#lion's break
ichiwashername-o · 5 months
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Wicked Master Post Here
Meeting Dorothy
Meeting the Tin Man
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bodty · 23 days
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h..happ..ppy b b.. bbirrthhhh-d d..daday y…. daddy. 💦💦💦💦
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Danse Macabre
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slavonicrhapsody · 1 month
I’ve been seeing a lot of people argue that Radahn would never agree to Miquella’s plans because he loves the Golden Order and would never want to replace it… but I think there are some nuances about the current state of the Golden Order that call that assumption into question?
The first thing to know about Radahn is that he’s defined by his idealization of Godfrey and his reign as Elden Lord. His lion armor is an explicit tribute to him, and he tries to emulate the “Lord of the Battlefield’s” martial prowess and heroic, honorable nature. When looking at the iconography associated with Radahn, it is always directly tied to Godfrey alone.
But Godfrey isn’t here anymore, he was banished… and the current state of the Golden Order is now extremely culturally different than it had been under his rule. The crucible and those associated with it gradually became less and less accepted, and more and more “disdained as an impurity as civilization advanced.” Godfrey’s crucible knights used to be heroes, and it’s even implied that they were the very face of the colosseums’ ritual combat… the Ritual Sword Talisman is “patterned after swords used in ritual combat held to honor the Erdtree,” and it’s the exact same design as Crucible Knight Ordovis’s sword:
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so there’s this connection between the colosseums under Godfrey’s reign and the crucible.
But, in the present day, both the crucible knights and the colosseums have fallen by the wayside: “In time, the strength shown by these knights, and even their appearance, was seen as chaotic and deserving of scorn,” and regarding ritual combat, “the practice had died out by the age of King Consort Radagon.”
We do in fact see these hallmarks of Godfrey’s reign in association with Radahn as well — from Freyja’s backstory, we know that Radahn first met her by watching her fight as a gladiator at the colosseum (probably the one in Caelid!). And there’s a boss fight at Redmane castle with a Crucible Knight and a (red-haired!) Leonine Misbegotten! It’s also worth nothing that Godfrey, his crucible knights, and Consort Radahn all share the same earth-stomp move! Another interesting point is that Godfrey is associated with lions (Beast-Regent Serosh), and of course Radahn wears lion armor inspired by this, but there is also a Lion Guardian enemy at Redmane castle that has horns:
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the old crucible society of the Hornsent revered the horned lion above all…
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and Radahn, the “Lord of the Battlefield’s lion,” gains horns after being resurrected in Mohg’s body… literally becoming a horned lion!
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I think it means something that Radahn is associated again and again with these symbols of the OLD Golden Order and the crucible… the time when Godfrey ruled, the crucible still flourished, and glorious combat reigned supreme. Yes, Radahn is absolutely defined by nostalgia and trying to recapture the glory of an old age… but I think this is actually a reason for him to OPPOSE the current Order, because now all the things he loved and admired about it are GONE! Indeed, there’s no evidence that Radahn made any attempt to preserve the current Order during the Shattering, and Morgott considers him to be a “willful traitor” with the rest of his siblings!
Does this mean that I think Radahn planned to be where he is with Miquella at the end of the dlc? Not necessarily, and I personally am really skeptical that where he ended up was entirely of his own choosing… I just think that the logic of assuming Radahn would want to preserve the Order in its current state is flawed, because the differences between Godfrey’s reign and Radagon’s reign are quite significant!
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rubywingsracing · 1 month
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Y’all are getting it first! My maiden Max drawing 💅 pretty proud of it if I do say so myself!
Alternate versions under the cut
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virtuosicstudyblr · 1 year
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state exam days 7/37
breaks in the botanical garden 🪴🍃
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zepskies · 1 year
Break Me Down - Part 11
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Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x Female Reader
Summary: You’re a private investigator by trade, but now you happily sit at a desk — leading a surveillance team at Supe Affairs. After managing to end Homelander in New York, Soldier Boy escapes custody. You are recruited for the manhunt, joining Butcher’s team.
Truly, you joined the S.A. for the right reasons. But after you become his accidental hostage, Soldier Boy will break down every single one of them…
💚 Break Me Down Masterlist
AN: Happy Father's Day and early Juneteenth! In honor of the holiday weekend, here's an early chapter update. 😘
Word Count: 4,000 Tags/Warnings: Violence and peril, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff
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Part 11: The Lion’s Den
“Where is she?” Ben asked, once he and Frank were loaded in the car. 
Loco and his team had to stay behind as their distraction for escape. If they weren’t slaughtered, they’d be taken into custody. 
Ben knew he could’ve wasted all of them, Butcher, his team, the CIA, but the nuclear power in his chest had refused to cooperate…
Anyway, Black Noir hadn’t been there. So it was all the more useless to stick around. The real plan was with you, and he was very surprised that you’d stuck to it…but maybe he shouldn’t have been.
“She was brought to the Tower,” Frank informed him.
Ben smirked. “Good. But pretty fucking stupid of Stan to stick around there when he knew I’d be coming.”
He looked over and noticed Frank’s frown as he drove. 
“Unless he’s not at the Tower,” Frank said. 
Ben’s smirk fell. Why would that prick take her there if…
“We have to be open to the possibility that his Chief of Security is taking the matter of his daughter into his own hands,” Frank said. “Or she’s improvising.”
Ben frowned. 
That didn’t change when they arrived at the Tower, and attempted to use the entrance through the back garage to avoid attention. But it didn’t matter. 
The entire squad of Vought security, included what looked like some added muscle (hopped up on what smelled like V24), met them when they reached the lobby of the building. Now that the Seven had been disbanded, there was no pretense of “good guys vs. bad guys.” It was just defense and siege. 
And in front of them all was Black Noir. 
“There you are,” Ben said, but the other supe didn’t even tilt his head in greeting. He was a still statue, an attack dog given a single mission. 
When Noir surged forward, Ben ran to meet him. It was a clash of blade to shield, fist to fist, grappling and reflexes that only Compound V could endow. The match tore through the lobby, then up the large staircase as Ben continued to fight his way up to Stan’s office. 
Frank was already on his way up to you, but it would take him time with Vought security crawling all over them. He was good, and temporarily a supe, but he was still just one man. 
Meanwhile, Ben and Noir’s fight spilled into the upper floors, through walls and offices and screaming employees trying to get out of their way. 
Once they reached near the floor below Stan’s office, Ben got an arm around Black Noir’s neck, and with his free hand tried to unmask him. He wanted to know for sure what lied underneath it, if it was actually the Noir he knew. Or if it was something else entirely.
But Noir twisted with superior reflexes and flipped Ben hard over his shoulder. In the process, he ripped off Ben’s helmet. His brown hair hung over his brows as he pushed to his feet, deliberately taking his time.
When he turned, Noir was standing there with the helmet crunched in his hand. Rolling his neck, Ben prepared to jump back into the fight, but a new sound reached his ears. 
He heard you on the floor above. And you were fighting someone…
Ben pressed a finger to the comm in his ear. 
“Frank, you got eyes on her?”
V24 had endowed the man with x-ray vision. A moment later, Frank patched through while he struggled and fought.
“She needs help,” he said gravely.
Ben took his hand off the comm, gritting his teeth. Black Noir was still waiting on him, attuned to Ben’s every move as the other supe brandished one of his blades.
Shit, Ben thought. He needed to end this. 
Right fucking now. 
That resolve helped him take a deep breath, then summon the energy inside him. He focused with the aim of blasting a clean stream of power at Black Noir; not enough to take out the whole building, but enough to take out just him.
His insides felt molten when the power collected, and finally released at his target.
Noir covered himself at the last moment with a piece of fallen debris (a half-crumbled wall), but it only created a small buffer. The force of the blast itself pushed him down the hall and through the side of the building.
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Meanwhile, you were holding your own…but you were also getting beat to hell. 
You were battered, with blood dribbling down the corner of your mouth from a particularly bad hit. 
You were still standing though. 
“You’ve gotten soft,” Jon remarked. He’d broken a sweat, had some bruises, and was panting for breath just like you. But he was more in control as he swatted a well-aimed, yet ultimately weak fist as your strength waned. He used his own to smack you down again. 
“I gave you time to come around, and this is what you did with it,” he said, shaking his head. “Disappointing.” 
When you tried to stand on shaking legs, he kicked you in the dead center of your chest. You felt your ribs crack as you fell back into the glass coffee table. 
You gasped for breath, turning onto your side as glass pricked at your back, your sides, your arm. You coughed, wincing at the agony of knife-like pain near your lungs. Blood flecked from your mouth onto your arm, and for a moment, you stared at it in a daze.
But then Jon was above you. You tried to swipe at his face, but he bat your hand away, his brows furrowed angrily. He turned you back onto your back and wrapped a hand around your neck. Your eyes flew wide with panic. 
He squeezed with enough pressure that it wouldn’t crush your windpipe, but it was sure to knock you out eventually. You slapped and clawed at his hand, but he only shushed you. 
“What you need now is what you’ve always needed. A firm hand,” he said. “But I’m going to help you. I promise, I will.”
The fight drained out of you as it became impossible to breathe, and harder still to block out his words from entering your brain. 
But then, the vice around your throat was gone. Oxygen poured back into your lungs as you gasped, then coughed again when your fractured ribs protested. 
Your eyelids fluttered open in time to see your father thrown hard into the far wall. You heard the sick crack and breaking of bone as he landed.
Still, you struggled to breathe. 
Tears leaked from your eyes when you looked up and found Ben. His helmet was missing, and he wore a furious, steely frown. You opened your mouth, but nothing came out except for more coughing, and more blood.
To your surprise, he tucked his shield on his back and bent down to scoop you up into his arms. 
You cringed, uttering an agonized sound when he tried to move you. 
Ben hesitated. Looking down at you, some of his anger drained. He made a slower ascent as he straightened to his full height. 
And without a word, he carried you out of the room and down the ruined hallway. All the while, you stared at the side of his face. His jaw was still clenched, his brows knitted, his eyes set dead ahead. 
You wondered why he had to wait for moments like this to show you who he truly was. 
“What are you, some kind of hero?” you managed to quip, offering a small smile. 
Ben glanced down at you, and gradually smirked. “Something like that.” 
When his foot slipped on a piece of debris, he righted himself quick. But the jerking movement jostled you, eliciting another pained whimper. Your hand gripped at his chest, digging into the grooves of his suit.
“Hold on,” he murmured. His lips briefly pressed to the crown of your head. “We’re getting the fuck outta here.”
Your eyes closed at the tender touch, and a few more tears spilled down your cheeks.
“He…knew,” you managed to say. “Knew I was lying.”
“I know,” said Ben. “I should’ve fucking known better.”
You marveled at that near apology. Your lips trembled as you rested your head against his chest. You just couldn’t help it anymore.
“Was my idea,” you admitted.
“Yeah, well, evidently not all your ideas are aces,” he said. 
You could’ve gotten angry, but you saw the way he moved with care, trying not to slip again for your sake. You tried at a smile. 
“Guess not,” you said, though you bit your lip at the pain that seemed to radiate through your entire body. Ben seemed to notice. 
“Just relax,” he said, a deep rumble. But there was a soothing note to it, you thought. Or maybe, you just liked the sound of his voice. 
Then silence fell between the two of you, both comfortable and tense as Ben focused on potential threats in his surroundings. 
All the while, you continued to rest your eyes. Instead of your pain, you tried to concentrate on his steady heartbeat beneath your cheek.
“It’s about fucking time,” you eventually heard Ben grouse. 
You opened your eyes and were relieved to see Frank exiting the stairwell to meet you and Ben. His face and black tactical gear were splattered with blood, but he looked fine, more or less. His gaze roamed over you with his usual stoicism, but you thought you saw a glint of concern.   
“I take it Stan Edgar isn’t here,” said Frank. 
“You could fucking say that,” Ben snarked. “Let’s just get the hell out of here.”
“Sir.” Frank saw something ahead, behind you. Ben turned to find Black Noir silently standing in the middle of the hall, with a large, suspicious-looking gun in his hands.
Without taking his eyes off Noir, Ben gestured to Frank. He came up beside you, and Ben passed you into Frank’s arms.
“Get her out of here,” Ben ordered. With a nod, Frank carried you back the way he came, towards the staircase. You tried to peer over his shoulder.
“He shouldn’t face Noir alone,” you said, even though every breath was a challenge with the sharp pain in your chest. 
“He’ll meet us after,” Frank told you. But as soon as he started down the stairs, a fresh team of Vought security and police came to meet you.
Meanwhile, Ben stared down the hall at his opponent. Black Noir activated the strange gun, which lit up with a blue energy. 
“You can bring out any kind of fancy artillery you want, but it’s not going to stop me from killing you,” Ben taunted.
Noir remained silent, of course, but he aimed the gun and fired. It shot a potent, crystal blue beam of energy that ate through Ben’s shield, and eventually hit him in the chest before he could finish revving up his own power. The blast from the gun, it wasn’t hot. 
It was ice cold. So frigid that it extinguished the heat that had been building in his chest, but it wasn’t diffusing his power completely…it just made it even harder to control. 
And the resulting backlash was overwhelming.
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Ben woke slowly, like wading through molasses. Usually his mind was sharp, even when he woke from a booze-induced coma. Now he felt groggy, and it was hard to focus or even force his body to sit up on the hard cot he was laying on.
Glancing down, he realized he’d been changed out of his suit. He was dressed in a plain gray shirt and matching pants, no shoes. He knew a prison outfit when he saw one, just as he now knew where he was: a white padded cell. 
At least it was better than a frigid coffin…but in his mind, not by much.
He slid his legs over and managed to push up onto his feet. 
Why’s it so fucking misty in here? he thought, waving his hand through the smokey air. And why was he so tired?
He soon got his answer when he realized who stood at the large window at the front of his cell. 
Stan Edgar. 
The man himself, dressed in a well-tailored navy suit, was watching him with crossed arms. 
“We did hope you would remain on sabbatical,” said Stan. “But I had a feeling you would return, and come directly to us.”
Stan gestured to the large cell. “This was our contingency plan.”
Ben made his way, with difficulty, closer to Stan, who pointed at the air vents above that were pumping in a gas of some kind.
“A light mist of Novichok,” Stan explained. “Enough to keep you docile.”
“And if I’m not?” Ben asked. His voice was edged with grit, and the promise of retribution. 
“We can up the dose, put you to sleep indefinitely,” Stan replied. “But you have my attention. What would you like to discuss?” 
“The conversation I planned on having was…a little different,” Ben said darkly. “But first, let’s start with what you used to clone Black Noir.”
“I suppose there’s no real harm in telling you,” Stan said. Even his voice was grating on Ben’s ears, the smug prick. 
“We kept some of Homelander’s blood as an insurance policy. But, we’ve learned from our mistakes.”
“Right,” Ben scoffed. “How’s that?”
“This Noir is not a carbon copy, but nor is he a megalomaniac. He’s under our control,” Stan said.
“Until he isn’t,” Ben snarked. If he thought about it, that was something you would say. Maybe your penchant for smart-ass remarks had gotten into his head.
“And that new gun?” he asked. “Don’t tell me your little lab rats put that together just for me.”
Stan’s lips made a wry turn. 
“It was a breakthrough project. Temporarily destabilizes the energy you generate when you charge up like a Power Puff Girl.” Stan thought for a moment, then inclined his head. “A reference, I realize, which may be lost on you.”
“So what’s the play here?” Ben said. He was getting impatient. “You know, when I break out, things aren’t gonna be pretty.” 
Stan didn’t seem bothered by the clear threat. 
“In the meantime,” he said, “you won’t be alone.” 
Stan stepped back and revealed the cell right across the hall. Through the window, Ben could see you, lying unconscious on a shitty cot in similar gray pajamas. His brows crunched as he narrowed his eyes, trying to peer in closer. You looked like you’d been bandaged up, at least.
“You also managed to put my Chief of Security in Intensive Care, but his daughter should be fine…if a bit worse for wear,” Stan informed him. 
Ben glared back, his lips curling. Sloppy of him. He should’ve made sure that bastard was dead. 
“That’s cute, considering he’s the demented fuck who beat her to hell,” Ben said. 
Stan rose a solitary brow. “And at whose behest did she enter the lion’s den?”  
Ben had nothing to say to that.
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You woke with a pained groan before your eyes even opened. Your body felt like a walking welt. 
Your brain pounded like bongo drums, your chest felt tender with every infinitesimal movement, but you realized that you’d been seen to medically, at least. Your head was bandaged, and you felt that the blood had been wiped from your face and arms.
You looked up and found, with a sigh, that you were indeed in a cell. But you softened when you found Ben through the large glass window, in a cell of his own. He was sitting on his bed, arms crossed, with his back against the wall. His eyes found yours, and his lips twitched.
“Hey, sweetheart.”
He sounded off. Tired, you thought. And you noticed a steady mist being piped into his room. 
Shit. Novichok, you surmised with a frown.
“You okay?” you asked. 
Ben chuckled a little. “You’re the one who looks like hell.”
“Why, thank you,” you replied wryly.
There was a pitcher and a cup of water on a tray, a small paper cup of what you assumed were painkillers, and an ice pack next to you on the cot. 
You hesitated on the pills, but in light of your incredible pain, you had no choice. You took the pills, drank the water, and grabbed the ice pack, pressing it against your sternum. You sat up all the way with a slow gait and a pained groan.
“Go slow,” he warned. “Bet you’re missing that Temp. V right about now.”
You rolled your eyes at him. 
“How’d you get caught?” he asked.
That succeeded in dimming your mood. You explained that Frank had been forced to set you on your feet when you were confronted by more security and a police squad. 
The man had been a one-man weapon; hopped up on V24 as he was, he managed to fight his way down to the garage, where you slowly, painfully crept down there.
You and Frank had almost reached his car, but you held him back. You were stubborn about waiting on Ben, even considered going back for him.
That was when the shot rang out, hitting Frank point blank in the chest. 
Before you could even bend to help him, you were taken, dragged back into the building, and knocked out before you could take your captor’s gun. 
You tried in vain to wipe away fresh tears while you retold the story. 
Bottom line: Frank’s death was your fault. Though while he frowned in disappointment, Ben didn’t seem to hold it against you.
“Good on ya, Frank,” Ben murmured. “You went down fucking swingin’.”
“What about you? What happened with Black Noir?” you asked after a moment. Sniffling, you met Ben’s eyes.
He eventually told you about the strange gun Vought had commissioned just for him. And the more you listened, the deeper your frown became. It sounded impossible.
“Makes you wonder what else they’ve been cooking up in that lab,” you muttered. 
“Other than Noir?” Ben quipped. He told you about that too. 
“We can figure this out,” you said. “If nothing else, my team, the CIA, they’re looking for both of us…if for different reasons.”
Ben scoffed at that. “A silver lining there. Make no mistake, we’re getting the fuck out of here. Just…need a minute to think.” 
But he was starting to wane. It was taking all his energy to concentrate on your voice, to even keep his eyes open. The steady stream of gas being pumped into his cell made it damn near impossible, and it was frustrating beyond belief. 
Because if he fell asleep now, there was no telling when he’d wake up. And fuck if Ben would ever admit to the panic he felt welling up into his chest.
“Aaah, fuck!” he growled, pounding a fist against the wall.
You noticed, biting your lip in concern…until an idea made you smile. It was something you used to do to distract your sister when she was little. 
“Why are colds bad criminals?” you asked. 
Ben just blinked at you. “What?”
He asked not because he understood what you were doing, but because he was genuinely confused.
“Because they’re easy to catch,” you said, making a drumming motion with your hands. “Buddum-ch.”
Your neighbor just stared back at you, unimpressed.
“Okay, not a fan of that one. Let me see…okay,” you raised a finger. “What does a baby computer call its father?”
Ben’s eyes narrowed, like he couldn’t tell if you were serious.
“Data!” you said, biting your lip at an embarrassed smile. It curved Ben’s lips, but he was stubborn.
“Why was 6 afraid of 7?” you asked. 
“Jesus Christ, enough…” he muttered. 
“Because 7’s a dick, that’s why,” you said. And your straight face lasted for all of three seconds before you ended up giggling. It hurt your bruised body, but it lightened you to see the reluctant smile tug its way onto Ben’s face. 
“All right,” he said at last. He briefly closed his eyes, trying to remember a joke he’d heard Loco tell. “How do you make a pool table laugh?”
You smiled. “How?”
“Tickle its balls,” Ben said. Your answering snort deepened his smile into a smirk. 
“Playing bridge is just like sex,” you said. Ben shook his head. His grandmother used to play fucking bridge.  
But regardless, he took the bait.
“How’s that?”
“If you don’t have a good partner, you better have a good hand,” you said with a smirk. 
Ben made a sound of amusement, though it wasn’t quite a laugh. You traded these back and forth, each trying to make the other crack with progressively dirtier jokes (though you suspected Ben was just trying to disgust you). 
You considered yourself the winner when Ben finally chortled a deep, belly laugh that showed his charming smile. 
It made you smile in return. 
Ben rested a hand on his chest, but when his mirth died down, he realized just how tired he was. Still, he wasn’t ready to let go of this. His connection with you tethered him to reality, even if reality sucked dick right now.
His gaze met yours. “Why don’t you sing something, crooner?” 
You bit your lip once again. “Like what?” 
Ben’s eyes closed.
“You know the one,” he said. A softer smile graced your lips, though he couldn’t see it. 
“You’re getting sentimental in your old age,” you teased. He chuckled. 
“Just sing, for fuck’s sake.” 
His brows were knitted, like he was trying all he could to stay awake. You took pity on him.
“If I didn’t care, more than words can say…” you began to sing softly. “If I didn’t care…would I feel this way?”
Every extended note was painful, but it was worth it to see his face relax.  
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Stan Edgar’s lips pursed, and he set down his cell phone on his desk. Victoria was screening his calls.
Disappointing, he thought, but not unexpected. He surveyed the cleanup crew wiping up debris, glass, and blood from the lounge area with a dispassionate gaze. 
This was going to take a while.
So after drumming his fingers on the mahogany surface, Stan decided to push up from his desk and head downstairs via the elevator. It took him all the way down to Level 0, the home of one of Vought’s most secure R&D labs. 
There his most trusted scientist, Dr. Tonya Baker, was at the helm with her team at work on various projects. Most of which were not sanctioned by the government. 
Stan folded his hands behind his back and reached her side, and she set down a beaker filled with a green, buzzing liquid. 
“Good afternoon, sir,” she greeted. 
“Tonya, you know what I’m about to ask,” he said. She bobbed her head and turned to face him in her rolling desk chair. 
“We’re still working on solutions. Without his cooperation, safely extracting Soldier Boy’s DNA is a tricky thing,” she said. 
“You don’t say?” Stan said dryly. “What are our options?”
“Well, needles will only break, as you know,” said Dr. Baker. “The scientists in Russia found that only Soldier Boy is strong enough to break his own skin.”
“And I doubt he’ll open a vein for us,” Stan said, “even if we threaten to put him to sleep.” 
He didn’t even think leveraging with the girl would aid, more than complicate their goals. While it was something to consider, Stan would rather find the path of least resistance here. Soldier Boy was…volatile at best. 
“How much of Homelander’s blood remains?” he asked. 
“None,” the doctor replied. “We used the last of it to clone Black Noir. And a hair sample is not enough to create additional subjects…at the very least, a urine sample. Even Dr. Vogelbaum managed that.”
Stan sent her shrewd look. If only he still had Dr. Vogelbaum in his employ. If only the man were still alive.
What a waste of a talented, resourceful man.
“That will be a problem,” Stan said. 
“Not necessarily.” Dr. Baker adjusted a monitor screen at her desk. It displayed the feed from Soldier Boy’s cell. 
She pointed to the toilet in the corner of the cell. Then she called over one of her assistants.
“Tell Maintenance to cut the water, and then a section of the pipes.”
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AN: Okay. 😅 I know I'm gonna get some mixed reviews on this one (Let me know what you thought!).
But despite the teaser, I think you'll enjoy where the story's headed next...
Next Time:
They wheeled in what looked like a large metal casket. You had only seen one of these in pictures, but it had to be a cryochamber.
A doctor in her mid-fifties accompanied them, giving directions on how to safely enter Ben’s cell. Your eyes widened.
“What the hell are you doing?” you shouted.
Panic trilled down your spine as the guards fitted themselves with special suits and gas masks. The doctor turned toward you as the guards led you out of your cell and into the hall.
“You’re being transported,” she informed you.
Keep Reading: PART 12
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Soldier Boy Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Series Tag List:
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slowestlap · 9 months
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maxverstappen1: Great to be out on track again, testing with @.verstappencom Racing 💪 Good times ☝️ [x, x]
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marmotish · 5 months
Bruh the face all of the Weasley boys must have pulled when any of them overheard or learned about Ginny complaining to Harry/Hermione that she wished Bill would marry Tonks instead of Fleur.
I know when I read that part in the book when I was younger, I was like “…but aren’t they kinda related????”
Your Charlie/Tonks/sometimes Bill interactions give me life, btw. 😊
oh to be a fly on the wall when Tonks found out that someone actually thought she and Bill should have gotten together 😂
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bonefall · 8 months
can fallenleaf die? if yes, does her spirit become the new god of autumn?
I'm honestly not sure yet, both because I like to keep my magical systems vague until I need them due to the "nature" of needing to fit canon's events, and also because Fallenleaf is doing something never seen before!
Right now though, I think it's working in the sense that the two of them are slowly merging. Come back in a few hundred years, and Fallenleaf and Sol are going to be essentially the same person, one personality just more dominant than the other. But it's also important to note that people change. Even gods.
Not only are they going to merge, but they're also going to grow into someone new. It'll call itself Fallenleaf, or perhaps have new titles, but it's not just going to just be one of its components. Kinda like Steven Universe, y'know? Only a lot slower, less "equal," and irreversible. Garnet isn't just Ruby + Sapphire. She is a person in and of herself.
If it's interrupted though, I think it would depend on where in that "process" it's halted. Likeeee... if you took the bone out of a stew before its marrow fully dissolved. You can't remove the broth that remains. Sol would be altered in some way, and so would Fallenleaf.
But eventually, if Fallenleaf's mortal vessel falters in several hundred years and she dies, there won't really be a Sol Soul to "trap" anymore. It's going to be part of her.
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polymorphiczooid · 7 months
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Thinking about Elia Martell as a deconstruction of the princess in the tower…but her tale being the very worst outcome of the classic trope. She’s a princess locked in a tower by an evil dragon (Aerys), unable to protect herself or her children. Her own uncle is a knight, a white knight in fact, yet he is too far away to help her. She could hope for rescue…and rescue does come. Well actually not really. Tywin storms the gates, Gregor storms the castle, and the knight who should’ve rescued the pretty princess is actually here to murder her. But not before he defiles her first.
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asavt · 1 month
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rickybaby · 7 months
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daniel - saudi gp 2024
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