#listen to obey YAH
faithofyahyah · 11 months
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RELAX my beLOVEd, YAH is always with you.
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todahyah · 1 year
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stay POSITIVE and JOYful in 😁YAHYAH😁
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luci-is-a-bitch-x3x · 11 months
Obey Me! Brothers react to: Mc turning into their sheep form to comfort the brother when he's upset.
Lucifer's, Mammon's, Leviathan's, Satan's, Asmodeus's (you are here), Beelzebub's, & Belphegor's reactions.
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
Welcome! to another part of this adventure! The characters may not be how you imagine! I apologize for any poor jokes, bad spelling, and terrible grammar. Without further ado, please enjoy the content. ♡
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
Asmodeus's Reaction
Asmodeus cries frequently, sometimes its just him being dramatic, sometimes his crying is warranted, no matter why Asmo's crying he never fails to mention how beautiful he looks while crying. Asmo will sometimes fake cry for attention, no actual tears so he doesn't ruin his make up, but sometimes he'll purposely cry tears just so his mascara while smear. It adds to the dramatic effect. When Asmo's being dramatic he can "cry" over anything: mc accidently hit him? He's already bawling his eyes out. No attention from anyone? He can make up a reason after he starts crying. Asmo has been found a couple of times crying because of how beautiful he is. However, Asmo does actually cry sometimes, over things that are completely fair to cry over. Sometimes he cries due to stress, sometimes he cries due to past memories or mistakes. Asmo is usually cheerful but he does have his occasional self reflecting sad moments. They dont last as long as some of his brothers do, Levi, but they still happen. He usually goes back to being his cheerful self obsessed self again soon after!
The first time Mc finds Asmo crying and he's not being dramatic is not suprising but also is surprising, if that makes sense. Asmo had been doing a lot of things recently: lots of fashion designs to make, lots of modeling, and student council work! Mc knew this and figured he may be stressed, so they headed over to his room with the intent to help. Mc knocks on the door and when they dont get a reply they almost leave, but they can hear sobbing through the door. Mc knocks again before slowly entering Asmo's room, Mc sees Asmo laying on his bed face first crying into his pillow. Asmo looks up when Mc enters the room, he quickly sits up and turns to face Mc. "MC!!" Asmo screeches with a tear stained face. The sudden yelling suprises Mc and they next thing they know there's a *poof* and Mc turns into their sheep form. Asmo gasps when he sees Sheep Mc and then he squeals at the sight of the adorable Sheep. Asmo quickly stands and scoops Sheep Mc up into his arms so he can hug them, and then he takes them to his bed for cuddles, his upset attitude already seems to be improving just by having Mc around.
Sheep Mc doesn't have to do much to comfort Asmo, they just need to stay with him and listen to him rant. Asmo may pet Sheep Mc but he perfers to hug them tightly, not killer hugs like a certain someone, Asmo just finds hugging them more comforting then petting them. When Sheep Mc first starts comforting Asmo, the hug will be tighter than it will be once he's calmed down a little, while Asmo is upset he may cry into Sheep Mc's wool like someone would a pillow. Gross ik but like what can yah do. After calming down a little he'll finally rant to Mc for a bit. Something along the lines of "I keep making new designs for the accessories, but none of them are as perfect as me!" Asmo is seriously stressing, if it is going to have his name on it, then it has to be perfect. This is probably one of the times when Mc realizes that being a perfectionist can be overwhelming and stressful. Talking about why he was upset probably upsets him again, Sheep Mc probably has to comfort him all over again.
Asmo enjoys being comforted by Sheep Mc but he also enjoys Mc comforting him in their human form. He doesn't really care what form their in just as long as its Mc comforting him. After Mc cheers him up, it doesn't matter what form they stay in to him. If Mc decides to go back to their human form he'll make sure to at least get one picture of them as a sheep before the turn back. If Mc decides to stay as a sheep, then they'll do the normal things they do with Asmo, taking pictures for Devilgram, dressing up, gossiping. Asmo's Devilgram is definitely full of pictures of him and Sheep Mc by the end of the day.
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
Thats all for now babes! Hope you enjoyed!! ♡ This is not proofread. Feel free to comment or reblog any thoughts or any add ons you have! I don't know why this one took so long, and for some reason I don't really like it, so I'm sorry. TvT I might try and rewrite it sometime but idk. I know my posts have been random, but ive been posting at least two things at once so hopefully that outweighs the wait. Anyways i have more content on the way so Stay Tuned! Stay Safe! & Stay Groovy Scooby!
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
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onyourhyuck · 1 year
Obvious. | L.DH
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— Prologue: “Isn’t it obvious to you that I like you?”
— Summary: You and Haechan are friends from Kindergarten and he really likes to tease you.
— Genre: Childhood friends trope. Wholesome romance content. Donghyuck shows his love through teasing. Hard to get y/n trope.
— Notes: Part 2 anyone?
“Yah Lee Haechan.”
You made your way over to the taller boy standing on the road about to cross over however you happen to be in the same area now since you’re alone, you didn’t quite feel like becoming a loner just yet. You call over the boy who wore a white simple shirt and had his pair of glasses on making him look outwardly smart and hugely attractive but it didn’t cross your mind until he spoke back raising his eyebrows around when he saw you.
He really wasn’t expecting to see you today.
Unlike any other encounter this one was no different from any other meeting you had with the boy all your life. A giggle leaves his lips and a decently long sharp smile appears on his pleasant face. “Heyyyy y/n…nnynynnnn.” He said causing your name to sound longer syllables with his tongue, you know he did this to purposely make you feel like the centre of attention. You hated his teasing the most. “What are you doing?” He would ask you.
You sigh out loud. “Say my name properly!” You terror back softly at least a singular name pronounced right would be so much better you’re praying for it unlike the boy who enjoys seeing a little torment on your face. “I’m here to ask what you are doing.” You say back.
And just like that Haechan got his sole enjoyment on purposely upsetting you by mispronouncing your name or even singing it to your ears to cause you to cringe so hard you could explode, Haechan smirks.
“Huh….? Why? Am I a servant…?” He said doting out bullet points at you. He never obeys to you, he never listens to what you tell him to do, you should know better all these years knowing he wouldn’t stop annoying you.
He smirks though feeling slightly nicer to you today, who knows why. “But fineeeee. I’m just standin’ here doin nothing really! What about you?”
You glare clearly not in the exact scenario you wish to be let’s be honest, it’s not like you had a choice but to come here, you wouldn’t want to be alone. Any company is good company, but you’re starting to think maybe you were better off being alone considering Haechan’s way with you right now. “I’m unfortunately here because of my friend left to go home so now I’m bored and stuck with you.”
Curse your friend for bailing out and leaving to go home early considering you were planning a day out however it leaves you being stranded and alone now with no one but your kindergarten follower from your childhood that you so solely blame yourself on getting involved with.
Seeing how bummed and disappointed you are with his company he couldn’t help but find enjoyment in this and therefore he carries on your business and life with a passionate high pitch teasing tone put on your face.
“Awhhhhhh… How dare they leave you here with me…They must not like you that much.” He would begin to say fake pouting to make you feel even more miserable about how you ended up stuck with a guy like him again. “Well …How long till they come back?”
You murmur. “Not sure but it’s okay.” You can deal with it it’s not going to be the end of the world forever with or without your friend. You sat down on the curb floor humming as he watches you keenly at the corner of his eyes, a trailing memory in your brain starts to relive in front of your eyes like a flashback. You smile now reimagining the memory. “Remember how we used to go to the park and play hide and seek all the time?”
It was a slow pacing walk down the memory lane as you brought back endless after images on his brain now that Haechan goes to remember instantly what you were speaking about.
“Hehe Yeah it was really fun.” He says with a smile. “Who says we can’t play it now?”
Your head twists around, was he suggesting what you were thinking or was it just you getting ahead of yourself? “Should we go to the park?” You grin as he nods at you. “Let’s go.” You reply back.
You were both in for the idea suddenly to go on a spontaneous trip down to a childhood engraved park that holds many memories to the both of you, who doesn’t like to reinvent themselves back to the past? Haechan and you were both as keen on the idea as the other was. It wasn’t just you as little more excited than the other. You were both equally in for the idea. Haechan says smiling walking crossing the road alongside you suddenly you see him running.
‘Why is he running?’ You said finding it awfully sudden.
“Let’s go then, I’m going to beat youu….” The boy ahead of you running with a head start smiles watching you linger behind and now you were pumping through competitiveness in the air surrounding you like a large bubble.
If there’s one thing you know about your relationship with Haechan is that you are both so competitive it could lead to deaths of people round you. It sounds like an exaggeration, maybe it is but it seems and feels like it could lead to callus damage.
You stare starting to run up after the boy in the white loose shirt and short sleeves and those black sweatpants casually hugging his legs so nicely. “No you won’t beat me!” You shout determined.
Haechan laughs. “I will I will!”
He was chasing after you when you manage to overtake him as he took a minute to see you fly past him with your speed but just as much he had a plan to defeat and overthrown you he was wasting for the moment you start to get tired and when you did you felt your speed simmering down like a boiling pan on the stove. Now you were overtaken by Haechan who runs past you with full speed, he was waiting for you to slow down that’s all.
“Hey!” You shout in disbelief running after him once more, so much for the effort you put in your first run to use all your power.
“C’monnnn… Can’t you run faster?” You hear him laugh. “I’m gonna win for sure.” He says full of confidence now and you were somehow doubting your winning position now.
“I won’t let you win!” You told him again catching up behind the boy finally but whenever you were closer to him he speeds up rushing away from your grasp. “You’re not gonna catch me!” He shouts.
He won’t let you, Haechan’s determined to see you lose and he loves winning more than anything. “FASTER Y/N OR IS THAT ALL YOUR SHORT LEGS CAN GO?” He would point at your indifference between his long legs and your shorter once running the speed you could go max to.
You want to tell him not everyone is blessed with long model legs and not everyone is ninety percent legs like he is but you hold your tongue and thoughts, you restrain yourself from thinking that.
‘Oh my god he’s so freaking fast what the heck?’
When looking behind the long length distance between you and him he slows down letting you catch up to him halfway as he was holding his gentle soft laugh at you, he finally escapes it out when you slowly pull over and pant holding your knees. God who knew running could take such a strain? And who knew Haechan was a literal track star in disguise? When he slows down to let you meet him at the halfway point you look up panting and he questions your expression that screams to him you are exhausted already.
“Are you tired already?…”
“No-no I’m not. Geez how did you get so fast.” You softly pant. “Oh look the park is right there though!” You say with a wide smile.
Ahead of your sight as your gazed following the familiar park from your memories looked the same still to this day. It has a blue slide, red swings and a jungle climbing set for children that would climb for days and hours simply to find competition.
Haechan chuckles. “Hehe…you’re already puffed out.” You ignore his words but you were honestly puffed out to the point you feel like you ran a marathon.
“We’re here now you’re going down. Just you wait…” He says warning you.
However you start running first ahead taking the first lead to him leaving Haechan to be left behind you as you’re running towards the blue slide to touch it to claim that you won first by being there. “WELL IM NOT LETTING YOU WIN THIS SO.” you exclaim but Haechan exclaims even louder to match your tone of competitiveness.
“OH YEAH! TRY AND CATCH UP THEN.” He runs after you. He won’t go easy on you, he never will be going easy on you because he knows how much of a sore loser you can be.
You laugh a little finding this sort of entertaining to see him behind you struggling now. “Come on then slow poke!”
He runs faster catching through. “HEY. I’m not a slow poke!” He hurls. “Don’t you dare call me one!”
“Slow-poke-slow-poke…. Hhehe” you made your way into the park watching the slide with determination behind your widen eyes so hard focusing on touching it midway with your hand nearly on it.
“I’m not a slow poke! So rude.”
Haechan sighs, running into the park after you. The nickname you given him was proven to be irritating but then again you’re teasing him and usually it’s his job to be teasing you!
“Stoop! Just you wait…”
But even if you were there first Haechan was racing through the course catching up to you at immense speed and you turn around expecting him to be far away but no he was right behind you almost.
You exclaim. “AH HOW ARE YOU SO FAST?”
He smirks right at you finding your reaction to be gravely amusing to the core it’s exactly what he needs to see from you that and your defeated expression saying how wrong you are for even challenging him at this.
It’s like you should know better of all people you know him the longest but you’re still talking your shit like you’re better, he thinks you must enjoy losing at this point so much.
“What’s the matter? You tired…?” He said smirking ear to ear devilishly striking you from behind. “Why don’t you give up? You know imma beat you anyway at this.”
“I’ll never let you do that, you know this.” You stubbornly jog away to the slide when he was blocking your entrance trying to tackle you away from touching the blue slide that’s going to settle your victory. “I will touch that slide and prove I am the winner to you!”
“You sure? I think you need to slow down before you get hurt if I’m being honest.” Haechan’s lips tut at you finding your really big need to defeat to be adorable at trying but he was convinced it was pointless to hopelessly dream because he will end up crushing that same dream.
He laughs. “But fine. I’ll catch up to you anyways.” No matter he didn’t complain seeing you head straight ahead thinking you will secure your win now you’re panting at this point heavily as your hands reach for it.
But the minute your hands were meant to be on that slide touching it to bring you victorious the boy flung you on the side pushing you out the way like you’re a piece of feather compare to him and he touches the slide with a winning smirk knowing he won and you have lost now thanks to not being quicker than him. You heard him celebrate aloud.
“Haha! I touched it first Y/n.” He slants crossing the arms proudly and seeing you standing there with your eyes widen and a very angry expression.
And you know what that means when you’re angry you go and throw a large tantrum he knows and remembers it all so well. “Hey! Lee Donghyuck you’re a cheater!” You fell on the ground as your legs feel like complete jelly. You put all that hard working effort and you’re pouting in disbelief at the boy. He pulled out a dirty trick to win because he knew he doesn’t stand a chance with your stubbornness now.
With your shock face Donghyuck laughs, heck you even pulled out his full name card he couldn’t believe it you must be very angry, no, bewildered and even enraged by his dirty actions right now.
“I knew you’d react like that.” He laughs once more. “You’re too easy… anyway, I win!”
You focus your eyes into a tight glare at the boy standing back up dusting yourself from the ground as your legs regain their strength once again.
“You’re a jerk you know that? Ugh. Remind me to never race you again.” You state throughly your teeth chattering together because you really wanna bite that smirk off his face, he was finding this not only a successful but also your failure and despair was the result he enjoys the most.
“What…? What’s wrong? Don’t be such a bad sport. I won fair and square!” He laughs defending his honour now. “I’m not a jerk, I just like winning.” You hear him say again.
‘A jerk who likes winning. Same thing.’ You thought.
“Don’t laugh at me.” You turn around going to the swings and take a seat on them for a while. “Ugh whatever— you cheated still. It doesn’t change the fact you cheated to win.”
“How is that cheating?” He enquires playfully following you with his eyes where you go and sat on the swing with your hateful gaze that is touring him apart. Sometimes he loves the way you look at him like he was nothing but the least person in the world you’d rather spend your time with. He knows you can’t stay away from him though.
He asks you crossing his arms across the chest. “The rules are that anyone could do anything to beat the other. That’s what makes the game FUN.”
You bluntly reply rolling your eyes. “Says who?”
The boy quickly laughs retorting as if it wasn’t obvious who it was. “Me. I’m the one who won. Deal with it.” He really thinks you should suck it up already. “I always win at this game. You better not think of challenging me again.”
“God I hate when you have the last word.” You complain under your breath, you wrap your palms on the side of the chains attacking the swing to the pilar and you start to swing.
He smirks watching you. “You’re giving up?” He then laughs and then follows you to the other swing next to yours that you’re on using. “It’s okay. You’re such a sore loser, but you’re cute so I forgive you.”
You swing gently finally catching on one word. “Hm? You think I’m cute?”
Now you’re both swinging on your representatives swings next to one another in synch motion, both very calm and gentle pushes on the swing enough to lift your head slowly off the ground and back down to touch the ground.
“Yeah. You have a problem with that?” He would voice with his lovely melodic tone. The cherishing eyes observing you when you’re not looking the same way take photographic memory of you. “Maybe I’m cute too? What do you think?” Haechan suddenly would ask for your input.
You couldn’t help but wonder why he was asking you so suddenly what you think of him, but you try to think hard about it. What do you think of him anyways?
“You’re…nevermind.” You look away smiling. “I won’t tell you what I think.”
The boy was far too curious to know what’s going inside that head of yours so he keeps digging in wanting to find out what you’re not telling him enough to hide it.
“Why are you so flustered?… is there something you want to say?” He smiles. “Go on. be honest. I won’t bite…”
You were quick to reject and he saw your eyes waver in multiple lines. “No it’s embarrassing I rather not.” Instead he hears you gently laugh right after. “I’m not flustered… you couldn’t make me flustered even if you were the last man on earth.”
You say it with your chest knowing you couldn’t possible be flustered by your childhood kindergarten friend there wasn’t a single moment where your heart was beating around him and if it was the case you don’t know what you’d be able to do. You don’t like him like that, you’re sure of it. It’s Lee Haechan you’re speaking with so there’s no reason for you to be flustered or even shy at any point in this conversation.
The eyebrows on the boy’s face raise up finding it extremely hard to believe at the same time he was wondering why you’re so against it. “Oh really…? So you mean I’m not handsome enough to make you flustered?” He chuckles, he doesn’t know if you’re speaking truth or speaking lies.
“Yeah you couldn’t make my heart race no matter what.”
He chuckles once more. “Oh yeah? Want me to prove you wrong?” Suddenly you saw your swing stop and Haechan leans in, and kisses your cheek shortly. “Did I make your heart race now?”
You were to your core left flanking on your hope wondering what had just happened but the minute you replay his lips on your skin making contact, your cheek still remembers his heart shape lips on them.
You blink over to him growing red on face. “W-What was that for Haechan…?”
‘Goddamit I’m fumbling my words.’
“That’s my way of making everyone flustered. It always works.” He says laughing at your expression that could melt even the coldest person on this earth, your reactions were his favourite thing to witness in the world.
He asks again. “Now… did I make your heart race?”
“No you didn’t.” You firmly affirm but it’s more like you were lying to yourself in a way you couldn’t very much believe what was happening.
You look away trying to calm your super fast heart right now and you were literally lying through your teeth, he knew, you were like a transparent see through sugar paper.
Your voice comes out rather disappointing. “You kiss other girl’s too? You must be a player Hyuck.”
Of course he was popular with women its the freaking Lee Haechan. You feel stupid knowing your heart was very much effected by this whole scene you weren’t enjoying it. Maybe you were but you’re in strong denial about it.
“I kiss every girl I want.” Haechan replies to you but begins to chuckle softly. “But you’re special… I wanna kiss you the most.”
He starts leaning in once more leaving you frozen on the swing staying still as his lips touch yours kissing you again. But this time it’s not on the cheek.
“Was that enough to make your heart flutter, baby?”
You had so many questions you wanted to have answers for ‘what do you mean in special—‘ but you couldn’t help but lose all your train of thoughts when the kiss reconnects on your lips now. Your first ever kiss was with him and you couldn’t believe your eyes how soft his mouth feels and how good it actually felt to be kissed like you’re loved and cherished. You almost forgot it was him kissing you because it had so much love in that kiss he gave.
Haechan pulls away leaving barely much space between your lips but enough to take a good look at your face that he finds himself staring at like you’re a piece of portrait hung up in an art museum gallery. You were brought back into the reality.
“Hey… look this isn’t funny if this is a joke…” you bring your fingers up touching your lips he has kissed. “Hyuck why’d you kiss me— that… was my first kiss.”
He interrogates you softly wanting the answer he’s been looking for all along. “Did it make your heart race?” Haechan starts to softly chuckle then smiles again. “It was your first? Well… then I did you a favour.”
“Ugh I’m not going to answer you…” You mutter shyly. “I feel very warm…”
Haechan found you rambling under your mouth to be adorable and very much endearing because he could hear you very well crystal clear actually.
He chuckles. “Are you blushing? Wonder why.” He smiles then lays his hand on yours. “You are so cute when you blush my dear Y/n.”
“Don’t call me cute— I can’t believe you kissed me.” Your face puffs out especially your cheeks huffing out in the same motion.
You then later trail carefully whispering to yourself finding yourself ranting about it. “It made my heart race a little.” You mutter quietly hoping he doesn’t hear you.
He smirks watching you speak to yourself as he was nearing you again. “What’d ya say? Your heart rate picked up a bit?” He knew exactly how to push your buttons and get anything out of you as if you were wrapped round his finger. “Well I did a good job then.” Haechan proudly interjects.
Chuckling once more at you his hand slips up by your waist pulling you now closer to his swing where he sat and you follow along the silhouette casting around your surroundings.
He keeps his arms on your waist close by. “Say… If I were to kiss you again… Would it make you as flushed as now?”
Your body was second guessing you leaning closer looking down where the sudden arms from the boy moving on your waist down below. “I- I don’t know, you’re confusing me here.” The sudden change of their shifting positions and Haechan acting much more relaxed but cling to your body confuses you deeply leaving a stranded feeling in your chest. Your eyes couldn’t leave his lips either staring them down.
Haechan loves the little details your eyes do flickering between the way his hands were on your waist silhouette ghosting over there and the way they switch to look at his lips.
‘You’re so obvious.’ Haechan said to himself letting his thoughts run deep.
“So… You want me to kiss you again?” He smiles, and leans in again, waiting for your answer.
“Maybe…I do…” Your voice comes out as soft as a windy breeze in middle of July leaving him guessing your next exhale.
He smiles loving the answer it’s exactly what he wants to hear from you, what he needed to hear from you. The fully consent to do that. Haechan smiles. Then, he kisses you again on the lips but longer this time and gently bites on your bottom lip.
Even thought this was as bare and raw experience from you you’re here following your instincts what feels right to do in the right moment sharing with the boy you kiss him back this time and exhale a very gentle soft noise by the bite lip he’s done to your soft lips that feel true sky clouds, closing your eyes.
He pulls away just enough from the kiss, locking his eyes onto yours. He smiles softly whispering against your mouth. “Wow…”
Staring at you with now what seems like a soft gaze you’ve never seen him do before. It was like he was another person you’ve not known at all your life. “You’re really good for someone who just had their first kiss…”
A chuckle couldn’t be helped, the boy had to slip one out finding this a pleasant surprise.
You did what felt right by following your heart. Somehow your body knew what to do when kissing the boy back. You murmur a soft ‘Shut up’ feeling a blush growing between your ears and cheeks. “You seem way more experienced… with the kissing.”
Haechan smiles. “Heh you think so? I did it with enough girls to be an expert at it.”
“Hmph… I’m sure you had plenty of girls lining up for you per usual.” Soft eye roll as you cross your arms together around the chest.
“Hehe do you wanna line up too?” He dotes out pointing at you with playfully seeking eyes that’s chasing you round the meadows in imagination. He was laughing within the moment but then he gets serious for a moment. “— But the only one I want to kiss all day is None other than you Y/n.” He smiles at you, then kisses you on the lips again slowly. He holds your waist, as he gently pulls you closer.
‘My poor heart can’t talk anymore of your kisses, Hyuck, I’m afraid…’ you thought.
“Nope I won’t line up for you.” You stage firmly but then suddenly stop. “Why do you want to kiss me?” You seemingly turn around looking at him kissing you and pulling your body even closer than it was before.
Haechan couldn’t help but think it’s the time you start getting the point across of his feelings for you. He wouldn’t be here kissing you for no reason, he isn’t here speaking to you for no reason putting time and effort with you.
He threads like a sewing machine across your skin. “I like you Y/n.”
“Isn’t it obvious to you that I like you?” He smiles.
He looks at you as he spoke for a moment firmly, then he kisses you on the lips. This time much more passionately. Leaving you to get lost into the kiss that was much more different sounding to your ears and lips that’s attaching to his own.
You should be over the butterflies. Your heart shouldn’t be beating this much for someone you knew all your life changing their emotions suddenly by the change of timing course because of his confession touching your feelings. You get lost in the sharing passion kiss between your faces moving in synch like you were one.
You never expected to have fallen so much, for someone you knew all your life.
@onyourhyuck please refer from translating and copyrighting my work thank youu! Reblog this fic and follow me for more it helps a girl out <3.
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|Dreamcatcher reaction ~ them being clingy to you
| No warnings! Just fluff
| I hope you all enjoy this lovelies! Remember to take care and rest <3
| After a long day at work, all your girlfriend wanted was to be next to you
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Minji yawned as she stepped through the front door. After taking off her shoes and her jacket, she looked around for you downstairs.
She saw some food on the counter but still no sign of you so she decided on calling for you.
She frowned when she didn't hear any reply. She looked at her phone confused. No text from you and it was 6 pm, you should have been home by now. She pressed your name on her contact list and called.
You immediately picked up
‘’Hi baby!’’
‘’Where are you?’’ You could hear the slight pout in her voice
‘’Why, is everything okay?’’
‘’Yes I was just thinking you’d be home by now’’ she said defeated.
‘’Oh babe I’m just upstairs, I was listening to music and studying, I'm sorry I didn’t hear you!’’
Jiu hung up and raced upstairs, slowly down before opening the door.
‘’Hey, baby!’’ You exclaimed before glancing back down at your notebook
‘’How was your day?’’ You added
‘’Hmm I missed you’’ she said while walking closer to the bed before sitting down.
‘’I missed you too honey, I’ll just finish these quickly’’
She looked over your shoulder, seeing you busy writing a few notes.
After a minute you noticed her closing in on you. Letting her chest press against your back and her head lay on your shoulders.
‘’Im sorry I'm almost done’’ she simply hummed before leaving a soft peck on your neck. She just couldn't help it. She had been thinking about you all day, and now that your soft kissable skin was right in front of her, she had to give it attention.
You giggled at her action, noticing her getting a bit impatient for your attention. You closed your notebook and looked down at her, noticing her slight pout.
‘’You want a hug that bad?’’ You teased her, making her whine
‘’Come here’’ you completely turned to face her, opening your arms wide for her. She immediately let her body rest on yours, head snuggling closer to your heart.
You rocked her from side to side, leaving sweet kisses on her temples. ‘’How was your day baby?’’
‘’Can we just cuddle for now’’ she mumbled against your skin, making you giggle again
‘’Of course baby’’ you replied with another kiss, this time on her lips.
You let yourself completely fall against the pillows, bringing Minji in with you. She let her arms lay on your stomach and her head on your chest.
You placed a blanket over the both of you before reaching for the tv remote.
But before you could reach it, you felt her nudge her head against you repeatedly, even adding a small whine to her plea. ‘’Please play with my hair’’
You could do nothing but obey your wonderful girlfriend, quickly lulling her to sleep after her long day
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As soon as Sua finished dance practice, she hurried home. The both of you had been too busy this week to spend more time together than the time you slept. She stepped through the front door and immediately called for you.
It was finally Friday and the both of you had ended early, it was a perfect night to spend time together after a long week.
You heard her and made your way to the entry. You smiled as soon as you saw her. As for Sua, she ran towards you without any warning and engulfed you in a hug. After saving yourself from falling, you spun her around laughing. She clung onto you and let her head rest on your shoulder.
Once you settled her down, she placed one behind your neck to bring you closer before kissing you. She cupped your face and deepened the kiss even more, leaving you smiling.
‘’Missed me?’’ You teased when she pulled back
‘’Yah!’’ She lightly slapped your shoulder ‘’I haven't seen you all week’’ and all in one sentence she had turned from offended to pouting.
‘’I know I'm sorry baby’’
When she clung onto you again that's when you realized her clothes were a bit wet.
‘’Do you come from dance practice’’ you asked still holding onto her
She nodded in your embrace. You didn’t mind the situation, warm, cold, damp, your girlfriend was still your girlfriend and you loved to be in her arms… but you sure wouldn’t pass the occasion to tease her.
You gently pushed her off of you ‘’Ah you’re all sweaty Sua’’ trying your best to look disgusted although a smile was clearly peeking through. Your girlfriend picked up on your teasing and immediately retaliated.
‘’Oh, you don't like this?’’ She grinned before she grabbed you and pushed herself onto you in a hug.
You faked being in distress and tried getting away but she caught you in her arms again. ‘’You’re not going anywhere y/n’’ she giggled
‘’Help!’’ You shouted before giggling along with her
She pushed you to the nearest sofa and made the both of you fall onto it before nuzzling closer to you.
You faked an escape once again, slightly moving your leg closer to the floor. Sua didn’t stop you this time, simply warning you,
‘’Keep up this act and you’ll regret it y/n’’ she said before slightly tickling you, making you squirm under her.
‘’I was joking jagi, I love you so much’’ you kissed her lips again.
‘’I love you too, trouble maker’’
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Siyeon texted you as soon as her day was over. She had been eager to see you all day. With the comeback approaching she had been busy for most of the week and she was looking forward to simply relaxing with you.
She drove to your apartment before letting herself in with the key you had given to her.
She spotted you looking out onto the balcony. After taking her shoes off she silently made her way to you before hugging you from behind.
You slightly jumped. ‘’Ah! Siyeon, you scared me’’
‘’I'm sorry baby’’ she pouted before resting her chin on your shoulder
‘’It's okay honey’’ you giggled before turning back to look at her. You placed a few strands of hair behind her ear before placing your arms around her waist.
She simply stared at you, a smile drawn on her lips. She would often zone out while staring at you, but it always had the same heartwarming effect on you, one that reminded you of just how much you loved her.
‘’The earth calling Siyeon’’ you joked with a teasing grin
‘’Ah! Sorry’’ she giggled ‘’I just missed you so much’’
‘’So did I but we should go inside before my baby gets cold’’ you explained with a grin, to which she responded with a nod and her signature pout.
You took her hand and guided her to your bedroom before laying down on your bed. She wasted no time in joining you, letting her head rest against your clothed armpit.
‘’How was your day baby?’’ You asked while she put both her arm and leg above your body.
‘’It’s better now’’ she mumbled happily
‘’Same here but is that all about your day?’’ You questioned with a grin
She nodded against your arm, making you giggle. She grabbed your hand and interlaced her fingers with yours before playing with the skin on the back of your hand.
You loved when she was clingy, you’d never get enough of her warm embrace.
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After an exhausting day at work, Handong was excited to go back home to you.
She had been recording her special clip for her fans all day and was now ready to rest for the evening.
She came straight back home to you. Not stopping back at the studio to review the footage or change.
The crew found it unusual for her to not want to do so but she just really wanted to be with you at the moment.She knocked at your door, thinking about hiding away to prank you, but ultimately not doing so, anticipation to see you being too strong.
When you opened the door, you were stunned. You didn't expect Handong to be back so early, but definitely not dressed so majestically after her long day at work.
She slightly smirked at your awe.
‘’So can I come in?’’ She teased
‘’Oh! Yes of course babe’’ you let her in and before you could put another word in she lifted you off your feet, in a secure embrace while she spun you around.
‘’Ah y/n I missed you’’ she admitted, letting her head rest within the crooks of your neck, where she could smell the recomforting scent of your perfume.
You wanted to tease her, but it was rare for you to see Handong so clingy so you opted to tell her just how much you missed her too.
She was like an exhausted child hanging on to a parent. You giggled when you looked down to see her face squished against you. You rubbed her head and squeezed her tight.
‘’Wanna go get changed, my love?’’ You suggested while still holding on to her. She simply nodded.
You led her to the bathroom where she asked you to take off her makeup for her with a pout.
‘’Okay princess’’ you giggled
She sat on the counter, her legs pulling you closer to her body. You gently wiped away the makeup from her face. Reminding her with each wipe just how truly beautiful she was, makeup or not.
Once done, you were to turn around to get her clean clothes but she pulled you back by your collar, enticing you with a sweet kiss you wouldn't be pulling out of just yet.
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Yoohyeon called you as soon as she was done in the studio. She told you to join her at the dorm because she wanted to spend the rest of her day with you.
You obviously couldn't say no to your girlfriend. You teased her on the phone, saying you’d consider it, only resulting in her whining even more. Truth be told, you had been done with work for a while now and you were only waiting on her call.
You dressed in your coziest clothes before walking a few blocks out to join Yoohyeon at the dorm. You weren't sure if the girls had arrived yet, so you looked at your phone to see if she texted you again.
Before you could even get to the messaging app, the door was slammed open and the next thing you knew, a 5’6 foot puppy was hanging on to you.
‘’Im so happy to see you’’ she mumbled against your skin
You giggled, finding her adorable as always.
‘’I miss you to jagi’’ you kissed her forehead.
She pulled on your arm and guided you to her room quickly.
‘’I prepared a bunch of blankets on my bed for us!’’ She said excitingly
‘’And what would those blankets be for?’’ You faked being unaware of want she wanted
‘’Well...I thought we could spend the night cuddling with a movie’’ she looked down at your intertwined hands
You softly giggled before lifting up her chin for her eyes to meet yours ‘’I know my love, I would love that, anything to stay close to my beautiful partner’’ You smiled at her, making her own lips curve into a beautiful smile.
She quickly pecked your lips before pulling you onto the bed. She acted as if you were a plushie for her to cuddle. She guided you to sit against the pillow, then cuddled your side before pulling both your arm and leg over her.
You looked down at her with an amused face while she nuzzled her face within your shirt.
After a few seconds of admiring how incredibly adorable she was, she looked up at you.
You lifted one brow, a smirk plastering your face at how clingy Yoohyeon was to you. When she saw your teasing expression, she whined, gently hitting your chest
‘’cuddle me back, don't just stare’’ she mumbled
‘’Oh yes, of course, I'm sorry love’’ you smiled before bringing her even closer.
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You had stayed over the night at the girl’s dorm. You and Dami were planning to watch one of your favorite series together this weekend.
Unfortunately, she was called in along with jiu and yoohyeon to record a few more lines in the studio. So she had left early this morning and it was now a little after 2 pm.
You slept most of the day off, waiting for your girlfriend to come back.
But since you had woken up at 1 and couldn't fall back asleep, you decided on writing in your journal for a bit. You were entranced by whatever you were writing that you hadn’t noticed that Dami had entered the dorm, only finding out when she entered her room.
‘’Hi my love’’ she grinned, placing her bag down before making her way towards you.
She plopped down on the bed onto her stomach before turning her head towards you.
You smiled at how adorable she was. ‘’How was it at work baby?’’
‘’It was fine, but I wanted to come back here with you’’ you could see a glimpse of a pout on her lips while her cheek was gently squished against the mattress.
‘’Well we're here together now’’ you smiled
‘’Hmmm’’ She nodded
She pulled herself up before moving behind you. You had been sitting close to the bed rest but not exactly against it, leaving a place for Dami to cuddle up against you like she usually would.
She pulled you closer to her, letting her arms and legs wrap around you.
‘’Ah there's my little panda’’ You giggled, you always loved when she would let herself be clingy this way, clinging like a panda to a tree.
‘’Can we watch our series?’’ She asked, placing her chin on your shoulder
‘’Yes of course babe’’ you replied
As you grabbed the remote, Dami let her hand snake up to your jaw, turning you towards her so she could kiss your lips
‘’I missed you’’
‘’I can tell’’ you teased, making you both giggle
The both of you stayed this way for a while, Dami did not let go of you for the rest of the day.
She seemed to sometimes try to not make it obvious though, following a bit late after you. And you’d always end up with her arms around you if you took too much time outside her room.
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Gahyeon was so stressed for today. The music video recording would finally end after 3 consecutive days but her final scene, where a stunt was planned, would be recorded today.
Luckily, everything went well and the filming ended quite early, against all expectations.
Finally feeling the stress leaving her body, she let herself flop on the backstage lounge’s sofa. She breathed out and drank some water. She looked over at her phone and saw your name, remembering her that you were on your way to pick her up.
With all the stress she had been through, she almost forgot the sole reason why she had been motivated to get up this morning~ the fact that she’d spend the night at your place tonight.
Although she was exhausted after filming, she felt excitement brew inside of her. She grabbed her phone but before she could reply to you, she heard a knock.
She looked over to the already open door to see you standing there with a proud smile.
‘’Y/n!’’ She whined ‘’come here’’ she pouted, making you giggle
You made your way to the love chair, sitting down next to her before intertwining your hand with hers.
‘’How did it go baby?’’ You looked down at her, eyes full of love
‘’It went well’’ she replied, still with a pout
‘’Im glad, I'm so proud of you’’ you hugged her tired figure.
She stayed in your arms and felt herself relax even more.
‘’You want to go home now?’’ You asked, gently cupping her face, she nodded before following you. You grabbed her things while she changed and the both of you left in your car.
She wouldn’t let go of your hand during the ride, admiring you from the side while trying not to fall asleep.
Once you arrived at your apartment. You noticed that she was sleeping. You decided on bringing her bags inside before waking her up to go in. But when you did, she whined, asking for you to carry her. You laughed before picking up and bringing her inside.
You laid her on your bed before making your way out of the room to get some water. But Gahyeon whined at you once again, obligating you to lay down next to her and offer her all the cuddles she yearned for.
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weebswrites · 1 year
feeling silly,, so same shy mc being great at speeches? specifically impromptu and debate speeches :D mc feeling all proud with their powerful voice and standing their ground ykyk? (brothers reactions to specify!)
The Demon Bros When Shy MC Is a Great Speech Giver
• When he found out from Diavolo that you were chosen to give a speech for the start of RAD’s new division on the human world, he had mixed feelings
• He knew you could do it, but was worried about the worst case scenarios
• What if you got nervous? Or people couldn’t hear you? Or they made fun of you for talking softly?
• Diavolo would hear none of it, so he told you that night of the job you’d been chosen for
• You shared his fears, but as he heard them leave your mouth, he saw how silly they were
• “MC, I honestly had the same fears, but hearing them from you, I realize that there isn’t a better human he could have chosen for the job”
• “But Luci, what if I say all the wrong things?” you look into his eyes, comforted by their warm familiarity
• “First of all, we can rehearse until you can say the speech in your sleep. And if there are any demons that have a problem with it, they’ll have me to answer to”
• When the day of the speech finally comes, you do better than you or Lucifer could have ever imagined. You get a standing ovation, and Lucifer twirls you in a hug when you greet him
Bonus: He congratulates you in his own way later that night ;)
• You have to give a speech in one of the classes you and Mammon are in together, and despite his protests, the professor refuses to let anyone work in pairs
• “Yer gonna be alright, MC. The Great Mammon will help yah, and yah can just look at meh when yer presentin’”
• You agree, and end up spending a majority of the coming days preparing with him
• After practicing behind a podium, on your own, and pointing to your slides while talking, you finally feel prepared for the big day
• Mammon goes before you, and you watch with a smile on your face as he spends the whole five minutes telling the class about different types of literature in the Devildom
• You get up to go next, and give Mammon a sly fist bump as you walk to the front of the class
• After clearing your throat, you proceed to give the best presentation of the class (deemed so by your professor and Mammon)
• He hesitates for just a moment before showering you in compliments, of which a few include giving himself partial credit)
• As president of the human world club, you aren’t a stranger to speaking in front of others
• But when you’re tasked with introducing your group during RAD’s next assembly, you start to wonder if this was more than you bargained for
• “How am I supposed to introduce learning about humans to an auditorium full of demons? The reason half of them don’t kill me on the spot is because they’re afraid of Lucifer!”
• Levi listened carefully, and when you stopped your worried ramble and sighed, he put his hands on your shoulders
• “MC, take a deep breath” he instructs, and you obey
• “Your club members will be on stage with you, right? So you won’t be alone. Feel their presence with you on stage while you’re talking, and look for Lucifer and Diavolo in the front row for comfort. You’ll be okay”
• You nodded, picturing yourself in that moment, and agreed
• “Yeah, you’re right. I won’t be alone, that’s really what matters”
• When the day comes, your nerves melt away as you follow Levi’s advice, finding your friends in the crowd and even inviting your club members to stand in line with you, rather than behind
• You do great, and Levi throws you a small celebration in his room that night where you watch the latest episode of the anime you’re watching together and snack
• He acts surprised when you say you’re nervous to present a summary of your first x years in the Devildom to a panel, but you can tell he’s surprised too
• “I get why it’s needed, I guess, I just don’t get why it has to be such a big ordeal. I’d much rather write a paper about it or just tell Diavolo in a meeting”
• “I agree, but there’s nothing we can do about it,” he puts a hand on your arm, “But I’ll do anything I can to help you prepare”
• You thank him, and work on a draft of your speech while he reads a book about human speech writing. You didn’t know how he even found a book abut that, but were greatful
• Within a few hours you had a draft ready, and walked to where Satan was sitting to read it to him
• He looks up, and your eyes glance at the title of his book. A light blush crosses both of your cheeks, but you ignore it as you sit next to him and read
• For the rest of the day you work on perfecting it, and surprisingly, you had a pretty solid draft by the time Lucifer hunted you down for dinner
• When the day of your meeting came, Satan walked you to the doors, and hugged you before you walked in
• As suspected, he listened in on the whole thing, and when you walked out an hour and a half later, he greeted you with a smile
• “MC! You did great! Especially answering the follow-up questions they asked, you sounded confident!’
• He definitely bragged to his brothers about how amazing you did
• He was just as surprised as you were when Simeon came with a message that Michael wanted to hear about your time in the Devildom
• And that you’d be staying for a few days
• You we’re relieved that Simeon and Luke would be with you, but you spent the days until you left with Asmo, trying to figure out how to describe your activities in the Devildom to *the* Michael
• “Just be honest, he’ll be able to tell if you’re lying, after all. And anything you don’t want to be completely truthful about, you can tell a half truth”
• You spend a bit practicing half truths, using examples of parties or late night rendezvous that you didn’t think Michael would want to know about
• You were only gone for a few days, but Asmodeus was more worried than he expected himself to be at your absence
• He spent most of the time in his bath, trying to soothe his nerves
• When you finally returned a few days later, you and Simeon spent an exciting dinner filling Asmo in on how you perfectly told Michael exactly what he wanted to hear
• He gave you a big hug, and the next day you were treated to a bath, massage, face and body scrub, or anything else your heart desired
• You honestly could have cried when he asked you to talk in his human world cultures class because you were his family and there wasn’t anyone he’d rather present with than you
• You remembered that he’d talked to you before about your voice, so one day while preparing you asked if he was sure he wanted you to present with
• “MC,” h turned to look at you, “like I said before, you’re family to me, and an actual human. There’s no one I would feel more confident in or comfortable with than you”
• Again, you could be brought to tears by Beel’s words
• You nod, “Okay, I just wanted to make sure. Thank you, Beel” you say as you give him a kiss on the cheek
• You practice and practice, even presenting to the rest of the brothers the night before your presentation to get audience feedback
• The day comes, your confidence building off of each others, and you can tell the other demons and professor are engaged and enjoying your presentation the whole time
• After class, Beel gives you a high five and congratulates you. “Really, MC, I knew we’d do well, but I’m so happy with how it turned out” :)
• He asks you to talk to Lucifer about what he and the brothers were planning for his birthday, since even you’d been left out of the details
• You accept the mission, and spend a bit preparing how to get Lucifer to reveal information without realizing it
• When you both think you’re ready, you walk to Lucifer’s office and knock
• For two hours you chat with him, dancing around the topic of Belphie and what the plans were for his birthday, Lucifer refusing to say a single thing
• Eventually you scowl at him, curse him for being so tight lipped, and leave
• You jump when you open the doors and Belphie is standing right there, but laugh a bit when you realize he’d been listening in the whole time
• “Well, MC, we tried. You really spoke up, too. I wasn’t expecting such a powerful performance, but if Lucifer won’t give in at that, I doubt he would for anything”
• You laugh, “Thanks, Belphie. I gave it my all, I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what happens”
• You walk back to his room together, debating if any of the other brothers would have information they’d let slip, or if Lucifer’s punishment for digging would be more harm than it was worth
A/N: I don’t know why I decided to give each brother a unique situation for MC to be giving a speech in but it happened lol
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malkahpariyz · 2 months
The Difference Between A Saint & A Sinner
Those of us who know the Hebrew scripture know that it is said; that we are all sinners saved by grace. This is the truest mindset of a real saint, who is humble and knows that they themselves struggle with the temptations of the flesh and only by grace (the nature of God) are we truly saved.
But let me tell you the full idea of what this means and the difference between a saint and a sinner.
Strive to be a saint, and do not be confused into thinking you cannot reach such a status of holiness. Do not let the fact and truth that we all sin, trick you into not striving for sainthood.
Yes, we are all sinners in the sense that we all commit some form of sin throughout our lives. But the terms saint and sinner exist for a reason and there is a difference between a saint and a sinner for a reason.
If you are on the true path of righteousness and you are in the TRUE way of God, then you are to be considered a saint.
A sinner is someone who goes out of their way to sin, and delights in sin only and/or mostly, and refrains from being in righteousness at all or does not make a conscious effort to be in righteousness.
A saint is a righteous person whom is devoted to righteousness and holiness in Gods name but is simply not a perfect being (as none of us are) and makes the mistake of sinning at times throughout their life, but is saved and redeemed by the grace, understanding, forgiveness, and love of YAH & their love and fealty to YAH. As believing alone is not enough to truly please YAH, you will be saved by grace in believing the truth of YAH but you must be in The Way & The Spirit as well to truly delight Gods heart and make Him overjoyed with knowing that His children truly abide in Him and obey all His commands and guidances. God designed worship. Worship was designed for us to submit to Him and glorify in a way that appeases and pleases only Him. Our faith practices that we do in the name of the Lord is a form of our worship that comes in a multitude of forms.
Believe & Submit; at the same time, this is what ushers in sainthood in YAHs name.
We all continuously sin throughout life, sometimes without even knowing we have in an instance or another. This is why knowing that you are ultimately saved by grace alone is essential to understanding your God YAHUAH, your faith that you chose to serve God with, and your salvation.
The reason the Saints of the Bible are called saints and not sinners is due to their sheer will and hunger to be in Christ and Christ’s ways (the Way of God) and for the favor, grace, and mercy God gives them through their obedience to Him only and abiding in Him only.
To be a saint, is to be a sinner that truly abides in & obeys God only, and in turn are saved by the pleasing of God and the love God has for them. If you are someone truly after Gods heart and Gods way, you are to be considered a Saint. Even if you are not perfect in your step, but your walk hungers for the footsteps of God YAHUAH & Messiah Yahusha (Jesus Christ).
Exodus 15:26
And he said, “If you will diligently listen to the LORD your God’s voice, and will do that which is right in his eyes, and will pay attention to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have put on the Egyptians; for I am the LORD who heals you.”
• for this scripture stands to say that abide in Him (YAHUAH our ELOHIYM) and you will be spared and saved.
- The Modest Blog | Paris Dior
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yahsheartcry · 7 months
"If you love Me, obey My commandments."
Many Believers say that they love Me, but their words are empty, and without love for Me. I desire those who actually desire Me and delight in Me as much as I desire and delight in them. I shouldn't have to put all the work into our relationship, and not receive any love in return.
If you were in a physical relationship with someone, and you ignored that person and treated him or her like you do with Me, that person would leave and want nothing more to do with you. It's not kind, and it's not how you treat someone who you claim to love.
The best way to show someone that you love them, is by finding out what his or her love language is (see The 5 Love Languages). Not everyone receives or gives love the same way. For example, I give others love through gifts and through words of affirmation. I receive love through physical touch, and love letters, or other romantic means. My husband, on the other hand, gives love through actions, and receives love through physical touch. So.....everyone is different. With Yah (G-d), He gives love unconditionally to those who He considers to be His kids, and He receives love by way of us being obedient to His Word. If you claim to be a child of the Most High, then you need to learn how to love your King. He loves being loved through your obedience to His desires.
How are we supposed to be obedient? What does it mean to be obedient to His Word and voice? We are supposed to be obedient by listening to what He has instructed us to do by reading His Word, and listening to what the Holy Spirit has told us to do. To be obedient to His Word and His voice means that we get rid of all the distractions around us, spend time with Him in His presence, and really tune in to listen to His voice, awaiting to see what He has to say. When I first started to do this with Yah, I literally had to plan out my day, setting aside time to spend time with Him. I was at a Women's Retreat in Texas, which was called Hearts of Beauty (which I highly suggest). Every morning, before we would have service, I would go down to the pier, and spend time with Him. I would sing to Him. I would talk to Him. I would just love being with Him. When I left there, I had to make sure that I kept up that schedule, so I continued to pray outside every morning, and then, outside every night. I would read His Word, and just listen to worship and praise music to help me get into His presence. I absolutely loved spending time with Him! For everyone else, your time with Him might be different, and that's okay. Just know that He desires and delights in you. He loves to spend time with you! He just wants to know that you want Him too!
He also has a set list of things that He is NOT okay with at all. Some might call these the 10 Commandments; however, there are so much more than just the 10. There are actually 613 commandments that He has given us; however, not all of them are for us to follow. They are all very important. The problem is, that there have been some Believers who were taught that the Old Covenant (Old Testament) is no longer relevant. But, that couldn't be further from the case. Why would Yah give us something to read, and then, say it wasn't important anymore? He wouldn't! He does not change...AT ALL!!!! You want to know who does change? People! People change, and people have added and deleted things from Scripture, without people realizing it. It started a very long time ago. The Roman Catholic church is one of the governing bodies which have done a very good job in adding and taking away from Scripture, in order to meet their agenda. In fact, every denomination that was created by man, have done this. That is why pastors are held in a much more stricter regard with Yah, is because they are supposed to teach His kids His words. If they are not doing it the way He wants (The Truth, and not their truth), then that is where the problem lies. Yah does not tolerate pride or rebellion or even disobedience to His Word, yet the Body of Christ have continued to believe "The Church" over G-d every time. G-d is NOT pleased with the Body of Christ. He is tired of the Body being abused by those who claim to be teaching them His Word, His Truth. That is why things have not been going smoothly is because of that. The Body of Christ would much rather believe people's lies, manipulations and twisted truth, over Him. It's a domestic violence relationship that could end very badly depending on bad it keeps going.
All Yah wants is to show His kids how much He loves them, but the problem is that they don't even know what it means to be loved anymore. They don't even know what love is. They know what the world's definition of love is, but not G-d's. G-d's definition is the most important anyways. It won't be until they learn what G-d's love is like, or even how to love themselves again, that they start to learn their value and their worth. Once this is done, they will desire real love and not fake love. G-d will be desired once again. In the meantime, He is getting frustrated and tired of waiting on people who have no desire in wanting His real love, but only want the fake love that is temporary and means nothing. This is very much a sad situation. People have chosen to make fake love an idol, and will do anything to get it, but they won't spend time with the One who created them to love in the first place. I can only imagine how frustrating that must be for Yah!
All He wants is us...to love Him...and not just for Him to love us. Being in a relationship is work, and it takes effort from both parties. Not just from Him. If your life isn't going so hot, maybe take a step back and see how your relationship with Yah is. If you aren't putting in much effort and work, then I would say up your efforts. He doesn't want lukewarm love or even cold love. He wants the ones who want to go all in, and are on fire for Him! If we are being honest with ourselves, we would want that too!
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confessmau · 1 year
Hello, yes, this is the same person who wrote that immense analysis of Derek yesterday and I've returned with more of my thoughts on him.
(This was a topic I randomly sprung up on Discord in a close friends server)
Honestly, Derek's anger issues resonated with me. I definitely do not grow as pissed as he frequently would, but, the mood swings. One wrong step and his mood shifts, he's completely distraught and unable to deal with everybody on a personal level. Because why would that matter anymore? His goals and frustrations are the only push and he sticks with those until relief hits(aka anybody that disagrees with what he believes to be the only way). He hates(or fears, perhaps both) whenever a situation does not go his way, that causes irritability and clear irrationality.
He wants the path to stay straight, how he had intended it to be. How he had wanted it to be. Aaron doesn't heed his rules and strictly keep to them and this man snaps because it'll never be a "he should listen"——instead it's "HE NEEDS TO LISTEN". I think that is what a ton of people missed due to Jess's not-so-good writing.
This mixture of anger and pure fear that if Aaron never obeyed, he'd end up the exact same way that he did. Or how his father did.
I really wish Jess ventured into the area of Derek's pattern of thinking, and I always grow so upset when that never become reality in the series. When you seriously look into Derek's character and as tedious as that may be, he's depressing. Whatever his father chose to do as a parent really screwed this guy up and made him become who he is in the present. And while that's his fault in a large capacity, I can't not blame his father for parenting awfully, too.
... I want to mention one more thing before I head to bed. Rowan and Derek's conversation in When Angels Fall, some viewed this as R straight up lying to Derek's face and I simply can't find myself agreeing. /nbr /lh
First thing Derek opened with. "Rowan, was.. I a good dad?" — "In your opinion, how did I do?" And this is so damn significant. R literally states that had been the last sentence Derek's father asked him(Rowan) on the day his death occured. Rowan isn't saying "yeah I think you abusing your child was the best shit yah ever done" he is expressing that Derek did what he could. With what he had, what he learned, what he went through:: "Even if it meant playing the bad guy." Going forward with explaining how strong he goddamn was and had been so for years, constantly fighting through the worst hardships. And when Derek expresses his suppressed daddy issues, Rowan is quick to not exactly disagree but express how much his father seriously loved him. I'm not entirely certain if others viewed that as an invalidating response, but these two seem incredibly close, have a bond, and trust. If anybody had the right of saying those words, sorry, but that person would be Rowan. I still wish that Derek and Rowan had a less bittersweet discussion than this however, they deserved better. The entire Lycan family deserved better.
Okok I am done with my humongous rants, and please do remember this was how I interrupted these scenes and characters. Completely fine if nobody else agrees. I'm going to try and rest now so my cold jumps off a cliff, goodnight or good morning to anyone seeing this 💕💕
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Balad of  Princess Marianne Moconnle ( A tale of a ticklish girl and a Pirate Queen.)
(singing a shanty ) 
If ye be a fan of tickle tales and a fan of Pirates ahoy,
Then listen now to our ditty of a Lass deserving of greaty Pitty as she lived her life a Toy.
Marianne McConnel the 5th an Irish coastal fair Princess would destined one fateful day to a life of distress when she caught the Pirate Queen’s Eye.
Marianne was daughter of a Noble and lived in a castle by the sea, she was quite fair and quite the sight to all that pass by~
And on top of her beauty her angelic voice could catch the ear, but she was also born extremely ticklish and had the most alluring laugh I fear.
And of course her family was loaded, Oh the riches they had could make anyone drool, but they didn’t keep it all in their castle by the sea for they were not fools. The ocean was crawling with thieves and monsters galore. Sadly they kept their greatest treasure in their castle, a ticklish princess with many areas to explore.
At the time  Captian Olivia Vindicen also known as Captain Ollie wasn’t thinking of frisky thoughts, she was thinking of how much  the beloved princess would worth in ransom if she was ever caught.
So she stormed the castle late one night, climbed onto the patio leading to Marriane’s room, The girl of 17 was to far asleep to take in the fright of what would be her doom. By 
the time the Lass younge even knew what was happening , she was gazeing back her soft bed as she was wisked away. Tied up on Ollies ship in strappings she cried out as they sailed out the bay.
Two Months pass and on a secluded Island Mairanne  was suspended over a lava pit, with her ankles shackled close to land. Her heart sank low into her chest feeling like a bird of spit as the Pirate queen solemnly read the paper in her hand.
 Marianne’s family had been killed by a rebellion, and the new people in charge refused to pay for her return The Captain said “Well Lass I’m going to make you cry even worse and have some fun before I let yah Burn. You know few months I had some slaves but they done ran away. My crew is made of nothing but monsters I get no thills from them safe to say. A couple of girls were in my brig and I drove them mad with laughter cause they were ticklish. I’m gonna test you out and then drop you to your death, no one’s coming to save so don’t waist your breath”
Marian was crying from her loss, her ma and pa and siblings were gone.
No one was coming to save her from her demise, she called for help but no one was coming to answer her cries. Then the captain kneeled down onto the ground, and spread her fingers with nails so sharp. Marianess wail of sorrow suddenly became a differant sound as her soles were played like a harp. Captain Ollie, poked and prodded the lass’s soles and mocked her for being spoiled so soft. But her heart was skipping a beat as the Princess squirmed on the pole laughing her heart out while aloft
“Have pitty on me” the Princess cried” If I have no worth just let me go, I lost everything anyways pfft haha heehee hoho! Someone please Help me, is anyone out there!” Captain Ollie responded” I like you laugh lass but don’t waist your breath when you can just be lauging cause no one else is here.”
Hours had passed and Marrien’s feet where free but she held them high high as  she had been lowered down so low. The girl began to utter out  a brand new plee as her life was on the line “ I thought you said you liked my laugh are  Bored already of me ,How about a deal if you want more fun.  I beg  if ye spare my life, show this orphan girl mercy. I’ll let you  have your way ,you can have me as a slave, if that’s what you want?”
Captain Ollie looked back and snearede , ear to ear and commaned her crew hoist the Princesses out. Mairanne hanged her head as she was told to march  and there was nothing else she could do but obey and pout.
And once she back at the ship and they pulled out from shore. She gulped and bit her lip  as She was shown the tools and implements her mistress had instore. 
Marianne was tortured in the captains, quarters, in the brig, aloft on deck. For the next 7 years of her life she  was a play thing. Oliie gave Marian hell, tickling her ribs, belly, feet and everywhere else and kept her in Check, tickling her to tears and wreck as she never got enough of Marianne's laughing.
She made Mariann flustered, as she’d even nibbled her ears, and thanks to brushes and pinwheels that  ravaged her soles and ribs she taught Marianne fear.
At least the food was good, when Marianne was a hostage she only got to eat monster food until her belly ached and she was in misery. but she was spoiled like the princess she was when she became a slave, Ollie fed her well and kept her healthy. But  Oliie was still a Pirate who had to steal and fight. and when she was angry she was a blight. Before when she needed something to relieve her stress, she’d abused and beat up her crew. But now that she had a slave the fair Princess, Marianna would have to relieve her and Ollie’s anger always amplified the abuse. 
Marrian would be humilated and tickled with no breaks and when Ollie was angry the tickles were never soft. The Pirate Queen would always punish her with more than she could take leaving the poor girl to tired to ever talk.
But Queen Ollie loved Marianne’s laughter and she loved to feel in power. making that girl squeal and exercise her loungs, and punshing her like everything was her faught and make her cower.
but she over time would let Marianne walk about free and taught her to use the sword. she felt no threat from the lass as she, had monsters to help her to remind Marrian who was lord. And she wanred Marrian about  2 slaves she had who she loved to torture day and night. but then they tried to escape when they were close to sirens and are presumed dead and Eaton much to her own blite. And Marian better not ever plot on escaping because if she’s captured alive, Queen Ollie would see to it she never got away again and she’ll wish wasn’t alive. Queen Ollie herself was a beauty to see but she was hated by many men She had stolen and murdered and done so much the warrent on her head was Eight Thousand and Ten.
One night Marrianne spotted a navy ship  as she and Ollie were on an island nearby. She saw her chance and took a flare and ran off into the night. She ran for miles to reach a peak and saw the ship not far from shore and set off the flare to summon them that they may come for her. And the flare flew high up in the sky and lit up above the clouds, lighting up the island and see’s for miles that it could never hide in a misty shroud. The ship seem to turn around to come that way and she ran down to the bay. seh was over joyed and she be Free! They take away across the sea! But cannon balls flew at the ship and Marrian’s heart sank when before it had been a skip.
The Ship sailed away away and Marrian was sad and shed a tear, but at least the Atacks Missed. Then her eyes grew as she saw a familiar silowet and slowly turned her head and her blood ran cold with fear. Her captain was pearing down at her. And Ollie looked extremely Pissed.
It was late night and Marianne was in the captain's sweet. ankle shackled to the bed, a Bag over  her head. a Cat nine tails layed on the table ready for a flogging on seventy nine lashes.  there was also branding iron and A sowing needle layed to a pair of eye patches. a Sword for her hands a hammer for a feet and scissors for her hair! Marrian was scared! She cried in the room as Ollie was on deck and drunk, she feared what her captain was going to do to her now. At least the navy from before hadn’t sunk but who was going to save her now? Would Ollie realy go through with all her threats, would even be given a change to beg? Marian sobbed as right about now she’d rather be tickled on her tummy or legs.
Now as Ollie was partying with her monster crew they were far to distracted. Oliie was thinking of  dragging Marian out to party  and be tortured despite how she acted.  She never saw the navy creeping in but wasn’t the same one as before is was captain Gunther Blake who wanted revenge. He has a score to settle Captain Olivia Inidocen and on the cover of night was gonna get it. Before Ollie knew what hit her she was already dead as a cannon ball flying threw night air swiftly truck her in the head. Or did it get her in the back? we aren’t for sure what we do know it saved Marianne from a else friendly torture. Captain Gunther bordered the ship and his crew slew the monsters and as he entered the captaines Quarters to see what riches he can fondle there he saw tied near the bed was Marianne Mconnle. And My friends. Marianne was able to bargain for her life with Captain Gunther as well for she knew how to cook. and so with him Miss Mcconnle the captain had took. And you know something folks Marriane did well on his ship. she wasn’t tortured atleast and had dignity and even taken Ollies clothes for self. She wasn’t interested in any of her old master’s wealth. but what she  was allowed to have would help  her on newer adventures she was in.be it on land or be it sailing. Though you know she never realy hated being tickled per say, she won’t mind you  doing it so long as your gentle, I guess all those days trapped with Ollie made that tickling rather sentimental. But will she ever wind up in a similar situation again, well right now I can’t say. Anything else to be said can be said another day~.
(song ends)
Now folks if ye be interested in this tale and be wanting to know more all I can say is your free to tell your own tales if you want about Marrian Mconnle being in ticklish situations. I mean this here be but a Ballad telling her story but sadly I didn’t have room for all the juicy parts. Captain Ollie liked to make things rough and awkward for her captives though. Feel free to ask me , Marrian, Ollivia, or even Gunther any questions you might have. If none well hope you all had your fun and hope you enjoyed the show, avast me hardies and anchoes away FAIR WELL!
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postie974 · 2 months
“But prove yourselves doers of the word [actively and continually obeying YAH’S precepts], and not merely listeners [who hear the word but fail to internalize its meaning], deluding yourselves [by unsound reasoning contrary to the truth].”
‭‭James‬ ‭1‬:‭22
HalleluYAH 🙌
Accept Yahshua (The Word) as your MESSIAH & SAVIOUR, confess & repent from your sins believing in Him accepting His gift of Salvation. You WILL be saved through grace by faith in HIM!
I AM The Way👆
The Truth 🙏
And The Life 🙌
I know that I have broken Your laws and my sins have separated me from You. I am truly sorry, I now want to turn away from my past sinful life and repent. Forgive me, and help me avoid sinning again. I believe that Your Son, Yahshua died for my sins, was resurrected from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer. I invite Yahshua to become the RULER of my life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. Send your Ruach haKodesh to help me obey You, doing Your will for the rest of my life. In Yahshua’s Name Amen.
The Hebrew names of our MESSIAH, ELOHIM and SAVIOUR
YHWH aka YAHWEH aka Heavenly Father
— Brother Mark —
#creation #love #fourteeners #natsarim #theearlychurch #faith #mercy #grace #trustinyahweh #praiseyahweh #worshipyahweh #luni_solar_sabbath #metonic_cycle #creationcalendar #trinity #halleluyah #ruachhakodesh#ruachofyahweh #yhwh#yahweh #elohim #fatheryahweh #theword #yahshua #saviour #savedbyyahshua #discipleofyahshua
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faithofyahyah · 11 months
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❤YAH❤ loves you so much
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600shekels · 1 year
2 Chronicles 23: 1-3. "The Token."
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23 In the seventh year Jehoiada showed his strength. He made a covenant with the commanders of units of a hundred: Azariah son of Jeroham, Ishmael son of Jehohanan, Azariah son of Obed, Maaseiah son of Adaiah, and Elishaphat son of Zikri. 
2 They went throughout Judah and gathered the Levites and the heads of Israelite families from all the towns. When they came to Jerusalem, 
3 the whole assembly made a covenant with the king at the temple of God.
Jehoiada is themost important concept a Jew can come to appreciate about his place in human civilization- how he is a partner with God and the angels in the forging of all that is fantastic on the surface of this splendid world. To accept the honor is called the Seventh Year, also called Shaba Da'at. "Satisfied with the evidence." It comes from this word Jehoiada and its participles:
Jehoiada means "Yah da Da'at" God knows and enchants everything.
The verb ידע (yada') means both to know and to have intimate relations (Genesis 4:1, Judges 11:39). Knowledge equals familiarity with truth, which in turn is the only thing all people can agree on, which in turn promotes the search for agreement and modes of expression (rather than mere data). The Bible holds all knowledge in the highest regard. God, after all, is both a God of knowledge (Jeremiah 3:15) and love (1 John 4:7).
Since all truth relates to the Word of God, wisdom begins with the reverence of the Creator (Proverbs 1:7) and learning equals love-making within a marital relation with the Creator (Isaiah 54:5).
Nouns דעה (dea), דע (dea') and דעת (da'at) all mean knowledge. Nouns ידעני (yidde'oni), מודע (moda') and מדעת (moda'at) describe familiarity or kinship.
There are one hundred aspects of Jehoida, or blessings, that are rolled up into these subheaders called "commanders" which are like line items you have to initial in a much more extensive lease Agreement:
Azariah son of Jeroham,
"What God grasps, is conveyed lovingly between parents and offspring."
Verb רחם (raham) means to love deeply or have mercy, and commonly reflects the attentions of a superior toward an inferior (parents to children, God to people). It appears to derive from the noun רחם (rehem), womb.
Noun רחמים (rahamim) means compassions or tender mercies and adjective רחום (rahum) means compassionate.
Ishmael son of Jehohanan,
"Who listens, obeys and response gives of God's Grace freely,
Azariah son of Obed,
Grasps the need to be the follower, the dreamer first,
Maaseiah son of Adaiah,
And takes refuge in the Place of Meeting
and Elishaphat son of Zikri. 
Follows the Ordinances and Customs and reproduces everything he learns from other men. ווף.
The verb זכר (zakar) means to remember, to deliberately review, or to cause to remember or review — by means of public oration, urging and pleading, physical memorials, and so on.
Noun זכר (zeker) means remembrance, memory, memorial or invocation. Noun זכרון (zikkaron) or זכרן (zikkaron) denotes a memorial or token — a memorial day, altar-plates, stones, crowns, books, proof of citizenship, even spoils of war. Noun אזכרה ('azkara) refers to a memorial-offering.
Noun זכור (zakur) and noun and adjective זכר (zakar) mean male. This noun denotes the male of humans and animals, and marvelously illustrates the parallel between sexual reproduction and the learning process, which is so overly prevalent in the Bible.
This word Zikri, the pervasivness of what we know versus over what we war is due to the presence of our public education system. The presence of one and the absence of the other is what brings Yah Da'at to fruition.
It must influence every human being in some way from the moment a newborn exits the womb and must be available lifelong if the 100 Blessings God promised every Jew forthwith are to be fathomed.
The king before Johoiada was a cabbage and showed no promise or aptitude for government, even self-government by age 22 because he didn't have it at age 21, or 20, nor the year before that.
He died very much the way he was raised, as an outcast.
To be incast is to follow the steepest traditions for education and employment as possible. After Solomon passed away, this tradition stopped and some of the most horrendous wars in history were fought. Starting with the Pelopponesian Wars, to which this document is almost certainly a response:
The Peloponnesian War, 431-404 BCE reshaped the ancient Greek world. On the level of international relations, Athens, the strongest city-state in Greece prior to the war's beginning, was reduced to a state of near-complete subjection, while Sparta became established as the leading power of Greece.
The economic costs of the war were felt all across Greece: poverty became widespread in the Peloponnese, while Athens was completely devastated and never regained its pre-war prosperity.[2]
The war also wrought subtler changes to Greek society: the conflict between democratic Athens and oligarchic Sparta, each of which supported friendly political factions within other states, made war a common occurrence in the Greek world. 
Ancient Greek warfare, meanwhile, originally a limited and formalized form of conflict, was transformed into an all-out struggle between city-states, complete with atrocities on a large scale.
Shattering religious and cultural taboos, devastating vast swathes of countryside, and destroying whole cities, the Peloponnesian War marked the dramatic end to the fifth century BC and the golden age of Greece.[4]
Recall the Tanakh stated God would never turn the lights out on humanity so long as the People of David were alive, because so long as they are, there is a chance all the violence and war will come to a permanent end. The proof of concept for this, its inception depends on how much faith we have in this token God has given us.
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thegenealogy · 1 year
1 Chronicles 24: 6-19. "Delaiah, the Door of Yah."
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6 The scribe Shemaiah son of Nethanel, a Levite, recorded their names in the presence of the king and of the officials:
Shemaiah="The group of listeners."
The verb שמע (shama') means to hear and may also mean to understand or obey. Noun שמע (shema') means sound. Nouns שמע (shoma') and שמועה (shemu'a) mean tidings, report or mentions. Noun השמעות (hashma'ut) describes that which is caused to be heard. Noun משמע (mishma') means rumor or a thing heard. Noun משמעת (mishma'at) refers to a group or listeners.
Nethaniel, a Levite= "Gifts from the gifted", retained by the culture through transmission as innovations in the ways human beings hone themselves.
נתן The shape-shifting verb נתן (natan) means to give in a broad bouquet of senses, from regular giving or bestowing, to setting or putting, to transforming one thing or situation into another.
This verb's three nouns מתן (mattan), מתנה (mattana) and מתת (mattat) all mean gift, again broadly ranging from a regular present to an offering to an innate talent (being "gifted").
Zadok the priest, Ahimelek son of Abiathar and the heads of families of the priests and of the Levites—one family being taken from Eleazar and then one from Ithamar.
Zadok=A brave young man, a Tzaddik, the Most Just.
Ahimelek= "Sovereigns and their citizens."
Abiathar=Ab Yatar, The Tie That Binds
Eleazar= Groups of people that help each other
Ithamar= Sign post or pillar of immense prosperity
"The Sovereign Nation that is led by its most noble young persons contains the Tie That Binds, a sign that the community is supportive of itself."
Now begins the instructions in the making of the Zadok and the Tie that Binds:
7 The first lot fell to Jehoiarib, "Yah contends with..."
the second to Jedaiah [Yah hod], "those who are humble before him."
8 the third to Harim, "the Consigned..."
the fourth to Seorim, "Barley, Goats, Hairy Ones"
9 the fifth to Malkijah, "Prophets, priests, and the king..."
the sixth to Mijamin, "recruited right out of the Right Side..."
10 the seventh to Hakkoz, [hazaq arpazo] "strong ones, snatched away..."
the eighth to Abijah, "whom Yah has fathered..."
11 the ninth to Jeshua, "who cried out for salvation..."
the tenth to Shekaniah, "who depart from the frogs of Egypt..."
12 the eleventh to Eliashib, "reversed their motions..."
the twelfth to Jakim, "and rose up, they stood..."
13 the thirteenth to Huppah, "and protected the people..."
the fourteenth to Jeshebeab, "by returning East from the West, and then proceeding West from the East..."
14 the fifteenth to Bilgah, "annihilating..."
the sixteenth to Immer, "the talkers..."
15 the seventeenth to Hezir, "by being of sharp mind..."
the eighteenth to Happizzez, "and scattering the calves..."
16 the nineteenth to Pethahiah, "speaking hospitably before the mouth is opened..."
the twentieth to Jehezkel, [yah hazaq] "with the courage and strength of Yah.."
17 the twenty-first to Jakin, "He Establishes, He Will Give Certainty..."
the twenty-second to Gamul, "by making progress from fledgling to maturity..."
18 the twenty-third to Delaiah, "through the Door of Yah..."
and the twenty-fourth to Maaziah, "and to safety."
19 This was their appointed order of ministering when they entered the temple of the Lord, according to the regulations prescribed for them by their ancestor Aaron, as the Lord, the God of Israel, had commanded him.
To protect the hairy boy, an adolescent who is trying to become a man, even from the ravages of the Law is the job of a very special kind of Kohen called a Tzaddik.
Protection from all threats to a young Jew's self-esteem and ability to recognize God's Hand, the knitting work of His Fingers in all things, all times and places is the sacred consignment of this very special guide God calls upon out of the race of the Jewish people.
The greatest of their duties, as the Tanakh says, is the utter annihilation of all the voices of heretics, liars, slanderers, and false reports on the interior of the mind and in the world.
Recall also this section covers the Age of Solomon and the text mentions prophets, priests, and kings all bear the responsibilities of the Tzaddik and must collaborate on the creation of a refuge for the people of the kingdom from all the causes of harm, including the Sovereign and His State itself.
The people are expected to assist. The reasoning as the letters say is to take advantage of the resources available from collections of people- aka the government- that individuals are incapable of providing by themselves.
The Most High has not since recalled this Directive. His happiness depends on ours, and ours is interdependent with the ways others prospect their way through life. All we can say we really have in common as unique individuals is this Divine Law contained in the Torah, which explains how we should to it with the utmost propriety.
If we agree to do it on these terms first, what is left to our human providence will surely result in immediate and lasting success. We underestimate the power of the Laws of Noah and Moses to protect us from falling prey to transgression.
Do not slander, do not lie, do not be unfaithful or corrupt; we resist these things and give them none of the power over ourselves that is necessary if we plan to have God's grace in our lives. Let us begin by speaking well of it.
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bookoformon · 1 year
2 Nephi Chapter 21. "Yah Exists."
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The stem of Jesse (Christ) will judge in righteousness—The knowledge of God will cover the earth in the Millennium—The Lord will raise an ensign and gather Israel—Compare Isaiah 11. About 559–545 B.C.
1 aAnd there shall bcome forth a rod out of the cstem of Jesse, "Yah Exists" and a dbranch shall grow out of his roots.
2 And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord;
3 And shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the Lord; and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears.
4 But with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the cmeek of the earth; and he shall dsmite the earth with the erod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked.
5 And arighteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faithfulness the girdle of his reins.
6 The awolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid, and the calf and the young lion and fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.
7 And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together; and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.
8 And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice’s den.
9 They shall anot hurt nor bdestroy in all my holy mountain, for the cearth shall be full of the dknowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.
10 And in that day there shall be a aroot of Jesse, which shall stand for an ensign of the people; to it shall the bGentiles seek; and his crest shall be glorious.
11 And it shall come to pass in that day that the Lord shall set his hand again the asecond time to recover the remnant of his people which shall be left, from bAssyria "the Leveler" and from Egypt, "Temple of Speech" and from Pathros, "South, place of interpretation" and from Cush, "burnt up, Southernmost" and from Elam, "to be hidden" and from cShinar, "intense emotion from the experience of violence" and from Hamath, "to protect or surround" and from the islands of the sea.
=Other Jews.
"The Lord will stretch forth His hand in the New Epoch and recover what is left from the leveling and the propaganda and take them South, to the Southernmost, and hidden from the intense emotion from the experience of violence, the Jew shall surround and the rest."
12 And he shall set up an aensign for the nations, and shall assemble the boutcasts of Israel, and cgather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.
13 The aenvy of Ephraim also shall depart, and the adversaries of Judah shall be cut off; Ephraim shall not benvy cJudah, and Judah shall not vex Ephraim.
"All jealousy and strife will end, and the adversaries of prosperity, shall no longer vex God or man."
14 But they shall fly upon the shoulders of the aPhilistines towards the west; they shall spoil them of the east together; they shall lay their hand upon bEdom and cMoab; and the children of Ammon shall obey them.
"The weakeners shall be enlightened by the Commitments and Traditions and the children of listeners shall obey them."
15 And the Lord shall utterly adestroy the tongue of the Egyptian sea; and with his mighty wind he shall shake his hand over the river, and shall smite it in the seven streams, and make men go over dry shod.
16 And there shall be a highway for the remnant of his people which shall be left, from Assyria, like as it was to Israel in the day that he came up out of the land of Egypt.
What is left after the stubble is leveled and the Egyptian Sea is surpassed is the Nile, the River of Life. After the wind separates the man from the boy, and lies on the other side of the Seven Days is called the remnant. It what remains at the end of the 7th Day and Jacob's Dream becomes reality and Israel takes his place.
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a23n7l19y79 · 2 years
❤️ Ancient Truth of ELOHIM ❤️ taught by the END TIME MESSENGER of ELOHIM - Seraphim Samuel. 🔑🔐:
The Greater Judgement & Wrath of ELOHIM is here.⚡⚡⚡
📢📣 Exodus 23:23 - "Behold I (YAHUWAH) send an Angel (Archangel Samuel) before thee, to keep thee in THE WAY, and to bring thee into the place, which I (YAHUWAH) have prepared. Beware of him and obey his voice, provoke him not, for he will not pardon your transgressions; for My Holy Name (YAHUWAH) is in him."
📢📣 Malachi 3:1-3 - "I (YAHUWAH) will send My Messenger (Archangel Samuel), who will prepare THE WAY before Me. Then suddenly YAHUWAH whom you are seeking will come to His temple; The Messenger (Archangel Samuel - The 5th Angel of the Apocalypse 🌾 of the covenant, whom you desire will come," says YAHUWAH ALMIGHTY. "But who can endure the day of his comming ? Who can stand when he appears ? For he will be like a refiner's fire or a launderer's soap. He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver; he will purify the levites and refine them like goldand silver. Then YAHUWAH will have men who will bring offerings in Righteousness".
📢📣 Revelation 9:1- "And the 5th Angel sounded his trumpet and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth; and to him (Archangel Samuel 🌾- The 5th Angel of the Apocalypse) was given the key of the bottomless pit."
📢📣 Revelation 20:1 - And I saw an Angel 🌾coming down out of heaven, having the key 🔑🔐 to the Abyss (bottomless pit) and holding in his hand a great chain. He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years.
📢📣1 Thessalonions 4:16 - "For YAHUSHUA Himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout, with the voice of the Archangel (Seraphim Samuel🌾) and with the Trump of YAH; and the dead in YAHUSHUA shall rise first".
📢📣Daniel 12 : 1 - 4 "And at that time shall MIKHAEL stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book. And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever. But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end (which is now): many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased."
📢📣Jeremiah 6: 17. "Also I (YAHUWAH) set a watchmen 🌻over you, saying, Hearken to the sound of the trumpet. But they said, We will not hearken."
🔑🔐Note : --The 5th Angel is also mentioned in the Book of Enoch as the Angel of Mercy & Judgement.🌾Thats another reason why vatican removed the Book of Enoch from the bible.
🎺Archangel Samuel🌾 is a High Ranked Angel / Seraphim send by 👑ALMIGHTY ELOHIM to be born here on earth in the flesh. He is one of the Commander & Chief of the 7th Dimension. He was send by ALMIGHTY ELOHIM with a huge responsibility & a special assignment to awaken the human race to THE ANCIENT TRUTH OF ELOHIM - THE TRUE MESSAGE OF ETERNAL LOVE & RIGHTEOUSNESS & HOLINESS & REPENTANCE🌷🌿 - THE OIL OF SALVATION for our souls. He was send to bring us back to our HOLY TRIUNE ETERNAL CREATORS - THE ANCIENT OF DAYS - THE THREE WHO AGREE AS ONE - ELOHIM : 🌷🌿
Archangel Samuel 🌾 is the Trumpet of Truth🎺🎺🎺, the one & only True watchman on the wall, the 5th Angel, the Messenger, send by 👑ELOHIM to bring us back to Their Ancient Path. To him alone has been given the 🔑🔐Wisdom, the Understanding & Knowledge of the Divine Words of ELOHIM given to Prophet Daniel, which was sealed🌿📜up, but now opened to be revealed to us all in these end days, through ELOHIM'S Holy End Time Anointed & Appointed Messenger.🌾
Out of 7.8 billion people on earth, 77,777 + 144000 souls were chosen by ABBA YAHUWAH to be caught up in the CATCHING AWAY / Ascension of the Ecclessia. This is the First Fruit Harvest of WHEAT. 🌾🌾🌾
There is a Second Fruit Harvest called the RAPTURE, which comes after the 1000 days Greater Tribulation period / Total Darkness on earth, which lasts for 2 years & 3 months (23 Days of Darkness). 🌚
This RAPTURE is for those who have been LEFT BEHIND. This is the FINAL & LAST Harvest (Second Fruit Harvest of BARLEY ), 🌱🌱🌱which will happen after 1000 days of Great Depression / Greater Tribulation Period.
Please visit Seraphim Samuel page on fb.🎆
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