#lisa frakenstein movie
eternity with you
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fully believe Lisa and Creature cannot cook-in the intro homie was eating burnt whatever it was supposed to be and lisa decided to eat cereal instead of cooking.
also suspenders and a character wrapped in bandages is legit my fav designs ever-plus a hat??? oh my god perfection
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i-must-feel · 7 months
It is so hilarious that Lisa Frankenstein and poor things came out at the same time bc on one hand we have
- movie thats really focused on advertising itself as feminist
- uses the moms body as basically an incubator and completely robs her of her singular act of agency right after roe v wade got overturned
- proceeds to sexualize said mothers body while also sexualizing her child’s immaturity plus gratuitous sex scenes showing how she’s “exploited”
- absolutely refuses to show the “female version of Frankenstein” with any scars or body hair she would absolutely be imperfect and wounded like it’s giving let me go shave my hairless legs
- written and directed by a man
- kinda weird and neurodivergent/mentally ill coded and is mean to the characters about it
And that’s the one winnning all the laurels while the movie with
- a female writer and director
- 1 sex scene which is very consensual and shows literally nothing
- multiple female characters all of which display agency and have wildly different personalities
- the characters are allowed to have trauma and be fucked up but also the first person killed is a lady calling the main character insane (bad) and threatening to lock her up because she doesn’t like her
- accurately shows SA without being gratuitous
- male lead doesn’t have any lines except reading poetry to the girl at the end, other than that there’s like three guys who talk
- real pretty visuals
- hilarious
- the male lead lacks a voice and very specific anatomy but it’s still emphasized how he’s still very much a man
- kills the guys who commits SA
- her sister stealing her crush doesn’t ruin their relationship, she’s still emphatic to her
- SO MUCH set design detail and it looks SO PRETTY
And THATS the one flying under the radar?!? My guy Lisa Frankenstein is what poor things wishes it was
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darkcrowprincess · 28 days
Why women are built different(meaning braver and better) The original Frankenstein ran away scared (like a chicken)after making his monster. Lisa Swallows on the other hand took responsibility and fell in love with her creature.
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gooch-cancer · 4 months
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can't stop watching lisa frankenstein new comfort movie who????
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jenniferleecopping · 7 months
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They say time heals all wounds. But that's a lie, time is the wound. Takes you further and further away from that place when you were happy. Makes those good smells go away.
Really hope this goth phase ends soon.
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the-rio-grande-duran · 7 months
Trying to finish the Lisa Frankenstein prompt with the second most votes on the poll. But my dumbass keeps getting distracted by totally different ideas god dam
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dumbthink · 7 months
sorry guys i just discovered that Lisa frakenstein has a diy bottom surgery scene and im feeling absolutely insane and feral and so close to writing someone from it and I haven’t even watched the movie yet!!!!!!
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blacknailedbird · 5 months
have you ever NEEDED to watch a movie? i NEED to watch lisa frakenstein before i go absolutely insane
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weeeeeekly · 7 months
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frankenstein’s monster – lee isa x afab!reader
info ➜ part one because i want the first part out for valentine’s day but i still have more to write. based off lisa frakenstein & marry shelley’s frankenstein horror novel, movies, & the countless adaptations, so graphic descriptions of killing & gore. zombie!isa, assigned female at birth (afab) reader, halloween enthusiast!reader. this fic is very self-indulgent & gay. we're pretending that homophobia doesn't exist. probably contains minor errors.
wc: 3.1k
WARNINGS !!! this is a safe for work (SFW) fic, but my blog is not safe for work (NSFW) so please no minors (mdni).
author’s note !!! happy valentine’s day!!! where are all my gay girls that love stayc & horror. i just saw lisa frankenstein on friday & i just saw it again, so please bear with me for getting a new obsession. it’s what mary shelley would want. i love weird girl romance!!
You were driving toward your new home. An old farmhouse your aunt owned for what felt like forever. You had been tasked with house and pet sitting as your aunt was out of the country for a wedding. You always loved visiting her house as it gave you a break from the busy-ish life of living near a city, but not directly in the heart. And she was your favorite aunt in the entire world, so it was no brainer when you agreed. At least you would have something to do for Hallo-weekend.
The last time you were here was the summer before you started college and a few summers have passed since then. The vegetation was still as flush and lively as you last remembered, and the long stretch of dirt road covered by rows of oak trees was your favorite. It looked prettier during the daytime, but the drive from your apartment to your aunt’s house was a few hours since it was in the country.
There was a pesky rouge eyelash that was on your lens that was bothering you as drove. It wasn’t the brightest idea, but this was a private road in the middle of nowhere so there wouldn’t be any people walking. You kept your eyes in the road as you used your free hand that wasn’t on the wheel to take off your glasses to clean them.
Your path was lit by your car’s high beam lights, and you took a second to focus your eyes and attention to cleaning your glasses. The second you looked back up, a fuzzy silhouette of some kind of… animal scared you as you did a hard break in an effort to not hit it. Your heart beat furiously in your chest as the thing ran away and you put your glasses back on. It was too dark to see it properly as it fled off into the rest of the forest.
Probably one of the deer your aunt complained about eating her rose plants.
You ignored your heart slowly settling back to normal pace as you went back to your journey. You allowed yourself to sit in silence for the remainder of the drive since it would only be a few more minutes until you reached your destination. You could go without music for a little bit.
The aging farmhouse was a comforting sight to behold, a dusty rose wooden house with white accents, long sprawling lush, green grass, acres of mismatched fences from quick repairs overtime, and a matching barn behind the house that held the other animals. The nearest neighbor is a quick five-minute drive away or one could take the shortcut through the supposedly haunted cemetery that was hidden behind the town center where the old town used to be.
You never understood why your aunt, parents, and everyone else feared the cemetery. It was just sad how rundown it was and just allowing the memories of everyone laid to rest there to be forgotten. It was quite peaceful to just sit there in the morning during the summer, especially when you were trying to avoid doing chores or forced family time.
You had a favorite grave. It was a very elaborate headstone with a cement face model of the girl buried. The headstone was ancient, so some of the stone was hard to read all you could make out for the name was the letters A, S, and I spaced out to spell a longer name that you couldn’t do a proper stone rubbing, died in 1837, and unmarried. You rolled your eyes the first time you read that since it was the only other piece of information on the headstone and felt disrespectful to reduce her to just her marital status, but it was the 1800s, so you just had to accept history.
You made sure to always be respectful when visiting the cemetery, you would never want to disrupt the peace. You usually just sit on a sprawled-out towel blanket and read aloud a book to the girl. You know that she couldn’t hear you because she was… you know, dead, but it just felt right to do so.
You couldn’t go visit her since it was too late in the night and looked like it was about to storm anyway. You just quickly unpacked the car for the overnight and duffel bag for your weekend stay. The night was loud from the annoying ass cicadas. You just wanted to hurry inside to save your eardrums.
The house was imposing at night with the lights off, but the second you turned the light switch on, it just looked like the 80s threw up on the décor. All the furniture was new when your aunt was born 37 years ago and stayed untouched with a few additions like the smart tv in the living room/kitchen.
The weight of driving for so long was beginning to take its toll on you, so you were struggling to stay awake as you laid on the couch after your hot shower some random video about movie monsters.
When you wake up a few hours later, it’s storming outside. The sky was light gray, but it was pouring down. You let out a sigh as you stretch and fix yourself a quick breakfast. Thankfully, by the time you’re done eating – the rain stopped. You take the opportunity to do chores for your aunt’s animals in the barn and visit the cemetery before the rain starts up again.
You borrow your aunt’s rain boots and make sure to wear old clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty, leftovers from previous visits. The shortcut was muddy, but nothing that wasn’t difficult to walk over. The forest looks extra beautiful after rain with the trees looking shiny with dewdrops, the light mist of fog, and the sunlight peeking through the clouds. And it smelled like the candle-ized version after it rains.
The grassy, unkempt area was the same as ever as you reach your favorite spot. Her grave was damp from the rain, but still looked clean despite you not visiting for years. You smile as you greet her.
“Hey, it’s me. I’m finally back. I hope you’ve been well. Sorry for not visiting for a while I was busy with school.”
You brush off some stray twigs on the statue and frown as you fix the heart locket you tied around the head years ago when you first discovered the area. It was kind of sad and kind of weird that 13-year-old you decided that you would be the sole groundskeeper. The positive aspect was that you were getting outside and receiving vitamin D.
A raindrop falls from the sky and makes it look like the statue is crying, “Oh, I wish I knew you, but you don’t have to cry about it.”
You let out another sigh as the rain starts to pick up again, so you decide it’s best to head back to your aunt’s place. You walk down the shortcut without looking back due to your time crunch to beat what’s looking like a nasty storm.
The clouds slowly grow a dark gray like the charcoal you use for stone rubbing or your facemasks. You were due for one since this semester has been hard on your sleep schedule and acne was appearing again. Which was extremely annoying since you just got your skin to be clear and a consistent skincare routine since your classes the semester before were easy.
Well, you can’t change the past you from not making your schedule under the assumption that you would be okay with a 9 AM class if you liked the content.
After settling into the guest room that was unofficially your room, you lay on the bed with your noise cancelling headphones as your face mask dries. The storm was getting louder by the second and you just wanted to get some sleep. You had just done your everything shower, so you were content in your oversized sleep shirt and satin sheets you brought from home. You were definitely going to have good dreams.
You don’t remember when you fell asleep either during the podcast episode about internet drama or the video about your favorite horror video game’s lore. The window shows the beautiful yellow-orange morning in contrast to the disaster of torn up grass, tree branches everywhere, and your aunt’s goats having a fucking buffet.
Wait. Your aunt’s goats eating on plants. The goats that are supposed to be locked in their pin inside the barn.
You scramble out of bed while putting on your glasses and rain jacket. You struggle trying to round up the loose goats and give up as they’re just as stubborn as ignoring you as you are trying to bring them to the barn.
At least they were eating so that was a morning chore you wouldn’t have to do.
The front door to the barn was smashed in and most of the animals inside escaped to the free roam the farm. God, the tornado that rolled in last night was shaping up to be a fucking nightmare, at least that’s what the news channel the old radio in the barn was able to pick up was telling you.
“A local farmer said, and I quote, ‘There was a green lightning bolt that scared off all my chickens.’ Experts are unable to confirm if this is a possibility at this time –”
“Green lightning would be something.” You say as you shove hay into bins for the goats’ dinner in hopes that they’ll wander back into the barn. You wonder how you’ll break to your aunt in text since the time difference was 14 hours. You hope she had insurance.
One of the chickens runs past you, scaring you and causes you to drop the shovel you were holding. Your head flicks into the direction of what sounds like a human-like groan. You can make out some kind of figure in the shadow of the corner of the barn.
“Ah shit.” You sprint out of the barn as whatever the fuck chases after you. You would close the barndoor shut but of course the goddamn tornado had to put a tree through it. The staggered stomps behind you clue you in that thing after you is injured which works in your favor since your adrenaline made you a track star right now.
Taking the shortcut to the cemetery in an attempt to lose your creepy follower, you avoid branches and rocks in your way, so you don’t trip and die like the people in your favorite cheesy horror movies do. You’re better than that. If you’re going out, you’ll be the one to do it and some rando.
When you reach your alleged safety spot, you hop over a hole in the ground as you hear a thump and a delayed groan.
“Serves you right!” Peering down into the hole, your eyes widen as your jaw drops, the sight that greets you is what looks like a girl around your age except her skin is a ghastly gray, dressed in an outdated dress, and covered in dirt.
You continue to stare in shock as the girl tries to stand up but fails to. You watch in horror as it slowly dawns on you that the girl’s left hand is completely missing. Like the-bone-is-showing-and-no-way-it-just-happened-kind-of-missing. Your eyes slowly move to the headstone and your blood turns cold as you realize that the open grave is the one you frequent to. The model statue, the same one that shockingly resembles the girl, is ruined from a lightning strike.
“Are you, like, okay?”
The girl stops struggling for a second to blankly stare at you.
“Okay, so I’ll take that as a ‘no’. Anyway… is that you?” You point to the model statue as the girl lets out a grunt in response and to your shock and surprise, a slow repeated motion of nodding.
“Holy shit. I’m not sure how this is even possible. You’re supposed to be dead and buried.”
The dead girl goes back to trying to climb up the 6-foot hole. You contemplate how you were going to help her out – if you should just hold her only hand and hope her arm doesn’t pop out or if you could throw a rope down and hope for the best. Your thoughts cease as the girl stands on the same level as you.
“How did you get out?”
The girl ignores you as she starts hobbling towards you with her only hand extending towards you. Her cold, dead hand holds your left hand as she leans her head down. You let out a nervous laugh as you slowly move your hand back.
“We just met face to face, so it’s a little too early for that. I don’t know your name. What’s your name?”
The girl moved her hand toward her choker-covered neck and as you step closer you realize that her neck has been sliced through.
“Oh, that’s not good, but it’s okay that you can’t talk.” You look towards the headstone, “Since only 3 letters are readable maybe we can make a nickname out of that? Asi? Isa? I like Isa.”
Newly nicknamed Isa moves her mouth in what looks like an attempt to smile which you take as a beaming acceptance.
“Okay! Nice to meet you, Isa. Let’s get you cleaned up.”
If you had told your 13-year-old self that you would be helping a corpse into your aunt’s guest shower after she came back to life from a lightning strike, they would have asked what scary movie you stole that from.
After showing Isa the controls to work the shower, you laid out two towels on the bathroom counter and cleaned the mud tracks she left behind. The whole situation was pretty hilarious, at least you had someone your age to hang out with for Halloween in a town mainly occupied by retirees or new families with small children.
You’re interrupted scrubbing out a particularly stubborn patch of mud out of the staircase carpet when the doorbell rings. Your head whips towards the front door as the shower shuts off. Heading over to the door to greet the mystery guest, you put on a grin and open the door.
The face that greets you is one of your aunt’s neighbors that you remember liking, but not enough to remember their name. Your grin becomes genuine as the older lady kindly greets you and goes into a spiel of how she remembers you used to be this tall! You just nod at her story time as the shower turns on again.
“Oh, do you have someone over?”
“Yeah, just a friend.” You pray to every higher power up above to not let Isa walk over to you and the noise by the door. You don’t know how you were going to explain this away.
“You must be busy! I’ll leave you two alone so you can go back to your Halloween movies and such.”
You quickly wave her off and shut the door, wishing her a happy Halloween. You get a slight fright when you turn around and Isa is standing right behind you still looking a ghastly gray in contrast to the hot pink towel combo you left behind but now clean from all the dirt and bugs.
“Oh my god, you scared me! Let’s go back upstairs to get you some clothes.” You help Isa back up the stairs making sure to have her lean on your shoulder to help her balance. You go as slow as she needs to be safe which you don’t mind doing. It’s not like you were in a hurry since your schedule was to do light chores in the barn, waste your life away watching movies, and then maybe going to the grocery store to be candy for Halloween tonight. Which reminds you…
“I should dress you up as a zombie for Halloween which is the truth but not to make anyone want to chase us down with pitchforks and fire.”
Isa grunts as you reach the top stair and go around the corner to your room with some of the clothes you’ve left over the years.
“Sorry for the mess.” You make sure to help her step over your duffel bag by the door and the scattered mess of your makeup by the floor length mirror. You wanted to do an intricate makeup look for Halloween to get use of makeup you’ve had a for a while and to get your money’s worth. You still weren’t sure what you were going to dress up as maybe an iconic horror movie icon or something from your childhood and do fun, glitzy makeup or a basic supernatural creature.
You could just tear up some old clothes for Isa and add some fake blood to her costume. It had been fate that she came back from the dead on Halloween Eve.
You guide Isa to sit on the edge of your bed and open your walk-in closet, "For right now, I'll give you some pjs to wear while I make your zombie costume."
You offer a pair of pjs you wouldn't mind missing and give her space to change. Once she's done you can't help but stare in awe of how cute she looks. Isa almost looks like she could have been born in the same time as you which just shows how much of a timeless beauty she is.
You get a bright idea as you open your backpack, "Do you want to try 21st-century candy?"
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antichristsplus1 · 2 months
Blog Intro !!
Hi there im fairly new to tumblr but have a pretty good understanding of it from being chronically online for years but let’s get started on the intro!
name: Bee/Chocco
age: Minor so pls dont be weird
pronouns: She/They
gender: Demi-Girl(?)
sexuality: Sapphic or Omni with a fem pref (im questioning really but mainly attracted to women 😭)
Fav artist: Mitski!!
other fav artists: Tally Hall/Miracle Musical, Chappell Roan, Nxdia, Laufey, Frankie Cosmos, Big Theif, Rainbow Kitten Surprise, Kimya Dawson, Beabadoobee, Beach Bunny, Cavetown, Leith Ross, Dazey and the Scouts, Weezer, Clairo, Faye Webster, TV girl
hobbies: Digital Art (learning), VA (also learning) drawing, writing, fashion, Crocheting, baking, painting
some other stuff i like also includes: TMA/TMAGP (obviously), WTNV, Omori, Indie Games, JELLYFISH!!,
fun facts!!!
my favorite color is lavender (ironically)
my favorite food is french fries
my favorite drink is strawberry soda or other fruit sodas
my favorite movies are Lisa Frakenstein and But im a cheerleader my favorite tv shows are Adventure time, Bee and puppycat, Smiling Friends, MLP, TOH, almost any shoujo/magical girl anime, NGE, Saiki K
i also love studio ghibli movies with my favorite being Spirited away
I have 7 animals (2 of which are actually mine) i have a black cat named bento and a dog named athena and they are my babies
I LOVE collecting random stuff and have a very large collection of stuff i find cool or interesting as well as lots of miku figures
My special interests include Miku, TMA, WTNV, Adventure Time, NGE, IHNMAIMS, MLP, Jellyfish and i will NOT shut up abt them if someone brings them up (im sorry)
basic dni like homophobic, transphobic, ableist, racist, pro-isreal, islamophobic, etc
shipping irl people unless its a joke
people who think racism, pedophila, abuse or anything generally bad or illegal is funny- i deal with it enough irl im not gonna deal with it here 💀
other stuff:
I dont need tonetags but they are helpful
i use emojis and emoticons a LOT
I love dressing in many different styles and experimenting with things
Im going to try to be active on here as much as possible but im a student so i might not be as active 24/7
I will probably edit this as needed but this is js a general get to know me
you can also view the carrd in my desc
Instagram:@Dead_grls (im very active here)
Discord: Sewer__Rat
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bloodstaineddeer · 7 months
lisa frakenstein opening with The Promise by When in Rome this movie was made for me
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tap tap
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oh right i can draw
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T4T ong
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Ahh the power of girlfreak, a needle and some thread. bottom and top surgery for your undead hubby and yourself. bless✨
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In case you haven't noticed, I'm weird. I'm a weirdo. I don't fit it, and I don't… wanna fit in. Have you ever seen me without this stupid hat on? That's weird.
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i love undead people being happy
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stars man stars
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i love drawing squiggles man
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bright sunshine day~
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the lack of sleep has fueled the fixation
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