#lisas frakenstein
eternity with you
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fully believe Lisa and Creature cannot cook-in the intro homie was eating burnt whatever it was supposed to be and lisa decided to eat cereal instead of cooking.
also suspenders and a character wrapped in bandages is legit my fav designs ever-plus a hat??? oh my god perfection
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i-must-feel · 4 months
It is so hilarious that Lisa Frankenstein and poor things came out at the same time bc on one hand we have
- movie thats really focused on advertising itself as feminist
- uses the moms body as basically an incubator and completely robs her of her singular act of agency right after roe v wade got overturned
- proceeds to sexualize said mothers body while also sexualizing her child’s immaturity plus gratuitous sex scenes showing how she’s “exploited”
- absolutely refuses to show the “female version of Frankenstein” with any scars or body hair she would absolutely be imperfect and wounded like it’s giving let me go shave my hairless legs
- written and directed by a man
- kinda weird and neurodivergent/mentally ill coded and is mean to the characters about it
And that’s the one winnning all the laurels while the movie with
- a female writer and director
- 1 sex scene which is very consensual and shows literally nothing
- multiple female characters all of which display agency and have wildly different personalities
- the characters are allowed to have trauma and be fucked up but also the first person killed is a lady calling the main character insane (bad) and threatening to lock her up because she doesn’t like her
- accurately shows SA without being gratuitous
- male lead doesn’t have any lines except reading poetry to the girl at the end, other than that there’s like three guys who talk
- real pretty visuals
- hilarious
- the male lead lacks a voice and very specific anatomy but it’s still emphasized how he’s still very much a man
- kills the guys who commits SA
- her sister stealing her crush doesn’t ruin their relationship, she’s still emphatic to her
- SO MUCH set design detail and it looks SO PRETTY
And THATS the one flying under the radar?!? My guy Lisa Frankenstein is what poor things wishes it was
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soft-witchy · 4 months
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the-rio-grande-duran · 4 months
Dating Creature Would Include
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He likes to stare. Just unabashedly looking at you constantly. Epescially in those moments when you're not looking back when you're absorbed in what you're doing and just existing
Loves to touch you leaning his head on your shoulder, pressing a kiss to the back of your head or temple, and of course hand holding
Speaking of he will give you the most hurt puppy dog eyes if you're holding hands and you let go for whatever reason
He loves infodumping the more excited you get the sweeter your voice sounds. The way your words crash together and your voice swells like a rushing wave
He can tell when you're too in your head and will just wrap you in his arms and sway gently for a while
You take turns reading your latest books aloud to each other. The listeners head in the readers lap as they play with the others hair
Going outside on rainy days to save earthworms from the side walk
Body image issues are gently but firmly cast aside as they come up. Never invalidating insecurities just genuine unwavering admiration that lets those unhelpful thoughts melt away.
Introducing him to new snacks. It's like those videos of babies eating lemons. He's a white man from the victorian era his mind is easily blown
Any time he writes you a song you show him one you think he'll like. He's generally a music snob about modern music but is a sucker for a love songs especially the ones you like
He gets restless with his look sometimes and lets you dress him up.
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gooch-cancer · 23 days
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can't stop watching lisa frankenstein new comfort movie who????
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jenniferleecopping · 4 months
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They say time heals all wounds. But that's a lie, time is the wound. Takes you further and further away from that place when you were happy. Makes those good smells go away.
Really hope this goth phase ends soon.
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storkmuffin · 2 months
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we should be able to just say this at work, at the mall, at school, at home, and have someone hug us as and when we say it. women's rights now!
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voidsentprinces · 4 months
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femslashspuffy · 3 months
I never knew I needed the cast and crew of Lisa Frakenstein screaming "you're a star!!" at a bug on camera but I do love it
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spark1emotion · 4 months
intro to me
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i love reading, writing, movies, tv shows, music, cats, ancient art pieces, chai tea, old antique things, vintage styles, gothic crap, dad movies, tumblr grunge, 2010s revival, fall, and so much more!!
tv shows: ahs (fav forever and ever), skins, black mirror, the office, the good place, stranger things, south park, etc
movies: la la land :(, esotsm :(, donnie darko, virgin suicides, riding in cars with boys, lost in translation, her, perks of being a wallflower, lisa frakenstein, etc
music: the smiths (🪖💐), fleetwood mac, the cure, tears for fears, joy division, tv girl, elo, tame impala, radiohead, the beatles, black sabbath, queen, steely dan, etc
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horrorlesbians · 2 months
does anyone have a lisa frakenstein mega download link?
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In case you haven't noticed, I'm weird. I'm a weirdo. I don't fit it, and I don't… wanna fit in. Have you ever seen me without this stupid hat on? That's weird.
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i love undead people being happy
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soft-witchy · 4 months
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the-rio-grande-duran · 4 months
Lisa Frankenstein x Creature
Summary: Creature get's his turn with the back massager. This is a little different from the og concept but I hope you guys like it!
18+ Smut Under the cut
Lisa was speechless. Not in just a heady post orgasm way either although, holy shit. Like, why was he so good at that anyway? Did he practice? Do vibrators feel good on guys? Is that a thing? Suddenly the confidence she’d been gaining vanished as she remembered how woefully inexperienced she was at this. What are you even supposed to say to someone who made you cum. Can’t say thank you, that’d be weird. And just saying goodnight seems rude… 
“ Okay your turn!” 
Lisa had gotten pretty good at interpreting her friends noises by now but this particular choked garble was new. His face though. That was easier to read full of shock and something deeper she didn’t recognize. She laughed in an attempt to diffuse the tension but it sounding even worse than his choking sound. 
“ It’s cool friends help friends. I’m not gonna just leave a friend hanging ya know?” , Jesus why is she saying friend so much.  “ Like I know blue balls is bullshit cause Taffy told me but if you wanted to I could I mean we could…”
Lisa trailed off. She felt more on display than when she was screaming at the top of her lungs. And it didn’t help that he was staring. He was always staring at her. Like she was doing something both fascinating and confusing. And he was still holding the massager. Gripping it hard like a lifeline in a storm. 
“ Easy there you might break it”, Lisa teased taking it from his hands. It was warm covered in her slick. A sight she felt strangely proud of as she looked at it. “ Need to clean it before you use it though.” Like with his tongue. Lisa dropped the toy like she’d been shocked. “ Um actually how but just an old fashioned back rub huh?”, moving behind him quickly. His skin was cold even beneath the pajama shirt. Muscles tight and stiff from years of disuse. Plus a few weeks cramped in a closet. 
“Jeez you really do need a massage”. He sighed contentedly in response. Lisa worked diligently as she could before admitting defeat. “ Ok I can’t- you just you have to take your shirt off.” Lisa worried the poor boy’s neck would snap with the speed he turned to meet her eye. “ Oh what now you’re shy? You weren’t shy when you were, you know. But if you want me stop-” 
Lisa inhaled his damp earthen smell as the shirt was thrown in her face. Wasn’t dirt supposed to smell bad? It didn’t. It smelled like the forest after the rain. Like a a sky that had cleared just for her. She was taking to long to take the shirt off her head.  
Well, it wasn’t like Lisa hadn’t seen shirtless boys before. She’d been to to a pool for God’s sake. But seeing a shirtless boy and having a shirtless boy in her bed. Well that was very different. 
He was full of scars. Some were red the only part of his skin that really looked alive. Others were dark and deep a few even looked like they were still open ready to bleed. But most of them were pale hard to even differentiate from the rest of him except by touch. Lisa felt the slight raise of them beneath her fingers. 
“Do they hurt?” His head tilted from side to side like he wasn’t sure. “Well tell me if I’m hurting you cause that’s kinda the opposite of what I’m going for here.”  His nod is accompanied buy an exhale through the nose. “ Don’t laugh! I’m trying really hard.” He raised his hands in a pacifying gesture letting her continue.  
“ I didn’t realize how fun touching someone would be. When I imagined it I always just kinda assumed the guy would be in control,”  Lisa mused. She felt him tense under him at this. “C’mon man, it’s 1989 you can’t get grossed out by a woman being in charge.” , Lisa said crossing her arms. He looked at her then even going so far as to turn around. “What?” He took her by the shoulders then looking even deeper in her eyes. “ Oh! Really? Well that’s, that’s very progressive of you.” He shrugged nonchalantly but his smile looked deeply self satisfied. 
“Does that mean I can boss you around?” His brow rose playfully as if say, you already do. Lisa’s laugh was genuine this time her confidence returning. He did kind of just let her do whatever she wants. It was freeing to not have to listen to whatever crap people thought was good for her. To get to decide. And not just for herself for someone else. Someone who looked at her like he did. Like he would be grateful for whatever she did. Like she was a fucking gift.
“Lean back.” He followed immediately, instinctually eyes never leaving hers. He had such pretty eyes dark brown with those long lashes. She wanted to touch them. His breath caught as Lisa gently grazed each lash with her thumb. She touched his cheek next it was softer than his back. No scars. 
“Open your mouth.” He was slower at this request. Nervous. Lisa traced small circles as she waited. She wouldn’t rush him. He gasped as his lips parted. Soft enough she didn’t even hear it, just felt it tickle her skin. “Good boy.” Her thumb skated on his bottom lip causing him to grip the sheet in response. Lisa couldn’t help but giggle at how easy he was to fluster. Beneath her thumb his lip jutted out poutyly. 
“Sorry! I’m not laughing at you. It’s just it can’t feel that good I’m barely touching you!” He scoffed in obvious disagreement. “I just wanna make sure you can handle it if I keep going.” His nod was adorably eager. He really would do whatever she wanted.  
Lisa leaned in giving him a soft kiss before biting down on thespace where neck meets shoulder. Smiling to herself as she heard him moan in earnest. Deeper and needier than his little gasps from before. She bit his chest next not even bothering with a kiss first. Just teeth. She was trying not to break the skin but wondered vaguely if he’d even mind. Looking at his face she didn’t think so. Eyes closed, head thrown back as he arched into her. Disappointed didn’t quite cover the look on his face as she pulled away. 
“Sorry I just I need it to be my turn again.” She said grabbing his hand. Lisa shivered as ice cold fingers slipped beyond the waistband of her unnderwear. He looked for permission before moving any further. Lisa guided one of his fingers inside her in response. She already felt fuller than she ever had before with just one finger. She reached for him. Gripping his shoulder hard enough to leave marks. 
“More.” The finger inside her curled as he pushed another inside her. Lisa tried not to scream. Shoving her palm in to her mouth to stifle herself. He moved then so slow it made her want to cry. “ Faster. Please.” It was still too slow so Lisa started grinding down desperately. Panting as she used his fingers. 
His other hand found her clit unbidden. Tentative and curious as Lisa moved even faster. “Yes yes” Adam’s movements were slow. A delicious contrast to Lisa’s pace and she knew she wouldn’t last much longer. She grabbed his chin looking at him.  “ You’ll let me do this again won’t you?” Nod.
“Good, I think you’re my new favorite toy”
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supernovajazzy-art · 4 months
The INPRNT site is up to 40% off right now. So, I added my recent Lisa Frakenstein piece for anyone interested! 😌
Also, added it to my re.dbubble ✌🏻
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