin!Jason. He WILL make puppydog eyes the entire night to try and get commish to give him one
He's the only Robin who's allowed the aud in the Batmobile because he shares Bruce's music taste
Since his room in the manor is Dick's old one, he found Dick's old Flying Graysons poster and taped it above his bed. He uses it as motivation for Robin because if Dick can still be good despite the tragedy of the Graysons then he can too
Selina is his favorite "family" member because she took him to Wildcat's boxing ring the first time they went out together AND she's the only one in that buys him batburgers
He only cooks for himself, because cooking for Bruce makes him think of Catherine's last years :)
He has a huge scar from his lip to his left eye from where Willis' wedding ring caught on his skin once
His favorite book is The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe
He spends his first two months in the manor sleeping in the closet instead of the bed
His shower in the Batcave has a bird print on the curtain (when he comes back as Red Hood, it's changed to a fox print)
Jason loves anything chocolate and hates anything strawberry EXCEPT for shortcake. Alfred makes brownies very often
Jason took a knife from the kitchen the day he moved into the manor and hid it under his pillow. Bruce knows but never asked him to give it back. Jason puts it back in the kitchen on the 3 month mark
Jason never has any money despite his allowance being hundreds of dollars because he just leaves them in his childhood friends (Max, Numbers, etc) bedrooms every time
Eddie comes over once every 2-ish months and the first time he's there and Dick comes over Dick is CONVINCED Bruce got another one. Jason runs with it and almost convinces Alfred that Eddie is his new brother
Jason has a winter version of the Robin uniform and the cape has 1) a hood and 2) fur lining. He has to replace it often because he gives it to homeless kids as a blanket more often than not. Bruce is glad to buy him new ones
If he goes to Crime Alley as a civilian, every single crook will ask him if he's "Willis' boy" because when he was still alive, Willis couldn't go more than 10 minutes without telling his coworkers about his little prince
Jason uses a leave-on conditioner for his curls that Dick recommended him. It smells like oranges, and becomes the scent that Bruce associates with him
His favorite piece of clothing is a dark red sweater with two yellow stripes that Clark sent to him for his birthday
Speaking of Clark, his Superman autograph is framed on the wall in his room
He makes friendship bracelets when he's bored!! Most of them he gives to children he rescues as Robin (it becomes Gotham Culture to compare how many Robin friendship bracelets you have. The record is 23). The ones he doesn't give to victims are usually given to Rena or Eddie (and, in one rare occasion, to Bruce. it says "Spooky." Bruce still wears it after Jason comes back)
Robin Jason looks like a doll. He has an up-tipped button nose and eyes three times the size they ought to be, big eyelashes and cupids bow lips. He looks like Sheila as Robin, and like Willis as Red Hood
He has a tattoo in the shape of a batarang on his shoulder because of Willis (which I've written about here)
Okay i just realized how long this is oh my god. I didn't even make a DENT on my Robin Jason headcanons. god help me
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themainspoon · 6 months
A dumb hypothetical that I think about way too often is the "1 of every Pokémon VS a billion lions" one, because to formulate an answer to this question requires answering a bunch of subquestions to work out just how strong/effective a small handful of Pokémon actually would be in this scenario. Because while there are a lot of Pokémon who could fight a bunch of lions and win, a billion lions is in fact quite a lot of lions, to the point where we struggle to fully grasp the number. Even some of the strongest Pokémon who could arguably take down 100's of lions could still barely make a dent in a billion.
But the subquestions I mentioned don't all apply to the strongest Pokémon (a bunch still do though), but instead to a bunch of specific Pokémon who could be extremely effective in this specific scenario. I will now present some examples:
1. Do the Lions have any way of harming Shedinja?
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Shedinja may be a posessed cicada shell with a whopping 1 HP, but it also has the ability wonder guard, which means that only attacks that are super effective can hit it. Lions don't use Pokémon moves, this is because they are lions. Shedinja doesn't need to eat or drink either, it just floats ominously. Therefore, unlike the lions it won't eventually die of hunger or thirst. Are the Lions even capeable of hurting it? And to expand upon this, are they capeable of harming any Ghost type Pokémon? If not, easy Pokémon victory.
2: What about Pokémon that are too hot to touch?
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Firstly, I'm not talking about the whole "The Pokémon Sapphire Pokédex says Magcargo is hotter than the sun" thing, because we know for a fact that simply isn't true. However, that doesn't change the fact that there are Pokémon that are at least partially made out of lava/magma (does how you describe their biology depend on where they physically are at the time?). Just like us, stuff that hot is something the lions would want to avoid. How could they defeat these Pokémon?
3: "To protect its Trainer, it will expend all its psychic power to create a small black hole."
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Ok, to quickly state the obvious: The Pokédex is pretty far from being a reputable peer reviewed journal. But it is also our best source of info on what Pokémon are capeable of, and it repeatedly states that Gardevoir can create "a small black hole". What a "small black hole" means exactly is honestly really unclear. Is it an actual black hole? If it is than Gardevoir could singlehandedly make a huge dent in the number of Lions.
4: Adjusting the Weather Forcast
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So, flooding the entire planet would defeat the lions, and so would a permanent drought. These two are both capeable of causing one of those things each. But both really want to do their thing, and really don't want the other to do their thing. Could they come to a peaceful agreement in the face of a common enemy (the lions), or would they continue to fight? Also, would they even have time to complete their weather based win conditions? Kyogre's would work faster, but flooding the entire planet would take quite a lot of time…
5: The big one, what is usually the ultimate argument in favour of the Pokémon. Is Arceus actually God?
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If Arceus is God, than instant undeniable dub for Pokémon with 0 questions asked. But, there's an issue with Arceus's divinity that many people aren't aware of. Arceus has claimed that it is God and that it created a bunch of the other legendary Pokémon, and the Pokédex corroborates this. BUT! The truth of this myth relies upon Arceus being the first Pokémon. This is where Arceus comes into question, because we already had a first Pokémon:
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Mew, who has been in the series since gen 1, and who is theorised (in universe) to be the common ancestor of all Pokémon. Mew was therefore the first species of Pokémon, from which all other Pokémon are descended. But then how is Arceus also the first Pokémon? The question of whether Arceus is God or just an absurdily powerful Godlike Pokémon depends on whether you adhere to Pokémon creationism or Pokémon evolutionary theory. Basically though, there's a chance that Arceus may not actually be God, which changes things quite substantially.
Some less important questions that still Kinda matter (a little):
Just how hard is Registeel? It's hollow, but made of "a material that is harder than any known metal" (quote from Bulbapedia) could the Lions deal with that?
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Yveltal steals the lifeforce of living things around it, Could it slurp up a billion Lions?
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How many Lions could Guzzlord eat?
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