#literally couldnt stop thinking about this all day until i got home to get it out of my system 😭
crystallizsch · 4 months
Tsum Prefect....pls🥺👉👈
ANON. PLS. how dare u,,,, MORE TSUM BRAINROT????????
jk jk here she be :3
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anyways i assume you’re talking about yuusha bc of my most recent tsum post hngdhsfjdhk and i just went beyond the ask bc this was on my mind even before 😭
anyways im including these four too bc ive been neglecting yuuna
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these tsums just give me so much life omg
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serejae · 2 months
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pairing : bnd x reader
genre : fluff
WHAT ! - bnd when your sulky based of this lovely anon ^_^
wc : 1584 | @onedoornet
- i feel like he would be so confused if he didnt know why you were sulky
- i also feel like he would ask some light questions but wouldnt push you to answer. but if he didnt get a answer he would be so confused
- he would spend the rest of the day reflecting on what he did only to get no answer
- it isnt until night time when you both are laying by each other and arent cuddling that he speaks up because he cant sleep without your cuddles :-|
sungho got home and saw you in the kitchen doing the dishes, normally youd wait for him to come home for dinner to eat together but maybe you werent feeling it. he tried starting a conversation only to get short responses, he then asked if you were okay only to get a hum he noticed the slight pout on your face as you gave these responses. after he got freshened up he went to eat dinner alone with only his thoughts. he replayed his whole day, actually no week, maybe month. but he couldnt seem to put his finger on what you were mad at him for. as he made it to your guys room, he noticed how dark the room was letting him know that you were asleep. he sighed and laid down, and for about 30 minutes he keeps his composure before speaking up “baby..baby!” he shook you gently, you hummed tiredly wondering why your boyfriend was waking you up. “what did i do? just tell me and i’ll apologize but i really cant think of a reason hun” he said propping himself up to look at you. “you left the toilet seat up” you said as you yawned seeming to not care anymore, he groaned and pulled the covers over to his side “now im mad at you”
“made me worry for no reason” he mumbled
- riwoo is a worried man
- he’ll do everything in his power to try and calm you down so by the time you two cuddle he can get you to spill out why you were sulking
- he hates seeing anything on your face but a smile and would do anything. ANYTHING to get it off if it isnt a smile
- but hes a master manipulator like he’ll plan all this out for the perfect timing
as riwoo left the room after noticing you were not joining him in a few minutes like you said, he saw you sitting at your desk typing away on your keyboard. aside from your beautiful face he noticed the big fat pout on your lip making him furrow his eyebrows. riwoo sat on the couch behind you as you did your assignment watching the pout on your lips sit there making him form a pout on his lips as well. he didnt like seeing you bothered or upset by something, so he decided since he knew you wanted to finish this assignment that instead of stopping you he’d take some of the burden off your shoulders. he massaged your shoulders, gave your favorite snacks, and gave you a peck here and there. he could see the way your shoulders relaxed and how slowly but surely the pout on your lips disappeared. and when it finally disappeared fully he left a fat kiss on them as a celebration on his end, afterwards when you finally finish he takes you to your guys room and massages your head letting the stress rest as he listened to you complain about your day. his lips curved up when you mention how you appreciated him helping you. in response he kissed your forehead
- wee woo wee woo someone call the dramatic police !!
- HE WILL NOT SHUT THE FUCK UP!! literally blows your head off with questions before he can leave you alone
- he cannot stand you being mad at him for more than 1.36 seconds and make it 1.17 seconds if your sulky
- so as soon as he notices something off hes begging for forgiveness even if he doesnt know what he did
jaehyun couldnt LIVE with the fact tjat he made the love of his life mad like no, kill him. and he dont even get him started if he didnt know why. he has a pre generated apology in his mind ready to be said with tears and everything. he continued to follow you around the house naming all the reasons you could be mad at him even the most ridiculous. “is it cause i ate the last ice cream bar?” “or did i snore too loud” “ohhh its cause i sent too many of those emoji reactions huh?” he continued talking before you turned around “no, no and no!” “than what is ittt” he groaned stretching the ‘t’. you sighed and laid down on the couch to relax, only to feel a man ontop of you (GET OFF ME!!!!) “JAEHYUN” you shouted “tell me” he repeated and he laid ontop of you. “remember when i said i didnt like liz?” you said giving up this whole cold persona. feeling him nod you continue “you said ‘she isnt that bad!’ but your suppose to agree with anything i say and dislike anything i dislike!” it goes silent for a bit then you hear him go “OHHHHH, noted”
now hes a certified hater with you ❤️
- like sungho doesnt pester you too much about it
- but unlike sungho he doesnt ask questions but observes your moves, and once he sees the pout he knows hes OUT (laugh.)
- anyways literally spend the whole day spacing out wondering what the fuck did he do, he starts reading old conversations you both had. he makes his brain a computer system tracing back each step (while keeping a straight face)
- he folds when you two are having dinner and its silent. he canr take it anymore and ask you if he did anything wrong in the most nonchalant way he can (hes about to start tweaking)
he spent his whole shower standing there backtracking all his steps, from when he woke up to when he got home. after he got out he proceeded to stay in the bathroom and sit there for 25 minutes and 19 seconds scrolling through your messages to see if he had said something wrong trying to find a mood change for him to have to come home to a pouty partner. after finding nothing he sighed coming out of the bathroom and joins you for dinner. the dinner is silent, your peacefully eating but he pokes at his food not being able to get your sulky face out of his mind. he puts his fork down before looking at you “please tell me what i did” he said plainly trying to mask the fact that hes going to explode. you look at him and tilt your head confused, he picks up on your body language and speaks up again “i dont like seeing you pout, especially if it was something i did, did someone do something did i do something?”. he sees your face change when you realize what he was talking about “you never would believe what my mom did to me today…” you continued
he sighed out of relief realizing he didnt do anything and listened with a smile on his face enjoying his dinner.
- he would find it entertaining…(sawry)
- but definitely would take you seriously after having a little analysis in his fish brain he ask you why you were mad
- if it’s something silly hes stares at you for a bit processing it again (fish brain) and lets out a laugh making you more mad
- he composes himself and puts on serious mode. proceeds to indulge in whatever you were mad about, as long as ur happy 🔥
leehan didnt expect for the first thing that he would come home to was a sulky s/o. he had walked home to a quiet house wondering where you were, since you didnt greet him at the door like you normally did. walking into the shared bedroom he saw you wrapped in the blanket without your face visible, walking over to your side he saw you scrolling on your phone with a slight pout on your face. he chuckled a bit catching your attention. when you see him laughing it only makes you more angrier, so you flip to the direction facing away from leehan. your reaction suprised him, he stood there for a moment wondering what he did. he sighed a bit before sitting down on the bed behind you as he rubbed your back, “whats my baby sulky for?” he asked softly. “it wasnt very nice of you to call the fish i sent you ugly.” you said huffing. he then remembered that you two wanted to adopt a fish together and were actively looking for one, and it wasnt until this morning that you sent him a link and he cringed at the photo of the fish. it wasnt the most pleasant to look that in his opinion…after finding out the reason your upset with him, he cant help but let out a laugh. after seeing your face to him not taking you seriously he’d panic a little before drowning you in kisses “we can get the fish, even if its a little strange…”
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mayaschapstick · 3 months
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part 2 !!
part 1 !
pairing : chris x fem!reader
summary : second day of school, not the best, but ended up with the triplets.
warnings : drunk mom, getting laughed at, insecurity
a/n : alright so someone commented under my last post so i wanted to talk abt smt 😭🙏🏼 first of all, i am NOT romanticizing bullying as i also got bullied until last year. if you dont feel comfortable while reading my stuff, or because of my content, then just dont read it and leave my page. (guys this is kinda late but i slept like all day so)
I walked over to my moms car, hopping in.
„why are you picking me up?”
„we’re getting you school supplies.”
my mom answered.
„oh yeah right.”
i sighed before i grabbed the seatbelt and buckled up.
i pulled out my phone to see if my friend replied, and she actually did.
„leah 💋” showing up on my screen, i smiled as i saw the notifications, opening it and started talking to her.
that evening.
I was laying in my bed, my stomach already hurting from thinking about school, i really didnt wanna go. i havent done alot today, I felt pretty unproductive. I grabbed my black hoodie and put on my converse before sneaking out quietly, closing the door behind me really quiet, walking along the street, it was like my first time being out here, i looked around as i put my hood on, trying to look a bit intimidating in case theres like some kidnapper out there, i mean, you never know.
i forgot my airpods at home so i was kinda frustrated, i kept walking but looked down on my feet, watching myself walk, and eventually zoning out. I didnt hear the chatting that was coming towards me as i was focused on how i was walking, when i suddenly looked up when i realized i zoned out.
I looked at the 2 guys infront of me, one of them looked like the kid that threw a paper ball against my head today, and the other one like thta guy i had to sit next to, i forgot his name.
and suddenly one of them spoke up, the other one trying to shush him.
„oi woman!”
i tried to ignore him, looking down again, but they stopped infront of me and didnt let me go through.
„arent you that new kid?”
I looked at him, before nodding and taking my hood off.
i responded.
„i thought you were like weird at first but damn, you look goo-“
he got cut off by who i think was chris.
„alright bro cmon leave her alone.”
he tried grabbing his friends arm and pull him away.
„is he high or sum?”
i asked, really just wanting to be alone, so i sounded a bit rude.
chris looked at me, shrugging.
„i literally dont know. we’ll leave you alone tho.”
he said sighing before i watched them walking off, sighing, i kept walking until like a hour later i was back home again.
i immediately put on my sweatpants again, laying down in my bed, i couldnt sleep so i watched some tiktok, still not feeling very good because of school, and now especially not because of the little meeting earlier.
the next morning i woke up a bit too late, i slept in, first thing i did was check for any new messages on my phone, then i got up, sighing.
taking my tshirt off and putting my bra on. i
I was searching for a good t-shirt. when my mom came in without knocking.
„Im changing ma!“
i yelled as i covered myself up with some random shirt.
„I dont care! hurry up you‘ll be late! only your second day and youre already too late. your dad would be disappointed!“
My mom answered, i got mad and upset. everytime we would fight she brings dad in it, even when we only fight about the tiniest things.
„no he wouldnt! stop bringing him up everytime!“
I said upset before just grabbing a random light pink tshirt, putting it on before putting my jeans on.
upset i walked into the kitchen, just grabbed and apple, my school bag, my phone & airpods and stormed off, banging the door closed without even saying goodbye.
i put my airpods in, walking to school.
as soon as i arrived i put my airpods in their case again, sighing before walking into school, walking to my classroom, knocking on the door before opening it.
„hey- im sorry for coming late..“
I swalloed, as my teacher spoke up.
„its fine, just try not to do it again.“
I nodded, sat next to noah again, as i immediately spoke up but immediately regretted it again.
„were you high last night bro?“
i talked to him like ive known him for months.
but i got anxious as he just starred at me for a few seconds, he just shrugged, not opening his mouth as i heard a group of girls giggling while they looked at me and I immediately felt uncomfortable,
did i look weird?
did i do something weird?
why were they laughing.
i covered my stomach with my jacket, sighing as i untucked my hair behind my ear, looking down, using my hand to support myself, as i drifted off to sleep.
2 minutes later someone poked me from behind, i opened my eyes and slowly turned around, seing matt, tucking my hair behind my ear again.
I said sleepy, I looked at chris, then at nick.
„did you do the homework??“
matt spoke up, i shook my head.
„we had homework??..“
nick chuckled at my answer, nodding.
„well i didnt even knew th-„
my teacher spoke up, i quickly turned around.
„yeah- sorry.“
nick asked me if i wanted to hang in the breaks with them, and i said yes, so now i was sitting next to them on a bench, covering my mouth to eat my food i bought at the cafeteria, not wanting to get judged for how i was eating.
they were talking, while i just sat there, zoning out, when chris suddenly poked in my side with his elbow.
i quickly swalloed, looking up, putting my hand on my thigh.
„whats wrong?“
he asked, i was confused. he looked at me like he wanted to kill me but asked me if i was okay.
„nothing. im just tired.“
I answered, looking up at him not breaking eye contact.
he just nodded and gave me a little
„ah m‘kay.“
before continuing talking to his brothers, it made me upset. why was he acting so dry yet so sweet.
I just continued eating my food, before thinking it was crazy that i was spending my break with people i know since yesterday and maybe spoke 7 sentences with.
When i suddenly spoke up.
he looked down at me.
„why were you out so late yesterday night?“
I said carefully, not wanting to sound like a stalker or a possessive girlfriend.
he answered.
„the same thing i could ask you.“
„I asked you first.“
I chuckled.
So did he, he chuckled.
„noah asked me if wanted to hang with him so i said yes. easy.“
he answered.
„did yall smoke? he looked and acted high as hell.“
i answered, smiling slightly.
„who knows.“
he answered, turning back to his brothers.
„ahh okayy.“
i giggled, but as soon as i catched myself smiling and giggling i immediately just brushed it off, continuing to eat, still confused tho.
when school ended, the triplets walked next to me.
„y/n?“ matt said
i looked at him, „hm?“
„chris wanted to ask if youd lik-„
chris cut him off.
„no. no i didnt, nick wanted to, the fuck.“
chris said, rolling his eyes.
matt snickered.
„ah yeah right… nick wanted to ask if youd like to hang with us this afternoon.“
hang with them?
I smiled and nodded.
„of course yes! I’d love to.“
matt nodded and smiled, nick was zoned out, focusing on what was happening on his phone, I catched chris smile a little, I smiled at his smile as you kept walking.
„alright so.. see you later..?“
i said, smiling.
chris and matt nodded, nick still zoned out on his phone.
„mhm, yes, bye!“
matt said, smiling.
i walked a bit faster, wanting to scream, i was so happy, finally having some new friends. I just hope they weren’t a bunch of assholes.
i arrived home, unlocking the door, walking in, closing the door and taking my shoes off, happily walking into my room, putting my bag down, taking my jacket off, throwing it onto my bag, i walked downstairs, happily
just to find my mom on the couch, drunk, again.
my happiness immediately faded.
i looked over to her.
„ma..?- you drunk…?“
I asked carefully, she looked up at me, annoyed.
„and what if i am?…“
she answered slurred,
“It is non of your business! and this is my house, i can do whatever i want to!”
she said, yelling a bit.
i scoffed.
„alright yeah my bad.“
I walked into my room again, i could hear her scream something after me but i ignored it, walking into the kitchen. before grabbing some food and walking upstairs into my room again.
I was standing infront of the house of the triplets, nick send me their adress as he gave his number to me earlier, i knocked.
a/n : i hope you liked this!! and guys i got like yhe best ideas but idk if it should happen so soon already or if i should do a bigggggg timeskip 😭 so please help me🙏🏼 rebloggs and likes are highly appreciated!! love you guysss
taglist : @melschapstick @bel2p0 @ldrloverrrrrr
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navire190413 · 24 days
haha i got drunk and wrote like 2,000 words about my experience with learning japanese. read it sober and just sat in front of my computer like 😐
you know when old people talk a lot and sometimes its hard to tell if they’re trying to pass on wisdom or are just kind of full of themselves and want to talk about themselves? what i wrote was definitely the latter. i’m just an おじいさん who wants to drink and smoke and talk about myself and my hard work lol
one of my favorite 居酒屋 to visit on my way home from work is closing for good this weekend. its open 24/7 so it was always great for stopping by after drinking at the bar until morning. their squid and shrimp 串カツ are soooo good. i’m actually here now typing this on my phone. this izakaya is in a basement so i don’t have signal. i just end up scrolling through my photos or blogging in my notes while sitting here alone for an hour until my favorite bar opens at 7.
the last time i came here a server ive become acquainted with hit on me, and i didn’t pick up on it at all, so my reaction was kind of dull. i only realized he was hitting on me when he turned around and all the other servers were laughing at him bc they were all eavesdropping. he probably mentioned he was gonna do it beforehand haha. i’m so sorry. i would be totally down to grab drinks if i realized sooner 😂
he always makes me turn around and show him my backpiece when im wearing tanktops and croptops. and hes always basically yelling カッコいい!!its cute how not normal tattoos are here. i would never get these reactions in america but sometimes it can be annoying. yes yes i have a lot of tattoos. yes. expensive. yes painful. and then they find out about my scarification, which honestly most people in the states have also never seen, so then its a weird balance of explaining my love for body modification and not self mutilation.
money has gotten TIGHT lately. im literally courting my ex and bringing him to izakayas and nice restaurants every week and im going broke from it so i gotta stop hahaha. we did have a really good time last night, though. and hes always really grateful and respectful when im paying. he also initiated a lot of kisses and kept kissing my cheeks last night which was weird and not like him at all. im not gonna think about it anymore tho.
i am super excited about where we’re going on saturday. its an 青森県 restaurant and i guess they get fish delivered daily from there, so i hope its super fresh and tasty 😤. i unfortunately booked too late and couldnt get a private room, but i think sitting at the counter will be nice since we’re doing the all-you-can-drink course and itll be faster to get our drinks if we’re not in a secluded room.
my go-to drink for the past 2 years living here has always been highballs, but lately theyre way too strong for me. ive become obsessed with lemon sours, but because its not whiskey in them like highballs i become drunk super super fast. good for cost performance purposes but dangerous since im used to my highball drinking pace. i usually dont black out if i only drink for 2-3 hours on a work night but the other day i drank my usual amount, just this time they were lemon sours and not highballs. i was on the verge of blacking out returning home at only 9pm on a monday 😂
i can’t stop thinking about the guy who asked me to be his girlfriend two weeks ago. he’s american and he’s nice enough, but he’s been living in japan for over a year and cant even say すみません to get a server’s attention. he also doesnt eat meat, so i cant introduce him to yakiniku and yakitori which are my go-to. everytime we hungout i had to translate everything and guide him around tokyo. i brought him to an izakaya for his first time and had to teach him the words for squid and octopus. which he promptly forgot 2 minutes later. its literally taco and ika!!! we got lost in a department store one time and i had to ask for directions while he just stood there. it always felt like i was with a child who knew nothing when we were together. as friends, im more than happy to introduce tokyo and translate. but as someone who was obviously trying to be appealing to me, it was honestly a massive ick. i have no preference when it comes to what ethnicity or cultural background someone is, but i cant date someone who knows less about japan than me. it was a good realization actually! i always say i dont have a type, but i think im slowly starting to realize my type. he doesnt have friends so he would always say “lets go out and explore tokyo together!”dude i have been experiencing tokyo for 2 years. i have my favourite spots and my favourite neighborhoods and i know how to find good restaurants and i regularly go out and just do shit by myself because i can navigate it by myself. he also was expecting me to teach him japanese which was just soooo….
when you get to a level where you’ve lived somewhere long enough and can speak the language a lot of people expect you to be a free tour guide. when it comes to strictly friends with no expectation of me, im more than happy to plan a day of sightseeing and introductions but sometimes when i make friends with foreigners it feels like that’s all they want out of me. i mean it goes both ways. a lot of japanese men just view me as a fetish object. omg a white girl who i can actually speak to!!! maybe she can teach me english!!! ive never fucked a 6 foot tall white girl with tattoos!!!
for my established friends, i happily translate stuff for them and give them english lessons but man it feels like theres a lot of expectations of me meeting people here. from foreigners and native japanese people.
i have a lot of foreign friends who have lived here longer than me and dont speak a lick of japanese and dont have any plans on learning. i dont really feel one way or the other about it. theyve been here long enough and know they can get around and have fun without knowing the language. i cant imagine how tough that is sometimes so more power to them. but its always the people complaining they want to learn and want to understand and communicate but still for some reason just dont sit down and study or make an effort to make japanese friends so they can atleast pick up conversational japanese that i dont understand. why are you not studying???? sure its hard but just do it??? you dont even have to use textbooks. apps kind of suck once you get past the basics but its at least something you can do while riding the train and then atleast i wouldnt have to order for you at the bar after youve been living here for several months!!!
im a princess and a brat and am obsessive so studying is super easy for me. i studying during my lunch breaks and anytime im riding the train. i understand thats not the case for everyone, so i try to take the time to teach my friends who want to learn japanese important phrases for day to day life. maybe textbooks and studying isnt their thing, which is fine. okay i’ll teach you as we go. but even then they dont retain anything 😂 dont complain to me about not being able to speak japanese if you’re not going to put in a little bit of effort to atleast order a beer by yourself!!!! and if youre over thinking the difference between ください and お願いします before you can even say [名前]と申します, youre thinking too much!!!!! japanese is hard. theres a lot of info. if you start getting into super specific japanese before you can do self introductions, its gonna be a long long road. so im super happy i learned japanese in america where i went textbook step by step instead of being surrounded by confusing japanese all day long. when i try to teach my friends japanese they always somehow ask me about n2 grammar. and its just like. stop. ignore that. that does NOT have anything to do with you at this time. i was N2 before N3 grammar even made sense to me (i did get full points on n3 test despite none of it making sense to me though 😂) because i finally had context for it and could make the connections. without those building blocks and going step by step id be lost. and thats why you should study the language before coming to a foreign country.
god im judgmental.
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wally-friggin-franks · 10 months
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hmm i know ya already knew this one, but i wanna tell it again. i stole one of the spare projectors. n' i took it home cos i wanted to try and set up a little movie night. invited multiple ppl but nobody believed me so it was just me</3
um i ended up causing a small fire but after i put that out i got it workin!!!! saw about 3 minutes of the reel i stole and then got bored. took the reel back but kept the projector.
hmmm. lemme think. i think at some point i was not havin a good day so i started hiding in the back of the warehouse to just get away yknow. lacie found me n she was so nice??? like i usually just annoyed her but she goes "kid, look. ya gotta beat their asses." and like girl..... ur so right..... i'm gonna beat them up.... so anyways i got into a fight
also! when i was rigging the uhh. warehouse games. to the doors? the guys were like "wow for a tiny guy you're capable." so i bit them too. teehee
did the water bucket trick on the music director. tried to run away but slipped on said water. i think thats when he kicked me down the stairs
another one. i visited jack cos i was done early and i didnt wanna go home yet. i go down there and theyre like,, i dont know how to describe it. but i just watched them do this little jig and then they saw me n went. well? you gonna join or what?? so im like. frick yeah ill join. so we grooved for a while until someone started yelling for me fkebdjeb
miss susie did my makeup once! but i moved too much and she was just. WALLY FOR THE LOVE OF GOD SIT STILL. but it tickled it wasnt my fault it felt weird ok. anyways i was literally killing it afterwards. shes really good at makeup. and putting up with me cnsvhf
one more for now, then i gotta go-
sorry it has to do with the friggin mechanic. but its funny. so like after the whole Welder incident he just. stopped trusting me to do things alone so any time i had to help him (I HATED HELPING HIM) he was just watching the whole time like >:[ and saying no. youre doing this wrong. youre turning the wheel the wrong way. THEN YOU DO IT YOURSELF. anyways after a while of that shawn appears out of NOWHERE, drags me outta there, sayin "we gotta put my plan into action theres NO time to explain." and she had a "sled" (a bunch of wooden planks crudely attatched to eachother) set up at the top of the stairs and i couldnt even object before they just. put me on this thing and kicked us both off. i fell off immediately but shawn didnt realize i fell off til she was at the bottom of the stairs. THEY SET UP LITTLE SLINGSHOT THINGS TO HELP EM GET AROUND THE TURNS OF THE STAIRS. thomas catches up like "what the f man" and im just listening to the distinct sound of thunkthunkthunkthunk as the thing keeps goin. i get dragged back to work just as norman started scolding shawn 😔
anyways, thats all i got time for right now!! see ya later, im outta here >:]
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idealspawn · 1 year
i think its probably good that he is on his 2 week europe trip. we made plans for after his trip so i feel secure. he told me he trusts me. i trust him too. i was afraid i dont trust myself not to disconnect w my feelings but i think its fine now. i therapized myself out of it :d. i think we both need breathing room. i also need to get sober for a while, fuck. that has def messed me up. we met up one last time before he left too and he took pics of me w his film camera. he is convinced that im photogenic though im not.... he taught me how to use the camera too! we also visited a local church and listened to the organ music there. it was beautiful. ive been massively inhaling therapy videos on how to self-regulate and allow breathing room in a relationship. also how to maintain a distinct identity whilst being together with someone. it has helped me immensely. i also have actually returned back to my hobbies and read diff essays abt my personal interests like philosophy and religion and the art of translating literature. i rediscovered old video games i used to play w my sister, that is insanely healing. ive drawn a lot and listened to lots of new music and made new cool playlists. i watched some anime too! ive met up w my friends that i havent seen in such a long time and ive been such a great host. i invited my 8 girl friend group over and we made spring rolls together and mojitos and got high and played cool board and card games. it was so refreshing. i also invited my closest friend over and we went riding w bikes at night and climbed on the walls surrounding a manor near my home. not sure if legal but we also jumped in their backyard and ran around. it was so beautiful. we also did lots of other fun stuff. i saw poppies! my fav flower. also bats!!! the reflection of the moon on a river was so beautiful. it was so nice that my sister came over for a day too. i saw two of her friends briefly too and they were so nice to me! today ill be going out of my comfort zone a fuck ton too. my friend is hosting her bday party in her countryside home that is far away and i havent even figured out my transportation back. i will stay there for 3 days. loose ends like that used to freak me the fuck out but i think ill be fine. its an old house so it doesnt really allow me to follow all my insane rituals but i think i need to train myself to be okay w it. most ppl are sleeping in tents but i can be in the house bc i literally dont have a tent but that also probably would make me panic a bit too much. too many new things at once isnt good either i think. im actually doing fine. its nice. surprising that ive done things and im doing things and i havent died although most of my life ive literally feared i would. like not yet discussing why i shut down when the guy im seeing tried to be intimate and postponing it for after his trip.. i used to NEVER be able to do that. like i couldnt for the life of me sit w the uncomfortable emotion. like my entire life used to stop until i could regulate through the other person and vocalize it. but now ive just like. organized my brain. and self-soothed myself and i feel safe that he wont immediately leave me just bc of one difficult situation with an ambiguous meaning. and that the issue can be put on pause and when he returns we can talk about it.
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cathyshifts · 7 months
just gonna post my experience here even tho no one asked
Okay whatever happened was so chaotic. It was a busy day, I went out with my parents since morning, then when I got home i took a nap at like 4pm, and i watched asmr, trying to sleep. I was in and out of sleep, i couldnt actually sleep tho, like i felt sleepy but i could only close my eyes and kept trying to count down so i would actually sleep. at first it was fine, then i would kind of yanked awake (lol i just said i couldnt sleep) a few times, and probably by the fourth or fifth times, i started feeling floaty, but then i started hearing my family outside, talking and doing chores because they have woken up, and i was like ugh im not gonna let them disturb me. So i affirm that i am capable of shifting to my dr, and nothing can stop me, i also said that bc i heard my sister’s footsteps close to my door and i thought she would open it, so i said that affirmation and was just, fuck it. and then i kind of feel myself rolled over (u know that feeling when ur soul and body feel separated?) and everything turned white. (okay so it was all so hazy i cant really tell what happened first. hmm but idk when this happened but there was a moment where i felt my body siting up, throw the blanket away from my body to get up or sth, then i feel my soul or sth just flopped down, lol like literally just flopped forward). So everything turned white? And i started to enter a dream, it wasnt a lucid dream, and idk why but i probably have some beef with Puss in boots or sth, but i legitimately forgot i was trying to shift for miguel and thought i was shifting for puss in boots instead💀 Also i have a friend in that dream, who were talking about shifting, idk who he was, but he was so handsome. Anywho, we started laughing as i finally remember that i shift for miguel, but i cant remember what we talked about tho? Like everything was so hazy yet so vivid??? but then he said sth like, why haven't u gone already? And im gone? Into another dream🙄 still, i think i landed in Nueva York 😟 Anywhoops, cant remember anything other than me finding miguel, and we hug, and i kept kissing him, kissing his neck, although my brain was trying really hard to picture his body lol, and he laughed and we hugged and kissing (god it was sooo weird bc my brain keep picturing my sister as she was the only person i have ever hugged daily💀) i felt happy, but bc i cant imagine well so its all so blurry too.
Anyway back to the dream, it kind of abruptly ended there, going into another place but still in the dream tho. So i was walking in the park, it was nighttime, and then i saw a girl holding a camera, shes filming sth, and then a boy in a wheelchair? and she was filming her, and he was going to a park bench and staying there. So they looked like they were laughing and having fun, until there were some group of bullies? Idk but they were real mean, and they started getting mad at what idk, but they started to get close to her, and she was too afraid so she was still filming them as she looked their way, and lol idk why but i picked up a bicycle near me and throw it on the nearest bully’s face (they were mostly teenagers lol) and then i grab her and try to swing my way out there, but idk i guess my brain forgot that im supposed to have superstrength so we kind of fall into a pit (it feels like we felt into a pit but it was just i couldnt carry her, there was no pit) and then it turned into a full dream, a thrilling, somewhat horror movie, i swing my way through the buildings and sth bad happened, and she still has the camera, so we were back at my apartment watching it and shivering and getting traumatized lol. Then i woke up (what a ride😻)
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idk how to really start this but like. my mental state is just so exhausting like im so tired of it. theres no reason i should be this volatile theres no reason i should react to situations the way i do. just last night i had a weird (not even that bad) interaction with a stranger and it pissed me off so much i tried to kill myself. i wasn't sad or embarrassed i was just so furious over it, because it was a 10 second interaction and i couldn't explain myself to the other person, and i was just so fucking angry i was ready to physically hurt the other person over it well after i walked away. and then once i got home i was so upset that i got that unreasonably angry over a nothing interaction. and its not like i even got angry while i was still with the other person! it wasnt until after i walked away! there were only two thoughts circling in my mind for about 30-60 minutes after (idk im so bad at keeping track of time) that were just "why do i react to things like this" and "i just want it to stop hurting" bc thats the worst of it it just hurts so much. i swear im in physical pain after having breakdowns like that i feel hollow in my chest and obviously i dont have to say anything else about how much it emotionally hurts. i just want it to stop hurting. is that really too much to ask for? to not be in so much pain for just a little while? i guess i still havent come to terms with the fact that im disabled, because i still think of being disabled as someone who uses aids, even though i know invisible disabilities are a thing. i dont see other peoples invisible disabilities as being invalid, just really my own, because i still feel like im high enough functioning that i shouldnt consider myself disabled. i dont use mobility aids yet i dont take pain medication yet so therefore the literal brain damage i have isnt bad enough, im still fine. i kind of got off track but thats also part of it i guess. another thing that really gets me is the fact that i actually do have bpd, i was diagnosed by an actual doctor at 17 and its still a more than valid diagnosis. i feel like im in this constant cycle of "i have to get better because i cant keep living like this" and "i have to get worse so everyone else can see what theyve done to me". like last night i literally had to sit down and reread the dsm chapter on bpd to remind myself this is why youre like this. you do have this diagnosis its real and it is a problem. my 30 minute episodes of actively trying to kill myself to be followed by watching tv or something and laughing as if none of that happened. i still cant fathom not living like this, not having to go through this every fucking day. and then on the other hand i had a great interaction today at my job that made me feel really good about what i do and proving the work that i do is actually helping the community around me. and i felt on top of the world for like an hour, i felt great! and then another thing at work happened where i proved myself/my team to be right about something! which was also great! and i got another half hour of happiness. and then i get home and im reminded of how alone i am, how i really have no one to do or share anything with anymore. which is partially my fault and partially not! im not gonna act like im the most pleasant person to be around or that im easy to deal with, but fuck, man, i try. and it always feels like no one else is trying. i cut my own hair for the first time a few weeks ago; it came out great! and had no one to tell about it.
and now im just staring at a wall over all of it. none of the bad stuff happened none of the good stuff happened. im gonna get violently angry later and im gonna be nearly euphoric later, its just another day. and i want to change i want to change my lifestyle so bad but how can i do that without any help. i spent years of my life begging for other people to help me and got ignored, which resulted in my disability. i tried so hard to fix it on my own but i couldnt! im not a doctor! and now ill never be because i couldnt finish my pre-med classes because of my disability! i feel like im constantly screaming at the top of my lungs and waving red flags shouting please for the love of god someone help me every day and every day nothing changes. they say you cant help someone who doesnt want to be helped, but has anyone actually tried helping people before? youre telling me you cant problem solve? you cant find a different road to a solution, just because we cant take the easiest one? im sorry that its not easy for everyone else to help me, but how does anyone else think i feel?
but whatever. im fine now. i relived every emotion i went through while writing all that but im fine now. now that its all out there its all out there, out of my system. i dont care anymore. because it didnt matter. because it doesnt matter. none of it matters. it happened and its gonna happen again. ill go through these cycles again tomorrow and the next day and the next week and the next month and the next year and so on. it is what it is i guess. but does it really have to be.
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naranciiiasolos · 11 months
the day i took senior photos made me actually want to kms. that day i felt so ugly and big. i felt like everything was so ugly. i remember thinking when i saw my friends having their photo taken “ wow they all just naturally look pretty “ after my photos were taken i actually felt like crying in that moment. i saw them and just wanted to burst into tears because i literally thought i looked so ugly. i hated everything. i hated how shiny my face was, i hated how my eyes looked i hated how my smile looked crooked i hated my double chin. i hated everything. i hated how big i looked no matter what. but i thought to myself “ hey no its ok cause when you get home you can show these photos to your mom and dad and they’ll call you pretty “ i came home already feeling super shitty about myself. i show my mom the photos and she just stared. i showed my dad and showed him the one i choose and he just went “ i dont like the one you picked “ i kinda laughed it off and walked away and went straight to my room. i ripped those photos. i locked myself in my room for like 4 hours literally just crying and telling myself how much i hated myself. i dont know why. like yea i still feel lile this but why was i so damn dramatic. i think i just wanted somebody to call my pretty that day. i usut wantef to hesr one nice thing about me. thats what i dont like about myself. i feel like im ugly because people dont call me pretty. im slowly starting to like the way i look. im kinda learning to love my double chin and my stomach. sl its improvement. but i still need to get diet. back in 2017-2022 my dad liked to have these conversations with me about my weight. i always hated them but ik hes just looking out for me. i just dont like the way he does it. he liked to compare me and sisters weight a lot. he actually compared me to my sister a lot. my sister noticed it too. i love my sister. we never show much affection towards each other. we almost never hug or say i love you. but i think we both just know. we never have to say it. i miss her. shes the only thing that keeps me sane tbh. she was a huge comfort to me back in 2020. she didnt have to say anything. just knowing shes listening or is by my side is enough for me. i was listening to an old playlist i made back in 2020 whoch made me remember everything that happened that year. somebody came out for me to my parents. my parents are cool with it i think. idk i just remember my dad having a talk woth my sister and me in their room. when they called me into their room i got the feeling that they knew. so i already expected my dad’s reaction. he was mad that i didnt tell them first. i didnt want to. i was scared that everything was going to change. i didnt want it to change. i didnt want them to look at me differently. i was scared they were going to completely stop talking to me. they mentioned it jn the past. so ofc i wasnt going tk tell them. i remember having a full on oanic attack. i literally couldnt breath. i was crying a whole bunch. i was suffocating. i was terrified about what he was going to tell me. after he went on gis rant he stopped talking to me. until the next day. he walked into my room and told me he loved me no matter what he just didnt want me to such a big decision early on into my life. the thing is i knew since i was in 7th grade. ive just been questioning if i felt the same about men. i still dont know but i remember him crying and telling me how he was sorry for how he acted. he hugged me and it was like a 10 min hug. i love my dad. but that year i was kinda pushed away from him my dads relationship with me kinda changed. he seemed more distant from me. he has gotten better. in fact hes a lot more accepting. we just havent talked about that incident since. tbh idk how i even got here. but i think i need therapy. but i really feel embarrassed of telling my parents
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amazingphilza · 3 years
twitchcon :: cc!multiple x reader
fluff , platonic , gender neutral ! some mcyt headcanons if you were to attend twitchcon w them
cc’s included in order: tommyinnit , tubbo , ranboo , wilbur soot , philza , technoblade
cw: kinda lengthy for the minors (i think), not as much for the hags LMAO /hj
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this man is so excited to be at his first twitchcon & being able to hang out with all his best friends makes it a hundred times better
when he isn’t at a panel or doing meet & greets, he’s dragging you everywhere to see the whole convention center (clingyinnit)
he is just so at awe despite this not being his first convention to attend
you’d be surprised he gets tired pretty quickly & stops over to the partner lounge
you both rest for a bit against a wall in a pretty packed hallway despite it being an exclusive area to twitch partners
every time a famous streamer walks by he will yell it out and record it then vlog your reaction, even if they’re surrounded with bodyguards & trying to get to another place quickly
he’d zoom in his camera to their face at a horrible angle and be like
“oh my god it is THE ninja. ninja famous fortnite player, HELLO.”
but he gets completely ignored
then the camera pans out to you, still really zoomed in that the capture is blurry
tommy is so confused, forgetting the bit ninja did on his twitter where he renamed himself ‘ninjainnit’ for a split second
okay tommy isn’t that athletic but he will chase you and the rest of your group down a hallway if he had to
he’d probably find a toy gun from the artist alley/seller booths and shoot you and wilbur with it
but if tommy stumbles across any of the dream team, it’s about to be minecraft manhunt but irl
and he will def play his stream music while walking or smth when he’s bored (or trying to jump dream & sapnap)
oh my god,, now thinking about it he’s probably the one to open like random doors of empty rooms and steal stuff while you film him
like he will take a random empty glass, a bunch of pens, a freebie t-shirt, everything he sees he takes with him and you’re just panic
“tommy we’re literally not supposed to be here, and i’m stuck here filming you. it’s surely a felony in action”
“well, it’s their fault for leaving the doors open! plus this is great content. who’s the dirty crime boy now, HM?”
you’d tell wilbur about this and he’d scold tommy and threaten him with the same pen tommy stole
tommy probably would also drag you some weird event happening outside twitchcon along with tubbo and ranboo
“pokimane is giving out free pizza to everyone if we go to this one restaurant down the street!”
“we are literally gonna get bombarded. have you forgot you’re like three of twitch’s top streamers? i’d rather pay for all of our meals than try getting free pizza from pokimane against all her other fans”
“DEAL! let’s go to five guys then!”
you unfortunately end up paying for all 3 of their meals and picking on their food instead of buying your own
even with all of them making way more money than you, they still happen to be cheapskates
OR tommy will end up getting a burrito from a taco truck, immediately making a mess of himself, then proceed to complain how messy the food is to eat despite knowing what he was getting himself into before even ordering
“shit my clothes are all ruined now!”
“well that’s your fault you got a burrito, as if it’s your first time having one”
“i mean the food is good, i’m not complaining about that but i don’t think it’s that good that it’s worth costing my red and white shirt, im just saying”
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same with tommy, he is so excited
i don’t know why but i imagine him overpacking his suitcase and you making fun of him for it
anyway tubbo has his irl backpack on and streaming EVERYTHING
probably spends a lot of time at a bunch of different booths, checking out all the pointless gadgets he could buy for his stream
you’re the one to stop him from doing so
“okay theoretically speaking, how the hell are you going to even bring it home? which—let me remind you—is across the country for you and not to mention the giant ocean separating america and the uk”
“free ship-pang!!!”
“i hate to break it to you tubbo but there is no way you can get free shipping on a FIVE FOOT PC. it’s nearly as tall as you! what are you even gonna do on it, hack the government???”
the arguments are all lighthearted but eventually you give in and let him splurge over a thousand dollars in different devices he claimed he “needed”
i could honestly see him visiting the beaches in san diego and going for a swim or even renting out a boat to use for a bit :D
also he’d bring benson along with him and taking a bunch of scenic photos with it in them
i have a feeling he’s the type to schedule a spontaneous meet & greet because he was bored & gets in trouble for causing a mob in a certain part of the convention
he’s like “oh god, i did not expect this many of the bois to show up AHAHAH oops”
tubbo would def pull a lilypichu and bring his melodica or ukulele and play themes while following random people/cosplayers
at the end of the day, you’d find his bag just stuffed with crap he either got for free or bought in the convention
“how did you get all that stuff? i was with you all day??? and it’s only the first day of the convention, hello?? it looks like you’ve been collecting as if twitchcon has went on for a week already!”
“HA i have my ways, do not underestimate my powers”
lani would probably tag along for the vacation honestly
like whenever someone comes up to her giving her gifts/asking for pics, you and tubbo would tease her about how famous she is
and i dunno but something about tubbo just gives me this amusement park energy and going to legoland and spending the whole day there since it’s near by and because he can
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he is like a beacon in a sea of people, that’s it .
i honestly just see him causing as much chaos as the other two
ranboo would probably like take someone’s camera whether if they’re streaming or if it’s for the vlog, hold it up high, and point the camera directly above someone’s face
it did not matter how tall you were and if you had platform shoes on, ranboo was a skyscraper next to you
“HAHAH this is how i see you from this height, this is funny”
then he shows you the vid of the recording of him getting like an aerial view of your face
like you see your nose and all your pores and just overall a bad angle to be captured in
i dunno why but i feel like he’d jump scare every person that was cosplaying as his minecraft character from behind for some reason
“ranboo i’m not even remotely dressed as your skin—”
“don’t worry i’m practicing it’s fineee”
“you’re like the height of 2 people combined, i think you will be fine as is. you even intimidated the security at the front”
i feel like if he had his own panel he’d like pull up some undertale song in the middle of it and scare all the people in the crowd
“lore but in real life”
probably would get some matching keepsake with you from artist alley/the booths!
i could imagine like a cute keychain or smth :D
i feel like he’s the type to like randomly volunteer as a participant for those mini events in a booth thinking it would be funny but regrets it the moment he’s on stage
after introductions the presenter is like “okay ranboo, you will be given a random meme prompt above your head you won’t be able to see until after and you will have to make a random face to compliment it!”
and you can just tell by his facial expression he’s just thinking
oh god what have i gotten myself into
what is this game? who came up with this idea?
you’d laugh at him the whole time, even after he’s off the stage and finished with that small fiasco
“that was horrible. never again.”
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wilbur soot
honestly with wilbur it’s slightly more chill
he already experienced twitchcon before so he’s just glad to see his friends again after so long
insists that you explore the convention yourself rather than sticking with him the whole time but you do anyway!
wilbur would probably have like a mini concert and gets you front row seats with the rest of the group
but that doesn’t mean before it that you’re not helping him set up
“y/n please– my amp is so heavy, i can carry it”
“don’t worry! i’m strong” :D
and musically talented or not, he will probably bring you and the rest of his friends up to stage to just vibe and sing a bunch of random acoustic songs
it’s not like some big concert hall stage,, i imagine more like a casual thing w a slightly higher platform from the ground yk?
after spending a long day at the convention he’d also bring everyone across the city to la jolla or smth !
you’d all probably have dinner there and chill, watching the pretty sunset
“this place is really pretty but oh my god im gonna lose my breath hiking up this stupid hill, please slow down”
and wilbur is like ??? because he’s completely fine with his long legs and everything
“just walk faster”
“no, you walk slower”
AHAHAH and for context traversing through la jolla by walking around the town is a bit hard since it’s basically on a bunch of hills (walking up from the beach to a restaurant actually is actually sm work, trust me ive been there)
wilbur honestly doesn’t spend that much time in the actual convention center, he’s probably sightseeing a bit of san diego with you instead
but i could imagine him staying at the tabletop games area playing dnd or smth
“c’mon y/n, come join!”
“uhh i’m not sure, i’m not the best at roleplay and...”
“it’s fine don’t worry!”
he’d pull you in with him and end up enjoying yourself even if it was your first time
and if you’re of age, you’d be wilbur’s +1 at the twitch partner party and make sure mans doesn’t too drunk
if it’s not too late in the night, you two would chill at the beach after the party
it’s just a nice, calming moment after all the loud music mixed with hundreds of conversations at the party
also something about like taking polaroids pictures with wilbur just seems to go hand in hand for me
i’m not sure why but you will be taking lots of pics with wilbur for sure (not necessarily you both in the photo, but of sceneries as well while you’re together!)
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literally a dad on vacation with his children, it doesn’t matter how old you are
need sunscreen? surprisingly has it
want a snack? probably has a small granola bar somewhere in his bag
but same with wilbur, he’s more chill like this isn’t his first time at twitchcon
omg he’d def bring you to the artist alley and just buy a bunch of fanart and stuff tho
“oh wow look phil, someone made a giant poster of the dream smp and shit!”
“holy shit that’s so good what the fuck!”
and he’s like rushing to that artist’s stall to buy a poster or print
idk why but phil seems like the person to know where he’s going all over the convention center
he probably had a copy of the directory map but yk
you just have trouble reading it bc all the signs seem to be misleading to you
nothing really crazy screams out to me of what phil would do at twitchcon besides like go to a few events, spend a bunch of time w his friends, etc
HOWEVER i could see him wasting a lot of his time at the gaming area and testing new games that are currently on the works of being developed
like “woah y/n, this vr game is sick, you should try it out!”
ngl i feel like phil would plan a visit to disneyland for everyone, like he gets the tickets and everything but once you’re at the park it’s free reign, y’all go everywhere with not much of a plan
the minors would try to cheap out phil and pay less than the others even though everyone else fully paid phil back and everything LMAO
ok but if he’s feeling nice, phil will buy everyone cotton candy/pretzels :D
and if you’re not hungry, he’d at least get you a mickey balloon
just in general, best idea phil had for taking everyone to disneyland :D
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surprisingly techno is really calm despite this being like one of his first conventions
but when he finally settles in and gets comfortable, he’s showing the same energy
if you’re playfully yelling, he will yell back
however there’s still those awkward moments that are unavoidable
idk why but something about him makes me think that if you feel tired and want to go back to your hotel room, he’d go with you just to make sure you get there safe
he probably also needs a break from being around everyone else for a moment too LMAO
i could also see him searching far and wide in the artist alley for fanart of himself AHAHAH
walking around with him in the convention consists of someone yelling “BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD” every 5 minutes but you don’t really mind
something about him makes me think he’ll be forced into playing minecraft twitch rivals along with the rest of sbi or smth
and he’s like “oh god, i’m going to be on stage? and people will see my face while i play minecraft?”
“i’m sure it will be fun!”
“i mean i like being competitive and feeding my ego, but i’m not that desperate.. well”
do i imagine techno getting easily tired of being surrounded by a bunch of people and just going back to his hotel room with phil and watching some anime with him? yes
and will you watch even if you have no idea what’s going on? also yes
i feel like after a while of you guys hanging out in techno’s room, the rest of the gang will just slowly join you guys
like eventually everyone is there; you, techno, phil, wilbur, niki, tommy, tubbo, ranboo, etc
and techno is like “wha– where did you guys come from?” because his room is basically packed
and niki could be like “oh we can go if you want!”
then techno just insists that she’s fine “but who let the child get in?” clearly implying tommy’s presence
eventually techno gives in with the company and someone gets a bunch of board games to play from the front desk
lots of yelling and laughing for sure
when it becomes late at night, techno is like half conscious, you’re on your phone, wilbur is staring out the window & enjoying the night view, tommy is passed out on the couch from tiredness, tubbo & ranboo is still wide awake quietly talking, and phil & niki are helping clean up the giant mess
eventually everyone brings themselves to go back to their own room except tommy who won’t budge
you give techno a look and he immediately understands what you were thinking
he rushes to the bathroom to fill up two cups with ice cold water and handed one to you
“on three?”
“okay.. one”
then both of you pour the water on the poor child’s face
he jolts awake and saying a string of curses
“what the fuck techno? y/n too?”
“get out” is the only think techno says that before tommy rushes out with his stuff and you leave right after
a/n: i honestly can’t wait until conventions open up again though,, phil and ranboo were talking about vidcon earlier and omg.
also i kinda want to take in tommy requests but i’m not sure??? it would be both cc! and c! x gn!reader for sure tho. i love writing him to bits but who knows, maybe i’ll only stick to my ideas,, or not. send in a tommy x reader request, might do it, might not, but he’s my fav cc if you can’t tell so! :D (i dunno if i will keep it strictly platonic, but unrequited crushes and stuff are fun to write hehe,,)
edit: let’s hope i fixed all the grammar mistakes LMAO we love writing late at night :) /s /hj
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ceriseisland · 2 years
i like rs but whats the deal with celebi at the end? i feel like it wasnt really necessary and just weakened the ending
It doesn't bug me much. My beef with how the aftermath of RS was handled is in the arcs that follow it: The fact that the emerald arc doesn't even touch on the trauma these characters experienced during a literal apocalypse is annoying, but I think Celebi works well for several reasons.
First, Ruby having Celebi is foreshadowed from the very beginning, when he uses it to defeat Seviper in Sapph's secret base. Second, Kyogre and Groudon destroyed basically all of Hoenn. There's a narrative reason for this, since it took everything being destroyed for Ruby to get his act together, and only once everyone is either dead or injured and he's the last trainer standing does he give his beauty speech. Ruby always runs from his problems so there had to be nothing left for him to finally face himself, and after he finally comletes his character arc he's rewarded with a second chance from a mythical time pokemon and things are reset. So in terms of the narrative, I think it works pretty well.
Lastly, Celebi being one of Ruby's pokemon makes sense, especially if you consider my bad timeline theory, which I've talked about before. (I should mention that the bad timeline gets ruined by the Zinnia's Salamence reveal, though a lot of RS gets ruined by that retcon. Ruby caused Rayquaza to escape, that's the whole point and I dislike ORAS specifically because of this, but I'll die mad about it I guess.)
Basically, the idea of the Bad Timeline theory is that Rayquaza was never "supposed" to escape and thus the events of RS weren't never meant to happen. Ruby saving Sapphire was what set them onto the bad timeline, because Rayquaza escaped. Without Rayquaza, they never made the Jade Orb and thus couldn't stop Kyogre and Groudon until long after they awoke. Ruby's personality change, Norman leaving and becoming abusive, etc are all things that weren't meant to happen.
After that, everything that could possibly go wrong went wrong: Ruby ran away from home and Norman had to find a different child to summon Rayquaza with; Sapphire barely missed Steven in Dewford to give him the letter; the blind kid couldnt decipher the tablet; President Stone went into a coma, etc etc. The people of Hoenn knew the disaster was coming for years and had so many failsafes in place to stop/mitigate it, and we watch as every single one of them fails. It's impossible to name them all: Liza and Tate were guarding the orbs, but Blaize tricked them; the gym leaders called a meeting to discuss things, but couldn't agree on anything; Steven was going to seal off the seafloor cavern but the submarine got stolen, and even their plan to keep the deep sea component separate from the submarine to prevent it from being used against them failed. RS has this underlying feeling of fate and predetermination, like watching a set of dominos fall, and things weren't supposed to happen this way.
Even Ruby and Sapphire copying each other and lacking vulnerability because of their Salamence trauma wasn't supposed to happen in the "good" timeline. Canonically, Ruby was going to be introduced to Sapphire as the girl he knew at his birthday dinner if only he had waited a few more hours that day, but he ran away because of--you guessed it--trauma he gained by Rayquaza's escape. Everything in RS is a set of dominos leading to the worst possible outcome. It makes RS into sort of a tragedy and I love that.
And Celebi, being a guardian with time powers, saw where the timeline was heading once Rayquaza escaped, and decided to go with Ruby, who caused the timeline change and is now wrapped up in it, to fix it, which he does after completing his character arc.
I adore the Bad Timeline interpretation, but even without it I don't mind the celebi reveal. There are ways to deal with the aftermath of RS without keeping the absolute destruction and three deaths, but the problem is that Kusaka doesn't do that either. The experience that the gym leaders and dexholders went through is never explored and is treated as no big deal, not something that would definitely change these characters and all of Hoenn forever. Ruby is handled well after RS, but all of the other aftermath isn't. My beef is more with the emerald arc, not the Celebi reveal tbh
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soft-boi-eli · 3 years
Mcyts helping a trans masc after top surgry (part 2)
Tw:swearing, mentions of surgry, softness.
This sweet ass man.
You are just laying on your bed, well sitting really, when he came in.
He had a fuck ton of balloons. And a large box.
Karl seemed like a child on christmas.
Placing the balloons down he handed you the surprisingly light box.
He was gently bouncing as he waited for you to open it.
It shocked you how it even fit in the box.
It was a huge frog bed.
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You realized with a pillow you would be able to sleep in it perfectly.
"I knew it was uncomfortable sleeping like that so I got something that should make it a bit more comfortable."-karl
You loved it.
Sadly you couldnt use it till those drains were out though.
He was right though that was definitely more comfortable then laying on a bed only.
He didnt think it through though. And got sad when he wasn't able to fully cuddle you.
But he found out that he could lay on your lap and legs.
You both enjoyed it.
Also he might be a bit squeamish when it came to your chest drains but he was helpful with them.
He helped you clean them and your wounds, he was very, very gentle.
He didnt want to hurt you.
"You know it's ok to do it a little harder. It wont hurt."-(y/n)
"But I dont want to hurt you. I know this doesn't hurt."-karl.
It was sweet. But got kinda annoying sometimes when he couldnt get something off. But he never got angry or frustrated. Just kept very gentle.
I imagine that when he was cleaning your new scars, Jimmy came to see if you got his balloons and if you doing good.
You two were in the living room bowl of warm soapy water, in a large plastic bowl, and karl gently wiping off all of the crust around the scars.
You fell asleep before karl finished and karl was finishing up when jimmy came in.
"Karl. They're alseep."-jimmy
"Yeah but this needs to be cleaned. It doesn't hurt them."-karl
Jimmy and karl literally just sat there till you woke up.
You thanked jimmy for the balloons and thanked karl for helping you clean those wounds.
Karl didnt mind though. Cause this sweet heart cares for you and just wants you to feel better and feel comfortable.
He loves you and all but dont expect him to help with the surgical sight.
He'll do everything for you except clean your wounds and drain those drains.
He loves to hug you and kept you warm.
He would stream but you were always behing the green screen so no one would see you.
"Alex. Can you get me to book I left in the living room. I feel like shit still."-(y/n)
He was very quick to get it. And I mean he bolted out got it and brought it in the span of a minute. He gave you a light kiss on the forehead, and whispered.
"Anything for you mi amoir."-quackity.
You gave him a smile.
He gasped offended and looked at you.
"Well only for you though."-quackity.
I imagine as a get well gift quackity would get you something to remind you of him when he streams.
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Large duck push.
He knew that his streams could last a long time so he decided it was best if you had a snuggle buddy to help you stay in position.
If the duck got dirty he was cleaned nearly immediately by quackity.
If the duck falls off the bed quackity gently yeets it onto the bed where you can reach.
He might of gotten jealous of the duck a few times. But he seemed to get over it when you went to hugging him instead. Sadly it wasnt that easy to but still none the less you gave him hugs too.
Dont neglect you quack boi.
He needs hugs like you do.
Give them to him. These are the only times you get cuddles. Other then that he is making food, getting you comfy, and fixing your pillows and shit like that.
He is now a maid.
Not sexually though. He just cleans the house, get you things you need, and makes food.
He is helpful.
Just not with the cleaning process of your wounds. And that's fine. He keeps you comfy and that's all that matters.
Also if your cold in the middle of hot ass summer and asking for more blankets he would look at you crazy. Like what the fuck?
But you have them lightly fluttered over you.
He wants you comfy. Even if that means you looking like your boiling alive in the middle of july.
If your happy he's happy. That's how it goes
More like dadboyhalo.
He is not going to let you do anything.
Your surgical incisions? He's cleaning them.
Your drains? He's got you.
Your getting alot of soup and smoothies. He even joins in on your so called diet so you wont get jealous about what he has.
Rat is all over you. Sensing the pain you were having and cuddling you completely. Your laps is almost always taken by rat.
Badboyhalo doesn't really care if rat gets alot of attention by you. He just wants you to be comfortable.
But sometimes he gets sad that he cant fully lay with you.
But he enjoys just sitting with you and talking through the nights you cant really sleep.
He gets you a stuffed cat, you use it mainly as a pillow and sometimes hug it when bad is streaming.
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"It reminded me of you when I saw it."-bad
Your heart melted.
He loved your reactions to the little sweet gesters he did. It brought him joy to know you were able to relax and trust him at this moment and time.
You get a free swearing pass. He knows you hurt really bad at times but he lightly says language when on stream.
You understood though. He had kids watching too.
You were grumpy one day, bad took rat because of a rat cam stream. And all you wanted was to be warmed up by something else then a blanket.
You were sittinging there looking at bad as he streamed.
You could technically get up and grab rat but he my tell you not to.
So you quietly patted your lap.
Rat immediately seemed to notice and run over to you, jumping onto the bed and laying in your lap.
You felt accomplished and tired so you fell asleep.
Rat leaving made the chat confused but bad explained that you were healing from a surgery.
Chat wished you a good recovery and told bad to go and comfort you. Even though you were asleep.
He tried to explain it but the donations kept yelling at him.
So he ended stream and laid next to you and rat.
This was comfortable.
Eret, they were a whole 'nother story.
This fabulous being is like a maid service in one.
They have two outfits they wore when you were upset.
A maid outfit and a butler outfit.
You just got home, you were in pain, sitting up and swaddled in blankets and Goose was trying to smother you at this point.
Eret was streaming and you were sitting there in the background, blankets, pain, and goose exsiting.
You didnt know eret was talking about you because you were falling asleep. Eret nor you expected what their followers did.
Her door was bombarded with packages addressed to you. Decorated with words about getting well soon, that they were proud of you, even some saying you were their rolemodle.
Eret decided to have a stream of you opening them.
Let's just say alot of them were food, candies, even foreign food and drinks. Someone made you a homemade blanket in the trans colors.
Best part about that blanket, it was heated.
You were using it immediately as you were freezing.
Eret just chuckled and rubbed your shoulder as you opened them.
Needless to say they are proud of you, happy that you were one huge step closer to who you were.
All they wanted was your happiness.
She's a sweetheart.
Need I say more?
Well I will because fuck you I can.
Constant cuddles, be it only her head in your lap, it is almost always happening.
When you have to take your pain meds she is instantly on it, do you want soup or a smoothie? You cant decide? She'll make it a surprise.
If you dont live with her then you're staying with her while you are recovering. She doesn't want you alone when you are in pain.
You'll be bedridden until she thinks you're okay.
If she deems you as not fit for doing something she's on it. Drop you glasses for reading/drawing/writing/typing. You bet your ass as soon as she heard that clack and you groan she's picked it up and it's on your lap.
Also makes sure you're good with streaming.
If you say your good with it that day it's a calm stream. There is no lore happening when you're healing everyone was fine with that due to the fact that niki would have to sit out and the lore was with her as well so that couldn't happen.
Will came to visit...
Saw you, took pity, and now you're stuck with two people showering you in affection and comfort.
You saw Wilbur as a brother. And wilbur saw you as his younger brother. So he literally felt the pain when he saw you wince.
Niki thought it was cute and comforted both of you.
Anyways she saw something before your surgery and decided that you needed it.
It would make you feel better.
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It made you laugh.
You regretted laughing but loved the hoodie.
It fit so well and it was beautiful, you also were thinking about buying it one day because you could.
But niki beat you to it.
Wilbur didnt stop laughing.
I mean who blames him.
You literally just Yeeted your tits. And niki got you something that said yeet right on top of it.
It worked perfectly.
Also when niki's not cuddling you zuko is.
End of story, you're seriously stuck with cuddles no matter what. Be it from an animal or a human.
Wilbur wont cuddle you more of give you head pats.
Niki normally streamed with you there with her unless lore stream.
So when the second day after your surgery, she had streamed, and you weren't there her chat started asking questions. Wondering if you were good, if something happened.
That's when you raised from your dead sleep, zuko falling off your stomach, shirtless, just to go grab some sock as your toes felt like they would fall off.
Chat seemed relived but started questioning the binder and all that.
Niki explained that you got top surgery and that you were healing still.
"He's looking like he wants to die right now. Are you sure he's fully okay?"-dono
"Yeah I'm good. Just stubbed my toe as well."-you.
Niki was quick to rush over and help you back to the bed.
"Just sit down I'll get you your water hun."-niki
She was quick to fill your bottle up and place it next to you on the table next ot the bed.
She's such a big help not matter what honestly.
She loves you and will do anything for you.
I am sorry this took so long. Just had a very unstable mental state. Also sorry if they seem oc. I'm once more not on a good mental state and have been trying to work on this.
So yeah if I dont post in a bit I'm so sorry just stressing alot. Insomnia is kicking me so hard.
My grandma broke her foot, she's all good though.
And I have taken up most things in my house as I live with both my mother and grandmother still.
But yeah I apologize for the break just gonna try to let myself get better. It might take a bit. It might be quite short I dont know. I just need to get more sleep.
Eli is very tired now. Bye.
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soobasaur · 4 years
are you mine?
— a lee minho au
genre: enemies to lovers minho x gender neutral!reader
a/n: this is for my bestie who has been in a minho obsession lately and needs more content, you know who you are :]
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you and minho didnt exactly,,,get along very well for a while
the only reason you both even knew each other was two of your best friends were dating and merged ur friend groups
(thanks a lot binsung 〴⋋_⋌〵)
you wouldnt go as far as to say you hated him
but you liked to pretend you did
you just barely saw him around so why not just mke him your mortal enemy??
it was easier to hate him then admit he was decent company!!
you had a reputation to uphold!!!!
and apparently he did too because he never really disagreed,,,,
you guys just ever had a chance to get off on the right foot and really talk
mutual disagreement <33
the thing is, the both of you were never left alone together
like ever
until that one time yall were abandoned (-д-;)
you and ur friend groups planned a hang out but everyone ended up cancelling last minute with no excuse
it was just you two who didnt get the memo and ended up alone
now that you think about it,,,that sounds like smth ur friends would do on purpose
(again, fuck u binsung!! ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ )
so just picture this,,,you and minho both showing up to an arcade and sitting in silence for an hour before getting a text that everyone cancelled
your immediate thought was to go home bc why would minho want to hang out with you???
but after the both of you read the text in the groupchat he got up and made his way inside, holding the door open and quirking his eyebrow up at you
“well, are you coming or not? I wanna try the new vr game.”
and you were just like \\(⊙︿⊙)// ???
he? wants?? to hang out??? with just you????
but u ended up following him in and he paid for your guy’s tickets ≧◡≦
“just buy me lunch after and we’re even”
lunch??? now this mf wants to get lunch together?!$%
you learned one thing about minho that day
he was,,,competitive,,VERY competitive
like what demon possessed him kind of competitive
whenever he won he would flash you a smirk and skip to the next game as he dragged his row of tickets along
ur pride was in shambles
so you unleashed everything after that and won a good amount of games ;)
u had been eyeing a cute cat plush the entire time but u didnt have enough tickets at the end :((
o(╥﹏╥)o damn it capitalism u just wanted a plushie
you didnt rlly want anything else so you gave your tickets to minho and waited to the side for him to get his prize
he came out with tHE SAME PLUSHIE YOU HAD BEEN EYEING \\( ಠ_ಠ)//
but before you could sulk about it he handed it to you and started to make his way to the exit O(≧▽≦)O
and during lunch this bitch ended up paying even after saying you should (`ε´)
\(▰˘◡˘▰)//\\ (▰˘◡˘▰)//\\ (▰˘◡˘▰)// \\(▰˘◡˘▰)//
After that...hang out if you will,,u started to notice minho everywhere
why was this bitch all over your college campus?
you never noticed minho was in ur class for the longest time jsskkfk
like all of a sudden u just spotted him out of the corner of ur eye and were like o h
once he noticed you too there was no going back
say good bye to paying attention in class
(as if you ever did anyways)
he started to inch closer to you during class
he even started sending you notes
ಠ▃ಠ and u were so paranoid the professor would catch you
but this bitch was slick so u were fine
ヽ(๏∀๏ )ノ
he was the type of guy to throw little crumpled sticky notes at you whenever he wanted to say something during class
they’d be covered with doodles of cats and his scribbly messy handwriting + little hearts
it was usually just some dumb thought he had or a crude drawing of the professor (. ゚ー゚)
other than those few notes you guys never really talked outside ur friend group
there was one incident late at night tho
you had a big project coming up and it was 2am and you were...2 sentences in T_T
you deserved a coffee break <3
so that was how you found under the awning of an all night coffee shop
except it wasn't all night and closed right after you got ur coffee!!
and now u were stuck under the awning!!
all you had was your measly hoodie that you stole from changbin and your now soggy cup of coffee as you waited for the rain to pass
you might as well of just stayed home since ur wasting all this time you could’ve been working on your project standing outside
were you gonna work on the project once you got home? no
but did the thought of wasted time still make you mad? yes
you slumped against the shop as you bitterly drank your coffee, crushing the cup between your hands
after a couple minutes you felt the rain above you stop
you look to your side to see,,,minho?!
this mf was holding an umbrella above your head
“here, take my umbrella.”
thats when you noticed the cafe uniform he had on
“you work here?” you asked, before taking the umbrella from his hand
“yeah, your observant ass didnt see me literally make your coffee,”
“oh whoops,,,i thought you hated me, why are you giving me our umbrella?”
“i do, but id rather you uh...not die in the cold looking like a dead rat.”
was it just you or were his cheeks dusted pink?
probably the cold
(y/n you dumb bitch-)
you both walk back to your dorms after that
and he insists you carry the umbrella
cus his poor arms are tired from making coffee all day :((
and maybe it's an excuse to be closer to you
since hes a bit taller he has to crouch and scoot closer to you in order to not get wet >_<
⊙﹏⊙ ⊙﹏⊙ ⊙﹏⊙
over the next few weeks your find urself at the cafe he works at more often
one time you got the hours wrong and he wasnt on shift :(
but when you got up to leave he walked in and spent the day helping you study instead of working
you went for the coffee!! not for him!! definitely not,,,
“look, im only hanging out with you cus you get the employee discount.”
“sure, and not cus you enjoy my company-”
“i 100% despise your company.”
ok but u didnt
u actually /REALLY/ liked his company
like WTF
where has he been all ur life
ew that sounded too romantic
but like fr where was he hiding
soon you both were joining binsung on their dates
but it wasn't a double date!!
it was just four friends hanging out and two happened to be a couple
and they liked to hang out at fancy restaurants and do couple like activities
totally normal!!
there was one incident where you were about to pay for your meal but minho placed his hand on top of yours and slid his card instead
“you can pay on the next date.”
excuse me sir what do u mean-
you ignored changbin and jisung’s snickers behind you the entire night
when minho walked you home you couldnt help but let urself blurt out
“was this a date?”
minho gave you an incredulous look
“...was it not??”
oh my god this is embarrassing
you ignored how minho was now turning crimson red and panicking and tugged on his collar, pulling him down for a kiss
“it was...a date” you mumble, now shy at the close proximity between the two of you
“...im gonna kill jisung.” he muttered, pulling you in for a hug, “he told me this was a double date”
“that can be our next date, the murder of our best friends.”
“wow i am in love with you.”
minho and y/n murder besties!!
for legal reasons that is a joke
( ˶˘ ³˘(˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)♡
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thank you for reading !!
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tarosin · 3 years
the great adventures of y/n tubbo jack niki and wilbur - racing across the sea
requested: yes/no
part 8 of the great adventures series
warning: cursing, anxiety about the sea
ever since the argument you and tubbo had become inseparable, he practically lived with you and your parents at this point, and your community was loving it. everytime one of you would stream, tens of thousands of people would tune into your stream to see what madness was going on and today was no different. the pair of you decided to stream a laugh and the stream ends challenge. safe to say you ended up changing the rules several times, you even made ranboo join the stream so you could have extra lives. not long after the stream ended you, ranboo, and tubbo practically dominated the twitter trending page. today however was tubbos last day at yours and shortly after you ended stream, the pair of you headed out to the train station so you could make sure your best friend made it onto the train safely. after you said your goodbyes, you decided to facetime jack on your way home to discuss vlog ideas, and just to talk to him, as you had been rather busy this past week going over plans with ranboo, tubbo, and all of your parents about the uk trip that was happening pretty soon.
a few days later, it was finally time to go film the vlog. you couldn’t exactly lie, you weren’t exactly looking forward to this, as you were told it had something to do with the sea and boats which oddly enough didn’t mix very well with your fear of the deep sea. you had no idea what’s down there and you didn’t want to find out, but hey at least you’d be with tubbo.
your parents offered to drive you there so you didnt have any additional stress from having to get a train then a taxi, this allowed you to have a pretty quiet journey to meet up with your friends. you sat in the back of the car on facetime with tommy who was the only one who knew about your fear and was rather confused as the why you would agree to do such a thing
“i’ll never understand what goes through your mind, you’ve got this though! you’re going to be completely okay, plus you never know it might help you get over your fear, you did tell me you had been working on getting over it.”
“I suppose you’re right, it can’t be too bad. I mean I love the sea. I just don’t like what’s deep down, you feel me?”
“i understand mate, but you need to remember jack wouldn’t put you in danger. as much as he acts like he would, and even if you do fall off the boat or some how end up in the water, you won’t automatically end up at the bottom of the sea. just try to enjoy yourself, yeah?”
“call me when you get home you can tell me all about what happened, afterwards we can record a minecraft mod video.”
“of course, boss man.”
“you hang out with tubbo too much, you should hang out with me a lot more.”
the car pulled into the car park and within a minute of the car stopping tubbo was at the window shouting your name.
“right tommy, i should probably go, ill see you later bud!”
you said goodbye to your parents as tubbo opened your car door for you.
“what a gentleman, thank you, tubbo.”
“anything for you, now let’s go. jack began filming the intro and i really want the hat hes wearing.”
“you’re ridiculous.”
he stood with his arms crossed shaking his head, pretending to be offended before walking off with you not far behind him.
you stood with niki and wilbur as tubbo went off filming some of the intro with jack. the three of you stood talking about how you have all been and discussing more plans for your meetup.
“y/n, go control your friend, he’s stealing a hat!”
you ran up behind tubbo and stole the hat from him, putting it on your own head.
“why have you got the hat now?”
“i am now captain!”
“but i wanted to be captain!”
you and tubbo stood arguing back and forth over who was captain, ignoring jack trying to get the pair of you to stop.
“you have 5 seconds to stop arguing or you’re being separated 5...4...3...2...1 right.”
“jack no!”
jack pulled you aside claiming he has something really important to ask you.
“so did you bring something valuable?”
“yeah i did actually, i brought tubbo and the necklace tommy gave me for my birthday last year.”
tubbo overhearing the conversation walked over telling you both that he also brought a valuable item, in fact it was a family heirloom.
“i brought an urn.”
“why would you do that tubbo? what the fuck-“
“you two do realise if either of you lose it had to go in the sea?”
“poor grandma.”
“aye about that you will have to pry that necklace out of my hands in order to throw it in the sea!”
the three of you went up to wilbur and niki where wilbur stole the hat you stole from tubbo, and you were told that you were all about to race to the isle of wight.
it was unfortunately time to board the boat, you sat next to tubbo, so that you felt like you had some sort of control with what was about to happen. the others sat making jokes about what was going on whilst you were trying to get control of your breathing. as you all set sail, you thought you were doing a good job of hiding the fact you were potentially about to have a panic attack as no one seemed to notice, or so you thought. considering the fact tubbo was your best friend, he instantly noticed something was wrong and wrapped an arm around you, and decided that distracting you would be a lot better than making you focus on what was currently happening.
“hey y/n, i have an amazing idea for when ranboos in the uk. a 4 month sleep over.”
before you had time to fully process what was going on, all you could hear was wilbur now claiming to be captain then going on to tell you why portsmouth is called portsmouth. you couldnt help but laugh at the random things he was coming up with since he put the captains hat on.
“that is a cinema..i’ve been in this industry for a while now, isn’t that right?”
it was silent for a while until niki tried to steal the captains hat, but was unfortunately unsuccessful .
“maybe next time niki.”
“thank you for believing in me, y/n.”
you pointed out a castle which ended up with wilbur talking about how the planned executions there .
“are they dead?”
“...tubbo of course they’re dead. what kind of question was that?”
the other boat began getting closer to the boat you were all currently in, indicating that it was almost time for you all to split up into two groups.
“my boat is going much faster.”
“that is a sign of pollution.”
“wow jack you’re polluting the world, i hope you’re happy!”
the ride was pretty chill until jack asked what he had lost in the past.
“past relationships.”
“the love or host.”
“laugh you lose streams.”
“the waterslide races from when we went to the water park.”
you and tubbo continued listening things that jack had lost.
“okay. so i’ve lost a few things.”
jack looked towards the other boat.
“however, you two are about to lose each other.”
“excuse you?”
“no, y/n is mine!”
eventually wilbur had enough and picked tubbo up and took him to the other boat with him.
you and niki sat laughing as jack and wilbur bickered about who was going to win the boat race. whilst jack was distracted, you felt niki tap your arm and told you to look over to the other boat where tubbo was reaching his arm out to you so you could quickly swap boats.
you quickly got into the boat and sat next to your best friend, tubbo knew you were still slightly nervous, so made it so you would be sat in between him and wilbur so you would feel a lot more comfortable. a few minutes later, your boat began to set off and all you could hear was a mixture of tubbos laughter and jacks yelling getting quieter the further you went.
you turned to face wilbur who pointed towards a building before announcing that it definitely belonged to the the three of you, and was renaming it reddit gold.
“reddit..reddit gold, are you serious?” you said through your laughter, the three of you sat together taking turns narrating what was happening .
“go on, y/n.”
“if this capsizes, were all drowning.”
“cheerful as awful.”
“do you think sharks are beneath us?”
“i’m not even answering that question.”
you looked over your shoulder to see that niki and jack were catching up to you all.
“i hope they don’t overtake us, otherwise it’s bye bye tubbo.”
“and grandma.”
“excuse you, tubbo?”
“he’s claiming that he brought an urn with him and if we lose our valuable item gets chucked into the sea.”
a little while later jacks boat was next to yours and you and wilbur started to shout how it was like romeo and juliet.
“y/n, you studied this at gcse a while back, yell some quotes.”
“tubbo i didn’t listen to the teachers.”
“do it!”
wilbur continued to talk to the others whilst you and tubbo sat bickering about William Shakespeare .
“tubbo my favourite character was benvolio and he fucked off halfway through.”
“what do you mean he fucked off?”
“he literally disappeared.”
wilbur was genuinely questioning what he was listening to he slowly turned around and tried to catch your attention; however you were currently in the middle of a debate about why benvolio disappeared, which was that last thing you expected to be doing on the boat. eventually your debate died down and you looked up to see wilbur shaking his head at you both, clearly confused as to why you spent 5 minutes arguing about romeo and juliet. an idea came to wilburs mind as he started laughing and pointing at the sea.
“drink some seawater, tubbo.”
you looked away as tubbo reached into the water trying to hold as much water as he could before bringing it to his lips and drinking the seawater.
“tubbo did you really just-“
“more tubbo!”
tubbo did the same as before, however this time brought his hands towards your face.
“drink it, y/n!”
“yeah, y/n, you can help desalinate it.”
“how wonderful, i’ll pass though.”
tubbo looked at you pretending to be upset and lifted his hands towards you again, this time you gave in and drank some of the water.
“thanks, tubbo, I can now only taste salt.”
jack noticed what you and tubbo were doing and looked at wilbur confused.
“im making them drink seawater!”
“what’s it like?”
“salt.. a lot of salt!”
you checked your phone as you kept receiving multiple messages from tommy trying to get your attention, forgetting that you were currently on a boat with the others. you looked up from your phone to see tubbo drinking more seawater.
you had no idea what was going on for jack and niki, but it sounded a lot like they lost hope as jack yelled asking if there was room for him on the boat while tubbo sat flipping him off in response to his question. jack continued to yell at the three of you however none of you could hear what he was yelling, so you kind of sat just nodding your head in agreement to what he was saying. wilbur pointed out that he could see the finishing line and how it looked like you were all going to make it. you looked over to see jack and niki recreating that one scene from titanic tubbo looked at you smiling, trying not to laugh.
“absolutely not one of us, if not both of us, would end up in the sea.”
the boat began to go significantly faster. at the start you were unsure how to feel, however a few minutes into it you began laughing enjoying how fast you were going.
“woahhh we’re turning!”
the boat did a loop before going straight on as fast as it could go.
“y/n, tubbo, we’re going. we’re going.”
you ended up passing another boat you and tubbo instantly waved to everyone on the boat a few people waved back .
“they don’t wanna wave.”
“they know their boat is bigger than ours.”
“they could easily ram us and kill us all.”
“hopefully they decide against doing that.”
the boat began weaving resulting in you, tubbo, and wilbur constantly crashing into each other, not that any of you cared you were all having the time of your lives. you pointed at a boat which was cutting off the boat jack and niki were in .
“we’ve got this in the bag boys, victory is ours!”
your boat slowed down so it could dock.
“i think we’ve won!”
“we won”!
“holy shit we won! tubbo doesn’t have to go in the sea now!”
everyone got out of the boat so you could all wait for jack and niki to reach the dock, as the two of them approached you all tubbo began to sing.
“we are the champions my friend!”
“i have to go into the fucking water!”
you pulled niki into a hug.
“jack you cruel man.”
“did you not have fun niki..we had a great time.”
you let go of niki and stood behind tubbo placing your head on his shoulder whilst jack explained to wilbur what was going to happen if they lost.
“oh, I thought we got to decide who was thrown into the water.”
“no no no no no no!”
“well i think considering we won..”
after a small discussion as a team, you all instantly agreed that jack should be thrown into the water, you all stood on the boat as niki argued that he cant throw her into the water. a couple seconds later wilbur walks towards jack handing him the camera before picking him up.
“are you ready?”
“i don’t think the bits that funny will, i don’t think the bits that funny!”
you all screamed and laughed as jack was thrown into the water. jack complained about the temperature of the sea as he climbed back onto the boat only to be pushed off again by you and tubbo.
“that’s revenge for trying to put us on separate boats!”
you spent the rest of the day together just hanging together as a group before you said your goodbyes.
the ride back home was you excitedly explaining what your boat ride was like to your parents, once you got home you ran upstairs to your room then called tommy on discord
“how was it then?”
“tommy it was so cool, honestly i wish you could have come with us.”
“i mean you’re coming with me george and wilbur to a water course next week, you don’t have a choice.”
“oh okay, it’s a good job i’d love to be there then, tom, also what mod are we playing just so i can check i have it ready.”
the two of you spent a good hour talking before getting ready to film a video with charlie and jschlatt for tommys youtube channel.
@l0ver0fj0y @etheriaaly @xx-smiley-xx @hawarun @kylobensgirl @cawcaw-pretty-thing @reverse-iak @c1loudee
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nikrangdan · 4 years
roommate!heeseung pt. 1
Tumblr media
pairing: roommate!heeseung x female reader
genre: mini fic(?), fluff, comedy, tiny angst(one little sad part)
warnings: cursing!!! 
word count: 4.3k
description: i guess you just didnt realize you were in love with your roommate...... who has a girlfriend
you had just hit heeseung over the head after he said he would burn all of your plushies
your Precious. Plushies
hell no you’ve been collecting these since you were 11 no way in hell heeseung would threaten ur babies
you rolled your eyes and started to walk to the kitchen to get a snack
stupid heeseung
hes always saying stupid shit🙄
before you walked out though you noticed the look on his face
like he was contemplating something
“y/n... can you do me a favor?” he nervously uttered out before you walked out his door
“....what kind..?” you furrowed your brows
why was he being so cryptic
“uhh i need you to get flowers and chocolates for me from stacys....”
stacys was this fancy store 45 MINUTES AWAY..
“ur fucking serious?” you deadpanned
this was something new
in all your 8 months of living with him he had never asked you of a favor this big
for context.., you had moved to this city apartment for college 8 months ago but you couldn’t afford it without a roommate
but luckily you overheard a certain boy praying for an apartment while you were on campus
and you guessed it!!! it was heeseung
you two clicked easily and you were very thankful he was your roommate
after 4 months of living together he told you he got a girlfriend
you didnt really know about his campus life since you didnt have classes together and you never saw him walking around
you dont know why you were surprised when he told you... i mean have u seem Him.....
but nonetheless
u were like “Omg heeseung!!! thats great<3” like the supportive friend u were
yeah and that was that
you didnt meet the girl until another month later
Now that..... that was an experience......
*knock knock knock*
who tha hell was knocking at 7 in the morning.........
you staggered your way over to the front door with your matching hello kitty pajamas
and u open the door to see a blonde Lady who looks around your age
Why did u forget to look thru the little peephole in the door...... ur probably just tired whatever
anyways ur like
and shes like
“? who are you.?”
and ur like
“i live here....”
and shes like
“?...? oh sorry i thought my boyfriend lived here..”
and ur both just standing there like ;-;
shes all dressed up and u look like a childs room threw up on u
And thats when it hit u
“are you heeseungs girlfriend?!!???” your hand raises up to point at her unconsciously
“ yes.. i am” she looked so lost it was so funny
“oh then you have the right place im sorry! hes my roommate” you scurry back into the apartment, gesturing for her to come in and close the door behind her
“what? he didnt tell me had a roommate..”
poor girl 😭😭😭
you quite literally pounce into heeseungs room and smack him while shes still standing outside awkwardly in the living room
“fucking idiot” smack to the face
“wake up” smack to the chest
“heeseung i swear to god” you shake his head
“are you fucking dead???? wake up!!!!” you pinch his ears really hard
that woke him up
“Ow ow ow ow OWWW y/n what the hell???” his eyes are forced open but theyre squinted due to the sunlight
“your girlfriend is here” you whisper-yell at him
“what???” he sat up so quickly you almost laughed
you were 90% sure she heard everything
oh well
his problem
he just stares into space for a second before his eyes go wide
ur just sitting on his bed waiting for him to do something like Uhhh
“shit i planned a date today oh my god” he jumped up from his bed and hastily told you to “stay put” before throwing on a hoodie, walking to see his girlfriend, and slamming his bedroom door leaving u sat on his bed
yes u were nosy Muahahahahah
so u pressed ur ear against the door to listen to their conversation
“sora, im so sorry i slept in late i promise ill make it up to you please baby dont be mad”
you had to stifle your laughter with your hand
God this was gold
“heeseung why didnt you tell me you lived with a girl.”
oooooooh hes in trouble you laugh to yourself
“ah about that.. im sorry i didnt tell you.. dont worry though, you know i only like you! shes just my roommate”
Why did that hurt 😪
“whatever heeseung.. ill call you later” and then you heard the door slam
already???? you were ready to get ur popcorn :///
you didnt even notice it had been a while before the door opened with you still leaning on it
boom u fell on the floor
“shut up” he said before jumping face down on his bed
you stand up to lean against his door again, staring pitifully at the boy
“you okay?” you cross your arms
“mmm” he mumbles into his pillow
“you know i think i deserve a treat for being woken up at 7am on a sunday by your little girlfriend”
“little? shes taller than you” he turned around to lay on his back and chuckle
“oh so you’re making jokes right now when your girlfriend might break up with you?” you glare at him
“shes not gonna break up with me over something this little” he rolls his eyes and grabs his phone from his nightstand
“you know you’re a little piece of shit heeseung!” you yell out to him after you walked out of his room
“how?!” he yelled back
“treat your girlfriend better!”
he kept his mouth shut after that
yeah you two didnt talk for the rest of the day because he stayed in his room sulking or whatever
fast forward to now
Right after he asked u to get him the chocolates and flowers
“please y/n, sora is gonna be here in 2 hours and i need to get everything ready and i dont have enough time to do everything” he begged
“do you really need them from stacys though???” you whined
he just huffed and glared at you “yes! sora only likes them from there.”
“nuh uh mister dont give me that look” you narrow your eyes at him
he immediately stops his glare and tries to look neutral
it almost made you laugh
you just looked at him for a few seconds before giving up
“fine. but what am i getting in return?”
his eyes lit up and traveled up as he was in thought
“hmmm ill buy you food whenever you want for a month”
“woah thats more than i bargained for but deal!” he didnt realize that until after you shook his hand, very enthusiastically might i add
so now you were on your way home with the MASSIVE bouquet of roses and beautifully wrapped chocolates sitting nice and snug in the passenger seat of your car
these two things costed $115
oh well its heeseungs money not yours
you found it amusing because heeseung was nowhere near rich so where was he finding this money to blow
over an hour later and ur finally back home
u open the door
u struggled very much btw
almost dropped everything haha
but woah......
your eyes widened and your mouth fell open
“heeseung? you didn’t tell me you two were having the date here..”
as soon as you walked in you smelled a pretty scent and the lighting was dim
it was beautiful
there were candles lit on every surface
rose petals were scattered messily everywhere
the two seater dining table was topped with elegant decor
there was quiet jazz music playing from his speaker
the familiar aroma of your favorite food hit you
standing there in your apartment didnt feel real
it felt like you were in a dream
you couldnt believe your apartment could turn into room from a fairytale
you were never one to be into disney princesses and fantasies
but for the first time ever you almost wished for a prince charming yourself
you almost got lost in a trance
and then....
the boy himself walked out
donned in an all black suit with a sliver of the white undershirt peeking underneath and the white tie
his bangs were covering his forehead and you noticed he styled them to be wavy
he had his earrings in and rings were present on 3 of his fingers
he looked absolutely dazzling
you dont know how or why.. but your heart began to race
why did this feel like it was for you...?
you wanted to be his disney princess
staring at him wistfully, it felt like time had stopped
“oh thanks y/n, i almost thought you ditched me” he chuckled quickly
he was frantic and out of breath as he snatched the things out of your hand
“right!” he began as he sped around the room setting everything up
“im sorry but i forgot to ask if you could leave for today. im such an idiot, im sorry y/n.. you can stay at a friends house or something for the night?” he didnt even look at you as he perfected the chocolates on the counter and the plates on the table
you couldnt help but notice your heart clench and your stomach twist at his words
you were still glued to your spot infront of the door
“o-oh! yeah, okay thats fine ill get my stuff now” you scurry to your room
you speedily threw some clothes and necessities in a bag before walking back to him
he didnt look at you
“heeseung” you poke him
he finally turned to you
“sorry what?” he gazed down at you with big eyes
“its okay.. just wanted to let you know im leaving now” you give him a small smile
“oh right! thank you y/n again” he grinned
his pretty smile
“you look great by the way... have fun” you manage to say before slipping out the door
you didnt let him reply back because if you stayed in there a second longer you think you would’ve fallen in love with him
where did these feelings come from...?
you smack yourself on your forehead as youre walking down the steps to your car
ur probably just feeling like this because no man has ever done anything like that for u
and seeing it in real life made u want a bf 😟😟
yeah... thats it
so now ur at sunoos house
a close friend from your finance class
he lives in his parents house but theyre never home so he basically owns the place and doesn’t have to pay for it
Yeah u kinda envy the boy
but you love him because hes great
“y/n ..do you like him????” sunoo gasps
you guys are watching tangled for the 10th time and you were explaining what happened back at your apartment
“what? where did you get that from?” you snort, your eyes still focused on the movie
you could literally feel his eyes piercing into your soul with that stare
“the way you were telling me that story.... you sounded a bit jealous if i do say so myself..” he raises his eyebrow and leans back into the couch
“i do not like heeseung, sunoo” your eyes roll and you turn to look at him finally
he has a little smirk as he looks at u suspiciously
“hmmm okay, i get it” he raises his arms in defense and surrenders “you don’t wanna talk about it”
you scoff and laugh at his actions “you’re so annoying”
so ..*time skip* lol
you slept at sunoos for the night
it wasnt anything new bc u used to stay at his alot while u were in the process of moving into your apartment
one of his guest rooms is practically urs bc u have some decorations and spare clothes there :P
when you woke up that sunday morning you realized you forgot to set an alarm
so now its like 11am
well its not like you needed to be home so you shrugged it off
“morning” u said to sunoo when u saw him sitting on the couch watching wreck it ralph
boy loves his movies
“when are you going home?”
“wow rude.... not even a good morning back??” you found him amusing
“sorry, good morning. when are you going home” he turned his head to look at you
it made you laugh
Sunoo is so funny u love him
“do u wanna get rid of me that bad??? i hate you”
“ni-ki and jungwon are coming over today and i dont want you smothering them like you always do” he playfully glares at you
NI-KI AND JUNGWON???!!!??!!!!!!
“MY BABIES????” you exclaim and jump on the couch next to sunoo
“yes” he exasperatingly says
“now leave before they get here”
“WHAT?? no im staying because i wanna see them”
“NO!!!! now get out of my house y/n”
“why not?!!???! sunoo please i bet they miss me so much”
“y/n please.. they do NOT miss you”
“they literally do i always make them cookies and theyre like y/n ur so cool we love you”
“u mustve been hallucinating....”
“sunoo please please please i dont wanna go home” u tried to muster up the cutest puppy dog eyes ever
he looked at your face for a moment
“no u look ugly”
“YOU’RE SO ANNOYING” you push him
“theyre coming back tomorrow you can come then! today is boys night”
“boys night?” you snort “what the fuck are u kids gonna do that i cant be around for?”
“SHUT UP Y/N get out of my house!” he just starts to drag you out of his house himself
“ow oW OKAY fine ill leave... have fun doing.. whatever you’re gonna do” you grab your bag and start to head for the door
sunoo slams the door in ur face after he says “bye dont come back please” 😭😭😭
“asshole!” u yell to him thru the door
you just huff and stand on his porch for a second
you wonder if heeseung still has his girlfriend over and decide to text him
y/n🦧: hi can i come back home
now ur sitting on sunoos porch waiting for a reply
10  minutes pass while ur scrolling on your phone and still no reply
you look up when you hear the front door open
“why are you still here?” sunoo frowns at you
“heeseung didnt answer my text and i dont wanna go back if his girlfriend is still there” you reply
“go home y/n plz.... i lied jungwon and ni-ki arent coming over.. my grandparents are” he tries to shoo you away
“why would you lie about that” you laugh
“theyre really mean! but you can come back tomorrow because the boys are actually gonna be here.. now go because my grumpy grandparents are gonna be here in like 5 minutes” he guides your shoulders down his porch
“ugh.. if his girlfriend is still there its your fault” you pout
“wha- how is that my- whatever y/n go home!!!”
when you drive off you dramatically wave your hand to him trying to show how desperately you did not wanna go home
sunoo just giggles and runs back inside
you drove home extra slow Lol
and now you were at the door contemplating whether or not you just make a run for it
but u said fuck it because u missed the comforts of ur own room
well u knocked a little before unlocking the door
how embarrassing to be knocking on the door of ur own home 💀
you didnt get an immediate answer so u just stood outside in the apartment hallway....waiting....
after waiting for like 30 seconds (because ur impatient) you knock again
well i tried to be nice you thought
you finally gave up and unlocked the door with your keys, kind of slowly opening the door to peek in
hmmm.... nothing
the sun was emitting some rays of light through one of the windows but none of the lights were on
and why was there food still on the table..?
you were kind of afraid to go see heeseung 
you did notice one thing
there wasn’t a pair of shoes u didnt recognize sitting on the rack by the door 
so... is his girlfriend not here or did she bring her shoes to his room lol..
“hello?” you unconfidently called out to nobody in particular
no answer
you slipped your shoes off quietly and tiptoed towards the hallway that included both of your rooms across from eachother
the kitchen and living room looked untouched 
to describe u being confused would be an understatement
you set your bag down on your bed and then made your way to heeseung.. just to check on him
you were genuinely so confused rn
you thought they would be cuddling on the couch or talking in his room or something but it was dead silent throughout the house
“heeseung?” you soft knocked on the door of his bedroom
surely he couldnt still be asleep.. it was noon on a monday and heeseung would normally be up by 10 because he said he would “start being a more productive man” as he said it
you always laughed at him because he used to wake up at like 3pm on days he didnt have class
anyways you didnt get an answer which was slightly concerning because you didnt forget to take note that you saw his car in the parking garage when you arrived
“i’m coming in” you called out to him before twisting the knob and pushing the door open
you realized you might be crossing a line and he’d get upset at you for invading his privacy but you were honestly worried for your friend
at first you didn’t see him
his room was empty, not a single person in sight
that is until you further examined the big lump on his bed
“heeseung? what...” you walked over to the lump that you only knew was him because you could see a bit of his hair peeking out from the top
“um.. am i interrupting something..” you awkwardly said, debating whether or not to go closer
he wasn’t saying anything so you guessed he was sleeping
how odd for him
you wanted to just check real quick and then you’d leave his room
so your feet padded softly against his wooden floor as you made your way over to him
and you bent down a little to kind of tug the huge blanket away from his face
as you got closer you also noticed his girlfriend wasnt here
the first thing you noticed was that he was definitely not asleep
your eyes widened and your hand instinctively went to his face to cup his cheek
“are you okay?! why are you crying?” you quickly asked, your eyebrows were furrowed in worry
in your months living with him you have never seen him show any emotional feelings in front of you and it almost made you panic
his eyes locked onto yours before he looked away from you and closed his eyes
he still hasnt said anything and you really didnt know what to do in this situation
you took your hand off his cheek before sighing
now you’re just sat on the side of his bed just looking at him.. wondering what to do
you were sure he wasn’t sleeping even though his eyes were shut and he wouldnt move
but you sat there for 5 minutes and he didnt seem to mind
“sora broke up with me” 
he finally broke the silence
you didnt know what to say
you couldnt ask if he was okay when he obviously wasnt
“do you wanna talk about it? you looked over to heeseung to see him staring at you
“not really” he broke eye contact once again and looked up towards the ceiling
“later i will.. just not now” he breathed out
you nodded at that, understanding his situation
you felt terrible for the boy
his eyes were red and his voice was all nasally like he’d been crying
“i’ll leave you alone now..” you patted his big blanket fluff to lighten the mood and walked out his stuffy room
hours had passed while he was stuck in that room and you didnt know what to do 
it was 7pm already
you spent the day watching tv in the living room 
but it was dinner time and you made ramen (his fav!!!) in hopes that he would come out of there
“heeseung you’ve gotta eat” you knock on his door again
you had told him to eat at 2 earlier but he insisted that he wasnt hungry
you were surprised when he instantly opened the door and your hand was still in midair as you were knocking
if your hand moved an inch you wouldve been knocking on his chest which you found very funny but you didnt think this was the right time for jokes
“hi” you looked up at him
he was wearing his purple beanie with sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt
he definitely looked better than he did this morning which you thanked god for
“hey” he gave u this look :]
“you okay? i made ramen.. can you smell it” you kinda giggled
“yeah, thanks” he tried to send you a small smile which you were thankful for
“okay well come eat because i worked very hard on it” you turned on your heels and went towards the tiny kitchen island with two seats
he followed you and sat next to you as you gave him his bowl and chopsticks
“bon appetit!” you clapped your hands before digging in
you were proud of urself ngl... the ramen was smacking
“thank you y/n” he said softly
you refused to admit it but he was.. So Cute
“no problem, just eat” you grinned
and you two ate in silence for a good 15 minutes
he said he would do the dishes after you were done which was relieving because you wanted to go jump in your bed and watch tiktoks very badly
there was a slight awkwardness in the air too so you wanted to let that cool off too
so now you were cuddled up in our bed with your phone very close, almost too close, to your face
and you could hear the sink running as heeseung washed the dishes
you silently prayed he was feeling better and that he would be over it soon
the sink turned off and you could hear his footsteps coming towards the hallway
what surprised you was that you heard knocks on your bedroom door
“can i come in?” he asked
“yeah its open” you replied
u had to get out of ur blanket cocoon :///
you watched him stride over to sit next you on your bed
he even got under the covers and laid down like dang lmao u getting comfy i guess
“whats up?” you were sitting up while he was laying on your pillows
“so.. she broke up with me last night” he spoke while hugging one of your plushies
oh OHH so this is what this is about
“oh.. are you feeling better now?”
“yeah i think.. we only dated for 4 months but i really liked her....”
“did she say why she did?” you asked
“she said she found someone else. i dont know if you know this but shes a year older than me and she told me she wasnt into younger guys which doesnt even make any sense because her ex was younger than her too and-”
“okay heeseung” you laugh “people are like that, you just gotta deal with it”
“yeah yeah, i know” he sighed “i dont know.. i dont know if im sad i lost her or if im sad over the fact that i dont have a girlfriend anymore”
“was she your first girlfriend?”
“me? y/n” he laughed “ive had plenty before”
“oh” you didnt even wanna ask
“why? have you never had a boyfriend or something?” he joked
“no....” you trailed off, unable to look him in the eye out of embarrassment
you were never even embarrassed about that but for some reason admitting it to heeseung made you shy
“what?! no way” he was actually shocked
“yes way now can we change the topic this is terrible” you roll your eyes and shove a plushie in his face
“awee little y/n” he teased you
“get out” you snickered
“okay okay fine.. but yeah i think i’ll be okay. she broke up with me as soon as she got here so all of my planning was for nothing. i think that was what devastated me the most, i had no one to eat with”
you wanted to yell I LITERALLY EXIST soooo bad
Why is he so stupid....... 
“thats sad...” you said
you wanted to laugh at your reply bc what else could you say
“yeah anyways you dont have to worry about taking care of me while im sulking or whatever im cool now’
“well that was quick.. you were acting like a baby this morning now ur this tuff guy” you tease
“yeah yeah i dont even know why i was acting like that” his cheeks went pink
“im just kidding” you send a small smile his way “you know im always here for you right? dont be afraid to be a little emotional sometimes” you reach over to pat his head
“thanks y/n” he smiles “you’re a really great friend”
yeah.. friend
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obsessive-ego · 3 years
A late night hand nsft
Musical beetlejuice x reader
You give beej a handjob in your sleep
Reader has a vagina
Warning dubious consent, voyeurism, masturbation, mutual masturbation kinda
Shout out to the anon that told me to do this
Its been a full week of beetlejuice being underfoot and in your personal space, from the moment youd wake up, and left for work, to when you got home again, not that you minded at all, in fact you adored the demon, hell, you were head over heels for the ghoul, not that you had the balls to say it.
But this whole week he's been up on you, clinging to you, nuzzling his scratch beard into your neck, pinching your rear, poking at you, he just couldnt keep his hands off, not that you minded, though you did scold him for getting too friendly with your bum, you two even slept together and the man was a cuddler. All this physical attention wasnt usually an issue, you could normally deal with this pent up frustration and sexual neediness during some alone time with some less then wholesome thoughts of the bastard who made you feel that way to begin with.
But not this time, beetlejuice just wouldnt give you the time of day, normally he would duck out and scare the neighbors or lydia would summon him away, but lydia was off on a family vacation or something, and beej just wasnt in the mood to be a pest to anyone but you.
You envied the ghoul, his ability to just leave and do whatever he wanted, hell for all you know the bastard could be jerking off on the roof, shooting his load over the edge and watching it splat on the sidewalk, honestly you wouldnt put it past him, you couldnt help but snicker at that image, but your mirth was cut short when a familiar gravelly voice grabs your attention.
"What's so funny?"
"Ah, just remembered a stupid tiktok I saw the other day, dont worry about" you shrug
The ghoul grunts, alittle annoyed you wont elaborate on the joke, but his attention returns to the film the two of you were watching, he was watching, you were too busy in your own head.
It was the regular movie night the two of you shared, you would order pizza, beetlejuice would scare the piss out of the poor delivery guy, and the two of you would stay up till the early morning watching B list horror, all the while the demon had an arm around your shoulders pulling you into his side, he would claim he did it cuz he was cold and you were warm, and under normal circumstances you didnt mind, but now? You felt like you were gonna die, you swore the demon could hear your heart pounding away, or feel the warmth from your face, god couldnt tell you were in desperate need to deal with your pent up frustrations could he? Hell you wanted the ghoul to absolutely rail you on the couch, and you're pretty sure he'd do it if youd asked, but you werent that type of person, nor did you want friends with benefits relationship with beetlejuice, if anything you wanted something more romantic, as cheesy as that sounds, a loving relationship with a literal demon, I mean the two of you DO get along nicely, so maybe it wasnt too out of the question?
You were so busy in your on head freaking out you didnt hear beetlejuice trying to get your attention.
With a poke on the cheek you yelp in surprise
"You sick or something?" He smirked, amused by your cry
"Yeah, feeling alittle dizzy" you mumble avoiding the ghoul's eyes, he was leaning into now, his face way too close to yours, he had no idea what personal space even was, and you were in no state to deal with his clingyness unless you wanted to cum your pants infront of a jackass who'll never let you forget it.
"I think I'm gonna head to bed early" you shift away from the demon and up off the couch, he huffs in annoyance
"Really babes? You got the day off tomorrow, how bout you relax here with me, I dont mind if you doze off on me~, I'll keep ya nice and cozy all night~" he purrs, eyeing you up and down, if you werent wet earlier you were sure as fuck were now, you swallow the lump in your throat and squeeze your legs together and squeak out a soft "no thanks, I think sleeping in my bed would be ideal, I dont want to make you sick or anything, I mean If i am sick, night" you babbled as you scurried to your room.
With the closing of the door you were home safe in your room, not safe enough to jerk away these annoying pent up sexual feelings, yes you could be quite, but beetlejuice was nosy and had the nasty habbit of appearing when you least wanted him to, fantasies of him walking in on you then helping you finish is one thing, but in reality? Its terrifying.
You can stare at yourself in your bedroom mirror and snear "horny dumbass" you mumble as you plug your phone into its charger and slip in bed hoping tomorrow these frustrations would vanish.
Beetlejuice stifled a laugh at your exit, one of his favourite things about you was that you were a terrible liar, he could read you like an open book, that's how he found out you liked him and not just in a sexy way, he saw how much you liked him as a person, even though he wasnt one, you treated him with genuine kindness and wanted him around, not strings attached, that in itself was rare, a pretty little breather like you having the hots for a smelly creepy old guy of a corpse? One in a million, and he sure as hell wasnt gonna let it go.
He knew you liked him, and yes he's seen you masturbate more then he's willing to admit, but seeing you so turned on you looked like you were gonna explode? That was new, and he'd be lying if he wasnt a tad turned on by it at all.
Let's be honest beetlejuice knew he was winding you up all week, he wanted to see you're cute flustered expression, but soaking your panties? That was a bonus, he didnt think youd get so hot under the collar by his games, he was actually quite flattered that he had that level of effect on you.
The ghoul quietly floats over to your bedroom, pressing an ear against the door, nothing, he frowns, no sounds of soft panting, or the muffled buzz of your little vibrator, nothing. Maybe he was asking for too much, hoping youd have the guts to jerk one out while his presence was known, but no, no little peep show tonight.
As much as the demon would love to slip into bed with you and catch some Zs, it was still too early to do so, you'd still be awake, and in your current state would be pretty jumpy, he floats back over to the couch to wait it out, despite his creepy nature beetlejuice occasionally had these moments of respecting you and your feelings, it was odd, maybe the maitlands were rubbing off on him.
Beetlejuice spent most of this time waiting for you to doze off just staring at the ceiling as he reclined on the couch, he pulls a clock out from his jacket and gives a small smirk, enough time as finally pasted for you to be out and for him to slink in.
The ghoul fazes his way through your bedroom door, seeing you fast asleep, he smiles, floating towards the edge of the bed and with the snap of his finger his striped suit vanishes leaving behind nothing but a pair of stripe boxers.
Beetlejuice gently pulls aside the covers to reveal your sleeping form, you were wearing nothing but an oversized t-shirt, and with further inspection a pair of boxers, that were hidden by the shirt.
The ghoul slips in beside you and sighs at the welcoming of your warmth, the ghoul pulls you close being ever so gentle, trying not to wake you. The demon settles on the position of you using his soft chest as a pillow, your body pressed up against his side, and an arm around your shoulder with his hand on your upper back.
Beetlejuice let's out a soft sigh, this, this was nice, the feeling of warmth from your living body against his cold one, you were so soft, and warm, and alive, and you were all his, you just didn't know it yet. The ghoul couldnt help himself, you made him feel so wanted for nothing, of course he was going to fall for you, soon he'll get you to confess your feelings to him and then things will be perfect, but until that day, the demon was fine to snuggle with you, and get satisfaction from you in anyway he could.
His musings of your future love life was cut short with a soft whisper, it was unintelligible, but it was from you.
The ghoul stifled a laugh, you were talking in your sleep again, something you did often, but rarely was the demon able to make out what you were saying.
"What's up sweets? You okay?" He chuckled, hand running up and down your back
You mumble in response
"Oh, what's that? You need mr beebleboose to help you out?"
You hum
"You need me to rub your clothed vagina? Oh, y/n you naughty minx, is it because your so pent up from my little game of teasing-"
The ghoul's mirth was cut short when he felt the soft touch of a warm hand against his clothed dick.
"Whoa, babes, y/n ah-"
At first beetlejuice could have mistaken the first stroke as a slip of the hand, but another? You were gently rubbing his crotch in your sleep.
The ghoul quickly changes his hue to electric  pink, and bites his knuckles to try and stop from moaning out as your warm hand continously brushes clumsily against his cock, now fully erect, it was embarrassing how quick the ghoul's meat rose to your touch alone.
"Sugar, you're not playing fair" he groans before bucking into your touch, this wasnt fair, you're dead asleep and playing him like a goddamn fiddle, was this karma? Was this his punishment for making you hot under the collar? I mean as far as punishments go, it could have been worse, but having you touch him in such a way, and not being able to do damn thing about it? Still drove the demon nuts, god slash satan he wanted to wake and rail you, though he knew you would die of embarrassment if you found out what you did to him in your sleep, so here beetlejuice was, stuck between a tock and a hard place.
The noise nearly stopped the demon's heart, if it was still pumping, beetlejuice glances away from the ceiling over to you, which thank God, you were still asleep, just rambling again.
The ghoul lets out a soft sigh of relief before you interrupt
The demon nearly dropped his jaw at what you uttered, though he clenched it back shut when he felt your soft hand squeeze his cock through his boxers.
"Harder?" You mumble
"Y/n please" he whines softly "fine, you win babes" he ghoul groans before begrudging brushing your hand away and pulling his painfully hard cock out of his boxers, the ghoul gently guides your eager hand back to his desperate meat, which you gently take hold of, the demon stifles a moan at the rush of warmth of your soft hand against his hard cool cock. Beetlejuice slowly begins to guide your hand up and down his shaft, all while he pants and and moans, hips trying their best not to buck too hard and wake you.
"Oh y/n, theres nothing like doing the stranger, especially if you already know them huh?" He chuckles between pants
"You like that?" You mumble in a whisper
"God slash satan yes" the demon whines, he wanted this for so long, he would have preferred you be awake, but he wasnt going to punch a gift horse in the mouth.
His hand guiding your own began to pick up pace, running up and down his shaft, stopping at the base ever so often to give it a light squeeze.
"Is this good?" You sighed
"Sugar you have no idea" been groaned biting on his knuckles
As good as beetlejuice was at edging he knew he wasnt gonna last long, the warmth and softness of your hand was gonna be the second death of him.
He was in heaven, or as close as a born dead demon was gonna get, but he was brought back quickly to reality when movement beside him.
The smallest squeak of movement from the mattress followed by a soft whine from you, if the ghoul's heart was still pumping it would have stopped by now.
This was it, he was done for, you were gonna see his dirty transgression and banish him forever.
Seconds pass and there was nothing, no screaming, nothing.
Beetlejuice let's out a sigh before returning to guiding your hand up and down his desperate erection.
But you move you body again, a soft bump against the ghoul's side, and another bump, then another, followed by a soft whine from you.
Were you trying to get off?
The demon smiles and stifles a laugh, here he was tending to himself while his sweet little y/n was desperate for a release of their own, what kind of lover would he be if he was to leave his favourite breather hanging?
Beetlejuice moves his free hand from your back, and softly slides it between yours and his bodies, slipping it gently between your legs, where it was greeted with a great warmth. His cool fingers gently press against your clothed sex, he could feel you were already wet, you've been hot under the collar all week due to his teasing, the demon couldnt help but smile at how this was all his doing, with another press against your clothed folds, you let out a soft whine and gently buck up against his hand.
"Bee" you whimper
"Y/n" he sighs, returning his other hand into guiding yours up and down his leaking cock.
Many a nights has beetlejuice dreamed if this exact situation, although in his fantasy you were awake, but this was good too.
"Want me to make a mess honey?" You whined
At this point the ghoul was close to his limit, it was if you could read his mind "oh yeah baby, help daddy make a mess" he groaned using your hand at a more brutal pace, chasing his own orgasm.
"Fuck y/n, that's it, that's it doll, I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum all over your pretty hand baby" the ghoul babbled before finally cumming, his ectoplasm splattering all over your hand and the sheets that hid his dirty deed from view, moving you hand away from his now spent cock.
Beetlejuice takes a moment to bask in the after glow, before finally coming down from his sexual high to help you finish.
His attention now, 100% on you, a slight increase in pressure on your crotch as he rubbed, you whined and bucked into his hand, mumbling his name.
Beetlejuice took this opportunity to be a tad more bold, slipping a finger up the pant leg of your boxers and into your soaked vagina, he shivers at the new sensation, warm, wet, alive.
He slowly begins to pump his finger in and out, while his thumb eagerly runs at the clit.
It didnt take long for you to finish ether, due to how tightly wound you already were.
"That's it doll, cum all over my hand, eye for an eye right?" He chuckles
With a gasp and a few messy movements from you hips you cum, coding the demon's hand in your juices.
You slowly stop your thrashing and you panting dies down to soft breathing.
"Was it good for you too?" The ghoul snorts removing his hand from your crotch and bringing it to his mouth, sucking the lucky finger that explored your entrance.
Electricity leaving his hair, but remining pink, content in his late night activities, he snaps his fingers and his cum covering your hand and sheets vanish, as nice a thought was to have you sleep in that mess, youd be furious, and he couldnt have you finding him out just yet.
"Good night y/n" he sighs giving your forehead a soft kiss before dozing off.
You woke up groping around for your phone, 10am, you huff, you start to sit up before being yanked back down, into the arms of the demon who snuck into you bed again.
"Wheres the fore babes? It's your day off, come play with old mr beebleboose~" the familiar coo of the undead bastard you welcome into your heart graced your ears.
"Morning beetlejuice" you sigh
"Sleep well doll? Feeling better, you sure were hot last night~" he teased giving your cheek a pinch
"Yeah, I am feeling better..." you trailed off, clearly amazed that you really DID sleep off those frustrations "werid dreams though.." you mumbled
Beej immediately perked up at that "oh~" he leans in nuzzling his face against yours "care to elaborate babes?" This was gonna be good, you were gonna be a cute flustered mess again.
You snort "dont get too excited there Bee, it's not like that, I was standing in the living room shaking a can of pop" you say flatly giving a jerk off type of movement with your hand, the ghoul's eyes grow wide at the gesture, tips of his hair turning pink "you were there, sitting infront of me, I tried to talk to you, but you didnt respond, I just kept shaking the can, till my arm hurt, then I opened it pointed directly at my face, spraying pop all over myself, then the rest is kinda fuzzy..." you trail off knitting your eyebrows together ad if you were trying to remember.
The demon let out a loud cackle causing you to flinch
"Oh babes, guess that dream helped you release all that tension huh?"
Your face burns when It clicks, rubbing you legs together and feeling the familiar feeling of a recent masterbation session, you didnt cum in your sleep did you? God, let's just hope beetlejuice wasnt awake when it happened...
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