liperpiper · 4 years
Queerplatonic Liper is god-tier.
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1ooo-w0rds · 6 years
liperpiper reblogged your post and added: “we met on ocean avenue”
“Since when were memes not romantic?” is such an...
I’ve peaked. This is the Liper line I’ve ever written. Nothing will beat this.
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liperpiper · 6 years
favorite canon leo/piper moments?
This is a somewhat old ask I found in my drafts, but heck yeah.
In no particular order:
Leo making Piper vegetarian food.
Piper trusting Leo enough to tell him about her father
Leo reminding Piper she can trust him. “Piper, you’re the strongest, most powerful beauty queen I’ve ever met. You can trust yourself. For what it’s worth, you can trust me too.”
Piper kissing Leo on the cheek? Adorable
Leo saying Piper would love Emmie’s enchiladas in the Hidden Oracle :’)
Anytime Leo and Piper compliment each other
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liperpiper · 6 years
*having s’mores at campfire*
Piper: Leo, do you like your marshmellows burnt, or no?
Leo: Burnt, what else?
Piper: figures, you’re pretty much a burnt marshmellow yourself
Leo, hair on fire from blushing: what makes you say that
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liperpiper · 6 years
Leo and Piper: *staring into each other's eyes*
Percy: *opens a soda can*
Piper: We’re having a moment
Percy: I’m having a soda
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liperpiper · 6 years
Some Liper Trivia
We’re regaining lots of fans for this ship, so I just wanna share two of the most popular theories among Liper shippers in case some of you haven’t heard them!
1. The Wilderness Theory
(This is probably the most popular Liper theory, even among non-romantic Liper shippers)
Theory: The memories Hera faked between Jason and Piper actually happened between Leo and Piper.
In TLH, Couch Hedge and Dylan subtly implied that Leo and Piper were friends at the wilderness school even before Hera stepped in and inserted Jason into their friendship, right? The theory here is that the memories Hera faked between Piper and Jason actually happened between Leo and Piper instead; they were the ones who sat on the roof under the stars and kissed.
Other fans’ on this thoery: Cedarleaf, your-demigod-diaries, gh0ulpunk, ruby-sliper-of-iowa, possiibility
2. The Parallel/Forge and Dove Theory
Theory: That Beckendorf and Silena are a parallel to Leo and Piper.
(First of all, Liper and Charlena are both Hephaestus/Aphrodite pairings)
A few ways Leo is contrasted with Beckendorf:
He was given Beckendorf’s bunk to sleep in
He tames Festus, something the Hephaestus kids said only Beckendorf had previously been able to do.
Beckendorf sacrificed himself in a fiery explosion to help end a war. And what did Leo do? The exact same thing.
A few ways Piper is contrasted with Silena:
(first of all, some Aphrodite kids compared Piper to Silena a lot in TLH, funnily enough)
Piper became Head Counselor like Silena, and was compared to Silena because she didn’t believe in the Aphrodite cabin’s breaking hearts tradition
In TLH, Piper was manipulated into betraying her friends, just as Silena was (though Piper fessed up to Leo and Jason before it came down to that)
Beckendorf and Silena were lovers, and it still bothers me that these correlations were set up and never addressed?? It was weirdly obvious that Leo and Piper were being compared and contrasted with their cabins’ previous Head Counselors.
Other fans on this theory: r-ckbell, martymcparker, pjato-shipping-headcanons
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liperpiper · 6 years
I’d like to formally apologize for something I did a long while ago. There’s not really a good excuse for excusing Rick Riordan’s racism. He tends to exoticize his main characters, and while that isn’t a huge issue with his white characters, it is with his characters who are people of color. My hufflepuff attitude of constantly trying to see the bright side in things did more harm than help in the matter, and that’s what I want to apologize for.
My behavior was unacceptable, and I especially want to apologize to the person who tried to explain to me how Rick was racist before I attempted to justify Piper’s eye color, even though I doubt that person will see this. I’ve learned since then why it’s an issue, and though that doesn’t erase my past actions, I hope those of you who’re reading this can at least forgive me for being ignorant.
As a white person, I’m always going to be unlearning the racism society has ingrained into our culture, and while I’m glad I’ve been able to learn more about racism, poc issues, and intersectional feminism since then, I’m sorry for any people of color who were affected by my actions. None of you deserve that.
I deleted the post a long while ago, but I still wanted to own up to it (especially since I can’t exactly do much about the reblogs it got). Even if Rick won’t own up to his exoticism and racist descriptions of characters, I can at least try to own up to my previous justification of his actions in regards to Piper.
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liperpiper · 6 years
Send me headcanons, theories, etc all you want, guys, we gotta ramp up that Liper December content! 💕
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liperpiper · 6 years
They’d have endless discussions about who is the tallest, even thought they have the same height
Yessss, and they’d be trying to jokingly one-up each other every time it comes up. Leo will say, “I’ll help you get it, might be too high for you to reach” and then Piper just gives him The Look and swipes the object down before he can get to it.
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liperpiper · 6 years
YO piggy back rides would be their THING. Like, Piper’s foot gets injured during an intense monster fight, and Leo carries her piggy-back-style to safety while injured himself. And they’d also do it just for fun, or to help each other reach things high up.
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liperpiper · 6 years
Oh, they would be those kind of dorky couples that people always say it’s not going to least because they’re “too childish”, but end up married anyway
Seriously, and Leo would be non-stop grinning the entire day. It would be incredibly cute and dorky despite their best efforts.
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liperpiper · 6 years
Leo: Nothing is stronger than the power of—
Piper: …love?
Leo: LEO.
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liperpiper · 6 years
They didn’t want any children
Interesting! I can see it either way, with them wanting to have kids, or not. I’ve also thought one or both of them being on the asexual spectrum would be interesting, especially Piper since it’d be ironic, considering her mom is the goddess of love.
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liperpiper · 6 years
Piper: Did you do yesterday’s homework?
Leo: NOpE. I’m giving up on that class.
Piper: …
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liperpiper · 6 years
Leo: With coffee, I have the energy to stay up and cry all night. Thanks, coffee!
Piper: Uhhhh you know you’re talking to a lamp, right?
Leo: What?! I’m awake!
Piper: Yeah okay you’re banned from coffee for the next ten years
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liperpiper · 6 years
Leo: I didn’t do it.
Leo:…oh wait, THAT. Yes I did do that.
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