#i can drive fine. there was just a stranger in my car judging my actions
So. Instead of waiting for my dad to get home, i was thinking i could go up to the store that's like ten minutes out and get what i need myself. Because I can now. But there's such a level of anxiety about this even though it's totally legal and safe for me to do so.
You know, this is exactly what that driving instructor was talking about. I have got to be more confident in my driving.
0 notes
I hate crying so much.
Six years ago, one of my best friends- her name was Megan. She passed away in a car accident with her mother, due to someone else's reckless driving. A stranger, a 17yr old under the influence. The girl was driving around 11pm at night, speeding, with her brother and friend, high on Marijuana, and she ran a red light. Hitting my friend and her mom in their car, killing them both.
I've been doing fine for the last seven months, not hurting as much or not having nightmares.
I had known Megan since 2010-2017, we went to Middle school and High school together. We graduated in the same class in 2015. We even went to the same college after high school during 2015-2017. We were very close, never judging each other, always kind, and supportive to each other. She was the one who encouraged me to be more confident about my sexuality. I absolutely appreciated her and all the adventures and times we hang out.
Her death was a huge blow to my heart, mind, and confidence.
I had a troubled life. Nearly poor my whole childhood. I grew up with an abusive & homophobic father, and hated my life. So, I moved out, leaving my mom and two siblings and transferred to another college in 2019, living with my oldest sister. To get away from my father and the reality of my friends death.
I went to school, stated busy, worked a lot, I did things by myself, staying independent.
I also had nightmares, insomnia, difficulty forming/keeping relationships. I had trust issues. I was uncomfortable showing my emotions. or displaying intimate actions like saying "I love you". All because of my trauma during my childhood and my trauma from my friends death.
My OCD made it more difficult.
OCD is a disorder that manipulates your mind into thinking and obsessing over things. These thoughts can often be bad. Unwanted intrusive thoughts I do not like or even believe in, but my mind obsesses over them because I know how bad the thoughts are. My mind fears these thought and does things so these bad thought do not happen. They are called Compulsions, acts that ease my intrusive thoughts. The compulsions are not healthy or right to do, neither are the obsessions. Both plague my mind and make my life and anxiety more difficult. I have been trying to not think about intrusive thoughts or act on my compulsions in order to ease my mind, but it is so damn hard to tell your mind not to do something.
Moving on.
I graduated college.
And as of the last eight or night months I have been fine.
My depression and OCD still restrain me, but my process and trying of my mind has been working slowly. I do things for my happiness, and I rid my life of toxic things.
It had been hard, but I eventually accepted my reality and how to get better.
Years later my father is a better man. My youngest sister even has a baby now. I live with my older sister and her boyfriend. I hangout with my younger sister and her boyfriend, it helps me and reasures me. But I am still the same. Kind to others, but worrisome, and fragile. I wonder if I can truly change.
Then like I said three days ago...
> I just had to trigger myself.
I usually try not to interact with anything that might trigger me. Because my OCD and depression will eat me alive.
So three days ago I decided to watch a show. The show involved a characters close friend dying.
It triggered thee hell out of me. I realized I hadn't thought about my friend Megan in a while and I felt bad.
I looked at her social media's which are still up, I looked at the photos of us in the past, and reminisced on the fun times.
I realized how much I missed her. How a friend like her would truly understand me right now, as she had gone through the same type of difficult childhood.
Then I felt guilt again for not being closer to her before she passed away.
This is where the OCD comes into play, I was obsessing and doing compulsions to ease my mind about forgetting about my friend, for feeling gulty, and for feeling heartache. My OCD was acting up because of how I felt in that moment of sorrow. Even though I knew I should not be doing any of that, but I couldn't control my disorder. The fear and need to know got the best of me.
The findings did not work out for me.
I still proceeded to think about my friend and what happened to her and her mom.
Thinking about how it caused me much heartbreak.
Thinking about how it changed me.
Thinking about how my life is now.
How it has been 6 years since she passed away, and it all still affects me.
I wondered if her family ever had a funeral. Because back in 2017, when the car accident happened, the family did not have money for two funeral burials. I also never talked to anyone about her passing away, not my parents or friends. Nor did I have contact with any of her remaining family.
It was the same in 2019, when I moved away and to a bigger city. Nothing about her death ever came to resolution in reality, an in my mind or heart.
So three days ago, while I was watching that show...
I looked up the 17yr old girl and her case file, (the girl who accidentally caused my friend and her mother their death).
The girl had been in Juvie and Prison for some time after the accident. She was then trialed as an adult for driving under the influence and the vehicle manslaughter of two people, (my friend and her mother).
I did more research to discover what happened.
I had wanted to know for some time, but I couldn't do it, I couldn't face it.
Now, in 2023, years later, I had the courage to do so. Even if it wasn't what was best for me..
I found out...
In 2020, the girl had been trialed as an adult in court.
She was found Not-Guilty for the vehicle manslaughter of my friend and her mother.
But she was guilty for driving while intoxicated by marijuana.
So the girl may have been out of prison for the last 2yrs perhaps, I don't know.
The girl assumingly had to have parole, with AAA classes.
Or possibly she's still doing time. But there is no more record of her cass, nor has it been updated since 2020. So I believe the unfortunate news is true, she was released from prison..
The news has done its damage on me.
I am a mess, again but worse than before.
I am forcing myself not to think about it, it will take some time.
There's nothing I can do, but to accept it all, think about it, and cry.
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maybebanks · 4 years
I Noticed You
jj maybank x kook! reader
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“Alright, Sarah. Bye now,” you groaned, stepping out past her white painted bedroom door.
“Noooo,” she whined, “don’t leave,”
“I gotta go.” You pouted, “my dad wants me home,”
“Fine. Be like that.” She waved you off.
“Your parents are way less strict then mine!” You argued.
“Uh huh,” Sarah responded sarcastically, “I’m gonna miss you, bitch,” she smiled.
“Okay...see ya,” you waved while walking through the door.
You continued down the hallway, it was a sort of narrow hallway, but you’ve been down it many times before.
“Hey Y/n,” you heard Rafe’s voice call for you, he was leaning casually against his door frame.
“Oh..hey,” you answer, stopping infront of him.
You had to look up to talk to him because he was taller than you.
“Can we talk for a minute?” Rafe asks. You had no idea why he would want to talk to you. I mean, he’s always been nice to you, but he was nearly 20. And you were barely 17.
You nodded, following his gesture for you to come into his room.
He closed the door after you. You just stood by the window. Raising your eyebrows at his suspicious actions.
You looked behind you and saw their backward looking fresh, a Pogue, you think his name is JJ but you didn’t know him well, mowing the lawn.
“I have to be quick. I promised to be home,” you mentioned.
Rafe smiled, not saying anything, just looking at you.
You fumbled with your crop top, “So..what’s this about?” You asked.
“You know how long I’ve been trying to get you alone. You and Sarah...it’s non stop,” he said.
“What?” You asked, very confused in general.
“You were at Toppers party right? Damn..when I saw you snort that coke I was like...this girl...she’s bad,” he chuckled.
“Oh...that was-that was a mistake. I don’t do drugs like that anymore,” you reassured, feeling regretful about that mistake.
He laughed, “don’t lie to yourself, baby. Just think of the fun we could have together,”
Is this some kind of flirting?
“Look...uh, I have to go. Talk later?” you opened the door a bit but Rafe slammed it shut.
“What the hell?” You asked angerly.
Rafe scoffed, “hanging out with Sarah makes you a real bitch,”
“Rafe...I have to go!” You raised your voice. This seemed to anger him. For next, he lunged towards you, trapping you against the wall.
“You think you can tell me what to fucking do?” He asked, his voice surprisingly calm.
When you saw his eyes, you could tell he was high.
“No, I’m-“ you began but stopped yourself when the door creaked open.
Wheezie’s brunette head peaked through the crack of the door.
When she saw both of you, her eyes turned confused.
Rafe moved off of you, “Wheezie, get out of here,” he ordered.
She didn’t argue like she usually would, she didn’t even exchange a glance at you. Just left the room, leaving the door a crack open.
“Shit,” you whispered involuntarily.
“Tell me, Y/n, what’s it gonna take?” he asked.
“Hi!” Wheezie shouted over the loud noise of the lawnmower. Waving her hand towards the boy out in the field.
JJ chuckled, he mowed the lawn for the Cameron’s once or twice a week. Wheezie was basically the only Cameron to talk to him, she would test out flirted to him, even though he was a pogue.
JJ turned the lawn mower off, walking over to Wheezie.
“What’s up?” JJ asked, honestly, he enjoyed a break from his work, and he would never get in trouble becuase Wheezie would defend him.
“So...uh...I don’t know for sure. But I think Rafe is gonna hurt her. And he’s kinda....you know, I mean he does drugs. I saw him this morning! Anyway, he’s in his room and I think-“
“Whoa! Slow down! Who’s gonna hurt who?” JJ asked, now concerned.
“Just put on a shirt and come with me!” She demanded, pulling him by his wrist towards the house.
“I don’t think your parents would be okay with me comin’ in,” JJ chuckled again.
“Just...okay...you know Y/n right? She’ll kill me if she knew I brough you into this becuase she hates attention or whatever but I’m worried, because you know...Rafe has a thing for her and I’m just worried he might try to kiss her and...” She trailed off, but JJ knew what she meant.
He frowned, “You sure I should go in there? What if she wants it. I mean, a lot of kook girls hook up with Rafe,”
“TMI!” Wheezie exclaimed, “anyway, Y/n isn’t one of those kook girls. She’s wayy too good for Rafe. Plus I think she’s into surfer boys,” Wheezie shrugs.
JJ sighs, “alright fine. But you owe me for this,” JJ began walking up the stairs, “what, you not comin’?”
“I am not about to get yelled at by Rafe. Plus I’ll cover the fort down here, so my parents don’t get involved.”
When he finally made it to the second floor, he heard your voice. You weren’t strangers, you’ve met once or twice, but JJ always thought you were way out of his league. And that was saying something.
“Rafe seriously. My dads gonna kill me!” You stated, pushing against Rafe’s rather buff chest.
“Who cares about your dad, Y/n. Just get on your knees,” he stated.
JJ felt disgusted. Even he knew that was no way to talk to a girl.
He stood outside the parted door.
“No, asshole,” you said bluntly, trying to get around him again.
He grabbed your wrist, harshly, pulling you back so you hit the wall. You moaned in pain when the doorknob from his closet door hit your back.
That’s when JJ interfered.
He pushed open the door to make his presence known.
You both looked up at him at the same time.
Rafe immediately stepped back from you, and you pushed the sleeve of your shoulder back to covering yourself.
“Everything alright in here?” JJ asked, studying the situation.
Rafe sniffled slightly nervously, he knew he probobly couldn’t take JJ in a fight due to all the drugs he’s on.
Rafe looked at you, to which you immediately understood, “uh...we are fine. Thanks JJ,” you answered, clearly nervous.
He was surprised, and unexpectedly flattered, when you addressed him by his name.
JJ thought fast, “there is a car here for Y/n,” JJ lied. But you believed it, and so did Rafe.
Rafe scratches the back of his neck, “Okay Y/n...have fun.” Rafe said as you stepped out of the room.
You wanted to flip him off, but JJ was right behind you.
When you got outside, JJ was about to tell you there was no car, but he couldn’t when you thre your arms around his torso, a hug, where you rested your head on his chest.
“Whoa,” he chuckled.
“Thank you, J, you have no idea...” you mumbled.
JJ slowly moved his arm to hug you back. But when his hand reached your mid back, you took a sharp intake of breath and pulled away.
“Sorry, for that. You really saved me back there,” you explained, looking up at him.
“It’s not problem. Oh and by the way, there’s no car here for you,” JJ mentioned.
“Oh...right. Shit I kinda need a ride. You looked around. Until your eyes landed on JJ again.
He studied you.
“What? Do I have something on my face?” You asked.
“No...” JJ shook his head, “this is the most you’ve ever talked to me,” he blurted. Kinda regretting not usuing his usual approach when talking to girls.
“Yeah, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to ignore you before. I just didn’t want to get you in trouble,” you explained, “but I have noticed you,”
Your phone dinged, and that’s when you remember to check the time, “shit,” you blurted.
“What’s wrong?”
“Just...my dads gonna kill me. I was suppose to be home like an hour ago,” you sigh, still nervous.
You noticed JJ tense, “I can give you a ride? The van is gonna smell like weed though,” he winked, gesturing for you to follow him.
You nodded, following him down the driveway to where his “busted” van was parked.
“I’m not usually this helpless, you know,” you blurted, wanting him to know you for the real you.
“Oh believe me, I know,” he chuckles, opening the van door for you.
He was surprised by himself, again. He’s never cared enough to open the door for anyone. But it was so simple you probobly wouldn’t notice.
You smiled, at him and hopped in. There were some all black aviators and a red SnapBack on the seat. Which you moved so you wouldn’t sit on them.
As JJ walked around the van, you couldn’t find anywhere to put them, with all the clutter around, so you just decided to wear the sunglasses and his hat.
When he opened the car his eyes widened in excitement, “looks good on you Y/n,” he said starting the van.
“Who the hells that? I’m JJ,” you joked. When you took a deep breath, you scrunched you’re nose at the stench.
“Whoo,” you sighed, “it’s strong in here. What’d you hotbox or something?” You continued with the JJ impression.
“How do you know me so well?” JJ laughed and grabbed the hat off your head and placed it backwards on his own.
“Just guessin’,” you shrugged, moving the sunglasses farther down your nose.
“Where’s your place?” JJ asked as he turned the wheel.
“Uh...” you trailed off when you noticed Rafe running out of the house, looking angry, waving at the van.
“Shit! JJ go!! Drive!” You commanded. Grabbing his hand and forcing it on the wheel.
You knew Rafe would judge you for spending time with a Pogue, and he would also be mad.
“Calm down, princess,” JJ responded, stepping on the gas.
You immediately retracted, “sorry.” You muttered.
He pulled out of the driveway quick and started heading down the wrong road.
“Where are you going?” You asked, slightly nervous now.
“Back to my place. Since you didn’t tell me where yours was,”
“Wait...uh it’s down that road. I’d really love to hang but I gotta be home,” you told him.
“Ya sure?” JJ said turning the wheel and heading down your street.
You nodded.
“No, I mean, kook princess, would be down to hang with a Pogue?” JJ asked.
You pointed to the pastel yellow mansion with terra-cotta roofing, “of course JJ, I think you’re dope,”
“Holy shitt,” JJ moaned when he saw your house, admiring its beauty and the boat you had parked in the front.
“Jesus, what id give to be a kook,” he mumbled.
“Trust me, it’s not as good as it-“
“Y/N!!!” Your father shouts, he must have seen you pull in.
“Fuck,” you muttered.
JJs heat started to race, that was so damn hot.
You pulled of the sunglasses and placed them on the dash.
“See ya later, and also, you can come over any time use any materials you like. My brother got a new surf board and then went off to college, it’s all yours if you want it,”
JJ smirked, perks of having a kook friend that lived with a family that bought status symbols with their money, “can I get your number?”
“Yeah, it’s-“
You both stopped at the banging on JJs window.
Your father, was urgently yelling, “Y/N get out here right now. Your late for training, god damn it,” it was muffled, but you both understood.
“Training?” JJ questioned.
“See you at the Cameron’s,” you winked, then hopped out of the car and joined your dad inside the kook mansion.
JJ contemplated a life with you, only for a moment, then pulled out of your, rather long, stone driveway.
happy friday !
my masterlist
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sly-merlin · 4 years
KILLING ME - 12 |n.y
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pairing : law student!reader + yuta
genre :    angst , mafia au/ arranged marriage au.
warnings of this chapter : mentions of blood and brutality. For future chapters, major character death(s).
words : 
summary : “life’s never fair y/n. realise it as soon as you can . it is the only secret for living a regretless life.”                                  
“  curiousity got the cat hitched”
K.M masterlist
A/n : this was supposed to be a longer chapter. The Tumblr was bring problematic since three days. This is not how the chapter was supposed to end but i couldn't post anything longer than this so i had to make changes to end it on a surprise tone like other chapters. I hope you still enjoy it.
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Was he asking for too much?
His unsteady hand rose and fell, internal monologue stopping him from knocking on the door. Johnny wasn't sure how he even ended up outside taeyong's door. One second he was fighting with his thoughts and the next second he found himself jumping out of his car, almost ready to confront the person behind the door. 
He took a deep breath and was about to drum the wood when the door opened from inside, taeyong's sleepy figure greeting him instantly.
"John. Why are you here so late? Do you need something?"  from red pressed strikes on taeyong’s face, anyone would have guessed that he had been sleeping.
“Johnny! I’m talking to you.” he waved his hand in front of johnny’s distracted eyes.
“Do you want something?”
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Your life was back on the wagon. Not truly but with a few exceptions here and there, it certainly felt like the old days. You were in chois on weekdays and took tuitions on the weekends. You met your friends while visiting the library and everything felt quite normal. Even with a few oddities, that being the five day training sessions with Jungwoo, some new people in your life, a residence that you felt happy coming back to, absence of someone that you’d never grown a liking for, everything was smooth. Just like before. The only thing you missed was some time. Time for yourself. Though you lived alone, which was a luxury nearing its end, you barely got a few minutes alone with your mind and that was something you craved more than the drink shoved in your hand at the moment. 
You loved your friends, without any doubt, but they lived with the bad habit of disregarding your feelings, feelings that said you would be anywhere but the restaurant you were sitting in. 
“y/n is going into hibernation again.” minjun’s voice broke your trance.
“What did you say?" You challenged him but he cowered in his seat and turned his focus on the soggy french fries instead. When he silenced, yugyeom spoke up, 
“Yo y/n. Don’t scare the child. Just drink away your sorrows. The wine is quite expensive here. If you are making me pay then at least make it worth it."
Suddenly, Jungkook's loud snorting caught everyone's attention as they all quietened, waiting for him to reveal the reasons for his action. Swirling his burgundy glass, he chugged the last bit of the drink before leaning backwards in his chair, relaxing himself.
"Now what's the drama with You" Yeong grumbled, clearly intoxicated. 
"She's already hammered" minjun giggled. 
"When are you going to invite us to your house y/n?" Jungkook chimed in, a smirk plastered on his blushed face. 
"Oh yes. Ms. Lawyer no more l-lives i-in the d-dorms." Yeong hiccupped, losing the grip on the bottle of soju. Yugyeom chuckled at her antics before snatching the bottle away to avoid any fuss.
"I also meant to ask you but you are never available for more than an hour or so. Are you doing alright" gyeom shifted his chair towards you while keeping a hand on his girlfriend's back.
You didn't know how to reply or what to trump up so they'd stop pestering you. However, you had no other choice than to continue with the streak you had started a few months ago.
"Of course i want to have you there but my roommate is very, how to explain, very bitchy. He got this corporate job and he-he works from home so I'm supposed to pretend like I do not exist and keep quiet. That includes no outsiders as well. It's gonna be like this for a few months i guess"
You mumbled the last part.
 You averted your eyes but didn't mean you could've escaped their intense judgemental gaze. You repeated the whole lie that you recited to arrange it in the box of deceit that you were filling since the commencement of these stories. Forgetting any of these would mean shattering their trust. And that was exactly what you were supposed to protect.
Once reiterated, you gathered how foolish the sentence was. Had it been said to you, there wasn't a chance of putting your belief in it. But your company was drunk enough to believe it; two of them were enough to carry the whole table.
"Wow. How horrible of him. We should take y/n with us yugy. She'd be happy and she can invite anyone." Yeong low-key let out a little drunk growl to press her point. 
Yugyeom cooed at her before replying,
"And where will you live? Our apartment has only two rooms and both are occupied. Where do you plan to settle down instead?"
His question made her think harder than she ever had in life as she picked at her jutted out lower lip. 
"Laundry room. You and me, will live in the laundry room because y/n needs a nice home."
"I already have a nice home yeongie." You took the opportunity, got up and reached out to pinch her cheeks, "but you won't know unless you are sober. Take her home, yugy. I'm also sleepy so I'll get going. See you on Tuesday." 
" It's already 11. Let me drop you home." Jungkook suggested, startling you.
"No It-
"Yeah you drop her. I'll take Yeong and minjun home but help me in carrying their asses to the car please." Yugyeom pleaded. He left the bills on the table and took Yeong in his arms. You expected jungkook to do the same but he passed minjun your shoulders instead,
"Wait for me outside. I have to call someone first." and he walked away, his lover grinning on your shoulder like it was the funniest thing in the world but you were fine as long as their drunken state saved you from some heavy confrontation. The only person left was jungkook and you had the perfect idea to dodge him as well. 
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"So the same place or are you staying in the dorms this weekend?" He asked, driving out of the busy street.
"Just drop me at the nearest bus station. I'll ta-
"Nakamoto residence or the dorms y/n" you almost choked on the air as the word left his lips. Taking a bus home had seemed like the perfect plan but you had overvalued your common sense. Again.
"What are you talking about?" With hesitation evident in your voice, you muttered.
"Do you really think you'd go to a random house in front of me that I know nothing about and you'd be left alone without questions. I was there until the door was opened by someone. You really thought I'd have left you with a stranger. But i knew something was fishy when the receptionist told me that it's a home sweet home of Mr and Mrs nakamoto. Now spill before I get yugyeom to ask in his own way." He shifted the gears in frustration, your relaxed persona bothering him to no end. Getting jungkook wokred up wasn't a grunt work. He was like a matchstick, always ready to be ignited by any possible frictional surface. 
"It's not what you are thin-
"Don't lie please," he started, words dangerously polite, "If he's your boyfriend then there's no need to hide y/n. We would always be there to support you. When, how, why, i don't want you to feel pressured to answer me. Just because you go around with no commitment tag doesn't mean we'd judge you if you ever got in a relationship. We love you. Make us part of your life like we do. Can't we just expect that much." 
You gulped at how disappointed he sounded. He was right. You needed to include them in your life adventures but how were you supposed to explain him the riots you were dealing with. How were you supposed to spill everything without him getting his sword out. That would only lead to more troubles than you had the power to deal with. Trouble for you, him and for everyone who'd be passed that secrecy. 
So you begged, for some more time until you'd be more than comfortable to let all of them into your present life. 
Like every other word, this was also a lie that, in the first place,  you never chose to proceed with. 
He might have give in to you, but you knew eventually you'd have to muster up the courage to answer him and that day would decide another turn of your future. 
And you would make sure, inter alia, to shift the wheels in a more likeable direction.
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“Use your fists!” 
Jungwoo’s grip was strong. His one arm was holding your waist and the other was around your neck. It was painful but you knew he wasn’t going to let go easily this time. This was the third consecutive scuffle or demo fight with him within the span of the last forty five minutes and having lost the last two, awfully at that, expectation of some mercy was not very demanding on your part. But only if he would grant that! You heard his chuckle as you wriggled in his hold. He was clearly having a lot more fun than you were. There was no way you could’ve applied renjun and hyuck’s advice but you still tried to follow their vague instructions.
“Bit his arm and turn.”
“No, don’t. Turn around and hit his torso with your knees.” 
Bit him?
Halting your movements, a low grunt left your lips as you lowered your body and pressed your teeth on his flesh. He screeched and immediately retracted his arm. Taking advantage of his loosened grip on your waist, you whirled around and raised your knee to strike at his upper body. In an instant, your hands fell on your knees and you inhaled a harsh breath, regaining your strength. Jungwoo, on the other hand, was curled up on the floor like a baby. You wanted to laugh at him but the more astonishing thing was the lack of any noise from your cheerleaders. Right from the start, they were rooting for you like you were earning them some hard cash and now that you had done exactly what they had wanted, they were silent. 
you opened your mouth to speak but their lack of attention held you back. Their eyes were fixed at Jungwoo,who still laid where he had landed. 
“What did you do?” renjun shrieked.
“Exactly what you told me to!” you replied with heavy breathing.
“We said torso!”
“Yes and i hi-
Mechanically your hand slapped your face as you noticed the position of jungwoo’s hands. You had, mistakenly, kicked him in the groin which only meant more trouble for you. 
“Save me.” you mouthed to hyuck and renjun while approaching jungwoo. 
“Sorry teacher.” you mumbled.
He remained quiet for a few seconds and didn’t make any movement. When he did, you took a few steps back, afraid of his wrath. Palms down on the mat, he sat up and with painfully quiet voice spoke up,
“Looks like you won. Good j-job. I think i need to visit the medical room. You can go and celebrate.”
“Does it pain too much” pointing to his crotch and averting your eyes, you asked.
“No. not at all but i might need to adopt your kids someday. You know if i can’t make my own.” 
��Sorry” you cried.
“Dismissed.” his civil tone, probably due to the ache, glued you in the position.
When you didn't move, donghyuck came, took you by your arm and guided you for the door.
"He's just being dramatic. Just chill. Another hit and he'd be good to go." He giggled and was soon joined by renjun as well, who was now crouching down in front of jungwoo. 
"You sure?"
"If he doesn't then you can always give him your baby. Ofcourse after asking your husband." Only after he rambled, he realised what he had actually said. His face screamed surprise. To save him from spiralling into deep shame, you eased him by cutting off his apology,
"Ew hyuck. Give him one of yours if you want. Don't come for mine!" And you exited the door.
You were halfway through the basement when you realised the lack of your device. Running back, you were about to shout when you overheard their gossip.
"No, I'm telling you she meant to injure me so i won't teach her anymore or this might be the revenge of all the weapon training. Her knee is stronger than jeno's punch. Don't laugh at me you shits."
Jungwoo was whining. 
"Haha. Yeah ok. But i told you renjun, she's physically stronger than her. Kind of totally opposite." Hyuck's voice quietened at the end but before he could speak further, you interrupted,
"Like who hyuck?"
Their faces went blank at your question and the reason of sudden heaviness in the air was beyond your contemplation. 
"You don't want to answer? Fine. Maybe it's not my place to question." You simply stated before circling the mat to pick up your phone from the chair.
"No. It's not li-
"It's fine hyuck. Chill." You shrugged and walked away, deciding against pestering them for information that they clearly felt too uncomfortable to share. 
"You need a fucking lock on your bloody mouth." was the last thing you heard before they were out of your hearing.
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What was the need to ask something when you knew you won't ever get an answer out of them. Everyone was beyond friendly with you but still, there were some borders that nobody dared to cross. Maybe the mention of that woman was one of them. Fear of some unknown ghost of embarrassment was swallowing you whole when you heard grunts. Loud ones. You were still in the basement, the scuffle center being at the far end. The stairs were in front of you. The  snarls and growls were coming from the other end of the basement. The election wasn't hard and you didn't want to give in to your curiosity but you did. Your feet, not cooperating with the voice in the back of your head that told you to turn away, took you ahead in the direction of the noise. Though the residence consisted of only one plot but the basement covered two. Unknown to everyone, the house next to B.N was also their property and it was only utilised for the underground space. Hence the never ending lane and the countless closed metal doors.
The echo got louder with each step you took. It’s been more than a month since you were visiting the basement but those noises had never crossed through you until today. The end doors were forbidden for you, according to what you were told but now that you were exposed to it, there was no chance of ignoring. No prudent person would ever overlook such a thing. That was the justification you were repeating as you took baby steps.
All the doors were closed except one at the very far end. You thought about peaking inside then halted as if your conscious called you. The whimpers also stopped for a minute or so but your heart skipped a few beats when a collision following with painful shriek reverberated in the empty space. The door, slightly ajar, was just a few strides away but you were too startled to even back away from your position. Same pattern of hit and shouts continued again. Unaware of the happenings, you stood there as If you were waiting for someone to separate you from the concrete beneath your feet.
Adding to your distress, the metal door opened abruptly and you realised, you were again at a place where you weren't meant to be.
"What are you doing here?" Jaehyun's growl broke you out of the unconscious state you had fell into. Mechanically, you eyes roamed across him to notice a body lying on the table inside the room, strained cries escaping his lips. The limp body was enough to put two and two together to conclude that he was being tortured. He was a victim of jaehyun's wrath. 
"I asked what ar-
"Y/N!" he picked up his hand to touch your shoulders but you distanced yourself when you noticed the stains covering his clothing and hands, the blood red prominently visible even under the low light. 
His gaze caught yours in time and his eyes softened noticing the fear in your body. 
Very slowly, he reached out for you but immediately stopped, taking a note of your quivering lip.
"Hey. It-its not blood. I ca-can explai- Y/N!" 
The yells of your name covered the whole arena as you rushed away, leaving a dazed jaehyun behind.
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"Who was it jae?" 
Jaehyun saw your trembling figure diminishing while you ran away from him as if you were disgusted by him. Not that he expected any other reaction, some good time has passed since someone innocent had came across their work. To say the least, it was never pleasant to have someone witness their harsh manners.
"Y/n. She saw the body and also the blood."
He mumbled to ten whose visage, upon hearing, instantly mirrored jaehyun's.
"What about him?" Ten pointed to the man, "he's not speaking shit"
"Finish him off if you want. I need to handle something else now"
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You raced as fast as you could have. You had never thought of yourself as a weak person but the sight was gruesome to just disregard and walk off. With shaking legs, you finally made it upstairs but the ringing, only became more earsplitting. Your hand harshly rubbed at your chest as you tried to defuse the tension bubbling in your whole body. After what felt like minutes, you covered your ears as if it would stop the ringing. It certainly did not but surprisingly it was muffled. You removed your hands and the blaring returned again. But this time, you laboured yourself to look into your surroundings. You saw chenle, jisung, jaemin running back and forth from the kitchen while doyoung seemed to be scolding jeno for something. Few others were also there, cleaning the couches and spraying some fragrance in the air. Everyone seemed to be their own turmoil, origin was which was yet to be known.
That's when it hit you. Maybe your ears weren't booming due to fright. 
"Chenle"you screamed at the passing boy, "do you hear this sound?" You pointed your fingers in the air to exaggerate your point. He merely nodded before he went past you and the very next second the noise was reduced to mere buzzing. You inhaled sharply to regulate your heartbeat but failed due to the ruckus  that enclosed you. Suddenly jaemin emerged, 
"Why are you so disheveled? Go and change from these workout clothes. Uncle is outside. Didn't you hear the alarm." Only Half of his words entered your head and before you could come to your senses, you were interrupted again.
"Y/n my girl!" Whipping your head, you saw a familiar figure entering the threshold. 
An old man that you surely had seen somewhere. 
His voice was a lot stronger than his aged body which he was dragging along with the help of a walking stick. 
Jaemin nudged you to greet him and you complied as soon as could have in your current state. Only when you got closer, you realised he was the same man you had met in the office celebration. You haven't seen him since then but he looked significantly weaker than before. Even with dark circles present, his face still was still shining with the smile he wore as he staggered inside. 
"How's life treating you my kid" he asked, patting the empty space on the couch. You took the seat and replied in a small voice,
"I'm good. Everything is nice." 
"Why am I smelling Jasmines this late in the evening?" He sniffed the air and galred at doyoung, " Do you take me for a fool? One thing! Cleaning. that is the only thing i ask of you. There are- how many of you are present since the morning. Answer me doyoung." 
The man barked and doyoung muttered a sheepish apology, his head dropping with shame. 
"Each one of you is nonsense. If you'd just clean up your stink once in a while, you'd save your money on the thousands of spray bottles you buy every month. But you thick heads only know how to shoot and punch. Now get me a glass of water before i die of this fake flowery smell"
He shouted like he owned the place and Maybe he did. Your mind and heart were not aligned up to comprehend the simple scenario that took place before you, the dizziness coming and going with intervals.
Then you were called again. 
Looking at your right, your saw jaehyun standing, his face ridden of any colour.
You noticed his new shirt. There was no blood on it. His hands were also cleaned and you were stunned at how quickly your eyes were running on his body to find any trace of what you saw in the basement a few minutes ago.
"y/n, i need to talk to you" 
For the first time, jaehyun's words were directed towards you without any poison in them. 
You still didn't wish to face him so you moved yourself to face the old man.
"Y/n ple-
"Now you don't even greet your own father jung jaehyun."
He spoke with a steadier and louder voice that felt like it was only meant for jaehyun. The contrast in his tone was striking. 
He was jaehyun's father.
"Sorry dad. I have something imp-
"I called you in the morning to inform yuta and taeil and yet i do not see anyone here. Do i need to die for you to respect me!"
You couldn't believe your ears when jaehyun answered in shuddering tone. 
"Yu-yuta is not here." 
He sounded like a child responding to his teacher, scared of some evaluation.
"Then call him."
"I mean he's away on business dad."
It was like hearing Morse code.
"You sent him on a target place?"
"No. He's in Nice to collect information."
"Wow. Can you please clap your back for breaking the only sacred rule this family lives by?"
The silence in the extremely large living room was suffocating. This time, except you, everyone else was scared. And it still wasn't of any help.
"How dare you send a family man away on anything remotely dangerous. I thought you all were careful after taeil's incident but no. Nobody cares enough t-
Before he could complete, shaky coughs engulfed his body. Somehow, jaehyun grabbed him the moment he was about to fall from the couch. Doyoung ran for the kitchen while xiaojun, who was always too swift in his movements, came to the living room with a medical box.
You weren't sure what was happening with him or why he was being treated like some high mighty force or why he was so adamant on bringing yuta back but you could only pray that his wish won't be granted.
You weren't cruel but you were sure he'd be able to survive without that piece of shit roaming around.
You couldn't lose the few weeks you had without him.
Taeyong hands clutched yours like his life depended on you.
"Please please please y/n. It's been over a month since he's gone. I never withdraw from a deal. But this is an emergency. Uncle doesn't know you both were forced. He is a soft and weak hearted man. We cannot afford to tell him anything like this and clearly this would be seen as a betrayal to him. You both are nothing like what he's told but he doesn't need to need. He's the only father figure we have. Please just this time. I promise I won't ask anything from you after this. You do not need to live with him. he'd be here until two months are over. Please."
You lifted your brow at his last sentence and liberated your hands from his, feeling his trembling fingers. 
"I don't see the need to lie anymore, taeyong. You can tell him the truth and be over with it. If he has jaehyun as a son, he must be used to hearing blatant lies. This won't be the only one, I'm sure of that." Crossing your arms, you coldly said.
"I know you hate me but please y/n. You know how it is to lose the only family member you have. We have no one besides him. Never had anyone before him. The least we can do is keep him happy until it's too late. Please. Just this time."
Gobbling down each word, you merely nodded at him. If it weren't for his glossy eyes, you'd have threw up on him right after the first pleading but you weren't heartless like him. He was right. You knew how it felt to lose your loved ones, a fate you would never wish upon anyone. Not even the person you despised the most.
"Thank you. I owe you this one kiddo." He hugged you and you pushed him away. 
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"Let me call him."
"You need to come back immediately "
Taeyong spoke with urgency.
"Nope. I still have Three weeks and two days left." You heard his non-chalant words through the speaker.
"Yuta it's abou-
"Sorry I'm busy with my french girls. Call you later and please forget to take care of yourself."
And he hung up. 
A smirk formed on your face watching the grim expressions of taeyong.
"Good luck convincing him and while you are going to explain him the difference between the French girls and the French monkeys he has mistaken as women, why don't you explain me what exactly jaehyun does in that other end of the basement. I love some good stories, taeyong. So let's hear how good of a storyteller are you!"
taglist :: @kpop-choco @moon-yuta @kawaiiayasan @btm-taeyong @exfolitae @lanadreamie @cheersskznct @hyuckiesgf @theworld-accordingtocasey  @yiyi4657 @sorrywonwoo @sillywinnergladiator @minejungwoo @leesalts  @mal-nakamoto23 @ro2424 @itlittlefangirl @nctzens-world @bl--ankhaeji @simplybree @ncttboo @jeaneteflo @nuoyii @/bralessmermaid
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obxcunt · 4 years
Love bites || (1)
pairing: jj maybank x reader [eventually] || rafe cameron x reader [currently]
warnings: smut, death, cursing, drugs, alcohol, typos.
summary: it was supposed to be a good summer for you, the last one in the obx before going to college, the last one with your friends and family. Unfortunately, a sudden and mysterious death is about to completely change your life, pushing you directly into a brand new world and into a very sexy vampire’s arms.
A/N: i’ve been obsessed with vampires for a while, also started rewatching buffy recently. I really wanted to give you guys some vampire shit since i was in the mood for it. This is part one of my new series, let me know what you think, all characters are 18+.
masterlist || part two
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“Today, we are still looking for the animal who brutally killed a teenage boy on Friday night, around midnight. The police department is asking our citizens to be extremely vigilant. A curfew might be installed for the next few days, until the end of the police’s researches—"
“Jesus…” Your mother murmured, turning off the tv. “This is scary, how are we supposed to feel safe right now?” You sighed, looking at the delicious meal in front of you, your fork wandering through it. “This thing, could be anywhere—” She paused. “Well, probably not on Figure Eight. I feel so bad for this family, maybe we should do something for them—”
“Like, what?” Your father asked, frowning. “Are you going to make them a cake with: I’m genuinely sorry about your son’s death?” He grabbed the wine, again. “Leave them alone, we already have someone to handle here.”
You rolled your eyes, taking the hint. “Alright, can you guys stop doing this?” You asked, dropping your utensils, the sounds making your mother jump. “I’m literally sitting next to you.” You father sighed, drinking and looking away. “I’m fine.”
“Well, you won't leave this goddamn house until they catched that thing.” Your father stated. “It's too dangerous.”
Your eyes widened. “Wait, what?” You laughed nervously, glancing back and forth between your parents. “You can't be serious! I— I’m not gonna stay here all summer. I have plans, with my friends and—” You turned to your mother, seeking support. “Mom, please!”
She sighed, looking down. “It's only for the nights, sweetheart.” You father groaned, focusing on his meal. “Come on, it's her last summer before going to college.”
“But, wait!” You said, realization hitting you. “I won't be able to party with my friends then—” You father laughed, pointing at you with the knife he had in hand. “That's not fair—”
“That's right, no more parties for you.” He said. “I’d love to know what you were doing on The Cut, the other night. Since when is my daughter hanging out with Pogues?” You sighed, throwing the napkin before leaving the table.“Where do you think you're going?”
“In my room!” You shouted, walking towards the door. “Is it good enough for you? It's on Figure Eight, after all.” You turned around, crossing your arms. “I’m old enough to choose my friends, aren't you tired of judging them?” He rolled his eyes, clearly not impressed. “I wasn't even hanging out with Pogues on Friday night. I was with Rafe, Topper and… Kelce.”
“Right.” He said, wiping his mouth. “Then tell me, what were you doing? If you were hanging out with them, how did you not see—”
“I already told you!” You shouted, losing your composure. “I was with Rafe, we were walking back to his car, we both wanted to leave.” Your mother sighed, drinking. “Whatever, you guys never believe me anyway.”
“Y/N…” Your mother trailed off.
“Probably because you're constantly lying and hiding things!” Your father added, and at this point you knew it was better for you to leave the room.
“I learned from the master himself.” You said, before exiting the kitchen, ignoring him. “Cheating asshole...” You murmured on your way to your bedroom.
It’s true, you were supposedly going to leave with Rafe that night, when you both left the boneyard. However, as soon as you both entered the truck: you magically ended up riding the Kook boy, under the influence.
“Shit-” He moaned, his hands slightly bruising your hips as you bounced on his dick, holding on his shoulders for dear life. “Fuck, Rafe!” You cried, bare chest pressed against his, moaning close to his ear: the sound driving him crazy. His hands moved, caressing your body, his eyes shutting down in a soft whine. You moaned loudly, head falling backwards, giving him enough space to kiss your chest. “Fuck— You feel so good, Y/N.” He said, pounding into you harder, the movement making you fall on him again. You smiled against his neck, ready to answer him before hearing a scream, the sound ruining the moment. “Wait, wait, wait—” You said, panic taking over you. You moved, your back hitting the steering wheel, making Rafe laugh. “What's wrong, Y/N?” He asked, the both of you panting as your hands moved along his toned chest. “You heard that, right?” You asked, the moonlight barely lighting his features through the fogged windows. “Well, of course.” He said, smirking. “I think everyone heard you.” You sighed, smacking his sweaty skin. “I’m serious, Rafe! Someone bloody screamed outside.” He nodded, kissing your forehead. “Relax, baby. It's probably just people messing around.” You weren't convinced by that. “Hey, i’m gonna check, okay?” He said, feeling bad as soon as you started biting your nails. You nodded, moving back to the passenger seat, putting your clothes on. “I’m coming with you.” You opened the door, quickly running to him. “I don't think it's a good—” You held his hand, shutting him off. You both walked around the deserted place, approaching the woods, searching through the darkness, the cold air and a bunch of noises giving you goosebumps. “Wait, what's that?” Rafe asked, stopping along the way to the beach, noticing a body laying on the ground. “Rafe—” You felt your heartbeat increasing, letting go of his hand. “Stay behind me, Y/N.” He said, swallowing hard and approaching it. “Holy shit.” You murmured, covering your mouth as tears emerged from the corner of your eyes, recognizing Kelce’s face, strange marks covering his neck. “Call the cops, Y/N.” Rafe murmured, panic slowly invading him as well. “Go back to the fucking car and call someone, Y/N!” He shouted, kneeling down next to his friend’s body. You walked backwards, almost tripping over something before running back to his truck. You opened the door in a rush, searching for a cellphone. “Shit—” You murmured, shaking as you composed the number. “911, what's your emergency?” A woman asked. “I— My name is Y/N/ L/N, we need an ambulance or the cops, anyone—” You paused, breathless. “Okay, slow down, can you explain to me, what's going on?” “We found a dead body, on our way to the beach, it's our friend—” You suddenly paused, hearing a noise behind you, the sound making you turn around in a silent scream, your eyes scanning the environment in panic, heart pounding against your chest. “Ma'am, are you okay? Can you hear me?” The woman asked, still waiting on the phone. “Shit, I—” You breathed in and out, trying to contain the urge to cry. “We need help, right now, please!”
You turned on the lights, entering your bedroom and closing the door behind you, laying against it in a sigh. You looked over the window, familiar sounds catching your attention: a few knocks, followed by whispers. You moved towards it, a bit anxious as you pulled up the curtains: relaxing as soon as you recognized Rafe’s face.
“What are you doing here, Rafe?” You asked, opening the window and watching the tall boy coming inside. “I’m pretty sure we still have a front door.” You added, closing it.
“You're not answering my calls or texts—” He paused, running a hand through his hair. “I was worried.”
“I’m really sorry, Rafe.” You simply replied. “I— I wasn't in the mood to talk. Things have been pretty crazy lately, especially since—” You sighed, crossing your arms. “Kelce's death and the funeral.”
“I missed you, a lot.” He admitted, surprising you. “I know we are not dating or anything but—” You looked down for a second, a bit embarrassed. “We are still friends, right? I missed my friend.” He cleared his throat, fleeing your gaze. “Anyway, we are having lunch at my house tomorrow, everyone is going to be there. It's for Kelce, do you—”
“I’ll come, of course.” You cut him off, giving him a tiny smile.
“Promise me to be careful, out there.” He said, hands cupping your cheeks. “I already lost one of my best friends.” He tried to kiss you, craving your softness but you moved, making this awkward. “Wow, okay...” He said, laughing nervously.
“Fuck, Rafe—” You sighed, rubbing your face. “I— I can't do this right now. It's too much. My parents are on my back constantly, you probably should leave before they—”
“Your parents love me, Y/N!” He said, sighing as you refused to match his enthusiasm. “Okay, it's fine. I can’t stay any longer, Topper is parked in the street, waiting for me. I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“That's very sweet.” You said, pushing up on your toes and kissing his cheek, the action making him blush right away. “Be careful, alright? Stay on Figure Eight, it's safer apparently.” He nodded, opening the window himself.
You watched him leave, closing the window behind him as he walked back to Topper’s jeep. Once they were gone, you looked down, noticing a silhouette standing in front of your house, the darkness hiding his identity.
“What the fuck—” You murmured, turning off the lights and shutting down the curtains. A few seconds later, you lifted the curtains a bit, (curiousty teasing you) searching for the stranger’s presence but there was nothing: they were gone.
A/N: I’m so excited about this series, comment if you want to be add to the tag-list! I’ll post the next part this week!
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tinyyoungblood · 4 years
saved by beauty | tom holland
summary: for the past couple of weeks, you’ve been delivering cheesecakes to the same movie star and every time, there was something off about him, so what better way to cheer him up than to take him to your parents’ house to ride your old bikes together?
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pairing: tom holland x reader
word count: 2.2 k
warnings: mention of loneliness and mental breakdown, fluff
song/based on: Young & Alive by Bazzi
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Fyodor Dostoyevsky: “The world will be saved by beauty.”
* * *
As always, the clock ticked toward late afternoon when the doorbell rang. Rising out of the dark, shuffling to the door, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes—it didn’t matter how much he prepared himself for the daily doorstep exchange, just like any other day, he was blinded by his counterpart and in return, prompted to match her energy whereas she was prompted to act blind—it was a painful interaction. Fake smiles, worried eyes, and another careless lie. And you were sick of it.
“I’m good, thank you, keep the change, have a nice day,” Tom rambled and was just about to shut the door on your face when you quickly put your foot on the threshold, keeping the door open by bashing two millimeters. He cocked a brow. “Sorry, did I forget something?”
Not having thought it through, you shook your head slowly and fumbled with the dollar bill in your hand. “I just wanted, uhm, just wanted to see if you, uh…would like to go for a little trip outside?” Neither of you said a word and Tom watched through wide eyes as you shuffled from one foot to another, stupidly animating you to keep talking.
“Uhm, you’ve just been ordering so many cheesecakes, like, so many, every single day without a doubt, and I’m in no place to judge really, I mean, I just deliver your addic—I mean your food, and you always look really sad—I mean, not sad, you look great! I mean, not great great, that would be a lie, but I’d still go how you doin’ for you, and even if you keep saying you’re fine, I know that’s bullshit, but I just wanted to make you feel a bit better so, uh, how do you feel about going for a ride? ” You squeezed your eyes shut and balled your fists by your sides to let the moment fly by. When the silence was nibbling on your skin, you peeked at Tom through your lashes. He held no expression on his face. Grimacing, you stuck out your open palm, almost colliding against the stranger’s chest, and mumbled shamefully, “You can take back the change if you want.”
Eyeing your stretched-out arm, a small chuckle left his lips and you glanced up from the floor. “It’s yours, you should keep it.”
Almost in slow motion, you tucked the cash into your back pocket before rocking back and forth on your heels. He watched you in silence before shaking his head with a mumbled what the hell. Snatching his key card from its holder, he stepped over the threshold and jammed his hands into his front pockets with a small nod and grin of excitement. “Let’s do this.”
Once in the car, he placed the box with the cake carefully in the backseat and in the blink of the eye, you were already turning the corner to drive to your destination. After a few moments of utmost awkwardness and uncomfortable shifting, you cleared your throat and glanced at the celebrity in your passenger seat. “So Cheesecakes, tell me, what got you so down?” His nose crinkled at the nickname and he turned to watch the passing houses through his window.
“That’s an interesting question to ask first.”
“What do you mean?” You glimpsed at him and he shrugged.
“No what’s your name? or do you happen to have a criminal record? You know, your typical first questions to set a ground foundation of trust.”
He had never spoken this much before, so you were taken aback by the string of accented words, but you hid your surprise and met his eyes with a teasing smile. “Well, technically, the first question I asked you was would you like a fork for the cake? So I’m pretty sure we’ve already established some kind of intimacy here. It’s so erotic, I would never ask my grandmother that.”
Tom laughed and the tension slowly chipped off. He found himself tucking his hands in between is arm pits, only to take them out again to slot his fingers together.
“I’ve just been lonely lately.” He confessed, his low voice held insecurity and shame, causing your heart to shatter.
“It’s okay to feel that way, you know.”
“I know, I’ve just…” You peeked at Tom as he drew his lower lip between his teeth. “I’ve just been working abroad for five months straight without really clicking with anybody from my…my workplace. And all my friends and family are in England while I’m stuck here in an empty hotel room munching on cheesecakes. I guess, I’m just homesick and I feel bad about it. I should be over the moon to be given this opportunity, not complaining. I know I’m blessed, but at the same time, I don’t really feel the blessing. There’s nothing that lights up my day anymore—“ except when you show up at my doorstep every day, he mused but kept it to himself.
In anticipation of your reply, he cautiously observed the way you were chewing on your bottom lip while staring engrossed on the road ahead. He watched as you pulled into a random driveway and killed the engine, and his stare never left either as you turned to Tom with softened eyes. “It’s normal to feel homesick when you’ve been away for five months. You should never feel bad about it. It’s not your fault.” You found your hand linger on his arm and you wanted to pull back, but his hand landed on top of yours, and you kept going.
“You need to understand it’s only temporary. All of this will pass, and before you know it, you’ll be back in England with your friends and family and it’ll all be worth it.” His eyes were focused solely on you, taking in every word, and deep down, you were glad that you had decided to do this. “Those feelings will come and go and sometimes it’ll be overwhelming, but that’s what this bad boy and I are here for.” You jerked your thumb to the backseat to point at the white box. “You’re always welcome to reach out to me and I’ll do anything in my power to make sure that you’re having a good time in the States.”
He cracked a meek smile, shimmering eyes softening under the sunset rays, and you returned it. “Thank you, love.”
That pet name seeped effortlessly through the air and made the pit of your stomach bubble. You were sure, if it weren’t for the fleeting glance at the house, you would have sat there until the end of your time. Instead, you almost sprinted out of the vehicle.
Tom mirrored your actions and leaned against the car to watch you open a stranger’s garage. He crossed his arms and called out with amusement, “I really appreciate your offer, but when you said a good time, I didn’t think you meant trespassing and breaking into somebody’s house.”
You ignored him, entered the garage and returned with two bicycles, one was red, the other blue. “It’s my parents’ house, dummy.” You offered him the red bike with a glimpse of excitement. “Let’s ride our bikes like it’s 2005.”
Before he could respond, you swung your leg over the saddle and peddled down the street, leaving behind a stunned Tom. He stared after you before hurriedly grabbing the white box from the backseat to tuck it under his arm. He decided to ride behind you, taking his time to admire your freely outstretched arms and the way your hair was blowing in the warm wind. Moving toward the sunset with its deep, rich reds and glorious golds, you still found yourself looking over your shoulder with a huge smile and his breath hitched. As you caught sight of the carton box under his arm, you let out a laugh and the melodic sound made him smile broader.
“Why 2005?” He called out to you, and you slowed down to ride beside him. You shrugged. “I don’t remember much of that year, must have been nine or eight, but I like to think that it was a great year. We were young and alive and, I guess, that was enough.”
You knew your words didn’t make any sense, you weren’t even sure if they made sense to you, but in that moment, they did to Tom. A wide grin curved around his lips and his eyes traveled up to the cloudless sky. Punching his arm in the air, he cheered loudly and you joined in. The echoes of your laughter melted with it, and you were left with comfortable chatter as you rode through passing memories of the quiet neighborhood that you grew up in. You pointed out little spots and stories those places held and Tom listened tentatively.
Leading both of you up the familiar hill, you stopped in the middle of the field and let your bike fall to the ground. Tom followed and with the compressed box in his hands, he tilted his head to the side. Beaming excitedly at him, you took his arm and walked backward to guide him to the big oak tree blooming in luscious tones of green. He kept his eyes on you, not wanting to miss a second of the glow. Settling underneath the trunk, you patted the spot next to you and he landed on his bum without hesitation.
“You brought me up here to sit underneath a tree?”
You shook your head and simply pointed ahead. His eyes followed your finger and, in an instance, they lit up with amazement. A wide array of faraway roofs cascaded along the landscape while mountains in the far formed waves along the horizon. The sun’s orange streaks were stretching out in advance and bathing the sight in warm colors while behind you, the sparkling night sky was curving over the globe. But even with all of this surrounding him, his eyes found themselves settling back over your face.
His thoughts involuntary flicked back to his daunting hotel room and a shiver climbed up his spine as it reminded him that you had saved him from an unforeseeable mental breakdown without even knowing it.
“It’s breathtaking, isn’t it?” You spoke up, soft and gentle, eyes staring ahead, and Tom was only able to nod. The sun was engulfing its last stripes of soft gold on your skin and leading you into a warm dance. And his heart was dancing right with you, making him let go of his anxious thoughts.
“I like this.” He found himself admit and you hummed, head falling on his shoulder. His heart race picked up and the comforting scent of your shampoo filled his nostrils. He glanced at the leaves above him and he let his thoughts form to words. “I think I like you more though.”
He expected you to jump off him, stare at him in bewilderment, maybe even push him down the hill, but instead you lifted your head from his shoulder and gradually averted your gaze from the scenery to him with a glowing smile that reached up to your eyes.
“I think so too.”
He found comfort in the way the corner of your lips curved into a smile that had grown so valuable to him over the past few months.
“What do you say? I could take you out for some cheesecake. You might like it.”
He played along and nodded. “I’ve heard it’s good—Oh my, would you look at that?” He held up the white box with feigned surprise. “I guess your wish just got true,…?”
“Tom.” His smile was a little bigger than needed as he held out his hand, and in return your fingers lingered a little longer. You felt your cheeks warm up and retracted your hand to grab the box off his lap.
“You want a fork for the cake?” You asked absentmindedly while lifting off the top. When a chuckle left his lips, you gazed at him with a quizzical look. “What?”
He smiled cheekily and shrugged. “Please don’t tell your grandma you asked me that. I don’t want to screw this up.”
You laughed at his bad joke and Tom glowed with admiration. Even with the breathtaking view that the hill allowed, he couldn’t drag his gaze from you and it slowly reminded him of all the beauty of this world.
His mind wandered off to the fields of flowers blessing the world with their wild colors to the deeply mysterious waves that stretched widely from ocean to ocean. From the silver crescent of the moon smiling down from the sea of stars to the hummingbirds that were flying by in all its vivid glory.
With all the beauty that these things held, he knew that neither of them would save the world. It was instead the beauty of human souls filled with light and love. And the girl with the red cap and the warm smile was one of these people.
* * *
she’s alive! i haven’t written something in a whole week so this is wobbly but that’s okay. leave some feedback or talk to me abt anything so i can distract myself from school. c: love you guys <3000 stay hydrated!
taglist: @honeypie-holland @nerdyandproudofitsstuff @himarisolace @duskholland @insidiousslut @totallyfangirling7177 @siriuslyslyslytherin
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idkiwillfindone · 4 years
Post Sky High part 1
Giorno, Guido, Ungalo and Prada finally reached the little girl's house but there are bad news waiting for them
Implied child abuse
This is a part two of Post Bohemian Rhapsody
Prada didn’t liked when strangers spoken to her, especially if they didn’t had the courtesy that she deserved, so, naturally, she was really annoyed when a weird man screamed at her for reading too loud, and on top on that the guy even took her book whitot asking. She stayed silent for the rest of flight swearing that she would make him pay for his impudence. But then when they arrived to Key West and she looked over him she realized that the man fell asleep while reading, how could someone find Peter Pan’s story so boring to fall asleep? To her the story seemed so fun and interesting, did this guy just hated fairytales in general? No that was impossible, she loved fairytales, each one of them created new worlds, experiences and memories, she just couldn't imagine someone who hated all fairytales, that guy had to have a favorite story and she was determined to find out which one.
Giorno checked on the rearview mirror of the car, the two guest had fallen asleep hours ago probably tired out by the flight. Guido was next to him peacefully driving, fortunately he hadn’t realized yet that there where four people in the car, their destination was Orlando, the city where Prada lived whit her parents, Giorno didn’t really believed the little girl when she said that the man, during the road trip he learned that his name was Ungalo, was her babysitter and he had reasons to believe that she was actually trying to run away from home, once they would got to her house he would have judged if her parents were worthy of raising a kid, but he played along whit her just to have an excuse to keep the man close. He hadn’t told Guido yet but from the moment he stepped in the airport Giorno felt a weird connection whit him and he was pretty sure that the man was able to see GER, he wanted to know who this Ungalo really was and then decide what to do whit him. “Giogio!” His boyfriend’s brought him back in the present as Giorno saw out of the car Prada’s home... or what was left of it, the whole block of houses was destroyed, the scene was full of policemans and ambulances, it seemed to be in a post apocalyptic film, “what the hell” Giorno muttered, “ugh- what’s going on, are we arrived yet?” he heard from behind his seat, looking again in the rearview mirror he saw Prada and Ungalo stretching out after their long nap, “what the fuck happened here?” Said Ungalo after taking a better look at the outside of the car, “oh god, Giorno” Guido started “it’s because of the four, we are four! How did i not noticed before!” Well there he goes “what is this guy talking about?” Asked Ungalo confused “it’s a long story” Giorno simply replied “listen we’re going to find Prada’s parents, you stay in car sir” the blonde got out of the car whit his partner and the little girl “remember running away is useless” he added before ultimately approaching the rubble.
“Excuse me mister officer” Giorno said to one of the policeman that were scanning the area “can i ask what happened here?” The cop took a deep breath before answering “I’m sure you’re aware of that strange phenomenon that involved the whole world just a bunch of hours ago” “the fictional characters that came to life?” “Yes, Superman came to life in this block and fought whit one of his enemy, leaving twelve injureds and thirtyfive dead” Giorno and Guido shared a worried look aware of what this could mean, “sir we were looking for this little girl parents, she told us that they lived in this zone” the cop crouch down to Prada’s level “hey little miss, can you point me your house?” Prada smiled pleased by respect that the cop was showing her, then she pointed to one of the many pile of rubble, the policeman got up whit sad look on his face he slowly shook his head before returning to his work, The two men looked at each other again, they both silently agreed to let Guido handle the situation with Prada, he was pretty good whit kids after all, “hey little one are you ok?” He gently asked “i don’t have any other relatives that can take care of me” she mumbled “does this mean that I can spend more time whit you two?” Prada continued whit more energy “of course honey, we’ll be by your side through this this difficult time” “sweet! You guys are a lot cooler than my parents, i mean he look like Rapunzel and you have a gun” Prada immediately responded happier than ever “sure, but you don’t have to bottle up your feelings, you can cry if you feel like it” Guido tried again “nah i’m fine, oh! What’s our next stop? A library? McDonald’s? Disneyland? Can we go to Disneyland? I always wanted to visit it” “sure but-” “yey let’s go” the little girl happily ran back to the car excited for what was waiting her for the rest of week “well she got over that quickly” commented Giorno not less surprised than Guido “so... what now?” His boyfriend asked scratching the back of his head “we go to Disneyland, again” the blonde calmly replied “and if Prada really doesn’t has no one that can take care of her we will bring her and her babysitter back in Italy with us” he added as he started to walk to the car “that seams like a plan” concurred Guido.
When the two of them reached the car the first thing that they noticed was that , besides Prada, the vehicle was empty, when Giorno asked her where Ungalo was she simply responded “i don’t know” the blonde scanned the crowd until he found a familiar purple beanie trying to get away from them, Giorno sighed as he summed Gold Experiences Requiem and returns Ungalo’s actions back to zero “what did I tell you about trying to run away?” Giorno asked whit the same tone a father who’s calmly scolds his son would use “oh come on what do you want from me? I heard what that cop said, the brat’s parents are dead, they can’t lecture me for neglecting a task that they didn’t gave me” Ungalo protested “since Guido and i decided to take Prada’s custody we will need you and all the instructions that her parents gave you” That wasn’t one of Giorno’s most brilliant lie but for the moment it would have work “I HAVE NO IDEA WHO THAT KID IS! god! you are just insufferable as my...” Ungalo stopped as the realization of how to escape from this situation came to him “my stupid brothers!” He exclaimed whit new energy “they know that i would never babysit a child because they’re just useless little parasites” now that striked Giorno interest “you have brothers?” “Yea! They’re two, last I saw them they were in an hospital with...” He hesitated again, this time all the joyful mood he had gained disappeared as he remembered about the other man in the hospital, he had fucked up way too many time as kid for forgetting what could happen if he disappointed a person older or stronger than him “Ungalo?” The blonde called “is everything ok?” His voice sounded genuinely worried which just made Ungalo more pissed whit him, this guy had no right to interrupt his depressing childhood memories “yea yea” he quickly dismissed him, Giorno nodded to his response but mentally took note of his behavior “as i was saying” Ungalo restarted “last time I saw them they where in a hospital whit a plan to get rid of a bitch called Jolyne and her friends” “hey Giorno’s great niece is named Jolyne too” interrupted Guido “what weird coincidence” “yep weird, unlike the fact that i don’t give a fuck about Giorno’s family tree” Ungalo remarked in a monotone-passive aggressive tone, the gunslinger decided to keep quiet for the rest of the other man explanation “the closest to our position now should be Rykiel” he lied “alright then, let’s go to find this Rykiel” the blonde respond hopping that this other brother would be more collaborative, “let’s find him quickly” Guido added “we are still four Giorno, we cannot take a risk like this anymore”.
So their next stop was decided and thanks to Ungalo and Rykiel’s family connections it was easy to track the other brother position. Unfortunately for the little girl their trip to Disneyland was delayed. She quietly sat in the backseat looking at the landscape go by, “hey, uh, Prada?” Called Guido from the passenger seat earning her attention, he wanted to do a last tentative to get her to talk about her parents, she had just lost her family the kid had to show some reaction “are you sure that everything is alright? You know, about your parents” “I’m ok, especially cause this means that I don’t have to see my therapist anymore” she responded happily, once again Guido didn’t expected this answer “a therapist?” “Yes, he said that I had to see him twice a week” she promptly explained “he always makes me do all this boring things like speaking about my feelings, talking about the other’s feelings and some more stupid stuff” “sounds like hell” Ungalo commented mostly to himself than anybody in the car “exactly! And everything because one of my teachers snitched on me after i pushed her down the stairs” the car fell silent after Prada’s words said so casually, the three man needed to elaborate them “y-you pushed down the stairs your teacher?” Normally Giorno hated repeat a phrase, it didn’t matter if it was one of his own or someone else’s, but in that moment he really couldn’t find anything else to say “and a girl on a wheelchair” the kid proudly added “the jury gave her the ballet trophy that i wanted” “so let me get this straight” interjected Ungalo “you physically attack two persons” Prada turned over him with an annoyed face, she had this conversation thousands times and it always went the same “yes” she angrily muttered “whitot verbally attacking them first?” Now her expression was a total surprise one, that was definitely new “yes?” The man let out a loud sigh of frustration “goddamit children are so dumb, you cannot physically attack someone right out of the blue like that, you need to make sure that whoever you’re attacking is afraid of you” “Ungalo I don’t think this something you should teach her” intervened Giorno, his normally calm voice betrayed a worry tone, But apparently Prada didn’t agreed whit him “no no why? I want to know how to make people afraid of me” then she turned towars Ungalo whit sparkly eyes “please theach me” “it’s not that hard kid” The man began whitot any trace of hesitation “you just need to find your victims weaknesses, there’s anything that’s making that teacher you attacked vulnerable?” “She was kinda sad for her divorce” “there! That’s something you could have use” Prada stayed quiet listening in awe as the man kept talking, she didn't even remotely expect that this Ungalo would actually be so cool, but it was nice surprise, meanwhile Giorno and Guido sat whit their eyes whide opened while they listened to a twentythree years old man teaching a ten years old how to verbally abuse the people around her, Giorno, Giorno, Giorno! the blonde heard his boyfriend call through his stand yes Guido he responded already knowing what he wanted to say when we’re going to return in Italy we’re going to find a good therapist he stopped only to hear that Ungalo was still going on whit his disturbing explanation for both
I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry
I really wanted to include Rykiel in this chapter here, but it was becoming too long and i’m and the school is draining me from every energy, i swear that he is going to be the first character to appear in the second part. Also I’m sorry if in some parts the story is rushed but has i said school etc
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tea-and-cardigans · 5 years
Tumblr media
With miles and miles to go I guess it's nice to know That I can trust you Though the question still remains... What do you know about love?
What Would You Know
Read on Ao3
Bughead Secret Santa for @paperlesscrown
I hope you enjoy this interpretation of your prompt, (It has been a little daunting writing for such a talented writer, so eeek...)
Betty ran out to the street, her eyes scanning the walkways for her sister, Polly, letting out a groan of frustration as the masses of people blocked her vision. Then she sees a flash of blonde getting into a cab, her eyes scanning the number plate and committing it to memory before it speeds off into the city traffic.
She fumbles for her phone in her bag typing in the number plate into her notes before she forgets it. Before opening up her Uber app and selecting the nearest vehicle with a decent enough rating.
She texts Kevin next if there is anyone in this city with the right connections to track this cab down and find out where her sister is heading it’s Kevin. She stands on her tiptoes looking out for the plate of her driver. What she is not prepared for is the car that pulls up in front of her dressed up to look like a reindeer, a ‘nodding’ reindeer stuck to the dash and Christmas lights dangling from the inside front windscreen.
She does a double-take as the driver rolls down his window. A man about her age, wearing a beanie, leans out the window. His hands raised in question. She checks the number plate again and reads the name of the driver, Jughead. That should have been a warning, but she had been in such a hurry she hadn’t even noticed.
Betty began to question whether this was really happening. Whether this is the final straw and her mind has officially snapped and she is now imaging Uber drivers who drive cars that look like reindeers when the honk of a car horn, snaps her out of it.
She manages a nod in response.
“Are you getting in?” He calls out from the wound down window, and Betty cautiously takes the back seat. Moving along the Christmas blanket that has been draped across the back seat. Pulling out her phone to see whether Kevin has anything for her yet.
When there is nothing from Kevin she sighs, trying to rack her brain for where her sister might have headed in such a hurry.
“Where to,” the driver asks, adjusting the rearview mirror so that he can catch her eyes, his thumb pointed back at the cars starting to pull up behind them in front of the hotel “they’re going to start beeping me soon.” He shot a look into the side view mirrors, “or give me a ticket.”
“Um, East, someone is texting me the exact address,” Betty offers, looking up from her phone. Polly will want to get out of the city. She knows how crowded the city can feel on nights like this and the need to escape.
She sees the look in his eyes as he shrugs his shoulders, pulling away from the curb.
The drive is largely silent. Betty alternated between playing with the edge of the blanket between her fingers, checking her phone for a message from Kevin and scanning her social media for any hint for where her sister might have gone.
“The car doesn’t usually look like this,” Jughead said to her from the front seat, as they continue to drive, the lights of the city soon becoming duller in the rearview mirror, replaced by quieter streets blanketed in the freshly fallen snow.
“It was my friend’s idea of a prank,” he continues as Betty nods, another glance of the phone.
“Dressing your car up as a reindeer?”
“He’s not that funny,” he adds with a chuckle.
“Right,” Betty answers pulling up the driver’s profile, 5 stars, which is exactly why she picked him in the first place. Jughead Jones. It sounds like a pseudonym, typical in this city. A struggling musician, an actor? No, a writer perhaps. Yes. That seemed much more likely.
“Any address yet, Betty?” he asks. He looks at her from the driver seat, and she looks down at her phone again, a feeling of elation washed over her as she sees she has a text from Kevin.
Hey Princess, Looks like the taxi has been booked to the Hamptons Villa, long trip, you heading there with someone? 😉 Saw your sister’s meltdown at the party. Good Luck, Keep in Touch 😊. Kevin.
Of course, she was heading there. It was so obvious she was angry with herself without being able to come up with it herself.
It was one of the few places where they had been happy. Before losing their mum and dad, before Polly started pulling away from her bit by bit. Maybe this was their chance to finally reconnect.
She’ll be able to make her sister see that she isn’t some little girl anymore who needs protecting from the world, that she can make her own decisions and her own life.
“I need to go to the Hamptons,” Betty spoke up, seeing the confusion cross Jughead’s eyes before he pulled over, putting the car into park before shifting around in his seat to face her.
“The Hamptons, my family has a villa there and-”
“That’s just over 2 hours away,” his voice managed to go up an octave at the suggestion that she wanted him to drive across the state to get to her sister. She imagined he probably thought she was crazy wanting to drive all that way on New Year's Eve as if on the spur of the moment.
“Look me and my sister had a fight, and she’s upset and I just need to see her.” The look on his face doesn’t shift.
“What did you have a fight over that she needs to go two hours away from you?”
“I got engaged.”
“Congratulations,” he deadpanned.
“Thanks, it’s just it was kind of sudden, and Polly, my sister, freaked out. Dropped this huge bombshell, and, now I need to find her.”
“How sudden?”
“The engagement?”
Betty looked down at her hands, playing with her fingers as she mumbled under her breath, “tonight.”
“And you met?”
Betty shifts her gaze to outside the window, “tonight,” she whispers. “You are engaged to someone you just met.”
She can feel the urge to defend herself and her actions rising, she wasn’t going to let some stranger rain on her parade, “You can if it’s real. If it’s love.” She crossed her arms over her chest. Her stare hard into the rearview mirror, meeting his eyes.
“You can’t marry someone you just met, this isn’t some kind of Disney movie. This is real life. I’m starting to side with your sister,” he said with a chuckle.
Betty let out a frustrated grunt and yanked open the door, making her way out to the snow. She couldn’t stand to be near him and his judgemental look.
Sure it was soon and sudden, but it was love. She was sure of it. She heard the car door slam behind her and he was stood next to her, his breath coming out in a mist, as he tugged down the beanie tighter over his head.
Betty ignored the way the cold wind bit through her thin dress, licked at her bare skin, she should have grabbed her coat before she chased her sister out of the hotel. She could feel him watching her before he shook his head and sighed, opening the car door again, reaching in.
The next thing she felt was the softness of the Christmas blanket around her shoulders and the warmth of the hands that smoother it over her arms, as she clasped it around her body.
“Are you going to help me or not?” Betty asked, her hands pulling the blanket tighter.
“What’s in it for me?” He asked calmly, as Betty willed the frustration not to show on her face, instead casually looking back at the city they had left behind and the lights in the far off distance.
“It’s a busy night in the city,” she tells him, ignoring the roll of his eyes at the obviousness of her statement.
“Which means lots of customers,” he replies, opening his driver side door before she puts her hand on it closing it again with her weight, as he goes to open the door again.
“I need to get to my sister. And I’m willing to pay you to drive across this island to get to her.”
“And ...”
“It’s New Year’s Eve in New York City. People will be drinking, almost definitely drunk,” she adds with a nod, “Some of these girls can’t hold their liquor, and the champagne will be flowing tonight,” as he screws up his face at the mere thought of some socialite in his back seat puking up the contents of her stomach all over his newly detailed car.
“Which would be such a shame,” she adds, looking into the back window as the well-kept interior, "but, hey, your choice, I'm sure I can find another driver. Who is willing to have their entire night’s fare in one trip."
She shrugs her shoulders and pulls out her phone, before glancing back at him again.
Jughead let out a groan, as he looked up at the sky in some kind of silent prayer, “Fine. I’ll do it. Partially because I need the money, and I just got this beautiful car detailed,” he muses as he runs his hand across its bonnet, as Betty eyed him warily at the slightly unnatural love this man has for his car.
“But also because I quite frankly am worried about your ability to make decisions,” he adds.
“What?!” Betty asks incredulously at this man she has just met having the gall to judge her decisions. The man who was driving around New York in a car that was dressed up to be some kind of Reindeer, Christmas on steroids monstrosity.
“Well you’re marrying a guy, you just met. Who your sister, someone you are prepared to drive to the other side of the city with a stranger, clearly has some reservations about. And no alarm bells are going off right now. Not one?”
Betty felt like she had been slapped across the face. She loved Archie. He loved her, he had told her. It made perfect sense on paper. He was the heir to the Andrews fortune, she was second in line to the New York Times. And they had so much in common.
It felt right, but there was a little nagging feeling that told her that she should be careful. But she had been locked away for so long, and Archie was good looking, charming and he liked those little sandwiches just as much as she did.
“What would you know about love anyway?” she bites back.
There is a sadness that clouds his eyes, and Betty almost immediately regrets asking the question.
He smiles at her, though there is little happiness in his eyes, “More than I’d like to.”
“I’m sorry, I-”
“Let’s go.”
She stood to the side as he pushed past her to open the front passenger door, and stepped aside for her to enter. As she was about to give him an earful about how she could open her own doors, her heel slipped on a patch of ice in hidden beneath the snow. A shriek leaving her lips as she lost her footing.
She felt a hand grab her elbow, stopping her fall as he then pulled her against his body until her feet found her place again and she could stand on her own two feet. She gripped onto his arm, his other arm coming to wrap around her as she was face to face with him.
Noticing just how blue his eyes were, and feeling a flush on the back of her neck.
“Thanks,” she managed as he loosened his grip, and she stood up, brushing down her dress as she regained her composure.
He may be frustrating, and may not agree with her but she had a feeling this little road trip was going to be anything but boring.
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yodawgiherd · 5 years
Night of Tongue twisters
Rating: M
>>>Read on AO3<<<
Why yes, I did just write another pointless flashback chapter that doesn't move the plot forward. How could you tell?
Eren loves going down on Mikasa. No, you can't change my mind.
It took a bit of driving to find the shop which sold the brand of ice cream Mikasa wanted, one that was still open at this ungodly hour that was, but Eren didn’t mind. With her sweet treat secured, they were back at the hood of their car, as neither of them felt any particular rush to get home, with her absent-mindedly licking into the creamy goodness, leaning back and dangling her feet in the air. The tips of her stylish stiletto heels, quite expensive pair Eren got her as a gift, didn’t even make it to the ground. It still amazed him, how gracefully she could move in shoes like these, with killer-high heels, making it look so easy. Back in college she owned almost none heeled shoes, preferring solid combat boots or sneakers, and groaning loudly anytime they watched a movie together where the heroine did any sort of explosive action in high heels.
“She would just fall on her face.”, Mikasa would say, “This is so dumb.”
Eren smirked. How the tables have turned, miss fashion model. With nothing better to do, he just looked at her, as she was enthusiastically snacking, Mikasa’s greys soon meeting his as she sensed his intense gaze. Noticing his stare, she smiled and slowed down, tracing delicate patterns into the ice cream, using the tip of her tongue more, very clearly referencing a different activity she could do with her mouth. The one Mikasa mastered to a deadly degree, Eren could say, as he was rather often on the receiving end.
“You want some?”, she asked, offering the ice cream to him, surprising him a bit. Mikasa really enjoyed this treat and wasn’t prone to sharing it.
“You must really love me if you want to give me some.”
She shrugged.
“Maybe I just enjoy the things you can do with your mouth.”, an impish smile sneaked its way onto her features, “You’re an artist with your tongue baby.”
“We are still talking about ice cream, right?”
Mikasa was full-on grinning now.
“Of course. What else?”
Eren snorted, knowing exactly what she was implying. His oral skills didn’t come cheap, however, he perfected them over their time together, and they were a result of both his determination and tons of gained experience. One night came to mind, now that he was thinking about it, the one when Mikasa came home tired from a workout and things just sort of escalated from there. It was the first time when Eren dedicated the entirety of their time to Mikasa, and the results were so good that the nights repeated rather often. As he was remembering more and more details resurfaced in Eren’s mind, making him recall the events in all their glory…
Half-dead, Mikasa finished the set, taking a step back and breathing deep. Sweat was trickling down her body, muscles aching, chest heaving. Sure that she earned a break, Mikasa swung her gaze at Levi, who was watching her with an unimpressed expression.
“Go again.”, he ordered.
“You can’t be serious.”, she gasped, “I’m done.”
“You’re done when I say you’re done.”, he pointed at the punching bag, unmoved, “Go. Again.”
A few choice words were slowly making their way up Mikasa’s throat, words that would let her brother know just how much she disagreed with him, but she stopped herself before saying them. It was hard to admit, but Levi simply knew better, regarding fitness. It was his doing that even allowed her to get an athletic scholarship for college, the one she was enjoying right now, and if nothing else, he deserved respect for that. So, with her muscles screaming at her, Mikasa rolled her shoulders, and once again took her fighting stance, steeling herself. She would get through this. She had to.
Tired, so insanely tired. Pushing herself through the bedroom door, Mikasa dragged her feet, vision swimming. Even taking a shower back at the gym, when Levi finally deemed her destroyed enough, was hard, as her muscles simply refused to work when she ordered them to. Face first, she fell into the bed, groaning all the way, lacking the energy to even undress before her eyes closed. Screw the midget.
A tug woke her, followed by a whispered curse, as someone was apparently trying to do what she should have done, and remove her clothes. Her jacket and shoes were already gone, and now the mysterious stranger tugged at her jeans, only to realize that he can’t pull them down with the belt still on. Gentle hands rolled her over on the back, and then there was the sound of click as her belt was being unbuckled. Yawning, Mikasa finally cracked her eyes open, to see Eren’s satisfied expression, as he was proud of himself for solving the pants problem so well, dragging the zipper down and then tugging the jeans down for the second time, with more success. Folding the piece of clothing over and putting it away, Eren returned to his mission, only to stop when he noticed that Mikasa isn’t sleeping but watching him with half-lidded eyes instead.
“Uhm... Hi?”, awkward, he scratched the back of his head, unsure of what he should do now.
“Eren.”, she said, getting his attention, “Did I tell you to stop?”
“Huh?”, eyes widening, he finally realized what she meant, nodding after.
Moving back towards her fallen form, he pulled her shirt up, getting it off with moderate problems, as Mikasa decided to play dead and be completely unresponsive. Still, a small sound of pain escaped her, when he pulled her arms up to get that shirt over her head, her abused muscles calling for attention. And of course, Eren noticed it immediately.
“Hard day at the gym?”
“That’s an understatement,” gritting her teeth, Mikasa stretched, arching off the bed in a small curve, “I feel like Levi killed me today.”
Knowing just how harsh her brother could be, Eren nodded in acknowledgment, running his hands over her shoulders and feeling the tension there. Which, in turn, gave him an idea.
“Want a massage?”
That woke her up.
“A massage? Well, if you wouldn’t mind….”
He didn’t. So, turning her back to lie on her front, Eren began kneading her shoulders, looking to work out the kinks he felt. There was a massage class offered, one he was eyeing to enroll in, but that wasn’t starting until next semester, so, for now, he had to go with what felt right. Mikasa helped, telling him to press harder, or to ease up, where to touch her, and together they managed to make the ache lessen, although it was still present in her body. The way he touched her, how he reacted to every advice she gave him, it reminded Mikasa of the times when they had sex because it was basically the same thing. Eren wasn’t experienced, neither was she, but they just worked together to find what felt good. And he was always so willing, so eager to please, often putting her over himself in terms of pleasure. Mikasa couldn’t have asked for a better mindset for her lover. Thinking about it, about how better he was getting with every time they did anything, she could feel the tiny flame start to take place between her legs, Damn it, she was supposed to be tired, not turned on, but Eren’s helpful massage was doing things to her. Maybe, just maybe, she wasn’t THAT tired after all. With a resolute move that had her muscles loudly protesting, she turned, coming face-to-face with Eren’s raised eyebrow, as he wasn’t sure what she was doing right now.
“Baby,”, she started, eyeing her prize, “Touch me.”
“I was touching you.”, Eren pointed out.
“That’s not what I meant.”, taking his hand, she guided it towards her sports-bra covered chest, letting his palm rest on her right breast.
“Touch me.”, she ordered again, in a more resolute tone.
“Okay…”, getting the message, finally, he ran his fingers over the shape, before tracing it down to the edge of the cloth.
“Guess I should remove this?”, half-question, half statement.
“Guess you should.”, Mikasa assured him.
A shuffle of clothing later, she was left clad only in her panties, but Eren didn’t make the move to take those away from her yet. It’s not that he didn’t want to, but there was simply no rush, and making Mikasa relax and melt into his hands was a goal he always took his time with. Taking hold of the now naked breast, Eren kneaded it, softly, not that different from the massage. Circling the nipple with his thumb, he didn’t let it rest until it was alert, teasing the hard nub after anyway.
“You have two hands, don’t you?”, Mikasa cut into his fun, voice breathy, “Why don’t you use both?”
Good question. Following her advice, Eren reached out with his left, curling his fingers around the small firm shape of her previously unattended left breast. It was harder to coordinate his moves, now that he was using both of his hands, but Eren was determined to please her, and not half-bad at multitasking. Thumbing her hard nipples, he traced the outlines of her breasts, playing with them, squeezing, fondling, basically doing anything and everything he could think of to make Mikasa feel good. It was working, as he could judge from her quickened breathing and from the way she squirmed on the bed, hands pulling on the covers.
“U-Use your mouth.”
Once again complying with her request, Eren moved, latching his mouth on her right nipple, flicking at it with the tip of his tongue. To make up for the lack of his mouth on the left, as he had only one, he pinched the nipple he wasn’t using his oral skills on, which in turn made Mikasa arch from the bed with a breathy moan. Ah, so she liked that. To test how rough he could be, he tried again while at the same time gently biting and pulling with his teeth. And still, she wanted more.
“S-Suck. Please.”
Sure thing. Mikasa’s breathing kept quickening as he obeyed, the rough treatment of her chest being very enjoyable, apparently. But while Eren would be perfectly fine to remain here, switching between the two perky mounds of fun, Mikasa craved more. In public, in everyday life, she was the silent strong type, not demanding or needing attention. But here, in private, she often found herself impatient, wanting to squeeze more pleasure out of her boyfriend. It was selfish, in a way, but Eren never seemed to mind, following her commands with utmost efficacy, always happy to please. And if he was offering, why would she ever not take advantage of it. With her chest thoroughly used and abused, she tangled her fingers in Eren’s hair, pushing him down, in the direction where the heat was concentrating.
“You’re going down on me.”, Mikasa informed him, not leaving any room for conversation.
Eren wanted to say something, maybe his agreement, maybe something witty, but she kinda didn’t care, blinded by lust. The only thing she allowed was Eren removing his shirt, incredibly generous move on her part, but then it was time to act. Moving around on the bed, she pushed him down until he was face to face with her slit, raising her hips to help him with shimming the already considerably damp panties down her legs and throwing them away, caging Eren in with her legs after. As he knew firsthand, Mikasa had insane strength in the lower half of her body. Thighs around his neck, her knees on his shoulders, Eren had no chance of escaping unless she would let him, and she had no intention of doing so until he satisfied her. If Eren had any problems with that, he didn’t say.
With no other option available to him, he moved in, mouthing her glistening slit, toying with her. Mikasa was already wet, the way he played with her breasts more than enough to get her going, and Eren’s tongue slid nicely around her entrance. Pushing the tip inside her, he licked at her weak points, trying to make feel as good as he could. They had a kind of a deal, Eren and Mikasa, that they would never pretend when they were in bed. No fake orgasms, over the top moaning, overplayed body reactions, or anything of that kind. She still squirmed underneath him, but wasn’t very loud, because if Eren wanted to hear her scream, he had to earn it. Withdrawing his tongue, Eren put his idle hands to work, spreading her lower lips open to locate the clit, hiding from him beneath the hood. The tip of his wet muscle went to work again, probing at that place, moving around it. When he sealed his lips around the nub and sucked, Mikasa finally moaned above him, loud and breathy, and knowing that she isn’t faking it only made the achievement so much sweeter. He wanted more, more of this, more of her losing control, so pulling back, as much as her leglock around his neck allowed him, he looked up at her face, pale cheeks tinted red.
“Tell me what you want.”
Mikasa’s usual fast reflexes were dampened and knowing that he’s the cause of that gave Eren a certain swelling of ego. And a certain body part, one he was bravely ignoring so far.
“Tell me what you want.”, he repeated, “Same way you told me how you want your chest to be played with. Instruct me.”
“Oh, o-okay.”, wetting her lips, Mikasa nodded. And took the offered command position.
“Go back down. Lick the outside again. ”
Her word was his command. Dipping back down, Eren once again traced the outlines of her cunt, kissing, dragging the flat of his tongue alongside.
“S-Slower. Go slower.”
Speeding down his movements, Eren took his time with pleasuring her. Slow, tormentingly slow, he moved his head, not leaving even the smallest part of the skin between her legs dry. It was interesting to see, the place where the porcelain skin changed into the pink of her sex, to trace that border with his mouth, kissing both inside and outside. Teasing the outer outline of her lower lips, Eren stayed exactly where she wanted him to be, not pushing forward, waiting for Mikasa to tell him to. The tempo was hers to dictate.
“O-Okay okay…”, her hand made its way down, fingers tangling in Eren’s hair, and she gently nudged him further in, indicating for him to move, “Dip inside…”
Pushing just the tip of his tongue inside her, he made sure to keep the slow tempo she enjoyed, licking patterns inside her. She was close, the trembling of her thighs around his neck said, and Eren had to control himself not to increase the tempo and make her cum faster, but Mikasa ordered him to go slow, and he wouldn’t go against her wishes.
“D-Deeper.”, she moaned above him, her hips arching into his mouth.
Going in as much as he could, Eren worked her, his hands digging into her hipbones to keep her in place. He needed her to be still in order to get the best results. And finally, after building her up for this long, Eren did keel her over with a deep shove of his tongue. Mikasa climaxed, loudly, her body trying to move but being held in place by her lover’s hands. She tugged at his hair, hard enough to make him groan, the vibrations translating into a very nice massage, as Eren’s tongue was still deep inside Mikasa. It felt great, amazing even, but when she tried pulling him up for a kiss, Eren resisted, keeping himself anchored between her spread legs.
“Wh-…What?...”, she managed to breathe out, the aftershocks of her orgasm still making it difficult to speak.
“Let me stay here.”, Eren requested, running his hands up and down her trembling thighs.
“You���”, she swallowed, “You don’t want…. Sex?”
God knows that he did, his erection almost painful at this point, but there were more important things in life than getting himself off. Eren was told, repeatedly, that he’s good with his mouth, but good just didn’t cut it. Making her cum was well within his abilities, but Eren would be much happier with his performance if he could blow her mind anytime his head moved between her legs. He always took pride in the things he did, and this one wasn’t any different. It was a question of Eren’s honor if you will. Once he set his mind on a goal, he could be painfully single-minded, and right now, the only thing he cared about was making Mikasa the centerpiece of his universe. Forcing her to moan and writhe on the bed, to make her cheeks boil red and her skin to sweat was on top of Eren’s list. Every woman was different, and he wanted to know exactly what Mikasa liked and disliked, what she enjoyed, what would make her climax the hardest. He didn’t want to be good at eating her out. Eren aimed to be perfect. Ignoring his needs, he shook his head, winking up at her.
“I’d like to keep using my mouth on you if you don’t mind.”
Talk about offers that you can’t refuse.
“Oh, o-okay..”
His grin got wider.
“Thank you.”
In his prime place between her legs, Eren could see that she was calming down, and he took it as a cue to go back in.
“Keep talking..”, he murmured, kissing the dripping place gently, “Tell me where you want me.”
“Clit… M-My clit…”
Repositioning to the engorged nub, Eren pressed the flat of his tongue against it. Toying with the sensitive bump was always a lot of fun. After having his fill of licking it, he sealed his lips around her clit, sucking gently. As Mikasa’s moans increased in volume, so did the strength he applied, bringing her closer and closer again. And still, she was insatiable.
“Hands…. Your…”, she moaned, arching, “Fin-… Fingers…”
Easily deciphering what she wanted, Eren pressed his digits against her unattended opening, easily sliding one in. Adding a second, as she was wet enough to accommodate it, he curled them up, gliding the tips alongside the walls of her sex, seeking for that one place that made her go crazy. Above him, having a great time, Mikasa let go of his hair, as Eren’s head was exactly where she wanted it to be, and palmed her breasts instead, squeezing her own flesh. The nipples were still sensitive from Eren’s rough care, and she made sure to abuse that fact, rolling her hard peaks between her fingers, the sensation only adding to the amazing waves of pleasure Eren’s mouth and digits kept giving her, hard at work between her thighs.
The third finger was a tight fit, but it went in with a wet sound, disappearing into her and joining its two brothers in their hard work of pleasuring the goth. Mikasa came hard soon after, the second orgasm leaving her breathless, the multiple stimulations she was both receiving and giving herself more than enough. And still he wouldn’t relent. This time, Eren didn’t even pause, ignoring the bucking of her hips and keeping his mouth sealed around her clit while his fingers moved in and out of her in a murderous tempo. Abs taunt beneath her skin, a sight Eren simply adored, she was loud, so loud, and still he pressed on, determined. Not even getting the chance to calm down, Mikasa came again, her third finish in such a short time accompanied by a scream of pleasure. Slowing back down, Eren withdrew, but if she thought that this was the end of it, Mikasa was horribly mistaken.
“I want you up,”, he informed her, pulling the girl into a sitting position, “Hands and knees, please.”
Brain covered by a thick fog, she slowly obeyed, rolling herself over and scrambling up to the requested position. Fully expecting that Eren finally wants some pleasure himself and intends to take her from behind, Mikasa was mightily surprised when he laid on his back instead, moving until his mouth was once again right under her dripping wetness. His arms enclosed around her, pulling her hips down, and before she realized what was happening Mikasa found herself sitting on Eren’s face.
“W-Wait, what are you…”, but she couldn’t even finish the question, because his adventurous tongue dipped inside her again, making her groan and arch her back, “Oh god..”
She was so sensitive, any touch of his mouth made her produce the most delicious of sounds, and Eren was just drinking them in. Working her slowly, it was once again just his mouth, hands busy holding her waist, but that was good enough, especially when Mikasa’s own were free. So she put them to work. Dipping one hand between her legs, the other up to touch her breast, she began pleasuring herself, helping Eren along. Her clit was so wet beneath her touch, as she pressed two fingers against it, rubbing herself in small quick circles while also touching her chest, pinching and pulling the nipple. Mikasa didn’t have to worry about balancing herself, Eren held her up, and she was allowed to grind herself against his tongue as much as she wanted to. It felt like when they were having sex with her on top, only now she wasn’t riding his cock but his mouth instead.
Mikasa knew that he liked it, when she touched herself while he was inside her, liked to watch, so she gave him a good show. Playing with her clit, Mikasa closed her eyes, leaning back into a more comfortable position, not holding any of the pleasured sounds in and letting them spill free. Pinch and a roll later, all her actions accompanied by Eren’s diligent efforts, Mikasa was cumming again, her thighs squeezing his face between them, adding to the already alarming number of bruises that were bound to blossom on his skin in the coming morning. Her movements faltering, she was growing feverish, slow, her muscles resembling jelly, but Eren didn’t stop, probing into her with his tongue, and she found herself unable to pause herself. Like a machine, she kept her fingers moving, touching her at this point incredibly sensitive clit, again and again, hoping to milk at least one more finish out of herself. Sweating, body spasming, she managed to do so, her abused body almost collapsing on top of her lover, as holding herself upright was impossible.
Luckily she didn’t have to, as Eren flipped them over again, letting her lay on her back, but his hands didn’t let go of her Mikasa’s hips. He was holding her lower half up, casting an inspecting eye over his exhausted lover. She was close to passing out, chest heaving, hair in a glistening mess, skin covered in sweat, eyes fluttering open and closed. She couldn’t even touch herself anymore, hands thrown over her head in the position of total surrender. Mikasa was by now in no condition to guide him, but Eren was confident that he gained enough experience to keep going himself. Moving his hands a bit, getting a firmer grip on her skin which was already marked by red spots from how hard he was holding her writhing body down, Eren dipped his head again, burying it between her shaking thighs. Oversensitive at this point, she cried out, eyes rolling back. The way her hips spasmed and from the intensity of the sound she made combined with the tear rolling down Mikasa’s cheeks made Eren worried if he perhaps wasn’t pushing her boundaries. But then she spoke.
“S-Stop..”, she half-whispered in a shaky voice, making him pause immediately, looking up from his delicious prize, face glistening with her juices.
However, Mikasa was quick to correct herself.
“Do-..D-Don’t, s-stop! Don’t!”
More than happy to follow her wish, Eren dived back in. Now in full control, with no assistance from her side, he used everything he learned during their long session, mouthing her slit, dipping in, attending her clit, switching things up not to leave any part of her ignored. He couldn’t even say if Mikasa was climaxing anymore, her body in a constant state of sweaty euphoria, moaning, arching and spasming under his tongue while her hands kept pulling on the soaked bedding above her head, knuckles bleeding white. The only thing he regretted was that her cute small tits were now completely unattended, but he couldn’t do anything about it. Eren was already hard-pressed to keep her hips where they were, arms straining, any motion of using his fingers for pleasure unrealistic. One of the things about her having such strong muscles of her core was that now when Mikasa was writhing like this, with no conscious control, the involuntary spasms of her body were powerful, making the simple act of holding her ass up rather difficult. Yet his mouth alone seemed to be enough, as she was already weak, and Eren pressed on.
Mikasa’s feet kept pushing into his back in her silent encouragement, beating into him, the only thing that she could do in this state when most of her body wasn’t even listening to her anymore. And when that pressure stopped, with a long, drawn-out half-moan half-sigh followed by a shaky exhale, when the trashing of her body halted, he knew to stop, that it was over. There was nothing more he could tease out of her.
Gently letting go and lowering her abused lower half on the bed, Eren couldn’t help but feel pride blossoming in his chest. There was no doubt that he’s positively blown Mikasa’s mind, using nothing else but this mouth and hands, and that was an achievement he intended to remember. There was the small problem of his underwear being basically soaked at this point, his own needs completely unattended, but making the machine-like body of his girlfriend almost pass out, squeezing all the juices it could possibly give, was worth it, and Eren enjoyed it immensely. Sitting on the bed, quite unsure what to do now, as Mikasa was simply lying there, her body still trembling in aftershocks, eyes closed. Eren took the moment of solitude to take a few deep breaths, calming himself after all the efforts. He was quite tired, no doubt about it, the long, long evening of him endlessly toying with Mikasa’s delicate parts taking its toll. Just as he was getting slightly worried, the time of Mikasa’s unresponsiveness extending, she blinked her eyes open, unfocused greys findings his face.
“You killed me.”, she informed him, voice weak, blinking the tears of pleasure away from her eyes, “I’m dead.”
“Really..”, placing his hand over her heaving chest, Eren let it linger there, taking in her agitated breathing and fast heartbeat, “You seem quite alive to me.”
She shook her head, smiling.
“Nuh-uh. I’m dead.”
“Death by a thousand orgasms? Not a bad way to go.”
She started laughing at that, but it soon deteriorated into a coughing fit.
“My throat..”, she rasped,  “is so dry.”
“I’ll get you some water.”
Climbing off the bed, Eren set out in order to find something to drink for his lady love, to replenish all the fluids her body dispensed over the course of the evening. At the same time, he made sure to wash his face, because it was rather soaked from her. Eren returned, handing Mikasa the water bottle, watching her drain most of the contents in a few gulps. Cumming so much dehydrates you.
“You good now?”, he asked when she set the bottle down, stretching.
Eren knew that Mikasa had insane stamina, a result of all the training she did, but he was sure that his performance managed to exhaust her. He was quite tired himself. His tongue felt heavy in his mouth, the muscles of his neck were aching, the spots where her legs squeezed him sure to bruise. But it was totally worth it, both because of the experience he gained, but mainly because of the way he made Mikasa feel. Giving her pleasure just made him happy, it was as simple as that.
Eren was just about to suggest a shower, so they can properly clean themselves, when a touch appeared on his thigh, making its way up. Looking down, he saw that its nothing else but Mikasa’s foot, gliding up until she reached his clothed length, sliding up and down over it with murderous intent. Not believing what he was seeing, as there was no way that she had any energy left, Eren looked up and saw Mikasa watching him with darkened eyes, biting into her little finger in a very sensual expression. Before he could say anything, the way her foot massaged his aching length stealing his ability to act,  she extended her hand towards him.
“C’mere.”, Mikasa drawled, lazily.
Eren couldn’t say no to that, even if he wanted to. But when he did take her up on the offer, the hand that pulled him back to the bed had a surprising strength to it, and he couldn’t do anything to prevent the sudden tumble towards the sheets, back into the clutches of his insatiable girlfriend. Still far from being down with him, the goth had plans for the night and expected full cooperation. And those included Eren on his back, a task which she set out to complete with determination. Mikasa didn’t flip him, as she usually did, didn’t do that quick move that Eren couldn’t even track with his eyes and that strangely reminded him of a submission move from wrestling. She was slow, smiling, not rushing anywhere, body heavy from the repeated orgasms Eren so generously gifted her. After making Eren lie down, it took her a few tries before she successfully climbed on top of him, sitting hips to hips, her soaked wetness pressed against Eren’s clothed straining length. An idea popping in her mind, she reached over to the bedside table, rummaging through the items until she located the bottle of lube. Thanks to her brain being so incredibly overloaded, still recovering from the hormone overdose, it gave Eren ample time to admire her small breasts, which in a position like this were pressed right in his face. As he ogled those firm tits from up close, he could see that they were still reddened from his earlier playtime with them, bitemarks littered all over the area. He never grew bored of those perky puppies. Finally retrieving the elusive bottle, Mikasa pulled back, blinking down between her legs to see that Eren still had his pants on. It surprised her.
“Uh… Can you strip?”
He grinned up at her.
“If you move a bit…”
By their efforts combined, they managed to take his pants and underwear off, finally making him as bare as Mikasa was. As she expected, he was rock hard, his cock leaking pre-cum everywhere. Eating Mikasa out was mostly for her pleasure, definitely, but it would be a lie to say that Eren didn’t enjoy doing it. Squirting the lube on her palm, Mikasa smeared it over his rigid length, slowly, loving the way it made him tense up. They didn’t use the lube often, only when there was simply no time for foreplay, and surely didn’t need it now when she was literally dripping, but Mikasa wanted to slide as much as she could, and the lube was going to help. When her hand disappeared, with his cock as lubed up as it could possibly be, he fully expected to be soon greeted by the warmth of her pussy, but he was quite wrong. Mikasa’s burning desire was taken care of, and she could be a damn tease if she wanted to. And right now, she did want to.
Moving over him, she sat down, in an angle that didn’t let him penetrate her, but instead pressed his length flat against Eren’s stomach. His hands automatically flew to hold her hips, by instinct, but she was having none of it. Reaching down, she peeled them off her skin, repositioning them so he would hold the headboard of the bed instead.
“No touchy.”, she ordered, “Just lie back and enjoy the ride.”
Eren wasn’t sure how to feel about being talked to like he was a baby, but complaining had a place and time, and this surely wasn’t it. Satisfied with his obedience, Mikasa sat back and began moving. Front and back, she slid herself against him, very slowly. And back, and forth, and back, and forth, her hips continued in their hypnotizing dance, gluing Eren’s eyes to the place where they were touching. Touching, but not joined. The “no touchy” order robbed him from any ability to influence her, so all he could do was observe. To see her sharp hipbones, the action of her beautiful fit stomach, the contractions of the abdominals he loved. This was also a bit of a workout, Mikasa noted, albeit much more pleasurable and much less exhausting than what Levi kept putting her through at the gym. She was still very tired by Eren’s mouth actions from earlier, but the very short power nap she took after allowed Mikasa to move at a steady tempo. With her libido completely depleted, she didn’t even feel a need to let him inside her, the fire that usually burned between her legs extinguished for now. On his part, Eren simply needed to be inside her warmth as soon as possible, and while he didn’t beg, most of the time, tonight might be the time to do things differently. Knowing that Mikasa was satisfied, her urges taken care of, she could very well just keep playing with him like this for hours, denying him any sort of relief.
“Miki, baby…”, he began, his voice shaky, “Can you…?”
“Can I what?”, she raised her eyebrow down at him, her hips still stirring, “You have to use your words Eren.”
“Can you… let me in… please?”
“I dunno,” the tease smirked, “Can I?”
She could. After letting Eren beg her few more times, just loving the way his voice sounded, so needy for her, Mikasa stopped in her torment. Once again retrieving the lube bottle, she applied a generous portion on his length, knowing that while the sliding was all fun and games, the penetration will be a bit more intense. She was understandably still very sensitive between her legs. The lube was an amazing idea, and Mikasa was sure to congratulate herself, because when it combined with her own wetness Eren’s cock slid very nicely inside her, the two of them fitting together like pieces of the puzzle. Or a key inside a lock, that was a more accurate comparison. The way his thick girth stretched her did feel a tiny bit uncomfortable at the start, but Mikasa braved through it, and at the time their hips pressed together again it was nothing more than a memory of a sting.
With all Eren’s impressive length inside her, Mikasa slowly began moving again, resuming the same back and forth sliding from earlier. To stretch herself better, her hips soon changed their routine into small circles, eventually moving on to bigger ones, her preferred way of riding. All the while, Eren stared at her, brows pressed together, gritting his teeth, because this feeling, with Mikasa’s walls squeezing him inside her, the tight warmth so overwhelming, that was simply out of this world. She moved slowly, again, not rushing anywhere, having her fun, enjoying the way his cock rubbed the places deep inside her, the ones not even Eren’s fingers could reach. Oh, but she was playing again. Her hips were moving as she liked, torturously slow, just circles, and Eren couldn’t take it anymore. Sweating underneath her, breath hitching, he was on the edge, but the friction was just not enough to push him over.
“Please!”, he cried out, hips arching into hers, trying to find that missing tiny bit of pleasure that would finally finish him, but he couldn’t do it by himself. Especially not when Mikasa moved up at the same time, so high that he almost slipped out of her, only the tip of his cock remaining inside.
“Oh? What’s that?”, she asked, her hands moving onto his chest and pressing down, hard, crashing him back into the sheets. “Did I allow you to move?”
“No… Bu-But..”
“No buts,”, she shook her head, the image of strictness, “if you want something, ask for it. You can talk, can’t you?”
Well, normally he could, but now? Eren’s brain was next to non-functioning, ruined by the night spend between Mikasa’s legs without getting anything in return himself, and now the minx was taunting him, edging him so cruelly, and he couldn’t do anything about it.
“I wa-want…”, he tried, “I want….”
But Mikasa picked just that moment to move back down, and the beginning of the next word changed into a broken cry. She was enjoying this, so much. Leaning forward, Mikasa’s face was now right above his, the ends of her hair tickling him, and at the same time she moved again, this time raising her hips and then lowering them again, upping her riding game.
“What’s that?”, she whispered, her hot breath fanning over Eren’s face, “I can’t understand you.”
He couldn’t do it. Couldn’t talk, not when she moved like this, up and down, up and down, riding him hard, giving Eren no time to respond. Like this, however, his climax was approaching at an alarming rate, and he thought that yes, this is it, eyes rolling back, muscles in his stomach tensing, so close, so fucking close….
“Are you close, baby?”, she teased, “Do you feel it coming?”
He couldn’t answer with words, groaning instead.
She stopped.
A whine ripped its way from Eren’s throat, full of despair, the hands that till now faithfully held the headboard flying to her hips in a primal need to force her to move again, to finish him off. Right, as if that would ever work. Patiently, Mikasa peeled away his fingers, one by one, moving them back to the wood instead.
“What did I say about touching?”, she sighed, “So disobedient… I feel like I’ll just have to end it here… ”
“No!”, eyes shooting up, full of panic, Eren shook his head vehemently, the thought of her getting off him without any sort of happy ending terrifying, “Please no, anything but that, please, please..”
“Shh… It’s okay, it’s okay”, reaching down, Mikasa smoothed a sweat matted strand from Eren’s face, “Since you’re begging so nicely, I’ll give you one more chance. That good?”
“Yes, th-thank you… thank you…”
Satisfied, Mikasa patted his cheek, leaning back again and resuming the torturous pace of her hips.  Circles first, then back and forth, effortlessly changing into the up and down pumping. Again, he was growing close, so fucking close and….
Mikasa stopped. Again.
This time, Eren gritted his teeth to keep the whine in, but it still escaped. He was so fucking desperate, the word desperate didn’t even begin to cover the way he felt. And still, the goth girl on top of him kept teasing.
“As I said, you have to tell me what you want baby. I’m not letting you cum unless you ask nicely, so use your words…”
Cruel, so cruel.
Fuck, how was he supposed to tell her, when talking was impossible?
“Mikasa, please…  I want…”
Just before he could finish, the answer that was, she resumed her movements. But this time, Eren knew that his brain simply won’t survive another stop, he’d just fucking die, so using all the mental capacity he had left, which wasn’t much, he pieced the letters together.
“I wa-want… you… b-baby……” he tried arching into her again, so desperate, but she just paused, pushed his ass back down, and continued, as if nothing happened.
“Mi.. Miki…. Please…. I wa.. want y-you…”, Eren repeated, so fucking close to losing it, “Plea-… Please b-baby.”
The broken syllables that he so heroically managed to croak were enough, Mikasa decided. She was growing soft on her boo.
“You want me?”, she asked, seeing him nod so vigorously that it made her giggle, “All right then….”
Pouring all her remaining energy into this last stretch, Mikasa moved, up and down again, increasing the strength of her thrusts. The feeling was heavenly, and the only thing that Eren found himself regretting was that he couldn’t palm her breasts while she rode him, the small firm shapes bouncing on her chests being hypnotic. But she ordered him to keep his hands on the headboard, and for his own sake, he had no intention of disobeying her. To appease her, hoping that she won’t stop this time, Eren did his best to keep talking, use his words as she said, but the only syllables he could push out were the ones that made up her name, chanting “Mikasa” over and over in a feverish prayer. It made her feel like some witch, doing a forbidden ritual. And Mikasa always did enjoy rituals, the secrecy of dark magic being essential in the goth part of her life. She did attend a few, mostly during her depression period in high school, cast a few spells, but none of those were nearly as intimate or intense as this.
Moving faster, moving stronger, Mikasa was in the zone now, massaging his whole length inside her. The strength of her riding combining with the oversensitiveness still lingering between her legs manifested in a sting anytime she came down, but to her own surprise, Mikasa found herself not minding the bits of pain. The rougher sex seemed to be just her thing.
In the beginning, she thought that there was no way she could cum, all her pleasure eaten out by Eren, but somehow Mikasa found herself nearing one last peak. It was certainly partly caused by how obedient Eren was, praising her like this, making her his goddess for the night. He wasn’t submissive in their day-to-day life, far from it, decisive and full of quiet strength which sometimes brimmed into hot-headedness. Mikasa was the one quieter with tendency to blush easily anytime her boyfriend was involved, his whispered words, light touches and sexy smiles making her crumble. But here Eren was beneath her, dedicating everything he had to her, only her, fingers clawing at the headboard just because she told him to, crying out Mikasa’s name and obeying her every command as if she had really bound him with dark magic. Eren gave himself to the witch willingly, and it was amazing, empowering, and Mikasa found herself quite liking this control over her boy. Newfound kink, if you will. To finally reward her loyal worshipper, Mikasa kept the tempo up even as her body started failing her, her muscles remembering the exhaustion from earlier.
Finally, after a century of torment, Mikasa allowed Eren to finish.
Her rewards bearing fruit, Eren came underneath her, his hips arching into hers, a guttural shout falling from his lips, interrupting his Mikasa chant. It was a dream come true. All the merciless teasing from her instantly forgotten as Eren’s mind went blank, a massive orgasm hitting him, his cock twitching and spurting a whole evening of teasing worth of load inside her. Enduring this night was now made instantly worth it, and he loved Mikasa so much, he couldn’t even put it into words. The spots that danced in his vision converged into a white light, blinding him temporarily, blood pounding in his ears, cutting off any senses Eren had left.
Meanwhile on top of him, as Eren was having an unforgettable climax, Mikasa was close herself, so with the last push of herself from him, she used all her remaining strength and pushed back down, right over his cock buried deep inside her. For a reason Mikasa couldn’t decipher, her orgasm was accompanied by a loud crack and the feeling of collapse, but she didn’t care, deaf and blind to the world. Finding her last bits of pleasure and giving into it, she collapsed on top of her lover, sweaty same as he was, closing her eyes. Okay, now she was, beyond any doubt, finished. Done.
A voice, cutting into the fog that covered her brain.
“Miki, you have to get up.”
“Why…”, she groaned, not feeling like moving.
Eren snickered, right next to her ear, whispering his answer after.
“I don’t want to alarm you, but we broke the bed.”
Opening her greys, curious, she slowly sat up, whole body mightily protesting against the movement. He was right, she realized with a start. The frame of the bed was broken, snapped in half on both sides, the mattress collapsing onto the ground. Her own fall was shielded by Eren’s body underneath her, but he took the brunt of it. Yet looking down, Mikasa saw that Eren was still smiling, seemingly not caring much.
“How… How did this happen?”
“That’s obvious, isn’t it.”, he reached over to gently place a hand over her stomach, “You’re just too strong Miki, the bed couldn’t handle the way you move.”
She gasped.
“I did it?”
“Hey, don’t feel bad about it.”, Eren comforted her immediately, “I’ll get us a new one. Sturdier frame, I’d say. Maybe metal could withstand your riding…”
Amongst the ruins of their bed, exhausted beyond belief, Mikasa just stared, confronted by the ridiculousness of their situation. Beneath her, Eren was grinning as he sat up, leaning over to kiss her. Not willing to talk, not willing to do anything, Mikasa hugged him close, pressing her face into his neck and closing her eyes again. The world could wait. Stroking her sweaty back, Eren was happy beyond words that the bed frame was decent enough to wait until Mikasa finally allowed him to cum, after all that teasing. If it snapped before that, he was sure that his mind would snap right along with it. And a new bed for this kind of night? Please, that was a trade he would do ten times out of ten.
Totally worth it.
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starks-sweetheart · 5 years
Of Sweet Surprises
A/N: So, I completely messed this up last time by deleting the f*cking post. Anyway! It’s back now! And it’s also on AO3!
Warnings: mpreg, discussion of abortion, implied sexual content, Tony is a bit of an ass, but he gets better at the end. 
“Mr. Stark, I don’t feel so good,” Peter Parker says exactly two weeks after he and Tony Stark first have sex.
"It's okay, kid. It's probably just a cold."
"I know what a cold feels like, Mr. Stark." He's almost crying now because he doesn't know what's going on and Tony doesn't believe him. "This is bad. My stomach is all in knots, and I've been sick every morning. Just the smell of your coffee is about to make me puke. I think I need to go to the doctor..."
"Look, really. I'm sure it's nothing. You just take a break from the lab today, okay? Take a nap or something," is what Tony says. It can't be anything else. Peter probably got himself all worked up over the fact that they had sex, and he made himself sick. It happens to a lot of people.
Peter just sort of nods and does as he's told, tears brimming in his cheeks. He's always been sensitive, but he never cries about being sick. So why in the world is he acting this way? It doesn't make sense.
Two weeks after that, he feels even worse. He can barely get up in the morning. When he does, all he can choke down is toast, and sometimes tea. Only then does Tony really start to take it seriously.
So he takes Peter to one of his trusted doctors. Someone who can keep his mouth shut about Spider-Man.
This turns out to be a very wise decision, since the doctor chooses to run some very odd tests - who tests a teenage boy for pregnancy? -  which come back with even stranger results. 
"So, there are only two possibilities," the doctor says, looking at Peter - who is as white as the gown he has on - and Tony - who looks grim, with his hand on Peter's back gently. "You're either pregnant, or you have cancer."
Peter lets out a sort of hiccup sound, eyes going round. That is the exact opposite of what he hoped a trip to the doctor would do. This just makes him more terrified than he already was. Tears roll steadily down his cheeks. Neither of those is something he wants to deal with. Cancer? He could die. A baby? He's still a kid himself. How is he supposed to raise a child?
Beside him, Tony stiffens considerably. He holds his breath. This is a joke. That's not possible. It was one time. No one gets pregnant the first time they have sex. And surely not a teenager. And definitely not teenage boys. They're, like, the last on the list of possible mothers. Parents? What the hell is he even supposed to call this? Peter.
Tony finally looks down at the boy and feels his heart shatter. The poor kid looks completely shocked. He isn't breathing, either, save for a few tiny shaking breaths. And he's already got tears streaking down his perfect cheeks.
"It's very hard to tell at this point which it is," the doctor continues, his voice going soft as he watches the two. "We can do a couple scans to see if any cancer is visible at the time. Judging by the time frame, we won't be able to tell if you're pregnant for a little while longer. It's a bit harder to detect with male pregnancies."
The words go in one ear and right out the other. Peter can't pay attention. He's either going to die or have his life stripped away from him. It's a good thing that Tony pays attention to what's going on. And he really does. He listens intently to the doctor, weighing their options.
"Peter? Hey, why don't we do a couple more tests, okay? Some scans, like he said," Tony says softly, looking down tenderly at the boy.
He expects a nod. Maybe a word or two. But he doesn't expect Peter to throw his arms around him, sobbing openly into his chest. Tony's shirt quickly gets soaked.
"I don't wanna go, Mr. Stark," comes the broken sob. "I don't wanna go. Please. I don't wanna go."
Tony can't tell what he's talking about. He doesn't want to go to the test? He doesn't want to find out? That's not an option. Then Peter whimpers out another sentence.
"I don't wanna die..."
Of course. His mind jumped automatically to the worst possible scenario. Tony should have expected that.
He gently rubs Peter's back, casting a look at the doctor, who quickly excuses himself from the room. Tony kisses the top of Peter's head, holding him close.
"You're not gonna die, okay?" He reassures quietly. "It's alright. You're not gonna die. We got here really early, remember? They're gonna be able to help you. I promise. You'll be okay. I've got you. We're in this together, baby."
Baby. The word is heavy on his tongue. Baby . He plays around with it in his mind, thinking of all the possibilities. Nothing is set in stone, though. He isn't sure that Peter is pregnant. And if he is, he might not even want to keep the baby. He is still a teenager, after all. Not to mention the fact that he's fucking Spider-Man.
Despite the situation, Tony chuckles inwardly at that sentence. That's what got them into this mess.
“Promise?” Peter parrots, looking up at Tony with those wonderful - but currently heart wrenching - brown eyes. “You promise I’m gonna be okay?”
Immediately, Tony nods. Of course Peter is going to be okay. Tony has the best doctors. The best treatment. And Peter will too. Anything else is unthinkable.
“You’re gonna be just fine. I promise.”
They run more tests and do more scans. Every pregnancy test comes back positive. Every scan comes back negative. It doesn’t take a doctor to tell them what that means. And yet, the doctor confirms it.
“I’m unsure if this is good or bad for the two of you, but you are pregnant, Mr. Parker,” he says, delivering the news as carefully as he can. “Either that or every single one of the dozens of tests Mr. Stark had us run was inaccurate. I can recommend a couple different courses of action, depending on how you choose to go forward with this.”
It takes them a moment to figure out what he’s talking about. There’s only one way to “go forward with this”, isn’t there? Peter’s going to have a baby.
When he looks at the doctor again, he realizes what he means. He doesn’t have to keep this baby.
Before he says anything, he looks up at Tony. Without even looking down at him, Tony speaks.
“He’s keeping the baby,” he says decisively, arm tightening around Peter’s shoulders. “ We’re keeping the baby.”
Peter swallows softly. While he doesn’t have any immediate desire to have an abortion, he does want to be able to look at his options. But Tony pretty much just blew that out of the water completely.
Fortunately, the doctor seems to see what’s going on. He gives a little nod and then holds a pamphlet out. Tony tries to take it, but the doctor pulls it back. He makes sure that Peter gets it in his own hands. As much as he cares about Tony, he won’t allow him to take complete control over the decision here. Peter is the one who would have to carry the baby, and he’d likely be the one to do most of the caring.
After the doctor leaves, Peter gets dressed again. He feels very much out of the world. This isn’t fair. He’s pregnant. It was one time! Just one time! What are the odds of that?
He’s probably going to be stuck with this baby because apparently Tony wants it, and Peter can’t do that - he can’t get an abortion if Tony wants the kid. It’s his baby, too. None of this is fair at all.
Tony watches with a stoic expression. Peter’s pregnant. He’s going to have a baby, and it’s his fault. He’s the one who did this to the poor kid. What is his aunt going to think? What is the rest of the world going to think? They’ll find out eventually. When Spider-Man and Iron Man have a child, the world will find out.
When Peter is dressed, Tony wordlessly loops his arm around the boy’s back, leading him out of the hospital and to the car. The drive back to the compound is silent. Where Tony would usually have music, the only sound is the tires on the road and a faint hum of the engine.
Peter leans against the car door, staring out of the window. He feels like some pathetic music video, just watching all the other cars go by with tears rolling down his cheeks.
Once they’re finally there, Peter heads straight to his room. Tony stops him with a single sound in the back of his throat. He turns and looks at him, an adorably angry look on his ruddy face.
“We need to talk, bud.” Tony’s tone and words leave no room for discussion. “Come on.”
He leads Peter to his own room, locking the door behind them and having JARVIS soundproof the room. After sitting Peter down on the bed he pulls the pamphlet out of the boy’s back pocket.
“God, what part of ‘no’ don’t you understand?”
“This is a no, okay?”
“But Mr. Stark-”
“It’s not-”
“No, alright?” Tony shouts, making Peter recoil and blink. Tony sits on the bed beside Peter, rubbing his face tiredly. “No. It’s just as much my kid as yours, okay? And you’re not going to…. Just because we didn’t use a condom doesn’t mean that…. God, this is so much harder than I thought it would be.”
Peter is silent for a moment, looking at the man in distress beside him. He knows how he feels. He wishes this hadn’t happened. He doesn’t want to have to make this decision either. But it’s something that they have to do. They have to do this. Whatever the hell this is. He wouldn’t change the fact that they had sex, but if he could go back in time, Peter would make sure that they used condoms.
“I just think we really need to think about this,” Peter whispers slowly and carefully. “This is a lifelong commitment, and… I… don’t… know if I’m… ready for that.”
Tony shakes his head, mumbling something under his breath. Peter wishes he could hear. Wishes Tony would speak up. Muttering isn’t going to help anyone.
“I just want to keep my options open, at least for now,” Peter continues. “And I wanna tell Aunt May. I want to know what she thinks, too, okay? This affects me more than it does you, and I want my family to know.”
Instead of being mature and level headed, like Peter hoped he would be, Tony gets up off of the bed with a huff. He paces a bit, running a hand through his hair. He knows that Peter is right. He can’t force him to have a baby. Even if it’s his. But how is he supposed to balance that with the fact that he wants to keep it? Obviously it isn’t that he has a right to it. He has no more of a right to keep the child than Peter has to free himself of it. So why is this so hard?
“Yeah,” he finally says, forcing himself to give a tight-lipped smile. “Yeah, you’re right. Keep your options open. That’s great. I, uh, I think I wanna be alone tonight, okay kid?”
Peter nods dumbly, feeling his throat close up. He’s going to cry. Again. Tony is mad at him. He’s hurt. They both are. So Peter stands from the bed and grabs the pamphlet from the dresser where Tony left it. He ducks his head as he walks past the man, feeling his eyes on him. Usually they would kiss. Usually they would fall asleep in one another’s arms. But that’s not happening tonight. On a night when it most definitely should be happening.
Instead of sleeping, Peter stays up practically all night, reading articles online. Articles from both sides. He wants to be well-informed, after all. He cries reading them.
The next day, he goes back home without even saying hello or goodbye to Tony. He cries on the train.
He cries again when he tells his aunt. She cries with him. She helps him understand everything, talking through it all with him. She wants him to be safe and happy. She wants him to be okay. Once he’s made up his mind, they cry again.
Peter falls asleep with his hand on his belly and tears rolling down his cheeks and soaking his pillow. And a smile on his lips.
The day after that, Peter skips school. He goes back to the compound, shaking nervously. He’s made up his mind - on his own, but with guidance from May - and it’s time to tell Tony.
JARVIS lets him in without any problems, as usual. Tony’s told the AI to always let Peter in, no matter the time or occasion. He makes his way to the lab without even having to ask JARVIS if that’s where Tony is. That’s where he always is. Especially when he’s upset about something.
“Hey, Mr. Stark,” Peter says nervously, having to shout over the loud music. It immediately gets quieter. “I, uh… I wanted… I need to talk to you.”
Tony stares at him, not speaking. He has nothing to say. Peter knows his stance on what he’s undoubtedly here to talk about. Peter knows he wants the baby. But Tony knows that it’s important to Peter to get whatever choice he wants. That’s when Tony realizes that maybe Peter is scared.
“Yeah, okay,” Tony says with a tiny smile, putting his work down and walking over to Peter.
He puts his arm around him gently, guiding him once again into the bedroom. It’s better for whatever news to be delivered in the comfort of a bedroom rather than the coldness of the lab. Once they’re on the bed again, Tony leans over and kisses Peter’s nose gently. Then his lips. Softly. Reverently.
“I’m behind you, okay?” Tony breathes, taking Peter’s hand. “Whatever you choose, I’m gonna back you on it. I’m here for you.”
Those words nearly make Peter cry. But there’s no reason to be upset. Tony’s going to support him. No matter what happens. So Peter returns the kiss, takes Tony’s other hand, and swallows softly.
“I’m going to keep the baby, Tony,” he whispers, looking Tony from one eye to the other while he waits for a reaction.
He gets it a moment later. Tony’s mouth goes slack. His eyes round out and then soften so quickly it's almost impossible to see. Then he tugs Peter into a tight hug, kissing his ear, neck, and shoulder. Peter can hear the shaky breaths coming from his mouth. Tony’s crying. And just like that, so is Peter. They cling onto one another crying. But they’re happy tears.
“Oh my god, really? Yeah?” Tony breathes when he finally pulls away. Peter just nods, smiling and laughing through his tears.
“Yeah, really,” he says, leaning forward to kiss Tony again. “We’re gonna have a baby. Tony, we’re gonna have a baby. We have a baby. You’re a dad!”
Tag list: @starker-rays, @starkerforlife, @helloselfindulgence, @peter-b-starker, @lilsoshie, @tigger232
Tony grins impossibly wider at that. He pulls Peter down onto the bed, kissing him over and over, loving the way Peter laughs between the kisses and how he threads his fingers through his hair. When he hears a soft hitch in the boy’s breath, well… he couldn’t complain. They had celebrating to do.
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myheadisinvaded · 5 years
On With The Show… chapter 2/heaven (part2)
Word count- 1,811
Warnings- a lil sexual,drugs,drinking,curse words? Still don’t know what else to list
A/N- feedback is appreciated, thanks for giving me a chance (if you read it) also i tried different POVs, let me know what you think.
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Blair’s POV
Blow? Thats cocaine isn’t it? I look up at Nikki and he’s waiting for me to answer “Sure, sure, yeah why not? I’ll do some uhh blow.” Nikki claps his hands and walks over to a table with a silver tray on it, white powder everywhere and straws. Cocaine for the first time tonight, this wasn’t in my plans but hey, this is Motley fucking Crue I’m with right now. Tommy sits down beside Nikki and I sit down as well, Nikki gets it all ready, the lines, there’s like 6. I’m doing a lot of firsts and it’s kind of really exciting. “Ladies first” Nikki smirks, pushing the tray towards me, oh, great. Here goes nothing, I look up at him, my hair cascades around me, he nods for me to go ahead and i pick up the small straw and set it, Tommy starts laughing and I feel myself getting hot all over “You’ve never done this have ya?” he asks through giggles. I shake my head, embarrassed. “It’s whatever” Nikki says, frowning at Tommy, he turns back to face me. “Here, like this.” he leans down and demonstrates, he looks up at me after doing three in a row. “Now you, try it” he says while sniffling.
I mimic his actions and snort up the white powder. It feels weird, snorting something up your nose when most of the time people try to avoid that. Nikki smiles “Great job! Tommy…” he says, pushing the tray over to his friend. Tommy does it and Nikki takes what’s left on his finger and licks it. He grins and wiggles his eyebrows at me. “Like it?” I just nod, my mom would not be proud but whatever, it’ll be ok. It’s just this one time.
2 hours later we’re sitting on the couch again. Nikki is looking at me, his eyes twinkle and he smiles “You’re very pretty…’ he trails off, his eyes linger on me and I feel the butterflies in my stomach become a zoo. “Thank you I-” he cuts me off with a kiss, I'm shocked at first but slowly get into it. He grabs my body, pulling me into his lap, his hands move up into my hair, his fingers tangling and tugging. The cocaine, alcohol and I think weed, were all doing their magic.
The night became a blur, I drank more than I had ever drank in my entire life, did drugs I never thought I would do and made out with Nikki Sixx. Regrets? None.  
The next morning I wake up, my head pounding, I squint my eyes as I try to figure out where I am. Someone’s  room… my heart starts pounding just as hard as my head is, oh noo, oh shit, what did I do last night?! I look down at me under the sheets, dress on, panties on, bra, ok ok. Fully clothed, that’s a good sign. Who’s room though? I look around some more, dark walls, vodka bottles, Jack Daniel’s bottles, sunglasses on the dresser. I try to stand up but end up getting dizzy and almost fall, “woah there!” says a deep monotone voice, Mick. He steadys me and sits me down, “You’re up, finally” he sighs and hands be a glass of water and three pills. “This will help” I take them and look at them for a second “Don’t worry, kid, I’m not drugging you anymore than what you’ve already had.” I feel like I can’t talk so I just nod and pop them in my mouth, taking a big drink of water. “So umm, what happened last night?” I ask softly, scared of what I’m about to hear.
Mick looks at me, his face has a small frown on it. “Nothing too bad, I can tell it was your first time doing all that shit though, not very smart but hey, I’m not judging you. Did you have fun?” I think about it for a second, not remembering much. I remember doing cocaine, smoking some, drinking lots. But that’s about it. “Yeah, I’m pretty sure I did.” He laughs “Don’t remember much, do ya?” I shake my head. “Eh, like I said, nothing too bad, I think you Nikki almost…” he clears his throat and shakes his head. “I brought you in here with Tommy’s help once I saw you were too far gone. I went in to get more booze and…” he pauses again and that makes me nervous, “anyways I brought you in here, don’t worry, I slept on the couch.” I sigh and nod “Thank you Mr. Mars” “Mick. just Mick, I’m not that fucking old” He huffs and grabs a bottle of vodka, taking a swig from it “And it’s no problem, are you hungry?” I nod, “Cool, I’ve got some extra clothes that don’t fit me anymore, I’m sure they’ll fit you for the most part, bathroom is over there, towel is set out for you. We’ll leave in 20.”
Mick’s POV
Something about this girls just clicks with me. I haven’t known her long but the little bit of time that we did spend together was pretty nice. I normally don’t like talking to strangers but the fact that she was so willing to listen to everything I had to say and actually took it all in. It was nice. The clothes I gave her are actually ones that i was going to give to my daughter but she didn’t want them. I think they’re pretty cool but I can’t wear them, hopefully they fit her.
15 minutes later she comes out of the bathroom, I don’t mean to smile but it happens. “Does it look ok?” she asks, looking at herself in the mirror. Leather pants, black lacing all the way down the sides of each leg and one of our band shirts, the shirt is a little big for her but she tied it up in a side knot. She’s also wearing the heels she wore last night and her hair up in a ponytail. “You look fine, kid, now let's go get some lunch”
When we arrive at the diner, I see a first. Nikki is the first one here. I look at Blair’s face and her cheeks have gone a rosy pink, maybe she does remember her little make out session with Nikki before I let it go further in the middle of that room. Something told me that if she was sober, she wouldn't have done that. Nikki is sipping on a coke, three little jack’s bottles sitting on the table. He nods at us and his eyes linger on Blair, for some reason it’s not something I like. Maybe it’s because I know how he is.... He winks at her as we sit down and you can tell she’s confused but flattered, so maybe she doesn’t remember.
Blair’s POV
I got this weird feeling in my stomach when I saw him again, like a movie this flash of him being all over me went through my head but there’s no way that happened. My brain probably made it up because of everything I took last night. Once Mick and I sit down, he winks at me. I feel myself getting hot all over, again, for the millionth time. The waitress takes our drink order, Mick, vodka, I didn’t even know they served that here. I just got some coke, the drinking kind. She quickly just makes sure they are all getting their usual, the vodka makes sense now, and I just order some fries. Nikki’s smirk makes me feel some kind of way “Did you have fun last night? I sure did”. Not remembering much makes this question hard to answer “Yeah, lots of fun. It was great” he chuckles “Good you’ve got a great voice”. My eyes go wide, “I- I sang?” he just nods, smiling. Mick looks at me “You’re going to have to let me hear you sometime.”
“Her singing? Oh hell yeah! It was awesome dude!” Tommy exclaims from behind Mick, startling him and making him roll his eyes. Tommy sits beside Nikki, “Vince says he’ll meet us at the studio.” They all just nod, I guess they know why without saying. Our food comes “Thanks Dottie” Nikki gives her a smile, Tommy nods at the Dottie “Usual, thanks sweetheart”. She nods and leaves. We all start eating, Tommy steals some of my fries “Hope you don’t mind, love” I shake my head and push it closer to him. “You can come with us after, if you want to, we’re heading to the studio” Mick offers. “Ride with me” Nikki says with a sniffle. I nod “Of course I want to” giggling I look at Nikki “I’ll ride with you…” the look on his face is happy and excited? Nikki Sixx, happy about me riding with him? It must all be in my head. “If…” He narrows his eyes, focused on my face “you let me play your bass” I finish and he chuckles “No problem! Consider it done”, his hand reaches over the table to shake mine. I go to shake his hand but he brings it up to his lips, kissing it. He seems amused by my red cheeks and let’s it go. “Thanks Nikki” I say, laughing a little. Tommy gets his food, he quickly eats it. “Let’s go! I wanna make stuff!” Tommy basically jumps out of his seat. Mick grimaces and stands up. They both head out to their cars. Nikki looks at me, “Ready to go?” I nod and get up, even with my heels I’m way shorter than him. He looks me up and down “I like your clothes, fit right in” He smiles and puts his arm around me, leading me to his car.
Nikki starts driving, music playing. He keeps glancing over at her, she’s staring out the window rolled down making her ponytail fly behind her. This is weird for him, he feels like Tommy now, he tries to focus on the road. Something about her makes him want to spend more time with her. He keeps going back to the time they spent alone last night, he knows she was probably too fucked up to remember but he does, he hopes that one day it can happen again but with her sober enough to remember.
Blair has to keep her eyes on the outside world as he drives. She feels stupid, getting all these feelings while being with him, slowly but surely she seems to start remembering last night. She can’t believe that the bad boy rock star, is who she’s falling for. Girls would kill to have this opportunity, it seems different than being just a groupie, she didn’t sleep with him. He’s being, nice. Everything she ever dreamed about, it’s different. Hopefully this will last. 
Tag list: @triplehaitches @flizaa @fandomshit6000 @prettysureimgayxo @tarahell @shamelessobsessions hopefully I didn’t miss anyone.
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oscar-piastri · 6 years
fake dating [ben hardy]
summary: you asked ben to be your fake boyfriend for one day {around 2.2k words}
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“Alright, Y/N. You can do it. Just take a deep breath, and just ask him” you said to yourself as you were standing right in front of the door. After hesitating for minutes that felt like hours, you decided to finally knock on that stupid door. Your were about to knock when the door opened, making you end up facing him.
“Alright. I’ve been watching you from my window, and you’ve been here for 5 minutes. And you haven’t moved a bit. What’s up, Y/N?” he asked you, crossing his arms on his chest.
“I..uh..I need you” you blurred out
“E-Excuse me?” he asked, his cheeks slightly turning to a pale shade of red
“Your help! I meant your help” You told him as you started to blush too. “I need your help, Ben” you said again, but this time, lowering your voice.
“Oh. I see. But next time, you might wanna say it directly, you know. People might get the wrong idea” he replied, making you roll your eyes.
Now sitting on Ben’s couch, you thanked him as he handed you a hot cup of tea. Ben was looking at you, a little bit confused because you haven’t said anything. To be honest, you didn’t know why you agreed to come inside. You should’ve just ran away and act like nothing happened. Tired of feeling his eyes on you, you took a sip of the tea and finally decided to say something.
“Ben, what are you doing on December 18th?” you asked slowly, not looking at him
He gave you a funny look before checking his calendar on his phone. “Right now, I have nothing planned. Why?” he asked you as he put his phone on the table in front of him.
“Perfect, you can spend the day with me and meet my family” you calmly told him
“And why should I meet them?” he asked. His raised eyebrows were clearly showing confusion.
“Because I told them we were dating” you told him, taking another sip of your tea. You looked at Ben, and the confusion on his face was replaced by shock. His eyes were wide open, and so was his mouth. You gave him an awkward smile while you were mentally slamming your hand against a wall.
“W-why would you say something like that?!” he managed to pronounce, his voice getting higher, throwing his hands in the hair. His actions made his dog Frankie wake up from her little nap.
“I just… I panicked” you admitted, feeling a little bit ashamed.
You knew this answer wasn’t enough so you told Ben the whole story. How your parents kept asking about a boyfriend, how your sister would always annoy you with her boyfriend. The fact that she was coming home for her birthday made it worse and you couldn’t take it, so you told them that you’ll be bringing your boyfriend. It was only when they accepted that you realised what you got yourself into. Bringing a boyfriend that didn’t exist.
“And to make it worse, I told them a name. Don’t ask me why I said your name but I did and you’re the only Ben I know.” you explained to him, hoping he would say something. “Plus, you owe me a favor” you told him, a smile slowly appearing on your face.
Ben chuckled at what you just said “Yeah I thought it would be a favor like watering your plants or something” he said, which made you giggle a little. “Give me five minutes, I need to think about it” he said as he got up from his seat. He took your empty cup of tea and his, and headed in the kitchen, leaving you playing with his dog Frankie.
“I’m surprised this could actually work” you muttered to Frankie, getting a bark for an answer.
You heard footsteps and found Ben sitting in front of you. “Fine, I’ll do it” he finally told you, rolling his eyes a little.
It took you a few seconds to process, but once the information got to your brain, you squealed and clapped your hands in excitement. Well, you were mostly relieved to know that you won’t have to find a lame excuse on why your non-existent boyfriend isn’t there with you. “Ben you are a true friend!” you thanked him as you got up to hug him.
Few days had passed since Ben agreed to your stupid idea and you still couldn’t believe it. You would try to see each other every day to adjust your plan and of course, taking couple pictures that you’ll show to your parents. You were friends so it was easy, it’s not like he was a complete stranger where you had to learn a lot about him to make it believable. You knew enough about Ben and he knew enough about you.
But now, it was the day. You were sitting in Ben’s car as he was driving to your parents’ house. You nervously tap your feet as you were squeezing the bag with your sister’s present.
“It’s gonna be okay, love” Ben said chuckling, not keeping his eyes off the road.
“It’s gonna be hard for me to get used to being called ‘love’” you told him, smiling softly. The more you were getting closer to the house, the more you felt nervous and how bad this could end up.
“Hey, it was your idea! I’m sure it’s gonna work but if he show up with your sad face, I’m pretty positive that they’ll know something isn’t right.” He told you“We’re gonna be awesome” He continued, trying to make you feel better.
“You’re right. It’s just for one day. Today we’re dating and tomorrow we’ll forget about it” you answered, already feeling a little bit better.
You were now in front of the door, you had just knocked and you could hear someone running to the door. The door flew open and you were welcomed by your sister.
“Happy birthday!” Both you and ben exclaimed.
“Thanks.” She said as she let you get in. “You must be Ben” she said looking at him “She never speaks about you” she continued with a fake smile as you rolled your eyes.
“Yeah, I’d rather keep him for myself” you told her with a fake smile. “I bet dad’s in the couch with your man and mom’s in the kitchen” you said walking past her, holding Ben’s hand as you were walking to the living room to see your father.
You introduced Ben to everyone and at your surprise, it was going great. Your mom asked you right away to see some of your couple pictures so she could pick one and frame it. And of course your dad did the usual speech “don’t hurt her” and was pleased when Ben answered “Sir, I would never”
Everyone was gathered around the table. You all finished eating minutes ago but you all kept talking and stayed seated. You felt your sister looking at you and saying things to her boyfriend and deep down you knew she was probably judging you or even figuring out about the whole dating lie, making you a little bit anxious.
Even though you managed to survive her trick questions: such as “how you met”, “who said i love you first”, you were scared she’ll discover the truth.
And to make it better, she kept saying how better than you she was, making bad comments or trying to contradict you. But Ben played the perfect boyfriend and tried to defend you all the time.
Awkwardly playing with your fingers under the table, you were praying for this day to come to an end. Ben, sitting right next to you, noticed very quickly how you were feeling.
You were about to clean up the table when Ben walked past you.
“We’ve gotta make it look real, love” he whispered in your ear, when no one was really paying attention.
His voice made you shiver as you felt your cheeks burning. You knew what he meant but you didn’t know how to react to that. But Ben already had his idea and suddenly, he crashed his lips against yours. He caught you off guard and you mentally asked yourself what to do. You dropped whatever on the table what you were holding, and naturally, your hands found their way to Ben’s hair and you could feel him smile against your lips.
You pulled away when you felt your cheeks were red and it made Ben smile even more. You looked around and noticed that everyone was looking at the two of you. Ben kissed your forehead before bringing the plates to the kitchen, with a smirk on his face and leaving you speechless.
When your brain started to be active again, you joined your mother in the kitchen to help her with the dishes. Your father, your sister, her boyfriend Matthew and Ben were all sitting in the couch, watching a rugby game.
“Ben and your father are getting along” She told you as she handed you a wet plate, so you could try it. “He has more in common with your father, than your father with Matthew.” she continued, laughing a little.
“Yeah. It looks like I picked the perfect boyfriend” you told your mother. And it wasn’t a lie, Ben was being a perfect fake boyfriend. Suddenly, you felt strong arms being wrapped around your waist, and you knew it was Ben. He put his chin on your head after he kissed your cheek.
“I can help you with that. Ma’am, please join your family, I can stay here and do the dishes” he told your mother.
But you spoke before you could answer. “I’ve got a better idea! You both go watch the game. Mom you already cooked, let me handle this.” You told her as you the sponge from her hand. “And you, babe” you said turning to Ben “Go back to the game, I know you love rugby and you can spend time with my family.” you told him, kissing his cheeks.
“See, we’re good at it, love” Ben whispered before leaving the kitchen with your mother.
After a few minutes, you were finally done with all the dishes and luckily, you broke nothing. You decided to join everyone in the living room  to watch the game. Well you weren’t a big fan of rugby, but you weren’t gonna leave Ben alone with your family.
Once you got to the living room, you saw that there was no place left for you on the couch. You were about to take a chair when Ben called your name, and when you turned around, you saw him pointing his laps.
It only took a second for your cheeks to get red again, but you agreed and walked slowly towards him. You sat on his laps, your whole face becoming red. You put your head on his shoulder so he could still be able to watch the game and he wrapped his arms around your waist. Every time you were breathing, you could  smell his cologne on his neck and it was smelling so good and somehow, it was relaxing you. Actually, if you were being honest, you’d ask him to stay like that forever. But you knew it’ll never happen.
You watched the game with everyone, and you found yourself hiding your face in Ben’s neck pretty often when the players were hurt. Your reaction always made Ben laugh, and you would gently hit his hands because of that.
The rugby game was over and Ben asked if you wanted to leave. It was a tiring day for you and he couldn’t help but notice your tiring eyes and how much you were yawning during the game.
You told everyone goodbye and left the house, still holding Ben’s hands, even when the door was closed.
“Thank you so much, Ben” you told him as he was driving. “You know, they really liked you! You were the perfect fake boyfriend” you confessed, looking at him.
“You were an adorable fake girlfriend too” he complimented you, which made you smile. “Your parents are really nice. It was nice meeting them”.
The rest of the ride was silent. The two of you didn’t know what to say. But as Ben stopped the car in front of your apartment, you decided to break the silence. “Ben.. About our breakup… How do you-” you were about to ask him but he caught you off by gently pressing his lips against yours once again. The seatbelts were making it harder but you tried your best to kiss him back.
Ben pulled away first, looking deep in your eyes “What if I don’t wanna breakup? What if I wanna keep it going more than one day? Y/N, today with you it.. It felt so real, it felt so natural. I-I think I wanna spend more time with you, visit your family on Christmas morning” Ben confessed, and the more he was talking, the more you were blushing and you couldn’t speak. “I wanna be more than your fake boyfriend. I wanna take you on a real date” he told you, and now he was the one blushing and that made you giggle.
Your giggle made him a little bit confused but you slowly put your hands on his cheeks. “Then, I count this day as our first date. You can pick me up tomorrow night for our second date” you said before kissing him again.
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juleswolverton-hyde · 5 years
Word by Word | 02
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Genre: Fluff, Romance, University/College AU
Pairing: Graphic design student!Bangchan x Literature student!/Irish!Reader
Warnings: Swearing (but what can you honestly expect when dealing with an Irish person?)
Summary: An ancient saying dictates that polar opposites attract, which is proven once again once an introverted whiskey-loving aspiring author meets a fairly extroverted boy initially proposing to survive the loneliness brought about by academic administration together.
But soon the meaning of ‘together’ expands as personal creative worlds are explored and understanding stirs up hidden emotions.
Previous part / Next Part
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In life, nothing goes according to plan for Fate is cruel and God is dead. There is no other explanation for the amalgamation of desperately ironical chaos which follows in the wake of the checked-in transport card going to the steady place by the window all the way in the back of the bus while blasting music. To be more precise, it comes in the form of bleached locks also lost in songs, cruel enough due to the circumstances to unapologetically settle down on the empty seat that cannot be occupied fast enough by throwing the habitual laptop bag onto it.
Oh, for feck’s sake. Alright, lass, just keep calm and read yer book. Just don’t look and... fuck, he’s looking. Calm down and fake ignorance!
Out of the corner of the eyes, a glint is beheld of jasper eyes staring interestedly at the cover of the current read, clearly trying to make out the title partially obscured by cramped with timid fingers while every thought is overrun by the scent of the widespread ocean lapping at the shore mixed with a light hint of coconut. However, impossible as it might seem, a steady yet vague focus is kept on the letters shaping the memoir of a bookseller and good faith is put in the general universally acknowledged fact that earbuds in is equal to the meaning of “leave me alone”.
Though some, like the fairly unwelcome stranger, never grasp this simple meaning.
‘Good book?’ AirPods are taken out in favour of understanding while patiently awaiting a response, continuing to gaze at a rapidly becoming distracted soul heavily debating whether or not to reply.
‘Sorry, what?’ Despite still sounding annoyed, the level of irritation is considerably lower than when speaking to another person asking the same thing and that is quite a curious occurrence for strangers are kept at bay at all costs and by any necessary means such as music.
Songs which are weirdly put to rest without hesitation. 
At seeing uncomprehending brows knit together, fortunately failing to see a part of the confusion is also turned inward at a fluttering heart and discombobulated thoughts, platinum strands elaborate on the initial inquiry. A long finger rises and points at the cover of the novel in a manner that should not be deemed as cute yet is. ‘The book. Is it any good?’
Neither should speech come as difficult as it does, stuttering normally entirely out of the question as well as the want to expand on the curt reply. ‘Uhm, y- yeah. It is.’
The response evokes a bubbly giggle which miraculously turns up the temperature in the vehicle on its way to the university, surely painting cheeks with a roseate flush. Judging by the mesmerized sparkling irises staring back in unwavering contact, they do. ‘That’s not a whole lot to go on. What’s it about?’
How can I act like this? Get yersel’ together, Y/N, and act as you would during an event. Be a cold professional.
A splendid plan that is always immediately resorted to in similar situations because it offers a sufficient amount of social protection. Moreover, it nullifies any further advances pursuing the conversation as it employs the harshest coldness of politeness.
That is the case under normal circumstances. 
But not now.
Now there is nothing but an oddly enchanted girl stammering while explaining the premise and cause of the diary written by a Scottish bookseller, gradually becoming more and more flustered with every word that flows from lips eager to engage. In the meanwhile, focus is kept steadily on the friendly handsome face intently listening with genuine interest, clearly doing so in delight.
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‘So, uhm, tha- that’s the p- pre- premise.’
‘Huh, sounds interesting. Maybe I should read it.’
‘You should!’ The suggestion ignited a giddiness preserved for private moments with Grandfather, particularly on whiskey nights when books are the sole other companions in whose company to rejoice. ‘I- I mean, if y- ye want to. You ob- obvi- obviously don’t have to.’
‘I mean it, I’ll check it out. Wait, I haven’t even properly introduced myself. Hi, I’m Chris. Or Chan or Bangchan. Whatever you prefer.’ The last bit is added shyly, a careful smile ghosting over pale pink lips while a trustworthy veined hand reaches out.
And is taken for a strong handshake that clearly surprises the lad. ‘Y/N.’
‘That’s a firm hand.’ Both barely suppressing a gasp for different reasons, gripping digits swiftly unravel. Personally, it is because of a sense of being attacked on a womanly front while never having been bothered by it, only endeavouring to act entirely ladylike on important occasions. Until someone cannot shut their gob properly. In case of the lad smelling like a beach day, a grimace as if mourning the loss of contact flashes over the composed expression trying to look merely surprised yet fails in doing so. ‘Which is good, because it signifies a strong character.’
Distant remorse laces the elaboration on the original response, jasper eyes averting from a panicked face to the novel put down. Picking up on this, bookish fingertips rapidly retracted to a denim lap graced with the sarcastic memoir creep ever so slightly towards the edge of thighs to feel the warmth of ones still formed as if they were enveloping those that ran away.
But stop and flee once more.
Falsely calm.
Though they are not doing so in the desire to get to know the boy showing sincere interest in a cold professionally introverted and, above all, unlovable girl.
‘Whe- Where are y- ye from?’ To keep the exchange going, a natural question follows from what has been quietly observed from speech.
‘Hm?’ Eyes wide, the brooding grim mood fades from chiselled features and morphs into curiosity due to incomprehension with a tilted head.
‘Yer ac- accent. You’re not from a- around here.’
‘No, I’m from Australia. I moved here recently to study.’ A playful grin promises that the same observation pertaining to the manner of speaking has been made as well, counterattacking the question by means of a proposing comment. ‘But you have an accent as well.’
‘I’m actually from around here, but thanks to Charles I got the good ol’ Irish accent.’ Composure has been regained entirely, mostly thanks to the fact the matter comes up frequently whenever accompanying Charlie to foreign publishing events where everyone always seems surprised to hear from the north.
‘My grandfather. He’s the one who raised me.’ Nothing is said about the family name out of a conscious disdain to be associated with a great author instead of being seen as an original person and novice writer. Although, mayhaps it is more of an unconscious endeavour since the thought of even mentioning a surname does not comes up.
‘What about your parents?’
‘I’d rather not talk about them, Chris.’ A brief look out the window shows the long line of variously branded cars in front of a steady red light letting solely up to three pass before halting the ever-growing queue, every driver showing impatience in a fashion as diverse as the range of names on the trunks. Next to the bus is a jet black Volkswagen Polo, a father driving while the mother and lone daughter are chattering away.
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 That could’ve been me. If only life had been different. If only I wasn’t a bastard.
‘Sorry, I didn’t know it’s a sensitive topic.’ The remorse is more prominent in display than awareness thinks to let filter through to the world, curly platinum strands leaning in apologetically despite not being at fault when reverting attention to Chan.
‘You couldn’t have known, so it’s fine.’ Regardless of sounding as if nothing is wrong, the deeply-rooted pain of being raised in a good yet different life with a father figure rather than an actual parent nevertheless colours the used tone.
Withal, and fortunately fluidly, the subject changes to something casual creating a grander sense of comfort. ‘You said you came here to study?’
To forget what could have been.
Lips part as if to protest but change their mind at the last second, going with the flow and thusly leaving the previous topic behind. ‘Yeah, I did. I’m studying graphic design, but added a literary course to my curriculum this last part of the semester. Unfortunately, all my friends have either chosen a different course or are doing a whole other study.’
‘Then you and I are on the same boat.’ Unintentionally, there is a question of teaming up through the absence of familiar faces placed in other workgroups if present at all. And it is weird it is there at all since loneliness is nothing new and actually bearable, though a little bit more when being in the company of a nice character.
‘Wanna stick together and try to survive?’
Had another person been asked this, no doubt the chance to have a familiar face for support would be taken advantage of. However, it is not so in the case of a bastard who is apparently in the way. Easy to discard, as has been made evidently clear by the monsters that should have raised her instead of the other glorious bastard under a swearing whiskey roof shared with two cats from Inferno.
Trustworthy in action, honest in words, true in sincerity of company.
Just like the aura of the newly met fellow student looking like a puppy anticipating a consenting reply, excitedly wagging an imaginary tail but trying to suppress any signs of enthusiasm under a veil of patience. Still, the gloss over cheerful eyes and pursed lips indicate hoping for the best, despairing when being denied. Henceforth, while the persuasion of attitude comes second in the factors of changing minds, the proposal is accepted gladly with the brightest contained smile that has been given to someone in a long period of time, honest in meaning. ‘I’d like that.’
‘You don’t have to.’ Despite agreeing to the plan, understanding disappointment rings in the taken on tone of speech, Bangchan pulling away barely noticeably yet introducing a familiar abyss that makes the heart sink to the deepest depth it knows.
‘What makes you say that?’ Maintaining the facade of ignorance to hide the unintentional sensitive pain, the face of a summer beach day is carefully analyzed in the hopes of finding an explanation for what has been done wrong.
Why the truth cannot be seen when it has risen from beneath the rose.
‘You seem reluctant.’ The fingers held earlier in a friendly handshake dig their nails in the fabric of the seats to hide the sadness thanks to suspected denial.
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But, just this once, there is a wholehearted agreement.
An exception.
For him.
Notwithstanding, the mirage of happiness fades after being built so carefully, flowing down the melancholic stream of the consciousness forever stuck in its grasp with a lowering voice and averted focus. ‘It... it’s a bad habit. A likely wrong thinking pattern.’
‘I don’t understand. What are you thinking?’ Brows knit as the Australian boy stares on in wonder, in need of an explanation to lift the mystery of the cryptic response. In fact, the weird urgency in the inquiry hints towards honestly pondering what makes a mere stranger sympathize with Atlas.
A train of thought which is disregarded by a self-mocking comment of no importance, somberly mumbled with a shake of the head. ‘Nothing. You’ll think me a drama queen.’
Because everyone who knows the truth has judged its teller as such.
An attention seeker.
But why then is she alone?
But not by Chris, in whose nice to listen to voice has slipped in strong determination underlined with personally deemed misplaced worry. However, perhaps if it is truly so, it would not be evident in the overall distressed attitude sitting on the next seat. ‘No, Y/N, I won’t. I want to know and we’ve still got a ways to go before we’re at the university anyway. Please, tell me about what’s weighing you down.’
Of us.
A pleasant notice that is nullified by the knowledge of the inevitable walking away because this lie has been heard one too many times by the grandsons and sons of famed writers who are in contact with Charlie. ‘You’ll discover soon enough, Chan.’
A moment of silence passes, gazes averted and one steadily kept on the memoir of a bookseller with the need to escape and wander alone again. Dwell in familiar solitude and curl up inside it.
Running away is always easier with music. Henceforth, digits already reach towards Airpods and phone.
But are halted by slender fingers wrapping around the forearm, asking for attention with a light squeeze followed by a soft-spoken call. ‘Y/N?’ Kind happiness timidly filters through in the visage of the chatty lad when looking up again, cheerfulness forming a proposal. ‘Shall we first get some coffee after we arrive and walk to the classroom together?’
Curiously, the emphasis on the concept of together remains, thus also continuing to stress the overall paradoxical importance of the word which only enhances the wonder about why contact would want to be had at all.
 Why me? Why “us”? Why “we”?
As if reading the train of thought, Chan voices the answer to the unspoken rampant inquiries. ‘Because everyone deserves to have at least someone for support.’ Teeth bite down on the lower lip, the corners of the mouth wanting to curl up but hesitating to do so. ‘And... I want to see you smile again.’
‘My smile’s fecking horrible.’
Don’t go effing and blinding. So much for that.
They shape themselves into a warm smile regardless, an adoring sentiment that filters through into sincere speech. ‘No, it’s not. Happiness looks good on you.’
The heart flutters at hearing the warmth and unknowing how to deal with the show of affection towards a mere stranger, the book which had been put to rest for a wee bit is picked up again to hide the likely very carmine flush dusting over heated cheeks. Adorable laughter sounds from behind the safe protective walls of pages, the sound enhancing the furious blush following what was surely wrongly heard but which was interpreted as a muttered under the breath “cute”. However, eyes do not shift to check the truth, having no courage to face Bangchan while being an uncharacteristic emotional mess.
The bus starts moving.
And so do we.
In music and literature.
Word by word.
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redsdesktop · 6 years
Deviant Dynamics: Revolution
Chapter 8
Warnings: Jealous Conrad.
Once Conrad had reluctantly let Connor go, the older android began to lead the way back to the Manfred estate. It was almost bothersome to feel as if Conrad was one step behind him, so close he could feel the warmth radiating onto his back. If felt like if Connor immediately stopped, Conrad would bump into him, but knowing the highly advanced android, he would have a better reaction time than to allow that to happen. What was even worse was the attention directed their way, Conrad was a cold android, an alpha no less so it was difficult to slip through the crowd of people relatively unnoticed. Connor was trying to keep a low profile and play off being human, but Conrad was drawing entirely too much attention with his sharp, masculine features and the strict posture he took as he walked. There would be no way Connor could hide him as a human at this point. He didn't want to think about when Cyberlife found out about Conrad's deviation, if one could really call it that.
Conrad was more alpha than android or human, likely due to being new to his instincts, his feelings, and the fact that he had an omega right before him who was still unmarked. It was always a challenge, Connor had heard, for an alpha to be partners and yet not leaving their mark on the back of their partner's neck. Connor could practically feel those steel gray eyes boring into the back of his neck and it took every ounce of control not to lift his hand up and rub the raised hairs there. He was more than ready to get Conrad to settle down, it was just terrible timing. In the simulation, Conrad had spent a few months with Markus, learning how to control his more basic drives, how to act like a somewhat decent man. In reality, Connor didn't have that sort of time nor was Markus even aware enough to help Conrad. So Connor had to move carefully so he wouldn't trigger Conrad's more primal instincts.
Sirens wailed in the distance, growing louder and making Connor's body tense. His brown eyes shifted to and fro to observe his surroundings, already plotting an easy way to escape and hide just in case. Turning his head, he watched as the police car drove past, ignoring Connor thankfully. Before he could turn his head back around, he accidentally bumped into a person, a human by how soft they felt and how easily they stumbled back. "Oh, I'm sor-" Connor was in the process of apologizing when Conrad stepped around him to come between him and the human who was about to accept Connor's polite apology until the presence of the upgraded alpha seemed to threaten him with his presence. Luckily for the human, he took a step back, unnerved by the piercing gaze from the haunty expression on the android's face. The solid red LED was enough to ward off the human who ducked his head in a sign of submission before hurrying away.
"That wasn't necessary in the slightest, Conrad." Connor reprimanded, feeling like he had to nip this behavior in the bud as soon as possible. "It was a simple accident and I wasn't watching where I was going, a simple apology would've sufficed." Connor looked up at the android, even though there was only a scant few inches in height difference, Conrad had a way of making himself look taller. Connor could possibly try using such a technique but he figured it would only be viewed as a challenge by the alpha. Conrad looked over his shoulder at Connor, there was a certain sort of danger in his gaze and for a moment, Connor thought he would try to press for them to go back to the suffocatingly small and pristine room. Connor took a step backwards, needing a bit of space just in case he needed to make a run for it. He didn't want to start a fight out here where everyone could see, the only option would be to run.
That small movement only made Conrad's gaze sharpen, suddenly interested in the way Connor had moved away from him, sensing the desire for flight. Which wasn't a completely good idea when someone was more primal than a rational human, Conrad, being designed as a hunter, the best android one to date, would take running as an invitation."Other people aren't allowed to touch you." Conrad stated with a certain finality as if his words were the law that Connor would follow after. Connor would follow Conrad's advice if it was reasonable, but this was simply too much. Connor frowned and met Conrad's gaze, locking it in place to make sure Conrad knew he was serious. This caused the younger android to turn slowly to face him, people flowing around them, keeping their distance as if sensing the danger.
"That is an unreasonable demand." Connor stated smoothly, using his calmest voice available to keep tensions low between them. "I can understand if the touching was aggressive or unwanted, then that would be the appropriate time for you to step in, but touching is something trad his need to protect, just slight denying Conrad his need to protect, just slightly nying Conrad his need to protect, just slightly curbing it to suit Connor more. "I will let you know if I do not wish others to touch me and if you feel like someone is going too far, please let me know first so that I may handle the situation first. I do care about your desires, but in small cases such as that, I am perfectly capable of handling it." Finally Connor dared to step forward, moving in so he could brush the shoulder that had been bumped into by the human against Conrad's side. It was a sign that he was using Conrad's scent to snuff out any other scent that might have been left on him.
The action seemed to appease Conrad more than the words had, lifting a hand up to rub his inner wrist along the outside of Connor's arm, leaving a heavier scent there. Connor stood there and allowed him to do so, scent marking didn't bother him, he enjoyed the familiar smell and it allowed him to relax a little. "Now, we're already running late, hopefully it won't be dark by the time we get there." Connor finally moved around Conrad, letting him once fall in step behind him. Usually an alpha would take the lead, but it seemed Conrad was content enough to keep Connor in his line of sight ahead of him. Connor once more set to their path, moving smoothly at a brisk pace to make up for lost time and Conrad didn't have any trouble keeping up.
At the pace he'd gone, they managed to reach the Manfred estate right as the sun was beginning to dip behind the buildings, outlining the towers in a perfect skyline picture. Connor paid it little mind as he pressed the doorbell, hearing the delicate chimes play a gentle melody. It took a moment before he heard footsteps coming down the stairs in a quick manner before Leo opened the door, a bit out of breath from hurrying to answer the door. The faint whiff of lemon reached his nose, identifying it as Leo's natural beta scent. Leo seemed relieved to see Connor again, but when his gaze shifted to the android behind Connor he scowled. "Not to alarm you or anything Connor, but you have a doppelganger behind you." Leo frowned, not yet opening the door to let them in, he seemed to staunchly guard it as he didn't want a stranger to come in. Especially one that looked as dangerous as Conrad.
"Its fine, Leo, he's the one that put me back together, so he knows what he's doing." Connor tried to ease Leo's stress levels, he frowned a bit more, his body tense as if not completely convinced he should trust the alpha. Connor could easily gain someone's trust from his soft features, omega nature, and his programming that was designed to appeal to humans. Conrad was none of those things.
"Fine, if you say so, but just keep him in line." Leo hesitated before opening the door, allowing Connor in, Conrad didn't seem to pay too much mind to Leo aside from a curious sniff of the air as they passed the human, judging to see if he was going to be a problem. Connor could feel his thirium pump beat quicker, finally Markus would be fixed and they could start working on their freedom. Certainly it would take time, but Connor was willing to work for it, he'd practically seen the future and he wanted it bad enough that he was determined to do whatever it took to accomplish it. Conrad was bearing down on him from below as Connor took the stairs two at a time, Leo was torn between keeping his distance from Conrad but making sure the alpha didn't do anything bad as well, he had already lost too many members of his family, so his need to protect the last living one was just.
Connor opened up the door, going easy so he didn't startle Simon. He peeked in, seeing the blond android in standby mode on the couch, both looked to be in horrible shape. It was just the other day he had seen them, or rather their simulation of them, they had been happy. Markus painted while Simon sat on the couch reading, they made such a perfectly calm pair that just seeing them at the time allowed him to feel that same soothing relaxation. Now though as he stared into the dimmed room, he felt despair and a loss of hope, just barely clinging to life in hopes that it might get better, a very threadbare sentiment.
"Why are you distressed again?" A low voice murmured into his ear, startling Connor once again as he'd forgotten about Conrad being behind him. He could feel the warm breath gently brushing against his ear, but not even that was enough to chase away the sorrow he felt. Connor turned his head to look over his shoulder at Conrad, gray eyes studying the pain in those dark brown ones.
"I need you to help my friends, Conrad. Please do this for me, its my one request." After being faced with Markus and Simon once again, he could feel the hurt, something that was foreign before deviancy. Conrad took a quick breath, his nose filled with the scent of his omega in pain, making it hard to deny Connor anything. Conrad wanted to do anything to make Connor's pain go away so that he would never have to suffer again.
"I will do as you wish as long as you maintain your end of this exchange." Conrad reminded, not budging on their deal. Connor nodded a little hesitantly, not very reassuring but he was already moving to open the door, pushing it so he could enter with Conrad and Leo not very far behind. Connor moved to stand beside Markus' bed, looking down at the former resistance leader, he looked a shadow of his former self. Boxes rested beside the bed, parts Connor had ordered so he could replace the missing limbs. Simon remained in standby mode, likely no longer having the energy to power up again today, leaving the room in silence. Connor reached out to touch Markus' cheek, wanting to make sure he was real and still alive in a manner. Before his fingertips could brush the damaged plating, his wrist was seized and yanked roughly away suddenly, causing Connor to stumble against Conrad in surprise.
"Don't. You did not inform me that your... friend was an alpha."
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a1d6i · 6 years
Can’t Breathe
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On this series, we are going to discuss a much more pressing problem, the one that directly damages us, infiltrates our relationships, mortifies our values and crushes our mindset. It/He/She/They are called “Toxins”. Yup, you read it right, because contaminants can take in both gas and solid forms and could murder you physically and mentally. In this very serious series, we are going to answer these three major questions, Who/What are these toxins? Am I toxic? How can I breathe in freely, in my stressful, toxic working environment? Don’t worry; we’ll get to the answers.
Did you know that an estimate of 4.6 million people die annually because of air pollution. It is sure enough that the pollution is brought about by the mass accumulation of garbage, which both contains and releases very harmful toxins, which flies freely above us and corrupt both our atmosphere and good health. I may not be a resident World Health Organization researcher, but I’ll confidently say that 7.6 billion individuals is still wrestling daily with their toxic schedules, toxic classmate or workmate, toxic boss, or even a total stranger you walked past by the other day, who roughly pushed past by you, without even bothering to apologize. YEAH, I feel you, regardless of the effort you put on concealing all your disappointments by trying to put on a very big and convincing smile to attract positivity and good people and moments, there will always be THIS, THIS ONE mood terminator and party crasher that would directly or indirectly ruin your day. Remember, even if that awful scheme was intentionally designed or not to make others see that leashed beast inside, it is still you who is in charge, holding that wheel, your emotions, decisions and response.  But how? How? HOW could I get rid of that person or thing that never fails to bother and stop me from doing what is required of me? Well, I’ll help you through in the most simple, practical and decent ways possible.
All people, things and events are good, don’t forget that. The expression, “toxic” serves as an adjective to the persona we are talking about. Let us clear thoughts up; we despise the actions or attitude of the person, not him or her. We dislike the object not because of its appearance, but probably of its current lack of significance. We hate attending purposive events or enthusiastically sign in to demanding schedules, not because it provides no whatsoever substance or benefit at all, but maybe because at the moment, the instance’s time slot does not fit on our perfectly arranged timetable or our habits and routines mismatch the supposedly perfect work hours. The truth is, we can’t deal with all circumstances and expect them to swiftly turn out in our favor, but at least we could try to make things more soothing to us, not to mention attempting to lessen the stressfulness they bring.
1.    Dealing with Toxic People (Special Mention: Feeling Class Clown Classmate or Supremely Overconfident Officemate)
 Once in our years in school or working career, we surely have had encountered this particular classmate who breaks up the serious silence during the lecture and starts cracking up a joke that isn’t to the littlest extent, even funny, that it makes the hairs on the back of your head stand up and the blood in your bloody boil a hundred degrees Fahrenheit, or maybe that officemate who talks out loud and boasts around his/her Best Employee of the Week award, while you are sitting on your office cubicle trying to focus on the pile of papers that seem to never lessen, and not to mention, the worst part is that he/she would walk past by every co-worker’s booth and give a very uninteresting narrative on how he/she got a pay raise or that gleaming award, and also giving you tips on how to earn one yourself. Really? Honestly, he/she just won the award once, and now he/she feels like the office superhero? You may probably be thinking, “Yeah, enjoy the moment, but as soon as this week or month ends, I’ll get that salary increase, promotion or award, I am too hardworking, to get ignored!” Anger and Irritation are natural feelings of a human being, if you don’t express these the most conservative way you can, you may instantly die of failing to release every bad feeling or thought you have in store. But also remember that we must be careful of the things we would say to others, because intentionally or not, you may be hurting and down casting the person you are talking to, and your angry outburst is never an excuse for all the mindless deeds and words that you might say and do.
 Envy, Hatred and an Overdose of Self-Confidence are the sensations hell wants you to feel when you encounter a toxic person, who keeps nagging you directly or indirectly, or has succeeded in reaching something that you haven’t. Watch yourself! You avoid these individuals not because you want to be like them, but because you don’t want to emulate their actions. I personally don’t see toxic people as hindrances, but as disturbances. Hindrances are big things which block your way to achievement and it is a requirement for you to remove this yourself, it’s like getting rid of a large boulder in the middle of the smooth road, which prevents your car from passing the other side.  Disturbances are small things that block you from accomplishing, it is widespread, and there is nothing you can do about it. It is like driving through a rocky road or encountering a pebble in the middle of the road, and in both of these situations, you do not need to get off the car or go down to that stone’s level, you just have to swerve away from it or simply kick it aside.
There is NOTHING you could do to get rid of a toxic person; there are reasons why he/she is like that, or you’ll harshly say, it’s in his/her DNA. It would be improbable for you to get off your chosen and favoured track just because of that disturbance, but if you think you could still handle, just IGNORE them, and keep performing. You’ll see, once you start diverting your attention to worthwhile activities, instead of wasting your time and vocabulary judging that toxic person and plotting mischievous tricks to get him/her expelled or fired, things will later turn out to be much clearer.
  2.    Dealing with Toxic Schedules (Seriously, I’ll wake up that early, and study or work for this long?)
 Trust me, studying or working during unwanted time periods would make your head ache much worse than dealing with toxic people. Imagine, waking up at 5 in the morning to get ready for your 8 am call time, then work ends at around 5 or 6 pm, plus you have to travel home from work or school, I think I may not have pointed out, the traffic and the line to the commute vehicle. We surely have wondered why the school or workplace expected the students or workers to sign in that early or even work on a Saturday, and end quite lately. Truthfully, I, myself, tried to make a school schedule, which matches my favorite subjects with my most productive days and hours, while stacking the boring subjects on Saturday. Proudly, it didn’t work, I found it hard, I realized that putting all the fun in one area turns out to be pretty uninteresting, and piling up the least favoured subjects on the other, also turned to be much worse than assumed. The difference between toxic people and so called toxic schedules is that we could escape from the reach of people, but never the grapple of inescapable schedules. Inescapable? Yes! It sounds scary, but at least it is adjustable. Manageable in a way that you could time your sleep and do your leisure earlier when you are needed in the morning and time other events later if you are on a night shift. Our Resilience towards time is tested every time we wake up and suit up for work and study and whenever we survive the day’s challenges. It must be our goal to always catch up with everyday demands and try to lessen our stubbornness as best as we can.
 3.    Dealing with the Boss (So, I am required to work this hard, plus I have to deal with that monster? Honestly I wonder why no one demands a salary increase, or had? It’s ok. I’m fine!)
I know that you might be thinking why your boss was not talked about in the category of workmates, and instead categorized differently. Is it because he/she has a higher ranking than us, special, or I know, classified as an alien, YES! Definitely he/she is a rude Martian! But I hate to break it to you, these fun assumptions are all wrong. I characterized the “Boss” differently, because the title represents, “Superiority”.  Yes, it’s true that all of us, even me, supremely desire to be the boss of our actions, captain of our time and act as supervisor to other people, but then and again, it mostly never happens all at once. We find some superiors, ill tempered, impolite, demanding, terrifying and unfair, in short, we equate boss to all things negative. But why do some see high ranking officials as a beast? Ah! because it’s in their nature, an attitude that must be absorbed when they sit on the high chair! Quite right, quite incorrect. If I declare you right now as boss of an office, a department or even a multimillion dollar company, would you take the position? Most may reply, “Sure I would take it; it’s the best offer I have ever got!” Let’s see, I assure you that not a day would pass without you demanding the best of results from the people who work for you, shouting to the top of your lungs because you need to chase the company’s deadline or breaking down because of the massive calls you receive per hour. Then you’ll be like, “Oh, so that is the reason behind that bad hair day or frowning face every time I walk across his/her office.” In defense of the bosses, they are the reasons why you are working happily and earning continually in your work and they demand, because they know you could do more on what you just had presented. I am not really sure if your boss is just putting on his/her work face on, to look fierce and strong, or if the attitude that he/she is showing is really genuine, but it may be considered true that all his/her actions are for the best of your team.
If you still don’t believe me, trust that with your continuous hard work, patience and dedication, you’ll soon achieve that “BOSS” title. Nothing comes easy; you never know the hardships that he/she endured before being the master of the pack. Keep grinding.  
4.    Dealing with Toxic Stranger (Excuse me, do you mind? I see he/she doesn’t. All right! After a bad day, this happens. Don’t worry! I can still manage.  But I think I can manage a text or call at least.)
The toxic stranger represents the unexpected and uncalculated situations which disturb us in whatever we are doing. It may be a shocking emergency, the sudden appearance of an arch enemy or an upturn of supposedly happy events, whatever it is; that holds you back from fulfilment, is considered as a toxin. Unlike your classmate or workmate that is predictable and anytime ignore, strangers are unpredictable, stealthy and means to ruin you from head to toe. That is why it is necessary that we should continually raise our guards and not let anything drive us away from our destination. More about this topic would be intensely talked about in this series.
Nest time, we are going to examine your Toxicity Level, determine whether you are a toxin or not to others and convert that feeling of toxicity to a much cleaner, breathable air of freshness.
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rainbowplaidvirgil · 6 years
Cinnamon Cookies - Chapter one
Prologue Chapter one
Read me on ao3
Warnings: Panic attacks, mentions of past abuse, sympathetic deceit
Taglist because apparently were doing that now [lmk if you want to be added]: @bunny222
It had been a week since Virgil and Dee had begun living with Patton, and things seemed to have been going smoothly. Patton, as well as their foster brother Thomas, had seem to have been adjusting to the strange habits of the Mallory children. Patton had almost gotten the hang of translating Dee’s strange speech on his own, and didn’t seem to mind Virgil’s general nocturnality and reclusiveness. Virgil was suspicious, but begrudgingly happy.
Of course, now it was time for the two to start school again, which Virgil was very much fighting.
“Now kiddo,” Patton reasoned, “don’t you want to make some friends? Get some fresh air, some sunshine?”
“All of those things sound horrible,” he groaned, taking his head out from under the pillow and looking over at Patton. He was standing just outside the doorway, not making any moves to step in the room, which Virgil appreciated.
Patton sighed. “Virgil, please? I doubt it’s going to be as bad as you think it will.”
“I doubt that.”
The older man pursed his lips. “If you go to school today I’ll make those cookies you like.”
Virgil considered. He did enjoy the cookies, they tasted like home and brought up memories of times when things were… better. But were they special enough to motivate him to go to school? He glanced at his foster father through haphazard strands of unbrushed purple hair. The poor man looked so hopeful. Virgil kind of didn't want to crush that quite yet. He was the nicest foster parent the twins had had for a long time, and the teen was kind of scared of ruining that.
“Great! Be ready in a half hour and I’ll drive the three of you to school!” he sauntered off cheerily, whistling to himself. How the heck was that guy so damn happy all the time?
Virgil went and closed his door, digging through the bags of clothes Patton had gone out and bought them as a celebration of becoming “part of the family.” He pulled out jeans and a t-shirt, nothing fancy, throwing his old, oversized hoodie on top. He rarely took the hoodie off. It comforted him, like a warm hug without all the suffocation of human interaction.
Virgil wandered downstairs in order to grab some breakfast, sunlight streaming into his face from the large windows in the hallway. Virgil liked to keep his room dark, so stepping out in the mornings was always a little blinding. On the dining room table, he noticed two backpacks. Weird, he didn’t remember picking one out, but it seemed to be exactly in his taste.
“I didn’t know what you liked so I couldn’t pick one out for you. Patton thought it would be a despicable gesture,” again, another voice from behind him, causing Virgil to whip around, fight or flight reflex sending all sorts of alarm bells to his brain. Oh, right, just Dee.
“Thanks bro,” he held a fist out for a fist bump, and as they did, Thomas came down the stairs, laughing and smiling brightly.
“Gooood morning you two,” he greeted. Thomas much more mirrored Patton than the other two did. He dressed in mainly colorful clothing, cartoon t-shirts. Dee was dressed similarly to vigil, a black overcoat and yellow shirt underneath, “are you guys ready for the first day of school?”
“Not at all,” Dee said.
Thomas tilted his head, taking a second to remember that Dee spoke in opposites.
“So… that… means yes, right?” he turned to Virgil for confirmation, and Virgil nodded.
“Alright kids, are we almost ready to go,” Patton came down the stairs next, car keys in hand. All three kids made various noises of agreement, and the fatherly man with grey streak in his hair grinned widely.
“Alright! Let’s go,” he bounced out of the house, and all three teens followed, pilining into Patton’s… Jeep? Somehow, the fact that patton owned a Jeep and not like, a toyota prius or whatever dads drove surprised Virgil.
The ride to school was relatively uneventful. Virgil and Dee stayed quiet, for the most part, and Patton and Thomas rambled to them excitedly about all of the new people they were going to meet and make friends with. Virgil doubted they’d actually make friends, it wasn't like he and Dee were the warmest people ever. Besides, they never stayed in the same school for long.
They pulled up to the school, a moderately sized older building that didn't look too intimidating on the outside. Jumped out of the front seat, and the twins clambered out of the back seat of the Jeep. It was only 7:45, so they had fifteen minutes to find their lockers and get their schedules. Lovely.
“I’ll bring you guys to the office so you can get all that stuff,” Thomas said, before power walking ahead of them. Thomas seemed to know the twists and turns of that school pretty well, and Virgil couldn't help but wonder how long Thomas had been staying with Patton. It was only October, not that far into the school year. Thomas shouldn't know these hallways nearly as well as he did. He didn't have much time to ponder this, however, as they were already at the main office. The twins and their foster brother walked in. It seemed to be pretty quiet, save for one other boy arguing with one of the administration. Was… that guy wearing a necktie? But he seemed to be Virgil’s age. That was. Strange. But hey, who was he to judge.  
While Virgil was busy watching the stranger, who was apparently arguing that he just “ had to be in astronomy” Dee and Thomas got their schedules. He was pulled from his contemplation when Dee poked him with the box of a combination lock.
“Hey, sunshine boy,” Dee’s words pulled Virgil away from his contemplation, “Please, continue staring at this person that we totally know.”
The boy with the necktie looked over at Virgil, raising an eyebrow at him, and the teen had half a mind whack an elbow into Dee’s ribs, but restrained himself. He settled for mumbling and “I hate you” instead.
“I’m sorry, is there an issue,” the other teen said, placing a hand on his hip, and a a weight started bearing down on Virgil’s chest. Fuck. Fuck. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfu-
“Virge, buddy, you okay there?”  Thomas asked and poked his cheek, and Virgil leapt back, trying to find a wall, something, to grab onto and ground himself.
“Virgil?” Dee.
“Virge dude, sorry-” Thomas.
He finally made contact with a wall, hands running against cold paint. The walls were bright blue. The necktie that the boy was wearing was dark blue. He rubbed his thumb over the wall. Closing his eyes and imagining water, a shower, it all washing away, the bad memories being pushed away by warm water and down the drain. He could almost feel the water running down his face, funnily enough. Oh, wait, no. Those. Those were tears. Those were most definitely tears. Virgil’s breaths came quick and laboured. The grounding wasn’t working, he still felt like he was floating off, that something was going to happen to him, that someone was going to hurt hi - something just touched his shoulder.
Almost instantly, he leapt to the side, eyes snapping open wide. The boy with the blue necktie was standing near him, hand still hanging in the air, Dee had seemed to try and wedge himself in between Virgil and the other boy. He couldn't see Thomas.
A new voice entered the conversation.
“Would- should he go see the counselor?” A short person with bright hair, the one Logan was arguing with before, asked.
Virgil really did not want to go see a counselor, not on the first day.
“Yes,” Dee answered for him.
“Okay, uh, I’ll go ge-”
“Actually,” Thomas cut off mercifully, “he means no. He uh. Speaks in opposites.”
Virgil had begun to ground himself, focus on the feeling of his feet on the floor. The feeling of Dee’s body heat as his twin pressed against him. He was here, in the main office of a new school. The floors did not creak ominously here, and the sunlight filled the room, it didn’t creep its way in between holes in the blinds. He was fine. Dee was here, beside him, unharmed. He gripped his twin’s arm, and Dee didn’t say anything, but he did look over at Virgil with an understanding look. The anxiety still pressed heavy against his chest, and the tears the still streamed down his cheeks, but he didn’t feel like he was back in that room anymore.
“I- uh-” a different voice now. Oh. It was the boy with the necktie. “I… apologize. I was not aware that my actions would cause… such an outburst.”
“U-uh….” Virgil trailed off. “Apology- apology accepted, I guess.” he breathed out.
The morning bell went off, startling Virgil a bit. Was it time for class already? Damn. He looked at the schedule that Thomas had handed him at some point. He had creative writing first. Right, creative writing, that was fine. He could do that.
“Uh… Perhaps I could walk you to your first class. To make up for scaring. That is how being nice works, I think.” It was the boy with the necktie.
“Oh, uh, yeah, sure.” he shrugged, glancing over at Dee, who almost seemed to be growling. It was a bit funny.
“What class do you have first?”
“Creative writing.”
“Oh. As do I, unfortunately,” the taller boy pulled a sour face.
“Don’t like creative writing, huh?”
“Not in particular. Uh- may I ask your name.”
“Virgil. Or Virge. Whichever one works.” he said.
“Well, it is… acceptable to meet you, Virgil. My name is Logan.”
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