#literally everything happened to me today. been trying to start t for. well. since puberty ig but Seriously for the last 4 months.
emf005 · 3 years
James Sirius Potter x Female! reader
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Warnings: Puberty, James being the cutest thing ever, pain, couple cuss words for pizzaz(Maybe)
“Oi! Y/L/N!” You smiled as you saw the one and only James Sirius Potter strutting up the hallway with his band of trouble makers behind him. Most of them were his family, but a few were unrelated family members(Very Very close friends.)
“Oi! Potter!” You called back teasingly.
“Having a bad hair day today?” He smirked, looking you up and down. You rolled your eyes and touched your crappily put in braid. It may have looked like it, but you weren’t having a bad hair day. You were just crap at doing hair.
“Nope. Having a hard time coming up with insults? Am I too perfect for the James Potter to insult me?” You joked. You always took the teasing light heartedly. You listened to this song over the summer called Sarcasm. It was pretty good. But one of the lines that stood out to you were “Sticks and stones can break my bones but anything you say will only fuel my lungs”. It wasn't like you let him get to you before this, but you had only rarely hit him back with a come back. Now, you always threw one back.
“Ha! Perfect? You? Those two words shouldn’t be in a sentence together, Y/L/N.”
“You’re right,” you nodded, leaving him confused. You strode off down the hall with a swing in your hips. “Perfect is too dull of a word to describe me, Sweetheart!” You called over your shoulder with a wink. You disappeared behind the corner as you heard his friends laughing.
They knew you were light hearted about it. You were actually pretty close with a few of them. But James was competitive in everything. And for some reason he had chosen you to be his muse for picking on. You didn’t know why, nor did you actually care. You always liked a bit of banter, especially around this time of the month. And no, you weren;t a werewolf (Though you would gladly take that over having your period)
See, all periods come with their… side effects. Hormones bounce crazily off the walls and make some moody. Some get cramps. Some get both. Some break out and others(A very few minority) just have it without anything to think about. You had it worse than anyone.
Cramps. That may have been all you got, but they were so bad that walking, breathing, talking, or even moving could be impossible. You were once nearly paralyzed for a whole week and a half. You only moved to go to the bathroom. Your mom had to actually feed you. You were a very active person, you can only imagine how insane that made you.
Madame Pomfrey, your great Grandmother and god mother because that woman is a queen, always took care of you during these times and often threw things at you because you weren’t taking good enough care of yourself. You loved the woman dearly, but wow could she yell at you.
You watched James and his crew head down to the quidditch pitch for practice while you skipped down to Hagrid's. You loved to play quidditch but never wanted to play on the team. You knew you weren’t good enough for that and you would rather have just messed around with some friends.
“Hey Hagrid!” You said happily and plopped down by a pumpkin. He turned around from tending his garden and smiled at you.
“ ‘ello, Y/N. How ‘er you today?”
“Alright I guess. How about you? Any new creatures come crawling around?”
“Not yet. But I suspect they’ll show up soon.”
“Need any help?”
“You know where the tools are.” You hopped up, but not too fast because.. Well.. you know, and grabbed a pair of gloves and shoved them in your pocket in case he let you tend to the Biting thorns again. You had a knack for everything Herbology and Magical creates. You were Professor Longbottom and Hargrid’s favorite student, you knew it. I mean, you definitely were, no doubt.
About three hours later you started to get a stabbing pain in your lower stomach, losing your breath for a moment.
“Hey, Hagrid, I think I’m going to clean up before dinner. I only have a few minutes and I doubt anyone wants to be sitting next to my smelly butt.” You laughed, the stabbing getting worse.
“I’ll see ya there, Y/N! Thanks fer tha help!”
“Anytime!” You jogged away from him and a relaxing Fang so you could visit your great gran. Well, she wasn’t technically related to you. She was a close friend of your grandmother’s. They had gone to school together and been (And still were) closer than sisters. You grew up with her and she had become very over protective of you.
You waltzed into the hospital wing with a smile on your face. You were used to the stabbing pains. You had a very high pain tolerance, I mean, you had to.
“Gran!” You yelled out, not even flinching when you felt another annoying stab.
Madame Pomfrey came walking over to you with her arms crossed over her chest.
“You haven’t come to see me all week. Does this mean that you have finally come to your senses?”
“Oh, you make such a big deal out of everything. I barely have felt anything so far, and plus it's only Wednesday, perhaps I was just busy.” She gave you a knowing look. She always knew. You didn’t know how, but she always did. “Well, anyhow, I was helping Hagrid and the stabs were a bit worse than normal. Got anything that’ll just subside that?”
“I have the potion you should've been taking since the beginning of the week, young lady.”
“It's nothing major, Gran. Just something small. I don’t need the whole nine yards.” She sighed. You were the only person who she would give into.
“Fine, but don't come crying to me when you are hurting so badly that you can't move.” She was about to walk away when the doors banged open. You two looked over and saw James and his crew walking in. Madame Pomfrey sighed. “What is it now, Mr. Potter?”
“Don’t know I-”
“Fell off your broom and landed wrong while you were trying to do some wicked trick. I know. Set him on the table. I’ll be there in a-”
“I have to take a shower, Madame Pomfrey. I’ll come back later. Feel better, James! Hi guys!” You waved at them all and jogged off, ignoring your gran calling after you. Oh, yeah, another thing about you. You really didn’t like attention. You also didn’t like the fact that there was someone in more need of help than you and you were getting the help first. James needed more help than you did, you would just come back later… You thought you would.
You had planned to go back after dinner, but you didn’t. A friend asked you with help on the Divination homework. You decided to go the next day. Asked to help first years. Friday? No. Dueling club and extra studying. Before you knew it, it was Saturday and you were in so much pain. But you just kept going.
You were headed down to the quidditch pitch to watch Lysander and a few of his buddies play against Albus and Scorpius and a few of their friends. It was just a scrimmage, nothing major, but they all liked to have an audience. And since they all knew and liked you, they asked if you wanted to join. What you didn’t count on was James being there.
“Well well well. Look who we got here?” You looked over to see James, alone, walking over to you.
“Hey, James.” You said a bit weakly and short of breath.
“You alright?” You just nodded. He seemed to get more concerned. “Are you sure? You don’t look so good?” You laughed.
“Yeah well, I have my good days and my bad ones,” you joked, thinking he was teasing you again. He wasn't.
“Y/N. Stop for a second.” You did and turned to him.
“Are you sure you're alright? You look really pale and tired.”
“I’m fine. I promise.” You smiled and continued down to the pitch with him besides you. That's when the worst one you have had in a while hit you with full force, knock every ounce of wind out of you.
You collapsed and held your stomach, trying to take deep breaths like you had taught yourself to do.
“Y/N!” You felt a hand on your back and another on your arm.” What's wrong? What happened?”
“N-nothing. I’m-Ah!” You collapsed completely to your knees. The throbbing hurt so bad. It was like someone was digging a knife in you and just twirling it around.
“Obviously something. What can I do?”
“Take-take me to-to Gran. Please.”
“Gran, who's Gran?”
“Sorry. Madam Pomfrey.” He nodded and helped you up, putting an arm around you to keep you up.
“You're explaining that to me later.” You laughed, which only made it worse. “Can you walk faster? You're getting paler by the second.”
“This is… as fast… as I can… go.”
“Here,” he moved in front of you and bent down. “Get on my beck, it’ll be faster, alright?”
“James you really don’t have-”
“I want to. Come on.” You wrapped your arms around his neck and he, carefully, hoisted you up. He quickly walked to the hospital wing, being cautious as to not bump you around too much. “Madame Pomfrey!” He yelled when he banged the doors open like he always does. A dramatic entrance for a dramatic boy. You heard the oh so familiar sigh.
“What did you do this time, James?” She walked around the corner and saw you on James' back, her eyes widened in horror and she quickly moved into action. “Put her down here,” she opened up a section and he set you down carefully. She quickly ran away and started to gather stuff. James stood beside your bed and stared at you oddly.
“What happened? You seemed fine the other day. Are you sick or-”
“I’m really fine, it's just.. Um… girl stuff?” His eyes widened in understanding (Not horror).
“OH! Oh Merlin, are you ok? What do you need, like literally anything?” You furrowed your eyebrows.
“It's just cramps,” you shrugged, confused by his reactions. Normally anything under the topic of puberty or periods boys were off running. Even your own brothers.
“Not just cramps, young lady.” Your gran scolded and walked in, holding a bottle of the potion you were supposed to be taking. It really didn’t do much. And it tasted horrible. “These are getting worse as you get older.” You glanced at James.
“Ok. You don’t have to be talking about this with him here. No offence.” He just shrugged.
“You have to start taking this seriously!”
“Gran, I do! I was just busy!”
"You came in and then you left without taking it, telling me you would be back!”
“I got side tracked! And James was in more pain than I was!” Your voice was horse and it was getting harder to talk and breathe. She handed you the potion and you chugged it.
“You left because of me?” James asked. You swallowed the rest of the foul tasting liquid.
“You needed her attention. And then someone needed help on homework and it just” you coughed, making your stomach knot again. “Got out of hand.”
“Thank you for bringing her up, Mr. Potter. You can leave.”
“She needs her rest.”
“Tell the boys I’m sorry I missed the game.” He hesitated but nodded and left. Your Gran scolded you for a few moments before she left and told you to get some sleep, which you did.
The next day your friends visited you and you ignored the pains. They weren’t as bad as yesterday’s, but they were still pretty bad.
Soon they left and that just left you sitting hour after hour. You were still awake when it was one in the morning and you heard footsteps coming towards your bed. You figured it was your gran coming to check on you so you shut your eyes and pretended to be asleep.
They set something on the table and you opened your eyes seeing James.
“James?” He was startled and jumped a bit. He looked down at you with guilt on his face.
“Sorry,” He whispered. “Did I wake you?” You sat up slowly.
“No. I’ve been up. Kind of hard to sleep.” You moved over and motioned for him to sit, which he did.
“Cause of the…”
“Yep. You know, you’re a lot cooler with this stuff than a lot of boys your age are.”
“I never understood that. I mean, it's something that happens. Why do guys have to be so weird about it? Plus my little sister goes through it so…”
“That's right! Your sister’s Lily.”
“Yeah. She gets pretty bad cramps too, but not as bad as you, I think.”
“No one gets them as bad as me, which I’m grateful for.”
“So the potion doesn't really work?”
“Takes a bit of the edge off, but other than that? No.”
“I’m sorry.” You just shrugged and shifted. “Is there anything I can do to help?” You smiled.
“You’re sweet, James. But, I’m afraid not.”
“Well, I do know one thing I can do.”
“What?” He grabbed whatever he had sat on the bedside table and set it on your lap. It was a basket full of chocolates. Your eyes lit up at the sight.
“Holy Merlin! Where did you get all this?”
“I have my ways. I remember Lily said chocolate always makes her feel better so I figured it would help you too.”
“Wow. James! Thank you! Can I…”
“No. Absolutely not. I just brought it down here so that it can stare you in the face. You aren’t allowed to eat one piece of it.” You smirked at him and didn;t reach for a piece, just to see what he would do. “Oh my go, I was joking.” You laughed.
“I know I know!” You grabbed two pieces and handed one to him. He looked at it and then back up at you before taking it. You opened your piece quickly and bit into it. “Eat! Come on, you are stayen for a bit aren’t ya?”
“Why would you want me to?”
“Because you're my friend.”
“Why would you consider me that?”
“Because you helped me out a lot and you gave me food. We also talk all the time. Why? You don’t want to be friends?”
“I figured you wouldn’t want to be mine.”
“Because I’ve bullied you countless times.”
“That was just playful banter. I've seen you bully people. You were just teasing me.” He stared down at the candy.
“But still…”
“James, listen. I want to be your friend. If you don’t want to be mine I guess that's alright, but I've always wanted to be your friend.”
“Yeah. You seem really cool. And you are really nice. I've seen you with your siblings and your friends and have always been kinda jealous. I've never really had that," you shrugged and took another bite from your chocolate bar.
"You have all sorts of friends, though."
"Yeah but I'm kind of the replaceable friend. And then my family is a bucket load of insane. So I guess I’m sort of jealous. Like this.” you motioned to the chocolate and at him. “I have been having this happen since first year and my friends come in once to check on me unless they need help on something. I guess it's kind of childish, but-”
“No.” You looked at him, a bit shocked at his tone. “That's not childish at all! How are they your friends if you’re in pain and they don’t come to see you unless they need something?”
“James, it's not that big of a deal. I have a high pain tolerance and plus I have gran worrying over me.”
“Oh please explain that to me. You're her granddaughter?”
“Well, sort of. Great granddaughter, and honorary. Her and my grandma were as close as sisters when they went to Hogwarts and stayed that way throughout life. And when I lost my great gran and both my nans, she stepped up. Very over protective of me.” He smirked and leaned on his legs.
“I’d say. ‘Get out, Potter. I appreciate you bringing her up but I don’t want you here.” he mimicked her voice, and not too terribly. You started to laugh, making your stomach knot in protest. You groaned and fell back on your bed. “Oh! Sorry. Do you need another pillow? More blankets? Chocolate?” You smiled gratefully at him.
“No. Just gotta wait it out. Thank you though.” You smiled at him gratefully and you two talked until you fell asleep. He smiled, finding it odd how much he actually liked you. Every “conversation” he had he always enjoyed. Always enjoyed your banter in the halls and in class, but he had never actually talked to you before.
He stood up and pulled the blanket over you more so that your shoulders and arms were covered. He put the chocolate on the bedside table and brushed the wrappers off of the bed so that it wasn’t a mess when you woke up in the morning.
He then snuck out of the infirmary and back into his dorm room. James was surprised to see that his last thought before falling asleep was of you and hoping you felt better. He really hadn’t realized how much fun you were.
You weren’t in classes that day. Madame Pomfrey seemed to be punishing you and kept you in bed, bringing you meals from the great hall while you survived on James’ chocolate. You were reading over your notes when someone cleared their throat. You looked up, chocolate half in your mouth, to see James standing with a plate and his school bag.
“Hi James! Back already?” He laughed and sat down where he had sat the other day.
“You weren’t in class or the great hall. Wanted to make sure you were alright.”
“That's sweet. Thank you. I’m feeling lots better, but Gran won’t let me go to classes yet. She wants to monitor me and make sure it doesn’t happen again.”
He slid the plate of food and your face lit up. Sweets and meats, your favorite.
“Figured you would be hungry.”
“Starved! Yet again, thank you.”
“It's what friends do,” he said with a nod. You smiled happily. Friends. You had finally made it to friends with James Sirius Potter. “I also brought notes. In case you wanted to copy them.” He pulled his notes from his bag and handed them to you. You grabbed it and started to flip through the surprisingly clean and crisp notes. This boy took better notes than you do. That was unexpected.
“Thank you, James! I was a bit worried I was going to be overrun again.” He shrugged and stole a swipe of Mashed Potatoes off your plate. You smirked at him but didn’t say anything.
He sat and talked to you while you ate and then helped you with homework when you set your plate aside and started to work on notes.
“Here. Like this.” He moved next to you up by the head board and held your wrist, showing you the proper hand motions for DADA. You tried to focus on the correction and not your burning cheeks.
Damn hormones.
“There you go. Now try it without a helping hand.” You shoved him and laughed.
“That was terrible!” He smiled crookedly, fixing his glasses.
“Yeah, but you laughed.’ You bit your lip and shook your head.
“You, sir, are utterly ridiculous.”
“Oh, I’m sir now.” He joked, settling back by your feet. You kicked his leg lightly. “OW! OH MERLIN SHE KICKED ME! I THINK MY LEGS COMING OFF!” He fell to the ground dramatically causing you to burst out from laughter and your stomach to continue to knot up over and over, but you couldn’t stop. He was twitching dramatically on the ground like a dork.
Madam Pomfrey came over and tapped her foot agitatedly.
“This is no place for fooling around, Mr.Potter. Either stay and behave or leave.” She turned and cast you a glance before walking away. You two burst out laughing when you heard her door shut. He popped back up onto the bed.
“So, what have you been up to? I've caught you up on all you’ve missed.” You just shrugged.
“Studying. It's really all I can do. She won’t even let me stand up.”
“Well that's no fun. You haven’t even been outside?”
“Nope. Her one rule is stay in the bed. Not allowed to stand, unless it's to go to the bathroom, which has to be the one in this room.”
“Why so specific.”
“Second year I went to the restroom, on the fourth floor on the other side of the castle.” James chuckled and looked over his shoulder.
“Well, how about we make her get even more specific?”
“What did you have in mind?” He snuck over to where the wheel chairs were and rode it over. A wide grin spread across your face.
“Your carriage awaits.” You laughed and quickly hopped in. He then ran, pushing you in front of him. You two ran through the castle laughing like mad people.
“What's this?” Fred asked, a smirk on his face as he and Erinie Longbottom came out of the great hall.
“Never thought I’d see you two get along, let alone laughing.”
“Mischief is mischief.” James shrugged and stood up on the back of the wheelchair.
“Madame Pomfrey has forbidden me from walking.” You explained. “James just wanted to get me into some trouble.” Ernie looked at the wheel chair, a slow grin spreading on his face.
“Why don’t we all get into some trouble then.” He cast a spell on the wheels on the wheel chair before making three more appear. “Now, you can control it on your own and so can we.” He sat down in his and went zooming off. You, Fred, and James watched with smiles on your faces. They quickly sat into theirs and the three of you chased after Ernie. Who knew you would become such quick friends with James and that would leave you to get into a bit of mayhem with him.
You four raced down the halls but all stopped abruptly by a tapping of a foot. You all looked up to see Madame Pomfrey standing there with her arms folded across her chest. You swore under your breath.
“Madame Pomfrey!” Ernie squeaked and fell out of his chair. “Uh, we didn’t see you there?” You shook your head at the lame excuse.
“Madame Pomfrey I-”
“You, with me, now.” You sighed and rolled after her. Waving bye to the boys. They waved back and watched you go.
“So.” Fred said with a smirk on his face. “Finally come to your senses?”
“Shut up.” James muttered, feeling a bit guilty that you were the only one who got into trouble. It had been his idea after all.
“I told you that it wasn’t a smart idea to get out of your bed!” Your gran scolded as she wheeled you into the Hospital wing.
“Technically you said I wasn’t allowed to stand up unless it was to use the restroom. I was not standing up, I was sitting down. And what's the big deal? I’m fine! It's almost over anyhow!” She groaned in frustration. “Gran, I’m in 5th year. I think I can make decisions for myself now.” She looked at you for a moment before sighing.
“Alright. But, you have to promise me, when you start to get bad you will come straight-Oh!” You hugged her tight around the waist and she patted your head.
“Thank you, Gran.”
“Yes yes. And you should be careful around that Potter boy.”
“Which one?” You asked cheekily.
“Now don’t you get cheeky on my young lady. You know what I’m talking about. Don’t you go falling in love with him. I’ve actually had girls come in because they said that he broke their heart. Like his name sakes,” she shook her head and walked away leaving you thinking.
You wouldn’t get a crush on James, would you? I mean, sure he was tall and cute and a dork with an adorable personality that kind of made your heart flutter. But that didn’t mean you- You smacked your head.
“Dammit. How could I have let that happen?” You muttered to yourself. You silently cursed your gran. You had been blissfully unaware and now you were very much aware that you had a tiny crush on James Sirius Potter. This ought to go over well.
Over the years you had only grown closer to James and his friends. Mostly James though. It was rare not to see you two together. You both would jam pack your schedules so you would have each other in classes. You knew he did it because of your cramps and how you didn’t really discuss it with anybody or like to bring it up. So when they got too bad and you couldn’t go to classes he would bring you your notes and help you study, like you didn;t help each other study any how. But now, now it was all going to change. You had passed your last year at Hogwarts and were now lying on your couch in pain. You had taken the potion your gran had sent you but the potion had seemed to do less and less over the years while James had done more and more.
You had a pile of letters in the corner that he had sent you. You two had sent back and forth non-stop, both of you now having your own separate apartments that were, sadly, not very close to each other. Of course, you could just apparate to the others house but you wouldn’t really do that on a daily basis, sadly.
You had sent him a letter the other day and found it weird you hadn’t gotten one in response yet, but you weren;t the most important thing in his life, sadly. As you and James had grown more attached, your crush on him had grown and grown and grown. Being away from him for so long, This was your first month, and knowing that you weren’t going back on September first to see him and your other friends was killing you. How could people live without knowing if they would ever go back to Hogwarts? It may sound cheesy and a bit cliche, but it was and forever will be your home.
There was a knock on the door as another wave hit you and now you had to stand up and pretend you were alright. You looked at your empty chocolate bag, you really should’ve stocked up after the last time.
You opened the door and leaned heavily on it as you looked up into the familiar glass covered eyes.
“James!?” He beamed happily.
“Miss me that much? We’ve only been out of school for about a month.” You chuckled and shook your head.
“You’re such a dork. What are you doing here?” He held up a abox.
“Figured you would have forgotten to restock since Hogwarts, like you always do.”
“How do you remember these things? And why would you want to?” You opened the door and let him in. He strode in and looked around your apartment. He wasn’t familiar with it yet.He set it down on the kitchen counter and jumped up onto it to look around the place, nodding in approval.
“Nice place.”
“You say that everytime you come over.” You said sarcastically as you grabbed the jacket you had thrown on the floor after work. It caused your stomach to cramp and you were stuck for a second because you were trying to breathe.
“Ok, couch, now.” James said, grabbing your arms and leading you over to the couch, setting you down and taking your jacket.
“James, you really don’t have to-”
“Yeah I do. Stay.” He left your side and went to the box. “Did you take the potion?”
“Yeah. Did nothing as usual.” You whined, he sat back down and opened the box, pulling out two candy bars and handing you one, like he always did, and keeping one for himself.
“Sorry, kid.”
“I am like a week younger than you!”
“A month and a half,” he corrected. You glared and bit into your chocolate, making him laugh and look around your apartment until his eyes landed on a moving picture you had put up. It was from the first year you two became friends. He walked over to it and took it off the wall. “You still have this?” You smiled.
“Of course! That was the first Weasley Summer I had! It was the best summer of my life!” You laughed lightly smiling at the memory of James trying to get you on a broom. And then you had crashed into four trees until you semi-got the hang of that.
“Didn’t you get a concussion from that summer?”
“Don’t know, wouldn’t let anyone check.” You laughed, your stomach cramping again, but not as bad as usual. He smiled and hung it back on the wall. He sat back down next to you.
“How've you been, though? You always sound like you're doing great in your letters.”
“It's been alright. Adult life isn’t terrible and my job’s pretty fun. I've been thinking about getting a dog.”
“Really?” He asked excitedly.
“Yep, and I was going to name it Sirius.” His face turned disappointed.
“You know, I brought you chocolate, you can at least be a bit nicer to me.” you giggled.
“I’m joking, I'm joking. But yeah. I do want a dog.”
“Get lonely up here already?”
“Definitely. How are you? You seem like you are having a good time in your letters. Var hopping every weekend.”
“You can join us. We’d love to have you hang with us.” You shrugged.
“Well, definitely not this weekend.”
“No, definitely not. Though you look like you could use a bottle of fire whiskey.”
“I need two.” He laughed and put his arm around your shoulders, you rested your head on his shoulder.
“I felt ya there.”
The rest of the night, James hung out with you. Chocolate and talking and radio and, when you were feeling up to it, he made you dance with him because he’s the biggest jerk in the world.
It was now near midnight and you two were on the couch listening to old muggle records because why not. You were half asleep on James’ chest. He was playing with your hair and humming along to the song. It was a familiar position for you two. Madame Pomfrey had once caught you two like this, though James had been the only one awake. She had looked at him and then at you back in sixth year.
“Be careful there, Mr. Potter. I do not want her getting hurt.” And then she turned and left. He had planned on telling you that morning, but the thought that he would hurt you in any way had kept him from saying anything. But now… Now he couldn't help it. The smell of your shampoo and the way you smelt like chocolate and… and he couldn't help it. This had been the most fun he had had since Hogwarts had left out. All because he was with you.
“Y/N?” He whispered, just in case you were asleep. He knew how hard it was for you to actually fall asleep when you got these cramps.
You hummed in response. Half asleep, but not completely. He took a breath.
“Can I tell you a secret?”
You hummed again.
“I love you.” He didn’t get a response this time and thought you had fallen asleep. He was a bit relieved that you hadn’t heard. The other part was a bit disappointed.
“I-I love you.”
You sat up and looked him in the eye. He knew this look. You were trying to detect a lie, he let you look. And boy, did you take your time.
“You-You do?”
“I do. I get it if you don’t in return but I just had to-” You grabbed his collar and pressed his lips to your quickly. His eyes widened in surprise before he quickly kissed you back. You pulled apart and both of you were smiling messes.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.” You said, biting your lip.
“Seriously?” He pulled back from you with wide eyes. You nodded nervously. “How long?”
“The first time you helped me, I guess. And I wouldn’t have even realized it if Gran hadn’t said anything to me.”
“You’re joking.” You shook your head.” He kissed you again, taking you by surprise.
“Why? How long for you?”
“End of fifth. I was going to tell you in sixth but…”
“But what?” You looked at him. “James…”
“Your Gran scared me.”
“What did she do?” You sighed.
“James, I am too tired, what?”
“She just told me not to hurt you.” You frowned and looked at your hands.
“And you planned to?”
“No! No no no no.” He pulled your face up to his and smiled. “I was scared that I might. I got scared that I would be the reason you were in pain. I didn’t want that. I didn’t even want to think that I would be the reason for that. So, I thought it was better to not do anything but be there for you.” You stared at him for a moment and bit your lip, thinking over and being completely touched. And you believed him. “Why didn’t you ever say anything?”
“I-I was scared.” You rested your head on his shoulder to hide your face, embarrassed that your feelings had been reciprocated this whole time.
“Of what?”
You muttered something that he didn’t catch.
“Come on, I spilled my heart out to you, your turn.”
“That I’d lose the best friend I've ever had.” You muttered a bit louder. He heard this and couldn’t help the soft smile that spread across his face. He pulled you onto him and leaned against the arm of the sofa so you were on top of him. You looked at him, confused. You head was on his chest again and your eyes were fluttering shut again.
“You’re not going to lose me, Y/N.” He said with a smile. You smiled into his chest and wanted to say something but your mind was already powering down. You felt his lips press against your hair. “You won’t ever lose me. Good night, Y/N.” You murmured an incoherent goodnight, but he got the point and smiled before falling himself.
You woke up in the morning to smell the most wonderful smell you ever had smelt before… Bacon.
You groaned and sat up, a bit confused as to why you were smelling bacon. You thought it was just your mind at first and your mind wandered back to the dream you had had of James. You wished it were true. The kiss seemed so real, so perfect. You pushed yourself off the couch and your foot hit a box. Your eyes widened immediately. You opened it and saw a group of empty chocolate wrappers.
Oh no…
You turned around quickly and saw James’ back in your kitchen over the stove. Then you heard the sizzle of food cooking on your unused stove, since you were a wreck in the kitchen. ANd then you heard James’ humming. That wasn;t an illusion.
“James?” He turned around and smiled.
“About time you woke up. I thought you were dead for a little while there.” You pushed yourself off the couch and stumbled into the kitchen. “Coffee in the cup.” You looked down to a steaming cup.
“I’m not so convinced yet.” He chuckled and slid the food onto two separate plates handing one to you. “I didn’t even know that worked.” You muttered looking at the stove.
“Figured. You can’t cook to save your life.”
You threw a piece of bacon at him, which he gladly ate.
“Did you stay all night?” You asked half way through breakfast.
“I figured we should talk this morning.” You nodded and bit your lip. So it did happen.
“Right so we… kissed.”
“Yeah.” The silence turned awkward.
“Ok, I’m just going to say it, then. I don’t know how much you remember but everything I said, I meant. I really do like you, Y/N.” You bit your lip and smiled.
“I-I think I remember enough to know that I have told you the same. And I-I meant it to.”
“Really, James. I meant it all and I really do like you alot.” You smiled. And he let out a sigh and collapsed into his chair.
“That is a huge relief.”
“Tell me about it. So what do we do now? What happens?”
“I think I'll ask you out.”
“And I obviously would say yes.”
“And then we go to a… quidditch game?”
“And I’d buy the snacks after arguing with you about money.”
“Right. And then I would completely sweep you off your feet when I book the stadium for afterwards and teach you how to ride more.”
“Of course, unless I blow you away with my mad skills.” He beamed.
“Which is very possible with the way you ride.” You laughed.
“So when would this hypothetical date take place?”
“Saturday at six?”
“I think I could be there. If you were to ask me, of course.”
“Well maybe I’m getting there.”
“Maybe you should hurry up before we spend another three years without each other.”
“Y/N, would you go out with me?”
“Yes.” You said smiling. He returned your smile with a crooked one of his own.
“Then I’ll pick you up here, and I am buying the snacks.”
“James you are no-pop-James Potter you get back here!” You yelled to the open air laughing as your best friend-boyfriend- apperated from your apartment.
You bit your lip and leaned on your hand.
You got a date with the boy you loved. And who would’ve thought it would all be because of a terrible time dealing with cramps?
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prettywordsyouleft · 6 years
Summary: Your bad luck had been your only friend growing up. Now that you’re studying at university, could you meet someone who accepted you?
Characters: Lee Taeyong x reader
Genre: fluff / supernatural au
A/N: Welcome to the first story of Frightful October! Admittedly this happened all too fast. The idea was to use a different idol and more supernatural elements but this literally wrote itself after a gifset of clumsy Taeyong, and I’m so happy with it! I hope you enjoy this!
Word count: 3024
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Your whole life had been built up on superstitions.
As someone who had been ill as a child, you had heard many old wives tales given to your parents to nurse you back to health. But since then you had been nothing but clumsy, relatives and family friends would always remind you to be careful.
“You were born with bad luck, you mustn’t make it worse!” your Grandmother had chanted for your entire childhood.
So naturally you became cautious.
You avoided all the common superstitions. At first your cousin had chastised you for being so foolish. No one could have such bad luck just because of a few folklores. But there had been one time where you missed that it was Friday the 13th and came home with a broken arm and a bad case of pneumonia from a simple school trip. From there on, you stayed home on those days. Mirrors weren’t something you allowed yourself to get too close to since you were eleven; only just recovering from what you felt was an extremely difficult adolescence, and you were certain it came from breaking a large mirror in your family home. You never stood on train tracks and cracks, or walked under a ladder, just in case. Umbrellas were rarely used by you, and if anyone opened one inside around you, it would send you into a fizz.  
To counter your bad luck you had every lucky charm and well intended chant incorporated into your life, your keyring sported a rabbits foot, your bedroom door had a horseshoe up the right away, and you would always knock on wood, say bless you when someone sneezed, and admittedly, you carried salt with you always.
You could say you were more than prepared to combat any bad luck coming in threes.
But this made you different. People didn’t like being around you because you were a beacon of bad luck in your little town. Everyone knew about you. Growing up, you were soon blacklisted off of any sporting team, the last to be chosen for anything and those who ended up with you were instantly depressed. Group presentations were something you simply didn’t do; even teachers would rearrange the assignment so you could work on it alone. And if they weren’t doing that to help the students they would set up feng-shui or their own lucky talismans whenever you were in their classes to ward off any bad luck you might produce.
Any misfortunes that happened to the township was blamed on you, and only you. Even your family were spared from being lumped with you, others sympathising with them for having such a daughter. It made you feel less loved by them, and soon you preferred to be alone anyways.
You were used to being ostracised, but it didn’t mean it didn’t hurt any less.
Because you had no one to rely on, you turned to your inner passion. It had been by mistake that you had stumbled upon the world of magic and folklore, studying up further superstitions when you were fourteen, in hopes to find a way to be accepted. Being hormonal and going through puberty had made you especially lonely, and desperate. But instead of finding a magical cure, you found yourself intrigued by supernatural things. You started studying mythical creatures, immortals, shape shifters, and other magical beings. It was like a whole new world, one you longed to belong to. You felt closer to these folk, and hoped to discover them one day. You had tried everything. You had often walked in the forests surrounding your township, even though you ran the high probability of coming home limping from tripping over, only to hope to see some sign of a woodland fairy or nymph, to cross paths with a wolf that held human eyes, or to step into a witches’ coven. It never happened, though you never gave up hope that one day you would meet someone who could accept you and all your bad luck too.
Your favourite thing to study about was witchcraft and you had dabbled in it from time to time, mostly to humour yourself, but sometimes it had been out of desperation again. To find a cure to your clumsiness, or to make at least your parents like you.
And on the night of school prom, to have Oh Sehun somehow fall in love with you and pick you up to take you to the dance.
You knew it wouldn’t happen. Your Grandmother had built it well into your psyche; you were just a really bad apple.
Somehow, perhaps because you had so much time to study due to not having a social life, you won a scholarship to the university you had picked as your choice. Your parents had been hesitant to let you go, unleashing your bad luck on others had always been something they tried their best to prevent, almost keeping you captive all these years. Your township had been tiny; going to the city would be overwhelming for someone like you, so they believed.
You only saw it as freedom. No one knew you, perhaps you could start anew, and not have bad luck there, you had argued. Though deep down you doubted that too. You were destined to carry around talismans and every lucky charm for the rest of your life.
All the same you finally made it, ignoring the party that you knew the township was throwing the same day you left for Seoul. Because the idea of leaving them was something to rejoice yourself. Even though you were scared a lot that day.
You were hyper alert on the train ride to your new home, not allowing yourself to rest even though you had been up since 5am. You had to make sure you didn’t harm anyone else unintentionally. And you had been successful, but it was terribly exhausting too. When you finally made it to your dorms, you pulled out your room information, looking up at the tall building and then back at your number.
You groaned as you found the stairwell. You hadn’t taken an elevator in your entire life. Instead you were left climbing up twelve flights of stairs with all your luggage. You were thankful when you saw the door number ahead of you, unlocking it and reaching to turn on the light. Nothing changed; the room was still in darkness. Groaning, you went into your tiny kitchen area and turned on the faucet, and nothing came out except and odd gurgle sound.
You promised yourself you wouldn’t cry. Today you had escaped your bad luck in your hometown.
But it was hard to hold the tears back and to grasp onto hope.
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Surprisingly, after that night your life did take a turn for the better. For the next month, you had managed to not harm yourself more than usual, and not bother anyone else. You actually got hired for a part time job and kept it so far, all whilst navigating your university life with some success. It had given you a sense of acheivement and confidence to finally be in a bustling environment that no one knew you, and be seen as another student, not the one who everyone needs to avoid like the plague.
But that also blinded you for what was to come next. You had been so focused on yourself, that you hadn’t once expected there to be someone like you out there. You had spent years trying to find at least one other who suffered from bad luck like you. And not one person had ever appeared.
Until your world collided with Lee Taeyong. Literally.
“Ow!” you cried as you found yourself on the ground, rubbing your elbow lightly and then looking around yourself. Your stuff was everywhere, but it was mixed in with more than it should have been. You found the culprit sitting on the ground and rubbing at his own leg too. He laughed sheepishly and got up, holding out a hand for you to take. You reached up for it, but he pulled you up too fast and you struggled to gather your balance in time, both of you toppling back onto the grass. Except you were now on top of him, and blushing profusely.
“Ah, sorry,” he said weakly, laughing again. “I’m kind of clumsy. I didn’t mean to pull you down on me like this; honest it wasn’t a plan or anything. I was genuinely meaning to just help you up, but perhaps I shouldn’t have because now we’re like this and I’m rambling and I should really just stop, right?”
You nodded.
This time you both got up by your own device, the taller boy biting at his lip for a moment and then thrust his hand out for you to take. “I’m Lee Taeyong.”
“Y/N,” you greeted, shaking his hand and looking at all your things on the ground.
Taeyong’s eyes followed your gaze and immediately set to collecting your papers. “I’m so sorry about this. Honestly I am so useless at times!”
“Don’t feel like that, I’m clumsy too. It could have easily been me,” you assured, smiling at how alike he sounded. You were certain you had been more than over accommodating to others in the past when you made a mistake. It almost made you feel bad for Taeyong, but the sting in your elbow reminded you not to grow too helpful towards him either.
If he was clumsy like you, it could be a recipe for disaster.
“I think I’ve collected them all,” he stated, handing you the pile and then glanced down at his watch. He gasped. “Oh I’m late for class. It was nice bumping into you, well I mean not literally, but figuratively, and I hope to see you again and not harm you of course!”
He was off, his words trailing after him and you couldn’t help but giggle to yourself at how adorable he was. Unlike you, he took his clumsiness in his stride, his bubbly nature seeming infectious. You wondered if he was truly as clumsy as he said, and had been ostracised. Shaking your head, you doubted it, with his handsome looks he would still be accepted by others for sure.
You headed off to the library, which was thankfully uneventful for the rest of the walk there, and settled into studying quietly. And then there was a loud ringtone that startled you and the others around you. For a moment you stared, waiting to see who would silence their phone until you realised it was coming from inside your stash of papers. With colour flaring to your cheeks, you fumbled around to find the source of the noise, a mobile phone appearing as you scattered the papers quickly. You all but jumped on it to silence it, answering the call on the unfamiliar phone.
“Hello?” you whispered.
“Oh thank god, that’s you Y/N, right? It’s me, Taeyong. I think you have my phone.”
Getting up and moving away from all the glares, you walked over to the windows before answering him. “Since I answered it in the middle of the library, I think yes, I do.”
“Ouch, I forgot to put it on silent. Stay where you are, I’ll come to you.”
And then the line went dead before you could tell him what floor you were on.
You waited of course, though there were three libraries on campus, and you weren’t in the main one. It was cutting it close to when you would need to leave for your part time job, and it was making you anxious, your eyes abandoning the ancient text in front of you to keep a look out for Taeyong. Eventually you packed up your belongings whilst you waited, and then even your seat when someone came along and the study area was full. You decided to move down to the lobby just in case when the phone rang again.
“Where are you?” he asked with a pant and you sighed lightly.
“If you had of let me tell you before you hung up, you’d have met me by now,” you scolded, surprised with how annoyed you sounded.
It wasn’t lost on him. “Sorry, I have bad luck and now I’m throwing it on you. Tell me where you are, okay?”
You didn’t answer right away, you were stunned. “Bad luck?”
“Yeah, my whole life really. But I promise once I get my phone back you won’t be put out by it again, I’m really sorry. So where are you? My friend Doyoung needs to get to his part time job and for me to give back his phone.”
Without hesitation you told him your exact location and hung up, your chest instantly full of palpitations. Why were you so worked up? Like Taeyong said, once he had his phone, you could simply leave and not be involved in his own fate with Lady Luck again. But it bothered you the longer you thought about it. Was he brought into your world by his or your own luck? Was this a sign to put weight into or not? I mean, just today you had two encounters with him. And whilst the campus was large, who was to say you wouldn’t find him again. Would you be alright then? Or propelled to the ground once more?
A small part of you then remembered a folklore you had read from years ago. Most people think those with bad luck should avoid each other. But not only can they find relief in each other, it can also cancel out their fated luck altogether. It’s important to search for someone with similar characteristics so that the fate can change for the better.
You felt a feeble sense of hope at the thought, rocking on your heels softly as you waited for Taeyong to arrive again. And just when you saw him, you waved so he could find you and was shunted by a passer-by, your footing unsafe yet again. You saw Taeyong speed up to catch you, just in time for you to both fall to the ground. Again.
For a moment you sat still, and then you laughed at the ridiculousness of it all. Taeyong soon joined you, and you both didn’t care that others were staring at the two people sprawled on the floor of the library lobby, laughing to themselves at their situation.
Eventually you got yourself up, this time offering your hand out to Taeyong. You pulled with the right amount of strength for him to just lean in a little too close but not topple you both back over. You shared an accomplished smile.
“I feel like I need to introduce myself properly to you,” you announced, feeling lighter than you had all day. Taeyong regarded you for a moment, before smiling encouragingly at you. “I’m someone who also has bad luck. My whole life really.”
“That was my line,” he quipped but grinned at you all the same. “Who would have thought two people with such luck would cross paths. This could be disaster you know.”
“It could,” you agreed, though you saw the determination build in his warm brown orbs. It made you glad he hadn’t stepped back yet.
“Or it could be something magical,” he uttered, your head nodding softly. Despite only just meeting, he felt compelled to brush you hair away from your face. And you allowed him, considering it was not like you hadn’t been on top of him earlier on. “Hi then.”
“Why are you saying hi again?”
“Because you introduced yourself to me as being my fated partner in bad luck, it only felt right to accept that,” Taeyong stated matter of factly and you couldn’t help but laugh. “Unless-”
“I accept,” you cut in, surprising him somewhat. And yourself too.
“So, Y/N with the origins of clumsy bad luck, should I make it up to you for falling all over you earlier with dinner?”
“Can’t,” you responded airily and he stopped following you as you both started walking to the exit. “I have work.”
“And after work?”
“Sleep?” you suggested, Taeyong’s mind clearly thinking too much. Your eyes widened and you shoved him playfully. Of course you did.
He managed to right his balance just in time, grinning triumphantly at your now cringing face. “You’re testing me.”
“Maybe we shouldn’t be around each other,” you revoked with concern and jumped when he shifted back to your side and took your hand.
“You accepted this fate a few minutes ago.”
You nodded but didn’t remove your hand. His was warm and you liked the feeling. “And I almost made another accident for you just now. We’re doomed.”
“At least if I fall now, you’re coming with me,” Taeyong mentioned whilst raising your linked hands, smiling at you charmingly.
“Is this how you made it through life so far? Grabbing the hands of people so you knew at least someone would come down with you?”
Taeyong blushed lightly and shook his head. “Actually you’re my first. I wouldn’t dream of holding another girl’s hand until now. What if I caused her a rash or something?”
“Taeyong!” you cried, trying to yank your hand free as he laughed loudly.
And just like that you made your first proper friend. Someone who wasn’t scared to be in your personal space, and was prepared to fall if you did.
And over time you did just that. You had countless bruises and scrapes, and he had just as many. But he never abandoned you once, and soon you were kissing those booboos better.
As a child you thought you needed someone who was mythical to be your friend. Someone who had magic within them, who could somehow counteract your bad luck. What you really needed was someone just like you. Who didn’t mind when he got hurt because of your bad luck, and who let you curse him out when it was his that attacked you.
Because Taeyong came to readily love you. Bad luck and all.
Welcome to Frightful October, a collab between myself and @this-song-thats-only-for-you ... this week’s theme is Spellbound! To follow more of the stories check out the links below:
Other stories in Spellbound: Superstitious // Incantation // Love Spell // A Gift
Frightful October Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Request Guidelines
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tylermbeckett · 5 years
Day 887
At lot has happened since I last spoke with you T. I started college and went down hill very fast. I was lonely and too emotionally dependant on my boyfriend. The year kinda started off very hot and I lived in basically what you would call a brick oven. Inside and out I was deteriorating. But eventually I started making friends!!
Probably a month or two into the school year I come into my room and find one of my roommates sobbing on the floor. She had been trying to kill herself. And I thought of you. What if someone had walked in for you? What would have happened? Would you still be here? Or would you have gone on anyway?
Christmas came around eventually and I got to return home. I wish I never came home. My family has been going through very rough things with a court case involving my sister in law and the father to my niece. I got to sleep on the couch for a whole month though so I guess that's good.
You may be my biggest ghost, the one that will haunt me the most for my entire life. And there was a kid who looked just like you and I forgot how to breathe. All I could think was that everything that happened had been the cruelest of jokes. But deep down I know he wasn't you, that no living person would ever see you again.
The year year anniversary of your death showed up, the day I was traveling back to school. I felt so broken the whole day, because on one hand I got to get away from my family, but on the other I knew that there was a family hurting so much because of you. You're a real shit head, you know that?
Bruise Buddy came back into my life again, literally went to my house while I was away and helped my family out some. I was incredibly thankful, but it brought up feelings that I had been keeping under lock and key for about five years.
Those feelings are what have gotten me into the mess I'm in now, and I have no one to blame but myself. I've been talking one kid out of suicide for about a month because P.S. broke up with him. It was a horrible relationship and she did what she had to do, but I'm wearing down.
I wish I could have been there for you. Why wouldn't you open up to me, or even anyone else? Was it the drugs? Something else?
I haven't been able to sleep very well tonight because my whole world just exploded, metaphorically of course. It was the first time in years I had considered self harm, and I'm worried about myself. But I won't be able to get help until this godforsaken summer is over and I go back to school.
Speaking of school again, I'll tell you some about my new friends. You get to listen to me drone on about how great they are and can't do anything to stop me mwhahaha.
So first there's B.D. you know her already, she went to school here and was friends with your friend group. She's still firm on her choices, but she's more willing to negotiate with things now, and I think that's great character development. She's wild but she has depression and it's biting her in the butt. She came out as bi and I think that's amazing cause she gets to be who she is.
Next up is Q Daddy. Think of my appearance. Now think of the literal exact opposite. That's what he looks like. You never know when he's joking or not, but he is hilarious either way. He's a soft kid who doesn't always open up to us but that's alright. People are allowed to keep things to themselves. He's got this laugh that can make everyone around him smile, and he is so laid back. I miss his company terribly.
Then there's the Absolute Embodiment of Rage. You would have loved him. He's so driven and talented, loves math, hates french, and plays a mean toaster. I'm not kidding. He plays the toaster. Sometimes he'll give you the worst advise possible but he does it out of love. Oof nevermind let's not talk about love today.
Anime Queen. An Actual Demon. Whatever you call her, she is so very cool. She can tell stories for days and redneck fix anything you need. She's great at cosplaying and she's so very immersed in what she does that I envy her sometimes. She's a great gal, but I'm not as close with her as B.D. is.
Trying to think of a new name for the next one is hard, but only because everything I want to call her is so specifical everyone would know instantly who she is. And I don't want that cause this is my soap box. A place where I can talk. For now let's call her...YeeYee. One of the sweetest yet most ferocious girls you have ever met. She loves animals so much and could tell you facts for days. She's so open about sex and everything and I appreciate it more than she could ever know. She's open and honest and I couldn't ask for a better friends.
Gay Pride and All That has been a back and forth game. Sometimes he is so nice and other times I want to actually reach over and strangle him. He had a lot of problems in the beginning of the year, including being sexually asulted. And it's worn down on all of us. But he is so himself that you (mostly) want to help him.
Last and certainly not least is Clock Tower. I want to squish him I miss him so bad wow. He's an amazing writer I want to actually drown in his stories. He's opened up to us about a lot and it's really made me question my outlook on life. Those are the best kind of people though. He is probably the purest person I have ever met. And I'm not saying he doesn't have hormones or anything. He's like a light and I think I'd follow it forever, in a platonic sense.
I have more friends but this is the main group who have stuck by my side this year. I love them so much. I wish you could have met them. I wish you could have went and made your own set. But you're forever young and no one can change that now.
I called you the other night and nearly sobbed at the sound of your voice. The voice of you, so young. Your voicemail was from 2012. I bet you hadn't even hit puberty yet. It was the T I knew. I'm sorry I was so weird and that we drifted? As we did.
I know drifted isn't really the right word there, but I'm not sure exactly what to say. Maybe you understand, maybe you don't. Maybe I'm just talking to no one at all.
I miss you every day. Take care of yourself, wherever you may have went.
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terminally-anxious · 6 years
Aisling (chapter 11)
summary: Virgil has been dependent on helpers around his apartment after an accident rendered him unable to take care for himself. After his previous helper quit, Virgil needs to find a new one. And the lucky person is a literal ball of sunshine with glasses and freckles.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters, those fully belong to Thomas Sanders and his friends.
Word count: 1876
Tw: Swearing, Deceit, lying, stalking, obsessive behaviour, obsession, threats, Panic attack, vivid description of panic attack, fear, abusive deceit, stalker, absence panic attack, threat of abduction (if there are any more please tell me)
Author's note: Virgil’s feelings and reactions are meant to mirror mine after i found out i was being stalked by someone a couple of years back. So be warned, it’s a very vivid description of an absence panic attack.
Previous chapters
Pairings: Moxiety and Logience
As the weeks went by, the more and more comfortable the group got with each other. Remy and Roman would join Patton and Virgil during lunch, and whenever they needed to grade papers.
Virgil’s crush on his caretaker had grown out of huge proportions, and Virgil didn’t miss the obvious affection Patton held for him as well; but being who he was, he preferred to stay silent in case he was wrong about Patton.
Now however Virgil found himself alone at his desk while Patton was at the toilet. Virgil's finger skimmed over a page; a very poorly written analysis of the voluspå. He knew the ancient text was difficult to understand, and even harder to analyse, but this was half-assed at best.
A quick succession of knocks sounded at the door, and Virgil whipped his head up, turning towards the doorway.
“Yes?”, The teacher inquired, placing his paper neatly on the desk
“Virgil sanders?” an unknown voice asked
“Yes, that's me, what can i help you with?”
“Oh, i just came to deliver a letter to you, then i´ll be off again.” The man offered, and Virgil could tell that it was a grown man, his deeper tones suggested someone over the age of puberty. The voice was distinct with a small lisp, Virgil knew of no one with a lisp. None of his students and none of the teachers had a lisp.
“Oh, well could you bring it to my desk then mr…” The blind man trailed off uncertainty, thrown a little off by the stranger.
“D.C, people just call me D.C.” The man said, the ‘c’ coming out with a small hissing sound.
Heavy footsteps indicated the man’s journey from the doorway and to his desk. Without warning D.C grabbed his wrist, startling the teacher. The hand was big and easily wrapped around his thin wrist. It took a second for Virgil to identify the weird texture of the man’s hand, but it was clearly a glove of some sort; leather, if the slight creaking sound was any indicator.
It was safe to say that Virgil was a little freaked out by this stranger.
“here..” The thin edge of the letter was pressed into his hand, and not knowing what else to do, Virgil gripped it; holding it between his fingers and thumb.
“Thank you.” Virgil was starting to get scared, and the only thing he wanted was for the man to release his wrist. The blind man tugged on his hand experimentally, only for D.C to tighten his grip, before releasing him
“Goodbye now Virgil, i’ll see you another time..” D.C then swiftly turned and left, leaving Virgil alone within his classroom once again; feeling vaguely threatened.
With trembling hands and a pounding heart, Virgil opened the letter, and started to read.
“Dear Virgil, I've seen the suffering you’ve been through, and I understand your pain. I lost half my vision in a fire, and with one dead eye and half of my face charred away, i thought i could become more of a companion for you. You see, I’ve been watching you for a about a year, and I saw your previous caretaker up and abandon you, And if i’m being honest, i don’t trust your new one either. He seems to have ‘affections’ for you, and that is unacceptable. Ever since i saw you at that hospital two years back i haven’t been able to stop thinking about you, but I've never had the opportunity to approach you before now.
I’m a bit of a coward, and i didn’t want to get caught and locked away, so I waited. I waited two years before finally contacting you today. I knew i needed to meet you soon, or else that white haired idiot would have stolen you from me, but i still have a chance. I just need to get you before he does.
That nurse, Patton, is trying to steal you away from me, and i won’t have that. You’ve been mine for two years now, and Patton has only been taking care of you for about 5 months, not even a full year. So I’ve decided that now is the time for action, and I will be coming for you within the next few weeks. so you do not need to worry, for i will save you soon.
Yours eternally D.C.”
Virgil’s eyes blurred with unshed tears as terror took over his mind. His hands shook, he could feel his breath wheeze out of him, but otherwise he was frozen. The panic so potent it left his mind completely blank
‘I have a stalker. An honest to god stalker.’
As soon as the thought registered, nausea welled up in him, making him dizzy with it. If he’d had his vision he was sure it would have been tunneled now.
Sound had disappeared from him completely, so when Patton returned he didn’t react.
The scene Patton returned to shocked him to his very core. He’d left Virgil to go to the bathroom, nothing more. Virgil had been calm as he’s took to reading over the students analysis of an ancient viking text, he’d been fine, even joked with Patton as the aid told him he was going.
But now, it was like someone had ripped the ground away from his patients feet. Virgil was pale, a sick sort of grey instead of his usual pallor. His eyes were wide and unseeing, clouded over by tears that refused to be cried, the stuttering intakes of breath matched with the frenzied wheezing, and between two hands that shook like leaves was a paper filled with white dots.
Everything fell away from Patton as he rushed to his Patient’s side, Virgil looked downright terrified, it was unsettling.
“Virgil?!” Patton cried in alarm when he was next to his patient. The white haired man’s voice seemed to rip the ravenette out of his trance.
“Patton..?” His name wobbled dangerously as the tears finally trailed down Virgil’s face.
“Yeah, Are you alright?!”
Not bothering to answer, Vigil stood shakingly up from his chair and threw his arms around Patton's neck, Sobbing loudly into his chest. Patton Hugged the shorter man tightly to himself.
“T-There.. A-a man… he-he, I’m so scared!” Virgil tried to explain, but his sentence ended in a wail, still too upset.
“Hey, shh...you’re safe, i’ve got you..”  The aid whispered, as he started to card his hand through the other man's hair.  Virgil seemed to sag in his hold, and as gently as Patton could, he gently lowered them both to the floor.
Now with Patton sitting cross legged on the floor with Virgil in his lap, he could feel the younger man starting to calm down; but he didn’t let up on the litany of reasuranses that passed his lips.
When 25 minutes had passed, Virgil found himself calm enough to try and talk again; but he decided to wait, he could hear Roman and Remy come down the hall, heading towards his classroom no doubt. It would be easier to talk to them all at once, so he waited, still burrowed close to Patton.
“We’ve been waiting for you.. oh goodness, what’s happened here?!” Roman’s voice went from slightly annoyed to alarmed concern in 0.4 seconds.
“Close the door and come inside,” Virgil instructed, sounding exhausted. The door clicked shut and two pairs of footsteps approached. “Roman, could you call Logan, tell him to get Emile on the line as well, and grab that paper with braille on my desk..Please..”
“I got the paper, you call Logan.” Remy spoke, sensing the urgency within the situation.
Roman, came closer to the two on the floor and sat down next to them. The drama teacher was close enough that he could hear the phone’s dull dial tone.
“Roman, this better be important, i’m in the middle of research.” Logan’s voice came clear through the speakers.
“Put it on speaker..” Roman wordlessly obeyed Virgil’s tired request.
“Lo, get Emile, I need to speak to the both of you. “ Shuffling came through the phone and they could all hear as Logan called his older brother into his office.
“We’re here Virgil,” the twins spoke in unison.
Remy joined them at last, gently running his fingers over the page.
“I..” He hesitated, “I have a stalker.”
The room turned deadly silent.
A few seconds ticked by.
“You wHAT?!” Came Logan’s furious reply, just as Remy yelled an outraged “WHAT THE FUCK?!”
Virgil had no doubt that Remy had read the letter. “Yeah, a man came to me with a letter today, introduced himself as D.C…. Remy could you read the letter out loud?”
Remy read out the letter for the others, sounding more and more disgusted as he went along the page. Roman was positively vibrating with anger, while Patton just clutched at him tighter. Even Emile let out a few curse words.
“I’m scared, what do we do?” Virgil asked his friends and family, uncertain and anxious.
“We’ll go to the police station with this,” Logan’s voice spoke, his tone not allowing for any argument. “A buddy system needs to be in place. You are not to be left alone Virgil.”
“It can’t be that bad… can it?” Virgil asked.
“Virgil, these types of people are capable of many things, and judging by the letter it seems like he is planning to abduct you.” Virgil squirmed, uncomfortable and afraid of the idea of being stolen.
“It seems like he has build an obsession around you, so i say we do this. Better safe than sorry.” Emile continued.
Virgil sighed, but he knew his adoptive elder brothers were right. “I’ll stay with you, i’m not leaving you alone. I’ll stay with you day and night now, I can take the guest room.” Patton chimed in, determination prominent within his speech.
“Patton, you already do so much for me, i can’t ask you to do this for me as well…” The ravenette tried to protest.
“You’re not asking anything from me Virgil, I’m saying I will do it. I’ve come to care too much for you to let some stalker steal your freedom away.”
“Good, we’ll all pitch in to help. Right now though, i think Logan and I would like you all to come over to our place, go over everything before going to the police, and then spend the next few nights here. If D.C knows where you work, then he’ll most likely know where you live as well.”
The thought sent an ice cold tendril of fear through Virgil.
“Don’t worry sunshine, we’ll keep you safe.” Roman spoke, confidence practically oozing out of him.
“And you know me, not afraid to smack a bitch who be deserving.” Remy spoke, trying to lighten the heavy mood.
“You smack me all the time though!”  Roman whined.
“Well, gurl, you are pretty deserving of a smack every once in a while.” The sassy man winked at Roman, and that did it. The group erupted into varying degrees of amusement as Roman made an offended noise.
Virgil felt immediately better, and who knows, maybe the police would catch D.C before anything bad could happen.
Besides, no one was so desperate and determined to get someone…
(( Tag list: @metaphoricalpluto2 @funsizedgremlin @ako1209 @the-straight-as-a-circle-girl @callboxkat @storiesarereality @lara-crofters @fandoms-n-ship @astraastro @nightmarejasmine @that-one-invisible-chick @virgilisaneternalmood @yourhappypappypatton @nienna14 @evillive369 @ivesscottthis @generalfandomfabulousness @twomutesplusone @smokeyrutilequartz @randomslasher @daughterofsomnus @trans-pan-rainbow-man @amber1594 @afilhadehades-blog @hamilin-manuel-miranda @miraculousfandoms @fullmetallovr21 @rileyfirstname @hanramz-the-fander @enderperson43 @ladynightmare12 @nonofthekingshad-arthurization @chocopirate @oh-star-how-the-mighty-fall @patton-loves-coloring @reba-andthesides @nightmareelmst @itsbilliejoemotherfuckers @ijustreallylovesanderssides
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welcometophu · 6 years
Not Your Love Song: Chapter 18
Marked Book 2: Not Your Love Song
Chapter 18
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Rory is awake far too early on Sunday. Alaric convinces him to stumble down into the dining hall for breakfast, but Rory doesn’t bother to shower first. He just wants to go back to sleep after breakfast, when Alaric leaves for OPT.
It works for a little while.
His phone starts buzzing a little after noon. Rory would guess that Alaric just hit the road in Dax’s minivan to go home, so he’s not surprised by the onslaught. He rolls over and grabs the phone, unlocks it to find three text threads waiting for him.
The oldest is from Darrik, and Rory can’t imagine why he’d be up at just past six in the morning on a Sunday.
I forgot to text that I got in okay last night after the movie. Had a good time. Bet you’re still sleeping.
At that hour? Definitely. The nine o’clock breakfast was too early as it was.
I was, Rory replies. I’m awake now. You surviving after your late night?
While they’d seen the first movie showing of the night, their group had all gone out to Teas Please after, and Darrik had dropped Rory off at just past one before heading back to Valiant. It wasn’t all that late for Rory, but for someone who works in a high school on weekdays, it had to be past his usual bedtime.
He switches to the next conversation in the list, a little surprised that it’s just Kit and him, and not the group chat with Shane, or the larger one that includes Dax and Darrik as well.
We just hit the road. Carolyn looks like she’s going to puke. Corbin is loud and he and Drea are kind of disturbingly cute. There are two people we knew in high school going with us, and having their car behind us is like having the past on our tail.
It’s a poetic image, the idea of the past literally hunting a person down, following them down the highway. Or back roads. Rory grabs a notebook and writes it down before he sends back, Is that imagery up for grabs?
Give me a shoutout when you sing it, if it makes it that far, Kit replies.
That’s easy enough. I can do that, Rory agrees. Is Alaric bored and sulking about having to go home?
I think he’s talking to Dax about football. Why? Is he texting you, too? You guys are really good friends, right?
Like family. Rory doesn’t need to think about it, or qualify it in any way. We got lucky. I think he was dreading having to room with a Mage. I didn’t know what to expect from Clan. People are so different. There’s Alaric, and then there’s Darrik.
It’s a cue, maybe, because a notification pops up to add to the trail of texts he has from Alaric. It starts with a series of apologies for waking him up early, trails into a discussion of just how thrilled he is to be heading home, and meanders into a dry commentary on public displays of affection between his sister and his best friend. It’s easy to imagine Alaric’s voice for each of the texts, and Rory’s laughing at the end. You could just tell them to quit it, he suggests.
Do you think I haven’t tried? Do you know how many Mages are in this van? And two more in a car behind us. Drea says she talked to our parents. I don’t think it matters that they’ve been warned. It’s not going to go over well.
Do you have a plan for Theobald? Rory asks.
Yeah. I’m distracting him with politics. I have a whole printed contract with Dayton’s Clan, specific to her and me allying, not the older generations. I also want to arrange a visitation for spring break. Our whole alliance plans to meet there, including the Mages.
Rory rolls onto his back, phone held above him. That’s going to be a hell of a distraction, yeah. I don’t have to worry about him trying to kill you or something, do I?
I’m all he has left.
Rory knows exactly how Alaric says it, how lost he sounds with those words. He also knows it’s not true. There’s Drea. There are other families among their Clan. There are options. He’s not sure what, exactly, keeps Theobald from stripping this away from Alaric. But something does, and Alaric’s going to continue to push his limits as long as he can.
I’m doing okay. The message pops up from Darrik, and when Rory switches conversations there are dots like Darrik is still thinking through what he wants to say next. I had fun last night, Darrik finally sends. I like your friends. I’d say I’m looking forward to Wednesday, but I’d be lying. I am looking forward to seeing you and your friends, though.
That statement makes sense to Rory. Did you talk to Lora’s parents and the people at Sunnyview?
Not yet, Darrik admits. I did try to call her parents, but they’re out. They do brunch sometimes, so I’ll probably get hold of them this evening. I’ll let you know when everything’s set. Do you need anything special for the ritual?
Rory switches conversations, pulling up the group text with Kit and Shane and staring at it for a long time before deciding he’s not typing anything there right now and switches back to Darrik. I don’t know yet, but I’ll let you know. I think it’s going to be all Kit’s focus and me and Shane trying to supply direction, and we’ll go from there. Hopefully we can reach her.
There’s nothing more than that one word from Darrik. Rory shifts from conversation to conversation, ignoring what he’s been sent in favor of looking for another reply from Darrik. When one doesn’t come, he bites his lip, tries to decide what to send back.
This was a rough weekend. Are you okay?
I’m going to be. The response comes back like he didn’t have to think about it, like maybe he was expecting the question. I’ll send you info as soon as I know it for Wednesday. And probably text you when I’m bored in study hall.
Rory smiles at Darrik’s attempt to lighten the mood. I’ll look forward to it. And keep my phone on silent so I don’t get in trouble for texting my boyfriend during lectures.
This time when there’s no reply right away, Rory lets it go.
Alaric put his phone away. I can almost feel his anxiety. He’s the one who doesn’t like Heather, right?
Kit’s text comes through while Rory is talking to Darrik. It’s been several minutes by the time Rory gets to it, but he figures that’s fine. It’s not like Kit’s going anywhere; he’s trapped in a car for at least a half an hour.
Yeah, he doesn’t like Empaths. I was just talking to Darrik. He’s going to talk to Lora’s parents. He’s not looking forward to reliving any of that mess again, but he liked you guys. So he’s looking forward to seeing everyone again.
Jess won’t be there, Kit replies. But I liked her. She’s got a lot of energy, doesn’t she? But quiet energy. Like a mountain. With freckles.
Rory has to look through his photos to find one from last night, because he doesn’t have a clear mental image of Jess, and he doesn’t remember the freckles. They’re there, though. She’s tall, broad-shouldered, taking Shane’s weight when he leans on her.
He hopes Kit never actually calls her a mountain; he’s pretty sure she’d find that offensive. But he understands the reference, that kind of solid, stable energy that lies in the earth. I get it, he replies. Did you get to talk to Serina at all today? You guys seem to be doing well.
It’s only been a week. Ish.
Rory frowns at the phone. Is that your way of saying it isn’t serious? Or that it’s not a thing? Or that it’s not working? You guys seemed good last night.
I think we’re okay.
Kit’s response comes quickly, but it’s followed by a series of dots and Rory waits to see if Kit’s going to finish the thought. He reaches for his notebook, scribbles notes to himself about the idea of the past chasing as they drive down the highway, the car close behind. What happens when you stop, and the past catches up… yeah, that’s a thought.
I really like her.
The phone buzzes to let him know Kit replied, but it’s just those four words.
I think she really likes you, Rory replies.
I know. We get along really well, and she’s fun. We talk a lot, and we make out some.
Rory winces, because this may be starting to verge into TMI territory. Not that he hasn’t handled that since Thorne hit puberty, but still. He doesn’t really think he has that kind of friendship with Kit, yet.
I like kissing her. I think I like kissing in general. Which is good, right? I’m just not sure… I haven’t really wanted to move past that. She hasn’t said anything about it, which is also good, since moving past kissing starts getting into other things. But I don’t know if not wanting more is a me thing, an us thing, or maybe it’s just life.
Rory is not qualified to be having this conversation. He wants to ask if it matters right now, but he figures it must matter to Kit, since he brought it up. And maybe it matters to Serina, maybe it doesn’t, but Rory certainly isn’t going to go knock on her door to ask.
He looks at his door like it’s about to burst open on cue. Thankfully it doesn’t, but he gets out of bed anyway, just to check and make sure the door is actually still locked.
Is it something you need to figure out right now? he asks.
No, but I
The text ends there, as if Kit was interrupted or just decided to stop, and Rory isn’t sure which it is. Alaric’s gone silent, and Darrik never responded to his last. It’s as good a time as any to toss his phone on the bed and go looking for something to wear.
Rory tosses dirty laundry into a hamper; there’s enough that he probably should throw a load in  while most of the world is either still sleeping off the Saturday night drunk, or getting brunch downstairs. Apparently it’s long overdue since the only t-shirts left in his drawer are the ones he wears when he doesn’t really give a shit. And every single hoodie could use a wash, so he has to decide which one is least offensive, or else just not leave the building.
He does a sniff test and decides that not leaving the building is the right answer. Clean pajama pants, an old t-shirt, and hanging out in his room finishing up assignments and working on music. He can do that.
He takes the hamper down and separates it into two washers. He walks cautiously past Serina’s room, as if she somehow knows what he’s been talking to Kit about and is going to pounce on him with her side of the story.
When he gets back to his room, he grabs the phone and checks it.
Maybe I’m just being stupid, Kit says. If I like her, shouldn’t I want to do more? Shouldn’t I be interested in
He cuts off again in that text, but another one has already come through.
I just want to know if it’s me, or if it’s because it’s her, or if it’s something else entirely. I’ve never had a girlfriend before, and maybe it’s just a time thing.
Rory closes his door, twists the lock. Have you ever kissed anyone before Serina? he asks. He strips down to his underwear and wraps a towel around his waist while waiting for Kit to respond.
Once. In seventh grade. During one of those stupid games that I honestly didn’t believe that anyone actually played at middle school parties.
I didn’t like it. But I figured it was because he didn’t know I was a guy, so it just felt weird and wrong. Most of seventh grade felt weird and wrong. Adolescence sucked in a major way.
Rory’s starting to wonder if maybe he is the right person for Kit to be talking to. He leans back against the bed, fingers sliding over the keyboard as he types. I’m not personally a big fan of kissing. I like cuddling. There is nothing better than having another body in bed with you, honestly, but it’s nothing sexual. I snuggle people I trust. Kissing always feels weird to me, and I definitely don’t want to do anything else with anyone.
Hm. Rory imagines the way Kit’s brow furrows. I do like
He cuts off again, and Rory swallows a laugh. It’s like talking to someone who’s been bleeped out.
You can like getting off without wanting to do it with another person, Rory says, his cheeks bright red even though no one’s there to see it. Or it’s possible she’s just not the right person for you. No matter what popular media says, not every guy wants to get into every girl’s pants. And not everyone is thinking about sex all the time. Even people who like it. Thorne’s an outlier. Most people are a lot more subtle about it.
Thanks for talking to me. I know you’re not a fan of sex. I appreciate it, Kit replies.
Rory does laugh out loud at that. I am betting I’m the only ace guy you know, so I’m okay if you want to talk to me about that. It’s one of those things that a lot of guys don’t understand. And Kit? It’s okay if it’s also just because you’re anxious because of everything else. That’s something you’ll figure out. Just don’t worry about rushing it, okay?
He leaves the phone on the bed when he heads to the shower. Kit should be arriving in Haverhill soon, and Rory thinks that maybe he’s had enough awkward but encouraging conversations about sexuality.
There’s a song in that somewhere. It might even have to do with the past chasing…
He hums under his breath while he showers, and by the time he gets back to his room, lyrics are starting to form.
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zennyshoneybunch · 7 years
Mystically Destined – The Musical (Chapter 1 – When We Were Young)
Damn it! She was running late. Madam would be furious if she was late again today and she couldn’t take the risk of being banned from her classes.
Rushing to get her gym bag and jacket out of the locker, she could barely hear her boss nagging about something in the store. Sure, she needed that job but it was not her fault if that last client was taking an eternity to pick a CD. Besides it was agreed that on days she had lessons she needed to leave in time, even if the store was not closed yet or the floor was not fully mopped.
Closing the locker with a (louder than she was expecting) BAM she shouted a “see you tomorrow” and flew to the store doors as fast as she could, not noticing the tall silhouette on the other side trying to enter until she was right in his arms.
- Oh, please forgive me. We’re closed for…
Looking up she was met with a beautiful boyish (and quite surprised) face and she completely forgot what she was going to say. Embaressed she looked back down and saw that both her hands were resting against the boy’s chest in a rather intimate way. Frantically she moved away, not daring to look at him again so he wouldn’t see the massive blush in her face.
- I’m sorry. – was all she could squeeze out before she sprinted away, trying to outrun her embarrassment.
 He hardly knew what had happened. With his arms still slightly opened, he just stood there, watching the girl run like the devil was chasing her.
He had never been on that particular street before. Neither his house nor his school were on the way so he never really had a reason to go. Which was very silly, he thought, since he had lived all his life in that same town.
That’s why he was there. Well, that and the fact that he didn’t want to go home until he found a good way to convince his father to let him participate in the singing contest that was taking place at his school.
But at that moment, looking at the runaway girl, he forgot everything else.
He could still feel her hands against his chest. His face felt hotter just remembering it. That girl literally fell into his arms… and she was pretty. She had shiny light gingery hair and big clear eyes. And that was pretty much all he could see before she darted away across the street. He barely even heard what she said.
Scratching the back of his head he looked down and that was when he saw it. A sparkling silvery thing on the ground, close to his feet. He leaned down and picked it up. It was a cute charm bracelet. He whirled it around his fingers and realized that between the numerous charms there was one with a name: Elizabeth.
Would that be the girl’s bracelet? Could Elizabeth be her name? He looked at the other side of the street but she had already disappeared behind the corner. How could he return it? He didn’t even knew who she was.
Then he heard a noise coming from behind him. There was a lady closing the window grids of the store he was about to check out before the girl ran into him. What did she say at the time? “We’re closed”? That was it wasn’t it? She probably worked there.
The lady was locking the store doors now, she should be the owner. Perhaps he could ask her…
- Excuse me, madam, could you please help me?
 - Another day in paradise…
Lizzy entered the school gates feeling drained already. She was sad and angry at herself and overall in a terrible mood. She have spent the entire morning looking for her charm bracelet and she could not find it anywhere. She didn’t remember taking it off but she knew she already didn’t have it at the dance studio. And the worst part was she didn’t remember when she wore it last. Was it at school? Was it at the store? What if she really lost it?
Spotting her friend Lucy by the benches, talking to a trio of boys, she waved at her.
Boy, she was so tired! Apart from the intense search, she stayed up late finishing her homework, which between her job and her lessons was incredibly behind, so she barely slept. But that was the only way for her to keep having her dance lessons. They were very expensive and her father already had way too many bills to pay for.
They lived in the cheap side of town, but it was still rather pricey and so was her school. She couldn’t ask him to pay for her lessons too; and even if she could, he probably wouldn’t be able to anyways.
She looked at her friend again. Lucy looked flawless as ever in her tight jeans and soft green blouse. On the other hand, Lizzy looked like a hot mess in her worn-out jeans and plain salmon shirt. Her hair was tied in a loose braid, with strands falling of everywhere. But she had left the house in such a hurry that she had little to any time to do better.
Of course she knew she was lying to herself. She always looked like a mess. Lizzy was a bit of a tomboy. Not that she was very masculine or wouldn’t enjoy more feminine things, it was just the way she was brought up. Her mother died right after Lizzy’s birth so her father raised her all by himself. He did the best he could, of course, but she ended up playing in the dirt looking for worms rather than having tea parties when she was younger.
That cost her some girl friends since she had nothing in common with them. And her boy friends started to drift away when puberty kicked in. So now Lucy was not only her best friend but pretty much her only real friend. And she was moving away to go live with her mom and stepfather in two weeks.
With a small wave Lucy ditched the boys and ran to her, hugging her fiercely, like she did every morning.
- Lizzy-buns!!!!
- Lucy! Must you call me that out loud?
Lucy laughed. And hugged her friend even tighter.
- I must, because you’re my Lizzy-bunny-buns!
- You know, one day I will get you an incredibly embarrassing nickname as well, and no matter how much you ask me not to use it I will shout it from the rooftops!
Lucy let her go and smirked.
- That’s what I’ve been waiting for all this time, girl, but you’re not delivering it!
Lizzy was about to answer, but she noticed the change in her friends face – looking straight ahead of her, flabbergasted.
Then she heard a voice coming from behind her.
- Hello, are you Elizabeth?
Slowly she looked back and was astonished to see the handsome guy with mint colored hair smiling at her.
The girl’s already big eyes were as round as saucers when she turned around to face him. Cute, he thought.
- Yes, I’m Elizabeth… may I help you?
She managed to answer. Oh… so she didn’t remember him. That was a little disappointing. But then again, she was in such a hurry the day before.
- No, I’m just here to give you something.
- T-to give me something?
With a smile he shoved his hand in his jacket pocket and took her bracelet out, extending it to her.
- I think you have lost this.
- Oh… my bracelet, you found it!
- Yes, it fell when you…
He couldn’t finish explaining because she was hugging him. His heart started beating so much he was sure she could hear it.
- I thought I’d lost it thank you so much! Oh…
Realizing what she was doing, she clumsily backed away from him.
- I’m sorry, I’m…
She cleared her throat, a deep red blush colouring her cheeks.
Could she be any cuter?
- Thank you very much. This bracelet means a lot to me and it was very nice of you to take the trouble of bringing it back to me.
- It sure was…
Lucy whispered behind them. Elizabeth’s face turned even redder and Jihyun felt his face flush as well.
- Oh, I… it was no trouble at all. It was actually my pleasure.
Not knowing what else to say, and feeling very self-conscious at that point, he shoved his hands back in his pockets and motioned to leave.
- Well, I must go now.
The girl’s friend lightly pushed her in his direction and the girl cried out.
- Wait! I’ll… accompany you to the gate.
The girl looked at her smiling friend with a scolding face that, in Jihyun’s opinion, only made her look prettier and followed him timidly.
They fell into deep silence. He was walking as slowly as he possibly could, thinking of something to say when she broke the awkward silence herself, in a small voice.
- I’m so sorry for jumping on you like I did!
He laughed, relieved to be able to talk to her a little more.
- Please don’t worry about it.
- It’s just that this was my mother’s bracelet and all I have left of her and I was really worried I had lost it.
- Oh, I’m sorry for your loss.
- Thank you. She died right after giving birth to me, so… it was a long time ago.
She fiddled with her hair nervously, but he wanted to know more about her.
- So Elizabeth is your mother’s name?
- Yes but it’s also mine. And my grandmother’s. I’m the 3rd generation of Elizabeth’s.
- Oh that’s interesting.
She let out a small laugh.
- Hardly.
They stopped at the entrance and he turned to her.
- Well thank you for accompanying me to the gates, Elizabeth.
- Please it was the least I could do. And… you can call me Lizzy, if you’d like… everyone does.
- Lizzy… - he repeated with a soft smile. She smiled back, her cheeks faintly pink and her eyes shining brightly.
Blue. Her eyes were the most beautiful shade of turquoise blue he had ever seen.
- I’m Jihyun.
He extended his hand at her and she shyly took it. Her hand was so small and soft.
- Nice to meet you. And thank you again, Jihyun.
She jiggled the bracelet and smiled sweetly at him.
Oh boy… his heart was beating like it wanted to jump out of his chest. And since his tongue apparently became tied, he waved the girl goodbye and walked away to the car waiting for him, one single thought on his mind: he wanted to see her again and as soon as he possibly could.
She spent the entire morning thinking about him. The entire lunch time talking about him with her curious and overly excited friend. And the entire afternoon day dreaming about his handsome face and unique hair and eye color.
By the time she was ending her shift at the CD store, Jihyun was all she could think about and how much she would love to see him again.
The bell hanging in the door rang signaling someone was entering the store. Lizzy was rearranging some of the CD’s in their places with her back to the door. She rolled her eyes. Great another late costumer to keep her from closing up shop.
She was about to fake a smile and look at the late costumer like a good shopgirl when she recognized his voice and her entire body froze.
- Hello Lizzy.
Her heart stopped. He was there, she couldn’t believe she was able to see him again. Slowly she turned on her heels, barely able to speak.
- Jihyun…
- Hi…
- What a coincidence, have you come to buy some CD’s?
- Yes, I’m…
He moved closer but then stopped and sighed.
- No, not really, I came here to see you.
He scratched his neck, speaking in a soft voice and looking mortified. But she felt over the moon with his answer. She gave him a big, genuinely happy smile and was rewarded with a beautiful smile of his own.
- Tell me I didn’t lost anything today as well!
He laughed, cheerfully. He seemed just as happy to see her as she was to see him.
- No, not this time.
- So you really are just here to see me.
- I am… is that okay with you?
- Yes… it’s more than okay with me.
They stared into each other’s eyes. He had the calmest and sweetest expression on his, which was the opposite of how she was feeling inside. She felt like a turmoil of nervousness and excitement was rising inside her body.
- If you’re about to close can I walk you home? Unless you rather run?
She giggled.
- Walk is fine.
She got her things from her locker and said goodbye to her boss while he waited by the door, which he opened to let her out.
They talked all the way to her house; about their classes, families, friends, her job, their daily schedule. Phone numbers were exchanged. They talked about everything and nothing. Laughing merrily as young people so often do.
When they arrived at her house’s fence, the silence was settled again. But a comfortable silence this time. Jihyun was the first to break it.
- I can’t believe I’ve never seen you before.
- Perhaps you did and don’t remember.
- … No. No, I don’t think that would be possible. Do you think we’ve seen each other before?
- No, I wouldn’t forget it either.
They smiled warmly at each other. His beautiful minty eyes gazing at her in a way that made her feel the only girl in the world.
- Lizzy do you think, maybe, I could see you again tomorrow?
- I would love to, but tomorrow I have my dance lessons.
- Dance lessons?              
- Yes! I want to be a ballerina.
He took a strand of her messy hair and carefully tucked it behind her ear.
- It suits you.
Her heart was beating furiously.
- You could walk me to the studio though, if you would like.
The porch light suddenly went on and she realized her father was probably aware of their presence and was signaling her it was time to get inside.
- Oh, it’s my dad, I have to go!
Getting on the tips of her toes she leaned into him and laid a kiss on his cheek. Then run to her front door, waving goodbye.
Jihuyn had never felt as happy as he was feeling at that moment. He lightly touched his face, where Lizzy had kissed him and laughed quietly. He felt so lighthearted when he was with her.
Unexpectedly his phone started to vibrate in his pocket. Was his father calling him? With his heart beating fast he saw Lizzy’s name on the screen. He immediately answered.
- Lizzy?
- Jihyun, I forgot to tell you, tomorrow is my day off, so… I was wondering…
- Do you want to go see a movie?
He asked impulsively. Immediately he heard her giggling on the other end. Smooth, he thought to himself. But she answered enthusiastically.
- Yes! There are some great movies in the theater this week.
- Great! It’s a… date then.
- Oh… yes, it’s a date.
She answered softly.
- Oh, my dad’s calling me I need to go. Bye.
The call was disconnected and Jihyun stood there stuned. A date… a real date with Lizzy!
He was feeling so excited he could just set off running home. He wouldn’t of course, that was not the way he was raised, so he just walked. But this feeling wouldn’t leave. A lovingly smile formed in his lips…
- Lizzy…
He squeezed his phone lightly and put it back in his pocket.
~ “I hung up the phone tonight, something happened for the first time deep inside. It was a rush, what a rush.”
He looked up at the bright moon.
~ “‘Cause the possibility that you would ever feel the same way about me; it’s just too much, just too much.”
Looking shyly at his feet he smiled to himself, sticking his hands in his jeans’ pockets.
~”Why do I keep running from the truth? All I ever think about is you. You got me hypnotized, so mesmerized; and I’ve just got to knoww.”
Looking straight ahead he pictured Lizzy’s smiling face.
~”Do you ever think when you’re all alone; all that we can be, where this thing can go? Am I crazy or falling in love? Is it real or just another crush?”
Blushing slightly, he looked behind his shoulder at Lizzy’s house once more before turning the corner of the street.
~“Do you catch a breath when I look at you? Are you holding back like the way I do? 'Cause I’m trying and trying to walk away, but I know this crush ain’t goin’ away-ay-ay-ay-ayy. Goin’ away-ay-ay-ay-ayy.”
He rubbed the back of his head, feeling embarrassed.
~“Has it ever crossed your mind; when we’re hanging, spending time girl, are we just friends? Is there more, is there more?”
Taking his phone back out he looked lovingly at the screen, where her name was written in the call log.
~“See it’s a chance we’ve gotta take, 'cause I believe that we can make this into something that will last, last forever, forever.”
He placed the phone close to his heart before he tucked it in his back pocket.
~“Do you ever think when you’re all alone; all that we can be, where this thing can go? Am I crazy or falling in love? Is it real or just another crush?
He reached a set of long stairs that would take him through a shortcut and paused before taking them.
~“Do you catch a breath when I look at you? Are you holding back like the way I do? 'Cause I’m trying and trying to walk away”
He closed his eyes, thinking about Lizzy.
~”But I know this crush ain’t goin’ away-ay-ay-ay-ayy. Goin’ away-ay-ay-ay-ayy.”
Suddenly the Town’s folks started coming out of their doors, windows, coffee shops and singing along, but Jihyun, forgetting is high upbringing, just started running up the stairs, not even noticing.
TF - ~“Why do I keep running from the truth?”
J - ~”Why do I keep running?”
TF - ~“All I ever think about is you.”
J - ~”All I ever think about.”
TF - ~“You got me hypnotized.”
J - ~”Hypnotized.”
TF - ~“So mesmerized.”
J - ~”Mesmerized.”
TF - ~“And I’ve just got to.”
He reached the top of the stairs and opened his arms wide like he’d won some great prize.
J - ~”Knowww.”
Smiling widely, he resumed walking home, still unnoticing the town’s folks.
TF - ~“Do you ever think.”
J - ~”Ever think.”
TF - ~“When you’re all alone.”
J - ~”All alone.”
TF - ~“All that we could be, where this thing could go?”
J - ~”Gooo.”
TF - ~“Am I crazy or falling in love?”
He jumped over a small cement bollard and crossed the road.
J - ~”Crazy.”
Passing through a small space between buildings, he could finally see the tall iron grids that surrounded his dad’s private estate.
TF - ~“Is this real or just another crush?”
He lightly touched the grids, while making his way to the front gates.
J - ~”Another cruuuuush yeah yeah.”
He waved at the guard patrolling entrance who opened the imposing and fancily worked iron gates so he could pass through.
TF & J - ~“Do you catch a breath, when I look at you, are you holding back, like the way I do. 'Cause I’m trying, trying to walk away.”
He walked along the big gardens that were flanking the huge entrance.
J - ~”But I know this crush ain’t going away-ay-ay-ay-ayy.”
The voices of the town folks could still be heard as he walked his way to the front doors.
TF - ~“This crush ain't…”
J - ~”Going away-ay-ay-ay-ayy.”
He passed the exquisite fountain his father was so proud about.
TF - ~“Goin’ away.”
J - ~”Going away-ay-ay-ay-ayy.”
TF - ~“When you’re all alone. All that we could be, where this thing could go.”
J - ~”Going awaaaaaaay-ay-ay-ay-ayy.”
He entered his house and closed the door behind him, leaning against it. He could hardly wait for the next day.
*** Song: Crush by David Archuleta
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